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Technical Retrofit and Energy-saving Effect on Automatic Control System for High-pressure Feed-and Back-water Circulation
In order to improve operation characteristics of control system for high-pressure feed-and back-water circulation so as to achieve energy-saving purpose,a self-driven multifunctional circumference valve has been developed.Integrating 4 control functions such as the flux induction,backflow prevention,by-pass control and multi-stage pressure reduction,the valve makes previously complicated by-pass system reasonably simplified and the jump adjustment gentled,which helps to keep normal operation of relevant pumps and therefore achieve purposes of energy-saving and safety operation.Analysis results and application practice prove the valve to be satisfactory in reaching various technical and economical indexes.
The study of closed ecological systems (CES) has wide implications for study of ecological interactions both on earth and in space. Our design problem was to create closed ecological systems that were able to support animal grazer populations for greater than thirty days. CES were developed for freshwater and marine systems, in 75 mL Tissue culture flasks. Systems were studied under various influences, such as different light levels, and after the introduction nutrients into the systems. Results from saltwater systems observed under varying light levels suggest that six hours of light per day was adequate and longer light periods were not beneficial. Results from the nutrient introduction experiment indicate that nitrogen was a limiting factor in the health and survival of Daphnia in freshwater CES, but phosphorus was not.
Besides methane, what else can be used to produce synthesis gas?
This reaction is favored at low pressures but is nonetheless conducted at high pressures (2.0 MPa, 20 atm or 600 inHg). This is because high-pressure H 2 is the most marketable product and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) purification systems work better at higher pressures. The product mixture is known as "synthesis gas" because it is often used directly for the production of methanol and related compounds. Hydrocarbons other than methane can be used to produce synthesis gas with varying product ratios. One of the many complications to this highly optimized technology is the formation of coke or carbon:
Some evidence shows that alternatives to pesticides can be equally effective as the use of chemicals. For example, Sweden has halved its use of pesticides with hardly any reduction in crops.[unreliable source?] In Indonesia, farmers have reduced pesticide use on rice fields by 65% and experienced a 15% crop increase.[unreliable source?] A study of Maize fields in northern Florida found that the application of composted yard waste with high carbon to nitrogen ratio to agricultural fields was highly effective at reducing the population of plant-parasitic nematodes and increasing crop yield, with yield increases ranging from 10% to 212%; the observed effects were long-term, often not appearing until the third season of the study.
what is the best fertilizer for pine shrubs
According to University of Minnesota, pine trees should be given a complete fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The nitrogen content should be slightly higher than phosphorus and potassium levels; 10-8-6 is generally recommended for pine trees and shrubs.The first number in the analysis is nitrogen, the second is phosphorus and the last number is potassium.owever, general directions for manure are to spread it on the soil around the pine moving outward to the tree’s drip line. Incorporate the manure into the soil with a garden fork and dampen the area with a water hose.
Feed your crape myrtle a fertilizer heavy in nitrogen in spring. The nutrient is known to encourage growth. A six-year U.S. Forest Service study of eucalyptus-tree growth in Hawaii found that trees fed with nitrogen fertilizer were more than twice as tall as untreated trees during the first three years of growth.
Modification of soil physical properties by addition of Fe (III) polycations: influence on plant growth
Summary ::: ::: The addition of 0.07 per cent Fe or more in the form of polycations decreased the total area of cracks and increased the number of transmissive pores of soils after simulated rainfall and drying. This resulted in increased per cent emergence and lower mean day of emergence of wheat plants. Per cent emergence (.v) was negatively correlated with penetrometer resistance (x). ::: ::: ::: ::: The increased germination was followed by greater plant growth, including increased plant height and yield. The Fe polycation treatments had no significant effect on root length measured at harvest.
ABSTRACT A field study investigated the perception of environmental hazards in residential areas polluted by chemical wastes. Soil pollution is an important problem in The Netherlands. The government expects that in the period from 1982 to 1997 some 1000 sites will need remedial action. Of these sites about 50 concern pollution in residential areas. In four cases of soil pollution experiences of the inhabitants, the information process, social and medical assistance and participation by the inhabitants are studied. The data were collected in comprehensive interviews with involved professionals, the relevant authorities and 756 inhabitants. The cases were in different stages of technical investigation and remedial action. Differences in managing approach, nature of the pollutants and age of the houses were related to the perceptions and expectations of the inhabitants. It will be argued that increased understanding of individual reactions to cases of soil pollution could have important consequences for pol...
Yield effects simulation and optimum choices of crop rotation sequences of typical areas on Loess Plateau of China
The field crop rotation experiments usually need to conduct a long period and to do much work.In order to solve this problem,crop models DSSAT3 and ALMANAC were used to study output effect of main crop rotation sequences in typical areas on Loess Plateau.The concepts and calculation expressions of rotation water consumption index,rotation nitrogen consumption index and rotation economic return were advanced and used to evaluate crop rotation benefits on resources utilization efficiency and economic effects.The optimum crop rotation sequence on Guanzhong Plain,Weibei highland and Yinchuan plain is "wheat-maize→wheat-maize" four crops in two year rotation,"wheat→wheat-millet→maize" four crops in three year rotation and "wheat/maize→wheat/maize" four crops in two year relay intercropping rotation respectively.
Through the several occasions to participate in the management of feed industry in our province and for nearly 300 feed production enterprises survey in the past two years,the existing problems and factors to feed safety were analyzed.In order to ensure the safety of animal products,what feed market supervision should be done in Shaanxi province was proposed.
Relationships between the performance of low-VOC wood coatings and the dimensional changes of the wooden substrate
Low VOC joinery wood coatings with different moisture permeability were tested in relation to dimensional changes, moisture content and performance after weathering. A permanent decrease in dimensions of coated wood and a linear correlation with moisture content was found. Coating permeability only partly relates to cracking, flaking and surface mould growth, due to the uncoated backside of the samples and differences in coating formulation.
Background and aims ::: To study the impact of land use change (LUC) from native vegetation and pasture to sugarcane cultivation as well as to evaluate the effect of different management practices on long-term SOC dynamics using the CENTURY ecosystem model.
Limiting factors for biogas production from cow manure: energo-environmental approach
The main innovation of the study is the use of a novel energo-environmental approach for investigation of biogas production, and analysis of the amount of methane and biogas produced in terms of en...
Quite many difficult problems have to be dealt with in the course of designing on-line efficiency calculation systems of boilers, such as securing the precise flow of the working medium and of the fuel consumption, content of combustibles in the fly ash as well as the on-line display of the coal quality. The paper discusses how these problems may be handled, with special emphasis on the flow measurement of the working medium. Table 1 and refs 5
Summary ::: Samples from field plots of silty soils in East Anglia, which were high and low in organic matter, were subjected to mild ultrasonic vibration. In soils high in organic matter particles in the 2–20 μm or 20–50 μMm size range contained most humified organic matter, whereas in soils low in organic matter, most was present in the clay sized fraction. Scanning electron micrographs of the ultrasonically separated particles showed that those from the high organic matter soils had more extensive surface coatings. Clean fragments were left after peroxide and calgon dispersion treatment.
Abstrcat Taking a sand-grown plant garden for example, the garden's natural conditions and land use actuality are analyzed, and the landscape ecological construction goal of the garden is proposed. A study is conducted on the ecological design of the garden landscape.
Study Progress of Crop Disease Stress Detecting
The methods of crop disease stress detecting based on remote sensing technology,image processing technique and AES(agricultural expert system),the development of these three methods and comparison of their advantage and defect were reviewed. The study state of NAH(near field acoustic holography)was introduced. A study method of crop disease stress detecting based on NAH theory was proposed,which exploits a new approach for integrated accurate prevention and cure of crop disease.
Outline Motivation & background work at the JRC EU agricultural emissions in perspective Methodology: CAPRI Model Scenario assumptions Main results Limitations Conclusions Conclusions •Without further action, agricultural GHG emissions in the EU-28 are projected to decrease by 2.3% by 2030 compared to 2005. •The setting of GHG emission reduction obligations for the EU agriculture sector without financial support shows important production effects, especially in the EU livestock sector •The decreases in domestic production are partially offset by production increases in other parts of the world (leakage) •Adverse effects on EU agricultural production and emission leakage are significantly reduced if subsidies are paid for the application of technological emission mitigation options… however, with considerable budgetary costs to trigger adoption
Towards Second Generation Bioethanol
Abstract This work proposes a multi-period and spatially explicit framework conceived to drive strategic policies on biofuels. A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is proposed as quantitative tool to optimise the oncoming transition towards more sustainable infrastructures. This paper addresses the design of bioethanol supply chains where both corn grain and stover are considered as suitable biomass. A Mixed Integer Linear Program is proposed to optimise the system financial performance and to comply with EU environmental regulation by taking into account a wide number of technological options. Bioethanol production in Northern Italy is chosen as a demonstrative case study.
The main innovation of the study is the use of a novel energo-environmental approach for investigation of biogas production, and analysis of the amount of methane and biogas produced in terms of en...
Grape Growing in the Livermore Valley, Past and Present
Summarizing the problems of the grape grower in the Livermore Valley today, with special emphasis toward encouraging new additional plantings, it is evident that: (1) a grower must produce fine quality table wine grapes for the discriminating winery, for which he must receive a premium. (2) he should be tied in with a good "Brand Name" winery, to assure him of a permanent home for his crop. (3) he must be an efficient operator and have a large enough vineyard to support good power equipment.
Water quality information regarding grasslands in the Southern Plains of Oklahoma and Texas in sparse. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which the area's surface and ground-water quality is influenced by native and introduced grass management practices. Concentrations and amounts of sediment, N, and P in surface runoff water were determined for 14,1-to 6-ha watersheds in the Reddish Prairie and Rolling Red Plain land resource areas for periods of 3 to 13 yr []
Crop simulation modelling can assist plant breeding by simulating the contribution of subtraits such as leaf elongation rate to complex traits such as sucrose yield and by simulating realistic interactions between the genetic traits and environmental factors. In the current Canegro sugarcane model, while canopy area development is a major component of carbon availability (source) through photosynthesis, leaf area and leaf dry mass as a sink for carbon are not linked. Also, carbon partitioning is largely unresponsive to changing demand of structural sinks for carbon. This study aimed at linking photosynthesis and canopy development via a conservative carbon balance based on source-sink principles. New model concepts and a preliminary evaluation of model behaviour are briefly described in this communication.
Research Progress of Drought Stress on Tobacco
Drought influences greatly on tobacco seed germination,growth and fruition.The paper summarizes the influence of drought stress on tobacco growth and development,yield and physiological and biochemical characteristics,which aims at supplying basis for the further study.
Outline Motivation & background work at the JRC EU agricultural emissions in perspective Methodology: CAPRI Model Scenario assumptions Main results Limitations Conclusions Conclusions •Without further action, agricultural GHG emissions in the EU-28 are projected to decrease by 2.3% by 2030 compared to 2005. •The setting of GHG emission reduction obligations for the EU agriculture sector without financial support shows important production effects, especially in the EU livestock sector •The decreases in domestic production are partially offset by production increases in other parts of the world (leakage) •Adverse effects on EU agricultural production and emission leakage are significantly reduced if subsidies are paid for the application of technological emission mitigation options… however, with considerable budgetary costs to trigger adoption
how much fertilizer to use on alfalfa
Figure 3. A multi-year Purdue study found that the highest alfalfa yields were recorded when fertilizer rates were 50 pounds of P 2 O 5 per acre per year, and 200 pounds or more of K 2 O per acre per year.igure 3. A multi-year Purdue study found that the highest alfalfa yields were recorded when fertilizer rates were 50 pounds of P 2 O 5 per acre per year, and 200 pounds or more of K 2 O per acre per year.
To achieve seed stands of these densities, growers have been sowing 0.5 to 1.0 lb/acre (0.5 to 1.0 kg/ha). Considering alfalfa contains about 220,000 seeds per pound (485,000 seeds per kilogram) even these low seeding rates can be too high. However, even under the best managed conditions there is considerable seedling mortality before the stand produces its first crop.
what is usually the main ingredient that causes eutrophication
Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae.The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae.utrophication is a noun that refers to the excessive richness of nutrients in water body or a lake. The excessiveness is due to frequent runoff from the land that causes … dense growth of plant life.
The main focus and concern cause of eutrophication is nitrogen and phosphorus, but nitrogen has far more attention because it often limits primary production in estuaries and coastal waters and because the global application of nitrogen from synthetic fertilizers is far greater than that of phosphorus.e then focused this study on the impacts of eutrophication. Eutrophication is one of the main problems caused by an overuse of fertilizers and an excess of manure and sewage. These wastes enter the ecosystem and generally leach away from residential, business, and agricultural sites.
The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting a new challenge for particle detector technologies. The increase in luminosity will produce a higher particle background with respect to present conditions. In order to study performance and stability of detectors at LHC and future HL-LHC upgrades, a new dedicated facility has been built at CERN: the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++). The GIF++ is a unique place where high energy charged particle beams (mainly muons) are combined with gammas from a 14 TBq 137Cesium source which simulates the background expected at the LHC experiments. Several centralized services and infrastructures are made available to all the LHC detector community for facilitating the different R&D programs.
Operation of large-area muon detectors at the future Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be characterized by large sustained hit rates over the whole area, reaching the range of kHz cm −2 . We describe a dedicated test zone built at CERN to test the performance and the aging of the muon chambers currently under development. A radioactive source delivers photons causing the sustained rate of random hits, while a narrow beam of high-energy muons is used to directly calibrate the detector performance. A system of remotely controlled lead filters serves to vary the rate of photons over four orders of magnitude, to allow the study of performance as a function of rate.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
AC Magnetic Guide for Cold Atoms in an Ioffe Tube
We propose a novel ac magnetic waveguide for cold neutral atoms in an Ioffe tube. The time-averaged magnetic potential and force for the guided atoms in the magnetic guiding tube are calculated, and the results show that it is high enough to collect and guide nearly all of cold atoms from a standard magneto-optical trap with a temperature of ~120μK. We also estimate the atomic losses from background thermal-atom collision, quantum tunneling effect and spin-flip transition in the guiding. Our study shows that a cold and dense atomic beam with a guiding efficiency of ~92% and a beam intensity of about 1011 atoms/cm 2• s can be output from the magnetic guide tube, and the guiding scheme proposed here could be used to manipulate spin polarized cold atoms.
It is shown that the temperature gradients caused by the heating of an angularly accelerated gas due to compression and the converse cooling of the decelerated gas have appreciable effects on isotope separation factors as determined by centrifugation. These effects were found to be greater than would be indicated by the isothermal theory. The influence of these non-uniform temperatures on the performance of flow-through centrifuges is discussed. (C.J.G.)
Comparative study of macrophage migration in different strains of mice: absence of migration in C3H mice.
In the course of studying the susceptibility of mice to Salmonella infection, we discovered that C3H/HeJ mice differ from other strains in both their susceptibility to infection and their response to prior vaccination. Others have noted the absence of the usual B cell stimulation by LPS in these mice. To investigate the status of delayed hypersensitivity in C3H/HeJ mice, we tried to use the technique of macrophage migration. Under conditions of normal migration for other strains, C3H/HeJ peritoneal and splenic macrophages failed to migrate, thus establishing another differentiating immunological trait for this strain.
External injection of an electron bunch in the laser wakefield can result in femtosecond accelerated bunches with relatively low energy spread. In this paper it is shown that the density transition from vacuum to plasma can play an important role in the trapping process. The plasma wavelength in this transition region changes continuously, which means that the injected electrons see an altering wakefield. This can result in strong defocusing of the injected bunch. It is found that the effect becomes stronger for stronger wakefields, longer transition lengths, and lower injection energies. The transition region can be avoided if the bunch is injected into the wakefield at an angle. Injecting the bunch at an angle allows the bunch to be wider and results in more charge being trapped. The dynamics of the bunch in this case are similar to the dynamics of a bunch injected in front of the laser pulse
Effects of Propagation of Narrow Bipolar Pulses, Generated by Compact Cloud Discharges, over Finitely Conducting Ground
Propagation effects on the narrow bipolar pulses (NBPs) or the radiation fields generated by compact cloud discharges as they propagate over finitely conducting ground are presented. The results were obtained using a sample of NBPs recorded with high time resolution from close thunderstorms in Sri Lanka. The results show that the peak amplitude and the temporal features such as the full width at half maximum (FWHM), zero-crossing time, and the time derivative of NBPs can be significantly distorted by propagation effects. For this reason, the study of peak amplitudes and temporal features of NBPs and the remote sensing of current parameters of compact cloud discharges should be conducted using NBPs recorded under conditions where the propagation effects are minimal.
In this Brief Report we consider a nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau-Higgs model in the presence of a neutralizing uniform background charge. We show that such a system possesses vortices that feature a strong radial electric field. We estimate the basic properties of such an object and characteristic length scales in this model.
Analytic model for surface ground motion with spall induced by underground nuclear tests
This report provides a detailed presentation and critique of a model used to characterize the surface ground motion following a contained, spalling underground nuclear explosion intended for calculation of the resulting atmospheric acoustic pulse. Some examples of its use are included. Some discussion of the general approach of ground motion model parameter extraction, not dependent on the specific model, is also presented.
We study the effects of gluon radiation on top production and decay processes at an $e^+e^-$ collider.The matrix elements are computed without any approximations, using spinor techniques. We use a Monte Carlo event generator which takes into account the infrared singularity due to soft gluons and differences in kinematics associated with radiation in the production versus decay process. The calculation is illustrated for several strategies of top mass reconstruction.
Design and modeling of compact high power fiber lasers
Highly-doped phosphate glasses provide significantly higher gain than regular silica doped glasses. We will discuss a novel design strategy for compact, high gain, double clad and photonic crystal fiber lasers and amplifiers. Modeling tools include higher order finite element-based vector modal solvers for passive and active single and multi-core devices, optical and thermal transport and mechanical stress calculations for high power laser operation.
In this study, the neutron emission rate from neutron sources using prompt gamma rays in hydrogen was determined, and several improvements were applied. Using Monte Carlo calculations, the best positions for the source, moderator and detector relative to each other were selected. For (241)Am-Be and (252)Cf sources, the sizes for polyethylene spheres with the highest efficiency were 12- and 10-inch, respectively. In addition, a new shielding cone was designed to account for scattered neutrons and gamma rays. The newly designed shielding cone, which is 45 cm in length, provided suitable attenuation for the source radiation.
Muon ring images with an atmospheric Čerenkov telescope
High energy muons generated by air showers can be detected with atmospheric Cerenkov imaging telescopes via their ring signature. The distribution of Cerenkov light along the ring is a function only of the muon's distance of impact from the telescope: this property makes possible the calibration of the photon collection efficiency of imaging telescopes. We evaluate the acceptance of an imaging Cerenkov telescope to muons and discuss its application to the study of cosmic rays. We point out that muons may set a gamma-ray flux sensitivity limit for ground-based gamma-ray telescopes.
Using a pump-probe Michelson experiment, we test the theory of thermo-optic (TO) effects in dielectric mirror coatings. We observe partial cancellation between coating expansion and TO effects. We also measure relevant thin film material parameters.
Measurement methodology of projectors in confined environment
The intent of this paper is to describe the first stages of potentially ongoing collaborative research between the United States Naval Research Laboratory's Underwater Sound Reference Detachment (USRD) and France's DCN In genierie cenae Sud Departement Lutte Sous-Marine (DCN/SUD/DLSM). The immediate focus of this collaborative work is on high Q electroacoustic transducer calibration in reverberation limited environments. This paper will be divided into three sections: the first one, a description of the motivating problem in reverberation limited measurements, the second one, a description of the two techniques developed by each laboratory, finally, research results and the activities necessary to complete the work in progress
High energy muons generated by air showers can be detected with atmospheric Cerenkov imaging telescopes via their ring signature. The distribution of Cerenkov light along the ring is a function only of the muon's distance of impact from the telescope: this property makes possible the calibration of the photon collection efficiency of imaging telescopes. We evaluate the acceptance of an imaging Cerenkov telescope to muons and discuss its application to the study of cosmic rays. We point out that muons may set a gamma-ray flux sensitivity limit for ground-based gamma-ray telescopes.
Subpicosecond magnetization dynamics in TbCo alloys
Since the discovery of all-optical magnetization switching in rare-earth transition-metal alloys the underlying magnetization dynamics of multisublattice magnets has become a hot topic of modern magnetism. We studied the ultrafast magnetization dynamics in TbCo alloys as a function of the alloy composition and the laser fluence using either 800 nm or 400 nm probe pulses. Direct comparison between TbCo samples with different compositions for equal excitation conditions demonstrates that the magnetization dynamics of the Co sublattice strongly depends on the Tb concentration. For Tb32Co68 the magnetization of the sublattices can even transiently be reversed on a subpicosecond time scale.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the accuracy of dose predicted by cone convolution algorithm. This work describes an experimental verification of two dose calculation algorithms available on the Philips Pinnacle3 (version 8.0) commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system (TPS): Collapsed cone convolution and Fast convolve. Both experiment and TPS were tested for 6 MV photon beam, the fields were 5cm×5cm and 10cm×10cm respectively. Dosimetry was performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters. At the end of this article, we analyzed the difference between calculation and experiment
Research of Electromagnetic Shielding Material for Building
Electromagnetic shielding material is the material basis for the realization of electromagnetic shielding.The properties and characters,the study and application of several kinds of common electromagnetic shielding materials for building are introduced in this paper,and the development direction of these materials is pointed out.
Abstract Calculations employing the simple Monte Carlo model of gamma-ray interaction in a silicon ΔE -detector provide a very reliable energy spectrum of Compton-scattered electrons. This makes it possible to determine the thickness of a Si ΔE -detector with a good accuracy.
Hot-electron blast induced by ultrashort-pulsed lasers in layered media
Femtosecond laser heating on metals produces a blasting force in the sub-picosecond domain, which exerts on the metal lattices along with the non-equilibrium heat flow from hot electrons. Such a hot-electron blast depends on both temperature and temperature gradient in the electron gas, resulting in pronounced effects in multi-layered metal films due to discontinuous heat transfer and load transmission across the interface. This work employs the parabolic two-step model to study the effect of the hot-electron blast in multi-layered thin metal films. Dominating physical parameters are identified to characterize the ultrafast heating and deformation across the interface.
We present a systematic study of production of strange and non-strange hadron yields and their ratios obtained in various experiments using our thermodynamically consistent excluded-volume model. We also analyze the production of light nuclei, hypernuclei and their antinuclei in terms of our excluded-volume model over a broad energy range starting from Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) to Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies. Further, we extend our model for studying rapidity spectra of hadrons produced in heavy-ion collisions.
Testing various polarized parton distributions at RHIC
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
We consider the cross area of the PP_ and PSV_wave window as the best window for joint PP_ and PSV_wave acquisition in VTI media. Within the effective window, the PP_ and PSV_wave's raypathes and phase angles at all reflection points are calculated, and the reflection (or transmission) coefficients' ratios of PSV- to PP_wave solved from Zoeppritz equations are defined as the controlling factor G. Then we use G values as the main controlling parameters of joint PP_ and PSV_wave acquisition design in VTI media, determine the best receiving window of detectors by analyzing G values, and derive the method of optimizing the receiving window for acquisition of multi_component converted seismic data in VTI media.
Opportunities and problems in determining proton and light nuclear radii
We briefly review the so-called ‘proton puzzle’, i.e., the disagreement of the newly extracted value of the proton charge radius r p from muonic hydrogen spectroscopy with other extractions, its possible significance and related problems. After describing the conventional theory to extract the proton radius from atomic spectroscopy we focus on a novel consistent approach based on the Breit equation. With this new tool, we confirm that the radius has indeed become smaller compared to the value extracted from scattering experiments, but the existence of different theoretical approaches casts some doubt on the accuracy of the new value. Precision measurements in atomic physics do provide the opportunity to extract light nuclear radii but the accuracy is limited by the methods of incorporating the nuclear structure effects.
Background ::: A lack of consistent methods to evaluate Ki67 expression is problematic in terms of accurately predicting prognosis in breast cancer. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the causes of discrepancies in Ki67 labeling index measurements by different observers under different conditions using breast cancer samples.
Nuclear Bragg Diffraction of Synchrotron Radiation at the 8.41 keV Resonance of Thulium
For the first time nuclear Bragg diffraction of synchrotron radiation at the 8.41 keV resonance of 169Tm was observed. Time differential measurements were performed with the pure nuclear (424) reflection of a thulium iron garnet single crystal. The dynamical theory of Mossbauer optics is applied to evaluate the time spectra. The measurements reveal information about the hyperfine fields which has not been accessible before by conventional Mossbauer spectroscopy with polycrystalline samples.
Several studies for the LHC luminosity upgrade pointed out the need for low-beta quadrupoles with apertures larger than the present baseline (70 mm). In this paper we focus on the design issues of a 130 mm aperture quadrupole. We first consider the Nb-Ti option, presenting a magnetic design with the LHC dipole and quadrupole cables. We study the electromagnetic forces and we discuss the field quality constraints. For the Nb3Sn option, we sketch three designs, two based on the LARP 10 mm width cable, and one on a larger cable with the same strand. The issue of the stress induced by the e.m. forces, which is critical for the Nb3Sn, is discussed using both scaling laws and finite element models.
Three particle singularities in scattering amplitudes
As a preliminary to a study of the three particle case, a detailed discussion is given, within the framework of the S-matrix postulates of unitarity and analyticity, of methods of defining “reduced” two particle scattering amplitudes that lack the two particle singularity; the extension to the multichannel case is briefly described. The same methods are used to remove one, two, and three particle physical threshold singularities from a three particle scattering amplitude. Using a causality argument, a derivation is given of the iϵ prescription for all these singularities.
This main objectives of this effort are the development and prototyping of a small. sensitive, and low-cost multi-channel nanoparticle scintillation microdevice with integrated waveguides for alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron detection. This research effort has integrated experiments and simulation to determine the combination of process-specific materials for the achievement optimum detection conditions.
Channelling and channelling radiation
The study of channelling phenomena has developed rapidly since the early 1960s and today channelling has found many applications. The radiation emitted by channelled megaelectronvolt and gigaelectronvolt electrons and positrons has been investigated extensively and the possibility of, for example, constructing intense tunable X- and γ-ray sources is being explored. Multi-gigaelectronvolt radiation and pair-creation processes in single crystals show similarities with strong-field effects and are of particular interest because of high production rates that persist far beyond the channelling regime.
The transition from order to chaos in atomic nuclei has been studied analytically and numerically using a quadrupole-quadrupole residual interaction. This interaction leads to chaotic behaviour, but the critical energyEC≅12.6 MeV, corresponding to the onset of chaos, is higher than that of the experimental one.
Energetic study of focused ultrashort Gaussian beams
An energetic study of focused ultrashort Gaussian beams was carried out using the Fresnel diffraction formulae ::: in the frequency domain. Analysis of the encircled energy at the focused plane shows that diffraction spreading ::: of a focused pulsed beam occurs in the limiting case of a ultrashort pulse by comparing it to a cw beam whose ::: frequency is ω m which strongly contributes to the diffracted intensity rather than the carrier frequency ω 0 .
In this article we are discussing the nature and mechanism of the huge ::: amount of heat generation in Megawatts Energy Catalyzers (E-cat) of Andrea ::: Rossi that are able to change the energetics of our civilization in general. ::: These processes are new effects of Unitary Quantum Theory and do not relate to ::: either chemical or nuclear reactions or phase transfer.
Analysis on risk factor of diabetes mellitus using LISEREL
ObjectiveTo analyze the risk factor of diabetes mellitus in Shenzhen city.MethodsRisk factors of DM was analyzed by factor analysi s and linear structural relation model,then fit and evaluate the model. ResultsIndex of biochemistry affected directly the statu s of disease index of physiology,affected the status of disease not only directl y but also indirectly through the index of biochemistry as well sex and living h abit,affected indirectly the status of disease. ConclusionThe linear structural relation model could wel l analyze the risk factor of DM.
An Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Prototype facility to be built at Daresbury Laboratory serves as a testbed for the study of beam dynamics and accelerator technology important for the design and construction of the 4th Generation Light Source (4GLS). This paper describes the possibility of utilising a planar undulator at the 4GLS prototype facility for the generation of coherent synchrotron radiation in the far infra-red region.
Gamma-Ray Telescope and Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is one of the important basic principles of quantum mechanics. In most of the books on quantum mechanics, this uncertainty principle is generally illustrated with the help of a gamma ray microscope, wherein neither the image formation criterion nor the lens properties are taken into account. Thus a better illustration is required for the clear understanding of this principle. In this article we illustrate Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle with a new thought experiment that could be called as gamma ray telescope with the inclusion of properties of the lens and quantum nature of light.
We study the effects of gluon radiation on top production and decay processes at an $e^+e^-$ collider.The matrix elements are computed without any approximations, using spinor techniques. We use a Monte Carlo event generator which takes into account the infrared singularity due to soft gluons and differences in kinematics associated with radiation in the production versus decay process. The calculation is illustrated for several strategies of top mass reconstruction.
An experimental study of charge transfer and ionisation in Cs+-Cs+ collisions
Cross sections for Cs2+ production from the combined processes of charge transfer and ionisation in Cs+-Cs+ collisions have been determined at centre-of-mass energies between 40 and 280 keV using an intersecting-beam technique previously developed in this laboratory. Measured cross sections are at least 1.5*10-16 cm2 and the results are directly relevant to proposed schemes for heavy-ion fusion.
Classical contact transformation theory is reconstructed from the concept of explicit rather than implicit transformation equations. This proves the existence of contact transformations from any given Hamiltonian to any prescribed Hamiltonian (with the same number of degrees of freedom).
Rolling shutter with non-noise flat disc spring driving device
A spring motor having a pot shaped housing in which a flat spiral spring is housed. The flat spiral spring is connected at one outer end to the pot-shaped housing while the inner end is coupled to a shaft or axle. To prevent radial vibrations of individual spring layers when the spring motor is wound or unwound, a damping plate is housed in the pot-shaped housing and held in pressed engagement with a side edge of the flat spiral spring. This spring motor can be combined with the wind-up shaft of roller-blind arrangements for motor vehicles, including fixed roller blinds, storage-area covers, or separating screens.
The soft X ray streak camera is very important detection tool for studying soft ray time characteristics. We calibrated its relative energy response and gain with synchrotron radiation light source on the BSEF. The experimental results agree with those calculated by B.L. Henke.
Anomalous small-angle scattering as a way to solve the Babinet principle problem
X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) have been used to determine the absorption edges of atoms present in a sample under study. A series of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements using different monochromatic X-ray beams at different wavelengths near the absorption edges is performed to solve the Babinet principle problem. The sizes of clusters containing atoms determined by the method of XAS were defined in SAXS experiments. In contrast to differential X-ray porosimetry, anomalous SAXS makes it possible to determine sizes of clusters of different atomic compositions.
Abstract : This thesis presents a study of radiation patterns for low-gain antennas installed on aircraft. With the aid of the computer program APATCH, a simulation of the radian on patterns for a given antenna located at various points on an aircraft structure can he evaluated. The program uses a technique referred. to as Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR), which is valid for structures that have typical dimensions of ten wavelengths or more. A Cessna 172 aircraft with a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna and an F-18 aircraft with a telemetry antenna are analyzed.
An automatic DIMM for Dome A, Antarctica
The seeing at Dome A, Antarctica is expected to be similar to the superb seeing at Dome C, a median of about 0:003. However, there has not been direct night seeing measurement yet, because unattended DIMM (Differential Image Motion Monitor) is hard to be operated automatically over the winter at Dome A. To solve this problem, we propose an automatic DIMM for Kunlun Station at Dome A, named KLDIMM. Here we will present the hardware design, software system and results of cold laboratory test. This system will be tested at sites in China and calibrated to other DIMMs, then installed on an 8-m tall customized tower at Dome A in January 2019.
We study the Radiation-Induced Mismatch Enhancement (RIME) in 65 nm CMOS SRAM block designed for space applications. X-ray and heavy ion irradiation increase the number of non-rewriting cells.
Behavior of Slender RC Columns with Inclination
In this paper, the non-linear behaviour of slender reinforced concrete (RC) columns with inclination is investigated. The available studies on inclined columns (not struts) are not sufficient in co...
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Use of aerogel for imaging Cherenkov counters
Abstract In the past, detectors using silica aerogel as a Cherenkov radiator treated this material as a diffuse source of Cherenkov photons. In this paper we report on measurements made to explore the feasibility of using aerogel for imaging Cherenkov purposes. The results of the measurements are reproduced by a detailed Monte Carlo. This allows us to identify parameters critical for the use of aerogel as a radiator in imaging detectors. We conclude that commercially available aerogel can be used for these purposes.
Abstract Many human operations have created a large population of small orbital debris in near Earth environment. The threat they represent for satellites is a major factor for the preparation of future space missions. Several experiments devoted to the study of this environment, as well as various materials exposed to space, have been retrieved in the past few years. The analysis of the results shows some differences with previous modeling. Comparison with data from LDEF and from EURECA give some insight in the long term evolution of particle size distribution. Chemical identification of particle remnants inside craters is difficult but provides valuable information on the origin of the impactors. Permanent monitoring of environment is obviously needed, especially for the type of orbits where data are presently scarce ie. heliosynchronous and geostationary orbits.
Comparative study of single and double ionization of helium by ion impact
We present three-dimensional angular distributions of the sum momentum vector of electrons emitted in double ionization in 6 MeV p + He collisions for fully determined kinematics. The results are directly compared to corresponding data for single ionization. Qualitative similarities between single and double ionization are observed. However, we demonstrate that based on these similarities it cannot be concluded that the collision dynamics underlying both processes are similar as well. Furthermore, we find that the projectile—target nucleus interaction, which we found to be surprisingly important for single ionization earlier, is even more significant for double ionization.
Measurements performed at the Tevatron of both the like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry inBd;s-meson samples and the mixing-induced CP asymmetry inBs! J= depart from their standard model (SM) predictions. This could be an indication for new CP phases in B = 2 transitions, preferentially in Bs{ Bs mixing. The experimental situation, however, remained inconclusive, as it favored values of the element s of the decay matrix in the Bs-meson system that are notably dierent
A new electro-produced pulsed slow positron facility
A new electro-produced pulsed slow positron facility is now in operation at the Institute for Storage Ring Facilities at Aarhus (ISA). Around 30,000 positrons/pulse are routinely produced at a frequency of 12 Hz. With the use of a buncher a pulse length of around 10 ns has been obtained. A program of positron trapping and cooling is in progress with the possibility to efficiently produce a slow positron microbeam.
We present an asymptotic form of the Boussinesq equations in the limit of small P ´ eclet numbers i.e. when the time scale of motions is much larger than the time scale of ther- mal diffusion. We find that, in this limit, the effects of thermal diffusion and stable stratification combine in a single physical process. This process is an anisotropic dissipation (not effective for horizontal motions) which acts primarily on large scale mo- tions. The small-P´ eclet-number approximation presents also the great practical interest to avoid the numerical difficulty induced by the huge separation between the diffusive and dynamical time scales. The relevance of this approximation to study the flow dynamics within the stellar radiative zones is considered.
Thermal Detection of Dark Matter
Bolometers operating at low temperature are discussed as detectors of heavy particles which have been recently considered as constituents of Cosmic Dark Matter. The study of the heat leak in a cascade refrigerator operating underground is suggested for the indirect detection of Weak Interacting Massive Particles.
We have investigated the effects of carrier diffusion on the impulse response of a resonant-cavity enhanced photodetector using our analytic expression for a short-circuit current. Our theoretical results indicate that diffusion introduces a significant tail in the temporal response of photodetectors. We show that the influence of diffusion becomes significant as the absorption width decreases. A discrepancy in bandwidth as high as 35% between our results and previous theoretical predictions is observed.
Effects of accelerated crucible rotation on segregation and interface morphology for vertical Bridgman crystal growth: Visualization and simulation
Abstract The effects of accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT) on the segregation, interface shape, and morphological instability during vertical Bridgman (VB) crystal growth of succinonitrile (SCN) containing 0.064 wt% acetone were investigated by visualization experiments and computer simulation. It was found that ACRT was effective in reducing time-averaged constitutional supercooling and thus the morphological instability. However, at low rotation amplitudes, the morphology was less stable and the breakdown area was found to be wider as a result of flow transition. The simulated interface shapes were in good agreement with the observed ones. In addition, the onset of morphological breakdown was consistent with the numerical prediction based on the time-averaged constitutional supercooling.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Wave mixing and beam profile control in a photorefractive waveguide
Photorefractive wave mixing in a waveguide geometry with nonguided external pumps has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Guided beam amplification has been obtained in an iron-doped lithium niobate waveguide. Additionally, photorefractive grating couplers that allow the transverse profile of the decoupled guided beam to be controlled are demonstrated.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Circular-viewing rainbow holography
Completely differ to common plate rainbow holography, a circular-viewing rainbow holography which is viewed in the direction approximately parallel to the holographic plate is elaborated. The viewing-angle of this rainbow hologram made by this technique is 360°. The experimental result and its analysis are presented.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Fourier spectroscopy study of Josephson junction own radiation
The frequency characteristics of Josephson own radiation have been studied by means of Fourier spectroscopy. The FIR measurements were performed with the help of Fourier spectrometer coupled with the Nb Josephson junction. The main feature of this technique is that one Josephson junction operates as both generator and detector of own radiation at the same time. The spectrometer operates either in double-beam mode with resolution /spl sim/2 GHz or in multi-beam mode with resolution /spl sim/1 GHz. >
Abstract We present a convenient analytical parametrization, in both configuration and momentum spaces, of the deuteron wave-function calculated with the Paris potential.
Simulation study on high energy electron and gamma-ray detection with CALET
High energy electron detection is very important to understand the cosmic ray origin, acceleration, and propagation. Until now only several electrons above 1 TeV have been observed. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) will perform a direct measurement of electrons and gamma rays up to 10 TeV. Its advanced design employs both an imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC). The proton rejection power for electrons is nearly 10(6) with the absorber thickness 36 r.l. By using the shower difference in development between electrons and hadrons, it is enough to observe electron up to 10 TeV with high precision. In this work, we present the Monte Carlo simulation results on high energy electron and gamma-ray detection with CALET.
Abstract In this paper, identification of the joint probability dentisity function (PDF) from missing data is considered. The model of PDF is Gaussian mixture. It is well known that the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is useful for the identification of Gaussian mixture. Here it is extended to the case of missing elements of the observations. It will be shown that, after identifying the PDF model, it is easy to estimate the missing elements as well as the system output variable.
The Body: An Abstract and Actual Rhetorical Concept
The body has always been an implicit concern for rhetorical studies. This essay suggests that that implicit concern has mostly relied on an abstract, and specific, concept of the body. It is only through bodily difference in contrast to the unspoken, yet specified, white, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual male standard that particular bodies come to matter. The essay ends with a discussion of the body of the black civil rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, in order to enact a “textual stare” at the field of rhetoric. This stare calls the field to be more attentive to what kinds of rhetorical performance are accepted on their own terms and what kinds deserve scrutiny.
We study advancing front methods for surface reconstruction. We propose a topological framework based on handlebody theory to implement such methods in a simple and robust way. As an example of the application of this framework we show an implementation of the Ball-Pivoting algorithm.
TreeSha: 3D shape retrieval with a tree graph representation based on the autodiffusion function topology
In this paper we present a new method for shape description and matching based on a tree representation built upon the scale space analysis of maxima of the Autodiffusion function (ADF). The use of the Heat Kernel based approach makes the method invariant to articulated deformations. By coupling maxima of the Autodiffusion function with the related basins of attraction, it is possible to link the information at different scales encoding spatial relationships in a tree structure. Furthermore, texture information can be easily included in the descriptor by adding regional color histograms to the node attributes of the tree. Dedicated graph kernels have been designed to evaluate shape dissimilarity from the obtained representations using both structural, geometric and color information. Preliminary experiments performed on the SHREC 2013 non-rigid textured dataset showed very good retrieval performances.
SUMMARY ::: ::: In this paper six distribution-free (nonparametric) stereological methods for the solution of Wicksell's corpuscle problem—i.e. the determination of the distribution of diameters of spheres embedded in an opaque specimen from the diameters of their profiles on plane sections—are compared as regards their numerical stability, sensitivity to underlying distributions and certain error criteria. The study is based on the results of simulation studies for several types of distribution (one-point, normal, exponential, logarithmic normal) of sphere diameters. Recommendations are suggested for the choice of methods, sample size and the optimal number of classes for grouping sample data.
GIFT: Towards Scalable 3D Shape Retrieval
DeepPano: Deep Panoramic Representation for 3-D Shape Recognition
Pharmacokinetic study of Noni fruit extract.
Shape Completion Using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis
Screened poisson surface reconstruction
SEIPS 2.0: a human factors framework for studying and improving the work of healthcare professionals and patients
Automatic tooth segmentation of dental mesh using a transverse plane
Snake-Based Segmentation of Teeth from Virtual Dental Casts
Using a web-based survey tool to undertake a Delphi study: application for nurse education research.
tonsillectomy and risk of parkinson ' s disease : a danish nationwide population - based cohort study .
The Danish Civil Registration System as a tool in epidemiology
Combining pixel domain and compressed domain index for sketch based image retrieval
the anatomy of a sales configurator : an empirical study of 111 cases .
Reverse engineering feature models
Automatic and topology-preserving gradient mesh generation for image vectorization
A Geometric take on Metric Learning
Principal geodesic analysis for the study of nonlinear statistics of shape
Tracing Function Dependencies across Clouds
With the advent of sophisticated acquisition and analysis techniques, decoding the contents of someone's experience has become a reality. We propose a straightforward linear Gaussian approach, where decoding relies on the inversion of properly regularized encoding models, which can still be solved analytically. In order to test our approach we acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging data under a rapid event-related design in which subjects were presented with handwritten characters. Our approach is shown to yield state-of-the-art reconstructions of perceived characters as estimated from BOLD responses. This even holds for previously unseen characters. We propose that this framework serves as a baseline with which to compare more sophisticated models for which analytical inversion is infeasible.
▪ It has long been assumed that sensory neurons are adapted, through both evolutionary and developmental processes, to the statistical properties of the signals to which they are exposed. Attneave (1954), Barlow (1961) proposed that information theory could provide a link between environmental statistics and neural responses through the concept of coding efficiency. Recent developments in statistical modeling, along with powerful computational tools, have enabled researchers to study more sophisticated statistical models for visual images, to validate these models empirically against large sets of data, and to begin experimentally testing the efficient coding hypothesis for both individual neurons and populations of neurons.
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial mistakes.
In this paper, we integrate impulsive control and adaptive control methods, based on the stability theory of impulsive differential equations, generalized projective synchronization between the general complex dynamical networks with time delay is investigated. A nonlinear controller, updating laws and a linear impulsive controller are proposed. An adaptive-impulsive generalized projective synchronization criterion of network with time delay is established. Moreover, the complex network with time delay consisting of energy resource system is used as a numerical example. Generalized projective synchronization between two energy resource complex networks with time delay is achieved. This study will be instructive for the demand-supply of energy resource in some regions of China.
The ultimate state of projective synchronization is hardly predictable. A control algorithm is thus proposed to manipulate the synchronization in arbitrary dimension. The control law derived from the Lyapunov stability theory with the aid of slack variables is effective to any initial conditions. The method allows us to amplify and reduce the synchronized dynamics in any desired scale with tiny control inputs. Applications are illustrated for seven- and ten-dimensional chaotic systems.
Several sufficient conditions which guarantee stability of linear time-delay systems are derived. Each of these results is expressed by a succinct scalar inequality and corresponds to a certain extent to the tradeoff between simplicity and sharpness.
Heterogeneous Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation Model with Stock Return and Range
The paper considers the return and range model with dynamic conditional correlations (DCC). The paper suggests the new speci cations for the asymmetric effects on log-volatilities and dynamic correlations, combined with long-run dependences. The new DCC model can be estimated by the quasi-maximum likelihood method. The empirical analysis on Nikkei 225, Hang Seng and Straits Times indices shows the daily, weekly and monthly pattern of the asymmetric effects. For the period including the global nancial crisis, the new DCC model provides plausible one-step-ahead forecasts of the VaR thresholds, and yields positive economic values of switching from other DCC models.
Since about twenty years, the otoneurology functional exploration possesses auditory tool to analyze objectively the state of the nervous conduction of additive pathway. In this paper, we present a new classification approach based on the Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which used to design a Computer aided medical diagnostic (CAMD) tool that asserts auditory pathologies based on Brain-stem Evoked Response Auditory based biomedical test, which provides an effective measure of the integrity of the auditory pathway. Case study, experimental results and comparison with a conventional neural networks models have been reported and discussed.
Evaluation of auditory cortex tonotopical organization in rats Through Principal Component Analysis
Ethological communication permits the exchange of context-specific information among mammals. In recent literature, many investigations have been performed on behavioral responses but little is known about neurophysiological pattern activation. In this study we investigated neuron patterns in response to ultrasound vocalizations, mapping the auditory cortex in order to find the specific activation area which best fits with perceived vocalization in rats. Receptive fields were directly reached through implanted electrodes in order to record the ultrasound information into the auditory system, bypassing sense organs. Techniques based on Principal Component Analysis and statistical analysis were used to investigate the tonotopic organization exploiting local field-potential classifications. The results, according to the sensitivity index, identified two tonotopic fields with a gradient from high-to-low best frequency using unsupervised classification algorithm.
We address the problem of effectiveness of the high resolution techniques applied to the conditional model. The rationale is based on a definition of the probability of resolution of maximum likelihood estimators which is computable in the asymptotic region of operation (in SNR and/or in large number of snapshots). The application case is the multiple tones estimation problem (Doppler frequencies estimation in radar).
Ultrasonic irradiation enhanced cell nucleation : An effective approach to microcellular foams of both high cell density and expansion ratio
In this work, ultrasonic irradiation (UI) was used as the external energy source to assist polystyrene foaming process by using supercritical CO2 as the physical blowing agent. It is shown that by introducing the UI at the very start of foaming, the resultant polymer foam exhibited significant and concurrent increase in cell density, i.e., three orders of magnitude, and expansion ratio, i.e., 1–3 times, compared to those without UI. Further experiments indicate that the enhanced cell nucleation induced by UI was the main reason for this unique phenomenon. This method also provided new insight into the mechanism of cell nucleation.
Ethological communication permits the exchange of context-specific information among mammals. In recent literature, many investigations have been performed on behavioral responses but little is known about neurophysiological pattern activation. In this study we investigated neuron patterns in response to ultrasound vocalizations, mapping the auditory cortex in order to find the specific activation area which best fits with perceived vocalization in rats. Receptive fields were directly reached through implanted electrodes in order to record the ultrasound information into the auditory system, bypassing sense organs. Techniques based on Principal Component Analysis and statistical analysis were used to investigate the tonotopic organization exploiting local field-potential classifications. The results, according to the sensitivity index, identified two tonotopic fields with a gradient from high-to-low best frequency using unsupervised classification algorithm.
A Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) code for electronic structure calculations, Part I: atompaw for generating atom-centered functions
The computer program atompaw generates projector and basis functions which are needed for performing electronic structure calculations based on the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) method. The program is applicable to materials throughout the periodic table. For each element, the user inputs the atomic number, the electronic configuration, a choice of basis functions, and an augmentation radius. The program produces an output file containing the projector and basis functions and the corresponding matrix elements in a form which can be read be the pwpaw PAW code. Additional data files are also produced which can be used to help evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the generated functions.
Ethological communication permits the exchange of context-specific information among mammals. In recent literature, many investigations have been performed on behavioral responses but little is known about neurophysiological pattern activation. In this study we investigated neuron patterns in response to ultrasound vocalizations, mapping the auditory cortex in order to find the specific activation area which best fits with perceived vocalization in rats. Receptive fields were directly reached through implanted electrodes in order to record the ultrasound information into the auditory system, bypassing sense organs. Techniques based on Principal Component Analysis and statistical analysis were used to investigate the tonotopic organization exploiting local field-potential classifications. The results, according to the sensitivity index, identified two tonotopic fields with a gradient from high-to-low best frequency using unsupervised classification algorithm.
Hearing and saying The functional neuro-anatomy of auditory word processing
Summary The neural systems involved in hearing and repeating single words were investigated in a series of experiments using PET. Neuropsychological and psycholinguistic studies implicate the involvement of posterior and anterior left perisylvian regions (Wernicke's and Broca's areas). Although previous functional neuroimaging studies have consistently shown activation of Wernicke's area, there has been only variable implication of Broca's area. This study demonstrates that Broca's area is involved in both auditory word perception and repetition but activation is dependent on task (greater during repetition than hearing) and stimulus presentation (greater when hearing words at a slow rate). The peak of
This is a phenomenological study of the communication processes around quality in a symphony chorus, addressing the research question, How do the communication processes in which organizational mem...
Memory disruption by unilateral low level, sub-seizure stimulation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus.
Abstract In four experiments 413 male albino rats were used to evaluate memory disruption during a retention test given 24 hr after passive avoidance learning. In Experiment 1, unilateral brain stimulation of 5 μA intensity significantly disrupted retention when applied to the amygdala but not to the dorsal hippocampus. This finding of retention disruption following amygdala stimulation was further corroborated in Experiment 2, and stimulation in the medial nucleus was indicated as the primary source for the obtained disruption. In Experiment 3, epileptogenic effects of 5 μA amygdala stimulation on hippocampal activity were contraindicated. In Experiment 4, use of a finer wire electrode to study the relative importance of individual nuclear groups confirmed that stimulation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus caused retention disruption.
The article describe operating principle of the single-particle microbeam device,we implanted the SAM and RAM of embryos with a 2.0 MeV of energy and 25 μm of diameter proton microbeam at the fluence of 6×106ions.The embryos' root patterning parameters was observed in detail,such as the development of primary root and the formation of lateral root.The results indicated that some contributions of vacuum treatment might be involved in the biological effects,ion-beam bombardment and the interactions might be existed between each other.The results showed that auxin signal transduction might be relevant.
[Effect of music on motor reaction time and interhemispheric relations].
Influence of music on motor reaction time (RT) was studied. Warning and triggering stimuli were presented either in the left or in the right visual fields. RT was recorded when playing classical or variety music; control sessions were not accompanied by music. Music shortened RT, and its stimulating effect was the stronger the longer were the initial RTs without music. The influence of variety music was more effective than of the classic one. RT was shortened more when the triggering stimulus was presented in the left visual field. This phenomenon is considered to be an evidence of predominant influence of music on the right cerebral hemisphere due to greater activation from emotional structures.
Since about twenty years, the otoneurology functional exploration possesses auditory tool to analyze objectively the state of the nervous conduction of additive pathway. In this paper, we present a new classification approach based on the Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which used to design a Computer aided medical diagnostic (CAMD) tool that asserts auditory pathologies based on Brain-stem Evoked Response Auditory based biomedical test, which provides an effective measure of the integrity of the auditory pathway. Case study, experimental results and comparison with a conventional neural networks models have been reported and discussed.
What are some examples of units that short-term memory can be categorized in to?
The model also shows all the memory stores as being a single unit whereas research into this shows differently. For example, short-term memory can be broken up into different units such as visual information and acoustic information. In a study by Zlonoga and Gerber (1986), patient 'KF' demonstrated certain deviations from the Atkinson–Shiffrin model. Patient KF was brain damaged, displaying difficulties regarding short-term memory. Recognition of sounds such as spoken numbers, letters, words and easily identifiable noises (such as doorbells and cats meowing) were all impacted. Interestingly, visual short-term memory was unaffected, suggesting a dichotomy between visual and audial memory.
Psychoactive drugs can impair the judgment of time. Stimulants can lead both humans and rats to overestimate time intervals, while depressants can have the opposite effect. The level of activity in the brain of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine may be the reason for this. Such chemicals will either excite or inhibit the firing of neurons in the brain, with a greater firing rate allowing the brain to register the occurrence of more events within a given interval (speed up time) and a decreased firing rate reducing the brain's capacity to distinguish events occurring within a given interval (slow down time).
What are the names of the groups of FETs
FETs are divided into two families: junction FET (JFET) and insulated gate FET (IGFET). The IGFET is more commonly known as a metal–oxide–semiconductor FET (MOSFET), reflecting its original construction from layers of metal (the gate), oxide (the insulation), and semiconductor. Unlike IGFETs, the JFET gate forms a p–n diode with the channel which lies between the source and drain. Functionally, this makes the n-channel JFET the solid-state equivalent of the vacuum tube triode which, similarly, forms a diode between its grid and cathode. Also, both devices operate in the depletion mode, they both have a high input impedance, and they both conduct current under the control of an input voltage.
The model also shows all the memory stores as being a single unit whereas research into this shows differently. For example, short-term memory can be broken up into different units such as visual information and acoustic information. In a study by Zlonoga and Gerber (1986), patient 'KF' demonstrated certain deviations from the Atkinson–Shiffrin model. Patient KF was brain damaged, displaying difficulties regarding short-term memory. Recognition of sounds such as spoken numbers, letters, words and easily identifiable noises (such as doorbells and cats meowing) were all impacted. Interestingly, visual short-term memory was unaffected, suggesting a dichotomy between visual and audial memory.
High frequency neurons determine effective connectivity in neuronal networks
Spiking activity propagation in neuronal networks: reconciling different perspectives on neural coding
Binaural beat technology in humans: a pilot study to assess psychologic and physiologic effects.
Mu suppression as an index of sensorimotor contributions to speech processing: Evidence from continuous EEG signals
The cortical organization of speech processing
understanding the solid - state forms of fenofibrate - - a spectroscopic and computational study .
Mechanisms of Human Auditory Localization
Abstract : Three experiments were completed. The first was a methodological study of the relationship between two different methods of measuring auditory thresholds and their possible relationships to supra-threshold tasks. The second experiment replicated, with improved methods, an earlier experiment which measured the accuracy of auditory localization with and without pinnae. The findings were striking and conclusive: in the absence of head movement, pinnae even someone else's pinnae, appear to be necessary for accurate auditory localization. The third experiment compared the effectiveness of different stimuli in an auditory localization task. It was expected that increasing the informational content of the stimulus would improve localization performance. However, the findings were inconclusive.
This paper presents BUT system submitted to NIST 2008 SRE. It includes two subsystems based on Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) GMM/UBM and one based on SVM-GMM. The systems were developed on NIST SRE2006 data, and the results arepresented on NIST SRE 2008 evaluation data. We concentrate on the influence of side information in the calibration. Index Terms: speaker recognition, joint factor analysis, NIST SRE 2008.
vertex waves definition
The present study investigated the localization of the. vertex waves. Vertex waves are spike-shaped wave-. forms seen in the EEG leads located in the superior. parietal area during late stage 1 and stage 2 sleep. [1,10]. Vertex waves are thought to have numerous. generators [6] and possibly are secondary evoked po-.
In geometry, a vertex (plural vertices) is a special kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes.
We experimentally generate different types of two-dimensional self-trapped photonic lattices in a photorefractive medium and analyze the induced refractive index change using two different methods. One method gives the first experimental Fourier space analysis of both linear and nonlinear self-trapped photonic lattices with periodic phase modulation using partially spatially incoherent multiband excitation of the lattice modes. The other method utilizes the waveguiding properties of the lattice to achieve a real space analysis of the induced refractive index change. The results of both methods are compared.
We review some of our recent results on experimental light-induced periodic structures and their role in controlling light ::: in discrete optics considering advanced features based on phase engineering and multiplexing of optically-induced lattices. ::: While in the past only rather simple geometries like diamond, square, or hexagonal lattices were studied, we focus ::: onto more complex photonic structures. Among them, we will present anisotropic triangular lattices, superlattices and ::: three-dimensional lattices. We also study the propagation and localization of light in these structures - from simple ::: waveforms to complex topological structures carrying phase dislocations.
ABSTRACTUNC-45A is an ubiquitously expressed protein highly conserved throughout evolution. Most of what we currently know about UNC-45A pertains to its role as a regulator of the actomyosin system...
Characterizing heralded single photons with an all-fiber source of photon pairs
Abstract Based on the signal and idler photon pairs produced in a piece of high nonlinear fiber by a pulsed pump, we characterize the heralded single photon source from both the theoretical and experimental aspects. In the theory model, started from the derived expression of Bogoliubov transformation for a broadband pulsed pump, the second-order intensity correlation function g (2) c (0), heralding efficiency H, indistinguishability and brightness of the heralded single photons as a function of source parameters are analyzed and discussed. In the experiments, using several kinds of combinations of the source parameters, the values of g (2) c (0) and H are measured and compared. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions. The investigations are useful for optimizing the parameters and for developing a single photon source suitable for quantum information processing.
We study the behavior of interacting self-propelled particles, whose self-propulsion speed decreases with their local density. By combining direct simulations of the microscopic model with an analysis of the hydrodynamic equations obtained by explicitly coarse graining the model, we show that interactions lead generically to the formation of a host of patterns, including moving clumps, active lanes, and asters. This general mechanism could explain many of the patterns seen in recent experiments and simulations.
Charge density wave formation accompanying ferromagnetic ordering in quasi-one-dimensional BaIrO3
The magnetic, transport, optical, and structural properties of quasi-one-dimensional BaIrO 3 show evidence for the simultaneous onset of electronic density wave formation and ferromagnetism at Tc3a 175 K: Two additional features in the chain direction dc conductivity show a sudden change to metallic behavior below Tc2a 80 K and then a Mott-like transition at Tc1a 26 K: Highly non-linear dc conductivity, optical gap formation at <9kBTc3, additional phonon modes, and emergent X-ray satellite structure support density wave formation. Even at very high (30 T) fields the saturation Ir moment is very small, <0.04mB/Ir. q 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
Properties of the linear eigenvalue problem associated to a hyperbolic non-linear Schrodinger equation are reviewed. The instability band of a deep-water soliton is shown to merge to the continuous spectrum of a linear Schrodinger operator. A new analytical approximation of the instability growth near a threshold is derived by means of a bifurcation theory of weakly localized wave functions.
The Hyperbolic Nonlinear Schrodinger equation (HypNLS) arises as a model for the dynamics of three-dimensional narrowband deep water gravity waves. In this study, the Petviashvili method is exploited to numerically compute bi-periodic time-harmonic solutions of the HypNLS equation. In physical space they represent non-localized standing waves. Non-trivial spatial patterns are revealed and an attempt is made to describe them using symbolic dynamics and the language of substitutions. Finally, the dynamics of a slightly perturbed standing wave is numerically investigated by means a highly acccurate Fourier solver.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
We discuss various methods and problems pertaining to that part of Random Dynamical Systems which deals with real noise processes. We consider the theory of random orthogonal polynomials, and show how methods applied to the study of the random Schrodinger operator can be generalized to study them. We further discuss certain questions in the area of random bifurcation theory; we formulate and illustrate a “robustness” criterion pertaining to bifurcation in the presence of real noise. Finally, we give a brief survey of some other recent advances in the field.
We study bifurcations in dynamical systems with bounded random perturbations. Such systems, which arise quite naturally, have been nearly ignored in the literature, despite a rich body of work on systems with unbounded, usually normally distributed, noise. In systems with bounded random perturbations, new kinds of bifurcations that we call ‘hard’ may happen and in fact do occur in many situations when the unperturbed deterministic systems experience elementary, codimension-one bifurcations such as saddle-node and homoclinic bifurcations. A hard bifurcation is defined as discontinuous change in the density function or support of a stationary measure of the system.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
We introduce a novel class of higher-order, three-mode states called K-dimensional trio coherent states. We study their mathematical properties and prove that they form a complete set in a truncated Fock space. We also study their physical content by explicitly showing that they exhibit nonclassical features such as oscillatory number distribution, sub-Poissonian statistics, Cauchy–Schwarz inequality violation and phase-space quantum interferences. Finally, we propose an experimental scheme to realize the state with K = 2 in the quantized vibronic motion of a trapped ion.
In this contribution we study a superposition of two finite dimensional trio coherent states (FTCS). The state is regarded as a correlated three-mode state in finite dimensional bases. The framework of Pegg and Barnett formalism, and the phase distribution in addition to the Poissonian distribution are examined. It is shown that the eigenvalue of the difference of the photon number (the q-parameter) is responsible for the non-classical phenomenon. Furthermore, the quasi-probability distribution functions (the Wigner and Q-functions) are also discussed. In this case and for the Wigner function the non-classical behavior is only reported for the odd values of the q-parameter.
ABSTRACTUNC-45A is an ubiquitously expressed protein highly conserved throughout evolution. Most of what we currently know about UNC-45A pertains to its role as a regulator of the actomyosin system...
We realize an experimental control over the topological stability of three-lobe discrete vortex solitons by modifying the symmetry of a hexagonal photonic lattice optically induced in a photorefractive crystal. By continuously deforming the lattice wave in one transverse direction, we manipulate the coupling between lattice sites and induce or inhibit the reversal of soliton vorticity.
In this work we study quantum signatures of charge flipping vortices[1], found in the classical discrete nonlinear Schrodinger trimer[2], by use of the Bose-Hubbard model. We are able to identify s ...
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
We study soliton dynamics in a system of two linearly coupled discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations, which describe the dynamics of a two-component Bose gas, coupled by an electromagnetic field, and confined in a strong optical lattice. When the nonlinear coupling strengths are equal, we use a unitary transformation to remove the linear coupling terms, and show that the existing soliton solutions oscillate from one species to the other. When the nonlinear coupling strengths are different, the soliton dynamics is numerically investigated and the findings are compared to the results of an effective two-mode model. The case of two linearly coupled Ablowitz-Ladik equations is also investigated.
1. The Birth of a Paradigm 2. Linear Wave Theory 3. The Classical Soliton Equations 4. Reaction-Diffusion Systems 5. Nonlinear Lattices 6. Inverse Scattering Methods 7. Peturbation Theory 8. Quantum Lattice Solitons 9. Looking Ahead Bibliography Index
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Čerenkov resonances and the Casimir geometry
Abstract The power spectrum of Cerenkov radiation off a charged particle is calculated in the Casimir geometry defined by two perfectly conducting neutral parallel plates with an isotrpic permeable medium trapped in between. An explicit analytic expression is obtained for the spectrum exhibiting resonances as a function of the geometry. A numerical analysis of the spectrum is also given for water trapped between the plates and the resonant frequencies are calculated. The analysis is given from a quantum mechanical viewpoint.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
We study the behaviour of a nonrelativistic quantum particle interacting with the Kratzer molecular potential in the space–time of a global monopole. We find the energy spectrum and derive the scattering amplitude of massive particles propagating in these fields and show how they differ from their free-space values.
Abstract The aim of the present paper is to give the main characteristics of the finite-source G / M /r queue in equilibrium. Here unit i stays in the source for a random time having general distribution function F i ( x ) with density f i ( x ). The service times of all units are assumed to be identically and exponentially distributed random variables with means 1/μ. It is shown that the solution to this G / M /r model is similar in most important respects to that for the M/M/ r model.
Errors in the total Bouguer reduction
This short note discusses various errors in the Bouguer reduction that have been discussed recently in the literature. It also discusses two other errors arising out of the “indirect effect” and the uncertainty in the value of the universal constant of gravitation, G, that previously have not been discussed extensively in the literature.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
In this paper we will discuss the dynamical graph and its fundamental group. Also we will study the folding of the dynamical graph and the change of the fundamental group under the folding. The variation of the fundamental group under the variation of time will be discussed. We will study the fundamental group of the simplex and simplicial complex.
We show how to extend the formalism of infinitesimal differential diffusion quantum Monte Carlo to the case of higher derivatives of the ground‐state energy of a molecule with respect to the molecular geometry. We use LiH as an example, but the technique can be extended to more complicated, nonliner molecules as well. We obtain good agreement with experimental values for the energy derivatives and for the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies of LiH and LiD, despite using a compact single‐determinant wave function.
Strongly nonlinear stationary waves
In this chapter we shall start to investigate wave-plasma interaction processes where the relative density changes produced by the ponderomotive force of the high-frequency field cannot longer be considered as small. Thus, attempts to describe such processes have to start from the fully nonlinear system (3.14)–(3.16). Since there exist no general analytical methods of solving such systems of coupled partial differential equations, progress is usually made by looking for certain special solutions. One method which is often used and gives valuable insight, is that of looking for nonlinear stationary waves.
In this paper, we study a system governed by impulsive semilinear nonautonomous differential equations. We present the β –Ulam stability, β –Hyers–Ulam stability and β –Hyers–Ulam–Rassias stability for the said system on a compact interval and then extended it to an unbounded interval. We use Gronwall type inequality and evolution family as a basic tool for our results. We present an example to demonstrate the application of the main result.
Distribution Function of Electron Velocity Perpendicular to the Driving Force in a Uniform Nonequilibrium Steady State
A macroscopically uniform model of a two-dimensional electron system is proposed to study nonequilibrium properties of electrical conduction. By molecular dynamics simulation, the steady state distribution function $P_y$ of electron velocity in a direction perpendicular to an external driving force is calculated. An explicit form of $P_y$ is determined within the accuracy of the numerical simulation, which fits the numerical data well even in the regime where a local equilibrium description is not valid. Although the entire structure of $P_y$ is different from that of a local equilibrium distribution function, the asymptotic structure of the tails of $P_y$ in the limit of large absolute values of the velocity is identical to that of a Maxwell distribution function with a temperature which is different from that in the equilibrium state and the kinetic temperature in the steady state.
Many recent works are devoted to the study of high frequency oscillatory nonlinear waves, and to nonlinear geometric optics. Typical questions are the existence, the propagation, the interaction and the reflection of waves of the form ::: ::: $$ {u^\varepsilon }\left( {t,x} \right) \sim \underline u \left( {t,x} \right) + {\varepsilon ^\alpha }\sum\limits_{n0} {{\varepsilon ^n}} {U_n}\left( {t,x,\varphi \left( {t,x} \right)/\varepsilon } \right). $$ ::: ::: (1.1)
Linear Recurring Sequences with Cycle Shift Operator over F_4
This paper presents a new_type linear recurring sequence model over F_4 by adding cycle shift operator to linear recurring sequence over F_4. We first transform study of the model into research on linear recurring sequence over a module. With the aid of matrix representation, we turn it into further study on properties of polynomial matrix of rank 2 over F_2. Nonsingularity of this new linear recurring sequence is discussed in the end.
We present what is to our knowledge the most complete 1-D numerical analysis of the evolution and the propagation ::: dynamics of an ultrashort laser pulse in a Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator. This study confirms the dispersion ::: managed model of mode-locking, and emphasizes the role of the Kerr nonlinearity in generating mode-locked ::: spectra with a smooth and well-behaved spectral phase. A very good agreement with experimental measurements ::: of pulse energy, spectrum, and temporal width of extracavity compressed pulses is found.
The order-disorder transition in colloidal suspensions under shear flow
We study the order?disorder transition in colloidal suspensions under shear flow by performing Brownian dynamics simulations. We characterize the transition in terms of a statistical property of the time-dependent maximum value of the structure factor. We find that its power spectrum exhibits power-law behaviour only in the ordered phase. The power-law exponent is approximately ?2 at frequencies greater than the magnitude of the shear rate, while the power spectrum exhibits 1/f-type fluctuations in the lower frequency regime.
We investigated a Bose system confined in one-dimensional channel by using quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We observed temperature dependences of the superfluid density and two correlation functions along the tubal and the circumferential directions of the channel. As temperature is lowered, first the correlation develops along the circumference, and then it develops along the tubal and the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) phase appears at the temperature depending on the confining potential and the ratio of the circumferential length to the length of the channel. We found that the onset temperature of the superfluidity observed by a torsional oscillator measurement depends on the direction of the torsion in this system.
Charge density wave instabilities driven by multiple umklapp scattering
We show that the concept of umklapp-scattering driven instabilities in one-dimensional systems can be generalized to arbitrary multiple umklapp-scattering processes at commensurate fillings given that the system has sufficiently longer range interactions. To this end we study the fundamental model system, namely, interacting spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice, via a density-matrix renormalization-group approach. The instabilities are investigated via a method allowing to calculate the ground-state charge stiffness numerically exactly. The method can be used to determine other ground-state susceptibilities in general.
This paper addresses the problem of channel and propagation delay estimation in asynchronous DS/CDMA systems. We consider the uplink connection in DS/CDMA with long spreading codes. The MIMO stochastic gradient algorithm proposed in [6] is estimating a linear combination of the channel impulse responses and the propagation delays. This estimate suffices for the equalization purposes. The propagation delays are estimated with a simple matching scheme.
Topological phases of lattice bosons with a dynamical gauge field
Optical lattices with a complex-valued tunnelling term have become a standard way of studying gauge-field physics with cold atoms. If the complex phase of the tunnelling is made density-dependent, such system features even a self-interacting or dynamical magnetic field. In this paper we study the scenario of a few bosons in either a static or a dynamical gauge field by means of exact diagonalization. The topological structures are identified computing their Chern number. Upon decreasing the atom-atom contact interaction, the effect of the dynamical gauge field is enhanced, giving rise to a phase transition between two topologically non-trivial phases.
Theoretical barograms have been calculated for acoustic-gravity waves ::: generated by underground explosions. Two formulations were used. 1) The ::: thermally modeled gravitating atmosphere is excited by a time varying deformation of the earth's surface. The final deformation is the static ::: surface displacement due to a point pressure source at depth in an elastic ::: half-space. 2) The same atmosphere overlying a multilayered half-space ::: is excited by a point pressure source at depth in the solid medium.
Proton spin-lattice relaxation time in the superconducting intercalation complex Tas2(pyridine)1/2
Proton NMR in TaS2(pyridine)1/2 shows that pyridine molecules form a rigid lattice with slow molecular motions up to 300 K. The protons' T1 is associated with interactions between the metallic layers and the molecular layers at least above 80 K. An anomalous T1 plateau below 80 K might tentatively be attributed to the occurrence of charge density waves. Below TC a large increase of T-11 has been observed in a single crystal sample.
We present what is to our knowledge the most complete 1-D numerical analysis of the evolution and the propagation ::: dynamics of an ultrashort laser pulse in a Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator. This study confirms the dispersion ::: managed model of mode-locking, and emphasizes the role of the Kerr nonlinearity in generating mode-locked ::: spectra with a smooth and well-behaved spectral phase. A very good agreement with experimental measurements ::: of pulse energy, spectrum, and temporal width of extracavity compressed pulses is found.
Time-domain PIC-modeling of suppression of self-modulation in the multiple cavity klystron oscillator with delayed feedback
The results of time-domain PIC-modeling of suppression of self-modulation in a four-cavity klystron oscillator with external delayed feedback are presented. The method is based on using an additional feedback loop with properly chosen delay and phase shift. The application of the method increases the self-modulation threshold beam current. This results in significant increase of the output power and efficiency in comparison with the oscillator with a single feedback.
A simplified treatment is proposed to study quantitatively the lattice dynamics of CsK, CsRb, and RbK alloy systems. The volume effect on the lattice dynamics of the pure constituent is considered, and the phonon dispersion relations of the local and band modes are obtained forthe Rb0.71K0.29, Rb0.3K0.7, Cs0.7K0.3, Cs0.7Rb0.3, and Cs0.3Rb0.7 systems. Then, the x-dependence of the local and band mode frequencies is calculated for the Rb1−xKx, Cs1−xKx and Cs1−xRbx systems.
Decoherence and dynamics in continuous 3D-cooled atom interferometry
We study decoherence in continuously cooled atom interferometers by performing Raman-Ramsey fringe measurements in a continuous beam of 3D-sub-Doppler-cooled rubidium atoms. The atom beam is produced by a two-stage cold atom source that is designed to mitigate the decoherence of atomic interference caused by cooling induced fluorescence. The atom beam source produces a collimated beam of over 109 atoms/s that is cooled by polarization gradient cooling to temperatures as low as 14 µK. We infer the potential performance of this atom beam source in a cold-atom gyroscope and use numerical models of motion in 6 degrees of freedom to study the expected performance on dynamic platforms.
Summary In this abstract, we propose a new finite-difference scheme for solving wave equations. This scheme splits the multidimensional system into different directions and solves each direction implicitly. Unlike most splitting methods in the literature which produce numerical anisotropy in diagonal directions, this method gives perfect circular impulse responses and allows lateral velocity variations. In this paper, we prove that the proposed scheme is unconditionally stable. In the numerical examples, we show some impulse response tests and compare them with the results from some high-order explicit finite-difference methods. The new method allows larger time step and requires less memory storage during the reverse time
On partial differential equations of mixed type in N independent variables
It is proved that a large class of 2-nd order linear partial differential equations of mixed type in n independent variables can be solved by using the theory of positive symmetric systems of 1-st order partial differential equations. Some quasilinear equations of mixed type can be treated in the same way.
We study the photoinduced charge separation processes in solution through a pump–probe spectroscopy theory [Dah-Yen Yang and Sheh-Yi Sheu, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 9427 (1997)] numerically. We investigate the detailed mechanism of nonadiabatic transition processes via the transition differential flux analysis. For the harmonic potential surfaces, an electronic coherence motion is observed in the overdamped exothermic activationless and inverted regimes.
Universal Hall Response in Synthetic Dimensions
We theoretically study the Hall effect on interacting $M$-leg ladder systems, comparing different measures and properties of the zero temperature Hall response in the limit of weak magnetic fields. Focusing on $SU(M)$ symmetric interacting bosons and fermions, as relevant for e.g. typical synthetic dimensional quantum gas experiments, we identify an extensive regime in which the Hall imbalance $\Delta_{\rm H}$ is universal and corresponds to a classical Hall resistivity $R_{\rm H}=-1/n$ for a large class of quantum phases. Away from this high symmetry point we observe interaction driven phenomena such as sign reversal and divergence of the Hall response.
We prove existence of solutions for a class of systems of subelliptic PDEs arising from Mean Field Game systems with H\"ormander diffusion. These results are motivated by the feedback synthesis Mean Field Game solutions and the Nash equilibria of a large class of $N$-player differential games.
Infinitely many solutions for a class of superlinear Dirac–Poisson system
Abstract This paper is concerned with the nonlinear Dirac–Poisson system − i ∑ k = 1 3 α k ∂ k u + ( V ( x ) + a ) β u + ω u − ϕ u = F u ( x , u ) , − Δ ϕ = 4 π | u | 2 , in R 3 where V is an external potential and F is a superlinear nonlinearity modeling various types of interactions. Existence and multiplicity of stationary solutions are obtained for the system with periodicity condition via variational methods.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
Schrödinger operators with sparse potentials: asymptotics of the Fourier transform of the spectral measure
Abstract: We study the pointwise behavior of the Fourier transform of the spectral measure for discrete one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with sparse potentials. We find a resonance structure which admits a physical interpretation in terms of a simple quasiclassical model. We also present an improved version of known results on the spectrum of such operators.
In this article we exhibit some balls lying in the quasi-Fuchsian space of once punctured tori, which are maximal in the class of balls with the same centers. The centers of our maximal balls lie on the slice determined by the trace equation y = ¯ x.
Four-wave sum mixing in beryllium around hydrogen Lyman-α
Radiation was generated between 1210 and 1230 A by four-wave sum mixing in beryllium vapor where the 2s2 1S–2s3d1D transition was two-photon resonant. Results indicate that beryllium will be an efficient nonlinear medium in this spectral region with improvements to the stability of the furnace to allow phase matching and operation at higher pressures.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
Dynamic of the Gaussian quantum discord and effect of non-Markovian degree
We study the dynamic of the Gaussian quantum discord in a continuous-variable system subject to a common non-Markovian environment with zero-temperature. By considering an initial two-mode Gaussian symmetric squeezed thermal state, we show that Gaussian discord has a very different dynamic characteristic in a non-Markovian evolution versus a Markov process, and can be created by the memory effect, which features non-Markovianity. We also study the relationship between Gaussian discord and the non-Markovian degree of the environment. The results may offer us an effective experimental method to get more quantum correlations.
Abstract The aim of the present paper is to give the main characteristics of the finite-source G / M /r queue in equilibrium. Here unit i stays in the source for a random time having general distribution function F i ( x ) with density f i ( x ). The service times of all units are assumed to be identically and exponentially distributed random variables with means 1/μ. It is shown that the solution to this G / M /r model is similar in most important respects to that for the M/M/ r model.
Improved Filon-Type Asymptotic Methods for Highly Oscillatory Differential Equations
This chapter presents an effective improvement on the existing Filon-type asymptotic methods, so that the improved methods can numerically solve a class of multi-frequency highly oscillatory second-order differential equations with a positive semi-definite singular matrix which implicitly contains and preserves the oscillatory frequencies of the underlying problem.
We study non-equilibrium velocity fluctuations in a model for the sedimentation of non-Brownian particles experiencing long-range hydrodynamic interactions. The complex behavior of these fluctuations, the outcome of the collective dynamics of the particles, exhibits many of the features observed in sedimentation experiments. In addition, our model predicts a final relaxation to an anisotropic (hydrodynamic) diffusive state that could be observed in experiments performed over longer time ranges.
Quantum Hall effect on the Lobachevsky plane
The Hall conductivity of an electron gas on the surface of constant negative curvature (the Lobachevsky plane) in the presence of an orthogonal magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that the surface curvature decreases the quantum Hall plateau widths and shifts the steps in the Hall conductivity to higher magnetic fields (or to lower values of the chemical potential). An increase of temperature results in smearing of the steps.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.