-- Created by BobNoobington
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local values = script.Parent.Values.Gear mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key == "v" then for index, child in ipairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if child.ClassName == "Frame" or child.ClassName == "ImageLabel" then child.Visible = not child.Visible end end end end)
--[[ I wont' be using promises for TopbarPlus so we can ignore this method function Maid:givePromise(promise) if (promise:getStatus() ~= Promise.Status.Started) then return promise end local newPromise = Promise.resolve(promise) local id = self:giveTask(newPromise) -- Ensure GC newPromise:finally(function() self[id] = nil end) return newPromise, id end--]]
function Maid:give(taskOrPromise) local taskId if type(taskOrPromise) == "table" and taskOrPromise.isAPromise then _, taskId = self:givePromise(taskOrPromise) else taskId = self:giveTask(taskOrPromise) end return taskOrPromise, taskId end
local hitPart = script.Parent local debounce = true local tool = game.ServerStorage.Baguette-- Change "Sword" to the name of your tool, make sure your tool is in ServerStorage hitPart.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if debounce == true then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) if plr then debounce = false hitPart.BrickColor ="Bright red") tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack wait(3) -- Change "3" to however long you want the player to have to wait before they can get the tool again debounce = true hitPart.BrickColor ="Bright green") end end end end)
--griptcf =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-math.pi/2+0.5, 0, 0)
script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(function() --Bring_Arm_Down animation for i = 1, 0, -0.05 do wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3*i, 0, -0.5*i) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7*i, 0, 0.8*i) LW.C1 =*i, 0.5+1.2*i, 0) end RW.Parent = nil LW.Parent = nil RSH.Parent = player.Character.Torso LSH.Parent = player.Character.Torso end) function HomeRunHit(part) local h = (part.Parent or game):FindFirstChild("Humanoid") --or findfirstchild optimization if h then h.Parent = nil end end function HomeRun() for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do if anim ~= "homerun" then return end wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3+1.2*i, -0.5*i, -0.5+i) --R.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.5, -0.5, 0.5) LW.C0 =*i, 0.5, -0.5*i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 0.8) --L.C0 =, 0.5, -0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 1) end --start homerunhit connection-- local con = script.Parent.Handle.Touched:connect(HomeRunHit) ---------------------------------------- for i = 0, 1, 0.2 do wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.5, -0.5-1.7*i, 0.5+0.5*i) --R.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.5, -2.2, 1) LW.C0 =*i, 0.5, -0.5+0.5*i) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 0.8-1.2*i) LW.C1 =, 0.5-i, 0) GRP.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1-2*i, 0, 0) end for i = 0, 1, 0.2 do wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.5, -2.2-0.6*i, 1) end wait(0.1) ----end homerun connection--- con:disconnect() -------------------------------------- for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.5-1.2*i, -2.8+2.8*i, 1-1.5*i) --RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3, 0, -0.5) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, -0.4+1.2*i) LW.C1 =, -0.5+i*2, 0) --LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 0.8) GRP.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-3+2*i, 0, 0) end end function Whack() for i = 0, 1, 0.2 do if anim ~= "norm" then return end wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3+i, 0, -0.5+0.5*i) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7-0.25*i, 0, 0.8-0.6*i) end for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do if anim ~= "norm" then return end wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(2.3-2.5*i, 0, 0) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.45-0.25*i, 0, 0.2) GRP.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1-0.5*i, 0, 0) end --insert camshake and hit nearby people for _, p in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if p.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then if (p.Character.Torso.Position - (script.Parent.Handle.CFrame*, -3, 0)).p).magnitude < 10 then local s = script.Parent._CamShake:clone() s.Disabled = false s.Parent = p.Backpack if p ~= player then p.Parent = nil end end end end ------ for i = 0, 1, 0.2 do if anim ~= "norm" then return end wait() RW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.2+1.5*i, 0, -0.5*i) LW.C0 =, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.2+0.5*i, 0, 0.2+0.6*i) GRP.C0 =, -1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1.5+0.5*i, 0, 0) end end local a = false local co = nil
-- Disable spawning on join. This is handle by the client requesting the spawn
PlayersService.CharacterAutoLoads = false
--[[ Called when the watched state changes value. ]]
function class:update() for callback in pairs(self._changeListeners) do coroutine.wrap(callback)() end return false end
-- Standard saving of data stores -- The key you provide to DataStore2 is the name of the store with GetDataStore -- GetAsync/UpdateAsync are then called based on the user ID
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local Promise = require(script.Parent.Parent.Promise) local Standard = {} Standard.__index = Standard function Standard:Get() return Promise.async(function(resolve) resolve(self.dataStore:GetAsync(self.userId)) end) end function Standard:Set(value) return Promise.async(function(resolve) self.dataStore:UpdateAsync(self.userId, function() return value end) resolve() end) end function return setmetatable({ dataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(dataStore2.Name), userId = dataStore2.UserId, }, Standard) end return Standard
Tune.TransModes = {"Semi"} --"Auto", "Semi", or "Manual". Can have more than one; order from first to last --Automatic Settings Tune.AutoShiftMode = "Speed" --"Speed" or "RPM" Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 --Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 2000 --Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) --Gear Ratios Tune.FinalDrive = 3.97 -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed --[[Reverse]] 3.42 , -- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 3.75 , -- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 2.38 , --[[ 3 ]] 1.72 , --[[ 4 ]] 1.34 , --[[ 5 ]] 1.11 , --[[ 6 ]] .95 , --[[ 7 ]] .84 , } Tune.FDMult = 1 -- -- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1) Tune.FDMult = 1 -- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1)
-- Get references to the DockShelf and its children
local dockShelf = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.DockShelf local aFinderButton = dockShelf.EBrush local opened = aFinderButton.Opened local Minimalise = script.Parent local window = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
--Made by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility") Create = RbxUtility.Create Reindeer = require(script:WaitForChild("Reindeer")) BaseUrl = "" BasePart = Create("Part"){ Material = Enum.Material.Plastic, Shape = Enum.PartType.Block, TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom, Size =, 0.2, 0.2), CanCollide = true, Locked = true, } Rate = (1 / 60) ToolEquipped = false Handle.Transparency = 0 Tool.Enabled = true DisplayModel = Tool:FindFirstChild("DisplayModel") if DisplayModel then DisplayModel:Destroy() end function RayCast(Position, Direction, MaxDistance, IgnoreList) local IgnoreList = ((type(IgnoreList) == "table" and IgnoreList) or {IgnoreList}) return game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(, Direction.unit * (MaxDistance or 999.999)), IgnoreList) end function SpawnReindeer(CreateNew) for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("Model") or v:IsA("BasePart")) and v ~= Handle then v:Destroy() end end if not CreateNew then return end local BeforeCFrame = Torso.CFrame local ReindeerCopy = Reindeer:Clone() local Body = ReindeerCopy.Body local TorsoWeld = Create("Weld"){ Part0 = Torso, Part1 = Body, C0 =, -0.3, -0.9), C1 =, 0, 0), Parent = Body } ReindeerCopy.Parent = Tool local RayHit, RayPos, RayNormal = RayCast(BeforeCFrame.p,, -1, 0), (Torso.Size.Y * 2), {Character}) if RayHit then Torso.CFrame = (BeforeCFrame +, ((Torso.Size.Y / 2) + 2.5), 0)) Torso.Velocity =, 0, 0) Torso.RotVelocity =, 0, 0) end end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Torso and Torso.Parent and Player and Player.Parent) and true) or false) end function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not CheckIfAlive() then return end ToolEquipped = true Spawn(function() SpawnReindeer(true) end) Handle.Transparency = 1 end function Unequipped() SpawnReindeer(false) ToolEquipped = false Handle.Transparency = 0 end SpawnReindeer(false) Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
Services.Debris:AddItem(TrackOrb,1) Services.Debris:AddItem(FixCam,2) script:Destroy()
-- requires luaP, luaX, luaY
local luaY local luaK = {} local luaP = require(script.Parent.LuaP) local luaX = require(script.Parent.LuaX)
--[=[ Disconnects all connected events to the signal. Voids the signal as unusable. Sets the metatable to nil. ]=]
function Signal:Destroy() if self._bindableEvent then -- This should disconnect all events, but in-flight events should still be -- executed. self._bindableEvent:Destroy() self._bindableEvent = nil end -- Do not remove the argmap. It will be cleaned up by the cleanup connection. setmetatable(self, nil) end return Signal
-- update stats loop
while true do for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if not leaderstats then continue end for _, statObject in ipairs(leaderstats:GetChildren()) do local saveValue = trackedStats[statObject.Name](player) if not saveValue then continue end statObject.Value = saveValue end end wait(1) end
-- 100 == 1 0 == 0 1/0.5
function JamCalculation() local L_153_ if (math.random(1, 100) <= L_23_.JamChance) then L_153_ = true L_57_ = true else L_153_ = false end return L_153_ end function TracerCalculation() local L_154_ if (math.random(1, 100) <= L_23_.TracerChance) then L_154_ = true else L_154_ = false end return L_154_ end function SearchResupply(L_155_arg1) local L_156_ = false local L_157_ = nil if L_155_arg1:FindFirstChild('ResupplyVal') or L_155_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild('ResupplyVal') then L_156_ = true if L_155_arg1:FindFirstChild('ResupplyVal') then L_157_ = L_155_arg1.ResupplyVal elseif L_155_arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild('ResupplyVal') then L_157_ = L_155_arg1.Parent.ResupplyVal end end return L_156_, L_157_ end
--Horn Sound Code, Metrotren
m1=script.Parent.StartHorn m2=script.Parent.HornSound m3=script.Parent.EndHorn m1:Stop() --Initial setup m2:Stop() m3:Stop() m1.Volume = 0 m2.Volume = 0 m3.Volume = 0 m2.Looped = false m2.Playing = false script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Drive").Locotrol.Event:connect(function(data) if data["Horn"] == true then m2.Volume = 0 m2.Looped = false m2:Stop() m2.Playing = false m3.Volume = 0 m3:stop() m1.Volume = 1 m1:Play() --wait(m1.TimeLength) --disabled because it makes looping part stuck playing if stopped too soon. if m1.TimePosition < m1.TimeLength then m2.Looped = true m2.Volume = 1 m2:Play() else m1.Volume = 0 m1:Stop() end elseif data["Horn"] == false then m1.Volume = 0 m1:Stop() --For 3 part option m2.Volume = 0 m2:Stop() m2.Looped = false m2.Playing = false m3.Volume = 0 m3:Play() --[[ -- For 2 part option if m2.IsPlaying == true then for i=1, 0, -.1 do m2.Volume = i*1 wait(.1) end end m2.Volume = 0 m2.Looped = false m2.Playing = false m2:Stop() --]] end end)
--[=[ @param value T @return Option<T> | Option<None> Safely wraps the given value as an option. If the value is `nil`, returns `Option.None`, otherwise returns `Option.Some(value)`. ]=]
function Option.Wrap(value) if value == nil then return Option.None else return Option.Some(value) end end
local module = { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["ping"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) local startTime = tick() local returnValue = main.signals.GetPing:InvokeServer(math.random(1,1000)) local timeTaken = tick() - startTime local ping = timeTaken/2 local pingMs = ping*1000 local depth = 1000 local pingMsRounded = math.floor((pingMs*depth)+0.5)/depth main:GetModule("Notices"):Notice("Notice", main.hdAdminCoreName, "Your ping is "..pingMsRounded.."!") end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["blur"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) main.blur.Size = (args[2] ~= 0 and args[2]) or 20 end; UnFunction = function(speaker, args) main.blur.Size = 0 end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["showGuis"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) for a,b in pairs(hiddenGuis) do a.Enabled = true end hiddenGuis = {} end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["hideGuis"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) for a,b in pairs(main.playerGui:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("ScreenGui") and b.Name ~= "Chat" and b.Name ~= "HDAdminGUIs" then if b.Enabled == true then hiddenGuis[b] = true end b.Enabled = false end end end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["view"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) local plr = args[1] local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid(plr) if humanoid then main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(humanoid) end end; UnFunction = function(speaker, args) local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid(speaker) if humanoid then main.signals.SetCameraSubject:FireClient(speaker, (humanoid)) end end }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["nightVision"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) for _,plr in pairs(main.players:GetChildren()) do local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead(plr) if plr.Name ~= main.player.Name and head then for a,b in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("BasePart") and b:FindFirstChild("HDNightVision") == nil then for i = 1,6 do local nv = main.client.Assets.NightVision:Clone() nv.Parent = b nv.Face = i-1 nv.Name = "HDAdminNightVision" end end end local nv = main.client.Assets.Nickname:Clone() nv.TextLabel.Text = plr.Name nv.Parent = head nv.Name = "HDAdminNightVision" end end end; UnFunction = function(speaker, args) for _,plr in pairs(main.players:GetChildren()) do if plr.Character then for a,b in pairs(plr.Character:GetDescendants()) do if b.Name == "HDAdminNightVision" then b:Destroy() end end end end end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["cmdbar"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) main:GetModule("CmdBar"):OpenCmdBar() end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["cmdbar2"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu("cmdbar2", {}, 2) end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["rainbowFart"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) local plr = args[1] local maxPoops = 20 local poopSounds = {174658105,148635119} local function poopSound(sound_id,part) local soundPoop ="Sound",part) soundPoop.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..sound_id soundPoop.Volume = 0.5 soundPoop:Play() local soundPlaying = soundPoop.IsPlaying or soundPoop.Played:Wait() --repeat wait() until soundPoop.IsPlaying wait() end local function poop(clone,toilet,sound_id,poopCount, poopGroup) local poop = main.client.Assets.Poop:Clone() poopSound(sound_id,poop) poop.CanCollide = false -- Changed to 'rainbow' as Roblox 'do not allow the use of commands where the central focus is the egregious act of defecation' local totalPoops = maxPoops local increment = 1/totalPoops local newH = (poopCount-1)*increment local newColor = Color3.fromHSV(newH, 0.7, 0.7) poop.Color = newColor -- poop.CFrame = toilet.Seat.CFrame *,(poopCount*1)-0.5,0) clone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(poop.CFrame *,3,0)) poop.Parent = poopGroup end local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead(plr) if not head then return end local originalCFrame = head.CFrame plr.Character.Parent = nil local clone, tracks = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateClone(plr.Character) -- if tracks.sit.Length <= 0 then repeat wait() until tracks.sit.Length > 0 end -- clone.Head.CFrame = originalCFrame if plr == main.player then main:GetModule("cf"):Movement(false) main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(clone.Humanoid) end --main:GetModule("cf"):SetTransparency(plr.Character, 1) local poopCount = 0 local poopGroup ="Model",workspace) local toilet = main.client.Assets.Toilet:Clone() poopGroup.Name = plr.Name.."'s poop" toilet.PrimaryPart = toilet.Seat toilet:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(clone.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,-1,0)) --* CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90), 0)) toilet.Parent = workspace toilet.Seat:Sit(clone.Humanoid) tracks.sit:Play(0) clone.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://304907108" wait() clone.PrimaryPart = clone.Head clone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(toilet.PrimaryPart.CFrame *,3,0)) for a,b in pairs(clone:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("BasePart") and b.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then b.Anchored = true end end wait(1) -- poopSound(174658105,clone.HumanoidRootPart) wait(2) poopCount = poopCount + 1 poop(clone,toilet,148635119,poopCount, poopGroup, poopGroup) clone.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://338312149" wait(1.5) clone.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://316545711" for i = 1,maxPoops do if i == maxPoops-2 then for a,b in pairs(clone:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("BasePart") and b.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then b.Anchored = false end end local explosion ="Explosion") explosion.Position = clone.Head.Position explosion.Parent = clone explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 clone:BreakJoints() elseif i > maxPoops-1 then for a,b in pairs(poopGroup:GetChildren()) do b.Anchored = false b.CanCollide = true end end poopCount = poopCount + 1 if i >= maxPoops then wait(1.5) else poop(clone,toilet,poopSounds[math.random(1,#poopSounds)],poopCount, poopGroup) wait() end end wait(3) poopGroup:Destroy() toilet:Destroy() clone:Destroy() if plr == main.player then local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid(plr) if humanoid then main:GetModule("cf"):Movement(true) main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(humanoid) end end --main:GetModule("cf"):SetTransparency(plr.Character, 0) plr.Character.Parent = workspace end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["icecream"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) local plr = args[1] --Create clone and hide char plr.Character.Parent = nil local clone, tracks = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateClone(plr.Character) local hrp = clone:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if hrp == nil then clone:Destroy() return end hrp.Anchored = true --tracks.idle:Play() --main:GetModule("cf"):SetTransparency(plr.Character, 1) --Create van local van = main.client.Assets.IcecreamVan:Clone() van.PrimaryPart = van.VanDoor.Part1 van:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hrp.CFrame *,3,-4) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90), 0)) van.Parent = workspace --Disable movement and set camera if player == plr if plr == main.player then main:GetModule("cf"):Movement(false) main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(clone.Humanoid) for a,b in pairs(van:GetDescendants()) do if b:IsA("BasePart") then b.CanCollide = true end end end --Setup Sounds local soundIcecream = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateSound{SoundId = 260910474, Volume = 0.5, Parent = van.PrimaryPart} local soundClowns = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateSound{SoundId = 861942173, Volume = 4, Parent = van.PrimaryPart} local soundBaby = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateSound{SoundId = 2628538600, Volume = 0.15, Parent = van.PrimaryPart} local soundScream = main:GetModule("cf"):CreateSound{SoundId = 147758746, Volume = 0.8, Parent = van.PrimaryPart} --Tween van to plr soundIcecream:Play() main:GetModule("cf"):TweenModel(van, van.PrimaryPart.CFrame *, 0, 210), wait(8.1) local tween = main.tweenService:Create(soundIcecream,, {Volume = 0}) tween:Play() tween.Completed:Wait() soundIcecream:Stop() soundIcecream:Destroy() wait(1) --Open doors, get plr and close doors van.VanDoor.Part1.Transparency = 1 van.VanDoor.Part2.Transparency = 1 wait(1) clone.PrimaryPart = clone.Head clone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(van.Clown.Head.CFrame *,0,-2.5) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180), 0)) local originalMinZoom = plr.CameraMinZoomDistance local originalMaxZoom = plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance if plr == main.player then plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 0.5 spawn(function() plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 1 end) end local face = clone.Head:FindFirstChild("face") if face then face.Texture = "rbxassetid://338312149" end soundClowns:Play() wait(1) van.VanDoor.Part1.Transparency = 0 van.VanDoor.Part2.Transparency = 0 clone.Parent = van for a,b in pairs(clone:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("Accessory") then b:remove() end end --Tween van away soundIcecream:Play() main:GetModule("cf"):TweenModel(van, van.PrimaryPart.CFrame *, 0, 400),, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In)) --Show scary stuff and scream wait(4) local arm = van.Clown["Right Arm"] arm.CFrame = arm.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(45), 0, 0) for a,b in pairs(van.Doll:GetChildren()) do b.Transparency = 0 end van.Doll.Head.face.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) soundBaby:Play() wait(1.5) soundScream:Play() if face then face.Texture = "rbxassetid://288918236" end wait(2.5) --Explode if plr == main.player then local explosion ="Explosion") explosion.Position = clone.Head.Position explosion.Parent = clone clone:BreakJoints() end wait(5) --Destroy van and reset player if plr == main.player then local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid(plr) if humanoid then main:GetModule("cf"):Movement(true) main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(humanoid) end plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 20 wait() plr.CameraMinZoomDistance = 20 wait() plr.CameraMinZoomDistance = originalMinZoom plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = originalMaxZoom end --main:GetModule("cf"):SetTransparency(plr.Character, 0) if plr.Character then plr.Character.Parent = workspace end van:Destroy() end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["laserEyes"] = { DisplayLaser = function(laserHead, laserTarget, status) local leftBeam = laserTarget:FindFirstChild("LeftBeam") if leftBeam then leftBeam.Enabled = status laserTarget.RightBeam.Enabled = status laserTarget.MidAttachment.GlowHit.Enabled = status end end; Activate = function(self) local commandName = self.Name local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead() local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid() local hrp = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHRP() if head and humanoid and main.mouseDown then local laserHead = head:FindFirstChild("HDAdminLaserHead") local neck = main:GetModule("cf"):GetNeck() local r6 = false if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then r6 = true end head.Parent.PrimaryPart = hrp if laserHead and neck then local maxDistance = 30 local lastUpdate = tick()-1 local originalC0 = neck.C0 local additionalY = humanoid.HipHeight/2.5 local laserTarget = laserHead.LaserTarget local fire = laserTarget.MidAttachment2.Fire local sparks = laserTarget.MidAttachment.Sparks local sizzle = local sizzle2 = sizzle:Play() self.DisplayLaser(laserHead, laserTarget, true) repeat local hit, position = main:GetModule("cf"):GetMousePoint(main.lastHitPosition) local targetCFrame =, head.Position) local distanceFromPlayer = main.player:DistanceFromCharacter(targetCFrame.p) local exceededMaxDistance = false if distanceFromPlayer > maxDistance then targetCFrame = targetCFrame *, 0, maxDistance-distanceFromPlayer) exceededMaxDistance = true end laserTarget.CFrame = targetCFrame local headPos = head.Position local targetPos = laserTarget.Position local direction = (, headPos.Y, targetPos.Z) - head.Position).Unit if head.Parent.PrimaryPart == nil then head.Parent.PrimaryPart = head.parent.HumanoidRootPart end local lookCFrame = (, (head.Parent.PrimaryPart.CFrame):VectorToObjectSpace(direction))) if r6 then lookCFrame = lookCFrame *,1,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0) else lookCFrame = lookCFrame *,additionalY,0) end neck.C0 = lookCFrame if tick() - 0.6 > lastUpdate then lastUpdate = tick() main:GetModule("cf"):ReplicateEffect(self.Name, {targetCFrame, lookCFrame}) end if hit and not exceededMaxDistance and (hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or hit.Name == "Handle") then fire.Enabled = true sparks.Enabled = true if not sizzle2.Playing then sizzle2:Play() end else fire.Enabled = false sparks.Enabled = false if sizzle2.Playing then sizzle2:Stop() end end wait() until not main.mouseDown or not main.commandsActive[commandName] or not head or not head.Parent or not neck neck.C0 = originalC0 self.DisplayLaser(laserHead, laserTarget, false) fire.Enabled = false sparks.Enabled = false sizzle:Stop() sizzle2:Stop() end end main.commandsActive[commandName] = nil end; ReplicationEffect = function(speaker, args, self) local targetCFrame, lookCFrame = args[1], args[2] local plr = speaker local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead(plr) if head then local laserHead = head:FindFirstChild("HDAdminLaserHead") local neck = main:GetModule("cf"):GetNeck(plr) if laserHead and neck then local laserTarget = laserHead.LaserTarget --Laser is already active if lasersActive[plr] then lasersActive[plr] = lasersActive[plr] + 1 else -- New laser lasersActive[plr] = 1 originalNecks[plr] = neck.C0 local randomZ = math.random(10,40) - 15 laserTarget.CFrame = targetCFrame *, 0, randomZ) neck.C0 = lookCFrame laserTarget.MidAttachment.GlowHit.Rate = 50 self.DisplayLaser(laserHead, laserTarget, true) end main.tweenService:Create(laserTarget, laserTweenInfo, {CFrame = targetCFrame}):Play() main.tweenService:Create(neck, laserTweenInfo, {C0 = lookCFrame}):Play() wait(laserTweenTime) lasersActive[plr] = lasersActive[plr] - 1 if lasersActive[plr] <= 0 then self.DisplayLaser(laserHead, laserTarget, false) neck.C0 = originalNecks[plr] originalNecks[plr] = nil lasersActive[plr] = nil end end end end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["warp"] = { Function = function(speaker, args) local maxDistort = 1 local increment = 0.005 local distort = maxDistort-increment local distortDirection = -increment repeat main.runService.RenderStepped:Wait() if distort < increment then distort = increment distortDirection = increment elseif distort > maxDistort then distort = maxDistort distortDirection = -increment end =*,0,0,distort,0,0,0,distort,0,0,0,1) distort = distort + distortDirection until distort > maxDistort end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["fly"] = { Activate = function(self) main:GetModule("FlyCommand"):Fly(self.Name) end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["fly2"] = { Activate = function(self) main:GetModule("FlyCommand"):Fly(self.Name) end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["noclip"] = { Activate = function(self) local commandName = self.Name local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid() local hrp = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHRP() if humanoid and hrp then local lastUpdate = tick() hrp.Anchored = true humanoid.PlatformStand = true repeat wait() local delta = tick()-lastUpdate local look = ( local move = main:GetModule("cf"):GetNextMovement(delta, main.commandSpeeds[commandName]) local pos = hrp.Position hrp.CFrame =,pos+look) * move lastUpdate = tick() until not main.commandsActive[commandName] if hrp and humanoid then hrp.Anchored = false hrp.Velocity = humanoid.PlatformStand = false end end end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["noclip2"] = { Activate = function(self) main:GetModule("FlyCommand"):Fly(self.Name, true) end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["clip"] = { Function = function(speaker, args, self) main:GetModule("cf"):DeactivateCommand("noclip") end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ["boing"] = { ExpandTime = 4; ExpandAmount = 3; EndBoing = {}; Function = function(speaker, args, self) local plr = args[1] local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead(plr) local humanoid = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHumanoid(plr) if head and humanoid and not self.UnFunction(speaker, args, self) then local headMesh = head:FindFirstChild("Mesh") if headMesh then local hats = {} local character = plr.Character for a,b in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do if b:IsA("Accessory") then table.insert(hats, b) b.Parent = nil end end local originalScale = headMesh.Scale local tween = main.tweenService:Create(headMesh,, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Scale =, originalScale.Y * self.ExpandAmount, originalScale.Z)}) tween:Play() -- local endEvent ="BindableEvent") self.EndBoing[plr] = endEvent main:GetModule("cf"):WaitForEvent(endEvent, humanoid.Died, plr.CharacterAdded) self.EndBoing[plr] = nil endEvent:Destroy() -- if headMesh then local tween = main.tweenService:Create(headMesh,, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Scale = originalScale}) tween:Play() tween.Completed:Wait() end for i,v in pairs(hats) do if character then v.Parent = character else v:Destroy() end end end end end; UnFunction = function(speaker, args, self) local plr = args[1] local endEvent = self.EndBoing[plr] if endEvent then endEvent:Fire() return true end end; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- };
-- ROBLOX deviation START: handle template data
local function maybeHandleTemplateString(table_: any): Global_EachTable if typeof(table_) == "string" then local templateString = table_ :: string local raw = templateString local strings = {} local expressions = {} local startIndex = 1 local endIndex = 1 local expressionStarted = false for i = 1, #templateString do local current = string.sub(templateString, i, i) local next = if i < #templateString then string.sub(templateString, i + 1, i + 1) else nil if i == #templateString then if expressionStarted then error("expression not closed") end table.insert(strings, string.sub(templateString, startIndex)) elseif not expressionStarted and current == "$" then if next == "{" then expressionStarted = true endIndex = i - 1 end elseif expressionStarted and current == "}" then local str = string.sub(templateString, startIndex, endIndex) local exp = string.sub(templateString, endIndex + 3, i - 1) table.insert(strings, str) table.insert(expressions, exp) startIndex = i + 1 expressionStarted = false end end return (setmetatable(strings, { __index = { raw = raw, }, }) :: any) :: Global_EachTable else return table_ end end
--// bolekinds
script.Parent.Triggered:Connect(function(plr) plr.PlayerGui.Shop.Frame.Visible = true plr.PlayerGui.Shop.Frame.Startup:Play() end)
--------LEFT DOOR 9--------
game.Workspace.doorleft.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l11.BrickColor =
-- TUNING VALUES ---------------------------------------- -- Factor of torque applied to get the wheels spinning -- Larger number generally means faster acceleration
local TORQUE = 16000
-- game.Workspace.Points:ClearAllChildren() -- local ps = path:GetPointCoordinates() -- for _, point in pairs(ps) do -- local part ="Part", game.Workspace.Points) -- part.CanCollide = false -- part.Anchored = true -- part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom -- part.Size =,1,1) -- part.Position = point -- end
currentPointIndex = 1 lastTargetPos = target end if path then local points = path:GetPointCoordinates() if currentPointIndex < #points then local currentPoint = points[currentPointIndex] if character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local distance = (character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - currentPoint).magnitude if distance < NextPointThreshold then currentPointIndex = currentPointIndex + 1 end character.Humanoid:MoveTo(points[currentPointIndex]) if points[currentPointIndex].Y - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y > JumpThreshold then character.Humanoid.Jump = true end end else if character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then character.Humanoid:MoveTo(target) end end end end return this end return PathfindingUtility
local Paint = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Paint = not Paint handler:FireServer("Cashmere",Paint) end)
--[[ ___ _____ / _ |/ ___/ Avxnturador | Novena / __ / /__ /_/ |_\___/ LuaInt | Novena *I assume you know what you're doing if you're gonna change something here.* ]]
-- --[[START]] script.Parent:WaitForChild("Car") script.Parent:WaitForChild("IsOn") script.Parent:WaitForChild("ControlsOpen") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Values") --[[Dependencies]] local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) --[[Output Scaling Factor]] local FBrakeForce = _Tune.BrakeForce*_Tune.BrakeBias--luaint edit local RBrakeForce = _Tune.BrakeForce*(1-_Tune.BrakeBias)--luaint edit local PBrakeForceF = _Tune.PBrakeForce*_Tune.PBrakeBias local PBrakeForceR = _Tune.PBrakeForce*(1-_Tune.PBrakeBias) local EBrakeForce = _Tune.EBrakeForce local SteerOuter = _Tune.SteerOuter--luaint edit local SteerInner = _Tune.SteerInner--luaint edit local RSteerOuter = _Tune.RSteerOuter local RSteerInner = _Tune.RSteerInner if not workspace:PGSIsEnabled() then error("PGS is not enabled: A-Chassis will not work.") end --[[Status Vars]] local _IsOn = _Tune.AutoStart if _Tune.AutoStart and (_Tune.Engine or _Tune.Electric) then script.Parent.IsOn.Value=true end local _GSteerT=0 local _GSteerC=0 local _GThrot=0 local _InThrot=0 local _IThrot=_Tune.IdleThrottle/100 local _GBrake=0 local _InBrake=0 local _IBrake=0 local _ClPressing = false local _PlayerClutch = false local _Clutch = 0 local _ClutchKick = 0 local _ClutchModulate = 0 local _RPM = 0 local _HP = 0 local _OutTorque = 0 local _CGear = 0 local _PGear = _CGear local _ShiftUp = false local _ShiftDn = false local _Shifting = false local _spLimit = 0 local _Boost = 0 local _TCount = 0 local _TPsi = 0 local _TBoost = 0 local _SCount = 0 local _SPsi = 0 local _SBoost = 0 local _NH = 0 local _NT = 0 local _EH = 0 local _ET = 0 local _TH = 0 local _TT = 0 local _SH = 0 local _ST = 0 local _BH = 0 local _BT = 0 local _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[1] local _MSteer = false local _SteerL = false local _SteerR = false local _PBrake = false local _TCS = _Tune.TCSEnabled local _TCSActive = false local _TCSAmt = 0 local _ABS = _Tune.ABSEnabled local _ABSActive = false local FlipWait=tick() local FlipDB=false local _InControls = false --[[Shutdown]] car.DriveSeat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then script.Parent:Destroy() end end) --[[Controls]] local _CTRL = _Tune.Controls local Controls ="Folder",script.Parent) Controls.Name = "Controls" for i,v in pairs(_CTRL) do local"StringValue",Controls) a.Name=i a.Value=v.Name a.Changed:connect(function() if i=="MouseThrottle" or i=="MouseBrake" then if a.Value == "MouseButton1" or a.Value == "MouseButton2" then _CTRL[i]=Enum.UserInputType[a.Value] else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end end) end --Deadzone Adjust local _PPH = _Tune.Peripherals for i,v in pairs(_PPH) do local a ="IntValue",Controls) a.Name = i a.Value = v a.Changed:connect(function() a.Value=math.min(100,math.max(0,a.Value)) _PPH[i] = a.Value end) end --Input Handler function DealWithInput(input,IsRobloxFunction) if (UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox()==nil) and not _InControls then --Ignore when UI Focus --Shift Down [Manual Transmission] if (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftDown"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftDown"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftDown"])) and ((_IsOn and ((_TMode=="Auto" and _CGear<=1) and _Tune.AutoShiftVers == "New") or _TMode=="Semi") or _TMode=="Manual") and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if not _ShiftDn then _ShiftDn = true end --Shift Up [Manual Transmission] elseif (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftUp"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftUp"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftUp"])) and ((_IsOn and ((_TMode=="Auto" and _CGear<1) and _Tune.AutoShiftVers == "New") or _TMode=="Semi") or _TMode=="Manual") and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if not _ShiftUp then _ShiftUp = true end --Toggle Clutch elseif (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrClutch"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseClutch"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Clutch"])) and _TMode=="Manual" then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _ClPressing = true _PlayerClutch = true elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ClPressing = false _PlayerClutch = false end --Toggle PBrake elseif input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrPBrake"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MousePBrake"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["PBrake"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _PBrake = not _PBrake elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>5 then _PBrake = false end end --Toggle Transmission Mode elseif (input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTMode"] or input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ToggleTransMode"]) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then local n=1 for i,v in pairs(_Tune.TransModes) do if v==_TMode then n=i break end end n=n+1 if n>#_Tune.TransModes then n=1 end _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[n] --Throttle elseif ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Throttle"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Throttle2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and _IsOn then _IThrot = 1 else _IThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 end --Brake elseif ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Brake"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Brake2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseBrake"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseBrake"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _IBrake = 1 else _IBrake = 0 end --Steer Left elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerLeft"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerLeft2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = -1 _SteerL = true else if _SteerR then _GSteerT = 1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerL = false end --Steer Right elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerRight"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerRight2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = 1 _SteerR = true else if _SteerL then _GSteerT = -1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerR = false end --Toggle Mouse Controls elseif input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ToggleMouseDrive"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _MSteer = not _MSteer _IThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 _IBrake = 0 _GSteerT = 0 end --Toggle TCS elseif _Tune.TCSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleTCS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTCS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _TCS = not _TCS end --Toggle ABS elseif _Tune.ABSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleABS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleABS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ABS = not _ABS end end --Variable Controls if input.UserInputType.Name:find("Gamepad") then --Gamepad Steering if input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrSteer"] then if input.Position.X>= 0 then local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlRDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X-cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end else local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlLDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X+cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end end --Gamepad Throttle elseif input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrThrottle"] then if _IsOn then _IThrot = math.max(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100,input.Position.Z) else _IThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 end --Gamepad Brake elseif input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrBrake"] then _IBrake = input.Position.Z end end else _IThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 _GSteerT = 0 _IBrake = 0 end end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(DealWithInput) --[[Drivetrain Initialize]] local Drive={} --Power Front Wheels if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then table.insert(Drive,v) end end end --Power Rear Wheels if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" or v.Name=="R" then table.insert(Drive,v) end end end --Determine Wheel Size local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end --Pre-Toggled PBrake for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if (math.abs(v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque-PBrakeForceF)<1) or (math.abs(v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque-PBrakeForceR)<1) then _PBrake=true end end --[[Throttle and Brake Input Smoothening]] function Inputs(dt) local deltaTime = (60/(1/dt)) if _InThrot <= _IThrot then _InThrot = math.min(_IThrot,_InThrot+(_Tune.ThrotAccel*deltaTime)) else _InThrot = math.max(_IThrot,_InThrot-(_Tune.ThrotDecel*deltaTime)) end if _InBrake <= _IBrake then _InBrake = math.min(_IBrake,_InBrake+(_Tune.BrakeAccel*deltaTime)) else _InBrake = math.max(_IBrake,_InBrake-(_Tune.BrakeDecel*deltaTime)) end end --[[Steering]] if _Tune.SteeringType == 'New' then--luaint edit SteerOuter = (_Tune.LockToLock*180)/_Tune.SteerRatio SteerInner = math.min(SteerOuter-(SteerOuter*(1-_Tune.Ackerman)),SteerOuter*1.2) end function Steering(dt) local deltaTime = (60/(1/dt)) --Mouse Steer if _MSteer then local msWidth = math.max(1,mouse.ViewSizeX*_Tune.Peripherals.MSteerWidth/200) local mdZone = _Tune.Peripherals.MSteerDZone/100 local mST = ((mouse.X-mouse.ViewSizeX/2)/msWidth) if math.abs(mST)<=mdZone then _GSteerT = 0 else _GSteerT = (math.max(math.min((math.abs(mST)-mdZone),(1-mdZone)),0)/(1-mdZone))^_Tune.MSteerExp * (mST / math.abs(mST)) end end --Interpolate Steering if _GSteerC < _GSteerT then if _GSteerC<0 then _GSteerC = math.min(_GSteerT,_GSteerC+(_Tune.ReturnSpeed*deltaTime)) else _GSteerC = math.min(_GSteerT,_GSteerC+(_Tune.SteerSpeed*deltaTime)) end else if _GSteerC>0 then _GSteerC = math.max(_GSteerT,_GSteerC-(_Tune.ReturnSpeed*deltaTime)) else _GSteerC = math.max(_GSteerT,_GSteerC-(_Tune.SteerSpeed*deltaTime)) end end --Steer Decay Multiplier local sDecay = (1-math.min(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.SteerDecay,1-(_Tune.MinSteer/100))) local rsDecay = (1-math.min(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerDecay,1-(_Tune.MinSteer/100))) --Apply Steering for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="F" then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.F.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*_Tune.SteerInner*sDecay),0) elseif v.Name=="FL" then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.FL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*SteerOuter*sDecay),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.FL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*SteerInner*sDecay),0)--luaint edit end elseif v.Name=="FR" then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.FR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*SteerInner*sDecay),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.FR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*SteerOuter*sDecay),0)--luaint edit end elseif v.Name=='R' then if _Tune.FWSteer=='None' then elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Static' then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.R.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(0,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Speed' then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.R.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.min(1,(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Both' then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.R.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(-1,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end elseif v.Name=='RL' then if _Tune.FWSteer=='None' then elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Static' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.max(0,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(0,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Speed' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.min(1,(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.min(1,(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Both' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.max(-1,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RL.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(-1,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end end elseif v.Name=='RR' then if _Tune.FWSteer=='None' then elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Static' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(0,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.max(0,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Speed' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.min(1,(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.min(1,(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end elseif _Tune.FWSteer=='Both' then if _GSteerC>= 0 then v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerInner*rsDecay*math.max(-1,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit else v.Arm.Steer.CFrame=car.Wheels.RR.Base.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(_GSteerC*RSteerOuter*rsDecay*math.max(-1,1-(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.RSteerSpeed))),0)--luaint edit end end end end end --[[Engine]] local fFD = _Tune.FinalDrive*_Tune.FDMult local fFDr = fFD*30/math.pi local cGrav = workspace.Gravity*_Tune.InclineComp/32.2 local wDRatio = wDia*math.pi/60 local cfWRot = CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) local cfYRot = CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0) --Electric Only Setup if not _Tune.Engine and _Tune.Electric then _Tune.Redline = _Tune.E_Redline _Tune.PeakRPM = _Tune.E_Trans2 _Tune.Turbochargers = 0 _Tune.Superchargers = 0 _Tune.Clutch = false _Tune.IdleRPM = 0 _Tune.ClutchType = "Clutch" _Tune.AutoShiftType = "DCT" _Tune.ShiftUpTime = 0.1 _Tune.ShiftDnTime = 0.1 end --Aspiration Setup _TCount = _Tune.Turbochargers _TPsi = _Tune.T_Boost*_Tune.Turbochargers _SCount = _Tune.Superchargers _SPsi = _Tune.S_Boost*_Tune.Superchargers --Engine Curve local HP=_Tune.Horsepower/100 local HP_T=((_Tune.Horsepower*((_TPsi)*(_Tune.CompressionRatio/10))/7.5)/2)/100 local HP_S=((_Tune.Horsepower*((_SPsi)*(_Tune.CompressionRatio/10))/7.5)/2)/100 local Peak=_Tune.PeakRPM/1000 local Sharpness=_Tune.PeakSharpness local CurveMult=_Tune.CurveMult local EQ=_Tune.EqPoint/1000 function CurveN(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 return ((-(RPM-Peak)^2)*math.min(HP/(Peak^2),CurveMult^(Peak/HP))+HP)*(RPM-((RPM^Sharpness)/(Sharpness*Peak^(Sharpness-1)))) end local PeakCurveN = CurveN(_Tune.PeakRPM) function CurveT(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 return ((-(RPM-Peak)^2)*math.min(HP_T/(Peak^2),CurveMult^(Peak/HP_T))+HP_T)*(RPM-((RPM^Sharpness)/(Sharpness*Peak^(Sharpness-1)))) end local PeakCurveT = CurveT(_Tune.PeakRPM) function CurveS(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 return ((-(RPM-Peak)^2)*math.min(HP_S/(Peak^2),CurveMult^(Peak/HP_S))+HP_S)*(RPM-((RPM^Sharpness)/(Sharpness*Peak^(Sharpness-1)))) end local PeakCurveS = CurveS(_Tune.PeakRPM) --Electric Curve local EHP=_Tune.E_Horsepower/100 local ETQ=_Tune.E_Torque/100 local ETrans1=_Tune.E_Trans1/1000 local ETrans2=_Tune.E_Trans2/1000 local ELimit=_Tune.E_Redline/1000 function elecHP(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 local retVal=1e-9 if RPM<=ETrans1 then retVal=((((RPM/ETrans1)^_Tune.EH_FrontMult)/(1/EHP))*(RPM/ETrans1))+((((RPM/ETrans1)^(1/_Tune.EH_FrontMult))/(1/EHP))*(1-(RPM/ETrans1))) elseif ETrans1<RPM and RPM<ETrans2 then retVal=EHP elseif ETrans2<=RPM then retVal=EHP-(((RPM-ETrans2)/(ELimit-ETrans2))^_Tune.EH_EndMult)/(1/(EHP*(_Tune.EH_EndPercent/100))) else error( "\n\t [AC6C]: Drive initialization failed!" .."\n\t An unknown error occured when initializing electric horsepower." .."\n\t Please send a screenshot of this message to Avxnturador." .."\n\t R: "..RPM..", T1: "..ETrans1", T2: "..ETrans2", L: "..ELimit".") end return retVal end function elecTQ(RPM) RPM=RPM/1000 local retVal=1e-9 if RPM<ETrans1 then retVal=ETQ elseif ETrans1<=RPM then retVal=ETQ-(((RPM-ETrans1)/(ELimit-ETrans1))^_Tune.ET_EndMult)/(1/(ETQ*(_Tune.ET_EndPercent/100))) else error( "\n\t [AC6C]: Drive initialization failed!" .."\n\t An unknown error occured when initializing electric torque." .."\n\t Please send a screenshot of this message to Avxnturador." .."\n\t R: "..RPM..", T1: "..ETrans1", T2: "..ETrans2", L: "..ELimit".") end return retVal end --Plot Current Naturally Aspirated Engine Horsepower function GetNCurve(x,gear) local hp=(math.max(CurveN(x)/(PeakCurveN/HP),0))*100 return hp,((hp*(EQ/x))*_Tune.Ratios[gear+2]*fFD)*1000 end --Plot Current Electric Horsepower function GetECurve(x,gear) local hp=(math.max(elecHP(x),0))*100 local tq=(math.max(elecTQ(x),0))*100 if gear~=0 then return hp,math.max(tq*_Tune.Ratios[gear+2]*fFD,0) else return 0,0 end end --Plot Current Turbocharger Horsepower function GetTCurve(x,gear) local hp=(math.max(CurveT(x)/(PeakCurveT/HP_T),0))*100 return hp,((hp*(EQ/x))*_Tune.Ratios[gear+2]*fFD)*1000 end --Plot Current Supercharger Horsepower function GetSCurve(x,gear) local hp=(math.max(CurveS(x)/(PeakCurveS/HP_S),0))*100 return hp,((hp*(EQ/x))*_Tune.Ratios[gear+2]*fFD)*1000 end --Output Cache local NCache = {} local ECache = {} local TCache = {} local SCache = {} for gear,ratio in pairs(_Tune.Ratios) do local nhpPlot = {} local ehpPlot = {} local thpPlot = {} local shpPlot = {} for rpm = 0, math.ceil((_Tune.Redline+100)/100) do local ntqPlot = {} local etqPlot = {} local ttqPlot = {} local stqPlot = {} if rpm~=0 then if _Tune.Engine then ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = GetNCurve(rpm*100,gear-2) if _TCount~=0 then ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = GetTCurve(rpm*100,gear-2) else ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = GetSCurve(rpm*100,gear-2) else stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end else ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = 0,0 ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric then etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = GetECurve(rpm*100,gear-2) else etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end else ntqPlot.Horsepower,ntqPlot.Torque = 0,0 etqPlot.Horsepower,etqPlot.Torque = 0,0 ttqPlot.Horsepower,ttqPlot.Torque = 0,0 stqPlot.Horsepower,stqPlot.Torque = 0,0 end if _Tune.Engine then nhp,ntq = GetNCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-2) if _TCount~=0 then thp,ttq = GetTCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-2) else thp,ttq = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then shp,stq = GetSCurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-2) else shp,stq = 0,0 end else nhp,ntq = 0,0 thp,ttq = 0,0 shp,stq = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric then ehp,etq = GetECurve((rpm+1)*100,gear-2) else ehp,etq = 0,0 end ntqPlot.HpSlope,ntqPlot.TqSlope = (nhp-ntqPlot.Horsepower),(ntq-ntqPlot.Torque) etqPlot.HpSlope,etqPlot.TqSlope = (ehp-etqPlot.Horsepower),(etq-etqPlot.Torque) ttqPlot.HpSlope,ttqPlot.TqSlope = (thp-ttqPlot.Horsepower),(ttq-ttqPlot.Torque) stqPlot.HpSlope,stqPlot.TqSlope = (shp-stqPlot.Horsepower),(stq-stqPlot.Torque) nhpPlot[rpm] = ntqPlot ehpPlot[rpm] = etqPlot thpPlot[rpm] = ttqPlot shpPlot[rpm] = stqPlot end table.insert(NCache,nhpPlot) table.insert(ECache,ehpPlot) table.insert(TCache,thpPlot) table.insert(SCache,shpPlot) end --Powertrain wait() --Automatic Transmission function Auto() local maxSpin=0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = v.RotVelocity.Magnitude end end if _IsOn then if _Tune.AutoShiftVers == "Old" and _CGear == 0 then _CGear = 1 _ClPressing = false end if _CGear >= 1 then if (_CGear==1 and _InBrake > 0 and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 5) and _Tune.AutoShiftVers == "Old" then _CGear = -1 _ClPressing = false elseif car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude > 5 then if _Tune.AutoShiftMode == "RPM" then if _RPM>(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh) then if not _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then _ShiftUp = true end elseif math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline+100),_Tune.IdleRPM)<(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh) and _CGear>1 then if not _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then _ShiftDn = true end end else if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude > math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD) then if not _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then _ShiftUp = true end elseif car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]/fFD) and _CGear>1 then if not _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then _ShiftDn = true end end end end else if (_InThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100) > 0 and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 5) and _Tune.AutoShiftVers == "Old" then _CGear = 1 _ClPressing = false end end end end function Gear() local maxSpin=0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = v.RotVelocity.Magnitude end end if _ShiftUp and not _Shifting then if (_TMode == "Manual" and not _ClPressing) or (_TMode == "Manual" and _Tune.ClutchRel and (_InThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)>0)) or _CGear == #_Tune.Ratios-2 or (_TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn) then _ShiftUp = false return end local NextGear = math.min(_CGear+3,#_Tune.Ratios) if _TMode~="Manual" then _Shifting = true if _CGear>0 then if _Tune.AutoShiftType=="DCT" then wait(_Tune.ShiftUpTime) elseif _Tune.AutoShiftType=="Rev" then repeat wait() until _RPM<=math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[NextGear]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce),_Tune.IdleRPM) or not _IsOn or _ShiftDn end end end _ShiftUp = false _Shifting = false if _TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn then return end _CGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) if _TMode ~= "Manual" or (_TMode == "Manual" and _CGear == 1) and _IsOn then _ClPressing = false end end if _ShiftDn and not _Shifting then if (_TMode == "Manual" and not _ClPressing) or _CGear == -1 or (_TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn) then _ShiftDn = false return end local PrevGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios) if _TMode~="Manual" then _Shifting = true if _CGear>1 then if _Tune.AutoShiftType=="DCT" then wait(_Tune.ShiftDnTime) elseif _Tune.AutoShiftType=="Rev" then repeat wait() until _RPM>=math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[PrevGear]*fFDr,_Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce),_Tune.IdleRPM) or not _IsOn or _ShiftUp end end end _ShiftDn = false _Shifting = false if _TMode ~= "Manual" and not _IsOn then return end _CGear = math.max(_CGear-1,-1) if _TMode ~= "Manual" or (_TMode == "Manual" and _CGear == -1) and _IsOn then _ClPressing = false end end end local _GoalRPM=0 local tqTCS = 1 local sthrot = 0 local _StallOK = false local ticc = tick() --Apply Power function Engine(dt) local deltaTime = (60/(1/dt)) --Neutral Gear if ((_CGear == 0 or _Shifting) and _IsOn) then _ClPressing = true _Clutch = 1 _StallOK = false end local revMin = _Tune.IdleRPM local goalMin = _Tune.IdleRPM local goalMax = _Tune.Redline if _Tune.Stall and _Tune.Clutch then revMin = 0 end if _Shifting and _ShiftUp then _GThrot = 0 elseif _Shifting and _ShiftDn then _GThrot = (_Tune.ShiftThrot/100) else if (_Tune.AutoShiftVers == "Old" and _CGear==-1 and _TMode=="Auto") then _GThrot = _InBrake else _GThrot = _InThrot end end if (_Tune.AutoShiftVers == "Old" and _CGear==-1 and _TMode=="Auto") then _GBrake = _InThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100) else _GBrake = _InBrake end if not _IsOn then ticc = tick() revMin = 0 goalMin = 0 _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 if _TMode~="Manual" then _CGear = 0 _ClPressing = true _Clutch = 1 end end if ((_ClPressing and _CGear == 0) or (_PlayerClutch and _CGear ~= 0)) and _Tune.NeutralLimit then if (_CGear == 0 and not _Tune.LimitClutch) or _Tune.LimitClutch then goalMax = _Tune.NeutralRevRPM end end --Determine RPM local maxSpin=0 local maxCount=0 local revThrot=_GThrot for i,v in pairs(Drive) do maxSpin = maxSpin + v.RotVelocity.Magnitude maxCount = maxCount + 1 end maxSpin=maxSpin/maxCount if _GoalRPM>goalMax+100 then revThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 end if _Tune.Engine or _Tune.Electric then _GoalRPM = math.clamp((_RPM-_Tune.RevDecay*deltaTime)+((_Tune.RevDecay+_Tune.RevAccel)*revThrot*deltaTime),goalMin,_Tune.Redline+100) end if _GoalRPM>_Tune.Redline then if _CGear<#_Tune.Ratios-2 then _GoalRPM = _GoalRPM-_Tune.RevBounce else _GoalRPM = _GoalRPM-_Tune.RevBounce*.5 end end local _WheelRPM = maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]*fFDr if _Tune.Clutch then if script.Parent.Values.AutoClutch.Value and _IsOn then if _Tune.ClutchType == "Clutch" then if _ClPressing then _ClutchKick = 1 end _ClutchKick = _ClutchKick*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100) local ClRPMInfluence = math.max((_RPM-_Tune.IdleRPM)*_Tune.ClutchRPMMult/(_Tune.Redline-_Tune.IdleRPM),0) if _Tune.ClutchMode == "New" then ClRPMInfluence = 0 end _ClutchModulate = math.min(((((script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/_Tune.SpeedEngage)/math.abs(_CGear)) + ClRPMInfluence) - _ClutchKick), 1) elseif _Tune.ClutchType == "CVT" or (_Tune.ClutchType == "TorqueConverter" and _Tune.TQLock) then if (_GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)==0 and script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude<_Tune.SpeedEngage) or (_GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)~=0 and (_RPM < _Tune.RPMEngage and _WheelRPM < _Tune.RPMEngage)) then _ClutchModulate = math.min(_ClutchModulate*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100), 1) else _ClutchModulate = math.min(_ClutchModulate*(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100)+(1-(_Tune.ClutchEngage/100)), 1) end elseif _Tune.ClutchType == "TorqueConverter" and not _Tune.TQLock then _ClutchModulate = math.min((_RPM/_Tune.Redline)*0.7, 1) end if not _ClPressing then _Clutch = math.min(1-_ClutchModulate,1) else _Clutch = 1 end _StallOK = (_Clutch<=0.01) or _StallOK else _StallOK = _Tune.Stall _Clutch = script.Parent.Values.Clutch.Value end else _StallOK = false if not _ClPressing and not _Shifting then _Clutch = 0 else _Clutch = 1 end end local aRPM = math.max(math.min((_GoalRPM*_Clutch) + (_WheelRPM*(1-_Clutch)),_Tune.Redline+100),revMin) local clutchP = math.min(math.abs(aRPM-_RPM)/(_Tune.Flywheel*deltaTime),.9) if _ClPressing then clutchP = 0 end _RPM = _RPM*clutchP + aRPM*(1-clutchP) if _RPM<=(_Tune.IdleRPM/4) and _StallOK and (tick()-ticc>=0.2) then script.Parent.IsOn.Value = not _Tune.Stall end --Rev Limiter _spLimit = (_Tune.Redline+100)/(fFDr*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]) if _RPM>_Tune.Redline then if _CGear<#_Tune.Ratios-2 then _RPM = _RPM-_Tune.RevBounce else _RPM = _RPM-_Tune.RevBounce*.5 end end --Aspiration local TPsi = _TPsi/_TCount local _BThrot = _GThrot if _Tune.Engine then if _TCount~=0 and _TCount~=2 then _TBoost = _TBoost + ((((((_HP*(_BThrot*1.2)/_Tune.Horsepower)/8)-(((_TBoost/TPsi*(TPsi/15)))))*((8/(_Tune.T_BoostLag/(deltaTime)))*2))/TPsi)*15) if _TBoost < 0.05 then _TBoost = 0.05 elseif _TBoost > 2 then _TBoost = 2 end elseif _TCount==2 then if _TBoost<1 then _TBoost = _TBoost + ((((((_HP*(_BThrot*1.2)/_Tune.Horsepower)/8)-(((_TBoost/TPsi*(TPsi/15)))))*((8/(_Tune.T_BoostLag/(deltaTime)))*2))/TPsi)*15) elseif _TBoost>=1 then _TBoost = _TBoost + ((((((_HP*(_BThrot*1.2)/_Tune.Horsepower)/8)-(((_TBoost/TPsi*(TPsi/15)))))*((8/(_Tune.T2_BoostLag/(deltaTime)))*2))/TPsi)*15) end if _TBoost < 0.05 then _TBoost = 0.05 elseif _TBoost > 2 then _TBoost = 2 end else _TBoost = 0 end if _SCount~=0 then if _BThrot>sthrot then sthrot=math.min(_BThrot,sthrot+_Tune.S_Sensitivity*deltaTime) elseif _BThrot<sthrot then sthrot=math.max(_BThrot,sthrot-_Tune.S_Sensitivity*deltaTime) end _SBoost = (_RPM/_Tune.Redline)*(.5+(1.5*sthrot)) else _SBoost = 0 end else _TBoost = 0 _SBoost = 0 end --Torque calculations if _Tune.Engine then local cTq = NCache[_CGear+2][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _NH = cTq.Horsepower+(cTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) _NT = cTq.Torque+(cTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) if _TCount~=0 then local tTq = TCache[_CGear+2][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _TH = (tTq.Horsepower+(tTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_TBoost/2) _TT = (tTq.Torque+(tTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_TBoost/2) else _TH,_TT = 0,0 end if _SCount~=0 then local sTq = SCache[_CGear+2][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(0,_RPM))/100)] _SH = (sTq.Horsepower+(sTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_SBoost/2) _ST = (sTq.Torque+(sTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)))*(_SBoost/2) else _SH,_ST = 0,0 end _BH = _TH+_SH _BT = _TT+_ST else _NH,_NT = 0,0 _TH,_TT = 0,0 _SH,_ST = 0,0 _BH,_BT = 0,0 end if _Tune.Electric and _CGear~=0 then local eTq = ECache[_CGear+2][math.floor(math.min(_Tune.Redline,math.max(100,_RPM))/100)] _EH = eTq.Horsepower+(eTq.HpSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) _ET = eTq.Torque+(eTq.TqSlope*(((_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/100))/100)%1)) else _EH,_ET = 0,0 end _HP = _NH + _BH + _EH _OutTorque = _NT + _BT + _ET local iComp =(car.DriveSeat.CFrame.lookVector.y)*cGrav if _CGear==-1 then iComp=-iComp end _OutTorque = _OutTorque*math.max(1,(1+iComp)) --Average Rotational Speed Calculation local fwspeed=0 local fwcount=0 local rwspeed=0 local rwcount=0 for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name == "F" then fwspeed=fwspeed+v.RotVelocity.Magnitude fwcount=fwcount+1 elseif v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" or v.Name == "R" then rwspeed=rwspeed+v.RotVelocity.Magnitude rwcount=rwcount+1 end end fwspeed=fwspeed/fwcount rwspeed=rwspeed/rwcount local cwspeed=(fwspeed+rwspeed)/2 --Update Wheels for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do --Reference Wheel Orientation local Ref=(*cfWRot).lookVector),v.Position)*cfYRot).lookVector local aRef=1 local diffMult=1 local RRdiffMult=1 local RLdiffMult=1 local FRdiffMult=1 local FLdiffMult=1 if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="RL" then aRef=-1 end --Differential/Torque-Vectoring if _Tune.DifferentialType=='Old' then if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,1+((((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude-fwspeed)/fwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.FDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.FDiffLockThres-50)/50)))) if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,diffMult*(1+((((fwspeed-cwspeed)/cwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.CDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.CDiffLockThres-50)/50))))) end elseif v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,1+((((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude-rwspeed)/rwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.RDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.RDiffLockThres-50)/50)))) if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,diffMult*(1+((((rwspeed-cwspeed)/cwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.CDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.CDiffLockThres-50)/50))))) end end else if v.Name=="FR" then local avg=((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude/car.Wheels.FL.RotVelocity.Magnitude)-1)*(_Tune.FDiffPreload/10) FRdiffMult=math.ceil(math.max(0,math.min(2,1-( ((_Tune.FDiffPower/100)*avg*_GThrot) + ((_Tune.FDiffCoast/100)*avg*(1-_GThrot)))))*100)/100 FLdiffMult=2-FRdiffMult elseif v.Name=="FL" then local avg=((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude/car.Wheels.FR.RotVelocity.Magnitude)-1)*(_Tune.FDiffPreload/10) FLdiffMult=math.ceil(math.max(0,math.min(2,1-( ((_Tune.FDiffPower/100)*avg*_GThrot) + ((_Tune.FDiffCoast/100)*avg*(1-_GThrot)))))*100)/100 FRdiffMult=2-FLdiffMult elseif v.Name=="RR" then local avg=((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude/car.Wheels.RL.RotVelocity.Magnitude)-1)*(_Tune.RDiffPreload/10) RRdiffMult=math.ceil(math.max(0,math.min(2,1-( ((_Tune.RDiffPower/100)*avg*_GThrot) + ((_Tune.RDiffCoast/100)*avg*(1-_GThrot)))))*100)/100 RLdiffMult=2-RRdiffMult elseif v.Name=="RL" then local avg=((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude/car.Wheels.RR.RotVelocity.Magnitude)-1)*(_Tune.RDiffPreload/10) RLdiffMult=math.ceil(math.max(0,math.min(2,1-( ((_Tune.RDiffPower/100)*avg*_GThrot) + ((_Tune.RDiffCoast/100)*avg*(1-_GThrot)))))*100)/100 RRdiffMult=2-RLdiffMult end end _TCSActive = false _ABSActive = false --Output --Apply Power local on=1 if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=0 end local throt = _GThrot local brake = _GBrake local clutch=1 if _ClPressing then clutch=0 end local tq = _OutTorque --Apply ABS local tqABS = 1 if _ABS and brake>0 and math.abs(v.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(v.Size.x/2) - v.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.ABSThreshold>0 then tqABS = 0 end _ABSActive = (tqABS<1) local PBrakeV=0 if _PBrake==true then PBrakeV=1 else PBrakeV=0 end local driven = false for _,a in pairs(Drive) do if a==v then driven = true end end if driven then --Apply AWD Vectoring if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then local bias = (_Tune.TorqueVector+1)/2 if string.find(v.Name,"F") then tq = tq*(1-bias) elseif string.find(v.Name,"R") then tq = tq*bias end end --Apply TCS tqTCS = 1 if _TCS and throt>0 then tqTCS = 1-(math.min(math.max(0,math.abs(v.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(v.Size.x/2) - v.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.TCSThreshold)/_Tune.TCSGradient,1)*(1-(_Tune.TCSLimit/100))) end if tqTCS < 1 then _TCSAmt = tqTCS _TCSActive = true end --Update Forces local dir=1 if _CGear==-1 then dir = -1 end--luaint edit if _Tune.ClutchKick and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude<_Tune.KickSpeedThreshold and _RPM>_Tune.Redline-_Tune.KickRPMThreshold and v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque<1 then tq = (tq*_Tune.KickMult) end local tqOUT = (tq/1.5)*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*throt*tqTCS*on*clutch if v.Name=='RR' then v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=tqOUT*RRdiffMult*diffMult elseif v.Name=='RL' then v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=tqOUT*RLdiffMult*diffMult elseif v.Name=='FR' then v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=tqOUT*FRdiffMult*diffMult elseif v.Name=='FL' then v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=tqOUT*FLdiffMult*diffMult else v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=tqOUT*diffMult end v["#AV"].AngularVelocity=_spLimit*dir if string.find(v.Name,"F") then v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque=(FBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*brake*tqABS)+(EBrakeForce*((1-throt)*(_RPM/_Tune.Redline)))+(PBrakeForceF*PBrakeV) else v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque=(RBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*brake*tqABS)+(EBrakeForce*((1-throt)*(_RPM/_Tune.Redline)))+(PBrakeForceR*PBrakeV) end else--luaint edit v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque=0 v["#AV"].AngularVelocity=0 if string.find(v.Name,"F") then v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque=(FBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*brake*tqABS)+(PBrakeForceF*PBrakeV) else v["#BV"].MotorMaxTorque=(RBrakeForce*(60/workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS())*brake*tqABS)+(PBrakeForceR*PBrakeV) end end end end --[[Flip]] function Flip() --Detect Orientation if (car.DriveSeat.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)).lookVector.y > .1 or FlipDB then FlipWait=tick() --Apply Flip else if tick()-FlipWait>=3 then FlipDB=true local gyro = car.DriveSeat.Flip gyro.maxTorque =,0,10000) gyro.P=3000 gyro.D=500 wait(1) gyro.maxTorque =,0,0) gyro.P=0 gyro.D=0 FlipDB=false end end end --[[Run]] --Print Version local ver=require(car["A-Chassis Tune"].README) print("Novena: AC6C Loaded - Version "..ver..", Update "..script.Parent.Version.Value) --Runtime Loops -- ~60 c/s game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:connect(function(dt) --Update Internal Values _IsOn = script.Parent.IsOn.Value _InControls = script.Parent.ControlsOpen.Value --Inputs Inputs(dt) --Steering Steering(dt) --Gear Gear() --Power Engine(dt) --Update External Values script.Parent.Values.Gear.Value = _CGear script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value = _RPM script.Parent.Values.Boost.Value = ((_TBoost/2)*_TPsi)+((_SBoost/2)*_SPsi) script.Parent.Values.BoostTurbo.Value = (_TBoost/2)*_TPsi script.Parent.Values.BoostSuper.Value = (_SBoost/2)*_SPsi script.Parent.Values.HpNatural.Value = _NH script.Parent.Values.HpElectric.Value = _EH script.Parent.Values.HpTurbo.Value = _TH script.Parent.Values.HpSuper.Value = _SH script.Parent.Values.HpBoosted.Value = _BH script.Parent.Values.Horsepower.Value = _HP script.Parent.Values.TqNatural.Value = _NT/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD script.Parent.Values.TqElectric.Value = _ET/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD script.Parent.Values.TqTurbo.Value = _TT/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD script.Parent.Values.TqSuper.Value = _ST/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD script.Parent.Values.TqBoosted.Value = script.Parent.Values.TqTurbo.Value+script.Parent.Values.TqSuper.Value script.Parent.Values.Torque.Value = script.Parent.Values.TqNatural.Value+script.Parent.Values.TqElectric.Value+script.Parent.Values.TqBoosted.Value script.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value = _TMode script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value = _GThrot script.Parent.Values.Brake.Value = _GBrake if script.Parent.Values.AutoClutch.Value then script.Parent.Values.Clutch.Value = _Clutch end script.Parent.Values.SteerC.Value = _GSteerC script.Parent.Values.SteerT.Value = _GSteerT script.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value = _PBrake script.Parent.Values.TCS.Value = _TCS script.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value = _TCSActive script.Parent.Values.TCSAmt.Value = 1-_TCSAmt script.Parent.Values.ABS.Value = _ABS script.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value = _ABSActive script.Parent.Values.MouseSteerOn.Value = _MSteer script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value = car.DriveSeat.Velocity end) --15 c/s while wait(.0667) do --Automatic Transmission if _TMode == "Auto" then Auto() end --Flip if _Tune.AutoFlip then Flip() end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local u1 = nil; coroutine.wrap(function() u1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")); end)(); return function(p1, p2, ...) local v1, v2 = ...; local v3 = math.clamp(v2, 0, 1); p1.desc.Text = v1; p1.percent.Text = u1.Functions.Format.Round(v3 * 100) .. "%"; for v4 = 1, 5 do p1.bars:FindFirstChild(v4).progress.Size = * 5 - (v4 - 1), 0, 1), 0, 1, 0); end; end;
-- Get reference to the Dock frame
local dock = script.Parent.Parent.Wallpaper
--[[ Returns a boolean value of whether a plant fits in a pot based on the plant size and the pot size. These sizes are pulled from attributes on the plant and pot prefabs. --]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Attribute = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.SharedConstants.Attribute) local ItemCategory = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.SharedConstants.ItemCategory) local getItemByIdInCategory = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Utility.Farm.getItemByIdInCategory) local getAttribute = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Utility.getAttribute) local function checkSeedFitsInPot(seedId: string, potId: string) local seedModel = getItemByIdInCategory(seedId, ItemCategory.Seeds) local potModel = getItemByIdInCategory(potId, ItemCategory.Pots) local plantSize: number = getAttribute(seedModel, Attribute.PlantSize) local potSize: number = getAttribute(potModel, Attribute.MaxPlantSize) return plantSize <= potSize end return checkSeedFitsInPot
-- Depending on the player's preference, this fades away other players. -- -- ForbiddenJ
RunService = game:GetService("RunService") FullyOpaqueDistance = 32 LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer GhostPlayersSetting = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientConfig.GhostPlayers PlayerCharacters = {} -- List of character models indexed by player objects. function RegisterPlayer(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) PlayerCharacters[player] = character if GhostPlayersSetting.Value == 2 then SetTransparency(character, 1) end end) player.CharacterRemoving:Connect(function(character) PlayerCharacters[player] = nil end) PlayerCharacters[player] = player.Character if player.Character ~= nil and GhostPlayersSetting.Value == 2 then SetTransparency(player.Character, 1) end end function SetTransparency(character, transparency) assert(typeof(character) == "Instance" and character:IsA("Model"), "Must provide a valid Model.") assert(typeof(transparency) == "number", "Must provide a valid number for transparency.") local roundedTransparency = math.ceil(transparency * 10) / 10 if character ~= PlayerCharacters[LocalPlayer] then for i, item in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do if item:IsA("BasePart") then item.LocalTransparencyModifier = roundedTransparency end end end end function Update() if GhostPlayersSetting.Value == 1 then local playerTorso = PlayerCharacters[LocalPlayer] and PlayerCharacters[LocalPlayer]:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local playerPosition = playerTorso ~= nil and playerTorso.Position or, 0, 0) for player, character in pairs(PlayerCharacters) do if player ~= LocalPlayer then local rootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local magnitude = rootPart ~= nil and (rootPart.Position - playerPosition).Magnitude or FullyOpaqueDistance local transparency = 1 - math.min(magnitude / FullyOpaqueDistance, 1) SetTransparency(character, transparency) end end end end for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do RegisterPlayer(player) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(RegisterPlayer) GhostPlayersSetting.Changed:Connect(function(value) if value == 0 then for player, character in pairs(PlayerCharacters) do SetTransparency(character, 0) end elseif value == 2 then for player, character in pairs(PlayerCharacters) do SetTransparency(character, 1) end end end)
--{{ Important Values }}--
local playerStats = script:WaitForChild("Value") local change = script.Parent
----[[ Color Settings ]]
module.BackGroundColor =, 0, 0) module.DefaultChatColor =, 1, 1) module.DefaultMessageColor =, 1, 1) module.DefaultNameColor =, 1, 1) module.ChatBarBackGroundColor =, 0, 0) module.ChatBarBoxColor =, 1, 1) module.ChatBarTextColor =, 0, 0) module.ChannelsTabUnselectedColor =, 0, 0) module.ChannelsTabSelectedColor =, 30/255, 30/255) module.DefaultChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(35, 76, 142) module.WhisperChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102) module.ErrorMessageTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 50, 50)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local u1 = nil; coroutine.wrap(function() u1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")); end)(); return function(p1, p2, ...) local v1, v2 = ...; p1.title.Text = v1; if v2 == "Mythical" or v2 == "Exclusive" then p1.title.TextColor3 =, 1, 1); u1.Assets.UI.Raritys:FindFirstChild(v2):Clone().Parent = p1.title; end; end;
-- Show where the red lines are going. You can change their colour and width in VisualizerCache
local SHOW_DEBUG_RAY_LINES: boolean = false
--------------| SYSTEM SETTINGS |--------------
Prefix = ":"; -- The character you use before every command (e.g. ';jump me'). SplitKey = " "; -- The character inbetween command arguments (e.g. setting it to '/' would change ';jump me' to ';jump/me'). BatchKey = ""; -- The character inbetween batch commands (e.g. setting it to '|' would change ';jump me ;fire me ;smoke me' to ';jump me | ;fire me | ;smoke me' QualifierBatchKey = ","; -- The character used to split up qualifiers (e.g. ;jump player1,player2,player3) Theme = "Blue"; -- The default UI theme. NoticeSoundId = 2865227271; -- The SoundId for notices. NoticeVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for notices. NoticePitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for notices. ErrorSoundId = 2865228021; -- The SoundId for error notifications. ErrorVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for error notifications. ErrorPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for error notifications. AlertSoundId = 3140355872; -- The SoundId for alerts. AlertVolume = 0.5; -- The Volume for alerts. AlertPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for alerts. WelcomeBadgeId = 0; -- Award new players a badge, such as 'Welcome to the game!'. Set to 0 for no badge. CommandDebounce = true; -- Wait until the command effect is over to use again. Helps to limit abuse & lag. Set to 'false' to disable. SaveRank = true; -- Saves a player's rank in the server they received it. (e.g. ;rank plrName rank). Use ';permRank plrName rank' to permanently save a rank. Set to 'false' to disable. LoopCommands = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use LoopCommands. MusicList = {505757009,}; -- Songs which automatically appear in a user's radio. Type '!radio' to display the radio. ThemeColors = { -- The colours players can set their HD Admin UI (in the 'Settings' menu). | Format: {ThemeName, ThemeColor3Value}; {"Red", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0), }; {"Orange", Color3.fromRGB(150, 75, 0), }; {"Brown", Color3.fromRGB(120, 80, 30), }; {"Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(130, 120, 0), }; {"Green", Color3.fromRGB(0, 120, 0), }; {"Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 100, 150), }; {"Purple", Color3.fromRGB(100, 0, 150), }; {"Pink", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 100), }; {"Black", Color3.fromRGB(60, 60, 60), }; }; Colors = { -- The colours for ChatColors and command arguments. | Format: {"ShortName", "FullName", Color3Value}; {"r", "Red", Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) }; {"o", "Orange", Color3.fromRGB(250, 100, 0) }; {"y", "Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) }; {"g", "Green" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) }; {"dg", "DarkGreen" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 125, 0) }; {"b", "Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255) }; {"db", "DarkBlue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 50, 255) }; {"p", "Purple", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 255) }; {"pk", "Pink", Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 185) }; {"bk", "Black", Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }; {"w", "White", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }; }; ChatColors = { -- The colour a player's chat will appear depending on their rank. '["Owner"] = "Yellow";' makes the owner's chat yellow. [5] = "Yellow"; }; Cmdbar = 2; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar. Cmdbar2 = 2; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar2. ViewBanland = 5; -- The minimum rank required to view the banland. OnlyShowUsableCommands = true; -- Only display commands equal to or below the user's rank on the Commands page. RankRequiredToViewPage = { -- || The pages on the main menu || ["Commands"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Settings"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRank = { -- || The rank categories on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["HeadAdmin"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Mod"] = 0; ["VIP"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRankType = { -- || The collection of loader-rank-rewarders on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["SpecificUsers"] = 5; ["Gamepasses"] = 0; ["Assets"] = 0; ["Groups"] = 0; ["Friends"] = 0; ["FreeAdmin"] = 0; ["VipServerOwner"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewIcon = 0; WelcomeRankNotice = true; -- The 'You're a [rankName]' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WelcomeDonorNotice = true; -- The 'You're a Donor' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WarnIncorrectPrefix = true; -- Warn the user if using the wrong prefix | "Invalid prefix! Try using [correctPrefix][commandName] instead!" DisableAllNotices = false; -- Set to true to disable all HD Admin notices. ScaleLimit = 4; -- The maximum size players with a rank lower than 'IgnoreScaleLimit' can scale theirself. For example, players will be limited to ;size me 4 (if limit is 4) - any number above is blocked. IgnoreScaleLimit = 3; -- Any ranks equal or above this value will ignore 'ScaleLimit' CommandLimits = { -- Enables you to set limits for commands which have a number argument. Ranks equal to or higher than 'IgnoreLimit' will not be affected by Limit. ["fly"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["fly2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["speed"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["jumpPower"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; }; VIPServerCommandBlacklist = {"permRank", "permBan", "globalAnnouncement"}; -- Commands players are probihited from using in VIP Servers. GearBlacklist = {67798397}; -- The IDs of gear items to block when using the ;gear command. IgnoreGearBlacklist = 4; -- The minimum rank required to ignore the gear blacklist. PlayerDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the player (i.e. permRanks, custom settings, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all PlayerData. SystemDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the game (i.e. the banland, universal message system, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all SystemData. CoreNotices = { -- Modify core notices. You can find a table of all CoreNotices under [MainModule > Client > SharedModules > CoreNotices] --NoticeName = NoticeDetails; };
--[=[ @return Shake Construct a new Shake instance. ]=]
function local self = setmetatable({}, Shake) self.Amplitude = 1 self.Frequency = 1 self.FadeInTime = 1 self.FadeOutTime = 1 self.SustainTime = 0 self.Sustain = false self.PositionInfluence = self.RotationInfluence = self.TimeFunction = if RunService:IsRunning() then time else os.clock self._timeOffset = rng:NextNumber(-1e9, 1e9) self._startTime = 0 self._trove = self._running = false return self end
--game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(input,gp) -- local c = 0
-- Builds a set of runnable Tweens from a table of instances and values
local function BuildTweens(root, tweenTable, origin) local tweens = {} local initialFrame local initialPos, initialRot, originPos, originRot local center if origin ~= nil then if root:IsA("Model") then center = root.PrimaryPart if center == nil then error("Root Model must have a PrimaryPart to use SetOrigin.") end elseif root:IsA("BasePart") then center = root else error("Root must be a BasePart or Model to use SetOrigin.") end initialFrame = center.CFrame:inverse() initialPos = initialFrame.Position initialRot = initialFrame - initialPos originPos = origin.Position originRot = origin - originPos end VisitAllInstances(root, tweenTable, function(instance, props) for prop, values in pairs(props) do if origin and instance:IsA("BasePart") then local newValue = ApplyOrigin(prop, values.InitialValue, initialFrame, origin) if newValue then values.InitialValue = newValue end end local keyframes = values.Keyframes local lastTime = 0 for _, keyframe in ipairs(keyframes) do if origin and instance:IsA("BasePart") then local newValue = ApplyOrigin(prop, keyframe.Value, initialFrame, origin) if newValue then keyframe.Value = newValue end end local tweenInfo = - lastTime, keyframe.EasingStyle,keyframe.EasingDirection, 0, false, 0) local propTable = { [prop] = keyframe.Value } local tween = TweenService:Create(instance, tweenInfo, propTable) table.insert(tweens, { Tween = tween, DelayTime = lastTime, }) lastTime = keyframe.Time end end end) return tweens end local TweenUtilities = {} TweenUtilities.__index = TweenUtilities function, tweenTable) local self = { running = false, root = root, tweenTable = tweenTable, tweens = BuildTweens(root, tweenTable), origin = nil, } setmetatable(self, TweenUtilities) return self end function TweenUtilities:ResetValues() if self.origin then if self.root:IsA("Model") then if self.root.PrimaryPart == nil then error("Root Model must have a PrimaryPart to use SetOrigin.") end self.root:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(self.origin) elseif self.root:IsA("BasePart") then self.root.CFrame = self.origin else error("Root must be a BasePart or Model to use SetOrigin.") end end VisitAllInstances(self.root, self.tweenTable, function(instance, props) for prop, values in pairs(props) do local initialValue = values.InitialValue instance[prop] = initialValue end end) end function TweenUtilities:SetOrigin(origin) if self.running then error("Cannot SetOrigin while the animation is running.") end self.origin = origin self.tweens = BuildTweens(self.root, self.tweenTable, origin) end function TweenUtilities:PlayTweens(callback) if self.running then self:PauseTweens() end self.running = true local delayedTweens = {} for _, props in pairs(self.tweens) do local tween = props.Tween local delayTime = props.DelayTime if delayTime == 0 then tween:Play() else table.insert(delayedTweens, { Tween = tween, DelayTime = delayTime, Playing = false, }) end end local heartbeatConnection local start = tick() local tweensDone = false heartbeatConnection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() local now = tick() - start if not self.running then self.running = false heartbeatConnection:Disconnect() if callback then callback() end return end if tweensDone then local allDone = true for _, props in pairs(self.tweens) do local tween = props.Tween if tween.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Playing then allDone = false end end if allDone then self.running = false heartbeatConnection:Disconnect() if callback then callback() end return end else local allPlaying = true for _, props in pairs(delayedTweens) do if not props.Playing then if now > props.DelayTime then props.Playing = true props.Tween:Play() else allPlaying = false end end end tweensDone = allPlaying end end) end function TweenUtilities:PauseTweens() self.running = false for _, props in pairs(self.tweens) do local tween = props.Tween tween:Cancel() end end return TweenUtilities
-- Luke
local uis = game:GetService('UserInputService') local tweenService = game:GetService('TweenService') local runService = game:GetService('RunService') local playersService = game:GetService('Players') local localPlayer = playersService.LocalPlayer local gui = script:WaitForChild('TokenTransitionGui') local viewportFrame = gui:WaitForChild('ViewportFrame') local tokenModel = viewportFrame:WaitForChild('Token') local glowPart = viewportFrame:WaitForChild('GlowPart') local glowDecal = glowPart:WaitForChild('GlowDecal') local background = gui:WaitForChild('Background') local sound = gui:WaitForChild('FlySound') local camera ='Camera') camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable camera.CFrame =,0,0) camera.FieldOfView = 40 camera.Parent = viewportFrame viewportFrame.CurrentCamera = camera local DISABLE_TIME = 3 local TOKEN_SPIN_RATE = -.25 local CLICK_VELOCITY = .3 local SPIN_DAMPER = .15 local MAX_SPEED = 1.5 local ICON_FADE_IN_TIME = 2 local ICON_FADE_OUT_TIME = 3 local rng = local qpi = math.pi*.5 local tau = math.pi*2 local enabled = false local changeIndex = 0 local renderstepBound = false local inputConnection = nil local requestedBadge = false local tokenOriginalCF = tokenModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame local tokenPartCFrames = {} for _,child in pairs(tokenModel:GetDescendants()) do if child:IsA("BasePart") and child ~= tokenModel.PrimaryPart then tokenPartCFrames[child] = child.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(tokenModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame) end end local spin = 0 local spinVelocity = 0 function spinToken(delta) --local spin = os.clock()*tau*TOKEN_SPIN_RATE spin = (spin + delta*tau*(TOKEN_SPIN_RATE+spinVelocity))%tau if math.abs(spinVelocity) < delta*SPIN_DAMPER then spinVelocity = 0 else spinVelocity = spinVelocity - delta * SPIN_DAMPER * math.sign(spinVelocity) end local newCFrame = tokenOriginalCF * CFrame.Angles(0, spin, 0) tokenModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame = newCFrame for tokenModelPart, cframeOffset in pairs(tokenPartCFrames) do tokenModelPart.CFrame = newCFrame * cframeOffset end local glownessPercent = math.sin(spin*2+qpi)*.5+.5 glowDecal.Transparency = .75+.1*(1-glownessPercent) local width = 7.5+1*glownessPercent glowPart.Size =, .01, width) end function requestBadge() if not requestedBadge then --TODO: replace with a debounce timer requestedBadge = true --TODO: request badge end end function spinAction(direction) spinVelocity = math.clamp(spinVelocity + CLICK_VELOCITY*direction, -MAX_SPEED, MAX_SPEED) requestBadge() end local leftControls = { [Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.A] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.Left] = true, } local rightControls = { [Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.D] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.Right] = true, } function handleInput(input, processed) if input and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then local direction = math.sign(input.Position.X - viewportFrame.AbsoluteSize.X*.5) spinAction(direction) elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then if leftControls[input.KeyCode] then spinAction(-1) elseif rightControls[input.KeyCode] then spinAction(1) end end end end function enable(spinControl) local playerGui = localPlayer:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') if not enabled and playerGui then enabled = true changeIndex = changeIndex + 1 local thisChangeIndex = changeIndex if not gui.Enabled then spin = tau*.9 -- Initial rotation spinVelocity = 0 background.BackgroundTransparency = 1 camera.CFrame =,0,-10) end viewportFrame.ImageTransparency = 0 viewportFrame.Visible = true gui.Parent = playerGui gui.Enabled = true sound.PlaybackSpeed = .5 sound.Volume = .5 sound:Play() if not renderstepBound then renderstepBound = true runService:BindToRenderStep('TokenTransition', Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value-1, spinToken) end tweenService:Create(sound,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['Volume'] = .5,} ):Play() tweenService:Create(viewportFrame,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['ImageTransparency'] = 0,} ):Play() tweenService:Create(camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {['CFrame'] =,0,-10),} ):Play() task.delay(1.5, function() if thisChangeIndex == changeIndex then if inputConnection then inputConnection:Disconnect() inputConnection = nil end if spinControl then inputConnection = uis.InputBegan:connect(handleInput) end tweenService:Create(background,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {['BackgroundTransparency'] = 0,} ):Play() tweenService:Create(camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {['CFrame'] =,0,0),} ):Play() end end) end end function disable() local playerGui = localPlayer:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') if enabled and playerGui then enabled = false changeIndex = changeIndex + 1 local thisChangeIndex = changeIndex if inputConnection then inputConnection:Disconnect() inputConnection = nil end sound.PlaybackSpeed = .5 sound:Play() tweenService:Create(sound,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['Volume'] = 0,} ):Play() tweenService:Create(camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['CFrame'] =,0,300),} ):Play() tweenService:Create(background,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['BackgroundTransparency'] = 1,} ):Play() tweenService:Create(viewportFrame,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {['ImageTransparency'] = 1,} ):Play() task.delay(DISABLE_TIME, function() if thisChangeIndex == changeIndex then for _,iconLabel in pairs(gui:GetChildren()) do if iconLabel and iconLabel.Parent and iconLabel.Name == 'CleaningUpIcon' or iconLabel.Name == 'Icon' then iconLabel:Destroy() end end gui.Enabled = false gui.ViewportFrame.Visible = false gui.Parent = script if not renderstepBound then renderstepBound = false runService:UnbindFromRenderStep('TokenTransition') end end end) end end local module = { Enable = enable, Disable = disable, } return module
-- Calls Destroy on this script's Parent after TimeToLive
while not script:FindFirstChild("TimeToLive") do wait() end -- Irony wait(script.TimeToLive.Value) if script.Parent then script.Parent:Destroy() end
-- Function to bind to equip event
local function equip() local torso = player.Character.Torso -- Setup joint variables neck = torso.Neck oldNeckC0 = neck.C0 shoulder = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") oldShoulderC0 = shoulder.C0 -- Remember old mouse icon and update current oldIcon = mouse.Icon mouse.Icon = "" -- Bind TouchMoved event if on mobile. Otherwise connect to renderstepped if userInputService.TouchEnabled then connection = userInputService.TouchMoved:connect(mobileFrame) else connection = render:connect(pcFrame) end -- Bind TouchStarted and TouchEnded. Used to determine if character should rotate -- during touch input userInputService.TouchStarted:connect(function(touch, processed) mobileShouldTrack = not processed end) userInputService.TouchEnded:connect(function(touch, processed) mobileShouldTrack = false end) -- Fire server's equip event game.ReplicatedStorage.ROBLOX_PistolEquipEvent:FireServer() -- Bind event for when mouse is clicked to fire server's fire event mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() game.ReplicatedStorage.ROBLOX_PistolFireEvent:FireServer(mouse.Hit.p) end) -- Bind reload event to mobile button and r key contextActionService:BindActionToInputTypes("Reload", function() game.ReplicatedStorage.ROBLOX_PistolReloadEvent:FireServer() end, true, "r") -- If game uses filtering enabled then need to update server while tool is -- held by character. if workspace.FilteringEnabled then while connection do wait() game.ReplicatedStorage.ROBLOX_PistolUpdateEvent:FireServer(neck.C0, shoulder.C0) end end end
--[[ By: Brutez, 2/28/2015, 1:34 AM, (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) ]]
-- function onTouched(hit) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if player then game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(4641921091,player) --replace the numbers with your place id end end script.Parent.Torso.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--[=[ Creates a new Blend State which is actually just a ValueObject underneath. @param defaultValue T @param checkType string | nil @return ValueObject<T> ]=]
function Blend.State(defaultValue, checkType) return, checkType) end
--End of example plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ --Below are some real plugins that are functional. --As another example I have included a plugin that will change the permissions of specific commands. You can see it below. return function(set) --make the table that holds our new perms and what command they are for local coms={ {cmd='insert',perms=5}; {cmd='m',perms=5}; {cmd='gear',perms=5}; } --Changes insert, m, and gear to place owners only. --These are the commandss and the new permission level, refer to the top of Example Plugin for perm levels. -- Do note the cmd HAS to be the command thats shown in :cmds command, so if you want tornado to -- be usable by the game owner only you would put {cmd='tornado',perms=5}; but you CAN NOT user twister instead of tornado. for i=1,#set.Commands do --grab commands, for i,v in pairs for some reason does not like to work for this coroutine.wrap(function() --wrap it to make the process go a little faster overall for k,v in pairs(coms) do --grab our table with the new command perms if v.cmd==set.Commands[i].Cmds[1] then -- if the cmd is the same as the first cmd of the target command then... set.Commands[i].AdminLevel=v.perms --set its admin level to our intended one. end end end)() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ below is a plugin I made for an automated barista bot that allows it to get chats from the admin script and send them to the barista bot for processing, for server to server communication like this its recommended to use bindable events, for more information here is the bindable event roblox wiki link: return function(set) local barista for i,v in pairs(workspace:children()) do if v.Name=='Jessica' and v:IsA('Model') and v:FindFirstChild('BaristaStuff') then barista=v end end --find the barista local backup=barista:Clone() --make a backup of the barista set.MakePluginEvent('Chat',function(msg,plr) --Add a new function to run on chat for the plugin local sendchat=barista.BaristaStuff.Event --Declare the event sendchat:Fire(msg,plr) --send the chat to the barista end) --lets make the reset and on/off commands set.MakeCommand('Reset Barista',2,set.Prefix,{'resetbarista','fixbarista'},{},0,function(plr,args) barista:Destroy() --destroy old barista barista=backup:Clone() --clone the backup barista.Parent=workspace --put it in workspace barista:MakeJoints() --make some joints end) set.MakeCommand('Turn Barista On/Off',3,set.Prefix,{'barista'},{'on/off'},1,function(plr,args) if args[1]=='off' then barista:Destroy() elseif args[1]=='on' then barista=backup:Clone() barista.Parent=workspace barista:MakeJoints() end end)--does basically the same stuff as reset. end --]]
-----------------------------------------ONLY EDIT THESE VALUES!!!!!----------------------------------------- -----!Instructions!----- --Make sure you have a part in the gun named Barrel, it is where the raycast will shoot from.-- --Just place this script into any gun and edit the values below.-- --Editting anything else will risk breaking it.-- ------------------------
Damage = 17 SPS = 18 -- Shots Per Second, gives a limit of how fast the gun shoots. Recoil = 4 -- [1-10] [1 = Minigun, 10 = Sniper] WallShoot = false -- Shoots through walls. GH = false -- [True = RB can't hurt RB.] [False = RB can hurt RB.] BulletColor = "Cool yellow" -- Any Brickcolor will work. Flash = true
--[=[ Returns a tuple of fire, fail and complete functions which can be chained into the the next subscription. ```lua return function(source) return sub:Fire("hi") return source:Subscribe(sub:GetFireFailComplete()) end) end ``` @return function @return function @return function ]=]
function Subscription:GetFireFailComplete() return function(...) self:Fire(...) end, function(...) self:Fail(...) end, function(...) self:Complete(...) end end
--[[ Returns false if the given table has any of the following: - a key that is neither a number or a string - a mix of number and string keys - number keys which are not exactly 1..#t ]]
return function(t) local containsNumberKey = false local containsStringKey = false local numberConsistency = true local index = 1 for x, _ in pairs(t) do if type(x) == 'string' then containsStringKey = true elseif type(x) == 'number' then if index ~= x then numberConsistency = false end containsNumberKey = true else return false end if containsStringKey and containsNumberKey then return false end index = index + 1 end if containsNumberKey then return numberConsistency end return true end
--[[ Main Script ]]
-- Players = game:GetService("Players") Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") Seat = script.Parent GUI = script.GUI Active = false Player = nil NewGui = nil Seat.ChildAdded:connect(function(Child) if Active == false then if Child.Name == "SeatWeld" then Active = true Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Child.Part1.Parent) if Player ~= nil then PlayerGui = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") if PlayerGui ~= nil then NewGui = GUI:Clone() NewGui.Parent = PlayerGui end end end end end) Seat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name == "SeatWeld" then if Active == true then Active = false pcall(function() NewGui:Destroy() end) Player = nil NewGui = nil end end end)
--- Returns Maid[key] if not part of Maid metatable -- @return Maid[key] value
function Maid:__index(Index) if Maid[Index] then return Maid[Index] else return self.Tasks[Index] end end
-- Define the tool's color
Tools.NewPart.Color = "Really black" );
-- MODULES ---
local Remotes = require(ReplicatedStorage.Remotes) local DataService = require(game.ServerScriptService.Services.DataService)
-- / world / --
local world = workspace.World local temp = world.Temp
--boolean IsValid --* returns whether this response is available. --* if we have a condition set, we use it.
function Response:IsValid() if self.Condition then return self.Condition(self.Graph.ConversingPlayer, self.Graph.DialogueFolder) end return true end return Response
-- Remote variables
local RemoteFolder = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("RemoteEvents") local TiltRemote = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("TiltRemote") local PlaySound = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("PlaySound") local StopSound = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("StopSound") local ChangeSound = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("ChangeSound") local AnchorSegway = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("AnchorSegway") local UndoTags = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("UndoTags") local UndoHasWelded = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("UndoHasWelded") local DeleteWelds = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("DeleteWelds") local ConfigHumanoid = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("ConfigHumanoid") local ConfigLights = RemoteFolder:WaitForChild("ConfigLights")
--inputS.TouchEnded:Connect(function(object) -- if object == Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp or seat.Throttle == 0 or seat.Throttle == -1 then -- w=false -- elseif object == Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft or seat.Steer == 0 or seat.Steer == 1 then -- a=false -- elseif object == Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown or seat.Throttle == 0 or seat.Throttle == 1 then -- s=false -- elseif object == Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight or seat.Steer == 0 or seat.Steer == -1 then -- d=false -- end --end)
mouse.Move:connect(function() if not engine:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") then local gyro=engine.BodyGyro gyro.cframe = mouse.Hit end end) mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function() firing:FireServer(true,mouse.Hit,mouse.Target) end) mouse.Button1Up:Connect(function() firing:FireServer(false,mouse.Hit,mouse.Target) end) function rotorSpd(spd) rotor1.TopParamA=-spd rotor1.TopParamB=spd rotor2.BottomParamA=-spd rotor2.BottomParamB=spd end local,0,0) local rot=0 local inc=0 while wait(.1) do local lv=engine.CFrame.lookVector local Vector = ControlModule:GetMoveVector()
--local KeySequence = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider") --humanoid.Animation.AnimationId = KeySequence:RegisterKeyframeSequence(humanoid.OrangeJustice)
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script --// All guis are autonamed client.Variables.CodeName..gui.Name
return function(data) local gui = script.Parent.Parent local bar = gui.TextLabel local playergui = service.PlayerGui --[[ local TopbarMatchAdmin = client.GetReturn("Setting","TopbarMatchAdmin") local TopbarColor = client.GetReturn("Setting","TopbarColor") local TopbarTransparency = client.GetReturn("Setting","TopbarTransparency") local TopbarText = client.GetReturn("Setting","TopbarText") if not TopbarMatchAdmin then local text=TopbarText if text=="%TIME" then cPcall(function() repeat local t4=GetTime() local nt4 local hour=t4:match("%d+") if tonumber(hour)>12 or tonumber(hour)<1 then nt4=math.abs(tonumber(hour)-12)..t4:match(":%d+").." PM" else nt4=t4.." AM" end bar.Text=t4.." / "..nt4 until not wait(1) end) else bar.Text=TopbarText end bar.BackgroundColor3=TopbarColor bar.BorderSizePixel=0 bar.BackgroundTransparency=TopbarTransparency end --]],0,0,-35) gTable:Ready() end
-- theObj : (variant) the table with values to print
return function(theObj) local function printAll(t, spaceIndex) if not spaceIndex then spaceIndex = 0 elseif spaceIndex > 10 then return "... tree too deep ..." end local spacer = string.rep(" ", spaceIndex) local outStr if not t then outStr = "nil" elseif type(t) == "table" then local parts = {} table.insert(parts, "{") for k, v in pairs(t) do local substr = string.format("%s%s : %s", spacer, tostring(k), printAll(v, spaceIndex + 1)) table.insert(parts, substr) end table.insert(parts, string.format("%s}", spacer)) outStr = table.concat(parts, "\n") else outStr = string.format("<%s> - %s", type(t), tostring(t)) end return string.format("%s", outStr) end local outString = table.concat({ " ********************************* ", printAll(theObj), " ********************************* " }, "\n") return outString end
-- Force direction
function EjectionForce.CalculateForce() return math.random(95,135) / 10, -- Side to side math.random(45,55) / 10, -- Up -math.random(75,85) / 10 -- Front ) end
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ CFRAME ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,EnableHolster = false ,HolsterTo = 'Torso' -- Put the name of the body part you wanna holster to ,HolsterPos =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,RightArmPos =, 0.15, -1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Server ,LeftArmPos =,0.9,-1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(25),math.rad(-20)) --server ,ServerGunPos =, -1, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,GunPos =, -0.15, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,RightPos =, -0.2, -.9) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Client ,LeftPos =,-0.05,-1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-120),math.rad(35),math.rad(-20)) --Client } return Config
SYNC_RATE:Connect(function() for Index, Object in ipairs(ActiveHitboxes) do if Object.deleted then Handler:remove(Object.object) else for _, Point in ipairs(Object.points) do if not then Point.LastPosition = nil else local rayStart, rayDir, RelativePointToWorld = Point.solver:solve(Point, Object.debugMode) local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayStart, rayDir, Object.raycastParams) Point.solver:lastPosition(Point, RelativePointToWorld) if raycastResult then local hitPart = raycastResult.Instance local findModel = not Object.partMode and hitPart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local humanoid = findModel and findModel:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local target = humanoid or (Object.partMode and hitPart) if target and not Object.targetsHit[target] then Object.targetsHit[target] = true Object.OnHit:Fire(hitPart, humanoid, raycastResult, end end if Object.endTime > 0 then if Object.endTime <= clock() then Object.endTime = 0 Object:HitStop() end end Object.OnUpdate:Fire(Point.LastPosition) end end end end end) return Handler
local fFD = _Tune.FinalDrive*_Tune.FDMult local fFDr = fFD*30/math.pi local cGrav = workspace.Gravity*_Tune.InclineComp/32.2 local wDRatio = wDia*math.pi/60 local cfWRot = CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,-math.pi/2,0) local cfYRot = CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0) local rtTwo = (2^.5)/2 --Horsepower Curve local fgc_h=_Tune.Horsepower/100 local fgc_n=_Tune.PeakRPM/1000 local fgc_a=_Tune.PeakSharpness local fgc_c=_Tune.CurveMult function FGC(x) x=x/1000 return (((-(x-fgc_n)^2)*math.min(fgc_h/(fgc_n^2),fgc_c^(fgc_n/fgc_h)))+fgc_h)*(x-((x^fgc_a)/((fgc_a*fgc_n)^(fgc_a-1)))) end local PeakFGC = FGC(_Tune.PeakRPM) --Plot Current Horsepower function GetCurve(x,gear) local hp=math.max((FGC(x)*_Tune.Horsepower)/PeakFGC,0) return hp,hp*(_Tune.EqPoint/x)*_Tune.Ratios[gear+2]*fFD*hpScaling end --Output Cache local CacheTorque = false local HPCache = {} local HPInc = 100 if CacheTorque then for gear,ratio in pairs(_Tune.Ratios) do local hpPlot = {} for rpm = math.floor(_Tune.IdleRPM/HPInc),math.ceil(((script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline)+100)/HPInc) do local tqPlot = {} tqPlot.Horsepower,tqPlot.Torque = GetCurve(rpm*HPInc,gear-2) hp1,tq1 = GetCurve((rpm+1)*HPInc,gear-2) tqPlot.HpSlope = (hp1 - tqPlot.Horsepower)/(HPInc/1000) tqPlot.TqSlope = (tq1 - tqPlot.Torque)/(HPInc/1000) hpPlot[rpm] = tqPlot end table.insert(HPCache,hpPlot) end end --Powertrain --Update RPM function RPM() --Neutral Gear if _CGear==0 then _ClutchOn = false end --Car Is Off local revMin = _Tune.IdleRPM if not _IsOn then revMin = 0 _CGear = 0 _ClutchOn = false _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 end --Determine RPM local maxSpin=0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = v.RotVelocity.Magnitude end end if _ClutchOn then local aRPM = math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]*fFDr,(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline)+100),revMin) local clutchP = math.min(math.abs(aRPM-_RPM)/_Tune.ClutchTol,.9) _RPM = _RPM*clutchP + aRPM*(1-clutchP) else if _GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)>0 then if _RPM>(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline) then _RPM = _RPM-(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and 0 or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.RevBounce)*2 else _RPM = math.min(_RPM+_Tune.RevAccel*_GThrot,(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline)+100) end else _RPM = math.max(_RPM-_Tune.RevDecay,revMin) end end --Rev Limiter _spLimit = ((script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline)+100)/(fFDr*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]) if _RPM>(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline) then if _CGear<#_Tune.Ratios-2 then _RPM = _RPM-(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and 0 or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.RevBounce) else _RPM = _RPM-(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and 0 or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.RevBounce)*.5 end end end --Apply Power function Engine() --Get Torque local maxSpin=0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.RotVelocity.Magnitude>maxSpin then maxSpin = v.RotVelocity.Magnitude end end if _ClutchOn then if CacheTorque then local cTq = HPCache[_CGear+2][math.floor(math.min((script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline),math.max(_Tune.IdleRPM,_RPM))/HPInc)] _HP = cTq.Horsepower+(cTq.HpSlope*(_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/HPInc))/1000) _OutTorque = cTq.Torque+(cTq.TqSlope*(_RPM-math.floor(_RPM/HPInc))/1000) else _HP,_OutTorque = GetCurve(_RPM,_CGear) end local iComp =(car.DriveSeat.CFrame.lookVector.y)*cGrav if _CGear==-1 then iComp=-iComp end _OutTorque = _OutTorque*math.max(1,(1+iComp)) else _HP,_OutTorque = 0,0 end --Automatic Transmission if _TMode == "Auto" and _IsOn then _ClutchOn = true if _CGear == 0 then _CGear = 1 end if _CGear >= 1 then if _CGear==1 and _GBrake > 0 and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 20 then _CGear = -1 else if _Tune.AutoShiftMode == "RPM" then if _RPM>(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh) then _CGear=math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) elseif math.max(math.min(maxSpin*_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]*fFDr,(script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == true and script.Parent.Values.LaunchRedline.Value or script.Parent.Values.LaunchMode.Value == false and _Tune.Redline)+100),_Tune.IdleRPM)<(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh) then _CGear=math.max(_CGear-1,1) end else if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude > (math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM+_Tune.AutoUpThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+2]/fFD)) or script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value > 4000 and script.Parent.Values.PreShift.Value == true then _CGear=math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) elseif car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.PeakRPM-_Tune.AutoDownThresh)/_Tune.Ratios[_CGear+1]/fFD) and script.Parent.Values.PreShift.Value == false then _CGear=math.max(_CGear-1,1) elseif script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value < 2000 and script.Parent.Values.PreShift.Value == true then _CGear=math.max(_CGear-1,1) end end end else if _GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100) > 0 and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude < 20 then _CGear = 1 end end end --Average Rotational Speed Calculation local fwspeed=0 local fwcount=0 local rwspeed=0 local rwcount=0 for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name == "F" then fwspeed=fwspeed+v.RotVelocity.Magnitude fwcount=fwcount+1 elseif v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" or v.Name == "R" then rwspeed=rwspeed+v.RotVelocity.Magnitude rwcount=rwcount+1 end end fwspeed=fwspeed/fwcount rwspeed=rwspeed/rwcount local cwspeed=(fwspeed+rwspeed)/2 --Update Wheels for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do --Reference Wheel Orientation local Ref=(*cfWRot).lookVector),v.Position)*cfYRot).lookVector local aRef=1 local diffMult=1 if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="RL" then aRef=-1 end --AWD Torque Scaling if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then _OutTorque = _OutTorque*rtTwo end --Differential/Torque-Vectoring if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,1+((((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude-fwspeed)/fwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.FDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.FDiffLockThres-50)/50)))) if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,diffMult*(1+((((fwspeed-cwspeed)/cwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.CDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.CDiffLockThres-50)/50))))) end elseif v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,1+((((v.RotVelocity.Magnitude-rwspeed)/rwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.RDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.RDiffLockThres-50)/50)))) if _Tune.Config == "AWD" then diffMult=math.max(0,math.min(1,diffMult*(1+((((rwspeed-cwspeed)/cwspeed)/(math.max(_Tune.CDiffSlipThres,1)/100))*((_Tune.CDiffLockThres-50)/50))))) end end _TCSActive = false _ABSActive = false --Output if _PBrake and ((_Tune.Config ~= "FWD" and (((v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR") and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude<20) or ((v.Name=="RR" or v.Name=="RL") and car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>=20))) or (_Tune.Config == "FWD" and (v.Name=="RR" or v.Name=="RL"))) then --PBrake v["#AV"],math.abs(Ref.y),math.abs(Ref.z))*PBrakeForce v["#AV"] else --Apply Power if ((_TMode == "Manual" or _TMode == "Semi") and _GBrake==0) or (_TMode == "Auto" and ((_CGear>-1 and _GBrake==0 ) or (_CGear==-1 and _GThrot-(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100)==0 )))then local driven = false for _,a in pairs(Drive) do if a==v then driven = true end end if driven then local on=1 if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=0 end local throt = _GThrot if _TMode == "Auto" and _CGear==-1 then throt = _GBrake end --Apply TCS local tqTCS = 1 if _TCS then tqTCS = 1-(math.min(math.max(0,math.abs(v.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(v.Size.x/2) - v.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.TCSThreshold)/_Tune.TCSGradient,1)*(1-(_Tune.TCSLimit/100))) end if tqTCS < 1 then _TCSActive = true end --Update Forces local dir = 1 if _CGear==-1 then dir = -1 end v["#AV"],math.abs(Ref.y),math.abs(Ref.z))*_OutTorque*(1+(v.RotVelocity.Magnitude/60)^1.15)*throt*tqTCS*diffMult*on v["#AV"].angularvelocity=Ref*aRef*_spLimit*dir else v["#AV"] v["#AV"] end --Brakes else local brake = _GBrake if _TMode == "Auto" and _CGear==-1 then brake = _GThrot end --Apply ABS local tqABS = 1 if _ABS and math.abs(v.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(v.Size.x/2) - v.Velocity.Magnitude)-_Tune.ABSThreshold>0 then tqABS = 0 end if tqABS < 1 then _ABSActive = true end --Update Forces if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then v["#AV"],math.abs(Ref.y),math.abs(Ref.z))*FBrakeForce*brake*tqABS else v["#AV"],math.abs(Ref.y),math.abs(Ref.z))*RBrakeForce*brake*tqABS end v["#AV"] end end end end
--// End Viewport
function RotateViewportModule:EndViewport() if (event) then event:Disconnect() end end
--// Above was taken directly from Util.GetStringTextBounds() in the old chat corescripts.
function methods:GetMessageHeight(BaseMessage, BaseFrame, xSize) xSize = xSize or BaseFrame.AbsoluteSize.X local textBoundsSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(BaseMessage.Text, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize,, 1000)) if textBoundsSize.Y ~= math.floor(textBoundsSize.Y) then -- HACK Alert. TODO: Remove this when we switch UDim2 to use float Offsets -- This is nessary due to rounding issues on mobile devices when translating between screen pixels and native pixels return textBoundsSize.Y + 1 end return textBoundsSize.Y end function methods:GetNumberOfSpaces(str, font, textSize) local strSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(str, font, textSize) local singleSpaceSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(" ", font, textSize) return math.ceil(strSize.X / singleSpaceSize.X) end function methods:CreateBaseMessage(message, font, textSize, chatColor) local BaseFrame = self:GetFromObjectPool("Frame") BaseFrame.Selectable = false BaseFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 18) BaseFrame.Visible = true BaseFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local messageBorder = 8 local BaseMessage = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextLabel") BaseMessage.Selectable = false BaseMessage.Size =, -(messageBorder + 6), 1, 0) BaseMessage.Position =, messageBorder, 0, 0) BaseMessage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 BaseMessage.Font = font BaseMessage.TextSize = textSize BaseMessage.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left BaseMessage.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top BaseMessage.TextTransparency = 0 BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.75 BaseMessage.TextColor3 = chatColor BaseMessage.TextWrapped = true BaseMessage.ClipsDescendants = true BaseMessage.Text = message BaseMessage.Visible = true BaseMessage.Parent = BaseFrame return BaseFrame, BaseMessage end function methods:AddNameButtonToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, nameColor, formatName, playerName) local speakerNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatName, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local NameButton = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextButton") NameButton.Selectable = false NameButton.Size =, speakerNameSize.X, 0, speakerNameSize.Y) NameButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0) NameButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 NameButton.Font = BaseMessage.Font NameButton.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize NameButton.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment NameButton.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment NameButton.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency NameButton.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency NameButton.TextColor3 = nameColor NameButton.Text = formatName NameButton.Visible = true NameButton.Parent = BaseMessage local clickedConn = NameButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() self:NameButtonClicked(NameButton, playerName) end) local changedConn = nil changedConn = NameButton.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "Parent" then clickedConn:Disconnect() changedConn:Disconnect() end end) return NameButton end function methods:AddChannelButtonToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, channelColor, formatChannelName, channelName) local channelNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatChannelName, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local ChannelButton = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextButton") ChannelButton.Selectable = false ChannelButton.Size =, channelNameSize.X, 0, channelNameSize.Y) ChannelButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0) ChannelButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ChannelButton.Font = BaseMessage.Font ChannelButton.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize ChannelButton.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment ChannelButton.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment ChannelButton.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency ChannelButton.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency ChannelButton.TextColor3 = channelColor ChannelButton.Text = formatChannelName ChannelButton.Visible = true ChannelButton.Parent = BaseMessage local clickedConn = ChannelButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() self:ChannelButtonClicked(ChannelButton, channelName) end) local changedConn = nil changedConn = ChannelButton.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "Parent" then clickedConn:Disconnect() changedConn:Disconnect() end end) return ChannelButton end function methods:AddTagLabelToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, tagColor, formatTagText, tagGradient) local tagNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatTagText, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local TagLabel = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextLabel") TagLabel.Selectable = false TagLabel.Size =, tagNameSize.X, 0, tagNameSize.Y) TagLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0) TagLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TagLabel.Font = BaseMessage.Font TagLabel.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize TagLabel.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment TagLabel.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment TagLabel.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency TagLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency TagLabel.TextColor3 = tagColor TagLabel.Text = formatTagText TagLabel.Visible = true TagLabel.Parent = BaseMessage if tagGradient ~= nil then tagGradient:Clone().Parent = TagLabel end return TagLabel end function GetWhisperChannelPrefix() if ChatConstants.WhisperChannelPrefix then return ChatConstants.WhisperChannelPrefix end return "To " end function methods:NameButtonClicked(nameButton, playerName) if not self.ChatWindow then return end if ChatSettings.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper then local player = Players:FindFirstChild(playerName) if player and player ~= LocalPlayer then local whisperChannel = GetWhisperChannelPrefix() ..playerName if self.ChatWindow:GetChannel(whisperChannel) then self.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() local targetChannelName = self.ChatWindow:GetTargetMessageChannel() if targetChannelName ~= whisperChannel then self.ChatWindow:SwitchCurrentChannel(whisperChannel) end local whisperMessage = "/w " ..playerName self.ChatBar:SetText(whisperMessage) self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() elseif not self.ChatBar:IsInCustomState() then local whisperMessage = "/w " ..playerName self.ChatBar:SetText(whisperMessage) self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() end end end end function methods:ChannelButtonClicked(channelButton, channelName) if not self.ChatWindow then return end if ChatSettings.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel then if self.ChatWindow:GetChannel(channelName) then self.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() local targetChannelName = self.ChatWindow:GetTargetMessageChannel() if targetChannelName ~= channelName then self.ChatWindow:SwitchCurrentChannel(channelName) end self.ChatBar:ResetText() self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() end end end function methods:RegisterChatWindow(chatWindow) self.ChatWindow = chatWindow self.ChatBar = chatWindow:GetChatBar() end function methods:GetFromObjectPool(className) if self.ObjectPool == nil then return end return self.ObjectPool:GetInstance(className) end function methods:RegisterObjectPool(objectPool) self.ObjectPool = objectPool end
Tune.ABSEnabled = true -- Implements ABS Tune.ABSThreshold = 10 -- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) Tune.FBrakeForce = 2500 -- Front brake force Tune.RBrakeForce = 2000 -- Rear brake force Tune.PBrakeForce = 5000 -- Handbrake force Tune.FLgcyBForce = 15000 -- Front brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.RLgcyBForce = 10000 -- Rear brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.LgcyPBForce = 25000 -- Handbrake force [PGS OFF]
-- Enable CoreGui
StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui') StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, true) StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, true) StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack,true)
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local handler = car:WaitForChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local on = 0 local throt=0 local redline=0 script:WaitForChild("Rev") for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end handler:FireServer("newSound","Rev",car.DriveSeat,script.Rev.SoundId,0,script.Rev.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("playSound","Rev") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Rev") while wait() do local _RPM = script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value if script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value <= _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then throt = math.max(.3,throt-.2) else throt = math.min(1,throt+.1) end if script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value > _Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce/4 and script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value > _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then redline=.5 else redline=1 end if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=math.max(on-.015,0) else on=1 end local Pitch = math.max((((script.Rev.SetPitch.Value + script.Rev.SetRev.Value*_RPM/_Tune.Redline))*on^2),script.Rev.SetPitch.Value) handler:FireServer("updateSound","Rev",script.Rev.SoundId,Pitch,script.Rev.Volume) end
--owner.CameraMode = "LockFirstPerson"
local part ="Part", owner.Character.Head) part.Size =,0.1,0.1) part.Transparency = 1 part.CanCollide = false part.Name = "camera" part:BreakJoints() local weld ="Weld", part) weld.Part0 = owner.Character.Head weld.Part1 = part weld.C0 =,0,-1) cangoup = true rolling = false while game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait() do if (workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p - part.Position).magnitude <= 1.7 then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame ="Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position,,game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.y,mouse.Hit.p.z)) workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 80 for i,v in pairs(owner.Character:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "Part" or v.ClassName == "MeshPart" and v.Name ~= "Head" then v.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 end if v.ClassName == "Accessory" then v.Handle.Transparency = 1 end end if owner.Character.Head:findFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then owner.Character.Head:findFirstChildOfClass("Decal").Transparency = 1 end owner.Character.Head.Transparency = 1 workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = part else for i,v in pairs(owner.Character:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "Accessory" then v.Handle.Transparency = 0 end end workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 owner.Character.Head.Transparency = 0 if owner.Character.Head:findFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then owner.Character.Head:findFirstChildOfClass("Decal").Transparency = 0 end workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = owner.Character end end
local Text = script.Parent Text.Text = RebirthLevel.Value RebirthLevel.Changed:Connect(function() Text.Text = RebirthLevel.Value end)
--[=[ Returns a boolean determining if the object is a ScriptSignal. ```lua local janitor = local signal = ScriptSignal.Is(signal) -> true ScriptSignal.Is(janitor) -> false ``` @param object any @return boolean @ignore ]=]
function ScriptSignal.Is(object): boolean return typeof(object) == 'table' and getmetatable(object) == ScriptSignal end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local l__math_pi__1 = math.pi; local u2 = math.pi * 2; return function(p1, p2) local v1 = p2 - p1; if l__math_pi__1 < v1 then return v1 - u2; end; if v1 < -l__math_pi__1 then v1 = v1 + u2; end; return v1; end;
-- /** -- * Handles more complex objects ( such as objects with circular references. -- * maps and sets etc ) -- */
local function printComplexValue( val: any, config: Config, indentation: string, depth: number, refs: Refs, hasCalledToJSON: boolean? ): string if table.find(refs, val) ~= nil then return "[Circular]" end refs = { unpack(refs) } table.insert(refs, val) depth = depth + 1 local hitMaxDepth = depth > config.maxDepth local min = config.min if config.callToJSON and not hitMaxDepth and val.toJSON and typeof(val.toJSON) == "function" and not hasCalledToJSON then return printer(val.toJSON(), config, indentation, depth, refs, true) end -- ROBLOX deviation start: rewrote this part since lua only has tables if hitMaxDepth then if getType(val) == "set" then return "[Set]" else return "[Table]" end end local retval = "" if not min then retval = if config.printBasicPrototype then "Table" .. " " else "" end if is_array(val) then return retval .. "{" .. printListItems(val, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) .. "}" end if getType(val) == "set" then if hitMaxDepth then return "[Set]" else return "Set {" .. printListItems(val._array, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) .. "}" end end return retval .. "{" .. printTableEntries(val, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) .. "}" -- ROBLOX deviation end end local function isNewPlugin(plugin_: Plugin): boolean return (plugin_ :: NewPlugin).serialize ~= nil end function printPlugin(plugin_: Plugin, val: any, config: Config, indentation: string, depth: number, refs: Refs): string local printed local ok, err = pcall(function() if isNewPlugin(plugin_) then printed = (plugin_ :: NewPlugin).serialize(val, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) else printed = (plugin_ :: OldPlugin).print(val, function(valChild) return printer(valChild, config, indentation, depth, refs) end, function(str) local indentationNext = indentation .. config.indent return indentationNext .. str:gsub("\n", "\n" .. indentationNext) end, { edgeSpacing = config.spacingOuter, min = config.min, spacing = config.spacingInner, }, config.colors) end end) if not ok then error(PrettyFormatPluginError(err)) end if typeof(printed) ~= "string" then error( Error( string.format( 'pretty-format: Plugin must return type "string" but instead returned "%s".', typeof(printed) ) ) ) end return printed end
Tune.SusEnabled = true -- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled --Front Suspension Tune.FSusDamping = 800 -- Spring Dampening Tune.FSusStiffness = 10000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 90 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.FSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.FPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.FExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.FCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Rear Suspension Tune.RSusDamping = 800 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 10000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 85 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.RSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.RExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Aesthetics Tune.SusVisible = true -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Really black" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
----- Private Variables -----
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local Remotes = ReplicatedStorage.Remote local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Connexion du clic sur le bouton GUI
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Activez la vitesse de marche à 16 lorsque le joueur clique sur le bouton player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 16 -- Envoyez la demande au serveur game.ReplicatedStorage.TeamSelect:FireServer(script.Parent.Name) -- Désactivez le parent du bouton GUI script.Parent.Parent.Enabled = false end)
-- Constants
local Local_Player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local Crosshair_Screen = script:WaitForChild("Crosshair") local Crosshair_Frame = Crosshair_Screen.Frame local Crosshair_Image = Crosshair_Frame.CrosshairImage
-- This was automatically inserted by the Ban Hammer plugin. -- You can re-parent this script and change it any way you see fit.
--end --if SignalValues.Signal2.Value == 2 then
SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 3
--orange 9
if k == "u" and ibo.Value==true then bin.Blade.BrickColor ="Deep orange") bin.Blade2.BrickColor ="Institutional white") bin.Blade.White.Enabled=false colorbin.white.Value = false bin.Blade.Blue.Enabled=false = false bin.Blade.Green.Enabled=false = false bin.Blade.Magenta.Enabled=false colorbin.magenta.Value = false bin.Blade.Orange.Enabled=true = true bin.Blade.Viridian.Enabled=false colorbin.viridian.Value = false bin.Blade.Violet.Enabled=false colorbin.violet.Value = false bin.Blade.Red.Enabled=false = false bin.Blade.Silver.Enabled=false colorbin.silver.Value = false bin.Blade.Black.Enabled=false = false bin.Blade.NavyBlue.Enabled=false colorbin.navyblue.Value = false bin.Blade.Yellow.Enabled=false colorbin.yellow.Value = false bin.Blade.Cyan.Enabled=false colorbin.cyan.Value = false end
--Automatic: Revmatching
Tune.ShiftThrot = 100 -- Throttle level when shifting down to revmatch, 0 - 100%
-- find player's head pos
local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) --local head = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") local head = locateHead() if head == nil then return end --computes a the intended direction of the projectile based on where the mouse was clicked in reference to the head local dir = mouse_pos - head.Position dir = computeDirection(dir) local launch = head.Position + 3 * dir local delta = mouse_pos - launch local dy = delta.y local new_delta =, 0, delta.z) delta = new_delta local dx = delta.magnitude local unit_delta = delta.unit -- acceleration due to gravity in RBX units local g = (-9.81 * 20) local theta = computeLaunchAngle( dx, dy, g) local vy = math.sin(theta) local xz = math.cos(theta) local vx = unit_delta.x * xz local vz = unit_delta.z * xz local missile = Pellet:clone() missile.CanCollide = true missile.Position = launch missile.Velocity =,vy,vz) * VELOCITY missile.StarScript.Disabled = false local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = vPlayer creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = missile missile.Parent = game.Workspace end function locateHead() local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) return vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") end function computeLaunchAngle(dx,dy,grav) -- arcane -- local g = math.abs(grav) local inRoot = (VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - (g * ((g*dx*dx) + (2*dy*VELOCITY*VELOCITY))) if inRoot <= 0 then return .25 * math.pi end local root = math.sqrt(inRoot) local inATan1 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) + root) / (g*dx) local inATan2 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - root) / (g*dx) local answer1 = math.atan(inATan1) local answer2 = math.atan(inATan2) if answer1 < answer2 then return answer1 end return answer2 end function computeDirection(vec) local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared) return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint fire(targetPos) wait(2) Tool.Enabled = true Tool.Handle.Transparency=0 end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated)
-- stravant's AnimEdit helper, to make sure tools actually animate.
function Create(ty) return function(data) local obj = for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(k) == 'number' then v.Parent = obj else obj[k] = v end end return obj end end local Tool = script.Parent.Parent local armChildRemovedConn = nil local Motor6DGrip = nil local EquippedNum = 0 Tool.Equipped:connect(function() EquippedNum = EquippedNum + 1 local myEquip = EquippedNum --some vars local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent) local Character = Player.Character local rightarm = Character:FindFirstChild('Right Arm') if rightarm and rightarm:FindFirstChild('RightGrip') then local rightGrip = rightarm['RightGrip'] local handle = rightGrip.Part1 --kill my joint when the normal joint is removed --this must be done here so that the joint is removed --_right away_ after unequipping and the character doesn't --glitch up. local armChildRemovedConn = rightarm.ChildRemoved:connect(function(ch) if ch == rightGrip then Motor6DGrip:Remove() Motor6DGrip = nil -- if handle and Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then if Tool.Parent.Parent:IsA('Player') then --the sword has been deselected --put the sword far away so the user doesn't notice that the handle doesn't --update for about 0.1 seconds after selecting the tool. handle.CFrame =, 100000, 100000) else --if in the workspace, position the handle where it should be dropped --use the size of the handle to make sure it's dropped far enough away handle.CFrame = Character.Torso.CFrame *, 0, -(handle.Size.magnitude+2)) end end end end) --make my new joint Motor6DGrip = Create'Motor6D'{ Name = 'RightGrip_Motor'; Part0 = rightarm; Part1 = handle; C0 =, -1, 0, 1, 0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0); -- from original right grip C1 =, -0.6, 0.4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0); } --kill the old weld rightGrip.Part1 = nil rightGrip.Part0 = nil Motor6DGrip.Parent = rightGrip.Parent end end) Tool.Unequipped:connect(function() EquippedNum = EquippedNum + 1 if armChildRemovedConn then armChildRemovedConn:disconnect() armChildRemovedConn = nil end end)
-- создадим 10 копий
for i=1,10 do local x=rnd:NextInteger(-200,200) local z=rnd:NextInteger(-200,200) local,0,z)) local newModel = target:Clone() newModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v) newModel.Parent = targets end
-- If you want to know how to retexture a hat, read this:
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Hat" -- It doesn't make a difference, but if you want to make your place in Explorer neater, change this to the name of your hat. p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =,-0,-1) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, -0.15, 0) -- Change these to change the positiones of your hat, as I said earlier. wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--[[ Creates folders for RemoteFunctions and RemoteEvents used by Network. These folders are then populated with new RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions for each name specified in the RemoteNames constants module. --]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local RemoteEventName = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Network.RemoteName.RemoteEventName) local RemoteFunctionName = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Network.RemoteName.RemoteFunctionName) local RemoteFolderName = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Network.RemoteFolderName) local createInstanceTree = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Utility.createInstanceTree) local getInstance = require(ReplicatedStorage.Source.Utility.getInstance) type PropertiesTable = { [string]: any } local function createRemotes(remoteFolder: Folder) local remoteEventsFolder: Folder = getInstance(remoteFolder, RemoteFolderName.RemoteEvents) for eventName in pairs(RemoteEventName) do local remoteEvent ="RemoteEvent") remoteEvent.Name = eventName remoteEvent.Parent = remoteEventsFolder end local remoteFunctionsFolder: Folder = getInstance(remoteFolder, RemoteFolderName.RemoteFunctions) for functionName in pairs(RemoteFunctionName) do local remoteFunction ="RemoteFunction") remoteFunction.Name = functionName remoteFunction.Parent = remoteFunctionsFolder end end local function createRemotesFolders(rootFolderName: string): Folder local folder = createInstanceTree({ className = "Folder", properties = { Name = rootFolderName, }, children = { { className = "Folder", properties = { Name = RemoteFolderName.RemoteFunctions, } :: PropertiesTable, }, { className = "Folder", properties = { Name = RemoteFolderName.RemoteEvents, } :: PropertiesTable, }, }, }) createRemotes(folder) return folder end return createRemotesFolders
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 840 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 1000 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 15000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 14000 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 200 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
-- excluding the `+` and `*` character, since findOr tests and graphql use them explicitly
local luaPatternCharacters = "([" .. ("$%^()-[].?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1") .. "])" local function findOr(str: string, patternTable: { string }, initIndex: number?): Match | nil -- loop through all options in patern patternTable local init = utf8.offset(str, initIndex or 1) local matches = {} for _, value in patternTable do value = value:gsub(luaPatternCharacters, "%%%1") local iStart, iEnd = string.find(str, value, init) if iStart then local prefix = string.sub(str, 1, iStart - 1) local prefixEnd, invalidBytePosition = utf8.len(prefix) if prefixEnd == nil then error(("string `%s` has an invalid byte at position %s"):format(prefix, tostring(invalidBytePosition))) end local iStartIndex = prefixEnd :: number + 1 local match = { index = iStartIndex, match = string.sub(str, iStart, iEnd), } table.insert(matches, match) end end -- if no matches, return nil if #matches == 0 then return nil end -- find the first matched index (after the init param) -- for each, if we get a hit, return the earliest index and matched term local firstMatch for _, value in matches do -- load first condition if firstMatch == nil then firstMatch = value end -- identify if current match comes before first match if value.index < firstMatch.index then firstMatch = value end end -- return first match return firstMatch end return findOr
--------------- -- Constants -- ---------------
local FADE_TARGET = 0.75 local FADE_RATE = 0.1 local MODE = { CUSTOM = 1, -- Whatever you want! LIMBS = 2, -- Track limbs MOVEMENT = 3, -- Track movement CORNERS = 4, -- Char model corners CIRCLE1 = 5, -- Circle of casts around character CIRCLE2 = 6, -- Circle of casts around character, camera relative LIMBMOVE = 7, -- LIMBS mode + MOVEMENT mode } Invisicam.MODE = MODE local STARTING_MODE = MODE.LIMBS local LIMB_TRACKING_SET = { ['Head'] = true, ['Left Arm'] = true, ['Right Arm'] = true, ['Left Leg'] = true, ['Right Leg'] = true, } local CORNER_FACTORS = {, 1, -1),, -1, -1),, -1, -1),, 1, -1) } local CIRCLE_CASTS = 10 local MOVE_CASTS = 3
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 5 black ="Really black") local slash_damage = 22 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent local SlashSound ="Sound") SlashSound.SoundId = "" SlashSound.Parent = sword SlashSound.Volume = 1 local UnsheathSound ="Sound") UnsheathSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\unsheath.wav" UnsheathSound.Parent = sword UnsheathSound.Volume = 1 function blow(hit) local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) if player then local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local hum = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- non-nil if tool held by a character local myteam = vPlayer.TeamColor local theirteam = player.TeamColor if humanoid~=nil and humanoid ~= hum and hum ~= nil then -- final check, make sure sword is in-hand local right_arm = vCharacter:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") or vCharacter:FindFirstChild("RightHand") if (right_arm ~= nil) then local joint = right_arm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == sword or joint.Part1 == sword)) then if player and player ~= vPlayer and not vPlayer.Neutral and not player.Neutral and (myteam ~= theirteam or (myteam == black and theirteam == black)) then tagHumanoid(humanoid, vPlayer) humanoid:TakeDamage(damage) wait(1) untagHumanoid(humanoid) end end end end end end function tagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = player creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = humanoid end function untagHumanoid(humanoid) if humanoid ~= nil then local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then tag.Parent = nil end end end function attack() damage = slash_damage SlashSound:play() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,0) Tool.GripRight =,1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,1) Tool.GripRight =,-1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,0) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end attack() wait(1) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() UnsheathSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) connection = sword.Touched:connect(blow)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = require(script.Parent); local v2 = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("PlayerModule")):GetControls(); local v3 = game["Run Service"]; local l__UserInputService__4 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local l__ProximityPromptService__5 = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService"); local l__TextService__6 = game:GetService("TextService"); local v7 = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("ClientModules"):WaitForChild("GetPlatform")); local v8 = script:FindFirstAncestor("MainUI"); if v7() == "mobile" then v8.MainFrame:WaitForChild("MobileButtons").Visible = true; end; local l__PromptFrame__1 = v8:WaitForChild("MainFrame"):WaitForChild("PromptFrame"); local u2 = require(script:WaitForChild("MouseIcons")); local u3 = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("ClientModules"):WaitForChild("ButtonIcons")); local l__InteractButton__4 = v8.MainFrame:WaitForChild("MobileButtons"):WaitForChild("InteractButton"); local u5 = require(script:WaitForChild("Hint")); local l__TweenService__6 = game:GetService("TweenService"); local u7 = nil; local u8 = tick(); local l__Highlight__9 = script:WaitForChild("Highlight"); local u10 =, 0, 0); local u11 = nil; function update(p1, p2) task.spawn(function() l__PromptFrame__1.Title.Text = p1.ObjectText; l__PromptFrame__1.Desc.Text = p1.ActionText; l__PromptFrame__1.Key.Text = p1.KeyboardKeyCode.Name; l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Bar.Size =, 0, 1, 0); l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Bar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Sine", 0.1, true); l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage.Image = u2.getIcon(p1.ActionText); if p1.ActionText == "Collect" then task.delay(0.2, function() p1:InputHoldBegin(); end); end; local v9 =, 0); if v7() ~= "pc" then l__PromptFrame__1.Key.Visible = false; l__PromptFrame__1.UIScale.Scale = 1.5; if v7() == "console" then l__PromptFrame__1.KeyXbox.Image = u3[p1.GamepadKeyCode.Name]; l__PromptFrame__1.KeyXbox.Visible = true; elseif v7() == "mobile" then l__PromptFrame__1.KeyXbox.Visible = false; end; else l__PromptFrame__1.Key.Visible = true; l__PromptFrame__1.KeyXbox.Visible = false; end; l__InteractButton__4.Icon.Image = l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage.Image; if p1.ObjectText == "Hint" then local v10 =, 0); l__PromptFrame__1.Key.Text = u5[p1.ActionText]; l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage.Image = u2.getIcon(p1.ObjectText); end; local v11 = { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }; if p2 == true then l__PromptFrame__1.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.729412, 0.376471); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__PromptFrame__1,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.In), v11):Play(); else l__PromptFrame__1.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.423529, 0.533333); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__PromptFrame__1,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In), v11):Play(); end; if 0 < p1.HoldDuration then l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Visible = true; else l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Visible = false; end; script.Holding:Stop(); local l__CurrentCamera__12 = workspace.CurrentCamera; local v13 = l__CurrentCamera__12.CFrame.Position; local v21 local v22, v23 = l__CurrentCamera__12:WorldToScreenPoint(v13 -, 0.2, 0)); local l__Parent__14 = p1.Parent; local v15 = false; u8 = tick(); if l__Parent__14 then if not l__Parent__14:IsA("BasePart") then if l__Parent__14:IsA("Model") then v13 = l__Parent__14:GetPivot().Position; v15 = true; elseif l__Parent__14:IsA("Attachment") then v13 = l__Parent__14.WorldPosition; end; else v13 = l__Parent__14:GetPivot().Position; v15 = true; end; l__Highlight__9.Adornee = l__Parent__14; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = true; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = true; l__PromptFrame__1.Position =, 0, 2, 0); local v16 = u10; if v16 then if 7 <= (v16 - v13).Magnitude then v16 = nil; elseif v16 then end; end; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 0.9, OutlineTransparency = 0 }):Play(); local v17 = nil; local v18 = nil; if v7() == "mobile" then l__InteractButton__4.Visible = true; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 0.35 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 0 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); v17 = l__InteractButton__4.InputBegan:Connect(function() p1:InputHoldBegin(); end); v18 = l__InteractButton__4.InputEnded:Connect(function() p1:InputHoldEnd(); end); end; local v19 = tick(); local v20 = 1 - 1; if not l__Parent__14:IsA("BasePart") then if not l__Parent__14:IsA("Model") then if l__Parent__14:IsA("Attachment") then while true do if p1 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 == u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if v15 then v21 = l__Parent__14:GetPivot().Position; else v21 = l__Parent__14.WorldPosition; end; if v16 then if v16 ~= nil then v21 = v16:Lerp(v21, l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - v19) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)); end; end; u10 = v13; l__PromptFrame__1.Position =, math.clamp(v22.X, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.X - 80), 0, math.clamp(v22.Y, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.Y - 80)); l__Highlight__9.Adornee = l__Parent__14; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = true; task.wait(); if 0 <= 1 then if v20 < 100000000 then else break; end; elseif 100000000 < v20 then else break; end; v20 = v20 + 1; end; end; else v19 = tick(); v20 = 1 - 1; while true do if p1 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 == u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if v15 then v21 = l__Parent__14:GetPivot().Position; else v21 = l__Parent__14.WorldPosition; end; if v16 then if v16 ~= nil then v21 = v16:Lerp(v21, l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - v19) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)); end; end; u10 = v13; v22, v23 = l__CurrentCamera__12:WorldToScreenPoint(v13 -, 0.2, 0)); l__PromptFrame__1.Position =, math.clamp(v22.X, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.X - 80), 0, math.clamp(v22.Y, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.Y - 80)); l__Highlight__9.Adornee = l__Parent__14; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = true; task.wait(); if 0 <= 1 then if v20 < 100000000 then else break; end; elseif 100000000 < v20 then else break; end; v20 = v20 + 1; end; end; else v19 = tick(); v20 = 1 - 1; while true do if p1 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 == u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if u7 then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then else pcall(function() if v17 then if v18 then v17:Disconnect(); v18:Disconnect(); end; end; end); if u7 == nil then l__TweenService__6:Create(l__Highlight__9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { FillTransparency = 1, OutlineTransparency = 1 }):Play(); task.wait(0.2); if u7 == nil then if u8 == u8 then l__Highlight__9.Adornee = nil; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = false; l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.UIStroke,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Transparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__InteractButton__4.Icon,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); end; end; elseif l__PromptFrame__1.Visible then u11 = v13; end; break; end; if v15 then v21 = l__Parent__14:GetPivot().Position; else v21 = l__Parent__14.WorldPosition; end; if v16 then if v16 ~= nil then v21 = v16:Lerp(v21, l__TweenService__6:GetValue((tick() - v19) * 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)); end; end; u10 = v13; v22, v23 = l__CurrentCamera__12:WorldToScreenPoint(v13 -, 0.2, 0)); l__PromptFrame__1.Position =, math.clamp(v22.X, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.X - 80), 0, math.clamp(v22.Y, 80, v8.AbsoluteSize.Y - 80)); l__Highlight__9.Adornee = l__Parent__14; l__Highlight__9.Enabled = true; task.wait(); if 0 <= 1 then if v20 < 100000000 then else break; end; elseif 100000000 < v20 then else break; end; v20 = v20 + 1; end; end; end; end); end; local u12 = 0; l__ProximityPromptService__5.PromptShown:Connect(function(p3) if p3.ObjectText ~= "Hint" then u7 = p3.Changed:Connect(function() update(p3); end); u12 = u12 + 1; update(p3); script.Notification:Play(); end; end); l__ProximityPromptService__5.PromptHidden:Connect(function(p4) if p4.ObjectText ~= "Hint" then l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Bar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Sine", 0.1, true); l__PromptFrame__1.Visible = false; pcall(function() u7:Disconnect(); end); u7 = nil; u12 = u12 - 1; end; end); l__ProximityPromptService__5.PromptTriggered:Connect(function(p5) if p5.ObjectText ~= "Hint" then update(p5, true); v1.camShaker:ShakeOnce(1, 1, 0.2, 0.7,, 0, 0)); l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Bar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Sine", 0.1, true); script.Triggered:Play(); script.Holding:Stop(); l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage.Position =, 0, 0.52, 0); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage,, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.5, 0), ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); end; end); l__ProximityPromptService__5.PromptButtonHoldBegan:Connect(function(p6) if p6.ObjectText ~= "Hint" then update(p6); l__PromptFrame__1.Bar.Bar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "In", "Sine", p6.HoldDuration, true); script.Holding:Play(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage,, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.52, 0), ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); end; end); l__ProximityPromptService__5.PromptButtonHoldEnded:Connect(function(p7) if p7.ObjectText ~= "Hint" then update(p7); script.Holding:Stop(); l__TweenService__6:Create(l__PromptFrame__1.CenterImage,, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.5, 0), ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); end; end);
--// Bullet Physics
BulletPhysics =,55,0); -- Drop fixation: Lower number = more drop BulletSpeed = 2700; -- Bullet Speed BulletSpread = 1; -- How much spread the bullet has ExploPhysics =,20,0); -- Drop for explosive rounds ExploSpeed = 600; -- Speed for explosive rounds BulletDecay = 10000; -- How far the bullet travels before slowing down and being deleted (BUGGY)
-- print(hum.Health)
if hum.Health<1 then return end end if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid2") ~= nil then local hum=hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid2")
if Module.DualEnabled then Handle2 = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle2",2) if Handle2 == nil and Module.DualEnabled then error("\"Dual\" setting is enabled but \"Handle2\" is missing!") end end local Equipped = false local Enabled = true local Down = false local HoldDown = false local Reloading = false local AimDown = false local Scoping = false local Mag = MagValue.Value local Ammo = AmmoValue.Value local MaxAmmo = Module.MaxAmmo if Module.IdleAnimationID ~= nil or Module.DualEnabled then IdleAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("IdleAnim") IdleAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(IdleAnim) end if Module.FireAnimationID ~= nil then FireAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("FireAnim") FireAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(FireAnim) end if Module.ReloadAnimationID ~= nil then ReloadAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ReloadAnim") ReloadAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ReloadAnim) end if Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationID ~= nil then ShotgunClipinAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ShotgunClipinAnim") ShotgunClipinAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ShotgunClipinAnim) end if Module.HoldDownAnimationID ~= nil then HoldDownAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("HoldDownAnim") HoldDownAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(HoldDownAnim) end if Module.EquippedAnimationID ~= nil then EquippedAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("EquippedAnim") EquippedAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(EquippedAnim) end function wait(TimeToWait) if TimeToWait ~= nil then local TotalTime = 0 TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() while TotalTime < TimeToWait do TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end else game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end end function numLerp(A, B, Alpha) return A + (B - A) * Alpha end function RAND(Min, Max, Accuracy) local Inverse = 1 / (Accuracy or 1) return (math.random(Min * Inverse, Max * Inverse) / Inverse) end function GetFireDirection(CurrentPosOnScreen, FirePointObject) local X = CurrentPosOnScreen.X + math.random(-Module.SpreadX * 2, Module.SpreadX * 2) * (AimDown and 1-Module.SpreadRedutionIS and 1-Module.SpreadRedutionS or 1) local Y = CurrentPosOnScreen.Y + math.random(-Module.SpreadY * 2, Module.SpreadY * 2) * (AimDown and 1-Module.SpreadRedutionIS and 1-Module.SpreadRedutionS or 1) local RayMag1 = Camera:ScreenPointToRay(X, Y) --Hence the var name, the magnitude of this is 1. local NewRay =, RayMag1.Direction * 5000) local Target, Position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(NewRay, Character) --NOTE: This ray is from camera to object's position. This is why I check for a position value - With that value, I can get the proper direction return (Position - FirePointObject.WorldPosition).Unit end MarkerEvent.Event:connect(function(IsHeadshot) pcall(function() if Module.HitmarkerEnabled then if IsHeadshot then GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker.ImageColor3 = Module.HitmarkerColorHS GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker.ImageTransparency = 0 TweeningService:Create(GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() local markersound = GUI.Crosshair.MarkerSound:Clone() markersound.PlaybackSpeed = Module.HitmarkerSoundPitchHS markersound.Parent = Player.PlayerGui markersound:Play() game:GetService("Debris"):addItem(markersound,markersound.TimeLength) else GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker.ImageColor3 = Module.HitmarkerColor GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker.ImageTransparency = 0 TweeningService:Create(GUI.Crosshair.Hitmarker,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() local markersound = GUI.Crosshair.MarkerSound:Clone() markersound.PlaybackSpeed = Module.HitmarkerSoundPitch markersound.Parent = Player.PlayerGui markersound:Play() game:GetService("Debris"):addItem(markersound,markersound.TimeLength) end end end) end) function EjectShell(ShootingHandle) if Module.BulletShellEnabled then local ShellPos = (ShootingHandle.CFrame *,Module.BulletShellOffset.Y,Module.BulletShellOffset.Z)).p local Chamber ="Part") Chamber.Name = "Chamber" Chamber.Size =,0.01,0.01) Chamber.Transparency = 1 Chamber.Anchored = false Chamber.CanCollide = false Chamber.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines Chamber.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines local Weld ="Weld",Chamber) Weld.Part0 = ShootingHandle Weld.Part1 = Chamber Weld.C0 =,Module.BulletShellOffset.Y,Module.BulletShellOffset.Z) Chamber.Position = ShellPos Chamber.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera local function spawner() local Shell ="Part") Shell.CFrame = Chamber.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-2.5,1,1) Shell.Size = Module.ShellSize Shell.CanCollide = Module.AllowCollide Shell.Name = "Shell" --VVV Edit here VVV-- Shell.Velocity = Chamber.CFrame.lookVector * 20 +,10),20,math.random(-10,10)) Shell.RotVelocity =,200,0) --^^^ Edit here ^^^-- Shell.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera local shellmesh ="SpecialMesh") shellmesh.Scale = Module.ShellScale shellmesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://"..Module.ShellMeshID shellmesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://"..Module.ShellTextureID shellmesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" shellmesh.Parent = Shell game:GetService("Debris"):addItem(Shell,Module.DisappearTime) end spawn(spawner) game.Debris:AddItem(Chamber,10) end end function RecoilCamera() if Module.CameraRecoilingEnabled then local CurrentRecoil = Module.Recoil*(AimDown and 1-Module.RecoilRedution or 1) local RecoilX = math.rad(CurrentRecoil * RAND(Module.AngleX_Min, Module.AngleX_Max, Module.Accuracy)) local RecoilY = math.rad(CurrentRecoil * RAND(Module.AngleY_Min, Module.AngleY_Max, Module.Accuracy)) local RecoilZ = math.rad(CurrentRecoil * RAND(Module.AngleZ_Min, Module.AngleZ_Max, Module.Accuracy)) CameraModule:accelerate(RecoilX,RecoilY,RecoilZ) delay(0.05, function() CameraModule:accelerateXY(-RecoilX,-RecoilY) end) end end function Fire(ShootingHandle, InputPos) if FireAnim then FireAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.FireAnimationSpeed) end if not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Playing or not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Looped then ShootingHandle.FireSound:Play() end local FireDirection = GetFireDirection(InputPos, ShootingHandle:FindFirstChild("GunFirePoint")) Player.PlayerScripts.BulletVisualizerScript.Visualize:Fire(nil,Tool,ShootingHandle,FireDirection, ShootingHandle:FindFirstChild("GunFirePoint"), {Module.HitEffectEnabled,Module.HitSoundIDs,Module.HitSoundPitch,Module.HitSoundVolume,script:WaitForChild("HitEffect"),Module.CustomHitEffect}, {Module.BloodEnabled,Module.HitCharSndIDs,Module.HitCharSndPitch,Module.HitCharSndVolume,script:WaitForChild("BloodEffect")}, {Module.BulletHoleEnabled,Module.BulletHoleSize,Module.BulletHoleTexture,Module.PartColor,Module.BulletHoleVisibleTime,Module.BulletHoleFadeTime}, {Module.FleshHole,Module.FleshHoleSize,Module.FleshHoleTexture,Module.FleshHoleColor,Module.FleshHoleVisibleTime,Module.FleshHoleFadeTime}, {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.ExplosionRadius,Module.ExplosionSoundEnabled,Module.ExplosionSoundIDs,Module.ExplosionSoundPitch,Module.ExplosionSoundVolume,Module.CustomExplosion,script:WaitForChild("ExplosionEffect")}, {Module.BulletTracerEnabled,Module.BulletTracerOffset0,Module.BulletTracerOffset1,script:WaitForChild("TracerEffect"),Module.BulletParticleEnaled,script:WaitForChild("ParticleEffect"),Module.Range,Module.BulletSpeed,Module.DropGravity,Module.WindOffset,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.BulletShape,Module.BulletMeshEnabled,Module.BulletMeshID,Module.BulletTextureID,Module.BulletMeshScale}, {Module.BaseDamage,Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier,Module.HeadshotEnabled}, {Module.WhizSoundEnabled,Module.WhizSoundID,Module.WhizSoundVolume,Module.WhizSoundPitch}, {Module.BulletLightEnabled,Module.BulletLightBrightness,Module.BulletLightColor,Module.BulletLightRange,Module.BulletLightShadows}, {Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet}) VisualizeBullet:FireServer(Tool,ShootingHandle,FireDirection, ShootingHandle:FindFirstChild("GunFirePoint"), {Module.HitEffectEnabled,Module.HitSoundIDs,Module.HitSoundPitch,Module.HitSoundVolume,script:WaitForChild("HitEffect"),Module.CustomHitEffect}, {Module.BloodEnabled,Module.HitCharSndIDs,Module.HitCharSndPitch,Module.HitCharSndVolume,script:WaitForChild("BloodEffect")}, {Module.BulletHoleEnabled,Module.BulletHoleSize,Module.BulletHoleTexture,Module.PartColor,Module.BulletHoleVisibleTime,Module.BulletHoleFadeTime}, {Module.FleshHole,Module.FleshHoleSize,Module.FleshHoleTexture,Module.FleshHoleColor,Module.FleshHoleVisibleTime,Module.FleshHoleFadeTime}, {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.ExplosionRadius,Module.ExplosionSoundEnabled,Module.ExplosionSoundIDs,Module.ExplosionSoundPitch,Module.ExplosionSoundVolume,Module.CustomExplosion,script:WaitForChild("ExplosionEffect")}, {Module.BulletTracerEnabled,Module.BulletTracerOffset0,Module.BulletTracerOffset1,script:WaitForChild("TracerEffect"),Module.BulletParticleEnaled,script:WaitForChild("ParticleEffect"),Module.Range,Module.BulletSpeed,Module.DropGravity,Module.WindOffset,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.BulletShape,Module.BulletMeshEnabled,Module.BulletMeshID,Module.BulletTextureID,Module.BulletMeshScale}, {Module.BaseDamage,Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier,Module.HeadshotEnabled}, {Module.WhizSoundEnabled,Module.WhizSoundID,Module.WhizSoundVolume,Module.WhizSoundPitch}, {Module.BulletLightEnabled,Module.BulletLightBrightness,Module.BulletLightColor,Module.BulletLightRange,Module.BulletLightShadows}, {Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet}) end function Reload() if Enabled and not Reloading and (Ammo > 0 or not Module.LimitedAmmoEnabled) and Mag < Module.AmmoPerMag then Reloading = true if AimDown then TweeningService:Create(Camera,, Module.EasingStyleNAD, Module.EasingDirectionNAD), {FieldOfView = 70}):Play() CrosshairModule:setcrossscale(1) --[[local GUI = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] Scoping = false game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic UserInputService.MouseDeltaSensitivity = InitialSensitivity AimDown = false end UpdateGUI() if Module.ShotgunReload then for i = 1,(Module.AmmoPerMag - Mag) do if ShotgunClipinAnim then ShotgunClipinAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ShotgunClipin:Play() wait(Module.ShellClipinSpeed) end end if ReloadAnim then ReloadAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ReloadAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ReloadSound:Play() wait(Module.ReloadTime) if Module.LimitedAmmoEnabled then local ammoToUse = math.min(Module.AmmoPerMag - Mag, Ammo) Mag = Mag + ammoToUse Ammo = Ammo - ammoToUse else Mag = Module.AmmoPerMag end ChangeMagAndAmmo:FireServer(Mag,Ammo) Reloading = false UpdateGUI() end end function UpdateGUI() GUI.Frame.Mag.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Mag.Current.Text = Mag GUI.Frame.Mag.Max.Text = Module.AmmoPerMag GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Text = Ammo GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Text = Module.MaxAmmo GUI.Frame.Mag.Current.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Mag.Max.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Mag.Frame.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Mag.Reloading.Visible = Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Visible = not (Ammo <= 0) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Visible = not (Ammo <= 0) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Frame.Visible = not (Ammo <= 0) GUI.Frame.Ammo.NoMoreAmmo.Visible = (Ammo <= 0) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Visible = Module.LimitedAmmoEnabled GUI.Frame.Size = Module.LimitedAmmoEnabled and,250,0,100) or,250,0,55) GUI.Frame.Position = Module.LimitedAmmoEnabled and,0,1,0)or,0,1,0) GUI.MobileButtons.Visible = UserInputService.TouchEnabled --For mobile version GUI.MobileButtons.AimButton.Visible = Module.SniperEnabled or Module.IronsightEnabled GUI.MobileButtons.HoldDownButton.Visible = Module.HoldDownEnabled end
-- ================================================================================ -- Settings - Training Jet -- ================================================================================
local Settings = {} Settings.DefaultSpeed = 110 -- Speed when not boosted [Studs/second, Range 50-300] Settings.BoostSpeed = 180 -- Speed when boosted [Studs/second, Maximum: 400] Settings.BoostAmount = 9 -- Duration of boost in seconds Settings.Steering = 6 -- How quickly the speeder turns [Range: 1-10]
--// Aim|Zoom|Sensitivity Customization
ZoomSpeed = 0.125; -- The lower the number the slower and smoother the tween AimZoom = 5; -- Default zoom AimSpeed = 0.70; UnaimSpeed = 0.23; CycleAimZoom = 55; -- Cycled zoom MouseSensitivity = 0.05; -- Number between 0.1 and 1 SensitivityIncrement = 0.05; -- No touchy
--Horsepower Curve
local fgc_h=_Tune.Horsepower/100 local fgc_n=_Tune.PeakRPM/1000 local fgc_a=_Tune.PeakSharpness local fgc_c=_Tune.CurveMult function FGC(x) x=x/1000 return (((-(x-fgc_n)^2)*math.min(fgc_h/(fgc_n^2),fgc_c^(fgc_n/fgc_h)))+fgc_h)*(x-((x^fgc_a)/((fgc_a*fgc_n)^(fgc_a-1)))) end local PeakFGC = FGC(_Tune.PeakRPM)
tool.Equipped:connect(function() equipped = true trail.Enabled = false cananimate = true canattack = false handle.Transparency = 1 owner = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(tool.Parent) character = owner.Character local rightarm ="Weld", character.Torso) rightarm.Part0 = character.Torso rightarm.Part1 = character["Right Arm"] rightarm.C0 =,0,0) rightarm.Name = "RightArmWeldbat" local leftarm ="Weld", character.Torso) leftarm.Part0 = character.Torso leftarm.Part1 = character["Left Arm"] leftarm.C0 =,0,0) leftarm.Name = "LeftArmWeldbat" local head ="Weld", character.Torso) head.Part0 = character.Torso head.Part1 = character.Head head.C0 =,1.5,0) head.Name = "HeadWeldbat" local humanoidrootpart ="Weld", character.HumanoidRootPart) humanoidrootpart.Part0 = character.HumanoidRootPart humanoidrootpart.Part1 = character.Torso humanoidrootpart.Name = "HumanoidRootPartWeldbat" for i = 0,1 , 0.05 do humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.rad(25),0),i) leftarm.C0 = leftarm.C0:lerp(,0.5,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi+math.rad(10),math.rad(75),math.rad(-10)) *,-0.5,0),i) rightarm.C0 = rightarm.C0:lerp(,0.5,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,math.rad(10)) *,-0.5,0),i) runservice.Stepped:wait() end local grip = character["Right Arm"]:WaitForChild("RightGrip") grip.Part1 = nil local weldd ="Weld", handle) weldd.Part0 = character["Left Arm"] weldd.Part1 = handle weldd.Name = "AIDS" weldd.C0 =, 0, -1.70000005, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ((math.pi/2),math.rad(15),0) *,0,-0.1) cananimate = true if character:findFirstChild("BatBack") then character:findFirstChild("BatBack").Transparency = 1 end handle.Transparency = 0 equipsound:Play() local WHEN = 0 coroutine.wrap(function() while runservice.Stepped:wait() and equipped do if cananimate then if WHEN < 40 then WHEN = WHEN + 1 elseif WHEN == 40 then WHEN = 41 grip.Part1 = handle canattack = true weldd:destroy() end tool.Grip = tool.Grip:lerp(, 0, -1.70000005, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),0.1) head.C0 = head.C0:lerp(,1.5,0),0.1) humanoidrootpart.C0 = humanoidrootpart.C0:lerp(,0.1) leftarm.C0 = leftarm.C0:lerp(,0.5,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ((math.pi/2)-math.rad(50)+math.sin(tick())/15,0,math.rad(50)) *,-0.8,0),0.1) rightarm.C0 = rightarm.C0:lerp(,0.5,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ((math.pi/2)-math.rad(35)+math.sin(tick())/15,math.rad(20),math.rad(-40)) *,-0.8,0),0.1) end end end)() end) tool.Unequipped:connect(function() equipped = false mouseclick = false cananimate = false if character.Torso:findFirstChild("LeftArmWeldbat") then character.Torso:findFirstChild("LeftArmWeldbat"):destroy() end if character.Torso:findFirstChild("RightArmWeldbat") then character.Torso:findFirstChild("RightArmWeldbat"):destroy() end if character.Torso:findFirstChild("HeadWeldbat") then character.Torso:findFirstChild("HeadWeldbat"):destroy() end if character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then if character.HumanoidRootPart:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPartWeldbat") then character.HumanoidRootPart:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPartWeldbat"):destroy() end end if not character:findFirstChild("BatBack") then local clone = handle:Clone() clone:BreakJoints() for i,v in pairs(clone:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName ~= "SpecialMesh" and v.ClassName ~= "TouchTransmitter" then v:destroy() end end local weld ="Weld", clone) weld.Part0 = character.Torso weld.Part1 = clone weld.C0 =,0,0.55) weld.C0 = weld.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.pi/2,math.pi/2) weld.C0 = weld.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi,math.rad(60)+math.pi,0) clone.Parent = character clone.Name = "BatBack" else character:findFirstChild("BatBack").Transparency = 0 end handle.Transparency = 1 character.BatBack:findFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh").TextureId = handle:findFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh").TextureId end)
--[[ LOWGames Studios Date: 27 October 2022 by Elder ]]
-- local u1 = nil; coroutine.wrap(function() u1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")); end)(); return function(p1, p2, p3) local l__Gravity__1 = game.Workspace.Gravity; local v2 = math.atan((p3 ^ 2 + math.sqrt(p3 ^ 4 - l__Gravity__1 * (l__Gravity__1 * p1 ^ 2 + 2 * p2 * p3 ^ 2))) / (l__Gravity__1 * p1)); if v2 ~= v2 then v2 = math.pi / 4; end; return v2; end;
--= Functions =--
UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(key, gameProcessed) if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift and gameProcessed == false then character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = NewWalkSpeed sprinting = true while power > 0 and sprinting do power = power - .03 Bar.Size = / 10, 0, 1, 0) --Bar.BackgroundColor3 = Bar.BackgroundColor3:lerp(Color3.fromRGB(255, 42, 42), 0.001) tween:Play() wait() if power <= 0 then character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = NormalWalkSpeed end end end end) UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(key, gameProcessed) if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift and gameProcessed == false then character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = NormalWalkSpeed sprinting = false while power < 10 and not sprinting do power = power + .03 Bar.Size = / 10, 0, 1, 0) --Bar.BackgroundColor3 = Bar.BackgroundColor3:lerp(Color3.fromRGB(255, 166, 11), 0.001) tween2:Play() wait() if power <= 0 then character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = NormalWalkSpeed end end end end)
--[[ This function spawns a set number of tools within each room. Spawn locations are randomly picked, as long as it's within the room, and there is sufficient free space around the ranodmly picked location. ]]
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local RoomManager = require(ServerStorage.Source.Managers.RoomManager) local getRandomClearLocationInRegionAsync = require(ServerStorage.Source.Common.getRandomClearLocationInRegionAsync) local toolsFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Tools local gravityFuel = toolsFolder.GravityFuel local repairKit = toolsFolder.RepairKit local broom = toolsFolder.Broom local largeCargo = toolsFolder.LargeCargo local smallCargo = toolsFolder.SmallCargo local torch = toolsFolder.Torch local TOTAL_TOOLS_PER_ROOM = 7 local AREA_CLEAR_SIZE =, 5, 5) local random =
--// F key, HornOn
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="f" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Airhorn:Play() veh.Lightbar.middle.Wail.Volume = 0 veh.Lightbar.middle.Yelp.Volume = 0 veh.Lightbar.middle.Priority.Volume = 0 veh.Lightbar.HORN.Transparency = 0 end end)