Human alpha-1-antitrypsin is another protein that has been produced from goats and is used in treating humans with this deficiency.
Alpha-1-antitrypsine nadinat eqal iyan protéine eqalan atwagrawan ɣur uli əd eqalan adakal fal asisifir ye adinat ofraynen ye təsine ten.
Pig lungs from genetically modified pigs are being considered for transplantation into humans.
Sinhigin ən atwusidumu ɣur awadəm ye taruten tən aɣurɣuru amosan amutayan.
Animals have been engineered to grow faster, be healthier and resist diseases.
IIrizeganaqalan amutayan fal adimɣaran dǎɣ šik, eqalan aśoɣen əd inugiy ye turhinawen.
A GM pig called Enviropig was created with the capability of digesting plant phosphorus more efficiently than conventional pigs.
Aɣurɣuru amosan amutayan sitawana Enviropig eqal aygan dər ən aśahat wa asisikiy ən phosphore wan hiškan ogaran aśuhu ye iɣurɣurutan atiwakasnen.
This could potentially benefit mothers who cannot produce breast milk but want their children to have breast milk rather than formula.
Awen adobat śaśahat arilan ye təmarawen tiwinan adobat ihuk naɣ nasnat mašan winan erha as aratan adigruwan aɣ wanasnat ye aɣ wa atiwagan.
There have been suggestions that genetic engineering could be used to bring animals back from extinction.
Eqal atiwasanahagan as génie génétique adobat adiqil amitkalan fal asuɣil ən rizegan wi amikatnen.
It has been used to treat genetic disorders such as severe combined immunodeficiency, and Leber's congenital amaurosis.
Eqal amitkalan fal asisifir ən tilawen génétique amosnen immunodefiəienəe ertayan śaśahat əd amaurose əongénital tan Leber.
Germline gene therapy results in any change being inheritable, which has raised concerns within the scientific community.
Thérapie génique atila dǎɣ qašadan as təmotayen dak taqal aditiwagazan, awa igan iba našak dǎɣ amas ən təmite tan təmusne.
Aquaculture is a growing industry, currently providing over half the consumed fish worldwide.
Agayak eqal usine nalwaq wan təwaƭ, ihakan amaradǎɣ ogaran təzune tan manan amiškanen dǎɣ aduniyat.
Several groups have been developing zebrafish to detect pollution by attaching fluorescent proteins to genes activated by the presence of pollutants.
Tartiten ajotnen asewadan imanan wi damblaɣatan fal agaraw ən pollution dǎɣ eqanan protéinetan fluorescente dǎɣ ašiɣalnen fal tajayhit ən polluantan.
It was originally developed by one of the groups to detect pollution, but is now part of the ornamental fish trade, becoming the first genetically modified animal to become publicly available as a pet when in 2003 it was introduced for sale in the USA.
Təwaƭ tan santo fal iyan dǎɣ tartiten fal agaraw ən ɗollution, itagu amara ayhan ašiš wan manan wi dalagan, eqalan wadazaran awadǎɣ amosan amutayan adiqilan agrawan adinat dak sund awadǎɣ ən tidawt ugud wa tiga dǎɣ ašinš dǎɣ États-Unis dǎɣ 2003.
Zebrafish are model organisms for developmental processes, regeneration, genetics, behaviour, disease mechanisms and toxicity testing.
Eman wa dabalɣa eqal taɣisa fal igitan ən təwadnen, ye asimutiyan, génétique, talɣa, əmikan wi ɗathologique əd urum wan toxicité.
GM fish have been developed with promoters driving an over-production of growth hormone for use in the aquaculture industry to increase the speed of development and potentially reduce fishing pressure on wild stocks.
Imanan amosnen amutayan aqalnen awidan dər wi saknanen taganen təwadnen ən hormone tan asiwiɗ fal atiqil amitkalan dǎɣ usine wan aquaəulture fal asiwiɗ ən aśahat wan təwaƭ əd amosan ayfanaz aśahat wan ukis ən manan fal tidawen ən kal aroge.
It obtained regulatory approval in 2015, the first non-plant GMO food to be commercialized.
Igraw aliɣi atiwasaɣadan dǎɣ 2015, awa igan wadazaran ašaško ən OGM winan eqel dǎɣ hiškan aqalnen aynašan.
Drosophila have been used to study genetics and inheritance, embryonic development, learning, behavior, and aging.
Drosophiletan aqalan amitkalan fal taɣare ən génétique əd atwigaz, təwaƭ tən embryonnaire, alamad, talɣa əd tiwšire.
Malaria-resistant mosquitoes have been developed in the laboratory by inserting a gene that reduces the development of the malaria parasite and then use homing endonucleases to rapidly spread that gene throughout the male population (known as a gene drive).
Tidasen ti aśohatnen dǎɣ malaria aqalnat awiɗan dǎɣ laboratoire idǎɣ iha gène iyan wa fanazan təwaƭ tan parasite ən malaria, darat awen amitkal ən endonuəleasetan homing fal asinilis irmadan ye gène dǎɣ aljamaɣatan kul ən medin (awa sigan awadim gene drive).
Another approach is to use a sterile insect technique, whereby males genetically engineered to be sterile out compete viable males, to reduce population numbers.
Ahaz iyan aytagu adakal ən təmusne tan iba ən tiruwa, tigat medin amosnen amutayan fal adwitiruwan tagan miyernan dǎɣ medin wi tawanhaynen fal asimindin iɣašadan ən təmite.
The approach is similar to the sterile technique tested on mosquitoes, where males are transformed with a gene that prevents any females born from reaching maturity.
Ahaz eqal olahan ən təmusne tan iba əntiruwa atiwaraman fal tədasen, ɣur medin wi aqalnen atiwasamatayan dər gène wa idagalan ɗeɗen dak tiwanen iwadnen ara.
In this case a strain of pink bollworm that were sterilized with radiation were genetically engineered to express a red fluorescent protein making it easier for researchers to monitor them.
Dǎɣ awen, souche iyan ən tiwike tan capsule šagaɣat tas inbas tiruw fal zarazaran aqalnen amosan amutayan fat atwig ən protéine fluorescente šagaɣat, awa igan ye numaɣan adigin aniyat ogaran tarɣise.
There is also potential to use the silk producing machinery to make other valuable proteins.
Amos eqalan deɣqanen adoben amitkal dǎɣ machinetan fal igi ən awa sitawana igi niyad protéinetan aśohatnen.
A GM chicken that produces the drug Kanuma, an enzyme that treats a rare condition, in its egg passed US regulatory approval in 2015.
Ekaz amosan amutayan wa itagan asafar wan Kanuma, enzyme way sasafaran turhina taśohet, dǎɣ tasadalt ənes taqal atiwanhayan əs namokalan wi ameriəaintan dǎɣ 2015.
There are proposals to use genetic engineering to control cane toads in Australia.
Ilanti sinihigitan ikanen adikilan génie génétique fal aranahadan ye jaran ən əannetan dǎɣ Australie.
It is also relatively easy to produce stable transgenic nematodes and this along with RNAi are the major tools used in studying their genes.
Eqal deɣqanen amosan ariqisan ye igi ən almaɣnatan transgénique adikatnen, awa eqalan, dər ARNi widazarnen ilalan fal teɣare ən gènetan nasan.
Transgenic nematodes have been used to study viruses, toxicology, diseases, and to detect environmental pollutants.
Nématodetan transgénique aqalan amitkalan dǎɣ teɣare tan virustan, wan toxicologie, turhinawen əd fal adinhiyan polluantan wi nakal.
Flatworms have the ability to regenerate themselves from a single cell.
Tiwikawen ti alifataɣnen ilanat aśahat ən adarunat dǎɣ cellule iyadǎɣ.
The bristle worm, a marine annelid, has been modified.
Tawike ta sitawan, annélide ən təbagawen, taqal amutayan.
The development of a regulatory framework concerning genetic engineering began in 1975, at Asilomar, California.
Ukisawan ən tabarat tatiwasaɣadat tikat génie génétique adǎɣ tinta dǎɣ 1975, dǎɣ Asilomar, dǎɣ Californie.
It is an international treaty that governs the transfer, handling, and use of genetically modified organisms.
Amos tiriɗawt ən gar kalan ta tagat asisiwi, idesan əd mitkalan ən tiɣiswen amosnen amutayan.
Many experiments also need permission from a national regulatory group or legislation.
Umaɣawan ajotnen akan intanedǎɣ tabarat tan tartit ən asisigdah meɣ idakalan awadim dǎɣ akal.
There is a near-universal system for assessing the relative risks associated with GMOs and other agents to laboratory staff and the community.
Ilayəmik ən quasi-universel ən asostanan ən asibab amosan ayertayan dǎɣ OGM əd iyad adinat ye fal mašaɣalan nasan dǎɣ edag wan umaɣ əd aduniyat.
Different countries use different nomenclature to describe the levels and can have different requirements for what can be done at each level.
Hadi ən kalan wi dakalnen isimawan abdanen fal adiktiban wi aynaynen əd adoben adigruwan tabaraten abdanen ugu wanawa adoben adiqil aygan hak alwaq aynayan.
For example, a crop not intended for food use is generally not reviewed by authorities responsible for food safety.
Dǎɣ asikin, asigyak wawinan ika ašaško wareqel intadǎɣ atiwakyadan fal manahaɗan anihadnen ye uguz ən ašaško.
Most countries that do not allow GMO cultivation do permit research using GMOs.
Iyadak dǎɣ kalan waridin agayak ən OGM riɗunat agudiyan umaɣ fal OGM.
While only a few GMOs have been approved for cultivation in the EU a number of GMOs have been approved for import and processing.
Izaratnen iyad ɣas dǎɣ OGM aqalnen atiwanhayan fal asigyik dǎɣ UE, iyad maɗenan ən OGM aqalan atiwazayan fal aditiwiyan əd asimutuyan.
The US policy does not focus on the process as much as other countries, looks at verifiable scientific risks and uses the concept of substantial equivalence.
Tanaya tan américaine wartaqel amusan fal igitan wəs ikalan iyad, arhan asibaban ən təmusnawen adutatnen əd adakal ən tina ta togdahat ən harat.
One of the key issues concerning regulators is whether GM products should be labeled.
Iyan dǎɣ asostanan wi eqal harat ən kanan aqalan tamusne ye harat ən OGM anihaga adiqil atiwazayan.
The dispute involves consumers, producers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, non-governmental organizations, and scientists.
Təbiɗawt taha imaškan, imagyakan, entreprisetan wən bioteəhnologie, imaknan ən tanhaden, tartiten winan eqel imanahaɗan əd kal təmusne.
Most concerns are around the health and environmental effects of GMOs.
Əšiɣilan iyad dak adakalan igitan wi OGM fal aśaɣat əd adinat.
Nonetheless, members of the public are much less likely than scientists to perceive GM foods as safe.
Dǎɣ awen, məssawəs ən akal aqal awaren iknan assuhu as imusanən ye ajaraw ən ataɣaman OGM sund tidit.
Gene flow between GM crops and compatible plants, along with increased use of broad-spectrum herbicides, can increase the risk of herbicide resistant weed populations.
Azal wan génétique ən gare sigyak ən OGM əd hiškan wi adewnen, ən dakalan atiwardanen ən herbicidetan harawnen ən nimutay.
In order to address some of these concerns some GMOs have been developed with traits to help control their spread.
Adobatnen adiwadan dǎɣ asibab wan ahanay nazagar ən təmitawen ən limaz ijarnen aśohatnen ye herbicidetan.
Other environmental and agronomic concerns include a decrease in biodiversity, an increase in secondary pests (non-targeted pests) and evolution of resistant insect pests.
Dǎɣ fal asudmiran ye iyad dǎɣ ašalalatan, iyad OGM aqalan awiɗan dər biodiɣersité, tiwaƭ tan parasitetan wi sisin (parasitan ti əwaratwaga umaɣ) əd tiwaƭ tan šiɣiɣilan labasnen aśohatnen.
The impact of Bt crops on beneficial non-target organisms became a public issue after a 1999 paper suggested they could be toxic to monarch butterflies.
Adagal wan sigyak Bt fal təɣiswen ti garawnen winan atwamaɣ eaqlana asibab ən təmite darat artiəle wan 1999 aigrawan aliɣi nas adoben adiqilan alabasan ye ɗaɗillontan arnanen.
With the ability to genetically engineer humans now possible there are ethical concerns over how far this technology should go, or if it should be used at all.
Aśahat wa nəsimutiy atamosan ən kal aduniya eqalan amara adoben, dǎɣ šilelan éthique nasanen ugud wa nadakal ən təmusne ten meɣ dǎɣ amitkal ines.
October 2006 the rigor of the regulatory process, consolidation of control of the food supply in companies that make and sell GMOs, exaggeration of the benefits of genetic modification, or concerns over the use of herbicides with glyphosate.
Octobre 2006 aśiśuhu ən talɣiwen ən sisigdihan, aśiśuhu ən asostan wan agayan ən šiška dǎɣ entreprisetan wi taganen əd šanšen OGM, asisikiy dǎɣ garawan wi asimutiy ən génétique, maɣ ašalalatan wi ikanen indakalan ən herbicidetan dər glyphosate.
GMOs arrived on the scene as the public confidence in food safety, attributed to recent food scares such as Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and other scandals involving government regulation of products in Europe, was low.
OGM aqalan adifalan fal tidawt mašan taflist tan təmite dǎɣ uguz ən ašaško, atiwafan day inusurmaɣ wi aynaynen ən šiška atamosnen enəéphalopathie sɗongiforme ən niwan əd diyad iɣašadan taganen isisigdahan ən manahadan wən lalan dǎɣ Europe, eqalan amutan.
Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification or genetic manipulation, is the direct manipulation of an organism's genes using biotechnology.
Génie génétique, amosan asitawana atamosnen amutayan meɣ iɗesan ən génétique, eqalan aytawadasan agudendǎɣ dǎɣ gènetan wi taɣisa dǎɣ tadhil ən biotechnologique.
A construct is usually created and used to insert this DNA into the host organism.
Təmuqunt taqalat intadǎɣ aygan əd amitkalan fal igi ən ADN wən dǎɣ taɣisa taynayat.
The new DNA can be inserted randomly, or targeted to a specific part of the genome.
ADN aynahan adobat adiqil aygašan dǎɣ əmik amutayan meɣ atiwamaɣan fal aɣil noɣadan ən génome.
Rudolf Jaenisch created the first GM animal when he inserted foreign DNA into a mouse in 1974.
Rudolf Jaenisch aygan dǎɣ wadazaran amudar amosan amutayan dǎɣ ugiš ən ADN wa nanaftaɣ dǎɣ eɣalam dǎɣ 1974.
Genetically modified food has been sold since 1994, with the release of the Flavr Savr tomato.
Išiška amosnen amutayan aqalan adinšan harwa 1994, dər mašanšan wən tomate Flavr Savr.
In 2016 salmon modified with a growth hormone were sold.
Dǎɣ 2016, saumontan amutayan dər hormone tan təwaƭ aqalan ahine išanin.
By knocking out genes responsible for certain conditions it is possible to create animal model organisms of human diseases.
Dǎɣ ukisawan ən gènetan wi anihadnen dǎɣ turhinawen tiyad, eqal adoben igi ən təɣiswen amutayan dǎɣ rizegan ən turhinawen nədinat.
The rise of commercialised genetically modified crops has provided economic benefit to farmers in many different countries, but has also been the source of most of the controversy surrounding the technology.
Asihikik ən sigyak amosnen amutayan dǎɣ asukan ən adawiyan ayfan dǎɣ azruf ən magyakan ən kalan ajotnen abdanen, mašan intanedǎɣ aqalan wan santo dǎɣ iyadak dǎɣ simililiyan aɣlaynen dǎɣ təmusne ten.
Gene flow, impact on non-target organisms, control of the food supply and intellectual property rights have also been raised as potential issues.
Azal wan gènetan, adagal fal təɣiswen winan atwamaɣ, tanhat ən agayan ən šiška əd tabarat ən sinihigitan ən təmusne ilan intanedǎɣ aqalan atiwaɣran sund dǎɣ əsibaban aśohatnen.
This is much faster, can be used to insert any genes from any organism (even ones from different domains) and prevents other undesirable genes from also being added.
Təmusne ten taqal hulen ogaran urmaɗ, adobat adiqil amitkalan fal ugiš ən gène dak ən taɣisa dak (widǎɣ ən dagan wi abdanen ianes) əd adagalnen asiwiɗ ən gènetan iyad winan atwarha.
Drugs, vaccines and other products have been harvested from organisms engineered to produce them.
Isifran, ən nuzmay əd iyad ilalan aqalnen atwagrawan fal iki ən təɣiswen amutayan fal adanalasnat.
Synthetic biology is an emerging discipline that takes genetic engineering a step further by introducing artificially synthesised material into an organism.
Biologie synthétique taqal adin aynayan isawadan génie génétique andiran ogaran ugig dǎɣ ugiš ən lalan artaynen imanasnat dǎɣ taɣisa.
If genetic material from another species is added to the host, the resulting organism is called transgenic.
Afal ilalan génétique ən iyad terwe eqalan atiwasawadan dǎɣ tənuftuɣa, taɣisa tigrawat atiqil asitawan transgénique.
In 1973 Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen created the first transgenic organism by inserting antibiotic resistance genes into the plasmid of an Escherichia coli bacterium.
Dǎɣ 1973, Herbert Boyer əd Stanley Cohen aqalan aygan wadazaran taɣisa transgénique dǎɣ ugiš ən gènetan ən nuśuhu dǎɣ antibiotique dǎɣ ɗlasmide ən baətérie Escherichia coli.
In 1976 Genentech, the first genetic engineering company, was founded by Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson and a year later the company produced a human protein (somatostatin) in E.coli.
Dǎɣ 1976, Genenteəh, wadazaran dǎɣ tartit tan génie génétique, aqal atiwanayan fal Herbert Boyer əd Robert Swanson. Awatay imdan darat awen, tartit tiga protéine iyat nawadim (somatostantine) dǎɣ E.coli.
The insulin produced by bacteria was approved for release by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982.
Insuensuitagu fal bacterietan eqalan atiwagrawan fal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dǎɣ 1982.
The People's Republic of China was the first country to commercialise transgenic plants, introducing a virus-resistant tobacco in 1992.
République ən təmite tan Chine eqal wadazaran akal ən mašanšan dǎɣ hiškan transgénique, dǎɣ ugiš ən taba taśohet dǎɣ virus dǎɣ 1992.
In 1995, Bt Potato was approved safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, after having been approved by the FDA, making it the first pesticide producing crop to be approved in the US.
Dǎɣ 1995, pomme wa nakal Bt eqal atiwagrawan dǎɣ iba nisibab fal Agence wan uguz ən kalan, darat agaraw eqalan atiwanhayan fal FDA, awa ikman wadazaran asigyik itagan dǎɣ pesticidetan eqal atiwanhayan dǎɣ États-Unis.
Genetic screens can be carried out to determine potential genes and further tests then used to identify the best candidates.
Tifaten ən génétique adobatnat adiqilnat atiwagan fal asikin ən gènetan aśohatnen əd iyad uruman aqalnen agudiyan amitkalan fal asikin ən musunsan wi ofanen.
These segments can then be extracted through gel electrophoresis.
Ifiresan wən adoben agudiyan adiqilan adigmaɗan fal éleətrophorèse fal gel.
Once isolated the gene is ligated into a plasmid that is then inserted into a bacterium.
Agud wadǎɣ digmaɗ, gène adiqil aqirawen dǎɣ plasmide was intadǎɣ adiqil aygašan dǎɣ bactérie.
These include a promoter and terminator region, which initiate and end transcription.
Awen ayla akal iyan ən siknitan əd akal iyan ən simiditan, ertayan əd aminda dǎɣ siknitan.
This ability can be induced in other bacteria via stress (e.g. thermal or electric shock), which increases the cell membrane's permeability to DNA; up-taken DNA can either integrate with the genome or exist as extrachromosomal DNA.
Aśahat wen adobat adiqil ayhan dǎɣ iyaɗ bactérietan fal alham (dǎɣ asikin, anaɣar nafew meɣ couran), itiwadan dǎɣ anašaš ən nalam wan cellule tan ADN; ADN amukasan adobat adigiš dǎɣ génome, ma atimil dǎɣ asamos ADN extrachromosomique.
In plants the DNA is often inserted using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, taking advantage of the Agrobacteriums T-DNA sequence that allows natural insertion of genetic material into plant cells.
Dǎɣ hiškan, ADN eqal agudiyan aysadan dǎɣ amitkal ən asimutiy atiwakyadan fal Agrobacteriium, dǎɣ arakab ən tasaga tan təfirest ən ADN-T ən Agrobacterium waytagan ugiš imanes dǎɣ lalan ən génétique dǎɣ celluletan tən hiškan.
In plants this is accomplished through the use of tissue culture.
Ɣur hiškan, awen asitawaga tilalt ən asigyik ən nalam.
Selectable markers are used to easily differentiate transformed from untransformed cells.
Imasaknan takasnen aqalan amitkalan fal baɗan raqisnen ən celluletan amutaynen dǎɣ celluletan ti winan amutay.
These tests can also confirm the chromosomal location and copy number of the inserted gene.
Iruman wən adoben intanedǎɣ asitbitan edag wan chromosomique əd eɗan ən copie tan gène atiwagan.
The new genetic material can be inserted randomly within the host genome or targeted to a specific location.
Waynayan alil ən génétique adobat adiqil aygašan dǎɣ əmik wa animašrayan dǎɣ génome wan anaftaɣ meɣ atiwamaɣan fal edag atiwazayan.
The frequency of gene targeting can be greatly enhanced through genome editing.
Təbidawƭ tan umaɣan ən gènetan adobatnen adiqilan atiwagan amutayan fal azagar wan génome.
TALEN and CRISPR are the two most commonly used and each has its own advantages.
TALEN əd CRISPR aqalan sanatat adabaratan wi ogarnen agudak amitkal əd hak iyan əd tanfoten ən manes.
Most commercialised GMOs are insect resistant or herbicide tolerant crop plants.
Iyad dǎɣ OGM atiwašašanen aqalan ihiškan atiwagyaknen aśohatnen dǎɣ ɣišiširan meɣ tayawt ən herbiəidetan.
Mouse hybridomas, cells fused together to create monoclonal antibodies, have been adapted through genetic engineering to create human monoclonal antibodies.
Hybridometan ən karan, dǎɣ celluletan artaynen garesnat fal adtiwugu dǎɣ anticorps monoclonaux, aqalan aylmadan dǎɣ génie génétique fal igi ən anticorptan monoclonaux ən nədinat.
Genetic engineering is also used to create animal models of human diseases.
Génie génétique eqal intadǎɣ amitkalan fal igi ən əmikan ən rizegan ən turhinawen nədinat.
Potential cures can be tested against these mouse models.
Remedetan wi aśohatnen adobatnen adiqilan atiwaram fal əmikan wən karan.
In 2015 a virus was used to insert a healthy gene into the skin cells of a boy suffering from a rare skin disease, epidermolysis bullosa, in order to grow, and then graft healthy skin onto 80 percent of the boy's body which was affected by the illness.
Dǎɣ 2015, ɣirus iyan eqal amitkalan fal adigiš gène aridan dǎɣ əelluletan tən elam ən nahalis aminkadan əs turhina taśohet ən nalam, eɗidermolyse abilalaɣan, fal adigin aybhalan, ən akirtitiy ən nalam aridan fal 80% ən taɣisa tan ahalis taqalat atiwagrawan fal turhina.
There are also concerns that the technology could be used not just for treatment, but for enhancement, modification or alteration of a human beings' appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character or behavior.
Waraɣelan deɣqanen ən as təmusne ten wartaqel amitkalan falas awen dǎɣ samandotan ən sifran, mašan deɣqanen fal asimutiy, adisimutiy meɣ aybdan dǎɣ olahan, aśahat ən alamad, tayite, talɣa meɣ almaɣna nagadim.
He said that twin girls, Lulu and Nana, had been born a few weeks earlier.
Aliɣat as iknewan, Lulu əd Nana, aqalan aywan dǎɣ nagudiyan.
Currently, germline modification is banned in 40 countries.
Amaradǎɣ, asimutiy ən tabarat germinal taqalat atiwadgalan dǎɣ ikozat təmirwen (40) nakal.
Bacteria are cheap, easy to grow, clonal, multiply quickly, relatively easy to transform and can be stored at -80 °C almost indefinitely.
Bacterietan aqalnat hebu ahusken, raqisan ye agayak, əlonale, təwadnen šikšik, aqalan amosan ariqisan dǎɣ atwisimiliy əd adoben adiqilan aytwaran dǎɣ -80°C sišwar dǎɣ iba nitwizay.
This could be the effect on the phenotype of the organism, where the gene is expressed or what other genes it interacts with.
Adobat adidgil fal aɣašad wan phénotype ən taɣisa, dǎɣ edag ɣur gène eqal aygan meɣ iyad gènetan wi dar ikanas.
In a simple knockout a copy of the desired gene has been altered to make it non-functional.
Dǎɣ knock-out ən banan, copie ən gène tarha atiqil amutayan fal adigin awinan išɣel.
This allows the experimenter to analyse the defects caused by this mutation and thereby determine the role of particular genes.
Awen itagu analmad ən kayadan ən bahutan iganen fal asimililiy wen əd asikin mašan əšiɣil wan gènetan abdanen.
"The simplest method, and the first to be used, is ""alanine scanning"", where every position in turn is mutated to the unreactive amino acid alanine."
“Təmusne ta togarat tarɣise, əd wadazaran eqalan amitkalan, eqal ““afarad ən alanine””, ɣur hak taɣaymit dǎɣ alwaq ənes eqalan ayertayan dǎɣ alanine, aəide aminé winan inikir.”
The process is much the same as that in knockout engineering, except that the construct is designed to increase the function of the gene, usually by providing extra copies of the gene or inducing synthesis of the protein more frequently.
Asimutiy eqal olahan əd manes falas wan ingénierie knock-out, aswaden təmuqunt ataqal anikmaman fal asiwiɗ ən əšiɣil wan gène, amosan ihakan dǎɣ copietan ajotnen ən gène meɣ ilwaynen synthèse tan protéine togarat aśuhu.
One way to do this is to replace the wild-type gene with a 'fusion' gene, which is a juxtaposition of the wild-type gene with a reporting element such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) that will allow easy visualisation of the products of the genetic modification.
Iyan dǎɣ əmikan ən nigi ayqal aytagašan dǎɣ gène wan əmik wan orog fal gène ən “tartit”, tamosat juxtaɗosition wən gène wa əmik wan finta əd harat.itiwiyan atamosan ɗrotéine fluorescente dalet (GFP), taganen atwinhay ariqisan ən lalan wən asimutuyan ən génétique.
Expression studies aim to discover where and when specific proteins are produced.
Teɣare tan salan ikanen adigriwan ɣur əd ugud wad protéinetan atiwazaynen aqalnat atiwagan.
Some genes do not work well in bacteria, so yeast, insect cells or mammalians cells can also be used.
Iyad gènetan war rišɣelan sahusken dǎɣ bactérietan, adoben deɣqanen aditkilan leɣuretan, əelluletan tən ɣišiširan meɣ əelluletan tə wisankasnen.
Certain genetically modified microbes can also be used in biomining and bioremediation, due to their ability to extract heavy metals from their environment and incorporate them into compounds that are more easily recoverable.
Iyad microbetan amosnen amutayan adoben deɣqanen adiqilan aytamatkalan dǎɣ tabarat tan biomining əd wan bioremediation, dǎɣ tidit tan aśahat adizgaran tizoliyawinen azaynen ən nakal nasan əd atinigin dǎɣ tartit togarat tarɣise itawagrawan.
Fungal and virus resistant crops have also been developed or are in development.
Isigyak aśohatnen dǎɣ əhamɗignontan əd dǎɣ ɣirus aqalan intanedǎɣ atimutuyan meɣ aqalan dǎɣ ayhan tabarat tan təwaƭ.
In 2016 Salmon have been genetically modified with growth hormones to reach normal adult size much faster.
Dǎɣ 2016, saumontan aqalan amosan amutayan dər hormonetan tən tadawla fal adawidan tadawla wašarat toɣadat dǎɣ ajit ogaran atrub.
Soybeans and canola have been genetically modified to produce more healthy oils.
Tazanen tən soja əd calona aqalan amosan amutayan fal igitan ən udiyawan ogarnen tirat.
Gene transfer through viral vectors has been proposed as a means of controlling invasive species as well as vaccinating threatened fauna from disease.
Asisiwi wan gènetan fal aɣirambayan ən vecteurtan ən virus aqal atwasaknan sund alil ən niniyat ən terweten ən wi tisinen mašan ye tedek tan arizeg atiwalaman gar turhinawen.
Applications of genetic engineering in conservation are thus far mostly theoretical and have yet to be put into practice.
Əšiɣilan wi génie génétique dǎɣ asimutiy eqalan hawendǎɣ had harwa eqalan atiwagan əd wareqel harwa ayhan dǎɣ igitan.
The Asilomar meeting recommended a set of voluntary guidelines regarding the use of recombinant technology.
Tidawt tan Asilomar asistan dǎɣ ayertayan ən tabaraten ən tiridawt tahat amitkil wan təmusne tartayat.