5,200,000 acres
What does land has Federal Duck Stamp money helped purchase?
Park rangers and game wardens enforce laws and regulations related to what?
selective killing of non-game animals seen as pests
What is varmint hunting an American phrase for?
selective control of pests
What does varmint hunting achieve?
crops, livestock, landscaping, infrastructure, and pets.
What detrimental effects are varmint species often responsible for visiting on?
Where has a non-native rodent known as a nutria become very destructive?
initiated a bounty program
What has the state of Louisiana done to combat the nutria?
Varmint hunting
What is phrased for selective killing of non-game animals.
What was once considered a varmint but is now protected?
What is the non-native varmint of Louisiana?
bounty program
What did Louisiana initiate to control the varmint population?
When was internet hunting introduced?
using remotely controlled guns
How did Internet hunting allow people to hunt?
Who criticized the practice of Internet hunting?
principles of fair chase
What did hunters feel hunting over the Internet violated?
an important element of hunting tradition
What has the NRA always maintained that being in the field with your firearm is?
Internet hunting
What allows people to hunt over the internet?
When was this type of hunting introduced?
hunt over the Internet using remotely controlled guns
How is this type of hunting done?
fair chase
What was the principle was this type of hunting said to violate?
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Who spoke on this violation?
Trinidad and Tobago
Where is there a very active tradition of hunting of small to medium-sized wild game?
Approximately how many sport hunters applied for hunting licences in recent years?
poached wild game
What is there a very lucrative and thriving black market for?
What is hunting pressure from?
hunting of small to medium-sized wild game
What very active tradition Trinidad and Tabago have?
What animal aids in the hunting?
red brocket deer
What population has extirpated?
very small fees
What do hunters pay to obtain hunting license?
managing populations
What does hunting give resource managers an important tool?
combination habitat and food availability,
What is carrying capacity in most circumstances determined by?
same end
What do some environmentalists assert reintroducing predators would achieve?
managing populations
How is hunting an important tool for resource managers?
threaten the well-being of other species
What happens if a population exceeds the carrying capacity of their habitat?
by removing territorial bounds that would otherwise be established
How can hunting actually increase the population of predators?
What do some hunting advocates assert that is indirectly reduced among animals when intraspecific competition has been reduced?
(re)introducing predators
What would environmentalists have done, instead of hunting?
What is an important tool in managing populations?
combination habitat and food availability
What is carrying capacity determined by?
What can it increase the population of?
What did sport hunters in the 19th century purse game for?
sign of prowess
What was the head of an animal displayed as?
s typically discarded
What happened to the rest of the animal?
such waste
What did some churches disapprove of?
What countries frowned upon this hunting?
a trophy
What was the only goal for many European sport hunters in the 19th century?
the head or pelt of an animal
What types of trophies would hunters keep as trophies to be displayed as a sign of their prowess?
In what countries was the hunting for trophies frowned upon, back in the day and in modern times?
food supplies
What was hunting in North American in the 19th century used to supplement?
Africa, India and other places
What destinations did sport hunting see elaborate travel to in the pursuit of trophies?
What century was game hunted as a trophy?
What countries is trophy hunting frowned upon?
food supplies
What did North America primarily hunt for?
safari method
What sport of hunting is in Africa?
What Continent did the biological Conservation state trophy hunting is of major importance to the conservation of?
What does hunting create economic incentives for?
What did another study show that less than 3% of reached the local level?
What type of studies does the Biological Conservation journal publish?
creating economic incentives for conservation over vast areas
Why is trophy hunting important to conservation in Africa?
Trophy hunting can include areas which would likely be unsuitable for what other types of ecotourism?
less than 3%
How much of a trophy hunters' expenditures actually reach the local level, according to another study?
What thus is the level of economic incentive and benefit?
trophy hunting
What is of major importance in Africa?
economic incentives for conservation
What does trophy hunting create in Africa?
less than 3%
How much of trophy hunters expenditures actually reach the local level?
What do a variety of industries benefit from?
Where is it estimated that a hunter spends fifty to one hundred times that of the average ecotourist?
tented camps
Where does the average safari hunter stay in?
Advocates argue these hunters allow for what type of activities?
What do a variety of industries obtain benefit from?
In what country is it estimated that a safari hunter spends fifty to one hundred times what an average ecotourist does?
What type of accommodations does the average photographer touring Tanzania seek?
in tented camps
Where does the typical safari hunter hang his hat at night?
remote areas
Where can safari hunters go which are uninviting to the less hardcore ecotourist?
fifty to one hundred times
How much does a safari hunter spend compared to an average ecotourist?
luxury accommodation
What does the photo tourist seek?
tented camps
Where does a safari hunter usually stay?
Safari hunters
What hunters allow for anti-poaching activities?
the United States
Hunting has significant financial impact in what country?
equipment or speciality tourism
What do many companies specialize in apropos to hunting?
assist hunters
"There's an app for that!", what have been different technologies been created to do?
economic, social, and cultural
What broad range of backgrounds do today's hunters come from?
over $20.5 billion
How much money did the thirteen million hunters spend on their sport in 2001?
significant financial impact
What type of financial impact does hunting have on the U.S.?
different technologies
What has been developed in the U.S. to help hunters?
iPhone applications
One technology that is available for hunters in the U.S. is?
over $20.5 billion
How much did hunters spend in 2001?
preservation of wildlife habitat
What do the proceeds from hunting assist with?
the endangerment, extirpation and extinction of many animals
What has excessive hunting contributed heavily to?
What do Steller's sea cow, the bluebuck, and the Javan tigers all have in common?
primarily for commercial sale or sport.
Why have poachers killed endangered animals?
to endangerment or extinction
How have the North American cougar and Asian elephant been hunted?
contributed heavily
How is excessive hunting related to the extinction of species?
excessive hunting
What contributes to endangerment?
What have poachers contributed to hunting?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who signed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act?
16 March 1934
When did Roosevelt sign the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act?
an annual stamp purchase
What does the Act require all hunters over the age of sixteen to do?
the purchase or lease of wetland habitat
What do 98% of all the funds generated by the stamp sales go to?
one third
How much of the nation's endangered species is it estimated benefits from the protection afford by the Duck Stamp funds?