[ [ "Strauss", "Y.", "" ], [ "Horwitz", "L. P.", "" ] ]
Representation of the Resonances of a Relativistic Quantum Field Theoretical Model in Lax-Phillips Scattering Theory
We apply the quantum Lax-Phillips scattering theory to a relativistically covariant quantum field theoretical form of the (soluble) Lee model. We construct the translation representations with the help of the wave operators, and show that the resulting Lax-Phillips $S$-matrix is an inner function (the Lax-Phillips theory is essentially a theory of translation invariant subspaces). We then discuss the non-relativistic limit of this theory, and show that the resulting kinematic relations coincide with the conditions required for the Galilean description of a decaying system.
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:11:41 GMT
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:11:41 GMT
[ [ "Marchiolli", "Marcelo A.", "" ], [ "Mizrahi", "Salomon S.", "" ], [ "Dodonov", "Victor V.", "" ] ]
Marginal and correlation distribution functions in the squeezed-states representation
Here we consider the Husimi function P for the squeezed states and calculate the marginal and correlation distribution functions when P is projected onto the photon number states. According to the value of the squeezing parameter one verifies the occurence of oscillations and beats as already appointed in the literature. We verify that these phenomena are entirely contained in the correlation function. In particular, we show that since Husimi and its marginal distribution functions satisfy partial differential equations where the squeeze parameter plays the role of time, the solutions (the squeezed functions obtained from initial unsqueezed functions) can be expressed by means of kernels responsible for the propagation of squeezing. From the calculational point of view, this method presents advantages for calculating the marginal distribution functions (compared to a direct integration over one of the two phase-space variables of P) since one can use the symmetry properties of the differential equations.
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:20:39 GMT
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:20:39 GMT
[ [ "Kok", "Pieter", "" ], [ "Braunstein", "Samuel L.", "" ] ]
Detection devices in entanglement-based optical state preparation
We study the use of detection devices in entanglement-based state preparation. In particular we consider optical detection devices such as single-photon sensitivity detectors, single-photon resolution detectors and detector cascades (with an emphasis on the performance of realistic detectors). We develop an extensive theory for the use of these devices. In entanglement-based state preparation we perform measurements on subsystems, and we therefore need precise bounds on the distinguishability of these measurements (this is fundamentally different from, e.g., tomography, where an ensemble of identical states is used to determine probability distributions, etc.). To this end, we introduce the confidence of preparation, which may also be used to quantify the performance of detection devices in entanglement-based preparation. We give a general expression for detector cascades of arbitrary size for the detection up to two photons. We show that, contrary to the general belief, cascading does not give a practical advantage over detectors with single-photon resolution in entanglement-based state preparation.
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:08:17 GMT
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 12:00:37 GMT
[ [ "D'Ariano", "G. Mauro", "" ], [ "Sacchi", "Massimiliano F.", "" ], [ "Kumar", "Prem", "" ] ]
Universal homodyne tomography with a single local oscillator
We propose a general method for measuring an arbitrary observable of a multimode electromagnetic field using homodyne detection with a single local oscillator. In this method the local oscillator scans over all possible linear combinations of the modes. The case of two modes is analyzed in detail and the feasibility of the measurement is studied on the basis of Monte-Carlo simulations. We also provide an application of this method in tomographic testing of the GHZ state.
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:41:19 GMT
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:41:19 GMT
[ [ "Plenio", "Martin B.", "", "Imperial College, London, UK" ] ]
The Holevo bound and Landauer's principle
Landauer's principle states that the erasure of information generates a corresponding amount of entropy in the environment. We show that Landauer's principle provides an intuitive basis for Holevo bound on the classical capacity of a quantum channel.
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:36:39 GMT
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:36:39 GMT
[ [ "Kent", "Adrian", "", "DAMTP, University of Cambridge" ] ]
Unconditionally Secure Commitment of a Certified Classical Bit is Impossible
quant-ph cs.CR
In a secure bit commitment protocol involving only classical physics, A commits either a 0 or a 1 to B. If quantum information is used in the protocol, A may be able to commit a state of the form $\alpha \ket{0} + \beta \ket{1}$. If so, she can also commit mixed states in which the committed bit is entangled with other quantum states under her control. We introduce here a quantum cryptographic primitive, {\it bit commitment with a certificate of classicality} (BCCC), which differs from standard bit commitment in that it guarantees that the committed state has a fixed classical value. We show that no unconditionally secure BCCC protocol based on special relativity and quantum theory exists. We also propose complete definitions of security for quantum and relativistic bit commitment.
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:09:56 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 21:15:11 GMT
[ [ "Zyczkowski", "Karol", "", "Cracow/Warsaw" ] ]
Localization of Eigenstates & Mean Wehrl Entropy
quant-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD
Dynamics of a periodically time dependent quantum system is reflected in the features of the eigenstates of the Floquet operator. Of the special importance are their localization properties quantitatively characterized by the eigenvector entropy, the inverse participation ratio or the eigenvector statistics. Since these quantities depend on the choice of the eigenbasis, we suggest to use the overcomplete basis of coherent states, uniquely determined by the classical phase space. In this way we define the mean Wehrl entropy of eigenvectors of the Floquet operator and demonstrate that this quantity is useful to describe quantum chaotic systems.
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:24:01 GMT
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:24:01 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "An Min", "" ] ]
An Universal Quantum Network - Quantum CPU
An universal quantum network which can implement a general quantum computing is proposed. In this sense, it can be called the quantum central processing unit (QCPU). For a given quantum computing, its realization of QCPU is just its quantum network. QCPU is standard and easy-assemble because it only has two kinds of basic elements and two auxiliary elements. QCPU and its realizations are scalable, that is, they can be connected together, and so they can construct the whole quantum network to implement the general quantum algorithm and quantum simulating procedure.
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:34:58 GMT
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:13:35 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "An Min", "" ] ]
Quantum CPU and Quantum Simulating
Making use of an universal quantum network or QCPU proposed by me [6], some special quantum networks for simulating some quantum systems are given out. Specially, it is obtained that the quantum network for the time evolution operator which can simulate, in general, Schr\"odinger equation.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:57:52 GMT
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:25:25 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "An Min", "" ] ]
Quantum CPU and Quantum Algorithm
Making use of an universal quantum network -- QCPU proposed by me\upcite{My1}, it is obtained that the whole quantum network which can implement some the known quantum algorithms including Deutsch algorithm, quantum Fourier transformation, Shor's algorithm and Grover's algorithm.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 10:09:02 GMT
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:29:55 GMT
[ [ "Rehacek", "J.", "" ], [ "Hradil", "Z.", "" ], [ "Dusek", "M.", "" ], [ "Haderka", "O.", "" ], [ "Hendrych", "M.", "" ] ]
Testing operational phase concepts in quantum optics
An experimental comparison of several operational phase concepts is presented. In particular, it is shown that statistically motivated evaluation of experimental data may lead to a significant improvement in phase fitting upon the conventional Noh, Fouge'res and Mandel procedure. The analysis is extended to the asymptotic limit of large intensities, where a strong evidence in favor of multi--dimensional estimation procedures has been found.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:23:22 GMT
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:23:22 GMT
[ [ "Lütkenhaus", "Norbert", "" ] ]
Security against individual attacks for realistic quantum key distribution
I prove the security of quantum key distribution against individual attacks for realistic signals sources, including weak coherent pulses and downconversion sources. The proof applies to the BB84 protocol with the standard detection scheme (no strong reference pulse). I obtain a formula for the secure bit rate per time slot of an experimental setup which can be used to optimize the performance of existing schemes for the considered scenario.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:11:41 GMT
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:05:18 GMT
[ [ "Lukin", "M. D.", "" ], [ "Imamoglu", "A.", "" ] ]
Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Entanglement of Ultra-Slow Single Photons
Two light pulses propagating with ultra-slow group velocities in a coherently prepared atomic gas exhibit dissipation-free nonlinear coupling of an unprecedented strength. This enables a single-photon pulse to coherently control or manipulate the quantum state of the other. Processes of this kind result in generation of entangled states of radiation field and open up new prospectives for quantum information processing.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 18:01:52 GMT
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 18:01:52 GMT
[ [ "Bechmann-Pasquinucci", "H.", "" ], [ "Tittel", "W.", "" ] ]
Quantum Cryptography using larger alphabets
Like all of quantum information theory, quantum cryptography is traditionally based on two level quantum systems. In this letter, a new protocol for quantum key distribution based on higher dimensional systems is presented. An experimental realization using an interferometric setup is also proposed. Analyzing this protocol from the practical side, one finds an increased key creation rate while keeping the initial laser pulse rate constant. Analyzing it for the case of intercept/resend eavesdropping strategy, an increased error rate is found compared to two dimensional systems, hence an advantage for the legitimate users to detect an eavesdropper.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 18:46:43 GMT
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 18:46:43 GMT
[ [ "Bub", "Jeffrey", "" ] ]
Quantum Mechanics as a Principle Theory
I show how quantum mechanics, like the theory of relativity, can be understood as a 'principle theory' in Einstein's sense, and I use this notion to explore the approach to the problem of interpretation developed in my book Interpreting the Quantum World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:40:57 GMT
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:40:57 GMT
[ [ "Bub", "Jeffrey", "" ], [ "Clifton", "Rob", "" ], [ "Goldstein", "Sheldon", "" ] ]
Revised Proof of the Uniqueness Theorem for 'No Collapse' Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
We show that the Bub-Clifton uniqueness theorem for 'no collapse' interpretations of quantum mechanics (Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27, 181-219 (1996)) can be proved without the 'weak separability' assumption.
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:52:51 GMT
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:52:51 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "Xiao-Guang", "" ], [ "Fu", "Hong-Chen", "" ] ]
Statistical Properties and Algebraic Characteristics of Quantum Superpositions of Negative Binomial States
We introduce new kinds of states of quantized radiation fields, which are the superpositions of negative binomial states. They exhibit remarkable non-classical properties and reduce to Schr\"odinger cat states in a certain limit. The algebras involved in the even and odd negative binomial states turn out to be generally deformed oscillator algebras. It is found that the even and odd negative binomial states satisfy a same eigenvalue equation with a same eigenvalue and they can be viewed as two-photon nonlinear coherent states. Two methods of generating such states are proposed.
Sat, 23 Oct 1999 14:00:11 GMT
Sat, 23 Oct 1999 14:00:11 GMT
[ [ "Vidal", "Guifre", "" ], [ "Jonathan", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Nielsen", "M. A.", "" ] ]
Approximate transformations and robust manipulation of bipartite pure state entanglement
We analyze approximate transformations of pure entangled quantum states by local operations and classical communication, finding explicit conversion strategies which optimize the fidelity of transformation. These results allow us to determine the most faithful teleportation strategy via an initially shared partially entangled pure state. They also show that procedures for entanglement manipulation such as entanglement catalysis [Jonathan and Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3566 (1999)] are robust against perturbation of the states involved, and motivate the notion of non-local fidelity, which quantifies the difference in the entangled properties of two quantum states.
Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:39:25 GMT
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 01:20:02 GMT
[ [ "Sasakura", "H.", "" ], [ "Muto", "S.", "" ] ]
Quantum gates using two-electron states of triple quantum dot
Quantum computation using electron spins in three coupled dot with different size is proposed. By using the energy selectivity of both photon assisted tunneling and spin rotation of electrons, logic gates are realized by static and rotational magnetic field and resonant optical pulses. Possibility of increasing the number of quantum bits using the energy selectivity is also discussed.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 05:10:44 GMT
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:23:53 GMT
[ [ "Seshadri", "S.", "" ], [ "Lakshmibala", "S.", "" ], [ "Balakrishnan", "V.", "" ] ]
Control of Wave Packet Revivals Using Geometric Phases
quant-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD
Wave packets in a system governed by a Hamiltonian with a generic nonlinear spectrum typically exhibit both full and fractional revivals. It is shown that the latter can be eliminated by inducing suitable geometric phases in the states, by varying the parameters in the Hamiltonian cyclically with a period T. Further, with the introduction of this natural time step T, the occurrence of near revivals can be mapped onto that of Poincar\'{e} recurrences in an irrational rotation map of the circle. The distinctive recurrence time statistics of the latter can thus serve as a clear signature of the dynamics of wave packet revivals.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:40:46 GMT
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:40:46 GMT
[ [ "Seshadri", "S.", "" ], [ "Lakshmibala", "S.", "" ], [ "Balakrishnan", "V.", "" ] ]
Quantum revivals, geometric phases and circle map recurrences
quant-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD
Revivals of the coherent states of a deformed, adiabatically and cyclically varying oscillator Hamiltonian are examined. The revival time distribution is exactly that of Poincar\'{e} recurrences for a rotation map: only three distinct revival times can occur, with specified weights. A link is thus established between quantum revivals and recurrences in a coarse-grained discrete-time dynamical system.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:20:34 GMT
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:20:34 GMT
[ [ "Puri", "R. R.", "" ], [ "Kumar", "S. Arun", "" ], [ "Bullough", "R. K.", "" ] ]
Stroboscopic theory of atomic statistics in the micromaser
We study the statistics of the atoms emerging from the cavity of a micromaser in a dynamical, discrete-time `stroboscopic' description which takes into account the measurements made, in general, with imperfect efficiencies, on the states of the outcoming atoms. Inverted atoms enter stochastically, in general, with a binomial distribution in discrete time; but we also consider the continuous-time limit of this input statistics which is Poissonian. We envisage two alternative experimental procedures: one of these is to consider a fixed number N of atoms pumped into the cavity and subsequently leaving it to undergo state detection; the other is to consider input of the excited atoms and their subsequent detection and collection in a fixed time t. We consider, in particular, the steady state behaviors achieved in the two limits, N -> infinity and t -> infinity, as well as the approaches to these two limits. Although these limits are the same for the state of the cavity field, they are not the same, in general, for the observable outcoming atom statistics. We evaluate, in particular, Mandel's Q-parameters $Q_{e}$ $(Q_{g})$ for outcoming atoms detected in their excited states (ground states), for both N -> infinity and t -> infinity, as functions of $N_{ex} = RT_{c}$: R is the mean rate of entry for the incoming atoms and $T_c$ is the cavity damping time. The behavior of these atomic Q-parameters is compared with that parameter for the cavity field.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:29:53 GMT
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:29:53 GMT
[ [ "Mostafazadeh", "Ali", "" ] ]
Perturbative Calculation of the Adiabatic Geometric Phase and Particle in a Well with Moving Walls
quant-ph hep-th
We use the Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory to calculate the corrections to the adiabatic geometric phase due to a perturbation of the Hamiltonian. We show that these corrections are at least of second order in the perturbation parameter. As an application of our general results we address the problem of the adiabatic geometric phase for a one-dimensional particle which is confined to an infinite square well with moving walls.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:22:16 GMT
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:22:16 GMT
[ [ "Patra", "M.", "" ], [ "Beenakker", "C. W. J.", "" ] ]
Propagation of squeezed radiation through amplifying or absorbing random media
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
We analyse how nonclassical features of squeezed radiation (in particular the sub-Poissonian noise) are degraded when it is transmitted through an amplifying or absorbing medium with randomly located scattering centra. Both the cases of direct photodetection and of homodyne detection are considered. Explicit results are obtained for the dependence of the Fano factor (the ratio of the noise power and the mean current) on the degree of squeezing of the incident state, on the length and the mean free path of the medium, the temperature, and on the absorption or amplification rate.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:44:09 GMT
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:44:09 GMT
[ [ "Dusek", "Miloslav", "" ], [ "Jahma", "Mika", "" ], [ "Lütkenhaus", "Norbert", "" ] ]
Unambiguous state discrimination in quantum cryptography with weak coherent states
The use of linearly independent signal states in realistic implementations of quantum key distribution (QKD) enables an eavesdropper to perform unambiguous state discrimination. We explore quantitatively the limits for secure QKD imposed by this fact taking into account that the receiver can monitor to some extend the photon number statistics of the signals even with todays standard detection schemes. We compare our attack to the beamsplitting attack and show that security against beamsplitting attack does not necessarily imply security against the attack considered here.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 16:53:22 GMT
Thu, 27 Apr 2000 06:57:18 GMT
[ [ "Kak", "Subhash", "" ] ]
On Rotating a Qubit
The state function of a quantum object is undetermined with respect to its phase. This indeterminacy does not matter if it is global, but what if the components of the state have unknown relative phases? Can useful computations be performed in spite of this local indeterminacy? We consider this question in relation to the problem of the rotation of a qubit and examine its broader implications for quantum computing.
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:44:44 GMT
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 22:25:18 GMT
[ [ "Sugiyama", "K.", "" ] ]
Quantum probability from a geometrical interpretation of a wave function
The probabilistic prediction of quantum theory is mystery. I solved the mystery by a geometrical interpretation of a wave function. This suggests the unification between quantum theory and the theory of relativity. This suggests Many-Worlds Interpretation is true, too.
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 14:49:17 GMT
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 05:24:59 GMT
[ [ "Aref'eva", "I. Ya.", "" ], [ "Volovich", "I. V.", "" ] ]
The Large Time Behaviour in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Chaos
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech hep-ph math-ph math.MP
An exact general formula for the matrix elements of the evolution operator in quantum theory is established. The formul ("ABC-formula") has the form <U(t)>=exp(At+B+C(t)). The constants A and B and the decreasing function C(t) are computed in perturbation theory. The ABC-formula is valid for a general class of Hamiltonians used in statistical physics and quantum field theory. The formula includes the higher order corrections to the well known Weisskopf-Wigner approximation and to the stochastic (van Hove) limit which are widely used in considerations of problems of radiation, decay, quantum decoherence, derivation of master and kinetic equations etc. The function C(t) admits an interpretation as an analogue of the autocorrelation function describing quantum chaos for the quantum baker's map.
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:42:56 GMT
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:42:56 GMT
[ [ "Rekdal", "Per K", "" ], [ "Skagerstam", "Bo-Sture K", "" ] ]
On the Phases Structure of the Micromaser System
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
We investigate, in an exact manner, the phase structure of the micromaser system in terms of the physical parameters at hand like the atom cavity transit time, the atom-photon frequency detuning, the number of thermal photons and the probability for a pump atom to be in its excited state. Phase diagrams are mapped out for various values of the physical parameters. At sufficiently large values of the detuning, we find a ``twinkling'' mode of the micromaser system. A correlation length is used to study fluctuations close to the various phase transitions.
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:01:18 GMT
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:01:18 GMT
[ [ "Facchi", "P.", "" ], [ "Pascazio", "S.", "" ] ]
Van Hove's "\lambda^2 t" limit in nonrelativistic and relativistic field-theoretical models
Van Hove's "\lambda^2 t" limiting procedure is analyzed in some interesting quantum field theoretical cases, both in nonrelativistic and relativistic models. We look at the deviations from a purely exponential behavior in a decay process and discuss the subtle issues of state preparation and initial time.
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:28:51 GMT
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:28:51 GMT
[ [ "Fleischhauer", "M.", "" ] ]
Mirrorless oscillation based on resonantly enhanced 4-wave mixing: All-order analytic solutions
The phase transition to mirrorless oscillation in resonantly enhanced four-wave mixing in double-$\Lambda$ systems are studied analytically for the ideal case of infinite lifetimes of ground-state coherences. The stationary susceptibilities are obtained in all orders of the generated fields and analytic solutions of the coupled nonlinear differential equations for the field amplitudes are derived and discussed.
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:52:11 GMT
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:52:11 GMT
[ [ "Slater", "Paul B.", "", "University of California" ] ]
High-Temperature Expansions of Bures and Fisher Information Priors
For certain infinite and finite-dimensional thermal systems, we obtain --- incorporating quantum-theoretic considerations into Bayesian thermostatistical investigations of Lavenda --- high-temperature expansions of priors over inverse temperature beta induced by volume elements ("quantum Jeffreys' priors) of Bures metrics. Similarly to Lavenda's results based on volume elements (Jeffreys' priors) of (classical) Fisher information metrics, we find that in the limit beta -> 0, the quantum-theoretic priors either conform to Jeffreys' rule for variables over [0,infinity], by being proportional to 1/beta, or to the Bayes-Laplace principle of insufficient reason, by being constant. Whether a system adheres to one rule or to the other appears to depend upon its number of degrees of freedom.
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 21:50:49 GMT
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 23:41:40 GMT
[ [ "Znojil", "Miloslav", "" ] ]
Perturbation method with triangular propagators and anharmonicities of intermediate strength
I propose a new version of the Rayleigh - Schr\"{o}dinger perturbation method. It admits a lower triangular matrix in place of the usual diagonal propagator. Illustrated on rational anharmonicities polynomial}(x)/polynomial}(x), treated as perturbations of (quasi-)exact anharmonic oscilators. In this sense the method works in an intermediate-coupling regime and bridges the gap between the weak- and strong-coupling expansions.
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:34:59 GMT
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:34:59 GMT
[ [ "Alvarez", "J. J.", "" ], [ "Gomez", "C.", "" ] ]
A Comment on Fisher Information and Quantum Algorithms
We show that Grover's algorithm defines a geodesic in quantum Hilbert space with the Fubini-Study metric. From statistical point of view Grover's algorithm is characterized by constant Fisher's function. Quantum algorithms changing complexity class as Shor's factorization does not preserve constant Fisher's information. An adiabatic quantum factorization algorithm in non polynomial time is presented to exemplify the result.
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 22:54:18 GMT
Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:26:03 GMT
[ [ "Jirari", "H.", "" ], [ "Kröger", "H.", "" ], [ "Luo", "X. Q.", "" ], [ "Moriarty", "K. J. M.", "" ], [ "Rubin", "S. G.", "" ] ]
Quantum Instantons and Quantum Chaos
quant-ph hep-th
Based on a closed form expression for the path integral of quantum transition amplitudes, we suggest rigorous definitions of both, quantum instantons and quantum chaos. As an example we compute the quantum instanton of the double well potential.
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:00:51 GMT
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 19:10:19 GMT
[ [ "Banaszek", "Konrad", "", "Warsaw University" ] ]
Measuring Quantum State in Phase Space
In this thesis we present a direct scheme for measuring quasidistribution functions of light. This scheme, based on photon counting, is derived from a simple relation linking the Wigner function with photon statistics. We develop a full multimode theory of the scheme, and show that the principle of the measurement can be straightforwardly generalized to the detection of the multimode radiation. We also discuss practical aspects of the scheme, including statistical error, non-unit detection efficiency, and imperfect interference visibility. Next, we report experimental realization of the scheme, and present measurements of the Wigner function for several quantum states of light. Finally, we study the general problem of statistical uncertainty in quantum-optical photodetection measurements.
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:11:27 GMT
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:11:27 GMT
[ [ "Nicolaevici", "Nistor", "" ] ]
Dynamical mass shift for a partially reflecting moving mirror
We consider the vacuum fluctuations contribution to the mass of a mirror in an exactly soluble partially reflecting moving mirror model. Partial reflectivity is accounted for by a repulsive delta-type potential localized along the mirror trajectory. The mirror's mass is explicitly found as an integral functional of the mirror's past trajectory.
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:26:31 GMT
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:26:31 GMT
[ [ "Mozyrsky", "Dima", "" ] ]
Exactly Solvable Model of Quantum Spin Interacting with Spin Environment
An exactly solvable model of a quantum spin interacting with a spin environment is considered. The interaction is chosen to be such that the state of the environment is conserved. The reduced density matrix of the spin is calculated for arbitrary coupling strength and arbitrary time. The stationary state of the spin is obtained explicitely in the $t \to \infty$ limit.
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 01:23:50 GMT
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 01:23:50 GMT
[ [ "Ueberholz", "B.", "" ], [ "Kuhr", "S.", "" ], [ "Frese", "D.", "" ], [ "Meschede", "D.", "" ], [ "Gomer", "V.", "" ] ]
Counting Cold Collisions
We have experimentally explored a novel possibility to study exoergic cold atomic collisions. Trapping of small countable atom numbers in a shallow magneto-optical trap and monitoring of their temporal dynamics allows us to directly observe isolated two-body atomic collisions and provides detailed information on loss statistics. A substantial fraction of such cold collisional events has been found to result in the loss of one atom only. We have also observed for the first time a strong optical suppression of ground-state hyperfine-changing collisions in the trap by its repump laser field.
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:20:02 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 10:31:10 GMT
[ [ "Ingold", "Gert-Ludwig", "" ], [ "Jalabert", "Rodolfo A.", "" ], [ "Richter", "Klaus", "" ] ]
Semiclassical analysis of level widths for one-dimensional potentials
quant-ph cond-mat physics.atom-ph
We present a semiclassical study of level widths for a class of one-dimensional potentials in the presence of an ohmic environment. Employing an expression for the dipole matrix element in terms of the Fourier transform of the classical path we obtain the level widths within the Golden rule approximation. It is found that for potentials with an asymptotic power-law behavior, which may in addition be limited by an infinite wall, the width that an eigenstate of the isolated system acquires due to the coupling to the environment is proportional to its quantum number.
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:43:39 GMT
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:43:39 GMT
[ [ "Horodecki", "Pawel", "" ], [ "Smolin", "John A.", "" ], [ "Terhal", "Barbara M.", "" ], [ "Thapliyal", "Ashish V.", "" ] ]
Rank Two Bipartite Bound Entangled States Do Not Exist
We explore the relation between the rank of a bipartite density matrix and the existence of bound entanglement. We show a relation between the rank, marginal ranks, and distillability of a mixed state and use this to prove that any rank n bound entangled state must have support on no more than an n \times n Hilbert space. A direct consequence of this result is that there are no bipartite bound entangled states of rank two. We also show that a separability condition in terms of a quantum entropy inequality is associated with the above results. We explore the idea of how many pure states are needed in a mixture to cancel the distillable entanglement of a Schmidt rank n pure state and provide a lower bound of n-1. We also prove that a mixture of a non-zero amount of any pure entangled state with a pure product state is distillable.
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:30:43 GMT
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 20:30:29 GMT
[ [ "Peres", "Asher", "" ] ]
Opposite momenta lead to opposite directions
When a particle decays into two fragments, the wavefunctions of the latter are spherical shells with expanding radii. In spite of this spherical symmetry, the two particles can be detected only in opposite directions.
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 12:35:33 GMT
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 12:35:33 GMT
[ [ "Keyl", "M.", "" ], [ "Werner", "R. F.", "" ] ]
The Rate of Optimal Purification procedures
Purification is a process in which decoherence is partially reversed by using several input systems which have been subject to the same noise. The purity of the outputs generally increases with the number of input systems, and decreases with the number of required output systems. We construct the optimal quantum operations for this task, and discuss their asymptotic behaviour as the number of inputs goes to infinity. The rate at which output systems may be generated depends crucially on the type of purity requirement. If one tests the purity of the outputs systems one at a time, the rate is infinite: this fidelity may be made to approach 1, while at the same time the number of outputs goes to infinity arbitrarily fast. On the other hand, if one also requires the correlations between outputs to decrease, the rate is zero: if fidelity with the pure product state is to go to 1, the number of outputs per input goes to zero. However, if only a fidelity close to 1 is required, the optimal purifier achieves a positive rate, which we compute.
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 18:37:36 GMT
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 18:37:36 GMT
[ [ "C.", "D. J. Fernandez", "" ], [ "Rosu", "H. C.", "" ] ]
Quantum mechanical spectral engineering by scaling intertwining
Using the concept of spectral engineering we explore the possibilities of building potentials with prescribed spectra offered by a modified intertwining technique involving operators which are the product of a standard first-order intertwiner and a unitary scaling. In the same context we study the iterations of such transformations finding that the scaling intertwining provides a different and richer mechanism in designing quantum spectra with respect to that given by the standard intertwining
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 23:09:32 GMT
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 22:09:25 GMT
[ [ "Yeung", "Wai Bong", "" ] ]
The Schrodinger Equation From a Quadratic Hamiltonian System
We regard the real and imaginary parts of the Schrodinger wave function as canonical conjugate variables.With this pair of conjugate variables and some other 2n pairs, we construct a quadratic Hamiltonian density. We then show that the Schrodinger Equation follows from the Hamilton's Equation of motion when the Planck frequency is much larger than the characteristic frequencies of the Hamiltonian system. The Hamiltonian and the normal mode solutions coincide, respectively, with the energy expectation value and the energy eigenstates of the corresponding quantum mechanical system.
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 02:47:40 GMT
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 02:47:40 GMT
[ [ "Kubotani", "Hiroto", "", "Kanagawa University" ] ]
Quantum Trajectory in Multi-Dimensional Non-Linear System
quant-ph gr-qc
We discuss quantum dynamics in multi-dimensional non-linear systems. It is well-known that wave functions are localized in a kicked rotor model. However, coupling with other degrees of freedom breaks the localization. In order to clarify the difference, we describe the quantum dynamics by deterministic rigid trajectories, which are accompanied with the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, instead of wave functions. A bundle of quantum trajectories are repulsive through quantum potential and flow never to go across each other. We show that, according to the degrees of freedom, this same property appears differently.
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 08:15:48 GMT
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 07:25:38 GMT
[ [ "Mostafazadeh", "Ali", "" ] ]
A New Class of Adiabatic Cyclic States and Geometric Phases for Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
For a T-periodic non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H(t), we construct a class of adiabatic cyclic states of period T which are not eigenstates of the initial Hamiltonian H(0). We show that the corresponding adiabatic geometric phase angles are real and discuss their relationship with the conventional complex adiabatic geometric phase angles. We present a detailed calculation of the new adiabatic cyclic states and their geometric phases for a non-Hermitian analog of the spin 1/2 particle in a precessing magnetic field.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 12:42:41 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 12:42:41 GMT
[ [ "Long", "Gui Lu", "" ], [ "Tu", "Chang Cun", "" ], [ "Li", "Yan Song", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Wei Lin", "" ], [ "Yan", "Hai Yang", "" ] ]
A novel SO(3) picture for quantum searching
An SO(3) picture of the generalized Grover's quantum searching algorithm,with arbitrary unitary transformation and with arbitrary phase rotations, is constructed. In this picture, any quantum search operation is a rotation in a 3 dimensional space. Exact formulas for the rotation angle and rotational axis are given. The probability of finding the marked state is just $(z+1)/2$, where z is the z-component of the state vector. Exact formulas for this probability is easily obtained. The phase matching requirement and the failure of algorithm when phase mismatches are clearly explained.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:15:38 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:15:38 GMT
[ [ "Moya-Cessa", "H.", "" ], [ "Tombesi", "P.", "" ] ]
Filtering Number States of the Vibrational Motion of an Ion
We propose a scheme to generate number states (and specific superpositions of them) of the vibrational motion of a trapped ion. In particular, we show that robust to noise qubits can be generated with arbitrary amplitudes.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:20:55 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:20:55 GMT
[ [ "Dobrovolska", "I. V.", "" ], [ "Tutik", "R. S.", "" ] ]
A new approach to perturbation theory for a Dirac particle in a central field
The explicit semiclassical treatment of logarithmic perturbation theory for the bound-state problem within the framework of the Dirac equation is developed. Avoiding disadvantages of the standard approach in the description of exited states, new handy recursion formulae with the same simple form both for ground and exited states have been obtained. As an example, the perturbation expansions for the energy eigenvalues for the Yukawa potential containing the vector part as well as the scalar component are considered.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:26:20 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:26:20 GMT
[ [ "Bialynicki-Birula", "Iwo", "" ], [ "Bialynicka-Birula", "Zofia", "" ], [ "Sliwa", "Cezary", "" ] ]
Motion of vortex lines in quantum mechanics
Exact analytic solutions of the time dependent Schrodinger equation are produced that exhibit a variety of vortex structures. The qualitative analysis of the motion of vortex lines is presented and various types of vortex behavior are identified. Vortex creation and annihilation and vortex interactions are illustrated in the special cases of the free motion, the motion in the harmonic potential, and in the constant magnetic field. Similar analysis of the vortex motions is carried out also for a relativistic wave equation.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:44:51 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:44:51 GMT
[ [ "Acin", "A.", "" ], [ "Tarrach", "R.", "" ], [ "Vidal", "G.", "" ] ]
Optimal estimation of two-qubit pure-state entanglement
We present optimal measuring strategies for the estimation of the entanglement of unknown two-qubit pure states and of the degree of mixing of unknown single-qubit mixed states, of which N identical copies are available. The most general measuring strategies are considered in both situations, to conclude in the first case that a local, although collective, measurement suffices to estimate entanglement, a non-local property, optimally.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:39:26 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:39:26 GMT
[ [ "Jozsa", "Richard", "" ], [ "Schlienz", "Juergen", "" ] ]
Distinguishability of States and von Neumann Entropy
Consider an ensemble of pure quantum states |\psi_j>, j=1,...,n taken with prior probabilities p_j respectively. We show that it is possible to increase all of the pairwise overlaps |<\psi_i|\psi_j>| i.e. make each constituent pair of the states more parallel (while keeping the prior probabilities the same), in such a way that the von Neumann entropy S is increased, and dually, make all pairs more orthogonal while decreasing S. We show that this phenomenon cannot occur for ensembles in two dimensions but that it is a feature of almost all ensembles of three states in three dimensions. It is known that the von Neumann entropy characterises the classical and quantum information capacities of the ensemble and we argue that information capacity in turn, is a manifestation of the distinguishability of the signal states. Hence our result shows that the notion of distinguishability within an ensemble is a global property that cannot be reduced to considering distinguishability of each constituent pair of states.
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 20:34:01 GMT
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 20:34:01 GMT
[ [ "Nieto", "L. M.", "" ], [ "Rosu", "H. C.", "" ], [ "Santander", "M.", "" ] ]
Hydrogen atom as an eigenvalue problem in 3D spaces of constant curvature and minimal length
An old result of A.F. Stevenson [Phys. Rev.} 59, 842 (1941)] concerning the Kepler-Coulomb quantum problem on the three-dimensional (3D) hypersphere is considered from the perspective of the radial Schr\"odinger equations on 3D spaces of any (either positive, zero or negative) constant curvature. Further to Stevenson, we show in detail how to get the hypergeometric wavefunction for the hydrogen atom case. Finally, we make a comparison between the ``space curvature" effects and minimal length effects for the hydrogen spectrum
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 22:18:48 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:00:56 GMT
[ [ "Matsumoto", "Ryutaroh", "" ], [ "Uyematsu", "Tomohiko", "" ] ]
Constructing quantum error-correcting codes for p^m-state systems from classical error-correcting codes
We generalize the construction of quantum error-correcting codes from GF(4)-linear codes by Calderbank et al. to p^m-state systems. Then we show how to determine the error from a syndrome. Finally we discuss a systematic construction of quantum codes with efficient decoding algorithms.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 13:04:20 GMT
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 08:19:14 GMT
[ [ "Sinha", "Anjana", "" ], [ "Roychoudhury", "Rajkumar", "" ] ]
SWKB Quantization Rules for Bound States in Quantum Wells
In a recent paper by Gomes and Adhikari (J.Phys B30 5987(1997)) a matrix formulation of the Bohr-Sommerfield quantization rule has been applied to the study of bound states in one dimension quantum wells. Here we study these potentials in the frame work of supersymmetric WKB (SWKB) quantization approximation and find that SWKB quantization rule is superior to the modified Bohr-Sommerfield or WKB rules as it exactly reproduces the eigenenergies.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:17:00 GMT
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:17:00 GMT
[ [ "Bandyopadhyay", "Somshubhro", "" ] ]
Qubit and Entanglement assisted Optimal Entanglement Concentration
We present two method for optimal entanglement concentration from pure entangled states by local actions only. However a prior knowledge of the Schmidt coefficients is required. The first method is optimally efficient only when a finite ensemble of pure entangled states are available whereas the second method realizes the single pair optimal concentration probability. We also propose an entanglement assisted method which is again optimally efficient even for a single pair. We also discuss concentrating entanglement from N-partite cat like states.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 14:20:28 GMT
Thu, 27 Apr 2000 13:41:59 GMT
[ [ "Kim", "Yoon-Ho", "" ], [ "Chekhova", "Maria V.", "" ], [ "Kulik", "Sergei P.", "" ], [ "Shih", "Yanhua", "" ], [ "Rubin", "Morton H.", "" ] ]
First-order interference of nonclassical light emitted spontaneously at different times
We study first-order interference in spontaneous parametric down-conversion generated by two pump pulses that do not overlap in time. The observed modulation in the angular distribution of the signal detector counting rate can only be explained in terms of a quantum mechanical description based on biphoton states. The condition for observing interference in the signal channel is shown to depend on the parameters of the idler radiation.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 15:08:15 GMT
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 15:08:15 GMT
[ [ "De Filippo", "Sergio", "" ] ]
NMR spectroscopy and computing beyond myth and fiction
quant-ph nucl-th
Only craziness I am ashamed about.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 18:08:57 GMT
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 16:37:15 GMT
[ [ "Michalski", "Marcin", "" ] ]
Faster Than Light Communication
This paper has been withdrawn by the author, due a crucial error in the main idea.
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 23:45:12 GMT
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:22:53 GMT
[ [ "Spreeuw", "R. J. C.", "" ], [ "Voigt", "D.", "" ], [ "Wolschrijn", "B. T.", "" ], [ "Heuvell", "H. B. van Linden van den", "" ] ]
Creating a low-dimensional quantum gas using dark states in an inelastic evanescent-wave mirror
We discuss an experimental scheme to create a low-dimensional gas of ultracold atoms, based on inelastic bouncing on an evanescent-wave mirror. Close to the turning point of the mirror, the atoms are transferred into an optical dipole trap. This scheme can compress the phase-space density and can ultimately yield an optically-driven atom laser. An important issue is the suppression of photon scattering due to ``cross-talk'' between the mirror potential and the trapping potential. We propose that for alkali atoms the photon scattering rate can be suppressed by several orders of magnitude if the atoms are decoupled from the evanescent-wave light. We discuss how such dark states can be achieved by making use of circularly-polarized evanescent waves.
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 11:00:00 GMT
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:33:29 GMT
[ [ "Rehacek", "J.", "" ], [ "Perina", "J.", "" ], [ "Facchi", "P.", "" ], [ "Pascazio", "S.", "" ], [ "Mista", "L.", "" ] ]
Quantum Zeno effect in a probed downconversion process
The distorsion of a spontaneous downconvertion process caused by an auxiliary mode coupled to the idler wave is analyzed. In general, a strong coupling with the auxiliary mode tends to hinder the downconversion in the nonlinear medium. On the other hand, provided that the evolution is disturbed by the presence of a phase mismatch, the coupling may increase the speed of downconversion. These effects are interpreted as being manifestations of quantum Zeno or anti-Zeno effects, respectively, and they are understood by using the dressed modes picture of the device. The possibility of using the coupling as a nontrivial phase--matching technique is pointed out.
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 13:14:04 GMT
Sun, 30 Jan 2000 14:08:49 GMT
[ [ "Morikoshi", "Fumiaki", "" ] ]
Recovery of entanglement lost in entanglement manipulation
When an entangled state is transformed into another one with probability one by local operations and classical communication, the quantity of entanglement decreases. This letter shows that entanglement lost in the manipulation can be partially recovered by an auxiliary entangled pair. As an application, a maximally entangled pair can be obtained from two partially entangled pairs with probability one. Finally, this recovery scheme reveals a fundamental property of entanglement relevant to the existence of incomparable states.
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 16:49:04 GMT
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 06:59:53 GMT
[ [ "Hamilton", "J.", "" ], [ "Isham", "C. J.", "" ], [ "Butterfield", "J.", "" ] ]
A Topos Perspective on the Kochen-Specker Theorem: III. Von Neumann Algebras as the Base Category
We extend the topos-theoretic treatment given in previous papers of assigning values to quantities in quantum theory, and of related issues such as the Kochen-Specker theorem. This extension has two main parts: the use of von Neumann algebras as a base category (Section 2); and the relation of our generalized valuations to (i) the assignment to quantities of intervals of real numbers, and (ii) the idea of a subobject of the coarse-graining presheaf (Section 3).
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 18:06:33 GMT
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 18:06:33 GMT
[ [ "Appleby", "D. M.", "" ] ]
Optimal Measurements of Spin Direction
The accuracy of a measurement of the spin direction of a spin-s particle is characterised, for arbitrary half-integral s. The disturbance caused by the measurement is also characterised. The approach is based on that taken in several previous papers concerning joint measurements of position and momentum. As in those papers, a distinction is made between the errors of retrodiction and prediction. Retrodictive and predictive error relationships are derived. The POVM describing the outcome of a maximally accurate measurement process is investigated. It is shown that, if the measurement is retrodictively optimal, then the distribution of measured values is given by the initial state SU(2) Q-function. If the measurement is predictively optimal, then the distribution of measured values is related to the final state SU(2) P-function. The general form of the unitary evolution operator producing an optimal measurement is characterised.
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 23:01:49 GMT
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 21:07:45 GMT
[ [ "Cabello", "Adan", "" ] ]
Kochen-Specker theorem and experimental test on hidden variables
A recent proposal to experimentally test quantum mechanics against noncontextual hidden-variable theories [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1797 (1998)] is shown to be related with the smallest proof of the Kochen-Specker theorem currently known [Phys. Lett. A 212, 183 (1996)]. This proof contains eighteen yes-no questions about a four-dimensional physical system, combined in nine mutually incompatible tests. When these tests are considered as tests about a two-part two-state system, then quantum mechanics and non-contextual hidden variables make the same predictions for eight of them, but make different predictions for the ninth. Therefore, this ninth test would allow us to discriminate between quantum mechanics and noncontextual hidden-variable theories in a (gedanken) single run experiment.
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 15:58:09 GMT
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 15:58:09 GMT
[ [ "Cabello", "Adan", "" ] ]
Nonlocality without inequalities has not been proved for maximally entangled states
Two approaches to extend Hardy's proof of nonlocality without inequalities to maximally entangled states of bipartite two-level systems are shown to fail. On one hand, it is shown that Wu and co-workers' proof [Phys. Rev. A 53, R1927 (1996)] uses an effective state which is not maximally entangled. On the other hand, it is demonstrated that Hardy's proof cannot be generalized by the replacement of one of the four von Neumann measurements involved in the original proof by a generalized measurement to unambiguously discriminate between non-orthogonal states.
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:02:08 GMT
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:02:08 GMT
[ [ "Cabello", "Adan", "" ] ]
Comment on "Non-contextual hidden variables and physical measurements"
Kent's conclusion that ``non-contextual hidden variable theories cannot be excluded by theoretical arguments of the Kochen-Specker type once the imprecision in real world experiments is taken into account'' [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3755 (1999)], is criticized. The Kochen-Specker theorem just points out that it is impossible even conceive a hidden variable model in which the outcomes of all measurements are pre-determined; it does not matter if these measurements are performed or not, or even if these measurements can be achieved only with finite precision.
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:04:30 GMT
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:04:30 GMT
[ [ "Cabello", "Adan", "" ] ]
Quantum key distribution without alternative measurements
Entanglement swapping between Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs can be used to generate the same sequence of random bits in two remote places. A quantum key distribution protocol based on this idea is described. The scheme exhibits the following features. (a) It does not require that Alice and Bob choose between alternative measurements, therefore improving the rate of generated bits by transmitted qubit. (b) It allows Alice and Bob to generate a key of arbitrary length using a single quantum system (three EPR pairs), instead of a long sequence of them. (c) Detecting Eve requires the comparison of fewer bits. (d) Entanglement is an essential ingredient. The scheme assumes reliable measurements of the Bell operator.
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:08:40 GMT
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 20:18:14 GMT
[ [ "Sukhatme", "U. P.", "" ], [ "Sergeenko", "M. N.", "" ] ]
Semiclassical Approximation for Periodic Potentials
We derive the semiclassical WKB quantization condition for obtaining the energy band edges of periodic potentials. The derivation is based on an approach which is much simpler than the usual method of interpolating with linear potentials in the regions of the classical turning points. The band structure of several periodic potentials is computed using our semiclassical quantization condition.
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 21:35:51 GMT
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 21:35:51 GMT
[ [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ], [ "Kaszlikowski", "Dagomir", "" ], [ "Santos", "Emilio", "" ] ]
Irrelevance of photon events distinguishability in a class of Bell experiments
We show that the possibility of distinguishing between single and two photon detection events, usually not met in the actual experiments, is not a necessary requirement for the proof that the experiments of Alley and Shih [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2921 (1988)], and Ou and Mandel [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 50 (1988)], are modulo fair sampling assumption, valid tests of local realism. We also give the critical parameters for the experiments to be unconditional tests of local realism, and show that some other interesting phenomena (involving bosonic type particle indistinguishability) can be observed during such tests.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:29:15 GMT
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:29:15 GMT
[ [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ], [ "Kaszlikowski", "Dagomir", "" ] ]
Faster than light Bell telephone of Michalski transmits only noise
Motivated by pedagogical reasons we pinpoint the mistake in the recent claim, in quant-ph/9911016, that faster than light communication is possible.
Sun, 7 Nov 1999 15:52:28 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:44:01 GMT
[ [ "Song", "Dae-Yup", "" ] ]
Geometric Phase, Hannay's Angle, and an Exact Action Variable
Canonical structure of a generalized time-periodic harmonic oscillator is studied by finding the exact action variable (invariant). Hannay's angle is defined if closed curves of constant action variables return to the same curves in phase space after a time evolution. The condition for the existence of Hannay's angle turns out to be identical to that for the existence of a complete set of (quasi)periodic wave functions. Hannay's angle is calculated, and it is shown that Berry's relation of semiclassical origin on geometric phase and Hannay's angle is exact for the cases considered.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 03:15:15 GMT
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 09:55:36 GMT
[ [ "Park", "JeongHyeong", "" ], [ "Song", "Dae-Yup", "" ] ]
Geometric phases in the simple harmonic and perturbative Mathieu's oscillator systems
Geometric phases of simple harmonic oscillator system are studied. Complete sets of "eigenfunctions" are constructed, which depend on the way of choosing classical solutions. For an eigenfunction, two different motions of the probability distribution function (pulsation of the width and oscillation of the center) contribute to the geometric phase which can be given in terms of the parameters of classical solutions. The geometric phase for a general wave function is also given. If a wave function has a parity under the inversion of space coordinate, then the geometric phase can be defined under the evolution of half of the period of classical motions. For the driven case, geometric phases are given in terms of Fourier coefficients of the external force. The oscillator systems whose classical equation of motion is Mathieu's equation are perturbatively studied, and the first term of nonvanishing geometric phase is calculated.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 03:23:28 GMT
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 03:23:28 GMT
[ [ "Beccaria", "Matteo", "" ], [ "Presilla", "Carlo", "" ], [ "De Angelis", "Gian Fabrizio", "" ], [ "Lasinio", "Giovanni Jona", "" ] ]
Evolution of fermionic systems as an expectation over Poisson processes
quant-ph cond-mat hep-lat math-ph math.MP
We derive an exact probabilistic representation for the evolution of a Hubbard model with site- and spin-dependent hopping coefficients and site-dependent interactions in terms of an associated stochastic dynamics of a collection of Poisson processes.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 13:13:38 GMT
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 13:13:38 GMT
[ [ "Brida", "G.", "" ], [ "Genovese", "M.", "" ], [ "Novero", "C.", "" ] ]
An application of two photon entangled states to quantum metrology
quant-ph physics.optics
Besides many interesting application to the study of foundations of quantum mechanics, entangled state are now assuming a large relevance for some practical application. In particular, we discuss most recent results obtained in our laboratory on the use of two photons entangled states produced in parametric down conversion for absolute quantum efficiency calibration of photodetectors, in photon counting regime.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:47:10 GMT
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:47:10 GMT
[ [ "Prvanovic", "S.", "" ], [ "Maric", "Z.", "" ], [ "Belgrade", "", "" ], [ "Serbia", "", "" ] ]
An Operator Formulation of Classical Mechanics and Semiclassical Limit
The generalized h-dependent operator algebra is defined ($0\leq h \leq h_o$). For h= h_o it becomes equivalent to the quantum mechanical algebra of observables and for h=0 it is equivalent to the classical one. We show this by proposing how the main features of both mechanics can be defined in operator form.
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:15:14 GMT
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:15:14 GMT
[ [ "Patnaik", "Anil K.", "", "Physical Research Laboratory,\n Ahmedabad, India" ], [ "Agarwal", "G. S.", "", "Physical Research Laboratory,\n Ahmedabad, India" ] ]
Controlling Magneto-Optical Rotation via Atomic COherences
An isotropic medium, having magnetic sublevels, when subjected to a magnetic field or an electromagnetic field can induce anisotropy in the medium; and as a result the plane of polarization of the probe field can rotate. Therefore the rotation due to the magnetic field alone, can be {\em controlled efficiently} with use of a coherent field. We show, using a control field, significant enhancement of the magneto-optical rotation and demonstrate the possibility of realizing {\em magneto-optical switch}.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 06:54:17 GMT
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 06:54:17 GMT
[ [ "Nambu", "Y.", "", "Fundamental Res.\n Labs., NEC Corporation, Japan" ], [ "Tomita", "A.", "", "Fundamental Res.\n Labs., NEC Corporation, Japan" ], [ "Chiba-Kohno", "Y.", "", "Fundamental Res.\n Labs., NEC Corporation, Japan" ], [ "Nakamura", "K.", "", "Fundamental Res.\n Labs., NEC Corporation, Japan" ] ]
Quantum Key Distribution using Two Coherent States of Light and their Superposition
Quantum mechanical complementarity ensures the security of the key-distribution scheme reported by Brassard and Bennet in 1984 (BB84), but does not prohibit use of multi-photons as a signal carrier. We describe a novel BB84 scheme in which two nearly orthogonal coherent states carry the key, and the superposition of these states (cat states) protects the communication channel from eavesdropping. Information leakage to eavesdroppers can be determined from the visibility of the interferential fringes in the distribution of the outcome when a certain quadrature component is measured through homodyne detection. The effect of channel loss and detector inefficiency is discussed.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:14:00 GMT
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:53:30 GMT
[ [ "Paris", "MGA", "" ], [ "Plenio", "M", "" ], [ "Jonathan", "D", "" ], [ "Bose", "S", "" ], [ "D'Ariano", "GM", "" ] ]
Optical Bell Measurement by Fock Filtering
We describe a nonlinear interferometric setup to perform a complete optical Bell measurement, i.e. to unambigously discriminate the four polarization entangled EPR-Bell photon pairs. The scheme is robust against detector inefficiency.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:47:03 GMT
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:47:03 GMT
[ [ "De Raedt", "H.", "" ], [ "Hams", "A. H.", "" ], [ "Michielsen", "K.", "" ], [ "Miyashita", "S.", "" ], [ "Saito", "K.", "" ] ]
Quantum Statistical Mechanics on a Quantum Computer
We describe a quantum algorithm to compute the density of states and thermal equilibrium properties of quantum many-body systems. We present results obtained by running this algorithm on a software implementation of a 21-qubit quantum computer for the case of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on triangular lattices of different size.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:33:52 GMT
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:33:52 GMT
[ [ "De Raedt", "H.", "" ], [ "Hams", "A. H.", "" ], [ "Michielsen", "K.", "" ], [ "Miyashita", "S.", "" ], [ "Saito", "K.", "" ] ]
Quantum Spin Dynamics and Quantum Computation
We describe a simulation method for a quantum spin model of a generic, general purpose quantum computer. The use of this quantum computer simulator is illustrated through several implementations of Grover's database search algorithm. Some preliminary results on the stability of quantum algorithms are presented.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:44:50 GMT
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 13:59:21 GMT
[ [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ], [ "Kaszlikowski", "Dagomir", "" ] ]
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger paradoxes with symmetric multiport beam splitters
In a gedankenexperiment N particles in a generalized GHZ-type beam entangled state (each particle can be in one of M beams) are fed into N symmetric 2M-port beam splitters (spatially separated). Correlation functions for such a process (using the Bell numbers value assignment approach) reveal a remarkable symmetry. For N=M+1 greater or equal to 4 a series of GHZ paradoxes are shown.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:17:15 GMT
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:17:15 GMT
[ [ "Havlicek", "Hans", "" ], [ "Krenn", "Guenther", "" ], [ "Summhammer", "Johann", "" ], [ "Svozil", "Karl", "" ] ]
Coloring the rational quantum sphere and the Kochen-Specker theorem
We review and extend recent findings of Godsil and Zaks, who published a constructive coloring of the rational unit sphere with the property that for any orthogonal tripod formed by rays extending from the origin of the points of the sphere, exactly one ray is red, white and black. They also showed that any consistent coloring of the real sphere requires an additional color. We discuss some of the consequences for the Kochen-Specker theorem.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 16:24:12 GMT
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 08:31:56 GMT
[ [ "De Raedt", "Hans", "" ], [ "Hams", "Anthony", "" ], [ "Michielsen", "Kristel", "" ], [ "De Raedt", "Koen", "" ] ]
Quantum Computer Emulator
We describe a quantum computer emulator for a generic, general purpose quantum computer. This emulator consists of a simulator of the physical realization of the quantum computer and a graphical user interface to program and control the simulator. We illustrate the use of the quantum computer emulator through various implementations of the Deutsch-Jozsa and Grover's database search algorithm.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 16:47:03 GMT
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 10:09:44 GMT
[ [ "Koch", "Christiane", "" ], [ "Esser", "Bernd", "" ] ]
Spin-Boson Hamiltonian and Optical Absorption of Molecular Dimers
An analysis of the eigenstates of a symmetry-broken spin-boson Hamiltonian is performed by computing Bloch and Husimi projections. The eigenstate analysis is combined with the calculation of absorption bands of asymmetric dimer configurations constituted by monomers with nonidentical excitation energies and optical transition matrix elements. Absorption bands with regular and irregular fine structures are obtained and related to the transition from the coexistence to a mixing of adiabatic branches in the spectrum. It is shown that correlations between spin states allow for an interpolation between absorption bands for different optical asymmetries.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:12:17 GMT
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:12:17 GMT
[ [ "Hardy", "Lucien", "", "The Perimeter Institute" ], [ "Kent", "Adrian", "", "Centre for\n Quantum Computation, University of Cambridge" ] ]
Cheat Sensitive Quantum Bit Commitment
quant-ph cs.CR
We define cheat sensitive cryptographic protocols between mistrustful parties as protocols which guarantee that, if either cheats, the other has some nonzero probability of detecting the cheating. We give an example of an unconditionally secure cheat sensitive non-relativistic bit commitment protocol which uses quantum information to implement a task which is classically impossible; we also describe a simple relativistic protocol.
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 22:53:16 GMT
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 18:59:50 GMT
[ [ "Dür", "W.", "" ], [ "Cirac", "J. I.", "" ] ]
Classification of multi-qubit mixed states: separability and distillability properties
We give a complete, hierarchic classification for arbitrary multi-qubit mixed states based on the separability properties of certain partitions. We introduce a family of N-qubit states to which any arbitrary state can be depolarized. This family can be viewed as the generalization of Werner states to multi-qubit systems. We fully classify those states with respect to their separability and distillability properties. This provides sufficient conditions for nonseparability and distillability for arbitrary states.
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:18:51 GMT
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:18:51 GMT
[ [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ], [ "Kaszlikowski", "Dagomir", "" ] ]
Entanglement swapping with PDC sources
We show that the possibility of distinguishing between single and two photon detection events is not a necessary requirement for the proof that recent operational realization of entanglement swapping cannot find a local realistic description. We propose a simple modification of the experiment, which gives a richer set of interesting phenomena.
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 16:42:44 GMT
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 16:42:44 GMT
[ [ "Gersten", "A.", "" ] ]
Orthogonality and Boundary Conditions in Quantum Mechanics
One-dimensional particle states are constructed according to orthogonality conditions, without requiring boundary conditions. Free particle states are constructed using Dirac's delta function orthogonality conditions. The states (doublets) depend on two quantum numbers: energy and parity. With the aid of projection operators the particles are confined to a constrained region, in a way similar to the action of an infinite well potential. From the resulting overcomplete basis only the mutually orthogonal states are selected. Four solutions are found, corresponding to different non-commuting Hamiltonians. Their energy eigenstates are labeled with the main quantum number n and parity "+" or "-". The energy eigenvalues are functions of n only. The four cases correspond to different boundary conditions: (I) the wave function vanishes on the boundary, (II) the derivative of the wavefunction vanishes on the boundary,(III) periodic (symmetric) boundary conditions, (IV) periodic (antisymmetric)boundary conditions . Among the four cases, only solution (III) forms a complete basis in the sense that any function in the constrained region, can be expanded with it. By extending the boundaries of the constrained region to infinity, only solution (III) converges uniformly to the free particle states. Orthogonality seems to be a more basic requirement than boundary conditions. By using projection operators, confinement of the particle to a definite region can be achieved in a conceptually simple and unambiguous way, and physical operators can be written so that they act only in the confined region.
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:11:41 GMT
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:11:41 GMT
[ [ "Gersten", "A.", "" ] ]
Incomplete Delta Functions
By applying projection operators to state vectors of coordinates we obtain subspaces in which these states are no longer normalized according to Dirac's delta function but normalized according to what we call "incomplete delta functions". We show that this class of functions satisfy identities similar to those satisfied by the Dirac delta function. The incomplete delta functions may be employed advantageously in projected subspaces and in the link between functions defined on the whole space and the projected subspace. We apply a similar procedure to finite dimensional vector spaces for which we define incomplete Kronecker deltas. Dispersion relations for the momenta are obtained and ''sums over poles'' are defined and obtained with the aid of differences of incomplete delta functions.
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:28:57 GMT
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:28:57 GMT
[ [ "Tkachuk", "V. M.", "" ], [ "Roy", "P.", "" ] ]
Motion of a spin 1/2 particle in shape invariant scalar and magnetic fields
We study the motion of a spin 1/2 particle in a scalar as well as a magnetic field within the framework of supersymmetric quantum mechanics(SUSYQM). We also introduce the concept of shape invariant scalar and magnetic fields and it is shown that the problem admits exact analytical solutions when such fields are considered.
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:48:50 GMT
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:48:50 GMT
[ [ "Gersten", "A.", "" ] ]
Maxwell equations as the one-photon quantum equation
Maxwell equations (Faraday and Ampere-Maxwell laws) can be presented as a three component equation in a way similar to the two component neutrino equation. However, in this case, the electric and magnetic Gauss's laws can not be derived from first principles. We have shown how all Maxwell equations can be derived simultaneously from first principles, similar to those which have been used to derive the Dirac relativistic electron equation. We have also shown that equations for massless particles, derived by Dirac in 1936, lead to the same result. The complex wave function, being a linear combination of the electric and magnetic fields, is a locally measurable and well understood quantity. Therefore Maxwell equations should be used as a guideline for proper interpretations of quantum theories.
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 17:58:44 GMT
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 17:58:44 GMT
[ [ "Fulling", "S. A.", "" ] ]
A Possible New Quantum Algorithm: Arithmetic with Large Integers via the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Residue arithmetic is an elegant and convenient way of computing with integers that exceed the natural word size of a computer. The algorithms are highly parallel and hence naturally adapted to quantum computation. The process differs from most quantum algorithms currently under discussion in that the output would presumably be obtained by classical superposition of the output of many identical quantum systems, instead of by arranging for constructive interference in the wave function of a single quantum computer.
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:05:40 GMT
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:05:40 GMT
[ [ "Fulling", "S. A.", "" ] ]
Large Numbers, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, and the Circle of Fifths
This is a pedagogical article cited in the foregoing research note, quant-ph/9911050
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:12:50 GMT
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:12:50 GMT
[ [ "Hall", "Brian C.", "" ] ]
Coherent states, Yang-Mills theory, and reduction
quant-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP
This paper explains some of the ideas behind a prior joint work of the author with Bruce Driver on the canonical quantization of Yang-Mills theory on a spacetime cylinder. The idea is that the generalized Segal-Bargmann transform for a compact group can be obtained from the ordinary Segal-Bargmann transform by imposing gauge symmetry.
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:55:34 GMT
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 20:55:34 GMT
[ [ "Lee", "Jae-Seung", "" ], [ "Chung", "Yongwook", "" ], [ "Kim", "Jaehyun", "" ], [ "Lee", "Soonchil", "" ] ]
A Practical Method of Constructing Quantum Combinational Logic Circuits
We describe a practical method of constructing quantum combinational logic circuits with basic quantum logic gates such as NOT and general $n$-bit Toffoli gates. This method is useful to find the quantum circuits for evaluating logic functions in the form most appropriate for implementation on a given quantum computer. The rules to get the most efficient circuit are utilized best with the aid of a Karnaugh map. It is explained which rules of using a Karnaugh map are changed due to the difference between the quantum and classical logic circuits.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 06:13:34 GMT
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 06:13:34 GMT
[ [ "Brassard", "Gilles", "" ], [ "Lütkenhaus", "Norbert", "" ], [ "Mor", "Tal", "" ], [ "Sanders", "Barry C.", "" ] ]
Security Aspects of Practical Quantum Cryptography
The use of quantum bits (qubits) in cryptography holds the promise of secure cryptographic quantum key distribution schemes. Unfortunately, the implemented schemes can be totally insecure. We provide a thorough investigation of security issues for practical quantum key distribution, taking into account channel losses, a realistic detection process, and modifications of the ``qubits'' sent from the sender to the receiver. We first show that even quantum key distribution with perfect qubits cannot be achieved over long distances when fixed channel losses and fixed dark count errors are taken into account. Then we show that existing experimental schemes (based on ``weak-pulse'') are usually totally insecure. Finally we show that parametric downconversion offers enhanced performance compared to its weak coherent pulse counterpart.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 08:32:27 GMT
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 08:32:27 GMT
[ [ "Molotkov", "S. N.", "", "Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian\n Academy of Sciences" ], [ "Nazin", "S. S.", "", "Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian\n Academy of Sciences" ] ]
Unconditionally Secure Relativistic Quantum Bit Commitment
A new relativistic quantum protocol is proposed allowing to implement the bit commitment scheme. The protocol is based on the idea that in the relativistic case the field propagation to the region of space accessible to measurement requires, contrary to the non-relativistic case, a finite non-zero time which depends on the structure of the particular state of the field. In principle, the secret bit can be stored for arbitrarily long time with the probability arbitrarily close to unit.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:15:30 GMT
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:15:30 GMT
[ [ "Bruss", "Dagmar", "" ], [ "Peres", "Asher", "" ] ]
Construction of quantum states with bound entanglement
We present a new family of bound-entangled quantum states in 3x3 dimensions. Their density matrix depends on 7 independent parameters and has 4 different non-vanishing eigenvalues.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:33:39 GMT
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:33:39 GMT