"Having you, O slayer of Madhu, passed the night in happiness? Are all your senseorgans, O undeteriorating one, as keen as ever?"
कच्चिज्ज्ञानानि सर्वाणि प्रसन्नानि तवाच्युत॥
The son of Vasudeva also put similar questions to Yudhishthira. Then an orderly came there and said that other Kshatriya warriors were waiting to be ushered in.
वासुदेवोऽपि तद्युक्तं पर्यपृच्छद् युधिष्ठिरम्। ततश्च प्रकृतीः क्षत्ता न्यवेदयदुपस्थिताः॥
Permitted by the king, the orderly introduced that influx of men, numbering it, Virat, Bhimasena, Dhristadyumna and Satyaki and the ruler of the Chedis, Dhrishtaketu the mighty car-warriors Drupada, Sikhandin, the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, Chekitana with the prince of the Kekayas. As also Yuyutsu of Kuru race and Uttamaujas of the Panchala tribe and Yudhamanyu and Subahu and the five sons of Draupadi.
अनुज्ञातश्च राज्ञा स प्रावेशयत तं जनम्। विराटं भीमसेनं च धृष्टद्युम्नं च सात्यकिम्॥ चेदिपं धृष्टकेतुं च द्रुपदं च महारथम्। शिखण्डिनं यमो चैव चेकितानं सकेकयम्॥ युयुत्सुं चैव कौरव्यं पाञ्चाल्यं चोत्तमौजसम्। युधामन्युं सुबाहुं च द्रौपदेयांश्च सर्वशः॥
These and many other Kshatriyas approached that best of Kshatriyas of illustrious fame; and they sat down on auspicious seats.
एते चान्ये च बहवः क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियर्षभम्। उपतस्थुर्महात्मानं विविशुश्चासने शुभे॥
The two mighty heroes, Krishna and Yuyudhana, of illustrious souls and great effulgence, both sat on a single seat.
एकस्मिन्नासने वीरावुपविष्टौ महाबलौ। कृष्णश्च युयुधानश्च महात्मानौ महाद्युती॥
Thereafter king Yudhishthira, at the hearing of those assembled Kshatriyas, said these sweet words addressing that slayer of Madhu, who
ततो युधिष्ठिरस्तेषां श्रृण्वतां मधुसूदनम्। अब्रवीत् पुण्डरीकाक्षमाभाष्य मधुरं वचः॥
Like celestials depending on the strength of the thousand-eyed (Indra), we relying on you alone, seek victory in battle and eternal happiness.
एकं त्वां वयमाश्रित्य सहस्राक्षमिवामराः। प्रार्थमायो जयं युद्धे शाश्वतानि सुखानि च॥
You, () Krishna, know all about the despoliation of our kingdom, our exile by the that, my enemy and also all the miseries we had to suffer.
त्वं हि राज्यविनाशं न द्विषद्भिश्चनिराक्रियाम्। क्लेशांश्च विविधान् कृष्ण सर्वांस्तानपि वेद नः॥
O Lord of everything, O you who are merciful to all devoted to you, upon you rest all our happiness and even our existence, O slayer of Madhu.
त्वयि सर्वेश सर्वेषामस्माकं भक्तवत्सल। सुखमायत्तमत्यर्थे यात्रा च मधुसूदन॥
O descendant of the Vrishni race, so do you manage heart may always rely on you and Arjuna's oath may remain inviolate.
स तथा कुरु वार्ष्णेय यथा त्वयि मनो मम। अर्जुनस्य यथा सत्या प्रतिज्ञा स्याच्चिकीर्षिता॥
Help us to cross this veritable ocean of grief and wrath. O Madhava, be you our raft today, as we desire to cross this ocean (of troubles).
स भवांस्तारयत्वस्माद् दुःखामर्षमहार्णवात्। पारं तितीर्षतामद्य प्लवो नो भव माधव॥
A car-warrior desirous of slaying his adversary cannot, in battle, do that (to achieve his purpose) which, O Krishna, his driver can do, if this latter strides with due caution.
न हि तत् कुरुते संख्ये रथी रिपुवधोद्यतः। यथा वै कुरुते कृष्ण सारथिर्यलमास्थितः॥
O mighty-armed Janardana, as you save the Vrishnis from all calamities, so also, it behoves you to save us from this impending ruin.
यथैव सर्वास्वापत्सु पासि वृष्णीञ्जनार्दन। तथैवास्मान् महाबाहो वृजिनात् त्रातुमर्हसि॥
O you the bearer of the conch, the discus and the mace, do you save the sons of Pandu sunk in the deep and boatless Kurn ocean, by becoming even a boat to them.
त्वमगाधेऽप्लवे मग्नान् पाण्डवान् कुरुसागरे। समुद्धर प्लवो भूत्वा शङ्खचक्रगदाधर॥
Salutations unto you, the Lord of the foremost of celestials, the eternal one, the supreme destroyer, O Vishnu, O Jishnu, O Hari, O Krishna, O Vaikuntha and.O foremost of all male beings.
नमस्ते देवदेवेश सनातन विशातन। विष्णो जिष्णो हरे कृष्ण वैकुण्ठ पुरुषोत्तम॥
Narada had pronounced you to be that best and most ancient of sages viz., (Narayana), who accord boons, who wields the Sharnga bow and who are the foremost of all. Make, O Madhava, all these words true.
नारदस्त्वां समाचख्यौ पुराणमृषिसत्तमम्। वरदं शाङ्गिणं श्रेष्ठं तत् सत्यं कुरु माधव॥
Thus spoken to in the midst of the assembly by the very virtuous king Yudhishthira, that most fluent speaker Keshava replied to the former, in a voice sonorous like the rumbling of clouds charged with rain.
इत्युक्तः पुण्डरीकाक्षो धर्मराजेन संसदि। तोयमेघस्वनो वाग्मी प्रत्युवाच युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Krishna said In all the worlds, including the regions of celestials, there is no such wielder of bow who can equal Dhananjaya the son of Pritha.
वासुदेव उवाच सामरेष्वपि लोकेषु सर्वेषु न तथाविधः। शरासनधरः कश्चिद् यथा पार्थो धनजंयः॥
Endowed with energy, accomplished in the use of weapons, possessed of great prowess and might, ever brave in battle and wrathful and agile, he is the foremost of all men.
वीर्यवानस्त्रसम्पन्नः पराक्रान्तो महाबलः। युद्धशोण्डः सदामर्षी तेजसा परमो नृणाम्॥
Moreover is youthful, of shoulders strong like those of the bull, of long-arms and mighty prowess; his gait resembles that of the lion itself. That handsome hero will slay all your enemies.
स युवा वृषभस्कन्धो दीर्घबाहुर्महाबलः। सिंहर्षभगतिः श्रीमान् द्विषतस्ते हनिष्यति॥
On my part, I shall so act as Kunti's son Arjuna may be able to consume the troops of Dhritarashtra's son, like raging conflagration.
अहं च तत् करिष्यामि यथा कुन्तीसुतोऽर्जुनः। धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सैन्यानि धक्ष्यत्यग्निरिवेन्धनम्॥
even Even this very day, with the help of his arrows, Arjuna will compel that one of sinful acts, that mean-minded slayer of Subhadra's son viz., Jayadratha, to travel on a road from which no traveller ever returns.
अद्य तं पापकर्माणं क्षुद्रं सौभद्रघातिनम्। अपुनर्दर्शनं मार्गमिषुभिः क्षेप्स्यतेऽर्जुनः॥
The vultures, the hawks, the fierce jackals and other carnivorous animals, will today hold a feast on the flesh of that one.
तस्याद्य गृध्राः श्येनाश्च चण्डगोमायवस्तथा। भक्षयिष्यन्ति मांसानि ये चान्ये पुरुषादकाः॥
O Yudhishthira, even if the Gods with Indra at their head today become the protectors of Jayadratha, yet, slain in the thick of the fight, he shall undoubtedly be borne to the capital of Death's domain.
यद्यस्य देवा गोप्तारः सेन्द्राः सर्वे तथाप्यसौ। राजधानी यमस्याद्य हतः प्राप्स्यति संकुले॥
The victorious Arjuna shall this day come to you, having slain in battle the ruler of the Sindhus. Dismiss the grief of your heart and free yourself of the fever of anxiety and O king, be you attended with prosperity!
निहत्य सैन्धवं जिष्णुरद्य त्वामुपयास्यति। विशोको विज्वरो राजन् भव भूतिपुरस्कृतः॥
Dhritarashtra said Describ: fully to me the ways of that intelligence by which this wilderness of duties may be safely crossed.
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यदिदं धर्मगहनं बुद्ध्या समनुगम्यते। तद्धि विस्तरतः सर्वं बुद्धिमार्ग प्रशंस मे॥
Vidura said “Having saluted the Self-create, I will obey your command by telling, you how the great sages speak of the wilderness of life.
विदुर उवाच अत्र ते वर्तयिष्यामि नमस्कृत्वा स्वयंभुवे। यथा संसारगहनं वदन्ति परमर्षयः॥
A cretin Brahmana, living in the great world, found himself on one occasion in a large inaccessible forest abounding with beasts of prey.
कश्चिन्महति कान्तारे वर्तमानो द्विजः किल। महद् दुर्गमनुप्राप्तो वनं क्रव्यादसंकुलम्॥
It was full of lions and tigers and other animals looking like elephants, all of which were roaring aloud. Such was the view of that forest that Yama himself would be frightened.
सिंहव्याघ्रगजौघैरतिघोरं महास्यनैः। पिशितादैरतिभयैर्महोग्राकृतिभिस्तथा॥ समन्तात् संपरिक्षिप्तं यत् स्म दृष्ट्वा त्रसेद् यमः।
Seeing the forest, the heart of the Brahmana was greatly agitated. His hairs stood erect, and other signs of fear manifested themselves, O destroyer of enemies.
तदस्य दृष्ट्वा हृदयमुद्वेगमगमत् परम्॥ अभ्युच्छयश्च रोम्णां वै विक्रियाच परंतप।
Entering it, he began to run hither and thither, looking every side for finding out somebody whose shelter he might seek.
स तद् वनं व्यनुसरन् सम्प्रधावन्नितस्ततः॥ वीक्षमाणो दिशः सर्वाः शरणं व भवेदिति।
Wishing to avoid those terrible creatures, he ran about in fear. He could not go far away from them or free himself from their presence.
स तेषां छिद्रमन्विच्छन् प्रद्रुतो भयपीडितः॥ न च निर्याति वै दूरं न वा तैर्विप्रमोच्यते।
He then saw that terrible forest was surrounded with a net, and that a dreadful woman stood there, stretching her arms.
अथापश्यद् वनं घोरं समन्ताद् वागरावृतम्॥ बाहुभ्यां सम्परिक्षिप्त स्त्रिया परमघोरया।
That large forest was also beset with many five-headed snakes of dreadful forms, tall as mountain summits touching the very sky.
पञ्चशीर्षधरै गैः शैलैरिव समुन्नतैः॥ नभःस्पृशैर्महावृक्षः परिक्षिप्तं महावनम्।
Within it was a pit whose mouth was covered with many hard and strong creepers and herbs.
वनमध्ये च तत्राभूदुदपानः समावृतः॥ वल्लीभिस्तृणछन्नाभिर्दूढाभिरभिसंवृतः।
While wandering the Brahmana dropped into that invisible pit. He was entangled in those creepers that were interwoven with one another, like the large fruit of a jack tree hanging by its stalk. He remained there hanging with feet upwards and head downwards.
पपात स द्विजस्तत्र निगूढे सलिलाशये।॥ विलग्नश्चाभवत् तस्मिन् लतासंतानसंकुले। पनसस्य यथा जातं वृन्तवद्धं महाफलम्॥ स तथा लम्बते तत्र रार्ध्वपादो ह्यधःशिराः।
While in that state, he was visited by various other calamities. He saw a large and mighty snake within the pit. He also saw a gigantic elephant near its mouth.
अथ तत्रापि चान्योऽस्य भूयो जात उपद्रवः॥ कूपमध्ये महानागमपश्यत महाबलम्।
The elephant, was dark coloured and had six faces and twelve feet. And the animal gradually approached that pit overgrown with creepers and trees.
कूपवीनाहवेलायामपश्यत महागजम् ॥ षड्वक्त्रं कृष्णशुक्लं च द्विषट्कपदचारिणम्।
About the twigs of the tree which was at the mouth of the pit. moved about many bees of dreadful forms, engaged from before in drinking the honey gathered in their comb.
क्रमेण परिसर्पन्तं वल्लीवृक्षसमावृतम्॥ तस्य चापि प्रशाखासु वृक्षशाखावलम्बिनः। नानारूपा मधुकरा घोररूपा भयावहाः॥ आसते मधु संवृत्य पूर्वमेव निकेतजाः।
They repeatedly desired, O foremost of Bharata's race, to taste that honey which though sweet to all creatures could, however, attract children only. was not
भूयो भूयः समीहन्ते मधूनि भरतर्षभ॥ स्वादनीयानि भूतानां यैर्बालो विप्रकृष्यते।
The honey (in the comb) fell in many gets below. The person who was hanging in the pit continually drank those jets.
तत्रैव च मनुष्यस्य तेषां मधूनां बहुधा धारा प्रस्रवते तदा॥ आलम्बमानः स पुमान् धारां पिबति सर्वदा।
Drinking that honey in such a pitiable condition, his thirst, however, appeased. Unsatiated with repeatedly drinking the same the person desired for more.
न चास्य तृष्णा विरता पिबमानस्य संकटे॥ अभीप्सति तदा नित्यमतृप्तः स पुनः पुनः।
Even then, O king, he could not give up hopes of life. Still, the man expected to live. A number of black and white rates were eating away the roots of that tree.
न चास्य जीविते राजन् निर्वेदः समजायत॥ जीविताशा प्रतिष्ठिता। कृष्णाः श्वेताश्च तं वृक्षं कुट्टयन्ति च मूषिकाः॥
There was fear from the beasts of prey, from that dreadful woman on the outskirts of that forest, from that snake at the bottom of the well, from that elephant near its top, from the fall of the tree brought about by the rats, and lastly from those bees flying about for drinking the honey.
व्यालैश्च वनदुर्गान्ते स्त्रिया च परमोग्रया। कूपाधस्ताच नागेन वीनाहे कुञ्जरेण च॥ वृक्षप्रपाताच भयं मूषिकेभ्यश्च पञ्चमम्। मधुलोभान्मधुकरैः षष्ठमाहुर्महद् भयम्॥
He lived in that condition, deprived of his senses, in that forest, never losing at any time the hope of continuing his life.”
एवं स वसते तत्र क्षिप्तः संसारसागरे। न चैव जीविताशायां निर्वेदमुपगच्छति॥
Janamejaya said You should, O learned Brahmana, tell me what was next done by Yudhishthira the mighty-armed son of Dharma after he had regained his kingdom.
जनमेजय उवाच प्राप्य राज्यं महाबाहुर्धर्मपुत्रौ युधिष्ठिरः। यदन्यदकरोद् विप्र तन्मे वक्तुमिहार्हसि॥
You should tell me also, O Rishi, what the heroic Hrishikesha, the supreme lord of the three worlds, did after this.
भगवान् वा हृषीकेशस्त्रैलोक्यस्य परो गुरुः। ऋषे यदकरोद्वीरस्तच्च व्याख्यातुमर्हसि॥
Hear me, O king, as I narrate fully, O sinless one, what the Pandavas, headed by Vasudeva did after this.
वैशम्पायन उवाच शृणु तत्त्वेन राजेन्द्र कीर्त्यमानं मयानघ। वासुदेवं पुरस्कृत्य यदकुर्वत पाण्डवाः॥
Having regained his kingdom, O monarch, Kunti's son Yudhishthira made each of the four orders of men perform their respective duties.
प्राप्य राज्यं महाराज कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। चातुर्वण्र्यं यथायोग्यं स्वे स्वे स्थाने न्यवेशयत्॥
The (eldest) son of Pandu gave a thousand great Brahmanas of the Snataka order a thousand gold coins each.
ब्राह्मणानां सहस्रं च स्नातकानां महात्मनाम्। सहस्रं निष्कमेकैकं दापयामास पाण्डवः॥
He then pleased the servants who were dependent on him and the guests who came to him, including persons who were undeserving, by satisfying their wishes.
तथाऽनुजीविनो भृत्यान् संश्रितानतिथीनपि। कामैः संतर्पयामास कृपणांस्तर्ककानपि॥
He gave to his priest Dhaumya kine in thousands, and immense wealth and gold and silver and dresses of various kinds.
पुरोहिताय धौम्याय प्रादादयुतशः स गा:। धनं सुवर्ण रजतं वासांसि विविधान्यपि॥
O monarch, the king treated Kripa like a preceptor. Ever observing vows the king continued to honour Vidura highly.
कृपाय च महाराज गुरुवृत्तिमवर्तत। विदुराय च राजासौ पूजां चक्रे यतव्रतः॥
That foremost of charitable men satisfied all persons with presents of food and drink and dresses of various kinds and beds and seats.
भक्ष्यानपानैर्विविधसैर्वासोभिः शयनासनैः। सर्वान् संतोषयामास संश्रितान् ददतां वरः॥
Having restored peace to his kingdom the highly illustrious king, O best of monarchs, paid due honours to Yuyutsu and Dhritarashtra.
लब्धप्रशमनं कृत्वा स राजा राजसत्तम। युयुत्सोर्धार्तराष्ट्रस्य पूजां चक्रे महायशाः॥
Placing his kingdom at the disposal of Dhritarashtra, of Gandhari, and of Vidura, king Yudhishthira spent his days happily.
धृतराष्ट्राय तद् राज्यं गान्धार्थ विदुराय च। निवेद्य सुस्थवद् राजा सुखमास्ते युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having pleased everybody, including the citizens, in this way, Yudhishthira, O foremost of Bharata's race, approached with joined hands the presence of the great Vasudeva.
तथा सर्वं स नगरं प्रसाद्य भरतर्षभ। वासुदेवं महात्मानमभ्यगच्छत् कृताञ्जलिः॥
He saw Krishna, of the hue of a blue cloud, seated on a large sofa bedecked with gold and gems.
ततो महति पर्यङ्के मणिकाञ्चनभूषिते। ददर्श कृष्णमासीनं नीलमेघसमद्युतिम्॥
Clad in yellow silk robes and adorned with celestial ornaments, his person shone effulgent like a jewel set on gold.
जाज्वल्यमानं वपुषा दिव्याभरणभूषितम्। पीतकौशेयवसनं हेम्नेवोपगतं मणिम्॥
His bosom adorned with the Kaustubha gem, he shone like the mountain with the rising Sun.
कौस्तुभेनोरसिस्थेन मणिनाभिविराजितम्। उद्यतेवोदयं शैलं सूर्येणाभिविराजितम्॥
There was no equal of his beauty in three worlds, Approaching the great one who was an incarnation of Vishnu, king Yudhishthira addressed him sweetly and smilingly saying,-'O foremost of intelligent men, have you passed the night happily?
नौपम्यं विद्यते तस्य त्रिषु लोकेषु किंचन। सोऽभिगम्य महात्मानं विष्णुं पुरुषविग्रहम्॥ उवाध मधुरं राजा स्मितपूर्वमिदं तदा। सुखेन ते निशा कच्चिद् व्युष्टा बुद्धिमतां वर॥
O you of unfading glory, have all your faculties been fully invigorated? O foremost of intelligent persons, is it all right with your understanding?
कच्चिज्ज्ञानानि सर्वाणि प्रसन्नानि तवाच्युत। तथैवोपश्रिता देवी बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतां वर॥
We have regained our kingdom and the whole Earth has come under our sway, O divine lord, through your favour, O refuge of the three worlds and, O you of three steps. Through your favour we have gained victory and obtained great fame and have not transgressed the duties of our order.'
वयं राज्यमनुप्राप्ताः पृथिवी च वशे स्थिता। तव प्रसादाद् भगवंस्त्रिलोकगतिविक्रम॥ जयं प्राप्ता यशश्चयं न च धर्मच्युता वयम्।
The divine Krishna did not speak a single word to that chastiser of enemies, king Yudhishthira, for he was then rapt in meditation.
तं तथा भाषमाणं तु धर्मराजमरिंदमम्। नोवाच भगवान् किंचिद् ध्यानमेवान्वपद्यत॥
Utatthya said If the god of the clouds pours rain in season and the king acts virtuously, the prosperity that comes keeps the subjects in happiness.
उतथ्य उवाच कालवीं च पर्जन्यो धर्मचारी च पार्थिवः। सम्पद् यदेषा भवति सा बिभति सुखं प्रजाः॥
That washerman who does not know how to wash away the dirt of cloth without destroying its dye, is very unskilful in his profession.
यो न जानाति हर्तुं वा वस्त्राणां रजको मलम्। रक्तानां वा शोधयितुं यथा नास्ति तथैव सः॥
That person among Brahmanas Kshatriyas or Vaishyas who, having deviated from the proper duties of his caste, has become a Shudra, is truly to be compared to such a washerman.
एवमेतद् द्विजेन्द्राणां क्षत्रियाणां विशां तथा। शूद्रश्चतुर्थो वर्णानां नानाकर्मस्ववस्थितः॥
Menial service is the duty of the Shudra; agriculture is that of the Vaishya; the science of punishment of the Kshatriya and Brahmacharya, penances, Mantras, and truth, belong to the Brahmana. or
कर्म शूद्रे कृषिवैश्ये दण्डनीतिश्च राजनि। ब्रह्मचर्यं तपो मन्त्राः सत्यं चापि द्विजातिषु॥
That Kshatriya who knows how to correct the wrong-doings of the other castes and to wash them clean like a washerman, is really their father and deserves to be their king.
तेषां यः क्षत्रियो वेद वस्त्राणामिव शोधनम्। शीलदोषान् विनिर्हर्तुं स पिता स प्रजापतिः॥
The various cycles called Krita, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali, O foremost of Bharata's race, all depend on the conduct of the king. It is the king who makes the cycles.
कृतं त्रेता द्वापरं च कलिश्च भरतर्षभ। राजवृत्तानि सर्वाणि राजैव युगमुच्यते॥
The four castes, the Vedas, and the duties of the four modes of life, all suffer from confusion and weakness when the king becomes heedless.
चातुर्वण्र्यं तथा वेदाश्चातुराश्रम्यमेव च। सर्वं प्रमुह्यते ह्येतद् यदा राजा प्रमाद्यति॥
The three kinds of fire, the three Vedas, and sacrifices with Dakshina, all disappear when the king becomes careless.
अग्नित्रेता त्रयी विद्या यज्ञाश्च सहदक्षिणाः। सर्व एव प्रमाद्यन्ति यदा राजा प्रमाद्यति॥
The king is the creator of all creatures, and is their destroyer. That righteous king is regarded as the creator, while the sinful one is regarded as the destroyer.
राजैव कर्ता भूतानां राजैव च विनाशकः। धर्मात्मा यः स कर्ता स्यादधर्मात्मा विनाशकः॥
The king's wives, sons, kinsmen, and friends, all become unhappy and grieve when the king becomes careless.
राज्ञो भार्याश्च पुत्राश्च बान्धवाः सुहृदस्तथा। समेत्य सर्वे शोचन्ति यदा राजा प्रमाद्यति॥
Elephants, horses, kine, camels, mules, asses and other animals all lose their vigour when the king becomes sinful.
हस्तिनोऽश्वाश्च गावचाप्युष्ट्राश्वतरगर्दभाः। अधर्मभूते नृपतौ सर्वे सीदन्ति जन्तवः॥
It is said, O Mandhatri, that the Creator created Power for for protecting Weakness. Weakness is, really, a great being, for every thing depends upon it.
दुर्बलार्थं वलं सृष्टं धात्रा मान्धातरुच्यते। अबलं तु महद्भूतं यस्मिन् सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्॥
All creatures adore the king. All creatures are the children of the king. If, therefore, O monarch, the king becomes unrighteous, all creatures meet with ruin.
यच्च भूतं सम्भजते ये च भूतास्तदन्वयाः। अधर्मस्थे हि नृपतौ सर्वे शोचन्ति पार्थिव॥
The eyes of the Weak, of the Muni, and of the venomous snake, should be considered as unbearable. Do not, therefore, meet the Weak as you would do an enemy.
दुर्बलस्य च यच्चक्षुर्मुनेराशीविषस्य च। अविषह्यतमं मन्ये मा स्म दुर्बलमासदः॥
You should regard the Weak as being subject to humiliation. Take care that the eyes of the Weak do not burn you with your kinsmen.
दुर्बलांस्तात बुध्येथा नित्यमेवाविमानितान्। मा त्वां दुर्बलचढूंषि प्रदहेयुः सबान्धवम्॥
In a family scorched by the eyes of the Weak, no children are born. Such eyes burn the family to its very roots. Do not, therefore, treat the weak inimically.
न हि दुर्बलदग्धस्य कुले किंचित् प्ररोहति। आमूलं निर्दहन्त्येव मा स्म दुर्बलमासदः॥
Weakness is more powerful than even the greatest Power, for that Power which is scorched by Weakness is absolutely rotted out.
अबलं वै बलाच्छ्रेयो यच्चातिबलवबलम्। बलस्याबलदग्धस्य न किंचिदवशिष्यते॥
If a person, who has been humiliated or struck, fails, while crying for help, to get a protector, divine punishment over takes the king and brings about his fall.
विमानितो हतः क्रुश्स्त्रातारं चेन विन्दति। अमानुषकृतस्तत्र दण्डो हन्ति नराधिपम्॥
Do not, 'O sire, while excersing Power, take wealth from the Weak, Take care that the eyes of the Weak do not burn you like a burning fire.
मा स्म तात रणे स्थित्वा भुञ्जीथा दुर्बलं जनम्। मा त्वां दुर्बलचक्षूषि दहन्त्वग्निरिवाश्रयम्॥
The tears shed by weeping men afflicted with falsehood kill the children and animals of those that have uttered those lies.
यानि मिथ्याभिशस्तानां पतन्त्यश्रूणि रोदताम्। तानि पुत्रान् पशून् नन्ति तेषां मिथ्याभिशंसनात्॥
Like a cow a sinful act does not yield immediate truits. If the fruit is not seen in the perpetrator himself, it is seen in his son or in his grand-son or daughter's son.
यदि नात्मनि पुत्रेषु न चेत् पौत्रेषु नप्तृषु। न हि पापं कृतं कर्म सद्यः फलति गौरिव॥
When a Weak person fails to find a protector the great rod of divine punishment overtakes the king.
यत्राबलो वध्यमानस्त्रातारं नाधिगच्छति। महान् दैवकृतस्तत्र दण्डः पतति दारुणः॥
When all the subjects of a king are compelled by distress to live like Brahmanas, by begging, such mendicancy brings destruction upon the king.
युक्ता यदा जानपदा भिक्षन्ते ब्राह्मणा इव। अभीक्ष्णं भिक्षुरूपेण राजानं मन्ति तादृशाः॥
When all the officers of the king living in the provinces unite together and act unfairly, the king is then said to bring about a state of unredeeming evil upon his kingdom.
राज्ञो यदा जनपदे बहवो राजपूरुषाः। अनयेनोपवर्तन्ते तद् राज्ञः किल्बिषं महत्॥
When the officers of the king extort money, hy unfair mean, or acting from lust or avarice, from persons pitcously praying for mercy, a great destruct' on, jorsooth, be.ails the king.
यदा युक्त्या नयेदर्थान् कामादर्थवशेन वा। कृपणं याचमानानां तद् राज्ञो वैशसं महत्॥
A huge tree, just growing, assumes large proportions, Numberless creatures then come and seek its shelter. When, however, it is cut down or burnt, those who had taken its shelter become all houseless.
महान् वृक्षो जायते वर्धते च तं चैव भूतानि समाश्रयन्ति। यदा वृक्षश्छिद्यते दह्यते च तदाश्रया अनिकेता भवन्ति॥
When the denizens of a kingdom perform pious acts and all religious rites, and praise the good qualities, of the king, the latter acquires riches. When, however, the residents, out of ignorance forsake righteousness and act unrighteously, the king suffers from misery.
यदा राष्ट्रे धर्ममयं चरन्ति संस्कारं वा राजगुणं ब्रुवाणा:। तैरेवाधर्मश्चरितो धर्ममोहात् तूर्णं जह्यात् सुकृतं दुष्कृतं च॥
When sinful men of known acts are allowed to move among the righteous, Kali then overtakes the kings of those kingdoms. When the king punishes all wicked people, his kingdom prospers.
यत्र पापा ज्ञायमानाश्चरन्ति सतां कलिविन्दते तत्र राज्ञः। स्तदा राज्यं वर्धते भूमिपस्य॥
Forsooth, the kingdom of that king certainly prospers who honours his ministers and employs them in policy and in battles. Such a king enjoys the wide Earth or ever.
यश्चामात्यान् मानयित्वा यथार्थ मन्त्रे च युद्धे च नृपो नियुङ्ग्यात्। विवर्धते तस्य राष्ट्र नृपस्य भुक्के महीं चाप्यखिलां चिराय॥
That king who duly honours at good acts and good speeches acquires great merit.
यच्चापि सुकृतं कर्म वाचं चैव सुभाषिताम्। समीक्ष्य पूजयन् राजा धर्मं प्राप्नोत्यनुत्तमम्॥
The enjoyment of good things with others, paying proper honours to the ministers, and subjugations of persons who are proud of their strength, are the great duty of a king.
संविभज्य यदा भुक्के नामात्यानवमन्यते। निहन्ति बलिनं दृप्तं स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥
Protecting all men by words, body, and deeds, and never forgiving even his offending son himself, form the duty of the king.
त्रायते हि यदा सर्वं वाचा कायेन कर्मणा। पुत्रस्यापि न मृष्येच्च स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥
The maintenance of the Weak by sharing with them the things he has and thereby increasing their strength, form the duty of the king.
संविभज्य यदा भुक्के नृपतिर्दुर्बलान् नरान्। तदा भवन्ति बलिनः स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥
Protection of the kingdom, extermination of robbers, and conquest form the duty of the king.
यदा रक्षति राष्ट्राणि यदा दस्यूनपोहति। यदा जयति संग्रामे स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥
Not to forgive a person, however dear if he has committe an offence, by act or word, forms the duty of the king.
पापमाचरतो यत्र कर्मणा व्याहृतेन वा। प्रियस्यापि न मृष्येत स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥
Protecting those who seek refuge with him as he would protect his own children, and never depriving one of the honours to which he is entitled, form the duty of the king.
यदा शारणिकान् राजा पुत्रवत् परिरक्षति। भिनत्ति च न मर्यादां स राज्ञो धर्म उच्यते॥