2 classes
3 values
what city was nelson mandela born in?
[ "Mvezo" ]
[ { "c_id": 1297889, "distance": 0.6534774303436279, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in Umtata , then a part of South Africa 's Cape Province . Given the forename Rolihlahla , a Xhosa term colloquially meaning \" troublemaker \" , in later years he became known by his clan name , Madiba . His patrilineal great @-@ grandfather , Ngubengcuka , was king of the Thembu people in the Transkeian Territories of South Africa 's modern Eastern Cape province . One of Ngubengcuka 's sons , named Mandela , became Nelson 's grandfather and the source of his surname . Because Mandela was only the king 's child by a wife of the Ixhiba clan , a so @-@ called \" Left @-@ Hand House \" , the descendants of his cadet branch of the royal family were morganatic , ineligible to inherit the throne but recognised as hereditary royal councillors . His father , Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa , was a local chief and councillor to the monarch ; he was appointed to the position in 1915 , after his predecessor was accused of corruption by a governing white magistrate . In 1926 , Gadla was also sacked for corruption , but Nelson was told that his father had lost his job for standing up to the magistrate 's unreasonable demands . A devotee of the god Qamata , Gadla was a polygamist , having four wives , four sons and nine daughters , who lived in different villages . Nelson 's mother was Gadla 's third wife , Nosekeni Fanny , who was daughter of Nkedama of the Right Hand House and a member of the amaMpemvu clan of Xhosa . \n" }, { "c_id": 1297891, "distance": 0.6431117057800293, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Mandela 's mother took him to the \" Great Place \" palace at Mqhekezweni , where he was entrusted under the guardianship of Thembu regent , Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo . Although he did not see his mother again for many years , Mandela felt that Jongintaba and his wife Noengland treated him as their own child , raising him alongside their son , Justice , and daughter , Nomafu . As Mandela attended church services every Sunday with his guardians , Christianity became a significant part of his life . He attended a Methodist mission school located next to the palace , studying English , Xhosa , history and geography . He developed a love of African history , listening to the tales told by elderly visitors to the palace , and became influenced by the anti @-@ imperialist rhetoric of the visiting Chief Joyi . At the time he nevertheless considered the European colonialists not as oppressors but as benefactors who had brought education and other benefits to southern Africa . Aged 16 , he , Justice and several other boys travelled to Tyhalarha to undergo the circumcision ritual that symbolically marked their transition from boys to men ; the rite over , he was given the name Dalibunga . \n" }, { "c_id": 1297924, "distance": 0.6390752792358398, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following the end of a second ban in September 1955 , Mandela went on a working holiday to Transkei to discuss the implications of the Bantu Authorities Act , 1951 with local tribal leaders , also visiting his mother and Noengland before proceeding to Cape Town . In March 1956 he received his third ban on public appearances , restricting him to Johannesburg for five years , but he often defied it . Mandela 's marriage broke down as Evelyn left him , taking their children to live with her brother . Initiating divorce proceedings in May 1956 , she claimed that Mandela had physically abused her ; he denied the allegations , and fought for custody of their children . She withdrew her petition of separation in November , but Mandela filed for divorce in January 1958 ; the divorce was finalised in March , with the children placed in Evelyn 's care . During the divorce proceedings , he began courting and politicising a social worker , Winnie Madikizela , whom he married in Bizana in June 1958 . She later became involved in ANC activities , spending several weeks in prison . Together they had two children : Zenani , born in February 1959 , and Zindziswa , born in December 1960 . \n" }, { "c_id": 382321, "distance": 0.6325690150260925, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " His family was non @-@ religious , but he credits his Jewishness with having shaped his ethical views through being part of a community that has been persecuted throughout history . Goldstone has written about the role that those of Jewish heritage played in the fight against apartheid noting , subsequent to Nelson Mandela ’ s death , that Mandela had himself observed \" I have found Jews to be more broad @-@ minded than most whites on issues of race and politics , perhaps because they themselves have historically been victims of prejudice . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1297941, "distance": 0.6321309208869934, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On 5 August 1962 , police captured Mandela along with fellow activist Cecil Williams near Howick . Various rumours have circulated suggesting that the authorities were tipped off with regard to Mandela 's whereabouts , although Mandela himself gave these little credence . One idea was that his location had been revealed to South African police by the United States ' Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) , which feared that Mandela was a communist ; this claim later received support from an ex @-@ U.S. diplomat who claimed involvement in the operation . Jailed in Johannesburg 's Marshall Square prison , Mandela was charged with inciting workers ' strikes and leaving the country without permission . Representing himself with Slovo as legal advisor , Mandela intended to use the trial to showcase \" the ANC 's moral opposition to racism \" while supporters demonstrated outside the court . Moved to Pretoria , where Winnie could visit him , in his cell he began correspondence studies for a Bachelor of Laws ( LLB ) degree from the University of London . His hearing began in October , but he disrupted proceedings by wearing a traditional kaross , refusing to call any witnesses , and turning his plea of mitigation into a political speech . Found guilty , he was sentenced to five years ' imprisonment ; as he left the courtroom , supporters sang \" Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika \" . \n" } ]
what time does independence center open on sundays?
[ "Independence" ]
[ { "c_id": 638612, "distance": 0.6390721797943115, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " To facilitate the arrival of attendees , Times Square is closed to traffic on beginning in the late afternoon on New Year 's Eve . The square is then divided into different viewing sections referred to as \" pens \" , into which attendees are directed sequentially upon arrival . Security is strictly enforced by the New York City Police Department ( NYPD ) , even more so since the 2001 @-@ 02 edition in the wake of the September 11 attacks . Attendees are required to pass through security checkpoints before they are assigned a pen , and are prohibited from bringing backpacks or alcohol to the event . \n" }, { "c_id": 250190, "distance": 0.6338160037994385, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " As of 2014 , the Ebenezer Avery House is opened from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend from 12 : 00 p.m. to 4 : 00 p.m. on Fridays , Saturdays and Sundays . \n" }, { "c_id": 369922, "distance": 0.6269083619117737, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " As of 2015 , regular church services are scheduled for Sundays and Wednesdays . Holy Communion is conducted weekly at 8 : 00am on Sundays , followed by Sunday School and an all @-@ age family worship at 10 : 00am . A parent and toddler group is scheduled for Wednesdays at 9 : 30am . \n" }, { "c_id": 199271, "distance": 0.6229124069213867, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Weekly observance of the Lord 's Supper on SundayIn British congregations , the term \" breaking of bread \" is commonly used . \n" }, { "c_id": 1028965, "distance": 0.6166766881942749, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Visitors are greeted by Park Rangers who tell the history of one of the oldest structures in Washington DC . The kitchen , parlor and bedrooms , furnished as they would have been in the late 18th century , are open for viewing . A gift shop operated by Eastern National is located inside the front room of the house . The garden is used for simple wedding ceremonies and as an area for locals and tourists to rest while shopping or to enjoy a lunch break . The building is open to the public seven days a week , from 11 : 00am to 6 : 00pm ( eastern time ) and the garden is open every day from dawn until dusk . \n" } ]
where did the navajo tribe live?
[ "Arizona", "Utah", "Southwestern United States", "Navajo Nation", "California", "New Mexico" ]
[ { "c_id": 330092, "distance": 0.6962180137634277, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The gradual influx of European and American explorers , fortune seekers and settlers into the region eventually led to conflicts that forced many Native Americans off their traditional lands . After the acquisition of the Colorado River basin from Mexico in the Mexican – American War in 1846 , U.S. military forces commanded by Kit Carson forced more than 8 @,@ 000 Navajo men , women and children from their homes after a series of unsuccessful attempts to confine their territory , many of which were met with violent resistance . In what is now known as the Long Walk of the Navajo , the captives were marched from Arizona to Fort Sumner in New Mexico , and many died along the route . Four years later , the Navajo signed a treaty that moved them onto a reservation in the Four Corners region that is now known as the Navajo Nation . It is the largest Native American reservation in the United States , encompassing 27 @,@ 000 square miles ( 70 @,@ 000 km2 ) with a population of over 180 @,@ 000 as of 2000 . \n" }, { "c_id": 330090, "distance": 0.6900596022605896, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Navajo were an Athabaskan people who migrated from the north into the Colorado River basin around 1025 A.D. They soon established themselves as the dominant Native American tribe in the Colorado River basin , and their territory stretched over parts of present @-@ day Arizona , New Mexico , Utah and Colorado – in the original homelands of the Puebloans . In fact , the Navajo acquired agricultural skills from the Puebloans before the collapse of the Pueblo civilization in the 14th century . A profusion of other tribes have made a continued , lasting presence along the Colorado River . The Mohave have lived along the rich bottomlands of the lower Colorado below Black Canyon since 1200 A.D. They were fishermen – navigating the river on rafts made of reeds to catch Gila trout and Colorado pikeminnow – and farmers , relying on the annual floods of the river rather than irrigation to water their crops . Ute peoples have inhabited the northern Colorado River basin , mainly in present @-@ day Colorado , Wyoming and Utah , for at least 2 @,@ 000 years , but did not become well established in the Four Corners area until 1500 A.D. The Apache , Maricopa , Pima , Havasupai and Hualapai are among many other groups that lived along or had territories bordering on the Colorado River and its tributaries . \n" }, { "c_id": 1668143, "distance": 0.6710370779037476, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Jicarilla Apache Tribe is a Native American ( Indian ) tribe in northwestern New Mexico on a reservation of 742 @,@ 315 acres ( 3 @,@ 004 @.@ 04 km2 ; 1 @,@ 159 @.@ 867 sq mi ) . The reservation was established by an Executive Order of President Grover Cleveland in 1887 and clarified by the Executive Orders of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 and William Howard Taft in 1912 . The tribe adopted a formal constitution under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act , 25 U.S.C. § 461 et seq. that provided for the taxation of members of the tribe and non @-@ members of the tribe doing business on the reservation . If the tribe enacted a such tax ordinance on non @-@ members , the ordinance had to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior . \n" }, { "c_id": 1710033, "distance": 0.6709960103034973, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Indians are very integrated across tribal boundaries , intermarrying across tribes and sharing child and medical care services across tribes . Lara was an example of this ; he married a Spirit Lake Sioux woman and moved to that reservation before his exclusion by the tribe . \n" }, { "c_id": 1086505, "distance": 0.6696987748146057, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " After the departure of the Hohokam , groups of Akimel O 'odham ( commonly known as Pima ) , Tohono O ’ odham and Maricopa tribes began to use the area , as well as segments of the Yavapai and Apache . The O 'odham were offshoots of the Sobaipuri tribe , who in turn were thought to be the descendants of the formerly urbanized Hohokam . \n" } ]
what did frankie lymon die from?
[ "Heroin overdose" ]
[ { "c_id": 1365474, "distance": 0.6496463418006897, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " While Marley was flying home from Germany to Jamaica , his vital functions worsened . After landing in Miami , Florida , he was taken to the hospital for immediate medical attention . Bob Marley died on 11 May 1981 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami ( now University of Miami Hospital ) at the age of 36 . The spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain caused his death . His final words to his son Ziggy were \" Money can 't buy life . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 509889, "distance": 0.6335683465003967, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Odlum 's legacy is controversial : while noted as a skilled orator who cared deeply for Saint Lucia 's working class , his idealism , support for controversial figures such as Muammar Gaddafi and departure from two Labour administrations were noted as factors which harmed him and others around him . Despite this , his funeral saw widespread grieving , with Ralph Gonsalves , the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , describing him simply as a \" giant of a man \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1403046, "distance": 0.6277101635932922, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Johnson had several health problems , including childhood tuberculous scrofula resulting in deep facial scarring , deafness in one ear and blindness in one eye , gout , testicular cancer , and a stroke in his final year that left him unable to speak ; his autopsy indicated that he had pulmonary fibrosis along with cardiac failure probably due to hypertension , a condition then unknown . Johnson displayed signs consistent with several diagnoses , including depression and Tourette syndrome ( TS ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 178613, "distance": 0.6267380714416504, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At the beginning of December 1997 , Bremner was rushed to hospital after suffering from pneumonia , but suffered a suspected heart attack at his Doncaster home in the small village of Clifton and died two days before his 55th birthday . \n" }, { "c_id": 45253, "distance": 0.6229329705238342, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Separated from his obsession , Tanzler used a death mask to create a life @-@ sized effigy of Hoyos , and lived with it until his death on July 3 , 1952 . His body was discovered on the floor of his home three weeks after his death . He died under the name \" Carl Tanzler \" . \n" } ]
what to see near austin?
[ "Texas Department of Public Safety Historical Museum and Research Center", "Cathedral of Junk", "Harry Ransom Center", "Texas Memorial Museum", "Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge", "Zilker Park", "Texas State Capitol", "William Sidney Porter House", "Bullock Texas State History Museum", "Barton Springs Pool" ]
[ { "c_id": 766406, "distance": 0.6478190422058105, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Austin 's settlers , the Old Three Hundred , made places along the Brazos River in 1822 . Twenty @-@ three other empresarios brought settlers to the state , the majority of whom were from the United States . The population of Texas grew rapidly . In 1825 , Texas had about 3 @,@ 500 people , with most of Mexican descent . By 1834 , the population had grown to about 37 @,@ 800 people , with only 7 @,@ 800 of Mexican descent . \n" }, { "c_id": 1098102, "distance": 0.6353194117546082, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Mexico , topographical officer George W. Hughes reported to Secretary of State John M. Clayton that a railroad across the isthmus was a “ feasible and practical ” idea . Clayton then instructed Robert P. Letcher , the minister to Mexico , to negotiate a treaty to protect Hargous ' rights . The United States ' proposal gave Mexicans a 20 % discount on shipping , guaranteed Mexican rights in the zone , allowed the United States to send in military if necessary , and gave the United States most @-@ favored @-@ nation status for Mexican cargo fees . This treaty , however , was never finalized . \n" }, { "c_id": 1482685, "distance": 0.6315962076187134, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Documentary and mockumentary productions set in the city include Irshad Ashraf 's St. Richard of Austin , a tribute to the American film director Richard Linklater , and Cluj @-@ Napocolonia , a mockumentary imagining a fabulous city of the future . \n" }, { "c_id": 1233144, "distance": 0.6307416558265686, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " \" ' A villa without order , two presidios , seven missions , and an errant population of scarcely 4 @,@ 000 persons of both sexes and all ages that occupies an immense desert country , stretching from the abandoned presidio of Los Adaes to San Antonio , ... does not deserve the name of the Province of Texas ... nor the concern entailed in its preservation . ' \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1057781, "distance": 0.6290684342384338, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Austin lies 110 miles ( 180 km ) east of Fallon . The city , founded by Pony Express riders that discovered silver , was a mining boomtown that now describes itself as a living ghost town . In 1862 , at the peak of the silver boom , Austin had a population of 10 @,@ 000 people . Today , about 300 residents remain . Perched above the town and just to the south of the highway is Stokes Castle , a long abandoned monument to a prominent eastern family with local mining interests . Passing Austin , travelers encounter hairpin turns and steep grades in the ascent up Austin Summit in the Toiyabe Range . This area is inside the Humboldt @-@ Toiyabe National Forest , the first part of US 50 to run inside a national forest since leaving Lake Tahoe . At Hickison Summit , about 20 miles ( 32 km ) east of Austin , is the Hickison Petroglyph Recreation Area , a rest area and campground featuring a walking tour of petroglyphs . \n" } ]
where did trey songz go to high school?
[ "Petersburg High School" ]
[ { "c_id": 1417635, "distance": 0.671859085559845, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Offered baseball scholarships by Stanford University and the University of California , Berkeley , he instead attended the University of Miami on an academic scholarship , due to his excellent high school grades . He chose Miami for its academics , its athletics , and its social scene , noting : \" I think the girls were the deal closer on the recruiting trip . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 655841, "distance": 0.6647900938987732, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He decided to pursue a career in film . After attending two other film schools , he graduated from Full Sail University in another Central Florida town , Winter Park , as the class valedictorian . He moved to Southern California and began working as a story editor , primarily doing uncredited rewrites . \n" }, { "c_id": 1232766, "distance": 0.6630525588989258, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He attended New York 's School of Industrial Art where he studied painting and music and would later appreciate their emphasis on proper technique . But he dropped out at age 16 to help support his family . He worked as a copy boy and runner for the Associated Press in Manhattan and in several other low @-@ skilled , low @-@ paying jobs . However , he mostly set his sights on a professional singing career , returning to performing as a singing waiter , playing and winning amateur nights all around the city , and having a successful engagement at a Paramus , New Jersey , nightclub . \n" }, { "c_id": 1037379, "distance": 0.658218264579773, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Most of Hutcherson 's childhood was spent on film sets rather than in a classroom . He attended New Haven Elementary School in Union until he began his career at the age of nine , after which he began homeschooling , with his mother as his teacher . He later returned to Kentucky to attend Ryle High School for one semester . Hutcherson played on the high school 's soccer team and has been a keen sports enthusiast since , also displaying a passion for football and tennis . At the age of 13 , he participated in a triathlon . He later said of his schooling experiences , \" I know it 's something kids have to deal with every single day but getting up at the same time every day and having to listen to teachers talk about things I could learn so much more easily on my own , I hated it . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1118766, "distance": 0.6547578573226929, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After completing eighth grade , Doby moved north to Paterson at the age of 14 to be reunited with his mother ; she visited him weekly while he lived with one of her friends . At Paterson Eastside High School , Doby was a multi @-@ sport athlete ; as well as playing baseball and basketball , he was a wide receiver in football and lettered in track . After winning a state football championship , the Eastside team was invited to play in Florida , but the promoters would not allow Doby , the only black player on the team , to participate . Consequently , the team voted to forgo the trip as a gesture of support for Doby . \n" } ]
what was matthias schleiden known for?
[ "Botanist" ]
[ { "c_id": 1146371, "distance": 0.6443409323692322, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Joseph Süß Oppenheimer did serve Duke Karl Alexander as a Court Jew . When the duke died suddenly , Süß was , in fact , brought to trial and subsequently executed in an iron cage more or less as depicted in the film . Haggith and Newman assert that much of the rest of Harlan 's film is \" pure invention . \" For example , the film presents the grounds for Süß 's execution as being abuse of power and sexual relations with a Christian woman . According to Shay Hazkani , these accusations are not mentioned in any of the historical essays about the real Süß . \n" }, { "c_id": 288978, "distance": 0.6408913135528564, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Wiesenthal claimed to have information that placed Mengele in several locations : on the Greek island of Kythnos in 1960 , Cairo in 1961 , in Spain in 1971 , and in Paraguay in 1978 , the latter eighteen years after he had left . In 1982 , he offered a reward of $ 100 @,@ 000 for Mengele 's capture and insisted as late as 1985 — six years after Mengele 's death — that he was still alive . The Mengele family admitted to authorities in 1985 that he had died in 1979 ; the body was exhumed and its identity was confirmed . Earlier that year Wiesenthal had served as one of the judges at a mock trial of Mengele , held in Jerusalem . \n" }, { "c_id": 37398, "distance": 0.6392167806625366, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " For four months beginning in late 1956 , Eichmann was extensively interviewed by Nazi expatriate journalist Willem Sassen with the intention of producing a biography . Tapes , transcripts , and handwritten notes by Eichmann were produced . The memoirs were later used as the basis for a series of articles that appeared in Life and Der Stern magazines in late 1960 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1153527, "distance": 0.638418972492218, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Matthias Freihof as Heinrich Himmler : The head of the SS and a member of Hitler 's inner circle . \n" }, { "c_id": 870654, "distance": 0.6363722085952759, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After the war , he was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the Nazi regime , principally for the use of forced labor . Despite repeated attempts to gain early release , he served his full sentence , most of it at Spandau Prison in West Berlin . Following his release in 1966 , Speer published two bestselling autobiographical works , Inside the Third Reich and Spandau : The Secret Diaries , detailing his close personal relationship with Hitler , and providing readers and historians with a unique perspective on the workings of the Nazi regime . He later wrote a third book , Infiltration , about the SS . Speer died of natural causes in 1981 while on a visit to London . \n" } ]
what country was jesus born?
[ "Iudaea" ]
[ { "c_id": 896964, "distance": 0.6688436269760132, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically , and they consider the Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , and Luke ) to be the best sources for investigating the historical Jesus . Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean Jewish rabbi who preached his message orally , was baptized by John the Baptist , and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate . In the current mainstream view , Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher and the founder of a renewal movement within Judaism , although some prominent scholars argue that he was not apocalyptic . Jesus debated with Jewish authorities on the subject of God , performed some healings , taught in parables and gathered followers . After Jesus ' death , his followers believed he was resurrected , and the community they formed eventually became the Christian Church . His birth is celebrated annually on December 25 ( or various dates in January for some eastern churches ) as a holiday known as Christmas , and his resurrection is likewise celebrated as a holiday known as Easter . The widely used calendar era \" AD \" , from the Latin \" Anno Domini \" ( \" in the year of our Lord \" ) , and the alternative \" CE \" , are based on the birth of Jesus . \n" }, { "c_id": 897107, "distance": 0.6616798639297485, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Jesus was Jewish and born to Mary and Joseph . He grew up in Nazareth in Galilee . Leading scholars such as Bart Ehrman , E. P. Sanders , and Géza Vermes generally consider Joseph to be Jesus ' father . Jesus also had brothers and sisters . The natural assumption is these offspring resulted from Joseph and Mary having sex , contrary to Catholic tradition . It is unusual that in Mark 6 : 3 , Jesus ' neighbors refer to Jesus as Mary 's son , because sons were identified by their fathers . This reference has led some scholars to suggest that Jesus was illegitimate and that Joseph is a fictional character . Mary 's identity as a historical figure , however , is certain . Joseph may well have died by the time Jesus ' career began , but several of the earliest sources report that Mary outlived Jesus . \n" }, { "c_id": 440582, "distance": 0.651751697063446, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " \" Origin : \n" }, { "c_id": 897031, "distance": 0.6511185765266418, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = = Proclamation as Christ and Transfiguration = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 896971, "distance": 0.6509782671928406, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The name Jesus is derived from the Latin Iesus , a transliteration of the Greek Ἰησοῦς ( Iesous ) . The Greek form is a rendering of the Hebrew ישוע ( Yeshua ) , a variant of the earlier name יהושע ( Yehoshua ) , in English \" Joshua \" . The name Yeshua appears to have been in use in Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus . The first century works of historian Flavius Josephus , who wrote in Koine Greek , the same language as that of the New Testament , refer to at least twenty different people with the name Jesus ( i.e. Ἰησοῦς ) . The etymology of Jesus ' name in the context of the New Testament is generally given as \" Yahweh is salvation \" . \n" } ]
when was louisiana entered into the union?
[ "4/30/1812" ]
[ { "c_id": 403317, "distance": 0.6892803311347961, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Louisiana – July 9 , 1868 ( After rejection – February 6 , 1867 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 48034, "distance": 0.6702041625976562, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Under the 1800 Treaty of San Ildefonso , Spain returned the Louisiana Territory to France . In connection with this transfer , France agreed not to sell the territory to a third party ; French foreign minister Talleyrand had indicated that a strong French Louisiana would halt the expansion of Britain and the United States in the New World . \n" }, { "c_id": 1255620, "distance": 0.6650272011756897, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Louisiana Purchase , by the United States from France in 1803 , more than doubled the area of the American nation . Seeking to gain knowledge of the new possession , President Thomas Jefferson obtained an appropriation from Congress for an exploratory expedition , and appointed his private secretary , Meriwether Lewis , to lead it . A captain in the United States Army , Lewis selected William Clark , a former Army lieutenant and younger brother of American Revolutionary War hero George Rogers Clark , as co @-@ leader of the expedition . Lewis and William Clark had served together , and chose about thirty men , dubbed the Corps of Discovery , to accompany them . Many of these were frontiersmen from Kentucky who were in the Army , as well as boatmen , and others with necessary skills . The expedition set forth from the St. Louis area on May 14 , 1804 . \n" }, { "c_id": 198772, "distance": 0.6633254885673523, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States , and today forms much of the center of the country . Desirous of honoring the centennial of the purchase , Congress passed authorizing legislation for an exposition ; the bill was signed by President William McKinley on March 3 , 1901 . McKinley was assassinated in September of that year . \n" }, { "c_id": 1233165, "distance": 0.6604854464530945, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1799 , Spain gave Louisiana back to France in exchange for the promise of a throne in central Italy . Although the agreement was signed on October 1 , 1800 , it did not go into effect until 1802 . The following year , Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States . Many of the Spaniards who had moved to the colony left for Texas , Florida , or other Spanish @-@ held lands . The original agreement between Spain and France had not explicitly specified the borders of Louisiana , and the descriptions in the documents were ambiguous and contradictory . Even when both territories had been under Spanish control , there was disagreement on where the border should be . In 1793 , the King of Spain decided that there was no need to move the boundary from Natchitoches to the Sabine River , as had been recommended by some Frenchmen . \n" } ]
who is kristen stewart parents?
[ "John Stewart", "Jules Mann-Stewart" ]
[ { "c_id": 278493, "distance": 0.645947277545929, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The now @-@ divorced couple had three children , Cassius , Prince Kobe and Marley Jackson , and Cissé has a daughter , Ilona , from a previous relationship . \n" }, { "c_id": 20831, "distance": 0.6409559845924377, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Cyrus moved to Los Angeles to star on the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana in 2006 . Cyrus 's character , Robby Ray Stewart , is a former country singer and the father of Miley Stewart , a popstar played by Miley Cyrus , Cyrus ' real life daughter . The television series became a worldwide hit and the basis for Hannah Montana : The Movie , a feature film released in 2009 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1043585, "distance": 0.6403141617774963, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " \" Yes ! \" Lock ( Omoplata ) – 2014 – 2016 ; adopted from her husband \n" }, { "c_id": 495289, "distance": 0.6245514750480652, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the opening scene of the episode , Peter and Lois are shown entering her alma mater at Salve Regina University in Newport , Rhode Island . Later , after they are approached by Lois 's ex @-@ roommate Naomi and her husband Dale , Lois announces her intention to carry the couple 's baby , causing Peter to question why Lois is the one who has to become the couple 's surrogate . Their daughter , Meg , suggests that she could carry the baby herself , but Lois objects due to Meg 's inability to have a boyfriend \" for more than a few weeks . \" Meg notes her relationship with Sesame Street character Count von Count , who only left her after discovering she had at least three nipples . \n" }, { "c_id": 1083395, "distance": 0.6243053674697876, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The couple have appeared onscreen together in Zoolander , DodgeBall : A True Underdog Story , Tropic Thunder , Zoolander 2 , and Arrested Development . He and his wife reside in Westchester County , New York . The couple have two children , a daughter , Ella Olivia , born April 9 , 2002 , and a son , Quinlin Dempsey , born July 10 , 2005 . Quinlin was a voice actor at age 3 in Madagascar : Escape 2 Africa , playing his father 's character , Alex , as a cub , a role he shared with another boy , Declan Swift . \n" } ]
when did mary shelley write frankenstein what were the circumstances?
[ "\"In 1817 they settled at Marlow-on-Thames and Mary turned \"Frankenstein\" into a novel, consulting Davy's chemistry lectures to give authenticity to her story about a scientist who creates life and then cannot control the creature he has made.\"" ]
[ { "c_id": 1776352, "distance": 0.7163994908332825, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Early in the summer of 1817 , Mary Shelley finished Frankenstein , which was published anonymously in January 1818 . Reviewers and readers assumed that Percy Shelley was the author , since the book was published with his preface and dedicated to his political hero William Godwin . At Marlow , Mary edited the joint journal of the group 's 1814 Continental journey , adding material written in Switzerland in 1816 , along with Percy 's poem \" Mont Blanc \" . The result was the History of a Six Weeks ' Tour , published in November 1817 . That autumn , Percy Shelley often lived away from home in London to evade creditors . The threat of a debtor 's prison , combined with their ill health and fears of losing custody of their children , contributed to the couple 's decision to leave England for Italy on 12 March 1818 , taking Claire Clairmont and Alba with them . They had no intention of returning . \n" }, { "c_id": 1776346, "distance": 0.7125029563903809, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Since Frankenstein was published anonymously in 1818 , readers and critics argued over its origins and the contributions of the two Shelleys to the book . There are differences in the 1818 , 1823 , and 1831 editions , and Mary Shelley wrote , \" I certainly did not owe the suggestion of one incident , nor scarcely of one train of feeling , to my husband , and yet but for his incitement , it would never have taken the form in which it was presented to the world . \" She wrote that the preface to the first edition was Percy 's work \" as far as I can recollect . \" James Rieger concluded Percy 's \" assistance at every point in the book 's manufacture was so extensive that one hardly knows whether to regard him as editor or minor collaborator \" , while Anne K. Mellor later argued Percy only \" made many technical corrections and several times clarified the narrative and thematic continuity of the text . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1776341, "distance": 0.7116060853004456, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " She began writing what she assumed would be a short story . With Percy Shelley 's encouragement , she expanded this tale into her first novel , Frankenstein : or , The Modern Prometheus , published in 1818 . She later described that summer in Switzerland as the moment \" when I first stepped out from childhood into life \" . The story has been fictionalised several times and formed the basis for a number of films . \n" }, { "c_id": 787018, "distance": 0.6975281834602356, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In May 1816 , Mary Godwin , Percy Shelley , and their second child travelled to Geneva with Claire Clairmont . They spent the summer months with the Romantic poet Lord Byron , but , as Mary Shelley later wrote of the year without a summer , \" [ i ] t proved a wet , ungenial summer and incessant rain often confined us for days to the house \" . The group spent their time writing , boating on Lake Geneva , and talking late into the night . Sitting around a log fire at Byron 's villa , the company also amused themselves by reading German ghost stories , prompting Byron to suggest they each write their own supernatural tale . Mary Godwin began writing what she assumed would be a short story , but with Percy Shelley 's encouragement and collaboration , she expanded this tale into her first novel , Frankenstein : or , The Modern Prometheus . \n" }, { "c_id": 1043325, "distance": 0.6884379386901855, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Shelley 's first travel narrative and first published work , History of a Six Weeks ' Tour , was published anonymously and was co @-@ written with her husband . Rambles , on the other hand , places Mary Shelley at the centre of the narrative . It tells the story of \" the recovery of paradise \" and the fears of a mother . Her maternal sorrow is generalised . For example , in discussing the death of her daughter in 1818 , she writes : \" I was agitated again by emotions — by passions — and those the deepest a woman 's heart can harbour — a dread to see her child even at that instant expire — which then occupied me \" . Connecting these deep feelings to writings by Shakespeare , Wordsworth , Coleridge , and Thomas Holcroft , she argues that intense emotion and environment are intertwined , contending that maternal grief is sublime . \n" } ]
what was vietnam war fought for?
[ "Communism" ]
[ { "c_id": 28010, "distance": 0.7226486802101135, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Vietnam War , was a conflict between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam ( DRVN , DRV or North Vietnam ) and the Republic of Vietnam ( RVN or South Vietnam ) , which eventually involved their respective allies . In 1959 , the United States sent military advisors to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam . By 1965 , there were 25 @,@ 000 military advisors in South Vietnam and on March 8 , 1965 , the United States Marines became the first US combat troops to land in South Vietnam , with a force of 3 @,@ 500 . \n" }, { "c_id": 657489, "distance": 0.7221289873123169, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Vietnam War , was a conflict between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam ( DRVN , or North Vietnam ) and the Republic of Vietnam ( RVN , or South Vietnam ) , which eventually involved their respective allies including the United States . \n" }, { "c_id": 489882, "distance": 0.7198614478111267, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Vietnam War ( 1955 – 1975 ) was an important issue on college campuses across the United States in the 1960s and 1970s . As a belated response to Vietnam War protesters who believed that funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) made the university part of the military – industrial complex , the Stanford Research Institute split from Stanford University in 1970 . The organization subsequently changed its name from the Stanford Research Institute to SRI International in 1977 . \n" }, { "c_id": 955234, "distance": 0.687073826789856, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following World War II , the communist @-@ dominated Vietminh fought the French colonial forces in an attempt to gain Vietnamese independence . After the French defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 , Vietnam was partitioned at the 17th parallel , pending national reunification elections in 1956 . The elections were canceled , resulting in the long @-@ term existence of communist North Vietnam and anti @-@ communist South Vietnam as separate states . In the late @-@ 1950s , South Vietnamese guerrillas known as the Viet Cong — covertly supported by North Vietnam — began an insurgency with the aim of forcefully reunifying the country under communist rule . With the Cold War at its height , the United States — the main backer of South Vietnam — sent military advisers into the country to help train and guide the Army of the Republic of Vietnam ( ARVN ) in their fight against the Vietcong . By 1964 , there were 23 @,@ 000 American military personnel in the country . The communists viewed the Americans as colonizers and the South Vietnamese as their puppets , and attacked both with force . \n" }, { "c_id": 597737, "distance": 0.6870546340942383, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The struggle was complicated by the influence and actions of the allies of the two warring sides . People 's Army of Vietnam ( North Vietnamese Army ) involvement was designed to protect its Base Areas and sanctuaries in eastern Cambodia , without which the prosecution of its military effort in South Vietnam would have been more difficult . The Cambodian coup of 18 March 1970 put a pro @-@ American , anti @-@ Vietnamese government in power and ended Cambodia 's neutrality in the Vietnam War . The North Vietnamese Army ( PAVN ) was now threatened by a newly unfriendly Cambodian government . \n" } ]
what is kate spade?
[ "Fashion Designer" ]
[ { "c_id": 33448, "distance": 0.6269016265869141, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " syān @-@ nāsti @-@ avaktavyaḥ — in some ways , it is not , and it is indescribable , \n" }, { "c_id": 946271, "distance": 0.6198751926422119, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " utúvie @-@ lye @-@ s , \" You have found it / him / her \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 440582, "distance": 0.6153461933135986, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " \" Origin : \n" }, { "c_id": 608702, "distance": 0.6149394512176514, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In the 1999 crossover No Man 's Land , the character Helena Bertinelli , known as Huntress , briefly assumes the role of Batgirl until she is stripped of the identity by Batman for violating his stringent codes . Within the same storyline , writer Kelley Puckett and artist Damion Scott introduce the character Cassandra Cain , written as the daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva ; she takes the mantle of Batgirl under the guidance of Batman and Oracle . In 2000 , she became the first Batgirl to star in an eponymous monthly comic book series , in addition to becoming one of the most prominent characters of Asian descent to appear in American comics . The series was canceled in 2006 , at which point during the company @-@ wide event One Year Later , she is established as a villain and head of the League of Assassins . After receiving harsh feedback from readership , she is later restored to her original conception . However , the character Stephanie Brown , originally known as Spoiler and later Robin , succeeds her as Batgirl after Cassandra Cain abandons the role . \n" }, { "c_id": 1754909, "distance": 0.6080142855644226, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The three species of actual vampire bats are all endemic to Latin America , and there is no evidence to suggest that they had any Old World relatives within human memory . It is therefore impossible that the folkloric vampire represents a distorted presentation or memory of the vampire bat . The bats were named after the folkloric vampire rather than vice versa ; the Oxford English Dictionary records their folkloric use in English from 1734 and the zoological not until 1774 . Although the vampire bat 's bite is usually not harmful to a person , the bat has been known to actively feed on humans and large prey such as cattle and often leave the trademark , two @-@ prong bite mark on its victim 's skin . \n" } ]
what age can a woman retire in australia?
[ "au" ]
[ { "c_id": 491393, "distance": 0.666584849357605, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Presented with a jewelled brooch as a farewell gift by her fellow officers , Stevenson asked that its value instead be put towards a scholarship for an ex @-@ WAAAF member to study social work at the University of Sydney . The WAAAF itself , the first and largest of Australia 's wartime women 's services , was disbanded on 30 September 1946 . It was succeeded in 1950 by a new organisation with a separate charter to the RAAF , the Women 's Royal Australian Air Force ( WRAAF ) . WRAAF members achieved a pay scale equal to the male service in 1972 , and five years later were integrated with the RAAF . \n" }, { "c_id": 1382530, "distance": 0.6549561023712158, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Whitlam joined three other former prime ministers in February 2008 in returning to Parliament to witness the Federal Government apology to the Aboriginal Stolen Generations by the then prime minister Kevin Rudd . On 21 January 2009 , Whitlam achieved a greater age ( 92 years , 195 days ) than any other prime minister of Australia , surpassing the previous record holder Frank Forde . On the 60th anniversary of his marriage to Margaret Whitlam , he called it \" very satisfactory \" and claimed a record for \" matrimonial endurance \" . In 2010 , it was reported that Whitlam had moved into an aged care facility in Sydney 's inner east in 2007 . Despite this , he continued to go to his office three days a week . Margaret Whitlam remained in the couple 's nearby apartment . In early 2012 she suffered a fall there , leading to her death in hospital at age 92 on 17 March of that year , a month short of the Whitlams ' 70th wedding anniversary . \n" }, { "c_id": 1046472, "distance": 0.654512345790863, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " All women are married , or if not yet , they will be and all women will have children . \n" }, { "c_id": 1651626, "distance": 0.6535723209381104, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In common with many other developed countries , Australia is experiencing a demographic shift towards an older population , with more retirees and fewer people of working age . In 2004 , the average age of the civilian population was 38 @.@ 8 years . A large number of Australians ( 759 @,@ 849 for the period 2002 – 03 ; 1 million or 5 % of the total population in 2005 ) live outside their home country . \n" }, { "c_id": 623876, "distance": 0.6471938490867615, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The demobilisation of the military included disbanding the female branches of the three services . The Women 's Royal Australian Naval Service , Australian Women 's Army Service and Women 's Auxiliary Australian Air Force had been formed during 1941 and 1942 to enable women to serve in the military but were disbanded during 1947 , with military service being again restricted to men . Demobilised service women were provided with similar assistance to male members of the military , but were placed under pressure to return to traditional family roles . \n" } ]
what team does lamar odom play for 2013?
[ "Los Angeles Clippers" ]
[ { "c_id": 1190986, "distance": 0.6555659770965576, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Each of the draft class members agreed to four @-@ year deals with the Bears . Langford , Amos and Fabuluje were the first to sign , doing so on May 5 . The following day , White and Goldman were signed . Grasu was the last player to sign a contract , agreeing to a deal on May 8 . \n" }, { "c_id": 160153, "distance": 0.651694118976593, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " All six players drafted agreed to four @-@ year contracts . Mills and Washington were the first players to sign on May 1 , followed by Greene and Wilson the following day . Bostic was the next player to sign , agreeing to a contract on May 9 , and Long was the final player to sign , signing his contract on May 17 . \n" }, { "c_id": 58349, "distance": 0.6363914012908936, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " With Oladipo , Zeller and Burke being selected 2nd , 4th and 9th respectively in the 2013 NBA Draft , the Big Ten had its first trio of top ten selections since the 1990 NBA Draft . All five players who declared early for were drafted ( Hardaway 24th and Thomas 58th ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 833121, "distance": 0.6229739189147949, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = Confirmed signings for the 2016 @-@ 17 season = = \n" }, { "c_id": 490568, "distance": 0.6166423559188843, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Dallas Morning News reported in May 2010 that a NBA draft projection of NBADraft.net had the Dallas Mavericks selecting Scheyer with their first pick of the draft ( the draft 's 50th overall pick ) . Bleacher Report carried a mock draft article predicting him being drafted 51st by Oklahoma City , and Yahoo carried one predicting he would be drafted 53rd by the Atlanta Hawks . \n" } ]
who founded the american federation of labor afl in 1886?
[ "Samuel Gompers" ]
[ { "c_id": 1362286, "distance": 0.7211407423019409, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After stepping down as Brotherhood Grand Secretary in 1893 , Debs organized one of the first industrial unions in the United States , the American Railway Union ( ARU ) , for unskilled workers . The Union successfully struck the Great Northern Railway in April 1894 , winning most of its demands . \n" }, { "c_id": 106565, "distance": 0.7193669676780701, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " \" No single event has influenced the history of labor in Illinois , the United States , and even the world , more than the Chicago Haymarket Affair . It began with a rally on May 4 , 1886 , but the consequences are still being felt today . Although the rally is included in American history textbooks , very few present the event accurately or point out its significance , \" according to labor studies professor William J. Adelman . \n" }, { "c_id": 106656, "distance": 0.698422908782959, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On the first anniversary of the event , May 4 , 1887 , the New @-@ York Tribune published an interview with Senator Leland Stanford , in which he addressed the consensus that \" the conflict between capital and labor is intensifying \" and articulated the vision advocated by the Knights of Labor for an industrial system of worker @-@ owned co @-@ operatives , another among the strategies pursued to advance the conditions of laborers . The interview was republished as a pamphlet to include the bill Stanford introduced in the Senate to foster co @-@ operatives . \n" }, { "c_id": 106658, "distance": 0.6976404786109924, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In 1889 , AFL president Samuel Gompers wrote to the first congress of the Second International , which was meeting in Paris . He informed the world 's socialists of the AFL 's plans and proposed an international fight for a universal eight @-@ hour work day . In response to Gompers 's letter , the Second International adopted a resolution calling for \" a great international demonstration \" on a single date so workers everywhere could demand the eight @-@ hour work day . In light of the Americans ' plan , the International adopted May 1 , 1890 as the date for this demonstration . \n" }, { "c_id": 1144165, "distance": 0.6970683336257935, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Widespread strikes marked 1922 , as labor sought redress for falling wages and increased unemployment . In April , 500 @,@ 000 coal miners , led by John L. Lewis , struck over wage cuts . Mining executives argued that the industry was seeing hard times ; Lewis accused them of trying to break the union . As the strike became protracted , Harding offered compromise to settle it . As Harding proposed , the miners agreed to return to work , and Congress created a commission to look into their grievances . \n" } ]
where is louisville ne?
[ "Jefferson County", "United States of America", "Kentucky" ]
[ { "c_id": 1348705, "distance": 0.6300772428512573, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Kentucky : March 18 , 1976 ( After rejection : March 11 / 12 , 1869 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 403329, "distance": 0.629327654838562, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Kentucky – March 30 , 1976 ( after rejection – January 8 , 1867 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 278779, "distance": 0.6261122226715088, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = Omaha , Nebraska = \n" }, { "c_id": 1150409, "distance": 0.6260277628898621, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Kentucky — March 18 , 1976 ( After rejection – February 24 , 1865 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 1126388, "distance": 0.6259620785713196, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The site is bordered on the southeast by the Tri @-@ Cities , a metropolitan area composed of Richland , Kennewick , Pasco , and smaller communities , and home to over 230 @,@ 000 residents . Hanford is a primary economic base for these cities . \n" } ]
where does missouri river end?
[ "Mississippi River" ]
[ { "c_id": 31749, "distance": 0.7106905579566956, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Missouri River is the longest river in North America . Rising in the Rocky Mountains of western Montana , the Missouri flows east and south for 2 @,@ 341 miles ( 3 @,@ 767 km ) before entering the Mississippi River north of St. Louis , Missouri . The river takes drainage from a sparsely populated , semi @-@ arid watershed of more than half a million square miles ( 1 @,@ 300 @,@ 000 km2 ) , which includes parts of ten U.S. states and two Canadian provinces . When combined with the lower Mississippi River , it forms the world 's fourth longest river system . \n" }, { "c_id": 31793, "distance": 0.7044121026992798, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Missouri and many of its tributaries cross the Great Plains , flowing over or cutting into the Ogallala Group and older mid @-@ Cenozoic sedimentary rocks . The lowest major Cenozoic unit , the White River Formation , was deposited between roughly 35 and 29 million years ago and consists of claystone , sandstone , limestone , and conglomerate . Channel sandstones and finer @-@ grained overbank deposits of the fluvial Arikaree Group were deposited between 29 and 19 million years ago . The Miocene @-@ age Ogallala and the slightly younger Pliocene @-@ age Broadwater Formation deposited atop the Arikaree Group , and are formed from material eroded off of the Rocky Mountains during a time of increased generation of topographic relief ; these formations stretch from the Rocky Mountains nearly to the Iowa border and give the Great Plains much of their gentle but persistent eastward tilt , and also constitute a major aquifer . \n" }, { "c_id": 31757, "distance": 0.7023065090179443, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Missouri River officially starts at the confluence of the Jefferson and Madison in Missouri Headwaters State Park near Three Forks , Montana , and is joined by the Gallatin a mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) downstream . The Missouri then passes through Canyon Ferry Lake , a reservoir west of the Big Belt Mountains . Issuing from the mountains near Cascade , the river flows northeast to the city of Great Falls , where it drops over the Great Falls of the Missouri , a series of five substantial waterfalls . It then winds east through a scenic region of canyons and badlands known as the Missouri Breaks , receiving the Marias River from the west then widening into the Fort Peck Lake reservoir a few miles above the confluence with the Musselshell River . Farther on , the river passes through the Fort Peck Dam , and immediately downstream , the Milk River joins from the north . \n" }, { "c_id": 31776, "distance": 0.692852795124054, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Missouri 's headwaters above Three Forks extend much farther upstream than the main stem . Measured to the farthest source at Brower 's Spring , the Jefferson River is 298 miles ( 480 km ) long . Thus measured to its highest headwaters , the Missouri River stretches for 2 @,@ 639 miles ( 4 @,@ 247 km ) . When combined with the lower Mississippi , the Missouri and its headwaters form part of the fourth @-@ longest river system in the world , at 3 @,@ 745 miles ( 6 @,@ 027 km ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 31763, "distance": 0.6898553371429443, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " With a drainage basin spanning 529 @,@ 350 square miles ( 1 @,@ 371 @,@ 000 km2 ) , the Missouri River 's catchment encompasses nearly one @-@ sixth of the area of the United States or just over five percent of the continent of North America . Comparable to the size of the Canadian province of Quebec , the watershed encompasses most of the central Great Plains , stretching from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the Mississippi River Valley in the east and from the southern extreme of western Canada to the border of the Arkansas River watershed . Compared with the Mississippi River above their confluence , the Missouri is twice as long and drains an area three times as large . The Missouri accounts for 45 percent of the annual flow of the Mississippi past St. Louis , and as much as 70 percent in certain droughts . \n" } ]
what team is hank baskett playing for in 2010?
[ "Philadelphia Eagles" ]
[ { "c_id": 365745, "distance": 0.655375599861145, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The French , Russian and Argentine federations were able to insure their NBA players , and several other federations were also expected to be able to do so . Over 30 NBA players participated in EuroBasket 2011 , while Ben Gordon and Marcin Gortat opted out due to insurance concerns . \n" }, { "c_id": 644968, "distance": 0.6553092002868652, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Before the 2010 – 11 season began , there was much anticipation around the league over the fates of an elite pack of free agents , featuring the likes of Bosh , Dwyane Wade , LeBron James , and Amar 'e Stoudemire . Bosh and James eventually chose to converge in Miami with Wade , and the sign @-@ and @-@ trade transaction that ensued resulted in the Raptors receiving two first @-@ round draft picks and a trade exception from Miami . Prior to this , Toronto had drafted Ed Davis , also a left @-@ handed power forward like Bosh . After Bosh left , Colangelo sought to trade Calderón , Evans and the disenchanted Türkoğlu for Tyson Chandler , Leandro Barbosa , and Boris Diaw , but the trade involving Chandler collapsed at the last minute , as Chandler was traded to the Dallas Mavericks instead . Belinelli was then traded to New Orleans Hornets for Julian Wright , and 13 games into the season , Jack , David Andersen , and Marcus Banks to New Orleans for Peja Stojaković and Jerryd Bayless . Bosh 's first return to Toronto was received to a chorus of boos , but not as nearly as harsh as what former Raptors Tracy McGrady and Vince Carter received upon their respective returns . Without Bosh , Toronto as a team regressed and were only able to secure 22 wins in the regular season . \n" }, { "c_id": 1479831, "distance": 0.6549616456031799, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The most significant change to the 2010 – 11 team roster was the arrival of Tyson Chandler via trade . Nowitzki was injured in the middle of the season , during which the Mavericks recorded their worst losing streak in over a decade . Nowitzki finished the regular season with averages of 23 points , 7 rebounds , and 3 assists . Despite missing 9 games , Nowitzki was selected to the 2011 All @-@ Star Game , his tenth appearance . The Mavericks concluded the regular season with 57 wins , seeding third behind the Spurs and Lakers for the 2011 NBA Playoffs . During the playoffs , despite their seeding , many predicted that Dallas would lose in the first round to Portland , and after blowing a 23 @-@ point fourth @-@ quarter lead in Game 4 to even the series at 2 – 2 , the Mavericks appeared ready for another postseason collapse . However , Dallas won the final two games to advance . They then swept the two @-@ time defending champion Lakers in the semifinals in Phil Jackson 's final year as an NBA coach . In the Conference Finals , they faced the Oklahoma City Thunder and their All @-@ NBA duo of Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook . In Game 1 , Nowitzki scored 48 points while shooting 12 / 15 from the field while setting an NBA record of 24 consecutive free throws made in a game as well as most free throws in a game without a miss . In Game 4 , with Dallas up , 2 – 1 , Nowitzki scored 40 points to rally his team from a 99 – 84 deficit in the fourth quarter with 5 minutes left and eventually win , 112 – 105 , in OT to take a 3 – 1 series lead . Dallas overcame another fourth @-@ quarter deficit in Game 5 to win the Western Conference Title . In the 2011 NBA Finals , Dallas once again faced the Heat , which had acquired All @-@ Stars LeBron James and Chris Bosh before the season began . During the Game 1 loss in Miami , he tore a tendon in his left middle finger ; however , MRIs were negative , and Nowitzki vowed that the injury would not be a factor . In Game 2 , he led a Dallas rally from an 88 – 73 fourth @-@ quarter deficit , capped by a driving left @-@ handed layup over Bosh to tie the series at 1 . Miami took a 2 – 1 series lead after Nowitzki missed a potential game @-@ tying shot at the end of Game 3 . Despite carrying a 101 ° F fever in Game 4 , he hit the winning basket to tie the series yet again at 2 , evoking comparisons to Michael Jordan 's \" Flu Game \" against Utah in the 1997 NBA Finals . Dallas went on to win the next two games , with Nowitzki scoring 10 fourth @-@ quarter points in the series @-@ clinching game in Miami , bringing the first championship to the franchise . In the series , Nowitzki scored 62 points total in the six fourth quarters , equaling the combined fourth @-@ quarter output of James and Wade . He was named Finals MVP , joining a list of 10 other players to have been an NBA champion , NBA Finals MVP , an NBA regular season MVP , and a ten @-@ time All @-@ Star . For the 2011 playoffs , Nowitzki averaged 27 @.@ 7 points , 8 @.@ 1 rebounds , and 2 @.@ 5 assists in 21 games . \n" }, { "c_id": 490568, "distance": 0.6491069793701172, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Dallas Morning News reported in May 2010 that a NBA draft projection of NBADraft.net had the Dallas Mavericks selecting Scheyer with their first pick of the draft ( the draft 's 50th overall pick ) . Bleacher Report carried a mock draft article predicting him being drafted 51st by Oklahoma City , and Yahoo carried one predicting he would be drafted 53rd by the Atlanta Hawks . \n" }, { "c_id": 310990, "distance": 0.6475184559822083, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Gattis was a premier amateur baseball player in the Dallas – Fort Worth area through high school . However , anxiety and substance abuse led him to abandon his scholarship to Texas A & M University . After wandering around the Western United States for four years , he returned to baseball , and was drafted by the Braves in 2010 . \n" } ]
where is italian spoken around the world?
[ "Italy" ]
[ { "c_id": 1558950, "distance": 0.6863906383514404, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Italy : 11 @,@ 610 ( 9 @.@ 3 percent of immigrants ) \n" }, { "c_id": 614985, "distance": 0.6730044484138489, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Italian translations include those published by Fratelle Bassaglia around 1788 and Boringherieri in 1959 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1330025, "distance": 0.6644247174263, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Significant numbers of immigrants have also come from New Zealand , India and Vietnam . Recent immigrants have arrived from countries in East and South Asia . Most locals only speak English at home ( 77 @.@ 8 % ) ; other languages spoken at home include Mandarin , Italian , Vietnamese , Cantonese and Spanish . \n" }, { "c_id": 1510881, "distance": 0.6626197099685669, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " After the decentralization of political power in late antiquity , Latin developed locally into branches that became the Romance languages , such as Spanish , Portuguese , French , Italian and Romanian , and a large number of minor languages and dialects . Today , more than 900 million people are native speakers worldwide . \n" }, { "c_id": 1347659, "distance": 0.6616830229759216, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In the Archdiocese of Milan , with around five million Catholics the largest in Europe , Mass is celebrated according to the Ambrosian Rite . Other Latin Church rites include the Mozarabic and those of some religious institutes . These liturgical rites have an antiquity of at least 200 years before 1570 , the date of Pope Pius V 's Quo primum , and were thus allowed to continue . \n" } ]
what is currency in panama?
[ "United States dollar", "Panamanian balboa" ]
[ { "c_id": 1481467, "distance": 0.6821658611297607, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Treaties among Panama , Colombia , and the United States to resolve disputes arising from the Panamanian Revolution of 1903 had been signed by the lame @-@ duck Roosevelt administration in early 1909 , and were approved by the Senate and also ratified by Panama . Colombia , however , declined to ratify the treaties , and after the 1912 elections , Knox offered $ 10 million to the Colombians ( later raised to $ 25 million ) . The Colombians felt the amount inadequate , and requested arbitration ; the matter was not settled under the Taft administration . \n" }, { "c_id": 1720641, "distance": 0.6548203825950623, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1899 , the Isthmian Canal Commission was set up to determine which site would be best for the canal ( Nicaragua or Panama ) and then to oversee construction of the canal . After Nicaragua was ruled out , Panama was the obvious choice . A few problems had arisen , however . With the U.S. ' solidified interests in Panama ( then a small portion of Colombia ) , both Colombia and the French company that was to provide the construction materials raised their prices . The U.S. , refusing to pay the higher @-@ than @-@ expected fees , \" engineered a revolution \" in Colombia . On November 3 , 1903 , Panama ( with the support of the United States Navy ) revolted against Colombia . Panama became a new republic , receiving $ 10 million from the U.S. alone . Panama also gained an annual payment of $ 250 @,@ 000 , and guarantees of independence . The U.S. gained the rights to the canal strip \" in perpetuity \" . Roosevelt later said that he \" took the Canal , and let Congress debate \" . After Colombia lost Panama , they tried to appeal to the U.S. by the reconsidering of treaties and even naming Panama City the capital of Colombia . \n" }, { "c_id": 712929, "distance": 0.6498227119445801, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Euro has been used as a trading currency in Cuba since 1998 , and Syria since 2006 . There are also various currencies pegged to the euro ( see below ) . In 2009 , Zimbabwe abandoned its local currency and used major currencies instead , including the euro and the United States dollar . \n" }, { "c_id": 570642, "distance": 0.6458424925804138, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " All currency is in Canadian dollars . \n" }, { "c_id": 1384730, "distance": 0.6458424925804138, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " All currency is in Canadian dollars . \n" } ]
what undergraduate school did martin luther king jr. attend?
[ "Morehouse College" ]
[ { "c_id": 664004, "distance": 0.6537867784500122, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Ford was born in New Orleans , Louisiana ; his parents were leaders in the African American community . Ford attended Wayne State University and Grambling State University , from which he was expelled in 1969 before graduating for leading civil rights demonstrations . He was expelled by the university , despite it being historically black , because it relied on public funds which were controlled by a state government opposed to desegregation . Ford was a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference staff from 1966 to 1972 and worked for Martin Luther King , Jr. as a member of an advance team of the Poor People 's Campaign . He was arrested 73 times for participating in protests during the civil rights movement . In 1973 , he won a draft evasion trial on basis of conscientious objection . Ford worked as a car salesman and later became a full @-@ time legislator . Ford is a lifelong bachelor . \n" }, { "c_id": 600281, "distance": 0.6502722501754761, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Clinton has named two influential moments in his life that contributed to his decision to become a public figure , both occurring in 1963 . One was his visit as a Boys Nation senator to the White House to meet President John F. Kennedy . The other was watching Martin Luther King , Jr . ' s 1963 I Have a Dream speech on TV , which impressed him enough that he later memorized it . \n" }, { "c_id": 1742041, "distance": 0.6462823152542114, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The reputation of Martin Luther King soared after the protests in Birmingham , and he was lauded by many as a hero . The SCLC was much in demand to effect change in many Southern cities . In the summer of 1963 , King led the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom where he delivered his most famous speech , \" I Have a Dream \" . King became Time 's Man of the Year for 1963 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 . \n" }, { "c_id": 672638, "distance": 0.6458605527877808, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following his graduation in 1935 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics , Ford turned down contract offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers of the National Football League . Instead , in September 1935 he took job as the boxing coach and assistant varsity football coach at Yale University , and applied to its law school . \n" }, { "c_id": 1136615, "distance": 0.6435207724571228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Martin Luther was out walking when a thunderstorm began , causing him to pray to God for being saved and promising to become a monk . \n" } ]
what 5 countries border romania?
[ "Ukraine", "Serbia", "Moldova", "Odessa Oblast", "Hungary", "Bulgaria" ]
[ { "c_id": 630159, "distance": 0.6654419898986816, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Transylvania , Banat , Bukovina and Bessarabia were provinces of the Austro @-@ Hungarian and Russian empires with substantial Romanian populations . In 1918 , the year they joined Romania , favorable conditions arose for the Romanians there to express openly their desire to unite with the “ Motherland ” . \n" }, { "c_id": 862338, "distance": 0.6632007360458374, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " At the Paris Peace Conference following the conclusion of World War I , the Entente Powers signed the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary after the breakup of Austria @-@ Hungary . Among other things , the treaty defined the border between Hungary and the newly created Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes ( KSCS , renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929 ) . It divided the previously Hungarian @-@ ruled regions of Banat , Bačka and Baranja between Hungary , the KSCS , and Romania , and transferred the Međimurje region and about two thirds of the Prekmurje region from Hungary to the KSCS . Sizable numbers of Hungarians and Volksdeutsche remained in the areas incorporated into the KSCS . Between 1918 and 1924 , 44 @,@ 903 Hungarians ( including 8 @,@ 511 government employees ) were deported to Hungary from the territories transferred to Yugoslavia , and approximately 10 @,@ 000 Yugoslav military settlers ( Serbo @-@ Croatian : Solunski dobrovoljci , lit . Salonika volunteers ) , mainly Serbs , were settled in Bačka and Baranja by the Yugoslav government . During the interwar period Hungary agitated for a revision of the borders agreed in the Treaty of Trianon , and relations between the two countries were difficult . On 22 August 1938 , Czechoslovakia , Romania and Yugoslavia agreed to a revision of Trianon that allowed Hungary to re @-@ arm itself . \n" }, { "c_id": 1287869, "distance": 0.6576916575431824, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = Paris , Eastern Europe and Norway = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1061261, "distance": 0.6550583839416504, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq , American intelligence agencies reported that aides of Saddam Hussein managed to acquire Belarusian passports while in Syria , but that it was unlikely that Belarus would offer a safe haven for Saddam and his two sons . This action , along with arms deals with Iraq and Iran , prompted Western governments to take a tougher stance against Lukashenko . The US was particularly angered by the arms sales , and American political leaders increasingly began to refer to Belarus as \" Europe 's last dictatorship \" . The EU was concerned for the security of its gas supplies from Russia , which are piped through Belarus , and took an active interest in Belarusian affairs . With the accession of Poland , Latvia and Lithuania , the EU 's border with Belarus has grown to more than 1000 kilometers . \n" }, { "c_id": 1030557, "distance": 0.6464863419532776, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Almost forgotten in coverage of the summit was that six new members from the former Warsaw Pact – Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia , Slovakia , Bulgaria and Romania – joined NATO in March 2004 and were formally welcomed into the Alliance . \n" } ]
when was the last time the kansas city chiefs won a superbowl?
[ "Super Bowl IV" ]
[ { "c_id": 882977, "distance": 0.7071851491928101, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City , Missouri . They compete in the National Football League ( NFL ) as a member club of the league 's American Football Conference ( AFC ) West division . The team was founded in 1960 as the Dallas Texans by businessman Lamar Hunt and was a charter member of the American Football League ( AFL ) . In 1963 , the team relocated to Kansas City and assumed their current name . The Chiefs joined the NFL in the 1970 AFL – NFL merger . The team is valued at just under $ 1 billion . \n" }, { "c_id": 883057, "distance": 0.7054019570350647, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In select games for the 2009 season , the Chiefs , as well as the other founding teams of the American Football League , wore \" throwback \" uniforms to celebrate the AFL 's 50th anniversary . \n" }, { "c_id": 882979, "distance": 0.703720211982727, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As of 2016 , the Chiefs are the only NFL team based in Missouri , as a result of the St. Louis Rams ' relocation back to Los Angeles . \n" }, { "c_id": 883031, "distance": 0.7012150287628174, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Chiefs became the first team since the 1929 Buffalo Bisons to not lead in regulation through any of their first nine games . The Chiefs tied their franchise worst record of 2 – 14 and clinched the No. 1 overall pick in the 2013 NFL Draft . It is the first time in franchise history they have held the first overall pick . \n" }, { "c_id": 882994, "distance": 0.7000418901443481, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " From 1960 to 1969 , the Chiefs / Texans won 87 games , which is the most in the 10 year history of the AFL . \n" } ]
where did will smith go to high school?
[ "Overbrook High School" ]
[ { "c_id": 1403917, "distance": 0.6502239108085632, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Smith was born in Mobile , Alabama , the second of Clovi and Marvella Smith 's six children ( five boys and one girl ) . While the family lived in Mobile , his father worked as a sandblaster at Brookley Air Force Base . When Smith was six his family moved to the Watts section of Los Angeles . His father became a delivery truck driver for Safeway stores , while his mother became an aide at a nursing home . His mother was an influential part of his life who stressed the importance of education and encouraged him to pursue his dreams . \n" }, { "c_id": 350966, "distance": 0.6495537161827087, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Smith graduated from Hampshire College in Amherst , Massachusetts in 1991 with a degree in philosophy and political science . \" Went straight through in four years \" , he explained to Under the Radar in 2003 . \" I guess it proved to myself that I could do something I really didn 't want to for four years . Except I did like what I was studying . At the time it seemed like , ' This is your one and only chance to go to college and you had just better do it because some day you might wish that you did . ' Plus , the whole reason I applied in the first place was because of my girlfriend , and I had gotten accepted already even though we had broken up before the first day . \" After he graduated , he \" worked in a bakery back in Portland with a bachelor 's degree in philosophy and legal theory \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 655841, "distance": 0.6479172110557556, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He decided to pursue a career in film . After attending two other film schools , he graduated from Full Sail University in another Central Florida town , Winter Park , as the class valedictorian . He moved to Southern California and began working as a story editor , primarily doing uncredited rewrites . \n" }, { "c_id": 1511650, "distance": 0.6451018452644348, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " While Newsom later reflected that he did not have an easy childhood , he attended kindergarten and first grade at the French American bilingual school in San Francisco . He eventually transferred because of severe dyslexia that still affects him . His dyslexia has made it difficult for him to write , spell , read and work with numbers . He attended third through fifth grades at Notre Dame des Victoires , where he was placed in remedial reading classes . Newsom graduated from Redwood High School in 1985 . He played basketball and baseball in high school . \n" }, { "c_id": 1450642, "distance": 0.6358029842376709, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " By the time Willkie reached age 14 and Elwood High School , his parents were concerned about a lack of discipline and a slight stoop , and sent him to Culver Military Academy for a summer in an attempt to correct both . Willkie began to shine as a student at high school , inspired by his English teacher ; one classmate said that Philip \" Pat \" Bing \" fixed that boy up . He started preaching to Wendell to get to work and that kid went to town . \" Faced with a set of athletic brothers — Edward became an Olympic wrestler — Willkie joined the football team but had little success ; he enjoyed the debate team more , but was several times disciplined for arguing with teachers . He was class president his final year , and president of the most prominent fraternity , but resigned from the latter when a sorority blackballed his girlfriend , Gwyneth Harry , as the daughter of immigrants . \n" } ]
where is united arab located?
[ "Middle East" ]
[ { "c_id": 215316, "distance": 0.6535730957984924, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Collaboration with the United Kingdom = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 629709, "distance": 0.6524391770362854, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = United Arab Republic = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 79370, "distance": 0.6300750970840454, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = = The Panić – Ćosić – Milošević triangle and the United States = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 101830, "distance": 0.6295462250709534, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = United Arab Emirates = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1317471, "distance": 0.6295462250709534, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = United Arab Emirates = = = = \n" } ]
where is kate middleton spending christmas?
[ "Bucklebury" ]
[ { "c_id": 659044, "distance": 0.6246604919433594, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In August and September , Edward and Simpson cruised the Eastern Mediterranean on the steam yacht Nahlin . By October it was becoming clear that the new king planned to marry Simpson , especially when divorce proceedings between the Simpsons were brought at Ipswich Assizes . Preparations for all contingencies were made , including the prospect of the coronation of King Edward and Queen Wallis . Because of the religious implications of any marriage , plans were made to hold a secular coronation ceremony , not in the traditional religious location of Westminster Abbey , but in the Banqueting House in Whitehall . \n" }, { "c_id": 444839, "distance": 0.6178939342498779, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The crew celebrated Christmas aboard Monitor while berthed at Hampton Roads in what was described as a most merry fashion , while many other celebrations were occurring along the shore . The ship 's cook was paid one dollar to prepare a meal for the crew befitting the day ; it was received with mixed opinion . That day , Monitor was made ready for sea , her crew under strict orders not to discuss the impending voyage with anyone , but bad weather delayed her departure until 29 December . \n" }, { "c_id": 960153, "distance": 0.6175289750099182, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " A Christmas ceremony has been held in the square every year since 1947 . A Norway spruce ( or sometimes a fir ) is presented by Norway 's capital city , Oslo as London 's Christmas tree , a token of gratitude for Britain 's support during World War II . ( Besides war @-@ time support , Norway 's Prince Olav and the country 's government lived in exile in London throughout the war . ) \n" }, { "c_id": 1464862, "distance": 0.6153964400291443, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Amid the boredom of the largely eventless drift , the crew ate well ; ship 's stores were boosted by regular hunting parties which brought a harvest of seal and polar bear meat . In late October , as winter approached , De Long ordered the Edison arc lighting system erected , but the generating mechanism failed to produce even the dimmest of lights , and the apparatus was swiftly abandoned , along with the equally ineffective telephone system . Christmas 1879 , and the start of the new year , were celebrated without great joy ; De Long wrote of Christmas as \" the dreariest day of my life , and it is certainly the dreariest part of the world \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1797482, "distance": 0.6152308583259583, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On 14 November 1501 , the marriage ceremony finally took place at Saint Paul 's Cathedral ; both Arthur and Catherine wore white satin . The ceremony was conducted by Henry Deane , Archbishop of Canterbury , who was assisted by William Warham , Bishop of London . Following the ceremony , Arthur and Catherine left the Cathedral and headed for Baynard 's Castle , where they were entertained by \" the best voiced children of the King 's chapel , who sang right sweetly with quaint harmony \" . \n" } ]
what other movies has liam hemsworth?
[ "Knowing", "Triangle", "The Hunger Games", "The Expendables 2", "The Last Song", "Timeless", "Empire State", "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", "Arabian Nights", "Love and Honor" ]
[ { "c_id": 1269068, "distance": 0.6335655450820923, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The film was followed by two films and a TV series , all prequels based on novels by Thomas Harris . \n" }, { "c_id": 46745, "distance": 0.6300804018974304, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In the 2000s , Hooper directed the major BBC costume dramas Love in a Cold Climate ( 2001 ) and Daniel Deronda ( 2002 ) , and was selected to helm the 2003 revival of ITV 's Prime Suspect series , starring Helen Mirren . Hooper made his feature film debut with Red Dust ( 2004 ) , a British drama starring Hilary Swank and Chiwetel Ejiofor , before directing Helen Mirren again in the Company Pictures / HBO Films historical drama Elizabeth I ( 2005 ) . He continued working for HBO on the television film Longford ( 2006 ) and in John Adams ( 2008 ) , a seven @-@ part serial on the life of the American president . Hooper returned to features with The Damned United ( 2009 ) , a fact @-@ based film about the English football manager Brian Clough ( played by Michael Sheen ) . The following year saw the release of the historical drama The King 's Speech ( 2010 ) , starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush , which was met with critical acclaim . Hooper 's next film was Les Misérables ( 2012 ) , which featured an all @-@ star cast led by Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe . \n" }, { "c_id": 985458, "distance": 0.6255633234977722, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Dickinson has turned his hand to scriptwriting , co @-@ authoring Chemical Wedding with director Julian Doyle . The film , in which Dickinson played a few small cameo roles and composed the soundtrack , was released in 2008 and starred Simon Callow . On 15 October 2015 , HarperCollins and Dey Street announced that they would publish Dickinson 's memoirs , expected in 2017 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1117341, "distance": 0.6252466440200806, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In the 1990s , McClory announced plans to make another adaption of the Thunderball story , Warhead 2000 AD , with Timothy Dalton or Liam Neeson in the lead role , but this was eventually dropped . \n" }, { "c_id": 1682432, "distance": 0.623256266117096, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On March 28 , 2011 , in an interview for his latest film , Hop , James Marsden was asked about the sequel . \n" } ]
what is duncan bannatyne?
[ "Presenter", "Actor", "TV Personality", "Entrepreneur", "Businessperson", "Investor" ]
[ { "c_id": 305119, "distance": 0.6395623087882996, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Lord Banquo / ˈbæŋkwoʊ / , Thane of Lochaber , is a character in William Shakespeare 's 1606 play Macbeth . In the play , he is at first an ally to Macbeth ( both are generals in the King 's army ) and they are together when they meet the Three Witches . After prophesying that Macbeth will become king , the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself , but that his descendants will be . Later , Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered ; Banquo 's son , Fleance , escapes . Banquo 's ghost returns in a later scene , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast . \n" }, { "c_id": 305130, "distance": 0.6184038519859314, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Banquo is in a third of the play 's scenes , as both a human and a ghost . As significant as he is to the plot , he has fewer lines than the relatively insignificant Ross , a Scottish nobleman who survives the play . In the second scene of the play , King Duncan describes the manner in which Macbeth , Thane of Glamis , and Banquo , Thane of Lochaber , bravely led his army against invaders , fighting side by side . In the next scene , Banquo and Macbeth , returning from the battle together , encounter the Three Witches , who predict that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor , and then king . Banquo , skeptical of the witches , challenges them to predict his own future , and they foretell that Banquo will never himself take the throne , but will beget a line of kings . Banquo remains skeptical after the encounter , wondering aloud if evil can ever speak the truth . He warns Macbeth that evil will offer men a small , hopeful truth only in order to catch them in a deadly trap . \n" }, { "c_id": 1050862, "distance": 0.6133245229721069, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Macbett , Eugène Ionesco 's 1972 stage adaptation , Fleance is merged with the Malcolm character . Macol ( Malcolm ) , who is thought to be King Duncan 's son , is revealed to be Banco 's ( Banquo 's ) . Duncan , wanting a male heir , adopted Macol . Macol fills the role of Malcolm in taking the kingdom from Macbett ( Macbeth ) at the end of the play . \n" }, { "c_id": 702713, "distance": 0.6128364205360413, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " His most critically acclaimed work is “ The Praise of Ben Dorain , ” but he is well known for his poetic commentaries on contemporary events . In the Jacobite rising of 1745 which attempted to return the House of Stuart to the throne of Scotland and England , Duncan fought on the Hanoverian side and composed a humorous song after losing his borrowed sword at the battle of Falkirk in January 1746 . Following that uprising , however , he composed a best selling poem attacking the portion of the Act of Proscription outlawing the wearing of highland dress and was briefly imprisoned . , When the ban against the wearing of the kilt was repealed , he celebrated with another poem , entitled Orain na Briogas or “ Song of the Breeches . ” \n" }, { "c_id": 1525811, "distance": 0.6114364862442017, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Canmore appears in the third and fourth episodes of the four @-@ part series \" City of Stone \" in Disney 's Gargoyles , as an antagonist of Macbeth . After witnessing his father Duncan 's death , the young Canmore swears revenge on both Macbeth and his gargoyle ally , Demona . After reaching adulthood , he overthrows Macbeth with English allies . Canmore is also the ancestor of the Hunters , a family of vigilantes who hunt Demona through the centuries . Canmore was voiced in the series by J.D. Daniels as a boy and Neil Dickson as an adult . \n" } ]
what was caesar augustus known for?
[ "Writer", "Politician" ]
[ { "c_id": 201031, "distance": 0.704020082950592, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Caesar was now the primary figure of the Roman state , enforcing and entrenching his powers . His enemies feared that he had ambitions to become an autocratic ruler . Arguing that the Roman Republic was in danger , a group of senators hatched a conspiracy and assassinated Caesar at a meeting of the Senate in March 44 BC . Mark Antony , Caesar 's lieutenant , condemned Caesar 's assassination , and war broke out between the two factions . Antony was denounced as a public enemy , and Caesar 's adopted son and chosen heir , Gaius Octavianus , was entrusted with the command of the war against him . At the Battle of Mutina Mark Antony was defeated by the consuls Hirtius and Pansa , who were both killed . \n" }, { "c_id": 1340326, "distance": 0.6986238360404968, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " One of his first acts as Emperor was to order a halt to trials based on treason charges , which had long plagued the principate . The law of treason , or law of majestas , was originally intended to prosecute those who had corruptly \" impaired the people and majesty of Rome \" by any revolutionary action . Under Augustus , however , this custom had been revived and applied to cover slander and libel as well . This led to numerous trials and executions under Tiberius , Caligula , and Nero , and the formation of networks of informers ( Delators ) , which terrorized Rome 's political system for decades . \n" }, { "c_id": 612041, "distance": 0.6974149346351624, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Augustus ( / ɔːˈɡʌstəs / ; Classical Latin : [ awˈɡʊstʊs ] ) was known by many names throughout his life : \n" }, { "c_id": 215771, "distance": 0.6970990300178528, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " One of the few surviving sources contemporary with the rule of Tiberius comes from Velleius Paterculus , who served under Tiberius for eight years ( from AD 4 ) in Germany and Pannonia as praefect of cavalry and legatus . Paterculus ' Compendium of Roman History spans a period from the fall of Troy to the death of Livia in AD 29 . His text on Tiberius lavishes praise on both the emperor and Sejanus . How much of this is due to genuine admiration or prudence remains an open question , but it has been conjectured that he was put to death in AD 31 as a friend of Sejanus . \n" }, { "c_id": 137854, "distance": 0.6955716609954834, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Octavian went on to become Emperor under the name Augustus and , in the absence of political assassins or usurpers , was able to greatly expand the borders of the Empire . \n" } ]
when did bradley cooper's dad die?
[ "2011" ]
[ { "c_id": 136253, "distance": 0.6949020624160767, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Bradley 's death was voted the third most emotional moment in television entertainment in a 2010 poll of 3 @,@ 000 British people conducted by Freeview HD . \n" }, { "c_id": 1271062, "distance": 0.6301037073135376, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " According to an interview with executive producer and episode writer Russell T Davies in Doctor Who Magazine , this episode was originally offered to his friend and former colleague , the critically acclaimed and award @-@ winning scriptwriter Paul Abbott . Abbott accepted and submitted a storyline , revealing that Rose had been bred by the Doctor as an experiment in creating a perfect companion . The episode was titled \" The Void \" . However , Abbot had to abandon the project due to other commitments . Davies wrote \" Boom Town \" instead , bringing back Badland as Blaine due to her performance in \" Aliens of London \" and \" World War Three \" being \" brilliant \" , though she had few lines . The actor playing Mr Cleaver , William Thomas , had previously appeared as Martin the undertaker in the 1988 classic series story Remembrance of the Daleks . This made him the first performer to appear in both the original and current run of Doctor Who . He later played Geraint Cooper , the father of Gwen Cooper , in the Doctor Who spinoff series Torchwood . \n" }, { "c_id": 310506, "distance": 0.6286789178848267, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On January 18 , 2011 , Bradley was arrested at his home in Encino , California and charged with making criminal threats to his wife , Monique . When he agreed to participate in an out @-@ of @-@ court hearing process , no charges were filed against him . However , his wife subsequently filed for divorce . \n" }, { "c_id": 310451, "distance": 0.6203739047050476, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Bradley was born on April 15 , 1978 , in Harbor City , California . His mother , Charlena Rector , worked as a clerk at a local Safeway supermarket , while his father , Milton Bradley Sr. , was a veteran of the Vietnam War , and was awarded a Purple Heart for his service . Bradley was named Milton Bradley Jr. when Milton Bradley Sr. filled out his son 's birth certificate without Rector 's permission . According to Bradley Jr . ' s mother , Bradley Sr. was addicted to cocaine , physically abused her , and was homeless for several years . Growing up , Bradley had four half @-@ siblings from Rector 's previous marriage . \n" }, { "c_id": 945883, "distance": 0.6202229261398315, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " On May 3 , 2011 , Francis Lawrence stated that , so far as it involved him , the prequel was dead , with Lawrence stating , \" I don 't think that 's ever going to happen . \" \n" } ]
which countries border the baltic sea?
[ "Atlantic Ocean", "East Prussia", "Pomeranian Voivodeship - II RP", "Free City of Danzig", "Second Polish Republic", "North German Plain" ]
[ { "c_id": 574979, "distance": 0.6983862519264221, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In September 2010 a treaty was made between Russia and Norway fixing the boundary between the Svalbard archipelago and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago . Increased interest in petroleum exploration in the Arctic raised interest in a resolution of the dispute . The agreement takes into account the relative positions of the archipelagos , rather than being based simply on northward extension of the continental border of Norway and Russia . \n" }, { "c_id": 374102, "distance": 0.6724416017532349, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " At the headland at Grenen , the northernmost point of Denmark , the North Sea and the Baltic Sea meet . Because of their different densities , a clear dividing line can be seen . As a result of turbulent seas , beachings and shipwrecks were common . These frequent losses combined with the town 's strategic location as the gateway to the Baltic led to Skagen being the site of one of Denmark 's earliest lighthouses , Vippefyr , a lever light constructed in 1627 . A faithful copy has now been constructed on the site of the original . \n" }, { "c_id": 1566042, "distance": 0.6723620295524597, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Belarus borders five countries : Latvia to the north , Lithuania to the northwest , Poland to the west , Russia to the north and the east , and Ukraine to the south . Treaties in 1995 and 1996 demarcated Belarus 's borders with Latvia and Lithuania , but Belarus failed to ratify a 1997 treaty establishing the Belarus @-@ Ukraine border . Belarus and Lithuania ratified final border demarcation documents in February 2007 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1061261, "distance": 0.670192539691925, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq , American intelligence agencies reported that aides of Saddam Hussein managed to acquire Belarusian passports while in Syria , but that it was unlikely that Belarus would offer a safe haven for Saddam and his two sons . This action , along with arms deals with Iraq and Iran , prompted Western governments to take a tougher stance against Lukashenko . The US was particularly angered by the arms sales , and American political leaders increasingly began to refer to Belarus as \" Europe 's last dictatorship \" . The EU was concerned for the security of its gas supplies from Russia , which are piped through Belarus , and took an active interest in Belarusian affairs . With the accession of Poland , Latvia and Lithuania , the EU 's border with Belarus has grown to more than 1000 kilometers . \n" }, { "c_id": 153996, "distance": 0.669013500213623, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Russia calls this sea \" Япо ́ нское мо ́ ре \" ( Yapónskoye móre , Japanese Sea ) . Japan believes that Russia played a major role in establishing this name internationally , as mentioned above . Chinese government websites exclusively use the name 日本海 ( rìběnhǎi , Japan Sea ) . In 2003 , the French Defense Ministry issued nautical maps that included both terms Sea of Japan and East Sea . It reverted to Sea of Japan as a single name in the map issued in 2004 . The United Kingdom and Germany officially use the Sea of Japan . \n" } ]
what to do in perth scotland?
[ "Perth Concert Hall" ]
[ { "c_id": 1586024, "distance": 0.6427881121635437, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1603 , James VI , King of Scots inherited the thrones of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Ireland , and became King James I of England and Ireland , and left Edinburgh for London . With the exception of a short period under the Protectorate , Scotland remained a separate state , but there was considerable conflict between the crown and the Covenanters over the form of church government . The Glorious Revolution of 1688 – 89 saw the overthrow of the King James VII of Scotland and II of England by the English Parliament in favour of William and Mary . As late as the 1690s , Scotland experienced famine , which reduced the population of parts of the country by at least 20 per cent . \n" }, { "c_id": 959539, "distance": 0.637245774269104, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Scotland , a two @-@ year study published in 2004 , and funded by Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Homing Union ( SHU ) , found there was \" no evidence that birds of prey cause major losses of racing pigeons at lofts or during races . \" It reported that 56 % of racing pigeons were lost each year but that the proportion taken by Eurasian sparrowhawks – \" often blamed for major losses \" – was less than 1 % , with at least 2 % taken by peregrine falcons . The study was carried out by the Central Science Laboratory ; researchers worked with SHU members who provided data , information on pigeon rings found at peregrine falcon nests and pigeon carcasses . \n" }, { "c_id": 1373715, "distance": 0.6350154876708984, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A significant feature of Scotland 's renewable potential is that the resources are largely distant from the main centres of population . This is by no means coincidental . The power of wind , wave and tide on the north and west coasts and for hydro in the mountains makes for dramatic scenery , but sometimes harsh living conditions . W. H. Murray described the Hebrides as \" the Isles on the Edge of the Sea where men are welcome — if they are hard in body and in spirit tenacious . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 402202, "distance": 0.633823037147522, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Lowland Scotland was part of the pattern of late marriage for both men and women ( between the mid and late 20s ) , with a relatively large proportion of the population remaining unmarried . In the Highland and Islands marriage ages may have been lower and more closely resembled Gaelic Ireland . Throughout the period , women could legally marry from the age of 12 and boys from 14 . However , while many girls from the social elite married in their teens , most in the Lowlands only married after a period of life @-@ cycle service , in their twenties . Normally marriage followed handfasting , a period of betrothal , which in the Highlands may have effectively been a period of trial marriage , in which sexual activity may have been accepted as legitimate . Marriages , particularly higher in society , were often political in nature and the subject of complex negotiations over the tocher ( dowry ) . Some mothers took a leading role in negotiating marriages , as Lady Glenorchy did for her children in the 1560s and 1570s . They could also act as matchmakers , finding suitable and compatible partners for others . \n" }, { "c_id": 809320, "distance": 0.632451593875885, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In the 20th century , Scotland played a major role in the British and allied effort in the two world wars and began to suffer a sharp industrial decline , going through periods of considerable political instability . The decline was particularly acute in the second half of the 20th century , but was compensated for to a degree by the development of an extensive oil industry , technological manufacturing and a growing service sector . This period also increasing debates about the place of Scotland within the United Kingdom , the rise of the Scottish National Party and after a referendum in 1999 the establishment of a devolved Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh . \n" } ]
who is keyshia cole married too?
[ "Daniel Gibson" ]
[ { "c_id": 1652958, "distance": 0.6638320684432983, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " She was briefly married again in 2002 to a life coach , whom she met when her mother convinced her to hire him . They dated for two weeks before he proposed ; they were married six months later , and the marriage ended two months after that . At the wedding , Ray Traylor ( also known as Big Boss Man ) , her friend and traveling partner , gave her away . In 2003 , she began a relationship with Tyree Clowe , a US soldier 15 years her junior . The couple remained together for over 5 years . \n" }, { "c_id": 1673763, "distance": 0.6587026715278625, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " McEntire 's stepson Brandon Blackstock is married to McEntire 's friend and fellow singer Kelly Clarkson , who is also managed by McEntire 's ex @-@ husband . Speaking about their impending marriage in 2013 , McEntire stated that she was , \" thrilled to death , thrilled to death . To have my buddy as my daughter @-@ in @-@ law , I mean , who could ask for more ? \" \n" }, { "c_id": 505415, "distance": 0.6575559973716736, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The third season saw the introduction of Bailey and Parks , while Leakes and Zolciak reconciled as the former contemplated divorcing her husband Gregg and the latter began a lesbian relationship . Parks , who was in the middle of her pregnancy , clashed with her husband Apollo Nida over their differing opinions on parenting ; she gave birth later in the season . Meanwhile , Zolciak and Burruss continued recording music together , although they clashed over their creative differences . Bailey later became engaged to her boyfriend Peter Thomas , while Zolciak set her affections on football player Kroy Biermann ; a conflict between Burruss , Leakes , and Zolciak later ensued while the latter two women embark on a promotional concert tour . Against the advice of her mother and sister , Bailey married Thomas in the third season finale . \n" }, { "c_id": 398139, "distance": 0.6558533310890198, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The singer is married to trial attorney Shawn Chapman Holley , who practices law in the areas of both civil and criminal litigation . A partner of Howard Weitzman of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldiser LLP , she has defended and worked for individuals such as O.J. Simpson , Sara Jane Olson , Lindsay Lohan , Nicole Richie , Paris Hilton , Tupac Shakur , Snoop Dogg , Mike Tyson , The Game , Axl Rose , Jesse McCartney and Michael Jackson . She was also an on @-@ air legal analyst during the E ! Network 's nightly international coverage of Jackson 's 2005 child sexual abuse trial . Together , Dorian and Shawn have three daughters ; Nayanna , Sasha , and Olivia . Nayanna Holley is a singer , actor , and songwriter , she starts to traveling with her father since 3 years old . The Los Angeles Times reported in 2005 that the family live in a 2 @,@ 800 @-@ square @-@ foot ( 260 m2 ) home , which was built in 1920 and bought by Holley and his wife in 2003 . The Standard noted in 2007 that the pair had purchased a 3 @,@ 500 @-@ square @-@ foot ( 330 m2 ) Italian Renaissance Revival home in Lafayette Square , Los Angeles . Writers for the publication further commented that the Holleys planned to keep a home in nearby Wellington Square . \n" }, { "c_id": 1579171, "distance": 0.6522493362426758, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " \" One Love \" received generally positive acclaim from music critics , who cited it as a stand @-@ out track on Love ? . Critics made note of the song 's indirect manner , which according to them contains references to Lopez 's ex @-@ boyfriends and husbands , such as Sean Combs and Ben Affleck . Following the release of Love ? , it was revealed that Lopez 's first husband , Ojani Noa , intended to bring her to court over the song , claiming that it contained lyrics about him without his prior knowledge – violating agreements made between the two following their divorce . Despite this , it has been noted that Noa is not referenced in the song and the lawsuit never transpired . \n" } ]
who does christine gregoire represent?
[ "Democratic Party" ]
[ { "c_id": 826276, "distance": 0.618317723274231, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The series includes several guest stars . Joseph Mawle plays a social worker named Stephen Beaumont , Tom Bateman appears as journalist Danny Hiller , and Tobi Bakare plays Chuks Akinade . Thibault de Montalembert plays Olivier Pujol , who is the head of the Calais police service , and Elise 's superior . Sigrid Bouaziz plays Cécile Cabrillac and Cédric Vieira plays Philippe Viot ; these characters are police officers who work with Elise . Mathieu Carrière and Jeanne Balibar play banker Alain Joubert , and his wife Charlotte , respectively . Merlin actress Angel Coulby stars as Laura Roebuck , Karl 's wife , while Jack Lowden plays Adam , his son . Keeley Hawes guest starred as Suze Harcourt , a care worker and drug addict , along with Liz Smith , who plays Harriet , an elderly woman under Harcourt 's care . \n" }, { "c_id": 1338016, "distance": 0.6071845293045044, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Below the President , there are 14 Vice @-@ Presidents who chair debates when the President is not in the chamber . There are a number of other bodies and posts responsible for the running of parliament besides these speakers . The two main bodies are the Bureau , which is responsible for budgetary and administration issues , and the Conference of Presidents which is a governing body composed of the presidents of each of the parliament 's political groups . Looking after the financial and administrative interests of members are five Quaestors . In August 2002 , Nichole Robichaux [ née Braucksieker ] became the first American citizen to intern for a member of the European Parliament — Monica Frassoni [ Green Party ] . \n" }, { "c_id": 826275, "distance": 0.6048781871795654, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Clémence Poésy plays Capitaine ( later Commander ) Elise Wassermann of the DCPJ , the French detective and Roebuck 's opposite . Wasserman 's role parallels that of Saga Norén ( played by Sofia Helin ) , the Swedish detective in The Bridge . Elise shares some characteristics with Saga , including driving a Porsche ( in Elise 's case , a Porsche 944 ) , picking up men from bars for casual sex , and exhibiting behaviour consistent with Asperger syndrome . The innate seriousness of the character was a trait that Poésy found \" quite annoying \" , but the actress came to appreciate Elise 's honesty . Both Dillane and Poésy opted not to view the Scandinavian original series , with the latter stating that it would allow her more freedom in interpreting the character . Poésy dubbed her English lines for the French broadcast . \n" }, { "c_id": 1749084, "distance": 0.6038616299629211, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Henriette Gérard as Marguerite Chopin , the vampire , an elderly woman whose hold extends beyond her immediate victims . Many villagers , including the village doctor , are her minions . \n" }, { "c_id": 1430526, "distance": 0.6023807525634766, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The caravan sets up camp outside a small wine @-@ growing village , hoping to find seasonal work in the vineyards and a place to sell their wares . The village , as was the trend , is divided into two factions — one welcomes the Romanies , and the other sees them as an intrusion . Théodore Rosier ( Marc Lavoine ) , the village mayor and veterinarian , and Mademoiselle Lundi ( Marie @-@ Josée Croze ) , a school teacher and clerk in city hall , are two of the friendlier villagers . The Vichy France gendarmerie used the documentation made in the passports of its citizens to monitor their movements for which a threshold was set , along with imprisonment for violations This adversely affected the Romanies . Lundi uses her powers as a clerk , and forges their passports , removing the documentation about their movements . \n" } ]
what were some inventions of leonardo da vinci?
[ "Double hull", "Viola organista" ]
[ { "c_id": 300136, "distance": 0.7137580513954163, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During his lifetime , Leonardo was valued as an engineer . In a letter to Ludovico il Moro , he claimed to be able to create all sorts of machines both for the protection of a city and for siege . When he fled to Venice in 1499 , he found employment as an engineer and devised a system of moveable barricades to protect the city from attack . He also had a scheme for diverting the flow of the Arno river , a project on which Niccolò Machiavelli also worked . Leonardo 's journals include a vast number of inventions , both practical and impractical . They include musical instruments , a mechanical knight , hydraulic pumps , reversible crank mechanisms , finned mortar shells , and a steam cannon . \n" }, { "c_id": 300002, "distance": 0.6940990686416626, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Today , Leonardo is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived . \n" }, { "c_id": 300069, "distance": 0.6938561201095581, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Despite the recent awareness and admiration of Leonardo as a scientist and inventor , for the better part of four hundred years his fame rested on his achievements as a painter and on a handful of works , either authenticated or attributed to him that have been regarded as among the masterpieces . \n" }, { "c_id": 300138, "distance": 0.6917698383331299, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Leonardo was fascinated by the phenomenon of flight for much of his life , producing many studies including Codex on the Flight of Birds ( c . 1505 ) , as well as plans for several flying machines such as a flapping ornithopter and a machine with a helical rotor . The British television station Channel Four commissioned a 2003 documentary Leonardo 's Dream Machines . Leonardo 's designs for machines such as a parachute , and giant crossbow were interpreted , constructed and tested . Some of those designs proved successes , whilst others fared less well when practically tested . \n" }, { "c_id": 300098, "distance": 0.6887669563293457, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Leonardo 's The Battle of Anghiara was commissioned in 1505 , but was lost . All that remains is a copy by Rubens , but Maurizio Seracini is convinced it can still be found and has spent a lifetime searching for it . He was allowed to drill some pilot holes in a mural in the Salone dei Cinquecento , Palazzo Vecchio , Florence , and his team did find evidence of an oil painting underneath . \n" } ]
what college did tosh . o go to?
[ "University of Central Florida" ]
[ { "c_id": 655841, "distance": 0.6461244821548462, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He decided to pursue a career in film . After attending two other film schools , he graduated from Full Sail University in another Central Florida town , Winter Park , as the class valedictorian . He moved to Southern California and began working as a story editor , primarily doing uncredited rewrites . \n" }, { "c_id": 226630, "distance": 0.6322261691093445, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After high school , her mother encouraged her to apply for the Collaborative Arts Project 21 ( CAP21 ) , a musical theater training conservatory at New York University 's Tisch School of the Arts . One of 20 students to gain early admission , she , aged 17 , lived in an NYU dorm on 11th Street . In addition to sharpening her songwriting skills , she composed essays and analytical papers on art , religion , social issues , and politics , including a thesis on pop artists Spencer Tunick and Damien Hirst . She also auditioned for various roles and won the part of an unsuspecting diner customer for MTV 's Boiling Points , a prank reality television show . \n" }, { "c_id": 1118767, "distance": 0.6239069700241089, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During summer vacation Doby played baseball with a black semi @-@ pro team , the Smart Sets , where he played with future Hall of Fame shortstop Monte Irvin . He also had a brief stint with the Harlem Renaissance , a professional basketball team , as an unpaid substitute player . Upon completing high school , he accepted an athletic scholarship to play basketball at Long Island University ( LIU ) . Doby had been dating Eastside classmate Helyn Curvy since his sophomore year and , according to Doby , being able to remain close to Paterson was the \" main reason \" he selected LIU . \n" }, { "c_id": 1723154, "distance": 0.6215152144432068, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " As a Harvard undergraduate , Kaczynski was among twenty @-@ two students who were research subjects in ethically questionable experiments conducted by psychology professor Henry Murray from late 1959 to early 1962 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1417635, "distance": 0.6186184287071228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Offered baseball scholarships by Stanford University and the University of California , Berkeley , he instead attended the University of Miami on an academic scholarship , due to his excellent high school grades . He chose Miami for its academics , its athletics , and its social scene , noting : \" I think the girls were the deal closer on the recruiting trip . \" \n" } ]
who plays sam in anger management?
[ "Jared Padalecki" ]
[ { "c_id": 1660640, "distance": 0.6888447999954224, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Although informed early in October that he must fire somebody by the end of the month , Michael Scott ( Steve Carell ) waits until the last day of the month , Halloween , and still hasn 't fired anyone . Meanwhile , Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski ) and Pam Beesly ( Jenna Fischer ) post Dwight Schrute 's ( Rainn Wilson ) résumé on the internet , and when a prospective employer calls , Jim pretends to be Michael and gives Dwight a great reference . When the company , Cumberland Mills , calls Dwight to set up an interview , Dwight immediately ruins his chances by arguing with the caller over the importance and relevance of martial arts in his résumé . Later in the day , Pam suggests that Jim should apply for the Cumberland Mills position . Jim is quietly hurt by the suggestion that Pam would not miss him if he left . \n" }, { "c_id": 106064, "distance": 0.6866064071655273, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Auditions were held for Sam and Diane . Three pairs were tested : William Devane and Lisa Eichhorn , Fred Dryer and Julia Duffy , and Ted Danson and Shelley Long . Before the show premiered Danson appeared in 1979 's The Onion Field ; Long appeared in 1982 's Night Shift , starring Henry Winkler of Happy Days . Fred Dryer later appeared as Dave Richards , a sportscaster friend of Sam 's , in \" Sam at Eleven \" in 1982 . Sam Malone was originally \" a former wide receiver for the New England Patriots \" , and Fred Dryer was considered for the role because he was a football player . However , NBC executives liked test scenes with Danson and Long so the creators chose them instead , making Sam a former relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox . Ed O 'Neill also auditioned for the role of Sam Malone . \n" }, { "c_id": 196598, "distance": 0.6755242347717285, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Meanwhile , Dwight Schrute ( Rainn Wilson ) attempts to have a successful performance review in order to get a raise . He makes elaborate posters , prepares a ridiculous speech , and pumps himself up in the office 's hallway . Unfortunately for him , Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski ) and Pam Beesley ( Jenna Fischer ) successfully prank him by making him believe that it is a Friday instead of a Thursday . He arrives at the office very late the next day , much to Michael 's annoyance . \n" }, { "c_id": 731010, "distance": 0.6739869713783264, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Meanwhile , Jim ( John Krasinski ) desperately tries to re @-@ up an annual sale that will amount to a quarter of his yearly commission but is ultimately undercut by Dwight ( Rainn Wilson ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1558321, "distance": 0.6729587912559509, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Michael Scott ( Steve Carell ) screens his action film Threat Level Midnight to the office after eleven years of writing , shooting , re @-@ shooting and editing . \n" } ]
what type of strings does willie nelson use?
[ "Steel-string acoustic guitar" ]
[ { "c_id": 754762, "distance": 0.6499752402305603, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = = Guitars with seven and eight strings = = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1275927, "distance": 0.6489710211753845, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The instrumentation on their songs is usually a simple arrangement , with Welch and Rawlings accompanying their own vocals with acoustic guitars , banjos , or a mandolin . Welch plays rhythm guitar with a 1956 Gibson J @-@ 50 ( or banjo ) , while Rawlings plays lead on a 1935 Epiphone Olympic Guitar . The New Yorker 's Wilkinson described Rawlings as a \" strikingly inventive guitarist \" who plays solos that are \" daring melodic leaps \" . A review in No Depression by Andy Moore observed that Rawlings \" squeezes , strokes , chokes and does just about everything but blow into \" his guitar . \n" }, { "c_id": 38536, "distance": 0.6427227854728699, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jennings 's music was characterized by his \" powerful \" singing voice , noted by his \" rough @-@ edged quality , \" as well as his phrasing and texture . He was also recognized for his \" spanky @-@ twang \" guitar style . To create his sound , he used a pronounced ' phaser ' effect ( see ' Modulation Effects ' : below ) plus a mixture of thumb and fingers during the rhythmic parts , while using picks for the lead runs . He combined hammer @-@ on and pull @-@ off riffs , with eventual upper @-@ fret double stops and modulation effects . Jennings played a 1953 Fender Telecaster , a used guitar that was a gift from The Waylors . Jennings 's bandmates adorned his guitar with a distinctive leather cover that featured a black background with a white floral work . Jennings further customized it by filing down the frets to lower the strings on the neck to obtain the slapping sound . Among his other guitars , Jennings used a 1950 Fender Broadcaster from the mid @-@ 1970s , until he gave it to guitarist Reggie Young in 1993 . The leather covers of his guitars were carved by leather artist Terry Lankford . \n" }, { "c_id": 776080, "distance": 0.6416863203048706, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Nelson uses a variety of music styles to create his own distinctive blend of country music , a hybrid of jazz , pop , blues , rock and folk . His \" unique sound \" , which uses a \" relaxed , behind @-@ the @-@ beat singing style and gut @-@ string guitar \" and his \" nasal voice and jazzy , off @-@ center phrasing \" , has been responsible for his wide appeal , and has made him a \" vital icon in country music \" , influencing the \" new country , new traditionalist , and alternative country movements of the ' 80s and ' 90s \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1714215, "distance": 0.6401333808898926, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " John Green ( author ) , novelist , co @-@ founder of the VlogBrothers , is known to own a Westie , called Willie ( or Fireball Wilson Roberts ) . \n" } ]
who did heidi klum date before seal?
[ "Ric Pipino" ]
[ { "c_id": 333291, "distance": 0.6392213106155396, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The personal relationships of Michael Jackson have been the subject of public and media attention for several decades . He was introduced to the topic of sexual activity at age nine while a member of The Jackson 5 . He and his brothers would perform at strip clubs , sharing the bill with female strippers and drag queens , and the sexual adventures of his brothers with groupies further affected Jackson 's early life . The entertainer said his \" first real date \" was with the child actress Tatum O 'Neal , when he was a teenager in the 1970s ; he called her \" my first love - after Diana [ Ross ] . \" The pair eventually \" cooled off \" and Jackson entered into a romance with model Brooke Shields in 1981 . Although the relationship became largely platonic , Shields said there were times he had asked her to marry him . As they grew older , the two saw each other less . \n" }, { "c_id": 836665, "distance": 0.6358475089073181, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " By the end of 2003 he was linked to singer Britney Spears , Playboy cover girl Nicole Narain , model Josie Maran and actresses Angelina Jolie , Maeve Quinlan and Demi Moore . \n" }, { "c_id": 386001, "distance": 0.6290629506111145, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After M.I.A. approached American DJ Diplo at the Fabric Club in London , the two were romantically involved for five years . \n" }, { "c_id": 689589, "distance": 0.6247597336769104, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Bass dated actress Danielle Fishel of TV 's Boy Meets World throughout 1999 and 2000 . Fishel stated that she was heavily invested in the relationship , commenting that she was \" like , so in love \" with Bass . Bass ended the relationship after one year , and continued to exclusively date women until he was 22 . \n" }, { "c_id": 200486, "distance": 0.6232906579971313, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The suspension was front page news and Monroe immediately began a publicity campaign to counter any negative press and to strengthen her position in the conflict . On January 14 , she and Joe DiMaggio , whose relationship had been subject to constant media attention since 1952 , were married at the San Francisco City Hall . They then traveled to Japan , combining a honeymoon with his business trip . From there , she traveled alone to Korea , where she performed songs from her films as part of a USO show for over 60 @,@ 000 U.S. Marines over a four @-@ day period . After returning to Hollywood in February , she was awarded Photoplay 's \" Most Popular Female Star \" prize . She reached a settlement with the studio in March : it included a new contract to be made later in the year , and a starring role in the film version of the Broadway play The Seven Year Itch , for which she was to receive a bonus of $ 100 @,@ 000 . \n" } ]
what type of voting system does australia have?
[ "Parliamentary system", "Federation", "Constitutional monarchy" ]
[ { "c_id": 1651561, "distance": 0.7825606465339661, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Australia 's electoral system uses preferential voting for all lower house elections with the exception of Tasmania and the ACT which , along with the Senate and most state upper houses , combine it with proportional representation in a system known as the single transferable vote . Voting is compulsory for all enrolled citizens 18 years and over in every jurisdiction , as is enrolment ( with the exception of South Australia ) . The party with majority support in the House of Representatives forms the government and its leader becomes Prime Minister . In cases where no party has majority support , the Governor @-@ General has the constitutional power to appoint the Prime Minister and , if necessary , dismiss one that has lost the confidence of Parliament . \n" }, { "c_id": 70828, "distance": 0.6820901036262512, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Under one person , one vote , each country 's number of votes is directly proportional to its population . This would be similar to how U.S. states are represented in the United States House of Representatives . In The Future of Sovereignty - Rethinking a Key Concept of International Relations , Hasenclever et al. sum up the advantages and disadvantages of this system : \" In a strict meaning of democracy based on individuals as subjects , every person 's vote would have to have exactly the same weight . None of the known proposals , however , supports such a strict interpretation , because the inequality among the states ' voting powers would be extreme with only four countries - China , India , the United States and the former USSR - disposing of an absolute majority . \" A way to resolve the disparity in population between countries would be to apportion representation to regions instead of nations . This would , for example , place Suriname and Brazil , the least and most populated South American countries , in a single South American voting bloc of approximately 400 million people , preserving the one person , one vote system while eliminating extreme disparities in population . This approach , however , is dependent upon elected officials being entrusted to represent said regions and not just their home countries , and could potentially leave some less populated countries with no representatives from their country if they are either outvoted by people in more populated countries in their assigned region or if the people in less populated countries vote in large numbers for candidates or political parties from other countries . \n" }, { "c_id": 70825, "distance": 0.6810012459754944, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " There are several alternate proposals for apportionment of votes among member nations : \n" }, { "c_id": 432859, "distance": 0.6740136742591858, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Several proposals to abolish the Electoral College by constitutional amendment have been introduced in Congress over the decades . These efforts have , however , been hampered by the fact that a two @-@ thirds vote in both the House and Senate are required to send an amendment to the states , where ratification by three @-@ fourths of the State legislatures is required for it to become operative . \n" }, { "c_id": 1662326, "distance": 0.6723888516426086, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In addition , it has been suggested that the GRC scheme merely provides an appearance of a united , multiracial Parliament . In fact , minority representatives are required to vote according to their party line ; they are not allowed to vote specifically in the interests of their racial groups . The multiracial element in Parliament has been artificially imposed by way of a racial quota to ensure that the minorities are represented . \n" } ]
where did president andrew jackson grew up?
[ "Waxhaws" ]
[ { "c_id": 1788021, "distance": 0.6538943648338318, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At the age of 14 , in 1825 , Benjamin entered Yale College , an institution popular among white Southerners ; Vice President John C. Calhoun , a South Carolinian , was among its alumni . Although Benjamin was successful as a student at Yale , he left abruptly in 1827 without completing his course of study . The reasons for this are uncertain : in 1861 , when Louisiana left the Union and Benjamin resigned as a U.S. senator , an abolitionist newspaper alleged that he had been caught as a thief at Yale . He considered bringing suit for libel but litigation was impractical . In 1901 , his sole surviving classmate wrote that Benjamin had been expelled for gambling . One of his biographers , Robert Meade , considered the evidence of wrongdoing by Benjamin to be \" too strong to be ignored \" , but noted that at the time Benjamin left Yale , he was only 16 years old . \n" }, { "c_id": 461010, "distance": 0.6473912000656128, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Abraham Lincoln lived in Indiana from 1816 until 1830 , age 7 to 21 . It was during these years that Lincoln first encountered slavery and began to form his opinions . Growing up in a climate where the state politics were run by men like Jennings and Pennington would have much influence on the development of Lincoln 's views . \n" }, { "c_id": 1536572, "distance": 0.6393485069274902, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Daniels family moved to Indiana from Pennsylvania in 1959 when his father accepted a job at the Indianapolis headquarters of the pharmaceutical company Pittman @-@ Moore . Then 11 @-@ year @-@ old Daniels was accustomed to the mountains , and he at first disliked the flatland of central Indiana . He was still in grade school at the time of the move and first attended Delaware Trail Elementary , Westlane Junior High School , and North Central High School . In high school he was student body president . After graduation in 1967 , Daniels was named one of Indiana 's Presidential Scholars — the state 's top male high school graduate that year — by President Lyndon B. Johnson . \n" }, { "c_id": 979917, "distance": 0.6303950548171997, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sheppard was born in Waynesboro , Virginia on March 8 , 1865 , to William Henry Sheppard , Sr. and Fannie Frances Sheppard ( née Martin ) , a free \" dark mulatto \" , a month before the end of the American Civil War . No records exist to confirm William Sr. ' s status as a slave or freedman , but it has been speculated that he may have been among the slaves forced to serve the Confederacy as Union troops marched upon the South . William Sr. was a barber , and the family has been described as the closest to middle class that blacks could have achieved given the time and place . At age twelve , William Jr. became a stable boy for a white family several miles away while continuing to attend school ; he remembered his two @-@ year stay fondly and maintained written correspondence with the family for many years . Sheppard next worked as a waiter to put himself through the newly created Hampton Institute , where Booker T. Washington was among his instructors in a program that allowed students to work during the day and attend classes at night . A significant influence on his appreciation for native cultures was the \" Curiosity Room \" , in which the school 's founder maintained a collection of Native Hawaiian and Native American works of art . Later in life he would collect artifacts from the Congo , specifically those of the Kuba , and bring them back for this room , as evidenced by his letters home , such as \" [ i ] t was on the first of September , 1890 that William H. Sheppard addressed a letter to General Samuel Armstrong , Hampton , From Stanley Pool , Africa , that he had many artifacts , spears , idols , etc . , and he was ' ... saving them for the Curiosity Room at Hampton ' \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 628867, "distance": 0.6294935345649719, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " William Emmons , the Boston printer , published a biography of Johnson in New York dated July 1833 . Richard Emmons , from Great Crossing , Kentucky , followed this up with a play entitled Tecumseh , of the Battle of the Thames and a poem in honor of Johnson . Many of Johnson 's friends and supporters – Davy Crockett and John Bell among them – encouraged him to run for president . Jackson , however , supported Vice @-@ President Van Buren for the office . Johnson accepted this choice , and worked to gain the nomination for vice @-@ president . \n" } ]
what did ivan pavlov invented?
[ "Classical conditioning" ]
[ { "c_id": 334096, "distance": 0.6466635465621948, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Many similar experiments were pursued by Dziga Vertov in his 1931 Entuziazm and by Chaplin in Modern Times , a half @-@ decade later . \n" }, { "c_id": 802438, "distance": 0.6407756209373474, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Ivan the Russian ( Bulgarian : Иван Русина , Ivan Rusina ; Hungarian : Orosz Iván ) ( fl . 1288 / 1323 – 1332 ) was a 14th @-@ century Bulgarian military leader of Russian origin who served Bulgarian tsars Michael Shishman and Ivan Alexander . Prior to joining the armed forces of the Second Bulgarian Empire , Ivan the Russian may have been a military commander in the service of the Hungarian governor of Severin . \n" }, { "c_id": 575034, "distance": 0.6357226967811584, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " This work was confirmed three years later at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna ( then in the Soviet Union ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1511910, "distance": 0.6302645802497864, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Tsar Ivan IV of Russia undertook in 1577 hostilities in the Livonian region , which resulted in his takeover of most of the area and caused the Polish – Lithuanian involvement in the Livonian War . The successful counter @-@ offensive led by King Báthory and Jan Zamoyski resulted in the peace of 1582 and the retaking of much of the territory contested with Russia , with the Swedish forces establishing themselves in the far north ( Estonia ) . Estonia was declared a part of the Commonwealth by Sigismund III in 1600 , which gave rise to a war with Sweden over Livonia ; the war lasted until 1611 without producing a definite outcome . \n" }, { "c_id": 968107, "distance": 0.6290206909179688, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Despite the teething problems with the MiG @-@ 3 , in 1941 , one of the aircraft 's designers — Mikhail Gurevich — was awarded the State Stalin Prize for his contribution to Soviet aviation . \n" } ]
what countries and seas border ukraine?
[ "Romania", "Belarus", "Poland", "Moldova", "Slovakia", "Hungary", "Russia" ]
[ { "c_id": 574979, "distance": 0.6829746961593628, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In September 2010 a treaty was made between Russia and Norway fixing the boundary between the Svalbard archipelago and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago . Increased interest in petroleum exploration in the Arctic raised interest in a resolution of the dispute . The agreement takes into account the relative positions of the archipelagos , rather than being based simply on northward extension of the continental border of Norway and Russia . \n" }, { "c_id": 1510736, "distance": 0.6827585101127625, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Soviet Union had 42 @,@ 777 kilometres ( 26 @,@ 580 mi ) of coastline and 1 @,@ 565 ships in the merchant marine . Marine industry was under the control of the Ministry of Merchant Marine of the USSR . \n" }, { "c_id": 1566042, "distance": 0.6808162927627563, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Belarus borders five countries : Latvia to the north , Lithuania to the northwest , Poland to the west , Russia to the north and the east , and Ukraine to the south . Treaties in 1995 and 1996 demarcated Belarus 's borders with Latvia and Lithuania , but Belarus failed to ratify a 1997 treaty establishing the Belarus @-@ Ukraine border . Belarus and Lithuania ratified final border demarcation documents in February 2007 . \n" }, { "c_id": 153937, "distance": 0.6758778095245361, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The international name for the body of water which is bordered by Japan , North Korea , Russia , and South Korea is disputed . In 1992 , objections to the name Sea of Japan were first raised by North Korea and South Korea at the Sixth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names . The Japanese government supports the use of the name \" Sea of Japan \" , while South Korea supports the name \" East Sea \" , and North Korea supports the name \" East Sea of Korea \" . Currently , most international maps and documents use either the name Sea of Japan ( or equivalent translation ) by itself , or include both the name Sea of Japan and East Sea , often with East Sea listed in parentheses or otherwise marked as a secondary name . The International Hydrographic Organization , the international governing body for the naming of bodies of water around the world , in 2012 decided not to change the current single name \" Sea of Japan \" rejecting South Korea 's request to use \" East Sea \" together with \" Sea of Japan \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 153996, "distance": 0.6755173802375793, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Russia calls this sea \" Япо ́ нское мо ́ ре \" ( Yapónskoye móre , Japanese Sea ) . Japan believes that Russia played a major role in establishing this name internationally , as mentioned above . Chinese government websites exclusively use the name 日本海 ( rìběnhǎi , Japan Sea ) . In 2003 , the French Defense Ministry issued nautical maps that included both terms Sea of Japan and East Sea . It reverted to Sea of Japan as a single name in the map issued in 2004 . The United Kingdom and Germany officially use the Sea of Japan . \n" } ]
where the murray river located?
[ "Australia" ]
[ { "c_id": 561241, "distance": 0.6905866265296936, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At its 1836 discovery an inland bend was chosen as the site of the Adelaide city centre and North Adelaide . The river is named after Colonel Robert Torrens , chairman of the colonial commissioners and a significant figure in the city 's founding . The river is also known by its native Kaurna name Karra wirra @-@ parri . The river and its tributaries are highly variable in flow , and together drain an area of 508 square kilometres ( 196 sq mi ) . They range from sometimes raging torrents , damaging bridges and flooding city areas , to trickles and completely dry in summer . Winter and spring flooding has prompted the construction of flood reduction works . A constructed sea outlet , landscaped linear parks and three holding reservoirs contain peak flow . \n" }, { "c_id": 781832, "distance": 0.6606522798538208, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Koori people of Victoria also knew Altair as Bunjil , the wedge @-@ tailed eagle , and β and γ Aquilae are his two wives the black swans . The people of the Murray River knew the star as Totyerguil . The Murray River was formed when Totyerguil the hunter speared Otjout , a giant Murray cod , who , when wounded , churned a channel across southern Australia before entering the sky as the constellation Delphinus . \n" }, { "c_id": 1621918, "distance": 0.6523305177688599, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Columbia drains an area of about 258 @,@ 000 square miles ( 670 @,@ 000 km2 ) . Its drainage basin covers nearly all of Idaho , large portions of British Columbia , Oregon , and Washington , ultimately all of Montana west of the Continental Divide , and small portions of Wyoming , Utah , and Nevada ; the total area is similar to the size of France . Roughly 745 miles ( 1 @,@ 200 km ) of the river 's length and 85 percent of its drainage basin are in the US . The Columbia is the twelfth @-@ longest river and has the sixth @-@ largest drainage basin in the United States . In Canada , where the Columbia flows for 498 miles ( 801 km ) and drains 39 @,@ 700 square miles ( 103 @,@ 000 km2 ) , the river ranks 23rd in length , and the Canadian part of its basin ranks 13th in size among Canadian basins . The Columbia shares its name with nearby places , such as British Columbia , as well as with landforms and bodies of water . \n" }, { "c_id": 561258, "distance": 0.6403775215148926, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The river 's catchment area of approximately 500 km2 ( 193 sq mi ) is the largest of any waterway within the Adelaide region . The upper reaches are used to create a potable water supply for metropolitan Adelaide with the river supplying three of Adelaide 's eight reservoirs . The upper catchment has an average annual rainfall of between 575 millimetres ( 22 @.@ 6 in ) at its eastern end to 1 @,@ 025 millimetres ( 40 @.@ 4 in ) near Uraidla . The Torrens has a very variable flow leaving early settlers to use trial and error in determining bridge heights , with many bridges consequently being washed away . Due to the variability of Adelaide 's climate , flow rates can change from a trickle to flood conditions quickly . On 5 June 1889 , prior to major flooding , the flow rate before it entered the suburbs was 0 @.@ 7 m ³ / s ( cubic metres per second ) , rising to 129 @.@ 1 m ³ / s , 8 days later . \n" }, { "c_id": 561253, "distance": 0.640190601348877, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The largest catchment of the Torrens is Sixth Creek in the Adelaide Hills , which joins the Torrens at Castambul on Gorge Road . \n" } ]
where was joe biden a senator?
[ "Delaware" ]
[ { "c_id": 473366, "distance": 0.6650347113609314, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Joseph Robinette \" Joe \" Biden , Jr . , a Democratic United States Senator from Delaware at the time , was a candidate for President of the United States in the 1988 United States presidential election . \n" }, { "c_id": 473375, "distance": 0.6576494574546814, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Biden was active on the party speaking circuit from 1985 on , and was considered one of the best orators among the potential presidential candidates for 1988 . The declared absence of Senator Ted Kennedy from the field , to whom Biden was sometimes compared , was also encouraging to a possible Biden candidacy . \n" }, { "c_id": 34233, "distance": 0.657486617565155, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Before his visit , he called upon Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts , the highest ranking African American in U.S. government , to campaign with him on trips to Illinois and California . Referring to Brooke as \" one of my top advisers , \" he accompanied campaign stops in Chicago and San Francisco , a move critics described as an attempt to further gain favor within the African American community . \n" }, { "c_id": 473386, "distance": 0.6514419317245483, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " At age of 45 , Biden became one of the official candidates for Democratic nomination , formally declaring his candidacy at the Wilmington train station on June 9 , 1987 . \n" }, { "c_id": 280781, "distance": 0.6459041833877563, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Biden ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 , and on the national ticket as eventual nominee Barack Obama 's running @-@ mate . \n" } ]
what is the money currency in italy?
[ "Euro" ]
[ { "c_id": 712992, "distance": 0.6819413900375366, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As of January 2014 , and since the introduction of the euro , interest rates of most members countries ( particularly those with a weak currency ) , have decreased . The countries whose interest rates fell most as a result of the adoption of the euro are Greece , Ireland , Portugal , Spain , and Italy . These very countries have had the most serious sovereign financing problems . \n" }, { "c_id": 1092520, "distance": 0.6816597580909729, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Social and political structures in Italy = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 712942, "distance": 0.6784923672676086, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Since 2005 , stamps issued by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta have been denominated in euros , although the Order 's official currency remains the Maltese scudo . The Maltese scudo itself is pegged to the euro and is only recognised as legal tender within the Order . \n" }, { "c_id": 712867, "distance": 0.6773316860198975, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Additionally , 210 million people worldwide as of 2013 use currencies pegged to the euro . The euro is the second largest reserve currency as well as the second most traded currency in the world after the United States dollar . As of August 2014 , with more than € 995 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 in circulation , the euro has the highest combined value of banknotes and coins in circulation in the world , having surpassed the U.S. dollar . Based on International Monetary Fund estimates of 2008 GDP and purchasing power parity among the various currencies , the eurozone is the second largest economy in the world . \n" }, { "c_id": 793362, "distance": 0.6768478155136108, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The euro was founded on 1 January 1999 , when it became the currency of over 300 million people in Europe . For the first three years of its existence it was an invisible currency , only used in accountancy . Euro cash was not introduced until 1 January 2002 , when it replaced the national banknotes and coins of the countries in eurozone 12 , such as the Italian lira and the German mark . \n" } ]
where was adolf hitler died?
[ "Berlin" ]
[ { "c_id": 1607582, "distance": 0.7060936093330383, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Adolf Hitler killed himself by gunshot on 30 April 1945 in his Führerbunker in Berlin . His wife Eva ( née Braun ) committed suicide with him by taking cyanide . That afternoon , in accordance with Hitler 's prior instructions , their remains were carried up the stairs through the bunker 's emergency exit , doused in petrol , and set alight in the Reich Chancellery garden outside the bunker . Records in the Soviet archives show that their burnt remains were recovered and interred in successive locations until 1970 , when they were again exhumed , cremated , and the ashes scattered . \n" }, { "c_id": 370510, "distance": 0.6986435055732727, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Hitler created a public image as a celibate man without a domestic life , dedicated entirely to his political mission and the nation . He met his lover , Eva Braun , in 1929 , and married her in April 1945 . In September 1931 , his half @-@ niece , Geli Raubal , committed suicide with Hitler 's gun in his Munich apartment . It was rumoured among contemporaries that Geli was in a romantic relationship with him , and her death was a source of deep , lasting pain . Paula Hitler , the last living member of his immediate family , died in 1960 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1207791, "distance": 0.6915353536605835, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " By 26 April , the complex at Obersalzberg was under attack by the Allies , so Göring was moved to his castle at Mauterndorf . In his last will and testament , Hitler expelled Göring from the party and formally rescinded the decree making him his successor . He then appointed Karl Dönitz , the Navy 's commander @-@ in @-@ chief , as president of the Reich and commander @-@ in @-@ chief of the armed forces . Hitler and his wife , Eva Braun , committed suicide on 30 April 1945 , a few hours after a hastily arranged wedding . Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit , and he made his way to the American lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Russians . He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the United States Army . This move likely saved Göring 's life ; Bormann had ordered him executed if Berlin had fallen . \n" }, { "c_id": 370337, "distance": 0.687807023525238, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Hitler received the final part of his father 's estate in May 1913 and moved to Munich . Historians believe he left Vienna to evade conscription into the Austro @-@ Hungarian Army . Hitler later claimed that he did not wish to serve Austria @-@ Hungary because of the mixture of races in its armed forces . After he was deemed unfit for service — he failed his physical exam in Salzburg on 5 February 1914 — he returned to Munich . \n" }, { "c_id": 1207788, "distance": 0.6852390766143799, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " As the Soviets approached Berlin , Hitler 's efforts to organize the defence of the city became ever more meaningless and futile . His last birthday , celebrated at the Führerbunker in Berlin on 20 April 1945 , was the occasion for leave @-@ taking for many top Nazis , Göring included . By this time , Carinhall had been evacuated , the building destroyed , and its art treasures moved to Berchtesgaden and elsewhere . Göring arrived at his estate at Obersalzberg on 22 April , the same day that Hitler , in a lengthy diatribe against his generals , first publicly admitted that the war was lost and that he intended to remain in Berlin to the end and then commit suicide . He also stated that Göring was in a better position to negotiate a peace settlement . In 1941 — a week after the start of the Soviet invasion — Hitler had issued a decree naming Göring his successor in the event of his death . \n" } ]
what percent of mississippi is black?
[ "Yoknapatawpha County", "Caldecott County" ]
[ { "c_id": 766527, "distance": 0.7003587484359741, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Black or African American : 11 @.@ 8 percent \n" }, { "c_id": 1230486, "distance": 0.6923814415931702, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Black Americans now number 36 million , 12 @.@ 9 % of the total population . As of 2009 , the median black male income was $ 23 @,@ 738 , compared to the median white non @-@ Hispanic male income of $ 36 @,@ 785 . \n" }, { "c_id": 720361, "distance": 0.6916450262069702, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " About 175 @,@ 000 black residents departed New Orleans over the year following the storm , while only 100 @,@ 000 returned , pushing the African American population to 59 percent , from 66 percent previously . The biggest impact has been on the middle @-@ class blacks , given that most black professionals are older and more advanced in their careers , and the majority of the affluent and middle class are white . \n" }, { "c_id": 766526, "distance": 0.6892921924591064, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " White American 70 @.@ 4 percent ( Non @-@ Hispanic whites 45 @.@ 3 percent ) \n" }, { "c_id": 482963, "distance": 0.6819055676460266, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " When Moynihan wrote in 1965 on the coming destruction of the black family , the out @-@ of @-@ wedlock birthrate was 25 percent among blacks . In 1991 , 68 percent of black children were born outside of marriage . In 2011 , 72 % of black babies were born to unwed mothers . \n" } ]
what year did reggie bush get drafted?
[ "2006 NFL Draft" ]
[ { "c_id": 348799, "distance": 0.6316521167755127, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 , Bush decided to join the US . Navy , so after graduating from Phillips Academy in 1942 , he became a naval aviator at the age of 18 . After completing the 10 @-@ month course , he was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Naval Reserve at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi on June 9 , 1943 , just three days before his 19th birthday , which made him the youngest naval aviator to that date . \n" }, { "c_id": 203431, "distance": 0.6302565336227417, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In December 1991 , Bush was one of seven people named by his father to run his father 's 1992 Presidential re @-@ election campaign as \" campaign advisor \" . The previous month , his father asked him to tell White House chief of staff John H. Sununu that he should resign . \n" }, { "c_id": 203440, "distance": 0.625885009765625, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Throughout Bush 's first term , national attention focused on him as a potential future presidential candidate . Following his re @-@ election , speculation soared . Within a year , he decided to seek the 2000 Republican presidential nomination . \n" }, { "c_id": 249251, "distance": 0.6238055229187012, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The selection of Thompson over Larry Bird ( drafted No. 6 by the Boston Celtics ) in 1978 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1538260, "distance": 0.6230876445770264, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following the end of that season , he was one of the 90 cadets , also including coach Blaik 's son , who were forced to resign from the academy because of a cribbing scandal . The scandal was chronicled in the ESPN original film Code Breakers . According to Pollard in a 1951 interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer , the whole fiasco \" broke [ his ] heart . \" Following the scandal , he received scholarship offers from five major schools and a number of smaller ones . Pollard called Moose Krause , athletic director at Notre Dame , about transferring and playing for their football program , but was informed the Notre Dame Fighting Irish had not accepted transfers for six years . Although he was technically a sophomore , Pollard 's class had graduated and he declared himself eligible for the 1951 NFL Draft . \n" } ]
what was sherlock holmes famous for?
[ "Detective" ]
[ { "c_id": 678732, "distance": 0.6780070066452026, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The fictionalized character was created by a German writer , scientist , and con artist , Rudolf Erich Raspe . Raspe probably met Hieronymus von Münchhausen while studying at the University of Göttingen , and may even have been invited to dine with him at the mansion at Bodenwerder . Raspe 's later career mixed writing and scientific scholarship with theft and swindling ; when the German police issued advertisements for his arrest in 1775 , he fled continental Europe and settled in England . \n" }, { "c_id": 948573, "distance": 0.6733414530754089, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Arthur Conan Doyle , author of Sherlock Holmes \n" }, { "c_id": 545548, "distance": 0.6714968085289001, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Druitt was a favoured suspect in the Jack the Ripper crimes throughout the 1960s , until the advent of theories in the 1970s that the murders were not the work of a single serial killer but the result of a conspiracy involving the British royal family and Freemasonry . These theories , widely condemned as ridiculous , implicate Prince Albert Victor , Duke of Clarence and Avondale , his tutor James Stephen , and their doctor Sir William Gull to varying degrees . One version of the conspiracy promoted by Stephen Knight in his 1976 book Jack the Ripper : The Final Solution supposed that Druitt was a scapegoat , chosen by officialdom to take the blame for the murders . Martin Howells and Keith Skinner followed the same line in their 1987 book The Ripper Legacy , which was panned by one critic as being based on \" no evidence whatever \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1165510, "distance": 0.6699812412261963, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The rumours persisted ; sixty years later the official biographer of King George V , Harold Nicolson , was told by Lord Goddard , who was a twelve @-@ year @-@ old schoolboy at the time of the scandal , that Albert Victor \" had been involved in a male brothel scene , and that a solicitor had to commit perjury to clear him . The solicitor was struck off the rolls for his offence , but was thereafter reinstated . \" In fact , none of the lawyers in the case was convicted of perjury or struck off during the scandal , but Somerset 's solicitor , Arthur Newton , was convicted of obstruction of justice for helping his clients escape abroad , and was sentenced to six weeks in prison . Over twenty years later in 1910 , Newton was struck off for twelve months for professional misconduct after falsifying letters from another of his clients , the notorious murderer Dr Crippen . In 1913 , Newton was struck off indefinitely and sentenced to three years ' imprisonment for obtaining money by false pretences . \n" }, { "c_id": 390700, "distance": 0.659290611743927, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As the \" wealthy monsters \" patronising boxing included King George IV ( who had asked Gentleman Jackson and the country 's leading pugilists to act as pages at his coronation in 1821 ) and his heir , the Duke of Clarence , The Times 's words fell on deaf ears , and the sport continued unabated . The following year a similar legal case occurred when another boxer was killed . However , in this instance less wealthy patrons and illustrious names were involved , and the manager of the convicted boxer , unlike Tom Cribb , was found guilty of abetting manslaughter and sentenced to 14 years transportation . \n" } ]
who is number 5 on the boston celtics?
[ "Kevin Garnett" ]
[ { "c_id": 515339, "distance": 0.6462039947509766, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Players must have played in 75 % of team 's games to be eligible . ( NCAA @-@ wide ranking ) in parenthesis for top 40 performers \n" }, { "c_id": 1192373, "distance": 0.6308838725090027, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " No player has recorded a five @-@ by @-@ five in the NBA Playoffs . \n" }, { "c_id": 79721, "distance": 0.6294483542442322, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Celtics franchise has retired Johnson 's # 3 jersey , which hangs from the rafters of the TD Garden , the home arena of the team . On April 5 , 2010 , the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame officially announced that Johnson had been posthumously elected to the Hall . He was formally inducted on August 13 . He is considered by several sports journalists to be one of the most underrated players of all time . \n" }, { "c_id": 914845, "distance": 0.626488983631134, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After spending about a decade living as a recluse on Mercer Island near Seattle , Russell rose to prominence again at the turn of the millennium . Russell 's Rules was published in 2001 , and in January 2006 , he convinced Miami Heat superstar center Shaquille O 'Neal to bury the hatchet with fellow NBA superstar and former Los Angeles Lakers teammate Kobe Bryant , with whom O 'Neal had a bitter public feud . Later that year , on November 17 , 2006 , the two @-@ time NCAA winner Russell was recognized for his impact on college basketball as a member of the founding class of the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame . He was one of five , along with John Wooden , Oscar Robertson , Dean Smith and Dr. James Naismith , selected to represent the inaugural class . On May 20 , 2007 , Russell was awarded an honorary doctorate by Suffolk University , where he served as its commencement speaker , and Russell received an honorary degree from Harvard University on June 7 , 2007 . On June 18 , 2007 , Russell was inducted as a member of the founding class of the FIBA Hall of Fame . Russell was also honored during the 2009 NBA All @-@ Star Weekend in Phoenix . \n" }, { "c_id": 365707, "distance": 0.623462975025177, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The union rejected the offer on November 9 and asked for another bargaining session . The two sides met again as the deadline passed . After two days of negotiation , the owners put forth a revised final offer and said that they were done bargaining . If accepted by the players , Stern hoped to start a 72 @-@ game season in mid December . On November 14 , the union rejected the last offer and dissolved the union . The NBPA was converted into a trade association , enabling the players as individual employees to participate in a class action antitrust lawsuit against the league , calling the lockout an illegal group boycott . Attorney David Boies , who represented the NFL owners in their 2011 lockout , agreed to represent the players and join Keesler , who also represented the players in the NFL lockout . On November 15 , one group of NBA players ( including Carmelo Anthony , Chauncey Billups , Kawhi Leonard , and Leon Powe ) filed an antitrust lawsuit against the NBA in a California federal court , while another ( including Anthony Tolliver , Ben Gordon , Caron Butler and Derrick Williams ) filed their own suit against the NBA in a Minnesota federal court . November 15 was also the day players were to receive their first paychecks if the season was played . \n" } ]
what does sirius black wand look like?
[ "Star" ]
[ { "c_id": 458551, "distance": 0.6496794819831848, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Eye of Skadi is a purchasable item in Dota 2 , a real time action strategy game , by Valve Corporation . \n" }, { "c_id": 381890, "distance": 0.6478646993637085, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Black Tusk is a large spire of extensively eroded dark volcanic rock that is shaped like a Walrus tusk . It is considered to be the remnant of an extinct andesitic stratovolcano which formed between about 1 @.@ 3 and 1 @.@ 1 million years ago . \n" }, { "c_id": 436948, "distance": 0.6445693969726562, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " A new flare , designated MLU @-@ 32 / B99 , also referred to as Briteye , was put into development . The new flare burned at 5 million candle power for over five minutes and produced a signal that could be heard by pilots indicating when it was about to burn out . Additionally , the Navy ’ s Mk 33 Mod 0 flare warhead for the 5 ” Mk 16 “ Zuni ” rocket motor was tested under Shed Light . Projected delays in the procurement of the MLU @-@ 32 / B99 led to a proposal to test the Swedish Lepus flare as an interim measure . The Lepus flare was tested , but found to be inferior to the MLU @-@ 32 / B99 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1793960, "distance": 0.6440104246139526, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The lighted stylet is a device that employs the principle of transillumination to facilitate blind orotracheal intubation ( an intubation technique in which the laryngoscopist does not view the glottis ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1465048, "distance": 0.643730878829956, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Astronomer Noah Brosch has speculated that the name of the character Sirius Black from the Harry Potter stories , who owns a unique ability to transform into a black dog , might have been inspired by \" Sirius B \" . \n" } ]
who is roger bacon inventor of?
[ "Magnifying glass" ]
[ { "c_id": 1561672, "distance": 0.6600295305252075, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Francis Bacon - The name \" Hog \" is a reference to the English philosopher and originator of the Baconian method . \n" }, { "c_id": 168236, "distance": 0.6344249248504639, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " George Constant Louis Washington ( May 20 , 1871 – March 29 , 1946 ) was an American inventor and businessman of Anglo @-@ Belgian origin . He is best remembered for his invention of an early instant coffee process and for the company he founded to mass @-@ produce it , the G. Washington Coffee Company . \n" }, { "c_id": 474963, "distance": 0.6337575316429138, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Moore believed himself to be the only person to have met the first aviator , Orville Wright , the first man in space , Yuri Gagarin , and the first man on the moon , Neil Armstrong . \n" }, { "c_id": 1092563, "distance": 0.6321238279342651, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Another important development was in the process for discovery , the scientific method , focusing on empirical evidence and the importance of mathematics , while discarding Aristotelian science . Early and influential proponents of these ideas included Copernicus , Galileo , and Francis Bacon . The new scientific method led to great contributions in the fields of astronomy , physics , biology , and anatomy . \n" }, { "c_id": 1420966, "distance": 0.6293036341667175, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = Birth of Panaflex = = \n" } ]
where are the libyan refugees going?
[ "Tunisia" ]
[ { "c_id": 1684251, "distance": 0.6647542119026184, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The dossier , finalised for the group 's trip to Lebanon in mid @-@ December , contained the following : \n" }, { "c_id": 441665, "distance": 0.6610351800918579, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The number of refugees from Bayt Jibrin , including their descendants , was estimated to be 17 @,@ 310 in 1998 . Many live in the al- ' Azza ( also called Bayt Jibrin ) and Fawwar camps in the southern West Bank . \n" }, { "c_id": 515586, "distance": 0.6588400602340698, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Beginning in October , Libyan troops , led by Khalifa Haftar and Ahmed Oun , airlifted to the Aouzou Strip operated in conjunction with Goukouni 's forces to reoccupy Faya . The city was then used as an assembly point for tanks , artillery and armored vehicles that moved south against the capital of N 'Djamena . \n" }, { "c_id": 787017, "distance": 0.6564313769340515, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The trio travelled for six weeks , from 28 July to 13 September 1814 , through France , Switzerland , Germany , and the Netherlands ( which is referred to as \" Holland \" ) ; however , they were forced to return to England due to financial considerations . The situation upon their return was fraught with complications : Mary had become pregnant with a child who would soon die , she and Percy now found themselves penniless , and , to Mary 's genuine surprise , her father refused to have anything to do with her . \n" }, { "c_id": 1176711, "distance": 0.6544634699821472, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In the first months of 2014 , thousands of refugees fleeing the violence in the Central African Republic arrived in Cameroon . \n" } ]
what city was woodstock held in?
[ "Bethel" ]
[ { "c_id": 890545, "distance": 0.6450679898262024, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The fair and the city were the setting of the Elvis Presley movie It Happened at the World 's Fair ( 1963 ) , with a young Kurt Russell making his first screen appearance . Location shooting began on September 4 and concluded nearly two weeks later . The film would be released the following spring , long after the fair had ended . \n" }, { "c_id": 1483921, "distance": 0.6434934735298157, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Twelve days later , Dylan made his first trip abroad . British TV director Philip Saville had heard Dylan perform in Greenwich Village , and invited him to take part in a BBC television drama : Madhouse on Castle Street . Dylan arrived in London on December 17 . In the play , Dylan performed \" Blowin ' in the Wind \" and two other songs . Dylan also immersed himself in the London folk scene , making contact with the Troubadour folk club organizer Anthea Joseph and folksingers Martin Carthy and Bob Davenport . \" I ran into some people in England who really knew those [ traditional English ] songs , \" Dylan recalled in 1984 . \" Martin Carthy , another guy named [ Bob ] Davenport . Martin Carthy 's incredible . I learned a lot of stuff from Martin . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 322936, "distance": 0.6430425047874451, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Woodstock has been regarded as culturally significant , but the Who were critical of the event . Roadie John \" Wiggie \" Wolff , who arranged the band 's payment , described it as \" a shambles \" . Daltrey declared it as \" the worst gig [ they ] ever played \" and Townshend said , \" I thought the whole of America had gone mad . \" A more enjoyable appearance came a few weeks later at the second Isle of Wight Festival , which Townshend described as \" a great concert for \" the band . \n" }, { "c_id": 1028008, "distance": 0.641511857509613, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In mid August 1969 , Bob Dylan had confounded the media 's expectations by shunning the Woodstock Festival , an event he had helped to inspire . Instead , after three years in virtual seclusion with his family , Dylan decided to make his comeback a fortnight after Woodstock , by headlining the Isle of Wight Festival at Wootton , just off the south coast of England . Now a popular act in their own right , the Band agreed to back Dylan for the performance , just as they had ( as the Hawks ) on his controversial 1966 world tour . In a repeat of his UK concerts from 1966 , leading figures in the English music scene began to gather on the island to show their support for Dylan , the singer widely considered \" the minstrel to a generation \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 15865, "distance": 0.6384106278419495, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Dylan made his first trip to the United Kingdom from December 1962 to January 1963 . He had been invited by TV director Philip Saville to appear in a drama , Madhouse on Castle Street , which Saville was directing for BBC Television . At the end of the play , Dylan performed \" Blowin ' in the Wind \" , one of its first public performances . The film recording of Madhouse on Castle Street was destroyed by the BBC in 1968 . While in London , Dylan performed at London folk clubs , including the Troubadour , Les Cousins , and Bunjies . He also learned material from UK performers , including Martin Carthy . \n" } ]
who do pagans believe is god?
[ "Odin" ]
[ { "c_id": 1514911, "distance": 0.7041991949081421, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Religion also exists in the Nebulous universe . Pieced together following the Withering , theologians conclude that there were four true deities : the evil twins Yin and Yang , Feng Shui the destroyer , and merciful Bod , based on the children 's television programme Bod , the theme tune of which has become a hymn , sung in Gregorian chant . Bod is analogous to God , hence the commonly used phrase \" Oh my Bod ! \" \n" }, { "c_id": 896965, "distance": 0.7032564282417297, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Christians believe that Jesus has a \" unique significance \" in the world . Christian doctrines include the beliefs that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit , was born of a virgin named Mary , performed miracles , founded the Church , died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to achieve atonement , rose from the dead , and ascended into Heaven , whence he will return . Most Christians believe Jesus enables humans to be reconciled to God . The Nicene Creed asserts that Jesus will judge the dead either before or after their bodily resurrection , an event tied to the Second Coming of Jesus in Christian eschatology ; though some believe Jesus 's role as savior has more existential or societal concerns than the afterlife , and a few notable theologians have suggested that Jesus will bring about a universal reconciliation . The great majority of Christians worship Jesus as the incarnation of God the Son , the second of three persons of a Divine Trinity . A minority of Christian denominations reject Trinitarianism , wholly or partly , as non @-@ scriptural . \n" }, { "c_id": 1040869, "distance": 0.6977667212486267, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The best form of religion is trust in God , and a firm belief in the immortality of the soul , life everlasting . \n" }, { "c_id": 1763221, "distance": 0.6906943321228027, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = = Paganism and opposition to Christianity = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 402300, "distance": 0.6893985271453857, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Paganism and Wicca in the United States = = = \n" } ]
what was one thing benjamin franklin is famous for?
[ "Bifocals" ]
[ { "c_id": 1059339, "distance": 0.6737463474273682, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The book was popular in the Thirteen Colonies of America , and its appeal survived the American War of Independence , copies being owned by Benjamin Franklin , Thomas Jefferson and George Washington . \n" }, { "c_id": 871473, "distance": 0.6611068248748779, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Samuel Adams is a controversial figure in American history . Disagreement about his significance and reputation began before his death and continues to the present . \n" }, { "c_id": 1788025, "distance": 0.655060887336731, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Benjamin 's troubled married life has led to speculation that he was gay . Daniel Brook , in a 2012 article about Benjamin , suggests that early biographies read as though \" historians are presenting him as an almost farcically stereotypical gay man and yet wear such impervious heteronormative blinders that they themselves know not what they write \" . These conjectures were not given scholarly weight until 2001 , when in an introduction to a reprinting of Meade 's biography of Benjamin , Civil War historian William C. Davis acknowledged \" cloaked suggestions that he [ Benjamin ] was a homosexual \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 740344, "distance": 0.6545587182044983, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Although details of his life story may have been forgotten , Emperor Norton was immortalized in literature . Mark Twain , who resided in San Francisco during part of Emperor Norton 's public life , modeled the character of the King in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on Joshua Norton . \n" }, { "c_id": 1265081, "distance": 0.6510536670684814, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Historians have often sought to identify the sources that most influenced the words and political philosophy of the Declaration of Independence . By Jefferson 's own admission , the Declaration contained no original ideas , but was instead a statement of sentiments widely shared by supporters of the American Revolution . As he explained in 1825 : \n" } ]
what did john williams play?
[ "Trombone", "Piano", "trumpet", "clarinet" ]
[ { "c_id": 1442628, "distance": 0.645258367061615, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In a radio interview in January 1939 , Naismith gave more details of the first game and the initial rules that were used : \n" }, { "c_id": 225861, "distance": 0.6303107142448425, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = John Morrison and The Miz = \n" }, { "c_id": 1384805, "distance": 0.6287561655044556, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Williams is the subject of a 2014 National Film Board of Canada documentary film entitled Danny . Co @-@ directed by Justin Simms and William D. MacGillivray , the film premiered in Halifax on September 13 , 2014 , at the Atlantic Film Festival . The film chronicles Williams ' seven years as premier . \n" }, { "c_id": 450292, "distance": 0.6277573108673096, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " \" A League of Their Own \" by Jim Johnston ( December 7 , 2015 – April 26 , 2016 ; used while a part of The League of Nations ) \n" }, { "c_id": 800739, "distance": 0.6270818114280701, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Robin Williams ' conflicts with the studio = = = \n" } ]
where does the uk import from?
[ "Canada", "Afghanistan", "Madagascar", "United States of America", "Antigua and Barbuda", "New Zealand", "Anguilla" ]
[ { "c_id": 215316, "distance": 0.6791828274726868, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Collaboration with the United Kingdom = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1629935, "distance": 0.6773380041122437, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Importers are particularly hard hit , with the government restricting foreign currency to essential products such as food , medicines and oil . The € 400 million loan from the central banks of Denmark and Norway is sufficient to pay for a month 's imports , although on 15 October there was still a \" temporary delay \" which affected \" all payments to and from the country \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 885525, "distance": 0.6741266846656799, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " United Kingdom : \n" }, { "c_id": 1759069, "distance": 0.6605783104896545, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " United Kingdom - Two received through the Lend @-@ Lease program \n" }, { "c_id": 1632000, "distance": 0.6574282646179199, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The United Kingdom official guidance is to : \n" } ]
who started southwest airlines?
[ "Herb Kelleher", "Rollin King" ]
[ { "c_id": 799671, "distance": 0.6370220184326172, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In April 1949 , Northwest Airlines sued the Glenn L. Martin Company , manufacturers of the Martin 2 @-@ 0 @-@ 2 , for $ 725 @,@ 000 . The lawsuit claimed that the company had sold the airline five defective aircraft , including the aircraft lost in Flight 421 . Glenn Martin , president of the aircraft manufacturing corporation , dismissed the lawsuit as a mere formality , a bit of meaningless legal maneuvering to appease disagreeing insurance companies . \n" }, { "c_id": 475450, "distance": 0.6355785727500916, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Southwest Sports Inc . \n" }, { "c_id": 1410843, "distance": 0.6306843161582947, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After the buyout by the International Airlines Group , Aer Lingus will rejoin the alliance at an unconfirmed date . \n" }, { "c_id": 1564633, "distance": 0.6303038001060486, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Saville and Fairchild went to Congress in 1950 , and obtained $ 114 million for the development of an electronic computer @-@ based air defense system , a project headed by George E. Valley Jr , who was a physicist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) . The computer , named Whirlwind , helped the USAF develop the Semi Automatic Ground Environment ( SAGE ) air defense system . \n" }, { "c_id": 781838, "distance": 0.6243738532066345, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Altair Airlines was a regional airline that operated out of Philadelphia from 1966 to 1982 . \n" } ]
who is the current president of colombia 2011?
[ "Juan Manuel Santos" ]
[ { "c_id": 405371, "distance": 0.6690751314163208, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = New president Ramón Calderón ( 2006 – 09 ) = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1418439, "distance": 0.6652362942695618, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Christopher Sands of the Hudson Institute proposed Mexican membership of NATO in order to enhance NATO cooperation with Mexico and develop a \" North American pillar \" for regional security . In June 2013 , Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos stated his hope that Colombia 's cooperation with NATO could result in NATO membership , though his Foreign Minister , Juan Carlos Pinzon , quickly clarified that Colombia is not actively seeking NATO membership . Ivo Daalder and James Goldgeier proposed a \" global NATO \" that would incorporate democratic states from around the world , including Australia , New Zealand , Japan , South Korea , Brazil , South Africa , and India , while Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani suggested expanding NATO to include Singapore , Israel , Australia , India , and Japan . Expanding NATO outside of Europe would require amending Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty . \n" }, { "c_id": 329833, "distance": 0.6527647376060486, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Costa Rica , the film was screened by president Oscar Arias . Arias 's subsequent championing of the climate change issue was greatly influenced by the film . \n" }, { "c_id": 46036, "distance": 0.6520425081253052, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " On his death in April 2014 , Juan Manuel Santos , the President of Colombia , described him as \" the greatest Colombian who ever lived . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 196140, "distance": 0.6461659073829651, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Acclaimed across Latin America , Castro traveled to Venezuela to attend the first @-@ anniversary celebrations of Marcos Pérez Jiménez 's overthrow . Meeting President @-@ elect Rómulo Betancourt , Castro proposed greater relations between the two nations , unsuccessfully requesting a loan of $ 300 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 and a new deal for Venezuelan oil . Returning home , an argument between Castro and senior government figures broke out ; the government had banned the National Lottery and closed down the casinos and brothels , leaving thousands of waiters , croupiers and prostitutes unemployed , infuriating Castro . As a result , Prime Minister José Miró Cardona resigned , going into exile in the U.S. and joining the anti @-@ Castro movement . \n" } ]
what was the name of the book that charles darwin wrote?
[ "The Origin of Species" ]
[ { "c_id": 1144304, "distance": 0.7304800152778625, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Darwin had initially decided to call his book An abstract of an Essay on the Origin of Species and Varieties Through natural selection , but with Murray 's persuasion it was eventually changed to the snappier title : On the Origin of Species , with the title page adding by Means of Natural Selection , or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life . \n" }, { "c_id": 1624416, "distance": 0.7167097330093384, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Darwin 's book was only partly written when , on 18 June 1858 , he received a paper from Wallace describing natural selection . Shocked that he had been \" forestalled \" , Darwin sent it on that day to Lyell , as requested by Wallace , and although Wallace had not asked for publication , Darwin suggested he would send it to any journal that Wallace chose . His family was in crisis with children in the village dying of scarlet fever , and he put matters in the hands of his friends . After some discussion , Lyell and Hooker decided on a joint presentation at the Linnean Society on 1 July of On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties ; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection . On the evening of 28 June , Darwin 's baby son died of scarlet fever after almost a week of severe illness , and he was too distraught to attend . \n" }, { "c_id": 1624418, "distance": 0.716529369354248, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On the Origin of Species proved unexpectedly popular , with the entire stock of 1 @,@ 250 copies oversubscribed when it went on sale to booksellers on 22 November 1859 . In the book , Darwin set out \" one long argument \" of detailed observations , inferences and consideration of anticipated objections . In making the case for common descent , he included evidence of homologies between humans and other mammals . Having outlined sexual selection , he hinted that it could explain differences between human races . He avoided explicit discussion of human origins , but implied the significance of his work with the sentence ; \" Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history . \" His theory is simply stated in the introduction : \n" }, { "c_id": 1144284, "distance": 0.7126299738883972, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Darwin now had the framework of his theory of natural selection \" by which to work \" , but he was fully occupied with his career as a geologist and held off writing a sketch of his theory until his book on The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs was completed in May 1842 . \n" }, { "c_id": 770093, "distance": 0.7113664746284485, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Darwin 's attempt to popularize science and to convey the wonders of scientific discovery and technological innovation through poetry helped initiate a tradition of popular science writing that continues to the present day . \n" } ]
who might arthur miller think would?
[ "Writer" ]
[ { "c_id": 161335, "distance": 0.6413049101829529, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Oppenheimer raised no objection to the sequence in the film in which he told Brigadier General Thomas Farrell that the odds of a runaway explosion destroying the planet were less than one in a million , although he let MGM know it never happened . The cultured Oppenheimer 's main concern was that the script was poor , with characters that were \" stilted , lifeless , and without purpose or insight . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 375586, "distance": 0.6350729465484619, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A larger than life character , Miller is the subject of many stories , often apocryphal . One story had Don Bradman answering a knock on the door late one night to see Miller dressed in a dinner suit . Miller advised Bradman that , as demanded , he was in bed at curfew and was now going out . His relationship with Bradman was one riddled with friction and mutual antipathy , \" ... one a roundhead of massive influence , the other a cavalier and maverick \" . As Bradman moved from batting hero and team captain to selector and administrator , his influence grew ; this \" ... almost certainly cost Miller any chance of captaining his country \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 375421, "distance": 0.6283199191093445, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Miller 's personality — love of the contest , rather than victory , and his larger @-@ than @-@ life rebelliousness and carousing — helped both shape and limit his cricketing career , as he espoused the opposite of the more puritanical values of Donald Bradman , his captain and later national selector . Neville Cardus referred to Miller as \" the Australian in excelsis \" ; Daily Mail sportswriter Ian Wooldridge 's response was \" By God he was right \" . This status was reflected when Miller was made one of the ten inaugural members of the Australian Cricket Hall of Fame . \n" }, { "c_id": 768099, "distance": 0.6182578802108765, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Quatermass presents his theory to a government minister ( Edwin Richfield ) and other officials . The occupants of the missile came from the dying Mars . Unable to survive on Earth , they chose to preserve some part of their race by creating a colony by proxy by significantly enhancing the intelligence of the natives . The descendants of these apemen evolved into modern humans , but retain the vestiges of the Martian influence buried in their subconscious . He plays the recording of Judd 's mind as evidence : it shows hordes of Martians engaged in what he interprets as a racial purge , cleansing the Martian hives of weaker members of the race . A disbelieving Breen offers an alternative theory : the missile is a Nazi propaganda exercise designed to sow fear of an alien invasion among the populace . The minister rejects Quatermass 's theory in favour of Breen 's and decides to unveil the missile to the press . \n" }, { "c_id": 951348, "distance": 0.6154946088790894, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Creator Arthur Miller described the role as one for a large character in a small physical body and noted he had difficulty finding the right actor at first . Loman 's Brooklyn accent is part of the challenge of the role . In 1950 , Miller described Loman as a man who upon hearing society 's \" thundering command to succeed \" found himself staring at a failure in the mirror . The Amazon.com editorial review by Ali Davis states that \" Willy Loman is a salesman desperately hustling for a living even as he slides into old age . \" Rovi Corporation 's Matthew Tobey describes him as an everyman who has to cope with the sudden realization that he is over the hill and does so with a fantasy world in which he remains important . The Huffington Post 's theater critic , Wilborn Hampton , describes the role as \" one of the most complicated characters in dramatic literature \" , making it a draw for the great actors . \n" } ]
who is abraham descended from?
[ "Terah", "Amathlaah" ]
[ { "c_id": 1606863, "distance": 0.7131885290145874, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " According to the Hebrew Bible narrative , Jewish ancestry is traced back to the Biblical patriarchs such as Abraham , Isaac and Jacob , and the Biblical matriarchs Sarah , Rebecca , Leah , and Rachel , who lived in Canaan around the 18th century BCE . Jacob and his family migrated to Ancient Egypt after being invited to live with Jacob 's son Joseph by the Pharaoh himself . The patriarchs ' descendants were later enslaved until the Exodus led by Moses , traditionally dated to the 13th century BCE , after which the Israelites conquered Canaan . \n" }, { "c_id": 261927, "distance": 0.7008702754974365, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The descendants of Tytila 's ancestor Wehha \n" }, { "c_id": 13269, "distance": 0.6947430372238159, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The descendants of Abraham and Hagar are called Ishmaelites , after Ishmael , their firstborn , and the Qedarites are named for his second son , Qedar . The Bible refers to both the Qedarites and Qedar frequently . Old Testament references include Genesis ( 25 : 13 ) , Isaiah ( 21 : 16 @-@ 17 , 42 : 11 , 60 : 7 ) , Jeremiah ( 2 : 10 , 49 : 28 @-@ 33 ) , Ezekiel ( 27 : 21 ) , and Chronicles ( 1 : 29 ) . Twice , Qedar is used to refer to the actual son of Ishmael , as in the books of Genesis and Chronicles , while remaining references are to his descendants , referring either to his most prominent North Arabian sons , or to the Arabs and Bedouins as a more general collective . The \" tents of Kedar \" equated with \" the peace @-@ hating Meshech \" mentioned in the Book of Psalms ( 120 : 5 ) were likely a Qedarite sub @-@ group . \n" }, { "c_id": 13298, "distance": 0.6940033435821533, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In accounts tracing the ancestry of Mohammed back to Ma 'ad ( and from there to Adam ) , Arab scholars alternate , with some citing the line as through Nebaioth , others Qedar . \n" }, { "c_id": 13297, "distance": 0.6928170919418335, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Ishmaelism in this more limited definition holds that Ishmael was both an important religious figure and eponymous ancestor for some of the Arabs of western Arabia . Prominence is given in Arab genealogical accounts to the first two of Ishmael 's twelve sons , Nebaioth ( Arabic : نبيت , Nabīt ) and Qedar ( Arabic : قيدار , Qaydār ) , who are also prominently featured in the Genesis account . It is likely that they and their tribes lived in northwestern Arabia and were historically the most important of the twelve Ishamelite tribes . \n" } ]
what did atticus finch do?
[ "Lawyer" ]
[ { "c_id": 852590, "distance": 0.6227275729179382, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Skelton was unable to work in television until the end of his 1951 MGM movie contract ; a renegotiation to extend the pact provided permission after that point . He signed a contract for television on NBC with Procter and Gamble as his sponsor on May 4 , 1951 , and said he would be performing the same characters on television as he had been doing on radio . The MGM agreement with Skelton for television performances did not allow him to go on the air before September 30 , 1951 . His television debut , The Red Skelton Show , premiered on that date : at the end of his opening monologue , two men backstage grabbed his ankles from behind the set curtain , hauling him offstage face down . A 1943 instrumental hit by David Rose , called \" Holiday for Strings \" , became Skelton 's TV theme song . The move to television allowed him to create two non @-@ human characters , seagulls Gertrude and Heathcliffe , which he performed while the pair were flying by tucking his thumbs under his arms to represent wings and shaping his hat to look like a bird 's bill . He patterned his meek , henpecked television character of George Appleby after his radio character , J. Newton Numbskull , who had similar characteristics . His \" Freddie the Freeloader \" clown was introduced on the program in 1952 , with Skelton copying his father 's makeup for the character . He learned how to duplicate his father 's makeup and perform his routines through his mother 's recollections . A ritual became established at the end of every program , with Skelton 's shy boyish wave and words of , \" Good night and may God bless . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 408051, "distance": 0.6182074546813965, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mr. Finch 's successes have aroused media attention — in particular , the attention of investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith . While at first the Doctor feigns ignorance ( but is barely able to restrain his pleasure at seeing her again ) , when Sarah Jane discovers the TARDIS during the night , he reveals his identity to her . Sarah Jane meets Rose and Mickey , with an immediate rivalry sparking between the two women . As the group searches the school , they find thirteen bat @-@ like creatures asleep in Finch 's office . Returning to Sarah Jane 's car , the journalist reveals a battered , inactive K9 Mark III , who — once repaired — identifies the chip oil as Krillitane oil . Rose , unaware that the Doctor had even had past companions , confronts him ; he replies sadly that , while she can spend the rest of her life with him , he cannot spend the rest of his life with her , so he must remain aloof . \n" }, { "c_id": 1170625, "distance": 0.6135313510894775, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Bill Sage as Mr. Wicher ; Sage had co @-@ starred with Carey in Glitter , as well as previously working with Daniels on Tennessee . \n" }, { "c_id": 22339, "distance": 0.6130071878433228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Marge 's fantasy about Bart graduating from Harvard University with Mr. Burns ' money is interrupted by a fantasy of her being lifted into the sky by Lee Majors , accompanied by a sound effect from The Six Million Dollar Man , in which Majors played the title character . \n" }, { "c_id": 762704, "distance": 0.6117023229598999, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " \" Roland \" was the first of two episodes of The X @-@ Files written by Chris Ruppenthal , who would go on to write the second season episode \" 3 \" , which was heavily rewritten by series regulars Glen Morgan and James Wong . \" Roland \" contains the series ' first mention of Fox Mulder 's father Bill , although the character would not actually make an appearance until the second season episode \" Colony \" . \n" } ]
what type of cancer did patrick swayze die from?
[ "Pancreatic cancer" ]
[ { "c_id": 584, "distance": 0.6631892323493958, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On one day during his treatments , as his wife was wheeling him down a hospital corridor , Cullen went into cardiac arrest , requiring doctors to use a defibrillator to revive him . He underwent a bone marrow transplant that briefly reduced his immune system to the point that he could have very little human contact . Another examination in April 1998 revealed that the cancer was finally gone , and Cullen immediately began training for a comeback . \n" }, { "c_id": 1403046, "distance": 0.658105731010437, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Johnson had several health problems , including childhood tuberculous scrofula resulting in deep facial scarring , deafness in one ear and blindness in one eye , gout , testicular cancer , and a stroke in his final year that left him unable to speak ; his autopsy indicated that he had pulmonary fibrosis along with cardiac failure probably due to hypertension , a condition then unknown . Johnson displayed signs consistent with several diagnoses , including depression and Tourette syndrome ( TS ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1061175, "distance": 0.6535309553146362, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sutton was diagnosed with stage 3B colorectal cancer at the age of 15 , and subsequently went through aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments . He was declared cancer @-@ free , but a tumour returned behind his knee , which was treated by further chemotherapy . Doctors considered an amputation of Sutton 's left leg , but the tumour had already spread to other parts of his lower body . In December 2012 , two years after the initial diagnosis , the cancer was deemed incurable after spreading to the lungs and liver . Sutton did not ask how long he was expected to survive , choosing to measure his life in the difference he could make , rather than in time . On 24 January 2014 , in a speech at London 's O2 Arena , he called his first diagnosis \" a good thing . It was a huge kick up the backside , it taught me to take nothing for granted , and gave me a lot of motivation for life \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 991988, "distance": 0.651573121547699, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In July 2005 Chrisye was admitted to Pondok Indah Hospital , complaining of breathing difficulties . After 13 days of treatment he was moved to the Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore , where he was diagnosed with lung cancer . Although concerned about losing his hair , which he considered part of his image , he underwent the first of six rounds of chemotherapy on 2 August 2005 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1788233, "distance": 0.6490626931190491, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006 . In 2012 , McKellen stated on his blog that \" There is no cause for alarm . I am examined regularly and the cancer is contained . I 've not needed any treatment . \" \n" } ]
what was james madison's job?
[ "United States Representative", "United States Secretary of State", "President of the United States" ]
[ { "c_id": 1650476, "distance": 0.6188074350357056, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Another month of discussion and relatively minor refinement followed , during which several attempts were made to alter the Rutledge draft , though few were successful . Some wanted to add property qualifications for people to hold office , while others wanted to prevent the national government from issuing paper money . Madison in particular wanted to push the Constitution back in the direction of his Virginia plan . \n" }, { "c_id": 384582, "distance": 0.618040919303894, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jefferson hoped for further involvement with the production of the Report and planned to visit Madison at Montpelier on his way to Philadelphia , the national capital , for the winter session of the United States Congress . However , James Monroe , who would become Governor of Virginia before the end of the year , visited Jefferson at Monticello and cautioned him against meeting with Madison , since another meeting between two of the most important Democratic @-@ Republican leaders would provoke significant public comment . The task of writing the Virginia Report was left solely to Madison . Jefferson underlined the importance of this work in a November 26 letter to Madison in which he identified \" protestations against violations of the true principles of our constitution \" as one of the four primary elements of the Democratic @-@ Republican Party plan . \n" }, { "c_id": 1626317, "distance": 0.6162254810333252, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During his years at Cambridge , his younger brother John acquired a job at the Board of Trade , which oversaw British colonial affairs , and rapidly rose in the bureaucracy . The brothers were influential supporters of each other in their efforts to advance . John secured a job for Thomas in the colonial office , where he was exposed to the possibilities for advancement and influence in colonial postings . In 1753 he went to America as private secretary to Sir Danvers Osborne , just appointed governor of New York . Osborne committed suicide several days after reaching New York , leaving Pownall without a job and a sponsor . Pownall chose to remain in America , devoting himself to studying the condition of the American colonies . In the following months he travelled widely , from Maryland to Massachusetts . He was introduced into the highest circles of leadership and society in the colonies , and established relationships with a number of influential people , including Benjamin Franklin and Massachusetts Governor William Shirley . \n" }, { "c_id": 1524138, "distance": 0.6076004505157471, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1797 , however , when \" notoriously scurrilous journalist \" James T. Callender published A History of the United States for the Year 1796 , it contained accusations of James Reynolds being an agent of Hamilton using documents from the confrontation on December 15 , 1792 . On July 5 , 1797 , Hamilton wrote to all three men to confirm that there was nothing that would damage the perception of his integrity while Secretary of Treasury . All complied but Monroe , and after several rounds of argument , the two almost resorted to a duel . When Hamilton did not obtain an explicit response from Monroe , he published a pamphlet in order to preserve his public reputation , and discussed the affair in exquisite detail . His wife forgave him , but not Monroe . Though he faced ridicule from the Democratic @-@ Republican faction , he maintained his availability for public service . \n" }, { "c_id": 623564, "distance": 0.6067392230033875, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Following their oath , the plotters left London and returned to their homes . The adjournment of Parliament gave them , they thought , until February 1605 to finalise their plans . On 9 June , Percy 's patron , the Earl of Northumberland , appointed him to the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms , a mounted troop of 50 bodyguards to the King . This role gave Percy reason to seek a base in London , and a small property near the Prince 's Chamber owned by Henry Ferrers , a tenant of John Whynniard , was chosen . Percy arranged for the use of the house through Northumberland 's agents , Dudley Carleton and John Hippisley . Fawkes , using the pseudonym \" John Johnson \" , took charge of the building , posing as Percy 's servant . The building was occupied by Scottish commissioners appointed by the King to consider his plans for the unification of England and Scotland , so the plotters hired Catesby 's lodgings in Lambeth , on the opposite bank of the Thames , from where their stored gunpowder and other supplies could be conveniently rowed across each night . Meanwhile , King James continued with his policies against the Catholics , and Parliament pushed through anti @-@ Catholic legislation , until its adjournment on 7 July . \n" } ]
what language does people in france speak?
[ "French Language" ]
[ { "c_id": 1257151, "distance": 0.6950094699859619, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The official languages of the country are French and Sango ; the latter ( originally a language from the Ubangi River region ) is spoken by 90 % of the population . Some of the other languages spoken are Baya ( Gbaya ) , Banda , Ngbaka , Sara , Mbum , Kare , and Mandjia . Sango was simplified by Christian missionaries and is widely used to this day . \n" }, { "c_id": 1176718, "distance": 0.6800587773323059, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The European languages introduced during colonialism have created a linguistic divide between the population who live in the Northwest and Southwest regions and the French @-@ speaking remainder of the country . Both English and French are official languages , although French is by far the most understood language ( more than 80 % ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 429930, "distance": 0.6686828136444092, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " French and English are the official languages of the Olympic Movement . The other language used at each Olympic Games is the language of the host country ( or languages , if a country has more than one official language apart from French or English ) . Every proclamation ( such as the announcement of each country during the parade of nations in the opening ceremony ) is spoken in these three ( or more ) languages , or the main two depending on whether the host country is an English or French speaking country . \n" }, { "c_id": 1541525, "distance": 0.6628074049949646, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " France views the Covenant as subservient to the UN Charter . It also reserves the right to govern the access of aliens to employment , social security , and other benefits . \n" }, { "c_id": 513210, "distance": 0.6562560796737671, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Many regional international organisations such as the European Free Trade Association , Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , and Asia @-@ Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC ) set English as their organisation 's sole working language even though most members are not countries with a majority of native English speakers . While the European Union ( EU ) allows member states to designate any of the national languages as an official language of the Union , in practice English is the main working language of EU organisations . \n" } ]
where is the spratly islands located?
[ "Asia" ]
[ { "c_id": 648687, "distance": 0.6358696818351746, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The expansion of bird life on the island has both relied on and helped to advance the spread of plant life . Birds use the plants for nesting material , but also continue to assist in the spreading of seeds , and fertilize the soil with their guano . Birds first began nesting on Surtsey three years after the eruptions ended , with fulmar and guillemot the first species to set up home . Twelve species are now regularly found on the island . \n" }, { "c_id": 1505107, "distance": 0.630653440952301, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Two islands are in Crater Lake : Wizard Island , formed from a cinder cone that erupted after Crater Lake began to fill with water , and the smaller Phantom Ship , which has seven trees living on it . There are also colonies of violet @-@ green swallows and several varieties of wildflowers and lichens living there . \n" }, { "c_id": 1540984, "distance": 0.628051221370697, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The western area of Termina , the Great Bay , is the site of the Zora and Gerudo civilizations . A gargantuan masked fish , Gyorg , is generating storms and contaminating the water surrounding the Great Bay Temple . \n" }, { "c_id": 547000, "distance": 0.6254871487617493, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Mussie 's name is a diminutive form of the name of its reported location : Muskrat Lake , a large , deep lake near the village of Cobden , Ontario , and about 75 miles northwest of Ottawa . Muskrat Lake is home to another paranormal phenomenon : local legends state that an Atomic Energy of Canada bus driver saw an extraterrestrial spacecraft landing on a spot atop a hill and leaving . There is indeed a dark @-@ colored , circular outline on this hill where grass does not grow , with no widely accepted cause . \n" }, { "c_id": 171239, "distance": 0.625001847743988, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers are two of Antarctica 's five largest ice streams . Scientists have found that the flow of these ice streams has accelerated in recent years , and suggested that if they were to melt , global sea levels would rise by 1 to 2 m ( 3 ft 3 in to 6 ft 7 in ) , destabilising the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet and perhaps sections of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet . \n" } ]
where did hammurabi come from?
[ "Babylonia", "Babylon" ]
[ { "c_id": 1059612, "distance": 0.6590870022773743, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Hammurabi ( c . 1810 BC - 1750 BC ) was the sixth king of the First Babylonian Dynasty , reigning from 1792 BC to 1750 BC ( according to the Middle Chronology ) . He was preceded by his father , Sin @-@ Muballit , who abdicated due to failing health . He extended Babylon 's control throughout Mesopotamia through military campaigns . Hammurabi is known for the Code of Hammurabi , one of the earliest surviving codes of law in recorded history . The name Hammurabi derives from the Amorite term ʻAmmurāpi ( \" the kinsman is a healer \" ) , itself from ʻAmmu ( \" paternal kinsman \" ) and Rāpi ( \" healer \" ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059650, "distance": 0.648954451084137, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " A theory current in the early part of the past century holds that Hammurabi was Amraphel , the King of Shinar in the Book of Genesis 14 : 1 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059617, "distance": 0.6484652757644653, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Thus Hammurabi ascended to the throne as the king of a minor kingdom in the midst of a complex geopolitical situation . The powerful kingdom of Eshnunna controlled the upper Tigris River while Larsa controlled the river delta . To the east of Mesopotamia lay the powerful kingdom of Elam which regularly invaded and forced tribute upon the small states of southern Mesopotamia . In northern Mesopotamia , the Assyrian king Shamshi @-@ Adad I , who had already inherited centuries old Assyrian colonies in Asia Minor , had expanded his territory into the Levant and central Mesopotamia , although his untimely death would somewhat fragment his empire . \n" }, { "c_id": 1727058, "distance": 0.6472238302230835, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Hamurabi is a text @-@ based strategy video game of land and resource management first developed by Doug Dyment in 1968 . It was developed by Dyment at Digital Equipment Corporation as The Sumer Game before the rise of the commercial video game industry in the early history of video games as a computer game for fellow employee Richard Merrill 's newly invented FOCAL programming language . The game consists of ten rounds wherein the player , as the ancient Babylonian king Hammurabi , manages how much of their grain to spend on crops for the next round , feeding their people , and purchasing additional land , while dealing with random variations in crop yields and plagues . The Sumer Game was possibly inspired by the 1966 The Sumerian Game , a much more in @-@ depth text @-@ based economic simulation intended for children . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059616, "distance": 0.6408509612083435, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Hammurabi was an Amorite First Dynasty king of the city @-@ state of Babylon , and inherited the power from his father , Sin @-@ Muballit , in c . 1792 BC . Babylon was one of the many largely Amorite ruled city @-@ states that dotted the central and southern Mesopotamian plains and waged war on each other for control of fertile agricultural land . Though many cultures co @-@ existed in Mesopotamia , Babylonian culture gained a degree of prominence among the literate classes throughout the Middle East under Hammurabi . The kings who came before Hammurabi had founded a relatively minor City State in 1894 BC which controlled little territory outside of the city itself . Babylon was overshadowed by older , larger and more powerful kingdoms such as Elam , Assyria , Isin , Eshnunna and Larsa for a century or so after its founding . However his father Sin @-@ Muballit had begun to consolidate rule of a small area of south central Mesopotamia under Babylonian hegemony and , by the time of his reign , had conquered the minor city @-@ states of Borsippa , Kish , and Sippar . \n" } ]
who does queen elizabeth hair?
[ "Jenny Shircore" ]
[ { "c_id": 1004440, "distance": 0.642057478427887, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Atkinson had to suffer during the making of the programme , having to trim his hair in an unflattering medieval style and wearing a selection of \" priapic codpieces \" . Atkinson has said about the making of the first series : \n" }, { "c_id": 154903, "distance": 0.6315925121307373, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Harper is 6 feet 2 inches ( 188 cm ) tall . He was the first prime minister to employ a personal stylist , Michelle Muntean , whose duties range from coordinating his clothing to preparing his hair and makeup for speeches and television appearances . While she used to be on the public payroll , she has been paid for by the Conservative Party since \" some time [ in ] 2007 \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1751277, "distance": 0.6298562288284302, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The traditional connotation of \" long hair \" in English meant , roughly , someone artistically knowledgeable or wise , an aesthete . As a descriptive term , it has been applied to Merovingians and classical music enthusiasts , as well as hippies and aesthetes . \n" }, { "c_id": 768603, "distance": 0.6261187791824341, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Another notable production was in Belgrade , in the former Yugoslavia , in 1969 . It was the first Hair to be produced in a communist country . The show , translated into Serbian , was directed by female producer @-@ director Mira Trailović at the Atelje 212 theatre . It featured Dragan Nikolić , Branko Milićević , Seka Sablić and Dušan Prelević . Over four years , the production received 250 performances and was attended by president Tito . Local references in the script included barbs aimed at Mao Zedong as well as Albania , Yugoslavia 's traditional rival . \n" }, { "c_id": 768597, "distance": 0.6235801577568054, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The original London tribe included Sonja Kristina , Peter Straker , Paul Nicholas , Melba Moore , Elaine Paige , Paul Korda , Marsha Hunt , Floella Benjamin , Alex Harvey , Oliver Tobias , Richard O 'Brien and Tim Curry . This was Curry 's first full @-@ time theatrical acting role , where he met future Rocky Horror Show collaborator O 'Brien . Hair 's engagement in London surpassed the Broadway production , running for 1 @,@ 997 performances until its closure was forced by the roof of the theatre collapsing in July 1973 . \n" } ]
what teams did robert horry won rings with?
[ "Houston Rockets" ]
[ { "c_id": 352041, "distance": 0.635648250579834, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Herb character was played by actor Jon Menick , who would randomly appear at Burger King restaurants nationwide . Herb 's identity was not revealed until Super Bowl XX in January 1986 ; he was shown to be wearing white socks , black \" flood pants \" , and thick @-@ rimmed glasses . If a customer spotted Herb at a Burger King , he or she would win $ 5 @,@ 000 . Everyone in the restaurant when Herb was discovered was also entered into a draw for the promotion 's grand prize of $ 1 million . The draw was won by Christopher Kelly of Louisville , Kentucky , who was present when Herb was spotted at the Burger King in the city 's Oxmoor Center mall . \n" }, { "c_id": 1545465, "distance": 0.628418505191803, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On February 28 , 2011 , Watson played an untelevised exhibition match of Jeopardy ! against members of the United States House of Representatives . In the first round , Rush D. Holt , Jr . ( D @-@ NJ , a former Jeopardy ! contestant ) , who was challenging the computer with Bill Cassidy ( R @-@ LA ) , led with Watson in second place . However , combining the scores between all matches , the final score was $ 40 @,@ 300 for Watson and $ 30 @,@ 000 for the congressional players combined . \n" }, { "c_id": 484027, "distance": 0.6268089413642883, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Chambers ' American football career was brought to a standstill when a stress fracture injury on his right foot ruled him out for the season . The situation worsened further when the NFL closed the European league on 29 June 2007 leaving Chambers jobless . He returned as a TV personality on reality television show Cirque de Celebrité in October but was unpopular with the public and subsequently voted off . \n" }, { "c_id": 539391, "distance": 0.6243587732315063, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In April 2012 , Fox ordered two pilot episodes to be taped in London for consideration to be added to the network 's U.S. programming lineup . Bradley Walsh , presenter of the British version of The Chase , was featured as the show 's host , while Labbett and Jeopardy ! champion Brad Rutter were the chasers . Fox passed up the opportunity to add the series to its lineup . \n" }, { "c_id": 1274956, "distance": 0.620369553565979, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Caitlyn Jenner ( born October 28 , 1949 ) , formerly known as Bruce Jenner , is an American television personality and retired Olympic gold medal @-@ winning decathlete . Jenner was a college football player for the Graceland Yellowjackets before incurring a knee injury requiring surgery . Coach L. D. Weldon , who had coached Olympic decathlete Jack Parker , convinced Jenner to try the decathlon . After intense training , Jenner won the 1976 Olympics decathlon title at the Montreal Summer Olympics ( after a Soviet athlete had won the title in 1972 during the Cold War ) , gaining fame as \" an all @-@ American hero \" . Jenner set a third successive world record while winning the Olympics . The winner of the Olympic decathlon is traditionally given the unofficial title of \" world 's greatest athlete . \" With that stature , Jenner subsequently established a career in television , film , writing , auto racing , business and as a Playgirl cover model . \n" } ]
what timezone is colorado in?
[ "Mountain Time Zone" ]
[ { "c_id": 1734008, "distance": 0.6552086472511292, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Geography also allows Denver to have a considerable government presence , with many federal agencies based or having offices in the Denver area . Along with federal agencies come many companies based on US defense and space projects , and more jobs are brought to the city by virtue of its being the capital of the state of Colorado . The Denver area is home to the former nuclear weapons plant Rocky Flats , the Denver Federal Center , Byron G. Rogers Federal Building and United States Courthouse , the Denver Mint , and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory . \n" }, { "c_id": 1733977, "distance": 0.6473493576049805, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Based on 30 @-@ year averages obtained from NOAA 's National Climatic Data Center for the months of December , January and February , Weather Channel ranked Denver the 18th coldest major U.S. city as of 2014 . \n" }, { "c_id": 808721, "distance": 0.6437336802482605, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Colorado came into the Union just in time to give enough electoral votes for Rutherford B. Hayes to win the Presidential Election of 1876 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1733940, "distance": 0.6436070799827576, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Denver ( / ˈdɛnvər / ) , officially the City and County of Denver , is the capital and most populous municipality of the U.S. state of Colorado . Denver is located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains . The Denver downtown district is located immediately east of the confluence of Cherry Creek with the South Platte River , approximately 12 mi ( 19 km ) east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains . Denver is nicknamed the Mile @-@ High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile ( 5 @,@ 280 ft or 1 @,@ 610 m ) above sea level , making it one of the highest major cities in the United States . The 105th meridian west of Greenwich , the longitudinal reference for the Mountain Time Zone , passes directly through Denver Union Station . \n" }, { "c_id": 611232, "distance": 0.6430568099021912, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " At 7 @,@ 000 feet ( 2 @,@ 130 m ) elevation , located adjacent to the largest contiguous Ponderosa Pine forest in North America , Flagstaff is located on a mountain surrounded by volcanoes , in the heart of the Coconino national forest . Any type of desert climate can be found below its elevation 100 miles from Flagstaff . The city is situated on the Rio de Flag , and is about 130 miles ( 210 km ) north of Phoenix . \n" } ]
what did charles dickens writer?
[ "The Chimes", "Our Mutual Friend", "The Old Curiosity Shop", "David Copperfield", "A Christmas Carol", "The Cricket on the Hearth", "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby", "Hard Times", "Oliver Twist", "A Tale of Two Cities" ]
[ { "c_id": 498949, "distance": 0.6710066795349121, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He made his literary debut in 1802 with a series of observational letters to the Morning Chronicle , written under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle . After moving to England for the family business in 1815 , he achieved international fame with the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon , Gent. in 1819 – 20 . He continued to publish regularly — and almost always successfully — throughout his life , and just eight months before his death ( at age 76 , in Tarrytown , New York ) , completed a five @-@ volume biography of George Washington . \n" }, { "c_id": 791048, "distance": 0.6708534359931946, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The History of Sir Charles Grandison , commonly called Sir Charles Grandison , is an epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson first published in February 1753 . The book was a response to Henry Fielding 's The History of Tom Jones , a Foundling , which parodied the morals presented in Richardson 's previous novels . The novel follows the story of Harriet Byron who is pursued by Sir Hargrave Pollexfen . After she rejects Pollexfen , he kidnaps her , and she is only freed when Sir Charles Grandison comes to her rescue . After his appearance , the novel focuses on his history and life , and he becomes its central figure . \n" }, { "c_id": 1682615, "distance": 0.6663501858711243, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " English literature contains many references to him , for example in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens , and in this folk rhyme : \n" }, { "c_id": 570380, "distance": 0.6604015231132507, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Perhaps as early as 1787 , Austen began to write poems , stories and plays for her and her family 's amusement . She later compiled \" fair copies \" of 29 of these early works into three bound notebooks , now known as the Juvenilia , with pieces written from 1787 to 1793 . Manuscript evidence exists that Austen continued to work on these pieces as late as 1809 – 1811 and her niece and nephew , Anna and James Edward Austen , made further additions as late as 1814 . Among the pieces are Love and Freindship [ sic ] , a satirical epistolary novel in which she mocked popular novels of sensibility , and The History of England , a 34 @-@ page manuscript accompanied by 13 watercolour miniatures by Cassandra . \n" }, { "c_id": 1106806, "distance": 0.6551647186279297, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Amelia is a sentimental novel written by Henry Fielding and published in December 1751 . It was the fourth and final novel written by Fielding , and it was printed in only one edition while the author was alive , although 5 @,@ 000 copies were published of the first edition . Amelia follows the life of Amelia and Captain William Booth after they are married . It contains many allusions to classical literature and focuses on the theme of marriage and feminine intelligence , but Fielding 's stance on gender issues cannot be determined because of the lack of authorial commentary discussing the matter . Although the novel received praise from many writers and critics , it received more criticism from Fielding 's competition , possibly resulting from the \" paper war \" in which the author was involved . \n" } ]
where is st helens park nsw?
[ "New South Wales" ]
[ { "c_id": 1396728, "distance": 0.6613049507141113, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Royal Victoria Park , a short walk from the city centre , was opened in 1830 by the 11 @-@ year @-@ old Princess Victoria , and was the first park to carry her name . The public park is overlooked by the Royal Crescent and covers 23 hectares ( 57 acres ) . It has a skatepark , tennis courts , a bowling green , a putting green and a 12- and 18 @-@ hole golf course , a pond , open @-@ air concerts , an annual travelling funfair at Easter , and a children 's play area . Much of its area is lawn ; a notable feature is a ha @-@ ha that segregates it from the Royal Crescent while giving the impression from the Crescent of uninterrupted grassland across the park to Royal Avenue . It has a \" Green Flag Award \" , the national standard for parks and green spaces in England and Wales , and is registered by English Heritage as of National Historic Importance . The 3 @.@ 84 hectares ( 9 @.@ 5 acres ) botanical gardens were formed in 1887 and contain one of the finest collections of plants on limestone in the West Country . A replica Roman Temple was built at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley in 1924 , and , following the exhibition , was dismantled and rebuilt in Victoria Park in Bath . In 1987 the gardens were extended to include the Great Dell , a disused quarry with a collection of conifers . \n" }, { "c_id": 1048390, "distance": 0.650812029838562, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The project team considered over a dozen sites , inside and outside of the city , before settling on The Circle in West Park . Factors contributing to the decision include transport guidance , central government planning guidelines , existing athletic facilities , isolation from residential areas , and council ownership . \n" }, { "c_id": 1668040, "distance": 0.6453125476837158, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In November 2010 , the government approved a NIS 85m ( $ 23m ) scheme to improve access and infrastructure at the site . \n" }, { "c_id": 1141044, "distance": 0.6424469351768494, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The site was originally part of the de Trafford family estate , but was enveloped by encroaching industry in the early 1900s . In the following years the area was used as a tipping site by industry and partly filled with construction rubble and slag from steel works . Now owned and managed by Groundwork Manchester , Salford , Stockport , Tameside & Trafford , the park is used as a training centre for horticulture training and as a volunteering hub . \n" }, { "c_id": 285635, "distance": 0.638784646987915, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The site of Goodison Park was earmarked in 1997 and 2003 for a food store by Tesco who offered £ 12 million which was valued at £ 4 million for the site but Liverpool City Council 's advisor 's advised against allowing planning permission . The club were advised that the planning permission required would not necessarily be granted , and chose not to take the scheme further . \n" } ]
who killed david ruffin?
[ "Drug overdose" ]
[ { "c_id": 920312, "distance": 0.6371331214904785, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " David follows the janitor to the victims ' house and frees the children , but the janitor ambushes him and pushes him off a balcony into a swimming pool . David nearly drowns ( since he cannot swim ) , but the children rescue him . He then attacks the janitor from behind and strangles him to death while once more remaining uninjured . That night , he and Audrey reconcile . The following morning , he secretly shows a newspaper article on the anonymous heroic act , featuring a sketch of David in his rain poncho , to his son , who recognizes the hero as his father . \n" }, { "c_id": 235651, "distance": 0.6328969597816467, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Immediately following his death , two of Carradine 's former wives , Gail Jensen and Marina Anderson , stated publicly that his sexual interests included the practice of self @-@ bondage . Anderson , who had plans to publish a tell @-@ all book about her marriage to Carradine , said in an interview with Access Hollywood , \" There was a dark side to David , there was a very intense side to David . People around him know that . \" Previously , in her divorce filing , she had claimed that \" it was the continuation of abhorrent and deviant sexual behavior which was potentially deadly . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 802393, "distance": 0.6257012486457825, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Robert Eric Wone was murdered in Washington , D.C. in August 2006 in the home of a college friend , Joe Price . Wone , who was 32 years old at the time , was a lawyer living in suburban Oakton , Virginia , but had been working as general counsel at Radio Free Asia in downtown Washington , D.C. He had stayed the night at the home of friends located about one mile from his office . According to police affidavits , Wone was believed to have been \" restrained , incapacitated , and sexually assaulted \" before his death . The murder was not committed by an intruder unknown to residents of the home Price , Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward . \n" }, { "c_id": 387952, "distance": 0.6250059604644775, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jared Harris as David Robert Jones ( seasons 1 , 4 ) , leader of the ZFT cult , and killed in the season 1 finale . In the alternate timeline Peter is projected into , it appears he is alive , and that the shapeshifters have been working for him . \n" }, { "c_id": 138912, "distance": 0.6241078972816467, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Following the arrest of her daughter Qubilah for allegedly conspiring to murder Louis Farrakhan , Shabazz took in her young grandson Malcolm . He set a fire in her apartment that caused severe burns to Shabazz . Shabazz died three weeks later as a result of her injuries . \n" } ]
where did james franco study acting?
[ "University of California, Los Angeles", "University of Houston", "Brooklyn College", "Columbia University School of the Arts", "Rhode Island School of Design", "Warren Wilson College", "Yale University", "Tisch School of the Arts", "Palo Alto High School" ]
[ { "c_id": 1168105, "distance": 0.6848365068435669, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Although the idea of becoming a marine zoologist interested him , Franco had always secretly wanted to become an actor but feared being rejected . He enrolled at the University of California , Los Angeles ( UCLA ) as an English major , but dropped out after his first year against his parents ' wishes to pursue a career as an actor , since he would have had to wait two years to audition for their acting program . Franco instead chose to take acting lessons with Robert Carnegie at the Playhouse West . Around this time , Franco took up a late @-@ night job at McDonald 's to support himself since his parents refused to do so . He was a vegetarian until working there . While working at the establishment , he would practice accents on customers , an experience he remembered nostalgically in a 2015 Washington Post editorial ( \" McDonald ’ s was there for me when no one else was \" ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 91609, "distance": 0.6815085411071777, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " While he was working as a software engineer in Silicon Valley , California , he pursued filmmaking and graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree from Columbia University . \n" }, { "c_id": 1168169, "distance": 0.6758686304092407, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Franco , dissatisfied with his career 's direction , reenrolled at UCLA in autumn 2006 as an English major with a creative writing concentration . He received permission to take as many as 62 course credits per quarter compared to the normal limit of 19 , while still continuing to act ; receiving many of his credits from independent study for his involvement on the set of Spider @-@ Man 3 . He received his undergraduate degree in June 2008 with a GPA of 3 @.@ 5 / 4 @.@ 0 . For his degree , Franco prepared his departmental honors thesis as a novel under the supervision of Mona Simpson . While at the university , the actor studied French , the Holocaust , philosophy of science , and American literature among other things . To continue acting , he would study on film sets . \n" }, { "c_id": 1168104, "distance": 0.6752033233642578, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Franco 's family upbringing was \" academic , liberal , and largely secular \" . He grew up in California with his two brothers , Tom and Dave ( \" Davy \" , also an actor ) . A \" math whiz \" , Franco interned at Lockheed Martin . He was often encouraged by his father to get good grades and did well on his SATs . He graduated from Palo Alto High School in 1996 , where he acted in plays . This led to him attending CSSSA in 1998 for theatre . In his high school years , Franco was arrested for underage drinking , graffiti , and for being a part of a group that stole designer fragrances from department stores and sold them to classmates . These arrests led to his briefly becoming a ward of the state . Facing the possibility of juvenile hall , Franco was given a second chance by the judge . \" It was teen angst . I was uncomfortable in my own skin . I was shy . I changed my ways just in time to get good grades , \" he recalled of his troubles with the law . \n" }, { "c_id": 655841, "distance": 0.6502208113670349, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He decided to pursue a career in film . After attending two other film schools , he graduated from Full Sail University in another Central Florida town , Winter Park , as the class valedictorian . He moved to Southern California and began working as a story editor , primarily doing uncredited rewrites . \n" } ]
what is d capital city of south africa?
[ "Bloemfontein", "Pretoria", "Cape Town" ]
[ { "c_id": 981088, "distance": 0.6458305716514587, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " South Africa has a parliamentary system of government ; the National Assembly consists of 400 members elected by proportional representation with a closed list approach . Two hundred members are elected from national party lists ; the other 200 are elected from provincial party lists in each of the nine provinces . The President of South Africa was chosen by the National Assembly after the election . \n" }, { "c_id": 99139, "distance": 0.6431578993797302, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Following these victories , the British South Africa Company controlled a country equivalent to modern Zambia and Zimbabwe . This domain was initially referred to as \" Zambesia \" ( or Zambezia ) after the Zambezi , which bisected it ; however , the first immigrants almost immediately began instead calling their new home \" Rhodesia \" in honour of their Company benefactor , and this name was officially adopted in 1895 . Matabeleland and Mashonaland , both of which lay south of the Zambezi , were first formally referred to by Britain as \" Southern Rhodesia \" in 1898 , and were united under that name in 1901 . The areas to the river 's north , Barotziland @-@ North @-@ Western Rhodesia and North @-@ Eastern Rhodesia , were governed separately , and amalgamated in 1911 to form Northern Rhodesia . \n" }, { "c_id": 984956, "distance": 0.6420808434486389, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " South Africa , 1899 – 1902 ( inherited ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 476295, "distance": 0.6417479515075684, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Internal Settlement and Lancaster House ; becoming Zimbabwe = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1457346, "distance": 0.6400348544120789, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The names of most of the provinces were generated from the Mashonaland and Matabeleland divide at the time of colonisation : Mashonaland was the territory occupied first by the British South Africa Company Pioneer Column and Matabeleland the territory conquered during the First Matabele War . This corresponds roughly to the precolonial territory of the Shona people and the Matabele people , although there are significant ethnic minorities in most provinces . Each province is headed by a Provincial Governor , appointed by the President . \n" } ]
into what language family does english fall?
[ "West Germanic languages" ]
[ { "c_id": 1012525, "distance": 0.684785783290863, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The nature of an overall system for English was controversial : the analysis in Trager & Smith ( 1951 ) was popular amongst American linguists for a time ( in the face of criticism , particularly from Hans Kurath ) ; James Sledd put forth his own diaphonemic system that accommodated Southern American English ; both Troike ( 1971 ) and Reed ( 1972 ) modified the scheme of The Sound Pattern of English by focusing on the diaphoneme , believing that it could address neutralizations better than structuralist approaches ; and The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States ( PEAS ) by Kurath and McDavid combined several dialects into one system transcribed in the IPA . More recently , The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language makes use of a diaphonemic transcription of Standard English so that examples can be expressed concisely without favoring any particular accent . \n" }, { "c_id": 914325, "distance": 0.6847071647644043, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " English language learning and teaching is an important economic activity , and includes language schooling , tourism spending , and publishing . There is no legislation mandating an official language for England , but English is the only language used for official business . Despite the country 's relatively small size , there are many distinct regional accents , and individuals with particularly strong accents may not be easily understood everywhere in the country . \n" }, { "c_id": 513323, "distance": 0.6837156414985657, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " English word order has moved from the Germanic verb @-@ second ( V2 ) word order to being almost exclusively subject – verb – object ( SVO ) . The combination of SVO order and use of auxiliary verbs often creates clusters of two or more verbs at the centre of the sentence , such as he had hoped to try to open it . \n" }, { "c_id": 791039, "distance": 0.6814900040626526, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Decades , and in some cases centuries , of British rule and emigration have left their mark on the independent nations that arose from the British Empire . The empire established the use of English in regions around the world . Today it is the primary language of up to 400 million people and is spoken by about one and a half billion as a first , second or foreign language . \n" }, { "c_id": 1012575, "distance": 0.6768686175346375, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Despite downplaying the divergences , Kurath argued that there is no \" total pattern \" ( a term from Trager & Smith ( 1951 ) ) that can be imposed on all English dialects , nor of even American ones : \n" } ]
who does new zealand import from?
[ "China" ]
[ { "c_id": 238894, "distance": 0.7009453177452087, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In 1951 the United Kingdom became increasingly focused on its European interests , while New Zealand joined Australia and the United States in the ANZUS security treaty . The influence of the United States on New Zealand weakened following protests over the Vietnam War , the refusal of the United States to admonish France after the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior , disagreements over environmental and agricultural trade issues and New Zealand 's nuclear @-@ free policy . Despite the US 's suspension of ANZUS obligations the treaty remained in effect between New Zealand and Australia , whose foreign policy has followed a similar historical trend . Close political contact is maintained between the two countries , with free trade agreements and travel arrangements that allow citizens to visit , live and work in both countries without restrictions . In 2013 , there are about 650 @,@ 000 New Zealand citizens living in Australia , which is about 15 percent of the population of New Zealand . 65 @,@ 000 Australians live in New Zealand . \n" }, { "c_id": 238942, "distance": 0.6910501718521118, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " New Zealand is heavily dependent on international trade , particularly in agricultural products . Exports account for 24 percent of its output , making New Zealand vulnerable to international commodity prices and global economic slowdowns . Food products made up 55 % of the value of all the country 's exports in 2014 ; wood was the second largest earner ( 7 % ) . Its major export partners are Australia , United States , Japan , China , and the United Kingdom . On 7 April 2008 , New Zealand and China signed the New Zealand – China Free Trade Agreement , the first such agreement China has signed with a developed country . The service sector is the largest sector in the economy , followed by manufacturing and construction and then farming and raw material extraction . Tourism plays a significant role in New Zealand 's economy , contributing $ 15 @.@ 0 billion to New Zealand ’ s total GDP and supporting 9 @.@ 6 percent of the total workforce in 2010 . International visitors to New Zealand increased by 3 @.@ 1 percent in the year to October 2010 and are expected to increase at a rate of 2 @.@ 5 percent annually up to 2015 . \n" }, { "c_id": 238937, "distance": 0.6892784833908081, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Historically , extractive industries have contributed strongly to New Zealand 's economy , focussing at different times on sealing , whaling , flax , gold , kauri gum , and native timber . With the development of refrigerated shipping in the 1880s meat and dairy products were exported to Britain , a trade which provided the basis for strong economic growth in New Zealand . High demand for agricultural products from the United Kingdom and the United States helped New Zealanders achieve higher living standards than both Australia and Western Europe in the 1950s and 1960s . In 1973 , New Zealand 's export market was reduced when the United Kingdom joined the European Community and other compounding factors , such as the 1973 oil and 1979 energy crisis , led to a severe economic depression . Living standards in New Zealand fell behind those of Australia and Western Europe , and by 1982 New Zealand had the lowest per @-@ capita income of all the developed nations surveyed by the World Bank . Since 1984 , successive governments engaged in major macroeconomic restructuring ( known first as Rogernomics and then Ruthanasia ) , rapidly transforming New Zealand from a highly protectionist economy to a liberalised free @-@ trade economy . \n" }, { "c_id": 238965, "distance": 0.6845660209655762, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Māori were the first people to reach New Zealand , followed by the early European settlers . Following colonisation , immigrants were predominantly from Britain , Ireland and Australia because of restrictive policies similar to the white Australian policies . There was also significant Dutch , Dalmatian , Italian , and German immigration , together with indirect European immigration through Australia , North America , South America and South Africa . Following the Great Depression policies were relaxed and migrant diversity increased . In 2009 – 10 , an annual target of 45 @,@ 000 – 50 @,@ 000 permanent residence approvals was set by the New Zealand Immigration Service — more than one new migrant for every 100 New Zealand residents . Just over 25 % of New Zealand 's population was born overseas , with the majority ( 52 % ) living in the Auckland region . The United Kingdom remains the largest source of New Zealand 's overseas population , with a quarter of all overseas @-@ born New Zealanders born there ; other major sources of New Zealand 's overseas @-@ born population are China , India , Australia , South Africa , Fiji and Samoa . The number of fee @-@ paying international students increased sharply in the late 1990s , with more than 20 @,@ 000 studying in public tertiary institutions in 2002 . \n" }, { "c_id": 501643, "distance": 0.678628146648407, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " While the demonym for a New Zealand citizen is New Zealander , the informal \" Kiwi \" is commonly used both internationally and by locals . The name derives from the kiwi , a native flightless bird , which is the national symbol of New Zealand . The Māori loanword Pākehā usually refers to New Zealanders of European descent , although some reject this appellation , and some Māori use it to refer to all non @-@ Polynesian New Zealanders . Most people born in New Zealand or one of the realm 's external territories ( Tokelau , the Ross Dependency , the Cook Islands and Niue ) before 2006 are New Zealand citizens . Further conditions apply for those born from 2006 onwards . \n" } ]
who is mexico's president right now 2011?
[ "Felipe Calderón" ]
[ { "c_id": 405371, "distance": 0.6790007948875427, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = New president Ramón Calderón ( 2006 – 09 ) = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1141, "distance": 0.6724383234977722, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The most significant point of the treaty was that Porfirio Díaz , and his vice president , Ramón Corral , resign and that de la Barra , acting as interim president organize free elections as soon as possible . \n" }, { "c_id": 1128738, "distance": 0.6709489226341248, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On 6 November 2010 , U.S. President Barack Obama contacted former Mexican President Felipe Calderón by phone and expressed his full support to put an end to the impunity of Mexico 's organized crime syndicates . He expressed his condolences for the Mexican servicemen and the journalist that died in the operative . \n" }, { "c_id": 1110, "distance": 0.6633337736129761, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The treaty stipulated that Díaz , as well as his vice president Ramón Corral , were to step down by the end of May , and that he was to be replaced by Francisco León de la Barra as interim president and hold presidential elections . Those who had suffered losses due to the revolution would be the indemnified , and there would be a general amnesty . Díaz resigned on May 25 , and interim president Francisco León de la Barra was the new incumbent . Díaz and his family , his vice president Corral , plus José Yves Limantour and Rosendo Pineda left Mexico for exile . \n" }, { "c_id": 1132, "distance": 0.662284791469574, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As early as March 1911 , Madero 's representatives met in New York with Díaz 's finance minister , José Yves Limantour , and the Mexican ambassador to the US in order to discuss the possibility of peace between the two sides . Limantour proposed an end to the hostilities and offered an amnesty for all revolutionaries , the resignation of the then vice president Ramón Corral , the replacement of four Díaz cabinet ministers and ten state governors by ones chosen by Madero , and the establishment of the principle of \" no @-@ reelection \" which would prevent Díaz from seeking yet another term as president ( which would have been his ninth ) . Madero responded positively although he also stated that any kind of peace deal had to include an immediate resignation by Díaz . \n" } ]
what are the different dialects of chinese?
[ "Qingtian dialect", "Standard Mandarin" ]
[ { "c_id": 248096, "distance": 0.7369726300239563, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Standard Mandarin , a variety of Mandarin based on the Beijing dialect , is the official national language of China and is used as a lingua franca in the country between people of different linguistic backgrounds . \n" }, { "c_id": 248095, "distance": 0.7319753170013428, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There are as many as 292 living languages in China . The languages most commonly spoken belong to the Sinitic branch of the Sino @-@ Tibetan language family , which contains Mandarin ( spoken natively by 70 % of the population ) , and other Chinese varieties : Wu ( including Shanghainese ) , Yue ( including Cantonese and Taishanese ) , Min ( including Hoochew , Hokkien and Teochew ) , Xiang , Gan , and Hakka . Languages of the Tibeto @-@ Burman branch , including Tibetan , Qiang , Naxi and Yi , are spoken across the Tibetan and Yunnan – Guizhou Plateau . Other ethnic minority languages in southwest China include Zhuang , Thai , Dong and Sui of the Tai @-@ Kadai family , Miao and Yao of the Hmong – Mien family , and Wa of the Austroasiatic family . Across northeastern and northwestern China , minority ethnic groups speak Altaic languages including Manchu , Mongolian and several Turkic languages : Uyghur , Kazakh , Kyrgyz , Salar and Western Yugur . Korean is spoken natively along the border with North Korea . Sarikoli , the language of Tajiks in western Xinjiang , is an Indo @-@ European language . Taiwanese aborigines , including a small population on the mainland , speak Austronesian languages . \n" }, { "c_id": 1296748, "distance": 0.731614887714386, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Chinese characters are also used within China to write non @-@ Han languages . The largest non @-@ Han group in China , the Zhuang , have for over 1300 years used Chinese characters . Despite both the introduction of an official alphabetic script in 1957 and lack of a corresponding official set of Chinese characters , more Zhuang people can read the Zhuang logograms than the alphabetic script . \n" }, { "c_id": 1296682, "distance": 0.7193724513053894, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Some Chinese characters have been adopted as part of the writing systems of other East Asian languages , such as Japanese , Korean , and ( formerly ) Vietnamese . \n" }, { "c_id": 1296740, "distance": 0.7138301730155945, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Chinese dialects vary by not only pronunciation , but also , to a lesser extent , vocabulary and grammar . Modern written Chinese , which replaced Classical Chinese as the written standard as an indirect result of the May Fourth Movement of 1919 , is not technically bound to any single dialect ; however , it most nearly represents the vocabulary and syntax of Mandarin , by far the most widespread Chinese dialect in terms of both geographical area and number of speakers . This version of written Chinese is called Vernacular Chinese , or 白話 / 白话 báihuà ( literally , \" plain speech \" ) . Despite its ties to the dominant Mandarin dialect , Vernacular Chinese also permits some communication between people of different dialects , limited by the fact that Vernacular Chinese expressions are often ungrammatical or unidiomatic in non @-@ Mandarin dialects . This role may not differ substantially from the role of other linguae francae , such as Latin : For those trained in written Chinese , it serves as a common medium ; for those untrained in it , the graphic nature of the characters is in general no aid to common understanding ( characters such as \" one \" notwithstanding ) . In this regard , Chinese characters may be considered a large and inefficient phonetic script . However , Ghil 'ad Zuckermann ’ s exploration of phono @-@ semantic matching in Standard Chinese concludes that the Chinese writing system is multifunctional , conveying both semantic and phonetic content . \n" } ]
what city was kennedy shot?
[ "Dallas" ]
[ { "c_id": 39180, "distance": 0.7172257304191589, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States , Kennedy was fatally shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty @-@ six hours later . Sirhan Sirhan , a 24 @-@ year @-@ old Palestinian / Jordanian immigrant , was convicted of Kennedy 's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime . The shooting was recorded on audio tape by a freelance newspaper reporter , and the aftermath was captured on film . \n" }, { "c_id": 39200, "distance": 0.6735579967498779, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kennedy had been shot three times . One bullet , fired at a range of about 1 inch ( 2 @.@ 5 cm ) , entered behind his right ear , dispersing fragments throughout his brain . The other two entered at the rear of his right armpit ; one exited from his chest and the other lodged in the back of his neck . Despite extensive neurosurgery at the Good Samaritan Hospital to remove the bullet and bone fragments from his brain , Kennedy died at 1 : 44 A.M. PDT on June 6 , nearly 26 hours after the shooting . \n" }, { "c_id": 389908, "distance": 0.6630295515060425, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kennedy was killed on a Friday , and the cathedral bells in the poem would have been the church bells heralding his death . Using a storm as a metaphor for the death of a president is similar to Shakespeare 's use of a storm in King Lear . By the time Dylan wrote the first draft of \" Chimes of Freedom \" the following February , it contained many of the elements of this poem , except that the crippled ones and the blind were changed to \" guardians and protectors of the mind . \" In addition , the cathedral bells had become the \" chimes of freedom flashing \" , as seen by two lovers finding shelter in a cathedral doorway . \n" }, { "c_id": 552753, "distance": 0.6620298624038696, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Once his pictures had been distributed via the wirephoto network , Altgens was sent to Parkland Memorial Hospital along with a second photographer . Both stayed at Parkland until Kennedy 's body was taken by hearse to Air Force One at Love Field . \n" }, { "c_id": 777278, "distance": 0.6592649817466736, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Since the New York State Militia had been sent to assist Union troops in Pennsylvania , the New York City Police Department was the only force to try to suppress the riots . The police superintendent , John A. Kennedy , arrived at the site on Monday to check on the situation . Although not in uniform , people in the mob recognized him and attacked him . Kennedy was left nearly unconscious , his face bruised and cut , his eye injured , his lips swollen , and his hand cut with a knife . He had been beaten to a mass of bruises and blood all over his body . \n" } ]
who owns the sf giants owner?
[ "Bill Neukom" ]
[ { "c_id": 1366443, "distance": 0.7089951634407043, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Giants are currently owned by the sons of Wellington Mara and Bob Tisch — John K. Mara and Steve Tisch . An estimate of the franchise 's current value places it at $ 1 @.@ 2 billion . \n" }, { "c_id": 1366501, "distance": 0.6775064468383789, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Giants are currently owned and operated by John K. Mara and Steve Tisch — the sons of Wellington Mara and Bob Tisch . Mara had run the day @-@ to @-@ day operations under Bob Tisch 's supervision in the years leading up to his father 's death . Forbes magazine estimates the 2010 value of the team at $ 1 @.@ 183 billion . This ranks them fourth in the 30 team league in terms of value . The value has steadily increased from $ 288 million in 1998 , to the current value . The magazine estimated their revenue in 2004 at $ 175 million , of which $ 43 million came from gate receipts . Operating revenue was $ 26 @.@ 7 million , and player salary was $ 97 million . The team finished second to the Redskins in the NFL in attendance in 2006 , 2007 , and 2008 , drawing 628 @,@ 910 , 629 @,@ 848 , and 632 @,@ 554 respectively . They fell to third behind the Cowboys and Redskins in 2009 with 629 @,@ 615 . Before the 2010 season , Forbes estimated the team 's value at $ 1 @.@ 2 billion . \n" }, { "c_id": 905101, "distance": 0.6556201577186584, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Douglas and Jody Durst , the co @-@ presidents of the Durst Organization , a real estate development company , won the right to invest at least $ 100 million in the project on July 7 , 2010 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1366442, "distance": 0.6468765735626221, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After struggling in the latter half of the 1960s and the entire 1970s , the Giants hired an outsider , George Young , to run football operations for the first time in several decades . The Giants on @-@ field product and business aspects improved rapidly following the hiring . In 1990 , Jack Mara 's son , Tim , who was struggling with cancer at the time , sold his half of the team to Bob Tisch . This marked the first time in franchise history the team had not been solely owned by the Mara family . In 2005 , Wellington Mara , who had been with the team since its inception in 1925 when he worked as a ball boy , died . His death was followed two weeks later by the death of Tisch . \n" }, { "c_id": 959669, "distance": 0.6402855515480042, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Several investors stepped forward with offers to buy the Buccaneers after Culverhouse 's death , including Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos , New York Yankees owner ( and Tampa resident ) George Steinbrenner , and Massachusetts developer Socrates Babacas . In response to the ensuing publicity , the trust administering Culverhouse 's estate then issued a statement that the team was not for sale . They reversed their position two months later , as a poor early @-@ season record led to declining fan support and revenues . The decision to sell the franchise came on the same day that Joy filed a $ 25 million claim against Hugh 's estate . Hugh had paid $ 16 million for the franchise , which was now valued at $ 142 million . With Barnett Bank filing claims for $ 20 @.@ 8 million against the Culverhouse estate , the trustees came very close to accepting Angelos ' $ 200 million offer , which would have involved relocating the team to Baltimore , Maryland . Fearful of losing the team , civic leaders presented a proposal guaranteeing ticket sales of at least 55 @,@ 000 for all home games for the next two years . The team was eventually sold to Palm Beach , Florida businessman Malcolm Glazer for $ 192 million , at that moment the largest price ever paid for a professional sports franchise . \n" } ]
what is the name of the alabama state tree?
[ "Pinus palustris" ]
[ { "c_id": 842977, "distance": 0.6442038416862488, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Several notable trees are located on the grounds . An Eastern White Pine , the state tree of Michigan , is located at the east front of the building . The Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr . Tree was planted in memory of the slain leader in 1984 to the north of the Austin Blair Monument . The oldest tree on the grounds is a catalpa on the southeast lawn present when the Capitol was dedicated in 1873 . The American Forestry Association has certified that this catalpa is the largest living tree of its kind in the United States . The most recently dedicated tree is a blue spruce called \" the Freedom Tree , \" planted in 1973 as a memorial to the Vietnam War 's missing @-@ in @-@ action and prisoners of war . \n" }, { "c_id": 800111, "distance": 0.6366899609565735, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " State tree : Eastern redbud \n" }, { "c_id": 1604868, "distance": 0.6344959735870361, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Florida , Alabama , and Louisiana = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1481298, "distance": 0.6295589804649353, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Ohio Revised Code also specifies smaller versions of this design to be used as the governor 's naval flag and automobile flag . \n" }, { "c_id": 1007010, "distance": 0.6276597380638123, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " State bird : Ring @-@ necked pheasant \n" } ]
what is the capital of kentucky known for its bluegrass?
[ "Frankfort" ]
[ { "c_id": 156188, "distance": 0.6861279010772705, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The southern part of the city is home to the famous roadside attraction Nibbles Woodaway ( also known as the \" Big Blue Bug \" ) , the world 's largest termite , as well as the aforementioned Roger Williams Park , which contains a zoo , a botanical center , and the Museum of Natural History and Planetarium . \n" }, { "c_id": 188061, "distance": 0.6444505453109741, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kentucky 's citizens were split regarding the issues central to the Civil War . The state had strong economic ties with Ohio River cities such as Pittsburgh and Cincinnati while at the same time sharing many cultural , social , and economic links with the South . Unionist traditions were strong throughout the Commonwealth 's history , especially in the east . With economic ties to both the North and the South , Kentucky had little to gain and much to lose from a war between the states . Additionally , many slaveholders felt that the best protection for slavery was within the Union . \n" }, { "c_id": 1348705, "distance": 0.6386853456497192, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kentucky : March 18 , 1976 ( After rejection : March 11 / 12 , 1869 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 403329, "distance": 0.6299663186073303, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kentucky – March 30 , 1976 ( after rejection – January 8 , 1867 ) \n" }, { "c_id": 1150409, "distance": 0.6295812726020813, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kentucky — March 18 , 1976 ( After rejection – February 24 , 1865 ) \n" } ]
what money do you use in aruba?
[ "Aruban florin" ]
[ { "c_id": 1533899, "distance": 0.6258423328399658, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Public Law 105 @-@ 229 , commonly referred to as the Shackleford Banks Wild Horses Protection Act , states that the Bankers on Shackleford Island are to be jointly managed by the National Park Service and another qualified nonprofit entity ( currently the Foundation for Shackleford Horses ) . The herd is limited to 120 – 130 horses . Population management is achieved through adoption and by administering the contraceptive vaccine Porcine zona pellucida ( PZP ) to individual mares via dart . The island 's horse population is monitored by freeze branding numbers onto each animal 's left hindquarter . The identification of individuals allows the National Park Service to ensure correct gender ratios and to select which mares to inject with PZP . \n" }, { "c_id": 122737, "distance": 0.6223026514053345, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Aruba is a small island colony of 100 @,@ 000 people that is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands , and has been under Dutch control since the 1630s . The island lies in the southern Caribbean Sea just to north of Venezuela , and is near to the Dutch colonies of Curaçao and Bonaire . The colony originally was part of an autonomous union with those two islands in what was known as the Netherlands Antilles , but Aruba seceded from that union in 1986 . The Netherlands continues to regulate all its foreign affairs . While the first Dutch Antilean delegation to the Olympics was sent during the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki , Finland , the first uniquely Aruban delegation participated two years after the island 's secession from the Netherlands Antilles at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul , South Korea . Between then and the 2004 Athens Olympics , Aruba had sent a delegation to all five Summer Olympic games . The most substantial Aruban delegation was in 1988 , when it included eight athletes . This delegation included more women and encompassed more sports than any Aruban delegation since then ( including the Athens Olympics ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1176741, "distance": 0.6210697293281555, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Water , palm wine , and millet beer are the traditional mealtime drinks , although beer , soda , and wine have gained popularity . 33 Export beer is the official drink of the national soccer team and one of the most popular brands , joining Castel , Amstel , and Guinness . \n" }, { "c_id": 384045, "distance": 0.619436502456665, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In addition to free market commercial incentives , some countries and regions have specific programs to support the deployment of solar energy installations . \n" }, { "c_id": 712941, "distance": 0.6166443228721619, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In total , as of 2013 , 182 million people in Africa use a currency pegged to the euro , 27 million people outside the eurozone in Europe , and another 545 @,@ 000 people on Pacific islands . \n" } ]
where did apostle paul grow up?
[ "Tarsus, Mersin" ]
[ { "c_id": 1594971, "distance": 0.6467882394790649, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The main source on Paul 's life is the document of his confession before the patriarchal synod in Constantinople in 1394 , complemented by an account of his visit to Paris , written by a monk of the Abbey of Saint @-@ Denis . \n" }, { "c_id": 72597, "distance": 0.6273339986801147, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul married his first wife ( and high school friend of many years ) , Virginia McEwan , at Chicago City Hall on November 16 , 1964 . Together , they had Paul 's first son , Gabriel Butterfield , born September , 1965 . The couple remained married until 1969 . It was also Virginia McEwan who wrote and delivered the eulogy at Paul 's funeral . \n" }, { "c_id": 1152305, "distance": 0.6259175539016724, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul was born on May 6 , 1985 in Winston @-@ Salem , North Carolina to Charles Edward Paul and Robin Jones . He has an older brother named Charles \" C.J. \" Paul . A former athlete himself , Charles , Sr. taught his sons basketball and football and coached them in various youth leagues throughout their childhoods . Growing up , the Paul brothers spent their summers working at a service station owned by their grandfather Nathanial Jones , to whom Paul attributes many life lessons , and describes as his \" best friend \" . On the opening speech of 2016 ESPY 's , Paul revealed that one of his uncles is a police officer . \n" }, { "c_id": 985368, "distance": 0.6257414817810059, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul Bruce Dickinson was born in Worksop , Nottinghamshire . His mother , Sonia , worked part @-@ time in a shoe shop , and his father , Bruce , was a mechanic in the army . Dickinson 's birth hurried the young couple , then just teenagers , into marriage . Initially , he was brought up by his grandparents ; his grandfather was a coal @-@ face worker at the local colliery and his grandmother was a housewife . This is referred to in his song \" Born In ' 58 \" from the album Tattooed Millionaire . \n" }, { "c_id": 117142, "distance": 0.6240784525871277, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Growing into adolescence , he was said to strongly resemble his Hawaiian mother . Robert G. Carter gave a brief description of his appearance in wartime letters first published in 1897 : \n" } ]
what was karl marx beliefs?
[ "Marxism" ]
[ { "c_id": 1185336, "distance": 0.7305242419242859, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Marx 's thought demonstrates influences from many thinkers , including but not limited to : \n" }, { "c_id": 1185242, "distance": 0.7293045520782471, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Karl Marx ( / mɑːrks / ; German : [ ˈkaɐ ̯ l ˈmaɐ ̯ ks ] ; 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883 ) was a philosopher , economist , sociologist , journalist , and revolutionary socialist . Born in Prussia to a middle @-@ class family , he later studied political economy and Hegelian philosophy . As an adult , Marx became stateless and spent much of his life in London , England , where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and published various works , the most well @-@ known being the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto . His work has since influenced subsequent intellectual , economic , and political history . \n" }, { "c_id": 1185343, "distance": 0.6969723701477051, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Though inspired by French socialist and sociological thought , Marx criticised utopian socialists , arguing that their favoured small @-@ scale socialistic communities would be bound to marginalisation and poverty , and that only a large @-@ scale change in the economic system can bring about real change . \n" }, { "c_id": 446992, "distance": 0.6888538002967834, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Foreign visits and Marxism = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1370121, "distance": 0.6888538002967834, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Foreign visits and Marxism = = = \n" } ]
which countries share land border with vietnam?
[ "Houaphan", "Salavan Province", "Savannakhet Province", "Bolikhamxai", "Phongsaly Province", "China", "Laos", "Khammouan", "Louangphabang Province", "Attapu Province" ]
[ { "c_id": 247949, "distance": 0.6637808084487915, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " China has the longest combined land border in the world , measuring 22 @,@ 117 km ( 13 @,@ 743 mi ) from the mouth of the Yalu River to the Gulf of Tonkin . China borders 14 nations , more than any other country except Russia , which also borders 14 . China extends across much of East Asia , bordering Vietnam , Laos , and Myanmar ( Burma ) in Southeast Asia ; India , Bhutan , Nepal , Afghanistan , and Pakistan in South Asia ; Tajikistan , Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia ; and Russia , Mongolia , and North Korea in Inner Asia and Northeast Asia . Additionally , China shares maritime boundaries with South Korea , Japan , Vietnam , and the Philippines . \n" }, { "c_id": 1150766, "distance": 0.6597034931182861, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Vietnam and Malaysia share a maritime border in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea , and have overlapping claims in the Spratly Islands . Both have an embassy located in the other 's capital ; Vietnam has an embassy in Kuala Lumpur , and Malaysia has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate office in Ho Chi Minh City . Historical records show that Vietnamese people have visited states and Sultanates comprising modern @-@ day Malaysia in small numbers since the 18th century , and Malaysia is currently home to a large Vietnamese expatriate community consisting of migrant workers , mail order brides and students , numbering around 100 @,@ 000 people . Vietnam also hosts a small Malaysian expatriate community , consisting mostly of businessmen based in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi . \n" }, { "c_id": 427728, "distance": 0.6593961715698242, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = = Tensions with mainland China = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 651901, "distance": 0.6530920267105103, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Surrounded by North Vietnamese = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 416170, "distance": 0.6515644192695618, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = Relations with Lý of Vietnam and border conflict = = \n" } ]
who did queen mary marry?
[ "Philip II of Spain" ]
[ { "c_id": 801384, "distance": 0.7090484499931335, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mary was described by contemporaries as \" tall and admirably shaped \" , and sought as a bride for James , Duke of York , by Lord Peterborough . Lord Peterborough was groom of the stole to the Duke of York . A widower , James was the younger brother and heir of Charles II of England . Duchess Laura was not initially forthcoming with a reply to Peterborough 's proposal , hoping , according to the French ambassador , for a \" grander \" match with the eleven @-@ year @-@ old Charles II of Spain . Whatever the reason for Laura 's initial reluctance , she finally accepted the proposal on behalf of Mary , and they were married by proxy on 30 September 1673 NS . \n" }, { "c_id": 846340, "distance": 0.6935641169548035, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Ultimately , Elizabeth would insist she was married to her kingdom and subjects , under divine protection . In 1599 , she spoke of \" all my husbands , my good people \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 611376, "distance": 0.6905444860458374, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At age 37 , Mary turned her attention to finding a husband and producing an heir , thus preventing the Protestant Elizabeth ( still next @-@ in @-@ line under the terms of Henry VIII 's will and the Act of Succession of 1544 ) from succeeding to the throne . Edward Courtenay and Reginald Pole were both mentioned as prospective suitors , but her cousin Charles V suggested she marry his only son , Prince Philip of Spain . Philip had a son from a previous marriage and was heir apparent to vast territories in Continental Europe and the New World . As part of the marriage negotiations , a portrait of Philip , by Titian , was sent to her in September 1553 . \n" }, { "c_id": 454740, "distance": 0.6899257302284241, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " John and Sarah were both Protestants in a predominantly Catholic court , a circumstance that would influence their political allegiances . Although no date was recorded , the marriage was announced only to the Duchess of York , and a small circle of friends , so that Sarah could keep her court position as Maid of Honour . \n" }, { "c_id": 529453, "distance": 0.6897090077400208, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mary was eloquent and especially tall by sixteenth @-@ century standards ( she attained an adult height of 5 feet 11 inches or 1 @.@ 80 m ) , while Henry II 's son and heir , Francis , stuttered and was abnormally short . Henry commented that \" from the very first day they met , my son and she got on as well together as if they had known each other for a long time \" . On 4 April 1558 , Mary signed a secret agreement bequeathing Scotland and her claim to England to the French crown if she died without issue . Twenty days later , she married the Dauphin at Notre Dame de Paris , and Francis became king consort of Scotland . \n" } ]
where did japan invade to get resources?
[ "China" ]
[ { "c_id": 997035, "distance": 0.7284871339797974, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Faced with the prospect of an invasion of the Home Islands , starting with Kyūshū , and the prospect of a Soviet invasion of Manchuria — Japan 's last source of natural resources — the War Journal of the Imperial Headquarters concluded : \n" }, { "c_id": 345795, "distance": 0.7167630791664124, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In September 1941 Japan began its southward expansion by expanding its military presence in Indochina ( \" securing ' points d 'appui ' \" ) and decisively increased the number of stationed personnel and planes . This provoked the United States , the United Kingdom , and other Western governments to freeze Japanese assets , while the US ( which supplied 80 percent of Japan 's oil ) responded by placing a complete oil embargo on the Japanese Empire . As a result , Japan was essentially forced to choose between abandoning its ambitions in South @-@ East Asia and its prosecution of the war against China , or seizing the natural resources it needed by force . The Japanese military did not consider the former an option as attacking Soviet Russia instead of expanding into South Asia had become a more and more unpopular choice since Japan 's humiliating defeat at the Battle of Khalkin Gol in 1939 and the final rejection of any near @-@ term action in Siberia shortly after Germany began its invasion of the USSR . Moreover , many officers considered America 's oil embargo an unspoken declaration of war . With the harsh oil sanctions imposed by the United States , the Japanese leadership was now even more determined to remain in China . Germany had refused to sell Japan the blueprints to make synthetic oil , so Japan 's only hope for oil was to invade the Dutch East Indies , which would result in war with the United States and Britain . To succeed the Japanese had to neutralize the powerful United States Pacific Fleet , so they could prevent it from interfering with future Japanese movements in South @-@ East Asia and negotiate peace terms from a strong hand . \n" }, { "c_id": 1598723, "distance": 0.7158976793289185, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Imperial forces soon consolidated their hold on mainland Japan , and , in April 1869 , dispatched a fleet and an infantry force of 7 @,@ 000 to Ezo , starting the Battle of Hakodate . The Imperial forces progressed swiftly and won the naval engagement at Hakodate Bay , Japan 's first large @-@ scale naval battle between modern navies , as the fortress of Goryōkaku was surrounded with 800 remaining men . Seeing the situation had become desperate , the French advisers escaped to a French ship stationed in Hakodate Bay — Coëtlogon , under the command of Dupetit @-@ Thouars — from where they were shipped back to Yokohama and then France . The Japanese requested that the French advisers be given judgement in France ; however , due to popular support in France for their actions , the former French advisers in Japan were not punished for their actions . \n" }, { "c_id": 1648010, "distance": 0.7088260650634766, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 marked a period of increasing belligerence from the Japanese Empire , and as the decade progressed the Dutch grew concerned about the security of their East Indies colonies . The islands , which included Java , Sumatra , Borneo and part of New Guinea , were enormously important both politically and strategically to the Dutch , who had lived and traded there for more than three centuries . Over 500 @,@ 000 settlers had moved from the Netherlands to this \" second homeland \" , and the East Indies possessed abundant valuable resources , the most important of which were the rubber plantations and oilfields ; the islands were the fourth @-@ largest exporters of oil in the world , behind the United States , Iran , and Romania . \n" }, { "c_id": 1598673, "distance": 0.7002319693565369, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " For the two centuries prior to 1854 , Japan had severely limited exchange with foreign nations , with the notable exceptions of Korea via Tsushima , Qing China via the Ryūkyūs , and the Dutch through the trading post of Dejima . In 1854 , Commodore Perry opened Japan to global commerce with the implied threat of force , thus initiating a period of rapid development in foreign trade and Westernization . In large part due to the humiliating terms of the Unequal Treaties , as agreements like those conveyed by Perry are called , the Shogunate soon faced internal hostility , which materialized into a radical movement , the sonnō jōi ( literally \" Revere the Emperor , expel the barbarians \" ) . \n" } ]
who is the chicago bulls head coach?
[ "Tom Thibodeau" ]
[ { "c_id": 915678, "distance": 0.6592195630073547, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Some fans and columnists have accused Reinsdorf of breaking up the championship Bulls team after their third straight title and sixth in eight years , claiming the Bulls could have competed for more titles with Michael Jordan , Scottie Pippen and good support from the rest of the team that in the eight @-@ year span included Dennis Rodman , Horace Grant , Toni Kukoč , Ron Harper , BJ Armstrong , and coach Phil Jackson . Some accounts claim that because Jackson feuded with both Reinsdorf and Krause and because both Jordan and Pippen were linked to Jackson , the team was broken up . Forbes describes the scenario as an example of owner greed . Many note that Phil Jackson 's decision not to return as coach and Jordan 's retirement during the 1998 – 99 NBA season lockout impacted the decisions of several players on whether to return to Chicago . Krause and Reinsdorf had held out hope that they could convince Jackson and Jordan to return and thus had introduced Tim Floyd as President of Chicago Bulls Basketball Operations instead of head coach . Reinsdorf had made it clear to Jackson that he was wanted back . \n" }, { "c_id": 1190955, "distance": 0.6482921242713928, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Looking for an offensive coordinator , the Bears requested an interview with Titans tight ends coach Mike Mularkey , but were denied . The Bears also showed interest in San Francisco 49ers quarterback coach Geep Chryst and former Kansas head coach Charlie Weis for the OC position . Gase was selected for the OC role on January 21 . Defensively , 49ers DC Vic Fangio was hired on January 20 , and brought 49ers defensive backs coach Ed Donatell to serve the same position , replacing Jon Hoke . At the NFL Scouting Combine , the Bears announced that they would be switching to a base 3 – 4 defense in 2015 , a defensive scheme that Fangio had operated in San Francisco . Four of Fox 's assistants with the Broncos were brought to Chicago : Broncos special teams coordinator Jeff Rodgers was hired on January 19 , replacing Joe DeCamillis ; the next day , assistant defensive backs coach Sam Garnes , offensive line coach Dave Magazu and assistant special teams coach Derius Swinton II were hired for the same positions they had served in Denver . The same day , defensive coordinator Mel Tucker , DeCamillis , tight ends coach Andy Bischoff , linebackers coach Reggie Herring and assistant special teams coach Dwayne Stukes were all officially released . To replace Cavanaugh and Herring , respectively , the Browns ' Dowell Loggains and Atlanta Falcons ' Glenn Pires were hired . Saints ' assistant offensive line coach Frank Smith succeeded Bischoff at the tight ends coach spot after being hired on January 22 . Three days later , defensive line coach Paul Pasqualoni left the Bears to join the Houston Texans , and Broncos DL coach Jay Rodgers was hired . Two days later , Bears assistant DL coach Clint Hurtt was reassigned to outside linebackers . On February 10 , Ohio State running backs coach Stan Drayton joined the Bears to serve the same position . The next day , North Shore Senior High School assistant football coach and former NFL player Ben Wilkerson was hired as assistant OL coach , while incumbent OL coach Pat Meyer was not retained . \n" }, { "c_id": 616858, "distance": 0.6436602473258972, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = Current coaching , technical and administrative staff = = \n" }, { "c_id": 365707, "distance": 0.6426417231559753, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The union rejected the offer on November 9 and asked for another bargaining session . The two sides met again as the deadline passed . After two days of negotiation , the owners put forth a revised final offer and said that they were done bargaining . If accepted by the players , Stern hoped to start a 72 @-@ game season in mid December . On November 14 , the union rejected the last offer and dissolved the union . The NBPA was converted into a trade association , enabling the players as individual employees to participate in a class action antitrust lawsuit against the league , calling the lockout an illegal group boycott . Attorney David Boies , who represented the NFL owners in their 2011 lockout , agreed to represent the players and join Keesler , who also represented the players in the NFL lockout . On November 15 , one group of NBA players ( including Carmelo Anthony , Chauncey Billups , Kawhi Leonard , and Leon Powe ) filed an antitrust lawsuit against the NBA in a California federal court , while another ( including Anthony Tolliver , Ben Gordon , Caron Butler and Derrick Williams ) filed their own suit against the NBA in a Minnesota federal court . November 15 was also the day players were to receive their first paychecks if the season was played . \n" }, { "c_id": 1152301, "distance": 0.6383166909217834, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Off the court , Paul has served as the National Basketball Players Association president since August 2013 . One of the highest @-@ paid athletes in the world , he holds endorsement deals with companies such as Nike and State Farm . \n" } ]
what type of money do you use in cuba?
[ "Cuban peso", "Cuban convertible peso" ]
[ { "c_id": 712929, "distance": 0.6826356649398804, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Euro has been used as a trading currency in Cuba since 1998 , and Syria since 2006 . There are also various currencies pegged to the euro ( see below ) . In 2009 , Zimbabwe abandoned its local currency and used major currencies instead , including the euro and the United States dollar . \n" }, { "c_id": 99331, "distance": 0.6705415844917297, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Relations between Cuba and the U.S. were further strained following the explosion of a French vessel , the Le Coubre , in Havana harbor in March 1960 . The ship carried weapons purchased from Belgium , the cause of the explosion was never determined , but Castro publicly insinuated that the U.S. government were guilty of sabotage . He ended this speech with \" ¡ Patria o Muerte ! \" ( \" Fatherland or Death \" ) , a proclamation that he made much use of in ensuing years . Inspired by their earlier success with the 1954 Guatemalan coup d 'état , in March 1960 , U.S. President Eisenhower authorized the CIA to overthrow Castro 's government . He provided them with a budget of $ 13 million and permitted them to ally with the Mafia , who were aggrieved that Castro 's government closed down their brothel and casino businesses in Cuba . On October 13 , 1960 , the U.S. prohibited the majority of exports to Cuba , initiating an economic embargo . In retaliation , the National Institute for Agrarian Reform INRA took control of 383 private @-@ run businesses on October 14 , and on October 25 a further 166 U.S. companies operating in Cuba had their premises seized and nationalized . On December 16 , the U.S. ended its import quota of Cuban sugar , the country 's primary export . \n" }, { "c_id": 99330, "distance": 0.6674752235412598, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " By 1960 , the Cold War raged between two superpowers : the United States , a capitalist liberal democracy , and the Soviet Union ( USSR ) , a Marxist @-@ Leninist socialist state ruled by the Communist Party . Expressing contempt for the U.S. , Castro shared the ideological views of the USSR , establishing relations with several Marxist @-@ Leninist states . Meeting with Soviet First Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan , Castro agreed to provide the USSR with sugar , fruit , fibers , and hides , in return for crude oil , fertilizers , industrial goods , and a $ 100 million loan . Cuba 's government ordered the country 's refineries – then controlled by the U.S. corporations Shell , Esso and Standard Oil – to process Soviet oil , but under U.S. pressure , they refused . Castro responded by expropriating and nationalizing the refineries . Retaliating , the U.S. cancelled its import of Cuban sugar , provoking Castro to nationalize most U.S.-owned assets on the island , including banks and sugar mills . \n" }, { "c_id": 903958, "distance": 0.6655024886131287, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " No Major League Baseball ( MLB ) team had played in Cuba since March 21 , 1959 . Castro made attempts to lure American baseball teams back to Cuba to no avail . In the 1970s , George McGovern , a United States Senator , pushed the idea of an exchange of MLB and college basketball teams as a way to bridge the impasse between the two governments , similar to the ping @-@ pong diplomacy that aided US @-@ China relations ; however , this was blocked by the United States Department of State . \n" }, { "c_id": 293350, "distance": 0.6589009165763855, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The two men hurry to obtain Smithers for help , who suggests they leave the country . Burns takes Smithers and Homer in his old plane , setting off to find an island and start a new country . Over the Caribbean , Burns finds a fine island , although it already has a name and is in fact the country , Cuba . Going before Fidel Castro , Burns fails to buy the island when Fidel asks to see the trillion @-@ dollar bill , and is handed the bill . He refuses to give it back . The episode immediately cuts to a scene where Burns , Smithers , and Homer are on a makeshift raft . Burns announces he will merely bribe the jury when he , Smithers and Homer are put on trial . \n" } ]
where in georgia does usher live?
[ "Georgia General Assembly" ]
[ { "c_id": 1603453, "distance": 0.6500211954116821, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Jeter maintains homes in Marlboro Township , New Jersey ; Greenwood Lake , New York ; and the Davis Islands neighborhood of Tampa , Florida . He previously owned a penthouse apartment in Manhattan 's Trump World Tower . Regarding his official residence , Jeter settled a tax dispute with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance in 2008 . New York State alleged that Jeter should have paid state income tax from 2001 to 2003 , as Jeter resided in the Manhattan apartment he bought in 2001 ; Jeter claimed to have established his residence in Tampa , Florida , in 1994 and that he was still a resident of Florida at the time . Florida has no state income tax . \n" }, { "c_id": 1574715, "distance": 0.6322514414787292, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " A number of noted authors , poets and playwrights have lived in Georgia such as James Dickey , Flannery O 'Connor , Sidney Lanier , Frank Yerby and Lewis Grizzard . \n" }, { "c_id": 730898, "distance": 0.6243547797203064, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Lee describes himself as being of \" mixed \" ethnicity and maintains a residence in West Philadelphia . \n" }, { "c_id": 1574732, "distance": 0.6214085817337036, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Films set in Georgia include two pictures both set in Atlanta that were awarded the Oscar for Best Picture : , Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) and Driving Miss Daisy ( 1989 ) . Other films set in Georgia include Deliverance ( 1972 ) , which was based on the novel of the same name by James Dickey , and Parental Guidance ( 2012 ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 398139, "distance": 0.6200087666511536, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The singer is married to trial attorney Shawn Chapman Holley , who practices law in the areas of both civil and criminal litigation . A partner of Howard Weitzman of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldiser LLP , she has defended and worked for individuals such as O.J. Simpson , Sara Jane Olson , Lindsay Lohan , Nicole Richie , Paris Hilton , Tupac Shakur , Snoop Dogg , Mike Tyson , The Game , Axl Rose , Jesse McCartney and Michael Jackson . She was also an on @-@ air legal analyst during the E ! Network 's nightly international coverage of Jackson 's 2005 child sexual abuse trial . Together , Dorian and Shawn have three daughters ; Nayanna , Sasha , and Olivia . Nayanna Holley is a singer , actor , and songwriter , she starts to traveling with her father since 3 years old . The Los Angeles Times reported in 2005 that the family live in a 2 @,@ 800 @-@ square @-@ foot ( 260 m2 ) home , which was built in 1920 and bought by Holley and his wife in 2003 . The Standard noted in 2007 that the pair had purchased a 3 @,@ 500 @-@ square @-@ foot ( 330 m2 ) Italian Renaissance Revival home in Lafayette Square , Los Angeles . Writers for the publication further commented that the Holleys planned to keep a home in nearby Wellington Square . \n" } ]
who are the two state senators of georgia?
[ "Saxby Chambliss" ]
[ { "c_id": 297901, "distance": 0.6704566478729248, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In an unusual political circumstance , the 2001 legislative elections returned a senate with equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats , with each party having 20 senators . Both sides negotiated to choose two senators from their respective parties to serve as co @-@ presidents . Because of an 8 @-@ day gap between the seating of the new state legislature and the inauguration of Governor @-@ elect Jim McGreevey , four men held the position of acting governor : \n" }, { "c_id": 120687, "distance": 0.645857036113739, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " After the building was auctioned , there was a brief period while the current residence was in renovation . During that period , governors Edgar Whitcomb and Otis Bowen took up residence in Riley Towers located at 650 N. Alabama St. The state leased the penthouse for their residence at a cost of $ 1 @,@ 150 per month . \n" }, { "c_id": 1062597, "distance": 0.6380516290664673, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The filmmakers sent out letters to many politicians , both Democrat and Republican , asking them to make cameo appearances in the film . Several of the scenes had already been shot using actors in these roles , but the filmmakers went back and re @-@ shot those scenes when real politicians agreed to be in the film . Those who agreed , including U.S. Senators Harry Reid , Barbara Boxer , Orrin Hatch , Charles Grassley , and Don Nickles , and Massachusetts governor Bill Weld , were filmed in a scene that was entirely improvised . \n" }, { "c_id": 1574638, "distance": 0.635495662689209, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The ascendancy of the Republican Party in Georgia and in the South in general also resulted in Georgia U.S. House of Representatives member Newt Gingrich being elected as Speaker of the House following the election of a Republican majority in the House in 1994 . Gingrich served as Speaker until 1999 , when he resigned in the aftermath of the loss of House seats held by members of the GOP . Gingrich also mounted an unsuccessful bid for President in the 2012 election , but withdrew after winning only the South Carolina and Georgia primaries . \n" }, { "c_id": 1574619, "distance": 0.6300898194313049, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " As with all other US states and the federal government , Georgia 's government is based on the separation of legislative , executive , and judicial power . Executive authority in the state rests with the governor , currently Nathan Deal ( Republican ) . Both the Governor of Georgia and lieutenant governor are elected on separate ballots to four @-@ year terms of office . Unlike the federal government , but like many other U.S. States , most of the executive officials who comprise the governor 's cabinet are elected by the citizens of Georgia rather than appointed by the governor . \n" } ]
what type of government does australia use?
[ "Constitutional monarchy" ]
[ { "c_id": 200276, "distance": 0.7276317477226257, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The federal government comprises three branches : \n" }, { "c_id": 1651556, "distance": 0.7241057753562927, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The federal government is separated into three branches : \n" }, { "c_id": 1651562, "distance": 0.7218414545059204, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There are two major political groups that usually form government , federally and in the states : the Australian Labor Party and the Coalition which is a formal grouping of the Liberal Party and its minor partner , the National Party . Within Australian political culture , the Coalition is considered centre @-@ right and the Labor Party is considered centre @-@ left . Independent members and several minor parties have achieved representation in Australian parliaments , mostly in upper houses . \n" }, { "c_id": 541989, "distance": 0.7121846675872803, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Each form of government has its own merits and failings : \n" }, { "c_id": 1001891, "distance": 0.7070791721343994, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The federal government is composed of three branches : \n" } ]
what language do people in czech republic speak?
[ "Czech Language" ]
[ { "c_id": 400521, "distance": 0.7604197859764099, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 2005 and 2007 , Czech was spoken by about 10 million residents of the Czech Republic . A Eurobarometer survey conducted from January to March 2012 found that the first language of 98 percent of Czech citizens was Czech , the third @-@ highest in the European Union ( behind Greece and Hungary ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 400522, "distance": 0.7557905316352844, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Czech , the official language of the Czech Republic ( a member of the European Union since 2004 ) , is one of the EU 's official languages and the 2012 Eurobarometer survey found that Czech was the foreign language most often used in Slovakia . Economist Jonathan van Parys collected data on language knowledge in Europe for the 2012 European Day of Languages . The five countries with the greatest use of Czech were the Czech Republic ( 98 @.@ 77 percent ) , Slovakia ( 24 @.@ 86 percent ) , Portugal ( 1 @.@ 93 percent ) , Poland ( 0 @.@ 98 percent ) and Germany ( 0 @.@ 47 percent ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 400483, "distance": 0.7510004639625549, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Czech ( / ˈtʃɛk / ; čeština Czech pronunciation : [ ˈt ͡ ʃɛʃcɪna ] ) , formerly known as Bohemian ( / boʊˈhiːmiən , bə- / ; lingua Bohemica in Latin ) , is a West Slavic language strongly influenced by Latin and German . It is spoken by over 10 million people and is the official language of the Czech Republic . Czech 's closest relative is Slovak , with which it is mutually intelligible . It is closely related to other West Slavic languages , such as Silesian and Polish . Although most Czech vocabulary is based on shared roots with Slavic , Romance , and Germanic languages , many loanwords ( most associated with high culture ) have been adopted in recent years . \n" }, { "c_id": 400495, "distance": 0.7315232753753662, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Czech and Slovak have been considered mutually intelligible ; speakers of either language can communicate with greater ease than those of any other pair of West Slavic languages . Since the 1993 dissolution of Czechoslovakia mutual intelligibility has declined for younger speakers , probably because Czech speakers now experience less exposure to Slovak and vice versa . \n" }, { "c_id": 400547, "distance": 0.7211733460426331, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Czech dialects spoken in Moravia and Silesia are known as Moravian ( moravština ) . In the Austro @-@ Hungarian Empire , \" Bohemian @-@ Moravian @-@ Slovak \" was a language citizens could register as speaking ( with German , Polish and several others ) . Of the Czech dialects , only Moravian is distinguished in nationwide surveys by the Czech Statistical Office . As of 2011 , 62 @,@ 908 Czech citizens spoke Moravian as their first language and 45 @,@ 561 were diglossal ( speaking Moravian and standard Czech as first languages ) . \n" } ]
who plays riley finn on buffy the vampire slayer?
[ "Marc Blucas" ]
[ { "c_id": 42028, "distance": 0.6524896025657654, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2013 , Brosnan appeared in television commercials as a tongue in cheek version of himself to promote the launch of Sky Broadband in Ireland . After its cancellation in 2007 , Brosnan 's production company , \" Irish DreamTime \" resurrected The November Man film project in 2012 with an announcement made on his part that he was jumping back to the spy arena . Filming took place in Serbia a year later , with Brosnan in action as a retired CIA operative called Devereaux , alongside co @-@ star Olga Kurylenko in a supporting role . The film received negative reception with a 34 % on Rotten Tomatoes and a 38 / 100 on Metacritic . In 2015 , he appeared alongside Milla Jovovich in suspense thriller movie written by Phil Shelby , called Survivor , which began filming in January 2014 , with Charles and Irwin Winkler producing , and James McTeigue directing . Brosnan later starred in a revenge thriller called I.T. , which is still yet to be released . \n" }, { "c_id": 1091308, "distance": 0.6499263048171997, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The series was commissioned by Warner Bros. Television in 2007 as a presentation lasting 14 – 20 minutes . Alex O 'Loughlin , Shannon Lucio , Rade Šerbedžija and Amber Valletta were cast in the lead roles , and Rod Holcomb was hired as director . David Greenwalt joined the staff in May 2007 as showrunner and executive producer with Joel Silver ; however , health reasons forced Greenwalt to leave the series . All of the original actors , apart from the male lead role , were recast in June 2007 , and Sophia Myles , Jason Dohring and Shannyn Sossamon replaced them . With an almost entirely different cast , a retooled , full @-@ length pilot for television audiences was re @-@ shot . \n" }, { "c_id": 232887, "distance": 0.6496613025665283, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Additional actors included Dick Miller as the gun @-@ shop clerk ; professional bodybuilder Franco Columbu ( Schwarzenegger 's friend and workout partner ) as a Terminator in 2029 ; Bill Paxton and Brian Thompson as punks who are confronted by the Terminator ; and Marianne Muellerleile as one of the other women with the name \" Sarah Connor \" who was shot by the Terminator . \n" }, { "c_id": 1109731, "distance": 0.6475356221199036, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Providing ties to the previous series in the Degrassi universe , Stefan Brogren was approached to play his old character Archie \" Snake \" Simpson , now working at the school as the media immersion teacher . Dan Woods reprised his role as English teacher Mr. Raditch , now promoted to school principal , and Pat Mastroianni returned to his role as Joey Jeremiah . Amanda Stepto also returned to the franchise to play her character Christine \" Spike \" Nelson in a recurring role . \n" }, { "c_id": 91274, "distance": 0.6452100276947021, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Finn ( Cory Monteith ) asks Rachel ( Lea Michele ) for her answer to his proposal since he has waited the three days she requested , but she is not ready , so he agrees to wait longer . Rachel asks Quinn ( Dianna Agron ) for advice , and Quinn advises her to refuse and leave her past behind . Quinn has done so , and she has been accepted at Yale ; she sings \" Never Can Say Goodbye \" to former boyfriends Puck ( Mark Salling ) , Finn and Sam ( Chord Overstreet ) , and to the glee club . Sam calls Mercedes to the auditorium and asks her to sing with him — they have never duetted in glee club . She refuses and starts to leave , but he begins \" Human Nature \" and she joins in . Afterward , they kiss . \n" } ]