filled composite plastics are prepared , which consist entirely of a rigid filler which has been graft polymerized with a thermoplastic polymer . the conventional thermoplastic matrix has been eliminated . when the rigid filler is a polysaccharide , such as starch , a product with improved biodegradability is produced . also , valuable petroleum reserves are conserved , since the polysaccharide portion serves as an extender for the petroleum - based polymer .
a method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank including : a ) inserting a plastic parison including two distinct parts into an open two - cavity mold ; b ) inserting a core , bearing at least part of a reinforcing element configured to create a link between the two parison parts , inside the parison ; c ) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities , for example by blowing through the core and / or creating suction behind the cavities ; d ) fixing the part of the reinforcing element to at least one of the parison parts using the core ; e ) withdrawing the core ; f ) closing the mold , bringing its two cavities together to grip the two parison parts around their periphery to weld them together ; g ) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and / or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold cavities ; and h ) opening the mold and extracting the tank .
tearing , blistering , delamination and other defects in deep drawn plastic laminated paperboard containers are eliminated by adding controlled amounts of warmed moisture to the paperboard immediately prior to forming thereof . water is heated to a desired temperature and is applied by in - line processing equipment to the unlaminated side of the paperboard which functions to both soften and paperboard and preheat the laminate . by heating both the male and female parts of a die press employed for forming the preheated , softened laminate into the container , preheating the laminate using warm water prior to forming and , continuously controlling the moisture added to the paperboard , the degree of stress imposed on the plastic layer of the laminate and the resulting defects in the formed container are significantly reduced .
a device for welding a plurality of thermoplastic plastic parts forming a hollow body with an opening by a laser , comprising a vacuum holder having a vacuum chamber which communicates with a vacuum pump , is open on one side and , together with the hollow body , forms a closed chamber that can be evacuated . when a vacuum is applied , the vacuum holder holds the hollow body stationary , holds the joined parts together and enables testing of the tightness of the weld .
an optical reagent format with a precise capillary channel is made by molding a format on a carrier of a precise predetermined thickness . the carrier includes an insert at least a portion of which is molded in the format . once the format is made , the insert is detached from the carrier and removed from the format leaving a precisely dimensioned capillary channel with an inlet and vent . a reagent may be applied in the capillary channel and the format used to measure the analyte in a fluid such as blood . an electrochemical sensor with a capillary channel is formed by placing a sacrificial insert and electrodes on a sensor base and applying plastic material . after the plastic material is cured , the sacrificial is removed leaving a capillary channel in the sensor . the inserts may be removed by a tool including a clamp for clamping and holding each insert stationary and a sliding block to which the sensor is secured .
a resin atomizer unit is provided that is constructed from a variety of ultra high molecular weight plastics . the use of these materials benefits in the construction of a resin atomizer by reducing the resin &# 39 ; s tendency to adhere to the critical surfaces during operation . these materials also have the beneficial quality of resisting the abrasive nature of the resin . another benefit of the use of the materials herein described in the construction of the present invention is that they also lessen its overall weight which makes any maintenance that may be required much easier . finally , the quick release method of attaching the individual resin atomizers also enhances the ease by which they can be serviced and thereby leads to greater efficiencies in their use .
a kit and method for using the kit to make a water - based consumer product containing oil - soluble materials . the kit includes an ampoule containing an anhydrous concentrate including a polymer dispersed with a binding agent containing a surfactant , and zero or more oil soluble ingredients . the polymer preparation preferably is between about 8 % and about 50 % by weight of the concentrate , and the polymer preparation is configured to be between preferably about 1 % and about 5 %, by weight , of the consumer product . the method may include the steps of opening the ampoule , depositing the contents of the ampoule into a container , adding a predetermined amount of water to the container , closing the container , and agitating the container for a predetermined amount of time . the ampoule preferably is airtight and opaque , preventing degradation of the active ingredients within the ampoule .
a method and apparatus for describing the statistical orientation distribution of nonspherical particles in a simulation of a process wherein a mold cavity is filled with a suspension that contains a large number of nonspherical particles . the method and apparatus may be applied to the analysis of an injection molding process for producing a fiber reinforced molded polymer component or of a metal casting process for producing a fiber reinforced metal product . the results of these analyses may be used to determine tension and warping aspects of the component , and to optimize the process conditions used in the production process .
clotfoam is an hemostatic agent designed for use in cases of non - compressible hemorrhage . it can be applied outside the operating room through a mixing needle and / or a spray injection method following abdominal , chest , extremities or other intracavitary severe trauma to promote hemostasis , or it can be used in the operating room for laparoscopic procedures or other surgical procedures in which compression is not possible or recommended . its crosslinking technology generates an adhesive three - dimensional polymeric network or scaffold that carries a fibrin sealant required for hemostasis . when mixed , clotfoam produces a foam that spreads throughout a body cavity reaching the lacerated tissue to seal tissue and promote the coagulation cascade . the viscoelastic attachment properties of the foam as well as the rapid formation of a fibrin clot that ensure that the sealant remains at the site of application without being washed away by blood or displaced by movement of the target tissue . the fibrin components are produced by a novel method which does not present thrombin to immune system and can be maintained in solution for six weeks without significant proteolytic degradation .
the present invention relates to microorganisms for the treatment or the prevention of obesity or diabetes mellitus , which reduce the amount of monosaccharide or disaccharide which may be absorbed into human body by converting monosaccharides such as glucose , fructose , galactose et al . and disaccharides into polymeric materials which cannot be absorbed by the intestine , and relates to a pharmaceutical composition containing the said microorganisms . preferred microorganisms are lactobacillus sp . bc - y009 and acetobacter sp . bc - y058 .
a method of forming a trench isolation structure is provided , which prevents generation of defects such as voids , cracks , and depressions of an isolation dielectric formed in an isolation trench without problems such as isolation region expansion , isolation capability degradation , and current leakage increase . in a first step , an isolation trench is formed in a semiconductor substrate to expose a top of the trench from a main surface of the substrate . in a second step , the whole main surface of the substrate is covered with a solution of a silazane perhydride polymer by spin coating , thereby forming a film of the solution covering the whole main surface of the substrate . the trench is entirely filled with the film of the solution . the film of the solution may be formed directly on the main surface of the substrate or formed indirectly over the main surface of the substrate via any intervening film or films . in a third step , the film of the solution covering the main surface of the substrate is converted to an oxide film of silicon covering the main surface of the substrate due to chemical reaction . in a fourth step , the oxide film of silicon covering the main surface of the substrate is selectively removed , thereby leaving a part of the oxide film that is used as an isolation dielectric of a trench isolation structure .
a golf car having a frame supported on a plurality of wheels and a braking device coupled to at least one of the plurality of wheels . a hydraulic system selectively outputs hydraulic fluid in response to a control input . a brake line is fluidly coupled between the braking device and the hydraulic system for carrying the hydraulic fluid under pressure . the brake line includes a flexible inner member and a braided outer member , which is sized to closely conformed to an outer shape of the flexible inner member . the braided outer member generally prevents radial expansion of the flexible inner member to minimize fluid leak and plastic deformation of the brake line and improves resistance to corrosion .
a machining apparatus for making a plasticizing barrel includes a clamping device for securing the plasticizing barrel , with the clamping device constructed for rotation about a rotation axis and for off - center acceptance of the plasticizing barrel to thereby cause the plasticizing barrel to wobble about its symmetry axis , when the clamping device rotates . the clamping device interacts with a machining unit to provide the plasticizing barrel with an internal conical bore for receiving a screw . the machining unit has a turning tool which is movable linearly back - and - forth in a direction of an axis which extends in relation to the rotation axis at an incline of about half a cone angle of the conical bore , wherein the conical bore being produced has a center line which coincides with the rotation axis .
an injectable hydrogel includes a hydrogel matrix based on single - phase - type cross - linked biopolymer , characterized in that previously cross - linked biopolymer hydrogel particles are co - cross - linked with the matrix . a method of and a process for production of the above - mentioned hydrogel are also disclosed .
a human - safe fluorescence particle that can be used for fluorescence detection instruments or act as a safe simulant for mimicking the fluorescence properties of microorganisms . the particle comprises a non - biological carrier and natural fluorophores encapsulated in the non - biological carrier . by doping biodegradable - polymer drug delivery microspheres with natural or synthetic fluorophores , the desired fluorescence can be attained or biological organisms can be simulated without the associated risks and logistical difficulties of live microorganisms .
a therapeutic composition comprising a chemical conjugatge including a first moiety , other than an immunoglobulin or fragment thereof , such as epidermal growth factor , which preferentially binds to a tumor cell , and is internalized by the cell , and a second moiety linked to the first moiety , and comprising a biodegradable polymeric carrier , such as polyglutamic acid , to which one or more cytotoxic molecules , for instance , daunomycin , are attached . the degradation of the carrier by intracellular enzymes releases a cytotoxic agent , resulting in selective destruction of the tumor cells .
described is a guide catheter for guiding other medical devices into or through a body lumen , comprising : a polymeric , tubular inner liner having a textured inner surface ; and , a polymeric jacket bonded to an exterior of the inner liner ; wherein the texture of the inner surface of the inner liner reduces the coefficient of friction between the inner liner and the other medical devices .
nanosized particles are molded from granules of organic substances in nano - scale molds . the nano - scale molds can be fabricated from non - wetting , low surface energy polymeric materials . the nanosized particles can be virtually any shape , are typically less than 500 micrometers in a broadest dimension , and can include pharmaceutical compositions , biologic drugs , drug compositions , organic materials , and the like .
a tamper - evident thermoplastic fitment having a spout and a closure for said spout are welded to a polymer - coated paperboard container or to a flexible plastic container . the fitment and closure are initially molded simultaneously but with a substantial space between the two pans interconnected by an elongated runner which conducts molten plastic from the closure to the fitment . upon retraction of the core of the mold , the closure is pulled into the spout until shoulders on the parts engage , whereupon the closure is stripped from the mold core . the runner comprises a tear tab which slides through an apertured space on the closure . when the parts engage tangs on the tear tab engage the space , making the assembly tamper - evident . the fitment has a flange which may be welded or otherwise secured to the container . the tab may be pulled by the consumer to open the container . the closure may be unscrewed from the spout or otherwise disengaged .
in a process for distilling polymerization - prone compounds from liquid mixtures of matter which , apart from the readily polymerizable compound , also contain other components and also polymerization inhibitors , the evaporator is operated in forced circulation and at a pressure which makes possible superheating of the liquid with respect to its boiling point at the pressure within the distillation column . this is achieved by transporting the superheated liquid against a flow restrictor , e . g . an orifice plate . the liquid which is expanded and partially evaporated on passage through the flow restrictor is returned to the distillation column . in this manner the formation of an open vapour space in the evaporator circuit after heating downstream of the heat exchanger is avoided in that , in the design of the evaporator of the prior art , formation of polymer deposits frequently occurs .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against said disease .
a dosing and / or dispensing system for use with a liquid container such as a bottle or the like for dosing and / or dispensing liquid contents from the bottle . the system includes an improved venting to ensure that the liquid being dosed or dispensed properly and accurately drains . a novel throat plug assembly is provided for insertion into the throat of the bottle . the throat plug assembly is comprised entirely of a recyclable plastic material .
this invention refers to photo - crosslinked hydrogel materials based in gellan gum suitable for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications or as drug delivery systems . formulations of gellan gum with different degrees of acylation serve as precursor material for insertion of a polymerizable moiety . the materials are capable of free radical polymerization with a photo - initiator at mild temperatures and exposure to ultraviolet light , enabling control of reticulation and withstanding the encapsulation of human and animal cells and / or drugs , and any combination thereof . the physicochemical and biological properties can be adjusted by combining different formulations of gellan gum and reaction conditions . the matrix can be used either as an acellular or cellular system , dispensed manually or automatically by injection and crosslinked directly at the site of application , and can be processed using manual or automated systems in different types of scaffolds , such as hydrogels , fibers , 3d structures and micro - or nanoparticles .
in a method and apparatus for making highly densified compression sheets from thermoplastic polymeric compounds preferably together with reinforcement fiber mats in a continuous fashion in a double - band press in which the compound material is heated and compressed between two compression bands which extend between reversing inlet and outlet drums and define between adjacent sections a wedge - shaped precompression zone adjacent the inlet drums wherein the compound material is increasingly compressed and also heated and a final compression zone adjacent the precompression zone , wherein the compound is heated under pressure such that the thermoplastic melts and fully wets any fibers in the sheet and an end compression zone in which the sheet is cooled which the pressure is maintained and the compound material is retained in the space between the compression bands by seal bands extending along the side edges of the compression bands and maintained in sealing engagement therewith .
a biodegradable intra vaginal device for insertion into the vagina of an animal useful for herd oestrus synchrony purposes , the device is intra vaginally insertable , intra vaginally retainable and withdrawable by virtue of its ability to change its geometry yet is formed at least almost exclusively from a cyclodextrin and progesterone impregnated moulded matrix of a polyester polymer ) or a starch - like polysaccharide polymer . there is preferably a loading of progesterone of from 0 . 1 to 3 gms . the surface area of the impregnated matrix is preferably from 15 to 200 cm 2 . related methods and uses also form part of the invention .
disclosed herein is a method of separating carbon dioxide from a gas mixture using a biopolymer , including : introducing hemocyte or extrapallial fluid , extracted from shells , into a reactor filled with 1 l of a solution containing a calcium source , and then dissolving the hemocyte or extrapallial fluid in the solution to form a mixed solution ; and mixing carbon dioxide or a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide into the mixed solution to separate carbon dioxide from the gas mixture .
a storage - stable aqueous concentrate for the preparation of a disinfectant and a disinfectant obtainable from such a concentrate by dilution are disclosed . the concentrate comprises hydrogen peroxide , colloidal silver , a biopolymeric stabilizer such as gum arabic , and phosphoric acid . in order to improve long - term stability and to reduce initial decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide in the first few days after preparing the concentrate , the concentrate further comprises sodium nitrate or sodium sulfate . the concentrate is free of any synthetic organic complexing agents , thus rendering the concentrate suitable for food - and drinking water applications . also disclosed are methods of preparing and using the concentrate .
biocompatible materials suitable for use in vascular applications have been engineered , combining human recombinant tropoelastin with other synthetic or natural biomaterials to form protoelastin . the materials can be in the form of elastin films on metal , bone , ceramic or polymer substrates , laminates of alternating polymer and elastin , blends of polymer and elastin , or elastin crosslinked with or tethered to polymer . the flexibility in engineering and design makes protoelastin biomaterials suited not only to the production of conduits but any number of other vascular applications that require blood contacting surfaces . tropoelastin and the subsequently engineered biomaterial protoelastin provide the opportunity to satisfy a large unmet need for a biocompatible material adaptable enough to meet a range of diverse vascular uses . these are mechanically stable , elastic , strong and biocompatible ( i . e ., not thrombogenic and promoting adhesion of cells , especially human endothelial cells .
a water swelling polymer gel produced by covalently crosslinking a polysaccharide having a carboxyl group within the molecule with a diaminoalkane derivative as the crosslinking reagent . the medical polymer gel is useful as the structural component of wound dressings , adhesives for biological tissues , adhesion preventing agents , bone reinforcing agents , and drug releasing base materials . wound dressings comprising the structural material of the water swelling polymer gel of the present invention , can be applied to a patient with wound , burn , and decubitus to promote the healing of the wounds of the patient .
bicycle brake shoes are provided for a bicycle braking device . the brake shoes are pressed into contact with a bicycle wheel rim to apply a braking force thereto . the brake shoes are coupled to the bicycle braking device by brake shoe holders . each brake shoe includes an attachment portion coupled to the brake shoe holder and a rim contacting portion for contacting the side braking surface of the rim . the brake shoes are formed from a polymer that is obtained by cross - linking sbr with peroxide of adhesive or sulfur . the brake shoe is elongated in the rotation direction of the wheel rim and has a braking surface opposite to the braked surface of the rim .
a retrofit kit includes brackets and a readily replaceable impactable cover plate for protecting a conventional polymeric bumper at a loading dock . in some cases , the retrofit kit includes an adjustment feature that allows the impactable cover plate to fit bumpers of various projections , wherein a bumper &# 39 ; s projection is the distance that the bumper protrudes away from the wall or other surface to which the bumper is attached . the impactable plate can be installed to protect various types of conventional bumpers such as unitary molded bumpers or those that comprise a stack of rubber pads . the impactable plate is designed to be more durable and easier to replace than the original bumper itself . the kit and method can be used for retrofitting bumpers made of rubber , plastic or other polymers .
apparatus for applying an elastic sleeve to a joint between a pair of electric cables including a tubular cylindrical plastic support with an internal bore larger than the diameters of the cables and on which the elastic sleeve in its stretched state is mounted . a pair of openable mobile elements surround the support , and the element farther from an end of the sleeve is releasably secured to the support , such as by pins extending from the element through openings in the support and engageable with the outer surface of one of the cables . the other element is slidable on the support and can be moved toward the end of the sleeve . a screw mechanism acting between the elements moves them away from each other causing the support to be pulled out of the sleeve . with the apparatus positioned with the support and sleeve around the joint , the removal of the support permits the sleeve to contract around the joint .
polymeric formulations which contain aqueous dispersions of acrylic monomers and copolymers and modified polyethylene terephthalate resin are disclosed which are useful as a coating system or treatment for imparting water , oil and grease resistance to underlying cellulosic substrates . the formulations do not contain any fluorochemicals , polyethylene or wax . moreover , the formulations provide water , oil and grease resistance properties that are an improvement in the art to known coatings and treatments which contain polyethylene and or wax for water , oil and grease resistance . these coatings can also impart improved anti - wicking properties over the existing art . these formulations have interest as they contain components that are permitted to come into direct contact with food products . therefore , the formulations of the present invention are ideal for use as coatings for paper and paperboard , including paper packaging such as that utilized in food wrappers , food containers , food receptacles , etc . in addition , because these formulations do not contain fluorochemicals , polyethylene or wax the resulting paper products can be recycled and repulped .
a mechanical means for unwinding paper sheet , plastic film or other thin films from heavy storage rolls . the device includes a normal unwind pair of squeeze rolls which grip the film on opposite surfaces and propel the film toward a use area . a friction roll is positioned on the periphery of the storage roll but normally runs free and is not coupled to a power means . when the mechanism is accelerating , as in a starting operation , power is applied to the friction roll to aid in its speed - up . when the mechanism is decelerating , as in a stopping operation , power is applied to the friction roll to aid as a brake . auxiliary pressure means may be provided to increase the contact pressure between the friction roll and the storage roll to prevent slipping .
a method for painting with a plurality of colors at least an article of manufacture , preferably a thermoplastic article of manufacture for the perfumery and cosmetic field , each color of said plurality of colors being that of a respective paint of a corresponding plurality of paints , said method comprising at least the operating steps of : a ) providing said at least an article of manufacture in a condition suitable for painting ; b ) providing a plurality of painting guns arranged in a succession in a painting tunnel and each being adapted to apply a paint of a said respective color of said plurality of colors ; c ) orienting said at least an article of manufacture with respect to said plurality of painting guns .
a seed mat provides an optional lower plastic mesh layer overlain by a lower scrim layer overlain by a seed layer optionally containing biodegradable beneficiating additives overlain by a fiber layer optionally overlain by an upper scrim layer with the fiber layer or upper scrim layer , if present , overlain by an upper plastic mesh layer . the mat is formed on a conveyor by 1 ) creating the fiber layer on the conveyor ; 2 ) creating the upper scrim layer , if optioned , by placing dry cellulosic tissue over the fiber layer , wetting the tissue , applying vacuum beneath the fiber layer to consolidate the tissue on the underlying fiber layer and drying ; and 3 ) extruding an upper plastic mesh layer on the fiber layer or the upper scrim layer if present . the mat then is turned upside down on the conveyor and 4 ) the seed layer and desired additives are deposited on the then upper surface of the fourth fiber mat layer ; 5 ) the lower scrim layer of dry cellulosic tissue is placed in the same manner as the upper scrim layer ; 6 ) the lower plastic net layer , if optioned , is extruded on the surface of the scrim layer ; and 7 ) the finished mat is removed .
package system for a powdery , granular , paste - like or liquid sterile product comprising a plastic outer tray and a plastic inner tray . the inner tray is to be sealed with a first plastic cover to form a sterile receptacle for the sterile product . the outer tray is to be sealed with a second plastic cover to form a sterile receptacle for the inner tray . the inner tray has a spout for the application of the sterile product .
a pharmaceutically - active polymeric compound of the general formula , y − m − link b wherein x is a coupled biological coupling agent of the general formula bio − link a − bio wherein bio is a biologically active agent fragment or precursor thereof linked to link a through a hydrolysable covalent bond ; and link a is a coupled central flexible linear first segment of & lt ; 2000 theoretical molecular weight linked to each of said bio fragments ; y is link b - oligo ; wherein link b is a coupled second segment linking one oligo to another oligo and an oligo to x or precursor thereof ; and oligo is a short length of polymer segment having a molecular weight of less than 5 , 000 and comprising less than 100 monomeric repeating units ; m is 1 - 40 ; and n is selected from 2 - 50 . the compounds are useful as biomaterials , particularly , providing antibacterial a . i . in vivo . also provided are biological coupling agents useful as intermediates in the preparation of the pharmaceutically - active polymeric compounds .
a process for preparing a fiber reinforced plastic structure having points of branching , which comprises the steps of , positioning pins at points of branching in the structure and repeatedly hanging and repeatedly stretching a resin - impregnated strand of continuous long - staple fibers over and between said pins , thereby completing the structure of the points of branching .
the present invention is directed to a method of fabricating a successive set of patterns representing incremental stages of an orthodontic treatment plan , and then sending all or a portion of the successive patterns at the same time to the dentist . the dentist is provided with a vacuum machine for thermoforming a set of aligners as negative impressions of the positive teeth patterns . a polymeric sheet is inserted into a vacuum forming machine and sucked down over the positive pattern , forming a polymeric shell with cavities shaped to receive the teeth and resiliently bias or reposition at least some of the teeth into alignment with the aligner cavities . when the aligner is formed and while still on the stereolithographic plastic pattern , excess portions of the aligner polymeric material are trimmed using manual tools and / or a laser cutting machine .
the invention relates to a method and apparatus for the fragmentation of large molecules , especially biopolymers . the invention consists in reacting analyte ions with excited or radical neutral particles , whereby , at least in the case of bombardment of analyte ions with helium atoms from an fab generator , a new type of fragmentation occurs which strongly resembles fragmentation by electron capture . the reactions may be performed in magnetic ion traps , in rf ion traps according to wolfgang paul , in rf ion guides , or in free beams of analyte ions or neutral particles .
a drainage quilt which operably rests adjacent to a subterranean conduit and facilitates water removal and dispersal from underground drainage sites . the drainage quilt includes a water permeable membrane configured in a generally rectangular container and a plurality of drainage members disposed within the container . the drainage members are composed of recycled or new plastic or chunks of old rubber tires and are positioned in a homogeneous fashion to create drainage channels through the subject quilt . flexible positioning ties extend perpendicularly through the rectangular container to retain the relative positioning of the drainage members . the ties prevent the drainage members from assembling at any one area of the drainage quilt and thus encourage an equal distribution of fluid flow throughout the quilt .
a new generation elastomeric biopolymer produced by yeast belonging to the family saccharomycetaceae , and an isolated yeast belonging to the genus williopsis that produces and secretes the biopolymer .
a method and composition for a film forming antimicrobial material for animal skin wherein said film is resistant to body fluids and provides long term protection against microorganisms . the composition comprises an alcohol soluble carboxylated polycrylate wherein is added an antimicrobial agent , a topical adhesion promoter , and a difunctional amide which crosslinks said polymer as said solvent evaporates . the topical film so formed does not interfere with respiratory processes and is inert to blood , urine , gastric acids , perspiration , saline solutions and the like . once formed , said film will not resolubilize in alcohol or other common sterilants . said topical film adheres to tissue and is resistant to physical removal and to abrasion . film longevity is in excess of 2 days . substantial protection is provided against pathogenic bacteria and fungi often implicated in hospital infections and thus can serve as a presurgical dressing , preparation agent , as well as in post - surgical prophylaxis .
in an extrusion head and an extrusion method for the production of a tubular multilayer preform the extrusion head includes at least two feed paths for feeding plasticised plastic material from one or more extruders to an annular passage arrangement . the annular passage arrangement includes mutually concentric annular passages forming mutually separate flow paths for the various layers of the preform . an annular gap nozzle has an annular gap communicating with the annular passage arrangement , and at least one flow passage communicates with an annular passage of the annular passage arrangement , for the introduction of a translucent viewing strip . the flow passage communicates with the annular passage in question upstream of the annular gap in the region of separation of the flow paths .
thermal spray apparatus capable of directing plasticized powders against a substrate for deposition of a protective coating thereon is disclosed . various structural details of the apparatus of the present invention enable the attainment of high particle velocities without melting the particles . the apparatus is built around the concept of reducing the temperature of a hot plasma stream after the hot plasma stream is generated . particles are injectedinto the hot plasma stream only after the medium is cooled . in detailed embodiments , a generated plasma is cooled by the addition of a diluent gas or by passing the generated plasma through an elongated heat exchanger upstream of the point at which the powders are to be injected .
an immunoscintillating composition and method of radioimmunoassay is disclosed whereby polymer coated paramagnetic particles and binding agent such as an antibody are associated by chemical or physical means to provide solid scintillating immunoadsorbent particles which are paramagnetic . these particles are capable of selectively binding or retaining radioactive or labeled antigens or ligands and transmitting radioactive energy to a phosphor or photon emitting substance that is bound by chemical or physical means to the particles . upon binding of the antigens or ligands to the surface of the particles the particles are separated from the unbound components in solution by application of a magnetic field . the luminescence emitted by the phosphor which is attached to the magnetically separated particles is measured by a scintillator counter and is directly proportional to the radioactive energy released by the labeled antigen bound to the antibody . upon completion of the measurement the paramagnetic particles can be magnetically separated and the labeled antigens or ligands removed for further analysis and the particles recycled for use in other assays .
a fiber free , fast breathing tear strip for a gas sterilizable package which comprises a sandwich of a gas permeable membrane impervious to bacteria , and a perforated , or slit plastic sheet . the sandwich is peelably sealed around the access opening of a bag . one seam of the tear strip can be made non - peelable so that the tear strip becomes non - detachable . particular embodiments of gas sterilizable packages which utilize the invented tear strip are disclosed .
an implant that contains a membrane and a polymeric matrix covered by the membrane . both the matrix and the membrane are biocompatible and bioresorbable . also disclosed is a method of preparing such an implant .
an improved drop dispenser for use with a closed compressible container , which dispenser is comprised of a small diameter tubular dispenser member of a resilient plastic material deformed at the free end thereof to provide a normally closed , integral valve - like arrangement , which valve - like arrangement is pressure actuated and partially opens when pressure within the container increases .
a refrigerator cabinet is provided with a plastic liner , the inside wall of the refrigerator , which is resistant to chemical degradation by fluorocarbons . freon and freon substitutes used as blowing agents for foaming the insulation contained between an outer metal cabinet and on the inside wall of the refrigerator can cause blistering , cracking , and sometimes dissolution of materials used to form the plastic liner which is the inside wall of the refrigerator . there is provided a plastic liner which is resistant to those blowing agents and particularly to those blowing agents which are partially halogenated and tend to be more aggressive than freon . the plastic liner wall maintains impact strength and toughness after exposure to fluorohydrocarbons conventionally employed in refrigerator units for in situ polyurethane foam production .
a recombinant gene encoding a single - chain variable fragment antibody against venezuelan equine encephalitis virus being cloned into a prokaryotic t7 rna polymerase - regulated expression vector was disclosed . a streptavidin - binding peptide sequence fused to a 6his tag is then attached downstream to the scfv gene . the recombinant fusion protein is expressed in bacteria and then purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography . elisa and western blotting results revealed that the fusion protein not only retained vee antigen binding and specificity properties similar to those of its parent native monoclonal antibody , but also possessed streptavidin - binding activity . this discovery obviates the need for chemical biotinylation of antibodies and the risk associated with antibody denaturation and provides a stable and reproducible reagent for rapid and efficient immunoassay of vee .
ether and acetal carboxylates useful as detergent builders to replace sodium tripolyphosphate in detergent formulations are known to the art . certain polymeric polycarboxylates are also known to the art but all of these products suffer from either having poor builder properties or they are not readily biodegradable . according to the present invention , new and novel polyacetal carboxylates are provided which are stable under laundry use conditions , but depolymerize in acid media , making the fragments more readily biodegradable in waste streams .
an automatic analyzer for analyzing samples , such as urine and blood , is adapted so that analysis measured values are not affected by carry over by a repeatedly used dispensing nozzle . coating the surface of the dispensing nozzle with a chemisorbed polyethylene glycol derivative forms a molecular layer that inhibits the adsorption of biopolymers , to reduce carry over by the dispensing nozzle .
a composite biocompatible hydrogel material includes a porous polymer matrix , the polymer matrix including a plurality of pores and providing a young &# 39 ; s modulus of at least 10 gpa . a calcium comprising salt is disposed in at least some of the pores . the porous polymer matrix can comprise cellulose , including bacterial cellulose . the composite can be used as a bone graft material . a method of tissue repair within the body of animals includes the steps of providing a composite biocompatible hydrogel material including a porous polymer matrix , the polymer matrix including a plurality of pores and providing a young &# 39 ; s modulus of at least 10 gpa , and inserting the hydrogel material into cartilage or bone tissue of an animal , wherein the hydrogel material supports cell colonization in vitro for autologous cell seeding .
copper - lined laminates are formed by galvanically depositing a copper layer on a portion of at least one of two endless press bands arranged to define a reaction zone between two generally parallel sides thereof . after depositing of the copper layer , the press bands are moved through the reaction zone and resin impregnated plastic webs are also moved between the press bands in the reaction zone to form a laminated structure which is then stripped from the press bands to form the copper - lined laminates .
the present invention provides a multiple - layer structure for fabricating medical products . the multiple - layered structure has a first layer of a polyester ; a second layer attached to the first layer , the second layer of an ethylene and α - olefin copolymer ; and wherein the structure has a modulus of elasticity of less than about 60 , 000 psi .
ethylene - carbon monoxide copolymer compositions are stabilized against thermal degradation by the incorporation therein of dihydrogen alkali or alkaline earth metal phosphoric acid salts .
the invention provides a solution to the problem of delivering molecules in a physiologically relevant manner to direct cell fate . for example , a notch ligand molecule is presented in a microenvironment that mimics the environment encountered in vivo . accordingly , the invention features a cell delivery vehicle comprising a biocompatible hydrogel or polymer and a composition that binds to a notch receptor and methods of directing cell fate , e . g ., stem cell differentiation , using such compositions .
a method for producing multiple devices for securing identification means to a mounting surface includes a mounting device having a upper surface of translucent plastic film having certain regions glued to a substrate of label stock beneath the film . a gap with opening between the label stock and the film forms a pocket into which an identification means may be inserted or removed . the label stock possesses a face having an adhesive coating which is exposed by a peel - away backing . an image area printed on the label stock prior to application of the plastic film overlay is visible through the pocket and up to the outer edges of each mounting device . the device is economically created in multiples using adhesive label stock in either roll or sheet form .
the invention provides a two - way safety stirrup that will release in the event of the rider being dismounted but which is less prone to unexpected release when pressure is applied in the forward direction . the safety stirrups are of far simpler construction than stirrups of the prior art , yet are not as prone to unexpected release and can be made of non - metal materials , such as plastics and polymers , so that the stirrups are more economically manufactured and are of comparatively light weight .
an apparatus adapted for depositing one or more polymeric materials on the surface of a substrate , which apparatus includes a polymerization chamber ; an inlet for admitting a glow discharge polymerization precursor into the polymerization chamber ; a first conductive member extending into the polymerization chamber ; a first conductive support attached to the first conductive member for holding a substrate ; a power generator arranged for transmitting electrical energy to the first conductive member ; a second conductive member on or within the polymerization chamber , the second conductive member being spaced and insulated from the first conductive member ; and a pump arranged for applying a vacuum to the polymerization chamber ; whereby a glow discharge zone is established within the polymerization chamber when a vacuum is applied thereto and electrical energy from the first conductive member is received by the second conductive member . also disclosed are a process of depositing polymeric materials on the surface of a substrate , which can be conveniently practiced using the above - described apparatus , and a product thereof .
novel single film bipolar membranes , of substantially improved efficiency and durability , i . e . having an ion selectivity above 80 % in an electrolyte medium of about one mole , are prepared from pre - swollen films containing a relatively high amount , i . e . at least 15 % of an insoluble cross - linked aromatic polymer . under controlled conditions , highly dissociable cationic - exchange groups are chemically bonded to the aromatic nuclei to a desired depth of the film from one side only ; subsequently , highly dissociable anion - exchange groups are chemically bonded to the unreacted aromatic nuclei on the other side of the film . the functionalized , densely structured single film ion exchange membrane undergoes negligible degradation , is blister free , and is uniquely suited for electrodialysis particularly water - splitting operations due to its low electrical resistance and low salt leakage . the membrane operates with improved current efficiencies at both high electrolyte concentrations and high current densities , for time periods not previously achievable .
a portable tool designed for effective and efficient lateral truing of damaged spoked wheels , in particular bicycle wheels , is described . the tool is mountable on the bicycle frame , and allows the user to position the truing gauge with four spatial degrees of freedom . the inventive tool features a non - rigidly mounted truing indicator tip to maintain accurate tool alignment when in contact with a rotating wheel rim that is severely bent out the of the plane of the rim by decoupling rim forces from the rest of the tool . in addition , the combination of the floating action of the truing tip and its construction from a soft polymeric material avoids scratching or otherwise marring the surface of the rim during the truing procedure .
a tamper indicating cover seals the closure of a cap container . the cover is secured to the container by means of a safety band secured over an annular protrusion on the container . the safety band has visual indicia different from the remainder of the cover so that when a pull tab on the safety band is pulled , the indicia controling safety band is removed . as the safety band is removed , the remainder of the plastic cover is torn as a result of a helical tear line which may be a stress pattern or a thread embedded in the plastic cover . the cover is secured to the container by heat fusing or other means between the safety band and the protrusion on the container .
this invention relates generally to compositions of macrocyclic polyester oligomer , polycaprolactone , and a thermoplastic elastomer . more particularly , in certain embodiments , the invention relates to recyclable tooling compositions made from mpo , polycaprolactone , and a thermoplastic copolyester elastomer .
the present invention relates to a process for continuously recycling water soluble resin whereby a resin solution including about 6 - 12 percent by weight of resin is sprayed onto a core made of the resin . the resin used for the solution and core is selected from polyacrylic acid , copolymers of acrylic acid and acrylamide , copolymers of acrylic acid salt and ethyl acrylate , copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid , polymethacrylic acid , and copolymers of vinyl alcohol and vinyl acetate . the spraying of the resin solution dissolves the core to form a polymer suspension from which resin is recovered for reuse .
there is provided a phosphor down converting element based on fluoropolymer resin and a method for fabricating the same . there is further provided a method for using said phosphor down converting element to generate white light from a radiation source . the method for fabricating phosphor down converting element includes preparing an appropriate phosphor powder mixture that is capable of absorbing a first band of wavelengths and emitting a second band of wavelengths being greater in length than the first bands , incorporating the phosphor powder mixture into or on a phosphor carrier element comprising a fluoropolymer material , and molding the phosphor down converting elements into useful shapes . fluoropolymers are the most chemically inert of all plastics , can withstand both extremely high and low temperatures , and show a resistance to weavering and uv degradation , making fluoropolymers optimal for use as a phosphor carrier .
the invention , a transdermal delivery method , relates to penetration - enhancing pharmaceutical compositions comprising a novel , stable mixture of cetylated esters , cetyl or stearyl alcohols , polar solvents and surfactants , which , under appropriate conditions , combine into amphiphilic nanoparticles within a stabilized liquid dispersion for use in delivery of medicinal agents through the skin . the term cetosomes is used to describe these particles in order to differentiate them from other nanoparticles , such as niosomes , cerasomes , polymeric micelles , dendrimers , liposomes , lipoids , solid lipid nanoparticles and other particles . the self - assembling cetosomes , with both ionic and nonionic points of attraction , incorporate and concentrate a variety of different bioactive agents of interest and demonstrate stable properties with similarities to colloidal molecular structures . the compositions enhance topical transdermal fluxes of bioactives without permanently disrupting natural skin barrier function .
a process for making a multilayered formable plastic composite laminate and a process for its manufacture which includes preparing an acrylic composition which includes the reaction product of a mixture of predominantly an acrylic monomer and a substantially lesser amount of a polymer thereof , at least one free radical reaction initiating reaction catalyst , and optionally , a chain length regulating agent or a cross - linking agent ; deaerating the acrylic composition ; casting the deaerated acrylic composition upon a sheet or laminate of a thermoplastic material ; and curing the cast acrylic composition in several successive stages so as to substantially polymerize the acrylic monomer and to permit penetration of the acrylic composition preferably to a depth of between about 0 . 001 - 0 . 1 inch into thermoplastic material to form a laminate having a uniform and gradual acrylic / thermoplastic interphase , rather than a sharp separation between the layers thereof , so as to prevent delamination during further processing operations . these laminates are then thermoformed into various shaped articles .
an access control system combines card type keys or mechanical keys and lock cylinders with keyholder authentication , so that only the authorized keyholder or keyholders can use a key at an access control point . the access control point can be a door , gate , drawer , safe , safety deposit box , computer terminal or other situation wherein high security is desirable . in a preferred embodiment , the access control system includes a series of mechanical keys having encoded data stored on the bottom edges of the keys . the encoded data may be in the form of a bar code or optical data storage , either directly formed onto the key or on a strip of plastic or other material bearing the encoded data , secured to the key . in one form of the invention , user authentication involves a biometric feature such as a fingerprint of the intended keyholder . the fingerprint is digitized , encoded and placed on the bottom edge of the mechanical key for that intended keyholder , preferably along with an encoded keyholder identifying number . an authentication reader at a high security access control point includes a keyway with a reader for the encoded data representing the encoded fingerprint , and also a fingerprint reader for reading the user &# 39 ; s fingerprint at each instance of attempted entry . comparison of the attempted user &# 39 ; s fingerprint with the stored fingerprint is preferably made directly at the access control point , so that only the access decision and a keyholder identifying code need to be sent to a central processor .
a molded plastic fixture has a core body formed of a relatively rigid first plastic material and an outer body covering outer surface portions of the core body and formed of an elastomeric material overmolded on the core body and providing improved gripping of supported articles and frictional surfaces to enhance grasping by a user . the fixture is mountable on a wall surface by one or more suction cups , which may be unitary with the outer body or may form part of a separate mounting structure engageable with the fixture in either pivoting or longitudinally sliding relationship therewith . the outer body may be light - transmitting to permit viewing therethrough of the core body , which may be formed of a visually distinguishable material .
composite fibrous constructs are made of combinations of inorganic - organic hybrid monofilament or multifilament yarns containing at least 6 weight percent of inorganic micro -/ nanoparticles and organic monofilament or multifilament yarn with typical examples of the hybrid yarn matrix made of absorbable or non - absorbable thermoplastic polymers and final constructs being in the form of knitted or woven meshes and braided ligatures intended to perform under specific mechanically , biologically , and / or radiologically related functions .
for joining two faces of thermoplastics in a penetration beam welding method the covered face is multiply scanned and thus incremently heated by a laser beam directed through the covering face . this preheating is repeated until the melting temperature is attained . in the region of the covered face a melt thus materializes simultaneously over the full seam length which wets the covering face and thus also transfers this face into melt by heat conduction . on completion of material softening the faces are mutually moved until abutting . thus the two faces weld in principle as if they had been plasticized simultaneously over the full seam length which significantly enhances the seal and strength of the seam , whilst the expenditure the apparatus is low .
composite membranes that exhibit long - term resistance to biofouling comprise a porous support and a crosslinked polyamide discriminating layer having an external surface , the discriminating layer comprising a branched poly polymer attached to its external surface . the branched pao polymer typically has the structure of a molecular comb or brush , and is made by polymerization of a pao macromonomer of the following formula : ro — n — o ] m — v in which r is hydrogen or a c 1 - 20 aliphatic or aromatic group , v is any group containing a polymerizable site , each r ′ is independently hydrogen or a short chain alkyl group , n is an integer of 1 - 6 , and m is an integer of 1 to about 200 . the α end group can be either polymerized or copolymerized .
an apparatus for compression molding plastic articles , comprising at least one molding unit composed of an upper punch and a lower mold provided with a cavity for molding the articles , the punch and mold being aligned with each other and movable between a spaced position and a closer positions , feeders for feeding doses of plastic material to be molded , comprising at least one removal element for removing , in succession , individual doses from an extruder and depositing a removed dose in the molding cavity of the mold when it is spaced from the respective punch , supporting elements for temporarily supporting said dose above the molding cavity , associated with the mold , and actuators for actuating the supporting elements so as to release a dose into the cavity before compression start .
a hydrophilic material having a hydrophilic nature and being biocompatible and processable into nanoparticles wherein a hydrophilic monomer such as threitol or a hydrophilic polymer such as polyethylene glycol is attached to the βposition of an α , β - unsaturated carboxyl group of a polymer comprising an aromatic compound such as 4 - hydroxycinnamic acid in which an aromatic ring is substituted by the α , β - unsaturated carboxyl group and one or more hydroxyl groups . in particular , a hydrophilic material having a nanoparticle size which is highly dispersible in water , can well migrate into the blood and is useful as a drug carrier , a medical material and a sustained drug release material .
the invention provides sponges produced from hydrocolloids by the expansion of gels of these . the foams have properties which can be varied , such as water absorption , biodegradibility , pore size and structure . edible products can be produced which may contain an edible plasticizer , a sugar or sugar substitute and possibly also a flavoring agent or taste enhancer . the novel sponges are produced by preparing a gel of a hydrocolloid , and either sealing it in a closed vessel with a liquid of similar composition , pressurizing the vessel and abruptly releasing the pressure , followed by freeze drying , or by incorporating in such a gel a suitable microorganism , such as a yeast and inducing fermentation in the presence of a suitable nutrient medium , so that the carbon dioxide formed results in the expansion and foam formation , which is processed to the final product . the sponges - foams of the invention are such , that the initial network of the gel is maintained .
a construction article manufactured from recycled waste materials is provided which efficiently utilizes a variety of ordinary refuse materials in providing a high - strength article . the article may be constructed of either ash as well as unburnt material filler and tack combined with a plastic binder , or alternatively metal , glass , paper and cloth may constitute the filler to be combined with the plastic binder . the plastic binder may be of a variety of polymers which may be melted to fuse the waste material together . the article is preferably provided with complimentary recesses and projections on opposite sides whereby similar articles may be combined to interlock with one another and bonded by the use of an organic solvent .
cis - 1 , 4 - polybutadiene can be synthesized by polymerizing 1 , 3 - butadiene monomer with a three component nickel catalyst system containing an organonickel compound , an organoaluminum compound , and a fluorine containing compound . however , the molecular weight of the cis - 1 , 4 - polybutadiene prepared is typically too high to be utilized as a non - oil extended rubber . this invention is based upon the discovery that para - styrenated diphenylamine acts to reduce the molecular weight and to improve the processability of cis - 1 , 4 - polybutadiene prepared with such nickel based catalyst systems . the use of para - styrenated diphenylamine as a modifier in such polymerizations does not change the microstructure of the cis - 1 , 4 - polybutadiene produced . accordingly , the present invention specifically discloses a process for producing cis - 1 , 4 - polybutadiene having a reduced molecular weight and improved processability which comprises polymerizing 1 , 3 - butadiene in the presence of an organonickel compound , an organoaluminum compound , a fluorine containing compound , and para - styrenated diphenylamine ; wherein the organoaluminum compound and the fluorine containing compound are brought together in the presence of the para - styrenated diphenylamine . since para - styrenated diphenylamine is an excellent antidegradant , it also provides the rubber synthesized in its presence with antioxidant protection .
an improved method and apparatus for coating semiconductor substrates with organic photoresist polymers by extruding a ribbon of photoresist in a spiral pattern which covers the entire top surface of the wafer . the invention provides a more uniform photoresist layer and is much more efficient than are current methods in the use of expensive photoresist solutions . a wafer is mounted on a chuck , aligned horizontally and oriented upward . an extrusion head is positioned adjacent to the outer edge of the wafer and above the top surface of the wafer with an extrusion slot aligned radially with respect to the wafer . the wafer is rotated and the extrusion head moved radially toward the center of the wafer while photoresist is extruded out the extrusion slot . the rotation rate of the wafer and the radial speed of the extrusion head are controlled so that the tangential velocity of the extrusion head with respect to the rotating wafer is a constant .
it is an object of the present invention to provide a nanoparticle which comprises a blood circulation promoter and a biodegradable polymer , which is safe and excellent in terms of dispersion stability and has high transparency and good absorbability due to its small particle size . the present invention provides a water - dispersible nanoparticle which comprises a blood circulation promoter and a biodegradable polymer .
a unit dosage form , such as a tablet or the like for delivering poorly water soluble macrolide antibiotics such as clarithromycin into the body in an extended release fashion , is designed to release the active ingredient primarily by tablet erosion though the tablet composition does not comprise any dissolution rate controlling agent , a polymer or esters of fatty acids . such a drug delivery system provides a plasma concentration — time profile suitable for once a day oral administration .
a method of treating blood plasma or fractionated plasma products with fumed colloidal silica to remove fibrinogen without polymerization to fibrin , to remove the plasminogen - plasmin proteolytic enzyme system , to remove cholesterol and lipoproteins and reduce triglycerides , while maintaining plasma coagulation factor ii at pretreatment levels and leaving immunoglobulins and other protein constitutents unaffected , and the resulting product . plasma products treated with fumed silica may be subjected to long - term storage for a year or more without loss of its biologically active support properties , thereby circumventing the problem of hepatitis . the treated plasma products , either fresh or after long - term storage , may be used as a perfusion support media for organ perfusion , for treatment of hemmorrhagic shock and similar purposes for which untreated plasma and fractionated plasma products are customarily used , with equal or superior effectiveness .
an improved process for extruding plastic optical fiber without the need to prepare a preform is provided . specifically , it was discovered that conventional extrusion techniques , e . g ., screw extruders , tended to introduce an undesirable amount of particulate contaminants which increased the loss of the drawn fiber . to overcome this problem , the invention substantially reduces the number of mechanical interactions that contribute to such contamination . the process of the invention does so by using fluid pressure , instead of , e . g ., screw extruders , to induce polymer flow . the process also controls the flow characteristics of the polymer , or halts the flow altogether , without mechanical controls . specifically , the temperature of the sections through which the polymer flows is controllably adjusted , such that it is possible to bring the polymer to a desired flow rate or even to a solid state to provide a plug .
a lid of a fuel tank comprises a lid body constructed of a molded plastic and shaped and sized to be put in an opening formed in a wall of the fuel tank . the lid body has a first portion that is exposed to an outside of the fuel tank when the lid is put in the opening of the wall and a second portion that is exposed to an interior of the fuel tank when the lid is put in the opening of the wall . at least one of the first and second portions has a flat surface for mounting thereon external parts . the lid further comprises a through passage that extends in and through the lid body between the first and second portions . the through passage includes a first passage part terminating at the first portion , a second passage part terminating at the second portion , and a third passage part extending between the first and second passage parts to connect the same . the first and second passage parts are offset in a direction parallel with the flat surface .
the abrasive polishing device has a carrier , typically in the form of a rotatable polishing head and abrasive polishing pads mounted on the carrier . each polishing pad includes an abrasive body which is provided by a thermoplastic polymer impregnated with ultrahard abrasive particles and which presents an abrasive polishing surface for performing an abrasive polishing action in use . the abrasive body is formed with a regular array of recesses , typically narrow capillarytype passages therein which extend to the abrasive surface . the recesses result in improved cooling of the abrasive layer during a polishing operation .
among the conventional methods for producing a solid dispersion , the solvent method is renowned for providing a solid dispersion that has improved solubility and bioavailability for poorly soluble drugs . however , the solvent method often uses volatile organic solvents such as dichloromethane , acetone and alcohol , causing problems such as the organic solvents remaining in the product , environmental pollution , workplace safety as well as the cost of the equipment necessary to avoid these concerns . accordingly , a novel process is provided for preparing a solid dispersion without using the organic solvents often used in a conventional solvent method . that is , it is found that a solid preparation excellent in solubility can be obtained by carrying out a non - solvent coating method in which a core particle or particles are coated with an enteric coating agent and a plasticizer composition comprising a poorly soluble drug dissolved in a plasticizer .
an adapter is provided consisting of a tubular center section and a pair of circular flange sections at each end of the tubular center section . one of the flanges is removable so that coils of tie material such as string , cord , wire , or plastic or paper covered wire and the like can be placed on the adapter and the flange replaced . the tube is segmented circumferentially and can be expanded to tightly engage the inside surface of the coil . one of the flanges floats axially on the adapter and is resiliently biased in the direction of the other flange to tightly engage the side surfaces of the wound up coil .
described herein is a flowerpot made of plastic material , the top rim of which has a closed outer profile , and the procedure for manufacturing which comprises the steps of preparation of the mould , hot injection of the plastic material , injection of a gas at high pressure , cooling , and extraction of the flowerpot .
a composite roof bow includes a flexible plastic segment and a rigid reinforcing segment . in another aspect of the present invention , the flexible plastic segment is insert molded to the reinforcing segment . in another aspect of the present invention , the flexible segment is predominately unfilled plastic and the reinforcing segment is filled plastic , which are attached together to create a generally rigid roof bow .
a process is disclosed for injection - molding of a thermoplastic resin highly filled with a hydrated mineral filler wherein a lubricant is introduced to permit the composition to be molded at a temperature with minimum or no degradation of the filler due to a release of water .
bituminous asphalt binder materials which are modified by the addition of crumb rubber or ground tire rubber and a cross - linking agent are described . in addition , methods are provided for producing a modified asphalt binder containing crumb rubber or ground tire rubber and a cross - linking agent . the modified asphalt binders comprise neat asphalt , crumb rubber , one or more acids and a cross - linking agent . optionally , the modified asphalt binder may include one or more polymer additives . the crumb rubber may be obtained from recycled truck and / or automobile tires . the addition of crumb rubber in asphalt binders can improve the consistency and properties of the asphalt binders at high and low temperatures . in particular , the modified asphalt binders of the present invention exhibit improved elastic behavior , resulting in improved performance of roads or other surfaces paved using the modified asphalt binder . road resistance to permanent deformation , fatigue cracking and thermal cracking is improved by use of the modified asphalt binder .
in a thermoplastic closure unit for a container for the handling and storage of flowable products comprising a substantially tubular pouring part and a closure part sealing the opening of the pouring part , a coating is applied to the pouring part and the closure part for protecting the product . such coatings can be applied to the inside , to the outside or to both sides and can e . g . be provided for protecting the product against the action of oxygen .
an improved method of simultaneously manufacturing a plurality of envelope assemblies of the type used to affix an insert such as a shipping label to a container . a plurality of separate strips of plastic material are arranged side - by - side on a single backing sheet of plastic material . separate layers of adhesive are affixed to portions of the backing sheet extending on either side of each strip of plastic , with a separate , removable covering strip applied to each layer of adhesive until used . each of the separate strips of plastic material is heat sealed to the backing sheet to create an envelope and slits are cut through portions of each plastic strip to provide entry into and exit from the respective envelopes . finally , the plastic strips and backing sheet are cut to separate the envelopes from one another .
a molded rubber or polymer extrusion in the form of a supplement tray designed to fit onto the standard restaurant tray of varying sizes . the supplemental tray is designed to sit upon the surface of the tray , and through various annuluses , an upwardly extending retention means , for holding beer cans and bottles in place during there delivery or removal during usage .
a spin or friction welding apparatus which can accurately locate a container such as a semirigid plastic bottle with respect to an overcap which is to be frictionally welded to the bottle by means of a rotatable spindle member . in order to assure that the overcap is secured to the bottle neck when employing high production machinery utilizing a rotating spindle mechanism for frictionally engaging the cap on a stationary bottle , many tolerances must be compensated for in the dimensions of the cap , the size of the neck on the container , as well as the positioning of the cap in relation to the container . to compensate for these variables , a biasing means is provided in conjunction with the rotatable spindle member so as to effect a predetermined tension on the cap member when it engages the stationary container neck and is spun into frictional engagement with it . further , means are provided in the form of oppositely disposed jaw members with surfaces to surround the neck of the container and position it precisely in axial alignment with the rotatable member . to further assure proper alignment during frictional engagement of the cap and the container neck , the support means for the container is moved out of position so that the only vertical support of the bottle is by means of these jaw members which contact the lower surface of the rib on the container neck . this support contact prevents vertical deformation and horizontal deflection of the bottle and rotation of the bottle is prevented by means of lateral wall members .
in accordance with certain embodiments of the present disclosure , a self - assembling biodegradable nanoparticle is provided . the nanoparticle includes cys - val - val - val - val - val - val - lys - lys conjugated with a synthetic polymer and has a diameter of from about 50 nm to about 150 nm .
a gun for mixing and dispensing plural component plastic materials , and for example as polyurethane foam , is provided with a purging device operable independently of the foam mixing and dispensing mechanism . the purging device comprises a rod , normally positioned rearwardly of the foam component inlet orifices and mixing chamber , the rod being selectively actuable independently of the foam mixing and dispensing operations , by a two way air cylinder controlled by the gun operator .
the invention relates to a single screw extruder comprising a barrier screw and a barrel in which the barrier screw is held in a manner that permits to rotate and comprising at least one feed zone longitudinal section and at least one melting zone longitudinal section . the extruder is characterized in that the barrel , on the inner wall thereof in the area of the melting zone longitudinal section , has at least one groove which runs in a longitudinal direction . the invention also relates to a method for extruding plastic material using a single screw extruder comprising a barrier screw which is held inside a cylinder in a manner that permits it to rotate , whereby the extruder comprises a feed zone and a melting zone , and the barrier screw has at least one solid matter channel and a melting channel . the method is characterized in that solid plastic material is transported in the area of the melting zone in a defined quantity out of the solid matter channel and into the melt channel .