32 values
chapter 25 : user modeling .
ACT-R/PM and menu selection: applying a cognitive architecture to HCI
Bioequivalence study of 500 mg cefuroxime axetil film-coated tablets in healthy volunteers.
It is perhaps particularly true in the study of emotions that external factors which can be standardized may be of little moment in comparison with unstandardizable intra-organic factors. It is also true that in the study of emotions standardization may defeat its own purpose through the requirement of laboratory conditions which in themselves provide a differential emotional stimulation. Moreover, it is of course recognized that laboratory situations are better adapted to the study of episodic emotional states than to the elucidation of emotional trends. Acknowledging these limitations, we still find an important place for laboratory techniques in the study of emotions, and a need for more thorough experimental controls than are ordinarily utilized.
This paper discusses eight projects that were conducted by students over a one-month period at a large amusement park. Many of the findings of the students resulted from their insights having worked in a specific area for a short time and having collected data intensively over a one-week period. The base case simulation models were validated by comparison to actual data, and one or more alternatives were considered.
An advance in understanding fear-processing circuitry
The same structure of the brain that makes people fearful is also critical in helping overcome fears, researchers have found in a study that may help guide new treatments of some mental illnesses.
Sunnyvale-based computer chip maker Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., says it's shipped its first low-power Mobile AMD Athlon 64 processors made with its new 90 nanometer (nm) manufacturing process.
what do stroke patients look for in game - based rehabilitation .
Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics--2014 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association
The use of the interactive whiteboard for creative teaching and learning in literacy and mathematics: a case study.
Emotional design and positive emotions in multimedia learning: An eyetracking study on the use of anthropomorphisms
Affective Interactions Using Virtual Reality: The Link between Presence and Emotions
DeeperBind: Enhancing prediction of sequence specificities of DNA binding proteins
The battle of the giants: a case study of GPU vs FPGA optimisation for real-time image processing
Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints
The impact of whole-of-diet interventions on depression and anxiety: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
Influence of long-term Sahaja Yoga meditation practice on emotional processing in the brain: An ERP study
Measuring emotion: The self-assessment manikin and the semantic differential
Vision-based Virtual Touch Screen Interface
Hyperdimensional Computing: An Introduction to Computing in Distributed Representation with High-Dimensional Random Vectors
Permutations as a Means to Encode Order in Word Space
treatment of chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome category iiia with serenoa repens plus selenium and lycopene ( profluss ) versus s . repens alone : an italian randomized multicenter - controlled study .
Engagement with online mental health interventions: an exploratory clinical study of a treatment for depression
Theory-driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life
Thermodynamical approach to the traveling salesman problem: An efficient simulation algorithm
The history of water on Mars is a crucial question for our understanding of the geologic history of the planet. Arabia Terra is a region that can help us address this question. This region is located on the lowland-highland dichotomy boundary and contains the largest expanse of heavily cratered terrain in the Martian northern hemisphere. The northern plains are proposed to be the location of ancient oceans, and evidence of this may lie in the morphology of the craters located along the edge of Arabia Terra. Because of its location, Arabia Terra provides us with a window into the extent of the role volatiles have played in shaping the Martian surface. This uniqueness of Arabia Terra has prompted previous studies but all have been limited in their spatial extent and/or features studied. Our study will provide a complete look at the extent to which volatiles have influenced the impact crater record in the Arabia Terra region.
Themes in the study of impact cratering Crater morphology Stress waves in solids Cratering mechanics: contact and compression stage Ejecta deposits Scaling of crater dimensions Cratering mechanics: modification stage Multiring basins Cratered landscapes Atmospheric interactions Impact cratering and planetary evolution Appendix I: Derivation of the Hugoniot equations Appendix II: Equations of the state for impact cratering General bibliography Index.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
A very severe cyclonic storm with wind speeds of over 240 km/h struck the coastal areas of Bangladesh in the full moon night of 29 April 1991. The path of the eye, close to the shore, raised a storm surge of unusual height, reportedly more than 9 m above the mean sea level, which devastated the offshore islands and the mainland coast. The damage to the physical infrastructure of the port of Chittagong and adjoining industrial area has been colossal, and recovery will take years. Death tolls from the cyclone, storm surge and its aftermath exceeded 145 000 making it one of the world's major natural disasters of this century.
This study is concerned with the development of storm surge model to predict water level accurately due to surge associated with a cyclone along the coast of Bangladesh. Considering the funnel shape of the Bay of Bengal, coastal bending and the existence of off-shore islands, a vertically integrated model in cylindrical polar coordinate system is developed using nested numerical scheme. A fine mesh scheme capable of incorporating coastal bending and offshore islands properly in the numerical scheme is nested into a coarse mesh scheme covering up to 15° N latitude of the Bay of Bengal. The developed model is used to estimate water levels at different coastal and island stations associated with a few storms that hit the coast of Bangladesh. The computed surge levels compared well with observed ones and predicted surge levels investigated with different approaches.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
: This study explores demographic, medical, and psychological variables which appear to be related to survival in institutionalized elderly chronically ill patients. Patients who died within 12 months of an assessment procedure were compared with patients who were still alive over 12 months later. Those who died within the year tended to be younger and less religious, to have a somewhat poorer prognosis, greater cognitive impairment, lower life satisfaction, and higher scores on a suicide potential scale and on an observation checklist of indirectly self-destructive behaviors.
A meta-analysis of data from 42 independent samples examining the association of a measure of religious involvement and all-cause mortality is reported. Religious involvement was significantly associated with lower mortality (odds ratio = 1.29; 95% confidence interval: 1.20-1.39), indicating that people high in religious involvement were more likely to be alive at follow-up than people lower in religious involvement. Although the strength of the religious involvement-mortality association varied as a function of several moderator variables, the association of religious involvement and mortality was robust and on the order of magnitude that has come to be expected for psychosocial factors. Conclusions did not appear to be due to publication bias.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
We use a graphical chain model to investigate the reciprocal relationships between changes in women's labour force participation following entry into parenthood and changes in gender role attitude. Results suggest that attitudes are not fixed and that revision of these attitudes in the light of recent life course events is an important process. The adaptation of attitudes to events appears to be stronger than the selection of individuals on the basis of attitudes. We show that it is not entry into parenthood as such, but the change in economic activity that is related to this event that is associated with attitude change. Copyright 2008 Royal Statistical Society.
A graphical chain modelling approach is used to study the determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in Malaysia. This approach provides an easily interpretable empirical description and illustrates explicitly the conditional independence structure between each pair of variables. The interpretation can be read directly from a mathematical graph. Besides examining the direct association of each determinant on mortality, we also examine the effects of socioeconomic determinants on intermediate determinants to understand the pathways through which the socioeconomic determinants affect the chance of mortality. The data analysed come from the second Malaysian Family Life Survey, fielded between August 1988 and January 1989.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
The gait of seven hypotonic schizophrenic children aged between five and eight years was compared with that of seven normal children aged between seven and eight years. Electromyographic studies revealed that in schizophrenic children the tibialis anterior was 'on' during a significantly smaller proportion of the stance phase than in the age-matched controls, and that the quadriceps muscle was 'on' during a significantly smaller proportion of the swing phase than in the controls. In addition, the gait of the schizophrenic children tended to be broad-based and slow, consisting of smaller steps in a longer pace period. In general, the gait of the schizophrenic children resembled that of younger, inexperienced walkers.
The aim of the study was to compare a variety of surface EMG (sEMG) parameters in several groups of schizophrenia (SZ, n=69) patients and healthy controls (n=44). We computed spectral, mutual information (MI) based and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) parameters of sEMG. The major finding is that sEMG of the controls had higher values of the MI-based parameter, mean and median spectrum frequencies, and lower values of most of RQA parameters. It means higher content of recurrent fragments in sEMG of SZ patients. We suggest that the differences might be caused by either denervation/renervation process of single muscle fibers in SZ patients and/or by increased motor unit synchronization induced by antipsychotic therapy.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Suggests that, though local area networking is one of the fastest growing segments in the computer industry, the selection of appropriate features for inclusion in local area networks (LANs) can be confusing for both vendors and end‐users. Describes a system that measures the degree to which specific LAN features meet end‐user needs and contribute to profitability. Reveals that, in the analysis, the features file security and remote access had positive effects on the overall LAN price. Provides a methodology for selecting the most profitable features, such as remote access and gateways to PC networks, to include in a contemplated LAN product line.
Bank stability becomes one of the crucial pillars in maintaining economic growth. Therefore, the segmentation strategy is needed because it aims to improve the financial stability of the bank (decrease Non-Performing Loan-NPL / Non-Performing Financing-NPF). This study aims to determine the effect of segmentation on the quality of Islamic banks proxied with NPF. The method used is a quantitative method with multiple regression test and statistical tool Stata version 13. From the results of statistical data, it is known that the retail segment has a more significant influence than the wholesale segment, which is 92.61% and 56.05%. Therefore, sharia banks should have their business priorities in the retail segment, especially business in the microfinance segment by maintaining the quality of financing through selective financing channeling.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
The records of 58 federal offenders at the United States Penitentiary in Lewisburg who had made one or more suicide attempts were examined. The attempts were categorized as to seriousness and related to risk factors. The more serious attempt were positively related to (1) loss of a loved one, (2) method other than cutting, and (3) later separation from mother. These findings are essentially consistent with the pertinent literature.
To date there have been very few studies of attempted suicide occurring in prison. This study analyses 111 reports of attempted suicide occurring in a one-year period in the prisons of the Midlands and South West regions of England. Unlike the general population, where there are marked differences (age, sex, etc.) between those attempting and those completing suicide, the characteristics for both groups in prison are similar, high risk being associated with youth, with being on remand or recently sentenced, and with a history of mental or physical illness. There is some indication that those in Young Offender Establishments may be more likely to attempt suicide by hanging. The motivation given by the inmates most commonly stated some form of emotional stress relating to poor communication with family or friends, and in this respect they are similar to attempters outside prison.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
This purpose of this study is to identify and investigate whether there are similarities or differences between genders regarding the perceptions on physical activities of college university students in one of the largest University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The focus was on three main categories, namely general knowledge, physical education and scientific basis of physical activities. Each category contained questions which serve to evaluate their perceptions about physical activities. The questionnaire was adapted from a journal article on a study done by Mowatt, DePauw and Hulac (1988). This study investigates the perceptions of 113 students (55 males; 65 females) aged between 19 and 25 about physical activities, using the above-mentioned categories. Results of the t-test showed significant differences for general knowledge, t(23) = 3.9, p 0.05 no significant differences in means were found between the male and female students.
The sport participation has been a major part of our life in the societies. Studies on sports participation have found that sports have both positive and negative influence on character ::: buildings. It has been on-going debate on whether ‘sports build character’ but through literature analysis, author had found that ‘with the intention, sports do build character.’ Therefore, strategies of building character through sports are suggested in this paper.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
To determine the incidence of acute pancreatitis in pancreatic carcinoma, a retrospective study was performed in 174 patients. Acute pancreatitis was found in 24 (13.8%), and hyperamylasaemia, but no clinical manifestation of acute pancreatitis, was found in 17 (9.8%) of these patients. The incidence of acute pancreatitis was higher when the papilla of Vater or the head of the pancreas was involved. Clinically, pancreatitis was slight to moderate, and the underlying disease was soon diagnosed with invasive procedures. Pancreatic carcinoma should be considered an etiological factor in patients with relapsing and/or unexplained pancreatitis of long duration.
ObjectiveThis study aimed to develop a diagnostic model that predicts acute pancreatitis (AP) risk before imaging.MethodsEmergency department patients with serum lipase elevated to 3 times the upper limit of normal or greater were identified retrospectively (September 1, 2013–August 31, 2015). An AP
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
This paper presents up-to-date annual statistical reconstructions of industrial value added for the period 1861-1913 for Italy’s regions (nuts 2 units). Corresponding provincial (nuts 3 units) estimates for census years 1871, 1881, 1901, and 1911 are also provided. The present work aims to contribute in making the Italian case a major point of interest to regional economists and social scientists analyzing the long-term evolution of spatial economic aggregates.
The paper estimates a conditional s-convergence model of labor productivity growth in Italy’s manufacturing industry during 1871-1911, accounting for spatial dependence. The empirical evidence is based on a recent set of data at provincial (NUTS 3) level on manufacturing value added at 1911 prices, and a new set of data on human and social capital, political participation, and infrastructures. By focusing on a country and a time when the agglomeration forces and spillover effects advocated by the new economic geography were only starting to operate, we can investigate a particularly interesting case study. Our results suggest that human capital, a cooperative culture, and initial productivity in neighboring provinces can explain much of the geographical variability of productivity growth in manufacturing in nineteenth-century Italy.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
This paper documents exploratory drilling activity on offshore wildcat oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico sold between 1954 and 1980. The authors calculate the empirical drilling hazard function for cohorts in specific areas. For each year of the lease, they study the determinants of the decision whether to begin exploratory drilling and their relationship to the outcome of any drilling activity. Their results indicate that equilibrium predictions of plausible noncooperative models are reasonably accurate and more descriptive than those of cooperative models of drilling timing. The authors discuss why noncooperative behavior may occur and the potential gains from coordination. Copyright 1996 by American Economic Association.
I study a game in which two players first bid for offshore tracts (below which oil and gas may be present) and next time their drilling decisions. High types bid more aggressively if the auctioneer discloses bids as this gives them useful information about the profitability of drilling. A low type fears that the disclosure of her "low" bid reduces the other player's incentive to drill. Hence, they bid more aggressively if the auctioneer does not disclose bids. If players are sufficiently patient, it is optimal to disclose bids. Otherwise, it may be optimal not to disclose them.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
While pages on the Web contain more and more multimedia information, such as images, videos and audio, today's search engines are mostly based on textual information. There is an emerging need for a new generation of search engines that try to exploit the full multimedia information present on the Web. The approach presented in this paper is based on a multimedia model intended to describe the various multimedia components, their structure and their relationships with a pre-defined taxonomy of concepts, in order to support the information retrieval process.
To create efficiencies in the production process of revisable multimedia systems it is necessary to define processes for the control of content revision and regeneration with a workflow control of these processes. A model for managing Multimedia Run-time Systems (MRS) is presented as consisting of a revision control strategy for managing primary resources. Regeneration processes that move data from one process to the next incorporating derivative resources on the way, and ultimately producing run-time resources, and a workflow control process to regulate and maintain the integrity of the regeneration process. A case study of one approach to tackling these problems is presented. This MRS, known as the English to Basque Learning Environment (EBLE), is a reference library of three books and concomitant sound files for second language learning of Basque.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Federal aid was not found to stimulate spending for cities in Oregon during 1984-1989. Oregon cities relied primarily on their own-source revenues to finance spending increases. The exception was capital spending, where receipt offederal aid in 1989positively influenced the rate ofspending change. This most likely reflected lower spending by those cities that did not receive competitivefederal grants. The amount offederal aid received is greatly influenced by the grants skill available to the community. Growth in total direct current spending was significantly associated with increases in user fees and charges. A closer look at specific spending categories revealed a hierarchy of reliance on cities' ownsource revenues. Cities increased user fees and other benefit charges where possible, and seemingly only resorted to property-tax increases when these other revenues were inappropriate.
An earlier study found that certain Minnesota state aid programs stimulated city property tax levies to a high degree. If this is accurate, it suggests potentially serious problems with state property tax relief efforts. This article re-examines this question and finds that most aid programs have little direct effect on property tax levies. However, certain aid formulas that reduce the effective price of property taxes do indirectly stimulate property taxes. Therefore, states need to be careful in designing aid programs intended to reduce property taxes.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Data collected on 400 12-year-old English school children were used to examine relations between measures of intelligence, creativity and academic achievement. Complex multiple regression models, which included terms to account for the possible interaction and curvilinear relations between intelligence, creativity and academic achievement were used to construct regression surfaces. The surfaces showed that the traditional threshold hypothesis, which suggests that beyond a certain level of intelligence academic achievement is related increasingly to creativity and ceases to be related strongly to intelligence, was not supported. For some areas of academic performance the results suggest an alternate proposition, that creativity ceases to be related to achievement after a threshold level of intelligence has been reached. It was also found that at high levels of verbal ability, non-verbal ability and creativity appeared to have differential relations with academic achievement.
The major purpose of this study was to investigate the level of development of creative potential among Hong Kong secondary school students, and to examine the relationship between school banding and students' creativity. Students' creative potential was measured by the Test of Creative Thinking Drawing Production (TCT-DP). A sample of2,411 participants aged between 12-16 randomly selected from 23 secondary schools took part in the study. Results from this investigation were briefly compared with data obtained from studies in other cultural settings. Hong Kong students aged 12 and 13, irrespective of the school banding, achieved rather lower scores on the TCT-DP as compared
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Psychology has long been an important component of the services provided in Canadian hospitals. Most major centres' interdisciplinary teams include a number of psychologists. Nonetheless, recent restructurings have resulted in substantial negative consequences to hospital psychology staff and to their accessibility by patients. This article outlines the impact of recent changes on the recruitment and retention of hospital psychologists and offers recommendations for organizational changes to assist in overcoming these problems.
Hospital restructuring in North America has involved re-engineering, downsizing, reorganizing, and remodeling of traditional hierarchical functional organizations into multisite programmatic conglomerates. The implications for professional disciplines have been dramatic in that departments such as social work have been dismantled and social work practice has come under the domain of program managers representing multiple disciplines. In this study 12 hospitals in Ontario, Canada, that were studied in the early stages of restructuring in 1995 expanded to 22 sites by 1999. The effect of the mergers and moves to program management on the social work profession was examined. The key findings are that social work line positions were not lost, but accountability and recruitment were no longer in the hands of the discipline. These findings suggest that it is more critical now than ever for social workers to champion their contributions to health.
Blunt trauma abdomen rarely leads to gastrointestinal injury in children and isolated gastric rupture is even rarer presentation. We are reporting a case of isolated gastric rupture after fall from height in a three year old male child.
Paediatric pancreaticobiliary endoscopy: a 21-year experience from a tertiary hepatobiliary centre and systematic literature review
Background ::: In adults ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) are standard methods of evaluating and treating many hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) conditions. HPB disease is being diagnosed with increasing frequency in children but information about role of ERCP and EUS and their outcomes in this population remain limited. Therefore the aims of this study were to describe the paediatric ERCP and EUS experience from a large tertiary referral HPB centre, and to systematically compare outcomes with those of other published series.
BACKGROUND ::: Trauma is a global public health problem that claimed 5.1 million lives in 1990. Twenty percent of these deaths occurred days to weeks after injury and were due to sepsis or organ failure. Therapies to improve survival outcome after injury are limited by our inability to accurately stratify trauma patients at risk for these complications. In this review, the challenge of predicting post-traumatic complications is presented. There is potential for plasma DNA in diagnosis, prediction and monitoring non-traumatic disease. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSIONS ::: The mechanisms and clearance of plasma DNA have a potential role as a predictor in trauma.
[The immune status of children with extrahepatic portal hypertension following splenectomy].
The purpose of the work was to study the immune status and some nonspecific defense factors in children with extrarenal portal hypertension after splenectomy. Seventy-one children were examined. It was found that the T-lymphocyte count before and in the early periods after the operation in children with extrahepatic portal hypertension did not differ from that in the control group. At the same time, the changes in serum immunoglobulins depended on the stage of the examination. Study of other links of immunity also revealed the time course of changes in their values.
BACKGROUND ::: Trauma is a global public health problem that claimed 5.1 million lives in 1990. Twenty percent of these deaths occurred days to weeks after injury and were due to sepsis or organ failure. Therapies to improve survival outcome after injury are limited by our inability to accurately stratify trauma patients at risk for these complications. In this review, the challenge of predicting post-traumatic complications is presented. There is potential for plasma DNA in diagnosis, prediction and monitoring non-traumatic disease. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSIONS ::: The mechanisms and clearance of plasma DNA have a potential role as a predictor in trauma.
The present study provides an efficient strategy for the preparation of novel N-substituted-4-methyl-quinolin-1(2H)-one derivatives via two-step Ugi/Heck reaction. The procedure is based on the Ugi coupling between 2-bromoanilines, various aromatic aldehydes, vinylacetic acid, and isocyanides, and then intramolecular Heck reaction, which leads to the formation of the title compounds in good yields.
2-Chloro-3-formyl quinoline has been applied as an aldehyde moiety in the Groebke-Blackburn-Bienaymé multi-component reaction with isocyanides, 2-aminoazines, and 2-aminoazole to afford the desired adducts which are amenable for further cyclization on the basis of Ullmann-type coupling. The copper iodide-mediated intramolecular C-N bond formation in the second step gave an easy access to a series of imidazo[4[Formula: see text],5[Formula: see text]:4,5]pyrrolo[2,3-b]quinoline derivatives in moderate to good yields.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
A number of 2-arylimino-3-aryl-4-thiazolidones and their 1,1-dioxides and 5-phenylazo derivatives have been prepared. The structure of these thiazolidones was confirmed by studying their hydrolysis products. Some of these thiazolidones were screened for their fungicidal activity against Aspergillus niger by agar-growth method and found to be more appropriately fungistatic and not fungicidal.
New functionalized terphenyl derivatives incorporating various heterocyclic rings are prepared by using 4,4′′-difluoro-5′-hydroxy-1,1′:3′,1′′-terphenyl-4′-carbohydrazide as a key intermediate derived from 4,4′-difluoro chalcone, a versatile synthone. All the derivatives are characterized by 1H NMR, IR, and mass spectral data. All the synthesized products are screened for their in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The majority of the tested compounds exhibited significant antioxidant activity and some of them showed good antimicrobial activity.
The title compound, 2-(4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl)-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)­imidazo[2,1-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole (3) was obtained by the condensation of 5-(4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl)-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-ylamine (1) with 4-methoxyphenacyl bromide (2). The newly prepared imidazo[2,1-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivative (3) was characterized by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and LCMS spectral data.
X-ray diffraction examination of the molecular structure of guanazole (3,5-diamino-1h-1,2,4-triazole)
In the case of guanazole, five isomeric forms can exist. From the study of UV and IR spectra, amino-imine [i], diimine [2] and diamine [3] structures have been attributed to guanazole. According to the data of the quantum-chemical calculation of the heat of formation, the diamine asymmetric form is the most probable structure [4]. To unequivocally determine the structure of the guanazole molecule in the crystalline state, we carried out out an x-ray diffraction study.
A tetrasaccharide, corresponding to the heparan sulfate heparanase substrate, namely beta-D-GlcA(2S)-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcN(NS,6S)-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GlcN(NS,6S)-OMe, was synthesized in a convergent manner via coupling of a pair of the disaccharide building blocks as a key step.
M(co)4[2-(2″-Pyridyl)Benzimidazole] Complexes; m = mo or w
Heating a mixture of M(CO)6, M = Mo or W, and 2-(2′-pyridyl)benzimidazole, PBI, in THF under reduced pressure gave the tetracarbonyl monosubstituted derivative M(CO)4(PBI). Spectroscopic studies showed that these complexes have octahedral structures with two axial and two equatorial carbonyl groups, the PBI ligand occupying two equatorial positions. Electrochemical studies showed reversible and quasi-reversible redox couples due to ligand-based reduction and metal-based oxidation, respectively.
Objective To design and synthesis novel triazole antifungal derivatives and study the antifungal activity.Methods All the target compounds were prepared from 1,3- difluorobenzene via click reaction;The antibacterial activities of the title compounds were determined with broth dilution method.Results Twelve compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR and MS.All the title compounds exhibited potent antifungal activities against nearly all fungi tested.Conclusion The electronic effects of the substituents affected the activity of compounds,specifically the electron- donating groups.
Association constants of anionic-protactinium (V) complexes
Abstract This study was undertaken to investigate the interaction of aqueous protactinium with various monobasic acids at an ionic strength and acidity of 1·00. This present work adds to the existing information on the anionic complexing of protactinium which was collected at an ionic strength of 3 and an acidity of 1–3 N. The solvent extraction method involves the measurement of the distribution of protactinium (Pa-233) between various aqueous solutions and a benzene phase containing the bidentate chelating agent, thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA).
FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention concerns process of production of diisopropyl {[1-(hydroxymethyl)-cyclopropyl]oxy}methylphosphonate represented by the formula , which is the key intermediate compound in synthesis of antiviral nucleoside analogue. The invention also concerns new intermediate compounds of formulae and , and their production of compound (2) obtained under this invention, which is an antiviral nucleoside analogue (especially against hepatitis B virus) represented by the formula . EFFECT: high purity grade and high output. 4 ex
Applications of a monomeric orthopalladate complex containing mixed phosphorus–nitrogen donors in the Heck reaction
Abstract The [Pd{C 6 H 2 (CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 )-(OMe) 2 ,3,4}Br(PPh 3 )] monomeric orthopalladate complex of homoveratrylamine and triphenylphosphine was synthesized and its application in Heck coupling reactions was investigated. This complex had been demonstrated to be more active than the corresponding dimeric catalyst for Heck reactions of aryl iodides, bromides and even chlorides and also arenesulfonyl chlorides. The cross-coupled products were produced in excellent yields using catalytic amounts of [Pd{C 6 H 2 (CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 )-(OMe) 2 ,3,4}Br(PPh 3 )] as a thermally stable and oxygen insensitive complex in NMP at 130 °C.
Abstract : We are interested in studying the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Our work will involve molecular modeling of muscarinic agonists and antagonists to determine their bioactive conformations. From the modeled ligands we hope to derive a pharmacophoric pattern common to the ligands. This pharmacophoric pattern will enable a topography of the muscarinic receptor to be derived which will facilitate the design of novel agonists and antagonists. The work will concentrate on the design of new antagonists which could be synthesized and tested by army collaborators. These antagonists we hope will prove to be new antidotes for organophosphate poisons. Keywords: Molecular structure; Molecule molecule interactions; Synthesis (Chemistry); Computer programs.
Kinetic studies on the aminolysis of O-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-cyclopentanone oxime in benzene
The reaction of O-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) cyclopentanone oxime with four primary alkylamines and a secondary arylamine, pyrrolidine, in benzene has been investigated. In pyrrolidinolysis, a third order dependence on [amine] has been observed, which has been explained on the basis of a cyclic transition state. The aminolysis with primary alkyl amines shows a normal dependence of second order on [amine].
Objective To design and synthesis novel triazole antifungal derivatives and study the antifungal activity.Methods All the target compounds were prepared from 1,3- difluorobenzene via click reaction;The antibacterial activities of the title compounds were determined with broth dilution method.Results Twelve compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR and MS.All the title compounds exhibited potent antifungal activities against nearly all fungi tested.Conclusion The electronic effects of the substituents affected the activity of compounds,specifically the electron- donating groups.
Correction: Silver-mediated direct phosphorylation of benzothiazoles and thiazoles with diarylphosphine oxides
Correction for ‘Silver-mediated direct phosphorylation of benzothiazoles and thiazoles with diarylphosphine oxides’ by Hui-Jun Zhang et al., Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 3450–3453.
Objective To design and synthesis novel triazole antifungal derivatives and study the antifungal activity.Methods All the target compounds were prepared from 1,3- difluorobenzene via click reaction;The antibacterial activities of the title compounds were determined with broth dilution method.Results Twelve compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR and MS.All the title compounds exhibited potent antifungal activities against nearly all fungi tested.Conclusion The electronic effects of the substituents affected the activity of compounds,specifically the electron- donating groups.
Carbon-13 NMR study of 1-methyl-3-phenyl-4-diazo-5-benzoylamidopyrazole and other model pyrazole compounds
A 13C nmr study of a diazo, of two diazonium salts and of some other model pyrazole compounds is reported. It is found that the C-4 diazo carbon is more shielded than the normal sp2 pyrazole hybridized carbon, while its diazonium salt is more deshielded. The electron density on the C-4 of the diazopyrazole is probably due to the positive charge on the terminal nitrogen. Thus the 13C chemical shift values allowed us to understand the chemical behaviour of a compound of potential antitumor activity.
Spiro-compounds [e.g., (8), (13)] that resemble the four central rings of the antitumour agent fredericamycin A have been synthesized by methods that are based on (i) intramolecular acylation and high-pressure Diels–Alder chemistry [(5)→(8)] or (ii) radical spiro-cyclization [e.g., (11)→(13)].
Synthesis and antifungal activities of new triazole compounds
Objective To design and synthesis novel triazole antifungal derivatives and study the antifungal activity.Methods All the target compounds were prepared from 1,3- difluorobenzene via click reaction;The antibacterial activities of the title compounds were determined with broth dilution method.Results Twelve compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR and MS.All the title compounds exhibited potent antifungal activities against nearly all fungi tested.Conclusion The electronic effects of the substituents affected the activity of compounds,specifically the electron- donating groups.
Abstract The crystal structure of [Ni(Hbim)3](nPr4N)•MeOH (1) (Hbim− =mono- deprotonated 2,2′-biimidazolate and nPr4N+ = tetra-n-propyl-ammonium cation) has been determined. The structure was consists of Ni(II) centers hexacoordinated by three 2,2′-biimidazolate (Hbim−) ligands in an octahedral arrangement. Complex 1 possesses an intermolecular hydrogen bonding structure of zigzag one-dimensional chains in which two of the three Hbim− ligands connect the metal complex units.
Cardiovascular actions of kynuramine and 5-hydroxykynuramine in pithed rats
Kynuramines occur endogenously in brain and peripheral tissues as metabolites of indoleamino acids and indolamines but little is known regarding their possible physiological and/or pharmacological activity. The present study has investigated the effects of kynuramine and 5-hydroxykynuramine on the cardiovascular system of pithed rats and attempted to correlate effects seen on adrenergic and serotonergic receptors with ligand binding experiments donein vitro using rat brain membranes.
A practical asymmetric synthesis of the complex fused bis-macrocyclic HCV protease inhibitor MK-6325 (1) is described. Through the combination of a high yielding and low catalyst loading ring-closing metathesis (RCM) to forge the 15-membered macrocycle with an intramolecular sp(2)-sp(3) Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling to append the 18-membered macrocycle, multikilogram access to the unique and challenging architecture of MK-6325 (1) has been achieved.
Metal Complexes of Thiosemicarbazides
This book highlighted the methods used for the syntheses of thiosemicarbazides. These new thiosemicarbazides and their metal complexes which have not been described in the literature previously were synthesized and investigated using different analytical and spectroscopic techniques and antibacterial properties. The thiosemicarbazide ligands and their metal complexes have been isolated and characterized by elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements and spectral studies. The antimicrobial and antifungal activities of ligands and their metal complexes have also been evaluated
Novel pyrazolines and benzothiazepines derivatives containing piperonal nucleus were synthesized and screened for in vitro anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal activity. The synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1 H NMR and MS study. These compounds shows good to excellent bioactivities as compare with reference organism.
Acidity study on some pyridazines
The tautomeric, conformational equilibrium positions, and pKa values of some pyridazine derivatives 1–17 have been examined by means of semi empirical AM1 COSMO calculations in aqueous solution (ɛ=78.4). The results obtained from the calculations have been compared with the experimental findings.
An enantiocontrolled synthesis pathway has been developed to provide formation of tricyclic amine 7, representing the ABC ring system of the complex alkaloid daphnicyclidin A (1). Our efforts describe preparation of the Z-hexahydro-(1H)-azocine 29 and cyclization to construct the novel 4-azabicyclo[5.3.2]dodecane 31. Transannular reductive amination following the deprotection of 31 gave the desired tertiary amine 7.
Hydrothermal synthesis of lithium silicate (Li2SiO3) from waste glass: a preliminary study
Effect of soda-lime glass on sintering and technological properties of porcelain stoneware tiles
Synthesis of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolite using extracted silica from rice husk without adding any alumina source
Comparative study of bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses by using Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
High Level Ethanol from Sugar Cane Molasses by a New Thermotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain in Industrial Scale
Synthesis of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolite using extracted silica from rice husk without adding any alumina source
Understanding the thermal motion of the luminescent dyes in the dye–surfactant cointercalated ZnAl-layered double hydroxides: a molecular dynamics study
Hydroxy double salts loaded with bioactive ions: Synthesis, intercalation mechanisms, and functional performance (vol 238, pg 129, 2016)
Synthesis of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolite using extracted silica from rice husk without adding any alumina source
Uptake of decontaminating agent from aqueous solution: a study on adsorption behaviour of oxalic acid over Al-MCM-41 adsorbents
One-Pot Catalytic Conversion of Cellobiose to Sorbitol over Nickel Phosphides Supported on MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41
Synthesis of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolite using extracted silica from rice husk without adding any alumina source
Casualties and Civil-Military Relations: The German Polity between Learning and Indifference
The issues of casualties and presumed casualty aversion in democratic societies were of marginal importance in the German debate about civil-military relations in the 1990s. Although these issues were ever present, they were never studied in detail. This article analyzes the reactions to German casualties by the political and military elites and by the press. It focuses on a number of recent cases of German soldiers who were killed in out-of-area missions. Our findings indicate that German society seems to be less casualty averse than is widely assumed. Two explanations for this are put forward: First, that Germany appears to have undergone a substantial learning process and seems ready to accept casualties for the “right” cause. Second, German society has become indifferent to military matters. Further research is needed to specify the extent to which these two hypotheses apply to different segments of German society.
Gender and conflict is a growing area of study. The authors show how an empirical and theoretical focus on gender and its multifaceted meanings yields entirely different explanations of conflict than traditionally understood. They highlight especially the ways in which attention to women and men, femininities and masculinities, gender norms, and gender relations challenges given categories in International Relations such as levels of analysis, and reconceptualizes security along a “continuum of violence”
Of his 1941 flight to Scotland, Hitler said, "He is crazy; if he comes back, shoot him on sight"
World history - Ray Sahelian, M.D. Rudolph Hess flew to Britain in 1941, Of his 1941 flight to Scotland, Hitler said, "He is crazy; if he comes back, shoot him on sight", He helped Hitler write "Mein...
Quotes from The Diary of Anne Frank - BookRags.com Helpful for writing essays, studying or teaching The Diary of Anne Frank. ... March 1944 April 1944 May 1944 June 1944 July/August 1944 ... Quote 6: "I only look at her as a mother, and she just doesn't succeed in being .... Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.
Which type of anthropology studies relationships among persons and groups?
Sociocultural anthropology draws together the principle axes of cultural anthropology and social anthropology. Cultural anthropology is the comparative study of the manifold ways in which people make sense of the world around them, while social anthropology is the study of the relationships among persons and groups. Cultural anthropology is more related to philosophy, literature and the arts (how one's culture affects experience for self and group, contributing to more complete understanding of the people's knowledge, customs, and institutions), while social anthropology is more related to sociology and history. in that it helps develop understanding of social structures, typically of others and other populations (such as minorities, subgroups, dissidents, etc.). There is no hard-and-fast distinction between them, and these categories overlap to a considerable degree.
In 1860, Adolf Bastian (1826–1905) argued for "the psychic unity of mankind". He proposed that a scientific comparison of all human societies would reveal that distinct worldviews consisted of the same basic elements. According to Bastian, all human societies share a set of "elementary ideas" (Elementargedanken); different cultures, or different "folk ideas" (Völkergedanken), are local modifications of the elementary ideas. This view paved the way for the modern understanding of culture. Franz Boas (1858–1942) was trained in this tradition, and he brought it with him when he left Germany for the United States.
describe the schlieffen plan
The Schlieffen Plan. Count von Schlieffen, the architect of the German war plan activated in 1914. The Schlieffen Plan was a battle plan, drawn up by German tacticians, to secure victory against both France and Russia.he Germans embraced a workaround to this impasse called the Schlieffen Plan. It was named for its inventor, Count von Schlieffen, who constructed the plan in 1905 after studying the Russian military’s performance in its ill-fated war with Japan (1904-5).
The plan, called the Schlieffen Plan, was to occupy Western Europe, then defeat the Soviet Union. During the early part of the war, Hitler hoped to sue Britain for peace follo … wing Dunkirk and the battle of Britain. German military planning was based on the idea of blitzkrieg, which meant a short war.
High resolution X‐ray diffraction study of single crystal diamond radiators
Plant ionomics: a newer approach to study mineral transport and its regulation
Delayed Reactive Distractor Suppression in Aging Populations
Quality control phantom for flat panel detector X-ray systems.
A cross‐sectional study of the radiation dose and image quality of X‐ray equipment used in IVR
Negative feedback in ants: crowding results in less trail pheromone deposition
Modelling the long-term dynamics of radionuclides in rivers
A model describing the long-term dynamics of radioactive contamination of rivers was developed. The radionuclide activity concentration in river water is assumed to be directly proportional to the content of the radionuclide exchangeable form in the surface layer of soil on the river catchment. The model input parameter values can be determined independently or estimated using results of the short-term observations. The modelled and measured 137 Cs activity concentrations in rivers contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident are in good agreement.
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
Modification of Radiation Effects in Bacteria
Radiobiological studies in bacteria began in 1877 when Downes and Blunt published their observations of the killing of bacteria by sunlight. A voluminous literature has been accumulated since that date, and in a short discussion it is impossible to accomplish more than to mention briefly some aspects of the subject which, hopefully, are of interest.
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
IAEA activities related to radiation biology and health effects of radiation
The IAEA is involved in capacity building with regard to the radiobiological sciences in its member states through its technical cooperation programme. Research projects/programmes are normally carried out within the framework of coordinated research projects (CRPs). Under this programme, two CRPs have been approved which are relevant to nuclear/radiation accidents: (1)?stem cell therapeutics to modify radiation-induced damage to normal tissue, and (2)?strengthening biological dosimetry in IAEA member states.
we examine motivations for, and costs/benefits of, participation in three interviews across a one-year period among women recently exposed to intimate partner abuse (IPA). Recruited from publicly accessible police reports, women were not informed that the study focused on IPA in recruiting materials or when they scheduled the first interview. Women ' s ratings on the Response to Research Participation Questionnaire (RRPQ) indicated a positive benefit-to-cost ratio across all three interviews. Negative responses to participation as well as severity of IPA and PTSD symptoms did not predict retention at the next interview. These data dem - onstrate that studies asking about IPA experiences, even when survivors do not know in advance that IPA will be the focus of study, can be implemented within a stable benefit-to-cost ratio over time.
[The circadian evolution of the karyometric indices of the inner hair cells. A statistical analysis].
We have realized a statistic study about "Karyometric Index" in the hair cells of the Corti organ of the albino Wistar rat [correction of guinea pig] in thirty of these animals; after in vivo fixation. The Karyometric Index variations are a good indicator of the cellular basic functional activity. Therefore we tried to clarify if the their cells are or not resembling to other cellular types with the functional circadian circles as well as if they present it or not in their basic functionalism, as they are also included in the "Endocrine Difusse System" and the "Paraneuron" concepts.
Risk estimation in radiation carcinogenesis depends primarily on epidemiological data and hazard rate models. The A-bomb survivors follow-up provides information on the complexity of this process. Several hazard rate models are briefly discussed and illustrated using the A-bomb experience.
Investigations on structural and biologic effects exerted by x radiation on blood-forming cells surviving in vitro are reported. It was concluded that x radiation directly applied to hemic cells in vitro does not interfere only with their proliferative activity, but also with other of their biological and structural properties, such as respiration, osmotic fragility, and glycogen and enzyme contents. (P.C.H.)
The purpose of the work was to study the immune status and some nonspecific defense factors in children with extrarenal portal hypertension after splenectomy. Seventy-one children were examined. It was found that the T-lymphocyte count before and in the early periods after the operation in children with extrahepatic portal hypertension did not differ from that in the control group. At the same time, the changes in serum immunoglobulins depended on the stage of the examination. Study of other links of immunity also revealed the time course of changes in their values.
Diagnostic tests in urology: percentage of free prostate-specific antigen (PSA).
What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? ::: ::: Free to total PSA ratios are commonly used as an adjunct to total PSA levels to better define an individual's risk for prostate cancer; however, its strengths and weaknesses are not well understood. ::: This article illustrates the use of likelihood ratios that can be generated from the reported sensitivities and specificities from given free to total PSA thresholds in either increasing or decreasing an individual patient's probability of prostate cancer. Understanding the strengths and limitations of free to total PSA testing will help clinicians anticipate whether its use is indicated or not.
One of the primary objectives of the Materials Characterization Center (MCC) is to acquire and characterize spent fuels used in waste form testing related to nuclear waste disposal. The initial steps in the characterization of a fuel rod consist of gamma scanning the rod and sampling the gas contained in the fuel rod (referred to as fission gas sampling). The gamma scan and fission gas sampling systems used by the MCC are adaptable to a wide range of fuel types and have been successfully used to characterize both boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel rods. This report describes the design and operation of systems used to gamma scan and fission gas sample full-length PWR and BWR fuel rods. 1 ref., 10 figs., 1 tab.
In Vivo Dosimetry of the Dog Irradiations at the Finnish BNCT Facility
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
Objective ::: The aim of this work was to study the clinicopathological features of cases with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) referred to National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cairo University in the last six years and to study the role of nuclear medicine techniques in the initial diagnosis and preoperative localization directing surgical management of these cases. cases.
Comparative study of kinetics on DNA double-strand break induced by photo- and gamma-irradiation: Protective effect of water-soluble flavonoids
The double-strand break of DNA induced by visible light and γ-rays was studied through a single-molecule observation using fluorescence microscopy. We evaluated the protective effects of water-soluble derivatives of flavonoids, α-glucosyl hesperidin (αG-HSP) and α-glucosyl rutin (αG-rutin) in a quantitative manner. With regard to photo-induced damage, αG-rutin was found to provide twice as much protection as αG-HSP, whereas the protective effect of αG-rutin against γ-ray irradiation was comparable with that of αG-HSP. This observation demonstrates the dependence of the antioxidant potentials of these compounds on the source of irradiation.
Abstract A new technique is being developed at Argonne National Laboratory to produce a beam of polarized deuterium atoms. A part of the apparatus consists of a small cell which contains potassium vapor. The potassium atoms are polarized by circularly polarized light from a high-power cw laser. A port feeds deuterium into the cell and the polarization of the potassium is transferred to the deuterium by spin-exchange scattering. It is important that the potassium and deuterium atoms do not lose polarization by scattering from the walls of the exchange cell. We have tried various coatings of the exchange walls in order to inhibit losses from spin relaxation. Methods used to produce these coatings as well as their success will be described.
Silicon Solar Cells as Versatile Radiation Dosimeters
The use of a silicon solar cell to measure high-intensity radiation is discussed. The ionization rate in the sensitive volume is determined by measuring the short-circuit cell current, and intensities as low as 10/sup 2/ rad/ hr can be measured. A depth dose curve is plotted for aluminum with a 1.07-Mev electron beam. Minimization of the radiation damage due to very intense radiation is discussed. (D.L.C.)
Abstract In order to study the size distribution of a radioactivity due to radon daughters in the environmental atmosphere, an experimental procedure using filters, ion tubes, diffusion batteries and cascade impactors (CASELLA MK2 and ANDERSEN) is presented. A comparison between the experimental results and a theoretical curve, deduced of the attachment theory of the small radioactive ions on atmospheric particles, is carried out.
Grain size effects in barium titanate-revisited
The effects of grain size on the dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics are reviewed from a historical perspective. The problem has been studied for 40 years, and great insight concerning the characteristics of fine grained materials has been gained. Nevertheless, the story has still to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
Investigation and Analysis of Environmental Radioactivity of a Decommissioned Uranium mine
In this paper,a southern decommissioning of nuclear facilities after the treatment carried out on-site monitoring of the radiation environment,and evaluate the local radiation environment,the evaluation results showed that: the mine and surrounding area air γ radiation absorbed dose rate,radon and its progeny concentration limits are lower than the national level of management,after treatment the soil radon exhalation rate decreased,radionuclides in soil and surface water uranium,radium content is low,the governance effect of mine have been maintained good.
Summary In agreement with Tyler's statement: “If scientific progress is to be made, we must require standards that would be recognized by everybody” ( Tyler , 1974 ), this work proposes a standard method for studying uremic neuropathy: neurological and EMG evaluations may be integrated with the study of evoked tetanic activity, which would seem to be accurate in detecting good peripheral nerve functioning.
Radiotherapy combined with an engineered Salmonella typhimurium inhibits tumor growth in a mouse model of colon cancer
The engineered Salmonella typhimurium ΔppGpp (S.t ΔppGpp) has been studied in terms of its ability to carry imaging probes (bacterial luciferase, Lux) for tumor imaging or carry therapeutic molecules (Cytolysin A) to kill cancer cells. To establish a novel cancer therapy, bacterial therapy was combined with radiotherapy using the attenuated strain S.t ΔppGpp/pBAD-ClyA. Radiotherapy (21Gy) contributed to S. typhimurium colonization in a colon tumor (CT26) model of BALB/c mice. The combination of bacterial therapy and radiotherapy treatments reduced tumor growth compared with only bacterial therapy.
A sensitivity simulation of neutron tomography was performed for the analysis of the spatial distribution of nuclear materials in the HANARO fuel rod. The internal distribution of the nuclear materials in the fuel rod is very important for the increase of the safety and economics of fuel burnup in the reactor. The neutron radiography facility installed at HANARO will be used for the spatial fuel analysis with a real-time image processing system. Monte Carlo simulation was performed to study the feasibility and sensitivity of the HANARO neutron beam for the spatial fuel assay and to find the optimum conditions for neutron detection. From the sensitivity simulation, the location of the nuclear materials in the rod was evident as expected.
The research in the anti-radiation damage effects of Peptide and protein
Radiation has become the fourth largest pollution after the water,air and noise pollution,which caused acute,chronic radiation damage and even cancer.At present,the study on the development of the anti-radiation damage drug,especially non-toxic or low toxic radiation protective agent obtained from natural bio-active substances,has become a new focus.The natural anti-radiation active substances research focuses on polysaccharides,saponins,coumarins,alkaloids,etc.,however,relatively less on peptide and protein research.Summarized the peptides and protein with anti-radiation function,this paper is to describe the research result for the 11 kinds of domestic peptides and protein radiation damage nearly in recent 10 years,which will provide reference for future research and development.
Abstract A simple method of compensating for the kinematic energy spread of the particles from a nuclear reaction detected in a silicon PSD is described. The technique relies on a suitable choice of the series resistor for the reaction of interest and the degree of compensation is shown to be equivalent to the first order correction for the acceptance of a magnetic spectrometer. Experimental results using recoil protons, elastically scattered alpha-particles and carbon ions from a heavy ion induced reaction illustrate the practical application and success of the technique. The limit of the compensation for light ions is set by the resistive noise in the ‘energy x position’ signal while for heavy ions the nuclear scattering spread sets the lower limit.
[Benign liver tumors : Diagnostics and treatment].
Benign liver tumors are often detected during routine ultrasound examinations or as an incidental finding in radiological imaging. Only very few benign liver tumors are at risk of becoming malignant. In the majority of cases the differentiation from malignant tumors is currently carried out using imaging procedures. In a few cases of diagnostic uncertainty, a transcutaneous liver biopsy can lead to clarification. If the suspicion of malignancy is substantiated or this cannot be excluded with absolute certainty, the tumor should be removed by partial liver resection.
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
Dosimetric Verification of Collapsed Cone Convolution Algorithm in Heterogeneous Media
The purpose of this study is to investigate the accuracy of dose predicted by cone convolution algorithm. This work describes an experimental verification of two dose calculation algorithms available on the Philips Pinnacle3 (version 8.0) commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system (TPS): Collapsed cone convolution and Fast convolve. Both experiment and TPS were tested for 6 MV photon beam, the fields were 5cm×5cm and 10cm×10cm respectively. Dosimetry was performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters. At the end of this article, we analyzed the difference between calculation and experiment
This article in view of the Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital clinical data conformity work actual situation, proposed a set based on the DOP technology clinical data conformity and the synthesis information retrieval plan, with emphasis discussed the difficulty, DOP platform technical aspect and so on superiority and characteristic, system realization goal, technical construction and design main point which the data conformity work faces questions, by achievement to large-scale general hospital clinical information system data conformity preliminary discussion.
[Chromosome abnormalities: known risk factors].
The high incidence of chromosomal anomalies at birth and the severity of the resulting handicap led to examining their detectability by amniocentesis. With current indications for amniocentesis, the detection rate did not excede 30%. Consequently, it seems necessary to estimate the importance of other known risk factors and to calculate the resulting impact this would have on eventually broadening the indications for amniocentesis. A review of the literature led the authors to discuss the relative importance of each known risk factor and its role in public health.
We study the Radiation-Induced Mismatch Enhancement (RIME) in 65 nm CMOS SRAM block designed for space applications. X-ray and heavy ion irradiation increase the number of non-rewriting cells.
Use of ion processing to improve the quality of fullerene-coated field emitters
The efficiency of tip field emitters covered by activated fullerene coatings is studied in a wide range of emission currents and residual gas pressures. Main mechanisms behind the influence of the gaseous medium and ion bombardment on the emitter efficiency are determined. The feasibility of improving the homogeneity of the fullerene coating by potassium ion bombardment is demonstrated. From data on the emitter performance in a technical vacuum, a previously unknown effect is discovered: the structure of activated fullerene coatings is reproduced under intense ion bombardment. It is found that intense bombardment by residual gas ions increases a limiting current extracted from fullerene-coated tip field emitters.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the accuracy of dose predicted by cone convolution algorithm. This work describes an experimental verification of two dose calculation algorithms available on the Philips Pinnacle3 (version 8.0) commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system (TPS): Collapsed cone convolution and Fast convolve. Both experiment and TPS were tested for 6 MV photon beam, the fields were 5cm×5cm and 10cm×10cm respectively. Dosimetry was performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters. At the end of this article, we analyzed the difference between calculation and experiment
Raman spectroscopic study of electron-beam irradiated cold-smoked salmon
Abstract Raman spectroscopy studies have been carried out to determine the effect of electron-beam irradiation on cold-smoked salmon. Vacuum packed samples were electron-beam irradiated at doses between 0 and 8 kGy. The irradiation at 8 kGy originated modifications on the protein secondary structure with a decrease (p
Are philosophers of science limited to conducting autopsies on dead scientific theories, or might they also help resolve contemporary methodological disputes in science? This essay (1) gives an overview of thought experiments, especially in mathematics; (2) outlines three major positions on the current dose-response controversy for ionizing radiation; and (3) sketches an original mathematical thought experiment that might help resolve the low-dose radiation conflict. This thought experiment relies on the assumptions that radiation "hits'' are Poisson distributed and that background conditions cause many more radiation-induced cancers than human activities. The essay closes by responding to several key objections to the position defended here.
Visualization of radioactive substances with a Si/CdTe Compton Camera
Dust containing radioactive materials dispersed following the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March 2011. Gamma-rays are emitted in the process when unstable nuclei in the materials decay. Based on the technology of Si/CdTe Compton Camera, we have manufactured a quick prototype model for the use in the field. The camera, now called a "Ultra-Wide-Angle Compton Camera" was successfully applied to visualize the distribution of radio-active substances in the Fukushima area.
A healthy tissue tolerance study1,2 with Beagle dogs was carried out at the Finnish BNCT facility FiR 1 during February-March 1998. Three dose groups of dogs without boron carrier, each comprising five Beagles, and one dose group with BPA-F infusion were irradiated. Individual dose plans1 were done for each dog. The absorbed doses, which were actually delivered to healthy tissues, were monitored in vivo by placing the dosimeters on the shaved skin of the dogs or in the accessible cavities. In this study, absorbed gamma doses were monitored with thermoluminescent (TL) dosimeters, and neutron fluences were determined with activation foils. The obtained results were compared to the calculated values.
Application of solid state nuclear track detector to space breeding mechanism research
A conception and method of space breeding mechanism study with solid statenuclear track detector is briefly introduced. The detector system, etching conditionsand measured parameters are described. The methodology of particle identification isdiscussed. Finally, dependence of variation observed in the field on hitting particlesis analysed.
Covers a broad range of contemporary topics in behavioral neuroscience. This book focuses on the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus system emphasizing inputs to the 'clock', their neurochemical phenotype, and outputs from the 'clock' to behavioral and other effector systems.
Generation of Reactive Intermediates from 2-Nitrofluorene that Bind Covalently to DNA, RNA and Protein in Vitro and in Vivo in the RAT
2-Nitrofluorene (2-NF) is an air pollutant that is found in appreciable concentrations in urban air due to the exhaust of especially Diesel engines. Like many other nitroaromatics, it is a direct acting mutagen in bacteria that contain nitroreductase activity: this enzyme converts the nitro-aromatics to reduced products, notably the hydroxylamines, that can interact directly with DNA and can cause mutations. 2-NF is a carcinogen in the rat, especially in the forestomach, where it causes tumors upon oral administrationl–4. As yet it is unclear which metabolite(s) is (are) responsible for the mutagenic and carcinogenic activity of 2-NF.
We study the effects of fissioning nuclei mass- and energy-distributions on the formation of fragments for fission induced by high energy probes. A Monte Carlo code called CRISP was used for obtaining mass distributions and spectra of the fissioning nuclei for reactions induced by 660 MeV protons on 241 Am and on 239 Np, by 500 MeV protons on 208 Pb, and by Bremsstrahlung photons with end-point energies at 50 MeV and 3500 MeV on 238 U. The results show that even at high excitation energies, asymmetric fission may still contribute significantly to the fission cross section of actinide nuclei, while it is the dominante mode in the case of lead. However, more precise data for high energy fission on actinide are necessary in order to allow definite conclusions.
Comparison between proton boron fusion therapy (PBFT) and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT): a Monte Carlo study
The radiation biology of boron neutron capture therapy
A Graph Analytical Approach for Topic Detection
dosimetry medical definition
Medical Dosimetry. Medical dosimetry is a part of the field of radiation oncology involving knowledge of advanced mathematics, radiobiology, physics and anatomy. In order to shrink or eliminate tumor growth, some patients receive limited doses of radiation internally or externally.
DEFINITION. Dosimetry is the study, measurement, method of measurement, or instrument of measurement of radiation dose. Dosimetry often refers to the status of wearing a personnel badge that measures and monitors dose. It may also refer to dose history and the records where dose history is maintained.
Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic , atomic , subatomic , and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics .
It studies them at macroscopic , atomic , subatomic , and particulate levels .
Radiation oncology is the medical specialty concerned with prescribing radiation . This is different than radiology , the use of radiation in medical imaging and diagnosis ) .
what was one important discovery that the curies made?
Today, 117 years after the Curies’ discovery of Radium, even the public is kept well aware of the potential dangers associated with the exposure of the human body to radioactive elements. Yet, from the very first years during which the scientists and their contemporaries were pioneering the study of radioactivity until the mid 1940s, little was concretely understood about both short and long-term health effects.
What is Discovery? Discovery is a process you can use to find out information from another party to support your lawsuit. The purpose of discovery is to find out the information you need to prove your case or defend against the claims being made against you. You must figure out who you believe knows information that may be important to your case.
when did marie curie discover radiation
View full size image. Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist and a pioneer in the study of radiation. She and her husband, Pierre, discovered the elements polonium and radium. Together, they were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903, and she received another one, for Chemistry, in 1911. Her work with radioactive materials doomed her, however. She died of a blood disease in 1934.
We’ve come a long way since 1903 when Marie and Pierre Curie first introduced radiation therapy as a means of treating cancer and lupus. The field of radiation oncology is continually being improved to provide patients with better long term disease outcomes, and fewer long term side effects.
What type of radiation was Planck studying in the late 19th century?
In the last years of the nineteenth century, Planck was investigating the problem of black-body radiation first posed by Kirchhoff some forty years earlier. It is well known that hot objects glow, and that hotter objects glow brighter than cooler ones. The electromagnetic field obeys laws of motion similarly to a mass on a spring, and can come to thermal equilibrium with hot atoms. The hot object in equilibrium with light absorbs just as much light as it emits. If the object is black, meaning it absorbs all the light that hits it, then its thermal light emission is maximized.
Among Ike's objectives in not directly confronting McCarthy was to prevent McCarthy from dragging the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) into McCarthy's witch hunt for communists, which would interfere with, and perhaps delay, the AEC's important work on H-bombs. The administration had discovered through its own investigations that one of the leading scientists on the AEC, J. Robert Oppenheimer, had urged that the H-bomb work be delayed. Eisenhower removed him from the agency and revoked his security clearance, though he knew this would create fertile ground for McCarthy.
What product of uranium was used as toner?
Uranium was also used in photographic chemicals (especially uranium nitrate as a toner), in lamp filaments for stage lighting bulbs, to improve the appearance of dentures, and in the leather and wood industries for stains and dyes. Uranium salts are mordants of silk or wool. Uranyl acetate and uranyl formate are used as electron-dense "stains" in transmission electron microscopy, to increase the contrast of biological specimens in ultrathin sections and in negative staining of viruses, isolated cell organelles and macromolecules.
Nuclear claims between the U.S. and the Marshall Islands are ongoing, and health effects from these nuclear tests linger. Project 4.1 was a medical study conducted by the United States of those residents of the Bikini Atoll exposed to radioactive fallout. From 1956 to August 1998, at least $759 million was paid to the Marshallese Islanders in compensation for their exposure to U.S. nuclear weapon testing.
when were radioactive tracers discovered
Backgrounder on Plutonium. Printable Version. Plutonium is a radioactive metallic element with the atomic number 94. It was discovered in 1940 by scientists studying how to split atoms to make atomic bombs. Plutonium is created in a reactor when uranium atoms absorb neutrons.Nearly all plutonium is man-made.rintable Version. Plutonium is a radioactive metallic element with the atomic number 94. It was discovered in 1940 by scientists studying how to split atoms to make atomic bombs. Plutonium is created in a reactor when uranium atoms absorb neutrons. Nearly all plutonium is man-made.
Uranium was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth, a German chemist, and named after the planet Uranus. Ionising radiation was discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895, by passing an electric current through an evacuated glass tube and producing continuous X-rays.
uranium miners are at an elevated risk of what
We found strong evidence for an increased risk for lung cancer in white uranium miners. We expected about 64 deaths, but found 371. This means we found about 6 times more lung cancer deaths than expected. There was an exposure-response relationship with exposure to radon daughters in the mines.ranium Miners were exposed to mining dust, thought to cause lung disease. NIOSH made the study to find if uranium miners have an increased risk for lung cancer and other lung disease when compared to the U.S. general public.
The risk of a nuclear power plant accident with a significant amount of radioactivity released offsite to the public is very small.
homa-ir definition
IR is linked to increase incidence of HCC. HOMA-IR is the most commonly used model for assessing IR in the HCV setting. [ CLOSE WINDOW ]. The method-of-choice to assess IR and β-cell function depends on the size and type of study to be undertaken.
HO-1 or Basic Coverage, is the type of packaged Homeowners Insurance policy meant for protection of home, detached structures, and personal property from losses caused by the following disasters and perils: fire or lightning, wind or hail, explosion, riot or civil unrest, aircraft, vehicles, volcanic eruptions, smoke, theft, vandalism or malicious mischief and self-damaging instances (e.g. damage by glass material that is part of the building, a part of the building falling, etc).
How much do the lexicons of Czech and Slovak differ, according to on study?
One study showed that Czech and Slovak lexicons differed by 80 percent, but this high percentage was found to stem primarily from differing orthographies and slight inconsistencies in morphological formation; Slovak morphology is more regular (when changing from the nominative to the locative case, Praha becomes Praze in Czech and Prahe in Slovak). The two lexicons are generally considered similar, with most differences in colloquial vocabulary and some scientific terminology. Slovak has slightly more borrowed words than Czech.
The English word Slav could be derived from the Middle English word sclave, which was borrowed from Medieval Latin sclavus or slavus, itself a borrowing and Byzantine Greek σκλάβος sklábos "slave," which was in turn apparently derived from a misunderstanding of the Slavic autonym (denoting a speaker of their own languages). The Byzantine term Sklavinoi was loaned into Arabic as Saqaliba صقالبة (sing. Saqlabi صقلبي) by medieval Arab historiographers. However, the origin of this word is disputed.
Randomized study of Corynebacterium parvum adjuvant therapy following surgery for (Stage II) malignant melanoma
Effect of intracerebrally injected Corynebacterium parvum on implanted brain tumor in mice
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Evaluating team-based, lecture-based, and hybrid learning methods for neurology clerkship in China: a method-comparison study
Statement on medical education in neurology
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
The anterior ectosylvian sulcal auditory field in the cat: II. A horseradish peroxidase study of its thalamic and cortical connections.
Cross-modal circuitry between auditory and somatosensory areas of the cat anterior ectosylvian sulcal cortex: a 'new' inhibitory form of multisensory convergence.
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Pants on fire: The electrophysiological signature of telling a lie
Lying about facial recognition: An fMRI study
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Clonidine inhibition of potassium-evoked release of glutamate and aspartate from rat cortical synaptosomes
Amygdalofugal axon terminals immunoreactive for L-aspartate or L-glutamate in the nucleus accumbens of rats and domestic chickens: a comparative electron microscopic immunocytochemical study combined with anterograde pathway tracing
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Neurophysiological findings in chronic carbon disulfide poisoning. A descriptive study.
Ultrastructure of carbon disulphide neuropathy
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy or Seitelberger's disease. II. Peripheral nerve involvement: electron microscopic study in one case.
Pathology of skeletal muscle and intramuscular nerves in infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Distribution study of a synthetic ACTH analogue in rat tissue
Due to symbiotic N2 fixation, five years of elevated atmospheric pCO2 had no effect on the N concentration of plant litter in fertile, mixed grassland
Sex and age composition of a Stoat population (Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758) from a coastal dune region of the Netherlands
The age composition of a sample of a Stoat population from the Netherlands was studied. Various relative age criteria were tested on their validity in separating age groups. The study of the layered cemental deposits contributed the most important part to the final conclusions. By using also the data on the sexual cycle of the Stoat, a theoretically expected age pyramid was calculated, which was compared with the actually found age composition.
In the summer of 1961 an MIT student by the name of Steve „Slug‟ Russell was tinkering with the campus computer. It was not a very complex computer by today‟s standards, but by the standard of that ...
Unbiased Sex Ratios Among the Bari: An Evolutionary Interpretation
We examine whether among the Bari sex ratios at birth or later ages deviate from the value of one expected by chance. We find no significant bias toward sons or daughters. We also examine whether the costs and benefits associated with sons and daughters are similar or if one sex is more expensive than the other. We contrast our results with predictions derived from Fisher's and the Trivers-Willard hypotheses on sex ratios.
This article is the second of two parts. The first one was published in the issue no 2 of this same journal. The preseni study uses the dependency index and the youth ratio to describe the aging process both at regional and municipal levels. Our data show a yet moderate aging process in (he region. with an uneven distribution throughout the different municipalities.
average age for menarche in uk
Some estimates suggest that the median age of menarche worldwide is 14, and that there is a later age of onset in Asian populations compared to the West. The average age of menarche is about 12.5 years in the United States, 12.72 in Canada, 12.9 in the UK and 13.06 ± 0.10 years in Iceland.A study on girls in Istanbul, Turkey found the median age at menarche to be 12.74 years.ost sources agree that the average age of menarche in girls in modern societies has declined, though the reasons and the degree remain subjects of controversy. From the sixth to the fifteenth centuries in Europe, most women reached menarche on average at about 14, between the ages of 12 and 15.
According to Tanner, the average age of menarche dropped from about 17 to 12.8 during the period 1830-1962. The rate of decline was 4 months per decade. Tanner has also noticed a decline in the age of initiation of the growth spurt. The trend seems to have stopped, with the age of menarche leveling off at 12.6.
Mind Perception of a Sociable Humanoid Robot : A Comparison Between Elderly and Young Adults
Sociable robots are slowly entering domains such as education and healthcare. As we are exposing our youth and elderly to these new intelligent technologies, it is important to understand their perception and attitudes towards robots. This study investigates the differences between elderly and young adults in ascribing mind perception to a sociable humanoid robot. Both subjective and behavioral measurements were employed to investigate the differences. Several trends were found; elderlies attributed higher scores of mind perception to the robot, whereas young adults seemed to have a more positive attitude towards it. Elderlies seemed to apply human social models of interaction, whereas young adults perceived a master-slave relationship between humans and the robot. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was found between mind perception and attitude toward the robot for both groups.
1. Contextual and Methodological Considerations 2. Contemporary Youth Concerns in Historical Perspective 3. North American Indian Perspectives on Human Development 4. Menstruation, Cosmology, and Feminism 5. Historical Overview of Coming-of-Age Practices 6. The Apache Sunrise Dance 7. Interpretation of the Apache Sunrise Dance 8. Contemporary Navajo, Lakota, and Ojibwa Puberty Customs 9. Broader Perspectives on Coming-of-Age
does a beard make a man look older
Get your razors at the ready as it was revealed today that a beard can make men look up to ten years older. Even a light stubble can age a man by three years and having a moustache can add up to five years to a man's age. study has shown that by having a beard men can increase their age appearance by up to ten years, a panel agreed that George Clooney looked five years younger without his beard.
· just now. Report Abuse. It depends on the guy and the beard. A beard can make you look 10 years older or younger or it can change your look entirely without making you look a different age.Z, unnecessary letter · 9 years ago. Thumbs up.f you are older a neat, close cropped beard can make you look younger. If you are young it usually just looks plain stupid and an attempt to look older. Usually mid 30s is when it starts to look OK. And again neat and close cropped is he way to go in this day and age. jackson · 9 years ago.
average age of a vehicle in us
The average age of cars and trucks in the U.S. remains at an all-time high of 11.4 years as of Jan. 1, according to IHS Automotive and its Polk subsidiary. Beyond the Headlines!
Accordingly, the age of the average vehicle on American roads hit 11.4 years earlier this year, according to an IHS Automotive study based on Polk Co. registration data. What’s new is that analysts expect the average age to stay there through 2015, and then very gradually increase to an estimated 11.7 years in 2019.
what is the age limit to get married
If the legal age for a man to become sexually active is 18 and legal age to get married is 21, what should he do in the 3 interim years? In terms of gender equality, why is it that in India (and maybe other countries), the marriage age is 18 years for a girl and 21 years for a b... Should the legal marriageable age for girls in India be changed from 18 to 21?
Cultura/GretaMarie—Getty Images/Cultura Exclusive. A new study suggests that people should get married between the ages of 28 and 32 if they don’t want to get divorced, at least in the first five years.
From Alice in Wonderland: She waited for some time without hearing anything more: at last came a rumbling of little cartwheels, and the sound of a good many voices all talking together: she made out the words: 'Where's the other ladder? Why did the writer add an article with the plural noun voices?
In "Seeing like a state" of James C.Scott there is a sentence at the beginning of a paragraph (Acknowledgements xi): There are a good many scholars whose writings opened up new perspectives for me or provided outstanding analyses of issues that I could not have hoped to study so comprehensively on my own. What worries me is a good many scholars. Is this some type of inversion or ancient English? Is this grammatically right? Why is a here? I thought that appropriate version would be There are many good scholars. Am I wrong?
In other words, can I do something like for() { for { for { } } } Except N times? In other words, when the method creating the loops is called, it is given some parameter N, and the method would then create N of these loops nested one in another? Of course, the idea is that there should be an "easy" or "the usual" way of doing it. I already have an idea for a very complicated one.
Singular they = general they Well, here is the situation. I have four students. They did a test. Suppose that the regulation is a student getting a score below 40 gets the remark "study hard" which is written at the bottom of the work instead of a numerical score. When I want to confirm this, may I say: They get study hard if their SCORE IS (instead of SCORES ARE) below 40, right?
"On their back" or "on their backs"? After the therapy, eight children (43%) became able to crawl/move on their back. Or should I use "on their backs"? Singular because each child only has one back, or plural because we're dealing with eight backs?
Is it correct to say "I write children books" (not possessive case)? Although Children's books is what everybody says, I would like to understand why the genitive case is applied in such case. If I write books for children, children is an adjective here; not the owners of my book! The word "children" just defines or characterizes the type of books I write. Therefore, it's an adjective. So, I understand that genitive/possessive case ("I write children's book") is incorrect grammar. My question is: is the genitive case here really accepted as right? If I use "I write children books" (following the grammar principle) as as I say "I write pets books" (books about pets, and not possessions of pets) - would I be incorrect? Why?
Adaptation: Altering the House to Restore the Home
A research project into the effectiveness of housing adaptations found some high levels of satisfaction but also examples where considerable expenditure had produced ineffective or even harmful outcomes. An analysis of the ethnographic material suggested that failure to take into account the meaning of home to those receiving adaptations was a cause of wasted expenditure. Alterations to the home that produced an unacceptable image of self that did not restore privacy and a sense of primal security, nor respect the respondent's control within their home, all produced unsatisfactory results. There was also evidence that disregard of home as a base for relationships and for childhood and a lack of understanding of the nodal nature of home and the importance of rootedness all had consequences in determining whether investment was efficient. This study lends weight to the case for including ‘meaning of home’ factors routinely in housing research.
On landscape architect Raymond Jungles and the influence of Burle Marx on his work. Features two residential gardens. Photos and comments on Jungles' favorite tropical plants and palms.
Using the PACE EH model to mobilize communities to address local environmental health issues--a case study in Island County, Washington.
Development of an Environmental Health Addendum to the Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health
High-speed running performance is largely unaffected by hypoxic reductions in aerobic power