Hipparchus also created a comprehensive catalog of 1020 stars, and most of the constellations of the northern hemisphere derive from Greek astronomy.
Hipparque intadǎɣ iga iyan alkitab imdan ən 1020 etran, əd iyad dak ən tamsudut ən efadan wan ataram adizgaran ən astronomie ən greq.
Georg von Peuerbach (1423–1461) and Regiomontanus (1436–1476) helped make astronomical progress instrumental to Copernicus's development of the heliocentric model decades later.
Georg ɣon Peuerbach (1423-1461) əd Regiomontanus (1436-1476) ikasan dǎɣ təwaɗen ən astronomie wa igan ən Əoɗerniə ən asiwiɗ ən əmik ašarkakiy wa namas ən təmirwen ogarnen tahagit.
In 964, the Andromeda Galaxy, the largest galaxy in the Local Group, was described by the Persian Muslim astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi in his Book of Fixed Stars.
Dǎɣ 964, atir wan Andromède, wa ogaran təmɣire ən atir ən Tartit ən Nakal, əd akatab fal Astronome ən nisliman inabag Abd al-Rahaman al-Sufi dǎɣ Alkitab ines ən etran aqtanen.
Astronomers during that time introduced many Arabic names now used for individual stars.
Astronometan ən azaman wen igan ajotnen isimawan ən araban amitkalnen ešalidǎɣ fal asikin etran ən manasan.
Songhai historian Mahmud Kati documented a meteor shower in August 1583.
Awtinfast Songhaï Mahmud Kati asmasadaw aginan ən météoretan dǎɣ août 1583.
Kepler was the first to devise a system that correctly described the details of the motion of the planets around the Sun.
Kepler amos wa ezzărăn eɣnăn sistem s oɣădăn afăssăr net n amătikwăy n tešše edes n tafukt.
The English astronomer John Flamsteed catalogued over 3000 stars, More extensive star catalogues were produced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille.
Astronome wan anglais John Flamsteed asdaw ogaran 3 000 etran. Nicolas Louis ən Lacaille ən igitan ən tisdiwen ən etran ogarnen timidawt.
This work was further refined by Joseph-Louis Lagrange and Pierre Simon Laplace, allowing the masses of the planets and moons to be estimated from their perturbations.
Əšiɣilan wən aqalan ašišan fal Joseph-Louis Lagrange əd Pierre Simon Laplace, taganen asikin ən tazayt ən tiblulaɣen əd ayuran dǎɣ afel ən ɣašadan nasan.
Stars were proven to be similar to the Earth's own Sun, but with a wide range of temperatures, masses, and sizes.
Eqal atiwasaknan as etran aqalan olahan ən Tafuk ən Akal, mašan dər iyan haruwan lefe ən takast, ən tazayt əd tebade.
Theoretical astronomy led to speculations on the existence of objects such as black holes and neutron stars, which have been used to explain such observed phenomena as quasars, pulsars, blazars, and radio galaxies.
Astronomie wan təmusne inuzguman fal amel ən haratan amosnen as tiɣuš kawalnen əd etran ən neutrontan, wi aqalnen amitkalan fal aliɣi ən azamanan atiwakyadnen atamosan quasars, pulsars, blazars əd radio ən etran.
Observational astronomy may be categorized according to the corresponding region of the electromagnetic spectrum on which the observations are made.
Astronomi tan akăyăd tăddobăt asakăt s rejion tan ti anmăwăl nen id spektrom elektromayetik fal taj in ikayădan.
Although some radio waves are emitted directly by astronomical objects, a product of thermal emission, most of the radio emission that is observed is the result of synchrotron radiation, which is produced when electrons orbit magnetic fields.
Ahuskat as iyyad ondetan ən arajo aqalnen atiwagan əs tiɣida fal haratan ən astronomiquetan, iyan asinimitif ən salan arɣanen, iyad dak isalan ən arajo atiwakyadnen aqalan aliɣi ən zaranzaran ən synəhrotron, wa eqalan asinimi ƭif agud wan eleətrontan ahanen ahazan ən nadag wan magnétiquetan
Observations from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have been particularly effective at unveiling numerous galactic protostars and their host star clusters.
Ikayadan ən Wide-field Infrared Surɣey Explorer (WISE) aqalan atamosan aśohen fal aszizgar ən ajotnen proto-etran ən galaətiquetan əd marhan nasan ən nasftaɣan.
Images of observations were originally drawn by hand.
Tăliwen n ikăyadvn daɣ alasăl dallăj nat s afus .
Ultraviolet astronomy is best suited to the study of thermal radiation and spectral emission lines from hot blue stars (OB stars) that are very bright in this wave band.
Astronomie aśohen eqal ogaran ulmad ən taɣare ən zaranzaran ən akusan əd tisirad ən salan tawanhaynen dǎɣ etran wi dalatnen akusnen (etran OB) wi aqalnen hulen amilaylawan dǎɣ tabarat ten ən ondetan.
Gamma rays may be observed directly by satellites such as the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory or by specialized telescopes called atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes.
Alaɣan wi gamma adoben adiqil atiwakyadan agudendǎɣ fal satellitetan atamosnen Akayad ən Compton ən alaɣan ən gamma meɣ fal ən télesəoɗetan atiwasanen sitawana téleskobetan atmosɗhérique ən Cherenkov.
Gravitational-wave astronomy is an emerging field of astronomy that employs gravitational-wave detectors to collect observational data about distant massive objects.
Astronomi tan gravitasyon t amos abăra id ewădan isăxdăman detekter tan win gravitasyon i asidu n isălăn n akăyăd fal hărătan ajjotnen wi ajjuj nen.
Historically, accurate knowledge of the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars has been essential in celestial navigation (the use of celestial objects to guide navigation) and in the making of calendars.
Dǎɣ tənfas, ən təmuzuyt tatiwasanat ən tiɣaymaten ən Tafuk, ən Ayur, ən tiblulaɣen əd etran aqalnen amosan fal umaɣ ən šinawan (amitkal ən haratan ən šinawan fal uqud ən umaɣ) əd fal ukisawan ən əalendriertan.
The measurement of stellar parallax of nearby stars provides a fundamental baseline in the cosmic distance ladder that is used to measure the scale of the Universe.
Akot ən parallaxe ən stellaire ən etran ohaznen ihaku tasiret ən santo atiwasanan dǎɣ asakankin ən animkiš ən kosmiq wa eqalan atiwakalan fal akot ən asakankin ən zaleɣat.
Analytical models of a process are better for giving broader insight into the heart of what is going on.
Dumu tan win amiyiz n tamătikwayt i olaɣnen ihuk n akayad maqqoran daɣ ammăs n wa ijan.
The observation of a phenomenon predicted by a model allows astronomers to select between several alternate or conflicting models as the one best able to describe the phenomena.
Ikayadan ən azamanan atiwananen fal əmik itagan dǎɣ astronometan ən ukis ən gar ajotnen əmikan animašraynen meɣ atiwamadašnen awen eqal aridan ən manes ye akatab ən azaman.
In some cases, a large amount of inconsistent data over time may lead to the total abandonment of a model.
Dǎɣ iyad əmikan, iyan maqaran hadi ən hukitan winan ikna dǎɣ azaman adobat adilwiy əs tahyawt dak ən əmik.
Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.
Astrofiziq eqalan isalan hulen harawnen, ən astrofisisyentan tagan atamosan ajotnen tabaraten ən ahanay, atamosan ikanan, éleətromagnétisme, ikanan ən ihomiši, thermodynamique, ikanan ən quantique, olahan, aytawanhayan ən nukléaire əd aytawanhayan ən aybdan, mašan ikayadan ən atomique əd molékilaire.
"The word ""astrochemistry"" may be applied to both the Solar System and the interstellar medium."
"Tafirt ""astrošimi"" adobat adigiš agudiyan əmik ən tafuk əd dǎɣ amas ən etran."
The term exobiology is similar.
Əmik ən exobiologie eqala olahan.
Observations of the large-scale structure of the Universe, a branch known as physical cosmology, have provided a deep understanding of the formation and evolution of the cosmos.
Ikayadan ən tartit maqarat ən asakankin ən Aduniyat, iyat tabarat tatiwasanat daw isim ən əosmologie tawanhayat, igan afahamat dǎɣ ider ən igitan əd tiwaƭ ən əosmos.
A hierarchical structure of matter began to form from minute variations in the mass density of space.
Tartit ən tənumukila ən əmik intan ye adilmid dǎɣ afel ən təbiɗawen ən sider ən untam ən tazayt ən nadag.
Gravitational aggregations clustered into filaments, leaving voids in the gaps.
Dǎɣ sirtayan ən ɣalayan aqala ayertayan dǎɣ tenale, tiyit banan dǎɣ dagan atiwayanen.
Various fields of physics are crucial to studying the universe.
Ajotnen tabaraten ən hanayan aqalnen santo ən taɣare ən aduniyat.
Finally, the latter is important for the understanding of the large-scale structure of the cosmos.
Dǎɣ samando, wa dilkaman eqalan ayfan fal afahamat ən tartit ən maqarat ən asakankin ən əosmos.
As the name suggests, an elliptical galaxy has the cross-sectional shape of an ellipse.
Sund isim ines isakna, iyan atir ən ellibtiq dǎɣ əmik dǎɣ tuzant ən ellibse.
Elliptical galaxies are more commonly found at the core of galactic clusters, and may have been formed through mergers of large galaxies.
Etran ən ellibtiqtan wi ahanen ogarnen agudiyan dǎɣ ulhe ən marhan ən netran, əd adoben adigriwan adiqilan atiwasartyan fal aśisuhu ən wi maqornen etran.
Spiral galaxies are typically surrounded by a halo of older stars.
Etran ən abulaɣnen aqalan intanedǎɣ aditiwaɣlayan əs halo ən etran ogarnen tirut.
About a quarter of all galaxies are irregular, and the peculiar shapes of such galaxies may be the result of gravitational interaction.
Ihomiši tazune ən dak etran aqalnen awinan ertey, əd əmikan abdanen ən etran adobatnen adiqilan aliɣi ən nimigišan ən ɣalayan.
A radio galaxy is an active galaxy that is very luminous in the radio portion of the spectrum, and is emitting immense plumes or lobes of gas.
Arajo-netran taqalat iyan atir əšɣalan hulen ən tanure dǎɣ tasaga ən arajo ən sɗeətre, əd wi taganen maqoran asirtay meɣ tazune ən gaz.
The large-scale structure of the cosmos is represented by groups and clusters of galaxies.
Tartit maqarat ən asakankin ən əosmos eqalan atiwasaknan fal tidawen əd marhan ən etran.
In the center of the Milky Way is the core, a bar-shaped bulge with what is believed to be a supermassive black hole at its center.
Dǎɣ amas ən Tabarat tan aɣe ihan amas, bulbe dǎɣ əmik ən agaɣ dər awa aɣel adiqil tanibek kawalat ən maqarat ən tazayt dǎɣ amas ines.
The disk is surrounded by a spheroid halo of older, population II stars, as well as relatively dense concentrations of stars known as globular clusters.
Tagila taqalat atiwaɣlayan ən halo ən taɣalaywayt ən etran ogarnen tirut, ən aljamaɣat II, mašan isimisidiwan olahnen daytaman ən etran sitawana tarha ən taɣalaywayt.
These begin as a compact pre-stellar core or dark nebulae, which concentrate and collapse (in volumes determined by the Jeans length) to form compact protostars.
Awen asinta fal amas ən pré-stellaire ašohen meɣ ən nébuleusetan kawalnen, awa isadawan əd itimširšir (dǎɣ siwidan atiwasamadanen fal tizigrit ən Jean) fal igi ən ɗroto-netran aśohatnen.
These clusters gradually disperse, and the stars join the population of the Milky Way.
Imarhan wən timširširan dǎɣ anilkam, əd etran takanen aljamaɣat ən Tabarat tan Aɣe.
7–18 Star formation occurs in dense regions of dust and gas, known as giant molecular clouds.
7-18 Tabarat ən etran taganen dǎɣ kalan intamnen ən ekarankar əd gaz, asitawana igarakan ən moléəulairetan maqornen.
Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were created inside the cores of stars.
Ihomiši haratan dak ogarnen tazayt ən hdrogène əd hélium aqalan atiwagan dǎɣ amas ən amas netran.
Over time, this hydrogen fuel is completely converted into helium, and the star begins to evolve.
Dǎɣ azaman, karbiran wen ən hydrojène eqalan dakines amilalayan dǎɣ hélium, əd atir asintan ye tiwaƭ.
The ejection of the outer layers forms a planetary nebula.
Ukis ən təsayen nagama iganat iyan nébilez ən tiblulaq.
This is an 11-year oscillation in sunspot number.
Awen amos amitakwayan ən 11 elan ən hadi ən əšiɣil ən tafuk.
The Sun has also undergone periodic changes in luminosity that can have a significant impact on the Earth.
Tafuk tinhay intadǎɣ təmotayen ən azamanan ən tənure tə adobatnen adigriwnat iyan ašahat infan fal Akal.
Above this layer is a thin region known as the chromosphere.
Dǎɣ afala ən tesayt ten iha andiran akal sitawana kromosfère.
Above the core is the radiation zone, where the plasma conveys the energy flux by means of radiation.
Dǎɣ afala ən ulhe iha dǎɣ edag wan zarazaran, ɣur blasma ihakan tabarat ən aśahat fal zaranzaran.
A solar wind of plasma particles constantly streams outward from the Sun until, at the outermost limit of the Solar System, it reaches the heliopause.
Aɗu ən tafuk ən krimkraman ən blasma inagayan dǎɣ iba ən tiwaƭ ən Tafuk ibret nagama hawendǎɣ had awa iwaɗan heliobose, dǎɣ samando ən agama ən əmik ən tafuk.
The planets were formed 4.6 billion years ago in the protoplanetary disk that surrounded the early Sun.
Imidlăn iknan a ilan 4.6 n milyăr n awătay daɣ disk n protoplanet eɣlayan tafukt ta tazzarat.
The planets continued to sweep up, or eject, the remaining matter during a period of intense bombardment, evidenced by the many impact craters on the Moon.
Təblulaɣen ikasnat ye afarad, meɣ ye ajer, əmik adiqiyman agud ən azamanan ən wetan intamnen, sund dǎɣ tajuhe dǎɣ ajotnen talɣiwen ən asohen fal Ayur.
This process can form a stony or metallic core, surrounded by a mantle and an outer crust.
Tabarat ten tadobat atagu ulhe ən tahunt meɣ ən tazoli, tatiwaɣlayat ən aljaba əd iyan aśuhu ən nagama.
Some planets and moons accumulate enough heat to drive geologic processes such as volcanism and tectonics.
Iyad tiblulaɣen əd ayhuran sadawan dǎɣ gadehat ən ini fal asinkar ən tabarat ən géologiqtan atamosnen amliliy əd tektoniq.
Astrostatistics is the application of statistics to astrophysics to the analysis of a vast amount of observational astrophysical data.
Astrostatistiq eqalan aytawagen ən sinihigitan ən astrofiziq fal akayad iyan maqaran haditan ən hukitan ən astrofiziqtan ən kayadan.
Cosmochemistry is the study of the chemicals found within the Solar System, including the origins of the elements and variations in the isotope ratios.
Kosmošimie ataqal teɣare ən sinimitafan ən imiquetan ajihanen dǎɣ əmik ən tafuk, dǎɣ ahan santotan ən haratan əd təmotayen ən salan ən isotofiq.
Astronomy clubs are located throughout the world and many have programs to help their members set up and complete observational programs including those to observe all the objects in the Messier (110 objects) or Herschel 400 catalogues of points of interest in the night sky.
Tənmitafen ən astronomie aqalnen amišaršaran dǎɣ aduniyat dak əd hadi garesan asinahaga ye adabaratan ikanen tadhil ən midawan nasan ye adigin dǎɣ edag əd adawiyan sa ahusken adabaratan ən kayadan, atamosnen wi ikanen ye adikyidan dak haratan ən ahanen dǎɣ tasdut ən Messier (110 haratan) meɣ Herschel 400 ən dagan wi nagaraw ən šinawan nahaɗ.
Most amateurs work at visible wavelengths, but a small minority experiment with wavelengths outside the visible spectrum.
Iyad dak imarhan tašaɣalnen dǎɣ tizigrit ən onde itawanhayan, mašan iyan andiran akiruma isanan dər tizigriten ən onde dǎɣ agama ən sɗeətre aytawanhayan.
A number of amateur astronomers use either homemade telescopes or use radio telescopes which were originally built for astronomy research but which are now available to amateurs (e.g. the One-Mile Telescope).
Iyyǎn hadi ən astronometan arhanen adakal adiš ən téleskoketan iganen dǎɣ ehan, adiš ən arajotelesəoɗe tigat dǎɣ santo fal umaɣ ən astronomie mašan amara itawagraw ye marhan nes (dǎɣ asikin ən telesəoɗe iyyǎn mile).
Answers to these may require the construction of new ground- and space-based instruments, and possibly new developments in theoretical and experimental physics.
AAdabaratan ən asostanan adobatnen adigin təmuqunt ən aynayan ilalan dǎɣ akal əd dǎɣ edag, əd atamosan aynaynen təwaɗen dǎɣ ahanay ən təmusne əd atiwasanan.
A deeper understanding of the formation of stars and planets is needed.
Anifham ogaran atliqi ən igitan ən etran əd təblulaɣen eqalan ayfan.
If so, what is the explanation for the Fermi paradox?
Dǎɣ awen, indeki aliɣi ən animašrayan wǎn Fermi?
What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy?
Ma imos annuɣ n hărat daɣ tihăy d enerji kawălan?
How did the first galaxies form?
Indekan wi dazarnen etran aqalan aygan me?
Astrobiology, formerly known as exobiology, is an interdisciplinary scientific field that studies the origins, early evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.
Astrobiologie, wa aruwǎn sitawǎn exobiologie, eqalan tabarat ən tənumaq ən semɣaran wi ɣaranen ən santotan, tiwaɗ taśohet, təzunawen əd awadimala ən aduniyat dǎɣ zaleɣat.
The origin and early evolution of life is an inseparable part of the discipline of astrobiology.
Santo əd təwaƭ taśohet ən aduniyat aqalan tasaga winan tiwikis ən adin wǎn astrobioloji.
Biochemistry may have begun shortly after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, during a habitable epoch when the Universe was only 10–17 million years old.
Adobat adiqil as biošimi igraw adisantu andiran darat Big Bang, aywadan 13,8 milliardtan ən nelan, agud wa azaman atiwadakan ɣur zaleɣat wartila ad 10-17 har au milliontan nelan.
Nonetheless, Earth is the only place in the universe humans know to harbor life.
Agudendǎɣ, Akal eqal iyyǎndǎɣ edag ən zaleɣat tas adinat izayan fal adidiran dǎɣ təmudre.
The term exobiology was coined by molecular biologist and Nobel Prize winner Joshua Lederberg.
Əmik ən exobioloji eqal atwagan fal biolojist ən molékilere əd wa igrawǎn alhak ən Nobel Joshua Lederberg.
"The term xenobiology is now used in a more specialized sense, to mean ""biology based on foreign chemistry"", whether of extraterrestrial or terrestrial (possibly synthetic) origin."
"Əmik ən xenobioloji eqalan amaradǎɣ amitkalan dǎɣ əmik ogaran atwisan, fal adanu "bioloji ta tikat fal əhimie wa nanaftaɣ", tamosat santo ən asuɣsadan meɣ nakal (atamosan aysartayan)."
Though once considered outside the mainstream of scientific inquiry, astrobiology has become a formalized field of study.
Indele as taqal agudiyyǎn atiwagan sund dǎɣ sagama ən tabarat tanamas ən numaɣ ən tənumaq, astrobioloji eqalan atiwagan dǎɣ edag ən taɣare tatiwasanat.
In 1959, NASA funded its first exobiology project, and in 1960, NASA founded an Exobiology Program, which is now one of four main elements of NASA's current Astrobiology Program.
Dǎɣ 1959, NASA tidhal wa dazaran harat ən exobiologie əd, dǎɣ 1960, NASA ataqal atiwagan əs adabara ən exobiologie, wa eqalan ešalidǎɣ iyyǎn dǎɣ wi nikoz atiwawǎnen haratan ən adabara ən astrobiologie ən amaradǎɣ ən NASA.
Advancements in the fields of astrobiology, observational astronomy and discovery of large varieties of extremophiles with extraordinary capability to thrive in the harshest environments on Earth, have led to speculation that life may possibly be thriving on many of the extraterrestrial bodies in the universe.
Təmotayen iganen dǎɣ tabaraten ən astrobiologie, ən astronomie wǎn akayan əd atwigraw ən wimaqornen təbiɗawen ən extrêmoɗhinetan atiwafanen ən aśahat asuɣsadan ye itiwaɗan dǎɣ zaleɣat wa ogaran aśuhu dǎɣ Akal, ilwayan əs igitan ən aduniyat adobatnen ye adiwaɗan fal ajotnen təɣiswen ən asuɣsadan dǎɣ zaleɣat.
Missions specifically designed to search for current life on Mars were the Viking program and Beagle 2 probes.
Imašalan atiwasanen anikmaman fal umaɣ ən aduniyat ta amaradǎɣ fal Mars eqalan sondetan ən adabara ən Viking əd Beagle 2.
In late 2008, the Phoenix lander probed the environment for past and present planetary habitability of microbial life on Mars, and researched the history of water there.
Samando ən 2008, emaseris ən Phoenix iga taswil ye zaleɣat fal ukis ən udikawǎn ən təblulaɣen okaynen dǎɣ aduniyat ən tiwikawen fal Mars, əd iga ənumaɣan fal tafust ən aman fal təblulaq ten.
In November 2011, NASA launched the Mars Science Laboratory mission carrying the Curiosity rover, which landed on Mars at Gale Crater in August 2012.
Dǎɣ noɣembre 2011, NASA tizizgar umaɣ əs Mars Sians Labor tory dakalnen roɣer Curiosity, ta tinsat fal Mars ən talɣa tan Gale dǎɣ août 2012.
One is the informed assumption that the vast majority of life forms in our galaxy are based on carbon chemistries, as are all life forms on Earth.
Iyat dǎɣ asnat ataqal isalan isakna aɣel ina təmɣire hariwat ən əmikan ən təmudre dǎɣ etran nanaɣ aqalnen aygan fal əhimie ən əarbone, sund dak əmikan ən təmudre fal Akal.
The fact that carbon atoms bond readily to other carbon atoms allows for the building of extremely long and complex molecules.
Igi was atometan ən karbone tinmitifan əs tirɣise ən iyad atometan ən karbone taganen təmuqunt ən molekiletan zigritnen hulen əd aśohatnen.
A third assumption is to focus on planets orbiting Sun-like stars for increased probabilities of planetary habitability.
Wa karad tabarat atamos ye asins fal təblulaɣen ən dagan aɣlaynen etran olahnen ən Tafuk fal asiwiɗ ahazan ən təmuzɣe ən təblulaɣen.
To that end, a number of instruments designed to detect Earth-sized exoplanets have been considered, most notably NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and ESA's Darwin programs, both of which have been cancelled.
Dǎɣ samando wen, iyyǎn hadi ən ilalan itwarnen fal asiknin exo təblulaɣen ən tebade ən nakal taqalat atiwǎnan, atamosan adabara ən TPF (Terrestrial Planet Finder) ən NASA əd adabara wǎn Darwin ən ESA, wi dak nasan atwakasan.
Drake originally formulated the equation merely as an agenda for discussion at the Green Bank conference, but some applications of the formula had been taken literally and related to simplistic or pseudoscientific arguments.
Drake s tizarat ikna ekăsyon šund xătat n adiwinni daɣ Green Bank Conference mušăm aplikasyon tan iyyad n formula ammitkălan tolas orakan s amšikki tan raqqos nen tolas n almăt n sientifik tan
The discovery of extremophiles, organisms able to survive in extreme environments, became a core research element for astrobiologists, as they are important to understand four areas in the limits of life in planetary context: the potential for panspermia, forward contamination due to human exploration ventures, planetary colonization by humans, and the exploration of extinct and extant extraterrestrial life.
Afukkăr n extremofil tan, organizm tan addobăt nen tămudre daɣ ihănzuzaɣ assohăt nen , aqqălan a fal ija fărak n astrobiolojist tan fal as aqqălan assohen i afahăm n akkoz ihăndagăn n alxădudăn n tamudre daɣ talɣa n amadal: tudăbat n panspermia, amăskal id eraw imuɣăn, alisteɣmar n addinat d imuɣ fal tămudre hin tammutăt d ti tillăt n fadayin tan .
Even life in the ocean depths, where sunlight cannot reach, was thought to obtain its nourishment either from consuming organic detritus rained down from the surface waters or from eating animals that did.
Anaɣel as imanes ən təmudre dǎɣ amasan ən girwǎn, ɣur tanure ən tafuk winan tadobat atamakat, asidaran eqalan krimkraman ən hiškan adifalnen amanitan ən afala, meɣ ən rizegan wi dǎɣ tatan.
This chemosynthesis revolutionized the study of biology and astrobiology by revealing that life need not be sun-dependent; it only requires water and an energy gradient in order to exist.
Simiosynthese tən taśahat təɣare ən biologie əd astrobiolojie dǎɣ igmadan əs təmudre winan taqel hulen saqalan əs tafuk; a tarha ɣas tadhil ən aman əd amagaz ən aśahat fal atimil.
Ten hardy organisms selected for the LIFE project, by Amir Alexander Deinococcus radiodurans, Bacillus subtilis, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, seeds from Arabidopsis thaliana ('mouse-ear cress'), as well as the invertebrate animal Tardigrade.
Marawat tartiten əmikan atiwakasnen fal tadhil ən LIFE, fal Amir Alexandre Deinococcus ən arajo tahaget, Basillus subtilis, ən leɣure Saccharomyəe cerevisiae, ən tiblalen ən Arabidopsis thaliana ("əresson ən tizugen ən eɣalam"), adiš əd amudar winan ila iɣasan Tardigrade.
Jupiter's moon, Europa, and Saturn's moon, Enceladus, are now considered the most likely locations for extant extraterrestrial life in the Solar System due to their subsurface water oceans where radiogenic and tidal heating enables liquid water to exist.
Euroba, ayur wǎn Juɗiter, əd Encelade, ayur wǎn Saturne, aqalnat amaradǎɣ atiwagan sund idagan wi ogarnen tihusay ye təmudre ən kalan dǎɣ əmik wǎn tafuk dǎɣ tidit ən girwǎn naman nider ɣur taraɣe ən arajogeniq əd taras taganen aman ibdagnen itilanen.
"The cosmic dust permeating the universe contains complex organic compounds (""amorphous organic solids with a mixed aromatic-aliphatic structure"") that could be created naturally, and rapidly, by stars."
"Ekarankar ən əosmique wa itakasan zaleɣat iha tartiten ən krimkraman aśohatnen (""aśohen ən krimkraman ən amorɗhetan ən tartit tajet ən aromatique-alifaatiq") wa adoben adiqil atiwagan ən manes, əd šikšik, fal etran."
PAHs seem to have been formed shortly after the Big Bang, are widespread throughout the universe, and are associated with new stars and exoplanets.
PAHs istannad ikna, andărrăn darat Big Bang, infăzan daɣ alɣălim tolas osăɣan id etran eynăynen d exoplanet tan
Experimental astroecology investigates resources in planetary soils, using actual space materials in meteorites.
Astroekolojie ən təmusne tatiwaɣrat ən tanfoten nakal ən təblulaɣen, dǎɣ amitkal ən lalan nakal adutatnen dǎɣ météoritetan.
On the largest scale, cosmoecology concerns life in the universe over cosmological times.
Dǎɣ ogaran təmɣire asakankin, ən kosmoekolojie ən təmudre dǎɣ aduniyat dǎɣ azaman ən kosmolojiqtan.
Specializations include cosmochemistry, biochemistry and organic geochemistry.
Əmusanan ilan kosmo biošimimi, ən biošimi əd jéošimi ən taɣisa.
Some regions on Earth, such as the Pilbara in Western Australia and the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, are also considered to be geological analogs to regions of Mars, and as such, might be able to provide clues on how to search for past life on Mars.
Iyad idagan ən Akal, sund Pilbara dǎɣ Australie ən egadal ən tafuk əd gar kirfan aquran ən MxMurdo dǎɣ Antartiq, aqalan deɣqanen atiwagan sund imakyadan ən géologiquetan ən dagan ən martien əd, isalan win, adobatnen adigriwǎn isinihigitan fal əmik ən numaɣ ən təmudre tokayat fal Mars.
Indeed, it seems likely that the basic building blocks of life anywhere will be similar to those on Earth, in the generality if not in the detail.
Dǎɣ atiwagan, olah dadoben as haratan ən santo ən təmudre, ɣur awa anihagan, aqalan olahan əd wi Nakal, dǎɣ awa atiwasanan meɣ dǎɣ təbiɗawt.
Only two of the natural atoms, carbon and silicon, are known to serve as the backbones of molecules sufficiently large to carry biological information.
Əsin ɣas ən atometan ən manasan, ən karbone əd silisium, aqalnen atiwasanan fal tilalt ən asinan wa narori ən molekiletan igdahnen təmɣire fal alangi ən salan ən biolojiqtan.
The four most likely candidates for life in the Solar System are the planet Mars, the Jovian moon Europa, and Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus.
Wi nikoz asinsanen ogarnen tudabat ən təmudre dǎɣ əmik tafuk aqalan ən kalan ən Mars, ayur ən joɣien ən Euroba, əd uran ən Saturne Titan əd Encelade.
At the Martian low temperatures and low pressure, liquid water is likely to be highly saline.
Dǎɣ tisimdawen əd iba nasahat ən martien, aman ibdaknen eqalan ihomiši hullen islan.
"On 11 December 2013, NASA reported the detection of ""clay-like minerals"" (specifically, phyllosilicates), often associated with organic materials, on the icy crust of Europa."
"Was 11 désambr 2013, NASA tiliɣat ahanay ən ""ilalan ən əmik ən talaq"". (ogarnen asikin, ən phyllosilicatetan), agudiyan ən lalan ən krimkraman, fal akaramu ən təsimde ən Euroba."
Some scientists think it possible that these liquid hydrocarbons might take the place of water in living cells different from those on Earth.
Iyyad tənumaɣawen aɣelnen as eqal adoben as hidrokarbirtan wən ən aybdagan aśohen ye adakal ən adak ən aman dǎɣ selliletan idarnen abdanen ən tən Akal.
There are no known abiotic processes on the planet that could cause its presence.
Wǎrtila tabarat ən abiotiq atiwasanan fal akal wa adoben adagu tabayhit ənes.
Yamato 000593, the second largest meteorite from Mars, was found on Earth in 2000.
Météorite ən Yamoto 000593, wa sisin ogaran təmɣire météorite adifalan Mars, eqal atwagrawǎn fal Akal dǎɣ 2000.
On 5 March 2011, Richard B. Hoover, a scientist with the Marshall Space Flight Center, speculated on the finding of alleged microfossils similar to cyanobacteria in CI1 carbonaceous meteorites in the fringe Journal of Cosmology, a story widely reported on by mainstream media.
Daɣ ašăl wan 5 n ayor wan rabbi al-awwăl saɣ awătay wan 2011, Richard B. Hoover amosăn sientifik id Marshall Space Flight Center, ijjan takălt fal as ijrăwan ehămiš idiršan mădroynen olăhnen id sianobakteria daɣ cI1 carbonaceous meteorites daɣ jurnal n kosmoloji , tanfust allaɣen media tan ajjotnen.