125 values
effects of the administration of b663 [ g 30 320 , lamprene , clofazimine ( geigy ) ] on three groups of lepromatous and borderline of leprosy .
{ "id": "C0700047", "name": "lamprene", "pos": [ 51, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0008996", "name": "clofazimine", "pos": [ 62, 73 ] }
proceedings : the investigation of the fate of imferon ( iron-dextran ) following intra-peritoneal administration to iron-deficient children in zambia .
{ "id": "C0701986", "name": "imferon", "pos": [ 47, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0022092", "name": "iron-dextran", "pos": [ 57, 69 ] }
three times a week , durolax solution ( bisacodyl 10 mg in 5 ml of propylene glycol ) , usually 5 ml undiluted or diluted with 5 ml of tap water , is introduced into the rectum using a catheter and syringe .
{ "id": "C0591416", "name": "durolax", "pos": [ 21, 28 ] }
{ "id": "C0005632", "name": "bisacodyl", "pos": [ 40, 49 ] }
further studies , both clinical and laboratory , disclosed that the responsible ingredient in this particular instance appeared to be the orange dye coating of the motrin-400 tablet rather than the ibuprofen itself .
{ "id": "C0699203", "name": "motrin", "pos": [ 164, 170 ] }
{ "id": "C0020740", "name": "ibuprofen", "pos": [ 198, 207 ] }
six anephric subjects received kayexalate ( sodium polystyrene sulfonate ) during the studies to prevent potassium accumulation and increase in plasma potassium concentration .
{ "id": "C0124498", "name": "kayexalate", "pos": [ 31, 41 ] }
{ "id": "C0142915", "name": "sodium polystyrene sulfonate", "pos": [ 44, 72 ] }
escherichia coli contains two l-asparaginase isozymes : a secreted high-affinity enzyme , l-asparaginase ii ( ansii ) , and a low-affinity cytoplasmic enzyme , l-asparaginase i ( ansi ) , which is encoded by the ansa gene .
{ "id": "C1510952", "name": "l-asparaginase ii", "pos": [ 90, 107 ] }
{ "id": "C0003993", "name": "l-asparaginase", "pos": [ 160, 174 ] }
the advantages of vaseline occlusive dressing include greater patient comfort , the ability to evaluate the wound beneath the petroleum jelly , and the prevention of streaking , which can occur from uneven tape application .
{ "id": "C0728774", "name": "vaseline", "pos": [ 18, 26 ] }
{ "id": "C0031262", "name": "petroleum jelly", "pos": [ 126, 141 ] }
the in vivo activity of augmentin ( amoxicillin + clavulanic acid ) , 1 g once or twice a day , during 10 +/- 3 days was evaluated on 10 cases urinary tract infections in paraplegic patients .
{ "id": "C0591132", "name": "augmentin", "pos": [ 24, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0054066", "name": "amoxicillin", "pos": [ 36, 47 ] }
three models of corneal inflammation -- acute toxic keratitis , phlyctenular keratitis and corneal graft rejection -- were induced in rabbits and treated with subconjunctival injections of antineoplastic agents ( methotrexate , cytosine arabinoside , 5-fluorouracil and 6-mercaptopurine ) and solu-medrol ( methylprednisolone sodium succinate ) .
{ "id": "C0701466", "name": "solu-medrol", "pos": [ 293, 304 ] }
{ "id": "C0700546", "name": "methylprednisolone sodium succinate", "pos": [ 307, 342 ] }
providing low dose , continuous contraception for women . the norplant system utilizes silastic tubing filled with levonorgestrel .
{ "id": "C1145675", "name": "norplant system", "pos": [ 62, 77 ] }
{ "id": "C0023566", "name": "levonorgestrel", "pos": [ 115, 129 ] }
anaesthesia was induced with 2 mg/kg propofol ( 'diprivan ' ) and maintained with a continuous infusion of propofol at a rate of 3 , 6 or 9 mg/kg/h randomly allocated .
{ "id": "C0678120", "name": "diprivan", "pos": [ 49, 57 ] }
{ "id": "C0033487", "name": "propofol", "pos": [ 107, 115 ] }
lasix resulted in a significantly greater cumulative urinary excretion of furosemide than puresis and aquasin over the entire collection period .
{ "id": "C0699992", "name": "lasix", "pos": [ 0, 5 ] }
{ "id": "C0016860", "name": "furosemide", "pos": [ 74, 84 ] }
following multiple-dose administration of either sustained-release indomethacin ( indocin sr ) or conventional indomethacin , drug accumulation is low .
{ "id": "C0700798", "name": "indocin", "pos": [ 82, 89 ] }
{ "id": "C0021246", "name": "indomethacin", "pos": [ 111, 123 ] }
in order to compare tolerability and radiographic properties of omnipaque ( iohexol ) 350 mg i/ml and urografin ( sodium meglumine diatrizoate ) 76 % ( 370 mg i/ml ) in left ventriculography and coronary arteriography , a randomised , double-blind parallel study was conducted .
{ "id": "C0729203", "name": "omnipaque", "pos": [ 64, 73 ] }
{ "id": "C0022005", "name": "iohexol", "pos": [ 76, 83 ] }
since the recent introduction of a drug regimen containing 2 mg of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate and 50 micrograms ethinyl-oestradiol ( diane ; oestrogen-cyproterone acetate ) several uncontrolled reports have extolled the benefits of this drug .
{ "id": "C0057721", "name": "diane", "pos": [ 143, 148 ] }
{ "id": "C0056855", "name": "cyproterone acetate", "pos": [ 161, 180 ] }
theo-24 ( g. d. searle & co. ) is an ultra-slow-absorbing formulation of theophylline suitable for once-a-day dosing in slow and normal metabolizers of theophylline .
{ "id": "C0700825", "name": "theo-24", "pos": [ 0, 7 ] }
{ "id": "C0039771", "name": "theophylline", "pos": [ 152, 164 ] }
[ treatment of chronic myelosis with myleran ( myeleukon ) with special reference to alkaline leukocyte phosphatase activity ] .
{ "id": "C0700015", "name": "myleran", "pos": [ 37, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0006463", "name": "myeleukon", "pos": [ 47, 56 ] }
effect of chlordecone ( kepone ) on the rat brain concentration of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol : evidence for a possible involvement of the norepinephrine system in chlordecone-induced tremor .
{ "id": "C0878176", "name": "kepone", "pos": [ 24, 30 ] }
{ "id": "C0022562", "name": "chlordecone", "pos": [ 169, 180 ] }
90 % of the betnesol ( betamethasone sodium phosphate , benzalkonium chloride ) treated group were clinically judged cured compared with 68 % of the predsol ( prednisolone sodium phosphate , benzalkonium chloride ) treated group , and 57 % of the tolmetin treated group .
{ "id": "C0138279", "name": "predsol", "pos": [ 149, 156 ] }
{ "id": "C0138273", "name": "prednisolone sodium phosphate", "pos": [ 159, 188 ] }
bezalip ( bezafibrate ) , at an oral dosage of 200 mg three times a day , has been used on 12 patients with idiopathic hyperlipidemia , and on 12 patients with hyperlipidemia superimposed with diabetes mellitus .
{ "id": "C0591179", "name": "bezalip", "pos": [ 0, 7 ] }
{ "id": "C0005330", "name": "bezafibrate", "pos": [ 10, 21 ] }
in comparison to pilocarpine-eyedrops the ocusert-system has the following advantages : less pilocarpine-induced myopia and miosis , myopia and miosis extremely constant , minimal local side effects , reduced amount of drug release , almost no therapeutic discomfort for the patient , isolating the patient from the disease and good controlpossibility of the success of the treatment .
{ "id": "C0028870", "name": "ocusert", "pos": [ 42, 49 ] }
{ "id": "C0031923", "name": "pilocarpine", "pos": [ 93, 104 ] }
monistat cream ( miconazole nitrate 2 % ) , a new fungicidal agent indicated for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis , was evaluated in a comparative study with nystatin vaginal tablets ( 100 , -000 units each ) .
{ "id": "C1177005", "name": "monistat", "pos": [ 0, 8 ] }
{ "id": "C0086620", "name": "miconazole nitrate", "pos": [ 17, 35 ] }
after careful study of the literature and other information available to it , the american cancer society does not have evidence that treatment with iscador , an extract of mistletoe , results in objective benefit in the treatment of cancer in human beings .
{ "id": "C0063891", "name": "iscador", "pos": [ 149, 156 ] }
{ "id": "C1166209", "name": "extract", "pos": [ 162, 169 ] }
the effect of naproxen ( naprosyn ) on pain alleviation was studied in a double-blind cross-over trial using naproxen and placebo .
{ "id": "C0700017", "name": "naprosyn", "pos": [ 25, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0027396", "name": "naproxen", "pos": [ 109, 117 ] }
cytosar-u ( ara-c ) induced changes in mouse jejunal crypt epithelial kinetics and radiosensitivity to gamma rays and fast neutrons .
{ "id": "C0591320", "name": "cytosar-u", "pos": [ 0, 9 ] }
{ "id": "C0010711", "name": "ara-c", "pos": [ 12, 17 ] }
they were allowed to drink [ 14c ] polyethylene glycol ( peg ) vivonex high nitrogen elemental diet ( vhn ) or intralipid fat emulsion ( il ) at 0.25 , 0.50 , and 1.00 kcal/ml under two conditions : drinking to satiety ( vhn ) or drinking to a constant volume of 15 ml ( vhn and il ) .
{ "id": "C0733854", "name": "intralipid", "pos": [ 111, 121 ] }
{ "id": "C0304483", "name": "fat emulsion", "pos": [ 122, 134 ] }
physiological ( 0.9 % ) saline , usp , was used as the control , and intralipid 10 % fat emulsion ( vitrum , sweden ) as the reference article .
{ "id": "C0733854", "name": "intralipid", "pos": [ 69, 79 ] }
{ "id": "C0304483", "name": "fat emulsion", "pos": [ 85, 97 ] }
as to adjuvant chemotherapy , the cooperative study group of surgical adjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer found in data on 1,805 patients followed for 5 years that the protocol , intraoperative bolus intravenous injection of mitomycin c ( mmc ) plus oral administration of futraful ( tegafur ) for 3 months , concomitantly applied with elx , proved to be effective for improving the survival of patients with advanced cancer such as stage iii and positive lymph node metastasis with obvious serosal invasion .
{ "id": "C0919261", "name": "futraful", "pos": [ 278, 286 ] }
{ "id": "C0016778", "name": "tegafur", "pos": [ 289, 296 ] }
the tablets were quinaglute dura-tabs , manufactured by berlex laboratories , inc. , and generic quinidine gluconate tablets , manufactured by bolar pharmaceutical company .
{ "id": "C1097294", "name": "quinaglute", "pos": [ 17, 27 ] }
{ "id": "C0072869", "name": "quinidine gluconate", "pos": [ 97, 116 ] }
immediate postabortal contraception with norplant : levonorgestrel , gonadotropin , estradiol , and progesterone levels over two postabortal months and return of fertility after removal of norplant capsules .
{ "id": "C1145675", "name": "norplant", "pos": [ 41, 49 ] }
{ "id": "C0023566", "name": "levonorgestrel", "pos": [ 52, 66 ] }
two generic tablet formulations ( lasix and furix ) and intravenous furosemide were compared on 6 separate days .
{ "id": "C0699992", "name": "lasix", "pos": [ 34, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0016860", "name": "furosemide", "pos": [ 68, 78 ] }
the effect of tigason ( etretinate ) in the prevention of the recurrence of superficial bladder tumors ( ta-t1 , grade 0 papilloma and grade 1 and 2 carcinoma ) was studied in 30 patients in a double-blind , placebo-controlled study .
{ "id": "C0729231", "name": "tigason", "pos": [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0015137", "name": "etretinate", "pos": [ 24, 34 ] }
[ evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of cefobid ( cefoperazone sodium ) in the treatment of surgical infections ] .
{ "id": "C0733366", "name": "cefobid", "pos": [ 46, 53 ] }
{ "id": "C0733367", "name": "cefoperazone sodium", "pos": [ 56, 75 ] }
among the pv patients , the erythrocyte enzyme activities were compared between 2 groups : patients treated solely with phlebotomy and patients treated with phlebotomy , myleran ( busulfan ) and/or radioactive phosphorus 32p .
{ "id": "C0700015", "name": "myleran", "pos": [ 170, 177 ] }
{ "id": "C0006463", "name": "busulfan", "pos": [ 180, 188 ] }
the efficacy and tolerability of scopoderm tts ( scotts ) , a transdermal system containing scopolamine , were compared with those of the oral antiemetic dimenhydrinate ( double-dummy technique ) in a controlled , double-blind , within-patient study including 20 test persons with proven motion sickness .
{ "id": "C0729160", "name": "scopoderm tts", "pos": [ 33, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0036442", "name": "scopolamine", "pos": [ 92, 103 ] }
this phenotypic heterogeneity has been used here to study mechanisms associated with adriamycin ( doxorubicin hcl ) -induced cytotoxicity .
{ "id": "C0085752", "name": "adriamycin", "pos": [ 85, 95 ] }
{ "id": "C0546861", "name": "doxorubicin hcl", "pos": [ 98, 113 ] }
an additional 37 patients weighing 76 +/- 19 kg received mean doses of 127 micrograms fentanyl plus 6.7 mg valium ( diazepam ; fv group ) .
{ "id": "C0699187", "name": "valium", "pos": [ 107, 113 ] }
{ "id": "C0012010", "name": "diazepam", "pos": [ 116, 124 ] }
on each occasion , the subjects were fasted overnight on day 3 and were given an oral dose of inderal ( 40 mg propranolol hydrochloride ) 30 min following the administration of the morning dose of etintidine or placebo on day 4 .
{ "id": "C0591636", "name": "inderal", "pos": [ 94, 101 ] }
{ "id": "C0282321", "name": "propranolol hydrochloride", "pos": [ 110, 135 ] }
the subdermal implantables ( norplant 2 or 5 ) release levonorgestrel out of a depot over a time period of at least 5 years .
{ "id": "C1145675", "name": "norplant 2", "pos": [ 29, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0023566", "name": "levonorgestrel", "pos": [ 55, 69 ] }
however , studies on the long-term intralipid clearance capacity have to be performed before any general recommendations about the inclusion of fat emulsions in parenteral nutrition of these patients can be made .
{ "id": "C0733854", "name": "intralipid", "pos": [ 35, 45 ] }
{ "id": "C0304483", "name": "fat emulsions", "pos": [ 144, 157 ] }
visken ( pindolol ) , a blocking agent of adrenergic beta-receptors , was used in the treatment of hypertensive crisis in 30 patients ( stage i of the disease in 4 , stage ii in 23 , stage iii in 3 ) .
{ "id": "C0699962", "name": "visken", "pos": [ 0, 6 ] }
{ "id": "C0031937", "name": "pindolol", "pos": [ 9, 17 ] }
ocusert is a system which releases a constant amount of pilocarpine over a period of seven days .
{ "id": "C0028870", "name": "ocusert", "pos": [ 0, 7 ] }
{ "id": "C0031923", "name": "pilocarpine", "pos": [ 56, 67 ] }
reading were compared on a within patient basis for the following treatments : baseline control , after a single i.v . injection of 10 ml trental ( = 200 mg pentoxifylline ) and after 10 ml physiological saline solution ( = placebo ) .
{ "id": "C0699487", "name": "trental", "pos": [ 138, 145 ] }
{ "id": "C0030899", "name": "pentoxifylline", "pos": [ 157, 171 ] }
[ the effects of pavulon ( pancuronium bromide ) on maternal circulation and metabolism as well as on fetal metabolism and postnatal condition at caesarean section ( author 's transl ) ] .
{ "id": "C0030715", "name": "pavulon", "pos": [ 17, 24 ] }
{ "id": "C0030311", "name": "pancuronium bromide", "pos": [ 27, 46 ] }
in 39 patients the bioavailability of methotrexate from the two tablets emthexat 2.5 mg and methotrexate 2.5 mg was assessed in a double-blind study after a single oral dose of 30 mg/m2 methotrexate .
{ "id": "C1513200", "name": "emthexat", "pos": [ 72, 80 ] }
{ "id": "C0025677", "name": "methotrexate", "pos": [ 186, 198 ] }
blood-contaminated omnipaque-300 ( winthrop-breon , new york , ny ) ( iohexol ) , isovue-300 ( e.r . squibb and sons , new brunswick , nj ) ( iopamidol ) , hexabrix ( mallinckrodt , st. louis , mo ) ( ioxaglate sodium meglumine ) , renografin-76 ( e.r . squibb and sons , new brunswick , nj ) ( diatrizoate sodium meglumine ) , and saline were studied in glass and plastic syringes ( 80 samples of each agent ) .
{ "id": "C0729203", "name": "omnipaque", "pos": [ 19, 28 ] }
{ "id": "C0022005", "name": "iohexol", "pos": [ 70, 77 ] }
blood-contaminated omnipaque-300 ( winthrop-breon , new york , ny ) ( iohexol ) , isovue-300 ( e.r . squibb and sons , new brunswick , nj ) ( iopamidol ) , hexabrix ( mallinckrodt , st. louis , mo ) ( ioxaglate sodium meglumine ) , renografin-76 ( e.r . squibb and sons , new brunswick , nj ) ( diatrizoate sodium meglumine ) , and saline were studied in glass and plastic syringes ( 80 samples of each agent ) .
{ "id": "C0729210", "name": "isovue", "pos": [ 82, 88 ] }
{ "id": "C0022026", "name": "iopamidol", "pos": [ 142, 151 ] }
norplant-2 contraceptive implants consist of two silastic rods in which levonorgestrel has been incorporated with the polymer .
{ "id": "C1145675", "name": "norplant-2", "pos": [ 0, 10 ] }
{ "id": "C0023566", "name": "levonorgestrel", "pos": [ 72, 86 ] }
80 % of gram-negative , 98 % of gram-positive and 97 % of anaerobic isolates were susceptible to augmentin ( breakpoint 4 mg/l amoxicillin in the presence of 2.5 mg/l clavulanic acid ) .
{ "id": "C0591132", "name": "augmentin", "pos": [ 97, 106 ] }
{ "id": "C0054066", "name": "amoxicillin", "pos": [ 127, 138 ] }
not only does it have a very high sensitivity and specificity for differentiating parenchymal from collecting system disease , but it also provides an accurate quantitative measurement of function and in combination with radioiodinated orthoiodohippurate renography and lasix ( furosemide ; abbott laboratories , north chicago ) diuresis will also differentiate significant obstruction from stasis .
{ "id": "C0699992", "name": "lasix", "pos": [ 270, 275 ] }
{ "id": "C0016860", "name": "furosemide", "pos": [ 278, 288 ] }
the efficacy and safety of sequential parenteral-oral augmentin ( amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid ) therapy was evaluated in an open study with 249 adult patients in 18 swiss hospitals .
{ "id": "C0591132", "name": "augmentin", "pos": [ 54, 63 ] }
{ "id": "C0054066", "name": "amoxicillin", "pos": [ 66, 77 ] }
all patients had postoperative combination chemotherapy : either with pa [ platinol ( bristol , uk ) and adriamycin ] or with chad ( cyclophosphamide , hexamethylmelamine , adriamycin and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum ) .
{ "id": "C0699666", "name": "platinol", "pos": [ 75, 83 ] }
{ "id": "C0008838", "name": "cis-diamminedichloroplatinum", "pos": [ 188, 216 ] }
between february 1983 and january 1986 , the national cancer institute of canada conducted a prospective randomized trial comparing best supportive care ( bsc ) with two chemotherapy regimens : vindesine and cisplatin ( platinol ) ( vp ) and cyclophosphamide , doxorubicin , and cisplatin ( cap ) .
{ "id": "C0699666", "name": "platinol", "pos": [ 220, 228 ] }
{ "id": "C0008838", "name": "cisplatin", "pos": [ 279, 288 ] }
the patient remains alive , with good neurological function and free of metastatic disease , 2 1/2 years following vertebrectomy , radiation therapy , and adjuvant provera ( medroxyprogesterone acetate ) therapy .
{ "id": "C0699702", "name": "provera", "pos": [ 164, 171 ] }
{ "id": "C0065864", "name": "medroxyprogesterone acetate", "pos": [ 174, 201 ] }
the findings suggest that great investment in advertising is necessary in order to achieve high levels of sales for such drugs as valium ( diazepam ) which do not have a clear-cut ameliorative effect on a specific physiological condition .
{ "id": "C0699187", "name": "valium", "pos": [ 130, 136 ] }
{ "id": "C0012010", "name": "diazepam", "pos": [ 139, 147 ] }
group i consisted of 138 patients who received premarin ( conjugated equine estrogen , ayerst ) in two different dosages ( 0.625 ; 1.25 mg ) and progestational agents such as neogest ( norgestrel , schering ) , duphaston ( dydrogesterone , duphar ) 5 mg and primolut n ( norethisterone , schering ) 5 mg , for a period ranging between 7 and 21 days .
{ "id": "C0699710", "name": "premarin", "pos": [ 47, 55 ] }
{ "id": "C0014938", "name": "conjugated", "pos": [ 58, 68 ] }
group i consisted of 138 patients who received premarin ( conjugated equine estrogen , ayerst ) in two different dosages ( 0.625 ; 1.25 mg ) and progestational agents such as neogest ( norgestrel , schering ) , duphaston ( dydrogesterone , duphar ) 5 mg and primolut n ( norethisterone , schering ) 5 mg , for a period ranging between 7 and 21 days .
{ "id": "C0699168", "name": "neogest", "pos": [ 175, 182 ] }
{ "id": "C0028368", "name": "norgestrel", "pos": [ 185, 195 ] }
steady state kinetic experiments show that clinoril ( sulindac sulphoxide ) acts as a non-competitive inhibitor of nadph oxidation with purified bovine lens aldose reductase , with an action that may involve binding to more than one site on the protein .
{ "id": "C0591267", "name": "clinoril", "pos": [ 43, 51 ] }
{ "id": "C0038792", "name": "sulindac sulphoxide", "pos": [ 54, 73 ] }
as a preliminary to studying the effect on human lens and cataract , a double-masked , placebo-controlled study using random allocation into parallel groups was conducted on 20 volunteers to determine the penetration of clinoril ( sulindac ) and its metabolites into normal human red cells , and the effect of the drug on red cell nadph-oxidising activity .
{ "id": "C0591267", "name": "clinoril", "pos": [ 220, 228 ] }
{ "id": "C0038792", "name": "sulindac", "pos": [ 231, 239 ] }
the arthrographic image quality and relative morbidity resulting from use of omnipaque 300 ( iohexol ) , hexabrix 320 ( ioxaglate sodium meglumine ) , and isopaque coronar 370 ( metrizoate ) were compared in a prospective double-blind study performed with 120 patients .
{ "id": "C0729203", "name": "omnipaque", "pos": [ 77, 86 ] }
{ "id": "C0022005", "name": "iohexol", "pos": [ 93, 100 ] }
the monoclonal antibody , orthoclone okt3 ( okt3 ) , has been used with great efficacy in a prospective multicenter trial as therapy for first rejection episodes in cadaveric donor ( cd ) renal allograft recipients treated with azathioprine ( aza ) and prednisone ( p ) .
{ "id": "C0733466", "name": "orthoclone okt3", "pos": [ 26, 41 ] }
{ "id": "C0085379", "name": "okt3", "pos": [ 44, 48 ] }
four members of the anesthetic and life support advisory committee of the food and drug administration assessed the contribution of isoflurane ( forane ) to 45 instances of hepatic dysfunction after isoflurane anesthesia reported to the fda for 1981-1984 .
{ "id": "C0306242", "name": "forane", "pos": [ 145, 151 ] }
{ "id": "C0022180", "name": "isoflurane", "pos": [ 199, 209 ] }
a first group of five obese subjects ( 146 +/- 10 % of their ideal body weight [ ibw ] with normal glucose tolerance was submitted to a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test ( ogtt ) as a control and during an intralipid infusion ( 20 % fat emulsion , 1 ml/min , started 90 minutes prior to the glucose load ) .
{ "id": "C0733854", "name": "intralipid", "pos": [ 205, 215 ] }
{ "id": "C0304483", "name": "fat emulsion", "pos": [ 232, 244 ] }
tegretol ( carbamazepine ) : a new and effective medical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia , with a note concerning its use in the syndrome of thalamic hyperpathia .
{ "id": "C0700087", "name": "tegretol", "pos": [ 0, 8 ] }
{ "id": "C0006949", "name": "carbamazepine", "pos": [ 11, 24 ] }
effect of virazole ( ribavirin ) on tomato spotted wilt virus in two systemic hosts , tomato and tobacco .
{ "id": "C1622085", "name": "virazole", "pos": [ 10, 18 ] }
{ "id": "C0035525", "name": "ribavirin", "pos": [ 21, 30 ] }
virazole ( 1 , beta-d-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide = ribavirin ) , a synthetic nucleoside analogue , has been successfully used against tomato spotted wilt virus ( tswv ) in tomato and tobacco plants .
{ "id": "C1622085", "name": "virazole", "pos": [ 0, 8 ] }
{ "id": "C0035525", "name": "ribavirin", "pos": [ 67, 76 ] }
one-week tissue responses among the treated rabbits ranged from minimal to moderate for the progestasert intrauterine progesterone contraceptive system ( ipcs ) , placebo ( nonhormonal ) ipcs , lippes loop and saf-t-coil ;
{ "id": "C1515395", "name": "progestasert", "pos": [ 92, 104 ] }
{ "id": "C0033308", "name": "ipcs", "pos": [ 187, 191 ] }
796 thai women who stopped using the long-acting injectable contraceptive 'depo-provera ' ( medroxyprogesterone acetate ) and 125 women who had an intra-uterine device removed to have a planned pregnancy were followed-up to ascertain the delay between conception and the end of contraception , and to determine the proportion of women who did not conceive in the 2 years after discontinuation .
{ "id": "C0699700", "name": "depo-provera", "pos": [ 75, 87 ] }
{ "id": "C0065864", "name": "medroxyprogesterone acetate", "pos": [ 92, 119 ] }
comparative study on the results of consecutive dopaflex ( l-dopa ) and stereotactic surgical treatments in parkinsonism .
{ "id": "C1449995", "name": "dopaflex", "pos": [ 48, 56 ] }
{ "id": "C0023570", "name": "l-dopa", "pos": [ 59, 65 ] }
the standard practice of using a single susceptibility disk for the antimicrobial combination septra ( trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole ) has been further justified by a direct measurement of the diffusion rates of each compound through agar medium .
{ "id": "C0699595", "name": "septra", "pos": [ 94, 100 ] }
{ "id": "C0041044", "name": "trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole", "pos": [ 103, 132 ] }
thirteen patients were treated with busulphan ( myleran ) , of whom 12 showed varying degrees of responsiveness , and one was completely resistant both to busulphan and cyclophosphamide .
{ "id": "C0700015", "name": "myleran", "pos": [ 48, 55 ] }
{ "id": "C0006463", "name": "busulphan", "pos": [ 155, 164 ] }
subcutaneous tumours in the flank of c3h mice anaesthetized with nembutal ( sodium pentobarbitol ) , valium ( diazepam ) , or urethane , were irradiated with doses of 1,500 or 2,500 rads and the delay in days for the tumours to grow from 4 to 10 mm in diameter was determined .
{ "id": "C0699187", "name": "valium", "pos": [ 101, 107 ] }
{ "id": "C0012010", "name": "diazepam", "pos": [ 110, 118 ] }
the sensitivity of plasmodium falciparum strains to fansidar ( 500 mg sulphadoxine/25 mg pyrimethamine ) was tested in vivo in six localities in the united republic of tanzania where chloroquine-resistant p. falciparum strains have been demonstrated by both in vivo and in vitro tests .
{ "id": "C0060061", "name": "fansidar", "pos": [ 52, 60 ] }
{ "id": "C0700599", "name": "sulphadoxine", "pos": [ 70, 82 ] }
thus , nocturnal dosing with uniphyl gives higher serum theophylline concentrations and , with this , better control of nocturnal asthma .
{ "id": "C0700814", "name": "uniphyl", "pos": [ 29, 36 ] }
{ "id": "C0039771", "name": "theophylline", "pos": [ 56, 68 ] }
serum theophylline levels were measured in response to a single daily dose of uniphyl in asthmatic adults who had previously received sustained-release theophylline preparations ( usually theo-dur ) .
{ "id": "C0700814", "name": "uniphyl", "pos": [ 78, 85 ] }
{ "id": "C0039771", "name": "theophylline", "pos": [ 152, 164 ] }
this study indicated that , in asthmatic patients previously receiving twice-daily theophylline therapy , switching to a daily single dose of uniphyl maintained stable blood levels with a very low incidence of side effects and a modest improvement to fev1 at the time of the normal serum peak of theophylline .
{ "id": "C0700814", "name": "uniphyl", "pos": [ 142, 149 ] }
{ "id": "C0039771", "name": "theophylline", "pos": [ 296, 308 ] }
this study suggests that uniphyl can replace twice-daily theophylline dosing , which may result in improved patient compliance .
{ "id": "C0700814", "name": "uniphyl", "pos": [ 25, 32 ] }
{ "id": "C0039771", "name": "theophylline", "pos": [ 57, 69 ] }
the objective assessment of danocrine ( danazol , winthrop ) in the treatment of endometriosis was hampered in the 1970s by the absence of a universally accepted classification .
{ "id": "C0813502", "name": "danocrine", "pos": [ 28, 37 ] }
{ "id": "C0010961", "name": "danazol", "pos": [ 40, 47 ] }
the pharmacokinetics of four sustained-release formulations of theophylline have been examined after single doses ( nuelin sa , phyllocontin , slo-phyllin and theo-dur ) and at steady-state ( phyllocontin , theo-dur ) in six healthy adult volunteers , selected because they all eliminated theophylline rapidly after an intravenous dose of aminophylline .
{ "id": "C0722625", "name": "phyllocontin", "pos": [ 128, 140 ] }
{ "id": "C0002575", "name": "aminophylline", "pos": [ 339, 352 ] }
classic examples are adriamycin ( doxorubicin hydrochloride ) and mitomycin c , but other less complex quinones also show effective antitumor activity .
{ "id": "C0085752", "name": "adriamycin", "pos": [ 21, 31 ] }
{ "id": "C0546861", "name": "doxorubicin hydrochloride", "pos": [ 34, 59 ] }
pharmacokinetics of ( + ) - ( 2s,3s ) -2,3-dihydro-3-acetoxy-2- ( 4-methoxyphenyl ) -5- [ 2- ( dimethylamino ) ethyl ] -1,5-benzothiazepin-4 ( 5h ) -one hydrochloride ( diltiazem-hcl , cardizem , herbesser ) in rats and dogs were investigated using 14c-diltiazem-hcl .
{ "id": "C0700940", "name": "cardizem", "pos": [ 185, 193 ] }
{ "id": "C0700579", "name": "diltiazem-hcl", "pos": [ 253, 266 ] }
the authors report 3 cases of temporary generalized lymphoadenopathy directly related to lamprene ( clofazimine ) consumption .
{ "id": "C0700047", "name": "lamprene", "pos": [ 89, 97 ] }
{ "id": "C0008996", "name": "clofazimine", "pos": [ 100, 111 ] }
the influence of the local injection of hydrocortone ( compound f ) on the reactions to tuberculin , lepromin , frei and ducrey antigens .
{ "id": "C0699396", "name": "hydrocortone", "pos": [ 40, 52 ] }
{ "id": "C0020268", "name": "compound f", "pos": [ 55, 65 ] }
the effect of phenergan ( promethazine hydrochloride ) on homografts of skin and thyroid in the guinea-pig .
{ "id": "C0591971", "name": "phenergan", "pos": [ 14, 23 ] }
{ "id": "C0546876", "name": "promethazine hydrochloride", "pos": [ 26, 52 ] }
chlor-trimeton ( chlorprophenpyridamine maleate ) syrup was effective in preventing and controlling nausea and vomiting in 53 of 57 patients .
{ "id": "C0699075", "name": "chlor-trimeton", "pos": [ 0, 14 ] }
{ "id": "C0546857", "name": "chlorprophenpyridamine maleate", "pos": [ 17, 47 ] }
myelography was performed in 30 patients using iohexol ( omnipaque ) 240 mg i/ml for lateral c1c2 injections , or iohexol 300 mg i/ml for lumbar injections .
{ "id": "C0729203", "name": "omnipaque", "pos": [ 57, 66 ] }
{ "id": "C0022005", "name": "iohexol", "pos": [ 114, 121 ] }
structural variations in soluble iron complexes of models for ferritin : an x-ray absorption and mossbauer spectroscopy comparison of horse spleen ferritin to blutal ( iron-chondroitin sulfate ) and imferon ( iron-dextran ) .
{ "id": "C0701986", "name": "imferon", "pos": [ 199, 206 ] }
{ "id": "C0022092", "name": "iron-dextran", "pos": [ 209, 221 ] }
this study was undertaken to assess the efficacy and safety of a 3-day course of treatment with mefoxitin ( cefoxitin sodium , msd ) in patients with perforated or ruptured appendicitis .
{ "id": "C0701380", "name": "mefoxitin", "pos": [ 96, 105 ] }
{ "id": "C0700446", "name": "cefoxitin sodium", "pos": [ 108, 124 ] }
berotec ( 0.4 mg fenoterol hydrobromide , regimen b ) , atrovent ( 0.08 mg ipratropium bromide , regimen a ) and duovent ( 0.2 mg fenoterol hydrobromide and 0.08 mg ipratropium bromide , regimen d ) were administered by metered dose inhalers ( mdi ) to 12 patients with asthma ( regimens d and b only ) and 12 patients with chronic airflow obstruction ( cao ) .
{ "id": "C0591130", "name": "atrovent", "pos": [ 56, 64 ] }
{ "id": "C0700580", "name": "ipratropium bromide", "pos": [ 165, 184 ] }
thin-layer chromatography ( tlc ) was used to confirm the alleged ingestion of loxitane ( loxapine succinate ) by a 20-month-old child .
{ "id": "C0700779", "name": "loxitane", "pos": [ 79, 87 ] }
{ "id": "C0024057", "name": "loxapine succinate", "pos": [ 90, 108 ] }
three preparations of povidone-iodine were investigated : commercially available povidone-iodine solution betadine , pure high-molecular-weight povidone-iodine as used in betadine , and a low-molecular-weight povidone-iodine .
{ "id": "C0699524", "name": "betadine", "pos": [ 106, 114 ] }
{ "id": "C0032857", "name": "povidone-iodine", "pos": [ 209, 224 ] }
physiological ( 0.9 % ) saline , usp , was used as the control , and intralipid 10 % fat emulsion as the reference article .
{ "id": "C0733854", "name": "intralipid", "pos": [ 69, 79 ] }
{ "id": "C0304483", "name": "fat emulsion", "pos": [ 85, 97 ] }
l-keflex is a newly manufactured cephalexin product in order to maintain effective blood level of the drug for a long period of time .
{ "id": "C0700517", "name": "keflex", "pos": [ 2, 8 ] }
{ "id": "C0007716", "name": "cephalexin", "pos": [ 33, 43 ] }
also , l-keflex has an advantage in that its administration frequence ( b.i.d ) is less than that of regular cephalexin ( q.i.d . ) .
{ "id": "C0700517", "name": "keflex", "pos": [ 9, 15 ] }
{ "id": "C0007716", "name": "cephalexin", "pos": [ 109, 119 ] }
tolerance and haematological findings with antimalarials ( chloroquine and fansidar [ pyrimethamine plus sulfadoxine ] ) in adults and children during field trials in nigeria .
{ "id": "C0060061", "name": "fansidar", "pos": [ 75, 83 ] }
{ "id": "C0700599", "name": "pyrimethamine", "pos": [ 86, 99 ] }
the antidepressant agent , stelazine ( trifluoroperazine dihydrochloride ) , is known to cause inactivation of the calcium-binding protein , calmodulin .
{ "id": "C0733842", "name": "stelazine", "pos": [ 27, 36 ] }
{ "id": "C0304381", "name": "trifluoroperazine dihydrochloride", "pos": [ 39, 72 ] }
the recruitment of clathrin coats to the membrane opposite ligand-receptor clusters is sensitive to the calmodulin-directed drug stelazine ( trifluoperazine dihydrochloride ) .
{ "id": "C0733842", "name": "stelazine", "pos": [ 129, 138 ] }
{ "id": "C0304381", "name": "trifluoperazine dihydrochloride", "pos": [ 141, 172 ] }
the sustained release effect of these microcapsules and oruvail , the representative commercial product of ketoprofen , was evaluated by the ph shift dissolution method and in beagle dogs , respectively .
{ "id": "C0591927", "name": "oruvail", "pos": [ 56, 63 ] }
{ "id": "C0022635", "name": "ketoprofen", "pos": [ 107, 117 ] }
vibra-tabs ( doxycycline hyclate ) , inderal ( propranolol hydrochloride ) , and slow-k ( potassium chloride ) were compared for topical effects in the carlborg-densert cat esophagus model , the alphin-droppleman cat gastric mucosa model adapted for dog intestine , and the rabbit colon .
{ "id": "C0591636", "name": "inderal", "pos": [ 37, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0282321", "name": "propranolol hydrochloride", "pos": [ 47, 72 ] }
vibra-tabs ( doxycycline hyclate ) , inderal ( propranolol hydrochloride ) , and slow-k ( potassium chloride ) were compared for topical effects in the carlborg-densert cat esophagus model , the alphin-droppleman cat gastric mucosa model adapted for dog intestine , and the rabbit colon .
{ "id": "C0700918", "name": "slow-k", "pos": [ 81, 87 ] }
{ "id": "C0032825", "name": "potassium chloride", "pos": [ 90, 108 ] }