Some of the most poignant criticisms of technology are found in what are now considered to be dystopian literary classics such as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Tizmiten tiyad tə ogarnen umsad dǎɣ təmusne ahanat dǎɣ awa iga awadim ešalidǎɣ sund Classiquetan ən taɣare tan dystopique, atamosan Brave New World wan Aldous Huxley, A Clockwork Orange wan Anthony Burgess əd Nineteen Eighty-Four wan George Orwell.
"The late cultural critic Neil Postman distinguished tool-using societies from technological societies and from what he called ""technopolies,"" societies that are dominated by the ideology of technological and scientific progress to the exclusion or harm of other cultural practices, values, and world-views."
“Enametən itizəm tamusne Neil Postman izalay tirtayen dakalnen haratan ən tirtayen atiwasanen ad awa as ijənu ““musnat”” ən tirtayen atiwajarnen as anyat ən tikuyt ən tamusnat ad tamusne ɣor azajor meɣ ɣor tamugrest ən ijitan iyad ən tamusne, tahusləten ad mənhuyan ən adunya.”
Nikolas Kompridis has also written about the dangers of new technology, such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and robotics.
Nikolas Kompridis iktab deɣ fal təɣsədaten ən tamusnawen išraynen, sund amussən génétique, tamətkit ən tamusne, tamudre tamsədawət ad maršin.
Another prominent critic of technology is Hubert Dreyfus, who has published books such as On the Internet and What Computers Still Can't Do.
Emašenzi iyan maqara ən tamusne eqal Hubert Dreyfus, azizjaran alkadan sund On the Internet ad What Computers Still Can't Do.
In his article, Jared Bernstein, a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, questions the widespread idea that automation, and more broadly, technological advances, have mainly contributed to this growing labor market problem.
Dǎɣ tənna iness, Jared Bernstein, Senior Fellow ɣor Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, assoɣəl dǎɣ sestan aniyat ajətan was inta tanhat, as ajət ikuyan ən tamusnawen, aknan tilalt ye ataraqa itiwadan ən hebu ən ašəɣəl.
He uses two main arguments to defend his point.
Idakal timtar sanatət afranen ye igoz ən mənhuy iness.
"Indeed, automation threatens repetitive jobs but higher-end jobs are still necessary because they complement technology and manual jobs that ""requires flexibility judgment and common sense"" remain hard to replace with machines."
“Dǎɣ fəlas, tanhat ɣatəl ašəɣəlan amisaɣəlnen mašan ašəɣəlan adwalnen dǎɣ tajute aqalan harkuk tahašilt falas adewan ad tamusne ad ašəɣəlan ən fassan win ““šihəšulan as tələmɗe ašareɣa ad amək ahusken““ aqalan assohen as asənəməšriy as marchintan.”
"Technology is often considered too narrowly; according to Hughes, ""Technology is a creative process involving human ingenuity""."
“Tamusne taqal salwaq almaɣna iknan equd ; ɣor Hughes, ““tamusne taqal ašəɣəl ijan itajan ən tamojit ən awadəm””. ”
They have often supposed that technology is easily controllable and this assumption has to be thoroughly questioned.
Norda as alwaq as tamusne tatiwanahad as tarəɣse izar tənna ten ad tətwətkəl as alməɣnat zəjret.
Solutionism is the ideology that every social issue can be solved thanks to technology and especially thanks to the internet.
Adabara eqal tayəte tas ataraqa kul ertayan adobat amukən fal tasəbat ən tamusne ad hulen fal tasəbat ən internet.
Benjamin R. Cohen and Gwen Ottinger also discussed the multivalent effects of technology.
Benjamin R. Cohen ad Gwen Ottinger amigradan deɣ as initan ajotnen ən tamusne.
The use of basic technology is also a feature of other animal species apart from humans.
Atkul ən tamusne maqarat taqal tebadit ən iri ən mudaran iyad waren amos awadəm.
The ability to make and use tools was once considered a defining characteristic of the genus Homo.
Tadabit ye iji ad atkul ən haratan eqal atwəj agud iyan sund tebadit təmdat ən alməɣnat nawadəm.
"In 2005, futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted that the future of technology would mainly consist of an overlapping ""GNR Revolution"" of genetics, nanotechnology and robotics, with robotics being the most important of the three."
“Ɣor 2005, emessən ən awa ilkamən Ray Kurzweil alaɣət as agad ən tamusne eqal dǎɣ təzart dǎɣ ””ašanzi GNR””amisawarən as génétique, tamusne zəjret ad təmaršina, təmaršina taqal ahusken jar karadat.”
Humans have already made some of the first steps toward achieving the GNR revolution.
Adinat jan aru iyad dǎɣ tikal azarnen ibret akərəs ən ašanzi GNR.
Some believe that the future of robotics will involve a 'greater than human non-biological intelligence.'
Iyad aɣelan as agad ən taməršəna asedaw ‘tayəte waren təkna tojarat tan awadəm’.
"This future shares many similarities with the concept of planned obsolescence, however, planned obsolescence is seen as a ""sinister business strategy.'"
“Agad wen assikna milhawen ajətnen ad tənna tan tušart tadiwat,mašan tušart tadiwat taqal sund ““talayeɣt ən tamkare ən hebu””.
Genetics have also been explored, with humans understanding genetic engineering to a certain degree.
Génétique taqal deɣ atiwaməɣan, adinat afhamən amusan ən génétique dǎɣ ašrut iyan.
Others think that genetic engineering will be used to make humans more resistant or completely immune to some diseases.
Iyad aɣelan as amusan ən génétique eqal atkul ye iji ən asəšhu nadinat meɣ asəmədu aseɣat jar tohənawen tiyad.
It is believed by futurists that nanobot technology will allow humans to 'manipulate matter at the molecular and atomic scale.'
Imusanən nalkəm aɣelan as tamusne ən təmadrit ən marəhintan təjraw ye adinat ‘edess ən harat ɣor tašəjrət ən tiblalen ad tablalt əndarat.’
"In this context, now obsolete, an ""engine"" referred to a military machine, i.e., a mechanical contraption used in war (for example, a catapult)."
“Dǎɣ edaj wen,darat tarut, ““moteur””aleɣat maršin ən militer, adar tidila harat iknan atiwətkalən ɣor akinas (sund, catapulte)”.
The six classic simple machines were known in the ancient Near East.
Maršintan fin sadis raqisnen aknanen atiwazayan dǎɣ ujaz-nalqiblat aruwan.
The lever mechanism first appeared around 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where it was used in a simple balance scale, and to move large objects in ancient Egyptian technology.
Amukən ən leɣier təzjarəd as tizarat ila awen 5 000 ən awatay ɣor ihaz-nalqiblat,dihad atwətkal dǎɣ tewaləwalt təknat, ye ašəkaš ən haratan maqornen dǎɣ tamusne tan Misra taruwat.
The screw, the last of the simple machines to be invented, first appeared in Mesopotamia during the Neo-Assyrian period (911-609) BC.
Ɣis, tanalkimt ən maršintan iknanen tatiwəja,tazjarəd dǎɣ təzart ɣor Mésopotamie agud ən alwaq aynayən ən assyrie (911-609) dat Jésus-Christ.
As one of the officials of the Pharaoh, Djosèr, he probably designed and supervised the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser (the Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630–2611 BC.
Sund emašaɣal ən faɣawna Djosèr, ijraw dǎɣ iban torda ad akayad ən tamuɣənt ən ɗyramide tan Djoser (pyramide tan təmɣare) ɣor Saqqara, ɣor Misra, ibret 2630-2611 dat Jésus-Christ.
Kushite ancestors built speos during the Bronze Age between 3700 and 3250 BC.Bloomeries and blast furnaces were also created during the 7th centuries BC in Kush.
Imuzaran ən Koushites aqanan sɗeotan agud ən azaman wan bronze,jar 3700 ad 3250 dat J.-C. Inašaran ad alfonatan zajroten atiwəjan deɣ ɣor ikuy ən 7e elan darat J -C.ɣor Koush.
Some of Archimedes' inventions as well as the Antikythera mechanism required sophisticated knowledge of differential gearing or epicyclic gearing, two key principles in machine theory that helped design the gear trains of the Industrial Revolution, and are still widely used today in diverse fields such as robotics and automotive engineering.
Ijitan iyad ən Arəhimède,sund deɣ as amukən ən Antikythera, ahušalan tamusne maqarat ən assəməsəwar ebdan meɣ assəməsəwar eɗyəiəloïdal,sanatət tənawen atiwazaynen ən tamusne ən maršintan wijrawnen adakal ən migdəhaw ən aməssəwar ən ašanzi ən industrie ad wiqalnen harwa tahurut atwatkalnen ešali dǎɣ idagan ajotnen sund maršintan ad iritan ən torfen.
The spinning wheel was also a precursor to the spinning jenny, which was a key development during the early Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.
Tebalawt taqal deɣ amizar ən maršin wan azal, eqal tajute tatiwasanət ɣor sənto ən ašanzi ən industrie ɣor 18e awatay.
He described four automaton musicians, including drummers operated by a programmable drum machine, where they could be made to play different rhythms and different drum patterns.
Aleɣat akoz manzaran ən manəhad,ad imudaš amitakwaynen as takbat ən tidawen as taqan,adobatnen agay ən tajute ən adal adewan ad tajute ən ilaɣitan ən tadawdaw.
Aside from these professions, universities were not believed to have had much practical significance to technology.
Dor azajor ən ašəɣəlan, universitétan war aqelnat ayjrawan təmɣar maqarat aləmad ye tamusne.
Canal building was an important engineering work during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution.
Tamoɣət ən išušal taqal ašəɣəl ən iritan ən tamusne taknat agud ən isənta azarnen ən ašanzi industrielle.
He was also a capable mechanical engineer and an eminent physicist.
Eqal harwa amusən ən amukən ifranən ad physisician.
Smeaton also made mechanical improvements to the Newcomen steam engine.
Smeaton iwayid deɣ issiwedan ən amukən ye maršin tan aho ən Newcomen.
Samuel Morland, a mathematician and inventor who worked on pumps, left notes at the Vauxhall Ordinance Office on a steam pump design that Thomas Savery read.
Samuel Morland, emasedən ad emaji ašeɣalan fal fonfitən, oyad tənaten ɣor beraw ən ordonnanəe ən Vauxhall fal musnat ən fonfi wan aho eɣra Thomas Saɣery.
Iron merchant Thomas Newcomen, who built the first commercial piston steam engine in 1712, was not known to have any scientific training.
Emašəši ən tazoli Thomas Newcomen,wa eqanan maršin tazarat tan aho ən ɗiston inazən ɣor 1712,war atwazay ye ajaraw ən formation ən tamusne.
These innovations lowered the cost of iron, making horse railways and iron bridges practical.
Išritan win alilal ye afanaz ən azrif ən tazoli, itajan aləmad ən taberaten ən tazoli tin ebaje ad idmaran ən tazoli.
With the development of the high pressure steam engine, the power to weight ratio of steam engines made practical steamboats and locomotives possible.
Dǎɣ tajute ən moteur wan aho ən assahat izwayan,tazunt asahat/tazayt ən moteran win aho ija tadabit asəsoɣan ən batoten tin aho ad zirgiten.
The Industrial Revolution created a demand for machinery with metal parts, which led to the development of several machine tools.
Ašanzi industrielle orawid tamdilt ən maršintan lanen ikaruma ən təzoliawənen, awen aywayan as tajute ən maršintan ajotnen.
Precision machining techniques were developed in the first half of the 19th century.
Timkarawen ən imokənan ən alaɣi atwəsajətan dǎɣ tazune tazarat ən 19e awatay.
"The United States census of 1850 listed the occupation of ""engineer"" for the first time with a count of 2,000."
“Assedən ən amériəaintan ən 1850 ogaz ašəɣəl ən ““amusən”” ye dǎɣ təzart,ad adin ən 2000 adinat”.
In 1890, there were 6,000 engineers in civil, mining, mechanical and electrical.
Ɣor 1890, nasedan 6 000 ən musanan dǎɣ tamusne ən oɣən, minier, amukən ad əuran.
The foundations of electrical engineering in the 1800s included the experiments of Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm and others and the invention of the electric telegraph in 1816 and the electric motor in 1872.
Ijitan ən tamusne ən əuran dǎɣ elan 1800 atafnen timusnawen tin Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm ad iyad, sund iji ən tamanhaəurtan əuran ɣor 1816 ad moteur wan əuran ɣor 1872.
Aeronautical engineering deals with aircraft design process design while aerospace engineering is a more modern term that expands the reach of the discipline by including spacecraft design.
Musnat ən ašišəl safəla amigrad amək wan mənhuy ən atieraten, aguden musnat tan safəla taqal tənna taynayat sahrawat tawert ən teɣare siguš mənhuy torfen tifurutnen.
Historically, naval engineering and mining engineering were major branches.
Dǎɣ tarut,amusan ən ašišəl fal ebang ad amusan anu aqalan ilakatan iknanen.
As a result, many engineers continue to learn new material throughout their careers.
Dǎɣ alkum, imusanən ajətnen tikyən as aləmad ən təɣar anaynen ɣor tašəjrət tahajit nassən.
It is generally insufficient to build a technically successful product, rather, it must also meet further requirements.
War ikna agadah ɣas ən akarass ən harat amukən ən təmkare, ahušal deɣ asudmar təhušal tiyad.
"Genrich Altshuller, after gathering statistics on a large number of patents, suggested that compromises are at the heart of ""low-level"" engineering designs, while at a higher level the best design is one which eliminates the core contradiction causing the problem."
“Genriəh Altshuller, darat ajaraw ən assəməsədəw ən edanən fal təmɣare ən madin ən takarde,inna as imokənan han amass ən mənhuy ən musnat ən ““edag idarən””, falas dǎɣ edag iknan azaway, mənhuy təknat taqal tatəkasat aməgdah ən amass ən sənto ən ataraqa.”
Testing ensures that products will perform as expected.
Tirmiten hakanat as haratan tašəɣalan sund ɣor atwən.
As well as the typical business application software there are a number of computer aided applications (computer-aided technologies) specifically for engineering.
Dǎɣ fal taqanen ən harat inašan iri, ilet ajət iyan ən haratan ajihanen as ordinateur (tamusne tajihat as ordinateur) təknat tekle as musnat.
It enables engineers to create 3D models, 2D drawings, and schematics of their designs.
Ijraw ye musanən ye iji ən iritan 3D, ad kətban 2D ad ešwalan ən mənhuyan nassən.
Access and distribution of all this information is generally organized with the use of product data management software.
Ugiš ad tazunt ən salan kul aqalan amisadawən as talilt ən harat ən igoz hukan janen.
By its very nature engineering has interconnections with society, culture and human behavior.
As iri iyan,musnat ən jar təmərtayen ad tartit, tamusne ad temašaɣalt ən adinat.
Engineering projects can be subject to controversy.
Anyatan ən musnat adoben iji amək ən batu.
Engineering is a key driver of innovation and human development.
Musnat taqal moteur iknan ən assəmutiy ad ajət ən adinat.
There are many negative economic and political issues that this can cause, as well as ethical issues.
Awen adobat agay ən ajət ən taraqan nəsdəw ad fulatik əndaratnen,ad itaraqan ən təwsaten.
Scientists may also have to complete engineering tasks, such as designing experimental apparatus or building prototypes.
Imusanən adoben harwa adəqəlan atəlway as iji ən ašəɣəlan ən musnat,sund ahanay ən haratan ən tirmawen meɣ təmaqunt ən iritan.
First, it often deals with areas in which the basic physics or chemistry are well understood, but the problems themselves are too complex to solve in an exact manner.
Dǎɣ tazəydert, eqal agud as idəgan dǎɣ wis physique meɣ əhimie ən talilt aqalan atwəssən hulen mašan itaraqatan imanes aqalan ayknan assuhu ye amukən as alməɣnat iknan.
The former equates an understanding into a mathematical principle while the latter measures variables involved and creates technology.
Wazaran ašənzat musnat as tidit ən maɗin asijawen was assin itəkat imliliyan agašnen izar ija musnat.
A physicist would typically require additional and relevant training.
Physicien ad alkəm səjət aləmadat tawedat ad təknat.
An example of this is the use of numerical approximations to the Navier–Stokes equations to describe aerodynamic flow over an aircraft, or the use of the Finite element method to calculate the stresses in complex components.
Milhaw iyan eqal atkul ən ihzawan ən maɗinan ən tənumaɣen tin Navier-Stoke ye alaɣi ən anajay ən adu asohen fal atiera, meɣ atkul ən təmkare ən haratan amindanen ye assedən ašilan dǎɣ mertayan assohatnen.
Engineers stress innovation and invention.
Imusanən omaran fal ašanzi ad ajaraw.
Since a design has to be realistic and functional, it must have its geometry, dimensions, and characteristics data defined.
Falas mənhuy atəqəl aduten ad ašeɣəlan, finit, iketan, ad ibaɗitan adəqəlan atiwəsanen.
Thus they studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics.
Lamədan imaɗinan, physique, chimie, ad biologie ad aləmad.
Modern medicine can replace several of the body's functions through the use of artificial organs and can significantly alter the function of the human body through artificial devices such as, for example, brain implants and pacemakers.
Assəsəfar išrayan adobat atkul ən ašəɣəlan ajotnen ən taɣissa fal təsəbat ən atkul ən haratan atiwəjanen sund, as milhaw, amərtay nakəlkəl ad iməssəkar nulh.
Both fields provide solutions to real world problems.
Išrutən win assin iwayid adabaratan ye tarəqan ən adunya tadutet.
"Engineering management or ""Management engineering"" is a specialized field of management concerned with engineering practice or the engineering industry sector."
.”Tanhat ən musnat meɣ ””musnat ən tanhat”” eqal edag amitkalan ən tanhat orakan as tirma ən musnat meɣ aɣil wan industrie ən musnat “.
Engineers specializing in change management must have in-depth knowledge of the application of industrial and organizational psychology principles and methods.
Imusanən əfranen dǎɣ tanhat ən ašanzi adəjrəwan musnat maqarat ən iji ən isənta ad taberaten ən anyat industrielle ad tənmənak.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans or animals.
Tayəte waren tatwəɣlak (IA) taqal tayəte dǎɣ samətaran maršintan, as anməšriy ən tayəte taɣlakat dǎɣ samətaran adinat meɣ imudaran.
AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches during its lifetime, including simulating the brain, modeling human problem solving, formal logic, large databases of knowledge and imitating animal behavior.
Umaɣ fal IA oram izar unjay ajətnen ɣor ɣəlakat iness, dǎɣ atkul ən itus ən akəlkəl, iritan ən adabara ən taraqan nadinat, anhəj aduten, təmɣare ən dagan ən hukan ən timusnawen ad assəgbar ən temašaɣalt ən amudar.
The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects.
iritan ən adabara ən taraqan nadinat, anhəj aduten, təmɣare ən dagan ən hukan ən timusnawen ad assəgbar ən temašaɣalt ən amudar.
AI also draws upon computer science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and many other fields.
IA eqal ayɣarən essali, as tiyəte, as anmənak ən batu, as magrad ad idagan iyad ajotnen.
"The study of mechanical or ""formal"" reasoning began with philosophers and mathematicians in antiquity."
“Teɣare ən assədətu iknan meɣ ““aduten”” assənta ad migridan ad iməssidan dǎɣ tarut”.
The Church-Turing thesis, along with concurrent discoveries in neurobiology, information theory and cybernetics, this led researchers to consider the possibility of building an electronic brain.
Assənəhəj wan Church-Turing, ad ijarawən adewnen dǎɣ neurobiologie, dǎɣ tamusne ən issalan ad dǎɣ əybernétique, awayan inumaɣən as akayad ən tadabit ən akarass ən akəlkəl ən əuran.
Attendees Allen Newell (CMU), Herbert Simon (CMU), John McCarthy (MIT), Marvin Minsky (MIT) and Arthur Samuel (IBM) became the founders and leaders of AI research.
Iməjiha Allen Newell (CMU), Herbert Simon (CMU), John McCarthy (MIT), MarVin Minsky (MIT) ad Arthur Samuel (IBM) aqalan imanokalan ad imənəhad ən umaɣ dǎɣ IA.
"AI's founders were optimistic about the future: Herbert Simon predicted, ""machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do""."
Imanokalan ən IA aqalan azidarat fal išray adimalan: Herbert Simon italaɣat as ““maršintan aqalan tadabit, har tamara nawatay, iji ən ašəɣəl kul was adobat awadəm iji iness””.”
Progress slowed and in 1974, in response to the criticism of Sir James Lighthill and ongoing pressure from the US Congress to fund more productive projects, both the U.S. and British governments cut off exploratory research in AI.
Ijitan afnazən izar ɣor 1974, as assudmar ən tizmaten tin Sir James Lighthill ad assahat ogdahən ən Congrès wan ameriəaintan ye tilalt ən inəjam kananen ihuk, alhakumat tan Amérique ad tan britannique assəbdadnat umaɣən ən assikəl fal IA.
By 1985, the market for AI had reached over a billion dollars.
Ɣor 1985, hebu wan IA iwad awokayan milliard ən dollars.
Faster computers, algorithmic improvements, and access to large amounts of data enabled advances in machine learning and perception; data-hungry deep learning methods started to dominate accuracy benchmarks around 2012.
Ordinatertan wiknanen atrub, tišmaten əknanen ad ugiš ən təjutawen ən haratan maqornen ijrawən tikyaten dǎɣ alimadat itrabən ad musnat; timkarawen ən aləmad zəjren, təɣladat as haratan, assətan tijra ən dəgan win aləɣi ibret 2012.
AI research divided into competing sub-fields that often failed to communicate with each other.
Umaɣ fal IA azun išrutən samegdah as, agud,təmigridan jar manəssan.
The research was centered in three institutions: Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford, and MIT, and as described below, each one developed its own style of research.
Umaɣ eqal jar fal karad hanan: Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford ad MIT, ad sund aleɣat dǎɣ ider, iyat kul tasijət alməɣnat iness ən umaɣ.
They called their work by several names: e.g. embodied, situated, behavior-based or developmental.
Akfan ismawən ajotnen ye ašəɣəlan nassən : sund, ugiš, emel, ibdadən fal temašaɣalt meɣ tajute.
The shared mathematical language permitted a high level of collaboration with more established fields (like mathematics, economics or operations research).
Magrad ən maɗin ertay ijraw edag zəjren ən tartit ad idajan iknanen iji (sund imaɗinan, asdu meɣ umaɣ iknan).
Nowadays results of experiments are often rigorously measurable, and are sometimes (with difficulty) reproducible.
Dǎɣ elan win amaradəɣ, ijarawən ən tirmaten aqalan agud assuhu ən eket, ad agud iyan (ad assahat) tirant.
"These algorithms proved to be insufficient for solving large reasoning problems because they experienced a ""combinatorial explosion"": they became exponentially slower as the problems grew larger."
“Issidinən win anmənan iban agədah ye amukən ən taraqan maqornen ən tənna falas ajrəwan ““abaqu ertayan””: aqalənid təšəjrit təknat idud as ajalay ən assiwəd ən taraqan.”
Among the things a comprehensive commonsense knowledge base would contain are: objects, properties, categories and relations between objects; situations, events, states and time; causes and effects; knowledge about knowledge (what we know about what other people know); and many other, less well researched domains.
Jar haratan ən taɣimit ən təmusnawen ən tənna tahuskət təmda ertayan, sidnat :haratan, tikraš, iritan ad tərtay jar haratan; edagan, ijitan, alməɣnat ad alwaq; tiɗlimen ad ijitan; timusnawen fal timusnawen (awa nəssan fal awa assənan wiyaɗden); ad ajət ən dajan iyad waren ikna atwəssən.
For example, if a bird comes up in conversation, people typically picture a fist-sized animal that sings and flies.
Sund, Adam egaɗeɗ atiwəɣra dǎɣ batu, adinat ad zənəzjumin amudar ən təbade ən təkəmust inazarən izar afurət.
Almost nothing is simply true or false in the way that abstract logic requires.
Išwar war raqiss wala tidit meɣ bahu sund ašihəšal anməwəl ifarən.
Research projects that attempt to build a complete knowledge base of commonsense knowledge (e.g., Cyc) require enormous amounts of laborious ontological engineering—they must be built, by hand, one complicated concept at a time.
Anyatən ən umaɣ tirəmnen oɣən ən tedajit timdat ən tiyətawen ən tənna iyat(sund, Cyc) tirwənid təjutawen maqornen ən musnat ontologique tašeɣalat- ad aqalan oɣən, as fais, mənhuy assohen as agud.
"They need a way to visualize the future—a representation of the state of the world and be able to make predictions about how their actions will change it—and be able to make choices that maximize the utility (or ""value"") of available choices."
Aderarən as tadabit ən ahanay ən amil-assəkən ən amək ən adunya-ad tabit ən iji ən tənnaten fal alməɣna was timojiten atašənzənat-ad tadabit ən iji ən sənəfran fanaznen tanfo (meɣ “tamɣar”)ən inəfran atəlanen “.
This calls for an agent that can not only assess its environment and make predictions but also evaluate its predictions and adapt based on its assessment.
Awen orawid awadəm waren eket ən taməte ad iji ən ilaɣitan, mašan deɣ eket ən ilaɣitan win ad aləmad as amək ən eket.
Classification is used to determine what category something belongs in, and occurs after a program sees a number of examples of things from several categories.
Amzizar atiwətkal ye ajaraw ən iri wa akrašan haratən, izar amsaɣəl darat as taqan tənhay harat ən ajət ən milhawen ən haratan atiwəkršnen as iritan ajotnen.
Computational learning theory can assess learners by computational complexity, by sample complexity (how much data is required), or by other notions of optimization.
Tamusne tanaləmad ən issalan tadobat irum ən nalmidan as alməɣnat ən assuhu issalan, as assuhu iri (ajət ən ihuk ahušalnen) meɣ timusnawen tiyad ən assiwəd.
"Many current approaches use word co-occurrence frequencies to construct syntactic representations of text. """
“Ajət ən ihzawən išray dakalnat imsuɣulan ən taberat ən tiferen ye uɣan səknatan əmokənan ən akatab.”””
Modern statistical NLP approaches can combine all these strategies as well as others, and often achieve acceptable accuracy at the page or paragraph level.
Ihzawan ən sidinən išraynen ən TAL adoben assərtay ən təmkarawen kul ad tiyad harwa, izar əwadan agud assəkən tətiwardat ɣor asdat nalkad meɣ ən tazunt.
A modern mobile robot, when given a small, static, and visible environment, can easily determine its location and map its environment; however, dynamic environments, such as (in endoscopy) the interior of a patient's breathing body, pose a greater challenge.
Maršin ergašən išrayən, agud wad igaš dǎɣ edag azuken ad atiwənhayən, adobat assərɣas ən ajaraw ən edag ad assənəməwəl ən edaj ; aguden, idagan afrənen, sund (dǎɣ endoscopie) amass ən iman nawadəm isunfussan, sansen tadləmt təknat təmɣare.
For example, some virtual assistants are programmed to speak conversationally or even to banter humorously; it makes them appear more sensitive to the emotional dynamics of human interaction, or to otherwise facilitate human–computer interaction.
Sund, iməjəyha iyad waren ohez atiwətkalən ye aməgrid as alməɣna ən edawəni meɣ harwa ye adal ad sasto; awen ijen assəkən iknan atrub as asuhu ermadan ən jar amək nadinat, meɣ ye assərɣas iyan jar amək ahalis-ordinateur.
Can intelligent behavior be described using simple, elegant principles (such as logic or optimization)?
Temašaɣalt tahusket tadobat atəkəl aləɣi as tilalt ən tənaten raqisnen ad ahuskatnen (sund anhəj meɣ assiwəd)?
"Or do we use algorithms that can only give us a ""reasonable"" solution (e.g., probabilistic methods) but may fall prey to the same kind of inscrutable mistakes that human intuition makes?"
Idek diha ad madnətkəl issedinan adobatnen hanəɣ ihuk ən adabara “adutatnen"(sund, timkarawen adəmalanen) mašan adobatnen adəkəlnat aməsi ən sund iri ən imətəla waren itətwəgiš as mənhuy nadinat “?
"Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig observe that most AI researchers ""don't care about the strong AI hypothesis—as long as the program works, they don't care whether you call it a simulation of intelligence or real intelligence."""
"Stuart Russell ad Peter Norvig kayədan as ajət ən inuməɣan ɣor IA tasohet iketkul təle taqən, “ “war amnaɣnaɣəɣ as aləmad as ɣarəmti ən titust ən tahəte meɣ tahəte tadutet.”””
The new intelligence could thus increase exponentially and dramatically surpass humans.
Tayəte təšrayat tadobat tajute as alməna idwalan ad okayan as alməɣna asidawen adinat.