[ [ "Bose", "S.", "" ], [ "Vedral", "V.", "" ] ]
Mixedness and teleportation
We show that on exceeding a certain degree of mixedness (as quantified by the von Neumann entropy), entangled states become useless for teleporatation. By increasing the dimension of the entangled systems, this entropy threshold can be made arbitrarily close to maximal. This entropy is found to exceed the entropy threshold sufficient to ensure the failure of dense coding.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 20:26:10 GMT
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 20:26:10 GMT
[ [ "Dias", "Nuno Costa", "" ] ]
Classicality Criteria
We present two possible criteria quantifying the degree of classicality of an arbitrary (finite dimensional) dynamical system. The inputs for these criteria are the classical dynamical structure of the system together with the quantum and the classical data providing the two alternative descriptions of its initial time configuration. It is proved that a general quantum system satisfying the criteria up to some extend displays a time evolution consistent with the classical predictions up to some degree and thus it is argued that the criteria provide a suitable measure of classicality. The features of the formalism are illustrated through two simple examples.
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 22:16:43 GMT
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:13:22 GMT
[ [ "Tittel", "W.", "" ], [ "Zbinden", "H.", "" ], [ "Gisin", "N.", "" ] ]
Quantum secret sharing using pseudo-GHZ states
We present a setup for quantum secret sharing using pseudo-GHZ states based on energy-time entanglement. In opposition to true GHZ states, our states do not enable GHZ-type tests of nonlocality, however, they bare the same quantum correlations. The relatively high coincidence count rates found in our setup enable for the first time an application of a quantum communication protocoll based on more than two qubits.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 08:11:49 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 08:11:49 GMT
[ [ "Wu", "Nan-Jian", "" ], [ "Kamada", "M.", "" ], [ "Natori", "A.", "" ], [ "Yasunaga", "H.", "" ] ]
Quantum Computer Using Coupled Quantum Dot Molecules
We propose a method for implementation of a quantum computer using artificial molecules. The artificial molecule consists of two coupled quantum dots stacked along z direction and one single electron. One-qubit and two-qubit gates are constructed by one molecule and two coupled molecules, respectively.The ground state and the first excited state of the molecule are used to encode the |0> and |1> states of a qubit. The qubit is manipulated by a resonant electromagnetic wave that is applied directly to the qubit through a microstrip line. The coupling between two qubits in a quantum controlled NOT gate is switched on (off) by floating (grounding) the metal film electrodes. We study the operations of the gates by using a box-shaped quantum dot model and numerically solving a time-dependent Schridinger equation, and demonstrate that the quantum gates can perform the quantum computation. The operating speed of the gates is about one operation per 4ps. The reading operation of the output of the quantum computer can be performed by detecting the polarization of the qubits.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 11:02:33 GMT
Sat, 7 Oct 2000 13:38:10 GMT
[ [ "Halliwell", "J. J.", "" ] ]
The Emergence of Hydrodynamic Equations from Quantum Theory: A Decoherent Histories Analysis
The most general description of the classical world is in terms of local densities (such as number, momentum, energy), and these typically evolve according to evolution equations of hydrodynamic form. To explain the emergent classicality of these variables from an underlying quantum theory, it is therefore necessary to show, firstly, that these variables exhibit negligible interference, and secondly, that the probabilities for histories of them are peaked around hydrodynamic evolution. The implementation of this programme in the context of the decoherent histories approach to quantum theory is described. It is argued that, for a system of weakly interacting particles, the eigenstates of local densities (averaged over a sufficiently large volume) remain approximate eigenstates under time evolution. This is a consequence of their close connection with the corresponding exactly conserved (and so exactly decoherent) quantities. The subsequent derivation of hydrodynamic equations from decoherent histories is discussed.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:46:23 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:46:23 GMT
[ [ "Albeverio", "Sergio", "" ], [ "Fei", "Shao-Ming", "" ] ]
A Remark on the Optimal Cloning of An N-Level Quantum System
quant-ph cond-mat hep-th
We study quantum cloning machines (QCM) that act on an unknown N-level quantum state and make M copies. We give a formula for the maximum of the fidelity of cloning and exhibit the unitary transformations that realize this optimal fidelity. We also extend the results to treat the case of M copies from $N^\prime$ ($M>N^\prime$) identical N-level quantum systems.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 17:38:02 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 17:38:02 GMT
[ [ "Linden", "N.", "", "University of Bristol" ], [ "Popescu", "S.", "", "University of Bristol" ], [ "Schumacher", "B.", "", "Kenyon College" ], [ "Westmoreland", "M.", "", "Denison University" ] ]
Reversibility of local transformations of multiparticle entanglement
We consider the transformation of multisystem entangled states by local quantum operations and classical communication. We show that, for any reversible transformation, the relative entropy of entanglement for two parties must remain constant. This shows, for example, that it is not possible to convert 2N three party GHZ states into 3N singlets, even in an asymptotic sense. Thus there is true three-party non-locality (i.e., not all three-party entanglement is equivalent to two-party entanglement). Our results also allow us to make {\em quantitative} statements about concentrating multi-particle entanglement. Finally, we show that there is true n-party entanglement for all n.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 21:40:29 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 21:40:29 GMT
[ [ "Lloyd", "Seth", "", "MIT" ], [ "Rahn", "Benjamin", "", "Harvard" ], [ "Ahn", "Charlene", "", "Caltech" ] ]
Robust quantum computation by simulation
Simulation of quantum systems that provide intrinsically fault-tolerant quantum computation is shown to preserve fault tolerance. Errors committed in the course of simulation are eliminated by the natural error-correcting features of the systems simulated. Two examples are explored, toric codes and non-abelian anyons. The latter is shown to provide universal robust quantum computation via simulation.
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 22:38:52 GMT
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 22:38:52 GMT
[ [ "Aharonov", "Yakir", "" ], [ "Reznik", "Benni", "" ] ]
Local/Non-Local Complementarity in Topological Effects
In certain topological effects the accumulation of a quantum phase shift is accompanied by a local observable effect. We show that such effects manifest a complementarity between non-local and local attributes of the topology, which is reminiscent but yet different from the usual wave-particle complementarity. This complementarity is not a consequence of non-commutativity, rather it is due to the non-canonical nature of the observables. We suggest that a local/non-local complementarity is a general feature of topological effects that are ``dual'' to the AB effect.
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:21:33 GMT
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:21:33 GMT
[ [ "Kälbermann", "G.", "", "Soil and Water department, Faculty of Agriculture,\n Israel" ] ]
Wave packet scattering from an attractive well
quant-ph nucl-th
Wave packet scattering off an attractive well is investigated in two spatial dimensions numerically. The results confirm what was found previously for the one dimensional case. The wave scattered at large angles is a polychotomous (multiple peak) coherent train. Large angle scattering is extremely important for low impinging velocities and at all impact parameters. The effect disappears for packets more extended than the well. Experiments to detect the polychotomous behavior are suggested.
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 10:52:45 GMT
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:05:15 GMT
[ [ "Genovese", "M.", "" ], [ "Novero", "C.", "" ] ]
Quantum non-demolition (QND) modulation of quantum interference
quant-ph physics.optics
We propose an experiment where quantum interference between two different paths is modulated by means of a QND measurement on one or both the arm of the interferometer. The QND measurement is achieved in a Kerr cell. We illustrate a scheme for the realisation of this experiment and some further developments.
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:44:39 GMT
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:44:39 GMT
[ [ "Mould", "Richard A", "" ] ]
A defense of Hellwig-Kraus reductions
Aharonov and Albert analyze a thought experiment which they believe shows that quantum mechanical state reductions occur along temporal hypersurfaces in Minkowski space. They conclude that the covariant state reduction theory of Hellwig and Kraus does not apply. In Part I of this paper we disagree with this interpretation of the A-A experiment, and show the adequacy of the H-K theory. In Part II we examine the belief that H-K reductions produce self contradicting causal loops, and/or give rise to absurd boundary conditions. These objections to the theory are shown to be unfounded.
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:01:31 GMT
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:01:31 GMT
[ [ "Dima", "M.", "" ] ]
Quantum Particle-Trajectories and Geometric Phase
"Particle"-trajectories are defined as integrable $dx_\mu dp^\mu = 0$ paths in projective space. Quantum states evolving on such trajectories, open or closed, do not delocalise in $(x, p)$ projection, the phase associated with the trajectories being related to the geometric (Berry) phase and the Classical Mechanics action. High Energy Physics properties of states evolving on "particle"-trajectories are discussed.
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 15:23:43 GMT
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 16:17:56 GMT
[ [ "Lukin", "M. D.", "" ], [ "Yelin", "S. F.", "" ], [ "Fleischhauer", "M.", "" ] ]
Entanglement of Atomic Ensembles by Trapping Correlated Photon States
We describe a general technique that allows for an ideal transfer of quantum correlations between light fields and metastable states of matter. The technique is based on trapping quantum states of photons in coherently driven atomic media, in which the group velocity is adiabatically reduced to zero. We discuss possible applications such as quantum state memories, generation of squeezed atomic states, preparation of entangled atomic ensembles and quantum information processing.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 01:00:20 GMT
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 01:00:20 GMT
[ [ "Kessel", "Alexander R.", "" ], [ "Ermakov", "Vladimir L.", "" ] ]
Multiqubit Spin
It is proposed that the state space of a quantum object with a complicated discrete spectrum can be used as a basis for multiqubit recording and processing of information in a quantum computer. As an example, nuclear spin 3/2 is considered. The possibilities of writing and reading two quantum bits of information, preparation of the initial state, implementation of the "rotation" and "controlled negation" operations, which are sufficient for constructing any algorithms, are demonstrated.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 12:34:35 GMT
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 12:34:35 GMT
[ [ "Bojowald", "Martin", "" ], [ "Strobl", "Thomas", "" ] ]
Symplectic Cuts and Projection Quantization
quant-ph gr-qc hep-th math.SG
The recently proposed projection quantization, which is a method to quantize particular subspaces of systems with known quantum theory, is shown to yield a genuine quantization in several cases. This may be inferred from exact results established within symplectic cutting.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 14:12:51 GMT
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 08:47:28 GMT
[ [ "Cheon", "Taksu", "", "Kochi Tech" ], [ "Shigehara", "T.", "", "Saitama U" ] ]
Continuous Spectra of Generalized Kronig-Penney Model
quant-ph cond-mat
The standard Kronig-Penney model with periodic $\delta$ potentials is extended to the cases with generalized contact interactions. The eigen equation which determines the dispersion relation for one-dimensional periodic array of the generalized contact interactions is deduced with the transfer matrix formalism. Numerical results are presented which reveal unexpected band spectra with broader band gap in higher energy region for generic model with generalized contact interaction.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 17:40:55 GMT
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:02:01 GMT
[ [ "Abrikosov", "A. A.", "", "jr." ], [ "Gozzi", "E.", "" ] ]
Quantization and Time
quant-ph gr-qc
Starting from a functional formulation of classical mechanics, we show how to perform its quantization by freezing to zero two Grassmannian partners of time.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 20:37:29 GMT
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 20:37:29 GMT
[ [ "Huang", "C. Q.", "" ], [ "Kröger", "H.", "" ], [ "Luo", "X. Q.", "" ], [ "Moriarty", "K. J. M.", "" ] ]
Monte Carlo Hamiltonian from Stochastic Basis
quant-ph hep-lat
In order to extend the recently proposed Monte Carlo Hamiltonian to many-body systems, we suggest to concept of a stochastic basis. We apply it to the chain of $N_s=9$ coupled anharmonic oscillators. We compute the spectrum of excited states in a finite energy window and thermodynamical observables free energy, average energy, entropy and specific heat in a finite temperature window. Comparing the results of the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian with standard Lagrangian lattice calculations, we find good agreement. However, the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian results show less fluctuations under variation of temperature.
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 22:10:30 GMT
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 14:26:33 GMT
[ [ "Boto", "Agedi N.", "" ], [ "Kok", "Pieter", "" ], [ "Abrams", "Daniel S.", "" ], [ "Braunstein", "Samuel L.", "" ], [ "Williams", "Colin P.", "" ], [ "Dowling", "Jonathan P.", "" ] ]
Quantum Interferometric Optical Lithography: Exploiting Entanglement to Beat The Diffraction Limit
Classical, interferometric, optical lithography is diffraction limited to writing features of a size lambda/2 or greater, where lambda is the optical wavelength. Using nonclassical photon number states, entangled N at a time, we show that it is possible to write features of minimum size lambda/(2N) in an N-photon absorbing substrate. This result surpasses the usual classical diffraction limit by a factor of N. Since the number of features that can be etched on a two-dimensional surface scales inversely as the square of the feature size, this allows one to write a factor of N^2 more elements on a semiconductor chip. A factor of N = 2 can be achieved easily with entangled photon pairs generated from optical parametric downconversion. It is shown how to write arbitrary 2D patterns by using this method.
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 02:03:29 GMT
Thu, 4 May 2000 00:06:50 GMT
[ [ "Biham", "Eli", "" ], [ "Boyer", "Michel", "" ], [ "Boykin", "P. Oscar", "" ], [ "Mor", "Tal", "" ], [ "Roychowdhury", "Vwani", "" ] ]
A Proof of the Security of Quantum Key Distribution
We prove the security of quantum key distribution against the most general attacks which can be performed on the channel, by an eavesdropper who has unlimited computation abilities, and the full power allowed by the rules of classical and quantum physics. A key created that way can then be used to transmit secure messages in a way that their security is also unaffected in the future.
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 04:58:11 GMT
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 04:58:11 GMT
[ [ "Hall", "Brian C.", "" ] ]
Holomorphic Methods in Mathematical Physics
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
This set of lecture notes gives an introduction to holomorphic function spaces as used in mathematical physics. The emphasis is on the Segal-Bargmann space and the canonical commutation relations. Later sections describe more advanced topics such as the Segal-Bargmann transform for compact Lie groups and the infinite-dimensional theory.
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 20:51:37 GMT
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 23:07:02 GMT
[ [ "Hall", "Michael J. W.", "" ] ]
Quantum properties of classical Fisher information
The Fisher information of a quantum observable is shown to be proportional to both (i) the difference of a quantum and a classical variance, thus providing a measure of nonclassicality; and (ii) the rate of entropy increase under Gaussian diffusion, thus providing a measure of robustness. The joint nonclassicality of position and momentum observables is shown to be complementary to their joint robustness in an exact sense.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:30:22 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:30:22 GMT
[ [ "Kleinert", "H.", "" ], [ "Chervyakov", "A.", "" ] ]
Reparametrization Invariance of Perturbatively Defined Path Integrals. II. Integrating Products of Distributions
quant-ph hep-th
We show how to perform integrals over products of distributions in coordinate space such as to reproduce the results of momentum space Feynman integrals in dimensional regularization. This ensures the invariance of path integrals under coordinate transformations. The integrals are uniquely defined by expressing the propagators in 1- epsilon dimensions in terms of modified Bessel functions.
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 11:08:35 GMT
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 08:18:57 GMT
[ [ "York", "Michael J.", "" ] ]
Permutation Symmetry For Many Particles
We consider the implications of the Revised Symmetrization Postulate (see quant-ph/9908078) for states of more than two particles. We show how to create permutation symmetric state vectors and how to derive alternative state vectors that may be asymmetric for any pair by creating asymmetric interdependencies in their state descriptions. Because we can choose any pair to create such an asymmetry, the usual generalized exclusion rules which result, apply simultaneously to any pair. However, we distinguish between simultaneous pairwise exclusion rules and the simultaneous pairwise anti-symmetry of the conventional symmetrization postulate. We show how to construct a variety of state vectors with multiple interdependencies in their state descriptions and various exchange asymmetries - including one which is anti-symmetric under exchange of two bosons - all without violating the spin-statistics theorem. We conjecture that it is possible to construct state vectors for arbitrary mixes of bosons and fermions that emulate the conventional symmetrization postulate in a limited way and give examples. We also prove that it is not possible to define a single state vector that simultaneously obeys the conventional symmetrization postulate in its standard form (in which the exchange phase does not depend on the spins of additional particles that are present) for every pair that can be interchanged.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 04:56:42 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 04:56:42 GMT
[ [ "Lanz", "L.", "" ], [ "Melsheimer", "O.", "" ], [ "Vacchini", "B.", "" ] ]
Subdynamics as a mechanism for objective description
The relationship between microsystems and macrosystems is considered in the context of quantum field formulation of statistical mechanics: it is argued that problems on foundations of quantum mechanics can be solved relying on this relationship. This discussion requires some improvement of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that is briefly presented.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:19:44 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:19:44 GMT
[ [ "Hovhannisyan", "T. R.", "", "Yerevan\n State University" ], [ "Markossian", "A. G.", "", "Yerevan\n State University" ], [ "Mkrtchian", "G. F.", "", "Yerevan\n State University" ] ]
On the theory of the relativistic cross sections for stimulated bremsstrahlung on an arbitrary electrostatic potential in the strong electromagnetic field
On the base of relativistic generalized eikonal approximation wave function the multiphoton cross sections of a Dirac particle bremsstrahlung on an arbitrary electrostatic potential and strong laser radiation field are presented. In the limit of the Born approximation the ultimate analytical formulas for arbitrary polarization of electromagnetic wave have been obtained.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:54:31 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:54:31 GMT
[ [ "Ruschhaupt", "Andreas", "" ] ]
Relativistic Time of Arrival
We propose a covariant algorithm for relativistic ideal measurements and for relativistic continuous measurements, its non-relativistic limit results the algorithm of the Event-Enhanced Quantum Theory. Therefore an additional intrinsic parameter, the proper time, is used. As an application we compute the time of arrival of a particle at a detector and find good agreement between the expected values of the time of arrival for weak detectors and the results of the relativistic point-mechanic over a wide range. For very high momentums there is a small probability for a negative time of arrival, so the expected times are a bit smaller than the results of the relativistic mechanics.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:29:34 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:29:34 GMT
[ [ "Gorbachev", "V. N.", "" ], [ "Trubilko", "A. I.", "" ] ]
Teleportation of entanglement for continuous variables
Teleportation of a pure two particle entangled state of continuous variables by triplet of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger form is considered. The three-particle basis needed for a joint measurement is found. It describes a measurement of momentum one of single particle and total moment and relative position of the two others. Optical realization using squeezed state of the light is discussed.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:30:29 GMT
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 19:58:18 GMT
[ [ "Korsunsky", "E. A.", "" ], [ "Kosachiov", "D. V.", "" ] ]
Generation of continuous-wave THz radiation by use of quantum interference
We propose a scheme for generation of continuous-wave THz radiation. The scheme requires a medium where three discrete states in a $\Lambda $ configuration can be selected, with the THz-frequency transition between the two lower metastable states. We consider the propagation of three-frequency continuous-wave electromagnetic (e.m.) radiation through a $\Lambda $ medium. Under resonant excitation, the medium absorption can be strongly reduced due to quantum interference of transitions, while the nonlinear susceptibility is enhanced. This leads to very efficient energy transfer between the e.m. waves providing a possibility for THz generation. We demonstrate that the photon conversion efficiency is approaching unity in this technique.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 14:59:42 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 14:59:42 GMT
[ [ "Kosachiov", "D. V.", "" ], [ "Korsunsky", "E. A.", "" ] ]
Efficient microwave-induced optical frequency conversion
Frequency conversion process is studied in a medium of atoms with a $\Lambda$ configuration of levels, where transition between two lower states is driven by a microwave field. In this system, conversion efficiency can be very high by virtue of the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Depending on intensity of the microwave field, two regimes of EIT are realized: ''dark-state'' EIT for the weak field, and Autler-Townes-type EIT for the strong one. We study both cases via analytical and numerical solution and find optimum conditions for the conversion.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:10:21 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:10:21 GMT
[ [ "Aerts", "Sven", "" ], [ "Kwiat", "Paul", "" ], [ "Larsson", "Jan-Åke", "" ], [ "Zukowski", "Marek", "" ] ]
Two-photon Franson-type experiments and local realism
The two-photon interferometric experiment proposed by Franson [Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2205 (1989)] is often treated as a "Bell test of local realism". However, it has been suggested that this is incorrect due to the 50% postselection performed even in the ideal gedanken version of the experiment. Here we present a simple local hidden variable model of the experiment that successfully explains the results obtained in usual realizations of the experiment, even with perfect detectors. Furthermore, we also show that there is no such model if the switching of the local phase settings is done at a rate determined by the internal geometry of the interferometers.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:41:48 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:41:48 GMT
[ [ "Bassi", "Angelo", "" ], [ "Ghirardi", "GianCarlo", "" ] ]
About the Notion of Truth in the Decoherent Histories Approach: a reply to Griffiths
Griffiths claims that the ``single family rule'', a basic postulate of the decoherent histories approach, rules out our requirement that any decoherent history has a unique truth value, independently from the decoherent family to which it may belong. Here we analyze the reasons which make our requirement indispensable and we discuss the consequences of rejecting it.
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 16:48:55 GMT
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 16:48:55 GMT
[ [ "Rosas-Ortiz", "J. Oscar", "" ] ]
Supersymmetric derivation of the hard core deuteron's bound state
A supersymmetric construction of potentials describing the hard core interaction of the neutron-proton system for low energies is proposed. It considers only the binding energy case and uses the approximation of the Yukawa potential given by Hulthen. Recent experimental data for the binding energy of the deuteron are used to give the involved orders of magnitude.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 03:10:03 GMT
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 03:10:03 GMT
[ [ "Holevo", "A. S.", "" ], [ "Werner", "R. F.", "" ] ]
Evaluating capacities of Bosonic Gaussian channels
We show how to compute or at least to estimate various capacity-related quantities for Bosonic Gaussian channels. Among these are the coherent information, the entanglement assisted classical capacity, the one-shot classical capacity, and a new quantity involving the transpose operation, shown to be a general upper bound on the quantum capacity, even allowing for finite errors. All bounds are explicitly evaluated for the case of a one-mode channel with attenuation/amplification and classical noise.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:02:04 GMT
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:02:04 GMT
[ [ "Schreiber", "M.", "" ], [ "Kilin", "D.", "" ], [ "Kleinekathoefer", "U.", "" ] ]
Comparison of two models for bridge-assisted charge transfer
Based on the reduced density matrix method, we compare two different approaches to calculate the dynamics of the electron transfer in systems with donor, bridge, and acceptor. In the first approach a vibrational substructure is taken into account for each electronic state and the corresponding states are displaced along a common reaction coordinate. In the second approach it is assumed that vibrational relaxation is much faster than the electron transfer and therefore the states are modeled by electronic levels only. In both approaches the system is coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators but the way of relaxation is quite different. The theory is applied to the electron transfer in ${\rm H_2P}-{\rm ZnP}-{\rm Q}$ with free-base porphyrin (${\rm H_2P}$) being the donor, zinc porphyrin (${\rm ZnP}$) being the bridge and quinone (${\rm Q}$) the acceptor. The parameters are chosen as similar as possible for both approaches and the quality of the agreement is discussed.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:35:05 GMT
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:35:05 GMT
[ [ "Sergeenko", "M. N.", "" ] ]
Quasiclassical Analysis of the Three-dimensional Shredinger's Equation and its Solution
The three-dimensional Schredinger's equation is analyzed with the help of the correspondence principle between classical and quantum-mechanical quantities. Separation is performed after reduction of the original equation to the form of the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Each one-dimensional equation obtained after separation is solved by the conventional WKB method. Quasiclassical solution of the angular equation results in the integral of motion $\vec M^2=(l+\frac 12)^2\hbar^2$ and the existence of nontrivial solution for the angular quantum number $l=0$. Generalization of the WKB method for multi-turning-point problems is given. Exact eigenvalues for solvable and some "insoluble" spherically symmetric potentials are obtained. Quasiclassical eigenfunctions are written in terms of elementary functions in the form of a standing wave.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:55:41 GMT
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 22:56:11 GMT
[ [ "Pessa", "Eliano", "" ], [ "Vitiello", "Giuseppe", "" ] ]
Quantum dissipation and neural net dynamics
quant-ph cond-mat.other hep-th q-bio.OT
Inspired by the dissipative quantum model of brain, we model the states of neural nets in terms of collective modes by the help of the formalism of Quantum Field Theory. We exhibit an explicit neural net model which allows to memorize a sequence of several informations without reciprocal destructive interference, namely we solve the overprinting problem in such a way last registered information does not destroy the ones previously registered. Moreover, the net is able to recall not only the last registered information in the sequence, but also anyone of those previously registered.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 18:25:07 GMT
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 18:25:07 GMT
[ [ "Dias", "Nuno Costa", "" ] ]
Half Quantization
A general dynamical system composed by two coupled sectors is considered. The initial time configuration of one of these sectors is described by a set of classical data while the other is described by standard quantum data. These dynamical systems will be named half quantum. The aim of this paper is to derive the dynamical evolution of a general half quantum system from its full quantum formulation. The standard approach would be to use quantum mechanics to make predictions for the time evolution of the half quantum initial data. The main problem is how can quantum mechanics be applied to a dynamical system whose initial time configuration is not described by a set of fully quantum data. A solution to this problem is presented and used, as a guideline to obtain a general formulation of coupled classical-quantum dynamics. Finally, a quantization prescription mapping a given classical theory to the correspondent half quantum one is presented.
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 02:45:03 GMT
Wed, 24 May 2000 17:46:21 GMT
[ [ "Hofmann", "Holger F.", "" ], [ "Kobayashi", "Takayoshi", "" ], [ "Furusawa", "Akira", "" ] ]
Nonclassical correlations of photon number and field components in the vacuum state
quant-ph physics.optics
It is shown that the quantum jumps in the photon number n from zero to one or more photons induced by backaction evasion quantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component x of the vacuum light field state are strongly correlated with the quadrature component measurement results. This correlation corresponds to the operator expectation value <xnx> which is equal to one fourth for the vacuum even though the photon number eigenvalue is zero. Quantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component can thus provide experimental evidence of the nonclassical operator ordering dependence of the correlations between photon number and field components in the vacuum state.
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 03:32:52 GMT
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 02:51:19 GMT
[ [ "Shimbori", "Toshiki", "" ] ]
Operator Methods of the Parabolic Potential Barrier
The one-dimensional parabolic potential barrier dealt with in an earlier paper is re-examined from the point of view of operator methods, for the purpose of getting generalized Fock spaces.
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:56:10 GMT
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:56:10 GMT
[ [ "Mitra", "Arindam", "" ] ]
Noised based cipher system
A computationally secure noised based cipher system is proposed. The advantage of this cipher system is that it operates above noise level. Therefore computationally secure communication can be done when error correction code fails. Another feature of this system is that minimum number of exhaustive key search can be made fixed.
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 13:28:51 GMT
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 12:51:50 GMT
[ [ "Dieks", "Dennis", "" ] ]
Consistent histories and relativistic invariance in the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics
Modal interpretations of quantum mechanics assign definite properties to physical systems and specify single-time joint probabilities of these properties. We show that a natural extension, applying to properties at several times, can be given if a decoherence condition is satisfied. This extension defines "consistent histories" of modal properties. We suggest a new form of the modal scheme, that offers prospects of a more general applicability of the histories concept. Finally, we discuss a possible way of applying these ideas to relativistic quantum field theory.
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:47:18 GMT
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:47:18 GMT
[ [ "Horodecki", "Michal", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Pawel", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Ryszard", "" ] ]
Erratum: Asymptotic entanglement manipulations can be genuinely irreversible. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 4260 (2000)]
This is erratum of the paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 4260 (2000)]
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:44:15 GMT
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 16:34:10 GMT
[ [ "Kofman", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Kurizki", "G.", "" ] ]
The Zeno and anti-Zeno effects on decay in dissipative quantum systems
We point out that the quantum Zeno effect, i.e., inhibition of spontaneous decay by frequent measurements, is observable only in spectrally finite reservoirs, i.e., in cavities and waveguides, using a sequence of evolution-interrupting pulses or randomly-modulated CW fields. By contrast, such measurements can only accelerate decay in free space.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:03:01 GMT
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:03:01 GMT
[ [ "Lin", "Qiong-gui", "" ] ]
Levinson theorem for Dirac particles in one dimension
The scattering of Dirac particles by symmetric potentials in one dimension is studied. A Levinson theorem is established. By this theorem, the number of bound states with even (odd) parity, $n_+$ ($n_-$), is related to the phase shifts $\eta_+(\pm E_k)$ [$\eta_-(\pm E_k)$] of scattering states with the same parity at zero momentum as follows: $$\eta_\pm(\mu)+\eta_\pm(-\mu)\pm{\pi\over 2}[\sin^2\eta_\pm(\mu) -\sin^2\eta_\pm(-\mu)]=n_\pm\pi.$$ The theorem is verified by several simple examples.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:00:01 GMT
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:00:01 GMT
[ [ "Znojil", "Miloslav", "" ] ]
New set of exactly solvable complex potentials giving the real energies
We deform the real potential of Poeschl and Teller by a shift of its coordinate in imaginary direction. We show that the new model remains exactly solvable. Its bound states are constructed in closed form. Wave functions are complex and proportional to Jacobi polynomials. Some of them diverge in the Hermitian limit. In contrast, all their energies prove real and shift-independent. In this sense the lost Hermiticity of our family of Hamiltonians seems replaced by their accidental PT symmetry.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:01:52 GMT
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:01:52 GMT
[ [ "Eisert", "J.", "" ], [ "Wilkens", "M.", "" ] ]
Catalysis of entanglement manipulation for mixed states
We consider entanglement-assisted remote quantum state manipulation of bi-partite mixed states. Several aspects are addressed: we present a class of mixed states of rank two that can be transformed into another class of mixed states under entanglement-assisted local operations with classical communication, but for which such a transformation is impossible without assistance. Furthermore, we demonstrate enhancement of the efficiency of purification protocols with the help of entanglement-assisted operations. Finally, transformations from one mixed state to mixed target states which are sufficiently close to the source state are contrasted to similar transformations in the pure-state case.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 16:24:13 GMT
Mon, 22 May 2000 13:45:19 GMT
[ [ "Mermin", "N. David", "" ] ]
A Kochen-Specker Theorem for Imprecisely Specified Measurement
A recent claim that finite precision in the design of real experiments ``nullifies'' the impact of the Kochen-Specker theorem, is shown to be unsupportable, because of the continuity of probabilities of measurement outcomes under slight changes in the experimental configuration.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:05:37 GMT
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:05:37 GMT
[ [ "Thompson", "Caroline H", "" ] ]
Rotational Invariance, Phase Relationships and the Quantum Entanglement Illusion
Another Bell test "loophole" - imperfect rotational invariance - is explored, and novel realist ideas on parametric down-conversion as used in recent "quantum entanglement" experiments are presented. The usual quantum theory of entangled systems assumes we have rotational invariance (RI), so that coincidence rates depend on the difference only between detector settings, not on the absolute values. Bell tests, as such, do not necessarily require RI, but where it fails the presentation of results in the form of coincidence curves can be grossly misleading. Even if the well-known detection loophole were closed, the visibility of such curves would tell us nothing about the degree of entanglement! The problem may be especially relevant to recent experiments using "degenerate type II parametric down-conversion" sources. Logical analysis of the results of many experiments suggests realist explanations involving some new physics. The systems may be more nearly deterministic than quantum theory implies. Whilst this may be to the advantage of those attempting to make use of the so-called "Bell correlations" in computing, encryption, "teleportation" etc., it does mean that the systems obey ordinary, not quantum, logic.
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 19:30:08 GMT
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 19:30:08 GMT
[ [ "Fichtner", "Karl-Heinz", "" ], [ "Ohya", "Masanori", "" ] ]
Quantum Teleportation with Entangled States given by Beam Splittings
Quantum teleportation is rigorously discussed with coherent entang led states given by beam splittings. The mathematical scheme of beam splitti ng has been used to study quantum communication and quantum stochastic. We d iscuss the teleportation process by means of coherent states in this scheme for the following two cases: (1) Delete the vacuum part from coherent states, whose compensation provides us a perfect teleportation from Alice to Bob. (2) Use fully realistic (physical) coherent states, which give s a non-perfect teleportation but shows that it is exact when the average en ergy (density) of the coherent vectors goes to infinity.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:44:44 GMT
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:44:44 GMT
[ [ "Trifonov", "D. A.", "" ] ]
The Uncertainty Way of Generalization of Coherent States
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
The three ways of generalization of canonical coherent states are briefly reviewed and compared with the emphasis laid on the (minimum) uncertainty way. The characteristic uncertainty relations, which include the Schroedinger and Robertson inequalities, are extended to the case of several states. It is shown that the standard SU(1,1) and SU(2) coherent states are the unique states which minimize the second order characteristic inequality for the three generators. A set of states which minimize the Schroedinger inequality for the Hermitian components of the su_q(1,1) ladder operator is also constructed. It is noted that the characteristic uncertainty relations can be written in the alternative complementary form.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:47:21 GMT
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 09:55:00 GMT
[ [ "Lambrecht", "A.", "" ], [ "Reynaud", "S.", "" ] ]
Comment on "Demonstration of the Casimir Force in the 0.6 to 6 micrometer Range"
We comment on a recently published measurement of the Casimir force for distances in the 0.6 to 6 micrometer range between two Au surfaces (Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 5(1997)) and the net discrepancy reported for the comparison with theoretical predictions (Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5475 (1998)).
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:40:11 GMT
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:40:11 GMT
[ [ "Lloyd", "Seth", "", "MIT Mechanical Engineering" ] ]
Programming Pulse Driven Quantum Computers
Arrays of weakly-coupled quantum systems can be made to compute by subjecting them to a sequence of electromagnetic pulses of well-defined frequency and length. Such pulsed arrays are true quantum computers: bits can be placed in superpositions of 0 and 1, logical operations take place coherently, and dissipation is required only for error correction. Programming such computers is accomplished by selecting the proper sequence of pulses.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 22:29:17 GMT
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 22:29:17 GMT
[ [ "Accardi", "Luigi", "" ], [ "Ohya", "Masanori", "" ] ]
Teleportation of general quantum states
Quantum teleportation has been introduced by Benett et al. and dis cussed by a number of authors in the framework of the singlet state. Recentl y, a rigorous formulation of the teleportation problem of arbitrary quantum states by means of quantum channel was given in [IOS] based on the general c hannel theoretical formulation of the quantum gates introduced in [OW]. In t his note we discuss a generalization of the scheme proposed in [IOS] and we give a general method to solve the teleportation problem in spaces of arbitr ary finite dimensions.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:57:19 GMT
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:57:19 GMT
[ [ "Lloyd", "Seth", "", "MIT" ] ]
Universe as quantum computer
This paper shows that universal quantum computers possess decoherent histories in which complex adaptive systems evolve with high probability.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 22:36:18 GMT
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 22:36:18 GMT
[ [ "Englert", "Berthold-Georg", "" ], [ "Metwally", "Nasser", "" ] ]
Separability of entangled q-bit pairs
The state of an entangled q-bit pair is specified by 15 numerical parameters that are naturally regarded as the components of two 3-vectors and a $3\times3$-dyadic. There are easy-to-use criteria to check whether a given pair of 3-vectors plus a dyadic specify a 2-q-bit state; and if they do, whether the state is entangled; and if it is, whether it is a separable state. Some progress has been made in the search for analytical expressions for the degree of separability. We report, in particular, the answer in the case of vanishing 3-vectors.
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:57:09 GMT
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:25:49 GMT
[ [ "Bezerra", "V. B.", "" ], [ "Klimchitskaya", "G. L.", "" ], [ "Mostepanenko", "V. M.", "" ] ]
Higher order conductivity corrections to the Casimir force
The finite conductivity corrections to the Casimir force in two configurations are calculated in the third and fourth orders in relative penetration depth of electromagnetic zero oscillations into the metal. The obtained analytical perturbation results are compared with recent computations. Applications to the modern experiments are discussed.
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 20:09:26 GMT
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 20:09:26 GMT
[ [ "Faure", "Frederic", "" ], [ "Zhilinskii", "Boris", "" ] ]
Topological Chern indices in molecular spectra
Topological Chern indices are related to the number of rotational states in each molecular vibrational band. Modification of the indices is associated to the appearance of ``band degeneracies'', and exchange of rotational states between two consecutive bands. The topological dynamical origin of these indices is proven through a semi-classical approach, and their values are computed in two examples. The relation with the integer quantum Hall effect is briefly discussed.
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:08:44 GMT
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:08:44 GMT
[ [ "Gardiner", "S. A.", "" ], [ "Jaksch", "D.", "" ], [ "Dum", "R.", "" ], [ "Cirac", "J. I.", "" ], [ "Zoller", "P.", "" ] ]
Nonlinear Matter Wave Dynamics with a Chaotic Potential
quant-ph cond-mat
We consider the case of a cubic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with an additional chaotic potential, in the sense that such a potential produces chaotic dynamics in classical mechanics. We derive and describe an appropriate semiclassical limit to such a nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, using a semiclassical interpretation of the Wigner function, and relate this to the hydrodynamic limit of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation used in the context of Bose-Einstein condensation. We investigate a specific example of a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with such a chaotic potential: the one-dimensional delta-kicked harmonic oscillator, and its semiclassical limit. We explore the feasibility of experimental realization of such a system in a Bose-Einstein condensate experiment, giving a concrete proposal of how to implement such a configuration, and considering the problem of condensate depletion.
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:32:49 GMT
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:32:49 GMT
[ [ "Pachos", "Jiannis", "", "ISI" ], [ "Chountasis", "Spiros", "", "ISI" ] ]
Optical Holonomic Quantum Computer
quant-ph hep-th physics.optics
In this paper the idea of holonomic quantum computation is realized within quantum optics. In a non-linear Kerr medium the degenerate states of laser beams are interpreted as qubits. Displacing devices, squeezing devices and interferometers provide the classical control parameter space where the adiabatic loops are performed. This results into logical gates acting on the states of the combined degenerate subspaces of the lasers, producing any one qubit rotations and interactions between any two qubits. Issues such as universality, complexity and scalability are addressed and several steps are taken towards the physical implementation of this model.
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 22:12:15 GMT
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 22:12:15 GMT
[ [ "Kowalski", "K.", "" ], [ "Rembielinski", "J.", "" ] ]
Coherent states for a particle on a sphere
quant-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP
The coherent states for a particle on a sphere are introduced. These states are labelled by points of the classical phase space, that is the position on the sphere and the angular momentum of a particle. As with the coherent states for a particle on a circle discussed in Kowalski K {\em et al} 1996 {\em J. Phys. A} {\bf 29} 4149, we deal with a deformation of the classical phase space related with quantum fluctuations. The expectation values of the position and the angular momentum in the coherent states are regarded as the best possible approximation of the classical phase space. The correctness of the introduced coherent states is illustrated by an example of the rotator.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:57:20 GMT
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:57:20 GMT
[ [ "Drummond", "P. D.", "" ], [ "Corney", "J. F.", "" ] ]
Quantum noise in optical fibers I: stochastic equations
We analyze the quantum dynamics of radiation propagating in a single mode optical fiber with dispersion, nonlinearity, and Raman coupling to thermal phonons. We start from a fundamental Hamiltonian that includes the principal known nonlinear effects and quantum noise sources, including linear gain and loss. Both Markovian and frequency-dependent, non-Markovian reservoirs are treated. This allows quantum Langevin equations to be calculated, which have a classical form except for additional quantum noise terms. In practical calculations, it is more useful to transform to Wigner or +$P$ quasi-probability operator representations. These result in stochastic equations that can be analyzed using perturbation theory or exact numerical techniques. The results have applications to fiber optics communications, networking, and sensor technology.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:21:53 GMT
Mon, 28 Aug 2000 13:06:47 GMT
[ [ "Corney", "J. F.", "" ], [ "Drummond", "P. D.", "" ] ]
Quantum noise in optical fibers II: Raman jitter in soliton communications
The dynamics of a soliton propagating in a single-mode optical fiber with gain, loss, and Raman coupling to thermal phonons is analyzed. Using both soliton perturbation theory and exact numerical techniques, we predict that intrinsic thermal quantum noise from the phonon reservoirs is a larger source of jitter and other perturbations than the gain-related Gordon-Haus noise, for short pulses, assuming typical fiber parameters. The size of the Raman timing jitter is evaluated for both bright and dark (topological) solitons, and is larger for bright solitons. Because Raman thermal quantum noise is a nonlinear, multiplicative noise source, these effects are stronger for the more intense pulses needed to propagate as solitons in the short-pulse regime. Thus Raman noise may place additional limitations on fiber-optical communications and networking using ultrafast (subpicosecond) pulses.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:17:29 GMT
Mon, 28 Aug 2000 13:17:21 GMT
[ [ "O'Dell", "D.", "", "Weizmann Institute of Science" ], [ "Giovanazzi", "S.", "", "Weizmann Institute of Science" ], [ "Kurizki", "G.", "", "Weizmann Institute of Science" ], [ "Akulin", "V. M.", "", "Laboratoire Aime' Cotton" ] ]
Bose Condensates with 1/r Interatomic Attraction: Electromagnetically Induced ``Gravity''
quant-ph cond-mat
We show that particular configurations of intense off-resonant laser beams can give rise to an attractive 1/r interatomic potential between atoms located well within the laser wavelength. Such a ``gravitational-like'' interaction is shown to give stable Bose condensates that are self-bound (without an additional trap) with unique scaling properties and measurably distinct signatures.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 15:48:28 GMT
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 15:48:28 GMT
[ [ "Badziag", "Piotr", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Michal", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Pawel", "" ], [ "Horodecki", "Ryszard", "" ] ]
Local environment can enhance fidelity of quantum teleportation
We show how an interaction with the environment can enhance fidelity of quantum teleportation. To this end, we present examples of states which cannot be made useful for teleportation by any local unitary transformations; nevertheless, after being subjected to a dissipative interaction with the local environment, the states allow for teleportation with genuinely quantum fidelity. The surprising fact here is that the necessary interaction does not require any intelligent action from the parties sharing the states. In passing, we produce some general results regarding optimization of teleportation fidelity by local action. We show that bistochastic processes cannot improve fidelity of two-qubit states. We also show that in order to have their fidelity improvable by a local process, the bipartite states must violate the so-called reduction criterion of separability.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:02:12 GMT
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:02:12 GMT
[ [ "Svetlichny", "George", "", "Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro,\n Brazil" ] ]
The Space-time Origin of Quantum Mechanics: Covering Law
quant-ph gr-qc
Lorentz covariance imposed upon a quantum logic of local propositions for which all observers can consistently maintain state collapse descriptions, implies a condition on space-like separated propositions that if imposed on generally commuting ones would lead to the covering law, and hence to a hilbert-space model for the logic. Such a generalization can be argued if state preparation can be conditioned to space-like separated events using EPR-type correlations. This suggests that the covering law is related to space-time structure, though a final understanding of it, through a self-consistency requirement, will probably require quantum space-time.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 20:16:31 GMT
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 20:16:31 GMT
[ [ "Ohya", "Masanori", "" ], [ "Volovich", "Igor V.", "" ] ]
Quantum Computing, NP-complete Problems and Chaotic Dynamics
quant-ph chao-dyn cond-mat.mes-hall cs.CC nlin.CD physics.atom-ph
An approach to the solution of NP-complete problems based on quantum computing and chaotic dynamics is proposed. We consider the satisfiability problem and argue that the problem, in principle, can be solved in polynomial time if we combine the quantum computer with the chaotic dynamics amplifier based on the logistic map. We discuss a possible implementation of such a chaotic quantum computation by using the atomic quantum computer with quantum gates described by the Hartree-Fock equations. In this case, in principle, one can build not only standard linear quantum gates but also nonlinear gates and moreover they obey to Fermi statistics. This new type of entaglement related with Fermi statistics can be interesting also for quantum communication theory.
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 22:03:01 GMT
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 22:03:01 GMT
[ [ "Voigt", "D.", "" ], [ "Wolschrijn", "B. T.", "" ], [ "Jansen", "R.", "" ], [ "Bhattacharya", "N.", "" ], [ "Spreeuw", "R. J. C.", "" ], [ "Heuvell", "H. B. van Linden van den", "" ] ]
Observation of radiation pressure exerted by evanescent waves
We report a direct observation of radiation pressure, exerted on cold rubidium atoms while bouncing on an evanescent-wave atom mirror. We analyze the radiation pressure by imaging the motion of the atoms after the bounce. The number of absorbed photons is measured for laser detunings ranging from {190 MHz} to {1.4 GHz} and for angles from {0.9 mrad} to {24 mrad} above the critical angle of total internal reflection. Depending on these settings, we find velocity changes parallel with the mirror surface, ranging from 1 to {18 cm/s}. This corresponds to 2 to 31 photon recoils per atom. These results are independent of the evanescent-wave optical power.
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 09:40:52 GMT
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 13:58:55 GMT
[ [ "Czachor", "Marek", "" ] ]
Field quantization by means of a single harmonic oscillator
A new scheme of field quantization is proposed. Instead of associating with different frequencies different oscillators we begin with a single oscillator that can exist in a superposition of different frequencies. The idea is applied to the electromagnetic radiation field. Using the standard Dirac-type mode-quantization of the electromagnetic field we obtain several standard properties such as coherent states or spontaneous and stimulated emission. As opposed to the standard approach the vacuum energy is finite and does not have to be removed by any ad hoc procedure.
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 15:39:41 GMT
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 15:39:41 GMT
[ [ "Petz", "D.", "" ], [ "Mosonyi", "M.", "" ] ]
Stationary quantum source coding
In this paper the quantum source coding theorem is obtained for a completely ergodic source. This results extends Shannon's classical theorem as well as Schumacher's quantum noiseless coding theorem for memoryless sources. The control of the memory effects requires earlier results of Hiai and Petz on high probability subspaces.
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 17:22:22 GMT
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 16:00:44 GMT
[ [ "Barnes", "Jeff P", "" ], [ "Warren", "Warren S", "" ] ]
Automatic Quantum Error Correction
Criteria are given by which dissipative evolution can transfer populations and coherences between quantum subspaces, without a loss of coherence. This results in a form of quantum error correction that is implemented by the joint evolution of a system and a cold bath. It requires no external intervention and, in principal, no ancilla. An example of a system that protects a qubit against spin-flip errors is proposed. It consists of three spin 1/2 magnetic particles and three modes of a resonator. The qubit is the triple quantum coherence of the spins, and the photons act as ancilla.
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 21:36:04 GMT
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 21:36:04 GMT
[ [ "Naik", "D. S.", "", "Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA" ], [ "Peterson", "C. G.", "", "Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA" ], [ "White", "A. G.", "", "Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA" ], [ "Berglund", "A. J.", "", "Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA" ], [ "Kwiat", "P. G.", "", "Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA" ] ]
Entangled state quantum cryptography: Eavesdropping on the Ekert protocol
Using polarization-entangled photons from spontaneous parametric downconversion, we have implemented Ekert's quantum cryptography protocol. The near-perfect correlations of the photons allow the sharing of a secret key between two parties. The presence of an eavesdropper is continually checked by measuring Bell's inequalities. We investigated several possible eavesdropper strategies, including pseudo-quantum non-demolition measurements. In all cases, the eavesdropper's presence was readily apparent. We discuss a procedure to increase her detectability.
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 02:38:28 GMT
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 02:38:28 GMT
[ [ "Folman", "Ron", "" ], [ "Krüger", "Peter", "" ], [ "Cassettari", "Donatella", "" ], [ "Hessmo", "Björn", "" ], [ "Maier", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Schmiedmayer", "Jörg", "" ] ]
Atom Chips
Atoms can be trapped and guided using nano-fabricated wires on surfaces, achieving the scales required by quantum information proposals. These Atom Chips form the basis for robust and widespread applications of cold atoms ranging from atom optics to fundamental questions in mesoscopic physics, and possibly quantum information systems.
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:55:04 GMT
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:55:04 GMT
[ [ "Doherty", "Andrew C.", "" ], [ "Habib", "Salman", "" ], [ "Jacobs", "Kurt", "" ], [ "Mabuchi", "Hideo", "" ], [ "Tan", "Sze M.", "" ] ]
Quantum feedback control and classical control theory
We introduce and discuss the problem of quantum feedback control in the context of established formulations of classical control theory, examining conceptual analogies and essential differences. We describe the application of state-observer based control laws, familiar in classical control theory, to quantum systems and apply our methods to the particular case of switching the state of a particle in a double-well potential.
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 19:25:05 GMT
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 22:08:58 GMT
[ [ "Clifton", "Rob", "", "Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh" ] ]
Complementarity between Position and Momentum as a Consequence of Kochen-Specker Arguments
We give two simple Kochen-Specker arguments for complementary between the position and momentum components of spinless particles, arguments that are identical in structure to those given by Peres and Mermin for spin-1/2 particles.
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 01:47:22 GMT
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 01:47:22 GMT
[ [ "Aoki", "Ken-Ichi", "", "Kanazawa\n University" ], [ "Horikoshi", "Atsushi", "", "Kanazawa\n University" ], [ "Nakamura", "Etsuko", "", "Kanazawa\n University" ] ]
Time of arrival through interacting environments: Tunneling processes
quant-ph gr-qc
We discuss the propagation of wave packets through interacting environments. Such environments generally modify the dispersion relation or shape of the wave function. To study such effects in detail, we define the distribution function P_{X}(T), which describes the arrival time T of a packet at a detector located at point X. We calculate P_{X}(T) for wave packets traveling through a tunneling barrier and find that our results actually explain recent experiments. We compare our results with Nelson's stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics and resolve a paradox previously apparent in Nelson's viewpoint about the tunneling time.
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 09:18:22 GMT
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 08:41:42 GMT
[ [ "Belyaev", "V. B.", "" ], [ "Ionikh", "Yu. Z.", "" ], [ "Miller", "M. B.", "" ], [ "Motovilov", "A. K.", "" ], [ "Sermyagin", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Smolnikov", "A. A.", "" ], [ "Tolmachev", "Yu. A.", "" ] ]
Experiments on Sonoluminescence: Possible Nuclear and QED Aspects and Optical Applications
Experiments aimed at testing some hypothesis about the nature of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence are discussed. A possibility to search for micro-traces of thermonuclear neutrons is analyzed, with the aid of original low-background neutron counter operating under conditions of the deep shielding from Cosmic and other sources of background. Besides, some signatures of QED-contribution to the light emission in SBSL are under the consideration, as well as new approaches to probe a temperature inside the bubble. An applied-physics portion of the program is presented also, in which an attention is being paid to single- and a few-pulse light sources on the basis of SBSL.
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 15:46:42 GMT
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 15:46:42 GMT
[ [ "Lavagno", "A.", "" ], [ "Swamy", "P. Narayana", "" ] ]
Thermostatistics of q-deformed boson gas
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech nucl-th
We show that a natural realization of the thermostatistics of q-bosons can be built on the formalism of q-calculus and that the entire structure of thermodynamics is preserved if we use an appropriate Jackson derivative in place of the ordinary thermodynamics derivative. This framework allows us to obtain a generalized q-boson entropy which depends on the q-basic number. We study the ideal q-boson gas in the thermodynamic limit which is shown to exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation with higher critical temperature and discontinuous specific heat.
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 10:42:29 GMT
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 10:42:29 GMT
[ [ "Bandyopadhyay", "Supriyo", "" ] ]
The Double Quantum Dot Feline Cousin of Schroedinger's Cat: An Experimental Testbed for a Discourse of Quantum Measurement Dichotomies
Intriguing dichotomies in quantum measurement theory involving the role of the obersever, objective reality, collapse of wavefunctions and actualization of a measurement outcome are cast into a patholigical gedanken experiment involving a single electron in a double quantum dot system coupled via a weak link.
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 19:46:48 GMT
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 19:46:48 GMT
[ [ "Grishanin", "B. A.", "" ], [ "Zadkov", "V. N.", "" ] ]
Coherent information analysis of quantum channels in simple quantum systems
The coherent information concept is used to analyze a variety of simple quantum systems. Coherent information was calculated for the information decay in a two-level atom in the presence of an external resonant field, for the information exchange between two coupled two-level atoms, and for the information transfer from a two-level atom to another atom and to a photon field. The coherent information is shown to be equal to zero for all full-measurement procedures, but it completely retains its original value for quantum duplication. Transmission of information from one open subsystem to another one in the entire closed system is analyzed to learn quantum information about the forbidden atomic transition via a dipole active transition of the same atom. It is argued that coherent information can be used effectively to quantify the information channels in physical systems where quantum coherence plays an important role.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:13:19 GMT
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:07:46 GMT
[ [ "Uhlmann", "Armin", "" ] ]
"Partial" Fidelities
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
For pairs, omega, rho, of density operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space of dimension d I call k-fidelity the d - k smallest eigenvalues of | omega^1/2 rho^1/2 |. k-fidelities are jointly concave in omega, rho. This follows by representing them as infima over linear functions. For k = 0 known properties of fidelity and transition probability are reproduced. Partial fidelities characterize equivalence classes which are partially ordered in a natural way.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:00:03 GMT
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 09:40:58 GMT
[ [ "Kowalski", "K.", "" ], [ "Rembielinski", "J.", "" ] ]
The $\delta$-deformation of the Fock space
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
A deformation of the Fock space based on the finite difference replacement for the derivative is introduced. The deformation parameter is related to the dimension of the finite analogue of the Fock space.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:17:43 GMT
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:17:43 GMT
[ [ "Pittenger", "Arthur O.", "" ], [ "Rubin", "Morton H.", "" ] ]
Complete Separability and Fourier representations of n-qubit states
Necessary conditions for separability are most easily expressed in the computational basis, while sufficient conditions are most conveniently expressed in the spin basis. We use the Hadamard matrix to define the relationship between these two bases and to emphasize its interpretation as a Fourier transform. We then prove a general sufficient condition for complete separability in terms of the spin coefficients and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the complete separability of a class of generalized Werner densities. As a further application of the theory, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for full separability for a particular set of $n$-qubit states whose densities all satisfy the Peres condition.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 16:09:50 GMT
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 16:09:50 GMT
[ [ "Jennewein", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Simon", "Christoph", "" ], [ "Weihs", "Gregor", "" ], [ "WeinfurterD", "Harald", "" ], [ "Zeilinger", "Anton", "" ] ]
Quantum Cryptography with Entangled Photons
By realizing a quantum cryptography system based on polarization entangled photon pairs we establish highly secure keys, because a single photon source is approximated and the inherent randomness of quantum measurements is exploited. We implement a novel key distribution scheme using Wigner's inequality to test the security of the quantum channel, and, alternatively, realize a variant of the BB84 protocol. Our system has two completely independent users separated by 360 m, and generates raw keys at rates of 400 - 800 bits/second with bit error rates arround 3 percent.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:50:18 GMT
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:50:18 GMT
[ [ "Jennewein", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Achleitner", "Ulrich", "" ], [ "Weihs", "Gregor", "" ], [ "Weinfurter", "Harald", "" ], [ "Zeilinger", "Anton", "" ] ]
A Fast and Compact Quantum Random Number Generator
We present the realization of a physical quantum random number generator based on the process of splitting a beam of photons on a beam splitter, a quantum mechanical source of true randomness. By utilizing either a beam splitter or a polarizing beam splitter, single photon detectors and high speed electronics the presented devices are capable of generating a binary random signal with an autocorrelation time of 11.8 ns and a continuous stream of random numbers at a rate of 1 Mbit/s. The randomness of the generated signals and numbers is shown by running a series of tests upon data samples. The devices described in this paper are built into compact housings and are simple to operate.
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 19:52:33 GMT
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 19:52:33 GMT
[ [ "Kostenko", "B. F.", "" ], [ "Kuznetsov", "V. D.", "" ], [ "Miller", "M. B.", "" ], [ "Sermyagin", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Kamanin", "D. V.", "" ] ]
Nuclear Teleportation
Until recently, only science-fiction authors ventured to use a term teleportation. However, in the last few years, on the eve of upcoming new millennium, the situation changed very much. The present report gives a synopsis of main concepts in this area. The readers will be able to make sure that paradoxical phenomena in the microcosm give a possibility to demonstrate the exchange of properties between microobjects, removed at a very large distance from each other, when no forces act between them. A new experimental scheme with hydrogen and helium nuclei is proposed. It is expected that the results of these experiments will be considered as teleportation of nuclear properties of atoms of the simplest chemical elements. A problem of teleportation of the more palpable cargo is left to the physics of the more distant future.
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 14:36:35 GMT
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 14:36:35 GMT
[ [ "Alfinito", "Eleonora", "" ], [ "Vitiello", "Giuseppe", "" ] ]
Life-time and hierarchy of memory in the dissipative quantum model of brain
quant-ph cond-mat nlin.AO q-bio
Some recent developments of the dissipative quantum model of brain are reported. In particular, the time-dependent frequency case is considered with its implications on the different life-times of the collective modes.
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 15:37:17 GMT
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 15:37:17 GMT
[ [ "Franson", "J. D.", "" ], [ "Pittman", "T. B.", "" ], [ "Dowling", "J. P.", "" ] ]
Simple pulse sequence for quantum logic operations using photon-exchange interactions
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to an error first noted by M. Lukin.
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 16:06:07 GMT
Tue, 27 May 2003 19:23:55 GMT
[ [ "Schumacher", "Benjamin", "", "Kenyon College" ], [ "Westmoreland", "Michael D.", "", "Denison University" ] ]
Optimal signal ensembles
Classical messages can be sent via a noisy quantum channel in various ways, corresponding to various choices of signal states of the channel. Previous work by Holevo and by Schumacher and Westmoreland relates the capacity of the channel to the properties of the signal ensemble. Here we describe some properties characterizing the ensemble that maximizes the capacity, using the relative entropy "distance" between density operators to give the results a geometric flavor.
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 17:17:44 GMT
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 17:17:44 GMT
[ [ "Kessel", "Alexander R.", "" ], [ "Ermakov", "Vladimir L.", "" ] ]
Multilevel Quantum Particle as a Few Virtual Qubits Materialization
A conception of virtual quantum information bit - virtual qubit - is introduced. It is shown by means of virtual qubit representation that four states of a single quantum particle is enough for implementation of full set of the gates, which is necessary for creation an arbitrary algorithm for a quantum computer. The physical nature and mutual disposition of four working states is of no significance, if there are suitable selection rules for the particle interaction with the external electromagnetic field pulses.
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 20:42:22 GMT
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 20:42:22 GMT
[ [ "Kajiwara", "Kenji", "", "Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering,\n University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan" ], [ "Ohta", "Yasuhiro", "", "Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606,\n Japan" ], [ "Satsuma", "Junkichi", "", "Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of\n Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan" ] ]
q-Discrete Toda Molecule Equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
A q-discrete version of the two-dimensional Toda molecule equation is proposed through the direct method. Its solution, B\"acklund transformation and Lax pair are discussed. The reduction to the q-discrete cylindrical Toda molecule equation is also discussed.
Fri, 16 Apr 1993 06:56:31 GMT
Fri, 16 Apr 1993 06:56:31 GMT
[ [ "Ohta", "Yasuhiro", "", "Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto\n University, Kyoto 606, Japan" ], [ "Kajiwara", "Kenji", "", "Department of Applied Physics,\n Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyu-ku, Tokyo\n 113, Japan" ], [ "Satsuma", "Junkichi", "", "Department of Mathematical Sciences, University\n of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan" ] ]
Casorati Determinant Solution for the Relativistic Toda Lattice Equation
solv-int nlin.SI
The relativistic Toda lattice equation is decomposed into three Toda systems, the Toda lattice itself, B\"acklund transformation of Toda lattice and discrete time Toda lattice. It is shown that the solutions of the equation are given in terms of the Casorati determinant. By using the Casoratian technique, the bilinear equations of Toda systems are reduced to the Laplace expansion form for determinants. The $N$-soliton solution is explicitly constructed in the form of the Casorati determinant.
Thu, 22 Apr 1993 04:51:06 GMT
Thu, 22 Apr 1993 04:51:06 GMT
[ [ "McLachlan", "Robert I.", "", "Program in Applied Mathematics, University of\n Colorado at Boulder" ] ]
Integrable four-dimensional symplectic maps of standard type
solv-int nlin.SI
We search for rational, four-dimensional maps of standard type (x_{n+1} - 2x_n + x_{n-1} = eps f(x,eps)) possessing one or two polynomial integrals. There are no non-trivial maps corresponding to cubic oscillators, but we find a four-parameter family of such maps corresponding to quartic oscillators. This seems to be the only such example.
Wed, 28 Apr 1993 19:58:33 GMT
Wed, 28 Apr 1993 19:58:33 GMT
[ [ "Popowicz", "Ziemowit", "", "Research Institute for Theoretical Physics,\n Siltavuorenpenger 20C, Fin-00014 University of Helsinki Finland" ] ]
The Super W_3 Conformal Algebra and the Boussinesq Hierarchy
solv-int nlin.SI
The bihamiltonian structure of the N=2 Supersymmetric Boussinesq equation is found. It is not reduced to the corresponding classical structure and hence it describes the pure supersymmetric effect. For the supersymmetric Boussinesq equation which contains the classical partner the Lax pair is given explicitely. Thus we prove the integrability of the equation.
Thu, 13 May 1993 13:20:09 GMT
Thu, 13 May 1993 13:20:09 GMT
[ [ "Schiff", "Jeremy", "" ] ]
B\"acklund Transformations of MKdV and Painlev\'e Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
For $N\ge 3$ there are $S_N$ and $D_N$ actions on the space of solutions of the first nontrivial equation in the $SL(N) MKdV hierarchy, generalizing the two $Z_2$ actions on the space of solutions of the standard MKdV equation. These actions survive scaling reduction, and give rise to transformation groups for certain (systems of) ODEs, including the second, fourth and fifth Painlev\'e equations.
Wed, 19 May 1993 19:07:45 GMT
Wed, 19 May 1993 19:07:45 GMT
[ [ "Makhankov", "V. G.", "", "Center for Nonlinear Studies, LANL and Joint Institute\n for Nuclear Research, LCTA, Dubna, Moscow, Russia" ] ]
On exact solution for some integrable nonlinear equations of the Schr\"odinger type
solv-int nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol
The outlook of a simple method to generate localized (soliton-like) potentials of time-dependent Schrodinger type equations is given. The conditions are discussed for the potentials to be real and nonsingular. For the derivative Schrodinger equation also is discussed its relation to the Ishimori-II model. Some pecular soliton solutions of nonlinear Schrodinger type equations are given and discussed.
Fri, 28 May 1993 17:42:13 GMT
Fri, 28 May 1993 17:42:13 GMT
[ [ "Belov", "Aleksander A.", "" ], [ "Chaltikian", "Karen D.", "" ] ]
Lattice Virasoro from Lattice Kac-Moody
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
A new version of quantum Miura transformation on the lattice is proposed, based on the lattice Kac-Moody algebra. A possibility of existence of the Sugawara construction on the lattice is discussed.
Mon, 31 May 1993 08:36:23 GMT
Mon, 31 May 1993 08:36:23 GMT
[ [ "Hietarinta", "Jarmo", "", "Department of Physics, University of Turku, Finland" ] ]
The upper triangular solutions to the three-state constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation
solv-int hep-th nlin.SI
In this article we present all nonsingular upper triangular solutions to the constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation $R_{j_1j_2}^{k_1k_2}R_{k_1j_3}^{l_1k_3}R_{k_2k_3}^{l_2l_3}= R_{j_2j_3}^{k_2k_3}R_{j_1k_3}^{k_1l_3}R_{k_1k_2}^{l_1l_2}$ in the three state case, i.e. all indices ranging from 1 to 3. The upper triangular ansatz implies 729 equations for 45 variables. Fortunately many of the equations turned out to be simple allowing us to start breaking the problem into smaller ones. In the end we had a total of 552 solutions, but many of them were either inherited from two-state solutions or subcases of others. The final list contains 35 nontrivial solutions, most of them new.
Mon, 14 Jun 1993 15:35:11 GMT
Fri, 18 Jun 1993 01:45:45 GMT
[ [ "Clarkson", "Peter A.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K. and Program in Applied\n Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, U.S.A." ], [ "Mansfield", "Elizabeth L.", "", "Department of\n Mathematics, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K. and Program in Applied\n Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, U.S.A." ] ]
Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of a class of Nonlinear Heat Equations
solv-int nlin.SI
Classical and nonclassical symmetries of the nonlinear heat equation $$u_t=u_{xx}+f(u),\eqno(1)$$ are considered. The method of differential Gr\"obner bases is used both to find the conditions on $f(u)$ under which symmetries other than the trivial spatial and temporal translational symmetries exist, and to solve the determining equations for the infinitesimals. A catalogue of symmetry reductions is given including some new reductions for the linear heat equation and a catalogue of exact solutions of (1) for cubic $f(u)$ in terms of the roots of $f(u)=0$.
Wed, 16 Jun 1993 19:02:15 GMT
Wed, 16 Jun 1993 19:02:15 GMT