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| Faroese
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67,400 | 99,076 | The OECD is to spearhead a co-operation that imposes an obligation on the member countries to provide each other with information about money flows and taxation. | OECD felagsskapurin skal standa á odda fyri samstarvi, sum áleggur limalondunum skyldu til at útflýggja hvør øðrum upplýsingar um peningastreym og skattaviðurskifti. |
67,401 | 99,078 | Boris Johnson was infected with the coronavirus in March, but he worsened on Sunday night, and yesterday it became necessary to move him to the intensive department, according to DR. | Boris Johnson varð smittaður við koronavirus mars, men hann versnaði sunnukvøldið, og í gjár gjørdist støðan uppaftur verri, og tí varð neyðugt at flyta hann á intesiva deild, sambært DR. |
67,402 | 99,079 | These two solutions cannot be recommended, because they will increase the remaining tax in relation to today. | Hesar báðar loysnir kunnu tó ikki viðmælast, tí tær í øllum førum vilja økja um írestandi skattin í mun til í dag. |
67,403 | 99,082 | Often it is said that greater yield and greater risk go together. But do you think, looking back, that you could have done better? | Ofta verður sagt, at størri avkast og størri risiko hanga saman. Men metir tú, tá tú nú hyggur aftureftir, kundi man havt gjørt tað betur? |
67,404 | 99,083 | The results could have been significantly better if such lorings were not carried out during the electoral period. | Náddu úrslitini kundu verið munandi betri, um slíkar loringar ikki vórðu framdar í valskeiðnum. |
67,405 | 99,084 | The family lived in Rome for a few months before they were ready to move to South America. | Familjan búði í Róm í nakrar mánaðir, áðrenn tey vóru til reiðar at flyta til Suðuramerika. |
67,406 | 99,086 | If the import ban does not make a difference, the EU can also impose trade restrictions against ship sales and refuse Faroese and Icelandic ships to enter EU ports. | Ger innflutningsbannið ikki mun, kann ES eisini seta handilsforðingar móti skipasølum og nokta føroyskum og íslendskum skipum at koma í ES havn. |
67,407 | 99,087 | Next, a large part of the work is direct order production, where we have to produce a special item in a certain way, which is also covered by the mortgage on the home. | Harnæst er ein stórur partur av virkseminum beinleiðis ordraframleiðsla, har vit skulu framleiða ein serligan lut við ávísum máti, sum so ella so eisini er fevnt av pantirættinum til bústaðin. |
67,408 | 99,088 | But one competition remained from the Monday night, when the senior team in equipment failed to make a reck. | Men ein kapping lá eftir frá mánakvøldinum, tá tað ikki eydnaðist seniorliðnum í reiðskapi at gera reck. |
67,409 | 99,089 | The envelopes must have a paper quality that does not cause problems in the postal service. | Brævbjálvarnir skulu hava eina pappírsdygd, sum ikki geva trupulleikar í postviðgerðini. |
67,410 | 99,091 | I don't really understand why they're taking the step of putting another man in my place, says Signar á Brúnni. | Tí skilji eg ikki rættuliga, at man nú tekur stig til at seta ein annan mann í staðin fyri meg, sigur Signar á Brúnni. |
67,411 | 99,092 | The Faroese A national football team is steadily moving up the strength list of the international football federation FIFA. | Føroyska A-landsliðið í fótbólti tekur seg støðugt fram á styrkislistanum hjá altjóða fótbóltssamgonguni FIFA. |
67,412 | 99,093 | Because a weekly magazine is, it won't carry regular news, and that market is already saturated, says Óli Breckmann. | Av tí at vikublað er, fer tað ikki at bera vanlig tíðindi, og tann marknaðurin er longu mettaður, sigur Óli Breckmann. |
67,413 | 99,094 | And we'll devote the second hour to Bárð Oskarsson, when people come to visit to talk about his children's books, and we'll also get a word in edgeways with Bárð himself. | Og vit seta allan tann seinna tíman av til Bárð Oskarsson, tá ið fólk koma á gátt at tosa um hansara barnabøkur, og vit fáa eisini orð á Bárð sjálvan. |
67,414 | 99,095 | And as you say, PoSTmAdUrIN, it's sad that people try to counteract the efforts of the coalition to remove the block subsidy. | Og sum tú sigur PoSTmAdUrIN so er tað syrgiligt at fólk royna at mótarbeiða royndunum hjá samgonguni at fjerna blokkstuðulin. |
67,415 | 99,096 | In Sandoy the population was almost the same, but in Suðuroy it decreased, according to the Faroese Statistics Office. | Í Sandoynni stóð fólkatalið so at siga í stað hetta tíðarskeið, men í Suðuroynni minkaði fólkatalið, upplýsir Hagstova Føroya á heimasíðuni . |
67,416 | 99,097 | Because Anja once last fall had a cancellation, I was asked to come on the show, Anna says. | Av tí at Anja einu ferðina í fjør heyst fekk forfall, varð eg biðin at koma við í Gekkasendingini, sigur Anna. |
67,417 | 99,098 | The meeting also strongly opposes the attempts by individual municipalities to create divisions in the trade union movement by trying to force members of local unions in FA to become members of other unions. | Fundurin mótmælir eisini harðliga royndunum hjá einstøkum kommunum at skapa spjaðing í fakfelagsrørsluni við at royna at tvinga limir í lokalfeløgunum í FA at gerast limir í øðrum fakfelag. |
67,418 | 99,102 | He won't reveal who it is, though, because the committee will meet tomorrow and maybe use a clause in the association's bylaws that can extend the deadline by a week. | Hann vil kortini ikki avdúka, hvør tað er, tí nevndin fer at tosa saman í morgin, og kanska nýta eina grein í viðtøkunum fyri felagið, sum kann leingja freistina við einari viku. |
67,419 | 99,104 | Not much can be said other than that the Committee on Government Affairs has gone into the details of the treatment of the pension issue. | Ikki kann sigast annað enn, at landsstýrismálanevndin er farin niður í detaljurnar í sambandi við viðgerðina av pensiónsmálinum. |
67,420 | 99,106 | Not to mention that dangerous play, such as the so-called "break-tackle", is punished with two matches. | Ikki minnst um hugsað verður um, at beinleiðis vandamikið spæl til dømis sonevndar beinbrotstakklingar verður revsað við tveimum dystum. |
67,421 | 99,107 | This is something that has made me review all my work as a politician, and that's healthy, says Høgni Hoydal. | Hetta er nakað, sum hevur gjørt, at eg havi verið noyddur at endurskoða alt mítt arbeiði sum politikari, og tað er sunt, sigur Høgni Hoydal. |
67,422 | 99,108 | There Peder Haahr told about the experiments with the Icelandic dairy cattle and about the sheep trials that will be started soon. | Har greiddi Peder Haahr frá um royndirnar við íslendsku mjólkineytunum og um seyðaroyndirnar, farið verður undir í næstum. |
67,423 | 99,109 | Dæhlie wasn't so disappointed to be caught in the sprint, even though he had a 23-second advantage from the start. | Dæhlie var ikki so vónsvikin av at vera tikin í spurtinum, hóast hann hevði ein fyrimun upp á 23 sekund frá byrjan av. |
67,424 | 99,110 | The Minister says that the exceptions are a big problem for those who have to administer the tax law. | Landsstýrismaðurin sigur, at undantøkini eru ein stórur trupulleiki hjá teimum, sum skulu umsita skattalógina. |
67,425 | 99,111 | Then it's a matter of deciding whether this difference really means anything to anyone. Is it relevant, and to whom? Is it a large enough market to aim for? | Síðani er at avgera, um hesin munur veruliga merkir nakað fyri nakran. Er tað viðkomandi, og fyri hvønn? Er tað ein nóg stórur marknaður, ið siktað verður eftir? |
67,426 | 99,113 | Greenborg respected Danish lawyers are not afraid for a moment that the investigator Jørgen Greenborg has done his job well. | Grønborg virdur Danskir løgfrøðingar óttast tó onga løtu í, at kanningarleiðarin Jørgen Grønborg hevur gjørt sítt arbeiði til lítar. |
67,427 | 99,114 | It happened once when she was on duty and had to treat a mentally disabled young man who could not speak, but who had cancer that required treatment. | Tað hendi einaferð hon var á vakt, og skuldi viðgerða ein menningartarnaðan ungan mann, sum ikki dugdi at tosa, men sum hevði krabbamein, sum kravdi viðgerð. |
67,428 | 99,115 | I think that the Financial Supervisory Authority did it to secure the solvency of the bank and to secure confidence in the bank. | Eg haldi, at fíggjareftirlitið gjørdi tað fyri at tryggja gjaldførðið hjá bankanum og fyri at tryggja álitið á bankan. |
67,429 | 99,116 | The system is a security system that can be activated again if the circumstances require it, he says. | Talan er jú um trygdarskipan, sum skal kunna fáast at virka aftur, um viðurskiftini krevja tað, sigur hann. |
67,430 | 99,117 | Faroese Workers' Union does not support the proposal for a childbirth fund in the form it has at the moment. | Føroya Arbeiðarafelag tekur ikki undir við uppskotinum um ein barnsburðargrunn í tí líki, sum tað hevur í løtuni. |
67,431 | 99,118 | I'm still confident that when the voters really have to choose at the election, we'll get the necessary support, says Nyrup. | Eg eri enn vísur í, at tá veljararnir av álvara skulu velja á valdegnum, fara vit at fáa tann neyðuga stuðulin, sigur Nyrup. |
67,432 | 99,119 | The Faroese nation has lived in a world of ideas where the community should be the security of the citizens, where the business community should be developed, and where the community should become more independent economically. | Føroyska tjóðin hevur livað í einum hugaheimi, har samfelagið skuldi verða trygd borgaranna, her vinnulívið skuldi mennast, og samfelagið skuldi gerast meiri sjálvstøðugt búskaparliga. |
67,433 | 99,122 | They think it's a bit scary to hear about the many construction shortages, and that the conditions at the school as a whole could be better. | Tey halda tað vera eitt sindur óhugnaligt at hoyra um nógvu byggimanglarnar, og at viðurskiftini á skúlanum sum heild kundu verið betri. |
67,434 | 99,123 | Rúnar Reistrup Poul Nyrup Rasmussen expects to get unconditional support from Jóannes Eidesgaard, newly elected member of the Danish Parliament. | Rúnar Reistrup Poul Nyrup Rasmussen væntar at fáa treytaleysan stuðul frá Jóannesi Eidesgaard, nývaldum fólkatingslimi. |
67,435 | 99,125 | The chairman of the election committee Mykhailo Rjabets told the news agencies that they had uncovered some minor irregularities, but nothing that could invalidate the election. | Formaðurin fyri valnevndini Mykhailo Rjabets segði við tíðindastovurnar, at teir høvdu avdúkað smávegis óreglusemi, men einki, ið kann ógilda valið. |
67,436 | 99,126 | But Iceland is renouncing 000 tons of herring, which have long been part of the agreement between the countries, but which Icelanders have not fished for many years. | Men Ísland sigur frá sær 000 tons av sild, sum leingi hava staðið í avtaluni landanna millum, men sum íslendingar ikki hava fiskað í nógv ár. |
67,437 | 99,128 | The project group does not consider that a management structure is necessary on top of the existing management structure, as the proposal for the health workshop manager from 2007 suggested. | Verkætlanarbólkurin metir ikki at neyðugt er við einari leiðslu omaná verandi leiðslubygnað, sum uppskotið um heilsuverkstjóran frá 2007 legði upp til. |
67,438 | 99,129 | The danger of being away in a larger institution can be countered by the task of providing audiobook service is specified in a revised library law. | Vandin at verða burtur í einum størri stovni, kann mótvigast við, at uppgávan at veita ljóðbókatænastu verður nágreinað í eini dagførdari bókasavnslóg. |
67,439 | 99,131 | The locals say that if the transportation was better, Svínoy would be a place more people would choose to live. | Bygdarfólkið vil vera við, at var ferðasambandið betri, var Svínoyggin eitt stað, iðfleiri høvdu valt sum bústað. |
67,440 | 99,132 | If the root is not there, the project manager has a hard time, no matter how good he is. | Er rótfestið ikki, hevur verkætlanarleiðarin ringar møguleik ar, sama, hvussu dugnaligur hann er er. |
67,441 | 99,134 | Two years ago the then Self-Government Party changed its name to New Self-Government Party, and according to the chairman of the party it was to be a temporary name. | Fyri smáum tveimum árum síðani broytti táverandi Sjálvstýrisflokkurin navn til Nýtt Sjálvstýri, og sambært formanni floksins skuldi tað vera eitt tíðaravmarkað heiti. |
67,442 | 99,135 | Jóan Karl Høgnesen was not fired from his job as the head of the Coast Guard and Rescue Service, but resigned. | Jóan Karl Høgnesen varð ikki koyrdur úr starvinum sum leiðari á Vaktar og Bjargingartænastuni, men segði sjálvur upp. |
67,443 | 99,136 | To ensure that the service and living conditions are satisfactory, there are various types of supervision around the system. | Til tess at tryggja, at tænastan og bústaðarviðurskiftini eru fullgóð, eru ymisk sløg av eftirliti kring skipanina. |
67,444 | 99,140 | Because it will be necessary for the Social Democratic Party to come up with the proposal that a Faroese majority can agree on, if it is possible to reach an agreement, he said. | Tí verður tað enn einaferð neyðugt hjá Javnaðarflokkinum at koma við uppskotinum, sum ein føroyskur meiriluti kann semjast um, um tað ber til at fáa eina semju, segði hann. |
67,445 | 99,141 | The competition for the different brands of medicine is tough, and the price changes all the time, so that the brand that was the most expensive a few days ago is the cheapest. | Kappingin um tey ymisku heilivágamerkini er hørð, og prísurin broytist alla tíðina, soleiðis at tað merkið, ið áður var dýrast, fáar dagar seinni er bíligast. |
67,446 | 99,142 | The accounts of the foundation are audited by one or more certified public accountants appointed by the board of the foundation. | Roknskapur grunsins verður grannskoðaður av einum ella fleiri løggildum grannskoðarum, tilnevndir av nevndini í grunninum. |
67,447 | 99,144 | Fortunately, many people can become completely or partially healthy after a mental illness - even when it is a serious illness. | Tíbetur kunnu mong gerast heilt ella lutvíst frísk eftir sálarsjúku - eisini tá talan er um álvarsliga sjúku. |
67,448 | 99,145 | The translation is not legally valid, because it has not been approved by the parliament and confirmed by the Prime Minister. | Umsetingin hevur ikki lógagildi, tí hon er ikkisamtykt av løgtinginum og staðfest av løgmanni. |
67,449 | 99,146 | Later it was confirmed that the heel was torn, and it looks like the Faroese champions must be the quick wing without the rest of the competition year. | Seinni varð staðfest, at hælsinan var slitin, og líkt er tí til, at føroyameistararnir mugu vera kvika vongin fyri uttan restina av kappingarárinum. |
67,450 | 99,147 | When Sosialurin spoke to the chairmen of the various parties yesterday at midday, none of them had had time to consider the situation. | Tá Sosialurin á middegi í gjár tosaði við formenninar í ymisku flokkunum, hevði eingin teirra havt stundir at viðgera støðuna. |
67,451 | 99,148 | The recommendation from the University of the Faroe Islands is very similar to the comments made by the Research Council when it considered the matter in early October. | Tilmælið frá Fróðskaparsetrinum leggur seg tætt upp at viðmerkingunum, sum Granskingarráðið gjørdi, tá tað viðgjørdi málið fyrst í oktober. |
67,452 | 99,149 | The mayor of Klaksvík points out that a year ago a survey was also made with the question of the submarine tunnel. | Stuðulin øktur Borgarstjórin í Klaksvík vísir á, at fyri einum ári síðani varð somuleiðis ein kanning gjørd við spurninginum um undirsjóvartunnilin. |
67,453 | 99,151 | When the crisis never cooled the economy like in the rest of the country, it is all the more necessary to hold back in the capital. | Tá kreppan ongantíð køldi búskapin har sum í restini av landinum, er somikið meiri neyðugt at halda aftur í høvuðsstaðnum. |
67,454 | 99,152 | They have a long way to go to say that they are up to 30 percent cheaper than we are, but I want to see examples of this before I believe it, says Fríðálvur Jensen. | Teir hava langa út við at siga, at teir eru upp til 30 prosent bíligari enn vit, men eg vil fyrst síggja dømi um hetta, áðrenn eg trúgvi tí, sigur Fríðálvur Jensen. |
67,455 | 99,153 | Jákup Mørkøre admits that the National Hospital has developed X-ray films ever since And the solution, which can be dangerous if not diluted, has always been poured directly into the sewer. | Jákup Mørkøre ásannar, at landssjúkrahúsið hevur framkallað røntgenfilmir líka síðani Og løgurin, sum kann vera vandamikil ótyntur, er allar dagar farin beinleiðis í kloakkina. |
67,456 | 99,154 | What started out as a negative response to a letter has now been blown up to be the whole world. | Tað, sum byrjaði við einum noktandi svari uppá eitt bræv, er nú blást upp til at vera allur heimurin. |
67,457 | 99,155 | Jógvan Martin Olsen is the coach of the Faroese U-18 national team, and is also responsible for the national team work of FSF, when it comes to the younger national teams. | Jógvan Martin Olsen er venjari hjá føroyska U-18 landsliðnum, og hevur harumframt ábyrgd av landsliðsarbeiðinum hjá FSF, tá talan er um yngri landsliðini. |
67,458 | 99,156 | The Competition Council received two complaints about the procedures of the municipalities of Kollafjørður and Tórshavn in connection with the purchase of pipes for water pipes. | Tann nov fekk Kappingarráðið tvær kærur um mannagongdina hjá ávíkavist Kollafjarðar og Tórshavnar Kommunu í sambandi við keypi av rørum til vatnleiðingar. |
67,459 | 99,157 | The meeting is intended for parents of schoolchildren and parents of children who have not yet started school. | Fundurin er ætlaður foreldrum at skúlabørnum og foreldrum at børnum, sum enn ikki eru farin í skúla. |
67,460 | 99,159 | I am convinced that neither the Danish government nor Danish companies can make demands for special treatment, because as I said, they will then be in conflict with EU legislation. | Eg eri sannførdur um, at hvørki danska stjórnin ella danskar fyritøkur kunnu seta fram krav um sersømdir, tí tey sum sagt tá koma í stríð við ES-lóggávuna. |
67,461 | 99,161 | For He shall save the poor who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help them. | Tí Hann skal frelsa hin fátæka, ið rópar, hin arma, ið ongan hjálparmann hevur. |
67,462 | 99,162 | Bergur Poulsen says that this last year Havsbrún will spend almost six million more in oil than the company spent the previous year. | Bergur Poulsen sigur, at hetta seinasta árið kemur Havsbrún tilsamans at brúka næstan seks milliónir meiri í olju, enn virkið brúkti undanfarna ár. |
67,463 | 99,164 | Recommendation: If we want to increase the internationalization of the educational system, we need to expand the ÚSUN system and create financial conditions for this. | Tilmæli: Ynskja vit størri altjóðagerð av útbúgvingarverkinum, er neyðugt at byggja út ÚSUN-skipanina og harvið skapa fíggjarligar fortreytir. |
67,464 | 99,166 | At 9 plays entered the competition, should have given opportunities to get new, Faroese plays set up, the jury thought. | At 9 leikrit komu inn til kappingina, skuldi givið møguleikar fyri at fáa nýggjar, føroyskar leikir uppsettar, helt dómsnevndin. |
67,465 | 99,167 | Rigmor Dam says that it is important to understand that Glasir is not a building, but a combined school that is already fully operational, and that the structure is not linked to a building. | Rigmor Dam sigur, at tað er umráðandi at skilja, at Glasir er ikki ein bygningur, men ein samanlagdur skúli, sum longu er fult virkin, og ar bygnaðurin ikki er tengdur at einum bygningi. |
67,466 | 99,169 | Remember the words of Fredrik Harhoff, and stop repeating and repeating these meaningless platitudes. | Legg tær orðini hjá Fredrik Harhoff í geyma, og hald uppat at endurtaka og endurtaka hasar innihaldsleysu flosklarnar. |
67,467 | 99,170 | But the men of VÍF and the women of StÍF were the winners of the round, and these two teams are now one step ahead of all the others. | Men menninir hjá VÍF og kvinnurnar StÍF vóru vinnararnir av umfari, og hesi bæði liðini eru nú eitt fet frammanfyri øll hini. |
67,468 | 99,171 | When they washed the chariot by the pool of Samaria, the dogs licked up his blood, while the harlots bathed there, according to the word of the Lord that He spoke. | Táið teir skolaðu vagnin við tjørnina í Samaria, leptu hundarnir blóð hansara, meðan skøkjurnar baðaðu sær har eftir orðinum, ið HARRIN hevði talað. |
67,469 | 99,172 | Our conclusion is that we Faroese have little or no debt, the Danes have all the debt and the Home Rule Act. | Niðurlag okkara er, at vit føroyingar hava lítla og onga skuld danir hava alla skuldina og so heimastýrislógin. |
67,470 | 99,174 | And for many days he showed them the glory and riches of his kingdom and the splendor and pomp of his magnificence. | Og í mangar dagar dagar vísti hann teimum dýrd og ríkdóm kongadømis síns og skreyt og fagurleika stórleika síns. |
67,471 | 99,175 | While the council in Klaksvík municipality plans to make an indoor playground, the council in Tórshavn has dropped the plan for a playground in the capital. | Meðan býráðið í Klaksvíkar kommuna ætlar gera eitt innandura spæliland, hevur býráðið í Havn slept ætlanini um spæliland í høvuðsstaðnum. |
67,472 | 99,176 | She starts with a slow introduction, but it's the more cheerful second theme that dominates the first movement, which ends with a lengthy coda. | Hon byrjar við einum seinførum inngangi, men tað er tað meira káta síðutemað, sum valdar í fyrsta satsinum, sum endar við eini langdrignari codu. |
67,473 | 99,178 | In order not to lose players and to increase the interest of these, the Suðuroy teams have together appointed a coach who will ensure that these players are in good enough training. | Fyri ikki at missa leikarar og fyri at økja um áhugan hjá hesum, hava suðuroyar feløgini í felag sett ein venjara, sum skal syrgja fyri, at hesir leikarar verða í nóg góðari venjing. |
67,474 | 99,179 | The case against the fishing vessel Anita began in February last year, when the ship lost a man while they were fishing with nets west of the Faroe Islands. | Málið ímóti garnaskipinum Anitu byrjaði í februar í fjør, tá skipið misti ein mann, meðan teir royndu við gørnum vestan fyri Føroyar. |
67,475 | 99,180 | My followers shall eat what you have chopped down, and drink what you have muddied with your feet! | Fylgi Mítt skal tað eta tað, ið tit hava kleyvað niður, og drekka tað, ið tit hava gruggað við fótunum! |
67,476 | 99,182 | The working conditions of the staff at the Testing Station will be regulated by a schedule of shifts. | Arbeiðsviðurskiftini hjá starvsfólkunum á Royndarstøðini verða at fastleggja við reglugerð um vaktarskipan. |
67,477 | 99,183 | He is not surprised that the survey shows a polarization in favor of the Independence Party and the Union Party. | Hann undrast ikki yvir, at kanningin vísir eina polarisering til frama fyri Tjóðveldisflokkin og Sambandsflokkin. |
67,478 | 99,184 | Because the people who own the company obviously have an interest in buying rope from here, and supporting it that way. | Tí tey, sum eiga felagið, hava sjálvandi áhuga í at keypa tógv hiðani, og stuðla tí tann vegin. |
67,479 | 99,185 | ES has fined Facebook 825 million kroner for giving the EU false or misleading information when the company bought the chat and messaging service, WhatsApp. | ES hevur givið Facebook 825 milliónir krónur í bót fyri at hava latið ES skeivar ella villleiðandi upplýsingar, tá fyritøkan keypti kjatt og boðtænastuna, WhatsApp. |
67,480 | 99,186 | These were set, and 22 hours later the ship and crew landed, and then Magnus Heinason was taken up on the dock at Mest in Tórshavn. | Hesar vóru settar til, og 22 tímar seinni komu skip og manning til lands, og so var Magnus Heinason tikin upp á bedingina hjá Mest í Havn. |
67,481 | 99,187 | Otherwise, it's too far out that these Social Democrats - Eidesgaard, Dam, Strøm, Guttesen, Petersen - go around calling Nazis and Fascists or anyone else who does real political work in this country. | Annars er tað for langt út at hesir javnaðarmenninir - Eidesgaard, Dam, Strøm, Guttesen, Petersen - ganga og rópa nazist og fasist ella øllum teimum, sum gera eitt veruligt politiskt arbeiði her í landinum. |
67,482 | 99,188 | This survey on bullying in the Faroese primary school is organized in consultation with the Faroese Council of Education. | Henda kanning um happing í føroyska fólka-skúlanum er skipað í samráð við Menta málaráðið. |
67,483 | 99,189 | Matter: The public health status of the Faroese people is being investigated and well-functioning monitoring systems are being developed. | Mál: Fólkaheilsustøða føroyinga verður kannað og at fáa tilevnað vælvirkandi eftirlitsskipanir. |
67,484 | 99,190 | This year it's 20 years since the theatre group Gríma was founded, and the group had decided to do something special for their birthday. | Í ár eru 20 ár síðan sjónleikarabólkurin Gríma varð stovnað, og hevði bólkurin sett sær fyri at gera okkurt serligt burturúr føðingardegnum. |
67,485 | 99,193 | But I believe that the biggest reason for this increase is that people have confidence in the helicopter and our helicopter flights. | Men eg trúgvi, at størsta orsøkin til hesa økingina er, at fólk hava álit á tyrluni og tyrluflúgving okkara. |
67,486 | 99,194 | His sons had the custom of holding a feast at home on their birthdays, and they sent word to their three sisters to come and eat and drink with them. | Synir hansara høvdu tann sið at halda veitslu, hvør sín dag heima hjá sær, og teir sendu tá hinum trimum systrum sínum boð og buðu teimum at eta og drekka við sær. |
67,487 | 99,195 | It could be that the 21 unions, which said they represented a third of the Faroese people, didn't have the members behind them. | Tað kundi við hesari kanningini annars verið líkt til, at tey 21 fakfeløgini, sum søgdu seg umboða ein triðing av Føroya fólki, ikki hevði limirnar i feløgunum aftanfyri seg. |
67,488 | 99,197 | The exciting question is whether the newer members of the Union win - and whether the older members of the Union follow the advice of Uffe Elleman Jensen. | Spennandi spurningurin er so, um nýggjaru sambandsmenninir vinna - og um eldru sambandsfólkini taka ráðini frá Uffa Elleman Jensen til eftirtektar. |
67,489 | 99,198 | The new trawler will fish for bottom fish and prawns, and it will be able to make brine on board, which will then be sold to Havsbrún to be used for fish feed. | Nýggi trolarin skal fiska botnfisk og rækjur, og hann skal kunna gera súrløgu umborð, sum so verður seld til Havsbrún at brúka til alifóður. |
67,490 | 99,200 | Those who meet the requirements for professional training receive pay according to the salary group for skilled workers at the salary level they would have received upon appointment to permanent employment. | Tey, ið lúka treytirnar fyri fakligan útbúgving fáa løn eftir lønarbólkinum fyri faklærd á tí lønarstigi, tey høvdu fingið við setan í fast starv. |
67,491 | 99,201 | That the second half was better than the first is no secret, and it got even better when Øssur scored the second goal for the Faroe Islands. | At seinni hálvleikur var frægari enn fyrri, er heldur eingin loyna, og heilt gott gjørdist tað, tá Øssur so setti bóltin í slovenska netið fyri aðru ferð. |
67,492 | 99,202 | When the large ships were built in the 80's, more and more people started to talk about whether the money really existed or not. | Tá tey stóru skipini vórðu bygd í 80-unum bleiv so við og við tosaðmeir og meir, um eginpeningurin veruliga var til ella ikki. |
67,493 | 99,203 | It is not on the table to close down a single settlement in Vagar, says Rósa Samuelsen in the comments to the question to Annika Olsen. | Tað kemur ikki upp á tal at niðurleggja eitt einasta búpláss í Vágum, sigur Rósa Samuelsen í viðmerkingunum til fyrispurningin til Anniku Olsen. |
67,494 | 99,204 | Rani got up and went on to tell them all about everything that had happened to him and Anikka in the last few days, and about the treacherous trick played on the Blue People. | Rani reistist, og fór so aftur at siga teimum øllum frá øllum tí, ið honum og Anikku hevði verið fyri hesar seinastu dagarnar, og um svikaliga kvettið hjá Teimum Bláu. |
67,495 | 99,205 | The Compromise But when Aage then makes conclusions from the vote on the Compromise the 20 million in the Fund, I can no longer agree with him. | Neyðarsemjan Men tá Aage so ger niðurstøður burtur úr atkvøðugreiðsluni um neyðarsemjuna tær 20 milliónirnar í grunn so fái eg ikki longur verið samdur við hann. |
67,496 | 99,206 | Need an underwater tunnel Totally crazy that people have to stand for hours and wait for the ferry at Vestmannasund. | Neyðugt við undirsjóvar tunnli Púrasta burturvið, at fólk skulu standa í tímar og bíða eftir ferjuni um Vestmannasund. |
67,497 | 99,208 | We would like to help and find solutions, but the prerequisite is that the locals want to be helped, she says, adding that the events in Saksun can be a threat to the Faroe Islands as a tourist destination. | Vit vilja gjarna hjálpa og finna loysnir, men fortreytin er, at tey lokalu vilja verða hjálpt, sigur hon og leggur afturat, at hendingarnar í Saksun kunnu vera ein hóttan fyri Føroyar sum ferðamannaland. |
67,498 | 99,209 | No reason to change the Home Rule Act The situation in the Faroese Parliament has not changed since the mid-seventies. | Eingin grundgeving at broyta heimastýrislógina Støðan á Føroya Løgtingi er óbroytt síðan miðjuna av sjeytiárunum. |
67,499 | 99,211 | Where am I going to get meat for all these people! They're coming to me crying and saying: Let us have meat to eat!? | Hvaðani skal eg taka kjøt til alt hetta fólk! Tey koma jú grátandi til mín og siga:Lat okkum fáa kjøt at eta!? |