In measurement the number of standard units which is equal to the observation is counted.
IDǎɣ alməɣna, nəssadan ajət ən tartit darusat togdǎhǎt ad akayad.
Scientific instruments were developed to aid human abilities of observation, such as weighing scales, clocks, telescopes, microscopes, thermometers, cameras, and tape recorders, and also translate into perceptible form events that are unobservable by the senses, such as indicator dyes, voltmeters, spectrometers, infrared cameras, oscilloscopes, interferometers, geiger counters, and radio receivers.
Haratan atiwassanen agašan edag ye talilt ən tidabiten ən akayad ən ahalis, sund imekitan, imazaran, teleskobtan, mikroskobtan, ƭhermometretan, imətkalan ən assorat ad mayetofontan, as harwa alaɣi daɣ ini atiwasanan as tənaten, sund iritan saknanen, voltmètretan: bektromètretan, kameraten šagaɣnen, ossiyoskobtan, interferometretan, imassidan Geiger ad inarmasan arajo.
For example, it is not normally possible to check the air pressure in an automobile tire without letting out some of the air, thereby changing the pressure.
Sund, wǎr eqel ayknan tadabit ən umaɣ ən assahat ən adu daɣ tebalawt ən toraft wala azzajar aɣil ən adu, awen issəmətuyan assahat.
For example, in the twin paradox one twin goes on a trip near the speed of light and comes home younger than the twin who stayed at home.
Sund, dǎɣ assəbəhu ən iknewǎn, iyan dǎɣ iknewǎn ika assikəl as atrub ohazan wǎn efew izar eqalid iknan təmadrit ye ekne waqiman ɣor ehan.
"Quantum mechanics: In quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of very small objects, it is not possible to observe a system without changing the system, and the ""observer"" must be considered part of the system being observed."
"Amukən atwəsanan:"dǎɣ amukən atwəsanan,ijanen temašaɣalt ən haratan iknanen təmətkit, wǎr eqel tadabit ən akayad ən mertay wala assəmutiy ən mertay, ad ""amakyad""ad atwətkəl sund ertayan ad mertay akiyadan".
Human perception occurs by a complex, unconscious process of abstraction, in which certain details of the incoming sense data are noticed and remembered, and the rest forgotten.
Akăyvd n awădim itaj s tamătikwăyt maqqorăt, war hin ijrah n arămăs daɣ as isălăn iyyăd ijaš nen tiw-ajrăhăn in tolas ilan tăkittăwt tolas a wa hin eqqimăn a tat aw a hin
"Later when events are remembered, memory gaps may even be filled by ""plausible"" data the mind makes up to fit the model; this is called reconstructive memory."
"Darat awen, agud wad ikuyan atwəktanid, Iban timusnawen ən takətawt adoben oɣəl ən idakaran as ihukan "adutətnen "as aniyat itaj ye aləmad ən iri; awas nəjan takətawt tatiwaqanat".
In psychology, this is called confirmation bias.
Dǎɣ almudnəjan ye awen taberat ən adatu.
For example, let us suppose that an observer sees a parent beat their child; and consequently may observe that such an action is either good or bad.
Sund, najet as amakiyad ihanay amaraw itəgatan ruress; azar smaək, adobat akayad as tedagit ten taqal ahusken meɣ aybraran.
"Research is ""creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge""."
"Farak eqqal alxidmăt n eɣăn d sistem" tijăt izziyăd n musnat"
To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole.
Ye irum ən tahajit ən haratan, idakalan meɣ iruman, umaɣ adobat iji ən haratan ən ašəɣəlan okaynen meɣ ašaɣal dǎɣ maness.
This material is of a primary-source character.
Harat wen ila temašaɣalt ən tedajit tazarat.
In experimental work, it typically involves direct or indirect observation of the researched subject(s), e.g., in the laboratory or in the field, documents the methodology, results, and conclusions of an experiment or set of experiments, or offers a novel interpretation of previous results.
Daɣ alxidmăt net tan amiyiz, ităjăš tat akăyăd oɣădăn meɣ ifrăɣăn n harăt wa fal ija fărak, almităl , daɣ laboratwăr meɣ teren , kăttăbăn immik, xal tan d inăš ăš ăn n amiyiz meɣ majmuɣăt n imiyizăn meɣ hak alkittăb afăhăm n xal tan wi azzărnen.
The degree of originality of the research is among major criteria for articles to be published in academic journals and usually established by means of peer review.
Ajət ən asseɣat ən umaɣ eqal iyan dǎɣ təmezlayen azarnen ən azəzjar ən haratan dǎɣ uɣlawǎn ən université izar atawəja as zabo ən akayad as assin.
This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world.
Umaɣ wen ihaku issalan ad timusnawen atiwassanen jarawnen alaɣi ən taɣlək ad təlaten ən adunya.
Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic and application disciplines.
Umaɣ atiwalmadan adobǎt oɣəl ən tazunt imsədiwǎn azlaynen as alməɣna ən isaɣra maqornen ad ijjitan.
Humanities scholars usually do not search for the ultimate correct answer to a question, but instead, explore the issues and details that surround it.
Umaɣan ən timusnawen nadinat wǎr ameɣan hulen ye assudmar iknan ad ilkamən as assestan, mašan kayadan šikanen itaraqan ad ilaɣitan atəɣlaynen.
Historians use primary sources and other evidence to systematically investigate a topic, and then to write histories in the form of accounts of the past.
Tifussen dakalnat idagan azarnen ad tiyad timtaren ye umaɣ amertayan fal harat, azar ye akatǎb ən tinfussen as alməɣna ən issənəfissan okaynen.
The research will have to be justified by linking its importance to already existing knowledge about the topic.
Umaɣ adaqəl atwəlaɣi dǎɣ amərtay ən tənfo ness as təmusnawen aɣlaknen aru fal harǎt.
Generally, a hypothesis is used to make predictions that can be tested by observing the outcome of an experiment.
Dǎɣ amsədu, musnat tatiwətkǎl ye ijji ən ilaɣitan adobatnen atwirəm dǎɣ akayad ən jarawǎn ən irum.
This careful language is used because researchers recognize that alternative hypotheses may also be consistent with the observations.
Magrad wen ijan aniyat atiwatkal falas inuməɣan assanan as musnaten tiyad adobatnat deɣ oɣəl ən anməwal ad ikayadən.
As the accuracy of observation improves with time, the hypothesis may no longer provide an accurate prediction.
Ɣor ikuy as azalayat ən akayad tiwad ad taqan, musnat tadobǎt ad ibas haku alaɣi aduten.
"Artistic research has been defined by the School of Dance and Circus (Dans och Cirkushögskolan, DOCH), Stockholm in the following manner – ""Artistic research is to investigate and test with the purpose of gaining knowledge within and for our artistic disciplines."
"Umǎɣ ən tamusne ǎtiwalaɣǎt as liəoy tan dalol ad tan imešlan (dǎɣ och Cirkushögskolan, DOCH) ən Stockholm as alməɣnat ədimalan: "umaɣ ən tamusne ayinfa umǎɣ ad irum dǎɣ amək ən ǎjaraw ən təmusnawen dǎɣ amass ən təɣareten nǎnaɣ ən tamusne ye ad əntanated".
Artistic research aims to enhance knowledge and understanding with presentation of the arts.
Umaɣ ən tamusne adoqǎt assiwad ən tamusne ad aləmadat ad assəkən ən timusnawen.
"According to artist Hakan Topal, in artistic research, ""perhaps more so than other disciplines, intuition is utilized as a method to identify a wide range of new and unexpected productive modalities""."
"Ɣor amussan Hakan Toɗal, dǎɣ umaɣ ən tamusne,""ihaməš hulen as dǎɣ tiɣareten tiyad, almud atiwatkal sund tamkare ye muzyat ən ašad haruwǎn ən alməɣnatan tajanen aynaynen ad wǎren atwaqal.""."
Background research could include, for example, geographical or procedural research.
Umaɣ ən ider adobat ijji, as milhaw, umaɣ assəkən meɣ alməɣna.
The literature review identifies flaws or holes in previous research which provides justification for the study.
Akayad izjaran itazay ifəšuritan meɣ tibruzaten dǎɣ umaɣawǎn okaynen, awǎ ijrawən alaɣi ən taɣare.
The research question may be parallel to the hypothesis.
Investigatio quaestio potest esse parallel hypothesi.
The researcher(s) then analyzes and interprets the data via a variety of statistical methods, engaging in what is known as empirical research.
Inuməɣan kayadan izar talaɣen darat ijarawən as taberat ən təmkarawen ajətnen adinen, abdanen dǎɣ as ad atwaɣrənat as umaɣ ateraman.
"However, some researchers advocate for the reverse approach: starting with articulating findings and discussion of them, moving ""up"" to identification of a research problem that emerges in the findings and literature review."
"Aguden, inuməɣan iyad tajan ihaz inadan: assənt as amertiy ən ijarawən ad amədiš nassan, azar ""awnən""har muzyat ən ataraqa ən umaɣ adizjaran ijarawən ad akayad aberbaran."
Qualitative research is often used as a method of exploratory research as a basis for later quantitative research hypotheses.
Umaɣ ifranən eqal agud atiwətkalən sund tamkare ən umaɣ tassekalat tənfat ider as musnaten ɣn umaɣ ajen adimalan.
Quantitative research is linked with the philosophical and theoretical stance of positivism.
Umaɣ ajen ertay ad ašrut ən magrad ad tamusne ən ajət.
Quantitative research is concerned with testing hypotheses derived from theory or being able to estimate the size of a phenomenon of interest.
Umaɣ ajen adoqat akayad ən musnaten adəzjarnen tamusne meɣ adobatnen alaɣi ən tabade ən harat infan.
If the intent is to generalize from the research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to select participants.
As anazjum eqal assəjət ɣor imugašan ən umaɣ as aɣrim iknan taharut, anumaɣ idakal milhaw aduten ye assənəfrən ən imugašan.
Secondary data is data that already exists, such as census data, which can be re-used for the research.
Ihukawǎn səssin aqalan ihukan atəlanen aru, sund ihukan ad assedən, adobǎtnen atwətkəl ye umaɣ.
This method has benefits that using one method alone cannot offer.
Tamkare ten sakna tənfaten as atkul ən tamkare iyyǎt wǎr tadobǎt ihuk.
Non-empirical research is not an absolute alternative to empirical research because they may be used together to strengthen a research approach.
Umaɣ aruwǎn wǎr eqel anməšray ibdan as umaɣ aruwǎn falas adobatnat atwətkal kul ye assəsuhu ən mihzaw en umaɣ.
The management of research ethics is inconsistent across countries and there is no universally accepted approach to how it should be addressed.
Tanhat ən ijji ən umaɣ wǎr eqel oolahən ən akal as iyyan izar wǎr tila ihaz iyan atiwǎrdan fal alməɣna ən tihza.
Regardless of approach, the application of ethical theory to specific controversial topics is known as applied ethics and research ethics can be viewed as a form of applied ethics because ethical theory is applied in real-world research scenarios.
Awa amos ihoz, ijji ən tamusne tijit as haratan išraɣnen əknanen atiwazay fal issəm tijit tatiwajat falas tamusne ən tijit tatiwaja dǎɣ ilaɣitan ənumaɣ ən adunya tadutet.
Research ethics is most developed as a concept in medical research, the most notable Code being the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
Tijit ən umaɣ taqal musnat təknat tajute dǎɣ ašrut ən umaɣ nassafar, təna təknat akatab taqal azuziy wǎn Helsinki ən 1964.
Meta-research concerns itself with the detection of bias, methodological flaws, and other errors and inefficiencies.
Ajət-numaɣ anehad as ajaraw ən iɣilayan, ən idunan timkarawen ad imətəlitan iyyad ad iban assahat.
Periphery scholars face the challenges of exclusion and linguicism in research and academic publication.
Inumaɣən ən ihzawǎn adəbdədan dat taflist ad azajor ad tanaɣe ən magrad dǎɣ umaɣ ad azəzjar ən université.
For comparative politics, Western countries are over-represented in single-country studies, with heavy emphasis on Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Dǎɣ awa adimaran fulatik tamigdahat, ikalan nagadal ən tafuk aqalan ayknan atwəsəkən dǎɣ tiɣareten aqimanen fal akal iyan, atwimar ijan fal Euroba tan egadal ən tafuk Kanada, Australya ad Nouvelle-Zélande.
Studies with a narrow scope can result in a lack of generalizability, meaning that the results may not be applicable to other populations or regions.
Teɣaraten akrašnen agay oɣadan adoben alaway ən amənd ən assərtay, awa dartila as ijarawən adoben adwǎr tatwəjin as iɣərman iyad meɣ ikalan.
Usually, the peer review process involves experts in the same field who are consulted by editors to give a review of the scholarly works produced by a colleague of theirs from an unbiased and impartial point of view, and this is usually done free of charge.
Aləmadat, alməɣna ən akayad as milhaw itədal imusanən ən iyan ašrut atiwǎramnen as inaktaban ən namokalan ye akayad ən ašəɣəlan atiwasanen janen iyan dǎɣ imidawǎn nassan dǎɣ edag nahanay ogdahən ad as,ajət ən banan.
For instance, most indigenous communities consider that access to certain information proper to the group should be determined by relationships.
Dǎɣ asikin, iyadak terweten ən kalan taganat as ugish ən salatitan iyad isalan aridnen dǎɣ tidawt tanihagat atiqil atiwasaknan fal anmigashan.
The system varies widely by field and is also always changing, if often slowly.
Əmik eqalan hulen aybdan ye tabaraten əd təwaɗ deɣkanen harkuk, mashan as taqal agudiyan ahin-ilan.
These forms of research can be found in databases explicitly for theses and dissertations.
Əmikan wen ən numaɣ adoben adikilan atiwagrawan dǎɣ santotan ən hukitan atiwashaknen ikanen dǎɣ təmusnawen əd aniyatan.
The kinds of publications that are accepted as contributions of knowledge or research vary greatly between fields, from the print to the electronic format.
Əmikan ən zizgaran wi aqalnen aƭiwardan dǎɣ tumast ən tilalen ye təmusne meɣ ye umaɣ ebdan dǎɣ uɣil ən tabarat əs iyat, ən almaɣna atiwazazgaran əs almaɣna ən koran.
Business models are different in the electronic environment.
Təmusnawen ən mashanshan aqalnen aybdan dǎɣ tenere ən koran.
Many senior researchers (such as group leaders) spend a significant amount of their time applying for grants for research funds.
Ajotnen ənumaɣan if-hamnen (atamosnen imanahadan ən tidawt) okayan aɣil maqaran ən alwaq ye asistan ən tədhilen fal azruf ye umaɣ.
The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century (with notable practitioners in previous centuries).
Təmusne tan tənumaq taqal təmusne ən təɣirmt ən garawǎn ən təmusne tan talɣa ən təwaƭ ən təmumaq harwa dǎɣ ihomiši 17e temede nawatǎy (dər imagan animakalnen dǎɣ azaman ən təmaɗ okaynen).
These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.
Amos tabaraten ən təmusne ən tənumaq, ye təbiɗawt ən anilkam atiwasanan ən tisigwen tawaganen ye kul əshiɣilan ən təmusnawen.
A hypothesis is a conjecture, based on knowledge obtained while seeking answers to the question.
Maɣulat eqalan atiwasanan, eqanan fal təmusnawen atwagrawnen dǎɣ umaɣ ən liɣitan ən asostan.
There are difficulties in a formulaic statement of method, however.
Aliɣi ən təmusne ən daw əmik ən tabarat sansu agudiyan dak ən ašušuhutan.
"The term ""scientific method"" emerged in the 19th century, when a significant institutional development of science was taking place and terminologies establishing clear boundaries between science and non-science, such as ""scientist"" and ""pseudoscience"", appeared."
"Əmik ""təmusne ən tənumaq" taqalat adizgaran dǎɣ 19ème temede nawatay, mašan ən təwaƭ igitan inf-fanen ən tənumaq eqalan dǎɣ aytawagen əd as samandotan taganen heretan aridnen əngar tənumaq əd wa-winan amos tənumaq, atamosnen as ""tənumaq"" əd ""wa səsin tənumaq"", zagarnatid.
Gauch 2003, and Tow 2010 disagree with Feyerabend's claim; problem solvers, and researchers are to be prudent with their resources during their inquiry.
Gauch 2003, əd Tow 2010 wadaqelan ayerdan dər salan wi Feyerabend; wi kananen asibaban, əd numaɣan anihaga adigin aniyat dər tabaraten nasan alwaq wa umaɣ nasan.
Philosophers Robert Nola and Howard Sankey, in their 2007 book Theories of Scientific Method, said that debates over scientific method continue, and argued that Feyerabend, despite the title of Against Method, accepted certain rules of method and attempted to justify those rules with a meta methodology.
Kal-nuzguman Robert Nola əd Howard Sankey, dǎɣ alkitaban nasan wən 2007 sitawan Theories of Siantifik Method, ganan as təmadašen fal təmusne ən tənumaq anilkamnat, əd idhalnat as Feyerabend, dǎɣ awen ən salan Against Method, erda tiyad tabaraten ən təmusne əd oram ye adalaɣat as tabaraten tən fal meta-adabara.
The ubiquitous element in the scientific method is empiricism.
Harat it-tilan harkuk ən təmusne ən tənumaq taqalat tən alwaq wan təɣirmaten.
The scientific method counters claims that revelation, political or religious dogma, appeals to tradition, commonly held beliefs, common sense, or currently held theories pose the only possible means of demonstrating truth.
Təmusne tan tənumaq war-tarda ye salan wi amosnen as emanawnaw, tidit ən tənayiwen meɣ alɣibadat, ən taɣare ən aditiwagazan, ən alɣibadatan artaynen, wa ahusken əmik meɣ təmusnawen tinamaradǎɣ amosnat haratan iyadǎɣ adobatnen asiknin tidit.
From the 16th century onwards, experiments were advocated by Francis Bacon, and performed by Giambattista della Porta, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei.
ɣur awătăy wan 1600 , imiyizăn aqqălăn a sar eɣra Francis Bacon tolas ijăn tan Giambattista della Porta, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei.
As in other areas of inquiry, science (through the scientific method) can build on previous knowledge and develop a more sophisticated understanding of its topics of study over time.
Sund dǎɣ tiyad tabaraten ən numaɣ, tanumaq (dǎɣ tihawt ən təmusne ən tənumaq) tadobet asihidid fal təmusnawen namas əd asiwiɗ ən afahamat ogaran aśuhu ən salan ən taɣare dǎɣ azaman.
"This model can be seen to underlie the scientific revolution.: """
"Nadobǎt anagu as əmik ən daw uzil ən tanakra ən tənumaq.: """
One conjecture might be that a new drug will cure the disease in some of the people in that population, as in a clinical trial of the drug.
Dǎɣ maɣulat adoben adiqil as asafar aynayan ad- isisifir ye turhina ɣur iyad adinat ən aljamaɣat ten, sund dǎɣ urum ən nehan ən sifran.
These predictions are expectations for the results of testing.
Dǎɣ awatiwardan aqalnen isigidan alwaq ən liɣitan ən iruman.
The difference between expected versus actual indicates which hypothesis better explains the resulting data from the experiment.
Təbidawɗ ən gar liɣitan atiwasagdahnen əd liɣitan itbatnen saknen tabarat ta talaɣet hulen ihukitan ən liɣitan ən təmusne.
Depending on the complexity of the experiment, iteration of the process may be required to gather sufficient evidence to answer the question with confidence, or to build up other answers to highly specific questions, to answer a single broader question.
Dǎɣ aśuhu ən təmusne, adobǎt adiqil ayfan anelasan dǎɣ tabarat fal asirtay igdahan ən sidutitan dǎɣ samando ən aliɣi ye asostan dər afalasat,meɣ fal uɣin niyad əliɣitan ən asostanan aśohatnen hulen, dǎɣ samando ən aliɣi ən asostan iyadǎɣ ogaran thiriwe.
"X-ray diffraction patterns of DNA by Florence Bell in her Ph.D. thesis (1939) were similar to (although not as good as) ""photo 51"", but this research was interrupted by the events of World War II."
"Dumu tan n X-rayn DNA win Florence Bell daɣ akimmăl n teɣăre net tan Ph.D daɣ awătăy wan (1939) olăhăn id (kuddeɣ as war huskăyăn) ''tăswera 51" mušăm fărak wen isăbdăd nat alɣădăr tan win Akinnăs n Alɣălim wan Issin ."
"June 1952 — Watson had succeeded in getting X-ray pictures of TMV showing a diffraction pattern consistent with the transform of a helix.: """
"Juin 1952 — Watson igraw adagu ye agaraw ən fototan dǎɣ zaranzaran ən X ən TMV saknanen alhali ən təbiɗawen aśohatnen dər asimililiy ən adabal : """.
This prediction was a mathematical construct, completely independent from the biological problem at hand.
Maɣulat wen eqal təmuqunt iyat ən maɗin, əs dak ənes ən tanhat ənes ən asibab ən biologique dǎɣ asostanan.
"DNA is not a helix."""
"ADN wadeqel iyan adibel."""
For example, the number of strands in the backbone of the helix (Crick suspected 2 strands, but cautioned Watson to examine that more critically), the location of the base pairs (inside the backbone or outside the backbone), etc.
Dǎɣ asikin, hadi ən asidwil dǎɣ ɣasan ən adibel (Criək aɣel as 2 sidwal, mašan eqtal Watson ye adikyid awen dǎɣ əmik ogaran tizmit), ugišawan ən əsin ən santo (dǎɣ amas ən ɣasan), iyad.
"But Wilkins agrees to do so only after Franklin's departure.: """
"Mašan Wilkins wad derden ye igi as waden darat igili ən Franklin.. :"""
He and Crick then produced their model, using this information along with the previously known information about DNA's composition, especially Chargaff's rules of base pairing.:
Inta əd Crick igan adiši əmik nasan, dǎɣ amitkal ən salan dǎɣ awen as tat tamosat harwa atiwasan fal asirtay ən ADN, atamosan tabaraten təzune santo ən Chargaff… :
For significant or surprising results, other scientists may also attempt to replicate the results for themselves, especially if those results would be important to their own work.
Fal liɣitan ifanen meɣ ɣadarnen, iyad numaɣan adobatnen intanedǎɣ adariman ye asimusuɣilan əliɣitan fal intaned emanes, dǎɣ awen afal əliɣitan wən taqalan ayfan fal ašiɣilan aridnen imanasan.
Peer review does not certify the correctness of the results, only that, in the opinion of the reviewer, the experiments themselves were sound (based on the description supplied by the experimenter).
Akayad fal wi səsin winan isirid hadi ən liɣitan, mašan awen as, tiriɗawt ən amakyad, təmusnawen intanated-emanes aqalnat aytimutuyan (fal santo ən siknitan atiwafanen fal amusan).
These methodological elements and organization of procedures tend to be more characteristic of experimental sciences than social sciences.
Haratan iyad ən adabaratan ən tartit ən tabaraten tazalnat ye adiqil ogaran əs talɣiwen ən tənumaɣen ən təmusnawen as tənumaɣen ən adinat.
"The elements above are often taught in the educational system as ""the scientific method""."
"Haratan wən ən afala aqalnen agudiyan aqiman dǎɣ əmik ən taɣare sund ""tabarat ən tənumaq""."
For example, when Einstein developed the Special and General Theories of Relativity, he did not in any way refute or discount Newton's Principia.
Dǎɣ asikin, agud was Einstein asewaɗ təmusnawen tə olahnen əs uqud əd atamosan, wadila wala iyan ehandag iknasan meɣ inkašanin dǎɣ Principia ən Newton.
The systematic, careful collection of measurements or counts of relevant quantities is often the critical difference between pseudo-sciences, such as alchemy, and science, such as chemistry or biology.
Umaɣ almaɣna əd aƭinan ən hakotan meɣ ən asiƭin ən haditan iknanen eqalan agudiyan təbiɗawt in gar pseudo-tənumaɣen, sund alshimi, ən tənumaq, sund əhimie meɣ biologie.
Uncertainties may also be calculated by consideration of the uncertainties of the individual underlying quantities used.
Iba nafalasatan adobatan intanedǎɣ adiqil aɗinan dǎɣ uduf ən edan ən iba nafalasatan abdanen ən haditan daw-iba ən amitkalan.
"The operational definition of a thing often relies on comparisons with standards: the operational definition of ""mass"" ultimately relies on the use of an artifact, such as a particular kilogram of platinum-iridium kept in a laboratory in France."
"Aliɣi atiwasanan ən harat əsan agudiyan fal zimuzuɣan dər uqudan : aliɣi atiwasanan ən "tazayt" tinsat dǎɣ samando fal amitkal ən artefaət, atamosan kilaw ən gramme ebdan ən ɗlatine-iridium itwaran dǎɣ edag nakayad ən Fransya."
Scientific quantities are often characterized by their units of measure which can later be described in terms of conventional physical units when communicating the work.
Haditan ən tənumaɣen aqalnen agudiyan aylwayan əs iyadǎɣ akot, wa adoben darat awen adiqil ayktaban dǎɣ əmik iyadǎɣ tawanhaynen ən təridawt ugud ən magrad ən əšiɣil.
It took thousands of years of measurements, from the Chaldean, Indian, Persian, Greek, Arabic, and European astronomers, to fully record the motion of planet Earth.
Izar as waden afdan ən wityan ən akotan, atiwaganen fal astronometan ən əhaldéentan, indientan, Perstan, grektan əd européentan, fal asiqim ən harkuk ən almaɣna wan tablulaq tan Akal.
The observed difference for Mercury's precession between Newtonian theory and observation was one of the things that occurred to Albert Einstein as a possible early test of his theory of General relativity.
Təbiɗawt tat-tiwakyadat fal asimutiy ən Merəure dər təmusne tan newtonien əd akayad eqalan iyan dǎɣ haratan wi iganen asimikt ye Albert Einstein sund irum iyan aśohen adoben ən təmusne nes tan milahaw natiwasanan.
Scientists are free to use whatever resources they have – their own creativity, ideas from other fields, inductive reasoning, Bayesian inference, and so on – to imagine possible explanations for a phenomenon under study.
Siantifik tan ilan alxoriya s axădăm n alfăyda tan ti ilan- eɣăni tan năsan, inasjăm daɣ abăra tan iyyăd,attăɣlil ijjăn s akăyad , inferens n Bayesian d ajjen- i anăsjum almăɣna tan hărat wa fal tija teɣăre .
Scientists often use these terms to refer to a theory that is following the known facts but is nevertheless relatively simple and easy to handle.
Tənumaɣen amitkalnen agudiyan əmikan wən fal asiknin təmusne ta tilkamat ye igi atiwasanan mašan wa eqalan adiš olahan ən banan əd ariqisan ye edes.
It is essential that the outcome of testing such a prediction be currently unknown.
Eqalan santo as asiduw ən irum atamosan aliɣi eqalan amaradǎɣ awinan atwasan.
If the predictions are not accessible by observation or experience, the hypothesis is not yet testable and so will remain to that extent unscientific in a strict sense.
Afal iliɣitan winan eqel aytawagašan fal akayad meɣ təmusne, ən salan winan eqel harwa atiwaraman əd taɣaymen atamosan dǎɣ awen akot winan eqel tənumaq dǎɣ əmik oɣadan.
This implied that DNA's X-ray diffraction pattern would be 'x shaped'.
Awen itagu as diagramme ən təzunawen ən zaranzaran ən X ən ADN eqalan əmik ən "x".
Sometimes the experiments are conducted incorrectly or are not very well designed when compared to a crucial experiment.
Alwăqăn iyyad , imiyizăn ijan s s iban aqqud meɣ war ijen eɣăn olaɣan alwăq wa id ogdăhăn id amiyiz wan xăraj .
This technique uses the contrast between multiple samples, or observations, or populations, under differing conditions, to see what varies or what remains the same.
Təmusne tən adakal animašrayan ən gar ajotnen śolotan, meɣ ikayadan, meɣ aljamaɣatan, dǎɣ tabaraten abdanen, fal ahanay nawa abdan meɣ awa eqal iyandǎɣ.
Factor analysis is one technique for discovering the important factor in an effect.
Umaɣ ən təzunawen eqalan təmusne taganen ye adinhiyan faəteur infan ən atiwagan.
Even taking a plane from New York to Paris is an experiment that tests the aerodynamical hypotheses used for constructing the plane.
Dǎɣ adakal ən aɣiyon ən New York dǎɣ Paris eqalan təmusne ta tirimat tabaraten ən aéodynamiquetan amitkalnen fal igi naivyon.
Franklin immediately spotted the flaws which concerned the water content.
Franklin iga agudendǎɣ azikna ijeran wi amosnen uduf ən naman.
Failure to develop an interesting hypothesis may lead a scientist to re-define the subject under consideration.
Iba nagaraw ən azizgar ən salan iknanen adoben atiwawayan ən təmusne tatiwagat ən salan atiwaɣranen.
Other scientists may start their own research and enter the process at any stage.
Tiyad təmusnawen adobatnen adigišnat umaɣawan aridnen nasan əd gar dǎɣ tabarat ən dagan dak.
Crucially, experimental and theoretical results must be reproduced by others within the scientific community.
Eqal santo ən liɣitan ən təmusnawen ən təmusnawen aqalnen atiwagan fal iyad adinat ən aljamaɣat tan təmusne.
The better an explanation is at making predictions, the more useful it frequently can be, and the more likely it will continue to explain a body of evidence better than its alternatives.
A ija almăɣna i olaɣăn daɣ iji n tanăbbu tan , ad infa hărat , tolas a ija it -alăɣat almăɣna n taɣissa n asidutti ohun as amos fella tan iyyad.
Scientific models vary in the extent to which they have been experimentally tested and for how long, and in their acceptance in the scientific community.
Əmikan ən tənumaɣen abdanen dǎɣ akot ɣur aqalan atiwaraman ən təmusne əd ugud hadi nazaman, əd dǎɣ ƭəbidawen nasan fal aljamaɣat tan tənumaq.