Evidence of perchlorates have been found throughout the solar system, and specifically on Mars.
Dǎɣ adriš ən perchlorate atiwagazan dǎɣ əmikan wən tafuk, əd dǎɣ atamosan fal Mars.
Improved detection methods and increased observation time will undoubtedly discover more planetary systems, and possibly some more like ours.
Asimutiy ən adabaratan dǎɣ agaraw əd asiwiɗ ən alwaq nakayad arinfin dǎɣ iba nihomiši ye ahanay nəmikan iyaɗ dǎɣ təgilwen nakal, əd ihomiši iyaɗ sund tananaɣ.
The aim is to detect those organisms that are able to survive space travel conditions and to maintain the proliferating capacity.
Awatiwarhan eqal agaraw ən organismetan aqalnen adoben adidir dǎɣ asibaban ən asikil dǎɣ edag əd uɗif ən tudabat ən tizunawen ən haratan.
These stress responses could also allow them to survive in harsh space conditions, although evolution also puts some restrictions on their use as analogues to extraterrestrial life.
Əsuɣulan dǎɣ alham adoben intanedǎɣ arigin ən tamudre dǎɣ asibaban amosnen aśohatnen, ahusken as təwaƭ sihušul ogdahan dǎɣ fanazan iyad dǎɣ əšiɣil sund analoguetan dǎɣ tamudre tan awa asuɣsadan.
The formation of spores allows for it to survive extreme environments while still being able to restart cellular growth.
Asinimihil wan spore igraw was adidir dǎɣ ahazan ən samandotan dak dǎɣ aseqal adoben arisimusuɣil təwaƭ tan cellulaire.
The two landers were identical, so the same tests were carried out at two places on Mars' surface; Viking 1 near the equator and Viking 2 further north.
Wi nisin əinuzuzuba aqalnen ayolahan, iruman iyadǎɣ aqalan atiwagan dǎɣ əsin dagan dǎɣ taryare tan Mars : Viking 1 daw ahazan ən tizune nakal əd Viking 2 dǎɣ ogaran dǎɣ ataram.
In astronomy, extinction is the absorption and scattering of electromagnetic radiation by dust and gas between an emitting astronomical object and the observer.
Dǎɣ astronomie, asimiki eqalan tesase əd azizgar wan zarazaran ən éleətromagnétique fal ekarankar əd gaztan gar harat Nastronomique atiwarhan əd amakyan.
For stars that lie near the plane of the Milky Way and are within a few thousand parsecs of the Earth, extinction in the visual band of frequencies (photometric system) is roughly 1.8 magnitudes per kiloparsec.
Fal etrane wi ahanen samando ən adabara wan Tabarat tan amalan sund aɣ əd iyaɗ afdan ən parsectan Nakal, tenaɣe dǎɣ tamsudut tawanhayt dǎɣ alwaqan (tekanit tan photométrique) eqalan ihomiši 1,8 magnitude wan kiloparsec.
Reddening occurs due to the light scattering off dust and other matter in the interstellar medium.
Tašuɣe atatigan amšišir ən tanure dǎɣ karankaran əd iyaɗ haratan wi namasan interstellaire.
In most photometric systems filters (passbands) are used from which readings of magnitude of light may take account of latitude and humidity among terrestrial factors.
Dǎɣ tiyaɗ dak tekaniten ən ɗhotométrique, itkalan timayen (təmsidaw okaynen) ɣur iyad imarawan ən magnitude dǎɣ tənure adoben uduf ən asidin wan tebade əd abdug, ən gar iyaɗ imaɣšadan ən kalan.
Broadly speaking, interstellar extinction is strongest at short wavelengths, generally observed by using techniques from spectroscopy.
Dǎɣ almaɣna wasisaharan, asimiki wan interstellaire eqal wogaran aśihu dǎɣ nalwaqan wi tizigrit ondetan, atamosan atiwakyadan dǎɣ tilalt ən tekaniten tən spectroscopie.
The amount of extinction can be significantly higher than this in specific directions.
Təmɣire tan amiki tadobat atiqil atiwagan ogaran azaway dǎɣ awen dǎɣ təsigwen oɣadnen.
As a result, when computing cosmic distances it can be advantageous to move to star data from the near-infared (of which the filter or passband Ks is quite standard) where the variations and amount of extinction are significantly less, and similar ratios as to R(Ks): 0.49±0.02 and 0.528±0.015 were found respectively by independent groups.
Dǎɣ wasisin, agud wan tidas tən animkiš wan cosmique, adobat adiqil adoben adaqiy dǎɣ huk wən stellaire ən zarazaran šagaɣnen ohaɣnen (atamosan tamay meɣ tasdut tokayat Ks eqal dak aśohen) ɣur təmotayen əd hadi wan asisimiki aqalan oɣadan winan infa, əd salan olahnen əd R(Ks) : 0,49+-0,02 əd 0528+-0,015 aqalan atiwagazan dǎɣ anilkam fal tartit ən tanhat nasan.
This feature was first observed in the 1960s, but its origin is still not well understood.
Talɣa nes ataqal atiwakyadan fal tatazarat ehandag dǎɣ elan wi 1960, mašan daha difal wareqel harwa atiwasan əs tuhusay.
In the SMC, more extreme variation is seen with no 2175 Å and very strong far-UV extinction in the star forming Bar and fairly normal ultraviolet extinction seen in the more quiescent Wing.
Dǎɣ SMC, itawakyad tamotayt togarat dǎɣ samando dər wardosa dǎɣ 2175 Å əd aśohen hulen dǎɣ asimiki dǎɣ UV dǎɣ igig ən efaday wan igitan netran əd asimiki dǎɣ ultraviolet inihaga asoɣad dǎɣ efrew adiken.
Finding extinction curves in both the LMC and SMC which are similar to those found in the Milky Way and finding extinction curves in the Milky Way that look more like those found in the LMC2 supershell of the LMC and in the SMC Bar has given rise to a new interpretation.
Atwigraw wan lalawatan ən asimiki dǎɣ LMC əd SMC wi išwar olahan əd wi atwagazan dǎɣ Tabarat ta malat naɣ əd tatwagrawat ən lalawatan dǎɣ asimiki dǎɣ Tabarat tan aɣ olahan hulen əd sund tə ahanen dǎɣ enveloppe-taśohet LMC2 tan LMC əd dǎɣ fadayan ən SMC atwafa edag aynayan ən liɣitan.
This extinction has three main components: Rayleigh scattering by air molecules, scattering by particulates, and molecular absorption.
Dǎɣ mikitan har karad dǎɣ təmirtayen tən santo : dǎɣ azizgar ən Rayleigh fal moleculetan nadu, azizgar əs haratan əndiratnen əd tasase tan moléculaire.
The amount of such extinction is lowest at the observer's zenith and highest near the horizon.
Dǎɣ hadi ən asimiki wendǎɣ eqal ogaran iba naśahat dǎɣ zénith ən nakayad əd wi ogarnen azaway dǎɣ ahaz ən hadi nakal.
The Drake equation speculates about the existence of sapient life elsewhere in the universe.
Tamuqunt tan Drake igitan wən amel ən tamudre tan saɗiente nadag ihan dǎɣ aduniyat.
This encompasses a search for current and historic extraterrestrial life, and a narrower search for extraterrestrial intelligent life.
Awen asitay tanumaq dǎɣ tamudre ta tasuɣsadat namaradǎɣ əd nawa dokayan, əd umaɣ iyan ogaran təmidrit dǎɣ tamudre nəniyat aśohen.
Over the years, science fiction communicated scientific ideas, imagined a wide range of possibilities, and influenced public interest in and perspectives of extraterrestrial life.
Dǎɣ anilkam nelan, təmusne tan igitan ən migridan dǎɣ aniyatan wi timusnawen, azinizgumu ən amaqaran awalagala ən agaraw əd adagal nagaraw ya tamite fal tamudre taśuɣsadat əd perspectives.
According to this argument, made by scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, as well as notable personalities such as Winston Churchill, it would be improbable for life not to exist somewhere other than Earth.
Dǎɣ tina ən salan wən, atwasakan əs kal təmusnawen atamosan Carl Sagan əd Steɗhen Hawking, aguden fal adinat katabnen sund Winston C, eqalan awinan adobat as tamudre watitila dǎɣ edag iyad dǎɣ Akal.
Life may have emerged independently at many places throughout the universe.
Tamudre tadobat agaraw ən ƭiwaƭ ən tanhatines dǎɣ dagan ajotnen dǎɣ aduniyat.
At each level of the organism there will be mechanisms in place to eliminate conflict, maintain cooperation, and keep the organism functioning.
Dǎɣ hak hadi ən tiɣisa, ilanati timotayen dǎɣ edag fal adigmiɗan kinasan, udif ən tənminak əd uguz nigitan ən tiɣiswen.
Life based on ammonia (rather than water) has been suggested as an alternative, though this solvent appears less suitable than water.
Tamudre tahat fal ammoniaə (atamosan fal aman) taqal atiwazayan sund anmišray, ahusken as anasalyam wen olah da winan ilmed ad aman.
About 95% of living matter is built upon only six elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.
Dǎɣ ihomiši 95 % ən harat wa idaran eqal ayeqana əs fal sadis haratan ɣas : carbone, hydrogène, azote, oxygène, phosphore əd soufre.
The carbon atom has the unique ability to make four strong chemical bonds with other atoms, including other carbon atoms.
Atome wan carbone ila aśahat intaɣas nigi ən karad sirtayan ən chimiquetan aśohatnen dər iyad atometan, dǎɣ ahan iyaɗ atometan ən carbone.
"According to NASA's 2015 Astrobiology Strategy, ""Life on other worlds is most likely to include microbes, and any complex living system elsewhere is likely to have arisen from and be founded upon microbial life."
"Tina tan tamašaɣalt tan astrobiologie 2015 ən NASA, ““tamudre fat aduniyat tiyaɗ taqal hulen amosan ayertayan ən miərobetan, əd almaɣnatan dak wi idarnen aśohatnen dǎɣ edagan iyan eqal adoben agaraw nuɣil naywan dǎɣ təmudre tan miərobienne əd aqalan aynayan falas.
"Rick Colwell, a member of the Deep Carbon Observatory team from Oregon State University, told the BBC: ""I think it’s probably reasonable to assume that the subsurface of other planets and their moons are habitable, especially since we’ve seen here on Earth that organisms can function far away from sunlight using the energy provided directly from the rocks deep underground""."
"Rick Colwell, awadim ən tartit tan Deep Carbon Observatory wan Oregon State University, ina dǎɣ BBC : ““Aɣelaɣ qas eqal amosan aylan tidit dǎɣ tinawt nas daw-akal ən dagan iyaɗ əd ayur nasan aqalan atawazaɣan, ogdahan dǎɣ awa ninhay dǎɣ diha fal Akal was təɣiswen adobatnat dǎɣ əšiɣil dǎɣ igi ən tanure tan tafuk dǎɣ adakal ən aśahat atiwafan agudendǎɣ əs tihun tə daw-akal ilmazan””.
The panspermia hypothesis proposes that life elsewhere in the Solar System may have a common origin.
Maɣulat wan panspermie asnahaga as tamudre dǎɣ edag dǎɣ almaɣna wan tafuk atudabat agaraw ən daha ditifal iyandǎɣ.
In the 19th century it was again revived in modern form by several scientists, including Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1834), Kelvin (1871), Hermann von Helmholtz (1879) and, somewhat later, by Svante Arrhenius (1903).
Dǎɣ 19 temede nawatay, taqal anelasan dǎɣ əmik wamutayan fal təmusnawen ajotnen, atamosan Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1834), Kelvin (1871), Hermann Von Helmholtz (1879), əd, andiran nagudiyan, fal Svante Arrhenius (1903).
"One of the early scientific inquires into the topic appeared in an 1878 Scientific American article entitled ""Is the Moon Inhabited?"""
"Iyan dǎɣ asostanan wi dazarnen ən təmusnawen fal salan aqalnen adizgaran dǎɣ tabarat tan Scientific American dǎɣ 1878 sitawan ““Is the Moon Inhabited?””
Warm and pressurized regions in the Moon's interior might still contain liquid water.
Dǎɣ kalan wi akosnen əd asiwid nasahat ən namas wan Niyur adobat harwa atihan aman ibgadnen.
There is evidence that Mars had a warmer and wetter past: dried-up riverbeds, polar ice caps, volcanoes, and minerals that form in the presence of water have all been found.
Ilanti tijihawen as Mars tila awa ditokay ogaran takast əd ogaran abdug : ihinan ən timarwalen aqurnen, əaloƭetan ən ɗolairetan, amliliy nakal əd gulašan wi aqalnen dǎɣ amel naman aqalan atwanhayan.
The vapor could have been produced by ice volcanoes or by ice near the surface sublimating (transforming from solid to gas).
Takast tadobat atigriw aqalan atiwagan fal mililiyan nakal ən təsimde meɣ fal ukisawan (asimiliy naśohen dǎɣ gaz) dǎɣ edag ihan dedes ən taryare.
It is also possible that Europa could support aerobic macrofauna using oxygen created by cosmic rays impacting its surface ice.
Eqal deqanen adoben as Europe atilal ye iyan maərofaune aérobie idakalan oxygène atiwagan fal zarazaran ən cosmique ɣašadnen tesimde tan taryare.
"On 11 December 2013, NASA reported the detection of ""clay-like minerals"" (specifically, phyllosilicates), often associated with organic materials, on the icy crust of Europa."
"Dǎɣ 11 décembre 2013, NASA tošwal tanudaft tan ““krimkraman wən talaq””.ogaran adutu, wan phyllosilicatetan), agudiyan ertayan ən krimkraman ən haratan, fal awa itawafazan dǎɣ tesimde dǎɣ Europa.”
Some claim to have identified evidence that microbial life has existed on Mars.
Iyaɗ asigadan ya adinhiyan atwizay wan tijuhawen tən tamudre tan microbienne atiwanhay dǎɣ Mars.
In 1996, a controversial report stated that structures resembling nanobacteria were discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, formed of rock ejected from Mars.
Dǎɣ 1996, isalan atiwamadašnen aliɣen as tartiten tə olahnen dǎɣ nanobactéries adǎɣ atwanhayan dǎɣ météorite, ALH84001, igan dǎɣ tihun iditijarid Mars.
NASA officials soon distanced NASA from the scientists' claims, and Stoker herself backed off from her initial assertions.
Imizaran wən NASA igan šikšik anakaš nasan fal salan wi liɣitan ən təmusnawen, əd Stoker inta-emanes taqal adiwalan fal liɣitan witbatnen.
It is designed to assess the past and present habitability on Mars using a variety of scientific instruments.
Eqal atwasakmaman fal adiwaɗ dǎɣ tamusuq iditokayan əd tanamarad ən Mars fal tadhil ən tibidawen ən lalan ən timusnawen.
However, significant advances in the ability to find and resolve light from smaller rocky worlds near their stars are necessary before such spectroscopic methods can be used to analyze extrasolar planets.
Agudendǎɣ, təwadnen atiwagrahnen dǎɣ aśahat wa nagaraw əd dǎɣ kanan ən tanure tan aduniyat tan tahun togarat təmidrit dǎɣ dedes netran aqalnen ayfan dat as əmikan wi sɗeətrosəoɗiques arudaben adiqilan ayšɣalan fal adinhiyan ɗlanètetan winan iha tabarat tan tafuk.
In August 2011, findings by NASA, based on studies of meteorites found on Earth, suggest DNA and RNA components (adenine, guanine and related organic molecules), building blocks for life as we know it, may be formed extraterrestrially in outer space.
Dǎɣ août 2011, samandotan ən NASA, tatahat təɣire tən météoritetan atiwagaznen fal Akal, asinahaganat as tənmirtayen tən ADN əd ARN (adenine, guanine əd moleəuletan ən təɣisa tatiwarawat), haratitan wi ganen tamudre ta tamosat awanizay, tadobat atiqil ayertayan dǎɣ əmik asuzsadan dǎɣ taryare.
In August 2012, and in a world first, astronomers at Copenhagen University reported the detection of a specific sugar molecule, glycolaldehyde, in a distant star system.
Dǎɣ août 2012, əd dǎɣ təzaraten naduniyat, astronometan wən Uniɣersité tan Əoɗenhague asiknan as ihanayan ən moléəule tan asukar intaɣas, glyəolaldehyde, dǎɣ tekanit tan stellaire togigat.
The Kepler space telescope has also detected a few thousand candidate planets, of which about 11% may be false positives.
Télesəope spatial Keɗler adǎɣ tatwanhay intadǎɣ iyaɗ afdan ən ɗlanètetan ahanen, samosnat ihomiši 11% adoben adiqilan bahu ahusken.
The most massive planet listed on the NASA Exoplanet Archive is DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b, about 29 times the mass of Jupiter, although according to most definitions of a planet, it is too massive to be a planet and may be a brown dwarf instead.
Planète ta togarat tazayt tahat dǎɣ archivetan exoplanètetan wən NASA eqal DENIS-ƊJ082303.1-491201 b, əs tazayt nasan taqal aywadan ihomiši 29 nahandak wan Jupiter, ahuskat as aɣelan iyadak iliɣitan wən ɗlanète, aqalnat azayan fal adiqilan planète əd tadobat atiqil agizilan brune dǎɣ edag ənes.
One sign that a planet probably already contains life is the presence of an atmosphere with significant amounts of oxygen, since that gas is highly reactive and generally would not last long without constant replenishment.
Awa isaknen as planète ihet hulanen dat awa tamudre eqal tajayhit ən atmosphère dər haditan atiwagrahnen noxygene, falas gaz wen eqal hulen aynakaran əd izar waritihigu deqanen hulen aswiden agay ən harkuk.
Even if it is assumed that only one out of a billion of these stars has planets supporting life, there would be some 6.25 billion life-supporting planetary systems in the observable universe.
Əndar amos aɣel as iyandǎɣ dǎɣ etran fal milliard ilan planètetan adobatnen ye tamudre, dǎɣ aywadan iyaɗ 6,25 milliardstan ən tekanitan fal planètairetan adobatnen ye tamudre dǎɣ aduniyat ta tawanhayat.
The earliest recorded assertion of extraterrestrial human life is found in ancient scriptures of Jainism.
Wogaran tarut dǎɣ salan wi aqiymanen dǎɣ tamudre tan aduniyat tatisuzsadat ataha dǎɣ wirunen əkitban ən jaïnisme.
Medieval Muslim writers like Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and Muhammad al-Baqir supported cosmic pluralism on the basis of the Qur'an.
Ənumaɣan ən nisliman médiévaux sund Fakhr al-Din al-Razi əd Muhammad al-Baqir alilan ye pluralisme cosmique fal santo Nalquran.
Once it became clear that Earth was merely one planet amongst countless bodies in the universe, the theory of extraterrestrial life started to become a topic in the scientific community.
Agud deqal adeqalan atiwazayan dǎɣ Akal wareqel ad planète gar tiwinan adobat ƭidant təɣiswen dǎɣ aduniyat, tamusne tan təmudre tatisuzsadat adǎɣ tinta atiqil magrad dǎɣ tidawt tan təmusne.
The possibility of extraterrestrials remained a widespread speculation as scientific discovery accelerated.
Tudabat tan emel ən asuzsadan eqal aqiyman nasimikt amišaršaran dǎɣ hadi ən təwigrawan wi təmusnawen asitraban.
The idea of life on Mars led British writer H. G. Wells to write the novel The War of the Worlds in 1897, telling of an invasion by aliens from Mars who were fleeing the planet's desiccation.
Aniyat wan tamudre fal Mars iway anaktib wan britannique H. G. Wells ye adiktəb alkitab Wan akinas wan aduniyat dǎɣ 1897, italaɣen tatilsat asuzsidan wi difalnen Mars far adašilan ye taɣart tan ɗlanète.
"Belief in extraterrestrial beings continues to be voiced in pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and popular folklore, notably ""Area 51"" and legends."
"Tumat tan kal aru wi asuzsadnen tigla dǎɣ azagar ən ɗseudo-səienəe, təmusnawen tən gar adinat ifarnen əd haratan ən timite, atamosan ““edag wan 51”” əd legendetan.”
Ward and Brownlee are open to the idea of evolution on other planets that is not based on essential Earth-like characteristics (such as DNA and carbon).
Ward əd Brownlee aqalan ameran dǎɣ aniyat wan ƭiwaƭ fal tiyad ɗlanètetan winan eqel ayhan fal talɣiwen itbatnen dǎɣ Akal (sund ADN əd əarbone).
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans"", he said."
"Afal imusuzsad osananaɣid fal ahinaɣ anhiyan, alzawaban aqalnen andiran ohazan sund ugud was Əolomb osahit dǎɣ Amérique, awawinan ikna amliliy fal Amérindientan”,ayna.”
COSPAR also provides guidelines for planetary protection.
COSPAR ifa intadǎɣ isiknitan fal uguz ən planètetan.
"Also, according to the response, there is ""no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."""
"Dǎɣ ugur, aɣel aliɣi, wartila ““wala iyan isalan wi oɣadnen fal masala ən asidutu eqalan ayfaran ye ƭiƭ ən nadinat””.
Top: Light sources of different magnitudes.
Dǎɣ afala : tabaraten amilawlawnen əs təmotayen ən magnitude.
Comet Borrelly, the colors show its brightness over the range of three orders of magnitude (right).
Comète Borrelly, initan saknen tanurenes fal efay naman wi karaɗ sinimihilan wən magnitude (dǎɣ aɣil).
The scale is logarithmic and defined such that each step of one magnitude changes the brightness by a factor of the fifth root of 100, or approximately 2.512.
Asakankin eqal logarithmique əd aliɣi waqalan hak tekelt dak ən magnitude amutayan dǎɣ tanure ən amazan wan racine cinquième wan 100, amosan ihomiši 2,512.
Astronomers use two different definitions of magnitude: apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude.
Astronometan dakalan əsin liɣitan abdanen dǎɣ magnitude : magnitude wa aterawan əd magnitude wa aśohen.
The absolute magnitude describes the intrinsic luminosity emitted by an object and is defined to be equal to the apparent magnitude that the object would have if it were placed at a certain distance from Earth, 10 parsecs for stars.
Magnitude aśohen iktaban dǎɣ tanure ən intrinsèque idirkan harat əd eqalan atiwalaɣen sund ogdahan dǎɣ magnitude tawanhayat igaraw harat as eqal atiwagan dǎɣ anakaš 10 iyan ən Nakal.
The development of the telescope showed that these large sizes were illusory—stars appeared much smaller through the telescope.
Təwaden tən télesəope asiknanat as tibadawen tən maqornen aqalnat awinan adutat – etran zagaranid hulen dǎɣ təmidrit dǎɣ télesəope.
The more negative the value, the brighter the object.
Afal alhak eqal ayfnazan, adiš harat edeqal aynayan.
Stars that have magnitudes between 1.5 and 2.5 are called second-magnitude; there are some 20 stars brighter than 1.5, which are first-magnitude stars (see the list of brightest stars).
Etran wəs magnitude eqal ayhan gar 1,5 əd 2,5 aqalan asitawana dǎɣ wasisin magnitude; ilanti 20 nogay ən netran ogarnen amluluw dǎɣ 1,5, aqalnen etran wi dazarnen dǎɣ magnitude (anhiy isimawan ən etran wi ogarnen amluluw).
Absolute magnitudes for solar system objects are frequently quoted based on a distance of 1 AU.
Magnitudetan aśohatnen ən haratan ən takanit tan tafuk aqalan agudiyan atiwaɣran fal santo ən hadi wan 1 UA.
The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools.
Tanuzruft ta togarat tarɣise tan təmusne taqal atiwadan əd dakalan ən lalan wi santo.
It has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class.
Talil dǎɣ ƭəwaƭ tan azruf ogaran ukuy (dǎɣ iha azruf wa aduniyat tanamaradǎɣ) əd asirɣas asihidid nadag ən nadalan.
Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, and the challenges of bioethics.
Nadobat asidin nasihidid wan aniyat naśahat dǎɣ əmikan wi igitan nadinat, əd timuziɣa tan bioéthique.
"The term's meanings changed in the early 20th century when American social scientists, beginning with Thorstein Veblen, translated ideas from the German concept of Technik into ""technology."""
"Aliɣi nəmik amutay dǎɣ santo ən 20e temede nawatay ugud wa soəiologuetan ameriəaintan, asintan fal Thorstein Ɣ, aliɣen aniyatan wən asirtay wan allemand ən Teəhnik dǎɣ ““təmusne””.”
"In 1937, the American sociologist Read Bain wrote that ""technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and use them."""
1937 Americain Akatab wan əunéiforme adaɣ asisinta əs səmik wan ɗiətogrammes, amos əsiknitan wən ɗiəturaltan asmadan daɣ afanazan əd duɣil nogaran atbut.
"More recently, scholars have borrowed from European philosophers of ""technique"" to extend the meaning of technology to various forms of instrumental reason, as in Foucault's work on technologies of the self (techniques de soi)."
“Dǎɣ tayniye, ənumaɣan adkalan ɣur namegridan wi européentan ən ““təmusne”” fal asihraw ən nalmaɣna wan təmusne dǎɣ ajotnen əmikan wi tidit tan lalan, sund dǎɣ əšiɣilan wən Foucault fal təmusnawen tən nes (echniques de soi).”
"to invent useful things or to solve problems"" and ""a machine, piece of equipment, method, etc.,"
“Igitan ən haratan winan ila alfayda meɣ ikanan ən nəsiIgita”” əəd ““iyan maəhine, équiɗement, tamusne, iyad.”
The term is often used to imply a specific field of technology, or to refer to high technology or just consumer electronics, rather than technology as a whole.
Əmik eqalan agudiyan amitkalan fal ariqil tabarat toɣadat ən tamusne, meɣ fal igi nasinimihil dǎɣ tatizwayat tamusne meɣ ɣas dǎɣ éleətronique wamaqaran ən tamite, sagudiyan dǎɣ təmusne dǎɣ tartit ənes.
In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems.
Dǎɣ təmuzye ten, tamusne adar tisinamahal dǎɣ lalan əd dǎɣ maəhinetan wi adobatnen adiqilan ašiɣalan fal kanan ən asibaban wi aduniyat titbatat.
"W. Brian Arthur defines technology in a similarly broad way as ""a means to fulfill a human purpose."""
W. Brian Arthur iliɣat as təmusne tan əmik wa amosan ahuruwan sund ““harat wa nigi harat idaran””.
"When combined with another term, such as ""medical technology"" or ""space technology,"" it refers to the state of the respective field's knowledge and tools. """
“Ugud wareqal ayertayan dəmik iyan, atamosan ““təmusne tan laɣtor”” mmeɣ ““təmusne tan taryare””, tigat tenmehelt uɣil wan təmuzuyen əd haratan wi tabarat tasitawan.”””
Additionally, technology is the application of mathematics, science, and the arts for the benefit of life as it is known.
Dǎɣ agudiyan, təmusne taqal igitan ən maɗinan, ən təmotayen əd artan dǎɣ agaraw wan tamudre atamosan awadǎɣ taqal atiwazayan.
Engineering is the goal-oriented process of designing and making tools and systems to exploit natural phenomena for practical human means, often (but not always) using results and techniques from science.
Ingénierie eqal igitan ikanen ibret nəšiɣil atiwasan itagan asiminhay əd igitan ən lalan əd tekanitan fal adikisan haratan wi aduniyat dǎɣ samando nigitan fal awadim, dǎɣ ayšɣalan agudiyan (mašan waden agudak) adabaratan əd təmusnawen tən tamotayt.
For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors by using already-existing tools and knowledge.
Dǎɣ olahan, tamotayt tadobat taɣare ən flux ən eleətrontan dǎɣ imawayan ən éleətrique dǎɣ əšiɣil wan lalan əd təmuzuyen itilanen dat awa.
The exact relations between science and technology, in particular, have been debated by scientists, historians, and policymakers in the late 20th century, in part because the debate can inform the funding of basic and applied science.
Ənmihritan oɣadnen gar tamotayt əd təmusne, dǎɣ aybdan, aqalan atwamadašan dǎɣ musanan, kal tinfast əd manahadan ən tənayiwen dǎɣ samando ən 20e temede nawatay, dǎɣ tizunawen falas magrad adobat adisirid tadhilt tan tamotayt insanto əd tatiwagat.
Early humans evolved from a species of foraging hominids which were already bipedal, with a brain mass approximately one third of modern humans.
Widazarnen adinat awidan dǎɣ azagar ən hominidéstan ən magyakan aqalnen dat awa bipèdetan əd as tagayt tataśohet tasijayha ihomiši was karaɗ iyandǎɣ ən adinat amutaynen.
The invention of polished stone axes was a major advance that allowed forest clearance on a large scale to create farms.
Wa ogaran tarut dǎɣ əšiɣil wa atiwazayan dǎɣ énergie wan adu eqal ekrabaw wan taswit ;
The earliest known use of wind power is the sailing ship; the earliest record of a ship under sail is that of a Nile boat dating to the 8th-millennium BCE.
Wa ogaran tarut dǎɣ əšiɣil wa atiwazayan dǎɣ énergie wan adu eqal ekrabaw wan taswit ; wa ogaran tarut dǎɣ adriš wan krabawan wan taswit eqal wan bateau tan Nil inharwa 8e efaɗ nawatay wan dat alwaq wananaɣ.
According to archaeologists, the wheel was invented around 4000 BCE probably independently and nearly simultaneously in Mesopotamia (in present-day Iraq), the Northern Caucasus (Maykop culture) and Central Europe.
Dǎɣ archéologuetan, ɗine adǎɣ eqal atiwagan ibret ən 4000 dat alwaq wananaɣ, amosan tanhat əd išwar agudendǎɣ dǎɣ Mésopotamie (dǎɣ Irak tan amaradǎɣ), dǎɣ Caucase wan Ataram (atwigaz wan Maykoɗ) əd dǎɣ Europe tanamas.
More recently, the oldest-known wooden wheel in the world was found in the Ljubljana marshes of Slovenia.
Dǎɣ aynayan, wa ogaran ɗine dǎɣ ašaɣer atiwazayan dǎɣ aduniyat eqal atiwagrawan dǎɣ dagan ibdagnen ən Ljubljiana, dǎɣ Slovénie.
The ancient Sumerians used the potter's wheel and may have invented it.
Wi kal aru Sumériens dakalan dǎɣ aɣalay wan potier əd adobat adiqil atiwagan.
The first two-wheeled carts were derived from travois and were first used in Mesopotamia and Iran in around 3000 BCE.
Wi dazarnen kal torkaten ən isin ɗinatan aqalan adizgaran dǎɣ itraɣois əd aqalan atiwatkalan fal wazaran ehandag dǎɣ Mésoɗotamie əd dǎɣ Iran ibret 3000 dat alwaq wananaɣ.
A bathtub virtually identical to modern ones was unearthed at the Palace of Knossos.
Tanušaft tamosat awlahan ən tənišafen tə amutaynen taqal atwagan dǎɣ ašal ɣur śolo wan Cnossos.
The primary sewer in Rome was the Cloaca Maxima; construction began on it in the sixth century BCE and it is still in use today.
Tatazarat égout wan Rome eqal Cloaca Maxima, amosan təmuqunt ta tintat dǎɣ wa sadis temede nawatay dat alwaq wananaɣ əd taqal harwa atiwakalan har ešalidǎɣ.
Medieval technology saw the use of simple machines (such as the lever, the screw, and the pulley) being combined to form more complicated tools, such as the wheelbarrow, windmills and clocks, and a system of universities developed and spread scientific ideas and practices.
Təmusne tan médiéɣale tinhay adakay wan maəhinetan inbanan (sund levier, vis əd poulie) artaynen fal arigin ilalan ogarnen aśuhu, sund broueƭe, moulins tən adu əd horlogetan, əd tekanit iyat ən uniɣersité awiɗ əd azizgar təyitwen əd igitan ən təmusnawen.
Starting in the United Kingdom in the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution was a period of great technological discovery, particularly in the areas of agriculture, manufacturing, mining, metallurgy, and transport, driven by the discovery of steam power and the widespread application of the factory system.
Asintan dǎɣ Royaume-Uni dǎɣ 18e temede nawatay, təwaƭ tan usine ataqal alwaq wan atiwagrawan wi maqornen ən təmusnawen, atamosan dǎɣ tabaraten tən agayak, tan igitan, tan ukisawan ən nuraɣ, tan métallurgie əd tan siklawan, daw tanakra tan garawan ən énergie wan takast əd igitan atiwasanen dǎɣ tekanit tan usine.
The rise in technology has led to skyscrapers and broad urban areas whose inhabitants rely on motors to transport them and their food supplies.
Asihidid wan təmusne ifa tiwit tan graƭe-əiel əd dagan wi ogarnen dǎɣ aɣrəm amosnen imudakan sadanan fal moteurtan fal agay, win əd haratan nasan wi šiška.
The 20th century brought a host of innovations.
20e temede nawatay adiwayan təwaden anilkamnen.
Information technology subsequently led to the birth in the 1980s of the Internet, which ushered in the current Information Age.
Təmusnawen tən salan aqalnat agudiyan aywayan tiwit, dǎɣ elan wi 1980, Internet, wa atwazayan dǎɣ alwaq wan salan namaradɣ.
Complex manufacturing and construction techniques and organizations are needed to make and maintain some of the newer technologies, and entire industries have arisen to support and develop succeeding generations of increasingly more complex tools.
Təmusnawen əd təmsiduwen aśohatnen dǎɣ igitan əd təmuqunt aqalnen ayfan fal igi əd igi naniyat ye təmusnawen tiyad ogarnen tiyniye, əd usinetan imdanen anhayan ašal fal tilalt əd ƭiwaƭ ən générationtan anilkamnen ən lalan wi ogarnen dǎɣ ugur naśuhu.
Transhumanists generally believe that the point of technology is to overcome barriers, and that what we commonly refer to as the human condition is just another barrier to be surpassed.
Tranšumanistes aɣelan dǎɣ oɣadan as tarha tan təmusne taqal aywaran haratan, əd awa sitawan dǎɣ tartit əmikan wi adinat eqal harat wa ogaran adatu.
They suggest that the inevitable result of such a society is to become evermore technological at the cost of freedom and psychological health.
Oyan isalan wi wanan adobat atwidgal ən tartit tendǎɣ aqalan adiqilan harkuk ogaran təmusne dǎɣ alhak wan alɣafiyat əd aśaɣat psyəhologique.
He hopes to reveal the essence of technology in a way that 'in no way confines us to a stultified compulsion to push on blindly with technology or, what comes to the same thing, to rebel helplessly against it.'
Orda adisinkir aśahat wan təmusne ən almaɣna wi “warnifles dǎɣ wala iyan almaɣna ən təwaƭ stérile wa hanɣ ibahalan dǎɣ iki nisdat adirɣalan ye təmusne meɣ, awa ditaqalan dǎɣ olahan, aśiśuhu nakinas gar diris”.