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| Faroese
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67,600 | 99,351 | As understood by the officials, the parties intend to continue to negotiate for a few hours more, but nevertheless there are little hopes for a settlement. | Sum skilst á embætisfólkunum, ætla partarnir at halda fram at samráðast nakrar tímar afturat, men tó eru lítlar vónir fyri eini semju. |
67,601 | 99,356 | The Ministry of Transport and Communications believes that a whistleblower scheme is primarily an issue for the labour market, which the Ministry of Transport and Communications is rightly responsible for. | Samferðslumálaráðið heldur fyrst og fremst, at ein varskógvaraskipan er eitt arbeiðsmarknaðarmál, sum Samferðslumálaráðið av røttum eigur. |
67,602 | 99,357 | The airline SAS acknowledges that it is not good enough that they have to cancel or postpone trips to the Faroe Islands because the plane can not land when there is fog in Vagar. | Flogfelagið SAS viðurkennir, at tað er ikki nóg gott, at tey noyðast at avlýsa ella útseta ferðir til Føroya, tí flogfarið fær ikki sett seg, tá mjørki er í Vágum. |
67,603 | 99,358 | Norwegian intelligence has twice been in the Middle East, and has come to the conclusion that almost 10 of the refugees who were supposed to go to Norway belong to the two groups. | Norska fregnartænastan hevur tvær ferðir verið í Miðeystri, og er komin eftir, at næstan 10 av flóttafólkunum sum skuldu til Noregs, hoyra til teir báðar bólkarnar. |
67,604 | 99,359 | The Greenlandic shipping company has entered into a new partnership with the Icelandic shipping company Eimskip, and the two companies are in the process of buying three new ships. | Grønlendska reiðaríið er farið í nýtt samstarv við íslendska reiðaríið Eimskip, og reiðaríni bæði eru í ferð við at keypa trý nýggj skip. |
67,605 | 99,360 | So there are times to pack, check out and drive home over the bridge over the Great Belt towards Kastrup and the Atlantic Airways. | So eru stundir at pakka, tjekka út og koyra heim eftir brúnni um Stórabelt móti Kastrup og Atlantsflogi. |
67,606 | 99,361 | The purpose of an ombudsman is to provide ordinary citizens with protection against incorrect decisions made by the administration. | Ætlanin við einum umboðsstovni er, at hann skal vera ein trygd hjá vanliga borgaranum móti skeivum avgerðum í umsitingini. |
67,607 | 99,362 | The national company Strandfaraskip Landsins SSL is organized as a national company under the Ministry of the Interior and receives an annual net operating appropriation in the state budget. | Landsfyritøkan Strandfaraskip Landsins SSL er skipað sum landsfyritøka undir Innlendismálaráðnum og fær á hvørjum ári tillutað eina nettorakstrarjáttan á fíggjarlógini. |
67,608 | 99,364 | No doubt that if the Faroese are not to be left entirely on their own, representatives of the Union must be elected to the Danish Parliament. | Eingin ivi skal tí vera um, at skulu føroyingar ikki heilt sleppast upp á fjall einsamallir, mugu sambandsumboð veljast inn á Fólkatingið. |
67,609 | 99,365 | I've got too little time, Maurice Ross says, who already after the second game in the league got a feeling that he wouldn't be long at Víkingur. | Eg havi fingið ov lítla tíð, heldur Maurice Ross, sum longu eftir annan dystin í landskappingini fekk eina kenslu av, at hann ikki fór at verða drúgvur í Víkingi. |
67,610 | 99,366 | He is the world's best cross-country skier in the world at the moment, said Kristinn Bjornsson yesterday according to the official website of the Olympic Games. | Han er heimsins besti snirr skíðari í heiminum í løtuni, segði Kristinn Bjørnsson í gjár sambært almennu heimasíðuni hjá olympisku leikunum. |
67,611 | 99,367 | Sverri Jacobsen and I will also take care of the youth team, says Magnus á Stongunum to Dimmalætting. | Sverri Jacobsen og eg skulu eisini taka okkum av unglingaliðnum, sigur Magnus á Stongunum við Dimmalætting. |
67,612 | 99,368 | Environmental organizations have developed an app on your phone that will make it easier to see who the environmental sinners are. | Umhvørvisfelagssfelgsskapir hava ment eina app á fartelefonini, sum skal gera tað lættari at síggja, hvørjir umhvørvissyndararnir eru. |
67,613 | 99,369 | This report has proposals for visions and development plans for some of the most important aspects of the sporting activities. | Hetta álit hevur uppskot til visjónir og menningarætlanir fyri nakrar av mest týðandi táttunum í ítróttaliga virkseminum. |
67,614 | 99,370 | The new coalition in Tvøroyrar Municipality announced shortly after the election that the mayor no longer received the majority's assurance to act as a member of parliament and mayor at the same time. | Nýggja samgongan í Tvøroyrar býráði boðaði stutt eftir valið frá, at borgarstjórin ikki longur fekk tilsøgn frá meirilutanum um at virka sum løgtingslimur og borgarstjóri samstundis. |
67,615 | 99,372 | So Joseph also had a dream, which he told his brothers, and which made them hate him even more. | So hevði Jósef eisini dreym, sum hann segði brøðrum sínum frá, og sum gjørdi, at teir hataðu hann enn meiri. |
67,616 | 99,375 | As mentioned above, negotiations should be taken up with the Danes that the current arrangement with the Insurances Fund can continue in the same way as before. | Sum nevnt omanfyri, eiga samráðingar at verða tiknar upp við danir um, at núverandi skipan við innsetaratrygdargrunninum kann halda áfram á sama hátt sum higartil. |
67,617 | 99,376 | It's urgent for Bakkafrost to get all the details in order, because the work to make the new smolt plant has begun, says Regin Jacobsen. | Tað hevur skund hjá Bakkafrost at fáa øll viðurskifti í rættlag, tí arbeiðið at gera nýggju smoltstøðina er komið undir land, sigur Regin Jacobsen. |
67,618 | 99,377 | If only they had always had this heart to fear Me and to keep My commandments so that they and their children might prosper forever! | Høvdu tey bert allar dagar havt hetta hjartalagið at óttast Meg og akta eftir boðum Mínum so teimum og børnum teirra kundi gingist væl til ævigar tíðir! |
67,619 | 99,378 | This is considered by the Data Protection Agency to be in conflict with the Personal Data Act when there is no legal basis for this processing or further disclosure of personal data. | Hetta metir Dátueftirlitið vera í stríð við persónupplýsinarlógina tá ið einki heimilargrundarlag er fyri hesi viðgerð ella víðari latan av persónsupplýsingum. |
67,620 | 99,379 | But the municipalities are so unevenly distributed, that in some municipalities the debt is so large that each citizen owes more than 000 kroner. | Men kommunurnar eru so ójavnt fyri, at í summum kommunum er skuldin so stór, at hvør borgari í kommununi skyldar meiri enn 000 krónur. |
67,621 | 99,380 | For 50 years all parties except the Union Party have been whining and moaning about the harmful effects of the rights and obligations that the Home Rule Act gives. | Í 50 ár hava allir flokkar uttan Sambandsflokkurin meylað og geylað um tað skaðiliga við teim rættindum og skyldum, sum heimastýrislógin gevur. |
67,622 | 99,381 | The public school should be municipal; but teaching for special needs should be centralized, because both great expertise and good coordination are essential. | Fólkaskúlin eigur at verða kommunalur; men tó eigur undirvísing vegna serligan tørv at vera miðsavnað, av tí at umráðandi eru bæði stór servitan og skilagóð samskipan. |
67,623 | 99,382 | Subsea tunnels will be built around Vestmannasund and Lorvískfjørð, ferries will be bought for the Suðuroyar and Sandoyar routes and investments will be made in roads and ferry berths. | Undirsjóvartunlar skulu gerast um Vestmannasund og Lorvískfjørð, ferjur keypast til suðuroyar og sandoyarleiðina og íløgur gerast í vegir og ferjulegur. |
67,624 | 99,383 | If the unit is larger than m, there must also be a hose cupboard, where water is always available (or a hose) according to point . | Um eindin er størri enn m skal eisini vera slanguskáp, sum vatn altíð stendur til (ella slanga) sambært punkt . |
67,625 | 99,384 | Fíggjarligt Støðufesti has reviewed five specific loans that they believe had a decisive impact on the fact that Eik went out of the egg. | Fíggjarligt Støðufesti hevur gjøgnumgingið fimm ítøkilig útlán, sum tey meta høvdu avgerandi týdning fyri, at Eik fór út av eggini. |
67,626 | 99,387 | Fishing quota is the part of a total quota that is set aside for fishing by a group of vessels under one. | Felagskvota er tann partur av eini heildarkvotu, ið verður settur av til at fiska hjá einum bólki av fiskiførum undir einum. |
67,627 | 99,388 | Although I can't see any point in pushing new, good ships away and building others instead. | Tó eg dugi ikki at síggja nakra meining í at trýsta nýggj, góð skip burtur, og at byggja onnur nýggj ístaðin. |
67,628 | 99,392 | These men are shepherds and cattle men; now they have come here with their flocks and herds and all they own. | Hesir menn eru hirðar og fenaðarmenn; nú eru teir komnir higar við smalum og stórdýrum sínum og øllum, sum teir eiga. |
67,629 | 99,394 | It's strange that we students can't have good living conditions here in the country, too, we who are going to rule the country in the future. | Løgið er, at vit næmingar ikki eisini kunnu fáa góð livikor her á landi, vit sum skulu stýra landinum í framtíðini. |
67,630 | 99,396 | The municipal doctor is accused of having committed indecency against nine women and of other sexual relations than intercourse with a woman who had come to a medical appointment. | Kommunulæknin er ákærdur fyri at hava framt blygdarskemd móti níggju kvinnum og fyri annað kynsligt samband enn samlegu við eina kvinnu, sum var komin til læknaviðtalu. |
67,631 | 99,400 | Drilling for hydrocarbons in the same strata as the Hyme and Snilehorn wells is being considered because seismic surveys indicate that the Bister prospect is similar to these two wells. | Borað verður eftir kolvetnum í somu jarðarløgum, sum Hyme og Snilehorn keldurnar eru, tí seismiskar kanningar benda á, at Bister leitimiðið líkist hesum báðum keldunum. |
67,632 | 99,401 | So you must make four gold rings, and you must put them in the four corners of the table. | So skalt tú gera fýra gullringar, og teir skalt tú seta í tey hornini við tey bein borðsins. |
67,633 | 99,402 | If the country can't meet its obligations, it's not inconceivable that Greece will go bankrupt at the end of the month, and then the country will be kicked out of the eurozone as a currency. | Fær landið ikki hildið sínar skyldur, er ikki óhugsandi at Grikkaland fer á húsagang um mánaðarskiftið, og so verður landið koyrt úr samstarvinum um evruna sum gjaldoyra. |
67,634 | 99,404 | Although Óli Jacobsen will stay away from politics this time, he won't say he'll never return. | Hóast Óli Jacbsen fer at halda seg burtur frá politikki hesaferð, so vil hann kortini ikki siga, at hann ongantíð fer at venda aftur. |
67,635 | 99,405 | By stating that this was not possible. We forced the company that had the supplier responsibility for the project, Coop, to say no! | Við at staðfesta, at hetta bar ikki til. Vit trýstu fyritøkuna, sum hevði leverandørábyrgdina av verkætlanini, Coop, til at siga nei! |
67,636 | 99,406 | In the conclusion it says that the captain docked Skansanes at the pier in lesund at half past twelve at night and didn't turn in until four o'clock, because both the auxiliary engines were not working properly. | Í niðurstøðuni stendur, at skiparin legði Skansanes at bryggju í lesund klokkan hálvgum tvey um náttina og tørnaði ikki inn fyrr enn klokkan fýra, tí báðir ljósmotorarnir riggaðu illa. |
67,637 | 99,408 | But he points out that the agreement does not have an answer to the question of how the countries should reduce emissions depending on which stage of development they are at. | Men hann vísir tó á, at avtalan ikki hevur svar upp á spurninginum, hvussu londini skulu minka um útlátið alt eftir hvørjum meningarstigi, tey eru á. |
67,638 | 99,412 | Asked if the priest doesn't have any advice to give people in all the Christmas rush, he says that people should probably slow down a bit. | Spurdur um prestur ikki hevur onkur ráð at geva fólki í øllum jólameldrinum sigur hann, at fólk áttu ivaleyst at sett ferðina eitt sindur niður. |
67,639 | 99,413 | Here it is Dunnaldur, the grown-up and wise one, who takes the boys on a fantasy trip in a toy that Snurður Bikshani has made. | Her er tað Dunnaldur, ið er tann vaksni og skilagóði, ið fer við dreingjunum eina hugflogsferð í einum tóli, sum Snúrði Bikshani hevur gjørt. |
67,640 | 99,414 | If the aim is to coordinate large construction projects by reorganizing service offerings, the project becomes very complex. | Er talan um at samskipa stórar byggiverkætlanir við at umskipa tæn astutilboð, verður verkætlanin sera torgreidd. |
67,641 | 99,416 | This oath swore David to Saul, and Saul went home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold. | Henda eið svór Dávid Saul, og síðani fór Saul heim; men Dávid og menn hansara fóru niðan í fjallaborgina. |
67,642 | 99,417 | And it's not enough if we get the same opportunity to see what the Financial Supervisory Authority does as the Danish government has, says Helena Dam á Neystabø. | Og tað er ikki nóg mikið, um vit fáa sama møguleika at síggja, hvat Fíggjareftirlitið ger, sum danska stjórnin hevur, heldur Helena Dam á Neystabø. |
67,643 | 99,419 | Those who voted for this did so to show their dissatisfaction with society and it was done both harshly and clearly by the party founder, who is of Faroese descent. | Tey, ið atkvøddu fyri hesum, gjørdu tað fyri at vísa sína ónøgd við samfelagið og tað varð gjørt bæði hart og týðuliga av floksstovnaranum, sum er av føroyskari ætt. |
67,644 | 99,420 | Well, we're talking about a whole village that's on the way into a joblessness that might be worse than it was anywhere in And that John Petersen must not be allowed to throw us into. | Tvs, at vit tosa um eina heila bygd, sum er á veg ú í eitt arbeiðsloysi, sum kanska verður verri enn tað var nakrastaðni í Og tað má John Petersen ikki sleppa at tveita okkum í. |
67,645 | 99,421 | No, I'm not in any trouble at all, says Petur Michelsen smiling and pointing to the TV, which is just replaying the final from the Women's Handball World Championship on a German channel. | Nei, eg havi als onga neyð, sigur Petur Michelsen brosandi og peikar á sjónvarpið, sum júst endursendir finaluna frá HM í kvinnuhondbólti á einari týskari sendirás. |
67,646 | 99,424 | On each plank there shall be two tenons, joined with a mortise; thus shall you do to all the planks of the tabernacle. | Á hvørjum planka skulu vera tveir tappar, bundnir saman við lista; soleiðis skalt tú gera við allar plankar tabernakulsins. |
67,647 | 99,426 | Take care of him and use him for something positive, says Kolbrún Aðalsteinsdóttir, who hopes to see many Faroese youths at the model school in the coming times. | Ansað eftir honum og nýt hann til okkurt positivt, sigur Kolbrún Aðalsteinsdóttir, sum vónar at síggja nógvar føroyskar ungdómar á modelskúlanum í komandi tíðum. |
67,648 | 99,427 | Now that cell phones are in every pocket, there's no way to keep up with where everyone is. | Nú fartelefon er í hvørjum lumma, er einki fyri at halda seg kunnaðanum um, hvar hvør er staddur. |
67,649 | 99,428 | The New York Times writes that the new forecasts say that the harmful emissions from international air travel can grow more than half a second faster than the UN has otherwise estimated. | The New York Times skrivar, at nýggju forsøgnirnar siga, at skaðiligu útlátini frá altjóða flogferðslu kunnu vaksa meira enn hálva aðru ferð skjótari, enn ST annars hevur mett. |
67,650 | 99,429 | The spark must pull itself together if they are to live up to the hopes that are always placed on a team like them. | Neistin skal taka seg saman, um tær skulu liva upp til vónirnar, sum altíð eru til eitt slíkt stórlið, sum tær verða roknaðar at vera. |
67,651 | 99,431 | The vision behind this initiative is to create a system that aims to ensure as low an administrative cost as possible and that the return to the saver is as high as possible. | Hugsjónin aftan hetta átak er at fáa eina skipan, ið hevur til endamáls at tryggja ein so lágan umsitingarkostnað sum til ber og at avkastið til uppspararan er so stórt sum til ber. |
67,652 | 99,432 | Noise from ships and environmental degradation are issues that people in Hvítanes, Kollafjørður and Kaldbak want the City Council in Tórshavn to do something about. | Óljóð frá skipum og náttúruoyðing eru mál, sum fólk á Hvítanesi, í Kollafirði og í Kaldbak vilja hava býráðið í Havn at gera okkurt við. |
67,653 | 99,435 | But the wise ones answered: No, there won't be enough for us and for you; go rather to the merchants and buy for yourselves! | Men hinar klóku svaraðu:Nei, ikki verður nóg mikið bæði til okkara og tykkara; farið heldur til keypmenninar og keypið tykkum sjálvum!? |
67,654 | 99,439 | This will not be noticeable in the daily procedures for sales, but this will mean changes in the fees. | Hetta kemur í fyrsta umfari ikki at merkjast í dagligu mannagongduni fyri søluna, men kemur hetta at merkja broytingar í gjøldunum. |
67,655 | 99,441 | However, the overview shows that the municipality that had the greatest percentage increase last year is Húsa municipality. | Kortini vísir yvirlitið, at tann kommunan sum hevur havt størstu prosentvísu økingina í fjør er Húsa kommuna. |
67,656 | 99,442 | Annika Hoydal says that they have not heard anything yet from the negotiating parties about coming back to the negotiating table, and they themselves are not going to take the initiative to do so. | Annika Hoydal sigur, at tær hava einki hoyrt enn frá samráðingarpørtunum um at koma aftur til samráðingarborðið, og sjálvar ætla tær ikki at taka stig til tað. |
67,657 | 99,445 | Examination materials and examination questions will be sent to the examiner for approval well in advance of the examination being held. | Próvtøkutilfar og próvtøkuspurningar verða send próvdómaranum til góðkenningar í góðari tíð áðrenn próvtøkan verður hildin. |
67,658 | 99,446 | Not defined in the Act, but used in the Act in connection with the term "fishing gear", see above. | Ikki allýst í lógini, men verður nýtt í lógini í sambandi við hugtakið, "veiðievni", sí omanfyri. |
67,659 | 99,447 | If the equity is 15 percent, the total support will be 30 percent and the interest-bearing debt 55 percent. | Er eginpeningurin til dømis 15 prosent verður samlaði stuðulin 30 prosent og rentuberandi skuldin 55 prosent. |
67,660 | 99,448 | The Faroese fishing industry and aquaculture in the Faroe Islands have such large profits that most investments can be financed internally in the companies, or the installment can be paid after a short time. | Uppsjóvarvinnan og alivinnan í Føroyum hava so stór avlop, at flestu íløgurnar kunnu fíggjast innanhýsis í fyritøkunum, ella kann avdrátturin gjaldast eftir stuttari tíð. |
67,661 | 99,449 | The Public Health Council says in a public statement today that too much saturated fat increases the risk of too much cholesterol in the blood and of heart and vascular disease. | Fólkaheilsuráðið sigur í almennum skrivi í dag, at ov nógv mettað feitt ger vandan størri fyri at fáa ov nógv kolesterol í blóðið og fyri at fáa hjarta og æðrasjúku. |
67,662 | 99,450 | We'll also go to the radio archive, where we'll discuss old news stories with journalists, and Petur Øster will have the last word in the show. | Vit fara eisini í útvarpssavnið, har vit viðgera gamlar tíðindatekstir saman við tíðindafólkum, og Petur Øster fær seinasta orðið í sendingini. |
67,663 | 99,453 | So the Israelites went from Be'erot-Bene-Ja'akan and came to Mosera; there Aaron died and there he was buried, and Eleazar his son became priest in his place. | So fóru Ísraelsmenn úr Be'erot-Bene-Ja'akan og komu til Mosera; har doyði Áron, og har varð hann jarðaður, og sonur hansara Eleazar varð prestur í stað hansara. |
67,664 | 99,455 | A trade agreement will come before the Hoyvík Agreement, Poul Michelsen does not doubt, so there is no misfortune that the Hoyvík Agreement has been terminated. | Ein handilsavtala kemur fyri Hoyvíkssáttmálan, ivast Poul Michelsen ikki í, so tað er eingin ólukka, at Hovíkssáttmálin er sagdur upp. |
67,665 | 99,456 | The Swimming Federation's competition has now begun, and several sports teachers have been on a course to familiarise themselves with the system. | Merkjakappingin hjá Svimjisambandinum er nú byrjað, og fleiri ítróttalærarar hava verið á skeið fyri at kunna seg um skipanina. |
67,666 | 99,458 | The broad support will not be found until the issues are resolved, Høgni Hoydal says. | Tann breiða undirtøkan finst ikki, fyrr enn ivamálini eru avgreidd, slær Høgni Hoydal fast. |
67,667 | 99,459 | The loan that the Vágatunnilin joint-stock company took to build the tunnel has been repaid, but it will not be handed over to the country until next year, because first the tunnel must be upgraded. | Lánið, sum partafelagið Vágatunnilin tók at byggja tunnilin fyri, er goldið aftur, men hann verður ikki latin landinum fyrr enn næsta ár, tí fyrst skal tunnilin dagførast. |
67,668 | 99,460 | Instead of targeting the legitimate U.S. exports, China should stop harming the national security of the U.S. and disrupting the international market, said Lindsay Walters, spokeswoman. | Heldur enn at gera seg inn á rættvísa amerikanska útflutningin, eigur Kina at gevast við at skaða nationalu trygdina hjá US og at órógva altjóða marknaðin, sigur Lindsay Walters, talskvinna. |
67,669 | 99,461 | According to the Electricity Act, the Energy Authority is responsible for tendering new wind power and is also responsible for ensuring that there is competition for all new tenders. | Sambært elveitingarlógini hevur orkumyndugleikin ábyrgdina av at bjóða nýggja vindorku út og hevur eisini ábyrgdina av, at kapping er um øll nýggj útboð. |
67,670 | 99,462 | The Danish government has asked the Faroese to take the necessary legal steps before the expiration of the statute of limitations. | Danska stjórnin hevur biðið føroyingar um at taka tey neyðugu rættarligu stigini, áðrenn fyrningarfreistin gongur út. |
67,671 | 99,463 | Two other Norwegians also set personal bests in the 1500m race, but they ended up far down the leaderboard. | Tveir aðrir norðmenn settu eisini persónligt met á 1500 metrar kappingini, men teir endaðu langt niðri á stigatalvuni. |
67,672 | 99,464 | The ferry didn't sail on the Ykines route in September and until the autumn holiday, because the Strandferðslan was ordered to save a little over a million kroner. | Siglt varð ikki á ykinesleiðini í september og til heystfrítíðina, tí Strandferðsluni varð álagt at spara eina knappa millión krónur. |
67,673 | 99,465 | But if the owner is present, he shall not pay any compensation; if it was rented, the rent is compensation. | Men er ánarin hjástaddur, skal hann einki viðurlag lata; var tað leigað, so er leigan viðurlag. |
67,674 | 99,467 | It is said to be Phoebe Waller Bridge, who writes the script for the new James Bond film, who has decided to let a woman play the role of the 007 agent, writes the Swedish YLE. | Tað sigst verða Phoebe Waller Bridge, ið skrivar handritið til nýggja James Bond filmin, sum hevur tikið avgerð um at lata eina kvinnu spæla leiklutin sum 007 agenturin, skrivar svenska YLE. |
67,675 | 99,468 | Regarding the fear the State Representative has towards article 11 of the Home Rule Act, Finnbogi Ísakson says simply that the proposed amendment makes no change in that respect. | Viðvíkjandi óttanini, sum ríkisumboðið hevur mótvegis grein 11 í heimastýrislógini sigur Finnbogi Ísakson stutt og greitt, at uppskotna broytingin einki broytir í so máta. |
67,676 | 99,470 | It has been like that for many years, because at the same time as the National Hospital has received less and less money to work with, it has received more and more tasks. | Tað hevur hon verið í nógv ár, tí samstundis sum Landssjúkrahúsið hevur fingið minni og minni pengar at arbeitt við, hevur tað fingið alsamt fleiri og fleiri uppgávur. |
67,677 | 99,471 | At ten o'clock he sat down at the long table for the government meeting - on the same chair where the outgoing minister John Petersen used to sit. | Klokkan tíggju setti hann seg við langa borðið til landsstýrisfund - á sama stól, har fráfarni landsstýrismaðurin John Petersen plagdi at sita. |
67,678 | 99,473 | Crimea, whose residents are mostly Russians, has been the center of the conflict since the ousting of Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych. | Krim hálvoyggin, hvørs íbúgvar fyri tað mesta eru russar, hevur, síðan forsetin í Ukraina, Viktor Janukovitsj, varð rikin frá, verið miðdepil í stríðnum. |
67,679 | 99,474 | Last year we were beaten by the best car Williams, a car that at least seven current drivers could have won the championship in. | Í fjør vórðu vit sigraðir av tí besta bilinum Williams, ein bilur, sum minst sjey núverandi koyrarar kundu vunnið meistarheiti í. |
67,680 | 99,475 | The Danish Building and Property Agency has now signed a contract with the Danish construction company Ommen and Møller to rebuild and add an extra floor to the old BankNordik building at Húsagøta in Tórshavn. | Bygningsstyrelsen hevur nú gjørt sáttmála við danska byggifelagið Ommen og Møller um at umbyggja og gera eina hædd afturat á gamla BankNordik bygningin við Húsagøtu í Havn. |
67,681 | 99,476 | Ingi Rasmussen As everyone knows, the Danish government escaped with a rebuke for its handling of the banking issue after a question-and-answer session in the Folketing yesterday. | Ingi Rasmussen Sum øllum kunnugt frammanundan, so slapp danska stjórnin við einari ábreiðslu fyri hennara handfaring av bankamálinum eftir spurnarorðaskifti á Fólkatingi í gjár. |
67,682 | 99,477 | NSÍ, who have had major problems all season to field a team, were not easy to beat in the game against Kyndil. | NSÍ sum alt kappingarárið hevur havt stórar trupulleikar við at manna lið, vóru als ikki lættir at syfta í dystinum móti Kyndli. |
67,683 | 99,478 | The ways of organizing a regional psychiatry that meets the above requirements are many, and in neighbouring countries there are also quite different systems put into place. | Mátarnir at skipa eina økispsykiatri, sum skal liva upp til omanfyristandandi er nógvir og í grannalondunum eru eisini rættuliga ymiskar skipanir settar á stovn. |
67,684 | 99,479 | Some pay nothing and get everything, while others pay everything and get nothing, says Magnus Tausen to the Social, and that's really where the dissatisfaction of the teachers lies. | Summi gjalda einki og fáa alt, meðan onnur gjalda alt og fáa einki, sigur Magnus Tausen við Sosialin, og tað er í roynd og veru har, ónøgdin hjá lærarunum liggur. |
67,685 | 99,480 | How much would you have paid in travel allowance per year if the rates for travelling for domestic staff had applied? | Hvussu nógv hevdi verið goldið í ferðastuðli um árið, um takstirnir fyri ferðing hjá tænastufolki vóru galdandi? |
67,686 | 99,481 | This is how the quality of the Social Democratic Party's ranks speaks to itself now, and the political activity of the party these last two years has clearly been a great harm to our country. | Soleiðis talar góðskan í fylking Javnaðarfloksins nú til løgtingsvalið fyri seg sjálva, og politiska virksemi floksins hesi bæði seinastu árini hevur eyðsýnliga verið landi okkara til miklan skaða. |
67,687 | 99,484 | Additional support for accommodation is granted to students who have to move to the place of study. | Ískoytisstuðul til vistarhald verður latin avbygdanæmingum undir ár, sum noyðast at flyta til útbúgvingarstaðið. |
67,688 | 99,485 | It was a big change for the couple to go from the edge of the pond to the bottom of the pond after such a short time. | Tað var stórt umskifti hjá hjúnunum at fara av aldukambinum og niður í aldudalin eftir stuttari tíð. |
67,689 | 99,487 | All the whores they give a reward; but you gave all your loved ones gifts and bought them to come to you from all tribes and commit adultery with you. | Øllum skøkjum geva teir løn; men tú gavst øllum ástvinum tínum gávur og keypti teir til at koma til tín úr øllum ættum og dríva hor við tær. |
67,690 | 99,488 | They got him by mistake one summer night in the late thirties and, to say the least, Ishmael comes into the world with his backside facing a stormy Good Friday. | Tey gótu hann av misgáum eina summarnátt seint í tretivunum og ikki tær at siga kemur Ísmael í verðina við reyvini fyri ein illviðraðan langafríggjadag. |
67,691 | 99,489 | But when the financial framework was discussed in March this year, it was confirmed that this plan has been abandoned, because the resource fees are not intended to finance research vessels. | Men tá fíggjarkarmurin varð viðgjørdur í mars í ár varð staðfest, at hendan ætlan er slept, tí tilfeingisgjøld eru ikki markað til at fíggja havrannsóknarskip. |
67,692 | 99,490 | The Swedish district court will in 12 days consider the decision to re-arrest Assange, and if the court changes the decision, Assange can leave the embassy. | Svenski býarrætturin skal um 12 dagar viðgera avgerðina um at handtaka Assange av nýggjum, og broytir rætturin avgerðina, kann Assange fara av sendistovuni. |
67,693 | 99,491 | The question is whether we will once again witness one of the most gruesome and advanced forms of armed conflict in history. | Spurningurin er, um vit eina ferð enn skulu vera vitni til ein hin mest óhugnaliga framkomna les tilafturskomna, vápnaða samanbrestin í søguni. |
67,694 | 99,492 | The country's ownership role should therefore be carried out in such a way that the advantages of using the limited company are obtained and that the disadvantages are avoided as far as possible. | Landsins eigaraleiklutur eigur tí at verða útintur soleiðis, at teir fyrmunir, sum liggja í at nýta partafelagið, fáast burturúr, og at tað í mest møguligan mun slepst undan vansunum. |
67,695 | 99,494 | When asked why these preparations are being made in Tórshavn, she refers to the law that is the basis for the bank investigation. | Tá hon verður spurd, hví hesar fyrireikingarnar verða gjørdar í Tinganesi, vísir hon til lógina, sum er grundarlagið undir bankakanningini. |
67,696 | 99,496 | The main income for Tuvalu comes from selling stamps, but a large part of the income also comes from hosting phone sex lines. | Høvuðsinntøkurnar fær Tuvalu burtur úr sølu av frímerkjum, men ein stórur partur av inntøkunum koma eisini frá at hýsa telefonsex-linjum. |
67,697 | 99,498 | Turkey says the Kurdish YPG forces in Syria are linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has been waging an armed struggle against the Turkish state for decades. | Turkaland sigur, at kurdiska herliðið YPG í Sýria hevur samband við herðin hjá kurdiska arbeiðaraflokkinum PKK, sum í Turkalandi hevur verið í vápnaðum bardaga við turkiska herin í áratíggju. |
67,698 | 99,499 | The deal involves five oil and gas fields in Norwegian waters, and the purchase price is about half a billion kroner, Dong says to Berlingske Business. | Talan er um fimm olju og gassleiðir í norskum øki, og keypsprísurin er umleið eina hálva milliard krónur , upplýsir Dong fyri Berlingske Business. |
67,699 | 99,500 | Who wouldn't fear you, O King of the Nations! It's fitting; because among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms there is none like you. | Hvør skuldi ikki óttast Teg, Tú kongur tjóðanna! Tað sømir seg; tí millum allar vísmenn tjóðanna og í øllum ríkjum teirra er eingin sum Tú. |