[ [ "Terhal", "Barbara M.", "" ] ]
Bell Inequalities and the Separability Criterion
We analyze and compare the mathematical formulations of the criterion for separability for bipartite density matrices and the Bell inequalities. We show that a violation of a Bell inequality can formally be expressed as a witness for entanglement. We also show how the criterion for separability and a description of the state by a local hidden variable theory, become equivalent when we restrict the set of local hidden variable theories to the domain of quantum mechanics. This analysis sheds light on the essential difference between the two criteria and may help us in understanding whether there exist entangled states for which the statistics of the outcomes of all possible local measurements can be described by a local hidden variable theory.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:33:34 GMT
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 15:55:37 GMT
[ [ "Slater", "Paul B.", "", "University of California" ] ]
Exact Bures Probabilities that Two Quantum Bits are Classically Correlated
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
In previous studies, we have explored the ansatz that the volume elements of the Bures metrics over quantum systems might serve as prior distributions, in analogy to the (classical) Bayesian role of the volume elements ("Jeffreys' priors") of Fisher information metrics. Continuing this work, we obtain exact Bures probabilities that the members of certain low-dimensional subsets of the fifteen-dimensional convex set of 4 x 4 density matrices are separable or classically correlated. The main analytical tools employed are symbolic integration and a formula of Dittmann (quant-ph/9908044) for Bures metric tensors. This study complements an earlier one (quant-ph/9810026) in which numerical (randomization) --- but not integration --- methods were used to estimate Bures separability probabilities for unrestricted 4 x 4 or 6 x 6 density matrices. The exact values adduced here for pairs of quantum bits (qubits), typically, well exceed the estimate (.1) there, but this disparity may be attributable to our focus on special low-dimensional subsets. Quite remarkably, for the q = 1 and q = 1/2 states inferred using the principle of maximum nonadditive (Tsallis) entropy, the separability probabilities are both equal to 2^{1/2} - 1. For the Werner qubit-qutrit and qutrit-qutrit states, the probabilities are vanishingly small, while in the qubit-qubit case it is 1/4.
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:00:58 GMT
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:18:32 GMT
[ [ "Shigehara", "T.", "", "Saitama U" ], [ "Mizoguchi", "H.", "", "Saitama U" ], [ "Mishima", "T.", "", "Saitama U" ], [ "Cheon", "Taksu", "", "Kochi Tech" ] ]
Generalized One-Dimensional Point Interaction in Relativistic and Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics
We first give the solution for the local approximation of a four parameter family of generalized one-dimensional point interactions within the framework of non-relativistic model with three neighboring $\delta$ functions. We also discuss the problem within relativistic (Dirac) framework and give the solution for a three parameter family. It gives a physical interpretation for so-called $\epsilon$ potential. It will be also shown that the scattering properties at high energy substantially differ between non-relativistic and relativistic cases.
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 07:47:15 GMT
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 07:47:15 GMT
[ [ "Exner", "Pavel", "" ], [ "Geyler", "Vladimir A.", "" ] ]
Berry phase in magnetic systems with point perturbations
quant-ph cond-mat math-ph math.MP
We study a two-dimensional charged particle interacting with a magnetic field, in general non-homogeneous, perpendicular to the plane, a confining potential, and a point interaction. If the latter moves adiabatically along a loop the state corresponding to an isolated eigenvalue acquires a Berry phase. We derive an expression for it and evaluate it in several examples such as a homogeneous field, a magnetic whisker, a particle confined at a ring or in quantum dots, a parabolic and a zero-range one. We also discuss the behavior of the lowest Landau level in this setting obtaining an explicit example of the Wilczek-Zee phase for an infinitely degenerated eigenvalue.
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:10:05 GMT
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 11:10:05 GMT
[ [ "Flambaum", "V. V.", "" ] ]
Time dynamics in chaotic many-body systems: can chaos destroy a quantum computer?
quant-ph chao-dyn cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.CD nucl-th physics.atom-ph
Highly excited many-particle states in quantum systems (nuclei, atoms, quantum dots, spin systems, quantum computers) can be ``chaotic'' superpositions of mean-field basis states (Slater determinants, products of spin or qubit states). This is a result of the very high energy level density of many-body states which can be easily mixed by a residual interaction between particles. We consider the time dynamics of wave functions and increase of entropy in such chaotic systems. As an example we present the time evolution in a closed quantum computer. A time scale for the entropy S(t) increase is t_c =t_0/(n log_2{n}), where t_0 is the qubit ``lifetime'', n is the number of qubits, S(0)=0 and S(t_c)=1. At t << t_c the entropy is small: S= n t^2 J^2 log_2(1/t^2 J^2), where J is the inter-qubit interaction strength. At t > t_c the number of ``wrong'' states increases exponentially as 2^{S(t)} . Therefore, t_c may be interpreted as a maximal time for operation of a quantum computer, since at t > t_c one has to struggle against the second law of thermodynamics. At t >>t_c the system entropy approaches that for chaotic eigenstates.
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 02:57:05 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 02:57:05 GMT
[ [ "Volovich", "I. V.", "" ] ]
Atomic Quantum Computer
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall physics.atom-ph
The current proposals for the realization of quantum computer such as NMR, quantum dots and trapped ions are based on the using of an atom or an ion as one qubit. In these proposals a quantum computer consists from several atoms and the coupling between them provides the coupling between qubits necessary for a quantum gate. We discuss whether a {\it single} atom can be used as a quantum computer. Internal states of the atom serve to hold the quantum information and the spin-orbit and spin-spin interaction provides the coupling between qubits in the atomic quantum computer. In particular one can use the electron spin resonance (ESR) to process the information encoded in the hyperfine splitting of atomic energy levels. By using quantum state engineering one can manipulate the internal states of the natural or artificial (quantum dot) atom to make quantum computations.
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:23:53 GMT
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:23:53 GMT
[ [ "Zhou", "Zheng-Wei", "", "University of Science and Technology\n of China" ], [ "Guo", "Guang-Can", "", "University of Science and Technology\n of China" ] ]
Disentanglement and Inseparability correlation : in two-qubit system
Started from local universal isotropic disentanglement, a threshold inequality on reduction factors is proposed, which is necessary and sufficient for this type of disentanglement processes. Furthermore, we give the conditions realizing ideal disentanglement processes provided that some information on quantum states is known. In addition, based on fully entangled fraction, a concept called inseparability correlation is presented. Some properties on inseparability correlation coefficient are studied.
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:07:58 GMT
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 13:07:58 GMT
[ [ "Chen", "C. Y.", "" ] ]
Time-dependent Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics
After revealing difficulties of the standard time-dependent perturbation theory in quantum mechanics mainly from the viewpoint of practical calculation, we propose a new quasi-canonical perturbation theory. In the new theory, the dynamics of physical observables, instead of that of coefficients of wave-function expansion, is formulated so that the gauge-invariance and correspondence principles are observed naturally.
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:29:15 GMT
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:29:15 GMT
[ [ "Spohn", "Herbert", "" ] ]
Semiclassical limit of the Dirac equation and spin precession
We study the Dirac equation with slowly varying external potentials. Using matrix-valued Wigner functions we prove that the electron follows with high precision the classical orbit and that the spin precesses according to the BMT equation with gyromagnetic ratio g=2.
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:37:45 GMT
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:37:45 GMT
[ [ "Morawetz", "Klaus", "" ], [ "Špička", "Václav", "" ], [ "Lipavský", "Pavel", "" ] ]
Nonlocal kinetic theory
The short time behavior of a disturbed system is influenced by off-shell motion and best characterized by the reduced density matrix possessing high energetic tails. We present analytically the formation of correlations due to collisions in an interacting Fermionic system with and without initial correlation. After this short time regime the time evolution is controlled by small gradients. This leads to a nonlocal Boltzmann equation for the quasiparticle distribution and a functional relating the latter one to the reduced density matrix. The nonlocalities are presented as time and space shifts arising from gradient expansion and are leading to virial corrections in the thermodynamical limit.
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 08:11:48 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 08:11:48 GMT
[ [ "Hradil", "Z.", "" ], [ "Summhammer", "J.", "" ] ]
Quantum theory of incompatible observations
Maximum likelihood principle is shown to be the best measure for relating the experimental data with the predictions of quantum theory.
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:58:21 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:58:21 GMT
[ [ "Hradil", "Z.", "" ], [ "Summhammer", "J.", "" ], [ "Badurek", "G.", "" ], [ "Rauch", "H.", "" ] ]
Reconstruction of the spin state
System of 1/2 spin particles is observed repeatedly using Stern-Gerlach apparatuses with rotated orientations. Synthesis of such non-commuting observables is analyzed using maximum likelihood estimation as an example of quantum state reconstruction. Repeated incompatible observations represent a new generalized measurement. This idealized scheme will serve for analysis of future experiments in neutron and quantum optics.
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:52:56 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:52:56 GMT
[ [ "Mancini", "Stefano", "" ], [ "Vitali", "David", "" ], [ "Tombesi", "Paolo", "" ] ]
Motional Squashed States
We show that by using a feedback loop it is possible to reduce the fluctuations in one quadrature of the vibrational degree of freedom of a trapped ion below the quantum limit. The stationary state is not a proper squeezed state, but rather a ``squashed'' state, since the uncertainty in the orthogonal quadrature, which is larger than the standard quantum limit, is unaffected by the feedback action.
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 14:13:29 GMT
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 14:13:29 GMT
[ [ "Avetissian", "H. K.", "", "Yerevan State\n University, Yerevan, Armenia" ], [ "Markossian", "A. G.", "", "Yerevan State\n University, Yerevan, Armenia" ], [ "Mkrtchian", "G. F.", "", "Yerevan State\n University, Yerevan, Armenia" ] ]
Relativistic theory of the above-threshold multiphoton ionization of hydrogen-like atoms in the ultrastrong laser fields
The relativistic theory of above-threshold ionization (ATI) of hydrogen-like atoms in ultrastrong radiation fields, taking into account the photoelectron induced rescattering in the continuum spectrum is developed. It is shown that the contribution of the latter in the multiphoton ionization probability even in the Born approximation by Coulomb field is of the order of ATI probability in the scope of Keldysh-Faisal-Reiss ansatz.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:36:47 GMT
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:36:47 GMT
[ [ "Hradil", "Z.", "" ], [ "Dusek", "M.", "" ] ]
Analogy between optimal spin estimation and interferometry
Scheme for optimal spin state estimation is considered in analogy with phase detection in interferometry. Recently reported coherent measurements yielding the average fidelity (N+1)/(N+2) for N particle system corresponds to the standard limit of phase resolution 1/\sqrt{N}. It provides the bound for incoherent measurements when each particle is detected separately and information is used optimally. For specific states, improvement up to the value 1/N is possible in quantum theory. The best results are obtained combining sequentially coherent measurements on fractional groups of particles.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:01:47 GMT
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:01:47 GMT
[ [ "Cummins", "H. K.", "" ], [ "Jones", "J. A.", "" ] ]
Use of composite rotations to correct systematic errors in NMR quantum computation
We implement an ensemble quantum counting algorithm on three NMR spectrometers with 1H resonance frequencies of 500, 600 and 750 MHz. At higher frequencies, the results deviate markedly from naive theoretical predictions. These systematic errors can be attributed almost entirely to off-resonance effects, which can be substantially corrected for using fully-compensating composite rotation pulse sequences originally developed by Tycko. We also derive an analytic expression for generating such sequences with arbitrary rotation angles.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 15:38:56 GMT
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 15:38:56 GMT
[ [ "Pati", "Arun K.", "" ] ]
Existence of the Schmidt decomposition for tripartite systems
For any bipartite quantum system the Schmidt decomposition allows us to express the state vector in terms of a single sum instead of double sums. We show the existence of the Schmidt decomposition for tripartite system under certain condition. If the partial inner product of a basis (belonging to a Hilbert space of smaller dimension) with the state of the composite system gives a disentangled basis, then the Schmidt decomposition for a tripartite system exists. In this case the reduced density matrix of each of the subsystem has equal spectrum in the Schmidt basis.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:14:38 GMT
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 13:46:01 GMT
[ [ "Vlasov", "Alexander Yu.", "", "FRC/IRH" ] ]
Error Correction with Euclidean Qubits
In classical case there is simplest method of error correction with using three equal bits instead of one. In the paper is shown, how the scheme fails for quantum error correction with complex vector spaces of usual quantum mechanics, but works in real and quaternionic cases. It is discussed also, how to implement the three qubits scheme with using encoding of quaternionic qubit by Majorana spinor. Necessary concepts and formulae from area of quantum error corrections are closely introduced and proved.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:25:50 GMT
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:56:06 GMT
[ [ "Sergeenko", "M. N.", "" ] ]
Semiclassical wave equation and exactness of the WKB method
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
The exactness of the semiclassical method for three-dimensional problems in quantum mechanics is analyzed. The wave equation appropriate in the quasiclassical region is derived. It is shown that application of the standard leading-order WKB quantization condition to this equation reproduces exact energy eigenvalues for all solvable spherically symmetric potentials.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 20:05:52 GMT
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 20:05:52 GMT
[ [ "Mirell", "Stuart", "" ], [ "Mirell", "Daniel", "" ] ]
High Efficiency Interaction-free Measurement from Continuous Wave Multi-beam Interference
A new method for high efficiency interaction-free measurement is presented. Selective transmission of multiple beam interference is used to generate a continuous wave target beam with an irradiance level ~1% that of a reference beam. When the target beam is unobstructed by a potentially interposed object, the resultant measured interference visibility of 0.86 with the reference beam significantly exceeds the classically predicted irradiance-based visibility of 0.17 and provides a methodology for ~100% interaction-free measurement with a continuous wave beam.
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:59:06 GMT
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 04:27:17 GMT
[ [ "Accardi", "L.", "" ], [ "Kozyrev", "S. V.", "" ] ]
The stochastic limit of quantum spin systems
The stochastic limit for the system of spins interacting with a boson field is investigated. In the finite volume an application of the stochastic golden rule shows that in the limit the dynamics of a quantum system is described by a quantum white noise equation that after taking of normal order is equivalent to quantum stochastic differential equation (QSDE). For the quantum Langevin equation the dynamics is well defined and is a quantum flow on the infinite lattice system.
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:12:08 GMT
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:12:08 GMT
[ [ "Accardi", "L.", "" ], [ "Kozyrev", "S. V.", "" ] ]
On the structure of Markov flows
A new infinitesimal characterization of completely positive but not necessarily homomorphic Markov flows from a C^*-algebra to bounded operators on the boson Fock space over L^2(R) is given. Contrarily to previous characterizations, based on stochastic differential equations, this characterization is universal, i.e. valid for arbitrary Markov flows. With this result the study of Markov flows is reduced to the study of four C_0-semigroups. This includes the classical case and even in this case it seems to be new. The result is applied to deduce a new existence theorem for Markov flows.
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:46:18 GMT
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 12:25:45 GMT
[ [ "King", "C.", "" ], [ "Ruskai", "M. B.", "" ] ]
Minimal Entropy of States Emerging from Noisy Quantum Channels
In this paper, we consider the minimal entropy of qubit states transmitted through two uses of a noisy quantum channel, which is modeled by the action of a completely positive trace-preserving (or stochastic) map. We provide strong support for the conjecture that this minimal entropy is additive, namely that the minimum entropy can be achieved when product states are transmitted. Explicitly, we prove that for a tensor product of two unital stochastic maps on qubit states, using an entanglement that involves only states which emerge with minimal entropy cannot decrease the entropy below the minimum achievable using product states. We give a separate argument, based on the geometry of the image of the set of density matrices under stochastic maps, which suggests that the minimal entropy conjecture holds for non-unital as well as for unital maps. We also show that the maximal norm of the output states is multiplicative for most product maps on $n$-qubit states, including all those for which at least one map is unital. For the class of {\it unital} channels on ${\bf C}^2$, we show that additivity of minimal entropy implies that the Holevo capacity of the channel is {\it additive} over two inputs, achievable with orthogonal states, and equal to the Shannon capacity. This implies that superadditivity of the capacity is possible only for non-unital channels.
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 17:26:50 GMT
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 19:01:20 GMT
[ [ "Hu", "Xuedong", "" ], [ "Sarma", "S. Das", "" ] ]
Hilbert space structure of a solid state quantum computer: two-electron states of a double quantum dot artificial molecule
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
We study theoretically a double quantum dot hydrogen molecule in the GaAs conduction band as the basic elementary gate for a quantum computer with the electron spins in the dots serving as qubits. Such a two-dot system provides the necessary two-qubit entanglement required for quantum computation. We determine the excitation spectrum of two horizontally coupled quantum dots with two confined electrons, and study its dependence on an external magnetic field. In particular, we focus on the splitting of the lowest singlet and triplet states, the double occupation probability of the lowest states, and the relative energy scales of these states. We point out that at zero magnetic field it is difficult to have both a vanishing double occupation probability for a small error rate and a sizable exchange coupling for fast gating. On the other hand, finite magnetic fields may provide finite exchange coupling for quantum computer operations with small errors. We critically discuss the applicability of the envelope function approach in the current scheme and also the merits of various quantum chemical approaches in dealing with few-electron problems in quantum dots, such as the Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method, the molecular orbital method, the Heisenberg model, and the Hubbard model. We also discuss a number of relevant issues in quantum dot quantum computing in the context of our calculations, such as the required design tolerance, spin decoherence, adiabatic transitions, magnetic field control, and error correction.
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 20:33:47 GMT
Tue, 16 May 2000 22:41:16 GMT
[ [ "Sergeenko", "M. N.", "" ] ]
Relativistic semiclassical wave equation and its solution
The properties of relativistic particles in the quasiclassical region are investigated. The relativistic semiclassical wave equation appropriate in the quasiclassical region is derived. It is shown that the leading-order WKB quantization rule is the appropriate method to solve the equation obtained.
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:39:01 GMT
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:39:01 GMT
[ [ "Ahuja", "Ashish", "" ], [ "Kapoor", "Sanjiv", "" ] ]
A Quantum Algorithm for finding the Maximum
This paper describes a quantum algorithm for finding the maximum among N items. The classical method for the same problem takes O(N) steps because we need to compare two numbers in one step. This algorithm takes O(sqrt(N)) steps by exploiting the property of quantum states to exist in a superposition of states and hence performing an operation on a number of elements in one go. A tight upper bound of 6.8(sqrt(N)) for the number of steps needed using this algorithm was found. These steps are the number of queries made to the oracle.
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 08:39:50 GMT
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 08:39:50 GMT
[ [ "Manini", "Nicola", "" ], [ "Pistolesi", "Fabio", "" ] ]
Off-Diagonal Geometric Phases
quant-ph cond-mat
We investigate the adiabatic evolution of a set of non-degenerate eigenstates of a parameterized Hamiltonian. Their relative phase change can be related to geometric measurable quantities that extend the familiar concept of Berry phase to the evolution of more than one state. We present several physical systems where these concepts can be applied, including an experiment on microwave cavities for which off-diagonal phases can be determined from published data.
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 14:55:20 GMT
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 14:57:05 GMT
[ [ "Cooper", "Thomas L.", "" ] ]
Dynamic Rules for Decoherence
In orthodox quantum theory, decoherence is presumed to be caused by observation. In this paper, the idea of replacing observation, as the cause of decoherence, with rules derived from the dynamics of the system is addressed. Such rules determine the timing of decoherence and the states in the mixture afterward. For instance, energy conservation during decohenence, for each possible transition, leads to a timing rule. Exponetial decay and ergodic behavior follow directly from the dynamic rules as do Boltzman's postulate of equally probable micro-states and the Pauli rate equations. Ergodic behavior in mesoscopic systems is predicted and those preditions are strikingly similar to behavior observed in at least two laboratories.
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 22:37:08 GMT
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 23:06:00 GMT
[ [ "De Filippo", "Sergio", "" ] ]
Withdrawn paper
quant-ph nucl-th
Only craziness I am ashamed about.
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 22:36:18 GMT
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 16:42:06 GMT
[ [ "Chefles", "Anthony", "" ] ]
Deterministic Quantum State Transformations
We derive a necessary condition for the existence of a completely-positive, linear, trace-preserving map which deterministically transforms one finite set of pure quantum states into another. This condition is also sufficient for linearly-independent initial states. We also examine the issue of quantum coherence, that is, when such operations maintain the purity of superpositions. If, in any deterministic transformation from one linearly-independent set to another, even a single, complete superposition of the initial states maintains its purity, the initial and final states are related by a unitary transformation.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:39:50 GMT
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 14:59:15 GMT
[ [ "Shumovsky", "Alexander S.", "" ], [ "Klyachko", "Alexander A.", "" ] ]
Radiation of a quantum localized source
New effective operators, describing the photons with given polarization at given position with respect to a source are proposed. These operators can be used to construct the near and intermediate zones quantum optics. It is shown that the use of the conventional plane photons can lead to a wrong results for quantum fluctuations of polarization even in the far zone.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:40:22 GMT
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:40:22 GMT
[ [ "Baute", "A. D.", "" ], [ "Egusquiza", "I. L.", "" ], [ "Muga", "J. G.", "" ], [ "Sala-Mayato", "R.", "" ] ]
Time-of-arrival distributions from position-momentum and energy-time joint measurements
The position-momentum quasi-distribution obtained from an Arthurs and Kelly joint measurement model is used to obtain indirectly an ``operational'' time-of-arrival (TOA) distribution following a quantization procedure proposed by Kocha\'nski and W\'odkiewicz [Phys. Rev. A 60, 2689 (1999)]. This TOA distribution is not time covariant. The procedure is generalized by using other phase-space quasi-distributions, and sufficient conditions are provided for time covariance that limit the possible phase-space quasi-distributions essentially to the Wigner function, which, however, provides a non-positive TOA quasi-distribution. These problems are remedied with a different quantization procedure which, on the other hand, does not guarantee normalization. Finally an Arthurs and Kelly measurement model for TOA and energy (valid also for arbitrary conjugate variables when one of the variables is bounded from below) is worked out. The marginal TOA distribution so obtained, a distorted version of Kijowski's distribution, is time covariant, positive, and normalized.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 18:47:10 GMT
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 18:47:10 GMT
[ [ "Sergeenko", "M. N.", "" ] ]
Quantum fluctuations of the angular momentum and energy of the ground state
Quasiclassical solution of the three-dimensional Schredinger's equation is given. The existence of nonzero minimal angular momentum M_0 = \hbar /2 is shown, which corresponds to the quantum fluctuations of the angular momentum and contributes to the energy of the ground state.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 18:22:47 GMT
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 18:22:47 GMT
[ [ "Pati", "Arun Kumar", "" ], [ "Braunstein", "Samuel L.", "" ] ]
Impossibility of deleting an unknown quantum state
A photon in an arbitrary polarization state cannot be cloned perfectly. But suppose that at our disposal we have several copies of an unknown photon. Is it possible to delete the information content of one or more of these photons by a physical process? Specifically, if two photons are in the same initial polarization state is there a mechanism that produces one photon in the same initial state and the other in some standard polarization state. If this can be done, then one would create a standard blank state onto which one could copy an unknown state approximately, by deterministic cloning or exactly, by probabilistic cloning. This might be useful in quantum computation, where one could store some new information in an already computed state by deleting the old information. Here we show that the linearity of quantum theory does not allow us to delete a copy of an arbitrary quantum state perfectly. Though in a classical computer information can be deleted against a copy, the same task cannot be accomplished with quantum information.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 19:55:36 GMT
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:01:40 GMT
[ [ "Pakvasa", "S.", "" ], [ "Simmons", "W.", "" ], [ "Tata", "X.", "" ] ]
Relativistic Quantum Computing
We present some informal remarks on aspects of relativistic quantum computing.
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 23:20:41 GMT
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 23:20:41 GMT
[ [ "Kim", "Ilki", "" ], [ "Mahler", "Guenter", "" ] ]
Quantum chaos in small quantum networks
We study a 2-spin quantum Turing architecture, in which discrete local rotations \alpha_m of the Turing head spin alternate with quantum controlled NOT-operations. We show that a single chaotic parameter input \alpha_m leads to a chaotic dynamics in the entire Hilbert space. The instability of periodic orbits on the Turing head and `chaos swapping' onto the Turing tape are demonstrated explicitly as well as exponential parameter sensitivity of the Bures metric.
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 03:50:02 GMT
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 03:50:02 GMT
[ [ "Nieto", "Michael Martin", "" ], [ "Truax", "D. Rodney", "" ] ]
Schr\"odinger equations with time-dependent P^2 and X^2 terms
We present some general results for the time-dependent mass Hamiltonian problem with H=-{1/2}e^{-2\nu}\partial_{xx} +h^{(2)}(t)e^{2\nu}x^2. This Hamiltonian corresponds to a time-dependent mass (TM) Schr\"odinger equation with the restriction that there are only P^2 and X^2 terms. We give the specific transformations to a different quantum Schr\"odinger(TQ) equation and to a different time-dependent oscillator (TO) equation. For each Schr\"odinger system, we give the Lie algebra of space-time symmetries and (x,t) representations for number states, coherent states, and squeezed states. These general results include earlier work as special cases.
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:07:05 GMT
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 04:32:40 GMT
[ [ "Nieto", "Michael Martin", "" ], [ "Truax", "D. Rodney", "" ] ]
The Schr\"odinger system H=-{1/2}e^{\Upsilon(t-t_o)}\partial_{xx} +\lfrac{1}{2}\omega^2e^{-\Upsilon(t-t_o)}x^2
In this paper, we attack the specific time-dependent Hamiltonian problem H=-{1/2}e^{\Upsilon(t-t_o)}\partial_{xx} +\lfrac{1}{2}\omega^2e^{-\Upsilon(t-t_o)}x^2. This corresponds to a time-dependent mass (TM) Schr\"odinger equation. We give the specific transformations to i) the more general quadratic (TQ) Schr\"odinger equation and to ii) a different time-dependent oscillator (TO) equation. For each Schr\"odinger system, we give the Lie algebra of space-time symmetries, the number states, the coherent states, the squeezed-states and the time-dependent <x>, <p>, (\Delta x)^2, (\Delta p)^2, and uncertainty product.
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:24:51 GMT
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 04:04:08 GMT
[ [ "Nieto", "Michael Martin", "" ], [ "Truax", "D. Rodney", "" ] ]
The Schr\"odinger system H=-{1/2} (t_o/t)^a \partial_{xx} + (1/2) \omega^2 (t/t_o)^b x^2
We attack the specific time-dependent Hamiltonian problem H=-{1/2} (t_o/t)^a \partial_{xx} + (1/2) \omega^2 (t/t_o)^b x^2. This corresponds to a time-dependent mass (TM) Schr\"odinger equation. We give the specific transformations to a different time-dependent quadratic Schr\"odinger equations (TQ) and to a different time-dependent oscillator (TO) equation. For each Schr\"odinger system, we give the Lie algebra of space-time symmetries, the number states, the squeezed-state <x> and <p> (with their classical motion), (\Delta x)^2, (\Delta p)^2, and the uncertainty product.
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:41:30 GMT
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:39:38 GMT
[ [ "Choy", "T. C.", "" ] ]
The Van der Waals interaction of the hydrogen molecule - an exact local energy density functional
quant-ph cond-mat.str-el physics.atm-clus physics.chem-ph
We verify that the van der Waals interaction and hence all dispersion interactions for the hydrogen molecule given by: W"= -{A/R^6}-{B/R^8}-{C/R^10}- ..., in which R is the internuclear separation, are exactly soluble. The constants A=6.4990267..., B=124.3990835 ... and C=1135.2140398... (in Hartree units) first obtained approximately by Pauling and Beach (PB) [1] using a linear variational method, can be shown to be obtainable to any desired accuracy via our exact solution. In addition we shall show that a local energy density functional can be obtained, whose variational solution rederives the exact solution for this problem. This demonstrates explicitly that a static local density functional theory exists for this system. We conclude with remarks about generalising the method to other hydrogenic systems and also to helium.
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:42:00 GMT
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 03:40:46 GMT
[ [ "Abe", "Sumiyoshi", "" ], [ "Rajagopal", "A. K.", "" ] ]
Nonuniqueness of Canonical Ensemble Theory arising from Microcanonical Basis
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
Given physical systems, counting rule for their statistical mechanical descriptions need not be unique, in general. It is shown that this nonuniqueness leads to the existence of various canonical ensemble theories which equally arise from the definite microcanonical basis. Thus, the Gibbs theorem for canonical ensemble theory is not universal, and the maximum entropy principle is to be appropriately modefied for each physical context.
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:46:26 GMT
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 17:04:22 GMT
[ [ "Bulgac", "Aurel", "" ], [ "Dand", "Giu Do", "" ], [ "Kusnezov", "Dimitri", "" ] ]
Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems: Dissipation and Kinetic Equations
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech nucl-th
We present a microscopic approach to quantum dissipation and sketch the derivation of the kinetic equation describing the evolution of a simple quantum system in interaction with a complex quantum system. A typical quantum complex system is modeled by means of parametric banded random matrices coupled to the subsystem of interest. We do not assume the weak coupling limit and allow for an independent dynamics of the ``reservoir''. We discuss the reasons for having a new theoretical approach and the new elements introduced by us. The present approach incorporates known limits and previous results, but at the same time includes new cases, previously never derived on a microscopic level. We briefly discuss the kinetic equation and its solution for a particle in the absence of an external field.
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:22:43 GMT
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:22:43 GMT
[ [ "Moroz", "Alexander", "" ] ]
A remark on the isotropic model
The applicability of the so-called isotropic and anisotropic complete photonic-band-gap (CPBG) models [S. John and J. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 64}, 2418 (1990)] to capture essential features of the spontaneous emission (SE) of a fluorescent atom or molecule near a band-gap-edge of a CPBG structure is discussed.
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:05:38 GMT
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 15:01:33 GMT
[ [ "Bonifacio", "R.", "" ], [ "Olivares", "S.", "" ], [ "Tombesi", "P.", "" ], [ "Vitali", "D.", "" ] ]
A model independent approach to non dissipative decoherence
We consider the case when decoherence is due to the fluctuations of some classical variable or parameter of a system and not to its entanglement with the environment. Under few and quite general assumptions, we derive a model-independent formalism for this non-dissipative decoherence, and we apply it to explain the decoherence observed in some recent experiments in cavity QED and on trapped ions.
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:38:11 GMT
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:14:28 GMT
[ [ "Chow", "Chi-Keung", "" ], [ "Cohen", "Thomas D.", "" ] ]
Quantum Coins, Dice and Children: Probability and Quantum Statistics
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech hep-ph nucl-th physics.ed-ph
We discuss counterintuitive aspects of probabilities for systems of identical particles obeying quantum statistics. Quantum coins and children (two level systems) and quantum dice (many level systems) are used as examples. It is emphasized that, even in the absence of interactions, (anti)symmetrizations of multi-particle wavefunctions destroy statistical independences and often lead to dramatic departures from our intuitive expectations.
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 23:11:25 GMT
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:18:28 GMT
[ [ "Shimizu", "Akira", "" ] ]
A Fundamental Limit of Measurement Imposed by the Elementary Interactions
quant-ph chao-dyn cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.CD
Quantum information theory is closely related to quantum measurement theory because one must perform measurement to obtain information on a quantum system. Among many possible limits of quantum measurement, the simplest ones were derived directly from the uncertainty principles. However, such simple limits are not the only limits. I here suggest a new limit which comes from the forms and the strengths of the elementary interactions. Namely, there are only four types of elementary interactions in nature; their forms are determined by the gauge invariance (and symmetry breaking), and their coupling constants (in the low-energy regime) have definite values. I point out that this leads to a new fundamental limit of quantum measurements. Furthermore, this fundamental limit imposes the fundamental limits of getting information on, preparing, and controlling quantum systems.
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 06:00:24 GMT
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 06:00:24 GMT
[ [ "Deuar", "P.", "" ], [ "Munro", "W. J.", "" ] ]
Improving Detectors Using Entangling Quantum Copiers
We present a detection scheme which using imperfect detectors, and imperfect quantum copying machines (which entangle the copies), allows one to extract more information from an incoming signal, than with the imperfect detectors alone.
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 06:29:35 GMT
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 06:29:35 GMT
[ [ "Bagchi", "B.", "" ], [ "Roychoudhury", "R.", "" ] ]
A new PT symmetric complex Hamiltonian with a real spectra
We construct an isospectrum systems in terms of a real and complex potential to show that the underlying PT symmetric Hamiltonian possesses a real spectrum which is shared by its real partner.
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 07:26:08 GMT
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 07:26:08 GMT
[ [ "Mayburov", "S.", "", "Lebedev Inst. of Physics, Moscow, Russia" ] ]
Quantum Information, Irreversibility and State Collapse in Some Microscopic Models of Measurement
The quantum measurement problem considered for measuring system (MS) model which consist of measured state S (particle), detector D and information processing device O. For spin chains and other O models the state evolution for MS observables measurements studied. It's shown that specific O states structure forbids the measurement of MS interference terms which discriminate pure and mixed S states. It results in the reduction MS Hilbert space to O representation in which MS evolution is irreversible, which in operational formalism corresponds to S state collapse. In radiation decoherence O model Glauber restrictions on QED field observables results in analogous irreversible MS + field evolution. The results interpretation in Quantum Information framework and Rovelli Relational Quantum Mechanics discussed.
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:42:55 GMT
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:42:55 GMT
[ [ "Camacho", "Abel", "", "Astrophysikalishes Institut Potsdam" ] ]
Quantum nondemolition measurements of a particle in an inhomogeneous gravitational field
quant-ph gr-qc
In this work we obtain a family of quantum nondemolition variables for the case of a particle moving in an inhomogeneous gravitational field. Afterwards, we calculate the corresponding propagator, and deduce the probabilitites associated with the possible measurements outputs. The comparison, with the case in which the position is being monitored, will allow us to find the differences with respect to the case of a quantum demolition measuring process.
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:03:16 GMT
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:42:34 GMT
[ [ "Kirilyuk", "Andrei P.", "" ] ]
75 Years of Matter Wave: Louis de Broglie and Renaissance of the Causally Complete Knowledge
quant-ph physics.hist-ph
A physically real wave associated with any moving particle and travelling in a surrounding material medium was introduced by Louis de Broglie in a series of short notes in 1923 and in a more complete form in his thesis defended in Paris on the 25th November 1924. This result, recognised by the Nobel Prize in 1929, gave rise to a major direction of "new physics" known today as "quantum mechanics". However, although such notions as "de Broglie wavelength" and "wave-particle duality" form the basis of the standard quantum theory, it actually only takes for granted (postulates) the formula for the particle wavelength and totally ignores the underlying causal, realistic and physically transparent picture of wave-particle dynamics outlined by Louis de Broglie in his thesis and further considerably developed in his later works, in the form of "double solution" and "hidden thermodynamics" theory. A price to pay for such rough deviation from the original de Broglian realism and consistency involves fundamental physics domination by purely abstract and mechanistically simplified schemes of formal symbols and rules that have led to a deep knowledge impasse justly described as "the end of science". However, a new, independent approach of "quantum field mechanics" (quant-ph/9902015, quant-ph/9902016, physics/0401164) created within the "universal science of complexity" (physics/9806002) provides many-sided confirmation and natural completion of de Broglie's "nonlinear wave mechanics", eliminating all its "difficult points" and reconstituting the causally complete, totally consistent and intrinsically unified picture of the real, complex micro-world dynamics directly extendible to all higher levels of unreduced world complexity.
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:32:15 GMT
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 19:42:43 GMT
[ [ "Novozhilov", "Victor", "", "St.Petersburg State University" ], [ "Novozhilov", "Yuri", "", "St.Petersburg State University" ] ]
Collective variables and composite fields
We consider use of collective variables for description of composite fields as collective phenomena due to the strong coupling regime. We discuss two approaches, where identification of collective variables of complex quantum system does not depend on knowledge of other degrees of freedom: (a) collective variables as parameters of group transformations changing the path integral of the system, and (b) collective variables as background fields for quantum system. In the case (a) we briefly present an approach. In the case (b) we consider fermions in an external scalar field, which serves as a collective variable in a nonlinear model for composite scalar field with a finite compositeness scale.
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:49:31 GMT
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:49:31 GMT
[ [ "Tittel", "W.", "" ], [ "Brendel", "J.", "" ], [ "Zbinden", "H.", "" ], [ "Gisin", "N.", "" ] ]
Quantum Cryptography using entangled photons in energy-time Bell states
We present a setup for quantum cryptography based on photon pairs in energy-time Bell states and show its feasability in a laboratory experiment. Our scheme combines the advantages of using photon pairs instead of faint laser pulses and the possibility to preserve energy-time entanglement over long distances. Moreover, using 4-dimensional energy-time states, no fast random change of bases is required in our setup : Nature itself decides whether to measure in the energy or in the time base.
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 18:05:00 GMT
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 18:05:00 GMT
[ [ "Dvoeglazov", "Valeri V.", "", "Zacatecas University" ] ]
Comment on the "Maxwell Equations as the One-Photon Quantum Equation" by A. Gersten [Found. Phys. Lett. 12, pp. 291-298 (1999)]
We show that the Gersten derivation of Maxwell equations can be generalized. It actually leads to additional solutions of `S=1 equations'. They follow directly from previous considerations by Majorana, Oppenheimer, Weinberg and Ogievetskii and Polubarinov. Therefore, {\it generalized} Maxwell equations should be used as a guideline for proper interpretations of quantum theories.
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 02:39:06 GMT
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 02:39:06 GMT
[ [ "Morigi", "G.", "" ], [ "Agarwal", "G. S.", "" ] ]
Temperature Variation of Ultra Slow Light in a Cold Gas
A model is developed to explain the temperature dependence of the group velocity as observed in the experiments of Hau et al (Nature {\bf397}, 594 (1999)). The group velocity is quite sensitive to the change in the spatial density. The inhomogeneity in the density and its temperature dependence are primarily responsible for the observed behavior.
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 09:21:23 GMT
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 09:21:23 GMT
[ [ "Bargatin", "I. V.", "" ], [ "Grishanin", "B. A.", "" ], [ "Zadkov", "V. N.", "" ] ]
Analysis of radiatively stable entanglement in a system of two dipole-interacting three-level atoms
We explore the possibilities of creating radiatively stable entangled states of two three-level dipole-interacting atoms in a $\Lambda$ configuration by means of laser biharmonic continuous driving or pulses. We propose three schemes for generation of entangled states which involve only the lower states of the $\Lambda$ system, not vulnerable to radiative decay. Two of them employ coherent dynamics to achieve entanglement in the system, whereas the third one uses optical pumping, i.e., an essentially incoherent process.
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 13:58:11 GMT
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 10:54:03 GMT
[ [ "Blanchard", "Ph.", "" ], [ "Jadczyk", "A.", "" ], [ "Ruschhaupt", "A.", "" ] ]
How Events Come Into Being: EEQT, Particle Tracks, Quantum Chaos, and Tunneling Time
quant-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD
In sections 1 and 2 we review Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT). In section 3 we discuss applications of EEQT to tunneling time, and compare its quantitative predictions with other approaches, in particular with B\"uttiker-Larmor and Bohm trajectory approach. In section 4 we discuss quantum chaos and quantum fractals resulting from simultaneous continuous monitoring of several non-commuting observables. In particular we show self-similar, non-linear, iterated function system-type, patterns arising from quantum jumps and from the associated Markov operator. Concluding remarks pointing to possible future development of EEQT are given in section 5.
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 19:43:55 GMT
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 19:43:55 GMT
[ [ "Wang", "Xiao-Guang", "" ] ]
Ladder operator formalisms and generally deformed oscillator algebraic structures of quantum states in Fock space
We show that various kinds of one-photon quantum states studied in the field of quantum optics admit ladder operator formalisms and have the generally deformed oscillator algebraic structure. The two-photon case is also considered. We obtain the ladder operator formalisms of two general states defined in the even/odd Fock space. The two-photon states may also have a generally deformed oscillator algebraic structure. Some interesting examples of one-photon and two-photon quantum states are given.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 02:16:39 GMT
Sun, 30 Apr 2000 13:54:56 GMT
[ [ "Lanz", "L.", "" ], [ "Vacchini", "B.", "" ] ]
Time scales in quantum mechanics by a scattering map
Inside quantum mechanics the problem of decoherence for an isolated, finite system is linked to a coarse-grained description of its dynamics.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:10:59 GMT
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:10:59 GMT
[ [ "Znojil", "M.", "" ] ]
Shape invariant potentials with PT symmetry
Suitable complexification of the well known solvable oscillators in one dimension is shown to give the four exactly solvable models which combine the shape- and PT-invariance. In version v2 the result is extended of the s-wave shape-invariant forces.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:01:15 GMT
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 08:18:45 GMT
[ [ "Terhal", "Barbara M.", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Pawel", "" ] ]
A Schmidt number for density matrices
We introduce the notion of a Schmidt number of a bipartite density matrix, characterizing the minimum Schmidt rank of the pure states that are needed to construct the density matrix. We prove that Schmidt number is nonincreasing under local quantum operations and classical communication. We show that $k$-positive maps witness Schmidt number, in the same way that positive maps witness entanglement. We show that the family of states which is made from mixing the completely mixed state and a maximally entangled state have increasing Schmidt number depending on the amount of maximally entangled state that is mixed in. We show that Schmidt number {\it does not necessarily increase} when taking tensor copies of a density matrix $\rho$; we give an example of a density matrix for which the Schmidt numbers of $\rho$ and $\rho \otimes \rho$ are both 2.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:05:47 GMT
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:51:05 GMT
[ [ "Hall", "Richard L.", "" ], [ "Saad", "Nasser", "" ] ]
Variational analysis for a generalized spiked harmonic oscillator
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
A variational analysis is presented for the generalized spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian operator H, where H = -(d/dx)^2 + Bx^2+ A/x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, and alpha and lambda are real positive parameters. The formalism makes use of a basis provided by exact solutions of Schroedinger's equation for the Gol'dman and Krivchenkov Hamiltonian (alpha = 2), and the corresponding matrix elements that were previously found. For all the discrete eigenvalues the method provides bounds which improve as the dimension of the basis set is increased. Extension to the N-dimensional case in arbitrary angular-momentum subspaces is also presented. By minimizing over the free parameter A, we are able to reduce substantially the number of basis functions needed for a given accuracy.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:16:04 GMT
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:16:04 GMT
[ [ "Virmani", "S.", "" ], [ "Plenio", "M. B.", "" ] ]
Ordering States with Entanglement Measures
We demonstrate that all good asymptotic entanglement measures are either identical or place a different ordering on the set of all quantum states.
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:18:25 GMT
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:29:32 GMT
[ [ "Huang", "Minxin", "", "University of Science and\n Technology of China" ], [ "Zhang", "Yongde", "", "University of Science and\n Technology of China" ], [ "Hou", "Guang", "", "University of Science and\n Technology of China" ] ]
Classical Capacity of A Quantum Multiple Access Channel
We consider the transmission of classical information over a quantum channel by two senders. The channel capacity region is shown to be a convex hull bound by the Von Neumann entropy and the conditional Von Neumann entropy. We discuss some possible applications of our result. We also show that our scheme allows a reasonable distribution of channel capacity over two senders.
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:16:36 GMT
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 18:48:51 GMT
[ [ "Gordon", "A.", "" ], [ "Avron", "J. E.", "" ] ]
Born-Oppenheimer Approximation near Level Crossing
quant-ph math-ph math.MP physics.chem-ph
We consider the Born-Oppenheimer problem near conical intersection in two dimensions. For energies close to the crossing energy we describe the wave function near an isotropic crossing and show that it is related to generalized hypergeometric functions 0F3. This function is to a conical intersection what the Airy function is to a classical turning point. As an application we calculate the anomalous Zeeman shift of vibrational levels near a crossing.
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:37:00 GMT
Mon, 29 May 2000 07:22:59 GMT
[ [ "De Filippo", "Sergio", "" ] ]
Quantum states as generalized classical ensembles
quant-ph cond-mat.dis-nn hep-th
Only craziness I am ashamed about.
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:29:44 GMT
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 17:02:52 GMT
[ [ "Reina", "John H.", "" ], [ "Quiroga", "Luis", "" ], [ "Johnson", "Neil F.", "" ] ]
Quantum entanglement and information processing via excitons in optically-driven quantum dots
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
We show how optically-driven coupled quantum dots can be used to prepare maximally entangled Bell and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. Manipulation of the strength and duration of the selective light-pulses needed for producing these highly entangled states provides us with crucial elements for the processing of solid-state based quantum information. Theoretical predictions suggest that several hundred single quantum bit rotations and Controlled-Not gates could be performed before decoherence of the excitonic states takes place.
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:36:36 GMT
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 23:03:40 GMT
[ [ "Cleve", "Richard", "", "U of Calgary" ] ]
The query complexity of order-finding
We consider the problem where P is an unknown permutation on {0,1,...,2^n - 1}, y is an element of {0,1,...,2^n - 1}, and the goal is to determine the minimum r > 0 such that P^r(y) = y (where P^r is P composed with itself r times). Information about P is available only via queries that yield P^x(y) from any x in {0,1,...,2^m - 1} and y in {0,1,...,2^n - 1} (where m is polynomial in n). The main resource under consideration is the number of these queries. We show that the number of queries necessary to solve the problem in the classical probabilistic bounded-error model is exponential in n. This contrasts sharply with the quantum bounded-error model, where a constant number of queries suffices.
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:42:10 GMT
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:42:10 GMT
[ [ "Grover", "Lov K.", "", "Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ" ] ]
Rapid sampling through quantum computing
This paper extends the quantum search class of algorithms to the multiple solution case. It is shown that, like the basic search algorithm, these too can be represented as a rotation in an appropriately defined two dimensional vector space. This yields new applications - an algorithm is presented that can create an arbitrarily specified quantum superposition on a space of size N in O(sqrt(N)) steps. By making a measurement on this superposition, it is possible to obtain a sample according to an arbitrarily specified classical probability distribution in O(sqrt(N)) steps. A classical algorithm would need O(N) steps.
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 03:14:17 GMT
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:04:11 GMT
[ [ "Terno", "Daniel R.", "" ] ]
Comment on `Counterfactual entanglement and non-local correlations in separable states'
The arguments of Cohen [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 60}, 80 (1999)] against the `ignorance interpretation' of mixed states are questioned. The physical arguments are shown to be inconsistent and the supporting example illustrates the opposite of the original statement. The operational difference between two possible definitions of mixed states is exposed and the inadequacy of one of them is stressed.
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:55:56 GMT
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:55:56 GMT
[ [ "Bowden", "C. M.", "" ], [ "Pethel", "S. D.", "" ] ]
Novel Scheme for Universal Quantum Computation
A scenario for realization of a quantum computer is proposed consisting of spatially distributed q-bits fabricated in a host structure where nuclear spin-spin coupling is mediated by laser pulse controlled electron-nuclear transferred hyperfine (superhyperfine) Fermi contact interaction. Operations illustrating entanglement, nonlocality, and quantum control logic operations are presented and discussed. The notion of universality of quantum computation is introduced and the irreducible conditions are presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed generic scenario for realization of a quantum computer fulfills these conditions.
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:56:40 GMT
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:56:40 GMT
[ [ "Beige", "Almut", "" ], [ "Braun", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Knight", "Peter L.", "" ] ]
Driving Atoms Into Decoherence-Free States
We describe the decoherence-free subspace of N atoms in a cavity, in which decoherence due to the leakage of photons through the cavity mirrors is suppressed. We show how the states of the subspace can be entangled with the help of weak laser pulses, using the high decay rate of the cavity field and strong coupling between the atoms and the resonator mode. The atoms remain decoherence-free with a probability which can, in principle, be arbitrarily close to unity.
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 16:18:36 GMT
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 17:17:17 GMT
[ [ "Santos", "L. F.", "" ], [ "Escobar", "C. O.", "" ] ]
Convergences in the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics
This paper presents arguments purporting to show that von Neumann's description of the measurement process in quantum mechanics has a modern day version in the decoherence approach. We claim that this approach and the de Broglie-Bohm theory emerges from Bohr's interpretation and are therefore obliged to deal with some obscures ideas which were antecipated, explicitly or implicitly and carefully circumvented, by Bohr.
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 16:42:39 GMT
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 16:42:39 GMT
[ [ "Puszkarz", "Waldemar", "" ] ]
On the Staruszkiewicz Modification of the Schroedinger Equation
We discuss Staruszkiewicz's nonlinear modification of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. It is pointed out that the expression for the energy functional for this modification is not unique as the field-theoretical definition of energy does not coincide with the quantum-mechanical one. As a result, this modification can be formulated in three different ways depending on which physically relevant properties one aims to preserve. Some nonstationary one-dimensional solutions for suitably chosen potentials, including a KdV soliton, are presented, and the question of finding stationary solutions is also discussed. The analysis of physical and mathematical features of the modification leads to the conclusion that the Staruszkiewicz modification is a very subtle modification of the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 02:13:51 GMT
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 02:13:51 GMT
[ [ "Santos", "L. F.", "" ], [ "Escobar", "C. O.", "" ] ]
Burgers Turbulence and the Continuous Spontaneous Localization Model
quant-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD
There is a striking convergence between Burgers turbulence and the continuous spontaneous localization [CSL] model of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we exploit this analogy showing the similarities in the physics of these two apparently unrelated problems. It is hoped that the kind of analogy we introduce here may lead to important developments in both areas.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:47:44 GMT
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:47:44 GMT
[ [ "Mancini", "S.", "", "Dip. Fisica, Univ. Milano, Italy" ], [ "Martins", "A. M.", "", "Centro\n de Fisica de Plasmas, IST Lisboa, Portugal" ], [ "Tombesi", "P.", "", "Dip. Matematica e\n Fisica, Univ. Camerino, Italy" ] ]
Quantum Logic with a Single Trapped Electron
We propose the use of a trapped electron to implement quantum logic operations. The fundamental controlled-NOT gate is shown to be feasible. The two quantum bits are stored in the internal and external (motional) degrees of freedom.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:02:12 GMT
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:02:12 GMT
[ [ "Lo", "Hoi-Kwong", "", "MagiQ Technologies, Inc., New York, New York" ] ]
Classical Communication Cost in Distributed Quantum Information Processing - A generalization of Quantum Communication Complexity
We study the amount of classical communication needed for distributed quantum information processing. In particular, we introduce the concept of "remote preparation" of a quantum state. Given an ensemble of states, Alice's task is to help Bob in a distant laboratory to prepare a state of her choice. We find several examples of an ensemble with an entropy S where the remote preparation can be done with a communication cost lower than the amount (2S) required by standard teleportation. We conjecture that, for an arbitrary N-dimensional pure state, its remote preparation requires 2log_2 N bits of classical communication, as in standard teleportation.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 20:25:17 GMT
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 21:33:16 GMT
[ [ "Kraus", "B.", "" ], [ "Cirac", "J. I.", "" ], [ "Karnas", "S.", "" ], [ "Lewenstein", "M.", "" ] ]
Separability in 2xN composite quantum systems
We analyze the separability properties of density operators supported on $\C^2\otimes \C^N$ whose partial transposes are positive operators. We show that if the rank of $\rho$ equals N then it is separable, and that bound entangled states have rank larger than N. We also give a separability criterion for a generic density operator such that the sum of its rank and the one of its partial transpose does not exceed 3N. If it exceeds this number we show that one can subtract product vectors until decreasing it to 3N, while keeping the positivity of $\rho$ and its partial transpose. This automatically gives us a sufficient criterion for separability for general density operators. We also prove that all density operators that remain invariant after partial transposition with respect to the first system are separable.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:16:35 GMT
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:16:35 GMT
[ [ "Lo", "Hoi-Kwong", "", "MagiQ Technologies Inc., New York, New York" ] ]
Will Quantum Cryptography ever become a successful technology in the marketplace?
We assess the potential of quantum cryptography as a technology. We highlight the fact that academia and real world have rather different perspectives and interests. Then, we describe the various real life forces (different types of users, vendors of crypto-systems, conventional cryptographers, governments) behind the decision of the adoption (or rejection) of quantum cryptography and their different interests. Various roadblocks to the widespread application of quantum cryptography are discussed. Those roadblocks can be fundamental, technological, psychological, commercial or political and many of them have nothing to do with the security of quantum key distribution. We argue that the future success of quantum cryptography as a technology in the marketplace lies in our ability to appreciate and to overcome those roadblocks and to answer real world criticisms on the subject.
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 21:18:29 GMT
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 21:18:29 GMT
[ [ "Sicard", "Andrés", "" ], [ "Vélez", "Mario", "" ] ]
Some relations between quantum Turing machines and Turing machines
For quantum Turing machines we present three elements: Its components, its time evolution operator and its local transition function. The components are related with the components of deterministic Turing machines, the time evolution operator is related with the evolution of reversible Turing machines and the local transition function is related with the transition function of probabilistic and reversible Turing machines.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 00:13:07 GMT
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 15:16:46 GMT
[ [ "Yufeng", "LIU", "", "Department of Physics, Peking\n University, Beijing, P. R. China \"" ], [ "Wujun", "HUO", "", "Department of Physics, Peking\n University, Beijing, P. R. China \"" ], [ "Jinyan", "ZENG", "", "Department of Physics, Peking\n University, Beijing, P. R. China \"" ] ]
Angular momentum and energy structure of the coherent state of a 2D isotropic harmonic oscillator
The angular momentum structure and energy structure of the coherent state of a 2D isotropic harmonic oscillator were investigated. Calculations showed that the average values of angular momentum and energy (except the zero point energy) of this nonspreading 2D wave packet are identical to those of the corresponding classical oscillator moving along a circular or an elliptic orbit.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 02:48:33 GMT
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 02:48:33 GMT
[ [ "Kozhekin", "A. E.", "", "University of Aarhus" ], [ "Molmer", "K.", "", "University of Aarhus" ], [ "Polzik", "E.", "", "University of Aarhus" ] ]
Quantum Memory for Light
We propose an efficient method for mapping and storage of a quantum state of propagating light in atoms. The quantum state of the light pulse is stored in two sublevels of the ground state of a macroscopic atomic ensemble by activating a synchronized Raman coupling between the light and atoms. We discuss applications of the proposal in quantum information processing and in atomic clocks operating beyond quantum limits of accuracy. The possibility of transferring the atomic state back on light via teleportation is also discussed.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:47:37 GMT
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:47:37 GMT
[ [ "Pavon", "Michele", "" ] ]
Derivation of the wave function collapse in the context of Nelson's stochastic mechanics
The von Neumann collapse of the quantum mechanical wavefunction after a position measurement is derived by a purely probabilistic mechanism in the context of Nelson's stochastic mechanics.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:00:19 GMT
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:00:19 GMT
[ [ "Lysov", "B. A.", "" ], [ "Lysova", "O. A.", "" ], [ "Dorofeyev", "O. F.", "" ] ]
Quantum-defect Electron States Near a Helium Surface
Isolated electrons resting near a helium surface have a spectrum close to that of a quantum-defect atom. A precisely solvable model with Rydberg spectrum is sugguested and discussed.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:44:02 GMT
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:44:02 GMT
[ [ "Duan", "Lu-Ming", "" ], [ "Giedke", "G.", "" ], [ "Cirac", "J. I.", "" ], [ "Zoller", "P.", "" ] ]
Entanglement purification of Gaussian continuous variable quantum states
We describe an entanglement purification protocol to generate maximally entangled states with high efficiencies from two-mode squeezed states or from mixed Gaussian continuous entangled states. The protocol relies on a local quantum non-demolition measurement of the total excitation number of several continuous variable entangled pairs. We propose an optical scheme to do this kind of measurement using cavity enhanced cross--Kerr interactions.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:52:02 GMT
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 09:08:19 GMT
[ [ "Hamilton", "John", "" ] ]
An obstruction based approach to the Kochen-Specker theorem
In [1] it was shown that the Kochen Specker theorem can be written in terms of the non-existence of global elements of a certain varying set over the partially ordered set of boolean subalgebras of projection operators on some Hilbert space. In this paper, we show how obstructions to the construction of such global elements arise, and how this provides a new way of looking at proofs of the theorem.
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:59:52 GMT
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:59:52 GMT
[ [ "Chapline", "George", "" ] ]
Quantum Mechanics as Information Fusion
We provide evidence that quantum mechanics can be interpreted as a rational algorithm for finding the least complex description for the correlations in the outputs of sensors in a large array. In particular, by comparing the self-organization approach to solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with a solution based on taking the classical limit of a Feynman path integral, we are led to a connection between the quantum mechanics of motion in a magnetic field and self-organized information fusion.
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 00:29:10 GMT
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 00:29:10 GMT
[ [ "Castagnoli", "Giuseppe", "", "Elsag Bailey, Genova, Italy" ] ]
A Quantum Logic Gate Representation of Quantum Measurement: Reversing and Unifying the Two Steps of von Neumann's Model
In former work, quantum computation has been shown to be a problem solving process essentially affected by both the reversible dynamics leading to the state before measurement, and the logical-mathematical constraints introduced by quantum measurement (in particular, the constraint that there is only one measurement outcome). This dual influence, originated by independent initial and final conditions, justifies the quantum computation speed-up and is not representable inside dynamics, namely as a one-way propagation. In this work, we reformulate von Neumann's model of quantum measurement at the light of above findings. We embed it in a broader representation based on the quantum logic gate formalism and capable of describing the interplay between dynamical and non-dynamical constraints. The two steps of the original model, namely (1) dynamically reaching a complete entanglement between pointer and quantum object and (2) enforcing the one-outcome-constraint, are unified and reversed. By representing step (2) right from the start, the same dynamics of step (1) yields a probability distribution of mutually exclusive measurement outcomes. This appears to be a more accurate and complete representation of quantum measurement. PACS: 03.67.-a, 03.67.Lx, 03.65.Bz
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 16:22:10 GMT
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 16:22:10 GMT
[ [ "Ono", "Toshihiko", "" ] ]
Overview of "Structure behind Mechanics"
This letter proposes a new scenario to solve the structural or conceptual problems remained in quantum mechanics, and gives an overview of the theory proposed in quant-ph/9906130 (including quant-ph/9909025 and quant-ph/0001015).
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 18:10:29 GMT
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 16:20:36 GMT
[ [ "Fleischhauer", "M.", "" ], [ "Yelin", "S. F.", "" ], [ "Lukin", "M. D.", "" ] ]
How to Trap Photons? Storing Single-Photon Quantum States in Collective Atomic Excitations
We show that it is possible to ``store'' quantum states of single-photon fields by mapping them onto {\it collective} meta-stable states of an optically dense, coherently driven medium inside an optical resonator. An adiabatic technique is suggested which allows to transfer non-classical correlations from traveling-wave single-photon wave-packets into atomic states and vise versa with nearly 100% efficiency. In contrast to previous approaches involving single atoms, the present technique does not require the strong coupling regime corresponding to high-Q micro-cavities. Instead, intracavity Electromagnetically Induced Transparency is used to achieve a strong coupling between the cavity mode and the atoms.
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 08:54:28 GMT
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 08:54:28 GMT
[ [ "Aiello", "Andrea", "" ] ]
Input-Output Relations in Optical Cavities: a Simple Point of View
In this work we present a very simple approach to input-output relations in optical cavities, limiting ourselves to one- and two-photon states of the field. After field quantization, we derive the non-unitary transformation between {\em Inside} and {\em Outside} annihilation and creation operators. Then we express the most general two-photon state generated by {\em Inside} creation operators, through base states generated by {\em Outside} creation operators. After renormalization of coefficients of inside two-photon state, we calculate the outside photon-number probability distribution in a general case. Finally we treat with some detail the single mode and symmetrical cavity case.
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:40:08 GMT
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:40:08 GMT
[ [ "Thorwart", "M.", "" ], [ "Grifoni", "M.", "" ], [ "Hänggi", "P.", "" ] ]
Strong coupling theory for driven tunneling and vibrational relaxation
We investigate on a unified basis tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven dissipative multistable systems described by their N lowest lying unperturbed levels. By use of the discrete variable representation we derive a set of coupled non-Markovian master equations. We present analytical treatments that describe the dynamics in the regime of strong system-bath coupling. Our findings are corroborated by ``ab-initio'' real-time path integral calculations.
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 14:35:17 GMT
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 11:02:23 GMT
[ [ "Park", "ChangSoo", "" ], [ "Park", "D. K.", "" ] ]
Effect of Aharonov-Bohm Phase on Spin Tunneling
quant-ph cond-mat hep-th
The role of Aharonov-Bohm effect in quantum tunneling is examined when a potential is defined on the $S^1$ and has $N$-fold symmetry. We show that the low-lying energy levels split from the $N$-fold degenerate ground state oscillate as a function of the Aharonov-Bohm phase, from which general degeneracy conditions depending on the magnetic flux is obtained. We apply these results to the spin tunneling in a spin system with $N$-fold rotational symmetry around a hard axis.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 07:17:35 GMT
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 20:16:40 GMT
[ [ "Elyutin", "P. V.", "" ], [ "Rogovenko", "A. N.", "" ] ]
On stimulated transitions between the self-trapped states of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
The studied model describes a particle that obeys a one-dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in the potential of a double-well. Transitions between the two lowest self-trapped states of this system under the influence of the external time-dependent perturbation are studied in the two-mode approximation. If the perturbation dependence on time is harmonic with the frequency $\omega$, then transitions between the states become possible if the amplitude of the perturbation $F$ exceeds some threshold value $F_c(\omega)$; above the threshold motion of the system becomes chaotic. If the perturbation is a broadband noise, then transitions between the states are possible at arbitrarily small $F$ and occur in the process of the system's energy diffusion.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:09:06 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:09:06 GMT
[ [ "Znojil", "Miloslav", "" ] ]
PT-symetrically regularized Eckart,Poeschl-Teller and Hulthen potentials
Version 1: The well known Eckart's singular s-wave potential is PT-symmetrically regularized and continued to the whole real line. The new model remains exactly solvable and its bound states remain proportional to Jacobi polynomials. Its real and discrete spectrum exhibits several unusual features. Version 2: Parity times time-reversal symmetry of complex Hamiltonians with real spectra is usually interpreted as a weaker mathematical substitute for Hermiticity. Perhaps an equally important role is played by the related strengthened analyticity assumptions. In a constructive illustration we complexify a few potentials solvable only in s-wave. Then we continue their domain from semi-axis to the whole axis and get the new exactly solvable models. Their energies come out real as expected. The new one-dimensional spectra themselves differ quite significantly from their s-wave predecessors.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 15:59:10 GMT
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 16:52:37 GMT
[ [ "Prataviera", "G. A.", "" ], [ "Zapata", "J.", "" ], [ "Meystre", "P.", "" ] ]
Higher-order mutual coherence of optical and matter waves
quant-ph cond-mat physics.atom-ph
We use an operational approach to discuss ways to measure the higher-order cross-correlations between optical and matter-wave fields. We pay particular attention to the fact that atomic fields actually consist of composite particles that can easily be separated into their basic constituents by a detection process such as photoionization. In the case of bosonic fields, that we specifically consider here, this leads to the appearance in the detection signal of exchange contributions due to both the composite bosonic field and its individual fermionic constituents. We also show how time-gated counting schemes allow to isolate specific contributions to the signal, in particular involving different orderings of the Schr\"odinger and Maxwell fields.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:09:41 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:09:41 GMT
[ [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ] ]
Bell Theorem for Nonclassical Part of Quantum Teleportation Process
The quantum teleportation process is composed of a joint measurement performed upon two subsystems A and B (uncorrelated), followed by a unitary transformation (parameters of which depend on the outcome of the measurement) performed upon a third subsystem C (EPR correlated with system B). The information about the outcome of the measurement is transferred by classical means. The measurement performed upon the systems A and B collapses their joint wavefunction into one of the four {\it entangled} Bell states. It is shown here that this measurement process plus a possible measurement on the third subsystem (with classical channel switched off - no additional unitary transformation performed) cannot be described by a local realistic theory.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:27:21 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:27:21 GMT
[ [ "Pinto", "A. C. Aguiar", "" ], [ "Nemes", "M. C.", "" ], [ "de Faria", "J. G. Peixoto", "" ], [ "Thomaz", "M. T.", "" ] ]
Comment on the Adiabatic Condition
The experimental observation of effects due to Berry's phase in quantum systems is certainly one of the most impressive demonstrations of the correctness of the superposition principle in quantum mechanics. Since Berry's original paper in 1984, the spin 1/2 coupled with rotating external magnetic field has been one of the most studied models where those phases appear. We also consider a special case of this soluble model. A detailed analysis of the coupled differential equations and comparison with exact results teach us why the usual procedure (of neglecting nondiagonal terms) is mathematically sound.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 16:28:51 GMT
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 18:23:31 GMT
[ [ "Bassi", "Angelo", "" ], [ "Ghirardi", "GianCarlo", "" ] ]
Decoherent Histories and Realism
We reconsider the Decoherent Histories approach to Quantum Mechanics and we analyze some problems related to its interpretation which, according to us, have not been adequately clarified by its proponents. We put forward some assumptions which, in our opinion, are necessary for a realistic interpretation of the probabilities that the formalism attaches to decoherent histories. We prove that such assumptions, unless one limits the set of the decoherent families which can be taken into account, lead to a logical contradiction. The line of reasoning we will follow is conceptually different from other arguments which have been presented and which have been rejected by the supporters of the Decoherent Histories approach. The conclusion is that the Decoherent Histories approach, to be considered as an interesting realistic alternative to the orthodox interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, requires the identification of a mathematically precise criterion to characterize an appropriate set of decoherent families which does not give rise to any problem.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 17:13:37 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 17:13:37 GMT
[ [ "Hall", "Richard L.", "" ] ]
Functional inversion for potentials in quantum mechanics
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
Let E = F(v) be the ground-state eigenvalue of the Schroedinger Hamiltonian H = -Delta + vf(x), where the potential shape f(x) is symmetric and monotone increasing for x > 0, and the coupling parameter v is positive. If the 'kinetic potential' bar{f}(s) associated with f(x) is defined by the transformation: bar{f}(s) = F'(v), s = F(v)-vF'(v),then f can be reconstructed from F by the sequence: f^{[n+1]} = bar{f} o bar{f}^{[n]^{-1}} o f^{[n]}. Convergence is proved for special classes of potential shape; for other test cases it is demonstrated numerically. The seed potential shape f^{[0]} need not be 'close' to the limit f.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 17:34:59 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 17:34:59 GMT