{ "en": "I didn't want to talk to her about that.", "es": "No quería hablar con ella de eso." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I didn't want to talk to her about that. [/INST] No quería hablar con ella de eso. </s>
{ "en": "We are the world in small.", "es": "Somos el mundo en miniatura." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> We are the world in small. [/INST] Somos el mundo en miniatura. </s>
{ "en": "The leaders considered the threat of aggression against certain Arab States, and in particular Iraq, and they affirm their unconditional rejection of a strike against Iraq and any threat to the security and integrity of any Arab State as a threat to the national security of all Arab States.", "es": "Los dirigentes examinaron la amenaza de agresión que se cierne sobre algunos Estados árabes, en particular el Iraq, y rechazan incondicionalmente todo ataque contra el Iraq y toda amenaza a la seguridad e integridad de un Estado árabe como amenaza a la seguridad nacional de todos los Estados árabes." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The leaders considered the threat of aggression against certain Arab States, and in particular Iraq, and they affirm their unconditional rejection of a strike against Iraq and any threat to the security and integrity of any Arab State as a threat to the national security of all Arab States. [/INST] Los dirigentes examinaron la amenaza de agresión que se cierne sobre algunos Estados árabes, en particular el Iraq, y rechazan incondicionalmente todo ataque contra el Iraq y toda amenaza a la seguridad e integridad de un Estado árabe como amenaza a la seguridad nacional de todos los Estados árabes. </s>
{ "en": "It is vital that such action pays special attention to the specific role of women and to protecting the rights of minors, who in some cases are victims of forms of indigenous slavery that is humiliating and that insults the dignity of human beings. Strengthening the rule of law and democracy must include developing the conditions in which the courts of justice, the police and the army operate.", "es": "Es exigible que estas acciones contemplen de manera especial el papel específico de la mujer y la protección de los derechos de los menores víctimas, en algunos casos, de nuevas de formas de esclavitud autóctona que humilla y ofende toda la dignidad humana." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> It is vital that such action pays special attention to the specific role of women and to protecting the rights of minors, who in some cases are victims of forms of indigenous slavery that is humiliating and that insults the dignity of human beings. Strengthening the rule of law and democracy must include developing the conditions in which the courts of justice, the police and the army operate. [/INST] Es exigible que estas acciones contemplen de manera especial el papel específico de la mujer y la protección de los derechos de los menores víctimas, en algunos casos, de nuevas de formas de esclavitud autóctona que humilla y ofende toda la dignidad humana. </s>
{ "en": "- $50.", "es": "- ¿Quién? - ¡Cincuenta!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - $50. [/INST] - ¿Quién? - ¡Cincuenta! </s>
{ "en": "Seven years.", "es": "Siete años." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Seven years. [/INST] Siete años. </s>
{ "en": "She left the door unlocked on purpose.", "es": "Dejó la puerta abierta a propósito." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> She left the door unlocked on purpose. [/INST] Dejó la puerta abierta a propósito. </s>
{ "en": "Mama's gonna trap you a bird", "es": "Mamá atrapará un pájaro para ti" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Mama's gonna trap you a bird [/INST] Mamá atrapará un pájaro para ti </s>
{ "en": "The amounts granted are treated as repayable advances, and are limited to 18 months with a ceiling of €100 for each child.", "es": "Las cantidades concedidas, como anticipos reintegrables, se limitarán a 18 meses y tendrán una cuantía máxima de 100 euros para cada menor." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The amounts granted are treated as repayable advances, and are limited to 18 months with a ceiling of €100 for each child. [/INST] Las cantidades concedidas, como anticipos reintegrables, se limitarán a 18 meses y tendrán una cuantía máxima de 100 euros para cada menor. </s>
{ "en": "If the baby's different, we'll be different.", "es": "Si el bebé es distinto, seremos distintos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> If the baby's different, we'll be different. [/INST] Si el bebé es distinto, seremos distintos. </s>
{ "en": "usually it takes four to six weeks for a residential. Get you set up today and you luck out.", "es": "se llevan cuatro a seis semanas para una instalación... residencial si no tienes suerte." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> usually it takes four to six weeks for a residential. Get you set up today and you luck out. [/INST] se llevan cuatro a seis semanas para una instalación... residencial si no tienes suerte. </s>
{ "en": "Represented in more than 70 countries, Berklee has the highest percentage of foreign undergraduates in the world.", "es": "Representando a más de 70 países, Berklee tiene el porcentaje más alto de estudiantes de pregrado foráneos en el mundo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Represented in more than 70 countries, Berklee has the highest percentage of foreign undergraduates in the world. [/INST] Representando a más de 70 países, Berklee tiene el porcentaje más alto de estudiantes de pregrado foráneos en el mundo. </s>
{ "en": "I don't think it works like that.", "es": "No creo que funcione así." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I don't think it works like that. [/INST] No creo que funcione así. </s>
{ "en": "But we can't follow him and wait for our ships to join us because we might get pulled into a trap with a German raider before they get here.", "es": "No podemos seguirlo hasta que lleguen los nuestros, pues podrían tendernos una trampa y conducirnos a una de sus lanchas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> But we can't follow him and wait for our ships to join us because we might get pulled into a trap with a German raider before they get here. [/INST] No podemos seguirlo hasta que lleguen los nuestros, pues podrían tendernos una trampa y conducirnos a una de sus lanchas. </s>
{ "en": "The water pipes burst.", "es": "Se rompió una tubería de agua." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The water pipes burst. [/INST] Se rompió una tubería de agua. </s>
{ "en": "(a) Under the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960 as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocols of 16 November 1982 and 12 February 2004, the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 21 May 1963 as amended by the Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention of 21 September 1988 and as amended by the Protocol to Amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, or the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, including any amendment to these conventions and any future convention in respect of the liability of the operator of a nuclear installation for damage caused by a nuclear incident; or", "es": "a) Con arreglo al Convenio de París sobre responsabilidad civil en materia de energía nuclear, de 29 de julio de 1960, enmendado por su Protocolo adicional de 28 de enero de 1964 y por sus Protocolos de 16 de noviembre de 1982 y de 12 de febrero de 2004, a la Convención de Viena sobre Responsabilidad Civil por Daños Nucleares de 21 de mayo de 1963, enmendada por el Protocolo común, de 21 de septiembre de 1988, relativo a la aplicación de la Convención de Viena y del Convenio de París, así como por el Protocolo de Enmienda de la Convención de Viena de 1963 sobre Responsabilidad Civil por Daños Nucleares, de 12 de septiembre de 1997, o al Convenio sobre indemnización suplementaria por daños nucleares, de 12 de septiembre de 1997, así como con arreglo a toda enmienda de dichos convenios o convenciones y a cualquier otro convenio o convención futura relativa a la responsabilidad del explotador de una instalación nuclear por daños causados por un accidente nuclear; o" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> (a) Under the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960 as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocols of 16 November 1982 and 12 February 2004, the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 21 May 1963 as amended by the Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention of 21 September 1988 and as amended by the Protocol to Amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, or the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage of 12 September 1997, including any amendment to these conventions and any future convention in respect of the liability of the operator of a nuclear installation for damage caused by a nuclear incident; or [/INST] a) Con arreglo al Convenio de París sobre responsabilidad civil en materia de energía nuclear, de 29 de julio de 1960, enmendado por su Protocolo adicional de 28 de enero de 1964 y por sus Protocolos de 16 de noviembre de 1982 y de 12 de febrero de 2004, a la Convención de Viena sobre Responsabilidad Civil por Daños Nucleares de 21 de mayo de 1963, enmendada por el Protocolo común, de 21 de septiembre de 1988, relativo a la aplicación de la Convención de Viena y del Convenio de París, así como por el Protocolo de Enmienda de la Convención de Viena de 1963 sobre Responsabilidad Civil por Daños Nucleares, de 12 de septiembre de 1997, o al Convenio sobre indemnización suplementaria por daños nucleares, de 12 de septiembre de 1997, así como con arreglo a toda enmienda de dichos convenios o convenciones y a cualquier otro convenio o convención futura relativa a la responsabilidad del explotador de una instalación nuclear por daños causados por un accidente nuclear; o </s>
{ "en": "Don't worry, Dad.", "es": "No te preocupes, Papa." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Don't worry, Dad. [/INST] No te preocupes, Papa. </s>
{ "en": "Happen to cross two suns.", "es": "Sucede que dos soles se cruzan." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Happen to cross two suns. [/INST] Sucede que dos soles se cruzan. </s>
{ "en": "You'll find him right across the street at the Palace.", "es": "Lo encontrará del otro lado de la calle, en el Palacio." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> You'll find him right across the street at the Palace. [/INST] Lo encontrará del otro lado de la calle, en el Palacio. </s>
{ "en": "The other destinations are defined as follows:", "es": "Los demás destinos se definen de la manera siguiente:" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The other destinations are defined as follows: [/INST] Los demás destinos se definen de la manera siguiente: </s>
{ "en": "However, the incidence of oedema, weight gain and heart failure were increased.", "es": "Sin embargo, incrementó la incidencia de edema, aumento de peso e insuficiencia cardiaca." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> However, the incidence of oedema, weight gain and heart failure were increased. [/INST] Sin embargo, incrementó la incidencia de edema, aumento de peso e insuficiencia cardiaca. </s>
{ "en": "All right? Okay?", "es": "¿Entiendes?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> All right? Okay? [/INST] ¿Entiendes? </s>
{ "en": "Me, you.", "es": "Yo, tú." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Me, you. [/INST] Yo, tú. </s>
{ "en": "Because they're from Troy--", "es": "Porque son de Troy..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Because they're from Troy-- [/INST] Porque son de Troy... </s>
{ "en": "Fixed for the standard quality defined in Annex I.I to Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001.", "es": "Importe fijado para la calidad tipo que se define en el punto I del anexo I del Reglamento (CE) no 1260/2001." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Fixed for the standard quality defined in Annex I.I to Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001. [/INST] Importe fijado para la calidad tipo que se define en el punto I del anexo I del Reglamento (CE) no 1260/2001. </s>
{ "en": "Show me.", "es": "Déjame ver." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Show me. [/INST] Déjame ver. </s>
{ "en": "I'M THINKING THAT THIS TUNNEL IS RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO THE", "es": "Pienso que este túnel corre de manera perpendicular al túnel original." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I'M THINKING THAT THIS TUNNEL IS RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO THE [/INST] Pienso que este túnel corre de manera perpendicular al túnel original. </s>
{ "en": "NO,NOT MET.", "es": "No, ninguno." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> NO,NOT MET. [/INST] No, ninguno. </s>
{ "en": "The Civil Society and Human Rights Department", "es": "Departamento de sociedad civil y derechos humanos" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The Civil Society and Human Rights Department [/INST] Departamento de sociedad civil y derechos humanos </s>
{ "en": "Where is she?", "es": "¿Donde está?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Where is she? [/INST] ¿Donde está? </s>
{ "en": "Think he might talk either?", "es": "¿Crees que vio al asesino?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Think he might talk either? [/INST] ¿Crees que vio al asesino? </s>
{ "en": "Some of you who have written state that your belong to a church, and you go because you do enjoy the people.", "es": "Algunos de ustedes han escrito declarando que pertenecen a una iglesia y asistenporque disfrutan con la gente." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Some of you who have written state that your belong to a church, and you go because you do enjoy the people. [/INST] Algunos de ustedes han escrito declarando que pertenecen a una iglesia y asistenporque disfrutan con la gente. </s>
{ "en": "Yes. Our personal notes, our observations, our-our legal stratagems.", "es": "Nuestras notas personales, observaciones, nuestras estrategias legales." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Yes. Our personal notes, our observations, our-our legal stratagems. [/INST] Nuestras notas personales, observaciones, nuestras estrategias legales. </s>
{ "en": "In terms of national security or in terms of the national security architecture, we do the business of border security well because we have the air/land/maritime assets.", "es": "En cuanto a seguridad nacional o en cuanto a la arquitectura de la seguridad nacional, nos encargamos con eficiencia de la seguridad fronteriza, ya que contamos con recursos aéreos, marítimos y terrestres." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> In terms of national security or in terms of the national security architecture, we do the business of border security well because we have the air/land/maritime assets. [/INST] En cuanto a seguridad nacional o en cuanto a la arquitectura de la seguridad nacional, nos encargamos con eficiencia de la seguridad fronteriza, ya que contamos con recursos aéreos, marítimos y terrestres. </s>
{ "en": "The heat isn't on yet.", "es": "El calor aún no llegó." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The heat isn't on yet. [/INST] El calor aún no llegó. </s>
{ "en": "Aria, maybe the universe is telling you something.", "es": "Aria, a lo mejor el universo intenta decirte algo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Aria, maybe the universe is telling you something. [/INST] Aria, a lo mejor el universo intenta decirte algo. </s>
{ "en": "risking wine quality. A considerable role has been found for nitrogen during red wine production.", "es": "Se ha descubierto que el nitrógeno juega un papel muy importante durante la producción del vino tinto." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> risking wine quality. A considerable role has been found for nitrogen during red wine production. [/INST] Se ha descubierto que el nitrógeno juega un papel muy importante durante la producción del vino tinto. </s>
{ "en": "Mom, if my dress from the '80s isn't gonna work, I hardly think yours is any better.", "es": "Mamá, si mi vestido de los 80 no va a funcionar, dudo que el tuyo lo haga." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Mom, if my dress from the '80s isn't gonna work, I hardly think yours is any better. [/INST] Mamá, si mi vestido de los 80 no va a funcionar, dudo que el tuyo lo haga. </s>
{ "en": "- lt's already on. - Whoa.", "es": "Ya está habilitado." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - lt's already on. - Whoa. [/INST] Ya está habilitado. </s>
{ "en": "Why do you want to do this?", "es": "¿Por qué lo has hecho?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Why do you want to do this? [/INST] ¿Por qué lo has hecho? </s>
{ "en": "Typhoon Vongfong (aka Typhoon 19) has swept through Japan, leaving at least two people dead and more than 70 people injured.", "es": "El tifón Vongfong (alias Tifón 19) azota a Japón, dejando un saldo de al menos 2 muertos y más de 70 heridos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Typhoon Vongfong (aka Typhoon 19) has swept through Japan, leaving at least two people dead and more than 70 people injured. [/INST] El tifón Vongfong (alias Tifón 19) azota a Japón, dejando un saldo de al menos 2 muertos y más de 70 heridos. </s>
{ "en": "That'd be your baby.", "es": "Eso será tu bebé" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> That'd be your baby. [/INST] Eso será tu bebé </s>
{ "en": "The public transport network is administered by Transport for London (TfL) and is one of the most extensive in the world.", "es": "La red de transporte público de Londres, que es una de las más extensas del mundo, es administrada por Transport for London." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The public transport network is administered by Transport for London (TfL) and is one of the most extensive in the world. [/INST] La red de transporte público de Londres, que es una de las más extensas del mundo, es administrada por Transport for London. </s>
{ "en": "The question we have to answer is a simple one: are we going to promote social equality and development equality, or are we going to allow free competition to make the social situation in Europe even worse?", "es": "La pregunta a la que tenemos que responder es simple: ¿vamos a promover la igualdad social y la igualdad de desarrollo, o dejaremos que la libre competencia deteriore todavía más la situación social europea?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> The question we have to answer is a simple one: are we going to promote social equality and development equality, or are we going to allow free competition to make the social situation in Europe even worse? [/INST] La pregunta a la que tenemos que responder es simple: ¿vamos a promover la igualdad social y la igualdad de desarrollo, o dejaremos que la libre competencia deteriore todavía más la situación social europea? </s>
{ "en": "In recent years, the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the International Conference on Financing for Development, held in Monterrey, Mexico, have led to global understanding and ambitious programmes for alleviating poverty, providing food security, growing economies and protecting the environment in ways that benefit future generations.", "es": "En los últimos años la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible celebrada en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) y la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo celebrada en Monterrey (México) han conducido a una comprensión general de esas cuestiones y a programas ambiciosos para aliviar la pobreza, proporcionar seguridad alimentaria, lograr el crecimiento económico y proteger el medio ambiente en provecho de las generaciones futuras." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> In recent years, the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the International Conference on Financing for Development, held in Monterrey, Mexico, have led to global understanding and ambitious programmes for alleviating poverty, providing food security, growing economies and protecting the environment in ways that benefit future generations. [/INST] En los últimos años la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible celebrada en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) y la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo celebrada en Monterrey (México) han conducido a una comprensión general de esas cuestiones y a programas ambiciosos para aliviar la pobreza, proporcionar seguridad alimentaria, lograr el crecimiento económico y proteger el medio ambiente en provecho de las generaciones futuras. </s>
{ "en": "I now have 400 healthy potato plants.", "es": "Ahora tengo 400 plantas de patata sanos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I now have 400 healthy potato plants. [/INST] Ahora tengo 400 plantas de patata sanos. </s>
{ "en": "Distraught, he buried the hamster in the garden...", "es": "Angustiado, enterró el hámster en el jardín..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Distraught, he buried the hamster in the garden... [/INST] Angustiado, enterró el hámster en el jardín... </s>
{ "en": "Tuck, I need a change of clothes.", "es": "Tuck, necesito cambiarme de ropa." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Tuck, I need a change of clothes. [/INST] Tuck, necesito cambiarme de ropa. </s>
{ "en": "A second area of emphasis was enhancing capacity to respond to the challenges posed by drug abuse and trafficking, counting on the participation of civil society.", "es": "También se hizo hincapié en mejorar la capacidad de respuesta ante los problemas planteados por el tráfico ilícito y el uso indebido de drogas, contando con la participación de la sociedad civil." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> A second area of emphasis was enhancing capacity to respond to the challenges posed by drug abuse and trafficking, counting on the participation of civil society. [/INST] También se hizo hincapié en mejorar la capacidad de respuesta ante los problemas planteados por el tráfico ilícito y el uso indebido de drogas, contando con la participación de la sociedad civil. </s>
{ "en": "\"Look at that fat pig.", "es": "\"Mira a ese cerdo gordo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> "Look at that fat pig. [/INST] "Mira a ese cerdo gordo. </s>
{ "en": "And?", "es": "Sí." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> And? [/INST] Sí. </s>
{ "en": "These are the aliases that I pulled up.", "es": "Estos son los alias que obtuve" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> These are the aliases that I pulled up. [/INST] Estos son los alias que obtuve </s>
{ "en": "all cities of United States", "es": "todas las ciudades de España" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> all cities of United States [/INST] todas las ciudades de España </s>
{ "en": "And speaking of friends,", "es": "Y hablando de amigos," }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> And speaking of friends, [/INST] Y hablando de amigos, </s>
{ "en": "Joint Declaration concerning the Kingdom of Denmark", "es": "Declaración conjunta relativa al Reino de Dinamarca" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Joint Declaration concerning the Kingdom of Denmark [/INST] Declaración conjunta relativa al Reino de Dinamarca </s>
{ "en": "Is supposed to be in here. Oh, my God!", "es": "¡Oh, Dios mío!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Is supposed to be in here. Oh, my God! [/INST] ¡Oh, Dios mío! </s>
{ "en": "( ) Yes ( ) No", "es": "( ) Sí ( ) No" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> ( ) Yes ( ) No [/INST] ( ) Sí ( ) No </s>
{ "en": "How did I get this far without having sex?", "es": "¿Cómo he llegado hasta ahora sin acostarme con nadie?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> How did I get this far without having sex? [/INST] ¿Cómo he llegado hasta ahora sin acostarme con nadie? </s>
{ "en": "Hotel Katarina.", "es": "-Hotel Katarina." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Hotel Katarina. [/INST] -Hotel Katarina. </s>
{ "en": "You know what, it was probably Ed.", "es": "Probablemente fue Ed." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> You know what, it was probably Ed. [/INST] Probablemente fue Ed. </s>
{ "en": "Retrieve the weapons tech, and neutralize... the two outlaws.", "es": "Recupere el arma... y elimine los dos delincuentes." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Retrieve the weapons tech, and neutralize... the two outlaws. [/INST] Recupere el arma... y elimine los dos delincuentes. </s>
{ "en": "It's the only walk I've got.", "es": "- Es el único caminar que tengo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> It's the only walk I've got. [/INST] - Es el único caminar que tengo. </s>
{ "en": "- Great .", "es": "- Bien." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - Great . [/INST] - Bien. </s>
{ "en": "Robin, please.", "es": "Robin, por favor." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Robin, please. [/INST] Robin, por favor. </s>
{ "en": "Who do you think is the boss here? Idiot.", "es": "Quien crees que manda acá, jetón?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Who do you think is the boss here? Idiot. [/INST] Quien crees que manda acá, jetón? </s>
{ "en": "I'll do it.", "es": "Lo haré." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I'll do it. [/INST] Lo haré. </s>
{ "en": "Fifth Committee", "es": "Quinta Comisión" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Fifth Committee [/INST] Quinta Comisión </s>
{ "en": "In the discussions between the various groups, the European Commission was given the task of reforming the CEMT permit system, but this role has been omitted from the text of the resolution.", "es": "En nuestras negociaciones entre los diferentes grupos se había dado una función a la Comisión en este punto, es decir, la reforma del sistema de permisos CEMT, pero esta función se ha olvidado en el texto de la resolución." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> In the discussions between the various groups, the European Commission was given the task of reforming the CEMT permit system, but this role has been omitted from the text of the resolution. [/INST] En nuestras negociaciones entre los diferentes grupos se había dado una función a la Comisión en este punto, es decir, la reforma del sistema de permisos CEMT, pero esta función se ha olvidado en el texto de la resolución. </s>
{ "en": "They want credit for inventing everything.", "es": "Quieren el mérito por inventarlo todo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> They want credit for inventing everything. [/INST] Quieren el mérito por inventarlo todo. </s>
{ "en": "- What's with the waterworks, little one?", "es": "¿Por favor? ¿Por qué las lágrimas, pequeña?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - What's with the waterworks, little one? [/INST] ¿Por favor? ¿Por qué las lágrimas, pequeña? </s>
{ "en": "Help, Ducky!", "es": "Ayuda, Patito!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Help, Ducky! [/INST] Ayuda, Patito! </s>
{ "en": "On the right...", "es": "A la derecha..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> On the right... [/INST] A la derecha... </s>
{ "en": "1984, p. 295-332.", "es": "1984, p." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> 1984, p. 295-332. [/INST] 1984, p. </s>
{ "en": "I mean, there's no license plates on this image.", "es": "¡Vamos!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I mean, there's no license plates on this image. [/INST] ¡Vamos! </s>
{ "en": "After 23 days without food, the students accepted the offers made personally by the minister of the interior but stated they would remain in a permanent vigil until the promises made by the minister are kept.", "es": "La huelga la hemos realizado, justamente para llevar un mensaje a la comunidad internacional y manifestar lo que sentimos por la indiferencia del mundo civilizado frente a un régimen que nos oprime y quiere exportar su modelo dictatorial a otros países . Tras 23 días sin ingerir alimentos, los estudiantes aceptaron las ofertas realizadas personalmente por el ministro del Interior, pero se declararon en vigilia permanente hasta que se cumplan las promesas que les hizo el ministro." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> After 23 days without food, the students accepted the offers made personally by the minister of the interior but stated they would remain in a permanent vigil until the promises made by the minister are kept. [/INST] La huelga la hemos realizado, justamente para llevar un mensaje a la comunidad internacional y manifestar lo que sentimos por la indiferencia del mundo civilizado frente a un régimen que nos oprime y quiere exportar su modelo dictatorial a otros países . Tras 23 días sin ingerir alimentos, los estudiantes aceptaron las ofertas realizadas personalmente por el ministro del Interior, pero se declararon en vigilia permanente hasta que se cumplan las promesas que les hizo el ministro. </s>
{ "en": "Talk to me.", "es": "Háblame." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Talk to me. [/INST] Háblame. </s>
{ "en": "Once a month they were taken, after having been stripped naked and forced during the walk to keep their mouths wide open, for a sunbath in the courtyard while the cells were searched and sprayed with water, soaking all the prisoners' personal items, in particular blankets.", "es": "Una vez al mes, después de haberlos desnudado y obligado a mantener la boca abierta por todo el camino, los sacaban al patio para tomar un baño de sol mientras que los guardias registraban y baldeaban las celdas, de modo que todos los objetos personales de los detenidos, en especial las mantas, quedaban empapados." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Once a month they were taken, after having been stripped naked and forced during the walk to keep their mouths wide open, for a sunbath in the courtyard while the cells were searched and sprayed with water, soaking all the prisoners' personal items, in particular blankets. [/INST] Una vez al mes, después de haberlos desnudado y obligado a mantener la boca abierta por todo el camino, los sacaban al patio para tomar un baño de sol mientras que los guardias registraban y baldeaban las celdas, de modo que todos los objetos personales de los detenidos, en especial las mantas, quedaban empapados. </s>
{ "en": "Then a farmer took me on horseback to La Grecia, about three or four kilometers from Limay.", "es": "Un campesino me llevó en su caballo hasta La Grecia, a 3 ó 4 kms. de Limay." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Then a farmer took me on horseback to La Grecia, about three or four kilometers from Limay. [/INST] Un campesino me llevó en su caballo hasta La Grecia, a 3 ó 4 kms. de Limay. </s>
{ "en": "Come on, all right ...", "es": "-Vamos, esta bien..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Come on, all right ... [/INST] -Vamos, esta bien... </s>
{ "en": "Independent Petroleum Group IPG", "es": "Embargo comercial y medidas conexas 19 16" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Independent Petroleum Group IPG [/INST] Embargo comercial y medidas conexas 19 16 </s>
{ "en": "Therefore, you really are a movie star.", "es": "¿En verdad es estrella de cine?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Therefore, you really are a movie star. [/INST] ¿En verdad es estrella de cine? </s>
{ "en": "He's also demanding that I give you my two weeks' notice and, uh, quit my job.", "es": "También está exigiendo que yo te doy aviso de mis dos semanas de y, uh, dejar mi trabajo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> He's also demanding that I give you my two weeks' notice and, uh, quit my job. [/INST] También está exigiendo que yo te doy aviso de mis dos semanas de y, uh, dejar mi trabajo. </s>
{ "en": "I don't want you to think that I don't love you.", "es": "No quiero que pienses que no te amo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I don't want you to think that I don't love you. [/INST] No quiero que pienses que no te amo. </s>
{ "en": "Social inequality, violent traditions and the lack of state power give guerrilla fighters and paramilitary units free reign to sustain their unscrupulous acts of terror.", "es": "La desigualdad social, las tradiciones violentas y la falta de un poder estatal proporcionan a las guerrillas y a las unidades paramilitares la libertad de continuar con sus prácticas atroces carentes de consideración." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Social inequality, violent traditions and the lack of state power give guerrilla fighters and paramilitary units free reign to sustain their unscrupulous acts of terror. [/INST] La desigualdad social, las tradiciones violentas y la falta de un poder estatal proporcionan a las guerrillas y a las unidades paramilitares la libertad de continuar con sus prácticas atroces carentes de consideración. </s>
{ "en": "I mean, they have to have heated it before they condensed it, right?", "es": "Es decir, tienen que calentarse aquí. Antes de que se condensen, no?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I mean, they have to have heated it before they condensed it, right? [/INST] Es decir, tienen que calentarse aquí. Antes de que se condensen, no? </s>
{ "en": "What it is it, Julio?", "es": "Sólo necesito una dirección." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> What it is it, Julio? [/INST] Sólo necesito una dirección. </s>
{ "en": "No, but he goes out on that stage every night With his arrow and his banjo, and he kills.", "es": "Pero sale todas las noches a ese escenario con su banjo y entretiene!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> No, but he goes out on that stage every night With his arrow and his banjo, and he kills. [/INST] Pero sale todas las noches a ese escenario con su banjo y entretiene! </s>
{ "en": "Starting such intense fight training when they are only adolescents will probably cause permanent damage to their bodies in the future.", "es": "Empezar un entrenamiento tan intenso de lucha cuando son adolescentes probablemente puede causarles un daño permanente en sus cuerpos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Starting such intense fight training when they are only adolescents will probably cause permanent damage to their bodies in the future. [/INST] Empezar un entrenamiento tan intenso de lucha cuando son adolescentes probablemente puede causarles un daño permanente en sus cuerpos. </s>
{ "en": "Therefore, there should be room for the Governments of the two States to resolve the question through diplomatic channels and the arbitrary enforcement of measures of constraint avoided.", "es": "Por consiguiente, debe existir la posibilidad de que los gobiernos de los dos Estados resuelvan la cuestión por medios diplomáticos y se evite la ejecución arbitraria de medidas coercitivas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Therefore, there should be room for the Governments of the two States to resolve the question through diplomatic channels and the arbitrary enforcement of measures of constraint avoided. [/INST] Por consiguiente, debe existir la posibilidad de que los gobiernos de los dos Estados resuelvan la cuestión por medios diplomáticos y se evite la ejecución arbitraria de medidas coercitivas. </s>
{ "en": "- and found them there!", "es": "- ...y los encontré ahí." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - and found them there! [/INST] - ...y los encontré ahí. </s>
{ "en": "Bye", "es": "Adiós." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Bye [/INST] Adiós. </s>
{ "en": "Mom, what are you doing?", "es": "Mamá, ¿qué haces?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Mom, what are you doing? [/INST] Mamá, ¿qué haces? </s>
{ "en": "No.", "es": "No." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> No. [/INST] No. </s>
{ "en": "Fully Furnished Villa with a well equipped kitchen.", "es": "Completamente amueblado Villa con una cocina bien equipada." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Fully Furnished Villa with a well equipped kitchen. [/INST] Completamente amueblado Villa con una cocina bien equipada. </s>
{ "en": "I use bandages.", "es": "Yo uso vendas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> I use bandages. [/INST] Yo uso vendas. </s>
{ "en": "You got the flask.", "es": "Tenéis la petaca." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> You got the flask. [/INST] Tenéis la petaca. </s>
{ "en": "- I thought you might.", "es": "- Eso pensé." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> - I thought you might. [/INST] - Eso pensé. </s>
{ "en": "Article 120d, first subparagraph", "es": "Artículo 120d, primer párrafo" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> Article 120d, first subparagraph [/INST] Artículo 120d, primer párrafo </s>
{ "en": "My whole existence has become pills.", "es": "Mi entera existencia se convirtió en pastillas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> My whole existence has become pills. [/INST] Mi entera existencia se convirtió en pastillas. </s>
{ "en": "It would seem that we are caught up in a terrible settling of scores and in a spiral of hate, fanaticism and senseless bloodshed.", "es": "Pareciera que hemos quedado atrapados en una terrible serie de ajustes de cuentas y en una espiral de odio, fanatismo e insensato derramamiento de sangre." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>> It would seem that we are caught up in a terrible settling of scores and in a spiral of hate, fanaticism and senseless bloodshed. [/INST] Pareciera que hemos quedado atrapados en una terrible serie de ajustes de cuentas y en una espiral de odio, fanatismo e insensato derramamiento de sangre. </s>