saveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents Works exactly like saveCurrentRecord. Except, that it des not trigger any events (like close on save). Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.saveCurrentRecordWithoutEvents();
description: >- Removes all modification flags from the controls. After this call, the user will not get a "discard changes" message until another control is modified. markAllControlsAsUnModified Example Usages javascript let value = brixxApi.markAllControlsAsUnModified();
description: >- It provides the functionality of excluding controls from being affected by the readOnlyMode. excludeFromReadonly Exaample javascript brixxApi.excludeFromReadonly(["myFirstControl", "mySecondControl"]); Parameters Control array - It is a json array of control ids. Example Usages As we have seen in ReadOnlyMode the example of address app and how we disabled every control using it without options. Now let say we want "Address Number" and "Name" controls to stay enabled. For this purpose, we will need to add these controls to our excludeFromReadOnly function and put this code in appStart event. javascript brixxApi.excludeFromReadonly(["adrNumber", "adrName"]); As we can see in snapshot below Address number and name controls are editable after the app is started. We can use this functionality with any number of apps.
description: >- All users in any Brixxbox workspace shoyuld have been assigned a specific user role. isUserInRole takes a string argument role. On the basis of this role parameter, it determines whether a logged user isUserInRole javascript brixxApi.isUserInRole("Management"); Parameters role - It is a string parameter. It is the name of logged in user role which needs to be checked. Example Usage We have seen address app in the docs of ReadOnlyMode function. Now we will build upon that functionality. In it we have used readOnlyMode function to disable all ap controls. Now we want tht if user is of admin role then all the controls should be enabled and disabled otherwise. For this we need to update our custom code. It should look like this. javascript if(brixxApi.isUserInRole("Admin")){ brixxApi.readOnlyMode(false); console.log("raghib") } else{ brixxApi.readOnlyMode(); } Now If user 'raghib' has an admin role assigned to him then address app will be enabled for him and for all other non admin users. It will be disabled.
description: Retrieve a value for a specific custom setting. getCustomSetting Parameters settingName - the key for the setting Example Usages javascript let settingValue = brixxApi.getCustomSetting("groupOne.setting1"); console.log(settingValue);
description: Executes a stored procedure and returns the query result. queryStoredProcedure Parameters procedureName - The name of the stored procedure procedure parameters - If you need to add parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages 1. Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure("procedureName"); 2. With parameters (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let parameterJson = { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 }; let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure("procedureName", parameterJson); 3. Short version (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure("procedureName", { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 }); 4. Using a timeout javascript let myResult = await brixxApi.queryStoredProcedure("procedureName", { myCustomSqlParameter: 12345 },{ timeout: 45 });
description: Sets the background color of a control. setBackgroundColor Parameters controlId colorName - use one of these: "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", "warning" Example Usages Set to warning javascript brixxApi.setBackgroundColor("myControl", "warning"); Set to normal javascript brixxApi.setBackgroundColor("myControl", "default"); brixxApi.setBackgroundColor("myControl"); //"default" is "default" ;)
description: Gets the unmodified value of the control. getControlUnmodifiedValue Example Usages javascript let unmodifiedCompareValue = brixxApi.getControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId");
loadRecordById Loads a record from brixxbox server and returns a promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want to use it. This function will not display the record, it will just load and return it. To display the record, use the function result with displayRecord. Parameters The first parameter is a record id Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript let myRecordId = 123; let myRecord = await brixxApi.loadRecordById(myRecordId);
description: Initializes all controls within a brixxbox App to their empty states. initAllControls Example Usages javascript brixxApi.initAllControls();
description: Retrieves the blob of an attachment from the attachments of the current record getAttachmentByFileName Parameters fileName - the file name you are looking for Example Usages javascript brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName("Invoice1.pdf")
description: Refreshes all Badges of an app at once. refreshBadges Example Usages javascript brixxApi.refreshBadges();
description: Change the decimal digits of a numeric field. setDecimalDigits Parameters controlId - Id of the control The value of digits for the numeric field. Example Usages Set digits javascript brixxApi.setDecimalDigits("myControlId", 3);
description: >- Returns the signature of a signature control as a png (default) or svg image blob. getSignatureImageBlob Parameters controlId - The id of the signature control type - optional, if not set, the function returns a png image. If set to "svg", the function returns a svg vector image. Example Usages javascript let myBlob = brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob("mySignature"); //gets the blob as PNG javascript let myBlob = brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob("mySignature", "svg"); //gets the blob as SVG javascript brixxApi.printBlob(brixxApi.getSignatureImageBlob("mySignature"));
getBrowserToken Gets a GUID Token, that identifies the browser. This token will NOT be different, when you close all browser tabs and start the brixxbox again. But it will be different, when you delete the local storage for that url. You could use this to identify a shopping cart, for example. Example Usages javascript let myToken = brixxApi.getBrowserToken(); brixxApi.getSessionToken GUID stands for Global Unique Identifier. A GUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) that you can use for authentication purposes. There are many types of GUID tokens, one of them is browser token. We can use this token to identify a user for same browser because his token will NOT be different, when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again. But it will be different, when you delete the local storage for that url. This function can be used to get GUID for browser. It can then be used to keep user session open. Another usecase is that it could be used to identify a shopping cart. An important aspect here to note is that when when you close all browser tabs and start the Brixxbox again, this token will not be different. Example Usages An example user is that user can get access tokens using this getBrowserToken functions from two apps and compare them to confirm user identity i.e after login this can be used as authenticate the user between different browser sessions.
description: Sets the font style of a control. setFontStyle Parameters controlId fontStyle - use one of these: "italic", "normal" Example Usages Set to italic javascript brixxApi.setFontStyle("myControl", "italic"); Set to normal javascript brixxApi.setFontStyle("myControl", "normal"); brixxApi.setFontStyle("myControl"); // you can skip param2 if you want to set back to normal
loadAndDisplayRecord Loads a record, based on the value in the control, given as a parameter in the first argument and displays it. This function just combines loadRecord and displayRecord Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecord(keyFieldID); javascript await brixxApi.loadAndDisplayRecord(keyFieldID);
description: Gets a value to a specific field getFieldValue Parameters controlId => String with the control id. Some controls (like Comboboxes) do have sub information. in that case the controlId is combined with a ".". e.g. comboBoxId.subcontrolId Example Usages javascript let myText = "Hello World!"; brixxApi.setFieldValue("myControlId", myText); value = brixxApi.getFieldValue('fieldId'); javascript let myFieldId = 'fieldId'; let value = brixxApi.getFieldValue(myFieldId); javascript let itemId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox'); //like any other control let taxKeyId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox.itmTaxKeyId'); //get the itmTaxKeyId value of the selected entry in acomboBox let itemName = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemCombobox.itmName'); javascript let taxKeyId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList').itmTaxKeyId; //get the itmTaxKeyId value of the selected entry in a grid let allRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.allRows'); //get an array of all rows in a grid javascript let selectedRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.selectedRows'); //get an array of all selected rows in a grid let unselectedRowsFromMyGrid = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.unselectedRows'); //get an array of all unselected rows in a grid let myRowJsonObject = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedRow'); //get the clicked row as a json object (only valid in onRowClick and onCellClick events) let myCellValue = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedCell'); //get the clicked cells formatted value (only valid in onCellClick events) let myCellId = brixxApi.getFieldValue('itemList.clickedCellId'); //get the clicked cells id (only valid in onCellClick events) javascript for(let i = 0; i < allRowsFromMyGrid.length; i++){ console.log(allRowsFromMyGrid[i].itmTaxKeyId); }
description: Gets a DateTime as a compareable number with a given accuracy. getCalcDateTime Parameters dateTime value or controlId accuracy - "seconds" (default), "minutes" or "hours" Example Usages javascript brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl); brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl, "minutes"); brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeControl, "hours"); Example 2 calculation javascript let durationInSeconds = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd) - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart); let durationInMinutes = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd, "minutes") - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart, "minutes"); let durationInHours = brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeEnd, "hours") - brixxApi.getCalcDateTime(myDateTimeStart, "hours");
Common Functions inviteUser(string email) This function takes a string as a parameter. This string should be an email address of a new user to whom admin of current workspace wants to invite. This function provides functionality of sending an email to a new user. Example Usage javascript var result = brixxApi.inviteUser("[email protected]"); In order to learn more about this function click here.
description: Logs the user out. The user has to go to the login screen again to get access. logout Example Usages javascript brixxApi.logout();
description: Calls a server function and returns the result serverFunction {% embed url="" %} Parameters functionName - the configured name of the function in App_ServerSideFunction functionsParameters - (optional) json object with function parameters. The will be available in the function under body.parameters options - (optional) See examples. You can use the options to get the payload of the request or a postman example, instead of calling the function. Can be used to debug a function on your local machine Example Usages To call a function and get the response object: javascript let functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction("myFunction", { name: "Hallo" }); console.log(functionResponse.functionResult); \ To get an example payload based on the current app state: javascript let functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction("myFunction", { name: "Hallo" },{ payload: true }); console.log(functionResponse.functionResult); To get an example postman collection including the payload of the current app: javascript let functionResponse = brixxApi.serverFunction("myFunction", { name: "Hallo" },{ postman: true }); console.log(functionResponse.functionResult); To define your own server functions please check Server Api Reference
description: >- Loads a record of a specific app config from brixxbox server and returns a promise. This is a async function. You have to await the result, if you want to use it. loadConfigRecordById Parameters configName - the name of the app id - recordId to load Result The result is a brixxbox record object. All fieldvalues of that record are stored in data as key value pairs. (e.g. The id of the record can be found in Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the **[await](/globalDoc/glossary_await)** keyword) javascript let myAddress= await brixxApi.loadConfigRecordById("address", 15); let addressName =; let id =;
description: Replaces a text with the current values of the app. replaceText Parameters text - the text with parameters additionalReplacings - json object with key value pairs Example Usages This example uses the controls of the app to replace the values. javascript let newText = brixxApi.replaceText("Hello @id"); This example uses the controls of the app to replace the values. javascript let newText = brixxApi.replaceText("Hello @myCustomParam", { myCustomParam: "world" });
description: brixxApi function to set a value to a field setFieldValue Parameters controlId => Id of the control value => The value, you want to set. This could be a number, a date, a string (depending on the control type of course). setFieldValue will do all the conversions for you. Example Usages 1. Simple textbox javascript brixxApi.setFieldValue("myControlId", "Hello World!"); 2. With a variable javascript let myText = "Hello World!"; brixxApi.setFieldValue("myControlId", myText); 3. Setting a date javascript brixxApi.setFieldValue("myDateControl", "2019-01-31"); //This is the format, you would get by getFieldValue brixxApi.setFieldValue("myDateControl", new Date()); //This will set todays date. brixxApi.setFieldValue("myDateControl", new moment().add(1, "month")); // you can use moment to set calculated dates. See for more details and examples 4. Setting a date to a calendar control scrolls to that date. javascript brixxApi.setFieldValue("myCalendarControl", "2019-01-31"); 5. The Calendar supports subcontrols to set. You can add resource(s) to the calendar for example: ```javascript //resources will delete all and set a new array of resources brixxApi.setFieldValue("myCalendarControl.resources", [ { id: 1, title: "Room A", }, { id: 1, title: "Room B", }]); //resource will add a single resource brixxApi.setFieldValue("myCalendarControl.resource", { id: 1, title: "Room A", }); ``` Demo {% embed url="" %}
description: Initializes the app, so that you can enter a new record newRecord Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the await keyword) javascript await brixxApi.newRecord();
description: >- As the name suggests, this functions is to get date. This function when used without any arguments returns a date in this format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. getDate It is very important to be cautious because different date formats can lead into worng results when in comparison. Parameters param - (optional). If empty it will return todays date. User is also allowed to provide a date or moment object of javascript. Example Usages Following examples shows all three usages of getDate function. Lets suppose we want to know the new order placement date which is today then we can use 1st or second example. We also suppose that our order delivery date is after one month then we can use the third example and use this date as a delivery date. javascript brixxApi.getDate(); brixxApi.getDate(new Date()); brixxApi.getDate(new moment().add(1, "month"));
description: >- Displays a modal messagebox with buttons. The function will return when a button is clicked and return the value, if set, otherwise the title of the clicked button messageBox Parameters messageBoxOptions - A JSON object with messageBox parameters Example Usages ```javascript let msgBoxResult = await brixxApi.messageBox({ title: "sampel title", text: "sampel text", buttons: [ { title: "Yes", value: "1" }, { title: "No", value: "0" }, { title: "Cancel", value: "canceled" }, { title: "Demo" // when Demo is clicked it will return "Demo" because the button does not provide a value option. } ]}); console.log(msgBoxResult); //This will be either "1", "0", "canceled" or "Demo" if(msgBoxResult==1){ //enter code } ```
description: >- This function is used to disable or enable app messages, that are displayed automatically, like the "record Saved" message, after a successful save operation. enableNotifications Parameters param - The type of message. The following messages types are supported "save" - The save Message Example Usages ```javascript brixxApi.enableNotifications("save", false); //Disable the save message brixxApi.enableNotifications("save", true); //Enable the save message (This is the default) ```
description: Creates a new grid line for a data grid. newGridEntry Parameters The first parameter is a grid control Example Usages Simple (pay attention to the **await** keyword) javascript await brixxApi.newGridEntry("myGridControl");
description: >- Sets the value, that is used to compare to the actual control value. If both are not equal, the field will be marked as changed. setControlUnmodifiedValue 1. Simple Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", "unmodified Value"); brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", 1); // sets the value to 1. 2. Simple Example Usages with variables javascript let valueToCompare = "Hello Wolrd!"; brixxApi.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", valueToCompare);
description: opens the attachment sidebar with the attachment for the current record. showAttachments Parameters show - open(true = default) or closes(false) the attachment sidebar. You don't have to worry if it is opend or closed before, but show will also refresh an open attachment. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.showAttachments(); //open the sidebar javascript brixxApi.showAttachments(true); //open the sidebar javascript brixxApi.showAttachments(false); //closes the sidebar
description: Changes the tag control to edit mode and vice versa. switchTagControl Parameters controlId - String with the control id. editMode - Optional boolean to determine if the control should be in edit mode or not. If not stated, the control will switch to it's other mode. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.switchTagControl('fieldId'); javascript brixxApi.switchTagControl('fieldId', true);
description: Displays a message to the user. showMessage Parameters messageOptions- This is a json object with the message parameters: content - this is the message Text title - (optional) id of the record to load in the new app timeout - (optional) a timeout in milliseconds. The message will disappear after this timeout. No timeout by default. "mode" - (optional) will start in a modal overlay window (default), "big" - (default) a small box in the lowerright corner of the page "small" - a small box in the upper right corner of the page icon - (optional) a icon class string (default: "fa fa-bell swing animated") sound - (optional) play a sound (true) or no (false = default) type - (optional) PReset color scheme. You can use all the button types (danger, success, warning...) buttons - (optional, only for mode "big") You can add buttons to the message. Just provide a list with each button in square brackets (e.g. "[Yes][No][Cancel]"). For more details please check the examples. callback - (optional, only for mode "big") If u provide more than one button the callback option is needed to distinguish which action needs to be taken for a button. For more details please check the examples. Example Usages Most simple message javascript brixxApi.showMessage({content: "Message Text" }); using additional options javascript brixxApi.showMessage({ title: "My Title", content: "My Text", type: "danger", sound: true, timeout: 2000, icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated" }); message with buttons ```javascript //If u provide more then one button the callback option is needed to distinguish wich action needs to be taken for a button. function msgCallBack (reasonForCallBack){ // possible values for reason: // "click" : the message was closed with the X-button // "timeout" : the timeout elapsed // "btn1", "btn2", ... : each button gets an id number (starting from 1). e.g. if the second button was pressed -> "btn2"
brixxApi.showMessage({ title: "My Title", content: "My Text", type: "info", sound: true, icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated", buttons: "[Yes][No][Cancel]", callback: msgCallBack, }); ``` message with buttons, timeout and changing the layout of the message after it was created ```javascript function msgCallBack (reasonForCallBack){ console.log("reasonForCallBack:" + reasonForCallBack); } let msgId = brixxApi.showMessage({ title: "My Title", content: "My Text", type: "info", sound: true, timeout: 20000, icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated", //when using the timeout option the running timer value can be shown on one button. This //will visualize the default action taken after the timeout elapsed. Just add "{timer}" to a button text. buttons: "[ Yes {timer}][ No]", callback: msgCallBack, }); ```
description: >- This function is used to toggle the row detail button, that opens the child app, based on the row data. showRowDetailButton Parameters Row - the row object. Usually this is: eventArgs.details.row show - shows (true, default) or hides (false) the detil Button Example Usages This code belongs in an onRowCreated event javascript app.showRowDetailButton(eventArgs.details.row,;
description: >- Sets the auto refresh interval for grids. Only valid for grids with this setting enabled. setGridAutoRefresh Parameters controlId - id of the grid control autoRefreshSeconds - The value can be 0 to switch auto refresh off. Any other value must align with the defined values for this grid. For settings see Setting grid autorefresh Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setGridAutoRefresh(myGrid, 0); //this will switch the auto refresh off brixxApi.setGridAutoRefresh(myGrid, 120); //this will switch the auto refresh to 120 seconds (2 minutes). The parameter is only valid, if 120 is allowed with the settings for this grid.
updateTitle Updates the title of the browser tab. You have to set brixxApi.appTitle property first and then update the title. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.appTitle = "Hello World"; brixxApi.updateTilte();
description: Sets the text color for a control to one of the predefined colors setTextColor Parameters controlId - the id of the control to change the color colorName - one of these colors: "default", "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", "warning" Example Usages Set Color to "warning" javascript brixxApi.setTextColor("myControl", "warning"); Set Color to default javascript brixxApi.setTextColor("myControl");
showMessageBox (deprecated) brixxApi.showMessageBox Displays a modal messagebox with buttons. Each button gets a function that is called when the button is clicked. The Messagebox will NOT block the script. The next line after the messagebox will be executed while the messagebox is still visible. If you want to wait for the button click. use waitForMsgBox instead. Parameters messageBoxOptions - A JSON object with messageBox parameters Example Usages javascript brixxApi.showMessageBox({ title: "sampel title", text: "sampel text", buttons: [ { title: "myButton", click: function(){ console.log("myButton clicked!!!!"); } } ]});
description: Opens the discussion sidebar with the chat/discussion for the current record. showDiscussion Parameters show - open(true = default) or closes(false) the discussion sidebar. You don't have to worry if it is opend or closed before, but show will also refresh an open discussion. Example Usages javascript brixxApi.showDiscussion(); //open the sidebar javascript brixxApi.showDiscussion(true); //open the sidebar javascript brixxApi.showDiscussion(false); //closes the sidebar
description: Shows a blob document in a docViewer control. showBlob Parameters controlId - The id of a "docViewer" control blobData - The blob data. Example Usages javascript let myBlob = brixxApi.getAttachmentByFileName("Invoice1.pdf"); brixxApi.showBlob("myDocViewer", myBlob);
description: Deselects all rows with a specific value in a column. unselectGridRows Parameters controlId - control id of the grid columnId - id of the column to compare the value with value - if the row has this value in the column with "columnId", it will be unselected Example Usages javascript brixxApi.unselectGridRows("myGrid", "id", 123);
description: Uploads an attachement uploadAttachment Parameters data - The data as blob documentTypeId (optional) - The ID of the document type to be saved fileName - (optional) name of the attachement Example Usages javascript brixxApi.uploadAttachement(blobData, 1, "attachement.jpg");
description: Sets the grouping options for a grid control. setGridGrouping Parameters controlId - the Id of the grid control groupConfiguration - either null, or undefined to disable grouping, or a column (controlId) Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setGridGrouping(myGridControl); //Disables grouping brixxApi.setGridGrouping(myGridControl, productId); //groups by productId
description: Sets the font weight of a control. setFontWeight Parameters ControlId FontWeight - one of those: "normal", "bold" Example Usages Set to bold javascript brixxApi.setFontWeight("myControl", "bold"); Set to normal javascript brixxApi.setFontWeight("myControl", "normal"); brixxApi.setFontWeight("myControl"); //you can skip param2 if you want to set it back to normal
description: >- A toolbar is a set of tools. These tools are assigned to each app present in a workspace in Brixxbox. A general toolbar for an app looks like this. setToolbarButtonMode Starting from left to right. The first button shows the list of records of current app. Second one (plus sign) open a new window of current app to add a new record. Third one is a save button, after adding all details in the app, user needs to click save button to permanently store the record. If the user presses "plus" button after adding required details, the record is not save but a new window will be opened so user should always press save button. Fourth button is a delete buton, as clear from name, it is used for deleting already present records. Next button is "History record" button, it records all the history of records being added. The sixth button is "File Attachments" button. It is not present in the toolbar by default, system user has to enable it by going into app properties, scrolling down and clicking on "Attachments" checkbox. Next button is "settings" button, on clicking Brixxbox will open current app in edit or development mode with controls on left side and live app panel on right side. Next button shows the documentation available related to current app. Second last button is for openeing current app in a stand alone mode, it is a mode where only this app covers whole screen. Last button (x) is for closing the app. There are relative symbols present on each button so it is easier for user to be able to understand what each button does. BrixxApi in its setToolbarButtonMode function provides the functionality to enable, disable or hidden. This is helpful in restricting access, functionality to different users, for example end user should not be allowed to delete any record so delete tool bar button should be hidden from these users. Example javascript brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarNewRecord", "hidden"); Parameters toolbarButtonId - This is first parameter. It is build in button ids assigned by Brixxbox to each toolbar button. These id are as follows: brixxToolbarList - For listing records button. brixxToolbarNewRecord - For adding records button. brixxToolbarSaveRecord - For saving records button.
brixxToolbarNewRecord - For adding records button. brixxToolbarSaveRecord - For saving records button. brixxToolbarDeleteRecord - For deleting records button. brixxToolbarHistory - For checking records history button. brixxToolbarDiscussion - For discussion button. brixxToolbarAttachments - For adding attachments button. brixxToolbarEditConfigNewTab - For opening app in edit panel button. brixxToolbarShowAppWiki - For show wiki documents button. brixxToolbarOpenFullSize - For opening app in full size button. mode - This is second parameter. It sets the state of respective button. These states are as follows: "disabled" (or false or not clickable) "enabled" (or true or clickable) "hidden" Example Usages System user needs to pass button id and mode as a string parameters to this function. Lets suppose system user wants to hide a delete button from end users, there are many ways to do it. Let do it on an event when this app starts. Now we need to go to app properties and add event "onAppStart". Here we will place our code to hide delete button. javascript brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarDeleteRecord", "hidden"); After this save the app and try it. Now to toolbar should look like this: Lets now hide all the buttons available in the toolbar on app start. For this we need to add below code to an event "onAppStart" custom code. ```javascript
```javascript brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarList", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarNewRecord", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarSaveRecord", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarDeleteRecord", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarHistory", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarDiscussion", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarAttachments", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarEditConfig", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarEditConfigNewTab", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarShowAppWiki", "hidden"); brixxApi.setToolbarButtonMode("brixxToolbarOpenFullSize", "hidden"); ``` As you can see all the toolbar buttons are hidden except the "info" button. This is the default functionality.
description: Selects a Tab Page. showTabPage Parameters controlId - id of the tabPage that should shown Example Usages javascript brixxApi.showTabPage("detalsTab");
description: Sets the label text for a control at runtime. setLabelText Parameters controlId => Id of the control labelText => the new text, you want to set Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setLabelText("myCheckBox", "Hello World");
takePicture This triggers the camera to take a picture javascript brixxApi.takePicture("myCameraControl")
description: Toggles the grid selection for a whole grid. toggleGridSelection Parameters controlId - control id of the grid Example Usages javascript brixxApi.toggleGridSelection("myGrid");
description: Sets the visibility for a specific control. setVisibility Parameters controlId - id of the brixxbox control as a string visible - (optional, default = true) bool value if the control should be visible or not subControl (optional) Some controls have sub Controls, that can be set visible or hidden. Important: setVisibility for subcontrols cannot be used in onAppStart, because some controls are not fully created at that time, use onAppInitialized instead. Here is a list of possible subControls: grids - The grid toolbar has to be active to see buttons at all! buttons - shows or hides the buttons of a grid buttonNew - shows or hides the new buttons of a grid buttonDelete - shows or hides the delete buttons of a grid buttonCopy - shows or hides the copy buttons of a grid Example Usages 1. To show a control javascript brixxApi.setVisibility("myControlId"); brixxApi.setVisibility("myControlId", "visible"); brixxApi.setVisibility("myControlId", true); 2. To hide a control javascript brixxApi.setVisibility("myFieldId", false); 3. Hide the grid new button javascript brixxApi.setVisibility("myGrid", false, "buttonNew");
description: >- Reads data from a Standard Sql Statement. See SQL Statements for how to create statements. sqlRead Demo {% embed url="" %} Parameters statementName - The name of the statement additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages Lets assume, we have a standard statement "select adrName from address where id=@id" javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress"); //this will use the statement "readAddress". The @id parameter is set to the id of the current loaded record in the app where we use this function console.log(result[0].adrName); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", {id: 1}); //this will use the statement "readAddress". The @id parameter is set to 1 console.log(result[0].adrName); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", {id: 1}, {timeout: 60}); // Wait for 60 seconds console.log(result[0].adrName); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", null, {timeout: 60}); //use a timeout but without script parameters console.log(result[0].adrName);
description: Starts a brixxbox app. startBrixxbox Parameters startOptions - This is a json object with the start parameters: appName - name of the config as string noInitialRefresh - the grids of the target apps are not refreshed on startup. Can be used if you send additionalValues for the selection and you want to avoid to fetch data, that will be imidiately replaced with the correct filtered data. parentApp - the parent for the new api. If not set, this will be set to brixxApi from the caller, your current api. id - (optional) id of the record to load in the new app startMode - (optional) "modal" will start in a modal overlay window (default), "tab" will start the app in a new tab. You will not get a brixxboxApi object as a result in this case! "page" will replace the content in the current browser tab "invisible" will not show the app appMode - (optional) "form" will start the app as a Form (default), "list" will start the app as a List of Records, additionalValues (optional): json object of control values that should be set in the new app parameters: (optional): json array of parameter flags (the flags you can choose in the menu endpoint editor) to set for the new app container: (optional): a jQuery object to a div, where the new brixxbox will be embedded Return value If a brixxbox is started in "modal" mode, the function returns the brixApi object of the new app. You have to await the result (Example 3) to use it. Example Usages This will start the app "myapp" in a modal dialog. ```javascript brixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: "myapp"}); //starts myapp as a form brixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: "myapp", appMode:"list"}); //starts myapp as a list ``` This will start the app "myapp" in a modal dialog, load the record with id 1 and set the values of the 2 controls "addressNo" and "orderNo" inside the new app
```javascript let startOptions = { appName: "myapp", id: 1, startMode: "modal", additionalValues: { addressNo: 123, orderNo: 456 }, parameters:["openOrders", "shippedORders"] }; brixxApi.startBrixxbox(startOptions); ``` This will start the app "myapp" in a modal dialog, and add an addEventListener for the save event. javascript let modalBrixxApi = await brixxApi.startBrixxbox({appName: "myapp"}); modalBrixxApi.addEventListener("onRecordSaved", function (modalApi, eventArgs) { alert("Record saved in " + modalApi.appName); });
description: >- Uses a standard update or insert statement. See SQL Statements for how to create statements. sqlWrite Demo {% embed url="" %} Parameters statementName - The name of the statement additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages Lets assume, we have a standard statement "update address set adrName = @newName" ```javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite("updateAddress"); //this will use the statement "updateAddress". The @newName parameter is set to the field Value of "newName" of the app where we use this function console.log("Rows changed: " + result); let result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite("readAddress", {newName: "Hello World"}); //this will use the statement "updateAddress". The @newName parameter is set to "Hello World" console.log("Rows changed: " + result); ``` javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlWrite("readAddress", {newName: "Hello World"}, {timeout: 45}); //this will wait for 45 seconds until you get a timeout console.log("Rows changed: " + result);
description: >- Triggers an events for a control, or the brixxbox app itself. Some events are on brixxbox App level (like e.g. onRecordSaved ). Other events are on control level (like e.g. onClick) triggerEvent Example Usages javascript brixxApi.triggerEvent("click", "myButton"); //This triggers a button Click for the control "myButton" brixxApi.triggerEvent("recordSaved"); //This triggers the event, that would otherwise occur if a record was saved You can use the whole event name with the "on" prefix as well javascript brixxApi.triggerEvent("onClick", "myButton"); //This triggers a button Click for the control "myButton" brixxApi.triggerEvent("onRecordSaved"); //This triggers the event, that would otherwise occur if a record was saved
description: Checks the field Validation for all controls. validateInput Example Usages javascript brixxApi.validateInput();
description: >- Reads a single value from a standard sql statement. See SQL Statements for how to create statements. sqlReadValue Demo {% embed url="" %} Parameters statementName - The name of the standard statement additionalParameters - (optional) all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them columnName - (optional) the column name to pick from the first result line. If this is empty, the first column will be used queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database Example Usages Lets assume, we have a standard statement "select adrName, adrStreet from address where id=@id" javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlReadValue("readAddress"); //this will use the statement "readAddress". The @id parameter is set to the id of the current loaded record in the app where we use this function. The first column is adrName, so the value of adrName will be returned; console.log(result); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", {id: 1}); // as above, but we overwrite the id from the app with a specific one console.log(result); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", {id: 1}, "adrStreet"); // as above, but we overwrite the id from the app with a specific one and take "adrStreet" instead of the first column "adrName" console.log(result); javascript let result = await brixxApi.sqlRead("readAddress", {id: 1}, "adrStreet", {timeout: 45}); // as above, but with 45 seconds timeout console.log(result);
setGridDefaults brixxApi.SetGridDefaults Sets the grid to its default values. Any setting for this grid for the user will be lost. Parameters controlId - id of the grid control Example Usages javascript brixxApi.SetGridDefaults(myGrid);
startScanner Brixxapi allows users to scan barcodes or QR codes with startScanner function. It takes two parameters: control id, it is used to identify on which control the code value will be assigned, and options object in which we pass the bool value for continuous mode. Continuous mode, if true, provides the ability to keep the scanner open after reading code otherwise it will close. The process of reading codes consists of two steps. First step is to use this function. This function needs to be placed under a "Scanner" or "Wedge scanner" controls. When an event is triggered, this function will be called and it will access the camera of the device(if available). Now when it will read a code, this value will be assigned to scanner control in an app. In the second step, we can use this value by using getFieldValue function . It will be used to identify the object depending upon the code and a valueU Starts scanning QR or barcodes with the given scannerControl. javascript app.startScanner("myScannerControl"); Parameters controlId(String) - The control id of the scanner control (Check scanner control properties in an app). scanOptions(JSON Object) - This is a json object with the scanner parameters(Used to specify the scanner functionality): continuousMode(Bool - Optional - Default: false) - If true, it will keep the scanner open, after reading a code. Example Usages Start scanner with JSON options javascript app.startScanner("myScannerControl", { continuousMode: true }); Here we are scanning a simpled bar code with a value of '12345678'. After scanning the code successfully, the value will be assigned to the scanner control present in current app. Now there are many ways to use this value e.g conditionals (if statements). For this tutorial, we will just show the scanned value as a notification by using the code snippet given below. As soon as the scanner scans the code it triggers an "onScan" event. In this event, we can add our customized code. Code when onScan Event get triggered javascript app.showMessage({ content: app.getFieldValue("myScannerControl") }); As we can see, it is showing the scanned value of '12345678'.
description: Sets the tooltip text for a control at runtime. setTooltipText Parameters controlId => Id of the control text => the new text, you want to set Example Usages javascript brixxApi.setTooltipText("myCheckBox", "Hello World");
description: Displays a wiki page in the right sidebar. showWikiPage Parameters pageName - The name of the wikie page (e.g. "function_showWikiPage") global - Set this to true, if you want to display a page from the global wiki instead of a wiki page from your workspace wiki. The default is global=false. Example Usages Global documents javascript brixxApi.showWikiPage("function_setVisibility", true); Workspace documents javascript brixxApi.showWikiPage("appConfigManual_address", false); brixxApi.showWikiPage("appConfigManual_address"); //2. parameter is false by default, so both lines give the same result
description: This function is used to toggle the row detail panel of a grid row. showRowDetailPanel Parameters Row - the row object. Usually this is: eventArgs.details.row show - shows (true, default) or hides (false) the detail Panel Example Usages This code belongs in an **onRowCreated** event javascript app.showRowDetailPanel(eventArgs.details.row,;
description: >- Stores an inventory movement in a table with a certain structure. The Function handles database transactions and generates movement ids. Inventory Movement Mandatory fields: imItemId, imQuantity Example Usages javascript await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"InventoryMovement", movementTable:"inventoryMovement", movements:[ { imQuantity: app.getFieldValue("quantityToShip") * -1, imAddressId: app.getFieldValue("companyId"), imItemId: app.getFieldValue("itemId"), imImei: app.getFieldValue("imei"), }, { imQuantity: app.getFieldValue("quantityToShip"), imAddressId: app.getFieldValue("customerId"), imCustomerUserId: app.getFieldValue("customerUserId"), imItemId: app.getFieldValue("itemId"), imCustomerOrderLineId: app.getFieldValue("orderLineId"), imImei: app.getFieldValue("imei"), }, ] });
description: Splits a GS1 code into its AIs and values GS1 Code Splitter This is usually used in the onScan event where you use the plain scan result as the input. The fnc1Char parameter is optional and only used, if the scanner sends an different (visible) character instead of the default fnc1 (CHAR29). Mandatory fields: gs1Code Example Usages javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Gs1Splitter", methodName: "Split", gs1Code: "011234567890123417210521109988" }); console.log(result) Example Usages with Split Char (FNC1) Especially with keyboard wedge scanners, it is often usefull to use a visible character as the FNC1 char. javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Gs1Splitter", methodName: "Split", gs1Code: "011234567890123417210521109988X211234", fnc1Char: 'X' }); console.log(result.applicationIdentifiers['10']) The result variable in this case: javascript { "applicationIdentifiers":{ "10":"9988", "17":"210521", "21":"1234", "01":"12345678901234", "01.packind":"1", "01.iln":"2345678", "":"20210521" } }
UPS Shiping Contents 1 Business Brixx UPS Shipping 2 Business Brixx UPS Shipping -> CreateShipment 2.1 Incomming Information 2.2 Returning Information 2.3 Example Usages 3 CancelShipment 4 GetLabel Business Brixx UPS Shipping For accessing the UPS-Shipping brixxbox interface the UPS services need the following setup values (configuration -> settings). UPSCustomerID Your customer number with UPS UPSUsername A valid User for accessing the services UPSPassword The corresponding password UPSAccessLicenseNumber A license/access key provided by UPS on this page If no settings are available, a sample label will be generated. Business Brixx UPS Shipping -> CreateShipment Creates a UPS shipping label Incomming Information To create labels four groups of information are available: 1. Settings with the following fields (If the group/field is not present default values will be assumed) ServiceCode: default value "11" UPS Standard. Valid values according to UPS service codes. MetricMeasurements: "1" sets to true. This is the default. Measurements will be metric e.g. kg, cm or nonmetric for lbs, inch Language: Language code according to UPS. e.g. deu, eng, spa. this field will be set to user language by default. If the user language is not available for UPS, "eng" will be used. 2. Shipper: Name Street HouseNo ZipCode City CountryCode StateProvinceCode AttentionName Phone EMail FaxNumber TaxIdentificationNumber 3. ShipAddress: Name Street HouseNo ZipCode City CountryCode StateProvinceCode AttentionName Phone EMail FaxNumber TaxIdentificationNumber 4. ParcelData: Description PackageType: Package type according to UPS. If no value is given, the default will be set to: "02" Customer Supplied Package Weight Height Length Width Returning Information In case of success (status 200) the following fields are returned TrackingNumber: The UPS generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment.
TrackingNumber: The UPS generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment. LabelData: this is a blob response. It contains the actual label in GIF format and can directly be used for further processing. E.g. œbrixxApi.printBlob(LabelData); In case of error (status 400) the following fields are returned: error: a text showing the first error. E.g. œconsole.log(result.error); Example Usages ```javascript var result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"UPSShipping", methodName: "CreateShipment", Settings : { Language: 'deu', MetricMeasurements: 1, ServiceCode: "11" }, Shipper : { Name: 'Brixxbox GmbH', Street: 'Husarenstraße', HouseNo: '34a', ZipCode: '41836', City: 'Hückelhoven', CountryCode: 'DE' }, ShipAddress : { Name: 'Brixxbox GmbH', Street: 'Husarenstraße', HouseNo: '34b', ZipCode: '41836', City: 'Hückelhoven', CountryCode: 'DE', Phone: '+49 1234 5678-9', Mail: '[email protected]' }, ParcelData : { Description: 'Product name', Height : 10, Length : 20, Width : 15, Weight: '4.5', ServiceCode: '9' } }); console.log("Tracking Number: " + result.TrackingNumber); brixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData); ``` CancelShipment To cancel an existing shipment only the TrackingNumber is needed. javascript var result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"UPSShipping", methodName: "CancelShipment", TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue("ExistingTrackingNumber") }); GetLabel In case the label is needed again it can be retrieved with an existing TrackingNumber. The result will show LabelData (see CreateShipment results #Returning_Information for details)
javascript var result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"UPSShipping", methodName: "GetLabel", TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue("ExistingTrackingNumber") });
description: >- Business Brixxes provides special features for business usecases. Each Brixx has an individual set of parameters plus some parameters that are valid for all businessfunctions. businessBrixx Parameters functionName - the name of the businessBrixx module methodName - some businessBrixx functions provide several operations silentMode - if you set this to true, the brixxbox will not show a message if something goes wrong. You will still get the errorMessage, to handle the error case in your event code. Example Usages ```javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ //Common Parameters for all functions functionName:"DhlShiping", methodName: "GetLabel", silentMode: true, //false is default. If set to true, the brixxbox will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user. });, "_blank"); ``` Business Brixx DhlShiping CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label. GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again. DPD Shipping CreateShipment → Create a DPD Shipping Label. UPS Shipping CreateShipment → Create a UPS Shipping Label. CancelShipment → Removes existing Shipment GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again. InventoryManagement → Does Inventory Movements within an ERP Setup Move CurrencyConverter Convert → Converts a currency to annother currency. Datev Export DatevExport → This function exports a Datev CSV file for a given timeframe. sqlDataRead Example sqlMainData Example sqlGetCounter Example GS1 Code Splitter Split → Splits a barcode (or 2d code) into its GS1 AIs an Values. Diamant DiamantBusinessBrixx
description: Converts a currency to another currency Currency Conveter Mandatory fields: fromCurrencySymbol, toCurrencySymbol Example Usages javascript let rate = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"CurrencyConverter", methodName: "Convert", fromCurrencySymbol: "EUR", toCurrencySymbol: "USD" }); console.log(rate)
description: Example for a getDatevData script Datev Export SqlDataRead Example This is the main script, which is responible for collection all the data, which needs to be exported. Available Parameters @company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own. @dateFrom - Start date for the export @dateUntil - End date for the export Example Usages ```sql SELECT AS Auftragsnummer, ol.cordlnItemId AS Artikelnummer, AS ArtikelRecordId, ol.cordlnParagraph13b AS Paragraph13b, ol.cordlnNetOrderValue AS NettoWert, ol.cordlnGrossOrderValue AS BruttoWert, adr.adrDebitor AS Debitorenkonto, 0 AS Kreditorenkonto, cordlnSalesAccount AS Sachkonto, adr.adrTaxId AS SteuerID, cordlnTaxKey as Buchungsschluessel, '' AS Buchungstext, head.cordInvoiceDate AS Rechnungsdatum, head.cordInvoiceNumber AS Rechnungsnummer, head.cordShippingDate AS Leistungsdatum, AS AttachementId, 'customerOrder' AS BuchungszaehlerTabelle, 'cordDatevExportId' AS BuchungszaehlerSpalte, CASE WHEN fiac.finaccIsAccountSplitting = 1 THEN fiacsplit.facsIsAutomaticAccount ELSE fiac.finaccIsAutomaticAccount END AS IstAutomatikKonto, head.cordInterCompanyOrder as IstInnerbetrieblich
FROM dbo.bbv_customerOrderLine AS ol LEFT JOIN [dbo].[customerOrder] AS head ON = ol.cordlnOrderId LEFT JOIN address AS adr ON = head.cordAddressId LEFT JOIN brixx_Attachments AS atta ON in (select AttachmentId from brixx_AttachmentLinks where RecordId = AND TableName = 'customerOrder' ) AND atta.DocumentTypeId = 2 LEFT JOIN financialAccount AS fiac ON fiac.finaccAccountNumber = cordlnSalesAccount LEFT JOIN financialAccountSplitting AS fiacsplit ON fiacsplit.facsAccountId = AND fiacsplit.facsSplitAccount = fiac.finaccAccountNumber WHERE ol.cordlnOrderId IN ( SELECT id FROM [dbo].[customerOrder] WHERE cordShippingDate >= @dateFrom AND cordShippingDate <= @dateUntil AND cordCompanyId = @company ) AND ol.cordlnNetOrderValue > 0 AND head.cordStatusId >= 4 UNION SELECT AS Auftragsnummer, ol.sordlnItemId AS Artikelnummer, AS ArtikelRecordId, ol.sordlnParagraph13b AS Paragraph13b, ol.sordlnNetOrderValue AS NettoWert, ol.sordlnGrossOrderValue AS BruttoWert, 0 AS Debitorenkonto, adr.adrKreditor AS Kreditorenkonto, sordlnitmProcurementAccount AS Sachkonto, adr.adrTaxId AS SteuerID, sordlnTaxKey AS Buchungsschluessel, '' AS Buchungstext, head.sordGoodsReceiptDate AS Rechnungsdatum, head.sordInvoiceNumber AS Rechnungsnummer, head.sordGoodsReceiptDate AS Leistungsdatum, AS AttachementId, 'supplierOrder' AS BuchungszaehlerTabelle, 'sordDatevExportId' AS BuchungszaehlerSpalte, CASE WHEN fiac.finaccIsAccountSplitting = 1 THEN fiacsplit.facsIsAutomaticAccount ELSE fiac.finaccIsAutomaticAccount END AS IstAutomatikKonto, head.sordInterCompanyOrder as IstInnerbetrieblich
FROM dbo.bbv_supplierOrderLine AS ol LEFT JOIN [dbo].[supplierOrder] AS head ON = ol.sordlnOrderId LEFT JOIN address AS adr ON = head.sordAddressId LEFT JOIN item AS itm on = ol.sordlnItemId LEFT JOIN brixx_Attachments AS atta ON in (select AttachmentId from brixx_AttachmentLinks where RecordId = AND TableName = 'supplierOrder' ) LEFT JOIN financialAccount AS fiac ON fiac.finaccAccountNumber = ol.sordlnitmProcurementAccount LEFT JOIN financialAccountSplitting AS fiacsplit ON fiacsplit.facsAccountId = AND fiacsplit.facsSplitAccount = fiac.finaccAccountNumber WHERE ol.sordlnOrderId IN ( SELECT id FROM [dbo].[supplierOrder] WHERE head.sordGoodsReceiptDate >= @dateFrom AND head.sordGoodsReceiptDate <= @dateUntil AND sordCompanyId = @company ) AND ol.sordlnNetOrderValue > 0 AND head.sordStatusId = 5 ```
description: >- This is the script, which is responsible for collection all the address data, which needs to be exported. Datev Export sqlMainData Example Available Parameters @company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own. @dateFrom - Start date for the export @dateUntil - End date for the export Example Usages sql SELECT AS Kundennummer, CASE WHEN adrIsCustomer = 1 THEN adr.adrDebitor ELSE adr.adrKreditor END AS Konto, adr.adrName AS Firmenname, adr.adrLastName as Nachname, adr.adrFirstName as Vorname, '' AS Anrede, 'STR' AS Adresstyp, adrLoc.alocStreet AS Strasse, adrLoc.alocStreetNumber AS Hausnummer, adrLoc.alocZip AS PLZ, adrLoc.alocCity AS Stadt, adrLoc.alocAdditionalInfo AS Zusatzinformation FROM [dbo].[address] AS adr LEFT JOIN addressLocation AS adrLoc ON = adr.adrDefaultInvoiceAddress LEFT JOIN country AS country ON = adrLoc.alocCountryId WHERE adr.adrIsCustomer = 1 OR adr.adrIsSupplier = 1
description: >- This function exports a Datev CSV file for a given timeframe. The fuction needs 3 customized SQL scripts to process the data. Datev Export As this function calls customized SQL scripts, it will add SQL parameters from the function call to the SQL calls. @company @dateFrom @dateUntil Those parameters can be used within the SQL statements. Needed output columns from SQL scripts sqlDataRead script Auftragsnummer Artikelnummer ArtikelRecordId Paragraph13b NettoWert BruttoWert Debitorenkonto Kreditorenkonto Sachkonto SteuerID Buchungsschluessel Buchungstext Rechnungsdatum Rechnungsnummer Leistungsdatum AttachementId BuchungszaehlerTabelle (nvarchar that defines the tabel, where the booking counter is stored) BuchungszaehlerSpalte (nvarchar that devines the column for the booking counter) IstAutomatikKonto IstInnerbetrieblich sqlMainData script Kundennummer Konto Firmenname Nachname Vorname Anrede Adresstyp Strasse Hausnummer PLZ Stadt Zusatzinformation sqlGetCounter script This script needs to return the actual booking counter as number. SQL script examples sqlDataRead Example sqlMainData Example sqlGetCounter Example Example Usages javascript brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"DatevExport", sqlDataRead:"getDatevData", sqlMainData:"getDatevMainData", sqlGetCounter:"getDatevBookingCounter", exportFromDate: moment().subtract(2,'months').startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), exportUntilDate: moment().subtract(2,'months').endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), consultantNumber: 1234567, clientNumber: 12345, company: 1, isDownload: true });
description: >- This is the main script, which is responsible for collection all the data, which needs to be exported. Datev Export sqlGetCounter Example Available Parameters @company - If you work with multiple companies, you have to export each company by it's own. @dateFrom - Start date for the export @dateUntil - End date for the export Example Usages sql SELECT MAX(DatevExportId) FROM ( SELECT ISNULL(MAX(cordDatevExportId), 0) AS DatevExportId FROM customerOrder WHERE cordCompanyId = @company UNION ALL SELECT ISNULL(MAX(sordDatevExportId), 0) AS DatevExportId FROM supplierOrder WHERE sordCompanyId = @company ) AS sub
description: Opens a booking stack and returns the number to the client Diamant OpenStack Example Usages Get javascript let result = await app.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "OpenStack", }); app.setFieldValue("myBookungStackNumber",; // is the stackNumber
description: >- This brixxbox module allows to retrieve data from the Diamant Accounting Software and post data to it Diamant Connector Get Method The Method Retrieves the data specified with dataType (like Address, CostCenter and so on). The searchParams and fieldMatch JSON properties are valid for all methods, but the fields mentioned in it are depending on the datatype used. For example: postcode is a valid searchParam for addresses, but not for cost centers. The Get method will return the data it fetched from Diamant, so you get an array of JSON objects. The fieldMatch prameter will tell the brixxbox to change field names, so that it is more useful in an brixxbox environment. Example Usages Get This will retrieve all addresses from diamant. Field names are the original diamand field names javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "Get", company: "9018", dataType: "Address", }); console.log(result) \ This will retrieve all addresses with Postcode 61118 from diamant and return the result. The fields postcode is changed to adrZip by the brixxbox and name1 is changed to adrName. All other fields are ignored and are not in the result set. javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "Get", dataType: "Address", searchParams:{ postcode: "61118" }, fieldMatch:{ postcode: "adrZip", name1: "adrName" }, }); console.log(result) ImportTable Method This method allows you to retrieve the data and insert it into the database. Query parameters work the same and are optional but you must user fieldMatch to assign diamant names to brixxbox field names Example Usages Import Insert This will retrieve all addresses from diamant and insert it into the table address the table will be wiped right before the import.
This will retrieve all addresses from diamant and insert it into the table address the table will be wiped right before the import. javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "ImportTable", dataType: "Address", tableName: "address", wipeTable: true, fieldMatch:{ postcode: "adrZip", name1: "adrName" }, }); console.log(result) Example Usages Import Upsert This will retrieve all addresses from diamant and update the records with the same id as in fieldMatch. javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "ImportTable", dataType: "Address", tableName: "address", upsert: true, wipeTable: true, fieldMatch:{ key: "adrKey,id", postcode: "adrZip", name1: "adrName" }, }); console.log(result) Supported dataTypes More types can be added at request. Request Data Address (Adressen) CostCenter (Kostenstellen) GenLedgAccount (Sachkonten) CostObject (Kostenträger) PrimCostElement (Primärkostenarten) Project (Projekte) Company (Mandanten) Customer(Konten) Vendor (Vendor) Posting (Buchungen) Transctions OpenStack Transaction CloseStack
description: Closes a booking stack that qas previously open by OpenStack Diamant CloseStack Example Usages Get javascript let result = await app.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "CloseStack", stackNumber: app.getFieldValue("myBookungStackNumber") });
description: Creates a transaction in diamant Diamant Transaction Example Usage javascript let result = await app.businessBrixx({ functionName:"Diamant", methodName: "Transaction", stackNumber: app.getFieldValue("myBookungStackNumber"), //if stackNumber is not set or 0, the brixxbox will automatically create a stack and close it right after the transaction bookingDate: "2021-12-23", type: "AR", number: "12345678", currency: "EUR", debitAccount: "20003000", debitValue: 3334, text: "Volkers Buchung", dueDate: "2022-04-30", creditAccount: "409000", creditValue: 3334, taxCode: 200, creditCostCenter: "21000", creditBusinessUnit: "100" }); console.log(result);
DHL Shiping CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label. GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again.
description: Creates a DHL Shipping Label. CreateShipment If shipService is omitted the default value ""V01PAK" will be set. Example Usages javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"DhlShiping", methodName: "CreateShipment", weightInKG: "4", lengthInCM: "20", heightInCM: "20", widthInCM: "10", shipService: "V01PAK", recipientEmailAddress: "[email protected]", senderAddress:{ name1: app.getFieldValue("cordCompanyId.cusName"), streetName: app.getFieldValue("cordCompanyId.cusStreet"), streetNumber: app.getFieldValue("cordCompanyId.cusStreetNumber"), zip: app.getFieldValue("cordCompanyId.cusZip"), city: app.getFieldValue("cordCompanyId.cusCity"), countryCode: "DE", }, receiverAddress:{ name1: app.getFieldValue("cordCustomerId.cusName"), streetName: app.getFieldValue("cordCustomerId.cusStreet"), streetNumber: app.getFieldValue("cordCustomerId.cusStreetNumber"), zip: app.getFieldValue("cordCustomerId.cusZip"), city:app.getFieldValue("cordCustomerId.cusCity"), countryCode: "DE", }, }); console.log("Shipment Number: " + result.shipmentNumber), "_blank");
description: Shows the shipment Label again. GetLabel Example Usages javascript let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"DhlShiping", methodName: "GetLabel", shipmentNumber: app.getFieldValue("cordShipmentNumber") });, "_blank");
description: Creates a DPD Shipping Label CreateShipment For accessing the DPD-Shipping brixxbox interface the DPD services need the following setup values (configuration -> settings). DPDUserCredentialsCloudUserID DPDUserCredentialsToken DPDPartnerCredentialsName DPDPartnerCredentialsToken If no settings are available, a sample label will be generated. Incomming Information To create labels three groups of information are available: 1. OrderSettings with the following fields (If the group is not present default values will be assumed) language: Values žde_DEœ or žen_ENœ are allowed. If nothing is set žde_DEœ will be assumed. ShipDate: if not available will be set to žtodayœ LabelSize: žPDF_A4œ or žPDF_A6œ. If nothing is set žPDF_A4œ will be assumed. LabelStartPosition: œUpperLeftœ, žUpperRightœ, žLowerLeftœ, žLowerRighœ 2. ShipAddress: Company Gender Salutation FirstName LastName Name Street HouseNo ZipCode City Country State Phone Mail 3. ParcelData: YourInternalID: should be set to your own reference (e.g. order no). if no value is provided a timestamp will be set. Content Weight: in kg Reference1 Reference2 ShipService: set to a valid DPD-Service. If nothing is set œClassic will be assumed. \ Detailed informationen for field usage can be found at Returning Information In case of success (status 200) the following fields are returned ParcelNo: The DPD generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment. YourInternalID: The same ID that was provided for the request TimeStamp: an informational time stamp when the request was processed LabelData: this is a blob response. It contains the actual label in PDF format and can directly be used for further processing. E.g. œbrixxApi.printBlob(LabelPDF);
In case of error (status 400) the following fields are returned: TimeStamp: an informational time stamp when the request was processed ErrorDataList: an array with detailed information what went wrong. Every error will show the following fields ErrorID: an internal error no ErrorCode: an internal error code ErrorMsgShort: Error information short version ErrorMsgLong: Error information long version Example Usages ```javascript /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /This example is minimalistic and will create a sample label. /You need to check which fields are relevant for your process and assign the values accordingly. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ var result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"DPDShipping", methodName: "CreateShipment", ShipAddress : { Company: 'Mustermann AG', Name: 'Max Mustermann', Street: 'Wailandtstr.', HouseNo: '1', ZipCode: '63741', City: 'Aschaffenburg', Country: 'DEU' }, ParcelData : { Reference1: 'Customer email', Content: 'Order number', Weight: '13.5' } }); console.log("Parcel Number: " + result.ParcelNo) brixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData);
/---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /This example uses all fields /You need to check which fields are relevant for your process and assign the values accordingly. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ var result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({ functionName:"DPDShipping", methodName: "CreateShipment", OrderSettings : { language: 'de_DE', LabelSize : 'PDF_A4', LabelStartPosition : 'UpperLeft', ShipDate : app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue") }, ShipAddress : { Company: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Gender: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Salutation: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), FirstName: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), LastName: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Name: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Street: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), HouseNo: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), ZipCode: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), City: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Country: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), State: '', Phone: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Mail: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue") }, ParcelData : { Reference1: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Reference2: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Content: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), Weight: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), YourInternalID: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue"), ShipService: app.getFieldValue("SomeFieldValue") } }); console.log("Parcel Number: " + result.ParcelNo) brixxApi.printBlob(result.LabelData); ```
DPD Shiping DPDCreateShipment -> Creates a DPD Shipping Label
description: Just like a label but it will create a clickable link. LinkLabel
description: >- A GroupBox is another structural control in Brixxbox controls. It is a structural element to create apps with side by side columns just like formgroup control GroupBox GroupBox Normally Brixxbox takes the responsibility of placing controls in an app. In order to group controls in a row we can use row control. For a vertical alignment, you can formgroup or groupBox. Groupbox is the advanced form of formgroup. It has all the functionalities of formgroup. Additionally, it also has a header and a border. Documentation In Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are: General Properties Size Style Translation General Properties These are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App. Control Type For using grid control, click on "Add Control" and select "GroupBox" control type from drop down list. Control Id For each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: "_abcdef". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. Label It is the display value for control. It should be meaningful. Refers to Config You need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config. Tutorial In this tutorial, we will see how to use groupbox control to achieve vertical grouping of controls. This control is purely used for structuring controls. For this tutorial, we will be using item app. Our app has 5 controls: item id(numbox), | item name(text box), sale price(numbox), quantity(numbox), and quantity unit type(combobox). Right now, the order of controls is selected by us but the placement is selected by Brixxbox. Our app looks like this:
Now we want to present item id and item name in a vertical fashion. For that, we need Groupbox. Lets add a Groupboxfrom the controls list, name it "item details" and add both item id and item name as its children's. Now these two controls with be placed vertically and Brixxbox will try to place other controls in horizontal fashion, wherever it finds a place. Our app now looks like this: As we can see in the above snapshot that item id and item name controls are placed vertically and groupbox containing them has a clear boundary and a header while other controls are placed row wise. If there is enough space available after groupbox, brixxbox will start placing other controls there. Now we also want to add two more groupboxes for other controls. Lets add two new groupbox type controls and place quantity controls in one groupbox and price control in second one as their children respectively: \ We can see the final version of app is more organized. Item details, quantity details, and price details are in separate groupboxes with meaningful header and visible boundary makes our app much more readalbe.
description: >- You can embed a brixxbox app into your app below a grid to show grid line details AppConfig
description: >- The Doc Viewer can be used to show blobs or create reports like the report control. DocViewer
description: A label control is designed to be a standalone text Label It can be used as headings or giving specific instructions about usage of different app controls or display value for other controls. This control has text but without any interaction. It means that label text is not clickable. Documentation In Brixxbox, app configuration allows you to add different controls in your app. It also provides four types of properties which manages how control should behave or look in app. Those four property types are: General Properties Size Style Translation General Properties These are the main properties of any control. These properties define how control behaves in Brixxbox App. Control Type For using grid control, click on "Add Control" and select "Label" control type from drop down list. Control Id For each Brixxbox app, this id should be unique. For Example: "_abcdef". Brixxbox allows you to change its value only once. You can change this id to any value but it should be meaningful. Recommended way is to start with mandatory prefix(set in app). It can contain numbers, underscores, uppercase and lowercase letters. Label It is the display value for control. Data This property specifies from where this control gets data. To set it, specify the controlId of data source. By default "Not in Database" option is selected. Refers to Config You need to set this option if this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another config. Tutorial In this tutorial, we will be using "customerOrderList" app. It is a simple app which consists of a grid and a button. The grid lists all available customer orders. The button "Number of Orders" does not have any "onClick" event because we need it only for displaying badge over it.
Here we can see the list of customer orders but there is no label specifying to whom this list represents. A new user will have to put some effort and explore about the grid entries. Our job is to make user's life easier. For this purpose we can add a label, which will label the list grid as "Customer Order List". We can also apply different color settings also to this label. Lets now add a label, select a "label" control from the control's list. Assign control id and label. We can also set default value for this label control. In this case default value property takes precedence over label property of this "label" control. Now we have a nice label text showing what does this grid is displaying. Let just assume our user is new and he don't know how to edit a specific customer order then we can a label explaining to click edit button on specific customer order to open that order and edit it. Lets add a label for this and put as a child to our customer order list grid. Now it is showing the user that in order to open a specific click on edit button.
description: >- A GridConfig can be places as a child under a grid to specify the columns. This is useful, when the grid is based on a SQL Statement rather than a config. GridConfig
description: This control will preview a report. Report