disclosed are methods of conjugating biologically active substances , particularly , alpha - interferon , with a hyaluronan or a mixture of a hyaluronan with at least one other hydrophilic polymer having a functional group capable of reacting with divinyl sulfone . also disclosed are stable intermediates formed by partially reacting a hyaluronan with divinyl sulfone and stopping the reaction before completion to leave free , or reactive vinyl groups on the hyaluronan molecule available for conjugation with the biologically active substance .
novel membranes comprising various polymers containing heterocyclic nitrogen groups are described . these membranes are usefully employed in electrochemical sensors , such as amperometric biosensors . more particularly , these membranes effectively regulate a flux of analyte to a measurement electrode in an electrochemical sensor , thereby improving the functioning of the electrochemical sensor over a significant range of analyte concentrations . electrochemical sensors equipped with such membranes are also described .
automated packaging of surgical needle - suture assemblies includes a framing operation in which adjacent sheets of polymer coated aluminum foils are conveyed through a sequence of steps in an apparatus which produces frames containing plastic packets of needle - suture assemblies . the apparatus pulls a web of foil off a large diameter feed roll and maintains web alignment as it travels down line through the apparatus by a system that optically detects transverse movement of the web as it is fed into the apparatus and adjusts the position of the feed roll relative to the centerline of travel using a hi - directional stepper motor . discontinuities in the polymer coating on the top surface of the web of foil are automatically detected so that remedial steps can be taken to avoid processing defective sections of the web . a vision system having video cameras connected to a specially adapted computer enables monitoring the product travelling through the apparatus to detect various defects in the product formation . upon detection of a defect , the computer system can either identify and separate rejected product from good product or shut down the apparatus . a servo drive system enables rapid and controllable advancement of the web down line in the apparatus .
a method for producing packaging material in web form comprising a carcass layer having through holes , openings or slits , a barrier layer on one side of the carcass layer , a plastic lining arranged outside the barrier layer , and a laminant thermoplast arranged between the carcass layer and barrier layer . the method involves bringing the barrier layer at the same time as the carcass layer to adhere to the plastic lining and / or to the laminant thermoplast film in a press nip . the press nip comprises an impression roller exhibiting a jacket surface faced with an inner facing layer of elastic material possessing a first hardness and a first thickness , and an outer facing layer of elastic material possessing a second hardness and a second thickness . the first hardness is greater than the second hardness and the first thickness is greater than the second thickness .
a gas fed catalytic heater is employed as a heat source in the thermoforming of shaped articles from a sheet of thermoplastic material . the thermoplastic sheet is fed from a continuous supply roll past an array of gas catalytic heaters in a heating section in order to soften the sheet prior to entering a mold for shaping the articles . a closed loop temperature control system is provided for controlling the pressure and hence the volume of gas entering the catalytic heaters and thus the emitted infrared radiation to automatically maintain the temperature of the thermoplastic sheet at a predetermined set value . the control system includes a temperature sensor for measuring the temperature of the sheet , a temperature controller for comparing the actual temperature of the sheet against a preset temperature and for producing an output signal that is proportional to the difference temperature and a gas modulating valve which is responsive to the output signal for adjusting the flow of gas to the catalytic heaters .
a novel system for producing film by extruding and / or casting at least two layers of resin , such as polyacrylonitrile homopolymer or interpolymers . the system provides for co - extruding a continuous multi - layer film with contiguous or tandem dies from a first supply of homogeneous resin solution and a second supply of non - homogeneous redissolved resin scrap . the film may be cast onto a smooth cooled drum surface to form substantially continuous adjacent layers from two or more resin supplies . by stripping the film from the drum as a continuous film strip and stretching the film an oriented structure is provided . scrap resin , such as selvage trimmed from the stretched film or mill scrap , is comminuted and redissolved in solvent for recycle to the second supply of the extrusion step . the homogeneous layer prevents film disruption by inhomogeneities present in the contiguous layer containing redissolved scrap , which might cause localized stresses in the film and discontinuities during stretching .
implants for forming a positive connection with human or animal parts include a material , such as thermoplastics and thixotropic materials , that can be liquefied by means of mechanical energy . the implants are brought into contact with the tissue part , are subjected to the action of ultrasonic energy while being pressed against the tissue part . the liquefiable material liquefies and is pressed into openings or surface asperities of the tissue part so that , once solidified , the implant is positively joined thereto . the implantation involves the use of an implantation device that includes a generator , an oscillating element , and a resonator . the generator causes the oscillating element to mechanically oscillate , and the element transmits the oscillations to the resonator . the resonator is used to press the implant against the tissue part to transmit oscillations to the implant .
a structured drug system that is useful for delivering a drug payload to a specific tissue or cell type is disclosed . the system is based on purified polymalic acid . this polymer isolated from natural sources is biocompatible , biodegradable and of very low toxicity . the polymer is extremely water soluble and contains a large number of free carboxyl groups which can used to attach a number of different active molecules . in the examples disclosed n - hydroxysuccinimide esters of the carboxyl groups are used to attach such molecules . the active molecules include monoclonal antibodies to promote specific cellular uptake and specific pro - drugs such as antisense nucleic acids designed to modify the cellular metabolism of a target cell . the pro - drugs are advantageously linked by a somewhat labile bond so that they will be released under specific conditions . in addition , the system contains amide - linked valine to encourage membrane disruption under lysosomal conditions . polyethylene glycol groups are attached to extend the drug system &# 39 ; s circulation half - life . in addition , fluorescent reported groups can be readily included to aid in visualizing and confirming drug system targeting . the drug system can deliver treatments for a wide range of diseases and is specially advantageous for treatment of neoplasms .
a high strength plastic bag is formed from two sheets of polymeric material . the sheets are folded , machined , and heat sealed to form a receptacle portion , a flap for covering an opening to the receptacle portion and handles to facilitate handling of the bag when filled . at least one handle has three layers of polymeric material for improved strength . the bag includes a tamper - indicating closure and has a high friction coefficient to prevent sliding of stacked bags .
the present invention comprises novel preparations of polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers which retain the therapeutic activity of the commercial preparations , but are substantially free from the undesirable effects which are inherent in the prior art preparations . because the preparations of polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers which comprise the present invention are a less polydisperse population of molecules than the prior art polyoxypropylene / polyoxyethylene copolymers , the biological activity of the copolymers is better defined and more predictable .
a biocompatible wound dressing comprised of a pad for insertion substantially into a wound site and a wound drape for sealing enclosure of the foam pad at the wound site . the pad , comprised of a foam or other like material having relatively few open cells in contact with the areas upon which cell growth is to be encouraged so as to avoid unwanted adhesions , but having sufficiently numerous open cells so that drainage and negative pressure therapy may continue unimpaired , is placed in fluid communication with a vacuum source for promotion of fluid drainage , as known in the art . the pad is further comprised of an ultra - low density fused - fibrous ceramic , or a bioabsorbable branched polymer , or cell growth enhancing matrix or scaffolding .
heavy metal - free compostable polymers , composites and articles anaerobically biodegrade in landfills in a relatively short time . heavy metal - free composite polymeric articles and sheets such as indoor or outdoor signs , billboards , banners , images , protective barriers , backdrops and wall coverings have very useful service durations and yet are landfill biodegradable .
a method for identifying overheated spots in liquid - filled electrical devices , comprising the steps of : a ) determining the locations of potentially overheatable spots in said device and mapping said locations ; b ) positioning a tag consisting of one or more chemical indicators on potentially overheatable spots in said devices , wherein when said tags are exposed to a given high temperature , they are depolymerized into thermal degradation products which are diffused into the liquid ; c ) identifying the thermal degradation products by analytical methods ; and d ) locating the overheated places according to the identified thermal degradation products and the map of locations of said tags ; wherein the tags comprise polymers and copolymers , which are substantially absent from the liquid of the device at normal working conditions .
described are thin plane - parallel aluminum flakes illustrated in fig . 1 having a thickness of up to 200 nm and comprising an inner layer of oxidized aluminium having a thickness of 0 . 5 - 30 nm , a process for the manufacture thereof and the use thereof , e . g . in formulations , like paints , electrostatic coatings , printing inks , plastics materials , and cosmetics . surprisingly , due to the inner layer of oxidized aluminum the aluminum flakes have an improved shear stability as evidenced e . g . by the difference in lightness before and after shear stress .
polyurethanes and polyesters are described which are the reaction products of an aromatic , aliphatic or cycloaliphatic diisocyanate , or of a diacid or diacid derivative respectively , with a diol containing a pendent uv - absorbing moiety , optionally also with one or more other diols or diamines . these uv - absorbing polycondensates can be applied to the surfaces of substrates by exhaustion methods or by spraying and act to protect polymers and dyes from degradation by uv radiation . they are therefore useful , either alone or in combination with other coating materials , for the treatment of wood , paper , textiles , leather or other surfaces which are exposed to degrading radiation .
composite membranes , methods or processes for producing composite membranes , and systems utilizing composite membranes are generally described . in some examples , a composite membrane includes a porous halogenated polymer and a conductive polymer coupled to the porous halogenated polymer . in some examples , a process for producing a composite membrane includes coupling a conductive polymer and a porous halogenated polymer .
an apparatus for making three - dimensional physical objects of predetermined shape by sequentially depositing multiple layers of solidifying material on a base member in a desired pattern , the apparatus comprising : a movable dispensing head having a flow passage therein in flow communication at one end thereof with a dispensing outlet configured in the form of a tip with a discharge orifice of predetermined size therein to dispense material in a fluid state ; a supply of flexible strand of thermoplastic resin material that solidifies by cooling to a solidification temperature ; heated relatively rapidly to a temperature just above its solidification temperature and will solidify due to a drop in temperature upon being dispensed onto said base member . means for supplying said material in a fluid state through said flow passage to said dispensing outlet ; a delivery surface disposed in working proximity to said dispensing outlet of said dispensing head ; means for moving said dispensing head and said base member relative to each other in three dimensions in a predetermined sequence and pattern with respect to said dispensing outlet ; and means for metering the discharge of said material in a fluid state from said discharge orifice onto said base member as said dispensing head and base member are moved relative to each other so as to thus form a three - dimensional object , characterised in that : material is provided to said movable dispensing head in the form of a continuous flexible strand ; said means for supplying said material in a fluid state comprises a heater on said dispensing head proximate said flow passage that heats said flexible strand to a predetermined temperature above the solidification temperature of said material ; and said means for metering comprises a material advance mechanism operatively associated with said flexible strand which controllably advances said flexible strand towards said flow passage at an advance rate controlled in relation to said mechanism means , to thereby regulate the flow rate of said material in a fluid stream from said discharge orifice in relation to the relative movement of said discharge head and said base member ; said material advance mechanism comprises one or more roller pairs that grip said flexible strand therebetween and a speed - controlled driver motor that supplies rotational power to said roller pairs .
the present invention relates to a roller cone drill bit that includes a bit body adapted to be rotated about a longitudinal axis , where the bit body has at least one leg depending therefrom , wherein the leg comprises a treated portion that provides a residual compressive stress , and a roller cone rotatably mounted on a journal . the treated portion treatment may comprise one selected from shot peening , laser - shock peening , and hammer peening . further , the present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a roller cone drill bit that includes inducing a compressive stress , through plastic deformation , in at least a portion of at least one leg depending from a bit body . the inducing a compressive stress may comprise one selected from shot peening , laser - shock peening , and hammer peening .
the present invention provides an apparatus for efficient and clean handling of concrete admixtures that allows their incorporation into a concrete mixture in a pre - measured and controlled manner . the system provides a novel packaging system to be integrated into the admixture feed devices on a concrete batch mixing truck allowing transfer and incorporation of the admixture material to the concrete without additional handling by the operator . the present invention consists of a tubular package of heavy gauge cardboard or plastic material such as pvc with an easily removable light gauge cover on each end . the cover would be constructed of a material that could be easily displaced when installing the tube into the feeder section of the mixer . the tube is pre - loaded with any variety of clean pre - measured concrete admixtures .
polymers that are biocompatible are useful for various medical purposes such as tissue repair , reconstruction and wound healing . a method and composition for producing a biocompatible polymer formed from nucleic acids is disclosed . the nucleic acid polymer may be used to form a hybrid with an existing polymer to create a copolymer . the nucleic acids may be also be selected to encode particular proteins which may then be expressed in a biological tissue .
a multipurpose combination - tool which performs the functions of removing staples , scraping , identifying steel from other metallic recyclables like aluminum , cutting cardboard into dimensions appropriate for baling , removing plastic or metal cap retainer rings , stripping non - glued labels , cutting baling cord and various carton types , and removing pre - softened glue labels from bottles . the tool includes a scraper , a retractable hooked - shaped blade , a straight blade , a magnet , a passage way in the scraper , a housing with a comfortable grip and one set of extra blades stored in the housing .
the present invention relates to a composition of matter for the time - dependent liberation of therapeutic agents . this composition of matter comprises a polymeric slab and a homogeneously dispersed enzyme which degrades the polymeric slab in the presence of moisture . the therapeutic agent is physically entrapped in the polymeric slab by inclusion during polymerization to form the polymeric slab or by mixture of the therapeutic agent with a liquid form of the polymeric slab and conversion of the liquid to a solid form . the therapeutic agent is not chemically bound to the polymer , and thus release of the agent is immediately effected upon the specific moisture - activated enzymatic degradation of the polymer slab . moisture for enzymatic activation is provided by the biological surface on which the slab is emplaced , such as the dermal surface . the composition comprises a polymer such as poly and an enzyme such as proteinase k together with chlorpheniramine maleate as the therapeutic agent .
the present invention relates to a device method and kit for the convenient and rapid isolation and purification of nucleic acids , proteins , peptides , carbohydrates and oligosaccharides from heterogeneous biological samples . the device comprises a membrane assembly comprised of layers of microporous , polymeric membranes functionalized with ion - exchange groups . the device is reusable for like samples , relatively inexpensive compared to currently available separation techniques and is disposable , thereby avoiding cross - contamination of biological samples .
a tray for identifying isolated microorganisms consisting of a plastic or glass tray body and a transparent cover , the body surface of which has two kinds of hollows for bacterial suspensions . one is formed horizontally across the surface of the tray and the other is composed of number of small wells long and slender , put parallel and rectangular to previous hollow . each of the small cells communicates over crest barrier to hollow put horizontally . with this tray , microorganisms can be exactly and easily identified .
a finish laminate for high - frequency circuits , which consists of a metal - covered multilayer structure composed of at least one fundamental laminate in which a glass cloth layer is laminated on at least one side of an ultrahigh molecular - weight polyethylene layer with an adhesive layer interposed between the layers and , one fundamental laminate being able to be laminated on another with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween , and a metal foil laminated on at least one outermost layer of the multilayer structure with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween . in one embodiment , the glass cloth layer may be impregnated with a curable thermosetting resin or with this resin and a thermoplastic resin to form a resin - containing glass cloth layer or , thereby dispensing with an adhesive layer when laminating a metal foil on the outermost layer of the multilayer structure .
a silyl acrylate compound containing a siloxy group having a bulky substituent is provided . the compound is represented by the following general formula : wherein r 1 and r 2 are independently a c 3 - 10 monovalent branched hydrocarbon group having a hydrocarbon group at α or β position or a monovalent c 3 - 10 cyclic hydrocarbon group ; r 3 , r 4 , and r 5 are independently an unsubstituted or substituted c 1 - 20 hydrocarbon group or a siloxy group represented by the following general formula : — osir 7 r 8 r 9 wherein r 7 , r 8 , and r 9 are independently an unsubstituted or substituted c 1 - 20 hydrocarbon group ; and r 6 is hydrogen atom or methyl group . this compound is hydrolyzed at a reduced speed , and use of a polymer obtained by copolymerization with an alkyl methacrylate is capable of suppressing attachment of marine organisms to the ship with no or reduced biocide , and this polymer is useful for a hydrolytic self - polishing paint .
a closure cap for infusion and transfusion bottles having a rim cap which grips around a rim neck of a bottle and has a cutout which is closed by a plastic lid so that an annular zone of the plastic lid grips below the edge of the cutout to obtain a tightly sealed attachment of the lid this attachment can nevertheless be lifted off with relatively little force due to a radially extending intended - bend line of the plastic lid formed by a thinning of the material .
a stackable , portable air filtration unit utilizing a molded plastic central housing , injection - molded plastic inlet and outlet covers and accommodating a high - efficiency particulate air filter or other high efficiency particulate filter , a secondary filter and a pre - filter . the unit is versatile and flexible in that different motorized impellers can be used alternatively , depending on the desired specifications .
an elongate , rigid , tubular , biaxially oriented thermoplastic , hollow thin - walled shaped article is molded by introducing into an elongate mold cavity , the internal configuration and dimensions thereof corresponding to the exterior surface area of the desired shaped article , and aligning along the longitudinal axis thereof , a hollow tubular thermoplastic preform heated to the biaxial orientation temperature of said thermoplastic ; expanding under internal pressure said heated preform to simultaneously , both longitudinally and transversely , uniformly stretch same , at least to the natural biaxial drawing ratio thereof , but to a value in the transverse direction of less than 100 % of that ultimately desired ; next further expanding said heated preform , under increased internal pressure , completely against the internal walls of the mold cavity to thus completely shape said ultimately desired shaped article ; and then cooling said desired shaped article and releasing all pressure therefrom .
a finish for cellulosic fibrous substrates containing tertiary amine - containing polymers for providing durable control of body odors and the cellulosic materials treated with the finish , which materials exhibit little or no discoloration and little or no degradation of physical strength as a result of the treatment .
an improved design for an injection molding apparatus for creating of products from fluid plastic material wherein a hydraulic flow divider can be used for simultaneously actuating of multiple hydraulic injectors which need not be linearly positioned . this molding apparatus is usable with a hydraulic flow divider since a unique configuration of a fixed frame with a cage mounted movably therein and a hydraulic cylinder assembly mounted movably within the cage allows the injection molding apparatus to use the same amount of hydraulic fluid during each and every stroke regardless of the length of the stroke of the rod relative to the nozzle . this unique capability is achievable by allowing the hydraulic cylinder assembly in its entirety to move within a predefined cage configuration even after the entire stroke is completed in order to allow the cylinder to accept the amount of powering hydraulic fluid associated with a single complete stroke . further included in this design is a unique position indicating device located externally on the apparatus to indicate the relative positioning internally between the nozzle rod and the nozzle rod tip opening and to indicate the positioning of adjustment thereof .
the present invention is directed to a method for making l - lactide from aqueous l - lactic acid . aqueous lactic acid feed for present purposes comprehends an aqueous mixture of one or more of l 1 a , l 2 a , and l 3 a , optionally with ld being present . l - lactic acid is the preferred feed configuration for making l - lactide , and is to be understood even though the configuration symbol is not used throughout this application . aqueous lactic acid feed is treated for removal of water therefrom until a degree of polymerization not substantially above about 2 is reached . the treatment then is ceased to produce a crude ld product . ld then is separated from the crude ld product . a preferred treatment involves heating the feed at elevated temperature to remove water . ld can be separated from the crude ld product by a variety of techniques to produce an ld - depleted product . this ld - depleted product , optionally augmented with additional aqueous lactic acid and / or water then can be readmitted to the process for making additional lactide . this cyclic or recycle process embodiment of the present invention enables very high lactide conversions to be realized .
a manual hone for the plural cutting surfaces of a rotary electric razor cutter . a flat stone of rounded peripheral contour is mounted in an encircling plastic retainer . the retainer provides shock absorption and prevention of inadvertent passage of any cutting surface over an edge of the stone . a cushion or cushions may be provided within the retainer for absorbing excess finger pressure and additional shock absorption .
hydrophilic membrane particularly suited for blotting applications , preferably western blotting . a pre - wet hydrophobic membrane substrate , preferably made of pvdf , is contacted with a monomer solution and subjected to a uv - initiated free radical polymerization step to render the substrate permanently hydrophilic . the resulting membrane exhibits low background fluorescence , high protein binding , excellent retention of protein sample spot morphology , and extended dynamic range . the membrane demonstrates comparable or higher performance in western blotting applications than conventional nitrocellulose western blotting membranes , particularly for protein detection at low sample concentrations , and is directly water - wettable , eliminating the need for an alcohol pre - wet step prior to use .
a method for preparing a porous - three - dimensional scaffold good for tissue engineering is described . sericin forms a three - dimensional scaffold with pva after freeze - drying having glycerin as a plasticizer and genipin as natural crosslinking agent to help making a strong and stable matrix . adding glycerin into scaffold gives good uniformity and porosity . smaller pore sizes and better uniformity are obtained as the concentration of genipin in the scaffold increases . glycerin retains a high moisture content to allow the presence of water molecule in the matrix structure . adding genipin results in a higher degree of crosslinking within the scaffold . crosslinking using genipin is most beneficial in preparing scaffold possesses the best biological and physical properties for wound healing . the present invention describes method for preparing crosslinked matrix whose composition can be appropriately tuned to obtain matrix with desirable characteristics for biological applications .
a non - metallic element system is provided as part of a downhole tool that can effectively seal or pack - off an annulus under elevated temperatures . the element system can also resist high differential pressures without sacrificing performance or suffering mechanical degradation , and is considerably faster to drill - up than a conventional element system . in one aspect , the composite material comprises an epoxy blend reinforced with glass fibers stacked layer upon layer at about 30 to about 70 degrees . in another aspect , a mandrel is formed of a non - metallic polymeric composite material . a downhole tool , such as a bridge plug , frac - plug , or packer , is also provided . the tool comprises a support ring having one or more wedges , an expansion ring , and a sealing member positioned with the expansion ring .
micro - and nanofilters have a wide range of applications in many fields , including medical diagnostics , drug delivery , medical implants , and hemodialysis . some issues that limit commercial application of current nanofilters in medicine are low pore density , non - uniform pore size , and the use of materials that are not biocompatible . a method is described to fabricate high porosity polymer and diamond micro - and nanofilters producing smooth , uniform and straight pores of high aspect ratio . pore size , density , and shape can be predetermined with a high degree of precision by masks and controlled etch . the method combines energetic neutral atom beam lithography and a mask . this technology allows etching polymeric materials in a clean , well - controlled , and charge - free environment , making it very suitable for fabricating nanofilters and other components for biomedical applications .
a method for preparing polymeric membranes is disclosed , which has the following steps : forming a casting solution by dissolving cellulose triacetate and polyether - sulfone in a solvent mixture containing n - methyl pyrroridone and hydrogen chloride ; forming a membrane from said casting solution ; and recovering said membrane . the method of present invention provides an asymmetrical , microporous , polymeric membrane with a high recovery rate of nucleic acids and desirable bulk and surface properties . also , the membrane so - produced is useful to the application of material separations by filtration and the like , especially the condensation of nucleic acids from a crude sample by filtration .
a thin film composite semipermeable membrane on a semiporous substrate is produced by an interfacial polymerization reaction between an aqueous phase comprising a blend of water soluble and water dispersable compounds , and an organic phase comprising polyfunctional crosslinking reagents capable of reacting and / or polymerizing with one or more of the ingredients of said aqueous phase .
a medical device comprising a coating thereon comprising a biocompatible polymer and heparin is provided herein . heparin is coupled with the biocompatible polymer via a spacer having a grouping that renders a binding site of the heparin molecule accessible by a binding protein . the medical device can be implanted in a human being for the treatment of a disease such as atherosclerosis , thrombosis , restenosis , hemorrhage , vascular dissection or perforation , vascular aneurysm , vulnerable plaque , chronic total occlusion , claudication , anastomotic proliferation for vein and artificial grafts , bile duct obstruction , ureter obstruction , tumor obstruction , or combinations thereof .
a coating composition for forming a glossy , inkjet - receptive coating on a substrate includes a cationic polymer , and colloidal silica having an average particle size in the nanometer range .
a weldable two piece assembly and a method of fabricating a plastic bearing cage wherein one piece comprises a rail and integral axially - extending ribs for guiding and separating the rolling elements , and the other piece comprises the other rail , and wherein the free ends of the ribs telescope into corresponding recesses for the other rail and are ultrasonically welded thereto to form an integral one piece cage .
the invention provides an injection molding method of stone - based composite material and equipment thereof , wherein the method comprises the following steps : a . putting raw materials into a charging device and then pushing the raw materials into a preforming machine barrel of a preforming device by a pressing component in the charging device ; b . keeping the temperature being between 15 ° c . and 55 ° c . and compacting the raw materials with the rotation of a preforming screw and transporting the raw materials into a collecting block ; c . injecting the raw materials into a mold through a mold gate under the injection force of 50 mpa to 180 mpa ; d . keeping the temperature of the mold between 140 ° c . and 200 ° c . and curing time between 40 seconds and 300 seconds ; and e . opening the mold to get the product . the invention has the advantages of simple production process , high acceptance rate of products manufactured , high production efficiency and low production cost . the product has the advantages of high mechanical strength , good fire resistance , thermal stability , corrosion resistance and electrical property , low cost and the like . the product is capable of substituting the majority of thermoset plastics and thermoplastics , thus reducing the usage amount of plastic products and providing powerful support and safeguard for creating resource - conservation and environment - friendly industry .
a pet bottle forming machine used to mold clear plastic bottles of the type now widely used for mayonaise jars , cosmetic jars , perfume jars and the like , is modified to reduce the potential damage to such jars or containers at the time they are released from the machine . the machine includes an ejector pad , which enters into the open end of the container to center the container at the time a lip spreader operates to part the lip forming portion to release the container . the ejector pad is mounted on the end of a hollow rod , which extends through the pad . when the ejector pad is inserted into the open end of the container at the time of release , a vacuum is applied through the hollow rod to cause the container to be secured to the ejector pad . the hollow rod , with the ejector pad and container releaseably secured to it , then is lowered to place the bottom of the container on a support surface , at which time the vacuum is removed to release the container from the ejector pad . the support rod and ejector pad then are raised to an initial starting position for a repeat of the cycle .
a thermoplastic closure for a fluid container which has a flexible needle - like dispensing extension continuous with and extending from the base and ending at a tip wherein the extension has an internal cylindrical cavity with an interior aperture positioned within the base and an exterior aperture positioned at the tip . the flexible , needle - like extension facilitates ease in refilling reservoirs such as ink - jet cartridges and facilitates control over the rate of flow of the ink from the container into the reservoir .
a process for preparing a patterned layer of aligned carbon nanotubes on a substrate including : applying a pattern of polymeric material to the surface of a substrate capable of supporting nanotube growth using a soft - lithographic technique ; subjecting said polymeric material to carbonization to form a patterned layer of carbonized polymer on the surface of the substrate ; synthesising a layer of aligned carbon nanotubes on regions of said substrate to which carbonized polymer is not attached to provide a patterned layer of aligned carbon nanotubes on said substrate .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
monomer addition methodology is provided to adjust monomer addition rates to a polymerization reactor . advantages of the invention include control of bioabsorbable copolymer structure , improvement of monomer conversion , control of reaction temperature , and reduced reaction time . the overall result is an improved process and enhanced product performance . the technology is particularly useful in the copolymerization of monomers with different reactivity ratios , such as glycolide / lactide copolymers and glycolide / caprolactone copolymers . monomer reactivity ratios and reaction kinetics are utilized to adjust monomer addition rates .
a spring - biased cutting tool for plastic pipes . the tool includes two elongated members pivotally connected to each other in a scissors - like manner . each elongated member has a handle portion and a jaw portion with one jaw portion including a knife blade and the other an anvil . to assemble the elongated members , one of them is provided with a central aperture or hole through which the other member can be passed to form the scissors - like shape . a leaf spring in then clipped at one end over an edge portion of the aperture and extends across to abut against the other elongated member and bias the handles of the tool apart and the jaws of the tool is open to receive a pipe to be cut .
applicants have produced a chromophore and a polymer that are highly sensitive to the presence of various agents , including organophosphates , pesticides , neurotoxins , metal ions , some explosives , and biological toxins . the detection is accomplished by detecting a change in the fluorescence characteristics of the chromophore or polymer when in the presence of the agent to be detected . the chromophore and polymer may be incorporated into sensors of various types , and they are adaptable for potential field use in areas where detection of these types of agents is desired .
fumaric acid or a salt thereof , such as a fumaryl halide , which contains unsaturated carbon - carbon double bonds that can be used for in situ crosslinking , is copolymerized with polydiol in the presence of an alkali metal salt . the resulting photocrosslinkable biocompatible and bioresorbable poly biomaterial is useful in the fabrication of injectable an in - situ hardening scaffolds for application in skeletal reconstruction .
a lightweight plastic pick up truck box for use on street grade , light - duty pick - up trucks . it is another aspect of the present invention to provide a plastic pick up truck box with a light - duty truck dumping mechanism for pick - up trucks utilizing plastic molded truck box beds , with the tilting mechanism being used to dump the contents out of the pick - up truck box bed . another embodiment of the invention includes a double - folding tailgate / ramp which can be utilized to extend to the ground in order to allow for easy carrying and loading of a pick - up box . the combination of the plastic molded pick - up truck box bed having inserts therein with a hydraulic stanchion support and dumping mechanism yields a light - duty truck which can be used for dumping . although in its most simple form , a singular stanchion and hydraulic dumping mechanism may be utilized , more than one stanchion and hydraulic lifting mechanism may also be utilized .
a molded plastic printer carriage mountable in the printer on a slider rod uses a pair of spaced sintered bronze bushings and a spring biased preload pad intermediate the bushings which engages the slider rod to compensate for and minimize rocking of the carriage during rapid movement thereof during printing without requiring expensively machined slider rods or close tolerance bushings .
semiconductor nanoparticles having high luminescence properties that are preferable for applications and uses of biotechnology are provided . with the use of electric charges on the surfaces of particles , the particles and selected polymers are allowed to electrostatically bind to each other , such that the surfaces of the particles are coated . the polymers are allowed to crosslink to each other , resulting in the improved durability of the particles . further , functional groups contained in the polymers are exposed on the surfaces of the particles . accordingly , semiconductor nanoparticles that are preferably utilized for applications such as staining and labeling of biopolymers have been synthesized .
polymeric formulations which contain aqueous dispersions of acrylic monomers and copolymers and modified polyethylene terephthalate resin are disclosed which are useful as a coating system or treatment for imparting water , oil and grease resistance to underlying cellulosic substrates . the formulations do not contain any fluorochemicals , polyethylene or wax . moreover , the formulations provide water , oil and grease resistance properties that are an improvement in the art to known coatings and treatments which contain polyethylene and or wax for water , oil and grease resistance . these coatings can also impart improved anti - wicking properties over the existing art . these formulations have interest as they contain components that are permitted to come into direct contact with food products . therefore , the formulations of the present invention are ideal for use as coatings for paper and paperboard , including paper packaging such as that utilized in food wrappers , food containers , food receptacles , etc . in addition , because these formulations do not contain fluorochemicals , polyethylene or wax the resulting paper products can be recycled and repulped .
this invention relates to biomineral - based cements incorporating biopolymer carriers for the site specific introduction of natural or synthetic compounds that influence bone repair and / or patient recovery . the invention further relates to methods for producing such biphasic calcium phosphate cements for drug delivery .
an index sheet which may be accommodated by and directly printed upon by a conventional printer . the index sheet includes a body section , a foldable bindable section extending along one edge of the body section and a guide overlappingly and removably attached along the opposite edge of the body section . the index sheet is made of a paper - plastic laminate .
sucrose ester and ether products , useful as food or beverage bulking agents , reduced calorie sweeteners , fat replacement agents , stabilizing agents , thickening agents and emulsifying agents ; adhesives ; biodegradable plastics and films ; sizing agents for paper and textiles ; ethical pharmaceuticals and new fibers are prepared by using a two - phase reaction system in which sucrose is dissolved in an alkaline , aqueous solution and an acidic reagent such as a bifunctional acid dichloride or epoxide is added to the sucrose in a water - immiscible organic solvent . several types of products are produced : water - insoluble sucrose ester copolymers ; water - soluble sucrose ester copolymers ; sucrose ester dimers ; and intramolecular , cyclic sucrose esters . these products can be further varied by using different kinds of acid dichlorides or epoxides that contain different kinds of functional groups . the reaction proceeds at the interface of the water / organic solvent solutions whereby there is imparted a specificity that restricts the reaction to the 6 and 6 ′ primary alcohol groups of sucrose . the reactions can be selected for each of the four basic types of products by controlling the various reaction parameters .
an apparatus for producing an improved friction - fused welded joint is provided for use with overlapping thermoplastic strap portions . in an embodiment , the gripper is caused to swing back and force with a sufficiently large stroke and with a sufficiently fast stroke to cause sufficient reciprocation to rapidly heat the thermoplastic so that the two straps are welded together while reducing the depth of the area that is melted compared to traditional methods . also , in an embodiment , a method is provided for stopping the relative motion of the two portions of straps with the portions of the plastic straps oriented in the same relative positions at the end of the welding operation as at the beginning is disclosed .
a centrifugal separator for gold or the like is of the type in which a bowl is rotated at high speed so that materials fed into the bowl pass over the peripheral wall of the bowl to an open mouth . on the inner surface of the bowl is provided a series of ribs defining peripheral recesses in which the heavy material is collected . an outer shell surrounds the bowl and defines with it a chamber into which water is injected to pass through openings at the base of the recesses to fluidize the material within the recesses . the outer shell has a peripheral wall of increasing diamter toward the open mouth with a plurality of openings being provided in the shell around to open mouth to allow the escape of silt collecting in the chamber . a wear resistant plastics material is attached to the bowl at the open mouth and to a casing surrounding the open mouth to redirect the exiting materials to an outlet duct . a plug for the base of the bowl can be latched into place by a pivotal latch member actuated by centrifugal force caused by rotation of the bowl to prevent loss of the plug under the high forces generated during the rotation .
a golf tee awl for making holes in the ground to make it easier to insert golf tees . the awl has a circular knob - shaped handle with a sharpened shank or spike protruding therefrom and a protective sheath which covers the sharpened shank when the awl is not in use . the sheath can be fastened to the belt of the user or to a golf cart or golf accessory holder . the sheath and handle are preferably made of plastic and the shank is preferably metal .
an abrading machine braking system for use in braking a wheeled abrading machine having a rotating abrading tool used in abrading a surface . the abrading machine braking system uses two braking wheels that engage the surface of the wheels of the abrading machine and the braking wheels are fixed to the respective ends of a brake axle that is in turn coupled to a brake cylinder assembly . the brake cylinder assembly contains a plurality of steel discs that are keyed to a lengthwise slot in the brake axle so that the discs rotate with the axial . a plastic braking disc is located adjacent to one of the steel discs within the brake cylinder assembly and provides a braking force that is transmitted to the two brake wheels through the brake axle . a brake release handle is used to bring the braking wheels into contact with the wheels on the abrading machine and to remove them from contact with the abrading machine wheels .
a preferred novel breaker - crosslinker - polymer complex and a method for using the complex in a fracturing fluid to fracture a subterranean formation that surrounds a well bore by pumping the fluid to a desired location within the well bore under sufficient pressure to fracture the surrounding subterranean formation . the complex may be maintained in a substantially non - reactive state by maintaining specific conditions of ph and temperature , until a time at which the fluid is in place in the well bore and the desired fracture is completed . once the fracture is completed , the specific conditions at which the complex is inactive are no longer maintained . when the conditions change sufficiently , the complex becomes active and the breaker begins to catalyze polymer degradation causing the fracturing fluid to become sufficiently fluid to be pumped from the subterranean formation to the well surface .
heparin - binding regions of several proteins , such as neural cell adhesion molecule , fibronectin , laminin , midkine , and anti - thrombin iii have been shown to promote neurite extension on two - dimensional surfaces . the effect of heparin - binding peptides on neurite extension through three - dimensional matrices was investigated by culturing embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia within fibrin gels containing chemically attached heparin - binding peptide . the length of neurites within fibrin gels containing cross - linked hbp was increased by more than 70 % over extension through fibrin gels containing no peptide . the hbp sequence of antithrombin iii was incorporated into the fibrin gel as the c - terminal domain of a bidomain , chimeric peptide ; the n - terminal second domain of this peptide contained the α2 - plasmin inhibitor substrate for factor xiiia . factor xiiia , a transglutaminase , was used to chemically attach the hbp - containing chimeric peptide to the fibrin gels during polymerization . the amount of hbp cross - linked into the fibrin gels was determined , after degradation by plasmin using gel permeation chromatography , to be approximately 8 moles of peptide per mole fibrinogen . a peptide , where the cross - linking glutamine was replaced with glycine , showed no increase in extension in comparison with fibrin gels . the addition of heparin to the gel precursors resulted in no increase in neurite extension in comparison with fibrin gels . hbps promote neurite extension by binding to cell surface proteoglycans on the drg .
method of recycling a crushed asphalt concrete comprising a friable mixture of asphalt and aggregate particles produced by breaking down a recycled asphalt / aggregate concrete by milling or crushing or the like . the aggregate particles include a substantial portion of the surfaces thereof which are substantially free of adhered asphalt material . the crushed asphalt concrete is mixed with a minor amount of hydraulic cement and water to produce a plastic mixture of the crushed asphalt concrete and hydraulic cement . the plastic mixture is transported to a utilization site such as a building site , road or parking lot and spread on a substrate surface to provide a layer of asphalt concrete pavement . the layer of asphalt concrete pavement has a 7 - day compressive strength , typically no more than 1 , 000 psi , e . g ., 150 - 800 psi . the cement is present in an amount within the range of 1 - 14 wt . %, more specifically , within the range of 2 - 10 wt . % of the crushed asphalt concrete and any added aggregate . a mixing assembly comprises a moveable conveyor which loads to a mixing mill . the crushed asphalt concrete is deposited on the conveyor to provide a relatively thin layer of the crushed asphalt concrete . hydraulic cement is dispensed on the layer of crushed asphalt concrete and the crushed concrete and hydraulic cement is conveyed to the mixing mill . water is added in an amount effective to produce a plastic mixture . the plastic mixture is recovered from the mixing mill and transferred to a utilization site .
a lipid or other hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound is integrated into a polymeric matrix for drug delivery to alter drug release kinetics . in embodiments where the drug is water soluble , the drug is released over longer periods of time as compared to release from the polymeric matrix not incorporating the hydrophobic compound into the polymeric material . in contrast to methods in which a surfactant or lipid is added as an excipient , the hydrophobic compound is actually integrated into the polymeric matrix , thereby modifying the diffusion of water into the microparticle and diffusion of solubilized drug out of the matrix . the integrated hydrophobic compound also prolongs degradation of hydrolytically unstable polymers forming the matrix , further delaying release of encapsulated drug .
protein phosphorylation is a major post - translational modification and it plays a pivotal role in numerous cellular functions . we present a composition that includes a soluble nanopolymer core functionalized with groups having an affinity for either metal ion or metal oxides which can be used for phosphopeptide enrichment . exemplary compounds including polymac - zr , polymac - fe and polymac - ti demonstrate outstanding reproducibility , exceptional sensitivity , fast chelation time , and high phosphopeptide recovery from standard mixtures that include phosphorylated peptides . the composition can be used for phosphoproteome isolation from samples of medicinal , diagnostic or biological interest such as malignant breast cancer cells . such compositions were used for the quantitative analysis of the changes in the tyrosine phosphoproteome in highly invasive breast cancer cells after induction of syk kinase , a potent suppressor of tumor growth and metastasis . the composition and method disclosed herein offers an efficient and widely applicable tool for phosphoproteomics .
a novel polymeric support is provided for carrying out the synthesis of oligonucleotide analogs via solid - phase synthesis techniques . the suitably - shaped polymeric disc , wafer , etc ., of the invention may be made of polystyrene , silica gel , glass beads , polyamide / kieselguhr , cellulose , etc . the suitably - shaped disc or wafer of the invention should , preferably , have a thickness of 200 - 400 μm and may be of any suitable length or width . a process for the synthesis of oligonucleotide analogs utilizing the polymeric support of the present invention is also disclosed .
a method involving the automatic , online dilution of polymer and / or colloid solutions , such that , when the diluted polymer stream flows through suitable detectors , non - equilibrium processes , such as polymerization , degradation and aggregation , can be monitored . the dilution involves a reacting or stock solution of polymer and / or colloid , and at least one solvent . the online dilution technique can also be used to assess the effects of solvent quality and other solutes on polymer / colloid characteristics and reactions , and also permits equilibrium characterization of polymers / colloids by making a single stock solution of the polymer / colloid .
it refers to a new group of acetal monoesters and diesters which have in its structure the ester function and cyclic ethers that give these products excellent properties as solvency , plasticity in polymers , solubility in polar and nonpolar means , spreadability , wetting , low volatility , non - toxicity and biodegradability . these properties make these products excellent candidates as solvents in formulations of pesticides , agricultural herbicides , for the paint and leather industry in domestic or industrial hygiene formulations ; as plasticizers for polymers such as polyvinyl chloride , nitrocellulose , cellulose , acrylics , polyvinyl vinyl and its copolymers ; as lubricants in industrial formulations , textile industry ; as emollients agents which donate oiliness for the cosmetic industry ; as wetting agents that are commonly used , and as biodiesel additives to reduce the freezing point and to improve its combustion .
there is described a method for the vapour phase deposition of an intrinsically conducting polymer onto a substrate , which method comprises providing a precursor for the polymer and coupling the precursor together to form the required polymer , wherein the precursor is provided in the form of an atomised spray and substrates produced by such methods .
provided are a polycaprolactone - polyphosphate block copolymer , a liquid composite formed by the block copolymer , a nucleic acid preparation , preparation methods for the copolymer and the liquid composite , and the use of the copolymer and the liquid composite in a nucleic acid medicine delivery system . the block copolymer prepared using the present invention has good biocompatibility , low cytotoxicity , and good biodegradability . the micelles provided in the present invention self - assemble into nano - particles in an aqueous solution , and have good stability , biocompatibility , and biodegradability , and low cytotoxicity . the preparation method is simple , has high repeatability , as a vector can protect small nucleic acids such as sirna from biodegradation , can combine with the scale effect of nano - particles , and can be used for treating different diseases . additionally , bonding targeting groups enable specificity recognition of different cancer cells .
protective composite headgear bearing distinctive embedded marking , such as alphanumeric data , color patterns , or stylized designs . a patterned sheet is formed into headgear shape , and the patterned side is covered with solidifiable plastic composition . the outer layer of the resulting composite headgear is translucent , and the inner layer preferably opaque , so that the pattern between layers is protected from abrasion damage while readily visible to an onlooker . distortion of the pattern by the shaping of the original flat sheet is counteracted by pre - distorting the sheet oppositely to offset it .
a process of dewatering primary - treated sewage which includes mixing the sewage with a coagulant or flocculant aid , usually activated polymer . the sewage is then mixed and flocculated at conditions which involve extensive mixing turbulence of the sewage and whereby part of the sewage is recycled so as to be again subjected to such mixing and flocculating . flocks form the solid particles in the sewage . the ph of the sewage is chemically adjusted into the basic ph range or to a higher basic ph . the sewage is applied to a sand bed whereby the flocculated solids in the sewage are separated from the liquid in the sewage , by collecting on the top of the sand bed . the flocculated solids located on the top of the sand bed are air dried . the dried flocculated solids are removed from the top of the sand bed .
method of fabricating a polymeric tube for attachment to a prefabricated tubular polymer body comprising : selecting an ethylene copolymer functionalized with a conjugated vinyl moiety , and coextruding an outer tubular layer comprised of the selected functionalized ethylene copolymer together with at least one inner tubular layer comprised of a thermoplastic elastomeric material to form a mating tube having an outer surface comprised of the functionalized ethylene copolymer , a central tubular passage having a longitudinal axis and opposing ends .
a pallet container includes a bottle , an enclosure for the bottle as well as a plastic pallet . the enclosure is a grid connected to a plastic pallet by having a lower horizontal circumferential rod received in a laterally opening circumferential groove in the plastic pallet . the rod can be locked through the use of a side plate .
biological oils , conjugated biological oils , and metathesized or cometathesized biological oils are polymerized or co - polymerized faith divinylbenzene , norboradiene and dicyclopentadiene using a bf 3 . oet 2 initiator to provide plastics from renewable resources . the products are thermosetting polymers having highly crosslinked structures , room temperature modulus of about 10 9 pa , and excellent thermal stability , making the products useful for applications where current biodegradable plastics are not useable .
the present description includes containers having an improved puncture design that can be punctured without substantial deformation of the container . such containers are particularly suitable for use in preparing beverages using automatic machines , particularly those used for preparation of single serve beverages . also provided are thermoplastic materials having improved punctureability for use in containers , containers for preparation of a beverage , and methods for preparing a beverage using such containers .
the present invention is directed to a method for producing a reinforced rubber component , comprising the steps of : melt spinning a thermoplastic polymer to produce a first stage monofilament ; immediately after the step of melt spinning , quenching the first stage monofilament in at least one liquid comprising an adhesive to produce a second stage monofilament having said adhesive dispersed on a surface thereof ; after said quenching , subjecting the second stage monofilament to at least one additional step selected from the group consisting of drying , drawing , heat treating , and surface treating to produce a 2000 to 10 , 000 decitex monofilament ; and contacting the 2000 to 10 , 0000 decitex monofilament with a rubber composition to form a reinforced rubber component .
oligomeric alkylenebisphenyl phenylphosphonites , easily prepared by the reaction of phenyldichlorophosphine and certain bis - phenols in the presence of a base , provide enhanced stabilizing activity to hydroxyalkyleneyl isocyanurates when combined to stabilize organic materials subject to degradation . these oligomeric phenylphosphonites are not expensive , resist hydrolysis , do not evaporate from or are leached out of polymers when mixed therewith and provide excellent protection to polymers during processing and result in decreased water carry over of polymer films on leaving a cooling water bath during the film forming process .
a system and method for the contained aerobic treatment of biodegradable matter , especially for box composting of organic wastes , is described . the system comprises a cover is a laminate of a porous polymeric layer adhered to a woven or knit or nonwoven fabric , in which the laminate has a specific air permeability and resistance to water vapor transmission .
this invention relates to a light weight rubber blend that can be beneficially used in rubber articles , such as power transmission belts and tires . in the rubber blends of this invention a 2 : 1 layered silicate clay , preferably an organophilic 2 : 1 layered silicate clay , is substituted for a portion of the carbon black that is normally used in the rubber as a filler . this can be done without sacrificing the physical properties of the rubber composition in cases where the rubber in the blend contains an amino group . tire tread compounds that utilize such rubber compositions offer increased vehicle fuel economy . this invention also relates to improving the strength modulus and elongation of carbon black and silica filled compounds by the addition of 2 : 1 layered silicate clays thereto without modifying the level of carbon black or silica . such compounds have increased flexibility and tensile strength for tire side - wall applications . this invention more specifically discloses a process for making a vulcanized rubber article comprising the steps of kneading an amino group containing rubbery polymer , wherein said amino group containing rubbery polymer contains from about 0 . 1 weight percent to about 20 weight percent of a monomer containing an amino group , and from 0 . 1 to about 25 phr of a 2 : 1 layered silicate clay which is an organophilic 2 : 1 layered silicate clay ; and conventional rubber compounding ingredients selected at least from the group of curing agents , cure accelerators , cure activators , processing aids , reinforcing fillers , oils , cure retarders , resins , and antidegradants at a temperature within the range of about 70 ° c . to about 190 ° c . in a bulk thermomechanical mixer to produce a mixed compound ; discharging the said mixed compound from the bulk thermomechanical mixer ; forming the mixed compound into an article ; and vulcanizing the article . the present invention also reveals a rubber composition that is comprised of : an amino group containing rubbery polymer , wherein said amino group containing rubbery polymer contains from about 0 . 1 weight percent to about 20 weight percent of a monomer containing an amino group , and from about 0 . 1 phr to about 25 phr of a 2 : 1 layered silicate clay . the present invention further discloses a tire which is comprised of a generally toroidal - shaped carcass with an outer circumferential tread , two spaced beads , at least one ply extending from bead to bead and sidewalls extending radially from and connecting said tread to said beads ; wherein said tread is adapted to be ground - contacting ; wherein the tread is comprised of the rubbery polymer of this invention .
a headrest insert for an automobile headrest has first and second rod holders for engaging support rods of the headrest . a web interconnects the first and second rod holders and includes a corrugated section accommodating twisting or skewing of the rod holders relative to one another . the insert can be formed as a monolithic body of plastic .
an inspection and ejector unit for preforms for plastic containers in a transportation line , has at least one driver device which picks up preforms travelling from an inward conveyor device to the inspection and ejector unit , transports them further and passes on at least some of the preforms to an outward conveyor device , at least one detection device by which faulty preforms in the driver device are detected , and at least one ejection device by which preforms which are detected as faulty are removed from the driver device , and a corresponding method .
the invention relates to the use of a pharmaceutical composition for the local treatment or prevention of a tissue infection at an infection site , the pharmaceutical composition comprising at least two different antibiotics of group a or pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof , or an antibiotic of group a and at least one antibiotic of group b or pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof . group a comprises primarily intracellular active antibiotics working as inhibitor of bacterial rna polymerase ; as inhibitor of gyrase ; or as inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis . group b comprises primarily extracellular active antibiotics working as inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis ; or inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis ; or by direct destabilisation or rupture of the bacterial cell wall . the invention further relates to a pharmaceutical composition for treatment of extracellular and / or intracellular microbial infected cells and / or for the prevention of microbial cell infections comprising at least one antibiotic acting as an inhibitor of bacterial rna polymerase and / or at least one antibiotic affecting the bacterial cell wall or its synthesis , and a substrate carrying a pharmaceutical composition . the invention also relates to the use of a combination of at least one antibiotic acting as an inhibitor of bacterial rna polymerase and at least one antibiotic affecting the bacterial cell wall or its synthesis as anti - adhesive against microorganisms on surfaces .
a method of coating implantable open lattice metallic stent prosthesis is disclosed which includes sequentially applying a plurality of relatively thin outer layers of a coating composition comprising a solvent mixture of uncured polymeric silicone material and crosslinker and finely divided biologically active species , possibly of controlled average particle size , to form a coating on each stent surface . the coatings are cured in situ and the coated , cured prosthesis are sterilized in a step that includes preferred pretreatment with argon gas plasma and exposure to gamma radiation electron beam , ethylene oxide , steam .
a method of using nanoscopic silicon containing agents for in situ formation of nanoscopic glass layers on material surfaces is described . because of their tailorable compatibility with polymers , metals , composites , ceramics , glasses and biological materials , nanoscopic silicon containing agents can be readily and selectively incorporated into materials at the nanometer level by direct mixing processes . improved properties include gas and liquid barrier ; stain resistance ; resistance to environmental degradation ; adhesion ; printability ; time dependent mechanical and thermal properties such as heat distortion , creep , compression set , shrinkage , and modulus ; hardness and abrasion resistance ; oxidation resistance ; electrical and thermal conductivity ; and fire resistance .
a composite structure which comprises , in intimate jointed lamination , a substrate layer , and intermediate adhesion layer , and a tightly adhered polymeric film , the adhesion layer comprising an aqueous emulsion polymer containing a vinylamine homopolymer or copolymer , preferably polyvinyl alcohol / polyvinylamine copolymer .
a method of degrading a blocking gel in a subterranean formation of a well bore is shown in which a gellable blocking fluid is first formed by blending together an aqueous fluid , a hydratable polymer , a suitable crosslinking agent for crosslinking the hydratable polymer to form a polymer gel . the polymer gel may contain an enzyme breaker incorporated within . the cross - linked polymer gel is pumped into the well bore . if required , an externally applied enzyme breaker is added prior to gel degradation . the enzyme breaker is allowed to degrade the cross - linked polymer with time to reduce the viscosity of the fluid so that the fluid can be removed from the formation back to the well surface . the particular enzyme breaker utilized has an activity in the ph range from about 1 . 0 to 8 . 0 and is effective to attack only specific linkages in the cross - linked polymer gel .
a dual use repeat builder assembly comprising a multiply inner sleeve with a bond layer surrounding its outer diameter for securing a compressible foam layer to the outer surface of the inner sleeve . a hard foam core is formed around the compressible foam layer using a mold cavity . after curing , the mold is removed and the ends of the hard foam core are machined creating cavity regions at each end . a notch insert is positioned at one or both of the cavity ends . a polymeric resin is poured into the cavities to form end caps . the outer surface of the hard foam and the end caps is machined to produce a smooth surface . an outer sleeve is mounted onto the hard foam core using compressed air with a resulting interference fit between the outer sleeve and the hard foam layer . location of the end caps are such that holes can later be drilled through the wall thickness to convert the repeat builder to a bridge mandrel to enable mounting of thin sleeves to its outer surface . after extended use and wear , the outer sleeve can be removed by expanding it with air and replacing it with a new outer sleeve thus extending the useful life of the unit and / or modifying its outer diameter .
biodegradable and resorbable polymer pouches are described for use with cardiac rhythm mamagent devices and other implantable medical devices , i . e ., a pouch , covering , or other receptacle capable of encasing , surrounding and / or holding the crm or other imd for the purpose of securing it in position , inhibiting or reducing bacterial growth , providing pain relief and / or inhibiting scarring or fibrosis on or around the crm or other imd . optionally , the biodegradable and resorbable pouches of the invention include one or more drugs in the polymer matrix to provide prophylactic effects and alleviate side effects or complications associated with the surgery or implantation of the crm or other imd .
a biodegradable copolymer with a core block comprising bioresorbable hydrophobic polyester segment and from 3 to 10 shell blocks comprising hydrophilic polyethylene glycol segment . the hydrophobic polyester segment and each of the hydrophilic polyethylene glycol segments are linked by a urethane linkage . a polymeric micelle composition containing the copolymer is also provided . the copolymer forms micelles when the concentration of the copolymer in a dispersing medium reaches or exceeds the critical micelle concentration . the micelles possess good drug and bioactive agent delivery characteristics and are suitable for use in drug delivery or cosmetic applications .
present invention provides medical material sterilized by radioisotope , comprising polymer composite using in living body , containing multifunctional triazine compounds at weight ratio range of 0 . 01 to 20 weight percent to the polymer . the present invention shows the fabrication of polymer composite having good heat and radiation resistance , by preventing heat molding record and irradiation on sterilized processes from deteriorating molecular weight caused on heat and radiation decomposition of the polymer . it is possible that the polymer composite is applied for the medical field of decomposable and bio - absorbable polymers and even bio - nonabsorbent polymers such as suture of operation or bonding agent for broken bone as a result . furthermore , it is possible that the polymer composite is applied for not only medical material but also food wrapping material of industrial use .
a sorter has a tray moving cam construction which is an assembly of molded plastic parts including an elongated noncircular shaft and a pair of similar cam parts turned 180 °, end - to - end and having a hub slidably applicable to the shaft from opposite ends , or over opposite ends of a supporting core shaft , the hubs or the core shaft having an axial opening conforming with the non - circular shaft keying them together for rotation , and complemental cam segments on the hubs combine to provide a complete cam profile when the cam parts are applied to the shaft or core shaft in opposite axial directions from opposite ends of the shaft . the shaft and cam parts may have complemental interengaging portions locking the cam parts in operative assembled relation on the shaft against relative axial movement , or the cam parts and the core may have complemental inter - engaging portions locking the cam parts in assembled relation on the shaft or the core shaft but permitting longitudinal movement of the assembled cam or cam and core on the shaft .
a laminate providing an effective barrier to migration of essential oils and flavorings and for retention of vitamin c , essential oils and flavor in a juice and cartons made therefrom , wherein the laminate comprises , from the outer surface to the inner surface contacting the juice : an outer polyethylene layer for heat sealing and graphics , a bleached sulfate paperboard substrate , a nylon barrier layer constituting a barrier for oxygen , a first tie layer of modified polyethylene acting as an adherent , another polyethylene layer acting as a heat seal layer and bonded to the nylon barrier layer by the first tie layer , a second tie layer acting as an adherent , and an inner skin layer , which contacts the contents of the carton , which is bonded to the polyethylene layer by the second tie layer , and which may be ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer , polyethylene terephthalate or nylon .
bioprosthetic devices include an exterior biological tissue member which at least partly defines a cavity , and a proteinaceous biopolymer which fills the cavity , and intercalates and is chemically bound to the tissue of the surrounding biological tissue member . in preferred forms , the bioprosthetic device is a bioprosthetic vertebral disc having a fibrillar outer annulus which surrounds and defines an interior cavity and is formed by removal of at least a substantial portion of the natural gelatinous core therefrom . the cavity defined by the fibrillar outer annulus may then be filled with a flowable proteinaceous biopolymer . preferably , the proteinaceous biopolymer is a liquid mixture comprised of human or animal - derived protein material and a di - or polyaldehyde , which are allowed to react in situ to form a cross - linked biopolymer within the cavity . the liquid mixture may be formed in advance of being introduced into the cavity , or may be formed simultaneously during introduction into the cavity .
a method and apparatus for quick , easy mass production of biological polymer chips having uniform quality and involving deposition of very small quantities of biological polymers , wherein samples of the biological polymer are deposited on a substrate using a capillary array comprising a plurality of capillaries arranged at the same spacing interval as that of sites on the substrate , and applying an electric field or pneumatic pressure to the array of capillaries containing the biological polymer samples .
the invention is to articles made from extracellular matrix sheets that encase biodegradable polymeric material . methods of healing wounds or regenerating tissue at sites of defect by placing said articles in mammals are claimed . the biodegradable polymer can change quality upon contact with a physiological parameter such as temperature or ph that causes , for example , a liquid polymer to gel or harden . the degradation of the polymer can be controlled to suit a tissue regeneration or wound healing time course . additional components such as proteins , cells and drugs can be added to the biopolymer composition .
a beverage brewer having a cartridge for placement of a disposable single use filter basket filled with beverage grounds . the filter basket includes a plastic frame having a bottom , a plurality of ribs , and a top rim that define a plurality of openings covered by a non - woven or woven plastic filter material . the basket filled with beverage grounds is enclosed with a film cover . the inlet probe of the brewer pierces the cover and admits a heated liquid into the beverage grounds , and creates a brewed beverage that flows through the filter material and exits an opening in a bottom portion of the cartridge .
oral compositions for the local administration of a therapeutic agent to a periodontal pocket of a patient for alleviating dental disease comprise a plurality of dry , discrete microparticles each of which comprise an effective amount of at least one therapeutic agent dispersed in a matrix comprising a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer of preferably , the dry microparticles and dispersed into the periodontal pocket whereby upon contact with the moist environment of the pocket , they hydrate , become tacky and adhere to one another and to the tissues surrounding the pocket so as to maintain intimate contact with the involved tissue so as to induce long term therapeutic benefits .