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The dynamic development of service offshoring industry can lately be observed in Central and Eastern Europe, aligned with the global corporate hunt for service improvement and optimisation of delivery costs. Organisational changes, implemented through a transition project are always associated with numerous challenges the industry's managerial community needs to struggle with. The paper presents the collection and classification of the most common problems affecting international service transfers and introduces the case study conducted in the design phase of a transition project. The reengineering of an offshored IT helpdesk's operational model, aiming for key performance indicator's improvement and team work facilitation was performed with the application of various problem solving and service enhancement methods, including the newly proposed SOLVE method for future advancement of creative solution reaching process.
The rapid growth of modern services industry in Poland, observed in the past few years, has been substantially determined by the vast talent pool of well-qualified and cost-efficient workers. The intensive expansion of the industry has been aligned with widely implemented policies of personal development and leadership, aimed to grow and prepare internal human resources for more challenging roles in newly established projects and teams. The paper presents the results of empirical research examining the perception of those schemes and policies, from the perspective of workers employed in the polish offshore service delivery centers.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
This study is an empirical approach to answering the question: are there any universal factors that account for the origin, diffusion and persistence of corruption in human societies? The paper enquires whether the perception of corruption in politics and economics can be tackled as a form of cultural adaptation, driven by exogenous and endogenous forces. These are respectively: freedom of access and management of economic resources, and the pressures towards human grouping. Following the analytical insights of cultural theory, developed by Mary Douglas and later Aaron Wildavsky, variation is introduced through the ways in which corruption is perceived through the different behavioral and cultural biases that prevail in societies. This research introduces a cross-country comparative analysis of 57 countries attempting to test quantitatively whether institutional pressure and emphasis towards social grouping are correlated with corruption perception at country levels.
In the state we trust? - democratization, corruption and development, Alan Doig democratization or the democratization of corruption? - the case of Uganda, David Watt, Rachel Flanery et al causes and consequences of corruption - Mozambique in transition, David Stasavage the changing context of corruption control - the Hong Kong special administrative region, 1997-99, Jonathan Moran combating corruption in Botswana - regional role model or deviant case? Robin Theobald and Robert Williams democracy, development and anto-corruption strategies - learning from the Australian experience, Robert Williams conclusion - prospects for reform in a globalized ceonomy, Robin Theobald.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
In this paper, we study a physical system that is composed of a massive charged scalar field linearly coupled to a charged rotating Kerr-Newman black hole. Given the parameters of the black hole and a specific set of "quantum" numbers, the parameter space of the scalar field, which is a plane spanned by its mass and charge, is divided into five partitions by three simple constraint lines and the existence line of scalar clouds. The physical properties of the system in these partitions are presented. It is found that superradiant instability may be possibly caused only in two of the partitions. In particular, it is shown that both the mass and charge of the scalar clouds are bounded in a limited region. Our results may be used to rapidly judge the possible occurrence of superradiant instability and the existence of scalar clouds around a given black hole.
We investigate the scattering of a massless scalar field by a Kerr-Newman black hole, considering the case of on-axis incidence. We use the partial wave method to find numerical results for the scattering cross section, which we compare with classical and semiclassical analytical results, obtaining excellent agreement. We present a selection of plots for different values of the black hole parameters.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
This study examines the perceptions and experiences of international counseling students (ICSs) in university training programs in Turkey. A majority of participants reported they had adjusted positively, but did experience problems related to language, food, and customs. Participants largely also thought that the training in Turkey met their expectations, although some stated they desired more counseling coursework and applied experiences. More than half of the ICSs surveyed thought that they would not return to their home countries because of job opportunity problems. The results are considered in relation to counselor training in Turkey and student adaptation in that context.
Counsellor education in Britain is steadily turning into a multicultural environment. The limited relevant literature focuses on the challenges that ‘culturally different’ and international trainees may encounter. The aim of this paper is to elucidate a rarely exposed aspect of international counselling trainees' training experience, namely, the benefits they identify in practising across languages and cultures during placement. The illustration of this positive perspective is pertinent to the profession, as it expands existing knowledge on international trainees' experience of clinical practice and it challenges the prevailing conceptualisation of this situation as potentially problematic. It is argued that a shift towards a more holistic understanding of this population's counselling experiences is likely to have particularly useful implications for counsellor education and the profession more broadly.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Part one of this paper draws a distinction between the concepts of the personal qualities and values required of those occupying a leadership role, leadership competencies, and engaging leadership behaviour. On the basis of reviews of the literature and survey, empirical and case study data, it concludes that personal qualities and values, and leadership competencies are necessary, but not sufficient, for effective leadership. Part two goes on to consider the relationship between leader development and leadership development, and to present a ‘mental model’, which seeks to integrate these three concepts and to relate them to the distinction between leader behaviour and leadership behaviour, as well as the development of human and social capital.
The national policy Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health (Department of Health, 2005) is in its fifth and final year. Evidence suggests that the changes that were hoped for have not been achieved. This has raised the question as to whether the objectives were unattainable or whether the implementation is yet to see the leadership that is required to bring change in a field fraught with emotion and soured optimism. Drawing on engaging leadership theories and the concept of organisational incompetence this paper highlights key requirements for change, including giving a focus on what has gone well, for example through using appreciative inquiry, and on pursuing possibilities beyond those prescribed through performance management.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Stakeholder analysis is an essential part of business education as students develop awareness of the different perspectives that influence business and the difficult decisions made by business, government and communities. An important aspect of learning is to think critically about who is presenting the viewpoint and the conclusions they have drawn. We have found that the Jigsaw Method is a powerful way to learn the importance of different viewpoints in the teaching of ethical practice and sustainability.
This article reports on a study for the Higher Education Funding Council for England on the impact of employability skills teaching and learning on graduate labour market prospects. The findings of the study cast doubt on the assumption that these skills can be effectively developed within classrooms. Detailed information gathered at university department level is drawn on to assess how academics perceive and engage in the teaching and learning of employability skills. It is argued that, despite the best intentions of academics to enhance graduates’ employability, the limitations inherent within the agenda will consistently produce mixed outcomes. Furthermore, it is argued that resources would be better utilised to increase employment‐based training and experience, and/or employer involvement in courses, which were found to positively affect immediate graduate prospects in the labour market and, therefore, support graduates in the transitional stage into employment.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Many of the world's population have gained from the globalization of product markets. At the same time the numbers living in absolute poverty have remained stubbornly large and inter- and intra-country income distribution has worsened as globalization has proceeded. Two outcomes to globalization are analysed - a positive-sum 'blue scenario' of full employment and effective redistributive mechanisms, and a 'red scenario' of a growing global reserve army of skilled workers, and the weakness of political processes favouring redistributive mechanisms. The conclusion is that the negative-sum red scenario is the most likely outcome of the unequalizing tendencies of globalization. The role which China plays in the creation of this global reserve army of labour - especially of skilled labour - is given particular attention.
This paper examines the performance of Export Processing Zones in the Dominican Republic. It shows that in specializing in unskilled labor-intensive export processing in the context of competitive devaluations between Central American countries, the Dominican Republic has experienced immiserizing employment growth. In these circumstances the export of labor-intensive manufactures is akin to that of primary commodities. Exporting countries which rely on unskilled labor and which fail to make the transition to higher value-added production exports are thus likely to experience declining terms of trade. The conclusions of this case study are considered to have wider relevance to World Bank and International Monetary Fund inspired structural adjustment programs in the Region.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
We study pollution permit markets in which a fraction of permits are allocated to firms based on their output. Output-based allocations, which are receiving increasing attention in the design of carbon markets around the world (e.g., Europe, California, New Zealand), are shown to be optimal under demand and supply volatility despite the output distortions they may create. In a market that covers multiple sectors, the optimal design combines auctioned permits with output-based allocations that are specific to each sector and increasing in its volatility. When firms are better informed about the latter or must self select, the regulator resort to some free (i.e., lump-sum) allocations to sort firms out.
utput-based allocations (OBAs) are typically used in emission trading systems (ETS) with a fixed cap to mitigate leakage in sectors at risk. Recent work has shown they may also be welfare enhancing in markets subject to supply and demand shocks by introducing some exibility in the total cap, resulting in a carbon price closer to marginal damage. We extend previous work to simultaneously include both leakage and volatility. We study how OBA permits can be implemented under an overall cap that may change with the level of production in contrast with a design that deducts OBA permits from the overall permit allocation as is the current practice in the EU-ETS and California. We show that introducing OBA permits while keeping the overall cap fi xed would only increase price uctuations and induce severe welfare losses to non-OBA sectors.
We prove that groups acting geometrically on delta-quasiconvex spaces contain no essential Baumslag-Solitar quotients as subgroups. This implies that they are translation discrete, meaning that the translation numbers of their nontorsion elements are bounded away from zero.
Method of making an fastener member
The present invention relates to a method of forming a fastener member having a base 114 and projecting from the base and a plurality of head attach system 118 arranged in a hengyeol. Forming a permanent base mold 102, sacrificial stem mold 100, and the permanent head mold the fastener member by injection molding the molten material into the 104, and thereby solidifying the material within the mold. After removing the base mold and head mold can be removed the stem mold to release the fastener member.
To work in a center hole fixrure problem of Italian S530 exists for the product scratch point,the linkage mechanism for the study,three-dimensional design software by Pro/Engineer 4.0 exercise of its movement mechanism simulation analysis gripper movement trajectories and parts scratched the real reasons for the further transformation of the structure of the fixture,fixture work solve the process of scratching the bottom of the problem,on the basis of kinematics simulation summarized Pro/E4.0 mechanical maintenance process in the modern areas of application
Clinical analysis of absorbable screws in the treatment of Barton fracture
Objective To study the clinical curative effect of absorbable screws on Barton fractures. Methods From July2007 to December 2013,absorption screws provided by GUNZE company were used for the treatment of 34 cases of Barton fracture,within 4 weeks after surgery plaster fixed wrist joints. Results All patients with fracture healing,no fracture,no iatrogenic vascular nerve injury,healing limb palmar tilt,distal radius ulnar deviation and relative length compared with preoperative all significantly improved. According to the Sarmiento rating criteria,the excellent and good rate was 91. 1%. Conclusion As long as strictly grasp the indications,operation is proper,absorbable screw is a reliable,safe and biological materials in the treatment of fracture.
PURPOSE: To completely stabilize a vertebra and a piece of the vertebra, and to obtain the high rigidity in a longitudinal direction even though the high stress is applied to the vertebra positioned on this part of the vertebra. CONSTITUTION: A plate comprising a through hole 13 for a fixing tool, and plural stylus projections 12, is installed, and the through holes 13 are formed as the slots having a major side in a longitudinal direction of the plate 11, at the both edges of the plate 11. The stylus projections 12 respectively comprising an ahchor tooth 121 is installed near the through holes 13. The plate 11 comprises a hole 14 for fixing the position impactor at an almost central port of the same.
Alterlation of Fixture with Motion Simulation Based on Pro/Engineer 4.0
To work in a center hole fixrure problem of Italian S530 exists for the product scratch point,the linkage mechanism for the study,three-dimensional design software by Pro/Engineer 4.0 exercise of its movement mechanism simulation analysis gripper movement trajectories and parts scratched the real reasons for the further transformation of the structure of the fixture,fixture work solve the process of scratching the bottom of the problem,on the basis of kinematics simulation summarized Pro/E4.0 mechanical maintenance process in the modern areas of application
The present invention relates to a plug-in lock driving device of an electrical switchgear device unit which is installed in the frame, the propulsion unit is a screw that is designed to drive the device, between when the means for operating the drive plug-in position and the plug-out position-nut system, It includes. According to the invention, the apparatus prevents the screw 5 is prevented from rotating in the opposite direction resulting in a circuit breaker plug-in or plug-out operation after moving of the switch gear device.
Adjusting device for a front flap
Adjusting device (1) for a front lid (2) with an actuator (3) for raising the rear edge of the front lid (2), wherein the adjusting device (1) has a front-lid-mounted leg (4) with a guide (5) and a vehicle-body-mounted retaining element (8) with a section guided the guide (5), wherein the guide (5) of the front-lid-mounted leg (4) is movable relative to the section of the retaining element (8) by the actuator (3) for raising the rear edge of the front lid (2).
To work in a center hole fixrure problem of Italian S530 exists for the product scratch point,the linkage mechanism for the study,three-dimensional design software by Pro/Engineer 4.0 exercise of its movement mechanism simulation analysis gripper movement trajectories and parts scratched the real reasons for the further transformation of the structure of the fixture,fixture work solve the process of scratching the bottom of the problem,on the basis of kinematics simulation summarized Pro/E4.0 mechanical maintenance process in the modern areas of application
Capital repair of SGZ960/750 double centre chains scraper conveyor's line pan
Be estabilished in existing equipment of the workshop,working_out a reasonable technique,renovated the equipment of the new type.
The paper introducess the implemented conditions which colling recycle of flexible base on Ying-DaLine.It over all xpounds the investigation of road condlitions of original pavement,indoor trial study,determination of trial lot plan as well as completion of trial lot etc.
Striker device of a mower housing has discs
To work in a center hole fixrure problem of Italian S530 exists for the product scratch point,the linkage mechanism for the study,three-dimensional design software by Pro/Engineer 4.0 exercise of its movement mechanism simulation analysis gripper movement trajectories and parts scratched the real reasons for the further transformation of the structure of the fixture,fixture work solve the process of scratching the bottom of the problem,on the basis of kinematics simulation summarized Pro/E4.0 mechanical maintenance process in the modern areas of application
how much does daklinza cost
1 A typical fill can cost $21,365 or more for 28 tablets of Daklinza 60mg. 2 Patients in need of this drug may find most of the cost paid by an insurance company, government, or non profit organization. 3 If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the manufacturer may also offer assistance.his drug is considered a specialty medication, which means: 1 It may be expensive. 2 A typical fill can cost $21,365 or more for 28 tablets of Daklinza 60mg.
Daklinza used in combination with sofosbuvir (with or without ribavirin) was shown to be effective at clearing the hepatitis C virus from the blood in a main study involving 211 adults. The patients in the study were infected with genotypes 1, 2 or 3 and all received treatment for 12 or 24 weeks.ntivirals for systemic use. Daklinza is indicated in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in adults (see sections 4.2, 4.4 and 5.1). For HCV genotype specific activity, see sections 4.4 and 5.1.
shingles vaccination cost
Another way of looking at it is 175 people would have to be vaccinated to prevent one case of shingles, and 1,087 would need to be treated to prevent one case of postherpetic neuralgia (lingering nerve pain after an initial attack)—at a cost of $150–$300 per shingles vaccination.n the placebo group, 3.3 percent of the study participants developed shingles, compared to 1.6 percent in the vaccine group. Yes, that’s a 50 percent difference, but the real, absolute risk reduction is just 1.7 percentage points.
How much does the shingles vaccine cost? The cost of the shingles vaccine will depend on where you get it from and your geographical location. On average, this vaccine is going to cost anywhere from $200 to as much as $275 per shot. One of the biggest drugstores that sell shingles vaccine is Walgreens.
How Much Does IVF Cost
The average IVF cost is $12,000, but it can be as much as $15,000 or may be as low as $10,000. It's rarely lower than that. These prices are for one cycle of IVF. One study asked couples at a fertility clinic to track all their out-of-pocket expenses over a period of 18 months.
IVF costs add up quickly. Just one cycle can cost anywhere from $10,000 up to $25,000, depending on what specific IVF technologies you need. One study found that the average couple spent $19,000 in out-of-pocket expenses IVF. For each additional cycle, their out-of-pocket expenses went up an average of $7,000.
cost of chemotherapy for certical cancer
1 Chemotherapy often is combined with radiation for treating advanced cervical cancer. 2 Chemotherapy typically costs $10,000-$200,000, depending on which drugs are used, how they are administered and the number of treatments required. A study published in the journal Gynecologic Oncology reports that a commonly used treatment for cervical cancer, the chemotherapy drug Cisplatin combined with radiation, typically costs about $40,000 total, while adding the drug Gemcitabine increased the total cost to more than $60,000.
1 For example, women on a BreastCancer.org forum report chemotherapy costs of $7,000-$40,000 per treatment. 2 Depending on the individual case and the type and number of treatments needed, the total cost of breast cancer treatment, on average, can reach $100,000 -- or, in advanced cases, $300,000 or more. Chemotherapy can cost about $10,000-$100,000 or more, depending on the drugs, the method of administration and the length or number of treatments. 2 For example, women on a BreastCancer.org forum report chemotherapy costs of $7,000-$40,000 per treatment.
cost of housing an inmate in prison
One study estimated that the aver-. age per-cell cost of housing an inmate in a supermax prison. is $75,000, as opposed to $25,000 for an inmate in the gen-. eral population.3. While many states do not publish data on the costs of isolat-. ed confinement in their prisons, a survey of available figures. clearly reveals the high price of solitary .
The average annual cost to house, feed and care for a state prison inmate is $32,986, which includes $4,737 for health care, Department of Corrections spokeswoman Susan Bensinger said. Laurel Highlands' annual per-inmate cost is $45,993, or nearly 30 percent higher than the statewide average.
cost per year to incarcerate a prisoner
And by nearly any measure, New York City spends more than every other state or city. The Vera Institute of Justice released a study in 2012 that found the aggregate cost of prisons in 2010 in the 40 states that participated was $39 billion. The annual average taxpayer cost in these states was $31,286 per inmate.nd by nearly any measure, New York City spends more than every other state or city. The Vera Institute of Justice released a study in 2012 that found the aggregate cost of prisons in 2010 in the 40 states that participated was $39 billion. The annual average taxpayer cost in these states was $31,286 per inmate.
A report by the organization, The Price of Prisons, states that the cost of incarcerating one inmate in Fiscal 2010 was $31,307 per year.In states like Connecticut, Washington state, New York, it's anywhere from $50,000 to $60,000, he said.Yes - $60,000 a year.That's a teacher's salary, or a firefighter's. report by the organization, The Price of Prisons, states that the cost of incarcerating one inmate in Fiscal 2010 was $31,307 per year.
what are the cost associated with the war on drugs
As part of the War on Drugs, the US spends approximately $500 million per year on aid for Colombia, largely used to combat guerrilla groups such as FARC that are involved in the illegal drug trade.ccording to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government.
Source: BioMarin. At a time when leading presidential candidates are threatening to curb runaway drug prices, it seems crazy for a company that is not yet profitable to spend so much on a drug like Kuvan that can cost patients more than $200,000 per year.
estimated cost of c section delivery
Notably, a vaginal delivery at St. Lucie was much lower – starting at $3,700 – while at Fort Walton Beach vaginal deliveries estimates were among the highest in the network, starting at $7,124. At some hospitals, for example, there was not much difference between the estimated cost of c-section and vaginal deliveries.t the low end of the HCA pay scale was Las Colinas Medical Center in Texas, where the average cost of a c-section ranged from $1,692 to $2,071, and a vaginal delivery cost between $1,304 and $1,594.
1 In most plans, that ranges from about $1,500 to $3,000. 2 According to a study by the March of Dimes Foundation, the average out-of-pocket cost for a vaginal delivery for privately insured patients was $463 and for a C-section, $523. The biggest factors affecting the cost of a birth are: whether it is vaginal or Cesarean; whether there are complications; and the length of the hospital stay. 2 Geographical location also plays a part; baby delivery is most expensive in the Northeast and on the West coast and least expensive in the south.
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Direct Deposit saves the government, companies, the country and individuals an enormous amount of money. For consumers, total direct and indirect costs of depositing a check instead of using Direct Deposit is $5.88, according to the study Tinucci & Associates.Small companies with 2,500 employees can save $1,200 a month by using Direct Deposit instead of paper checks.ome employers do not offer it and some employees who may not understand the societal benefits of Direct Deposit prefer paper checks. Usage will increase when people understand how much Direct Deposit can eliminate fraud and abuse and save the government, companies and consumers millions of dollars a year.
Fees & Balance Requirements. The monthly fee for this account is above the market average by about $2.00. Check out some free checking accounts. Most checking accounts require an initial deposit of $50.00, so you will have to deposit relatively more upon account opening.
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The Mensa Admission Test costs $40, takes two hours, and consists of two separate exams: the Mensa Wonderlic® and the Mensa Admission Test. Anyone scoring in the 98th percentile or higher on either gains the right to pay $70 per year for membership.
For only $18, you can take the Mensa Home Test online now, and it will be scored immediately. The GIQ Test is an online analog for the most common clinically proctored IQ tests. In our internal study, the GIQTest correlated within about 4% of an individual’s full scale score on a clinically proctored IQ test.
Inquiry into Application of Technical Guideline for Noise Environmental Impact Assessment
By studying and applying the Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment( HJ 2. 4-2009),the paper argues that several issues should be given special attentions during noise impact assessment of construction project,e. g. the evaluation hierarchy,the identification and analysis of noise source intensity,environmental baseline investigation and monitoring,the prediction and assessment of environmental impact,and noise control measures.
Error performance at the physical layer of digital communications equipment is a major ::: factor in determining transmission quality. The ITU-T G.826, G.828, G.829 and G.8201 ::: recommendations identify error parameters for high-speed digital networks in relation ::: to G.821 recommendation. The paper describes the relations between individual error ::: parameters and the error rate. ::: Keywords: CRC-4, BIP-8, digital networks, SDH, block error measurement
Measurement of exception-handling code: An exploratory study
This paper presents some preliminary results from an empirical study of 12 Java applications from the Qualitas corpus. We measure the quantity and distribution of exception-handling constructs, and study their change as the systems evolve through several versions.
Error performance at the physical layer of digital communications equipment is a major ::: factor in determining transmission quality. The ITU-T G.826, G.828, G.829 and G.8201 ::: recommendations identify error parameters for high-speed digital networks in relation ::: to G.821 recommendation. The paper describes the relations between individual error ::: parameters and the error rate. ::: Keywords: CRC-4, BIP-8, digital networks, SDH, block error measurement
A posteriori error estimation for acoustic wave propagation problems
The main purpose of this paper is to review a posteriori error estimators for the simulation of acoustic wave propagation problems by computational methods. Residual-type (explicit and implicit) and recovery-type estimators are presented in detail in the case of the Helmholtz problem. Recent work on goal-oriented error estimation techniques with respect to so-called quantities of interest or output functionals are also accounted for. Fundamental results from a priori error estimation are presented and issues dealing with pollution error at large wave numbers are extensively discussed.
Summary form only given, as follows. A study is presented of precision constraints imposed by a hybrid chip architecture with analog neurons and digital backpropagation calculations. Conversions between the analog and digital domains and weight storage restrictions impose precision limits on both analog and digital calculations. It is shown through simulations that a learning system of this nature can be implemented in spite of limited resolution in the analog circuits and using fixed-point arithmetic to implement the backpropagation algorithm. >
Detection of Mechanically Deboned Meat in Cold Cuts by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
In present study the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was investigated for the detection and differentiation of mechanically deboned meat (MDM) content treated with high pressure techniques in meat products. A number of samples of meat products were prepared containing different proportions of MDM and elemental analysis was performed by a multi-element ICP-MS method after microwave assisted acid digestion of processed meat samples in closed vessels acid microwave digestion method. Element concentrations were plotted versus MDM content and obvious differences were observed for certain elements. Among all examined elements, barium presented a clear trend in correlation of its concentration with the MDM content. The results of this preliminary study indicate that it is possible to detect the proportion of % MDM content in processed meat products by its correlation to barium concentration.
A methodology for hierarchical statistical circuit characterization which does not rely upon circuit-level Monte Carlo simulation is presented. The methodology uses principal component analysis, response surface methodology, and statistics to directly calculate the statistical distributions of higher-level parameters from the distributions of lower-level parameters. We have used the methodology to characterize a folded cascode operational amplifier and a phase-locked loop. This methodology permits the statistical characterization of large analog and mixed-signal systems, many of which are extremely time-consuming or impossible to characterize using existing methods.
Improved algorithm for the implementation of unified FDTD in underwater sound scattering
In this paper, a set of unified finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) formulae are presented. These formulae are applicable to underwater sound scattering from various objects with a finite acoustic impedance, either with or without shear strains. A major improvement has been made to the FDTD algorithm to remove most of the loop operations. This makes the finite-difference field computation very efficient and, more importantly, suitable for the implementation of distributed parallel computing. Other advantages of the new algorithm include the ease in modeling objects having complicated shapes. Numerical experiment results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
In this paper, we consider a network of N identical IEEE 802.11 DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) terminals with RTS/CTS mechanism, each of which is assumed to be saturated. For performance analysis, we propose a simple and efficient mathematical model to derive the statistical characteristics of the network such as the inter-transmission time of packets in the network and the service time (the inter-transmission time of successful packet transmissions) of the network. Numerical results and simulations are provided to validate the accuracy of our model and to study the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF network.
The Choice of Initial Configurations in Multidimensional Scaling: Local Minima, Fit, and Interpretability
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) algorithms can easily end up in local minima, depending on the starting configuration. This is particularly true for 2-dimensional ordinal MDS. A simulation study shows that there can be many local minima that all have an excellent model fit (i.e., small Stress) even if they do not recover a known latent configuration very well, and even if they differ substantially among each other. MDS programs give the user only one supposedly Stress-optimal solution. We here present a procedure for analyzing all MDS solutions resulting from using a variety of different starting configurations. The solutions are compared in terms of fit and configurational similarity. This allows the MDS user to identify different types of solutions with acceptable Stress, if they exist, and then pick the one that is best interpretable.
We study a new technique for optimal data compression subject to conditions of causality and different types of memory. The technique is based on the assumption that some information about compressed data can be obtained from a solution of the associated problem without constraints of causality and memory. This allows us to consider two separate problem related to compression and de- compression subject to those constraints. Their solutions are given and the analysis of the associated errors is provided. Keywords—stochastic signals, optimization problems in signal processing.
Effects of fissioning nuclei distributions on fragment mass distributions for high energy fission
We study the effects of fissioning nuclei mass- and energy-distributions on the formation of fragments for fission induced by high energy probes. A Monte Carlo code called CRISP was used for obtaining mass distributions and spectra of the fissioning nuclei for reactions induced by 660 MeV protons on 241 Am and on 239 Np, by 500 MeV protons on 208 Pb, and by Bremsstrahlung photons with end-point energies at 50 MeV and 3500 MeV on 238 U. The results show that even at high excitation energies, asymmetric fission may still contribute significantly to the fission cross section of actinide nuclei, while it is the dominante mode in the case of lead. However, more precise data for high energy fission on actinide are necessary in order to allow definite conclusions.
In this paper we compute the packet error probability induced in a frequency hopped spread spectrum packet radio network. The frequency spectrum is divided into q frequency bins and the packets are divided into M bytes each. Every user in the network sends each of the M bytes of his packet at a frequency chosen among the q frequencies with equal probability, and independently of the frequencies chosen for other bytes (i.e. memoryless frequency-hopping patterns). Furthermore, statistically independent frequency hopping patterns correspond to different users in the network. We show that, although memoryless frequency hopping patterns are utilized, the byte errors at the receiver are not statistically independent" instead they exhibit a Markovian structure. We also compute the packet error probability induced when Reed-Solomon codes are used for the encoding of the packets.
SSK in the presence of improper Gaussian noise: Optimal receiver design and error analysis
In this paper, we have designed an optimal detector for the space shift keying (SSK) receiver in the presence of the improper Gaussian noise (IGN) with multiple antennas mounted the transmitter and receiver nodes. We have analyzed this optimal detector by finding the error probability and comparing the performance of this receiver with the suboptimal one which uses the traditional maximum-likelihood (ML) detector to detect the IGN as if it is a proper Gaussian noise (PGN). The analytical expressions obtained can be used under general complex fading channels. The analytically derived results have been validated using the simulation, where it is demonstrated that the importance of using the optimal receiver, in addition to the importance of considering the IGN over the (PGN) at the receiver.
We describe preliminary results from an effort to quantify the uncertainties in parton distribution functions and the resulting uncertainties in predicted physical quantities. The production cross section of the $W$ boson is given as a first example. Constraints due to the full data sets of the CTEQ global analysis are used in this study. Two complementary approaches, based on the Hessian and the Lagrange multiplier method respectively, are outlined. We discuss issues on obtaining meaningful uncertainty estimates that include the effect of correlated experimental systematic uncertainties and illustrate them with detailed calculations using one set of precision DIS data.
Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for Gaussian ensembles
We study in depth the nesting graph and volume distribution of the nodal domains of a Gaussian field, which have been shown in previous works to exhibit asymptotic laws. A striking link is established between the asymptotic mean connectivity of a nodal domain (i.e.\ the vertex degree in its nesting graph) and the positivity of the percolation probability of the field, along with a direct dependence of the average nodal volume on the percolation probability. Our results support the prevailing ansatz that the mean connectivity and volume of a nodal domain is conserved for generic random fields in dimension $d=2$ but not in $d \ge 3$, and are applied to a number of concrete motivating examples.
We present a novel technique for accurately estimating the proportions of packet losses arising from collisions and from other sources of loss (channel noise, hidden nodes etc). Our approach is robust, makes use of local station-level measurements and requires no message passing. The required measurements are available in standard hardware as they are required for CSMA/CA operation. No channel quality probing is required which ensures energy efficiency
Microcalorimetric study of thermal unfolding of lysozyme in water/glycerol mixtures: An analysis by solvent exchange model
Induction of cholesteric mesophases in nematic liquid crystals, and correlation of absolute configurations of some chiral oxiranes and thiiranes
Adipose Lipolysis Unchanged by Preexercise Carbohydrate Regardless of Glycemic Index
Mechanical Spectroscopy of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers
we report a low frequency mechanical relaxation study of molecular motions near and below glass transition in side chain liquid crystal polymers (SCLCP) in the cholesteric state. The SCLCP was a blend of crosslinked and uncrosslinked materials. Different compositions were studied. These materials exhibit low temperature relaxation processes and a main relaxation connected to the glass transition. Localiscd motions arc responsible for the low temperature processes while the main relaxation exhibits cooperative features and is sensitive to the amount of crosslinked fraction. The relaxation blue in the glass transition range when plotted against normalised reciprocal temperature shows that the molecular motions display a fragile character in agreement with the highly cooperative feature and strong physical aging effects. These observations are discussed in the frame of correlated motions involved in the liquid glass transition.
The aqueous two-phase system has been applied to the separation of biomolecules because of its gentle character, easy operation and high separating efficiency. The systems that are being used may include the poly-poly system, the poly-electrolyte system and the newly-developed micellar system. In this paper, we analyzed the thermodynamic models for the partition-calculating coefficients of protein in each system, hoping that is will be of help for further research.
We update our approximate parametrizations of the three-loop splitting functions for the evolution of unpolarized parton densities in perturbative QCD. The new information taken into account is given by the additional Mellin moments recently calculated by Retey and Vermaseren. The inclusion of these constraints reduces the uncertainties of our approximations considerably and extends their region of applicability by about one order of magnitude to lower momentum fractions x.
It has been observed that in the DIS scheme the refactorization of the Drell-Yan cross section leading to exponentiation of threshold logarithms can also be used to organize a class of constant terms, most of which arise from the ratio of the timelike Sudakov form factor to its spacelike counterpart. We extend this exponentiation to include all constant terms, and demonstrate how a similar organization may be achieved in the MS-bar scheme. We study the relevance of these exponentiations in a two-loop analysis.
Perfect Quantum Cloning Machines (QCM) would allow to use quantum nonlocality for arbitrary fast signaling. However perfect QCM cannot exist. We derive a bound on the fidelity of QCM compatible with the no-signaling constraint. This bound equals the fidelity of the Bu\v{z}ek-Hillery QCM.
We study the influence of the chiral phase transition on the chiral magnetic effect. The azimuthal charge-particle correlations as functions of the temperature are calculated. It is found that there is a pronounced cusp in the correlations as the temperature reaches its critical value for the QCD phase transition. It is predicted that there will be a drastic suppression of the charge-particle correlations as the collision energy in RHIC decreases to below a critical value. We show then the azimuthal charge-particle correlations can be the signal to identify the occurrence of the QCD phase transitions in RHIC energy scan experiments.
In the presence of dense matter quantum anomalies give rise to two new transport phenomena. An anomalous current is generated either by an external magnetic field or through vortices in the fluid carrying the anomalous charge. The associated transport coefficients are the anomalous magnetic and vortical conductivities. Whereas a Kubo formula for the anomalous magnetic conductivity is well known we develop a new Kubo type formula that allows the calculation of the vortical conductivity through a two point function of the anomalous current and the energy current. We also point out that the anomalous vortical conductivity can be understood as a response to a gravitomagnetic field. We apply these Kubo formulas to a simple holographic system, the R-charged black hole.
We discuss the evidence for the presence of QCD saturation effects in the data collected in d+Au collisions at RHIC. In particular we focus our analysis on forward hadron yields and azimuthal correlations. Approaches alternative to the CGC description of these two observables are discussed in parallel.
Jets from boosted heavy particles have a typical angular scale which can be used to distinguish it from QCD jets. We introduce a machine learning strategy for jet substructure analysis using a spectral function on the angular scale. The angular spectrum allows us to scan energy deposits over the angle between a pair of particles in a highly visual way. We set up an artificial neural network (ANN) to find out characteristic shapes of the spectra of the jets from heavy particle decays. By taking the discrimination of Higgs jets from QCD jets as an example, we show that the ANN based on the angular spectrum has similar performance to existing taggers. In addition, some improvement is seen in the case that additional extra radiations occur. Notably, the new algorithm automatically combines the information of the multi-point correlations in the jet.
We introduce a jet shape observable defined for an ensemble of jets in terms of two-particle angular correlations and a resolution parameter R. This quantity is infrared and collinear safe and can be interpreted as a scaling exponent for the angular distribution of mass inside the jet. For small R it is close to the value 2 as a consequence of the approximately scale invariant QCD dynamics. For large R it is sensitive to non-perturbative effects. We describe the use of this correlation function for tests of QCD, for studying underlying event and pile-up effects, and for tuning Monte Carlo event generators.
This book offers a concise introduction to the angular momentum, one of the most fundamental quantities in all of quantum mechanics. Beginning with the quantization of angular momentum, spin angular momentum, and the orbital angular momentum, the author goes on to discuss the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for a two-component system. After developing the necessary mathematics, specifically spherical tensors and tensor operators, the author then investigates the 3-"j," 6-"j," and 9-"j" symbols. Throughout, the author provides practical applications to atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics. These include partial-wave expansions, the emission and absorption of particles, the proton and electron quadrupole moment, matrix element calculation in practice, and the properties of the symmetrical top molecule.
We study QCD with nonzero chemical potential on 44 lattices by averaging over the canonical partition functions, or sectors with fixed quark number. We derive a condensed matrix of size 2×3×L3 whose eigenvalues can be used to find the canonical partition functions. We also experiment with a weight for configuration generation which respects the Z(3) symmetry which forces the canonical partition function to be zero for quark numbers that are not multiples of three.
We study the Lee-Yang zeros in the canonical approach to search phase transition points at finite temperature and density in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model as an effective model of QCD. The canonical approach is a promising method to avoid the sign problem in lattice QCD at finite density. We find that a set of Lee-Yang zeros computed with finite degrees of freedom can be extrapolated to those with infinite degrees of freedom, providing the correct phase transition point. We propose the present method as a useful method for actual lattice simulations for QCD.
Every function of n inputs can be efficiently computed by a complete network of n processors in such a way that: If no faults occur, no set of size t n /2 of players gets any additional information (other than the function value), Even if Byzantine faults are allowed, no set of size t n /3 can either disrupt the computation or get additional information. Furthermore, the above bounds on t are tight!
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of SmMn2H2
Abstract A 147 Sm and 149 Sm nuclear magnetic resonance study of the hydride SmMn 2 H 2 at 4.2 K is reported. Well resolved quadrupole septets are observed in the spectra of both isotopes. The value of the hyperfine field, 342.7 T, corresponds with the fully polarised magnetic state, J z = J =5/2, of samarium in the compound. The magnitude of the electric field gradient derived from the line separation in the spectra and the quadrupole oscillations of the spin echo decay curves reveals a considerable lattice contribution to the electric field gradient. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of hydrogen on the contribution of Sm to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the compound and a conclusion about the magnetic structure of the compound is given.
I discuss recent developments in the study of cosmological limits on the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). In particular, I focus on the effect of neutralino-stau coannihilation on the relic abundance of neutralinos, and I give examples where the cosmologically derived limits on the supersymmetric parameters are relaxed, and one example (CP violating phases) where they are not.
Quark Condensate and Nucleon-Antinucleon Phase Transition from Hadronic Models at Finite Temperature
We investigate different hadronic model parametrizations at high temperature regime. All the models were constructed to reproduce some observables at low temperature. At high temperature this study becomes important once a copious number of antiparticles arises playing an essential role in the high energy heavy-ion collision experiments like RHIC, SPS and LHC. In our study we observe a model dependent first-order phase transition at about 180 MeV. It was also verified that the order parameter, in-medium effective baryon mass, is very similar to the quark condensate as a function of the temperature. This result acquires importance since the quark condensate is the phase transition order parameter from hadronic (massive mesons) to chiral (massless mesons) phases.
We propose a simple scheme to start a parton-shower evolution description from a given jet configuration in ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ annihilation events. This allows a convenient combination of the full angular information content of matrix elements with the detailed sub-jet structure of parton showers, and should give a realistic overall description of event properties. Explicit studies with this hybrid approach are presented for the four-jet case, as a simple testing ground of the ideas.
On the determination of the leptonic decay constant fBc from QCD sum rules
Abstract The leptonic decay constant and the mass of the B c -meson are estimated using two versions of QCD sum rules. The predictions take into account the uncertainties due to the variations of the continuum threshold within the stability regions. Our optimal results are: f B c =300±65 MeV and M B c =6.25±0.20 GeV.
Several studies for the LHC luminosity upgrade pointed out the need for low-beta quadrupoles with apertures larger than the present baseline (70 mm). In this paper we focus on the design issues of a 130 mm aperture quadrupole. We first consider the Nb-Ti option, presenting a magnetic design with the LHC dipole and quadrupole cables. We study the electromagnetic forces and we discuss the field quality constraints. For the Nb3Sn option, we sketch three designs, two based on the LARP 10 mm width cable, and one on a larger cable with the same strand. The issue of the stress induced by the e.m. forces, which is critical for the Nb3Sn, is discussed using both scaling laws and finite element models.
Core-induced chaos in diamagnetic lithium.
We present a theoretical study of the connections between quantum and classical descriptions of lithium in a magnetic field. We find that the localized nature of the ionic core causes a breakdown in the generic connections between energy-level statistics and classical motion: classical chaos is observed in a regime where the energy-level distribution is Poissonian. The breakdown arises because the source of chaos is localized on a node of the odd-parity wave function. In addition, we employ the principles of periodic-orbit theory to identify classical trajectories with spectral periodicities. We identify a series of core-scattered recurrences in the Fourier transform of the spectrum and quantitatively describe them by a simple model. Finally, we introduce recurrence counting and demonstrate how it can help relate the classical dynamics to the quantum spectrum. \textcopyright{} 1996 The American Physical Society.
The dependence of the differential cross section ${\mathrm{d}\sigma}/{\mathrm{d}p_{\perp}}$ of inclusive heavy quark production in pp and $\bar{\mathrm{p}}$p collisions on the renormalization and factorization scales is investigated. The implications of our results for experiments at TEVATRON and LHC are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the NLO QCD predictions for $\bar{t}t$ production at the LHC based on the Principle of Minimal Sensitivity are by 30-50% higher than the standard ones.
Momentum-Space Quantum Walk of Ultra-Cold Atoms
We report on a discrete-time quantum walk that uses the momentum of ultra-cold rubidium-87 atoms as the walk space and two internal atomic states as the coin degree of freedom. Each step of the walk consists of a coin toss (a microwave pulse) followed by a unitary shift operator (a resonant ratchet pulse). We review the signatures of our quantum walk and carry out a comprehensive study on the effects of various parameters, including the strength of the shift operation, coin parameters, noise, and the initialization of the system on the behavior of the walk. The walk dynamics can be well controlled in our experiment with potential applications in atom interferometry and engineering asymmetric walks.
The dependence of the differential cross section ${\mathrm{d}\sigma}/{\mathrm{d}p_{\perp}}$ of inclusive heavy quark production in pp and $\bar{\mathrm{p}}$p collisions on the renormalization and factorization scales is investigated. The implications of our results for experiments at TEVATRON and LHC are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the NLO QCD predictions for $\bar{t}t$ production at the LHC based on the Principle of Minimal Sensitivity are by 30-50% higher than the standard ones.
Torsion Gravity for Dirac Particles
In this paper we consider torsion gravity in the case of the Dirac field, and by going into the rest frame we study what happens when a uniform precession as well as a phase are taken into account for the spinor field; we discuss how partially conserved axial-vector currents and torsion-spin attractive potentials justify negative Takabayashi angle and energy smaller than mass: because in this instance the module goes to zero exponentially fast then we obtain stable and localized matter distributions suitable to be regarded as a description of particles.
We study the effects of gluon radiation on top production and decay processes at an $e^+e^-$ collider.The matrix elements are computed without any approximations, using spinor techniques. We use a Monte Carlo event generator which takes into account the infrared singularity due to soft gluons and differences in kinematics associated with radiation in the production versus decay process. The calculation is illustrated for several strategies of top mass reconstruction.
Mechanism of the Lewis acid mediated cleavage of chiral acetals
The TiCl 4 -promoted cleavage of acetals has been shown to proceed by different mechanisms depending on the structure of the acetal, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions about the mechanism of related acetals based on model studies
We study how the elements of the leptonic right-handed mixing matrix can be determined at the LHC in the minimal Left-Right symmetric extension of the standard model. We do it by explicitly relating them with physical quantities of the Keung-Senjanovi\'c process and the lepton number violating decays of the right doubly charged scalar. We also point out that the left and right doubly charged scalars can be distinguished at the LHC, without measuring the polarization of the final state leptons coming from their decays.
Isovector proton-neutron pairing and Wigner energy in Hartree-Fock mean field calculations
We propose a new approach for the treatment of isovector pairing in self-consistent mean field calculations which conserves exactly the isospin and the particle number in the pairing channel. The mean field is generated by a Skyrme-HF functional while the isovector pairing correlations are described in terms of quartets formed by two neutrons and two protons coupled to the total isospin T=0. In this framework we analyse the contribution of isovector pairing to the symmetry and Wigner energies. It is shown that the isovector pairing provides a good description of the Wigner energy, which is not the case for the mean field calculations in which the isovector pairing is treated by BCS-like models.
We describe preliminary results from an effort to quantify the uncertainties in parton distribution functions and the resulting uncertainties in predicted physical quantities. The production cross section of the $W$ boson is given as a first example. Constraints due to the full data sets of the CTEQ global analysis are used in this study. Two complementary approaches, based on the Hessian and the Lagrange multiplier method respectively, are outlined. We discuss issues on obtaining meaningful uncertainty estimates that include the effect of correlated experimental systematic uncertainties and illustrate them with detailed calculations using one set of precision DIS data.
Motion in a Bose condensate: VIII. The electron bubble
The Bose condensate model is used to elucidate the motion of the electron bubble in superfluids. An asymptotic expansion is developed for steady subcritical flow. Numerical integration of the coupled nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equations, that describe the evolution of the wavefunctions of the Bose condensate and the impurity, is used to study the nucleation and capture of vortex rings. Because an electron bubble is made oblate by its motion relative to the condensate, the critical velocity for the vortex nucleation is reduced by about 20%, in agreement with experiments.
Some discrepancies have been reported between observed and simulated muon content of extensive air showers: the number of observed muons exceeded the expectations in HiRes-MIA, Yakutsk and Pierre Auger Observatory data. Here, we analyze the data of the Moscow State University Extensive Air Shower (EAS-MSU) array on E_mu>~10 GeV muons in showers caused by ~(10^17-10^18) eV primary particles and demonstrate that they agree with simulations (QGSJET-II-04 hadronic interaction model) once the primary composition inferred from the surface-detector data is assumed.
Ultrafast electric field-assisted pump-probe spectroscopy in poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) light-emitting diodes
Abstract Here we report a detailed study of organic light-emitting diodes based on poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) (PFO), to investigate polaron generation, due to field induced singlet dissociation, and their subsequent recombination. We find that initially free polarons coalesce into intermediate pairs of both singlets and triplets multiplicity which subsequently decay into the neutral state. There is indication that the efficiency of singlet formation ( β =0.7) is much higher than expected from simple state degeneracy arguments ( β =0.25).
For the reason that the algorithm PFIM needs to scan database repeatedly, to produce a great deal of redundant candidate itemset, and to compute more time-complexity of frequent probability, an improved algorithm UPro-Eclat which is based on PFIM and Eclat is proposed. It uses a vertical mining method which is extension-based, adds probabilistic information in Tid, builds recursively the subset of search tree, and mines probabilistic frequent pattern by depth-first traversa. The algorithm UPro-Eclat can swiftly find probabilistic frequent itemset rather than compute their probability in each possible world.
Are the narrow structures recently seen in T=1, B=2 missing mass spectra, dibaryons?
Abstract The structures observed in recent missing mass experiments 3 He(p, d)X and p( 3 He, d)X are discussed and shown to agree to a high accuracy with a rotational like scheme M = M 0 + M 1 J ( J +1). An explanation is suggested as to why these structures have not been observed in some other experiments.
Several studies for the LHC luminosity upgrade pointed out the need for low-beta quadrupoles with apertures larger than the present baseline (70 mm). In this paper we focus on the design issues of a 130 mm aperture quadrupole. We first consider the Nb-Ti option, presenting a magnetic design with the LHC dipole and quadrupole cables. We study the electromagnetic forces and we discuss the field quality constraints. For the Nb3Sn option, we sketch three designs, two based on the LARP 10 mm width cable, and one on a larger cable with the same strand. The issue of the stress induced by the e.m. forces, which is critical for the Nb3Sn, is discussed using both scaling laws and finite element models.
Intersection theorems and their applications in general almost convex spaces
Abstract In this paper, we extend the concept of the almost convex condition and establish an approximation property for convex continuous correspondences. We use the approximation property to generalize von Neumann’s intersection theorems and related topics. We obtain, as applications, some new equilibrium theorems for the existence of a maximal element, generalized games, and qualitative games of U -majorized correspondences.
We study factorization schemes for parton shower models in hadron-hadron collisions. As an example, we calculate lepton pair production mediated by a virtual photon in quark--anti-quark annihilation, and we compare factorized cross sections obtained in the conventional $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme with those obtained in a factorization scheme in which a kinematical constraint due to parton radiation is taken into account. We discuss some properties of factorized cross sections.
Transverse mass distributions of neutral pions from $^{208}$ Pb-induced reactions at 158 $\cdot A$ GeV
Results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pions measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 158$\cdot A$ GeV Pb + Pb, and Pb + Nb collisions. The distributions cover the range $0.5 \mathrm{GeV}/c^{2} \le m_{T} - m_{0} \le 4 \mathrm{GeV}/c^{2}$. The change of the spectral shape with centrality is studied in detail. In going from peripheral to medium central collisions there is a nuclear enhancement increasing with transverse mass similar to the well known Cronin effect, while for very central collisions this enhancement appears to be weaker than expected.
We study in this paper the properties of a two-body random matrix ensemble for distinguishable spins. We require the ensemble to be invariant under the group of local transformations and analyze a parametrization in terms of the group parameters and the remaining parameters associated with the 'entangling' part of the interaction. We then specialize to a spin chain with nearest-neighbour interactions and numerically find a new type of quantum-phase transition related to the strength of a random external field, i.e. the time-reversal-breaking one-body interaction term.
NNLL resummation for the associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson at the LHC
We study the resummation of soft gluon emission corrections to the production of a top-antitop pair in association with a Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. Starting from a soft-gluon resummation formula derived in previous work, we develop a bespoke parton-level Monte Carlo program which can be used to calculate the total cross section along with differential distributions. We use this tool to study the phenomenological impact of the resummation to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy, finding that these corrections increase the total cross section and the differential distributions with respect to NLO calculations of the same observables.
This paper incorporates labor search frictions into a model with lumpy capital to explain a set of stylized facts about the United States labor market dynamics over business cycles. All of these facts are related to …rm size: (1) job creation is procyclical in both small and large …rms; (2) job destruction is countercyclical in large …rms, but, paradoxically, it is procyclical in small …rms; and (3) job creation and job destruction are more volatile in large …rms than in small …rms. The model is calibrated to US data and its predictions are broadly consistent with the facts. The success of the model relies on the interaction between labor search and lumpy capital. Search frictions imply that even if two …rms have the
Right-handed lepton mixings at the LHC
We study how the elements of the leptonic right-handed mixing matrix can be determined at the LHC in the minimal Left-Right symmetric extension of the standard model. We do it by explicitly relating them with physical quantities of the Keung-Senjanovi\'c process and the lepton number violating decays of the right doubly charged scalar. We also point out that the left and right doubly charged scalars can be distinguished at the LHC, without measuring the polarization of the final state leptons coming from their decays.
Lattice QCD can give direct information on OZI-violating contributions to mesons. Here we explore the contributions that split flavour singlet and non-singlet meson masses. I discuss in detail the spectrum and decays for scalar mesons (ie including glueball effects). I also review the status of hybrid mesons and their decays.
Measurement of transverse wakefields induced by a misaligned positron bunch in a hollow channel plasma accelerator
Hollow channel plasma wakefield acceleration is a proposed method to provide high acceleration gradients for electrons and positrons alike: a key to future lepton colliders. However, beams which are misaligned from the channel axis induce strong transverse wakefields, deflecting beams and reducing the collider luminosity. This undesirable consequence sets a tight constraint on the alignment accuracy of the beam propagating through the channel. Direct measurements of beam misalignment-induced transverse wakefields are therefore essential for designing mitigation strategies. We present the first quantitative measurements of transverse wakefields in a hollow plasma channel, induced by an off-axis 20 GeV positron bunch, and measured with another 20 GeV lower charge trailing positron probe bunch. The measurements are largely consistent with theory.
In this paper we consider torsion gravity in the case of the Dirac field, and by going into the rest frame we study what happens when a uniform precession as well as a phase are taken into account for the spinor field; we discuss how partially conserved axial-vector currents and torsion-spin attractive potentials justify negative Takabayashi angle and energy smaller than mass: because in this instance the module goes to zero exponentially fast then we obtain stable and localized matter distributions suitable to be regarded as a description of particles.
Soliton Models for the Nucleon and Predictions for the Nucleon Spin Structure ∗)
In these lectures the three flavor soliton approach for baryons is reviewed. Effects of flavor symmetry breaking in the baryon wave--functions on axial current matrix elements are discussed. A bosonized chiral quark model is considered to outline the computation of spin dependent nucleon structure functions in the soliton picture.
Abstract In order to study the size distribution of a radioactivity due to radon daughters in the environmental atmosphere, an experimental procedure using filters, ion tubes, diffusion batteries and cascade impactors (CASELLA MK2 and ANDERSEN) is presented. A comparison between the experimental results and a theoretical curve, deduced of the attachment theory of the small radioactive ions on atmospheric particles, is carried out.
WI) Further Comments about B-Physics in pp Interactions*
We summarize discussions concerning the study of B-physics at the SSC. Different approaches are considered. The first one corresponds to the collider experiments detecting charged particles with pseudo-rapidity of {vert_bar}{eta}{vert_bar}{le} 2.4 whereas the second method considers the detection of B-mesons in the forward/backward directions. The utilization of external or gas-jet targets are also briefly discussed.
4 pages.-- PACS numbers: 05.45.Xt, 87.10.+e.-- ArXiv pre-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/nlin.CD/0512009.-- Final full-text version of the paper available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.73.055202.
Rotational Behaviour of Comet Nuclei
Numerical experiments of the rotational behaviour of comet nuclei have been performed, including the Sun and Jupiter’s disturbing torques in the models. In a stable configuration, the solar torque induces great librations that remain unchanged along the orbit. A close approach with Jupiter can result in great changes on the rotational pattern because of the motion sensitivity to initial conditions. The unstable configuration is characterized by great librations of the nutation angle, and the existence of a possibly large chaotic zone in the phase space.
We study the effects of gluon radiation on top production and decay processes at an $e^+e^-$ collider.The matrix elements are computed without any approximations, using spinor techniques. We use a Monte Carlo event generator which takes into account the infrared singularity due to soft gluons and differences in kinematics associated with radiation in the production versus decay process. The calculation is illustrated for several strategies of top mass reconstruction.
Mean-field repulsion of colliding nuclear matter at relativistic energies
The authors study the energy behaviour of two penetrating interacting nuclear matter systems in a relativistic quantum field theory proposed by J.D. Walecka (1974). They show that, compared with non-interacting systems, the relative flow velocity is significantly reduced due to the repulsive omega -meson field and discuss an effective potential between the matter systems.
It was recently suggested that the rise in the photopion cross sections above 500 Mev may be interpreted as being due to another resonance in the pion- nucleon system. Since the pi /sup +/ cross section is the larger, the resonance must presumably be in a T = 1/2 state. From observation of the angular distributions, it is also possible to determine the probable angular momentum and parity of such a state. (W.D.M.)
Simulations of Muon Flux in Slanic Salt Mine
Geant4 simulation package was used to simulate muon fluxes at different locations, the floor of UNIREA mine and two levels of CANTACUZINO mine, of Slanic Prahova site in Romania. This site is specially important since it is one of the seven sites in Europe that are under consideration of housing large detector components of Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics (LAGUNA) project. Simulations were performed for vertical muons and for muons with a zenith angle . Primary muon flux and energies at ground level were obtained from previous measurements. Results of the simulations are in general agreement with previous simulations made using MUSIC simulation program and with the measurements made using a mobile detector.
Abstract The evolution of the state vector of a system composed of a cascade three-level atom and a single-mode field with arbitrary detuning and initial condition has been obtained. The quantum fluctuations of the field are presented. The contribution of single- and two-photon transitions to the squeezing of the field is discussed. The dependence of the squeezing on initial intensities of the field and detuning are given.
The Φ0 → γZ decay in the Littlest Higgs Model
The existence of new particles with masses of the order of TeV's is a characteristic of several extended models. We study a heavy scalar particle decaying into γZ final states at the one-loop level in the Littlest Higgs Model. This process is analyzed in the context of the recent results reported by ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, concerning the observation of a resonance around 750 GeV. We analyze our results in a scenario where the energy scale f ranges from 2 TeV to 5 TeV. We found that the branching ratio for the Φ0 → γZ decay is of the order of 10-7, which mainly depends on a single parameter.
Let q be a positive integer, and L(s, χ ) the Dirichlet L -function corresponding to a Dirichlet character χ mod q . We put where χ runs over all Dirichlet characters mod q except for the principal character χ 0 .
Ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions and the quark gluon plasma
We present an overview of selected aspects of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, a research program devoted to the study of strongly interacting matter at high energy densities and in particular to the characterization of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The basic features of the phase diagram of nuclear matter, as currently understood theoretically, are discussed. The experimental program, carried out over a broad energy domain at various accelerators, is briefly reviewed, with an emphasis on the global characterization of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Two particular aspects are treated in more detail: i) the application of statistical models to a phenomenological description of particle production and the information it provides on the phase diagram; ii) the production of hadrons carrying charm quarks as messengers from the QGP phase.
A bibliography containing 109 references is presented on the non- destructive analysis of irradiated and unirradiated reactor fuel assemblies. A description of the theory of each method, the equipment utilized, and estimates of the precision obtainable are cortained. Problems presented by variations in enrichment, alloying, cladding, geometrical arrangement, etc., are discussed. (C.J.G.)
Same-Sign Charginos and Majorana Neutralinos at the LHC
We demonstrate the possibility of studying weakly interacting new particles in weak-boson fusion, using the example of supersymmetric same-sign charginos. This signal could establish the existence of Majorana neutralinos and give access to their electroweak couplings. It can be observed over (supersymmetric) QCD backgrounds provided the charginos are light and not too close to the squark mass. We finally show how same-sign fermion production can be distinguished from same-sign scalars or vectors arising in other models of new physics.
We discuss some recent phenomenological models for strong interactions based on the idea of gauge/string duality. A very good estimate for hadronic masses can be found by placing an infrared cut off in AdS space. Considering static strings in this geometry one can also reproduce the phenomenological Cornell potential for a quark anti-quark potential at zero temperature. Placing static strings in an AdS Schwarzschild space with an infrared cut off one finds a transition from a confining to a deconfining phase at some critical horizon radius (associated with temperature).
The reaction n + p → d + γ and the isospin structure of the strangeness: Conserving nonleptonic weak Hamiltonian☆
The circular polarization P/sub gamma/ and angular asymmetry $alpha$ of the photons emitted in the reaction n+p$Yields$d+$gamma$ are computed in a covariant formalism within the framework of a composite-particle theory of the deuteron. The most important magnetic and electric dipole transition amplitudes in this radiative capture process are determined through a low-energy theorem. It is found that some of the proposed models for the strangeness-conserving nonleptonic weak Hamiltonian give variations on the ratio $alpha$/P/sub gamma/ of one or two orders of magnitude. (AIP)
We study in this paper the properties of a two-body random matrix ensemble for distinguishable spins. We require the ensemble to be invariant under the group of local transformations and analyze a parametrization in terms of the group parameters and the remaining parameters associated with the 'entangling' part of the interaction. We then specialize to a spin chain with nearest-neighbour interactions and numerically find a new type of quantum-phase transition related to the strength of a random external field, i.e. the time-reversal-breaking one-body interaction term.
Low-energy particle events and solar filament eruptions
Over the period from August 1978 to October 1982, several large low-energy (E < 1.6 Mev) proton events associated with interplanetary travelling disturbances observed at 1 AU by ISEE-3, appeared not to be triggered by solar flares. Six of them can be associated with filament eruptions as the source of the disturbances. We have made a comparative study of the particle fluxes in the interplanetary medium, as well as of the available H-alpha observations and X-ray and radio emission, between these events and those associated with disturbances generated by solar flares.
The dependence of the differential cross section ${\mathrm{d}\sigma}/{\mathrm{d}p_{\perp}}$ of inclusive heavy quark production in pp and $\bar{\mathrm{p}}$p collisions on the renormalization and factorization scales is investigated. The implications of our results for experiments at TEVATRON and LHC are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the NLO QCD predictions for $\bar{t}t$ production at the LHC based on the Principle of Minimal Sensitivity are by 30-50% higher than the standard ones.
Influence of second-order corrections to the energy-dependence of neutrino flavor conversion formulae
We discuss the intermediate wave-packet formalism for analytically quantifying the energy dependence of the two-flavor conversion formula that is usually considered for analyzing neutrino oscillations and adjusting the focusing horn, target position and/or detector location of some flavor conversion experiments. Following a sequence of analytical approximations where we consider the second-order corrections in a power series expansion of the energy, we point out a residual time-dependent phase which, in addition to some well-known wave-packet effects, can subtly modify the oscillation parameters and limits. In the present precision era of neutrino oscillation experiments where higher precision measurements are required, we quantify some small corrections in neutrino flavor conversion formulas which lead to a modified energy-dependence for νμ ↔ νe oscillations.
We study in this paper the properties of a two-body random matrix ensemble for distinguishable spins. We require the ensemble to be invariant under the group of local transformations and analyze a parametrization in terms of the group parameters and the remaining parameters associated with the 'entangling' part of the interaction. We then specialize to a spin chain with nearest-neighbour interactions and numerically find a new type of quantum-phase transition related to the strength of a random external field, i.e. the time-reversal-breaking one-body interaction term.
Search for single top quark production in ppbar collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=1.96 TeV
We present a search for electroweak production of single top quarks in the s-channel and t-channel using neural networks for signal-background separation. We have analyzed 230 pb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV and find no evidence for a single top quark signal. The resulting 95\% confidence level upper limits on the single top quark production cross sections are 6.4 pb in the s-channel and 5.0 pb in the t-channel.
Several studies for the LHC luminosity upgrade pointed out the need for low-beta quadrupoles with apertures larger than the present baseline (70 mm). In this paper we focus on the design issues of a 130 mm aperture quadrupole. We first consider the Nb-Ti option, presenting a magnetic design with the LHC dipole and quadrupole cables. We study the electromagnetic forces and we discuss the field quality constraints. For the Nb3Sn option, we sketch three designs, two based on the LARP 10 mm width cable, and one on a larger cable with the same strand. The issue of the stress induced by the e.m. forces, which is critical for the Nb3Sn, is discussed using both scaling laws and finite element models.
Coherent Phase Control of Photoionization and Photodissociation
A fundamental principle of quantum mechanics is that if a process can occur by more than one independent path, then the probability of that process occurring can be calculated by adding the probability amplitudes for each path and then squaring the sum. A well known example is the photoionization of an atom or a molecule. One route connecting the ground state g > with the continuum 39-1 > is direct ionization, with a probability amplitude that is proportional to 39-1
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Break-up of resonant invariant curves in billiards and dual billiards associated to perturbed circular tables
Two area-preserving twist maps are associated to a smooth closed convex table: the (classical) billiard map and the dual billiard map. When the table is circular, these maps are integrable and their phase spaces are foliated by invariant curves. The invariant curves with rational rotation numbers are resonant and do not persist under generic perturbations of the circle. We present a sufficient condition for the break-up of these curves. This condition is expressed directly in terms of the Fourier coefficients of the perturbation. It follows from a standard Melnikov argument.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
CPStudiesoftheHiggsSector: AcontributiontotheLHC/LCStudyGroupdocument
The CP structure of the Higgs sector will be of great interest to future colliders. The measurement of the CP properties of candidate Higgs particles will be essential in order to distinguish models of electroweak symmetry breaking, and to discover or place limits on CP-violation in the Higgs sector. In this report we briefly summarize various methods of determining the CP properties of Higgs bosons at different colliders and identify areas where more study is required. We also provide an example of a synergy between the LHC, an e + e Linear Collider and a Photon Collider, for the examination of CP-violation in a Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model.
We study factorization schemes for parton shower models in hadron-hadron collisions. As an example, we calculate lepton pair production mediated by a virtual photon in quark--anti-quark annihilation, and we compare factorized cross sections obtained in the conventional $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme with those obtained in a factorization scheme in which a kinematical constraint due to parton radiation is taken into account. We discuss some properties of factorized cross sections.
Lattices with unique irreducible decompositions
We define the concept of a minimal decomposition in a lattice, and prove that all the currently known lattices with unique irreducible decompositions are in fact lattices with minimal ones. Also, the characterization of a class of lattices with minimal decompositions is given. A new proof of the Crawley-Dilworth characterization theorem for the class of coalgebraic strongly coatomic lattices with unique irreducible decompositions obtains as a consequence.
We study factorization schemes for parton shower models in hadron-hadron collisions. As an example, we calculate lepton pair production mediated by a virtual photon in quark--anti-quark annihilation, and we compare factorized cross sections obtained in the conventional $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme with those obtained in a factorization scheme in which a kinematical constraint due to parton radiation is taken into account. We discuss some properties of factorized cross sections.
Hamiltonicity of the Pyramid Network with or without Fault
Sarbazi-Azad, Ould-Khaoua, and Mackenzie proved in 2001 that there exists a Hamiltonian cycle in a pyramid network and they also constructed a Hamiltonian path between apex and each of 4 frontiers of a pyramid network. The fault tolerance is a crucial matter for parallel computing, especially in a large network. This work improves Sarbazi-Azad et al.'s result and considers other relative problems in pyramid networks such as the fault tolerant Hamiltonian problem and the Hamiltonian-connected problem. The problem of finding Hamiltonian cycles in a pyramid network with one faulty node (link) is investigated. Additionally, the Hamiltonian-connectedness of a pyramid network can be shown by constructing a Hamiltonian path between any two distinct nodes in it.
We study in perturbative QCD the helicity amplitudes of the process ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{*}\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}\ensuremath{\rho}p$ at large virtualities Q of the photon ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{*}.$ We estimate all spin-flip amplitudes taking into account an important effect of the scale behavior of the gluon density. The transition of a transverse virtual photon to a longitudinal vector meson is not small at typical conditions at the DESY ep collider HERA. This helicity nonconserving amplitude leads by interference to a measurable effect in the distribution of the angle between the electron scattering and the meson production planes.
Production of Strange, Non-strange particles and Hypernuclei in an Excluded-Volume Model
We present a systematic study of production of strange and non-strange hadron yields and their ratios obtained in various experiments using our thermodynamically consistent excluded-volume model. We also analyze the production of light nuclei, hypernuclei and their antinuclei in terms of our excluded-volume model over a broad energy range starting from Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) to Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies. Further, we extend our model for studying rapidity spectra of hadrons produced in heavy-ion collisions.
Abstract Recently, a large enhancement of the dilepton yield in nuclear collisions was discovered at the CERN SPS. These data triggered a considerable theoretical effort searching for explanations. In my talk the experimental evidence for the dilepton enhancement and the present status of understanding is reviewed.
System and method for rotationally orienting the whipstock assembly
The present invention discloses a downhole subassembly system and method of use. A downhole subassembly is oriented whipstock system subassembly, comprising: a whipstock apparatus, said apparatus comprising a whipstock operable to direct a cutting tool into the sleeve to deflect the side wall surface of the outlet sleeve ; and orienting joint, said joint comprising orienting operatively coupled to said whipstock device at least an upper portion of the lower coupling member and the coupling member engages the upper portion of the coupling member, the lower coupling member when in the unfolded configuration and may be rotationally fixed with respect to the upper coupling member with respect to the rotational movement of the upper coupling member when in the collapsed configuration.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
Measurements of non-leptonic weak decays of lambda hypernuclei
Aspects of recent measurements of the mesonic and non‐mesonic partial decay rates of Λ5He and Λ12C are discussed. We comment on what the experiments tell us about the spin‐isospin structure of ΔS=1 weak interaction in the nuclear environment.
We describe preliminary results from an effort to quantify the uncertainties in parton distribution functions and the resulting uncertainties in predicted physical quantities. The production cross section of the $W$ boson is given as a first example. Constraints due to the full data sets of the CTEQ global analysis are used in this study. Two complementary approaches, based on the Hessian and the Lagrange multiplier method respectively, are outlined. We discuss issues on obtaining meaningful uncertainty estimates that include the effect of correlated experimental systematic uncertainties and illustrate them with detailed calculations using one set of precision DIS data.
HE 1.1.14 1 Leading nucleon and the proton-nucleus inelasticity
We present in this paper a calculation of the average proton-nucleus inelasticity. Using an Iterative Leading Particle Model and the Glauber model, we relate the leading particle distribution in nucleon-nucleus interactions with the respective one in nucleon- proton collisions. To describe the leading particle distribution in nucleon-proton collisions, we use the Regge Mueller formalism. ::: Contribution to 26th ICRC - Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 1999. ::: HE 1.1.14
We study the effects of gluon radiation on top production and decay processes at an $e^+e^-$ collider.The matrix elements are computed without any approximations, using spinor techniques. We use a Monte Carlo event generator which takes into account the infrared singularity due to soft gluons and differences in kinematics associated with radiation in the production versus decay process. The calculation is illustrated for several strategies of top mass reconstruction.
Radial Partition Enzyme Immunoassay
Radial Partition Immunoassay permits highly sensitive measurements of both low and high molecular weight ligands. The entire immunoassay is conducted on a small section of filter paper and assays can be done in less than 10 minutes. A variety of labels can be used with the technology including enzymes, fluorophores, chromophores or radioisotopes. We have achieved a high degree of sensitivity using enzyme labels and fluorescent readout of enzyme activity. The general principles of the radial partition enzyme immunoassay system are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Abstract A very promising spin physics programme will be soon on the way at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). By studying the spin asymmetries for various processes (single photon, single jet and W ± production), we will compare the different predictions obtained using some sets of polarized parton distributions, available in the recent literature. We will put some emphasise on the analysis of the anticipated errors, given the event rates expected from this high luminosity new machine and the current acceptance for the detector systems at RHIC.
New textures for the lepton mass matrices
Abstract We study predictive textures for the lepton mass matrices in which the charged-lepton mass matrix has either four or five zero matrix elements while the neutrino Majorana mass matrix has, respectively, either four or three zero matrix elements. We find that all the viable textures of these two kinds share many predictions: the neutrino mass spectrum is inverted, the sum of the light-neutrino masses is close to 0.1 eV, the Dirac phase δ in the lepton mixing matrix is close to either 0 or π , and the mass term responsible for neutrinoless double-beta decay lies in between 12 and 22 meV.
The latest results from ATLAS and CMS on single top quark production and rare production channels of top quarks at the LHC are presented.
Kinematical Constraints on QCD Factorization in the Drell-Yan Process
We study factorization schemes for parton shower models in hadron-hadron collisions. As an example, we calculate lepton pair production mediated by a virtual photon in quark--anti-quark annihilation, and we compare factorized cross sections obtained in the conventional $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme with those obtained in a factorization scheme in which a kinematical constraint due to parton radiation is taken into account. We discuss some properties of factorized cross sections.
This paper discusses the dynamical properties of p-spin models with Kac interactions. For large but finite interaction range R one finds two different well separated time scales for relaxation. A first short time scale, roughly independent of R, on which the system remains confined to limited regions of the configuration space and an R dependent long time scale on which the system is able to escape from the confining regions. I will argue that the R independent time scales can be described through dynamical mean field theory, while non-perturbative new techniques have to be used to deal with the R dependent scales.
What does the star mean in $\rightarrow ZZ^{(∗)}$? Z boson can neither be positive nor negative. &quot;For masses above 130 GeV, Higgs-boson decays, H $\rightarrow ZZ^{(∗)}$, where each Z decays to a pair of oppositely charged leptons, would provide the experimentally cleanest channel to study the properties of the Higgs boson.&quot; Quoted from &quot;The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider&quot; page 2 or 3
I can always find that in some articles the production of higgs decay written as &quot;$\rm H\to {ZZ}^*\to 4l$&quot;, &quot;$\rm H\to ZZ\to 4l$&quot;, &quot;$\rm H\to Z\gamma^*\to\ldots$” What dose it mean when some particles with a superscript *? Such as “$\rm Z^*, W^*, \gamma^*, \ldots$&quot;. What’s the difference between them and &quot;$\rm Z, W, \gamma$&quot;?
How do we show that equality holds in the triangle inequality $|a+b|=|a|+|b|$ iff both numbers are positive, both are negative or one is zero? I already showed that equality holds when one of the three conditions happens.
This study assessed the quality of written information about abortion methods provided by clinics in England and Wales. Forty-four sets of leaflets were collected. The average leaflet was found to provide only half the possible information about benefits, risks and general procedures. Only half of the leaflets were of standard readability and accessible by 83% of the British population. Therefore, it seems unlikely that most women in England and Wales are in a position to make an informed decision about abortion method.
Readability formulas are being increasingly used to measure the understandability of written information in clinical and health settings. This paper examines the most commonly used formulas (Dale-Chall Formula, Flesch Reading Ease, Flesch-Kincaid Formula, Fog Index, Fry Readability Graph, and SMOG Grading). Their reliability and validity when used in health-related areas are discussed, and findings resulting from their use are described. These findings show that much of the material written for patients and clients, in the areas of informed consent, illnesses and their investigation and treatment, and lifestyle advice, is too difficult for many of them to understand. It is also concluded that increasing readability usually leads to improvement in understanding and occasionally in co-operation with treatment. Finally, methods for supplementing the information gained from readability formulas are described.
This second edition is throughly revised and corrected to take account of the many changes in the subject over the last 6 years, and has been enlarged by over 20per cent.
Is it time to stop talking about services being ‘nurse-led’?
Over the past 20 years, several changes to the UK's health-care system has led to a significant transition of power from medicine to nursing roles in renal medicine. However, as services continue to evolve, Peter Ellis and Karen Jenkins ask whether kidney care services should be focusing their efforts on promoting ‘person-centred’ care rather than ‘nurse-led’ services.
Aims This study aimed to identify how di ierent trusts in England were utilising lay involvement through their clinical governance committees. Method It considered the perspectives of both the trust and the lay members. Twenty-three clinical governance chairs and lay participants returned a questionnaire. Results This study found that the lay participants were far from representative of the local population in terms of socio-demographics and special interests, and highlighted dee ciencies in their recruitment and training. Conclusions The conclusions point to successful approaches that could be applied by trusts.
Informed consent: a case for more education of the surgical team.
A questionnaire was given to 37 members of staff of the Department of Surgery, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, in order to determine whether their knowledge was adequate to give accurate information to patients regarding operations and thus to obtain properly informed consent for that operation. Each participant was asked to estimate the 24-h and 30-day mortality for five common elective operations. A wide range of answers was given for operations by all groups. Estimates of 24-h mortality after unilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy differed between staff grades by a factor of 3, but estimates of 24-h mortality after thyroidectomy differed by a factor of 100 between consultant surgeons and staff nurses. Our findings suggest that some members of the surgical team have insufficient knowledge about common operations to obtain properly informed consent from patients.
Aims This study aimed to identify how di ierent trusts in England were utilising lay involvement through their clinical governance committees. Method It considered the perspectives of both the trust and the lay members. Twenty-three clinical governance chairs and lay participants returned a questionnaire. Results This study found that the lay participants were far from representative of the local population in terms of socio-demographics and special interests, and highlighted dee ciencies in their recruitment and training. Conclusions The conclusions point to successful approaches that could be applied by trusts.
Effect of Cause-of-Death Training on Agreement Between Hospital Discharge Diagnoses and Cause of Death Reported, Inpatient Hospital Deaths, New York City, 2008–2010
Introduction ::: Accurate cause-of-death reporting is required for mortality data to validly inform public health programming and evaluation. Research demonstrates overreporting of heart disease on New York City death certificates. We describe changes in reported causes of death following a New York City health department training conducted in 2009 to improve accuracy of cause-of-death reporting at 8 hospitals. The objective of our study was to assess the degree to which death certificates citing heart disease as cause of death agreed with hospital discharge data and the degree to which training improved accuracy of reporting.
Abstract Interactions between a set of polluting and non-polluting sectors are analyzed using a form of decomposition analysis first proposed by Miyazawa and subsequently modified by Sonis and Hewings. The analysis is applied to a time series set of input–output tables for the Chicago region in an attempt to generate assessments of the internal and external multipliers and their changes over time. The results revealed the important role that structural change will play in determining pollution levels in the region in the future. In addition, significant variations were noted across sectors in terms of the direct and indirect contributions to pollution.
An Empirical Regularity in the Market for Risk and Insurance Research Output
This study provides a means for evaluating the research productivity and output concentration of risk and insurance researchers by identifying an empirical regularity in the frequency distribution of article publications in six major risk and insurance journals. Our results reveal a strong bibliometric regularity, which provides a useful tool for assessing the likelihood of multiple publications in the insurance literature. Assuming that the publishing behavior of risk and insurance researchers is stable over time, we predict that less than four percent of all publishing risk and insurance researchers will publish six or more coauthored articles in the next fifteen years, and less than two percent will publish ten or more articles.
AbstractRATIONALE: Delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) varies widely across Canada. There is a need for evidence-based quality indicators (QI) that can be used to identify variations in the q...
Concentration and pH-dependent aggregation behavior of an l-histidine based amphiphile in aqueous solution
Self-assembling systems based on quaternized derivatives of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane in nutrient broth as antimicrobial agents and carriers for hydrophobic drugs.
Checking for completeness of 24-h urine collection using para-amino benzoic acid not necessary in the Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition study
A simple and rapid colorimetric method for determination of phytate in urine
Lowering of serum cholesterol and triglycerides and modulation of divalent cations by dietary phytate.
Validation study of a rapid colorimetric method for the determination of phytic acid and inorganic phosphorus from seeds
Determination of the content of vitamin D is a rather difficult problem. In the present study, we have compared methods that are most widely used for determining group D vitains. In recent years, physical and chemical methods of analysis have found increasing use due to their simplicity, sensitivity, and information value. Various methods of quality control are currently used but the future in the analysis of calciferols undoubtedly belongs to HPLC. This method is capable of simultaneously solving all problems encountered in the analysis of group D vitamins.
The idea of using a chromatographic adsorbent in the form of a thin layer fixed on an inert rigid support seems to have been suggested by Izmailov and Shraiber in 1938. Meinhard and Hall[1] in 1949 developed this notion of an ‘open column’, and in 1951 Kirchner, Miller, and Keller[2] reported the separation of terpenes on a ‘chromatostrip’, prepared by coating a small glass strip with an adsorbent mixed with starch or plaster of Paris, which acted as a binder. The strips were handled in the same way that paper is handled in paper chromatography, and indeed the original object of the thin-layer technique was to apply the methods of paper partition chromatography to an adsorption system.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Relative bioavailability of acetazolamide tablets
Plasma acetazolamide concentrations were determined enzymatically after administration of three tablet dosage forms and a reference solution to 12 human subjects in a crossover study. Two of the tablet products represented different lots from the same manufacturer. There were no significant differences in area under the plasma level-time curves among the four treatments. However, significant differences were found among tablets in terms of peak plasma concentration and time to reach peak concentration. These apparent differences in rate of absorption were correlated with in vitro dissolution data obtained in pH 1.5 dissolution medium.
4 analogs of naturally occurring gallotannins have been synthesized upon acylation of sucrose by 2, 3, 6 and 8 galloyl groups. In a simple test using the DPPH radical, the antioxidant activity of such esters appears proportional to the number of the galloyl units. ::: ::: Sucrose derivatives bearing 2, 3, 6 and 8 galloyl groups have been synthesized and tested for antioxidant activity. ::: Download full-size image
Fluoride indicator that functions in mixed aqueous media: hydrogen bonding effects
A urea-based fluoride anion indicator, 3, that functions in mixed aqueous media is reported. Under these conditions, indicator 3 and the two control systems 1 and 2 are colorless. Addition of fluoride anions produces an easy-to-visualize colorimetric response (colorless to yellow) in the case of 3, but not 1 or 2 as the result of anion-induced Si–O bond cleavage. Most of the colorimetric response is believed to stem from an alteration in the hydrogen bonding network, rather than changes to the p-conjugation pathway per se.
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of fresh egg pasta samples obtained by using two different production methodologies: extrusion and lamination. The results of the study demonstrate that products have different characteristics in terms of colour and level of gelatinization, while they do not show significant differences with regard to the amount of absorbed water during the cooking stage. It was evaluated that it is possible to discriminate the two kinds of products by using FT-NIR spectroscopy. FT-NIR analysis results suggest the presence of a different matrix–water association, a diverse level of starch gelatinization and a distinct starch–gluten interaction in the two kinds of pasteurised samples.
RPA method applied to molecular crystals
A new theory is presented on the excited states of molecular crystals by using the random phase approximation (RPA). The method is applied to the analysis of the absorption spectrum of anthracene crystal. The Davydov splitting for the long axis polarized band is calculated as about 9200 cm−1 while the observed value is 9000 ∼ 12000 cm−1. In the earlier theories, much larger values are reported and a simple dipole-dipole approximation gives the value of 32000 cm−1. The general feature of the crystalline spectra is well predicted.
In order to study possible mediators of the vascular manifestations of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA), several arachidonic acid metabolites were injected into guinea-pig skin. SRS-A, LTB4, LTC and LTD increased vascular permeability, responses to LTs being enhanced by PGE2. Mepyramine inhibited responses to histamine, but not those to SRS-A and LTs: the latter were inhibited by the SRS-A antagonist FPL-55712. Both mepyramine and FPL-55712 exert limited inhibitory effects on vascular permeability during PCA. Leukotrienes may contribute towards vascular permeability during PCA.
Novel applications of nuclear-reaction analysis to hydrogen-bearing solids
Abstract We have explored the radiolytic action of the analyzing 15 N beam on thick samples of hydrogenated carbon. The exposure induced a reduction of the Doppler width compatible with the destruction of carbon-hydrogen bonds and the formation of molecular hydrogen.
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of fresh egg pasta samples obtained by using two different production methodologies: extrusion and lamination. The results of the study demonstrate that products have different characteristics in terms of colour and level of gelatinization, while they do not show significant differences with regard to the amount of absorbed water during the cooking stage. It was evaluated that it is possible to discriminate the two kinds of products by using FT-NIR spectroscopy. FT-NIR analysis results suggest the presence of a different matrix–water association, a diverse level of starch gelatinization and a distinct starch–gluten interaction in the two kinds of pasteurised samples.
Ignition of Magnesium and Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy by Impinging Hot-Air Stream
Abstract An experimental study on the nonsteady ignition process of magnesium and 50-50 magnesium-aluminum alloy was made by using the stagnation region of an impinging hot air stream. The study has revealed that the ignition of magnesium was caused to occur through a four-stage surface oxidation process and finally through a homogeneous exothermic reaction in the gaseous phase. The ignition mechanism of the magnesium-aluminum alloy was essentially identical with that of magnesium, although the observed ignition behavior was more complicated. The difference could be explained in terms of the aluminum ingredient contained in the oxide film formed on the sample surface.
In present study the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was investigated for the detection and differentiation of mechanically deboned meat (MDM) content treated with high pressure techniques in meat products. A number of samples of meat products were prepared containing different proportions of MDM and elemental analysis was performed by a multi-element ICP-MS method after microwave assisted acid digestion of processed meat samples in closed vessels acid microwave digestion method. Element concentrations were plotted versus MDM content and obvious differences were observed for certain elements. Among all examined elements, barium presented a clear trend in correlation of its concentration with the MDM content. The results of this preliminary study indicate that it is possible to detect the proportion of % MDM content in processed meat products by its correlation to barium concentration.
Abstract A method for the combinatorial synthesis of 2,9-substituted purines using a Mitsunobu reaction to alkylate the N-9 position and an amination reaction to install amines at the C-2 position has been developed.
Objective To study the best extracting technology of Compound Taizishen Granule prescription.Methods The total polysaccharides and total saponins were determined by UV spectrophotometer.With the content of total polysaccharides and total saponins as comprehensive indexes,orthogonal test was applied to investigation of the water addition,extraction time,and extraction times for optimizing the best extracting technology.Results The best extracting technology was using 10 times the amount of water,extracting 3 times and 1.5 h per time.Conclusion The extraction technology is safe and effective,which can be used as extraction for Compound Taizishen Granule prescription.
The nature of the breakdown of thyroglobulin
Thyroglobulin consists chiefly of a component of M.W. 660,000 and sedimentation coefficient 19 S. On complete reduction of the 101 disulphide bonds, subunits are obtained (TgM) with M.W. ca. 165,000 [l] . However, these slowly give rise to products of lower M.W. [2] even when stored at -20” [3]. In a previous paper from this laboratory [4] we described the slow breakdown of TgM at pH 8.7 in the presence of SDS, leading to the formation of two products, B and C, with M.W. 35,000 and 20,000 respectively. In the present communication we will describe further breakdown products, their composition and conditions which favour their formation.
ABSTRACTPurpose.The purpose of this study was to develop a novel, quantitative measurement of tear film breakup dynamics (TBUD) to study the phenomenon of tear breakup in dry eye and control subjects and its impact on dry eye symptoms.Methods.Ten control and 10 dry eye subjects completed the Dry Eye
Identification of Chemical and Metalobic Components of Fufang Suan-Zao-Ren-Tang Decoction by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electro Spray Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Chemical components of Fufang Suan-Zao-Ren-Tang decoction and their metabolites in rats were identified by HPLC-ESI-MS.Samples were separated by a Zorbax C18 column using a binary gradient elution,and analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MS.The ions of compounds in negative modes were observed for molecule mass information,and the potential structures were identified by attentive studying on the mass spectra of compounds and comparing with reference data and some of standards.It is the first time to establish an analysis method using HPLC-MC to identify the chemical and metalobic components of Fufang Suan-Zao-Ren-Tang decoction.Further research about Suan-Zao-Ren-Tang decoction can base on this analysis method.
The present invention provides a process for the preparation of an enriched carboxylic acid compositions produced by the method of composition of the carboxylic acid is included in contact with the enrichment feed in the enrichment zone. The present invention is then to remove the catalyst from the carboxylic acid composition to a method and that the resulting composition for the preparation of a catalyst removal composition.
Biomass Derived Syngas Cleaning Technologies
One of the fundamental steps to the successful operation of biomass gasification technologies for power generation is the efficiency of the gas cleaning step. Catalytic cracking is selected as the hot gas cleaning technology for this research using zeolite HZSM-5 catalyst in order to reduce tar produced from palm shells gasification in the laboratory scale fixed bed gasifier. The catalyst load of 2, 5 and 10 weight % of the weight of palms shells has been tested in experiment. Gas chromatographic analysis of the tar produced has been conducted along with the study of biomass gasification index (BGI), emissions of CO, NO, and SO2. Furthermore, suitable correlations for the tar removal cleanup for syngas derived from biomass palm shells at different operating parameters when using HZSM-5 catalyst have been developed from the interpolation of the experimental data obtained.
Abstract Incorporation of [U- 14 C]leucine in jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) occurred mainly in the chloroplast and soluble cytoplasmic fractions. In the chloroplasts a major portion of the label was associated with the membrane-bound proteins. Fumigation of pine seedlings with gaseous SO 2 (0.34 ppm) for 24 and 48 hr markedly inhibited de novo protein biosynthesis in the chloroplast and cytoplasmic fractions. The inhibition was greater for the biosynthesis of chloroplast proteins than for the cytoplasmic ones. The magnitude of inhibition was dependent on exposure time and appeared to be related to sulphur uptake in the treated tissues.
Development of ammonium bifluoride fusion method for rapid dissolution of trinitite samples and analysis by ICP-MS
Field deployable dissolution techniques are needed to decrease response time following a nuclear event. This study tested the capability of NH4HF2 fusion to dissolve trinitite. Dissolution of trinitite by NH4HF2 fusion was compared to conventional microwave digestion. Following digestion, trace elements were measured using ICP-MS. This work demonstrates that low temperature fusion with NH4HF2 is capable of dissolving trinitite samples. The low purity of the NH4HF2 resulted in a higher limit of detection for several elements when compared to microwave digestion with high purity acids.
The invention discloses a fluoro-substituted triptolide derivative shown as formula (I) or its pharmaceutically acceptable salt or hydrate or their optical isomer, wherein the -- connecting OH and F can represent the following meaning. The invention also discloses a preparation method of the fluoro-substituted triptolide derivative and application of the derivative in medicaments treating cancers and cancer related diseases.
Feasibility study of lactate imaging of head and neck tumors.
A proton spectroscopic imaging sequence was used to investigate the feasibility of lactate imaging in head and neck tumors. The sequence employs a two-shot lactate editing method with inversion recovery for additional lipid suppression, and a restricted field of view to suppress motion artifacts. Variations in acquisition parameters and two different receive coils were investigated on twelve patients. Elevated lactate was detected in three patients, no lactate was observed in seven patients, and two studies were inconclusive because of severe motion or inhomogeneity artifacts. Best results were obtained with an anterior/posterior neck coil at a 288 ms echo time (TE).
Abstract The neutralization process of the depolarization field in L-α-alanine doped triglycine sulfate (LATGS) was investigated by the observation of the polarization charge on the surface of LATGS from the moment of cleavage. The charges which were equivalent to such a high voltage as 5kV were actually induced on the surface of the sample at the moment when the sample was cleaved. The charges were neutralized exponentially with time and more slowly in the vacuum cell (≊10Pa) than in atmosphere.
Anomerization of glucose 6-phosphate: pH dependence and solvent isotope effects☆
Abstract The anomerization of α- d -glucose 6-phosphate has been examined using a spectrophotometric coupled enzyme assay. The pH-rate profile for spontaneous d -glucose 6-phosphate anomerization reveals that the d -glucose 6-phosphate dianion is the species giving rise to the much higher rate of d -glucose 6-phosphate anomerization over that of d -glucose. A deuterium solvent isotope effect of k H 2 O k D 2 O = 1.7 is consistent with the postulated intramolecular general-base catalysis by the phosphate.
Background and Objective Chemotherapeutic drug treatment outcomes are genetically determined. Polymorphisms in genes encoding phase II drug metabolizing enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) can possibly predict treatment outcomes, and can be of prognostic significance in breast cancer patients. The aim of this study was to determine the role of genetic variations in GST in predicting response to, and toxicity of, anthracycline-based chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Method Two hundred and seven patients treated with anthracycline-based chemotherapy were genotyped for GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms, and GSTP1 Ile 105 Val (rs1695), by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/