the invention relates to a treatment process or recycling co process for oily wastes originating from the use of hydrocarbons , products manufactured therefrom and derivatives of same , without using aggregates from natural banks during the transformation process , thereby producing a novel material which can be used as an aggregate in hydraulic or asphaltic rolling surfaces , road sub - bases , bases and repair work involving cold patching , and which has the following mechanical characteristics and properties : zero plasticity ; non toxicity ; insolubility and impermeability to water , which prevents any form of leaching during the handling or use thereof ; and optimum cbr and compacting , reducing construction times and costs and any negative impact on the environment , through the sustainable use of wastewater streams .
disclosed herein is a method of separating carbon dioxide from a gas mixture using a biopolymer , including : introducing hemocyte or extrapallial fluid , extracted from shells , into a reactor filled with 1l of a solution containing a calcium source , and then dissolving the hemocyte or extrapallial fluid in the solution to form a mixed solution ; and mixing carbon dioxide or a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide into the mixed solution to separate carbon dioxide from the gas mixture .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain carboxylic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . the polymeric compositions comprise polymerized carboxylic hydrophilic siloxanyl monomers .
an absorbable crystalline , monocentric polyaxial copolymer comprising a central carbon or nitrogen atom and at least three axes , each of which includes an amorphous flexible component adjacent and originating from the central atom and a rigid , crystallizable component extending outwardly from the amorphous , flexible component is disclosed along with the use of such copolymer in medical devices which may contain a bioactive agent . the present invention also relates to a suture , stents , stent mantles and sealing devices made from the polyaxial copolymer .
provided are a “ eutectic colloidal crystal ” which is an aggregate of plural kinds of colloidal crystals having different lattice constants , a solidified body of the eutectic colloidal crystal , and methods for producing them . the eutectic colloidal crystal of the present invention contains two or more kinds of colloidal crystals composed of substantially monodispersed colloidal particles having different particle sizes . this eutectic colloidal crystal is obtained by providing a colloidal dispersion of two or more kinds of colloidal particles having different particle sizes , and a polymer which will not substantially adsorb to the colloidal particles dissolved in a dispersion medium , and allowing the colloidal dispersion to stand .
a method of making a bond ply comprises treating a film comprising a liquid crystalline polymer with an amount of heat and pressure effective to produce a liquid crystalline polymer bond ply with an in - plane coefficient of thermal expansion of 0 to about 50 ppm /° c . such bond plies are of particular utility in the manufacture of circuit boards .
a process and apparatus for gas phase polymerization of olefins in a fluidized bed reactor are disclosed . the process and apparatus employ a vertically oriented fines ejector in order to reduce fouling and reactor downtime .
a plastic container for pourable liquids such as detergents has a drain back feature and has an internal thread for receiving an externally threaded cap which also serves as a measuring cup for the liquid . the container is formed in two pieces , a container body and a separately formed pour spout component which is assembled to the container finish preferably by ultrasonic welding . in preferred embodiments a lip of the pour spout component is pressed and welded down onto an annular top surface of the container finish , or down into an annular recess on the container finish . the ultrasonic welding operation is accompanied by motion and pressure , simultaneously deforming and welding the top edge of the pour spout component wall down onto the container finish , so that the connection forms a liquid tight seal .
an apparatus for providing batches of a mouldable , fibre - reinforced thermoplastic material matched to a moulding to be produced and accompanied by heating , wherein a free - flowing initial product of fibres and thermoplastic material - containing binders are heated as a strand and a matched batch is separated from the strand and supplied to batch further processing . the apparatus includes a melting device with a melting channel , through which the material to be processed is pressed as a continuous strand , as well as a cooling station .
the invention relates to extracorporeal methods of analyzing the presence or absence of mutations which cause familial hypercholesterolemia . the inventive methods describe the way in which said mutations can be detected using a dna sample from an individual and comprising the following : chain reaction of the polymerase with primers which are complementary to the low - density lipoprotein receptor gene ; analysis of the amplified product by sequencing ; restriction analysis ; single strand conformation polymorphism techniques ; heteroduplex analysis and analysis of a device on top of a biochip glass support on which oligonucleotide probes are disposed , which can be used to detect the aforementioned mutations in the dna .
to provide a metallic decoration sheet that has better metallic gloss than the conventional one , good metallic appearance enough to equal gloss plating product even in an acute shape such as deep curving or edge , high productivity , and low production cost , and poses no drawback of interlayer exfoliation even under high temperature condition . a method for making metallic decoration sheet , including the successive steps of : a base sheet attaching step of attaching a thermoplastic resin sheet via a first adhesive layer to a metal layer side face of a transfer film having the metal layer disposed on a smooth mold release face of a mold release substrate ; a mold release substrate removing step of removing the mold release substrate to obtain an intermediate laminate sheet ; and a surface film attaching step of attaching acrylic resin film via a second adhesive layer to a metal layer side face of the intermediate laminate sheet .
bioresorbable or biodegradable polymers formed from the monomers including sulphonyl diphenol , hydroxybenzoic acid and dicarboxylic acid . the dicarboxylic acid can include aliphatic dicarboxylic acid or a mixture of aliphatic dicarboxylic acid and aromatic dicarboxylic acid . between 25 and 85 molar percent of the polymer is formed from the hydroxybenzoic acid , between 7 . 5 and 37 . 5 molar percent of the polymer is formed from the sulphonyl diphenol , and between 7 . 5 and 37 . 5 molar percent of the polymer is formed from the dicarboxylic acid . polymers can be used for manufacturing fibers and composite devices .
the present invention refers to a polymeric composition prepared from a biodegradable polymer defined by poly - hydroxybutyrate or copolymers thereof , and at least one other biodegradable polymer , such as polycaprolactone and poly , so as to alter its structure , and further at least one additive of the type of natural filler and natural fibers , and , optionally , nucleant , thermal stabilizer , processing aid , with the object of preparing an environmentally degradable material . according to the production process described herein , the composition resulting from the mixture of the modified biodegradable polymer and additives can be utilized in the manufacture of injected packages for food products , injected packages for cosmetics , tubes , technical pieces and several injected products .
an impact printing apparatus includes an armature and print wire assembly in which a plastic arm is injection molded to interact with recesses in an armature and to surround a portion of a print wire to provide a rigid interconnection between the armature and the print wire .
the invention provides a stratiform press sheet useful in laminating three - dimensional flexible printed circuits on a flat bed press , the sheet having a median conformable layer comprising a polymeric thermoplastic film ; a polymeric release layer ; a stabilizing layer made of a sheet of metal foil ; and adhesive means to bond the above components in a single , stratiform sheet . the metal foil is functional at both the conventional lower laminating temperatures and the higher temperatures approaching 600 degrees f ., and accordingly by careful selection of the other components it is possible to provide unified stratiform press pad sheets accommodating a wide range of laminating temperatures .
the disclosure describes new compositions and methods related to polyaminals and related polymers . the compositions are useful as therapeutic / drug conjugates , self - healing materials , reversible crosslinking materials , degradable hydrogels , protective coatings , and as metal scavenging agents . new atom efficient synthetic schemes are disclosed , which yield previously unobtainable high molecular weight polyaminals .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of dicarboxylic monomers such as maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers . the polymers maybe complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seeds to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
a plastic closure and metal neck structure of a container , having resealable interlocking portions and wherein the closure has a pull tab which not only provides a sanitary cover for the pouring lip of the neck but also functions to pull the plug of the closure out of the pouring bore of the neck .
a device for biological digestion of sewage utilizes rotationally symmetric rotatable growth surfaces , preferably plastic immersion percolating filters , which filters are immersed in the sewage as they rotate . the growth surfaces are mounted upon an immersion cylinder that is rotatably driven and mounted within a gas - tight container according to a preferred embodiment . the drive for the immersion cylinder includes a drive pinion having teeth which engage stud bolts connecting rings forming part of the immersion cylinder .
the present invention provides new formulations of injectable particles useful for intra - articular injection . the formulations are made of biocompatible polymers that biodegrade to generate nsaids , ad are useful for treating inflamed joints , thus providing safe , long - lasting relief of joint pain and swelling . in one embodiment , the present invention provides an injectable particle , comprising a biodegradable polymer comprising an agent selected from the group consisting of an nsaid , a cox - 2 inhibitor , an anesthetic and a narcotic analgesic .
the objective of the present invention is to provide a bacterium for producing polyhydroxyalkanoate with improved productivity . to achieve above objective , the gene coding for the polyhydroxyalkanoate depolymerase of the bacterium for producing polyhydroxyalkanoate is disrupted to improve the productivity of polyhydroxyalkanoate .
a three - piece package comprises a median supporting frame to which a dished base and a dished cover are latched by means of double - acting latch elements integral with the supporting structure , all three parts being preferably thermoformed plastic to provide the package in one , two , or three colors . the supporting structure may include an integral platform having one or more cavities therein to accommodate as many articles and may also support a decorative peripheral band or may comprise a frame with either an open interior with unobstructed space between the base and cover of the package or a separate platform with a cavity or cavities .
a method for making an intravascular stent by applying to the body of a stent a solution which includes a solvent , a polymer dissolved in the solvent and a therapeutic substance dispersed in the solvent and then evaporating the solvent . the inclusion of a polymer in intimate contact with a drug on the stent allows the drug to be retained on the stent during expansion of the stent and also controls the administration of drug following implantation . the adhesion of the coating and the rate at which the drug is delivered can be controlled by the selection of an appropriate bioabsorbable or biostable polymer and the ratio of drug to polymer in the solution . by this method , drugs such as dexamethasone can be applied to a stent , retained on a stent during expansion of the stent and elute at a controlled rate .
a bioresorbable material incorporating magnesium wires into ngcs is disclosed . the bioresorbable material includes magnesium , and a biodegradable polymer , for example , poly . the bioresorbable material can include magnesium wires incorporated into a poly scaffold to provide both directional and biological cues in a fully bioresorbable material . a method of producing a bioresorbable material is also disclosed , which includes placing a plurality of magnesium wires on a layer of a poly solution , placing a second layer of the poly solution on the plurality of magnesium wires , and drying the plurality of magnesium wires between the two layers of poly solution .
a sheet molding compound as prepregs and cured compositions with naturally derived fibers which have been dried for at least three hours is described . the smc process combines polyester polymer or resin with the fibers preferably continuously . the molded products are useful for a variety a purposes where glass fiber filled polyester polymers are conventionally used .
the present invention relates to acrylic adhesive composition comprising a mixture of at least one polyol triacrylate monomer and at least one polyalkylene glycol monoacrylate monomer for assembling elements made of plastic materials , like pmma or san , or inorganic material , like glass or metals , employed for manufacturing of devices for the distribution or containment of biological substances , like proteins , enzymes , antibodies , antigens , dna , and the like . the present invention also relates to devices for the distribution or containment of biological substances assembled with the above mentioned acrylic adhesive composition , and particularly thermal or piezoelectric ejecting devices , and biochip microarray , as well as to a method for assembling thereof .
a method for determining the presence or absence of contaminating bacteria in a packaged food sample includes storing food in a package having as a lining a polymeric composition , said composition preferably being permeable to at least one gas selected from the group consisting of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide and containing an indicator for detecting the presence or abscence of the gas ; the indicator being polymerized or dispersed throughout the polymeric composition or coated onto the polymeric composition .
compositions and method for providing a solid conductive electrolyte composition containing a polyhydroxyalkanoate and a salt of a conductive metal are described . the pha is biodegradable and biocompatible and provides a basis for batteries which are more environmentally degradable . naturally occurring polymers including polyhydroxybutyrate and polyhydroxyvalerate can be used to prepare the compositions .
a canister including an elongated hollow plastic body having a wall with inner and outer surfaces , an edge portion on the wall defining an open end , an end on the edge portion extending transversely to the inner and outer surfaces , a porous plastic member having an outer edge portion extending across the open end and fused to the end , an inner portion on the porous plastic member located radially inwardly of the outer edge portion and extending into the body and fused to the inner surface of the wall adjacent the end thereof , and a gas - treating material in the body . a method of fabricating the above canister including the steps of applying pressure and vibratory welding energy to the porous member to thereby cause the member which was originally planar in shape to have its outer edge compressed against the end of the body and fused thereto and the central portion inwardly of the outer edge forced into the body and its outer edge fused to the inner surface of the body adjacent the end .
a composite film material usable in a data carrier card body includes a first outer plastic layer , an inner plastic layer and a second outer plastic layer , all the layers together forming a co - extruded composite . the plastic material of the first outer layer is a polyethylene terephthalate glycol copolymer or contains a petg , the plastic material of the inner layer is a thermoplastic elastomer or containes a tpc , and the plastic material of the second outer layer is a petg or contains a petg .
a method for controlling the temperature of injection molding machines using cross - linking polymers and molding die units using plastics . each unit is equipped with at least one cooling channel for circulating a temperature controlling medium therethrough . the temperature of the exhausted medium is compared to a desired value and the circulation of the medium is adjusted accordingly . the method includes the steps of calculating the heat dissipation within a cycle and presetting the desired heat dissipation , prior to the start of temperature control . the temperature of the exhausted medium and the feed medium are continuously measured . the heat content value wrg of the unit is determined once the unit reaches thermal equilibrium . the value wrg is stored in a subsequent cycle as a desired value based on the difference between the temperature of the exhausted medium and the feed medium during a reference cycle . the desired value is compared with the instantaneous actual value measured during all subsequent cycles . a correction value is determined based on the deviation of the heat content from the reference cycle . the temperature control impulses trigger at point z 1 and terminate at z 2 at the latest . events z 1 and z 2 are preset signals from the unit sequence controller .
a non - releasable mechanical join useful for permanent joins of plastics material cartons is formed by a row of a plurality of engagement tabs interlocked in a complementary row of slots . the engagement tabs have heads able to passthrough the slots in one direction but unable to return in the other direction . the tab heads may be formed as arrowheads , the barbs of which act against edges of the slots to disallow withdrawal . suitably , the leading edges of the slots ar convexly arcuate towards the approaching arrowheads . this may help to provide secure engagement . the greater the number oftabs and slots , the greater may be be the permanence of the join .
a disposable tablecloth that can easily convert from a table covering to a bag for collecting and disposing of trash . the disposable tablecloth has a cover that can be made out of fluid impenetrable material , such as plastic , a fluid absorbent material , such as paper or cloth , or one or more layers of fluid impenetrable material and one or more layers of fluid absorbent material . the periphery edge of the cover has a drawstring cavity that can be formed by folding the periphery edge over on the cover . a drawstring is disposed inside the drawstring cavity such that it is suitable for securing the tablecloth to a table and for securely closing the bag . the disposable tablecloth is particularly useful for picnics and craft projects where the tablecloth can be used to gather and dispose of the trash .
mixtures of peptoids are provided . the subject peptoid mixtures comprise at least five non - homopolymeric polymers of differing sequences having a selected number of monomer units . the polymers of the subject mixtures are preferably selected from the group of compounds of the general formula : x a -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- xb , xa -- n -- x b , x a -- n -- x b and x a -- n x b , where each r is independently a side chain capable of interaction with a protein , carbohydrate , lipid or nucleic acid ; n is an integer from 2 to 50 , inclusive ; and x a and x b are each independently h , lower alkyl , lower aryl , aralkyl , lower acyl , a polypeptide of 1 - 100 amino acids , or an effector molecule capable of exhibiting biological activity .
a die geometry which reduces the incidence or degree of melt fracture in the extrusion of linear polyethylene homopolymers and / or copolymers is described .
a closure for a hole in a panel , such as a body panel in an automotive vehicle , is provided . the closure includes a plate with dimensions which are complementary to the hole . a gasket member is secured to the top of the plate . the plate includes means to secure the plate to the body panel . the gasket has dimensions which are somewhat larger than the hole , so that the gasket overlies the panel defining the hole , as well as the plate . the gasket has a first or bottom side low melt layer and a second or top side copolymer layer . the total thickness of the gasket ranges from about 0 . 0030 inch to about 0 . 0065 inch . upon exposure to elevated temperatures during baking , the gasket melts over the plate and adheres to the panel to cause a seal between the plate and the panel .
this invention describes a new type of covalent - network ternary inorganic metal sulfide compounds m 1 m 2 s 4 and a process for preparing the biocompatible nanoparticles of such compounds . the nanoparticles are surface - modified with a capping agent and / or a biocompatible polymer and have the size from a few nanometers to several thousand nanometers . these nanoparticles are nontoxic and can be internalized by cells to deplete copper ions via a highly selective ion - exchange reaction between the intracellular copper ions and the divalent ion bound in the nanoparticles for the application of inhibiting angiogenesis in cancer and other diseases .
the present invention concerns biodegradable linear polyester urethanes as well as biodegradable crosslinked polyester urethanes issuing from the linear polyester urethanes in such a way that they are crosslinked by diisocyanate bridges . by varying the degree of crosslinking it is possible to adjust the physical , chemical and biological properties in the crosslinked polyester urethane as defined by the invention in a targeted manner . in particular , it is possible to vary the rate of biodegradation of said crosslinked polyester urethane because the biological degradation takes place at a slower rate as the degree of crosslinking increases . furthermore , the object of the invention is a method of producing the polyester urethanes as defined by the invention , as well as its application in the form of sheets or foils , shaped rubber articles , containers , packaging materials , in the field of galenic pharmacy ; and in the form of adhesives and adhesive tapes and the like . furthermore , the invention relates to polymer blends containing the polyester urethanes as defined by the invention .
the invention provides a biodegradable oxygen absorbing plastic comprising a biodegradable substrate a sufficient concentration of reduced iron particles to adsorb oxygen in significant quantities and reduce the deformation temperature of the substrate substantially below the deformation temperature without iron particles present .
an apparatus for producing an improved friction - fused welded joint is provided for use with overlapping thermoplastic strap portions . in an embodiment , the gripper is caused to swing back and force with a sufficiently large stroke and with a sufficiently fast stroke to cause sufficient reciprocation to rapidly heat the thermoplastic so that the two straps are welded together while reducing the depth of the area that is melted compared to traditional methods . also , in an embodiment , a method is provided for stopping the relative motion of the two portions of straps with the portions of the plastic straps oriented in the same aligned relative positions at the end of the welding operation as at the beginning is disclosed .
method and apparatus are disclosed for making a laminated board of thermoplastic resin . the laminated board is formed of a pocketed core sheet having inverted and non - inverted pockets disposed between a pair of face sheets which are bonded to the extremities of the pockets . the core sheet is advanced directly from the extrusion die to a roll - forming means which deforms the core sheet to form the pockets in a continuous manner . the face sheets are advanced from the respective extrusion dies on opposite sides of the core sheet and are joined therewith at controlled temperatures so as to form a bond by fusion with the extremities of the pockets . the roll - forming means comprises a drum with multiple convex and concave forming elements with means for vacuum drawing the core sheet against the forming elements and means for forced air removal of the core sheet from the roll - forming means .
this drop tube loading arm assembly is adaptable for loading asphalt into tank trailers at marketing terminals . the telescoping drop tube employs guides made of polymers such as fluorocarbon polymers and aluminum . the guides are located in the annular space between the tubes in combination with increased radial clearance between the tubes or sleeves and in combination with protection for the overfill probe . with the addition of vapor control systems and overfill protection probes , the telescoping drop loading spouts are less susceptible to cold weather sticking problems .
the present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a completely biocompatible and reab - sorbable hydrogel , through the use of alcoxides of polymers and / or resins containing hydroxyl functions . the invention also relates to the hydrogel obtainable with said method and uses thereof . in particular , the invention relates to the use of said hydrogel for the preparation of an injectable filler for correcting and / or treating different types of tissue deficits .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of dicarboxylic monomers such as maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers . the polymers may be complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seeds to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
polymers having photoreactive metal - metal bonds along the backbone of the polymer are disclosed , which bonds rendering the polymers photo - labile . metals participating in such metal - metal bonds are from groups vib and viib of the periodic table as well as nickel . each metal - metal bond is present in a cord group present in at least one monomer incorporated into the polymer . the core group also comprises carbonyl groups and an aromatic cyclopentadienyl group bonded to each metal atom . various organic and organosiloxane linker groups bonded to the cp groups render the core group - containing monomer polymerizable into a composition of matter having physical properties determined in part by the chemical composition and conformation of the linkers . reactions for synthesizing core groups , monomers , and various polymers therefrom are disclosed , including copolymerization reactions . upon exposure to light , the metal - metal bonds in the polymers cleave , effecting more rapid degradation of the polymer than by other processes normally present in the environment .
an no abatement process wherein an no - containing fluid is contacted with a polymeric cobalt dioxygen diamine complex . the aqueous solution is recovered , purified by membrane separation to remove low molecular weight reaction products , optionally electrolytically regenerated , and recycled for the no - containing gas contact . the cobalt is complexed with an amine - containing polymer such as polyethyleneimine free of acidic , e . g . carboxylate , chelating groups .
an integrated proteomics sample preparation device and method for in - gel digestion of proteins and for desalting and concentrating samples prior to further analysis such as by maldi tof and / or electro - spray ionization mass spectrometry . the device in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of wells in fluid communication with a an outlet or drainage opening containing a three dimensional structure comprising a plurality of sorptive particles entrapped in a porous polymer matrix so as to form a device capable of carrying out solid phase extraction . in a preferred embodiment , the wells are configured so as to prevent a sample carrier present in the wells from clogging the outlet when subjected to a driving force such as vacuum . the device also reduces or eliminates overflowing of a well in the event a drain becomes clogged during automated operation .
grillwork for automotive uses , fencing , and railings includes a series of parallel extending rail members each attachable to cross support members at two locations thereon , to support each rail member and to hold each rail member in position on the cross support members . two mounting pieces , attachable to respective cross support members , are used to hold / mount each rail member . the mounting pieces each slide into locked position at an end of each rail and also provide an end cap / finish piece for the rail . the rails and the mounting pieces are manufactured of similar materials and by similar manufacturing techniques . the materials of manufacture can extend from various metals , to various thermoplastics , to reinforced plastic composites such as fiberglass reinforced materials .
this disclosure describes a method for crimping a polymeric stent onto a catheter for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or other intraluminal interventions . the method comprises crimping the stent onto a catheter when the polymer is at a target temperature other than ambient temperature . the polymer can optionally comprise drug .
a friction stir rivet is rotated in a precessing motion and driven through a first fusible workpiece into an engaged second fusible workpiece , causing local portions of the first and second workpieces to plasticize . when the rivet is driven through the first workpiece and into the second workpiece , rotation is stopped and the plasticized material solidifies around the rivet creating an enlarged weld joining the metal workpiece and encompassing the rivet , which provides additional mechanical strength .
a device produces containers having an inner space divided into separate container chambers by at least one separating wall . an extruder extrudes a tube of a plasticized synthetic material from an annular gap between an outer nozzle ring and an inner nozzle core . the nozzle core is provided with a guide for synthetic material that is branched off from the annular gap . at at least one outlet port at one nozzle end , the branched - off synthetic material is issued and forms a continuous separating wall that extends within the extruded tube . the guide for the branched - off synthetic material is positioned in a zone of the annular gap located upstream of and at a distance form the outlet end of the outlet port .
thermoplastic welding is an emerging technology targeted at significantly reducing the manufacturing cost of aerospace structure by eliminating fasteners and the touch labor associated with fasteners to prepare , install , and inspect the assemblies . quality welds are highly dependent upon achieving appropriate temperatures everywhere along the bond line . the present invention is a system that uses a secondary coil to detect misalignment between the induction coil and the susceptor which would result in an excessive bond line temperature and to provide control signals for the coil or parasitic compensation to avoid the overheating .
a device for receiving formwork elements used to manufacture concrete elements has a bearing static structure and a flat formwork joined therewith which can be driven to vibrate by an exciting device in order to compact the still - plastic concrete . the sound - insulating joining devices are inserted between the formwork shell and the static structure . the exciting device bypasses the joining device and acts directly or indirectly on the formwork shell .
several novel pha polymer compositions produced using biological systems include monomers such as 3 - hydroxybutyrate , 3 - hydroxypropionate , 2 - hydroxybutyrate , 3 - hydroxyvalerate , 4 - hydroxybutyrate , 4 - hydroxyvalerate and 5 - hydroxyvalerate . these pha compositions can readily be extended to incorporate additional monomers including , for example , 3 - hydroxyhexanoate , 4 - hydroxyhexanoate , 6 - hydroxyhexanoate or other longer chain 3 - hydroxyacids containing seven or more carbons . this can be accomplished by taking natural pha producers and mutating through chemical or transposon mutagenesis to delete or inactivate genes encoding undesirable activities . alternatively , the strains can be genetically engineered to express only those enzymes required for the production of the desired polymer composition . methods for genetically engineering pha producing microbes are widely known in the art . these polymers have a variety of uses in medical , industrial and other commercial areas .
packages for multiple goods containers are secured by tensioned straps into integrated , load bearing , stackable units for palletizing , storage and supply - line service . rigid , semi - rigid and flexible containers , including multi - tiered tubs are accommodated by the system . cardboard usage is reduced 40 to 50 percent . die - cut spacers , flaps and occlusions , and dividers separate the containers , giving frictional integration under strapped compression . cruciform spacers enable reductions in stock gauge . packages are ventilated , for goods identification and cooling . l - section rolled stock makes simple , strong , ventilated bases and caps . re - usable plastic trays can form cap and base portions of the package .
a method of manufacturing thermoplastic flexible transparent pvc film without flow marks and air pit is capably provided with high efficient production to upgrade the quality of plastic film , which is included the following steps : calendering melted plastic material by calenders into melting plastic film with predetermined thickness , quickly chilling and setting the melting plastic film with chilling water , removing water from the cooled plastic film , heating the plastic film to dry out any residual water and controlling the plastic film again to a temperature from 30 ° c . to 85 ° c ., and applying a pressure ranging from 1 kg / cm 2 to 8 kg / cm 2 on the plastic film while winding it into a roll . plastic film produced with this method has good transparency and smooth surface without flow mark and air pit .
a stent having an inner surface and an outer surface , at least a portion of the outer surface of the stent comprising a tacky biocompatible coating comprising a tacky polymer material and to methods of delivering and deploying a stent using a tacky biocompatible coating comprising a tacky polymer material .
a plastic container having a first portion , a second portion , and a waist between the first portion and the second portion . the waist includes a first angled portion coupled to the first portion , a second angled portion coupled to the second portion , and a curved portion connecting the first angled portion to the second angled portion for forming a deformable region for preventing a catastrophic failure of the waist when the plastic container is filled and capped and subjected to an external force .
the present invention relates to a method of preparing microcapsules suitable for encapsulation of therapeutic and diagnostic agents . the capsular coats are prepared from biodegradable polymers . in a particular aspect of the invention , surface charge of the polymeric material is altered by conjugation of an amino acid ester to the polymer , providing targeting to specific tissue cells . encapsulation of hydrophilic radiodiagnostic agents in 1 μm capsules provides improved opacification . encapsulation of cytotoxic agents in 100 μm capsules is useful in chemoembolization procedures .
the present description includes containers having an improved puncture design that can be punctured without substantial deformation of the container . such containers are particularly suitable for use in preparing beverages using automatic machines , particularly those used for preparation of single serve beverages . also provided are thermoplastic materials having improved punctureability for use in containers , containers for preparation of a beverage , and methods for preparing a beverage using such containers .
disclosed in an apparatus for the processing of plastics , with a container with a rotatable mixing implement , wherein a conveyor being provided , with a screw rotating in a housing , wherein the imaginary continuation of the longitudinal axis of the conveyor in a direction opposite to the direction of conveying passes the axis of rotation , there being , on the outflow side , an offset distance between the longitudinal axis and the radius that is parallel to the longitudinal axis , and wherein the smallest possible distance between the implement and screw is described by the following relationship : ms ≦ k * d + k , where d is the diameter of the screw in mm , k is a factor in the range from 20 to 100 , more particularly 20 to 80 , k is a factor in the range from 0 . 03 to 0 . 4 , more particularly 0 . 04 to 0 . 25 .
hydrocolloidal dispersions of random interpolymer compositions that have a capacity for absorbing water in amounts of from 10 to 125 times their own weight or greater and are also bacteriostatic are prepared by the polymerization in aqueous medium of a mixture of monomers comprising up to about 90 % by weight of an ester of an α , β - olefinically unsaturated carboxylic acid and a monohydric or polyhydric alcohol having a terminal quaternary ammonium group and at least one α , β - olefinically unsaturated comonomer in the presence of a crosslinking agent comprising a difunctional monomer derived from an α , β - olefinically unsaturated carboxylic acid . the interpolymer compositions can be used for binding or coating nonwoven fabrics including paper to improve water absorbency , or cast into a structurally self - supporting film . a water dispersion of the interpolymer can also be formed into a gel , which can be shaped into useful articles or alternatively dried and pulverized into bacteriostatic hydrophilic particles .
a storage device for kitchen utensils , tools , artist supplies , etc . providing annular tiers of storage pockets surrounding a central hollow cylinder whose top is apertured to support bladed utensils ; preferably , the main body of the storage device is a unitary molded plastic structure having spaced double walls between the storage pockets so as to provide additional storage for bladed utensils between the double walls and the entire device is supported for rotation about the central axis of the cylinder .
a bio - degenerable bone cement is made of a mixture of poly and a diphasic material of tetra - calcium phosphate / dicalcium phosphate anhydrous . the bone cement produced by a manufacturing method is injectable , bio - degenerable and non - penetrable to radioactive rays and features the advantages of a compressive strength close to the strength of bones , a low polymerization temperature , and a high biological compatibility .
a light - weight , low - aerodynamic - drag disk bicycle wheel is disclosed wherein , bonded to the wheel &# 39 ; s tire - carrying rim is a thin , light - weight , aerodynamic drag - reducing structure in the form of a heat - strunk plastic film protected against tearing by an inner , adhered , rip - stop backing fabric .
embodiments disclosed herein provide a novel and cost effective application of a thermoplastic heat - welding rod for welding thermoplastic standing seam profiles and other similar materials to thermoplastic roofing membrane , and providing secure attachment without roof penetration and profile / membrane separation . in addition , embodiments disclosed herein provide a welding attachment or apparatus for performing such heat - welding of thermoplastic materials . in one embodiment , an apparatus for welding a thermoplastic profile strip to a thermoplastic membrane may comprise a first nozzle configured to direct hot air along a portion of a first longitudinal edge of a horizontal base of a thermoplastic profile strip placed on a thermoplastic membrane . also , such an apparatus may comprise a second nozzle configured to direct hot air along a portion of a second , opposing longitudinal edge of the thermoplastic profile strip . furthermore , the apparatus may also comprise a tubular splitter configured to simultaneously supply hot air to the first nozzle and the second nozzle .
a blow molded plastics container includes an injection molded annular neck portion which is sealed by injection molding to an annular wall portion of an injection molded top end wall having a part - spherical center portion . the center portion has five circumferentially spaced and upwardly projecting annular lip seals , two of which surround openings within the top end wall . an injection molded rotatable closure snap - fits onto the neck portion and has a mating part - spherical center portion which engages the lip seals . the closure has one opening which is selectively and progressively alignable with the annular lip seals in response to indexing the closure in one direction . an integrally molded one - way latch extends between the center portions of the closure and top end wall and prevents reverse rotation of the closure except between a consumer open position and a sealed reclosable position .
a non - disassembling partition assembly for insertion into a container for dividing the space inside the container into separated cells . the assembly comprises a plurality of first slotted partitions intersecting with a plurality of second slotted partitions to form a matrix . the matrix is held together in a non - disassembling collapsible relationship by a plurality of weldments at a plurality of intersections . each weldment is formed by injection of molten plastic between opposed face plies of intersecting partitions at an intersection at a sufficiently high temperature , to at least partially melt the spacers between the face plies of the intersecting partitions to create a weldment therebetween . the weldments are formed of a plastic which is preferably the same type of plastic as that from which the partitions are made in order to aid in the recyclability of the partition assembly .
the present invention relates to a hydrated , biocompatible tissue - augmentation compound and methodology for its implantation into mammalian tissue . the tissue - augmentation compound is comprised of : living tissue , optionally body derived fluids , and at least one nco - terminated hydrophilic urethane prepolymer derived from an organic polyisocyanate , and oxyethylene - containing diols or polyols in which essentially all of hydroxyl groups are capped with polyisocyanate .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane - based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active compounds at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of appropriate bioactive substances to tissues or organs .
gluten protein - based biodegradable or edible films are produced using aqueous , essentially alcohol - free casting dispersions containing modified protein and a plasticizer . the modified protein is prepared by treating purified naturally occurring wheat protein with a reducing agent in order to reduce the average molecular weight of the wheat protein and to cleave disulfide bonds therein . such modified wheat gluten protein lowers the viscosity and allows increased solid contents in the casting dispersions , allowing fabrication of improved films using continuous casting techniques and without use of organic solvents .
a heat sealing jaw assembly for effecting a heat seal of at least two juxtaposed heat sealable sheet materials is described . preferably , but not exclusively , the heat sealing jaw assembly is adapted for use in a form , fill and seal machine forming thermoplastic bags . the heat sealing jaw assembly comprises a first and a second metal jaw member , each having a heating element for heating the jaw members . each of the jaw members has an end face disposed in facial alignment with one another . a ribbon member is secured to each of the end faces and disposed in planar alignment with one another . the ribbon member is made of soft material having rubber - like properties and capable of conducting heat from the sealing jaw to a fusing temperature to melt the heat sealable sheet materials . the first and second jaw members are reciprocatable towards and away from one another to press the aligned heated ribbon members against opposed sides of at least two juxtaposed heat sealable sheet materials disposed between the jaw members to effect a heat seal .
an apparatus is disclosed for marking refillable containers , more especially plastic bottles , with code symbols for later ascertaining whether a container has to be refilled or separated . the part of the container in which is situated a manufacturer &# 39 ; s code present from the outset is photographed at a detection station by a camera . using code symbols applied previously as a reference marking , the place is determined at which a new code symbol of a round trip code is applied at a marking station with a laser . the number of such code symbols gives the number of fillings of the containers , and the data content of each code symbol contains a statement concerning the filling inserted in the container , the bottler etc ., in each case . with the aid of this , a certain filling sequence can be adhered to , for example , prevent a plastic bottle which previously contained a cola drink being filled with mineral water , whereas the reverse sequence would be permissible .
polyglutamates are well known to be highly biocompatible , biodegradable and multifunctional polymers , which have been already used as building blocks in polymer drug conjugates and polymeric micelles . those systems have been applied to various medical applications ranging from therapy to molecular imaging . furthermore a polyglutamic acid paclitaxel conjugate has already entered clinical studies . in this context , a synthetic pathway to a plethora functional polyglutamates with well - defined structure , adjustable molecular weight and low dispersity applying the ring opening polymerization of n - carboxyanhydrides has been developed . additionally , the acid moieties of the polyglutamates can be activated with 4 -- 4 - methylmorpholinium and various functionalities can be easily introduced by “ post - polymerization modification ” yielding a set orthogonal reactive attachment sides . the reactive moieties , such as azides , maleimides , thiols , alkynes offer the opportunity of specific conjugation of the drugs , targeting moieties or markers . besides introducing reactive groups the functionalization strategy was also used for pegylation of pga reducing charge induced interactions and therefore pharmacological properties , such as blood circulation time may be adjusted . in summary , a tool kit of various polyglutamates has been developed enabling the synthesis of a variety of polymer drug conjugates or polymer based imaging agents . the functional polymeric precursors developed will allow us to functionalize and therefore adjust the polymer properties to a desired application .
apparatus for making a molded plastic snap - fastener in - situ on a porous substrate , such as fabric . the apparatus includes dies defining a mold cavity therebetween and an ultrasonic head for melting and shaping plastic in the mold cavity . a hinged stripper surrounds a die and when actuated engages the fabric to remove the molded fastener from the die cavity .
this invention relates in general to the formation of thick films having a biaxial molecular orientation . such films are prepared in accordance with the present invention from rod - like extended chain aromatic - heterocyclic ordered polymers . such films have high tensile strength , modulus , and environmental resistance characteristics . a preferred ordered polymer for use in the present invention is poly , , a compound having the structure : ## str1 ## the present invention is also directed to methods and apparatus suitable for producing biaxially oriented films , coatings , and like materials from ordered polymers , preferably pbt .
a system for filtering and treating waste generated or collected in the water of a fish pond . the system includes a pump , pre - filter , piping , a valve assembly , and a filter media container enclosing a plurality of discrete filter media . the filter media are generally hollow , plastic structures with a plurality of external ribs and internal dividing walls having a high surface area - to - volume ratio and can support a high volumetric density of naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria . the heterotrophic bacteria establish colonies on the internal and external surfaces of the filter media and biologically metabolize waste that is trapped on the media . the bacterial metabolization transforms much of the waste to an aesthetically and biologically neutral form thereby reducing the need for chemical treatment of the pond water . the system includes a backwashing mode to agitate and remove unreacted waste from the system and direct the waste stream out of the system .
a process is disclosed for producing composite sheeting of polystyrene having a thin protective layer of vinylidene fluoride polymer . the process comprises joining a molten stream of each polymeric material in a single extruder discharge conduit such that there is produced a single molten stream having a reasonably well defined interface between the two types of polymeric material , and thereafter , passing the resulting single stream of material through a sheet - form extrusion die having its die lips generally aligned with the foregoing interface .
a semipermeable ultrathin polymer membrane is a microfluidic device that comprises a substantially optically transparent polymer film having a surface area to thickness ratio of at least 1 , 000 , 000 : 1 , and an array of precisely spatially ordered pores of a user - selected diameter defined therethrough . such membranes can be fabricated by providing a mold having a patterned array of nanoholes femtosecond laser ablated in a surface thereof ; applying a first polymer solution onto the mold surface so that the first polymer solution infiltrates the nanoholes ; allowing the first polymer solution to dry and form a replica of the mold having a plurality of freestanding nanoneedles extending from a surface of the replica ; removing the replica from the mold ; coating the replica surface with a second polymer solution ; drying the second polymer solution to form a porous polymer film ; and dissolving the replica in a solvent to release the film from the replica as a semipermeable ultrathin polymer membrane . also disclosed are multi - chambered microfluidic devices for studying cell biology in vitro that incorporate one or more such semipermeable ultrathin polymer membranes .
there are a number of devices for washing / recycling thermoplastic . however , the devices tend to be designed on a scale for use at a central site . additionally , the devices currently available do not have a positive feed travel mechanism . rather the devices permit the thermoplastic to be &# 34 ; pushed &# 34 ; through at a rate dependent on the feed rate . the present invention provides a compact washer / recycler having a positive feed travel which is designed to shred , wash , dry and compact plastic at the location of its use .
the present disclosure generally relates to biocompatible polymers for coating or fabricating implantable medical devices and to implantable medical devices having the present biocompatible polymers . the disclosed biocompatible polymers exhibit superior biocompatibility and therefore minimize unwanted immune reaction from a patient into whom a medical device is implanted .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active compounds at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of appropriate bioactive substances to tissues or organs . the drug delivery device for releasing one or more drugs at controlled rates for an extended period of time to produce local or systemic pharmacological effects comprises : 1 . a reservoir , said reservoir comprising ; 2 . at least one active ingredient ; and , optionally , 3 . at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier ; a polyurethane based polymer completely surrounding the reservoir .
the process comprises : preparing a fine dispersion of droplets or particles which contain , or are formed , of a chemical or biologically active substance in a phase comprised of a solvent and a non solvent of the polymer forming the coating and , optionally , a surfactant or suspending agent ; preparing a phase which contains the coat - forming polymer dissolved in a miscible solvent in any relationship with the prior dispersion , mixing both phases continuously while maintaining constant the relationship between the phases and the mixture volume , and simultaneously spraying the resultant mixture in an evaporation system with temperature and vacuum conditions which provide for the instantaneous evaporation of the solvent from the polymer , causing the deposition of the polymer around the particles or droplets . applications to pharmacy , medicine , cosmetics , veterinary , chemical industry , agriculture are discussed .
the invention relates to a method of , and a device for delivering a predetermined volume of beverage into a thermoplastic container formed from a heated preform , the preform being positioned in a mold , characterized in that the method includes a step of injecting at least some beverage into a recess in the preform so as to promote expansion of the preform inside the mold , the mold defining the shape of the container , a longitudinal displacement of a stretch rod carried out during a given period ensuring longitudinal elongation of the heated preform , the stretch rod being immobile at the end of the given period , and a volume of beverage greater than a predefined fraction of the predetermined volume , preferably equal to 50 %, being present in the recess at said end of the given period .
a liquid - permeating sheet having an antibacterial - containing polymer coating part disposed on the side opposite to the skin side is bonded to a back waist area of a diaper base . when a wearer sweats , the sweat penetrates the antibacterial - containing polymer part through the liquid - permeating sheet . the antibacterial contained in the antibacterial - containing polymer containing , part then comes into the sweat to inhibit the propagation of staphylococcus epidermidis .
a method for building a three - dimensional part , the method comprising providing a printed three - dimensional part and support structure , where the support structure comprises at least two polymers having different glass transition temperatures . the method also comprises annealing the three - dimensional part .
a process for recycling waste from the manufacture of filtered cigarettes is disclosed herein . the process comprises the following steps : a waste stream from the manufacture of filtered cigarettes is provided . the waste stream includes tobacco , filter tips comprising cellulose ester polymer , and paper . a substantial portion of the filter tips is separated from this waste stream . the filter tips are washed with a sufficient volume of water to liberate bound tipping paper and to remove contaminants from the cellulose ester polymer . the cellulose ester polymer may then be dried , resolutioned , and processed into useful articles of commerce .
the invention relates to a combination of treatments , more particularly a combination treatment for hiv - 1 infection . the present invention is directed to the use of bryostatin - 1 and their natural and synthetic derivatives for aids therapy , in particular to the use of bryostatins in combination with other active drugs such as histone deacetylases inhibitors and anti - retrovirals , for the treatment of hiv - 1 latency . according to the present invention , we provide a combination therapy for the treatment of hiv - 1 latency which employs bryostatin - 1 and one of the following hdac inhibitors ; valproic acid , butyrate derivatives , hydroxamic acids and benzamides . while hdaci can be used in continuous dosing protocol , bryostatins can be used following a cyclical dosing protocol . bryostatins can be formulated in pharmaceutical acceptable carriers including nanoparticles , phospholipids nanosomes and / or biodegradable polymer nanospheres . this combination therapy needs to be used in patients treated with antiretroviral therapy .
the present invention describes a novel antibacterial treatment on textile materials using polymeric core - shell particles dispersing in water . these particles are prepared from a surfactant - free emulsion polymerization according to the method of u . s . pat . no . 6 , 573 , 313 and have average particle sizes in the range of 100 to 1000 nm in diameter . when applied to a textile article , the particles form a uniform coating , which prevents the growth of bacteria and microbes . the treatment does not affect the fabric mechanical properties , hand feeling and appearance . antibacterial activity on cotton is maintained even after 50 times of home laundering .
monolithic cartridges including a plurality of nominally aligned polymer fibers can be used as stationary phase materials for liquid chromatography separations . bundles of fibers are packed together so as to form capillary channels between the fibers . different polymer compositions permit the “ chemical tuning ” of the separation process . the fibers can be physically or chemically bonded at spaced locations throughout the cartridge or can be packed together under pressure by use of an encasing wrap to form the capillary channels . use of fibers allows a wide range of liquid flow rates with very low backpressures . applications in hplc , cap - lc , prep - scale separations , analytical separations , waste remediation / immobilization , extraction of selected organic molecules / ions from solution , purification of liquid streams , selective extraction of cell matter and bacteria from growth media , and immobilization of cell matter and bacteria are envisioned .
a fastening device for a line , in particular for an electric cable in a motor vehicle , is proposed , the fastening device having a bush which can be locked in a holder , at least partially surrounds the line , is made of elastically deformable material and is fastened releaseably in a cutout of the holder by means of a contour . according to the invention , the surface of a bush , which is injection - moulded from plastic , is of segmented design in order to obtain easier deformability of the bush when fitting it into an associated holder .
a method for making a punch and stripper assembly for a reciprocating metal - punching press in which the stripper is integrally molded about the punch while in the punch holder through the use of a certain plastics material mold cooperating with the punch holder , and a substantially liquid plastics material that can be poured in the mold and will set to a solid condition integral with the punch .
a barrel adapted for use in a plastics machine , has an inner layer of insulating ceramic disposed over and around the barrel along its length to form an insulated barrel , a wire layer including a plurality of heating coils of alloy resistance wire wound around the insulated barrel under tension in a spiral fashion , the wire layer also providing additional termination coils near opposite ends of the barrel for making electrical contact with a source of electrical power to heat the barrel , and a top layer of an electrically insulating ceramic disposed over the heating coils a method of making a barrel with a heater , comprises spraying a layer of a metal bonding alloy over a portion of the barrel to be heated .
tubular reactor apparatus and processes are provided for improved polymerization including using chain transfer agents and multiple monomer feeds spaced lengthwise along the tubular reactor providing high conversions of monomer into polymer . the invention also relates to polymers made from such a tubular reactor apparatus and processes including those polymers having a low haze value , a density over 0 . 92 g / cm 3 and / or having terminal carbonyl groups . the apparatus and methods uncouple or reduce the dependency between the monomer concentration and transfer agent concentration . the uncoupling in other embodiments may also be varied leading to multiple desirable effects .
a modular plastic conveyor belt that is useful in accommodating hinge rods that tend to lengthen during use and an edge module for constructing such a belt . an edge portion of the edge module has an elongated link end that provides an unimpeded growth path for a hinge rod within the confines of the belt . the edge portion of one edge module is hooked to the edge portion of an adjacent edge module by a pivot that is pivotally received in a mating receptacle on the adjacent module .
a thermoplastic endless belt has a smooth outer surface substantially free of discontinuities and an inner surface with a plurality of teeth at a given belt pitch . the teeth are adapted to engage a pulley with circumferentially spaced sheaves at a pulley pitch greater than the belt pitch . the belt is slightly stretchable so that the pulley can drive the endless belt when engaging the teeth within a range of load on the belt . means are provided to minimize friction between the belt and the drive pulley . also , a position limiter ensures that the driven tooth stays engaged optimally with the drive sheave .
in a broad aspect of the present disclosure there is provided a reinforcing member for reinforcing a concrete structure , methods of manufacturing the member and a composite concrete column comprising the member for reinforcing concrete structures . the member has a longitudinally extending elongate rod comprising a fiber reinforced polymer . a tubular sheath is spaced apart from and extending around the elongate rod so as to define a volume thereabout . the volume is filled with substantially incompressible material .
a polymer composition comprises a minor amount of a pro - degradant selected from essentially carboxycylic β - diketones and metal complexes thereof , e . g . 2 , 2 &# 39 ;- methylene or its mn or zn complex . a film of the composition may be used for the protection of seeds or seedlings at an agricultural or horticultural locus .
the specification describes an improved gaming token which includes , among other features , a relatively flat non - metallic annular ring having injection - molded indicia thereon bounded by sharp and durable color lines . this ring also includes an inner coin - support annulus which extends into a central opening of the ring and receives flat back - to - back metal slugs or discs on each surface thereof to retain these discs permanently in place once they are welded together . since the outer coin surfaces are flush with the major surfaces of the flat non - metallic annular ring , this construction renders removal of the metal coins quite difficult . in one embodiment of the invention , this coin - support annulus is integral with a single unitary plastic annular ring which includes regions of injection - molded indicia thereon which are flush with both major and minor surfaces of the ring and are bounded by the sharp and durable color lines as noted above .
the specification discloses an automobile inner door pull having an elongated body of a resilient molded plastic material which contains a reinforcing longitudinal metal insert and a longitudinal cavity for a rich cushiony feel .