Who did Chopin send his Preludes to?
bad weather
What is stated as having a negative effect on Frédéric's health during this productive time?
What culture of French people did Sand sell the piano to?
What city did the group travel to in order to help Frédéric recover?
Where was Sand's estate located where they stayed for the summers until 1846?
Square d'Orléans
Where did Frédéric and Sand move to in 1842 in buildings next to each other?
the Canuts
Who did Sand sell Chopin's piano to?
Where did the group travel to after Barcelona?
Where was Sand's home?
5 rue Tronchet
After returning to Paris where was Chopin's apartment?
Square d'Orléans
In 1842 where did Chopin and Sand move?
the bad weather
What had a negative effect on Chopin's health?
the Canuts.
Who did Sand sell the piano to?
Where did they travel after leaving Barcelona?
Square d'Orléans
Where did Chopin and Sand move to in 1842?
Where did they spend most summers until 1846?
Berlioz's Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale
What event were Chopin and Sand at on 26 July 1840?
What anniversary was the July Revolution that Sand and Chopin were present at a dress rehearsal for?
Adolphe Nourrit
At whose funeral did Chopin play in 1839?
What instrument did Chopin play at Adolphe Nourrit's funeral?
Franz Schubert's lied Die Gestirne
What piece did Chopin play at Adolphe Nourrit's funeral?
Adolphe Nourrit
Chopin attended the funeral of who in 1839?
Franz Schubert's lied Die Gestirne.
What did Chopin play at the funeral?
Berlioz's Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale
What was the dress rehearsal for?
the July Revolution.
It was in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of what?
Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53
What is the example given of a work produced by Frédéric during calm summers at Nohant?
Pauline Viardot
Which of the two people that visited Chopin were tutored by him on piano?
7 June 1842
On what date did Delacroix write a letter based on his visit at Nohant?
piano technique and composition
What did Chopin help Pauline Viardot with?
Delacroix and the mezzo-soprano Pauline Viardot
Who were two visitors to Chopin while in Nohant?
piano technique and composition.
What two things did Chopin advise Viardot on?
Who wrote a letter on June 7, 1842 about a stay in Nohant?
In which year did Chopin begin experiencing a serious decline in health?
To whom did Chopin write a letter on 21 February 1842 about his agonizing pain?
Beethoven Seventh Symphony arrangement at Erard's
What performance was Chopin forced to decline due to his increasing ill health?
What instrument did Chopin play for Charles Hallé when the latter visited him?
temporal lobe epilepsy
What has current day research suggested that Chopin was suffering from alongside his other illnesses?
Starting in what year did Chopin start showing evidence of very bad health?
Beethoven Seventh Symphony arrangement
What second performance did Chopin have to decline to play?
temporal lobe epilepsy
What specific illness does modern evidence point to Chopin having?
From 1842 onwards
When did Chopin show signs of serious illness?
mouth and tonsils
Chopin wrote in 1842 that he had to lie in bed all day because what ached so much?
Chopin had to decline who's invitation in 1843 to particpate in a performance at Erard's?
Charles Hallé
Who visited Chopin in 1844 and wrote about his inability to move?
temporal lobe epilepsy.
Modern medicine indicates Chopin may have suffered from what condition?
Auguste Clésinger
What was the name of Sand's daughter's fiance that contributed to deteriorating the relationship between Sand and Chopin?
radical political pursuits
What was the interest Sand had that Chopin showed apathy towards?
third child
What did Sand begin referring to Chopin as as his illness got worse?
Lucrezia Floriani
What was the name of Sand's novel she published in reference to her situation with Chopin?
In what year did Chopin and Sand ultimately bring their relationship to a close?
When did Chopin's relationship with Sand start to deteriorate?
Auguste Clésinger
Whom did Sand's daughter Solange become engaged to?
Lucrezia Floriani
What novel did Sand write in 1847?
Auguste Clésinger.
Who was the fortune hunter engaged to Sand's daughter?
What role did Sand take on as her relationship with Chopin progressed?
Lucrezia Floriani
What was the name of Sand's book where the main characters can be interpreted as Sand and Chopin?
When did Chopin end his relationship with Sand?
Op. 58 sonata
What was the name of the single piece of work he wrote in 1844?
more refined than many of his earlier compositions
What can be said of these works compared to his work in other years even though the quantity was less?
a dozen
How many pieces did Chopin write in 1841?
How many pieces did Chopin compose in 1842?
Op. 58 sonata
What piece did Chopin compose in 1844?
How many works did Chopin write in 1842?
six shorter pieces
How many works did Chopin write in 1843?
three mazurkas
How many works did Chopin write in 1845?
February 1848
In what month and year did Chopin give his final performance?
Auguste Franchomme
With whom did Chopin perform his final concert?
February 1848
When did Chopin last perform?
Auguste Franchomme
Who did Chopin last perform with?
struggle financially.
Plitical strife, popularity decline, instability of era and fewer students caused Chopin to what?
Auguste Franchomme
Who did Chopin have at his last Parisian concert in 1848?
What instrument did Auguste Franchomme play?
What television station made a documentary on Chopin?
Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda
What two people created a documentary on Chopin for Italian tv?
The Women Behind The Music
What was the title of the documentary the BBC released?
What television station released a documentary on Chopin?
Chopin – The Women Behind The Music
What was the name of the documentary released by the BBC?
Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda
What are the names of the two people that created a documentary for Italian tele vision?
Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda
Who did a work for Italian television about Chopin's life?
A Song to Remember
What was the name of the 1945 movie released about Chopin?
Cornel Wilde
What is the name of the actor who received and Oscar nomination for his role as Chopin?
What year was La valse de l'adieu released?
Hugh Grant
Who starred as Chopin in Impromptu?
George Sand
Chopins relations with whom have been fictionalized in movies?
A Song to Remember
What 1945 film was a fictionalized accounting of the relationship between Chopin and Sand?
Cornel Wilde
Who portrayed Chopin in A Song to Remember?
Pierre Blanchar
Who portrayed Chopin in the 1928 film, La valse de l'adieu?
Hugh Grant
Who portrayed Chopin in the 1991 film, Impromptu?
When was the first fictionalized account of Chopin's life?
Where was the first fictionalized account of Chopin's life created?
Giacomo Orefice
Who is responsible for the first fictionalized account of Chopin's life?
What is thought to be the first fictionalized work about Chopin?
What style is the fictionalized "Chopin" in?
Giacomo Orefice
Who wrote the fictionalized "Chopin?"
When was the fictionalized "Chopin" produced?
Where was the fictionalized "Chopin" produced?
Leon Ulrich
An 1830 sonnet was written about Chopin by what man?
Marcel Proust and André Gide
Aside from George Sands what two French authors have written about Chopin?
Leon Ulrich wrote about Chopin in what format?
sonnet on Chopin by Leon Ulrich
What is the earliest sighting of Chopin in Polish Literature?