When did Ulrich do his sonnet on Chopin?
In addition to Polish and French, what other language has numerous biogrpahies of Chopin?
every five years.
The Warsaw Chopin Society holds the Grand prix du disque de F. Chopin how often?
Grand prix du disque de F. Chopin
What is the name of the event that The Warsaw Chopin Society holds?
The New York Times
On Chopin's 200th anniversary critics of what publication made recommendations on recordings of Chopin's work?
The Warsaw Chopin Society
Who organizes the Grand prix du disque de F. Chopin for notable Chopin recordings?
every five years.
How often is the Grand prix du disque de F. Chopin for notable Chopin recordings held?
The New York Times
Upon Chopin's bicentenary, who recommended a list of who should perform Chopin?
What year was the earliest Chopin recording created?
Nocturne in E major Op. 62 No. 2
What is the title of the earliest known recording of Chopin's work?
Paul Pabst
Who played the earlier known recording of Chopin's work?
The British Library
What has stated that every pianist in the recording era has used Chopin's music?
When did Pabst record his Chopin performance?
Who has given a discography of pianists' representation of Chopin's pedagogic style?
International Chopin Piano Competition
What is the name of the oldest music essay competition?
What year was the International Chopin Piano Competition founded?
Where is the International Chopin Piano Competition held?
every five years
How often is the International Chopin Piano Competition held?
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland includes approximately how many recordings of Chopin's work from Youtube?
the International Chopin Piano Competition
What is the world's oldest monographic music competition?
When was the International Chopin Piano Competition established?
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland
There are over 80 societies throughout the world that have been established because of Chopin and his music according to who?
nearly 1,500
How many known works of Chopin's music were on YouTube up to the beginning of 2014?
What is the name of the ballet that included Chopin's work?
Michel Fokine
Who choreographed a ballet which included Chopin's work?
Les Sylphides
Chopiniana later went by a different name, what is that name?
Alexander Glazunov
Who orchestrated Chopiniana?
What year was the Chopiniana released?
Which 1909 ballet used Chopin's music?
Michel Fokine
Who choreographed Chopiniana?
Alexander Glazunov.
Who orchestrated Chopiniana?
Les Sylphides.
Sergei Diaghilev obtained additional orchestrations for subsequent productions, using which title?
Where did Chopin head to during the Revolution of 1848?
Jane Stirling
Who provided the majority of funds for his concert tour in London?
Where did Chopin go in the spring of 1848?
Jane Stirling and her elder sister
What two people suggested the 1848 tour?
Jane Stirling
Who paid for most of the 1848 music tour of Chopin?
What was happening in April 1848 in Paris?
What was Jane Stirling's national heritage?
Dover Street
Where did Chopin stay while in London?
What company provided Chopin with a piano while in London?
Stafford House
Where was Chopin's initial performance?
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
What two notable guests were present during his premiere performance at Stafford House?
7 July
What date did he perform with Viardot?
Dover Street
What steet did Chopin stay on in London?
a grand piano.
What did Broadway provide for Chopin?
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
What two dignitaries where at his first performance in London?
piano lessons
In addition to hearing him play, what else did people seek from Chopin in London?
Who sang chopin arrangements on July 7 of the year Chopin was in London?
Where did Jane Stirling invite Chopin?
Adam Łyszczyński
What doctor was with Chopin when he wrote out his will?
Where was Chopin invited to in late summer?
What city did Chopin perform at on September 27?
What did Chopin write while staying with Doctor Adam Łyszczyński?
16 November 1848
When did Chopin last appear in public?
Where was Chopin's last public performance?
Polish refugees.
Who were the beneficiaries of his last public concert?
What was the diagnosis of Chopin's health condition at this time?
London's Guildhall
Where was Chopin's last public performance?
Delfina Potocka
Who did Chopin play for while she sang?
In 1849 where did Chopin live?
Princess Obreskoff
Who was anonymously paying for Chopin's apartment?
When did Chopin return to Paris?
Delfina Potocka
Chopin accompanied which singer for friends?
Where did his friends found Chopin an apartment in 1849?
Princess Obreskoff.
Who paid for Chopin's apartment in Chaillot?
June 1849
When did Jenny Lind visit Chopin?
June 1849
When did his sister come to stay with Chopin?
Place Vendôme 12
In September 1849 where did Chopin take up residence?
his sister
Which family member came to Paris in June 1849?
her husband and daughter
Who accompanied Chopin's sister to Paris?
Jane Stirling
Who gave Chopin a loan in September for an apartment?
to faint
What did Parisian ladies consider proper etiquette when in Chopin's room?
fear of being buried alive
Why did Chopin request being cut open after his death?
"No longer"
What did Chopin reply to the doctor when asked is he was suffering?
Who made Chopin's death mask?
fear of being buried alive
Why did Chopin want his body opened when he died?
a cast of his left hand.
What did Solange's husband make hours after Chopin's death along with his death mask?
What is listed as Chopin's official cause of death?
Jean Cruveilhier
What was the name of Chopin's doctor?
DNA testing
What has the Polish government not allowed to find true cause of death?
What was the cause of death on Chopin's death certificate?
Jean Cruveilhier
Who was Chopin's physician?
cystic fibrosis
Other possiblities for Chopin's death include cirrhosis, alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, and what?
the Polish government.
Who has denied testing Chopin's DNA to determine the actual cause of death?
Church of the Madeleine
Where was Chopin's funeral held?
two weeks
How long was Chopin's funeral delayed?
Over 3,000
How many people arrived for Chopin's funeral?
the Church of the Madeleine in Paris
Where was Chopin's funeral held?
two weeks
How long was Chopin's funeral delayed?
Over 3,000
How many people arrived without an invitation?
Mozart's Requiem
What song was sung at Chopin's funeral?
Louis Lefébure-Wély
Who was the organist at Chopin's funeral?
Prince Adam Czartoryski
Who led Chopin's funeral procession?
Funeral March from Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2
What was played at his graveside?
Mozart's Requiem
What Mozart song was sung at Chopin's funeral?
Louis Lefébure-Wély
Who was the organist for Chopin's funeral?
Père Lachaise Cemetery
Which cemetery was Chopin buried in?
Prince Adam Czartoryski
Who led the funeral procession?
the Funeral March from Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2
What was played at Chopin's graveside?