32 values
On a class of nonlinear Schr6dinger equations
This paper concerns the existence of standing wave solutions of nonlinear Schr6dinger equations. Making a standing wave ansatz reduces the problem to that of studying the semiIinear elliptic equation: • u + b(x)u = f ( x , u), x e •". (*) The function f is assumed to be "superlinear". A special case is the power nonlinearity f ( x , z) = Izl s !z where 1 sufficient conditions for the existence of nontrivial solutions u e W m ( ~ n) are established. (Received: June 18, 1991)
We study non-equilibrium velocity fluctuations in a model for the sedimentation of non-Brownian particles experiencing long-range hydrodynamic interactions. The complex behavior of these fluctuations, the outcome of the collective dynamics of the particles, exhibits many of the features observed in sedimentation experiments. In addition, our model predicts a final relaxation to an anisotropic (hydrodynamic) diffusive state that could be observed in experiments performed over longer time ranges.
Equations of Langmuir turbulence and nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Smoothness and approximation
We consider the following family of systems parametrized by e > 0, which describe Langmuir's turbulence. In the case where initial data are sufficiently small, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions (Ee, ne) when e goes to zero, for d = 1, 2, 3. Namely, we state convergence results of (Ee, ne) to the couple (E, − ¦E¦2) where E is the solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Moreover, in three dimensions we show that the smooth solution (Ee, ne) is defined on [0, Tmax(e)[with Tmax(e) going to infinity as e goes to 0.
We apply the $\delta$-expansion perturbation scheme to the $\lambda \phi^{4}$ self-interacting scalar field theory in 3+1 D at finite temperature. In the $\delta$-expansion the interaction term is written as $\lambda (\phi^{2})^{ 1 + \delta}$ and $\delta$ is considered as the perturbation parameter. We compute within this perturbative approach the renormalized mass at finite temperature at a finite order in $\delta$. The results are compared with the usual loop-expansion at finite temperature.
Stochastic evaluation of supply chains and replenishment policies with Petri net components
The outbound logistics deals with the transportation and storage of finished goods. It is one of the most complex and expensive activity of the supply chain management and is decisive for the Quality of Service (QoS). This paper proposes the use of pre-defined Petri net components to model and evaluate this activity. The model that represents an outbound logistics scenario is obtained with a bottom-up approach, guaranteeing some expected Petri nets properties. Furthermore, the use of pre-defined, validated components allows modelling and evaluating the supply chain entities and processes through a systematic procedure. In the end of this paper, results related to a real case study, conducted by considering the proposed models, is depicted.
O. Introduction This lecture will unfortunately not be a systematic review of the subject of rigorous results in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. A preliminary attempt to outline such a review led me quickly to the conclusion that the field is too diverse to be summarized in a single lecture. I have therefore decided instead to discuss a few related.works in depth. The works I have chosen are: 1. The paper of J. Fritz and R. L. Dobrushin[5] on two-dimensional dynamics. 2. The paper of W. Braun and K. Hepp[3] on classical mechanics in the Vlasov limit. 3. A recent preprint by H. van Beijeren, J. L. Lebowitz, H. Spohn, and myself[2] on autocorrelations and fluctuations in the dilute equilibrium hard-sphere gas.
On the Nonlinear Effects in Focused Ultrasound Beams with Frequency Power Law Attenuation
When finite amplitude ultrasound propagation is considered, changes in spatial features of focused ultrasound beams can be observed. These nonlinear effects typically appear in thermoviscous fluids as focal displacements, beam-width variations or gain changes. However, in soft-tissue media, the frequency dependence of the attenuation doesn’t obey a squared law. In this way, these complex media response leads to weak dispersion that prevents the cumulative processes of energy transfer to higher harmonics. In this work we explore the influence of different frequency power law attenuation responses and its influence on the self-defocusing effects in focused ultrasound beams. Thus, we numerically explore the spatial field distributions produced by low-Fresnel number devices and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) radiating trough different soft-tissue media.
Abstract In this paper, we study the long-time behavior of solutions for a non-autonomous strongly damped wave equation. We first prove the existence of a uniform attractor for the equation with a translation compact driving force and then obtain an upper estimate for the Kolmogorov e -entropy of the uniform attractor. Finally we obtain an upper bound of the fractal dimension of the uniform attractor with quasiperiodic force.
Vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates with dipolar interactions beyond the weak-interaction limit
We study the ground states of rotating atomic Bose-Einstein condensates with dipolar interactions. We present the results of numerical studies on a periodic geometry which show vortex lattice ground states of various symmetries: triangular and square vortex lattices, ``stripe crystal,'' and ``bubble crystal.'' We present the phase diagram (for systems with a large number of vortices) as a function of the ratio of dipolar to contact interactions and of the chemical potential. We discuss the experimental requirements for observing transitions between vortex lattice ground states via dipolar interactions. We finally investigate the stability of mean-field supersolid phases of a quasi-two-dimensional nonrotating Bose gas with dipolar interactions.
Abstract We discuss random matrix-model representations of D = 1 string theory, with particular emphasis on the case in which the target space is a circle of finite radius. The duality properties of discretized strings are analyzed and shown to depend on the dynamics of vortices. In the representation in terms of a continuous circle of matrices we find an exact expression for the free energy, neglecting non-singlet states, as a function of the string coupling and the radius which exhibits exact duality. In a second version, based on a discrete chain of matrices, we find that vortices induce, for a finite radius, a Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition that takes us to a c = 0 theory.
Scaling of energy spreading in a disordered Ding-Dong lattice
We study numerically propagation of energy in a one dimensional Ding-Ding lattice, composed of linear oscillators with ellastic collisions. Wave propagation is suppressed by breaking translational symmetry, we consider three way to do this: a position disorder, a mass disorder, and a dimer lattice with alternating distances between the units. In all cases the spreading of an initially localized wavepacket is irregular, due to appearance of chaos, and subdiffusive. Guided by a nonlinear diffusion equation, we establish that the mean waiting times of spreading obey a scaling law in dependence on energy. Moreover, we show that the spreading exponents very weakly depend on the level of disorder.
We investigate the OLS-based estimator s2 of the disturbance variance in the standard linear regression model with cross section data when the disturbances are homoskedastic, but spatially correlated. For the most popular model of spatially autoregressive disturbances, we show that s2 can be severely biased in finite samples, but is asymptotically unbiased and consistent for most types of spatial weighting matrices as sample size increases.
Soliton management in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation model with varying dispersion, nonlinearity, and gain
The novel stable “soliton islands” in a “sea of solitary waves” of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation model with varying dispersion, nonlinearity, and gain or absorption are discovered. Different soliton management regimes are predicted.
Compact differencing can deliver high-order accuracy using only a limited span of stencils, but incurring a costly matrix in version. Hence, use of a stable implicit time discretizaton becomes favorable in order to offset the computation cost by allowing a large time step. A practical way to reduce the burden of inverting a large matrix from multidimensional problems is to split the implicit operator into a series of smaller operators. Undesirable consequences can surface, such as (1) loss of stability, and/or (2) loss of accuracy. Here, we propose a consistent implicit compact method and study the stability and accuracy of steady and unsteady solutions.
A sufficient condition for the Hamiltonian evolution
We give a sufficient condition for the time evolution of a finite quantum system to be a Hamiltonian one. We use the semigroup formalism recently developed by Kossakowski, Gorini, Sudarshan et al.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
Several recent results in nonlinear geometric optics
Many recent works are devoted to the study of high frequency oscillatory nonlinear waves, and to nonlinear geometric optics. Typical questions are the existence, the propagation, the interaction and the reflection of waves of the form ::: ::: $$ {u^\varepsilon }\left( {t,x} \right) \sim \underline u \left( {t,x} \right) + {\varepsilon ^\alpha }\sum\limits_{n0} {{\varepsilon ^n}} {U_n}\left( {t,x,\varphi \left( {t,x} \right)/\varepsilon } \right). $$ ::: ::: (1.1)
4 pages.-- PACS numbers: 05.45.Xt, 87.10.+e.-- ArXiv pre-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/nlin.CD/0512009.-- Final full-text version of the paper available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.73.055202.
Stability of standing waves for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation under an external magnetic field
In this paper we study the existence and orbital stability of ground states for logarithmic Schrodinger equation under a constant magnetic field. For this purpose we establish the well-posedness of the Cauchy Problem in a magnetic Sobolev space and an appropriate Orlicz space. Then we show the existence of ground state solutions via a constrained minimization on the Nehari manifold. We also show that the ground state is orbitally stable.
The matrix formalism previously introduced for the discussion of polymer dynamics is rendered more tractable by the introduction of an explicit operator representation satisfying boson commutation rules. Techniques are devised by which singular functions of segment coordinates may be expanded in a fluctuation series (containing ordered products of boson operators) around an equilibrium or nonequilibrium average. The techniques are here applied to equilibrium excluded‐volume expansions, and are shown to give good results. The detailed numerical results are presented in the following paper. The Gaussian potential is adopted for polymer chains in a theta solvent, but methods for its improvement are considered.
Quantum Monte Carlo study of a 1D phase-fluctuating condensate
We study numerically the low temperature behaviour of a 1D Bose gas trapped in an optical lattice. For a sufficient number of particles and weak repulsive interactions, we find a clear regime of temperatures where density fluctuations are negligible but phase fluctuations are considerable, i.e., a quasicondensate. In the weakly interacting limit, our results are in very good agreement with those obtained using a mean-field approximation. In coupling regimes beyond the validity of mean-field approaches, a phase-fluctuating condensate also appears, but the phase-correlation properties are qualitatively different. It is shown that quantum depletion plays an important role.
ABSTRACTThis paper aims to develop, assess, and numerically implement analytical models for the newly introduced Quintuple Friction Pendulum Isolator (QFPI) which can identically capture its real e...
Low lying spectrum of weak-disorder quantum waveguides
We study the low-lying spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplace operator on a randomly wiggled strip. More precisely, our results are formulated in terms of the eigenvalues of finite segment approximations of the infinite waveguide. Under appropriate weak-disorder assumptions we obtain deterministic and probabilistic bounds on the position of the lowest eigenvalue. A Combes-Thomas argument allows us to obtain a so-called ‘initial length scale decay estimate’ as they are employed in the proof of spectral localization using the multiscale analysis method.
Abstract A self-consistent quasilinear model of the interaction between VLF emissions and geomagnetic pulsation is set forth. As a result an explicit expression of a modulation frequency dependence can be obtained.
Soliton solution of nonlinear schrodinger equation with application to bosezeinstein condensation using the FD method
In this paper, we discussed the behavior of bright soliton solutions to the NLS equation and their interactions then investigated dark solitons and their formation within an attractive potential and applied them to Bose-Einstein condensation using fast and efficient finite difference scheme.
A spectroscopic method to determine in-cylinder flame temperature and soot concentration was combined with in-cylinder NOx-modelling to study the influence of operating conditions and combustion system parameters on the formation of soot and NOx in a low-emission single- cylinder direct-injection diesel engine. Fuel consumption and emissions are compared with time-resolved combustion analysis data. (A) For the covering abstract see IRRD 869246.
Spectral Properties of Non-Unitary Band Matrices
We consider families of random non-unitary contraction operators defined as deformations of CMV matrices which appear naturally in the study of random quantum walks on trees or lattices. We establish several deterministic and almost sure results about the location and nature of the spectrum of such non-normal operators as a function of their parameters. We relate these results to the analysis of certain random quantum walks, the dynamics of which can be studied by means of iterates of such random non-unitary contraction operators.
We generalize the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalues of nonlinear eigenvalue problems (NEPs) to the rational form and give the extension of the argument principle. In addition, we propose a novel numerical method to determine the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalues of the NEPs in a given region by the contour integral method. Finally, some numerical experiments are reported to illustrate the effectiveness of our method.
The effect of a super-normal phase transition on the collective mass parameter
We derive an expression for the temperature-dependent collective masses for the general collective motion. It is an application of the time dependent BCS approximation, which is usually used for the ground state, to finite temperature. The resulting masses show a very prominent structure, that is, it changes discontinuously across the critical temperature.
A method of solving the eikonal equation, in either flat or curved space–times, with arbitrary Cauchy data, is extended to the case of data given on a characteristic surface. We find a beautiful relationship between the Cauchy and characteristic data for the same solution, namely they are related by a Legendre transformation. From the resulting solutions, we study and describe the wave-front singularities that are associated with their level surfaces (the characteristic surfaces or “big wave fronts”).
One Method to Fit Biexponential Curve by Using Fourier Transform
Many physical phenomena can be described by biexponential curve. To study the physical phenomena, there is a need to obtain their mathematical expressions. Generally, the expressions are acquired based on the fitting of experimental data, and the general method to fit exponential curve is nonlinear least squares (NLLS). In the NLLS method, it is crucial to choose good enough starting values for the parameters, otherwise, the fitting might fail to converge. In this paper, one new method is proposed to solve the problem, which utilizes the Fourier transform to transform the non-linear exponential fitting model into a linear one. It makes the estimation of the parameters independent of the initial values and easy to converge. The fitting result shows that the proposed method can be used to fit the curve expressed by difference of double exponentials.
We perform a Variational Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of an interacting ::: Fermi gas confined in a three dimensional harmonic potential. This gas is considered as the precursor system from which a molecular bosonic gas is formed. Based in the results of two-body calculations for trapped atoms, we propose a family of variational many-body wave functions that takes into account the qualitative different nature of the BCS and BEC regimes as a function of the scattering length. Energies, densities and correlations functions are calculated and compared with previous results for homogeneous gases. Universality tests at the unitarity limit are also performed.
Squeezing in a three-level Jaynes-Cummings model
Abstract The evolution of the state vector of a system composed of a cascade three-level atom and a single-mode field with arbitrary detuning and initial condition has been obtained. The quantum fluctuations of the field are presented. The contribution of single- and two-photon transitions to the squeezing of the field is discussed. The dependence of the squeezing on initial intensities of the field and detuning are given.
The main objective of this article is to study dynamic of the ::: three-dimensional Boussinesq equations with the periodic boundary ::: condition.We prove that when the Rayleigh number $R$ crosses the ::: first critical Rayleigh number $R_c$, the Rayleigh-Benard problem ::: bifurcates from the basic state to an global attractor $\Sigma$, which is homeomorphic to $S^3$.
Reflexes only require one of what two structures in a body?
Physiologically, the function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body. The brain acts on the rest of the body both by generating patterns of muscle activity and by driving the secretion of chemicals called hormones. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment. Some basic types of responsiveness such as reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord or peripheral ganglia, but sophisticated purposeful control of behavior based on complex sensory input requires the information integrating capabilities of a centralized brain.
Part of the phonological study of a language therefore involves looking at data (phonetic transcriptions of the speech of native speakers) and trying to deduce what the underlying phonemes are and what the sound inventory of the language is. The presence or absence of minimal pairs, as mentioned above, is a frequently used criterion for deciding whether two sounds should be assigned to the same phoneme. However, other considerations often need to be taken into account as well.
The axons of myelinated neurons are embedded in a protective covering of?
He's right it's really mylein, whoever made the test that some of your bio multiple choice questions came from did a crappy job :-P. The answer you need is Schwann cells because they make the mylein, which really should be the answer. Schwann cells only make mylein in the peripheral nervous system though. Oligodendrocites make it in the central nervous system.
Are you looking at any protein in particular? Look up in situ hybrdization for proteins ( at least it will give you an idea where it is localised). I think that it would really depend on the system ad proteins that you want to study, so I am not sure how much else I can tell you, sorry.
what factors determine nerve conduction velocity
A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve.NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction. During the test, the nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrode patches attached to the skin.he nerve conduction velocity (speed) is then calculated by measuring the distance between electrodes and the time it takes for electrical impulses to travel between electrodes. A related procedure that may be performed is electromyography (EMG).
A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve.NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction.During the test, the nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrode patches attached to the skin. nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve.
the difference between an action potential and a resting potential
The potential that is recorded when a living cell is impaled with a microelectrode is called the resting potential, and varies from cell to cell. Here it is shown to be -60 mV, but can range between -80 mV and -40 mV, depending on the particular type of nerve cell. In the absence of any stimulation, the resting potential is generally constant. It is also possible to record and study the action potential. Figure 1.3 illustrates an example in which a neuron has already been impaled with one microelectrode (the recording electrode), which is connected to a voltmeter. The electrode records a resting potential of -60 mV.
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) is the voltage (charge) difference across the cell membrane when the cell is at rest. RMP is a product of the distribution of charged particles (ions). There are positively charged ions called cations (e.g., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and negatively charged ions called anions (e.g., Cl- and proteins that act as anions).
Condensed phases of gases inside nanotube bundles
dsorption of N 2 , CH 4 , CO and CO 2 gases in single walled carbon nanotubes : A ombined experimental and Monte Carlo molecular simulation study
Completely Stale Transmitter Channel State Information is Still Very Useful
The structural evolution of multi-layer graphene stacks in carbon fibers under load at high temperature - A synchrotron radiation study
The influence of thermo-hygro-mechanical treatment on the micro- and nanoscale architecture of wood cell walls using small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering
No Detectable Broad-Scale Effect of Livestock Grazing on Soil Blue-Carbon Stock in Salt Marshes
We study asymptotically and numerically the fundamental gaps (i.e. the difference between the first excited state and the ground state) in energy and chemical potential of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) -- nonlinear Schrodinger equation with cubic nonlinearity -- with repulsive interaction under different trapping potentials including box potential and harmonic potential. Based on our asymptotic and numerical results, we formulate a gap conjecture on the fundamental gaps in energy and chemical potential of the GPE on bounded domains with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, and in the whole space with a convex trapping potential growing at least quadratically in the far field. We then extend these results to the GPE on bounded domains with either the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition or periodic boundary condition.
We prove the convergence of the thermodynamic functions of a free boson gas for ad-dimensional (d=3,4,...) van Hove sequence of convex regions. The thermodynamic functions behave singularly at a critical densityρ c which is independent of the geometrical details of the sequence. We are led to define a second critical densityρ m depending on the geometrical details of the sequence. For densities betweenρ c andρ m none of the single particle states is macroscopically occupied. We derive a sufficient condition on the sequence such thatρ m =ρ c .
We report enhancement of the mechanical stability of graphene through a one-step method to disperse gold nanoparticles on the pristine graphene without any added agent.
The size distribution of particles in dispersions is an important property that is usually measured. In many cases, however, theoretical or semi-empirical models are developed to predict these distributions. The models, none the less, come with subtle constraints that limit the regimes of their applicability. At present, there is no systematic approach for identifying these limitations, which, if ignored, can lead to serious flaws. In this work we introduce an entropy-related property of the dispersion, and demonstrate th at this property, which is intensive, and, therefore, independent of system size and configuration, can be used to pinpoint where these limitations lie.
The solutions to the kinetic equation of coagulation are reviewed particularly from the standpoint of their asymptotic behavior. The coagulation equation is studied theoretically by means of a new similarity transformation. For the case of constant collision frequency factor, the transformed spectrum function approaches a self-preserving form after a sufficiently long time, for a certain class of initial distributions. For Brownian coagulation, approximate solutions are derived in closed form for the upper and the lower end of the self-preserving spectrum, and a numerical solution is given for the whole spectrum. The result of this study indicates that the shape of the self-preserving spectrum is greatly influenced by the form of the collision frequency factor.
We report enhancement of the mechanical stability of graphene through a one-step method to disperse gold nanoparticles on the pristine graphene without any added agent.
A review is given of the results of investigations of the channelling of high-energy charged particles in bent single crystals carried out in the last fifteen years. These investigations have given rise to new applications of crystals in the control of high-energy particle beams in modern accelerators: in beam lines, in systems for the extraction of accelerated beams, and in certain experiments.
Beam steering performance of bent silicon crystals irradiated with high-intensity and high-energy protons has been studied. In particular, crystals of the type used for collimation and extraction purposes in the Large Hadron Collider and the Super Proton Synchrotron at CERN have been irradiated at the HiRadMat CERN facility with $$2.5 \times 10^{13}$$ 440 GeV/c protons, with a pulse length of 7.2 $$\upmu $$s. The purpose is to study possible changes in bending angle and channeling efficiency due to thermo-mechanical stresses in case of accidental irradiation during accelerator operations. A comparison between measurements performed before and after the irradiation does not show any appreciable performance reduction in either crystal.
We report enhancement of the mechanical stability of graphene through a one-step method to disperse gold nanoparticles on the pristine graphene without any added agent.
A theoretical study is presented of the effect of misfit strain on the transition from step flow to island nucleation dominated epitaxial layer growth on a vicinal surface. The analysis generalizes a set of reaction‐diffusion equations used for homoepitaxy to include the fact that heteroepitaxial strain changes the Arrhenius barrier for diffusion and promotes the detachment of atoms from the edge of strained terraces and islands. The first effect is equivalent to changing the deposition flux; the latter can drive the system into a new layer growth mode characterized by moving steps that engulf very many very small islands. Experiments to test these predictions are suggested.
Large-scale growth of single crystals on graphene can be useful for the development of 3D/2D or 2D/2D heterostructures. Here, through careful control of growth kinetics, the authors perform multiple cycles of direct growth/transfer of high-quality single-crystal GaN, using a single graphene/SiC substrate.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Interaction of the Important Species HNO and HFSO2 in the Atmosphere: Theoretical Study of the NOH and SOH Blue-Shifted Hydrogen Bonds
Ab initio molecular orbital and density functional theory (dft) in conjunction with different basis sets calculations were performed to study the n-h center dot center dot center dot o and s-h center dot center dot center dot o blue-shifted h-bonds in the hno center dot center dot center dot hfso2 complex. the geometric structures, vibrational frequencies, and interaction energies were calculated by both standard and cp-corrected methods. natural bond orbital (nbo) analysis was used to investigate the origin of blue-shifted h-bonds, showing that the decrease in the sigma*(n-h) and sigma*(s-h) is due to the electron density redistribution effect. the structure reorganization effect on the blue-shifted hydrogen bonds was discussed in detail. (c) 2006 wiley periodicals, inc.
The treatment of graphene oxide (GO) with potassium thioacetate followed by an aqueous work-up yields a new material via the ring-opening of the epoxide groups. The new material is a thiol-functionalized GO (GO-SH) which is able to undergo further functionalization. Reaction with butyl bromide gives another new material, GO-SBu, which shows significantly enhanced thermal stability compared to both GO and GO-SH. The thiol-functionalized GO material showed a high affinity for gold, as demonstrated by the selective deposition of a high density of gold nanoparticles.
Free space optical communication over the Ghanaian Turbulent Atmospheric Channel
A thesis submitted to the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, ::: College of Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ::: MSc Telecommunication Engineering, 2014
Using ultrafast optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy, we study the THz dynamics and electronic cooling in few-layer epitaxial and CVD graphene; a microscopic theory of carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon interactions accounts quantitatively for the observed dynamics.
Universal deformation pathways and flexural hardening of nanoscale 2D-material standing folds
In the present work, we use atomic force microscopy nanomanipulation of 2D-material standing folds to investigate their mechanical deformation. Using graphene, h-BN and talc nanoscale wrinkles as testbeds, universal force–strain pathways are clearly uncovered and well-accounted for by an analytical model. Such universality further enables the investigation of each fold bending stiffness κ as a function of its characteristic height h 0. We observe a more than tenfold increase of κ as h 0 increases in the 10–100 nm range, with power-law behaviors of κ versus h 0 with exponents larger than unity for the three materials. This implies anomalous scaling of the mechanical responses of nano-objects made from these materials.
The paper introducess the implemented conditions which colling recycle of flexible base on Ying-DaLine.It over all xpounds the investigation of road condlitions of original pavement,indoor trial study,determination of trial lot plan as well as completion of trial lot etc.
Electron diffraction study of small bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes with unique helicity
The selected-area electron diffraction technique has been used to investigate the structure of bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by the catalytic chemical vapor deposition method. The helicity and lattice packing of the single-wall carbon nanotubes within the bundles have been deduced from the experimental diffraction patterns on the basis of the geometry of the reciprocal space of carbon nanotubes and computer simulations based on the kinematical theory. We show that a precise helicity can be found within a given small bundle. We attribute this selectivity to the small number of nanotubes ~20‐30! in the bundles.
Summary In this abstract, we propose a new finite-difference scheme for solving wave equations. This scheme splits the multidimensional system into different directions and solves each direction implicitly. Unlike most splitting methods in the literature which produce numerical anisotropy in diagonal directions, this method gives perfect circular impulse responses and allows lateral velocity variations. In this paper, we prove that the proposed scheme is unconditionally stable. In the numerical examples, we show some impulse response tests and compare them with the results from some high-order explicit finite-difference methods. The new method allows larger time step and requires less memory storage during the reverse time
Electronic cooling in epitaxial and CVD graphene
Using ultrafast optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy, we study the THz dynamics and electronic cooling in few-layer epitaxial and CVD graphene; a microscopic theory of carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon interactions accounts quantitatively for the observed dynamics.
A CUDA implementation of the 3D viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is proposed using as advection operator the BFECC (Back and Forth Error Compensation and Correction) schema. The Poisson problem for pressure is solved with a CG (Conjugated Gradient) preconditioning the system with FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms). Study cases as Lid-Driven Cavity and Flow Past Circular Cilinder, both 2D and 3D, are solved in order to check accuracy and obtain performance meassurements.
52.1: Invited Paper: FEM and in situ TEM Studies
Field emission microscopy (FEM) study of carbon nanotube (CNT) with various tip radii was performed to reveal the origin of different types of FEM patterns (“pentagon” and “dim” patterns) so far reported. Dynamic behaviour and degradation mechanism of field-emitting CNTs were also studied by in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Related Article: Yuanyuan Zhang, Xuan Zhang, Jiafei Lyu, Ken-ichi Otake, Xingjie Wang, Louis R. Redfern, Christos D. Malliakas, Zhanyong Li, Timur Islamoglu, Bo Wang, Omar K. Farha|2018|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|140||doi:10.1021/jacs.8b06789
Manipulation and Characterization of Aperiodical Graphene Structures Created in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
We demonstrate that Dirac fermions can be created and manipulated in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Using a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope, we arranged coronene molecules one by one on a Cu(111) surface to construct artificial graphene nanoribbons with perfect zigzag (ZGNRs) or arm-chairedges and confirmed that new states localized along the edges emerge only in the ZGNRs. We further made and studied several typical defects, such as single vacancies, Stone-Wales defects, and dislocation lines, and found that all these defects introduce localized states at or near the Dirac point in the quasiparticle spectra. Our results confirm that artificial systems built on a 2DEG provide rigorous experimental verifications for several long-sought theoretical predications of aperiodic graphene structures.
A Planar square stack coupled inductor coils on silicon substrate has been fabricated using MEMS technology. The fabrication process utilized a simple, cost effective process technique as well as CMOS compatible resulting to a reproducible and good controlled process. The basic characteristics of the coupled inductors were discussed in wide range of operating frequency. The analysis results showed that the geometry of the inductor coil strongly affects the basic characteristics of the coils. The results of the study have promised a good prospect for the development of fully integrated planar magnetic field generator for sensing and actuating purposes.
Charge accumulation and frequency characteristics of sequential tunneling.
This paper, as an addendum to Phys. Rev. B 46, 4714 (1992), provides a study of the finite frequency spectrum of noise current in sequential tunneling through double-barrier structures and the effect of space-charge accumulation
Using ultrafast optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy, we study the THz dynamics and electronic cooling in few-layer epitaxial and CVD graphene; a microscopic theory of carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon interactions accounts quantitatively for the observed dynamics.
Fabrication of graphene with CuO islands by chemical vapor deposition.
Graphene prepared on Cu foil by chemical vapor deposition was studied as a function of post growth cooling conditions. CuO islands embedded in the graphene film were discovered and studied by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. It is shown that nanostructured holes can be formed within a graphene film by reduction using hydrogen cooling immediately after film growth. We also observe the formation of symmetrical oxide islands in these holes. This study provides an easy way to fabricate a graphene + CuO composite, and the method may be extended to other graphene based structures.
Microstructural studies and X-ray diffraction combined with pole figure characterizations have been carried out on the melt-grown YBa2Cu3O7-x and GdBa2Cu3O7-x samples. The crystallographic orientation of the domains in melt-grown samples are highlighted based on the above studies.
Theoretical Analysis of Magneto-Inductive THz Wireless Communications and Power Transfer With Multi-Layer Graphene Nano-Coils
High-Frequency Behavior of Graphene-Based Interconnects—Part II: Impedance Analysis and Implications for Inductor Design
Intersectionality and cyberbullying: A study of cybervictimization in a Midwestern high school
Literature review of microstructure formation in compacted graphite Iron
The literature concerning microstructure formation in Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) is reviewed. CGI has an intermediate graphite morphology between Lamellar Graphite Iron (LGI) and Spheroidal Grap ...
ABSTRACTWe study a nanocomposite consisting of a ferroelectric liquid crystal and a magnetic nanoparticle in order to explore the possibility of using it as a magnetic resonant imaging contrast age...
The potential effects of radiographic criteria to exclude aortography in patients with blunt chest trauma. Results of a study of 32 patients with proved aortic or brachiocephalic arterial injury.
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Blunt Aortic Injury: An EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work Group
Acute non-traumatic disease of the abdominal aorta
What is the most common symptom of MI?
The onset of symptoms in myocardial infarction (MI) is usually gradual, over several minutes, and rarely instantaneous. Chest pain is the most common symptom of acute MI and is often described as a sensation of tightness, pressure, or squeezing. Chest pain due to ischemia (a lack of blood and hence oxygen supply) of the heart muscle is termed angina pectoris. Pain radiates most often to the left arm, but may also radiate to the lower jaw, neck, right arm, back, and upper abdomen, where it may mimic heartburn. Levine's sign, in which a person localizes the chest pain by clenching their fists over their sternum, has classically been thought to be predictive of cardiac chest pain, although a prospective observational study showed it had a poor positive predictive value.
For the finals, American Idol debuted a new state-of-the-art set and stage on March 11, 2008, along with a new on-air look. David Cook's performance of "Billie Jean" on top-ten night was lauded by the judges, but provoked controversy when they apparently mistook the Chris Cornell arrangement to be David Cook's own even though the performance was introduced as Cornell's version. Cornell himself said he was 'flattered' and praised David Cook's performance. David Cook was taken to the hospital after the top-nine performance show due to heart palpitations and high blood pressure.
case study - swelling in the face, tried benadryl-no impact, went to emergency room, has dyspnoea on exertion, had full blood panel for kidneys, lungs and heart, hepatobiliary, urinalysis, ekg, heart failure, CPC, chest x-ray - all these tests came back negative... took diuretic and lost 4 lbs in 24 hrs, hints: this test can't be done at emergency care center, and requires no blood work, performed in a "special" place, and patient has to be put in condition that mimicks symptoms (test challenges body) Which cardiovascular-related test is next?
You want to a do a stress echocardiogram which is a specialized version of a stress test - it can be done either chemically or on a treadmill. The echocardiogram would give you information about the contractility of the heart muscle, both at rest and with stress; and the valvular function as well as pulmonary pressures which all could be implicated in the symptoms described. You did not mention the age of the patient in your case, so I wouldn't further hazard a guess on the etiology of the symptoms.
You will have to check with your doctor. Not all family doctors have the necessary equipment to do allergy testing.
Grasping Objects Using Shadow DexterousHand with Tactile Feedback
A 3D printed soft gripper integrated with curvature sensor for studying soft grasping
Further evidence of impaired tactile learning after removals of the second somatic sensory projection cortex (SII) in the monkey
Abstract: Road profile and the technical condition of the suspension affect a large measure of comfort, road safety and endurance. This paper contains the theoretical study results of the offroad vehicle vibration when running on a bumpy section of road. For this purpose has been developed mechanical model of tire-suspension -self supporting bodyshell system with five degrees of freedom. The bodyshell was approximated by a flat plate, suspension and tires were modelled by four mass-damper-spring system attached to the four corners of the plate; the tire mass together with a mass suspension is concentrated at a single point. Vertical vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration of the body were determined using Matlab. Key words: vehicle vibration, vehicle mechanical modelling, road deformation.
A robot cooperative manipulation system based on visual simultaneous localization and mapping is proposed in this paper. A single camera mounted on each mobile robot is used to observe unknown environments. SURF algorithm is employed to extract features of the environment and the target object. Three-dimensional positions of the features are estimated according to the visual information. The states of the robot and matched features are updated using extended Kalman filtering to reconstruct a consistent environment map based on which path planning and robot navigation are further accomplished. To carry out cooperative manipulation tasks, a compliance control approach is adopted to avoid dropping the object and ensure completing manipulation tasks successfully.
Application of robot hand technique in the course of microneurosurgical operations
INTRODUCTION ::: The aim of this study was to determine whether the new robot hand technique can help to avoid the complication in the course of high precise microneurosurgical operations. ::: ::: ::: METHODS ::: The physical efficacy was measured by tremorometry. The comparative study of the incidence of complications measured the clinical efficacy. ::: ::: ::: RESULTS ::: The tremors of the operating hand and the number of complications have decreased effectively. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSION ::: The precise level of robots could be available by novel robot hand technique. By this technique the microsurgical work has become more effective.
In this study, we perform in vivo OCT human arthroscopic imaging in patients undergoing menisectomy. Results are compared to MRI and arthroscopy.
Wearable device assembly having a motor function of
A wearable device assembly includes a controller, the display and indicator system supported in the housing thereon. The controller includes at least one sensor, wherein detecting the user wearing the device activity. The controller selects the activity level lit the indicator system to indicate the user.
INTRODUCTION ::: The aim of this study was to determine whether the new robot hand technique can help to avoid the complication in the course of high precise microneurosurgical operations. ::: ::: ::: METHODS ::: The physical efficacy was measured by tremorometry. The comparative study of the incidence of complications measured the clinical efficacy. ::: ::: ::: RESULTS ::: The tremors of the operating hand and the number of complications have decreased effectively. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSION ::: The precise level of robots could be available by novel robot hand technique. By this technique the microsurgical work has become more effective.
Preoperative management of patients with major trauma injuries.
Traumatic injuries require rapid, efficient, and precise diagnose and immediate treatment. Patients with major trauma injuries place special demands on emergency department, OR, and intensive care unit health care providers. Cost-effective and time-efficient management of these patients results in improved patient care and optimal outcomes in this era of shrinking health care dollars. Perioperative nurses need to be aware of the many evolving changes in the preoperative management of patients with major trauma injuries to provide quality care to these patients.
INTRODUCTION ::: The aim of this study was to determine whether the new robot hand technique can help to avoid the complication in the course of high precise microneurosurgical operations. ::: ::: ::: METHODS ::: The physical efficacy was measured by tremorometry. The comparative study of the incidence of complications measured the clinical efficacy. ::: ::: ::: RESULTS ::: The tremors of the operating hand and the number of complications have decreased effectively. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSION ::: The precise level of robots could be available by novel robot hand technique. By this technique the microsurgical work has become more effective.
Design aspects and test results of a high speed bearingless drive
Following the trend towards smaller drives operating at increased speeds, the present work examines the suitability of bearingless drives for high speed operation. With rising rotational frequency, the requirements for the drive components differ significantly from a design specification for low speeds. Therefore, the design of the stator, rotor and winding system is described in detail. In order to verify the conducted analytical and FE calculations, a laboratory prototype was constructed reaching - to the knowledge of the authors - a world record speed for bearingless drives of 115.000rpm. Eventually, measurements showing specific losses and operational behavior of the drive are presented.
Now a day, more and more enterprises like PSA Peugeot Citroen need a new prototyping approach called virtual prototyping. The efficiency of virtual reality dedicated solutions is closely linked with the simulation and integration quality of different sensory feedbacks in a same system. Here, we present a new visuo-haptic configuration which preserves the performance factors of integrated sensory feedbacks. In addition, we propose a new haptic rendering method for rigid objects manipulation with surface properties (smooth, textures …) and without the well known undesirable effects from traditional methods (uncontrolled friction, sticking effects …). The configuration is evaluated with a first industrial concrete scenario. We also study a second visuo-haptic configuration using a video see-through head mounted display for blind manipulation applications. A second industrial scenario is presented
Artificial nociception and motor responses to pain, for humans and robots
This concept paper describes nociception and the role of pain in humans. Understanding the mechanisms of pain can give insight into the implementation of artificial pain for robots. Identification of noxious contacts could help robots to elicit reactions in order to avoid or minimize damage to the robot and the environment. The information processing of artificial pain can also be used to optimally regulate incoming sensory information and prevent accidents or real pain to the users of robotic systems and prostheses, improving the performance of robots and their interaction with human users. Besides the applications of artificial nociception for robotic manipulation and intelligent prostheses, the development of computational models of pain mechanisms for the discrimination of noxious stimuli from innocuous touch can find crucial clinical applications, addressing the vulnerable non-verbal population who are unable to report pain.
A study of the factors which affect the fold kinematic activities has been presented,through the design analysis,the sensitivity of acceleration vs.design was obtained.According to the sensitivity,the lengths of linkage and crank were determined as design variables.The optimization technique was applied to an ADAMS Model so as to minimize the value of acceleration.The result showed that the value of jerk was also improved while the value of acceleration was optimizing.It will improve the vibration properties and be the foundation of dynamics simulation later on.
Underactuated finger mechanism for natural motion and self-adaptive grasping towards bionic partial hand
Mechanical design and performance specifications of anthropomorphic prosthetic hands: A review
The comparison of the viability of crushed, morselized and diced cartilage grafts: a confocal microscopic study
Introduction of a LIDAR-based obstacle detection system on the LineScout power line robot
Geometric design of the LineScout, a teleoperated robot for power line inspection and maintenance
Rib approximation without intercostal nerve compression reduces post-thoracotomy pain: a prospective randomized study.
A 3D printed soft gripper integrated with curvature sensor for studying soft grasping
Soft Robotics for Chemists
Soft robotics : Biological inspiration , state of the art , and future research
Preliminary experimental study on the sensing performance of a capacitive tactile sensor array mounted on curved surfaces
Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array With Truncated Pyramids as Dielectric Layer for Three-Axis Force Measurement
Miniature 3-Axis Distal Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgical Palpation
Heavy-Payload Omnidirectional Robot
Multi-Modal Locomotion Robotic Platform Using Leg-Track-Wheel Articulations
comparing the relative importance of evaluation criteria in proprietary and open - source enterprise application software selection - a conjoint study of erp and office systems .
Soret effects on free-convection and mass transfer flow in the stokes problem for a infinite vertical plate
An analytical study is performed to examine the free-convection and mass transfer flow for the Sokes problem for an infinite vertical plate on taking into account the Soret effect (thermal diffusion effect). The Laplace transform technique is used to obtain the expressions for velocity and skin-friction. The effect of Soret numberS on velocity field and skin-friction is extensively discussed with the help of graphs and table.
Decommissioning tasks in laboratories or interim storage facilities may be complicated by poor accessibility and by the diversity of operations that must be carried out. This is particularly true of waste storage shafts that are often accessible only from above and are relatively limited in size compared with existing intervention systems. This article describes the issues involved and the studies that have been carried out to develop a force-feedback Shaft Teleoperation system (STeP). Following a discussion of a range of possible concepts and of the preliminary tests carried out to define the system architecture and functions, the specifications and expected performance of the specially developed master-slave system are described. An example of a waste retrieval application is then presented with emphasis on the tools used and the full-scale mockup that will be built.
A comparative study of conventional, coupled inductor and RCN based interleaved boost converter for photo-voltaic applications
Characterization of optimal limit cycles in the two-interleaved boost converter
Synchronization of linearly coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with hybrid coupling and time-varying delays via aperiodically intermittent pinning control
A comparative study of a class of full bridge zero-voltage-switched PWM converters
Simulation of Soft Switched Pwm Zvs Full Bridge Converter
Simulation of Soft Switched Pwm Zvs Full Bridge Converter
The architecture and algorithmic advancements of the Harris HSP50016 digital downconverter (DDC) are described. The DDC is a fully programmable single-chip downconverter designed to perform intermediate frequency (IF) to baseband processing for communications signal processing. The operation and specification of each major function within the DDC are described, and justification for key specifications is given. The end-to-end performance of the DDC is shown, and the methodology used for measuring the performance is explained. >
The architecture of an efficient high-decimation rate filter is presented. A high-decimation rate filter can extract narrowband signal intelligence from a wideband signal. As a result, it is important to many signal processing applications found in communications and instrumentation. The presented high-decimation rate filter is a multi-rate system consisting of a cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) section and a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The function of the CIC section is to perform efficient high-decimation filtering over the entire frequency band. The function of the FIR filter is to achieve prespecified transition band performance at baseband. The authors investigate the CMOS implementation of a 33 MHz high-decimation rate filter, its hardware implementation, and its performance. Examples of its use are also provided. >
The aim of this study is to propose a experimental verification for single-phase to three phase drive system composed of two parallel single-phase rectifiers, a three-phase inverter and an induction motor. Apart from traditional application in dc motor drives, new applications of BDC include energy storage in renewable energy systems, fuel cell energy systems, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). A dc-dc converter is always required to allow energy exchange between storage device and the rest of system. In HEV applications, BDCs are required to link different dc voltage buses and transfer energy between them. A non-isolated bi-directional dc-dc converters is used in our project to achieve better efficiency.
The performance of Al-alloy bipolar plates for the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) system is investigated in this paper. The metallic bipolar plates are modified with a Ni–P coating. The performance of the Al-alloy bipolar plates is evaluated by the coating structure, corrosion resistance, contact angle and single cell performance. The results indicate that the coated aluminium bipolar plates demonstrate hydrophobic and anti-corrosive properties. The hydrophobic property increases the contact angle on the surface from 46.08° to 80.51°. Meanwhile, the corrosion rate of the Ni–P coating can be over 1 order of magnitude lower than that of the substrate. Hence, the substrate with the coating maintains superior performance under the long term test. The present study proves that both the hydrophobicity and corrosion resistance significantly affect the metallic bipolar plate.
In this paper, a fuel cell/lithium battery hybrid system for portable applications is developed, the system includes a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stack, two hydrogen canisters, a lithium battery, a DC/DC converter cascaded to fuel cell and control electronic subsystem. The hardware circuit is designed for the system and the software program is written to realize the energy management of the hybrid power system, keeping the fuel cell in a good working condition under the precondition of satisfying the load power demand. The dynamic and static characteristics of the system are tested, and the tests show that the hybrid system allows the output of fuel cell to be buffered when handles sudden load changes. Energy management strategy can increase life span of the fuel cell because it avoids the counter-polarization of fuel cell during load mutation.
By using a superluminescent diode as the light source and a depolariser inside the fibre coil, a constant scale factor is achieved without using polarisation control elements. For long-term behaviour an RMS-bias drift of 10 degrees/h is obtained.
Analysis of the Benefit of Land Reclamation and its Application
In order to make a scientific study on the benefit of land reclamation, the present paper makes an index system to analyze the land reclamation benefit of mining subsidence in the eastern plain with middle prelatic level. Besides, the quantitative research is also carried out combined with practical examples. On the basis of the study above, the paper analyzes the effect of the benefit and investment cost on time.
The resonant element parameters design for LLC resonant converter has an important affect to the converter performance.To solve the problems of the voltage gain nonlinear changes,the switching frequency is too large when it works in light load,combined the characteristic analysis of converter,a series of constraint conditions for resonance element parameters are showed.On the basis of this,the paper summarizes the resonant network design steps of inductance,capacitance,and transformer parameters selection methods.The experimental results from one 500 W LLC converter show that the proposed design method is feasible,it is possible to meet the design requirements.
Dielectric response and tunability of a dielectric-paraelectric composite
A theoretical study was carried out to determine the dielectric response and tunability of a composite consisting of a linear, low-loss dielectric matrix with uniformly sized, randomly distributed paraelectric Ba0.60Sr0.40TiO3 (BST 60/40) particles as functions of the volume fraction and size of the particles. The field dependence of the polarization and the dielectric response of the inclusions are specified through a nonlinear thermodynamic model and then incorporated into a two-dimensional finite element analysis. Near the percolation threshold for BST particles (∼27% to 45% depending on the particle size), high dielectric tunabilities with a lower effective permittivity than monolithic BST can be realized.
According to the actual demand of hybrid EMU, this paper introduces the characteristics of lithium titanate battery, circuit topology, and working principles of Bi-DC/DC converter. Taking into account the different operating conditions, corresponding control strategies are proposed. A simulation model is established using MATLAB/Simulink to verify the feasibility of control strategies. Finally, a full power test of battery energy storage system was done with the experimental platform.
Very high efficiency SAZZ chopper using high speed IGBT
In this paper a study for very high efficiency targeting 99 % range converter is described. We have proposed a new soft switching boost type chopper based on snubber assisted zero voltage and zero current transition (SAZZ) with output diode fabricated “SiC schottky diode”. The output power of 8 kW with the efficiency of 98.96% was obtained. The loss breakdown evaluation of SiC-SAZZ is discussed.
The principle and equipment for slotting large gear hobbing machine is put forward in this article.How to apply interpolation set is discussed.And then,this method is compared with traditional machining method.
Current Injected Equivalent Circuit Approach to Modeling of Switching DC-DC Converters in Discontinuous Inductor Conduction Mode
Current Injected Equivalent Circuit Approach to Modeling Switching DC-DC Converters
Vulvar syringoma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistologic study of 18 patients and results of treatment.
A study on automatic age estimation using a large database
Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
New Bridgeless DCM Sepic and Cuk PFC Rectifiers With Low Conduction and Switching Losses
Field programmable gate array based control of Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter for the UNIFLEX-PM project
A Bidirectional Isolated DC–DC Converter as a Core Circuit of the Next-Generation Medium-Voltage Power Conversion System
An empirical study of cryptographic misuse in android applications
A comparative study of controllers used for Interleaved Double Dual Boost Converter
Robust LQR Control for PWM Converters: An LMI Approach
Voltage-Loop Power-Stage Transfer Functions With MOSFET Delay for Boost PWM Converter Operating in CCM
An Inductive and Capacitive Combined Wireless Power Transfer System With LC-Compensated Topology
Coupling study of a rotary Capacitive Power Transfer system
Topology comparison for 6.6kW On board charger: Performance, efficiency, and selection guideline
PWM Plus Secondary-Side Phase-Shift Controlled Soft-Switching Full-Bridge Three-Port Converter for Renewable Power Systems
Modulation strategy to operate the dual active bridge DC-DC converter under soft switching in the whole operating range
long - term outcome of patients initially diagnosed with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation : a descriptive study .
Power electronics, received from any source of electrical energy, electronic methods of controlling (converted or processed) is the process of transferring the load to be controlled. Power electronics allowing the base implementation of the DC-DC converter, the voltage received from any DC source, by lowering or plural, fixed or variable is used to obtain the DC voltages. In this study, the microcontroller controlled DC-DC Converter types(buck, boost, buck-boost, cuk, sepic) are performed on a experimental tool. Power and control circuit with high switching frequency, various different load cases and according to the occupancy rate, the output voltage has been examined. Electrical operation of the control and measurements in conjunction with teaching; recognition of circuit elements, design, analysis and applied education designed a modular structure to help. Try to help students practice manuals prepared.
The present invention relates to a battery (1) with integrated discharge circuit comprising a battery cell (2) comprising a positive pole and a negative pole, a transistor (3) which comprises a control contact and two switching contacts which, with its switching contacts between the positive pole and the negative pole is connected to enable discharge of the battery cell (2) via the transistor (3), and a control circuit (4) which is adapted at the discharge of the battery cell (2) a discharge current (I
americas conference on information systems ( amcis ) december 2002 e - commerce adoption in developing countries .
Online banking: a field study of drivers, development challenges, and expectations
A Novel Phase-Shift Control of Semibridgeless Active Rectifier for Wireless Power Transfer
The question of the number of permeability measurements that are required to estimate the mean permeability of a reservoir interval is not generally considered during reservoir evaluation. Permeability sampling is traditionally carried out with core plugs (1.0-1.5 inch or 2.5-3.8 cm cylindrical samples) at a spacing of about 1 foot or 0.3 m. This spacing has evolved from considerations of practicality, cost and the need for core conservation, and takes little account of the underlying rock variability.
An integrated outcrop and subsurface study of permeability variations in the San Andres formation demonstrates the extreme heterogeneity present in this economically important carbonate horizon. Permeability measurements were made with a field permeameter and were compared to subsurface core data. Geostatistical techniques were used to predict variability and scales of spatial correlation. Measured permeability showed substantial variability within units arranged in three correlation scales. Outcrop permeability data exhibited no marked permeability anisotropy in predicted spatial correlation length. Several scales of spatial variability have been observed in an outcrop section, with subsurface results in agreement.
Wireless transmission over 15Gb/s data rate is reported using space diversity MIMO. Multi-diversity planar antennas are designed and fabricated to transmit and receive the radio frequency signal simultaneously in 2 radiation diversities. Reliable 15Gb/s indoor data transmission over 5m distance is demonstrated in the super high frequency band (SHF) of 11.6GHz to 20.4GHz. Low BER is achieved with 2×2 MIMO space time block coded OFDM modulation.
Reduced-Complexity Receiver for Free-Space Optical Communication over Orbital Angular Momentum Partial-Pattern Modes
This paper explores the effect of a partial-pattern receiver for transmitted orbital angular momentum (OAM) multimodes included in the Laguerre-Gaussian beam propagating under non-Kolomogorov weak-to-moderate turbulence on the achievable capacity and the error rates with introduced controlled parameters. We deduce the necessary conditions for reducing the receiver’s area to guarantee that the modes are decoupled when the area is reduced. Furthermore, we derive the conditions at which area reduction yields a performance gain over the complete-area reception. For that, some use cases are introduced and discussed and the basic building block for multibeam MIMO receivers with a reduced area is developed and analyzed.
In this paper, a modeling and simulation method for planar interdigitated ruthenium oxide MEMS supercapacitor was proposed based on the electrochemical reaction mechanism of supercapacitor. The study simulated the planar interdigitated ruthenium oxide MEMS super capacitor using Comsol software. The highly accurate charge and discharge curves of the super capacitor, electric potential distribution graph and the concentration distribution graph were got through simulation. The effects of two structure-parameters were discussed in the research.
In the present study, SUMT is employed as the minimisation method for nonlinear optimisation problems. Two problems are discussed, one of which is to determine the best curve of sectional area under several side conditions for which the variational approach cannot be applied. The other problem is the improvement of given hull forms in order to reduce the wave resistance.
The fifth generation (5G) wireless network faces unprecedented massive concurrent random access requests in uplink (UL) contention-based (CB) transmission. In this paper, a non-orthogonal coded access (NOCA) UL transmission in combination with parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based reception scheme at base station is investigated. Non-orthonormal code generated by Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequences is used to spread the data bits over orthogonal frequency division multiple (OFDM) symbols. It is shown through both link level and system level simulations that in dense urban scenario NOCA-PIC scheme is capable of working in highly overloaded system conditions. It can support more than 4 times concurrent random access number compared with OFDM based CB transmission.
Deformation of Sr and Rb isotopes close to the N=Z line via β-decay studies using the total absorption technique
A study of the Gamow-Teller strength distributions B(GT) in the beta decay of 78 Sr and 76,78 Rb has been made using a total absorption spectrometer (TAS). Following the success in deducing the sign of the deformation for 76 Sr, a similar approach is adopted for 78 Sr based on a comparison of the measured B(GT) with quasiparticle random-phase approximation calculations. This work confirms its previously expected prolate deformation in the ground state. Conclusions about the structure of the odd-odd 76,78 Rb isotopes have been drawn based on their measured B(GT) distributions.
Due to their robustness and simple system configurations the Transmitted Reference (TR) modulation scheme and autocorrelation receiver are preferred candidates for the implementation of cheap Ultra WideBand (UWB) Impulse Radio (IR) systems. Unfortunately, the results of simulations and field tests performed on built UWB IR TR systems have shown a relatively poor noise performance. This noise performance results in such a bad receiver sensitivity that prevents the application of TR modulation and autocorrelation receivers in real applications. This contribution shows that the noise performance of UWB IR TR autocorrelation receiver can be improved considerably by reducing the energy capture time of the receiver. By matching the receiver parameters to that of the transmitted UWB pulse, an almost 8-dB improvement in receiver sensitivity has been achieved.
Optimal delay-power tradeoff in sparse delay tolerant networks: a preliminary study
In this paper we present a first attempt to study analytically the tradeoff between delivery delay and resource consumption for epidemic routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. We assume that the nodes cooperate in order to minimize a common cost equal to a weighted sum of the packet delivery delay and the total number of copies, which is strongly related to the power consumption. In this framework we determine the best policy each node should deploy in a very simple scenario where all the nodes have perfect knowledge of the system status. The result is used as an ideal reference to evaluate the performance of some heuristics proposed, investigating potential performance improvements and configuration criteria.
A novel 2- and 3-D space spectral domain analysis (SSDA) simulator for microstrip and CPW transmission line discontinuities is described. The characteristic impedance, effective dielectric constant, and S-parameters of different type of transmission lines and discontinuities shapes can be computed. The topology of structure and the computed results are displayed using a graphical interface. The simulator has been implemented on Sun Sparcstations. >
Downlink Capacity of Distributed Antenna Systems in a Multi-Cell Environment
In this paper, the downlink performance of a distributed antenna system (DAS) with random antenna layout is investigated. We address the problem of characterizing the downlink capacity with the generalized assumptions: (a1) per distributed antenna power constraint, (a2) generalized mobile terminals equipped with multiple antennas, (a3) a multi-cell environment. Based on system scale-up, we derive a good approximation of the ergodic downlink capacity by adopting random matrix theory. We also propose an iterative method to calculate the unknown parameter in the approximation. The approximation is illustrated to be quite accurate and the iterative method is verified to be quite efficient by Monte Carlo simulations.
The data acquisition system for the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will require a large and high performance event building network.Several architectures and swithch technologies are currently being evaluated.This paper describes demonstrators which have been set up to study a small-scale event builder based on PCs emulating high performance sources and sinks connected via Ethernet or Myrinet switches.Results from ongoing studies,including measurements on throughput and scaling,are presented.
Case study: the design of a mixed-signal global positioning system receiver using multichip module packaging
In a collaborative project, the Mayo Foundation and Motorola have developed a fully functional miniaturized global positioning system (GPS) receiver using laminated multichip modules (MCM-L). This paper presents the system requirements, design constraints, substrate selection criteria and description, design approach, assembly, and test of a fully operational GPS receiver to describe the generic mixed-signal design techniques used during the development cycle.
This paper addresses the problem of channel and propagation delay estimation in asynchronous DS/CDMA systems. We consider the uplink connection in DS/CDMA with long spreading codes. The MIMO stochastic gradient algorithm proposed in [6] is estimating a linear combination of the channel impulse responses and the propagation delays. This estimate suffices for the equalization purposes. The propagation delays are estimated with a simple matching scheme.
Spectral efficiency improvement techniques for nonlinearly amplified mobile radio systems
A study is reported of 'double-jump' Nyquist channel filters which lead to reduced spectral spreading and an important bit error rate (BER) performance in nonlinearly amplified (NLA) mobile radio systems. In linearly amplified systems the filter retains the intersymbol-interference free properties of Nyquist filters and has the advantage of lower overshoot than the conventional raised cosine (RCS) filters. This reduced overshoot power (ROP) filter leads to a 1 dB system gain over conventional RCS filtered 16-QAM systems in NLA channels. >
The design of multivariable systems can be approached with many different design objectives. An appealing approach from a mathematical point of view is to describe the dynamics of plant and compensator in state-spaco form, transform the resulting augmented system into a problem involving a system performance index such as pole assignment, and apply optimization techniques to choose compensator parameters. This paper develops a methodology whereby exact or partial pole assignment under variations of plant characteristics is incorporated into the system performance index. Through calculations of the gradients of the performance index with respect to compensator parameters, one is able to apply derivative optimization methods to the design problem. Examples are provided to illustrate the design methodology.
Performance of multi-user MIMO OFDM system with adaptive modulation and coding for wireless communications
As the demand of high quality service in next generation wireless communication systems, a high performance of data transmission requires an increase of spectrum efficiency and an improvement of error performance in wireless communication systems. In this paper, we propose a multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with adaptive modulation and coding to improve system capacity with maintaining good error performance. The results of computer simulation show the improvement of system capacity in Rayleigh fading channel.
In the pilot study on the treatment of polyvinyl chloride centrifugal mother liquid wastewater by using a combination of MBR and RO,the removal efficiency of organics and suspending solid together with the capability to resist the impact of the system were researched.The changes of the biological phase in the MBR and the membrane fouling of both membranes were observed.The experiment results show that the total removal efficiency of COD was over 95%,the effluent less than 40 mg/L can meet the requirement of wastewater discharge standard.Furthermore,the effluent of the MBR can reach the polymerization reuse water standard with a water recovery more than 70% after being treated by antiosmosis,Ion exchange or EDI.Film properties are in a good state during the experiment.
Non-Orthogonal Coded Access for Contention-Based Transmission in 5G
The fifth generation (5G) wireless network faces unprecedented massive concurrent random access requests in uplink (UL) contention-based (CB) transmission. In this paper, a non-orthogonal coded access (NOCA) UL transmission in combination with parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based reception scheme at base station is investigated. Non-orthonormal code generated by Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequences is used to spread the data bits over orthogonal frequency division multiple (OFDM) symbols. It is shown through both link level and system level simulations that in dense urban scenario NOCA-PIC scheme is capable of working in highly overloaded system conditions. It can support more than 4 times concurrent random access number compared with OFDM based CB transmission.
Purpose ::: Surveillance after orchiectomy alone has become popular in the management of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell testicular tumors (CSI NSGCTT), and adjuvant chemotherapy has been accepted in high-risk CSI NSGCTT. Because of the late toxicity of standard radiotherapy in CSI testicular seminoma (SGCTT), this therapeutic approach has been accepted also in the management of CSI SGCTT. In the current study, we analyzed single-center experience with risk-adapted therapeutic approaches (active surveillance and adjuvant chemotherapy) in patients with CSI SGCTT.
Comparative study on optical fiber communication multiplexing technology
The optical multiplexing technology is a feasible method for improving the capacity of optical fiber communication network by exploiting multiple wavelengths on each fiber used for data transmission independently. With the help of this technology, optical fiber communication network capacity can be greatly improved to meet the increasing requirements of the network
Originally published Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53: 751–757, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53: 1685, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26162 ::: ::: ::: ::: (Original article DOI 10.1002/mop.25828)
A study on adaptive real time video over LTE
LTE, The next generation mobile network system by 3GPP, only allows IP-based transport. Traditional telephony services such as voice and video real-time communication will be provided through the ...
Abstract We report ESR experiments on a LaAl 2 sample doped with 6% Gd. The experiments were performed at 1, 3, 9 and 35 GHz. We find for T ≈ T c essentially a frequency independent shift of H res , but a frequency dependence for the minimum in the linewidth. The results will be discussed in terms of static internal fields and dynamic field fluctuations.
Capacity ofMIMO Propagation Indoor Channel Comparison of Indoor to Indoor and Outdoor to Indoor Radio Link Performances
This paper presents an experimental study of the propagation channel in Indoor environment with two radio link configurations: outdoor to indoor (O2I) and indoor to indoor (I2I). The experimentation has been carried out with a MIMO set-up which allows a full 3D space-time characterization of the channel. The analysis of the measurement is based on the Power Delay Profile (PDP) and on the Directions of Arrival (DoA) and Departure (DoD) of the waves. Evaluations of MIMO capacity are realized considering degrees of freedom of the channel, angular spread in azimuth and in elevation. The results shows the impact of transmitter locations and of the frequency on the space-time characteristics of the channel and consequently on the MIMO system performances.
In this paper the determination of transfer functions from inside an Airbus A319 to outside the aircraft in a frequency range from 2 GHz to 8 GHz is presented. Two different aspects have been investigated. The first is the determination of the fuselage attenuation of the aircraft in order to see, if existing airport communications and radar systems could be disturbed by onboard installed equipment. The second concerns possible coupling from inside the aircraft to different relevant aircraft navigation and communication antennas which are mounted outside the aircraft along the fuselage. The different results of these two measurements are presented and possible interferences with existing systems are discussed.
[Percutaneous transhepatic cholecysto-lithotripsy].
Authors were the first in Hungary to perform the percutaneous transhepatic cholecystolithotripsy for the removing of gallbladder stones. The method can be performed easily with the necessary skill and it is not too troublesome for the patients. They present their beginning experience.
The design of the LTE physical layer (PHY) is heavily influenced by the requirements for high peak transmission rate (100 Mbps DL/50 Mbps UL), spectral efficiency and multiple channel bandwidths (1.25–20 MHz). Unfortunately, the existing WCDMA turbo interleaver does not permit an efficient high throughput implementation. That is why the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has proposed the quadratic polynomial permutation (QPP) interleaver to rectify this situation. In this paper, we will study the performances of QPP interleaver for LTE encoder channel for different configurations of LTE system and we study the effect of LTE channel turbo encoder for the transmission over a wireless multipath channel.
Catnap: ExploitingHighBandwidthWirelessInterfacesto SaveEnergyforMobileDevices
FatVAP: Aggregating AP Backhaul Capacity to Maximize Throughput
A measurement study of available bandwidth estimation tools
can caffeine cause bladder problems
Caffeine can also cause bladder spasms. Certain acidic fruits — oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes — and fruit juices, spicy foods, tomato-based products, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, sugar, chocolate, coffee, and tea may irritate your bladder or make you leak urine.
Caffeine linked to leaky bladder in men. The amount of caffeine that's typically found in two cups of coffee may contribute to a man's incontinence, according to a new study.
is coffee bad for gout
Gout and Coffee. It's interesting: The diuretic effect of coffee is certainly bad for gout in an indirect way because it dehydrates. Perhaps, the coffee has some other benefits-but I've yet to see a scientific description for what it might do. think the diuretic side-effect of coffee is the main culprit to starting gout attacks. I drink way too much coffee so I think now I will drink an equal amount of water.
May 25, 2007 - The more coffee men drink, the lower their risk of gout. At least four cups a day lower gout risk by 40%, a Canada/U.S. study shows. Gout starts with a buildup of uric acid in the blood.rinking one to three cups of coffee a day lowered gout risk by only 8%. But drinking four or five cups a day dropped gout risk by 40%.
Caffeine doubles miscarriage risk: study
Pregnant women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day have twice the risk of having a miscarriage as those who avoid caffeine, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
A cannabis campaigner who went to court to defend her right to use the drug for pain relief dies at home.
can ice tea cause dehydration?
A: If the iced tea is decaf it should be a lot less dehydrating than tea with caffeine. It's the caffeine in tea (and coffee) that accounts for the majority of the diuretic effect those brews have. There are other substances in iced tea that are slightky diuretic, but the caffeine is the main culprit.
This new study adds to the evidence, that among everyday coffee drinkers — say, those of us who routinely sip a cup of Joe or two at the office — the old wives' tale that coffee will lead to dehydration is really just that: a tale.
coffee cause depression
As per the findings of the initial report on coffee and depression, the study which delved into the mental conditions of registered nurses ages 34 to 59, indicated that the caffeine in coffee served as a legitimate antidepressant.
Despite caffeine content, coffee itself is very acidic in nature and can cause GI upset, emotional disturbances and adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can cause hormone imbalance and lead to weight gain and PMS, amongst other problems.
caffeine when pregnant first trimester
Now, keep in mind, that’s a lot of coffee, probably more than most people consume, and certainly not advised for a pregnant mama. (There was also a 2001 study that showed that consuming more than 300 mg of coffee while pregnant doubled a woman’s risk for miscarriage in first trimester (2).) Up until 2008, the general consensus was a few cups of coffee was fine during pregnancy.
Moderate Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy. ABSTRACT: Moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 mg per day) does not appear to be a major contributing factor in miscarriage or preterm birth. The relationship of caffeine to growth restriction remains undetermined.
how many mg of caffeine in a grande chai latte
A 16-oz chai tea latte contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine. A typical coffee shop chai tea latte made with spiced black tea and steamed milk may come in several sizes. A 16-ounce chai tea latte contains an average of 95 milligrams of caffeine, while a 12-ounce has slightly less, with approximately 70 milligrams of caffeine.
The Starbucks coffee with 'three quarters of the safe daily dose' in one cup. 400mg of caffeine is the recommended daily allowance for average person. 16oz Starbucks 'Grande' contains 330mg, according to study.
does caffeine affect muscle gains
A study to determine the hormonal effects of caffeine on resistance training has not conclusively proven that caffeine can help you build muscle, but it has proven that caffeine does effect both testosterone and cortisol levels.esponse: As you can see from the image to the right, coffee does have its ways of increasing testosterone levels, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you are talking about. Instead, lets look at the effects of caffeine in general, on the hormones that affect muscle growth.
1 Weight Gainers will help you to get more calories in addition to your diet-the single most important part of gaining muscle. 2 Without calories and extra protein, there will be no muscle growth. 3 Pre-Workout stimulants containing Caffeine or Geranamine are very helpful in gaining muscle mass.
effects of black tea on blood pressure
Meanwhile, the green tea group also saw an improvement in performance, covering a longer cycling distance by week four. Black tea and blood pressure Drinking two cups of black tea a day has been associated with improvements in arterial stiffness and decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, according to the journal Nutrients. The study from Unilever R&D took 19 people with elevated blood pressure.
The caffeine in black tea can stimulate the body. Some medications used for depression can also stimulate the body. Drinking black tea and taking some medications for depression might cause too much stimulation of the body and serious side effects including fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, nervousness, and others.
percent of americans who drink coffee
The annual National Coffee Drinking Trends study showed that 59 percent of Americans drink a daily cup of coffee, down from 61 percent in 2014 and 63 percent in 2013.
Coffee Statistics 2015. Specialty coffee sales are increasing by 20% per year and account for nearly 8% of the 18 billion dollar U.S. coffee market. Coffee statistics show that among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day.
is caffeine an appetite suppressant
While caffeine has long been used as an appetite suppressant, in this study it was decaffeinated coffee that resulted in significantly lower hunger levels and higher plasma levels of PYY than placebo (plain water) and the other caffeinated beverages.
When a diet pill contains green tea extract, supposedly, the extract is the polyphenols from the green tea leaves. In addition to EGCG and its benefits -- including increased metabolism -- green tea also contains caffeine, which is said to be a mild appetite suppressant.
can caffeine affect animals
Dogs and cats appear to be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than people. While 1-2 laps of coffee, tea or soda will not contain enough caffeine to cause poisoning in most pets, the ingestion of moderate amounts of coffee grounds, tea bags or 1-2 diet pills can easily cause death in small dogs or cats.
Sex Food #1: Coffee. A cup of coffee might put you in the mood. A recent study found female rats that got a shot of caffeine were more motivated to seek out sex than uncaffeinated animals. The researchers say caffeine enhances sexual arousal.
coffee that suppress appetite
Interestingly, a previous study showed that drinking coffee helps to suppress hunger but it was actually decaffeinated coffee that had the most benefits. Decaffeinated coffee caused a greater rise in an appetite-suppressing protein called PYY than did caffeinated coffee.
While people often use caffeinated coffee to control their appetite, new research shows that if you want to reduce your bodyweight, you might be better off sticking to decaf. Billions of people worldwide drink coffee to get more energy, feel more alert, and improve their athletic performance.
daily recommended dose of caffeine
The Starbucks coffee with 'three quarters of the safe daily dose' in one cup. 1 400mg of caffeine is the recommended daily allowance for average person. 2 16oz Starbucks 'Grande' contains 330mg, according to study. 3 But scientists stress that tolerance levels of the stimulant can vary widely.
The EFSA Scientific Opinion on Caffeine suggested that caffeine intakes of 3 mg/kg body weight per day provides a basis for calculating caffeine intakes of no concern for children and adolescents. In UK children (5-10 years) the daily intake of caffeine was 12 mg/day at the age of 7 and 24 mg at the age of 10 years. Fifty-four percent of the caffeine absorbed came from soft drinks, 8% from tea and 38% from chocolate foods or beverages. None came from coffee 11.
does camellia sinensis extract have caffeine
One explanation for the difference in the levels of catechins found in this study and others is the type of samples used. In comparative studies, leaves of Camellia sinensis 4 Discussion Table 1. Levels of catechins and caffeine in tea bags, extract, and ready-to-drink green tea.
In fact, any “buzz” is more likely to come from additional caffeine extract pumped into them, along with ergogenic herbs such as panax ginseng, which can increase the effects of caffeine. By contrast, the Brazilian soft drink Guaraná Antarctica is not marketed as an energy drink and has no warnings on the label.
Calculation of sensitivity for direct 3D ECT sensor
Simulation study of sensor of ECT system based on COMSOL
Sensitivity of the children's category test level 2 to brain dysfunction