a method and apparatus to process a diverted molten polymer waste stream directs the polymer stream to one of at least two passages , separates it into individual segments while containing and discharging it from a containment exit , cools each segment with a quench fluid to form a solid or semi - solid polymer , and transports the solidified segments away from the exit and into a container using the quench fluid . the apparatus includes a cross - section transition connector , a moveable block with two passages , a block oscillator , a cut - off plate , and open space above an inclined transporting device , a quench fluid jet , and a quench fluid transporting trough .
a preparation process of polyhydroxycarboxylic acid comprising conducting dehydration polycondensation of hydroxycarboxylic acid or an oligomer of the same in a reaction mixture containing said hydroxycarboxylic acid or the oligomer of the same and an organic solvent substantially in the absence of water to give polyhydroxycarboxylic acid having an weight average molecular weight of 50 , 000 or more , successively mixing the reaction mixture containing said polyhydroxycarboxylic acid with at least one binder selected from the group consisting of polyisocyanate compound , polybasic acid anhydride , cyclic imino ester , cyclic imino ether , aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acid , polyamino compound , polyhydric alcohol , epoxy compound , polyfunctional aziridine compound , lactam , lactone , and diethylene glycol bischloroforate , and reacting to obtain polyhydroxycarboxylic acid having a weight average molecular weight of 100 , 000 or more the polyhydroxycarboxylic acid which is obtained by the process has a weight average molecular weight of 100 , 000 or more , has satisfactory mechanical strength in the form of molded articles and is useful as a degradable polymer for substituting medical materials and general purpose resins .
a clear , multilayer polymeric film that is desirable for thermoforming applications . the film in its various embodiments include two inner layers of nylon and / or a core layer of ethylene vinyl alcohol or ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer sandwiched between the two inner nylon layers . the film also has an outer layer of a heat sealable polymer and may also have an outer layer of nylon . the film is coextruded , blown into a tubular shape , oriented , and cooled by the method of tubular water quenching . the film has various improved physical properties over the prior art , including properties of “ memory ”, clarity , gloss and low haze .
an ink jet printing method , comprising the steps of : a ) providing an ink jet printer that is responsive to digital data signals ; b ) loading the printer with ink - receptive elements comprising a support having thereon an image - receiving layer comprising a cationic polymer containing at least one ethylenically unsaturated monomer containing a trialkylammonium salt , each trialkylammonium salt containing at least one alkyl group having greater than 8 carbon atoms ; c ) loading the printer with an ink jet ink composition comprising water , a humectant , and a water - soluble anionic dye ; and d ) printing on the image - receiving layer using the ink jet ink in response to the digital data signals .
a bus seat comprising an aisle support having a first hexagonally shaped aperture or cavity and a window side support having a second hexagonally shaped aperture or cavity . a seat is hinged to the aisle support and the window support . a seat back is employed which has hexagonally shaped apertures or cavities which each interengage hexagonal shaped torsion members which in turn interengage the cavities in the aisle and window supports . the first and second hexagonally shaped torsion members in combination with the apertures inhibit rotation of the seat back with respect to the aisle and the window side supports and absorb energy when the seat back is rotated relative to the aisle and window supports . the hexagonally shaped cavities are manufactured without significant knit lines formed as the flowability of fiber reinforced polymeric material is enhanced .
a conveyor positioner arrangement for sequentially controlling the positioning of flexible plastic film products in a substantially stationary position on a stacker input station , with gaseous discharge means being utilized to provide certain of the control for the film product , and including means for establishing a bernoulli effect pressure reduction along a plane beneath the flexible plastic film product . the gaseous discharge means establishing a bernoulli effect reduction comprises a plurality of generally parallelly arranged spaced apart nozzles which have their respective discharge orifices disposed generally beneath the plane of travel of the flexible plastic film products to deliver a flow of compressed gaseous fluid , such as air , along such plane . the pressure reduction established by the gaseous flow stream is sufficient to draw the plastic film product downwardly into at least partial or floating contact with the surface forming the stacker input station so as to position the product thereupon on a reliable and repeatable basis . a second gaseous discharge arrangement may optionally be provided along a plane above the plane of travel of the film product in order to achieve additional control for repeatable positioning of the film product .
there is provided a multiple - component tampon applicator formed from at least three separate components . a fingergrip having a reduced cross - section as compared to that of the barrel may be formed such that it is a separate component or is integrally formed with a barrel component . the reduced cross - section fingergrip provides exceptional grippability to the user . the multiple components may be formed from materials including , for example , biopolymer including starches and proteins , cardboard , heat shrink plastic , paper slurry , plastic , plastic tubing , pulp slurry , pulp - molded paper , or any combinations thereof . prior to assembly of the applicator and prior to loading the barrel component with an absorbent pledget , petals may be formed on the insertion end of the barrel using existing processes and equipment . alternatively , a separate insertion tip component having petals may be formed . this separate component may then be connected to the barrel component either before or after an absorbent pledget is loaded into the barrel component .
a tamper - evident rigid plastic food container system wherein the outer periphery of the mating surfaces of the lid and tray are permanently bonded together after the food product has been placed in the tray , a set of perforated rows at an inner periphery , the interconnect of which needs to be torn in order to open the lid . intentional , inadvertent , or malicious ingress into the container can only be made by tearing at the perforations and thereby evidencing the potential tampering and contamination of the packaging contents . the lid and tray edges may further include mechanical interference fits , including snap - fit grips that may be of the releasably lockable kind to permit sealing , release , and re - sealing multiple times without deterioration in reliability , and which can further prevent or minimize leakage of liquid food product .
a liquid and gas assisted injection molding apparatus comprising a source of liquid coolant , a source of compressed gas , a source of heated viscous plastic , a mold cavity means for controllably injecting said plastic into said cavity , means for controlling injecting said compressed gas into said cavity , means for controllably injecting said liquid coolant into said cavity , and means for selectively controlling the injection of said plastic , gas and liquid coolant .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
a containment apparatus having a floor wall with four side walls extending therefrom and an opening at the top . each of the side walls and the floor wall include apertures defined within to allow air to flow freely throughout the containment apparatus . a lid may be provided to place on the containment apparatus to cover the opening . a divider made of interlocking wall strips that connect to define a plurality of separate compartments . each interlocking wall strip having multiple apertures defined within to allow for free airflow around , through and between each compartment . an alternative embodiment of the divider is comprised of a molded material such as plastic for holding thermosensitive product vials . the alternative divider having a plurality of aligned wells . each well being adapted to support one thermosensitive product vial .
a composite bipolar plate for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is prepared as follows : a ) melt compounding a polypropylene resin and graphite powder to form a melt compounding material , the graphite powder content ranging from 50 wt % to 95 wt % based on the total weight of the melt compounding material and the polypropylene resin being a homopolymer of propylene or a random copolymer of propylene and ethylene , butylenes or hexalene , wherein 0 . 01 - 15 wt % of polymer - grafted carbon nanotubes by an acyl chlorination - amidization reaction , based on the weight of the polypropylene resin , are added during the compounding ; and b ) molding the melt compounding material from step a ) to form a bipolar plates having a desired shaped at 100 - 250 ° c . and 500 - 4000 psi .
an apparatus for injection molding plastics material has an injection unit for delivering a plasticized melt through a nozzle , a press unit for urging a mold together at a predetermined pressure , a mold mounted in the press unit and a programmable controller operably connected to the injection unit and the press unit for automatically controlling the operation of the apparatus for repetitively producing uniform articles . the mold has a stationary mold section and a moveable mold section . the press unit is adapted for reciprocating the moveable mold section between an open position and a closed position . the stationary mold section has a plurality of ports at pre - selected points . each port has a controllable gate for selectively opening and closing the ports for passing melt to a mold cavity until the melt fully occupies the mold cavity while controlling and minimizing melt lines formed when a flow of melt from one of the ports meets with a flow of melt from another of the ports .
a method for producing fiber - reinforced plate material on the basis of a fiber web that contains at least one planar fiber structure and is impregnated with a thermoplastic plastic matrix . the one or more fiber structures are impregnated or coated with a reactive starting material , containing cyclic or macrocylic oligomers of the polyester , and in that the fiber web which contains one or more combined , impregnated or coated fiber structures is coated on one or both sides with a surface layer that contains a polymerized polyester . the fiber web that is coated with said surface layer is pressed in a pressing device to give a plate material , thereby polymerizing the reactive starting material into a plastic matrix that surrounds the fiber structure and that is permanently joined to the surface layer .
the present invention relates to a temperature - sensitive thermogelling emulsion system for bioactive substances , consisting of a biodegradable temperature - sensitive aqueous phase polymer solution , and a pharmaceutically acceptable oil phase carrier , which embeds the bioactive substance . the oil phase carrier and the temperature - sensitive polymer solution are mixed mutually to produce the emulsion , and the emulsion is a liquid while the temperature is below the lower critical solution temperature and reversibly transforms into a gel while the temperature is above said lower critical solution temperature . the emulsions are able to offer the controlled release without burst effect and afterward in a near zero order manner , as well as be non - invasively monitored post - implantation . the design of entrapment of the bioactive substances in the oily phase is also beneficial to preserve the bioactivity of the environment - sensitive substances .
the present invention relates to novel methods , and kits , for selectively excluding dead cells from a mixture containing live and dead cells , such as microbe cells in clinical samples , blood products , medical / biotechnology products and food products where subsequent interrogation of the selected live cells are an indicator of the presence of microbe viability . in particular , the invention relates to improved methods for performing direct nucleic acid amplification techniques such as polymerase chain reaction and isothermal techniques in blood and other body fluids , for correlation with microbe cell viability from bacteremia and fungemia samples . the improved methods provided by the invention are particularly advantageous for the diagnosis of septicemia and to determine pathological conditions in all other normally sterile body fluids .
applicants have produced a chromophore and a polymer that are highly sensitive to the presence of various agents , including organophosphates , pesticides , neurotoxins , metal ions , some explosives , and biological toxins . the detection is accomplished by detecting a change in the fluorescence characteristics of the chromophore or polymer when in the presence of the agent to be detected . the chromophore and polymer may be incorporated into sensors of various types , and they are adaptable for potential field use in areas where detection of these types of agents is desired .
monodisperse , polymeric microspheres are formed by injecting uniformly shaped droplets of radiation polymerizable monomers , preferably a biocompatible monomer , having covalent binding sites such as hydroxyethylmethacrylate , into a zone , impressing a like charge on the droplet so that they mutually repel each other , spheroidizing the droplets within the zone and collecting the droplets in a pool of cryogenic liquid . as the droplets enter the liquid , they freeze into solid , glassy microspheres , which vaporizes a portion of the cryogenic liquid to form a layer . the like - charged microspheres , suspended within the layer , move to the edge of the vessel holding the pool , are discharged , fall and are collected . the collected microspheres are irradiated while frozen in the cryogenic liquid to form latent free radicals . the frozen microspheres are then slowly thawed to activate the free radicals which polymerize the monomer to form evenly - sized , evenly - shaped , monodisperse polymeric microspheres .
the invention relates to an enhanced recovery method that optimizes the stages of pumping , transport and surface treatment of the production effluent . the method of the invention comprises the following stages : injecting into said reservoir a sweep fluid comprising at least one polymer so as to displace said hydrocarbons towards at least one production well , collecting a production effluent comprising the hydrocarbons through production well , injecting into said effluent at least one degradation agent for said polymer .
a versatile , ecological , and economical package including , in one form , plastic inner and outer rings or circular frames , and two recycled paperboard face sheets . the inner and outer rings each have an annular portion and a face portion inwardly extending from opposite ends of the annular portions . each of the face portions form an opening . the face sheets each have a diameter larger than the diameter of the openings so that the face sheets are retained within the outer and inner rings . the rigid inner and outer rings arid the semi - rigid face sheets collectively provide rigid package faces . also disclosed are variants in the construction of the rings and holder as well as certain accessory elements . in another form , a holder or package of unitary construction includes two protection sheets , and a side portion at the peripheries of the protection sheets and extending between the protection sheets . the protection sheets each have a fixed portion , a hinged portion , and a living hinge pivotally connecting the hinged portion to the fixed portion . the side portion has a fixed portion extending between the protection sheet fixed portions and at least one hinged portion extends between the hinged portions of the protection sheets . also disclosed are variants of the package of unitary construction .
the present invention relates to a drainage aid composition and its use in pulp washing process . more particulary , this invention relates to drainage aid composition of silicone polyethers prepared via zinc catalized dehydrogenative coupling of alcohol terminated polyethers with silicone oligomers and polymers comprising of at least one silicon bonded hydrogen . the compostion of this invention exhibit excellent drainage properties .
a device for processing plastics for recycling purposes , including adjustable oval blades enabling improved mixing properties to be achieved , particularly in terms of the mixing time , and further readily adaptable for use with a variety of different mixtures . a method for processing plastics using said device is also disclosed .
a method of manufacturing foamed thermoplastic films and trash bags wherein a foaming agent is added to a base thermoplastic resin . the resultant foaming agent / base resin mixture is extruded to form a single - ply foamed thermoplastic film . the film may be formed into bag , such as a trash bag .
this invention relates to foundry binder systems , which cure in the presence of sulfur dioxide and an oxidizing agent , comprising an epoxy resin ; an alkyl silicate ; an ester of a fatty acid , an effective amount of a oxidizing agent , and no ethylenically unsaturated monomer or polymer . the foundry binder systems are used for making foundry mixes . the foundry mixes are used to make foundry shapes which are used to make metal castings , particularly ferrous castings .
a mobile platform including an extruder for melting and extruding materials for producing lightweight , compostable or biobased foams for various expandable materials . a mobile platform is described including a screw extruder for processing poly meric material , a housing with a longitudinal bore in which an extruder screw is coaxially fitted for rotation around an axis of the screw to advance the polymeric material through the bore by threads on the screw . a feed hopper , pla hoist / feeder , standard eps machine equipped with electric heating and related equipment are also provided on the mobile platform . distributed manufacturing of low density protective packaging , insulation panels and thermal insulators is also described .
an sir has an and gate for selectively passing a deployment signal from a deployment circuit to a firing circuit . an arming circuit includes a logic circuit containing a small normally closed arming sensor which disables the and gate until a prescribed acceleration level occurs to open the arming sensor . a pulse stretcher ensures that if the sensor opens only briefly , the and gate will remain enabled long enough to complete deployment . the arming sensor comprises a plastic housing with a cylindrical cavity , terminals closing opposite ends of the cavity , and a spring biased mass in the cavity which electrically connects the terminals until an acceleration moves the mass to break the connection .
a non - deformable patterned template includes a stable mesh , wherein the stable mesh is resistant to deformation ; a polymer sheet with the stable mesh embedded therein , wherein the polymer sheet is formed using a liquid polymer adapted to receive the stable mesh , and wherein the liquid polymer is cured after the stable mesh has been placed within the liquid polymer ; and a surface pattern on at least one face of the polymer sheet .
scrap rubber chunks from used tires are processed and the monomeric chemicals from which the tire rubber was synthesized are recovered . rubber chunks reduced to a finely divided size are exposed to gaseous ozone to break down the cross - linked structure of the rubber . subsequent thermal depolymerization occurs in a reactor chamber . finely divided silica is introduced within the reactor to prevent agglomeration of rubber particles and to enhance the maintenance of a uniform reactor temperature . reduced pressure within the reactor permits rapid removal of monomer vapors . once the monomer vapors are separated , silica and carbon residues are recovered separately for either recycle or disposal .
pipe made from thermoplastic polymeric material and including a transversely corrugated outer wall and a smooth inner wall of constant diameter fusion welded to the inner crests of the corrugations of the outer wall is produced by an improved method involving simultaneous extrusion of two tubes , blow molding of the outer wall and fusion of the two walls while the inner wall is supported by an internal shaping and cooling mandrel . even when the polymeric material is polyvinyl chloride , good fusion welds and lack of brittleness are achieved by the manner in which extrusion is carried out , control of the location at which the fusion welds are established , and the extrusion formulation . the finished pipe is characterized by the fact that , when the fusion welded areas have been cut for inspection , no line of demarcation between the materials of the two walls can be observed .
improved powder coatings exhibit enhanced resistance to bacterial and fungal attack , while possessing excellent toughness , appearance , corrosion resistance , durability , processability , and ease of application . the coating is comprised of anti - microbial agents that are homogeneously dispersed within the powder or impact fused to powder particles or both . an article may be coated with a thermoset thermoplastic , or radiation curable powder , which may be applied by electrostatic spray or fluidized bed or by thermal or flame spray .
disclosed is a dental appliance composed of a thermo - plastic polymer with low compressibility , high toughness , and high tensile strength , with a low softening point . the appliance has perforations that enable it to be easily custom - fitted by the user or a health professional . the appliance begins as a generally u - shaped , unformed dental tray that is significantly thinner than existing dental appliances . once fitted , the dental appliance provides superior protection against damage to the enamel of the teeth and abrasion of the teeth due to bruxism or other mechanism leading to biomechanical wear of dental surfaces . the perforations facilitate the custom - fitting process by allowing the user to suck air through the perforations , thus applying a negative pressure between the material and the teeth while the material is still soft and pliable . this enables a user or health professional to within minutes create a final product that rivals the quality and fit of an appliance made by dental laboratories using dentist made impressions .
a telescoping self - aligning tube having an inner tube dimensioned and configured to fit within an outer tube which is equipped with a guide slot for receiving a snap button , thereby preventing rotation of the inner tube relative to the outer tube . the guide slot allows the telescoping tube to self - align such that the user does not have to twist and maneuver the inner and outer tubes when changing the tube length in order to align a detent button with its detent hole . embodiments include detent holes located both within and radially opposite with respect to the guide slot . a foam insert may be located on both ends of the inner tube allow the telescoping tube to be buoyant . a special layer of rubberized or polymer coating protects the cleaned surface from abrasions due to contact with the telescoping tube .
a process is provided to modify an olefin production catalyst system which comprises contacting an olefin production catalyst system with ethylene prior to use . a process also is provided to trimerize and / or oligomerize olefins with the novel , modified olefin catalyst production system . the modified olefin production catalyst system produces less solids , such as , for example , polymer .
a heat shrinkable polymer material is particularly adapted for implanted biomedical use . a polycrystalline polymer is irradiated to produce crosslinking of its intramolecular structure to thereby impart viscoelasticity . the material is biocompatible and suitable for implanted use , from the standpoints of very low toxicity , ability to retain structural integrity and being non - carcinogenic and , moreover , is heat shrinkable at a temperature compatible with such implanted use .
peg and related polymer derivatives having weak , hydrolytically unstable linkages near the reactive end of the polymer are provided for conjugation to drugs , including proteins , enzymes , small molecules , and others . these derivatives provide a sufficient circulation period for a drug - peg conjugate and then for hydrolytic breakdown of the conjugate and release of the bound molecule . in some cases , drugs that previously had reduced activity when permanently coupled to peg can have therapeutically suitable activity when coupled to a degradable peg in accordance with the invention . the peg of the invention can be used to impart water solubility , size , slow rate of kidney clearance , and reduced immunogenicity to the conjugate . controlled hydrolytic release of the bound molecule in the aqueous environment can then enhance the drug delivery system .
the present invention provides pharmaceutical compositions in the form of relatively high molecular weight biocompatible polymers such as polyethylene glycol , optionally supplemented with a protective polymer such as dextran and / or essential pathogen nutrients such as l - glutamine . also provided are methods for preventing or treating gut - derived sepsis attributable to intestinal pathogens such as pseudomonas aeruginosa by administering high molecular weight polyethylene glycol as well as methods for monitoring the administration of high molecular weight polyethylene glycol , such as in methods of preventing , ameliorating or treating microbe - induced epithelial disorders , as exemplified by gut - derived sepsis . frequently , gut - derived sepsis arises as a complication in mammals recovering from surgical intervention or suffering from a disease or disorder , providing indications of suitable animals to receive preventative treatment . finally , the invention provides a composition comprising infant formula and polyethylene glycol and methods for using that composition .
a method and system for the production of fibers for use in biocomposites is provided that includes the ability to use both retted and unretted straw , that keeps the molecular structure of the fibers intact by subjecting the fibers to minimal stress , that maximizes the fiber &# 39 ; s aspect ratio , that maximizes the strength of the fibers , and that minimizes time and energy inputs , along with maintaining the fibers in good condition for bonding to the polymer used with the fibers to form the biocomposite material . this consequently increases the functionality of the biocomposites produced , increasing their marketability . additionally , as the disclosed method does not damage the fibers , oilseed flax straw , as well as all types of fibrous materials etc ., can be processed in bio composite materials .
method and apparatus for coating a surface of a work with a thin resin or plastic film suitable for use in imprinting a pattern by impressing a master pattern on a transfer surface of a mold on the coated resin film . a curable resin liquid is coated on a work by the use of an inkjet feed means having a plural number of inkjet nozzle holes in a row or rows on a nozzle assembly , in association with actuators to propel droplets of resin liquid from the respective inkjet nozzle holes in controlled timings while moving the inkjet feed means and the work relative to each other .
a method of and apparatus for sorting plastic items is disclosed . the method comprises the steps of transmitting polychromatic light from a source through each individual item ; detecting the quantity of light of a first color passing through each individual item with a detector opposed to the source as a stream of the items is successively directed past the source and the detector ; detecting the quantity of light of a second color passing through each individual item with the detector , wherein the second color is different from the first color ; and selectively removing individual items from the stream , the removal being based upon a comparison of the quantity of light of the first color detected and the quantity of light of the second color detected .
a sensor for chemical species or biological species or radiation presenting to test fluid a polymer composition comprises polymer and conductive filler metal , alloy or reduced metal oxide and having a first level of electrical conductance when quiescent and being convertible to a second level of conductance by change of stress applied by stretching or compression or electric field , in which the polymer composition is characterised by at least one of the features in the form of particles at least 90 % w / w held on a 100 mesh sieve ; and / or comprising a permeable body extending across a channel of fluid flow ; and / or affording in - and - out diffusion of test fluid and / or mechanically coupled to a workpiece of polymer swellable by a constituent of test fluid .
a method of and apparatus for spraying a molten thermoplastic polymer composition onto a substrate . the thermal spray apparatus of the present invention includes a source of pressurized molten polymer material , a source of pressurized hot gas , and a spray head which is in fluid communication with the source of pressurized molten polymer material and a source of pressurized hot gas . the pressurized hot gas forms a flowstream as it exits the spray head and acts to atomize and transport the molten polymer material , in a molten state , to the substrate so that the substrate is coated . the molten polymer is atomized into relatively uniform particulates of molten plastic which aids in applying a uniform coating to the subject substrate . it is emphasized that this abstract is provided to comply with the rules requiring an abstract which will allow a searcher or other reader to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the technical disclosure . it is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims . 37 c . f . r . § 1 . 72 .
the invention relates to a method and device with which it is possible to arrange complicated shapes with considerable differences in height in wood fiber board , and in particular but not exclusively so called mdf . the deformation of the wood fiber board which can be achieved is known in the art as extrusion , wherein a considerable plastic deformation takes place accompanied by flow and stretch of the material .
there is disclosed a novel degradable plastic composition , said composition being degradable in the absence of electromagnetic radiation and consisting essentially of an organic polymer having dispersed therein at least one transition - metal derivative of at least one highly unsaturated organic acid , such as a tallate , linoleate , linolenate , etc . of one or more transition metals , particularly a transition metal such as cobalt , chromium , copper , iron , manganese , and nickel .
multilayer polymeric shells for spas , bathtubs and shower enclosures having a textured and marbled surface layer . the shells are produced by forming by extrusion a multilayer polymeric sheet having a marbled appearing top layer , passing the sheet between rollers to impart a textured surface to the marbled top layer of the sheet , and thermoforming the sheets into the structural shells for spas , bathtubs and shower enclosures .
this invention relates to a kind of erianin salt and the preparing process thereof . the said erianin salt is a compound with the following general formula , wherein r is the salt formed by monobasic acid radical of inorganic oxacid combining with metals , ammonium salts , organic amine . this invention also relates to a pharmaceutical composition comprising erianin salt . compared with erianin , the said erianin salt has far better solubility , which can improve the bioavailability and show better antineoplastic efficacy .
a process and a device for producing bags from a strip of thermoplastic material wherein mated layers of foil strip are supplied to serially arranged bonding devices to provide bonded seams extending over the width of the layers at specific intervals corresponding to the width of the bags with said bonding devices being alternated with cooling means to lower the temperature of the bonded areas and thereafter advancing the material to a cutting device designed to separate the bags divided by the bonded seams from the chain of bags produced by the bonding operation .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain cationic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . such properties include the ability to extract the polymerized medical devices with water . this avoids the use of organic solvents as is typical in the art . the polymeric compositions comprise polymerized cationic hydrophilic siloxanyl monomers .
there are disclosed novel degradable plastic compositions consisting essentially of an organic polymer containing at least one organic chelating agent . the agent is one which chelates metal so as to form a metal complex which acts to accelerate polymer degradation in the presence of oxygen , electromagnetic radiation , and / or elevated temperature . this invention is especially useful in the preparation of degradable packaging materials such as films , bags , containers , etc .
a system for cleaning vessels that have been contaminated with oil field drilling and production waste materials such as oil well drilling fluid or hazardous waste using recycled wash water . as dirty wash water accumulates in a vessel during cleaning , it is transferred to a settlement section of the waste receiving barge . a cationic polymer is injected into the suction side of a waste water pump during transfer of dirty fluid from the vessel to the receiving barge . the polymers react with fluids to begin an initial settling process within the waste receiving barge . decant water is subjected to secondary settlement and secondary chemical treatment after it leaves the primary settling section of the waste receiving barge . the laundered water is returned to the wash water storage facility for reusing and cleaning the same vessel or additional vessels . in this fashion , waste is continuously concentrated in the receiving vessel for ultimate disposal at a remote site and wash water is recycled for reuse .
disclosed are oligonucleotides useful in methods for determining whether a sample contains borrelia afzelii , a spirochete which is a causative agent of lyme disease in humans . these oligonucleotides , which have nucleotide sequences derived from a coding segment of the gene encoding the p24 gene for the outer surface protein of borrelia afzelii , are useful as forward and reverse primers for a polymerase chain reaction using nucleic acids from a biological sample as templates , and as probes for detecting any resultant amplicon . detection of an amplicon indicates the sample contains borrelia afzelii . real - time pcr and detection using florescence resonance energy transfer is disclosed .
pharmacologically active , easy - to - deploy , biomechanically compatible , inflatable endovascular , drug - eluting stent are formed of a primary expandable polymeric or metallic construct , intimately mantled with a biomechanically compatible , polymeric microporous , microfibrous , compliant , stretchable fabric formed by direct electrospinning onto the outside surface of the primary construct using at least one polymer solution containing at least one active compound , selected from those expected to control key biological events leading to in - stent restenosis .
a bacon package has a stiffener sheet formed of plastic having an inner layer of foam polystyrene and solid films of polystyrene on opposite sides of the foam layer and coextruded therewith to form a web . the web of coextruded plastic is fed through an embossing station which forms an embossment defining the outer periphery of the stiffener sheet and , if desired , a plurality of annular embossments within the periphery . the embossed extrudate is then cut with heated knives around each embossment to seal the edges defined by the embossments . apparatus other than heated knives may be used for sealing the edges .
a method and system for removing organic contaminants from water by use of a panel of hydrophobic polymer membranes which resist degradation when exposed to aggressive oxidizing solutions and that can be used to decompose the organic contaminants while fostering selective - permeation by the organic contaminants are disclosed .
the present invention relates to a compound having anti - ks and anti - hiv pharmaceutical activity which comprises an hcg - like inhibitory protein and fragments or derivatives thereof , said protein and fragments thereof are isolated from a biologically active fraction of apl - hcg , wherein said protein has a molecular weight of about 3 , 500 or of about 13 , 000 dalton , and wherein said protein and fragments thereof are adsorbed polypropylene plastic supports . a pharmaceutical composition for the prevention and / or treatment of kaposi &# 39 ; s sarcoma and hiv which comprises an therapeutically effective amount of at least one compound of the present invention in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier . a method for the prevention , treatment and / or reduction of kaposi &# 39 ; s sarcoma and hiv expression in aids patients , which consists in administering the composition to the patient .
the invention provides a cyclomonomer having actin - binding activity . the cyclomonomer is of utility for the study of the molecular biology of actin polymerization . the cyclomonomer is also useful for the study of and treatment of the toxic effects of amanita sp . poisoning .
the present invention is related to an immuno - pcr method for detecting nasopharyngeal carcinoma and kit thereof , especially related to an immuno - pcr method for detecting markers of early stage npc and kit thereof . the present invention includes providing a substrate whereon protein markers immobilized ; applying a patient &# 39 ; s specimen to the substrate ; adding a solution which has biotinylated anti - human iga secondary antibody and incubating the solution ; adding a solution with a linker and biotinylated target dna ; proceeding a polymerase chain reaction ; and finally , detecting the target dna fragments via electrophoresis .
this invention relates to improved apparatus and method for forming the rim portion of frustoconically - shaped containers , preferably formed of paper or thermoplastic material . the invention is especially adapted to forming the helicoidal rim on the mouth of drinking cups as well as other types of frustoconical - shaped containers . the container sidewalls adjacent the open mouth are fully supported during rimming to provide stronger and more dimensionally accurate , uniform rims on such containers .
the present invention relates to a release - controlled implantable composition comprising somatotropin , a bio - compatible wax and a water - soluble polymer . the present composition exhibits superior sustained effect with little side effects , which renders it suitable for long - term administration .
a method for producing a bioactive surface on an endoprosthesis , or on the balloon of a balloon catheter is described , wherein the surface of the endoprosthesis , or the surface of the balloon is softened . the surface of the endoprosthesis , or the surface of the balloon is moistened with a solution of an active ingredient , and the solvent is separated from the active ingredient . in addition , a balloon of a balloon catheter is disclosed , which comprises an uncoated surface , wherein an unencapsulated active ingredient is embedded at least partially into the material of the surface . furthermore , a balloon catheter is described , which comprises a balloon according to the invention . in addition , an endoprosthesis , particularly a polymer stent is described , which comprises an uncoated surface , wherein an active ingredient is embedded at least partially into the material of the surface .
a cutting machine for forming fracture lines in the cylindrical wall of plastic caps to facilitate the separation of a tamper - evident ring , including at least one cap support which rotates about an axis thereof and a laser beam emitter arranged , with respect to the support , so as to provide a laser beam that strikes the cylindrical wall of the cap , the emitter being activated and deactivated in accordance with the rotary motion of the cap , so as to form in the cylindrical wall of the cap a plurality of cuts alternated with short intact portions , which form a fracture line allowing the separation of the tamper - evident ring from the cup .
a water distillation apparatus and method include an improved control system for operation and maintenance , condensers with plastic to metal seals between a plastic condenser manifold and metallic cooling tubes , and a filter with steam bypass to allow for easy sterilization of the filter and remaining distillation system . the control system includes a three pronged probe assembly for monitoring conditions within an evaporation chamber . one of the three probes monitors steam conductivity and provides a steam fault signal to indicate an upper level of contaminants in the steam . a purge pump is responsive to fault signals , including the steam fault signal , to pump water from the evaporation chamber .
the present invention provides a reepithelialization / wound healing implant device comprising a barrier layer and one or more polymer layers doped with agents that promote one or more processes in reepithelialization / wound healing . the implant : provides a temporary mechanical / chemical barrier to species within the external environment that inhibit epithelial migration ; biodegrades at an appropriate rate while tissue remodeling is occurring ; and delivers active cytokines and growth factors in a choreographed pattern to promote reepithelialization .
gradient refractive index optical materials composed of a polymer matrix doped with functionalized nanocrystals realize high values for vgrin , and hence nearly uniform focal lengths regardless of the wavelength of light . grin optical materials having low vgrin magnitudes less than 10 are also provided .
an object of the invention is to provide a method and an apparatus for recycling plastics which is improved with respect to operation efficiency , operation environment , lowering degradation of plastics , recycling cost and environment load including saving energy . the recycling is made as follows : coarse - crushing used - up plastic products , separating plastic materials from other foreign matters by air blow separation , fine - crushing the separated plastics , washing the fine - crushed plastics by the process using a circulation flow including a spiral flow in which interaction between crushed plastics helps themselves clean without washing agents , dewatering the washed plastics , drying them , removing metallic matters by using metal detector , then feeding them directly without pelletizing to an injection molding machine of which nozzle part is equipped with filter and flow - switching mechanism for cleaning the filter by backwash reverse filtration .
a process for upgrading brown coal is disclosed , including providing at least two converging surfaces defining a nip , wherein at least one of the surfaces is rollable in a direction toward the nip ; feeding the brown coal to the nip where , by the rolling action of the rollable surface , the brown coal is subjected to shearing stresses , causing attritioning of the microporous structure of the brown coal and the release of water contained in the micropores ; and continuing the shearing attritioning until the brown coal forms into a plastic mass . processes for the production of char are also disclosed utilizing as feed material pellets formed from the upgraded brown coal produced by the above process , as well as a process for recovering metal from a metal containing material .
a plastic container is formed with a body having an access hole on top and a pallet coupled to the bottom thereof . the body also includes a sloping bottom with a sump aligned with the access hole to allow , substantially , all the contents of the container to be removed without turning the body upside down with said pallet protecting the bottom , allowing the container to stand horizontally , and facilitating the stacking of said containers .
in a method of forming tubes or pipes from a flat blank of a plastically deformable material , three spaced apart portions of the blank are first bent to the wanted curvature of the finished tube or pipe , so that two smaller unbent portions are obtained between the curved portions . then , the blank is closed to essentially tubular form by means of forces acting on the curved portions , so that the principal deformation in connection with the closing is obtained in the unbent portions located between the curved portions .
the present invention relates to a hydrated , biocompatible tissue - augmentation compound and its methodology for implantation into mammalian tissue . the tissue - augmentation compound is comprised of : living tissue , body derived fluids , at least one nco - terminated hydrophilic urethane prepolymer derived from an organic polyisocyanate , and oxyethylene - based diols or polyols comprised essentially all of hydroxyl groups capped with polyisocyanate
an object has bearing location where the object comes into contact with a counter - piece . the bearing location includes a coating to reduce wear and friction . the coating comprises about 90 - 100 weight percent thermoplastic polymer and about 0 - 10 weight percent finely divided solid fillers and finely divided dry lubricants . the coating has a thickness of between about 5 - 50 μm .
a coating material with a primer layer , a middle layer and a surface layer and its method of application which includes the steps : spraying the primer layer material onto an article ; spraying or brushing the middle layer material with a first color until satisfactorily coated ; repeating step with the middle layer material having a second color and allowing drying ; and spraying the surface layer material of pu imitation porcelain material and allow drying to obtain the article with superior imitation ceramic effect . the present invention can be applied to any plastic and poly articles , therefore reducing the exploitation and use of organic soil and natural resources for producing ceramic articles . since the material used is biodegradable , therefore effectively decreasing the level of pollution and damages to the environment and hence lessening the health hazards to human .
a process and apparatus for the commercial sterilization of thin - walled , high - profile plastic containers , which are hermetically sealed with an easy - peel aluminum foil / plastic - coated lid stock material . the apparatus is a rack of molds , each mold having a recessed groove to support the lip of the plastic container and a mold lid having a rigid portion covering the lid and a resilient portion inside the rigid portion to permit the lid of the plastic container to expand in a controlled manner during sterilization . the rigid portion of the mold lid can be angled to fit the contour of the expanded container lid .
a tool for use in stretching or elongating an axle ring so that it may be removed from an associated axle . a lever with an elongated nose impacts against a narrow band across the width of the axle ring and produces a peening or plastic flow action to elongate the ring . the tool includes means for locating itself on the axle to properly position the nose both axially and radially .
the invention relates to edible molded bodies in the form of a flat or tubular film based on plastifiable biopolymers , the cleavage products or derivatives thereof and / or synthetic polymers from natural monomers , characterized in that they are produced according to a method comprising the following steps : a ) the biopolymers , cleavage products or derivatives thereof and / or synthetic polymers are mixed with at least one edible plasticizer , at least one lubricating agent and at least one cross - linking agent , b ) the mixture thus obtained is melted into a thermoplastic material , c ) said material is extruded and d ) the product obtained by extrusion is calendered and / or stretched or blown and deformed into the edible molded body . the molded bodies cited in the invention are suitable for use as food wrappers for sausages and boiled ham , and are particularly suitable for use as seamless sausage casings .
medical devices , and in particular implantable medical devices , may be coated to minimize or substantially eliminate a biological organism &# 39 ; s reaction to the introduction of the medical device to the organism or to treat a particular condition . a dip coating process is utilized to minimize waste . an aqueous latex polymeric emulsion is utilized to coat any medical device to a desired thickness by allowing for successive dipping and drying cycles . in addition , aqueous latex polymeric emulsions pose less of a chance of the bridging phenomenon associated with organic solvent based polymers .
joints between thermoplastic parts are friction welded or otherwise thermally welded in such a manner that a non - uniform temperature distribution results during welding which effectively blocks flash flow from the edge of the joint , and upon cooling , produces a joint that is at least partially stress relieved and is resistant to solvent - induced crazing and cracking . joints may employ nonparallel adjoining surfaces and / or flexural lips , which bend slightly under pressure applied during welding so as to produce a non - uniform pressure distribution and nonparallel welding surface over at least a portion of the resulting weld near the outside edge . in addition , one or more axial grooves may be used to isolate the nonparallel or lipped area of the weld from the remainder of the weld area so as to increase the lip compliance and reduce the effective pressure of molten material acting on the lip during welding .
a plastic compressor housing , in particular a radial flow compressor housing , preferably for a turbocharger , has at least one thermosetting plastic body for providing an intake pipe , a compressor duct , and an outlet pipe , and a thermoplastic at least partially covering the thermosetting plastic body in a hood - like fashion . the thermosetting plastic body is formed as a basic body and the thermoplastic is injection molded on the basic body . at least a first anchoring element is embodied on at least a first surface of the thermosetting plastic body and at least a second surface of the first anchoring element is substantially completely covered with the thermoplastic . the disclosure further relates to a method for producing a plastic compressor housing .
the undesirable swelling exhibited by biologically active copolymers wherein a portion of the repeating units exhibit a triorganotin moiety is reduced by incorporation of a cross - linking agent into the copolymer . the physical and chemical properties of the cross - linked copolymers make them more suitable for use as biocides particularly antifouling toxicants , than polymers described in the prior art .
metal , fiber or plastic panels are fabricated by the attachment of planar imperforate and / or partially perforated outer sheets to a specially formed center member comprising a web or sheet having a deformed surface defining an array of adjacent triangular projections and depressions . the center member is produced by the longitudinal cutting and folding of the web as it passes between two forming cylinders which mesh with one another , the cylinder peripheries carrying complementary arrays of spaced triangular - shaped tooth elements having their base lines aligned in the opposing cylinders , to shear and thereby relieve the passing web laterally so as to produce intermittent parallel cuts and angular folds in the web while gathering the web longitudinally thereby to form triangular , flat - topped cells in the center member . instead of using two outer sheets , the formed center member can be used per se , e . g ., as a packing medium , or it can be combined with only one outer sheet to form a single - face product .
a hollow plastic container with a separately formed handle engaging the sidewall of the container and supported thereby . the handle includes an elongated portion extending upwardly over the major portion of the longitudinal extent of the sidewall and arm portions extending from the elongated portion towards the sidewall for engagement with the sidewall , wherein the sidewall receives the arm portions and holds the handle in place .
the present invention relates to an improved method for reclaiming and recycling developing solvents used in the production of flexographic printing plates . more specifically , the invention relates to reclaiming and / or recycling of the developing solvent through centrifugation and / or filtration . according to the invention , the solvent used in developing printing plates can be reclaimed and / or recycled by simply centrifuging the polymer - contaminated solvent . in certain embodiment , the centrifuged solvent is further filtered . the process involves transferring the contaminated solvent , from a plate processor or a dirty holding tank , to a centrifuge , and centrifuging the contaminated solvent to remove the polymer . the reclaimed solvent can be transfer directly back to the plate processor or to a clean holding tank .
this patent describes an ink jet printable heat transfer material with cold release properties . the invention consists of multiple layers of coatings applied to a suitable substrate , typically paper . the first optional layer coating consists typically of a pigmented coating bound together with a synthetic or natural binder and is applied in sufficient quantity to level and densify the surface of a given substrate . the second coating is applied over the first and consists of a silicone coating with a controlled surface energy . the surface energy must be such that the subsequent aqueous coatings can be applied over top with good wetting and adhesion , but low enough for an easy removal from the heat transfer after cooling . a third or wash layer is applied over the silicone release layer . this layer must easily wet and adhere to the silicone release layer so the coating does not come off during subsequent coating passes and during handling by the user . the wash layer consists of one or more thermoplastic polymers including ethylene acrylic acid , waxes , and other polymers along with dispersions of non - water soluble plasticizers and antioxidants . an ink receptive layer consists of a low binder thermoplastic organic pigmented coating containing non - water soluble plasticizers and antioxidants along with water soluble and insoluble cationic polymers and / or cationic inorganic pigments . the non - water soluble cationic materials , either organic or inorganic , aid in the retention of the dyes and reduce the wet bleed and wash out of the dyes when the transfers get wet .
a tray for shipping and displaying dressed poultry for sale is disclosed . the rear end wall of the tray forms an acute angle with the tray bottom and contains an aperture through which the ends of the legs of the poultry are inserted so as to prevent hocking . preferably , a sunburst die pattern is cut around the aperture . the sunburst fingers prevent the legs from pulling away from the rear walls and lock the fowl in place . also , preferably , a tail shield folds down from the top of the rear wall to cover the ends of the legs extending through the aperture . this prevents the legs from puncturing the plastic overwrap on the tray .
methods for forming implantable composite keratoprostheses are provided . the methods provide keratoprostheses designed to provide a suitable substrate for corneal epithelial cell growth while maintaining the desirable characteristics of hydrogels , i . e ., clarity , flexibility and the ability to allow diffusive flow of nutrients . in a preferred embodiment the method includes placing corneal tissue in a mold having a corneal implant shape and crosslinking a polymeric solution to chemically bond a biocompatible hydrogel having a thickness between approximately 50 and 100 microns to the corneal tissue to form the keratoprosthesis . upon implantation , the corneal tissue abuts epithelial cells surrounding the keratoprosthesis . in another preferred embodiment , a polymer solution is placed between the corneal tissue and a pre - formed hydrogel and then polymerized so that the polymer solution couples to both the hydrogel and the corneal tissue .
a method of connecting a plastic workpiece to a further workpiece and a device for carrying out the method are shown and described . the object of providing a method with which a positive - locking connection between a plastic workpiece and a further workpiece can be produced in a short time and without considerable outlay in terms of apparatus is achieved by a method comprising the following steps : providing a plastic workpiece and a further workpiece , placing the further workpiece against the plastic workpiece , providing a connecting element on a surface of the plastic workpiece , this surface being opposite the surface against which the further workpiece bears , producing a recess in the further workpiece , this recess being provided on the surface bearing against the plastic workpiece , heating the connecting element , so that the material of the connecting element is plasticized , and pressing plasticized material into the recess .
a method of repairing an affected area of a component of a fiber - reinforced polymer composite , especially having elongate or continuous reinforcing fibers in a polymer matrix , is disclosed . the method includes : providing a controlled atmosphere around the affected area of the component ; heating the component in the affected area within the controlled atmosphere to cause pyrolysis or depolymerization of the polymer matrix in the affected area and thereby to remove the polymer matrix from the affected area ; introducing polymer resin into a space left by the pyrolyzed or depolymerized matrix to refill the affected area .
the present invention refers to polymeric membranes and its synthesis with combination of innovative characteristics at the level of the bi - soft segment polyurethane material and at the level of the structure as integral asymmetric membranes . the hemocompability properties — non - hemolytic , non - thrombogenic and no platelet adhesion — combined with the high fluxes of permeation of o 2 and co 2 have been designed for the use of the membranes in medical equipments that involve contact with blood like extracorporeal blood oxygenators and can be further designed for hemodialysers and imunnisolation barriers .
a porous shaped substrate such as a porous bead is formed from polyacrylonitrile or a copolymer thereof containing nitrile groups . the substrate has a hydrophilic surface containing amide groups constituting about 1 . 8 mole percent to less than about 15 mole percent of the total nitrile groups , and containing no amide or carboxyl groups . the substrate is substantially non - swellable in water and is able to resist pressures in a columnar bed of up to about 3000 psi without collapsing . in forming the amide groups , polyacrylonitrile or copolymer thereof containing nitrile groups , an alkaline catalyst such as sodium hydroxide and a nonsolvent for the substrate such as methanol are combined to form a suspension . a peroxide is added to the suspension and the suspension is heated to hydrolyze nitrile groups to amide groups . succinylated aminoethyl groups or activated carboxyl groups can be formed on the substrate and a bioactive ligand such as p - aminobenzamidine covalently bonded to the substrate . the bound ligand can then be used to complex a biologically active substance such as an enzyme to separate the substance from solution .
a compression molding process for forming an article , preferably a preform or closure , is provided . the process includes the steps of forming thermoplastic resin into a precursor , wherein the precursor fits in a compression mold and has a shape for allowing the precursor to be supported in a predetermined or dimensionally preheld manner in a cavity of the compression mold prior to being compressed into a final shape , which shape is the shape of the compression mold ; heating the precursor ; and compression molding the precursor into the article while said precursor is heated . the step of forming may include the steps of extruding the resin into sheets ; cutting discs from the sheets ; and stacking the discs to form the precursors .
the present invention relates to a bioreactor including at least one reactor vessel in form of a plastic bag , a tray for holding said at least one bag , a rocking device for limited rocking motions of the tray around a rocking axis . according to the invention the bioreactor comprises a device for enabling swinging of the tray around a second axis parallel to and distanced from the rocking axis .
anisotropic not - worked permanent magnets are made from an r - t - b alloyed powder to which is added a combination internal lubricant including a carbon - based material such as graphite and a glass material such as glass from the b 2 o 3 - sio 2 - bio 3 glass system . the internal lubricant provides improved formability during the hot - working step , such as die - upsetting , and provides finished magnet products wherein the individual grains are more uniformly plastically deformed throughout the product .
the present invention relates to a device to convert the blue light from solid - state sources into white light comprising a transparent polymer matrix with laminar structure , diffusing particles and phosphors .
the invention is directed to providing a compound for treating cancer , the compound comprising a metal complex having predetermined characteristics , and which may be incorporated into a polymeric nanoparticle or other delivery system for delivering the metal complex for action on tumor cells . the metal complex for treating cancer wherein the metal complex is a silver salt , a silver macrocyclic metal complex , a silver n - heterocyclic carbene or mixtures thereof . the invention is also directed to a silver macrocyclic metal complex and a silver n - heterocyclic carbine , and methods of treating cancerous cells in a mammal including the steps of administering an effective amount of a silver metal salt , such as by incorporating the material into a biodegradable polymeric nanoparticle .
a device for treating preforms to obtain containers made of plastics , for example bottles for food applications , comprising an ejector adapted to pick up and release one or more preforms , arranged so that their neck is directed upwardly , a heating conveyor , and a unit for transferring the preforms unloaded from the heating conveyor , which is adapted to modify their spacing and speed , adapting them to the spacing and speed of an adjacent and axially offset blow - molding conveyor to which the one or more preforms are transferred .
the present invention provides a biomimetic polymer for stabilizing wellbore , a method for preparation of the biomimetic polymer , and a drilling fluid . the polymer contains carboxymethyl chitosan that serves as a backbone and dopamine - derived groups grafted on the backbone . the polymer provided in the present invention can improve the strength of shale in the wellbore , seal the shale pores and reduce the filter loss of drilling fluid , and thereby attains an effect of stabilizing the wellbore in shale formation in drilling process .
a biocompatible wound dressing comprised of a pad for insertion substantially into a wound site and wound drape for sealing enclosure of the foam pad at the wound site . the pad , comprised of a foam or other like material having relatively few open cells in contact with the areas upon which cell growth is to be encouraged so as to avoid unwanted adhesions , but having sufficiently numerous open cells so that drainage and negative pressure therapy may continue unimpaired , is placed in fluid communication with a vacuum source for promotion of fluid drainage , as known in the art . the pad is further comprised of an ultra - low density fused - fibrous ceramic , or a bioabsorbable branched polymer , or cell growth enhancing matrix or scaffolding .
a method and apparatus for addressing and driving an electrode array includes addressing one or more electrodes within the array using a plurality of row and column lines . in one aspect , a value corresponding to a voltage is stored in a local memory associated with each electrode . the addressed electrodes are then driven at the voltages corresponding to the stored values . in another aspect of the method , a driving element associated with each addressed electrode is selectively coupled with a voltage line so as to charge the electrode with the voltage on the voltage line . the device and methods may be used in the synthesis of biopolymers such as oligonucleotides and peptides .
a process for making ceramic composites includes the steps of : a ) forming a polymer composition into a three - dimensional mold ; b ) filling said three - dimensional mold with one or more ceramic containing compositions ; c ) heating said filled mold to dry and sinter the ceramic ; d ) removing at least a portion of said three - dimensional mold thereby forming voids ; and e ) filling the voids with a second composition which has a piezoelectric coefficient which is substantially different from the piezoelectric coefficient of said ceramic structure . steps a through e yield a controlled , non - random piezoelectric ceramic composite having 2 - 3 , 3 - 2 or 3 -- 3 connectivity with respect to the sintered ceramic and the second composition throughout the composite .
the invention provides a cyclomonomer having actin - binding activity . the cyclomonomer is of utility for the study of the molecular biology of actin polymerization . the cyclomonomer is also useful for the study of and treatment of the toxic effects of amanita sp . poisoning .
an adapter permits replaceable inked ribbons to be used in a typewriter that is constructed to receive ribbon cartridges . such a typewriter has means to removably retain a cartridge in place , and the adapter has a base plate that is engaged by said means . a transparent cover member which is spaced above the baseplate is hinged close to the plane of the baseplate so it swings forwardly as it is opened . a manually rotatable ribbon advance knob is rotatably mounted in the cover member and drivingly engages a ribbon take - up spool , preferably through a one - way clutch that prevents reverse rotation of the spool . for those typewriters which have a vertically movable control member to adjust the ribbon advance for total release ribbon or plastic matrix ribbon , the base plate carries a manually pivotable control member actuator .
a process for the production of dish - shaped moldings or hollow bodies of thermoplastic material comprises the step of producing an at least approximately tubular preform by the extrusion of thermoplastic material . the preform is axially divided to form at least one single - layer web of material which is removed from the extrusion head by being engaged by means of a manipulator which spreads and / or straightens the web transversely with respect to the extrusion direction . the web is then transferred to a molding tool by a manipulator for it to be put into its final form in its first heat in the molding tool .