2 classes
3 values
who plays stewie griffin on family guy?
[ "Seth MacFarlane" ]
[ { "c_id": 200151, "distance": 0.7230727672576904, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " When Brian advises Stewie to “ wait and see ” whether or not he has cancer , Stewie says “ Jim Henson had a wait and see attitude , and look what happened to him . Now we ’ ve got wrong @-@ sounding Muppets , ” a reference to Henson ’ s deadly Streptococcus pneumoniae infection that was discovered too late which led to his death in 1990 . The scene then cuts to Kermit the Frog and the Swedish Chef in a dialogue sequence , with much different voice tones . The two would later appear at the end of the show , discussing the preceding events , when Fozzie Bear walks in , and says in a deep voice ( supplied by actor Michael Clarke Duncan ) : “ Wocka wocka . Who wants to hear a funny @-@ ass joke ? ” . \n" }, { "c_id": 874122, "distance": 0.7188072204589844, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " MacFarlane notes that he was surprised they were allowed to do the pickle gag , which consisted of Stewie placing a cucumber on the sofa where Patrick 's imaginary wife is sitting , but inserting it into her imaginary vagina ( to see if it would turn into a pickle ) , but suggests that maybe broadcasting standards did not fully understand the scene . The music song by the overweight people at a funeral for a murdered obese man was only shown on the DVD version and not televised , for timing purposes , and for potential boredom to viewers . The musical composition was recorded at Fox studios on the Gary Numan stage . George W. Bush is portrayed hiding in a tree house and Brian informing by Brian of Hurricane Katrina . Bush was offered the opportunity to voice himself , but declined . \n" }, { "c_id": 1681525, "distance": 0.7164101004600525, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " MacFarlane was cast as four of the show 's main characters : Peter Griffin , Brian Griffin , Stewie Griffin , and Glenn Quagmire . MacFarlane chose to voice these characters himself , believing it would be easier to portray the voices he already envisioned than for someone else to attempt it . MacFarlane drew inspiration for the voice of Peter from a security guard he overheard talking while attending the Rhode Island School of Design . Stewie 's voice was based on the voice of English actor Rex Harrison , especially his performance in the 1964 musical My Fair Lady . MacFarlane uses his regular speaking voice when playing Brian . The voice of Quagmire was inspired by fast @-@ speaking radio advertising spokesmen from the 1950s . MacFarlane also provides voices for various other recurring and one @-@ time characters , including news anchor Tom Tucker and Lois ' father Carter Pewterschmidt . \n" }, { "c_id": 686810, "distance": 0.7163528800010681, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " \" Stewie Kills Lois \" was written by David A. Goodman and directed by John Holmquist , while \" Lois Kills Stewie \" was written by Steve Callaghan and directed by Greg Colton . Both episodes received relatively positive reviews for their combined story arc and cultural references . \" Lois Kills Stewie \" featured appearances by Patrick Stewart , Paula Abdul , Randy Jackson , Simon Cowell , and Willem Dafoe ( although Dafoe did not provide his voice ) and both episodes featured cameos by various recurring voice actors for the series . \n" }, { "c_id": 1779612, "distance": 0.7116484045982361, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Seth MacFarlane voices three of the show 's main characters : Peter Griffin , Brian Griffin , and Stewie Griffin . Since MacFarlane had a strong vision for these characters , he chose to voice them himself , believing it would be easier than for someone else to attempt it . MacFarlane drew inspiration for the voice of Peter from a security guard he overheard talking while attending the Rhode Island School of Design . Stewie 's voice was based on the voice of English actor Rex Harrison , especially his performance in the 1964 musical drama film My Fair Lady . MacFarlane uses his regular speaking voice when playing Brian . MacFarlane also provides the voices for various other recurring and one @-@ time @-@ only characters , most prominently those of the Griffins ' neighbor Glenn Quagmire , news anchor Tom Tucker , and Lois ' father , Carter Pewterschmidt . \n" } ]
what are the two major religions in canada?
[ "Protestantism", "Catholicism", "Islam" ]
[ { "c_id": 904542, "distance": 0.7179849743843079, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada is religiously diverse , encompassing a wide range of beliefs and customs . Canada has no official church , and the government is officially committed to religious pluralism . Freedom of religion in Canada is a constitutionally protected right , allowing individuals to assemble and worship without limitation or interference . The practice of religion is now generally considered a private matter throughout society and the state . With Christianity in decline after having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life , Canada has become a post @-@ Christian , secular state . The majority of Canadians consider religion to be unimportant in their daily lives , but still believe in God . According to the 2011 census , 67 @.@ 3 % of Canadians identify as Christian ; of these , Roman Catholics make up the largest group , accounting for 38 @.@ 7 % of the population . The largest Protestant denomination is the United Church of Canada ( accounting for 6 @.@ 1 % of Canadians ) , followed by Anglicans ( 5 @.@ 0 % ) , and Baptists ( 1 @.@ 9 % ) . Secularization has been growing since the 1960s . In 2011 , 23 @.@ 9 % declared no religious affiliation , compared to 16 @.@ 5 % in 2001 . The remaining 8 @.@ 8 % are affiliated with non @-@ Christian religions , the largest of which are Islam ( 3 @.@ 2 % ) and Hinduism ( 1 @.@ 5 % ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1029347, "distance": 0.6999213695526123, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Canada has had many political debates between the French speakers and English speakers , particularly in the province of Quebec . Canada holds both French and English as official languages . The politics in Quebec are largely defined by nationalism as French Québécois wish to gain independence from Canada as a whole , based on ethnic and linguistic boundaries . The main separatist party , Parti Québécois , attempted to gain sovereignty twice ( once in 1980 and again in 1995 ) and failed by a narrow margin of 1 @.@ 2 % in 1995 . Since then , in order to remain united , Canada granted Quebec statut particulier , recognizing Quebec as a nation within the united nation of Canada . Canada is often described as a cultural mosaic . \n" }, { "c_id": 70513, "distance": 0.6973522901535034, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada as a nation is religiously diverse , encompassing a wide range of groups , beliefs and customs . The preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms references \" God \" , and the monarch carries the title of \" Defender of the Faith \" . However Canada has no official religion , and support for religious pluralism ( Freedom of religion in Canada ) is an important part of Canada 's political culture . With the role of Christianity in decline , having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life ; commentators have suggested that Canada has come to enter a post @-@ Christian period in a secular state , with irreligion in Canada on the rise . The majority of Canadians consider religion to be unimportant in their daily lives , but still believe in God . The practice of religion is now generally considered a private matter throughout society and within the state . \n" }, { "c_id": 70476, "distance": 0.6878769993782043, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Canada is a bilingual and multicultural society home to people of many different ethnic , religious and national origins , with the majority of the population made up of Old World immigrants and their descendants . Following the initial period of French and then the much larger British colonization , different waves ( or peaks ) of immigration and settlement of non @-@ aboriginal peoples took place over the course of nearly two centuries and continue today . Elements of Aboriginal , French , British and more recent immigrant customs , languages and religions have combined to form the culture of Canada and thus a Canadian identity . Canada has also been strongly influenced by its linguistic , geographic and economic neighbour , the United States . \n" }, { "c_id": 904430, "distance": 0.6822119951248169, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Canada is a developed country and has the tenth highest nominal per capita income globally as well as the ninth highest ranking in the Human Development Index . It ranks among the highest in international measurements of government transparency , civil liberties , quality of life , economic freedom , and education . Canada is a Commonwealth Realm member of the Commonwealth of Nations , a member of the Francophonie , and part of several major international and intergovernmental institutions or groupings including the United Nations , the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , the G8 , the Group of Ten , the G20 , the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Asia @-@ Pacific Economic Cooperation forum . \n" } ]
what kind of government do the canadians have?
[ "Parliamentary system", "Federation", "Constitutional monarchy", "Multi-party system" ]
[ { "c_id": 1029347, "distance": 0.7316180467605591, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada has had many political debates between the French speakers and English speakers , particularly in the province of Quebec . Canada holds both French and English as official languages . The politics in Quebec are largely defined by nationalism as French Québécois wish to gain independence from Canada as a whole , based on ethnic and linguistic boundaries . The main separatist party , Parti Québécois , attempted to gain sovereignty twice ( once in 1980 and again in 1995 ) and failed by a narrow margin of 1 @.@ 2 % in 1995 . Since then , in order to remain united , Canada granted Quebec statut particulier , recognizing Quebec as a nation within the united nation of Canada . Canada is often described as a cultural mosaic . \n" }, { "c_id": 904553, "distance": 0.7232803702354431, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's approach to governance emphasizing multiculturalism , which is based on selective immigration , social integration , and suppression of far right politics , has wide public support . Government policies such as publicly funded health care , higher taxation to redistribute wealth , the outlawing of capital punishment , strong efforts to eliminate poverty , strict gun control , and the legalization of same @-@ sex marriage are further social indicators of Canada 's political and cultural values . Canadians also identify with the countries institutions of health care , peacekeeping , the National park system and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . \n" }, { "c_id": 1310113, "distance": 0.7123813629150391, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's aboriginal peoples had systems of governance organised in a fashion similar to the Occidental concept of monarchy ; European explorers often referred to hereditary leaders of tribes as kings . The present monarchy of Canada has its roots in the French and English monarchies , under the authority of which the area was colonised in the 16th @-@ 18th centuries , and later the British monarchy . The country became a self @-@ governing confederation on 1 July 1867 , recognised as a kingdom in its own right , but did not have full legislative autonomy from the British Crown until the passage of the Statute of Westminster on 11 December 1931 , retaining the then reigning monarch , George V , as monarch of the newly formed monarchy of Canada . The monarch is represented in the country by the Governor General of Canada , David Johnston , and in each of the provinces by a lieutenant governor . \n" }, { "c_id": 904488, "distance": 0.7055324912071228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's federal structure divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the ten provinces . Provincial legislatures are unicameral and operate in parliamentary fashion similar to the House of Commons . Canada 's three territories also have legislatures , but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces . The territorial legislatures also differ structurally from their provincial counterparts . \n" }, { "c_id": 70513, "distance": 0.7039932608604431, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada as a nation is religiously diverse , encompassing a wide range of groups , beliefs and customs . The preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms references \" God \" , and the monarch carries the title of \" Defender of the Faith \" . However Canada has no official religion , and support for religious pluralism ( Freedom of religion in Canada ) is an important part of Canada 's political culture . With the role of Christianity in decline , having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life ; commentators have suggested that Canada has come to enter a post @-@ Christian period in a secular state , with irreligion in Canada on the rise . The majority of Canadians consider religion to be unimportant in their daily lives , but still believe in God . The practice of religion is now generally considered a private matter throughout society and within the state . \n" } ]
what happened to sir thomas cromwell?
[ "Decapitation" ]
[ { "c_id": 1575479, "distance": 0.6780666708946228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Earl of Essex returned to Ireland in July 1576 . At Dublin , he died of dysentery on 22 September during an epidemic , bemoaning the \" frailness of women \" in his last words . Rumours of poison , administered by Leicester , immediately sprung up and continued notwithstanding an official investigation which concluded that Essex had died of natural causes . His body was carried over to Carmarthen , where his widow attended the funeral . \n" }, { "c_id": 376639, "distance": 0.6685270071029663, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Cromwell 's body lay undisturbed at Westminster until the restoration of the Stuart monarchy under Charles 's son , King Charles II , in 1660 . After their trial , conviction and sentencing , twelve surviving regicides ( those who had participated in the trial and execution of Charles I ) were hanged , drawn and quartered — that is , dragged through the streets on an unwheeled sledge or hurdle , hanged by the neck and cut down live , disembowelled while alive , beheaded and dismembered ( cut into four quarters ) . In addition , the recalled parliament ordered the posthumous execution of the deceased regicides Oliver Cromwell , John Bradshaw and Henry Ireton . The laws of treason placed a traitor 's remains at the King 's disposal . Traitors ' heads were often displayed on bridges , the Tower of London and other conspicuous points in London , while the quarters were sometimes distributed for similar display in leading provincial cities . \n" }, { "c_id": 376637, "distance": 0.6671741008758545, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Oliver Cromwell ( born in April 1599 ) led England into a republic , abolishing the monarchy and the House of Lords , after the execution of King Charles I in January 1649 . However , Cromwell 's rule as Lord Protector ( beginning in December 1653 ) was not dissimilar to the Personal Rule of his royal predecessors . He maintained sole , unrestricted power , and lived in the many royal palaces . In 1657 he was formally offered the title of King , but after an “ agony of mind and conscience ” turned it down . Throughout 1658 , Cromwell suffered illness and family tragedy , and died on the afternoon of 3 September 1658 ( Old Style ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 387512, "distance": 0.6666603684425354, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " He set out for England from Scheveningen , arrived in Dover on 25 May 1660 and reached London on 29 May , his 30th birthday . Although Charles and Parliament granted amnesty to Cromwell 's supporters in the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion , 50 people were specifically excluded . In the end nine of the regicides were executed : they were hanged , drawn and quartered ; others were given life imprisonment or simply excluded from office for life . The bodies of Oliver Cromwell , Henry Ireton , and John Bradshaw were subjected to the indignity of posthumous decapitations . \n" }, { "c_id": 376632, "distance": 0.658180832862854, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Following the death of Oliver Cromwell on 2 September 1658 , he was given a public funeral at Westminster Abbey , equal to those of monarchs before him . After the defeat of King Charles I in the English Civil War and Charles ' subsequent beheading , Cromwell had become Lord Protector and ruler of the English Commonwealth . His legacy passed to his son Richard , who was overthrown by the army in 1659 , after which monarchy was re @-@ established and King Charles II , who was living in exile , was recalled . Charles ' new parliament ordered the disinterment of Cromwell 's body from Westminster Abbey and the disinterment of other regicides John Bradshaw and Henry Ireton , for a posthumous execution at Tyburn . After hanging \" from morning till four in the afternoon \" , the bodies were cut down and the heads placed on a 20 @-@ foot ( 6 @.@ 1 m ) spike above Westminster Hall ( the location of the trial of Charles I ) . In 1685 a storm broke the pole upon which Cromwell 's head stood , throwing it to the ground ( although other sources put the date anywhere between 1672 and 1703 ) , after which it was in the hands of private collectors and museum owners until 25 March 1960 , when it was buried at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge . \n" } ]
what food is from china?
[ "Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. Zhu Jiang Beer", "Tsingtao Beer", "Harbin Beer" ]
[ { "c_id": 248134, "distance": 0.7047351598739624, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Chinese cuisine is highly diverse , drawing on several millennia of culinary history and geographical variety , in which the most influential are known as the \" Eight Major Cuisines \" , including Sichuan , Cantonese , Jiangsu , Shandong , Fujian , Hunan , Anhui , and Zhejiang cuisines . All of them are featured by the precise skills of shaping , heating , colorway and flavoring . Chinese cuisine is also known for its width of cooking methods and ingredients , as well as food therapy that is emphasized by traditional Chinese medicine . Generally , China 's staple food is rice in the south , wheat based breads and noodles in the north . The diet of the common people in pre @-@ modern times was largely grain and simple vegetables , with meat reserved for special occasions . And the bean products , such as tofu and soy milk , remain as a popular source of protein . Pork is now the most popular meat in China , accounting for about three @-@ fourths of the country 's total meat consumption . While there is also a Buddhist cuisine and an Islamic cuisine . Southern cuisine , due to the area 's proximity to the ocean and milder climate , has a wide variety of seafood and vegetables ; it differs in many respects from the wheat @-@ based diets across dry northern China . Numerous offshoots of Chinese food , such as Hong Kong cuisine and American Chinese food , have emerged in the nations that play host to the Chinese diaspora . \n" }, { "c_id": 204850, "distance": 0.6856318116188049, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Chinese culinary culture is particularly evident in Indonesian cuisine through the Hokkien , Hakka , and Cantonese loanwords used for various dishes . Words beginning with bak ( 肉 ) signify the presence of meat , e.g. bakpau ( \" meat bun \" ) ; words ending with cai ( 菜 ) signify vegetables , e.g. pecai ( \" Chinese white cabbage \" ) and cap cai . The words mi or mie ( 麵 ) signify noodle as in mi goreng . \n" }, { "c_id": 248125, "distance": 0.6848560571670532, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Today , the Chinese government has accepted numerous elements of traditional Chinese culture as being integral to Chinese society . With the rise of Chinese nationalism and the end of the Cultural Revolution , various forms of traditional Chinese art , literature , music , film , fashion and architecture have seen a vigorous revival , and folk and variety art in particular have sparked interest nationally and even worldwide . China is now the third @-@ most @-@ visited country in the world , with 55 @.@ 7 million inbound international visitors in 2010 . It also experiences an enormous volume of domestic tourism ; an estimated 740 million Chinese holidaymakers travelled within the country in October 2012 alone . \n" }, { "c_id": 819684, "distance": 0.6825669407844543, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Chinese food became established in England by the 1970s , with large cities often having a Chinatown district ; the first , in London 's Soho , developed between the two world wars . Deriving from Cantonese cuisine , the food served by Chinese restaurants , named \" Chinese Food Abroad \" by Kenneth Lo , has been adapted to suit western taste . \n" }, { "c_id": 248033, "distance": 0.6818110942840576, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " China ranked 29th in the Global Competitiveness Index in 2009 , although it is only ranked 136th among the 179 countries measured in the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom . In 2014 , Fortune 's Global 500 list of the world 's largest corporations included 95 Chinese companies , with combined revenues of US $ 5 @.@ 8 trillion . The same year , Forbes reported that five of the world 's ten largest public companies were Chinese , including the world 's largest bank by total assets , the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China . \n" } ]
who plays stewie griffin's voice?
[ "Seth MacFarlane" ]
[ { "c_id": 200151, "distance": 0.7107651829719543, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " When Brian advises Stewie to “ wait and see ” whether or not he has cancer , Stewie says “ Jim Henson had a wait and see attitude , and look what happened to him . Now we ’ ve got wrong @-@ sounding Muppets , ” a reference to Henson ’ s deadly Streptococcus pneumoniae infection that was discovered too late which led to his death in 1990 . The scene then cuts to Kermit the Frog and the Swedish Chef in a dialogue sequence , with much different voice tones . The two would later appear at the end of the show , discussing the preceding events , when Fozzie Bear walks in , and says in a deep voice ( supplied by actor Michael Clarke Duncan ) : “ Wocka wocka . Who wants to hear a funny @-@ ass joke ? ” . \n" }, { "c_id": 874122, "distance": 0.7099953889846802, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " MacFarlane notes that he was surprised they were allowed to do the pickle gag , which consisted of Stewie placing a cucumber on the sofa where Patrick 's imaginary wife is sitting , but inserting it into her imaginary vagina ( to see if it would turn into a pickle ) , but suggests that maybe broadcasting standards did not fully understand the scene . The music song by the overweight people at a funeral for a murdered obese man was only shown on the DVD version and not televised , for timing purposes , and for potential boredom to viewers . The musical composition was recorded at Fox studios on the Gary Numan stage . George W. Bush is portrayed hiding in a tree house and Brian informing by Brian of Hurricane Katrina . Bush was offered the opportunity to voice himself , but declined . \n" }, { "c_id": 1459201, "distance": 0.7048627734184265, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Having lost their hair from the lake 's pollution , the Griffins are at home wearing powdered wigs , an effect that compels Stewie to play several classical compositions , including those by Joseph Haydn and Georg Friedrich Handel , with Peter appearing as Antonio Salieri . The scene is a reference to the 1984 film Amadeus . \n" }, { "c_id": 1779612, "distance": 0.7023235559463501, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Seth MacFarlane voices three of the show 's main characters : Peter Griffin , Brian Griffin , and Stewie Griffin . Since MacFarlane had a strong vision for these characters , he chose to voice them himself , believing it would be easier than for someone else to attempt it . MacFarlane drew inspiration for the voice of Peter from a security guard he overheard talking while attending the Rhode Island School of Design . Stewie 's voice was based on the voice of English actor Rex Harrison , especially his performance in the 1964 musical drama film My Fair Lady . MacFarlane uses his regular speaking voice when playing Brian . MacFarlane also provides the voices for various other recurring and one @-@ time @-@ only characters , most prominently those of the Griffins ' neighbor Glenn Quagmire , news anchor Tom Tucker , and Lois ' father , Carter Pewterschmidt . \n" }, { "c_id": 1681525, "distance": 0.6999115943908691, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " MacFarlane was cast as four of the show 's main characters : Peter Griffin , Brian Griffin , Stewie Griffin , and Glenn Quagmire . MacFarlane chose to voice these characters himself , believing it would be easier to portray the voices he already envisioned than for someone else to attempt it . MacFarlane drew inspiration for the voice of Peter from a security guard he overheard talking while attending the Rhode Island School of Design . Stewie 's voice was based on the voice of English actor Rex Harrison , especially his performance in the 1964 musical My Fair Lady . MacFarlane uses his regular speaking voice when playing Brian . The voice of Quagmire was inspired by fast @-@ speaking radio advertising spokesmen from the 1950s . MacFarlane also provides voices for various other recurring and one @-@ time characters , including news anchor Tom Tucker and Lois ' father Carter Pewterschmidt . \n" } ]
who did butler beat last night?
[ "Stephano" ]
[ { "c_id": 1545465, "distance": 0.6353521943092346, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " On February 28 , 2011 , Watson played an untelevised exhibition match of Jeopardy ! against members of the United States House of Representatives . In the first round , Rush D. Holt , Jr . ( D @-@ NJ , a former Jeopardy ! contestant ) , who was challenging the computer with Bill Cassidy ( R @-@ LA ) , led with Watson in second place . However , combining the scores between all matches , the final score was $ 40 @,@ 300 for Watson and $ 30 @,@ 000 for the congressional players combined . \n" }, { "c_id": 1782309, "distance": 0.6296755075454712, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The evening team draw saw the first sweep of the event by Team North America . Brad Jacobs played Niklas Edin in a rematch of the previous year 's world championship game , and scored one in the final end to take a one @-@ point victory . Rachel Homan scored five straight points , of which three were steals , to overcome a three @-@ point deficit against Margaretha Sigfridsson , and John Shuster made an early steal against David Murdoch and built up a two @-@ point lead , which he held to win the game . \n" }, { "c_id": 989960, "distance": 0.6171776056289673, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " It guest starred Rod Steiger as Captain Tenille and Bob Denver as himself , with one @-@ time The Simpsons writer Michael Carrington making an appearance as the Drill Sergeant . This was the last episode Al Jean and Mike Reiss executive produced together , although Jean became show runner again in season 13 . \n" }, { "c_id": 608916, "distance": 0.6131078004837036, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " \" Are you my mistress ? \" — One knock , followed by scratches \n" }, { "c_id": 318210, "distance": 0.6116447448730469, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Source : Butler \n" } ]
what are the mountains in peru called?
[ "Andes" ]
[ { "c_id": 1735421, "distance": 0.7172744870185852, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Incapillo is part of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone , which extends through the countries of Chile , Bolivia , and Argentina and includes six or more Quaternary caldera or ignimbrite systems , about 44 stratovolcanoes , and over 18 smaller centres . One of these stratovolcanoes , Ojos del Salado , is the world 's highest volcano . This zone also includes the Altiplano @-@ Puna volcanic complex and the Galan caldera farther south . Incapillo is the southernmost volcano of the Central Volcanic Zone with Pleistocene activity ; the next such volcano to the south is Tupungato in the Southern Volcanic Zone at 33 ° southern latitude . \n" }, { "c_id": 1299417, "distance": 0.7025367021560669, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " At issue is credit for the discovery of the civilization , naming it , and developing the theoretical models to explain it . That Shady was describing a civilization is clear in 1997 : ( \" los albores de la civilización en el Perú . \" ) . While locating it on the Supe River , with Caral at its center , she suggested a larger geographic base for the society : \n" }, { "c_id": 482410, "distance": 0.697178304195404, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Part of the Cordillera Ampato , it is Peru 's largest and highest volcano . Coropuna is located south of the Pucuncho basin in the Peruvian Andes and 110 kilometres ( 68 mi ) away from the Pacific coast . Neighbouring volcanoes are the 5 @,@ 498 @-@ metre ( 18 @,@ 038 ft ) Firura ( 15 ° 14 ′ S 72 ° 48 ′ W ) and the 6 @,@ 093 @-@ metre ( 19 @,@ 990 ft ) Solimana ( 15 ° 24 ′ S 72 ° 52 ′ W ) . Firura is a structure with two dome shaped summits , while Solimana features a caldera and a high , glacially affected topography . Another volcano , Ampato , lies 85 kilometres ( 53 mi ) southeast . \n" }, { "c_id": 1635273, "distance": 0.6891838908195496, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Peru \n" }, { "c_id": 1299337, "distance": 0.6868781447410583, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The discovery of Norte Chico has also shifted the focus of research away from the highland areas of the Andes and lowlands adjacent to the mountains ( where the Chavín , and later Inca , had their major centers ) to the Peruvian littoral , or coastal regions . Norte Chico is located in a north @-@ central area of the coast , approximately 150 to 200 km north of Lima , roughly bounded by the Lurín Valley on the south and the Casma Valley on the north . It comprises four coastal valleys : the Huaura , Supe , Pativilca , and Fortaleza ; known sites are concentrated in the latter three , which share a common coastal plain . The three principal valleys cover only 1 @,@ 800 km ² , and research has emphasized the density of the population centers . \n" } ]
which kardashians are having babies?
[ "Kim Kardashian" ]
[ { "c_id": 495290, "distance": 0.6699861884117126, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Before Lois prepares to undergo in vitro fertilization , Dr. Hartman shows her several photos of babies conceived by celebrity couples , including actress Shelley Duvall and singer @-@ songwriter James Blunt ; actress Hilary Swank and actor Gary Busey ; Olympic medalist Florence Griffith @-@ Joyner and physicist Stephen Hawking ; and actress , writer and comedian Tina Fey and actor Joaquin Phoenix . Beginning the procedure , Lois objects to Dr. Hartman 's method of embryonic insertion . In response , he replies , \" Well , perhaps you could tell them — if only you spoke Hovitos , \" a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark . Later , in an attempt to cause Lois to have a miscarriage , Peter lays down a series of Grey 's Anatomy DVDs in order to lure Lois into being punched in the stomach by the \" Acme Miscarriage Kit \" , a boxing glove attached to a crossbow . In a reference to the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoon series Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner , Peter ultimately ends up missing with the crossbow , causing the glove to bounce and hit a large rock and land inches in front of him as he is standing on a narrow cliff . The ground then drops out from underneath his feet , causing him to fall like Wile E. Coyote . \n" }, { "c_id": 495277, "distance": 0.6650581955909729, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As the family eats breakfast the next morning , Lois reveals her intention to become a surrogate mother for Naomi and Dale , causing Peter to become upset at the thought of her being pregnant for nine months . Despite this , Lois decides to go to Dr. Hartman to have the in vitro fertilization performed , enduring more of Dr. Hartman 's shtick involving celebrity crossbreeds and having a tribe of bush men implant the egg with blowguns . A pregnancy test comes back positive the next day , and a furious Peter attempts to cause Lois to have a miscarriage before ultimately confronting her about the pregnancy . While she continues asserting her intention to provide a child to Naomi and Dale , Quahog 5 News suddenly reveals that Naomi and Dale died in a car crash . Devastated by the announcement , Lois questions whether she should have an abortion or continue with the pregnancy and put the baby up for adoption . \n" }, { "c_id": 532477, "distance": 0.6477506160736084, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Which of the two ovaries — left or right — ovulates appears essentially random ; no known left and right co @-@ ordination exists . Occasionally , both ovaries will release an egg ; if both eggs are fertilized , the result is fraternal twins . \n" }, { "c_id": 495289, "distance": 0.6460213661193848, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In the opening scene of the episode , Peter and Lois are shown entering her alma mater at Salve Regina University in Newport , Rhode Island . Later , after they are approached by Lois 's ex @-@ roommate Naomi and her husband Dale , Lois announces her intention to carry the couple 's baby , causing Peter to question why Lois is the one who has to become the couple 's surrogate . Their daughter , Meg , suggests that she could carry the baby herself , but Lois objects due to Meg 's inability to have a boyfriend \" for more than a few weeks . \" Meg notes her relationship with Sesame Street character Count von Count , who only left her after discovering she had at least three nipples . \n" }, { "c_id": 1470530, "distance": 0.6456300616264343, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Starting in 2005 , Pitt 's relationship with Angelina Jolie became one of the most reported celebrity stories worldwide . After confirming that Jolie was pregnant in early 2006 , the significant media hype surrounding the couple reached what Reuters , in a story titled \" The Brangelina fever , \" called \" the point of insanity \" . To avoid media attention , the couple flew to Namibia for the birth of their daughter Shiloh , which was described by the media as \" the most anticipated baby since Jesus Christ . \" Similarly , intense media interest greeted the announcement two years later of Jolie 's second pregnancy ; for the two weeks Jolie spent in a seaside hospital in Nice , reporters and photographers camped outside on the promenade to report on the birth . \n" } ]
what is south america made up of?
[ "Carrasco", "Chacaltaya", "Chile", "Pampas", "Amazon Basin", "French Guiana", "Peru", "Guyana", "Paraguay", "Bolivia" ]
[ { "c_id": 35300, "distance": 0.6669365167617798, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Within a few decades of Christopher Columbus 's landing on the coast of what is now Venezuela in 1498 , South America had been effectively conquered by Spain and Portugal . By the beginning of the 19th century , several factors affected Spain 's control over its colonies : Napoleon 's invasion of Spain in 1808 , the abdication of Charles IV , Ferdinand VII 's renouncement of his right to succeed , and the placement of Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne . The colonies were virtually cut off from Spain , and the American and French Revolutions inspired many creoles — American @-@ born descendants of Spanish settlers — to take advantage of Spanish weakness . As a result , Latin America was run by independent juntas and colonial self @-@ governments . \n" }, { "c_id": 414554, "distance": 0.6550307869911194, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The South American and Caribbean Mabuya skinks form a clade that appears to be derived from a separate colonization from Africa . Both transatlantic colonization events are believed to have occurred within the last 9 million years . \n" }, { "c_id": 35299, "distance": 0.654007613658905, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The novel is set in 1830 , at the tail end of the initial campaign to secure Latin America 's independence from Spain . Most of Spanish America had gained independence by this date ; only Cuba and Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule . \n" }, { "c_id": 1287538, "distance": 0.6527512073516846, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Americas : Bolivia , Dominican Republic , El Salvador , Haiti , Honduras , Mexico , Peru , US \n" }, { "c_id": 1754100, "distance": 0.6525847911834717, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = = Central and South America = = = = \n" } ]
what team does plaxico burress play for?
[ "Pittsburgh Steelers" ]
[ { "c_id": 164458, "distance": 0.6291719079017639, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Burrell was previously married but has been divorced since 2009 . As of 2015 , he is a special assignment scout for the Giants , based in Scottsdale , Arizona . \n" }, { "c_id": 1188635, "distance": 0.613231360912323, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2005 , after a number of live events and dark matches , Assad signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) and was assigned to their developmental territory Deep South Wrestling . He originally wrestled under his \" Antonio Banks \" ring name , but then developed the Montel Vontavious Porter ( MVP ) in @-@ ring persona : an arrogant , self @-@ obsessed athlete partially inspired by the fictional NFL wide receiver Rod Tidwell ( Cuba Gooding , Jr . ) from the 1996 film Jerry Maguire and the real @-@ life wide receiver Terrell Owens . \n" }, { "c_id": 164392, "distance": 0.6059046983718872, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Burrell was named the Phillies ' top prospect and the second @-@ best prospect in baseball by Baseball America in 2000 . He began the season with Scranton / Wilkes @-@ Barre . Playing first base and the outfield , he batted .294 with 4 home runs and 25 RBI in 40 games . \n" }, { "c_id": 164450, "distance": 0.6048282384872437, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Burrell signed a one @-@ day contract with the Philadelphia Phillies on May 19 , 2012 , so he could officially retire as a Phillie . It was announced on February 28 , 2015 that Burrell will be inducted onto the Phillies Wall of Fame . He was subsequently inducted on Friday , July 31 . He stated , \" I always knew that the fans were behind me , even through the tough times . When David ( Montgomery ) called and told me I had been voted in by the fans , it was overwhelming . \" He was the 37th inductee to the Wall of Fame . \n" }, { "c_id": 164390, "distance": 0.6041994690895081, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On July 24 , 1998 Burrell and the Phillies agreed to a five @-@ year contract with a $ 3 @.@ 15 million signing bonus . Upon signing , Burrell was assigned to the single @-@ A advanced Clearwater Phillies of the Florida State League , and he was moved to first base because Scott Rolen , Philadelphia 's third baseman in the major leagues , had just won the National League ( NL ) Rookie of the Year Award . With Clearwater in 1998 , Burrell batted .303 with 7 home runs and 30 RBI in 37 games . \n" } ]
where english is spoken in the world?
[ "Canada", "Australia", "South Africa", "Zambia", "United Kingdom", "Zimbabwe", "Uganda", "New Zealand", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tanzania" ]
[ { "c_id": 791039, "distance": 0.7151986360549927, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Decades , and in some cases centuries , of British rule and emigration have left their mark on the independent nations that arose from the British Empire . The empire established the use of English in regions around the world . Today it is the primary language of up to 400 million people and is spoken by about one and a half billion as a first , second or foreign language . \n" }, { "c_id": 513214, "distance": 0.7033064961433411, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Although some scholars mention a possibility of future divergence of English dialects into mutually unintelligible languages , most think a more likely outcome is that English will continue to function as a koineised language in which the standard form unifies speakers from around the world . English is used as the language for wider communication in countries around the world . Thus English has grown in worldwide use much more than any constructed language proposed as an international auxiliary language , including Esperanto . \n" }, { "c_id": 513196, "distance": 0.6978924870491028, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Countries with large communities of native speakers of English ( the inner circle ) include Britain , the United States , Australia , Canada , Ireland , and New Zealand , where the majority speaks English , and South Africa , where a significant minority speaks English . The countries with the most native English speakers are , in descending order , the United States ( at least 231 million ) , the United Kingdom ( 60 million ) , Canada ( 19 million ) , Australia ( at least 17 million ) , South Africa ( 4 @.@ 8 million ) , Ireland ( 4 @.@ 2 million ) , and New Zealand ( 3 @.@ 7 million ) . In these countries , children of native speakers learn English from their parents , and local people who speak other languages or new immigrants learn English to communicate in their neighbourhoods and workplaces . The inner @-@ circle countries provide the base from which English spreads to other countries in the world . \n" }, { "c_id": 513191, "distance": 0.6947933435440063, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " As of 2010 , 359 million people spoke English as their first language . English is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers , after Mandarin and Spanish . However , when combining native and non @-@ native speakers it is probably the most commonly spoken language in the world . English is spoken by communities on every continent and on oceanic islands in all the major oceans . The countries in which English is spoken can be grouped into different categories by how English is used in each country . The \" inner circle \" countries with many native speakers of English share an international standard of written English and jointly influence speech norms of English around the world . English does not belong to just one country , and it does not belong solely to descendants of English settlers . English is an official language of countries populated by few descendants of native speakers of English . It has also become by far the most important language of international communication when people who share no native language meet anywhere in the world . \n" }, { "c_id": 914325, "distance": 0.694311261177063, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " English language learning and teaching is an important economic activity , and includes language schooling , tourism spending , and publishing . There is no legislation mandating an official language for England , but English is the only language used for official business . Despite the country 's relatively small size , there are many distinct regional accents , and individuals with particularly strong accents may not be easily understood everywhere in the country . \n" } ]
where is victoria beckham from?
[ "Harlow" ]
[ { "c_id": 779147, "distance": 0.6167877316474915, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Westenra 's face adorns publicity for the southwest London rugby union club Quintin RFC . \n" }, { "c_id": 1659737, "distance": 0.6101509928703308, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Thus , the question would revolve around legal connections , and not around \" Australia 's strong historical and emotional ties with the United Kingdom . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 565940, "distance": 0.6024452447891235, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " American journalist and celebrity biographer Andrew Morton is known for his works on Diana , Princess of Wales , Monica Lewinsky and footballer David Beckham and his wife , Victoria . In October 2000 , Morton had hinted that he had American recording artist Madonna as his next project , when he responded to an Independent reader in \" You Ask the Questions \" section . Asked who he would most like to write a biography of , he said : \" I 've always admired Madonna as an intriguing and charismatic character who has been able to stay at the top for 20 years . \" A formal announcement was made by Morton 's UK publicist Michael O 'Mara in April 2001 , that Morton had secured access to \" those in her [ Madonna 's ] inner circle , who have never been interviewed before , about her ambitions , lifestyle and relationships . \" O 'Mara added the reason for choosing Madonna was because she was \" one of the most enigmatic and fascinating women of our time , [ and ] is the undisputed female icon of the modern age . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1132490, "distance": 0.5937660336494446, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Nationally and internationally known celebrities in various fields are , or have been supporters and fundraisers for the RNLI ; for example , the cartoonist Giles was a Life President of the RNLI and donated many cartoons which are still being used for RNLI charity cards and other illustrations , and Ross Brawn , the former Formula 1 team boss , in 2012 raised funds through a business challenge , for a new lifeboat for Chiswick Lifeboat Station on the River Thames in London . Other names include Bear Grylls , Dee Caffari , Chris Beardshaw , Ben Fogle , Daniel Craig , Rupert Grint , and Rebecca Newman , whose Coast to Coast tour in 2012 earned her an Outstanding Achievement Award . \n" }, { "c_id": 1247541, "distance": 0.5937572121620178, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Bresciano 's father is Italian ( from Viggiano , Basilicata ) and his mother Croatian ( from Antonci , in Istria ) . His younger brother Robert currently plays for Fawkner Blues in the Victorian Premier League . He married his childhood sweetheart Renée Capitanio in May 2006 in Heidelberg , Melbourne , after proposing to her at the Romeo and Juliet House in Verona . In February 2007 , the couple welcomed their first child , a daughter named Alessia and in May 2009 , the couple welcomed their second child , a daughter named Montana . \n" } ]
what office does paul ryan hold?
[ "United States Representative" ]
[ { "c_id": 1005452, "distance": 0.6781046986579895, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul 's congressional career ended on January 3 , 2013 with the swearing in of the 113th Congress . \n" }, { "c_id": 953943, "distance": 0.6748443245887756, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul was sworn in on January 5 , 2011 , along with his father , who simultaneously served in the House of Representatives . \n" }, { "c_id": 1005403, "distance": 0.6537178754806519, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul served in Congress three different periods : first from 1976 to 1977 , after he won a special election , then from 1979 to 1985 , and finally from 1997 to 2013 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1005407, "distance": 0.6521856188774109, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On Paul 's departure from the House , his seat was assumed by former state representative Tom DeLay , who would later become House Majority Leader . \n" }, { "c_id": 1005433, "distance": 0.6500378847122192, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On July 12 , 2011 , Paul announced that he would not seek re @-@ election to the House in order to pursue the 2012 presidential election . \n" } ]
what type of government does fiji have 2010?
[ "Military dictatorship", "Military junta", "Parliamentary republic" ]
[ { "c_id": 807076, "distance": 0.6763782501220703, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The public directly elects the president and the 127 members of the National Assembly to five @-@ year terms . The last National Assembly election was held on 20 December 2013 . All 33 members of the Senate serve six @-@ year terms , with 22 senators elected by local officials and 11 appointed by the president . After taking power , Rajoelina dissolved both the National Assembly and the Senate , leaving the nation without a constitutional legislative body . \n" }, { "c_id": 1176642, "distance": 0.6703301668167114, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The 1996 constitution establishes a second house of parliament , the 100 @-@ seat Senate , was established in April 2013 and is headed by a senate president who is the constitutional successor in case of untimely vacancy of the presidency . The government recognises the authority of traditional chiefs , fons , and lamibe to govern at the local level and to resolve disputes as long as such rulings do not conflict with national law . \n" }, { "c_id": 1018904, "distance": 0.6702316999435425, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In November 1999 , a referendum in Australia on the future of the Australian monarchy favoured its retention in preference to an indirectly elected head of state . Polls in Britain in 2006 and 2007 revealed strong support for Elizabeth , and in 2012 , her Diamond Jubilee year , approval ratings hit 90 percent . Referenda in Tuvalu in 2008 and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in 2009 both rejected proposals to become republics . \n" }, { "c_id": 326432, "distance": 0.6615371704101562, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The politics of New Zealand are strongly influenced by British political culture . Although significant modifications have been made , New Zealand is governed by a democratic parliamentary framework comparable to the Westminster system , and retains Elizabeth II as the head of the monarchy of New Zealand . English is the dominant official language used in New Zealand . \n" }, { "c_id": 1662369, "distance": 0.6610082983970642, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " This scheme can be seen as a mechanism for representation . First , MPs are chosen by the electorate to represent their concerns and needs in Parliament . Secondly , the Prime Minister , who is vested with the confidence of majority of the MPs , and the Cabinet which is made up of popularly elected MPs , effectively represent the views of the electorate as he heads the Government . The structure of the executive is therefore based on the concept of political representation . \n" } ]
what country is the iberian peninsula located in?
[ "Portugal", "Spain" ]
[ { "c_id": 1396309, "distance": 0.6741884350776672, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Europe : Spain and Portugal \n" }, { "c_id": 1203714, "distance": 0.6705709099769592, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " This impasse was resolved through negotiations between the juntas and the Council of Castile , which led to the creation of a \" Supreme Central and Governmental Junta of Spain and the Indies \" on September 25 , 1808 . It was agreed that the traditional kingdoms of the peninsula would send two representatives to this Central Junta , and that the overseas kingdoms would send one representative each . These \" kingdoms \" were defined as \" the viceroyalties of New Spain , Peru , New Granada , and Buenos Aires , and the independent captaincies general of the island of Cuba , Puerto Rico , Guatemala , Chile , Province of Venezuela , and the Philippines . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 994093, "distance": 0.6696815490722656, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = Iberia : Spain and Portugal = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 836755, "distance": 0.6660155057907104, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = The insular kingdom of Sicily under the Crown of Aragon and Spain = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1227868, "distance": 0.6644458174705505, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = Spheres of influence fall apart in Spain = = = \n" } ]
who is daniel in the bible?
[ "Prophet", "Writer" ]
[ { "c_id": 1481044, "distance": 0.7000318765640259, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Daniel ( DANIEL ) \n" }, { "c_id": 1059650, "distance": 0.6912985444068909, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A theory current in the early part of the past century holds that Hammurabi was Amraphel , the King of Shinar in the Book of Genesis 14 : 1 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1008601, "distance": 0.6771112680435181, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In some Islamic texts , Ezra is identified as the person mentioned in Qur 'an 2 : 259 : \n" }, { "c_id": 1008595, "distance": 0.6711258888244629, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Quran claims that Jews exalted Ezra as a son of God : \n" }, { "c_id": 62352, "distance": 0.6710104942321777, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Isaac ( / ˈaɪzək / ; Hebrew : יִצְחָק , Modern Yitshak , Tiberian Yiṣḥāq , ISO 259 @-@ 3 Yiçḥaq , \" [ he ] will laugh \" ; Ancient Greek : Ἰσαάκ Isaak Arabic : إسحاق or إسحٰق ʼIsḥāq ) as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur 'an , was the second son of Abraham , the only son Abraham had with his wife Sarah , and the father of Jacob and Esau . According to the Book of Genesis , Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born , and Sarah was past 90 . \n" } ]
who played marty mcfly's dad?
[ "George McFly" ]
[ { "c_id": 1261804, "distance": 0.6855257749557495, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly \n" }, { "c_id": 1399132, "distance": 0.6689874529838562, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On April 5 , Thomas had completed the first draft of the script . Several casting announcements were made through April to June , with confirmation of several returning cast members , including Jason Dohring ( Logan Echolls ) , Enrico Colantoni ( Keith Mars ) , Percy Daggs III ( Wallace Fennel ) , Chris Lowell ( Stosh \" Piz \" Piznarski ) , Francis Capra ( Eli \" Weevil \" Navarro ) , Ryan Hansen ( Dick Casablancas ) , and Tina Majorino ( Cindy \" Mac \" Mackenzie ) , among several others . \n" }, { "c_id": 444997, "distance": 0.6679368615150452, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The film is a time @-@ travel adventure in which Ba 'al travels back to 1939 to create an alternate timeline in which Earth never establishes their Stargate program , and to take control of the Goa 'uld Empire . The only people to remember the truth , the SG @-@ 1 team attempts to reinstate the original timeline . The film stars the main cast of the show 's last season , with the return of Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O 'Neill . \n" }, { "c_id": 1712539, "distance": 0.6663448810577393, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The notes session quickly devolves into the team members pitching their own versions of a successful sci @-@ fi film , including a zombie invasion ( from Mitchell ) , a previously unseen mission where O 'Neill became invisible ( from Carter ) , \" tributes \" to The Wizard of Oz and Farscape ( from Vala ) , and Teal 'c as a private investigator ( from Teal 'c himself ) . Also featured are a vignette of the team 's mental image of a \" younger and edgier \" SG @-@ 1 ( sparked by the studio 's suggestion to replace the original Wormhole X @-@ Treme cast ) , a suggested scene by Martin that turns out to be both scientifically inaccurate and highly derivative of Star Trek , a re @-@ imagined version of the SG @-@ 1 pilot episode where all the characters are marionettes in the style of the television series Thunderbirds , and an imagined wedding that features the return of General O 'Neill ( Richard Dean Anderson ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 218713, "distance": 0.6626323461532593, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " McClory attempted to produce another Thunderball adaptation as Warhead 2000 AD following the success of GoldenEye in 1995 . Liam Neeson and Timothy Dalton were considered for 007 , while Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin were developing the film at Columbia Pictures . MGM launched a $ 25 million lawsuit against Sony , and McClory claimed a portion of the $ 3 billion profits from the Bond series . After a prolonged lawsuit , Sony backed down , and McClory eventually exhausted all legal avenues to pursue . As part of the settlement , MGM paid $ 10 million for the rights to Casino Royale , which had come into Sony 's possession . \n" } ]
what is george washington's legacy?
[ "United States Military Academy", "Society of the Cincinnati", "Continental Army", "Culper Ring", "United States Army Corps of Engineers" ]
[ { "c_id": 296134, "distance": 0.6692507863044739, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Washington : A Life is a 2010 biography of George Washington , the first President of the United States , written by American historian and biographer Ron Chernow . The book is a \" one @-@ volume , cradle @-@ to @-@ grave narrative \" that attempts to provide a fresh portrait of Washington as \" real , credible , and charismatic in the same way he was perceived by his contemporaries \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1108105, "distance": 0.6686599254608154, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Historian Gilbert Chinard wrote in 1936 : “ Lafayette became a legendary figure and a symbol so early in his life , and successive generations have so willingly accepted the myth , that any attempt to deprive the young hero of his republican halo will probably be considered as little short of iconoclastic and sacrilegious . ” That legend has been used politically : the name and image of Lafayette were repeatedly invoked in 1917 in seeking to gain popular support for America 's entry into World War I , culminating in the famous phrase , \" Lafayette , we are here \" . This occurred at some cost to Lafayette 's image in America : veterans returned from the front singing \" We 've paid our debt to Lafayette , who the hell do we owe now ? \" A longer @-@ term threat was the increasing sophistication of Americans and the lessened need for symbols of patriotism ; by 1971 , according to Anne C. Loveland , \" Lafayette no longer served as a national hero @-@ symbol . \" In 2002 , however , Congress voted to grant Lafayette honorary citizenship . \n" }, { "c_id": 168272, "distance": 0.6675516963005066, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In Washington 's final years , he sold the \" Franklin Farms \" property , and lived in a home on New Vernon Road in Mendham . \n" }, { "c_id": 1525019, "distance": 0.6666744947433472, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During the United States Bicentennial year , George Washington was posthumously appointed to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States by the congressional joint resolution Public Law 94 @-@ 479 passed on January 19 , 1976 , with an effective appointment date of July 4 , 1976 . This restored Washington 's position as the highest @-@ ranking military officer in U.S. history . \n" }, { "c_id": 1424655, "distance": 0.6665318608283997, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At his death in 1799 he left a critical legacy ; he exemplified the core ideals of the American Revolution and the new nation : republican virtue and devotion to civic duty . Washington was the unchallenged public icon of American military and civic patriotism . He was also identified with the Federalist Party , which lost control of the national government in 1800 to the Jeffersonian Republicans , who were reluctant to celebrate the hero of the opposition party . \n" } ]
where to stay in bermuda tripadvisor?
[ "Bermuda Department of Tourism" ]
[ { "c_id": 656993, "distance": 0.6255189180374146, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " But , as his critics acknowledged , Aubrey could be charming and go to great lengths to please talent . To keep Jackie Gleason happy when he moved his show from New York City to Miami Beach in 1963 , Aubrey had CBS buy Gleason 's futuristic home in Peekskill , New York – The New York Times called it \" a flying @-@ saucer like cabana \" – for $ 350 @,@ 000 . The network was still trying to sell it years later . \n" }, { "c_id": 221968, "distance": 0.6136501431465149, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " His practice of dividing his time between Britain and America caused Wodehouse difficulties with the tax authorities of both countries . Both the UK Inland Revenue and the US Internal Revenue Service sought to tax him as a resident . After lengthy negotiations the matter was settled , but the Wodehouses decided to change their residential status beyond doubt by moving to France , where they bought a house near Le Touquet in northern France . \n" }, { "c_id": 715627, "distance": 0.6108551025390625, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " At sea , Griffin Peterson meets fellow exiles Joe ( exiled for pleasuring himself in front of a carving ) , Quagmire ( exiled for having sex with an underage girl ) , and Seamus . Upon reaching the New World , Griffin Peterson establishes the colony of Quahog , which eventually grows into a thriving settlement . Griffin Peterson moves on with his life , even marrying another woman ( Meg ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1418260, "distance": 0.6104629039764404, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Though the film took place on Nantucket , by the 1970s the island was too far modernized to be convincingly transformed to resemble a 1940s resort , so production was taken to Mendocino , California , on the West Coast of the US . Shooting took place over eight weeks , during which O 'Neill was sequestered from the three boys cast as \" The Terrible Trio , \" in order to ensure that they did not become close and ruin the sense of awkwardness and distance that their characters felt towards Dorothy . Production ran smoothly , finishing on schedule . \n" }, { "c_id": 426165, "distance": 0.6063953042030334, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Each inhabitant will be furnished with a ration card , and food and clothing may only be purchased on presentation of this card . \n" } ]
which airport is closest to barcelona port?
[ "Barcelona–El Prat Airport" ]
[ { "c_id": 737657, "distance": 0.6768415570259094, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " An international airport serves the capital and provides regular nonstop flights to Paris and several African cities . \n" }, { "c_id": 920831, "distance": 0.6758456230163574, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The final phase of expansion will increase the terminal capacity to 40 million passengers annually . \n" }, { "c_id": 1086714, "distance": 0.6722160577774048, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Aeroméxico , Air Canada , British Airways , and WestJet are among several international carriers as well as American carrier American Airlines ( which maintains a hub at the airport ) providing flights to destinations such as Canada , Costa Rica , Mexico , and London . \n" }, { "c_id": 920823, "distance": 0.6709519624710083, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The master plan of the airport project encompasses three phases , with the first phase completed upon the opening of the airport in 2008 . The ultimate goal is to raise the capacity to 40 million passengers per year . \n" }, { "c_id": 953690, "distance": 0.6701611876487732, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The airport in Venice is named Venice Marco Polo Airport . \n" } ]
who is jojo simmons mother?
[ "Evelyn Simmons" ]
[ { "c_id": 260601, "distance": 0.6320774555206299, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jolie is also known her humanitarian work , for which she has received a Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award and an honorary damehood of the Order of St Michael and St George ( DCMG ) , among other honors . She promotes various causes , including conservation , education , and women 's rights , and is most noted for her advocacy on behalf of refugees as a Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) . Jolie has been cited as one of the most influential and powerful people in the American entertainment industry . Divorced from actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton , she has been married to actor Brad Pitt since 2014 . They have six children together , three of whom were adopted internationally . \n" }, { "c_id": 388577, "distance": 0.6276901364326477, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Diana Hardcastle as Carol , an Englishwoman but lifelong resident of Jaipur , who asks Norman to enter into cohabitation , according to his perception , impetuously . \n" }, { "c_id": 181444, "distance": 0.6250854134559631, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The character of Yori and her user , Dr. Lora Baines , do not appear in the sequel , even though the film refers to Alan Bradley being married to Lora . Fans have lobbied for actress Cindy Morgan to be in the film with active campaigns online , such as \" Yori Lives \" on Facebook , which is independent of Morgan herself . \" All I know is what I 'm seeing online , \" Morgan said . \" I am so thrilled and touched and excited about the fan reaction and about people talking about the first one and how it relates to the second one . I can 't tell you how warm a feeling I get from that . It just means so much . \" No one from Tron : Legacy had contacted Morgan , and she did not directly speak with anyone from the sequel 's cast and crew . As Dr. Lora Baines , Cindy Morgan had appeared with Bruce Boxleitner ( as Alan Bradley ) at the Encom Press Conference in San Francisco , April 2 , 2010 . \n" }, { "c_id": 46464, "distance": 0.6236297488212585, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " He was assigned as an instructor in Starfleet 's Advanced Tactical Training and achieved the rank of lieutenant commander . Following the death of his father in 2368 while defending his colony from the Cardassians , Chakotay resigned his Starfleet commission and joined the Maquis . At the time of his resignation , one of his students was Ro Laren . After he joined the Maquis , he became captain of a vessel named the Val Jean , with a crew which among others included his lover Seska ( Martha Hackett ) , B 'Elanna Torres ( Roxann Dawson ) , and Tuvok ( Tim Russ ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1208823, "distance": 0.6219251751899719, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Simmons married Jesse Cabot on February 8 , 2011 . On March 17 , 2013 , Simmons announced her pregnancy , and her first child , a girl named Charley , was born on August 29 . Simmons and Cabot later got divorced , and in August 2015 , Simmons married TNA commentator Josh Lomberger , better known by his ring name Josh Mathews . \n" } ]
where do cherry trees grow in the united states?
[ "Washington, D.C." ]
[ { "c_id": 1667036, "distance": 0.6533806324005127, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In about 1870 , the sycamore was introduced into the United States , and was planted in New York and New Jersey . It was later cultivated as a park or street tree in New England and the Mid @-@ Atlantic states . By the early part of the 21st century , it was naturalised in fourteen states ( Connecticut , Delaware , Illinois , Kentucky , Maine , Michigan , North Carolina , New Jersey , New York , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island and Washington , D.C. ) , and in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia , New Brunswick , Nova Scotia and Ontario . The United States Department of Agriculture considers it an invasive species . \n" }, { "c_id": 1594910, "distance": 0.6490544676780701, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " With the cooperation of the United States Department of Agriculture , efforts are under way to promote G. brachycera as a groundcover for use in landscaping . Box huckleberry is commercially available from at least one source but it is difficult to propagate , making it unprofitable for many nurseries to carry . In New Bloomfield , PA , the box huckleberry has become part of the local New Year 's celebrations , as a papier @-@ mâché replica of a huckleberry is dropped , instead of a ball , to mark the new year . \n" }, { "c_id": 1208320, "distance": 0.6451030969619751, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the United States , cultivars are propagated in large numbers for sale before Thanksgiving Day ( the fourth Thursday in November ) . In Europe , plants are mainly sold later in the year , in the period before Christmas . A single Dutch grower ( de Vries of Aalsmeer , the Netherlands ) was reported in 1989 as producing 2 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 plants per year . \n" }, { "c_id": 156188, "distance": 0.6408255696296692, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The southern part of the city is home to the famous roadside attraction Nibbles Woodaway ( also known as the \" Big Blue Bug \" ) , the world 's largest termite , as well as the aforementioned Roger Williams Park , which contains a zoo , a botanical center , and the Museum of Natural History and Planetarium . \n" }, { "c_id": 342958, "distance": 0.6366049647331238, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In modern @-@ day France only a few hundred acres of Carménère officially exist , although there are rumors of renewed interest among growers in Bordeaux . \n" } ]
who plays john connor in terminator salvation?
[ "Christian Bale" ]
[ { "c_id": 1389270, "distance": 0.6730455160140991, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Christian Bale as John Connor . Director McG deemed Bale \" the most credible action star in the world \" during development . McG wanted Bale for Marcus , but the actor — even though he \" can 't really remember why \" — wanted to play John , and that led to the character 's role getting expanded in rewrites of the script . Bale was the first person to be cast and signed on for the role in November 2007 . McG talked extensively with Bale in the UK about the role while the latter was filming The Dark Knight , and they both agreed to proceed . Although a fan of the Terminator series , he was at first uninterested until McG convinced him the story would be character @-@ based and not rely on special effects . They kept working on the story every day , along with Worthington . McG said Bale broke his hand punching a Terminator prop during filming . Bale also spent six to eight hours each day with McG in the editing room to advise the finished product . \n" }, { "c_id": 207544, "distance": 0.6663634181022644, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2013 , Welling co @-@ starred in the all @-@ star cast of Peter Landesman 's historical drama Parkland , based on the book Reclaiming History : The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by author Vincent Bugliosi . The story centers on the chaotic events that occurred at Parkland Hospital in Dallas , Texas on the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22 , 1963 . In 2014 , Welling co @-@ starred with Kevin Costner , Jennifer Garner , Frank Langella and Denis Leary in Ivan Reitman 's sports drama Draft Day . He played a veteran quarterback whose career is at a crossroads . \n" }, { "c_id": 1389261, "distance": 0.6575427651405334, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2018 , John Connor ( Christian Bale ) leads an attack on a Skynet base , where he discovers human prisoners and schematics for a new type of Terminator , incorporating living tissue ( The T @-@ 800 ) . He is the only survivor of the assault after the base is destroyed in a nuclear explosion . Following Connor 's departure , Marcus emerges from the base 's wreckage and begins walking towards Los Angeles , after taking the clothing from a Resistance soldier , who died in the explosion . \n" }, { "c_id": 232887, "distance": 0.6549272537231445, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Additional actors included Dick Miller as the gun @-@ shop clerk ; professional bodybuilder Franco Columbu ( Schwarzenegger 's friend and workout partner ) as a Terminator in 2029 ; Bill Paxton and Brian Thompson as punks who are confronted by the Terminator ; and Marianne Muellerleile as one of the other women with the name \" Sarah Connor \" who was shot by the Terminator . \n" }, { "c_id": 1711998, "distance": 0.6515809297561646, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Hartman 's first starring film role came in 1995 's Houseguest , alongside Sinbad . Other films included Greedy , Coneheads , Sgt. Bilko , So I Married an Axe Murderer , CB4 , Jingle All the Way , Kiki 's Delivery Service , and Small Soldiers , the last of which was his final theatrically released film . At the same time , he preferred working on television . His other television roles included appearances on episodes of Seinfeld , The John Larroquette Show , The Dana Carvey Show , and the HBO TV film The Second Civil War as the President of the United States . He appeared as the kidnapper Randy in the third season cliffhanger finale of 3rd Rock from the Sun — a role reportedly written especially for him , but he died before filming of the concluding episode could take place . Executive producer Terry Turner decided to recast the part , reshoot and air the finale again , noting : \" I have far too much respect for [ Hartman ] to try to find some clever way of getting around this real tragedy . \" Hartman made a considerable amount of money from television advertising , earning $ 300 @,@ 000 for a series of four commercials for the soft drink Slice . He also appeared in advertisements for McDonalds ( as Hugh McAttack ) and 1 @-@ 800 @-@ Collect ( as Max Jerome ) . \n" } ]
what year doug williams won the super bowl?
[ "1987 NFL season" ]
[ { "c_id": 839598, "distance": 0.6302819848060608, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Larry Ball and Doug Swift of the undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins team . Swift was left unprotected by the Dolphins , and the Buccaneers drafted him , unaware of the previous day ’ s newspaper report that Swift had been accepted into medical school and would be retiring from football . \n" }, { "c_id": 362343, "distance": 0.6280150413513184, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " From 1995 to 1996 , a lime @-@ green dinosaur named Champ was the team 's mascot . Following altercations with team management and league personnel during games , Champ , vis @-@ à @-@ vis his performer , did not return for the 1997 season . \n" }, { "c_id": 882991, "distance": 0.6185377240180969, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The franchise became one of the strongest teams in the now thriving American Football League , with the most playoff appearances for an AFL team ( tied with the Oakland Raiders ) , and the most AFL Championships ( 3 ) . The team 's dominance helped Lamar Hunt become a central figure in negotiations with NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle to agree on an AFL – NFL merger . In the meetings between the two leagues , a merged league championship game was agreed to be played in January 1967 following the conclusion of the leagues ' respective 1966 seasons . Hunt insisted on calling the game the \" Super Bowl \" after seeing his children playing with a popular toy at the time , a Super Ball . While the first few games were designated the \" AFL – NFL World Championship Game , \" the Super Bowl name became its officially licensed title in years to come . \n" }, { "c_id": 328141, "distance": 0.6149438619613647, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " From the 1966 season to the 1969 season ( Super Bowls I – IV ) the game featured the champions of the AFL and NFL . Since the 1970 season , the game has featured the champions of the National Football Conference ( NFC ) and the American Football Conference ( AFC ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 852802, "distance": 0.614534318447113, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " This game featured two teams ending long Super Bowl appearance droughts . Indianapolis , who finished with a 12 – 4 regular season record , were making their first Super Bowl appearance since winning Super Bowl V in the 1970 season during the team 's tenure in Baltimore ; they had moved to Indianapolis in 1984 . Meanwhile , the Bears , who posted an NFC @-@ best 13 – 3 regular season record , were making their first appearance since winning Super Bowl XX in the 1985 season . In addition , the Bears ' Lovie Smith and the Colts ' Tony Dungy both became the first African @-@ American head coaches to coach in the Super Bowl . \n" } ]
what country was osama bin laden killed in?
[ "Abbottabad" ]
[ { "c_id": 1590274, "distance": 0.7407963275909424, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Osama bin Laden , the founder and head of the Islamist group Al @-@ Qaeda , was killed in Pakistan on May 2 , 2011 , shortly after 1 : 00 am PKT ( 20 : 00 UTC , May 1 ) by United States Navy SEALs of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group ( also known as DEVGRU or SEAL Team Six ) . The operation , code @-@ named Operation Neptune Spear , was carried out in a Central Intelligence Agency @-@ led operation . In addition to DEVGRU , participating units included the United States Army Special Operations Command 's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment ( Airborne ) and CIA operatives . The raid on bin Laden 's compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan , was launched from Afghanistan . U.S. military officials said that after the raid , U.S. forces took bin Laden 's body to Afghanistan for identification , then buried him at sea within 24 hours of his death in accordance with Islamic tradition . According to a Pakistani official , the United States had direct evidence that Inter @-@ Services Intelligence ( ISI ) chief , Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha , knew of bin Laden 's presence in Abbottabad . \n" }, { "c_id": 1590361, "distance": 0.715807318687439, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " While bin Laden 's body was taken by U.S. forces , the bodies of the four others killed in the raid were left behind at the compound and later taken into Pakistani custody . \n" }, { "c_id": 1590550, "distance": 0.7124603390693665, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Bin Laden 's youngest wife told Pakistani investigators that the family lived in the feudal village of Chak Shah Muhammad , in the nearby district of Haripur , for two @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half years prior to moving to Abbottabad in late 2005 . \n" }, { "c_id": 203563, "distance": 0.7121328711509705, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Efforts to kill or capture al @-@ Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden failed as he escaped a battle in December 2001 in the mountainous region of Tora Bora , which the Bush Administration later acknowledged to have resulted from a failure to commit enough U.S. ground troops . It was not until May 2011 , two years after Bush left office , that bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces . Bin Laden 's successor , Ayman al @-@ Zawahiri , remains at large . \n" }, { "c_id": 1590455, "distance": 0.7108427286148071, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Omar bin Laden , son of Osama bin Laden , published a complaint on May 10 , 2011 , that the burial at sea deprived the family of a proper burial . \n" } ]
where did james cook go on his voyages?
[ "A voyage to the Pacific Ocean" ]
[ { "c_id": 60534, "distance": 0.685411274433136, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The plan was that the convoy sail north to rendezvous at Lord Howe Island , then set a course broadly parallel to the Great Barrier Reef with the aim of reaching the Dutch port of Batavia . From there the convoy would sail west through the Sunda Straits to the Cape of Good Hope , then north through the Atlantic to England . This route was comparatively well mapped – the first part largely mirroring that of James Cook in his first voyage in the Pacific from 1768 to 1771 , and the remainder from Batavia being the traditional route of Dutch East Indiamen returning to Europe . Shortland estimated the voyage would take the convoy between six and ten months . \n" }, { "c_id": 317055, "distance": 0.6824666261672974, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " James Cook 's voyages of 1771 – 74 demonstrated conclusively the likely hostile nature of any hidden lands . This caused a shift of emphasis in the first half of the 19th century , away from trade and towards exploration and discovery . After the first overwintering on continental Antarctica in 1899 , the prospect of reaching the South Pole appeared realistic , and the race for the pole began . The British were pre @-@ eminent in this endeavour , which was characterised by the rivalry between Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration . Shackleton 's efforts fell short ; Scott reached the pole in January 1912 only to find that he had been beaten by the Norwegian Amundsen . \n" }, { "c_id": 664458, "distance": 0.6745721101760864, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Accounts of his studies and adventures there were eventually published in 1869 as The Malay Archipelago , which became one of the most popular books of scientific exploration of the 19th century , and has never been out of print . It was praised by scientists such as Darwin ( to whom the book was dedicated ) , and Charles Lyell , and by non @-@ scientists such as the novelist Joseph Conrad , who called it his \" favorite bedside companion \" and used it as source of information for several of his novels , especially Lord Jim . \n" }, { "c_id": 865984, "distance": 0.6693516373634338, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " James Cook 's third voyage was the first to make landfall on Hawaiʻi island , in 1778 , and following adventures along the North American west coast Cook returned to the island in 1779 . On his second visit John Ledyard , a corporal of the Royal Marines aboard the HMS Resolution , proposed and receiving approval for an expedition to summit Mauna Loa to learn \" about that part of the island , particularly the peak , the tip of which is generally covered with snow , and had excited great curiosity . \" Using a compass , Ledyard and small group of ships ' mates and native attendants attempted to make a direct course for the summit . However , on the second day of traveling the route became steeper , rougher , and blocked by \" impenetrable thickets , \" and the group was forced to abandon their attempt and return to Kealakekua Bay , reckoning they had \" penetrated 24 miles and we suppose [ were ] within 11 miles of the peak \" ; in reality , Mokuʻāweoweo lies only 32 km ( 20 mi ) east of the bay , a severe overestimation on Ledyard 's part . Another of Cook 's men , Lieutenant James King , estimated the peak to be at least 5 @,@ 600 m ( 18 @,@ 373 ft ) high based on its snow line . \n" }, { "c_id": 1554309, "distance": 0.6637547016143799, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Bounty 's mission was to collect breadfruit plants from Tahiti , for transportation to the West Indies as a new source of food for the slave plantations . Bligh , a skilled navigator , had travelled to Tahiti in 1776 , as Captain James Cook 's sailing master during the explorer 's final voyage . Bounty was a small vessel , 91 feet ( 28 m ) in overall length , with a complement of 46 men crammed into limited accommodation . Heywood was one of several \" young gentlemen \" aboard ship who were mustered as able seamen but ate and slept with their social equals in the cockpit . His distant kinsman Fletcher Christian served as master 's mate on the voyage . Bligh 's orders were to enter the Pacific by rounding Cape Horn . After collecting sufficient breadfruit plants from the Tahitian islands he was to sail westward , through the Endeavour Strait and across the Indian Ocean . Entering the Atlantic he would continue on to the West Indies , incidentally completing a circumnavigation . \n" } ]
who won the governor election in michigan?
[ "Rick Snyder" ]
[ { "c_id": 1316307, "distance": 0.6739633679389954, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Democratic Senator and former Governor Evan Bayh of Indiana began a movement for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president of the United States shortly following the 2004 presidential election . \n" }, { "c_id": 260251, "distance": 0.6705113053321838, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Former United States President John Quincy Adams , who at the time represented Massachusetts in Congress , backed Michigan 's claim . In 1833 , when Congress rejected Michigan 's request for a convention , Adams summed up his opinion on the dispute : \" Never in the course of my life have I known a controversy of which all the right was so clearly on one side and all the power so overwhelmingly on the other . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 280424, "distance": 0.6687949299812317, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Having entered politics by participating in a state constitutional convention to rewrite the Michigan Constitution during 1961 – 1962 , Romney was elected Governor of Michigan in 1962 . Re @-@ elected by increasingly large margins in 1964 and 1966 , he worked to overhaul the state 's financial and revenue structure , greatly expanding the size of state government and introducing Michigan 's first state income tax . Romney was a strong supporter of the American Civil Rights Movement . He briefly represented moderate Republicans against conservative Republican Barry Goldwater during the 1964 U.S. presidential election . He requested the intervention of federal troops during the 1967 Detroit riot . \n" }, { "c_id": 1263959, "distance": 0.6679629683494568, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Seven men have resigned the office of governor before the end of their terms — John J. Crittenden , Beriah Magoffin , John W. Stevenson , Augustus O. Stanley , Happy Chandler , Earle C. Clements , and Wendell H. Ford . Six resigned to accept a higher office : Crittenden was appointed Attorney General of the United States and the other five were elected to the U.S. Senate . Only Beriah Magoffin resigned under duress . A Confederate sympathizer during the Civil War , Magoffin 's power was entirely checked by a hostile , pro @-@ Union legislature . With the state 's government in gridlock , Magoffin agreed to resign in exchange for being able to name his successor . Lieutenant Governor Linn Boyd had died in office , and the Speaker of the Senate , John F. Fisk , was not acceptable to Magoffin as a successor . Fisk resigned as Speaker , and the Senate elected Magoffin 's choice , James Fisher Robinson as Speaker . Magoffin then resigned , Robinson was elevated to governor , and Fisk was re @-@ elected as Speaker of the Senate . \n" }, { "c_id": 260282, "distance": 0.6654331088066101, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mason 's successor Horner proved to be extremely unpopular as governor and his tenure was very short . Residents disliked him so much they burned him in effigy and pelted him with vegetables upon his entry into the territorial capital . In the October 1835 elections , voters approved the draft constitution and elected the popular Mason as state governor . The same election saw Isaac E. Crary chosen as Michigan 's first U.S. Representative to Congress . Because of the dispute , however , Congress refused to accept his credentials and seated him instead as a non @-@ voting delegate . The two U.S. Senators chosen by the state legislature in November , Lucius Lyon and John Norvell , were treated with even less respect , being allowed to sit only as spectators in the Senate gallery . \n" } ]
where did heidi klum and seal get married?
[ "Mexico" ]
[ { "c_id": 200486, "distance": 0.638015866279602, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The suspension was front page news and Monroe immediately began a publicity campaign to counter any negative press and to strengthen her position in the conflict . On January 14 , she and Joe DiMaggio , whose relationship had been subject to constant media attention since 1952 , were married at the San Francisco City Hall . They then traveled to Japan , combining a honeymoon with his business trip . From there , she traveled alone to Korea , where she performed songs from her films as part of a USO show for over 60 @,@ 000 U.S. Marines over a four @-@ day period . After returning to Hollywood in February , she was awarded Photoplay 's \" Most Popular Female Star \" prize . She reached a settlement with the studio in March : it included a new contract to be made later in the year , and a starring role in the film version of the Broadway play The Seven Year Itch , for which she was to receive a bonus of $ 100 @,@ 000 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1269473, "distance": 0.6300209760665894, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " After her death , the family deeded the family vacation home on Campobello Island to the governments of the U.S. and Canada , and in 1964 they created the 2 @,@ 800 @-@ acre ( 11 km2 ) Roosevelt Campobello International Park . \n" }, { "c_id": 1150186, "distance": 0.6269698143005371, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2001 , FLDS leader Rulon Jeffs arranged for a then 14 @-@ year @-@ old Wall to marry her 19 @-@ year @-@ old cousin , Allen Steed . Wall stated that she despised her cousin and asked that she be given more time or another possible husband . Her stepfather , mother , and older sister , Rebecca Musser , were supportive of the marriage and encouraged her to go through with it , with the latter two sewing her wedding dress and organizing her honeymoon . She and Steed were married at the Hotsprings Motel in Caliente , Nevada . Warren Jeffs , who had previously insisted that the wedding move forward , performed the ceremony . \n" }, { "c_id": 759565, "distance": 0.6248478889465332, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 2002 , Barr met Johnny Argent online after running a writing competition on her blog and began dating him in 2003 , after a year of phone conversations . They live on a 46 @-@ acre macadamia nut farm located on the Big Island of Hawaii . Barr purchased the property in 2007 for $ 1 @.@ 78 million . Barr has studied Kabbalah at the Kabbalah Centre and frequently comments on the discipline . \n" }, { "c_id": 225230, "distance": 0.6228026747703552, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " She and Walter Annenberg , then editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer , met in 1950 at a party in Florida and the two were married the following year . \n" } ]
what kind of experiments did humphrey davy do?
[ "He experimented with the voltaic pile decided that it was a chemical action which caused the production of electricity in electrolytic cells, and that the chemical interaction occurred between substances which had an opposite charge." ]
[ { "c_id": 1318253, "distance": 0.6334663033485413, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In March 1801 , Frederick Accum was offered a position at the Royal Institution in Ablemarle Street , a research institute founded two years earlier by Count Rumford . Accepting the position , he began as laboratory assistant to Humphry Davy , who had been hired at the same time as director of the laboratory , and would later become the president of the Royal Society . Accum ’ s employment at the Royal came to an end in September 1803 . His biographer , R. J. Cole , speculates this change was connected with the simultaneous departure of Count Rumford for employment in Paris . Rumford had been the driving force behind securing a position for Accum . \n" }, { "c_id": 1301065, "distance": 0.6310393214225769, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Chadwick dropped all his other responsibilities to concentrate on proving the existence of the neutron , frequently working late at night . He devised a simple apparatus that consisted of a cylinder containing a polonium source and beryllium target . The resulting radiation could then be directed at a material such as paraffin wax ; the displaced particles , which were protons , would go into a small ionisation chamber where they could be detected with an oscilloscope . \n" }, { "c_id": 1600083, "distance": 0.616129994392395, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The experiments continued in 1942 , but were ultimately unsuccessful ; the problems posed by impurities in the coke and uranium oxide had not been fully appreciated , and as a result too many neutrons were captured . But Laurence 's efforts attracted some attention , and in the summer of 1940 he was visited by R. H. Fowler , the British scientific liaison officer in Canada . This was followed by a visit from John Cockcroft of the British Tizard Mission to the United States in the autumn . They brought news of the similar research being carried out under the supervision of the Maud Committee in Britain and the National Defense Research Committee ( NDRC ) in the United States . \n" }, { "c_id": 1117346, "distance": 0.6130468845367432, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Quatermass Experiment is a British science @-@ fiction serial broadcast by BBC Television during the summer of 1953 and re @-@ staged by BBC Four in 2005 . Set in the near future against the background of a British space programme , it tells the story of the first manned flight into space , supervised by Professor Bernard Quatermass of the British Experimental Rocket Group . When the spaceship that carried the first successful crew returns to Earth , two of the three astronauts are missing , and the third is behaving strangely . It becomes apparent that an alien presence entered the ship during its flight , and Quatermass and his associates must prevent the alien from destroying the world . \n" }, { "c_id": 1704508, "distance": 0.602815568447113, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Oliphant left the Cavendish Laboratory in 1937 to become the Poynting Professor of Physics at the University of Birmingham . He attempted to build a 60 @-@ inch ( 150 cm ) cyclotron at the university , but its completion was postponed by the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe in 1939 . He became involved with the development of radar , heading a group at the University of Birmingham that included John Randall and Harry Boot . They created a radical new design , the cavity magnetron , that made microwave radar possible . Oliphant also formed part of the MAUD Committee , which reported in July 1941 , that an atomic bomb was not only feasible , but might be produced as early as 1943 . Oliphant was instrumental in spreading the word of this finding in the United States , thereby starting what became the Manhattan Project . Later in the war , he worked on it with his friend Ernest Lawrence at the Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley , California , developing electromagnetic isotope separation . \n" } ]
who created the chinese communist party?
[ "China's Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation" ]
[ { "c_id": 1454631, "distance": 0.728097677230835, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Communist Party of China ( CPC ) is the founding and ruling political party of the People 's Republic of China ( PRC ) . The CPC is the sole governing party of China , although it coexists alongside eight other legal parties that comprise the United Front . It was founded in 1921 , chiefly by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao . The party grew quickly , and by 1949 the CPC had driven the Kuomintang ( KMT ) government from mainland China after the Second Chinese Civil War , thus leading to the establishment of the People 's Republic of China . The CPC is currently the world 's second largest political party with a membership of 88 @.@ 76 million as of 2016 . \n" }, { "c_id": 248124, "distance": 0.7065261602401733, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The first leaders of the People 's Republic of China were born into the traditional imperial order , but were influenced by the May Fourth Movement and reformist ideals . They sought to change some traditional aspects of Chinese culture , such as rural land tenure , sexism , and the Confucian system of education , while preserving others , such as the family structure and culture of obedience to the state . Some observers see the period following the establishment of the PRC in 1949 as a continuation of traditional Chinese dynastic history , while others claim that the Communist Party 's rule has damaged the foundations of Chinese culture , especially through political movements such as the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s , where many aspects of traditional culture were destroyed , having been denounced as \" regressive and harmful \" or \" vestiges of feudalism \" . Many important aspects of traditional Chinese morals and culture , such as Confucianism , art , literature , and performing arts like Peking opera , were altered to conform to government policies and propaganda at the time . Access to foreign media remains heavily restricted . \n" }, { "c_id": 1454654, "distance": 0.6946197748184204, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Chinese Revolution , directed by Mao Zedong and the CPC , led to the establishment of the ( PRC ) in 1949 . The PRC was founded on Marxist – Leninist principles , or more precisely , the sinification of Marxism – Leninism ( officially known as Mao Zedong Thought , referred to in the West as Maoism ) . During the 1960s and 1970s , the CPC experienced a significant ideological separation from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . By that time , Mao had begun saying that the \" continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat \" stipulated that class enemies continued to exist even though the socialist revolution seemed to be complete , leading to the Cultural Revolution . \n" }, { "c_id": 1347932, "distance": 0.6894468665122986, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Unhappy over what he perceived to be an obstruction of the course of the Cultural Revolution , Mao returned to the capital in the spring of 1966 , and the Central Committee formally announced the dissolution of the \" Five Man Group \" in its May 16 Circular : \n" }, { "c_id": 1454641, "distance": 0.687718391418457, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The CPC has its origins in the May Fourth Movement of 1919 , during which radical ideologies like Marxism and anarchism gained traction among Chinese intellectuals . Li Dazhao was the first leading Chinese intellectual who publicly supported Leninism and world revolution . In contrast to Chen Duxiu , Li did not renounce participation in the affairs of the Republic of China . Both of them regarded the October Revolution in Russia as groundbreaking , believing it to herald a new era for oppressed countries everywhere . The CPC was modeled on Vladimir Lenin 's theory of a vanguard party . Study circles were , according to Cai Hesen , \" the rudiments [ of our party ] \" . Several study circles were established during the New Culture Movement , but \" by 1920 skepticism about their suitability as vehicles for reform had become widespread . \" \n" } ]
what timezone is new england usa in?
[ "North American Eastern Time Zone" ]
[ { "c_id": 1107464, "distance": 0.6515845060348511, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Northeastern United States and Canada = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1210830, "distance": 0.6435539722442627, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The only region of the United States threatened by hurricanes was New England , although no stations recorded hurricane @-@ force winds in the country . This was the first such occurrence during the 20th century that no tropical storms or hurricanes hit the country . Overall damage was the lowest in several years . \n" }, { "c_id": 653338, "distance": 0.6427869200706482, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Rest of the United States = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 74029, "distance": 0.6427869200706482, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Rest of the United States = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 256111, "distance": 0.6422441005706787, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = Rest of United States = = = \n" } ]
what happened to rev. robert schuller?
[ "Televangelist", "Writer" ]
[ { "c_id": 1137241, "distance": 0.6255401968955994, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Parsons remained in contact with Oppenheimer . The two men and their wives visited each other from time to time , and the Parsons family especially enjoyed visiting its former neighbors at their new home at Olden Manor , a 17th @-@ century estate with a cook and groundskeeper , surrounded by 265 acres ( 107 ha ) of woodlands at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton , New Jersey . Parsons was disturbed by the rise of McCarthyism in the early 1950s . In 1953 he wrote a letter to Oppenheimer expressing his hope that \" the anti @-@ intellectualism of recent months may have passed its peak \" . On 4 December that year , Parsons heard of President Dwight Eisenhower 's \" blank wall \" directive , blocking Oppenheimer from access to classified material . Parsons became visibly upset , and that night began experiencing severe chest pains . The next morning , he went to Bethesda Naval Hospital , where he died while the doctors were still examining him . He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery alongside his daughter Hannah . He was survived by his father , brother , half @-@ brother and sister , as well as his wife Martha and daughters Peggy and Clare . \n" }, { "c_id": 750963, "distance": 0.6255401968955994, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Parsons remained in contact with Oppenheimer . The two men and their wives visited each other from time to time , and the Parsons family especially enjoyed visiting its former neighbors at their new home at Olden Manor , a 17th @-@ century estate with a cook and groundskeeper , surrounded by 265 acres ( 107 ha ) of woodlands at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton , New Jersey . Parsons was disturbed by the rise of McCarthyism in the early 1950s . In 1953 he wrote a letter to Oppenheimer expressing his hope that \" the anti @-@ intellectualism of recent months may have passed its peak \" . On 4 December that year , Parsons heard of President Dwight Eisenhower 's \" blank wall \" directive , blocking Oppenheimer from access to classified material . Parsons became visibly upset , and that night began experiencing severe chest pains . The next morning , he went to Bethesda Naval Hospital , where he died while the doctors were still examining him . He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery alongside his daughter Hannah . He was survived by his father , brother , half @-@ brother and sister , as well as his wife Martha and daughters Peggy and Clare . \n" }, { "c_id": 1661181, "distance": 0.6234622001647949, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Shortly after , however , Lefebvre announced that he had received a note from Cardinal Ratzinger in which he \" was asked to beg pardon for [ his ] errors \" and thereupon decided that he was obliged both to reject the arrangement he had agreed to and to consecrate a successor — if necessary , without papal approval . As Cardinal Ratzinger did not specify a date for the episcopal consecration , should he have died before the consecration was granted , the Society would be unable to ordain any seminarians and thus forced into capitulation with the Holy See . He dubbed his plan \" Operation Survival \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 945797, "distance": 0.6213522553443909, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville : A former U.S. Army medical doctor and scientist before the worldwide plague , he loses his wife and daughter in a helicopter crash shortly after Manhattan is quarantined , and spends the next three years trying to find a cure while defending himself against the Darkseekers . He is immune to the virus and uses vials of his blood to try to create a cure . \n" }, { "c_id": 839944, "distance": 0.6205337047576904, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " \" Lamentation \" marked the death of recurring character Bob Bletcher , played by Smitrovich . Smitrovich had appeared intermittently since \" Pilot \" . The episode has been well @-@ received critically , described as a \" pivotal point \" in the series . It was viewed by approximately 6 @.@ 5 million households in its original broadcast . \n" } ]
who plays the voice of meg in family guy?
[ "Lacey Chabert", "Mila Kunis" ]
[ { "c_id": 949072, "distance": 0.7259500026702881, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " This was the first episode to have Mila Kunis providing the voice of Meg . Lacey Chabert , the original voice of Meg , left the series due to time constraints with her acting role in Party of Five , as well as schoolwork . Kunis won the role after auditions and a slight rewrite of the character , in part due to her performance on That ' 70s Show . Seth MacFarlane , the show 's creator , called Kunis back after her first audition , instructing her to speak slower , and then told her to come back another time and enunciate more . Once she claimed that she had it under control , MacFarlane hired her . \n" }, { "c_id": 1456017, "distance": 0.712287962436676, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The episode was written by Andrew Goldberg and directed by Julius Wu . It received praise from critics for its storyline and many cultural references . According to Nielsen ratings , it was viewed in 8 @.@ 4 million homes in its original airing . The episode featured guest performances by Jeff Bergman , Jamie Farr , Phil LaMarr , Wendy Raquel Robinson and Nicole Sullivan , along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series . This is the first episode where Meg was not seen or mentioned . \n" }, { "c_id": 1561249, "distance": 0.7077047824859619, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Jennifer Aniston , Richard Belzer , Natasha Henstridge , Norman Lear , and Peter Serafinowicz have guest starred as other speaking characters . During South Park 's earliest seasons , several high @-@ profile celebrities inquired about guest @-@ starring on the show . As a joke , Parker and Stone responded by offering low @-@ profile , non @-@ speaking roles , most of which were accepted ; George Clooney provided the barks for Stan 's dog Sparky in the season one ( 1997 ) episode \" Big Gay Al 's Big Gay Boat Ride \" , Leno provided the meows for Cartman 's cat in the season one finale \" Cartman 's Mom Is a Dirty Slut \" , and Henry Winkler voiced the various growls and grunts of a kid @-@ eating monster in the season two ( 1998 ) episode \" City on the Edge of Forever \" . Jerry Seinfeld offered to lend his voice for the Thanksgiving episode \" Starvin ' Marvin \" , but declined to appear when he was only offered a role as \" Turkey # 2 \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 949060, "distance": 0.6956939101219177, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The episode was written by Neil Goldman and Garrett Donovan and directed by Bob Jaques . The episode featured guest performances by Patrick Duffy , Victoria Principal , Jack Perkins , Will Sasso , and Joey Slotnick along with several recurring voice actors for the series . This is the first episode that aired to feature Mila Kunis as the voice of Meg Griffin . \n" }, { "c_id": 1669931, "distance": 0.6932736039161682, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " First announced at the 2009 San Diego Comic @-@ Con International , the episode was written by Alex Carter and Andrew Goldberg , and directed by Cyndi Tang @-@ Loveland . It received mostly positive reviews for its storyline , and cultural references , in addition to receiving criticism from the Parents Television Council . According to Nielsen ratings , it was viewed in 6 @.@ 21 million homes in its original airing . The episode featured guest performances by Dave Boat , Peter Chen , Chace Crawford , Camille Guaty , Victor J. Ho , Allison Janney , Rachael MacFarlane , and Lisa Wilhoit along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series . \" Dial Meg for Murder \" was released on DVD along with ten other episodes from the season on December 13 , 2011 . \n" } ]
what can you visit in london?
[ "Regent's Park", "Tower of London", "Buckingham Palace", "Palace of Westminster", "London Eye", "Tower Bridge", "Hyde Park", "Westminster Abbey", "St Paul's Cathedral", "Trafalgar Square" ]
[ { "c_id": 1151507, "distance": 0.6854999661445618, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " London , his small part of it , lies wide open , impossible to defend , waiting for its bomb , like a hundred other cities . Rush hour will be a convenient time . It might resemble the Paddington crash – twisted rails , buckled , upraised commuter coaches , stretchers handed out through broken windows , the hospital 's Emergency Plan in action . Berlin , Paris , Lisbon . The authorities agree , an attack 's inevitable . \n" }, { "c_id": 398287, "distance": 0.6816840171813965, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " London currently has one sister city : \n" }, { "c_id": 1692166, "distance": 0.670668363571167, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = = Tonite Lets All Make Love in London = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 670989, "distance": 0.6678561568260193, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " London is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world and in 2015 was ranked as the most visited city in the world with over 65 million visits . It is also the top city in the world by visitor cross @-@ border spending , estimated at US $ 20 @.@ 23 billion in 2015 Tourism is one of London 's prime industries , employing the equivalent of 350 @,@ 000 full @-@ time workers in 2003 , and the city accounts for 54 % of all inbound visitor spend in UK . As of 2016 London is rated as the world top ranked city destination by TripAdvisor users . \n" }, { "c_id": 670990, "distance": 0.6677199006080627, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In 2010 the ten most @-@ visited attractions in London were : \n" } ]
what form of government does north korea?
[ "Juche" ]
[ { "c_id": 678257, "distance": 0.6738396883010864, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " North Korea ( officially the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea , or DPRK ) had threatened to conduct a second nuclear test in protest after the United Nations Security Council adopted a presidential statement condemning the country after it launched a rocket , which it claimed was carrying the Kwangmyŏngsŏng @-@ 2 satellite , on 5 April 2009 . The launch was condemned by several nations , describing it as an intercontinental ballistic missile test . \n" }, { "c_id": 1265846, "distance": 0.6622222661972046, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Even though the Chinese and North Koreans were exhausted by the war and were prepared to end it by late 1952 , Stalin insisted that they continue fighting , and the Armistice was approved only in July 1953 , after Stalin 's death . North Korean leader Kim Il Sung created a highly centralized , totalitarian dictatorship – which continues to date – according himself unlimited power and generating a formidable cult of personality . In the South , the American @-@ backed strongman Syngman Rhee ran a significantly less brutal but deeply corrupt and authoritarian regime . After Rhee was overthrown in 1960 , South Korea fell within a year under a period of military rule that lasted until the re @-@ establishment of a multi @-@ party system in the late 1980s . \n" }, { "c_id": 70827, "distance": 0.6606716513633728, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Provisional People 's Assembly 's methodology gives each nation Population Seats based on a calculation that combines the Penrose method , which takes the square root of the millions of inhabitants of each country , Economic Seats equal to its portion of the world 's total gross domestic product , and classification as Free , Partially Free , or Unfree by Freedom House . \n" }, { "c_id": 1773555, "distance": 0.6544935703277588, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " As a general rule , since that time , the armed forces have not intervened in politics as a body , rather being tossed and turned as ambitious men have shaken the country . In reality , the larger problem has been the misuse and sometimes abuse of the military and police by political and ethnic leaders . \n" }, { "c_id": 541989, "distance": 0.6534974575042725, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Each form of government has its own merits and failings : \n" } ]
where is located cornell university?
[ "Ithaca" ]
[ { "c_id": 1793351, "distance": 0.6557402014732361, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Cornell began operating a closed loop , central chilled water system for air conditioning and laboratory cooling in the 1963 using centralized mechanical chillers , rather than inefficient , building @-@ specific air conditioners . In 2000 , Cornell began operation of its Lake Source Cooling System which uses the cold water temperature at the bottom of Cayuga Lake ( approx 39 ° F ) to air condition the campus . The system was the first wide @-@ scale use of lake source cooling in North America . \n" }, { "c_id": 1793339, "distance": 0.6547649502754211, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Up until the time of Cornell 's founding , most prominent American colleges had ties to religious denominations . Cornell was founded as a non @-@ sectarian school , but had to compete with church @-@ sponsored institutions for gaining New York 's land grant status . A.D. White noted in his inaugural address , \" We will labor to make this a Christian institution , a sectarian institution may it never be . \" However , the university has made provision for voluntary religious observance on campus . Currently , the University Charter provides , \" Persons of every religious denomination , or of no religious denomination , shall be equally eligible to all offices and appointments \" . Through the 20th century , the University Charter also required that a majority of trustees could not be of any single denomination . Sage Chapel , a non @-@ denominational house of worship opened in 1875 . Since 1929 , the Cornell United Religious Works ( CURW ) has been an umbrella organization for the campus chaplains sponsored by different denominations and faiths . Perhaps the most newsworthy of the chaplains was Daniel Berrigan who , while Assistant Director of CURW , became a national leader in protesting the Vietnam War . In 1971 , the social activism aspects of CURW were spun off into a separate Center for Religion , Ethics and Social Policy ( CRESP ) . In 2006 , CRESP was reorganized as Cornell 's Center for Transformative Action . \n" }, { "c_id": 1793373, "distance": 0.6546022295951843, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Today , state support is significant . In 2007 – 08 , Cornell received a total of $ 174 million of state appropriations for operations . Of the $ 2 @.@ 5 billion in capital spending budgeted for 2007 – 2017 , $ 721 million was to come from the state of New York . \n" }, { "c_id": 1361175, "distance": 0.6521998047828674, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The college developed a master plan in 2000 to improve campus residences and Jewett was elected as the first to undergo renovation . New Haven , Connecticut @-@ based Herbert S. Newman & Partners were selected for the 15 @-@ month project which was completed by October 2003 at a cost of $ 21 million . \n" }, { "c_id": 649552, "distance": 0.6516830325126648, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Along with NYU and the Catholic Church , Columbia University is one of the top 3 largest landowners in New York City . \n" } ]
who speaks arabic language?
[ "Tunisia", "Eritrea", "Saudi Arabia", "Comoros" ]
[ { "c_id": 1479013, "distance": 0.6740615963935852, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The producers wanted to present the characteristics of the Arabic language and its alphabet . Because pre @-@ production research showed that , although many dialects are spoken in the region , 90 % of Arab children were able to understand Modern Standard Arabic ( MSA ) , it was chosen as the show 's language . Linguist Kees Versteegh stated that the language used in Iftah Ya Simsim was \" based on an explicit didactic and linguistic concept \" . The show 's developers decided to use specific aspects of the language . Despite the absence of case endings in the dialects spoken by many of its users , the producers used them and other indispensable features of MSA . They also spelled out what features should be used sparingly , like passive verb forms , and what features they wanted to completely avoid , such as some prepositions . According to Versteegh , \" These principles have been followed rather closely \" . Children who appeared on the show made few grammatical errors in MSA , and although colloquialisms were used rarely , there was an informal quality in their conversations and speech patterns . Versteegh postulated that it was due to the use of intonation patterns and interjections , instead of the use of grammatical and lexical items from the vernacular use of the language . He also said that Iftah Ya Simsim proved that it was \" possible to use an informal register of Modern Standard Arabic \" . Versteegh reported that although the show was criticized in some Arab countries , Egypt in particular , for containing too many colloquialisms , he thought the criticism was biased and that \" the selection of lexical items in any pan @-@ Arabic programme will probably never satisfy everybody \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1518537, "distance": 0.6720953583717346, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Most Arabic @-@ language countries and regions use the short scale with 109 being مليار milyar . For example : \n" }, { "c_id": 1700979, "distance": 0.6655756831169128, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In other languages : \n" }, { "c_id": 726658, "distance": 0.6637470722198486, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In English : \n" }, { "c_id": 1700978, "distance": 0.6637470722198486, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In English : \n" } ]
who played the parents in ferris bueller day off?
[ "Cindy Pickett" ]
[ { "c_id": 727123, "distance": 0.6744133234024048, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Ferris Bueller 's Day Off is a 1986 American teen comedy film written , co @-@ produced and directed by John Hughes , and co @-@ produced by Tom Jacobson . The film stars Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller , a high @-@ school slacker who spends a day off from school , with Mia Sara and Alan Ruck . Ferris regularly breaks character to explain techniques and inner thoughts . \n" }, { "c_id": 727294, "distance": 0.6574521064758301, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1990 , a series called Ferris Bueller started for NBC , starring Charlie Schlatter as Ferris Bueller , Jennifer Aniston as Jeanie Bueller , and Ami Dolenz as Sloane Peterson . The series served as a prequel to the film . In the pilot episode , the audience sees Schlatter cutting up a cardboard cutout of Matthew Broderick , saying that he hated Broderick 's performance as him . It was produced by Maysh , Ltd . Productions in association with Paramount Television . In part because of competition of the similar series on the Fox Television Network , Parker Lewis Can 't Lose , the series was canceled after the first thirteen episodes aired . Both Schlatter and Aniston later had success on other TV shows , Schlatter on Diagnosis : Murder and Aniston on Friends . \n" }, { "c_id": 153787, "distance": 0.631118655204773, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " While in Chicago , Mr. Burns and Homer walk into a salon called \" Ferris Bueller 's Day of Beauty \" in a reference to Ferris Bueller 's Day Off . When they exit the salon , they are dressed as Ferris ( Burns ) and his friend Cameron ( Homer ) , respectively . Lionel Richie sings \" Say You , Say Me \" on the flight . He makes it about beer at Homer 's requests . The two titles , when changed , are \" Hey You , Beer Me \" and \" Beer Beer , Beer Beer , \" the latter of which Homer forgets the words to . Mr. Burns and Homer catch a show at the real @-@ life Second City Theater . Both Dan Castellaneta and guest star Stephen Colbert were members of Second City early in their careers . \n" }, { "c_id": 275332, "distance": 0.6270975470542908, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " All major characters in the miniseries were played by the five members of The Kids in the Hall , except for the mayor 's son , who was played by young actor Landon Reynolds @-@ Trudel . Several of the original The Kids in the Hall characters appear in cameo roles , including Mark McKinney 's Chicken Lady as a candidate juror and Paul Bellini clad only in his towel at an ATM ; in addition , McCulloch and McKinney 's police officers are tweaked variations of their OPP officer characters of the original series . \n" }, { "c_id": 1683526, "distance": 0.6266194581985474, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The song used during Duffman 's first and subsequent appearances is \" Oh Yeah \" by Yello , popularized in the final scene of the film Ferris Bueller 's Day Off . The Original Famous Ray 's Pizza shop Homer sees is a parody of independently owned pizza stores that carry the name \" Ray \" in their name . The musical sequence played during the Flushing Meadows segment is a stylistic parody of the piece Flower Duet from the opera Lakmé by Leo Delibes . When the traveling bus passes by Hasidic Jews , Bart mistakes them for ZZ Top , and when Bart visits Mad magazine 's offices , he sees Alfred E. Neuman , the Spy vs. Spy characters , and cartoonist Dave Berg . The actor in the musical number \" You 're Checkin ' In \" was based on Robert Downey , Jr . , who was battling a cocaine addiction during the time of the episode creation , just as the character in the musical was . The sequence where Homer races alongside the carriage in Central Park was a reference to a similar scene in the film Ben @-@ Hur . The final scene when the family is crossing the George Washington Bridge uses a version of the song \" Theme from New York , New York \" , which continues to play throughout the credits . \n" } ]
what dialects are spoken in the uk?
[ "English Language" ]
[ { "c_id": 914325, "distance": 0.7255424857139587, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " English language learning and teaching is an important economic activity , and includes language schooling , tourism spending , and publishing . There is no legislation mandating an official language for England , but English is the only language used for official business . Despite the country 's relatively small size , there are many distinct regional accents , and individuals with particularly strong accents may not be easily understood everywhere in the country . \n" }, { "c_id": 326471, "distance": 0.7078796625137329, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Throughout the United Kingdom there are distinctive spoken expressions and regional accents of English , which are seen to be symptomatic of a locality 's culture and identity . An awareness and knowledge of accents in the United Kingdom can \" place , within a few miles , the locality in which a man or woman has grown up \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 513383, "distance": 0.7011190056800842, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " English in England can be divided into four major dialect regions , Southwest English , South East English , Midlands English , and Northern English . Within each of these regions several local subdialects exist : Within the Northern region , there is a division between the Yorkshire dialects , and the Geordie dialect spoken in Northumbria around Newcastle , and the Lancashire dialects with local urban dialects in Liverpool ( Scouse ) and Manchester ( Mancunian ) . Having been the centre of Danish occupation during the Viking Invasions , Northern English dialects , particularly the Yorkshire dialect , retain Norse features not found in other English varieties . \n" }, { "c_id": 326470, "distance": 0.7004263401031494, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There is no single British language , though English is by far the main language spoken by British citizens , being spoken monolingually by more than 70 % of the UK population . English is therefore the de facto official language of the United Kingdom . However , under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages , the Welsh , Scottish Gaelic , Cornish , Irish , Ulster Scots and Scots ( or Lowland Scots ) languages are officially recognised as Regional or Minority languages by the UK Government . As indigenous languages which continue to be spoken as a first language by native inhabitants , Welsh and Scottish Gaelic have a different legal status from other minority languages . In some parts of the UK , some of these languages are commonly spoken as a first language ; in wider areas , their use in a bilingual context is sometimes supported and / or promoted by central and / or local government policy . For naturalisation purposes , a competence standard of English , Scottish Gaelic or Welsh is required to pass the life in the United Kingdom test . However , English is used routinely , and although considered culturally important , Scottish Gaelic and Welsh are much less used . \n" }, { "c_id": 1484442, "distance": 0.6954365372657776, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Common British versions include : \n" } ]
what should i visit in venice?
[ "Grand Canal, Venice", "The Grand Canal, Venice", "Venice: The Prison", "Palazzo Dario, Venice", "View of Venice", "Gondola in Venice", "View of Venice: Ducal Palace, Dogana, and San Giorgio" ]
[ { "c_id": 780245, "distance": 0.6588703393936157, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After five days of difficult travel through wind and rain , lodged uncomfortably at inns Leopold described as disgusting , filthy , and bereft of food , they reached Rome . Pallavicini 's letters soon had their effect : meetings with the Count 's kinsman Lazaro Opizio Cardinal Pallavicino , Prince San Angelo of Naples , and Charles Edward Stuart , known as \" Bonnie Prince Charlie \" , Pretender to the throne of England . There was much sightseeing , and performances before the nobility . The Mozarts visited the Sistine Chapel , where Wolfgang heard and later wrote down from memory Gregorio Allegri 's famous Miserere , a complex nine @-@ part choral work that had not been published . Amid these activities , Wolfgang was busily composing . He wrote the contradanse K. 123 / 73g and the aria Se ardire , e speranza ( K. 82 / 73o ) , and finished the G major symphony begun earlier . \n" }, { "c_id": 799004, "distance": 0.6445385813713074, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " When visiting Venice in 1978 , Gould noted that the spandrels of the San Marco cathedral , while quite beautiful , were not spaces planned by the architect . Rather the spaces arise as \" necessary architectural byproducts of mounting a dome on rounded arches . \" Gould and Lewontin thus defined \" spandrels \" in the evolutionary biology context , to mean any biological feature of an organism that arises as a necessary side consequence of other features , which is not directly selected for by natural selection . Proposed examples include the \" masculinized genitalia in female hyenas , exaptive use of an umbilicus as a brooding chamber by snails , the shoulder hump of the giant Irish deer , and several key features of human mentality . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 437000, "distance": 0.6376966834068298, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The bucentaur ( / bjuːˈsɛntɔːr / bew @-@ SEN @-@ tor ; bucintoro in Italian and Venetian ) was the state barge of the doges of Venice . It was used every year on Ascension Day up to 1798 to take the doge out to the Adriatic Sea to perform the \" Marriage of the Sea \" – a ceremony that symbolically wedded Venice to the sea every year on the \" Festa della Sensa \" ( Ascension Day ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1380727, "distance": 0.6369919180870056, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The sinking of Venice slowed after artesian wells were banned in the 1960s , but the city remains threatened by the acqua alta floods . Recent studies have suggested that the city is no longer sinking , but a state of alert remains in place . In May 2003 , then @-@ Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi inaugurated the MOSE project ( Italian : Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico ) , an experimental model for evaluating the performance of inflatable gates . The project proposes laying a series of 79 inflatable pontoons across the sea bed at the three entrances to the Venetian Lagoon . When tides are predicted to rise above 110 centimetres ( 43 in ) , the pontoons will be filled with air and block the incoming water from the Adriatic Sea . This engineering work is due to be completed by 2014 . \n" }, { "c_id": 187001, "distance": 0.6334293484687805, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After traveling across Spain , the embassy sailed on the Mediterranean aboard three Spanish frigates towards Italy . Due to bad weather , they had to stay for a few days in the French harbour of Saint @-@ Tropez , where they were received by the local nobility , and made quite a sensation on the populace . \n" } ]
where james madison was born?
[ "Port Conway" ]
[ { "c_id": 1234131, "distance": 0.6497967839241028, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Both Madison and Eston Hemings married free women of color in Charlottesville . After their mother 's death in 1835 , they and their families moved to Chillicothe in the free state of Ohio . Census records classified them as \" mulatto \" , at that time meaning mixed race . The census enumerator , usually a local person , classified individuals in part according to who their neighbors were and what was known of them . \n" }, { "c_id": 1524008, "distance": 0.6430136561393738, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " His mother moved with the young Hamilton to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands , then ruled by Denmark . It is not certain whether the year of Hamilton 's birth was 1757 or 1755 ; most historical evidence after Hamilton 's arrival in North America supports the idea that he was born in 1757 , and many historians had accepted this birth date . But , Hamilton 's early life in the Caribbean was recorded in documents which were first published in Danish in 1930 ; this evidence has caused historians since then to favor a birth year of 1755 . Hamilton listed his birth year as 1757 when he first arrived in the Thirteen Colonies . He celebrated his birthday on January 11 . In later life , he tended to give his age only in round figures . Probate papers from St. Croix in 1768 , after the death of Hamilton 's mother , list him as then 13 years old , a date that would support a birth year of 1755 . Historians have posited reasons for the different dates of birth being used : If 1755 is correct , Hamilton may have been trying to appear younger than his college classmates or perhaps wished to avoid standing out as older ; if 1757 is correct , the probate document indicating a birth year of 1755 may have been in error , or Hamilton may have been attempting to pass as 13 , in order to be more employable after his mother 's death . \n" }, { "c_id": 1428599, "distance": 0.6350123882293701, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " James Madison , a 1771 graduate of Princeton and its first graduate student : in the Law window in the nave 's south wall . \n" }, { "c_id": 1492728, "distance": 0.6348959803581238, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Madison was educated in the local schools and also received instruction at home . Before he was legally old enough to enlist , he entered the Continental Army as a private during the Revolutionary War . \n" }, { "c_id": 1524010, "distance": 0.6326936483383179, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " James Hamilton abandoned Rachel Faucette and their sons , allegedly to \" spar [ e ] [ her ] a charge of bigamy ... after finding out that her first husband intend [ ed ] to divorce her under Danish law on grounds of adultery and desertion . \" Thereafter , she supported her children in St. Croix , keeping a small store in Christiansted . She contracted a severe fever and died on February 19 , 1768 , 1 : 02 am , leaving Hamilton orphaned . This may have had severe emotional consequences for him , even by the standards of an 18th @-@ century childhood . In probate court , Faucette 's \" first husband seized her estate \" and obtained the few valuables she had owned , including some household silver . Many items were auctioned off , but a friend purchased the family 's books and returned them to the young Hamilton . \n" } ]
when was the last time iran invaded another country?
[ "Iran–Iraq War" ]
[ { "c_id": 478255, "distance": 0.6836097836494446, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Iran , once : in 1998 ; \n" }, { "c_id": 573922, "distance": 0.6701058149337769, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Iran experiences regular earthquakes , with 200 reported in 1996 alone . Like dozens that had preceded it , the 1997 Qayen event was of significant magnitude . It occurred on Saturday , May 10 , 1997 , at 12 : 57 IRST in the Sistan region , one of the most seismically active areas of the country . The first major earthquake in that region since 1979 , it registered 7 @.@ 3 on the moment magnitude scale ( Mw ) , 7 @.@ 2 on the surface wave magnitude scale ( Ms ) , 7 @.@ 7 on the energy magnitude scale ( Me ) , and had a maximum perceived intensity of X , or Extreme on the Mercalli intensity scale . \n" }, { "c_id": 1564538, "distance": 0.6646947860717773, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Although tourism declined significantly during the war with Iraq , it has subsequently recovered . About 1 @,@ 659 @,@ 000 foreign tourists visited Iran in 2004 and 2 @.@ 3 million in 2009 mostly from Asian countries , including the republics of Central Asia , while about 10 % came from the European Union and North America . \n" }, { "c_id": 1564578, "distance": 0.6584257483482361, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Iran has held observer status at the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) since 2005 . Although the United States has consistently blocked its bid to join the organization , observer status came in a goodwill gesture to ease nuclear negotiations between Iran and the international community . \n" }, { "c_id": 847300, "distance": 0.6583385467529297, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On December 28 , 2009 , Obama , in his first address after the incident , said that the event \" demonstrates that an alert and courageous citizenry are far more resilient than an isolated extremist \" . On the same day , Al @-@ Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ( AQAP ) announced that it was responsible for the attempted bombing . AQAP said that the attack , during \" their [ Americans ' ] celebration of the Christmas holidays \" , was to \" avenge U.S. attacks on the militants in Yemen \" . \n" } ]
what did the ottoman empire look like?
[ "Austria-Hungary", "Kingdom of Bulgaria", "German Empire" ]
[ { "c_id": 934169, "distance": 0.7136678099632263, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the mid 14th century the Ottomans started uniting Anatolia and created an empire encompassing much of Southeastern Europe , Western Asia and North Africa , becoming a major power in Eurasia and Africa during the early modern period . The empire reached the peak of its power in the 16th century , especially during the reign ( 1520 – 1566 ) of Suleiman the Magnificent . After the second Ottoman siege of Vienna in 1683 and the end of the Great Turkish War in 1699 , the Ottoman Empire entered a long period of decline . The Tanzimat reforms of the 19th century , which aimed to modernize the Ottoman state , proved to be inadequate in most fields , and failed to stop the dissolution of the empire . \n" }, { "c_id": 843010, "distance": 0.6933818459510803, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Ottomans quickly transformed the city from a bastion of Christianity to a symbol of Islamic culture . Religious foundations were established to fund the construction of ornate imperial mosques , often adjoined by schools , hospitals , and public baths . The Ottoman Dynasty claimed the status of caliphate in 1517 , with Istanbul remaining the capital of this last caliphate for four centuries . Suleiman the Magnificent 's reign from 1520 to 1566 was a period of especially great artistic and architectural achievement ; chief architect Mimar Sinan designed several iconic buildings in the city , while Ottoman arts of ceramics , stained glass , calligraphy , and miniature flourished . The population of Istanbul was 570 @,@ 000 by the end of the 18th century . \n" }, { "c_id": 934170, "distance": 0.6830186247825623, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Effectively controlled by the Three Pashas after the 1913 coup d 'état , the Ottoman Empire entered World War I ( 1914 – 1918 ) on the side of the Central Powers and was ultimately defeated . During the war , the Ottoman government committed ethnic cleansing or genocide against its Armenian , Assyrian and Pontic Greek citizens . Following the war , the conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was divided into several new states . \n" }, { "c_id": 934203, "distance": 0.6786741018295288, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Ottoman Empire 's power and prestige peaked in the 16th and 17th centuries , particularly during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent . The empire was often at odds with the Holy Roman Empire in its steady advance towards Central Europe through the Balkans and the southern part of the Polish @-@ Lithuanian Commonwealth . At sea , the Ottoman Navy contended with several Holy Leagues , such as those in 1538 , 1571 , 1684 and 1717 ( composed primarily of Habsburg Spain , the Republic of Genoa , the Republic of Venice , the Knights of St. John , the Papal States , the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Duchy of Savoy ) , for the control of the Mediterranean Sea . In the east , the Ottomans were often at war with Safavid Persia over conflicts stemming from territorial disputes or religious differences between the 16th and 18th centuries . The Ottoman wars with Persia continued as the Zand , Afsharid , and Qajar dynasties succeeded the Safavids in Iran , until the first half of the 19th century . From the 16th to the early 20th centuries , the Ottoman Empire also fought many wars with the Russian Tsardom and Empire . These were initially about the Ottoman territorial expansion and consolidation in southeastern and eastern Europe ; but starting from the latter half of the 18th century , they became more about the survival of the Ottoman state , which began to lose its strategic territories on the northern Black Sea coast to the advancing Russians . Between the 18th and the early 20th centuries , the Ottoman , Persian and Russian empires were neighbouring rivals of each other . \n" }, { "c_id": 580285, "distance": 0.6773799657821655, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = Ottoman dispositions and preparations = = = \n" } ]
what team does kareem abdul jabbar play for?
[ "Milwaukee Bucks", "Los Angeles Lakers", "UCLA Bruins men's basketball" ]
[ { "c_id": 1265611, "distance": 0.6404044032096863, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Omid Djalili as Kaji , former comrade @-@ in @-@ arm from the Flying Legion \n" }, { "c_id": 1384115, "distance": 0.6274619102478027, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On October 2 , 2008 , Abdur @-@ Rahim was named as the assistant coach for the Sacramento Kings . \n" }, { "c_id": 1263767, "distance": 0.6272153854370117, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jahlil Okafor ( pronounced / ˈdʒɑː liːl / ; born December 15 , 1995 ) is an American professional basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) . He played his freshman season of college for the 2014 – 15 Duke national championship team . \n" }, { "c_id": 1177500, "distance": 0.6226016879081726, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Ali Suliman as Omar Sadiki , a Jordanian architect with very low @-@ profile contact with Al @-@ Qaeda and CIA 's mole to catch Al @-@ Saleem . \n" }, { "c_id": 303746, "distance": 0.6205665469169617, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Marouane Chamakh ( French pronunciation : ​ [ ma.ʁwan ʃa.mak ] ; Arabic : مروان الشماخ ; born 10 January 1984 ) is a Moroccan professional footballer who plays as a foward for the Morocco national team . His most recent club side was English Premier League team Crystal Palace . He is described as a prototypical target man and is noted for his \" link @-@ up play \" , \" tall stature \" and \" excellent heading ability \" . He is the first and only player in UEFA Champions League history to score in six consecutive matches . \n" } ]
who is jeff probst ex wife?
[ "Shelly Wright" ]
[ { "c_id": 1583746, "distance": 0.654277503490448, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Meanwhile , Tracy Jordan gets his wife , Angie Jordan ( Sherri Shepherd ) , pregnant and , realizing his continued hostility to women , tells Grizz Griswold ( Grizz Chapman ) , \" Dot Com \" Slattery ( Kevin Brown ) , and Kenneth that he has decided to add a woman to their entourage . \n" }, { "c_id": 197654, "distance": 0.6373940706253052, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " FBI Assistant Director Brad D. Follmer is a fictional character in the American Fox television series The X @-@ Files , a science fiction series about a government conspiracy to hide or deny the truth of Alien existence . Follmer was introduced during the last season of the show , as an ex @-@ lover to main character Monica Reyes ( Annabeth Gish ) . Follmer was portrayed by British actor , Cary Elwes . \n" }, { "c_id": 1547888, "distance": 0.6355130076408386, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Citron 's relationship with his wife was debated because historians doubt that she betrayed him , since she gave birth to their child shortly after his death . Madsen was sure the betrayal happened , but he took the liberty of affirming the couple did not get back together . Madsen declared , \" I do not think it is morally tarnished to show that people have affairs with people they are not married to . It 's a beautiful description of a relationship that falls apart in a time that had great personal cost . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1298798, "distance": 0.6348965764045715, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the early 1940s Donen dated actress Judy Holliday while working on Broadway . He also dated Elizabeth Taylor for a year between his first and second marriages . Donen 's current longtime companion is writer and director Elaine May , who he has dated since 1999 and claimed to have proposed marriage to \" about 172 times . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 784552, "distance": 0.629686176776886, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During March 2007 , Gordon was written out of the show indefinitely after her partner , Chris Burkhardt , died from cancer . The Home and Away writers had previously rewritten several scripts to allow Gordon to spend as much time as possible with Burkhardt . \n" } ]
where is tsonga born?
[ "Le Mans" ]
[ { "c_id": 1670073, "distance": 0.6387167572975159, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " By spring , Kanyenke has returned to his village , where he learns that his sister has given birth to John 's son Nathaniel , whom he begins to help raise . \n" }, { "c_id": 1470522, "distance": 0.6380090713500977, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In July 2005 , Pitt accompanied Jolie to Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , where she adopted her second child , Zahara Marley . On December 3 , 2005 , Pitt was in the process of becoming the adoptive father of both children ; on January 19 , 2006 , a California judge granted Jolie 's request to change the children 's surnames from \" Jolie \" to \" Jolie @-@ Pitt \" . The adoptions were finalized soon after . \n" }, { "c_id": 1056483, "distance": 0.6352677345275879, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " According to a DNA analysis , he is a descendant through African ancestral lines of the Igbo people of Nigeria . \n" }, { "c_id": 1012783, "distance": 0.619992196559906, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " At times , marriage between members of the same dynasty has been common in Central Africa . Marriages between the Swazi , Zulu and Thembu royal houses of southern Africa are common . For example , the daughter of former South African president and Thembu royal Nelson Mandela , Zenani Mandela , in 1977 married Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini , a brother of Mswati III , King of Swaziland . \n" }, { "c_id": 1023616, "distance": 0.619490385055542, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In all versions , Angada is born from Tara 's marriage to Vali . \n" } ]
what island is bethany hamilton from?
[ "Lihue" ]
[ { "c_id": 207737, "distance": 0.6130207777023315, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Although conceived by the show 's creators to be American , Charlotte 's nationality was changed to British after the producers were impressed with English actress Rebecca Mader 's audition . She was supposed to feature in just eight episodes of season four , but after the 2007 – 2008 Writers Guild of America strike the role was expanded , which resulted in her starring in fifteen episodes over the fourth and fifth seasons . Charlotte 's introduction , along with the three other new characters from the freighter introduced in season four , was well received , but her storylines in later episodes had a mixed reception , though Mader 's acting was praised . \n" }, { "c_id": 1558962, "distance": 0.612526535987854, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The top countries of birth for the newcomers living in Hamilton in the 1990s were : former Yugoslavia , Poland , India , China , the Philippines , and Iraq . \n" }, { "c_id": 1098198, "distance": 0.6067932844161987, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Emma Thompson as Captain Amelia , the captain of the RLS Legacy ; Amelia slightly resembles a cat . \n" }, { "c_id": 308065, "distance": 0.6058908104896545, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Press reports of the Amelia Island affair were wildly inaccurate , partly because of misinformation disseminated by MacGregor himself — his sudden departure , he claimed , was because he had sold the island to Aury for $ 50 @,@ 000 . Josefa gave birth to her and MacGregor 's first child , a boy named Gregorio , in Nassau on 9 November 1817 . The owner of the Venus , an ex @-@ captain of the British Corps of Colonial Marines called George Woodbine , pointed to the British Legions being raised by the Latin American revolutionaries in London , and suggested that MacGregor could recruit and command such a force himself . Excited by the idea of leading British troops again after years in command of colonials , tribesmen and miscellaneous adventurers , MacGregor sailed for home with Josefa and Gregorio and landed in Dublin on 21 September 1818 . He thence made his way back to London . \n" }, { "c_id": 748730, "distance": 0.5991259813308716, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " It was announced that Minaj will executive produce and appear in a scripted single @-@ camera comedy series for ABC Family ( now Freeform ) based on her life growing up in Queens , New York . The show has been titled Nicki and is scheduled to be broadcast in 2016 . The project , from Aaron Kaplan ’ s Kapital Entertainment , filmed the pilot episode in Minaj ’ s hometown in January 2016 , and production has since continued . Ariana Neal will play a young Minaj in the series , alongside Selita Ebanks ( her mother ) , Wesley Jonathan ( her father ) , and McCarrie McCausland ( her older brother ) . \n" } ]
what is paige halliwell's powers?
[ "Teleportation", "Orbing" ]
[ { "c_id": 26134, "distance": 0.6763281226158142, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " A demon characterized by her powers of divination and precognition , she eventually forms a friendship with Leo Wyatt ( Brian Krause ) and the Charmed Ones , specifically Phoebe Halliwell ( Alyssa Milano ) , after expressing her desire to become human . Despite being killed by the demon Zankou ( Oded Fehr ) on the show , the character makes further canonical appearances in the comic book series Charmed : Season 10 . Her storylines focus on her involvement with witch Prue Halliwell 's new destiny , and her romantic relationship with the newly revived Benjamin Turner ( the father of Cole Turner ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1365647, "distance": 0.6689574122428894, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The character was introduced as a novice witch seeking training from the series ' protagonists Piper Halliwell ( Holly Marie Combs ) , Phoebe Halliwell ( Alyssa Milano ) , and Paige Matthews ( Rose McGowan ) . Her storylines focus on her search for her missing sister Christy Jenkins ( Marnette Patterson ) and their eventual reunion . Billie was initially characterized as the \" little sister \" who is \" naive \" and \" very , very confident \" ; she gains the ability to warp reality through the power of projection and is revealed as the \" Ultimate Power \" . Christy and the demonic council known as the Triad manipulates Billie into believing the Charmed Ones are corrupted by their powers , but when the truth is revealed , she eventually reconnects with the Halliwells . The character also makes further canonical appearances in the comic books Charmed : Season 9 and Charmed : Season 10 as a friend to the sisters and is referenced in one of the novels . \n" }, { "c_id": 1365660, "distance": 0.6682046055793762, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Billie is the youngest of Carl and Helen Jenkins 's two daughters . Both of her parents are mortal and her powers were inherited from her maternal grandmother , making Helen a carrier of the genes determining magical ability . Billie has the basic ability to cast spells , perform rituals , brew potions , scry for lost people or objects using of a crystal pendent , and communicate with the dead . She also has the power of telekinesis and later develops the ability to warp reality using a power known as projection . She is shown mastering her original powers very easily and adapting them using unconventional methods , such as attaching a large quartz crystal to her computer 's mouse to scry through a GPS system . Her telekinesis enables her to perform acrobatic moves , such as backflips . However , she experiences difficulty using her power of projection due to her fear of hurting others . Billie eventually masters this power , and by the series finale she can easily travel through time . \n" }, { "c_id": 69609, "distance": 0.6575511693954468, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Edward Elric is the youngest State Alchemist to be selected by the State Military of the country , receiving the title of \" Fullmetal Alchemist \" shortly thereafter from the military head , King Bradley . He and his younger brother , Alphonse , seek to obtain the legendary Philosopher 's Stone in order to restore their bodies after a disastrous failed attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy . Edward was born in a small town named Resembool , where he lived with Alphonse and his parents , Trisha Elric and Van Hohenheim . After Hohenheim left the family on a journey early in his sons ' lives , and Trisha died of an illness years later , the two young boys concentrated on studying alchemy in the hopes of bringing their mother back to life , and trained with a skilled alchemist named Izumi Curtis . They attempt to revive their mother and failed , costing Edward his left leg , and Alphonse his entire body.During this first transmutation , Edward sees the Truth ( 真理 , Shinri ) , thus gaining great knowledge as well as the prodigious ability to perform transmutations just by clapping his hands together . Edward then performed a second transmutation , sacrificing his own right arm to bind Alphonse 's soul to a nearby suit of armor . In order to move with his lost limbs , Edward has had prosthetic \" automail \" limbs designed and implemented by his childhood friend , Winry Rockbell . Winry is often kept busy repairing Edward 's automail , as he regularly breaks and damages the machines during heavy bouts . As the series continues , the two progressively develop a romantic relationship , eventually confessing their feelings to each other by the series ' end . \n" }, { "c_id": 1679906, "distance": 0.6533581614494324, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Bella Swan : The protagonist of the series , teenager Bella is a perpetually clumsy \" danger magnet \" with dark brown hair and brown eyes . She is often portrayed as having low self @-@ esteem and unable to comprehend Edward 's love for her . She has an immunity to supernatural abilities involving the mind , such as Edward 's mind @-@ reading ability . After her transformation into a vampire in the saga 's fourth installment , Bella acquires the ability to shield both herself and others from \" mental harm \" from other vampires . \n" } ]
what did jean jacques rousseau write?
[ "A la rencontre de Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "Autobiographical, scientific, religious, moral, and literary writings", "The 'Emile' of Jean Jacques Rousseau", "Cartas a Sofía", "Antologia di scritti politici", "Basic crystallography", "Bekenntnisse", "Le botaniste sans maître, ou, Manière d'apprendre seul la botanique", "A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind", "La botanique de J. J. Rousseau" ]
[ { "c_id": 227279, "distance": 0.6855268478393555, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " As expected by Voltaire , Candide has enjoyed both great success and great scandal . Immediately after its secretive publication , the book was widely banned because it contained religious blasphemy , political sedition and intellectual hostility hidden under a thin veil of naïveté . However , with its sharp wit and insightful portrayal of the human condition , the novel has since inspired many later authors and artists to mimic and adapt it . Today , Candide is recognized as Voltaire 's magnum opus and is often listed as part of the Western canon ; it is among the most frequently taught works of French literature . The British poet and literary critic Martin Seymour @-@ Smith listed Candide as one of the 100 most influential books ever written . \n" }, { "c_id": 814011, "distance": 0.6748672723770142, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Balzac wrote Louis Lambert during the summer of 1832 while he was staying with friends at the Château de Saché , and published three editions with three different titles . The novel contains a minimal plot , focusing mostly on the metaphysical ideas of its boy @-@ genius protagonist and his only friend ( eventually revealed to be Balzac himself ) . Although it is not a significant example of the realist style for which Balzac became famous , the novel provides insight into the author 's own childhood . Specific details and events from the author 's life – including punishment from teachers and social ostracism – suggest a fictionalized autobiography . \n" }, { "c_id": 227407, "distance": 0.669365406036377, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Though Voltaire did not openly admit to having written the controversial Candide until 1768 ( until then he signed with a pseudonym : \" Monsieur le docteur Ralph \" , or \" Doctor Ralph \" ) , his authorship of the work was hardly disputed . \n" }, { "c_id": 814025, "distance": 0.6604757905006409, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The novel was first published as part of the Nouveaux contes philosophiques in late 1832 , but by the start of the following year he declared it to be \" a wretched miscarriage \" and began rewriting it . During the process , Balzac was aided by a grammarian working as a proofreader , who found \" a thousand errors \" in the text . Once he had returned home , the author \" cried with despair and with that rage that takes hold of you when you recognize your faults after working so hard \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 814026, "distance": 0.65984046459198, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A vastly expanded and revised novel , Histoire intellectuelle de L.L. , was published as a single volume in 1833 . Balzac , still unsatisfied , continued reworking the text – as he often did between editions – and included a series of letters written by the boy genius , as well as a detailed description of his metaphysical theories . This final edition was released as Louis Lambert , included with \" Les Proscrits \" and a later work , Séraphîta , in a volume entitled Le Livre mystique ( \" The Mystical Book \" ) . \n" } ]
what city is the state capital of washington?
[ "Olympia" ]
[ { "c_id": 1198729, "distance": 0.7064231038093567, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Washington had an estimated population of 672 @,@ 228 as of July 2015 . Commuters from the surrounding Maryland and Virginia suburbs raise the city 's population to more than one million during the workweek . The Washington metropolitan area , of which the District is a part , has a population of over 6 million , the sixth @-@ largest metropolitan statistical area in the country . \n" }, { "c_id": 1198728, "distance": 0.6980376839637756, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The states of Maryland and Virginia each donated land to form the federal district , which included the pre @-@ existing settlements of Georgetown and Alexandria . Named in honor of George Washington , one of the United States ' founding fathers and the leader of the American Continental Army who won the Revolutionary War , the City of Washington was founded in 1791 to serve as the new national capital . In 1846 , Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia ; in 1871 , it created a single municipal government for the remaining portion of the District . \n" }, { "c_id": 1198727, "distance": 0.693534255027771, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Washington , D.C. , formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as \" Washington \" , \" the District \" , or simply \" D.C. \" , is the capital of the United States . The signing of the Residence Act on July 16 , 1790 , approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country 's East Coast . The U.S. Constitution provided for a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and the District is therefore not a part of any U.S. state . \n" }, { "c_id": 549217, "distance": 0.6881252527236938, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " With a land area of 83 @.@ 9 square miles ( 217 @.@ 3 km ² ) , Seattle is the northernmost city with at least 500 @,@ 000 people in the United States , farther north than Canadian cities such as Toronto , Ottawa , and Montreal , at about the same latitude as Salzburg , Austria . \n" }, { "c_id": 42612, "distance": 0.6799179315567017, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Spokane ( pronunciation : / spoʊˈkæn / spoh @-@ KAN ) is a city in the state of Washington , in the northwestern United States . Spokane is the seat of Spokane County . It is located on the Spokane River , west of the Rocky Mountain foothills in eastern Washington , 92 miles ( 148 km ) south of the Canadian border , approximately 20 miles ( 30 km ) from the Washington – Idaho border , and 280 miles ( 450 km ) east of Seattle along Interstate 90 . The city and wider Inland Northwest region is served by Spokane International Airport , 5 miles ( 8 km ) west of downtown Spokane . According to the 2010 Census , Spokane had a population of 208 @,@ 916 , making it the second largest city in Washington and the 102nd largest city in the United States . \n" } ]
what does shawn johnson do?
[ "Gymnast" ]
[ { "c_id": 570887, "distance": 0.6138405799865723, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Michael Shawn Hickenbottom ( born July 22 , 1965 ) , better known by his ring name Shawn Michaels , is an American professional wrestling personality , television presenter and retired professional wrestler . He has been signed to WWE , as an ambassador and occasional non @-@ wrestling performer , since December 2010 . Michaels wrestled consistently for WWE , formerly the World Wrestling Federation ( WWF ) , from 1988 until his first retirement in 1998 . He held non @-@ wrestling roles from 1998 to 2000 and resumed wrestling in 2002 until retiring ceremoniously in 2010 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1797738, "distance": 0.6111341118812561, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Peter Sohn as Scott \" Squishy \" Squibbles , an Oozma Kappa fraternity member \n" }, { "c_id": 1588101, "distance": 0.6034565567970276, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Johnson hosted the 2009 Nickelodeon Kids ' Choice Awards on March 28 . He appeared on the Wizards of Waverly Place episode , \" Art Teacher \" , as part of his stint with The Walt Disney Company . He has made several guest appearances on Saturday Night Live , reviving his character of \" The Rock Obama \" , a spoof of both President Barack Obama and The Hulk . Also in 2009 , Johnson played ex @-@ con cab driver Jack Bruno in Las Vegas in Race To Witch Mountain . He provided the voice of Capt. Charles \" Chuck \" Baker in Planet 51 . In 2010 , Johnson starred in the family comedy , Tooth Fairy . He made an uncredited cameo in the 2010 film , Why Did I Get Married Too ? as a psychiatrist who asks out the recently widowed Patricia Agnew ( Janet Jackson ) . He briefly appears in The Other Guys , as an action @-@ seeking detective . He returned to action films with the 2010 film Faster . \n" }, { "c_id": 1267348, "distance": 0.6012935638427734, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Static Shock 's episodes handle a variety of issues , including gangs , gun violence , homelessness , bullying , racism , mental illness , bigotry , and drugs . Other episodes also featured the subject of Chanukah and Christmas celebrations . The series was also marked by several crossover episodes with characters from the DC animated universe like Superman , Green Lantern , the Justice League , and the Batman Beyond cast . Several episodes also featured guest voice actors , including basketballers ( like Shaquille O 'Neal , Karl Malone , Yao Ming , Tracy McGrady and Steve Nash ) and musicians , such as the B2K group , Lil ' Romeo and the Backstreet Boys ' A. J. McLean . Guest crew was also featured , including cartoonist Rick Hoberg as storyboard artist , and Paul Dini and John Ridley as writers . \n" }, { "c_id": 1411039, "distance": 0.59928297996521, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Prison Break is an American television serial drama created by Paul Scheuring , that was broadcast on Fox for four seasons , from 2005 to 2009 . The series revolves around two brothers . One brother has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit , and the other devises an elaborate plan to help his brother escape prison and clear his name . The series was produced by Adelstein @-@ Parouse Productions , in association with Original Television and 20th Century Fox Television . Along with creator Paul Scheuring , the series is executive produced by Matt Olmstead , Kevin Hooks , Marty Adelstein , Dawn Parouse , Neal H. Moritz , and Brett Ratner who directed the pilot episode . The series ' theme music , composed by Ramin Djawadi , was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in 2006 . \n" } ]
what was the reagan administration known for?
[ "The conservative revolution in America" ]
[ { "c_id": 348866, "distance": 0.72560054063797, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The Reagan administration was shaken by a scandal in 1986 , when it was revealed that administration officials had secretly arranged weapon sales to Iran , and had used the proceeds to fund the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua , a direct violation of the law . When the Iran @-@ Contra Affair , as it became known , broke to the media , Bush , like Reagan , stated that he had been \" out of the loop \" and unaware of the diversion of funds , although this was later questioned . His diaries from that time stated \" I 'm one of the few people that know fully the details . \" Ailes and others were concerned that Bush was seen as a \" wimp \" , an image put to rest by his evident fury in an interview with Dan Rather . \n" }, { "c_id": 1265833, "distance": 0.7134011387825012, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " American policymakers , including Kennan and John Foster Dulles , acknowledged that the Cold War was in its essence a war of ideas . The United States , acting through the CIA , funded a long list of projects to counter the communist appeal among intellectuals in Europe and the developing world . The CIA also covertly sponsored a domestic propaganda campaign called Crusade for Freedom . \n" }, { "c_id": 367773, "distance": 0.7123162150382996, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " He also sought to exert political influence , advising Scientologists to vote against Richard Nixon in the 1960 presidential election and establishing a Department of Government Affairs \" to bring government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology \" . This , he said , \" is done by high @-@ level ability to control and in its absence by a low @-@ level ability to overwhelm . Introvert such agencies . Control such agencies . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1009684, "distance": 0.7103598713874817, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Domestically , the scandal precipitated a drop in President Reagan 's popularity as his approval ratings saw \" the largest single drop for any U.S. president in history \" , from 67 % to 46 % in November 1986 , according to a New York Times / CBS News poll . The \" Teflon President \" , as Reagan was nicknamed by critics , survived the scandal , however , and by January 1989 a Gallup poll was \" recording a 64 % approval rating \" , the highest ever recorded for a departing President at that time . \n" }, { "c_id": 206709, "distance": 0.7036938071250916, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Additionally , the administration made few attempts to explain the distinction between Soviet influence and international Communism to the U.S. public . \" In part , this failure reflected the belief of many in Washington \" , writes historian John Lewis Gaddis , \" that only the prospect of an undifferentiated global threat could shake Americans out of their isolationist tendencies that remained latent among them \" . \n" } ]
where did nadia boulanger live?
[ "Paris" ]
[ { "c_id": 729989, "distance": 0.678896427154541, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The loss of this opportunity caused serious discord in the Balzac household , although Honoré was not turned away entirely . Instead , in April 1819 he was allowed to live in the French capital – as English critic George Saintsbury describes it – \" in a garret furnished in the most Spartan fashion , with a starvation allowance and an old woman to look after him \" , while the rest of the family moved to a house twenty miles [ 32 km ] outside Paris . \n" }, { "c_id": 965232, "distance": 0.6368481516838074, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Subsequent to LaLaurie 's departure from America , the house remained ruined at least until 1836 , but at some point prior to 1888 it was \" unrecognizably restored \" , and over the following decades was used as a public high school , a conservatory of music , a tenement , a refuge for young delinquents , a bar , a furniture store , and a luxury apartment building . \n" }, { "c_id": 1070651, "distance": 0.6368481516838074, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Subsequent to LaLaurie 's departure from America , the house remained ruined at least until 1836 , but at some point prior to 1888 it was \" unrecognizably restored \" , and over the following decades was used as a public high school , a conservatory of music , a tenement , a refuge for young delinquents , a bar , a furniture store , and a luxury apartment building . \n" }, { "c_id": 1452522, "distance": 0.6363356709480286, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " According to Moberly and Jourdain , the two women decided to visit the Palace of Versailles as part of several trips . On 10 August 1901 , they travelled by train to Versailles . They did not think much of the palace after touring it , so they decided to walk through the gardens to the Petit Trianon . On the way , they reached the Grand Trianon and found it was closed to the public . \n" }, { "c_id": 1003537, "distance": 0.6315796971321106, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Lavigne 's father being French , she has herself been legally French from birth , as the country applies jus sanguinis . She applied for her French passport and received it in February 2011 . In January 2012 , Lavigne 's house in Bel @-@ Air , on the market since May 2011 , sold , and Lavigne moved to Paris , France , to study the French language . She rented an apartment and attended a Berlitz school . She later held her second wedding in the South of France . \n" } ]
what year did michael jordan get drafted?
[ "1984 NBA Draft" ]
[ { "c_id": 1730, "distance": 0.6943463087081909, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " As a freshman in coach Dean Smith 's team @-@ oriented system , he was named ACC Freshman of the Year after he averaged 13 @.@ 4 points per game ( ppg ) on 53 @.@ 4 % shooting ( field goal percentage ) . He made the game @-@ winning jump shot in the 1982 NCAA Championship game against Georgetown , which was led by future NBA rival Patrick Ewing . Jordan later described this shot as the major turning point in his basketball career . During his three seasons at North Carolina , he averaged 17 @.@ 7 ppg on 54 @.@ 0 % shooting , and added 5 @.@ 0 rebounds per game ( rpg ) . He was selected by consensus to the NCAA All @-@ American First Team in both his sophomore ( 1983 ) and junior ( 1984 ) seasons . After winning the Naismith and the Wooden College Player of the Year awards in 1984 , Jordan left North Carolina one year before his scheduled graduation to enter the 1984 NBA draft . The Chicago Bulls selected Jordan with the third overall pick , after Hakeem Olajuwon ( Houston Rockets ) and Sam Bowie ( Portland Trail Blazers ) . One of the primary reasons why Jordan was not drafted sooner was because the first two teams were in need of a center . However , the Trail Blazers general manager Stu Inman contended that it was not a matter of drafting a center , but more a matter of taking Sam Bowie over Jordan , in part because Portland already had a guard with similar skills to Jordan , Clyde Drexler . ESPN , citing Bowie 's injury @-@ laden college career , named the Blazers ' choice of Bowie as the worst draft pick in North American professional sports history . Jordan returned to North Carolina to complete his degree in 1986 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1649040, "distance": 0.6913895010948181, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Michael Jordan had spent his entire career with the Chicago Bulls since being drafted in the 1984 NBA Draft by the team with the third overall selection . Eventually , he led the Bulls to three consecutive championships in the 1991 , 1992 and 1993 NBA Finals . During each of these championship seasons he was an NBA All @-@ Star , NBA scoring champion , All @-@ NBA Team first team selection , NBA All @-@ Defensive Team first team selection , and the NBA Finals MVP . \n" }, { "c_id": 249252, "distance": 0.6797031164169312, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The selection of center Sam Bowie with the No. 2 pick in the 1984 NBA draft over Michael Jordan ( who was then drafted by the Chicago Bulls ) ; other notable players taken later in that draft include future Hall @-@ of @-@ Famers Charles Barkley and John Stockton . \n" }, { "c_id": 1378984, "distance": 0.6739223003387451, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After the 1983 – 84 season , Olajuwon debated whether to stay in college or declare early for the NBA draft . At that time ( before the NBA Draft Lottery was introduced in 1985 ) , the first pick was awarded by coin flip . Olajuwon recalled : \" I really believed that Houston was going to win the coin flip and pick the number 1 draft choice , and I really wanted to play in Houston so I had to make that decision ( to leave early ) . \" His intuition proved correct , and a lucky toss placed Houston ahead of the Portland Trail Blazers . Olajuwon was considered the top amateur prospect in the summer of 1984 over fellow collegians and future NBA stars Michael Jordan , Charles Barkley , and John Stockton , and was selected first overall by the Rockets in the 1984 NBA draft . \n" }, { "c_id": 550382, "distance": 0.6737075448036194, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On April 7 , 2010 , Turner held a press conference and announced that he would forgo his final season of collegiate eligibility and enter the 2010 NBA draft , where he was expected to be selected as one of the top 3 draft picks . Turner signed with Michael Jordan 's agent , David Falk . \n" } ]
what airport do you fly into maui?
[ "Kahului Airport" ]
[ { "c_id": 41408, "distance": 0.6511027812957764, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In its early days tourism was a relatively new concept , but grew slowly before exploding with the advent of air travel around 1959 , the year Hawaiʻi became a state . Today tourism is driven by the island 's exotic tropical locations , and Kīlauea , being one of the few volcanoes in the world in a more or less constant state of moderate eruption , is a major part of the island 's tourist draw . Today , Kīlauea is visited by roughly 2 @.@ 6 million people annually , most of whom proceed up the volcano from the recently revamped Kilauea Visitor Center near the park entrance . The Thomas A. Jaggar Museum is also a popular tourist stop ; located at the edge of Kīlauea caldera , the museum 's observation deck offers the best sheltered view on the volcano of the activity at Halemaumau Crater . The Volcano House still provides the nearest lodging , and the nearby Volcano Village the most numerous ; visitors associated with the military can find lodging at the Kilauea Military Camp . A number of hiking trails , points of interest , and guided ranger programs exist , and the Chain of Craters Road , Hilina Pali Road , and Crater Rim Drive provide access . \n" }, { "c_id": 161103, "distance": 0.6403125524520874, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The aircraft departed from Teterboro Airport in Teterboro , New Jersey , at 2 : 29 pm local time ( 18 : 29 UTC ) . Lidle planned on flying to Tennessee , where he had a hotel room booked for the night , then to Dallas , Texas , and finally on to his home in California . \n" }, { "c_id": 159702, "distance": 0.6390438675880432, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Scheduled air transport , major commercial air transportation is available at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City , located approximately 20 miles ( 30 km ) northwest of Norman . The airport serves more than 3 @.@ 78 million passengers per year . \n" }, { "c_id": 419644, "distance": 0.637842059135437, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " International airports sometimes serve military as well as commercial purposes and their viability is also affected by technological developments . Canton Island Airport , for example , in the Phoenix Islands ( Kiribati ) , after serving as a military airport during World War II , was used as a refuelling stop by commercial aircraft such as Qantas which stationed ground crew there in the late 1950s . The advent in the early 1960s of jet aircraft such as the Boeing 707 with the range to fly non @-@ stop between Australia or New Zealand and Hawaii , meant that a mid @-@ Pacific stop was no longer needed and the airport was closed to regular commercial use . Other international airports , such as Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong , have been decommissioned and replaced when they reached capacity or technological advances rendered them inadequate . \n" }, { "c_id": 494789, "distance": 0.6368181705474854, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1978 JAL started flights to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro via Anchorage and San Juan ; the stopover was changed to Los Angeles in 1982 and to New York 's John F. Kennedy International Airport in 1999 . Until 2009 the airline operated fifth @-@ freedom flights between New York and São Paulo and between Vancouver and Mexico City . \n" } ]
who does mark sanchez play for?
[ "New York Jets" ]
[ { "c_id": 452780, "distance": 0.6663351058959961, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sánchez was selected by the San Francisco Giants in the twenty @-@ seventh round ( 820th overall ) of the 2004 MLB draft . In his first year of professional ball , he went 7 – 1 with a 3 @.@ 72 ERA in fifteen games ( nine were starts ) with the Rookie league Arizona League Giants and the Single @-@ A ( short @-@ season ) Salem @-@ Keizer Volcanoes . While pitching in the Arizona League , he tied for third in the league in wins , with five . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059734, "distance": 0.6451376676559448, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sanchez signed with the Philadelphia Eagles on March 29 , 2014 , for a 1 @-@ year , $ 2 @.@ 25 million contract . After spending seven full games as Nick Foles ' backup , Sanchez filled @-@ in for an injured Foles , in a Week 9 game against the Houston Texans . Throwing for 202 yards , 2 touchdowns , and 2 interceptions , Sanchez led the Eagles to a 31 @-@ 21 win . After the game , Eagles head coach , Chip Kelly , praised Sanchez , saying , \" He 's a hell of a quarterback and we 're excited that we got him . \" Foles was later confirmed to be out for 6 to 8 weeks with a broken collarbone , meaning Sanchez would take over as the team 's quarterback . \n" }, { "c_id": 452814, "distance": 0.6436780095100403, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sánchez was arbitration @-@ eligible following the season , but the Giants avoided arbitration with him by signing him to a one @-@ year contract . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059750, "distance": 0.6429664492607117, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On March 11 , 2016 , Sanchez was traded to the Denver Broncos for a 2017 conditional draft pick . \n" }, { "c_id": 1059686, "distance": 0.6393126845359802, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Sanchez hired his older brother and business litigator , Nick Sanchez , to be his agent alongside David Dunn , who represented Carson Palmer . Sanchez received an invitation to the 2009 Scouting Combine , where his performance was well received . He was ranked as one of the top two quarterbacks , behind fellow junior Matthew Stafford from the University of Georgia . In the final days leading up to the draft , several NFL teams expressed serious interest in Sanchez , including the Seattle Seahawks ( No. 4 selection ) , Cleveland Browns ( No. 5 selection ) , Washington Redskins ( No. 13 selection ) , and New York Jets ( No. 17 selection ) . \n" } ]
what sea does the yangtze river empty into?
[ "East China Sea" ]
[ { "c_id": 1729622, "distance": 0.6694632768630981, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " An important function of the dam is to control flooding , which is a major problem for the seasonal river of the Yangtze . Millions of people live downstream of the dam , with many large , important cities like Wuhan , Nanjing , and Shanghai situated adjacent to the river . Plenty of farm land and China 's most important industrial area are built beside the river . \n" }, { "c_id": 300883, "distance": 0.6641812324523926, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Yangtze River in the area of Jing Province ( covering present @-@ day Hubei and Hunan provinces ) was key to the success of this strategy . If Cao Cao was to have any hope of reuniting the sundered Han empire , he had to achieve naval control of the middle Yangtze and command the strategic naval base at Jiangling as a means of access to the southern region ( de Crespigny 2003 ) . Two warlords controlled the regions of the Yangtze that were key to Cao Cao 's success : Liu Biao , the Governor of Jing Province , controlled the area west of the mouth of the Han River , roughly encompassing the area around the city of Xiakou and all territory south of that region . Sun Quan controlled the river east of the Han and the southeastern territories abutting it ( de Crespigny 2007 : 773 ) . A third ally , Liu Bei , was living in refuge with Liu Biao at the garrison in Fancheng ( in present @-@ day Xiangyang ) , having fled from the northeast to Jing Province following a failed plot to assassinate Cao Cao and restore power to the imperial dynasty ( de Crespigny 2007 : 480 ; de Crespigny 1969 : 258 ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 403836, "distance": 0.6586189270019531, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Before 3 CE , the course of the Yellow River had emptied into the Bohai Sea at Tianjin , but the gradual buildup of silt in its riverbed — which raised the water level each year — overpowered the dikes built to prevent flooding and the river split in two , with one arm flowing south of the Shandong Peninsula and into the East China Sea . A second flood in 11 CE changed the course of the northern branch of the river so that it emptied slightly north of the Shandong Peninsula , yet far south of Tianjin . With much of the southern North China Plain inundated following the creation of the Yellow River 's southern branch , thousands of starving peasants who were displaced from their homes formed groups of bandits and rebels , most notably the Red Eyebrows . Wang Mang 's armies tried to quell these rebellions in 18 and 22 CE but failed . \n" }, { "c_id": 247894, "distance": 0.6441405415534973, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Covering approximately 9 @.@ 6 million square kilometers , China is the world 's second largest state by land area , and either the third or fourth @-@ largest by total area , depending on the method of measurement . China 's landscape is vast and diverse , ranging from forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in the arid north to subtropical forests in the wetter south . The Himalaya , Karakoram , Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from south and central Asia . The Yangtze and Yellow rivers , the third and sixth longest in the world , respectively , run from the Tibetan Plateau to the densely populated eastern seaboard . China 's coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14 @,@ 500 kilometres ( 9 @,@ 000 mi ) long , and is bounded by the Bohai , Yellow , East China , and South China seas . \n" }, { "c_id": 418801, "distance": 0.641751766204834, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Yangtze River Planning Office , Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power \n" } ]
what are the main imports and exports of afghanistan?
[ "Fruit and Tree Nut Farming", "Carpet and Rug Mills", "Opium" ]
[ { "c_id": 1564384, "distance": 0.6955141425132751, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Most of the country 's exports are oil and gas , accounting for a majority of government revenue in 2010 . Oil export revenues enabled Iran to amass well over $ 100 billion in foreign exchange reserves as of 2010 . Iran ranked first in scientific growth in the world in 2011 and has one of the fastest development in telecommunication globally . \n" }, { "c_id": 1564564, "distance": 0.6914985775947571, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Total import volume rose by 189 % from $ 13 @.@ 7 billion in 2000 to $ 39 @.@ 7 billion in 2005 and $ 55 @.@ 189 billion in 2009 . Iran 's major commercial partners are China , India , Germany , South Korea , Japan , France , Russia and Italy . From 1950 until 1978 , the United States was Iran 's foremost economic and military partner , playing a major role in infrastructure and industry modernization . It is reported that around 80 % of machinery and equipment in Iran is of German origin . \n" }, { "c_id": 3068, "distance": 0.6904820799827576, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " However , Roskill Consulting estimates for primary production show that in 2010 China held a 76 @.@ 75 % share of world supply with 120 @,@ 462 tonnes ( 90 @,@ 000 tonnes of reported and 30 @,@ 464 tonnes of un @-@ reported production ) , followed by Russia ( 4 @.@ 14 % share , 6 @,@ 500 tonnes of production ) , Myanmar ( 3 @.@ 76 % share , 5 @,@ 897 tonnes ) , Canada ( 3 @.@ 61 % share , 5 @,@ 660 tonnes ) , Tajikistan ( 3 @.@ 42 % share , 5 @,@ 370 tonnes ) and Bolivia ( 3 @.@ 17 % share , 4 @,@ 980 tonnes ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1302314, "distance": 0.6888749599456787, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Afghanistan is a member of the South Asian zone of the Olympic Council of Asia , and has competed in the Asian Games since the inaugural edition of the Games in 1951 in New Delhi . On September 26 , 1996 , the Taliban annexed the Kabul and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan . Under the Taliban regime all types of sporting activities were deprecated , as according to the Taliban , most of them were against the teachings of Islam and Islamic law . Many stadiums , like Ghazi Stadium of Kabul , were either destroyed or converted into venues for public executions and punishments . Women were banned from taking part in any type of sport ; male athletes were allowed to participate in a few sports , but were forced to wear long sleeves , trousers and beards . Following such incidents and discrimination against women , the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) banned Afghanistan National Olympic Committee and barred them from taking part in the Olympic Games . \n" }, { "c_id": 1564395, "distance": 0.6875690221786499, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Following the nationalizations in 1979 and the outbreak of the Iran – Iraq War , over 80 % of the economy came under government control . The eight @-@ year war with Iraq claimed at least 300 @,@ 000 Iranian lives and injured more than 500 @,@ 000 . The cost of the war to the country 's economy was some $ 500 billion . \n" } ]
what movies have gerard butler been in?
[ "Attila", "Beowulf & Grendel", "300", "Dear Frankie", "Butterfly on a Wheel", "Gamer", "Fast Food", "Dracula 2000", "Coriolanus" ]
[ { "c_id": 588932, "distance": 0.6433180570602417, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 2013 , after languishing in several limited releases and independent features such as Freelancers and Pawn , Whitaker has enjoyed a bit of career resurgence , having played the lead role in Lee Daniels ' The Butler , which has become one of his greatest critical and commercial successes to date . \n" }, { "c_id": 131640, "distance": 0.6424986124038696, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During the first half of his career Gielgud did not take the cinema seriously . Though he made his first film in 1924 , and had successes with The Good Companions ( 1933 ) and Julius Caesar ( 1953 ) , he did not begin a regular film career until his sixties . Between Becket in 1964 , for which he received his first Oscar nomination , and Elizabeth in 1998 he appeared in more than sixty films . As the acid @-@ tongued Hobson in Arthur ( 1981 ) he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor . \n" }, { "c_id": 907734, "distance": 0.6407535672187805, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Gerard Butler gets one line as a crewman aboard the Devonshire . \n" }, { "c_id": 8417, "distance": 0.6344404816627502, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Next , Nesbitt reunited with Occupation screenwriter Peter Bowker to star in the ITV medical drama series Monroe , playing Gabriel Monroe . Nesbitt was Bowker 's first choice for the part . Nesbitt researched the role of the neurosurgeon character by watching brain surgery being performed by Henry Marsh , and by consulting Philip Van Hille at Leeds General Infirmary . The series was filmed over 12 weeks in Leeds at the end of 2010 and broadcast on ITV during March and April 2011 . Nesbitt will reprise the role in a second series , which is due to begin production in 2012 . In film , Nesbitt co @-@ stars as Irish writer Jack in Emilio Estevez 's drama The Way , alongside Martin Sheen , Deborah Kara Unger , and Yorick van Wageningen , and has a role as Sicinius in Ralph Fiennes ' contemporary Shakespeare adaptation Coriolanus . \n" }, { "c_id": 1095049, "distance": 0.6328129172325134, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On March 9 , 2009 , De Line said that \" [ we ] have a version at Paramount that we 're talking very serious about \" , additionally mentioning that the cast was interested in the project . Neal Purvis and Robert Wade had been working on a draft of the sequel that year . The Daily Record reported in September that Theron was signed up for the film . That October , Gray said that he enjoyed making The Italian Job and hoped that he would still be interested in directing the sequel if the script became finalized and mentioned that it would be dependent upon scheduling . \n" } ]
what country is beside france?
[ "Italy", "Monaco", "Luxembourg", "Andorra", "Switzerland", "Germany", "Bay of Biscay", "Belgium", "Piedmont", "Spain" ]
[ { "c_id": 1065554, "distance": 0.6759614944458008, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " France and Germany took an intermediate position , abstaining from naming a guilty party : \n" }, { "c_id": 1287869, "distance": 0.6699081063270569, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = Paris , Eastern Europe and Norway = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 492995, "distance": 0.6605486273765564, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = Alignment with France = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 845860, "distance": 0.6569181680679321, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Relationship to mainland France and Muslim Algeria = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 1370687, "distance": 0.6502060890197754, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = = = France and United Kingdom = = = \n" } ]
what type of government germany have?
[ "Constitutional republic", "Multi-party system", "Federal republic", "Democracy", "Parliamentary republic" ]
[ { "c_id": 1453143, "distance": 0.757454514503479, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Germany is a federal , parliamentary , representative democratic republic . The German political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1949 constitutional document known as the Grundgesetz ( Basic Law ) . Amendments generally require a two @-@ thirds majority of both chambers of parliament ; the fundamental principles of the constitution , as expressed in the articles guaranteeing human dignity , the separation of powers , the federal structure , and the rule of law are valid in perpetuity . \n" }, { "c_id": 1227891, "distance": 0.7355366945266724, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Though often characterized as a federation of monarchs , the German Empire , strictly speaking , federated a group of 26 states . \n" }, { "c_id": 1364942, "distance": 0.7301031947135925, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " President of a unified Germany \n" }, { "c_id": 299698, "distance": 0.7254270315170288, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The domestic political environment was further complicated by the death of Paul Eyschen , who had been Prime Minister for 27 years . With his death came a string of short @-@ lived governments , culminating in rebellion , and constitutional turmoil after the withdrawal of German soldiers . \n" }, { "c_id": 1453146, "distance": 0.7219518423080444, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Since 1949 , the party system has been dominated by the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party of Germany . So far every chancellor has been a member of one of these parties . However , the smaller liberal Free Democratic Party ( in parliament from 1949 to 2013 ) and the Alliance ' 90 / The Greens ( in parliament since 1983 ) have also played important roles . \n" } ]
what is there to do in montpelier vt?
[ "Jed's Maple", "Karmê Chöling", "Vermont Icelandic Horse Farm", "Cold Hollow Cider Mill", "Down To Earth Worm Farm of Vermont", "Mount Mansfield", "Ben & Jerry's Waterbury Factory", "Spider Web Farm", "Weathered Barn Doll Museum", "Vermont State House" ]
[ { "c_id": 221394, "distance": 0.6077929735183716, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " During the Second World War , Montacute was requisitioned by the army , and American soldiers were billeted in the surrounding parkland before the Normandy landings . \n" }, { "c_id": 64759, "distance": 0.6014438271522522, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A Disney theme park attraction based on the film has been constructed in Walt Disney Studios Park , Disneyland Paris . Ratatouille : L 'Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy is based upon scenes from the film and uses trackless ride technology . In the attraction , riders \" shrink down to the size of a rat \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1084492, "distance": 0.601270854473114, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The team realize Travers has valid criticisms and make changes , though she becomes increasingly disengaged as painful childhood memories resurface . Seeking to understand what troubles her , Disney invites Travers to Disneyland , which , along with her developing friendship with Ralph , the creative team 's revisions to the George Banks character , and the addition of a new song and a different ending , help dissolve Travers ' opposition . Her creativity reawakens , and she begins working with the team ; however , when Travers discovers that there is to be an animation sequence , she confronts Disney over his broken promise and returns home . \n" }, { "c_id": 103879, "distance": 0.6010136008262634, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Massachusetts , thousands of residents evacuated Cape Cod , leading to an 11 mi ( 18 km ) backup on the Sagamore Bridge . There were nine shelters set up in the region , which became overcrowded with evacuees . There were about 50 @,@ 000 people who left their homes statewide , of which 6 @,@ 500 went to shelters . On Martha 's Vineyard , electronic stores reported their best business sales in years , with supplies of D @-@ batteries being cleaned off the shelves . Many residents purchased these as well as battery @-@ powered radios and flashlights . President George H. W. Bush , staying at his home in Kennebunkport , Maine , evacuated to Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire . To avoid possible risks by using helicopter , he drove by motorcade to the base . During this time , portions of Interstate 95 were closed to allow him direct access to the Air Force base ; however , this created many miles of backup as thousands of residents moved inland . Eight shelters were opened in New Hampshire , and about 5 @,@ 200 people – mostly tourists – evacuated the coastline . There were 49 shelters opened in neighboring Maine , and about 8 @,@ 600 people evacuated along the coastline in York County . \n" }, { "c_id": 225811, "distance": 0.6004420518875122, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In the TV sketch comedy series Rutland Weekend Television , there is a musical sketch that tells the tale of 3 US Navy sailors who plan to spend an exciting — \" More exciting than a book of Norman Mailer 's \" — and glamour @-@ filled 24 hours in Royal Tunbridge Wells . \n" } ]
who is the leader of japan right now?
[ "Shinzō Abe" ]
[ { "c_id": 997158, "distance": 0.696889340877533, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The cabinet meeting adjourned at 17 : 30 with no consensus . A second meeting lasting from 18 : 00 to 22 : 00 also ended with no consensus . Following this second meeting , Suzuki and Tōgō met the Emperor , and Suzuki proposed an impromptu Imperial conference , which started just before midnight on the night of August 9 – 10 . Suzuki presented Anami 's four @-@ condition proposal as the consensus position of the Supreme Council . The other members of the Supreme Council spoke , as did Kiichirō Hiranuma , the president of the Privy Council , who outlined Japan 's inability to defend itself and also described the country 's domestic problems , such as the shortage of food . The cabinet debated , but again no consensus emerged . At around 02 : 00 ( August 10 ) , Suzuki finally addressed Emperor Hirohito , asking him to decide between the two positions . The participants later recollected that the Emperor stated : \n" }, { "c_id": 997186, "distance": 0.6876515746116638, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Difficulty with senior commanders on the distant war fronts was anticipated . Three princes of the Imperial Family who held military commissions were dispatched on August 14 to deliver the news personally . Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda went to Korea and Manchuria , Prince Yasuhiko Asaka to the China Expeditionary Army and China Fleet , and Prince Kan 'in Haruhito to Shanghai , South China , Indo @-@ China and Singapore . \n" }, { "c_id": 997142, "distance": 0.6783280372619629, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " These \" twin shocks \" — the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the Soviet entry — had immediate profound effects on Prime Minister Suzuki and Foreign Minister Tōgō Shigenori , who concurred that the government must end the war at once . However , the senior leadership of the Japanese Army took the news in stride , grossly underestimating the scale of the attack . With the support of Minister of War Anami , they started preparing to impose martial law on the nation , to stop anyone attempting to make peace . Hirohito told Kido to \" quickly control the situation \" because \" the Soviet Union has declared war and today began hostilities against us . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 678259, "distance": 0.6752686500549316, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In June 2009 , after it was announced that Kim Jong @-@ un was to be the intended successor of North Korean leader Kim Jong @-@ il , U.S. government analysts speculated that the purpose of the nuclear test was to establish North Korea as a nuclear power within Kim Jong @-@ il 's lifetime . \n" }, { "c_id": 997157, "distance": 0.6752480864524841, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The full cabinet met on 14 : 30 on August 9 , and spent most of the day debating surrender . As the Big Six had done , the cabinet split , with neither Tōgō 's position nor Anami 's attracting a majority . Anami told the other cabinet ministers that , under torture , a captured American P @-@ 51 fighter pilot had told his interrogators that the United States possessed 100 atom bombs and that Tokyo and Kyoto would be bombed \" in the next few days \" . The pilot , Marcus McDilda , was lying . He knew nothing of the Manhattan Project and simply told his interrogators what he thought they wanted to hear to end the torture . The lie , which caused him to be classified as a high @-@ priority prisoner , probably saved him from beheading . In reality , the United States would have had the third bomb ready for use around August 19 , and a fourth in September 1945 . The third bomb probably would have been used against Tokyo . \n" } ]
when did michael jordan started playing basketball in the nba?
[ "1984" ]
[ { "c_id": 1649040, "distance": 0.6949959993362427, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Michael Jordan had spent his entire career with the Chicago Bulls since being drafted in the 1984 NBA Draft by the team with the third overall selection . Eventually , he led the Bulls to three consecutive championships in the 1991 , 1992 and 1993 NBA Finals . During each of these championship seasons he was an NBA All @-@ Star , NBA scoring champion , All @-@ NBA Team first team selection , NBA All @-@ Defensive Team first team selection , and the NBA Finals MVP . \n" }, { "c_id": 1826, "distance": 0.6945542097091675, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jordan 's marked talent was clear from his rookie season . In his first game in Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks , Jordan received a prolonged standing ovation , a rarity for an opposing player . After Jordan scored a playoff record 63 points against the Boston Celtics on April 20 , 1986 , Celtics star Larry Bird described him as \" God disguised as Michael Jordan . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1794, "distance": 0.6785678267478943, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the 1992 Summer Olympics , he was a member of the star @-@ studded squad that included Magic Johnson , Larry Bird , and David Robinson and was dubbed the \" Dream Team \" . Jordan was the only player to start all 8 games in the Olympics . Playing limited minutes due to the frequent blowouts , Jordan averaged 14 @.@ 9 ppg , finishing second on the team in scoring . Jordan and fellow Dream Team members Patrick Ewing and Chris Mullin are the only American men 's basketball players to win Olympic gold as amateurs and professionals . \n" }, { "c_id": 1793, "distance": 0.6775961518287659, "has_answer": true, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Jordan played on two Olympic gold medal @-@ winning American basketball teams . As a college player he participated , and won the gold , in the 1984 Summer Olympics . The team was coached by Bob Knight and featured players such as Patrick Ewing , Sam Perkins , Chris Mullin , Steve Alford , and Wayman Tisdale . Jordan led the team in scoring , averaging 17 @.@ 1 ppg for the tournament . \n" }, { "c_id": 1762, "distance": 0.6762962341308594, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Jordan then further surprised the sports world by signing a minor league baseball contract with the Chicago White Sox on February 7 , 1994 . He reported to spring training in Sarasota , Florida , and was assigned to the team 's minor league system on March 31 , 1994 . Jordan has stated this decision was made to pursue the dream of his late father , who had always envisioned his son as a Major League Baseball player . The White Sox were another team owned by Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf , who continued to honor Jordan 's basketball contract during the years he played baseball . \n" } ]
what movies were michael clarke duncan?
[ "American Crude", "Air Buddies", "A Crush on You", "Brother Bear", "Back in Business", "A Night at the Roxbury", "Breakfast of Champions", "Bulworth", "Armageddon", "Brother Bear 2" ]
[ { "c_id": 1269068, "distance": 0.6557630896568298, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The film was followed by two films and a TV series , all prequels based on novels by Thomas Harris . \n" }, { "c_id": 1141197, "distance": 0.6417655348777771, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In July 1994 , Grant signed a two @-@ year production deal with Castle Rock Entertainment and by October , he became founder and director of the UK @-@ based Simian Films Limited . He appointed his then @-@ girlfriend , Elizabeth Hurley , as the head of development to look for prospective projects . Simian Films produced two Grant vehicles in the 1990s and lost a bid to produce About a Boy to Robert De Niro 's TriBeCa Productions . The company closed its US office in 2002 and Grant resigned as director in December 2005 . Grant was one of the choices to play James Bond in 1995 's GoldenEye , but eventually lost out to Pierce Brosnan . \n" }, { "c_id": 901219, "distance": 0.6394068598747253, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The first five films are adaptations of stories from the four books by M. R. James published between 1904 and 1925 . The ghost stories of James , an English mediaeval scholar and Provost of Eton College and King 's College , Cambridge , were originally narrated as Christmas entertainments to friends and selected students . \n" }, { "c_id": 35144, "distance": 0.6390251517295837, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Plans for a live @-@ action film adaptation were first announced in 1993 . These eventually culminated in the 2004 film Thunderbirds , directed by Jonathan Frakes and produced by StudioCanal and Working Title Films . It was a critical and commercial failure and was poorly received by fans of the TV series . \n" }, { "c_id": 342657, "distance": 0.6390251517295837, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Plans for a live @-@ action film adaptation were first announced in 1993 . These eventually culminated in the 2004 film Thunderbirds , directed by Jonathan Frakes and produced by StudioCanal and Working Title Films . It was a critical and commercial failure and was poorly received by fans of the TV series . \n" } ]
in which city was president kennedy killed?
[ "Dallas" ]
[ { "c_id": 39180, "distance": 0.7006949782371521, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States , Kennedy was fatally shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty @-@ six hours later . Sirhan Sirhan , a 24 @-@ year @-@ old Palestinian / Jordanian immigrant , was convicted of Kennedy 's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime . The shooting was recorded on audio tape by a freelance newspaper reporter , and the aftermath was captured on film . \n" }, { "c_id": 39179, "distance": 0.6830161213874817, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The assassination of Robert Francis \" Bobby \" Kennedy , a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John Fitzgerald \" Jack \" Kennedy , took place shortly after midnight on June 5 , 1968 , in Los Angeles , California , during the campaign season for the 1968 presidential election . \n" }, { "c_id": 389908, "distance": 0.6797708868980408, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Kennedy was killed on a Friday , and the cathedral bells in the poem would have been the church bells heralding his death . Using a storm as a metaphor for the death of a president is similar to Shakespeare 's use of a storm in King Lear . By the time Dylan wrote the first draft of \" Chimes of Freedom \" the following February , it contained many of the elements of this poem , except that the crippled ones and the blind were changed to \" guardians and protectors of the mind . \" In addition , the cathedral bells had become the \" chimes of freedom flashing \" , as seen by two lovers finding shelter in a cathedral doorway . \n" }, { "c_id": 39181, "distance": 0.6696096658706665, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Kennedy 's body lay in repose at St. Patrick 's Cathedral in New York for two days before a funeral Mass was held on June 8 . His body was interred near his brother John at Arlington National Cemetery . His death prompted the protection of presidential candidates by the United States Secret Service . Hubert Humphrey later went on to win the Democratic nomination for the presidency , but ultimately lost the election to Republican Richard Nixon . \n" }, { "c_id": 223218, "distance": 0.6674858331680298, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Kennedy entered the Senate in a November 1962 special election to fill the seat once held by his brother John . He was elected to a full six @-@ year term in 1964 and was reelected seven more times . The Chappaquiddick incident on July 18 , 1969 , resulted in the death of his automobile passenger , Mary Jo Kopechne . Kennedy pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident ; the incident and its aftermath hindered his chances of ever becoming President of the United States . His one attempt , in the 1980 presidential election , resulted in a Democratic primary campaign loss to incumbent President Jimmy Carter . \n" } ]
where is martin cooper from?
[ "United States of America" ]
[ { "c_id": 217121, "distance": 0.5937204957008362, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Cooper interviews Laurence Jacoby ( Russ Tamblyn ) , a psychiatrist who had been seeing Laura . Jacoby does not wish to breach his confidentiality agreement , but admits that he struggled to understand Laura 's problems . He also casts suspicion on a man driving a red Corvette — Leo Johnson ( Eric Da Re ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1171106, "distance": 0.5901800394058228, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " L.D. Cooper , a leather worker and Korean War veteran , was proposed as a suspect in July 2011 by his niece , Marla Cooper . As an 8 @-@ year @-@ old , she recalled Cooper and another uncle planning something \" very mischievous \" , involving the use of \" expensive walkie @-@ talkies \" , at her grandmother 's house in Sisters , Oregon , 150 miles ( 240 km ) south of Portland . The next day flight 305 was hijacked ; and though the uncles ostensibly were turkey hunting , L.D. Cooper came home wearing a bloody shirt — the result , he said , of an auto accident . Later , she said , her parents came to believe that L.D. Cooper was the hijacker . She also recalled that her uncle , who died in 1999 , was obsessed with the Canadian comic book hero Dan Cooper ( see Theories and conjectures ) , and \" had one of his comic books thumbtacked to his wall \" — although he was not a skydiver or paratrooper . \n" }, { "c_id": 166564, "distance": 0.5888521075248718, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " James Cooper – art director , designer , photographer , illustrator \n" }, { "c_id": 394782, "distance": 0.583818793296814, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In late 1999 , Martin originally agreed to a plea bargain in which he agreed to disclose information about the payments . The agreement with the United States Attorney 's office , whose Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino led the prosecution case against Martin , was nearly finalized in January 2000 . The paperwork for the plea agreement was to be finalized in March 2000 for the former Ford Motor Company employee to plead guilty to one count of federal gambling and one count of income tax evasion . He and his son , Carlton , backed out in May 2000 , preferring to take their chances at trial due to the likelihood of light punishment for first @-@ time offenders . Under the plea agreement in which they would have forfeited $ 100 @,@ 000 and faced 6 – 15 months in prison , they would have been able to keep their homes . If found guilty at trial , they could have received up to 5 years imprisonment and a fine of $ 250 @,@ 000 per count , but they would not have to agree to cooperate with the University investigation . \n" }, { "c_id": 81533, "distance": 0.5816112756729126, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Martin was born in Kent in 1731 , and was the grandson of Thomas Fairfax , 5th Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1657 – 1710 ) through his mother , Frances Fairfax Martin . Raised in humble surroundings in England , Martin relocated to Virginia in 1751 to assist his uncle , Thomas Fairfax , 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( known as Lord Fairfax ) , in administering the Northern Neck Proprietary , which encompassed up to 5 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 acres ( 20 @,@ 000 km2 ) . Martin resided with his uncle on their frontier Greenway Court estate in present @-@ day Clarke County , Virginia . He earned the affections of Lord Fairfax on account of his energetic nature and loyalty , and through Martin 's growing influence Lord Fairfax relocated the proprietary 's base of operations to Greenway Court in 1762 and made Martin steward and land agent of the proprietary . \n" } ]
what is charlie sheen's dad's name?
[ "Martin Sheen" ]
[ { "c_id": 791395, "distance": 0.6450024843215942, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Thomas Curtis as Charlie Bratley , the 13 @-@ year @-@ old son of Officer Lou Bratley and his ex @-@ wife Terri . Having been largely ignored by his negligent mother , at the end of the film he is sent to live with Lou . \n" }, { "c_id": 1736007, "distance": 0.6423406600952148, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Martin Sheen as Warren Anderson , the chief executive of Union Carbide . Anderson was declared a fugitive by an Indian court . \n" }, { "c_id": 1097578, "distance": 0.642244815826416, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Ronyx J. Kenny ( ロニキス ・ J ・ ケニー , Ronixis J. Kenny ) is the 38 @-@ year @-@ old human captain of the starship Calnus , and uses a bow and arrows after leaving his phaser weapon behind . He is the father of Claude C. Kenny , the protagonist of Star Ocean : The Second Story . He is voiced by Sam Gold in the English version , Kenji Hamada in the Japanese remake , and Akira Okamori in the Super Famicom original . \n" }, { "c_id": 1187638, "distance": 0.6357638239860535, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Paramount Studios sought a change in pace after the previous film , Star Trek : First Contact . Michael Piller was asked to write the script , which was created from story ideas by Piller and executive producer Rick Berman . The story 's first drafts featured the Romulans , and the Son 'a and Ba 'ku were introduced in the third draft . After Ira Steven Behr reviewed the script , Piller revised it and added a subplot involving a romantic interest for Jean @-@ Luc Picard . The ending was further revised after test screenings . \n" }, { "c_id": 1373537, "distance": 0.6348336935043335, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " \" Tweenlight \" parodies the Twilight novel and film series . Edmund is based on Edward Cullen , the character portrayed by Robert Pattinson in Twilight and its sequels . Edmund 's father is Count Dracula . Count von Count from Sesame Street and Yogi Bear also have cameo appearances in the segment . Other famous vampires with cameo appearance are : Dracula from Bram Stoker 's Dracula , Grandpa Munster , Count Orlock , Blacula , Selene , Elvira , Mistress of the Dark and Count Chocula . At one point Edmund yells \" You 're tearing me apart ! \" to his father . This could be a reference to James Dean 's character in the 1955 film Rebel Without a Cause or Tommy Wiseau 's character in the 2003 film The Room . \n" } ]
how much mlb teams are there?
[ "Baltimore Orioles", "New York Mets", "Los Angeles Dodgers", "San Diego Padres", "Detroit Tigers", "San Francisco Giants", "Milwaukee Brewers", "Tampa Bay Rays", "New York Yankees", "Chicago Cubs" ]
[ { "c_id": 425869, "distance": 0.7212576270103455, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Today , MLB is composed of thirty teams : twenty @-@ nine in the United States and one in Canada . Teams play 162 games each season and five teams in each league advance to a four @-@ round postseason tournament that culminates in the World Series , a best @-@ of @-@ seven championship series between the two league champions that dates to 1903 . Baseball broadcasts are aired throughout North America and in several other countries throughout the world . Games are aired on television , radio , and the Internet . MLB has the highest season attendance of any sports league in the world with more than 73 million spectators in 2015 . \n" }, { "c_id": 425866, "distance": 0.7157321572303772, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Major League Baseball ( MLB ) is a professional baseball organization , the oldest of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada . A total of 30 teams now play in the American League ( AL ) and National League ( NL ) , with 15 teams in each league . The AL and NL operated as separate legal entities from 1901 and 1876 respectively . After cooperating but remaining legally separate entities since 1903 , the leagues merged into a single organization led by the Commissioner of Baseball in 2000 . The organization also oversees Minor League Baseball , which comprises about 240 teams affiliated with the Major League clubs . With the World Baseball Softball Confederation , MLB manages the international World Baseball Classic tournament . \n" }, { "c_id": 425879, "distance": 0.7112496495246887, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1920 , the weak National Commission , which had been created to manage relationships between the two leagues , was replaced with the much more powerful Commissioner of Baseball , who had the power to make decisions for all of professional baseball unilaterally . For 60 years , the American and National Leagues fielded eight teams apiece . \n" }, { "c_id": 425932, "distance": 0.7112374305725098, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " From 1903 to 1953 , the two major leagues consisted of two eight @-@ team leagues . The 16 teams were located in ten cities , all in the northeastern and midwestern United States : New York City had three teams and Boston , Chicago , Philadelphia , and St. Louis each had two teams . St. Louis was the southernmost and westernmost city with a major league team . The longest possible road trip , from Boston to St. Louis , took about 24 hours by railroad . In 1953 , the NL 's Boston Braves became the Milwaukee Braves . In 1954 , the St. Louis Browns became the Baltimore Orioles . In 1955 , the Philadelphia Athletics became the Kansas City Athletics . \n" }, { "c_id": 290758, "distance": 0.699695348739624, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the United States and Canada , professional Major League Baseball ( MLB ) teams are divided into the National League ( NL ) and American League ( AL ) , each with three divisions : East , West , and Central . The major league champion is determined by playoffs that culminate in the World Series . The top level of play is similarly split in Japan between the Central and Pacific Leagues and in Cuba between the West League and East League . \n" } ]
what office does boehner hold?
[ "Member of Congress" ]
[ { "c_id": 98847, "distance": 0.6380829215049744, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " John Boehner , a member of the Republican Party from Ohio , served as the Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives from February 2006 until January 2007 . As the Democratic Party assumed control of the House following the 2006 elections , Boehner served as Minority Leader from January 2007 until January 2011 . When Republicans reassumed control of the House of Representatives in January 2011 , Boehner was elected as Speaker , with the votes of all 241 of his fellow Republicans . In 2014 , some House Republicans reached out to Ben Carson about his interest in becoming Speaker should they be able to oust Boehner ; Carson declined , citing his impending candidacy for president . Boehner 's Republican opponents formed a congressional caucus , called the Freedom Caucus , in January 2015 to focus their opposition . Though Boehner was reelected as Speaker at the beginning of the 114th United States Congress that month , 25 conservative members of the Republican caucus did not vote for him . Daniel Webster , a Republican from Florida , received 12 votes . \n" }, { "c_id": 734630, "distance": 0.6266681551933289, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Vilsack was later nominated by President Obama to serve as the United States Secretary of Agriculture in his administration . He was confirmed for the post by the Senate on Inauguration Day . \n" }, { "c_id": 467233, "distance": 0.615155816078186, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After being forced from Goldman Sachs in January 1999 , Corzine campaigned for a New Jersey Senate seat after Frank Lautenberg announced his retirement . Despite initially trailing behind his opponent in the Democratic primary by 30 percentage points , Corzine won the nomination and was subsequently elected to the Senate by a four @-@ percent margin over his Republican opponent , four @-@ term United States Congressman Bob Franks , in the November 2000 election and was sworn into the Senate in January 2001 . \n" }, { "c_id": 1611843, "distance": 0.6104474067687988, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Driehaus served four consecutive terms . He served as Minority Whip of the Ohio House of Representatives from the beginning of his third term in January 2005 until he resigned from the position to be replaced by Fred Strahorn in December 2007 due to his campaign for the United States House of Representatives . \n" }, { "c_id": 859351, "distance": 0.6088094115257263, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In July 2011 , Bosh married Adrienne Williams . The couple have four children , three sons and one daughter . \n" } ]
where do the baltimore ravens play?
[ "M&T Bank Stadium" ]
[ { "c_id": 795826, "distance": 0.6576463580131531, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " With these troubles fresh , it was actually a move from the NFL that precipitated the end of the expansion experiment . On November 6 , 1995 — the week of the South Division Final — the NFL 's Cleveland Browns announced they were moving to Baltimore for the following season . A day after the game , the American owners called Smith and requested a meeting in Toronto ; in Smith 's words they told him , \" we 'll pay our bills but we 're done . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 903952, "distance": 0.6297281980514526, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In the 1990s , Orioles ' owner Peter Angelos lobbied the United States Government to gain permission to hold this series for three years . Various politicians , including members of the United States House of Representatives , opposed the idea and attempted to block the series . Eventually , Angelos secured the approval in 1999 , after a change in United States foreign policy to Cuba under President Bill Clinton , which eased travel restrictions and increased cultural exchange . \n" }, { "c_id": 686459, "distance": 0.6255267858505249, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Pittsburgh hosted the Baltimore Ravens — who defeated the Miami Dolphins and Tennessee Titans in the Wild Card and Divisional rounds respectively — for the AFC Championship Game . During the week before the game , Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl temporarily changed his name to Luke Steelerstahl in order to remove the \" Raven \" . Though the change was not official the mayor did comment that \" As soon as [ he ] heard [ the idea ] , [ he ] thought it was a great idea . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 1286801, "distance": 0.6249111890792847, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The lone successful American market was in Baltimore , home to the Stallions . The team averaged over 35 @,@ 000 fans per game in its inaugural season , nearly double that of Toronto or Hamilton . They matched that success on the field by becoming the first American team to play in the Grey Cup . The BC Lions kept the Grey Cup in Canada with a 26 – 23 victory in the 1994 final . Baltimore returned to the title game one year later and became the only American team to win the trophy by defeating the Calgary Stampeders , 37 – 20 . The relocation of the National Football League 's Cleveland Browns to Baltimore in 1996 caused the Stallions to seek a new city to avoid direct competition with an NFL team . The team moved to Montreal , forming the current incarnation of the Alouettes franchise and ending the CFL 's excursion into the United States . \n" }, { "c_id": 871965, "distance": 0.6240174174308777, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The following February , the warring parties reached a compromise . Under its terms , Modell would be allowed to take his personnel to Baltimore , but would leave Cleveland the Browns ' colors , logos and heritage for a reactivated Browns franchise that would take the field no later than 1999 . The $ 175 million earmarked for stadium improvements was to be used instead build a new stadium , with up to $ 48 million of additional financial assistance from the NFL . Further , Modell was ordered to pay Cleveland $ 9 @.@ 3 million to compensate for lost revenues and taxes during the Browns ' three years of inactivity , plus up to $ 2 @.@ 25 million of the city 's legal fees . As a result of the deal Modell 's team was technically an expansion franchise , called the Baltimore Ravens . \n" } ]
what sport do the harlem globetrotters play?
[ "Basketball" ]
[ { "c_id": 1557743, "distance": 0.6561081409454346, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The sport is played in European countries such as Switzerland , which has American football clubs in every major city , and Germany , where the sport has around 45 @,@ 000 registered amateur players . \n" }, { "c_id": 1662906, "distance": 0.6426711082458496, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The league draws most of its players from the home countries of its teams . However , to help build skill and raise the level of competitiveness the league allows each team a certain number of foreign imports on their roster . \n" }, { "c_id": 244799, "distance": 0.6418687105178833, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " On February 14 , 2011 , Time Warner Cable and the Lakers announced the formation of two new regional sports networks ( one in English , one in Spanish ) that will exclusively televise the team 's games and related programming for 20 years starting with the 2012 – 13 NBA season . The said networks eventually became Time Warner Cable SportsNet and Time Warner Cable Deportes . \n" }, { "c_id": 515339, "distance": 0.6341310143470764, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Players must have played in 75 % of team 's games to be eligible . ( NCAA @-@ wide ranking ) in parenthesis for top 40 performers \n" }, { "c_id": 1147703, "distance": 0.6325612664222717, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In most other countries , including much of Asia , Latin America , northern Africa , and the Middle East , broadcast rights for the entire tournament are held by the ESPN International networks . \n" } ]
who was betty white married too?
[ "Lane Allen", "Allen Ludden", "Dick Barker" ]
[ { "c_id": 672664, "distance": 0.6836109161376953, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " At the time of his engagement , Ford was campaigning for what would be his first of thirteen terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives . The wedding was delayed until shortly before the elections because , as The New York Times reported in a 1974 profile of Betty Ford , \" Jerry was running for Congress and wasn 't sure how voters might feel about his marrying a divorced ex @-@ dancer . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 844603, "distance": 0.6553396582603455, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Jack Davenport as Commodore James Norrington : A commanding Royal Navy officer at Port Royal , and Elizabeth 's fiancée . \n" }, { "c_id": 1451572, "distance": 0.6465627551078796, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " = Helen C. White = \n" }, { "c_id": 1392400, "distance": 0.6446959972381592, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Finally , in 1912 , a fourth child was born , christened Elizabeth Forbes @-@ Sempill , and known to the family as \" Betty \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 1459563, "distance": 0.6421965956687927, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " White 's second wife , Catharine , died in 1911 in Romney and was interred at Indian Mound Cemetery . \n" } ]
where is poe buried now?
[ "Westminster Hall and Burying Ground" ]
[ { "c_id": 290602, "distance": 0.7037330269813538, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Poe is buried on the grounds of Westminster Hall and Burying Ground , now part of the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore . Even after his death , he created controversy and mystery . \n" }, { "c_id": 290604, "distance": 0.6872397065162659, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Poe was reburied on October 1 , 1875 , at a new location close to the front of the church . A celebration was held at the dedication of the new tomb on November 17 . His original burial spot was marked with a large stone donated by Orin C. Painter , though it was originally placed in the wrong spot . Attendees included Neilson Poe , who gave a speech and called his cousin \" one of the best hearted men that ever lived \" , as well as Nathan C. Brooks , John Snodgrass , and John Hill Hewitt . Though several leading poets were invited to the ceremony , Walt Whitman was the only one to attend . Alfred Tennyson contributed a poem which was read at the ceremony : \n" }, { "c_id": 290606, "distance": 0.6871066689491272, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A few years later , the remains of Poe 's wife , Virginia , were moved to this spot as well . In 1875 , the cemetery in which she lay was destroyed , and she had no kin to claim her remains . William Gill , an early Poe biographer , gathered her bones and stored them in a box he hid under his bed . Virginia 's remains were finally buried with her husband 's on January 19 , 1885 , the 76th anniversary of her husband 's birth and nearly 10 years after his present monument was erected . George W. Spence , the man who served as sexton during Poe 's original burial as well as his exhumation and reburial , attended the rites that brought his body to rest with Virginia and Virginia 's mother , Maria Clemm . \n" }, { "c_id": 272669, "distance": 0.6678071618080139, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Stuart 's family recovered from their financial troubles roughly ten years later , and they planned to move his body to a family cemetery in Newport , Rhode Island . However , they could not remember the exact location of his body , and it was never moved . \n" }, { "c_id": 290576, "distance": 0.6652898788452148, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " On September 27 , 1849 , Poe left Richmond , Virginia , on his way home to New York . No reliable evidence exists about Poe 's whereabouts until a week later on October 3 , when he was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore , outside Ryan 's Tavern ( sometimes referred to as Gunner 's Hall ) . A printer named Joseph W. Walker sent a letter requesting help from an acquaintance of Poe , Dr. Joseph E. Snodgrass . His letter reads : \n" } ]
where is danish located?
[ "Denmark", "Greenland" ]
[ { "c_id": 1478959, "distance": 0.6596123576164246, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Danish name is not unexpected ; the language of the Ormulum , an East Midlands dialect , is stringently of the Danelaw ( Bennett and Smithers 1982 , pp. 174 – 75 ) . It includes numerous Old Norse phrases ( particularly doublets , where an English and Old Norse term are co @-@ joined ) , but there are very few Old French influences on Orm 's language ( Bennett 1986 , p . 33 ) . Another — likely previous — East Midlands work , the Peterborough Chronicle , shows a great deal of French influence . The linguistic contrast between it and the work of Orm demonstrates both the sluggishness of the Norman influence in the formerly Danish areas of England and the assimilation of Old Norse features into early Middle English ( Bennett 1986 , pp. 259 – 63 ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1674151, "distance": 0.6487331986427307, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " From 1200 onwards , the dialects in Denmark began to diverge from those of Sweden . The innovations spread unevenly from Denmark which created a series of minor dialectal boundaries , or isoglosses , ranging from Zealand in the south to Norrland , Österbotten and northwestern Finland in the north . \n" }, { "c_id": 1684330, "distance": 0.6484618186950684, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Approximately 350 @,@ 000 non @-@ Western immigrants lived in Denmark in 2006 , representing about 7 % of the country 's population . According to figures reported by the BBC , about 270 @,@ 000 of these were Muslim ( ca . 5 % of the population ) . In the 1970s Muslims arrived from Turkey , Pakistan , Morocco and Yugoslavia to work . In the 1980s and 90s most Muslim arrivals were refugees and asylum seekers from Iran , Iraq , Somalia and Bosnia . Muslims are the second @-@ largest religious group in Denmark behind Lutherans . \n" }, { "c_id": 1674143, "distance": 0.6458391547203064, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " By many general criteria of mutual intelligibility , the Continental Scandinavian languages could very well be considered dialects of a common Scandinavian language . However , because of several hundred years of sometimes quite intense rivalry between Denmark and Sweden , including a long series of wars from the 16th to 18th centuries , and the nationalist ideas that emerged during the late 19th and early 20th centuries , the languages have separate orthographies , dictionaries , grammars , and regulatory bodies . Danish , Norwegian , and Swedish are thus from a linguistic perspective more accurately described as a dialect continuum of Scandinavian ( North Germanic ) , and some of the dialects , such as those on the border between Norway and Sweden , especially parts of Bohuslän , Dalsland , western Värmland , western Dalarna , Härjedalen , Jämtland and Scania , could be described as intermediate dialects of the national standard languages . \n" }, { "c_id": 1287869, "distance": 0.6421869397163391, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = Paris , Eastern Europe and Norway = = = = \n" } ]
what is the best neighborhood to live in dallas?
[ "Convention Center District", "City Center District", "Government District", "Arts District", "West End", "Belmont", "Main Street", "Farmers Market", "Reunion", "Bryan Place" ]
[ { "c_id": 1473373, "distance": 0.6753817200660706, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Though Houston is the largest city in the United States without formal zoning regulations , it has developed similarly to other Sun Belt cities because the city 's land use regulations and legal covenants have played a similar role . Regulations include mandatory lot size for single @-@ family houses and requirements that parking be available to tenants and customers . Such restrictions have had mixed results . Though some have blamed the city 's low density , urban sprawl , and lack of pedestrian @-@ friendliness on these policies , the city 's land use has also been credited with having significant affordable housing , sparing Houston the worst effects of the 2008 real estate crisis . The city issued 42 @,@ 697 building permits in 2008 and was ranked first in the list of healthiest housing markets for 2009 . \n" }, { "c_id": 158174, "distance": 0.6615885496139526, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The city 's fathers originally depicted Dallas as southern in order to rationalize slavery and opposition to Reconstruction , but this discouraged Northern investment and the political support of wealthy northern migrants to the city . From the 1870s on , Dallas leaders portrayed the city as southwestern , or later as part of the \" Sunbelt \" , in order to incorporate wealthy non @-@ southern whites , including Jews , into society . For example , between 1852 and 1925 the seven Sanger brothers built successful mercantile businesses along developing railroad lines , including the Sanger Bros. department store , and occupied numerous city and state government posts . White blue collar workers were marginalized , and even more so the Mexican Americans , and blacks . \n" }, { "c_id": 851382, "distance": 0.6601681709289551, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " River Oaks is a residential community located in the center of Houston , Texas , United States . Located within the 610 Loop and between Downtown and Uptown , the community spans 1 @,@ 100 acres ( 450 ha ) . Established in the 1920s by brothers William and Michael Hogg , the community became a well @-@ publicized national model for community planning . River Oaks is the wealthiest and most expensive community in Texas and among the top ten in the United States . Real estate values in the community range from $ 1 million to over $ 20 million . River Oaks was also named the most expensive neighborhood in Houston in 2013 . The community is home to River Oaks Country Club , which includes a golf course designed by architect Donald Ross . \n" }, { "c_id": 1473374, "distance": 0.6568343043327332, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Voters rejected efforts to have separate residential and commercial land @-@ use districts in 1948 , 1962 , and 1993 . Consequently , rather than a single central business district as the center of the city 's employment , multiple districts have grown throughout the city in addition to downtown which include Uptown , Texas Medical Center , Midtown , Greenway Plaza , Memorial City , Energy Corridor , Westchase , and Greenspoint . \n" }, { "c_id": 49837, "distance": 0.6547709107398987, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The city is surrounded by Houston , West University Place , and Southside Place . \n" } ]
who plays mary jane in spiderman 2?
[ "Kirsten Dunst" ]
[ { "c_id": 488221, "distance": 0.675822913646698, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Amazing Spider @-@ Man 2 ( also released as The Amazing Spider @-@ Man 2 : Rise of Electro in some markets ) is a 2014 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Spider @-@ Man , directed by Marc Webb and released by Columbia Pictures . It is the fifth theatrical Spider @-@ Man film produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Entertainment , and is a sequel to The Amazing Spider @-@ Man ( 2012 ) . The studio hired James Vanderbilt to write the screenplay and Alex Kurtzman , and Roberto Orci to rewrite it . The film stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider @-@ Man , Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy , Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin / Harry Osborn , Campbell Scott and Embeth Davidtz as Peter 's parents , and Sally Field as Aunt May , with the addition of a new cast including Paul Giamatti as Rhino / Aleksei Sytsevich and Jamie Foxx as Electro / Max Dillon . \n" }, { "c_id": 488223, "distance": 0.6735243201255798, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Amazing Spider @-@ Man 2 was originally envisioned as the beginning of a shared fictional universe , which would have continued with two sequels and several spin @-@ off films . Due to it performing below expectations , all subsequent installments were cancelled and a new iteration of the character , portrayed by Tom Holland appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , beginning with the 2016 film Captain America : Civil War , before he is scheduled to appear in his own film Spider @-@ Man : Homecoming in 2017 . \n" }, { "c_id": 485159, "distance": 0.6728720664978027, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The success of the first Spider @-@ Man film led Dunst to reprise her role as Mary Jane Watson in 2004 in Spider @-@ Man 2 . The movie was well received by critics and a financial success , setting a new opening weekend box office record for North America . With revenue of $ 783 million worldwide , it was the second highest grossing film in 2004 . Also in 2004 , Dunst co @-@ starred opposite Paul Bettany in the romantic comedy Wimbledon where she portrayed a rising tennis player in the Wimbledon Championships , while Bettany portrayed a fading former tennis star . Reception for the film was mixed , but many critics enjoyed Dunst 's performance . Claudia Puig of USA Today reported that the chemistry between Dunst and Bettany was potent , with Dunst doing a fine job as a sassy and self @-@ assured player . \n" }, { "c_id": 1202615, "distance": 0.6646533012390137, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The third sequel Spider @-@ Man : 1602 centers on the continuing adventures of the Spider and features reinterpretations of Doctor Octopus , the Lizard , and Mary Jane Watson . Also appearing are the Beast , Janet and Henry Pym , the Kingpin ( reimaged as a pirate named King 's Pin ) , Bullseye ( reimaged as an assassin and first mate of the King 's Pin ) , and Steve Rogers . \n" }, { "c_id": 242325, "distance": 0.6590574383735657, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Several cast changes took place in Season 2 , some of them planned from the beginning . John Fleck , Karyne Steben and her sister Sarah had made their last appearance in the first season 's finale , while Patrick Bauchau 's and Diane Salinger 's status was reduced to guest @-@ starring . Ralph Waite joined the regular cast . Several new characters were introduced in recurring roles , most notably John Carroll Lynch as the escaped convict Varlyn Stroud and Bree Walker as Sabina the Scorpion Lady . \n" } ]
what languages do scottish people speak?
[ "Scottish Gaelic language", "Scots Language", "English Language", "Scottish English" ]
[ { "c_id": 1586090, "distance": 0.7320725321769714, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Scotland has three officially recognised languages : English , Scots , and Scottish Gaelic . Scottish Standard English , a variety of English as spoken in Scotland , is at one end of a bipolar linguistic continuum , with broad Scots at the other . Scottish Standard English may have been influenced to varying degrees by Scots . The 2011 census indicated that 63 % of the population had \" no skills in Scots \" . Others speak Highland English . Gaelic is mostly spoken in the Western Isles , where a large proportion of people still speak it ; however , nationally its use is confined to just 1 % of the population . The number of Gaelic speakers in Scotland dropped from 250 @,@ 000 in 1881 to 60 @,@ 000 in 2008 . \n" }, { "c_id": 634925, "distance": 0.7187619805335999, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Gaelic Language ( Scotland ) Act was enacted by the Scottish Parliament in 2005 to provide continuing support for the language . However , by 2011 the overall percentage of Gaelic speakers in the Outer Hebrides had fallen to 52 % . \n" }, { "c_id": 513385, "distance": 0.7173802852630615, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Scots is today considered a separate language from English , but it has its origins in early Northern Middle English and developed and changed during its history with influence from other sources , particularly Scots Gaelic and Old Norse . Scots itself has a number of regional dialects . And in addition to Scots , Scottish English are the varieties of Standard English spoken in Scotland , most varieties are Northern English accents , with some influence from Scots . \n" }, { "c_id": 336311, "distance": 0.7022646069526672, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There have been speakers of Goidelic languages in the Inner Hebrides since the time of Columba or before and the modern variant of Scottish Gaelic ( Gàidhlig ) remains strong in some parts . However , the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1872 led to generations of Gaels being forbidden to speak their native language in the classroom , and is now recognised as having dealt a major blow to the language . Children were being beaten for speaking Gaelic in school as late as the 1930s . More recently the Gaelic Language ( Scotland ) Act was enacted by the Scottish Parliament in 2005 in order to provide continuing support for the language . \n" }, { "c_id": 1171864, "distance": 0.7015032768249512, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The population of Scotland in this period is unknown . The first reliable information in 1755 shows the inhabitants of Scotland as 1 @,@ 265 @,@ 380 . Best estimates put the Scottish population for earlier periods in the High Middle Ages between 500 @,@ 000 and 1 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 people , growing from a low point to a high point . Linguistically , the majority of people within Scotland throughout this period spoke the Gaelic language , then simply called Scottish , or in Latin , lingua Scotica . Other languages spoken throughout this period were Old Norse and English , with the Cumbric language disappearing somewhere between 900 and 1100 . Pictish may have survived into this period , but the evidence is weak . After the accession of David I , or perhaps before , Gaelic ceased to be the main language of the royal court . From his reign until the end of the period , the Scottish monarchs probably favoured the French language , as evidenced by reports from contemporary chronicles , literature and translations of administrative documents into the French language . English , with French and Flemish , became the main language of Scottish burghs . However , they were , in Barrow 's words , \" scarcely more than villages ... numbered in hundreds rather than thousands \" . \n" } ]
what type of money does brazil have?
[ "Brazilian real" ]
[ { "c_id": 1168078, "distance": 0.6930815577507019, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Brazil , Mexico , India and South Africa are countries with large economies that have never been ICSID members . \n" }, { "c_id": 848136, "distance": 0.6803954839706421, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " To make matters worse , the dreadnoughts ' expense combined with loan payments and a worsening economy led to growing government debt compounded by budget deficits . By one measure of Brazil 's GDP per capita , income in the country rose from $ 718 in 1905 to a high of $ 836 in 1911 before declining over the next three years to a low of $ 780 in 1914 ( both measured in 1990 international dollars ) . It did not fully recover until after the First World War . At the same time , Brazil 's external and internal debt reached $ 500 and $ 335 million ( respectively , in contemporaneous dollar amounts ) by 1913 , partly through rising deficits , which were $ 22 million in 1908 and $ 47 million by 1912 . In May , the president commented negatively on the new ship : \n" }, { "c_id": 1270795, "distance": 0.6755882501602173, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " By May 2014 , private forecasts estimated annual inflation at 39 @.@ 9 % , one of the highest rates in the world . In July 2014 , a ruling from a New York court ordered the country to pay the remaining holders of the bonds defaulted in 2001 , which by then were mostly American Vulture funds , before it paid any of its exchange bondholders . The Argentine government refused , causing the country to default on its debt again . \n" }, { "c_id": 254078, "distance": 0.674235999584198, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Brazil has a designated \" zone of interest \" that is not an actual claim . \n" }, { "c_id": 1332984, "distance": 0.6740175485610962, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Brazil 's international trade reached a total value of Rs 79 @.@ 000 : 000 $ 000 between 1834 and 1839 . This continued to increase every year until it reached Rs 472 @.@ 000 : 000 $ 000 between 1886 and 1887 : an annual growth rate of 3 @.@ 88 % since 1839 . The absolute value of exports from the Empire in 1850 was the highest in Latin America and triple that of Argentina which was in fourth place . Brazil would keep its high standing in exports and general economic growth until the end of the monarchy . Brazilian economic expansion , especially after 1850 , compared well with that of the United States and European nations . The national tax revenue amounted to Rs 11 @.@ 795 : 000 $ 000 in 1831 and rose to Rs 160 @.@ 840 : 000 $ 000 in 1889 . By 1858 , national tax revenues ranked as the eighth @-@ largest in the world . Imperial Brazil was , despite its progress , a country where wealth was very unequally distributed . However , for purposes of comparison , according to historian Steven C. Topik , in the United States , \" by 1890 , 80 percent of the population lived on the margin of subsistence , while 20 percent controlled almost all wealth . \" \n" } ]
who started mary kay?
[ "Mary Kay Ash" ]
[ { "c_id": 1776322, "distance": 0.6060044765472412, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mary 's earliest years were happy ones , judging from the letters of William Godwin 's housekeeper and nurse , Louisa Jones . But Godwin was often deeply in debt ; feeling that he could not raise the children by himself , he cast about for a second wife . In December 1801 , he married Mary Jane Clairmont , a well @-@ educated woman with two young children of her own — Charles and Claire . Most of Godwin ’ s friends disliked his new wife , describing her as quick @-@ tempered and quarrelsome ; but Godwin was devoted to her , and the marriage was a success . Mary Godwin , on the other hand , came to detest her stepmother . William Godwin 's 19th @-@ century biographer C. Kegan Paul later suggested that Mrs Godwin had favoured her own children over those of Mary Wollstonecraft . \n" }, { "c_id": 611409, "distance": 0.5900176167488098, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Mary was weak and ill from May 1558 . In pain , possibly from ovarian cysts or uterine cancer , she died on 17 November 1558 , aged 42 , at St. James 's Palace , during an influenza epidemic that also claimed the life of Reginald Pole later the same day . She was succeeded by her half @-@ sister . Philip , who was in Brussels , wrote to his sister Joan : \" I felt a reasonable regret for her death . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 89527, "distance": 0.586995005607605, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Who ends up with whom ? \n" }, { "c_id": 611350, "distance": 0.5857853889465332, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Throughout Mary 's childhood , Henry negotiated potential future marriages for her . When she was only two years old , she was promised to the Dauphin , the infant son of King Francis I of France , but the contract was repudiated after three years . In 1522 , at the age of six , she was instead contracted to marry her 22 @-@ year @-@ old first cousin , Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. However , the engagement was broken off within a few years by Charles with Henry 's agreement . Cardinal Wolsey , Henry 's chief adviser , then resumed marriage negotiations with the French , and Henry suggested that Mary marry the Dauphin 's father , King Francis I himself , who was eager for an alliance with England . A marriage treaty was signed which provided that Mary marry either Francis I or his second son Henry , Duke of Orleans , but Wolsey secured an alliance with France without the marriage . \n" }, { "c_id": 657006, "distance": 0.5849077701568604, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " \" Aubrey was torpedoed at last , \" wrote The New York Times Magazine , \" by a combination of his imperiousness , the ratings drop , and a vivid afterhours life culminating in a raucous Miami Beach party – details of which no one ever agrees on – the weekend he was fired . \" ( Aubrey had been in Florida for Jackie Gleason 's forty @-@ ninth birthday party . ) \n" } ]
what types of government does france have?
[ "Semi-presidential system", "Constitutional republic", "Unitary state" ]
[ { "c_id": 599390, "distance": 0.7106322646141052, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " During the negotiations , two supervisory institutions were put forward to counterbalance the power of the High Authority . The \" Common Assembly \" proposed by Jean Monnet to act as a monitor , counterweight and to add democratic legitimacy was composed of 78 national parliamentarians . The second was the Council of Ministers , pushed by the smaller states also to add an intergovernmental element and harmonise national polices with those of the authority . \n" }, { "c_id": 266024, "distance": 0.6966699361801147, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At the start of the 20th century , France , Switzerland and San Marino were the only European nations to have a republican form of government . The ascent of republicanism to the political mainstream started only at the beginning of the 20th century , facilitated by the toppling of various European monarchies through war or revolution ; as at the beginning of the 21st century , most of the states in Europe are republics with either a directly or indirectly elected head of state . \n" }, { "c_id": 266022, "distance": 0.6890596747398376, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There are currently thirteen ( 13 ) sovereign monarchies in Europe : the Principality of Andorra , the Kingdom of Belgium , the Kingdom of Denmark , the Principality of Liechtenstein , the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , the Principality of Monaco , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Kingdom of Norway , the Kingdom of Spain , the Kingdom of Sweden , the Sovereign Military Order of Malta , the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the State of the Vatican City . Ten of these are states where the head of state ( a monarch ) inherits his or her office , and usually keeps it for life or until they abdicate . As for the other two : in the Vatican City ( an elective monarchy , styled as an absolute theocracy ) , the head of state , the Sovereign ( who is a Pope ) , is elected at the papal conclave , while in Andorra ( technically a semi @-@ elective diarchy ) , the joint heads of state are the elected President of France and the Bishop of Urgell , appointed by the Pope . \n" }, { "c_id": 525949, "distance": 0.688067615032196, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " After involving itself in the Seven Years ' War and the American Revolutionary War , France found itself financially ruined . Attempts to pass an economic plan to alleviate this in the Estates @-@ General of 1789 led instead to the third estate — the commoners — forking to form the National Assembly . Succeeded in turn by the National Constituent Assembly and the Legislative Assembly , the various legislative bodies succeeded in rendering the monarchy constitutional , limited by democratic institutions . Attempts to remove the monarch entirely , although thwarted on 20 June 1792 , led to the effective overthrow of Louis XVI on 10 August . On 21 October , France was formally declared a republic . \n" }, { "c_id": 1177691, "distance": 0.6880092620849609, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The politics and culture of France , meanwhile , were in upheaval . After reigning for six controversial years , King Charles X was forced to abdicate during the July Revolution of 1830 . He was replaced by Louis @-@ Philippe , who named himself \" King of the French \" ( rather than the usual \" King of France \" ) in an attempt to distance himself from the Ancien Régime . The July Monarchy brought an entrenchment of bourgeois attitudes , in which Balzac saw disorganization and weak leadership . \n" } ]
where is mount st helens?
[ "Skamania County", "Washington" ]
[ { "c_id": 1436736, "distance": 0.714668869972229, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mount St. Helens or Louwala @-@ Clough ( known as Lawetlat 'la to the indigenous Cowlitz people , and Loowit to the Klickitat ) is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County , Washington , in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States . It is 96 miles ( 154 km ) south of Seattle , Washington , and 50 miles ( 80 km ) northeast of Portland , Oregon . Mount St. Helens takes its English name from the British diplomat Lord St Helens , a friend of explorer George Vancouver who made a survey of the area in the late 18th century . The volcano is located in the Cascade Range and is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc , a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes . This volcano is well known for its ash explosions and pyroclastic flows . \n" }, { "c_id": 1215507, "distance": 0.69355309009552, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Mount St. Helens , which exhibited phreatic activity just prior to its catastrophic 1980 eruption ( which was itself Plinian ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1436745, "distance": 0.6575477719306946, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mount St. Helens is 34 miles ( 55 km ) west of Mount Adams , in the western part of the Cascade Range . These \" sister and brother \" volcanic mountains are approximately 50 miles ( 80 km ) from Mount Rainier , the highest of Cascade volcanoes . Mount Hood , the nearest major volcanic peak in Oregon , is 60 miles ( 100 km ) southeast of Mount St. Helens . \n" }, { "c_id": 546525, "distance": 0.6544734239578247, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Two years after the eruption , the United States government set aside 110 @,@ 000 acres ( 450 km2 ) of land for the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument . This protected area , which includes the Johnston Ridge Observatory and several other research and visitor centers , serves as an area for scientific research , tourism , and education . \n" }, { "c_id": 1215460, "distance": 0.6514636874198914, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington , which ripped apart the volcano 's summit , was a Plinian eruption of Volcanic Explosivity Index ( VEI ) 5 . \n" } ]
who are the players on the toronto maple leafs?
[ "Phil Kessel" ]
[ { "c_id": 735436, "distance": 0.6720531582832336, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Toronto Maple Leafs ( National Hockey League ) – Valued at $ 1 @.@ 15 billion USD in 2015 , 3rd in the NHL \n" }, { "c_id": 1110267, "distance": 0.6703736782073975, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The group represents such NHL players as Jeff Carter , Steve Downie , Taylor Hall , Nathan Horton , Adam McQuaid , Colton Orr ( no relation ) , Patrick Sharp , Jason Spezza , Eric Staal , Jordan Staal , Marc Staal , and Cam Ward . Spezza , asked to comment on the experience of having Orr as an agent , replied : \" I don 't think I have a true feeling for how great he is . I have so much respect for him . I watch him on tapes and it 's just ridiculous how good he was compared to the guys he was playing against . He 's a great guy and you don 't even know it 's Bobby Orr , the way he talks to you . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 911396, "distance": 0.6697303056716919, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Toronto FC was MLS 's fourteenth , and first Canadian , franchise in the league . The team is coached by Greg Vanney and operated by Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment , which also operates the NHL 's Toronto Maple Leafs , the AHL 's Toronto Marlies , the NBA 's Toronto Raptors ( and the NBA Development League 's Raptors 905 by extension ) and the USL 's Toronto FC II . \n" }, { "c_id": 1759954, "distance": 0.6484596133232117, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Along with coaching , Harry Sinden was given the task of selecting Team Canada , which would be the first true \" team \" composed of NHL all @-@ stars . When Sinden announced the list of 35 Canadian players on July 12 , one of the conditions of playing was revealed ; that players would have to have a signed NHL contract by August 13 . His list of players included Bobby Hull , who by that time had already signed with the rival World Hockey Association ( WHA ) league . Three other players Sinden named : Gerry Cheevers , Derek Sanderson and J. C. Tremblay had not yet signed with the WHA , but would do so and become ineligible . The condition had been negotiated between the NHL and Hockey Canada , and the NHL would not relent . The condition was widely criticized , including by the NHL 's own Harold Ballard , the Toronto Maple Leafs owner and a harsh opponent of the WHA . Ballard felt that the series was the \" unofficial world series of hockey and we want to win \" . Phil Reimer , a governor of Hockey Canada , resigned over the matter . Prime Minister Trudeau made a personal appeal , but Doug Fisher , chairman of Hockey Canada refused to re @-@ open the agreement between the NHL and Hockey Canada . \n" }, { "c_id": 752358, "distance": 0.6483274102210999, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Among the players representing the Canadiens were Mike Keane , Brian Skrudland , Russ Courtnall and Martin Gelinas . The game was played with only two continuous time periods , and was won by the Canadiens , 5 – 3 . Over 10 @,@ 000 fans turned out for the game on what ended up as the coldest night of the weekend . \n" } ]
what present day countries use english as their national language?
[ "Canada", "Australia", "South Africa", "Zambia", "United Kingdom", "Zimbabwe", "Uganda", "New Zealand", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tanzania" ]
[ { "c_id": 513209, "distance": 0.7152756452560425, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Modern English , sometimes described as the first global lingua franca , is also regarded as the first world language . English is the world 's most widely used language in newspaper publishing , book publishing , international telecommunications , scientific publishing , international trade , mass entertainment , and diplomacy . English is , by international treaty , the basis for the required controlled natural languages Seaspeak and Airspeak are used as international languages of seafaring and aviation . English has replaced German as the dominant language of scientific research . It achieved parity with French as a language of diplomacy at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations in 1919 . By the time of the foundation of the United Nations at the end of World War II , English had become pre @-@ eminent and is now the main worldwide language of diplomacy and international relations . It is one of six official languages of the United Nations . Many other worldwide international organisations , including the International Olympic Committee , specify English as a working language or official language of the organisation . \n" }, { "c_id": 914325, "distance": 0.71328204870224, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " English language learning and teaching is an important economic activity , and includes language schooling , tourism spending , and publishing . There is no legislation mandating an official language for England , but English is the only language used for official business . Despite the country 's relatively small size , there are many distinct regional accents , and individuals with particularly strong accents may not be easily understood everywhere in the country . \n" }, { "c_id": 791039, "distance": 0.7087221741676331, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Decades , and in some cases centuries , of British rule and emigration have left their mark on the independent nations that arose from the British Empire . The empire established the use of English in regions around the world . Today it is the primary language of up to 400 million people and is spoken by about one and a half billion as a first , second or foreign language . \n" }, { "c_id": 513134, "distance": 0.708070695400238, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca . English is either the official language or an official language in almost 60 sovereign states . It is the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom , the United States , Canada , Australia , Ireland , and New Zealand , and is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean , Africa , and South Asia . It is the third most common native language in the world , after Mandarin and Spanish . It is the most widely learned second language and an official language of the United Nations , of the European Union , and of many other world and regional international organisations . \n" }, { "c_id": 513214, "distance": 0.706978440284729, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Although some scholars mention a possibility of future divergence of English dialects into mutually unintelligible languages , most think a more likely outcome is that English will continue to function as a koineised language in which the standard form unifies speakers from around the world . English is used as the language for wider communication in countries around the world . Thus English has grown in worldwide use much more than any constructed language proposed as an international auxiliary language , including Esperanto . \n" } ]
in which continent is russia?
[ "Eurasia" ]
[ { "c_id": 1754105, "distance": 0.6740835905075073, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " = = = = Central and Eastern Europe = = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 254080, "distance": 0.6706191897392273, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Russia has inherited the Soviet Union 's right to claim territory under the original Antarctic Treaty . \n" }, { "c_id": 659879, "distance": 0.6638819575309753, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Chapter 5 - Russia \n" }, { "c_id": 412489, "distance": 0.6625617742538452, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In 2014 , Stephen Kinzer of The Boston Globe compared Russia 's actions with its own neighboring territories , to those of \" any other superpower \" , taking Ukraine and Crimea as examples . A mixed opinion has been offered by Matthew Fleischer of the Los Angeles Times : he contends that Russia will not become a superpower unless climate change eats away at the permafrost that covers , as of March 2014 , two @-@ thirds of the country 's landmass . The absence of this permafrost would reveal immense stores of oil , natural gas , and precious minerals , as well as potential farmland , which would allow Russia to \" become the world 's bread basket — and control the planet 's food supply . \" \n" }, { "c_id": 483085, "distance": 0.6619577407836914, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Central and western Europe = = = \n" } ]
what to do in ottawa ontario today?
[ "Bytown Museum", "Canada Aviation and Space Museum", "Nepean Museum", "Billings Estate Museum", "Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography", "National Gallery of Canada", "Canada Agriculture Museum", "Canada Science and Technology Museum", "Canadian Ski Museum", "Canadian Museum of Nature" ]
[ { "c_id": 1643323, "distance": 0.6399812698364258, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Ottawa delegation , dominated by pro @-@ confederates including Smallwood , preferred a union with Canada to independence . The talks between them and Ottawa began on June 24 , 1947 with the goal being to stay in Ottawa as long as needed to negotiate good terms for Newfoundland 's entry . Ottawa was reluctant at first because they felt that the delegation was not an official representation of the Dominion of Newfoundland , but the Federal Cabinet finally decided to begin negotiations on July 18 . By mid @-@ August , the agreement of draft terms was nearly complete . However , with the death of Frank Bridges , Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King 's minister from New Brunswick , negotiations effectively ended . King refused further discussions until New Brunswick had representation , and so the delegation headed back to St. John 's . \n" }, { "c_id": 1630386, "distance": 0.6296519637107849, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The problem was very obvious to residents of the town . During the press conference announcing the class @-@ action lawsuit , a resident suggested that some residents had placed \" bets \" on when the building would collapse . Ontario 's Ministry of Labour visited the mall six times in the three years before the collapse . \n" }, { "c_id": 426174, "distance": 0.6289154887199402, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The day ended at 5 : 30 pm with a ceremonial release of prisoners , a parade , and speeches from the released dignitaries . Members of the organizing committee and local businesspeople marched down Portage Avenue with banners reading \" It MUST Not Happen Here ! \" and \" Buy Victory Bonds \" . Following the parade , a banquet was held at the Hudson 's Bay Company building . Ambassador de Morgenstierne spoke about his experiences with If Day and in Norway , suggesting that the \" make @-@ believe Nazi occupation of [ Winnipeg ] was an authentic glimpse of German behavior in German @-@ ridden Europe \" . \n" }, { "c_id": 548106, "distance": 0.6281855702400208, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " After gaining permission from the Prime Minister ( over the objections of Quebec members of Cabinet ) , Tobin then appeared on the national English @-@ language Canada AM , and while disavowing any connection with the \" No \" organization , announced that the \" No \" side would be holding a rally in Montréal on October 27 , and implored Canadians from around the country to attend the rally to support the \" crusade for Canada . \" Tobin noted that committees were being formed in Ottawa and Toronto , charter aircraft were being ordered , and that Canadian Airlines had a 90 % off \" unity \" sale . Tobin proceeded to call the chairman of Air Canada in his capacity as a private citizen and suggest planes be made available at the same rate , a request that was granted . \n" }, { "c_id": 1630435, "distance": 0.6269882321357727, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The Ontario Provincial Police ( OPP ) is assisting the coroner 's office in investigating the two deaths . Once completed , the OPP could launch a criminal investigation , if warranted . The Ministry of Labour will have an engineer examine for further structural problems , and thus whether the mall needs to be torn down . Investigating the cause of the collapse is the city 's responsibility . \n" } ]
where did paul ryan live?
[ "Janesville" ]
[ { "c_id": 644236, "distance": 0.6216116547584534, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " McGann invested in real estate and financial holdings near his Shelbyville home during his career . At the time of his death , his property was assessed to be worth approximately $ 40 @,@ 000 ( $ 1 @,@ 015 @,@ 857 in current dollar terms ) . \n" }, { "c_id": 1493145, "distance": 0.6193386316299438, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Applying the proceeds of a book deal , the family moved in 2005 from a Hyde Park , Chicago condominium to a $ 1 @.@ 6 million house in neighboring Kenwood , Chicago . The purchase of an adjacent lot — and sale of part of it to Obama by the wife of developer , campaign donor and friend Tony Rezko — attracted media attention because of Rezko 's subsequent indictment and conviction on political corruption charges that were unrelated to Obama . \n" }, { "c_id": 1000001, "distance": 0.616016685962677, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul Maurice Kelly was born on 13 January 1955 in Adelaide , to John Erwin Kelly , a lawyer , and Josephine ( née Filippini ) , the sixth of eight surviving children . According to Rip It Up magazine , \" legend has it \" that Kelly 's mother gave birth to him \" in a taxi outside North Adelaide 's Calvary Hospital \" . In the lyrics for his Comedy ( 1991 ) album track , \" It 's All Downhill from Here \" Kelly wrote : \n" }, { "c_id": 1005578, "distance": 0.6154090762138367, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Paul and his wife currently reside in Lake Jackson , Texas . \n" }, { "c_id": 975151, "distance": 0.615369975566864, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1978 , Donovan purchased a house in Key West , Florida to run as a bed and breakfast dubbed \" Casa Donovan . \" Donovan struggled to keep the house running and ultimately it failed . More successful was Donovan 's time as a celebrity tour guide , conducting all @-@ gay trips in partnership with an outfit called Star Tours to Italy , China , Peru and other destinations . \n" } ]
who is galileo galilei and what is he famous for?
[ "Mathematician", "Astronomer", "Scientist", "Physicist", "Astrologer" ]
[ { "c_id": 1769480, "distance": 0.6851514577865601, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1619 , Galileo became embroiled in a controversy with Father Orazio Grassi , professor of mathematics at the Jesuit Collegio Romano . It began as a dispute over the nature of comets , but by the time Galileo had published The Assayer ( Il Saggiatore ) in 1623 , his last salvo in the dispute , it had become a much wider controversy over the very nature of science itself . The title page of the book describes Galileo as philosopher and \" Matematico Primario \" of the Grand Duke of Tuscany . \n" }, { "c_id": 1769496, "distance": 0.6716514825820923, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " For the next decade , Galileo stayed well away from the controversy . He revived his project of writing a book on the subject , encouraged by the election of Cardinal Maffeo Barberini as Pope Urban VIII in 1623 . Barberini was a friend and admirer of Galileo , and had opposed the condemnation of Galileo in 1616 . Galileo 's resulting book , Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems , was published in 1632 , with formal authorization from the Inquisition and papal permission . \n" }, { "c_id": 1769663, "distance": 0.6674027442932129, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " 1607 – Rotilio Orlandini attempts to assassinate Galileo 's friend , Friar Paolo Sarpi \n" }, { "c_id": 1769512, "distance": 0.6633578538894653, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Galileo continued to receive visitors until 1642 , when , after suffering fever and heart palpitations , he died on 8 January 1642 , aged 77 . The Grand Duke of Tuscany , Ferdinando II , wished to bury him in the main body of the Basilica of Santa Croce , next to the tombs of his father and other ancestors , and to erect a marble mausoleum in his honour . \n" }, { "c_id": 1769595, "distance": 0.6618024110794067, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Galileo 's main written works are as follows : \n" } ]
what is the australian open called?
[ "2012 Australian Open" ]
[ { "c_id": 48153, "distance": 0.6295760869979858, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Until 1986 , the World Cup was actually referred to as the \" Amateur World Series \" . The Amateur World Series only made use of round @-@ robin fixtures , with teams ranked at the end of the tournament . Australia 's first appearance was in Italy in 1978 . Out of the ten teams to compete , Australia finished 9th ahead of the other debuting team , Belgium . \n" }, { "c_id": 860331, "distance": 0.6273949146270752, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Since the 2005 Australian Open , the opening Grand Slam tournament of the 2005 ATP Tour , the Big Four have won both Olympic Games singles tournaments. all but four Majors , and all but two Tennis Masters Cups / ATP World Tour Finals . \n" }, { "c_id": 1754080, "distance": 0.6244833469390869, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Australia is the only country in which Burger King does not operate under its own name . When the company set about establishing operations there in 1971 , it found that its business name was already trademarked by a takeaway food shop in Adelaide . As a result , Burger King provided the Australian master franchisee , Jack Cowin , with a list of possible alternative names derived from pre @-@ existing trademarks already registered by Burger King and its then corporate parent Pillsbury , that could be used to name the Australian restaurants . Cowin selected the \" Hungry Jack \" brand name , one of Pillsbury 's US pancake mixture products , and slightly changed the name to a possessive form by adding an apostrophe \" s \" forming the new name Hungry Jack 's . \n" }, { "c_id": 498780, "distance": 0.6213651895523071, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Foreshadowing the plan were the Premier League Asia Trophy , started in 2003 , and the NFL International Series American football game played at Wembley Stadium in London in 2007 . Rod Eddington pitched the idea of an international round to the Premier League in autumn 2007 . Eddington was chairman of Victorian Major Events Company and a friend of Rupert Murdoch , owner of Sky Sports and other networks with broadcasting rights to the Premier League . He suggested his home city of Melbourne as an inaugural host city . A presentation to the Premier League 's audit @-@ and @-@ remuneration committee was made two weeks before the public announcement . An initial business plan predicted extra earnings from the international round of between £ 40 million and £ 80 million per year . \n" }, { "c_id": 1682086, "distance": 0.620680570602417, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The U.S. Open Cup is an annual American soccer competition open to all United States Soccer Federation affiliated teams , from amateur adult club teams to the professional clubs of Major League Soccer ( MLS ) . The 2010 tournament was the 97th edition of the oldest soccer tournament in the United States . \n" } ]
what is the money currency in guatemala?
[ "Guatemalan quetzal" ]
[ { "c_id": 687171, "distance": 0.7136449813842773, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In Guatemala , matters such as developing standardized orthographies for the Mayan languages are governed by the Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala ( ALMG ; Guatemalan Academy of Mayan Languages ) , which was founded by Maya organisations in 1986 . Following the 1996 peace accords , it has been gaining a growing recognition as the regulatory authority on Mayan languages both among Mayan scholars and the Maya peoples . \n" }, { "c_id": 1265875, "distance": 0.7050331234931946, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " In Guatemala , a CIA @-@ backed military coup ousted the left @-@ wing President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in 1954 . The post @-@ Arbenz government — a military junta headed by Carlos Castillo Armas — repealed a progressive land reform law , returned nationalized property belonging to the United Fruit Company , set up a National Committee of Defense Against Communism , and decreed a Preventive Penal Law Against Communism at the request of the United States . \n" }, { "c_id": 1745055, "distance": 0.6939377188682556, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " From the late 19th century until 1944 Guatemala was governed by a series of authoritarian rulers who sought to strengthen the economy by supporting the export of coffee . Between 1898 and 1920 , Manuel Estrada Cabrera granted significant concessions to the United Fruit Company , an American corporation that traded in tropical fruit , and dispossessed many indigenous people of their communal lands . Under Jorge Ubico , who ruled as a dictator between 1931 and 1944 , this process was intensified , with the institution of harsh labor regulations and a police state . \n" }, { "c_id": 698452, "distance": 0.6817154288291931, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Under Guatemalan law , Maya stelae and other archaeological artefacts are property of the Guatemalan government and may not be removed from the country without its permission . In the case of Machaquilá Stela 2 , the monument was well known before it was stolen and its illegal removal was easy to prove . The stela itself was cut into pieces , with the face being sawn off and moved to a fish packing factory in Belize , where it was packed into boxes and shipped to California . There it was seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation after being offered for sale to various institutions . The stolen portion of the stela was returned to Guatemala and is now in storage at the Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología in Guatemala City . \n" }, { "c_id": 1745054, "distance": 0.678703248500824, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The Guatemalan Revolution ( Spanish : Revolución de Guatemala ) was the period in Guatemalan history between the popular uprising that overthrew dictator Jorge Ubico in 1944 and the United States @-@ orchestrated coup d 'état in 1954 that unseated President Jacobo Árbenz . It is also known as the Ten Years of Spring , highlighting the only years of representative democracy in Guatemala from 1930 until the end of the civil war in 1996 , and included a program of agrarian reform that was enormously influential across Latin America . \n" } ]
where is angola located?
[ "Africa" ]
[ { "c_id": 1300086, "distance": 0.709363579750061, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Angola , like most African countries , became constituted as a nation through colonial intervention . In Angola 's case , its colonial power – Portugal – was present and active in the territory , in one way or another , for over four centuries . \n" }, { "c_id": 1104948, "distance": 0.6757025122642517, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " At the height of the Cold War in 1965 , conflict escalated across the border with the Cuban intervention in Angola . Cuba formed an alliance with the People 's Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA ) ( Portuguese : Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola – Partido do Trabalho ) , which led to the deployment of more than 25 @,@ 000 Cuban soldiers to the region in the Angolan War of Independence . \n" }, { "c_id": 1300104, "distance": 0.6664879322052002, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1961 , the FNLA and the MPLA , based in neighbouring countries , began a guerrilla campaign against Portuguese rule on several fronts . The Portuguese Colonial War , which included the Angolan War of Independence , lasted until the Portuguese regime 's overthrow in 1974 through a leftist military coup in Lisbon . When the timeline for independence became known , most of the roughly 500 @,@ 000 ethnic Portuguese Angolans fled the territory during the weeks before or after that deadline . Portugal left behind a newly independent country whose population was mainly composed by Ambundu , Ovimbundu , and Bakongo peoples . The Portuguese that lived in Angola accounted for the majority of the skilled workers in public administration , agriculture , and industry ; once they fled the country , the national economy began to sink into depression . \n" }, { "c_id": 1300161, "distance": 0.6593584418296814, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " By 1986 , Angola began to assume a more central role in the Cold War , with the Soviet Union , Cuba and other Eastern bloc nations enhancing support for the MPLA government , and American conservatives beginning to elevate their support for Savimbi 's UNITA . Savimbi developed close relations with influential American conservatives , who saw Savimbi as a key ally in the U.S. effort to oppose and rollback Soviet @-@ backed , non @-@ democratic governments around the world . The conflict quickly escalated , with both Washington and Moscow seeing it as a critical strategic conflict in the Cold War . \n" }, { "c_id": 1300215, "distance": 0.6490596532821655, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The territory of Cabinda is north of Angola proper , separated by a strip of territory 60 km ( 37 @.@ 3 mi ) long in the Democratic Republic of the Congo . The Portuguese Constitution of 1933 designated Angola and Cabinda as overseas provinces . In the course of administrative reforms during the 1930s to 1950s , Angola was divided into districts , and Cabinda became one of the districts of Angola . The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda ( FLEC ) formed in 1963 during the broader war for independence from Portugal . Contrary to the organization 's name , Cabinda is an exclave , not an enclave . FLEC later split into the Armed Forces of Cabinda ( FLEC @-@ FAC ) and FLEC @-@ Renovada ( FLEC @-@ R ) . Several other , smaller FLEC factions later broke away from these movements , but FLEC @-@ R remained the most prominent because of its size and its tactics . FLEC @-@ R members cut off the ears and noses of government officials and their supporters , similar to the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone in the 1990s . Despite Cabinda 's relatively small size , foreign powers and the nationalist movements coveted the territory for its vast reserves of petroleum , the principal export of Angola then and now . \n" } ]
what is tibetan language?
[ "Nepali Language", "Standard Tibetan", "Chinese language", "Baima language", "Tibetan languages" ]
[ { "c_id": 645632, "distance": 0.6608959436416626, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Tibetans viewed their country as a living entity controlled by srin ma ( pronounced \" sinma \" ) , a wild demoness who opposed the propagation of Buddhism in the country . To thwart her evil intentions , King Songtsen Gampo ( the first king of a unified Tibet ) developed a plan to build twelve temples across the country . The temples were built in three stages . In the first stage central Tibet was covered with four temples , known as the \" four horns \" ( ru bzhi ) . Four more temples , ( mtha 'dul ) , were built in the outer areas in the second stage ; the last four , the yang 'dul , were built on the country 's frontiers . The Jokhag temple was finally built in the heart of the srin ma , ensuring her subjugation . \n" }, { "c_id": 747645, "distance": 0.6601174473762512, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Tibet was once a strong power contemporaneous with Tang China ( 618 – 907 ) . Until the Tibetan Empire 's collapse in the 9th century , it was the Tang 's major rival in dominating Inner Asia . The Yarlung rulers of Tibet also signed various peace treaties with the Tang , culminating in a treaty in 821 that fixed the borders between Tibet and China . \n" }, { "c_id": 747740, "distance": 0.6600900292396545, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " = = = Tibetans as a \" national minority \" = = = \n" }, { "c_id": 750378, "distance": 0.6588720083236694, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Gwoyeu Romatzyh ( pinyin : Guóyǔ luómǎzì , literally \" National Language Romanization \" ) , abbreviated GR , is a system for writing Mandarin Chinese in the Latin alphabet . The system was conceived by Y. R. Chao ( Zhao Yuanren ) and developed by a group of linguists including Chao and Lin Yutang from 1925 to 1926 . Chao himself later published influential works in linguistics using GR . In addition a small number of other textbooks and dictionaries in GR were published in Hong Kong and overseas from 1942 to 2000 . \n" }, { "c_id": 453884, "distance": 0.6523531675338745, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " A French edition , translated by M. L. Carion ( or by [ Anne- ] Louise Swanton @-@ Belloc ? ( 1796 – 1881 ) ) , appeared by 1853 published in Cambrai and in Paris . By 1857 , the novel had been translated into 20 languages , including two independent translations into Slovene just one year after its original publication , which started the since @-@ then uninterrupted dialogue between American authors and Slovene translators and readers . Later , it was translated into almost every major language , including Chinese ( with translator Lin Shu creating the first Chinese translation of an American novel in 1901 ) and Amharic ( with the 1930 translation created in support of Ethiopian efforts to end the suffering of blacks in that nation ) . The book was so widely read that Sigmund Freud reported a number of patients with sado @-@ masochistic tendencies who he believed had been influenced by reading about the whipping of slaves in Uncle Tom 's Cabin . \n" } ]
what is the national flag of russia?
[ "Flag of Russia" ]
[ { "c_id": 1127638, "distance": 0.7345452904701233, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The current state flag of Belarus ( Belarusian : Сцяг Беларусі , Sciah Bielarusi ; Russian : Флаг Беларуси , Flag Belarusi ) is a red and green flag with a white and red ornament pattern placed at the staff ( hoist ) end . The current design was introduced in 2012 by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus , and is adapted from a design approved in a referendum in May 1995 . It is a modification of the 1951 flag used while the country was a republic of the Soviet Union . Changes made to the Soviet @-@ era flag were the removal of symbols of communism ( the hammer and sickle and the red star ) and the reversal of the colors of the ornament pattern , from white on red to red on white . Since the 1995 referendum , several flags used by government officials and agencies were modeled from the national flag . \n" }, { "c_id": 1515716, "distance": 0.7295160889625549, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The national emblem of Belarus , which replaced the historic Pahonia arms in a 1995 referendum , features a ribbon in the colours of the national flag , a map of Belarus , wheat ears and a red star . It is sometimes referred to as the coat of arms of Belarus , although this is incorrect due to the lack of several heraldic elements . The emblem is an allusion to one that was used by the Byelorussian SSR , designed by Ivan Dubasov in 1950 , with the biggest change being a replacement of the hammer and sickle with an outline map of Belarus . Emblems reminiscent of the times of the Soviet Union are also used in Macedonia , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan and the region of Transnistria . \n" }, { "c_id": 1127644, "distance": 0.7238302230834961, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The flag does not differ significantly from the flag of the Byelorussian SSR , other than the removal of the hammer and sickle and the red star , and the reversal of red and white in the hoist pattern . While there is no official interpretation for the colors of the flag , an explanation given by President Alexander Lukashenko is that red represents freedom and the sacrifice of the nation 's forefathers , while green represents life . \n" }, { "c_id": 947544, "distance": 0.7221633195877075, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The national flag of Armenia , the Armenian Tricolour ( Armenian : Եռագույն , Yeřaguyn ) , consists of three horizontal bands of equal width , red on the top , blue in the middle , and orange ( also described as \" colour of apricot \" ) on the bottom . The Armenian Supreme Soviet adopted the current flag on 24 August 1990 . On 15 June 2006 , the Law on the National Flag of Armenia , governing its usage , was passed by the National Assembly of Armenia . \n" }, { "c_id": 1127649, "distance": 0.7186836004257202, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " The colors of the national flag are regulated in \" STB 911 – 2008 : National Flag of the Republic of Belarus \" and are listed in the CIE Standard illuminant D65 . \n" } ]
when did maria sharapova start playing tennis?
[ "2004 Wimbledon Championships" ]
[ { "c_id": 1243892, "distance": 0.6432674527168274, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1969 , at 9 years of age , Balukas competed in her first Billiard Congress of America U.S. Open straight pool championship , taking 5th place among a field of adults . In the next two U.S. Opens , in 1970 and 1971 , she placed 4th and 3rd , respectively . By that time she was already fairly well known , having had additional television appearances alongside such billiard stars and celebrities as Willie Mosconi , Sammy Davis Jr . , Peter Falk , Hugh Downs and Sonny Fox . She would later appear on television many more times , in addition to broadcasts of pool matches , including an interview on The Mike Douglas Show airing on January 11 , 1977 with Bernadette Peters and David Niven . \n" }, { "c_id": 1243884, "distance": 0.6345469951629639, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Balukas won the U.S. Open seven years in a row from 1972 through 1978 , accumulating six world championship titles , had well over 100 professional competition first @-@ place finishes with 38 majors to her name , had a streak of 16 first @-@ place finishes in women 's professional tournaments , and was the only woman to compete on equal footing with men in professional play in her era . She quit the sport amidst controversy in 1988 while at the height of her ability , due to a dispute over her conduct in a match at the World Open Nine @-@ ball Championship of that year . \n" }, { "c_id": 697981, "distance": 0.6260142922401428, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Before the Interzonal , in March and April 1970 , the world 's best players competed in the USSR vs. Rest of the World match in Belgrade , Yugoslavia , often referred to as \" the Match of the Century \" . There was much surprise when Fischer decided to participate : \n" }, { "c_id": 1243912, "distance": 0.6227269172668457, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In August 1987 , at the annual B.C. Open hosted at a Holiday Inn in Binghamton , New York , Balukas was slated for competition in both divisions . After arriving , she discovered that for evening @-@ scheduled matches she would be required to wear formal attire that she did not have with her . The men 's division , by contrast , had no similar dress code . Balukas took a stand that the women should not be treated differently from the men , and accordingly refused to procure garments that would meet the unequal mandate . \n" }, { "c_id": 697933, "distance": 0.6201960444450378, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In 1961 , Fischer started a 16 @-@ game match with Reshevsky , split between New York and Los Angeles . Reshevsky , 32 years Fischer 's senior , was considered the favorite , since he had far more match experience and had never lost a set match . After 11 games and a tie score ( two wins apiece with seven draws ) , the match ended prematurely due to a scheduling dispute between Fischer and match organizer and sponsor Jacqueline Piatigorsky . Reshevsky was declared the winner , by default , and received the winner 's share of the prize fund . \n" } ]
what sort of government does canada have?
[ "Parliament of Canada" ]
[ { "c_id": 1029347, "distance": 0.7463032603263855, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada has had many political debates between the French speakers and English speakers , particularly in the province of Quebec . Canada holds both French and English as official languages . The politics in Quebec are largely defined by nationalism as French Québécois wish to gain independence from Canada as a whole , based on ethnic and linguistic boundaries . The main separatist party , Parti Québécois , attempted to gain sovereignty twice ( once in 1980 and again in 1995 ) and failed by a narrow margin of 1 @.@ 2 % in 1995 . Since then , in order to remain united , Canada granted Quebec statut particulier , recognizing Quebec as a nation within the united nation of Canada . Canada is often described as a cultural mosaic . \n" }, { "c_id": 1310113, "distance": 0.7346130013465881, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's aboriginal peoples had systems of governance organised in a fashion similar to the Occidental concept of monarchy ; European explorers often referred to hereditary leaders of tribes as kings . The present monarchy of Canada has its roots in the French and English monarchies , under the authority of which the area was colonised in the 16th @-@ 18th centuries , and later the British monarchy . The country became a self @-@ governing confederation on 1 July 1867 , recognised as a kingdom in its own right , but did not have full legislative autonomy from the British Crown until the passage of the Statute of Westminster on 11 December 1931 , retaining the then reigning monarch , George V , as monarch of the newly formed monarchy of Canada . The monarch is represented in the country by the Governor General of Canada , David Johnston , and in each of the provinces by a lieutenant governor . \n" }, { "c_id": 904485, "distance": 0.7293144464492798, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada has a parliamentary system within the context of a constitutional monarchy , the monarchy of Canada being the foundation of the executive , legislative , and judicial branches . The sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II , who is also monarch of 15 other Commonwealth countries and each of Canada 's 10 provinces . As such , the Queen 's representative , the Governor General of Canada ( at present David Johnston ) , carries out most of the federal royal duties in Canada . \n" }, { "c_id": 904553, "distance": 0.7268193364143372, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's approach to governance emphasizing multiculturalism , which is based on selective immigration , social integration , and suppression of far right politics , has wide public support . Government policies such as publicly funded health care , higher taxation to redistribute wealth , the outlawing of capital punishment , strong efforts to eliminate poverty , strict gun control , and the legalization of same @-@ sex marriage are further social indicators of Canada 's political and cultural values . Canadians also identify with the countries institutions of health care , peacekeeping , the National park system and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . \n" }, { "c_id": 904488, "distance": 0.7229647040367126, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Canada 's federal structure divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the ten provinces . Provincial legislatures are unicameral and operate in parliamentary fashion similar to the House of Commons . Canada 's three territories also have legislatures , but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces . The territorial legislatures also differ structurally from their provincial counterparts . \n" } ]
what country does mexico trade with?
[ "North American Free Trade Agreement" ]
[ { "c_id": 324737, "distance": 0.694729745388031, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mexico 's most important contributions to the Spanish Republic was its diplomatic help , as well as the sanctuary the nation arranged for Republican refugees , including Spanish intellectuals and orphaned children from Republican families . Some 50 @,@ 000 took refuge , primarily in Mexico City and Morelia accompanied by $ 300 million in various treasures still owned by the Left . \n" }, { "c_id": 766513, "distance": 0.6916599869728088, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Mexico , the state 's largest trading partner , imports a third of the state 's exports because of the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) . NAFTA has encouraged the formation of controversial maquiladoras on the Texas / Mexico border . \n" }, { "c_id": 1541531, "distance": 0.6747544407844543, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Mexico restricts the labour rights in Article 8 within the context of its constitution and laws . \n" }, { "c_id": 1098102, "distance": 0.6694021224975586, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In Mexico , topographical officer George W. Hughes reported to Secretary of State John M. Clayton that a railroad across the isthmus was a “ feasible and practical ” idea . Clayton then instructed Robert P. Letcher , the minister to Mexico , to negotiate a treaty to protect Hargous ' rights . The United States ' proposal gave Mexicans a 20 % discount on shipping , guaranteed Mexican rights in the zone , allowed the United States to send in military if necessary , and gave the United States most @-@ favored @-@ nation status for Mexican cargo fees . This treaty , however , was never finalized . \n" }, { "c_id": 256831, "distance": 0.6683409810066223, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " International commodity agreements covering products such as coffee , sugar , tin and more recently oil ( OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ) are examples of international cartels which have publicly entailed agreements between different national governments . \n" } ]
what form of government does australia?
[ "Parliamentary system", "Federation", "Constitutional monarchy" ]
[ { "c_id": 200276, "distance": 0.721319317817688, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The federal government comprises three branches : \n" }, { "c_id": 1651556, "distance": 0.714724600315094, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The federal government is separated into three branches : \n" }, { "c_id": 1651664, "distance": 0.7087090611457825, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Australia has two public broadcasters ( the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the multicultural Special Broadcasting Service ) , three commercial television networks , several pay @-@ TV services , and numerous public , non @-@ profit television and radio stations . Each major city has at least one daily newspaper , and there are two national daily newspapers , The Australian and The Australian Financial Review . In 2010 , Reporters Without Borders placed Australia 18th on a list of 178 countries ranked by press freedom , behind New Zealand ( 8th ) but ahead of the United Kingdom ( 19th ) and United States ( 20th ) . This relatively low ranking is primarily because of the limited diversity of commercial media ownership in Australia ; most print media are under the control of News Corporation and Fairfax Media . \n" }, { "c_id": 1651562, "distance": 0.7070612907409668, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " There are two major political groups that usually form government , federally and in the states : the Australian Labor Party and the Coalition which is a formal grouping of the Liberal Party and its minor partner , the National Party . Within Australian political culture , the Coalition is considered centre @-@ right and the Labor Party is considered centre @-@ left . Independent members and several minor parties have achieved representation in Australian parliaments , mostly in upper houses . \n" }, { "c_id": 1001891, "distance": 0.7006942629814148, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The federal government is composed of three branches : \n" } ]
what are the official languages of jamaica?
[ "Jamaican Creole English Language", "Jamaican English" ]
[ { "c_id": 1349864, "distance": 0.6880812644958496, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Jamaica : Available only via cable or other pay @-@ for television ( satellite or DirecTV ) with new episodes shown on NBC and CityTV . \n" }, { "c_id": 513401, "distance": 0.672354519367218, "has_answer": true, "nli": "neutral", "text": " Several varieties of English are also spoken in the Caribbean Islands that were colonial possessions of Britain , including Jamaica , and the Leeward and Windward Islands and Trinidad and Tobago , Barbados , the Cayman Islands , and Belize . Each of these areas are home both to a local variety of English and a local English based creole , combining English and African languages . The most prominent varieties are Jamaican English and Jamaican Creole . In Central America , English based creoles are spoken in on the Caribbean coasts of Nicaragua and Panama . Locals are often fluent both in the local English variety and the local creole languages and code @-@ switching between them is frequent , indeed another way to conceptualise the relationship between Creole and Standard varieties is to see a spectrum of social registers with the Creole forms serving as \" basilect \" and the more RP @-@ like forms serving as the \" acrolect \" , the most formal register . \n" }, { "c_id": 1310121, "distance": 0.6683651804924011, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " The monarchy of Jamaica has its roots in the Spanish monarchy , under the authority of which the islands were first colonised in the late 16th century , and later the English and then British monarchy , as a Crown colony . On 6 August 1962 , the country gained independence from the United Kingdom , retaining the then reigning monarch , Elizabeth II , as monarch of the newly created monarchy of Jamaica . The monarch is represented in the country by the Governor @-@ General of Jamaica , Sir Patrick Allen . \n" }, { "c_id": 513402, "distance": 0.6591982245445251, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " Most Caribbean varieties are based on British English and consequently most are non @-@ rhotic , except for formal styles of Jamaican English which are often rhotic . Jamaican English differs from RP in its vowel inventory , which has a distinction between long and short vowels rather than tense and lax vowels as in Standard English . The diphthongs / ei / and / ou / are monophthongs [ eː ] and [ oː ] or even the reverse diphthongs [ ie ] and [ uo ] ( e.g. bay and boat pronounced [ bʲeː ] and [ bʷoːt ] ) . Often word final consonant clusters are simplified so that \" child \" is pronounced [ t ͡ ʃail ] and \" wind \" [ win ] . \n" }, { "c_id": 1257151, "distance": 0.6580572128295898, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The official languages of the country are French and Sango ; the latter ( originally a language from the Ubangi River region ) is spoken by 90 % of the population . Some of the other languages spoken are Baya ( Gbaya ) , Banda , Ngbaka , Sara , Mbum , Kare , and Mandjia . Sango was simplified by Christian missionaries and is widely used to this day . \n" } ]
where did harriet tubman live after the civil war?
[ "Auburn" ]
[ { "c_id": 729989, "distance": 0.6806025505065918, "has_answer": false, "nli": "entailment", "text": " The loss of this opportunity caused serious discord in the Balzac household , although Honoré was not turned away entirely . Instead , in April 1819 he was allowed to live in the French capital – as English critic George Saintsbury describes it – \" in a garret furnished in the most Spartan fashion , with a starvation allowance and an old woman to look after him \" , while the rest of the family moved to a house twenty miles [ 32 km ] outside Paris . \n" }, { "c_id": 196701, "distance": 0.6789442896842957, "has_answer": true, "nli": "entailment", "text": " In early 1859 , abolitionist Republican U.S. Senator William H. Seward sold Tubman a small piece of land on the outskirts of Auburn , New York , for US $ 1 @,@ 200 . The city was a hotbed of antislavery activism , and Tubman seized the opportunity to deliver her parents from the harsh Canadian winters . Returning to the U.S. meant that escaped slaves were at risk of being returned to the south under the Fugitive Slave Law , and Tubman 's siblings expressed reservations . Catherine Clinton suggests that anger over the 1857 Dred Scott decision may have prompted Tubman to return to the U.S. Her land in Auburn became a haven for Tubman 's family and friends . For years , she took in relatives and boarders , offering a safe place for black Americans seeking a better life in the north . \n" }, { "c_id": 222971, "distance": 0.6765441298484802, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " In 1850 , Lowell 's mother died unexpectedly , as did his third daughter , Rose . Her death left Lowell depressed and reclusive for six months , despite the birth of his son Walter by the end of the year . He wrote to a friend that death \" is a private tutor . We have no fellow @-@ scholars , and must lay our lessons to heart alone . \" These personal troubles as well as the Compromise of 1850 inspired Lowell to accept an offer from William Wetmore Story to spend a winter in Italy . To pay for the trip , Lowell sold land around Elmwood , intending to sell off further acres of the estate over time to supplement his income , ultimately selling off 25 of the original 30 acres ( 120 @,@ 000 m2 ) . Walter died suddenly in Rome of cholera , and Lowell and his wife , with their daughter Mabel , returned to the United States in October 1852 . Lowell published recollections of his journey in several magazines , many of which would be collected years later as Fireside Travels ( 1867 ) . He also edited volumes with biographical sketches for a series on British Poets . \n" }, { "c_id": 1202516, "distance": 0.6756182312965393, "has_answer": false, "nli": "neutral", "text": " To help her escape this awkward domestic situation , Harriet 's maternal aunt Henrietta arranged for her niece to marry her lover of seventeen years , Granville Leveson @-@ Gower , 1st Earl Granville . The couple 's marriage proved to be happy , and it produced five children . Granville served as his country 's ambassador to France intermittently from 1824 to 1841 , and he was awarded an earldom in 1833 . With her position , Harriet acted as hostess to Parisian society , writing detailed accounts that were later published . She died in 1862 of a stroke , having been widowed fifteen years . \n" }, { "c_id": 1269384, "distance": 0.6736078858375549, "has_answer": false, "nli": "contradiction", "text": " Returning to the U.S. , the newlyweds settled in New York City , in a house provided by Franklin 's mother , as well as at the family 's estate overlooking the Hudson River in Hyde Park , New York . From the beginning , Eleanor had a contentious relationship with her controlling mother @-@ in @-@ law . The townhouse Sara gave to Eleanor and Franklin was connected to her own by sliding doors , and Sara ran both households in the decade after the marriage . Early on , Eleanor had a breakdown in which she explained to Franklin that \" I did not like to live in a house which was not in any way mine , one that I had done nothing about and which did not represent the way I wanted to live \" , but little changed . Sara also sought to control the raising of her grandchildren , and Eleanor reflected later that \" Franklin 's children were more my mother @-@ in @-@ law 's children than they were mine \" . Eleanor 's eldest son James remembered Sara telling her grandchildren , \" Your mother only bore you , I am more your mother than your mother is . \" \n" } ]