A negative control is known to give a negative result.
Akayad əndaran atiwazay ye ihuk ən agaraw əndaran.
"Most often the value of the negative control is treated as a ""background"" value to subtract from the test sample results."
"Dǎɣ ajət,migdahaw ən akayad əndaran atiwəja sund migdahaw "ən ider"as amukəs ən ijarawən ən milhaw atwaramən ".
Students might be given a fluid sample containing an unknown (to the student) amount of protein.
Nadobat ihuk ye imaɣra milhaw ən aman etafan ajət waren atwəssan ( ye emassaɣar)ən brotéyintan.
Students could make several positive control samples containing various dilutions of the protein standard.
Imaɣra adoben ijji milhawen ajətnen ən akayad maqaran ihan irawayan ajətnen ən broteyin darusat.
The assay is a colorimetric assay in which a spectrophotometer can measure the amount of protein in samples by detecting a colored complex formed by the interaction of protein molecules and molecules of an added dye.
Irum eqal irum assehaɣat dǎɣ iha asjət adobat adakal ən tajute ən ɗrotéintan dǎɣ milhawən as ajaraw ən assuhu assehaɣan ertayan as anmədəs ən moléəulten ən ɗrotéintan ad molékilten ən asini awedan.
In this case, the experiment begins by creating two or more sample groups that are probabilistically equivalent, which means that measurements of traits should be similar among the groups and that the groups should respond in the same manner if given the same treatment.
Dǎɣ edag wen, irum assinta as ijji ən assin meɣ gruɗtan ən milhaw ajətnen ogdahnen ɣor edag ən mənhuy abiɣaran, awen astanitawəna as iketan ən azalayaten adəqəlan milhaw jar gruɗtan izar grubtan adamagradən as alməɣna wendǎɣ as jarawan iyan assəbələl.
Once equivalent groups have been formed, the experimenter tries to treat them identically except for the one variable that he or she wishes to isolate.
Agud wad gruptan ogdahnen atwəjan,enamerəm itirəm assəbələl nassan salməɣna olahan,as azajar ən asəmutiy as erha ebaɗi.
This ensures that any effects on the volunteer are due to the treatment itself and are not a response to the knowledge that he is being treated.
Awen ijraw as assədətu as ijji kul fal torhajat atiwəna inta as assəbələl imanes izar war eqel tənna as ijji ən aləmad as atiwəja.
These hypotheses suggest reasons to explain a phenomenon, or predict the results of an action.
Issənəhəjitan assinahəjan tidəten ən alaɣi ən harat, meɣ as alaɣi ənigarawən ən ijji.
The null hypothesis is that there is no explanation or predictive power of the phenomenon through the reasoning that is being investigated.
Anəhəj waren eɣlek eqal as war tila alaɣi meɣ assahat atiwalaɣen ən harat as magrad ilamad awadəm.
To the degree possible, they attempt to collect data for the system in such a way that contribution from all variables can be determined, and where the effects of variation in certain variables remain approximately constant so that the effects of other variables can be discerned.
Dǎɣ amək ən tadabit, tirəmnat assəməsədəw ən ihukan ən mertay as almaɣna as ihuk ən issəmutiyan kul adoben atwalaɣi, izar iritan ən assəmutiy ən imətuyan iyad aqalan ogdahən waren itəmətuy ye iritan imətuyan wiyaɗden adədubin aməzlay.
Usually, however, there is some correlation between these variables, which reduces the reliability of natural experiments relative to what could be concluded if a controlled experiment were performed.
Harkuk, aguden, eɣlaqkid amərtay iyan jar imətuyan, awen ifanazan assuhu ən iruman iknanen ye awa adoben oɣəl ən samdo as irum atiwakiyadan eqal ayjan
"For example, in astronomy it is clearly impossible, when testing the hypothesis ""Stars are collapsed clouds of hydrogen"", to start out with a giant cloud of hydrogen, and then perform the experiment of waiting a few billion years for it to form a star."
"Sund, dǎɣ ishənawan adutat iban tadabit,agud wad noram anəhəj ""etran aqalan ijarakan ən hydrogène ililyaman"as assət ən ejarak maqaran hydrogène, izar as iji ən irum azayan as oɣəl ən harat ən milliartan ən awatay ye iji ən etar."
For this reason, field experiments are sometimes seen as having higher external validity than laboratory experiments.
Ye tidit ten, iruman ən edaj atiwatkalan agud iyan sund ilanen taqan najama təknat təmɣare fal iruman dǎɣ ehan wan umaɣ.
In these situations, observational studies have value because they often suggest hypotheses that can be tested with randomized experiments or by collecting fresh data.
Dǎɣ idagan win,tiɣarawen ən akayad ilanat tamɣar falas hakabat agud iyan issənəhəjitan adobatnen atwirəm as iruman atiwajanen meɣ as assəməsədəw ən ijarawən aynaynen.
In addition, observational studies (e.g., in biological or social systems) often involve variables that are difficult to quantify or control.
Dǎɣ tiwat, teɣareten ən akayad (as milhaw, dǎɣ imartiyan ən tamudre meɣ timətawen) tagashan agud iyan imətuyan assohatnen aɗinen meɣ ategaznen.
Without a statistical model that reflects an objective randomization, the statistical analysis relies on a subjective model.
Wala as iri aɗinan izazjaran atwəj ən haratan, akayad adinan aqima fal iri aniyat.
For example, epidemiological studies of colon cancer consistently show beneficial correlations with broccoli consumption, while experiments find no benefit.
Sund,aləmadan ən torhənawen fal əanəer ən amsaɣaraj saknen asamdo ən sertayan əfanen ad tətate ən broəoli, as ijawen iruman war ajrewan tanfo walayat.
For any randomized trial, some variation from the mean is expected, of course, but the randomization ensures that the experimental groups have mean values that are close, due to the central limit theorem and Markov's inequality.
Ye irum kul ijan, amutiy iyan as awa ogdahən eqal atiwaqalan, mashan tijjit tigozst as gruɗtan oramnen ilan tamɣare ogdahnen anehaznen, as adatu ən tamkare namas təmdat ad anəmijar ən Markov.
To avoid conditions that render an experiment far less useful, physicians conducting medical trials—say for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval—quantify and randomize the covariates that can be identified.
Ye agadal ən idagan tajanen irum awaren infa as tajute, imassafaran tajanen iruman ən səfran sund ye assəhəsku ən Food and Drug Administration ən Amérique sajat izar taju anməshənzi adoben adəqəl atwəzay.
It is also generally unethical (and often illegal) to conduct randomized experiments on the effects of substandard or harmful treatments, such as the effects of ingesting arsenic on human health.
Dǎɣ ashrut, eqal sajət ebaɗi ən taɣlək (war itətwəj agud) ye umaɣ ən iruman ajətnen fal ijitan ən issafaran ahuskatnen əndaratnen meɣ əkmanen, atamosan ijitan ən ashugəsh ən arseniə fal asseɣat nadinat.
A physics laboratory might contain a particle accelerator or vacuum chamber, while a metallurgy laboratory could have apparatus for casting or refining metals or for testing their strength.
Ehan numax ən fiziq adobat atkul ən emasheshəl ən ikarumatan meɣ ehan war iha wala,aguden ehan wan tazoli adobat ajaraw ən marshintan ye assəɣal meɣ assamtkay ən tizoliawənen meɣ irum ən assahat nassan.
Scientists in other fields will use still other types of laboratories.
Siăntifik tan daɣ ihăndăgăn iyyăd har ajjudi xăddămăn s iššikilăn n laborătwar tan iyyad .
"Despite the underlying notion of the lab as a confined space for experts, the term ""laboratory"" is also increasingly applied to workshop spaces such as Living Labs, Fab Labs, or Hackerspaces, in which people meet to work on societal problems or make prototypes, working collaboratively or sharing resources."
Harwa musnat daw ehan sund edag atiwayan ye inafrinan,issəm ""ehan"" ititwəj deɣ as ajət as dagan ən ashəɣəl sund Living Labs, Fab Labs meɣ Hackerspacces, dǎɣ tamuqussan adinat ye ashəɣəl fal itaraqan ən tirtayen meɣ ijji ən milhawən, as ashəɣəl dǎɣ amshəɣəl meɣ dǎɣ tazunt ən haratan."
This laboratory was created when Pythagoras conducted an experiment about tones of sound and vibration of string.
Ehan wen atiwaja agud Pythagore ija irum fal emasli ən anazar ad ashkədkad ən laji.
A 16th century underground alchemical laboratory was accidentally discovered in the year 2002.
Ehan ən alshimiq nider naman ən 16e awatay atiwajraw dǎɣ tamoqest ɣor 2002.
Laboratory hazards might include poisons; infectious agents; flammable, explosive, or radioactive materials; moving machinery; extreme temperatures; lasers, strong magnetic fields or high voltage.
Mahalətən oraknen as ihanan adoben ashugish ən ishaɣwan, haratan tamalsanen, ilalan raqanen, tabaqutnen meɣ radioaktifs, ən marshintan amiramarnen, tikusawen alkamnen, lasertan, edag ən anarkab assohen meɣ ijitan azwaynen.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States, recognizing the unique characteristics of the laboratory workplace, has tailored a standard for occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories.
Taggăyt tan Okkupasional Săfeti and Administrasyon tan Assexăt (OSHA) daɣ amerik , daɣ as tărdăh fal samal iyyan n edăg n alxidmăt wan laboratwar, sassăkda azzuken i aginfi daɣ xătar tan
In determining the proper Chemical Hygiene Plan for a particular business or laboratory, it is necessary to understand the requirements of the standard, evaluation of the current safety, health and environmental practices and assessment of the hazards.
Ye alaɣi ən ahanay wan aseɣat əhimique anhəjan ye tartit meɣ ehan ezlayan ,ahushal alamad ən təmdal ən tamɣare, ad eket ən ijitan ishraynen dǎɣ alməɣna ən igaz, ən asseɣat ad ihoz ad eket ən mahalaten.
"Additionally, third party review is also used to provide an objective ""outside view"" which provides a fresh look at areas and problems that may be taken for granted or overlooked due to habit."
“Dǎɣ assiwad, akayad as ashrut was karad eqal atiwatkalan ye ihuk ""akayad ən ajama"" harat aditiwayan akayad aynayan fal idagan ad itaraqan adobatnen atwətkal ye agaraw meɣ atawiy dǎɣ adatu ən aləmad."
Training is critical to the ongoing safe operation of the laboratory facility.
Alamad aziwat as ashəɣəl okayan ad fal akaras ən ehan.
For example, one research group has a schedule where they conduct research on their own topic of interest for one day of the week, but for the rest they work on a given group project.
Almităl, tăqqimt n fărak iyyat tila alwăq net wa s taj in farăk nasan fal măjal eha afor nasăn ašăl iyyan fuk daɣ issiboɣ mušăm a-wa hin eqqim xaddaman fal froje n tăqqimt .
A Locator is an employee of a Laboratory who is in charge of knowing where each member of the laboratory currently is, based on a unique signal emitted from the badge of each staff member.
Amagraw eqal emashaɣal ən ehan omaran as musnat dihad dila amaradǎɣ massis nehan, fal ider ən selmad iyan ijan as takarde ənawadəm kul ən mashaɣalan.
Through ethnographic studies, one finding is that, among the personnel, each class (researchers, administrators...) has a different degree of entitlement, which varies per laboratory.
S tiɣir tin etnografi , afukkăr iyyan amos as jir inăxdimăn , teɣăre fuk ( kel farăk, inăxkămăn) ilan edăg izlăyăn n alxăq izlăyăn s laboratwăr tan .
By looking at the various interactions among staff members, we can determine their social position in the organization.
Dǎɣ akayad ən ibaditan ən aməkətan jar məssawəs ən mashaɣalan,nadobat agaraw ən edaj nassan ertayan dǎɣ amsədu.
So a consequence of this social hierarchy is that the Locator discloses various degrees of information, based on the staff member and their rights.
Ajjilal ən anmijar ertayan eqal Loator italaɣat ajət ən iritan nalaɣi, as almaɣna ən massis ən amashaɣal ad tiditen iness.
Social hierarchy is also related to attitudes towards technologies.
Anamizar ertayan animataf deɣ ad imeshlan ibret ən timusnawen.
For example, a receptionist would view the badge as useful, as it would help them locate members of staff during the day.
Sund, emaselkid ijja alkad ayfan, falas alilas as ajaraw məssawəs ən emashaɣal dǎɣ ashal.
Staff members feel ill at ease when changing patterns of entitlement, obligation, respect, informal and formal hierarchy, and more.
Məssawəs ən emashaɣal war anuflayan alwaq wad amos assəmutiy ən iritan ən tidit, ən ahushəl, assəmɣar, ən amzizar waren ikna ad iknan, etc.
"Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, material world or universe. """
"Tamaɣluk,ɣor alaɣi haruwan, taqal adunya meɣ aɣalakat iknan, fiziq ad haratən."""
Although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena.
Harwa as adinat tajan ugish ən taɣlək, ashəɣəl nadinat atiwəssan agud sund iri ezlayan ad ikuyan iyad iknanen.
The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion; it began with certain core applications of the word φύσις by pre-Socratic philosophers (though this word had a dynamic dimension then, especially for Heraclitus), and has steadily gained currency ever since.
Muzyat ən tamaɣluk sund kul, taməte fiziq, taqal iyat isjətan ajotnen ən muzyat tassintat; assinta as ijitan iyyad namas ən tefert φύσις as imagridan dat Sokrate (harwa tefert ten təkraš tebade tasohet, hulen ye Héraklite), izar wǎr asməda asjət aru.
However, a vitalist vision of nature, closer to the presocratic one, got reborn at the same time, especially after Charles Darwin.
Aguden, ahanay idaran ən taməte, iknan ihaz ən ahanay wǎn dat Sokrate, iwa ɣor iyan azaman, atamosan darat Charles Darwin.
"It is often taken to mean the ""natural environment"" or wilderness—wild animals, rocks, forest, and in general those things that have not been substantially altered by human intervention, or which persist despite human intervention."
"Nissal agud as dihen "akal iknan "meɣ tamaɣluk ən tamaɣluk naroj – imudaran naroj, iɣatan, tafarawt, ad tazart haratan wǎren amos amutayan as ugišnadinat, meɣ išihušulan harwa ugišnadinat ".
Its most prominent climatic features are its two large polar regions, two relatively narrow temperate zones, and a wide equatorial tropical to subtropical region.
Timezlayen alwaqatən iknanen atwənhay aqalan ikalan assin maqornen ən ijmawǎn, idagan assin alimzayatnen zagrotnen, ad akal haruwǎn ən équateur ən trobikale as subtroikale.
The remainder consists of continents and islands, with most of the inhabited land in the Northern Hemisphere.
Aɣil ertay ad ikalan ad jar aman, ajət ən kalan amidak ihan dǎɣ tazunt tan emaynaj.
The interior remains active, with a thick layer of plastic mantle and an iron-filled core that generates a magnetic field.
Awa hin eqqimăn daɣ, ilan layer n măna d tazoli , itărăw id ezărăj n măgnetik .
Rock units are first emplaced either by deposition onto the surface or intrude into the overlying rock.
Qafiz tan win tekadayt intaned azzarnen ijjuš n edag s tenasse fal arori meɣ ijašan s afuqqi n tekadayt
Outgassing and volcanic activity produced the primordial atmosphere.
Assəhuh ad ašaɣəl wǎn amliliy nakal ijanid adu azaran.
Continents formed, then broke up and reformed as the surface of Earth reshaped over hundreds of millions of years, occasionally combining to make a supercontinent.
Ikalan atwajan, izar atwǎrzan izar amsaɣalan as solan as amək was afala nakal itimətuy ɣor timad ən milliontan ən iwətyan, ataynen agud ye ijji ən akal ahusken.
During the Neoproterozoic era, freezing temperatures covered much of the Earth in glaciers and ice sheets.
Ɣor azaman néobrotérozoïq, tisamdawen ilsanat ašrut maqaran ən akal ən issəsmad ad təkəbuten samednen.
The last mass extinction occurred some 66 million years ago, when a meteorite collision probably triggered the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs and other large reptiles, but spared small animals such as mammals.
Assəmiyaqi ilkamən əntazayt ija ika awen 66 milliontan ən iwətyan, agud wad tamoqest ən tihun orawid assəmiyaqi ən finosaurtan wǎren itəfurit ad izlulam iyad maqornen, mašan oyahin imudaran madroynen sund iməssəkas.
The subsequent advent of human life, and the development of agriculture and further civilization allowed humans to affect the Earth more rapidly than any previous life form, affecting both the nature and quantity of other organisms as well as global climate.
Agad okayan ən tamudre nadinat ad asjət ən ajayak ad timusnawen tiyad ijrawǎn ye adinat assəmutiy nakal iknan atarab fal iri iyan kul ən tamudre tokayat, toɣalt agud fal taɣlək ad ajət iman iyyad ad fal alwaq nadunya.
The thin layer of gases that envelops the Earth is held in place by gravity.
Tassabakənt sadidat ən gaz tabirambaket akal tatiwataf dǎɣ edag as tergaše.
The ozone layer plays an important role in depleting the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches the surface.
Tassabakənt tan ozone taj ašaɣal iknan as afanaz ən ajət ən afraran gazolnen (UV) awadnen afala.
Terrestrial weather occurs almost exclusively in the lower part of the atmosphere, and serves as a convective system for redistributing heat.
Aməkətan ən alwaqatən ən akal tajan dǎɣ ihaz iyan dǎɣ ašrut əndaran ən adu, ad ifan as tartit taweyat ye tazunt ən takusse.
Also, without the redistributions of heat energy by the ocean currents and atmosphere, the tropics would be much hotter, and the polar regions much colder.
As milhaw, wala tazunt ən assahat akussan as ijjitan ən ibanɣan ad adu,troɗiquetan aqalan hulen takusse izar ikalan ən ijmawǎn iknanen təssamde.
Surface vegetation has evolved a dependence on the seasonal variation of the weather, and sudden changes lasting only a few years can have a dramatic effect, both on the vegetation and on the animals which depend on its growth for their food.
Ihəškan ən fal afala amutay as alməɣna ən ifanazan ən alwaqatən ən tahajit, ad imatuyan atrabnen wǎren itahij aris harat elan adobatnen ajaraw ən ijji labasan,agud fal ihəškan ad fal imudaran ilanen ɣor tadawla iness ye tatate nassan.
Based on historical records, the Earth is known to have undergone drastic climate changes in the past, including ice ages.
Darat alkadan arunen, nəssan as akal izay išanzitan ən taqan təmdat dǎɣ ikuy, atamosan azamantan samednen.
There are a number of such regions, ranging from the tropical climate at the equator to the polar climate in the northern and southern extremes.
Eɣlakid ajət iyan ən kalan ən iri wen, assintan as taqan trobikal ən équateur as taqan ən ijəm ɣor ijmawǎn ən emaynaj ad tasaja nakal.
This exposure alternates as the Earth revolves in its orbit.
Assəkən wen isanalkam dǎɣ alkum as akal itimliliy fal abatol iness.
Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface.
Aman ilsan 71 % ən fal afala ən akal.
Smaller regions of the oceans are called seas, gulfs, bays and other names.
Ikalan iknanen təmətkit ən ibangan aqalan atiwaɣran as aman, golfes, assəhətəl ad ismawǎn iyad.
It is not known if Titan's lakes are fed by rivers, though Titan's surface is carved by numerous river beds.
Wǎr nəssen as ijareran win Titan atiwatkaran as išušal, harwa afala ən Titan eqal eɣešas assareran ajətnen ən išušal.
A wide variety of man-made bodies of water are classified as ponds, including water gardens designed for aesthetic ornamentation, fish ponds designed for commercial fish breeding, and solar ponds designed to store thermal energy.
Ajət maqaran ən ibanɣan atiwajanen amisadawǎn sund tigəndawen ən manan janen ye ajamar ən ašənšən imanan, ad tigandawen ən tafuk janen ye assəməsədəw ən takusse.
Small rivers may also be called by several other names, including stream, creek, brook, rivulet, and rill; there is no general rule that defines what can be called a river.
Ijareran win daratnen adoben deɣ adəqəlan atwaɣar as ismawən iyad ajotnen amosnen ruisseau, əreek, brook, riɣulet ad rill ; wǎr titəla tənna tartayat talaɣet awa doben atwaɣar as ašašəl.
The structure and composition is determined by various environmental factors that are interrelated.
Taməqunt ad mertay atiwajrawǎn as ajət haratan ən akal aqalnen atwənhad.
Central to the ecosystem concept is the idea that living organisms interact with every other element in their local environment.
Mənhuy ən tirtayen ila fal anyat as imudaran adarnen tinməjin ad haratən wiyaɗden kul ən edag nakal nassən.
Life may also be said to be simply the characteristic state of organisms.
Nadobat deɣ tənna as tamudre taqal amuk amezlayan ən imudaran.
However, not every definition of life considers all of these properties to be essential.
Aguden, ilaɣitan kul ən tamudre wǎr atkelan as təlaten kul eqal ayknan.
From the broadest geophysiological point of view, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere (rocks), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air).
Ɣor edag ən mənhuy géofiziologiq iknan taharut, tamudre taqal tartit ən imudaran kul agašnen imudaran kul adarnen ad mertay, as ugišən ijji nassan ad haratən ən lithosfère (iɣayan) ad hydrosɗhère (aman), ad atmosfère (adu).
More than 2 million species of plant and animal life have been identified to date, and estimates of the actual number of existing species range from several million to well over 50 million.
Okayan 2 milliontan tawseten ən ihəškan ad imudaran atiwazayan ašalen, ad iketan ən adin aduten ən tawsaten aɣlaqnen ikan ɣor ajət ən milliontan as okayan 50 ən milliontan.
Species that were unable to adapt to the changing environment and competition from other life forms became extinct.
Tiwsaten wǎren adobat ilmed as akal itimətuyan ad aməšəj ən iritan iyad ən tamudre əgmadan.
When basic forms of plant life developed the process of photosynthesis the sun's energy could be harvested to create conditions which allowed for more complex life forms.
Agud wad iritan ən tamudre ən ihəškan azarnen asjətən assəmutiy ən fotosintèz, asahat ən tafuk atiwətkal ye ijji ən aməkətan ajrawnen iritan ən tamudre təknat assuhu.
Microorganisms are single-celled organisms that are generally microscopic, and smaller than the human eye can see.
Imudaran əndaratnen aqalan imudaran niyan adag as ajət ən təmadrit, iknan təmatkit as awas dtadobǎt tet nawadəm ahanay.
Their reproduction is both rapid and profuse.
Tirwat nassan taqal aytraban ad ajen.
Since then, it has become clear that the Plantae as originally defined included several unrelated groups, and the fungi and several groups of algae were removed to new kingdoms.
A ijja alwaq wen, izjar aš-ak as Plantae s immik wa s ijja almaɣna net s tizarat ahan ti taqqimen ajjotnen war n oseɣ harat d biffen tolas taqqimen n algae ammukas nat daɣ almalikiya tan ti eynaynen
Among the many ways of classifying plants are by regional floras, which, depending on the purpose of study, can also include fossil flora, remnants of plant life from a previous era.
Daɣ immikan wi ajotnen n amăskăt n tešše s rejional flora ilkămăn i attus n teɣăre , addobăt har ajjudi at ijjiš adăriš n flora ,băqiya tan n tămudre n tešše daɣ azzămăn wa hin okayan
"Some types of ""native flora"" actually have been introduced centuries ago by people migrating from one region or continent to another, and become an integral part of the native, or natural flora of the place to which they were introduced."
"Iritan iyad ən ""ihəškan arunen"atiwagašan ila awen iwətyan as adinat assekalnen as akal meɣ as aɣrim as iyan, izar jar tartit kul ən ihəškan arunen meɣ arunen ən edag dihad atwəgašan".
Animals as a category have several characteristics that generally set them apart from other living things.
Imudaran as oɣəl ən iri ikrašan timezlayen ajətnen tənazlaynen hulen ad imudaran wiyaɗden.
They are also distinguished from plants, algae, and fungi by lacking cell walls.
Amezlayan deɣ ad ihəškan, ad ilatan ad əhambiyontan as iban tidagaten ən ifərjan.
There is also typically an internal digestive chamber.
Ikrašharwa deɣ ehan isugušən amass.
A 2020 study published in Nature found that anthropogenic mass (human-made materials) outweighs all living biomass on earth, with plastic alone exceeding the mass of all land and marine animals combined.
Teɣare təzjarat ɣor 2020 dǎɣ Nature taleɣat as tazayt nadinat (ilalan atiwajanen as awadəm iwayt fal tazayt kul taɣlakat fal akal, assəmutiy okay inta ɣas tazayt ən imudaran nakal ad aman artaynen kul.
In spite of this progress, however, the fate of human civilization remains closely linked to changes in the environment.
Mašan harwa ikuyan, azajor ən amutiy nadinat eqal tahurut as amərtiy amutiy ən akal.
Humans have contributed to the extinction of many plants and animals, with roughly 1 million species threatened with extinction within decades.
Awadəm alil as assəmiyaqi ən ajət maqaran ən ihəškan ad imudaran, ad ogdahan million ən taməɣluk tatemarat ən aməki dǎɣ iwətyan adəmalanen.
This distorts market pricing of natural resources and at the same time leads to underinvestment in our natural assets.
Awen assibahaw assəbdad ən inəšitan ən haratan iknanen dǎɣ hebu izar itirwəd dǎɣ alwaq iban asdu dǎɣ ašəɣəlan iknanen.
Governments have not prevented these economic externalities.
Guvarnamatan wǎr idgelan izagaran ən issəməsidiwǎn.
Some activities, such as hunting and fishing, are used for both sustenance and leisure, often by different people.
Ašəɣəlan iyyad, sund ahayu ad afataw, atiwətkalən dǎɣ alwaq ye todəft ad imešlan, agud as adinat abdanen.
That nature has been depicted and celebrated by so much art, photography, poetry, and other literature shows the strength with which many people associate nature and beauty.
Amək was taɣlək tatiwasakna ad tatiwadal as ijitan ən musnat ajətnen, ad fatoten, ikataban iyad saknen assahat was inta adinat ajotnen assertayan tamaɣluk ad tahuskət.
Nature and wildness have been important subjects in various eras of world history.
Taɣlək ad irojan aqalan haratan ahuskatnen as azamantan azlaynen ən tafust nadunya.
Although natural wonders are celebrated in the Psalms and the Book of Job, wilderness portrayals in art became more prevalent in the 1800s, especially in the works of the Romantic movement.
Harwa tihussay aɣlaknen aqalnat atwədəl dǎɣ Psaumes ad akətab wǎn Job, issəknitan ən taməɣluk naroj dǎɣ iji aqalnan ayknan emel dǎɣ elan win 1800, hulen dǎɣ ijitan ən amtəkway Azedan.
"For this reason the most fundamental science is generally understood to be ""physics""—the name for which is still recognizable as meaning that it is the ""study of nature""."
"Ye tidit ten, tamusne taknat tazart tatiwətkal sund fizique"as issəm atiwazay harwa sund dərtidila as amos "alamad ən taməɣluk"".”
The visible components of the universe are now believed to compose only 4.9 percent of the total mass.
Naɣel ašali as haratan atiwǎnhaynen ən adunya wǎr aqelan as 4,9 % ən tazayt təmdat.
The behaviour of matter and energy throughout the observable universe appears to follow well-defined physical laws.
Temašaɣalt ən harat ad assahat dǎɣ tartit ən taməte tatiwakyadat tolah dalkum ən lalwaten ən ɗhysique iknanen alaɣi.
There is no discrete boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space, as the atmosphere gradually attenuates with increasing altitude.
War it illa alxădud iffărăn jir akal d išinnăwăn fal as aljuw isăsmăd sollan ɣur tiw-at n tišijrit net
There is also some gas, plasma and dust, and small meteors.
Illăn ti har ajjudi gaz tan iyyăd , plasma d ahoqqăl d meteor tan mădroynen .
Although Earth is the only body within the solar system known to support life, evidence suggests that in the distant past the planet Mars possessed bodies of liquid water on the surface.
Harwa akal eqal harat iyan ən tartit ən tafuk atiwazayan ye igaz ən tamudre, timtar hakanat as dǎɣ ikuy ujəjan, etar Mars ikraštizayen ən aman fal afala ness.
If life exists at all on Mars, it is most likely to be located underground where liquid water can still exist.
As tamudre taɣlakid fal Mars, təkna oɣəl nadatu emel daw akal, dihad aman adoben harwǎ aɣalak.
Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source.
Akayad eqal agaraw ijan ən issalan ɣor edag azaran.
The use of measurement developed to allow recording and comparison of observations made at different times and places, by different people.
Atkul ən eket atwajət ye agaraw ən assətkal ad assənəmigar ən ikayadən janen as alwaqatən azlaynen ad dǎɣ idagan azlaynen, as adinat azlaynen.