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In 1998 the Faroese Academy published the excellent Faroese Dictionary, which is a very useful tool for writers and Faroese people in general.
Í 1998 gav Føroya Fróðskaparfelag út frálíku Móðurmálsorðabókina, sum er eitt ógvuliga hent amboð hjá skrivandi fólki og føroyingum annars.
The Shipowners' Association says that already as it is, Faroese authorities have difficulty finding the necessary energy for international agreements on maritime and work with them.
Reiðarafelagið sigur, at longu sum er hava føroyskir myndugleikar torført við at finna neyðuga orku til altjóða sáttmálar um sjóvinnu og arbeiðið við teimum.
Lotte Sørensen had another good day in this match, and she became top scorer with 12 goals.
Lotte Sørensen hevði aftur í hesum dystinum ein góðan dag, og gjørdist hon toppskjútti við 12 málum.
However, this would only be a possibility if there was a general political desire to introduce a similar solution in the Faroe Islands.
Tó hevði hetta helst verið ein møguleiki, um tað varð eitt yvirskipað politiskt ynski um at innføraeina líknandi loysn í Føroyum.
The festival will be held at the school in Oyrabakki, and Jens Olivur Joensen says that the area is very well suited for this event.
Festivalurin verður hildin á økinum við felagsskúlan á Oyrabakka, og Jens Olivur Joensen sigur, at økið er sera væl egnað til hetta tiltak.
The battle with the Philistines was hard all the days of Saul; and whenever Saul saw a valiant man, he took him into his service.
Bardagin við Filistarar var harður alla ævi Sauls; og hitti Saul ein djarvan mann, ið dugdi væl til hermann, tók hann hann í tænastu hjá sær.
He has since October last year worked with American documents that can describe the role of the United States in the Faroe Islands during the Cold War.
Hann hevur síðani oktober í fjør arbeitt við amerikanskum skjølum, sum kunnu lýsa leiklutin hjá USA í Føroyum undir kalda krígnum.
The angel answered him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and bring you this good news.
Eingilin svaraði honum:Eg eri Gabriel, sum standi fyri ásjón Guds, og eg eri sendur út at tala við teg og bera tær hesi gleðiboð.
It is the question whether the Faroe Islands are a nation in the context of international law or not that divides the parties.
Tað er spurningurin um Føroyar í fólkarættarligum høpi eru ein tjóð ella ikki, ið skilur partarnar.
Another problem that has arisen in the last year is that the school's activity plan has been seriously underestimated.
Annar trupulleiki sum er ikomin seinasta árið er, at virksemisætlanin fyri skúlan hevur verið álvarsliga undirmett.
They find out that a sad story has happened, it starts in a ghetto under Nazi Germany and ends with the family getting answers they have been looking for for generations.
Tey koma eftir, at ein sorgarsøga er hend, hon byrjar í eini ghetto undir Nazitýsklandi og endar við at ættfólk fáa svar, sum tey hava leitað eftir í fleiri ættarlið.
One of the proposals from the Prime Minister suggested a customs union with the EU, and another was that the British should have the same arrangement with the EU as Norway has.
Eitt av uppskotunum hjá forsætisráðharranum mælti til tollsamstarv við ES, og eitt annað var um at bretar skuldu fáa somu skipan við ES, sum Noreg hevur.
The conference "Ethics in health care and research in small communities" was held in Kongshøll on Thursday September.
Ráðstevnan „Etikkur í heilsurøkt og gransking í smásamfeløgum" varð hildin í Kongshøll hósdagin september.
It was in a public appeal in September that the CTD Parents' Association urged people to get tested for the CTD disease after the parents' group had met.
Tað var í eini almennari áheitan september, at CTD foreldrabólkurin heitti á fólk um at lata seg kanna fyri CTD sjúkuna, eftir at foreldrabólkurin var savnaður á fundi.
To be able to say who is poor and why they are poor, it is necessary to have an explanation of poverty. What is it to be poor?
Fyri at kunna siga, hvør er fátækur, og hví tey eru fátøk, so er neyðugt við eini allýsing av fátækradømi. Hvat er tað at vera fátækur?
Foundation stone 2 With targeted measures to develop the framework and skills of Faroese companies and workforce, so that they are equipped to take up the competition on the international market.
Grundarsteinur 2 Við miðvísum tiltøkum at menna karmar og førleikar hjá føroyskum virkjum og arbeiðsmegi, so hesi eru brynjað at taka kappingina upp á altjóða marknaðinum.
The accident happened in March A 31-year-old carpenter suffered serious injuries when he fell through a hole in the roof of a building in Tórshavn.
Óhappið hendi mars Ein 31 ára gamal timburmaður fekk stóran skaða, tá hann datt gjøgnum eitt hol í tekjuni á einum bygningi í Havn.
The municipal doctor must be involved in the effort to find dementia patients as soon as possible.
Kommunulæknin skal vera við í strembanini eftir at finna demenssjúklingarnar so skjótt sum gjørligt.
This new phenomenon of holding the system accountable, rather than the individuals who have operated under it, is a calculated move.
Hetta nýkomna fyribrigdi, at draga skipanina til svars, heldur enn teir persóar sum hava virka undir henni, er ein tilætla gongd.
This is the reason why the Prime Minister on Tuesday asked the Danish government to immediately work to ensure that all parties in the banking case make an agreement to abandon the expiration date.
Hetta er orsøkin til, at løgmaður týsdagin heitti á donsku stjórnina um beinanvegin at virka fyri, at allir partar í bankamálinum gera avtalu um at ganga frá fyrningarfreistini.
I can't help but ask the council members in Tvøroyri why they don't think about ALL the people living here.
Eg kann í hesum sambandi ikki lata vera við at spyrja býráðslimirnar á Tvøroyri um, hví teir ikki tonkja uppá ØLL fólkini, ið búgva her.
The plan was that representatives from North and South Korea would meet today, but the meeting has been canceled because North Korea is dissatisfied with the military exercise.
Ætlanin var, at umboð fyri Norður og Suðurkorea skuldu hittast í dag, men fundurin er avlýstur, tí Norðurkorea er misnøgt við hernaðarvenjingina.
The runner Guttorm Sørensen has received a letter of honor from the Faroese Sports Federation for his dedicated, voluntary work in the promotion of athletics and running.
Rennarin, Guttorm Sørensen, hevur fingið heiðursbræv frá ÍSF fyri ídna, sjálvbodna arbeiði til frama fyri frælsan ítrótt og renning.
But now Fiskavirking, and Vágoyers agree on a price, a company has been founded to own the house.
Men nú Fiskavirking, og vágbingar eru samdir um prís, er eitt felag stovnað, sum skal eiga húsið.
SEV must and shall never become a company where income for private investors is a goal in itself, says Bjørt Samuelsen.
SEV má og skal ongantíð gerast eitt felag, har inntøkur til privatar íleggjarar er nakað mál í sjálvum sær, sigur Bjørt Samuelsen.
Otherwise I agree with Eivind Jacobsen that all municipalities, and especially those that owe the most, should do their best to pay down their debt.
Annars eri eg púra samdur við Eivind Jacobsen í, at allar kommunur, og serliga tær, sum skylda mest, eiga at gera sítt besta fyri at gjalda skuldina niður.
Finally, I would like to call on the Faroese Parliament and the Government and the entire Faroese people to stand together now that the final settlement of the banking issue and the relationship between the Faroe Islands and Denmark is to be made.
At enda fari eg at heita á løgting og landsstýri og alt Føroya fólk um at standa saman, nú endalig greiða skal fáast á bankamálinum og viðurskiftunum millum Føroyar og Danmark.
Should flexibility be between the subgroups, the industry should be heard before changes are made, says a united industry committee.
Skal umsetiligheit verða ímillum undirbólkarnar, eigur vinnan at verða hoyrd, áðrenn broytingar verða gjørdar, sigur ein samd vinnunevnd.
This is what he says in his response to Bjarni Djurholm, and therefore Bjarni should be thanked for putting the question forward.
Tað er hetta, sum hann sigur í svarinum til Bjarna Djurholm, og tí skal Bjarni hava tøkk fyri, at hann setti spurningin fram.
The parties have agreed on several consultation meetings and aim to reach a new agreement before January 2013, when the current agreement expires.
Partarnir hava avtala fleiri samráðingarfundir og miða eftir at koma á mál við nýggjum sáttmála innan januar 2013, tá galdandi sáttmáli gongur út.
Ask and you shall know if a man has a child! Or why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in travail, and why are all faces turned pale?
Spyrjið og vitið, um maður eigur barn! Ella hví síggi Eg hvønn mann við hondunum á lendunum sum kvinnu, ið hevur fingið ilt, og hví eru øll andlit vorðin líkbleik?
He remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Hann mintist náði Sína og trúfesti Sína móti húsi Ísraels; allir endar jarðarinnar hava sæð frelsu Guds okkara.
This knowledge is important in the work to prevent bullying and increase the well-being of all students in the school.
Hendan vitanin er týdningarmikil í arbeiðinumat fyribyrgja happing og økja trivnaðin hjá øllum næmingum í skúlanum.
He is under heavy pressure, and it is thanks to him that the Church of the Faroe Islands will be taken over.
Hann liggur undir hørðum trýsti, og er tað honum fyri at takka, um so er, at Fólkakirkjan verður yvirtikin.
And she wants to know if the number of hours in the Faroese primary school should be reduced, because school directors point out that the school days are long, and that is a hindrance for the children's desire to learn.
Og hon vil hava greiðu á, um tímatalið í føroyska fólkaskúlanum skal lækka, tí skúlastjórar vísa á, at skúladagarnir eru langir, og tað er ein bági fyri hugin hjá børnunum at læra.
But then Esav came running towards him; and he hugged and kissed him, and they wept.
Men tá kom Esav rennandi ímóti honum; og hann hálsfevndi og kysti hann, og teir grótu.
The Prime Minister has said he is willing to lead the negotiations, now that it turns out that he has support in his party.
Løgmaður hevur sagt seg sinnaðan at standa á odda fyri samráðingunum, nú tað kortini vísir seg, at hann hevur uppbakking í flokkinum.
Opportunities for companies to offer B-shares on the public stock market could increase the interest of management to seek equity from the public.
Møguleikar hjá fyritøkunum fyri at bjóða út B-partabrøv á almennum partabrævamarknaði kundu økt áhugan hjá virkisleiðslunum fyri at venda sær til almenningin eftir eginpeningi.
The Mediterranean Sea is a deadly place for refugees, but they have no other option, says Filippo Grandi in the wake of the events of the last few days.
Miðjarðarhavið er lívshættisligt fyri flóttafólk, men tey hava ongan annan møguleika, sigur Filippo Grandi í kjalarvørrinum á hendingunum síðstu dagarnar.
Faroese should have a new climate policy, and a proposal has been made to a future coalition to consider.
Føroyar skulu hava nýggjan veðurlagspolitikk, og er uppskot gjørt til eina komandi samgongu at viðgera.
A sheep house is in the highland, where the hay is stored, and that's where the sheep go when it's snowing.
Eitt seyðahús er í hganum, har hoyggið verður goymt, og hagar leitar seyðurin, tá kavi er.
Another was Aqua Culture International 98, which aimed to showcase and sell products to the aquaculture industry.
Onnur nevndist Aqua Culture International 98, ið serliga miðaði eftir at sýna lutir fram og selja vøru til alivinnuna.
And of course every second must be used to put down the other political parties and praise their own and not least themselves to please us voters.
Og sjálvandi skal hvørt einasta sekund nýtast fult út til at seta niður á hinar politisku flokkarnar og rósa sínum egna og ikki minst sær sjálvum fyri at tekkjast okkum veljarum.
The passengers had to go through a thorough security check before they were allowed to enter the departure hall at Zaventem airport in Belgium, which reopened today.
Ferðafólkini skuldu gjøgnum neyvar trygdarkanningar, áðrenn tey sluppu til fráferðingarhøllina í Zavenem floghavnini í Belgia, sum læt upp aftur í dag.
But still no word on what the government's long-term plan is - if any.
Men framvegis einki boð uppá, hvat áramál landsstýrið skal stinga út í kortið - um nakað yvirhøvur.
Fiskaaling has taken the initiative to develop an app that is now available on smart phones, where you can follow the tides around the islands.
Fiskaaling hevur tikið stig til at menna eina app, sum nú er tøk á snildfon, har til ber at fylgja sjóvarfallinum kring oyggjarnar.
Lív Patursson thinks that it is a good step along the way to eliminate discrimination based on gender, to appoint a coordinator for gender equality issues.
Lív Patursson heldur, at tað er eitt gott stig á leiðini at beina burtur mismum vegna kyn, at seta ein samskipara í javnstøðumálum.
The agreement of the Faroese Union of Public Employees expires in January, but Súni Selfoss says that the union will continue to work to become the agreement party, even though Posta is to be privatized.
Sáttmálin hjá Starvsmannafelagnum gongur út januar, men Súni Selfoss sigur, at felagið framhaldandi fer at arbeiða fyri at verða sáttmálaparturin, hóast Posta skal einskiljast.
Competitions include carrying stones as quickly as possible a certain distance, lifting stones over your head and in farmer's walk.
Kappast verður í millum annað at bera steinar skjótast tilber ein ávísan tein, lyfta steinar upp um høvd og í bóndagongu.
Eight teams competed in division, and the teams were divided into upper and lower groups.
Átta lið dystaðust í deild, og liðini blivu tí býtt upp í bólkar ovari bólkur og niðari bólkur.
He waited seven more days and then let the dove out; but she did not come back to him again.
Hann bíðaði tá aftur aðrar sjey dagar og slepti síðan dúgvuni út; men tá kom hon ikki aftur til hansara meira.
He has also broken all the unwritten laws he so decidedly set for the conducted financial policy.
Hann hevur eisini brotið allar tær óskrivaðu lógir, hann so púra avgjørdir setti fyri tí førda fíggjarpolitikkinum.
He points out that with such research, the Faroese can avoid some of the mistakes that Norwegians have made.
Hann vísir á, at við slíkari gransking kunnu føroyinga sleppa undan nøkrum av teimum mistøkum, sum norðmenn hava gjørt.
This election is called out of time, and there is no doubt that the banking case has a part in this.
Hetta val er útskrivað í ótíð, og eingin ivi er um, at bankamálið eigur sín leiklut í hesum.
These were significantly better times than last year, but it is said from Gøtu that this is probably due to the fact that the weather conditions were much worse last year.
Hetta vóru munandi betri tíðir enn síðsta ár, men úr Gøtu verður sagt, at tað helst skyldast, at veðurlíkindini vóru nógv verri í fjør.
The trial was a success, and both airlines say they are willing to use as much of the plant oil as fuel as they can in the future.
Royndin eydnaðist væl, og bæði flogfeløgini siga seg verða sinnað at nýta so nógv av plantuolju sum brennievni, sum tey kunnu í framtíðini.
Now they have all gone home to their heavenly abodes, for which they were truly representatives.
Nú eru allir fluttir heim til sínar himmalsku bústaðir, sum teir av røttum vóru umboðsmenn fyri.
This pride is what will one day lead most men and many women to perdition if they do not take another skin.
Hesin stoltleikin er tað, ið ein dag fer at føra flestu menninar og mangar kvinnur við í fortapilsi, um tey ikki taka annað skinn um bak.
Trade : The customs duty was to be cut by one third, and other trade barriers not covered by current agreements were to be removed.
Vøruhandil : Tollurin skuldi skerjast við einum triðingi, og aðrar handilsforðingar, sum ikki eru í galdandi avtalum, skuldu takast burtur.
The goal of the Union parties is in different ways to put a lid on the freedom of will that shines from the people of the Faroes.
Málið hjá sambandsflokkunum er á ymiskan hátt at leggja lok á frælsisviljan, sum lýsir av Føroya fólki.
Now I have built you a house for you to live in, a place where you can live forever.
Nú havi eg bygt Tær hús til bústað, eitt stað, har Tú kanst búgva til ævigar tíðir.
The Faroese who have gained knowledge in the oil industry have had difficulty finding work, despite the loud words that this was the only right thing to do in these days.
Teir føoyingar, sum hava fingið sær kunnleika innan oljuvinnuna, hava havt trupult við at finna arbeiði, hóast háfloygd orð um, at hetta var tað einasta rætta í hesum døgum.
Table How satisfied are you with the current system of private sale of alcohol in the Faroe Islands?
Talva Hvussu nøgd/-ur ert tú við verandi skipan við einkarsølu av rúsdrekka í Føroyum?
A group that also has the right to further education, the so-called "upskúli", are nurses and carers.
Ein bólkur, sum eisini hevur krav upp á eftirútbúgving, sokallaða uppskúlan, eru sjúkrahjálparar og pleygarar.
The coalition should let the rich pay more in taxes and take the seaman's deduction off, rather than pick at the basic pension for pensioners.
Samgongan eigur at lata tey ríku gjalda meira í skatti og taka sjómannafrádráttin av, heldur enn at pilka við grundupphæddina hjá pensjónistunum.
But you have dishonored the poor! Aren't it the rich who oppress you, and aren't it they who drag you before the courts!
Men tit hava vanært hin fátæka! Eru tað ikki hinir ríku, ið kúga tykkum, og eru tað ikki teir, ið draga tykkum fyri dómstólarnar!
But what's most important is that at the fairs the companies see which way the wind is blowing and how demand is changing.
Men tað sum hevur mest at siga, er, at á messunum síggja virkini, hvøn veg kósin skal leggjast, og hvussu eftirspurningurin broytist.
If we untie that knot and make clear rules, can't we continue to be in the commonwealth?
Um vit so loysa tann knútin og gerða greiðar reglur, kunnu vit so ikki frammhaldandi verða í ríkisfelagsskapi?
Previously, fate has not been too kind to her, and now that she was going to have surgery to improve her health, she was given a stone on top of her burden.
Frammanundan hevur lagnan ikki verið ov blíð við hana, og nú ið hon skuldi fáa sær skurðviðgerð fyri at bøta um sjúku sína, fekk hon stein oman á byrðu.
Ingi Rasmussen The Faroese MPs had a decisive influence on the fact that a Chinese jar was to be included when Danish history was written in the Danish Parliament.
Ingi Rasmussen Føroysku fólkatingsumboðini fingu avgerandi ávirkan á, at ein kinesisk krukka skuldi til, tá donsk søga varð skrivað á Fólkatingi.
But if we want to preserve and protect the Faroese farmers, we must strengthen them, and we can do that by having a more respectful and trusting representation on our side.
Men vilja vit varðveita og verja bondini, skulu vit styrkja tey, og tað kunnu vit gera við virðiligari og trúsagdari umboðan fyri okkara part.
More than one million cases have been confirmed in Spain since the coronavirus outbreak began, and more than 000 people have died.
Fleiri enn ein milliónir tilburðir eru staðfestir í Spania, síðani korona smittan fór at ganga, og fleiri enn 000 fólk eru deyð.
I want to help stop this, so that restaurants can serve dangerous food without being punished for it, Hallur says.
Eg vil fegin vera við at steðga slíkum, at matstovur kunnu langa vandamiklan mat um diskin uttan at verða revsaðar fyri tað, sigur Hallur.
Because seismic surveys are banned near spawning grounds, the shooting will have limited impact on spring cod and haddock fishing.
Av tí at seismisku kanningarnar eru bannaðar í nánd av gýtingarleiðunum, fær skjótingin avmarkaða ávirkan á várfiskiskapin eftir toski og hýsu.
Political rights have already won such a strong foothold that they are valid. Is it then necessary to put them in a Faroese constitution?
Politisk rættindi hava longu vunnið so stóra hevd, at tey eru galdandi. Er so yvirhøvur neyðugt at seta tey í eina føroyska grundlóg?
The Faroese hydropower story is only about a century old, but in this short period of time it has left its obvious marks of development in our limited mountainous country.
Føroyska vatnorkusøgan hevur enn bara umleið eina øld á baki, men hevur í hetta stutta áramál sett síni eyðsæddu menningarspor eftir seg í avmarkaða fjallalandi okkara.
The deadline for comments on the proposal for a whistleblower scheme is April, and the intention is that the law will come into force in June, when all procedures and arrangements are completed.
Freistin at gera viðmerkingar til uppskotið um varskógvaraskipan er apríl, og ætlanin er, at lógin skal koma í gildi juni, tá allar mannagongdir og skipanir eru lidnar.
Rógvi Reinert says that the shipowners know how to act after New Year, because they have people in the Fisheries Council who have received the regulations.
Rógvi Reinert sigur, at reiðarar vita, hvussu teir skulu bera seg at eftir nýggjár, tí teir hava fólk í Fiskivinnuráðnum, sum hevur fingið kunngerðirnar.
Day and time money during service travel and reimbursement for use of own car for service purposes are as for the country's service men or by special agreement.
Dag- og tímapeningur undir tænastuferð og endurgjald fyri nýtslu av egnum bili í tænastuørindum verða sum fyri tænastumenn landsins ella eftir serligari avtalu.
The Faroese and Danish authorities have the right and obligation to negotiate before the expiry of the deadline in April.
Føroysku og donsku myndugleikarnir eiga og hava skyldu at samráðast, áðrenn fyrningarfreistin er úti apríl.
Whenever the horn sounds, it says: Hey!? And it smells the battle far and wide with the voice of the chief and the roar of the army.
Hvørja ferð lúðurin ljóðar, sigur hann:Hey!? Og langan veg luktar hann bardagan við torurødd høvdinga og herrópi.
Conversations, scrutiny and approval of the national accounts and other public accounts? The administration and the Government were responsible for answering questions.
Samrøður skoðan og góðkenning av landsroknskapinum og øðrum almennum roknskapum? Umsitingin og Landsstýrið høvdu ábyrgd av at svara spurningum.
The Tax Commission recommends that the tax system be restructured so that low and middle wages receive tax relief, while society embarks on a green transition.
Skattanevndin mælir til at umleggja skattaskipanina, so at lág og miðallønir fáa skattalætta, samstundis sum samfelagið fer undir eina grøna umlegging.
Today we know that the Danish National Bank neglected its duties - and so did the Financial Supervisory Authority, says Marita Petersen.
Í dag vita vit, at danski Tjóðbankin forsømdi sínar skyldur - og somuleiðis Fíggjareftirlitið, sigur Marita Petersen.
The Parliament will meet at 13:30 today to discuss the request from the Council of the North Atlantic to hold a conference on the countries' position to the new geopolitical reality.
Løgtingið fer á tingdungi klokkan 13 30 í dag at viðgera áheitan frá Útnorðurráðnum um at skipa fyri ráðstevnu um støðu landanna til nýggja geopolitiska veruleikan.
A chamber with its entrance at the foot of the wall was by the gate-posts; there they were to wash the firewood.
Eitt kamar við inngongd síni var við múrstólpar portranna; har skuldu teir skola brenniofrið.
The iron you saw was mixed with clay, speaks of the fact that they will mix with poison, but that still no unity will be among them, as iron and clay do not agree.
At jarnið, ið tú sást, var blandað við leir, talar um, at teir við giftum skulu blanda seg saman, men at kortini einki samanhald skal vera teirra millum eins og jarn og leir ikki samtykkja.
The Parliament discussed the issue at a meeting yesterday, and there was broad agreement that it is not right that diesel cars should be allowed to be so much cheaper.
Løgtingið umrøddi evnið á fundi í gjár, og breið semja var um, at tað er ikki rætt, at dieselbilarnir skulu sleppa so nógv bíligari.
Anfinn Kallsberg says that when he has received the material, it will be put before the parliament for discussion - preferably when the parliament comes together again after Ólavsøku.
Anfinn Kallsberg sigur, at tá hann hevur fingið tilfarið, verður tað lagt fyri løgtingið til orðaskiftis - helst tá tingið kemur saman aftur eftir Ólavsøku.
Subsidies were then given from the public purse to a project to revive the island's activities.
Stuðul varð síðan latin frá almennari síðu til eina verkætlan, sum skuldi kveikja lív aftur í virksemið í oynni.
Now only found as the original stone setting around the dung heap, as the previously placed concrete well for sour hay has been demolished in connection with "Barbara".
Forefindes nu kun som oprindelig stensætning omkring møddingen, idet den tidligere placerede betonbrønd til súrhoyggj er nedrevet i forbindelse med "Barbara".
In the morning show she talked about ju jitsu, the world championship and what it takes for her and her training to be able to participate in competitions at such a high level.
Í morgunsendignini fortaldi hon um ju jitsu, heimsmeistarakappingina og um, hvat krevst av henni og venjingini fyri at kunna luttaka í kappingum á so høgum stigi.
This last piece is perhaps the one of greatest public interest, but overall it is a well-executed edition that is planned to be published every month.
Hetta seinasta pettið er kanska tað, sum hevur størstan almennan áhuga, men yvirhøvur er talan um væl úr hondum greidda útgávu, ið eftir ætlan skal gevast út á hvørjum mánaði.
It is said that Todi Jónsson, who was with David Nielsen in the attack, got little to work with most of the match and was not very visible.
Sagt verður, at Todi Jónsson, sum var saman við David Nielsen í álopinum, fekk lítið at arbeiða við størsta partin av dystinum og var lítið eyðsýndur.
Big demands are being made on the Faroese economy and especially the Faroese politicians if the block is to be removed from the Faroese national economy.
Stór krøv verða sett til føroyska búskapin og ikki minst føroysku politikararnar um blokkurin skal úr føroyska samfelagsbúskapinum.
But the house of Israel will not listen to you, for they will not listen to Me! All the house of Israel have hard hearts and stubborn spirits.
Men hús Ísraels fer ikki at lurta eftir tær tí teir lurta ikki eftir Mær! Alt hús Ísraels hevur harðar pannur og forherðað hjørtu.
After the Minister of the Interior had been informed that the Parliament wanted the seven bills passed, it was expected that the legislation would soon be announced.
Eftir at landsstýrismaðurin hevði fingið at vita, at Løgtingið vildi hava tey 7 ríkislógartilmælini útinnt, var væntað, at skjótt fór lóggávan at verða kunngjørd.
One feels today almost like sitting in Tivoli's Concert Hall and hearing the Zealand Symphony Orchestra play.
Ein følir tað í dag næstan sum at sita í Tivolis Konsertsal og hoyra Sjællands Symfoniorkester spæla.
The children in this town used to go to the King's gardens and pick flowers for the pilgrims, and then they would come back both happy and cheerful and give them to them.
Børnini her í býnum plagdu at fara í urtagarðar Kongsins og henta pílagrímunum blómur og síðani koma bæði glað og blíð og bera teimum tær.
If you are waiting for a parcel from Denmark, you can see exactly where the parcel is at the Post Danmark website.
Um tú bíðar eftir eini snarsending úr Danmark, hevur tú á heimasíðuni hjá Post Danmark møguleika nágreiniliga at síggja, hvar sendingin er í løtuni.