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Chemical modification of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst) wood with melamine formaldehyde resin
Impregnation of Norway spruce soft wood with melamine formaldehyde (MF) resin under vacuum-pressure process showed promising potential to improve number of properties, such as, dimensional stability and surface hardness. In this study, MF resin impregnated wood was evaluated at different levels of weight percent gain (WPG) compared to untreated one, mainly for dimensional stability and surface hardness. The modified wood, at 22.9 level of WPG possessed increase in dimensional stability in terms of anti-swelling efficiency and surface hardness by 17.5% and 124% over untreated, control. Chemical adherence and/or reaction takes place onto wood cell wall components other than cell lumens, which was proved by vertical density profile (VDP), UV microscopic and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies.
In order to study possible mediators of the vascular manifestations of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA), several arachidonic acid metabolites were injected into guinea-pig skin. SRS-A, LTB4, LTC and LTD increased vascular permeability, responses to LTs being enhanced by PGE2. Mepyramine inhibited responses to histamine, but not those to SRS-A and LTs: the latter were inhibited by the SRS-A antagonist FPL-55712. Both mepyramine and FPL-55712 exert limited inhibitory effects on vascular permeability during PCA. Leukotrienes may contribute towards vascular permeability during PCA.
The Michael reaction of enamines with nitroolefins
Abstract Several Michael reactions of enamines with nitroolefins (or their cogeners, the β-nitroalkyl acetates) are described. Reduction of the products with amalgamated aluminum leads to heterocyclic compounds, e.g. from 2-(β-nitro-α-phenylethyl)cyclohexanone (IV) to a partially hydrogenated 3-phenylindole (VII).
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of solvents on the permeation of leflunomide in excised mouse skin. METHODS Modified Franz-diffusion cell adopted as apparatus for in vitro skin permeation, excised mouse skin as permeation barrier and permeability as index, the concentration of leflunomide in the samples was measured by HPLC. RESULTS Ethanol has enhancement effect on the permeability of leflunomide, propylene glycol and lower concentration DMI have little effect on the permeability of leflunomide. CONCLUSIONS These solvents can be used in the skin local preparations of leflunomide.
The Role of Hydroxide Ions in Reduction of Plutonyl Ion Stimulated by Nitrogen Laser Radiation (337.1 nm)
The behavior of the Pu22+ ion excited by radiation of a pulse nitrogen laser in aqueous solutions with a high content of CsF was studied at various pH. Chemiluminescence of luminol under the action of OH radicals arising in the solution was considered. The absorption spectra of PuO22+ complexes in aqueous solution with a high content of CsF are presented.
2',3'-Cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase activity in the cerebrum of the inherited primary hypothyroid mouse (hyt/hyt) is reduced in comparison with the normal heterozygate (hyt/+). No differences were observed with regard to DNA and RNA content and the RNA/DNA ratio. The results of this study indicate that hypomyelination in the hypothyroid mouse is restricted to the cerebrum, and is not related to arrested glial proliferation.
Contributions to silica gel application in residue analysis: V. Simple micro method for liquid chromatographic separation of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides and polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's)
A simple micromethod for the determination of organochloride pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) is discussed. Using 2 g, 3 g and 4 g silica gel columns, the pesticides are quantitatively eluated with 20 ml, 25 ml and 30 ml of solvent, retaining 90 mg, 140 mg and 190 mg of fat. Recoveries of pesticides ranged from 90–100%.
The establishment of reliable serological methods for cysticercosis in pigs is important for the surveillance, control and prevention of taeniosis/cysticercosis in humans as well as in pigs to prevent economic loss. Both ELISA and immunoblot using glycoproteins (GPs) purified by a single step of preparative iso-electric focusing, which are highly useful for human cysticercosis, have been applied for a serological study in pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium . All sera from pigs showed similar responses to those in human cysticercosis. Therefore, it is expected that both ELISA and immunoblots using GPs would be useful in differentiating infected pigs from uninfected ones.
Esomeprzole and naproxen are available in tablet dosage form in the ratio 1:25. Two simple, accurate, precise and economic methods; simultaneous equation method and multicomponent method have been described for the simultaneous estimation of esomeprzole and naproxen in tablet dosage form. Absorption maxima of esomeprzole and naproxen in distilled water were found to be 301.0 nm and 262.0 nm respectively. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range 5-50 µg/ml for esomeprzole and 5-50 µg/ml for naproxen. The methods allow rapid analysis of binary pharmaceutical formulation with accuracy. Results of two methods were validated statistically and by recovery studies and were found to be satisfactory.
Purpose ::: This study focuses on nanoscale self–assembly peptides (SAP) modified demineralized bone matrix (DBM) which provided a more effective osteogenesis and regeneration for critically-sized femur defects in goats using the selective cell retention (SCR) strategy.
“Wetting” the Appetite of Spark Ignition Engines for Lean Combustion
Single-cylinder spark ignition engine experiments conducted at constant speed, fixed airflow, and using isooctane as the fuel, demonstrated the effects of fuel-air mixture preparation was changed by varying the time of fuel injection in the induction manifold, near the intake valve port. For comparison, a prevaporized fuel-air mixture was also investigated. Emphasis was placed on determining the effects of mixture preparation on combustion characteristics. Based on the results from this study, the often favored prevaporized mixture of fuel and air may not be the best diet for lean engine operation. /SAE/
Flow Injection (FI) techniques for use with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) ::: have attracted considerable research interest for sample introduction and calibration ::: strategies. The interest continues in on-line preconcentration and matrix modification ::: which are carried out by the incorporation of liquid-liquid extraction, ion-exchange, ::: immobilised reagents, gas/vapour generation and continuous precipitation-filtration ::: devices into suitably designed manifolds. Indirect determination of inorganic anions and ::: organic compounds is becoming routine by FI–flame AAS. The direct analysis of solid ::: samples, which is a shortcoming of flame AAS, was recently carried out by on-line ::: electrolytic dissolutions. [Continues.]
Quantitative trace analysis with X-ray fluorescence in the scanning electron microscope
The potential of a scanning electron microscope will be enhanced markedly by adapting the X-ray fluorescence for material analysis. The illuminating system “rontgenbox” enables the analyst to execute analyses in the concentration range from 100 percent down to the low ppm range without time consuming preparation steps. X-ray intensities of traces are measured for different anodes in the elemental range fromZ=11 to 90 (sodium to thorium).
A study was carried out on the separation of active anthraquinone ingredient in Chinese rhubarb using High-Speed Countercurrent Chromatography with acid-base accommodationt. Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) was used as the retaining acid and ammonia liquor as the eluent base. The solvent system was n-hexane-acetic ester-methanol-water (ratio by volume was 9 ∶1 ∶5 ∶5). The separative product was confirmed as five pure anthraquinone of Chinese rhubarb by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
Bioavailability of potassium from controlled-release tablets with and without water loading
The relative availability of potassium from a controlled-release multiple-units tablet (Kalinorm) and a single-unit tablet (Slow-K) were compared in 13 volunteers on a low potassium diet (less than 30 mmol), by observing changes in urinary potassium excretion after administration of a single dose of 32 mmol potassium, either with or without water loading. Irrespective of procedure, the two products had the same extent of availability. The use of water loading, and special precautions about the level of dietary potassium and its composition when studying urinary potassium excretion, are discussed. It is suggested that water loading should be avoided when investigating the rate of potassium excretion.
Abstract Cation concentration profiles in solid—solution scales on NiCo alloys have been calculated by making use of Wagner's theoretical analysis. As a result of the computation method used, it becomes unnecessary to incorporate experimental values in the calculation for either the parabolic rate constant, k p , or the boundary conditions of the cation profile. The agreement between the independently determined theoretical and experimental cation profiles provides strong support for Wagner's model. The calculated variation of k p with alloy composition is also in agreement with the experimental data.
The reaction of hydrogen peroxide with U salts in the presence of an excess of alkaline carbonate produces a red-orange solution. Spectrophotometric studies indicate the formation of a peroxide complex as a result of the reaction between an H/sub 2/O/sub 2/ molecule and a U atom. The equilibrium constant, indicating the stability of the compound, was determined. (tr-auth)
Background ::: Unsaturated fatty acids (FA) are required for cancer cell growth. In normoxia cells can generate unsaturated FA from saturated stearic and palmitic acid by desaturation. However, since the desaturation step is oxygen-dependent hypoxic cancer cells display an increased dependence on the uptake of unsaturated FA. Up to now the mechanism of increased FA uptake in hypoxia is largely unknown. Here we aimed to study the role of human serum and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK1) in the regulation of FA uptake in cancer cells exposed to acute or chronic cycling hypoxia and explore its use as target for the radiosensitization of hypoxic cancer cells.
Bentiromide as a test of exocrine pancreatic function in adult patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: Determination of appropriate dose and urinary collection interval
Abstract A dose-ranging crossover study of orally administered bentiromide was conducted in 47 patients with chronic pancreatic disease and 61 healthy volunteers. Four doses (100 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, and 5 g) and postdosing urine collection periods (0–3, 0–6, 0–12, and 0–24 h) were studied. Of these, the 500-mg dose and 0–6-h urine collection period afforded maximal separation of urinary arylamine excretion rates between the two populations. At this dose and collection period, the lower limit of normal (mean − 2 SD) for the control group was 57%; none of the healthy volunteers had 6-h arylamine excretion rates
AIM: To optimize the extraction of the anthraquinone aglycnes from Rhubarb using supercritical fluid extraction(SFE). METHODS: Orthogonal design and variance analysis were used to optimize five operational variables of SFE. RESULTS: The optimized operational variables of SFE were obtained as following: the temperature was 70 °C , the pressure was 35 MPa, the static extraction time was 8 min, the dynamic extraction volume 5 mL and methanol were used as modifier. CONCLUSION: SFE is rapid, convenient and accurate, and can be used to extract athraquinone aglycones from Rhubarb.
Dehydrogenase-silica as a stationary phase for the separation of alcohols and ketones
Abstract Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was immobilized on tresyl-activated silica particles and slurry packed into a PTFE-coated stainless-steel column. The stationary phase enzyme column was used for the high-performance chromatographic separation of alcohols and ketones. Baseline resolution of the secondary alcohols terbutaline and bambuterol and their respective ketones was obtained. In addition, discrimination of closely related isomers, including the positional isomers of ethylphenethyl alcohol and the optical isomers of 1-phenyl-1-butanol, was achieved.
The establishment of reliable serological methods for cysticercosis in pigs is important for the surveillance, control and prevention of taeniosis/cysticercosis in humans as well as in pigs to prevent economic loss. Both ELISA and immunoblot using glycoproteins (GPs) purified by a single step of preparative iso-electric focusing, which are highly useful for human cysticercosis, have been applied for a serological study in pigs naturally infected with Taenia solium . All sera from pigs showed similar responses to those in human cysticercosis. Therefore, it is expected that both ELISA and immunoblots using GPs would be useful in differentiating infected pigs from uninfected ones.
Absolute Configuration and Body Part Distribution of the Alkaloid 6-epi-Monanchorin from the Marine Polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus
As a result of the first study on secondary metabolites from the cosmopolitan bioluminescent marine tube polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus, a new bicyclic guanidine alkaloid, 6-epi-monanchorin (1), along with the previously known monanchorin (2) were isolated. The structure of 1 was elucidated by...
The property of biological degradation is used as the primary evaluation index in this article. By designing the radio of the monomer, the experiment tests the CODCr/BOD5 value of seven kinds of sizes, which are of different monomer ratios. The calibration experiment is the COD value of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) standard solution and the BOD value of Glucose and sodium glutamate salt standard solution. By using the optimum ratio of monomer, we synthesized the new acrylic sizing agent, which has a good biodegradation performance and can be biochemical.
Competitive ionic hydration involving outer-shell solvent: temperature dependence
Retardation of proton dissociation from the excited state of 1-naphthol by added LiCl, MgCl 2 , and CaCl 2 in aqueous solutions is studied as a function of salt concentration and temperature. The observed «salt effects» cannot be satisfactorily explained by using the bulk properties of electrolytic solutions such as water activity. It is found that near room temperature the proton dissociation is strongly affected by an intermediate hydration region of an ion, which couples the «primary solvation shell» to the bulk region of the solvent
This paper deals with the study on the extracting conditions of flavonoid from tea.Response surface methodology was used to obtain the optimum extracting conditions by Design-Expert 6.0.The research findings show that the optimum extracting conditions were as follows:extracting 60 min,water temperature 80℃,60%alcohol,10 times volumes.
Arsenic concentration in hair as an indicator of exposure
Elevated concentrations of the extremely toxic arsenic in ground water occur in many parts of the world with largest population being exposed in the entire Bengal delta. Exposure to arsenic can occur through food, water, and air. One of the biological indicators of exposure to arsenic is its accumulation in hair. The arsenic concentrations in hair in this study indicate that the exposure decreased in the following order: West Bengal (India) > Thailand > Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) > Denmark > Malaysia (Rural); however only in India, Thailand and Kuala Lumpur there is an indication of chronic arsenic exposure.
OBJECTIVE ::: To establish a new method to discriminate Aaron's beard by Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry. ::: ::: ::: METHODS ::: Attenuation Reflection-Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry with clustering analysis was used to the identification of Aaron's beard. ::: ::: ::: RESULTS ::: There were obvious differences in Aaron's beard. The results are consistent with that of morphologic study. ::: ::: ::: CONCLUSION ::: This method is rapid, simple and economical, and can be used to the quality control.
This article defines chemiluminescence, describes the instruments used to measure ultraweak chemiluminescence, and discusses its various applications. Chemical reactions which cause light emission are enumerated. Among these are the oxidation of organic and inorganic materials, inorganic acid-base reactions, beoluminescence, and the thermal decomposition of materials. Chemiluminescence measurement is considered a powerful tool in the study and measurement of polymer degradation and the quality control and analysis of fine chemicals. When applying the technique to chemical processes the following can be evaluated: the effect of structural differences on a material's stability; the effect of additives; the effect of processing changes; and the effect of a material's environment (radiation, temperature, atmosphere) or its stability.
Of the chemical tests used, we found that values for urinary free cortisol had the best clinical correlation and were the most sensitive indicator of cortisol secretion in a patient with Cushing’s syndrome who was treated with amino-glutethimide.
Biochemistry of Halogenated Aldehydes and Ketones
The susceptibility of a halogen situated at the α position of an aldehyde or ketone to nucleophilic displacement plays a central role in much of the biochemical behavior of these compounds. Examples to be reviewed in this chapter include the reaction of α-chloro- and α-bromoaldehydes with nucleic acid components and the use of α-halocarbonyl compounds as affinity labels. The presence of halogen also affects the chemistry of the neighboring carbonyl group, making the carbonyl carbon more electrophilic, an effect especially pronounced with α-fluorine substitution. This has been used to advantage in the design of several transition state analogue enzyme inhibitors, based on the ready formation of tetrahedral intermediates from such halogen-substituted analogues.
The study, developed on a series of patients - both women and men - of various ages, suffering from non- ::: alcoholic and alcoholic hepatic steatosis, was devoted to the activity of some enzymes, bearing important implications in ::: the evaluation of the health condition of the hepatic tissue, such as alanine- and aspartate-aminotransferase, γ-glutamyl- ::: transferase and alkaline phosphatase. The results obtained evidence significant differences both between men and women, ::: and between the categories of age under study, in most cases the values recorded being distinctly higher than the ::: reference interval viewed as physiologically normal.
Quantitative analysis of purine and pyrimidine metabolism in Chinese hamster ovary cells
A detailed quantitative study of purine and pyrimidine metabolism in logarithmically growing Chinese hamster ovary cells has been performed. Direct measurements of the ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pool sizes have been made, and the pathways and rates of metabolism of adenine, hypoxanthine, guanine, guanosirae, deoxyadenosine, and deoxyguanosine and of uridine, cytidine, deoxyeytidine, deoxyuridine, and thymidine have been determined.
The invention relates to an effect on keratin-containing fibers, in particular human hair, oxidatively acting agent containing in addition at least one oxidizing agent, a combination of active ingredients (A) a selected cationic polymer, (b) at least one mono- or di- (C (C) at least one quaternary ammonium compound which carries at least a selected group at the quaternized nitrogen atom, and a method for reshaping keratin fibers, in which this means is applied, and the use of this agent for fixing in the course of a hair forming. The transformation is improved by this means and that the fiber gets an excellent care and structural preservation.
Analysis of phospholipids and fatty acids composition of rat hepatoma cells
Objective: To study the membrane phospholipid composition of rat hepatoma cells. Method: The mole fraction of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in total phospholipids of CBRH-7919 hepatoma cells was compared to that of normal liver cells by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) and phosphorus assay. The composition and mole fraction of fatty acids of PC in hepatoma cells were also compared to those of normal ones with gas chromatographic analysis (GC analysis). Results and Conclusion: The PC content of membrane phospholipids in CBRH-7919 tumor cells, particularly in long chain and unsaturated fatty acids was significantly lower than that of normal cells.
FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention concerns process of production of diisopropyl {[1-(hydroxymethyl)-cyclopropyl]oxy}methylphosphonate represented by the formula , which is the key intermediate compound in synthesis of antiviral nucleoside analogue. The invention also concerns new intermediate compounds of formulae and , and their production of compound (2) obtained under this invention, which is an antiviral nucleoside analogue (especially against hepatitis B virus) represented by the formula . EFFECT: high purity grade and high output. 4 ex
What are the methods to study nuceic acid and protein interactions?
Are you looking at any protein in particular? Look up in situ hybrdization for proteins ( at least it will give you an idea where it is localised). I think that it would really depend on the system ad proteins that you want to study, so I am not sure how much else I can tell you, sorry.
Test for application compatibility with UAP...easily performed by installing the Application Verifier Tool and the LUA Privilege Shim. Once they are installed, you are ready to test your application.
Multicanonical study of the 3d ising spin glass at zero temperature
Abstract Using multicanonical sampling, zero-temperature properties of the 3d Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass model are studied. Finite size scaling with a zero-temperature scaling exponent y = 0.74±0.12 describes the data well. Alternatively, a descriptions in terms of Parisi mean field behavior is still possible. The two scenarios give significantly different predictions on lattices of size ≥12 3 .
We apply a polarization Wigner formalism to the propagation of polarization in a Young interferometer within paraxial approximation. With a very simple ray picture, we obtain complete and rigorous information about polarization evolution via the superposition of the spatial-angular Stokes parameters associated with three light rays. We compare the degree of polarization in the interference region with several measures of the degree of coherence for vectorial fields.
Ab initiotheoretical study of magnetization and phase stability of the(Fe,Co,Ni)23B6and(Fe,Co,Ni)23Zr6structures ofCr23C6andMn23Th6prototypes
Modern Magnetic Materials: Principles and Applications
No iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the last ice age
Absence of detectable MOKE signals from spin Hall effect in metals
Direct visualization of current-induced spin accumulation in topological insulators
The high-risk criteria low-attenuation plaque <60 HU and the napkin-ring sign are the most powerful predictors of MACE: a long-term follow-up study
Kondo conductance across the smallest spin 1/2 radical molecule
Au(111): A theoretical study of the surface reconstruction and the surface electronic structure
Well-posedness results for the generalized Benjamin-Ono equation with arbitrary large initial data
The purpose of this paper is to prove unexpected connections among the asymptotic behavior of the magnetization, the structure of the phase transitions, and a class of polynomials that we call the Ginzburg-Landau polynomials. The model under study is a meanfield version of an important lattice-spin model due to Blume and Capel. It is defined by
In this paper we investigate the relationship between the mixing times of the Glauber dynamics of a statistical mechanical system with its thermodynamic equilibrium structure. For this we consider the mean-field Blume-Capel model, one of the simplest statistical mechanical models that exhibits the following intricate phase transition structure: within a two dimensional parameter space there exists a curve at which the model undergoes a second-order, continuous phase transition, a curve where the model undergoes a first-order, discontinuous phase transition, and a tricritical point which separates the two curves. We determine the interface between the regions of slow and rapid mixing. In order to completely determine the region of rapid mixing, we employ a novel extension of the path coupling method, successfully proving rapid mixing even in the absence of contraction between neighboring states.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of the spherical p-spin models in the scaling regime near the plateau and derive the corresponding scaling functions for the correlators. Our main result is that the matching between different time regimes fixes the aging function in the aging regime to h(t) = exp [t1 − μ]. The exponent μ is related to the one giving the length of the plateau. Interestingly 1 − μ is quickly very small when one goes away from the dynamic transition temperature in the glassy phase. This sheds new light on the interpretation of experiments and simulations where simple aging was found to be a reasonable but not perfect approximation, which could be attributed to the existence of a small but non-zero stretching exponent.
The aging of polymeric materials and the alteration of corresponding physical properties are described. -- AATA
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Monte Carlo study of transient states of order inYBa2Cu3Oz
Monte Carlo simulations of oxygen ordering in the YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub {ital z}} system have been performed using a two-dimensional anisotropic Ising model. In agreement with experimental findings, transient phases are obtained at low temperatures. Observed structures are investigated, and the kinetics of their domain formation is described. The convergence of the system is seen to be exceptionally slow, and the rate of domain evolution is found to increase with decreasing oxygen content. The implications of these findings on the development of a complete theoretical ordering model for this system are discussed.
ABSTRACTLong-term travel behavior is difficult to observe and explain and even more difficult to forecast. This paper proposes an approach based on stochastic state equations to describe the gradua...
Electron spin resonance and its applications
The method of electron spin resonance spectroscopy for studying free radicals and related materials is outlined and the basic parts of the theory are given. Some typical spectrometers are indicated and details are given of the arrangement of samples of different kinds. Three systems are discussed in some detail, as examples, namely the spectrum of a free radical in irradiated alanine, the semiquinone spectrum in solution and the haemoglobin crystal structure problem. Reference is made to applications in biology and related fields; subjects of special importance include radiobiology, photosynthesis, enzymic oxidation and nucleic acid complexes.
Using the Stevens–Tiersten equation for slowly varying thickness modes in doubly rotated quartz plate piezoelectric resonators, we determine optimal electrode shape and size for these resonators. The electrodes obtained are optimal in that they satisfy Bechmann’s number in every direction.
Structure of negatively charged muonium in n-type GaAs.
Muon level-crossing resonance and muon-spin-rotation measurements on heavily doped {ital n}-type GaAs:Si and GaAs:Te show that the majority of positive muons implanted at room temperature form an isolated diamagnetic muonium center located at a high-symmetry site with Ga neighbors along the {l_angle}111{r_angle} direction(s). These experiments, together with theoretical considerations, imply that negatively charged muonium is at or near the tetrahedral interstitial site with four Ga nearest-neighbor atoms. Except for zero-point energy differences, these results should model negatively charged isolated hydrogen in GaAs.
We present a computational study of 2$p$ core-level X-ray photoemission spectra of transition metal monoxides MO (M=Ni, Co, Mn) and sesquioxides M$_2$O$_3$ (M=V, Cr, Fe) using a theoretical framework based on the local-density approximation (LDA) $+$ dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We find a very good description of the fine spectral features, which improves considerably over the conventional cluster model. We analyze the role of the non-local screening and its relationship to the long-range magnetic order and the lattice geometry. Our results reveal the potential of the present method for the analysis and interpretation of the modern high-energy-resolution experiments.
First-principles study on the electronic structure of bismuth transition-metal oxides
The electronic structure, magnetic and electric properties, and lattice stability of multiferroic BiMnO 3 as a typical system in perovskite Bi transition-metal oxides (BiMO 3 ) are studied from first principles. It is demonstrated theoretically for the first time that the orbital ordering within the Mn eg orbitals is actually realized in BiMnO 3 , being consistent with crystallographic data, and plays a crucial role in the appearance of ferromagnetism. Total-energy calculation shows the ferromagnetic state is indeed stabilized. Electrical polarization of BiMnO 3 is also estimated based on the Berry phase theory. Lattice instability to off-centred displacement, which is driven by strong covalent bonding between Bi 6p and O 2p states, is found to be rather common in the BiMO 3 series.
A novel microstrip bandpass filter with four transmission zeros is proposed. Four transmission zeros close to the passband are realized to improve the selectivity for the passband. A sixth- order passband is realized with two shorted stubs and a dual-mode ring resonator. The transmission zeros near the passband can be adjusted conveniently by only changing the characteristic impedances of the coupled lines. For demonstration, a planar bandpass filter (3-dB bandwidth 21.9%) was designed and fabricated.
[Circumstances of Parkinson's disease diagnosis].
Parkinson's disease is one of the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases. The usual characteristic signs combine the classical triad, rest tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity. The diagnosis is usually easy after several years, especially when the levodopa responsiveness is established, and most of the differential diagnosis can then be ruled out. However, the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is not confirmed at autopsy in 25% of cases. The errors are much more frequent at disease onset since the clinical presentation may be insidious and may comprise non-motor signs such as pain, vegetative, sensory or neuropsychological signs. In the future, early recognition of the disease will become more and more important with the development of neuroprotective therapeutic strategies.
Abstract A simple pseudopotential (PP) model developed by us earlier was used here to study lattice dynamics and lattice statics of copper. Comparison of the accuracy attainable in different model calculations of the off-symmetry phonon frequencies was made, and the PP model appeared to be at least as accurate as the embedded atom method (EAM). We suggest that calculation of further lattice properties is necessary to evaluate any microscopic model properly. As an example we give a brief review of the PP model application in the lattice dynamics of alloys including the calculation of frequency shifts in different palladium-based alloys.
Critical dynamics of a uniaxial and dipolar ferromagnet
We study the critical dynamics of three-dimensional ferromagnets with uniaxial anisotropy by taking into account exchange and dipole-dipole interaction. The dynamic spin correlation functions and the transport coefficients are calculated within a mode coupling theory. It is found that the crossover scenario is determined by the subtle interplay between three length scales: the correlation length, the dipolar and uniaxial wave vector. We compare our theoretical findings with hyperfine interaction experiments on Gd and find quantitative agreement. This analysis allows us to identify the universality class for Gd. It also turns out that the µSR relaxation rate can be best fitted if it is assumed that muons occupy octahedral interstitials sites within the Gd lattice.
In this paper a rigorous mathematical analysis of a synchronous machine with solid cylindrical rotor is presented. The analysis embodies a departure from the usual method of considering machine performance by means of circuit theory, and presents an attack from the point of view of field-distribution theory. Such an analysis is desirable, for it provides a definite means of considering the effect of eddy currents in the solid iron rotor.
Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity and rotation on ferroconvection saturating a porous medium in the presence of dust particles
This paper deals with the theoretical investigation of the combined effect of magnetic field dependent (MFD) viscosity and rotation on ferroconvection saturating a porous medium in the presence of dust particles subjected to a transverse uniform magnetic field. For a flat fluid layer contained between two free boundaries, an exact solution is obtained. A linear stability analysis has been carried out to study the onset of ferroconvection. The cases of stationary convection and oscillatory modes have been discussed. In this paper, an attempt is also made to obtain the sufficient conditions for the non-existence of overstability.
The spin-orbit scattering of 4sp and 5sp impurities in a Mg host is investigated theoretically by self-consistent local-density-functional theory. The calculated spin-orbit scattering cross sections σ SO agree with the available experimental results for low valent impurities. For higher valent impurities we predict a p resonance behavior. For Cu and Ag impurities our results point to errors of density-functional theory in estimating the d contribution to σ SO . In total a consistent interpretation of the trends is given
Magnetic Resonance Studies of Solid-State Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Related Defects
Hydrogen is a detrimental impurity in many chemical vapor deposited (CVD) materials, particularly those involved in electronic or optical applications. For example, active hydrogen defects have been observed in materials such as silicon, Si, gallium arsenide, GaAs, and diamond, C, thin films. Hydrogen and its related defects can be identified, quantified, and observed using magnetic resonance techniques. These techniques allow a unique quantitative, non-destructive view of hydrogen in the solid-state. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is used to study hydrogenated defects directly, while electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to observe hydrogen associated with paramagnetic defects. These observations can enhance our understanding of the effects of hydrogen incorporation on the properties of such materials.
Abstract The spin-phonon spin 1 2 Heisenberg system is found to have the same critical index for the susceptibility as the ideal, rigid lattice ferromagnet. This is in accordance with the criterion for critical index renormalisation expounded by Fisher in terms of the sign of the specific heat index.
The Double Exchange Model at Low Densities
CFP and Departamento de F´isica, Faculdade de Ciˆencias Universidade do Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal.(Dated: 2nd February 2008)We obtain the phase diagram of the double-exchange model at low electronic densities in the pres-ence of electron-electron interactions. The single particle problem and its extension to low electronicdensities, when a Wigner crystal of magnetic polarons is generated due to unscreened Coulomb inter-actions, is studied. It is argued that the Wigner crystal is the natural alternative to phase separationwhen the Coulomb interaction is taken into account. We discuss the thermal and quantum stabilityof the crystalline phase towards a polaronic Fermi liquid and a homogeneous, metallic, ferromagneticphase. The relevance and application of our results to EuB
This paper presents a study of the technical efficiency of industries in a transitional economy: China. Using data for 28 manufacturing industries across 29 provinces and the Data Envelopment Analysis approach, the technical efficiency of each industry is measured and compared across regions and provinces. The determinants of differential technical efficiency performance are analysed, with a particular focus on the impact of trade orientation and foreign investment. Trade openness is found generally to have a positive effect on technical efficiency.
Nonreciprocal Metasurfaces through Biasing with Circularly Polarized Waves
Spatiotemporal modulation (STM) has emerged as a promising paradigm for the development of magnetless nonreciprocal devices, but it poses significant practical challenges when sought to be implemented over structures with a large number of modulated components, such as metasurfaces. Here it is shown that this problem may be overcome in metasurfaces biased with circular-polarized waves. In particular, it is shown that this type of biasing can create modulation equivalent to angular-momentum modulation, without any complicated modulation network. Different forms of CP modulation are discussed and shown how they can lead to different nonreciprocal functionalities, including Faraday rotation, nonreciprocal amplification and isolation.
We study in this paper the properties of a two-body random matrix ensemble for distinguishable spins. We require the ensemble to be invariant under the group of local transformations and analyze a parametrization in terms of the group parameters and the remaining parameters associated with the 'entangling' part of the interaction. We then specialize to a spin chain with nearest-neighbour interactions and numerically find a new type of quantum-phase transition related to the strength of a random external field, i.e. the time-reversal-breaking one-body interaction term.
Direct observation of ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition
Abstract The magnetic behaviour of magnetite at low temperatures is dominated by its transformation to a monoclinic crystal structure that is simultaneously ferrimagnetic, ferroelastic and ferroelectric below ∼ 125 K (the Verwey transition). Here we use electron microscopy to reveal the relationship between ferrimagnetic and ferroelastic domain structures in monoclinic magnetite. We present dynamic observations of magnetite during heating and cooling across the Verwey transition, revealing a diversity of unexpected interaction phenomena between crystallographic twins and magnetic domain walls. This study provides a new understanding of the low-temperature magnetic properties of magnetite that will affect a broad range of rock magnetic studies, from the interpretation of magnetic remanence in terrestrial rocks and sediments to the search for biogenic magnetite in extraterrestrial materials.
We present an electronic structure calculation of the valence band for some II--VI binary/ternary alloy interfaces. We use the empirical tight-binding method and the surface Green's function matching method. For the ternary alloys we use our previously set Hamiltonians they describe well the band gap change with composition obtained experimentally. At the interface domain, we find three non-dispersive and two interface states besides the known bulk bands. The non-dispersive states are reminiscent of the ones already obtained experimentally as well as theoretically, in (001)-oriented surfaces. We make use of the available theoretical calculations for the (001)-oriented surfaces of the binary compounds and for the binary/binary interfaces to compare our new results with.
Normal and anomalous densities in Bose–Einstein condensates with optical lattices
We study the quantum phase transition from the superfluid to the Mott insulator state in two- and three-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensate with optical lattices using Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonian within the generalized Hatree–Fock–Bogoliubov approximation. The behavior of the depletion and the anomalous fraction has been investigated in the Mott insulator phase. We found that at T = 0, these quantities become significant in two and three dimensions. It is shown also that the dimensionality of the lattice enhances the anomalous density.
Abstract A layer of random defects in the simple cubic Ising model with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic interactions of strength J is considered. Using the real space renormalization group method we calculate defect free energy in the whole temperature range. Specifically, we analyze: the layer of diluted defects, the layer of spin-glass type defects, and the layer of mixed defects. The free energy is strongly dependent on the value of couplings between the defect and the bulk.
Leigh syndrome, a mitochondrial encephalo(myo)pathy: A review of the literature
Results of a literature survey of 173 patients with Leigh syndrome are presented, with emphasis on signs and symptoms in relation to age at onset, contributions of technical investigations to the diagnosis, pathophysiology, genetic considerations and therapeutic aspects. Based on this study we are of the opinion that it is possible to come to a diagnosis of "most probable Leigh syndrome" durante vitamin on the combination of clinical signs and symptoms, autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, association with a defect of energy metabolism, and CT or MRI abnormalities.
We present a computational study of 2$p$ core-level X-ray photoemission spectra of transition metal monoxides MO (M=Ni, Co, Mn) and sesquioxides M$_2$O$_3$ (M=V, Cr, Fe) using a theoretical framework based on the local-density approximation (LDA) $+$ dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We find a very good description of the fine spectral features, which improves considerably over the conventional cluster model. We analyze the role of the non-local screening and its relationship to the long-range magnetic order and the lattice geometry. Our results reveal the potential of the present method for the analysis and interpretation of the modern high-energy-resolution experiments.
205Tl NMR study of vortex state of Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ
Abstract We report a 205 Tl NMR study of vortex state for an oriented polycrystalline sample of an overdoped high- T c superconductor Tl 2 Ba 2 CuO 6+δ ( T c ∼85 K) with magnetic field 2 T along the c -axis. An obvious Redfield pattern of the 205 Tl NMR spectrum for our sample at T =5 K indicates the vortex lattice state without local antiferromagnetic order at vortex cores. We emphasize that nonexponential nuclear spin-lattice relaxation curves indicate an imperfect vortex lattice or Bragg glass phase.
Ag-added Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk superconductors were joined using Ag-added Er–Ba–Cu–O solder and different Er211 contents. Microstructural analysis revealed that the volume fraction of Er211 at the joint with a composition of Er123:Er211 = 4:1 was the same as that for the expected volume fraction of the initial composition. That is, this composition seems to be optimum, since the mass balance was maintained during the crystal growth from the initial growth stage to the final stage. The trapped-field distribution for the joint using this composition was uniform and the only single peak indicated that strong coupling was achieved.
Transition Metal Complexes With Perfluorinated Ligands.
Abstract : We have continued to make progress in preparing transition metal complexes containing fluorinated ligands, and have completed several sub-projects. We have prepared the first examples of transition metal compounds containing tetrafluoroethylene ligands that rotate rapidly on the NMR time scale. This is a significant discovery en route to a transition metal catalyst that will promote the Ziegler-Natta polymerization of fluorinated olefins to give high polymers. The factors governing the barrier to fluoroolefin rotation have been identified. We have synthesized the first example of a transition metal complex containing the pentafluorocyclopentadienyl ligand. This is an important ligand that may improve the thermal robustness of many transition metal compounds. (jg)
(Received 19 June 2011 ; in final form 25 February 2012) Abstract In this study, we investigated the spin dependent electronic transport of a fishbone-like nanostructure including two magnetic atoms at its ends. The electronic conductance of this nanostructure for three different orientations of atomic magnetic moments was numerically studied when the structure was sandwiched between two nonmagnetic leads. By using Green’s function technique at the tight-binding model, we calculated the spin dependent electronic transmission coefficient. The calculated results revealed that the conductance depends on the incident electron energy as well as the magnitude and orientation of atomic magnetic moments in the nanostructure.
Modelling the cyclic ratcheting of sands through memory-enhanced bounding surface plasticity
The modelling and simulation of cyclic sand ratcheting is tackled by means of a plasticity model formulated within the well-known critical state, bounding surface SANISAND framework. For this purpo...
We study in this paper the properties of a two-body random matrix ensemble for distinguishable spins. We require the ensemble to be invariant under the group of local transformations and analyze a parametrization in terms of the group parameters and the remaining parameters associated with the 'entangling' part of the interaction. We then specialize to a spin chain with nearest-neighbour interactions and numerically find a new type of quantum-phase transition related to the strength of a random external field, i.e. the time-reversal-breaking one-body interaction term.
Fano-Rashba effect and enhancement of figure of merit and violation of Wiedemann-Franz law
Abstract In the present article, we study the spin-dependent thermoelectric properties of a quantum dot connected to two ferromagnetic contacts. We obtain results for the conductance, thermopower, thermal conductance, Lorentz ratio and figure of merit. The transmission probability shows antiresonances as a function of the energy due to the quantum interference effects. It results in a violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law which produces an improvement of the spin-dependent thermopower and the merit figure of the system. This set up can be used to design new spin-dependent thermoelectric devices with high efficiencies.
For a large class of vanilla contingent claims, we establish an explicit F\"ollmer-Schweizer decomposition when the underlying is a process with independent increments (PII) and an exponential of a PII process. This allows to provide an efficient algorithm for solving the mean variance hedging problem. Applications to models derived from the electricity market are performed.
(Received 19 June 2011 ; in final form 25 February 2012) Abstract In this study, we investigated the spin dependent electronic transport of a fishbone-like nanostructure including two magnetic atoms at its ends. The electronic conductance of this nanostructure for three different orientations of atomic magnetic moments was numerically studied when the structure was sandwiched between two nonmagnetic leads. By using Green’s function technique at the tight-binding model, we calculated the spin dependent electronic transmission coefficient. The calculated results revealed that the conductance depends on the incident electron energy as well as the magnitude and orientation of atomic magnetic moments in the nanostructure.
In this paper, we extend our previous template analysis of a self-exciting Faraday disc dynamo with a linear series motor to the case of a nonlinear series motor. This introduces two additional nonlinear symmetry-breaking terms into the governing dynamo equations. We investigate the consequences for the identification of a possible template on which the unstable periodic orbits (UPOs) lie. By computing Gauss linking numbers between pairs of UPOs, we show that their values are not incompatible with those for a template for the Lorenz attractor for its classic parameter values.
National Underground Mines Inventory
Abstract : The purpose of this study was to identify and, to the extent that data are available, to characterize the underground, non-coal mines in the United States and to assemble the data obtained into a national inventory of underground mines having the potential of providing lodging and shelter as a civil defense measure during a natural or man-made disaster. Data were collected from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, from discussions with mine inspectors, and from mine owners and operators during visits to six underground mines. The data collected were incorporated into a computerized underground mine data file at the FEMA/Olney Computer Center.
Le fonds pan-europeen NEIF, conseille par BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Services, obtient le label DGNB Silver pour l’immeuble Signaris a Francfort
3D characteristic analysis-based targeting of concealed Kiruna-type Fe oxide-apatite mineralization within the Yangzhuang deposit of the Zhonggu orefield, southern Ningwu volcanic basin, middle-lower Yangtze River metallogenic Belt, China
Application of three-dimensional weights of evidence in modeling concealed ore deposits: Case study of a porphyry Cu deposit in the Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic belt of Iran
Porin channels in intact cells of Escherichia coli are not affected by Donnan potentials across the outer membrane.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of the surface composition of sediment or soil models
Abstract X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was applied to analyze the surface composition of sodium dihydrogenphosphate/ferric oxide systems and montmorillonite which were chosen as model sediment (soil) systems. Striking differences in the photoelectron emission intensities for certain elements were observed for samples of differing preparations and where the bulk composition of elements were retained. Adsorbed phosphate ion was persistent on ferric oxide surface against repeated leaching by water where sodium ion was lost completely from the surface.
Question about classification of ground water quality was studied by using Self-organizing Feature Map(SOM) method,taking Yujiagou area polluted by leachate of abandoned open-pit coal mine of Xinqiu in Fuxin as example.The water quality of 17 wells in the area polluted were classified in different degrees with different train epochs by using correlation functions in MATLAB and area polluted was determined.It is indicated by studied results that main party of grand water in Yujiagou area has been polluted and can not be drunk,and the results of classification is identical comparing with comprehensive index method,fuzzy comprehensive appraisal and grey associated analysis etc.,and application of SOM in classification of ground water quality is feasible.
A study on the degree of importance of families of the medicinal flora in Cenwanglaoshan Natural Reserve,Guangxi Province,China
This study was undertaken to determine the degree of importance of plant families in the medicinal flora of Cenwanglaoshan Natural Reserve,Guangxi Province,China.A regression residual analysis was carried out on the number of medicinal species and the total number of species in each family for 166 angiosperm families in the Natural Reserve.According to the residual values,the 166 families were categorized into 100 high use families and 66 low use families.
Through elaborating the protection status of the Nanxun old town,it shows basic thinking of the protection for old town.From aspects of architectures and environment,management system and protection mode and other aspects,it explores and discusses problems existing in the protection and redevelopment of the Nanxun old town,and puts forward reasonable suggestions,which has profound significance for building the cityscape with local characteristics.
Health and well-being of the homeless in South African cities and towns
Little is known about the health and well-being of people who live on the streets although their lifestyle involves health risks. This study used qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the health status and health service needs of homeless people in several South African cities and towns. It was found in some cases that their own or family members' ill-health had contributed to their homelessness. Illnesses associated with poor living conditions or lifestyles were more common in the homeless than in the general population in certain age and sex categories. Access to healthcare was generally good in urban centres and most respondents were satisfied, although some reported discriminatory treatment. The risk profile of the homeless shows that systematic health promotion is required and that some health service providers need to be made more aware of the health needs of the homeless.
The problem of sustainable development and the role of universities of resources, which is the scientific and educational base of the mining industry is discussed. Assessment of management effectiveness of national total capital leading mining countries in the OECD and BRICS is given. On the basis of the Hartwick-Solow criterion proposed investment areas of mineral rents in natural, produced and human capital. The main tasks of the universities resources for the sustainable development of countries with large reserves of mineral resources updated. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s4p157
Comprehansive Auxiliary Technology of Producting 4.6 Mt in Fully-mechanized Coal Caving under Homemade Equipment Condition
From improvement of hoist technology,application of production technology,technological management of mechanical and electrical equipment,this paper introduces some technology measures that secound team of Wangzhuang coal mine produces 4.6Mt in per year,practice provds that fully-mechanized caol caving production comprehansive auxiliary technology is scientific under homemade equipment condition,there are good economic and society performance.
The lake sediments have registered the information of palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment in the lake itself and the regional scale. This also leads to a complexity in study of the palaeolimnology by all kinds of proxies. How to purify these proxies to indicate the palaeoclimate has become a problem to be solved. Most of the proxies can qualitively identify the percentage of allochthonous and autochthonous organic components, e.g. δ13corg CD/TC. The model introduced in this note has provided a method of quantitatively calculating the amount of allochthonous organic carbon. As for determination of regulating parameters, i.e. A1 and As, further work is still in need.
Distribution and fractionation of cadmium in soil aggregates affected by earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and manure compost
Purpose ::: The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the effects of manure compost and earthworms on Cd mobility in Cd-contaminated soil, (2) to test whether the bioturbation of earthworms reduces the immobilization effect of the manure compost when they are combined, and (3) to explore the distribution of Cd in aggregates formed by earthworms with corresponding fractionation analysis.
Objective To evaluate the effect of the post-processing mode of sewage treatment in two rural areas of Shengzhou and to provide scientific basis for rural toilets renovation.Methods Ten sanitary toilets of three cesspools and four cesspools for each were random selected.The basic situation,routine monitoring and pollutant items were evaluated.Results Routine monitoring items basically reached the sanitary standards and ammonia,COD,BOD5 qualified rate is low.The results of ammonia,phosphorus,COD,BOD5 in three cesspool sanitary toilets significantly better than that of four cesspool sanitary toilets.Conclusion Part of hygiene and pollution item removal rate and qualified rate are low.Harmlessness effect of tree cesspool toilets is better than four cesspool toilets.It is necessary to strengthen design,technical guidance and check in construction of rural toilets.
Effect of temperature in cutting deep holes on the content of harmful components in oil-based coolants
It was found that in cutting deep holes, with an increase in the temperature from 20 to 80°C, the content of harmful components: 9- and 2-methylanthracene, 3-methylphenanthrene, etc., in oil-based MR-3K coolant (CL) decreases by 15-25%, i.e., they enter the air of the working zone. The necessity of additional treatment of CL to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to minimize the harmful effect on humans and the biosphere as a whole is demonstrated.
The study presented in this article is part of an ongoing joint research programme on acid mine drainage (AMD) being conducted by the University of Johannesburg and the Council for Geoscience. In this study, the corrosive characteristics of AMD from the goldfields of South Africa are examined. The motivation behind this collaborative research is to generate scientific understanding that deals with pertinent questions concerning possible interaction between AMD and infrastructure. The research programme was established in the recent wake of threats and risks associated with decant of AMD in the West Rand belt, and underlying risks in the Central belt of the Witwatersrand basin. Scientific understanding is needed to deal with perceptions and public fears, such as the potential of AMD to cause disastrous consequences on urban infrastructure.
Discussion on Xiangshan Uranium Ore Field Deep Prospecting
Xiangshan Uranium Ore Field is the largest, richest volcanic field of uranium ore field in China which has been found manyuranium ore field, such as Zoujiashan, Shazhou, Yunji, Shidong, etc. It is located in a composite overlay area of volcanicuranium ore zone in South China uranium metallogenic provinceand graniteuranium ore zone in South Dawangshan-Yushan. Enormous potential it has for deep prospecting because of its favorable condition. It is very important to study the source and mineralization of the uranium ore, which reveals profound meaning of its cause, formation mechanism and further prospecting.
The article studied the present situation of under-forest economy development in Songxian county,analyzed the developing modes of the under-forest economy and the existing problems,then put forward some advices,which were formulating policies of support and increasing investment,establishing trade association,improving industrial chain,to accelerate the development of the under-forest economy in Songxian county.
HWVP soil baseline summary report
The roughly 0.5-km{sup 2} (0.2-mi{sup 2}) Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (WHVP) site is located in the Pasco Basin in south-central Washington State at the US Department of Energy`s Hanford Site. The HWVP site is planned for use as a waste treatment facility for treating the high-activity fraction of waste currently stored in underground storage tanks on the Hanford Site. In order to determine the pre-construction chemical properties of the proposed construction site soils and to enable the HWVP to segregate these, as necessary, from any impact of HWVP operations, a soil baseline sampling plan was written and implemented. The report describes the baseline sampling plan.
The paper introducess the implemented conditions which colling recycle of flexible base on Ying-DaLine.It over all xpounds the investigation of road condlitions of original pavement,indoor trial study,determination of trial lot plan as well as completion of trial lot etc.
Advanced Coal Conversion Solid Wastes: Waste‐Management Implications
Characterization data are presented for solid wastes obtained from three advanced coal‐utilization processes and one conventional pulverized‐coal combustion process. Tables and figures summarize the data and compare the properties of the wastes. Based on the results, the impact of the advanced process wastes on the power‐production industry is examined and potentially useful waste‐management practices are evaluated. The evaluation indicated that it is possible to use conventional waste‐management technology to handle and dispose of most advanced process wastes. However, some of these wastes may present special problems. The utilization potentials of the advanced process wastes are also evaluated. It was found that some advanced process wastes may not be suitable for established fly ash uses such as cement replacement, but that they are acceptable for other uses such as fill materials, soil‐stabilization additives, and soil‐amendment activities.
Introduction Dirty industry migration and environment: theories and application Dirty industry migration globally and in China: an empirical study Dirty industry migration under international law Dirty industry migration under Chinese law Corporate social responsibility and environmental citizenship in China Conclusion.
Design of development system of Yuanjiacun Iron Ore Mine
The arrangement of development system of Yuanjiacun Iron Ore Mine is analyzed.The system increases remarkably the mining capability thus obtains better economic benefits.
The paper introducess the implemented conditions which colling recycle of flexible base on Ying-DaLine.It over all xpounds the investigation of road condlitions of original pavement,indoor trial study,determination of trial lot plan as well as completion of trial lot etc.
Sod-podzolic soils with a complex organic profile of the southern Vyatka River basin
The article is devoted to the morphology and substantive properties of the sod- podzolic soils with a complex organic profile having the second humus horizons and found on the southern right bank of the lower Vyatka River. The research results of the mineral and organic phases are the evidence of the relict origin of the second humus horizon as well as the evidence of profile polygenicity of the given soils. They went through two fundamentally different pedogenesis stages during the postglacial period: 1) the developmental accumulative evolution stage in the first half of the Holocene and 2) the accumulative-eluvial stage of erasing evolution including the elements of inheriting evolution in the second half of the Holocene. Keywords: granulometric composition, fractional and group composition, humus age, genesis, soil evolution
ABSTRACT A field study investigated the perception of environmental hazards in residential areas polluted by chemical wastes. Soil pollution is an important problem in The Netherlands. The government expects that in the period from 1982 to 1997 some 1000 sites will need remedial action. Of these sites about 50 concern pollution in residential areas. In four cases of soil pollution experiences of the inhabitants, the information process, social and medical assistance and participation by the inhabitants are studied. The data were collected in comprehensive interviews with involved professionals, the relevant authorities and 756 inhabitants. The cases were in different stages of technical investigation and remedial action. Differences in managing approach, nature of the pollutants and age of the houses were related to the perceptions and expectations of the inhabitants. It will be argued that increased understanding of individual reactions to cases of soil pollution could have important consequences for pol...
Glides and initial vowels within the onset prominence representational environment
This paper discusses the notion of "onsets" within the Onset Prominence representational environment (OP; e.g. Schwartz 2010, 2013), with empirical focus on the representation of glides and initial vowels. Both glides and initial vowels have been shown to exhibit ambiguous behavior across languages, which has been problematic for representational theories based on a linear string of segments. The OP environment is based on a hierarchy of phonetic events, incorporating structural ambiguities that may serve as parameter settings for the dual behavior of both glides and initial vowels. This approach eliminates the need for an ONSET constraint, and offers an explicit reference point by which the concept of markedness in prosodic structure may be defined.
We study in perturbative QCD the helicity amplitudes of the process ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{*}\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}\ensuremath{\rho}p$ at large virtualities Q of the photon ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{*}.$ We estimate all spin-flip amplitudes taking into account an important effect of the scale behavior of the gluon density. The transition of a transverse virtual photon to a longitudinal vector meson is not small at typical conditions at the DESY ep collider HERA. This helicity nonconserving amplitude leads by interference to a measurable effect in the distribution of the angle between the electron scattering and the meson production planes.
Enhanced phonological facilitation and traces of concurrent word form activation in speech production: An object-naming study with multiple distractors
The cognate facilitation effect: Implications for models of lexical access.
Oral spray wintertime vitamin D3 supplementation has no impact on inflammation in Gaelic footballers
Vowel Acoustics in Adults With Apraxia of Speech
Purpose To investigate the hypothesis that vowel production is more variable in adults with acquired apraxia of speech (AOS) relative to healthy individuals with unimpaired speech. Vowel formant fr...
Study Design.Videoflurographic swallowing study in asymptomatic volunteersObjective.The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the severity of dysphagia and various parameters of the subjects.Summary of Background Data.Occipitocervical fixation (OCF) is associated with sev
What is another term occasionally used to refer to A cappella?
A cappella [a kapˈpɛlla] (Italian for "in the manner of the chapel") music is specifically group or solo singing without instrumental accompaniment, or a piece intended to be performed in this way. It contrasts with cantata, which is accompanied singing. The term "a cappella" was originally intended to differentiate between Renaissance polyphony and Baroque concertato style. In the 19th century a renewed interest in Renaissance polyphony coupled with an ignorance of the fact that vocal parts were often doubled by instrumentalists led to the term coming to mean unaccompanied vocal music. The term is also used, albeit rarely, as a synonym for alla breve.
Short-term memory is believed to rely mostly on an acoustic code for storing information, and to a lesser extent a visual code. Conrad (1964) found that test subjects had more difficulty recalling collections of letters that were acoustically similar (e.g. E, P, D). Confusion with recalling acoustically similar letters rather than visually similar letters implies that the letters were encoded acoustically. Conrad's (1964) study, however, deals with the encoding of written text; thus, while memory of written language may rely on acoustic components, generalisations to all forms of memory cannot be made.
Criteria for assessing the severity of infectious mononucleosis in children
This article will discuss the criteria for assessing the severity of the complication of infectious mononucleosis at children. The method for determining the degree of severity of the disease using a point — based assessment for each clinical symptom and the results of standard laboratory studies is proposed. The method allows on the day of treatment to clarify the severity of infectious mononucleosis and choose the tactics of patient management.
In this study,a new method of vowel(vowel nuclear) identification by multivariate statistical analysis,inclued analysis on coefficient of variation,coefficient of correlation,test for normality,and analysis of variances(ANOV) was introduced,we construct a identification model of Mahalanobis distance method for male speakers with the correct rate of 98.3%,and a model of Fisher's discriminant method for female with the correct rate of 93.5%.
The neurobiological nature of syntactic hierarchies
Lateralization of auditory language functions: A dynamic dual pathway model
Seborrheic keratosis of the vulva clinically mimicking a genital wart: a case study.
Phonological neighborhood density and word retrieval - An ERP study
During the process of word retrieval, words a re elicited from the mental lexicon. According to the Cohort Model, word recognition occurs when only one candidate in the cohort of possible words remains. Words are recognized via successive reductions in the number of possible word candidates as each phoneme is perceived. Each word has a particular number of neighbors, whereas a word can have dense or sparse neighborhood density (ND) depending on the number of words that sound similar to a target word. Words with dense neighborhooods are defined less accurately than words with sparse neighborhoods. Our study aimed to investigate the influence of neighborhood density in the process of spoken word and non-word retrieval using the ERP technique and expecting the N400 effect.
Whether the existing adjunct attachment hypothesis and models apply to Chinese English learners is unknown and it needs further research.This study chooses 49 college students randomly to do the ambiguous sentences processed by using Tobii T-120.The research shows the eye movement traces and oral report results,and both illustrate that Chinese students have NP1 preference,which supports the linguistic tuning hypothesis.
Discovering consistent word confusions in noise
Listeners make mistakes when communicating under adverse conditions, with overall error rates reasonably well-predicted by existing speech intelligibility metrics. However, a detailed examination of confusions made by a majority of listeners is more likely to provide insights into processes of normal word recognition. The current study measured the rate at which robust misperceptions occurred for highly-confusable words embedded in noise. In a second experiment, confusions discovered in the first listening test were subjected to a range of manipulations designed to help identify their cause. These experiments reveal that while majority confusions are quite rare, they occur sufficiently often to make large-scale discovery worthwhile. Surprisingly few misperceptions were due solely to energetic masking by the noise, suggesting that speech and noise “react” in complex ways which are not well-described by traditional masking concepts.
Abstract : Our group has been working in the following directions: 1. Testing and tuning our time series classification algorithm, 2. Perfectioning the use of entropy in language models as a tool to reconstruct the context of a given meme/conversation, 3. formalizing in an operational sense the definition of campaign and its associated features, 4. collecting relevant datasets to test detection algorithms.
i need notes on psycholinguistics. plz recommend good websites.?
Here are some sites to get you started. Best of luck with it.
In linguistics you could, of course, continue your higher education, get your PhD and teach.\nIf you stick with a BA in linguistics you could work in any company's dept of communications, public relations and anything that would have to do with words!!\nI say you should study what interests you and from there you can discover all kinds of options available to you as far as a career.\nGood luck!!
Roman-txt: forms and functions of roman urdu texting
When fingers do the talking: a study of text messaging
Development of the mammalian lymphatic vasculature
A cross-language acoustic study of initial and final allophones of /l/
Articulatory, positional and coarticulatory characteristics for clear /l/ and dark /l/: evidence from two Catalan dialects
clustering via nonparametric density estimation : the r package pdfcluster .
what is spoken language
Spoken language, is language produced by articulate sounds, as opposed to written language. Many languages have no written form, and so are only spoken.Oral language or vocal language is language produced with the vocal tract, as opposed to sign language, which is produced with the hands and face.n spoken language, much of the meaning is determined by the context. This contrasts with written language, where more of the meaning is provided directly by the text.
Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system.The scientific study of language is called linguistics.frica is home to a large number of language families, the largest of which is the Niger-Congo language family, which includes such languages as Swahili, Shona, and Yoruba. Speakers of the Niger-Congo languages account for 6.9% of the world's population.
What is the study of the differenet varieties of Catalan?
Catalan sociolinguistics studies the situation of Catalan in the world and the different varieties that this language presents. It is a subdiscipline of Catalan philology and other affine studies and has as an objective to analyse the relation between the Catalan language, the speakers and the close reality (including the one of other languages in contact).
Phonology also includes topics such as phonotactics (the phonological constraints on what sounds can appear in what positions in a given language) and phonological alternation (how the pronunciation of a sound changes through the application of phonological rules, sometimes in a given order which can be feeding or bleeding,) as well as prosody, the study of suprasegmentals and topics such as stress and intonation.
An Irishman with this accent might be putting his foot in his mouth, because this word means "shoe"
Henry V: Entire Play - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare You would say it hath been all in all his study: List his discourse ... Before the Frenchman speak a word of it. ELY .... They know your grace hath cause and means and might; So hath ... Like Turkish mute, shall have a tongueless mouth, ..... a' bade me lay more clothes on his feet: I put my .... In second accent of his ordnance.
Horse's vote Crossword Clue, Crossword Solver | Wordplays.com ... publications. Find clues for Horse%27s-vote or most any crossword answer or clues for crossword answers. ... NEIGH, Horse's vote? AYE, "For" vote ... to solicit votes. ONEROUS, Demanding euro's scrapped after negative vote's returned (7).
Phonotactics, phonological alternation and prosody are topics contained in what discipline?
Phonology also includes topics such as phonotactics (the phonological constraints on what sounds can appear in what positions in a given language) and phonological alternation (how the pronunciation of a sound changes through the application of phonological rules, sometimes in a given order which can be feeding or bleeding,) as well as prosody, the study of suprasegmentals and topics such as stress and intonation.
By the definition most commonly used by linguists, any linguistic variety can be considered a "dialect" of some language—"everybody speaks a dialect". According to that interpretation, the criteria above merely serve to distinguish whether two varieties are dialects of the same language or dialects of different languages.
What kind of systems are the traditional focus of phonology?
Phonology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic organization of sounds in languages. It has traditionally focused largely on the study of the systems of phonemes in particular languages (and therefore used to be also called phonemics, or phonematics), but it may also cover any linguistic analysis either at a level beneath the word (including syllable, onset and rime, articulatory gestures, articulatory features, mora, etc.) or at all levels of language where sound is considered to be structured for conveying linguistic meaning. Phonology also includes the study of equivalent organizational systems in sign languages.
Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901) and Fenton J. A. Hort (1828–1892) published an edition of the New Testament in Greek in 1881. They proposed nine critical rules, including a version of Bengel's rule, "The reading is less likely to be original that shows a disposition to smooth away difficulties." They also argued that "Readings are approved or rejected by reason of the quality, and not the number, of their supporting witnesses", and that "The reading is to be preferred that most fitly explains the existence of the others."
Aside from bleeding what is an order of rules that define how pronunciation of a sound changes?
Phonology also includes topics such as phonotactics (the phonological constraints on what sounds can appear in what positions in a given language) and phonological alternation (how the pronunciation of a sound changes through the application of phonological rules, sometimes in a given order which can be feeding or bleeding,) as well as prosody, the study of suprasegmentals and topics such as stress and intonation.
In nouns and adjectives, maintenance of /n/ of medieval plurals in proparoxytone words. E.g. hòmens 'men', jóvens 'youth'. In nouns and adjectives, loss of /n/ of medieval plurals in proparoxytone words. E.g. homes 'men', joves 'youth'.
Who discovered the Engineer's language (and how it sounded)? On the trip to the Engineer's world, David was learning to speak their language. But where did the lessons come from? On the star maps that were left, they showed a few symbols, but there don't seem to be enough for an entire language, and how would they know the pronunciation of the symbols?
What is the ancestral form of language used in the fable that David was studying during the flight? David studies linguistics during the flight to LV-223. We get to listen and read a fable. Is it written in a real language? What is the name of the language? Can the fable be translated? Approximate quotation: hjewis jasma hwaelna nahast akwunsez dad'kta, tam ghermha vagam ugenthe
Is there a place on the internet where I could find actual Star Trek episode scripts? Through the years I have purchased a few Star Trek scripts. I even have a DS9 script a buddy of mine mistakenly took off set and dazzled me with at Christmas years ago. As neat as those are to own, they are impossible to search. Is there a place on the internet where the Star Trek show or movie scripts can be obtained in digital format? (Sometimes I remember a quote and would love to find it. From time to time the internet delivers. Occasionally it does not. I want to have a resource to find quotes as I think of them.)
language analysis examples
Analysis of Language. Linguists divide the study of spoken language into two categories--phonology and grammar. Phonology is the study of sounds. Grammar is how the sounds are used to make sense. Phonology. The smallest unit of sound that can be altered to change the meaning of a word is called a phoneme. In English, for example, the words gin, kin, pin, sin, tin, and win all have different meaning due to the fact that the initial sound, or phoneme, is different.
Examples of Pejorative Terms in Language Studies. 1 Academese, Bureaucratese , Journalese, and Legalese. 2 Bombast. 3 Broken English. 4 Purism. 5 Purple Prose.
what does phonological means
n., pl. -gies. 1. the study of the distribution and patterning of speech sounds in a language and of the tacit rules governing pronunciation. 2. the phonological system or the body of phonological facts of a language.
Phonological disorder is a type of speech disorder known as an articulation disorder. Children with phonological disorder do not use some or all of the speech sounds expected for their age group. News & Features. Word for Word/Of Little Brain; Ritalin to the Rescue: A Children's Story for Our Time.
most mispronounced words
'Phenomenon' is the most mispronounced word. With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting 'phenomenon' has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language. The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis.
Misheard Lyrics From… Jack Johnson, Karmin, Phoenix, and 30 Seconds To Mars share some of their most commonly… Originals 11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food Misheard lyrics about food that you'll never hear the same again! Originals.
what is phonology in language
Phonology is the study of the sound system of languages. It is a huge area of language theory and it is difficult to do more on a general language course than have an outline knowledge of what it includes.honology is the study of the sound system of languages. It is a huge area of language theory and it is difficult to do more on a general language course than have an outline knowledge of what it includes.
Phonology is the study of sounds. Grammar is how the sounds are used to make sense. Phonology. The smallest unit of sound that can be altered to change the meaning of a word is called a phoneme.In English, for example, the words gin, kin, pin, sin, tin, and win all have different meaning due to the fact that the initial sound, or phoneme, is different. Phonemes do not have meaning by themselves.honology is the study of sounds. Grammar is how the sounds are used to make sense. Phonology. The smallest unit of sound that can be altered to change the meaning of a word is called a phoneme.
Mapping study about usability requirements elicitation
Nonfunctional requirements: from elicitation to conceptual models
1 From The Sound Pattern of English : Phonetic and Phonological Representation ( 1968 )
In this paper, the history of inertial navigation technology is introduced and advancement and present development status of the up-to-date inertial sensors are described as well as some state-of-the-art inertial measurement units and their superior specifications are presented. Meanwhile, the application fields of inertial navigation technology are explained, with emphasizing that the nautical applications and development of shipborne inertial navigation systems are expounded. In conclusion, as new inertial sensors springing up and maturing, the hybrid navigation system based on inertial navigation system would be one important orientation of navigation technology in the near future.
The influence of gravity disturbance vector can't be neglected in high-precision long-time inertial navigation system (INS). In this paper, proceeding from INS arrange equations, we establish an error model of INS with gravity disturbance vector, and discuss on the basis of a case study of single channel how gravity disturbance vector influences INS in three varying situations. The simulation result indicates that the gravity disturbance vector has a conspicuous influence on high-precision long-time INS. On the basis of the comprehensive treatise of the influence of gravity disturbance vector on high-precision long-time INS, combined with the actual situation, we put forward two methods of gravity disturbance compensation.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
A methodology for designing critical systems subject to magnitude- and rate-limited reference inputs is proposed. The worst-case tracking error is minimized under the constraint on the control effort. The LMI-based technique developed by Chilali and Gahinet is utilized to assign the resulting closed-loop poles into the intersection of vertical strips and a conic sector. The optimal pole region is searched by means of the simple genetic algorithm. An illustrative design example of the position control system for a two-inertia system is provided to demonstrate the proposed design methodology.
This paper proposes a robust controller design method for an norm-bounded uncertain linear system with disturbance. At First, we derive the necessary and sufficient condition for regional pole assignment for uncertain linear system, then derive the criteria of H 2 /H ∞ performance of uncertain linear system with disturbance. Hence combining them, we get the mixed H 2 /H ∞ controller control with regional assignment for norm-bounded uncertain linear system with disturbance. The problem of the robust controller designed is changed into an optimization problem, and the robust controller is parameterized by the solution of the optimization. Since the optimization problem conditions are expressed in term of linear matrix inequalities, so it makes the proposed method practical utility. Finally the numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Smartphones may be seen as miniature toolboxes to perform Physics experiments. In this paper, we present three different “optics workbenches" mainly based on the light meter of a smartphone. One is aimed at the precise study of Malus law and other effects associated to linearly polarized light, the second allows quantifying the light intensity distribution of diffraction or interference patterns projected on a screen, and the third demonstrates the so-called inverse square law obeyed by the light from a point-like source. These experiments allow to quantitatively demonstrate three fundamental laws of optics using quite inexpensive equipment.
Optical lens focusing system rotation and deflection mechanism
The utility model discloses an optical lens focusing system rotation and deflection mechanism, particularly relates to a focusing system rotation and deflection mechanism applied to the high pixel camera optical lens, which comprises a base, wherein the base is provided with a drive unit, a swing arm is arranged in the base, one end of the swing arm is fixedly provided with a focusing lens, and the other end of the swing arm is hinged with a guide rod, and the base is also provided with a driven unit which can drive the swing arm to rotate to be hidden after the swing arm is driven by the drive unit to move up and down along the guide rod and then move downward in place. The utility model is applicable to the fields of the digital camera or the cell phone and the like.
The paper proposes a mathematical model to optimize wind power turbine maintenance by minimizing the total costs with preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and costs due to energy losses. Objective function is an economic function and is represented by the total costs associated with actions of preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and production losses due to interruption of equipment operation during maintenance activities. Furthermore, a study case is presented to show the implementation of the proposed mathematical model.
Pedicle violation and Navigational errors in pedicle screw insertion using the intraoperative O-arm: A preliminary report
Background ::: Use of computer-assisted insertion of pedicle screws has some advantages owing to the reportedly decreased incidence of pedicle breach and clinical events. Registration-based methods based on preoperative computed tomography imaging, 2D fluoroscopy, and 3D fluoroscopy are the most popular, however each has its limitations. O-arm–based navigation, which uses intraoperative acquisition and registration of navigated images, may overcome many of these disadvantages. We set out to study the clinical accuracy and navigational accuracy for pedicle screw insertion using our recently acquired O-arm and present our preliminary findings.
A NNE fault named F1 was found on the site of a proposed irrigation project.Through geological radar detection,seismo-geological investigation,the analysis of the engineering geological data,and the test of dislocation fault and overlying chronology of quaternary strata,we identify the activity,vertical displacement and slip rate of F1 fault.Then we assess the influence of F1 fault on the project and put forward the selection of sites and the design plan for the project.In this way,we provide a good example of the practical application of the identification of fault's activity to the selection of sites and the design plan for the construction project.
Using repeated measures to correct correlated measurement errors through orthogonal decomposition
AbstractIn a physical activity study, the 7-day physical activity log viewed as an alloyed gold standard was used to correct the measurement error in the physical activity questionnaire. Due to correlations between the errors in the two measurements, the usual regression calibration may result to a biased estimate of the calibration factor. We propose a method of removing the correlation through orthogonal decomposition of the errors, then the usual regression calibration can be applied. Simulation studies show that our method can effectively correct the bias.
Abstract We have developed image analysis software to facilitate the analysis of optical-transition radiation (OTR) patterns generated by the electron beam from the Los Alamos free-electron laser facility. The software can be used for beam alignment, beam profile and angular divergence measurements, and the programs run on an IBM AT microcomputer. The programs and their use are described and some results shown.
A detailed 3D ankle-foot model for simulate dynamics of lower limb orthosis
The objective of this study is to develop a 3D ankle-foot model containing toe expression for designing an AFO (ankle-foot orthosis) with a training function. Two experiments were conducted to (1) show the influence of toes by comparing walking with and without an AFO, and (2) clarify the functions of toes during walking by correlating the activity of the major muscles controlling the ankle and the toes to the sole pressure data during walking. By analyzing the results of these two experiments, the necessary components and conditions of a detailed 3D foot-ankle model for developing an AFO with a training effect were clarified. A model was built and examined with empirical facts, and data were collected from the AFO simulation.
Mobile location estimation has attracted much interest over the past few years. The most challenging issues, which render to reach the required accuracy for the time-based location system, are multipath and non line-of-sight (NLOS) problems. This paper suggests the simple but robust techniques using biased Kalman filter to smooth and mitigate the NLOS effect for TOA measurements. The processed TOAs are then used for DTOA formulation and provided for location estimation. The further tracking stage is shown not to improve the accuracy much but to be necessary to smooth the mobile trajectory. The better accuracy for mobile location is suggested for future work by using the geographical information through searching the match between the path loss measured at multiple BSs and that estimated by ray-tracing techniques.
Quaternion normalization in spacecraft attitude determination
Methods are presented to normalize the attitude quaternion in two extended Kalman filters (EKF), namely, the multiplicative EKF (MEKF) and the additive EKF (AEKF). It is concluded that all the normalization methods work well and yield comparable results. In the AEKF, normalization is not essential, since the data chosen for the test do not have a rapidly varying attitude. In the MEKF, normalization is necessary to avoid divergence of the attitude estimate. All of the methods of the methods behave similarly when the spacecraft experiences low angular rates.
Quantum Mechanics at Planck scale is considered as a deformation of the conventional Quantum Mechanics. Similar to the earlier works of the author, the main object of deformation is the density matrix. On this basis a notion of the entropy density is introduced that is a matrix value used for a detail study of the Information Problem at the Universe, and in particular, for the Information Paradox Problem.
Ranging Accuracy and Doppler Tolerance of CW Signal Based on Pseudo-Random Code Bi-Phase Modulation
Ambiguity function method is used to study the ranging and Doppler tolerance performance of CW signal based on pseudo-random code bi-phase modulation (PRCBPM). Its ranging resolution and Doppler tolerance confine are calculated, the ranging performance and Doppler tolerance capability are simulated by using the software of Matlab and the influence factors are analyzed. The simulation results are consistent with the calculation values. The results show that the ranging precision of PRCBPM signal depends on the code width and is more improved with the narrower code width, and that the Doppler tolerance performance lies on and is inverse proportion to the product of code width and code length.
AbstractAn exact solution is established pertaining to the problem of undamped free vibration of a thin circular plate resting on a Winkler foundation with variable subgrade modulus. The solution is performed by applying the infinite power series method. Moreover, the solution procedure is demonstrated through an illustrative example, wherein the general frequency equation is derived for two different boundary conditions. The correctness of the solution is also verified using results available in the literature. Finally, it is shown that the proposed method of solution is directly applicable to the more-general problem of circular plates on a variable-modulus Pasternak-type foundation.
Autoguider servo design and testing of the W. M. Keck Telescope
The servo design and model of the W. M. Keck telescopes autoguider is presented. Telescope servo models often do not include the guider loop and therefore do not take advantage of traditional control analysis and test techniques to improve performance. Guide camera dynamics, computational and transport lags, and compensation networks are discussed. A means of measuring the actual frequency response characteristics of the guide loop is presented and the results are compared to those predicted by the model. Guide performance as a function of integration time is illustrated. An improved compensation network is developed and its performance examined.© (1997) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
AbstractThis case study analyzes a nocturnal mesoscale convective system (MCS) that was observed on 25–26 June 2015 in northeastern Kansas during the Plains Elevated Convection At Night (PECAN) pro...
Photographic coordinates x and y are fundamental data in analytical photogrammetry. At the same time these coordinates are functions of interior and exterior orientation elements, and contain some errors. Therefore some corrections and reductions are applied to the image coordinates measured in comparators before they are used in mathematical models. Some corrections and reductions related to the physical error sources inherent in photogrammetric system are applied to the comparator coordinates, but any correction related to the exterior orientation elements is not applied to these coordinates. In this study, a mathematical model has been proposed to correct the photographic coordinates due to the small errors of exterior orientation elements of camera. The data obtained a close-range test field have been used in the offered mathematical model and the results have been criticized.
Implementation of an Integrated, Portable Transformer Condition Monitoring Instrument in the Classroom and On-Site
The development of integrated, portable, transformer condition monitoring (TCM) equipment for classroom demonstrations as well as for student exercises conducted in the field is discussed. Demonstrations include experimentation with real-world transformers to illustrate concepts such as polarization and depolarization current through oil-paper composite insulation. The developed equipment has also been used to understand and illustrate the phenomenon of recovery voltage. Finally, the portability and robustness of the equipment enables students to collect data from transformers installed on-site for the purpose of validating the nature of curves obtained in real-world environments.
In estimating the state of thrusting/ballistic endoatmospheric projectiles for the end purpose of impact point ::: prediction (IPP), the total observation time, the wind effect and the sensor accuracy significantly affect the IPP ::: performance. First the tracker accounting for the wind effect is presented. Following this, based on the multiple ::: interacting multiple model (MIMM) estimator developed recently, a sensitivity study of the IPP performance with ::: respect to the total observation time, the wind (strength and direction) and the sensor accuracy is presented.
Improve engineering drawing teaching by combining modern methods and traditional methods
With the development of technology, computer multimedia assistant teaching methods are applied widely and have unexampled advantages compared to the traditional method. Teacher should know the characteristics of different teaching methods and combine the modern methods with the traditional one reasonably to do the teaching of Engineering Drawing. Teacher can not only give play to teach but also inspire student to study hard, so as to obtain good teaching effect.
During the whole life of the building, the common inclination and displacement of the buildings affect the use and safety of the buildings. These problems must be observed by tilt and displacement observation. This paper mainly introduces the building slant measurement method, and the measurement data is prepared to deal with the measurement data in order to obtain the correct data performance of the construction and the stability of the construction and use.
The study on applications of Large Aperture Scintillometer measuring large scale flux
As a new flux measuring instrument, Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS) developed rapidly in recent years, which can measure sensible heat flux in large scales, from several hundred meters to several kilometers even to ten kilometers, In other words, LAS can match well with remote sensing scale.
Aiming at the requirements in running efficiently and high accuracy handling data timely,the login system,communication module,database storage and reading,relay verification module,report generation and printing.were designed.The working principle and composition of the calibration device were introduced.The upper computer software of microprocessor relay protection's trippingoperation-board intelligent calibration device was developed based on graphical LabVIEW language and database programming technology to realize the function of each part.The results indicate that the software can complete returning the relay operating board calibration value and action value efficiently,and has a multi-function interface.The software has been successfully applied in this device.
The Difference Between Probabilistic and Interval Reasoning Under Uncertainty
The purpose of this study is to provide a basic comparison of the probabilistic and interval methodologies for processing uncertain information in decision analysis. The awareness of fundamental differences between these methodologies is considered to be useful not only for better understanding their principles, but also for their appropriate application.Copyright © 2002 by ASME
In estimating the state of thrusting/ballistic endoatmospheric projectiles for the end purpose of impact point ::: prediction (IPP), the total observation time, the wind effect and the sensor accuracy significantly affect the IPP ::: performance. First the tracker accounting for the wind effect is presented. Following this, based on the multiple ::: interacting multiple model (MIMM) estimator developed recently, a sensitivity study of the IPP performance with ::: respect to the total observation time, the wind (strength and direction) and the sensor accuracy is presented.
Fellow geometry enthusiasts: I am studying a particular geometry and I would like to change from one set of coordinates to a new set that makes the metric unimodular (i.e. it's determinant is one). The components of the metric are rather complicated functions of the coordinates, so I don't know how to solve the system of linear first order PDEs that I get from the Jacobian. Is anyone aware of any software that can give me the new coordinates in terms of the old ones given the Jacobian of the transformation? I have Maple 18, but I have not been able to find this capability in Maple.
What is some good free software for doing physics calculations? I'm mainly interested in symbolic computation (something like Mathematica, but free).
The new Top-Bar does not show reputation changes from Area 51.
Characteristics of Adenosinetriphosphatase and Inorganic Pyrophosphatase in Tonoplasts Isolated from Three CAM Species, Ananas comosus, Kalanchoë pinnata and K. daigremontiana
A comparative study on diurnal changes in metabolite levels in the leaves of three crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species, Ananas comosus, Kalanchoë daigremontiana and K. pinnata.
Characteristics of Detrusor Overactivity Induced by Intravesical Instillation of Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate
Effects of glucose on glycogen synthetase, phosphorylase, and glycogen deposition in the perfused rat liver.
An increase in the perfusate glucose concentration from near zero to about 11 mM increased glycogen synthesis in the perfused, isolated rat liver from zero to a value about half the maximum seen in the intact animal. Increased synthesis appeard to due not only to provision of substrate but also to conversion of glycogen synthetase to the active form and of glycogen phosphorylase to the inactive form. These glucose effects, which are apparently independent of changes in levels of hormones or adenosine 3':5'-cyclic phosphate, may be physiologically significant for control of the blood glucose level.
A recurring problem in forensic medicine is the need to fix the time of death within the limits of probability. Errors in overestimating and underestimating the post-mortem interval based on body cooling is common. Post-mortem biochemistry has become a potent additional procedure in forensic death investigation. However, in our experiment, to determine the post-mortem interval we investigated the ATPase activity. The investigation was performed on the liver tissue of 25 corpses (21 men and four women) of age ranging between 40–60 years. The study of ATPase enzymatic activity shows that there is a considerable drop in the levels of ATPase activity with increasing post-mortem interval up to 24 h and this is one of the most reliable methods for estimating time of death.
define metabolism and the fundamental differences between anabolism and catabolism
Define metabolism, and describe the fundamental differences between anabolism and catabolism. p. 112 metabolism- refer to the sum of all chemical reactions within a living organism. catabolism- (energy releasing) the breakdown of complex organic compounds into simpler ones; hydrolytic reactions and exergonic (produce more energy than consumed) anabolism- (energy requiring) the building of complex organic molecules from simpler ones; involve dehydration synthesis reactions and they are endergonic (consume more energy then they produce) Identify the role of ATP as an intermediate between catabolism and anabolism. p. 112 catabolic reactions provide building blocks for anabolic reactions and furnish the energy need to drive anabolic reactions. this coupling of energy-requiring and energy-releasing reactions is made possible through the molecule ATP.
Anabolism is the building or creation of new compounds during metabolism. Catabolism is the opposite of anabolism, the breakdown of compounds during metabolism. A synthesis reaction is when two or more stable compounds are combined to form one molecule. In decomposition reactions a compound is split into two or more stable compounds. Anabolism and catabolism are frequently discussed in the study of protein nutrition. If you take amino acids and combine them the result is...
what is nadph
In plants [edit]. In photosynthetic organisms, NADPH is produced by ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase in the last step of the electron chain of the light reactions of photosynthesis.It is used as reducing power for the biosynthetic reactions in the Calvin cycle to assimilate carbon dioxide.n plants [edit]. In photosynthetic organisms, NADPH is produced by ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase in the last step of the electron chain of the light reactions of photosynthesis.
NADPH. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced). NARES ... NADPH Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. NaF Sodium Fluoride. Naegleria A genus of amoeba s much used to study the genetics of undulipodium development; Naegleria fowleri is the causative agent of amoebic meningoencephalitis.ADPH provides the reducing equivalents for biosynthetic reactions and for oxidation-reduction involved in protection against the toxicity of ROS (re active oxygen species). NADPH is also used for anabolic pathways, such as fatty acid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis and fatty acid chain elongation.
where is the electron transport chain
The Protein Complexes of the Electron Transport Chain. Many years of effort have been devoted to the study of the remarkable processes in the mitochondria. The electron transport chain is the final stage of aerobic respiration leading to the forming of ATP in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The emergent picture is that of coupled reactions through five protein structures associated with that inner membrane.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The electron transport chain in the cell is the site of oxidative phosphorylation in prokaryotes. The NADH and succinate generated in the citric acid cycle are oxidized, releasing energy to power the ATP synthase.
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs
Glucocorticoid with or without additional immunosuppressant therapy for patients with lupus podocytopathy: a retrospective single-center study