from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function """ Parameter dictionary are included for xrf fitting. Element data not included. Some parameters are defined as bound_type : fixed: value is fixed lohi: with both low and high boundary lo: with low boundary hi: with high boundary none: no fitting boundary Different fitting strategies are included to turn on or turn off some parameters. Those strategies are default, linear, free_energy, free_all and e_calibration. They are empirical experience from authors of the original code. """ # old param dict, keep it here for now. para_dict = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 7.0, "max": 8.0, "value": 6.0}, "coherent_sct_energy": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 10.4, "max": 12.4, "value": 11.8}, "compton_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "value": 5.0}, "compton_angle": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 75.0, "max": 90.0, "value": 90.0}, "compton_f_step": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.5, "value": 0.1}, "compton_f_tail": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "value": 0.8}, "compton_fwhm_corr": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.1, "max": 3.0, "value": 1.4}, "compton_gamma": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 10.0, "value": 1.0}, "compton_hi_f_tail": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 1e-06, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.01}, "compton_hi_gamma": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 3.0, "value": 1.0}, "e_linear": {"bound_type": "fixed", "min": 0.001, "max": 0.1, "value": 1.0}, "e_offset": {"bound_type": "fixed", "min": -0.2, "max": 0.2, "value": 0.0}, "e_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -0.0001, "max": 0.0001, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_tail_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.01}, "f_tail_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.1, "value": 0.04}, "f_tail_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.01, "value": 0.0}, "fwhm_fanoprime": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 1e-06, "max": 0.05, "value": 0.00012}, "fwhm_offset": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.005, "max": 0.5, "value": 0.12}, "gamma_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "value": 0.0}, "gamma_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 10.0, "value": 2.0}, "gamma_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "ge_escape": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.02, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.2, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "pileup0": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup1": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup2": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup3": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup4": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup5": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup6": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup7": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup8": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "si_escape": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.5, "value": 0.0}, "snip_width": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 2.82842712475, "value": 0.15}, } # fitting strategies adjust_element = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "fixed", "e_offset": "fixed", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } e_calibration = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "fixed", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } linear = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "fixed", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "fixed", "e_offset": "fixed", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } free_more = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "lohi", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "lohi", "compton_f_step": "lohi", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "lohi", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "lohi", "fwhm_fanoprime": "lohi", "fwhm_offset": "lohi", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } fit_with_tail = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "lohi", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "lohi", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "lohi", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "lohi", "fwhm_fanoprime": "lohi", "fwhm_offset": "lohi", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } default_param = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "max": 10000000.0, "min": 0.10, "value": 100000}, "coherent_sct_energy": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "Incident E [keV]", "max": 13.0, "min": 9.0, "value": 10.0, }, "compton_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "max": 10000000.0, "min": 0.10, "value": 100000.0}, "compton_angle": {"bound_type": "lohi", "max": 100.0, "min": 80.0, "value": 90.0}, "compton_f_step": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 0.01, "min": 0.0, "value": 0.01}, "compton_f_tail": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 0.3, "min": 0.0001, "value": 0.05}, "compton_fwhm_corr": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "fwhm Coef, Compton", "max": 2.5, "min": 0.5, "value": 1.5, }, "compton_gamma": {"bound_type": "lohi", "max": 4.2, "min": 3.8, "value": 4.0}, "compton_hi_f_tail": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 1.0, "min": 1e-06, "value": 0.1}, "compton_hi_gamma": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 3.0, "min": 0.1, "value": 2.0}, "e_linear": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a1", "max": 0.011, "min": 0.009, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.01, }, "e_offset": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a0", "max": 0.015, "min": -0.01, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.0, }, "e_quadratic": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a2", "max": 1e-06, "min": -1e-06, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.0, }, "fwhm_fanoprime": { "bound_type": "fixed", "description": "fwhm Coef, b2", "max": 0.0001, "min": 1e-07, "value": 1e-06, }, "fwhm_offset": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "fwhm Coef, b1 [keV]", "max": 0.19, "min": 0.16, "tool_tip": "width**2 = (b1/2.3548)**2 + 3.85*b2*E", "value": 0.178, }, "non_fitting_values": { "element_list": ["Ar", "Fe", "Ce_L", "Pt_M"], "energy_bound_low": {"value": 1.5, "default_value": 1.5, "description": "E low [keV]"}, "energy_bound_high": {"value": 13.5, "default_value": 13.5, "description": "E high [keV]"}, "epsilon": 3.51, # electron hole energy "background_width": 0.5, }, } def get_para(): """More to be added here. The para_dict will be updated based on different algorithms. Use copy for dict. """ return default_param
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function """ Parameter dictionary are included for xrf fitting. Element data not included. Some parameters are defined as bound_type : fixed: value is fixed lohi: with both low and high boundary lo: with low boundary hi: with high boundary none: no fitting boundary Different fitting strategies are included to turn on or turn off some parameters. Those strategies are default, linear, free_energy, free_all and e_calibration. They are empirical experience from authors of the original code. """ # old param dict, keep it here for now. para_dict = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 7.0, "max": 8.0, "value": 6.0}, "coherent_sct_energy": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 10.4, "max": 12.4, "value": 11.8}, "compton_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "value": 5.0}, "compton_angle": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 75.0, "max": 90.0, "value": 90.0}, "compton_f_step": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.5, "value": 0.1}, "compton_f_tail": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "value": 0.8}, "compton_fwhm_corr": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.1, "max": 3.0, "value": 1.4}, "compton_gamma": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 10.0, "value": 1.0}, "compton_hi_f_tail": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 1e-06, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.01}, "compton_hi_gamma": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 3.0, "value": 1.0}, "e_linear": {"bound_type": "fixed", "min": 0.001, "max": 0.1, "value": 1.0}, "e_offset": {"bound_type": "fixed", "min": -0.2, "max": 0.2, "value": 0.0}, "e_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -0.0001, "max": 0.0001, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_step_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "f_tail_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.01}, "f_tail_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.1, "value": 0.04}, "f_tail_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.01, "value": 0.0}, "fwhm_fanoprime": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 1e-06, "max": 0.05, "value": 0.00012}, "fwhm_offset": {"bound_type": "lohi", "min": 0.005, "max": 0.5, "value": 0.12}, "gamma_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "value": 0.0}, "gamma_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 10.0, "value": 2.0}, "gamma_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "ge_escape": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.02, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_offset": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.2, "value": 0.0}, "kb_f_tail_quadratic": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.0, "value": 0.0}, "linear": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "value": 0.0}, "pileup0": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup1": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup2": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup3": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup4": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup5": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup6": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup7": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "pileup8": {"bound_type": "none", "min": -10.0, "max": 1.10, "value": 1e-10}, "si_escape": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.5, "value": 0.0}, "snip_width": {"bound_type": "none", "min": 0.1, "max": 2.82842712475, "value": 0.15}, } # fitting strategies adjust_element = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "fixed", "e_offset": "fixed", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } e_calibration = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "fixed", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } linear = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "fixed", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "fixed", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "fixed", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "fixed", "e_offset": "fixed", "e_quadratic": "fixed", "fwhm_fanoprime": "fixed", "fwhm_offset": "fixed", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } free_more = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "lohi", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "lohi", "compton_f_step": "lohi", "compton_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "lohi", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "lohi", "fwhm_fanoprime": "lohi", "fwhm_offset": "lohi", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } fit_with_tail = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": "none", "coherent_sct_energy": "lohi", "compton_amplitude": "none", "compton_angle": "lohi", "compton_f_step": "fixed", "compton_f_tail": "lohi", "compton_fwhm_corr": "lohi", "compton_gamma": "fixed", "compton_hi_f_tail": "fixed", "compton_hi_gamma": "fixed", "e_linear": "lohi", "e_offset": "lohi", "e_quadratic": "lohi", "fwhm_fanoprime": "lohi", "fwhm_offset": "lohi", "non_fitting_values": "fixed", } default_param = { "coherent_sct_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "max": 10000000.0, "min": 0.10, "value": 100000}, "coherent_sct_energy": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "Incident E [keV]", "max": 13.0, "min": 9.0, "value": 10.0, }, "compton_amplitude": {"bound_type": "none", "max": 10000000.0, "min": 0.10, "value": 100000.0}, "compton_angle": {"bound_type": "lohi", "max": 100.0, "min": 80.0, "value": 90.0}, "compton_f_step": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 0.01, "min": 0.0, "value": 0.01}, "compton_f_tail": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 0.3, "min": 0.0001, "value": 0.05}, "compton_fwhm_corr": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "fwhm Coef, Compton", "max": 2.5, "min": 0.5, "value": 1.5, }, "compton_gamma": {"bound_type": "lohi", "max": 4.2, "min": 3.8, "value": 4.0}, "compton_hi_f_tail": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 1.0, "min": 1e-06, "value": 0.1}, "compton_hi_gamma": {"bound_type": "fixed", "max": 3.0, "min": 0.1, "value": 2.0}, "e_linear": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a1", "max": 0.011, "min": 0.009, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.01, }, "e_offset": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a0", "max": 0.015, "min": -0.01, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.0, }, "e_quadratic": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "E Calib. Coef, a2", "max": 1e-06, "min": -1e-06, "tool_tip": "E(channel) = a0 + a1*channel+ a2*channel**2", "value": 0.0, }, "fwhm_fanoprime": { "bound_type": "fixed", "description": "fwhm Coef, b2", "max": 0.0001, "min": 1e-07, "value": 1e-06, }, "fwhm_offset": { "bound_type": "lohi", "description": "fwhm Coef, b1 [keV]", "max": 0.19, "min": 0.16, "tool_tip": "width**2 = (b1/2.3548)**2 + 3.85*b2*E", "value": 0.178, }, "non_fitting_values": { "element_list": ["Ar", "Fe", "Ce_L", "Pt_M"], "energy_bound_low": {"value": 1.5, "default_value": 1.5, "description": "E low [keV]"}, "energy_bound_high": {"value": 13.5, "default_value": 13.5, "description": "E high [keV]"}, "epsilon": 3.51, # electron hole energy "background_width": 0.5, }, } def get_para(): """More to be added here. The para_dict will be updated based on different algorithms. Use copy for dict. """ return default_param
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import warnings import numpy as np from ..utils import angle_grid, bin_edges_to_centers, radial_grid class BinnedStatisticDD(object): std_ = ("mean", "median", "count", "sum", "std") def __init__(self, sample, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): """ Compute a multidimensional binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogramdd function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- sample : array_like Data to histogram passed as a sequence of D arrays of length N, or as an (N,D) array. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). To compute multiple statistics efficiently, override this at __call__ time. The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : sequence or int, optional The bin specification: * A sequence of arrays describing the bin edges along each dimension. * The number of bins for each dimension (nx, ny, ... =bins) * The number of bins for all dimensions (nx=ny=...=bins). range : sequence, optional A sequence of lower and upper bin edges to be used if the edges are not given explicitely in `bins`. Defaults to the minimum and maximum values along each dimension. mask : array_like array of ones and zeros with total size N (see documentation for `sample`). Values with mask==0 will be ignored. Note: If using numpy versions < 1.10.0, you may notice slow behavior of this constructor. This has to do with digitize, which was optimized from 1.10.0 onwards. """ # This code is based on np.histogramdd try: # Sample is an ND-array. N, self.D = sample.shape except (AttributeError, ValueError): # Sample is a sequence of 1D arrays. sample = np.atleast_2d(sample).T N, self.D = sample.shape self.nbin = np.empty(self.D, int) self.edges = self.D * [None] self._centers = self.D * [None] dedges = self.D * [None] try: M = len(bins) if M != self.D: raise AttributeError("The dimension of bins must be equal " "to the dimension of the sample x.") except TypeError: bins = self.D * [bins] # Select range for each dimension # Used only if number of bins is given. if range is None: smin = np.atleast_1d(np.array(sample.min(0), float)) smax = np.atleast_1d(np.array(sample.max(0), float)) else: smin = np.zeros(self.D) smax = np.zeros(self.D) for i in np.arange(self.D): smin[i], smax[i] = range[i] # Make sure the bins have a finite width. for i in np.arange(len(smin)): if smin[i] == smax[i]: smin[i] = smin[i] - 0.5 smax[i] = smax[i] + 0.5 # Create edge arrays for i in np.arange(self.D): if np.isscalar(bins[i]): self.nbin[i] = bins[i] + 2 # +2 for outlier bins self.edges[i] = np.linspace(smin[i], smax[i], self.nbin[i] - 1) else: self.edges[i] = np.asarray(bins[i], float) self.nbin[i] = len(self.edges[i]) + 1 # +1 for outlier bins self._centers[i] = bin_edges_to_centers(self.edges[i]) dedges[i] = np.diff(self.edges[i]) self.nbin = np.asarray(self.nbin) # Compute the bin number each sample falls into. Ncount = {} for i in np.arange(self.D): # Apply mask in a non-ideal way by setting value outside range. # Would be better to do this using bincount "weights", perhaps. thissample = sample[:, i] if mask is not None: thissample[mask == 0] = self.edges[i][0] - 0.01 * (1 + np.fabs(self.edges[i][0])) Ncount[i] = np.digitize(thissample, self.edges[i]) # Using digitize, values that fall on an edge are put in the # right bin. For the rightmost bin, we want values equal to # the right edge to be counted in the last bin, and not as an # outlier. for i in np.arange(self.D): # Rounding precision decimal = int(-np.log10(dedges[i].min())) + 6 # Find which points are on the rightmost edge. on_edge = np.where(np.around(sample[:, i], decimal) == np.around(self.edges[i][-1], decimal))[0] # Shift these points one bin to the left. Ncount[i][on_edge] -= 1 # Compute the sample indices in the flattened statistic matrix. = self.nbin.argsort() self.xy = np.zeros(N, int) for i in np.arange(0, self.D - 1): self.xy += Ncount[[i]] * self.nbin[[i + 1 :]].prod() self.xy += Ncount[[-1]] self._flatcount = None # will be computed if needed self._argsort_index = None self.statistic = statistic @property def binmap(self): """Return the map of the bins per dimension. i.e. reverse transformation of flattened to unflattened bins Returns ------- D np.ndarrays of length N where D is the number of dimensions and N is the number of data points. For each dimension, the min bin id is 0 and max n+1 where n is the number of bins in that dimension. The ids 0 and n+1 mark the outliers of the bins. """ (N,) = self.xy.shape binmap = np.zeros((self.D, N), dtype=int) denominator = 1 for i in range(self.D): ind = self.D - i - 1 subbinmap = self.xy // denominator if i < self.D - 1: subbinmap = subbinmap % self.nbin[[ind - 1]] binmap[ind] = subbinmap denominator *= self.nbin[[ind]] return binmap @property def flatcount(self): # Compute flatcount the first time it is accessed. Some statistics # never access it. if self._flatcount is None: self._flatcount = np.bincount(self.xy, None) return self._flatcount @property def argsort_index(self): # Compute argsort the first time it is accessed. Some statistics # never access it. if self._argsort_index is None: self._argsort_index = self.xy.argsort() return self._argsort_index @property def bin_edges(self): """ bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges ``(length(statistic)+1)``. """ return self.edges @property def bin_centers(self): """ bin_centers : array of dtype float Return the bin centers ``(length(statistic))``. """ return self._centers @property def statistic(self): return self._statistic @statistic.setter def statistic(self, new_statistic): if not callable(new_statistic) and new_statistic not in self.std_: raise ValueError("invalid statistic %r" % (new_statistic,)) else: self._statistic = new_statistic def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must be the same shape as `sample` in the constructor. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ if statistic is None: statistic = self.statistic self.result = np.empty(, float) if statistic == "mean": self.result.fill(np.nan) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) a = self.flatcount.nonzero() self.result[a] = flatsum[a] / self.flatcount[a] elif statistic == "std": self.result.fill(0) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) flatsum2 = np.bincount(self.xy, values**2) a = self.flatcount.nonzero() self.result[a] = np.sqrt(flatsum2[a] / self.flatcount[a] - (flatsum[a] / self.flatcount[a]) ** 2) elif statistic == "count": self.result.fill(0) a = np.arange(len(self.flatcount)) self.result[a] = self.flatcount elif statistic == "sum": self.result.fill(0) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) a = np.arange(len(flatsum)) self.result[a] = flatsum elif callable(statistic) or statistic == "median": if statistic == "median": internal_statistic = np.median else: internal_statistic = statistic with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Numpy generates a warnings for mean/std/... with empty list warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) old = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") try: null = internal_statistic([]) except Exception: null = np.nan np.seterr(**old) self.result.fill(null) vfs = values[self.argsort_index] i = 0 for j, k in enumerate(self.flatcount): if k > 0: self.result[j] = internal_statistic(vfs[i : i + k]) i += k # Shape into a proper matrix self.result = self.result.reshape(np.sort(self.nbin)) ni = np.copy( for i in np.arange(self.nbin.size): j = ni.argsort()[i] self.result = self.result.swapaxes(i, j) ni[i], ni[j] = ni[j], ni[i] # Remove outliers (indices 0 and -1 for each dimension). core = self.D * [slice(1, -1)] self.result = self.result[tuple(core)] if (self.result.shape != self.nbin - 2).any(): raise RuntimeError("Internal Shape Error") return self.result class BinnedStatistic1D(BinnedStatisticDD): def __init__(self, x, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): """ A refactored version of scipy.stats.binned_statistic to improve performance for the case where binning doesn't need to be re-initialized on every call. Compute a binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogram function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- x : array_like A sequence of values to be binned. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10 by default). If `bins` is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths. Values in `x` that are smaller than lowest bin edge are assigned to bin number 0, values beyond the highest bin are assigned to ``bins[-1]``. range : (float, float) or [(float, float)], optional The lower and upper range of the bins. If not provided, range is simply ``(x.min(), x.max())``. Values outside the range are ignored. mask : array_like ones and zeros with the same shape as `x`. Values with mask==0 will be ignored. See Also -------- numpy.histogram, binned_statistic_2d, binned_statistic_dd Notes ----- All but the last (righthand-most) bin is half-open. In other words, if `bins` is ``[1, 2, 3, 4]``, then the first bin is ``[1, 2)`` (including 1, but excluding 2) and the second ``[2, 3)``. The last bin, however, is ``[3, 4]``, which *includes* 4. """ try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 if N != 1: bins = [np.asarray(bins, float)] if range is not None: if len(range) == 2: range = [range] super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).__init__([x], statistic=statistic, bins=bins, range=range, mask=mask) @property def bin_edges(self): """ bin_edges : 1D array of dtype float Return the bin edges. """ return super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).bin_edges[0] @property def bin_centers(self): """ bin_centers : 1D array of dtype float Return the bin centers. """ return super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).bin_centers[0] class BinnedStatistic2D(BinnedStatisticDD): """ Compute a bidimensional binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogram2d function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- x : (N,) array_like A sequence of values to be binned along the first dimension. y : (M,) array_like A sequence of values to be binned along the second dimension. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : int or [int, int] or array_like or [array, array], optional The bin specification: * the number of bins for the two dimensions (nx=ny=bins), * the number of bins in each dimension (nx, ny = bins), * the bin edges for the two dimensions (x_edges = y_edges = bins), * the bin edges in each dimension (x_edges, y_edges = bins). range : (2,2) array_like, optional The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension (if not specified explicitly in the `bins` parameters): [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]. All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. mask : array_like ones and zeros with the same shape as `x`. Values with mask==0 will be ignored. See Also -------- numpy.histogram2d, binned_statistic, binned_statistic_dd """ def __init__(self, x, y, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): # This code is based on np.histogram2d try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 if N != 1 and N != 2: xedges = yedges = np.asarray(bins, float) bins = [xedges, yedges] super(BinnedStatistic2D, self).__init__([x, y], statistic=statistic, bins=bins, range=range, mask=mask) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the dimensions of ``x`` and ``y`` that were passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ return super(BinnedStatistic2D, self).__call__(values, statistic) class RPhiBinnedStatistic(BinnedStatistic2D): """ Create a 2-dimensional histogram by binning a 2-dimensional image in both radius and phi. """ def __init__(self, shape, bins=10, range=None, origin=None, mask=None, r_map=None, statistic="mean"): """ Parameters: ----------- shape : tuple of ints of length 2. shape of image. bins : int or [int, int] or array_like or [array, array], optional The bin specification: * number of bins for the two dimensions (nr=nphi=bins), * number of bins in each dimension (nr, nphi = bins), * bin edges for the two dimensions (r_edges = phi_edges = bins), * the bin edges in each dimension (r_edges, phi_edges = bins). Phi has a range of -pi to pi and is defined as arctan(row/col) (i.e. x is column and y is row, or "cartesian" format, not "matrix") range : (2,2) array_like, optional The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension (if not specified explicitly in the `bins` parameters): [[rmin, rmax], [phimin, phimax]]. All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. See "bins" parameter for definition of phi. origin : tuple of floats with length 2, optional location (in pixels) of origin (default: image center). mask : 2-dimensional np.ndarray of ints, optional array of zero/non-zero values, with shape `shape`. zero values will be ignored. r_map : 2d np.ndarray of floats, optional The map of pixel radii for each pixel. For example, r_map can be used to define the radius of each pixel relative to the origin in reciprocal space (on the Ewald sphere). statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. """ if origin is None: origin = (shape[0] - 1) / 2.0, (shape[1] - 1) / 2.0 if r_map is None: r_map = radial_grid(origin, shape) phi_map = angle_grid(origin, shape) self.expected_shape = tuple(shape) if mask is not None: if mask.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"mask" has incorrect shape. ' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(mask.shape) ) mask = mask.reshape(-1) super(RPhiBinnedStatistic, self).__init__( r_map.reshape(-1), phi_map.reshape(-1), statistic, bins=bins, mask=mask, range=range ) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the ``shape`` that passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ # check for what I believe could be a common error if values.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"values" has incorrect shape.' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(values.shape) ) return super(RPhiBinnedStatistic, self).__call__(values.reshape(-1), statistic) class RadialBinnedStatistic(BinnedStatistic1D): """ Create a 1-dimensional histogram by binning a 2-dimensional image in radius. """ def __init__(self, shape, bins=10, range=None, origin=None, mask=None, r_map=None, statistic="mean"): """ Parameters: ----------- shape : tuple of ints of length 2. shape of image. bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10 by default). If `bins` is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths. Values in `x` that are smaller than lowest bin edge are assigned to bin number 0, values beyond the highest bin are assigned to ``bins[-1]``. Phi has a range of -pi to pi and is defined as arctan(row/col) (i.e. x is column and y is row, or "cartesian" format, not "matrix") range : (float, float) or [(float, float)], optional The lower and upper range of the bins. If not provided, range is simply ``(x.min(), x.max())``. Values outside the range are ignored. See "bins" parameter for definition of phi. origin : tuple of floats with length 2, optional location (in pixels) of origin (default: image center). mask : 2-dimensional np.ndarray of ints, optional array of zero/non-zero values, with shape `shape`. zero values will be ignored. r_map : the map of pixel radii for each pixel. This is useful when the detector has some curvature or is a more complex 2D shape embedded in a 3D space (for example, Ewald curvature). statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. """ if origin is None: origin = (shape[0] - 1) / 2, (shape[1] - 1) / 2 if r_map is None: r_map = radial_grid(origin, shape) self.expected_shape = tuple(shape) if mask is not None: if mask.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"mask" has incorrect shape. ' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(mask.shape) ) mask = mask.reshape(-1) super(RadialBinnedStatistic, self).__init__( r_map.reshape(-1), statistic, bins=bins, mask=mask, range=range ) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the ``shape`` that passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ # check for what I believe could be a common error if values.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"values" has incorrect shape.' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(values.shape) ) return super(RadialBinnedStatistic, self).__call__(values.reshape(-1), statistic)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import warnings import numpy as np from ..utils import angle_grid, bin_edges_to_centers, radial_grid class BinnedStatisticDD(object): std_ = ("mean", "median", "count", "sum", "std") def __init__(self, sample, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): """ Compute a multidimensional binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogramdd function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- sample : array_like Data to histogram passed as a sequence of D arrays of length N, or as an (N,D) array. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). To compute multiple statistics efficiently, override this at __call__ time. The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : sequence or int, optional The bin specification: * A sequence of arrays describing the bin edges along each dimension. * The number of bins for each dimension (nx, ny, ... =bins) * The number of bins for all dimensions (nx=ny=...=bins). range : sequence, optional A sequence of lower and upper bin edges to be used if the edges are not given explicitely in `bins`. Defaults to the minimum and maximum values along each dimension. mask : array_like array of ones and zeros with total size N (see documentation for `sample`). Values with mask==0 will be ignored. Note: If using numpy versions < 1.10.0, you may notice slow behavior of this constructor. This has to do with digitize, which was optimized from 1.10.0 onwards. """ # This code is based on np.histogramdd try: # Sample is an ND-array. N, self.D = sample.shape except (AttributeError, ValueError): # Sample is a sequence of 1D arrays. sample = np.atleast_2d(sample).T N, self.D = sample.shape self.nbin = np.empty(self.D, int) self.edges = self.D * [None] self._centers = self.D * [None] dedges = self.D * [None] try: M = len(bins) if M != self.D: raise AttributeError("The dimension of bins must be equal " "to the dimension of the sample x.") except TypeError: bins = self.D * [bins] # Select range for each dimension # Used only if number of bins is given. if range is None: smin = np.atleast_1d(np.array(sample.min(0), float)) smax = np.atleast_1d(np.array(sample.max(0), float)) else: smin = np.zeros(self.D) smax = np.zeros(self.D) for i in np.arange(self.D): smin[i], smax[i] = range[i] # Make sure the bins have a finite width. for i in np.arange(len(smin)): if smin[i] == smax[i]: smin[i] = smin[i] - 0.5 smax[i] = smax[i] + 0.5 # Create edge arrays for i in np.arange(self.D): if np.isscalar(bins[i]): self.nbin[i] = bins[i] + 2 # +2 for outlier bins self.edges[i] = np.linspace(smin[i], smax[i], self.nbin[i] - 1) else: self.edges[i] = np.asarray(bins[i], float) self.nbin[i] = len(self.edges[i]) + 1 # +1 for outlier bins self._centers[i] = bin_edges_to_centers(self.edges[i]) dedges[i] = np.diff(self.edges[i]) self.nbin = np.asarray(self.nbin) # Compute the bin number each sample falls into. Ncount = {} for i in np.arange(self.D): # Apply mask in a non-ideal way by setting value outside range. # Would be better to do this using bincount "weights", perhaps. thissample = sample[:, i] if mask is not None: thissample[mask == 0] = self.edges[i][0] - 0.01 * (1 + np.fabs(self.edges[i][0])) Ncount[i] = np.digitize(thissample, self.edges[i]) # Using digitize, values that fall on an edge are put in the # right bin. For the rightmost bin, we want values equal to # the right edge to be counted in the last bin, and not as an # outlier. for i in np.arange(self.D): # Rounding precision decimal = int(-np.log10(dedges[i].min())) + 6 # Find which points are on the rightmost edge. on_edge = np.where(np.around(sample[:, i], decimal) == np.around(self.edges[i][-1], decimal))[0] # Shift these points one bin to the left. Ncount[i][on_edge] -= 1 # Compute the sample indices in the flattened statistic matrix. = self.nbin.argsort() self.xy = np.zeros(N, int) for i in np.arange(0, self.D - 1): self.xy += Ncount[[i]] * self.nbin[[i + 1 :]].prod() self.xy += Ncount[[-1]] self._flatcount = None # will be computed if needed self._argsort_index = None self.statistic = statistic @property def binmap(self): """Return the map of the bins per dimension. i.e. reverse transformation of flattened to unflattened bins Returns ------- D np.ndarrays of length N where D is the number of dimensions and N is the number of data points. For each dimension, the min bin id is 0 and max n+1 where n is the number of bins in that dimension. The ids 0 and n+1 mark the outliers of the bins. """ (N,) = self.xy.shape binmap = np.zeros((self.D, N), dtype=int) denominator = 1 for i in range(self.D): ind = self.D - i - 1 subbinmap = self.xy // denominator if i < self.D - 1: subbinmap = subbinmap % self.nbin[[ind - 1]] binmap[ind] = subbinmap denominator *= self.nbin[[ind]] return binmap @property def flatcount(self): # Compute flatcount the first time it is accessed. Some statistics # never access it. if self._flatcount is None: self._flatcount = np.bincount(self.xy, None) return self._flatcount @property def argsort_index(self): # Compute argsort the first time it is accessed. Some statistics # never access it. if self._argsort_index is None: self._argsort_index = self.xy.argsort() return self._argsort_index @property def bin_edges(self): """ bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges ``(length(statistic)+1)``. """ return self.edges @property def bin_centers(self): """ bin_centers : array of dtype float Return the bin centers ``(length(statistic))``. """ return self._centers @property def statistic(self): return self._statistic @statistic.setter def statistic(self, new_statistic): if not callable(new_statistic) and new_statistic not in self.std_: raise ValueError("invalid statistic %r" % (new_statistic,)) else: self._statistic = new_statistic def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must be the same shape as `sample` in the constructor. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ if statistic is None: statistic = self.statistic self.result = np.empty(, float) if statistic == "mean": self.result.fill(np.nan) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) a = self.flatcount.nonzero() self.result[a] = flatsum[a] / self.flatcount[a] elif statistic == "std": self.result.fill(0) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) flatsum2 = np.bincount(self.xy, values**2) a = self.flatcount.nonzero() self.result[a] = np.sqrt(flatsum2[a] / self.flatcount[a] - (flatsum[a] / self.flatcount[a]) ** 2) elif statistic == "count": self.result.fill(0) a = np.arange(len(self.flatcount)) self.result[a] = self.flatcount elif statistic == "sum": self.result.fill(0) flatsum = np.bincount(self.xy, values) a = np.arange(len(flatsum)) self.result[a] = flatsum elif callable(statistic) or statistic == "median": if statistic == "median": internal_statistic = np.median else: internal_statistic = statistic with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Numpy generates a warnings for mean/std/... with empty list warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) old = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") try: null = internal_statistic([]) except Exception: null = np.nan np.seterr(**old) self.result.fill(null) vfs = values[self.argsort_index] i = 0 for j, k in enumerate(self.flatcount): if k > 0: self.result[j] = internal_statistic(vfs[i : i + k]) i += k # Shape into a proper matrix self.result = self.result.reshape(np.sort(self.nbin)) ni = np.copy( for i in np.arange(self.nbin.size): j = ni.argsort()[i] self.result = self.result.swapaxes(i, j) ni[i], ni[j] = ni[j], ni[i] # Remove outliers (indices 0 and -1 for each dimension). core = self.D * [slice(1, -1)] self.result = self.result[tuple(core)] if (self.result.shape != self.nbin - 2).any(): raise RuntimeError("Internal Shape Error") return self.result class BinnedStatistic1D(BinnedStatisticDD): def __init__(self, x, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): """ A refactored version of scipy.stats.binned_statistic to improve performance for the case where binning doesn't need to be re-initialized on every call. Compute a binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogram function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- x : array_like A sequence of values to be binned. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10 by default). If `bins` is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths. Values in `x` that are smaller than lowest bin edge are assigned to bin number 0, values beyond the highest bin are assigned to ``bins[-1]``. range : (float, float) or [(float, float)], optional The lower and upper range of the bins. If not provided, range is simply ``(x.min(), x.max())``. Values outside the range are ignored. mask : array_like ones and zeros with the same shape as `x`. Values with mask==0 will be ignored. See Also -------- numpy.histogram, binned_statistic_2d, binned_statistic_dd Notes ----- All but the last (righthand-most) bin is half-open. In other words, if `bins` is ``[1, 2, 3, 4]``, then the first bin is ``[1, 2)`` (including 1, but excluding 2) and the second ``[2, 3)``. The last bin, however, is ``[3, 4]``, which *includes* 4. """ try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 if N != 1: bins = [np.asarray(bins, float)] if range is not None: if len(range) == 2: range = [range] super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).__init__([x], statistic=statistic, bins=bins, range=range, mask=mask) @property def bin_edges(self): """ bin_edges : 1D array of dtype float Return the bin edges. """ return super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).bin_edges[0] @property def bin_centers(self): """ bin_centers : 1D array of dtype float Return the bin centers. """ return super(BinnedStatistic1D, self).bin_centers[0] class BinnedStatistic2D(BinnedStatisticDD): """ Compute a bidimensional binned statistic for a set of data. This is a generalization of a histogram2d function. A histogram divides the space into bins, and returns the count of the number of points in each bin. This function allows the computation of the sum, mean, median, or other statistic of the values within each bin. Parameters ---------- x : (N,) array_like A sequence of values to be binned along the first dimension. y : (M,) array_like A sequence of values to be binned along the second dimension. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. bins : int or [int, int] or array_like or [array, array], optional The bin specification: * the number of bins for the two dimensions (nx=ny=bins), * the number of bins in each dimension (nx, ny = bins), * the bin edges for the two dimensions (x_edges = y_edges = bins), * the bin edges in each dimension (x_edges, y_edges = bins). range : (2,2) array_like, optional The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension (if not specified explicitly in the `bins` parameters): [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]. All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. mask : array_like ones and zeros with the same shape as `x`. Values with mask==0 will be ignored. See Also -------- numpy.histogram2d, binned_statistic, binned_statistic_dd """ def __init__(self, x, y, statistic="mean", bins=10, range=None, mask=None): # This code is based on np.histogram2d try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 if N != 1 and N != 2: xedges = yedges = np.asarray(bins, float) bins = [xedges, yedges] super(BinnedStatistic2D, self).__init__([x, y], statistic=statistic, bins=bins, range=range, mask=mask) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the dimensions of ``x`` and ``y`` that were passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ return super(BinnedStatistic2D, self).__call__(values, statistic) class RPhiBinnedStatistic(BinnedStatistic2D): """ Create a 2-dimensional histogram by binning a 2-dimensional image in both radius and phi. """ def __init__(self, shape, bins=10, range=None, origin=None, mask=None, r_map=None, statistic="mean"): """ Parameters: ----------- shape : tuple of ints of length 2. shape of image. bins : int or [int, int] or array_like or [array, array], optional The bin specification: * number of bins for the two dimensions (nr=nphi=bins), * number of bins in each dimension (nr, nphi = bins), * bin edges for the two dimensions (r_edges = phi_edges = bins), * the bin edges in each dimension (r_edges, phi_edges = bins). Phi has a range of -pi to pi and is defined as arctan(row/col) (i.e. x is column and y is row, or "cartesian" format, not "matrix") range : (2,2) array_like, optional The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension (if not specified explicitly in the `bins` parameters): [[rmin, rmax], [phimin, phimax]]. All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. See "bins" parameter for definition of phi. origin : tuple of floats with length 2, optional location (in pixels) of origin (default: image center). mask : 2-dimensional np.ndarray of ints, optional array of zero/non-zero values, with shape `shape`. zero values will be ignored. r_map : 2d np.ndarray of floats, optional The map of pixel radii for each pixel. For example, r_map can be used to define the radius of each pixel relative to the origin in reciprocal space (on the Ewald sphere). statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. """ if origin is None: origin = (shape[0] - 1) / 2.0, (shape[1] - 1) / 2.0 if r_map is None: r_map = radial_grid(origin, shape) phi_map = angle_grid(origin, shape) self.expected_shape = tuple(shape) if mask is not None: if mask.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"mask" has incorrect shape. ' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(mask.shape) ) mask = mask.reshape(-1) super(RPhiBinnedStatistic, self).__init__( r_map.reshape(-1), phi_map.reshape(-1), statistic, bins=bins, mask=mask, range=range ) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the ``shape`` that passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ # check for what I believe could be a common error if values.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"values" has incorrect shape.' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(values.shape) ) return super(RPhiBinnedStatistic, self).__call__(values.reshape(-1), statistic) class RadialBinnedStatistic(BinnedStatistic1D): """ Create a 1-dimensional histogram by binning a 2-dimensional image in radius. """ def __init__(self, shape, bins=10, range=None, origin=None, mask=None, r_map=None, statistic="mean"): """ Parameters: ----------- shape : tuple of ints of length 2. shape of image. bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10 by default). If `bins` is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths. Values in `x` that are smaller than lowest bin edge are assigned to bin number 0, values beyond the highest bin are assigned to ``bins[-1]``. Phi has a range of -pi to pi and is defined as arctan(row/col) (i.e. x is column and y is row, or "cartesian" format, not "matrix") range : (float, float) or [(float, float)], optional The lower and upper range of the bins. If not provided, range is simply ``(x.min(), x.max())``. Values outside the range are ignored. See "bins" parameter for definition of phi. origin : tuple of floats with length 2, optional location (in pixels) of origin (default: image center). mask : 2-dimensional np.ndarray of ints, optional array of zero/non-zero values, with shape `shape`. zero values will be ignored. r_map : the map of pixel radii for each pixel. This is useful when the detector has some curvature or is a more complex 2D shape embedded in a 3D space (for example, Ewald curvature). statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is 'mean'). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. """ if origin is None: origin = (shape[0] - 1) / 2, (shape[1] - 1) / 2 if r_map is None: r_map = radial_grid(origin, shape) self.expected_shape = tuple(shape) if mask is not None: if mask.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"mask" has incorrect shape. ' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(mask.shape) ) mask = mask.reshape(-1) super(RadialBinnedStatistic, self).__init__( r_map.reshape(-1), statistic, bins=bins, mask=mask, range=range ) def __call__(self, values, statistic=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values on which the statistic will be computed. This must match the ``shape`` that passed in when this object was instantiated. statistic : string or callable, optional The statistic to compute (default is whatever was passed in when this object was instantiated). The following statistics are available: * 'mean' : compute the mean of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'median' : compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count' : compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. `values` array is not referenced. * 'sum' : compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * function : a user-defined function which takes a 1D array of values, and outputs a single numerical statistic. This function will be called on the values in each bin. Empty bins will be represented by function([]), or NaN if this returns an error. Returns ------- statistic_values : array The values of the selected statistic in each bin. """ # check for what I believe could be a common error if values.shape != self.expected_shape: raise ValueError( '"values" has incorrect shape.' " Expected: " + str(self.expected_shape) + " Received: " + str(values.shape) ) return super(RadialBinnedStatistic, self).__call__(values.reshape(-1), statistic)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import logging import os import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def save_output(tth, intensity, output_name, q_or_2theta, ext=".chi", err=None, dir_path=None): """ Save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. If the extension(ext) of the output file is not selected it will be saved as a .chi file Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) or Q values (Angstroms) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values (N, ) array output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities q_or_2theta : {'Q', '2theta'} twotheta (degrees) or Q (Angstroms) values ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'}, optional save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. (If the extension of output file is not selected it will be saved as a .chi file) err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity shape(N, ) array dir_path : str, optional new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Volumes/Data/experiments/data/ """ if q_or_2theta not in set(["Q", "2theta"]): raise ValueError( "It is expected to provide whether the data is" " Q values(enter Q) or two theta values" " (enter 2theta)" ) if q_or_2theta == "Q": des = """First column represents Q values (Angstroms) and second column represents intensities and if there is a third column it represents the error values of intensities.""" else: des = """First column represents two theta values (degrees) and second column represents intensities and if there is a third column it represents the error values of intensities.""" _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext) file_path = _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: _HEADER = """{out_name} This file contains integrated powder x-ray diffraction intensities. {des} Number of data points in the file : {n_pts} ######################################################""" _encoding_writer(f, _HEADER.format(n_pts=len(tth), out_name=output_name, des=des)) new_line = "\n" _encoding_writer(f, new_line) if err is None: np.savetxt(f, np.c_[tth, intensity]) else: np.savetxt(f, np.c_[tth, intensity, err]) def _encoding_writer(f, _HEADER): """ Encode the writer for python 3 Parameters ---------- f : str file name _HEADER : str string need to be written in the file """ f.write(_HEADER.encode("utf-8")) def gsas_writer(tth, intensity, output_name, mode=None, err=None, dir_path=None): """ Save diffraction intensities into .gsas file format Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities mode : {'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE'}, optional GSAS file formats, could be 'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE' err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity shape(N, ) array err is None then mode will be 'STD' dir_path : str, optional new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Data/experiments/data/ """ # save output diffraction intensities into .gsas file extension. ext = ".gsas" _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext) file_path = _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext) max_intensity = 999999 log_scale = np.floor(np.log10(max_intensity / np.max(intensity))) log_scale = min(log_scale, 0) scale = 10 ** int(log_scale) lines = [] title = "Angular Profile" title += ": %s" % output_name title += " scale=%g" % scale title = title[:80] lines.append("%-80s" % title) i_bank = 1 n_chan = len(intensity) # two-theta0 and dtwo-theta in centidegrees tth0_cdg = tth[0] * 100 dtth_cdg = (tth[-1] - tth[0]) / (len(tth) - 1) * 100 if err is None: mode = "STD" if mode == "STD": n_rec = int(np.ceil(n_chan / 10.0)) l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f STD" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) lrecs = ["%2i%6.0f" % (1, ii * scale) for ii in intensity] for i in range(0, len(lrecs), 10): lines.append("".join(lrecs[i : i + 10])) elif mode == "ESD": n_rec = int(np.ceil(n_chan / 5.0)) l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f ESD" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) l_recs = ["%8.0f%8.0f" % (ii, ee * scale) for ii, ee in zip(intensity, err)] for i in range(0, len(l_recs), 5): lines.append("".join(l_recs[i : i + 5])) elif mode == "FXYE": n_rec = n_chan l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f FXYE" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) l_recs = [ "%22.10f%22.10f%24.10f" % (xx * scale, yy * scale, ee * scale) for xx, yy, ee in zip(tth, intensity, err) ] for i in range(len(l_recs)): lines.append("%-80s" % l_recs[i]) else: raise ValueError(" Define the GSAS file type ") lines[-1] = "%-80s" % lines[-1] rv = "\r\n".join(lines) + "\r\n" with open(file_path, "wt") as f: f.write(rv) def _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext): """ This function validate all the inputs Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) or Q space values (Angstroms) intensity : ndarray intensity values err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'} save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. """ if len(tth) != len(intensity): raise ValueError("Number of intensities and the number of Q or" " two theta values are different ") if err is not None: if len(intensity) != len(err): raise ValueError("Number of intensities and the number of" " err values are different") if ext == ".xye" and err is None: raise ValueError("Provide the Error value of intensity" " (for .xye file format err != None)") def _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext): """ This function create a output file path to save diffraction intensities. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Data/experiments/data/ output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'} save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. Returns: ------- file_path : str path to save the diffraction intensities """ if (dir_path) is None: file_path = output_name + ext elif os.path.exists(dir_path): file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, output_name) + ext else: raise ValueError("The given path does not exist.") if os.path.isfile(file_path):"Output file of diffraction intensities" " already exists") os.remove(file_path) return file_path
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import logging import os import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def save_output(tth, intensity, output_name, q_or_2theta, ext=".chi", err=None, dir_path=None): """ Save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. If the extension(ext) of the output file is not selected it will be saved as a .chi file Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) or Q values (Angstroms) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values (N, ) array output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities q_or_2theta : {'Q', '2theta'} twotheta (degrees) or Q (Angstroms) values ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'}, optional save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. (If the extension of output file is not selected it will be saved as a .chi file) err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity shape(N, ) array dir_path : str, optional new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Volumes/Data/experiments/data/ """ if q_or_2theta not in set(["Q", "2theta"]): raise ValueError( "It is expected to provide whether the data is" " Q values(enter Q) or two theta values" " (enter 2theta)" ) if q_or_2theta == "Q": des = """First column represents Q values (Angstroms) and second column represents intensities and if there is a third column it represents the error values of intensities.""" else: des = """First column represents two theta values (degrees) and second column represents intensities and if there is a third column it represents the error values of intensities.""" _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext) file_path = _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: _HEADER = """{out_name} This file contains integrated powder x-ray diffraction intensities. {des} Number of data points in the file : {n_pts} ######################################################""" _encoding_writer(f, _HEADER.format(n_pts=len(tth), out_name=output_name, des=des)) new_line = "\n" _encoding_writer(f, new_line) if err is None: np.savetxt(f, np.c_[tth, intensity]) else: np.savetxt(f, np.c_[tth, intensity, err]) def _encoding_writer(f, _HEADER): """ Encode the writer for python 3 Parameters ---------- f : str file name _HEADER : str string need to be written in the file """ f.write(_HEADER.encode("utf-8")) def gsas_writer(tth, intensity, output_name, mode=None, err=None, dir_path=None): """ Save diffraction intensities into .gsas file format Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities mode : {'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE'}, optional GSAS file formats, could be 'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE' err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity shape(N, ) array err is None then mode will be 'STD' dir_path : str, optional new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Data/experiments/data/ """ # save output diffraction intensities into .gsas file extension. ext = ".gsas" _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext) file_path = _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext) max_intensity = 999999 log_scale = np.floor(np.log10(max_intensity / np.max(intensity))) log_scale = min(log_scale, 0) scale = 10 ** int(log_scale) lines = [] title = "Angular Profile" title += ": %s" % output_name title += " scale=%g" % scale title = title[:80] lines.append("%-80s" % title) i_bank = 1 n_chan = len(intensity) # two-theta0 and dtwo-theta in centidegrees tth0_cdg = tth[0] * 100 dtth_cdg = (tth[-1] - tth[0]) / (len(tth) - 1) * 100 if err is None: mode = "STD" if mode == "STD": n_rec = int(np.ceil(n_chan / 10.0)) l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f STD" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) lrecs = ["%2i%6.0f" % (1, ii * scale) for ii in intensity] for i in range(0, len(lrecs), 10): lines.append("".join(lrecs[i : i + 10])) elif mode == "ESD": n_rec = int(np.ceil(n_chan / 5.0)) l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f ESD" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) l_recs = ["%8.0f%8.0f" % (ii, ee * scale) for ii, ee in zip(intensity, err)] for i in range(0, len(l_recs), 5): lines.append("".join(l_recs[i : i + 5])) elif mode == "FXYE": n_rec = n_chan l_bank = "BANK %5i %8i %8i CONST %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f FXYE" % ( i_bank, n_chan, n_rec, tth0_cdg, dtth_cdg, 0, 0, ) lines.append("%-80s" % l_bank) l_recs = [ "%22.10f%22.10f%24.10f" % (xx * scale, yy * scale, ee * scale) for xx, yy, ee in zip(tth, intensity, err) ] for i in range(len(l_recs)): lines.append("%-80s" % l_recs[i]) else: raise ValueError(" Define the GSAS file type ") lines[-1] = "%-80s" % lines[-1] rv = "\r\n".join(lines) + "\r\n" with open(file_path, "wt") as f: f.write(rv) def _validate_input(tth, intensity, err, ext): """ This function validate all the inputs Parameters ---------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) or Q space values (Angstroms) intensity : ndarray intensity values err : ndarray, optional error value of intensity ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'} save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. """ if len(tth) != len(intensity): raise ValueError("Number of intensities and the number of Q or" " two theta values are different ") if err is not None: if len(intensity) != len(err): raise ValueError("Number of intensities and the number of" " err values are different") if ext == ".xye" and err is None: raise ValueError("Provide the Error value of intensity" " (for .xye file format err != None)") def _create_file_path(dir_path, output_name, ext): """ This function create a output file path to save diffraction intensities. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str new directory path to save the output data files eg: /Data/experiments/data/ output_name : str name for the saved output diffraction intensities ext : {'.chi', '.dat', '.xye'} save output diffraction intensities into .chi, .dat or .xye file formats. Returns: ------- file_path : str path to save the diffraction intensities """ if (dir_path) is None: file_path = output_name + ext elif os.path.exists(dir_path): file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, output_name) + ext else: raise ValueError("The given path does not exist.") if os.path.isfile(file_path):"Output file of diffraction intensities" " already exists") os.remove(file_path) return file_path
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os def load_netCDF(file_name): """ This function loads the specified netCDF file format data set (e.g.*.volume APS-Sector 13 GSECARS extension) file into a numpy array for further analysis. Required Dependencies: netcdf4 : Python/numpy interface to the netCDF ver. 4 library Package name: netcdf4-python Install from: numpy Cython -- optional HDF5 C library version 1.8.8 or higher Install from: Be sure to build with '--enable-hl --enable-shared'. netCDF-4 C library Install from: Version 4.1.1 or higher Be sure to build with '--enable-netcdf-4 --enable-shared', and set CPPFLAGS="-I $HDF5_DIR/include" and LDFLAGS="-L $HDF5_DIR/lib", where $HDF5_DIR is the directory where HDF5 was installed. If you want OPeNDAP support, add '--enable-dap'. If you want HDF4 SD support, add '--enable-hdf4' and add the location of the HDF4 headers and library to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Parameters ---------- file_name: string Complete path to the file to be loaded into memory Returns ------- md_dict: dict Dictionary containing all metadata contained in the netCDF file. This metadata contains data collection, and experiment information as well as values and variables pertinent to the image data. data: ndarray ndarray containing the image data contained in the netCDF file. The image data is scaled using the scale factor defined in the netCDF metadata, if a scale factor was recorded during data acquisition or reconstruction. If a scale factor is not present, then a default value of 1.0 is used. """ from netCDF4 import Dataset with Dataset(os.path.normpath(file_name), "r") as src_file: data = src_file.variables["VOLUME"] md_dict = src_file.__dict__ # Check for voxel intensity scale factor and apply if value is present data /= data.scale_factor if data.scale_factor != 1.0 else 1.0 # Accounts for specific case where z_pixel_size doesn't get assigned # even though dimensions are actuall isotropic. This occurs when # reconstruction is completed using tomo_recon on data collected at # APS-13BMD. if md_dict["x_pixel_size"] == md_dict["y_pixel_size"] and md_dict["z_pixel_size"] == 0.0 and data.shape[0] > 1: md_dict["voxel_size"] = {"value": md_dict["x_pixel_size"], "type": float, "units": ""} return md_dict, data
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os def load_netCDF(file_name): """ This function loads the specified netCDF file format data set (e.g.*.volume APS-Sector 13 GSECARS extension) file into a numpy array for further analysis. Required Dependencies: netcdf4 : Python/numpy interface to the netCDF ver. 4 library Package name: netcdf4-python Install from: numpy Cython -- optional HDF5 C library version 1.8.8 or higher Install from: Be sure to build with '--enable-hl --enable-shared'. netCDF-4 C library Install from: Version 4.1.1 or higher Be sure to build with '--enable-netcdf-4 --enable-shared', and set CPPFLAGS="-I $HDF5_DIR/include" and LDFLAGS="-L $HDF5_DIR/lib", where $HDF5_DIR is the directory where HDF5 was installed. If you want OPeNDAP support, add '--enable-dap'. If you want HDF4 SD support, add '--enable-hdf4' and add the location of the HDF4 headers and library to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Parameters ---------- file_name: string Complete path to the file to be loaded into memory Returns ------- md_dict: dict Dictionary containing all metadata contained in the netCDF file. This metadata contains data collection, and experiment information as well as values and variables pertinent to the image data. data: ndarray ndarray containing the image data contained in the netCDF file. The image data is scaled using the scale factor defined in the netCDF metadata, if a scale factor was recorded during data acquisition or reconstruction. If a scale factor is not present, then a default value of 1.0 is used. """ from netCDF4 import Dataset with Dataset(os.path.normpath(file_name), "r") as src_file: data = src_file.variables["VOLUME"] md_dict = src_file.__dict__ # Check for voxel intensity scale factor and apply if value is present data /= data.scale_factor if data.scale_factor != 1.0 else 1.0 # Accounts for specific case where z_pixel_size doesn't get assigned # even though dimensions are actuall isotropic. This occurs when # reconstruction is completed using tomo_recon on data collected at # APS-13BMD. if md_dict["x_pixel_size"] == md_dict["y_pixel_size"] and md_dict["z_pixel_size"] == 0.0 and data.shape[0] > 1: md_dict["voxel_size"] = {"value": md_dict["x_pixel_size"], "type": float, "units": ""} return md_dict, data
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import logging import os import numpy as np def _read_amira(src_file): """ Reads all information contained within standard AmiraMesh data sets. Separate the header information from the image/volume, data. Parameters ---------- src_file : str The path and file name pointing to the AmiraMesh file to be loaded. Returns ------- am_header : list of strings This list contains all of the raw information contained in the AmiraMesh file header. Contains all of the raw header information am_data : str A compiled string containing all of the image array data, that was stored in the source AmiraMesh data file. Contains the raw image data """ am_header = [] am_data = [] with open(os.path.normpath(src_file), "r") as input_file: while True: line = input_file.readline() am_header.append(line) if line == "# Data section follows\n": input_file.readline() break am_data = return am_header, am_data def _amira_data_to_numpy(am_data, header_dict, flip_z=True): """ Transform output of `_read_amira` to a numpy array of the dtype listed in the AmiraMesh header dictionary. The standard format for Avizo Binary files is IEEE binary. Big or little endian-ness is stipulated in the header information, and is be assessed and taken into account by this function as well, during the conversion process. Parameters ---------- am_data : str String object containing all of the image array data, formatted as IEEE binary. Current dType options include: float short ushort byte header_dict : dict Metadata dictionary containing all relevant attributes pertaining to the image array. This metadata dictionary is the output from the function `_create_md_dict`. flip_z : bool, optional. Defaults to True This option is included because the .am data sets evaluated thus far have opposite z-axis indexing than numpy arrays. This switch currently defaults to "True" in order to ensure that z-axis indexing remains consistent with data processed using Avizo. Setting this switch to "True" will flip the z-axis during processing, and a value of "False" will keep the array is initially assigned during the array reshaping step. Returns ------- output : ndarray Numpy ndarray containing the image data converted from the AmiraMesh file. This data array is ready for further processing using the NSLS-II function library, or other operations able to operate on numpy arrays. """ Zdim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["z_dimension"] Ydim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["y_dimension"] Xdim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["x_dimension"] # Strip out null characters from the string of binary values # Dictionary of the encoding types for AmiraMesh files am_format_dict = {"BINARY-LITTLE-ENDIAN": "<", "BINARY": ">", "ASCII": "unknown"} # Dictionary of the data types encountered so far in AmiraMesh files am_dtype_dict = {"float": "f4", "short": "h4", "ushort": "H4", "byte": "b"} # Had to split out the stripping of new line characters and conversion # of the original string data based on whether source data is BINARY # format or ASCII format. These format types require different stripping # tools and different string conversion tools. if header_dict["data_format"] == "BINARY-LITTLE-ENDIAN": data_strip = am_data.strip("\n") flt_values = np.fromstring( data_strip, (am_format_dict[header_dict["data_format"]] + am_dtype_dict[header_dict["data_type"]]) ) if header_dict["data_format"] == "ASCII": data_strip = am_data.translate(None, "\n") string_list = data_strip.split(" ") string_list = string_list[0 : (len(string_list) - 2)] flt_values = np.array(string_list).astype(am_dtype_dict[header_dict["data_type"]]) # Resize the 1D array to the correct ndarray dimensions # Note that resize is in-place whereas reshape is not flt_values.resize(Zdim, Ydim, Xdim) output = flt_values if flip_z: output = flt_values[::-1, ..., ...] return output def _clean_amira_header(header_list): """ Strip the string list of all "empty" characters,including new line characters ('\n') and empty lines. Splits each header line (which originally is stored as a single string) into individual words, numbers or characters, using spaces between words as the separating operator. The output of this function is used to generate the metadata dictionary for the image data set. Parameters ---------- header_list : list of strings This is the header output from the function _read_amira() Returns ------- clean_header : list of strings This header list has been stripped and sorted and is now ready for populating the metadata dictionary for the image data set. """ clean_header = [] for row in header_list: split_header = filter(None, [word.translate(None, ',"') for word in row.strip("\n").split()]) clean_header.append(split_header) return clean_header def _create_md_dict(clean_header): """ Populates the a dictionary with all information pertinent to the image data set that was originally stored in the AmiraMesh file. Parameters ---------- clean_header : list of strings This is the output from the _sort_amira_header function. """ # Avizo specific metadata md_dict = { "software_src": clean_header[0][1], "data_format": clean_header[0][2], "data_format_version": clean_header[0][3], } if md_dict["data_format"] == "3D": md_dict["data_format"] = clean_header[0][3] md_dict["data_format_version"] = clean_header[0][4] for header_line in clean_header: hl = header_line if "define" in hl: hl = hl md_dict["array_dimensions"] = { "x_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 2]), "y_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 3]), "z_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 4]), } elif "Content" in hl: md_dict["data_type"] = hl[hl.index("Content") + 2] elif "CoordType" in hl: md_dict["coord_type"] = hl[hl.index("CoordType") + 1] elif "BoundingBox" in hl: hl = hl md_dict["bounding_box"] = { "x_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 1]), "x_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 2]), "y_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 3]), "y_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 4]), "z_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 5]), "z_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 6]), } # Parameter definition for voxel resolution calculations bbox = [ md_dict["bounding_box"]["x_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["x_max"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["y_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["y_max"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["z_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["z_max"], ] dims = [ md_dict["array_dimensions"]["x_dimension"], md_dict["array_dimensions"]["y_dimension"], md_dict["array_dimensions"]["z_dimension"], ] # Voxel resolution calculation resolution_list = [] for index in np.arange(len(dims)): if dims[index] > 1: resolution_list.append((bbox[(2 * index + 1)] - bbox[(2 * index)]) / (dims[index] - 1)) else: resolution_list.append(0) # isotropy determination (isotropic res, or anisotropic res) if ( resolution_list[1] / resolution_list[0] > 0.99 and resolution_list[2] / resolution_list[0] > 0.99 and resolution_list[1] / resolution_list[0] < 1.01 and resolution_list[2] / resolution_list[0] < 1.01 ): md_dict["resolution"] = {"zyx_value": resolution_list[0], "type": "isotropic"} else: md_dict["resolution"] = { "zyx_value": (resolution_list[2], resolution_list[1], resolution_list[0]), "type": "anisotropic", } elif "Units" in hl: try: units = str(hl[hl.index("Units") + 2]) md_dict["units"] = units except Exception: logging.debug( "Units value undefined in source data set. " "Reverting to default units value of pixels" ) md_dict["units"] = "pixels" elif "Coordinates" in hl: coords = str(hl[hl.index("Coordinates") + 1]) md_dict["coordinates"] = coords return md_dict def load_amiramesh(file_path): """ Load and convert an AmiraMesh binary file to a numpy array. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path and file name of the AmiraMesh file to be loaded. Returns ------- md_dict : dict Dictionary containing all pertinent header information associated with the data set. np_array : ndarray An ndarray containing the image data set to be loaded. Values contained in the resulting volume are set to be of float data type by default. """ header, data = _read_amira(file_path) clean_header = _clean_amira_header(header) md_dict = _create_md_dict(clean_header) np_array = _amira_data_to_numpy(data, md_dict) return md_dict, np_array
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import logging import os import numpy as np def _read_amira(src_file): """ Reads all information contained within standard AmiraMesh data sets. Separate the header information from the image/volume, data. Parameters ---------- src_file : str The path and file name pointing to the AmiraMesh file to be loaded. Returns ------- am_header : list of strings This list contains all of the raw information contained in the AmiraMesh file header. Contains all of the raw header information am_data : str A compiled string containing all of the image array data, that was stored in the source AmiraMesh data file. Contains the raw image data """ am_header = [] am_data = [] with open(os.path.normpath(src_file), "r") as input_file: while True: line = input_file.readline() am_header.append(line) if line == "# Data section follows\n": input_file.readline() break am_data = return am_header, am_data def _amira_data_to_numpy(am_data, header_dict, flip_z=True): """ Transform output of `_read_amira` to a numpy array of the dtype listed in the AmiraMesh header dictionary. The standard format for Avizo Binary files is IEEE binary. Big or little endian-ness is stipulated in the header information, and is be assessed and taken into account by this function as well, during the conversion process. Parameters ---------- am_data : str String object containing all of the image array data, formatted as IEEE binary. Current dType options include: float short ushort byte header_dict : dict Metadata dictionary containing all relevant attributes pertaining to the image array. This metadata dictionary is the output from the function `_create_md_dict`. flip_z : bool, optional. Defaults to True This option is included because the .am data sets evaluated thus far have opposite z-axis indexing than numpy arrays. This switch currently defaults to "True" in order to ensure that z-axis indexing remains consistent with data processed using Avizo. Setting this switch to "True" will flip the z-axis during processing, and a value of "False" will keep the array is initially assigned during the array reshaping step. Returns ------- output : ndarray Numpy ndarray containing the image data converted from the AmiraMesh file. This data array is ready for further processing using the NSLS-II function library, or other operations able to operate on numpy arrays. """ Zdim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["z_dimension"] Ydim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["y_dimension"] Xdim = header_dict["array_dimensions"]["x_dimension"] # Strip out null characters from the string of binary values # Dictionary of the encoding types for AmiraMesh files am_format_dict = {"BINARY-LITTLE-ENDIAN": "<", "BINARY": ">", "ASCII": "unknown"} # Dictionary of the data types encountered so far in AmiraMesh files am_dtype_dict = {"float": "f4", "short": "h4", "ushort": "H4", "byte": "b"} # Had to split out the stripping of new line characters and conversion # of the original string data based on whether source data is BINARY # format or ASCII format. These format types require different stripping # tools and different string conversion tools. if header_dict["data_format"] == "BINARY-LITTLE-ENDIAN": data_strip = am_data.strip("\n") flt_values = np.fromstring( data_strip, (am_format_dict[header_dict["data_format"]] + am_dtype_dict[header_dict["data_type"]]) ) if header_dict["data_format"] == "ASCII": data_strip = am_data.translate(None, "\n") string_list = data_strip.split(" ") string_list = string_list[0 : (len(string_list) - 2)] flt_values = np.array(string_list).astype(am_dtype_dict[header_dict["data_type"]]) # Resize the 1D array to the correct ndarray dimensions # Note that resize is in-place whereas reshape is not flt_values.resize(Zdim, Ydim, Xdim) output = flt_values if flip_z: output = flt_values[::-1, ..., ...] return output def _clean_amira_header(header_list): """ Strip the string list of all "empty" characters,including new line characters ('\n') and empty lines. Splits each header line (which originally is stored as a single string) into individual words, numbers or characters, using spaces between words as the separating operator. The output of this function is used to generate the metadata dictionary for the image data set. Parameters ---------- header_list : list of strings This is the header output from the function _read_amira() Returns ------- clean_header : list of strings This header list has been stripped and sorted and is now ready for populating the metadata dictionary for the image data set. """ clean_header = [] for row in header_list: split_header = filter(None, [word.translate(None, ',"') for word in row.strip("\n").split()]) clean_header.append(split_header) return clean_header def _create_md_dict(clean_header): """ Populates the a dictionary with all information pertinent to the image data set that was originally stored in the AmiraMesh file. Parameters ---------- clean_header : list of strings This is the output from the _sort_amira_header function. """ # Avizo specific metadata md_dict = { "software_src": clean_header[0][1], "data_format": clean_header[0][2], "data_format_version": clean_header[0][3], } if md_dict["data_format"] == "3D": md_dict["data_format"] = clean_header[0][3] md_dict["data_format_version"] = clean_header[0][4] for header_line in clean_header: hl = header_line if "define" in hl: hl = hl md_dict["array_dimensions"] = { "x_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 2]), "y_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 3]), "z_dimension": int(hl[hl.index("define") + 4]), } elif "Content" in hl: md_dict["data_type"] = hl[hl.index("Content") + 2] elif "CoordType" in hl: md_dict["coord_type"] = hl[hl.index("CoordType") + 1] elif "BoundingBox" in hl: hl = hl md_dict["bounding_box"] = { "x_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 1]), "x_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 2]), "y_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 3]), "y_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 4]), "z_min": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 5]), "z_max": float(hl[hl.index("BoundingBox") + 6]), } # Parameter definition for voxel resolution calculations bbox = [ md_dict["bounding_box"]["x_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["x_max"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["y_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["y_max"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["z_min"], md_dict["bounding_box"]["z_max"], ] dims = [ md_dict["array_dimensions"]["x_dimension"], md_dict["array_dimensions"]["y_dimension"], md_dict["array_dimensions"]["z_dimension"], ] # Voxel resolution calculation resolution_list = [] for index in np.arange(len(dims)): if dims[index] > 1: resolution_list.append((bbox[(2 * index + 1)] - bbox[(2 * index)]) / (dims[index] - 1)) else: resolution_list.append(0) # isotropy determination (isotropic res, or anisotropic res) if ( resolution_list[1] / resolution_list[0] > 0.99 and resolution_list[2] / resolution_list[0] > 0.99 and resolution_list[1] / resolution_list[0] < 1.01 and resolution_list[2] / resolution_list[0] < 1.01 ): md_dict["resolution"] = {"zyx_value": resolution_list[0], "type": "isotropic"} else: md_dict["resolution"] = { "zyx_value": (resolution_list[2], resolution_list[1], resolution_list[0]), "type": "anisotropic", } elif "Units" in hl: try: units = str(hl[hl.index("Units") + 2]) md_dict["units"] = units except Exception: logging.debug( "Units value undefined in source data set. " "Reverting to default units value of pixels" ) md_dict["units"] = "pixels" elif "Coordinates" in hl: coords = str(hl[hl.index("Coordinates") + 1]) md_dict["coordinates"] = coords return md_dict def load_amiramesh(file_path): """ Load and convert an AmiraMesh binary file to a numpy array. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path and file name of the AmiraMesh file to be loaded. Returns ------- md_dict : dict Dictionary containing all pertinent header information associated with the data set. np_array : ndarray An ndarray containing the image data set to be loaded. Values contained in the resulting volume are set to be of float data type by default. """ header, data = _read_amira(file_path) clean_header = _clean_amira_header(header) md_dict = _create_md_dict(clean_header) np_array = _amira_data_to_numpy(data, md_dict) return md_dict, np_array
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import numpy as np def gsas_reader(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ if os.path.splitext(file)[1] != ".gsas": raise IOError("Provide a file with diffraction data saved in GSAS," " file extension has to be .gsas ") # find the file mode, could be 'std', 'esd', 'fxye' with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1] mode = S.split()[9] try: tth, intensity, err = _func_look_up[mode](file) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Provide a correct mode of the GSAS file, " "file modes could be in 'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE' " ) return tth, intensity, err def _get_fxye_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[2:] for line in S: vals = line.split() tth.append(float(vals[0])) f = float(vals[1]) s = float(vals[2]) if f <= 0.0: intensity.append(0.0) else: intensity.append(float(vals[1])) if s > 0.0: err.append(1.0 / float(vals[2]) ** 2) else: err.append(0.0) return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] def _get_esd_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1:] # convert from centidegrees to degrees start = float(S[0].split()[5]) / 100.0 step = float(S[0].split()[6]) / 100.0 j = 0 for line in S[1:]: for i in range(0, 80, 16): xi = start + step * j yi = _sfloat(line[i : i + 8]) ei = _sfloat(line[i + 8 : i + 16]) tth.append(xi) if yi > 0.0: intensity.append(yi) else: intensity.append(0.0) if ei > 0.0: err.append(1.0 / ei**2) else: err.append(0.0) j += 1 return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] def _get_std_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1:] # convert from centidegrees to degrees start = float(S[0].split()[5]) / 100.0 step = float(S[0].split()[6]) / 100.0 # number of data values(two theta or intensity) nch = float(S[0].split()[2]) j = 0 for line in S[1:]: for i in range(0, 80, 8): xi = start + step * j ni = max(_sint(line[i : i + 2]), 1) yi = max(_sfloat(line[i + 2 : i + 8]), 0.0) if yi: vi = yi / ni else: yi = 0.0 vi = 0.0 if j < nch: tth.append(xi) if vi <= 0.0: intensity.append(0.0) err.append(0.0) else: intensity.append(yi) err.append(1.0 / vi) j += 1 return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] # find the which function to use according to mode of the GSAS file # mode could be "STD", "ESD" or "FXYE" _func_look_up = {"STD": _get_std_data, "ESD": _get_esd_data, "FXYE": _get_fxye_data} def _sfloat(S): """ convert a string to a float, treating an all-blank string as zero Parameter --------- S : str string that need to be converted as float treating an all-blank string as zero Returns ------- float or zero """ if S.strip(): return float(S) else: return 0.0 def _sint(S): """ convert a string to an integer, treating an all-blank string as zero Parameter --------- S : str string that need to be converted as integer treating an all-blank strings as zero Returns ------- integer or zero """ if S.strip(): return int(S) else: return 0
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import numpy as np def gsas_reader(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ if os.path.splitext(file)[1] != ".gsas": raise IOError("Provide a file with diffraction data saved in GSAS," " file extension has to be .gsas ") # find the file mode, could be 'std', 'esd', 'fxye' with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1] mode = S.split()[9] try: tth, intensity, err = _func_look_up[mode](file) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Provide a correct mode of the GSAS file, " "file modes could be in 'STD', 'ESD', 'FXYE' " ) return tth, intensity, err def _get_fxye_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[2:] for line in S: vals = line.split() tth.append(float(vals[0])) f = float(vals[1]) s = float(vals[2]) if f <= 0.0: intensity.append(0.0) else: intensity.append(float(vals[1])) if s > 0.0: err.append(1.0 / float(vals[2]) ** 2) else: err.append(0.0) return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] def _get_esd_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1:] # convert from centidegrees to degrees start = float(S[0].split()[5]) / 100.0 step = float(S[0].split()[6]) / 100.0 j = 0 for line in S[1:]: for i in range(0, 80, 16): xi = start + step * j yi = _sfloat(line[i : i + 8]) ei = _sfloat(line[i + 8 : i + 16]) tth.append(xi) if yi > 0.0: intensity.append(yi) else: intensity.append(0.0) if ei > 0.0: err.append(1.0 / ei**2) else: err.append(0.0) j += 1 return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] def _get_std_data(file): """ Parameters ---------- file: str GSAS powder data file Returns ------- tth : ndarray twotheta values (degrees) shape (N, ) array intensity : ndarray intensity values shape (N, ) array err : ndarray error value of intensity shape(N, ) array """ tth = [] intensity = [] err = [] with open(file, "r") as fi: S = fi.readlines()[1:] # convert from centidegrees to degrees start = float(S[0].split()[5]) / 100.0 step = float(S[0].split()[6]) / 100.0 # number of data values(two theta or intensity) nch = float(S[0].split()[2]) j = 0 for line in S[1:]: for i in range(0, 80, 8): xi = start + step * j ni = max(_sint(line[i : i + 2]), 1) yi = max(_sfloat(line[i + 2 : i + 8]), 0.0) if yi: vi = yi / ni else: yi = 0.0 vi = 0.0 if j < nch: tth.append(xi) if vi <= 0.0: intensity.append(0.0) err.append(0.0) else: intensity.append(yi) err.append(1.0 / vi) j += 1 return [np.array(tth), np.array(intensity), np.array(err)] # find the which function to use according to mode of the GSAS file # mode could be "STD", "ESD" or "FXYE" _func_look_up = {"STD": _get_std_data, "ESD": _get_esd_data, "FXYE": _get_fxye_data} def _sfloat(S): """ convert a string to a float, treating an all-blank string as zero Parameter --------- S : str string that need to be converted as float treating an all-blank string as zero Returns ------- float or zero """ if S.strip(): return float(S) else: return 0.0 def _sint(S): """ convert a string to an integer, treating an all-blank string as zero Parameter --------- S : str string that need to be converted as integer treating an all-blank strings as zero Returns ------- integer or zero """ if S.strip(): return int(S) else: return 0
from skbio.sequence import DNA, RNA, Protein from skbio.alignment._tabular_msa import TabularMSA import parasail class SubstitutionMatrix(object): """ Wrapper around a built-in Parasail substitution matrix. """ def __init__(self, parasail_matrix): self._matrix = parasail_matrix @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): matrix = getattr(parasail, name) return cls(matrix) @classmethod def from_match_mismatch(cls, match, mismatch, alphabet='ACGTU'): matrix = parasail.matrix_create(alphabet, match, mismatch) return cls(matrix) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): alphabet = str(d.keys()) matrix = parasail.matrix_create(alphabet, 1, -1) for i, x in enumerate(alphabet): for j, y in enumerate(alphabet): value = d.get(x, {}).get(y) if value is not None: matrix.set_value(i, j, value) return cls(matrix) class Aligner(object): def __init__(self, gap_open, gap_extend, match_mismatch=None, matrix=None, method=None): self.align_method = _init_parasail_method(method) self.matrix = _init_substitution_matrix(match_mismatch, matrix) self.gap_open = gap_open self.gap_extend = gap_extend def align(self, s1, s2): s1_str = str(s1) s2_str = str(s2) matrix = self.matrix._matrix result = self.align_method( s1_str, s2_str, self.gap_open, self.gap_extend, matrix ) cigar = result.cigar aligned1, aligned2 = _expand_aligned(cigar, s1_str, s2_str) msa = TabularMSA([_wrap_aligned(s1, aligned1), _wrap_aligned(s2, aligned2)]) score = result.score start_end_positions = [(cigar.beg_query, result.end_query), (cigar.beg_ref, result.end_ref)] return msa, score, start_end_positions # Local alignment functions def local_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): # TODO: allow specifying subst. matrix as dict _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return local_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def local_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein,)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='sw' ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Global alignment functions def global_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)) _check_nucleotide_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA)) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return global_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def global_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein, TabularMSA)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='nw', ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Semiglobal alignment functions def semiglobal_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): # TODO: allow specifying subst. matrix as dict _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)) _check_nucleotide_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return semiglobal_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def semiglobal_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein, TabularMSA)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return semiglobal_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def semiglobal_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='sg' ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Internal helpers def _expand_aligned(cigar, seq1, seq2): """ Expand a parasail cigar sequence into two aligned sequences. """ aligned1 = [] aligned2 = [] pos1 = cigar.beg_query pos2 = cigar.beg_ref for s in cigar.seq: op = parasail.Cigar.decode_op(s) ln = parasail.Cigar.decode_len(s) for j in range(0, ln): if op == b'=' or op == b'X': c1 = seq1[pos1] c2 = seq2[pos2] pos1 += 1 pos2 += 1 elif op == b'I': c1 = seq1[pos1] c2 = '-' pos1 += 1 elif op == b'D': c1 = '-' c2 = seq2[pos2] pos2 += 1 else: msg = "Invalid character in cigar string: {!r}".format(op) raise ValueError(msg) aligned1.append(c1) aligned2.append(c2) return "".join(aligned1), "".join(aligned2) def _wrap_aligned(original, aligned): """ Wrap aligned string so that it has the same type as the original sequence. """ constructor = type(original) metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned = constructor(aligned, metadata=metadata, validate=False) return aligned def _check_seq_types(*seqs, types=(DNA, RNA)): """ Check type of sequences to align. Raises ------ TypeError """ if len(seqs) == 0: return seq_types = set(type(seq) for seq in seqs) if len(seq_types) > 1: msg = "sequences must be the same type, but got {}" raise TypeError(msg.format( ", ".join(typ.__name__ for typ in seq_types) )) seq_type = next(iter(seq_types)) if not issubclass(seq_type, types): msg = "sequences must be one of the following: {}, but got type {!r}" raise TypeError( msg.format( ", ".join(typ.__name__ for typ in types), seq_type.__name__ ) ) def _check_protein_seq_types(*seqs): if len(seqs) == 0: return for seq in seqs: if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with Protein dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__ ) def _check_nucleotide_seq_types(*seqs, types=(DNA, RNA)): if len(seqs) == 0: return for seq in seqs: if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, types): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with DNA or RNA dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__ ) def _init_substitution_matrix(match_mismatch_score=None, matrix=None): if matrix is not None: if isinstance(matrix, dict): matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_dict( matrix ) elif isinstance(matrix, str): matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name(matrix) elif match_mismatch_score is not None: matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( *match_mismatch_score ) else: raise ValueError("Supply either a match/mismatch score, " "a name of a substitution matrix (e.g. " "'blosum50'), or a substitution matrix " "instance") return matrix def _init_parasail_method(method): if isinstance(method, str): try: method_name = { 'nw': 'nw_trace', 'sw': 'sw_trace', 'sg': 'sg_trace', }[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No such alignment method: {!r}".format(method)) else: method = getattr(parasail, method_name) return method
from skbio.sequence import DNA, RNA, Protein from skbio.alignment._tabular_msa import TabularMSA import parasail class SubstitutionMatrix(object): """ Wrapper around a built-in Parasail substitution matrix. """ def __init__(self, parasail_matrix): self._matrix = parasail_matrix @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): matrix = getattr(parasail, name) return cls(matrix) @classmethod def from_match_mismatch(cls, match, mismatch, alphabet='ACGTU'): matrix = parasail.matrix_create(alphabet, match, mismatch) return cls(matrix) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): alphabet = str(d.keys()) matrix = parasail.matrix_create(alphabet, 1, -1) for i, x in enumerate(alphabet): for j, y in enumerate(alphabet): value = d.get(x, {}).get(y) if value is not None: matrix.set_value(i, j, value) return cls(matrix) class Aligner(object): def __init__(self, gap_open, gap_extend, match_mismatch=None, matrix=None, method=None): self.align_method = _init_parasail_method(method) self.matrix = _init_substitution_matrix(match_mismatch, matrix) self.gap_open = gap_open self.gap_extend = gap_extend def align(self, s1, s2): s1_str = str(s1) s2_str = str(s2) matrix = self.matrix._matrix result = self.align_method( s1_str, s2_str, self.gap_open, self.gap_extend, matrix ) cigar = result.cigar aligned1, aligned2 = _expand_aligned(cigar, s1_str, s2_str) msa = TabularMSA([_wrap_aligned(s1, aligned1), _wrap_aligned(s2, aligned2)]) score = result.score start_end_positions = [(cigar.beg_query, result.end_query), (cigar.beg_ref, result.end_ref)] return msa, score, start_end_positions # Local alignment functions def local_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): # TODO: allow specifying subst. matrix as dict _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return local_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def local_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein,)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='sw' ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Global alignment functions def global_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)) _check_nucleotide_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA)) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return global_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def global_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein, TabularMSA)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='nw', ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Semiglobal alignment functions def semiglobal_pairwise_align_nucleotide( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): # TODO: allow specifying subst. matrix as dict _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)) _check_nucleotide_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( match_score, mismatch_score ) return semiglobal_pairwise_align( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix ) def semiglobal_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): _check_seq_types(seq1, seq2, types=(Protein, TabularMSA)) _check_protein_seq_types(seq1, seq2) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name("blosum50") return semiglobal_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) def semiglobal_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): aln = Aligner( gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, matrix=substitution_matrix, method='sg' ) return aln.align(seq1, seq2) # Internal helpers def _expand_aligned(cigar, seq1, seq2): """ Expand a parasail cigar sequence into two aligned sequences. """ aligned1 = [] aligned2 = [] pos1 = cigar.beg_query pos2 = cigar.beg_ref for s in cigar.seq: op = parasail.Cigar.decode_op(s) ln = parasail.Cigar.decode_len(s) for j in range(0, ln): if op == b'=' or op == b'X': c1 = seq1[pos1] c2 = seq2[pos2] pos1 += 1 pos2 += 1 elif op == b'I': c1 = seq1[pos1] c2 = '-' pos1 += 1 elif op == b'D': c1 = '-' c2 = seq2[pos2] pos2 += 1 else: msg = "Invalid character in cigar string: {!r}".format(op) raise ValueError(msg) aligned1.append(c1) aligned2.append(c2) return "".join(aligned1), "".join(aligned2) def _wrap_aligned(original, aligned): """ Wrap aligned string so that it has the same type as the original sequence. """ constructor = type(original) metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned = constructor(aligned, metadata=metadata, validate=False) return aligned def _check_seq_types(*seqs, types=(DNA, RNA)): """ Check type of sequences to align. Raises ------ TypeError """ if len(seqs) == 0: return seq_types = set(type(seq) for seq in seqs) if len(seq_types) > 1: msg = "sequences must be the same type, but got {}" raise TypeError(msg.format( ", ".join(typ.__name__ for typ in seq_types) )) seq_type = next(iter(seq_types)) if not issubclass(seq_type, types): msg = "sequences must be one of the following: {}, but got type {!r}" raise TypeError( msg.format( ", ".join(typ.__name__ for typ in types), seq_type.__name__ ) ) def _check_protein_seq_types(*seqs): if len(seqs) == 0: return for seq in seqs: if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with Protein dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__ ) def _check_nucleotide_seq_types(*seqs, types=(DNA, RNA)): if len(seqs) == 0: return for seq in seqs: if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, types): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with DNA or RNA dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__ ) def _init_substitution_matrix(match_mismatch_score=None, matrix=None): if matrix is not None: if isinstance(matrix, dict): matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_dict( matrix ) elif isinstance(matrix, str): matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_name(matrix) elif match_mismatch_score is not None: matrix = SubstitutionMatrix.from_match_mismatch( *match_mismatch_score ) else: raise ValueError("Supply either a match/mismatch score, " "a name of a substitution matrix (e.g. " "'blosum50'), or a substitution matrix " "instance") return matrix def _init_parasail_method(method): if isinstance(method, str): try: method_name = { 'nw': 'nw_trace', 'sw': 'sw_trace', 'sg': 'sg_trace', }[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No such alignment method: {!r}".format(method)) else: method = getattr(parasail, method_name) return method
**Important project update (April 2022):** scikit-bio is currently in maintenance mode. Due to limited developer bandwidth, we are focusing on keeping scikit-bio up-to-date with Python and Python scientific computing libraries. We plan to do this through two annual releases of scikit-bio. At this time, we have less availability for reviewing or adding new features. We realize that scikit-bio is an important tool for the bioinformatics community, and we hope to transition back to more active development in the future. If you're interested in helping by taking a leadership role in the project, please reach out. .. image:: :target: :alt: scikit-bio logo |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |ASV Benchmarks| |Gitter Badge| |Depsy Badge| |Anaconda Build Platforms| |Anaconda Build Version| |License| |Downloads| |Install| scikit-bio is an open-source, BSD-licensed Python 3 package providing data structures, algorithms and educational resources for bioinformatics. To view scikit-bio's documentation, visit ` <>`__. **Note:** scikit-bio is no longer compatible with Python 2. scikit-bio is compatible with Python 3.8 and later. scikit-bio is currently in beta. We are very actively developing it, and **backward-incompatible interface changes can and will arise**. To avoid these types of changes being a surprise to our users, our public APIs are decorated to make it clear to users when an API can be relied upon (stable) and when it may be subject to change (experimental). See the `API stability docs <>`_ for more details, including what we mean by *stable* and *experimental* in this context. Installing ---------- The recommended way to install scikit-bio is via the ``conda`` package manager available in `Anaconda <>`_ or `miniconda <>`_. To install the latest release of scikit-bio:: conda install -c conda-forge scikit-bio Alternatively, you can install scikit-bio using ``pip``:: pip install scikit-bio You can verify your installation by running the scikit-bio unit tests:: python -m skbio.test For users of Debian, ``skbio`` is in the Debian software distribution and may be installed using:: sudo apt-get install python3-skbio python-skbio-doc Getting help ------------ To get help with scikit-bio, you should use the `skbio <>`_ tag on StackOverflow (SO). Before posting a question, check out SO's guide on how to `ask a question <>`_. The scikit-bio developers regularly monitor the ``skbio`` SO tag. Projects using scikit-bio ------------------------- Some of the projects that we know of that are using scikit-bio are: - `QIIME 2 <>`__ - `Emperor <>`__ - `An Introduction to Applied Bioinformatics <>`__ - `tax2tree <>`__ - `Qiita <>`__ - `ghost-tree <>`__ - `Platypus-Conquistador <>`__ If you're using scikit-bio in your own projects, feel free to issue a pull request to add them to this list. scikit-bio development ---------------------- If you're interested in getting involved in scikit-bio development, see ` <>`__. See the list of `scikit-bio's contributors <>`__. Licensing --------- scikit-bio is available under the new BSD license. See `LICENSE.txt <>`__ for scikit-bio's license, and the `licenses directory <>`_ for the licenses of third-party software that is (either partially or entirely) distributed with scikit-bio. The pre-history of scikit-bio ----------------------------- scikit-bio began from code derived from `PyCogent <>`__ and `QIIME <>`__, and the contributors and/or copyright holders have agreed to make the code they wrote for PyCogent and/or QIIME available under the BSD license. The contributors to PyCogent and/or QIIME modules that have been ported to scikit-bio are: Rob Knight (`@rob-knight <>`__), Gavin Huttley (`@gavinhuttley <>`__), Daniel McDonald (`@wasade <>`__), Micah Hamady, Antonio Gonzalez (`@antgonza <>`__), Sandra Smit, Greg Caporaso (`@gregcaporaso <>`__), Jai Ram Rideout (`@jairideout <>`__), Cathy Lozupone (`@clozupone <>`__), Mike Robeson (`@mikerobeson <>`__), Marcin Cieslik, Peter Maxwell, Jeremy Widmann, Zongzhi Liu, Michael Dwan, Logan Knecht (`@loganknecht <>`__), Andrew Cochran, Jose Carlos Clemente (`@cleme <>`__), Damien Coy, Levi McCracken, Andrew Butterfield, Will Van Treuren (`@wdwvt1 <>`__), Justin Kuczynski (`@justin212k <>`__), Jose Antonio Navas Molina (`@josenavas <>`__), Matthew Wakefield (`@genomematt <>`__) and Jens Reeder (`@jensreeder <>`__). Logo ---- scikit-bio's logo was created by `Alina Prassas <>`_. .. |Build Status| image:: :target: .. |Coverage Status| image:: :target: .. |ASV Benchmarks| image:: :target: .. |Gitter Badge| image:: :alt: Join the chat at :target: .. |Depsy Badge| image:: :target: .. |Anaconda Build Platforms| image:: :target: .. |Anaconda Build Version| image:: :target: .. |License| image:: :target: .. |Downloads| image:: :target: .. |Install| image:: :target:
**Important project update (April 2022):** scikit-bio is currently in maintenance mode. Due to limited developer bandwidth, we are focusing on keeping scikit-bio up-to-date with Python and Python scientific computing libraries. We plan to do this through two annual releases of scikit-bio. At this time, we have less availability for reviewing or adding new features. We realize that scikit-bio is an important tool for the bioinformatics community, and we hope to transition back to more active development in the future. If you're interested in helping by taking a leadership role in the project, please reach out. .. image:: :target: :alt: scikit-bio logo |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |ASV Benchmarks| |Gitter Badge| |Depsy Badge| |Anaconda Build Platforms| |Anaconda Build Version| |License| |Downloads| |Install| scikit-bio is an open-source, BSD-licensed Python 3 package providing data structures, algorithms and educational resources for bioinformatics. To view scikit-bio's documentation, visit ` <>`__. **Note:** scikit-bio is no longer compatible with Python 2. scikit-bio is compatible with Python 3.8 and later. scikit-bio is currently in beta. We are very actively developing it, and **backward-incompatible interface changes can and will arise**. To avoid these types of changes being a surprise to our users, our public APIs are decorated to make it clear to users when an API can be relied upon (stable) and when it may be subject to change (experimental). See the `API stability docs <>`_ for more details, including what we mean by *stable* and *experimental* in this context. Installing ---------- The recommended way to install scikit-bio is via the ``conda`` package manager available in `Anaconda <>`_ or `miniconda <>`_. To install the latest release of scikit-bio:: conda install -c conda-forge scikit-bio Alternatively, you can install scikit-bio using ``pip``:: pip install scikit-bio You can verify your installation by running the scikit-bio unit tests:: python -m skbio.test For users of Debian, ``skbio`` is in the Debian software distribution and may be installed using:: sudo apt-get install python3-skbio python-skbio-doc Getting help ------------ To get help with scikit-bio, you should use the `skbio <>`_ tag on StackOverflow (SO). Before posting a question, check out SO's guide on how to `ask a question <>`_. The scikit-bio developers regularly monitor the ``skbio`` SO tag. Projects using scikit-bio ------------------------- Some of the projects that we know of that are using scikit-bio are: - `QIIME 2 <>`__ - `Emperor <>`__ - `An Introduction to Applied Bioinformatics <>`__ - `tax2tree <>`__ - `Qiita <>`__ - `ghost-tree <>`__ - `Platypus-Conquistador <>`__ If you're using scikit-bio in your own projects, feel free to issue a pull request to add them to this list. scikit-bio development ---------------------- If you're interested in getting involved in scikit-bio development, see ` <>`__. See the list of `scikit-bio's contributors <>`__. Licensing --------- scikit-bio is available under the new BSD license. See `LICENSE.txt <>`__ for scikit-bio's license, and the `licenses directory <>`_ for the licenses of third-party software that is (either partially or entirely) distributed with scikit-bio. The pre-history of scikit-bio ----------------------------- scikit-bio began from code derived from `PyCogent <>`__ and `QIIME <>`__, and the contributors and/or copyright holders have agreed to make the code they wrote for PyCogent and/or QIIME available under the BSD license. The contributors to PyCogent and/or QIIME modules that have been ported to scikit-bio are: Rob Knight (`@rob-knight <>`__), Gavin Huttley (`@gavinhuttley <>`__), Daniel McDonald (`@wasade <>`__), Micah Hamady, Antonio Gonzalez (`@antgonza <>`__), Sandra Smit, Greg Caporaso (`@gregcaporaso <>`__), Jai Ram Rideout (`@jairideout <>`__), Cathy Lozupone (`@clozupone <>`__), Mike Robeson (`@mikerobeson <>`__), Marcin Cieslik, Peter Maxwell, Jeremy Widmann, Zongzhi Liu, Michael Dwan, Logan Knecht (`@loganknecht <>`__), Andrew Cochran, Jose Carlos Clemente (`@cleme <>`__), Damien Coy, Levi McCracken, Andrew Butterfield, Will Van Treuren (`@wdwvt1 <>`__), Justin Kuczynski (`@justin212k <>`__), Jose Antonio Navas Molina (`@josenavas <>`__), Matthew Wakefield (`@genomematt <>`__) and Jens Reeder (`@jensreeder <>`__). Logo ---- scikit-bio's logo was created by `Alina Prassas <>`_. .. |Build Status| image:: :target: .. |Coverage Status| image:: :target: .. |ASV Benchmarks| image:: :target: .. |Gitter Badge| image:: :alt: Join the chat at :target: .. |Depsy Badge| image:: :target: .. |Anaconda Build Platforms| image:: :target: .. |Anaconda Build Version| image:: :target: .. |License| image:: :target: .. |Downloads| image:: :target: .. |Install| image:: :target:
# scikit-bio changelog ## Version 0.5.9 ### Features * Adding Variance log ratio estimators in `skbio.stats.composition.vlr` and `skbio.stats.composition.pairwise_vlr` ([#1803]( * Added `skbio.stats.composition.tree_basis` to construct ILR bases from `TreeNode` objects. ([#1862]( * `IntervalMetadata.query` now defaults to obtaining all results, see ([#1817]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * With the introduction of the `tree_basis` object, the ILR bases are now represented in log-odds coordinates rather than in probabilities to minimize issues with numerical stability. Furthermore, the `ilr` and `ilr_inv` functions now takes the `basis` input parameter in terms of log-odds coordinates. This affects the `skbio.stats.composition.sbp_basis` as well. ([#1862]( ### Important * Complex multiple axis indexing operations with `TabularMSA` have been removed from testing due to incompatibilities with modern versions of Pandas. ([#1851]( * Pinning `scipy <= 1.10.1` ([#1851]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed a bug that caused build failure on the ARM64 microarchitecture due to floating-point number handling. ([#1859]( * Never let the Gini index go below 0.0, see [#1844]( * Fixed bug [#1847]( in which the edge from the root was inadvertantly included in the calculation for `descending_branch_length` ### Miscellaneous * Replaced dependencies `CacheControl` and `lockfile` with `requests` to avoid a dependency inconsistency issue of the former. (See [#1863](, merged in [#1859]( * Updated installation instructions for developers in `` ([#1860]( ## Version 0.5.8 ### Features * Added NCBI taxonomy database dump format (`taxdump`) ([#1810]( * Added `TreeNode.from_taxdump` for converting taxdump into a tree ([#1810]( * scikit-learn has been removed as a dependency. This was a fairly heavy-weight dependency that was providing minor functionality to scikit-bio. The critical components have been implemented in scikit-bio directly, and the non-criticial components are listed under "Backward-incompatible changes [experimental]". * Python 3.11 is now supported. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * With the removal of the scikit-learn dependency, three beta diversity metric names can no longer be specified. These are `wminkowski`, `nan_euclidean`, and `haversine`. On testing, `wminkowski` and `haversine` did not work through `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` (or `sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances`). The former was deprecated in favor of calling `minkowski` with a vector of weights provided as kwarg `w` (example below), and the latter does not work with data of this shape. `nan_euclidean` can still be accessed fron scikit-learn directly if needed, if a user installs scikit-learn in their environment (example below). ``` counts = [[23, 64, 14, 0, 0, 3, 1], [0, 3, 35, 42, 0, 12, 1], [0, 5, 5, 0, 40, 40, 0], [44, 35, 9, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 8, 0, 35, 45, 1], [0, 0, 25, 35, 0, 19, 0], [88, 31, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5], [44, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] # new mechanism of accessing wminkowski from skbio.diversity import beta_diversity beta_diversity("minkowski", counts, w=[1,1,1,1,1,1,2]) # accessing nan_euclidean through scikit-learn directly import skbio from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances sklearn_dm = pairwise_distances(counts, metric="nan_euclidean") skbio_dm = skbio.DistanceMatrix(sklearn_dm) ``` ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] * `skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` has been deprecated ([#1814]( and will be removed or replaced in scikit-bio 0.6.0. ### Bug fixes * Use `oldest-supported-numpy` as build dependency. This fixes problems with environments that use an older version of numpy than the one used to build scikit-bio ([#1813]( ## Version 0.5.7 ### Features * Introduce support for Python 3.10 ([#1801]( * Tentative support for Apple M1 ([#1709]( * Added support for reading and writing a binary distance matrix object format. ([#1716]( * Added support for `np.float32` with `DissimilarityMatrix` objects. * Added support for method and number_of_dimensions to permdisp reducing the runtime by 100x at 4000 samples, [issue #1769]( * OrdinationResults object is now accepted as input for permdisp. ### Performance enhancements * Avoid an implicit data copy on construction of `DissimilarityMatrix` objects. * Avoid validation on copy of `DissimilarityMatrix` and `DistanceMatrix` objects, see [PR #1747]( * Use an optimized version of symmetry check in DistanceMatrix, see [PR #1747]( * Avoid performing filtering when ids are identical, see [PR #1752]( * center_distance_matrix has been re-implemented in cython for both speed and memory use. Indirectly speeds up pcoa [PR #1749]( * Use a memory-optimized version of permute in DistanceMatrix, see [PR #1756]( * Refactor pearson and spearman skbio.stats.distance.mantel implementations to drastically improve memory locality. Also cache intermediate results that are invariant across permutations, see [PR #1756]( * Refactor permanova to remove intermediate buffers and cythonize the internals, see [PR #1768]( ### Bug fixes * Fix windows and 32bit incompatibility in `unweighted_unifrac`. ### Miscellaneous * Python 3.6 has been removed from our testing matrix. * Specify build dependencies in pyproject.toml. This allows the package to be installed without having to first manually install numpy. * Update hdmedians package to a version which doesn't require an initial manual numpy install. * Now buildable on non-x86 platforms due to use of the [SIMD Everywhere]( library. * Regenerate Cython wrapper by default to avoid incompatibilities with installed CPython. * Update documentation for the `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` function. ([#1741]( ## Version 0.5.6 ### Features * Added option to return a capture group compiled regex pattern to any class inheriting ``GrammaredSequence`` through the ``to_regex`` method. ([#1431]( * Added `Dissimilarity.within` and `.between` to obtain the respective distances and express them as a `DataFrame`. ([#1662]( * Added Kendall Tau as possible correlation method in the `skbio.stats.distance.mantel` function ([#1675]( * Added support for IUPAC amino acid codes U (selenocysteine), O (pyrrolysine), and J (leucine or isoleucine). ([#1576]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Changed `` from a method to a property. * Added `assign_supports` method to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to extract branch support values from node labels. * Modified the way a node's label is printed: `support:name` if both exist, or `support` or `name` if either exists. ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes * Require `Sphinx <= 3.0`. Newer Sphinx versions caused build errors. [#1719]( * * `skbio.stats.ordination` tests have been relaxed. ([#1713]( * Fixes build errors for newer versions of NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. * Corrected a criticial bug in `skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman`/`skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` which would cause the formatting of the aligned sequences to misplace gap characters by the number of gap characters present in the opposing aligned sequence up to that point. This was caused by a faulty implementation of CIGAR string parsing, see [#1679]( for full details. * Fixes build errors for newer versions of NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. * Corrected a criticial bug in `skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman`/`skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` which would cause the formatting of the aligned sequences to misplace gap characters by the number of gap characters present in the opposing aligned sequence up to that point. This was caused by a faulty implementation of CIGAR string parsing, see [#1679]( for full details. ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` now accepts a pandas DataFrame as input. * Avoid pandas 1.0.0 import warning ([#1688]( * Added support for Python 3.8 and dropped support for Python 3.5. * This version now depends on `scipy >= 1.3` and `pandas >= 1.0`. ## Version 0.5.5 (2018-12-10) ### Features * `skbio.stats.composition` now has methods to compute additive log-ratio transformation and inverse additive log-ratio transformation (`alr`, `alr_inv`) as well as a method to build a basis from a sequential binary partition (`sbp_basis`). ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * Python 3.6 and 3.7 compatibility is now supported * A pytest runner is shipped with every installation ([#1633]( * The nosetest framework has been replaced in favor of pytest ([#1624]( * The numpy docs are deprecated in favor of [Napoleon]( ([#1629]( * This version is now compatible with NumPy >= 1.9.2 and Pandas >= 0.23. ([#1627]( ## Version 0.5.4 (2018-08-23) ### Features * Added `FSVD`, an alternative fast heuristic method to perform Principal Coordinates Analysis, to `skbio.stats.ordination.pcoa`. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements * Added optimized utility methods `f_matrix_inplace` and `e_matrix_inplace` which perform `f_matrix` and `e_matrix` computations in-place and are used by the new `center_distance_matrix` method in `skbio.stats.ordination`. ### Bug fixes ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous ## Version 0.5.3 (2018-08-07) ### Features * Added `unpack` and `unpack_by_func` methods to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to unpack one or multiple internal nodes. The `unpack` operation removes an internal node and regrafts its children to its parent while retaining the overall length. ([#1572]( * Added `support` to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to return the support value of a node. * Added `permdisp` to `skbio.stats.distance` to test for the homogeniety of groups. ([#1228]( * Added `pcoa_biplot` to `skbio.stats.ordination` to project descriptors into a PCoA plot. * Fixed pandas to 0.22.0 due to this: ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes * Relaxing type checking in diversity calculations. ([#1583]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous ## Version 0.5.2 (2018-04-18) ### Features * Added ```` for reading and writing EMBL files for ``DNA``, ``RNA`` and ``Sequence`` classes. * Removing ValueError check in `skbio.stats._subsample.subsample_counts` when `replace=True` and `n` is greater than the number of items in counts. [#1527]( * Added ```` for reading and writing GFF3 files for ``DNA``, ``Sequence``, and ``IntervalMetadata`` classes. ([#1450]( * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor has a new keyword argument, `copy_from`, for creating an `IntervalMetadata` object from an existing `IntervalMetadata` object with specified `upper_bound`. * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor allows `None` as a valid value for `upper_bound`. An `upper_bound` of `None` means that the `IntervalMetadata` object has no upper bound. * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata.drop` has a new boolean parameter `negate` to indicate whether to drop or keep the specified `Interval` objects. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements * `skbio.tree.nj` wall-clock runtime was decreased by 99% for a 500x500 distance matrix and 93% for a 100x100 distance matrix. ([#1512](, [#1513]( ### Bug fixes * The `include_self` parameter was not being honored in ``. The scope of this bug was that if `` was called on a tip, it would always result in an empty `list` when unrolled. * In ``, `proportion_explained` was missing in the returned `OrdinationResults` object. ([#1345]( * `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` now handles qualitative metrics as expected such that `beta_diversity('jaccard', mat) == beta_diversity('jaccard', mat > 0)`. Please see [#1549]( for further detail. * `skbio.stats.ordination.rda` The occasional column mismatch in output `biplot_scores` is fixed ([#1519]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * scikit-bio now depends on pandas >= 0.19.2, and is compatible with newer pandas versions (e.g. 0.20.3) that were previously incompatible. * scikit-bio now depends on `numpy >= 1.9.2, < 1.14.0` for compatibility with Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 and the available numpy conda packages in `defaults` and `conda-forge` channels. * added support for running tests from ``. Both `python nosetests` and `python test` are now supported, however `python test` will only run a subset of the full test suite. ([#1341]( ## Version 0.5.1 (2016-11-12) ### Features * Added `IntervalMetadata` and `Interval` classes in `skbio.metadata` to store, query, and manipulate information of a sub-region of a sequence. ([#1414]( * `Sequence` and its child classes (including `GrammaredSequence`, `RNA`, `DNA`, `Protein`) now accept `IntervalMetadata` in their constructor API. Some of their relevant methods are also updated accordingly. ([#1430]( * GenBank parser now reads and writes `Sequence` or its subclass objects with `IntervalMetadata`. ([#1440]( * `DissimilarityMatrix` now has a new constructor method called `from_iterable`. ([#1343]( * `DissimilarityMatrix` now allows non-hollow matrices. ([#1343]( * `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` now accepts a `validate=True` parameter. ([#1343]( * ``DistanceMatrix`` now has a new method called ``to_series`` to create a ``pandas.Series`` from a ``DistanceMatrix`` ([#1397]( * Added parallel beta diversity calculation support via `skbio.diversity.block_beta_diversity`. The issue and idea is discussed in ([#1181](, while the actual code changes are in [#1352]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * The constructor API for `Sequence` and its child classes (including `GrammaredSequence`, `RNA`, `DNA`, `Protein`) are changed from `(sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, lowercase=False)` to `(sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, interval_metadata=None, lowercase=False)` The changes are made to allow these classes to adopt `IntervalMetadata` object for interval features on the sequence. The `interval_metadata` parameter is added imediately after `positional_metadata` instead of appended to the end, because it is more natural and logical and, more importantly, because it is unlikely in practice to break user code. A user's code would break only if they had supplied `metadata`, `postional_metadata`, and `lowercase` parameters positionally. In the unlikely event that this happens, users will get an error telling them a bool isn't a valid `IntervalMetadata` type, so it won't silently produce buggy behavior. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Modifying basis handling in `skbio.stats.composition.ilr_inv` prior to checking for orthogonality. Now the basis is strictly assumed to be in the Aitchison simplex. * `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` default behavior is now to validate matrix by computing all pairwise distances. Pass `validate=False` to get the previous behavior (no validation, but faster execution).([#1343]( * GenBank I/O now parses sequence features into the attribute of `interval_metadata` instead of `positiona_metadata`. And the key of `FEATURES` is removed from `metadata` attribute. ### Performance enhancements * `TreeNode.shear` was rewritten for approximately a 25% performance increase. ([#1399]( * The `IntervalMetadata` allows dramatic decrease in memory usage in reading GenBank files of feature rich sequences. ([#1159]( ### Bug fixes * `skbio.tree.TreeNode.prune` and implicitly `skbio.tree.TreeNode.shear` were not handling a situation in which a parent was validly removed during pruning operations as may happen if the resulting subtree does not include the root. Previously, an `AttributeError` would raise as `parent` would be `None` in this situation. * numpy linking was fixed for installation under El Capitan. * A bug was introduced in #1398 into `TreeNode.prune` and fixed in #1416 in which, under the special case of a single descendent existing from the root, the resulting children parent references were not updated. The cause of the bug was a call made to `self.children.extend` as opposed to `self.extend` where the former is a `list.extend` without knowledge of the tree, while the latter is `TreeNode.extend` which is able to adjust references to `self.parent`. ### Miscellaneous * Removed deprecated functions from `skbio.util`: `is_casava_v180_or_later`, `remove_files`, and `create_dir`. * Removed deprecated `skbio.Sequence.copy` method. ## Version 0.5.0 (2016-06-14) **IMPORTANT**: scikit-bio is no longer compatible with Python 2. scikit-bio is compatible with Python 3.4 and later. ### Features * Added more descriptive error message to `` when attempting to read without specifying `into` and when there is no generator reader. ([#1326]( * Added support for reference tags to `` reader and writer. ([#1348]( * Expanded error message in `` reader when `constructor` is not passed, in order to provide better explanation to user. ([#1327]( * Added `skbio.sequence.distance.kmer_distance` for computing the kmer distance between two sequences. ([#913]( * Added `skbio.sequence.Sequence.replace` for assigning a character to positions in a `Sequence`. ([#1222]( * Added support for `pandas.RangeIndex`, lowering the memory footprint of default integer index objects. `Sequence.positional_metadata` and `TabularMSA.positional_metadata` now use `pd.RangeIndex` as the positional metadata index. `TabularMSA` now uses `pd.RangeIndex` as the default index. Usage of `pd.RangeIndex` over the previous `pd.Int64Index` [should be transparent](, so these changes should be non-breaking to users. scikit-bio now depends on pandas >= 0.18.0 ([#1308]( * Added `reset_index=False` parameter to `TabularMSA.append` and `TabularMSA.extend` for resetting the MSA's index to the default index after appending/extending. * Added support for partial pairwise calculations via `skbio.diversity.partial_beta_diversity`. ([#1221](, [#1337]( This function is immediately deprecated as its return type will change in the future and should be used with caution in its present form (see the function's documentation for details). * `TemporaryFile` and `NamedTemporaryFile` are now supported IO sources for `` and related functionality. ([#1291]( * Added `tree_node_class=TreeNode` parameter to `skbio.tree.majority_rule` to support returning consensus trees of type `TreeNode` (the default) or a type that has the same interface as `TreeNode` (e.g. `TreeNode` subclasses) ([#1193]( * `TreeNode.from_linkage_matrix` and `TreeNode.from_taxonomy` now support constructing `TreeNode` subclasses. `TreeNode.bifurcate` now supports `TreeNode` subclasses ([#1193]( * The `ignore_metadata` keyword has been added to `TabularMSA.iter_positions` to improve performance when metadata is not necessary. * Pairwise aligners in `skbio.alignment` now propagate per-sequence `metadata` objects (this does not include `positional_metadata`). ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * `TabularMSA.append` and `TabularMSA.extend` now require one of `minter`, `index`, or `reset_index` to be provided when incorporating new sequences into an MSA. Previous behavior was to auto-increment the index labels if `minter` and `index` weren't provided and the MSA had a default integer index, otherwise error. Use `reset_index=True` to obtain the previous behavior in a more explicit way. * `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` now returns two `pd.DataFrame` objects, where it previously returned one. The first contains the ANCOM test results, as before, and the second contains percentile abundances of each feature in each group. The specific percentiles that are computed and returned is controlled by the new `percentiles` parameter to `skbio.stats.composition.ancom`. In the future, this second `pd.DataFrame` will not be returned by this function, but will be available through the [contingency table API]( ([#1293]( * `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` now performs multiple comparisons correction by default. The previous behavior of not performing multiple comparisons correction can be achieved by passing ``multiple_comparisons_correction=None``. * The ``reject`` column in the first ``pd.DataFrame`` returned from `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` has been renamed ``Reject null hypothesis`` for clarity. ([#1375]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed row and column names to `biplot_scores` in the `OrdinationResults` object from `skbio.stats.ordination`. This fix affect the `cca` and `rda` methods. ([#1322]( * Fixed bug when using `` reader on file with multi-line tree with no id. Previously this raised an `AttributeError`, now it correctly handles this type of tree. ([#1334]( * Fixed bug when reading Stockholm files with GF or GS features split over multiple lines. Previously, the feature text was simply concatenated because it was assumed to have trailing whitespace. There are examples of Stockholm files with and without trailing whitespace for multi-line features, so the `` reader now adds a single space when concatenating feature text without trailing whitespace to avoid joining words together. Multi-line trees stored as GF metadata are concatenated as they appear in the file; a space is not added when concatenating. ([#1328]( * Fixed bug when using `Sequence.iter_kmers` on empty `Sequence` object. Previously this raised a `ValueError`, now it returns an empty generator. * Fixed minor bug where adding sequences to an empty `TabularMSA` with MSA-wide `positional_metadata` would result in a `TabularMSA` object in an inconsistent state. This could happen using `TabularMSA.append` or `TabularMSA.extend`. This bug only affects a `TabularMSA` object *without* sequences that has MSA-wide `positional_metadata` (for example, `TabularMSA([], positional_metadata={'column': []})`). * `TreeNode.distance` now handles the situation in which `self` or `other` are ancestors. Previosly, a node further up the tree was used resulting in inflated distances. ([#807]( * `TreeNode.prune` can now handle a root with a single descendent. Previously, the root was ignored from possibly having a single descendent. ([#1247]( * Providing the `format` keyword to `` when creating a generator with an empty file will now return an empty generator instead of raising `StopIteration`. ([#1313]( * `OrdinationResults` is now importable from `skbio` and `skbio.stats.ordination` and correctly linked from the documentation ([#1205]( * Fixed performance bug in pairwise aligners resulting in 100x worse performance than in 0.2.4. ### Deprecated functionality [stable] * Deprecated use of the term "non-degenerate", in favor of "definite". `GrammaredSequence.nondegenerate_chars`, `GrammaredSequence.nondegenerates`, and `GrammaredSequence.has_nondegenerates` have been renamed to `GrammaredSequence.definite_chars`, `GrammaredSequence.definites`, and `GrammaredSequence.has_definites`, respectively. The old names will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.2. Relevant affected public classes include `GrammaredSequence`, `DNA`, `RNA`, and `Protein`. ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] * Deprecated function `skbio.util.create_dir`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.1. Please use the Python standard library functionality described [here]( ([#833]( * Deprecated function `skbio.util.remove_files`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.1. Please use the Python standard library functionality described [here]( ([#833]( * Deprecated function `skbio.util.is_casava_v180_or_later`. This function will be removed in 0.5.1. Functionality moved to FASTQ sniffer. ([#833]( ### Miscellaneous * When installing scikit-bio via `pip`, numpy must now be installed first ([#1296]( ## Version 0.4.2 (2016-02-17) Minor maintenance release. **This is the last Python 2.7 compatible release. Future scikit-bio releases will only support Python 3.** ### Features * Added `skbio.tree.TreeNode.bifurcate` for converting multifurcating trees into bifurcating trees. ([#896]( * Added `` for reading Stockholm files into a `TabularMSA` and writing from a `TabularMSA`. ([#967]( * scikit-bio `Sequence` objects have better compatibility with numpy. For example, calling `np.asarray(sequence)` now converts the sequence to a numpy array of characters (the same as calling `sequence.values`). * Added `skbio.sequence.distance` subpackage for computing distances between scikit-bio `Sequence` objects ([#913]( * Added ``skbio.sequence.GrammaredSequence``, which can be inherited from to create grammared sequences with custom alphabets (e.g., for use with TabularMSA) ([#1175]( * Added ``skbio.util.classproperty`` decorator ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * When sniffing or reading a file (``, ``, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `` now raises a `TypeError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary because it fixes a bug (more details in bug fix section below). * When reading a FASTQ or QSEQ file and passing `variant='solexa'`, `ValueError` is now raised instead of `NotImplementedError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary to avoid creating a spin-locked process due to [a bug in Python]( See [#1256]( for details. This change is temporary and will be reverted to `NotImplementedError` when the bug is fixed in Python. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * ``: When reading GenBank files, the date field of the LOCUS line is no longer parsed into a `datetime.datetime` object and is left as a string. When writing GenBank files, the locus date metadata is expected to be a string instead of a `datetime.datetime` object ([#1153]( * `Sequence.distance` now converts the input sequence (`other`) to its type before passing both sequences to `metric`. Previous behavior was to always convert to `Sequence`. ### Bug fixes * Fixed bug when using `Sequence.distance` or `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` to compute distances between `Sequence` objects with differing `metadata`/`positional_metadata` and passing `metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming` ([#1254]( * Fixed performance bug when computing Hamming distances between `Sequence` objects in `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` ([#1250]( * Changed `skbio.stats.composition.multiplicative_replacement` to raise an error whenever a large value of `delta` is chosen ([#1241]( * When sniffing or reading a file (``, ``, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `` now raises a `TypeError`. The file format's `newline` character will be used when opening the file. Previous behavior allowed overriding the format's `newline` character but this could cause issues with readers that assume newline characters are those defined by the file format (which is an entirely reasonable assumption). This bug is very unlikely to have surfaced in practice as the default `newline` behavior is *universal newlines mode*. * DNA, RNA, and Protein are no longer inheritable because they assume an IUPAC alphabet. * `DistanceMatrix` constructor provides more informative error message when data contains NaNs ([#1276]( ### Miscellaneous * Warnings raised by scikit-bio now share a common subclass ``skbio.util.SkbioWarning``. ## Version 0.4.1 (2015-12-09) ### Features * The ``TabularMSA`` object was added to represent and operate on tabular multiple sequence alignments. This satisfies [RFC 1]( See the ``TabularMSA`` docs for full details. * Added phylogenetic diversity metrics, including weighted UniFrac, unweighted UniFrac, and Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity. These are accessible as ``skbio.diversity.beta.unweighted_unifrac``, ``skbio.diversity.beta.weighted_unifrac``, and ``skbio.diversity.alpha.faith_pd``, respectively. * Addition of the function ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` to support applying an alpha diversity metric to multiple samples in one call. * Addition of the functions ``skbio.diversity.get_alpha_diversity_metrics`` and ``skbio.diversity.get_beta_diversity_metrics`` to support discovery of the alpha and beta diversity metrics implemented in scikit-bio. * Added `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` function, a test for OTU differential abundance across sample categories. ([#1054]( * Added `` for reading BLAST+ output format 7 or BLAST output format 9 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([#1110]( * Added `skbio.DissimilarityMatrix.to_data_frame` method for creating a ``pandas.DataFrame`` from a `DissimilarityMatrix` or `DistanceMatrix`. ([#757]( * Added support for one-dimensional vector of dissimilarities in `skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix` constructor. ([#6240]( * Added `` for reading BLAST+ output format 6 or BLAST output format 8 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([#1110]( * Added `inner`, `ilr`, `ilr_inv` and `clr_inv`, ``skbio.stats.composition``, which enables linear transformations on compositions ([#892]( * Added ``skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`` function as an evenness metric of alpha diversity. ([#1068]( * Added `to_regex` method to `skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence` ABC - it returns a regex object that matches all non-degenerate versions of the sequence. * Added ``skbio.util.assert_ordination_results_equal`` function for comparing ``OrdinationResults`` objects in unit tests. * Added ```` for reading and writing GenBank/GenPept for ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein`` and ``Sequence`` classes. * Added ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` for warning about substitutions, assumptions, or particular alterations that were made for the successful completion of a process. * ``TreeNode.tip_tip_distances`` now supports nodes without an associated length. In this case, a length of 0.0 is assumed and an ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` is raised. Previous behavior was to raise a ``NoLengthError``. ([#791]( * ``DistanceMatrix`` now has a new constructor method called `from_iterable`. * ``Sequence`` now accepts ``lowercase`` keyword like ``DNA`` and others. Updated ``fasta``, ``fastq``, and ``qseq`` readers/writers for ``Sequence`` to reflect this. * The ``lowercase`` method has been moved up to ``Sequence`` meaning all sequence objects now have a ``lowercase`` method. * Added ``reverse_transcribe`` class method to ``RNA``. * Added `Sequence.observed_chars` property for obtaining the set of observed characters in a sequence. ([#1075]( * Added `Sequence.frequencies` method for computing character frequencies in a sequence. ([#1074]( * Added experimental class-method ``Sequence.concat`` which will produce a new sequence from an iterable of existing sequences. Parameters control how positional metadata is propagated during a concatenation. * ``TreeNode.to_array`` now supports replacing ``nan`` branch lengths in the resulting branch length vector with the value provided as ``nan_length_value``. * ```` now supports sniffing and reading strict, sequential PHYLIP-formatted files into ``skbio.Alignment`` objects. ([#1006]( * Added `default_gap_char` class property to ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein`` for representing gap characters in a new sequence. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * `Sequence.kmer_frequencies` now returns a `dict`. Previous behavior was to return a `collections.Counter` if `relative=False` was passed, and a `collections.defaultdict` if `relative=True` was passed. In the case of a missing key, the `Counter` would return 0 and the `defaultdict` would return 0.0. Because the return type is now always a `dict`, attempting to access a missing key will raise a `KeyError`. This change *may* break backwards-compatibility depending on how the `Counter`/`defaultdict` is being used. We hope that in most cases this change will not break backwards-compatibility because both `Counter` and `defaultdict` are `dict` subclasses. If the previous behavior is desired, convert the `dict` into a `Counter`/`defaultdict`: ```python import collections from skbio import Sequence seq = Sequence('ACCGAGTTTAACCGAATA') # Counter freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8) freqs_counter = collections.Counter(freqs_dict) # defaultdict freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8, relative=True) freqs_default_dict = collections.defaultdict(float, freqs_dict) ``` **Rationale:** We believe it is safer to return `dict` instead of `Counter`/`defaultdict` as this may prevent error-prone usage of the return value. Previous behavior allowed accessing missing kmers, returning 0 or 0.0 depending on the `relative` parameter. This is convenient in many cases but also potentially misleading. For example, consider the following code: ```python from skbio import Sequence seq = Sequence('ACCGAGTTTAACCGAATA') freqs = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8) freqs['ACCGA'] ``` Previous behavior would return 0 because the kmer `'ACCGA'` is not present in the `Counter`. In one respect this is the correct answer because we asked for kmers of length 8; `'ACCGA'` is a different length so it is not included in the results. However, we believe it is safer to avoid this implicit behavior in case the user assumes there are no `'ACCGA'` kmers in the sequence (which there are!). A `KeyError` in this case is more explicit and forces the user to consider their query. Returning a `dict` will also be consistent with `Sequence.frequencies`. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Replaced ``PCoA``, ``CCA``, ``CA`` and ``RDA`` in ``skbio.stats.ordination`` with equivalent functions ``pcoa``, ``cca``, ``ca`` and ``rda``. These functions now take ``pd.DataFrame`` objects. * Change ``OrdinationResults`` to have its attributes based on ``pd.DataFrame`` and ``pd.Series`` objects, instead of pairs of identifiers and values. The changes are as follows: - ``species`` and ``species_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``features``. - ``site`` and ``site_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``samples``. - ``eigvals`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object. - ``proportion_explained`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object. - ``biplot`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``biplot_scores``. - ``site_constraints`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``sample_constraints``. * ``short_method_name`` and ``long_method_name`` are now required arguments of the ``OrdinationResults`` object. * Removed `skbio.diversity.alpha.equitability`. Please use `skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`, which is more accurately named and better documented. Note that `equitability` by default used logarithm base 2 while `pielou_e` uses logarithm base `e` as described in Heip 1974. * ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` is now called ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``. This function no longer defines a default metric, and ``metric`` is now the first argument to this function. This function can also now take a pairwise distances function as ``pairwise_func``. * Deprecated function ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table`` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Code that used this should be adapted to use ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``. * ``TreeNode.index_tree`` now returns a 2-D numpy array as its second return value (the child node index) instead of a 1-D numpy array. * Deprecated functions `skbio.draw.boxplots` and `skbio.draw.grouped_distributions` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. These functions generated plots that were not specific to bioinformatics. These types of plots can be generated with seaborn or another general-purpose plotting package. * Deprecated function `skbio.stats.power.bootstrap_power_curve` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Use `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` or `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power` followed by `skbio.stats.power.confidence_bound`. * Deprecated function `skbio.stats.spatial.procrustes` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of `scipy.spatial.procrustes`. * Deprecated class `skbio.tree.CompressedTrie` and function `skbio.tree.fasta_to_pairlist` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of existing general-purpose Python trie packages. * Deprecated function `skbio.util.flatten` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of solutions available in the Python standard library (see [here]( and [here]( for examples). * Pairwise alignment functions in `skbio.alignment` now return a tuple containing the `TabularMSA` alignment, alignment score, and start/end positions. The returned `TabularMSA`'s `index` is always the default integer index; sequence IDs are no longer propagated to the MSA. Additionally, the pairwise alignment functions now accept the following input types to align: - `local_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA` or `RNA` - `local_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein` - `local_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence` - `global_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `TabularMSA[DNA|RNA]` - `global_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein` or `TabularMSA[Protein]` - `global_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence` or `TabularMSA` - `local_pairwise_align_ssw`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `Protein`. Additionally, this function now overrides the `protein` kwarg based on input type. `constructor` parameter was removed because the function now determines the return type based on input type. * Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection` in favor of using a list or other standard library containers to store scikit-bio sequence objects (most `SequenceCollection` operations were simple list comprehensions). Use `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` instead of `SequenceCollection.distances` (pass `key="id"` to exactly match original behavior). * Removed `skbio.alignment.Alignment` in favor of `skbio.alignment.TabularMSA`. * Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollectionError` and `skbio.alignment.AlignmentError` exceptions as their corresponding classes no longer exist. ### Bug Fixes * ``Sequence`` objects now handle slicing of empty positional metadata correctly. Any metadata that is empty will no longer be propagated by the internal ``_to`` constructor. ([#1133]( * ``DissimilarityMatrix.plot()`` no longer leaves a white border around the heatmap it plots (PR #1070). * TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` no longer fails when a node with two equal length child branches exists in the tree. ([#1077]( * ``TreeNode._set_max_distance``, as called through ``TreeNode.get_max_distance`` or ``TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` would store distance information as ``list``s in the attribute ``MaxDistTips`` on each node in the tree, however, these distances were only valid for the node in which the call to ``_set_max_distance`` was made. The values contained in ``MaxDistTips`` are now correct across the tree following a call to ``get_max_distance``. The scope of impact of this bug is limited to users that were interacting directly with ``MaxDistTips`` on descendant nodes; this bug does not impact any known method within scikit-bio. ([#1223]( * Added missing `nose` dependency to's `install_requires`. ([#1214]( * Fixed issue that resulted in legends of ``OrdinationResult`` plots sometimes being truncated. ([#1210]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] * `skbio.Sequence.copy` has been deprecated in favor of `copy.copy(seq)` and `copy.deepcopy(seq)`. ### Miscellaneous * Doctests are now written in Python 3. * ``make test`` now validates using [check-manifest]( ([#461]( * Many new alpha diversity equations added to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` documentation. ([#321]( * Order of ``lowercase`` and ``validate`` keywords swapped in ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein``. ## Version 0.4.0 (2015-07-08) Initial beta release. In addition to the changes detailed below, the following subpackages have been mostly or entirely rewritten and most of their APIs are substantially different (and improved!): * `skbio.sequence` * `` The APIs of these subpackages are now stable, and all others are experimental. See the [API stability docs]( for more details, including what we mean by *stable* and *experimental* in this context. We recognize that this is a lot of backward-incompatible changes. To avoid these types of changes being a surprise to our users, our public APIs are now decorated to make it clear to developers when an API can be relied upon (stable) and when it may be subject to change (experimental). ### Features * Added `skbio.stats.composition` for analyzing data made up of proportions * Added new ``skbio.stats.evolve`` subpackage for evolutionary statistics. Currently contains a single function, ``hommola_cospeciation``, which implements a permutation-based test of correlation between two distance matrices. * Added support for ```` and ```` to pull files from HTTP and HTTPS URLs. This behavior propagates to the I/O registry. * FASTA/QUAL (````) and FASTQ (````) readers now allow blank or whitespace-only lines at the beginning of the file, between records, or at the end of the file. A blank or whitespace-only line in any other location will continue to raise an error [#781]( * scikit-bio now ignores leading and trailing whitespace characters on each line while reading FASTA/QUAL and FASTQ files. * Added `ratio` parameter to `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power`. This allows the user to calculate power on groups for uneven size (For example, draw twice as many samples from Group B than Group A). If `ratio` is not set, group sizes will remain equal across all groups. * Power calculations (`skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` and `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power`) can use test functions that return multiple p values, like some multivariate linear regression models. Previously, the power calculations required the test to return a single p value. * Added ``skbio.util.assert_data_frame_almost_equal`` function for comparing ``pd.DataFrame`` objects in unit tests. ### Performance enhancements * The speed of quality score decoding has been significantly improved (~2x) when reading `fastq` files. * The speed of `NucleotideSequence.reverse_complement` has been improved (~6x). ### Bug fixes * Changed `Sequence.distance` to raise an error any time two sequences are passed of different lengths regardless of the `distance_fn` being passed. [(#514)]( * Fixed issue with ``TreeNode.extend`` where if given the children of another ``TreeNode`` object (``tree.children``), both trees would be left in an incorrect and unpredictable state. ([#889]( * Changed the way power was calculated in `subsample_paired_power` to move the subsample selection before the test is performed. This increases the number of Monte Carlo simulations performed during power estimation, and improves the accuracy of the returned estimate. Previous power estimates from `subsample_paired_power` should be disregarded and re-calculated. ([#910]( * Fixed issue where `randdm` was attempting to create asymmetric distance matrices.This was causing an error to be raised by the `DistanceMatrix` constructor inside of the `randdm` function, so that `randdm` would fail when attempting to create large distance matrices. ([#943]( ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated `skbio.util.flatten`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.1. Please use standard python library functionality described here [Making a flat list out of lists of lists](, [Flattening a shallow list]( ([#833]( * Deprecated `skbio.stats.power.bootstrap_power_curve` will be removed in scikit-bio 0.4.1. It is deprecated in favor of using ``subsample_power`` or ``sample_paired_power`` to calculate a power matrix, and then the use of ``confidence_bounds`` to calculate the average and confidence intervals. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed the following deprecated functionality: - `skbio.parse` subpackage, including `SequenceIterator`, `FastaIterator`, `FastqIterator`, `load`, `parse_fasta`, `parse_fastq`, `parse_qual`, `write_clustal`, `parse_clustal`, and `FastqParseError`; please use `` instead. - `skbio.format` subpackage, including `fasta_from_sequence`, `fasta_from_alignment`, and `format_fastq_record`; please use `` instead. - `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection.int_map`; please use `SequenceCollection.update_ids` instead. - `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection` methods `to_fasta` and `toFasta`; please use `SequenceCollection.write` instead. - `constructor` parameter in `skbio.alignment.Alignment.majority_consensus`; please convert returned biological sequence object manually as desired (e.g., `str(seq)`). - `skbio.alignment.Alignment.to_phylip`; please use `Alignment.write` instead. - `skbio.sequence.BiologicalSequence.to_fasta`; please use `BiologicalSequence.write` instead. - `skbio.tree.TreeNode` methods `from_newick`, `from_file`, and `to_newick`; please use `` and `TreeNode.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix` methods `from_file` and `to_file`; please use `` and `DissimilarityMatrix.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults` methods `from_file` and `to_file`; please use `` and `OrdinationResults.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.p_value_to_str`; there is no replacement. - `skbio.stats.subsample`; please use `skbio.stats.subsample_counts` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`; please use `skbio.stats.distance.anosim` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`; please use `skbio.stats.distance.permanova` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.CategoricalStatsResults`; there is no replacement, please use `skbio.stats.distance.anosim` or `skbio.stats.distance.permanova`, which will return a `pandas.Series` object. * `skbio.alignment.Alignment.majority_consensus` now returns `BiologicalSequence('')` if the alignment is empty. Previously, `''` was returned. * `min_observations` was removed from `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` and `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power`. The minimum number of samples for subsampling depends on the data set and statistical tests. Having a default parameter to set unnecessary limitations on the technique. ### Miscellaneous * Changed testing procedures - Developers should now use `make test` - Users can use `python -m skbio.test` - Added `skbio.util._testing.TestRunner` (available through `skbio.util.TestRunner`). Used to provide a `test` method for each module init file. This class represents a unified testing path which wraps all `skbio` testing functionality. - Autodetect Python version and disable doctests for Python 3. * `numpy` is no longer required to be installed before installing scikit-bio! * Upgraded to check source files non-conforming to [new header style]( ([#855]( * Updated to use `natsort` >= 4.0.0. * The method of subsampling was changed for ``skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power``. Rather than drawing a paired sample for the run and then subsampling for each count, the subsample is now drawn for each sample and each run. In test data, this did not significantly alter the power results. * now enforces `__future__` imports in .py files. ## Version 0.2.3 (2015-02-13) ### Features * Modified ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` to accept a list of filepaths. This is useful as it allows for a smaller amount of memory consumption as it only loads two matrices at a time as opposed to requiring that all distance matrices are loaded into memory. * Added ``skbio.util.find_duplicates`` for finding duplicate elements in an iterable. ### Bug fixes * Fixed floating point precision bugs in ``Alignment.position_frequencies``, ``Alignment.position_entropies``, ``Alignment.omit_gap_positions``, ``Alignment.omit_gap_sequences``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies``, and ``SequenceCollection.k_word_frequencies`` ([#801]( ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed ``feature_types`` attribute from ``BiologicalSequence`` and all subclasses ([#797]( * Removed ``find_features`` method from ``BiologicalSequence`` and ``ProteinSequence`` ([#797]( * ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies`` now returns a ``collections.defaultdict`` of type ``float`` instead of type ``int``. This only affects the "default" case, when a key isn't present in the dictionary. Previous behavior would return ``0`` as an ``int``, while the new behavior is to return ``0.0`` as a ``float``. This change also affects the ``defaultdict``s that are returned by ``SequenceCollection.k_word_frequencies``. ### Miscellaneous * ``DissimilarityMatrix`` and ``DistanceMatrix`` now report duplicate IDs in the ``DissimilarityMatrixError`` message that can be raised during validation. ## Version 0.2.2 (2014-12-04) ### Features * Added ``plot`` method to ``skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix`` for creating basic heatmaps of a dissimilarity/distance matrix (see [#684]( Also added ``_repr_png_`` and ``_repr_svg_`` methods for automatic display in the IPython Notebook, with ``png`` and ``svg`` properties for direct access. * Added `__str__` method to `skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`. * Added ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova`` functions, which replace the ``skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`` classes. These new functions provide simpler procedural interfaces to running these statistical methods. They also provide more convenient access to results by returning a ``pandas.Series`` instead of a ``CategoricalStatsResults`` object. These functions have more extensive documentation than their previous versions. If significance tests are suppressed, p-values are returned as ``np.nan`` instead of ``None`` for consistency with other statistical methods in scikit-bio. [#754]( * Added `skbio.stats.power` for performing empirical power analysis. The module uses existing datasets and iteratively draws samples to estimate the number of samples needed to see a significant difference for a given critical value. * Added `skbio.stats.isubsample` for subsampling from an unknown number of values. This method supports subsampling from multiple partitions and does not require that all items be stored in memory, requiring approximately `O(N*M)`` space where `N` is the number of partitions and `M` is the maximum subsample size. * Added ``skbio.stats.subsample_counts``, which replaces ``skbio.stats.subsample``. See deprecation section below for more details ([#770]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed issue where SSW wouldn't compile on i686 architectures ([#409]( ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.p_value_to_str``. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. Permutation-based p-values in scikit-bio are calculated as ``(num_extreme + 1) / (num_permutations + 1)``, so it is impossible to obtain a p-value of zero. This function historically existed for correcting the number of digits displayed when obtaining a p-value of zero. Since this is no longer possible, this functionality will be removed. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`` in favor of ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova``, respectively. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.distance.CategoricalStatsResults`` in favor of using ``pandas.Series`` to store statistical method results. ``anosim`` and ``permanova`` return ``pandas.Series`` instead of ``CategoricalStatsResults``. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.subsample`` in favor of ``skbio.stats.subsample_counts``, which provides an identical interface; only the function name has changed. ``skbio.stats.subsample`` will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Deprecation warnings are now raised using ``DeprecationWarning`` instead of ``UserWarning`` ([#774]( ### Miscellaneous * The ``pandas.DataFrame`` returned by ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` now stores p-values as floats and does not convert them to strings with a specific number of digits. p-values that were previously stored as "N/A" are now stored as ``np.nan`` for consistency with other statistical methods in scikit-bio. See note in "Deprecated functionality" above regarding ``p_value_to_str`` for details. * scikit-bio now supports versions of IPython < 2.0.0 ([#767]( ## Version 0.2.1 (2014-10-27) This is an alpha release of scikit-bio. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. Unified I/O with the scikit-bio I/O registry was the focus of this release. ### Features * Added ``strict`` and ``lookup`` optional parameters to ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` for handling reordering and matching of IDs when provided ``DistanceMatrix`` instances as input (these parameters were previously only available in ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel``). * ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` now accepts an iterable of ``array_like`` objects. Previously, only ``DistanceMatrix`` instances were allowed. * Added ``plot`` method to ``skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`` for creating basic 3-D matplotlib scatterplots of ordination results, optionally colored by metadata in a ``pandas.DataFrame`` (see [#518]( Also added ``_repr_png_`` and ``_repr_svg_`` methods for automatic display in the IPython Notebook, with ``png`` and ``svg`` properties for direct access. * Added ``skbio.stats.ordination.assert_ordination_results_equal`` for comparing ``OrdinationResults`` objects for equality in unit tests. * ``BiologicalSequence`` (and its subclasses) now optionally store Phred quality scores. A biological sequence's quality scores are stored as a 1-D ``numpy.ndarray`` of nonnegative integers that is the same length as the biological sequence. Quality scores can be provided upon object instantiation via the keyword argument ``quality``, and can be retrieved via the ``BiologicalSequence.quality`` property. ``BiologicalSequence.has_quality`` is also provided for determining whether a biological sequence has quality scores or not. See [#616]( for more details. * Added ``BiologicalSequence.sequence`` property for retrieving the underlying string representing the sequence characters. This was previously (and still is) accessible via ``BiologicalSequence.__str__``. It is provided via a property for convenience and explicitness. * Added ``BiologicalSequence.equals`` for full control over equality testing of biological sequences. By default, biological sequences must have the same type, underlying sequence of characters, identifier, description, and quality scores to compare equal. These properties can be ignored via the keyword argument ``ignore``. The behavior of ``BiologicalSequence.__eq__``/``__ne__`` remains unchanged (only type and underlying sequence of characters are compared). * Added ``BiologicalSequence.copy`` for creating a copy of a biological sequence, optionally with one or more attributes updated. * ``BiologicalSequence.__getitem__`` now supports specifying a sequence of indices to take from the biological sequence. * Methods to read and write taxonomies are now available under ``skbio.tree.TreeNode.from_taxonomy`` and ``skbio.tree.TreeNode.to_taxonomy`` respectively. * Added ``SequenceCollection.update_ids``, which provides a flexible way of updating sequence IDs on a ``SequenceCollection`` or ``Alignment`` (note that a new object is returned, since instances of these classes are immutable). Deprecated ``SequenceCollection.int_map`` in favor of this new method; it will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. * Added ``skbio.util.cardinal_to_ordinal`` for converting a cardinal number to ordinal string (e.g., useful for error messages). * New I/O Registry: supports multiple file formats, automatic file format detection when reading, unified procedural ```` and ```` in addition to OOP interfaces (``read/write`` methods) on the below objects. See ```` for more details. - Added "clustal" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``Alignment`` * Writers: ``Alignment`` - Added "lsmat" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``DissimilarityMatrix``, ``DistanceMatrix`` * Writers: ``DissimilarityMatrix``, ``DistanceMatrix`` - Added "ordination" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``OrdinationResults`` * Writers: ``OrdinationResults`` - Added "newick" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``TreeNode`` * Writers: ``TreeNode`` - Added "phylip" format support: * No sniffer * Readers: None * Writers: ``Alignment`` - Added "qseq" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: None - Added "fasta"/QUAL format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: same as readers - Added "fastq" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: same as readers ### Bug fixes * Removed ``constructor`` parameter from ``Alignment.k_word_frequencies``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_words``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_counts``, and ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies`` as it had no effect (it was never hooked up in the underlying code). ``BiologicalSequence.k_words`` now returns a generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` objects instead of strings. * Modified the ``Alignment`` constructor to verify that all sequences have the same length, if not, raise an ``AlignmentError`` exception. Updated the method ``Alignment.subalignment`` to calculate the indices only once now that identical sequence length is guaranteed. ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated ``constructor`` parameter in ``Alignment.majority_consensus`` in favor of having users call ``str`` on the returned ``BiologicalSequence``. This parameter will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. * Existing I/O functionality deprecated in favor of I/O registry, old functionality will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. All functionality can be found at ````, ````, and the methods listed below: * Deprecated the following "clustal" readers/writers: - ``write_clustal`` -> ``Alignment.write`` - ``parse_clustal`` -> ```` * Deprecated the following distance matrix format ("lsmat") readers/writers: - ``DissimilarityMatrix.from_file`` -> ```` - ``DissimilarityMatrix.to_file`` -> ``DissimilarityMatrix.write`` - ``DistanceMatrix.from_file`` -> ```` - ``DistanceMatrix.to_file`` -> ``DistanceMatrix.write`` * Deprecated the following ordination format ("ordination") readers/writers: - ``OrdinationResults.from_file`` -> ```` - ``OrdinationResults.to_file`` -> ``OrdinationResults.write`` * Deprecated the following "newick" readers/writers: - ``TreeNode.from_file`` -> ```` - ``TreeNode.from_newick`` -> ```` - ``TreeNode.to_newick`` -> ``TreeNode.write`` * Deprecated the following "phylip" writers: - ``Alignment.to_phylip`` -> ``Alignment.write`` * Deprecated the following "fasta"/QUAL readers/writers: - ``SequenceCollection.from_fasta_records`` -> ```` - ``SequenceCollection.to_fasta`` -> ``SequenceCollection.write`` - ``fasta_from_sequences`` -> ``, into=<file>, format='fasta')`` - ``fasta_from_alignment`` -> ``Alignment.write`` - ``parse_fasta`` -> ``<fasta>, format='fasta')`` - ``parse_qual`` -> ``<fasta>, format='fasta', qual=<file>)`` - ``BiologicalSequence.to_fasta`` -> ``BiologicalSequence.write`` * Deprecated the following "fastq" readers/writers: - ``parse_fastq`` -> ``<fastq>, format='fastq')`` - ``format_fastq_record`` -> ``<fastq>, format='fastq')`` ### Backward-incompatible changes * ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` now returns a 3-element tuple containing correlation coefficient, p-value, and the number of matching rows/cols in the distance matrices (``n``). The return value was previously a 2-element tuple containing only the correlation coefficient and p-value. * ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` reorders input ``DistanceMatrix`` instances based on matching IDs (see optional parameters ``strict`` and ``lookup`` for controlling this behavior). In the past, ``DistanceMatrix`` instances were treated the same as ``array_like`` input and no reordering took place, regardless of ID (mis)matches. ``array_like`` input behavior remains the same. * If mismatched types are provided to ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` (e.g., a ``DistanceMatrix`` and ``array_like``), a ``TypeError`` will be raised. ### Miscellaneous * Added git timestamp checking to, ensuring that when changes are made to Cython (.pyx) files, their corresponding generated C files are also updated. * Fixed performance bug when instantiating ``BiologicalSequence`` objects. The previous runtime scaled linearly with sequence length; it is now constant time when the sequence is already a string. See [#623]( for details. * IPython and six are now required dependencies. ## Version 0.2.0 (2014-08-07) This is an initial alpha release of scikit-bio. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. Many backwards-incompatible API changes were made since the previous release. ### Features * Added ability to compute distances between sequences in a ``SequenceCollection`` object ([#509](, and expanded ``Alignment.distance`` to allow the user to pass a function for computing distances (the default distance metric is still ``scipy.spatial.distance.hamming``) ([#194]( * Added functionality to not penalize terminal gaps in global alignment. This functionality results in more biologically relevant global alignments (see [#537]( for discussion of the issue) and is now the default behavior for global alignment. * The python global aligners (``global_pairwise_align``, ``global_pairwise_align_nucleotide``, and ``global_pairwise_align_protein``) now support aligning pairs of sequences, pairs of alignments, and a sequence and an alignment (see [#550]( This functionality supports progressive multiple sequence alignment, among other things such as adding a sequence to an existing alignment. * Added ``StockholmAlignment.to_file`` for writing Stockholm-formatted files. * Added ``strict=True`` optional parameter to ``DissimilarityMatrix.filter``. * Added ``TreeNode.find_all`` for finding all tree nodes that match a given name. ### Bug fixes * Fixed bug that resulted in a ``ValueError`` from ``local_align_pairwise_nucleotide`` (see [#504]( under many circumstances. This would not generate incorrect results, but would cause the code to fail. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed ``skbio.math``, leaving ``stats`` and ``diversity`` to become top level packages. For example, instead of ``from skbio.math.stats.ordination import PCoA`` you would now import ``from skbio.stats.ordination import PCoA``. * The module ``skbio.math.gradient`` as well as the contents of ``skbio.math.subsample`` and ``skbio.math.stats.misc`` are now found in ``skbio.stats``. As an example, to import subsample: ``from skbio.stats import subsample``; to import everything from gradient: ``from skbio.stats.gradient import *``. * The contents of ``skbio.math.stats.ordination.utils`` are now in ``skbio.stats.ordination``. * Removed ```` subpackage (i.e., the *application controller framework*) as this code has been ported to the standalone [burrito]( Python package. This code was not specific to bioinformatics and is useful for wrapping command-line applications in general. * Removed ``skbio.core``, leaving ``alignment``, ``genetic_code``, ``sequence``, ``tree``, and ``workflow`` to become top level packages. For example, instead of ``from skbio.core.sequence import DNA`` you would now import ``from skbio.sequence import DNA``. * Removed ``skbio.util.exception`` and ``skbio.util.warning`` (see [#577]( for the reasoning behind this change). The exceptions/warnings were moved to the following locations: - ``FileFormatError``, ``RecordError``, ``FieldError``, and ``EfficiencyWarning`` have been moved to ``skbio.util`` - ``BiologicalSequenceError`` has been moved to ``skbio.sequence`` - ``SequenceCollectionError`` and ``StockholmParseError`` have been moved to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``DissimilarityMatrixError``, ``DistanceMatrixError``, ``DissimilarityMatrixFormatError``, and ``MissingIDError`` have been moved to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``TreeError``, ``NoLengthError``, ``DuplicateNodeError``, ``MissingNodeError``, and ``NoParentError`` have been moved to ``skbio.tree`` - ``FastqParseError`` has been moved to ``skbio.parse.sequences`` - ``GeneticCodeError``, ``GeneticCodeInitError``, and ``InvalidCodonError`` have been moved to ``skbio.genetic_code`` * The contents of ``skbio.genetic_code`` formerly ``skbio.core.genetic_code`` are now in ``skbio.sequence``. The ``GeneticCodes`` dictionary is now a function ``genetic_code``. The functionality is the same, except that because this is now a function rather than a dict, retrieving a genetic code is done using a function call rather than a lookup (so, for example, ``GeneticCodes[2]`` becomes ``genetic_code(2)``. * Many submodules have been made private with the intention of simplifying imports for users. See [#562]( for discussion of this change. The following list contains the previous module name and where imports from that module should now come from. - ``skbio.alignment.ssw`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.alignment.alignment`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.alignment.pairwise`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.base`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.gini`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.lladser`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.beta.base`` to ``skbio.diversity.beta`` - ``skbio.draw.distributions`` to ``skbio.draw`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.base`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.distance`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.base`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.canonical_correspondence_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.correspondence_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.principal_coordinate_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.redundancy_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.tree.tree`` to ``skbio.tree`` - ``skbio.tree.trie`` to ``skbio.tree`` - ``skbio.util.misc`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.testing`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.exception`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.warning`` to ``skbio.util`` * Moved ``skbio.distance`` contents into ``skbio.stats.distance``. ### Miscellaneous * Relaxed requirement in ``BiologicalSequence.distance`` that sequences being compared are of equal length. This is relevant for Hamming distance, so the check is still performed in that case, but other distance metrics may not have that requirement. See [#504]( * Renamed ```` repo-checking script to ```` for clarity. * ```` now ensures that all unit tests import from a minimally deep API. For example, it will produce an error if ``skbio.core.distance.DistanceMatrix`` is used over ``skbio.DistanceMatrix``. * Extra dimension is no longer calculated in ``skbio.stats.spatial.procrustes``. * Expanded documentation in various subpackages. * Added new scikit-bio logo. Thanks [Alina Prassas](! ## Version 0.1.4 (2014-06-25) This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ### Features * Added Python implementations of Smith-Waterman and Needleman-Wunsch alignment as ``skbio.core.alignment.pairwise.local_pairwise_align`` and ``skbio.core.alignment.pairwise.global_pairwise_align``. These are much slower than native C implementations (e.g., ``skbio.core.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw``) and as a result raise an ``EfficencyWarning`` when called, but are included as they serve as useful educational examples as they’re simple to experiment with. * Added ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` and ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table``. These provide convenient access to the ``scipy.spatial.distance.pdist`` *beta diversity* metrics from within scikit-bio. The ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table`` function will only be available temporarily, until the ``biom.table.Table`` object is merged into scikit-bio (see [#489](, at which point ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` will be updated to use that. * Added ``skbio.core.alignment.StockholmAlignment``, which provides support for parsing [Stockholm-formatted alignment files]( and working with those alignments in the context RNA secondary structural information. * Added ``skbio.core.tree.majority_rule`` function for computing consensus trees from a list of trees. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Function ``skbio.core.alignment.align_striped_smith_waterman`` renamed to ``local_pairwise_align_ssw`` and now returns an ``Alignment`` object instead of an ``AlignmentStructure`` * The following keyword-arguments for ``StripedSmithWaterman`` and ``local_pairwise_align_ssw`` have been renamed: * ``gap_open`` -> ``gap_open_penalty`` * ``gap_extend`` -> ``gap_extend_penalty`` * ``match`` -> ``match_score`` * ``mismatch`` -> ``mismatch_score`` * Removed ``skbio.util.sort`` module in favor of [natsort]( package. ### Miscellaneous * Added script to perform basic sanity-checking of the repo based on recurring issues that weren't being caught until release time; added to Travis build. * Added with release instructions. * Added intersphinx mappings to docs so that "See Also" references to numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and pandas are hyperlinks. * The following classes are no longer ``namedtuple`` subclasses (see [#359]( for the rationale): * ``skbio.math.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.GroupResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.CategoryResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.GradientANOVAResults`` * Added coding guidelines draft. * Added new alpha diversity formulas to the ``skbio.math.diversity.alpha`` documentation. ## Version 0.1.3 (2014-06-12) This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ### Features * Added ``enforce_qual_range`` parameter to ``parse_fastq`` (on by default, maintaining backward compatibility). This allows disabling of the quality score range-checking. * Added ``skbio.core.tree.nj``, which applies neighbor-joining for phylogenetic reconstruction. * Added ``bioenv``, ``mantel``, and ``pwmantel`` distance-based statistics to ``skbio.math.stats.distance`` subpackage. * Added ``skbio.math.stats.misc`` module for miscellaneous stats utility functions. * IDs are now optional when constructing a ``DissimilarityMatrix`` or ``DistanceMatrix`` (monotonically-increasing integers cast as strings are automatically used). * Added ``DistanceMatrix.permute`` method for randomly permuting rows and columns of a distance matrix. * Added the following methods to ``DissimilarityMatrix``: ``filter``, ``index``, and ``__contains__`` for ID-based filtering, index lookup, and membership testing, respectively. * Added ``ignore_comment`` parameter to ``parse_fasta`` (off by default, maintaining backward compatibility). This handles stripping the comment field from the header line (i.e., all characters beginning with the first space) before returning the label. * Added imports of ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNA``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNA``, ``RNASequence``, ``Protein``, ``ProteinSequence``, ``DistanceMatrix``, ``align_striped_smith_waterman``, `` SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``TreeNode``, ``nj``, ``parse_fasta``, ``parse_fastq``, ``parse_qual``, ``FastaIterator``, ``FastqIterator``, ``SequenceIterator`` in ``skbio/`` for convenient importing. For example, it's now possible to ``from skbio import Alignment``, rather than ``from skbio.core.alignment import Alignment``. ### Bug fixes * Fixed a couple of unit tests that could fail stochastically. * Added missing ```` files to a couple of test directories so that these tests won't be skipped. * ``parse_fastq`` now raises an error on dangling records. * Fixed several warnings that were raised while running the test suite with Python 3.4. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Functionality imported from ``skbio.core.ssw`` must now be imported from ``skbio.core.alignment`` instead. ### Miscellaneous * Code is now flake8-compliant; added flake8 checking to Travis build. * Various additions and improvements to documentation (API, installation instructions, developer instructions, etc.). * ``__future__`` imports are now standardized across the codebase. * New website front page and styling changes throughout. Moved docs site to its own versioned subdirectories. * Reorganized alignment data structures and algorithms (e.g., SSW code, ``Alignment`` class, etc.) into an ``skbio.core.alignment`` subpackage. ## Version 0.1.1 (2014-05-16) Fixes to This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ## Version 0.1.0 (2014-05-15) Initial pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen.
# scikit-bio changelog ## Version 0.5.9 ### Features * Adding Variance log ratio estimators in `skbio.stats.composition.vlr` and `skbio.stats.composition.pairwise_vlr` ([#1803]( * Added `skbio.stats.composition.tree_basis` to construct ILR bases from `TreeNode` objects. ([#1862]( * `IntervalMetadata.query` now defaults to obtaining all results, see ([#1817]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * With the introduction of the `tree_basis` object, the ILR bases are now represented in log-odds coordinates rather than in probabilities to minimize issues with numerical stability. Furthermore, the `ilr` and `ilr_inv` functions now takes the `basis` input parameter in terms of log-odds coordinates. This affects the `skbio.stats.composition.sbp_basis` as well. ([#1862]( ### Important * Complex multiple axis indexing operations with `TabularMSA` have been removed from testing due to incompatibilities with modern versions of Pandas. ([#1851]( * Pinning `scipy <= 1.10.1` ([#1851]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed a bug that caused build failure on the ARM64 microarchitecture due to floating-point number handling. ([#1859]( * Never let the Gini index go below 0.0, see [#1844]( * Fixed bug [#1847]( in which the edge from the root was inadvertantly included in the calculation for `descending_branch_length` ### Miscellaneous * Replaced dependencies `CacheControl` and `lockfile` with `requests` to avoid a dependency inconsistency issue of the former. (See [#1863](, merged in [#1859]( * Updated installation instructions for developers in `` ([#1860]( ## Version 0.5.8 ### Features * Added NCBI taxonomy database dump format (`taxdump`) ([#1810]( * Added `TreeNode.from_taxdump` for converting taxdump into a tree ([#1810]( * scikit-learn has been removed as a dependency. This was a fairly heavy-weight dependency that was providing minor functionality to scikit-bio. The critical components have been implemented in scikit-bio directly, and the non-criticial components are listed under "Backward-incompatible changes [experimental]". * Python 3.11 is now supported. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * With the removal of the scikit-learn dependency, three beta diversity metric names can no longer be specified. These are `wminkowski`, `nan_euclidean`, and `haversine`. On testing, `wminkowski` and `haversine` did not work through `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` (or `sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances`). The former was deprecated in favor of calling `minkowski` with a vector of weights provided as kwarg `w` (example below), and the latter does not work with data of this shape. `nan_euclidean` can still be accessed fron scikit-learn directly if needed, if a user installs scikit-learn in their environment (example below). ``` counts = [[23, 64, 14, 0, 0, 3, 1], [0, 3, 35, 42, 0, 12, 1], [0, 5, 5, 0, 40, 40, 0], [44, 35, 9, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 8, 0, 35, 45, 1], [0, 0, 25, 35, 0, 19, 0], [88, 31, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5], [44, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] # new mechanism of accessing wminkowski from skbio.diversity import beta_diversity beta_diversity("minkowski", counts, w=[1,1,1,1,1,1,2]) # accessing nan_euclidean through scikit-learn directly import skbio from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances sklearn_dm = pairwise_distances(counts, metric="nan_euclidean") skbio_dm = skbio.DistanceMatrix(sklearn_dm) ``` ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] * `skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` has been deprecated ([#1814]( and will be removed or replaced in scikit-bio 0.6.0. ### Bug fixes * Use `oldest-supported-numpy` as build dependency. This fixes problems with environments that use an older version of numpy than the one used to build scikit-bio ([#1813]( ## Version 0.5.7 ### Features * Introduce support for Python 3.10 ([#1801]( * Tentative support for Apple M1 ([#1709]( * Added support for reading and writing a binary distance matrix object format. ([#1716]( * Added support for `np.float32` with `DissimilarityMatrix` objects. * Added support for method and number_of_dimensions to permdisp reducing the runtime by 100x at 4000 samples, [issue #1769]( * OrdinationResults object is now accepted as input for permdisp. ### Performance enhancements * Avoid an implicit data copy on construction of `DissimilarityMatrix` objects. * Avoid validation on copy of `DissimilarityMatrix` and `DistanceMatrix` objects, see [PR #1747]( * Use an optimized version of symmetry check in DistanceMatrix, see [PR #1747]( * Avoid performing filtering when ids are identical, see [PR #1752]( * center_distance_matrix has been re-implemented in cython for both speed and memory use. Indirectly speeds up pcoa [PR #1749]( * Use a memory-optimized version of permute in DistanceMatrix, see [PR #1756]( * Refactor pearson and spearman skbio.stats.distance.mantel implementations to drastically improve memory locality. Also cache intermediate results that are invariant across permutations, see [PR #1756]( * Refactor permanova to remove intermediate buffers and cythonize the internals, see [PR #1768]( ### Bug fixes * Fix windows and 32bit incompatibility in `unweighted_unifrac`. ### Miscellaneous * Python 3.6 has been removed from our testing matrix. * Specify build dependencies in pyproject.toml. This allows the package to be installed without having to first manually install numpy. * Update hdmedians package to a version which doesn't require an initial manual numpy install. * Now buildable on non-x86 platforms due to use of the [SIMD Everywhere]( library. * Regenerate Cython wrapper by default to avoid incompatibilities with installed CPython. * Update documentation for the `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` function. ([#1741]( ## Version 0.5.6 ### Features * Added option to return a capture group compiled regex pattern to any class inheriting ``GrammaredSequence`` through the ``to_regex`` method. ([#1431]( * Added `Dissimilarity.within` and `.between` to obtain the respective distances and express them as a `DataFrame`. ([#1662]( * Added Kendall Tau as possible correlation method in the `skbio.stats.distance.mantel` function ([#1675]( * Added support for IUPAC amino acid codes U (selenocysteine), O (pyrrolysine), and J (leucine or isoleucine). ([#1576]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Changed `` from a method to a property. * Added `assign_supports` method to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to extract branch support values from node labels. * Modified the way a node's label is printed: `support:name` if both exist, or `support` or `name` if either exists. ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes * Require `Sphinx <= 3.0`. Newer Sphinx versions caused build errors. [#1719]( * * `skbio.stats.ordination` tests have been relaxed. ([#1713]( * Fixes build errors for newer versions of NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. * Corrected a criticial bug in `skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman`/`skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` which would cause the formatting of the aligned sequences to misplace gap characters by the number of gap characters present in the opposing aligned sequence up to that point. This was caused by a faulty implementation of CIGAR string parsing, see [#1679]( for full details. * Fixes build errors for newer versions of NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. * Corrected a criticial bug in `skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman`/`skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw` which would cause the formatting of the aligned sequences to misplace gap characters by the number of gap characters present in the opposing aligned sequence up to that point. This was caused by a faulty implementation of CIGAR string parsing, see [#1679]( for full details. ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` now accepts a pandas DataFrame as input. * Avoid pandas 1.0.0 import warning ([#1688]( * Added support for Python 3.8 and dropped support for Python 3.5. * This version now depends on `scipy >= 1.3` and `pandas >= 1.0`. ## Version 0.5.5 (2018-12-10) ### Features * `skbio.stats.composition` now has methods to compute additive log-ratio transformation and inverse additive log-ratio transformation (`alr`, `alr_inv`) as well as a method to build a basis from a sequential binary partition (`sbp_basis`). ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * Python 3.6 and 3.7 compatibility is now supported * A pytest runner is shipped with every installation ([#1633]( * The nosetest framework has been replaced in favor of pytest ([#1624]( * The numpy docs are deprecated in favor of [Napoleon]( ([#1629]( * This version is now compatible with NumPy >= 1.9.2 and Pandas >= 0.23. ([#1627]( ## Version 0.5.4 (2018-08-23) ### Features * Added `FSVD`, an alternative fast heuristic method to perform Principal Coordinates Analysis, to `skbio.stats.ordination.pcoa`. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements * Added optimized utility methods `f_matrix_inplace` and `e_matrix_inplace` which perform `f_matrix` and `e_matrix` computations in-place and are used by the new `center_distance_matrix` method in `skbio.stats.ordination`. ### Bug fixes ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous ## Version 0.5.3 (2018-08-07) ### Features * Added `unpack` and `unpack_by_func` methods to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to unpack one or multiple internal nodes. The `unpack` operation removes an internal node and regrafts its children to its parent while retaining the overall length. ([#1572]( * Added `support` to `skbio.tree.TreeNode` to return the support value of a node. * Added `permdisp` to `skbio.stats.distance` to test for the homogeniety of groups. ([#1228]( * Added `pcoa_biplot` to `skbio.stats.ordination` to project descriptors into a PCoA plot. * Fixed pandas to 0.22.0 due to this: ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements ### Bug fixes * Relaxing type checking in diversity calculations. ([#1583]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous ## Version 0.5.2 (2018-04-18) ### Features * Added ```` for reading and writing EMBL files for ``DNA``, ``RNA`` and ``Sequence`` classes. * Removing ValueError check in `skbio.stats._subsample.subsample_counts` when `replace=True` and `n` is greater than the number of items in counts. [#1527]( * Added ```` for reading and writing GFF3 files for ``DNA``, ``Sequence``, and ``IntervalMetadata`` classes. ([#1450]( * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor has a new keyword argument, `copy_from`, for creating an `IntervalMetadata` object from an existing `IntervalMetadata` object with specified `upper_bound`. * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor allows `None` as a valid value for `upper_bound`. An `upper_bound` of `None` means that the `IntervalMetadata` object has no upper bound. * `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata.drop` has a new boolean parameter `negate` to indicate whether to drop or keep the specified `Interval` objects. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] ### Performance enhancements * `skbio.tree.nj` wall-clock runtime was decreased by 99% for a 500x500 distance matrix and 93% for a 100x100 distance matrix. ([#1512](, [#1513]( ### Bug fixes * The `include_self` parameter was not being honored in ``. The scope of this bug was that if `` was called on a tip, it would always result in an empty `list` when unrolled. * In ``, `proportion_explained` was missing in the returned `OrdinationResults` object. ([#1345]( * `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` now handles qualitative metrics as expected such that `beta_diversity('jaccard', mat) == beta_diversity('jaccard', mat > 0)`. Please see [#1549]( for further detail. * `skbio.stats.ordination.rda` The occasional column mismatch in output `biplot_scores` is fixed ([#1519]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] ### Miscellaneous * scikit-bio now depends on pandas >= 0.19.2, and is compatible with newer pandas versions (e.g. 0.20.3) that were previously incompatible. * scikit-bio now depends on `numpy >= 1.9.2, < 1.14.0` for compatibility with Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 and the available numpy conda packages in `defaults` and `conda-forge` channels. * added support for running tests from ``. Both `python nosetests` and `python test` are now supported, however `python test` will only run a subset of the full test suite. ([#1341]( ## Version 0.5.1 (2016-11-12) ### Features * Added `IntervalMetadata` and `Interval` classes in `skbio.metadata` to store, query, and manipulate information of a sub-region of a sequence. ([#1414]( * `Sequence` and its child classes (including `GrammaredSequence`, `RNA`, `DNA`, `Protein`) now accept `IntervalMetadata` in their constructor API. Some of their relevant methods are also updated accordingly. ([#1430]( * GenBank parser now reads and writes `Sequence` or its subclass objects with `IntervalMetadata`. ([#1440]( * `DissimilarityMatrix` now has a new constructor method called `from_iterable`. ([#1343]( * `DissimilarityMatrix` now allows non-hollow matrices. ([#1343]( * `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` now accepts a `validate=True` parameter. ([#1343]( * ``DistanceMatrix`` now has a new method called ``to_series`` to create a ``pandas.Series`` from a ``DistanceMatrix`` ([#1397]( * Added parallel beta diversity calculation support via `skbio.diversity.block_beta_diversity`. The issue and idea is discussed in ([#1181](, while the actual code changes are in [#1352]( ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * The constructor API for `Sequence` and its child classes (including `GrammaredSequence`, `RNA`, `DNA`, `Protein`) are changed from `(sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, lowercase=False)` to `(sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, interval_metadata=None, lowercase=False)` The changes are made to allow these classes to adopt `IntervalMetadata` object for interval features on the sequence. The `interval_metadata` parameter is added imediately after `positional_metadata` instead of appended to the end, because it is more natural and logical and, more importantly, because it is unlikely in practice to break user code. A user's code would break only if they had supplied `metadata`, `postional_metadata`, and `lowercase` parameters positionally. In the unlikely event that this happens, users will get an error telling them a bool isn't a valid `IntervalMetadata` type, so it won't silently produce buggy behavior. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Modifying basis handling in `skbio.stats.composition.ilr_inv` prior to checking for orthogonality. Now the basis is strictly assumed to be in the Aitchison simplex. * `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` default behavior is now to validate matrix by computing all pairwise distances. Pass `validate=False` to get the previous behavior (no validation, but faster execution).([#1343]( * GenBank I/O now parses sequence features into the attribute of `interval_metadata` instead of `positiona_metadata`. And the key of `FEATURES` is removed from `metadata` attribute. ### Performance enhancements * `TreeNode.shear` was rewritten for approximately a 25% performance increase. ([#1399]( * The `IntervalMetadata` allows dramatic decrease in memory usage in reading GenBank files of feature rich sequences. ([#1159]( ### Bug fixes * `skbio.tree.TreeNode.prune` and implicitly `skbio.tree.TreeNode.shear` were not handling a situation in which a parent was validly removed during pruning operations as may happen if the resulting subtree does not include the root. Previously, an `AttributeError` would raise as `parent` would be `None` in this situation. * numpy linking was fixed for installation under El Capitan. * A bug was introduced in #1398 into `TreeNode.prune` and fixed in #1416 in which, under the special case of a single descendent existing from the root, the resulting children parent references were not updated. The cause of the bug was a call made to `self.children.extend` as opposed to `self.extend` where the former is a `list.extend` without knowledge of the tree, while the latter is `TreeNode.extend` which is able to adjust references to `self.parent`. ### Miscellaneous * Removed deprecated functions from `skbio.util`: `is_casava_v180_or_later`, `remove_files`, and `create_dir`. * Removed deprecated `skbio.Sequence.copy` method. ## Version 0.5.0 (2016-06-14) **IMPORTANT**: scikit-bio is no longer compatible with Python 2. scikit-bio is compatible with Python 3.4 and later. ### Features * Added more descriptive error message to `` when attempting to read without specifying `into` and when there is no generator reader. ([#1326]( * Added support for reference tags to `` reader and writer. ([#1348]( * Expanded error message in `` reader when `constructor` is not passed, in order to provide better explanation to user. ([#1327]( * Added `skbio.sequence.distance.kmer_distance` for computing the kmer distance between two sequences. ([#913]( * Added `skbio.sequence.Sequence.replace` for assigning a character to positions in a `Sequence`. ([#1222]( * Added support for `pandas.RangeIndex`, lowering the memory footprint of default integer index objects. `Sequence.positional_metadata` and `TabularMSA.positional_metadata` now use `pd.RangeIndex` as the positional metadata index. `TabularMSA` now uses `pd.RangeIndex` as the default index. Usage of `pd.RangeIndex` over the previous `pd.Int64Index` [should be transparent](, so these changes should be non-breaking to users. scikit-bio now depends on pandas >= 0.18.0 ([#1308]( * Added `reset_index=False` parameter to `TabularMSA.append` and `TabularMSA.extend` for resetting the MSA's index to the default index after appending/extending. * Added support for partial pairwise calculations via `skbio.diversity.partial_beta_diversity`. ([#1221](, [#1337]( This function is immediately deprecated as its return type will change in the future and should be used with caution in its present form (see the function's documentation for details). * `TemporaryFile` and `NamedTemporaryFile` are now supported IO sources for `` and related functionality. ([#1291]( * Added `tree_node_class=TreeNode` parameter to `skbio.tree.majority_rule` to support returning consensus trees of type `TreeNode` (the default) or a type that has the same interface as `TreeNode` (e.g. `TreeNode` subclasses) ([#1193]( * `TreeNode.from_linkage_matrix` and `TreeNode.from_taxonomy` now support constructing `TreeNode` subclasses. `TreeNode.bifurcate` now supports `TreeNode` subclasses ([#1193]( * The `ignore_metadata` keyword has been added to `TabularMSA.iter_positions` to improve performance when metadata is not necessary. * Pairwise aligners in `skbio.alignment` now propagate per-sequence `metadata` objects (this does not include `positional_metadata`). ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * `TabularMSA.append` and `TabularMSA.extend` now require one of `minter`, `index`, or `reset_index` to be provided when incorporating new sequences into an MSA. Previous behavior was to auto-increment the index labels if `minter` and `index` weren't provided and the MSA had a default integer index, otherwise error. Use `reset_index=True` to obtain the previous behavior in a more explicit way. * `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` now returns two `pd.DataFrame` objects, where it previously returned one. The first contains the ANCOM test results, as before, and the second contains percentile abundances of each feature in each group. The specific percentiles that are computed and returned is controlled by the new `percentiles` parameter to `skbio.stats.composition.ancom`. In the future, this second `pd.DataFrame` will not be returned by this function, but will be available through the [contingency table API]( ([#1293]( * `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` now performs multiple comparisons correction by default. The previous behavior of not performing multiple comparisons correction can be achieved by passing ``multiple_comparisons_correction=None``. * The ``reject`` column in the first ``pd.DataFrame`` returned from `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` has been renamed ``Reject null hypothesis`` for clarity. ([#1375]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed row and column names to `biplot_scores` in the `OrdinationResults` object from `skbio.stats.ordination`. This fix affect the `cca` and `rda` methods. ([#1322]( * Fixed bug when using `` reader on file with multi-line tree with no id. Previously this raised an `AttributeError`, now it correctly handles this type of tree. ([#1334]( * Fixed bug when reading Stockholm files with GF or GS features split over multiple lines. Previously, the feature text was simply concatenated because it was assumed to have trailing whitespace. There are examples of Stockholm files with and without trailing whitespace for multi-line features, so the `` reader now adds a single space when concatenating feature text without trailing whitespace to avoid joining words together. Multi-line trees stored as GF metadata are concatenated as they appear in the file; a space is not added when concatenating. ([#1328]( * Fixed bug when using `Sequence.iter_kmers` on empty `Sequence` object. Previously this raised a `ValueError`, now it returns an empty generator. * Fixed minor bug where adding sequences to an empty `TabularMSA` with MSA-wide `positional_metadata` would result in a `TabularMSA` object in an inconsistent state. This could happen using `TabularMSA.append` or `TabularMSA.extend`. This bug only affects a `TabularMSA` object *without* sequences that has MSA-wide `positional_metadata` (for example, `TabularMSA([], positional_metadata={'column': []})`). * `TreeNode.distance` now handles the situation in which `self` or `other` are ancestors. Previosly, a node further up the tree was used resulting in inflated distances. ([#807]( * `TreeNode.prune` can now handle a root with a single descendent. Previously, the root was ignored from possibly having a single descendent. ([#1247]( * Providing the `format` keyword to `` when creating a generator with an empty file will now return an empty generator instead of raising `StopIteration`. ([#1313]( * `OrdinationResults` is now importable from `skbio` and `skbio.stats.ordination` and correctly linked from the documentation ([#1205]( * Fixed performance bug in pairwise aligners resulting in 100x worse performance than in 0.2.4. ### Deprecated functionality [stable] * Deprecated use of the term "non-degenerate", in favor of "definite". `GrammaredSequence.nondegenerate_chars`, `GrammaredSequence.nondegenerates`, and `GrammaredSequence.has_nondegenerates` have been renamed to `GrammaredSequence.definite_chars`, `GrammaredSequence.definites`, and `GrammaredSequence.has_definites`, respectively. The old names will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.2. Relevant affected public classes include `GrammaredSequence`, `DNA`, `RNA`, and `Protein`. ### Deprecated functionality [experimental] * Deprecated function `skbio.util.create_dir`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.1. Please use the Python standard library functionality described [here]( ([#833]( * Deprecated function `skbio.util.remove_files`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.5.1. Please use the Python standard library functionality described [here]( ([#833]( * Deprecated function `skbio.util.is_casava_v180_or_later`. This function will be removed in 0.5.1. Functionality moved to FASTQ sniffer. ([#833]( ### Miscellaneous * When installing scikit-bio via `pip`, numpy must now be installed first ([#1296]( ## Version 0.4.2 (2016-02-17) Minor maintenance release. **This is the last Python 2.7 compatible release. Future scikit-bio releases will only support Python 3.** ### Features * Added `skbio.tree.TreeNode.bifurcate` for converting multifurcating trees into bifurcating trees. ([#896]( * Added `` for reading Stockholm files into a `TabularMSA` and writing from a `TabularMSA`. ([#967]( * scikit-bio `Sequence` objects have better compatibility with numpy. For example, calling `np.asarray(sequence)` now converts the sequence to a numpy array of characters (the same as calling `sequence.values`). * Added `skbio.sequence.distance` subpackage for computing distances between scikit-bio `Sequence` objects ([#913]( * Added ``skbio.sequence.GrammaredSequence``, which can be inherited from to create grammared sequences with custom alphabets (e.g., for use with TabularMSA) ([#1175]( * Added ``skbio.util.classproperty`` decorator ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * When sniffing or reading a file (``, ``, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `` now raises a `TypeError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary because it fixes a bug (more details in bug fix section below). * When reading a FASTQ or QSEQ file and passing `variant='solexa'`, `ValueError` is now raised instead of `NotImplementedError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary to avoid creating a spin-locked process due to [a bug in Python]( See [#1256]( for details. This change is temporary and will be reverted to `NotImplementedError` when the bug is fixed in Python. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * ``: When reading GenBank files, the date field of the LOCUS line is no longer parsed into a `datetime.datetime` object and is left as a string. When writing GenBank files, the locus date metadata is expected to be a string instead of a `datetime.datetime` object ([#1153]( * `Sequence.distance` now converts the input sequence (`other`) to its type before passing both sequences to `metric`. Previous behavior was to always convert to `Sequence`. ### Bug fixes * Fixed bug when using `Sequence.distance` or `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` to compute distances between `Sequence` objects with differing `metadata`/`positional_metadata` and passing `metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming` ([#1254]( * Fixed performance bug when computing Hamming distances between `Sequence` objects in `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` ([#1250]( * Changed `skbio.stats.composition.multiplicative_replacement` to raise an error whenever a large value of `delta` is chosen ([#1241]( * When sniffing or reading a file (``, ``, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `` now raises a `TypeError`. The file format's `newline` character will be used when opening the file. Previous behavior allowed overriding the format's `newline` character but this could cause issues with readers that assume newline characters are those defined by the file format (which is an entirely reasonable assumption). This bug is very unlikely to have surfaced in practice as the default `newline` behavior is *universal newlines mode*. * DNA, RNA, and Protein are no longer inheritable because they assume an IUPAC alphabet. * `DistanceMatrix` constructor provides more informative error message when data contains NaNs ([#1276]( ### Miscellaneous * Warnings raised by scikit-bio now share a common subclass ``skbio.util.SkbioWarning``. ## Version 0.4.1 (2015-12-09) ### Features * The ``TabularMSA`` object was added to represent and operate on tabular multiple sequence alignments. This satisfies [RFC 1]( See the ``TabularMSA`` docs for full details. * Added phylogenetic diversity metrics, including weighted UniFrac, unweighted UniFrac, and Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity. These are accessible as ``skbio.diversity.beta.unweighted_unifrac``, ``skbio.diversity.beta.weighted_unifrac``, and ``skbio.diversity.alpha.faith_pd``, respectively. * Addition of the function ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` to support applying an alpha diversity metric to multiple samples in one call. * Addition of the functions ``skbio.diversity.get_alpha_diversity_metrics`` and ``skbio.diversity.get_beta_diversity_metrics`` to support discovery of the alpha and beta diversity metrics implemented in scikit-bio. * Added `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` function, a test for OTU differential abundance across sample categories. ([#1054]( * Added `` for reading BLAST+ output format 7 or BLAST output format 9 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([#1110]( * Added `skbio.DissimilarityMatrix.to_data_frame` method for creating a ``pandas.DataFrame`` from a `DissimilarityMatrix` or `DistanceMatrix`. ([#757]( * Added support for one-dimensional vector of dissimilarities in `skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix` constructor. ([#6240]( * Added `` for reading BLAST+ output format 6 or BLAST output format 8 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([#1110]( * Added `inner`, `ilr`, `ilr_inv` and `clr_inv`, ``skbio.stats.composition``, which enables linear transformations on compositions ([#892]( * Added ``skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`` function as an evenness metric of alpha diversity. ([#1068]( * Added `to_regex` method to `skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence` ABC - it returns a regex object that matches all non-degenerate versions of the sequence. * Added ``skbio.util.assert_ordination_results_equal`` function for comparing ``OrdinationResults`` objects in unit tests. * Added ```` for reading and writing GenBank/GenPept for ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein`` and ``Sequence`` classes. * Added ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` for warning about substitutions, assumptions, or particular alterations that were made for the successful completion of a process. * ``TreeNode.tip_tip_distances`` now supports nodes without an associated length. In this case, a length of 0.0 is assumed and an ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` is raised. Previous behavior was to raise a ``NoLengthError``. ([#791]( * ``DistanceMatrix`` now has a new constructor method called `from_iterable`. * ``Sequence`` now accepts ``lowercase`` keyword like ``DNA`` and others. Updated ``fasta``, ``fastq``, and ``qseq`` readers/writers for ``Sequence`` to reflect this. * The ``lowercase`` method has been moved up to ``Sequence`` meaning all sequence objects now have a ``lowercase`` method. * Added ``reverse_transcribe`` class method to ``RNA``. * Added `Sequence.observed_chars` property for obtaining the set of observed characters in a sequence. ([#1075]( * Added `Sequence.frequencies` method for computing character frequencies in a sequence. ([#1074]( * Added experimental class-method ``Sequence.concat`` which will produce a new sequence from an iterable of existing sequences. Parameters control how positional metadata is propagated during a concatenation. * ``TreeNode.to_array`` now supports replacing ``nan`` branch lengths in the resulting branch length vector with the value provided as ``nan_length_value``. * ```` now supports sniffing and reading strict, sequential PHYLIP-formatted files into ``skbio.Alignment`` objects. ([#1006]( * Added `default_gap_char` class property to ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein`` for representing gap characters in a new sequence. ### Backward-incompatible changes [stable] * `Sequence.kmer_frequencies` now returns a `dict`. Previous behavior was to return a `collections.Counter` if `relative=False` was passed, and a `collections.defaultdict` if `relative=True` was passed. In the case of a missing key, the `Counter` would return 0 and the `defaultdict` would return 0.0. Because the return type is now always a `dict`, attempting to access a missing key will raise a `KeyError`. This change *may* break backwards-compatibility depending on how the `Counter`/`defaultdict` is being used. We hope that in most cases this change will not break backwards-compatibility because both `Counter` and `defaultdict` are `dict` subclasses. If the previous behavior is desired, convert the `dict` into a `Counter`/`defaultdict`: ```python import collections from skbio import Sequence seq = Sequence('ACCGAGTTTAACCGAATA') # Counter freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8) freqs_counter = collections.Counter(freqs_dict) # defaultdict freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8, relative=True) freqs_default_dict = collections.defaultdict(float, freqs_dict) ``` **Rationale:** We believe it is safer to return `dict` instead of `Counter`/`defaultdict` as this may prevent error-prone usage of the return value. Previous behavior allowed accessing missing kmers, returning 0 or 0.0 depending on the `relative` parameter. This is convenient in many cases but also potentially misleading. For example, consider the following code: ```python from skbio import Sequence seq = Sequence('ACCGAGTTTAACCGAATA') freqs = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8) freqs['ACCGA'] ``` Previous behavior would return 0 because the kmer `'ACCGA'` is not present in the `Counter`. In one respect this is the correct answer because we asked for kmers of length 8; `'ACCGA'` is a different length so it is not included in the results. However, we believe it is safer to avoid this implicit behavior in case the user assumes there are no `'ACCGA'` kmers in the sequence (which there are!). A `KeyError` in this case is more explicit and forces the user to consider their query. Returning a `dict` will also be consistent with `Sequence.frequencies`. ### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental] * Replaced ``PCoA``, ``CCA``, ``CA`` and ``RDA`` in ``skbio.stats.ordination`` with equivalent functions ``pcoa``, ``cca``, ``ca`` and ``rda``. These functions now take ``pd.DataFrame`` objects. * Change ``OrdinationResults`` to have its attributes based on ``pd.DataFrame`` and ``pd.Series`` objects, instead of pairs of identifiers and values. The changes are as follows: - ``species`` and ``species_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``features``. - ``site`` and ``site_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``samples``. - ``eigvals`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object. - ``proportion_explained`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object. - ``biplot`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``biplot_scores``. - ``site_constraints`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``sample_constraints``. * ``short_method_name`` and ``long_method_name`` are now required arguments of the ``OrdinationResults`` object. * Removed `skbio.diversity.alpha.equitability`. Please use `skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`, which is more accurately named and better documented. Note that `equitability` by default used logarithm base 2 while `pielou_e` uses logarithm base `e` as described in Heip 1974. * ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` is now called ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``. This function no longer defines a default metric, and ``metric`` is now the first argument to this function. This function can also now take a pairwise distances function as ``pairwise_func``. * Deprecated function ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table`` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Code that used this should be adapted to use ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``. * ``TreeNode.index_tree`` now returns a 2-D numpy array as its second return value (the child node index) instead of a 1-D numpy array. * Deprecated functions `skbio.draw.boxplots` and `skbio.draw.grouped_distributions` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. These functions generated plots that were not specific to bioinformatics. These types of plots can be generated with seaborn or another general-purpose plotting package. * Deprecated function `skbio.stats.power.bootstrap_power_curve` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Use `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` or `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power` followed by `skbio.stats.power.confidence_bound`. * Deprecated function `skbio.stats.spatial.procrustes` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of `scipy.spatial.procrustes`. * Deprecated class `skbio.tree.CompressedTrie` and function `skbio.tree.fasta_to_pairlist` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of existing general-purpose Python trie packages. * Deprecated function `skbio.util.flatten` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of solutions available in the Python standard library (see [here]( and [here]( for examples). * Pairwise alignment functions in `skbio.alignment` now return a tuple containing the `TabularMSA` alignment, alignment score, and start/end positions. The returned `TabularMSA`'s `index` is always the default integer index; sequence IDs are no longer propagated to the MSA. Additionally, the pairwise alignment functions now accept the following input types to align: - `local_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA` or `RNA` - `local_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein` - `local_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence` - `global_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `TabularMSA[DNA|RNA]` - `global_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein` or `TabularMSA[Protein]` - `global_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence` or `TabularMSA` - `local_pairwise_align_ssw`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `Protein`. Additionally, this function now overrides the `protein` kwarg based on input type. `constructor` parameter was removed because the function now determines the return type based on input type. * Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection` in favor of using a list or other standard library containers to store scikit-bio sequence objects (most `SequenceCollection` operations were simple list comprehensions). Use `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` instead of `SequenceCollection.distances` (pass `key="id"` to exactly match original behavior). * Removed `skbio.alignment.Alignment` in favor of `skbio.alignment.TabularMSA`. * Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollectionError` and `skbio.alignment.AlignmentError` exceptions as their corresponding classes no longer exist. ### Bug Fixes * ``Sequence`` objects now handle slicing of empty positional metadata correctly. Any metadata that is empty will no longer be propagated by the internal ``_to`` constructor. ([#1133]( * ``DissimilarityMatrix.plot()`` no longer leaves a white border around the heatmap it plots (PR #1070). * TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` no longer fails when a node with two equal length child branches exists in the tree. ([#1077]( * ``TreeNode._set_max_distance``, as called through ``TreeNode.get_max_distance`` or ``TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` would store distance information as ``list``s in the attribute ``MaxDistTips`` on each node in the tree, however, these distances were only valid for the node in which the call to ``_set_max_distance`` was made. The values contained in ``MaxDistTips`` are now correct across the tree following a call to ``get_max_distance``. The scope of impact of this bug is limited to users that were interacting directly with ``MaxDistTips`` on descendant nodes; this bug does not impact any known method within scikit-bio. ([#1223]( * Added missing `nose` dependency to's `install_requires`. ([#1214]( * Fixed issue that resulted in legends of ``OrdinationResult`` plots sometimes being truncated. ([#1210]( ### Deprecated functionality [stable] * `skbio.Sequence.copy` has been deprecated in favor of `copy.copy(seq)` and `copy.deepcopy(seq)`. ### Miscellaneous * Doctests are now written in Python 3. * ``make test`` now validates using [check-manifest]( ([#461]( * Many new alpha diversity equations added to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` documentation. ([#321]( * Order of ``lowercase`` and ``validate`` keywords swapped in ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein``. ## Version 0.4.0 (2015-07-08) Initial beta release. In addition to the changes detailed below, the following subpackages have been mostly or entirely rewritten and most of their APIs are substantially different (and improved!): * `skbio.sequence` * `` The APIs of these subpackages are now stable, and all others are experimental. See the [API stability docs]( for more details, including what we mean by *stable* and *experimental* in this context. We recognize that this is a lot of backward-incompatible changes. To avoid these types of changes being a surprise to our users, our public APIs are now decorated to make it clear to developers when an API can be relied upon (stable) and when it may be subject to change (experimental). ### Features * Added `skbio.stats.composition` for analyzing data made up of proportions * Added new ``skbio.stats.evolve`` subpackage for evolutionary statistics. Currently contains a single function, ``hommola_cospeciation``, which implements a permutation-based test of correlation between two distance matrices. * Added support for ```` and ```` to pull files from HTTP and HTTPS URLs. This behavior propagates to the I/O registry. * FASTA/QUAL (````) and FASTQ (````) readers now allow blank or whitespace-only lines at the beginning of the file, between records, or at the end of the file. A blank or whitespace-only line in any other location will continue to raise an error [#781]( * scikit-bio now ignores leading and trailing whitespace characters on each line while reading FASTA/QUAL and FASTQ files. * Added `ratio` parameter to `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power`. This allows the user to calculate power on groups for uneven size (For example, draw twice as many samples from Group B than Group A). If `ratio` is not set, group sizes will remain equal across all groups. * Power calculations (`skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` and `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power`) can use test functions that return multiple p values, like some multivariate linear regression models. Previously, the power calculations required the test to return a single p value. * Added ``skbio.util.assert_data_frame_almost_equal`` function for comparing ``pd.DataFrame`` objects in unit tests. ### Performance enhancements * The speed of quality score decoding has been significantly improved (~2x) when reading `fastq` files. * The speed of `NucleotideSequence.reverse_complement` has been improved (~6x). ### Bug fixes * Changed `Sequence.distance` to raise an error any time two sequences are passed of different lengths regardless of the `distance_fn` being passed. [(#514)]( * Fixed issue with ``TreeNode.extend`` where if given the children of another ``TreeNode`` object (``tree.children``), both trees would be left in an incorrect and unpredictable state. ([#889]( * Changed the way power was calculated in `subsample_paired_power` to move the subsample selection before the test is performed. This increases the number of Monte Carlo simulations performed during power estimation, and improves the accuracy of the returned estimate. Previous power estimates from `subsample_paired_power` should be disregarded and re-calculated. ([#910]( * Fixed issue where `randdm` was attempting to create asymmetric distance matrices.This was causing an error to be raised by the `DistanceMatrix` constructor inside of the `randdm` function, so that `randdm` would fail when attempting to create large distance matrices. ([#943]( ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated `skbio.util.flatten`. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.1. Please use standard python library functionality described here [Making a flat list out of lists of lists](, [Flattening a shallow list]( ([#833]( * Deprecated `skbio.stats.power.bootstrap_power_curve` will be removed in scikit-bio 0.4.1. It is deprecated in favor of using ``subsample_power`` or ``sample_paired_power`` to calculate a power matrix, and then the use of ``confidence_bounds`` to calculate the average and confidence intervals. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed the following deprecated functionality: - `skbio.parse` subpackage, including `SequenceIterator`, `FastaIterator`, `FastqIterator`, `load`, `parse_fasta`, `parse_fastq`, `parse_qual`, `write_clustal`, `parse_clustal`, and `FastqParseError`; please use `` instead. - `skbio.format` subpackage, including `fasta_from_sequence`, `fasta_from_alignment`, and `format_fastq_record`; please use `` instead. - `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection.int_map`; please use `SequenceCollection.update_ids` instead. - `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection` methods `to_fasta` and `toFasta`; please use `SequenceCollection.write` instead. - `constructor` parameter in `skbio.alignment.Alignment.majority_consensus`; please convert returned biological sequence object manually as desired (e.g., `str(seq)`). - `skbio.alignment.Alignment.to_phylip`; please use `Alignment.write` instead. - `skbio.sequence.BiologicalSequence.to_fasta`; please use `BiologicalSequence.write` instead. - `skbio.tree.TreeNode` methods `from_newick`, `from_file`, and `to_newick`; please use `` and `TreeNode.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix` methods `from_file` and `to_file`; please use `` and `DissimilarityMatrix.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults` methods `from_file` and `to_file`; please use `` and `OrdinationResults.write` instead. - `skbio.stats.p_value_to_str`; there is no replacement. - `skbio.stats.subsample`; please use `skbio.stats.subsample_counts` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`; please use `skbio.stats.distance.anosim` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`; please use `skbio.stats.distance.permanova` instead. - `skbio.stats.distance.CategoricalStatsResults`; there is no replacement, please use `skbio.stats.distance.anosim` or `skbio.stats.distance.permanova`, which will return a `pandas.Series` object. * `skbio.alignment.Alignment.majority_consensus` now returns `BiologicalSequence('')` if the alignment is empty. Previously, `''` was returned. * `min_observations` was removed from `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` and `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power`. The minimum number of samples for subsampling depends on the data set and statistical tests. Having a default parameter to set unnecessary limitations on the technique. ### Miscellaneous * Changed testing procedures - Developers should now use `make test` - Users can use `python -m skbio.test` - Added `skbio.util._testing.TestRunner` (available through `skbio.util.TestRunner`). Used to provide a `test` method for each module init file. This class represents a unified testing path which wraps all `skbio` testing functionality. - Autodetect Python version and disable doctests for Python 3. * `numpy` is no longer required to be installed before installing scikit-bio! * Upgraded to check source files non-conforming to [new header style]( ([#855]( * Updated to use `natsort` >= 4.0.0. * The method of subsampling was changed for ``skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power``. Rather than drawing a paired sample for the run and then subsampling for each count, the subsample is now drawn for each sample and each run. In test data, this did not significantly alter the power results. * now enforces `__future__` imports in .py files. ## Version 0.2.3 (2015-02-13) ### Features * Modified ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` to accept a list of filepaths. This is useful as it allows for a smaller amount of memory consumption as it only loads two matrices at a time as opposed to requiring that all distance matrices are loaded into memory. * Added ``skbio.util.find_duplicates`` for finding duplicate elements in an iterable. ### Bug fixes * Fixed floating point precision bugs in ``Alignment.position_frequencies``, ``Alignment.position_entropies``, ``Alignment.omit_gap_positions``, ``Alignment.omit_gap_sequences``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies``, and ``SequenceCollection.k_word_frequencies`` ([#801]( ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed ``feature_types`` attribute from ``BiologicalSequence`` and all subclasses ([#797]( * Removed ``find_features`` method from ``BiologicalSequence`` and ``ProteinSequence`` ([#797]( * ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies`` now returns a ``collections.defaultdict`` of type ``float`` instead of type ``int``. This only affects the "default" case, when a key isn't present in the dictionary. Previous behavior would return ``0`` as an ``int``, while the new behavior is to return ``0.0`` as a ``float``. This change also affects the ``defaultdict``s that are returned by ``SequenceCollection.k_word_frequencies``. ### Miscellaneous * ``DissimilarityMatrix`` and ``DistanceMatrix`` now report duplicate IDs in the ``DissimilarityMatrixError`` message that can be raised during validation. ## Version 0.2.2 (2014-12-04) ### Features * Added ``plot`` method to ``skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix`` for creating basic heatmaps of a dissimilarity/distance matrix (see [#684]( Also added ``_repr_png_`` and ``_repr_svg_`` methods for automatic display in the IPython Notebook, with ``png`` and ``svg`` properties for direct access. * Added `__str__` method to `skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`. * Added ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova`` functions, which replace the ``skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`` classes. These new functions provide simpler procedural interfaces to running these statistical methods. They also provide more convenient access to results by returning a ``pandas.Series`` instead of a ``CategoricalStatsResults`` object. These functions have more extensive documentation than their previous versions. If significance tests are suppressed, p-values are returned as ``np.nan`` instead of ``None`` for consistency with other statistical methods in scikit-bio. [#754]( * Added `skbio.stats.power` for performing empirical power analysis. The module uses existing datasets and iteratively draws samples to estimate the number of samples needed to see a significant difference for a given critical value. * Added `skbio.stats.isubsample` for subsampling from an unknown number of values. This method supports subsampling from multiple partitions and does not require that all items be stored in memory, requiring approximately `O(N*M)`` space where `N` is the number of partitions and `M` is the maximum subsample size. * Added ``skbio.stats.subsample_counts``, which replaces ``skbio.stats.subsample``. See deprecation section below for more details ([#770]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed issue where SSW wouldn't compile on i686 architectures ([#409]( ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.p_value_to_str``. This function will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. Permutation-based p-values in scikit-bio are calculated as ``(num_extreme + 1) / (num_permutations + 1)``, so it is impossible to obtain a p-value of zero. This function historically existed for correcting the number of digits displayed when obtaining a p-value of zero. Since this is no longer possible, this functionality will be removed. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.distance.ANOSIM`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.PERMANOVA`` in favor of ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` and ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova``, respectively. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.distance.CategoricalStatsResults`` in favor of using ``pandas.Series`` to store statistical method results. ``anosim`` and ``permanova`` return ``pandas.Series`` instead of ``CategoricalStatsResults``. * Deprecated ``skbio.stats.subsample`` in favor of ``skbio.stats.subsample_counts``, which provides an identical interface; only the function name has changed. ``skbio.stats.subsample`` will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Deprecation warnings are now raised using ``DeprecationWarning`` instead of ``UserWarning`` ([#774]( ### Miscellaneous * The ``pandas.DataFrame`` returned by ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` now stores p-values as floats and does not convert them to strings with a specific number of digits. p-values that were previously stored as "N/A" are now stored as ``np.nan`` for consistency with other statistical methods in scikit-bio. See note in "Deprecated functionality" above regarding ``p_value_to_str`` for details. * scikit-bio now supports versions of IPython < 2.0.0 ([#767]( ## Version 0.2.1 (2014-10-27) This is an alpha release of scikit-bio. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. Unified I/O with the scikit-bio I/O registry was the focus of this release. ### Features * Added ``strict`` and ``lookup`` optional parameters to ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` for handling reordering and matching of IDs when provided ``DistanceMatrix`` instances as input (these parameters were previously only available in ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel``). * ``skbio.stats.distance.pwmantel`` now accepts an iterable of ``array_like`` objects. Previously, only ``DistanceMatrix`` instances were allowed. * Added ``plot`` method to ``skbio.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`` for creating basic 3-D matplotlib scatterplots of ordination results, optionally colored by metadata in a ``pandas.DataFrame`` (see [#518]( Also added ``_repr_png_`` and ``_repr_svg_`` methods for automatic display in the IPython Notebook, with ``png`` and ``svg`` properties for direct access. * Added ``skbio.stats.ordination.assert_ordination_results_equal`` for comparing ``OrdinationResults`` objects for equality in unit tests. * ``BiologicalSequence`` (and its subclasses) now optionally store Phred quality scores. A biological sequence's quality scores are stored as a 1-D ``numpy.ndarray`` of nonnegative integers that is the same length as the biological sequence. Quality scores can be provided upon object instantiation via the keyword argument ``quality``, and can be retrieved via the ``BiologicalSequence.quality`` property. ``BiologicalSequence.has_quality`` is also provided for determining whether a biological sequence has quality scores or not. See [#616]( for more details. * Added ``BiologicalSequence.sequence`` property for retrieving the underlying string representing the sequence characters. This was previously (and still is) accessible via ``BiologicalSequence.__str__``. It is provided via a property for convenience and explicitness. * Added ``BiologicalSequence.equals`` for full control over equality testing of biological sequences. By default, biological sequences must have the same type, underlying sequence of characters, identifier, description, and quality scores to compare equal. These properties can be ignored via the keyword argument ``ignore``. The behavior of ``BiologicalSequence.__eq__``/``__ne__`` remains unchanged (only type and underlying sequence of characters are compared). * Added ``BiologicalSequence.copy`` for creating a copy of a biological sequence, optionally with one or more attributes updated. * ``BiologicalSequence.__getitem__`` now supports specifying a sequence of indices to take from the biological sequence. * Methods to read and write taxonomies are now available under ``skbio.tree.TreeNode.from_taxonomy`` and ``skbio.tree.TreeNode.to_taxonomy`` respectively. * Added ``SequenceCollection.update_ids``, which provides a flexible way of updating sequence IDs on a ``SequenceCollection`` or ``Alignment`` (note that a new object is returned, since instances of these classes are immutable). Deprecated ``SequenceCollection.int_map`` in favor of this new method; it will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. * Added ``skbio.util.cardinal_to_ordinal`` for converting a cardinal number to ordinal string (e.g., useful for error messages). * New I/O Registry: supports multiple file formats, automatic file format detection when reading, unified procedural ```` and ```` in addition to OOP interfaces (``read/write`` methods) on the below objects. See ```` for more details. - Added "clustal" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``Alignment`` * Writers: ``Alignment`` - Added "lsmat" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``DissimilarityMatrix``, ``DistanceMatrix`` * Writers: ``DissimilarityMatrix``, ``DistanceMatrix`` - Added "ordination" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``OrdinationResults`` * Writers: ``OrdinationResults`` - Added "newick" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: ``TreeNode`` * Writers: ``TreeNode`` - Added "phylip" format support: * No sniffer * Readers: None * Writers: ``Alignment`` - Added "qseq" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: None - Added "fasta"/QUAL format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: same as readers - Added "fastq" format support: * Has sniffer * Readers: generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` or its subclasses, ``SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNASequence``, ``ProteinSequence`` * Writers: same as readers ### Bug fixes * Removed ``constructor`` parameter from ``Alignment.k_word_frequencies``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_words``, ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_counts``, and ``BiologicalSequence.k_word_frequencies`` as it had no effect (it was never hooked up in the underlying code). ``BiologicalSequence.k_words`` now returns a generator of ``BiologicalSequence`` objects instead of strings. * Modified the ``Alignment`` constructor to verify that all sequences have the same length, if not, raise an ``AlignmentError`` exception. Updated the method ``Alignment.subalignment`` to calculate the indices only once now that identical sequence length is guaranteed. ### Deprecated functionality * Deprecated ``constructor`` parameter in ``Alignment.majority_consensus`` in favor of having users call ``str`` on the returned ``BiologicalSequence``. This parameter will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. * Existing I/O functionality deprecated in favor of I/O registry, old functionality will be removed in scikit-bio 0.3.0. All functionality can be found at ````, ````, and the methods listed below: * Deprecated the following "clustal" readers/writers: - ``write_clustal`` -> ``Alignment.write`` - ``parse_clustal`` -> ```` * Deprecated the following distance matrix format ("lsmat") readers/writers: - ``DissimilarityMatrix.from_file`` -> ```` - ``DissimilarityMatrix.to_file`` -> ``DissimilarityMatrix.write`` - ``DistanceMatrix.from_file`` -> ```` - ``DistanceMatrix.to_file`` -> ``DistanceMatrix.write`` * Deprecated the following ordination format ("ordination") readers/writers: - ``OrdinationResults.from_file`` -> ```` - ``OrdinationResults.to_file`` -> ``OrdinationResults.write`` * Deprecated the following "newick" readers/writers: - ``TreeNode.from_file`` -> ```` - ``TreeNode.from_newick`` -> ```` - ``TreeNode.to_newick`` -> ``TreeNode.write`` * Deprecated the following "phylip" writers: - ``Alignment.to_phylip`` -> ``Alignment.write`` * Deprecated the following "fasta"/QUAL readers/writers: - ``SequenceCollection.from_fasta_records`` -> ```` - ``SequenceCollection.to_fasta`` -> ``SequenceCollection.write`` - ``fasta_from_sequences`` -> ``, into=<file>, format='fasta')`` - ``fasta_from_alignment`` -> ``Alignment.write`` - ``parse_fasta`` -> ``<fasta>, format='fasta')`` - ``parse_qual`` -> ``<fasta>, format='fasta', qual=<file>)`` - ``BiologicalSequence.to_fasta`` -> ``BiologicalSequence.write`` * Deprecated the following "fastq" readers/writers: - ``parse_fastq`` -> ``<fastq>, format='fastq')`` - ``format_fastq_record`` -> ``<fastq>, format='fastq')`` ### Backward-incompatible changes * ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` now returns a 3-element tuple containing correlation coefficient, p-value, and the number of matching rows/cols in the distance matrices (``n``). The return value was previously a 2-element tuple containing only the correlation coefficient and p-value. * ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` reorders input ``DistanceMatrix`` instances based on matching IDs (see optional parameters ``strict`` and ``lookup`` for controlling this behavior). In the past, ``DistanceMatrix`` instances were treated the same as ``array_like`` input and no reordering took place, regardless of ID (mis)matches. ``array_like`` input behavior remains the same. * If mismatched types are provided to ``skbio.stats.distance.mantel`` (e.g., a ``DistanceMatrix`` and ``array_like``), a ``TypeError`` will be raised. ### Miscellaneous * Added git timestamp checking to, ensuring that when changes are made to Cython (.pyx) files, their corresponding generated C files are also updated. * Fixed performance bug when instantiating ``BiologicalSequence`` objects. The previous runtime scaled linearly with sequence length; it is now constant time when the sequence is already a string. See [#623]( for details. * IPython and six are now required dependencies. ## Version 0.2.0 (2014-08-07) This is an initial alpha release of scikit-bio. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. Many backwards-incompatible API changes were made since the previous release. ### Features * Added ability to compute distances between sequences in a ``SequenceCollection`` object ([#509](, and expanded ``Alignment.distance`` to allow the user to pass a function for computing distances (the default distance metric is still ``scipy.spatial.distance.hamming``) ([#194]( * Added functionality to not penalize terminal gaps in global alignment. This functionality results in more biologically relevant global alignments (see [#537]( for discussion of the issue) and is now the default behavior for global alignment. * The python global aligners (``global_pairwise_align``, ``global_pairwise_align_nucleotide``, and ``global_pairwise_align_protein``) now support aligning pairs of sequences, pairs of alignments, and a sequence and an alignment (see [#550]( This functionality supports progressive multiple sequence alignment, among other things such as adding a sequence to an existing alignment. * Added ``StockholmAlignment.to_file`` for writing Stockholm-formatted files. * Added ``strict=True`` optional parameter to ``DissimilarityMatrix.filter``. * Added ``TreeNode.find_all`` for finding all tree nodes that match a given name. ### Bug fixes * Fixed bug that resulted in a ``ValueError`` from ``local_align_pairwise_nucleotide`` (see [#504]( under many circumstances. This would not generate incorrect results, but would cause the code to fail. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Removed ``skbio.math``, leaving ``stats`` and ``diversity`` to become top level packages. For example, instead of ``from skbio.math.stats.ordination import PCoA`` you would now import ``from skbio.stats.ordination import PCoA``. * The module ``skbio.math.gradient`` as well as the contents of ``skbio.math.subsample`` and ``skbio.math.stats.misc`` are now found in ``skbio.stats``. As an example, to import subsample: ``from skbio.stats import subsample``; to import everything from gradient: ``from skbio.stats.gradient import *``. * The contents of ``skbio.math.stats.ordination.utils`` are now in ``skbio.stats.ordination``. * Removed ```` subpackage (i.e., the *application controller framework*) as this code has been ported to the standalone [burrito]( Python package. This code was not specific to bioinformatics and is useful for wrapping command-line applications in general. * Removed ``skbio.core``, leaving ``alignment``, ``genetic_code``, ``sequence``, ``tree``, and ``workflow`` to become top level packages. For example, instead of ``from skbio.core.sequence import DNA`` you would now import ``from skbio.sequence import DNA``. * Removed ``skbio.util.exception`` and ``skbio.util.warning`` (see [#577]( for the reasoning behind this change). The exceptions/warnings were moved to the following locations: - ``FileFormatError``, ``RecordError``, ``FieldError``, and ``EfficiencyWarning`` have been moved to ``skbio.util`` - ``BiologicalSequenceError`` has been moved to ``skbio.sequence`` - ``SequenceCollectionError`` and ``StockholmParseError`` have been moved to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``DissimilarityMatrixError``, ``DistanceMatrixError``, ``DissimilarityMatrixFormatError``, and ``MissingIDError`` have been moved to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``TreeError``, ``NoLengthError``, ``DuplicateNodeError``, ``MissingNodeError``, and ``NoParentError`` have been moved to ``skbio.tree`` - ``FastqParseError`` has been moved to ``skbio.parse.sequences`` - ``GeneticCodeError``, ``GeneticCodeInitError``, and ``InvalidCodonError`` have been moved to ``skbio.genetic_code`` * The contents of ``skbio.genetic_code`` formerly ``skbio.core.genetic_code`` are now in ``skbio.sequence``. The ``GeneticCodes`` dictionary is now a function ``genetic_code``. The functionality is the same, except that because this is now a function rather than a dict, retrieving a genetic code is done using a function call rather than a lookup (so, for example, ``GeneticCodes[2]`` becomes ``genetic_code(2)``. * Many submodules have been made private with the intention of simplifying imports for users. See [#562]( for discussion of this change. The following list contains the previous module name and where imports from that module should now come from. - ``skbio.alignment.ssw`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.alignment.alignment`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.alignment.pairwise`` to ``skbio.alignment`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.base`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.gini`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.alpha.lladser`` to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` - ``skbio.diversity.beta.base`` to ``skbio.diversity.beta`` - ``skbio.draw.distributions`` to ``skbio.draw`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.anosim`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.base`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.distance.permanova`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.distance`` to ``skbio.stats.distance`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.base`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.canonical_correspondence_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.correspondence_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.principal_coordinate_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.stats.ordination.redundancy_analysis`` to ``skbio.stats.ordination`` - ``skbio.tree.tree`` to ``skbio.tree`` - ``skbio.tree.trie`` to ``skbio.tree`` - ``skbio.util.misc`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.testing`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.exception`` to ``skbio.util`` - ``skbio.util.warning`` to ``skbio.util`` * Moved ``skbio.distance`` contents into ``skbio.stats.distance``. ### Miscellaneous * Relaxed requirement in ``BiologicalSequence.distance`` that sequences being compared are of equal length. This is relevant for Hamming distance, so the check is still performed in that case, but other distance metrics may not have that requirement. See [#504]( * Renamed ```` repo-checking script to ```` for clarity. * ```` now ensures that all unit tests import from a minimally deep API. For example, it will produce an error if ``skbio.core.distance.DistanceMatrix`` is used over ``skbio.DistanceMatrix``. * Extra dimension is no longer calculated in ``skbio.stats.spatial.procrustes``. * Expanded documentation in various subpackages. * Added new scikit-bio logo. Thanks [Alina Prassas](! ## Version 0.1.4 (2014-06-25) This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ### Features * Added Python implementations of Smith-Waterman and Needleman-Wunsch alignment as ``skbio.core.alignment.pairwise.local_pairwise_align`` and ``skbio.core.alignment.pairwise.global_pairwise_align``. These are much slower than native C implementations (e.g., ``skbio.core.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw``) and as a result raise an ``EfficencyWarning`` when called, but are included as they serve as useful educational examples as they’re simple to experiment with. * Added ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` and ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table``. These provide convenient access to the ``scipy.spatial.distance.pdist`` *beta diversity* metrics from within scikit-bio. The ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table`` function will only be available temporarily, until the ``biom.table.Table`` object is merged into scikit-bio (see [#489](, at which point ``skbio.core.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` will be updated to use that. * Added ``skbio.core.alignment.StockholmAlignment``, which provides support for parsing [Stockholm-formatted alignment files]( and working with those alignments in the context RNA secondary structural information. * Added ``skbio.core.tree.majority_rule`` function for computing consensus trees from a list of trees. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Function ``skbio.core.alignment.align_striped_smith_waterman`` renamed to ``local_pairwise_align_ssw`` and now returns an ``Alignment`` object instead of an ``AlignmentStructure`` * The following keyword-arguments for ``StripedSmithWaterman`` and ``local_pairwise_align_ssw`` have been renamed: * ``gap_open`` -> ``gap_open_penalty`` * ``gap_extend`` -> ``gap_extend_penalty`` * ``match`` -> ``match_score`` * ``mismatch`` -> ``mismatch_score`` * Removed ``skbio.util.sort`` module in favor of [natsort]( package. ### Miscellaneous * Added script to perform basic sanity-checking of the repo based on recurring issues that weren't being caught until release time; added to Travis build. * Added with release instructions. * Added intersphinx mappings to docs so that "See Also" references to numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and pandas are hyperlinks. * The following classes are no longer ``namedtuple`` subclasses (see [#359]( for the rationale): * ``skbio.math.stats.ordination.OrdinationResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.GroupResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.CategoryResults`` * ``skbio.math.gradient.GradientANOVAResults`` * Added coding guidelines draft. * Added new alpha diversity formulas to the ``skbio.math.diversity.alpha`` documentation. ## Version 0.1.3 (2014-06-12) This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ### Features * Added ``enforce_qual_range`` parameter to ``parse_fastq`` (on by default, maintaining backward compatibility). This allows disabling of the quality score range-checking. * Added ``skbio.core.tree.nj``, which applies neighbor-joining for phylogenetic reconstruction. * Added ``bioenv``, ``mantel``, and ``pwmantel`` distance-based statistics to ``skbio.math.stats.distance`` subpackage. * Added ``skbio.math.stats.misc`` module for miscellaneous stats utility functions. * IDs are now optional when constructing a ``DissimilarityMatrix`` or ``DistanceMatrix`` (monotonically-increasing integers cast as strings are automatically used). * Added ``DistanceMatrix.permute`` method for randomly permuting rows and columns of a distance matrix. * Added the following methods to ``DissimilarityMatrix``: ``filter``, ``index``, and ``__contains__`` for ID-based filtering, index lookup, and membership testing, respectively. * Added ``ignore_comment`` parameter to ``parse_fasta`` (off by default, maintaining backward compatibility). This handles stripping the comment field from the header line (i.e., all characters beginning with the first space) before returning the label. * Added imports of ``BiologicalSequence``, ``NucleotideSequence``, ``DNA``, ``DNASequence``, ``RNA``, ``RNASequence``, ``Protein``, ``ProteinSequence``, ``DistanceMatrix``, ``align_striped_smith_waterman``, `` SequenceCollection``, ``Alignment``, ``TreeNode``, ``nj``, ``parse_fasta``, ``parse_fastq``, ``parse_qual``, ``FastaIterator``, ``FastqIterator``, ``SequenceIterator`` in ``skbio/`` for convenient importing. For example, it's now possible to ``from skbio import Alignment``, rather than ``from skbio.core.alignment import Alignment``. ### Bug fixes * Fixed a couple of unit tests that could fail stochastically. * Added missing ```` files to a couple of test directories so that these tests won't be skipped. * ``parse_fastq`` now raises an error on dangling records. * Fixed several warnings that were raised while running the test suite with Python 3.4. ### Backward-incompatible changes * Functionality imported from ``skbio.core.ssw`` must now be imported from ``skbio.core.alignment`` instead. ### Miscellaneous * Code is now flake8-compliant; added flake8 checking to Travis build. * Various additions and improvements to documentation (API, installation instructions, developer instructions, etc.). * ``__future__`` imports are now standardized across the codebase. * New website front page and styling changes throughout. Moved docs site to its own versioned subdirectories. * Reorganized alignment data structures and algorithms (e.g., SSW code, ``Alignment`` class, etc.) into an ``skbio.core.alignment`` subpackage. ## Version 0.1.1 (2014-05-16) Fixes to This is a pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen. ## Version 0.1.0 (2014-05-15) Initial pre-alpha release. At this stage, major backwards-incompatible API changes can and will happen.
scikit-bio documentation ======================== This guide contains instructions for building the scikit-bio documentation, as well as guidelines for contributing to the documentation. **Note:** If you're only interested in viewing the scikit-bio documentation, visit []( Building the documentation -------------------------- To build the documentation, you'll need a scikit-bio development environment set up. See [](../ for instructions. In addition, you will also need to install Sphinx and the theme for the documentation, you can do that with: pip install 'Sphinx<=3.0' sphinx-bootstrap-theme **Important:** The documentation will be built for whatever version of scikit-bio is *currently installed* on your system (i.e., the version imported by ```import skbio```). This may not match the code located in this repository. You will need to either install this version of scikit-bio somewhere (e.g., in a virtualenv) or point your ```PYTHONPATH``` environment variable to this code, *before* building the documentation. To build the documentation, assuming you are at the top-level scikit-bio directory: make -C doc clean html The built HTML documentation will be at ```doc/build/html/index.html```. Contributing to the documentation --------------------------------- If you would like to contribute to the documentation, whether by adding something entirely new or by modifying existing documentation, please first review our [scikit-bio contribution guide](../ Before submitting your changes, ensure that the documentation builds without errors or warnings. ### Documentation guidelines Most of scikit-bio's API documentation is automatically generated from [docstrings]( The advantage to this approach is that users can access the documentation in an interactive Python session or from our website as HTML. Other output formats are also possible, such as PDF. scikit-bio docstrings follow the [numpydoc conventions]( This ensures that the docstrings are easily readable both from the interpreter and HTML, PDF, etc. Please read the numpydoc guidelines before continuing. ### Documenting a module in scikit-bio In addition to following the numpydoc conventions for docstrings, we have a few more conventions that will ensure your documentation is correctly built and linked within our website, and that it maintains consistency with the rest of the scikit-bio docs. The easiest way to get started with documenting your code is to look at the docstrings in existing scikit-bio modules. A couple of modules to start with are ```skbio.sequence``` and ```skbio.stats.distance```. Go ahead and look through those now. We've structured our docs in a similar way to [SciPy's documentation](, so that may be another good place to look for examples. We'll take a top-down approach by discussing how to document a new module that you'd like to add to scikit-bio (let's call it ```skbio/```). #### Module docstring The first thing you'll need to add is a docstring for the module. The docstring must start at the first line of the file. It should start with a title for the module: """ Documentation examples (:mod:`skbio.example`) ============================================= It is important to include the ```:mod:``` Sphinx directive in the title, as this title will be included in the table of contents. Also make sure that the title underline is the same length as the title. We also need to include another Sphinx directive below this: .. currentmodule:: skbio.example This directive tells Sphinx that other classes, functions, etc. that we will reference are located in the ```skbio.example``` module. Next, include a more detailed description of the module. For example: This module consists of several example classes and functions to illustrate the scikit-bio documentation system. Following that, list any classes, functions, and exceptions that you'd like documentation generated for. Note that you do *not* need to include every single class, function, or exception that is defined in the module. Also, you do not need to list class methods, as those will be automatically included in the generated class documentation. Only include objects that should be exposed as part of the public API. For example: Classes ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ExampleClass1 ExampleClass2 Functions --------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ example_function1 example_function2 Exceptions ---------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ExampleError The ```autosummary``` directives are important as they generate RST files in the ```generated/``` directory for each object. A single-line summary and link to each object is inserted into the page for you. After listing public module members, we encourage a usage example section showing how to use some of the module's functionality. Examples should be written in [doctest]( format so that they can be automatically tested (e.g., using ```make test``` or ```python -m skbio.test```). Examples -------- Run the ``example_function1`` function: >>> from skbio.example import example_function1 >>> example_function1("hello", "world") hello world! You can also embed the plots that an example generates into the built documentation with the ```.. plot::``` directive. For example: .. plot:: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'col2': [10, 11, 12, 13]}) >>> fig = df.boxplot() This will include the plot, a link to the source code used to generate the plot, and links to different image formats (e.g., PNG and PDF) so that users can easily download the plot. You're now ready to document the members of your module. #### Documenting module members When documenting the members of a module (e.g., classes, methods, attributes, functions, and exceptions), follow the numpydoc conventions. In addition to these conventions, there are a few things to keep in mind: - When documenting a class, only public methods and attributes are included in the built documentation. If a method or attribute starts with an underscore, it is assumed to be private. - When documenting a class, include the ```Parameters``` section in the class docstring, instead of in the ```__init__``` docstring. While numpydoc technically supports either form, ```__init__``` is not included in the list of methods by default and thus should have its documentation included in the class docstring. #### Including the module in the docs Until now, we've only been editing docstrings, which are attached to Python code. The final step is to hook up this new module's docstrings to the documentation build system: 1. Make sure you're within the ```scikit-bio/doc``` directory. 2. Create a new file with the same name as your module under the ```source``` directory. Do not include ```skbio``` as part of the name, and use ```.rst``` as the suffix. For example, ```source/example.rst```. 3. Add the following line to ```source/example.rst``` to have your module's docstring pulled into the document: ``` .. automodule:: skbio.example ``` 4. Add the following line to ```source/index.rst``` to add the new page to the top-level table of contents: ``` example ``` That's it! You can now try building the documentation, which should include the documentation for your new module! ### Documenting a subpackage in scikit-bio The process of documenting a subpackage is very similar to documenting a module in scikit-bio. The only difference is that the module docstring goes in the subpackage's ``````. ### Troubleshooting If things aren't working correctly, try running ```make clean``` and then rebuild the docs. If things still aren't working, try building the docs *without* your changes, and see if there are any Sphinx errors or warnings. Make note of these, and then see what new errors or warnings are generated when you add your changes again.
scikit-bio ========== scikit-bio (canonically pronounced *sigh-kit-buy-oh*) is a library for working with biological data in Python 3. scikit-bio is open source, BSD-licensed software that is currently under active development. API Reference ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 io sequence alignment tree workflow diversity stats metadata util User Documentation ------------------ The user documentation contains high-level information for users of scikit-bio. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 user/api_stability Developer Documentation ----------------------- The developer documentation contains information for how to contribute to scikit-bio. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 development/coding_guidelines development/new_module
scikit-bio ========== scikit-bio (canonically pronounced *sigh-kit-buy-oh*) is a library for working with biological data in Python 3. scikit-bio is open source, BSD-licensed software that is currently under active development. API Reference ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 io sequence alignment tree workflow diversity stats metadata util User Documentation ------------------ The user documentation contains high-level information for users of scikit-bio. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 user/api_stability Developer Documentation ----------------------- The developer documentation contains information for how to contribute to scikit-bio. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 development/coding_guidelines development/new_module
{# This template was modified from autosummaries default format #} {{ fullname | escape | underline}} {# We need a list of the built-ins that we implemented, not the default ones #} {% set built_in_methods = [] %} {% for item in all_methods %} {% if (item not in ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__getattribute__', '__init__', '__dir__', '__format__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__subclasshook__', '__init_subclass__', '__class_getitem__'] and item.startswith('__')) %} {{ built_in_methods.append(item) or '' }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} .. currentmodule:: {{ module }} .. autoclass:: {{ objname }} {% if attributes %} .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: {% for item in attributes %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {% if built_in_methods %} .. rubric:: Built-ins .. autosummary:: :toctree: {% for item in built_in_methods %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {% if methods %} .. rubric:: Methods .. autosummary:: :toctree: {% for item in methods %} {% if item != '__init__' %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {% endif %} {%- endfor %} {% endif %}
{# This template was modified from autosummaries default format #} {{ fullname | escape | underline}} {# We need a list of the built-ins that we implemented, not the default ones #} {% set built_in_methods = [] %} {% for item in all_methods %} {% if (item not in ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__getattribute__', '__init__', '__dir__', '__format__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__subclasshook__', '__init_subclass__', '__class_getitem__'] and item.startswith('__')) %} {{ built_in_methods.append(item) or '' }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} .. currentmodule:: {{ module }} .. autoclass:: {{ objname }} {% if attributes %} .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: {% for item in attributes %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {% if built_in_methods %} .. rubric:: Built-ins .. autosummary:: :toctree: {% for item in built_in_methods %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {% if methods %} .. rubric:: Methods .. autosummary:: :toctree: {% for item in methods %} {% if item != '__init__' %} ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} {% endif %} {%- endfor %} {% endif %}
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API Stability ============= All public functionality in scikit-bio has a defined stability state. These states inform users and developers to what extent they can rely on different APIs in the package. You can find out the stability state of public functionality by looking at its docstring, which is formatted based on `numpydoc <>`_. This information will either be in the *Extended Summary* section of the docstring, or in the case of deprecation, this information will appear as a note following the *Short Summary*. The following diagram illustrates the API lifecycle in scikit-bio: .. image:: assets/api-lifecycle.png :align: center Definitions of the stability states and the information associated with each follow. Stable ------ Functionality defined as stable is part of scikit-bio's backward- compatible API. Users can be confident that the API will not change without first passing through the deprecated state, typically for at least two release cycles. We make every effort to maintain the API of this code. The docstrings of stable functionality will indicate the first scikit-bio version where the functionality was considered stable. Experimental ------------ Functionality defined as experimental is being considered for addition to scikit-bio's stable API. Users are encouraged to use this code, but to be aware that its API may change or be removed. Experimental functionality will typically pass through the deprecated state before it is removed, but in rare cases it may be removed directly (for example, if a serious methodological flaw is discovered that makes the functionality scientifically invalid). The docstrings of experimental functionality will indicate the first scikit-bio version where the functionality was considered experimental. We aim to move functionality through the experimental phase quickly (for example, two releases before moving to stable), but we don't make specific promises about when experimental functionality will become stable. This aligns with our philosophy that we don't make promises about experimental APIs, only about stable APIs. Deprecated ---------- Functionality defined as deprecated is targeted for removal from scikit-bio. Users should transition away from using it. The docstrings of deprecated functionality will indicate the first version of scikit-bio where the functionality was deprecated, the version of scikit-bio when the functionality will be removed, and the reason for deprecation of the code (for example, because a function was determined to be scientifically invalid, or because the API was adapted, and users should be using a different version of the function). Using deprecated functionality will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. Since Python 2.7, these types of warnings are **silenced by default**. When developing a tool that uses scikit-bio, we recommend enabling the display of deprecation warnings to be informed of upcoming API changes. For details on how to display deprecation warnings, see `Python's deprecation warning docs <>`_.
API Stability ============= All public functionality in scikit-bio has a defined stability state. These states inform users and developers to what extent they can rely on different APIs in the package. You can find out the stability state of public functionality by looking at its docstring, which is formatted based on `numpydoc <>`_. This information will either be in the *Extended Summary* section of the docstring, or in the case of deprecation, this information will appear as a note following the *Short Summary*. The following diagram illustrates the API lifecycle in scikit-bio: .. image:: assets/api-lifecycle.png :align: center Definitions of the stability states and the information associated with each follow. Stable ------ Functionality defined as stable is part of scikit-bio's backward- compatible API. Users can be confident that the API will not change without first passing through the deprecated state, typically for at least two release cycles. We make every effort to maintain the API of this code. The docstrings of stable functionality will indicate the first scikit-bio version where the functionality was considered stable. Experimental ------------ Functionality defined as experimental is being considered for addition to scikit-bio's stable API. Users are encouraged to use this code, but to be aware that its API may change or be removed. Experimental functionality will typically pass through the deprecated state before it is removed, but in rare cases it may be removed directly (for example, if a serious methodological flaw is discovered that makes the functionality scientifically invalid). The docstrings of experimental functionality will indicate the first scikit-bio version where the functionality was considered experimental. We aim to move functionality through the experimental phase quickly (for example, two releases before moving to stable), but we don't make specific promises about when experimental functionality will become stable. This aligns with our philosophy that we don't make promises about experimental APIs, only about stable APIs. Deprecated ---------- Functionality defined as deprecated is targeted for removal from scikit-bio. Users should transition away from using it. The docstrings of deprecated functionality will indicate the first version of scikit-bio where the functionality was deprecated, the version of scikit-bio when the functionality will be removed, and the reason for deprecation of the code (for example, because a function was determined to be scientifically invalid, or because the API was adapted, and users should be using a different version of the function). Using deprecated functionality will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. Since Python 2.7, these types of warnings are **silenced by default**. When developing a tool that uses scikit-bio, we recommend enabling the display of deprecation warnings to be informed of upcoming API changes. For details on how to display deprecation warnings, see `Python's deprecation warning docs <>`_.
import import numpy as np import pandas as pd from skbio.tree import DuplicateNodeError, MissingNodeError from skbio.diversity._phylogenetic import _nodes_by_counts def _validate_counts_vector(counts, suppress_cast=False): """Validate and convert input to an acceptable counts vector type. Note: may not always return a copy of `counts`! """ counts = np.asarray(counts) try: if not np.all(np.isreal(counts)): raise Exception except Exception: raise ValueError("Counts vector must contain real-valued entries.") if counts.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Only 1-D vectors are supported.") elif (counts < 0).any(): raise ValueError("Counts vector cannot contain negative values.") return counts def _validate_counts_matrix(counts, ids=None, suppress_cast=False): results = [] # handle case of where counts is a single vector by making it a matrix. # this has to be done before forcing counts into an ndarray because we # don't yet know that all of the entries are of equal length if isinstance(counts, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): if ids is not None and len(counts.index) != len(ids): raise ValueError( "Number of rows in ``counts``" " must be equal to number of provided ``ids``." ) return np.asarray(counts) else: if len(counts) == 0 or not isinstance(counts[0], counts = [counts] counts = np.asarray(counts) if counts.ndim > 2: raise ValueError( "Only 1-D and 2-D array-like objects can be provided " "as input. Provided object has %d dimensions." % counts.ndim) if ids is not None and len(counts) != len(ids): raise ValueError( "Number of rows in ``counts`` must be equal " "to number of provided ``ids``." ) lens = [] for v in counts: results.append(_validate_counts_vector(v, suppress_cast)) lens.append(len(v)) if len(set(lens)) > 1: raise ValueError( "All rows in ``counts`` must be of equal length." ) return np.asarray(results) def _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree): len_otu_ids = len(otu_ids) set_otu_ids = set(otu_ids) if len_otu_ids != len(set_otu_ids): raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` cannot contain duplicated ids.") if len(counts) != len_otu_ids: raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` must be the same length as ``counts`` " "vector(s).") if len(tree.root().children) == 0: raise ValueError("``tree`` must contain more than just a root node.") if len(tree.root().children) > 2: # this is an imperfect check for whether the tree is rooted or not. # can this be improved? raise ValueError("``tree`` must be rooted.") # all nodes (except the root node) have corresponding branch lengths # all tip names in tree are unique # all otu_ids correspond to tip names in tree branch_lengths = [] tip_names = [] for e in tree.traverse(): if not e.is_root(): branch_lengths.append(e.length) if e.is_tip(): tip_names.append( set_tip_names = set(tip_names) if len(tip_names) != len(set_tip_names): raise DuplicateNodeError("All tip names must be unique.") if np.array([branch is None for branch in branch_lengths]).any(): raise ValueError("All non-root nodes in ``tree`` must have a branch " "length.") missing_tip_names = set_otu_ids - set_tip_names if missing_tip_names != set(): n_missing_tip_names = len(missing_tip_names) raise MissingNodeError("All ``otu_ids`` must be present as tip names " "in ``tree``. ``otu_ids`` not corresponding to " "tip names (n=%d): %s" % (n_missing_tip_names, " ".join(missing_tip_names))) def _vectorize_counts_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree): """ Index tree and convert counts to np.array in corresponding order """ tree_index = tree.to_array(nan_length_value=0.0) otu_ids = np.asarray(otu_ids) counts = np.atleast_2d(counts) counts_by_node = _nodes_by_counts(counts, otu_ids, tree_index) branch_lengths = tree_index['length'] # branch_lengths is just a reference to the array inside of tree_index, # but it's used so much that it's convenient to just pull it out here. return counts_by_node.T, tree_index, branch_lengths def _get_phylogenetic_kwargs(counts, **kwargs): try: otu_ids = kwargs.pop('otu_ids') except KeyError: raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` is required for phylogenetic diversity " "metrics.") try: tree = kwargs.pop('tree') except KeyError: raise ValueError("``tree`` is required for phylogenetic diversity " "metrics.") return otu_ids, tree, kwargs def _quantitative_to_qualitative_counts(counts): return counts > 0.0
import import numpy as np import pandas as pd from skbio.tree import DuplicateNodeError, MissingNodeError from skbio.diversity._phylogenetic import _nodes_by_counts def _validate_counts_vector(counts, suppress_cast=False): """Validate and convert input to an acceptable counts vector type. Note: may not always return a copy of `counts`! """ counts = np.asarray(counts) try: if not np.all(np.isreal(counts)): raise Exception except Exception: raise ValueError("Counts vector must contain real-valued entries.") if counts.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Only 1-D vectors are supported.") elif (counts < 0).any(): raise ValueError("Counts vector cannot contain negative values.") return counts def _validate_counts_matrix(counts, ids=None, suppress_cast=False): results = [] # handle case of where counts is a single vector by making it a matrix. # this has to be done before forcing counts into an ndarray because we # don't yet know that all of the entries are of equal length if isinstance(counts, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): if ids is not None and len(counts.index) != len(ids): raise ValueError( "Number of rows in ``counts``" " must be equal to number of provided ``ids``." ) return np.asarray(counts) else: if len(counts) == 0 or not isinstance(counts[0], counts = [counts] counts = np.asarray(counts) if counts.ndim > 2: raise ValueError( "Only 1-D and 2-D array-like objects can be provided " "as input. Provided object has %d dimensions." % counts.ndim) if ids is not None and len(counts) != len(ids): raise ValueError( "Number of rows in ``counts`` must be equal " "to number of provided ``ids``." ) lens = [] for v in counts: results.append(_validate_counts_vector(v, suppress_cast)) lens.append(len(v)) if len(set(lens)) > 1: raise ValueError( "All rows in ``counts`` must be of equal length." ) return np.asarray(results) def _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree): len_otu_ids = len(otu_ids) set_otu_ids = set(otu_ids) if len_otu_ids != len(set_otu_ids): raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` cannot contain duplicated ids.") if len(counts) != len_otu_ids: raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` must be the same length as ``counts`` " "vector(s).") if len(tree.root().children) == 0: raise ValueError("``tree`` must contain more than just a root node.") if len(tree.root().children) > 2: # this is an imperfect check for whether the tree is rooted or not. # can this be improved? raise ValueError("``tree`` must be rooted.") # all nodes (except the root node) have corresponding branch lengths # all tip names in tree are unique # all otu_ids correspond to tip names in tree branch_lengths = [] tip_names = [] for e in tree.traverse(): if not e.is_root(): branch_lengths.append(e.length) if e.is_tip(): tip_names.append( set_tip_names = set(tip_names) if len(tip_names) != len(set_tip_names): raise DuplicateNodeError("All tip names must be unique.") if np.array([branch is None for branch in branch_lengths]).any(): raise ValueError("All non-root nodes in ``tree`` must have a branch " "length.") missing_tip_names = set_otu_ids - set_tip_names if missing_tip_names != set(): n_missing_tip_names = len(missing_tip_names) raise MissingNodeError("All ``otu_ids`` must be present as tip names " "in ``tree``. ``otu_ids`` not corresponding to " "tip names (n=%d): %s" % (n_missing_tip_names, " ".join(missing_tip_names))) def _vectorize_counts_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree): """ Index tree and convert counts to np.array in corresponding order """ tree_index = tree.to_array(nan_length_value=0.0) otu_ids = np.asarray(otu_ids) counts = np.atleast_2d(counts) counts_by_node = _nodes_by_counts(counts, otu_ids, tree_index) branch_lengths = tree_index['length'] # branch_lengths is just a reference to the array inside of tree_index, # but it's used so much that it's convenient to just pull it out here. return counts_by_node.T, tree_index, branch_lengths def _get_phylogenetic_kwargs(counts, **kwargs): try: otu_ids = kwargs.pop('otu_ids') except KeyError: raise ValueError("``otu_ids`` is required for phylogenetic diversity " "metrics.") try: tree = kwargs.pop('tree') except KeyError: raise ValueError("``tree`` is required for phylogenetic diversity " "metrics.") return otu_ids, tree, kwargs def _quantitative_to_qualitative_counts(counts): return counts > 0.0
from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from skbio.diversity._util import (_validate_counts_vector, _validate_otu_ids_and_tree, _vectorize_counts_and_tree) def _faith_pd(counts_by_node, branch_lengths): return (branch_lengths * (counts_by_node > 0)).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.1") def faith_pd(counts, otu_ids, tree, validate=True): """ Compute Faith's phylogenetic diversity metric (PD) Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vectors of counts/abundances of OTUs for one sample. otu_ids: list, np.array Vector of OTU ids corresponding to tip names in ``tree``. Must be the same length as ``counts``. tree: skbio.TreeNode Tree relating the OTUs in otu_ids. The set of tip names in the tree can be a superset of ``otu_ids``, but not a subset. validate: bool, optional If `False`, validation of the input won't be performed. This step can be slow, so if validation is run elsewhere it can be disabled here. However, invalid input data can lead to invalid results or error messages that are hard to interpret, so this step should not be bypassed if you're not certain that your input data are valid. See :mod:`skbio.diversity` for the description of what validation entails so you can determine if you can safely disable validation. Returns ------- float The phylogenetic diversity (PD) of the samples. Raises ------ ValueError, MissingNodeError, DuplicateNodeError If validation fails. Exact error will depend on what was invalid. See Also -------- skbio.diversity skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity Notes ----- Faith's phylogenetic diversity, often referred to as PD, was originally described in [1]_. If computing Faith's PD for multiple samples, using ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` will be much faster than calling this function individually on each sample. This implementation differs from that in PyCogent (and therefore QIIME versions less than 2.0.0) by imposing a few additional restrictions on the inputs. First, the input tree must be rooted. In PyCogent, if an unrooted tree was provided that had a single trifurcating node (a newick convention for unrooted trees) that node was considered the root of the tree. Next, all OTU IDs must be tips in the tree. PyCogent would silently ignore OTU IDs that were not present the tree. To reproduce Faith PD results from PyCogent with scikit-bio, ensure that your PyCogent Faith PD calculations are performed on a rooted tree and that all OTU IDs are present in the tree. This implementation of Faith's PD is based on the array-based implementation of UniFrac described in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Faith, D. P. Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biol. Conserv. (1992). .. [2] Hamady M, Lozupone C, Knight R. Fast UniFrac: facilitating high- throughput phylogenetic analyses of microbial communities including analysis of pyrosequencing and PhyloChip data. ISME J. 4(1):17-27 (2010). Examples -------- Assume we have the following abundance data for a sample ``u``, represented as a counts vector. These counts represent the number of times specific Operational Taxonomic Units, or OTUs, were observed in the sample. >>> u_counts = [1, 0, 0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0] Because Faith PD is a phylogenetic diversity metric, we need to know which OTU each count corresponds to, which we'll provide as ``otu_ids``. >>> otu_ids = ['OTU1', 'OTU2', 'OTU3', 'OTU4', 'OTU5', 'OTU6', 'OTU7', ... 'OTU8'] We also need a phylogenetic tree that relates the OTUs to one another. >>> from io import StringIO >>> from skbio import TreeNode >>> tree = ... '(((((OTU1:0.5,OTU2:0.5):0.5,OTU3:1.0):1.0):0.0,' ... '(OTU4:0.75,(OTU5:0.5,((OTU6:0.33,OTU7:0.62):0.5' ... ',OTU8:0.5):0.5):0.5):1.25):0.0)root;')) We can then compute the Faith PD of the sample. >>> from skbio.diversity.alpha import faith_pd >>> pd = faith_pd(u_counts, otu_ids, tree) >>> print(round(pd, 2)) 6.95 """ counts_by_node, branch_lengths = _setup_faith_pd( counts, otu_ids, tree, validate, single_sample=True) return _faith_pd(counts_by_node, branch_lengths) def _setup_faith_pd(counts, otu_ids, tree, validate, single_sample): if validate: if single_sample: # only validate count if operating in single sample mode, they # will have already been validated otherwise counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree) else: _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts[0], otu_ids, tree) counts_by_node, tree_index, branch_lengths = \ _vectorize_counts_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree) return counts_by_node, branch_lengths
from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from skbio.diversity._util import (_validate_counts_vector, _validate_otu_ids_and_tree, _vectorize_counts_and_tree) def _faith_pd(counts_by_node, branch_lengths): return (branch_lengths * (counts_by_node > 0)).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.1") def faith_pd(counts, otu_ids, tree, validate=True): """ Compute Faith's phylogenetic diversity metric (PD) Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vectors of counts/abundances of OTUs for one sample. otu_ids: list, np.array Vector of OTU ids corresponding to tip names in ``tree``. Must be the same length as ``counts``. tree: skbio.TreeNode Tree relating the OTUs in otu_ids. The set of tip names in the tree can be a superset of ``otu_ids``, but not a subset. validate: bool, optional If `False`, validation of the input won't be performed. This step can be slow, so if validation is run elsewhere it can be disabled here. However, invalid input data can lead to invalid results or error messages that are hard to interpret, so this step should not be bypassed if you're not certain that your input data are valid. See :mod:`skbio.diversity` for the description of what validation entails so you can determine if you can safely disable validation. Returns ------- float The phylogenetic diversity (PD) of the samples. Raises ------ ValueError, MissingNodeError, DuplicateNodeError If validation fails. Exact error will depend on what was invalid. See Also -------- skbio.diversity skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity Notes ----- Faith's phylogenetic diversity, often referred to as PD, was originally described in [1]_. If computing Faith's PD for multiple samples, using ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` will be much faster than calling this function individually on each sample. This implementation differs from that in PyCogent (and therefore QIIME versions less than 2.0.0) by imposing a few additional restrictions on the inputs. First, the input tree must be rooted. In PyCogent, if an unrooted tree was provided that had a single trifurcating node (a newick convention for unrooted trees) that node was considered the root of the tree. Next, all OTU IDs must be tips in the tree. PyCogent would silently ignore OTU IDs that were not present the tree. To reproduce Faith PD results from PyCogent with scikit-bio, ensure that your PyCogent Faith PD calculations are performed on a rooted tree and that all OTU IDs are present in the tree. This implementation of Faith's PD is based on the array-based implementation of UniFrac described in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Faith, D. P. Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biol. Conserv. (1992). .. [2] Hamady M, Lozupone C, Knight R. Fast UniFrac: facilitating high- throughput phylogenetic analyses of microbial communities including analysis of pyrosequencing and PhyloChip data. ISME J. 4(1):17-27 (2010). Examples -------- Assume we have the following abundance data for a sample ``u``, represented as a counts vector. These counts represent the number of times specific Operational Taxonomic Units, or OTUs, were observed in the sample. >>> u_counts = [1, 0, 0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0] Because Faith PD is a phylogenetic diversity metric, we need to know which OTU each count corresponds to, which we'll provide as ``otu_ids``. >>> otu_ids = ['OTU1', 'OTU2', 'OTU3', 'OTU4', 'OTU5', 'OTU6', 'OTU7', ... 'OTU8'] We also need a phylogenetic tree that relates the OTUs to one another. >>> from io import StringIO >>> from skbio import TreeNode >>> tree = ... '(((((OTU1:0.5,OTU2:0.5):0.5,OTU3:1.0):1.0):0.0,' ... '(OTU4:0.75,(OTU5:0.5,((OTU6:0.33,OTU7:0.62):0.5' ... ',OTU8:0.5):0.5):0.5):1.25):0.0)root;')) We can then compute the Faith PD of the sample. >>> from skbio.diversity.alpha import faith_pd >>> pd = faith_pd(u_counts, otu_ids, tree) >>> print(round(pd, 2)) 6.95 """ counts_by_node, branch_lengths = _setup_faith_pd( counts, otu_ids, tree, validate, single_sample=True) return _faith_pd(counts_by_node, branch_lengths) def _setup_faith_pd(counts, otu_ids, tree, validate, single_sample): if validate: if single_sample: # only validate count if operating in single sample mode, they # will have already been validated otherwise counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree) else: _validate_otu_ids_and_tree(counts[0], otu_ids, tree) counts_by_node, tree_index, branch_lengths = \ _vectorize_counts_and_tree(counts, otu_ids, tree) return counts_by_node, branch_lengths
import numpy as np from scipy.special import gammaln from scipy.optimize import fmin_powell, minimize_scalar from skbio.stats import subsample_counts from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def berger_parker_d(counts): r"""Calculate Berger-Parker dominance. Berger-Parker dominance is defined as the fraction of the sample that belongs to the most abundant OTU: .. math:: d = \frac{N_{max}}{N} where :math:`N_{max}` is defined as the number of individuals in the most abundant OTU (or any of the most abundant OTUs in the case of ties), and :math:`N` is defined as the total number of individuals in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Berger-Parker dominance. Notes ----- Berger-Parker dominance is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Berger & Parker (1970). SDR-IV online help. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return counts.max() / counts.sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def brillouin_d(counts): r"""Calculate Brillouin index of alpha diversity. This is calculated as follows: .. math:: HB = \frac{\ln N!-\sum^s_{i=1}{\ln n_i!}}{N} where :math:`N` is defined as the total number of individuals in the sample, :math:`s` is the number of OTUs, and :math:`n_i` is defined as the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Brillouin index. Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) nz = counts[counts.nonzero()] n = nz.sum() return (gammaln(n + 1) - gammaln(nz + 1).sum()) / n @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def dominance(counts): r"""Calculate dominance. Dominance is defined as .. math:: \sum{p_i^2} where :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the entire community that OTU :math:`i` represents. Dominance can also be defined as 1 - Simpson's index. It ranges between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Dominance. See Also -------- simpson Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freqs = counts / counts.sum() return (freqs * freqs).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def doubles(counts): """Calculate number of double occurrences (doubletons). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Doubleton count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts == 2).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def enspie(counts): r"""Calculate ENS_pie alpha diversity measure. ENS_pie is equivalent to ``1 / dominance``: .. math:: ENS_{pie} = \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^s{p_i^2}} where :math:`s` is the number of OTUs and :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double ENS_pie alpha diversity measure. See Also -------- dominance Notes ----- ENS_pie is defined in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Chase and Knight (2013). "Scale-dependent effect sizes of ecological drivers on biodiversity: why standardised sampling is not enough". Ecology Letters, Volume 16, Issue Supplement s1, pgs 17-26. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return 1 / dominance(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def esty_ci(counts): r"""Calculate Esty's CI. Esty's CI is defined as .. math:: F_1/N \pm z\sqrt{W} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs), and :math:`z` is a constant that depends on the targeted confidence and based on the normal distribution. :math:`W` is defined as .. math:: \frac{F_1(N-F_1)+2NF_2}{N^3} where :math:`F_2` is the number of doubleton OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- tuple Esty's confidence interval as ``(lower_bound, upper_bound)``. Notes ----- Esty's CI is defined in [1]_. :math:`z` is hardcoded for a 95% confidence interval. References ---------- .. [1] Esty, W. W. (1983). "A normal limit law for a nonparametric estimator of the coverage of a random sample". Ann Statist 11: 905-912. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) f1 = singles(counts) f2 = doubles(counts) n = counts.sum() z = 1.959963985 W = (f1 * (n - f1) + 2 * n * f2) / (n ** 3) return f1 / n - z * np.sqrt(W), f1 / n + z * np.sqrt(W) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def fisher_alpha(counts): r"""Calculate Fisher's alpha, a metric of diversity. Fisher's alpha is estimated by solving the following equation for :math:`\alpha`: .. math:: S=\alpha\ln(1+\frac{N}{\alpha}) where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Fisher's alpha. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the optimizer fails to converge (error > 1.0). Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_. Uses ``scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar`` to find Fisher's alpha. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) def f(alpha): return (alpha * np.log(1 + (n / alpha)) - s) ** 2 # Temporarily silence RuntimeWarnings (invalid and division by zero) during # optimization in case invalid input is provided to the objective function # (e.g. alpha=0). orig_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') try: alpha = minimize_scalar(f).x finally: np.seterr(**orig_settings) if f(alpha) > 1.0: raise RuntimeError("Optimizer failed to converge (error > 1.0), so " "could not compute Fisher's alpha.") return alpha @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def goods_coverage(counts): r"""Calculate Good's coverage of counts. Good's coverage estimator is defined as .. math:: 1-\frac{F_1}{N} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Good's coverage estimator. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) f1 = singles(counts) N = counts.sum() return 1 - (f1 / N) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def heip_e(counts): r"""Calculate Heip's evenness measure. Heip's evenness is defined as: .. math:: \frac{(e^H-1)}{(S-1)} where :math:`H` is the Shannon-Wiener entropy of counts (using logarithm base :math:`e`) and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Heip's evenness measure. See Also -------- shannon pielou_e Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Heip, C. 1974. A new index measuring evenness. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 54, 555-557. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return ((np.exp(shannon(counts, base=np.e)) - 1) / (observed_otus(counts) - 1)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def kempton_taylor_q(counts, lower_quantile=0.25, upper_quantile=0.75): """Calculate Kempton-Taylor Q index of alpha diversity. Estimates the slope of the cumulative abundance curve in the interquantile range. By default, uses lower and upper quartiles, rounding inwards. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. lower_quantile : float, optional Lower bound of the interquantile range. Defaults to lower quartile. upper_quantile : float, optional Upper bound of the interquantile range. Defaults to upper quartile. Returns ------- double Kempton-Taylor Q index of alpha diversity. Notes ----- The index is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. The implementation provided here differs slightly from the results given in Magurran 1998. Specifically, we have 14 in the numerator rather than 15. Magurran recommends counting half of the OTUs with the same # counts as the point where the UQ falls and the point where the LQ falls, but the justification for this is unclear (e.g. if there were a very large # OTUs that just overlapped one of the quantiles, the results would be considerably off). Leaving the calculation as-is for now, but consider changing. References ---------- .. [1] Kempton, R. A. and Taylor, L. R. (1976) Models and statistics for species diversity. Nature, 262, 818-820. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = len(counts) lower = int(np.ceil(n * lower_quantile)) upper = int(n * upper_quantile) sorted_counts = np.sort(counts) return (upper - lower) / np.log(sorted_counts[upper] / sorted_counts[lower]) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def margalef(counts): r"""Calculate Margalef's richness index. Margalef's D is defined as: .. math:: D = \frac{(S - 1)}{\ln N} where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Assumes log accumulation. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Margalef's richness index. Notes ----- Based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Magurran, A E 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell. pp. 76-77. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (observed_otus(counts) - 1) / np.log(counts.sum()) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mcintosh_d(counts): r"""Calculate McIntosh dominance index D. McIntosh dominance index D is defined as: .. math:: D = \frac{N - U}{N - \sqrt{N}} where :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample and :math:`U` is defined as: .. math:: U = \sqrt{\sum{{n_i}^2}} where :math:`n_i` is the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double McIntosh dominance index D. See Also -------- mcintosh_e Notes ----- The index was proposed in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] McIntosh, R. P. 1967 An index of diversity and the relation of certain concepts to diversity. Ecology 48, 1115-1126. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) u = np.sqrt((counts * counts).sum()) n = counts.sum() return (n - u) / (n - np.sqrt(n)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mcintosh_e(counts): r"""Calculate McIntosh's evenness measure E. McIntosh evenness measure E is defined as: .. math:: E = \frac{\sqrt{\sum{n_i^2}}}{\sqrt{((N-S+1)^2 + S -1}} where :math:`n_i` is the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals, and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double McIntosh evenness measure E. See Also -------- mcintosh_d Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_, **NOT** the one in the SDR-IV online manual, which is wrong. References ---------- .. [1] Heip & Engels (1974) Comparing Species Diversity and Evenness Indices. p 560. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) numerator = np.sqrt((counts * counts).sum()) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) denominator = np.sqrt((n - s + 1) ** 2 + s - 1) return numerator / denominator @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def menhinick(counts): r"""Calculate Menhinick's richness index. Menhinick's richness index is defined as: .. math:: D_{Mn} = \frac{S}{\sqrt{N}} where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Assumes square-root accumulation. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Menhinick's richness index. Notes ----- Based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Magurran, A E 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell. pp. 76-77. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return observed_otus(counts) / np.sqrt(counts.sum()) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def michaelis_menten_fit(counts, num_repeats=1, params_guess=None): r"""Calculate Michaelis-Menten fit to rarefaction curve of observed OTUs. The Michaelis-Menten equation is defined as: .. math:: S=\frac{nS_{max}}{n+B} where :math:`n` is the number of individuals and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs. This function estimates the :math:`S_{max}` parameter. The fit is made to datapoints for :math:`n=1,2,...,N`, where :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs). :math:`S` is the number of OTUs represented in a random sample of :math:`n` individuals. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. num_repeats : int, optional The number of times to perform rarefaction (subsampling without replacement) at each value of :math:`n`. params_guess : tuple, optional Initial guess of :math:`S_{max}` and :math:`B`. If ``None``, default guess for :math:`S_{max}` is :math:`S` (as :math:`S_{max}` should be >= :math:`S`) and default guess for :math:`B` is ``round(N / 2)``. Returns ------- S_max : double Estimate of the :math:`S_{max}` parameter in the Michaelis-Menten equation. See Also -------- skbio.stats.subsample_counts Notes ----- There is some controversy about how to do the fitting. The ML model given in [1]_ is based on the assumption that error is roughly proportional to magnitude of observation, reasonable for enzyme kinetics but not reasonable for rarefaction data. Here we just do a nonlinear curve fit for the parameters using least-squares. References ---------- .. [1] Raaijmakers, J. G. W. 1987 Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics 43, 793-803. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n_indiv = counts.sum() if params_guess is None: S_max_guess = observed_otus(counts) B_guess = int(round(n_indiv / 2)) params_guess = (S_max_guess, B_guess) # observed # of OTUs vs # of individuals sampled, S vs n xvals = np.arange(1, n_indiv + 1) ymtx = np.empty((num_repeats, len(xvals)), dtype=int) for i in range(num_repeats): ymtx[i] = np.asarray([observed_otus(subsample_counts(counts, n)) for n in xvals], dtype=int) yvals = ymtx.mean(0) # Vectors of actual vals y and number of individuals n. def errfn(p, n, y): return (((p[0] * n / (p[1] + n)) - y) ** 2).sum() # Return S_max. return fmin_powell(errfn, params_guess, ftol=1e-5, args=(xvals, yvals), disp=False)[0] @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def observed_otus(counts): """Calculate the number of distinct OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Distinct OTU count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts != 0).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def osd(counts): """Calculate observed OTUs, singles, and doubles. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- osd : tuple Observed OTUs, singles, and doubles. See Also -------- observed_otus singles doubles Notes ----- This is a convenience function used by many of the other measures that rely on these three measures. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return observed_otus(counts), singles(counts), doubles(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.1") def pielou_e(counts): r"""Calculate Pielou's Evenness index J'. Pielou's Evenness is defined as: .. math:: J' = \frac{(H)}{\ln(S)} where :math:`H` is the Shannon-Wiener entropy of counts and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Pielou's Evenness. See Also -------- shannon heip_e Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description in Wikipedia [1]_. It was first proposed by E. C. Pielou [2]_ and is similar to Heip's evenness [3]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Pielou, E. C., 1966. The measurement of diversity in different types of biological collections. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 13, 131-44. .. [3] Heip, C. 1974. A new index measuring evenness. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 54, 555-557. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return shannon(counts, base=np.e) / np.log(observed_otus(counts)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def robbins(counts): r"""Calculate Robbins' estimator for probability of unobserved outcomes. Robbins' estimator is defined as: .. math:: \frac{F_1}{n+1} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Robbins' estimate. Notes ----- Robbins' estimator is defined in [1]_. The estimate computed here is for :math:`n-1` counts, i.e. the x-axis is off by 1. References ---------- .. [1] Robbins, H. E (1968). Ann. of Stats. Vol 36, pp. 256-257. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return singles(counts) / counts.sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def shannon(counts, base=2): r"""Calculate Shannon entropy of counts, default in bits. Shannon-Wiener diversity index is defined as: .. math:: H = -\sum_{i=1}^s\left(p_i\log_2 p_i\right) where :math:`s` is the number of OTUs and :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. base : scalar, optional Logarithm base to use in the calculations. Returns ------- double Shannon diversity index H. Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_ except that the default logarithm base used here is 2 instead of :math:`e`. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freqs = counts / counts.sum() nonzero_freqs = freqs[freqs.nonzero()] return -(nonzero_freqs * np.log(nonzero_freqs)).sum() / np.log(base) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def simpson(counts): r"""Calculate Simpson's index. Simpson's index is defined as ``1 - dominance``: .. math:: 1 - \sum{p_i^2} where :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Simpson's index. See Also -------- dominance Notes ----- The implementation here is ``1 - dominance`` as described in [1]_. Other references (such as [2]_) define Simpson's index as ``1 / dominance``. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return 1 - dominance(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def simpson_e(counts): r"""Calculate Simpson's evenness measure E. Simpson's E is defined as .. math:: E=\frac{1 / D}{S_{obs}} where :math:`D` is dominance and :math:`S_{obs}` is the number of observed OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Simpson's evenness measure E. See Also -------- dominance enspie simpson Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return enspie(counts) / observed_otus(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def singles(counts): """Calculate number of single occurrences (singletons). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Singleton count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts == 1).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def strong(counts): r"""Calculate Strong's dominance index. Strong's dominance index is defined as: .. math:: D_w = max_i[(\frac{b_i}{N})-\frac{i}{S}] where :math:`b_i` is the sequential cumulative totaling of the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU abundance values ranked from largest to smallest, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample, and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. The expression in brackets is computed for all OTUs, and :math:`max_i` denotes the maximum value in brackets for any OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Strong's dominance index (Dw). Notes ----- Strong's dominance index is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Strong, W. L., 2002 Assessing species abundance unevenness within and between plant communities. Community Ecology, 3, 237-246. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) i = np.arange(1, len(counts) + 1) sorted_sum = np.sort(counts)[::-1].cumsum() return (sorted_sum / n - (i / s)).max()
import numpy as np from scipy.special import gammaln from scipy.optimize import fmin_powell, minimize_scalar from skbio.stats import subsample_counts from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def berger_parker_d(counts): r"""Calculate Berger-Parker dominance. Berger-Parker dominance is defined as the fraction of the sample that belongs to the most abundant OTU: .. math:: d = \frac{N_{max}}{N} where :math:`N_{max}` is defined as the number of individuals in the most abundant OTU (or any of the most abundant OTUs in the case of ties), and :math:`N` is defined as the total number of individuals in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Berger-Parker dominance. Notes ----- Berger-Parker dominance is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Berger & Parker (1970). SDR-IV online help. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return counts.max() / counts.sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def brillouin_d(counts): r"""Calculate Brillouin index of alpha diversity. This is calculated as follows: .. math:: HB = \frac{\ln N!-\sum^s_{i=1}{\ln n_i!}}{N} where :math:`N` is defined as the total number of individuals in the sample, :math:`s` is the number of OTUs, and :math:`n_i` is defined as the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Brillouin index. Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) nz = counts[counts.nonzero()] n = nz.sum() return (gammaln(n + 1) - gammaln(nz + 1).sum()) / n @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def dominance(counts): r"""Calculate dominance. Dominance is defined as .. math:: \sum{p_i^2} where :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the entire community that OTU :math:`i` represents. Dominance can also be defined as 1 - Simpson's index. It ranges between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Dominance. See Also -------- simpson Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freqs = counts / counts.sum() return (freqs * freqs).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def doubles(counts): """Calculate number of double occurrences (doubletons). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Doubleton count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts == 2).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def enspie(counts): r"""Calculate ENS_pie alpha diversity measure. ENS_pie is equivalent to ``1 / dominance``: .. math:: ENS_{pie} = \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^s{p_i^2}} where :math:`s` is the number of OTUs and :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double ENS_pie alpha diversity measure. See Also -------- dominance Notes ----- ENS_pie is defined in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Chase and Knight (2013). "Scale-dependent effect sizes of ecological drivers on biodiversity: why standardised sampling is not enough". Ecology Letters, Volume 16, Issue Supplement s1, pgs 17-26. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return 1 / dominance(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def esty_ci(counts): r"""Calculate Esty's CI. Esty's CI is defined as .. math:: F_1/N \pm z\sqrt{W} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs), and :math:`z` is a constant that depends on the targeted confidence and based on the normal distribution. :math:`W` is defined as .. math:: \frac{F_1(N-F_1)+2NF_2}{N^3} where :math:`F_2` is the number of doubleton OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- tuple Esty's confidence interval as ``(lower_bound, upper_bound)``. Notes ----- Esty's CI is defined in [1]_. :math:`z` is hardcoded for a 95% confidence interval. References ---------- .. [1] Esty, W. W. (1983). "A normal limit law for a nonparametric estimator of the coverage of a random sample". Ann Statist 11: 905-912. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) f1 = singles(counts) f2 = doubles(counts) n = counts.sum() z = 1.959963985 W = (f1 * (n - f1) + 2 * n * f2) / (n ** 3) return f1 / n - z * np.sqrt(W), f1 / n + z * np.sqrt(W) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def fisher_alpha(counts): r"""Calculate Fisher's alpha, a metric of diversity. Fisher's alpha is estimated by solving the following equation for :math:`\alpha`: .. math:: S=\alpha\ln(1+\frac{N}{\alpha}) where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Fisher's alpha. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the optimizer fails to converge (error > 1.0). Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_. Uses ``scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar`` to find Fisher's alpha. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) def f(alpha): return (alpha * np.log(1 + (n / alpha)) - s) ** 2 # Temporarily silence RuntimeWarnings (invalid and division by zero) during # optimization in case invalid input is provided to the objective function # (e.g. alpha=0). orig_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') try: alpha = minimize_scalar(f).x finally: np.seterr(**orig_settings) if f(alpha) > 1.0: raise RuntimeError("Optimizer failed to converge (error > 1.0), so " "could not compute Fisher's alpha.") return alpha @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def goods_coverage(counts): r"""Calculate Good's coverage of counts. Good's coverage estimator is defined as .. math:: 1-\frac{F_1}{N} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Good's coverage estimator. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) f1 = singles(counts) N = counts.sum() return 1 - (f1 / N) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def heip_e(counts): r"""Calculate Heip's evenness measure. Heip's evenness is defined as: .. math:: \frac{(e^H-1)}{(S-1)} where :math:`H` is the Shannon-Wiener entropy of counts (using logarithm base :math:`e`) and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Heip's evenness measure. See Also -------- shannon pielou_e Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Heip, C. 1974. A new index measuring evenness. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 54, 555-557. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return ((np.exp(shannon(counts, base=np.e)) - 1) / (observed_otus(counts) - 1)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def kempton_taylor_q(counts, lower_quantile=0.25, upper_quantile=0.75): """Calculate Kempton-Taylor Q index of alpha diversity. Estimates the slope of the cumulative abundance curve in the interquantile range. By default, uses lower and upper quartiles, rounding inwards. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. lower_quantile : float, optional Lower bound of the interquantile range. Defaults to lower quartile. upper_quantile : float, optional Upper bound of the interquantile range. Defaults to upper quartile. Returns ------- double Kempton-Taylor Q index of alpha diversity. Notes ----- The index is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. The implementation provided here differs slightly from the results given in Magurran 1998. Specifically, we have 14 in the numerator rather than 15. Magurran recommends counting half of the OTUs with the same # counts as the point where the UQ falls and the point where the LQ falls, but the justification for this is unclear (e.g. if there were a very large # OTUs that just overlapped one of the quantiles, the results would be considerably off). Leaving the calculation as-is for now, but consider changing. References ---------- .. [1] Kempton, R. A. and Taylor, L. R. (1976) Models and statistics for species diversity. Nature, 262, 818-820. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = len(counts) lower = int(np.ceil(n * lower_quantile)) upper = int(n * upper_quantile) sorted_counts = np.sort(counts) return (upper - lower) / np.log(sorted_counts[upper] / sorted_counts[lower]) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def margalef(counts): r"""Calculate Margalef's richness index. Margalef's D is defined as: .. math:: D = \frac{(S - 1)}{\ln N} where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Assumes log accumulation. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Margalef's richness index. Notes ----- Based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Magurran, A E 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell. pp. 76-77. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (observed_otus(counts) - 1) / np.log(counts.sum()) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mcintosh_d(counts): r"""Calculate McIntosh dominance index D. McIntosh dominance index D is defined as: .. math:: D = \frac{N - U}{N - \sqrt{N}} where :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample and :math:`U` is defined as: .. math:: U = \sqrt{\sum{{n_i}^2}} where :math:`n_i` is the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double McIntosh dominance index D. See Also -------- mcintosh_e Notes ----- The index was proposed in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] McIntosh, R. P. 1967 An index of diversity and the relation of certain concepts to diversity. Ecology 48, 1115-1126. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) u = np.sqrt((counts * counts).sum()) n = counts.sum() return (n - u) / (n - np.sqrt(n)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mcintosh_e(counts): r"""Calculate McIntosh's evenness measure E. McIntosh evenness measure E is defined as: .. math:: E = \frac{\sqrt{\sum{n_i^2}}}{\sqrt{((N-S+1)^2 + S -1}} where :math:`n_i` is the number of individuals in the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals, and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double McIntosh evenness measure E. See Also -------- mcintosh_d Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_, **NOT** the one in the SDR-IV online manual, which is wrong. References ---------- .. [1] Heip & Engels (1974) Comparing Species Diversity and Evenness Indices. p 560. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) numerator = np.sqrt((counts * counts).sum()) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) denominator = np.sqrt((n - s + 1) ** 2 + s - 1) return numerator / denominator @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def menhinick(counts): r"""Calculate Menhinick's richness index. Menhinick's richness index is defined as: .. math:: D_{Mn} = \frac{S}{\sqrt{N}} where :math:`S` is the number of OTUs and :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample. Assumes square-root accumulation. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Menhinick's richness index. Notes ----- Based on the description in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Magurran, A E 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell. pp. 76-77. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return observed_otus(counts) / np.sqrt(counts.sum()) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def michaelis_menten_fit(counts, num_repeats=1, params_guess=None): r"""Calculate Michaelis-Menten fit to rarefaction curve of observed OTUs. The Michaelis-Menten equation is defined as: .. math:: S=\frac{nS_{max}}{n+B} where :math:`n` is the number of individuals and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs. This function estimates the :math:`S_{max}` parameter. The fit is made to datapoints for :math:`n=1,2,...,N`, where :math:`N` is the total number of individuals (sum of abundances for all OTUs). :math:`S` is the number of OTUs represented in a random sample of :math:`n` individuals. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. num_repeats : int, optional The number of times to perform rarefaction (subsampling without replacement) at each value of :math:`n`. params_guess : tuple, optional Initial guess of :math:`S_{max}` and :math:`B`. If ``None``, default guess for :math:`S_{max}` is :math:`S` (as :math:`S_{max}` should be >= :math:`S`) and default guess for :math:`B` is ``round(N / 2)``. Returns ------- S_max : double Estimate of the :math:`S_{max}` parameter in the Michaelis-Menten equation. See Also -------- skbio.stats.subsample_counts Notes ----- There is some controversy about how to do the fitting. The ML model given in [1]_ is based on the assumption that error is roughly proportional to magnitude of observation, reasonable for enzyme kinetics but not reasonable for rarefaction data. Here we just do a nonlinear curve fit for the parameters using least-squares. References ---------- .. [1] Raaijmakers, J. G. W. 1987 Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Biometrics 43, 793-803. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n_indiv = counts.sum() if params_guess is None: S_max_guess = observed_otus(counts) B_guess = int(round(n_indiv / 2)) params_guess = (S_max_guess, B_guess) # observed # of OTUs vs # of individuals sampled, S vs n xvals = np.arange(1, n_indiv + 1) ymtx = np.empty((num_repeats, len(xvals)), dtype=int) for i in range(num_repeats): ymtx[i] = np.asarray([observed_otus(subsample_counts(counts, n)) for n in xvals], dtype=int) yvals = ymtx.mean(0) # Vectors of actual vals y and number of individuals n. def errfn(p, n, y): return (((p[0] * n / (p[1] + n)) - y) ** 2).sum() # Return S_max. return fmin_powell(errfn, params_guess, ftol=1e-5, args=(xvals, yvals), disp=False)[0] @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def observed_otus(counts): """Calculate the number of distinct OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Distinct OTU count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts != 0).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def osd(counts): """Calculate observed OTUs, singles, and doubles. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- osd : tuple Observed OTUs, singles, and doubles. See Also -------- observed_otus singles doubles Notes ----- This is a convenience function used by many of the other measures that rely on these three measures. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return observed_otus(counts), singles(counts), doubles(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.1") def pielou_e(counts): r"""Calculate Pielou's Evenness index J'. Pielou's Evenness is defined as: .. math:: J' = \frac{(H)}{\ln(S)} where :math:`H` is the Shannon-Wiener entropy of counts and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Pielou's Evenness. See Also -------- shannon heip_e Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description in Wikipedia [1]_. It was first proposed by E. C. Pielou [2]_ and is similar to Heip's evenness [3]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Pielou, E. C., 1966. The measurement of diversity in different types of biological collections. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 13, 131-44. .. [3] Heip, C. 1974. A new index measuring evenness. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 54, 555-557. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return shannon(counts, base=np.e) / np.log(observed_otus(counts)) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def robbins(counts): r"""Calculate Robbins' estimator for probability of unobserved outcomes. Robbins' estimator is defined as: .. math:: \frac{F_1}{n+1} where :math:`F_1` is the number of singleton OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Robbins' estimate. Notes ----- Robbins' estimator is defined in [1]_. The estimate computed here is for :math:`n-1` counts, i.e. the x-axis is off by 1. References ---------- .. [1] Robbins, H. E (1968). Ann. of Stats. Vol 36, pp. 256-257. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return singles(counts) / counts.sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def shannon(counts, base=2): r"""Calculate Shannon entropy of counts, default in bits. Shannon-Wiener diversity index is defined as: .. math:: H = -\sum_{i=1}^s\left(p_i\log_2 p_i\right) where :math:`s` is the number of OTUs and :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. base : scalar, optional Logarithm base to use in the calculations. Returns ------- double Shannon diversity index H. Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [1]_ except that the default logarithm base used here is 2 instead of :math:`e`. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freqs = counts / counts.sum() nonzero_freqs = freqs[freqs.nonzero()] return -(nonzero_freqs * np.log(nonzero_freqs)).sum() / np.log(base) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def simpson(counts): r"""Calculate Simpson's index. Simpson's index is defined as ``1 - dominance``: .. math:: 1 - \sum{p_i^2} where :math:`p_i` is the proportion of the community represented by OTU :math:`i`. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Simpson's index. See Also -------- dominance Notes ----- The implementation here is ``1 - dominance`` as described in [1]_. Other references (such as [2]_) define Simpson's index as ``1 / dominance``. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return 1 - dominance(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def simpson_e(counts): r"""Calculate Simpson's evenness measure E. Simpson's E is defined as .. math:: E=\frac{1 / D}{S_{obs}} where :math:`D` is dominance and :math:`S_{obs}` is the number of observed OTUs. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Simpson's evenness measure E. See Also -------- dominance enspie simpson Notes ----- The implementation here is based on the description given in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return enspie(counts) / observed_otus(counts) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def singles(counts): """Calculate number of single occurrences (singletons). Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- int Singleton count. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) return (counts == 1).sum() @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def strong(counts): r"""Calculate Strong's dominance index. Strong's dominance index is defined as: .. math:: D_w = max_i[(\frac{b_i}{N})-\frac{i}{S}] where :math:`b_i` is the sequential cumulative totaling of the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` OTU abundance values ranked from largest to smallest, :math:`N` is the total number of individuals in the sample, and :math:`S` is the number of OTUs in the sample. The expression in brackets is computed for all OTUs, and :math:`max_i` denotes the maximum value in brackets for any OTU. Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. Returns ------- double Strong's dominance index (Dw). Notes ----- Strong's dominance index is defined in [1]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the SDR-IV online manual [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Strong, W. L., 2002 Assessing species abundance unevenness within and between plant communities. Community Ecology, 3, 237-246. .. [2] """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) n = counts.sum() s = observed_otus(counts) i = np.arange(1, len(counts) + 1) sorted_sum = np.sort(counts)[::-1].cumsum() return (sorted_sum / n - (i / s)).max()
import numpy as np from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def gini_index(data, method='rectangles'): r"""Calculate the Gini index. The Gini index is defined as .. math:: G=\frac{A}{A+B} where :math:`A` is the area between :math:`y=x` and the Lorenz curve and :math:`B` is the area under the Lorenz curve. Simplifies to :math:`1-2B` since :math:`A+B=0.5`. Parameters ---------- data : 1-D array_like Vector of counts, abundances, proportions, etc. All entries must be non-negative. method : {'rectangles', 'trapezoids'} Method for calculating the area under the Lorenz curve. If ``'rectangles'``, connects the Lorenz curve points by lines parallel to the x axis. This is the correct method (in our opinion) though ``'trapezoids'`` might be desirable in some circumstances. If ``'trapezoids'``, connects the Lorenz curve points by linear segments between them. Basically assumes that the given sampling is accurate and that more features of given data would fall on linear gradients between the values of this data. Returns ------- double Gini index. Raises ------ ValueError If `method` isn't one of the supported methods for calculating the area under the curve. Notes ----- The Gini index was introduced in [1]_. The formula for ``method='rectangles'`` is .. math:: dx\sum_{i=1}^n h_i The formula for ``method='trapezoids'`` is .. math:: dx(\frac{h_0+h_n}{2}+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} h_i) References ---------- .. [1] Gini, C. (1912). "Variability and Mutability", C. Cuppini, Bologna, 156 pages. Reprinted in Memorie di metodologica statistica (Ed. Pizetti E, Salvemini, T). Rome: Libreria Eredi Virgilio Veschi (1955). """ # Suppress cast to int because this method supports ints and floats. data = _validate_counts_vector(data, suppress_cast=True) lorenz_points = _lorenz_curve(data) B = _lorenz_curve_integrator(lorenz_points, method) return max(0.0, 1 - 2 * B) def _lorenz_curve(data): """Calculate the Lorenz curve for input data. Notes ----- Formula available on wikipedia. """ sorted_data = np.sort(data) Sn = sorted_data.sum() n = sorted_data.shape[0] return np.arange(1, n + 1) / n, sorted_data.cumsum() / Sn def _lorenz_curve_integrator(lc_pts, method): """Calculates the area under a Lorenz curve. Notes ----- Could be utilized for integrating other simple, non-pathological "functions" where width of the trapezoids is constant. """ x, y = lc_pts # each point differs by 1/n dx = 1 / x.shape[0] if method == 'trapezoids': # 0 percent of the population has zero percent of the goods h_0 = 0.0 h_n = y[-1] # the 0th entry is at x=1/n sum_hs = y[:-1].sum() return dx * ((h_0 + h_n) / 2 + sum_hs) elif method == 'rectangles': return dx * y.sum() else: raise ValueError("Method '%s' not implemented. Available methods: " "'rectangles', 'trapezoids'." % method)
import numpy as np from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def gini_index(data, method='rectangles'): r"""Calculate the Gini index. The Gini index is defined as .. math:: G=\frac{A}{A+B} where :math:`A` is the area between :math:`y=x` and the Lorenz curve and :math:`B` is the area under the Lorenz curve. Simplifies to :math:`1-2B` since :math:`A+B=0.5`. Parameters ---------- data : 1-D array_like Vector of counts, abundances, proportions, etc. All entries must be non-negative. method : {'rectangles', 'trapezoids'} Method for calculating the area under the Lorenz curve. If ``'rectangles'``, connects the Lorenz curve points by lines parallel to the x axis. This is the correct method (in our opinion) though ``'trapezoids'`` might be desirable in some circumstances. If ``'trapezoids'``, connects the Lorenz curve points by linear segments between them. Basically assumes that the given sampling is accurate and that more features of given data would fall on linear gradients between the values of this data. Returns ------- double Gini index. Raises ------ ValueError If `method` isn't one of the supported methods for calculating the area under the curve. Notes ----- The Gini index was introduced in [1]_. The formula for ``method='rectangles'`` is .. math:: dx\sum_{i=1}^n h_i The formula for ``method='trapezoids'`` is .. math:: dx(\frac{h_0+h_n}{2}+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} h_i) References ---------- .. [1] Gini, C. (1912). "Variability and Mutability", C. Cuppini, Bologna, 156 pages. Reprinted in Memorie di metodologica statistica (Ed. Pizetti E, Salvemini, T). Rome: Libreria Eredi Virgilio Veschi (1955). """ # Suppress cast to int because this method supports ints and floats. data = _validate_counts_vector(data, suppress_cast=True) lorenz_points = _lorenz_curve(data) B = _lorenz_curve_integrator(lorenz_points, method) return max(0.0, 1 - 2 * B) def _lorenz_curve(data): """Calculate the Lorenz curve for input data. Notes ----- Formula available on wikipedia. """ sorted_data = np.sort(data) Sn = sorted_data.sum() n = sorted_data.shape[0] return np.arange(1, n + 1) / n, sorted_data.cumsum() / Sn def _lorenz_curve_integrator(lc_pts, method): """Calculates the area under a Lorenz curve. Notes ----- Could be utilized for integrating other simple, non-pathological "functions" where width of the trapezoids is constant. """ x, y = lc_pts # each point differs by 1/n dx = 1 / x.shape[0] if method == 'trapezoids': # 0 percent of the population has zero percent of the goods h_0 = 0.0 h_n = y[-1] # the 0th entry is at x=1/n sum_hs = y[:-1].sum() return dx * ((h_0 + h_n) / 2 + sum_hs) elif method == 'rectangles': return dx * y.sum() else: raise ValueError("Method '%s' not implemented. Available methods: " "'rectangles', 'trapezoids'." % method)
import numpy as np from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def ace(counts, rare_threshold=10): r"""Calculate the ACE metric (Abundance-based Coverage Estimator). The ACE metric is defined as: .. math:: S_{ace}=S_{abund}+\frac{S_{rare}}{C_{ace}}+ \frac{F_1}{C_{ace}}\gamma^2_{ace} where :math:`S_{abund}` is the number of abundant OTUs (with more than `rare_threshold` individuals) when all samples are pooled, :math:`S_{rare}` is the number of rare OTUs (with less than or equal to `rare_threshold` individuals) when all samples are pooled, :math:`C_{ace}` is the sample abundance coverage estimator, :math:`F_1` is the frequency of singletons, and :math:`\gamma^2_{ace}` is the estimated coefficient of variation for rare OTUs. The estimated coefficient of variation is defined as (assuming `rare_threshold` is 10, the default): .. math:: \gamma^2_{ace}=max\left[\frac{S_{rare}}{C_{ace}} \frac{\sum^{10}_{i=1}{{i\left(i-1\right)}}F_i} {\left(N_{rare}\right)\left(N_{rare}-1\right)} -1,0\right] Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. rare_threshold : int, optional Threshold at which an OTU containing as many or fewer individuals will be considered rare. Returns ------- double Computed ACE metric. Raises ------ ValueError If every rare OTU is a singleton. Notes ----- ACE was first introduced in [1]_ and [2]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the EstimateS manual [3]_. If no rare OTUs exist, returns the number of abundant OTUs. The default value of 10 for `rare_threshold` is based on [4]_. If `counts` contains zeros, indicating OTUs which are known to exist in the environment but did not appear in the sample, they will be ignored for the purpose of calculating the number of rare OTUs. References ---------- .. [1] Chao, A. & S.-M Lee. 1992 Estimating the number of classes via sample coverage. Journal of the American Statistical Association 87, 210-217. .. [2] Chao, A., M.-C. Ma, & M. C. K. Yang. 1993. Stopping rules and estimation for recapture debugging with unequal failure rates. Biometrika 80, 193-201. .. [3] .. [4] Chao, A., W.-H. Hwang, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-Y. Kuo. 2000. Estimating the number of shared species in two communities. Statistica Sinica 10:227-246. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freq_counts = np.bincount(counts) s_rare = _otus_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold) singles = freq_counts[1] if singles > 0 and singles == s_rare: raise ValueError("The only rare OTUs are singletons, so the ACE " "metric is undefined. EstimateS suggests using " "bias-corrected Chao1 instead.") s_abun = _otus_abundant(freq_counts, rare_threshold) if s_rare == 0: return s_abun n_rare = _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold) c_ace = 1 - singles / n_rare top = s_rare * _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold, gamma=True) bottom = c_ace * n_rare * (n_rare - 1) gamma_ace = (top / bottom) - 1 if gamma_ace < 0: gamma_ace = 0 return s_abun + (s_rare / c_ace) + ((singles / c_ace) * gamma_ace) def _otus_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold): """Count number of rare OTUs.""" return freq_counts[1:rare_threshold + 1].sum() def _otus_abundant(freq_counts, rare_threshold): """Count number of abundant OTUs.""" return freq_counts[rare_threshold + 1:].sum() def _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold, gamma=False): """Return number of individuals in rare OTUs. ``gamma=True`` generates the ``n_rare`` used for the variation coefficient. """ n_rare = 0 if gamma: for i, j in enumerate(freq_counts[:rare_threshold + 1]): n_rare = n_rare + (i * j) * (i - 1) else: for i, j in enumerate(freq_counts[:rare_threshold + 1]): n_rare = n_rare + (i * j) return n_rare
import numpy as np from skbio.diversity._util import _validate_counts_vector from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def ace(counts, rare_threshold=10): r"""Calculate the ACE metric (Abundance-based Coverage Estimator). The ACE metric is defined as: .. math:: S_{ace}=S_{abund}+\frac{S_{rare}}{C_{ace}}+ \frac{F_1}{C_{ace}}\gamma^2_{ace} where :math:`S_{abund}` is the number of abundant OTUs (with more than `rare_threshold` individuals) when all samples are pooled, :math:`S_{rare}` is the number of rare OTUs (with less than or equal to `rare_threshold` individuals) when all samples are pooled, :math:`C_{ace}` is the sample abundance coverage estimator, :math:`F_1` is the frequency of singletons, and :math:`\gamma^2_{ace}` is the estimated coefficient of variation for rare OTUs. The estimated coefficient of variation is defined as (assuming `rare_threshold` is 10, the default): .. math:: \gamma^2_{ace}=max\left[\frac{S_{rare}}{C_{ace}} \frac{\sum^{10}_{i=1}{{i\left(i-1\right)}}F_i} {\left(N_{rare}\right)\left(N_{rare}-1\right)} -1,0\right] Parameters ---------- counts : 1-D array_like, int Vector of counts. rare_threshold : int, optional Threshold at which an OTU containing as many or fewer individuals will be considered rare. Returns ------- double Computed ACE metric. Raises ------ ValueError If every rare OTU is a singleton. Notes ----- ACE was first introduced in [1]_ and [2]_. The implementation here is based on the description given in the EstimateS manual [3]_. If no rare OTUs exist, returns the number of abundant OTUs. The default value of 10 for `rare_threshold` is based on [4]_. If `counts` contains zeros, indicating OTUs which are known to exist in the environment but did not appear in the sample, they will be ignored for the purpose of calculating the number of rare OTUs. References ---------- .. [1] Chao, A. & S.-M Lee. 1992 Estimating the number of classes via sample coverage. Journal of the American Statistical Association 87, 210-217. .. [2] Chao, A., M.-C. Ma, & M. C. K. Yang. 1993. Stopping rules and estimation for recapture debugging with unequal failure rates. Biometrika 80, 193-201. .. [3] .. [4] Chao, A., W.-H. Hwang, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-Y. Kuo. 2000. Estimating the number of shared species in two communities. Statistica Sinica 10:227-246. """ counts = _validate_counts_vector(counts) freq_counts = np.bincount(counts) s_rare = _otus_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold) singles = freq_counts[1] if singles > 0 and singles == s_rare: raise ValueError("The only rare OTUs are singletons, so the ACE " "metric is undefined. EstimateS suggests using " "bias-corrected Chao1 instead.") s_abun = _otus_abundant(freq_counts, rare_threshold) if s_rare == 0: return s_abun n_rare = _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold) c_ace = 1 - singles / n_rare top = s_rare * _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold, gamma=True) bottom = c_ace * n_rare * (n_rare - 1) gamma_ace = (top / bottom) - 1 if gamma_ace < 0: gamma_ace = 0 return s_abun + (s_rare / c_ace) + ((singles / c_ace) * gamma_ace) def _otus_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold): """Count number of rare OTUs.""" return freq_counts[1:rare_threshold + 1].sum() def _otus_abundant(freq_counts, rare_threshold): """Count number of abundant OTUs.""" return freq_counts[rare_threshold + 1:].sum() def _number_rare(freq_counts, rare_threshold, gamma=False): """Return number of individuals in rare OTUs. ``gamma=True`` generates the ``n_rare`` used for the variation coefficient. """ n_rare = 0 if gamma: for i, j in enumerate(freq_counts[:rare_threshold + 1]): n_rare = n_rare + (i * j) * (i - 1) else: for i, j in enumerate(freq_counts[:rare_threshold + 1]): n_rare = n_rare + (i * j) return n_rare
from skbio.metadata._repr import _MetadataReprBuilder class _TabularMSAReprBuilder(_MetadataReprBuilder): def __init__(self, msa, width, indent): super(_TabularMSAReprBuilder, self).__init__(msa, width, indent) self._ellipse_insert = ' ... ' def _process_header(self): cls_name = self._obj.__class__.__name__ if self._obj.dtype is not None: dtype_class = '[' + self._obj.dtype.__name__ + ']' else: dtype_class = '' self._lines.add_line(cls_name + dtype_class) self._lines.add_separator() def _process_data(self): num_sequences = self._obj.shape.sequence num_positions = self._obj.shape.position # catch case of all empty sequences if num_positions > 0: # display all sequences if we can, else display the first two and # last two sequences separated by ellipsis if num_sequences <= 5: self._lines.add_lines( self._format_sequences(range(num_sequences))) else: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_sequences(range(2))) self._lines.add_line('...') self._lines.add_lines(self._format_sequences( range(num_sequences - 2, num_sequences))) def _format_sequences(self, sequence_indices): lines = [] for line_index in sequence_indices: seq_str = str(self._obj._get_sequence_iloc_(line_index)) if len(seq_str) <= self._width: formatted_seq = seq_str else: formatted_seq = ( seq_str[0:self._num_characters_before_ellipse()] + self._ellipse_insert + seq_str[-self._num_characters_after_ellipse():] ) lines.append(formatted_seq) return lines def _num_characters_before_ellipse(self): return int(self._num_characters_to_display() / 2) def _num_characters_after_ellipse(self): return (self._num_characters_to_display() - self._num_characters_before_ellipse()) def _num_characters_to_display(self): return self._width - len(self._ellipse_insert)
from skbio.metadata._repr import _MetadataReprBuilder class _TabularMSAReprBuilder(_MetadataReprBuilder): def __init__(self, msa, width, indent): super(_TabularMSAReprBuilder, self).__init__(msa, width, indent) self._ellipse_insert = ' ... ' def _process_header(self): cls_name = self._obj.__class__.__name__ if self._obj.dtype is not None: dtype_class = '[' + self._obj.dtype.__name__ + ']' else: dtype_class = '' self._lines.add_line(cls_name + dtype_class) self._lines.add_separator() def _process_data(self): num_sequences = self._obj.shape.sequence num_positions = self._obj.shape.position # catch case of all empty sequences if num_positions > 0: # display all sequences if we can, else display the first two and # last two sequences separated by ellipsis if num_sequences <= 5: self._lines.add_lines( self._format_sequences(range(num_sequences))) else: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_sequences(range(2))) self._lines.add_line('...') self._lines.add_lines(self._format_sequences( range(num_sequences - 2, num_sequences))) def _format_sequences(self, sequence_indices): lines = [] for line_index in sequence_indices: seq_str = str(self._obj._get_sequence_iloc_(line_index)) if len(seq_str) <= self._width: formatted_seq = seq_str else: formatted_seq = ( seq_str[0:self._num_characters_before_ellipse()] + self._ellipse_insert + seq_str[-self._num_characters_after_ellipse():] ) lines.append(formatted_seq) return lines def _num_characters_before_ellipse(self): return int(self._num_characters_to_display() / 2) def _num_characters_after_ellipse(self): return (self._num_characters_to_display() - self._num_characters_before_ellipse()) def _num_characters_to_display(self): return self._width - len(self._ellipse_insert)
from warnings import warn from itertools import product import numpy as np from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from skbio.alignment._ssw_wrapper import StripedSmithWaterman from skbio.sequence import DNA, RNA, Protein from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence from skbio.util import EfficiencyWarning from skbio.util._decorator import experimental, deprecated # This is temporary: blosum50 does not exist in skbio yet as per # issue 161. When the issue is resolved, this should be removed in favor # of an import. blosum50 = \ { '*': {'*': 1, 'A': -5, 'C': -5, 'B': -5, 'E': -5, 'D': -5, 'G': -5, 'F': -5, 'I': -5, 'H': -5, 'K': -5, 'M': -5, 'L': -5, 'N': -5, 'Q': -5, 'P': -5, 'S': -5, 'R': -5, 'T': -5, 'W': -5, 'V': -5, 'Y': -5, 'X': -5, 'Z': -5}, 'A': {'*': -5, 'A': 5, 'C': -1, 'B': -2, 'E': -1, 'D': -2, 'G': 0, 'F': -3, 'I': -1, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -2, 'N': -1, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': 1, 'R': -2, 'T': 0, 'W': -3, 'V': 0, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'C': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': 13, 'B': -3, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -3, 'F': -2, 'I': -2, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': -2, 'L': -2, 'N': -2, 'Q': -3, 'P': -4, 'S': -1, 'R': -4, 'T': -1, 'W': -5, 'V': -1, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'B': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': 6, 'E': 1, 'D': 6, 'G': -1, 'F': -4, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 0, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': 5, 'Q': 0, 'P': -2, 'S': 0, 'R': -1, 'T': 0, 'W': -5, 'V': -3, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'E': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 1, 'E': 6, 'D': 2, 'G': -3, 'F': -3, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 1, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 2, 'P': -1, 'S': -1, 'R': 0, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 5}, 'D': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -4, 'B': 6, 'E': 2, 'D': 8, 'G': -1, 'F': -5, 'I': -4, 'H': -1, 'K': -1, 'M': -4, 'L': -4, 'N': 2, 'Q': 0, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': -2, 'T': -1, 'W': -5, 'V': -4, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'G': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -3, 'B': -1, 'E': -3, 'D': -1, 'G': 8, 'F': -4, 'I': -4, 'H': -2, 'K': -2, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': 0, 'Q': -2, 'P': -2, 'S': 0, 'R': -3, 'T': -2, 'W': -3, 'V': -4, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'F': {'*': -5, 'A': -3, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -3, 'D': -5, 'G': -4, 'F': 8, 'I': 0, 'H': -1, 'K': -4, 'M': 0, 'L': 1, 'N': -4, 'Q': -4, 'P': -4, 'S': -3, 'R': -3, 'T': -2, 'W': 1, 'V': -1, 'Y': 4, 'X': -1, 'Z': -4}, 'I': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -4, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': 0, 'I': 5, 'H': -4, 'K': -3, 'M': 2, 'L': 2, 'N': -3, 'Q': -3, 'P': -3, 'S': -3, 'R': -4, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': 4, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'H': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 0, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -1, 'I': -4, 'H': 10, 'K': 0, 'M': -1, 'L': -3, 'N': 1, 'Q': 1, 'P': -2, 'S': -1, 'R': 0, 'T': -2, 'W': -3, 'V': -4, 'Y': 2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'K': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 0, 'K': 6, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 2, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 3, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'M': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': -3, 'E': -2, 'D': -4, 'G': -3, 'F': 0, 'I': 2, 'H': -1, 'K': -2, 'M': 7, 'L': 3, 'N': -2, 'Q': 0, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -2, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': 1, 'Y': 0, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'L': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': 1, 'I': 2, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': 3, 'L': 5, 'N': -4, 'Q': -2, 'P': -4, 'S': -3, 'R': -3, 'T': -1, 'W': -2, 'V': 1, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'N': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': 5, 'E': 0, 'D': 2, 'G': 0, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 1, 'K': 0, 'M': -2, 'L': -4, 'N': 7, 'Q': 0, 'P': -2, 'S': 1, 'R': -1, 'T': 0, 'W': -4, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'Q': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 2, 'D': 0, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 1, 'K': 2, 'M': 0, 'L': -2, 'N': 0, 'Q': 7, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 1, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': -3, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': 4}, 'P': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -4, 'B': -2, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': -2, 'Q': -1, 'P': 10, 'S': -1, 'R': -3, 'T': -1, 'W': -4, 'V': -3, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'S': {'*': -5, 'A': 1, 'C': -1, 'B': 0, 'E': -1, 'D': 0, 'G': 0, 'F': -3, 'I': -3, 'H': -1, 'K': 0, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 1, 'Q': 0, 'P': -1, 'S': 5, 'R': -1, 'T': 2, 'W': -4, 'V': -2, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'R': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -4, 'B': -1, 'E': 0, 'D': -2, 'G': -3, 'F': -3, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 3, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': -1, 'Q': 1, 'P': -3, 'S': -1, 'R': 7, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'T': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -1, 'B': 0, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -2, 'I': -1, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -1, 'N': 0, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': 2, 'R': -1, 'T': 5, 'W': -3, 'V': 0, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'W': {'*': -5, 'A': -3, 'C': -5, 'B': -5, 'E': -3, 'D': -5, 'G': -3, 'F': 1, 'I': -3, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': -1, 'L': -2, 'N': -4, 'Q': -1, 'P': -4, 'S': -4, 'R': -3, 'T': -3, 'W': 15, 'V': -3, 'Y': 2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'V': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -1, 'B': -3, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': -1, 'I': 4, 'H': -4, 'K': -3, 'M': 1, 'L': 1, 'N': -3, 'Q': -3, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -3, 'T': 0, 'W': -3, 'V': 5, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'Y': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': -3, 'E': -2, 'D': -3, 'G': -3, 'F': 4, 'I': -1, 'H': 2, 'K': -2, 'M': 0, 'L': -1, 'N': -2, 'Q': -1, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -1, 'T': -2, 'W': 2, 'V': -1, 'Y': 8, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'X': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -1, 'B': -1, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -1, 'F': -1, 'I': -1, 'H': -1, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -1, 'N': -1, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': -1, 'R': -1, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': -1, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'Z': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 1, 'E': 5, 'D': 1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 0, 'K': 1, 'M': -1, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 4, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'T': -1, 'W': -2, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 5}} @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align_nucleotide(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): """Locally align exactly two nucleotide seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : DNA or RNA The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : DNA or RNA The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). match_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a match between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). mismatch_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a mismatch between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically negative). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). If provided, this overrides ``match_score`` and ``mismatch_score``. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``match_score``, ``mismatch_score``, ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be DNA or RNA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) # use the substitution matrix provided by the user, or compute from # match_score and mismatch_score if a substitution matrix was not provided if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = \ make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score) return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): """Locally align exactly two protein seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : Protein The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : Protein The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar), optional Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score); default is BLOSUM 50. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. The BLOSUM (blocks substitution matrices) amino acid substitution matrices were originally defined in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks. S Henikoff and J G Henikoff. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Nov 15, 1992; 89(22): 10915-10919. """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Protein, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = blosum50 return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): """Locally align exactly two seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : GrammaredSequence The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : GrammaredSequence The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- This algorithm was originally described in [1]_. The scikit-bio implementation was validated against the EMBOSS water web server [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Identification of common molecular subsequences. Smith TF, Waterman MS. J Mol Biol. 1981 Mar 25;147(1):195-7. .. [2] """ warn("You're using skbio's python implementation of Smith-Waterman " "alignment. This will be very slow (e.g., thousands of times slower) " "than skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw.", EfficiencyWarning) for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be %r subclasses, not type %r" % (GrammaredSequence.__name__, type(seq).__name__)) if type(seq1) is not type(seq2): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be the same type: %r != %r" % (type(seq1).__name__, type(seq2).__name__)) seq1 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq1) seq2 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq2) score_matrix, traceback_matrix = _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=0.0, init_matrices_f=_init_matrices_sw) end_row_position, end_col_position =\ np.unravel_index(np.argmax(score_matrix), score_matrix.shape) aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \ _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2, end_row_position, end_col_position) start_end_positions = [(seq1_start_position, end_col_position-1), (seq2_start_position, end_row_position-1)] msa = TabularMSA(aligned1 + aligned2) return msa, score, start_end_positions @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align_nucleotide(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=1, mismatch_score=-2, substitution_matrix=None, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align nucleotide seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA[DNA|RNA] The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA[DNA|RNA] The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). match_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a match between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). mismatch_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a mismatch between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically negative). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). If provided, this overrides ``match_score`` and ``mismatch_score``. penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein Notes ----- Default ``match_score``, ``mismatch_score``, ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA, not type " "%r" % type(seq).__name__) if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, (DNA, RNA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with DNA or RNA dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__) # use the substitution matrix provided by the user, or compute from # match_score and mismatch_score if a substitution matrix was not provided if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = \ make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score) return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align pair of protein seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : Protein or TabularMSA[Protein] The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : Protein or TabularMSA[Protein] The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar), optional Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score); default is BLOSUM 50. penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. The BLOSUM (blocks substitution matrices) amino acid substitution matrices were originally defined in [2]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks. S Henikoff and J G Henikoff. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Nov 15, 1992; 89(22): 10915-10919. """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (Protein, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Protein or TabularMSA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with Protein dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = blosum50 return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align a pair of seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- This algorithm (in a slightly more basic form) was originally described in [1]_. The scikit-bio implementation was validated against the EMBOSS needle web server [2]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] A general method applicable to the search for similarities in the amino acid sequence of two proteins. Needleman SB, Wunsch CD. J Mol Biol. 1970 Mar;48(3):443-53. .. [2] """ warn("You're using skbio's python implementation of Needleman-Wunsch " "alignment. This is known to be very slow (e.g., thousands of times " "slower than a native C implementation). We'll be adding a faster " "version soon (see " "to track progress on this).", EfficiencyWarning) for seq in seq1, seq2: # We don't need to check the case where `seq` is a `TabularMSA` with a # dtype that isn't a subclass of `GrammaredSequence`, this is # guaranteed by `TabularMSA`. if not isinstance(seq, (GrammaredSequence, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be GrammaredSequence subclasses or " "TabularMSA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) seq1 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq1) seq2 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq2) if seq1.dtype is not seq2.dtype: raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must have the same dtype: %r != %r" % (seq1.dtype.__name__, seq2.dtype.__name__)) if penalize_terminal_gaps: init_matrices_f = _init_matrices_nw else: init_matrices_f = _init_matrices_nw_no_terminal_gap_penalty score_matrix, traceback_matrix = \ _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=-np.inf, init_matrices_f=init_matrices_f, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) end_row_position = traceback_matrix.shape[0] - 1 end_col_position = traceback_matrix.shape[1] - 1 aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \ _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2, end_row_position, end_col_position) start_end_positions = [(seq1_start_position, end_col_position-1), (seq2_start_position, end_row_position-1)] msa = TabularMSA(aligned1 + aligned2) return msa, score, start_end_positions @deprecated(as_of="0.5.8", until="0.6.0", reason="This will be removed or replaced, in favor of more general" "-purpose performant aligners. Additional details at " "") def local_pairwise_align_ssw(sequence1, sequence2, **kwargs): """Align query and target sequences with Striped Smith-Waterman. Parameters ---------- sequence1 : DNA, RNA, or Protein The first unaligned sequence sequence2 : DNA, RNA, or Protein The second unaligned sequence Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. Notes ----- This is a wrapper for the SSW package [1]_. For a complete list of optional keyword-arguments that can be provided, see ``skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman``. The following kwargs will not have any effect: `suppress_sequences`, `zero_index`, and `protein` If an alignment does not meet a provided filter, `None` will be returned. References ---------- .. [1] Zhao, Mengyao, Wan-Ping Lee, Erik P. Garrison, & Gabor T. Marth. "SSW Library: An SIMD Smith-Waterman C/C++ Library for Applications". PLOS ONE (2013). Web. 11 July 2014. See Also -------- skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman """ for seq in sequence1, sequence2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA, Protein)): raise TypeError( "`sequence1` and `sequence2` must be DNA, RNA, or Protein, " "not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if type(sequence1) is not type(sequence2): raise TypeError( "`sequence1` and `sequence2` must be the same type: %r != %r" % (type(sequence1).__name__, type(sequence2).__name__)) # We need the sequences for `TabularMSA` to make sense, so don't let the # user suppress them. kwargs['suppress_sequences'] = False kwargs['zero_index'] = True kwargs['protein'] = False if isinstance(sequence1, Protein): kwargs['protein'] = True query = StripedSmithWaterman(str(sequence1), **kwargs) alignment = query(str(sequence2)) # If there is no cigar, then it has failed a filter. Return None. if not alignment.cigar: return None start_end = None if alignment.query_begin != -1: start_end = [ (alignment.query_begin, alignment.query_end), (alignment.target_begin, alignment.target_end_optimal) ] metadata1 = metadata2 = None if sequence1.has_metadata(): metadata1 = sequence1.metadata if sequence2.has_metadata(): metadata2 = sequence2.metadata constructor = type(sequence1) msa = TabularMSA([ constructor(alignment.aligned_query_sequence, metadata=metadata1, validate=False), constructor(alignment.aligned_target_sequence, metadata=metadata2, validate=False) ]) return msa, alignment.optimal_alignment_score, start_end @deprecated(as_of="0.4.0", until="0.6.0", reason="Will be replaced by a SubstitutionMatrix class. To track " "progress, see [#161]" "(") def make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score, alphabet='ACGTU'): """Generate substitution matrix where all matches are scored equally Parameters ---------- match_score : int, float The score that should be assigned for all matches. This value is typically positive. mismatch_score : int, float The score that should be assigned for all mismatches. This value is typically negative. alphabet : iterable of str, optional The characters that should be included in the substitution matrix. Returns ------- dict of dicts All characters in alphabet are keys in both dictionaries, so that any pair of characters can be looked up to get their match or mismatch score. """ result = {} for c1 in alphabet: row = {} for c2 in alphabet: if c1 == c2: row[c2] = match_score else: row[c2] = mismatch_score result[c1] = row return result # Functions from here allow for generalized (global or local) alignment. I # will likely want to put these in a single object to make the naming a little # less clunky. def _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq): if isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence): return TabularMSA([seq]) else: return seq _traceback_encoding = {'match': 1, 'vertical-gap': 2, 'horizontal-gap': 3, 'uninitialized': -1, 'alignment-end': 0} def _init_matrices_sw(aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, :] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] traceback_matrix[:, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _init_matrices_nw(aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] # cache some values for quicker access vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] for i in range(1, shape[0]): score_matrix[i, 0] = -gap_open_penalty - ((i-1) * gap_extend_penalty) traceback_matrix[i, 0] = vgap for i in range(1, shape[1]): score_matrix[0, i] = -gap_open_penalty - ((i-1) * gap_extend_penalty) traceback_matrix[0, i] = hgap return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _init_matrices_nw_no_terminal_gap_penalty( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] # cache some values for quicker access vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] for i in range(1, shape[0]): traceback_matrix[i, 0] = vgap for i in range(1, shape[1]): traceback_matrix[0, i] = hgap return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _compute_substitution_score(aln1_chars, aln2_chars, substitution_matrix, gap_substitution_score, gap_chars): substitution_score = 0 for aln1_char, aln2_char in product(aln1_chars, aln2_chars): if aln1_char in gap_chars or aln2_char in gap_chars: substitution_score += gap_substitution_score else: try: substitution_score += \ substitution_matrix[aln1_char][aln2_char] except KeyError: offending_chars = \ [c for c in (aln1_char, aln2_char) if c not in substitution_matrix] raise ValueError( "One of the sequences contains a character that is " "not contained in the substitution matrix. Are you " "using an appropriate substitution matrix for your " "sequence type (e.g., a nucleotide substitution " "matrix does not make sense for aligning protein " "sequences)? Does your sequence contain invalid " "characters? The offending character(s) is: " " %s." % ', '.join(offending_chars)) substitution_score /= (len(aln1_chars) * len(aln2_chars)) return substitution_score def _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=-np.inf, init_matrices_f=_init_matrices_nw, penalize_terminal_gaps=True, gap_substitution_score=0): """Return dynamic programming (score) and traceback matrices. A note on the ``penalize_terminal_gaps`` parameter. When this value is ``False``, this function is no longer true Smith-Waterman/Needleman-Wunsch scoring, but when ``True`` it can result in biologically irrelevant artifacts in Needleman-Wunsch (global) alignments. Specifically, if one sequence is longer than the other (e.g., if aligning a primer sequence to an amplification product, or searching for a gene in a genome) the shorter sequence will have a long gap inserted. The parameter is ``True`` by default (so that this function computes the score and traceback matrices as described by the original authors) but the global alignment wrappers pass ``False`` by default, so that the global alignment API returns the result that users are most likely to be looking for. """ aln1_length = aln1.shape.position aln2_length = aln2.shape.position # cache some values for quicker/simpler access aend = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] match = _traceback_encoding['match'] vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] new_alignment_score = (new_alignment_score, aend) # Initialize a matrix to use for scoring the alignment and for tracing # back the best alignment score_matrix, traceback_matrix = init_matrices_f( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty) # Iterate over the characters in aln2 (which corresponds to the vertical # sequence in the matrix) for aln2_pos, aln2_chars in enumerate(aln2.iter_positions( ignore_metadata=True), 1): aln2_chars = str(aln2_chars) # Iterate over the characters in aln1 (which corresponds to the # horizontal sequence in the matrix) for aln1_pos, aln1_chars in enumerate(aln1.iter_positions( ignore_metadata=True), 1): aln1_chars = str(aln1_chars) # compute the score for a match/mismatch substitution_score = _compute_substitution_score( aln1_chars, aln2_chars, substitution_matrix, gap_substitution_score, aln1.dtype.gap_chars) diag_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos-1] + substitution_score, match) # compute the score for adding a gap in aln2 (vertical) if not penalize_terminal_gaps and (aln1_pos == aln1_length): # we've reached the end of aln1, so adding vertical gaps # (which become gaps in aln1) should no longer # be penalized (if penalize_terminal_gaps == False) up_score = (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos], vgap) elif traceback_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] == vgap: # gap extend, because the cell above was also a gap up_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] - gap_extend_penalty, vgap) else: # gap open, because the cell above was not a gap up_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] - gap_open_penalty, vgap) # compute the score for adding a gap in aln1 (horizontal) if not penalize_terminal_gaps and (aln2_pos == aln2_length): # we've reached the end of aln2, so adding horizontal gaps # (which become gaps in aln2) should no longer # be penalized (if penalize_terminal_gaps == False) left_score = (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1], hgap) elif traceback_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] == hgap: # gap extend, because the cell to the left was also a gap left_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] - gap_extend_penalty, hgap) else: # gap open, because the cell to the left was not a gap left_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] - gap_open_penalty, hgap) # identify the largest score, and use that information to populate # the score and traceback matrices best_score = _first_largest([new_alignment_score, left_score, diag_score, up_score]) score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos] = best_score[0] traceback_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos] = best_score[1] return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, aln1, aln2, start_row, start_col): # cache some values for simpler reference aend = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] match = _traceback_encoding['match'] vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] gap_character = aln1.dtype.default_gap_char # initialize the result alignments aln1_sequence_count = aln1.shape.sequence aligned_seqs1 = [[] for e in range(aln1_sequence_count)] aln2_sequence_count = aln2.shape.sequence aligned_seqs2 = [[] for e in range(aln2_sequence_count)] current_row = start_row current_col = start_col best_score = score_matrix[current_row, current_col] current_value = None while current_value != aend: current_value = traceback_matrix[current_row, current_col] if current_value == match: for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_col-1])) for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_row-1])) current_row -= 1 current_col -= 1 elif current_value == vgap: for aligned_seq in aligned_seqs1: aligned_seq.append(gap_character) for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_row-1])) current_row -= 1 elif current_value == hgap: for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_col-1])) for aligned_seq in aligned_seqs2: aligned_seq.append(gap_character) current_col -= 1 elif current_value == aend: continue else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value in traceback matrix: %s" % current_value) for i, (aligned_seq, original) in enumerate(zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1)): aligned_seq = ''.join(aligned_seq)[::-1] constructor = aln1.dtype metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned_seqs1[i] = constructor(aligned_seq, metadata=metadata, validate=False) for i, (aligned_seq, original) in enumerate(zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2)): aligned_seq = ''.join(aligned_seq)[::-1] constructor = aln2.dtype metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned_seqs2[i] = constructor(aligned_seq, metadata=metadata, validate=False) return aligned_seqs1, aligned_seqs2, best_score, current_col, current_row def _first_largest(scores): """ Similar to max, but returns the first element achieving the high score If max receives a tuple, it will break a tie for the highest value of entry[i] with entry[i+1]. We don't want that here - to better match with the results of other tools, we want to be able to define which entry is returned in the case of a tie. """ result = scores[0] for score, direction in scores[1:]: if score > result[0]: result = (score, direction) return result
from warnings import warn from itertools import product import numpy as np from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from skbio.alignment._ssw_wrapper import StripedSmithWaterman from skbio.sequence import DNA, RNA, Protein from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence from skbio.util import EfficiencyWarning from skbio.util._decorator import experimental, deprecated # This is temporary: blosum50 does not exist in skbio yet as per # issue 161. When the issue is resolved, this should be removed in favor # of an import. blosum50 = \ { '*': {'*': 1, 'A': -5, 'C': -5, 'B': -5, 'E': -5, 'D': -5, 'G': -5, 'F': -5, 'I': -5, 'H': -5, 'K': -5, 'M': -5, 'L': -5, 'N': -5, 'Q': -5, 'P': -5, 'S': -5, 'R': -5, 'T': -5, 'W': -5, 'V': -5, 'Y': -5, 'X': -5, 'Z': -5}, 'A': {'*': -5, 'A': 5, 'C': -1, 'B': -2, 'E': -1, 'D': -2, 'G': 0, 'F': -3, 'I': -1, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -2, 'N': -1, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': 1, 'R': -2, 'T': 0, 'W': -3, 'V': 0, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'C': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': 13, 'B': -3, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -3, 'F': -2, 'I': -2, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': -2, 'L': -2, 'N': -2, 'Q': -3, 'P': -4, 'S': -1, 'R': -4, 'T': -1, 'W': -5, 'V': -1, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'B': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': 6, 'E': 1, 'D': 6, 'G': -1, 'F': -4, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 0, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': 5, 'Q': 0, 'P': -2, 'S': 0, 'R': -1, 'T': 0, 'W': -5, 'V': -3, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'E': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 1, 'E': 6, 'D': 2, 'G': -3, 'F': -3, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 1, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 2, 'P': -1, 'S': -1, 'R': 0, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 5}, 'D': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -4, 'B': 6, 'E': 2, 'D': 8, 'G': -1, 'F': -5, 'I': -4, 'H': -1, 'K': -1, 'M': -4, 'L': -4, 'N': 2, 'Q': 0, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': -2, 'T': -1, 'W': -5, 'V': -4, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'G': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -3, 'B': -1, 'E': -3, 'D': -1, 'G': 8, 'F': -4, 'I': -4, 'H': -2, 'K': -2, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': 0, 'Q': -2, 'P': -2, 'S': 0, 'R': -3, 'T': -2, 'W': -3, 'V': -4, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'F': {'*': -5, 'A': -3, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -3, 'D': -5, 'G': -4, 'F': 8, 'I': 0, 'H': -1, 'K': -4, 'M': 0, 'L': 1, 'N': -4, 'Q': -4, 'P': -4, 'S': -3, 'R': -3, 'T': -2, 'W': 1, 'V': -1, 'Y': 4, 'X': -1, 'Z': -4}, 'I': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -4, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': 0, 'I': 5, 'H': -4, 'K': -3, 'M': 2, 'L': 2, 'N': -3, 'Q': -3, 'P': -3, 'S': -3, 'R': -4, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': 4, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'H': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 0, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -1, 'I': -4, 'H': 10, 'K': 0, 'M': -1, 'L': -3, 'N': 1, 'Q': 1, 'P': -2, 'S': -1, 'R': 0, 'T': -2, 'W': -3, 'V': -4, 'Y': 2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'K': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 0, 'K': 6, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 2, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 3, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 1}, 'M': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': -3, 'E': -2, 'D': -4, 'G': -3, 'F': 0, 'I': 2, 'H': -1, 'K': -2, 'M': 7, 'L': 3, 'N': -2, 'Q': 0, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -2, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': 1, 'Y': 0, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'L': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -2, 'B': -4, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': 1, 'I': 2, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': 3, 'L': 5, 'N': -4, 'Q': -2, 'P': -4, 'S': -3, 'R': -3, 'T': -1, 'W': -2, 'V': 1, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'N': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -2, 'B': 5, 'E': 0, 'D': 2, 'G': 0, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 1, 'K': 0, 'M': -2, 'L': -4, 'N': 7, 'Q': 0, 'P': -2, 'S': 1, 'R': -1, 'T': 0, 'W': -4, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'Q': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 0, 'E': 2, 'D': 0, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 1, 'K': 2, 'M': 0, 'L': -2, 'N': 0, 'Q': 7, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 1, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': -3, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': 4}, 'P': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -4, 'B': -2, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -3, 'L': -4, 'N': -2, 'Q': -1, 'P': 10, 'S': -1, 'R': -3, 'T': -1, 'W': -4, 'V': -3, 'Y': -3, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'S': {'*': -5, 'A': 1, 'C': -1, 'B': 0, 'E': -1, 'D': 0, 'G': 0, 'F': -3, 'I': -3, 'H': -1, 'K': 0, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': 1, 'Q': 0, 'P': -1, 'S': 5, 'R': -1, 'T': 2, 'W': -4, 'V': -2, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'R': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -4, 'B': -1, 'E': 0, 'D': -2, 'G': -3, 'F': -3, 'I': -4, 'H': 0, 'K': 3, 'M': -2, 'L': -3, 'N': -1, 'Q': 1, 'P': -3, 'S': -1, 'R': 7, 'T': -1, 'W': -3, 'V': -3, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': 0}, 'T': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -1, 'B': 0, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -2, 'F': -2, 'I': -1, 'H': -2, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -1, 'N': 0, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': 2, 'R': -1, 'T': 5, 'W': -3, 'V': 0, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'W': {'*': -5, 'A': -3, 'C': -5, 'B': -5, 'E': -3, 'D': -5, 'G': -3, 'F': 1, 'I': -3, 'H': -3, 'K': -3, 'M': -1, 'L': -2, 'N': -4, 'Q': -1, 'P': -4, 'S': -4, 'R': -3, 'T': -3, 'W': 15, 'V': -3, 'Y': 2, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'V': {'*': -5, 'A': 0, 'C': -1, 'B': -3, 'E': -3, 'D': -4, 'G': -4, 'F': -1, 'I': 4, 'H': -4, 'K': -3, 'M': 1, 'L': 1, 'N': -3, 'Q': -3, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -3, 'T': 0, 'W': -3, 'V': 5, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -3}, 'Y': {'*': -5, 'A': -2, 'C': -3, 'B': -3, 'E': -2, 'D': -3, 'G': -3, 'F': 4, 'I': -1, 'H': 2, 'K': -2, 'M': 0, 'L': -1, 'N': -2, 'Q': -1, 'P': -3, 'S': -2, 'R': -1, 'T': -2, 'W': 2, 'V': -1, 'Y': 8, 'X': -1, 'Z': -2}, 'X': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -1, 'B': -1, 'E': -1, 'D': -1, 'G': -1, 'F': -1, 'I': -1, 'H': -1, 'K': -1, 'M': -1, 'L': -1, 'N': -1, 'Q': -1, 'P': -1, 'S': -1, 'R': -1, 'T': -1, 'W': -1, 'V': -1, 'Y': -1, 'X': -1, 'Z': -1}, 'Z': {'*': -5, 'A': -1, 'C': -3, 'B': 1, 'E': 5, 'D': 1, 'G': -2, 'F': -4, 'I': -3, 'H': 0, 'K': 1, 'M': -1, 'L': -3, 'N': 0, 'Q': 4, 'P': -1, 'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'T': -1, 'W': -2, 'V': -3, 'Y': -2, 'X': -1, 'Z': 5}} @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align_nucleotide(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=2, mismatch_score=-3, substitution_matrix=None): """Locally align exactly two nucleotide seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : DNA or RNA The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : DNA or RNA The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). match_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a match between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). mismatch_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a mismatch between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically negative). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). If provided, this overrides ``match_score`` and ``mismatch_score``. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``match_score``, ``mismatch_score``, ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be DNA or RNA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) # use the substitution matrix provided by the user, or compute from # match_score and mismatch_score if a substitution matrix was not provided if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = \ make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score) return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None): """Locally align exactly two protein seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : Protein The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : Protein The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar), optional Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score); default is BLOSUM 50. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. The BLOSUM (blocks substitution matrices) amino acid substitution matrices were originally defined in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks. S Henikoff and J G Henikoff. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Nov 15, 1992; 89(22): 10915-10919. """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Protein, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = blosum50 return local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix): """Locally align exactly two seqs with Smith-Waterman Parameters ---------- seq1 : GrammaredSequence The first unaligned sequence. seq2 : GrammaredSequence The second unaligned sequence. gap_open_penalty : int or float Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- This algorithm was originally described in [1]_. The scikit-bio implementation was validated against the EMBOSS water web server [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Identification of common molecular subsequences. Smith TF, Waterman MS. J Mol Biol. 1981 Mar 25;147(1):195-7. .. [2] """ warn("You're using skbio's python implementation of Smith-Waterman " "alignment. This will be very slow (e.g., thousands of times slower) " "than skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw.", EfficiencyWarning) for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be %r subclasses, not type %r" % (GrammaredSequence.__name__, type(seq).__name__)) if type(seq1) is not type(seq2): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be the same type: %r != %r" % (type(seq1).__name__, type(seq2).__name__)) seq1 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq1) seq2 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq2) score_matrix, traceback_matrix = _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=0.0, init_matrices_f=_init_matrices_sw) end_row_position, end_col_position =\ np.unravel_index(np.argmax(score_matrix), score_matrix.shape) aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \ _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2, end_row_position, end_col_position) start_end_positions = [(seq1_start_position, end_col_position-1), (seq2_start_position, end_row_position-1)] msa = TabularMSA(aligned1 + aligned2) return msa, score, start_end_positions @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align_nucleotide(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=5, gap_extend_penalty=2, match_score=1, mismatch_score=-2, substitution_matrix=None, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align nucleotide seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA[DNA|RNA] The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA[DNA|RNA] The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). match_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a match between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). mismatch_score : int or float, optional The score to add for a mismatch between a pair of bases (this is added to the previous best alignment score, so is typically negative). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). If provided, this overrides ``match_score`` and ``mismatch_score``. penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_protein Notes ----- Default ``match_score``, ``mismatch_score``, ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be DNA, RNA, or TabularMSA, not type " "%r" % type(seq).__name__) if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, (DNA, RNA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with DNA or RNA dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__) # use the substitution matrix provided by the user, or compute from # match_score and mismatch_score if a substitution matrix was not provided if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = \ make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score) return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align_protein(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty=11, gap_extend_penalty=1, substitution_matrix=None, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align pair of protein seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : Protein or TabularMSA[Protein] The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : Protein or TabularMSA[Protein] The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float, optional Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar), optional Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score); default is BLOSUM 50. penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- Default ``gap_open_penalty`` and ``gap_extend_penalty`` parameters are derived from the NCBI BLAST Server [1]_. The BLOSUM (blocks substitution matrices) amino acid substitution matrices were originally defined in [2]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks. S Henikoff and J G Henikoff. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Nov 15, 1992; 89(22): 10915-10919. """ for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, (Protein, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Protein or TabularMSA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if isinstance(seq, TabularMSA) and not issubclass(seq.dtype, Protein): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be TabularMSA with Protein dtype, " "not dtype %r" % seq.dtype.__name__) if substitution_matrix is None: substitution_matrix = blosum50 return global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, penalize_terminal_gaps=False): """Globally align a pair of seqs or alignments with Needleman-Wunsch Parameters ---------- seq1 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA The first unaligned sequence(s). seq2 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA The second unaligned sequence(s). gap_open_penalty : int or float Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). gap_extend_penalty : int or float Penalty for extending a gap (this is substracted from previous best alignment score, so is typically positive). substitution_matrix: 2D dict (or similar) Lookup for substitution scores (these values are added to the previous best alignment score). penalize_terminal_gaps: bool, optional If True, will continue to penalize gaps even after one sequence has been aligned through its end. This behavior is true Needleman-Wunsch alignment, but results in (biologically irrelevant) artifacts when the sequences being aligned are of different length. This is ``False`` by default, which is very likely to be the behavior you want in all or nearly all cases. Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. See Also -------- local_pairwise_align local_pairwise_align_protein local_pairwise_align_nucleotide skbio.alignment.local_pairwise_align_ssw global_pairwise_align_protein global_pairwise_align_nucelotide Notes ----- This algorithm (in a slightly more basic form) was originally described in [1]_. The scikit-bio implementation was validated against the EMBOSS needle web server [2]_. This function can be use to align either a pair of sequences, a pair of alignments, or a sequence and an alignment. References ---------- .. [1] A general method applicable to the search for similarities in the amino acid sequence of two proteins. Needleman SB, Wunsch CD. J Mol Biol. 1970 Mar;48(3):443-53. .. [2] """ warn("You're using skbio's python implementation of Needleman-Wunsch " "alignment. This is known to be very slow (e.g., thousands of times " "slower than a native C implementation). We'll be adding a faster " "version soon (see " "to track progress on this).", EfficiencyWarning) for seq in seq1, seq2: # We don't need to check the case where `seq` is a `TabularMSA` with a # dtype that isn't a subclass of `GrammaredSequence`, this is # guaranteed by `TabularMSA`. if not isinstance(seq, (GrammaredSequence, TabularMSA)): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be GrammaredSequence subclasses or " "TabularMSA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) seq1 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq1) seq2 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq2) if seq1.dtype is not seq2.dtype: raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must have the same dtype: %r != %r" % (seq1.dtype.__name__, seq2.dtype.__name__)) if penalize_terminal_gaps: init_matrices_f = _init_matrices_nw else: init_matrices_f = _init_matrices_nw_no_terminal_gap_penalty score_matrix, traceback_matrix = \ _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=-np.inf, init_matrices_f=init_matrices_f, penalize_terminal_gaps=penalize_terminal_gaps) end_row_position = traceback_matrix.shape[0] - 1 end_col_position = traceback_matrix.shape[1] - 1 aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \ _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2, end_row_position, end_col_position) start_end_positions = [(seq1_start_position, end_col_position-1), (seq2_start_position, end_row_position-1)] msa = TabularMSA(aligned1 + aligned2) return msa, score, start_end_positions @deprecated(as_of="0.5.8", until="0.6.0", reason="This will be removed or replaced, in favor of more general" "-purpose performant aligners. Additional details at " "") def local_pairwise_align_ssw(sequence1, sequence2, **kwargs): """Align query and target sequences with Striped Smith-Waterman. Parameters ---------- sequence1 : DNA, RNA, or Protein The first unaligned sequence sequence2 : DNA, RNA, or Protein The second unaligned sequence Returns ------- tuple ``TabularMSA`` object containing the aligned sequences, alignment score (float), and start/end positions of each input sequence (iterable of two-item tuples). Note that start/end positions are indexes into the unaligned sequences. Notes ----- This is a wrapper for the SSW package [1]_. For a complete list of optional keyword-arguments that can be provided, see ``skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman``. The following kwargs will not have any effect: `suppress_sequences`, `zero_index`, and `protein` If an alignment does not meet a provided filter, `None` will be returned. References ---------- .. [1] Zhao, Mengyao, Wan-Ping Lee, Erik P. Garrison, & Gabor T. Marth. "SSW Library: An SIMD Smith-Waterman C/C++ Library for Applications". PLOS ONE (2013). Web. 11 July 2014. See Also -------- skbio.alignment.StripedSmithWaterman """ for seq in sequence1, sequence2: if not isinstance(seq, (DNA, RNA, Protein)): raise TypeError( "`sequence1` and `sequence2` must be DNA, RNA, or Protein, " "not type %r" % type(seq).__name__) if type(sequence1) is not type(sequence2): raise TypeError( "`sequence1` and `sequence2` must be the same type: %r != %r" % (type(sequence1).__name__, type(sequence2).__name__)) # We need the sequences for `TabularMSA` to make sense, so don't let the # user suppress them. kwargs['suppress_sequences'] = False kwargs['zero_index'] = True kwargs['protein'] = False if isinstance(sequence1, Protein): kwargs['protein'] = True query = StripedSmithWaterman(str(sequence1), **kwargs) alignment = query(str(sequence2)) # If there is no cigar, then it has failed a filter. Return None. if not alignment.cigar: return None start_end = None if alignment.query_begin != -1: start_end = [ (alignment.query_begin, alignment.query_end), (alignment.target_begin, alignment.target_end_optimal) ] metadata1 = metadata2 = None if sequence1.has_metadata(): metadata1 = sequence1.metadata if sequence2.has_metadata(): metadata2 = sequence2.metadata constructor = type(sequence1) msa = TabularMSA([ constructor(alignment.aligned_query_sequence, metadata=metadata1, validate=False), constructor(alignment.aligned_target_sequence, metadata=metadata2, validate=False) ]) return msa, alignment.optimal_alignment_score, start_end @deprecated(as_of="0.4.0", until="0.6.0", reason="Will be replaced by a SubstitutionMatrix class. To track " "progress, see [#161]" "(") def make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score, alphabet='ACGTU'): """Generate substitution matrix where all matches are scored equally Parameters ---------- match_score : int, float The score that should be assigned for all matches. This value is typically positive. mismatch_score : int, float The score that should be assigned for all mismatches. This value is typically negative. alphabet : iterable of str, optional The characters that should be included in the substitution matrix. Returns ------- dict of dicts All characters in alphabet are keys in both dictionaries, so that any pair of characters can be looked up to get their match or mismatch score. """ result = {} for c1 in alphabet: row = {} for c2 in alphabet: if c1 == c2: row[c2] = match_score else: row[c2] = mismatch_score result[c1] = row return result # Functions from here allow for generalized (global or local) alignment. I # will likely want to put these in a single object to make the naming a little # less clunky. def _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq): if isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence): return TabularMSA([seq]) else: return seq _traceback_encoding = {'match': 1, 'vertical-gap': 2, 'horizontal-gap': 3, 'uninitialized': -1, 'alignment-end': 0} def _init_matrices_sw(aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, :] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] traceback_matrix[:, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _init_matrices_nw(aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] # cache some values for quicker access vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] for i in range(1, shape[0]): score_matrix[i, 0] = -gap_open_penalty - ((i-1) * gap_extend_penalty) traceback_matrix[i, 0] = vgap for i in range(1, shape[1]): score_matrix[0, i] = -gap_open_penalty - ((i-1) * gap_extend_penalty) traceback_matrix[0, i] = hgap return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _init_matrices_nw_no_terminal_gap_penalty( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty): shape = (aln2.shape.position+1, aln1.shape.position+1) score_matrix = np.zeros(shape) traceback_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) traceback_matrix += _traceback_encoding['uninitialized'] traceback_matrix[0, 0] = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] # cache some values for quicker access vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] for i in range(1, shape[0]): traceback_matrix[i, 0] = vgap for i in range(1, shape[1]): traceback_matrix[0, i] = hgap return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _compute_substitution_score(aln1_chars, aln2_chars, substitution_matrix, gap_substitution_score, gap_chars): substitution_score = 0 for aln1_char, aln2_char in product(aln1_chars, aln2_chars): if aln1_char in gap_chars or aln2_char in gap_chars: substitution_score += gap_substitution_score else: try: substitution_score += \ substitution_matrix[aln1_char][aln2_char] except KeyError: offending_chars = \ [c for c in (aln1_char, aln2_char) if c not in substitution_matrix] raise ValueError( "One of the sequences contains a character that is " "not contained in the substitution matrix. Are you " "using an appropriate substitution matrix for your " "sequence type (e.g., a nucleotide substitution " "matrix does not make sense for aligning protein " "sequences)? Does your sequence contain invalid " "characters? The offending character(s) is: " " %s." % ', '.join(offending_chars)) substitution_score /= (len(aln1_chars) * len(aln2_chars)) return substitution_score def _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty, substitution_matrix, new_alignment_score=-np.inf, init_matrices_f=_init_matrices_nw, penalize_terminal_gaps=True, gap_substitution_score=0): """Return dynamic programming (score) and traceback matrices. A note on the ``penalize_terminal_gaps`` parameter. When this value is ``False``, this function is no longer true Smith-Waterman/Needleman-Wunsch scoring, but when ``True`` it can result in biologically irrelevant artifacts in Needleman-Wunsch (global) alignments. Specifically, if one sequence is longer than the other (e.g., if aligning a primer sequence to an amplification product, or searching for a gene in a genome) the shorter sequence will have a long gap inserted. The parameter is ``True`` by default (so that this function computes the score and traceback matrices as described by the original authors) but the global alignment wrappers pass ``False`` by default, so that the global alignment API returns the result that users are most likely to be looking for. """ aln1_length = aln1.shape.position aln2_length = aln2.shape.position # cache some values for quicker/simpler access aend = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] match = _traceback_encoding['match'] vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] new_alignment_score = (new_alignment_score, aend) # Initialize a matrix to use for scoring the alignment and for tracing # back the best alignment score_matrix, traceback_matrix = init_matrices_f( aln1, aln2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty) # Iterate over the characters in aln2 (which corresponds to the vertical # sequence in the matrix) for aln2_pos, aln2_chars in enumerate(aln2.iter_positions( ignore_metadata=True), 1): aln2_chars = str(aln2_chars) # Iterate over the characters in aln1 (which corresponds to the # horizontal sequence in the matrix) for aln1_pos, aln1_chars in enumerate(aln1.iter_positions( ignore_metadata=True), 1): aln1_chars = str(aln1_chars) # compute the score for a match/mismatch substitution_score = _compute_substitution_score( aln1_chars, aln2_chars, substitution_matrix, gap_substitution_score, aln1.dtype.gap_chars) diag_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos-1] + substitution_score, match) # compute the score for adding a gap in aln2 (vertical) if not penalize_terminal_gaps and (aln1_pos == aln1_length): # we've reached the end of aln1, so adding vertical gaps # (which become gaps in aln1) should no longer # be penalized (if penalize_terminal_gaps == False) up_score = (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos], vgap) elif traceback_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] == vgap: # gap extend, because the cell above was also a gap up_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] - gap_extend_penalty, vgap) else: # gap open, because the cell above was not a gap up_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos-1, aln1_pos] - gap_open_penalty, vgap) # compute the score for adding a gap in aln1 (horizontal) if not penalize_terminal_gaps and (aln2_pos == aln2_length): # we've reached the end of aln2, so adding horizontal gaps # (which become gaps in aln2) should no longer # be penalized (if penalize_terminal_gaps == False) left_score = (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1], hgap) elif traceback_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] == hgap: # gap extend, because the cell to the left was also a gap left_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] - gap_extend_penalty, hgap) else: # gap open, because the cell to the left was not a gap left_score = \ (score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos-1] - gap_open_penalty, hgap) # identify the largest score, and use that information to populate # the score and traceback matrices best_score = _first_largest([new_alignment_score, left_score, diag_score, up_score]) score_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos] = best_score[0] traceback_matrix[aln2_pos, aln1_pos] = best_score[1] return score_matrix, traceback_matrix def _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, aln1, aln2, start_row, start_col): # cache some values for simpler reference aend = _traceback_encoding['alignment-end'] match = _traceback_encoding['match'] vgap = _traceback_encoding['vertical-gap'] hgap = _traceback_encoding['horizontal-gap'] gap_character = aln1.dtype.default_gap_char # initialize the result alignments aln1_sequence_count = aln1.shape.sequence aligned_seqs1 = [[] for e in range(aln1_sequence_count)] aln2_sequence_count = aln2.shape.sequence aligned_seqs2 = [[] for e in range(aln2_sequence_count)] current_row = start_row current_col = start_col best_score = score_matrix[current_row, current_col] current_value = None while current_value != aend: current_value = traceback_matrix[current_row, current_col] if current_value == match: for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_col-1])) for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_row-1])) current_row -= 1 current_col -= 1 elif current_value == vgap: for aligned_seq in aligned_seqs1: aligned_seq.append(gap_character) for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_row-1])) current_row -= 1 elif current_value == hgap: for aligned_seq, input_seq in zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1): aligned_seq.append(str(input_seq[current_col-1])) for aligned_seq in aligned_seqs2: aligned_seq.append(gap_character) current_col -= 1 elif current_value == aend: continue else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value in traceback matrix: %s" % current_value) for i, (aligned_seq, original) in enumerate(zip(aligned_seqs1, aln1)): aligned_seq = ''.join(aligned_seq)[::-1] constructor = aln1.dtype metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned_seqs1[i] = constructor(aligned_seq, metadata=metadata, validate=False) for i, (aligned_seq, original) in enumerate(zip(aligned_seqs2, aln2)): aligned_seq = ''.join(aligned_seq)[::-1] constructor = aln2.dtype metadata = None if original.has_metadata(): metadata = original.metadata aligned_seqs2[i] = constructor(aligned_seq, metadata=metadata, validate=False) return aligned_seqs1, aligned_seqs2, best_score, current_col, current_row def _first_largest(scores): """ Similar to max, but returns the first element achieving the high score If max receives a tuple, it will break a tie for the highest value of entry[i] with entry[i+1]. We don't want that here - to better match with the results of other tools, we want to be able to define which entry is returned in the case of a tie. """ result = scores[0] for score, direction in scores[1:]: if score > result[0]: result = (score, direction) return result
import math from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str from skbio.metadata._repr import _MetadataReprBuilder class _SequenceReprBuilder(_MetadataReprBuilder): """Build a ``Sequence`` repr. Parameters ---------- seq : Sequence Sequence to repr. width : int Maximum width of the repr. indent : int Number of spaces to use for indented lines. chunk_size: int Number of characters in each chunk of a sequence. """ def __init__(self, seq, width, indent, chunk_size): super(_SequenceReprBuilder, self).__init__(seq, width, indent) self._chunk_size = chunk_size def _process_header(self): cls_name = self._obj.__class__.__name__ self._lines.add_line(cls_name) self._lines.add_separator() def _process_data(self): num_lines, num_chars, column_width = self._find_optimal_seq_chunking() # display entire sequence if we can, else display the first two and # last two lines separated by ellipsis if num_lines <= 5: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(num_lines), num_chars, column_width)) else: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(2), num_chars, column_width)) self._lines.add_line('...') self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(num_lines - 2, num_lines), num_chars, column_width)) def _find_optimal_seq_chunking(self): """Find the optimal number of sequence chunks to fit on a single line. Returns the number of lines the sequence will occupy, the number of sequence characters displayed on each line, and the column width necessary to display position info using the optimal number of sequence chunks. """ # strategy: use an iterative approach to find the optimal number of # sequence chunks per line. start with a single chunk and increase # until the max line width is exceeded. when this happens, the previous # number of chunks is optimal num_lines = 0 num_chars = 0 column_width = 0 num_chunks = 1 not_exceeded = True while not_exceeded: line_len, new_chunk_info = self._compute_chunked_seq_line_len( num_chunks) not_exceeded = line_len <= self._width if not_exceeded: num_lines, num_chars, column_width = new_chunk_info num_chunks += 1 return num_lines, num_chars, column_width def _compute_chunked_seq_line_len(self, num_chunks): """Compute line length based on a number of chunks.""" num_chars = num_chunks * self._chunk_size # ceil to account for partial line num_lines = int(math.ceil(len(self._obj) / num_chars)) # position column width is fixed width, based on the number of # characters necessary to display the position of the final line (all # previous positions will be left justified using this width) column_width = len('%d ' % ((num_lines - 1) * num_chars)) # column width + number of sequence characters + spaces between chunks line_len = column_width + num_chars + (num_chunks - 1) return line_len, (num_lines, num_chars, column_width) def _format_chunked_seq(self, line_idxs, num_chars, column_width): """Format specified lines of chunked sequence data.""" lines = [] for line_idx in line_idxs: seq_idx = line_idx * num_chars chars = str(self._obj[seq_idx:seq_idx+num_chars]) chunked_chars = chunk_str(chars, self._chunk_size, ' ') lines.append(('%d' % seq_idx).ljust(column_width) + chunked_chars) return lines
import math from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str from skbio.metadata._repr import _MetadataReprBuilder class _SequenceReprBuilder(_MetadataReprBuilder): """Build a ``Sequence`` repr. Parameters ---------- seq : Sequence Sequence to repr. width : int Maximum width of the repr. indent : int Number of spaces to use for indented lines. chunk_size: int Number of characters in each chunk of a sequence. """ def __init__(self, seq, width, indent, chunk_size): super(_SequenceReprBuilder, self).__init__(seq, width, indent) self._chunk_size = chunk_size def _process_header(self): cls_name = self._obj.__class__.__name__ self._lines.add_line(cls_name) self._lines.add_separator() def _process_data(self): num_lines, num_chars, column_width = self._find_optimal_seq_chunking() # display entire sequence if we can, else display the first two and # last two lines separated by ellipsis if num_lines <= 5: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(num_lines), num_chars, column_width)) else: self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(2), num_chars, column_width)) self._lines.add_line('...') self._lines.add_lines(self._format_chunked_seq( range(num_lines - 2, num_lines), num_chars, column_width)) def _find_optimal_seq_chunking(self): """Find the optimal number of sequence chunks to fit on a single line. Returns the number of lines the sequence will occupy, the number of sequence characters displayed on each line, and the column width necessary to display position info using the optimal number of sequence chunks. """ # strategy: use an iterative approach to find the optimal number of # sequence chunks per line. start with a single chunk and increase # until the max line width is exceeded. when this happens, the previous # number of chunks is optimal num_lines = 0 num_chars = 0 column_width = 0 num_chunks = 1 not_exceeded = True while not_exceeded: line_len, new_chunk_info = self._compute_chunked_seq_line_len( num_chunks) not_exceeded = line_len <= self._width if not_exceeded: num_lines, num_chars, column_width = new_chunk_info num_chunks += 1 return num_lines, num_chars, column_width def _compute_chunked_seq_line_len(self, num_chunks): """Compute line length based on a number of chunks.""" num_chars = num_chunks * self._chunk_size # ceil to account for partial line num_lines = int(math.ceil(len(self._obj) / num_chars)) # position column width is fixed width, based on the number of # characters necessary to display the position of the final line (all # previous positions will be left justified using this width) column_width = len('%d ' % ((num_lines - 1) * num_chars)) # column width + number of sequence characters + spaces between chunks line_len = column_width + num_chars + (num_chunks - 1) return line_len, (num_lines, num_chars, column_width) def _format_chunked_seq(self, line_idxs, num_chars, column_width): """Format specified lines of chunked sequence data.""" lines = [] for line_idx in line_idxs: seq_idx = line_idx * num_chars chars = str(self._obj[seq_idx:seq_idx+num_chars]) chunked_chars = chunk_str(chars, self._chunk_size, ' ') lines.append(('%d' % seq_idx).ljust(column_width) + chunked_chars) return lines
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty from itertools import product import re import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import (classproperty, overrides, stable, deprecated, experimental) from skbio.util._misc import MiniRegistry from ._sequence import Sequence class GrammaredSequenceMeta(ABCMeta, type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): cls = super(GrammaredSequenceMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) concrete_gap_chars = \ type(cls.gap_chars) is not abstractproperty concrete_degenerate_map = \ type(cls.degenerate_map) is not abstractproperty concrete_definite_chars = \ type(cls.definite_chars) is not abstractproperty concrete_default_gap_char = \ type(cls.default_gap_char) is not abstractproperty # degenerate_chars is not abstract but it depends on degenerate_map # which is abstract. concrete_degenerate_chars = concrete_degenerate_map # Only perform metaclass checks if none of the attributes on the class # are abstract. # TODO: Rather than hard-coding a list of attributes to check, we can # probably check all the attributes on the class and make sure none of # them are abstract. if (concrete_gap_chars and concrete_degenerate_map and concrete_definite_chars and concrete_default_gap_char and concrete_degenerate_chars): if cls.default_gap_char not in cls.gap_chars: raise TypeError( "default_gap_char must be in gap_chars for class %s" % name) if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.degenerate_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "gap_chars and degenerate_chars must not share any " "characters for class %s" % name) for key in cls.degenerate_map.keys(): for definite_char in cls.degenerate_map[key]: if definite_char not in cls.definite_chars: raise TypeError( "degenerate_map must expand only to " "characters included in definite_chars " "for class %s" % name) if len(cls.degenerate_chars & cls.definite_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "degenerate_chars and definite_chars must not " "share any characters for class %s" % name) if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.definite_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "gap_chars and definite_chars must not share any " "characters for class %s" % name) return cls # Adapted from # Note that inheriting from GrammaredSequenceMeta, rather than something # more general, is intentional. Multiple inheritance with metaclasses can be # tricky and is not handled automatically in Python. Since this class needs to # inherit both from ABCMeta and GrammaredSequenceMeta, the only way we could # find to make this work was to have GrammaredSequenceMeta inherit from ABCMeta # and then inherit from GrammaredSequenceMeta here. class DisableSubclassingMeta(GrammaredSequenceMeta): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): for b in bases: if isinstance(b, DisableSubclassingMeta): raise TypeError("Subclassing disabled for class %s. To create" " a custom sequence class, inherit directly" " from skbio.sequence.%s" % (b.__name__, GrammaredSequence.__name__)) return super(DisableSubclassingMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict(dct)) class GrammaredSequence(Sequence, metaclass=GrammaredSequenceMeta): """Store sequence data conforming to a character set. This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated. This class is intended to be inherited from to create grammared sequences with custom alphabets. Raises ------ ValueError If sequence characters are not in the character set [1]_. See Also -------- DNA RNA Protein References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- Note in the example below that properties either need to be static or use skbio's `classproperty` decorator. >>> from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence >>> from skbio.util import classproperty >>> class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence): ... @classproperty ... def degenerate_map(cls): ... return {"X": set("AB")} ... ... @classproperty ... def definite_chars(cls): ... return set("ABC") ... ... ... @classproperty ... def default_gap_char(cls): ... return '-' ... ... @classproperty ... def gap_chars(cls): ... return set('-.') >>> seq = CustomSequence('ABABACAC') >>> seq CustomSequence -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True -------------------------- 0 ABABACAC >>> seq = CustomSequence('XXXXXX') >>> seq CustomSequence ------------------------- Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: True has definites: False ------------------------- 0 XXXXXX """ __validation_mask = None __degenerate_codes = None __definite_char_codes = None __gap_codes = None @classproperty def _validation_mask(cls): # TODO These masks could be defined (as literals) on each concrete # object. For now, memoize! if cls.__validation_mask is None: as_bytes = ''.join(cls.alphabet).encode('ascii') cls.__validation_mask = np.invert(np.bincount( np.frombuffer(as_bytes, dtype=np.uint8), minlength=cls._number_of_extended_ascii_codes).astype(bool)) return cls.__validation_mask @classproperty def _degenerate_codes(cls): if cls.__degenerate_codes is None: degens = cls.degenerate_chars cls.__degenerate_codes = np.asarray([ord(d) for d in degens]) return cls.__degenerate_codes @classproperty def _definite_char_codes(cls): if cls.__definite_char_codes is None: definite_chars = cls.definite_chars cls.__definite_char_codes = np.asarray( [ord(d) for d in definite_chars]) return cls.__definite_char_codes @classproperty def _gap_codes(cls): if cls.__gap_codes is None: gaps = cls.gap_chars cls.__gap_codes = np.asarray([ord(g) for g in gaps]) return cls.__gap_codes @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def alphabet(cls): """Return valid characters. This includes gap, definite, and degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Valid characters. """ return cls.degenerate_chars | cls.definite_chars | cls.gap_chars @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gap_chars(cls): """Return characters defined as gaps. Returns ------- set Characters defined as gaps. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty @classproperty @experimental(as_of='0.4.1') def default_gap_char(cls): """Gap character to use when constructing a new gapped sequence. This character is used when it is necessary to represent gap characters in a new sequence. For example, a majority consensus sequence will use this character to represent gaps. Returns ------- str Default gap character. """ raise NotImplementedError @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerate_chars(cls): """Return degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Degenerate characters. """ return set(cls.degenerate_map) @classproperty @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to definite_chars') def nondegenerate_chars(cls): """Return non-degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Non-degenerate characters. """ return cls.definite_chars @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def definite_chars(cls): """Return definite characters. Returns ------- set Definite characters. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerate_map(cls): """Return mapping of degenerate to definite characters. Returns ------- dict (set) Mapping of each degenerate character to the set of definite characters it represents. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @overrides(Sequence) def __init__(self, sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, interval_metadata=None, lowercase=False, validate=True): super(GrammaredSequence, self).__init__( sequence, metadata, positional_metadata, interval_metadata, lowercase) if validate: self._validate() def _validate(self): # This is the fastest way that we have found to identify the # presence or absence of certain characters (numbers). # It works by multiplying a mask where the numbers which are # permitted have a zero at their index, and all others have a one. # The result is a vector which will propogate counts of invalid # numbers and remove counts of valid numbers, so that we need only # see if the array is empty to determine validity. invalid_characters = np.bincount( self._bytes, minlength=self._number_of_extended_ascii_codes ) * self._validation_mask if np.any(invalid_characters): bad = list(np.where( invalid_characters > 0)[0].astype(np.uint8).view('|S1')) raise ValueError( "Invalid character%s in sequence: %r. \n" "Valid characters: %r\n" "Note: Use `lowercase` if your sequence contains lowercase " "characters not in the sequence's alphabet." % ('s' if len(bad) > 1 else '', [str(b.tobytes().decode("ascii")) for b in bad] if len(bad) > 1 else bad[0], list(self.alphabet))) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gaps(self): """Find positions containing gaps in the biological sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a gap character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_gaps Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('AC-G-') >>> s.gaps() array([False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._gap_codes) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def has_gaps(self): """Determine if the sequence contains one or more gap characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of gap characters in the biological sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACACGACGTT') >>> s.has_gaps() False >>> t = DNA('A.CAC--GACGTT') >>> t.has_gaps() True """ # TODO use count, there aren't that many gap chars # TODO: cache results return bool(self.gaps().any()) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerates(self): """Find positions containing degenerate characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a degenerate character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_degenerates definites has_definites Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.degenerates() array([False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._degenerate_codes) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def has_degenerates(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more degenerate characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of degenerate characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- degenerates definites has_definites Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACAC-GACGTT') >>> s.has_degenerates() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_degenerates() True """ # TODO use bincount! # TODO: cache results return bool(self.degenerates().any()) @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def definites(self): """Find positions containing definite characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a definite character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_definites degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.definites() array([ True, True, False, True, False], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._definite_char_codes) @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to definites') def nondegenerates(self): """Find positions containing non-degenerate characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a non-degenerate character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_definites degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.nondegenerates() array([ True, True, False, True, False], dtype=bool) """ return self.definites() @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def has_definites(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more definite characters Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of definite characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- definites degenerates has_degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('NWNNNNNN') >>> s.has_definites() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_definites() True """ # TODO: cache results return bool(self.definites().any()) @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to has_definites') def has_nondegenerates(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more non-degenerate characters Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of non-degenerate characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- definites degenerates has_degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('NWNNNNNN') >>> s.has_nondegenerates() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_nondegenerates() True """ # TODO: cache results return self.has_definites() @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degap(self): """Return a new sequence with gap characters removed. Returns ------- GrammaredSequence A new sequence with all gap characters removed. See Also -------- gap_chars Notes ----- The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the biological sequence. If positional metadata is present, it will be filtered in the same manner as the sequence characters and included in the resulting degapped sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('GGTC-C--ATT-C.', ... positional_metadata={'quality':range(14)}) >>> s.degap() DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 9 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 55.56% ----------------------------- 0 GGTCCATTC """ return self[np.invert(self.gaps())] @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def expand_degenerates(self): """Yield all possible definite versions of the sequence. Yields ------ GrammaredSequence Definite version of the sequence. See Also -------- degenerate_map Notes ----- There is no guaranteed ordering to the definite sequences that are yielded. Each definite sequence will have the same type, metadata, and positional metadata as the biological sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TRG') >>> seq_generator = seq.expand_degenerates() >>> for s in sorted(seq_generator, key=str): ... s ... print('') DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 33.33% -------------------------- 0 TAG <BLANKLINE> DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 66.67% -------------------------- 0 TGG <BLANKLINE> """ degen_chars = self.degenerate_map nonexpansion_chars = self.definite_chars.union(self.gap_chars) expansions = [] for char in self: char = str(char) if char in nonexpansion_chars: expansions.append(char) else: expansions.append(degen_chars[char]) metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata for definite_seq in product(*expansions): yield self._constructor( sequence=''.join(definite_seq), metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=self.interval_metadata) @stable(as_of='0.4.1') def to_regex(self, within_capture=False): """Return regular expression object that accounts for degenerate chars. Parameters ---------- within_capture : bool If ``True``, format the regex pattern for the sequence into a single capture group. If ``False``, compile the regex pattern as-is with no capture groups. Returns ------- regex Pre-compiled regular expression object (as from ``re.compile``) that matches all definite versions of this sequence, and nothing else. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TRG') >>> regex = seq.to_regex() >>> regex.match('TAG').string 'TAG' >>> regex.match('TGG').string 'TGG' >>> regex.match('TCG') is None True >>> regex = seq.to_regex(within_capture=True) >>> regex.match('TAG').groups(0) ('TAG',) """ regex_parts = [] for base in str(self): if base in self.degenerate_chars: regex_parts.append('[{0}]'.format( ''.join(self.degenerate_map[base]))) else: regex_parts.append(base) regex_string = ''.join(regex_parts) if within_capture: regex_string = '({})'.format(regex_string) return re.compile(regex_string) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def find_motifs(self, motif_type, min_length=1, ignore=None): """Search the biological sequence for motifs. Options for `motif_type`: Parameters ---------- motif_type : str Type of motif to find. min_length : int, optional Only motifs at least as long as `min_length` will be returned. ignore : 1D array_like (bool), optional Boolean vector indicating positions to ignore when matching. Yields ------ slice Location of the motif in the biological sequence. Raises ------ ValueError If an unknown `motif_type` is specified. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACGGGGAGGCGGAG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', min_length=2): ... motif_slice ... str(s[motif_slice]) slice(2, 9, None) 'GGGGAGG' slice(10, 14, None) 'GGAG' Gap characters can disrupt motifs: >>> s = DNA('GG-GG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run'): ... motif_slice slice(0, 2, None) slice(3, 5, None) Gaps can be ignored by passing the gap boolean vector to `ignore`: >>> s = DNA('GG-GG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', ignore=s.gaps()): ... motif_slice slice(0, 5, None) """ if motif_type not in self._motifs: raise ValueError("Not a known motif (%r) for this sequence (%s)." % (motif_type, self.__class__.__name__)) return self._motifs[motif_type](self, min_length, ignore) @overrides(Sequence) def _constructor(self, **kwargs): return self.__class__(validate=False, lowercase=False, **kwargs) @overrides(Sequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(GrammaredSequence, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('has gaps', '%r' % self.has_gaps())) stats.append(('has degenerates', '%r' % self.has_degenerates())) stats.append(('has definites', '%r' % self.has_definites())) return stats _motifs = MiniRegistry() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(GrammaredSequence, "find_motifs")
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty from itertools import product import re import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import (classproperty, overrides, stable, deprecated, experimental) from skbio.util._misc import MiniRegistry from ._sequence import Sequence class GrammaredSequenceMeta(ABCMeta, type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): cls = super(GrammaredSequenceMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) concrete_gap_chars = \ type(cls.gap_chars) is not abstractproperty concrete_degenerate_map = \ type(cls.degenerate_map) is not abstractproperty concrete_definite_chars = \ type(cls.definite_chars) is not abstractproperty concrete_default_gap_char = \ type(cls.default_gap_char) is not abstractproperty # degenerate_chars is not abstract but it depends on degenerate_map # which is abstract. concrete_degenerate_chars = concrete_degenerate_map # Only perform metaclass checks if none of the attributes on the class # are abstract. # TODO: Rather than hard-coding a list of attributes to check, we can # probably check all the attributes on the class and make sure none of # them are abstract. if (concrete_gap_chars and concrete_degenerate_map and concrete_definite_chars and concrete_default_gap_char and concrete_degenerate_chars): if cls.default_gap_char not in cls.gap_chars: raise TypeError( "default_gap_char must be in gap_chars for class %s" % name) if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.degenerate_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "gap_chars and degenerate_chars must not share any " "characters for class %s" % name) for key in cls.degenerate_map.keys(): for definite_char in cls.degenerate_map[key]: if definite_char not in cls.definite_chars: raise TypeError( "degenerate_map must expand only to " "characters included in definite_chars " "for class %s" % name) if len(cls.degenerate_chars & cls.definite_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "degenerate_chars and definite_chars must not " "share any characters for class %s" % name) if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.definite_chars) > 0: raise TypeError( "gap_chars and definite_chars must not share any " "characters for class %s" % name) return cls # Adapted from # Note that inheriting from GrammaredSequenceMeta, rather than something # more general, is intentional. Multiple inheritance with metaclasses can be # tricky and is not handled automatically in Python. Since this class needs to # inherit both from ABCMeta and GrammaredSequenceMeta, the only way we could # find to make this work was to have GrammaredSequenceMeta inherit from ABCMeta # and then inherit from GrammaredSequenceMeta here. class DisableSubclassingMeta(GrammaredSequenceMeta): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): for b in bases: if isinstance(b, DisableSubclassingMeta): raise TypeError("Subclassing disabled for class %s. To create" " a custom sequence class, inherit directly" " from skbio.sequence.%s" % (b.__name__, GrammaredSequence.__name__)) return super(DisableSubclassingMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict(dct)) class GrammaredSequence(Sequence, metaclass=GrammaredSequenceMeta): """Store sequence data conforming to a character set. This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated. This class is intended to be inherited from to create grammared sequences with custom alphabets. Raises ------ ValueError If sequence characters are not in the character set [1]_. See Also -------- DNA RNA Protein References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- Note in the example below that properties either need to be static or use skbio's `classproperty` decorator. >>> from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence >>> from skbio.util import classproperty >>> class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence): ... @classproperty ... def degenerate_map(cls): ... return {"X": set("AB")} ... ... @classproperty ... def definite_chars(cls): ... return set("ABC") ... ... ... @classproperty ... def default_gap_char(cls): ... return '-' ... ... @classproperty ... def gap_chars(cls): ... return set('-.') >>> seq = CustomSequence('ABABACAC') >>> seq CustomSequence -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True -------------------------- 0 ABABACAC >>> seq = CustomSequence('XXXXXX') >>> seq CustomSequence ------------------------- Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: True has definites: False ------------------------- 0 XXXXXX """ __validation_mask = None __degenerate_codes = None __definite_char_codes = None __gap_codes = None @classproperty def _validation_mask(cls): # TODO These masks could be defined (as literals) on each concrete # object. For now, memoize! if cls.__validation_mask is None: as_bytes = ''.join(cls.alphabet).encode('ascii') cls.__validation_mask = np.invert(np.bincount( np.frombuffer(as_bytes, dtype=np.uint8), minlength=cls._number_of_extended_ascii_codes).astype(bool)) return cls.__validation_mask @classproperty def _degenerate_codes(cls): if cls.__degenerate_codes is None: degens = cls.degenerate_chars cls.__degenerate_codes = np.asarray([ord(d) for d in degens]) return cls.__degenerate_codes @classproperty def _definite_char_codes(cls): if cls.__definite_char_codes is None: definite_chars = cls.definite_chars cls.__definite_char_codes = np.asarray( [ord(d) for d in definite_chars]) return cls.__definite_char_codes @classproperty def _gap_codes(cls): if cls.__gap_codes is None: gaps = cls.gap_chars cls.__gap_codes = np.asarray([ord(g) for g in gaps]) return cls.__gap_codes @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def alphabet(cls): """Return valid characters. This includes gap, definite, and degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Valid characters. """ return cls.degenerate_chars | cls.definite_chars | cls.gap_chars @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gap_chars(cls): """Return characters defined as gaps. Returns ------- set Characters defined as gaps. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty @classproperty @experimental(as_of='0.4.1') def default_gap_char(cls): """Gap character to use when constructing a new gapped sequence. This character is used when it is necessary to represent gap characters in a new sequence. For example, a majority consensus sequence will use this character to represent gaps. Returns ------- str Default gap character. """ raise NotImplementedError @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerate_chars(cls): """Return degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Degenerate characters. """ return set(cls.degenerate_map) @classproperty @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to definite_chars') def nondegenerate_chars(cls): """Return non-degenerate characters. Returns ------- set Non-degenerate characters. """ return cls.definite_chars @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def definite_chars(cls): """Return definite characters. Returns ------- set Definite characters. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerate_map(cls): """Return mapping of degenerate to definite characters. Returns ------- dict (set) Mapping of each degenerate character to the set of definite characters it represents. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @overrides(Sequence) def __init__(self, sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None, interval_metadata=None, lowercase=False, validate=True): super(GrammaredSequence, self).__init__( sequence, metadata, positional_metadata, interval_metadata, lowercase) if validate: self._validate() def _validate(self): # This is the fastest way that we have found to identify the # presence or absence of certain characters (numbers). # It works by multiplying a mask where the numbers which are # permitted have a zero at their index, and all others have a one. # The result is a vector which will propogate counts of invalid # numbers and remove counts of valid numbers, so that we need only # see if the array is empty to determine validity. invalid_characters = np.bincount( self._bytes, minlength=self._number_of_extended_ascii_codes ) * self._validation_mask if np.any(invalid_characters): bad = list(np.where( invalid_characters > 0)[0].astype(np.uint8).view('|S1')) raise ValueError( "Invalid character%s in sequence: %r. \n" "Valid characters: %r\n" "Note: Use `lowercase` if your sequence contains lowercase " "characters not in the sequence's alphabet." % ('s' if len(bad) > 1 else '', [str(b.tobytes().decode("ascii")) for b in bad] if len(bad) > 1 else bad[0], list(self.alphabet))) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gaps(self): """Find positions containing gaps in the biological sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a gap character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_gaps Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('AC-G-') >>> s.gaps() array([False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._gap_codes) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def has_gaps(self): """Determine if the sequence contains one or more gap characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of gap characters in the biological sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACACGACGTT') >>> s.has_gaps() False >>> t = DNA('A.CAC--GACGTT') >>> t.has_gaps() True """ # TODO use count, there aren't that many gap chars # TODO: cache results return bool(self.gaps().any()) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degenerates(self): """Find positions containing degenerate characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a degenerate character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_degenerates definites has_definites Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.degenerates() array([False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._degenerate_codes) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def has_degenerates(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more degenerate characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of degenerate characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- degenerates definites has_definites Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACAC-GACGTT') >>> s.has_degenerates() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_degenerates() True """ # TODO use bincount! # TODO: cache results return bool(self.degenerates().any()) @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def definites(self): """Find positions containing definite characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a definite character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_definites degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.definites() array([ True, True, False, True, False], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._definite_char_codes) @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to definites') def nondegenerates(self): """Find positions containing non-degenerate characters in the sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a non-degenerate character is present at that position in the biological sequence. See Also -------- has_definites degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACWGN') >>> s.nondegenerates() array([ True, True, False, True, False], dtype=bool) """ return self.definites() @stable(as_of='0.5.0') def has_definites(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more definite characters Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of definite characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- definites degenerates has_degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('NWNNNNNN') >>> s.has_definites() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_definites() True """ # TODO: cache results return bool(self.definites().any()) @deprecated(as_of='0.5.0', until='0.6.0', reason='Renamed to has_definites') def has_nondegenerates(self): """Determine if sequence contains one or more non-degenerate characters Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of non-degenerate characters in the biological sequence. See Also -------- definites degenerates has_degenerates Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('NWNNNNNN') >>> s.has_nondegenerates() False >>> t = DNA('ANCACWWGACGTT') >>> t.has_nondegenerates() True """ # TODO: cache results return self.has_definites() @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def degap(self): """Return a new sequence with gap characters removed. Returns ------- GrammaredSequence A new sequence with all gap characters removed. See Also -------- gap_chars Notes ----- The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the biological sequence. If positional metadata is present, it will be filtered in the same manner as the sequence characters and included in the resulting degapped sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('GGTC-C--ATT-C.', ... positional_metadata={'quality':range(14)}) >>> s.degap() DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 9 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 55.56% ----------------------------- 0 GGTCCATTC """ return self[np.invert(self.gaps())] @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def expand_degenerates(self): """Yield all possible definite versions of the sequence. Yields ------ GrammaredSequence Definite version of the sequence. See Also -------- degenerate_map Notes ----- There is no guaranteed ordering to the definite sequences that are yielded. Each definite sequence will have the same type, metadata, and positional metadata as the biological sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TRG') >>> seq_generator = seq.expand_degenerates() >>> for s in sorted(seq_generator, key=str): ... s ... print('') DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 33.33% -------------------------- 0 TAG <BLANKLINE> DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 66.67% -------------------------- 0 TGG <BLANKLINE> """ degen_chars = self.degenerate_map nonexpansion_chars = self.definite_chars.union(self.gap_chars) expansions = [] for char in self: char = str(char) if char in nonexpansion_chars: expansions.append(char) else: expansions.append(degen_chars[char]) metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata for definite_seq in product(*expansions): yield self._constructor( sequence=''.join(definite_seq), metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=self.interval_metadata) @stable(as_of='0.4.1') def to_regex(self, within_capture=False): """Return regular expression object that accounts for degenerate chars. Parameters ---------- within_capture : bool If ``True``, format the regex pattern for the sequence into a single capture group. If ``False``, compile the regex pattern as-is with no capture groups. Returns ------- regex Pre-compiled regular expression object (as from ``re.compile``) that matches all definite versions of this sequence, and nothing else. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TRG') >>> regex = seq.to_regex() >>> regex.match('TAG').string 'TAG' >>> regex.match('TGG').string 'TGG' >>> regex.match('TCG') is None True >>> regex = seq.to_regex(within_capture=True) >>> regex.match('TAG').groups(0) ('TAG',) """ regex_parts = [] for base in str(self): if base in self.degenerate_chars: regex_parts.append('[{0}]'.format( ''.join(self.degenerate_map[base]))) else: regex_parts.append(base) regex_string = ''.join(regex_parts) if within_capture: regex_string = '({})'.format(regex_string) return re.compile(regex_string) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def find_motifs(self, motif_type, min_length=1, ignore=None): """Search the biological sequence for motifs. Options for `motif_type`: Parameters ---------- motif_type : str Type of motif to find. min_length : int, optional Only motifs at least as long as `min_length` will be returned. ignore : 1D array_like (bool), optional Boolean vector indicating positions to ignore when matching. Yields ------ slice Location of the motif in the biological sequence. Raises ------ ValueError If an unknown `motif_type` is specified. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> s = DNA('ACGGGGAGGCGGAG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', min_length=2): ... motif_slice ... str(s[motif_slice]) slice(2, 9, None) 'GGGGAGG' slice(10, 14, None) 'GGAG' Gap characters can disrupt motifs: >>> s = DNA('GG-GG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run'): ... motif_slice slice(0, 2, None) slice(3, 5, None) Gaps can be ignored by passing the gap boolean vector to `ignore`: >>> s = DNA('GG-GG') >>> for motif_slice in s.find_motifs('purine-run', ignore=s.gaps()): ... motif_slice slice(0, 5, None) """ if motif_type not in self._motifs: raise ValueError("Not a known motif (%r) for this sequence (%s)." % (motif_type, self.__class__.__name__)) return self._motifs[motif_type](self, min_length, ignore) @overrides(Sequence) def _constructor(self, **kwargs): return self.__class__(validate=False, lowercase=False, **kwargs) @overrides(Sequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(GrammaredSequence, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('has gaps', '%r' % self.has_gaps())) stats.append(('has degenerates', '%r' % self.has_degenerates())) stats.append(('has definites', '%r' % self.has_definites())) return stats _motifs = MiniRegistry() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(GrammaredSequence, "find_motifs")
import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta class DNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store DNA sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC DNA character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the DNA sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary interval metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as genes on the DNA sequence). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC DNA characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC DNA character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- RNA GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for DNA, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACCGAAT') DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAT Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> DNA('AcCGaaT', lowercase=True) DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAT """ @classproperty @overrides(NucleotideMixin) def complement_map(cls): comp_map = { 'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G', 'Y': 'R', 'R': 'Y', 'S': 'S', 'W': 'W', 'K': 'M', 'M': 'K', 'B': 'V', 'D': 'H', 'H': 'D', 'V': 'B', 'N': 'N' } comp_map.update({c: c for c in cls.gap_chars}) return comp_map @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACGT") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CT"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("TG"), "W": set("AT"), "S": set("GC"), "B": set("CGT"), "D": set("AGT"), "H": set("ACT"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGT") } @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def transcribe(self): """Transcribe DNA into RNA. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. Thymine (T) is replaced with uracil (U) in the transcribed sequence. Returns ------- RNA Transcribed sequence. See Also -------- translate translate_six_frames Notes ----- DNA sequence's metadata, positional, and interval metadata are included in the transcribed RNA sequence. Examples -------- Transcribe DNA into RNA: >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('TAACGTTA') >>> dna DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 TAACGTTA >>> dna.transcribe() RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 UAACGUUA """ seq = self._string.replace(b'T', b'U') metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata interval_metadata = None if self.has_interval_metadata(): interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata # turn off validation because `seq` is guaranteed to be valid return skbio.RNA(seq, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=interval_metadata, validate=False) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate(self, *args, **kwargs): """Translate DNA sequence into protein sequence. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. DNA sequence is first transcribed into RNA and then translated into protein. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate``. Returns ------- Protein Translated sequence. See Also -------- RNA.reverse_transcribe RNA.translate translate_six_frames transcribe Notes ----- DNA sequence's metadata are included in the translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate DNA into protein using NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('ATGCCACTTTAA') >>> dna.translate() Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* Translate the same DNA sequence using a different NCBI genetic code (table ID 3, the yeast mitochondrial code) and specify that translation must terminate at the first stop codon: >>> dna.translate(3, stop='require') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 MPT """ return self.transcribe().translate(*args, **kwargs) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate_six_frames(self, *args, **kwargs): """Translate DNA into protein using six possible reading frames. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. DNA sequence is first transcribed into RNA and then translated into protein. The six possible reading frames are: * 1 (forward) * 2 (forward) * 3 (forward) * -1 (reverse) * -2 (reverse) * -3 (reverse) Translated sequences are yielded in this order. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate_six_frames``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate_six_frames``. Yields ------ Protein Translated sequence in the current reading frame. See Also -------- RNA.translate_six_frames translate transcribe Notes ----- This method is faster than (and equivalent to) performing six independent translations using, for example: ``(seq.translate(reading_frame=rf) for rf in GeneticCode.reading_frames)`` DNA sequence's metadata are included in each translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate DNA into protein using the six possible reading frames and NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('ATGCCACTTTAA') >>> for protein in dna.translate_six_frames(): ... protein ... print('') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 CHF <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 ATL <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 LKWH <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 *SG <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 KVA <BLANKLINE> """ return self.transcribe().translate_six_frames(*args, **kwargs) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(DNA, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('GC-content', '{:.2%}'.format(self.gc_content()))) return stats _motifs = _parent_motifs.copy() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(DNA, "find_motifs")
import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta class DNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store DNA sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC DNA character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the DNA sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary interval metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as genes on the DNA sequence). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC DNA characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC DNA character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- RNA GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for DNA, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACCGAAT') DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAT Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> DNA('AcCGaaT', lowercase=True) DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAT """ @classproperty @overrides(NucleotideMixin) def complement_map(cls): comp_map = { 'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G', 'Y': 'R', 'R': 'Y', 'S': 'S', 'W': 'W', 'K': 'M', 'M': 'K', 'B': 'V', 'D': 'H', 'H': 'D', 'V': 'B', 'N': 'N' } comp_map.update({c: c for c in cls.gap_chars}) return comp_map @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACGT") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CT"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("TG"), "W": set("AT"), "S": set("GC"), "B": set("CGT"), "D": set("AGT"), "H": set("ACT"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGT") } @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def transcribe(self): """Transcribe DNA into RNA. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. Thymine (T) is replaced with uracil (U) in the transcribed sequence. Returns ------- RNA Transcribed sequence. See Also -------- translate translate_six_frames Notes ----- DNA sequence's metadata, positional, and interval metadata are included in the transcribed RNA sequence. Examples -------- Transcribe DNA into RNA: >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('TAACGTTA') >>> dna DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 TAACGTTA >>> dna.transcribe() RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 UAACGUUA """ seq = self._string.replace(b'T', b'U') metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata interval_metadata = None if self.has_interval_metadata(): interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata # turn off validation because `seq` is guaranteed to be valid return skbio.RNA(seq, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=interval_metadata, validate=False) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate(self, *args, **kwargs): """Translate DNA sequence into protein sequence. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. DNA sequence is first transcribed into RNA and then translated into protein. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate``. Returns ------- Protein Translated sequence. See Also -------- RNA.reverse_transcribe RNA.translate translate_six_frames transcribe Notes ----- DNA sequence's metadata are included in the translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate DNA into protein using NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('ATGCCACTTTAA') >>> dna.translate() Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* Translate the same DNA sequence using a different NCBI genetic code (table ID 3, the yeast mitochondrial code) and specify that translation must terminate at the first stop codon: >>> dna.translate(3, stop='require') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 MPT """ return self.transcribe().translate(*args, **kwargs) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate_six_frames(self, *args, **kwargs): """Translate DNA into protein using six possible reading frames. DNA sequence is assumed to be the coding strand. DNA sequence is first transcribed into RNA and then translated into protein. The six possible reading frames are: * 1 (forward) * 2 (forward) * 3 (forward) * -1 (reverse) * -2 (reverse) * -3 (reverse) Translated sequences are yielded in this order. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate_six_frames``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``RNA.translate_six_frames``. Yields ------ Protein Translated sequence in the current reading frame. See Also -------- RNA.translate_six_frames translate transcribe Notes ----- This method is faster than (and equivalent to) performing six independent translations using, for example: ``(seq.translate(reading_frame=rf) for rf in GeneticCode.reading_frames)`` DNA sequence's metadata are included in each translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate DNA into protein using the six possible reading frames and NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import DNA >>> dna = DNA('ATGCCACTTTAA') >>> for protein in dna.translate_six_frames(): ... protein ... print('') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 CHF <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 ATL <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 LKWH <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 *SG <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 KVA <BLANKLINE> """ return self.transcribe().translate_six_frames(*args, **kwargs) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(DNA, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('GC-content', '{:.2%}'.format(self.gc_content()))) return stats _motifs = _parent_motifs.copy() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(DNA, "find_motifs")
import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta class RNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store RNA sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC RNA character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the RNA sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as exons or introns on the sequence). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC RNA characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC RNA character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- DNA GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for RNA, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import RNA >>> RNA('ACCGAAU') RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAU Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> RNA('AcCGaaU', lowercase=True) RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAU """ @classproperty @overrides(NucleotideMixin) def complement_map(cls): comp_map = { 'A': 'U', 'U': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G', 'Y': 'R', 'R': 'Y', 'S': 'S', 'W': 'W', 'K': 'M', 'M': 'K', 'B': 'V', 'D': 'H', 'H': 'D', 'V': 'B', 'N': 'N' } comp_map.update({c: c for c in cls.gap_chars}) return comp_map @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACGU") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CU"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("UG"), "W": set("AU"), "S": set("GC"), "B": set("CGU"), "D": set("AGU"), "H": set("ACU"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGU") } @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.1") def reverse_transcribe(self): """Reverse transcribe RNA into DNA. It returns the coding DNA strand of the RNA sequence, i.e. uracil (U) is replaced with thymine (T) in the reverse transcribed sequence. Returns ------- DNA Reverse transcribed sequence. See Also -------- DNA.transcribe translate translate_six_frames Notes ----- RNA sequence's metadata and positional metadata are included in the transcribed DNA sequence. Examples -------- Reverse transcribe RNA into DNA: >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('UAACGUUA') >>> rna RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 UAACGUUA >>> rna.reverse_transcribe() DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 TAACGTTA """ seq = self._string.replace(b'U', b'T') metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata interval_metadata = None if self.has_interval_metadata(): interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata # turn off validation because `seq` is guaranteed to be valid return skbio.DNA(seq, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=interval_metadata, validate=False) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate(self, genetic_code=1, *args, **kwargs): """Translate RNA sequence into protein sequence. Parameters ---------- genetic_code : int, GeneticCode, optional Genetic code to use in translation. If ``int``, used as a table ID to look up the corresponding NCBI genetic code. args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate``. Returns ------- Protein Translated sequence. See Also -------- GeneticCode.translate GeneticCode.from_ncbi translate_six_frames Notes ----- RNA sequence's metadata are included in the translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate RNA into protein using NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('AUGCCACUUUAA') >>> rna.translate() Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* Translate the same RNA sequence using a different NCBI genetic code (table ID 3, the yeast mitochondrial code) and specify that translation must terminate at the first stop codon: >>> rna.translate(3, stop='require') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 MPT """ if not isinstance(genetic_code, skbio.GeneticCode): genetic_code = skbio.GeneticCode.from_ncbi(genetic_code) return genetic_code.translate(self, *args, **kwargs) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate_six_frames(self, genetic_code=1, *args, **kwargs): """Translate RNA into protein using six possible reading frames. The six possible reading frames are: * 1 (forward) * 2 (forward) * 3 (forward) * -1 (reverse) * -2 (reverse) * -3 (reverse) Translated sequences are yielded in this order. Parameters ---------- genetic_code : int, GeneticCode, optional Genetic code to use in translation. If ``int``, used as a table ID to look up the corresponding NCBI genetic code. args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate_six_frames``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate_six_frames``. Yields ------ Protein Translated sequence in the current reading frame. See Also -------- GeneticCode.translate_six_frames GeneticCode.from_ncbi translate Notes ----- This method is faster than (and equivalent to) performing six independent translations using, for example: ``(seq.translate(reading_frame=rf) for rf in GeneticCode.reading_frames)`` RNA sequence's metadata are included in each translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate RNA into protein using the six possible reading frames and NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('AUGCCACUUUAA') >>> for protein in rna.translate_six_frames(): ... protein ... print('') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 CHF <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 ATL <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 LKWH <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 *SG <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 KVA <BLANKLINE> """ if not isinstance(genetic_code, skbio.GeneticCode): genetic_code = skbio.GeneticCode.from_ncbi(genetic_code) return genetic_code.translate_six_frames(self, *args, **kwargs) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(RNA, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('GC-content', '{:.2%}'.format(self.gc_content()))) return stats _motifs = _parent_motifs.copy() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(RNA, "find_motifs")
import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta class RNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store RNA sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC RNA character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the RNA sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as exons or introns on the sequence). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC RNA characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC RNA character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- DNA GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for RNA, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import RNA >>> RNA('ACCGAAU') RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAU Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> RNA('AcCGaaU', lowercase=True) RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 7 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 42.86% -------------------------- 0 ACCGAAU """ @classproperty @overrides(NucleotideMixin) def complement_map(cls): comp_map = { 'A': 'U', 'U': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G', 'Y': 'R', 'R': 'Y', 'S': 'S', 'W': 'W', 'K': 'M', 'M': 'K', 'B': 'V', 'D': 'H', 'H': 'D', 'V': 'B', 'N': 'N' } comp_map.update({c: c for c in cls.gap_chars}) return comp_map @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACGU") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CU"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("UG"), "W": set("AU"), "S": set("GC"), "B": set("CGU"), "D": set("AGU"), "H": set("ACU"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGU") } @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.1") def reverse_transcribe(self): """Reverse transcribe RNA into DNA. It returns the coding DNA strand of the RNA sequence, i.e. uracil (U) is replaced with thymine (T) in the reverse transcribed sequence. Returns ------- DNA Reverse transcribed sequence. See Also -------- DNA.transcribe translate translate_six_frames Notes ----- RNA sequence's metadata and positional metadata are included in the transcribed DNA sequence. Examples -------- Reverse transcribe RNA into DNA: >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('UAACGUUA') >>> rna RNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 UAACGUUA >>> rna.reverse_transcribe() DNA -------------------------- Stats: length: 8 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 25.00% -------------------------- 0 TAACGTTA """ seq = self._string.replace(b'U', b'T') metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata interval_metadata = None if self.has_interval_metadata(): interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata # turn off validation because `seq` is guaranteed to be valid return skbio.DNA(seq, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, interval_metadata=interval_metadata, validate=False) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate(self, genetic_code=1, *args, **kwargs): """Translate RNA sequence into protein sequence. Parameters ---------- genetic_code : int, GeneticCode, optional Genetic code to use in translation. If ``int``, used as a table ID to look up the corresponding NCBI genetic code. args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate``. Returns ------- Protein Translated sequence. See Also -------- GeneticCode.translate GeneticCode.from_ncbi translate_six_frames Notes ----- RNA sequence's metadata are included in the translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate RNA into protein using NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('AUGCCACUUUAA') >>> rna.translate() Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* Translate the same RNA sequence using a different NCBI genetic code (table ID 3, the yeast mitochondrial code) and specify that translation must terminate at the first stop codon: >>> rna.translate(3, stop='require') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 MPT """ if not isinstance(genetic_code, skbio.GeneticCode): genetic_code = skbio.GeneticCode.from_ncbi(genetic_code) return genetic_code.translate(self, *args, **kwargs) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def translate_six_frames(self, genetic_code=1, *args, **kwargs): """Translate RNA into protein using six possible reading frames. The six possible reading frames are: * 1 (forward) * 2 (forward) * 3 (forward) * -1 (reverse) * -2 (reverse) * -3 (reverse) Translated sequences are yielded in this order. Parameters ---------- genetic_code : int, GeneticCode, optional Genetic code to use in translation. If ``int``, used as a table ID to look up the corresponding NCBI genetic code. args : tuple Positional arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate_six_frames``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments accepted by ``GeneticCode.translate_six_frames``. Yields ------ Protein Translated sequence in the current reading frame. See Also -------- GeneticCode.translate_six_frames GeneticCode.from_ncbi translate Notes ----- This method is faster than (and equivalent to) performing six independent translations using, for example: ``(seq.translate(reading_frame=rf) for rf in GeneticCode.reading_frames)`` RNA sequence's metadata are included in each translated protein sequence. Positional metadata are not included. Examples -------- Translate RNA into protein using the six possible reading frames and NCBI's standard genetic code (table ID 1, the default genetic code in scikit-bio): >>> from skbio import RNA >>> rna = RNA('AUGCCACUUUAA') >>> for protein in rna.translate_six_frames(): ... protein ... print('') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 MPL* <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 CHF <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 ATL <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 LKWH <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: True -------------------------- 0 *SG <BLANKLINE> Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 KVA <BLANKLINE> """ if not isinstance(genetic_code, skbio.GeneticCode): genetic_code = skbio.GeneticCode.from_ncbi(genetic_code) return genetic_code.translate_six_frames(self, *args, **kwargs) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(RNA, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('GC-content', '{:.2%}'.format(self.gc_content()))) return stats _motifs = _parent_motifs.copy() # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(RNA, "find_motifs")
import numpy as np import scipy.spatial.distance import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of='0.4.2') def hamming(seq1, seq2): """Compute Hamming distance between two sequences. The Hamming distance between two equal-length sequences is the proportion of differing characters. Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2 : Sequence Sequences to compute Hamming distance between. Returns ------- float Hamming distance between `seq1` and `seq2`. Raises ------ TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not ``Sequence`` instances. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same type. ValueError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same length. See Also -------- scipy.spatial.distance.hamming Notes ----- ``np.nan`` will be returned if the sequences do not contain any characters. This function does not make assumptions about the sequence alphabet in use. Each sequence object's underlying sequence of characters are used to compute Hamming distance. Characters that may be considered equivalent in certain contexts (e.g., `-` and `.` as gap characters) are treated as distinct characters when computing Hamming distance. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> from skbio.sequence.distance import hamming >>> seq1 = Sequence('AGGGTA') >>> seq2 = Sequence('CGTTTA') >>> hamming(seq1, seq2) 0.5 """ _check_seqs(seq1, seq2) # Hamming requires equal length sequences. We are checking this here # because the error you would get otherwise is cryptic. if len(seq1) != len(seq2): raise ValueError( "Hamming distance can only be computed between sequences of equal " "length (%d != %d)" % (len(seq1), len(seq2))) # scipy throws a RuntimeWarning when computing Hamming distance on length 0 # input. if not seq1: distance = np.nan else: distance = scipy.spatial.distance.hamming(seq1.values, seq2.values) return float(distance) @experimental(as_of='0.5.0') def kmer_distance(seq1, seq2, k, overlap=True): """Compute the kmer distance between a pair of sequences The kmer distance between two sequences is the fraction of kmers that are unique to either sequence. Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2 : Sequence Sequences to compute kmer distance between. k : int The kmer length. overlap : bool, optional Defines whether the kmers should be overlapping or not. Returns ------- float kmer distance between `seq1` and `seq2`. Raises ------ ValueError If `k` is less than 1. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not ``Sequence`` instances. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same type. Notes ----- kmer counts are not incorporated in this distance metric. ``np.nan`` will be returned if there are no kmers defined for the sequences. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq1 = Sequence('ATCGGCGAT') >>> seq2 = Sequence('GCAGATGTG') >>> kmer_distance(seq1, seq2, 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.9230769230... """ _check_seqs(seq1, seq2) seq1_kmers = set(map(str, seq1.iter_kmers(k, overlap=overlap))) seq2_kmers = set(map(str, seq2.iter_kmers(k, overlap=overlap))) all_kmers = seq1_kmers | seq2_kmers if not all_kmers: return np.nan shared_kmers = seq1_kmers & seq2_kmers number_unique = len(all_kmers) - len(shared_kmers) fraction_unique = number_unique / len(all_kmers) return fraction_unique def _check_seqs(seq1, seq2): # Asserts both sequences are skbio.sequence objects for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, skbio.Sequence): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Sequence instances, not %r" % type(seq).__name__) # Asserts sequences have the same type if type(seq1) is not type(seq2): raise TypeError( "Sequences must have matching type. Type %r does not match type %r" % (type(seq1).__name__, type(seq2).__name__))
import numpy as np import scipy.spatial.distance import skbio from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of='0.4.2') def hamming(seq1, seq2): """Compute Hamming distance between two sequences. The Hamming distance between two equal-length sequences is the proportion of differing characters. Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2 : Sequence Sequences to compute Hamming distance between. Returns ------- float Hamming distance between `seq1` and `seq2`. Raises ------ TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not ``Sequence`` instances. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same type. ValueError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same length. See Also -------- scipy.spatial.distance.hamming Notes ----- ``np.nan`` will be returned if the sequences do not contain any characters. This function does not make assumptions about the sequence alphabet in use. Each sequence object's underlying sequence of characters are used to compute Hamming distance. Characters that may be considered equivalent in certain contexts (e.g., `-` and `.` as gap characters) are treated as distinct characters when computing Hamming distance. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> from skbio.sequence.distance import hamming >>> seq1 = Sequence('AGGGTA') >>> seq2 = Sequence('CGTTTA') >>> hamming(seq1, seq2) 0.5 """ _check_seqs(seq1, seq2) # Hamming requires equal length sequences. We are checking this here # because the error you would get otherwise is cryptic. if len(seq1) != len(seq2): raise ValueError( "Hamming distance can only be computed between sequences of equal " "length (%d != %d)" % (len(seq1), len(seq2))) # scipy throws a RuntimeWarning when computing Hamming distance on length 0 # input. if not seq1: distance = np.nan else: distance = scipy.spatial.distance.hamming(seq1.values, seq2.values) return float(distance) @experimental(as_of='0.5.0') def kmer_distance(seq1, seq2, k, overlap=True): """Compute the kmer distance between a pair of sequences The kmer distance between two sequences is the fraction of kmers that are unique to either sequence. Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2 : Sequence Sequences to compute kmer distance between. k : int The kmer length. overlap : bool, optional Defines whether the kmers should be overlapping or not. Returns ------- float kmer distance between `seq1` and `seq2`. Raises ------ ValueError If `k` is less than 1. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not ``Sequence`` instances. TypeError If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same type. Notes ----- kmer counts are not incorporated in this distance metric. ``np.nan`` will be returned if there are no kmers defined for the sequences. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq1 = Sequence('ATCGGCGAT') >>> seq2 = Sequence('GCAGATGTG') >>> kmer_distance(seq1, seq2, 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.9230769230... """ _check_seqs(seq1, seq2) seq1_kmers = set(map(str, seq1.iter_kmers(k, overlap=overlap))) seq2_kmers = set(map(str, seq2.iter_kmers(k, overlap=overlap))) all_kmers = seq1_kmers | seq2_kmers if not all_kmers: return np.nan shared_kmers = seq1_kmers & seq2_kmers number_unique = len(all_kmers) - len(shared_kmers) fraction_unique = number_unique / len(all_kmers) return fraction_unique def _check_seqs(seq1, seq2): # Asserts both sequences are skbio.sequence objects for seq in seq1, seq2: if not isinstance(seq, skbio.Sequence): raise TypeError( "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Sequence instances, not %r" % type(seq).__name__) # Asserts sequences have the same type if type(seq1) is not type(seq2): raise TypeError( "Sequences must have matching type. Type %r does not match type %r" % (type(seq1).__name__, type(seq2).__name__))
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, stable from ._grammared_sequence import _motifs as parent_motifs class NucleotideMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Mixin for adding funtionality for working with sequences of nucleotides. This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated. See Also -------- DNA RNA """ __complement_lookup = None __gc_codes = None @classproperty def _complement_lookup(cls): if cls.__complement_lookup is not None: return cls.__complement_lookup lookup = np.zeros(cls._number_of_extended_ascii_codes, dtype=np.uint8) for key, value in cls.complement_map.items(): lookup[ord(key)] = ord(value) cls.__complement_lookup = lookup return lookup @classproperty def _gc_codes(cls): if cls.__gc_codes is None: gc_iupac_chars = 'GCS' cls.__gc_codes = np.asarray([ord(g) for g in gc_iupac_chars]) return cls.__gc_codes @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def complement_map(cls): """Return mapping of nucleotide characters to their complements. Returns ------- dict Mapping of each character to its complement. Notes ----- Complements cannot be defined for a generic nucleotide sequence because the complement of ``A`` is ambiguous. Thanks, nature... """ raise NotImplementedError @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def complement(self, reverse=False): """Return the complement of the nucleotide sequence. Parameters ---------- reverse : bool, optional If ``True``, return the reverse complement. If positional and/or interval metadata are present, they will be reversed. Returns ------- NucleotideMixin The (reverse) complement of the nucleotide sequence. The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the nucleotide sequence. If `reverse` is ``True``, positional or interval metadata will be reversed if it is present. See Also -------- reverse_complement complement_map Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TTCATT', positional_metadata={'quality':range(6)}) >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 TTCATT >>> seq.complement() DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AAGTAA >>> rc = seq.complement(reverse=True) >>> rc DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AATGAA >>> rc.positional_metadata['quality'].values array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) """ result = self._complement_lookup[self._bytes] metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata complement = self._constructor( sequence=result, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata) if reverse: # this has to be before the interval metadata code, # because __gititem__ drops interval_metadata. complement = complement[::-1] if self.has_interval_metadata(): complement.interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata if reverse: # TODO: this can be revised to match # positional_metadata when __getitem__ # supports interval_metadata complement.interval_metadata._reverse() return complement @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def reverse_complement(self): """Return the reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. Returns ------- NucleotideMixin The reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the nucleotide sequence. If positional metadata is present, it will be reversed. See Also -------- complement is_reverse_complement Notes ----- This method is equivalent to ``self.complement(reverse=True)``. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TTCATT', ... positional_metadata={'quality':range(6)}) >>> seq = seq.reverse_complement() >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AATGAA >>> seq.positional_metadata['quality'].values array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) """ return self.complement(reverse=True) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def is_reverse_complement(self, other): r"""Determine if a sequence is the reverse complement of this sequence. Parameters ---------- other : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Sequence to compare to. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if `other` is the reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. Raises ------ TypeError If `other` is a ``Sequence`` object with a different type than the nucleotide sequence. See Also -------- reverse_complement Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('TTCATT').is_reverse_complement('AATGAA') True >>> DNA('TTCATT').is_reverse_complement('AATGTT') False >>> DNA('ACGT').is_reverse_complement('ACGT') True """ other = self._munge_to_sequence(other, 'is_reverse_complement') # avoid computing the reverse complement if possible if len(self) != len(other): return False else: # we reverse complement ourselves because `other` is a `Sequence` # object at this point and we only care about comparing the # underlying sequence data return self.reverse_complement()._string == other._string @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gc_content(self): """Calculate the relative frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. This includes G, C, and S characters. This is equivalent to calling ``gc_frequency(relative=True)``. Note that the sequence will be degapped before the operation, so gap characters will not be included when calculating the length of the sequence. Returns ------- float Relative frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. See Also -------- gc_frequency Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('ACGTACGT').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('ACTTAGTT').gc_content() 0.25 >>> DNA('ACGT--..').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('--..').gc_content() 0 `S` means `G` or `C`, so it counts: >>> DNA('ASST').gc_content() 0.5 Other degenerates don't count: >>> DNA('RYKMBDHVN').gc_content() 0.0 """ return self.gc_frequency(relative=True) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gc_frequency(self, relative=False): """Calculate frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. This calculates the minimum GC frequency, which corresponds to IUPAC characters G, C, and S (which stands for G or C). Parameters ---------- relative : bool, optional If False return the frequency of G, C, and S characters (ie the count). If True return the relative frequency, ie the proportion of G, C, and S characters in the sequence. In this case the sequence will also be degapped before the operation, so gap characters will not be included when calculating the length of the sequence. Returns ------- int or float Either frequency (count) or relative frequency (proportion), depending on `relative`. See Also -------- gc_content Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_frequency() 2 >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0.5 >>> DNA('ACGT--..').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0.5 >>> DNA('--..').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0 `S` means `G` or `C`, so it counts: >>> DNA('ASST').gc_frequency() 2 Other degenerates don't count: >>> DNA('RYKMBDHVN').gc_frequency() 0 """ counts = np.bincount(self._bytes, minlength=self._number_of_extended_ascii_codes) gc = counts[self._gc_codes].sum() if relative: seq = self.degap() if len(seq) != 0: gc /= len(seq) return gc _motifs = parent_motifs.copy() @_motifs("purine-run") def _motif_purine_run(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies purine runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("([AGR]{%d,})" % min_length, ignore=ignore) @_motifs("pyrimidine-run") def _motif_pyrimidine_run(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies pyrimidine runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("([CTUY]{%d,})" % min_length, ignore=ignore)
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, stable from ._grammared_sequence import _motifs as parent_motifs class NucleotideMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Mixin for adding funtionality for working with sequences of nucleotides. This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated. See Also -------- DNA RNA """ __complement_lookup = None __gc_codes = None @classproperty def _complement_lookup(cls): if cls.__complement_lookup is not None: return cls.__complement_lookup lookup = np.zeros(cls._number_of_extended_ascii_codes, dtype=np.uint8) for key, value in cls.complement_map.items(): lookup[ord(key)] = ord(value) cls.__complement_lookup = lookup return lookup @classproperty def _gc_codes(cls): if cls.__gc_codes is None: gc_iupac_chars = 'GCS' cls.__gc_codes = np.asarray([ord(g) for g in gc_iupac_chars]) return cls.__gc_codes @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @abstractproperty @classproperty @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def complement_map(cls): """Return mapping of nucleotide characters to their complements. Returns ------- dict Mapping of each character to its complement. Notes ----- Complements cannot be defined for a generic nucleotide sequence because the complement of ``A`` is ambiguous. Thanks, nature... """ raise NotImplementedError @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def complement(self, reverse=False): """Return the complement of the nucleotide sequence. Parameters ---------- reverse : bool, optional If ``True``, return the reverse complement. If positional and/or interval metadata are present, they will be reversed. Returns ------- NucleotideMixin The (reverse) complement of the nucleotide sequence. The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the nucleotide sequence. If `reverse` is ``True``, positional or interval metadata will be reversed if it is present. See Also -------- reverse_complement complement_map Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TTCATT', positional_metadata={'quality':range(6)}) >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 TTCATT >>> seq.complement() DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AAGTAA >>> rc = seq.complement(reverse=True) >>> rc DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AATGAA >>> rc.positional_metadata['quality'].values array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) """ result = self._complement_lookup[self._bytes] metadata = None if self.has_metadata(): metadata = self.metadata positional_metadata = None if self.has_positional_metadata(): positional_metadata = self.positional_metadata complement = self._constructor( sequence=result, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata) if reverse: # this has to be before the interval metadata code, # because __gititem__ drops interval_metadata. complement = complement[::-1] if self.has_interval_metadata(): complement.interval_metadata = self.interval_metadata if reverse: # TODO: this can be revised to match # positional_metadata when __getitem__ # supports interval_metadata complement.interval_metadata._reverse() return complement @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def reverse_complement(self): """Return the reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. Returns ------- NucleotideMixin The reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. The type and metadata of the result will be the same as the nucleotide sequence. If positional metadata is present, it will be reversed. See Also -------- complement is_reverse_complement Notes ----- This method is equivalent to ``self.complement(reverse=True)``. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('TTCATT', ... positional_metadata={'quality':range(6)}) >>> seq = seq.reverse_complement() >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 6 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 16.67% ----------------------------- 0 AATGAA >>> seq.positional_metadata['quality'].values array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) """ return self.complement(reverse=True) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def is_reverse_complement(self, other): r"""Determine if a sequence is the reverse complement of this sequence. Parameters ---------- other : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Sequence to compare to. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if `other` is the reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence. Raises ------ TypeError If `other` is a ``Sequence`` object with a different type than the nucleotide sequence. See Also -------- reverse_complement Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('TTCATT').is_reverse_complement('AATGAA') True >>> DNA('TTCATT').is_reverse_complement('AATGTT') False >>> DNA('ACGT').is_reverse_complement('ACGT') True """ other = self._munge_to_sequence(other, 'is_reverse_complement') # avoid computing the reverse complement if possible if len(self) != len(other): return False else: # we reverse complement ourselves because `other` is a `Sequence` # object at this point and we only care about comparing the # underlying sequence data return self.reverse_complement()._string == other._string @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gc_content(self): """Calculate the relative frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. This includes G, C, and S characters. This is equivalent to calling ``gc_frequency(relative=True)``. Note that the sequence will be degapped before the operation, so gap characters will not be included when calculating the length of the sequence. Returns ------- float Relative frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. See Also -------- gc_frequency Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('ACGTACGT').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('ACTTAGTT').gc_content() 0.25 >>> DNA('ACGT--..').gc_content() 0.5 >>> DNA('--..').gc_content() 0 `S` means `G` or `C`, so it counts: >>> DNA('ASST').gc_content() 0.5 Other degenerates don't count: >>> DNA('RYKMBDHVN').gc_content() 0.0 """ return self.gc_frequency(relative=True) @stable(as_of='0.4.0') def gc_frequency(self, relative=False): """Calculate frequency of G's and C's in the sequence. This calculates the minimum GC frequency, which corresponds to IUPAC characters G, C, and S (which stands for G or C). Parameters ---------- relative : bool, optional If False return the frequency of G, C, and S characters (ie the count). If True return the relative frequency, ie the proportion of G, C, and S characters in the sequence. In this case the sequence will also be degapped before the operation, so gap characters will not be included when calculating the length of the sequence. Returns ------- int or float Either frequency (count) or relative frequency (proportion), depending on `relative`. See Also -------- gc_content Examples -------- >>> from skbio import DNA >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_frequency() 2 >>> DNA('ACGT').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0.5 >>> DNA('ACGT--..').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0.5 >>> DNA('--..').gc_frequency(relative=True) 0 `S` means `G` or `C`, so it counts: >>> DNA('ASST').gc_frequency() 2 Other degenerates don't count: >>> DNA('RYKMBDHVN').gc_frequency() 0 """ counts = np.bincount(self._bytes, minlength=self._number_of_extended_ascii_codes) gc = counts[self._gc_codes].sum() if relative: seq = self.degap() if len(seq) != 0: gc /= len(seq) return gc _motifs = parent_motifs.copy() @_motifs("purine-run") def _motif_purine_run(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies purine runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("([AGR]{%d,})" % min_length, ignore=ignore) @_motifs("pyrimidine-run") def _motif_pyrimidine_run(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies pyrimidine runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("([CTUY]{%d,})" % min_length, ignore=ignore)
import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._grammared_sequence import (GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta, _motifs as parent_motifs) class Protein(GrammaredSequence, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store protein sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC protein character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the protein sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary interval metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as protein domains). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC Protein characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC protein character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for Protein, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> Protein('PAW') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 PAW Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> Protein('paW', lowercase=True) Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 PAW """ __stop_codes = None @classproperty def _stop_codes(cls): if cls.__stop_codes is None: stops = cls.stop_chars cls.__stop_codes = np.asarray([ord(s) for s in stops]) return cls.__stop_codes @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def alphabet(cls): return super(Protein, cls).alphabet | cls.stop_chars @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "B": set("DN"), "Z": set("EQ"), "J": set("IL"), "X": set("ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY") } @classproperty @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def stop_chars(cls): """Return characters representing translation stop codons. Returns ------- set Characters representing translation stop codons. """ return set('*') @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def stops(self): """Find positions containing stop characters in the protein sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a stop character is present at that position in the protein sequence. See Also -------- has_stops Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> s = Protein('PAW') >>> s.stops() array([False, False, False], dtype=bool) >>> s = Protein('PAW*E*') >>> s.stops() array([False, False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._stop_codes) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_stops(self): """Determine if the sequence contains one or more stop characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of stop characters in the protein sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> s = Protein('PAW') >>> s.has_stops() False >>> s = Protein('PAW*E*') >>> s.has_stops() True """ return bool(self.stops().any()) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(Protein, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('has stops', '%r' % self.has_stops())) return stats _motifs = parent_motifs.copy() @_motifs("N-glycosylation") def _motif_nitro_glycosylation(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies N-glycosylation runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("(N[^PX][ST][^PX])", ignore=ignore) # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(Protein, "find_motifs")
import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides from skbio.util._decorator import stable from ._grammared_sequence import (GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta, _motifs as parent_motifs) class Protein(GrammaredSequence, metaclass=DisableSubclassingMeta): r"""Store protein sequence data and optional associated metadata. Only characters in the IUPAC protein character set [1]_ are supported. Parameters ---------- sequence : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1') Characters representing the protein sequence itself. metadata : dict, optional Arbitrary metadata which applies to the entire sequence. positional_metadata : Pandas DataFrame consumable, optional Arbitrary per-character metadata. For example, quality data from sequencing reads. Must be able to be passed directly to the Pandas DataFrame constructor. interval_metadata : IntervalMetadata Arbitrary interval metadata which applies to intervals within a sequence to store interval features (such as protein domains). lowercase : bool or str, optional If ``True``, lowercase sequence characters will be converted to uppercase characters in order to be valid IUPAC Protein characters. If ``False``, no characters will be converted. If a str, it will be treated as a key into the positional metadata of the object. All lowercase characters will be converted to uppercase, and a ``True`` value will be stored in a boolean array in the positional metadata under the key. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validation will be performed to ensure that all sequence characters are in the IUPAC protein character set. If ``False``, validation will not be performed. Turning off validation will improve runtime performance. If invalid characters are present, however, there is **no guarantee that operations performed on the resulting object will work or behave as expected.** Only turn off validation if you are certain that the sequence characters are valid. To store sequence data that is not IUPAC-compliant, use ``Sequence``. See Also -------- GrammaredSequence Notes ----- Subclassing is disabled for Protein, because subclassing makes it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly from ``GrammaredSequence``. References ---------- .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid sequences: recommendations 1984. Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030. A Cornish-Bowden Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> Protein('PAW') Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 PAW Convert lowercase characters to uppercase: >>> Protein('paW', lowercase=True) Protein -------------------------- Stats: length: 3 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True has stops: False -------------------------- 0 PAW """ __stop_codes = None @classproperty def _stop_codes(cls): if cls.__stop_codes is None: stops = cls.stop_chars cls.__stop_codes = np.asarray([ord(s) for s in stops]) return cls.__stop_codes @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def alphabet(cls): return super(Protein, cls).alphabet | cls.stop_chars @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def definite_chars(cls): return set("ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY") @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def degenerate_map(cls): return { "B": set("DN"), "Z": set("EQ"), "J": set("IL"), "X": set("ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY") } @classproperty @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def stop_chars(cls): """Return characters representing translation stop codons. Returns ------- set Characters representing translation stop codons. """ return set('*') @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def gap_chars(cls): return set('-.') @classproperty @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def default_gap_char(cls): return '-' @property def _motifs(self): return _motifs @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def stops(self): """Find positions containing stop characters in the protein sequence. Returns ------- 1D np.ndarray (bool) Boolean vector where ``True`` indicates a stop character is present at that position in the protein sequence. See Also -------- has_stops Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> s = Protein('PAW') >>> s.stops() array([False, False, False], dtype=bool) >>> s = Protein('PAW*E*') >>> s.stops() array([False, False, False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ return np.in1d(self._bytes, self._stop_codes) @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_stops(self): """Determine if the sequence contains one or more stop characters. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether there are one or more occurrences of stop characters in the protein sequence. Examples -------- >>> from skbio import Protein >>> s = Protein('PAW') >>> s.has_stops() False >>> s = Protein('PAW*E*') >>> s.has_stops() True """ return bool(self.stops().any()) @overrides(GrammaredSequence) def _repr_stats(self): """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr.""" stats = super(Protein, self)._repr_stats() stats.append(('has stops', '%r' % self.has_stops())) return stats _motifs = parent_motifs.copy() @_motifs("N-glycosylation") def _motif_nitro_glycosylation(sequence, min_length, ignore): """Identifies N-glycosylation runs""" return sequence.find_with_regex("(N[^PX][ST][^PX])", ignore=ignore) # Leave this at the bottom _motifs.interpolate(Protein, "find_motifs")
import io def is_binary_file(file): return isinstance(file, (io.BufferedReader, io.BufferedWriter, io.BufferedRandom)) # Everything beyond this point will be some kind of hack needed to make # everything work. It's not pretty and it doesn't make great sense much # of the time. I am very sorry to the poor soul who has to read beyond. class FlushDestructorMixin: def __del__(self): # By default, the destructor calls close(), which flushes and closes # the underlying buffer. Override to only flush. if not self.closed: self.flush() class SaneTextIOWrapper(FlushDestructorMixin, io.TextIOWrapper): pass class WrappedBufferedRandom(FlushDestructorMixin, io.BufferedRandom): pass class CompressedMixin(FlushDestructorMixin): """Act as a bridge between worlds""" def __init__(self, before_file, *args, **kwargs): self.streamable = kwargs.pop('streamable', True) self._before_file = before_file super(CompressedMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def closed(self): return self.raw.closed or self._before_file.closed def close(self): super(CompressedMixin, self).close() # The above will not usually close before_file. We want the # decompression to be transparent, so we don't want users to deal with # this edge case. Instead we can just close the original now that we # are being closed. self._before_file.close() class CompressedBufferedReader(CompressedMixin, io.BufferedReader): pass class CompressedBufferedWriter(CompressedMixin, io.BufferedWriter): pass class IterableStringReaderIO(io.StringIO): def __init__(self, iterable, newline): self._iterable = iterable super(IterableStringReaderIO, self).__init__(''.join(iterable), newline=newline) class IterableStringWriterIO(IterableStringReaderIO): def close(self): if not self.closed: backup = self.tell() for line in self: self._iterable.append(line) super(IterableStringWriterIO, self).close()
import io def is_binary_file(file): return isinstance(file, (io.BufferedReader, io.BufferedWriter, io.BufferedRandom)) # Everything beyond this point will be some kind of hack needed to make # everything work. It's not pretty and it doesn't make great sense much # of the time. I am very sorry to the poor soul who has to read beyond. class FlushDestructorMixin: def __del__(self): # By default, the destructor calls close(), which flushes and closes # the underlying buffer. Override to only flush. if not self.closed: self.flush() class SaneTextIOWrapper(FlushDestructorMixin, io.TextIOWrapper): pass class WrappedBufferedRandom(FlushDestructorMixin, io.BufferedRandom): pass class CompressedMixin(FlushDestructorMixin): """Act as a bridge between worlds""" def __init__(self, before_file, *args, **kwargs): self.streamable = kwargs.pop('streamable', True) self._before_file = before_file super(CompressedMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def closed(self): return self.raw.closed or self._before_file.closed def close(self): super(CompressedMixin, self).close() # The above will not usually close before_file. We want the # decompression to be transparent, so we don't want users to deal with # this edge case. Instead we can just close the original now that we # are being closed. self._before_file.close() class CompressedBufferedReader(CompressedMixin, io.BufferedReader): pass class CompressedBufferedWriter(CompressedMixin, io.BufferedWriter): pass class IterableStringReaderIO(io.StringIO): def __init__(self, iterable, newline): self._iterable = iterable super(IterableStringReaderIO, self).__init__(''.join(iterable), newline=newline) class IterableStringWriterIO(IterableStringReaderIO): def close(self): if not self.closed: backup = self.tell() for line in self: self._iterable.append(line) super(IterableStringWriterIO, self).close()
class IOSourceError(Exception): """Raised when a file source cannot be resolved.""" pass class FileFormatError(Exception): """Raised when a file cannot be parsed.""" pass class UnrecognizedFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a file's format is unknown, ambiguous, or unidentifiable.""" pass class GenBankFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``genbank`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class EMBLFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``EMBL`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class GFF3FormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``GFF3`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class BLAST7FormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``blast7`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class ClustalFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``clustal`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class FASTAFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``fasta`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class QUALFormatError(FASTAFormatError): """Raised when a ``qual`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class LSMatFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``lsmat`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class OrdinationFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when an ``ordination`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class NewickFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``newick`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class FASTQFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``fastq`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class PhylipFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``phylip`` formatted file cannot be parsed. May also be raised when an object (e.g., ``TabularMSA``) cannot be written in ``phylip`` format. """ pass class QSeqFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``qseq`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class StockholmFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``stockholm`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class InvalidRegistrationError(Exception): """Raised if function doesn't meet the expected API of its registration.""" pass class DuplicateRegistrationError(Exception): """Raised when a function is already registered in""" pass
class IOSourceError(Exception): """Raised when a file source cannot be resolved.""" pass class FileFormatError(Exception): """Raised when a file cannot be parsed.""" pass class UnrecognizedFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a file's format is unknown, ambiguous, or unidentifiable.""" pass class GenBankFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``genbank`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class EMBLFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``EMBL`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class GFF3FormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``GFF3`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class BLAST7FormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``blast7`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class ClustalFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``clustal`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class FASTAFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``fasta`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class QUALFormatError(FASTAFormatError): """Raised when a ``qual`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class LSMatFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``lsmat`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class OrdinationFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when an ``ordination`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class NewickFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``newick`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class FASTQFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``fastq`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class PhylipFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``phylip`` formatted file cannot be parsed. May also be raised when an object (e.g., ``TabularMSA``) cannot be written in ``phylip`` format. """ pass class QSeqFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``qseq`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class StockholmFormatError(FileFormatError): """Raised when a ``stockholm`` formatted file cannot be parsed.""" pass class InvalidRegistrationError(Exception): """Raised if function doesn't meet the expected API of its registration.""" pass class DuplicateRegistrationError(Exception): """Raised when a function is already registered in""" pass
import re from functools import partial from import create_format, GenBankFormatError from import ( _get_nth_sequence, _line_generator, _too_many_blanks) from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str from skbio.sequence import Sequence, DNA, RNA, Protein from import ( _yield_section, _parse_section_default, _serialize_section_default, _parse_feature_table, _serialize_feature_table) genbank = create_format('genbank') # This list is ordered # used to read and write genbank file. _HEADERS = ['LOCUS', 'DEFINITION', 'ACCESSION', 'VERSION', 'DBSOURCE', 'DBLINK', 'KEYWORDS', 'SOURCE', 'REFERENCE', 'COMMENT', 'FEATURES', 'ORIGIN'] @genbank.sniffer() def _genbank_sniffer(fh): # check the 1st real line is a valid LOCUS line if _too_many_blanks(fh, 5): return False, {} try: line = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True, strip=False)) except StopIteration: return False, {} try: _parse_locus([line]) except GenBankFormatError: return False, {} return True, {} @genbank.reader(None) def _genbank_to_generator(fh, constructor=None, **kwargs): for record in _parse_genbanks(fh): yield _construct(record, constructor, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(Sequence) def _genbank_to_sequence(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, Sequence, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(DNA) def _genbank_to_dna(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, DNA, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(RNA) def _genbank_to_rna(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, RNA, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(Protein) def _genbank_to_protein(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, Protein, **kwargs) @genbank.writer(None) def _generator_to_genbank(obj, fh): for obj_i in obj: _serialize_single_genbank(obj_i, fh) @genbank.writer(Sequence) def _sequence_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(DNA) def _dna_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(RNA) def _rna_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(Protein) def _protein_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) def _construct(record, constructor=None, **kwargs): '''Construct the object of Sequence, DNA, RNA, or Protein. ''' seq, md, imd = record if 'lowercase' not in kwargs: kwargs['lowercase'] = True if constructor is None: unit = md['LOCUS']['unit'] if unit == 'bp': # RNA mol type has T instead of U for genbank from from NCBI constructor = DNA elif unit == 'aa': constructor = Protein if constructor == RNA: return DNA( seq, metadata=md, interval_metadata=imd, **kwargs).transcribe() else: return constructor( seq, metadata=md, interval_metadata=imd, **kwargs) def _parse_genbanks(fh): data_chunks = [] for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True, strip=False): if line.startswith('//'): yield _parse_single_genbank(data_chunks) data_chunks = [] else: data_chunks.append(line) def _parse_single_genbank(chunks): metadata = {} interval_metadata = None sequence = '' # each section starts with a HEADER without indent. section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x[0].isspace(), strip=False) for section in section_splitter(chunks): header = section[0].split(None, 1)[0] parser = _PARSER_TABLE.get( header, _parse_section_default) if header == 'FEATURES': # This requires 'LOCUS' line parsed before 'FEATURES', which should # be true and is implicitly checked by the sniffer. parser = partial( parser, length=metadata['LOCUS']['size']) parsed = parser(section) # reference can appear multiple times if header == 'REFERENCE': if header in metadata: metadata[header].append(parsed) else: metadata[header] = [parsed] elif header == 'ORIGIN': sequence = parsed elif header == 'FEATURES': interval_metadata = parsed else: metadata[header] = parsed return sequence, metadata, interval_metadata def _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh): '''Write a GenBank record. Always write it in NCBI canonical way: 1. sequence in lowercase 2. 'u' as 't' even in RNA molecules. Parameters ---------- obj : Sequence or its child class ''' # write out the headers md = obj.metadata for header in _HEADERS: serializer = _SERIALIZER_TABLE.get( header, _serialize_section_default) if header in md: out = serializer(header, md[header]) # test if 'out' is a iterator. # cf. Effective Python Item 17 if iter(out) is iter(out): for s in out: fh.write(s) else: fh.write(out) if header == 'FEATURES': if obj.has_interval_metadata(): # magic number 21: the amount of indentation before # feature table starts as defined by INSDC indent = 21 fh.write('{header:<{indent}}Location/Qualifiers\n'.format( header=header, indent=indent)) for s in serializer(obj.interval_metadata._intervals, indent): fh.write(s) # write out the sequence # always write RNA seq as DNA if isinstance(obj, RNA): obj = obj.reverse_transcribe() # always write in lowercase seq_str = str(obj).lower() for s in _serialize_origin(seq_str): fh.write(s) fh.write('//\n') def _parse_locus(lines): '''Parse the line LOCUS. Format: # Positions Contents # --------- -------- # 00:06 LOCUS # 06:12 spaces # 12:?? Locus name # ??:?? space # ??:29 Length of sequence, right-justified # 29:33 space, bp/aa/rc, space # 33:41 molecule type (can be blank): DNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, tRNA, etc. # 41:42 space # 42:51 Blank (implies linear), linear or circular # 51:52 space # 52:55 The division code (e.g. BCT, VRL, INV) # 55:62 space # 62:73 Date, in the form dd-MMM-yyyy (e.g., 15-MAR-1991) ''' line = lines[0] pattern = (r'LOCUS' r' +([^\s]+)' r' +([0-9]+)' r' +(bp|aa|rc)' r' +(.*DNA|.*RNA)?' r' +(linear|circular)?' r' +(?!.*DNA|.*RNA)([A-Z]{3})' r' +([0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{4})') matches = re.match(pattern, line) try: res = dict(zip( ['locus_name', 'size', 'unit', 'mol_type', 'shape', 'division', 'date'], matches.groups())) except Exception: raise GenBankFormatError( "Could not parse the LOCUS line:\n%s" % line) res['size'] = int(res['size']) return res def _serialize_locus(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize LOCUS line. Parameters ---------- obj : dict ''' # use 'or' to convert None to '' kwargs = {k: v or '' for k, v in obj.items()} return ('{header:<{indent}}{locus_name} {size} {unit}' ' {mol_type} {shape} {division} {date}\n').format( header=header, indent=indent, **kwargs) def _parse_reference(lines): '''Parse single REFERENCE field. ''' res = {} # magic number 11: the non keyworded lines in REFERENCE # are at least indented with 11 spaces. feature_indent = ' ' * 11 section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x.startswith(feature_indent), skip_blanks=True, strip=False) for section in section_splitter(lines): label, data = _parse_section_default( section, join_delimiter=' ', return_label=True) res[label] = data return res def _serialize_reference(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize REFERENCE. Parameters ---------- obj : list ''' padding = ' ' sort_order = {'REFERENCE': 0, 'AUTHORS': 1, 'TITLE': 2, 'JOURNAL': 3, 'PUBMED': 4} for obj_i in obj: ref_i = [] for h in sorted(obj_i, key=lambda k: sort_order.get(k, 100)): if h == header: s = '{h:<{indent}}{ref}'.format( h=h, indent=indent, ref=obj_i[h]) else: s = '{h:<{indent}}{value}'.format( h=padding + h, indent=indent, value=obj_i[h]) ref_i.append(s) yield '%s\n' % '\n'.join(ref_i) def _parse_source(lines): '''Parse SOURCE field. ''' res = {} # magic number 11: the non keyworded lines in SOURCE # are at least indented with 11 spaces. feature_indent = ' ' * 11 section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x.startswith(feature_indent), skip_blanks=True, strip=False) # SOURCE line is not informative; skip it _, organism = list(section_splitter(lines)) res['ORGANISM'] = organism[0].split(None, 1)[1].strip() res['taxonomy'] = ' '.join([i.strip() for i in organism[1:]]) return res def _serialize_source(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize SOURCE. Parameters ---------- obj : dict ''' s = ('{header:<{indent}}{organism}\n' '{h:<{indent}}{organism}\n' '{space}{taxonomy}\n').format( header=header, indent=indent, h=' ORGANISM', organism=obj['ORGANISM'], space=' ' * 12, taxonomy=obj['taxonomy']) return s def _parse_origin(lines): '''Parse the ORIGIN section for sequence. ''' sequence = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith('ORIGIN'): continue # remove the number at the beg of each line items = line.split() sequence.append(''.join(items[1:])) return ''.join(sequence) def _serialize_origin(seq, indent=9): '''Serialize seq to ORIGIN. Parameters ---------- seq : str ''' n = 1 line_size = 60 frag_size = 10 for i in range(0, len(seq), line_size): line = seq[i:i+line_size] s = '{n:>{indent}} {s}\n'.format( n=n, indent=indent, s=chunk_str(line, frag_size, ' ')) if n == 1: s = 'ORIGIN\n' + s n = n + line_size yield s _PARSER_TABLE = { 'LOCUS': _parse_locus, 'SOURCE': _parse_source, 'REFERENCE': _parse_reference, 'FEATURES': _parse_feature_table, 'ORIGIN': _parse_origin} _SERIALIZER_TABLE = { 'LOCUS': _serialize_locus, 'SOURCE': _serialize_source, 'REFERENCE': _serialize_reference, 'FEATURES': _serialize_feature_table}
import re from functools import partial from import create_format, GenBankFormatError from import ( _get_nth_sequence, _line_generator, _too_many_blanks) from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str from skbio.sequence import Sequence, DNA, RNA, Protein from import ( _yield_section, _parse_section_default, _serialize_section_default, _parse_feature_table, _serialize_feature_table) genbank = create_format('genbank') # This list is ordered # used to read and write genbank file. _HEADERS = ['LOCUS', 'DEFINITION', 'ACCESSION', 'VERSION', 'DBSOURCE', 'DBLINK', 'KEYWORDS', 'SOURCE', 'REFERENCE', 'COMMENT', 'FEATURES', 'ORIGIN'] @genbank.sniffer() def _genbank_sniffer(fh): # check the 1st real line is a valid LOCUS line if _too_many_blanks(fh, 5): return False, {} try: line = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True, strip=False)) except StopIteration: return False, {} try: _parse_locus([line]) except GenBankFormatError: return False, {} return True, {} @genbank.reader(None) def _genbank_to_generator(fh, constructor=None, **kwargs): for record in _parse_genbanks(fh): yield _construct(record, constructor, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(Sequence) def _genbank_to_sequence(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, Sequence, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(DNA) def _genbank_to_dna(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, DNA, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(RNA) def _genbank_to_rna(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, RNA, **kwargs) @genbank.reader(Protein) def _genbank_to_protein(fh, seq_num=1, **kwargs): record = _get_nth_sequence(_parse_genbanks(fh), seq_num) return _construct(record, Protein, **kwargs) @genbank.writer(None) def _generator_to_genbank(obj, fh): for obj_i in obj: _serialize_single_genbank(obj_i, fh) @genbank.writer(Sequence) def _sequence_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(DNA) def _dna_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(RNA) def _rna_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) @genbank.writer(Protein) def _protein_to_genbank(obj, fh): _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh) def _construct(record, constructor=None, **kwargs): '''Construct the object of Sequence, DNA, RNA, or Protein. ''' seq, md, imd = record if 'lowercase' not in kwargs: kwargs['lowercase'] = True if constructor is None: unit = md['LOCUS']['unit'] if unit == 'bp': # RNA mol type has T instead of U for genbank from from NCBI constructor = DNA elif unit == 'aa': constructor = Protein if constructor == RNA: return DNA( seq, metadata=md, interval_metadata=imd, **kwargs).transcribe() else: return constructor( seq, metadata=md, interval_metadata=imd, **kwargs) def _parse_genbanks(fh): data_chunks = [] for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True, strip=False): if line.startswith('//'): yield _parse_single_genbank(data_chunks) data_chunks = [] else: data_chunks.append(line) def _parse_single_genbank(chunks): metadata = {} interval_metadata = None sequence = '' # each section starts with a HEADER without indent. section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x[0].isspace(), strip=False) for section in section_splitter(chunks): header = section[0].split(None, 1)[0] parser = _PARSER_TABLE.get( header, _parse_section_default) if header == 'FEATURES': # This requires 'LOCUS' line parsed before 'FEATURES', which should # be true and is implicitly checked by the sniffer. parser = partial( parser, length=metadata['LOCUS']['size']) parsed = parser(section) # reference can appear multiple times if header == 'REFERENCE': if header in metadata: metadata[header].append(parsed) else: metadata[header] = [parsed] elif header == 'ORIGIN': sequence = parsed elif header == 'FEATURES': interval_metadata = parsed else: metadata[header] = parsed return sequence, metadata, interval_metadata def _serialize_single_genbank(obj, fh): '''Write a GenBank record. Always write it in NCBI canonical way: 1. sequence in lowercase 2. 'u' as 't' even in RNA molecules. Parameters ---------- obj : Sequence or its child class ''' # write out the headers md = obj.metadata for header in _HEADERS: serializer = _SERIALIZER_TABLE.get( header, _serialize_section_default) if header in md: out = serializer(header, md[header]) # test if 'out' is a iterator. # cf. Effective Python Item 17 if iter(out) is iter(out): for s in out: fh.write(s) else: fh.write(out) if header == 'FEATURES': if obj.has_interval_metadata(): # magic number 21: the amount of indentation before # feature table starts as defined by INSDC indent = 21 fh.write('{header:<{indent}}Location/Qualifiers\n'.format( header=header, indent=indent)) for s in serializer(obj.interval_metadata._intervals, indent): fh.write(s) # write out the sequence # always write RNA seq as DNA if isinstance(obj, RNA): obj = obj.reverse_transcribe() # always write in lowercase seq_str = str(obj).lower() for s in _serialize_origin(seq_str): fh.write(s) fh.write('//\n') def _parse_locus(lines): '''Parse the line LOCUS. Format: # Positions Contents # --------- -------- # 00:06 LOCUS # 06:12 spaces # 12:?? Locus name # ??:?? space # ??:29 Length of sequence, right-justified # 29:33 space, bp/aa/rc, space # 33:41 molecule type (can be blank): DNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, tRNA, etc. # 41:42 space # 42:51 Blank (implies linear), linear or circular # 51:52 space # 52:55 The division code (e.g. BCT, VRL, INV) # 55:62 space # 62:73 Date, in the form dd-MMM-yyyy (e.g., 15-MAR-1991) ''' line = lines[0] pattern = (r'LOCUS' r' +([^\s]+)' r' +([0-9]+)' r' +(bp|aa|rc)' r' +(.*DNA|.*RNA)?' r' +(linear|circular)?' r' +(?!.*DNA|.*RNA)([A-Z]{3})' r' +([0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{4})') matches = re.match(pattern, line) try: res = dict(zip( ['locus_name', 'size', 'unit', 'mol_type', 'shape', 'division', 'date'], matches.groups())) except Exception: raise GenBankFormatError( "Could not parse the LOCUS line:\n%s" % line) res['size'] = int(res['size']) return res def _serialize_locus(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize LOCUS line. Parameters ---------- obj : dict ''' # use 'or' to convert None to '' kwargs = {k: v or '' for k, v in obj.items()} return ('{header:<{indent}}{locus_name} {size} {unit}' ' {mol_type} {shape} {division} {date}\n').format( header=header, indent=indent, **kwargs) def _parse_reference(lines): '''Parse single REFERENCE field. ''' res = {} # magic number 11: the non keyworded lines in REFERENCE # are at least indented with 11 spaces. feature_indent = ' ' * 11 section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x.startswith(feature_indent), skip_blanks=True, strip=False) for section in section_splitter(lines): label, data = _parse_section_default( section, join_delimiter=' ', return_label=True) res[label] = data return res def _serialize_reference(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize REFERENCE. Parameters ---------- obj : list ''' padding = ' ' sort_order = {'REFERENCE': 0, 'AUTHORS': 1, 'TITLE': 2, 'JOURNAL': 3, 'PUBMED': 4} for obj_i in obj: ref_i = [] for h in sorted(obj_i, key=lambda k: sort_order.get(k, 100)): if h == header: s = '{h:<{indent}}{ref}'.format( h=h, indent=indent, ref=obj_i[h]) else: s = '{h:<{indent}}{value}'.format( h=padding + h, indent=indent, value=obj_i[h]) ref_i.append(s) yield '%s\n' % '\n'.join(ref_i) def _parse_source(lines): '''Parse SOURCE field. ''' res = {} # magic number 11: the non keyworded lines in SOURCE # are at least indented with 11 spaces. feature_indent = ' ' * 11 section_splitter = _yield_section( lambda x: not x.startswith(feature_indent), skip_blanks=True, strip=False) # SOURCE line is not informative; skip it _, organism = list(section_splitter(lines)) res['ORGANISM'] = organism[0].split(None, 1)[1].strip() res['taxonomy'] = ' '.join([i.strip() for i in organism[1:]]) return res def _serialize_source(header, obj, indent=12): '''Serialize SOURCE. Parameters ---------- obj : dict ''' s = ('{header:<{indent}}{organism}\n' '{h:<{indent}}{organism}\n' '{space}{taxonomy}\n').format( header=header, indent=indent, h=' ORGANISM', organism=obj['ORGANISM'], space=' ' * 12, taxonomy=obj['taxonomy']) return s def _parse_origin(lines): '''Parse the ORIGIN section for sequence. ''' sequence = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith('ORIGIN'): continue # remove the number at the beg of each line items = line.split() sequence.append(''.join(items[1:])) return ''.join(sequence) def _serialize_origin(seq, indent=9): '''Serialize seq to ORIGIN. Parameters ---------- seq : str ''' n = 1 line_size = 60 frag_size = 10 for i in range(0, len(seq), line_size): line = seq[i:i+line_size] s = '{n:>{indent}} {s}\n'.format( n=n, indent=indent, s=chunk_str(line, frag_size, ' ')) if n == 1: s = 'ORIGIN\n' + s n = n + line_size yield s _PARSER_TABLE = { 'LOCUS': _parse_locus, 'SOURCE': _parse_source, 'REFERENCE': _parse_reference, 'FEATURES': _parse_feature_table, 'ORIGIN': _parse_origin} _SERIALIZER_TABLE = { 'LOCUS': _serialize_locus, 'SOURCE': _serialize_source, 'REFERENCE': _serialize_reference, 'FEATURES': _serialize_feature_table}
import pandas as pd from import create_format taxdump = create_format('taxdump') _taxdump_column_schemes = { 'nodes_slim': { 'tax_id': int, 'parent_tax_id': int, 'rank': str }, 'nodes': { 'tax_id': int, 'parent_tax_id': int, 'rank': str, 'embl_code': str, 'division_id': int, 'inherited_div_flag': bool, 'genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_GC_flag': bool, 'mitochondrial_genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_MGC_flag': bool, 'GenBank_hidden_flag': bool, 'hidden_subtree_root_flag': bool, 'comments': str }, 'names': { 'tax_id': int, 'name_txt': str, 'unique_name': str, 'name_class': str }, 'division': { 'division_id': int, 'division_cde': str, 'division_name': str, 'comments': str }, 'gencode': { 'genetic_code_id': int, 'abbreviation': str, 'name': str, 'cde': str, 'starts': str } } _taxdump_column_schemes['nodes_new'] = dict( _taxdump_column_schemes['nodes'], **{ 'plastid_genetic_code_id': bool, 'inherited_PGC_flag': bool, 'specified_species': bool, 'hydrogenosome_genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_HGC_flag': bool }) @taxdump.reader(pd.DataFrame, monkey_patch=False) def _taxdump_to_data_frame(fh, scheme): '''Read a taxdump file into a data frame. Parameters ---------- fh : file handle Input taxdump file scheme : str Name of column scheme Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Parsed table ''' if isinstance(scheme, str): if scheme not in _taxdump_column_schemes: raise ValueError(f'Invalid taxdump column scheme: "{scheme}".') scheme = _taxdump_column_schemes[scheme] names = list(scheme.keys()) try: return pd.read_csv( fh, sep='\t\\|(?:\t|$)', engine='python', index_col=0, names=names, dtype=scheme, usecols=range(len(names))) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid taxdump file format.')
import pandas as pd from import create_format taxdump = create_format('taxdump') _taxdump_column_schemes = { 'nodes_slim': { 'tax_id': int, 'parent_tax_id': int, 'rank': str }, 'nodes': { 'tax_id': int, 'parent_tax_id': int, 'rank': str, 'embl_code': str, 'division_id': int, 'inherited_div_flag': bool, 'genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_GC_flag': bool, 'mitochondrial_genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_MGC_flag': bool, 'GenBank_hidden_flag': bool, 'hidden_subtree_root_flag': bool, 'comments': str }, 'names': { 'tax_id': int, 'name_txt': str, 'unique_name': str, 'name_class': str }, 'division': { 'division_id': int, 'division_cde': str, 'division_name': str, 'comments': str }, 'gencode': { 'genetic_code_id': int, 'abbreviation': str, 'name': str, 'cde': str, 'starts': str } } _taxdump_column_schemes['nodes_new'] = dict( _taxdump_column_schemes['nodes'], **{ 'plastid_genetic_code_id': bool, 'inherited_PGC_flag': bool, 'specified_species': bool, 'hydrogenosome_genetic_code_id': int, 'inherited_HGC_flag': bool }) @taxdump.reader(pd.DataFrame, monkey_patch=False) def _taxdump_to_data_frame(fh, scheme): '''Read a taxdump file into a data frame. Parameters ---------- fh : file handle Input taxdump file scheme : str Name of column scheme Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Parsed table ''' if isinstance(scheme, str): if scheme not in _taxdump_column_schemes: raise ValueError(f'Invalid taxdump column scheme: "{scheme}".') scheme = _taxdump_column_schemes[scheme] names = list(scheme.keys()) try: return pd.read_csv( fh, sep='\t\\|(?:\t|$)', engine='python', index_col=0, names=names, dtype=scheme, usecols=range(len(names))) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid taxdump file format.')
import re import warnings import numpy as np from skbio.util import cardinal_to_ordinal _whitespace_regex = re.compile(r'\s') _newline_regex = re.compile(r'\n') def _decode_qual_to_phred(qual_str, variant=None, phred_offset=None): phred_offset, phred_range = _get_phred_offset_and_range( variant, phred_offset, ["Must provide either `variant` or `phred_offset` in order to decode " "quality scores.", "Decoding Solexa quality scores is not currently supported, " "as quality scores are always stored as Phred scores in " "scikit-bio. Please see the following scikit-bio issue to " "track progress on this:\n\t" ""]) qual = np.frombuffer(qual_str.encode('ascii'), dtype=np.uint8) - phred_offset if np.any((qual > phred_range[1]) | (qual < phred_range[0])): raise ValueError("Decoded Phred score is out of range [%d, %d]." % (phred_range[0], phred_range[1])) return qual def _encode_phred_to_qual(phred, variant=None, phred_offset=None): phred_offset, phred_range = _get_phred_offset_and_range( variant, phred_offset, ["Must provide either `variant` or `phred_offset` in order to encode " "Phred scores.", "Encoding Solexa quality scores is not currently supported. " "Please see the following scikit-bio issue to track progress " "on this:\n\t" ""]) qual_chars = [] for score in phred: if score < phred_range[0]: raise ValueError("Phred score %d is out of range [%d, %d]." % (score, phred_range[0], phred_range[1])) if score > phred_range[1]: warnings.warn( "Phred score %d is out of targeted range [%d, %d]. Converting " "to %d." % (score, phred_range[0], phred_range[1], phred_range[1]), UserWarning) score = phred_range[1] qual_chars.append(chr(score + phred_offset)) return ''.join(qual_chars) def _get_phred_offset_and_range(variant, phred_offset, errors): if variant is None and phred_offset is None: raise ValueError(errors[0]) if variant is not None and phred_offset is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot provide both `variant` and `phred_offset`.") if variant is not None: if variant == 'sanger': phred_offset = 33 phred_range = (0, 93) elif variant == 'illumina1.3': phred_offset = 64 phred_range = (0, 62) elif variant == 'illumina1.8': phred_offset = 33 phred_range = (0, 62) elif variant == 'solexa': phred_offset = 64 phred_range = (-5, 62) raise ValueError(errors[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized variant %r." % variant) else: if not (33 <= phred_offset <= 126): raise ValueError( "`phred_offset` %d is out of printable ASCII character range." % phred_offset) phred_range = (0, 126 - phred_offset) return phred_offset, phred_range def _get_nth_sequence(generator, seq_num): # i is set to None so that an empty generator will not result in an # undefined variable when compared to seq_num. i = None if seq_num is None or seq_num < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid sequence number (`seq_num`=%s). `seq_num`' ' must be between 1 and the number of sequences in' ' the file.' % str(seq_num)) try: for i, seq in zip(range(1, seq_num + 1), generator): pass finally: generator.close() if i == seq_num: return seq raise ValueError('Reached end of file before finding the %s sequence.' % cardinal_to_ordinal(seq_num)) def _parse_fasta_like_header(line): id_ = '' desc = '' header = line[1:].rstrip() if header: if header[0].isspace(): # no id desc = header.lstrip() else: header_tokens = header.split(None, 1) if len(header_tokens) == 1: # no description id_ = header_tokens[0] else: id_, desc = header_tokens return id_, desc def _format_fasta_like_records(generator, id_whitespace_replacement, description_newline_replacement, require_qual, lowercase=None): if ((id_whitespace_replacement is not None and '\n' in id_whitespace_replacement) or (description_newline_replacement is not None and '\n' in description_newline_replacement)): raise ValueError( "Newline character (\\n) cannot be used to replace whitespace in " "sequence IDs, nor to replace newlines in sequence descriptions.") for idx, seq in enumerate(generator): if len(seq) < 1: raise ValueError( "%s sequence does not contain any characters (i.e., it is an " "empty/blank sequence). Writing empty sequences is not " "supported." % cardinal_to_ordinal(idx + 1)) if 'id' in seq.metadata: id_ = '%s' % seq.metadata['id'] else: id_ = '' if id_whitespace_replacement is not None: id_ = _whitespace_regex.sub(id_whitespace_replacement, id_) if 'description' in seq.metadata: desc = '%s' % seq.metadata['description'] else: desc = '' if description_newline_replacement is not None: desc = _newline_regex.sub(description_newline_replacement, desc) if desc: header = '%s %s' % (id_, desc) else: header = id_ if require_qual and 'quality' not in seq.positional_metadata: raise ValueError( "Cannot write %s sequence because it does not have quality " "scores associated with it." % cardinal_to_ordinal(idx + 1)) qual = None if 'quality' in seq.positional_metadata: qual = seq.positional_metadata['quality'].values if lowercase is not None: seq_str = seq.lowercase(lowercase) else: seq_str = str(seq) yield header, "%s" % seq_str, qual def _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False, strip=True): for line in fh: if strip: line = line.strip() skip = False if skip_blanks: skip = line.isspace() or not line if not skip: yield line def _too_many_blanks(fh, max_blanks): count = 0 too_many = False for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False): if line: break else: count += 1 if count > max_blanks: too_many = True break return too_many
import re import warnings import numpy as np from skbio.util import cardinal_to_ordinal _whitespace_regex = re.compile(r'\s') _newline_regex = re.compile(r'\n') def _decode_qual_to_phred(qual_str, variant=None, phred_offset=None): phred_offset, phred_range = _get_phred_offset_and_range( variant, phred_offset, ["Must provide either `variant` or `phred_offset` in order to decode " "quality scores.", "Decoding Solexa quality scores is not currently supported, " "as quality scores are always stored as Phred scores in " "scikit-bio. Please see the following scikit-bio issue to " "track progress on this:\n\t" ""]) qual = np.frombuffer(qual_str.encode('ascii'), dtype=np.uint8) - phred_offset if np.any((qual > phred_range[1]) | (qual < phred_range[0])): raise ValueError("Decoded Phred score is out of range [%d, %d]." % (phred_range[0], phred_range[1])) return qual def _encode_phred_to_qual(phred, variant=None, phred_offset=None): phred_offset, phred_range = _get_phred_offset_and_range( variant, phred_offset, ["Must provide either `variant` or `phred_offset` in order to encode " "Phred scores.", "Encoding Solexa quality scores is not currently supported. " "Please see the following scikit-bio issue to track progress " "on this:\n\t" ""]) qual_chars = [] for score in phred: if score < phred_range[0]: raise ValueError("Phred score %d is out of range [%d, %d]." % (score, phred_range[0], phred_range[1])) if score > phred_range[1]: warnings.warn( "Phred score %d is out of targeted range [%d, %d]. Converting " "to %d." % (score, phred_range[0], phred_range[1], phred_range[1]), UserWarning) score = phred_range[1] qual_chars.append(chr(score + phred_offset)) return ''.join(qual_chars) def _get_phred_offset_and_range(variant, phred_offset, errors): if variant is None and phred_offset is None: raise ValueError(errors[0]) if variant is not None and phred_offset is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot provide both `variant` and `phred_offset`.") if variant is not None: if variant == 'sanger': phred_offset = 33 phred_range = (0, 93) elif variant == 'illumina1.3': phred_offset = 64 phred_range = (0, 62) elif variant == 'illumina1.8': phred_offset = 33 phred_range = (0, 62) elif variant == 'solexa': phred_offset = 64 phred_range = (-5, 62) raise ValueError(errors[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized variant %r." % variant) else: if not (33 <= phred_offset <= 126): raise ValueError( "`phred_offset` %d is out of printable ASCII character range." % phred_offset) phred_range = (0, 126 - phred_offset) return phred_offset, phred_range def _get_nth_sequence(generator, seq_num): # i is set to None so that an empty generator will not result in an # undefined variable when compared to seq_num. i = None if seq_num is None or seq_num < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid sequence number (`seq_num`=%s). `seq_num`' ' must be between 1 and the number of sequences in' ' the file.' % str(seq_num)) try: for i, seq in zip(range(1, seq_num + 1), generator): pass finally: generator.close() if i == seq_num: return seq raise ValueError('Reached end of file before finding the %s sequence.' % cardinal_to_ordinal(seq_num)) def _parse_fasta_like_header(line): id_ = '' desc = '' header = line[1:].rstrip() if header: if header[0].isspace(): # no id desc = header.lstrip() else: header_tokens = header.split(None, 1) if len(header_tokens) == 1: # no description id_ = header_tokens[0] else: id_, desc = header_tokens return id_, desc def _format_fasta_like_records(generator, id_whitespace_replacement, description_newline_replacement, require_qual, lowercase=None): if ((id_whitespace_replacement is not None and '\n' in id_whitespace_replacement) or (description_newline_replacement is not None and '\n' in description_newline_replacement)): raise ValueError( "Newline character (\\n) cannot be used to replace whitespace in " "sequence IDs, nor to replace newlines in sequence descriptions.") for idx, seq in enumerate(generator): if len(seq) < 1: raise ValueError( "%s sequence does not contain any characters (i.e., it is an " "empty/blank sequence). Writing empty sequences is not " "supported." % cardinal_to_ordinal(idx + 1)) if 'id' in seq.metadata: id_ = '%s' % seq.metadata['id'] else: id_ = '' if id_whitespace_replacement is not None: id_ = _whitespace_regex.sub(id_whitespace_replacement, id_) if 'description' in seq.metadata: desc = '%s' % seq.metadata['description'] else: desc = '' if description_newline_replacement is not None: desc = _newline_regex.sub(description_newline_replacement, desc) if desc: header = '%s %s' % (id_, desc) else: header = id_ if require_qual and 'quality' not in seq.positional_metadata: raise ValueError( "Cannot write %s sequence because it does not have quality " "scores associated with it." % cardinal_to_ordinal(idx + 1)) qual = None if 'quality' in seq.positional_metadata: qual = seq.positional_metadata['quality'].values if lowercase is not None: seq_str = seq.lowercase(lowercase) else: seq_str = str(seq) yield header, "%s" % seq_str, qual def _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False, strip=True): for line in fh: if strip: line = line.strip() skip = False if skip_blanks: skip = line.isspace() or not line if not skip: yield line def _too_many_blanks(fh, max_blanks): count = 0 too_many = False for line in _line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=False): if line: break else: count += 1 if count > max_blanks: too_many = True break return too_many
import functools import contextlib import pandas as pd _possible_columns = {'qseqid': str, 'qgi': float, 'qacc': str, 'qaccver': str, 'qlen': float, 'sseqid': str, 'sallseqid': str, 'sgi': float, 'sallgi': float, 'sacc': str, 'saccver': str, 'sallacc': str, 'slen': float, 'qstart': float, 'qend': float, 'sstart': float, 'send': float, 'qseq': str, 'sseq': str, 'evalue': float, 'bitscore': float, 'score': float, 'length': float, 'pident': float, 'nident': float, 'mismatch': float, 'positive': float, 'gapopen': float, 'gaps': float, 'ppos': float, 'frames': str, 'qframe': float, 'sframe': float, 'btop': float, 'staxids': str, 'sscinames': str, 'scomnames': str, 'sblastnames': str, 'sskingdoms': str, 'stitle': str, 'salltitles': str, 'sstrand': str, 'qcovs': float, 'qcovhsp': float} def _parse_blast_data(fh, columns, error, error_message, comment=None, skiprows=None): read_csv = functools.partial(pd.read_csv, na_values='N/A', sep='\t', header=None, keep_default_na=False, comment=comment, skiprows=skiprows) # HACK for # this avoids closing the `fh`, whose lifetime isn't the responsibility # of this parser with _noop_close(fh) as fh: lineone = read_csv(fh, nrows=1) if len(lineone.columns) != len(columns): raise error(error_message % (len(columns), len(lineone.columns))) return read_csv(fh, names=columns, dtype=_possible_columns) # HACK for @contextlib.contextmanager def _noop_close(fh): backup = fh.close fh.close = lambda: None try: yield fh finally: fh.close = backup
import functools import contextlib import pandas as pd _possible_columns = {'qseqid': str, 'qgi': float, 'qacc': str, 'qaccver': str, 'qlen': float, 'sseqid': str, 'sallseqid': str, 'sgi': float, 'sallgi': float, 'sacc': str, 'saccver': str, 'sallacc': str, 'slen': float, 'qstart': float, 'qend': float, 'sstart': float, 'send': float, 'qseq': str, 'sseq': str, 'evalue': float, 'bitscore': float, 'score': float, 'length': float, 'pident': float, 'nident': float, 'mismatch': float, 'positive': float, 'gapopen': float, 'gaps': float, 'ppos': float, 'frames': str, 'qframe': float, 'sframe': float, 'btop': float, 'staxids': str, 'sscinames': str, 'scomnames': str, 'sblastnames': str, 'sskingdoms': str, 'stitle': str, 'salltitles': str, 'sstrand': str, 'qcovs': float, 'qcovhsp': float} def _parse_blast_data(fh, columns, error, error_message, comment=None, skiprows=None): read_csv = functools.partial(pd.read_csv, na_values='N/A', sep='\t', header=None, keep_default_na=False, comment=comment, skiprows=skiprows) # HACK for # this avoids closing the `fh`, whose lifetime isn't the responsibility # of this parser with _noop_close(fh) as fh: lineone = read_csv(fh, nrows=1) if len(lineone.columns) != len(columns): raise error(error_message % (len(columns), len(lineone.columns))) return read_csv(fh, names=columns, dtype=_possible_columns) # HACK for @contextlib.contextmanager def _noop_close(fh): backup = fh.close fh.close = lambda: None try: yield fh finally: fh.close = backup
import csv import numpy as np from skbio.stats.distance import DissimilarityMatrix, DistanceMatrix from import create_format, LSMatFormatError lsmat = create_format('lsmat') @lsmat.sniffer() def _lsmat_sniffer(fh): header = _find_header(fh) if header is not None: try: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(header) delimiter = dialect.delimiter ids = _parse_header(header, delimiter) first_id, _ = next(_parse_data(fh, delimiter), (None, None)) if first_id is not None and first_id == ids[0]: return True, {'delimiter': delimiter} except (csv.Error, LSMatFormatError): pass return False, {} @lsmat.reader(DissimilarityMatrix) def _lsmat_to_dissimilarity_matrix(fh, delimiter='\t'): return _lsmat_to_matrix(DissimilarityMatrix, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.reader(DistanceMatrix) def _lsmat_to_distance_matrix(fh, delimiter='\t'): return _lsmat_to_matrix(DistanceMatrix, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.writer(DissimilarityMatrix) def _dissimilarity_matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter='\t'): _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.writer(DistanceMatrix) def _distance_matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter='\t'): _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter) def _lsmat_to_matrix(cls, fh, delimiter): # We aren't using np.loadtxt because it uses *way* too much memory # (e.g, a 2GB matrix eats up 10GB, which then isn't freed after parsing # has finished). See: # # Strategy: # - find the header # - initialize an empty ndarray # - for each row of data in the input file: # - populate the corresponding row in the ndarray with floats header = _find_header(fh) if header is None: raise LSMatFormatError( "Could not find a header line containing IDs in the " "dissimilarity matrix file. Please verify that the file is " "not empty.") ids = _parse_header(header, delimiter) num_ids = len(ids) data = np.empty((num_ids, num_ids), dtype=np.float64) row_idx = -1 for row_idx, (row_id, row_data) in enumerate(_parse_data(fh, delimiter)): if row_idx >= num_ids: # We've hit a nonempty line after we already filled the data # matrix. Raise an error because we shouldn't ignore extra data. raise LSMatFormatError( "Encountered extra row(s) without corresponding IDs in " "the header.") num_vals = len(row_data) if num_vals != num_ids: raise LSMatFormatError( "There are %d value(s) in row %d, which is not equal to the " "number of ID(s) in the header (%d)." % (num_vals, row_idx + 1, num_ids)) expected_id = ids[row_idx] if row_id == expected_id: data[row_idx, :] = np.asarray(row_data, dtype=float) else: raise LSMatFormatError( "Encountered mismatched IDs while parsing the " "dissimilarity matrix file. Found %r but expected " "%r. Please ensure that the IDs match between the " "dissimilarity matrix header (first row) and the row " "labels (first column)." % (str(row_id), str(expected_id))) if row_idx != num_ids - 1: raise LSMatFormatError("Expected %d row(s) of data, but found %d." % (num_ids, row_idx + 1)) return cls(data, ids) def _find_header(fh): header = None for line in fh: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line and not stripped_line.startswith('#'): # Don't strip the header because the first delimiter might be # whitespace (e.g., tab). header = line break return header def _parse_header(header, delimiter): tokens = header.rstrip().split(delimiter) if tokens[0]: raise LSMatFormatError( "Header must start with delimiter %r." % str(delimiter)) return [e.strip() for e in tokens[1:]] def _parse_data(fh, delimiter): for line in fh: stripped_line = line.strip() if not stripped_line: continue tokens = line.rstrip().split(delimiter) id_ = tokens[0].strip() yield id_, tokens[1:] def _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter): delimiter = "%s" % delimiter ids = obj.ids fh.write(_format_ids(ids, delimiter)) fh.write('\n') for id_, vals in zip(ids, fh.write("%s" % id_) fh.write(delimiter) fh.write(delimiter.join(np.asarray(vals, dtype=str))) fh.write('\n') def _format_ids(ids, delimiter): return delimiter.join([''] + list(ids))
import csv import numpy as np from skbio.stats.distance import DissimilarityMatrix, DistanceMatrix from import create_format, LSMatFormatError lsmat = create_format('lsmat') @lsmat.sniffer() def _lsmat_sniffer(fh): header = _find_header(fh) if header is not None: try: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(header) delimiter = dialect.delimiter ids = _parse_header(header, delimiter) first_id, _ = next(_parse_data(fh, delimiter), (None, None)) if first_id is not None and first_id == ids[0]: return True, {'delimiter': delimiter} except (csv.Error, LSMatFormatError): pass return False, {} @lsmat.reader(DissimilarityMatrix) def _lsmat_to_dissimilarity_matrix(fh, delimiter='\t'): return _lsmat_to_matrix(DissimilarityMatrix, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.reader(DistanceMatrix) def _lsmat_to_distance_matrix(fh, delimiter='\t'): return _lsmat_to_matrix(DistanceMatrix, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.writer(DissimilarityMatrix) def _dissimilarity_matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter='\t'): _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter) @lsmat.writer(DistanceMatrix) def _distance_matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter='\t'): _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter) def _lsmat_to_matrix(cls, fh, delimiter): # We aren't using np.loadtxt because it uses *way* too much memory # (e.g, a 2GB matrix eats up 10GB, which then isn't freed after parsing # has finished). See: # # Strategy: # - find the header # - initialize an empty ndarray # - for each row of data in the input file: # - populate the corresponding row in the ndarray with floats header = _find_header(fh) if header is None: raise LSMatFormatError( "Could not find a header line containing IDs in the " "dissimilarity matrix file. Please verify that the file is " "not empty.") ids = _parse_header(header, delimiter) num_ids = len(ids) data = np.empty((num_ids, num_ids), dtype=np.float64) row_idx = -1 for row_idx, (row_id, row_data) in enumerate(_parse_data(fh, delimiter)): if row_idx >= num_ids: # We've hit a nonempty line after we already filled the data # matrix. Raise an error because we shouldn't ignore extra data. raise LSMatFormatError( "Encountered extra row(s) without corresponding IDs in " "the header.") num_vals = len(row_data) if num_vals != num_ids: raise LSMatFormatError( "There are %d value(s) in row %d, which is not equal to the " "number of ID(s) in the header (%d)." % (num_vals, row_idx + 1, num_ids)) expected_id = ids[row_idx] if row_id == expected_id: data[row_idx, :] = np.asarray(row_data, dtype=float) else: raise LSMatFormatError( "Encountered mismatched IDs while parsing the " "dissimilarity matrix file. Found %r but expected " "%r. Please ensure that the IDs match between the " "dissimilarity matrix header (first row) and the row " "labels (first column)." % (str(row_id), str(expected_id))) if row_idx != num_ids - 1: raise LSMatFormatError("Expected %d row(s) of data, but found %d." % (num_ids, row_idx + 1)) return cls(data, ids) def _find_header(fh): header = None for line in fh: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line and not stripped_line.startswith('#'): # Don't strip the header because the first delimiter might be # whitespace (e.g., tab). header = line break return header def _parse_header(header, delimiter): tokens = header.rstrip().split(delimiter) if tokens[0]: raise LSMatFormatError( "Header must start with delimiter %r." % str(delimiter)) return [e.strip() for e in tokens[1:]] def _parse_data(fh, delimiter): for line in fh: stripped_line = line.strip() if not stripped_line: continue tokens = line.rstrip().split(delimiter) id_ = tokens[0].strip() yield id_, tokens[1:] def _matrix_to_lsmat(obj, fh, delimiter): delimiter = "%s" % delimiter ids = obj.ids fh.write(_format_ids(ids, delimiter)) fh.write('\n') for id_, vals in zip(ids, fh.write("%s" % id_) fh.write(delimiter) fh.write(delimiter.join(np.asarray(vals, dtype=str))) fh.write('\n') def _format_ids(ids, delimiter): return delimiter.join([''] + list(ids))
from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from import create_format, PhylipFormatError from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str phylip = create_format('phylip') @phylip.sniffer() def _phylip_sniffer(fh): # Strategy: # Read the header and a single sequence; verify that the sequence length # matches the header information. Do not verify that the total number of # lines matches the header information, since that would require reading # the whole file. try: header = next(_line_generator(fh)) _, seq_len = _validate_header(header) line = next(_line_generator(fh)) _validate_line(line, seq_len) except (StopIteration, PhylipFormatError): return False, {} return True, {} @phylip.reader(TabularMSA) def _phylip_to_tabular_msa(fh, constructor=None): if constructor is None: raise ValueError("Must provide `constructor`.") seqs = [] index = [] for seq, ID in _parse_phylip_raw(fh): seqs.append(constructor(seq)) index.append(ID) return TabularMSA(seqs, index=index) @phylip.writer(TabularMSA) def _tabular_msa_to_phylip(obj, fh): sequence_count = obj.shape.sequence if sequence_count < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( "TabularMSA can only be written in PHYLIP format if there is at " "least one sequence in the alignment.") sequence_length = obj.shape.position if sequence_length < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( "TabularMSA can only be written in PHYLIP format if there is at " "least one position in the alignment.") chunk_size = 10 labels = [str(label) for label in obj.index] for label in labels: if len(label) > chunk_size: raise PhylipFormatError( "``TabularMSA`` can only be written in PHYLIP format if all " "sequence index labels have %d or fewer characters. Found " "sequence with index label '%s' that exceeds this limit. Use " "``TabularMSA.reassign_index`` to assign shorter index labels." % (chunk_size, label)) fh.write('{0:d} {1:d}\n'.format(sequence_count, sequence_length)) fmt = '{0:%d}{1}\n' % chunk_size for label, seq in zip(labels, obj): chunked_seq = chunk_str(str(seq), chunk_size, ' ') fh.write(fmt.format(label, chunked_seq)) def _validate_header(header): header_vals = header.split() try: n_seqs, seq_len = [int(x) for x in header_vals] if n_seqs < 1 or seq_len < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( 'The number of sequences and the length must be positive.') except ValueError: raise PhylipFormatError( 'Found non-header line when attempting to read the 1st record ' '(header line should have two space-separated integers): ' '"%s"' % header) return n_seqs, seq_len def _validate_line(line, seq_len): if not line: raise PhylipFormatError("Empty lines are not allowed.") ID = line[:10].strip() seq = line[10:].replace(' ', '') if len(seq) != seq_len: raise PhylipFormatError( "The length of sequence %s is not %s as specified in the header." % (ID, seq_len)) return (seq, ID) def _parse_phylip_raw(fh): """Raw parser for PHYLIP files. Returns a list of raw (seq, id) values. It is the responsibility of the caller to construct the correct in-memory object to hold the data. """ # Note: this returns the full data instead of yielding each sequence, # because the header specifies the number of sequences, so the file cannot # be validated until it's read completely. # File should have a single header on the first line. try: header = next(_line_generator(fh)) except StopIteration: raise PhylipFormatError("This file is empty.") n_seqs, seq_len = _validate_header(header) # All following lines should be ID+sequence. No blank lines are allowed. data = [] for line in _line_generator(fh): data.append(_validate_line(line, seq_len)) if len(data) != n_seqs: raise PhylipFormatError( "The number of sequences is not %s " % n_seqs + "as specified in the header.") return data def _line_generator(fh): """Just remove linebreak characters and yield lines. """ for line in fh: yield line.rstrip('\n')
from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from import create_format, PhylipFormatError from skbio.util._misc import chunk_str phylip = create_format('phylip') @phylip.sniffer() def _phylip_sniffer(fh): # Strategy: # Read the header and a single sequence; verify that the sequence length # matches the header information. Do not verify that the total number of # lines matches the header information, since that would require reading # the whole file. try: header = next(_line_generator(fh)) _, seq_len = _validate_header(header) line = next(_line_generator(fh)) _validate_line(line, seq_len) except (StopIteration, PhylipFormatError): return False, {} return True, {} @phylip.reader(TabularMSA) def _phylip_to_tabular_msa(fh, constructor=None): if constructor is None: raise ValueError("Must provide `constructor`.") seqs = [] index = [] for seq, ID in _parse_phylip_raw(fh): seqs.append(constructor(seq)) index.append(ID) return TabularMSA(seqs, index=index) @phylip.writer(TabularMSA) def _tabular_msa_to_phylip(obj, fh): sequence_count = obj.shape.sequence if sequence_count < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( "TabularMSA can only be written in PHYLIP format if there is at " "least one sequence in the alignment.") sequence_length = obj.shape.position if sequence_length < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( "TabularMSA can only be written in PHYLIP format if there is at " "least one position in the alignment.") chunk_size = 10 labels = [str(label) for label in obj.index] for label in labels: if len(label) > chunk_size: raise PhylipFormatError( "``TabularMSA`` can only be written in PHYLIP format if all " "sequence index labels have %d or fewer characters. Found " "sequence with index label '%s' that exceeds this limit. Use " "``TabularMSA.reassign_index`` to assign shorter index labels." % (chunk_size, label)) fh.write('{0:d} {1:d}\n'.format(sequence_count, sequence_length)) fmt = '{0:%d}{1}\n' % chunk_size for label, seq in zip(labels, obj): chunked_seq = chunk_str(str(seq), chunk_size, ' ') fh.write(fmt.format(label, chunked_seq)) def _validate_header(header): header_vals = header.split() try: n_seqs, seq_len = [int(x) for x in header_vals] if n_seqs < 1 or seq_len < 1: raise PhylipFormatError( 'The number of sequences and the length must be positive.') except ValueError: raise PhylipFormatError( 'Found non-header line when attempting to read the 1st record ' '(header line should have two space-separated integers): ' '"%s"' % header) return n_seqs, seq_len def _validate_line(line, seq_len): if not line: raise PhylipFormatError("Empty lines are not allowed.") ID = line[:10].strip() seq = line[10:].replace(' ', '') if len(seq) != seq_len: raise PhylipFormatError( "The length of sequence %s is not %s as specified in the header." % (ID, seq_len)) return (seq, ID) def _parse_phylip_raw(fh): """Raw parser for PHYLIP files. Returns a list of raw (seq, id) values. It is the responsibility of the caller to construct the correct in-memory object to hold the data. """ # Note: this returns the full data instead of yielding each sequence, # because the header specifies the number of sequences, so the file cannot # be validated until it's read completely. # File should have a single header on the first line. try: header = next(_line_generator(fh)) except StopIteration: raise PhylipFormatError("This file is empty.") n_seqs, seq_len = _validate_header(header) # All following lines should be ID+sequence. No blank lines are allowed. data = [] for line in _line_generator(fh): data.append(_validate_line(line, seq_len)) if len(data) != n_seqs: raise PhylipFormatError( "The number of sequences is not %s " % n_seqs + "as specified in the header.") return data def _line_generator(fh): """Just remove linebreak characters and yield lines. """ for line in fh: yield line.rstrip('\n')
import pandas as pd from import create_format, BLAST7FormatError from import _parse_blast_data blast7 = create_format('blast+7') column_converter = {'query id': 'qseqid', 'query gi': 'qgi', 'query acc.': 'qacc', 'query acc.ver': 'qaccver', 'query length': 'qlen', 'subject id': 'sseqid', 'subject ids': 'sallseqid', 'subject gi': 'sgi', 'subject gis': 'sallgi', 'subject acc.': 'sacc', 'subject acc.ver': 'saccver', 'subject accs.': 'sallacc', 'subject length': 'slen', 'q. start': 'qstart', 'q. end': 'qend', 's. start': 'sstart', 's. end': 'send', 'query seq': 'qseq', 'subject seq': 'sseq', 'evalue': 'evalue', 'bit score': 'bitscore', 'score': 'score', 'alignment length': 'length', '% identity': 'pident', 'identical': 'nident', 'mismatches': 'mismatch', 'positives': 'positive', 'gap opens': 'gapopen', 'gaps': 'gaps', '% positives': 'ppos', 'query/sbjct frames': 'frames', 'query frame': 'qframe', 'sbjct frame': 'sframe', 'BTOP': 'btop', 'subject tax ids': 'staxids', 'subject sci names': 'sscinames', 'subject com names': 'scomnames', 'subject blast names': 'sblastnames', 'subject super kingdoms': 'sskingdoms', 'subject title': 'stitle', 'subject titles': 'salltitles', 'subject strand': 'sstrand', '% query coverage per subject': 'qcovs', '% query coverage per hsp': 'qcovhsp', 'Query id': 'qseqid', 'Subject id': 'sseqid', 'gap openings': 'gapopen', 'e-value': 'evalue'} @blast7.sniffer() def _blast7_sniffer(fh): # Smells a BLAST+7 file if the following conditions are present # -First line contains "BLAST" # -Second line contains "Query" or "Database" # -Third line starts with "Subject" or "Query" or "Database" lines = [line for _, line in zip(range(3), fh)] if len(lines) < 3: return False, {} if not lines[0].startswith("# BLAST"): return False, {} if not (lines[1].startswith("# Query:") or lines[1].startswith("# Database:")): return False, {} if not (lines[2].startswith("# Subject:") or lines[2].startswith("# Query:") or lines[2].startswith("# Database:")): return False, {} return True, {} @blast7.reader(pd.DataFrame, monkey_patch=False) def _blast7_to_data_frame(fh): line_num = 0 columns = None skiprows = [] for line in fh: if line == "# Fields: \n": # Identifies Legacy BLAST 9 data line = next(fh) line_num += 1 if columns is None: columns = _parse_fields(line, legacy=True) skiprows.append(line_num) else: next_columns = _parse_fields(line, legacy=True) if columns != next_columns: raise BLAST7FormatError("Fields %r do not equal fields %r" % (columns, next_columns)) skiprows.append(line_num) elif line.startswith("# Fields: "): # Identifies BLAST+7 data if columns is None: columns = _parse_fields(line) else: # Affirms data types do not differ throught file next_columns = _parse_fields(line) if columns != next_columns: raise BLAST7FormatError("Fields %r do not equal fields %r" % (columns, next_columns)) line_num += 1 if columns is None: # Affirms file contains BLAST data raise BLAST7FormatError("File contains no BLAST data.") return _parse_blast_data(fh, columns, BLAST7FormatError, "Number of fields (%r) does not equal number" " of data columns (%r).", comment='#', skiprows=skiprows) def _parse_fields(line, legacy=False): """Removes '\n' from fields line and returns fields as a list (columns).""" line = line.rstrip('\n') if legacy: fields = line.split(',') else: line = line.split('# Fields: ')[1] fields = line.split(', ') columns = [] for field in fields: if field not in column_converter: raise BLAST7FormatError("Unrecognized field (%r)." " Supported fields: %r" % (field, set(column_converter.keys()))) columns.append(column_converter[field]) return columns
import pandas as pd from import create_format, BLAST7FormatError from import _parse_blast_data blast7 = create_format('blast+7') column_converter = {'query id': 'qseqid', 'query gi': 'qgi', 'query acc.': 'qacc', 'query acc.ver': 'qaccver', 'query length': 'qlen', 'subject id': 'sseqid', 'subject ids': 'sallseqid', 'subject gi': 'sgi', 'subject gis': 'sallgi', 'subject acc.': 'sacc', 'subject acc.ver': 'saccver', 'subject accs.': 'sallacc', 'subject length': 'slen', 'q. start': 'qstart', 'q. end': 'qend', 's. start': 'sstart', 's. end': 'send', 'query seq': 'qseq', 'subject seq': 'sseq', 'evalue': 'evalue', 'bit score': 'bitscore', 'score': 'score', 'alignment length': 'length', '% identity': 'pident', 'identical': 'nident', 'mismatches': 'mismatch', 'positives': 'positive', 'gap opens': 'gapopen', 'gaps': 'gaps', '% positives': 'ppos', 'query/sbjct frames': 'frames', 'query frame': 'qframe', 'sbjct frame': 'sframe', 'BTOP': 'btop', 'subject tax ids': 'staxids', 'subject sci names': 'sscinames', 'subject com names': 'scomnames', 'subject blast names': 'sblastnames', 'subject super kingdoms': 'sskingdoms', 'subject title': 'stitle', 'subject titles': 'salltitles', 'subject strand': 'sstrand', '% query coverage per subject': 'qcovs', '% query coverage per hsp': 'qcovhsp', 'Query id': 'qseqid', 'Subject id': 'sseqid', 'gap openings': 'gapopen', 'e-value': 'evalue'} @blast7.sniffer() def _blast7_sniffer(fh): # Smells a BLAST+7 file if the following conditions are present # -First line contains "BLAST" # -Second line contains "Query" or "Database" # -Third line starts with "Subject" or "Query" or "Database" lines = [line for _, line in zip(range(3), fh)] if len(lines) < 3: return False, {} if not lines[0].startswith("# BLAST"): return False, {} if not (lines[1].startswith("# Query:") or lines[1].startswith("# Database:")): return False, {} if not (lines[2].startswith("# Subject:") or lines[2].startswith("# Query:") or lines[2].startswith("# Database:")): return False, {} return True, {} @blast7.reader(pd.DataFrame, monkey_patch=False) def _blast7_to_data_frame(fh): line_num = 0 columns = None skiprows = [] for line in fh: if line == "# Fields: \n": # Identifies Legacy BLAST 9 data line = next(fh) line_num += 1 if columns is None: columns = _parse_fields(line, legacy=True) skiprows.append(line_num) else: next_columns = _parse_fields(line, legacy=True) if columns != next_columns: raise BLAST7FormatError("Fields %r do not equal fields %r" % (columns, next_columns)) skiprows.append(line_num) elif line.startswith("# Fields: "): # Identifies BLAST+7 data if columns is None: columns = _parse_fields(line) else: # Affirms data types do not differ throught file next_columns = _parse_fields(line) if columns != next_columns: raise BLAST7FormatError("Fields %r do not equal fields %r" % (columns, next_columns)) line_num += 1 if columns is None: # Affirms file contains BLAST data raise BLAST7FormatError("File contains no BLAST data.") return _parse_blast_data(fh, columns, BLAST7FormatError, "Number of fields (%r) does not equal number" " of data columns (%r).", comment='#', skiprows=skiprows) def _parse_fields(line, legacy=False): """Removes '\n' from fields line and returns fields as a list (columns).""" line = line.rstrip('\n') if legacy: fields = line.split(',') else: line = line.split('# Fields: ')[1] fields = line.split(', ') columns = [] for field in fields: if field not in column_converter: raise BLAST7FormatError("Unrecognized field (%r)." " Supported fields: %r" % (field, set(column_converter.keys()))) columns.append(column_converter[field]) return columns
import h5py from import create_format from skbio.stats.distance import DissimilarityMatrix, DistanceMatrix binary_dm = create_format('binary_dm', encoding='binary') _vlen_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) @binary_dm.sniffer() def _binary_dm_sniffer(fh): try: f = h5py.File(fh, 'r') except OSError: return False, {} header = _get_header(f) if header is None: return False, {} ids = f.get('order') if ids is None: return False, {} mat = f.get('matrix') if mat is None: return False, {} n = len(ids) if mat.shape != (n, n): return False, {} return True, {} @binary_dm.reader(DissimilarityMatrix) def _binary_dm_to_dissimilarity(fh): return _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(fh) @binary_dm.reader(DistanceMatrix) def _binary_dm_to_distance(fh): return _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(fh) @binary_dm.writer(DissimilarityMatrix) def _dissimilarity_to_binary_dm(obj, fh): return _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(fh) @binary_dm.writer(DistanceMatrix) def _distance_to_binary_dm(obj, fh): return _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(fh) def _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(cls, fh): return cls(fh['matrix'], _parse_ids(fh['order'])) def _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(obj, fh): _set_header(fh) ids = fh.create_dataset('order', shape=(len(obj.ids), ), dtype=_vlen_dtype) ids[:] = obj.ids fh.create_dataset('matrix', def _get_header(fh): format_ = fh.get('format') version = fh.get('version') if format is None or version is None: return None else: return {'format': format_[0], 'version': version[0]} def _parse_ids(ids): if isinstance(ids[0], bytes): return _bytes_decoder(ids) else: return _passthrough_decoder(ids) def _verify_dimensions(fh): if 'order' not in fh or 'matrix' not in fh: return False n = len(fh['order']) return fh['matrix'].shape == (n, n) def _bytes_decoder(x): return [i.decode('utf8') for i in x] def _passthrough_decoder(x): return x def _set_header(h5grp): """Set format spec header information""" h5grp['format'] = [b'BDSM', ] h5grp['version'] = [b'2020.06', ]
import h5py from import create_format from skbio.stats.distance import DissimilarityMatrix, DistanceMatrix binary_dm = create_format('binary_dm', encoding='binary') _vlen_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) @binary_dm.sniffer() def _binary_dm_sniffer(fh): try: f = h5py.File(fh, 'r') except OSError: return False, {} header = _get_header(f) if header is None: return False, {} ids = f.get('order') if ids is None: return False, {} mat = f.get('matrix') if mat is None: return False, {} n = len(ids) if mat.shape != (n, n): return False, {} return True, {} @binary_dm.reader(DissimilarityMatrix) def _binary_dm_to_dissimilarity(fh): return _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(fh) @binary_dm.reader(DistanceMatrix) def _binary_dm_to_distance(fh): return _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(fh) @binary_dm.writer(DissimilarityMatrix) def _dissimilarity_to_binary_dm(obj, fh): return _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(fh) @binary_dm.writer(DistanceMatrix) def _distance_to_binary_dm(obj, fh): return _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(fh) def _h5py_mat_to_skbio_mat(cls, fh): return cls(fh['matrix'], _parse_ids(fh['order'])) def _skbio_mat_to_h5py_mat(obj, fh): _set_header(fh) ids = fh.create_dataset('order', shape=(len(obj.ids), ), dtype=_vlen_dtype) ids[:] = obj.ids fh.create_dataset('matrix', def _get_header(fh): format_ = fh.get('format') version = fh.get('version') if format is None or version is None: return None else: return {'format': format_[0], 'version': version[0]} def _parse_ids(ids): if isinstance(ids[0], bytes): return _bytes_decoder(ids) else: return _passthrough_decoder(ids) def _verify_dimensions(fh): if 'order' not in fh or 'matrix' not in fh: return False n = len(fh['order']) return fh['matrix'].shape == (n, n) def _bytes_decoder(x): return [i.decode('utf8') for i in x] def _passthrough_decoder(x): return x def _set_header(h5grp): """Set format spec header information""" h5grp['format'] = [b'BDSM', ] h5grp['version'] = [b'2020.06', ]
from collections import OrderedDict from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence from import create_format, StockholmFormatError stockholm = create_format('stockholm') _REFERENCE_TAGS = frozenset({'RM', 'RT', 'RA', 'RL', 'RC'}) @stockholm.sniffer() def _stockholm_sniffer(fh): # Smells a Stockholm file if the following conditions are met: # - File isn't empty # - File contains correct header try: line = next(fh) except StopIteration: return False, {} if _is_header(line): return True, {} return False, {} @stockholm.reader(TabularMSA) def _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fh, constructor=None): # Checks that user has passed required constructor parameter if constructor is None: raise ValueError("Must provide `constructor` parameter indicating the " "type of sequences in the alignment. `constructor` " "must be a subclass of `GrammaredSequence` " "(e.g., `DNA`, `RNA`, `Protein`).") # Checks that contructor parameter is supported elif not issubclass(constructor, GrammaredSequence): raise TypeError("`constructor` must be a subclass of " "`GrammaredSequence`.") # Checks that the file isn't empty try: line = next(fh) except StopIteration: raise StockholmFormatError("File is empty.") # Checks that the file follows basic format (includes the required header) if not _is_header(line): raise StockholmFormatError("File missing required Stockholm header " "line.") msa_data = _MSAData() for line in fh: if line.isspace(): continue line = line.rstrip('\n') if _is_sequence_line(line): seq_name, seq_data = _parse_sequence_line(line) msa_data.add_sequence(seq_name, seq_data) elif line.startswith("#=GF"): feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gf_line(line) msa_data.add_gf_metadata(feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith("#=GS"): seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gs_line(line) msa_data.add_gs_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith("#=GR"): seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gr_line(line) msa_data.add_gr_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith('#=GC'): feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gc_line(line) msa_data.add_gc_metadata(feature_name, feature_data) elif _is_footer(line): break else: raise StockholmFormatError("Unrecognized line: %r" % line) if not _is_footer(line): raise StockholmFormatError('Final line does not conform to Stockholm ' 'format. Must contain only "//".') return msa_data.build_tabular_msa(constructor) # For storing intermediate data used to construct a Sequence object. class _MSAData: def __init__(self): self._seqs = {} self._seq_order = [] self._metadata = OrderedDict() self._positional_metadata = OrderedDict() def add_sequence(self, seq_name, seq_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].seq = seq_data self._seq_order.append(seq_name) def add_gf_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data): # Handles first instance of labelled tree if feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' not in self._metadata: self._metadata['NH'] = OrderedDict() self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = '' # Handles second instance of labelled tree elif feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' in self._metadata: if feature_data in self._metadata['NH']: raise StockholmFormatError("Tree name %r used multiple times " "in file." % feature_data) self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = '' # Handles extra line(s) of an already created tree elif feature_name == 'NH' and feature_name in self._metadata: trees = self._metadata[feature_name] if isinstance(trees, OrderedDict): tree_id = next(reversed(trees)) self._metadata[feature_name][tree_id] = (trees[tree_id] + feature_data) else: self._metadata[feature_name] = (self._metadata[feature_name] + feature_data) elif feature_name == 'RN': if feature_name not in self._metadata: self._metadata[feature_name] = [OrderedDict()] else: self._metadata[feature_name].append(OrderedDict()) elif feature_name in _REFERENCE_TAGS: if 'RN' not in self._metadata: raise StockholmFormatError("Expected 'RN' tag to precede " "'%s' tag." % feature_name) reference_dict = self._metadata['RN'][-1] if feature_name not in reference_dict: reference_dict[feature_name] = feature_data else: padding = _get_padding(reference_dict[feature_name]) reference_dict[feature_name] += padding + feature_data elif feature_name in self._metadata: padding = _get_padding(self._metadata[feature_name][-1]) self._metadata[feature_name] = (self._metadata[feature_name] + padding + feature_data) else: self._metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_gc_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data): if feature_name in self._positional_metadata: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GC label %r." % feature_name) self._positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_gs_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].add_metadata_feature(feature_name, feature_data) def add_gr_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].add_positional_metadata_feature(feature_name, feature_data) def build_tabular_msa(self, constructor): if len(self._seqs) != len(self._seq_order): invalid_seq_names = set(self._seqs) - set(self._seq_order) raise StockholmFormatError('Found GS or GR metadata for ' 'nonexistent sequence(s): %r' % invalid_seq_names) seqs = [] for seq_name in self._seq_order: seqs.append(self._seqs[seq_name].build_sequence(constructor)) positional_metadata = self._positional_metadata if not positional_metadata: positional_metadata = None metadata = self._metadata if not metadata: metadata = None # Constructs TabularMSA return TabularMSA(seqs, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, index=self._seq_order) class _SeqData: def __init__(self, name): = name self._seq = None self.metadata = None self.positional_metadata = None @property def seq(self): return self._seq @seq.setter def seq(self, seq): if self._seq is None: self._seq = seq else: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate sequence name: %r" % def add_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data): if self.metadata is None: self.metadata = OrderedDict() if feature_name in self.metadata: padding = _get_padding(self.metadata[feature_name][-1]) self.metadata[feature_name] += padding + feature_data else: self.metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_positional_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data): if self.positional_metadata is None: self.positional_metadata = OrderedDict() if feature_name in self.positional_metadata: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GR label %r associated " "with sequence name %r" % (feature_name, else: self.positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def build_sequence(self, constructor): return constructor(self.seq, metadata=self.metadata, positional_metadata=(self.positional_metadata)) def _parse_gf_line(line): line = line.split(None, 2) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3) return line[1:] def _parse_gs_line(line): line = line.split(None, 3) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4) return line[1:] def _parse_gr_line(line): line = line.split(None, 3) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4) seq_name = line[1] feature_name = line[2] feature_data = list(line[3]) return seq_name, feature_name, feature_data def _parse_gc_line(line): line = line.split(None, 2) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3) feature_name = line[1] feature_data = list(line[2]) return feature_name, feature_data def _parse_sequence_line(line): line = line.split(None, 1) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 2) return line def _is_header(line): return line == '# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n' def _is_footer(line): return line.rstrip() == '//' def _is_sequence_line(line): return not (line.startswith("#") or _is_footer(line)) def _raise_duplicate_error(message): raise StockholmFormatError(message+' Note: If the file being used is in ' 'Stockholm interleaved format, this ' 'is not supported by the reader.') def _check_for_malformed_line(line, expected_len): if len(line) != expected_len: raise StockholmFormatError('Line contains %d item(s). It must ' 'contain exactly %d item(s).' % (len(line), expected_len)) @stockholm.writer(TabularMSA) def _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(obj, fh): if not obj.index.is_unique: raise StockholmFormatError("The TabularMSA's index labels must be" " unique.") # Writes header fh.write("# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n") # Writes GF data to file if obj.has_metadata(): for gf_feature, gf_feature_data in obj.metadata.items(): if gf_feature == 'NH' and isinstance(gf_feature_data, dict): for tree_id, tree in gf_feature_data.items(): fh.write("#=GF TN %s\n" % tree_id) fh.write("#=GF NH %s\n" % tree) elif gf_feature == 'RN': if not isinstance(gf_feature_data, list): raise StockholmFormatError( "Expected 'RN' to contain a list of reference " "dictionaries, got %r." % gf_feature_data) for ref_num, dictionary in enumerate(gf_feature_data, start=1): if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): raise StockholmFormatError( "Expected reference information to be stored as a " "dictionary, found reference %d stored as %r." % (ref_num, type(dictionary).__name__)) fh.write("#=GF RN [%d]\n" % ref_num) for feature in dictionary: if feature not in _REFERENCE_TAGS: formatted_reference_tags = ', '.join( [tag for tag in _REFERENCE_TAGS]) raise StockholmFormatError( "Invalid reference tag %r found in reference " "dictionary %d. Valid reference tags are: %s." % (feature, ref_num, formatted_reference_tags)) fh.write("#=GF %s %s\n" % (feature, dictionary[feature])) else: fh.write("#=GF %s %s\n" % (gf_feature, gf_feature_data)) unpadded_data = [] # Writes GS data to file, retrieves GR data, and retrieves sequence data for seq, seq_name in zip(obj, obj.index): seq_name = str(seq_name) if seq.has_metadata(): for gs_feature, gs_feature_data in seq.metadata.items(): fh.write("#=GS %s %s %s\n" % (seq_name, gs_feature, gs_feature_data)) unpadded_data.append((seq_name, str(seq))) if seq.has_positional_metadata(): df = _format_positional_metadata(seq.positional_metadata, 'Sequence-specific positional ' 'metadata (GR)') for gr_feature in df.columns: gr_feature_data = ''.join(df[gr_feature]) gr_string = "#=GR %s %s" % (seq_name, gr_feature) unpadded_data.append((gr_string, gr_feature_data)) # Retrieves GC data if obj.has_positional_metadata(): df = _format_positional_metadata(obj.positional_metadata, 'Multiple sequence alignment ' 'positional metadata (GC)') for gc_feature in df.columns: gc_feature_data = ''.join(df[gc_feature]) gc_string = "#=GC %s" % gc_feature unpadded_data.append((gc_string, gc_feature_data)) # Writes GR, GC, and raw data to file with padding _write_padded_data(unpadded_data, fh) # Writes footer fh.write("//\n") def _write_padded_data(data, fh): max_data_len = 0 for label, _ in data: if len(label) > max_data_len: max_data_len = len(label) fmt = '{0:%d} {1}\n' % max_data_len for label, value in data: fh.write(fmt.format(label, value)) def _format_positional_metadata(df, data_type): # Asserts positional metadata feature names are unique if not df.columns.is_unique: num_repeated_columns = len(df.columns) - len(set(df.columns)) raise StockholmFormatError('%s feature names must be unique. ' 'Found %d duplicate names.' % (data_type, num_repeated_columns)) str_df = df.astype(str) # Asserts positional metadata dataframe items are one character long for column in str_df.columns: if (str_df[column].str.len() != 1).any(): raise StockholmFormatError("%s must contain a single character for" " each position's value. Found value(s)" " in column %s of incorrect length." % (data_type, column)) return str_df def _get_padding(item): return '' if item[-1].isspace() else ' '
from collections import OrderedDict from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence from import create_format, StockholmFormatError stockholm = create_format('stockholm') _REFERENCE_TAGS = frozenset({'RM', 'RT', 'RA', 'RL', 'RC'}) @stockholm.sniffer() def _stockholm_sniffer(fh): # Smells a Stockholm file if the following conditions are met: # - File isn't empty # - File contains correct header try: line = next(fh) except StopIteration: return False, {} if _is_header(line): return True, {} return False, {} @stockholm.reader(TabularMSA) def _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fh, constructor=None): # Checks that user has passed required constructor parameter if constructor is None: raise ValueError("Must provide `constructor` parameter indicating the " "type of sequences in the alignment. `constructor` " "must be a subclass of `GrammaredSequence` " "(e.g., `DNA`, `RNA`, `Protein`).") # Checks that contructor parameter is supported elif not issubclass(constructor, GrammaredSequence): raise TypeError("`constructor` must be a subclass of " "`GrammaredSequence`.") # Checks that the file isn't empty try: line = next(fh) except StopIteration: raise StockholmFormatError("File is empty.") # Checks that the file follows basic format (includes the required header) if not _is_header(line): raise StockholmFormatError("File missing required Stockholm header " "line.") msa_data = _MSAData() for line in fh: if line.isspace(): continue line = line.rstrip('\n') if _is_sequence_line(line): seq_name, seq_data = _parse_sequence_line(line) msa_data.add_sequence(seq_name, seq_data) elif line.startswith("#=GF"): feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gf_line(line) msa_data.add_gf_metadata(feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith("#=GS"): seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gs_line(line) msa_data.add_gs_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith("#=GR"): seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gr_line(line) msa_data.add_gr_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data) elif line.startswith('#=GC'): feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gc_line(line) msa_data.add_gc_metadata(feature_name, feature_data) elif _is_footer(line): break else: raise StockholmFormatError("Unrecognized line: %r" % line) if not _is_footer(line): raise StockholmFormatError('Final line does not conform to Stockholm ' 'format. Must contain only "//".') return msa_data.build_tabular_msa(constructor) # For storing intermediate data used to construct a Sequence object. class _MSAData: def __init__(self): self._seqs = {} self._seq_order = [] self._metadata = OrderedDict() self._positional_metadata = OrderedDict() def add_sequence(self, seq_name, seq_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].seq = seq_data self._seq_order.append(seq_name) def add_gf_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data): # Handles first instance of labelled tree if feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' not in self._metadata: self._metadata['NH'] = OrderedDict() self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = '' # Handles second instance of labelled tree elif feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' in self._metadata: if feature_data in self._metadata['NH']: raise StockholmFormatError("Tree name %r used multiple times " "in file." % feature_data) self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = '' # Handles extra line(s) of an already created tree elif feature_name == 'NH' and feature_name in self._metadata: trees = self._metadata[feature_name] if isinstance(trees, OrderedDict): tree_id = next(reversed(trees)) self._metadata[feature_name][tree_id] = (trees[tree_id] + feature_data) else: self._metadata[feature_name] = (self._metadata[feature_name] + feature_data) elif feature_name == 'RN': if feature_name not in self._metadata: self._metadata[feature_name] = [OrderedDict()] else: self._metadata[feature_name].append(OrderedDict()) elif feature_name in _REFERENCE_TAGS: if 'RN' not in self._metadata: raise StockholmFormatError("Expected 'RN' tag to precede " "'%s' tag." % feature_name) reference_dict = self._metadata['RN'][-1] if feature_name not in reference_dict: reference_dict[feature_name] = feature_data else: padding = _get_padding(reference_dict[feature_name]) reference_dict[feature_name] += padding + feature_data elif feature_name in self._metadata: padding = _get_padding(self._metadata[feature_name][-1]) self._metadata[feature_name] = (self._metadata[feature_name] + padding + feature_data) else: self._metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_gc_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data): if feature_name in self._positional_metadata: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GC label %r." % feature_name) self._positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_gs_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].add_metadata_feature(feature_name, feature_data) def add_gr_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data): if seq_name not in self._seqs: self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name) self._seqs[seq_name].add_positional_metadata_feature(feature_name, feature_data) def build_tabular_msa(self, constructor): if len(self._seqs) != len(self._seq_order): invalid_seq_names = set(self._seqs) - set(self._seq_order) raise StockholmFormatError('Found GS or GR metadata for ' 'nonexistent sequence(s): %r' % invalid_seq_names) seqs = [] for seq_name in self._seq_order: seqs.append(self._seqs[seq_name].build_sequence(constructor)) positional_metadata = self._positional_metadata if not positional_metadata: positional_metadata = None metadata = self._metadata if not metadata: metadata = None # Constructs TabularMSA return TabularMSA(seqs, metadata=metadata, positional_metadata=positional_metadata, index=self._seq_order) class _SeqData: def __init__(self, name): = name self._seq = None self.metadata = None self.positional_metadata = None @property def seq(self): return self._seq @seq.setter def seq(self, seq): if self._seq is None: self._seq = seq else: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate sequence name: %r" % def add_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data): if self.metadata is None: self.metadata = OrderedDict() if feature_name in self.metadata: padding = _get_padding(self.metadata[feature_name][-1]) self.metadata[feature_name] += padding + feature_data else: self.metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def add_positional_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data): if self.positional_metadata is None: self.positional_metadata = OrderedDict() if feature_name in self.positional_metadata: _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GR label %r associated " "with sequence name %r" % (feature_name, else: self.positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data def build_sequence(self, constructor): return constructor(self.seq, metadata=self.metadata, positional_metadata=(self.positional_metadata)) def _parse_gf_line(line): line = line.split(None, 2) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3) return line[1:] def _parse_gs_line(line): line = line.split(None, 3) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4) return line[1:] def _parse_gr_line(line): line = line.split(None, 3) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4) seq_name = line[1] feature_name = line[2] feature_data = list(line[3]) return seq_name, feature_name, feature_data def _parse_gc_line(line): line = line.split(None, 2) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3) feature_name = line[1] feature_data = list(line[2]) return feature_name, feature_data def _parse_sequence_line(line): line = line.split(None, 1) _check_for_malformed_line(line, 2) return line def _is_header(line): return line == '# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n' def _is_footer(line): return line.rstrip() == '//' def _is_sequence_line(line): return not (line.startswith("#") or _is_footer(line)) def _raise_duplicate_error(message): raise StockholmFormatError(message+' Note: If the file being used is in ' 'Stockholm interleaved format, this ' 'is not supported by the reader.') def _check_for_malformed_line(line, expected_len): if len(line) != expected_len: raise StockholmFormatError('Line contains %d item(s). It must ' 'contain exactly %d item(s).' % (len(line), expected_len)) @stockholm.writer(TabularMSA) def _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(obj, fh): if not obj.index.is_unique: raise StockholmFormatError("The TabularMSA's index labels must be" " unique.") # Writes header fh.write("# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n") # Writes GF data to file if obj.has_metadata(): for gf_feature, gf_feature_data in obj.metadata.items(): if gf_feature == 'NH' and isinstance(gf_feature_data, dict): for tree_id, tree in gf_feature_data.items(): fh.write("#=GF TN %s\n" % tree_id) fh.write("#=GF NH %s\n" % tree) elif gf_feature == 'RN': if not isinstance(gf_feature_data, list): raise StockholmFormatError( "Expected 'RN' to contain a list of reference " "dictionaries, got %r." % gf_feature_data) for ref_num, dictionary in enumerate(gf_feature_data, start=1): if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): raise StockholmFormatError( "Expected reference information to be stored as a " "dictionary, found reference %d stored as %r." % (ref_num, type(dictionary).__name__)) fh.write("#=GF RN [%d]\n" % ref_num) for feature in dictionary: if feature not in _REFERENCE_TAGS: formatted_reference_tags = ', '.join( [tag for tag in _REFERENCE_TAGS]) raise StockholmFormatError( "Invalid reference tag %r found in reference " "dictionary %d. Valid reference tags are: %s." % (feature, ref_num, formatted_reference_tags)) fh.write("#=GF %s %s\n" % (feature, dictionary[feature])) else: fh.write("#=GF %s %s\n" % (gf_feature, gf_feature_data)) unpadded_data = [] # Writes GS data to file, retrieves GR data, and retrieves sequence data for seq, seq_name in zip(obj, obj.index): seq_name = str(seq_name) if seq.has_metadata(): for gs_feature, gs_feature_data in seq.metadata.items(): fh.write("#=GS %s %s %s\n" % (seq_name, gs_feature, gs_feature_data)) unpadded_data.append((seq_name, str(seq))) if seq.has_positional_metadata(): df = _format_positional_metadata(seq.positional_metadata, 'Sequence-specific positional ' 'metadata (GR)') for gr_feature in df.columns: gr_feature_data = ''.join(df[gr_feature]) gr_string = "#=GR %s %s" % (seq_name, gr_feature) unpadded_data.append((gr_string, gr_feature_data)) # Retrieves GC data if obj.has_positional_metadata(): df = _format_positional_metadata(obj.positional_metadata, 'Multiple sequence alignment ' 'positional metadata (GC)') for gc_feature in df.columns: gc_feature_data = ''.join(df[gc_feature]) gc_string = "#=GC %s" % gc_feature unpadded_data.append((gc_string, gc_feature_data)) # Writes GR, GC, and raw data to file with padding _write_padded_data(unpadded_data, fh) # Writes footer fh.write("//\n") def _write_padded_data(data, fh): max_data_len = 0 for label, _ in data: if len(label) > max_data_len: max_data_len = len(label) fmt = '{0:%d} {1}\n' % max_data_len for label, value in data: fh.write(fmt.format(label, value)) def _format_positional_metadata(df, data_type): # Asserts positional metadata feature names are unique if not df.columns.is_unique: num_repeated_columns = len(df.columns) - len(set(df.columns)) raise StockholmFormatError('%s feature names must be unique. ' 'Found %d duplicate names.' % (data_type, num_repeated_columns)) str_df = df.astype(str) # Asserts positional metadata dataframe items are one character long for column in str_df.columns: if (str_df[column].str.len() != 1).any(): raise StockholmFormatError("%s must contain a single character for" " each position's value. Found value(s)" " in column %s of incorrect length." % (data_type, column)) return str_df def _get_padding(item): return '' if item[-1].isspace() else ' '
import hashlib import inspect from types import FunctionType from ._decorator import experimental def resolve_key(obj, key): """Resolve key given an object and key.""" if callable(key): return key(obj) elif hasattr(obj, 'metadata'): return obj.metadata[key] raise TypeError("Could not resolve key %r. Key must be callable or %s must" " have `metadata` attribute." % (key, obj.__class__.__name__)) def make_sentinel(name): return type(name, (), { '__repr__': lambda s: name, '__str__': lambda s: name, '__class__': None })() def find_sentinels(function, sentinel): params = inspect.signature(function).parameters return [name for name, param in params.items() if param.default is sentinel] class MiniRegistry(dict): def __call__(self, name): """Act as a decorator to register functions with self""" def decorator(func): self[name] = func return func return decorator def copy(self): """Useful for inheritance""" return self.__class__(super(MiniRegistry, self).copy()) def formatted_listing(self): """Produce an RST list with descriptions.""" if len(self) == 0: return "\tNone" else: return "\n".join(["\t%r\n\t %s" % (name, self[name].__doc__.split("\n")[0]) for name in sorted(self)]) def interpolate(self, obj, name): """Inject the formatted listing in the second blank line of `name`.""" f = getattr(obj, name) f2 = FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__, argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__) # Conveniently the original docstring is on f2, not the new ones if # inheritance is happening. I have no idea why. t = f2.__doc__.split("\n\n") t.insert(2, self.formatted_listing()) f2.__doc__ = "\n\n".join(t) setattr(obj, name, f2) def chunk_str(s, n, char): """Insert `char` character every `n` characters in string `s`. Canonically pronounced "chunkster". """ # Modified from if n < 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot split string into chunks with n=%d. n must be >= 1." % n) return char.join((s[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(s), n))) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def cardinal_to_ordinal(n): """Return ordinal string version of cardinal int `n`. Parameters ---------- n : int Cardinal to convert to ordinal. Must be >= 0. Returns ------- str Ordinal version of cardinal `n`. Raises ------ ValueError If `n` is less than 0. Notes ----- This function can be useful when writing human-readable error messages. Examples -------- >>> from skbio.util import cardinal_to_ordinal >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(0) '0th' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(1) '1st' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(2) '2nd' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(3) '3rd' """ # Taken and modified from # Originally from by Gareth if n < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot convert negative integer %d to ordinal " "string." % n) return "%d%s" % (n, "tsnrhtdd"[(n//10 % 10 != 1)*(n % 10 < 4)*n % 10::4]) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def safe_md5(open_file, block_size=2 ** 20): """Computes an md5 sum without loading the file into memory Parameters ---------- open_file : file object open file handle to the archive to compute the checksum. It must be open as a binary file block_size : int, optional size of the block taken per iteration Returns ------- md5 : md5 object from the hashlib module object with the loaded file Notes ----- This method is based on the answers given in: Examples -------- >>> from io import BytesIO >>> from skbio.util import safe_md5 >>> fd = BytesIO(b"foo bar baz") # open file like object >>> x = safe_md5(fd) >>> x.hexdigest() 'ab07acbb1e496801937adfa772424bf7' >>> fd.close() """ md5 = hashlib.md5() data = True while data: data = if data: md5.update(data) return md5 @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def find_duplicates(iterable): """Find duplicate elements in an iterable. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable Iterable to be searched for duplicates (i.e., elements that are repeated). Returns ------- set Repeated elements in `iterable`. """ # modified from qiita.qiita_db.util.find_repeated # # see licenses/qiita.txt seen, repeated = set(), set() for e in iterable: if e in seen: repeated.add(e) else: seen.add(e) return repeated
import hashlib import inspect from types import FunctionType from ._decorator import experimental def resolve_key(obj, key): """Resolve key given an object and key.""" if callable(key): return key(obj) elif hasattr(obj, 'metadata'): return obj.metadata[key] raise TypeError("Could not resolve key %r. Key must be callable or %s must" " have `metadata` attribute." % (key, obj.__class__.__name__)) def make_sentinel(name): return type(name, (), { '__repr__': lambda s: name, '__str__': lambda s: name, '__class__': None })() def find_sentinels(function, sentinel): params = inspect.signature(function).parameters return [name for name, param in params.items() if param.default is sentinel] class MiniRegistry(dict): def __call__(self, name): """Act as a decorator to register functions with self""" def decorator(func): self[name] = func return func return decorator def copy(self): """Useful for inheritance""" return self.__class__(super(MiniRegistry, self).copy()) def formatted_listing(self): """Produce an RST list with descriptions.""" if len(self) == 0: return "\tNone" else: return "\n".join(["\t%r\n\t %s" % (name, self[name].__doc__.split("\n")[0]) for name in sorted(self)]) def interpolate(self, obj, name): """Inject the formatted listing in the second blank line of `name`.""" f = getattr(obj, name) f2 = FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__, argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__) # Conveniently the original docstring is on f2, not the new ones if # inheritance is happening. I have no idea why. t = f2.__doc__.split("\n\n") t.insert(2, self.formatted_listing()) f2.__doc__ = "\n\n".join(t) setattr(obj, name, f2) def chunk_str(s, n, char): """Insert `char` character every `n` characters in string `s`. Canonically pronounced "chunkster". """ # Modified from if n < 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot split string into chunks with n=%d. n must be >= 1." % n) return char.join((s[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(s), n))) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def cardinal_to_ordinal(n): """Return ordinal string version of cardinal int `n`. Parameters ---------- n : int Cardinal to convert to ordinal. Must be >= 0. Returns ------- str Ordinal version of cardinal `n`. Raises ------ ValueError If `n` is less than 0. Notes ----- This function can be useful when writing human-readable error messages. Examples -------- >>> from skbio.util import cardinal_to_ordinal >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(0) '0th' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(1) '1st' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(2) '2nd' >>> cardinal_to_ordinal(3) '3rd' """ # Taken and modified from # Originally from by Gareth if n < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot convert negative integer %d to ordinal " "string." % n) return "%d%s" % (n, "tsnrhtdd"[(n//10 % 10 != 1)*(n % 10 < 4)*n % 10::4]) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def safe_md5(open_file, block_size=2 ** 20): """Computes an md5 sum without loading the file into memory Parameters ---------- open_file : file object open file handle to the archive to compute the checksum. It must be open as a binary file block_size : int, optional size of the block taken per iteration Returns ------- md5 : md5 object from the hashlib module object with the loaded file Notes ----- This method is based on the answers given in: Examples -------- >>> from io import BytesIO >>> from skbio.util import safe_md5 >>> fd = BytesIO(b"foo bar baz") # open file like object >>> x = safe_md5(fd) >>> x.hexdigest() 'ab07acbb1e496801937adfa772424bf7' >>> fd.close() """ md5 = hashlib.md5() data = True while data: data = if data: md5.update(data) return md5 @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def find_duplicates(iterable): """Find duplicate elements in an iterable. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable Iterable to be searched for duplicates (i.e., elements that are repeated). Returns ------- set Repeated elements in `iterable`. """ # modified from qiita.qiita_db.util.find_repeated # # see licenses/qiita.txt seen, repeated = set(), set() for e in iterable: if e in seen: repeated.add(e) else: seen.add(e) return repeated
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.linalg import svd, lstsq from ._ordination_results import OrdinationResults from ._utils import corr, svd_rank, scale from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def cca(y, x, scaling=1): r"""Compute canonical (also known as constrained) correspondence analysis. Canonical (or constrained) correspondence analysis is a multivariate ordination technique. It appeared in community ecology [1]_ and relates community composition to the variation in the environment (or in other factors). It works from data on abundances or counts of samples and constraints variables, and outputs ordination axes that maximize sample separation among species. It is better suited to extract the niches of taxa than linear multivariate methods because it assumes unimodal response curves (habitat preferences are often unimodal functions of habitat variables [2]_). As more environmental variables are added, the result gets more similar to unconstrained ordination, so only the variables that are deemed explanatory should be included in the analysis. Parameters ---------- y : DataFrame Samples by features table (n, m) x : DataFrame Samples by constraints table (n, q) scaling : int, {1, 2}, optional Scaling type 1 maintains :math:`\chi^2` distances between rows. Scaling type 2 preserves :math:`\chi^2` distances between columns. For a more detailed explanation of the interpretation, check Legendre & Legendre 1998, section 9.4.3. Returns ------- OrdinationResults Object that stores the cca results. Raises ------ ValueError If `x` and `y` have different number of rows If `y` contains negative values If `y` contains a row of only 0's. NotImplementedError If scaling is not 1 or 2. See Also -------- ca rda OrdinationResults Notes ----- The algorithm is based on [3]_, \S 11.2, and is expected to give the same results as ``cca(y, x)`` in R's package vegan, except that this implementation won't drop constraining variables due to perfect collinearity: the user needs to choose which ones to input. Canonical *correspondence* analysis shouldn't be confused with canonical *correlation* analysis (CCorA, but sometimes called CCA), a different technique to search for multivariate relationships between two datasets. Canonical correlation analysis is a statistical tool that, given two vectors of random variables, finds linear combinations that have maximum correlation with each other. In some sense, it assumes linear responses of "species" to "environmental variables" and is not well suited to analyze ecological data. References ---------- .. [1] Cajo J. F. Ter Braak, "Canonical Correspondence Analysis: A New Eigenvector Technique for Multivariate Direct Gradient Analysis", Ecology 67.5 (1986), pp. 1167-1179. .. [2] Cajo J.F. Braak and Piet F.M. Verdonschot, "Canonical correspondence analysis and related multivariate methods in aquatic ecology", Aquatic Sciences 57.3 (1995), pp. 255-289. .. [3] Legendre P. and Legendre L. 1998. Numerical Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. """ Y = y.values X = x.values # Perform parameter sanity checks if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("The samples by features table 'y' and the samples by" " constraints table 'x' must have the same number of " " rows. 'y': {0} 'x': {1}".format(X.shape[0], Y.shape[0])) if Y.min() < 0: raise ValueError( "The samples by features table 'y' must be nonnegative") row_max = Y.max(axis=1) if np.any(row_max <= 0): # Or else the lstsq call to compute Y_hat breaks raise ValueError("The samples by features table 'y' cannot contain a " "row with only 0's") if scaling not in {1, 2}: raise NotImplementedError( "Scaling {0} not implemented.".format(scaling)) # Step 1 (similar to Pearson chi-square statistic) grand_total = Y.sum() Q = Y / grand_total # Relative frequencies of Y (contingency table) # Features and sample weights (marginal totals) column_marginals = Q.sum(axis=0) row_marginals = Q.sum(axis=1) # Formula 9.32 in Lagrange & Lagrange (1998). Notice that it's an # scaled version of the contribution of each cell towards Pearson # chi-square statistic. expected = np.outer(row_marginals, column_marginals) Q_bar = (Q - expected) / np.sqrt(expected) # Step 2. Standardize columns of X with respect to sample weights, # using the maximum likelihood variance estimator (Legendre & # Legendre 1998, p. 595) X = scale(X, weights=row_marginals, ddof=0) # Step 3. Weighted multiple regression. X_weighted = row_marginals[:, None]**0.5 * X B, _, rank_lstsq, _ = lstsq(X_weighted, Q_bar) Y_hat = Y_res = Q_bar - Y_hat # Step 4. Eigenvalue decomposition u, s, vt = svd(Y_hat, full_matrices=False) rank = svd_rank(Y_hat.shape, s) s = s[:rank] u = u[:, :rank] vt = vt[:rank] U = vt.T # Step 5. Eq. 9.38 U_hat = * s**-1 # Residuals analysis u_res, s_res, vt_res = svd(Y_res, full_matrices=False) rank = svd_rank(Y_res.shape, s_res) s_res = s_res[:rank] u_res = u_res[:, :rank] vt_res = vt_res[:rank] U_res = vt_res.T U_hat_res = * s_res**-1 eigenvalues = np.r_[s, s_res]**2 # Scalings (p. 596 L&L 1998): # feature scores, scaling 1 V = (column_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U # sample scores, scaling 2 V_hat = (row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_hat # sample scores, scaling 1 F = V_hat * s # feature scores, scaling 2 F_hat = V * s # Sample scores which are linear combinations of constraint # variables Z_scaling1 = ((row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * Z_scaling2 = Z_scaling1 * s**-1 # Feature residual scores, scaling 1 V_res = (column_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_res # Sample residual scores, scaling 2 V_hat_res = (row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_hat_res # Sample residual scores, scaling 1 F_res = V_hat_res * s_res # Feature residual scores, scaling 2 F_hat_res = V_res * s_res eigvals = eigenvalues if scaling == 1: features_scores = np.hstack((V, V_res)) sample_scores = np.hstack((F, F_res)) sample_constraints = np.hstack((Z_scaling1, F_res)) elif scaling == 2: features_scores = np.hstack((F_hat, F_hat_res)) sample_scores = np.hstack((V_hat, V_hat_res)) sample_constraints = np.hstack((Z_scaling2, V_hat_res)) biplot_scores = corr(X_weighted, u) pc_ids = ['CCA%d' % (i+1) for i in range(len(eigenvalues))] sample_ids = y.index feature_ids = y.columns eigvals = pd.Series(eigenvalues, index=pc_ids) samples = pd.DataFrame(sample_scores, columns=pc_ids, index=sample_ids) features = pd.DataFrame(features_scores, columns=pc_ids, index=feature_ids) biplot_scores = pd.DataFrame(biplot_scores, index=x.columns, columns=pc_ids[:biplot_scores.shape[1]]) sample_constraints = pd.DataFrame(sample_constraints, index=sample_ids, columns=pc_ids) return OrdinationResults( "CCA", "Canonical Correspondence Analysis", eigvals, samples, features=features, biplot_scores=biplot_scores, sample_constraints=sample_constraints, proportion_explained=eigvals / eigvals.sum())
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.linalg import svd, lstsq from ._ordination_results import OrdinationResults from ._utils import corr, svd_rank, scale from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def cca(y, x, scaling=1): r"""Compute canonical (also known as constrained) correspondence analysis. Canonical (or constrained) correspondence analysis is a multivariate ordination technique. It appeared in community ecology [1]_ and relates community composition to the variation in the environment (or in other factors). It works from data on abundances or counts of samples and constraints variables, and outputs ordination axes that maximize sample separation among species. It is better suited to extract the niches of taxa than linear multivariate methods because it assumes unimodal response curves (habitat preferences are often unimodal functions of habitat variables [2]_). As more environmental variables are added, the result gets more similar to unconstrained ordination, so only the variables that are deemed explanatory should be included in the analysis. Parameters ---------- y : DataFrame Samples by features table (n, m) x : DataFrame Samples by constraints table (n, q) scaling : int, {1, 2}, optional Scaling type 1 maintains :math:`\chi^2` distances between rows. Scaling type 2 preserves :math:`\chi^2` distances between columns. For a more detailed explanation of the interpretation, check Legendre & Legendre 1998, section 9.4.3. Returns ------- OrdinationResults Object that stores the cca results. Raises ------ ValueError If `x` and `y` have different number of rows If `y` contains negative values If `y` contains a row of only 0's. NotImplementedError If scaling is not 1 or 2. See Also -------- ca rda OrdinationResults Notes ----- The algorithm is based on [3]_, \S 11.2, and is expected to give the same results as ``cca(y, x)`` in R's package vegan, except that this implementation won't drop constraining variables due to perfect collinearity: the user needs to choose which ones to input. Canonical *correspondence* analysis shouldn't be confused with canonical *correlation* analysis (CCorA, but sometimes called CCA), a different technique to search for multivariate relationships between two datasets. Canonical correlation analysis is a statistical tool that, given two vectors of random variables, finds linear combinations that have maximum correlation with each other. In some sense, it assumes linear responses of "species" to "environmental variables" and is not well suited to analyze ecological data. References ---------- .. [1] Cajo J. F. Ter Braak, "Canonical Correspondence Analysis: A New Eigenvector Technique for Multivariate Direct Gradient Analysis", Ecology 67.5 (1986), pp. 1167-1179. .. [2] Cajo J.F. Braak and Piet F.M. Verdonschot, "Canonical correspondence analysis and related multivariate methods in aquatic ecology", Aquatic Sciences 57.3 (1995), pp. 255-289. .. [3] Legendre P. and Legendre L. 1998. Numerical Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. """ Y = y.values X = x.values # Perform parameter sanity checks if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("The samples by features table 'y' and the samples by" " constraints table 'x' must have the same number of " " rows. 'y': {0} 'x': {1}".format(X.shape[0], Y.shape[0])) if Y.min() < 0: raise ValueError( "The samples by features table 'y' must be nonnegative") row_max = Y.max(axis=1) if np.any(row_max <= 0): # Or else the lstsq call to compute Y_hat breaks raise ValueError("The samples by features table 'y' cannot contain a " "row with only 0's") if scaling not in {1, 2}: raise NotImplementedError( "Scaling {0} not implemented.".format(scaling)) # Step 1 (similar to Pearson chi-square statistic) grand_total = Y.sum() Q = Y / grand_total # Relative frequencies of Y (contingency table) # Features and sample weights (marginal totals) column_marginals = Q.sum(axis=0) row_marginals = Q.sum(axis=1) # Formula 9.32 in Lagrange & Lagrange (1998). Notice that it's an # scaled version of the contribution of each cell towards Pearson # chi-square statistic. expected = np.outer(row_marginals, column_marginals) Q_bar = (Q - expected) / np.sqrt(expected) # Step 2. Standardize columns of X with respect to sample weights, # using the maximum likelihood variance estimator (Legendre & # Legendre 1998, p. 595) X = scale(X, weights=row_marginals, ddof=0) # Step 3. Weighted multiple regression. X_weighted = row_marginals[:, None]**0.5 * X B, _, rank_lstsq, _ = lstsq(X_weighted, Q_bar) Y_hat = Y_res = Q_bar - Y_hat # Step 4. Eigenvalue decomposition u, s, vt = svd(Y_hat, full_matrices=False) rank = svd_rank(Y_hat.shape, s) s = s[:rank] u = u[:, :rank] vt = vt[:rank] U = vt.T # Step 5. Eq. 9.38 U_hat = * s**-1 # Residuals analysis u_res, s_res, vt_res = svd(Y_res, full_matrices=False) rank = svd_rank(Y_res.shape, s_res) s_res = s_res[:rank] u_res = u_res[:, :rank] vt_res = vt_res[:rank] U_res = vt_res.T U_hat_res = * s_res**-1 eigenvalues = np.r_[s, s_res]**2 # Scalings (p. 596 L&L 1998): # feature scores, scaling 1 V = (column_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U # sample scores, scaling 2 V_hat = (row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_hat # sample scores, scaling 1 F = V_hat * s # feature scores, scaling 2 F_hat = V * s # Sample scores which are linear combinations of constraint # variables Z_scaling1 = ((row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * Z_scaling2 = Z_scaling1 * s**-1 # Feature residual scores, scaling 1 V_res = (column_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_res # Sample residual scores, scaling 2 V_hat_res = (row_marginals**-0.5)[:, None] * U_hat_res # Sample residual scores, scaling 1 F_res = V_hat_res * s_res # Feature residual scores, scaling 2 F_hat_res = V_res * s_res eigvals = eigenvalues if scaling == 1: features_scores = np.hstack((V, V_res)) sample_scores = np.hstack((F, F_res)) sample_constraints = np.hstack((Z_scaling1, F_res)) elif scaling == 2: features_scores = np.hstack((F_hat, F_hat_res)) sample_scores = np.hstack((V_hat, V_hat_res)) sample_constraints = np.hstack((Z_scaling2, V_hat_res)) biplot_scores = corr(X_weighted, u) pc_ids = ['CCA%d' % (i+1) for i in range(len(eigenvalues))] sample_ids = y.index feature_ids = y.columns eigvals = pd.Series(eigenvalues, index=pc_ids) samples = pd.DataFrame(sample_scores, columns=pc_ids, index=sample_ids) features = pd.DataFrame(features_scores, columns=pc_ids, index=feature_ids) biplot_scores = pd.DataFrame(biplot_scores, index=x.columns, columns=pc_ids[:biplot_scores.shape[1]]) sample_constraints = pd.DataFrame(sample_constraints, index=sample_ids, columns=pc_ids) return OrdinationResults( "CCA", "Canonical Correspondence Analysis", eigvals, samples, features=features, biplot_scores=biplot_scores, sample_constraints=sample_constraints, proportion_explained=eigvals / eigvals.sum())
import functools import numpy as np from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure from IPython.core.display import Image, SVG from skbio._base import SkbioObject from skbio.stats._misc import _pprint_strs from skbio.util._decorator import experimental class OrdinationResults(SkbioObject): """Store ordination results, providing serialization and plotting support. Stores various components of ordination results. Provides methods for serializing/deserializing results, as well as generation of basic matplotlib 3-D scatterplots. Will automatically display PNG/SVG representations of itself within the IPython Notebook. Attributes ---------- short_method_name : str Abbreviated ordination method name. long_method_name : str Ordination method name. eigvals : pd.Series The resulting eigenvalues. The index corresponds to the ordination axis labels samples : pd.DataFrame The position of the samples in the ordination space, row-indexed by the sample id. features : pd.DataFrame The position of the features in the ordination space, row-indexed by the feature id. biplot_scores : pd.DataFrame Correlation coefficients of the samples with respect to the features. sample_constraints : pd.DataFrame Site constraints (linear combinations of constraining variables): coordinates of the sites in the space of the explanatory variables X. These are the fitted site scores proportion_explained : pd.Series Proportion explained by each of the dimensions in the ordination space. The index corresponds to the ordination axis labels See Also -------- ca cca pcoa rda """ default_write_format = 'ordination' @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def __init__(self, short_method_name, long_method_name, eigvals, samples, features=None, biplot_scores=None, sample_constraints=None, proportion_explained=None): self.short_method_name = short_method_name self.long_method_name = long_method_name self.eigvals = eigvals self.samples = samples self.features = features self.biplot_scores = biplot_scores self.sample_constraints = sample_constraints self.proportion_explained = proportion_explained @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the ordination results. String representation lists ordination results attributes and indicates whether or not they are present. If an attribute is present, its dimensions are listed. A truncated list of features and sample IDs are included (if they are present). Returns ------- str String representation of the ordination results. """ lines = ['Ordination results:'] method = '%s (%s)' % (self.long_method_name, self.short_method_name) lines.append(self._format_attribute(method, 'Method', str)) attrs = [(self.eigvals, 'Eigvals'), (self.proportion_explained, 'Proportion explained'), (self.features, 'Features'), (self.samples, 'Samples'), (self.biplot_scores, 'Biplot Scores'), (self.sample_constraints, 'Sample constraints')] for attr, attr_label in attrs: def formatter(e): return 'x'.join(['%d' % s for s in e.shape]) lines.append(self._format_attribute(attr, attr_label, formatter)) lines.append(self._format_attribute( self.features, 'Feature IDs', lambda e: _pprint_strs(e.index.tolist()))) lines.append(self._format_attribute( self.samples, 'Sample IDs', lambda e: _pprint_strs(e.index.tolist()))) return '\n'.join(lines) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def plot(self, df=None, column=None, axes=(0, 1, 2), axis_labels=None, title='', cmap=None, s=20): """Create a 3-D scatterplot of ordination results colored by metadata. Creates a 3-D scatterplot of the ordination results, where each point represents a sample. Optionally, these points can be colored by metadata (see `df` and `column` below). Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame, optional ``DataFrame`` containing sample metadata. Must be indexed by sample ID, and all sample IDs in the ordination results must exist in the ``DataFrame``. If ``None``, samples (i.e., points) will not be colored by metadata. column : str, optional Column name in `df` to color samples (i.e., points in the plot) by. Cannot have missing data (i.e., ``np.nan``). `column` can be numeric or categorical. If numeric, all values in the column will be cast to ``float`` and mapped to colors using `cmap`. A colorbar will be included to serve as a legend. If categorical (i.e., not all values in `column` could be cast to ``float``), colors will be chosen for each category using evenly-spaced points along `cmap`. A legend will be included. If ``None``, samples (i.e., points) will not be colored by metadata. axes : iterable of int, optional Indices of sample coordinates to plot on the x-, y-, and z-axes. For example, if plotting PCoA results, ``axes=(0, 1, 2)`` will plot PC 1 on the x-axis, PC 2 on the y-axis, and PC 3 on the z-axis. Must contain exactly three elements. axis_labels : iterable of str, optional Labels for the x-, y-, and z-axes. If ``None``, labels will be the values of `axes` cast as strings. title : str, optional Plot title. cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional Name or instance of matplotlib colormap to use for mapping `column` values to colors. If ``None``, defaults to the colormap specified in the matplotlib rc file. Qualitative colormaps (e.g., ``Set1``) are recommended for categorical data, while sequential colormaps (e.g., ``Greys``) are recommended for numeric data. See [1]_ for these colormap classifications. s : scalar or iterable of scalars, optional Size of points. See matplotlib's ``Axes3D.scatter`` documentation for more details. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the scatterplot and legend/colorbar if metadata were provided. Raises ------ ValueError Raised on invalid input, including the following situations: - there are not at least three dimensions to plot - there are not exactly three values in `axes`, they are not unique, or are out of range - there are not exactly three values in `axis_labels` - either `df` or `column` is provided without the other - `column` is not in the ``DataFrame`` - sample IDs in the ordination results are not in `df` or have missing data in `column` See Also -------- mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.scatter Notes ----- This method creates basic plots of ordination results, and is intended to provide a quick look at the results in the context of metadata (e.g., from within the IPython Notebook). For more customization and to generate publication-quality figures, we recommend EMPeror [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] EMPeror: a tool for visualizing high-throughput microbial community data. Vazquez-Baeza Y, Pirrung M, Gonzalez A, Knight R. Gigascience. 2013 Nov 26;2(1):16. Examples -------- .. plot:: Define a distance matrix with four samples labelled A-D: >>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix >>> dm = DistanceMatrix([[0., 0.21712454, 0.5007512, 0.91769271], ... [0.21712454, 0., 0.45995501, 0.80332382], ... [0.5007512, 0.45995501, 0., 0.65463348], ... [0.91769271, 0.80332382, 0.65463348, 0.]], ... ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) Define metadata for each sample in a ``pandas.DataFrame``: >>> import pandas as pd >>> metadata = { ... 'A': {'body_site': 'skin'}, ... 'B': {'body_site': 'gut'}, ... 'C': {'body_site': 'gut'}, ... 'D': {'body_site': 'skin'}} >>> df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(metadata, orient='index') Run principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on the distance matrix: >>> from skbio.stats.ordination import pcoa >>> pcoa_results = pcoa(dm) Plot the ordination results, where each sample is colored by body site (a categorical variable): >>> fig = pcoa_results.plot(df=df, column='body_site', ... title='Samples colored by body site', ... cmap='Set1', s=50) """ # Note: New features should not be added to this method and should # instead be added to EMPeror ( # Only bug fixes and minor updates should be made to this method. coord_matrix = self.samples.values.T self._validate_plot_axes(coord_matrix, axes) # derived from # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xs = coord_matrix[axes[0]] ys = coord_matrix[axes[1]] zs = coord_matrix[axes[2]] point_colors, category_to_color = self._get_plot_point_colors( df, column, self.samples.index, cmap) scatter_fn = functools.partial(ax.scatter, xs, ys, zs, s=s) if point_colors is None: plot = scatter_fn() else: plot = scatter_fn(c=point_colors, cmap=cmap) if axis_labels is None: axis_labels = ['%d' % axis for axis in axes] elif len(axis_labels) != 3: raise ValueError("axis_labels must contain exactly three elements " "(found %d elements)." % len(axis_labels)) ax.set_xlabel(axis_labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(axis_labels[1]) ax.set_zlabel(axis_labels[2]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_zticklabels([]) ax.set_title(title) # create legend/colorbar if point_colors is not None: if category_to_color is None: fig.colorbar(plot) else: self._plot_categorical_legend(ax, category_to_color) fig.tight_layout() return fig def _validate_plot_axes(self, coord_matrix, axes): """Validate `axes` against coordinates matrix.""" num_dims = coord_matrix.shape[0] if num_dims < 3: raise ValueError("At least three dimensions are required to plot " "ordination results. There are only %d " "dimension(s)." % num_dims) if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("`axes` must contain exactly three elements " "(found %d elements)." % len(axes)) if len(set(axes)) != 3: raise ValueError("The values provided for `axes` must be unique.") for idx, axis in enumerate(axes): if axis < 0 or axis >= num_dims: raise ValueError("`axes[%d]` must be >= 0 and < %d." % (idx, num_dims)) def _get_plot_point_colors(self, df, column, ids, cmap): """Return a list of colors for each plot point given a metadata column. If `column` is categorical, additionally returns a dictionary mapping each category (str) to color (used for legend creation). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ((df is None and column is not None) or (df is not None and column is None)): raise ValueError("Both df and column must be provided, or both " "must be None.") elif df is None and column is None: point_colors, category_to_color = None, None else: if column not in df: raise ValueError("Column '%s' not in data frame." % column) col_vals = df.reindex(ids, axis=0).loc[:, column] if col_vals.isnull().any(): raise ValueError("One or more IDs in the ordination results " "are not in the data frame, or there is " "missing data in the data frame's '%s' " "column." % column) category_to_color = None try: point_colors = col_vals.astype(float) except ValueError: # we have categorical data, so choose a color for each # category, where colors are evenly spaced across the # colormap. # derived from categories = col_vals.unique() cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) category_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(categories))) category_to_color = dict(zip(categories, category_colors)) point_colors = col_vals.apply(lambda x: category_to_color[x]) point_colors = point_colors.tolist() return point_colors, category_to_color def _plot_categorical_legend(self, ax, color_dict): """Add legend to plot using specified mapping of category to color.""" # derived from import matplotlib as mpl proxies = [] labels = [] for category in color_dict: proxy = mpl.lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle='none', c=color_dict[category], marker='o') proxies.append(proxy) labels.append(category) # place legend outside of the axes (centered) # derived from ax.legend(proxies, labels, numpoints=1, loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5), borderaxespad=0.) # Here we define the special repr methods that provide the IPython display # protocol. Code derived from: # # Custom%20Display%20Logic.ipynb # See licenses/ipython.txt for more details. def _repr_png_(self): return self._figure_data('png') def _repr_svg_(self): return self._figure_data('svg') # We expose the above reprs as properties, so that the user can see them # directly (since otherwise the client dictates which one it shows by # default) @property @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def png(self): """Display basic 3-D scatterplot in IPython Notebook as PNG.""" return Image(self._repr_png_(), embed=True) @property @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def svg(self): """Display basic 3-D scatterplot in IPython Notebook as SVG.""" return SVG(self._repr_svg_()) def _figure_data(self, format): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = self.plot() data = print_figure(fig, format) # We MUST close the figure, otherwise IPython's display machinery # will pick it up and send it as output, resulting in a double display plt.close(fig) return data def _format_attribute(self, attr, attr_label, formatter): if attr is None: formatted_attr = 'N/A' else: formatted_attr = formatter(attr) return '\t%s: %s' % (attr_label, formatted_attr)
import functools import numpy as np from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure from IPython.core.display import Image, SVG from skbio._base import SkbioObject from skbio.stats._misc import _pprint_strs from skbio.util._decorator import experimental class OrdinationResults(SkbioObject): """Store ordination results, providing serialization and plotting support. Stores various components of ordination results. Provides methods for serializing/deserializing results, as well as generation of basic matplotlib 3-D scatterplots. Will automatically display PNG/SVG representations of itself within the IPython Notebook. Attributes ---------- short_method_name : str Abbreviated ordination method name. long_method_name : str Ordination method name. eigvals : pd.Series The resulting eigenvalues. The index corresponds to the ordination axis labels samples : pd.DataFrame The position of the samples in the ordination space, row-indexed by the sample id. features : pd.DataFrame The position of the features in the ordination space, row-indexed by the feature id. biplot_scores : pd.DataFrame Correlation coefficients of the samples with respect to the features. sample_constraints : pd.DataFrame Site constraints (linear combinations of constraining variables): coordinates of the sites in the space of the explanatory variables X. These are the fitted site scores proportion_explained : pd.Series Proportion explained by each of the dimensions in the ordination space. The index corresponds to the ordination axis labels See Also -------- ca cca pcoa rda """ default_write_format = 'ordination' @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def __init__(self, short_method_name, long_method_name, eigvals, samples, features=None, biplot_scores=None, sample_constraints=None, proportion_explained=None): self.short_method_name = short_method_name self.long_method_name = long_method_name self.eigvals = eigvals self.samples = samples self.features = features self.biplot_scores = biplot_scores self.sample_constraints = sample_constraints self.proportion_explained = proportion_explained @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the ordination results. String representation lists ordination results attributes and indicates whether or not they are present. If an attribute is present, its dimensions are listed. A truncated list of features and sample IDs are included (if they are present). Returns ------- str String representation of the ordination results. """ lines = ['Ordination results:'] method = '%s (%s)' % (self.long_method_name, self.short_method_name) lines.append(self._format_attribute(method, 'Method', str)) attrs = [(self.eigvals, 'Eigvals'), (self.proportion_explained, 'Proportion explained'), (self.features, 'Features'), (self.samples, 'Samples'), (self.biplot_scores, 'Biplot Scores'), (self.sample_constraints, 'Sample constraints')] for attr, attr_label in attrs: def formatter(e): return 'x'.join(['%d' % s for s in e.shape]) lines.append(self._format_attribute(attr, attr_label, formatter)) lines.append(self._format_attribute( self.features, 'Feature IDs', lambda e: _pprint_strs(e.index.tolist()))) lines.append(self._format_attribute( self.samples, 'Sample IDs', lambda e: _pprint_strs(e.index.tolist()))) return '\n'.join(lines) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def plot(self, df=None, column=None, axes=(0, 1, 2), axis_labels=None, title='', cmap=None, s=20): """Create a 3-D scatterplot of ordination results colored by metadata. Creates a 3-D scatterplot of the ordination results, where each point represents a sample. Optionally, these points can be colored by metadata (see `df` and `column` below). Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame, optional ``DataFrame`` containing sample metadata. Must be indexed by sample ID, and all sample IDs in the ordination results must exist in the ``DataFrame``. If ``None``, samples (i.e., points) will not be colored by metadata. column : str, optional Column name in `df` to color samples (i.e., points in the plot) by. Cannot have missing data (i.e., ``np.nan``). `column` can be numeric or categorical. If numeric, all values in the column will be cast to ``float`` and mapped to colors using `cmap`. A colorbar will be included to serve as a legend. If categorical (i.e., not all values in `column` could be cast to ``float``), colors will be chosen for each category using evenly-spaced points along `cmap`. A legend will be included. If ``None``, samples (i.e., points) will not be colored by metadata. axes : iterable of int, optional Indices of sample coordinates to plot on the x-, y-, and z-axes. For example, if plotting PCoA results, ``axes=(0, 1, 2)`` will plot PC 1 on the x-axis, PC 2 on the y-axis, and PC 3 on the z-axis. Must contain exactly three elements. axis_labels : iterable of str, optional Labels for the x-, y-, and z-axes. If ``None``, labels will be the values of `axes` cast as strings. title : str, optional Plot title. cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional Name or instance of matplotlib colormap to use for mapping `column` values to colors. If ``None``, defaults to the colormap specified in the matplotlib rc file. Qualitative colormaps (e.g., ``Set1``) are recommended for categorical data, while sequential colormaps (e.g., ``Greys``) are recommended for numeric data. See [1]_ for these colormap classifications. s : scalar or iterable of scalars, optional Size of points. See matplotlib's ``Axes3D.scatter`` documentation for more details. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the scatterplot and legend/colorbar if metadata were provided. Raises ------ ValueError Raised on invalid input, including the following situations: - there are not at least three dimensions to plot - there are not exactly three values in `axes`, they are not unique, or are out of range - there are not exactly three values in `axis_labels` - either `df` or `column` is provided without the other - `column` is not in the ``DataFrame`` - sample IDs in the ordination results are not in `df` or have missing data in `column` See Also -------- mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.scatter Notes ----- This method creates basic plots of ordination results, and is intended to provide a quick look at the results in the context of metadata (e.g., from within the IPython Notebook). For more customization and to generate publication-quality figures, we recommend EMPeror [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] EMPeror: a tool for visualizing high-throughput microbial community data. Vazquez-Baeza Y, Pirrung M, Gonzalez A, Knight R. Gigascience. 2013 Nov 26;2(1):16. Examples -------- .. plot:: Define a distance matrix with four samples labelled A-D: >>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix >>> dm = DistanceMatrix([[0., 0.21712454, 0.5007512, 0.91769271], ... [0.21712454, 0., 0.45995501, 0.80332382], ... [0.5007512, 0.45995501, 0., 0.65463348], ... [0.91769271, 0.80332382, 0.65463348, 0.]], ... ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) Define metadata for each sample in a ``pandas.DataFrame``: >>> import pandas as pd >>> metadata = { ... 'A': {'body_site': 'skin'}, ... 'B': {'body_site': 'gut'}, ... 'C': {'body_site': 'gut'}, ... 'D': {'body_site': 'skin'}} >>> df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(metadata, orient='index') Run principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on the distance matrix: >>> from skbio.stats.ordination import pcoa >>> pcoa_results = pcoa(dm) Plot the ordination results, where each sample is colored by body site (a categorical variable): >>> fig = pcoa_results.plot(df=df, column='body_site', ... title='Samples colored by body site', ... cmap='Set1', s=50) """ # Note: New features should not be added to this method and should # instead be added to EMPeror ( # Only bug fixes and minor updates should be made to this method. coord_matrix = self.samples.values.T self._validate_plot_axes(coord_matrix, axes) # derived from # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xs = coord_matrix[axes[0]] ys = coord_matrix[axes[1]] zs = coord_matrix[axes[2]] point_colors, category_to_color = self._get_plot_point_colors( df, column, self.samples.index, cmap) scatter_fn = functools.partial(ax.scatter, xs, ys, zs, s=s) if point_colors is None: plot = scatter_fn() else: plot = scatter_fn(c=point_colors, cmap=cmap) if axis_labels is None: axis_labels = ['%d' % axis for axis in axes] elif len(axis_labels) != 3: raise ValueError("axis_labels must contain exactly three elements " "(found %d elements)." % len(axis_labels)) ax.set_xlabel(axis_labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(axis_labels[1]) ax.set_zlabel(axis_labels[2]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_zticklabels([]) ax.set_title(title) # create legend/colorbar if point_colors is not None: if category_to_color is None: fig.colorbar(plot) else: self._plot_categorical_legend(ax, category_to_color) fig.tight_layout() return fig def _validate_plot_axes(self, coord_matrix, axes): """Validate `axes` against coordinates matrix.""" num_dims = coord_matrix.shape[0] if num_dims < 3: raise ValueError("At least three dimensions are required to plot " "ordination results. There are only %d " "dimension(s)." % num_dims) if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("`axes` must contain exactly three elements " "(found %d elements)." % len(axes)) if len(set(axes)) != 3: raise ValueError("The values provided for `axes` must be unique.") for idx, axis in enumerate(axes): if axis < 0 or axis >= num_dims: raise ValueError("`axes[%d]` must be >= 0 and < %d." % (idx, num_dims)) def _get_plot_point_colors(self, df, column, ids, cmap): """Return a list of colors for each plot point given a metadata column. If `column` is categorical, additionally returns a dictionary mapping each category (str) to color (used for legend creation). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ((df is None and column is not None) or (df is not None and column is None)): raise ValueError("Both df and column must be provided, or both " "must be None.") elif df is None and column is None: point_colors, category_to_color = None, None else: if column not in df: raise ValueError("Column '%s' not in data frame." % column) col_vals = df.reindex(ids, axis=0).loc[:, column] if col_vals.isnull().any(): raise ValueError("One or more IDs in the ordination results " "are not in the data frame, or there is " "missing data in the data frame's '%s' " "column." % column) category_to_color = None try: point_colors = col_vals.astype(float) except ValueError: # we have categorical data, so choose a color for each # category, where colors are evenly spaced across the # colormap. # derived from categories = col_vals.unique() cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) category_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(categories))) category_to_color = dict(zip(categories, category_colors)) point_colors = col_vals.apply(lambda x: category_to_color[x]) point_colors = point_colors.tolist() return point_colors, category_to_color def _plot_categorical_legend(self, ax, color_dict): """Add legend to plot using specified mapping of category to color.""" # derived from import matplotlib as mpl proxies = [] labels = [] for category in color_dict: proxy = mpl.lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle='none', c=color_dict[category], marker='o') proxies.append(proxy) labels.append(category) # place legend outside of the axes (centered) # derived from ax.legend(proxies, labels, numpoints=1, loc=6, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5), borderaxespad=0.) # Here we define the special repr methods that provide the IPython display # protocol. Code derived from: # # Custom%20Display%20Logic.ipynb # See licenses/ipython.txt for more details. def _repr_png_(self): return self._figure_data('png') def _repr_svg_(self): return self._figure_data('svg') # We expose the above reprs as properties, so that the user can see them # directly (since otherwise the client dictates which one it shows by # default) @property @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def png(self): """Display basic 3-D scatterplot in IPython Notebook as PNG.""" return Image(self._repr_png_(), embed=True) @property @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def svg(self): """Display basic 3-D scatterplot in IPython Notebook as SVG.""" return SVG(self._repr_svg_()) def _figure_data(self, format): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = self.plot() data = print_figure(fig, format) # We MUST close the figure, otherwise IPython's display machinery # will pick it up and send it as output, resulting in a double display plt.close(fig) return data def _format_attribute(self, attr, attr_label, formatter): if attr is None: formatted_attr = 'N/A' else: formatted_attr = formatter(attr) return '\t%s: %s' % (attr_label, formatted_attr)
import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from ._cutils import center_distance_matrix_cy @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mean_and_std(a, axis=None, weights=None, with_mean=True, with_std=True, ddof=0): """Compute the weighted average and standard deviation along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Calculate average and standard deviation of these values. axis : int, optional Axis along which the statistics are computed. The default is to compute them on the flattened array. weights : array_like, optional An array of weights associated with the values in `a`. Each value in `a` contributes to the average according to its associated weight. The weights array can either be 1-D (in which case its length must be the size of `a` along the given axis) or of the same shape as `a`. If `weights=None`, then all data in `a` are assumed to have a weight equal to one. with_mean : bool, optional, defaults to True Compute average if True. with_std : bool, optional, defaults to True Compute standard deviation if True. ddof : int, optional, defaults to 0 It means delta degrees of freedom. Variance is calculated by dividing by `n - ddof` (where `n` is the number of elements). By default it computes the maximum likelyhood estimator. Returns ------- average, std Return the average and standard deviation along the specified axis. If any of them was not required, returns `None` instead """ if not (with_mean or with_std): raise ValueError("Either the mean or standard deviation need to be" " computed.") a = np.asarray(a) if weights is None: avg = a.mean(axis=axis) if with_mean else None std = a.std(axis=axis, ddof=ddof) if with_std else None else: avg = np.average(a, axis=axis, weights=weights) if with_std: if axis is None: variance = np.average((a - avg)**2, weights=weights) else: # Make sure that the subtraction to compute variance works for # multidimensional arrays a_rolled = np.rollaxis(a, axis) # Numpy doesn't have a weighted std implementation, but this is # stable and fast variance = np.average((a_rolled - avg)**2, axis=0, weights=weights) if ddof != 0: # Don't waste time if variance doesn't need scaling if axis is None: variance *= a.size / (a.size - ddof) else: variance *= a.shape[axis] / (a.shape[axis] - ddof) std = np.sqrt(variance) else: std = None avg = avg if with_mean else None return avg, std @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def scale(a, weights=None, with_mean=True, with_std=True, ddof=0, copy=True): """Scale array by columns to have weighted average 0 and standard deviation 1. Parameters ---------- a : array_like 2D array whose columns are standardized according to the weights. weights : array_like, optional Array of weights associated with the columns of `a`. By default, the scaling is unweighted. with_mean : bool, optional, defaults to True Center columns to have 0 weighted mean. with_std : bool, optional, defaults to True Scale columns to have unit weighted std. ddof : int, optional, defaults to 0 If with_std is True, variance is calculated by dividing by `n - ddof` (where `n` is the number of elements). By default it computes the maximum likelyhood stimator. copy : bool, optional, defaults to True Whether to perform the standardization in place, or return a new copy of `a`. Returns ------- 2D ndarray Scaled array. Notes ----- Wherever std equals 0, it is replaced by 1 in order to avoid division by zero. """ if copy: a = a.copy() a = np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float64) avg, std = mean_and_std(a, axis=0, weights=weights, with_mean=with_mean, with_std=with_std, ddof=ddof) if with_mean: a -= avg if with_std: std[std == 0] = 1.0 a /= std return a @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def svd_rank(M_shape, S, tol=None): """Matrix rank of `M` given its singular values `S`. See `np.linalg.matrix_rank` for a rationale on the tolerance (we're not using that function because it doesn't let us reuse a precomputed SVD).""" if tol is None: tol = S.max() * max(M_shape) * np.finfo(S.dtype).eps return np.sum(S > tol) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def corr(x, y=None): """Computes correlation between columns of `x`, or `x` and `y`. Correlation is covariance of (columnwise) standardized matrices, so each matrix is first centered and scaled to have variance one, and then their covariance is computed. Parameters ---------- x : 2D array_like Matrix of shape (n, p). Correlation between its columns will be computed. y : 2D array_like, optional Matrix of shape (n, q). If provided, the correlation is computed between the columns of `x` and the columns of `y`. Else, it's computed between the columns of `x`. Returns ------- correlation Matrix of computed correlations. Has shape (p, p) if `y` is not provided, else has shape (p, q). """ x = np.asarray(x) if y is not None: y = np.asarray(y) if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Both matrices must have the same number of rows") x, y = scale(x), scale(y) else: x = scale(x) y = x # Notice that scaling was performed with ddof=0 (dividing by n, # the default), so now we need to remove it by also using ddof=0 # (dividing by n) return / x.shape[0] @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def e_matrix(distance_matrix): """Compute E matrix from a distance matrix. Squares and divides by -2 the input elementwise. Eq. 9.20 in Legendre & Legendre 1998.""" return distance_matrix * distance_matrix / -2 def f_matrix(E_matrix): """Compute F matrix from E matrix. Centring step: for each element, the mean of the corresponding row and column are substracted, and the mean of the whole matrix is added. Eq. 9.21 in Legendre & Legendre 1998.""" row_means = E_matrix.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) col_means = E_matrix.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) matrix_mean = E_matrix.mean() return E_matrix - row_means - col_means + matrix_mean def center_distance_matrix(distance_matrix, inplace=False): """ Centers a distance matrix. Note: If the used distance was euclidean, pairwise distances needn't be computed from the data table Y because F_matrix = (if Y has been centered). But since we're expecting distance_matrix to be non-euclidian, we do the following computation as per Numerical Ecology (Legendre & Legendre 1998). Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : 2D array_like Distance matrix. inplace : bool, optional Whether or not to center the given distance matrix in-place, which is more efficient in terms of memory and computation. """ if not distance_matrix.flags.c_contiguous: # center_distance_matrix_cy requires c_contiguous, so make a copy distance_matrix = np.asarray(distance_matrix, order='C') if inplace: center_distance_matrix_cy(distance_matrix, distance_matrix) return distance_matrix else: centered = np.empty(distance_matrix.shape, distance_matrix.dtype) center_distance_matrix_cy(distance_matrix, centered) return centered def _e_matrix_inplace(distance_matrix): """ Compute E matrix from a distance matrix inplace. Squares and divides by -2 the input element-wise. Eq. 9.20 in Legendre & Legendre 1998. Modified from :func:`skbio.stats.ordination.e_matrix` function, performing row-wise operations to avoid excessive memory allocations. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : 2D array_like Distance matrix. """ distance_matrix = distance_matrix.astype(float) for i in np.arange(len(distance_matrix)): distance_matrix[i] = (distance_matrix[i] * distance_matrix[i]) / -2 return distance_matrix def _f_matrix_inplace(e_matrix): """ Compute F matrix from E matrix inplace. Centering step: for each element, the mean of the corresponding row and column are subtracted, and the mean of the whole matrix is added. Eq. 9.21 in Legendre & Legendre 1998. Modified from :func:`skbio.stats.ordination.f_matrix` function, performing row-wise operations to avoid excessive memory allocations. Parameters ---------- e_matrix : 2D array_like A matrix representing the "E matrix" as described above. """ e_matrix = e_matrix.astype(float) row_means = np.zeros(len(e_matrix), dtype=float) col_means = np.zeros(len(e_matrix), dtype=float) matrix_mean = 0.0 for i in np.arange(len(e_matrix)): row_means[i] = e_matrix[i].mean() matrix_mean += e_matrix[i].sum() col_means += e_matrix[i] matrix_mean /= len(e_matrix) ** 2 col_means /= len(e_matrix) for i in np.arange(len(e_matrix)): v = e_matrix[i] v -= row_means[i] v -= col_means v += matrix_mean e_matrix[i] = v return e_matrix
import numpy as np from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from ._cutils import center_distance_matrix_cy @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def mean_and_std(a, axis=None, weights=None, with_mean=True, with_std=True, ddof=0): """Compute the weighted average and standard deviation along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Calculate average and standard deviation of these values. axis : int, optional Axis along which the statistics are computed. The default is to compute them on the flattened array. weights : array_like, optional An array of weights associated with the values in `a`. Each value in `a` contributes to the average according to its associated weight. The weights array can either be 1-D (in which case its length must be the size of `a` along the given axis) or of the same shape as `a`. If `weights=None`, then all data in `a` are assumed to have a weight equal to one. with_mean : bool, optional, defaults to True Compute average if True. with_std : bool, optional, defaults to True Compute standard deviation if True. ddof : int, optional, defaults to 0 It means delta degrees of freedom. Variance is calculated by dividing by `n - ddof` (where `n` is the number of elements). By default it computes the maximum likelyhood estimator. Returns ------- average, std Return the average and standard deviation along the specified axis. If any of them was not required, returns `None` instead """ if not (with_mean or with_std): raise ValueError("Either the mean or standard deviation need to be" " computed.") a = np.asarray(a) if weights is None: avg = a.mean(axis=axis) if with_mean else None std = a.std(axis=axis, ddof=ddof) if with_std else None else: avg = np.average(a, axis=axis, weights=weights) if with_std: if axis is None: variance = np.average((a - avg)**2, weights=weights) else: # Make sure that the subtraction to compute variance works for # multidimensional arrays a_rolled = np.rollaxis(a, axis) # Numpy doesn't have a weighted std implementation, but this is # stable and fast variance = np.average((a_rolled - avg)**2, axis=0, weights=weights) if ddof != 0: # Don't waste time if variance doesn't need scaling if axis is None: variance *= a.size / (a.size - ddof) else: variance *= a.shape[axis] / (a.shape[axis] - ddof) std = np.sqrt(variance) else: std = None avg = avg if with_mean else None return avg, std @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def scale(a, weights=None, with_mean=True, with_std=True, ddof=0, copy=True): """Scale array by columns to have weighted average 0 and standard deviation 1. Parameters ---------- a : array_like 2D array whose columns are standardized according to the weights. weights : array_like, optional Array of weights associated with the columns of `a`. By default, the scaling is unweighted. with_mean : bool, optional, defaults to True Center columns to have 0 weighted mean. with_std : bool, optional, defaults to True Scale columns to have unit weighted std. ddof : int, optional, defaults to 0 If with_std is True, variance is calculated by dividing by `n - ddof` (where `n` is the number of elements). By default it computes the maximum likelyhood stimator. copy : bool, optional, defaults to True Whether to perform the standardization in place, or return a new copy of `a`. Returns ------- 2D ndarray Scaled array. Notes ----- Wherever std equals 0, it is replaced by 1 in order to avoid division by zero. """ if copy: a = a.copy() a = np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float64) avg, std = mean_and_std(a, axis=0, weights=weights, with_mean=with_mean, with_std=with_std, ddof=ddof) if with_mean: a -= avg if with_std: std[std == 0] = 1.0 a /= std return a @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def svd_rank(M_shape, S, tol=None): """Matrix rank of `M` given its singular values `S`. See `np.linalg.matrix_rank` for a rationale on the tolerance (we're not using that function because it doesn't let us reuse a precomputed SVD).""" if tol is None: tol = S.max() * max(M_shape) * np.finfo(S.dtype).eps return np.sum(S > tol) @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def corr(x, y=None): """Computes correlation between columns of `x`, or `x` and `y`. Correlation is covariance of (columnwise) standardized matrices, so each matrix is first centered and scaled to have variance one, and then their covariance is computed. Parameters ---------- x : 2D array_like Matrix of shape (n, p). Correlation between its columns will be computed. y : 2D array_like, optional Matrix of shape (n, q). If provided, the correlation is computed between the columns of `x` and the columns of `y`. Else, it's computed between the columns of `x`. Returns ------- correlation Matrix of computed correlations. Has shape (p, p) if `y` is not provided, else has shape (p, q). """ x = np.asarray(x) if y is not None: y = np.asarray(y) if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Both matrices must have the same number of rows") x, y = scale(x), scale(y) else: x = scale(x) y = x # Notice that scaling was performed with ddof=0 (dividing by n, # the default), so now we need to remove it by also using ddof=0 # (dividing by n) return / x.shape[0] @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def e_matrix(distance_matrix): """Compute E matrix from a distance matrix. Squares and divides by -2 the input elementwise. Eq. 9.20 in Legendre & Legendre 1998.""" return distance_matrix * distance_matrix / -2 def f_matrix(E_matrix): """Compute F matrix from E matrix. Centring step: for each element, the mean of the corresponding row and column are substracted, and the mean of the whole matrix is added. Eq. 9.21 in Legendre & Legendre 1998.""" row_means = E_matrix.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) col_means = E_matrix.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) matrix_mean = E_matrix.mean() return E_matrix - row_means - col_means + matrix_mean def center_distance_matrix(distance_matrix, inplace=False): """ Centers a distance matrix. Note: If the used distance was euclidean, pairwise distances needn't be computed from the data table Y because F_matrix = (if Y has been centered). But since we're expecting distance_matrix to be non-euclidian, we do the following computation as per Numerical Ecology (Legendre & Legendre 1998). Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : 2D array_like Distance matrix. inplace : bool, optional Whether or not to center the given distance matrix in-place, which is more efficient in terms of memory and computation. """ if not distance_matrix.flags.c_contiguous: # center_distance_matrix_cy requires c_contiguous, so make a copy distance_matrix = np.asarray(distance_matrix, order='C') if inplace: center_distance_matrix_cy(distance_matrix, distance_matrix) return distance_matrix else: centered = np.empty(distance_matrix.shape, distance_matrix.dtype) center_distance_matrix_cy(distance_matrix, centered) return centered def _e_matrix_inplace(distance_matrix): """ Compute E matrix from a distance matrix inplace. Squares and divides by -2 the input element-wise. Eq. 9.20 in Legendre & Legendre 1998. Modified from :func:`skbio.stats.ordination.e_matrix` function, performing row-wise operations to avoid excessive memory allocations. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : 2D array_like Distance matrix. """ distance_matrix = distance_matrix.astype(float) for i in np.arange(len(distance_matrix)): distance_matrix[i] = (distance_matrix[i] * distance_matrix[i]) / -2 return distance_matrix def _f_matrix_inplace(e_matrix): """ Compute F matrix from E matrix inplace. Centering step: for each element, the mean of the corresponding row and column are subtracted, and the mean of the whole matrix is added. Eq. 9.21 in Legendre & Legendre 1998. Modified from :func:`skbio.stats.ordination.f_matrix` function, performing row-wise operations to avoid excessive memory allocations. Parameters ---------- e_matrix : 2D array_like A matrix representing the "E matrix" as described above. """ e_matrix = e_matrix.astype(float) row_means = np.zeros(len(e_matrix), dtype=float) col_means = np.zeros(len(e_matrix), dtype=float) matrix_mean = 0.0 for i in np.arange(len(e_matrix)): row_means[i] = e_matrix[i].mean() matrix_mean += e_matrix[i].sum() col_means += e_matrix[i] matrix_mean /= len(e_matrix) ** 2 col_means /= len(e_matrix) for i in np.arange(len(e_matrix)): v = e_matrix[i] v -= row_means[i] v -= col_means v += matrix_mean e_matrix[i] = v return e_matrix
import numpy as np from scipy.stats import pearsonr from skbio import DistanceMatrix from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def hommola_cospeciation(host_dist, par_dist, interaction, permutations=999): """Perform Hommola et al (2009) host/parasite cospeciation test. This test for host/parasite cospeciation is as described in [1]_. This test is a modification of a Mantel test, expanded to accept the case where multiple hosts map to a single parasite (and vice versa). For a basic Mantel test, the distance matrices being compared must have the same number of values. To determine the significance of the correlations between distances in the two matrices, the correlation coefficient of those distances is calculated and compared to the correlation coefficients calculated from a set of matrices in which rows and columns have been permuted. In this test, rather than comparing host-host to parasite-parasite distances directly (requiring one host per parasite), the distances are compared for each interaction edge between host and parasite. Thus, a host interacting with two different parasites will be represented in two different edges, with the host-host distance for the comparison between those edges equal to zero, and the parasite-parasite distance equal to the distance between those two parasites. Like in the Mantel test, significance of the interaction is assessed by permutation, in this case permutation of the host-symbiont interaction links. Note that the null hypothesis being tested here is that the hosts and parasites have evolved independently of one another. The alternative to this is a somewhat weaker case than what is often implied with the term 'cospeciation,' which is that each incidence of host speciation is recapitulated in an incidence of symbiont speciation (strict co-cladogenesis). Although there may be many factors that could contribute to non-independence of host and symbiont phylogenies, this loss of explanatory specificity comes with increased robustness to phylogenetic uncertainty. Thus, this test may be especially useful for cases where host and/or symbiont phylogenies are poorly resolved, or when simple correlation between host and symbiont evolution is of more interest than strict co-cladogenesis. This test requires pairwise distance matrices for hosts and symbionts, as well as an interaction matrix specifying links between hosts (in columns) and symbionts (in rows). This interaction matrix should have the same number of columns as the host distance matrix, and the same number of rows as the symbiont distance matrix. Interactions between hosts and symbionts should be indicated by values of ``1`` or ``True``, with non-interactions indicated by values of ``0`` or ``False``. Parameters ---------- host_dist : 2-D array_like or DistanceMatrix Symmetric matrix of m x m pairwise distances between hosts. par_dist : 2-D array_like or DistanceMatrix Symmetric matrix of n x n pairwise distances between parasites. interaction : 2-D array_like, bool n x m binary matrix of parasite x host interactions. Order of hosts (columns) should be identical to order of hosts in `host_dist`, as should order of parasites (rows) be identical to order of parasites in `par_dist`. permutations : int, optional Number of permutations used to compute p-value. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero, statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value will be ``np.nan``. Returns ------- corr_coeff : float Pearson correlation coefficient of host : parasite association. p_value : float Significance of host : parasite association computed using `permutations` and a one-sided (greater) alternative hypothesis. perm_stats : 1-D numpy.ndarray, float Correlation coefficients observed using permuted host : parasite interactions. Length will be equal to the number of permutations used to compute p-value (see `permutations` parameter above). See Also -------- skbio.stats.distance.mantel scipy.stats.pearsonr Notes ----- It is assumed that the ordering of parasites in `par_dist` and hosts in `host_dist` are identical to their ordering in the rows and columns, respectively, of the interaction matrix. This code is loosely based on the original R code from [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Hommola K, Smith JE, Qiu Y, Gilks WR (2009) A Permutation Test of Host-Parasite Cospeciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26, 1457-1468. Examples -------- >>> from skbio.stats.evolve import hommola_cospeciation Create arrays for host distances, parasite distances, and their interactions (data taken from example in [1]_): >>> hdist = [[0,3,8,8,9], [3,0,7,7,8], [8,7,0,6,7], [8,7,6,0,3], ... [9,8,7,3,0]] >>> pdist = [[0,5,8,8,8], [5,0,7,7,7], [8,7,0,4,4], [8,7,4,0,2], ... [8,7,4,2,0]] >>> interaction = [[1,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0], ... [0,0,0,1,1]] Run the cospeciation test with 99 permutations. Note that the correlation coefficient for the observed values counts against the final reported p-value: >>> corr_coeff, p_value, perm_stats = hommola_cospeciation( ... hdist, pdist, interaction, permutations=99) >>> print("%.3f" % corr_coeff) 0.832 In this case, the host distances have a fairly strong positive correlation with the symbiont distances. However, this may also reflect structure inherent in the phylogeny, and is not itself indicative of significance. >>> p_value <= 0.05 True After permuting host : parasite interactions, we find that the observed correlation is indeed greater than we would expect by chance. """ host_dist = DistanceMatrix(host_dist) par_dist = DistanceMatrix(par_dist) interaction = np.asarray(interaction, dtype=bool) num_hosts = host_dist.shape[0] num_pars = par_dist.shape[0] if num_hosts < 3 or num_pars < 3: raise ValueError("Distance matrices must be a minimum of 3x3 in size.") if num_hosts != interaction.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Number of interaction matrix columns must match " "number of hosts in `host_dist`.") if num_pars != interaction.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Number of interaction matrix rows must match " "number of parasites in `par_dist`.") if permutations < 0: raise ValueError("Number of permutations must be greater than or " "equal to zero.") if interaction.sum() < 3: raise ValueError("Must have at least 3 host-parasite interactions in " "`interaction`.") # shortcut to eliminate nested for-loops specifying pairwise interaction # partners as randomizeable indices pars, hosts = np.nonzero(interaction) pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels = _gen_lists(pars) hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels = _gen_lists(hosts) # get a vector of pairwise distances for each interaction edge x = _get_dist(hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels,, np.arange(num_hosts)) y = _get_dist(pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels,, np.arange(num_pars)) # calculate the observed correlation coefficient for these hosts/symbionts corr_coeff = pearsonr(x, y)[0] # now do permutatitons. initialize index lists of the appropriate size mp = np.arange(num_pars) mh = np.arange(num_hosts) # initialize list of shuffled correlation vals perm_stats = np.empty(permutations) if permutations == 0 or np.isnan(corr_coeff): p_value = np.nan perm_stats.fill(np.nan) else: for i in range(permutations): # generate a shuffled list of indexes for each permutation. this # effectively randomizes which host is associated with which # symbiont, but maintains the distribution of genetic distances np.random.shuffle(mp) np.random.shuffle(mh) # get pairwise distances in shuffled order y_p = _get_dist(pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels,, mp) x_p = _get_dist(hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels,, mh) # calculate shuffled correlation coefficient perm_stats[i] = pearsonr(x_p, y_p)[0] p_value = ((perm_stats >= corr_coeff).sum() + 1) / (permutations + 1) return corr_coeff, p_value, perm_stats def _get_dist(k_labels, t_labels, dists, index): """Subset a distance matrix using a set of (randomizable) index labels. Parameters ---------- k_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying row-wise member of pairwise interaction t_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying column-wise member of pairwise interaction dists : numpy.array pairwise distance matrix index : numpy.array of int permutable indices for changing order in pairwise distance matrix Returns ------- vec : list of float List of distances associated with host:parasite edges. """ return dists[index[k_labels], index[t_labels]] def _gen_lists(labels): """Generate matched lists of row and column index labels. Shortcut function for generating matched lists of row and col index labels for the set of pairwise comparisons specified by the list of those indices recovered using ``np.nonzero(interaction)``. Reproduces values of iterated indices from the nested for-loops contained in ``get_dist`` function in original code from [1]_. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.array array containing the indices of nonzero elements in one dimension of an interaction matrix Returns ------- k_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying row-wise member of pairwise interaction t_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying column-wise member of pairwise interaction References ---------- .. [1] Hommola K, Smith JE, Qiu Y, Gilks WR (2009) A Permutation Test of Host-Parasite Cospeciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26, 1457-1468. """ i_array, j_array = np.transpose(np.tri(len(labels)-1)).nonzero() j_array = j_array + 1 return labels[i_array], labels[j_array]
import numpy as np from scipy.stats import pearsonr from skbio import DistanceMatrix from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def hommola_cospeciation(host_dist, par_dist, interaction, permutations=999): """Perform Hommola et al (2009) host/parasite cospeciation test. This test for host/parasite cospeciation is as described in [1]_. This test is a modification of a Mantel test, expanded to accept the case where multiple hosts map to a single parasite (and vice versa). For a basic Mantel test, the distance matrices being compared must have the same number of values. To determine the significance of the correlations between distances in the two matrices, the correlation coefficient of those distances is calculated and compared to the correlation coefficients calculated from a set of matrices in which rows and columns have been permuted. In this test, rather than comparing host-host to parasite-parasite distances directly (requiring one host per parasite), the distances are compared for each interaction edge between host and parasite. Thus, a host interacting with two different parasites will be represented in two different edges, with the host-host distance for the comparison between those edges equal to zero, and the parasite-parasite distance equal to the distance between those two parasites. Like in the Mantel test, significance of the interaction is assessed by permutation, in this case permutation of the host-symbiont interaction links. Note that the null hypothesis being tested here is that the hosts and parasites have evolved independently of one another. The alternative to this is a somewhat weaker case than what is often implied with the term 'cospeciation,' which is that each incidence of host speciation is recapitulated in an incidence of symbiont speciation (strict co-cladogenesis). Although there may be many factors that could contribute to non-independence of host and symbiont phylogenies, this loss of explanatory specificity comes with increased robustness to phylogenetic uncertainty. Thus, this test may be especially useful for cases where host and/or symbiont phylogenies are poorly resolved, or when simple correlation between host and symbiont evolution is of more interest than strict co-cladogenesis. This test requires pairwise distance matrices for hosts and symbionts, as well as an interaction matrix specifying links between hosts (in columns) and symbionts (in rows). This interaction matrix should have the same number of columns as the host distance matrix, and the same number of rows as the symbiont distance matrix. Interactions between hosts and symbionts should be indicated by values of ``1`` or ``True``, with non-interactions indicated by values of ``0`` or ``False``. Parameters ---------- host_dist : 2-D array_like or DistanceMatrix Symmetric matrix of m x m pairwise distances between hosts. par_dist : 2-D array_like or DistanceMatrix Symmetric matrix of n x n pairwise distances between parasites. interaction : 2-D array_like, bool n x m binary matrix of parasite x host interactions. Order of hosts (columns) should be identical to order of hosts in `host_dist`, as should order of parasites (rows) be identical to order of parasites in `par_dist`. permutations : int, optional Number of permutations used to compute p-value. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero, statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value will be ``np.nan``. Returns ------- corr_coeff : float Pearson correlation coefficient of host : parasite association. p_value : float Significance of host : parasite association computed using `permutations` and a one-sided (greater) alternative hypothesis. perm_stats : 1-D numpy.ndarray, float Correlation coefficients observed using permuted host : parasite interactions. Length will be equal to the number of permutations used to compute p-value (see `permutations` parameter above). See Also -------- skbio.stats.distance.mantel scipy.stats.pearsonr Notes ----- It is assumed that the ordering of parasites in `par_dist` and hosts in `host_dist` are identical to their ordering in the rows and columns, respectively, of the interaction matrix. This code is loosely based on the original R code from [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Hommola K, Smith JE, Qiu Y, Gilks WR (2009) A Permutation Test of Host-Parasite Cospeciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26, 1457-1468. Examples -------- >>> from skbio.stats.evolve import hommola_cospeciation Create arrays for host distances, parasite distances, and their interactions (data taken from example in [1]_): >>> hdist = [[0,3,8,8,9], [3,0,7,7,8], [8,7,0,6,7], [8,7,6,0,3], ... [9,8,7,3,0]] >>> pdist = [[0,5,8,8,8], [5,0,7,7,7], [8,7,0,4,4], [8,7,4,0,2], ... [8,7,4,2,0]] >>> interaction = [[1,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0], ... [0,0,0,1,1]] Run the cospeciation test with 99 permutations. Note that the correlation coefficient for the observed values counts against the final reported p-value: >>> corr_coeff, p_value, perm_stats = hommola_cospeciation( ... hdist, pdist, interaction, permutations=99) >>> print("%.3f" % corr_coeff) 0.832 In this case, the host distances have a fairly strong positive correlation with the symbiont distances. However, this may also reflect structure inherent in the phylogeny, and is not itself indicative of significance. >>> p_value <= 0.05 True After permuting host : parasite interactions, we find that the observed correlation is indeed greater than we would expect by chance. """ host_dist = DistanceMatrix(host_dist) par_dist = DistanceMatrix(par_dist) interaction = np.asarray(interaction, dtype=bool) num_hosts = host_dist.shape[0] num_pars = par_dist.shape[0] if num_hosts < 3 or num_pars < 3: raise ValueError("Distance matrices must be a minimum of 3x3 in size.") if num_hosts != interaction.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Number of interaction matrix columns must match " "number of hosts in `host_dist`.") if num_pars != interaction.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Number of interaction matrix rows must match " "number of parasites in `par_dist`.") if permutations < 0: raise ValueError("Number of permutations must be greater than or " "equal to zero.") if interaction.sum() < 3: raise ValueError("Must have at least 3 host-parasite interactions in " "`interaction`.") # shortcut to eliminate nested for-loops specifying pairwise interaction # partners as randomizeable indices pars, hosts = np.nonzero(interaction) pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels = _gen_lists(pars) hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels = _gen_lists(hosts) # get a vector of pairwise distances for each interaction edge x = _get_dist(hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels,, np.arange(num_hosts)) y = _get_dist(pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels,, np.arange(num_pars)) # calculate the observed correlation coefficient for these hosts/symbionts corr_coeff = pearsonr(x, y)[0] # now do permutatitons. initialize index lists of the appropriate size mp = np.arange(num_pars) mh = np.arange(num_hosts) # initialize list of shuffled correlation vals perm_stats = np.empty(permutations) if permutations == 0 or np.isnan(corr_coeff): p_value = np.nan perm_stats.fill(np.nan) else: for i in range(permutations): # generate a shuffled list of indexes for each permutation. this # effectively randomizes which host is associated with which # symbiont, but maintains the distribution of genetic distances np.random.shuffle(mp) np.random.shuffle(mh) # get pairwise distances in shuffled order y_p = _get_dist(pars_k_labels, pars_t_labels,, mp) x_p = _get_dist(hosts_k_labels, hosts_t_labels,, mh) # calculate shuffled correlation coefficient perm_stats[i] = pearsonr(x_p, y_p)[0] p_value = ((perm_stats >= corr_coeff).sum() + 1) / (permutations + 1) return corr_coeff, p_value, perm_stats def _get_dist(k_labels, t_labels, dists, index): """Subset a distance matrix using a set of (randomizable) index labels. Parameters ---------- k_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying row-wise member of pairwise interaction t_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying column-wise member of pairwise interaction dists : numpy.array pairwise distance matrix index : numpy.array of int permutable indices for changing order in pairwise distance matrix Returns ------- vec : list of float List of distances associated with host:parasite edges. """ return dists[index[k_labels], index[t_labels]] def _gen_lists(labels): """Generate matched lists of row and column index labels. Shortcut function for generating matched lists of row and col index labels for the set of pairwise comparisons specified by the list of those indices recovered using ``np.nonzero(interaction)``. Reproduces values of iterated indices from the nested for-loops contained in ``get_dist`` function in original code from [1]_. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.array array containing the indices of nonzero elements in one dimension of an interaction matrix Returns ------- k_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying row-wise member of pairwise interaction t_labels : numpy.array index labels specifying column-wise member of pairwise interaction References ---------- .. [1] Hommola K, Smith JE, Qiu Y, Gilks WR (2009) A Permutation Test of Host-Parasite Cospeciation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26, 1457-1468. """ i_array, j_array = np.transpose(np.tri(len(labels)-1)).nonzero() j_array = j_array + 1 return labels[i_array], labels[j_array]
from itertools import combinations import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist from scipy.stats import spearmanr from skbio.stats.distance import DistanceMatrix from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def bioenv(distance_matrix, data_frame, columns=None): """Find subset of variables maximally correlated with distances. Finds subsets of variables whose Euclidean distances (after scaling the variables; see Notes section below for details) are maximally rank-correlated with the distance matrix. For example, the distance matrix might contain distances between communities, and the variables might be numeric environmental variables (e.g., pH). Correlation between the community distance matrix and Euclidean environmental distance matrix is computed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (:math:`\\rho`). Subsets of environmental variables range in size from 1 to the total number of variables (inclusive). For example, if there are 3 variables, the "best" variable subsets will be computed for subset sizes 1, 2, and 3. The "best" subset is chosen by computing the correlation between the community distance matrix and all possible Euclidean environmental distance matrices at the given subset size. The combination of environmental variables with maximum correlation is chosen as the "best" subset. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix Distance matrix containing distances between objects (e.g., distances between samples of microbial communities). data_frame : pandas.DataFrame Contains columns of variables (e.g., numeric environmental variables such as pH) associated with the objects in `distance_matrix`. Must be indexed by the IDs in `distance_matrix` (i.e., the row labels must be distance matrix IDs), but the order of IDs between `distance_matrix` and `data_frame` need not be the same. All IDs in the distance matrix must be present in `data_frame`. Extra IDs in `data_frame` are allowed (they are ignored in the calculations). columns : iterable of strs, optional Column names in `data_frame` to include as variables in the calculations. If not provided, defaults to all columns in `data_frame`. The values in each column must be numeric or convertible to a numeric type. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the "best" subset of variables at each subset size, as well as the correlation coefficient of each. Raises ------ TypeError If invalid input types are provided, or if one or more specified columns in `data_frame` are not numeric. ValueError If column name(s) or `distance_matrix` IDs cannot be found in `data_frame`, if there is missing data (``NaN``) in the environmental variables, or if the environmental variables cannot be scaled (e.g., due to zero variance). See Also -------- scipy.stats.spearmanr Notes ----- See [1]_ for the original method reference (originally called BIO-ENV). The general algorithm and interface are similar to ``vegan::bioenv``, available in R's vegan package [2]_. This method can also be found in PRIMER-E [3]_ (originally called BIO-ENV, but is now called BEST). .. warning:: This method can take a *long* time to run if a large number of variables are specified, as all possible subsets are evaluated at each subset size. The variables are scaled before computing the Euclidean distance: each column is centered and then scaled by its standard deviation. References ---------- .. [1] Clarke, K. R & Ainsworth, M. 1993. "A method of linking multivariate community structure to environmental variables". Marine Ecology Progress Series, 92, 205-219. .. [2] .. [3] Examples -------- Import the functionality we'll use in the following examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix >>> from skbio.stats.distance import bioenv Load a 4x4 community distance matrix: >>> dm = DistanceMatrix([[0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75], ... [0.5, 0.0, 0.1, 0.42], ... [0.25, 0.1, 0.0, 0.33], ... [0.75, 0.42, 0.33, 0.0]], ... ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) Load a ``pandas.DataFrame`` with two environmental variables, pH and elevation: >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[7.0, 400], ... [8.0, 530], ... [7.5, 450], ... [8.5, 810]], ... index=['A','B','C','D'], ... columns=['pH', 'Elevation']) Note that the data frame is indexed with the same IDs (``'A'``, ``'B'``, ``'C'``, and ``'D'``) that are in the distance matrix. This is necessary in order to link the environmental variables (metadata) to each of the objects in the distance matrix. In this example, the IDs appear in the same order in both the distance matrix and data frame, but this is not necessary. Find the best subsets of environmental variables that are correlated with community distances: >>> bioenv(dm, df) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE size correlation vars pH 1 0.771517 pH, Elevation 2 0.714286 We see that in this simple example, pH alone is maximally rank-correlated with the community distances (:math:`\\rho=0.771517`). """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceMatrix as input.") if not isinstance(data_frame, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("Must provide a pandas.DataFrame as input.") if columns is None: columns = data_frame.columns.values.tolist() if len(set(columns)) != len(columns): raise ValueError("Duplicate column names are not supported.") if len(columns) < 1: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one column.") for column in columns: if column not in data_frame: raise ValueError("Column '%s' not in data frame." % column) # Subset and order the vars data frame to match the IDs in the distance # matrix, only keeping the specified columns. vars_df = data_frame.reindex(distance_matrix.ids, axis=0).loc[:, columns] if vars_df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError("One or more IDs in the distance matrix are not " "in the data frame, or there is missing data in the " "data frame.") try: vars_df = vars_df.astype(float) except ValueError: raise TypeError("All specified columns in the data frame must be " "numeric.") # Scale the vars and extract the underlying numpy array from the data # frame. We mainly do this for performance as we'll be taking subsets of # columns within a tight loop and using a numpy array ends up being ~2x # faster. vars_array = _scale(vars_df).values dm_flat = distance_matrix.condensed_form() num_vars = len(columns) var_idxs = np.arange(num_vars) # For each subset size, store the best combination of variables: # (string identifying best vars, subset size, rho) max_rhos = np.empty(num_vars, dtype=[('vars', object), ('size', int), ('correlation', float)]) for subset_size in range(1, num_vars + 1): max_rho = None for subset_idxs in combinations(var_idxs, subset_size): # Compute Euclidean distances using the current subset of # variables. pdist returns the distances in condensed form. vars_dm_flat = pdist(vars_array[:, subset_idxs], metric='euclidean') rho = spearmanr(dm_flat, vars_dm_flat)[0] # If there are ties for the best rho at a given subset size, choose # the first one in order to match vegan::bioenv's behavior. if max_rho is None or rho > max_rho[0]: max_rho = (rho, subset_idxs) vars_label = ', '.join([columns[i] for i in max_rho[1]]) max_rhos[subset_size - 1] = (vars_label, subset_size, max_rho[0]) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(max_rhos, index='vars') def _scale(df): """Center and scale each column in a data frame. Each column is centered (by subtracting the mean) and then scaled by its standard deviation. """ # Modified from df = df.copy() df -= df.mean() df /= df.std() if df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError("Column(s) in the data frame could not be scaled, " "likely because the column(s) had no variance.") return df
from itertools import combinations import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist from scipy.stats import spearmanr from skbio.stats.distance import DistanceMatrix from skbio.util._decorator import experimental @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def bioenv(distance_matrix, data_frame, columns=None): """Find subset of variables maximally correlated with distances. Finds subsets of variables whose Euclidean distances (after scaling the variables; see Notes section below for details) are maximally rank-correlated with the distance matrix. For example, the distance matrix might contain distances between communities, and the variables might be numeric environmental variables (e.g., pH). Correlation between the community distance matrix and Euclidean environmental distance matrix is computed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (:math:`\\rho`). Subsets of environmental variables range in size from 1 to the total number of variables (inclusive). For example, if there are 3 variables, the "best" variable subsets will be computed for subset sizes 1, 2, and 3. The "best" subset is chosen by computing the correlation between the community distance matrix and all possible Euclidean environmental distance matrices at the given subset size. The combination of environmental variables with maximum correlation is chosen as the "best" subset. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix Distance matrix containing distances between objects (e.g., distances between samples of microbial communities). data_frame : pandas.DataFrame Contains columns of variables (e.g., numeric environmental variables such as pH) associated with the objects in `distance_matrix`. Must be indexed by the IDs in `distance_matrix` (i.e., the row labels must be distance matrix IDs), but the order of IDs between `distance_matrix` and `data_frame` need not be the same. All IDs in the distance matrix must be present in `data_frame`. Extra IDs in `data_frame` are allowed (they are ignored in the calculations). columns : iterable of strs, optional Column names in `data_frame` to include as variables in the calculations. If not provided, defaults to all columns in `data_frame`. The values in each column must be numeric or convertible to a numeric type. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the "best" subset of variables at each subset size, as well as the correlation coefficient of each. Raises ------ TypeError If invalid input types are provided, or if one or more specified columns in `data_frame` are not numeric. ValueError If column name(s) or `distance_matrix` IDs cannot be found in `data_frame`, if there is missing data (``NaN``) in the environmental variables, or if the environmental variables cannot be scaled (e.g., due to zero variance). See Also -------- scipy.stats.spearmanr Notes ----- See [1]_ for the original method reference (originally called BIO-ENV). The general algorithm and interface are similar to ``vegan::bioenv``, available in R's vegan package [2]_. This method can also be found in PRIMER-E [3]_ (originally called BIO-ENV, but is now called BEST). .. warning:: This method can take a *long* time to run if a large number of variables are specified, as all possible subsets are evaluated at each subset size. The variables are scaled before computing the Euclidean distance: each column is centered and then scaled by its standard deviation. References ---------- .. [1] Clarke, K. R & Ainsworth, M. 1993. "A method of linking multivariate community structure to environmental variables". Marine Ecology Progress Series, 92, 205-219. .. [2] .. [3] Examples -------- Import the functionality we'll use in the following examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix >>> from skbio.stats.distance import bioenv Load a 4x4 community distance matrix: >>> dm = DistanceMatrix([[0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75], ... [0.5, 0.0, 0.1, 0.42], ... [0.25, 0.1, 0.0, 0.33], ... [0.75, 0.42, 0.33, 0.0]], ... ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) Load a ``pandas.DataFrame`` with two environmental variables, pH and elevation: >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[7.0, 400], ... [8.0, 530], ... [7.5, 450], ... [8.5, 810]], ... index=['A','B','C','D'], ... columns=['pH', 'Elevation']) Note that the data frame is indexed with the same IDs (``'A'``, ``'B'``, ``'C'``, and ``'D'``) that are in the distance matrix. This is necessary in order to link the environmental variables (metadata) to each of the objects in the distance matrix. In this example, the IDs appear in the same order in both the distance matrix and data frame, but this is not necessary. Find the best subsets of environmental variables that are correlated with community distances: >>> bioenv(dm, df) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE size correlation vars pH 1 0.771517 pH, Elevation 2 0.714286 We see that in this simple example, pH alone is maximally rank-correlated with the community distances (:math:`\\rho=0.771517`). """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Must provide a DistanceMatrix as input.") if not isinstance(data_frame, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("Must provide a pandas.DataFrame as input.") if columns is None: columns = data_frame.columns.values.tolist() if len(set(columns)) != len(columns): raise ValueError("Duplicate column names are not supported.") if len(columns) < 1: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one column.") for column in columns: if column not in data_frame: raise ValueError("Column '%s' not in data frame." % column) # Subset and order the vars data frame to match the IDs in the distance # matrix, only keeping the specified columns. vars_df = data_frame.reindex(distance_matrix.ids, axis=0).loc[:, columns] if vars_df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError("One or more IDs in the distance matrix are not " "in the data frame, or there is missing data in the " "data frame.") try: vars_df = vars_df.astype(float) except ValueError: raise TypeError("All specified columns in the data frame must be " "numeric.") # Scale the vars and extract the underlying numpy array from the data # frame. We mainly do this for performance as we'll be taking subsets of # columns within a tight loop and using a numpy array ends up being ~2x # faster. vars_array = _scale(vars_df).values dm_flat = distance_matrix.condensed_form() num_vars = len(columns) var_idxs = np.arange(num_vars) # For each subset size, store the best combination of variables: # (string identifying best vars, subset size, rho) max_rhos = np.empty(num_vars, dtype=[('vars', object), ('size', int), ('correlation', float)]) for subset_size in range(1, num_vars + 1): max_rho = None for subset_idxs in combinations(var_idxs, subset_size): # Compute Euclidean distances using the current subset of # variables. pdist returns the distances in condensed form. vars_dm_flat = pdist(vars_array[:, subset_idxs], metric='euclidean') rho = spearmanr(dm_flat, vars_dm_flat)[0] # If there are ties for the best rho at a given subset size, choose # the first one in order to match vegan::bioenv's behavior. if max_rho is None or rho > max_rho[0]: max_rho = (rho, subset_idxs) vars_label = ', '.join([columns[i] for i in max_rho[1]]) max_rhos[subset_size - 1] = (vars_label, subset_size, max_rho[0]) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(max_rhos, index='vars') def _scale(df): """Center and scale each column in a data frame. Each column is centered (by subtracting the mean) and then scaled by its standard deviation. """ # Modified from df = df.copy() df -= df.mean() df /= df.std() if df.isnull().any().any(): raise ValueError("Column(s) in the data frame could not be scaled, " "likely because the column(s) had no variance.") return df
from functools import partial import numpy as np from ._base import (_preprocess_input_sng, _run_monte_carlo_stats, _build_results, DistanceMatrix) from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from ._cutils import permanova_f_stat_sW_cy @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def permanova(distance_matrix, grouping, column=None, permutations=999): """Test for significant differences between groups using PERMANOVA. Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) is a non-parametric method that tests whether two or more groups of objects (e.g., samples) are significantly different based on a categorical factor. It is conceptually similar to ANOVA except that it operates on a distance matrix, which allows for multivariate analysis. PERMANOVA computes a pseudo-F statistic. Statistical significance is assessed via a permutation test. The assignment of objects to groups (`grouping`) is randomly permuted a number of times (controlled via `permutations`). A pseudo-F statistic is computed for each permutation and the p-value is the proportion of permuted pseudo-F statisics that are equal to or greater than the original (unpermuted) pseudo-F statistic. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix Distance matrix containing distances between objects (e.g., distances between samples of microbial communities). grouping : 1-D array_like or pandas.DataFrame Vector indicating the assignment of objects to groups. For example, these could be strings or integers denoting which group an object belongs to. If `grouping` is 1-D ``array_like``, it must be the same length and in the same order as the objects in `distance_matrix`. If `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``, the column specified by `column` will be used as the grouping vector. The ``DataFrame`` must be indexed by the IDs in `distance_matrix` (i.e., the row labels must be distance matrix IDs), but the order of IDs between `distance_matrix` and the ``DataFrame`` need not be the same. All IDs in the distance matrix must be present in the ``DataFrame``. Extra IDs in the ``DataFrame`` are allowed (they are ignored in the calculations). column : str, optional Column name to use as the grouping vector if `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``. Must be provided if `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``. Cannot be provided if `grouping` is 1-D ``array_like``. permutations : int, optional Number of permutations to use when assessing statistical significance. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero, statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value will be ``np.nan``. Returns ------- pandas.Series Results of the statistical test, including ``test statistic`` and ``p-value``. See Also -------- anosim Notes ----- See [1]_ for the original method reference, as well as ``vegan::adonis``, available in R's vegan package [2]_. The p-value will be ``np.nan`` if `permutations` is zero. References ---------- .. [1] Anderson, Marti J. "A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance." Austral Ecology 26.1 (2001): 32-46. .. [2] Examples -------- See :mod:`skbio.stats.distance.anosim` for usage examples (both functions provide similar interfaces). """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Input must be a DistanceMatrix.") sample_size = distance_matrix.shape[0] num_groups, grouping = _preprocess_input_sng( distance_matrix.ids, sample_size, grouping, column) # Calculate number of objects in each group. group_sizes = np.bincount(grouping) s_T = (distance_matrix[:] ** 2).sum() / sample_size # we are going over the whole matrix, instead of just upper triangle # so cut in half s_T /= 2.0 test_stat_function = partial(_compute_f_stat, sample_size, num_groups, distance_matrix, group_sizes, s_T) stat, p_value = _run_monte_carlo_stats(test_stat_function, grouping, permutations) return _build_results('PERMANOVA', 'pseudo-F', sample_size, num_groups, stat, p_value, permutations) def _compute_f_stat(sample_size, num_groups, distance_matrix, group_sizes, s_T, grouping): """Compute PERMANOVA pseudo-F statistic.""" # Calculate s_W for each group, accounting for different group sizes. s_W = permanova_f_stat_sW_cy(, group_sizes, grouping) s_A = s_T - s_W return (s_A / (num_groups - 1)) / (s_W / (sample_size - num_groups))
from functools import partial import numpy as np from ._base import (_preprocess_input_sng, _run_monte_carlo_stats, _build_results, DistanceMatrix) from skbio.util._decorator import experimental from ._cutils import permanova_f_stat_sW_cy @experimental(as_of="0.4.0") def permanova(distance_matrix, grouping, column=None, permutations=999): """Test for significant differences between groups using PERMANOVA. Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) is a non-parametric method that tests whether two or more groups of objects (e.g., samples) are significantly different based on a categorical factor. It is conceptually similar to ANOVA except that it operates on a distance matrix, which allows for multivariate analysis. PERMANOVA computes a pseudo-F statistic. Statistical significance is assessed via a permutation test. The assignment of objects to groups (`grouping`) is randomly permuted a number of times (controlled via `permutations`). A pseudo-F statistic is computed for each permutation and the p-value is the proportion of permuted pseudo-F statisics that are equal to or greater than the original (unpermuted) pseudo-F statistic. Parameters ---------- distance_matrix : DistanceMatrix Distance matrix containing distances between objects (e.g., distances between samples of microbial communities). grouping : 1-D array_like or pandas.DataFrame Vector indicating the assignment of objects to groups. For example, these could be strings or integers denoting which group an object belongs to. If `grouping` is 1-D ``array_like``, it must be the same length and in the same order as the objects in `distance_matrix`. If `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``, the column specified by `column` will be used as the grouping vector. The ``DataFrame`` must be indexed by the IDs in `distance_matrix` (i.e., the row labels must be distance matrix IDs), but the order of IDs between `distance_matrix` and the ``DataFrame`` need not be the same. All IDs in the distance matrix must be present in the ``DataFrame``. Extra IDs in the ``DataFrame`` are allowed (they are ignored in the calculations). column : str, optional Column name to use as the grouping vector if `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``. Must be provided if `grouping` is a ``DataFrame``. Cannot be provided if `grouping` is 1-D ``array_like``. permutations : int, optional Number of permutations to use when assessing statistical significance. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero, statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value will be ``np.nan``. Returns ------- pandas.Series Results of the statistical test, including ``test statistic`` and ``p-value``. See Also -------- anosim Notes ----- See [1]_ for the original method reference, as well as ``vegan::adonis``, available in R's vegan package [2]_. The p-value will be ``np.nan`` if `permutations` is zero. References ---------- .. [1] Anderson, Marti J. "A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance." Austral Ecology 26.1 (2001): 32-46. .. [2] Examples -------- See :mod:`skbio.stats.distance.anosim` for usage examples (both functions provide similar interfaces). """ if not isinstance(distance_matrix, DistanceMatrix): raise TypeError("Input must be a DistanceMatrix.") sample_size = distance_matrix.shape[0] num_groups, grouping = _preprocess_input_sng( distance_matrix.ids, sample_size, grouping, column) # Calculate number of objects in each group. group_sizes = np.bincount(grouping) s_T = (distance_matrix[:] ** 2).sum() / sample_size # we are going over the whole matrix, instead of just upper triangle # so cut in half s_T /= 2.0 test_stat_function = partial(_compute_f_stat, sample_size, num_groups, distance_matrix, group_sizes, s_T) stat, p_value = _run_monte_carlo_stats(test_stat_function, grouping, permutations) return _build_results('PERMANOVA', 'pseudo-F', sample_size, num_groups, stat, p_value, permutations) def _compute_f_stat(sample_size, num_groups, distance_matrix, group_sizes, s_T, grouping): """Compute PERMANOVA pseudo-F statistic.""" # Calculate s_W for each group, accounting for different group sizes. s_W = permanova_f_stat_sW_cy(, group_sizes, grouping) s_A = s_T - s_W return (s_A / (num_groups - 1)) / (s_W / (sample_size - num_groups))
import abc import copy import pandas as pd from skbio.util._decorator import stable, experimental from skbio.metadata import IntervalMetadata class MetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @property @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def metadata(self): """``dict`` containing metadata which applies to the entire object. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new metadata a shallow copy of the dictionary is made. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``Sequence`` class to demonstrate metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing metadata. Create a sequence with metadata: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={'description': 'seq description', ... 'id': 'seq-id'}) Retrieve metadata: >>> pprint(seq.metadata) # using pprint to display dict in sorted order {'description': 'seq description', 'id': 'seq-id'} Update metadata: >>> seq.metadata['id'] = 'new-id' >>> seq.metadata['pubmed'] = 12345 >>> pprint(seq.metadata) {'description': 'seq description', 'id': 'new-id', 'pubmed': 12345} Set metadata: >>> seq.metadata = {'abc': 123} >>> seq.metadata {'abc': 123} Delete metadata: >>> seq.has_metadata() True >>> del seq.metadata >>> seq.metadata {} >>> seq.has_metadata() False """ if self._metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._metadata = {} return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata): if not isinstance(metadata, dict): raise TypeError("metadata must be a dict, not type %r" % type(metadata).__name__) # Shallow copy. self._metadata = metadata.copy() @metadata.deleter def metadata(self): self._metadata = None @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, metadata=None): if metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.metadata = metadata @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.metadata to other.metadata in order # to avoid creating "empty" metadata representations on the objects if # they don't have metadata. if self.has_metadata() and other.has_metadata(): return self.metadata == other.metadata elif not (self.has_metadata() or other.has_metadata()): # Both don't have metadata. return True else: # One has metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.metadata.copy() else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_metadata(): return copy.deepcopy(self.metadata, memo) else: return None @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has metadata. An object has metadata if its ``metadata`` dictionary is not empty (i.e., has at least one key-value pair). Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has metadata. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``Sequence`` class to demonstrate metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing metadata. >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT') >>> seq.has_metadata() False >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={}) >>> seq.has_metadata() False >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={'id': 'seq-id'}) >>> seq.has_metadata() True """ return self._metadata is not None and bool(self.metadata) class PositionalMetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def _positional_metadata_axis_len_(self): """Return length of axis that positional metadata applies to. Returns ------- int Positional metadata axis length. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def positional_metadata(self): """``pd.DataFrame`` containing metadata along an axis. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new positional metadata, a shallow copy is made and the ``pd.DataFrame`` index is set to ``pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=axis_len, step=1)``. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with positional metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their positional metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``DNA`` class to demonstrate positional metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing positional metadata. Create a DNA sequence with positional metadata: >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA( ... 'ACGT', ... positional_metadata={'exons': [True, True, False, True], ... 'quality': [3, 3, 20, 11]}) >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'exons': <dtype: bool> 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 50.00% ----------------------------- 0 ACGT Retrieve positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata exons quality 0 True 3 1 True 3 2 False 20 3 True 11 Update positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata['gaps'] = seq.gaps() >>> seq.positional_metadata exons quality gaps 0 True 3 False 1 True 3 False 2 False 20 False 3 True 11 False Set positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata = {'degenerates': seq.degenerates()} >>> seq.positional_metadata # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE degenerates 0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False Delete positional metadata: >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() True >>> del seq.positional_metadata >>> seq.positional_metadata Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False """ if self._positional_metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._positional_metadata = pd.DataFrame( index=self._get_positional_metadata_index()) return self._positional_metadata @positional_metadata.setter def positional_metadata(self, positional_metadata): try: # Pass copy=True to copy underlying data buffer. positional_metadata = pd.DataFrame(positional_metadata, copy=True) # Different versions of pandas will raise different error types. We # don't really care what the type of the error is, just its message, so # a blanket Exception will do. except Exception as e: raise TypeError( "Invalid positional metadata. Must be consumable by " "`pd.DataFrame` constructor. Original pandas error message: " "\"%s\"" % e) num_rows = len(positional_metadata.index) axis_len = self._positional_metadata_axis_len_() if num_rows != axis_len: raise ValueError( "Number of positional metadata values (%d) must match the " "positional metadata axis length (%d)." % (num_rows, axis_len)) positional_metadata.index = self._get_positional_metadata_index() self._positional_metadata = positional_metadata @positional_metadata.deleter def positional_metadata(self): self._positional_metadata = None def _get_positional_metadata_index(self): """Create a memory-efficient integer index for positional metadata.""" return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=self._positional_metadata_axis_len_(), step=1) @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, positional_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, positional_metadata=None): if positional_metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._positional_metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.positional_metadata = positional_metadata @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.positional_metadata to # other.positional_metadata in order to avoid creating "empty" # positional metadata representations on the objects if they don't have # positional metadata. if self.has_positional_metadata() and other.has_positional_metadata(): return self.positional_metadata.equals(other.positional_metadata) elif not (self.has_positional_metadata() or other.has_positional_metadata()): # Both don't have positional metadata. return (self._positional_metadata_axis_len_() == other._positional_metadata_axis_len_()) else: # One has positional metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_positional_metadata(): # deep=True makes a shallow copy of the underlying data buffer. return self.positional_metadata.copy(deep=True) else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_positional_metadata(): # `copy.deepcopy` no longer recursively copies contents of the # DataFrame, so we must handle the deep copy ourselves. # Reference: df = self.positional_metadata data_cp = copy.deepcopy(df.values.tolist(), memo) return pd.DataFrame(data_cp, index=df.index.copy(deep=True), columns=df.columns.copy(deep=True), copy=False) else: return None @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_positional_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has positional metadata. An object has positional metadata if its ``positional_metadata`` ``pd.DataFrame`` has at least one column. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has positional metadata. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with positional metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their positional metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``DNA`` class to demonstrate positional metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing positional metadata. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('ACGT') >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False >>> seq = DNA('ACGT', positional_metadata=pd.DataFrame(index=range(4))) >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False >>> seq = DNA('ACGT', positional_metadata={'quality': range(4)}) >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() True """ return (self._positional_metadata is not None and len(self.positional_metadata.columns) > 0) class IntervalMetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def _interval_metadata_axis_len_(self): '''Return length of axis that interval metadata applies to. Returns ------- int Interval metadata axis length. ''' raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, interval_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, interval_metadata=None): if interval_metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._interval_metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.interval_metadata = interval_metadata @property @experimental(as_of="0.5.1") def interval_metadata(self): '''``IntervalMetadata`` object containing info about interval features. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new interval metadata, a shallow copy of the ``IntervalMetadata`` object is made. ''' if self._interval_metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._interval_metadata = IntervalMetadata( self._interval_metadata_axis_len_()) return self._interval_metadata @interval_metadata.setter def interval_metadata(self, interval_metadata): if isinstance(interval_metadata, IntervalMetadata): upper_bound = interval_metadata.upper_bound lower_bound = interval_metadata.lower_bound axis_len = self._interval_metadata_axis_len_() if lower_bound != 0: raise ValueError( 'The lower bound for the interval features (%d) ' 'must be zero.' % lower_bound) if upper_bound is not None and upper_bound != axis_len: raise ValueError( 'The upper bound for the interval features (%d) ' 'must match the interval metadata axis length (%d)' % (upper_bound, axis_len)) # copy all the data to the mixin self._interval_metadata = IntervalMetadata( axis_len, copy_from=interval_metadata) else: raise TypeError('You must provide `IntervalMetadata` object, ' 'not type %s.' % type(interval_metadata).__name__) @interval_metadata.deleter def interval_metadata(self): self._interval_metadata = None @experimental(as_of="0.5.1") def has_interval_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has interval metadata. An object has interval metadata if its ``interval_metadata`` has at least one ```Interval`` objects. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has interval metadata. """ return (self._interval_metadata is not None and self.interval_metadata.num_interval_features > 0) @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.interval_metadata to # other.interval_metadata in order to avoid creating "empty" # interval metadata representations on the objects if they don't have # interval metadata. if self.has_interval_metadata() and other.has_interval_metadata(): return self.interval_metadata == other.interval_metadata elif not (self.has_interval_metadata() or other.has_interval_metadata()): # Both don't have interval metadata. return (self._interval_metadata_axis_len_() == other._interval_metadata_axis_len_()) else: # One has interval metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_interval_metadata(): return copy.copy(self.interval_metadata) else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_interval_metadata(): return copy.deepcopy(self.interval_metadata, memo) else: return None
import abc import copy import pandas as pd from skbio.util._decorator import stable, experimental from skbio.metadata import IntervalMetadata class MetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @property @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def metadata(self): """``dict`` containing metadata which applies to the entire object. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new metadata a shallow copy of the dictionary is made. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``Sequence`` class to demonstrate metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing metadata. Create a sequence with metadata: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={'description': 'seq description', ... 'id': 'seq-id'}) Retrieve metadata: >>> pprint(seq.metadata) # using pprint to display dict in sorted order {'description': 'seq description', 'id': 'seq-id'} Update metadata: >>> seq.metadata['id'] = 'new-id' >>> seq.metadata['pubmed'] = 12345 >>> pprint(seq.metadata) {'description': 'seq description', 'id': 'new-id', 'pubmed': 12345} Set metadata: >>> seq.metadata = {'abc': 123} >>> seq.metadata {'abc': 123} Delete metadata: >>> seq.has_metadata() True >>> del seq.metadata >>> seq.metadata {} >>> seq.has_metadata() False """ if self._metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._metadata = {} return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata): if not isinstance(metadata, dict): raise TypeError("metadata must be a dict, not type %r" % type(metadata).__name__) # Shallow copy. self._metadata = metadata.copy() @metadata.deleter def metadata(self): self._metadata = None @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, metadata=None): if metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.metadata = metadata @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.metadata to other.metadata in order # to avoid creating "empty" metadata representations on the objects if # they don't have metadata. if self.has_metadata() and other.has_metadata(): return self.metadata == other.metadata elif not (self.has_metadata() or other.has_metadata()): # Both don't have metadata. return True else: # One has metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_metadata(): return self.metadata.copy() else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_metadata(): return copy.deepcopy(self.metadata, memo) else: return None @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has metadata. An object has metadata if its ``metadata`` dictionary is not empty (i.e., has at least one key-value pair). Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has metadata. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``Sequence`` class to demonstrate metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing metadata. >>> from skbio import Sequence >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT') >>> seq.has_metadata() False >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={}) >>> seq.has_metadata() False >>> seq = Sequence('ACGT', metadata={'id': 'seq-id'}) >>> seq.has_metadata() True """ return self._metadata is not None and bool(self.metadata) class PositionalMetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def _positional_metadata_axis_len_(self): """Return length of axis that positional metadata applies to. Returns ------- int Positional metadata axis length. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def positional_metadata(self): """``pd.DataFrame`` containing metadata along an axis. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new positional metadata, a shallow copy is made and the ``pd.DataFrame`` index is set to ``pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=axis_len, step=1)``. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with positional metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their positional metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``DNA`` class to demonstrate positional metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing positional metadata. Create a DNA sequence with positional metadata: >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA( ... 'ACGT', ... positional_metadata={'exons': [True, True, False, True], ... 'quality': [3, 3, 20, 11]}) >>> seq DNA ----------------------------- Positional metadata: 'exons': <dtype: bool> 'quality': <dtype: int64> Stats: length: 4 has gaps: False has degenerates: False has definites: True GC-content: 50.00% ----------------------------- 0 ACGT Retrieve positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata exons quality 0 True 3 1 True 3 2 False 20 3 True 11 Update positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata['gaps'] = seq.gaps() >>> seq.positional_metadata exons quality gaps 0 True 3 False 1 True 3 False 2 False 20 False 3 True 11 False Set positional metadata: >>> seq.positional_metadata = {'degenerates': seq.degenerates()} >>> seq.positional_metadata # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE degenerates 0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False Delete positional metadata: >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() True >>> del seq.positional_metadata >>> seq.positional_metadata Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False """ if self._positional_metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._positional_metadata = pd.DataFrame( index=self._get_positional_metadata_index()) return self._positional_metadata @positional_metadata.setter def positional_metadata(self, positional_metadata): try: # Pass copy=True to copy underlying data buffer. positional_metadata = pd.DataFrame(positional_metadata, copy=True) # Different versions of pandas will raise different error types. We # don't really care what the type of the error is, just its message, so # a blanket Exception will do. except Exception as e: raise TypeError( "Invalid positional metadata. Must be consumable by " "`pd.DataFrame` constructor. Original pandas error message: " "\"%s\"" % e) num_rows = len(positional_metadata.index) axis_len = self._positional_metadata_axis_len_() if num_rows != axis_len: raise ValueError( "Number of positional metadata values (%d) must match the " "positional metadata axis length (%d)." % (num_rows, axis_len)) positional_metadata.index = self._get_positional_metadata_index() self._positional_metadata = positional_metadata @positional_metadata.deleter def positional_metadata(self): self._positional_metadata = None def _get_positional_metadata_index(self): """Create a memory-efficient integer index for positional metadata.""" return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=self._positional_metadata_axis_len_(), step=1) @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, positional_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, positional_metadata=None): if positional_metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._positional_metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.positional_metadata = positional_metadata @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.positional_metadata to # other.positional_metadata in order to avoid creating "empty" # positional metadata representations on the objects if they don't have # positional metadata. if self.has_positional_metadata() and other.has_positional_metadata(): return self.positional_metadata.equals(other.positional_metadata) elif not (self.has_positional_metadata() or other.has_positional_metadata()): # Both don't have positional metadata. return (self._positional_metadata_axis_len_() == other._positional_metadata_axis_len_()) else: # One has positional metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_positional_metadata(): # deep=True makes a shallow copy of the underlying data buffer. return self.positional_metadata.copy(deep=True) else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_positional_metadata(): # `copy.deepcopy` no longer recursively copies contents of the # DataFrame, so we must handle the deep copy ourselves. # Reference: df = self.positional_metadata data_cp = copy.deepcopy(df.values.tolist(), memo) return pd.DataFrame(data_cp, index=df.index.copy(deep=True), columns=df.columns.copy(deep=True), copy=False) else: return None @stable(as_of="0.4.0") def has_positional_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has positional metadata. An object has positional metadata if its ``positional_metadata`` ``pd.DataFrame`` has at least one column. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has positional metadata. Examples -------- .. note:: scikit-bio objects with positional metadata share a common interface for accessing and manipulating their positional metadata. The following examples use scikit-bio's ``DNA`` class to demonstrate positional metadata behavior. These examples apply to all other scikit-bio objects storing positional metadata. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skbio import DNA >>> seq = DNA('ACGT') >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False >>> seq = DNA('ACGT', positional_metadata=pd.DataFrame(index=range(4))) >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() False >>> seq = DNA('ACGT', positional_metadata={'quality': range(4)}) >>> seq.has_positional_metadata() True """ return (self._positional_metadata is not None and len(self.positional_metadata.columns) > 0) class IntervalMetadataMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def _interval_metadata_axis_len_(self): '''Return length of axis that interval metadata applies to. Returns ------- int Interval metadata axis length. ''' raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, interval_metadata=None): raise NotImplementedError def _init_(self, interval_metadata=None): if interval_metadata is None: # Could use deleter but this is less overhead and needs to be fast. self._interval_metadata = None else: # Use setter for validation and copy. self.interval_metadata = interval_metadata @property @experimental(as_of="0.5.1") def interval_metadata(self): '''``IntervalMetadata`` object containing info about interval features. Notes ----- This property can be set and deleted. When setting new interval metadata, a shallow copy of the ``IntervalMetadata`` object is made. ''' if self._interval_metadata is None: # Not using setter to avoid copy. self._interval_metadata = IntervalMetadata( self._interval_metadata_axis_len_()) return self._interval_metadata @interval_metadata.setter def interval_metadata(self, interval_metadata): if isinstance(interval_metadata, IntervalMetadata): upper_bound = interval_metadata.upper_bound lower_bound = interval_metadata.lower_bound axis_len = self._interval_metadata_axis_len_() if lower_bound != 0: raise ValueError( 'The lower bound for the interval features (%d) ' 'must be zero.' % lower_bound) if upper_bound is not None and upper_bound != axis_len: raise ValueError( 'The upper bound for the interval features (%d) ' 'must match the interval metadata axis length (%d)' % (upper_bound, axis_len)) # copy all the data to the mixin self._interval_metadata = IntervalMetadata( axis_len, copy_from=interval_metadata) else: raise TypeError('You must provide `IntervalMetadata` object, ' 'not type %s.' % type(interval_metadata).__name__) @interval_metadata.deleter def interval_metadata(self): self._interval_metadata = None @experimental(as_of="0.5.1") def has_interval_metadata(self): """Determine if the object has interval metadata. An object has interval metadata if its ``interval_metadata`` has at least one ```Interval`` objects. Returns ------- bool Indicates whether the object has interval metadata. """ return (self._interval_metadata is not None and self.interval_metadata.num_interval_features > 0) @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _eq_(self, other): # We're not simply comparing self.interval_metadata to # other.interval_metadata in order to avoid creating "empty" # interval metadata representations on the objects if they don't have # interval metadata. if self.has_interval_metadata() and other.has_interval_metadata(): return self.interval_metadata == other.interval_metadata elif not (self.has_interval_metadata() or other.has_interval_metadata()): # Both don't have interval metadata. return (self._interval_metadata_axis_len_() == other._interval_metadata_axis_len_()) else: # One has interval metadata while the other does not. return False @abc.abstractmethod def __ne__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def _ne_(self, other): return not (self == other) @abc.abstractmethod def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def _copy_(self): if self.has_interval_metadata(): return copy.copy(self.interval_metadata) else: return None @abc.abstractmethod def __deepcopy__(self, memo): raise NotImplementedError def _deepcopy_(self, memo): if self.has_interval_metadata(): return copy.deepcopy(self.interval_metadata, memo) else: return None
This README file describes the FASTQ example files provided as supplementary information to the open-access publication: P.J.A. Cock, C.J. Fields, N. Goto, M.L. Heuer and P.M. Rice (2009). The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants. These files are provided freely and we encourage anyone writing a FASTQ parser to use them as part of your test suite. Permission is granted to freely distribute and modify the files. We request (but do not insist) that this README file is included, or at least a reference to the above paper. Please cite the above paper if appropriate. We also request (but do not insist) that the example files are not modified, in order that they may serve as a common reference. Invalid FASTQ files =================== The archive contains the following sample FASTQ files with names of the form error_NAME.fastq, which all contain errors and should be rejected (if parsed as any of the three FASTQ variants): error_diff_ids.fastq error_double_qual.fastq error_double_seq.fastq error_long_qual.fastq error_no_qual.fastq error_qual_del.fastq error_qual_escape.fastq error_qual_null.fastq error_qual_space.fastq error_qual_tab.fastq error_qual_unit_sep.fastq error_qual_vtab.fastq error_short_qual.fastq error_spaces.fastq error_tabs.fastq error_trunc_at_seq.fastq error_trunc_at_plus.fastq error_trunc_at_qual.fastq error_trunc_in_title.fastq error_trunc_in_seq.fastq error_trunc_in_plus.fastq error_trunc_in_qual.fastq Of these, those with names error_qual_XXX.fastq would be valid except for the inclusion of spaces or non-printing ASCII characters outside the range allowed in the quality string. The files named error_trunc_XXX.fastq would be valid but for being truncated (e.g. simulating a partial copy over the network). The special cases of FASTQ files which would be valid as one variant, but not another, are covered below. Valid FASTQ =========== The archive contains the following valid sample FASTQ input files for testing: longreads_original_sanger.fastq wrapping_original_sanger.fastq illumina_full_range_original_illumina.fastq sanger_full_range_original_sanger.fastq solexa_full_range_original_solexa.fastq misc_dna_original_sanger.fastq misc_rna_original_sanger.fastq These all have the form NAME_original_FORMAT.fastq, where NAME is a prefix for that example, and FORMAT is one of sanger, solexa or illumina indicating which FASTQ variant that example is using. There are three matching files called NAME_as_FORMAT.fastq showing how the original file should be converted into each of the three FASTQ variants. These converted files are standardised not to use line wrapping (so each record has exactly four lines), and omit the optional repetition of the read titles on the plus line. The file longreads_original_sanger.fastq is based on real Roche 454 reads from the Sanger Institute for the the potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida. Ten of the reads have been presented as FASTQ records, wrapping the sequence and the quality lines at 80 characters. This means some of the quality lines start with "@" or "+" characters, which may cause problems with naive parsers. Also note that the sequence is mixed case (with upper case denoting the trimmed region), and furthermore the free format title lines are over 100 characters and encode assorted read information (and are repeated on the "+" lines). The wrapping_original_sanger.fastq is based on three real reads from the NCBI Short Read Archive, but has been carefully edited to use line wrapping for the quality lines (but not the sequence lines) such that the due to the occurrence of "@" and "+" on alternating lines, the file may be misinterpreted by a simplistic parser. While this is therefore a very artificial example, it remains a valid FASTQ file, and is useful for testing purposes. The sanger_full_range_original_sanger.fastq file uses PHRED scores from 0 to 93 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 33 (!) to 126 (~). This means it cannot be treated as a Solexa or Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ file, and attempting to parse it as such should raise an error. The solexa_full_range_original_solexa.fastq file uses Solexa scores from -5 to 62 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 59 (;) to 126 (~). This means it cannot be treated as a Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ file, and attempting to parse it as such should raise an error. On the basis of the quality characters, the file would also qualify as a valid Sanger FASTQ file. The illumina_full_range_original_illumina.fastq file uses PHRED scores from 0 to 62 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 64 (@) to 126 (~). On the basis of the quality characters, the file would also qualify as a valid Sanger or Solexa FASTQ file. The misc_dna_original_sanger.fastq and misc_rna_original_sanger.fastq files are artificial reads using the full range of IUPAC DNA or RNA letters, including ambiguous character codes, and both cases.
This README file describes the FASTQ example files provided as supplementary information to the open-access publication: P.J.A. Cock, C.J. Fields, N. Goto, M.L. Heuer and P.M. Rice (2009). The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants. These files are provided freely and we encourage anyone writing a FASTQ parser to use them as part of your test suite. Permission is granted to freely distribute and modify the files. We request (but do not insist) that this README file is included, or at least a reference to the above paper. Please cite the above paper if appropriate. We also request (but do not insist) that the example files are not modified, in order that they may serve as a common reference. Invalid FASTQ files =================== The archive contains the following sample FASTQ files with names of the form error_NAME.fastq, which all contain errors and should be rejected (if parsed as any of the three FASTQ variants): error_diff_ids.fastq error_double_qual.fastq error_double_seq.fastq error_long_qual.fastq error_no_qual.fastq error_qual_del.fastq error_qual_escape.fastq error_qual_null.fastq error_qual_space.fastq error_qual_tab.fastq error_qual_unit_sep.fastq error_qual_vtab.fastq error_short_qual.fastq error_spaces.fastq error_tabs.fastq error_trunc_at_seq.fastq error_trunc_at_plus.fastq error_trunc_at_qual.fastq error_trunc_in_title.fastq error_trunc_in_seq.fastq error_trunc_in_plus.fastq error_trunc_in_qual.fastq Of these, those with names error_qual_XXX.fastq would be valid except for the inclusion of spaces or non-printing ASCII characters outside the range allowed in the quality string. The files named error_trunc_XXX.fastq would be valid but for being truncated (e.g. simulating a partial copy over the network). The special cases of FASTQ files which would be valid as one variant, but not another, are covered below. Valid FASTQ =========== The archive contains the following valid sample FASTQ input files for testing: longreads_original_sanger.fastq wrapping_original_sanger.fastq illumina_full_range_original_illumina.fastq sanger_full_range_original_sanger.fastq solexa_full_range_original_solexa.fastq misc_dna_original_sanger.fastq misc_rna_original_sanger.fastq These all have the form NAME_original_FORMAT.fastq, where NAME is a prefix for that example, and FORMAT is one of sanger, solexa or illumina indicating which FASTQ variant that example is using. There are three matching files called NAME_as_FORMAT.fastq showing how the original file should be converted into each of the three FASTQ variants. These converted files are standardised not to use line wrapping (so each record has exactly four lines), and omit the optional repetition of the read titles on the plus line. The file longreads_original_sanger.fastq is based on real Roche 454 reads from the Sanger Institute for the the potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida. Ten of the reads have been presented as FASTQ records, wrapping the sequence and the quality lines at 80 characters. This means some of the quality lines start with "@" or "+" characters, which may cause problems with naive parsers. Also note that the sequence is mixed case (with upper case denoting the trimmed region), and furthermore the free format title lines are over 100 characters and encode assorted read information (and are repeated on the "+" lines). The wrapping_original_sanger.fastq is based on three real reads from the NCBI Short Read Archive, but has been carefully edited to use line wrapping for the quality lines (but not the sequence lines) such that the due to the occurrence of "@" and "+" on alternating lines, the file may be misinterpreted by a simplistic parser. While this is therefore a very artificial example, it remains a valid FASTQ file, and is useful for testing purposes. The sanger_full_range_original_sanger.fastq file uses PHRED scores from 0 to 93 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 33 (!) to 126 (~). This means it cannot be treated as a Solexa or Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ file, and attempting to parse it as such should raise an error. The solexa_full_range_original_solexa.fastq file uses Solexa scores from -5 to 62 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 59 (;) to 126 (~). This means it cannot be treated as a Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ file, and attempting to parse it as such should raise an error. On the basis of the quality characters, the file would also qualify as a valid Sanger FASTQ file. The illumina_full_range_original_illumina.fastq file uses PHRED scores from 0 to 62 inclusive, covering ASCII characters from 64 (@) to 126 (~). On the basis of the quality characters, the file would also qualify as a valid Sanger or Solexa FASTQ file. The misc_dna_original_sanger.fastq and misc_rna_original_sanger.fastq files are artificial reads using the full range of IUPAC DNA or RNA letters, including ambiguous character codes, and both cases.
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import ( _check_sample_weight, check_array, check_is_fitted, check_X_y, ) class BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, ABC): """ Base class for regressors relying on scipy's minimze method. Derive a class from this one and give it the function to be minimized. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. Defaults to 1.0. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.alpha = alpha self.l1_ratio = l1_ratio self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.copy_X = copy_X self.positive = positive @abstractmethod def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: """ Produce the loss function to be minimized, and its gradient to speed up computations. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- loss : Callable[[np.ndarray], float] The loss function to be minimized. grad_loss : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] The gradient of the loss function. Speeds up finding the minimum. """ def _loss_regularize(self, loss): def regularized_loss(params): return ( loss(params) + self.alpha * self.l1_ratio * np.sum(np.abs(params)) + 0.5 * self.alpha * (1 - self.l1_ratio) * np.sum(params ** 2) ) return regularized_loss def _grad_loss_regularize(self, grad_loss): def regularized_grad_loss(params): return ( grad_loss(params) + self.alpha * self.l1_ratio * np.sign(params) + self.alpha * (1 - self.l1_ratio) * params ) return regularized_grad_loss def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor: """ Fit the model using the SLSQP algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- Fitted regressor. """ X_, grad_loss, loss = self._prepare_inputs(X, sample_weight, y) d = X_.shape[1] - self.n_features_in_ # This is either zero or one. bounds = ( self.n_features_in_ * [(0, np.inf)] + d * [(-np.inf, np.inf)] if self.positive else None ) minimize_result = minimize( loss, x0=np.zeros(self.n_features_in_ + d), bounds=bounds, method="SLSQP", jac=grad_loss, tol=1e-20, ) self.convergence_status_ = minimize_result.message if self.fit_intercept: *self.coef_, self.intercept_ = minimize_result.x else: self.coef_ = minimize_result.x self.intercept_ = 0.0 self.coef_ = np.array(self.coef_) return self def _prepare_inputs(self, X, sample_weight, y): X, y = check_X_y(X, y) sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) n = X.shape[0] if self.copy_X: X_ = X.copy() else: X_ = X if self.fit_intercept: X_ = np.hstack([X_, np.ones(shape=(n, 1))]) loss, grad_loss = self._get_objective(X_, y, sample_weight) return X_, grad_loss, loss def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict using the linear model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return X @ self.coef_ + self.intercept_ class LADRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Least absolute deviation Regression. `LADRegression` fits a linear model to minimize the residual sum of absolute deviations between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation, i.e. 1 / (2 * n_samples) * ||y - Xw||_1 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 Compared to linear regression, this approach is robust to outliers. You can even optimize for the lowest MAPE (Mean Average Percentage Error), if you pass in np.abs(1/y_train) for the `sample_weight` keyword when fitting the regressor. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> l = LADRegression().fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([-1, 2, -3, 4]) >>> l = LADRegression(positive=True).fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([8.44480086e-17, 1.42423304e+00, 1.97135192e-16, 4.29789588e+00]) """ def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def mae_loss(params): return np.mean(sample_weight * np.abs(y - X @ params)) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_mae_loss(params): return -(sample_weight * np.sign(y - X @ params)) @ X / X.shape[0] return mae_loss, grad_mae_loss class QuantileRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Compute Quantile Regression. This can be used for computing confidence intervals of linear regressions. `QuantileRegression` fits a linear model to minimize a weighted residual sum of absolute deviations between the observed targets in the dataset and the targets predicted by the linear approximation, i.e. 1 / (2 * n_samples) * switch * ||y - Xw||_1 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 where switch is a vector with value `quantile` if y - Xw < 0, else `1 - quantile`. The regressor defaults to `LADRegression` for its default value of `quantile=0.5`. Compared to linear regression, this approach is robust to outliers. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. quantile : float, between 0 and 1, default=0.5 The line output by the model will have a share of approximately `quantile` data points under it. A value of `quantile=1` outputs a line that is above each data point, for example. `quantile=0.5` corresponds to LADRegression. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> l = QuantileRegression().fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([-1, 2, -3, 4]) >>> l = QuantileRegression(quantile=0.8).fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([-1., 2., -3., 4.]) """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, quantile: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(alpha, l1_ratio, fit_intercept, copy_X, positive) self.quantile = quantile def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def imbalanced_loss(params): return np.mean( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params < y, self.quantile, 1 - self.quantile) * np.abs(y - X @ params) ) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_imbalanced_loss(params): return ( -( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params < y, self.quantile, 1 - self.quantile) * np.sign(y - X @ params) ) @ X / X.shape[0] ) return imbalanced_loss, grad_imbalanced_loss def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> "QuantileRegression": """ Fit the model using the SLSQP algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- Fitted regressor. """ if 0 <= self.quantile <= 1: super().fit(X, y, sample_weight) else: raise ValueError("Parameter quantile should be between zero and one.") return self class ImbalancedLinearRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Linear regression where overestimating is `overestimation_punishment_factor` times worse than underestimating. A value of `overestimation_punishment_factor=5` implies that overestimations by the model are penalized with a factor of 5 while underestimations have a default factor of 1. The formula optimized for is 1 / (2 * n_samples) * switch * ||y - Xw||_2 ** 2 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 where switch is a vector with value `overestimation_punishment_factor` if y - Xw < 0, else 1. ImbalancedLinearRegression fits a linear model to minimize the residual sum of squares between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation. Compared to normal linear regression, this approach allows for a different treatment of over or under estimations. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. overestimation_punishment_factor : float, default=1 Factor to punish overestimations more (if the value is larger than 1) or less (if the value is between 0 and 1). Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) + 2*np.random.randn(100) >>> over_bad = ImbalancedLinearRegression(overestimation_punishment_factor=50).fit(X, y) >>> over_bad.coef_ array([0.36267036, 1.39526844, 3.4247146 , 3.93679175]) >>> under_bad = ImbalancedLinearRegression(overestimation_punishment_factor=0.01).fit(X, y) >>> under_bad.coef_ array([0.73519586, 1.28698197, 2.61362614, 4.35989806]) """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, overestimation_punishment_factor: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(alpha, l1_ratio, fit_intercept, copy_X, positive) self.overestimation_punishment_factor = overestimation_punishment_factor def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def imbalanced_loss(params): return 0.5 * np.mean( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params > y, self.overestimation_punishment_factor, 1) * np.square(y - X @ params) ) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_imbalanced_loss(params): return ( -( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params > y, self.overestimation_punishment_factor, 1) * (y - X @ params) ) @ X / X.shape[0] ) return imbalanced_loss, grad_imbalanced_loss class LinearRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Just plain and simple linear regression. The formula optimized for is 1 / (2 * n_samples) * ||y - Xw||_2 ** 2 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) + 2*np.random.randn(100) >>> lr = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) >>> lr.coef_ array([0.73202377, 1.75186186, 2.92983272, 3.96578532]) """ def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def ols_loss(params): return 0.5 * np.mean(sample_weight * np.square(y - X @ params)) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_ols_loss(params): return -(sample_weight * (y - X @ params)) @ X / X.shape[0] return ols_loss, grad_ols_loss
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import ( _check_sample_weight, check_array, check_is_fitted, check_X_y, ) class BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, ABC): """ Base class for regressors relying on scipy's minimze method. Derive a class from this one and give it the function to be minimized. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. Defaults to 1.0. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.alpha = alpha self.l1_ratio = l1_ratio self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.copy_X = copy_X self.positive = positive @abstractmethod def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: """ Produce the loss function to be minimized, and its gradient to speed up computations. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- loss : Callable[[np.ndarray], float] The loss function to be minimized. grad_loss : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] The gradient of the loss function. Speeds up finding the minimum. """ def _loss_regularize(self, loss): def regularized_loss(params): return ( loss(params) + self.alpha * self.l1_ratio * np.sum(np.abs(params)) + 0.5 * self.alpha * (1 - self.l1_ratio) * np.sum(params ** 2) ) return regularized_loss def _grad_loss_regularize(self, grad_loss): def regularized_grad_loss(params): return ( grad_loss(params) + self.alpha * self.l1_ratio * np.sign(params) + self.alpha * (1 - self.l1_ratio) * params ) return regularized_grad_loss def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor: """ Fit the model using the SLSQP algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- Fitted regressor. """ X_, grad_loss, loss = self._prepare_inputs(X, sample_weight, y) d = X_.shape[1] - self.n_features_in_ # This is either zero or one. bounds = ( self.n_features_in_ * [(0, np.inf)] + d * [(-np.inf, np.inf)] if self.positive else None ) minimize_result = minimize( loss, x0=np.zeros(self.n_features_in_ + d), bounds=bounds, method="SLSQP", jac=grad_loss, tol=1e-20, ) self.convergence_status_ = minimize_result.message if self.fit_intercept: *self.coef_, self.intercept_ = minimize_result.x else: self.coef_ = minimize_result.x self.intercept_ = 0.0 self.coef_ = np.array(self.coef_) return self def _prepare_inputs(self, X, sample_weight, y): X, y = check_X_y(X, y) sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) n = X.shape[0] if self.copy_X: X_ = X.copy() else: X_ = X if self.fit_intercept: X_ = np.hstack([X_, np.ones(shape=(n, 1))]) loss, grad_loss = self._get_objective(X_, y, sample_weight) return X_, grad_loss, loss def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict using the linear model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return X @ self.coef_ + self.intercept_ class LADRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Least absolute deviation Regression. `LADRegression` fits a linear model to minimize the residual sum of absolute deviations between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation, i.e. 1 / (2 * n_samples) * ||y - Xw||_1 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 Compared to linear regression, this approach is robust to outliers. You can even optimize for the lowest MAPE (Mean Average Percentage Error), if you pass in np.abs(1/y_train) for the `sample_weight` keyword when fitting the regressor. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> l = LADRegression().fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([-1, 2, -3, 4]) >>> l = LADRegression(positive=True).fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([8.44480086e-17, 1.42423304e+00, 1.97135192e-16, 4.29789588e+00]) """ def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def mae_loss(params): return np.mean(sample_weight * np.abs(y - X @ params)) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_mae_loss(params): return -(sample_weight * np.sign(y - X @ params)) @ X / X.shape[0] return mae_loss, grad_mae_loss class QuantileRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Compute Quantile Regression. This can be used for computing confidence intervals of linear regressions. `QuantileRegression` fits a linear model to minimize a weighted residual sum of absolute deviations between the observed targets in the dataset and the targets predicted by the linear approximation, i.e. 1 / (2 * n_samples) * switch * ||y - Xw||_1 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 where switch is a vector with value `quantile` if y - Xw < 0, else `1 - quantile`. The regressor defaults to `LADRegression` for its default value of `quantile=0.5`. Compared to linear regression, this approach is robust to outliers. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. quantile : float, between 0 and 1, default=0.5 The line output by the model will have a share of approximately `quantile` data points under it. A value of `quantile=1` outputs a line that is above each data point, for example. `quantile=0.5` corresponds to LADRegression. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> l = QuantileRegression().fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([-1, 2, -3, 4]) >>> l = QuantileRegression(quantile=0.8).fit(X, y) >>> l.coef_ array([-1., 2., -3., 4.]) """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, quantile: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(alpha, l1_ratio, fit_intercept, copy_X, positive) self.quantile = quantile def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def imbalanced_loss(params): return np.mean( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params < y, self.quantile, 1 - self.quantile) * np.abs(y - X @ params) ) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_imbalanced_loss(params): return ( -( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params < y, self.quantile, 1 - self.quantile) * np.sign(y - X @ params) ) @ X / X.shape[0] ) return imbalanced_loss, grad_imbalanced_loss def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> "QuantileRegression": """ Fit the model using the SLSQP algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. sample_weight : Optional[np.ndarray], default=None Individual weights for each sample. Returns ------- Fitted regressor. """ if 0 <= self.quantile <= 1: super().fit(X, y, sample_weight) else: raise ValueError("Parameter quantile should be between zero and one.") return self class ImbalancedLinearRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Linear regression where overestimating is `overestimation_punishment_factor` times worse than underestimating. A value of `overestimation_punishment_factor=5` implies that overestimations by the model are penalized with a factor of 5 while underestimations have a default factor of 1. The formula optimized for is 1 / (2 * n_samples) * switch * ||y - Xw||_2 ** 2 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 where switch is a vector with value `overestimation_punishment_factor` if y - Xw < 0, else 1. ImbalancedLinearRegression fits a linear model to minimize the residual sum of squares between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation. Compared to normal linear regression, this approach allows for a different treatment of over or under estimations. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. overestimation_punishment_factor : float, default=1 Factor to punish overestimations more (if the value is larger than 1) or less (if the value is between 0 and 1). Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) + 2*np.random.randn(100) >>> over_bad = ImbalancedLinearRegression(overestimation_punishment_factor=50).fit(X, y) >>> over_bad.coef_ array([0.36267036, 1.39526844, 3.4247146 , 3.93679175]) >>> under_bad = ImbalancedLinearRegression(overestimation_punishment_factor=0.01).fit(X, y) >>> under_bad.coef_ array([0.73519586, 1.28698197, 2.61362614, 4.35989806]) """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.0, l1_ratio: float = 0.0, fit_intercept: bool = True, copy_X: bool = True, positive: bool = False, overestimation_punishment_factor: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(alpha, l1_ratio, fit_intercept, copy_X, positive) self.overestimation_punishment_factor = overestimation_punishment_factor def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def imbalanced_loss(params): return 0.5 * np.mean( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params > y, self.overestimation_punishment_factor, 1) * np.square(y - X @ params) ) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_imbalanced_loss(params): return ( -( sample_weight * np.where(X @ params > y, self.overestimation_punishment_factor, 1) * (y - X @ params) ) @ X / X.shape[0] ) return imbalanced_loss, grad_imbalanced_loss class LinearRegression(BaseScipyMinimizeRegressor): """ Just plain and simple linear regression. The formula optimized for is 1 / (2 * n_samples) * ||y - Xw||_2 ** 2 + alpha * l1_ratio * ||w||_1 + 0.5 * alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) * ||w||_2 ** 2 Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.0 Constant that multiplies the penalty terms. l1_ratio : float, default=0.0 The ElasticNet mixing parameter, with ``0 <= l1_ratio <= 1``. For ``l1_ratio = 0`` the penalty is an L2 penalty. ``For l1_ratio = 1`` it is an L1 penalty. For ``0 < l1_ratio < 1``, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. fit_intercept : bool, default=True Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered). copy_X : bool, default=True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. positive : bool, default=False When set to True, forces the coefficients to be positive. Attributes ---------- coef_ : np.ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated coefficients of the model. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. Set to 0.0 if fit_intercept = False. Notes ----- This implementation uses scipy.optimize.minimize, see Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 4) >>> y = X @ np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) + 2*np.random.randn(100) >>> lr = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) >>> lr.coef_ array([0.73202377, 1.75186186, 2.92983272, 3.96578532]) """ def _get_objective( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], float], Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]]: @self._loss_regularize def ols_loss(params): return 0.5 * np.mean(sample_weight * np.square(y - X @ params)) @self._grad_loss_regularize def grad_ols_loss(params): return -(sample_weight * (y - X @ params)) @ X / X.shape[0] return ols_loss, grad_ols_loss
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, clone from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.utils.validation import ( check_X_y, check_is_fitted, check_array, _check_sample_weight, ) class ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ A meta regressor that outputs a transparent, explainable model given blackbox models. It works exactly like the `ExplainableBoostingRegressor` by the interpretml team, but here you can choose any base regressor instead of being restricted to trees. For example, you can use scikit-learn's `IsotonicRegression` to create a model that is monotonically increasing or decreasing in some of the features, while still being explainable and well-performing. See the notes below to find a nice explanation of how the algorithm works at a high level. Parameters ---------- base_regressor : Any, default=DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) A single scikit-learn compatible regressor or a list of those regressors of length `n_features`. max_rounds : int, default=5000 Conduct the boosting for these many rounds. learning_rate : float, default=0.01 The learning rate. Should be quite small. grid_points : int, default=1000 The more grid points, the - more detailed the explanations get and - the better the model performs, but - the slower the algorithm gets. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 2) >>> y = 2 * X[:, 0] - 3 * X[:, 1] + np.random.randn(100) >>> e = ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor( ... base_regressor=[IsotonicRegression(), IsotonicRegression(increasing=False)], ... grid_points=20 ... ).fit(X, y) >>> e.score(X, y) 0.9377382292348461 >>> e.outputs_[0] # increasing in the first feature, as it should be array([-4.47984456, -4.47984456, -4.47984456, -4.47984456, -3.00182713, -2.96627696, -1.60843287, -1.06601264, -0.92013822, -0.7217753 , -0.66440783, 0.28132994, 1.33664486, 1.47592253, 1.96677286, 2.88969439, 2.96292906, 4.33642573, 4.38506967, 6.42967225]) >>> e.outputs_[1] # decreasing in the second feature, as it should be array([ 6.35605214, 6.06407947, 6.05458114, 4.8488004 , 4.41880876, 3.45056373, 2.64560385, 1.6138303 , 0.89860987, 0.458301 , 0.33455608, -0.43609495, -1.55600464, -2.05142528, -2.42791679, -3.58961475, -4.80134218, -4.94421252, -5.94858712, -6.36828774]) Notes ----- Check out the original author's Github at and for a great introduction into the operations of the algorithm. """ def __init__( self, base_regressor: Any = None, max_rounds: int = 5000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, grid_points: int = 1000, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.base_regressor = base_regressor self.max_rounds = max_rounds self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.grid_points = grid_points def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray = None ) -> ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor: """ Fit the model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. Returns ------- ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor Fitted regressor. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y) sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) if not isinstance(self.base_regressor, list): if self.base_regressor is not None: self.base_regressors_ = self.n_features_in_ * [self.base_regressor] else: self.base_regressors_ = self.n_features_in_ * [ DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) ] else: if len(self.base_regressor) == self.n_features_in_: self.base_regressors_ = self.base_regressor else: raise ValueError( "Number of regressors in base_regressor should be the same as the number of features." ) if self.learning_rate <= 0: raise ValueError("learning_rate has to be positive!") self.domains_ = [ np.linspace(feature_min, feature_max, self.grid_points) for feature_min, feature_max in zip(X.min(axis=0), X.max(axis=0)) ] self.outputs_ = [np.zeros_like(domain) for domain in self.domains_] self.mean_ = y.mean() y_copy = y.copy() - self.mean_ self._fit(X, sample_weight, y_copy) return self def _fit(self, X, sample_weight, y_copy): for i in range(self.max_rounds): feature_number = i % self.n_features_in_ h = clone(self.base_regressors_[feature_number]) x = X[:, feature_number].reshape(-1, 1), y_copy, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.outputs_[feature_number] += self.learning_rate * h.predict( self.domains_[feature_number].reshape(-1, 1) ) y_copy -= self.learning_rate * h.predict(x) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get predictions. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ X = check_array(X) check_is_fitted(self) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) n = len(X) res = np.zeros(n) for feature_number in range(self.n_features_in_): grid = self.domains_[feature_number] feature_outputs = self.outputs_[feature_number][ np.abs( np.repeat(grid.reshape(-1, 1), n, axis=1) - X[:, feature_number] ).argmin(axis=0) ] res += feature_outputs return res + self.mean_
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, clone from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.utils.validation import ( check_X_y, check_is_fitted, check_array, _check_sample_weight, ) class ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ A meta regressor that outputs a transparent, explainable model given blackbox models. It works exactly like the `ExplainableBoostingRegressor` by the interpretml team, but here you can choose any base regressor instead of being restricted to trees. For example, you can use scikit-learn's `IsotonicRegression` to create a model that is monotonically increasing or decreasing in some of the features, while still being explainable and well-performing. See the notes below to find a nice explanation of how the algorithm works at a high level. Parameters ---------- base_regressor : Any, default=DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) A single scikit-learn compatible regressor or a list of those regressors of length `n_features`. max_rounds : int, default=5000 Conduct the boosting for these many rounds. learning_rate : float, default=0.01 The learning rate. Should be quite small. grid_points : int, default=1000 The more grid points, the - more detailed the explanations get and - the better the model performs, but - the slower the algorithm gets. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 2) >>> y = 2 * X[:, 0] - 3 * X[:, 1] + np.random.randn(100) >>> e = ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor( ... base_regressor=[IsotonicRegression(), IsotonicRegression(increasing=False)], ... grid_points=20 ... ).fit(X, y) >>> e.score(X, y) 0.9377382292348461 >>> e.outputs_[0] # increasing in the first feature, as it should be array([-4.47984456, -4.47984456, -4.47984456, -4.47984456, -3.00182713, -2.96627696, -1.60843287, -1.06601264, -0.92013822, -0.7217753 , -0.66440783, 0.28132994, 1.33664486, 1.47592253, 1.96677286, 2.88969439, 2.96292906, 4.33642573, 4.38506967, 6.42967225]) >>> e.outputs_[1] # decreasing in the second feature, as it should be array([ 6.35605214, 6.06407947, 6.05458114, 4.8488004 , 4.41880876, 3.45056373, 2.64560385, 1.6138303 , 0.89860987, 0.458301 , 0.33455608, -0.43609495, -1.55600464, -2.05142528, -2.42791679, -3.58961475, -4.80134218, -4.94421252, -5.94858712, -6.36828774]) Notes ----- Check out the original author's Github at and for a great introduction into the operations of the algorithm. """ def __init__( self, base_regressor: Any = None, max_rounds: int = 5000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, grid_points: int = 1000, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.base_regressor = base_regressor self.max_rounds = max_rounds self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.grid_points = grid_points def fit( self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, sample_weight: np.ndarray = None ) -> ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor: """ Fit the model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. Returns ------- ExplainableBoostingMetaRegressor Fitted regressor. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y) sample_weight = _check_sample_weight(sample_weight, X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) if not isinstance(self.base_regressor, list): if self.base_regressor is not None: self.base_regressors_ = self.n_features_in_ * [self.base_regressor] else: self.base_regressors_ = self.n_features_in_ * [ DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) ] else: if len(self.base_regressor) == self.n_features_in_: self.base_regressors_ = self.base_regressor else: raise ValueError( "Number of regressors in base_regressor should be the same as the number of features." ) if self.learning_rate <= 0: raise ValueError("learning_rate has to be positive!") self.domains_ = [ np.linspace(feature_min, feature_max, self.grid_points) for feature_min, feature_max in zip(X.min(axis=0), X.max(axis=0)) ] self.outputs_ = [np.zeros_like(domain) for domain in self.domains_] self.mean_ = y.mean() y_copy = y.copy() - self.mean_ self._fit(X, sample_weight, y_copy) return self def _fit(self, X, sample_weight, y_copy): for i in range(self.max_rounds): feature_number = i % self.n_features_in_ h = clone(self.base_regressors_[feature_number]) x = X[:, feature_number].reshape(-1, 1), y_copy, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.outputs_[feature_number] += self.learning_rate * h.predict( self.domains_[feature_number].reshape(-1, 1) ) y_copy -= self.learning_rate * h.predict(x) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get predictions. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ X = check_array(X) check_is_fitted(self) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) n = len(X) res = np.zeros(n) for feature_number in range(self.n_features_in_): grid = self.domains_[feature_number] feature_outputs = self.outputs_[feature_number][ np.abs( np.repeat(grid.reshape(-1, 1), n, axis=1) - X[:, feature_number] ).argmin(axis=0) ] res += feature_outputs return res + self.mean_
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any import numpy as np from sklearn.base import ( BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, clone, is_regressor, is_classifier, ) from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_X_y, check_array class ZeroInflatedRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ A meta regressor for zero-inflated datasets, i.e. the targets contain a lot of zeroes. `ZeroInflatedRegressor` consists of a classifier and a regressor. - The classifier's task is to find of if the target is zero or not. - The regressor's task is to output a (usually positive) prediction whenever the classifier indicates that the there should be a non-zero prediction. The regressor is only trained on examples where the target is non-zero, which makes it easier for it to focus. At prediction time, the classifier is first asked if the output should be zero. If yes, output zero. Otherwise, ask the regressor for its prediction and output it. Parameters ---------- classifier : Any, scikit-learn classifier A classifier that answers the question "Should the output be zero?". regressor : Any, scikit-learn regressor A regressor for predicting the target. Its prediction is only used if `classifier` says that the output is non-zero. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier, ExtraTreesRegressor >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(10000, 4) >>> y = ((X[:, 0]>0) & (X[:, 1]>0)) * np.abs(X[:, 2] * X[:, 3]**2) >>> z = ZeroInflatedRegressor( ... classifier=ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=0), ... regressor=ExtraTreesRegressor(random_state=0) ... ) >>>, y) ZeroInflatedRegressor(classifier=ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=0), regressor=ExtraTreesRegressor(random_state=0)) >>> z.predict(X)[:5] array([4.91483294, 0. , 0. , 0.04941909, 0. ]) """ _required_parameters = ["classifier", "regressor"] def __init__(self, classifier: Any, regressor: Any) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.classifier = classifier self.regressor = regressor def _fit_estimator(self, estimator_type: str, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> None: if estimator_type == 'classifier': estimator = self.classifier elif estimator_type == 'regressor': estimator = self.regressor else: raise ValueError(f"Estimator type should be `classifier` or `regressor`, got {estimator_type}.") try: check_is_fitted(estimator) self.estimators_[estimator_type] = estimator except NotFittedError: self.estimators_[estimator_type] = clone(estimator) self.estimators_[estimator_type].fit(X, y) def _check_estimators(self) -> None: if not is_classifier(self.classifier): raise ValueError( f"`classifier` has to be a classifier. Received instance of {type(self.classifier)} instead." ) if not is_regressor(self.regressor): raise ValueError( f"`regressor` has to be a regressor. Received instance of {type(self.regressor)} instead." ) def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> ZeroInflatedRegressor: """ Fit the model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. Returns ------- ZeroInflatedRegressor Fitted regressor. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._check_estimators() self.estimators_ = {} self._fit_estimator('classifier', X, y != 0) non_zero_indices = np.where(self.estimators_['classifier'].predict(X) == 1)[0] if non_zero_indices.size > 0: self._fit_estimator('regressor', X[non_zero_indices], y[non_zero_indices]) else: raise ValueError( "The predicted training labels are all zero, making the regressor obsolete. Change the classifier or use a plain regressor instead." ) return self def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get predictions. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) output = np.zeros(len(X)) non_zero_indices = np.where(self.estimators_['classifier'].predict(X))[0] if non_zero_indices.size > 0: output[non_zero_indices] = self.estimators_['regressor'].predict(X[non_zero_indices]) return output
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any import numpy as np from sklearn.base import ( BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, clone, is_regressor, is_classifier, ) from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_X_y, check_array class ZeroInflatedRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ A meta regressor for zero-inflated datasets, i.e. the targets contain a lot of zeroes. `ZeroInflatedRegressor` consists of a classifier and a regressor. - The classifier's task is to find of if the target is zero or not. - The regressor's task is to output a (usually positive) prediction whenever the classifier indicates that the there should be a non-zero prediction. The regressor is only trained on examples where the target is non-zero, which makes it easier for it to focus. At prediction time, the classifier is first asked if the output should be zero. If yes, output zero. Otherwise, ask the regressor for its prediction and output it. Parameters ---------- classifier : Any, scikit-learn classifier A classifier that answers the question "Should the output be zero?". regressor : Any, scikit-learn regressor A regressor for predicting the target. Its prediction is only used if `classifier` says that the output is non-zero. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier, ExtraTreesRegressor >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(10000, 4) >>> y = ((X[:, 0]>0) & (X[:, 1]>0)) * np.abs(X[:, 2] * X[:, 3]**2) >>> z = ZeroInflatedRegressor( ... classifier=ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=0), ... regressor=ExtraTreesRegressor(random_state=0) ... ) >>>, y) ZeroInflatedRegressor(classifier=ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=0), regressor=ExtraTreesRegressor(random_state=0)) >>> z.predict(X)[:5] array([4.91483294, 0. , 0. , 0.04941909, 0. ]) """ _required_parameters = ["classifier", "regressor"] def __init__(self, classifier: Any, regressor: Any) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.classifier = classifier self.regressor = regressor def _fit_estimator(self, estimator_type: str, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> None: if estimator_type == 'classifier': estimator = self.classifier elif estimator_type == 'regressor': estimator = self.regressor else: raise ValueError(f"Estimator type should be `classifier` or `regressor`, got {estimator_type}.") try: check_is_fitted(estimator) self.estimators_[estimator_type] = estimator except NotFittedError: self.estimators_[estimator_type] = clone(estimator) self.estimators_[estimator_type].fit(X, y) def _check_estimators(self) -> None: if not is_classifier(self.classifier): raise ValueError( f"`classifier` has to be a classifier. Received instance of {type(self.classifier)} instead." ) if not is_regressor(self.regressor): raise ValueError( f"`regressor` has to be a regressor. Received instance of {type(self.regressor)} instead." ) def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> ZeroInflatedRegressor: """ Fit the model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training data. y : np.ndarray, 1-dimensional The target values. Returns ------- ZeroInflatedRegressor Fitted regressor. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._check_estimators() self.estimators_ = {} self._fit_estimator('classifier', X, y != 0) non_zero_indices = np.where(self.estimators_['classifier'].predict(X) == 1)[0] if non_zero_indices.size > 0: self._fit_estimator('regressor', X[non_zero_indices], y[non_zero_indices]) else: raise ValueError( "The predicted training labels are all zero, making the regressor obsolete. Change the classifier or use a plain regressor instead." ) return self def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get predictions. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) Samples to get predictions of. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The predicted values. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) output = np.zeros(len(X)) non_zero_indices = np.where(self.estimators_['classifier'].predict(X))[0] if non_zero_indices.size > 0: output[non_zero_indices] = self.estimators_['regressor'].predict(X[non_zero_indices]) return output
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils import check_array from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted class Smoother(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ABC): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution. Parameters ---------- window : int Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. mode : str Which convolution mode to use. Can be one of - "full": The output is the full discrete linear convolution of the inputs. - "valid": The output consists only of those elements that do not rely on the zero-padding. - "same": The output is the same size as the first input, centered with respect to the 'full' output. """ def __init__( self, window: int, mode: str, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.window = window self.mode = mode @abstractmethod def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None """ def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: None = None) -> Smoother: """ Fit the estimator. The frequency is computed and the sliding window is created. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for inferring the frequency, if not provided during initialization. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- GeneralGaussianSmoother Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._set_sliding_window() self.sliding_window_ = ( self.sliding_window_.reshape(-1, 1) / self.sliding_window_.sum() ) return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Add the new date feature to the dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray A pandas dataframe with a DatetimeIndex. Returns ------- np.ndarray The input dataframe with an additional column for special dates. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) convolution = convolve2d(X, self.sliding_window_, mode=self.mode) if self.mode == "full" and self.window > 1: convolution = convolution[: -self.window + 1] return convolution class GeneralGaussianSmoother(Smoother): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution with a generalized Gaussian curve. Parameters ---------- window : int, default=1 Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. p : float, default=1 Parameter for the shape of the curve. p=1 yields a typical Gaussian curve while p=0.5 yields a Laplace curve, for example. sig : float, default=1 Parameter for the standard deviation of the bell-shaped curve. tails : str, default="both" Which tails to use. Can be one of - "left" - "right" - "both" Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother().fit_transform(X) array([[0.], [0.], [0.], [1.], [0.], [0.], [0.]]) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother(window=5, p=1, sig=1).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0.05448868], [0.24420134], [0.40261995], [0.24420134], [0.05448868], [0. ]]) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother(window=7, tails="right").fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.57045881], [0.34600076], [0.0772032 ], [0.00633722]]) """ def __init__( self, window: int = 1, p: float = 1, sig: float = 1, tails: str = "both", ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(window, mode="same") self.p = p self.sig = sig self.tails = tails def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None Raises ------ ValueError If the provided value for `tails` is not "left", "right" or "both". """ self.sliding_window_ = np.exp( -0.5 * np.abs(np.arange(-self.window // 2 + 1, self.window // 2 + 1) / self.sig) ** (2 * self.p) ) if self.tails == "left": self.sliding_window_[self.window // 2 + 1 :] = 0 elif self.tails == "right": self.sliding_window_[: self.window // 2] = 0 elif self.tails != "both": raise ValueError( "tails keyword has to be one of 'both', 'left' or 'right'." ) class ExponentialDecaySmoother(Smoother): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution with a exponentially decaying curve. This class can be used for modelling carry over effects in marketing mix models. Parameters ---------- window : int, default=1 Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. strength : float, default=0.0 Fraction of the spending effect that is carried over. peak : float, default=0.0 Where the carryover effect peaks. exponent : float, default=1.0 To further widen or narrow the carryover curve. A value of 1.0 yields a normal exponential decay. With values larger than 1.0, a super exponential decay can be achieved. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother().fit_transform(X) array([[0.], [0.], [0.], [1.], [0.], [0.], [0.]]) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother(window=3, strength=0.5).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.57142857], [0.28571429], [0.14285714], [0. ]]) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother(window=3, strength=0.5, peak=1).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.25], [0.5 ], [0.25], [0. ]]) """ def __init__( self, window: int = 1, strength: float = 0.0, peak: float = 0.0, exponent: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(window, mode="full") self.strength = strength self.peak = peak self.exponent = exponent def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None """ self.sliding_window_ = self.strength ** ( np.abs(np.arange(self.window) - self.peak) ** self.exponent )
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils import check_array from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted class Smoother(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ABC): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution. Parameters ---------- window : int Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. mode : str Which convolution mode to use. Can be one of - "full": The output is the full discrete linear convolution of the inputs. - "valid": The output consists only of those elements that do not rely on the zero-padding. - "same": The output is the same size as the first input, centered with respect to the 'full' output. """ def __init__( self, window: int, mode: str, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.window = window self.mode = mode @abstractmethod def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None """ def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: None = None) -> Smoother: """ Fit the estimator. The frequency is computed and the sliding window is created. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for inferring the frequency, if not provided during initialization. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- GeneralGaussianSmoother Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._set_sliding_window() self.sliding_window_ = ( self.sliding_window_.reshape(-1, 1) / self.sliding_window_.sum() ) return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Add the new date feature to the dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray A pandas dataframe with a DatetimeIndex. Returns ------- np.ndarray The input dataframe with an additional column for special dates. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) convolution = convolve2d(X, self.sliding_window_, mode=self.mode) if self.mode == "full" and self.window > 1: convolution = convolution[: -self.window + 1] return convolution class GeneralGaussianSmoother(Smoother): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution with a generalized Gaussian curve. Parameters ---------- window : int, default=1 Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. p : float, default=1 Parameter for the shape of the curve. p=1 yields a typical Gaussian curve while p=0.5 yields a Laplace curve, for example. sig : float, default=1 Parameter for the standard deviation of the bell-shaped curve. tails : str, default="both" Which tails to use. Can be one of - "left" - "right" - "both" Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother().fit_transform(X) array([[0.], [0.], [0.], [1.], [0.], [0.], [0.]]) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother(window=5, p=1, sig=1).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0.05448868], [0.24420134], [0.40261995], [0.24420134], [0.05448868], [0. ]]) >>> GeneralGaussianSmoother(window=7, tails="right").fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.57045881], [0.34600076], [0.0772032 ], [0.00633722]]) """ def __init__( self, window: int = 1, p: float = 1, sig: float = 1, tails: str = "both", ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(window, mode="same") self.p = p self.sig = sig self.tails = tails def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None Raises ------ ValueError If the provided value for `tails` is not "left", "right" or "both". """ self.sliding_window_ = np.exp( -0.5 * np.abs(np.arange(-self.window // 2 + 1, self.window // 2 + 1) / self.sig) ** (2 * self.p) ) if self.tails == "left": self.sliding_window_[self.window // 2 + 1 :] = 0 elif self.tails == "right": self.sliding_window_[: self.window // 2] = 0 elif self.tails != "both": raise ValueError( "tails keyword has to be one of 'both', 'left' or 'right'." ) class ExponentialDecaySmoother(Smoother): """ Smooth the columns of an array by applying a convolution with a exponentially decaying curve. This class can be used for modelling carry over effects in marketing mix models. Parameters ---------- window : int, default=1 Size of the sliding window. The effect of a holiday will reach from approximately date - `window/2 * frequency` to date + `window/2 * frequency`, i.e. it is centered around the dates in `dates`. strength : float, default=0.0 Fraction of the spending effect that is carried over. peak : float, default=0.0 Where the carryover effect peaks. exponent : float, default=1.0 To further widen or narrow the carryover curve. A value of 1.0 yields a normal exponential decay. With values larger than 1.0, a super exponential decay can be achieved. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother().fit_transform(X) array([[0.], [0.], [0.], [1.], [0.], [0.], [0.]]) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother(window=3, strength=0.5).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.57142857], [0.28571429], [0.14285714], [0. ]]) >>> ExponentialDecaySmoother(window=3, strength=0.5, peak=1).fit_transform(X) array([[0. ], [0. ], [0. ], [0.25], [0.5 ], [0.25], [0. ]]) """ def __init__( self, window: int = 1, strength: float = 0.0, peak: float = 0.0, exponent: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(window, mode="full") self.strength = strength self.peak = peak self.exponent = exponent def _set_sliding_window(self) -> None: """ Calculate the sliding window. Returns ------- None """ self.sliding_window_ = self.strength ** ( np.abs(np.arange(self.window) - self.peak) ** self.exponent )
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, Union import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted class SpikeRemover(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ This class takes a time series and removes outlier spikes. It does so by filtering out observations that are not close to their neighbors and replaces them with the mean of the neighbors. The amount of spikes being flattened is determined by the `contamination` parameter. Parameters ---------- contamination : float, default=0.1 The amount of contamination of the data set, i.e. the proportion of outliers in the data set. Range is (0, 0.5). random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Determines the pseudo random number generator for shuffling the data. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)) + 0.1*np.random.randn(100); y[4] = 5; y[60] = -10 >>> y_new = SpikeRemover().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1)) >>> y_new[[3, 4, 5]] array([[0.41334056], [0.31382311], [0.21430566]]) >>> y_new[[59, 60, 61]] array([[-0.60333398], [-0.65302915], [-0.70272432]]) """ def __init__( self, contamination: float = 0.05, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, ): """Initialize.""" self.contamination = contamination self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, y: np.ndarray) -> SpikeRemover: """ Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray A time series containing outlier spikes. Returns ------- SpikeRemover Fitted transformer. """ self.outlier_detector_ = EllipticEnvelope( contamination=self.contamination, random_state=self.random_state ) y_diff = y[1:] - y[:-1] return self def transform(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Remove outliers from the time series. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The original time series. Returns ------- np.ndarray Time series without outlier spikes. """ check_is_fitted(self) y_copy = y.copy() outlier_markers = np.convolve( self.outlier_detector_.predict(y_copy[1:] - y_copy[:-1]), np.array([1, 1]) ) central_spikes = np.where(outlier_markers == -2)[0] border_spikes = np.where(outlier_markers == -1)[0] for spike in central_spikes: y_copy[spike] = np.average(y_copy[[spike - 1, spike + 1]]) for spike in border_spikes: if spike == 0: y_copy[0] = y_copy[1] else: y_copy[-1] = y_copy[-2] return y_copy
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, Union import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted class SpikeRemover(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ This class takes a time series and removes outlier spikes. It does so by filtering out observations that are not close to their neighbors and replaces them with the mean of the neighbors. The amount of spikes being flattened is determined by the `contamination` parameter. Parameters ---------- contamination : float, default=0.1 The amount of contamination of the data set, i.e. the proportion of outliers in the data set. Range is (0, 0.5). random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Determines the pseudo random number generator for shuffling the data. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)) + 0.1*np.random.randn(100); y[4] = 5; y[60] = -10 >>> y_new = SpikeRemover().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1)) >>> y_new[[3, 4, 5]] array([[0.41334056], [0.31382311], [0.21430566]]) >>> y_new[[59, 60, 61]] array([[-0.60333398], [-0.65302915], [-0.70272432]]) """ def __init__( self, contamination: float = 0.05, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, ): """Initialize.""" self.contamination = contamination self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, y: np.ndarray) -> SpikeRemover: """ Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray A time series containing outlier spikes. Returns ------- SpikeRemover Fitted transformer. """ self.outlier_detector_ = EllipticEnvelope( contamination=self.contamination, random_state=self.random_state ) y_diff = y[1:] - y[:-1] return self def transform(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Remove outliers from the time series. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The original time series. Returns ------- np.ndarray Time series without outlier spikes. """ check_is_fitted(self) y_copy = y.copy() outlier_markers = np.convolve( self.outlier_detector_.predict(y_copy[1:] - y_copy[:-1]), np.array([1, 1]) ) central_spikes = np.where(outlier_markers == -2)[0] border_spikes = np.where(outlier_markers == -1)[0] for spike in central_spikes: y_copy[spike] = np.average(y_copy[[spike - 1, spike + 1]]) for spike in border_spikes: if spike == 0: y_copy[0] = y_copy[1] else: y_copy[-1] = y_copy[-2] return y_copy
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, OutlierMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_is_fitted class BoxEnvelope(BaseEstimator, OutlierMixin, ABC): """ Detect if a data point is an outlier via checking each feature for unusual behavior independently. It works the following way for each sample: - Mark the sample as an inlier - For each feature, do the following: - If the feature is smaller than the `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. - If the feature is larger than the 1 - `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. """ @abstractmethod def _get_bounds(self, X): """Implement this. This should set `self.lower_bounds_` and `self.upper_bounds`.""" def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y=None) -> BoxEnvelope: """ Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for calculating the quantiles. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- BoxEnvelope Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._get_bounds(X) self.offset_ = 0 return self def score_samples(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return ( 2 * np.hstack( [ np.where(X < self.lower_bounds_, 0, 1), np.where(X > self.upper_bounds_, 0, 1), ] ), axis=1, ) - 1 ).astype(float) def decision_function(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ return self.score_samples(X) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ return self.decision_function(X).astype(int) class QuantileBoxEnvelope(BoxEnvelope): """ Detect if a data point is an outlier via checking each feature for unusual behavior independently. It works the following way for each sample: - Mark the sample as an inlier - For each feature, do the following: - If the feature is smaller than the `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. - If the feature is larger than the 1 - `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.01 Determines how many outliers are produced. The larger `alpha`, the more samples are marked as outliers. For one-dimensional data, approximately a fraction `alpha` of all samples will be marked as outliers. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([ ... [1, 5], ... [2, 5], ... [3, 5], ... [2, 6] ... ]) >>> QuantileBoxEnvelope(alpha=0.4).fit_predict(X) array([-1, 1, -1, -1]) >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(1000, 1) >>> list(QuantileBoxEnvelope().fit_predict(X)).count(-1) / 1000 0.01 """ def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.01): """Initialize.""" super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha def _get_bounds(self, X): self.lower_bounds_ = np.quantile(X, q=self.alpha / 2, axis=0) self.upper_bounds_ = np.quantile(X, q=1 - self.alpha / 2, axis=0)
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, OutlierMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_is_fitted class BoxEnvelope(BaseEstimator, OutlierMixin, ABC): """ Detect if a data point is an outlier via checking each feature for unusual behavior independently. It works the following way for each sample: - Mark the sample as an inlier - For each feature, do the following: - If the feature is smaller than the `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. - If the feature is larger than the 1 - `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. """ @abstractmethod def _get_bounds(self, X): """Implement this. This should set `self.lower_bounds_` and `self.upper_bounds`.""" def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y=None) -> BoxEnvelope: """ Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for calculating the quantiles. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- BoxEnvelope Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) self._get_bounds(X) self.offset_ = 0 return self def score_samples(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return ( 2 * np.hstack( [ np.where(X < self.lower_bounds_, 0, 1), np.where(X > self.upper_bounds_, 0, 1), ] ), axis=1, ) - 1 ).astype(float) def decision_function(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ return self.score_samples(X) def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ return self.decision_function(X).astype(int) class QuantileBoxEnvelope(BoxEnvelope): """ Detect if a data point is an outlier via checking each feature for unusual behavior independently. It works the following way for each sample: - Mark the sample as an inlier - For each feature, do the following: - If the feature is smaller than the `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. - If the feature is larger than the 1 - `alpha` / 2 quantile, mark this sample as an outlier. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.01 Determines how many outliers are produced. The larger `alpha`, the more samples are marked as outliers. For one-dimensional data, approximately a fraction `alpha` of all samples will be marked as outliers. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([ ... [1, 5], ... [2, 5], ... [3, 5], ... [2, 6] ... ]) >>> QuantileBoxEnvelope(alpha=0.4).fit_predict(X) array([-1, 1, -1, -1]) >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> X = np.random.randn(1000, 1) >>> list(QuantileBoxEnvelope().fit_predict(X)).count(-1) / 1000 0.01 """ def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.01): """Initialize.""" super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha def _get_bounds(self, X): self.lower_bounds_ = np.quantile(X, q=self.alpha / 2, axis=0) self.upper_bounds_ = np.quantile(X, q=1 - self.alpha / 2, axis=0)
from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Tuple, Optional import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_is_fitted class CyclicalEncoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Break each cyclic feature into two new features, corresponding to the representation of this feature on a circle. For example, take the hours from 0 to 23. On a normal, round analog clock, these features are perfectly aligned on a circle already. You can do the same with days, month, ... Notes ----- This method has the advantage that close points in time stay close together. See the examples below. Otherwise, if algorithms deal with the raw value for hour they cannot know that 0 and 23 are actually close. Another possibility is one hot encoding the hour. This has the disadvantage that it breaks the distances between different hours. Hour 5 and 16 have the same distance as hour 0 and 23 when doing this. Parameters ---------- cycles : Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]], default=None Define the ranges of the cycles in the format [(col_1_min, col_1_max), (col_2_min, col_2_max), ...). For example, use [(0, 23), (1, 7)] if your dataset consists of two columns, the first one containing hours and the second one the day of the week. If left empty, the encoder tries to infer it from the data, i.e. it looks for the minimum and maximum value of each column. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> df = np.array([[22], [23], [0], [1], [2]]) >>> CyclicalEncoder().fit_transform(df) array([[ 0.8660254 , -0.5 ], [ 0.96592583, -0.25881905], [ 1. , 0. ], [ 0.96592583, 0.25881905], [ 0.8660254 , 0.5 ]]) """ def __init__( self, cycles: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.cycles = cycles def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y=None) -> CyclicalEncoder: """ Fit the estimator. In this special case, nothing is done. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for inferring the ranges of the data, if not provided during initialization. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- CyclicalEncoder Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) if self.cycles is None: self.cycles_ = list(zip(X.min(axis=0), X.max(axis=0))) else: self.cycles_ = self.cycles return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Add the cyclic features to the dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data with cyclical features in the columns. Returns ------- np.ndarray The encoded data with twice as man columns as the original. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) def min_max(column): return ( (column - self.cycles_[i][0]) / (self.cycles_[i][1] + 1 - self.cycles_[i][0]) * 2 * np.pi ) res = [] for i in range(X.shape[1]): res.append(np.cos(min_max(X[:, i]))) res.append(np.sin(min_max(X[:, i]))) return np.vstack(res).T
from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Tuple, Optional import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array, check_is_fitted class CyclicalEncoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Break each cyclic feature into two new features, corresponding to the representation of this feature on a circle. For example, take the hours from 0 to 23. On a normal, round analog clock, these features are perfectly aligned on a circle already. You can do the same with days, month, ... Notes ----- This method has the advantage that close points in time stay close together. See the examples below. Otherwise, if algorithms deal with the raw value for hour they cannot know that 0 and 23 are actually close. Another possibility is one hot encoding the hour. This has the disadvantage that it breaks the distances between different hours. Hour 5 and 16 have the same distance as hour 0 and 23 when doing this. Parameters ---------- cycles : Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]], default=None Define the ranges of the cycles in the format [(col_1_min, col_1_max), (col_2_min, col_2_max), ...). For example, use [(0, 23), (1, 7)] if your dataset consists of two columns, the first one containing hours and the second one the day of the week. If left empty, the encoder tries to infer it from the data, i.e. it looks for the minimum and maximum value of each column. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> df = np.array([[22], [23], [0], [1], [2]]) >>> CyclicalEncoder().fit_transform(df) array([[ 0.8660254 , -0.5 ], [ 0.96592583, -0.25881905], [ 1. , 0. ], [ 0.96592583, 0.25881905], [ 0.8660254 , 0.5 ]]) """ def __init__( self, cycles: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.cycles = cycles def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y=None) -> CyclicalEncoder: """ Fit the estimator. In this special case, nothing is done. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Used for inferring the ranges of the data, if not provided during initialization. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- CyclicalEncoder Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) if self.cycles is None: self.cycles_ = list(zip(X.min(axis=0), X.max(axis=0))) else: self.cycles_ = self.cycles return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Add the cyclic features to the dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data with cyclical features in the columns. Returns ------- np.ndarray The encoded data with twice as man columns as the original. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) def min_max(column): return ( (column - self.cycles_[i][0]) / (self.cycles_[i][1] + 1 - self.cycles_[i][0]) * 2 * np.pi ) res = [] for i in range(X.shape[1]): res.append(np.cos(min_max(X[:, i]))) res.append(np.sin(min_max(X[:, i]))) return np.vstack(res).T
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_array class Saturation(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ABC): """Base class for all saturations, such as Box-Cox, Adbudg, ...""" def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: None = None) -> Saturation: """ Fit the transformer. In this special case, nothing is done. Parameters ---------- X : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- Saturation Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply the saturation effect. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Data to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray Data with saturation effect applied. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return self._transformation(X) @abstractmethod def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" class BoxCoxSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Box-Cox saturation. The formula is ((x + shift) ** exponent-1) / exponent if exponent!=0, else ln(x+shift). Parameters ---------- exponent: float, default=1.0 The exponent. shift : float, default=1.0 The shift. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> BoxCoxSaturation(exponent=0.5).fit_transform(X) array([[ 0.82842712, 61.27716808], [ 1.46410162, 61.27716808], [ 2. , 61.27716808]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, shift: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent self.shift = shift def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" if self.exponent != 0: return ((X + self.shift) ** self.exponent - 1) / self.exponent else: return np.log(X + self.shift) class AdbudgSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Adbudg saturation. The formula is x ** exponent / (denominator_shift + x ** exponent). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. denominator_shift : float, default=1.0 The shift in the denominator. Notes ----- This version produces saturated values in the interval [0, 1]. You can use `LinearShift` from the shift module to bring it between some interval [a, b]. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> AdbudgSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.5 , 0.999001 ], [0.66666667, 0.999001 ], [0.75 , 0.999001 ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, denominator_shift: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent self.denominator_shift = denominator_shift def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" return X ** self.exponent / (self.denominator_shift + X ** self.exponent) class HillSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Hill saturation. The formula is 1 / (1 + (half_saturation / x) ** exponent). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. half_saturation : float, default=1.0 The point of half saturation, i.e. Hill(half_saturation) = 0.5. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> HillSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.5 , 0.999001 ], [0.66666667, 0.999001 ], [0.75 , 0.999001 ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, half_saturation: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.half_saturation = half_saturation self.exponent = exponent def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps return 1 / (1 + (self.half_saturation / (X + eps)) ** self.exponent) class ExponentialSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply exponential saturation. The formula is 1 - exp(-exponent * x). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. Notes ----- This version produces saturated values in the interval [0, 1]. You can use `LinearShift` from the shift module to bring it between some interval [a, b]. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> ExponentialSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.63212056, 1. ], [0.86466472, 1. ], [0.95021293, 1. ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" return 1 - np.exp(-self.exponent * X)
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_array class Saturation(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ABC): """Base class for all saturations, such as Box-Cox, Adbudg, ...""" def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: None = None) -> Saturation: """ Fit the transformer. In this special case, nothing is done. Parameters ---------- X : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- Saturation Fitted transformer. """ X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) return self def transform(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply the saturation effect. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Data to be transformed. Returns ------- np.ndarray Data with saturation effect applied. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) self._check_n_features(X, reset=False) return self._transformation(X) @abstractmethod def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" class BoxCoxSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Box-Cox saturation. The formula is ((x + shift) ** exponent-1) / exponent if exponent!=0, else ln(x+shift). Parameters ---------- exponent: float, default=1.0 The exponent. shift : float, default=1.0 The shift. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> BoxCoxSaturation(exponent=0.5).fit_transform(X) array([[ 0.82842712, 61.27716808], [ 1.46410162, 61.27716808], [ 2. , 61.27716808]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, shift: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent self.shift = shift def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" if self.exponent != 0: return ((X + self.shift) ** self.exponent - 1) / self.exponent else: return np.log(X + self.shift) class AdbudgSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Adbudg saturation. The formula is x ** exponent / (denominator_shift + x ** exponent). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. denominator_shift : float, default=1.0 The shift in the denominator. Notes ----- This version produces saturated values in the interval [0, 1]. You can use `LinearShift` from the shift module to bring it between some interval [a, b]. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> AdbudgSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.5 , 0.999001 ], [0.66666667, 0.999001 ], [0.75 , 0.999001 ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, denominator_shift: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent self.denominator_shift = denominator_shift def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" return X ** self.exponent / (self.denominator_shift + X ** self.exponent) class HillSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply the Hill saturation. The formula is 1 / (1 + (half_saturation / x) ** exponent). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. half_saturation : float, default=1.0 The point of half saturation, i.e. Hill(half_saturation) = 0.5. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> HillSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.5 , 0.999001 ], [0.66666667, 0.999001 ], [0.75 , 0.999001 ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0, half_saturation: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.half_saturation = half_saturation self.exponent = exponent def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps return 1 / (1 + (self.half_saturation / (X + eps)) ** self.exponent) class ExponentialSaturation(Saturation): """ Apply exponential saturation. The formula is 1 - exp(-exponent * x). Parameters ---------- exponent : float, default=1.0 The exponent. Notes ----- This version produces saturated values in the interval [0, 1]. You can use `LinearShift` from the shift module to bring it between some interval [a, b]. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 1000], [2, 1000], [3, 1000]]) >>> ExponentialSaturation().fit_transform(X) array([[0.63212056, 1. ], [0.86466472, 1. ], [0.95021293, 1. ]]) """ def __init__(self, exponent: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.exponent = exponent def _transformation(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the transformation formula.""" return 1 - np.exp(-self.exponent * X)
from __future__ import annotations import pandas as pd from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder as ScikitLearnOneHotEncoder from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_array class OneHotEncoderWithNames(ScikitLearnOneHotEncoder): """ Razor-thin layer around scikit-learn's OneHotEncoder class to return a pandas dataframe with the appropriate column names. Description from the maintainers of scikit-learn: Encode categorical features as a one-hot numeric array. The input to this transformer should be an array-like of integers or strings, denoting the values taken on by categorical (discrete) features. The features are encoded using a one-hot (aka 'one-of-K' or 'dummy') encoding scheme. This creates a binary column for each category and returns a sparse matrix or dense array (depending on the ``sparse`` parameter). By default, the encoder derives the categories based on the unique values in each feature. Alternatively, you can also specify the `categories` manually. This encoding is needed for feeding categorical data to many scikit-learn estimators, notably linear models and SVMs with the standard kernels. Note: a one-hot encoding of y labels should use a LabelBinarizer instead. Parameters ---------- categories : 'auto' or a list of array-like, default='auto' Categories (unique values) per feature: - 'auto' : Determine categories automatically from the training data. - list : ``categories[i]`` holds the categories expected in the ith column. The passed categories should not mix strings and numeric values within a single feature, and should be sorted in case of numeric values. The used categories can be found in the ``categories_`` attribute. drop : {'first', 'if_binary'} or a array-like of shape (n_features,), default=None Specifies a methodology to use to drop one of the categories per feature. This is useful in situations where perfectly collinear features cause problems, such as when feeding the resulting data into a neural network or an unregularized regression. However, dropping one category breaks the symmetry of the original representation and can therefore induce a bias in downstream models, for instance for penalized linear classification or regression models. - None : retain all features (the default). - 'first' : drop the first category in each feature. If only one category is present, the feature will be dropped entirely. - 'if_binary' : drop the first category in each feature with two categories. Features with 1 or more than 2 categories are left intact. - array : ``drop[i]`` is the category in feature ``X[:, i]`` that should be dropped. sparse : bool, default=True Will return sparse matrix if set True else will return an array. dtype : number type, default=float Desired dtype of output. handle_unknown : {'error', 'ignore'}, default='error' Whether to raise an error or ignore if an unknown categorical feature is present during transform (default is to raise). When this parameter is set to 'ignore' and an unknown category is encountered during transform, the resulting one-hot encoded columns for this feature will be all zeros. In the inverse transform, an unknown category will be denoted as None. Attributes ---------- categories_ : list of arrays The categories of each feature determined during fitting (in order of the features in X and corresponding with the output of ``transform``). This includes the category specified in ``drop`` (if any). drop_idx_ : array of shape (n_features,) - ``drop_idx_[i]`` is the index in ``categories_[i]`` of the category to be dropped for each feature. - ``drop_idx_[i] = None`` if no category is to be dropped from the feature with index ``i``, e.g. when `drop='if_binary'` and the feature isn't binary. - ``drop_idx_ = None`` if all the transformed features will be retained. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 1], 'B': ['a', 'b', 'c']}) >>> OneHotEncoderWithNames().fit_transform(df) A_1 A_2 B_a B_b B_c 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 """ def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: None = None) -> OneHotEncoderWithNames: """ Fits a OneHotEncoder while also storing the dataframe column names that let us check if the columns match when calling the transform method. Parameters ---------- X : pd.DataFrame Fit the OneHotEncoder on this dataframe. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- OneHotEncoderWithNames Fitted transformer. """ self.column_names_ = X.columns self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) return super().fit(X, y) def _replace_prefix(self, ohe_column_name): feature_name, feature_value = ohe_column_name.split("_", 1) feature_number = int(feature_name[1:]) return "_".join([self.column_names_[feature_number], feature_value]) def transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ One hot encode the input dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : pd.DataFrame Input to be one hot encoded. The column names should be the same as during the fit method, including the same order. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the one hot encoded data and proper column names. Raises ------ AssertionError If the column names during training and transformation time are not identical. """ if X.columns.tolist() != self.column_names_.tolist(): raise AssertionError( "Column names during fit and transform time should be identical, including the order." ) one_hot_encoded = super().transform(X) feature_names = [self._replace_prefix(x) for x in self.get_feature_names()] return pd.DataFrame( one_hot_encoded.todense() if self.sparse else one_hot_encoded, columns=feature_names, ).astype(int)
from __future__ import annotations import pandas as pd from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder as ScikitLearnOneHotEncoder from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_array class OneHotEncoderWithNames(ScikitLearnOneHotEncoder): """ Razor-thin layer around scikit-learn's OneHotEncoder class to return a pandas dataframe with the appropriate column names. Description from the maintainers of scikit-learn: Encode categorical features as a one-hot numeric array. The input to this transformer should be an array-like of integers or strings, denoting the values taken on by categorical (discrete) features. The features are encoded using a one-hot (aka 'one-of-K' or 'dummy') encoding scheme. This creates a binary column for each category and returns a sparse matrix or dense array (depending on the ``sparse`` parameter). By default, the encoder derives the categories based on the unique values in each feature. Alternatively, you can also specify the `categories` manually. This encoding is needed for feeding categorical data to many scikit-learn estimators, notably linear models and SVMs with the standard kernels. Note: a one-hot encoding of y labels should use a LabelBinarizer instead. Parameters ---------- categories : 'auto' or a list of array-like, default='auto' Categories (unique values) per feature: - 'auto' : Determine categories automatically from the training data. - list : ``categories[i]`` holds the categories expected in the ith column. The passed categories should not mix strings and numeric values within a single feature, and should be sorted in case of numeric values. The used categories can be found in the ``categories_`` attribute. drop : {'first', 'if_binary'} or a array-like of shape (n_features,), default=None Specifies a methodology to use to drop one of the categories per feature. This is useful in situations where perfectly collinear features cause problems, such as when feeding the resulting data into a neural network or an unregularized regression. However, dropping one category breaks the symmetry of the original representation and can therefore induce a bias in downstream models, for instance for penalized linear classification or regression models. - None : retain all features (the default). - 'first' : drop the first category in each feature. If only one category is present, the feature will be dropped entirely. - 'if_binary' : drop the first category in each feature with two categories. Features with 1 or more than 2 categories are left intact. - array : ``drop[i]`` is the category in feature ``X[:, i]`` that should be dropped. sparse : bool, default=True Will return sparse matrix if set True else will return an array. dtype : number type, default=float Desired dtype of output. handle_unknown : {'error', 'ignore'}, default='error' Whether to raise an error or ignore if an unknown categorical feature is present during transform (default is to raise). When this parameter is set to 'ignore' and an unknown category is encountered during transform, the resulting one-hot encoded columns for this feature will be all zeros. In the inverse transform, an unknown category will be denoted as None. Attributes ---------- categories_ : list of arrays The categories of each feature determined during fitting (in order of the features in X and corresponding with the output of ``transform``). This includes the category specified in ``drop`` (if any). drop_idx_ : array of shape (n_features,) - ``drop_idx_[i]`` is the index in ``categories_[i]`` of the category to be dropped for each feature. - ``drop_idx_[i] = None`` if no category is to be dropped from the feature with index ``i``, e.g. when `drop='if_binary'` and the feature isn't binary. - ``drop_idx_ = None`` if all the transformed features will be retained. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 1], 'B': ['a', 'b', 'c']}) >>> OneHotEncoderWithNames().fit_transform(df) A_1 A_2 B_a B_b B_c 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 """ def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: None = None) -> OneHotEncoderWithNames: """ Fits a OneHotEncoder while also storing the dataframe column names that let us check if the columns match when calling the transform method. Parameters ---------- X : pd.DataFrame Fit the OneHotEncoder on this dataframe. y : Ignored Not used, present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- OneHotEncoderWithNames Fitted transformer. """ self.column_names_ = X.columns self._check_n_features(X, reset=True) return super().fit(X, y) def _replace_prefix(self, ohe_column_name): feature_name, feature_value = ohe_column_name.split("_", 1) feature_number = int(feature_name[1:]) return "_".join([self.column_names_[feature_number], feature_value]) def transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ One hot encode the input dataframe. Parameters ---------- X : pd.DataFrame Input to be one hot encoded. The column names should be the same as during the fit method, including the same order. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the one hot encoded data and proper column names. Raises ------ AssertionError If the column names during training and transformation time are not identical. """ if X.columns.tolist() != self.column_names_.tolist(): raise AssertionError( "Column names during fit and transform time should be identical, including the order." ) one_hot_encoded = super().transform(X) feature_names = [self._replace_prefix(x) for x in self.get_feature_names()] return pd.DataFrame( one_hot_encoded.todense() if self.sparse else one_hot_encoded, columns=feature_names, ).astype(int)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd def explode_date( df: pd.DataFrame, start_column: str, end_column: str, result_column: str = "Date", frequency: str = "d", drop: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transform a pandas dataframe with columns (*, start_date, end_date) into a longer format with columns (*, date). This is useful if you deal with datasets that contain special time periods per row, but you need a single date per row. See the examples for more details. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame The input dataframe with a column containing starts dates and end dates. start_column : str Start date of the period. end_column : str End date of the period. result_column : str, default="Date" Name of the new output date column. frequency : str, default="d" (for day) A pandas time frequency. Can take values like "d" for day or "m" for month. A full list can be found on If None, the transformer tries to infer it during fit time. drop : bool, default=True Whether to drop the `start_column` and `end_column` in the output. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A longer dataframe with one date per row. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ ... "Data": ["a", "b", "c"], ... "Start": pd.date_range("2020-01-01", periods=3), ... "End": pd.date_range("2020-01-03", periods=3) ... }) >>> df Data Start End 0 a 2020-01-01 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-02 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-03 2020-01-05 >>> explode_date(df, start_column="Start", end_column="End", result_column="output_date", frequency="d") Data output_date 0 a 2020-01-01 0 a 2020-01-02 0 a 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-02 1 b 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-03 2 c 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-05 """ return ( df.assign( **{ result_column: lambda df: df.apply( lambda row: pd.date_range( start=row[start_column], end=row[end_column], freq=frequency ), axis=1, ) } ) .explode(result_column) .drop(columns=drop * [start_column, end_column]) ) def add_date_indicators(df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Enrich a pandas dataframes with a new column indicating if there is a special date. This new column will contain a one for each date specified in the `dates` keyword, zero otherwise. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Input dataframe with a DateTime index. kwargs : List[str]* As many inputs as you want of the form date_name=[date_1, date_2, ...], i.e. christmas=['2020-12-24']. See the example below for more information. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe with date indicator columns. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(7)}, index=pd.date_range(start="2019-12-29", periods=7)) >>> add_date_indicators( ... df, ... around_new_year_2020=["2019-12-31", "2020-01-01", "2020-01-02"], ... other_date_1=["2019-12-29"], ... other_date_2=["2018-01-01"] ... ) A around_new_year_2020 other_date_1 other_date_2 2019-12-29 0 0 1 0 2019-12-30 1 0 0 0 2019-12-31 2 1 0 0 2020-01-01 3 1 0 0 2020-01-02 4 1 0 0 2020-01-03 5 0 0 0 2020-01-04 6 0 0 0 """ return df.assign( **{name: df.index.isin(dates).astype(int) for name, dates in kwargs.items()} ) def add_time_features( df: pd.DataFrame, second: bool = False, minute: bool = False, hour: bool = False, day_of_week: bool = False, day_of_month: bool = False, day_of_year: bool = False, week_of_month: bool = False, week_of_year: bool = False, month: bool = False, year: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Enrich pandas dataframes with new columns which are easy derivations from its DatetimeIndex, such as the day of week or the month. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe with a DateTime index. second : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. minute : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. hour : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_week : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of month from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of year from the index and add it as a new column. week_of_month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the week of month from the index and add it as a new column. week_of_year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the week of year from the index and add it as a new column. month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the month from the index and add it as a new column. year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the year from the index and add it as a new column. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {"A": ["a", "b", "c"]}, ... index=[ ... pd.Timestamp("1988-08-08"), ... pd.Timestamp("2000-01-01"), ... pd.Timestamp("1950-12-31"), ... ]) >>> add_time_features(df, day_of_month=True, month=True, year=True) A day_of_month month year 1988-08-08 a 8 8 1988 2000-01-01 b 1 1 2000 1950-12-31 c 31 12 1950 """ def _add_second(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(second=df.index.second) if second else df def _add_minute(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(minute=df.index.minute) if minute else df def _add_hour(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(hour=df.index.hour) if hour else df def _add_day_of_week(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(day_of_week=df.index.weekday + 1) if day_of_week else df def _add_day_of_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign( if day_of_month else df def _add_day_of_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(day_of_year=df.index.dayofyear) if day_of_year else df def _add_week_of_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign(week_of_month=np.ceil( / 7).astype(int)) if week_of_month else df ) def _add_week_of_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign(week_of_year=df.index.isocalendar().week) if week_of_year else df ) def _add_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(month=df.index.month) if month else df def _add_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(year=df.index.year) if year else df return ( df.pipe(_add_second) .pipe(_add_minute) .pipe(_add_hour) .pipe(_add_day_of_week) .pipe(_add_day_of_month) .pipe(_add_day_of_year) .pipe(_add_week_of_month) .pipe(_add_week_of_year) .pipe(_add_month) .pipe(_add_year) )
import numpy as np import pandas as pd def explode_date( df: pd.DataFrame, start_column: str, end_column: str, result_column: str = "Date", frequency: str = "d", drop: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transform a pandas dataframe with columns (*, start_date, end_date) into a longer format with columns (*, date). This is useful if you deal with datasets that contain special time periods per row, but you need a single date per row. See the examples for more details. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame The input dataframe with a column containing starts dates and end dates. start_column : str Start date of the period. end_column : str End date of the period. result_column : str, default="Date" Name of the new output date column. frequency : str, default="d" (for day) A pandas time frequency. Can take values like "d" for day or "m" for month. A full list can be found on If None, the transformer tries to infer it during fit time. drop : bool, default=True Whether to drop the `start_column` and `end_column` in the output. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A longer dataframe with one date per row. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ ... "Data": ["a", "b", "c"], ... "Start": pd.date_range("2020-01-01", periods=3), ... "End": pd.date_range("2020-01-03", periods=3) ... }) >>> df Data Start End 0 a 2020-01-01 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-02 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-03 2020-01-05 >>> explode_date(df, start_column="Start", end_column="End", result_column="output_date", frequency="d") Data output_date 0 a 2020-01-01 0 a 2020-01-02 0 a 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-02 1 b 2020-01-03 1 b 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-03 2 c 2020-01-04 2 c 2020-01-05 """ return ( df.assign( **{ result_column: lambda df: df.apply( lambda row: pd.date_range( start=row[start_column], end=row[end_column], freq=frequency ), axis=1, ) } ) .explode(result_column) .drop(columns=drop * [start_column, end_column]) ) def add_date_indicators(df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Enrich a pandas dataframes with a new column indicating if there is a special date. This new column will contain a one for each date specified in the `dates` keyword, zero otherwise. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Input dataframe with a DateTime index. kwargs : List[str]* As many inputs as you want of the form date_name=[date_1, date_2, ...], i.e. christmas=['2020-12-24']. See the example below for more information. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe with date indicator columns. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(7)}, index=pd.date_range(start="2019-12-29", periods=7)) >>> add_date_indicators( ... df, ... around_new_year_2020=["2019-12-31", "2020-01-01", "2020-01-02"], ... other_date_1=["2019-12-29"], ... other_date_2=["2018-01-01"] ... ) A around_new_year_2020 other_date_1 other_date_2 2019-12-29 0 0 1 0 2019-12-30 1 0 0 0 2019-12-31 2 1 0 0 2020-01-01 3 1 0 0 2020-01-02 4 1 0 0 2020-01-03 5 0 0 0 2020-01-04 6 0 0 0 """ return df.assign( **{name: df.index.isin(dates).astype(int) for name, dates in kwargs.items()} ) def add_time_features( df: pd.DataFrame, second: bool = False, minute: bool = False, hour: bool = False, day_of_week: bool = False, day_of_month: bool = False, day_of_year: bool = False, week_of_month: bool = False, week_of_year: bool = False, month: bool = False, year: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Enrich pandas dataframes with new columns which are easy derivations from its DatetimeIndex, such as the day of week or the month. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Input dataframe with a DateTime index. second : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. minute : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. hour : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_week : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of week from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of month from the index and add it as a new column. day_of_year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the day of year from the index and add it as a new column. week_of_month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the week of month from the index and add it as a new column. week_of_year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the week of year from the index and add it as a new column. month : bool, default=False Whether to extract the month from the index and add it as a new column. year : bool, default=False Whether to extract the year from the index and add it as a new column. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {"A": ["a", "b", "c"]}, ... index=[ ... pd.Timestamp("1988-08-08"), ... pd.Timestamp("2000-01-01"), ... pd.Timestamp("1950-12-31"), ... ]) >>> add_time_features(df, day_of_month=True, month=True, year=True) A day_of_month month year 1988-08-08 a 8 8 1988 2000-01-01 b 1 1 2000 1950-12-31 c 31 12 1950 """ def _add_second(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(second=df.index.second) if second else df def _add_minute(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(minute=df.index.minute) if minute else df def _add_hour(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(hour=df.index.hour) if hour else df def _add_day_of_week(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(day_of_week=df.index.weekday + 1) if day_of_week else df def _add_day_of_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign( if day_of_month else df def _add_day_of_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(day_of_year=df.index.dayofyear) if day_of_year else df def _add_week_of_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign(week_of_month=np.ceil( / 7).astype(int)) if week_of_month else df ) def _add_week_of_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign(week_of_year=df.index.isocalendar().week) if week_of_year else df ) def _add_month(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(month=df.index.month) if month else df def _add_year(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.assign(year=df.index.year) if year else df return ( df.pipe(_add_second) .pipe(_add_minute) .pipe(_add_hour) .pipe(_add_day_of_week) .pipe(_add_day_of_month) .pipe(_add_day_of_year) .pipe(_add_week_of_month) .pipe(_add_week_of_year) .pipe(_add_month) .pipe(_add_year) )
# Scikit-bot [![CI](]( [![CD](]( [![codecov](]( [![Documentation Status](]( scikit-bot is a robotics library that aims to address the large heterogeneity of code in the robotics community by providing a selection of commonly used algorithms and functions in an easy access manner. It focusses on begin easy to use and on enabling rapid prototyping. - **Curious**? Check out our detailed [API documentation]( to see if there is anything that meets your need. - Got an **idea for a new feature** or spotted something that is missing? Submit a [feature request]( - Want to **contribute code**? Awesome! We are very happy about PRs. You can check open issues (may I suggest a [good first issue]( for an overview of what is currently needed. Alternatively, you can submit a new [feature request]( and - after we figured out where the feature should go - you can submit a PR for exactly this feature. **Note:** If you find any part of the API particularly useful in its current form, please leave a note in the issue section (and a comment on what could be improved). Feedback like this helps maturing the API more quickly. This way, we can keep the things that are useful and improve the things that aren't. ### Why does ropy redirect here? Originally this library was named ropy, because it didn't seem grand enough to be a fully grown scikit. However, as things evolved, it was rebranded into scikit-bot.
# Scikit-bot [![CI](]( [![CD](]( [![codecov](]( [![Documentation Status](]( scikit-bot is a robotics library that aims to address the large heterogeneity of code in the robotics community by providing a selection of commonly used algorithms and functions in an easy access manner. It focusses on begin easy to use and on enabling rapid prototyping. - **Curious**? Check out our detailed [API documentation]( to see if there is anything that meets your need. - Got an **idea for a new feature** or spotted something that is missing? Submit a [feature request]( - Want to **contribute code**? Awesome! We are very happy about PRs. You can check open issues (may I suggest a [good first issue]( for an overview of what is currently needed. Alternatively, you can submit a new [feature request]( and - after we figured out where the feature should go - you can submit a PR for exactly this feature. **Note:** If you find any part of the API particularly useful in its current form, please leave a note in the issue section (and a comment on what could be improved). Feedback like this helps maturing the API more quickly. This way, we can keep the things that are useful and improve the things that aren't. ### Why does ropy redirect here? Originally this library was named ropy, because it didn't seem grand enough to be a fully grown scikit. However, as things evolved, it was rebranded into scikit-bot.
import numpy as np from numba.extending import overload, register_jitable from import to_fixed_tuple from numba import types from numpy.typing import ArrayLike @overload(np.moveaxis) def moveaxis(a: np.ndarray, source, destination) -> np.ndarray: """Move axes of an array to new positions. Other axes remain in their original order. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray The array whose axes should be reordered. source : int or sequence of int Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique. dest : int or sequence of int Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray Array with moved axes. This array is a view of the input array. Notes ----- If one of (source, destination) is an integer, then the other must be an integer, too. See Also -------- `np.moveaxis <>`_ """ @register_jitable def impl_array(a: np.ndarray, source, destination): source_work = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(source)) destination_work = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(destination)) if source_work.size != destination_work.size: raise ValueError( "`source` and `destination` arguments must have " "the same number of elements" ) for idx in range(source_work.size): if abs(source_work[idx]) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `source`.") if abs(destination_work[idx]) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `destination`.") source_work = [x % a.ndim for x in source_work] destination_work = [x % a.ndim for x in destination_work] order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n not in source_work] for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination_work, source_work)): order.insert(dest, src) oder_tuple = to_fixed_tuple(np.array(order), a.ndim) return np.transpose(a, oder_tuple) @register_jitable def impl_int(a: np.ndarray, source, destination): if abs(source) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `source`.") if abs(destination) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `destination`.") source = source % a.ndim destination = destination % a.ndim order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n != source] order.insert(destination, source) oder_tuple = to_fixed_tuple(np.array(order), a.ndim) return np.transpose(a, oder_tuple) if isinstance(source, types.Integer) and isinstance(destination, types.Integer): return impl_int else: return impl_array @overload(np.putmask) def putmask(a: np.ndarray, mask: ArrayLike, values: ArrayLike) -> None: """Changes elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Sets ``a.flat[n] = values[n]`` for each n where ``mask.flat[n]==True``. If `values` is not the same size as `a` and `mask` then it will repeat. This gives behavior different from ``a[mask] = values``. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Target array. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. It has to be the same shape as `a`. values : array_like Values to put into `a` where `mask` is True. If `values` is smaller than `a` it will be repeated. See Also --------, np.put, np.take, np.copyto Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>> np.putmask(x, x>2, x**2) >>> x array([[ 0, 1, 2], [ 9, 16, 25]]) If `values` is smaller than `a` it is repeated: >>> x = np.arange(5) >>> np.putmask(x, x>1, [-33, -44]) >>> x array([ 0, 1, -33, -44, -33]) """ def impl(a: np.ndarray, mask: ArrayLike, values: ArrayLike) -> None: mask = np.asarray(mask) values = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(values)) for idx in range(a.size): if mask.flat[idx]: a.flat[idx] = values.flat[idx % len(values)] return impl
import numpy as np from numba.extending import overload, register_jitable from import to_fixed_tuple from numba import types from numpy.typing import ArrayLike @overload(np.moveaxis) def moveaxis(a: np.ndarray, source, destination) -> np.ndarray: """Move axes of an array to new positions. Other axes remain in their original order. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray The array whose axes should be reordered. source : int or sequence of int Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique. dest : int or sequence of int Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray Array with moved axes. This array is a view of the input array. Notes ----- If one of (source, destination) is an integer, then the other must be an integer, too. See Also -------- `np.moveaxis <>`_ """ @register_jitable def impl_array(a: np.ndarray, source, destination): source_work = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(source)) destination_work = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(destination)) if source_work.size != destination_work.size: raise ValueError( "`source` and `destination` arguments must have " "the same number of elements" ) for idx in range(source_work.size): if abs(source_work[idx]) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `source`.") if abs(destination_work[idx]) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `destination`.") source_work = [x % a.ndim for x in source_work] destination_work = [x % a.ndim for x in destination_work] order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n not in source_work] for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination_work, source_work)): order.insert(dest, src) oder_tuple = to_fixed_tuple(np.array(order), a.ndim) return np.transpose(a, oder_tuple) @register_jitable def impl_int(a: np.ndarray, source, destination): if abs(source) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `source`.") if abs(destination) > a.ndim: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in `destination`.") source = source % a.ndim destination = destination % a.ndim order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n != source] order.insert(destination, source) oder_tuple = to_fixed_tuple(np.array(order), a.ndim) return np.transpose(a, oder_tuple) if isinstance(source, types.Integer) and isinstance(destination, types.Integer): return impl_int else: return impl_array @overload(np.putmask) def putmask(a: np.ndarray, mask: ArrayLike, values: ArrayLike) -> None: """Changes elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Sets ``a.flat[n] = values[n]`` for each n where ``mask.flat[n]==True``. If `values` is not the same size as `a` and `mask` then it will repeat. This gives behavior different from ``a[mask] = values``. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Target array. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. It has to be the same shape as `a`. values : array_like Values to put into `a` where `mask` is True. If `values` is smaller than `a` it will be repeated. See Also --------, np.put, np.take, np.copyto Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>> np.putmask(x, x>2, x**2) >>> x array([[ 0, 1, 2], [ 9, 16, 25]]) If `values` is smaller than `a` it is repeated: >>> x = np.arange(5) >>> np.putmask(x, x>1, [-33, -44]) >>> x array([ 0, 1, -33, -44, -33]) """ def impl(a: np.ndarray, mask: ArrayLike, values: ArrayLike) -> None: mask = np.asarray(mask) values = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(values)) for idx in range(a.size): if mask.flat[idx]: a.flat[idx] = values.flat[idx % len(values)] return impl
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .affine import Rotation, Translation from .utils3d import RotvecRotation class Joint(ABC): """Abstract Joint. This class is used to define the joint interface and to create a common base class that joints can inherit from. """ @property @abstractmethod def param(self): """Unified name for the parameter controlling this joint""" raise NotImplementedError() @param.setter @abstractmethod def param(self, value: ArrayLike): """Joints must be modifiable.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def upper_limit(self): """Maximum parameter value. Notes ----- This can be ``np.inf`` if there is no upper limit. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def lower_limit(self): """Minimum parameter value. Notes ----- This can be ``-np.inf`` if there is no lower limit. """ raise NotImplementedError() class RotationalJoint(RotvecRotation, Joint): """Rotation with constraints in 3D. Parameters ---------- rotvec : ArrayLike The vector around which points are rotated. angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, the length of ``vector`` will be used. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum joint angle. Default: 2pi. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum joint angle. Default: 0. Notes ----- Batch dimensions of ``rotvec`` and ``angle`` must be broadcastable. Setting ``RotationalJoint.angle`` will check if the joint angle limits are respected; however, setting ``RotationalJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, rotvec: ArrayLike, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 2 * np.pi, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, ) -> None: self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit super().__init__(rotvec, angle=angle, degrees=degrees, axis=axis) @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """Magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = value self._v = np.cos(value / 2) * self._u - np.sin(value / 2) * self._u_ortho @RotvecRotation.angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) if np.any(angle < self.lower_limit) or np.any(angle > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = angle class AngleJoint(Rotation, Joint): """Rotation with constraints in 2D. Parameters ---------- angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, it will be set to ``lower_limit``. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum joint angle. Default: 2pi. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum joint angle. Default: 0. Notes ----- Setting ``RotationalJoint.angle`` will check if the joint angle limits are respected; however, setting ``RotationalJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 2 * np.pi, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__((1, 0), (0, 1), axis=axis) angle = angle or lower_limit if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi self.param = angle self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """Magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = value self._v = np.cos(value / 2) * self._u - np.sin(value / 2) * self._u_ortho @Rotation.angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) if np.any(angle < self.lower_limit) or np.any(angle > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = angle class PrismaticJoint(Translation, Joint): """Translation with constraints in N-D. Parameters ---------- direction : ArrayLike A vector describing the translation. amount : ArrayLike A scalar indicating by how much to scale ``direction``. Default is 1. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum value of amount. Default: 1. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum value of amount. Default: 0. Notes ----- Setting ``PrismaticJoint.amount`` will enforce joint limits; however, setting ``PrismaticJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, direction: ArrayLike, *, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 1, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, amount: ArrayLike = 1, axis: int = -1, ) -> None: self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit super().__init__(direction, amount=amount, axis=axis) @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """The amount by which to scale the direction vector.""" return self._amount @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._amount = np.asarray(value) @Translation.amount.setter def amount(self, amount: ArrayLike) -> None: amount = np.asarray(amount) if np.any(amount < self.lower_limit) or np.any(amount > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = amount
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .affine import Rotation, Translation from .utils3d import RotvecRotation class Joint(ABC): """Abstract Joint. This class is used to define the joint interface and to create a common base class that joints can inherit from. """ @property @abstractmethod def param(self): """Unified name for the parameter controlling this joint""" raise NotImplementedError() @param.setter @abstractmethod def param(self, value: ArrayLike): """Joints must be modifiable.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def upper_limit(self): """Maximum parameter value. Notes ----- This can be ``np.inf`` if there is no upper limit. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def lower_limit(self): """Minimum parameter value. Notes ----- This can be ``-np.inf`` if there is no lower limit. """ raise NotImplementedError() class RotationalJoint(RotvecRotation, Joint): """Rotation with constraints in 3D. Parameters ---------- rotvec : ArrayLike The vector around which points are rotated. angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, the length of ``vector`` will be used. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum joint angle. Default: 2pi. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum joint angle. Default: 0. Notes ----- Batch dimensions of ``rotvec`` and ``angle`` must be broadcastable. Setting ``RotationalJoint.angle`` will check if the joint angle limits are respected; however, setting ``RotationalJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, rotvec: ArrayLike, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 2 * np.pi, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, ) -> None: self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit super().__init__(rotvec, angle=angle, degrees=degrees, axis=axis) @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """Magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = value self._v = np.cos(value / 2) * self._u - np.sin(value / 2) * self._u_ortho @RotvecRotation.angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) if np.any(angle < self.lower_limit) or np.any(angle > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = angle class AngleJoint(Rotation, Joint): """Rotation with constraints in 2D. Parameters ---------- angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, it will be set to ``lower_limit``. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum joint angle. Default: 2pi. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum joint angle. Default: 0. Notes ----- Setting ``RotationalJoint.angle`` will check if the joint angle limits are respected; however, setting ``RotationalJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 2 * np.pi, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__((1, 0), (0, 1), axis=axis) angle = angle or lower_limit if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi self.param = angle self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """Magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = value self._v = np.cos(value / 2) * self._u - np.sin(value / 2) * self._u_ortho @Rotation.angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) if np.any(angle < self.lower_limit) or np.any(angle > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = angle class PrismaticJoint(Translation, Joint): """Translation with constraints in N-D. Parameters ---------- direction : ArrayLike A vector describing the translation. amount : ArrayLike A scalar indicating by how much to scale ``direction``. Default is 1. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. upper_limit : ArrayLike The maximum value of amount. Default: 1. lower_limit : ArrayLike The minimum value of amount. Default: 0. Notes ----- Setting ``PrismaticJoint.amount`` will enforce joint limits; however, setting ``PrismaticJoint.param`` will not. """ def __init__( self, direction: ArrayLike, *, upper_limit: ArrayLike = 1, lower_limit: ArrayLike = 0, amount: ArrayLike = 1, axis: int = -1, ) -> None: self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._lower_limit = lower_limit super().__init__(direction, amount=amount, axis=axis) @property def upper_limit(self): return self._upper_limit @property def lower_limit(self): return self._lower_limit @property def param(self) -> float: """The amount by which to scale the direction vector.""" return self._amount @param.setter def param(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: self._amount = np.asarray(value) @Translation.amount.setter def amount(self, amount: ArrayLike) -> None: amount = np.asarray(amount) if np.any(amount < self.lower_limit) or np.any(amount > self.upper_limit): raise ValueError("An angle exceeds the joint's limit.") self.param = amount
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Callable import numpy as np from dataclasses import dataclass, field from queue import PriorityQueue import warnings def DepthFirst(frames: Tuple["Frame"], links: Tuple["Link"]) -> float: """Depth-first search metric for Frame.chain_between""" return -len(links) def BreadthFirst(frames: Tuple["Frame"], links: Tuple["Link"]) -> float: """Beadth-first search metric for Frame.chain_between""" return -1 / len(frames) @dataclass(order=True) class QueueItem: priority: float frames: List["Frame"] = field(compare=False) links: List["Link"] = field(compare=False) class FramePath(str): def matches(self, frames: Tuple["Frame"]) -> bool: return frames[-1].name == self class Link: """A directional relationship between two Frames An abstract class that describes a transformation from a parent frame into a child frame. Its default use is to express a vector given in the parent frame using the child frame. Attributes ---------- transformation : np.ndarray A affine matrix describing the transformation from the parent frame to the child frame. Notes ----- :attr:`Link.transformation` may raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if the link doesn't support affine transformation matrices, or if the matrix doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int) -> None: self.parent_dim: int = parent_dim self.child_dim: int = child_dim def __call__( self, parent: "Frame", child: "Frame" = None, *, add_inverse: bool = True ) -> "Frame": """Add this link to the parent frame. Parameters ---------- parent : Frame The Frame from which vectors originate. child : Frame The Frame in which vectors are expressed after they were mapped by this link's transform. If None, a new child will be created. add_inverse : bool Also add the inverse link to the child if this Link is invertible. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- child : Frame The Frame in which vectors are expressed after they were mapped by this link's transform. """ if child is None: child = Frame(self.child_dim) parent.add_link(self, child) if add_inverse: try: child.add_link(self.invert(), parent) except ValueError: # inverse does not exist pass return child def invert(self) -> "Frame": """Returns a new link that is the inverse of this link. The links share parameters, i.e., if the transform of a link changes, the transform of its inverse does also. """ return InvertLink(self) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Expresses the vector x (assumed to be given in the parent's frame) in the child's frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parent's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the child's frame """ raise NotImplementedError def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in the child frame) into the parent frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the childs's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parents's frame """ raise NotImplementedError class InvertLink(Link): """Inverse of an existing Link. This class can be constructed from any link that implements __inverse_transform__. It is a tight wrapper around the original link and shares any parameters. Accordingly, if the original link updates, so will this link. Parameters ---------- link : Link The link to be inverted. It must implement __inverse_transform__. """ def __init__(self, link: Link) -> None: if link.__inverse_transform__.__func__ is Link.__inverse_transform__: raise ValueError("Link doesn't implement __inverse_transform__.") from None super().__init__(link.child_dim, link.parent_dim) self._forward_link = link def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._forward_link.__inverse_transform__(x) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._forward_link.transform(x) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._forward_link, attr) class Frame: """Representation of a coordinate system. Each coordinate frame is a node in a directed graph where edges (:class:`skbot.transform.Link`) describe transformations between frames. This transformation is not limited to neighbours, but works between any two frames that share a chain of links pointing from a parent to the (grand-)child. Parameters ---------- ndim : int Number of coordinate dimensions. name : str The name of this coordinate frame. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__(self, ndim: int, *, name: str = None) -> None: self._children: List[Tuple(Frame, Link)] = list() self.ndim: int = ndim = name def transform( self, x: ArrayLike, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Express the vector x in to_frame. Express the vector x - assumed to be in this frame - in the coordinate frame to_frame. If it is not possible to find a transformation between this frame and to_frame a RuntimeError will be raised. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike A vector expressed in this frame. to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which x should be expressed. If it is a string, :func:`~transform` will search for a child frame with the given string as name. In case of duplicate names in a frame graph, the first one found is used. ignore_frames : Frame Any frames that should be ignored when searching for a suitable transformation chain. Note that this currently does not support string aliases. Returns ------- x_new : np.ndarray The vector x expressed to_frame. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no suitable chain of transformations can be found, a RuntimeError is raised. """ x_new = np.asarray(x) for link in self.links_between(to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames): x_new = link.transform(x_new) return x_new def get_affine_matrix( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Affine transformation matrix to ``to_frame`` (if existant). Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame The frame in which x should be expressed. ignore_frames : Frame Any frames that should be ignored when searching for a suitable transformation chain. Returns ------- tf_matrix : np.ndarray The matrix describing the transformation. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no suitable chain of transformations can be found, a RuntimeError is raised. Notes ----- The affine transformation matrix between two frames only exists if the transformation chain is linear in ``self.ndim+1`` dimensions. Requesting a non-existing affine matrix will raise an Exception. In practice, this means that each link along the transformation chain needs to implement :attr:`skbot.transform.Link.transformation`. """ tf_matrix = np.eye(self.ndim + 1) for link in self.links_between(to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames): tf_matrix = link.affine_matrix @ tf_matrix return tf_matrix def add_link(self, edge: Link, child: "Frame") -> None: """Add an edge to the frame graph. The edge is directional and points from this frame to another (possibliy identical) frame. Parameters ---------- edge : Link The transformation to add to the graph. child : Frame The frame that following this link leads to. """ self._children.append((child, edge)) def _enqueue_children( self, queue: PriorityQueue, queue_item: QueueItem, *, visited: List["Frame"], metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float], max_depth: int, ) -> None: """Internal logic for :func:chain_between. Appends all children that have not been visited previously to the search queue. """ frames = queue_item.frames sub_chain = queue_item.links if len(sub_chain) == max_depth: return for child, link in self._children: if child in visited: continue new_frames = (*frames, child) new_chain = (*sub_chain, link) priority = metric(new_frames, new_chain) new_item = QueueItem(priority, new_frames, new_chain) queue.put(new_item) def chain_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ) -> Tuple[List["Frame"], List[Link]]: """Get the frames and links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns both, the sequence of frames and the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The sequence of frames will have this frame as its first element, and ```to_frame`` as its last element. The first element of the returned sequence of links takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. Returns ------- frames : List[Frame] A list of frames between this frame and ``to_frame`` (inclusive). links : List[Link] A list of links between this frame and ``to_frame``. """ if max_depth is None: max_depth = float("inf") if ignore_frames is None: ignore_frames = list() if isinstance(to_frame, str): to_frame = FramePath(to_frame) frames = (self,) sub_chain = tuple() queue = PriorityQueue() root_el = QueueItem(metric(frames, sub_chain), frames, sub_chain) queue.put(root_el) while not queue.empty(): item: QueueItem = queue.get() frames = item.frames sub_chain = item.links active_frame = frames[-1] if isinstance(to_frame, FramePath): is_match = to_frame.matches(frames) else: is_match = active_frame == to_frame if is_match: break ignore_frames.append(active_frame) active_frame._enqueue_children( queue, item, visited=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Did not find a transformation chain to the target frame." ) return list(frames), sub_chain def transform_chain( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ) -> List[Link]: """Get a transformation chain into ``to_frame`` (deprecated). .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 This method is deprecated and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0. Use ``Frame.links_between`` instead. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 This method was added to Frame. This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The first element of the returned sequence takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ warnings.warn( "`Frame.transform_chain` is deprecated." " Use `Frame.links_between` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) _, links = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) return links def links_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The first element of the returned sequence takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ _, links = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) return links def frames_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, include_self: bool = True, include_to_frame: bool = True, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the frames between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of frames between this frame and ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- include_self : bool If ``True`` (default) this frame will be added as the first element of the returned sequence. include_to_frame : bool If ``True`` (default) ``to_frame`` will be added as the last element of the returned sequence. to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ frames, _ = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) if not include_self: frames.pop(0) if not include_to_frame: frames.pop(-1) return frames def joints_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of joints involved in this transformation. All joints will be "unwraped", i.e., if a Joint occurs inside a :class:`tf:InvertLink` or similar, then only the Joint will be returned. The resulting order matches the order that links are encountered in the transformation chain. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ # avoid circular import from .simplfy import simplify_links from .joints import Joint links = self.links_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) # unwrap and summarize what we can links = simplify_links(links, keep_joints=True) # unwrap inverse links links = [ link._forward_link if isinstance(link, InvertLink) else link for link in links ] joints = [link for link in links if isinstance(link, Joint)] return joints def find_frame(self, path: str, *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None) -> "Frame": """Find a frame matching a given path. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 This method was added to frame. This method allows you to find reachable frames using an xpath inspired syntax. Path elements are spearated using the `/` character. Each element of the path is the name of a frame. For example, ``world/link1/link2/gripper``, denotes a sequence of 4 frames with names ``["world", "link1", "link2", "gripper"]``. The final frame in the path (gripper) is returned. By default an element along the path is directly connected to its next element. In the previous example this means that there must exist a direct link from "world" to "link1". An exception to this rule is the use of an ellipsis (...), in which case an element must be connected to its next element by a transformation chain (a sequence of links). The following path elements have special meanings: - Ellipsis (``...``) Indicates that the previous frame and the next frame are connected by a transformation chain instead of being connected directly. - None (``//``) Omitting a name indicates that the name of this frame is None. Parameters ---------- xpath : str A xpath string describing the frame to search for. ignore_frames : List[Frame] Any frames that should be ignored when matching the path. Returns ------- matched_frame : Frame A frame matching the given path. Notes ----- In directed graphs there is no clear notion of search order; hence it is undefined which frame is found if multiple matches for the path exist. In this case an arbitrary match is returned, and you should not count on the result to be deterministic. Because ``...`` and ``//`` have special meaning, frames with names ``"..."`` or ``""`` will be ignored by this method and can not be found. Similarly, frames that use slashes, e.g. ``namespace/my_frame``, will be ignored and instead the sequences ``["namespace", "my_frame"]`` will be matched. Each element of the path is assumed to represent a unique frame. This means that circular paths will not be matched. """ parts = path.split("/") part = parts.pop(0) indirect = False while len(parts) > 0 and part == "...": indirect = True part = parts.pop(0) if part == "...": raise ValueError(f"Path ends with ellipsis: {path}") part = None if part == "" else part if len(parts) == 0 and == part: return self elif not indirect and != part: raise RuntimeError(f"No match for {path}.") elif len(parts) > 0 and == part: sub_path = "/".join(parts) else: parts = ["...", part] + parts sub_path = "/".join(parts) if ignore_frames is None: ignore_frames = [] local_ignore = [self] local_ignore.extend(ignore_frames) child_frame: Frame for child_frame, _ in self._children: if child_frame in local_ignore: continue try: return child_frame.find_frame(sub_path, ignore_frames=local_ignore) except RuntimeError: continue else: raise RuntimeError(f"No match for {path}.") class CustomLink(Link): """A link representing a custom transformation. Initialize a new link from the callable ``transformation`` that transforms a vector from the parent frame to the child frame. This link can represent arbitrary transformations between two frames. Parameters ---------- parent : Frame The frame in which vectors are specified. child : Frame The frame into which this link transforms vectors. transfomration : Callable[[ArrayLike], np.ndarray] A callable that takes a vector - in the parent frame - as input and returns the vector in the child frame. Notes ----- This function does not implement :func:`Link.__inverse_transform__`. """ def __init__( self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int, transformation: Callable[[ArrayLike], np.ndarray], ) -> None: """Initialize a new custom link.""" super().__init__(parent_dim, child_dim) self._transform = transformation def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._transform(x) class CompundLink(Link): """A link representing a sequence of other links .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 This link allows you to build a complex link from a sequence of simpler links. Upon ``transform`` each link transforms the result of its predecessor and the result of the last link is returned. Similarly, when __inverse_transform__ is called, each link inverse transformes its successor (inverse order). Parameters ---------- wrapped_links : List[Link] A sequence of link objects. The order is first-to-last, i.e., ``wrapped_links[0]`` is applied first and ``wrapped_links[-1]`` is applied last. Notes ----- This link will only be invertible if all wrapped links implement __inverse_transform__. """ def __init__(self, wrapped_links: List[Link]): super().__init__(wrapped_links[0].parent_dim, wrapped_links[-1].child_dim) self._links = wrapped_links def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in self._links: x = link.transform(x) return x def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in reversed(self._links): x = link.__inverse_transform__(x) return x
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Callable import numpy as np from dataclasses import dataclass, field from queue import PriorityQueue import warnings def DepthFirst(frames: Tuple["Frame"], links: Tuple["Link"]) -> float: """Depth-first search metric for Frame.chain_between""" return -len(links) def BreadthFirst(frames: Tuple["Frame"], links: Tuple["Link"]) -> float: """Beadth-first search metric for Frame.chain_between""" return -1 / len(frames) @dataclass(order=True) class QueueItem: priority: float frames: List["Frame"] = field(compare=False) links: List["Link"] = field(compare=False) class FramePath(str): def matches(self, frames: Tuple["Frame"]) -> bool: return frames[-1].name == self class Link: """A directional relationship between two Frames An abstract class that describes a transformation from a parent frame into a child frame. Its default use is to express a vector given in the parent frame using the child frame. Attributes ---------- transformation : np.ndarray A affine matrix describing the transformation from the parent frame to the child frame. Notes ----- :attr:`Link.transformation` may raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if the link doesn't support affine transformation matrices, or if the matrix doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int) -> None: self.parent_dim: int = parent_dim self.child_dim: int = child_dim def __call__( self, parent: "Frame", child: "Frame" = None, *, add_inverse: bool = True ) -> "Frame": """Add this link to the parent frame. Parameters ---------- parent : Frame The Frame from which vectors originate. child : Frame The Frame in which vectors are expressed after they were mapped by this link's transform. If None, a new child will be created. add_inverse : bool Also add the inverse link to the child if this Link is invertible. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- child : Frame The Frame in which vectors are expressed after they were mapped by this link's transform. """ if child is None: child = Frame(self.child_dim) parent.add_link(self, child) if add_inverse: try: child.add_link(self.invert(), parent) except ValueError: # inverse does not exist pass return child def invert(self) -> "Frame": """Returns a new link that is the inverse of this link. The links share parameters, i.e., if the transform of a link changes, the transform of its inverse does also. """ return InvertLink(self) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Expresses the vector x (assumed to be given in the parent's frame) in the child's frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parent's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the child's frame """ raise NotImplementedError def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in the child frame) into the parent frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the childs's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parents's frame """ raise NotImplementedError class InvertLink(Link): """Inverse of an existing Link. This class can be constructed from any link that implements __inverse_transform__. It is a tight wrapper around the original link and shares any parameters. Accordingly, if the original link updates, so will this link. Parameters ---------- link : Link The link to be inverted. It must implement __inverse_transform__. """ def __init__(self, link: Link) -> None: if link.__inverse_transform__.__func__ is Link.__inverse_transform__: raise ValueError("Link doesn't implement __inverse_transform__.") from None super().__init__(link.child_dim, link.parent_dim) self._forward_link = link def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._forward_link.__inverse_transform__(x) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._forward_link.transform(x) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._forward_link, attr) class Frame: """Representation of a coordinate system. Each coordinate frame is a node in a directed graph where edges (:class:`skbot.transform.Link`) describe transformations between frames. This transformation is not limited to neighbours, but works between any two frames that share a chain of links pointing from a parent to the (grand-)child. Parameters ---------- ndim : int Number of coordinate dimensions. name : str The name of this coordinate frame. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__(self, ndim: int, *, name: str = None) -> None: self._children: List[Tuple(Frame, Link)] = list() self.ndim: int = ndim = name def transform( self, x: ArrayLike, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Express the vector x in to_frame. Express the vector x - assumed to be in this frame - in the coordinate frame to_frame. If it is not possible to find a transformation between this frame and to_frame a RuntimeError will be raised. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike A vector expressed in this frame. to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which x should be expressed. If it is a string, :func:`~transform` will search for a child frame with the given string as name. In case of duplicate names in a frame graph, the first one found is used. ignore_frames : Frame Any frames that should be ignored when searching for a suitable transformation chain. Note that this currently does not support string aliases. Returns ------- x_new : np.ndarray The vector x expressed to_frame. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no suitable chain of transformations can be found, a RuntimeError is raised. """ x_new = np.asarray(x) for link in self.links_between(to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames): x_new = link.transform(x_new) return x_new def get_affine_matrix( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Affine transformation matrix to ``to_frame`` (if existant). Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame The frame in which x should be expressed. ignore_frames : Frame Any frames that should be ignored when searching for a suitable transformation chain. Returns ------- tf_matrix : np.ndarray The matrix describing the transformation. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no suitable chain of transformations can be found, a RuntimeError is raised. Notes ----- The affine transformation matrix between two frames only exists if the transformation chain is linear in ``self.ndim+1`` dimensions. Requesting a non-existing affine matrix will raise an Exception. In practice, this means that each link along the transformation chain needs to implement :attr:`skbot.transform.Link.transformation`. """ tf_matrix = np.eye(self.ndim + 1) for link in self.links_between(to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames): tf_matrix = link.affine_matrix @ tf_matrix return tf_matrix def add_link(self, edge: Link, child: "Frame") -> None: """Add an edge to the frame graph. The edge is directional and points from this frame to another (possibliy identical) frame. Parameters ---------- edge : Link The transformation to add to the graph. child : Frame The frame that following this link leads to. """ self._children.append((child, edge)) def _enqueue_children( self, queue: PriorityQueue, queue_item: QueueItem, *, visited: List["Frame"], metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float], max_depth: int, ) -> None: """Internal logic for :func:chain_between. Appends all children that have not been visited previously to the search queue. """ frames = queue_item.frames sub_chain = queue_item.links if len(sub_chain) == max_depth: return for child, link in self._children: if child in visited: continue new_frames = (*frames, child) new_chain = (*sub_chain, link) priority = metric(new_frames, new_chain) new_item = QueueItem(priority, new_frames, new_chain) queue.put(new_item) def chain_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ) -> Tuple[List["Frame"], List[Link]]: """Get the frames and links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns both, the sequence of frames and the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The sequence of frames will have this frame as its first element, and ```to_frame`` as its last element. The first element of the returned sequence of links takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. Returns ------- frames : List[Frame] A list of frames between this frame and ``to_frame`` (inclusive). links : List[Link] A list of links between this frame and ``to_frame``. """ if max_depth is None: max_depth = float("inf") if ignore_frames is None: ignore_frames = list() if isinstance(to_frame, str): to_frame = FramePath(to_frame) frames = (self,) sub_chain = tuple() queue = PriorityQueue() root_el = QueueItem(metric(frames, sub_chain), frames, sub_chain) queue.put(root_el) while not queue.empty(): item: QueueItem = queue.get() frames = item.frames sub_chain = item.links active_frame = frames[-1] if isinstance(to_frame, FramePath): is_match = to_frame.matches(frames) else: is_match = active_frame == to_frame if is_match: break ignore_frames.append(active_frame) active_frame._enqueue_children( queue, item, visited=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Did not find a transformation chain to the target frame." ) return list(frames), sub_chain def transform_chain( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ) -> List[Link]: """Get a transformation chain into ``to_frame`` (deprecated). .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 This method is deprecated and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0. Use ``Frame.links_between`` instead. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 This method was added to Frame. This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The first element of the returned sequence takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ warnings.warn( "`Frame.transform_chain` is deprecated." " Use `Frame.links_between` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) _, links = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) return links def links_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of links involved in this transformation. The first element of the returned sequence takes as input the vector expressed in the current frame; each following element takes as input the vector expressed in its predecessor's output frame. The last element outputs the vector expressed in ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ _, links = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) return links def frames_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, include_self: bool = True, include_to_frame: bool = True, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the frames between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of frames between this frame and ``to_frame``. Parameters ---------- include_self : bool If ``True`` (default) this frame will be added as the first element of the returned sequence. include_to_frame : bool If ``True`` (default) ``to_frame`` will be added as the last element of the returned sequence. to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ frames, _ = self.chain_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) if not include_self: frames.pop(0) if not include_to_frame: frames.pop(-1) return frames def joints_between( self, to_frame: Union["Frame", str], *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None, metric: Callable[[Tuple["Frame"], Tuple[Link]], float] = DepthFirst, max_depth: int = None, ): """Get the links between this frame and ``to_frame``. .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 This function searches the frame graph for a chain of transformations from the current frame into ``to_frame`` and returns the sequence of joints involved in this transformation. All joints will be "unwraped", i.e., if a Joint occurs inside a :class:`tf:InvertLink` or similar, then only the Joint will be returned. The resulting order matches the order that links are encountered in the transformation chain. Parameters ---------- to_frame : Frame, str The frame in which to express vectors. If ``str``, the graph is searched for any node matching that name and the transformation chain to the first node matching the name is returned. ignore_frames : List[Frame] A list of frames to exclude while searching for a transformation chain. metric : Callable[[Tuple[Frame], Tuple[Link]], float] A function to compute the priority of a sub-chain. Sub-chains are searched in order of priority starting with the lowest value. The first chain that matches ``to_frame`` is returned. You can use a custom function that takes a sequence of frames and links involved in the sub-chain as input and returns a float (signature ``custom_fn(frames, links) -> float``), or you can use a pre-build function: skbot.transform.metric.DepthFirst The frame graph is searched depth-first with no preference among frames (default). skbot.transform.metric.BreadthFirst The frame graph is searched breadth-first with no preference among frames. max_depth : int If not None, the maximum depth to search, i.e., the maximum length of the transform chain. """ # avoid circular import from .simplfy import simplify_links from .joints import Joint links = self.links_between( to_frame, ignore_frames=ignore_frames, metric=metric, max_depth=max_depth ) # unwrap and summarize what we can links = simplify_links(links, keep_joints=True) # unwrap inverse links links = [ link._forward_link if isinstance(link, InvertLink) else link for link in links ] joints = [link for link in links if isinstance(link, Joint)] return joints def find_frame(self, path: str, *, ignore_frames: List["Frame"] = None) -> "Frame": """Find a frame matching a given path. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 This method was added to frame. This method allows you to find reachable frames using an xpath inspired syntax. Path elements are spearated using the `/` character. Each element of the path is the name of a frame. For example, ``world/link1/link2/gripper``, denotes a sequence of 4 frames with names ``["world", "link1", "link2", "gripper"]``. The final frame in the path (gripper) is returned. By default an element along the path is directly connected to its next element. In the previous example this means that there must exist a direct link from "world" to "link1". An exception to this rule is the use of an ellipsis (...), in which case an element must be connected to its next element by a transformation chain (a sequence of links). The following path elements have special meanings: - Ellipsis (``...``) Indicates that the previous frame and the next frame are connected by a transformation chain instead of being connected directly. - None (``//``) Omitting a name indicates that the name of this frame is None. Parameters ---------- xpath : str A xpath string describing the frame to search for. ignore_frames : List[Frame] Any frames that should be ignored when matching the path. Returns ------- matched_frame : Frame A frame matching the given path. Notes ----- In directed graphs there is no clear notion of search order; hence it is undefined which frame is found if multiple matches for the path exist. In this case an arbitrary match is returned, and you should not count on the result to be deterministic. Because ``...`` and ``//`` have special meaning, frames with names ``"..."`` or ``""`` will be ignored by this method and can not be found. Similarly, frames that use slashes, e.g. ``namespace/my_frame``, will be ignored and instead the sequences ``["namespace", "my_frame"]`` will be matched. Each element of the path is assumed to represent a unique frame. This means that circular paths will not be matched. """ parts = path.split("/") part = parts.pop(0) indirect = False while len(parts) > 0 and part == "...": indirect = True part = parts.pop(0) if part == "...": raise ValueError(f"Path ends with ellipsis: {path}") part = None if part == "" else part if len(parts) == 0 and == part: return self elif not indirect and != part: raise RuntimeError(f"No match for {path}.") elif len(parts) > 0 and == part: sub_path = "/".join(parts) else: parts = ["...", part] + parts sub_path = "/".join(parts) if ignore_frames is None: ignore_frames = [] local_ignore = [self] local_ignore.extend(ignore_frames) child_frame: Frame for child_frame, _ in self._children: if child_frame in local_ignore: continue try: return child_frame.find_frame(sub_path, ignore_frames=local_ignore) except RuntimeError: continue else: raise RuntimeError(f"No match for {path}.") class CustomLink(Link): """A link representing a custom transformation. Initialize a new link from the callable ``transformation`` that transforms a vector from the parent frame to the child frame. This link can represent arbitrary transformations between two frames. Parameters ---------- parent : Frame The frame in which vectors are specified. child : Frame The frame into which this link transforms vectors. transfomration : Callable[[ArrayLike], np.ndarray] A callable that takes a vector - in the parent frame - as input and returns the vector in the child frame. Notes ----- This function does not implement :func:`Link.__inverse_transform__`. """ def __init__( self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int, transformation: Callable[[ArrayLike], np.ndarray], ) -> None: """Initialize a new custom link.""" super().__init__(parent_dim, child_dim) self._transform = transformation def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return self._transform(x) class CompundLink(Link): """A link representing a sequence of other links .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 This link allows you to build a complex link from a sequence of simpler links. Upon ``transform`` each link transforms the result of its predecessor and the result of the last link is returned. Similarly, when __inverse_transform__ is called, each link inverse transformes its successor (inverse order). Parameters ---------- wrapped_links : List[Link] A sequence of link objects. The order is first-to-last, i.e., ``wrapped_links[0]`` is applied first and ``wrapped_links[-1]`` is applied last. Notes ----- This link will only be invertible if all wrapped links implement __inverse_transform__. """ def __init__(self, wrapped_links: List[Link]): super().__init__(wrapped_links[0].parent_dim, wrapped_links[-1].child_dim) self._links = wrapped_links def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in self._links: x = link.transform(x) return x def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in reversed(self._links): x = link.__inverse_transform__(x) return x
from math import sqrt from .base import Link from .affine import Rotation from numpy.typing import ArrayLike import numpy as np class Rotation2D(Rotation): """Rotation in 2D. A convenient way of initializing a rotation in 2D. Parameters ---------- angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, angle: ArrayLike, *, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, ) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) vector_shape = [*angle.shape] vector_shape[axis] = 2 u_vector = np.zeros(vector_shape) u_vector[..., 1] = 1 v_vector = np.zeros(vector_shape) v_vector[..., 0] = 1 super().__init__(u_vector, v_vector, axis=axis) if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi self.angle = angle class AxialHexagonTransform(Link): """Conversion to Axial Hexagon Coordininates in 2D This transform takes a 2D vector in euclidian (x, y) coordinates and converts it into coordinates on a (r, q, s) hexagonal grid. For this, it uses axial coordinates for which the value of s is implied, because r+q+s=0; hence this transform returns a 2D vector in (r, q) coordinates. See here for an overview of `Hexagon Coordinate Systems <>`_. Parameters ---------- size : ArrayLike The size of a single hexagon. It measures the distance from a hexagon center to one of it's corners. flat_top : bool If True (default), hexagons are oriented with one side parallel to the x axis (top is flat). Otherwise they are oriented with one side parallel to the y-axis (top is pointy). axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, *, size: ArrayLike = 1.0, flat_top: bool = True, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: super().__init__(2, 2) self.size = size self._axis = axis if flat_top: self.q_basis = np.array([2 / 3, 0]) self.r_basis = np.array([-1 / 3, sqrt(3) / 3]) # basis for inverse transform self.x_basis = np.array([3 / 2, 0]) self.y_basis = np.array([sqrt(3) / 2, sqrt(3)]) else: self.q_basis = np.array([sqrt(3) / 3, -1 / 3]) self.r_basis = np.array([0, 2 / 3]) # basis for inverse transform self.x_basis = np.array([sqrt(3), sqrt(3) / 2]) self.y_basis = np.array([0, 3 / 2]) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asfarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = np.empty_like(x) result[..., 0] = np.sum(x * self.q_basis, axis=-1) result[..., 1] = np.sum(x * self.r_basis, axis=-1) result /= self.size return result def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asfarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = np.empty_like(x) result[..., 0] = np.sum(x * self.x_basis, axis=-1) result[..., 1] = np.sum(x * self.y_basis, axis=-1) result *= self.size return result class HexagonAxisRound(Link): """Round Hexagon Axis Coordinates in 2D. This link rounds hexagon coordinates given in axis coordinates (r, q) to their closest hexagon. Parameters ---------- axis : int The axis along which rounding takes place. Notes ----- This link is _not_ invertible. """ def __init__(self, *, axis=-1) -> None: super().__init__(2, 2) self._axis = axis def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) # convert to cube coordinates cube_coordinates = np.empty((*x.shape[:-1], 3)) cube_coordinates[..., :-1] = x cube_coordinates[..., -1] = -x[..., 0] - x[..., 1] cube_coordinates = cube_coordinates.reshape(-1, 3) # round and enforce q+r+s=0 constraint cube_rounded = np.round(cube_coordinates).astype(int) residual = np.abs(cube_coordinates - cube_rounded) first_max = np.argmax(residual, axis=-1) matching_range = np.arange(first_max.shape[0]) cube_rounded[matching_range, first_max] -= np.sum(cube_rounded, axis=-1) rounded_coordinates = np.moveaxis(cube_rounded[..., :2], -1, self._axis) return rounded_coordinates
from math import sqrt from .base import Link from .affine import Rotation from numpy.typing import ArrayLike import numpy as np class Rotation2D(Rotation): """Rotation in 2D. A convenient way of initializing a rotation in 2D. Parameters ---------- angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, angle: ArrayLike, *, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1, ) -> None: angle = np.asarray(angle) vector_shape = [*angle.shape] vector_shape[axis] = 2 u_vector = np.zeros(vector_shape) u_vector[..., 1] = 1 v_vector = np.zeros(vector_shape) v_vector[..., 0] = 1 super().__init__(u_vector, v_vector, axis=axis) if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi self.angle = angle class AxialHexagonTransform(Link): """Conversion to Axial Hexagon Coordininates in 2D This transform takes a 2D vector in euclidian (x, y) coordinates and converts it into coordinates on a (r, q, s) hexagonal grid. For this, it uses axial coordinates for which the value of s is implied, because r+q+s=0; hence this transform returns a 2D vector in (r, q) coordinates. See here for an overview of `Hexagon Coordinate Systems <>`_. Parameters ---------- size : ArrayLike The size of a single hexagon. It measures the distance from a hexagon center to one of it's corners. flat_top : bool If True (default), hexagons are oriented with one side parallel to the x axis (top is flat). Otherwise they are oriented with one side parallel to the y-axis (top is pointy). axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, *, size: ArrayLike = 1.0, flat_top: bool = True, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: super().__init__(2, 2) self.size = size self._axis = axis if flat_top: self.q_basis = np.array([2 / 3, 0]) self.r_basis = np.array([-1 / 3, sqrt(3) / 3]) # basis for inverse transform self.x_basis = np.array([3 / 2, 0]) self.y_basis = np.array([sqrt(3) / 2, sqrt(3)]) else: self.q_basis = np.array([sqrt(3) / 3, -1 / 3]) self.r_basis = np.array([0, 2 / 3]) # basis for inverse transform self.x_basis = np.array([sqrt(3), sqrt(3) / 2]) self.y_basis = np.array([0, 3 / 2]) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asfarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = np.empty_like(x) result[..., 0] = np.sum(x * self.q_basis, axis=-1) result[..., 1] = np.sum(x * self.r_basis, axis=-1) result /= self.size return result def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asfarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = np.empty_like(x) result[..., 0] = np.sum(x * self.x_basis, axis=-1) result[..., 1] = np.sum(x * self.y_basis, axis=-1) result *= self.size return result class HexagonAxisRound(Link): """Round Hexagon Axis Coordinates in 2D. This link rounds hexagon coordinates given in axis coordinates (r, q) to their closest hexagon. Parameters ---------- axis : int The axis along which rounding takes place. Notes ----- This link is _not_ invertible. """ def __init__(self, *, axis=-1) -> None: super().__init__(2, 2) self._axis = axis def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) # convert to cube coordinates cube_coordinates = np.empty((*x.shape[:-1], 3)) cube_coordinates[..., :-1] = x cube_coordinates[..., -1] = -x[..., 0] - x[..., 1] cube_coordinates = cube_coordinates.reshape(-1, 3) # round and enforce q+r+s=0 constraint cube_rounded = np.round(cube_coordinates).astype(int) residual = np.abs(cube_coordinates - cube_rounded) first_max = np.argmax(residual, axis=-1) matching_range = np.arange(first_max.shape[0]) cube_rounded[matching_range, first_max] -= np.sum(cube_rounded, axis=-1) rounded_coordinates = np.moveaxis(cube_rounded[..., :2], -1, self._axis) return rounded_coordinates
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List import numpy as np from .base import Frame, Link, InvertLink from ._utils import vector_project, angle_between from .functions import translate, rotate, as_affine_matrix class AffineLink(Link): """A link representing a affine transformation. This is an abstract class useful when writing links for affine transformations. An affine transformation is a transformation that can be described using the equation ``y = Ax+b``. The main utility of this class is that it computes the corresponding transformation matrix once ``self.transform`` is known. Parameters ---------- parent : int The frame in which vectors are specified. child : int The frame into which this link transforms vectors. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__(self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int, *, axis: int = -1) -> None: """Initialize a new affine link.""" super().__init__(parent_dim, child_dim) self._tf_matrix = None self._axis = axis @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" cartesian_parent = Frame(self.parent_dim) cartesian_child = Frame(self.child_dim) self(cartesian_parent, cartesian_child) affine_parent = AffineSpace(self.parent_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_parent) affine_child = AffineSpace(self.child_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_child) affine_matrix = as_affine_matrix(affine_parent, affine_child, axis=self._axis) return affine_matrix @property def _inverse_tf_matrix(self): cartesian_parent = Frame(self.parent_dim) cartesian_child = Frame(self.child_dim) self(cartesian_parent, cartesian_child) affine_parent = AffineSpace(self.parent_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_parent) affine_child = AffineSpace(self.child_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_child) affine_matrix = as_affine_matrix(affine_child, affine_parent, axis=self._axis) return affine_matrix def invert(self) -> Frame: """Return a new Link that is the inverse of this link.""" return Inverse(self) class Inverse(InvertLink): def __init__(self, link: AffineLink) -> None: super().__init__(link) self._forward_link: AffineLink @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" return self._forward_link._inverse_tf_matrix class AffineCompound(AffineLink): def __init__(self, wrapped_links: List[AffineLink]) -> None: super().__init__(wrapped_links[0].parent_dim, wrapped_links[-1].child_dim) self._links = wrapped_links def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in self._links: x = link.transform(x) return x def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in reversed(self._links): x = link.__inverse_transform__(x) return x @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" matrix = self._links[0].affine_matrix for link in self._links[1:]: matrix = link.affine_matrix @ matrix return matrix def invert(self) -> Frame: """Return a new Link that is the inverse of this link.""" links = list() for link in reversed(self._links): links.append(Inverse(link)) return AffineCompound(links) class Rotation(AffineLink): """Planar rotation in N-D. The plane of rotation is described by two vectors (u, v). The initial angle of rotation is twice the angle between u and v (measured from u to v) and can be modified by setting the angle explicitly, e.g. ``link.angle = np.pi``. The angle is measured in radians. Parameters ---------- u : ArrayLike The first vector defining the plane of rotation. The angle is mesured from here. v : ArrayLike The second vector defining the plane of rotation. The angle is measured to here, i.e., from u to v. Notes ----- Implements __inverse_transform__. If you wish to initialize a rotation that rotates u onto v, and both are of same length, you can use ``tf.Rotation(u+v, v)``. """ def __init__(self, u: ArrayLike, v: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = -1) -> None: u = np.asarray(u) v = np.asarray(v) u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, -1) v = np.moveaxis(v, axis, -1) frame_dim = u.shape[axis] super().__init__(frame_dim, frame_dim) self._u = u / np.linalg.norm(u) self._v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) self._angle = 2 * angle_between(u, v) u_orthogonal = v - vector_project(v, u) self._u_ortho = u_orthogonal / np.linalg.norm(u_orthogonal) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return rotate(x, self._u, self._v) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return rotate(x, self._v, self._u) @property def angle(self) -> float: """The magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = angle self._v = np.cos(angle / 2) * self._u - np.sin(angle / 2) * self._u_ortho class Translation(AffineLink): """Translation in N-D. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``direction`` and ``scalar`` may now be broadcastable arrays Parameters ---------- direction : ArrayLike A vector, or batch of vectors, describing the translation. amount : ArrayLike A scalar indicating by how much to scale ``direction``. Default is 1. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, direction: ArrayLike, *, amount: ArrayLike = 1, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: direction = np.asarray(direction) frame_dim = direction.shape[axis] super().__init__(frame_dim, frame_dim, axis=axis) self._axis = axis self._amount = np.asarray(amount) self._direction = np.moveaxis(direction, axis, -1) @property def direction(self) -> np.ndarray: """The direction in which vectors are translated.""" return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, direction: ArrayLike) -> None: self._direction = np.asarray(direction) @property def amount(self) -> float: """The amount by which to scale the direction vector.""" return self._amount @amount.setter def amount(self, amount: ArrayLike) -> None: self._amount = np.asarray(amount) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = translate(x, self._amount[..., None] * self._direction) return np.moveaxis(result, -1, self._axis) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = translate(x, -self._amount[..., None] * self._direction) return np.moveaxis(result, -1, self._axis) class AffineSpace(Link): """Transform to affine space Parameters ---------- ndim : int The number of dimensions of the cartesian space. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__(self, ndim: int, *, axis=-1) -> None: super().__init__(ndim, ndim + 1) self._axis = axis def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) shape = list(x.shape) shape[-1] += 1 affine_vector = np.ones(shape, dtype=x.dtype) affine_vector[..., :-1] = x return np.moveaxis(affine_vector, -1, self._axis) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) values = x[..., :-1] scaling = x[..., -1][..., None] cartesian_vector = values / scaling return np.moveaxis(cartesian_vector, -1, self._axis)
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List import numpy as np from .base import Frame, Link, InvertLink from ._utils import vector_project, angle_between from .functions import translate, rotate, as_affine_matrix class AffineLink(Link): """A link representing a affine transformation. This is an abstract class useful when writing links for affine transformations. An affine transformation is a transformation that can be described using the equation ``y = Ax+b``. The main utility of this class is that it computes the corresponding transformation matrix once ``self.transform`` is known. Parameters ---------- parent : int The frame in which vectors are specified. child : int The frame into which this link transforms vectors. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__(self, parent_dim: int, child_dim: int, *, axis: int = -1) -> None: """Initialize a new affine link.""" super().__init__(parent_dim, child_dim) self._tf_matrix = None self._axis = axis @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" cartesian_parent = Frame(self.parent_dim) cartesian_child = Frame(self.child_dim) self(cartesian_parent, cartesian_child) affine_parent = AffineSpace(self.parent_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_parent) affine_child = AffineSpace(self.child_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_child) affine_matrix = as_affine_matrix(affine_parent, affine_child, axis=self._axis) return affine_matrix @property def _inverse_tf_matrix(self): cartesian_parent = Frame(self.parent_dim) cartesian_child = Frame(self.child_dim) self(cartesian_parent, cartesian_child) affine_parent = AffineSpace(self.parent_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_parent) affine_child = AffineSpace(self.child_dim, axis=self._axis)(cartesian_child) affine_matrix = as_affine_matrix(affine_child, affine_parent, axis=self._axis) return affine_matrix def invert(self) -> Frame: """Return a new Link that is the inverse of this link.""" return Inverse(self) class Inverse(InvertLink): def __init__(self, link: AffineLink) -> None: super().__init__(link) self._forward_link: AffineLink @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" return self._forward_link._inverse_tf_matrix class AffineCompound(AffineLink): def __init__(self, wrapped_links: List[AffineLink]) -> None: super().__init__(wrapped_links[0].parent_dim, wrapped_links[-1].child_dim) self._links = wrapped_links def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in self._links: x = link.transform(x) return x def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: for link in reversed(self._links): x = link.__inverse_transform__(x) return x @property def affine_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """The transformation matrix mapping the parent to the child frame.""" matrix = self._links[0].affine_matrix for link in self._links[1:]: matrix = link.affine_matrix @ matrix return matrix def invert(self) -> Frame: """Return a new Link that is the inverse of this link.""" links = list() for link in reversed(self._links): links.append(Inverse(link)) return AffineCompound(links) class Rotation(AffineLink): """Planar rotation in N-D. The plane of rotation is described by two vectors (u, v). The initial angle of rotation is twice the angle between u and v (measured from u to v) and can be modified by setting the angle explicitly, e.g. ``link.angle = np.pi``. The angle is measured in radians. Parameters ---------- u : ArrayLike The first vector defining the plane of rotation. The angle is mesured from here. v : ArrayLike The second vector defining the plane of rotation. The angle is measured to here, i.e., from u to v. Notes ----- Implements __inverse_transform__. If you wish to initialize a rotation that rotates u onto v, and both are of same length, you can use ``tf.Rotation(u+v, v)``. """ def __init__(self, u: ArrayLike, v: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = -1) -> None: u = np.asarray(u) v = np.asarray(v) u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, -1) v = np.moveaxis(v, axis, -1) frame_dim = u.shape[axis] super().__init__(frame_dim, frame_dim) self._u = u / np.linalg.norm(u) self._v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) self._angle = 2 * angle_between(u, v) u_orthogonal = v - vector_project(v, u) self._u_ortho = u_orthogonal / np.linalg.norm(u_orthogonal) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return rotate(x, self._u, self._v) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: return rotate(x, self._v, self._u) @property def angle(self) -> float: """The magnitude of the rotation (in radians).""" return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, angle: ArrayLike) -> None: self._angle = angle self._v = np.cos(angle / 2) * self._u - np.sin(angle / 2) * self._u_ortho class Translation(AffineLink): """Translation in N-D. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 ``direction`` and ``scalar`` may now be broadcastable arrays Parameters ---------- direction : ArrayLike A vector, or batch of vectors, describing the translation. amount : ArrayLike A scalar indicating by how much to scale ``direction``. Default is 1. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__( self, direction: ArrayLike, *, amount: ArrayLike = 1, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: direction = np.asarray(direction) frame_dim = direction.shape[axis] super().__init__(frame_dim, frame_dim, axis=axis) self._axis = axis self._amount = np.asarray(amount) self._direction = np.moveaxis(direction, axis, -1) @property def direction(self) -> np.ndarray: """The direction in which vectors are translated.""" return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, direction: ArrayLike) -> None: self._direction = np.asarray(direction) @property def amount(self) -> float: """The amount by which to scale the direction vector.""" return self._amount @amount.setter def amount(self, amount: ArrayLike) -> None: self._amount = np.asarray(amount) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = translate(x, self._amount[..., None] * self._direction) return np.moveaxis(result, -1, self._axis) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.asarray(x) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) result = translate(x, -self._amount[..., None] * self._direction) return np.moveaxis(result, -1, self._axis) class AffineSpace(Link): """Transform to affine space Parameters ---------- ndim : int The number of dimensions of the cartesian space. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. """ def __init__(self, ndim: int, *, axis=-1) -> None: super().__init__(ndim, ndim + 1) self._axis = axis def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) shape = list(x.shape) shape[-1] += 1 affine_vector = np.ones(shape, dtype=x.dtype) affine_vector[..., :-1] = x return np.moveaxis(affine_vector, -1, self._axis) def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) values = x[..., :-1] scaling = x[..., -1][..., None] cartesian_vector = values / scaling return np.moveaxis(cartesian_vector, -1, self._axis)
from typing import List from .base import CompundLink, Link, InvertLink from .affine import AffineCompound, Translation, Rotation from .joints import Joint import numpy as np def simplify_links( links: List[Link], *, keep_links: List[Link] = None, keep_joints: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-16 ) -> List[Link]: """Simplify a transformation sequence. .. currentmodule:: skbot.transform This function attempts to optimize the given transformation sequence by reducing the number of transformations involved. For this it may replace or modify any link in the sequence with the exception of those listed in ``keep_links``. Concretely it does the following modifications: - It (recursively) flattens :class:`CompoundLinks <CompundLink>`. - It replaces double inversions with the original link. - It drops 0 degree :class:`Rotations <Rotation>` (identities). - It drops 0 amount :class:`Translations <Translation>` (identities). - It combines series of translations into a single translation. - It sorts translations before rotations. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- links : List[Link] The list of links to simplify. keep_links : List[Link] A list list of links that - if present - should not be simplified. keep_joints : bool If True treat tf.Joint instances as if they were in keep_links. eps : float The number below which angles and translations are interpreted as 0. Defaults to ``1e-16``. Returns ------- improved_links : List[Link] A new list of links that is a simplified version of the initial list. """ if keep_links is None: keep_links = list() def simplify(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = list() for idx in range(len(links)): link = links[idx] # skip if link should not be modified if link in keep_links or (isinstance(link, Joint) and keep_joints): improved_links.append(link) continue # resolve inversions if isinstance(link, InvertLink): inverted_link = link._forward_link # still don't touch keep links if inverted_link in keep_links or ( isinstance(inverted_link, Joint) and keep_joints ): improved_links.append(link) continue # double inverse if isinstance(inverted_link, InvertLink): improved_links.append(inverted_link._forward_link) continue # inverted compound link if isinstance(inverted_link, (CompundLink, AffineCompound)): for sub_link in reversed(inverted_link._links): improved_links.append(InvertLink(sub_link)) continue # inverted translation if isinstance(inverted_link, Translation): resolved = Translation( inverted_link.direction, amount=-inverted_link.amount, axis=inverted_link._axis, ) improved_links.append(resolved) continue # inverted rotation if isinstance(inverted_link, Rotation): angle = inverted_link.angle resolved = Rotation( inverted_link._u, inverted_link._u_ortho, axis=inverted_link._axis, ) resolved.angle = -angle improved_links.append(resolved) continue # unpack compound links if isinstance(link, (CompundLink, AffineCompound)): for sub_link in link._links: improved_links.append(sub_link) continue # drop identity translations if isinstance(link, Translation) and abs(link.amount) < eps: continue # drop identity rotations if isinstance(link, Rotation) and abs(link.angle) < eps: continue # no improvements for this link improved_links.append(link) if len(improved_links) != len(links): improved_links = simplify(improved_links) elif any([a != b for a, b in zip(links, improved_links)]): improved_links = simplify(improved_links) return improved_links def combine_translations(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = list() idx = 0 while idx < len(links): link = links[idx] if not isinstance(link, Translation): improved_links.append(link) idx += 1 continue translations: List[Translation] = list() for sub_link in links[idx:]: if not isinstance(sub_link, Translation): break translations.append(sub_link) new_direction = np.zeros(link.parent_dim) for sub_link in translations: new_direction += sub_link.amount * sub_link.direction improved_links.append(Translation(new_direction)) idx += len(translations) return improved_links def sort_links(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = [x for x in links] repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False for idx in range(len(improved_links) - 1): link = improved_links[idx] next_link = improved_links[idx + 1] if isinstance(link, Rotation) and isinstance(next_link, Translation): vector = next_link.amount * next_link.direction vector = link.__inverse_transform__(vector) improved_links[idx + 1] = improved_links[idx] improved_links[idx] = Translation(vector) repeat = True continue return improved_links improved_links = simplify(links) subchains: List[List[Link]] = list() keepsies: List[Link] = list() current_subchain: List[Link] = list() for link in improved_links: if link in keep_links or (isinstance(link, Joint) and keep_joints): keepsies.append(link) subchains.append(current_subchain) current_subchain = list() else: current_subchain.append(link) subchains.append(current_subchain) improved_chains: List[List[Link]] = list() for subchain in subchains: improved_links = sort_links(subchain) improved_links = combine_translations(improved_links) improved_chains.append(improved_links) improved_chain: List[Link] = list() for chain, keepsie in zip(improved_chains, keepsies): improved_chain += chain improved_chain += [keepsie] improved_chain += improved_chains[-1] return improved_chain
from typing import List from .base import CompundLink, Link, InvertLink from .affine import AffineCompound, Translation, Rotation from .joints import Joint import numpy as np def simplify_links( links: List[Link], *, keep_links: List[Link] = None, keep_joints: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-16 ) -> List[Link]: """Simplify a transformation sequence. .. currentmodule:: skbot.transform This function attempts to optimize the given transformation sequence by reducing the number of transformations involved. For this it may replace or modify any link in the sequence with the exception of those listed in ``keep_links``. Concretely it does the following modifications: - It (recursively) flattens :class:`CompoundLinks <CompundLink>`. - It replaces double inversions with the original link. - It drops 0 degree :class:`Rotations <Rotation>` (identities). - It drops 0 amount :class:`Translations <Translation>` (identities). - It combines series of translations into a single translation. - It sorts translations before rotations. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- links : List[Link] The list of links to simplify. keep_links : List[Link] A list list of links that - if present - should not be simplified. keep_joints : bool If True treat tf.Joint instances as if they were in keep_links. eps : float The number below which angles and translations are interpreted as 0. Defaults to ``1e-16``. Returns ------- improved_links : List[Link] A new list of links that is a simplified version of the initial list. """ if keep_links is None: keep_links = list() def simplify(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = list() for idx in range(len(links)): link = links[idx] # skip if link should not be modified if link in keep_links or (isinstance(link, Joint) and keep_joints): improved_links.append(link) continue # resolve inversions if isinstance(link, InvertLink): inverted_link = link._forward_link # still don't touch keep links if inverted_link in keep_links or ( isinstance(inverted_link, Joint) and keep_joints ): improved_links.append(link) continue # double inverse if isinstance(inverted_link, InvertLink): improved_links.append(inverted_link._forward_link) continue # inverted compound link if isinstance(inverted_link, (CompundLink, AffineCompound)): for sub_link in reversed(inverted_link._links): improved_links.append(InvertLink(sub_link)) continue # inverted translation if isinstance(inverted_link, Translation): resolved = Translation( inverted_link.direction, amount=-inverted_link.amount, axis=inverted_link._axis, ) improved_links.append(resolved) continue # inverted rotation if isinstance(inverted_link, Rotation): angle = inverted_link.angle resolved = Rotation( inverted_link._u, inverted_link._u_ortho, axis=inverted_link._axis, ) resolved.angle = -angle improved_links.append(resolved) continue # unpack compound links if isinstance(link, (CompundLink, AffineCompound)): for sub_link in link._links: improved_links.append(sub_link) continue # drop identity translations if isinstance(link, Translation) and abs(link.amount) < eps: continue # drop identity rotations if isinstance(link, Rotation) and abs(link.angle) < eps: continue # no improvements for this link improved_links.append(link) if len(improved_links) != len(links): improved_links = simplify(improved_links) elif any([a != b for a, b in zip(links, improved_links)]): improved_links = simplify(improved_links) return improved_links def combine_translations(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = list() idx = 0 while idx < len(links): link = links[idx] if not isinstance(link, Translation): improved_links.append(link) idx += 1 continue translations: List[Translation] = list() for sub_link in links[idx:]: if not isinstance(sub_link, Translation): break translations.append(sub_link) new_direction = np.zeros(link.parent_dim) for sub_link in translations: new_direction += sub_link.amount * sub_link.direction improved_links.append(Translation(new_direction)) idx += len(translations) return improved_links def sort_links(links: List[Link]) -> List[Link]: improved_links: List[Link] = [x for x in links] repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False for idx in range(len(improved_links) - 1): link = improved_links[idx] next_link = improved_links[idx + 1] if isinstance(link, Rotation) and isinstance(next_link, Translation): vector = next_link.amount * next_link.direction vector = link.__inverse_transform__(vector) improved_links[idx + 1] = improved_links[idx] improved_links[idx] = Translation(vector) repeat = True continue return improved_links improved_links = simplify(links) subchains: List[List[Link]] = list() keepsies: List[Link] = list() current_subchain: List[Link] = list() for link in improved_links: if link in keep_links or (isinstance(link, Joint) and keep_joints): keepsies.append(link) subchains.append(current_subchain) current_subchain = list() else: current_subchain.append(link) subchains.append(current_subchain) improved_chains: List[List[Link]] = list() for subchain in subchains: improved_links = sort_links(subchain) improved_links = combine_translations(improved_links) improved_chains.append(improved_links) improved_chain: List[Link] = list() for chain, keepsie in zip(improved_chains, keepsies): improved_chain += chain improved_chain += [keepsie] improved_chain += improved_chains[-1] return improved_chain
import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .base import Frame from ._utils import vector_project def scale(vector: ArrayLike, scalar: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Scale each dimension of a vector. Multiplies each dimension of ``vector`` with the matching dimension of ``scalar``. If necessary, ``scalar`` will be broadcasted. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike A vector to be scaled. scalar : ArrayLike A vector representing the amount by which to scale each dimension. Returns ------- scaled : ArrayLike A vector where each dimension is scaled by scalar. Notes ----- Exists for completeness. It may be cleaner to simply write ``scalar * vector`` instead. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) scalar = np.asarray(scalar) return scalar * vector def translate(vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Translate a vector along direction. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be translated. direction : ArrayLike A vector describing the translation. Returns ------- translated_vector : ArrayLike The translated vector. Notes ----- Exists for completeness. It may be cleaner to simply write ``vector + direction`` instead. """ return vector + direction def rotate(vector: ArrayLike, u: ArrayLike, v: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1) -> np.ndarray: """Rotate a vector in the u,v plane. Rotates a vector by reflecting it twice. The plane of rotation is given by the u-v-plane and the angle of rotation is two times the angle from u to v. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be rotated. u : ArrayLike The first of the two axes defining the plane of rotation v : ArrayLike The second of the two axes defining the plane of rotation axis : int The axis along which to compute the reflection. Default: -1. Returns ------- rotated_vector : np.ndarray The vector rotated in the u-v-plane by two times the angle from u to v. Notes ----- The angle of rotation is given by the angle between the two vectors that define the plane of rotation. The orientation of the rotation is from u towards v, and the amount of rotation is twice the angle. The scale of u and/or v does not influence the rotation. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) u = np.asarray(u) v = np.asarray(v) # implemented as rotation by two reflections return reflect(reflect(vector, u, axis=axis), v, axis=axis) def reflect(vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1) -> np.ndarray: """Reflect a vector along a line defined by direction. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be reflected. direction : ArrayLike The vector describing the direction along which the reflection takes place. axis : int The axis along which to compute the reflection. Default: -1. Returns ------- reflected_vector : ArrayLike The reflected vector. Notes ----- The length of direction does not influence the result of the reflection. """ # from: vector = np.asarray(vector) direction = np.asarray(direction) return vector - 2 * vector_project(vector, direction, axis=axis) def shear( vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike, amount: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Displaces a vector along direction by the scalar product of vector and amount. A shear displaces a vector in a fixed direction by the vector's scalar projection onto a second vector (amount) scaled by the length of that second vector. If amount and direction are orthogonal, the result is a shear. If amount and direction are parallel, the result is a stretch. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be sheared. direction : ArrayLike The direction along which to apply the shear. amount : ArrayLike The axis that determines the amount to shear by. axis : int The axis along with to compute the shear. Returns ------- sheared : np.ndarray The sheared vector. Notes ----- If direction is not normalized the resulting shear factor will be scaled by the length (euclidian norm) of direction. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) direction = np.asarray(direction) amount = np.asarray(amount) tmp1 = np.sum(vector * amount, axis=axis) return vector + tmp1 * direction def as_affine_matrix(from_frame: Frame, to_frame: Frame, *, axis: int = -1): """Transformation Matrix between two frames at a given point. Given two frames ``from_frame`` and ``to_frame`` that represent affine space and are connected by a sequence of linear transformations, compute a matrix representation of the transformation. Parameters ---------- from_frame : tf.Frame The parent frame. to_frame : tf.Frame The child frame. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. Returns ------- matrix : np.ndarray The matrix representation of the transformation. It will have the shape ``(batch_shape, to_frame.ndim, from_frame.ndim)``. Notes ----- The matrix representation will only be accurate if the transformation chain between the two given frames is linear. The """ if axis != -1: raise NotImplementedError("Axis is not implemented yet.") basis_set = np.eye(from_frame.ndim) basis_set[:, -1] = 1 mapped_basis = from_frame.transform(basis_set, to_frame).T # normalize affine matrix scaling = mapped_basis[-1, :] mapped_basis /= scaling[None, :] mapped_basis[..., :-1] -= mapped_basis[..., -1][..., None] return mapped_basis
import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .base import Frame from ._utils import vector_project def scale(vector: ArrayLike, scalar: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Scale each dimension of a vector. Multiplies each dimension of ``vector`` with the matching dimension of ``scalar``. If necessary, ``scalar`` will be broadcasted. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike A vector to be scaled. scalar : ArrayLike A vector representing the amount by which to scale each dimension. Returns ------- scaled : ArrayLike A vector where each dimension is scaled by scalar. Notes ----- Exists for completeness. It may be cleaner to simply write ``scalar * vector`` instead. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) scalar = np.asarray(scalar) return scalar * vector def translate(vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Translate a vector along direction. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be translated. direction : ArrayLike A vector describing the translation. Returns ------- translated_vector : ArrayLike The translated vector. Notes ----- Exists for completeness. It may be cleaner to simply write ``vector + direction`` instead. """ return vector + direction def rotate(vector: ArrayLike, u: ArrayLike, v: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1) -> np.ndarray: """Rotate a vector in the u,v plane. Rotates a vector by reflecting it twice. The plane of rotation is given by the u-v-plane and the angle of rotation is two times the angle from u to v. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be rotated. u : ArrayLike The first of the two axes defining the plane of rotation v : ArrayLike The second of the two axes defining the plane of rotation axis : int The axis along which to compute the reflection. Default: -1. Returns ------- rotated_vector : np.ndarray The vector rotated in the u-v-plane by two times the angle from u to v. Notes ----- The angle of rotation is given by the angle between the two vectors that define the plane of rotation. The orientation of the rotation is from u towards v, and the amount of rotation is twice the angle. The scale of u and/or v does not influence the rotation. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) u = np.asarray(u) v = np.asarray(v) # implemented as rotation by two reflections return reflect(reflect(vector, u, axis=axis), v, axis=axis) def reflect(vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1) -> np.ndarray: """Reflect a vector along a line defined by direction. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be reflected. direction : ArrayLike The vector describing the direction along which the reflection takes place. axis : int The axis along which to compute the reflection. Default: -1. Returns ------- reflected_vector : ArrayLike The reflected vector. Notes ----- The length of direction does not influence the result of the reflection. """ # from: vector = np.asarray(vector) direction = np.asarray(direction) return vector - 2 * vector_project(vector, direction, axis=axis) def shear( vector: ArrayLike, direction: ArrayLike, amount: ArrayLike, *, axis=-1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Displaces a vector along direction by the scalar product of vector and amount. A shear displaces a vector in a fixed direction by the vector's scalar projection onto a second vector (amount) scaled by the length of that second vector. If amount and direction are orthogonal, the result is a shear. If amount and direction are parallel, the result is a stretch. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike The vector to be sheared. direction : ArrayLike The direction along which to apply the shear. amount : ArrayLike The axis that determines the amount to shear by. axis : int The axis along with to compute the shear. Returns ------- sheared : np.ndarray The sheared vector. Notes ----- If direction is not normalized the resulting shear factor will be scaled by the length (euclidian norm) of direction. """ vector = np.asarray(vector) direction = np.asarray(direction) amount = np.asarray(amount) tmp1 = np.sum(vector * amount, axis=axis) return vector + tmp1 * direction def as_affine_matrix(from_frame: Frame, to_frame: Frame, *, axis: int = -1): """Transformation Matrix between two frames at a given point. Given two frames ``from_frame`` and ``to_frame`` that represent affine space and are connected by a sequence of linear transformations, compute a matrix representation of the transformation. Parameters ---------- from_frame : tf.Frame The parent frame. to_frame : tf.Frame The child frame. axis : int The axis along which computation takes place. All other axes are considered batch dimensions. Returns ------- matrix : np.ndarray The matrix representation of the transformation. It will have the shape ``(batch_shape, to_frame.ndim, from_frame.ndim)``. Notes ----- The matrix representation will only be accurate if the transformation chain between the two given frames is linear. The """ if axis != -1: raise NotImplementedError("Axis is not implemented yet.") basis_set = np.eye(from_frame.ndim) basis_set[:, -1] = 1 mapped_basis = from_frame.transform(basis_set, to_frame).T # normalize affine matrix scaling = mapped_basis[-1, :] mapped_basis /= scaling[None, :] mapped_basis[..., :-1] -= mapped_basis[..., -1][..., None] return mapped_basis
from math import tan import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as scipy_rotation from .base import Link from .projections import PerspectiveProjection from .affine import AffineCompound, Translation, Rotation from ._utils import angle_between, vector_project class RotvecRotation(Rotation): """Rotation based on rotation vector in 3D. Parameters ---------- rotvec : ArrayLike The vector around which points are rotated. angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, the length of ``vector`` will be used. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. Notes ----- Batch dimensions of ``rotvec`` and ``angle`` must be broadcastable. """ def __init__( self, rotvec: ArrayLike, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: rotvec = np.asarray(rotvec) rotvec = np.moveaxis(rotvec, axis, -1) if angle is None: angle = np.linalg.norm(rotvec, axis=axis, keepdims=True) angle = np.moveaxis(angle, axis, -1) else: angle = np.asarray(angle) if angle.ndim > 0: angle = np.moveaxis(angle, axis, -1)[..., None] if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi # arbitrary vector that isn't parallel to rotvec alternativeA = np.zeros_like(rotvec) alternativeA[..., :] = (1, 0, 0) alternativeB = np.zeros_like(rotvec) alternativeB[..., :] = (0, 1, 0) enclosing_angle = np.abs(angle_between(alternativeA, rotvec))[..., None] switch_vectors = (enclosing_angle < (np.pi / 4)) | ( abs(enclosing_angle - np.pi) < (np.pi / 4) ) arbitrary_vector = np.where(switch_vectors, alternativeB, alternativeA) vec_u = arbitrary_vector - vector_project(arbitrary_vector, rotvec) vec_u /= np.linalg.norm(vec_u, axis=-1, keepdims=True) basis2 = np.cross(vec_u, rotvec, axisa=-1, axisb=-1, axisc=-1) basis2 /= np.linalg.norm(basis2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) super().__init__(vec_u, basis2) self.angle = angle class EulerRotation(AffineCompound): """Rotation based on Euler angles in 3D. Parameters ---------- sequence : str Specifies sequence of axes for rotations. Up to 3 characters belonging to the set {‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’} for intrinsic rotations, or {‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} for extrinsic rotations. Extrinsic and intrinsic rotations cannot be mixed in one function call. angles : ArrayLike Euler angles specified in radians (degrees is False) or degrees (degrees is True). Each value of angles corresponds to the respective angle listed in ``sequence``. degrees : bool If True, angles are assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. """ def __init__( self, sequence: str, angles: ArrayLike, *, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: angles = np.asarray(angles) if angles.ndim == 0: angles = angles[None, ...] angles = np.moveaxis(angles, axis, 0) rotations = list() for idx, char in enumerate(sequence): angle: np.ndarray = angles[idx, ...] if char in ["x", "X"]: rotvec = np.array((1, 0, 0), dtype=np.float_) elif char in ["y", "Y"]: rotvec = np.array((0, 1, 0), dtype=np.float_) elif char in ["z", "Z"]: rotvec = np.array((0, 0, 1), dtype=np.float_) else: raise ValueError("Unknown axis '{char}' in rotation sequence.") rotvec = np.broadcast_to(rotvec, (*angle.shape, 3)) rotvec = np.moveaxis(rotvec, -1, axis) rot = RotvecRotation(rotvec, angle=angle, degrees=degrees, axis=axis) rotations.append(rot) if sequence.islower(): super().__init__(rotations) elif sequence.isupper(): rotations = [x for x in reversed(rotations)] super().__init__(rotations) else: raise ValueError("Can not mix intrinsic and extrinsic rotations.") class QuaternionRotation(RotvecRotation): """Rotation based on Quaternions in 3D. Parameters ---------- quaternion : ArrayLike A (possibly non-unit norm) quaternion in ``sequence`` format. It will be normalized to unit norm. sequence : str Specifies the order of parameters in the quaternion. Possible values are ``"xyzw"`` (default), i.e., scalar-last, or "wxyz", i.e., scalar-first. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. Notes ----- The current implementation uses scipy's rotation class. As such you are limited to a single batch dimension. If this is to little, please open an issue. """ def __init__( self, quaternion: ArrayLike, *, sequence: str = "xyzw", axis: int = -1 ) -> None: quaternion = np.asarray(quaternion) if sequence == "xyzw": pass elif sequence == "wxyz": quaternion = quaternion[[1, 2, 3, 0]] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sequence. Possible values are 'xyzw' or 'wxyz'." ) rot = scipy_rotation.from_quat(quaternion) rotvec = rot.as_rotvec() angle = rot.magnitude() super().__init__(rotvec, angle=angle, axis=axis) class FrustumProjection(Link): """Frustum based intrinsic camera transformation. This link computes the 2D camera/pixel position of a point in 3D (world) space. The projection's center point is located in the origin and the camera is pointing along the positive z-axis. The origin of the pixel frame is located at the top left corner of the image with the y-axis pointing down and the x-axis pointing right. Points along the z-axis are projected into the center of the image (``image_shape/2``). Parameters ---------- hfov : float The angle of the viewing frustum in radians. It is assumed to be less than pi (180°). image_shape : ArrayLike The shape (height, width) of the image plane in pixels. See Also -------- :class:`skbot.ignition.FrustumProjection` Notes ----- This function assumes that ``hfov`` is less than pi (180°). Points outside the viewing frustum will still be projected. While most will be mapped into points outside of ``image_shape``, points on the backside of the camera may alias with points inside the image. In this case special care must be taken. """ def __init__(self, hfov: float, image_shape: ArrayLike) -> None: super().__init__(3, 2) image_shape = np.asarray(image_shape) aspect_ratio = image_shape[1] / image_shape[0] f_x = 1 / (tan(hfov / 2)) f_y = aspect_ratio * f_x amounts = np.array([[0, 0, f_y], [0, 0, f_x]]) directions = np.array([[0, 2 / image_shape[0], 0], [2 / image_shape[1], 0, 0]]) self.proj = PerspectiveProjection(directions, amounts, axis=-1) = Translation(image_shape / 2) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x_projected = self.proj.transform(x) x_transformed = return x_transformed
from math import tan import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as scipy_rotation from .base import Link from .projections import PerspectiveProjection from .affine import AffineCompound, Translation, Rotation from ._utils import angle_between, vector_project class RotvecRotation(Rotation): """Rotation based on rotation vector in 3D. Parameters ---------- rotvec : ArrayLike The vector around which points are rotated. angle : ArrayLike The magnitude of the rotation. If None, the length of ``vector`` will be used. degrees : bool If True, angle is assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. Notes ----- Batch dimensions of ``rotvec`` and ``angle`` must be broadcastable. """ def __init__( self, rotvec: ArrayLike, *, angle: ArrayLike = None, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: rotvec = np.asarray(rotvec) rotvec = np.moveaxis(rotvec, axis, -1) if angle is None: angle = np.linalg.norm(rotvec, axis=axis, keepdims=True) angle = np.moveaxis(angle, axis, -1) else: angle = np.asarray(angle) if angle.ndim > 0: angle = np.moveaxis(angle, axis, -1)[..., None] if degrees: # make radians angle = angle / 360 * 2 * np.pi # arbitrary vector that isn't parallel to rotvec alternativeA = np.zeros_like(rotvec) alternativeA[..., :] = (1, 0, 0) alternativeB = np.zeros_like(rotvec) alternativeB[..., :] = (0, 1, 0) enclosing_angle = np.abs(angle_between(alternativeA, rotvec))[..., None] switch_vectors = (enclosing_angle < (np.pi / 4)) | ( abs(enclosing_angle - np.pi) < (np.pi / 4) ) arbitrary_vector = np.where(switch_vectors, alternativeB, alternativeA) vec_u = arbitrary_vector - vector_project(arbitrary_vector, rotvec) vec_u /= np.linalg.norm(vec_u, axis=-1, keepdims=True) basis2 = np.cross(vec_u, rotvec, axisa=-1, axisb=-1, axisc=-1) basis2 /= np.linalg.norm(basis2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) super().__init__(vec_u, basis2) self.angle = angle class EulerRotation(AffineCompound): """Rotation based on Euler angles in 3D. Parameters ---------- sequence : str Specifies sequence of axes for rotations. Up to 3 characters belonging to the set {‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’} for intrinsic rotations, or {‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} for extrinsic rotations. Extrinsic and intrinsic rotations cannot be mixed in one function call. angles : ArrayLike Euler angles specified in radians (degrees is False) or degrees (degrees is True). Each value of angles corresponds to the respective angle listed in ``sequence``. degrees : bool If True, angles are assumed to be in degrees. Default is False. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. """ def __init__( self, sequence: str, angles: ArrayLike, *, degrees: bool = False, axis: int = -1 ) -> None: angles = np.asarray(angles) if angles.ndim == 0: angles = angles[None, ...] angles = np.moveaxis(angles, axis, 0) rotations = list() for idx, char in enumerate(sequence): angle: np.ndarray = angles[idx, ...] if char in ["x", "X"]: rotvec = np.array((1, 0, 0), dtype=np.float_) elif char in ["y", "Y"]: rotvec = np.array((0, 1, 0), dtype=np.float_) elif char in ["z", "Z"]: rotvec = np.array((0, 0, 1), dtype=np.float_) else: raise ValueError("Unknown axis '{char}' in rotation sequence.") rotvec = np.broadcast_to(rotvec, (*angle.shape, 3)) rotvec = np.moveaxis(rotvec, -1, axis) rot = RotvecRotation(rotvec, angle=angle, degrees=degrees, axis=axis) rotations.append(rot) if sequence.islower(): super().__init__(rotations) elif sequence.isupper(): rotations = [x for x in reversed(rotations)] super().__init__(rotations) else: raise ValueError("Can not mix intrinsic and extrinsic rotations.") class QuaternionRotation(RotvecRotation): """Rotation based on Quaternions in 3D. Parameters ---------- quaternion : ArrayLike A (possibly non-unit norm) quaternion in ``sequence`` format. It will be normalized to unit norm. sequence : str Specifies the order of parameters in the quaternion. Possible values are ``"xyzw"`` (default), i.e., scalar-last, or "wxyz", i.e., scalar-first. axis : int The axis along which to to compute. Default: -1. Notes ----- The current implementation uses scipy's rotation class. As such you are limited to a single batch dimension. If this is to little, please open an issue. """ def __init__( self, quaternion: ArrayLike, *, sequence: str = "xyzw", axis: int = -1 ) -> None: quaternion = np.asarray(quaternion) if sequence == "xyzw": pass elif sequence == "wxyz": quaternion = quaternion[[1, 2, 3, 0]] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for sequence. Possible values are 'xyzw' or 'wxyz'." ) rot = scipy_rotation.from_quat(quaternion) rotvec = rot.as_rotvec() angle = rot.magnitude() super().__init__(rotvec, angle=angle, axis=axis) class FrustumProjection(Link): """Frustum based intrinsic camera transformation. This link computes the 2D camera/pixel position of a point in 3D (world) space. The projection's center point is located in the origin and the camera is pointing along the positive z-axis. The origin of the pixel frame is located at the top left corner of the image with the y-axis pointing down and the x-axis pointing right. Points along the z-axis are projected into the center of the image (``image_shape/2``). Parameters ---------- hfov : float The angle of the viewing frustum in radians. It is assumed to be less than pi (180°). image_shape : ArrayLike The shape (height, width) of the image plane in pixels. See Also -------- :class:`skbot.ignition.FrustumProjection` Notes ----- This function assumes that ``hfov`` is less than pi (180°). Points outside the viewing frustum will still be projected. While most will be mapped into points outside of ``image_shape``, points on the backside of the camera may alias with points inside the image. In this case special care must be taken. """ def __init__(self, hfov: float, image_shape: ArrayLike) -> None: super().__init__(3, 2) image_shape = np.asarray(image_shape) aspect_ratio = image_shape[1] / image_shape[0] f_x = 1 / (tan(hfov / 2)) f_y = aspect_ratio * f_x amounts = np.array([[0, 0, f_y], [0, 0, f_x]]) directions = np.array([[0, 2 / image_shape[0], 0], [2 / image_shape[1], 0, 0]]) self.proj = PerspectiveProjection(directions, amounts, axis=-1) = Translation(image_shape / 2) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: x_projected = self.proj.transform(x) x_transformed = return x_transformed
from math import tan from typing import Tuple import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .affine import AffineLink from ._utils import scalar_project class PerspectiveProjection(AffineLink): """Perspective projection in N-D. This link projects a N dimensional frame onto an M dimensional frame. Using the parent's origin as the center of projection. In its most common use this corresponds to a central projection, e.g., the projection of coordinates in a 3D world frame down to a 2D camera frame. This link computes the projection using pairs of ``directions`` and ``amounts`` (both batches of vectors). To compute each coordinate of a vector in the projected space the vector is first scalar projected onto the amount (vector). This determines distance from the projection's center. Then the vector is scalar projected onto the direction (vector) and the result is scaled (anti-)proportional to the distance from the projection's center. Parameters ---------- directions : ArrayLike A batch of (subspace-)vectors onto which points will be projected. The vectors run along ``axis`` and the subspace runs along ``subspace_axis``. All other dimensions are considered batch dimensions. Often this is a normal basis of the projection's subspace, e.g., the the x and y axes of a camera's image plane expressed in the parent frame. amounts : ArrayLike A batch of vectors indicating the direction along which to measure distance from the projection center. Its shape must match ``directions.shape``. Often all amount vectors are pairwise linearly dependent, e.g., they all point in the direction a camera is facing. axis : int The axis along which the projection is computed. It's length is equal to the number of dimensions in the parent frame. subspace_axis : int The axis along which different directions and amounts are stacked. It's length is equal to the number of dimensions in the child frame. Note that this axis _must_ be present, even if vectors are projected down to 1D; in this case, the this axis has length 1. Methods ------- transform(x) Expresses the vector x (assumed to be given in the parent's frame) in the child's frame. See Also -------- :class:`skbot.transform.FrustumProjection`, :class:`skbot.ignition.FrustumProjection` Notes ----- The length of a single direction vector rescales this axis. For example, if you have a camera with a certain number of pixels then the length of the direction vector would reflect this. The length of a single amount vector determines the scaling of distance. For example, if you have a camera with a certain focal lengths (fx, fy) then the length of the amount vector would reflect this. """ def __init__( self, directions: ArrayLike, amounts: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = -1, subspace_axis: int = -2 ) -> None: self.directions = np.asarray(directions) self.amounts = np.asarray(amounts) # make data axis the last axis (more efficient and easier to handle) # also make subspace axis the second last axis self.directions = np.moveaxis(self.directions, [subspace_axis, axis], [-2, -1]) self.amounts = np.moveaxis(self.amounts, [subspace_axis, axis], [-2, -1]) super().__init__(self.directions.shape[axis], self.directions.ndim, axis=axis) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in parent frame) into the child frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike A batch of vectors expressed in the parent's frame. The parent frame runs along ``axis`` specified in the constructor. Returns ------- y : ArrayLike A batch of vectors expressed in the child's frame. The child frame runs along ``axis`` specified in the constructor. Notes ----- This function requires the batch dimensions of ``x``, ``amounts``, and ``directions`` to be broadcastable. To make an example assume a projection from N dimensions to M dimensions. In the trivial case (single vector, single projection) there are no batch dimensions; shapes are what you'd expect: ``x.shape=(N,)``, ``amounts.shape = (M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(M, N)``. In the case of a batch of vectors and a single projection, batch dimensions must be broadcastable: ``x.shape=(batch, N)``, ``amounts.shape = (1, M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(1, M, N)``. In the case of a single single vector and multiple projections the same rule applies: ``x.shape=(1, N)``, ``amounts.shape = (batch, M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(batch, M, N)``. Other combinations are - of course - possible, too. """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) # make x broadcastable with amounts/directions x = np.expand_dims(x, -2) scaling = scalar_project(x, self.amounts, axis=-1) scaling /= np.linalg.norm(self.amounts, axis=-1) projected = scalar_project(x, self.directions, axis=-1) projected /= scaling * np.linalg.norm(self.directions, axis=-1) return projected def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in the child frame) into the parent frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the childs's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parents's frame """ raise NotImplementedError("A projection isn't invertable in general.")
from math import tan from typing import Tuple import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from .affine import AffineLink from ._utils import scalar_project class PerspectiveProjection(AffineLink): """Perspective projection in N-D. This link projects a N dimensional frame onto an M dimensional frame. Using the parent's origin as the center of projection. In its most common use this corresponds to a central projection, e.g., the projection of coordinates in a 3D world frame down to a 2D camera frame. This link computes the projection using pairs of ``directions`` and ``amounts`` (both batches of vectors). To compute each coordinate of a vector in the projected space the vector is first scalar projected onto the amount (vector). This determines distance from the projection's center. Then the vector is scalar projected onto the direction (vector) and the result is scaled (anti-)proportional to the distance from the projection's center. Parameters ---------- directions : ArrayLike A batch of (subspace-)vectors onto which points will be projected. The vectors run along ``axis`` and the subspace runs along ``subspace_axis``. All other dimensions are considered batch dimensions. Often this is a normal basis of the projection's subspace, e.g., the the x and y axes of a camera's image plane expressed in the parent frame. amounts : ArrayLike A batch of vectors indicating the direction along which to measure distance from the projection center. Its shape must match ``directions.shape``. Often all amount vectors are pairwise linearly dependent, e.g., they all point in the direction a camera is facing. axis : int The axis along which the projection is computed. It's length is equal to the number of dimensions in the parent frame. subspace_axis : int The axis along which different directions and amounts are stacked. It's length is equal to the number of dimensions in the child frame. Note that this axis _must_ be present, even if vectors are projected down to 1D; in this case, the this axis has length 1. Methods ------- transform(x) Expresses the vector x (assumed to be given in the parent's frame) in the child's frame. See Also -------- :class:`skbot.transform.FrustumProjection`, :class:`skbot.ignition.FrustumProjection` Notes ----- The length of a single direction vector rescales this axis. For example, if you have a camera with a certain number of pixels then the length of the direction vector would reflect this. The length of a single amount vector determines the scaling of distance. For example, if you have a camera with a certain focal lengths (fx, fy) then the length of the amount vector would reflect this. """ def __init__( self, directions: ArrayLike, amounts: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = -1, subspace_axis: int = -2 ) -> None: self.directions = np.asarray(directions) self.amounts = np.asarray(amounts) # make data axis the last axis (more efficient and easier to handle) # also make subspace axis the second last axis self.directions = np.moveaxis(self.directions, [subspace_axis, axis], [-2, -1]) self.amounts = np.moveaxis(self.amounts, [subspace_axis, axis], [-2, -1]) super().__init__(self.directions.shape[axis], self.directions.ndim, axis=axis) def transform(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in parent frame) into the child frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike A batch of vectors expressed in the parent's frame. The parent frame runs along ``axis`` specified in the constructor. Returns ------- y : ArrayLike A batch of vectors expressed in the child's frame. The child frame runs along ``axis`` specified in the constructor. Notes ----- This function requires the batch dimensions of ``x``, ``amounts``, and ``directions`` to be broadcastable. To make an example assume a projection from N dimensions to M dimensions. In the trivial case (single vector, single projection) there are no batch dimensions; shapes are what you'd expect: ``x.shape=(N,)``, ``amounts.shape = (M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(M, N)``. In the case of a batch of vectors and a single projection, batch dimensions must be broadcastable: ``x.shape=(batch, N)``, ``amounts.shape = (1, M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(1, M, N)``. In the case of a single single vector and multiple projections the same rule applies: ``x.shape=(1, N)``, ``amounts.shape = (batch, M, N)``, ``directions.shape=(batch, M, N)``. Other combinations are - of course - possible, too. """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) x = np.moveaxis(x, self._axis, -1) # make x broadcastable with amounts/directions x = np.expand_dims(x, -2) scaling = scalar_project(x, self.amounts, axis=-1) scaling /= np.linalg.norm(self.amounts, axis=-1) projected = scalar_project(x, self.directions, axis=-1) projected /= scaling * np.linalg.norm(self.directions, axis=-1) return projected def __inverse_transform__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Transform x (given in the child frame) into the parent frame. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the childs's frame Returns ------- y : ArrayLike The vector expressed in the parents's frame """ raise NotImplementedError("A projection isn't invertable in general.")
from .. import transform as tf from ..transform._utils import scalar_project, angle_between from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List, Callable import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult from .targets import Target, PositionTarget, RotationTarget import warnings def step_generic_joint( joint: tf.Joint, target: Target, maxiter: int ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Find the optimal value for the current joint.""" def generic_objective(x: float, current_joint: tf.Joint) -> float: current_joint.param = x return target.score() def inner() -> None: if target.score() < target.atol: return # nothing to do result: OptimizeResult = minimize_scalar( lambda x: generic_objective(x, joint), bounds=(joint.lower_limit, joint.upper_limit), method="bounded", options={"maxiter": maxiter}, ) if not result.success: raise RuntimeError(f"IK failed. Reason: {result.message}") joint.param = result.x return inner def analytic_rotation( joint: tf.RotationalJoint, target: PositionTarget ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Fast-path for rotation joints and position targets. This computes the optimal joint value analytically instead of solving a sub-optimization problem. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ joint_idx = target._chain.index(joint) basis1 = np.array((1, 0), dtype=float) basis2 = np.array((0, 1), dtype=float) eps = 1e-10 def inner() -> None: if target.score() < target.atol: return # nothing to do target_point = target.dynamic_position for link in reversed(target._chain[joint_idx:]): target_point = link.__inverse_transform__(target_point) target_projected = np.array( [ scalar_project(target_point, joint._u), scalar_project(target_point, joint._u_ortho), ] ) current_position = target.static_position for link in target._chain[:joint_idx]: current_position = link.transform(current_position) current_projected = np.array( [ scalar_project(current_position, joint._u), scalar_project(current_position, joint._u_ortho), ] ) # skip adjustment if the desired position is in the joints null space if np.linalg.norm(target_projected) < eps: return target_angle = angle_between(target_projected, basis1) if angle_between(target_projected, basis2) > np.pi / 2: target_angle = -target_angle current_angle = angle_between(current_projected, basis1) if angle_between(current_projected, basis2) > np.pi / 2: current_angle = -current_angle angle = target_angle - current_angle # it is a bit odd that I have to use - angle here instead of using # + angle. There may be a bug regarding left/right handedness somewhere joint.param = np.clip(joint.param - angle, joint.lower_limit, joint.upper_limit) return inner def ccd( targets: List[Target], joints: List[tf.Joint] = None, *args, rtol: float = 1e-6, maxiter: int = 500, line_search_maxiter: int = 500, weights: List[float] = None, tol: float = None, cycle_links: List[tf.Joint] = None, pointA: ArrayLike = None, pointB: ArrayLike = None, frameA: tf.Frame = None, frameB: tf.Frame = None, metric: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = None, ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Cyclic Coordinate Descent. .. note:: This function will modify the objects in ``joints`` as a side effect. This function cycles through ``targets`` and ``joints``. For each pair it - one joint at a time - chooses a value for the joint that minimizes the score of the target. If all targets are reached, this function returns the the corresponding joint parameters; otherwise an exception is raised. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 CCD has a new signature and now makes use of Targets. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 CCD can now jointly optimize for multiple targets. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Parameters ---------- targets : List[Target] A list of quality measures that a successful pose minimizes. joints : List[joint] A list of 1DoF joints which should be adjusted to minimize ``targets``. rtol : float Relative tolerance for termination. If, after one full cycle, none of the targets have improved by more than rtol the algorithm terminates and assumes that a local optimum has been found. maxiter : int The maximum number of times to cycle over target+joint pairs. line_search_maxiter : int If no fast-path is implemented for a joint+target pair then CCD solves a 1D sub-optimization problem for the pair instead. This parameter limits the total number of iterations for this sub-optimization. weights : List[float] .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Targets are optimized cyclical instead of optimizing a weighted sum. This parameter has no effect. cycle_links : List[tf.Joint] .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``joints`` instead. A list of 1DoF joints which should be adjusted to minimize targets. tol : float .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Specify ``atol`` on the desired target instead. Absolute tolerance for termination. pointA : ArrayLike .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. A list of points. The i-th pointA is represented in the i-th frame of frameA. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the point can be directly used as input. pointB : ArrayLike .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The desired positions of each point given in pointA. The i-th pointB is represented in the i-th frame of frameB. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the point can be directly used as input. frameA : tf.Frame .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The frame in which the points in pointA are represented. The i-th element corresponds to the i-th pointA. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the frame can be directly used as input. frameB : tf.Frame .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The frame in which the points in pointB are represented. The i-th element corresponds to the i-th pointB. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the frame can be directly used as input. metric : Callable .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Specify ``norm`` in a :class:`PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. A function that takes two points (expressed in the corresponding frameB) and that computs the distance between them. Its signature is ``metric(transformed_point, pointB) -> distance``. If None, the euclidian distance will be used. Returns ------- joint_values : List[float] The final parameters of each joint. Notes ----- Joint limits (min/max) are enforced as hard constraints. The current implementation is a naive python implementation and not very optimized. PRs improving performance are welcome :) References ---------- .. [kenwright2012] Kenwright, Ben. "Inverse kinematics-cyclic coordinate descent (CCD)." Journal of Graphics Tools 16.4 (2012): 177-217. """ if len(args) > 0: if len(args) != 3: raise TypeError( f"ccd() takes 2 positional arguments, but {2+len(args)} were given." ) warnings.warn( "The signature `ccd(pointA, pointB, frameA, frameB, cycle_links)`" " is depreciated and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `targets` combined with a `ik.PositionTarget` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) target = PositionTarget(targets, joints, args[0], args[1]) targets = [target] joints = args[2] elif frameA is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `pointA`, `pointB`, `frameA`, and `frameB` is deprecated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `targets` combined with a `ik.PositionTarget` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) target = PositionTarget( static_position=np.asarray(pointA), dynamic_position=np.asarray(pointB), static_frame=frameA, dynamic_frame=frameB, ) targets.append(target) if cycle_links is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `cycle_links` is depreciated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `joints` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) joints = cycle_links for target in targets: target._chain = tf.simplify_links(target._chain, keep_links=joints) joint_values = [l.param for l in joints] if tol is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `tol` is depreciated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Specify `atol` on the respective target instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) for target in targets: target.atol = tol if weights is None: weights = [1 / len(targets)] * len(targets) weights = np.asarray(weights) step_fn = list() for target in targets: for joint in joints: stepper = None if ( isinstance(target, PositionTarget) and isinstance(joint, tf.RotationalJoint) and target.static_frame.ndim == target.dynamic_frame.ndim and target.static_frame.ndim == 3 and target.usage_count(joint) == 1 ): stepper = analytic_rotation(joint, target) if stepper is None: stepper = step_generic_joint(joint, target, line_search_maxiter) step_fn.append(stepper) old_scores = np.array([float("inf")] * len(targets)) atols = np.array([x.atol for x in targets]) for step in range(maxiter * len(targets) * len(joints)): joint_idx = step % len(joints) residual = step % (len(joints) * len(targets)) target_idx = residual // len(joints) iteration = step // (len(joints) * len(targets)) if target_idx == 0 and joint_idx == 0: scores = np.array([x.score() for x in targets]) if np.all(scores < atols): break if not any(old_scores - scores > rtol): raise RuntimeError( "IK failed. Reason:" " Loss in the local minimum is greater than `atol`." ) old_scores = scores step_fn[len(joints) * target_idx + joint_idx]() else: raise RuntimeError(f"IK failed: maxiter exceeded.") for idx in range(len(joints)): joint_values[idx] = joints[idx].param return joint_values
from .. import transform as tf from ..transform._utils import scalar_project, angle_between from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import List, Callable import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult from .targets import Target, PositionTarget, RotationTarget import warnings def step_generic_joint( joint: tf.Joint, target: Target, maxiter: int ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Find the optimal value for the current joint.""" def generic_objective(x: float, current_joint: tf.Joint) -> float: current_joint.param = x return target.score() def inner() -> None: if target.score() < target.atol: return # nothing to do result: OptimizeResult = minimize_scalar( lambda x: generic_objective(x, joint), bounds=(joint.lower_limit, joint.upper_limit), method="bounded", options={"maxiter": maxiter}, ) if not result.success: raise RuntimeError(f"IK failed. Reason: {result.message}") joint.param = result.x return inner def analytic_rotation( joint: tf.RotationalJoint, target: PositionTarget ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Fast-path for rotation joints and position targets. This computes the optimal joint value analytically instead of solving a sub-optimization problem. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ joint_idx = target._chain.index(joint) basis1 = np.array((1, 0), dtype=float) basis2 = np.array((0, 1), dtype=float) eps = 1e-10 def inner() -> None: if target.score() < target.atol: return # nothing to do target_point = target.dynamic_position for link in reversed(target._chain[joint_idx:]): target_point = link.__inverse_transform__(target_point) target_projected = np.array( [ scalar_project(target_point, joint._u), scalar_project(target_point, joint._u_ortho), ] ) current_position = target.static_position for link in target._chain[:joint_idx]: current_position = link.transform(current_position) current_projected = np.array( [ scalar_project(current_position, joint._u), scalar_project(current_position, joint._u_ortho), ] ) # skip adjustment if the desired position is in the joints null space if np.linalg.norm(target_projected) < eps: return target_angle = angle_between(target_projected, basis1) if angle_between(target_projected, basis2) > np.pi / 2: target_angle = -target_angle current_angle = angle_between(current_projected, basis1) if angle_between(current_projected, basis2) > np.pi / 2: current_angle = -current_angle angle = target_angle - current_angle # it is a bit odd that I have to use - angle here instead of using # + angle. There may be a bug regarding left/right handedness somewhere joint.param = np.clip(joint.param - angle, joint.lower_limit, joint.upper_limit) return inner def ccd( targets: List[Target], joints: List[tf.Joint] = None, *args, rtol: float = 1e-6, maxiter: int = 500, line_search_maxiter: int = 500, weights: List[float] = None, tol: float = None, cycle_links: List[tf.Joint] = None, pointA: ArrayLike = None, pointB: ArrayLike = None, frameA: tf.Frame = None, frameB: tf.Frame = None, metric: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = None, ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Cyclic Coordinate Descent. .. note:: This function will modify the objects in ``joints`` as a side effect. This function cycles through ``targets`` and ``joints``. For each pair it - one joint at a time - chooses a value for the joint that minimizes the score of the target. If all targets are reached, this function returns the the corresponding joint parameters; otherwise an exception is raised. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 CCD has a new signature and now makes use of Targets. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 CCD can now jointly optimize for multiple targets. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Parameters ---------- targets : List[Target] A list of quality measures that a successful pose minimizes. joints : List[joint] A list of 1DoF joints which should be adjusted to minimize ``targets``. rtol : float Relative tolerance for termination. If, after one full cycle, none of the targets have improved by more than rtol the algorithm terminates and assumes that a local optimum has been found. maxiter : int The maximum number of times to cycle over target+joint pairs. line_search_maxiter : int If no fast-path is implemented for a joint+target pair then CCD solves a 1D sub-optimization problem for the pair instead. This parameter limits the total number of iterations for this sub-optimization. weights : List[float] .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Targets are optimized cyclical instead of optimizing a weighted sum. This parameter has no effect. cycle_links : List[tf.Joint] .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``joints`` instead. A list of 1DoF joints which should be adjusted to minimize targets. tol : float .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Specify ``atol`` on the desired target instead. Absolute tolerance for termination. pointA : ArrayLike .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. A list of points. The i-th pointA is represented in the i-th frame of frameA. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the point can be directly used as input. pointB : ArrayLike .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The desired positions of each point given in pointA. The i-th pointB is represented in the i-th frame of frameB. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the point can be directly used as input. frameA : tf.Frame .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The frame in which the points in pointA are represented. The i-th element corresponds to the i-th pointA. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the frame can be directly used as input. frameB : tf.Frame .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use ``targets`` and a :class:`ik.PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. The frame in which the points in pointB are represented. The i-th element corresponds to the i-th pointB. If only one point is given, the list can be omitted and the frame can be directly used as input. metric : Callable .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Specify ``norm`` in a :class:`PositionTarget <skbot.inverse_kinematics.PositionTarget>` instead. A function that takes two points (expressed in the corresponding frameB) and that computs the distance between them. Its signature is ``metric(transformed_point, pointB) -> distance``. If None, the euclidian distance will be used. Returns ------- joint_values : List[float] The final parameters of each joint. Notes ----- Joint limits (min/max) are enforced as hard constraints. The current implementation is a naive python implementation and not very optimized. PRs improving performance are welcome :) References ---------- .. [kenwright2012] Kenwright, Ben. "Inverse kinematics-cyclic coordinate descent (CCD)." Journal of Graphics Tools 16.4 (2012): 177-217. """ if len(args) > 0: if len(args) != 3: raise TypeError( f"ccd() takes 2 positional arguments, but {2+len(args)} were given." ) warnings.warn( "The signature `ccd(pointA, pointB, frameA, frameB, cycle_links)`" " is depreciated and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `targets` combined with a `ik.PositionTarget` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) target = PositionTarget(targets, joints, args[0], args[1]) targets = [target] joints = args[2] elif frameA is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `pointA`, `pointB`, `frameA`, and `frameB` is deprecated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `targets` combined with a `ik.PositionTarget` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) target = PositionTarget( static_position=np.asarray(pointA), dynamic_position=np.asarray(pointB), static_frame=frameA, dynamic_frame=frameB, ) targets.append(target) if cycle_links is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `cycle_links` is depreciated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Use `joints` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) joints = cycle_links for target in targets: target._chain = tf.simplify_links(target._chain, keep_links=joints) joint_values = [l.param for l in joints] if tol is not None: warnings.warn( "The use of `tol` is depreciated" " and will be removed in scikit-bot v1.0." " Specify `atol` on the respective target instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) for target in targets: target.atol = tol if weights is None: weights = [1 / len(targets)] * len(targets) weights = np.asarray(weights) step_fn = list() for target in targets: for joint in joints: stepper = None if ( isinstance(target, PositionTarget) and isinstance(joint, tf.RotationalJoint) and target.static_frame.ndim == target.dynamic_frame.ndim and target.static_frame.ndim == 3 and target.usage_count(joint) == 1 ): stepper = analytic_rotation(joint, target) if stepper is None: stepper = step_generic_joint(joint, target, line_search_maxiter) step_fn.append(stepper) old_scores = np.array([float("inf")] * len(targets)) atols = np.array([x.atol for x in targets]) for step in range(maxiter * len(targets) * len(joints)): joint_idx = step % len(joints) residual = step % (len(joints) * len(targets)) target_idx = residual // len(joints) iteration = step // (len(joints) * len(targets)) if target_idx == 0 and joint_idx == 0: scores = np.array([x.score() for x in targets]) if np.all(scores < atols): break if not any(old_scores - scores > rtol): raise RuntimeError( "IK failed. Reason:" " Loss in the local minimum is greater than `atol`." ) old_scores = scores step_fn[len(joints) * target_idx + joint_idx]() else: raise RuntimeError(f"IK failed: maxiter exceeded.") for idx in range(len(joints)): joint_values[idx] = joints[idx].param return joint_values
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Callable, List, Union import numpy as np from .. import transform as tf class Target: """Abstract IK target. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the objective is constant. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the score is computed. atol : float The absolute tolerance for the score. If score is below this value the target is considered to be reached. """ def __init__( self, static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, *, atol: float = 1e-3 ) -> None: self.static_frame = static_frame self.dynamic_frame = dynamic_frame self._chain = self.static_frame.links_between(self.dynamic_frame) self.atol = atol def score(self): """The score of this target.""" raise NotImplementedError def usage_count(self, joint: tf.Link) -> int: """Frequency of joint use in this target. This function counts the number of times that ``joint`` is used when computing the score for this target. Parameters ---------- joint : tf.Link The link that has its frequency evaluated. Returns ------- frequency : int The number of occurences of the link. """ occurences = 0 for link in self._chain: if link is joint: occurences += 1 elif isinstance(link, tf.InvertLink) and link._forward_link is joint: occurences += 1 return occurences def uses(self, joint: tf.Link) -> bool: """Check if target uses a joint. Parameters ---------- joint : tf.Link The link to check. Returns ------- is_used : bool True if joint is used when evaluating this target's score. False otherwise. """ for link in self._chain: if link is joint: return True elif isinstance(link, tf.InvertLink) and link._forward_link is joint: return True return False class PositionTarget(Target): """IK position target (nD). This target can be used to find an IK solution that positions a point (``static_position``) expressed in ``static_frame`` at a desired target position (``dynamic_position``) expressed in ``dynamic_frame``. To compute the current score, this target transforms ``static_position`` from ``static_frame`` into ``dynamic_frame`` and then measures the distance between the transformed point and ``dynamic_positon`` under the desired norm (default: L2). .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- static_position : ArrayLike The value of a position that moves in ``dynamic_frame`` expressed in ``static_frame``. dynamic_positon : ArrayLike The value of the target position expressed in ``dynamic_frame``. static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the moving position is expressed. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the target position is expressed. norm : Callable A function of the form ``norm(ArrayLike) -> float`` that computes the norm of the distance between ``target_position`` and the transformed ``static_position`` in ``dynamic_frame``. If None defaults to L2. """ def __init__( self, static_position: ArrayLike, dynamic_position: ArrayLike, static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, norm: Callable[[np.ndarray], float] = None, *, atol: float = 1e-3, ) -> None: super().__init__(static_frame, dynamic_frame, atol=atol) self.static_position = np.asarray(static_position) self.dynamic_position = np.asarray(dynamic_position) if norm is None: self.norm = np.linalg.norm else: self.norm = norm def score(self): current_pos = self.static_position for link in self._chain: current_pos = link.transform(current_pos) return self.norm(self.dynamic_position - current_pos) class RotationTarget(Target): """IK rotation target (2D/3D). This target can be used to find an IK solution such that ``dynamic_frame`` has rotation ``desired_rotation`` when the rotation is expressed relative to ``static_frame``. The score function computes the distance in radians between the current rotation and desired rotation. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- desired_rotation : Union[tf.Link, List[tf.Link]] A link or list of links that expresses the rotation of ``dynamic_frame`` relative to ``static_frame``. static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the rotation is expressed. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame that should be rotated by ``desired_rotation`` relative to ``static_frame``. """ def __init__( self, desired_rotation: Union[tf.Link, List[tf.Link]], static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, *, atol: float = 1e-3, ) -> None: parent_dim = static_frame.ndim child_dim = dynamic_frame.ndim if parent_dim != child_dim: raise NotImplementedError("Projected Targets are not supported yet.") if parent_dim not in [2, 3]: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D and 3D is currently supported.") super().__init__(static_frame, dynamic_frame, atol=atol) if isinstance(desired_rotation, tf.Link): self.desired_rotation = [desired_rotation] else: self.desired_rotation = desired_rotation self.desired_rotation = tf.simplify_links(self.desired_rotation) self.desired_rotation = [ x for x in self.desired_rotation if not isinstance(x, tf.Translation) ] def score(self): basis = np.eye(self.static_frame.ndim) desired_basis = basis for link in self.desired_rotation: desired_basis = link.transform(desired_basis) reduced = tf.simplify_links(self._chain) reduced = [x for x in reduced if not isinstance(x, tf.Translation)] actual_basis = basis for link in reduced: actual_basis = link.transform(actual_basis) trace = np.trace(desired_basis @ actual_basis.T) if self.static_frame.ndim == 3: value = np.clip((trace - 1) / 2, -1, 1) theta = np.arccos(value) elif self.static_frame.ndim == 2: value = np.clip(trace / 2, -1, 1) theta = np.arccos(value) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D and 3D is currently supported.") return theta
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Callable, List, Union import numpy as np from .. import transform as tf class Target: """Abstract IK target. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the objective is constant. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the score is computed. atol : float The absolute tolerance for the score. If score is below this value the target is considered to be reached. """ def __init__( self, static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, *, atol: float = 1e-3 ) -> None: self.static_frame = static_frame self.dynamic_frame = dynamic_frame self._chain = self.static_frame.links_between(self.dynamic_frame) self.atol = atol def score(self): """The score of this target.""" raise NotImplementedError def usage_count(self, joint: tf.Link) -> int: """Frequency of joint use in this target. This function counts the number of times that ``joint`` is used when computing the score for this target. Parameters ---------- joint : tf.Link The link that has its frequency evaluated. Returns ------- frequency : int The number of occurences of the link. """ occurences = 0 for link in self._chain: if link is joint: occurences += 1 elif isinstance(link, tf.InvertLink) and link._forward_link is joint: occurences += 1 return occurences def uses(self, joint: tf.Link) -> bool: """Check if target uses a joint. Parameters ---------- joint : tf.Link The link to check. Returns ------- is_used : bool True if joint is used when evaluating this target's score. False otherwise. """ for link in self._chain: if link is joint: return True elif isinstance(link, tf.InvertLink) and link._forward_link is joint: return True return False class PositionTarget(Target): """IK position target (nD). This target can be used to find an IK solution that positions a point (``static_position``) expressed in ``static_frame`` at a desired target position (``dynamic_position``) expressed in ``dynamic_frame``. To compute the current score, this target transforms ``static_position`` from ``static_frame`` into ``dynamic_frame`` and then measures the distance between the transformed point and ``dynamic_positon`` under the desired norm (default: L2). .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- static_position : ArrayLike The value of a position that moves in ``dynamic_frame`` expressed in ``static_frame``. dynamic_positon : ArrayLike The value of the target position expressed in ``dynamic_frame``. static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the moving position is expressed. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the target position is expressed. norm : Callable A function of the form ``norm(ArrayLike) -> float`` that computes the norm of the distance between ``target_position`` and the transformed ``static_position`` in ``dynamic_frame``. If None defaults to L2. """ def __init__( self, static_position: ArrayLike, dynamic_position: ArrayLike, static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, norm: Callable[[np.ndarray], float] = None, *, atol: float = 1e-3, ) -> None: super().__init__(static_frame, dynamic_frame, atol=atol) self.static_position = np.asarray(static_position) self.dynamic_position = np.asarray(dynamic_position) if norm is None: self.norm = np.linalg.norm else: self.norm = norm def score(self): current_pos = self.static_position for link in self._chain: current_pos = link.transform(current_pos) return self.norm(self.dynamic_position - current_pos) class RotationTarget(Target): """IK rotation target (2D/3D). This target can be used to find an IK solution such that ``dynamic_frame`` has rotation ``desired_rotation`` when the rotation is expressed relative to ``static_frame``. The score function computes the distance in radians between the current rotation and desired rotation. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Parameters ---------- desired_rotation : Union[tf.Link, List[tf.Link]] A link or list of links that expresses the rotation of ``dynamic_frame`` relative to ``static_frame``. static_frame : tf.Frame The frame in which the rotation is expressed. dynamic_frame : tf.Frame The frame that should be rotated by ``desired_rotation`` relative to ``static_frame``. """ def __init__( self, desired_rotation: Union[tf.Link, List[tf.Link]], static_frame: tf.Frame, dynamic_frame: tf.Frame, *, atol: float = 1e-3, ) -> None: parent_dim = static_frame.ndim child_dim = dynamic_frame.ndim if parent_dim != child_dim: raise NotImplementedError("Projected Targets are not supported yet.") if parent_dim not in [2, 3]: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D and 3D is currently supported.") super().__init__(static_frame, dynamic_frame, atol=atol) if isinstance(desired_rotation, tf.Link): self.desired_rotation = [desired_rotation] else: self.desired_rotation = desired_rotation self.desired_rotation = tf.simplify_links(self.desired_rotation) self.desired_rotation = [ x for x in self.desired_rotation if not isinstance(x, tf.Translation) ] def score(self): basis = np.eye(self.static_frame.ndim) desired_basis = basis for link in self.desired_rotation: desired_basis = link.transform(desired_basis) reduced = tf.simplify_links(self._chain) reduced = [x for x in reduced if not isinstance(x, tf.Translation)] actual_basis = basis for link in reduced: actual_basis = link.transform(actual_basis) trace = np.trace(desired_basis @ actual_basis.T) if self.static_frame.ndim == 3: value = np.clip((trace - 1) / 2, -1, 1) theta = np.arccos(value) elif self.static_frame.ndim == 2: value = np.clip(trace / 2, -1, 1) theta = np.arccos(value) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D and 3D is currently supported.") return theta
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Optional def spline_trajectory( t: ArrayLike, control_points: ArrayLike, *, t_control: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, degree: int = 3, t_min: float = 0, t_max: float = 1, derivative: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the trajectory given by control_points at t using B-spline interpolation. ``spline_trajectory`` constructs a ``degree``-times differentiable trajectory using the given control points and then evaluates the resulting trajectory at ``t``. It does so using B-splines. By default, control points are spaced out evenly in the interval ``[t_min, t_max]`` where ``t=t_min`` results in ``control_points[0]`` and ``t=t_max`` results in ``control_poins[-1]``. Alternatively, the spacing of control points can be set manually by specifying ``t_control``, which implicitly specifies ``t_min`` and ``t_max``. Parameters ---------- t : np.ndarray An array containing positions at which to evaluate the trajectory. Elements of ``t`` must be within ``[t_min, t_max]``. control_points : np.ndarray A batch of control points used to construct the trajectory. The first dimension of the array is interpreted as batch dimension and the remaining dimensions are used to interpolate between. By default, control points are equally spaced within ``[t_min, t_max]`` unless ``t_control`` is given explicitly. t_control : np.ndarray, None A sequence of strictly increasing floats determining the position of the control points along the trajectory. None by default, which results in an equidistant spacing of points. degree : int The degree of the spline; uneven numbers are preferred. The resulting spline is k times continously differentiable. t_min : float Minimum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be smaller than ``t_max``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_min=t_control[0]`` t_max : float Maximum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be larger than ``t_min``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_max=t_control[-1]``. derivative : int The derivative of the interpolated trajectory to compute. For example, ``derivative=2`` differentiates the trajectory twice with respect to ``t`` and then evaluates the derivative at the given ``t``. Returns ------- position : np.ndarray The value of the trajectory at ``t``. Notes ----- The dimension of the space embedding the trajectory must be less than 12, i.e. ``<= 11``, due to limitations in scipy. If more dimensions are needed, please open an issue; a workaround is to split the trajectory into chunks of less than 11 dimensions each. Repeated evaluation of single points on the trajectory, i.e. repeatedly calling this function with scalar ``t``, is possible, but will repeatedly reconstruct the trajectory, which can lead to unnecessary slowdown. For better performance, it is preferred to use an array-like ``t``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from skbot.trajectory import spline_trajectory >>> t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10) >>> control_points = np.stack((np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1)), axis=1) >>> t2 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) >>> trajectory = spline_trajectory(t2, control_points, t_min=0, t_max=2*np.pi) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.plot(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1], control_points[:,0], control_points[:,1], 'o') >>> fig.legend(('Trajectory', 'Control Points')) >>> """ t = np.asarray(t) control_points = np.asarray(control_points) if control_points.ndim == 1: control_points = control_points[:, None] if t_control is None: t_control = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, len(control_points), dtype=np.float_) else: t_control = np.asarray(t_control) t_min = t_control[0] t_max = t_control[-1] tck, u = splprep(control_points.T, u=t_control, s=0, ub=t_min, ue=t_max, k=degree) return np.stack(splev(t, tck, der=derivative, ext=2), axis=-1)
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Optional def spline_trajectory( t: ArrayLike, control_points: ArrayLike, *, t_control: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, degree: int = 3, t_min: float = 0, t_max: float = 1, derivative: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the trajectory given by control_points at t using B-spline interpolation. ``spline_trajectory`` constructs a ``degree``-times differentiable trajectory using the given control points and then evaluates the resulting trajectory at ``t``. It does so using B-splines. By default, control points are spaced out evenly in the interval ``[t_min, t_max]`` where ``t=t_min`` results in ``control_points[0]`` and ``t=t_max`` results in ``control_poins[-1]``. Alternatively, the spacing of control points can be set manually by specifying ``t_control``, which implicitly specifies ``t_min`` and ``t_max``. Parameters ---------- t : np.ndarray An array containing positions at which to evaluate the trajectory. Elements of ``t`` must be within ``[t_min, t_max]``. control_points : np.ndarray A batch of control points used to construct the trajectory. The first dimension of the array is interpreted as batch dimension and the remaining dimensions are used to interpolate between. By default, control points are equally spaced within ``[t_min, t_max]`` unless ``t_control`` is given explicitly. t_control : np.ndarray, None A sequence of strictly increasing floats determining the position of the control points along the trajectory. None by default, which results in an equidistant spacing of points. degree : int The degree of the spline; uneven numbers are preferred. The resulting spline is k times continously differentiable. t_min : float Minimum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be smaller than ``t_max``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_min=t_control[0]`` t_max : float Maximum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be larger than ``t_min``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_max=t_control[-1]``. derivative : int The derivative of the interpolated trajectory to compute. For example, ``derivative=2`` differentiates the trajectory twice with respect to ``t`` and then evaluates the derivative at the given ``t``. Returns ------- position : np.ndarray The value of the trajectory at ``t``. Notes ----- The dimension of the space embedding the trajectory must be less than 12, i.e. ``<= 11``, due to limitations in scipy. If more dimensions are needed, please open an issue; a workaround is to split the trajectory into chunks of less than 11 dimensions each. Repeated evaluation of single points on the trajectory, i.e. repeatedly calling this function with scalar ``t``, is possible, but will repeatedly reconstruct the trajectory, which can lead to unnecessary slowdown. For better performance, it is preferred to use an array-like ``t``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from skbot.trajectory import spline_trajectory >>> t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10) >>> control_points = np.stack((np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1)), axis=1) >>> t2 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) >>> trajectory = spline_trajectory(t2, control_points, t_min=0, t_max=2*np.pi) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.plot(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1], control_points[:,0], control_points[:,1], 'o') >>> fig.legend(('Trajectory', 'Control Points')) >>> """ t = np.asarray(t) control_points = np.asarray(control_points) if control_points.ndim == 1: control_points = control_points[:, None] if t_control is None: t_control = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, len(control_points), dtype=np.float_) else: t_control = np.asarray(t_control) t_min = t_control[0] t_max = t_control[-1] tck, u = splprep(control_points.T, u=t_control, s=0, ub=t_min, ue=t_max, k=degree) return np.stack(splev(t, tck, der=derivative, ext=2), axis=-1)
import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike def integral(control_points: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = 0) -> float: """Estimate the integral along a curve. Estimates the integral of a time-parameterized curve along the chosen axis. The curve is given by a sequence of control points and their respective times. These times need not be spaced out uniformly. Parameters ---------- control_points : ArrayLike The values of the curve at time points t. t : ArrayLike The time points at which the curve was evaluated. axis : int The axis along which to integrate. All other axes are treated as batch dimensions. Returns ------- estimate : float The estimate of the integral under the curve. Notes ----- The shapes of control_points and t must match or be broadcastable. """ # This implementation uses the trapezoidal rule control_points = np.asarray(control_points) t = np.asarray(t) f_range = np.arange(control_points.shape[axis] - 1) f_lower = np.take(control_points, f_range, axis=axis) f_upper = np.take(control_points, f_range + 1, axis=axis) f_k = (f_lower + f_upper) / 2 t_range = np.arange(t.shape[axis] - 1) t_lower = np.take(t, t_range, axis=axis) t_upper = np.take(t, t_range + 1, axis=axis) delta_t = t_upper - t_lower return np.sum(f_k * delta_t, axis=axis) def cumulative_integral( control_points: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate the cumulative integral along a curve. Estimates the cumulative integral of a time-parameterized curve along the chosen axis. The curve is given by a sequence of control points and their respective times. These times need not be spaced out uniformly. Parameters ---------- control_points : ArrayLike The values of the curve at time points t. t : ArrayLike The time points at which the curve was evaluated. axis : int The axis along which to integrate. All other axes are treated as batch dimensions. Returns ------- estimate : float The estimate of the integral under the curve. Notes ----- The shapes of control_points and t must match or be broadcastable. """ # This implementation uses the trapezoidal rule control_points = np.asarray(control_points) t = np.asarray(t) f_k = np.zeros_like(control_points) f_range = np.arange(control_points.shape[axis] - 1) f_lower = np.take(control_points, f_range, axis=axis) f_upper = np.take(control_points, f_range + 1, axis=axis) f_k = np.zeros_like(control_points) f_k = (f_lower + f_upper) / 2 f_k = np.insert(f_k, 0, 0, axis=axis) t_range = np.arange(t.shape[axis] - 1) t_lower = np.take(t, t_range, axis=axis) t_upper = np.take(t, t_range + 1, axis=axis) delta_t = t_upper - t_lower delta_t = np.insert(delta_t, 0, 0, axis=axis) return np.cumsum(f_k * delta_t, axis=axis) __all__ = ["integral", "cumulative_integral"]
import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike def integral(control_points: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = 0) -> float: """Estimate the integral along a curve. Estimates the integral of a time-parameterized curve along the chosen axis. The curve is given by a sequence of control points and their respective times. These times need not be spaced out uniformly. Parameters ---------- control_points : ArrayLike The values of the curve at time points t. t : ArrayLike The time points at which the curve was evaluated. axis : int The axis along which to integrate. All other axes are treated as batch dimensions. Returns ------- estimate : float The estimate of the integral under the curve. Notes ----- The shapes of control_points and t must match or be broadcastable. """ # This implementation uses the trapezoidal rule control_points = np.asarray(control_points) t = np.asarray(t) f_range = np.arange(control_points.shape[axis] - 1) f_lower = np.take(control_points, f_range, axis=axis) f_upper = np.take(control_points, f_range + 1, axis=axis) f_k = (f_lower + f_upper) / 2 t_range = np.arange(t.shape[axis] - 1) t_lower = np.take(t, t_range, axis=axis) t_upper = np.take(t, t_range + 1, axis=axis) delta_t = t_upper - t_lower return np.sum(f_k * delta_t, axis=axis) def cumulative_integral( control_points: ArrayLike, t: ArrayLike, *, axis: int = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate the cumulative integral along a curve. Estimates the cumulative integral of a time-parameterized curve along the chosen axis. The curve is given by a sequence of control points and their respective times. These times need not be spaced out uniformly. Parameters ---------- control_points : ArrayLike The values of the curve at time points t. t : ArrayLike The time points at which the curve was evaluated. axis : int The axis along which to integrate. All other axes are treated as batch dimensions. Returns ------- estimate : float The estimate of the integral under the curve. Notes ----- The shapes of control_points and t must match or be broadcastable. """ # This implementation uses the trapezoidal rule control_points = np.asarray(control_points) t = np.asarray(t) f_k = np.zeros_like(control_points) f_range = np.arange(control_points.shape[axis] - 1) f_lower = np.take(control_points, f_range, axis=axis) f_upper = np.take(control_points, f_range + 1, axis=axis) f_k = np.zeros_like(control_points) f_k = (f_lower + f_upper) / 2 f_k = np.insert(f_k, 0, 0, axis=axis) t_range = np.arange(t.shape[axis] - 1) t_lower = np.take(t, t_range, axis=axis) t_upper = np.take(t, t_range + 1, axis=axis) delta_t = t_upper - t_lower delta_t = np.insert(delta_t, 0, 0, axis=axis) return np.cumsum(f_k * delta_t, axis=axis) __all__ = ["integral", "cumulative_integral"]
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Optional def linear_trajectory( t: ArrayLike, control_points: ArrayLike, *, t_control: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, t_min: float = 0, t_max: float = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the trajectory given by control_points at t using linear interpolation. ``linear_trajectory`` constructs a piece-wise linear trajectory using the given control points and then evaluates the resulting trajectory at ``t``. By default, control points are spaced out evenly in the interval ``[t_min, t_max]`` where ``t=t_min`` results in ``control_points[0]`` and ``t=t_max`` results in ``control_poins[-1]``. Alternatively, the spacing of control points can be controlled manually by specifying ``t_control``, which implicitly specifies ``t_min`` and ``t_max``. Parameters ---------- t : ArrayLike An array containing positions at which to evaluate the trajectory. Elements of ``t`` must be within ``[t_min, t_max]``. control_points : ArrayLike A batch of control points used to construct the trajectory. The first dimension of the array is interpreted as batch dimension and the remaining dimensions are used to interpolate between. By default, control points are equally spaced within ``[t_min, t_max]`` unless ``t_control`` is given explicitly. t_control : ArrayLike A sequence of strictly increasing floats determining the position of the control points along the trajectory. None by default, which results in an equidistant spacing of points. t_min : float Minimum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be smaller than ``t_max``.If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_min=t_control[0]``. t_max : float Maximum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be larger than ``t_min``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_max=t_control[-1]``. Returns ------- position : ArrayLike The value of the trajectory at ``t``. Notes ----- Repeated evaluation of single points on the trajectory, i.e. repeatedly calling this function with a scalar ``t``, is possible, but will repeatedly reconstruct the trajectory, which can lead to unnecessary slowdown. For better performance, it is preferred to use an array-like ``t``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from skbot.trajectory import linear_trajectory >>> t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10) >>> control_points = np.stack((np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1)), axis=1) >>> t2 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) >>> trajectory = linear_trajectory(t2, control_points, t_min=0, t_max=2*np.pi) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.plot(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1], control_points[:,0], control_points[:,1], 'o') >>> fig.legend(('Trajectory', 'Control Points')) >>> """ t = np.asarray(t) control_points = np.asarray(control_points) if t_control is None: t_control = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, len(control_points), dtype=np.float_) else: t_control = np.asarray(t_control) t_min = t_control[0] t_max = t_control[1] position = interp1d(t_control, control_points, axis=0)(t) return position
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from numpy.typing import ArrayLike from typing import Optional def linear_trajectory( t: ArrayLike, control_points: ArrayLike, *, t_control: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, t_min: float = 0, t_max: float = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the trajectory given by control_points at t using linear interpolation. ``linear_trajectory`` constructs a piece-wise linear trajectory using the given control points and then evaluates the resulting trajectory at ``t``. By default, control points are spaced out evenly in the interval ``[t_min, t_max]`` where ``t=t_min`` results in ``control_points[0]`` and ``t=t_max`` results in ``control_poins[-1]``. Alternatively, the spacing of control points can be controlled manually by specifying ``t_control``, which implicitly specifies ``t_min`` and ``t_max``. Parameters ---------- t : ArrayLike An array containing positions at which to evaluate the trajectory. Elements of ``t`` must be within ``[t_min, t_max]``. control_points : ArrayLike A batch of control points used to construct the trajectory. The first dimension of the array is interpreted as batch dimension and the remaining dimensions are used to interpolate between. By default, control points are equally spaced within ``[t_min, t_max]`` unless ``t_control`` is given explicitly. t_control : ArrayLike A sequence of strictly increasing floats determining the position of the control points along the trajectory. None by default, which results in an equidistant spacing of points. t_min : float Minimum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be smaller than ``t_max``.If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_min=t_control[0]``. t_max : float Maximum value of the trajectories parametrization. Must be larger than ``t_min``. If ``t_control`` is set, this value is ignored in favor of ``t_max=t_control[-1]``. Returns ------- position : ArrayLike The value of the trajectory at ``t``. Notes ----- Repeated evaluation of single points on the trajectory, i.e. repeatedly calling this function with a scalar ``t``, is possible, but will repeatedly reconstruct the trajectory, which can lead to unnecessary slowdown. For better performance, it is preferred to use an array-like ``t``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from skbot.trajectory import linear_trajectory >>> t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10) >>> control_points = np.stack((np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1)), axis=1) >>> t2 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) >>> trajectory = linear_trajectory(t2, control_points, t_min=0, t_max=2*np.pi) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.plot(trajectory[:,0], trajectory[:,1], control_points[:,0], control_points[:,1], 'o') >>> fig.legend(('Trajectory', 'Control Points')) >>> """ t = np.asarray(t) control_points = np.asarray(control_points) if t_control is None: t_control = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, len(control_points), dtype=np.float_) else: t_control = np.asarray(t_control) t_min = t_control[0] t_max = t_control[1] position = interp1d(t_control, control_points, axis=0)(t) return position
from xml.etree import ElementTree from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy as np from ... import transform as rtf def create_frame_graph(urdf: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, rtf.Frame], Dict[str, rtf.Link]]: """Create a frame graph from a URDF string. Parameters ---------- urdf: TextIO A text buffer containing the URDF XML. Returns ------- frames : Dict[str, Frames] A dict of frames (links and joints) contained in the file. links : Dict[str, Frames] A dict of links in the graph. Names are chosen based on joint names. See Also -------- :mod:`skbot.transform` Notes ----- ``frames[jointName]`` will return the joint's frame that is attached to the parent. """ tree = ElementTree.fromstring(urdf) frames = dict() links = dict() links_to_process: List[ElementTree.Element] = list() for child in tree: if child.tag == "link": frames[child.attrib["name"]] = rtf.Frame(3, name=child.attrib["name"]) elif child.tag == "joint": frames[child.attrib["name"]] = rtf.Frame(3, name=child.attrib["name"]) links_to_process.append(child) for link in links_to_process: frame_joint = frames[link.attrib["name"]] joint_type = link.attrib["type"] frame_offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) frame_rotation = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) for child in link: if child.tag == "parent": frame_parent = frames[child.attrib["link"]] elif child.tag == "child": frame_child = frames[child.attrib["link"]] elif child.tag == "origin": try: frame_offset = child.attrib["xyz"] frame_offset = -np.array(frame_offset.split(" "), dtype=np.float_) except KeyError: frame_offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) try: frame_rotation = child.attrib["rpy"] frame_rotation = np.array( frame_rotation.split(" "), dtype=np.float_ ) except KeyError: frame_rotation = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) elif child.tag == "axis": axis = child.attrib["xyz"] axis = np.array(axis.split(" "), dtype=np.float_) # link parent -> joint rotation = Rotation.from_euler("xyz", frame_rotation) if rotation.magnitude() > 0: intermediate_frame = rtf.EulerRotation("xyz", frame_rotation)(frame_parent) rtf.affine.Translation(frame_offset)(intermediate_frame, frame_joint) else: rtf.affine.Translation(frame_offset)(frame_parent, frame_joint) # link joint -> child if joint_type == "fixed": frame_link = rtf.affine.Translation((0, 0, 0)) elif joint_type == "revolute": frame_link = rtf.RotvecRotation(axis, angle=0) elif joint_type == "prismatic": frame_link = rtf.affine.Translation(-axis, amount=0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Joint type {joint_type}") frame_link(frame_joint, frame_child) links[link.attrib["name"]] = frame_link return frames, links
from xml.etree import ElementTree from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy as np from ... import transform as rtf def create_frame_graph(urdf: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, rtf.Frame], Dict[str, rtf.Link]]: """Create a frame graph from a URDF string. Parameters ---------- urdf: TextIO A text buffer containing the URDF XML. Returns ------- frames : Dict[str, Frames] A dict of frames (links and joints) contained in the file. links : Dict[str, Frames] A dict of links in the graph. Names are chosen based on joint names. See Also -------- :mod:`skbot.transform` Notes ----- ``frames[jointName]`` will return the joint's frame that is attached to the parent. """ tree = ElementTree.fromstring(urdf) frames = dict() links = dict() links_to_process: List[ElementTree.Element] = list() for child in tree: if child.tag == "link": frames[child.attrib["name"]] = rtf.Frame(3, name=child.attrib["name"]) elif child.tag == "joint": frames[child.attrib["name"]] = rtf.Frame(3, name=child.attrib["name"]) links_to_process.append(child) for link in links_to_process: frame_joint = frames[link.attrib["name"]] joint_type = link.attrib["type"] frame_offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) frame_rotation = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) for child in link: if child.tag == "parent": frame_parent = frames[child.attrib["link"]] elif child.tag == "child": frame_child = frames[child.attrib["link"]] elif child.tag == "origin": try: frame_offset = child.attrib["xyz"] frame_offset = -np.array(frame_offset.split(" "), dtype=np.float_) except KeyError: frame_offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) try: frame_rotation = child.attrib["rpy"] frame_rotation = np.array( frame_rotation.split(" "), dtype=np.float_ ) except KeyError: frame_rotation = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float_) elif child.tag == "axis": axis = child.attrib["xyz"] axis = np.array(axis.split(" "), dtype=np.float_) # link parent -> joint rotation = Rotation.from_euler("xyz", frame_rotation) if rotation.magnitude() > 0: intermediate_frame = rtf.EulerRotation("xyz", frame_rotation)(frame_parent) rtf.affine.Translation(frame_offset)(intermediate_frame, frame_joint) else: rtf.affine.Translation(frame_offset)(frame_parent, frame_joint) # link joint -> child if joint_type == "fixed": frame_link = rtf.affine.Translation((0, 0, 0)) elif joint_type == "revolute": frame_link = rtf.RotvecRotation(axis, angle=0) elif joint_type == "prismatic": frame_link = rtf.affine.Translation(-axis, amount=0) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Joint type {joint_type}") frame_link(frame_joint, frame_child) links[link.attrib["name"]] = frame_link return frames, links
import zmq import subprocess import socket import os import getpass from . import messages class Subscriber: """Subscribe and listen to Ignition messages. Ignition uses ZMQ_ to pass around protocol buffers as means of communication. This subscriber enabels python to receive copies of these buffers. For more information on the messages published by ignition, and how it works, check out the `Ign-Msgs documentation`_ as well as the `Ign-Transport documentation`_. .. _ZMQ: .. _`Ign-Msgs documentation`: .. _`Ign-Transport documentation`: """ def __init__(self, topic: str, *, parser=None): """Initialize a new subscriber for the given topic. Creates an object that uses a context manager to subscribe to ign-transport topics and receive messages from it. Parameters ---------- topic : str The name of the topic to subscribe to as shown by `ign topic -l`. parser : function A function that deserializes the message. The signature of the parser function is ``fn(zmq_message) -> result`` where zmq_message is a 3-tuple of the form (zmq_topic, protobuf_message, message_type). If None, the subscriber will use a default parser that converts ``protobuf_message`` into a ``skbot.ignition.message.<message_type>`` data object. Returns ------- self : Subscriber A object that can subscribe to ign-transport within a context manager """ context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.topic = topic # this could be streamlined by speaking the ign-transport discovery protcol host_name = socket.gethostname() user_name = getpass.getuser() self.socket.subscribe(f"@/{host_name}:{user_name}@{topic}") if parser is None: self.parser = lambda msg: getattr( messages, msg[3].decode("utf-8").split(".")[-1] )().parse(msg[2]) else: self.parser = parser def recv(self, blocking=True, timeout=1000) -> tuple: """Receive a message from the topic Parameters ---------- blocking : bool If True (default) block until a message is received. If False, raise zmq.ZMQError if no message is available at the time of query. timeout : int Time (in ms) to wait for a message to arrive. If the time is exceeded, an IOError will be raised. Will wait indefinitely if set to `-1`. This only works if ``blocking=True``. Returns ------- msg : PyObject If a parser was specified during instantiation, returns the result of the parser. Otherwise it will use the default parser and return a ``skbot.ignition.messages.<message_type>`` data object. """ self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, timeout) try: if blocking: msg = self.socket.recv_multipart() else: msg = self.socket.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.Again: raise IOError(f"Topic {self.topic} did not send a message.") result = self.parser(msg) return result def __enter__(self): # weird hack to encourage ign-transport to actually publish camera # messages start an echo subscriber and print the messages into the void # to make ign realize that something is listening to the topic tracking # issue: self.echo_subscriber = subprocess.Popen( ["ign", "topic", "-e", "-t", self.topic], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w") ) # this is a bad hack and should be implemented by talking the # ign-transport discovery protocol result = subprocess.check_output(f"ign topic -i -t {self.topic}", shell=True) self.address = ( result.decode("utf-8") .split("\n")[1] .split(",")[0] .replace("\t", "") .replace(" ", "") ) if not self.address: self.echo_subscriber.terminate() raise IOError(f"Could not identify socket for {self.topic}.") self.socket.connect(self.address) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.socket.disconnect(self.address) self.echo_subscriber.terminate()
import zmq import subprocess import socket import os import getpass from . import messages class Subscriber: """Subscribe and listen to Ignition messages. Ignition uses ZMQ_ to pass around protocol buffers as means of communication. This subscriber enabels python to receive copies of these buffers. For more information on the messages published by ignition, and how it works, check out the `Ign-Msgs documentation`_ as well as the `Ign-Transport documentation`_. .. _ZMQ: .. _`Ign-Msgs documentation`: .. _`Ign-Transport documentation`: """ def __init__(self, topic: str, *, parser=None): """Initialize a new subscriber for the given topic. Creates an object that uses a context manager to subscribe to ign-transport topics and receive messages from it. Parameters ---------- topic : str The name of the topic to subscribe to as shown by `ign topic -l`. parser : function A function that deserializes the message. The signature of the parser function is ``fn(zmq_message) -> result`` where zmq_message is a 3-tuple of the form (zmq_topic, protobuf_message, message_type). If None, the subscriber will use a default parser that converts ``protobuf_message`` into a ``skbot.ignition.message.<message_type>`` data object. Returns ------- self : Subscriber A object that can subscribe to ign-transport within a context manager """ context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.topic = topic # this could be streamlined by speaking the ign-transport discovery protcol host_name = socket.gethostname() user_name = getpass.getuser() self.socket.subscribe(f"@/{host_name}:{user_name}@{topic}") if parser is None: self.parser = lambda msg: getattr( messages, msg[3].decode("utf-8").split(".")[-1] )().parse(msg[2]) else: self.parser = parser def recv(self, blocking=True, timeout=1000) -> tuple: """Receive a message from the topic Parameters ---------- blocking : bool If True (default) block until a message is received. If False, raise zmq.ZMQError if no message is available at the time of query. timeout : int Time (in ms) to wait for a message to arrive. If the time is exceeded, an IOError will be raised. Will wait indefinitely if set to `-1`. This only works if ``blocking=True``. Returns ------- msg : PyObject If a parser was specified during instantiation, returns the result of the parser. Otherwise it will use the default parser and return a ``skbot.ignition.messages.<message_type>`` data object. """ self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, timeout) try: if blocking: msg = self.socket.recv_multipart() else: msg = self.socket.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.Again: raise IOError(f"Topic {self.topic} did not send a message.") result = self.parser(msg) return result def __enter__(self): # weird hack to encourage ign-transport to actually publish camera # messages start an echo subscriber and print the messages into the void # to make ign realize that something is listening to the topic tracking # issue: self.echo_subscriber = subprocess.Popen( ["ign", "topic", "-e", "-t", self.topic], stdout=open(os.devnull, "w") ) # this is a bad hack and should be implemented by talking the # ign-transport discovery protocol result = subprocess.check_output(f"ign topic -i -t {self.topic}", shell=True) self.address = ( result.decode("utf-8") .split("\n")[1] .split(",")[0] .replace("\t", "") .replace(" ", "") ) if not self.address: self.echo_subscriber.terminate() raise IOError(f"Could not identify socket for {self.topic}.") self.socket.connect(self.address) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.socket.disconnect(self.address) self.echo_subscriber.terminate()
from urllib.parse import quote import cachetools import requests from cachetools import TTLCache from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional, Callable, Union class InternalCache: """Simple Caching structure""" def __init__(self, maxsize=float("inf"), time_to_live=24 * 60 * 60) -> None: self._cache = TTLCache(maxsize=maxsize, ttl=time_to_live) def update(self, url: str, file_path: str, value: str) -> None: key = hash((url, file_path)) self._cache[key] = value def get(self, url: str, file_path: str) -> Union[str, None]: key = hash((url, file_path)) return self._cache.get(key, None) def clear(self) -> None: self._cache.clear() model_cache = InternalCache() world_cache = InternalCache() metadata_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=100) download_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=5) class FileCache: """A Fuel Model cache on the local filesystem""" def __init__(self, location: str): self._base = Path(location).expanduser() self._base = self._base / "" self._base.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) def _model_loc(self, url: str) -> Path: cache_loc = self._base metadata = get_fuel_model_info(url) username = metadata.owner.lower() model_name = quote( version = metadata.version model_loc = cache_loc / username / "models" model_loc = model_loc / model_name / str(version) return model_loc.expanduser() def get(self, url: str, file_path: str) -> Union[str, None]: """Load the SDF from the file cache""" file_loc = self._model_loc(url) / file_path if file_loc.exists(): return file_loc.read_text() else: return None def update(self, url: str, file_path: str, sdf_string: str) -> str: """Update the file cache after a miss""" model_loc = self._model_loc(url) blob = download_fuel_model(url) with ZipFile(BytesIO(blob)) as model_file: model_file.extractall(model_loc) @dataclass class ModelMetadata: """Response object of the Fuel REST API""" createdAt: str updatedAt: str name: str owner: str description: str likes: int downloads: int filesize: int upload_date: str modify_date: str license_id: int license_name: str license_url: str license_image: str permission: int url_name: int thumbnail_url: int version: int private: bool tags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) categories: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) @cachetools.cached(metadata_cache) def get_fuel_model_info(url: str) -> ModelMetadata: """Fetch a Fuel model's metadata. Parameters ---------- uri : str The URI of the fuel model. This matches the URI used in SDFormat's include tags. Returns ------- info : Metadata A python dataclass of metadata. Notes ----- The function caches the most recent 100 calls in an effort to ease the burden on the Fuel servers and to improve performance. To manually reset this cache call ``skbot.ignition.fuel.metadata_cache.clear()``. You can further also this behavior by changing ``skbot.ignition.fuel.metadata_cache`` to a different cache instance. Check the `cachetools docs <>`_ for more information. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> import skbot.ignition as ign >>> foo = ign.get_fuel_model_info( ... "" ... ) >>> # notice that the second call is almost instantaneous due to in-memory caching >>> foo = ign.get_fuel_model_info( ... "" ... ) >>> foo.owner 'OpenRobotics' >>> foo.version 2 >>> foo.filesize 622427 """ result = requests.get(url, headers={"accept": "application/json"}) result.raise_for_status() return ModelMetadata(**result.json()) @cachetools.cached(download_cache) def download_fuel_model(url: str) -> bytes: """Download a model from the Fuel server. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the model. This is the same as the URL used for include elements in SDF files. Returns ------- blob : bytes A gzip compressed blob containing the model files. Notes ----- The function caches the most recent 5 calls in an effort to ease the burden on the Fuel servers and to improve performance. To manually reset this cache call ``skbot.ignition.fuel.download_cache.clear()``. You can further also this behavior by changing ``skbot.ignition.fuel.download_cache`` to a different cache instance. Check the `cachetools docs <>`_ for more information. """ metadata = get_fuel_model_info(url) username = metadata.owner.lower() model_name = quote( version = metadata.version base_url = f"{username}/models/{model_name}/{version}/" zip_url = base_url + f"{model_name}.zip" result = requests.get( url=zip_url, stream=True, headers={"accept": "application/zip"} ) result.raise_for_status() blob = result.content return blob def get_fuel_model( url: str, *, file_path: str = "model.sdf", user_cache: Callable[[str, str], Union[str, None]] = None, use_internal_cache: bool = True, use_file_cache: bool = True, update_file_cache: bool = True, update_internal_cache: bool = True, update_user_cache: Callable[[str, str, str], None] = None, file_cache_dir: str = "~/.ignition/fuel", ) -> str: """Get a model file from the Fuel server. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the model. This is the same as the URL used for include elements in SDF files. file_path : str The path - relative to model root - to the file that should be downloaded. Defaults to the model's primary SDF at "model.sdf". user_cache : Callable[[str, str], Union[str, None]] User supplied caching logic. It is a callable that expects two strings (url and file_path) and returns either a string (the file) or None. If user_cache returns a string it is considered a cache hit; if user_cache returns ``None`` this is interpreted as a cache miss. If ``user_cache is None`` it always misses. use_internal_cache : bool If ``True`` (default), use scikit-bot's internal cache. This is a in-memory cache that evicts files after 24 hours, or when scikit-bot is unloaded. If ``False``, the internal cache always misses. use_file_cache : bool If ``True`` (default), check the local filesystem for a copy of the model file. update_file_cache : str If not ``None``, update the file cache at ``file_cache_dir`` on file cache misses. update_internal_cache : bool If ``True`` (default) update the internal cache if it missed. update_user_cache : Callable[[str, str, str], None] If not ``None`` and user_cache missed (returns ``None`` or is ``None``), update_user_cache is called with the signature ``update_user_cache(url, file_path, sdf_string)``. The expected behavior is that this call will update the user supplied caching mechanism. file_cache_dir : str The folder to use for the file cache. It follows the same layout as ignition's fuel-tools; see the Notes for more information. The default is ``~/.ignition/fuel``, which is the default location for ignition. Returns ------- sdf_string : str A string containing the content of the model's primary SDF (./model.sdf) Notes ----- Caches are tiered and the order in which they are checked (from first to last) is: (1) user_cache, (2) internal_cache, (3) file_cache. Updates are done in reverse order. Further, a cache is only updated if it would have been used, i.e., if user_cache hits then neither the internal_cache nor the file_cache are updated since they are never evaluated, even if they would have produced a miss. You can manually reset the internal caches by calling:: skbot.ignition.fuel.model_cache.clear() skbot.ignition.fuel.world_cache.clear() The file_cache stores models on your local filesystem. It never evicts, so you should manually delete outdated models. The format of the cache is:: file_cache_dir/{owner}/models/{model_name}/{version} Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> import skbot.ignition as ign >>> sdf_string = ign.get_fuel_model( ... "" ... ) >>> sdf_string[:75]+" ..." '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\\n<sdf version="1.5">\\n <model name="Construction Cone ...' >>> # Notice that (by default) the entire model is cached. Subsequent calls to >>> # model files thus happen at least at filesystem speed >>> model_config = ign.get_fuel_model( ... "", ... file_path="model.config" ... ) >>> model_config[:75]+" ..." '<?xml version="1.0"?>\\n\\n<model>\\n <name>Construction Cone</name>\\n <version> ...' """ def cache(get_fn: Optional[Callable], update_fn: Optional[Callable]): def decorator(download_sdf: Callable): def inner(url, file_path): sdf_string = None if get_fn: # query cache sdf_string = get_fn(url, file_path) if sdf_string is None: # cache miss sdf_string = download_sdf(url, file_path) if update_fn is not None: update_fn(url, file_path, sdf_string) return sdf_string return inner return decorator # set up file cache get_from_file = None update_file = None if use_file_cache or update_file_cache: file_cache = FileCache(file_cache_dir) if use_file_cache: get_from_file = file_cache.get if update_file_cache: update_file = file_cache.update file_cache_decorator = cache(get_from_file, update_file) # set up internal cache get_internal = model_cache.get if use_internal_cache else None update_internal = model_cache.update if update_internal_cache else None internal_cache_decorator = cache(get_internal, update_internal) # the wrapped loading function @cache(user_cache, update_user_cache) @internal_cache_decorator @file_cache_decorator def _fetch_online(url: str, file_path: str) -> str: """Download the model and extract primary SDF""" blob = download_fuel_model(url) with ZipFile(BytesIO(blob)) as model_file: with, "r") as data_file: file_content ="utf-8") return file_content return _fetch_online(url, file_path)
from urllib.parse import quote import cachetools import requests from cachetools import TTLCache from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional, Callable, Union class InternalCache: """Simple Caching structure""" def __init__(self, maxsize=float("inf"), time_to_live=24 * 60 * 60) -> None: self._cache = TTLCache(maxsize=maxsize, ttl=time_to_live) def update(self, url: str, file_path: str, value: str) -> None: key = hash((url, file_path)) self._cache[key] = value def get(self, url: str, file_path: str) -> Union[str, None]: key = hash((url, file_path)) return self._cache.get(key, None) def clear(self) -> None: self._cache.clear() model_cache = InternalCache() world_cache = InternalCache() metadata_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=100) download_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=5) class FileCache: """A Fuel Model cache on the local filesystem""" def __init__(self, location: str): self._base = Path(location).expanduser() self._base = self._base / "" self._base.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) def _model_loc(self, url: str) -> Path: cache_loc = self._base metadata = get_fuel_model_info(url) username = metadata.owner.lower() model_name = quote( version = metadata.version model_loc = cache_loc / username / "models" model_loc = model_loc / model_name / str(version) return model_loc.expanduser() def get(self, url: str, file_path: str) -> Union[str, None]: """Load the SDF from the file cache""" file_loc = self._model_loc(url) / file_path if file_loc.exists(): return file_loc.read_text() else: return None def update(self, url: str, file_path: str, sdf_string: str) -> str: """Update the file cache after a miss""" model_loc = self._model_loc(url) blob = download_fuel_model(url) with ZipFile(BytesIO(blob)) as model_file: model_file.extractall(model_loc) @dataclass class ModelMetadata: """Response object of the Fuel REST API""" createdAt: str updatedAt: str name: str owner: str description: str likes: int downloads: int filesize: int upload_date: str modify_date: str license_id: int license_name: str license_url: str license_image: str permission: int url_name: int thumbnail_url: int version: int private: bool tags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) categories: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) @cachetools.cached(metadata_cache) def get_fuel_model_info(url: str) -> ModelMetadata: """Fetch a Fuel model's metadata. Parameters ---------- uri : str The URI of the fuel model. This matches the URI used in SDFormat's include tags. Returns ------- info : Metadata A python dataclass of metadata. Notes ----- The function caches the most recent 100 calls in an effort to ease the burden on the Fuel servers and to improve performance. To manually reset this cache call ``skbot.ignition.fuel.metadata_cache.clear()``. You can further also this behavior by changing ``skbot.ignition.fuel.metadata_cache`` to a different cache instance. Check the `cachetools docs <>`_ for more information. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> import skbot.ignition as ign >>> foo = ign.get_fuel_model_info( ... "" ... ) >>> # notice that the second call is almost instantaneous due to in-memory caching >>> foo = ign.get_fuel_model_info( ... "" ... ) >>> foo.owner 'OpenRobotics' >>> foo.version 2 >>> foo.filesize 622427 """ result = requests.get(url, headers={"accept": "application/json"}) result.raise_for_status() return ModelMetadata(**result.json()) @cachetools.cached(download_cache) def download_fuel_model(url: str) -> bytes: """Download a model from the Fuel server. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the model. This is the same as the URL used for include elements in SDF files. Returns ------- blob : bytes A gzip compressed blob containing the model files. Notes ----- The function caches the most recent 5 calls in an effort to ease the burden on the Fuel servers and to improve performance. To manually reset this cache call ``skbot.ignition.fuel.download_cache.clear()``. You can further also this behavior by changing ``skbot.ignition.fuel.download_cache`` to a different cache instance. Check the `cachetools docs <>`_ for more information. """ metadata = get_fuel_model_info(url) username = metadata.owner.lower() model_name = quote( version = metadata.version base_url = f"{username}/models/{model_name}/{version}/" zip_url = base_url + f"{model_name}.zip" result = requests.get( url=zip_url, stream=True, headers={"accept": "application/zip"} ) result.raise_for_status() blob = result.content return blob def get_fuel_model( url: str, *, file_path: str = "model.sdf", user_cache: Callable[[str, str], Union[str, None]] = None, use_internal_cache: bool = True, use_file_cache: bool = True, update_file_cache: bool = True, update_internal_cache: bool = True, update_user_cache: Callable[[str, str, str], None] = None, file_cache_dir: str = "~/.ignition/fuel", ) -> str: """Get a model file from the Fuel server. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the model. This is the same as the URL used for include elements in SDF files. file_path : str The path - relative to model root - to the file that should be downloaded. Defaults to the model's primary SDF at "model.sdf". user_cache : Callable[[str, str], Union[str, None]] User supplied caching logic. It is a callable that expects two strings (url and file_path) and returns either a string (the file) or None. If user_cache returns a string it is considered a cache hit; if user_cache returns ``None`` this is interpreted as a cache miss. If ``user_cache is None`` it always misses. use_internal_cache : bool If ``True`` (default), use scikit-bot's internal cache. This is a in-memory cache that evicts files after 24 hours, or when scikit-bot is unloaded. If ``False``, the internal cache always misses. use_file_cache : bool If ``True`` (default), check the local filesystem for a copy of the model file. update_file_cache : str If not ``None``, update the file cache at ``file_cache_dir`` on file cache misses. update_internal_cache : bool If ``True`` (default) update the internal cache if it missed. update_user_cache : Callable[[str, str, str], None] If not ``None`` and user_cache missed (returns ``None`` or is ``None``), update_user_cache is called with the signature ``update_user_cache(url, file_path, sdf_string)``. The expected behavior is that this call will update the user supplied caching mechanism. file_cache_dir : str The folder to use for the file cache. It follows the same layout as ignition's fuel-tools; see the Notes for more information. The default is ``~/.ignition/fuel``, which is the default location for ignition. Returns ------- sdf_string : str A string containing the content of the model's primary SDF (./model.sdf) Notes ----- Caches are tiered and the order in which they are checked (from first to last) is: (1) user_cache, (2) internal_cache, (3) file_cache. Updates are done in reverse order. Further, a cache is only updated if it would have been used, i.e., if user_cache hits then neither the internal_cache nor the file_cache are updated since they are never evaluated, even if they would have produced a miss. You can manually reset the internal caches by calling:: skbot.ignition.fuel.model_cache.clear() skbot.ignition.fuel.world_cache.clear() The file_cache stores models on your local filesystem. It never evicts, so you should manually delete outdated models. The format of the cache is:: file_cache_dir/{owner}/models/{model_name}/{version} Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> import skbot.ignition as ign >>> sdf_string = ign.get_fuel_model( ... "" ... ) >>> sdf_string[:75]+" ..." '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\\n<sdf version="1.5">\\n <model name="Construction Cone ...' >>> # Notice that (by default) the entire model is cached. Subsequent calls to >>> # model files thus happen at least at filesystem speed >>> model_config = ign.get_fuel_model( ... "", ... file_path="model.config" ... ) >>> model_config[:75]+" ..." '<?xml version="1.0"?>\\n\\n<model>\\n <name>Construction Cone</name>\\n <version> ...' """ def cache(get_fn: Optional[Callable], update_fn: Optional[Callable]): def decorator(download_sdf: Callable): def inner(url, file_path): sdf_string = None if get_fn: # query cache sdf_string = get_fn(url, file_path) if sdf_string is None: # cache miss sdf_string = download_sdf(url, file_path) if update_fn is not None: update_fn(url, file_path, sdf_string) return sdf_string return inner return decorator # set up file cache get_from_file = None update_file = None if use_file_cache or update_file_cache: file_cache = FileCache(file_cache_dir) if use_file_cache: get_from_file = file_cache.get if update_file_cache: update_file = file_cache.update file_cache_decorator = cache(get_from_file, update_file) # set up internal cache get_internal = model_cache.get if use_internal_cache else None update_internal = model_cache.update if update_internal_cache else None internal_cache_decorator = cache(get_internal, update_internal) # the wrapped loading function @cache(user_cache, update_user_cache) @internal_cache_decorator @file_cache_decorator def _fetch_online(url: str, file_path: str) -> str: """Download the model and extract primary SDF""" blob = download_fuel_model(url) with ZipFile(BytesIO(blob)) as model_file: with, "r") as data_file: file_content ="utf-8") return file_content return _fetch_online(url, file_path)
from xml.etree import ElementTree from xsdata.formats.dataclass import parsers from xsdata.formats.dataclass.context import XmlContext from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import XmlParser from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.config import ParserConfig from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import XmlSerializer from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers.config import SerializerConfig from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import handlers from xsdata.exceptions import ParserError as XSDataParserError import io from typing import Dict, Callable, Type, TypeVar import importlib import warnings from .exceptions import ParseError T = TypeVar("T") # available SDF elements by version _parser_roots = { "1.0": "..bindings.v10", "1.2": "..bindings.v12", "1.3": "..bindings.v13", "1.4": "..bindings.v14", "1.5": "..bindings.v15", "1.6": "..bindings.v16", "1.7": "..bindings.v17", "1.8": "..bindings.v18", } # recommended to reuse the same parser context # see: xml_ctx = XmlContext() def get_version(sdf: str) -> str: """Returns the version of a SDF string. Parameters ---------- sdf : str The SDFormat XML to be parsed. Returns ------- version : str A string containing the SDF version, e.g. "1.8". Notes ----- This function only checks the root tag and does not parse the entire string. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.get_version """ parser = ElementTree.iterparse(io.StringIO(sdf), events=("start",)) _, root = next(parser) if root.tag != "sdf": raise ParseError("SDF root element not found.") if "version" in root.attrib: version = root.attrib["version"] if version not in _parser_roots.keys(): raise ParseError(f"Invalid version: {version}") return root.attrib["version"] else: raise ParseError("SDF doesnt specify a version.") def loads( sdf: str, *, version: str = None, custom_constructor: Dict[Type[T], Callable] = None, handler: str = None, ): """Convert an XML string into a sdformat.models tree. Parameters ---------- sdf : str The SDFormat XML to be parsed. version : str The SDFormat version to use while parsing. If None (default) it will automatically determine the version from the <sdf> element. If specified the given version will be used instead. custom_constructor : Dict[Type[T], Callable] Overwrite the default constructor for a certain model class with callable. This is useful for doing pre- or post-initialization of bound classes or to replace them entirely. handler : str The handler that the parser should use when traversing the XML. If unspecified the default xsData parser will be used (lxml if it is installed, otherwise xml.etree). Possible values are: "XmlEventHandler" A xml.etree event-based handler. "LxmlEventHandler" A lxml.etree event-based handler. Returns ------- SdfRoot : object An instance of ``skbot.ignition.models.vXX.Sdf`` where XX corresponds to the version of the SDFormat XML. Notes ----- ``custom_constructure`` is currently disabled and has no effect. It will become available with xsData v21.8. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.loads """ if custom_constructor is None: custom_constructor = dict() def custom_class_factory(clazz, params): if clazz in custom_constructor: return custom_constructor[clazz](**params) return clazz(**params) if version is None: version = get_version(sdf) if handler in ["XmlSaxHandler", "LxmlSaxHandler"]: warnings.warn( "SAX handlers have been deprecated in xsData >= 21.9;" " falling back to EventHandler. If you need the SAX handler, please open an issue." " To make this warning dissapear change `handler` to the corresponding EventHandler.", DeprecationWarning, ) if handler == "XmlSaxHandler": handler = "XmlEventHandler" elif handler == "LxmlSaxHandler": handler = "LxmlEventHandler" handler_class = { None: handlers.default_handler(), "XmlEventHandler": handlers.XmlEventHandler, "LxmlEventHandler": handlers.LxmlEventHandler, }[handler] binding_location = _parser_roots[version] bindings = importlib.import_module(binding_location, __name__) sdf_parser = XmlParser( ParserConfig(class_factory=custom_class_factory), context=xml_ctx, handler=handler_class, ) try: root_el = sdf_parser.from_string(sdf, bindings.Sdf) except XSDataParserError as e: raise ParseError("Invalid SDFormat XML.") from e return root_el def dumps(root_element, *, format=False) -> str: """Serialize a SDFormat object to an XML string. Parameters ---------- root_element : object An instance of ``skbot.ignition.models.vXX.Sdf``. XX represents the SDFormat version and can be any version currently supported by scikit-bot. format : bool If true, add indentation and linebreaks to the output to increase human readability. If false (default) the entire XML will appear as a single line with no spaces between elements. Returns ------- sdformat_string : str A string containing SDFormat XML representing the given input. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.dumps """ serializer = XmlSerializer(config=SerializerConfig(pretty_print=format)) return serializer.render(root_element)
from xml.etree import ElementTree from xsdata.formats.dataclass import parsers from xsdata.formats.dataclass.context import XmlContext from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import XmlParser from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers.config import ParserConfig from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers import XmlSerializer from xsdata.formats.dataclass.serializers.config import SerializerConfig from xsdata.formats.dataclass.parsers import handlers from xsdata.exceptions import ParserError as XSDataParserError import io from typing import Dict, Callable, Type, TypeVar import importlib import warnings from .exceptions import ParseError T = TypeVar("T") # available SDF elements by version _parser_roots = { "1.0": "..bindings.v10", "1.2": "..bindings.v12", "1.3": "..bindings.v13", "1.4": "..bindings.v14", "1.5": "..bindings.v15", "1.6": "..bindings.v16", "1.7": "..bindings.v17", "1.8": "..bindings.v18", } # recommended to reuse the same parser context # see: xml_ctx = XmlContext() def get_version(sdf: str) -> str: """Returns the version of a SDF string. Parameters ---------- sdf : str The SDFormat XML to be parsed. Returns ------- version : str A string containing the SDF version, e.g. "1.8". Notes ----- This function only checks the root tag and does not parse the entire string. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.get_version """ parser = ElementTree.iterparse(io.StringIO(sdf), events=("start",)) _, root = next(parser) if root.tag != "sdf": raise ParseError("SDF root element not found.") if "version" in root.attrib: version = root.attrib["version"] if version not in _parser_roots.keys(): raise ParseError(f"Invalid version: {version}") return root.attrib["version"] else: raise ParseError("SDF doesnt specify a version.") def loads( sdf: str, *, version: str = None, custom_constructor: Dict[Type[T], Callable] = None, handler: str = None, ): """Convert an XML string into a sdformat.models tree. Parameters ---------- sdf : str The SDFormat XML to be parsed. version : str The SDFormat version to use while parsing. If None (default) it will automatically determine the version from the <sdf> element. If specified the given version will be used instead. custom_constructor : Dict[Type[T], Callable] Overwrite the default constructor for a certain model class with callable. This is useful for doing pre- or post-initialization of bound classes or to replace them entirely. handler : str The handler that the parser should use when traversing the XML. If unspecified the default xsData parser will be used (lxml if it is installed, otherwise xml.etree). Possible values are: "XmlEventHandler" A xml.etree event-based handler. "LxmlEventHandler" A lxml.etree event-based handler. Returns ------- SdfRoot : object An instance of ``skbot.ignition.models.vXX.Sdf`` where XX corresponds to the version of the SDFormat XML. Notes ----- ``custom_constructure`` is currently disabled and has no effect. It will become available with xsData v21.8. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.loads """ if custom_constructor is None: custom_constructor = dict() def custom_class_factory(clazz, params): if clazz in custom_constructor: return custom_constructor[clazz](**params) return clazz(**params) if version is None: version = get_version(sdf) if handler in ["XmlSaxHandler", "LxmlSaxHandler"]: warnings.warn( "SAX handlers have been deprecated in xsData >= 21.9;" " falling back to EventHandler. If you need the SAX handler, please open an issue." " To make this warning dissapear change `handler` to the corresponding EventHandler.", DeprecationWarning, ) if handler == "XmlSaxHandler": handler = "XmlEventHandler" elif handler == "LxmlSaxHandler": handler = "LxmlEventHandler" handler_class = { None: handlers.default_handler(), "XmlEventHandler": handlers.XmlEventHandler, "LxmlEventHandler": handlers.LxmlEventHandler, }[handler] binding_location = _parser_roots[version] bindings = importlib.import_module(binding_location, __name__) sdf_parser = XmlParser( ParserConfig(class_factory=custom_class_factory), context=xml_ctx, handler=handler_class, ) try: root_el = sdf_parser.from_string(sdf, bindings.Sdf) except XSDataParserError as e: raise ParseError("Invalid SDFormat XML.") from e return root_el def dumps(root_element, *, format=False) -> str: """Serialize a SDFormat object to an XML string. Parameters ---------- root_element : object An instance of ``skbot.ignition.models.vXX.Sdf``. XX represents the SDFormat version and can be any version currently supported by scikit-bot. format : bool If true, add indentation and linebreaks to the output to increase human readability. If false (default) the entire XML will appear as a single line with no spaces between elements. Returns ------- sdformat_string : str A string containing SDFormat XML representing the given input. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: skbot.ignition.sdformat.dumps """ serializer = XmlSerializer(config=SerializerConfig(pretty_print=format)) return serializer.render(root_element)
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict from itertools import chain from ... import transform as tf from .load_as_generic import loads_generic from import World def to_frame_graph( sdf: str, *, unwrap: bool = True, insert_world_frame: bool = True, shape: Tuple[int] = (3,), axis: int = -1 ) -> Union[tf.Frame, List[tf.Frame]]: """Create a frame graph from a sdformat string. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Added the ability to limit loading to worlds .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 This function has been added to the library. Parameters ---------- sdf : str A SDFormat XML string describing one (or many) worlds. unwrap : bool If True (default) and the sdf only contains a single light, model, or world element return that element's frame. If the sdf contains multiple lights, models, or worlds a list of root frames is returned. If False, always return a list of frames. insert_world_frame : bool If ``False``, creation of frame graphs is restricted to world elements contained in the provided SDF. This is because non-world elements (simulation fragments) may refer to a ``world`` frame that is defined outside of the provided SDF and hence the full graph can't be determined. As a consequence, any ``model``, ``actor``, or ``light`` elements are ignored. If ``True`` (default), this function will insert a ``world`` frame into the graph of each simulation fragment (non-world element) to allow smooth construction of the frame graph. The default is ``True``; however, it will change to ``False`` starting with scikit-bot v1.0. shape : tuple A tuple describing the shape of elements that the resulting graph should transform. This can be used to add batch dimensions to the graph, for example to perform vectorized computation on multiple instances of the same world in different states, or for batched coordinate transformation. Defaults to (3,), which is the shape of a single 3D vector in euclidian space. axis : int The axis along which elements are stored. The axis must have length 3 (since SDFormat describes 3 dimensional worlds), and all other axis are considered batch dimensions. Defaults to -1. Returns ------- frame_graph : Union[Frame, List[Frame]] A :class:`skbot.transform.Frame` or list of Frames depending on the value of ``unwrap`` and the number of elements in the SDF's root element. See Also -------- :mod:`skbot.transform` Notes ----- Frames inside the graph are named after the frames defined by the SDF. You can retrieve them by searching for them using :func:`skbot.transform.Frame.find_frame`. Joins are implicit within the frame graph. The joint frame that is attached to the child frame is named after the joint (<joint_name>), and the (implicit) joint frame attached to the parent is named (<joint_name>_parent). The link between the two frames can be retrieved via :func:`skbot.transform.Frame.links_between`. For example if there is a joint named "robot_joint0" its link can be retrieved using:: child_frame = frame_graph.find_frame(".../robot_joint0") parent_frame = frame_graph.find_frame(".../robot_joint0_parent") link = child_frame.links_between(child_frame)[0] """ root = loads_generic(sdf) declared_frames = root.declared_frames() dynamic_graphs = root.to_dynamic_graph(declared_frames, shape=shape, axis=axis) if insert_world_frame: candidates = dynamic_graphs.values() else: candidates = [dynamic_graphs["worlds"]] graphs = list() for x in chain([x for x in candidates]): graphs.extend(x) if len(graphs) == 0: raise ValueError("No graphs could be loaded from the provided SDF.") if unwrap and len(graphs) == 1: return graphs[0] else: return graphs
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict from itertools import chain from ... import transform as tf from .load_as_generic import loads_generic from import World def to_frame_graph( sdf: str, *, unwrap: bool = True, insert_world_frame: bool = True, shape: Tuple[int] = (3,), axis: int = -1 ) -> Union[tf.Frame, List[tf.Frame]]: """Create a frame graph from a sdformat string. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Added the ability to limit loading to worlds .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 This function has been added to the library. Parameters ---------- sdf : str A SDFormat XML string describing one (or many) worlds. unwrap : bool If True (default) and the sdf only contains a single light, model, or world element return that element's frame. If the sdf contains multiple lights, models, or worlds a list of root frames is returned. If False, always return a list of frames. insert_world_frame : bool If ``False``, creation of frame graphs is restricted to world elements contained in the provided SDF. This is because non-world elements (simulation fragments) may refer to a ``world`` frame that is defined outside of the provided SDF and hence the full graph can't be determined. As a consequence, any ``model``, ``actor``, or ``light`` elements are ignored. If ``True`` (default), this function will insert a ``world`` frame into the graph of each simulation fragment (non-world element) to allow smooth construction of the frame graph. The default is ``True``; however, it will change to ``False`` starting with scikit-bot v1.0. shape : tuple A tuple describing the shape of elements that the resulting graph should transform. This can be used to add batch dimensions to the graph, for example to perform vectorized computation on multiple instances of the same world in different states, or for batched coordinate transformation. Defaults to (3,), which is the shape of a single 3D vector in euclidian space. axis : int The axis along which elements are stored. The axis must have length 3 (since SDFormat describes 3 dimensional worlds), and all other axis are considered batch dimensions. Defaults to -1. Returns ------- frame_graph : Union[Frame, List[Frame]] A :class:`skbot.transform.Frame` or list of Frames depending on the value of ``unwrap`` and the number of elements in the SDF's root element. See Also -------- :mod:`skbot.transform` Notes ----- Frames inside the graph are named after the frames defined by the SDF. You can retrieve them by searching for them using :func:`skbot.transform.Frame.find_frame`. Joins are implicit within the frame graph. The joint frame that is attached to the child frame is named after the joint (<joint_name>), and the (implicit) joint frame attached to the parent is named (<joint_name>_parent). The link between the two frames can be retrieved via :func:`skbot.transform.Frame.links_between`. For example if there is a joint named "robot_joint0" its link can be retrieved using:: child_frame = frame_graph.find_frame(".../robot_joint0") parent_frame = frame_graph.find_frame(".../robot_joint0_parent") link = child_frame.links_between(child_frame)[0] """ root = loads_generic(sdf) declared_frames = root.declared_frames() dynamic_graphs = root.to_dynamic_graph(declared_frames, shape=shape, axis=axis) if insert_world_frame: candidates = dynamic_graphs.values() else: candidates = [dynamic_graphs["worlds"]] graphs = list() for x in chain([x for x in candidates]): graphs.extend(x) if len(graphs) == 0: raise ValueError("No graphs could be loaded from the provided SDF.") if unwrap and len(graphs) == 1: return graphs[0] else: return graphs
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/collision.xsd" @dataclass class Collision: """The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. Parameters ---------- laser_retro: intensity value returned by laser sensor. max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value overrides the max_contacts element defined in physics. pose: The reference frame of the collision element, relative to the reference frame of the link. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. surface: The surface parameters name: Unique name for the collision element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "collision" laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=10, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface: Optional["Collision.Surface"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Surface: """ The surface parameters. """ bounce: Optional["Collision.Surface.Bounce"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) friction: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Bounce: """ Parameters ---------- restitution_coefficient: Bounciness coefficient of restitution, from [0...1], where 0=no bounciness. threshold: Bounce velocity threshold, below which effective coefficient of restitution is 0. """ restitution_coefficient: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: float = field( default=100000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Friction: """ Parameters ---------- ode: ODE friction parameters """ ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE friction parameters. Parameters ---------- mu: Coefficient of friction in the range of [0..1]. mu2: Second coefficient of friction in the range of [0..1] fdir1: 3-tuple specifying direction of mu1 in the collision local reference frame. slip1: Force dependent slip direction 1 in collision local frame, between the range of [0..1]. slip2: Force dependent slip direction 2 in collision local frame, between the range of [0..1]. """ mu: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mu2: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) slip1: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) slip2: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ Parameters ---------- ode: ODE contact parameters """ ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints max_vel: maximum contact correction velocity truncation term. min_depth: minimum allowable depth before contact correction impulse is applied """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_vel: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_depth: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/collision.xsd" @dataclass class Collision: """The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. Parameters ---------- laser_retro: intensity value returned by laser sensor. max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value overrides the max_contacts element defined in physics. pose: The reference frame of the collision element, relative to the reference frame of the link. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. surface: The surface parameters name: Unique name for the collision element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "collision" laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=10, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface: Optional["Collision.Surface"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Surface: """ The surface parameters. """ bounce: Optional["Collision.Surface.Bounce"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) friction: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Bounce: """ Parameters ---------- restitution_coefficient: Bounciness coefficient of restitution, from [0...1], where 0=no bounciness. threshold: Bounce velocity threshold, below which effective coefficient of restitution is 0. """ restitution_coefficient: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: float = field( default=100000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Friction: """ Parameters ---------- ode: ODE friction parameters """ ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE friction parameters. Parameters ---------- mu: Coefficient of friction in the range of [0..1]. mu2: Second coefficient of friction in the range of [0..1] fdir1: 3-tuple specifying direction of mu1 in the collision local reference frame. slip1: Force dependent slip direction 1 in collision local frame, between the range of [0..1]. slip2: Force dependent slip direction 2 in collision local frame, between the range of [0..1]. """ mu: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mu2: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) slip1: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) slip2: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ Parameters ---------- ode: ODE contact parameters """ ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints max_vel: maximum contact correction velocity truncation term. min_depth: minimum allowable depth before contact correction impulse is applied """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_vel: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_depth: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/light.xsd" @dataclass class Light: """ The light element describes a light source. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: When true, the light will cast shadows. pose: A position and orientation in the global coordinate frame for the light. diffuse: Diffuse light color specular: Specular light color attenuation: Light attenuation direction: Direction of the light, only applicable for spot and directional lights. spot: Spot light parameters name: A unique name for the light. type: The light type: point, directional, spot. """ class Meta: name = "light" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default=".1 .1 .1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) attenuation: Optional["Light.Attenuation"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) direction: str = field( default="0 0 -1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) spot: Optional["Light.Spot"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Attenuation: """ Light attenuation. Parameters ---------- range: Range of the light linear: The linear attenuation factor: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance. constant: The constant attenuation factor: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenutation. quadratic: The quadratic attenuation factor: adds a curvature to the attenuation. """ range: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) linear: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constant: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) quadratic: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Spot: """ Spot light parameters. Parameters ---------- inner_angle: Angle covered by the bright inner cone outer_angle: Angle covered by the outer cone falloff: The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff. """ inner_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) outer_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) falloff: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/light.xsd" @dataclass class Light: """ The light element describes a light source. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: When true, the light will cast shadows. pose: A position and orientation in the global coordinate frame for the light. diffuse: Diffuse light color specular: Specular light color attenuation: Light attenuation direction: Direction of the light, only applicable for spot and directional lights. spot: Spot light parameters name: A unique name for the light. type: The light type: point, directional, spot. """ class Meta: name = "light" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default=".1 .1 .1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) attenuation: Optional["Light.Attenuation"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) direction: str = field( default="0 0 -1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) spot: Optional["Light.Spot"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Attenuation: """ Light attenuation. Parameters ---------- range: Range of the light linear: The linear attenuation factor: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance. constant: The constant attenuation factor: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenutation. quadratic: The quadratic attenuation factor: adds a curvature to the attenuation. """ range: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) linear: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constant: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) quadratic: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Spot: """ Spot light parameters. Parameters ---------- inner_angle: Angle covered by the bright inner cone outer_angle: Angle covered by the outer cone falloff: The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff. """ inner_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) outer_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) falloff: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/scene.xsd" @dataclass class Scene: """ Specifies the look of the environment. Parameters ---------- ambient: Color of the ambient light. background: Color of the background. sky: Properties for the sky shadows: Enable/disable shadows fog: Controls fog grid: Enable/disable the grid """ class Meta: name = "scene" ambient: str = field( default="0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) background: str = field( default=".7 .7 .7 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) sky: Optional["Scene.Sky"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fog: Optional["Scene.Fog"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) grid: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Sky: """ Properties for the sky. Parameters ---------- time: Time of day [0..24] sunrise: Sunrise time [0..24] sunset: Sunset time [0..24] clouds: Sunset time [0..24] """ time: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunrise: float = field( default=6.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunset: float = field( default=20.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) clouds: Optional["Scene.Sky.Clouds"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Clouds: """ Sunset time [0..24] Parameters ---------- speed: Speed of the clouds direction: Direction of the cloud movement humidity: Density of clouds mean_size: Average size of the clouds ambient: Ambient cloud color """ speed: float = field( default=0.6, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) direction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) humidity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mean_size: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default=".8 .8 .8 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Fog: """ Controls fog. Parameters ---------- color: Fog color type: Fog type: constant, linear, quadratic start: Distance to start of fog end: Distance to end of fog density: Density of fog """ color: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) type: str = field( default="none", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) start: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) end: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) density: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/scene.xsd" @dataclass class Scene: """ Specifies the look of the environment. Parameters ---------- ambient: Color of the ambient light. background: Color of the background. sky: Properties for the sky shadows: Enable/disable shadows fog: Controls fog grid: Enable/disable the grid """ class Meta: name = "scene" ambient: str = field( default="0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) background: str = field( default=".7 .7 .7 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) sky: Optional["Scene.Sky"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fog: Optional["Scene.Fog"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) grid: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Sky: """ Properties for the sky. Parameters ---------- time: Time of day [0..24] sunrise: Sunrise time [0..24] sunset: Sunset time [0..24] clouds: Sunset time [0..24] """ time: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunrise: float = field( default=6.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunset: float = field( default=20.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) clouds: Optional["Scene.Sky.Clouds"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Clouds: """ Sunset time [0..24] Parameters ---------- speed: Speed of the clouds direction: Direction of the cloud movement humidity: Density of clouds mean_size: Average size of the clouds ambient: Ambient cloud color """ speed: float = field( default=0.6, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) direction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) humidity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mean_size: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default=".8 .8 .8 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Fog: """ Controls fog. Parameters ---------- color: Fog color type: Fog type: constant, linear, quadratic start: Distance to start of fog end: Distance to end of fog density: Density of fog """ color: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) type: str = field( default="none", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) start: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) end: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) density: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/visual.xsd" @dataclass class Visual: """The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: If true the visual will cast shadows. laser_retro: will be implemented in the future release. transparency: The amount of transparency( 0=opaque, 1 = fully transparent) pose: Origin of the visual relative to its parent. material: The material of the visual element. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. name: Unique name for the visual element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "visual" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) transparency: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) material: Optional["Visual.Material"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Material: """ The material of the visual element. Parameters ---------- script: Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. shader: ambient: The ambient color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. diffuse: The diffuse color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. specular: The specular color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. emissive: The emissive color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. """ script: Optional["Visual.Material.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shader: Optional["Visual.Material.Shader"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) emissive: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Script: """Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the material script file name: Name of the script within the script file """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Shader: """ Parameters ---------- normal_map: filename of the normal map type: vertex, pixel, normal_map_object_space, normal_map_tangent_space """ normal_map: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/visual.xsd" @dataclass class Visual: """The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: If true the visual will cast shadows. laser_retro: will be implemented in the future release. transparency: The amount of transparency( 0=opaque, 1 = fully transparent) pose: Origin of the visual relative to its parent. material: The material of the visual element. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. name: Unique name for the visual element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "visual" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) transparency: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) material: Optional["Visual.Material"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Material: """ The material of the visual element. Parameters ---------- script: Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. shader: ambient: The ambient color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. diffuse: The diffuse color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. specular: The specular color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. emissive: The emissive color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. """ script: Optional["Visual.Material.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shader: Optional["Visual.Material.Shader"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) emissive: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Script: """Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the material script file name: Name of the script within the script file """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Shader: """ Parameters ---------- normal_map: filename of the normal map type: vertex, pixel, normal_map_object_space, normal_map_tangent_space """ normal_map: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .collision import Collision from .sensor import Sensor from .visual import Visual __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/link.xsd" @dataclass class Link: """A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. Parameters ---------- gravity: If true, the link is affected by gravity. self_collide: If true, the link can collide with other links in the model. kinematic: If true, the link is kinematic only pose: This is the pose of the link reference frame, relative to the model reference frame. velocity_decay: Exponential damping of the link's velocity. inertial: The inertial properties of the link. collision: The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. visual: The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. projector: name: A unique name for the link within the scope of the model. """ class Meta: name = "link" gravity: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) self_collide: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kinematic: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) velocity_decay: Optional["Link.VelocityDecay"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertial: Optional["Link.Inertial"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) collision: List[Collision] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) visual: List[Visual] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) projector: Optional["Link.Projector"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class VelocityDecay: """ Exponential damping of the link's velocity. Parameters ---------- linear: Linear damping angular: Angular damping """ linear: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) angular: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Inertial: """ The inertial properties of the link. Parameters ---------- mass: The mass of the link. pose: This is the pose of the inertial reference frame, relative to the link reference frame. The origin of the inertial reference frame needs to be at the center of gravity. The axes of the inertial reference frame do not need to be aligned with the principal axes of the inertia. inertia: The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above- diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ mass: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) inertia: Optional["Link.Inertial.Inertia"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Inertia: """The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above-diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ ixx: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixy: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyy: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) izz: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Projector: """ Parameters ---------- texture: Texture name pose: Pose of the projector fov: Field of view near_clip: Near clip distance far_clip: far clip distance plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Name of the projector """ texture: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) fov: float = field( default=0.785, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) near_clip: float = field( default=0.1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) far_clip: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Link.Projector.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .collision import Collision from .sensor import Sensor from .visual import Visual __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/link.xsd" @dataclass class Link: """A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. Parameters ---------- gravity: If true, the link is affected by gravity. self_collide: If true, the link can collide with other links in the model. kinematic: If true, the link is kinematic only pose: This is the pose of the link reference frame, relative to the model reference frame. velocity_decay: Exponential damping of the link's velocity. inertial: The inertial properties of the link. collision: The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. visual: The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. projector: name: A unique name for the link within the scope of the model. """ class Meta: name = "link" gravity: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) self_collide: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kinematic: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) velocity_decay: Optional["Link.VelocityDecay"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertial: Optional["Link.Inertial"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) collision: List[Collision] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) visual: List[Visual] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) projector: Optional["Link.Projector"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class VelocityDecay: """ Exponential damping of the link's velocity. Parameters ---------- linear: Linear damping angular: Angular damping """ linear: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) angular: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Inertial: """ The inertial properties of the link. Parameters ---------- mass: The mass of the link. pose: This is the pose of the inertial reference frame, relative to the link reference frame. The origin of the inertial reference frame needs to be at the center of gravity. The axes of the inertial reference frame do not need to be aligned with the principal axes of the inertia. inertia: The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above- diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ mass: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) inertia: Optional["Link.Inertial.Inertia"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Inertia: """The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above-diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ ixx: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixy: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyy: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) izz: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Projector: """ Parameters ---------- texture: Texture name pose: Pose of the projector fov: Field of view near_clip: Near clip distance far_clip: far clip distance plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Name of the projector """ texture: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) fov: float = field( default=0.785, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) near_clip: float = field( default=0.1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) far_clip: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Link.Projector.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/joint.xsd" @dataclass class Joint: """ A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. Parameters ---------- parent: Name of the parent link child: Name of the child link pose: offset from child link origin in child link frame. thread_pitch: axis: The joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). axis2: The second joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). physics: Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. name: A unique name for the joint within the scope of the model. type: The type of joint, which must be one of the following: (revolute) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with either a fixed or continuous range of motion, (revolute2) same as two revolute joints connected in series, (prismatic) a sliding joint that slides along an axis with a limited range specified by upper and lower limits, (ball) a ball and socket joint, (universal), like a ball joint, but constrains one degree of freedom, (piston) similar to a Slider joint except that rotation around the translation axis is possible. """ class Meta: name = "joint" parent: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) child: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) thread_pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional["Joint.Axis"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis2: Optional["Joint.Axis2"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional["Joint.Physics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis: """The joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). Parameters ---------- xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of a vector. The vector should be normalized. dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: specifies the limits of this joint """ xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ specifies the limits of this joint. Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis2: """The second joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). Parameters ---------- xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of a vector. The vector should be normalized. dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: """ xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Physics: """ Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. Parameters ---------- ode: ODE specific parameters """ ode: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific parameters. Parameters ---------- fudge_factor: Scale the excess for in a joint motor at joint limits. Should be between zero and one. cfm: Constraint force mixing used when not at a stop bounce: Bounciness of the limits max_force: Maximum force or torque used to reach the desired velocity. velocity: The desired velocity of the joint. Should only be set if you want the joint to move on load. limit: suspension: """ fudge_factor: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) bounce: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_force: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) suspension: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Suspension"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter used by the joint stop erp: Error reduction parameter used by the joint stop """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Suspension: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Suspension constraint force mixing parameter erp: Suspension error reduction parameter """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/joint.xsd" @dataclass class Joint: """ A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. Parameters ---------- parent: Name of the parent link child: Name of the child link pose: offset from child link origin in child link frame. thread_pitch: axis: The joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). axis2: The second joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). physics: Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. name: A unique name for the joint within the scope of the model. type: The type of joint, which must be one of the following: (revolute) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with either a fixed or continuous range of motion, (revolute2) same as two revolute joints connected in series, (prismatic) a sliding joint that slides along an axis with a limited range specified by upper and lower limits, (ball) a ball and socket joint, (universal), like a ball joint, but constrains one degree of freedom, (piston) similar to a Slider joint except that rotation around the translation axis is possible. """ class Meta: name = "joint" parent: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) child: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) thread_pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional["Joint.Axis"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis2: Optional["Joint.Axis2"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional["Joint.Physics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis: """The joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). Parameters ---------- xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of a vector. The vector should be normalized. dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: specifies the limits of this joint """ xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ specifies the limits of this joint. Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis2: """The second joint axis specified in the model frame. This is the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. The axis is currently specified in the model frame of reference, but this will be changed to the joint frame in future version of SDFormat (see gazebo issue #494). Parameters ---------- xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of a vector. The vector should be normalized. dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: """ xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Physics: """ Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. Parameters ---------- ode: ODE specific parameters """ ode: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific parameters. Parameters ---------- fudge_factor: Scale the excess for in a joint motor at joint limits. Should be between zero and one. cfm: Constraint force mixing used when not at a stop bounce: Bounciness of the limits max_force: Maximum force or torque used to reach the desired velocity. velocity: The desired velocity of the joint. Should only be set if you want the joint to move on load. limit: suspension: """ fudge_factor: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) bounce: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_force: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) suspension: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Suspension"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter used by the joint stop erp: Error reduction parameter used by the joint stop """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Suspension: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Suspension constraint force mixing parameter erp: Suspension error reduction parameter """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .actor import Actor from .joint import Joint from .light import Light from .model import Model from .physics import Physics from .scene import Scene from .state import State __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/world.xsd" @dataclass class World: """ The world element encapsulates an entire world description including: models, scene, physics, joints, and plugins. Parameters ---------- gui: physics: The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. scene: Specifies the look of the environment. light: The light element describes a light source. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. actor: plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. road: state: name: Unique name of the world """ class Meta: name = "world" gui: Optional["World.Gui"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional[Physics] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scene: Optional[Scene] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) actor: List[Actor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) road: List["World.Road"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) state: List[State] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gui: camera: Optional["World.Gui.Camera"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) fullscreen: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Camera: view_controller: str = field( default="orbit", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) track_visual: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.TrackVisual"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class TrackVisual: name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Road: """ Parameters ---------- width: Width of the road point: A series of points define the path of the road. name: Name of the road """ width: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) point: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .actor import Actor from .joint import Joint from .light import Light from .model import Model from .physics import Physics from .scene import Scene from .state import State __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/world.xsd" @dataclass class World: """ The world element encapsulates an entire world description including: models, scene, physics, joints, and plugins. Parameters ---------- gui: physics: The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. scene: Specifies the look of the environment. light: The light element describes a light source. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. actor: plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. road: state: name: Unique name of the world """ class Meta: name = "world" gui: Optional["World.Gui"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional[Physics] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scene: Optional[Scene] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) actor: List[Actor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) road: List["World.Road"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) state: List[State] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gui: camera: Optional["World.Gui.Camera"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) fullscreen: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Camera: view_controller: str = field( default="orbit", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) track_visual: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.TrackVisual"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class TrackVisual: name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Road: """ Parameters ---------- width: Width of the road point: A series of points define the path of the road. name: Name of the road """ width: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) point: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/state.xsd" @dataclass class State: """ Parameters ---------- time: Time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] model: Model state world_name: Name of the world this state applies to """ class Meta: name = "state" time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) model: List["State.Model"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) world_name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Model: """ Model state. Parameters ---------- pose: Pose of the model link: Link state name: Name of the model """ pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) link: List["State.Model.Link"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Link: """ Link state. Parameters ---------- pose: Pose of the link relative to the model velocity: Velocity of the link wrench: Force applied to the link name: Name of the link """ pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) wrench: List["State.Model.Link.Wrench"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Wrench: """ Force applied to the link. Parameters ---------- pos: Position of the force. mag: Magnitude of the force. """ pos: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) mag: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/state.xsd" @dataclass class State: """ Parameters ---------- time: Time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] model: Model state world_name: Name of the world this state applies to """ class Meta: name = "state" time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) model: List["State.Model"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) world_name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Model: """ Model state. Parameters ---------- pose: Pose of the model link: Link state name: Name of the model """ pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) link: List["State.Model.Link"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Link: """ Link state. Parameters ---------- pose: Pose of the link relative to the model velocity: Velocity of the link wrench: Force applied to the link name: Name of the link """ pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) wrench: List["State.Model.Link.Wrench"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Wrench: """ Force applied to the link. Parameters ---------- pos: Position of the force. mag: Magnitude of the force. """ pos: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) mag: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/physics.xsd" @dataclass class Physics: """ The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. Parameters ---------- update_rate: Rate at which to update the physics engine max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value can be over ridden by a max_contacts element in a collision element. gravity: The gravity vector bullet: Bullet specific physics properties ode: ODE specific physics properties type: The type of the dynamics engine. Currently must be set to ode """ class Meta: name = "physics" update_rate: float = field( default=1000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gravity: str = field( default="0 0 -9.8", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) bullet: Optional["Physics.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- dt: Time step """ dt: float = field( default=0.003, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific physics properties. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Ode.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Ode.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: world, quick dt: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. precon_iters: sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. """ type: str = field( default="quick", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dt: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) precon_iters: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_max_correcting_vel: The maximum correcting velocities allowed when resolving contacts. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_max_correcting_vel: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/physics.xsd" @dataclass class Physics: """ The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. Parameters ---------- update_rate: Rate at which to update the physics engine max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value can be over ridden by a max_contacts element in a collision element. gravity: The gravity vector bullet: Bullet specific physics properties ode: ODE specific physics properties type: The type of the dynamics engine. Currently must be set to ode """ class Meta: name = "physics" update_rate: float = field( default=1000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gravity: str = field( default="0 0 -9.8", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) bullet: Optional["Physics.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- dt: Time step """ dt: float = field( default=0.003, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific physics properties. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Ode.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Ode.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: world, quick dt: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. precon_iters: sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. """ type: str = field( default="quick", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dt: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) precon_iters: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_max_correcting_vel: The maximum correcting velocities allowed when resolving contacts. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_max_correcting_vel: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .joint import Joint from .link import Link __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/model.xsd" @dataclass class Model: """ The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. Parameters ---------- static: If set to true, the model is immovable. Otherwise the model is simulated in the dynamics engine. allow_auto_disable: Allows a model to auto-disable, which is means the physics engine can skip updating the model when the model is at rest. This parameter is only used by models with no joints. pose: A position and orientation in the global coordinate frame for the model. Position(x,y,z) and rotation (roll, pitch yaw) in the global coordinate frame. link: A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. gripper: name: A unique name for the model. This name must not match another model in the world. """ class Meta: name = "model" static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) allow_auto_disable: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) link: List[Link] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["Model.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gripper: List["Model.Gripper"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gripper: grasp_check: Optional["Model.Gripper.GraspCheck"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gripper_link: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) palm_link: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class GraspCheck: detach_steps: int = field( default=40, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) attach_steps: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_contact_count: int = field( default=2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .joint import Joint from .link import Link __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/model.xsd" @dataclass class Model: """ The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. Parameters ---------- static: If set to true, the model is immovable. Otherwise the model is simulated in the dynamics engine. allow_auto_disable: Allows a model to auto-disable, which is means the physics engine can skip updating the model when the model is at rest. This parameter is only used by models with no joints. pose: A position and orientation in the global coordinate frame for the model. Position(x,y,z) and rotation (roll, pitch yaw) in the global coordinate frame. link: A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. gripper: name: A unique name for the model. This name must not match another model in the world. """ class Meta: name = "model" static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) allow_auto_disable: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) link: List[Link] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["Model.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gripper: List["Model.Gripper"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gripper: grasp_check: Optional["Model.Gripper.GraspCheck"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gripper_link: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) palm_link: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class GraspCheck: detach_steps: int = field( default=40, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) attach_steps: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_contact_count: int = field( default=2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .joint import Joint from .link import Link __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/actor.xsd" @dataclass class Actor: """ Parameters ---------- pose: Origin of the actor skin: animation: script: link: A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: static: """ class Meta: name = "actor" pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) skin: Optional["Actor.Skin"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) animation: List["Actor.Animation"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) script: Optional["Actor.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) link: List[Link] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["Actor.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Skin: filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Animation: filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) interpolate_x: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Script: loop: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) delay_start: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) auto_start: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) trajectory: List["Actor.Script.Trajectory"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Trajectory: waypoint: List["Actor.Script.Trajectory.Waypoint"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) id: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Waypoint: time: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .joint import Joint from .link import Link __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/actor.xsd" @dataclass class Actor: """ Parameters ---------- pose: Origin of the actor skin: animation: script: link: A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. joint: A joint connections two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: static: """ class Meta: name = "actor" pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) skin: Optional["Actor.Skin"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) animation: List["Actor.Animation"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) script: Optional["Actor.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) link: List[Link] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["Actor.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Skin: filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Animation: filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) interpolate_x: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Script: loop: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) delay_start: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) auto_start: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) trajectory: List["Actor.Script.Trajectory"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Trajectory: waypoint: List["Actor.Script.Trajectory.Waypoint"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) id: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Waypoint: time: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/geometry.xsd" @dataclass class Geometry: """ The shape of the visual or collision object. Parameters ---------- box: Box shape sphere: Sphere shape cylinder: Cylinder shape mesh: Mesh shape plane: Plane shape image: Extrude a set of boxes from a grayscale image. heightmap: A heightmap based on a 2d grayscale image. """ class Meta: name = "geometry" box: Optional["Geometry.Box"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sphere: Optional["Geometry.Sphere"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) cylinder: Optional["Geometry.Cylinder"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) mesh: Optional["Geometry.Mesh"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plane: Optional["Geometry.Plane"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) image: Optional["Geometry.Image"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) heightmap: Optional["Geometry.Heightmap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Box: """ Box shape. Parameters ---------- size: The three side lengths of the box. The origin of the box is in its geometric center (inside the center of the box). """ size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Sphere: """ Sphere shape. Parameters ---------- radius: radius of the sphere """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Cylinder: """ Cylinder shape. Parameters ---------- radius: Radius of the cylinder length: Length of the cylinder """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) length: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Mesh: """ Mesh shape. Parameters ---------- filename: Mesh filename. DEPRECATED uri: Mesh uri scale: Scaling factor applied to the mesh """ filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Plane: """ Plane shape. Parameters ---------- normal: Normal direction for the plane size: Length of each side of the plane """ normal: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+)((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Image: """ Extrude a set of boxes from a grayscale image. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the grayscale image file scale: Scaling factor applied to the image threshold: Grayscale threshold height: Height of the extruded boxes granularity: The amount of error in the model """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: int = field( default=200, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) height: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) granularity: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Heightmap: """ A heightmap based on a 2d grayscale image. Parameters ---------- uri: URI to a grayscale image file size: The size of the heightmap in world units pos: A position offset. texture: The heightmap can contain multiple textures. The order of the texture matters. The first texture will appear at the lowest height, and the last texture at the highest height. Use blend to control the height thresholds and fade between textures. blend: The blend tag controls how two adjacent textures are mixed. The number of blend elements should equal one less than the number of textures. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) pos: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) texture: List["Geometry.Heightmap.Texture"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) blend: List["Geometry.Heightmap.Blend"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Texture: """The heightmap can contain multiple textures. The order of the texture matters. The first texture will appear at the lowest height, and the last texture at the highest height. Use blend to control the height thresholds and fade between textures. Parameters ---------- size: Size of the applied texture in meters. diffuse: Diffuse texture image filename normal: Normalmap texture image filename """ size: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) normal: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Blend: """The blend tag controls how two adjacent textures are mixed. The number of blend elements should equal one less than the number of textures. Parameters ---------- min_height: Min height of a blend layer fade_dist: Distance over which the blend occurs """ min_height: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fade_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.2/geometry.xsd" @dataclass class Geometry: """ The shape of the visual or collision object. Parameters ---------- box: Box shape sphere: Sphere shape cylinder: Cylinder shape mesh: Mesh shape plane: Plane shape image: Extrude a set of boxes from a grayscale image. heightmap: A heightmap based on a 2d grayscale image. """ class Meta: name = "geometry" box: Optional["Geometry.Box"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sphere: Optional["Geometry.Sphere"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) cylinder: Optional["Geometry.Cylinder"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) mesh: Optional["Geometry.Mesh"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plane: Optional["Geometry.Plane"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) image: Optional["Geometry.Image"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) heightmap: Optional["Geometry.Heightmap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Box: """ Box shape. Parameters ---------- size: The three side lengths of the box. The origin of the box is in its geometric center (inside the center of the box). """ size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Sphere: """ Sphere shape. Parameters ---------- radius: radius of the sphere """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Cylinder: """ Cylinder shape. Parameters ---------- radius: Radius of the cylinder length: Length of the cylinder """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) length: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Mesh: """ Mesh shape. Parameters ---------- filename: Mesh filename. DEPRECATED uri: Mesh uri scale: Scaling factor applied to the mesh """ filename: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Plane: """ Plane shape. Parameters ---------- normal: Normal direction for the plane size: Length of each side of the plane """ normal: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+)((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Image: """ Extrude a set of boxes from a grayscale image. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the grayscale image file scale: Scaling factor applied to the image threshold: Grayscale threshold height: Height of the extruded boxes granularity: The amount of error in the model """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: int = field( default=200, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) height: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) granularity: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Heightmap: """ A heightmap based on a 2d grayscale image. Parameters ---------- uri: URI to a grayscale image file size: The size of the heightmap in world units pos: A position offset. texture: The heightmap can contain multiple textures. The order of the texture matters. The first texture will appear at the lowest height, and the last texture at the highest height. Use blend to control the height thresholds and fade between textures. blend: The blend tag controls how two adjacent textures are mixed. The number of blend elements should equal one less than the number of textures. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) pos: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) texture: List["Geometry.Heightmap.Texture"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) blend: List["Geometry.Heightmap.Blend"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Texture: """The heightmap can contain multiple textures. The order of the texture matters. The first texture will appear at the lowest height, and the last texture at the highest height. Use blend to control the height thresholds and fade between textures. Parameters ---------- size: Size of the applied texture in meters. diffuse: Diffuse texture image filename normal: Normalmap texture image filename """ size: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) normal: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Blend: """The blend tag controls how two adjacent textures are mixed. The number of blend elements should equal one less than the number of textures. Parameters ---------- min_height: Min height of a blend layer fade_dist: Distance over which the blend occurs """ min_height: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fade_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/material.xsd" @dataclass class Material: """ The material of the visual element. Parameters ---------- script: Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. shader: lighting: If false, dynamic lighting will be disabled ambient: The ambient color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. diffuse: The diffuse color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. specular: The specular color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. emissive: The emissive color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. pbr: Physically Based Rendering (PBR) material. There are two PBR workflows: metal and specular. While both workflows and their parameters can be specified at the same time, typically only one of them will be used (depending on the underlying renderer capability). It is also recommended to use the same workflow for all materials in the world. """ class Meta: name = "material" script: Optional["Material.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shader: Optional["Material.Shader"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) lighting: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) emissive: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) pbr: Optional["Material.Pbr"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Script: """Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the material script file name: Name of the script within the script file """ uri: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Shader: """ Parameters ---------- normal_map: filename of the normal map type: vertex, pixel, normal_map_object_space, normal_map_tangent_space """ normal_map: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pbr: """Physically Based Rendering (PBR) material. There are two PBR workflows: metal and specular. While both workflows and their parameters can be specified at the same time, typically only one of them will be used (depending on the underlying renderer capability). It is also recommended to use the same workflow for all materials in the world. Parameters ---------- metal: PBR using the Metallic/Roughness workflow. specular: PBR using the Specular/Glossiness workflow. """ metal: Optional["Material.Pbr.Metal"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) specular: Optional["Material.Pbr.Specular"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Metal: """ PBR using the Metallic/Roughness workflow. Parameters ---------- albedo_map: Filename of the diffuse/albedo map. roughness_map: Filename of the roughness map. roughness: Material roughness in the range of [0,1], where 0 represents a smooth surface and 1 represents a rough surface. This is the inverse of a specular map in a PBR specular workflow. metalness_map: Filename of the metalness map. metalness: Material metalness in the range of [0,1], where 0 represents non-metal and 1 represents raw metal environment_map: Filename of the environment / reflection map, typically in the form of a cubemap ambient_occlusion_map: Filename of the ambient occlusion map. The map defines the amount of ambient lighting on the surface. normal_map: Filename of the normal map. The normals can be in the object space or tangent space as specified in the 'type' attribute emissive_map: Filename of the emissive map. """ albedo_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) roughness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) roughness: str = field( default="0.5", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) metalness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) metalness: str = field( default="0.5", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) environment_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient_occlusion_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) normal_map: Optional["Material.Pbr.Metal.NormalMap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) emissive_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class NormalMap: """ Parameters ---------- value: type: The space that the normals are in. Values are: 'object' or 'tangent' """ value: str = field( default="", metadata={ "required": True, }, ) type: str = field( default="tangent", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Specular: """ PBR using the Specular/Glossiness workflow. Parameters ---------- albedo_map: Filename of the diffuse/albedo map. specular_map: Filename of the specular map. glossiness_map: Filename of the glossiness map. glossiness: Material glossiness in the range of [0-1], where 0 represents a rough surface and 1 represents a smooth surface. This is the inverse of a roughness map in a PBR metal workflow. environment_map: Filename of the environment / reflection map, typically in the form of a cubemap ambient_occlusion_map: Filename of the ambient occlusion map. The map defines the amount of ambient lighting on the surface. normal_map: Filename of the normal map. The normals can be in the object space or tangent space as specified in the 'type' attribute emissive_map: Filename of the emissive map. """ albedo_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) specular_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) glossiness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) glossiness: str = field( default="0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) environment_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient_occlusion_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) normal_map: Optional["Material.Pbr.Specular.NormalMap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) emissive_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class NormalMap: """ Parameters ---------- value: type: The space that the normals are in. Values are: 'object' or 'tangent' """ value: str = field( default="", metadata={ "required": True, }, ) type: str = field( default="tangent", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/material.xsd" @dataclass class Material: """ The material of the visual element. Parameters ---------- script: Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. shader: lighting: If false, dynamic lighting will be disabled ambient: The ambient color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. diffuse: The diffuse color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. specular: The specular color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue/alpha, each in the range of [0,1]. emissive: The emissive color of a material specified by set of four numbers representing red/green/blue, each in the range of [0,1]. pbr: Physically Based Rendering (PBR) material. There are two PBR workflows: metal and specular. While both workflows and their parameters can be specified at the same time, typically only one of them will be used (depending on the underlying renderer capability). It is also recommended to use the same workflow for all materials in the world. """ class Meta: name = "material" script: Optional["Material.Script"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shader: Optional["Material.Shader"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) lighting: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) emissive: str = field( default="0 0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) pbr: Optional["Material.Pbr"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Script: """Name of material from an installed script file. This will override the color element if the script exists. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the material script file name: Name of the script within the script file """ uri: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Shader: """ Parameters ---------- normal_map: filename of the normal map type: vertex, pixel, normal_map_object_space, normal_map_tangent_space """ normal_map: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pbr: """Physically Based Rendering (PBR) material. There are two PBR workflows: metal and specular. While both workflows and their parameters can be specified at the same time, typically only one of them will be used (depending on the underlying renderer capability). It is also recommended to use the same workflow for all materials in the world. Parameters ---------- metal: PBR using the Metallic/Roughness workflow. specular: PBR using the Specular/Glossiness workflow. """ metal: Optional["Material.Pbr.Metal"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) specular: Optional["Material.Pbr.Specular"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Metal: """ PBR using the Metallic/Roughness workflow. Parameters ---------- albedo_map: Filename of the diffuse/albedo map. roughness_map: Filename of the roughness map. roughness: Material roughness in the range of [0,1], where 0 represents a smooth surface and 1 represents a rough surface. This is the inverse of a specular map in a PBR specular workflow. metalness_map: Filename of the metalness map. metalness: Material metalness in the range of [0,1], where 0 represents non-metal and 1 represents raw metal environment_map: Filename of the environment / reflection map, typically in the form of a cubemap ambient_occlusion_map: Filename of the ambient occlusion map. The map defines the amount of ambient lighting on the surface. normal_map: Filename of the normal map. The normals can be in the object space or tangent space as specified in the 'type' attribute emissive_map: Filename of the emissive map. """ albedo_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) roughness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) roughness: str = field( default="0.5", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) metalness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) metalness: str = field( default="0.5", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) environment_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient_occlusion_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) normal_map: Optional["Material.Pbr.Metal.NormalMap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) emissive_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class NormalMap: """ Parameters ---------- value: type: The space that the normals are in. Values are: 'object' or 'tangent' """ value: str = field( default="", metadata={ "required": True, }, ) type: str = field( default="tangent", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Specular: """ PBR using the Specular/Glossiness workflow. Parameters ---------- albedo_map: Filename of the diffuse/albedo map. specular_map: Filename of the specular map. glossiness_map: Filename of the glossiness map. glossiness: Material glossiness in the range of [0-1], where 0 represents a rough surface and 1 represents a smooth surface. This is the inverse of a roughness map in a PBR metal workflow. environment_map: Filename of the environment / reflection map, typically in the form of a cubemap ambient_occlusion_map: Filename of the ambient occlusion map. The map defines the amount of ambient lighting on the surface. normal_map: Filename of the normal map. The normals can be in the object space or tangent space as specified in the 'type' attribute emissive_map: Filename of the emissive map. """ albedo_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) specular_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) glossiness_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) glossiness: str = field( default="0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) environment_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ambient_occlusion_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) normal_map: Optional["Material.Pbr.Specular.NormalMap"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) emissive_map: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class NormalMap: """ Parameters ---------- value: type: The space that the normals are in. Values are: 'object' or 'tangent' """ value: str = field( default="", metadata={ "required": True, }, ) type: str = field( default="tangent", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/collision.xsd" @dataclass class Collision: """The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. Parameters ---------- laser_retro: intensity value returned by laser sensor. max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value overrides the max_contacts element defined in physics. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. surface: The surface parameters name: Unique name for the collision element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "collision" laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=10, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Collision.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Collision.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface: Optional["Collision.Surface"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Collision.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Surface: """ The surface parameters. """ bounce: Optional["Collision.Surface.Bounce"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) friction: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) soft_contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.SoftContact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Bounce: """ Parameters ---------- restitution_coefficient: Bounciness coefficient of restitution, from [0...1], where 0=no bounciness. threshold: Bounce capture velocity, below which effective coefficient of restitution is 0. """ restitution_coefficient: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: float = field( default=100000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Friction: """ Parameters ---------- torsional: Parameters for torsional friction ode: ODE friction parameters bullet: """ torsional: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Torsional"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Torsional: """ Parameters for torsional friction. Parameters ---------- coefficient: Torsional friction coefficient, unitless maximum ratio of tangential stress to normal stress. use_patch_radius: If this flag is true, torsional friction is calculated using the "patch_radius" parameter. If this flag is set to false, "surface_radius" (R) and contact depth (d) are used to compute the patch radius as sqrt(R*d). patch_radius: Radius of contact patch surface. surface_radius: Surface radius on the point of contact. ode: Torsional friction parameters for ODE """ coefficient: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_patch_radius: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) patch_radius: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface_radius: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Torsional.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ Torsional friction parameters for ODE. Parameters ---------- slip: Force dependent slip for torsional friction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of rad/s/(Nm). A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. """ slip: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE friction parameters. Parameters ---------- mu: Coefficient of friction in first friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in first friction pyramid direction to normal force. mu2: Coefficient of friction in second friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in second friction pyramid direction to normal force. fdir1: Unit vector specifying first friction pyramid direction in collision-fixed reference frame. If the friction pyramid model is in use, and this value is set to a unit vector for one of the colliding surfaces, the ODE Collide callback function will align the friction pyramid directions with a reference frame fixed to that collision surface. If both surfaces have this value set to a vector of zeros, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with the world frame. If this value is set for both surfaces, the behavior is undefined. slip1: Force dependent slip in first friction pyramid direction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of m/s/N. A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. slip2: Force dependent slip in second friction pyramid direction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of m/s/N. A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. """ mu: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mu2: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) slip1: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) slip2: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Parameters ---------- friction: Coefficient of friction in first friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in first friction pyramid direction to normal force. friction2: Coefficient of friction in second friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in second friction pyramid direction to normal force. fdir1: Unit vector specifying first friction pyramid direction in collision-fixed reference frame. If the friction pyramid model is in use, and this value is set to a unit vector for one of the colliding surfaces, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with a reference frame fixed to that collision surface. If both surfaces have this value set to a vector of zeros, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with the world frame. If this value is set for both surfaces, the behavior is undefined. rolling_friction: Coefficient of rolling friction """ friction: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction2: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) rolling_friction: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ Parameters ---------- collide_without_contact: Flag to disable contact force generation, while still allowing collision checks and contact visualization to occur. collide_without_contact_bitmask: Bitmask for collision filtering when collide_without_contact is on collide_bitmask: Bitmask for collision filtering. This will override collide_without_contact. Parsed as 16-bit unsigned integer. category_bitmask: Bitmask for category of collision filtering. Collision happens if ((category1 &amp; collision2) | (category2 &amp; collision1)) is not zero. If not specified, the category_bitmask should be interpreted as being the same as collide_bitmask. Parsed as 16-bit unsigned integer. poissons_ratio: Poisson's ratio is the unitless ratio between transverse and axial strain. This value must lie between (-1, 0.5). Defaults to 0.3 for typical steel. Note typical silicone elastomers have Poisson's ratio near 0.49 ~ 0.50. For reference, approximate values for Material:(Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio) for some of the typical materials are: Plastic: (1e8 ~ 3e9 Pa, 0.35 ~ 0.41), Wood: (4e9 ~ 1e10 Pa, 0.22 ~ 0.50), Aluminum: (7e10 Pa, 0.32 ~ 0.35), Steel: (2e11 Pa, 0.26 ~ 0.31). elastic_modulus: Young's Modulus in SI derived unit Pascal. Defaults to -1. If value is less or equal to zero, contact using elastic modulus (with Poisson's Ratio) is disabled. For reference, approximate values for Material:(Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio) for some of the typical materials are: Plastic: (1e8 ~ 3e9 Pa, 0.35 ~ 0.41), Wood: (4e9 ~ 1e10 Pa, 0.22 ~ 0.50), Aluminum: (7e10 Pa, 0.32 ~ 0.35), Steel: (2e11 Pa, 0.26 ~ 0.31). ode: ODE contact parameters bullet: Bullet contact parameters """ collide_without_contact: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collide_without_contact_bitmask: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collide_bitmask: int = field( default=65535, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) category_bitmask: int = field( default=65535, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) poissons_ratio: float = field( default=0.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) elastic_modulus: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints max_vel: maximum contact correction velocity truncation term. min_depth: minimum allowable depth before contact correction impulse is applied """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_vel: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_depth: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints split_impulse: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. split_impulse_penetration_threshold: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse_penetration_threshold: float = field( default=-0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class SoftContact: """ Parameters ---------- dart: soft contact pamameters based on paper: """ dart: Optional["Collision.Surface.SoftContact.Dart"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Dart: """ soft contact pamameters based on paper: http://www 1/jain_softcontacts_siga11.pdf. Parameters ---------- bone_attachment: This is variable k_v in the soft contacts paper. Its unit is N/m. stiffness: This is variable k_e in the soft contacts paper. Its unit is N/m. damping: Viscous damping of point velocity in body frame. Its unit is N/m/s. flesh_mass_fraction: Fraction of mass to be distributed among deformable nodes. """ bone_attachment: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) damping: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) flesh_mass_fraction: float = field( default=0.05, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .geometry import Geometry __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/collision.xsd" @dataclass class Collision: """The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. Parameters ---------- laser_retro: intensity value returned by laser sensor. max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value overrides the max_contacts element defined in physics. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. surface: The surface parameters name: Unique name for the collision element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "collision" laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=10, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Collision.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Collision.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface: Optional["Collision.Surface"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Collision.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Surface: """ The surface parameters. """ bounce: Optional["Collision.Surface.Bounce"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) friction: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) soft_contact: Optional["Collision.Surface.SoftContact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Bounce: """ Parameters ---------- restitution_coefficient: Bounciness coefficient of restitution, from [0...1], where 0=no bounciness. threshold: Bounce capture velocity, below which effective coefficient of restitution is 0. """ restitution_coefficient: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) threshold: float = field( default=100000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Friction: """ Parameters ---------- torsional: Parameters for torsional friction ode: ODE friction parameters bullet: """ torsional: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Torsional"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Torsional: """ Parameters for torsional friction. Parameters ---------- coefficient: Torsional friction coefficient, unitless maximum ratio of tangential stress to normal stress. use_patch_radius: If this flag is true, torsional friction is calculated using the "patch_radius" parameter. If this flag is set to false, "surface_radius" (R) and contact depth (d) are used to compute the patch radius as sqrt(R*d). patch_radius: Radius of contact patch surface. surface_radius: Surface radius on the point of contact. ode: Torsional friction parameters for ODE """ coefficient: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_patch_radius: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) patch_radius: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) surface_radius: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Friction.Torsional.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ Torsional friction parameters for ODE. Parameters ---------- slip: Force dependent slip for torsional friction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of rad/s/(Nm). A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. """ slip: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE friction parameters. Parameters ---------- mu: Coefficient of friction in first friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in first friction pyramid direction to normal force. mu2: Coefficient of friction in second friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in second friction pyramid direction to normal force. fdir1: Unit vector specifying first friction pyramid direction in collision-fixed reference frame. If the friction pyramid model is in use, and this value is set to a unit vector for one of the colliding surfaces, the ODE Collide callback function will align the friction pyramid directions with a reference frame fixed to that collision surface. If both surfaces have this value set to a vector of zeros, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with the world frame. If this value is set for both surfaces, the behavior is undefined. slip1: Force dependent slip in first friction pyramid direction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of m/s/N. A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. slip2: Force dependent slip in second friction pyramid direction, equivalent to inverse of viscous damping coefficient with units of m/s/N. A slip value of 0 is infinitely viscous. """ mu: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mu2: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) slip1: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) slip2: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Parameters ---------- friction: Coefficient of friction in first friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in first friction pyramid direction to normal force. friction2: Coefficient of friction in second friction pyramid direction, the unitless maximum ratio of force in second friction pyramid direction to normal force. fdir1: Unit vector specifying first friction pyramid direction in collision-fixed reference frame. If the friction pyramid model is in use, and this value is set to a unit vector for one of the colliding surfaces, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with a reference frame fixed to that collision surface. If both surfaces have this value set to a vector of zeros, the friction pyramid directions will be aligned with the world frame. If this value is set for both surfaces, the behavior is undefined. rolling_friction: Coefficient of rolling friction """ friction: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction2: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fdir1: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) rolling_friction: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ Parameters ---------- collide_without_contact: Flag to disable contact force generation, while still allowing collision checks and contact visualization to occur. collide_without_contact_bitmask: Bitmask for collision filtering when collide_without_contact is on collide_bitmask: Bitmask for collision filtering. This will override collide_without_contact. Parsed as 16-bit unsigned integer. category_bitmask: Bitmask for category of collision filtering. Collision happens if ((category1 &amp; collision2) | (category2 &amp; collision1)) is not zero. If not specified, the category_bitmask should be interpreted as being the same as collide_bitmask. Parsed as 16-bit unsigned integer. poissons_ratio: Poisson's ratio is the unitless ratio between transverse and axial strain. This value must lie between (-1, 0.5). Defaults to 0.3 for typical steel. Note typical silicone elastomers have Poisson's ratio near 0.49 ~ 0.50. For reference, approximate values for Material:(Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio) for some of the typical materials are: Plastic: (1e8 ~ 3e9 Pa, 0.35 ~ 0.41), Wood: (4e9 ~ 1e10 Pa, 0.22 ~ 0.50), Aluminum: (7e10 Pa, 0.32 ~ 0.35), Steel: (2e11 Pa, 0.26 ~ 0.31). elastic_modulus: Young's Modulus in SI derived unit Pascal. Defaults to -1. If value is less or equal to zero, contact using elastic modulus (with Poisson's Ratio) is disabled. For reference, approximate values for Material:(Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio) for some of the typical materials are: Plastic: (1e8 ~ 3e9 Pa, 0.35 ~ 0.41), Wood: (4e9 ~ 1e10 Pa, 0.22 ~ 0.50), Aluminum: (7e10 Pa, 0.32 ~ 0.35), Steel: (2e11 Pa, 0.26 ~ 0.31). ode: ODE contact parameters bullet: Bullet contact parameters """ collide_without_contact: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collide_without_contact_bitmask: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collide_bitmask: int = field( default=65535, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) category_bitmask: int = field( default=65535, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) poissons_ratio: float = field( default=0.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) elastic_modulus: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ode: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Collision.Surface.Contact.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints max_vel: maximum contact correction velocity truncation term. min_depth: minimum allowable depth before contact correction impulse is applied """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_vel: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_depth: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet contact parameters. Parameters ---------- soft_cfm: Soft constraint force mixing. soft_erp: Soft error reduction parameter kp: dynamically "stiffness"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints kd: dynamically "damping"-equivalent coefficient for contact joints split_impulse: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. split_impulse_penetration_threshold: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. """ soft_cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) soft_erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kp: float = field( default=1000000000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kd: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse_penetration_threshold: float = field( default=-0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class SoftContact: """ Parameters ---------- dart: soft contact pamameters based on paper: """ dart: Optional["Collision.Surface.SoftContact.Dart"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Dart: """ soft contact pamameters based on paper: http://www 1/jain_softcontacts_siga11.pdf. Parameters ---------- bone_attachment: This is variable k_v in the soft contacts paper. Its unit is N/m. stiffness: This is variable k_e in the soft contacts paper. Its unit is N/m. damping: Viscous damping of point velocity in body frame. Its unit is N/m/s. flesh_mass_fraction: Fraction of mass to be distributed among deformable nodes. """ bone_attachment: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) damping: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) flesh_mass_fraction: float = field( default=0.05, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/light.xsd" @dataclass class Light: """ The light element describes a light source. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: When true, the light will cast shadows. diffuse: Diffuse light color specular: Specular light color attenuation: Light attenuation direction: Direction of the light, only applicable for spot and directional lights. spot: Spot light parameters frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: A unique name for the light. type: The light type: point, directional, spot. """ class Meta: name = "light" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default=".1 .1 .1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) attenuation: Optional["Light.Attenuation"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) direction: str = field( default="0 0 -1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) spot: Optional["Light.Spot"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Light.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Light.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Attenuation: """ Light attenuation. Parameters ---------- range: Range of the light linear: The linear attenuation factor: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance. constant: The constant attenuation factor: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenutation. quadratic: The quadratic attenuation factor: adds a curvature to the attenuation. """ range: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) linear: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constant: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) quadratic: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Spot: """ Spot light parameters. Parameters ---------- inner_angle: Angle covered by the bright inner cone outer_angle: Angle covered by the outer cone falloff: The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff. """ inner_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) outer_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) falloff: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Light.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/light.xsd" @dataclass class Light: """ The light element describes a light source. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: When true, the light will cast shadows. diffuse: Diffuse light color specular: Specular light color attenuation: Light attenuation direction: Direction of the light, only applicable for spot and directional lights. spot: Spot light parameters frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: A unique name for the light. type: The light type: point, directional, spot. """ class Meta: name = "light" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) diffuse: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) specular: str = field( default=".1 .1 .1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) attenuation: Optional["Light.Attenuation"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) direction: str = field( default="0 0 -1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) spot: Optional["Light.Spot"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Light.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Light.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Attenuation: """ Light attenuation. Parameters ---------- range: Range of the light linear: The linear attenuation factor: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance. constant: The constant attenuation factor: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenutation. quadratic: The quadratic attenuation factor: adds a curvature to the attenuation. """ range: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) linear: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constant: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) quadratic: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Spot: """ Spot light parameters. Parameters ---------- inner_angle: Angle covered by the bright inner cone outer_angle: Angle covered by the outer cone falloff: The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff. """ inner_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) outer_angle: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) falloff: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Light.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/scene.xsd" @dataclass class Scene: """ Specifies the look of the environment. Parameters ---------- ambient: Color of the ambient light. background: Color of the background. sky: Properties for the sky shadows: Enable/disable shadows fog: Controls fog grid: Enable/disable the grid origin_visual: Show/hide world origin indicator """ class Meta: name = "scene" ambient: str = field( default="0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) background: str = field( default=".7 .7 .7 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) sky: Optional["Scene.Sky"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fog: Optional["Scene.Fog"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) grid: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) origin_visual: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Sky: """ Properties for the sky. Parameters ---------- time: Time of day [0..24] sunrise: Sunrise time [0..24] sunset: Sunset time [0..24] clouds: Sunset time [0..24] """ time: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunrise: float = field( default=6.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunset: float = field( default=20.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) clouds: Optional["Scene.Sky.Clouds"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Clouds: """ Sunset time [0..24] Parameters ---------- speed: Speed of the clouds direction: Direction of the cloud movement humidity: Density of clouds mean_size: Average size of the clouds ambient: Ambient cloud color """ speed: float = field( default=0.6, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) direction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) humidity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mean_size: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default=".8 .8 .8 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Fog: """ Controls fog. Parameters ---------- color: Fog color type: Fog type: constant, linear, quadratic start: Distance to start of fog end: Distance to end of fog density: Density of fog """ color: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) type: str = field( default="none", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) start: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) end: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) density: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/scene.xsd" @dataclass class Scene: """ Specifies the look of the environment. Parameters ---------- ambient: Color of the ambient light. background: Color of the background. sky: Properties for the sky shadows: Enable/disable shadows fog: Controls fog grid: Enable/disable the grid origin_visual: Show/hide world origin indicator """ class Meta: name = "scene" ambient: str = field( default="0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) background: str = field( default=".7 .7 .7 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) sky: Optional["Scene.Sky"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fog: Optional["Scene.Fog"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) grid: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) origin_visual: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Sky: """ Properties for the sky. Parameters ---------- time: Time of day [0..24] sunrise: Sunrise time [0..24] sunset: Sunset time [0..24] clouds: Sunset time [0..24] """ time: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunrise: float = field( default=6.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sunset: float = field( default=20.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) clouds: Optional["Scene.Sky.Clouds"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Clouds: """ Sunset time [0..24] Parameters ---------- speed: Speed of the clouds direction: Direction of the cloud movement humidity: Density of clouds mean_size: Average size of the clouds ambient: Ambient cloud color """ speed: float = field( default=0.6, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) direction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) humidity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) mean_size: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ambient: str = field( default=".8 .8 .8 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Fog: """ Controls fog. Parameters ---------- color: Fog color type: Fog type: constant, linear, quadratic start: Distance to start of fog end: Distance to end of fog density: Density of fog """ color: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) type: str = field( default="none", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) start: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) end: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) density: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .geometry import Geometry from .material import Material __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/visual.xsd" @dataclass class Visual: """The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: If true the visual will cast shadows. laser_retro: will be implemented in the future release. transparency: The amount of transparency( 0=opaque, 1 = fully transparent) meta: Optional meta information for the visual. The information contained within this element should be used to provide additional feedback to an end user. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. material: The material of the visual element. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Unique name for the visual element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "visual" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) transparency: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) meta: Optional["Visual.MetaType"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Visual.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Visual.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Visual.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class MetaType: """Optional meta information for the visual. The information contained within this element should be used to provide additional feedback to an end user. Parameters ---------- layer: The layer in which this visual is displayed. The layer number is useful for programs, such as Gazebo, that put visuals in different layers for enhanced visualization. """ layer: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Visual.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .geometry import Geometry from .material import Material __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/visual.xsd" @dataclass class Visual: """The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. Parameters ---------- cast_shadows: If true the visual will cast shadows. laser_retro: will be implemented in the future release. transparency: The amount of transparency( 0=opaque, 1 = fully transparent) meta: Optional meta information for the visual. The information contained within this element should be used to provide additional feedback to an end user. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. material: The material of the visual element. geometry: The shape of the visual or collision object. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Unique name for the visual element within the scope of the parent link. """ class Meta: name = "visual" cast_shadows: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) laser_retro: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) transparency: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) meta: Optional["Visual.MetaType"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Visual.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Visual.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) geometry: Optional[Geometry] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Visual.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class MetaType: """Optional meta information for the visual. The information contained within this element should be used to provide additional feedback to an end user. Parameters ---------- layer: The layer in which this visual is displayed. The layer number is useful for programs, such as Gazebo, that put visuals in different layers for enhanced visualization. """ layer: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Visual.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .collision import Collision from .light import Light from .material import Material from .sensor import Sensor from .visual import Visual __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/link.xsd" @dataclass class Link: """A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. Parameters ---------- gravity: If true, the link is affected by gravity. enable_wind: If true, the link is affected by the wind. self_collide: If true, the link can collide with other links in the model. Two links within a model will collide if link1.self_collide OR link2.self_collide. Links connected by a joint will never collide. kinematic: If true, the link is kinematic only must_be_base_link: If true, the link will have 6DOF and be a direct child of world. velocity_decay: Exponential damping of the link's velocity. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. inertial: The inertial properties of the link. collision: The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. visual: The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. projector: audio_sink: An audio sink. audio_source: An audio source. battery: Description of a battery. light: The light element describes a light source. particle_emitter: A particle emitter that can be used to describe fog, smoke, and dust. name: A unique name for the link within the scope of the model. """ class Meta: name = "link" gravity: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) enable_wind: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) self_collide: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kinematic: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) must_be_base_link: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity_decay: Optional["Link.VelocityDecay"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Link.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertial: Optional["Link.Inertial"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) collision: List[Collision] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) visual: List[Visual] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) projector: Optional["Link.Projector"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) audio_sink: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) audio_source: List["Link.AudioSource"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) battery: List["Link.Battery"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) particle_emitter: List["Link.ParticleEmitter"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class VelocityDecay: """ Exponential damping of the link's velocity. Parameters ---------- linear: Linear damping angular: Angular damping """ linear: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) angular: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Inertial: """ The inertial properties of the link. Parameters ---------- mass: The mass of the link. inertia: The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above- diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: This is the pose of the inertial reference frame, relative to the specified reference frame. The origin of the inertial reference frame needs to be at the center of gravity. The axes of the inertial reference frame do not need to be aligned with the principal axes of the inertia. """ mass: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertia: Optional["Link.Inertial.Inertia"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Link.Inertial.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Inertial.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Inertia: """The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above-diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ ixx: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixy: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyy: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) izz: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Inertial.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Projector: """ Parameters ---------- texture: Texture name fov: Field of view near_clip: Near clip distance far_clip: far clip distance frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Name of the projector """ texture: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fov: float = field( default=0.785, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) near_clip: float = field( default=0.1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) far_clip: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Link.Projector.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Projector.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Link.Projector.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Projector.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class AudioSource: """ An audio source. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the audio media. pitch: Pitch for the audio media, in Hz gain: Gain for the audio media, in dB. contact: List of collision objects that will trigger audio playback. loop: True to make the audio source loop playback. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gain: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) loop: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Link.AudioSource.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ List of collision objects that will trigger audio playback. Parameters ---------- collision: Name of child collision element that will trigger audio playback. """ collision: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Battery: """ Description of a battery. Parameters ---------- voltage: Initial voltage in volts. name: Unique name for the battery. """ voltage: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class ParticleEmitter: """ A particle emitter that can be used to describe fog, smoke, and dust. Parameters ---------- emitting: True indicates that the particle emitter should generate particles when loaded duration: The number of seconds the emitter is active. A value less than or equal to zero means infinite duration. size: The size of the emitter where the particles are sampled. Default value is (1, 1, 1). Note that the interpretation of the emitter area varies depending on the emmiter type: - point: The area is ignored. - box: The area is interpreted as width X height X depth. - cylinder: The area is interpreted as the bounding box of the cylinder. The cylinder is oriented along the Z-axis. - ellipsoid: The area is interpreted as the bounding box of an ellipsoid shaped area, i.e. a sphere or squashed-sphere area. The parameters are again identical to EM_BOX, except that the dimensions describe the widest points along each of the axes. particle_size: The particle dimensions (width, height, depth). lifetime: The number of seconds each particle will ’live’ for before being destroyed. This value must be greater than zero. rate: The number of particles per second that should be emitted. min_velocity: Sets a minimum velocity for each particle (m/s). max_velocity: Sets a maximum velocity for each particle (m/s). scale_rate: Sets the amount by which to scale the particles in both x and y direction per second. color_start: Sets the starting color for all particles emitted. The actual color will be interpolated between this color and the one set under color_end. Color::White is the default color for the particles unless a specific function is used. To specify a color, RGB values should be passed in. For example, to specify red, a user should enter: &amp;lt;color_start&amp;gt;1 0 0&amp;lt;/color_start&amp;gt; Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_range_image. color_end: Sets the end color for all particles emitted. The actual color will be interpolated between this color and the one set under color_start. Color::White is the default color for the particles unless a specific function is used (see color_start for more information about defining custom colors with RGB values). Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_range_image. color_range_image: Sets the path to the color image used as an affector. This affector modifies the color of particles in flight. The colors are taken from a specified image file. The range of color values begins from the left side of the image and moves to the right over the lifetime of the particle, therefore only the horizontal dimension of the image is used. Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_start and color_end. topic: Topic used to update particle emitter properties at runtime. The default topic is /model/{model_name}/particle_emitter/{emitter_name} Note that the emitter id and name may not be changed. particle_scatter_ratio: This is used to determine the ratio of particles that will be detected by sensors. Increasing the ratio means there is a higher chance of particles reflecting and interfering with depth sensing, making the emitter appear more dense. Decreasing the ratio decreases the chance of particles reflecting and interfering with depth sensing, making it appear less dense. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. material: The material of the visual element. name: A unique name for the particle emitter. type: The type of a particle emitter. One of "box", "cylinder", "ellipsoid", or "point". """ emitting: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) duration: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) particle_size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) lifetime: float = field( default=5.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) rate: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_velocity: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_velocity: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale_rate: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) color_start: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) color_end: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) color_range_image: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) topic: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) particle_scatter_ratio: float = field( default=0.65, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: Optional["Link.ParticleEmitter.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .collision import Collision from .light import Light from .material import Material from .sensor import Sensor from .visual import Visual __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/link.xsd" @dataclass class Link: """A physical link with inertia, collision, and visual properties. A link must be a child of a model, and any number of links may exist in a model. Parameters ---------- gravity: If true, the link is affected by gravity. enable_wind: If true, the link is affected by the wind. self_collide: If true, the link can collide with other links in the model. Two links within a model will collide if link1.self_collide OR link2.self_collide. Links connected by a joint will never collide. kinematic: If true, the link is kinematic only must_be_base_link: If true, the link will have 6DOF and be a direct child of world. velocity_decay: Exponential damping of the link's velocity. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. inertial: The inertial properties of the link. collision: The collision properties of a link. Note that this can be different from the visual properties of a link, for example, simpler collision models are often used to reduce computation time. visual: The visual properties of the link. This element specifies the shape of the object (box, cylinder, etc.) for visualization purposes. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. projector: audio_sink: An audio sink. audio_source: An audio source. battery: Description of a battery. light: The light element describes a light source. particle_emitter: A particle emitter that can be used to describe fog, smoke, and dust. name: A unique name for the link within the scope of the model. """ class Meta: name = "link" gravity: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) enable_wind: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) self_collide: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) kinematic: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) must_be_base_link: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity_decay: Optional["Link.VelocityDecay"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Link.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertial: Optional["Link.Inertial"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) collision: List[Collision] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) visual: List[Visual] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) projector: Optional["Link.Projector"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) audio_sink: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) audio_source: List["Link.AudioSource"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) battery: List["Link.Battery"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) particle_emitter: List["Link.ParticleEmitter"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class VelocityDecay: """ Exponential damping of the link's velocity. Parameters ---------- linear: Linear damping angular: Angular damping """ linear: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) angular: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Inertial: """ The inertial properties of the link. Parameters ---------- mass: The mass of the link. inertia: The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above- diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: This is the pose of the inertial reference frame, relative to the specified reference frame. The origin of the inertial reference frame needs to be at the center of gravity. The axes of the inertial reference frame do not need to be aligned with the principal axes of the inertia. """ mass: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) inertia: Optional["Link.Inertial.Inertia"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Link.Inertial.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Inertial.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Inertia: """The 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. Because the rotational inertia matrix is symmetric, only 6 above-diagonal elements of this matrix are specified here, using the attributes ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz. """ ixx: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixy: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) ixz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyy: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iyz: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) izz: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Inertial.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Projector: """ Parameters ---------- texture: Texture name fov: Field of view near_clip: Near clip distance far_clip: far clip distance frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. name: Name of the projector """ texture: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fov: float = field( default=0.785, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) near_clip: float = field( default=0.1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) far_clip: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Link.Projector.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.Projector.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["Link.Projector.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.Projector.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class AudioSource: """ An audio source. Parameters ---------- uri: URI of the audio media. pitch: Pitch for the audio media, in Hz gain: Gain for the audio media, in dB. contact: List of collision objects that will trigger audio playback. loop: True to make the audio source loop playback. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gain: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) loop: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) frame: List["Link.AudioSource.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """ List of collision objects that will trigger audio playback. Parameters ---------- collision: Name of child collision element that will trigger audio playback. """ collision: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Link.AudioSource.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Battery: """ Description of a battery. Parameters ---------- voltage: Initial voltage in volts. name: Unique name for the battery. """ voltage: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class ParticleEmitter: """ A particle emitter that can be used to describe fog, smoke, and dust. Parameters ---------- emitting: True indicates that the particle emitter should generate particles when loaded duration: The number of seconds the emitter is active. A value less than or equal to zero means infinite duration. size: The size of the emitter where the particles are sampled. Default value is (1, 1, 1). Note that the interpretation of the emitter area varies depending on the emmiter type: - point: The area is ignored. - box: The area is interpreted as width X height X depth. - cylinder: The area is interpreted as the bounding box of the cylinder. The cylinder is oriented along the Z-axis. - ellipsoid: The area is interpreted as the bounding box of an ellipsoid shaped area, i.e. a sphere or squashed-sphere area. The parameters are again identical to EM_BOX, except that the dimensions describe the widest points along each of the axes. particle_size: The particle dimensions (width, height, depth). lifetime: The number of seconds each particle will ’live’ for before being destroyed. This value must be greater than zero. rate: The number of particles per second that should be emitted. min_velocity: Sets a minimum velocity for each particle (m/s). max_velocity: Sets a maximum velocity for each particle (m/s). scale_rate: Sets the amount by which to scale the particles in both x and y direction per second. color_start: Sets the starting color for all particles emitted. The actual color will be interpolated between this color and the one set under color_end. Color::White is the default color for the particles unless a specific function is used. To specify a color, RGB values should be passed in. For example, to specify red, a user should enter: &amp;lt;color_start&amp;gt;1 0 0&amp;lt;/color_start&amp;gt; Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_range_image. color_end: Sets the end color for all particles emitted. The actual color will be interpolated between this color and the one set under color_start. Color::White is the default color for the particles unless a specific function is used (see color_start for more information about defining custom colors with RGB values). Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_range_image. color_range_image: Sets the path to the color image used as an affector. This affector modifies the color of particles in flight. The colors are taken from a specified image file. The range of color values begins from the left side of the image and moves to the right over the lifetime of the particle, therefore only the horizontal dimension of the image is used. Note that this function overrides the particle colors set with color_start and color_end. topic: Topic used to update particle emitter properties at runtime. The default topic is /model/{model_name}/particle_emitter/{emitter_name} Note that the emitter id and name may not be changed. particle_scatter_ratio: This is used to determine the ratio of particles that will be detected by sensors. Increasing the ratio means there is a higher chance of particles reflecting and interfering with depth sensing, making the emitter appear more dense. Decreasing the ratio decreases the chance of particles reflecting and interfering with depth sensing, making it appear less dense. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. material: The material of the visual element. name: A unique name for the particle emitter. type: The type of a particle emitter. One of "box", "cylinder", "ellipsoid", or "point". """ emitting: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) duration: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) particle_size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) lifetime: float = field( default=5.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) rate: float = field( default=10.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_velocity: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_velocity: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) scale_rate: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) color_start: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) color_end: str = field( default="1 1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){3}\+?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s*", }, ) color_range_image: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) topic: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) particle_scatter_ratio: float = field( default=0.65, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: Optional["Link.ParticleEmitter.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .sensor import Sensor __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/joint.xsd" @dataclass class Joint: """A joint connects two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. By default, the pose of a joint is expressed in the child link frame. Parameters ---------- parent: Name of the parent link child: Name of the child link gearbox_ratio: Parameter for gearbox joints. Given theta_1 and theta_2 defined in description for gearbox_reference_body, theta_2 = -gearbox_ratio * theta_1. gearbox_reference_body: Parameter for gearbox joints. Gearbox ratio is enforced over two joint angles. First joint angle (theta_1) is the angle from the gearbox_reference_body to the parent link in the direction of the axis element and the second joint angle (theta_2) is the angle from the gearbox_reference_body to the child link in the direction of the axis2 element. thread_pitch: Parameter for screw joints. axis: Parameters related to the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. axis2: Parameters related to the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. physics: Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. name: A unique name for the joint within the scope of the model. type: The type of joint, which must be one of the following: (continuous) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with a continuous range of motion, (revolute) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with a fixed range of motion, (gearbox) geared revolute joints, (revolute2) same as two revolute joints connected in series, (prismatic) a sliding joint that slides along an axis with a limited range specified by upper and lower limits, (ball) a ball and socket joint, (screw) a single degree of freedom joint with coupled sliding and rotational motion, (universal) like a ball joint, but constrains one degree of freedom, (fixed) a joint with zero degrees of freedom that rigidly connects two links. """ class Meta: name = "joint" parent: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) child: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gearbox_ratio: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gearbox_reference_body: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) thread_pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional["Joint.Axis"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) axis2: Optional["Joint.Axis2"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional["Joint.Physics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Joint.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Joint.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis: """ Parameters related to the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. Parameters ---------- initial_position: Default joint position for this joint axis. xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of the axis unit vector. The axis is expressed in the joint frame unless the use_parent_model_frame flag is set to true. The vector should be normalized. use_parent_model_frame: Flag to interpret the axis xyz element in the parent model frame instead of joint frame. Provided for Gazebo compatibility (see ). dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: specifies the limits of this joint """ initial_position: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) use_parent_model_frame: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. spring_reference: The spring reference position for this joint axis. spring_stiffness: The spring stiffness for this joint axis. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_reference: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_stiffness: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ specifies the limits of this joint. Parameters ---------- lower: Specifies the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: Specifies the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: A value for enforcing the maximum joint effort applied. Limit is not enforced if value is negative. velocity: A value for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. stiffness: Joint stop stiffness. dissipation: Joint stop dissipation. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis2: """ Parameters related to the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. Parameters ---------- initial_position: Default joint position for this joint axis. xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of the axis unit vector. The axis is expressed in the joint frame unless the use_parent_model_frame flag is set to true. The vector should be normalized. use_parent_model_frame: Flag to interpret the axis xyz element in the parent model frame instead of joint frame. Provided for Gazebo compatibility (see ). dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: """ initial_position: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) use_parent_model_frame: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. EXPERIMENTAL: if damping coefficient is negative and implicit_spring_damper is true, adaptive damping is used. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. spring_reference: The spring reference position for this joint axis. spring_stiffness: The spring stiffness for this joint axis. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_reference: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_stiffness: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort applied by Joint::SetForce. Limit is not enforced if value is negative. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. stiffness: Joint stop stiffness. Supported physics engines: SimBody. dissipation: Joint stop dissipation. Supported physics engines: SimBody. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Physics: """ Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. Parameters ---------- simbody: Simbody specific parameters ode: ODE specific parameters provide_feedback: If provide feedback is set to true, physics engine will compute the constraint forces at this joint. For now, provide_feedback under ode block will override this tag and given user warning about the migration. provide_feedback under ode is scheduled to be removed in SDFormat 1.5. """ simbody: Optional["Joint.Physics.Simbody"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) provide_feedback: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Simbody: """ Simbody specific parameters. Parameters ---------- must_be_loop_joint: Force cut in the multibody graph at this joint. """ must_be_loop_joint: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific parameters. Parameters ---------- provide_feedback: (DEPRECATION WARNING: In SDFormat 1.5 this tag will be replaced by the same tag directly under the physics-block. For now, this tag overrides the one outside of ode-block, but in SDFormat 1.5 this tag will be removed completely.) If provide feedback is set to true, ODE will compute the constraint forces at this joint. cfm_damping: If cfm damping is set to true, ODE will use CFM to simulate damping, allows for infinite damping, and one additional constraint row (previously used for joint limit) is always active. implicit_spring_damper: If implicit_spring_damper is set to true, ODE will use CFM, ERP to simulate stiffness and damping, allows for infinite damping, and one additional constraint row (previously used for joint limit) is always active. This replaces cfm_damping parameter in SDFormat 1.4. fudge_factor: Scale the excess for in a joint motor at joint limits. Should be between zero and one. cfm: Constraint force mixing for constrained directions erp: Error reduction parameter for constrained directions bounce: Bounciness of the limits max_force: Maximum force or torque used to reach the desired velocity. velocity: The desired velocity of the joint. Should only be set if you want the joint to move on load. limit: suspension: """ provide_feedback: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm_damping: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) implicit_spring_damper: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fudge_factor: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) bounce: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_force: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) suspension: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Suspension"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter used by the joint stop erp: Error reduction parameter used by the joint stop """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Suspension: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Suspension constraint force mixing parameter erp: Suspension error reduction parameter """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Joint.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .sensor import Sensor __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/joint.xsd" @dataclass class Joint: """A joint connects two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. By default, the pose of a joint is expressed in the child link frame. Parameters ---------- parent: Name of the parent link child: Name of the child link gearbox_ratio: Parameter for gearbox joints. Given theta_1 and theta_2 defined in description for gearbox_reference_body, theta_2 = -gearbox_ratio * theta_1. gearbox_reference_body: Parameter for gearbox joints. Gearbox ratio is enforced over two joint angles. First joint angle (theta_1) is the angle from the gearbox_reference_body to the parent link in the direction of the axis element and the second joint angle (theta_2) is the angle from the gearbox_reference_body to the child link in the direction of the axis2 element. thread_pitch: Parameter for screw joints. axis: Parameters related to the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. axis2: Parameters related to the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. physics: Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. sensor: The sensor tag describes the type and properties of a sensor. name: A unique name for the joint within the scope of the model. type: The type of joint, which must be one of the following: (continuous) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with a continuous range of motion, (revolute) a hinge joint that rotates on a single axis with a fixed range of motion, (gearbox) geared revolute joints, (revolute2) same as two revolute joints connected in series, (prismatic) a sliding joint that slides along an axis with a limited range specified by upper and lower limits, (ball) a ball and socket joint, (screw) a single degree of freedom joint with coupled sliding and rotational motion, (universal) like a ball joint, but constrains one degree of freedom, (fixed) a joint with zero degrees of freedom that rigidly connects two links. """ class Meta: name = "joint" parent: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) child: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gearbox_ratio: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gearbox_reference_body: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) thread_pitch: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional["Joint.Axis"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) axis2: Optional["Joint.Axis2"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: Optional["Joint.Physics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Joint.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Joint.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sensor: List[Sensor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis: """ Parameters related to the axis of rotation for revolute joints, the axis of translation for prismatic joints. Parameters ---------- initial_position: Default joint position for this joint axis. xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of the axis unit vector. The axis is expressed in the joint frame unless the use_parent_model_frame flag is set to true. The vector should be normalized. use_parent_model_frame: Flag to interpret the axis xyz element in the parent model frame instead of joint frame. Provided for Gazebo compatibility (see ). dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: specifies the limits of this joint """ initial_position: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) use_parent_model_frame: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. spring_reference: The spring reference position for this joint axis. spring_stiffness: The spring stiffness for this joint axis. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_reference: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_stiffness: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ specifies the limits of this joint. Parameters ---------- lower: Specifies the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: Specifies the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: A value for enforcing the maximum joint effort applied. Limit is not enforced if value is negative. velocity: A value for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. stiffness: Joint stop stiffness. dissipation: Joint stop dissipation. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Axis2: """ Parameters related to the second axis of rotation for revolute2 joints and universal joints. Parameters ---------- initial_position: Default joint position for this joint axis. xyz: Represents the x,y,z components of the axis unit vector. The axis is expressed in the joint frame unless the use_parent_model_frame flag is set to true. The vector should be normalized. use_parent_model_frame: Flag to interpret the axis xyz element in the parent model frame instead of joint frame. Provided for Gazebo compatibility (see ). dynamics: An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. limit: """ initial_position: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="0 0 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) use_parent_model_frame: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamics: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Dynamics"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Axis2.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dynamics: """An element specifying physical properties of the joint. These values are used to specify modeling properties of the joint, particularly useful for simulation. Parameters ---------- damping: The physical velocity dependent viscous damping coefficient of the joint. EXPERIMENTAL: if damping coefficient is negative and implicit_spring_damper is true, adaptive damping is used. friction: The physical static friction value of the joint. spring_reference: The spring reference position for this joint axis. spring_stiffness: The spring stiffness for this joint axis. """ damping: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_reference: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) spring_stiffness: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- lower: An attribute specifying the lower joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. upper: An attribute specifying the upper joint limit (radians for revolute joints, meters for prismatic joints). Omit if joint is continuous. effort: An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint effort applied by Joint::SetForce. Limit is not enforced if value is negative. velocity: (not implemented) An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity. stiffness: Joint stop stiffness. Supported physics engines: SimBody. dissipation: Joint stop dissipation. Supported physics engines: SimBody. """ lower: float = field( default=-1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) upper: float = field( default=1e16, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) effort: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=-1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Physics: """ Parameters that are specific to a certain physics engine. Parameters ---------- simbody: Simbody specific parameters ode: ODE specific parameters provide_feedback: If provide feedback is set to true, physics engine will compute the constraint forces at this joint. For now, provide_feedback under ode block will override this tag and given user warning about the migration. provide_feedback under ode is scheduled to be removed in SDFormat 1.5. """ simbody: Optional["Joint.Physics.Simbody"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) provide_feedback: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Simbody: """ Simbody specific parameters. Parameters ---------- must_be_loop_joint: Force cut in the multibody graph at this joint. """ must_be_loop_joint: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific parameters. Parameters ---------- provide_feedback: (DEPRECATION WARNING: In SDFormat 1.5 this tag will be replaced by the same tag directly under the physics-block. For now, this tag overrides the one outside of ode-block, but in SDFormat 1.5 this tag will be removed completely.) If provide feedback is set to true, ODE will compute the constraint forces at this joint. cfm_damping: If cfm damping is set to true, ODE will use CFM to simulate damping, allows for infinite damping, and one additional constraint row (previously used for joint limit) is always active. implicit_spring_damper: If implicit_spring_damper is set to true, ODE will use CFM, ERP to simulate stiffness and damping, allows for infinite damping, and one additional constraint row (previously used for joint limit) is always active. This replaces cfm_damping parameter in SDFormat 1.4. fudge_factor: Scale the excess for in a joint motor at joint limits. Should be between zero and one. cfm: Constraint force mixing for constrained directions erp: Error reduction parameter for constrained directions bounce: Bounciness of the limits max_force: Maximum force or torque used to reach the desired velocity. velocity: The desired velocity of the joint. Should only be set if you want the joint to move on load. limit: suspension: """ provide_feedback: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm_damping: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) implicit_spring_damper: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) fudge_factor: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) bounce: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_force: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) velocity: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) limit: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Limit"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) suspension: Optional["Joint.Physics.Ode.Suspension"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Limit: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter used by the joint stop erp: Error reduction parameter used by the joint stop """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Suspension: """ Parameters ---------- cfm: Suspension constraint force mixing parameter erp: Suspension error reduction parameter """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Joint.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .actor import Actor from .joint import Joint from .light import Light from .material import Material from .model import Model from .physics import Physics from .scene import Scene from .state import State __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/world.xsd" @dataclass class World: """ The world element encapsulates an entire world description including: models, scene, physics, joints, and plugins. Parameters ---------- audio: Global audio properties. wind: The wind tag specifies the type and properties of the wind. include: Include resources from a URI gravity: The gravity vector in m/s^2, expressed in a coordinate frame defined by the spherical_coordinates tag. magnetic_field: The magnetic vector in Tesla, expressed in a coordinate frame defined by the spherical_coordinates tag. atmosphere: The atmosphere tag specifies the type and properties of the atmosphere model. gui: physics: The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. scene: Specifies the look of the environment. light: The light element describes a light source. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. actor: A special kind of model which can have a scripted motion. This includes both global waypoint type animations and skeleton animations. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. joint: A joint connects two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. By default, the pose of a joint is expressed in the child link frame. road: spherical_coordinates: state: population: The population element defines how and where a set of models will be automatically populated in Gazebo. name: Unique name of the world """ class Meta: name = "world" audio: Optional["World.Audio"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) wind: Optional["World.Wind"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) include: List["World.Include"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gravity: str = field( default="0 0 -9.8", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) magnetic_field: str = field( default="5.5645e-6 22.8758e-6 -42.3884e-6", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) atmosphere: Optional["World.Atmosphere"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gui: Optional["World.Gui"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: List[Physics] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) scene: Optional[Scene] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) actor: List[Actor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) road: List["World.Road"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) spherical_coordinates: Optional["World.SphericalCoordinates"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) state: List[State] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) population: List["World.Population"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Audio: """ Global audio properties. Parameters ---------- device: Device to use for audio playback. A value of "default" will use the system's default audio device. Otherwise, specify a an audio device file" """ device: str = field( default="default", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Wind: """ The wind tag specifies the type and properties of the wind. Parameters ---------- linear_velocity: Linear velocity of the wind. """ linear_velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Include: """ Include resources from a URI. Parameters ---------- uri: URI to a resource, such as a model name: Override the name of the included model. static: Override the static value of the included model. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: Optional["World.Include.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["World.Include.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Atmosphere: """ The atmosphere tag specifies the type and properties of the atmosphere model. Parameters ---------- temperature: Temperature at sea level in kelvins. pressure: Pressure at sea level in pascals. temperature_gradient: Temperature gradient with respect to increasing altitude at sea level in units of K/m. type: The type of the atmosphere engine. Current options are adiabatic. Defaults to adiabatic if left unspecified. """ temperature: float = field( default=288.15, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pressure: float = field( default=101325.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) temperature_gradient: float = field( default=-0.0065, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gui: """ Parameters ---------- camera: plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. fullscreen: """ camera: Optional["World.Gui.Camera"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Gui.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) fullscreen: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Camera: """ Parameters ---------- view_controller: projection_type: Set the type of projection for the camera. Valid values are "perspective" and "orthographic". track_visual: frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: """ view_controller: str = field( default="orbit", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) projection_type: str = field( default="perspective", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) track_visual: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.TrackVisual"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["World.Gui.Camera.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class TrackVisual: """ Parameters ---------- name: Name of the tracked visual. If no name is provided, the remaining settings will be applied whenever tracking is triggered in the GUI. min_dist: Minimum distance between the camera and the tracked visual. This parameter is only used if static is set to false. max_dist: Maximum distance between the camera and the tracked visual. This parameter is only used if static is set to false. static: If set to true, the position of the camera is fixed relatively to the model or to the world, depending on the value of the use_model_frame element. Otherwise, the position of the camera may vary but the distance between the camera and the model will depend on the value of the min_dist and max_dist elements. In any case, the camera will always follow the model by changing its orientation. use_model_frame: If set to true, the position of the camera is relative to the model reference frame, which means that its position relative to the model will not change. Otherwise, the position of the camera is relative to the world reference frame, which means that its position relative to the world will not change. This parameter is only used if static is set to true. xyz: The position of the camera's reference frame. This parameter is only used if static is set to true. If use_model_frame is set to true, the position is relative to the model reference frame, otherwise it represents world coordinates. inherit_yaw: If set to true, the camera will inherit the yaw rotation of the tracked model. This parameter is only used if static and use_model_frame are set to true. """ name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_model_frame: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="-5.0 0.0 3.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) inherit_yaw: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Road: """ Parameters ---------- width: Width of the road point: A series of points that define the path of the road. material: The material of the visual element. name: Name of the road """ width: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) point: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class SphericalCoordinates: """ Parameters ---------- surface_model: Name of planetary surface model, used to determine the surface altitude at a given latitude and longitude. The default is an ellipsoid model of the earth based on the WGS-84 standard. It is used in Gazebo's GPS sensor implementation. world_frame_orientation: This field identifies how Gazebo world frame is aligned in Geographical sense. The final Gazebo world frame orientation is obtained by rotating a frame aligned with following notation by the field heading_deg (Note that heading_deg corresponds to positive yaw rotation in the NED frame, so it's inverse specifies positive Z-rotation in ENU or NWU). Options are: - ENU (East-North-Up) - NED (North-East-Down) - NWU (North-West-Up) For example, world frame specified by setting world_orientation="ENU" and heading_deg=-90° is effectively equivalent to NWU with heading of 0°. latitude_deg: Geodetic latitude at origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in units of degrees. longitude_deg: Longitude at origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in units of degrees. elevation: Elevation of origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in meters. heading_deg: Heading offset of gazebo reference frame, measured as angle between Gazebo world frame and the world_frame_orientation type (ENU/NED/NWU). Rotations about the downward-vector (e.g. North to East) are positive. The direction of rotation is chosen to be consistent with compass heading convention (e.g. 0 degrees points North and 90 degrees points East, positive rotation indicates counterclockwise rotation when viewed from top-down direction). The angle is specified in degrees. """ surface_model: str = field( default="EARTH_WGS84", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) world_frame_orientation: str = field( default="ENU", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) latitude_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) longitude_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) elevation: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) heading_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Population: """ The population element defines how and where a set of models will be automatically populated in Gazebo. Parameters ---------- model_count: The number of models to place. distribution: Specifies the type of object distribution and its optional parameters. box: Box shape cylinder: Cylinder shape frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. name: A unique name for the population. This name must not match another population in the world. """ model_count: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) distribution: Optional["World.Population.Distribution"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) box: Optional["World.Population.Box"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) cylinder: Optional["World.Population.Cylinder"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["World.Population.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["World.Population.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) model: Optional[Model] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Distribution: """ Specifies the type of object distribution and its optional parameters. Parameters ---------- type: Define how the objects will be placed in the specified region. - random: Models placed at random. - uniform: Models approximately placed in a 2D grid pattern with control over the number of objects. - grid: Models evenly placed in a 2D grid pattern. The number of objects is not explicitly specified, it is based on the number of rows and columns of the grid. - linear-x: Models evently placed in a row along the global x-axis. - linear-y: Models evently placed in a row along the global y-axis. - linear-z: Models evently placed in a row along the global z-axis. rows: Number of rows in the grid. cols: Number of columns in the grid. step: Distance between elements of the grid. """ type: str = field( default="random", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) rows: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cols: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) step: str = field( default="0.5 0.5 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Box: """ Box shape. Parameters ---------- size: The three side lengths of the box. The origin of the box is in its geometric center (inside the center of the box). """ size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Cylinder: """ Cylinder shape. Parameters ---------- radius: Radius of the cylinder length: Length of the cylinder along the z axis """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) length: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["World.Population.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .actor import Actor from .joint import Joint from .light import Light from .material import Material from .model import Model from .physics import Physics from .scene import Scene from .state import State __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/world.xsd" @dataclass class World: """ The world element encapsulates an entire world description including: models, scene, physics, joints, and plugins. Parameters ---------- audio: Global audio properties. wind: The wind tag specifies the type and properties of the wind. include: Include resources from a URI gravity: The gravity vector in m/s^2, expressed in a coordinate frame defined by the spherical_coordinates tag. magnetic_field: The magnetic vector in Tesla, expressed in a coordinate frame defined by the spherical_coordinates tag. atmosphere: The atmosphere tag specifies the type and properties of the atmosphere model. gui: physics: The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. scene: Specifies the look of the environment. light: The light element describes a light source. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. actor: A special kind of model which can have a scripted motion. This includes both global waypoint type animations and skeleton animations. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. joint: A joint connects two links with kinematic and dynamic properties. By default, the pose of a joint is expressed in the child link frame. road: spherical_coordinates: state: population: The population element defines how and where a set of models will be automatically populated in Gazebo. name: Unique name of the world """ class Meta: name = "world" audio: Optional["World.Audio"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) wind: Optional["World.Wind"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) include: List["World.Include"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) gravity: str = field( default="0 0 -9.8", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) magnetic_field: str = field( default="5.5645e-6 22.8758e-6 -42.3884e-6", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) atmosphere: Optional["World.Atmosphere"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) gui: Optional["World.Gui"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) physics: List[Physics] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) scene: Optional[Scene] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) actor: List[Actor] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) joint: List[Joint] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) road: List["World.Road"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) spherical_coordinates: Optional["World.SphericalCoordinates"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) state: List[State] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) population: List["World.Population"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Audio: """ Global audio properties. Parameters ---------- device: Device to use for audio playback. A value of "default" will use the system's default audio device. Otherwise, specify a an audio device file" """ device: str = field( default="default", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Wind: """ The wind tag specifies the type and properties of the wind. Parameters ---------- linear_velocity: Linear velocity of the wind. """ linear_velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Include: """ Include resources from a URI. Parameters ---------- uri: URI to a resource, such as a model name: Override the name of the included model. static: Override the static value of the included model. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. """ uri: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pose: Optional["World.Include.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plugin: List["World.Include.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Atmosphere: """ The atmosphere tag specifies the type and properties of the atmosphere model. Parameters ---------- temperature: Temperature at sea level in kelvins. pressure: Pressure at sea level in pascals. temperature_gradient: Temperature gradient with respect to increasing altitude at sea level in units of K/m. type: The type of the atmosphere engine. Current options are adiabatic. Defaults to adiabatic if left unspecified. """ temperature: float = field( default=288.15, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) pressure: float = field( default=101325.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) temperature_gradient: float = field( default=-0.0065, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Gui: """ Parameters ---------- camera: plugin: A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. fullscreen: """ camera: Optional["World.Gui.Camera"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) plugin: List["World.Gui.Plugin"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) fullscreen: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Camera: """ Parameters ---------- view_controller: projection_type: Set the type of projection for the camera. Valid values are "perspective" and "orthographic". track_visual: frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: """ view_controller: str = field( default="orbit", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) projection_type: str = field( default="perspective", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) track_visual: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.TrackVisual"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["World.Gui.Camera.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class TrackVisual: """ Parameters ---------- name: Name of the tracked visual. If no name is provided, the remaining settings will be applied whenever tracking is triggered in the GUI. min_dist: Minimum distance between the camera and the tracked visual. This parameter is only used if static is set to false. max_dist: Maximum distance between the camera and the tracked visual. This parameter is only used if static is set to false. static: If set to true, the position of the camera is fixed relatively to the model or to the world, depending on the value of the use_model_frame element. Otherwise, the position of the camera may vary but the distance between the camera and the model will depend on the value of the min_dist and max_dist elements. In any case, the camera will always follow the model by changing its orientation. use_model_frame: If set to true, the position of the camera is relative to the model reference frame, which means that its position relative to the model will not change. Otherwise, the position of the camera is relative to the world reference frame, which means that its position relative to the world will not change. This parameter is only used if static is set to true. xyz: The position of the camera's reference frame. This parameter is only used if static is set to true. If use_model_frame is set to true, the position is relative to the model reference frame, otherwise it represents world coordinates. inherit_yaw: If set to true, the camera will inherit the yaw rotation of the tracked model. This parameter is only used if static and use_model_frame are set to true. """ name: str = field( default="__default__", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_dist: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) static: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_model_frame: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) xyz: str = field( default="-5.0 0.0 3.0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) inherit_yaw: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["World.Gui.Camera.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Plugin: """A plugin is a dynamically loaded chunk of code. It can exist as a child of world, model, and sensor. Parameters ---------- any_element: This is a special element that should not be specified in an SDFormat file. It automatically copies child elements into the SDFormat element so that a plugin can access the data. name: A unique name for the plugin, scoped to its parent. filename: Name of the shared library to load. If the filename is not a full path name, the file will be searched for in the configuration paths. """ any_element: List[object] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Wildcard", "namespace": "##any", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) filename: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Road: """ Parameters ---------- width: Width of the road point: A series of points that define the path of the road. material: The material of the visual element. name: Name of the road """ width: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) point: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) material: Optional[Material] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class SphericalCoordinates: """ Parameters ---------- surface_model: Name of planetary surface model, used to determine the surface altitude at a given latitude and longitude. The default is an ellipsoid model of the earth based on the WGS-84 standard. It is used in Gazebo's GPS sensor implementation. world_frame_orientation: This field identifies how Gazebo world frame is aligned in Geographical sense. The final Gazebo world frame orientation is obtained by rotating a frame aligned with following notation by the field heading_deg (Note that heading_deg corresponds to positive yaw rotation in the NED frame, so it's inverse specifies positive Z-rotation in ENU or NWU). Options are: - ENU (East-North-Up) - NED (North-East-Down) - NWU (North-West-Up) For example, world frame specified by setting world_orientation="ENU" and heading_deg=-90° is effectively equivalent to NWU with heading of 0°. latitude_deg: Geodetic latitude at origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in units of degrees. longitude_deg: Longitude at origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in units of degrees. elevation: Elevation of origin of gazebo reference frame, specified in meters. heading_deg: Heading offset of gazebo reference frame, measured as angle between Gazebo world frame and the world_frame_orientation type (ENU/NED/NWU). Rotations about the downward-vector (e.g. North to East) are positive. The direction of rotation is chosen to be consistent with compass heading convention (e.g. 0 degrees points North and 90 degrees points East, positive rotation indicates counterclockwise rotation when viewed from top-down direction). The angle is specified in degrees. """ surface_model: str = field( default="EARTH_WGS84", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) world_frame_orientation: str = field( default="ENU", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) latitude_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) longitude_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) elevation: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) heading_deg: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Population: """ The population element defines how and where a set of models will be automatically populated in Gazebo. Parameters ---------- model_count: The number of models to place. distribution: Specifies the type of object distribution and its optional parameters. box: Box shape cylinder: Cylinder shape frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. name: A unique name for the population. This name must not match another population in the world. """ model_count: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) distribution: Optional["World.Population.Distribution"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) box: Optional["World.Population.Box"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) cylinder: Optional["World.Population.Cylinder"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["World.Population.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["World.Population.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) model: Optional[Model] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Distribution: """ Specifies the type of object distribution and its optional parameters. Parameters ---------- type: Define how the objects will be placed in the specified region. - random: Models placed at random. - uniform: Models approximately placed in a 2D grid pattern with control over the number of objects. - grid: Models evenly placed in a 2D grid pattern. The number of objects is not explicitly specified, it is based on the number of rows and columns of the grid. - linear-x: Models evently placed in a row along the global x-axis. - linear-y: Models evently placed in a row along the global y-axis. - linear-z: Models evently placed in a row along the global z-axis. rows: Number of rows in the grid. cols: Number of columns in the grid. step: Distance between elements of the grid. """ type: str = field( default="random", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) rows: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) cols: int = field( default=1, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) step: str = field( default="0.5 0.5 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Box: """ Box shape. Parameters ---------- size: The three side lengths of the box. The origin of the box is in its geometric center (inside the center of the box). """ size: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) @dataclass class Cylinder: """ Cylinder shape. Parameters ---------- radius: Radius of the cylinder length: Length of the cylinder along the z axis """ radius: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) length: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["World.Population.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .light import Light from .model import Model as ModelModel __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/state.xsd" @dataclass class Model: """ Model state. Parameters ---------- joint: Joint angle model: A nested model state element scale: Scale for the 3 dimensions of the model. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. link: Link state name: Name of the model """ class Meta: name = "model" joint: List["Model.Joint"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List["Model"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) scale: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: List["Model.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Model.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) link: List["Model.Link"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Joint: """ Joint angle. Parameters ---------- angle: Angle of an axis name: Name of the joint """ angle: List["Model.Joint.Angle"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Angle: """ Parameters ---------- value: axis: Index of the axis. """ value: Optional[float] = field( default=None, metadata={ "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Model.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Link: """ Link state. Parameters ---------- velocity: Velocity of the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the linear velocity of the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the angular velocity of the link acceleration: Acceleration of the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the linear acceleration of the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the angular acceleration of the link wrench: Force and torque applied to the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the force applied to the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the torque applied to the link collision: Collision state frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the link """ velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) acceleration: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) wrench: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) collision: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Model.Link.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Model.Link.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Model.Link.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class State: """ Parameters ---------- sim_time: Simulation time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] wall_time: Wall time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] real_time: Real time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] iterations: Number of simulation iterations. insertions: A list containing the entire description of entities inserted. deletions: A list of names of deleted entities/ model: Model state light: Light state world_name: Name of the world this state applies to """ class Meta: name = "state" sim_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) wall_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) real_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) iterations: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) insertions: Optional["State.Insertions"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) deletions: Optional["State.Deletions"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List["State.Light"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) world_name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Insertions: """ A list containing the entire description of entities inserted. Parameters ---------- model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. light: The light element describes a light source. """ model: List[ModelModel] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Deletions: """ A list of names of deleted entities/ Parameters ---------- name: The name of a deleted entity. """ name: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) @dataclass class Light: """ Light state. Parameters ---------- frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the light """ frame: List["State.Light.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["State.Light.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["State.Light.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from .light import Light from .model import Model as ModelModel __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/state.xsd" @dataclass class Model: """ Model state. Parameters ---------- joint: Joint angle model: A nested model state element scale: Scale for the 3 dimensions of the model. frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. link: Link state name: Name of the model """ class Meta: name = "model" joint: List["Model.Joint"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List["Model"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) scale: str = field( default="1 1 1", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){2}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: List["Model.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Model.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) link: List["Model.Link"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Joint: """ Joint angle. Parameters ---------- angle: Angle of an axis name: Name of the joint """ angle: List["Model.Joint.Angle"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Angle: """ Parameters ---------- value: axis: Index of the axis. """ value: Optional[float] = field( default=None, metadata={ "required": True, }, ) axis: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Model.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Link: """ Link state. Parameters ---------- velocity: Velocity of the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the linear velocity of the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the angular velocity of the link acceleration: Acceleration of the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the linear acceleration of the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the angular acceleration of the link wrench: Force and torque applied to the link. The x, y, z components of the pose correspond to the force applied to the link, and the roll, pitch, yaw components correspond to the torque applied to the link collision: Collision state frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the link """ velocity: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) acceleration: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) wrench: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) collision: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) frame: List["Model.Link.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["Model.Link.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["Model.Link.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class State: """ Parameters ---------- sim_time: Simulation time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] wall_time: Wall time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] real_time: Real time stamp of the state [seconds nanoseconds] iterations: Number of simulation iterations. insertions: A list containing the entire description of entities inserted. deletions: A list of names of deleted entities/ model: Model state light: Light state world_name: Name of the world this state applies to """ class Meta: name = "state" sim_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) wall_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) real_time: str = field( default="0 0", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, "white_space": "collapse", "pattern": r"\d+ \d+", }, ) iterations: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) insertions: Optional["State.Insertions"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) deletions: Optional["State.Deletions"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) model: List[Model] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List["State.Light"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) world_name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Insertions: """ A list containing the entire description of entities inserted. Parameters ---------- model: The model element defines a complete robot or any other physical object. light: The light element describes a light source. """ model: List[ModelModel] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) light: List[Light] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Deletions: """ A list of names of deleted entities/ Parameters ---------- name: The name of a deleted entity. """ name: List[str] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "min_occurs": 1, }, ) @dataclass class Light: """ Light state. Parameters ---------- frame: A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the light """ frame: List["State.Light.Frame"] = field( default_factory=list, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) pose: Optional["State.Light.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Frame: """ A frame of reference to which a pose is relative. Parameters ---------- pose: A position(x,y,z) and orientation(roll, pitch yaw) with respect to the specified frame. name: Name of the frame. This name must not match another frame defined inside the parent that this frame is attached to. """ pose: Optional["State.Light.Frame.Pose"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) name: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) @dataclass class Pose: """ Parameters ---------- value: frame: Name of frame which the pose is defined relative to. """ value: str = field( default="0 0 0 0 0 0", metadata={ "required": True, "pattern": r"(\s*(-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+)\s+){5}((-|\+)?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+|\d+\.\d+[eE][-\+]?[0-9]+))\s*", }, ) frame: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/physics.xsd" @dataclass class Physics: """ The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. Parameters ---------- max_step_size: Maximum time step size at which every system in simulation can interact with the states of the world. (was physics.sdf's dt). real_time_factor: target simulation speedup factor, defined by ratio of simulation time to real-time. real_time_update_rate: Rate at which to update the physics engine (UpdatePhysics calls per real-time second). (was physics.sdf's update_rate). max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value can be over ridden by a max_contacts element in a collision element. dart: DART specific physics properties simbody: Simbody specific physics properties bullet: Bullet specific physics properties ode: ODE specific physics properties name: The name of this set of physics parameters. default: If true, this physics element is set as the default physics profile for the world. If multiple default physics elements exist, the first element marked as default is chosen. If no default physics element exists, the first physics element is chosen. type: The type of the dynamics engine. Current options are ode, bullet, simbody and dart. Defaults to ode if left unspecified. """ class Meta: name = "physics" max_step_size: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) real_time_factor: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) real_time_update_rate: float = field( default=1000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dart: Optional["Physics.Dart"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) simbody: Optional["Physics.Simbody"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Physics.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: str = field( default="default_physics", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) default: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dart: """ DART specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: collision_detector: Specify collision detector for DART to use. Can be dart, fcl, bullet or ode. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Dart.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collision_detector: str = field( default="fcl", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- solver_type: One of the following types: pgs, dantzig. PGS stands for Projected Gauss-Seidel. """ solver_type: str = field( default="dantzig", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Simbody: """ Simbody specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- min_step_size: (Currently not used in simbody) The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. accuracy: Roughly the relative error of the system. -LOG(accuracy) is roughly the number of significant digits. max_transient_velocity: Tolerable "slip" velocity allowed by the solver when static friction is supposed to hold object in place. contact: Relationship among dissipation, coef. restitution, etc. d = dissipation coefficient (1/velocity) vc = capture velocity (velocity where e=e_max) vp = plastic velocity (smallest v where e=e_min) &amp;gt; vc Assume real COR=1 when v=0. e_min = given minimum COR, at v &amp;gt;= vp (a.k.a. plastic_coef_restitution) d = slope = (1-e_min)/vp OR, e_min = 1 - d*vp e_max = maximum COR = 1-d*vc, reached at v=vc e = 0, v &amp;lt;= vc = 1 - d*v, vc &amp;lt; v &amp;lt; vp = e_min, v &amp;gt;= vp dissipation factor = d*min(v,vp) [compliant] cor = e [rigid] Combining rule e = 0, e1==e2==0 = 2*e1*e2/(e1+e2), otherwise """ min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) accuracy: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_transient_velocity: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact: Optional["Physics.Simbody.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """Relationship among dissipation, coef. restitution, etc. d = dissipation coefficient (1/velocity) vc = capture velocity (velocity where e=e_max) vp = plastic velocity (smallest v where e=e_min) &amp;gt; vc Assume real COR=1 when v=0. e_min = given minimum COR, at v &amp;gt;= vp (a.k.a. plastic_coef_restitution) d = slope = (1-e_min)/vp OR, e_min = 1 - d*vp e_max = maximum COR = 1-d*vc, reached at v=vc e = 0, v &amp;lt;= vc = 1 - d*v, vc &amp;lt; v &amp;lt; vp = e_min, v &amp;gt;= vp dissipation factor = d*min(v,vp) [compliant] cor = e [rigid] Combining rule e = 0, e1==e2==0 = 2*e1*e2/(e1+e2), otherwise Parameters ---------- stiffness: Default contact material stiffness (force/dist or torque/radian). dissipation: dissipation coefficient to be used in compliant contact; if not given it is (1-min_cor)/plastic_impact_velocity plastic_coef_restitution: this is the COR to be used at high velocities for rigid impacts; if not given it is 1 - dissipation*plastic_impact_velocity plastic_impact_velocity: smallest impact velocity at which min COR is reached; set to zero if you want the min COR always to be used static_friction: static friction (mu_s) as described by this plot: dynamic_friction: dynamic friction (mu_d) as described by this plot: viscous_friction: viscous friction (mu_v) with units of (1/velocity) as described by this plot: override_impact_capture_velocity: for rigid impacts only, impact velocity at which COR is set to zero; normally inherited from global default but can be overridden here. Combining rule: use larger velocity override_stiction_transition_velocity: This is the largest slip velocity at which we'll consider a transition to stiction. Normally inherited from a global default setting. For a continuous friction model this is the velocity at which the max static friction force is reached. Combining rule: use larger velocity """ stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plastic_coef_restitution: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plastic_impact_velocity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) static_friction: float = field( default=0.9, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamic_friction: float = field( default=0.9, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) viscous_friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) override_impact_capture_velocity: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) override_stiction_transition_velocity: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: constraints: Bullet constraint parameters. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Bullet.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Bullet.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: sequential_impulse only. min_step_size: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. """ type: str = field( default="sequential_impulse", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ Bullet constraint parameters. Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. split_impulse: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. split_impulse_penetration_threshold: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse_penetration_threshold: float = field( default=-0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: constraints: ODE constraint parameters. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Ode.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Ode.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: world, quick min_step_size: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. island_threads: Number of threads to use for "islands" of disconnected models. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. precon_iters: Experimental parameter. sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. thread_position_correction: Flag to use threading to speed up position correction computation. use_dynamic_moi_rescaling: Flag to enable dynamic rescaling of moment of inertia in constrained directions. See gazebo pull request 1114 for the implementation of this feature. https://osrf-!/osrf/gazebo/pull- request/1114 friction_model: Name of ODE friction model to use. Valid values include: pyramid_model: (default) friction forces limited in two directions in proportion to normal force. box_model: friction forces limited to constant in two directions. cone_model: friction force magnitude limited in proportion to normal force. See gazebo pull request 1522 for the implementation of this feature. pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/pull-request/1522 """ type: str = field( default="quick", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) island_threads: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) precon_iters: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) thread_position_correction: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_dynamic_moi_rescaling: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction_model: str = field( default="pyramid_model", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ ODE constraint parameters. Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_max_correcting_vel: The maximum correcting velocities allowed when resolving contacts. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_max_correcting_vel: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional __NAMESPACE__ = "sdformat/v1.6/physics.xsd" @dataclass class Physics: """ The physics tag specifies the type and properties of the dynamics engine. Parameters ---------- max_step_size: Maximum time step size at which every system in simulation can interact with the states of the world. (was physics.sdf's dt). real_time_factor: target simulation speedup factor, defined by ratio of simulation time to real-time. real_time_update_rate: Rate at which to update the physics engine (UpdatePhysics calls per real-time second). (was physics.sdf's update_rate). max_contacts: Maximum number of contacts allowed between two entities. This value can be over ridden by a max_contacts element in a collision element. dart: DART specific physics properties simbody: Simbody specific physics properties bullet: Bullet specific physics properties ode: ODE specific physics properties name: The name of this set of physics parameters. default: If true, this physics element is set as the default physics profile for the world. If multiple default physics elements exist, the first element marked as default is chosen. If no default physics element exists, the first physics element is chosen. type: The type of the dynamics engine. Current options are ode, bullet, simbody and dart. Defaults to ode if left unspecified. """ class Meta: name = "physics" max_step_size: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) real_time_factor: float = field( default=1.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) real_time_update_rate: float = field( default=1000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_contacts: int = field( default=20, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dart: Optional["Physics.Dart"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) simbody: Optional["Physics.Simbody"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) bullet: Optional["Physics.Bullet"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) ode: Optional["Physics.Ode"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) name: str = field( default="default_physics", metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) default: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", }, ) type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Attribute", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Dart: """ DART specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: collision_detector: Specify collision detector for DART to use. Can be dart, fcl, bullet or ode. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Dart.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) collision_detector: str = field( default="fcl", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- solver_type: One of the following types: pgs, dantzig. PGS stands for Projected Gauss-Seidel. """ solver_type: str = field( default="dantzig", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Simbody: """ Simbody specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- min_step_size: (Currently not used in simbody) The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. accuracy: Roughly the relative error of the system. -LOG(accuracy) is roughly the number of significant digits. max_transient_velocity: Tolerable "slip" velocity allowed by the solver when static friction is supposed to hold object in place. contact: Relationship among dissipation, coef. restitution, etc. d = dissipation coefficient (1/velocity) vc = capture velocity (velocity where e=e_max) vp = plastic velocity (smallest v where e=e_min) &amp;gt; vc Assume real COR=1 when v=0. e_min = given minimum COR, at v &amp;gt;= vp (a.k.a. plastic_coef_restitution) d = slope = (1-e_min)/vp OR, e_min = 1 - d*vp e_max = maximum COR = 1-d*vc, reached at v=vc e = 0, v &amp;lt;= vc = 1 - d*v, vc &amp;lt; v &amp;lt; vp = e_min, v &amp;gt;= vp dissipation factor = d*min(v,vp) [compliant] cor = e [rigid] Combining rule e = 0, e1==e2==0 = 2*e1*e2/(e1+e2), otherwise """ min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) accuracy: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) max_transient_velocity: float = field( default=0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact: Optional["Physics.Simbody.Contact"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", }, ) @dataclass class Contact: """Relationship among dissipation, coef. restitution, etc. d = dissipation coefficient (1/velocity) vc = capture velocity (velocity where e=e_max) vp = plastic velocity (smallest v where e=e_min) &amp;gt; vc Assume real COR=1 when v=0. e_min = given minimum COR, at v &amp;gt;= vp (a.k.a. plastic_coef_restitution) d = slope = (1-e_min)/vp OR, e_min = 1 - d*vp e_max = maximum COR = 1-d*vc, reached at v=vc e = 0, v &amp;lt;= vc = 1 - d*v, vc &amp;lt; v &amp;lt; vp = e_min, v &amp;gt;= vp dissipation factor = d*min(v,vp) [compliant] cor = e [rigid] Combining rule e = 0, e1==e2==0 = 2*e1*e2/(e1+e2), otherwise Parameters ---------- stiffness: Default contact material stiffness (force/dist or torque/radian). dissipation: dissipation coefficient to be used in compliant contact; if not given it is (1-min_cor)/plastic_impact_velocity plastic_coef_restitution: this is the COR to be used at high velocities for rigid impacts; if not given it is 1 - dissipation*plastic_impact_velocity plastic_impact_velocity: smallest impact velocity at which min COR is reached; set to zero if you want the min COR always to be used static_friction: static friction (mu_s) as described by this plot: dynamic_friction: dynamic friction (mu_d) as described by this plot: viscous_friction: viscous friction (mu_v) with units of (1/velocity) as described by this plot: override_impact_capture_velocity: for rigid impacts only, impact velocity at which COR is set to zero; normally inherited from global default but can be overridden here. Combining rule: use larger velocity override_stiction_transition_velocity: This is the largest slip velocity at which we'll consider a transition to stiction. Normally inherited from a global default setting. For a continuous friction model this is the velocity at which the max static friction force is reached. Combining rule: use larger velocity """ stiffness: float = field( default=100000000.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dissipation: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plastic_coef_restitution: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) plastic_impact_velocity: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) static_friction: float = field( default=0.9, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) dynamic_friction: float = field( default=0.9, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) viscous_friction: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) override_impact_capture_velocity: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) override_stiction_transition_velocity: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Bullet: """ Bullet specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: constraints: Bullet constraint parameters. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Bullet.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Bullet.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: sequential_impulse only. min_step_size: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. """ type: str = field( default="sequential_impulse", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ Bullet constraint parameters. Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. split_impulse: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. split_impulse_penetration_threshold: Similar to ODE's max_vel implementation. See for more information. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse: bool = field( default=True, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) split_impulse_penetration_threshold: float = field( default=-0.01, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Ode: """ ODE specific physics properties. Parameters ---------- solver: constraints: ODE constraint parameters. """ solver: Optional["Physics.Ode.Solver"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) constraints: Optional["Physics.Ode.Constraints"] = field( default=None, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Solver: """ Parameters ---------- type: One of the following types: world, quick min_step_size: The time duration which advances with each iteration of the dynamics engine, this has to be no bigger than max_step_size under physics block. If left unspecified, min_step_size defaults to max_step_size. island_threads: Number of threads to use for "islands" of disconnected models. iters: Number of iterations for each step. A higher number produces greater accuracy at a performance cost. precon_iters: Experimental parameter. sor: Set the successive over-relaxation parameter. thread_position_correction: Flag to use threading to speed up position correction computation. use_dynamic_moi_rescaling: Flag to enable dynamic rescaling of moment of inertia in constrained directions. See gazebo pull request 1114 for the implementation of this feature. https://osrf-!/osrf/gazebo/pull- request/1114 friction_model: Name of ODE friction model to use. Valid values include: pyramid_model: (default) friction forces limited in two directions in proportion to normal force. box_model: friction forces limited to constant in two directions. cone_model: friction force magnitude limited in proportion to normal force. See gazebo pull request 1522 for the implementation of this feature. pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/pull-request/1522 """ type: str = field( default="quick", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) min_step_size: float = field( default=0.0001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) island_threads: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) iters: int = field( default=50, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) precon_iters: int = field( default=0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) sor: float = field( default=1.3, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) thread_position_correction: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) use_dynamic_moi_rescaling: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) friction_model: str = field( default="pyramid_model", metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) @dataclass class Constraints: """ ODE constraint parameters. Parameters ---------- cfm: Constraint force mixing parameter. See the ODE page for more information. erp: Error reduction parameter. See the ODE page for more information. contact_max_correcting_vel: The maximum correcting velocities allowed when resolving contacts. contact_surface_layer: The depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects. Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest. The default value is zero. Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken. """ cfm: float = field( default=0.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) erp: float = field( default=0.2, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_max_correcting_vel: float = field( default=100.0, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, ) contact_surface_layer: float = field( default=0.001, metadata={ "type": "Element", "namespace": "", "required": True, }, )