this invention discloses a novel microneedle system , phase - transition microneedles , of which the microneedles formed of hydrophilic polymers are swelling but insoluble when absorbing water due to their internal cross - linked network through microcrystalline domains functioning as cross - linking junctions . the microneedles are sufficiently hard to penetrate the epidermis of the skin at dry state , but are converted to hydrogel state to release their loaded cargos by absorbing the body fluid in the dermis layer , and able to be withdrawn from the skin completely because of their insoluble network . moreover , formation of the insoluble polymeric network through microcrystalline domains of ptm is achieved by a mild freeze - thaw treatment , for which bio - active agents may be loaded safely in the microneedle tips by adding in the polymer solution prior to molding without denaturing .
the invention relates to a block copolymer containing : a ) hydrophobic biodegradable polymer ; b ) a hydrophilic polymer and c ) at least one reactive group for covalent binding of a surface - modifying substance d ) to the hydrophilic polymer b ). the invention relates to shaped bodies consisting of the block copolymer and to their utilization , particularly as carriers for tissue culture and active substances and for controlled release and targeted administration of active substances .
an enhanced antimicrobial antithrombogenic medical device is formed by using an oligodynamic metal and a noble metal with a polymer , and forming the mixture into a device . by using low concentrations of conductive polymers or ionophoric compounds , non - conductive , or highly plasticized polymers can be likewise blended into an iontophoretic - capable composition . the surface of the device may be treated with a solvent to remove the top surface of the polymer and create surface voids in the composition in order to expose previously encapsulated iontophoretic materials . this surface treatment results in a larger reaction area of the iontophoretic capable composition that produces larger yields of bacteriostatic oligodynamic ions for a longer duration thereby increasing the antimicrobial effectiveness of the composition . the surface of the antimicrobial composition may be treated with an anticoagulant such as heparin or heparin complexed with a quaternary ammonium salt for an added bacteriostatic effect .
an orthopedic implant with a diffusion - hardened surface on non - load bearing areas of the implant for interaction with non - load bearing surfaces of a polymeric bio - compatible material , such as uhmwpe . the orthopedic implant is a mobile - bearing knee prosthetic and system where a coating of oxidized zirconium is formed on the post of the tibial tray of the prosthetic for interaction with an opening of a polymeric tibial insert . the diffusion - hardened surface of the orthopedic implant provides a strengthened post and reduction in wear in the opening of the polymeric insert .
a biodegradable microfiber absorbent comprises a substantially homogeneous mixture of at least one hydrophilic polymer and at least one biodegradable polymer . the absorbent can be prepared by an electro hydrodynamic spinning of a substantially homogeneous polymer mixture . medical dressings for burns and wounds , cavity dressings , drug delivery patches , face masks , implants , drug carriers that comprises at least one microfiber electrospun from a polymer mixture are provided . the dressings can have variable water vapor penetration characteristics and variable biodegradation times .
the present invention provides an intraluminal stent comprising a metallic reinforcing component and a biodegradable polymeric material covering at least a portion of the metallic reinforcing component . the metallic reinforcing component provides structural reinforcement for the stent , but this reinforcement is insufficient , in the absence of the biodegradable polymeric material , to provide a stent capable of maintaining patency of a lumen upon implantation of the stent into the lumen . one advantage of the present invention , among others , is that a stent is provided in which reduced amounts of metallic component remain after degradation of the biodegradable polymeric material covering , in turn reducing the incidence of metal - associated adverse events that frequently follow implantation .
disclosed are a biodegradable film and an enhanced biodegradable fabric and laminate prepared by laminated biodegradable films , which mainly comprise pbat or pbs , or a mixture thereof , pla and other degradable high molecular polymers , such as pbsa , pcl , pcl - bs and pha , to prepare pla , and a new mixture of pla and phas , or a mixture of pla with pbat and pbs , or a mixture of pla and phas with pbat and pbs or other degradable high molecular polymers . the new fabrics and laminates have a stronger biodegradability in an environment containing microorganisms and have a good shelf life , and good strength , agility and flexibility .
a lower die or nest apparatus is described to create a hemming environment that locates and holds a metal panel to a frame using suction in a manner that substantially resists said loads on the panel without damage or deformation . the vacuum nest includes a frame made of a rigid material with an outer work surface and an interior region with a sealed elongated channel shaped to the contour of the metal panel . a polymeric rope is inlayed within a groove formed in the interior region to form the sealed elongated channel . a support member may be formed within the channel by inlaying additional polymeric ropes into grooves formed within the channel . a vacuum source is fluidly coupled with the sealed elongated channel to create a downward force by evacuating the volume of the channel .
the present disclosure relates to a multi - chamber bioreactor , preferably in a polymeric material with a 3d structure , adapted for cell - mono and co - culture , with at least two entries and outputs of culture medium adaptable to be used as a static culture system and to incorporate a dynamic platform creating a bioreactor . the disclosure also relates to a technique based on a bioreactor device that allows the creation of two or more different tissues integrated with the natural phenotype , using an integrated and continuous 3d support structure .
a decorative molding for motor vehicles , such as automobiles , for concealing the space between a body panel and an adjacent translucent member such as a window , a windshield , or a lamp cover , and also to minimize leakage of noise , water and dirt . the molding is an elongated polymeric member having a generally cylindrical foam strip which is continuously placed against a portion of the molding and bonded thereto , the strip thus providing a resilient seal for the molding when used between the body panel and the adjacent translucent member .
the machine includes a horizontal support for a plastic bag and a vertically movable heat - sealing head pivoted to the support for upward movement through an aperture in the support to contact the plastic bag . a vertically movable pressure platen having a vacuum head for holding a patch thereon is mounted directly above the heat - sealing head and is adapted to be moved into engagement with the plastic bag so that the patch can be heat - sealed to the bag . a cutter is mounted adjacent the pressure platen for reciprocating movement along an oblique path to intersect the aperture in the support directly beneath the pressure platen to provide a slit in the plastic bag prior to the heat - sealing of the patch on the bag over the slit .
a container opener comprising a handle portion on which force is applicable when removing a lid from a container and a utility portion for engaging with said lid to be removed from said container , one or both of said portions are generally made of a resilient but relatively stiff material , which said utility portion is provided with a gripping means made of an elastomeric material or a soft plastic material for gripping and / or simultaneous movement with said lid .
disclosed is a method for preparing a semi - furanic copolyamide containing at least one furanic dicarboxylic acid moiety and at least one aliphatic diamine moiety in the backbone . the method is based on solid - state polymerization . particularly , the method uses a biomass - derived furanic dicarboxylic acid as a raw material . a semi - furanic copolyamide prepared by the method has molecular weight and color levels that are practically required in industrial applications . in addition , the semi - furanic copolyamide can replace fossil fuels due to its good thermal stability and is suitable for use as an environmentally friendly bioplastic .
a hand - held electric sealer used for sealing a plastic bag or the like , including a casing , a sealing mechanism , a press bar , and a safety device . the sealing mechanism has a heating wire , which produces heat for sealing the plastic bag or the like when turned on . the safety device controls the heating of the sealing mechanism , and stops the sealing mechanism from being triggered accidentally .
a degradable polyester stent is disclosed , which includes a polyester composite , wherein the polyester composite is produced from a biodegradable polyester and a metal - based material . a method of preparing the degradable polyester stent is also disclosed . the method can improve the mechanical properties of the biodegradable copolymer stent and can achieve the radiopacity of the main body and the overall of the stent .
process for separating preshredded carpet materials into as many as three main components of different densities which comprises finely comminuting the carpet materials in the liquid phase . the density of the liquid phase is adjusted to a level between two adjacent densities of the components . separation of one component from the other components and from the liquid phase in the suspension is effected in a double - cone full - jacketed screw centrifuge . the process is repeated if there are two materials of different densities in the other components fraction . the process is useful for recovering nylon , polyester , or polypropylene from carpet scraps which nylon or polyester can be depolymerized to reusable monomers and which polypropylene can be reprocessed into pellets , non - wovens or fibers .
collapsible container comprising a base , front and rear upwardly extending sections interconnected by a plurality of longitudinal members defining side sections and pivotally attached to said upwardly extending sections . the longitudinal members are pivotable from open position to collapsed position so that the front section closes upon said rear section . the former position is secured by stop means attached to the base portion and positioned to bear against the lower portions of generally u - shaped handle member pivotally attached to the uppermost of the longitudinal members to stabilize the container in open position . the longitudinal members are preferably of approximately convex cross section , opening downwardly to facilitate nesting and intromission of said members on rotation of said side sections to collapsed condition . the longitudinal members are preferably constructed of flexible resilient material such as plastic . in a preferred embodiment , the longitudinal members are resiliently , detachably secured to channel members provided on said front and rear sections .
a process for the manufacture of panels , wherein a superficial covering including at least one fabric portion is surrounded by an adjacent portion of plastic material , wherein the covering is coupled by molding to a plate of heated thermoplastic material , simultaneously with the shaping of the plate . the process brings a considerable area of the fabric portion into contact with the heated plate before coupling of the whole covering by utilizing at least one pressing element such as a dandy roll , or similar movable piece of the die , positioned in correspondence with the corresponding fabric portion .
the present invention relates to methods for functionalizing a surface , comprising exposing a surface of a polymeric material to an atmospheric pressure glow plasma discharge , wherein exposure to the plasma discharge functionalizes the surface of the polymeric material . the present invention further provides for methods for functionalizing a polymeric material , wherein the functionalized surface has conjugated thereto bioactive agents . the present invention is also directed to compositions comprising a functionalized surface with attached bioactive agents .
a resorbable interbody fusion device for use in spinal fixation is disclosed . the device is composed of 25 - 100 % bioresorbable or resorbable material . the interbody fusion device of the invention can be in any convenient form , such as a wedge , screw or cage . preferably , the resorbable device of the invention is in the shape of a tapered wedge or cone , which further desirably incorporates structural features such as serrations or threads better to anchor the device in the adjoining vertebrae . the preferred device further comprises a plurality of peripheral voids and more desirably a central void space therein , which may desirably be filled with a grafting material for facilitating bony development and / or spinal fusion , such as an autologous grafting material . as the preferred material from which the resorbable interbody fusion device is manufactured is most likely to be a polymer that can produce acidic products upon hydrolytic degradation , the device preferably further includes a neutralization compound , or buffer , in sufficiently high concentration to decrease the rate of ph change as the device degrades , in order to prevent sterile abscess formation caused by the accumulation of unbuffered acidic products in the area of the implant .
the invention relates to polymeric laminates for packaging . according to the invention , such laminates contain an oxygen barrier layer which is composed of a hydrolysed olefin / vinyl ester copolymer , preferably a hydrolysed ethylene / vinyl acetate copolymer . other layers in the laminate protect the oxygen barrier layer from moisture and provide a heat - sealable surface layer . the laminates withstand the temperatures of 80 °- 130 ° c employed in pasteurisation and sterilisation procedures , and are therefore of value in the preparation of pasteurised and sterilised packages of oxygen - sensitive foodstuffs .
the present invention provides a ground cover mat that protects the terrain from a vehicle or the like . the ground cover mat is manufactured by molding recycled polyethylene plastic into a sheet - like mat , which is inexpensive , relatively light in weight , durable in harsh conditions and easy to cut . the ground cover mat includes a pattern of lugs on its upper and lower surfaces to provide a traction surface for the vehicle and to provide friction between the terrain and the ground cover mat .
a process for producing laminated glass - plastic lenses utilizing optically finished glass - ceramic mold components having specified thermal expansion , strength and thermal conductivity characteristics in a direct casting procedure wherein the lenses are cooled in the molds after curing to provide high selections of physically durable lenses .
a compost filter netting comprises plastic netting formed in a tube having a diameter of 6 ″- 36 ″ wherein the plastic netting includes netting openings of ⅛ - ⅜ ″ and configured to be filled with compost to form a compost filter sock , wherein the linear length of the compost filter sock is not less than 93 % of the linear length of the originally manufactured empty compost filter netting . a method of forming a compost filter sock using the compost filter netting and the compost filter sock made thereby is disclosed . the compost filter netting substantially eliminates the problem of miscalculation of shrink rate that is problematic for in field applications .
this invention pertains to cationic acrylic colloidal dispersion polymers which contain a stabilizer that is covalently bonded to the polymer . more particularly , the invention pertains to the use of stabilizer - containing cationic acrylic colloidal dispersion polymer compositions to enhance the ink jet printability of coating formulations .
aqueous solutions of polysaccharide biopolymers , e . g ., xanthomonas / carbohydrate fermentation worts , are treated with mutanase - containing enzymes to improve the filterability and injectability thereof , and are well adapted , e . g ., for secondary and tertiary hydrocarbon recovery by waterflooding therewith .
applicants have produced a chromophore and a polymer that are highly sensitive to the presence of various agents , including organophosphates , pesticides , neurotoxins , metal ions , some explosives , and biological toxins . the detection is accomplished by detecting a change in the fluorescence characteristics of the chromophore or polymer when in the presence of the agent to be detected . the chromophore and polymer may be incorporated into sensors of various types , and they are adaptable for potential field use in areas where detection of these types of agents is desired .
a method of connecting a plastic workpiece to a further workpiece and a device for carrying out the method are shown and described . the object of providing a method with which a positive - locking connection between a plastic workpiece and a further workpiece can be produced in a short time and without considerable outlay in terms of apparatus is achieved by a method comprising the following steps : providing a plastic workpiece and a further workpiece , placing the further workpiece against the plastic workpiece , providing a connecting element on a surface of the plastic workpiece , this surface being opposite the surface against which the further workpiece bears , producing a recess in the further workpiece , this recess being provided on the surface bearing against the plastic workpiece , heating the connecting element , so that the material of the connecting element is plasticized , and pressing plasticized material into the recess .
a deformable label comprising a printable film facestock having at least one layer containing incompatible polymers . the printable film facestock exhibits significantly reduced die - face buildup during extrusion of the printable film facestock when compared to the die - face buildup exhibited by film facestock of the prior art . the present invention provides for monolayer film facestock containing incompatible polymers and colorants . the present invention also allows printable film facestock to be produced in a more cost - effective manner .
an apparatus for the production of plastic pipes with transverse grooves comprising half shells each having a mold recess which are arranged on a machine bed driven in a cycle . the half shells are assembled in pairs in a molding path to form a complete mold , the injection head of an extruder being arranged at the beginning of the molding path . furthermore , the half shells are provided with vacuum channels , each vacuum channel being connected to a respective mold recess . the vacuum channels are joined into vacuum connections formed in the machine bed , and the half shells are provided with cooling channels which join into cooling water inlets and outlets in the machine bed . in order to ensure an exact setting of the half shells during the molding operation , the cooling channels , on the one hand , and the vacuum channels on the other hand , in a given half shell are completely separated from each other .
the invention relates to a dynamic mold seal for use in a method of molding apparatus to mold a polymeric frame or gasket onto the periphery of a glass sheet . the seal and method are preferably utilized to form a vehicle window .
unsaturated heterocyclic carbonyl - containing compounds , e . g ., 2h - imidazol - 2 - ones , 2 - oxazolones and 2h , 3h - pyrrol - 2 - ones , are prepared by the anodic oxidation of saturated heterocyclic carbonyl - containing precursors of the above compounds in a c 1 - 4 alcohol or carboxylic acid solvent in the presence of a supporting electrolyte followed by dehydrosubstitution of the alkoxy - or acyloxy - substituted intermediate . the products formed may be polymerized or copolymerized with other ethylenically unsaturated monomers to prepared resins , films , etc . or they may be employed as intermediates for the preparation of various biologically active compounds .
disclosure is made of a novel sheath and the method of its use for protecting electrical conductors and connections . the sheath comprises a tubular body which defines an interior space . the space contains an expandable , synthetic , polymeric resin foam forming composition . the method of the invention comprises inserting an electrical conductor or connection into the sheath of the invention and activating the foam forming composition to foam and encapsulate the conductor or connection . the installed sheaths protect the conductors and / or connections from degradation by environmental conditions , are resilient and improve the insulative quality of the electrical connection .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against said disease .
an ejector assembly for use with a mold for molding plastic parts include a first stationary member , a second stationary member and an ejector plate moveable between the first and second stationary members . a core blade lifter is provided that includes a lifter foot assembly that is moveable with the ejector plate . the core blade lifter includes a lifter rod pivotally mounted to the lifter foot assembly and moveable laterally and longitudinally in response to movement of the ejector plate . a stationary helper pin is provided generally parallel to the lifter rod . the core blade lifter includes a helper carrier pivotally mounted to the lifter foot assembly and moveable along the helper pin .
a portable , lightweight , easy - to - carry , reusable , durable , and environmentally - friendly assembly for sterilizing contaminated equipment using conditions of a chemical sterilant , heat , and humidity generated in situ without requiring external electricity , fuels , or other exogenous energy sources for operation . the carry assembly includes a plastic carry - case or insulated aluminum pressure vessel having an inner chamber for accepting microbiologically contaminated objects , a vessel disposed in the chamber for serving as a reaction chamber and / or boiler , a chemical combination which upon mixing generates at least minimally sufficient conditions of the sterilant , heat , and humidity to effect sterilization of the objects , and outlet valves mounted on the carry - case for controllably venting pressures above ambient air pressure .
a lipid or other hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound is integrated into a polymeric matrix for drug delivery to alter drug release kinetics . in embodiments where the drug is water soluble , the drug is released over longer periods of time as compared to release from the polymeric matrix not incorporating the hydrophobic compound into the polymeric material . in contrast to methods in which a surfactant or lipid is added as an excipient , the hydrophobic compound is actually integrated into the polymeric matrix , thereby modifying the diffusion of water into the microparticle and diffusion of solubilized drug out of the matrix . the integrated hydrophobic compound also prolongs degradation of hydrolytically unstable polymers forming the matrix , further delaying release of encapsulated drug .
a system for controlled release both in vivo and in vitro of entrapped substances , either at a constant rate over a period of time or in discrete pulses , is disclosed . biologically active substances , such as drugs , hormones , enzymes , genetic material , antigens including viruses , vaccines , or inorganic material such as dyes and nutrients , are entrapped in liposomes which are protected from the biological environment by encapsulation within semi - permeable microcapsules or a permeable polymeric matrix . release of the entrapped substance into the surrounding environment is governed by the permeability of both the liposome and surrounding matrix to the substance . permeability of the liposome is engineered by modifying the composition and method for making the liposomes , thereby producing liposomes which are sensitive to a specific stimuli such as temperature , ph , or light ; or by including a phospholipase within some or all of the liposomes or the surrounding matrix ; or by destabilizing the liposome to break down over a period of time ; or by any combination of these features .
a writing instrument , substantially of plastic , having a scent impregnated substantially throughout the plastic , thereby affording a long - term release of scent .
a material that can be applied as implants designed to artificially replace or augment the cornea , such as an artificial cornea , corneal onlay , or corneal inlay is provided . the artificial corneal implant has a double network hydrogel with a first network interpenetrated with a second network . the first network and the second network are based on biocompatible polymers . at least one of the network polymers is based on a hydrophilic polymer . the artificial cornea or implant has epithelialization promoting biomolecules that are covalently linked to the surface of the double network hydrogel using an azide - active - ester chemical linker . corneal epithelial cells or cornea - derived cells are adhered to the biomolecules . the double network has a physiologic diffusion coefficient to allow passage of nutrients to the adhered cells .
a process for preparing assymetric polyvinylidene fluoride microporous membranes using novel pore forming agents of an ammonium salt which is a non - solvent for the polymeric casting solution ; such agents for example being ammonium hydroxide , ammonium chloride and the like .
a hot melt colored ink comprising : a coloring component being at least one selected from the group consisting of carbon black , an inorganic pigment , an organic pigment , a dye and an inorganic extender pigment ; phytosterol and / or a derivative thereof in an amount of 0 . 1 to 90 % by weight of the hot melt colored ink ; and optionally a thermoplastic resin in an amount of 1 to 80 % by weight of the hot melt colored ink . according to the hot melt colored ink of the present invention , various disadvantages found in conventional hot melt colored ink , such as grime , patchy , unsharpness and stain of transferred print does not occur and a print evenness and a performance of transferred print on a transferable recording material are sufficient .
a process for forming a specific length of extruded thermoplastics material trim strip for automobiles includes the step of extruding the strip directly onto an endless carrier belt moving at a speed matching the emergence speed of the extrudate . the extrudate , therefore , is less subject to stresses causing unpredictable length changes on cooling . it is therefore possible to predetermine the cooled , matured , final lengths of strip and to provide moulded end portions on - line .
nanoporous polymers with gyroid nanochannels can be fabricated from the self - assembly of degradable block copolymer , polystyrene - b - poly , followed by the hydrolysis of plla blocks . a well - defined nanohybrid material with sio 2 gyroid nanostructure in a ps matrix can be obtained using the nanoporous ps as a template for the sol - gel reaction . after subsequent uv degradation of the ps matrix , a highly porous inorganic gyroid network remains , yielding a single - component material with an exceptionally low refractive index .
methods and apparatus for producing an integral housing includes an inner and outer mold . a plurality of frames having plastic sheets are joined together to form the inner mold when pressurized inside of a rigid outer mold . the edges of the plastic sheets are sealed to prevent leakage of pressure .
an extrusion molding apparatus for a product having a wood pattern and an extrusion molding method are disclosed , in which a second synthetic resin containing a wood powder of 80 ˜ 120 meshes at a predetermined ratio is fed to a die through a second extruder and then is coated on a surface of the product , thereby providing an esthetic surface and an improved durability . the extrusion molding apparatus is designed to successively produce a product having a wood pattern with a predetermined sectional shape by feeding a thermoplastic synthetic resin to an extruder and extruding the product through a die installed at an outlet of the extruder , wherein a second inlet is formed at one side of the die to fit a second synthetic resin thereinto , a second extruder which feeds the second synthetic resin is connected to the second inlet , and a second passage communicated with the second inlet of the die is formed to communicate with an original synthetic resin passage formed in the die , thereby coating the second synthetic resin on a surface of the product extruded from the die .
a method for packaging is described for enhancing the attractiveness of an artificial hydrophilic polymeric soft fish bait to fish , comprising : immersing or suspending said soft bait in a package with an aqueous suspension of biological fluids from an animal , the water - soluble fraction of biological fluids from an animal , or an artificial simulated fluid thereof , so that the soft bait absorbs said fluid and an animal odor / flavor components contained therein .
a lightweight , dimensionally stable steel rule die for cutting and scoring carton blanks having a die board containing cutting and scoring rules which is formed of a laminated plastic construction adapted to register and coact with a steel counterplate over prolonged production runs and maintain registration within a tolerance range of about ± 0 . 002 inches .
the present invention relates to in situ polymerization of fluoropolymer into porous substrates , to improve resistance to wear , tear and creep , decay , and degradation by wetting , staining and warping , and to improve durability while maintaining the appearance of the substrate .
chelating ligand precursors for the preparation of olefin methathesis catalysts are disclosed . the resulting catalysts are air stable monomeric species capable of promoting various methathesis reactions efficiently , which can be recovered from the reaction mixture and reused . internal olefin compounds , specifically beta - substituted styrenes , are used as ligand precursors . compared to terminal olefin compounds such as unsubstituted styrenes , the beta - substituted styrenes are easier and less costly to prepare , and more stable since they are less prone to spontaneous polymerization . methods of preparing chelating - carbene methathesis catalysts without the use of cucl are disclosed . this eliminates the need for cucl by replacing it with organic acids , mineral acids , mild oxidants or even water , resulting in high yields of hoveyda - type methathesis catalysts . the invention provides an efficient method for preparing chelating - carbene metathesis catalysts by reacting a suitable ruthenium complex in high concentrations of the ligand precursors followed by crystallization from an organic solvent .
an improved implantable pharmaceutical depot for the prolonged release of at least one biologically active substance , the depot comprising a polymeric carrier and the biologically active substance , the improvement wherein the depot is coated or surface modified with a biologically active and biocompatible glass , glass - ceramic or ceramic material , the coating or modified surface being capable of forming a bond to soft tissue upon implantation . methods for forming the biologically active and biocompatible glass , glass - ceramic or ceramic coating or modified surface on the silicone based depot are also disclosed .
apparatus is provided for cleaning industrial apparel such as wire mesh safety gloves used in processing meats such as chickens . the apparatus employs a containment chamber within which a conveyor carries the gloves which are mounted upon substantially elevated glove mounts . within the chamber , high pressure nozzles are rotated to express hot chlorinated water upon the gloves over a residence interval of about one minute . the apparatus employs parallel inputs of hot and cold water , the latter being chlorinated within a range of about 150 to 200 ppm . cleanability is enhanced through the utilization of facilely removed light weight flat front and side doors and a pivoting forward deck assembly . bacteria - promoting pockets and the like are minimized through the utilization of sanitary welds and o - ring mounted polymeric bearing blocks .
light sensitive condensed copolymers or multi - polymers of at least two distinct diazonium salts of the types specified herein . the product is characterized by high light speed , good shelf life and very good resistance to thermal and electrical degradation .
the present invention relates to conducting polymer nanowires and their use in a brain - machine interface which is secure , robust and minimally invasive . in accordance with a first aspect of the present invention , a vascular - based brain - machine interface comprising conducting polymer nanowires is disclosed .
the present invention is directed to aryl halide functionalized carbon nanotubes that can be utilized in anionic polymerization processes to form polymer - carbon nanotube materials with improved dispersion ability in polymer matrices . in this process the aryl halide is reacted with an alkyllithium species or is reacted with a metal to replace the aryl - bromine bond with an aryl - lithium or aryl - metal bond , respectively . it has further been discovered that other functionalized carbon nanotubes , after deprotonation with a deprotonation agent , can similarly be utilized in anionic polymerization processes to form polymer - carbon nanotube materials . additionally or alternatively , a ring opening polymerization process can be performed . the resultant materials can be used by themselves due to their enhanced strength and reinforcement ability when compared to their unbound polymer analogs . additionally , these materials can also be blended with pre - formed polymers to establish compatibility and enhanced dispersion of nanotubes in otherwise hard to disperse matrices resulting in significantly improved material properties . the resultant polymer - carbon nanotube materials can also be used in drug delivery processes due to their improved dispersion ability and biodegradability , and can also be used for scaffolding to promote cellular growth of tissue .
plastic shopping bags having upper and lower seams , at least one side gusset , an open bag mouth and upper bag handles has attached promotional ad strips . the strips include a central removable portion and a pair of remainder portions at either end of the strip that are sealed into the upper and lower seams . the ad strips are registered to the upper and lower bag seams so that whole numbers of the coupons , messages or promotions will fall within the removable portion of the strip . perforations join the removable portion of the strip to the remainder portions . an apparatus for registering the ad strips to plastic shopping bags includes markers on the bags and on the ad strips , sensors to detect the markers , a controller to match the speed of the ad strips to that of the bag blanks , a sealer , bag cutter and either a stacker or a winder .
the invention is directed to a product carrier , pallet or skid formed of substantially homogeneous molded polymeric / copolymeric synthetic plastic material of a one - piece construction . the carrier includes an upper surface above which projects one or more elongated shock - absorbing fins , ribs or equivalent structure for absorbing impact - forces through deformation upon the carrier and a relatively heavy product carried thereby being dropped or mishandled . one or more fasteners snugly secure the product against the shock - absorbing fins of the carrier and are also in freely sliding relationship thereto to accommodate product movement relative to the carrier upon deformation of the shock - absorbing fins / structure . the carrier is also preferably constructed as an open frame with at least a pair of supporting feet being disposed in opposing relationship to each other and underlying a frame member of the product which in turn underlies a relatively heavy area thereof , such as a compressor of a refrigerator , to afford additional support upon deformation of the shock - absorbing fins / structure .
a flange for a container opening has an internally threaded aperture to receive a plug , and a plurality of external serrations in a circularly spaced - apart relationship around the periphery of the upper portion of the flange . the plug is externally threaded and , when mated with the flange , closes the aperture . both the flange and the plug are molded out of plastic material as single integral components . on the lower portion of the flange is an annular lip which is positioned beneath and extends radially beyond the external serrations . a container suitable for the flange has a boss around the container opening in a wall of the container . the boss is formed with internal serrations equal in number to the number of external serrations on the flange . this boss can be crimped onto the flange placed in the opening , such that the two groups of serrations permanently interlock with one another thereby securely locking the flange into the container . at the same time the annular lip seals against the inner face of the wall . the plug is removable from the flange when access to the contents of the container is desired .
a fishing boat has two pontoons connected by a panel . the boat is made of expanded copolymer , preferably a mixture of polystyrene and polyethylene . the bottom of the panel is above the water line when the boat is carrying a normal load . a motor mount is clamped to the stern of the boat by bolting a metal plate above and below a pad at the rear of the panel . a tie rod connects the front of the pontoons . bores or buckets in the top of the pontoons are closed by a plastic cover over a plastic rim adhered into the top of the bores or buckets .
the invention is directed to a carbonated beverage dispenser and to a method of dispensing carbonated beverage . the dispenser comprises a canister having a side wall , a bottom wall and an open end with a removable lid for closing the open end during operation . a dispensing tube having a puncturing end is provided in the bottom of the canister for puncturing a beverage container loaded into the canister . the dispensing tube is connected to a flow control valve for controlling dispensing of beverage from the container . low pressure beverage containers such as plastic or glass bottles and aluminum cans can be used in the dispenser by shaking the canister and container of beverage therein to agitate the carbonated beverage and release dissolved carbon dioxide gas prior to dispensing a serving in order to eventually dispense the entire contents of the beverage container . the dispenser effects a seal with the punctured opening to prevent the carbonated beverage from going flat in the time between the dispensing of different servings .
an aptamer - based solid - state electrochemical biosensor for label - free detection of salmonella enterica serovars utilizing immobilized aptamers . the device is realized by forming a matrix array of parallel capacitors , thus allowing the realization of low - cost , portable , fully integrated devices . protein - aptamer binding modulates the threshold voltage of a circuit , changing the impedance of the circuit . this circuit is further characterized by an electrode coded with a p - si substrate , enhancing the affinity between the salmonella outer membrane proteins and the aptamer . an aptamer embedded detection plate is configured within a testing lid device that fits a standard , commercially available polymer specimen jar . a sample is mixed with broth for incubation and cultivation of any present salmonella bacteria to obtain acceptable concentration of the pathogen for testing . the information obtained can then be transmitted by wireless network .
the present invention teaches a vehicle window mosquito net having an excess of fabric beyond the dimension of the vehicle window so that the excess fabric may be draped over the vehicle door and the door closed to secure up to three sides of the invention in place . the present invention further teaches use of flexible polymer tubing on at least one edge , such as the bottom edge , the flexible polymer tubing dimensioned and configured to fit into the window channel at the bottom of a typical vehicle window . the present invention yet further teaches that mosquito netting for vehicles may advantageously be held in place by hook - and - loop fabric engaging the vehicle &# 39 ; s fabric interior , may come equipped with small devices such as pockets , pouches and ties which allow easy storage when not in use and may be coated with a pyrethroid insecticide .
a support for receiving and supporting stacked tiers of cylindrical roll stock is provided . the support can be either located on the base tier of the rolls , folded between tiers , or placed on the top tier , all to provide a rectangular stacked arrangement of the roll stock that is especially suited for storage or transport . the roll support includes a support body that is preferably formed from a resinous plastic , polymeric material , such as pet that includes a plurality of curved cradles and each curved cradle is sized for receiving a roll of cylindrical stock . a multiple of the support bodies combine to support a multiple of the rolls of cylindrical stock in a tiered array . each support body can substantially support the weight of each roll of cylindrical stock received within its curved cradles . the weight of the support body is less than the supported weight of the roll of cylindrical stock . additionally , the support can nest together in storage , with a minimum of increase in the nested stack height , when roll supports are added to the stack .
a method for producing a cable including at least one transmissive element , for example , an element transmitting electrical energy or optionally optical signals as well , and an expanded and cross - linked coating layer in a radially outer position with respect to the at least one transmissive element , the coating layer having a composition including an expandable and cross - linkable polymeric material . the method includes a ) extruding the composition ; b ) forming a coating layer made of expandable and cross - linkable polymeric material with the composition thus extruded ; c ) expanding the coating layer made of expandable and cross - linkable polymeric material ; and d ) cross - linking the coating layer made of expandable and cross - linkable polymeric material . the expanding and cross - linking steps c ) and d ) are carried out by heating the coating layer made of expandable and cross - linkable polymeric material at atmospheric pressure by means of a suitable heating fluid . savings in production time and costs are attained by the method .
a combination fluid collection container and drive - up service point in a traffic lane . the fluid collection container for retention of leaked automobile fluids is thermally bonded to the traffic lane surface adjacent to a drive up service point . the shallow , rectangular basin is formed of a thermoplastic material which is impervious to automotive fuels and lubricants , and resistant to wear and degradation by the environment . the container is formed of multiple thermoplastic components which are assembled during installation on the traffic lane surface . these components include a base sheet which provides the bottom surface of the container , side walls , and end walls . the outer edges of the end walls may be tapered during installation to remove any abrupt discontinuities in the traffic lane surface . the leaked fluids are retained within the container until removed in compliance with local laws and codes .
the invention relates to graft copolymers of crosslinked polymers and linear polyoxyethylene , processes for their production , and their use as a substrate for peptide or nucleotide synthesis or for the covalent fixation of peptides , active protein compounds , and enzymes for affinity chromotography , diagnostic agents , and biotechnological methods .
now , according to the present invention , composite solar control films are provided that are effective at controlling solar radiation while also presenting an appealing coloration . composite solar control films of the present invention comprise two or more polymer films bonded together , wherein at least one of the polymer film layers comprises a layer of non - stoichiometric aluminum oxide .
the invention relates to a wound dresssing comprising a lower layer of a hydrogel of a polymer cross - linked under the influence of electron beam radiation , to which optionally one or more medicinal and / or antibacterial agents and / or one or more auxiliary substances have been added , and a polymeric top layer , in which the top layer consists at least substantially of an elastomer selected from the group consisting of a silicone rubber , a polyetherpolyurethane copolymer , a polyester - polyurethane copolymer , a polyether - polyester copolymer and an optionally modified block copolymer based on suitable vinyl monomers , and that a fibrous layer is provided between the lower layer and the top layer for bonding the two layers together . the invention further relates to a method of preparing said wound dressing .
a class of molecularly imprinted polymers that specifically recognizes and binds to nitrosamines members of which class are useful , for example , in analysis and separation of nitrosamines from biological fluids . such molecularly imprinted polymers are also useful in methods of treating and manufacturing tobacco products and materials .
a hot melt adhesive composition can be made using a polyester derived from 2 - propanoic acid . a thermoplastic resin grade polyester can be formulated into a functional adhesive using adhesive components . a lower molecular weight material can be used as a tackifying resin with a biodegradable / compostable resin in a formulated hot melt adhesive . the adhesive material can be made pressure sensitive and can be made entirely by a degradable by combining the polyester polymer with other biodegradable / compostable ingredients . the resulting adhesive composition that can be used in a variety of applications . the biodegradable / compostable adhesive material can be used as a substitute for non - biodegradable materials made from commercial polymers that resist attack by bacteria , fungi and other microbial populations . the hot melt adhesives can be used in packaging and the manufacture of disposable articles which are made from degradable materials . the entire disposable article can be made from adhesives and structural materials that are fully biodegradable / compostable .
a secure stent for maintaining a lumenal opening constructed preferably as a tubular structure of niti material or bioabsorbable polymers . the circumference of the tube is preferably in the shape of a polygon in contrast to the circular or oval shape of a body lumen into which the stent is to be placed . the polygon shape and ribs provides interference with the lumen wall and resists stent migration . the diameter of the stent tube is configured with each end enlarged providing flanges for interference with a lumen wall . the central portion of the stent is also bulged out to an increased diameter to provide an enhanced lumen wall resistance to avoid migration . in addition , the locking feature of a ribbed structure prevents the stent from collapsing , and thereby maintains the lumen opening . the stent is preferably constructed from polymers , including bioabsorbable polymers , and / or super elastic materials . the bioabsorbable polymer construction aids removal by causing the tube diameter to collapse . removal of the stent can therefore be accomplished by simply grasping the proximal end of the stent . alternatively , a stent constructed entirely of bioabsorbable material will eventually be entirely absorbed , avoiding the need for removal . alternatively , the stent can be preferably constructed of niti or other shape memory material and set in the desired shape at a high temperature . installation is accomplished by cooling the stent to the malleable martensite state and winding it on a small diameter mandrel of an insertion / removal tool . the compacted stent is then placed in a probe and inserted in a body lumen , whereupon it is heated to an austenite state where it regains its spring tension , forcing it back toward the set shape . removal is accomplished by cooling the stent to the malleable martensite state and pulling it out . if the selected material is bioabsorbable , the stent generally does not have to be removed .
a barrier spout and cap assembly mounted on a flexible bag or pouch of plastic laminate film having barrier material incorporated therein to prevent the permeation of various gases and especially oxygen . the structures of the spout and its cooperating removable and replaceable cap are such that they provide a barrier to gas permeation at the joint between the spout and bag and through the cap . the cap and associated barrier are removeable and replaceable to facilitate filling of the bag .
frying processes utilizing cooking oil at elevated temperatures can cause various degradation effects in the oil including oxidation , hydrolysis and / or polymerization . in the absence of additives to protect the oil , the nutritional profile and cooking performance of degraded oil diminishes the quality of food cooked therein . the disclosed methods and compositions provide beneficial and cost effective improvements in the cooking performance of oil used at elevated temperatures , for example , in food frying equipment .
a fluid collection device having a primary container and a secondary container and a two stage fixation system for facilitating and controlling the fixation of cells in a sample of a biological fluid such as urine . the primary container generally comprises a plastic cup having a filtering apparatus disposed within it for filtering cells from the fluid . the primary container may contain a first stage fixative . the device further comprises a cover comprising a pressurizing chamber for forcing fluid through the filter and fixative delivery chamber for dispensing a fixative into the primary container . the filtered fluid may be reserved within a secondary container attached to the primary container . the filter having the cells retained on its surface is removable from the primary container for the purpose of laboratory analyses of the cells .
an apparatus for producing blow - molded containers having thickened flanges . the apparatus utilizes movable mold halves having separable side and end components and a stationary central mold element disposed between the movable mold halves to form containers having thickened radial flanges . the movable mold halves and stationary central mold elements together enclose a mold chamber . after the parison of thermoplastic material has been blow - molded to conform to the mold chamber but while the material is still moldable , the movable mold halves simultaneously move together along the axis of the mold chamber to press the material against the stationary central mold element and thereby fold and bond the material onto itself , forming a thickened radial flange on each container . the flanges are each substantially twice as thick as a single layer of blow - molded material . the thickened flanges may also be formed to each include a thickened axial lip of material extending down from the respective radial flanges . after the thermoplastic material has cooled sufficiently to retain its shape , the side components of the mold halves are axially moved apart so that the mold chamber can be opened along its longitudinal axis without damaging the thickened radial flanges or axial lips . by keeping the end components of the mold halves substantially still during the retraction of the side components of the mold halves , the tail of material formed at the junction of the halves of the molding apparatus opposite to the feed end of the blow - molding chamber is preserved , thereby facilitating post - processing handling of the containers .
this invention relates to an improved injector / valve combination which permits nearly immediate response time to an actuator signal . such a combination is particularly suited for injecting colorants into polyurethane slabstock foam and permits a substantial reduction in foam waste due to low colorations during an on / off cycle . specifically , this invention combination comprises a novel ball valve which allows for instantaneous shut - off and - on without appreciable leakage or pressure drop and without the need to utilize a high throughput flow rate . such a ball valve is used in combination with an injector which is actually attached to the valve , the configuration which permits continuous use and instantaneous on / off without a deleterious pressure drop and minimizes the possibility of turbulence as the liquid polymeric colorant flows through the injector . the ball valve , the attached injector configuration , the coloring apparatus comprising the inventive ball valve and / or the attached injector configuration , and the slabstock foam colored through the utilization of such an apparatus are also contemplated within this invention .
peg and related polymer derivatives having weak , hydrolytically unstable linkages near the reactive end of the polymer are provided for conjugation to drugs , including proteins , enzymes , small molecules , and others . these derivatives provide a sufficient circulation period for a drug - peg conjugate and then for hydrolytic breakdown of the conjugate and release of the bound molecule . in some cases , drugs that previously had reduced activity when permanently coupled to peg can have therapeutically suitable activity when coupled to a degradable peg in accordance with the invention . the peg of the invention can be used to impart water solubility , size , slow rate of kidney clearance , and reduced immunogenicity to the conjugate . controlled hydrolytic release of the bound molecule in the aqueous environment can then enhance the drug delivery system .
a composition for treating a subject is provided . the composition includes dimeric or polymeric secretory igm therapeutic . formulating agents are mixed with the dimeric or polymeric secretory igm to yield a dosing form of a capsule , tablet , and a suppository . a process for manufacturing a medicament for the treatment of c . difficile associated disease in a human is also provided that the modification of pentameric or hexameric igm with secretory component to form a pentameric or hexameric secretory igm therapeutic . the pentameric or hexameric secretory igm therapeutic is then mixed with formulating agents to create a capsule , tablet , or suppository dosing form . the therapeutic is amenable to enrobement directly through microencapsulation or the dosing form is coated with an enteric coating . a method of c . difficile treatment with the therapeutic is also provided that is amenable to supplementation with concurrent or prior antibiotic administration .
a device and method for chemicals to be fed into a water system , treating the water system as it enters , for example , a fire protection mains and / or fire protection systems to protect and maintain the longevity of the water system preventing damages to the water system or enhancing the operation characteristics of the system . this device is a treatment system that may be installed as a portable or permanent device with chemicals such as , corrosion inhibitors , wetting agents , polymeric dispersants , biocides , biostats or other water chemical enhancing effects with means for injecting the chemicals into the fire protection system or a bypass feed system utilizing the fluid means without the need for any electricity . activation of the pump occurs when water enters the fps mains and fps sprinkler system from an outside source . valving is included to isolate the pump and drums , storage tank to prevent backflow from the fps .
a vacuum packaging method and apparatus for packaging solid objects such as food products of various shapes automatically . a web of tubular plastic film is supplied from a roll and drawn over an opening core which opens the plastic film into a rectangular shape . the film is then drawn over the object to be packaged and cut to a predetermined length . in one embodiment , the front end of the film is then sealed and the object urged towards the sealed end . in another embodiment , both ends of the film are left open at this point . the object with the film positioned therearound is transferred to a vacuum chamber . prior to the chamber being evacuated , tension is applied to the film so as to prevent the formation of creases .
the invention relates to a device for producing and withdrawing stacks of plastic bags , especially bags for automatic machines , in coordination with a gradually moving pin stack chain from which the bag packages are removed in a simplified and accelerated manner with the aid of a robot that has a multifunctional hand and automatically executes all essential manipulations and / or movements required for the formation and piling of the bag stacks and finally delivers them to an unloading station .
an apparatus is provided for supporting rolls of wrapping material and having a table for convenient reception of sheet , card or plate material in a stack to be wrapped . means are provided to facilitate the handling of the wrapping material , typically a heat sealable plastic film , folding it over the stack to be wrapped , and moving the stack onto a heat sealing table . simultaneous severing of extra material from the roll is accomplished . marginal edge sealing by heat or otherwise is also possible .
a method for suppression of weld line weakening by virtually eliminating weld lines is disclosed . the process involves the near explosive injection of a metered amount of foamed thermoplastic molding material into an enclosing compartment formed by partly closing a compression type mold followed immediately by compression molding of the well mixed foamed material . the process finds particular utility in the manufacture of very long fiber reinforced parts . variations on mold design and clamping cycles yield a variety of parts having foamed regions surrounded by more dense un - foamed regions . the method is particularly well adapted to the manufacture of large , very long fiber reinforced , foam - centered , hard surfaced , light weight , rigid parts .
an intracorporeal marker includes a fibrous unitary marker body having bioabsorbable fibers compressed into a compressed configuration , and bound in the compressed configuration by a polymer binding agent . the intracorporeal marker may be incorporated into an intracorporeal marker delivery device having a delivery cannula which has a distal tip , an inner lumen and a discharge opening in communication with the inner lumen . the compression and binding occur prior to insertion of the fibrous unitary marker body into the inner lumen of the delivery cannula . the fibrous unitary marker body is slidably disposed within and pushable through the inner lumen of the elongated delivery cannula proximal to the discharge opening .
the clutch hub includes a sheet - metal hub member which has an axial member projected from the center of its plate surface , and also includes an annular armature which is fixed to an outer peripheral portion of the axial member . first mounting the axial member of the clutch hub downward on a support member and thereby elastically supporting the end surface of the armature by the support member ; holding the axial member of the clutch hub using a chuck ; locating a fixing member just under a portion of a maximum runout portion of an inner hub ; contacting a cylindrical end surface of a pressing member with an upper surface of the inner hub using pressure ; and plastically deforming the inner hub by a pressing force of the pressing member using the locating portion of the fixing is member as a fulcrum , which thereby corrects an inclination of the axial member .
an implanted system for treating sinusitis or allergic rhinitis is provided , wherein the implanted system has a circumferentially extending wall formed of a biodegradable polymer , and the wall includes a plurality of interspaces , with biodegradable fiber bundles containing drugs interspersed in the interspaces . the implanted system formed of the biodegradable polymer can provide a sufficient normal force perpendicular to the external surface during a compression , and prevent the supported channel from being closed after the release in a location for the implantation . the implanted system formed of the biodegradable polymer has an axial internal bore to guarantee the aeration for the nasal cavity after the implantation . the implanted system formed of the biodegradable polymer can be naturally degraded in the nasal cavity . compared with prior stents which cannot directly contact with certain locations of pathological changes , the biodegradable fiber bundles containing drugs carried on the implanted system can reach those locations of pathological changes to optimize the therapeutic effect .
a waste container , such as for a van or suv , is made from decorative or color - coordinating fabric to form a cylindrical container or shell . the shell includes a mechanism for holding a standard - sized plastic bag in place within the shell so that the plastic bag is supported and partially hidden from view . the shell also includes attachment devices for securing the waste container to the interior of a vehicle . the plastic bag is easily removed from the shell for disposal , and a fresh bag is easily installed .
the diallyl ether derivatives of the cis and trans stereoisomers of 2 , 5 - bistetrahydrofuran are produced . these materials are expected to be useful for making a variety of biobased polymers . processes are further described for producing these diallyl ether derivatives in substantially quantitative yields .
the present invention is directed to a wiper brush appendage that easily attaches to a wiper blade to aid in the removal of compacted solids , insect remains , light frost and the like . the wiper brush appendage is an elongated member of pliable plastic , such as one of the varieties of thermoplastics . the invention has a slot on the top side that runs the entire length that easily spreads to allow it to encompass a wiper blade , as well as multiple rows of brush hairs along the underside . it has a specific inside pocket with inturned flanges and small depressions that put pressure on the wiper blade and limits the movement of the invention while in use . once installed over the wiper , the user turns on the wiper assembly and the brushes scrub against the windshield .
a strip of thermo - plastic material particularly designed to be longitudinally , permanently stretched , so as to be transformed into a container multi - packaging device having a plurality of can receiving apertures which are configured to include an outer band portion and an inner band portion from a strip with limited amount of material removed in series of narrow transversely arranged slot means . the slot means are particularly designed to produce inner band portions which are generally v - shaped and slightly stretched and outer band portions which are generally parallel to the axis of the strip and highly stretched to longitudinal orientation .
this invention relates to a device and method for engineering microchannel geometries to take advantage of surface tension to guide fluid location . this technology may be used to construct compartmentalized systems of various materials that are added in liquid state , and may be used in a liquid state , or may be solidified , gelled , cross - linked , polymerized , or alternatively may be accumulated through gravity , or centrifugation .
the invention relates to a process and device for cutting materials , such as metals , concrete , wood , plastics or any other type of material , by means of a jet of cryogenic fluid at very high pressure with added abrasive , in particular corundum . materials can be cut using a disk cutter , with a saw , by laser beam , using a plasma jet , using an ultrahigh pressure water jet with or without abrasives .
vibratory welded connections are formed between first and second members of thermoplastic material by interposing a junction piece of similar material and vibrating the junction piece at high speed while pressing the first and second members in a controlled manner against opposite sides of the junction piece . friction created by the vibration generates heat which melts a small amount of material at the engaging surfaces which upon cooling provides a strong welded joint having minimal flash . entire frame systems such as window frames can be fabricated by an apparatus system which forms a friction welded joint between adjacent ends of the frame members . furthermore the frame can be fabricated around a panel such as a glazing panel . the welded connections formed by the system do not mar the finish of the frame members and produce no unsightly flash bead requiring subsequent machining steps for its removal .
apparatus to treat pollution in rivers , streams , lakes , bays , ports and all bodies of water , employing as methodology wetland plants or macrophytes growing atop a wire or rigid frame basket filled with polygons or other irregular shaped objects of various configurations . the root system of the macrophytes are merged with and grow down amid the substrate composed of small polygons , other irregular shaped hollow , plastic , ceramic objects or other materials . the substrate provides nutrients , oxygen and sanctuary to bacteria , thereby reducing and eliminating pollutants in all bodies of water .
the present invention is characterized by that a biochip in which a plurality of biopolymers is arranged , has a transparent layer having a fluorescence enhancing function on a metal layer which is also used as a one - side electrode for implementing hybridization .
a carrier for beverage containers formed of a sheet material such as plastic or paperboard which includes a bottom panel attached on opposite lateral sides to side panels , a pair of opposed end panels connected at their lower peripheries to the bottom and side panels , and a central handle which is formed of two halves folded together in a first position for ease in carrying and the handle is pivotal to an open position along its top fold line , allowing the carrier to spread outwardly to form a central cavity capable of holding ice for the purpose of cooling the beverage containers . each end panel is also provided with folded panels that enable the outwardly opened carrier to be capable of providing a tray that holds ice and resultant water after melting of the ice . the folding panels are integrally connected to the peripheries of one of the side panels . the top panels are provided with a plurality of openings , for example , six or eight , each of which is adapted to receive a beverage container . the top panels , which are connected to the central handle along their inner lateral edges , are also integrally connected at opposite sides to the upper edges of the side panels . the interior of the carrier may be provided with waterproof protective inner coating or a lining , which may be a flexible plastic sheet material such as polyethylene or polypropylene or a wax - like substance . the method for forming the beverage container is disclosed .
embodiments relate to a film used to form a flexible bag including an inner sealant layer capable of providing a hermetic seal ; an oxygen barrier layer capable of extending the shelf life of a food product ; and an outer layer capable of providing abrasion and puncture resistance and tacking to the specialized tacky polymer strip mounted on the dispensing device .
a novel solid pharmaceutical dosage formulation of hydrophobic drugs is disclosed , which provides enhanced dissolution and improved bioavailability . the formulation comprises : a base substrate comprising a first polymer ; a deposit , comprising a therapeutic amount of a hydrophobic drug , deposited on the base substrate ; a cover substrate comprising a second polymer , the cover substrate covering the deposit and joined to the base substrate by a bond that encircles the deposit ; and a dissolution - enhancing amount of a surfactant , disposed within a carrier that is segregated from , but in contact with , the deposit . in another embodiment , the dosage form may include any pharmaceutically acceptable additive , disposed within a carrier that is segregated from , but in contact with , the deposit . in a preferred embodiment , the hydrophobic drug is deposited electrostatically on the base substrate .
a container having a generally cylindrical body closed at the bottom and open at the top with a container rim having a top edge defining an open top and two spaced apart downwardly extending legs , means securing the top of said cylindrical body between the legs upon insertion of the body therebetween , circumferential spaced apart wall sections acting as retaining members exterior to and laterally spaced from the top edge , and a plurality of spaced apart grooves in the exterior surface of the rim near and parallel to the top edge forming a first set of teeth . a removable cover for closing the rim open top having an inverted u - shaped clamping member with an interior leg and an exterior leg and a bight spanning the top edge , the surface of the exterior leg facing the rim having a plurality of spaced apart grooves therein forming a second set of teeth for interlocking relationship with the first set of teeth , the other surface of said exterior leg being in contact with at least some of the circumferentially spaced apart wall sections . the cover may be metal or plastic .
a method of treating an aneurysm including the steps of introducing a delivery system into the body of a patient , delivering into the aneurysm an embolic device comprised of a bioabsorbable polymer for the purpose of promoting an inflammatory response , withdrawing the delivery system from the body of the patient , and instructing or advising the patient to avoid the use of an anti - inflammatory medication or agent in order to maintain the inflammatory response promoted by the polymeric embolic device .