Illegally killing, capturing or trapping an hunted species is called what?
game or prey
Hunted species are usually referred to as what?
mammals and birds
What animals are usually hunted?
What is it called to kill or trap an animal?
mammals and birds
What species are usually hunted?
food, recreation, to remove predators
Why do humans hunt?
When was lawful hunting distinguished from poaching?
game or prey
Species hunted are referred to as what?
holocene megafauna
What does evidence suggest hunting may have been a factor in the extinction of?
Younger Dryas impact event
What was the North American megafauna extinction coincidental with?
extinction of the Australian megafauna
What are humans thought to have played a significant role in, in Australia?
prior to human occupation
When was Australian's megafauna widespread?
What along with multiple environmental factors led to the extinction of the holocene megafauna?
smaller herbivores
What replaced the holocene megafauna?
Younger Dryas impact event
What event was coincidental with the North American megafauna extinction?
What is thought to have played a significant role in the extinction of the Australian megafauna?
were hunters
What is undisputed about early humans?
earlier Australopithecines
Hunting was important for the emergence of the Homo genus from what?
Production of stone tools and control of fire were also pushed forward by what?
What became a theme of stories and myths?
dance and animal sacrifice
Hunting allowed what type of rituals?
humans were hunters
What is undisputed about earlier humans?
stories and myths
What did hunting become a theme of?
hunting hypothesis
Stone tools and control of fire are emphasised in what hypothesis?
What type of lifestyle was prevalent in Siberia until the European Age of Discovery?
some tribal societies
Where does the hunter-gathering lifestyle persist, though in decline?
paleolithic hunting-gathering
Indigenous peoples of the Amazonas preserved what until the recent past?
the Hadza of Tanzania
Who are the only remaining full-time hunter-gatherers in Africa?
European Age of Discovery
Hunter-gathering lifestyles remained prevalent until when?
Sub-Saharan Africa, and Siberia, as well as all of Australia
What parts of the New World did the hunter-gathering lifestyles remain?
Hadza of Tanzania
Who are the only remaining full-time hunter-gatherers in Africa?
What is Louis Binford's profession?
that early hominids and early humans were hunters
What idea did Binford take issue with?
What did Binford conclude humans were instead of hunters?
idea of confrontational scavenging
What idea did Blumenschine propose?
challenging and scaring off
What does confrontational scavenging involve doing to other predators after they've made a kill?
Louis Binford
Who is the archaeologist that does not believe early humans were hunters?
hominids and early humans were mostly scavengers
Louis Binford concluded what based on skeletal remains of consumed animals?
confrontational scavenging
What did Robert Blumenschine propose?
archaeologists and paleoanthropologists
Louis Binford's idea is popular among whom?
challenging and scaring off
Confrontational scavenging involves doing what to other predators?
What was a significant contributor to the human food supply?
protein, bone for implements, sinew for cordage, fur, feathers, rawhide and leather
What did the supplementary meat from hunting include?
What was the leather from hunting used for?
hunting weapons
Rocks and spears are examples of some of man's earliest what?
marginal climates
Where is hunting still vital?
human food supply
Hunt was a significant contributor to what?
marginal climates
Where is hunting still vital?
unsuited for pastoral uses or agriculture
Why is hunting still vital in marginal climates?
make kayaks, clothing, and footwear
How are the skins of sea mammals useful for people in the Arctic trap?
What are kings often depicted as on ancient reliefs?
big game
What are the kings portrayed as hunting?
by deities
How was the cultural importance of hunting in ancient societies represented?
hunting restrictions
What could the mythological association of prey species with divinity be a form of?
disrespect of prey
What might the meaning of Euripides' tale be seen as a caution against?
Kings were depicted as hunting what big game from a chariot?
What is often related to hunting?
cultural and psychological
Deities represent what importance?
Euripides' tale of Artemis and Actaeon
What tale is seen as cautions against disrespecting prey or impudent boasting?
the upper class
Who in medieval Europe obtained the sole rights to hunt in certain areas of a feudal territory?
food and furs
What was game in the areas used by the upper class used as a source of?
Robin Hood
What legends show the importance of the proprietary view of game as held by the nobles?
they "hunt the King's deer
What is one of the primary charges against the outlaws in the legend?
democratically in hunting for all
What did Anglophone settles take gloried pride in?
upper class
In medieval Europe who obtained sole rights to hunt in certain areas?
food and furs
What was the game in feudal territory was used as?
professional huntsmen
Who provided the game obtained in feudal territory?
Robin Hood
The importance of can be seen in what legends?
Who did Anglophone colonies democratically glorify hunting for?
What kind of occupation do Hindu scriptures describe hunting as being?
What is one of the names of the god Shiva?
"the deer hunter"
What is the translation of Mrigavyadha?
animal instincts
What does Shiva destroy in human beings?
hunt in the dark
What talent does Dasharatha have?
What scriptures describe hunting as and acceptable occupation?
Godly figures have engaged in what activity?
deer hunter
Mrigavyadha means what?
human beings
Mrigavyadha destroys animal instinct in who?
What happened after Krishna was accidentally wounded by an arrow of a hunter?
Roman Catholic Church clerics
Who has hunting been forbidden to since early Christian times?
Corpus Juris Canonici
Who forbid to all servants of God hunting?
Pope Innocent III
What pope was the Fourth Council of the Lateran held under?
not all hunting is illicit
What does the decree of the Council of Trent imply?
What type of hunting is unlawful?
Roman Catholic Church clerics
Who was forbidden to hunt in early Christian time?
Corpus Juris Canonici
What forbid hunting in the woods with hounds and keeping hawks or falcons?
Pope Innocent III
Who held the Fourth Council of the Lateran?
How is the the decree of the Council of Trent is worded?
Council of Trent
Who stated quiet hunting is allowed?
between lawful and unlawful hunting
What distinction is undoubtedly permissible?
all hunting
What can a bishop absolutely prohibit?
Milan, Avignon, Li猫ge, Cologne, and elsewhere
Where did synods prohibit all hunting at?
not too severe
What did Benedict XIV declare about decrees prohibiting hunting?
Who can prohibit hunting to the clerics?
Benedict XIV
Declaration that decrees are not severe was done by who?
prohibit all hunting to the clerics
What did Synods at Milan, Avignon, Liege, Cologne, and elsewhere do?
strong hunting culture
What does New Zealand have?
What was the only land mammal native to New Zealand?
to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource
Why were game animals introduced by acclimatisation societies?
no natural predators
Why did the population of pigs and rabbits explode in New Zealand?