32 values
Organisational and environmental characteristics of residential aged care units providing highly person-centred care: a cross sectional study
Dementia care mapping: effects on residents’ quality of life and challenging behavior in German nursing homes. A quasi-experimental trial
No additional long‐term effect of group vs individual family intervention in the treatment of childhood obesity—A randomised trial
This letter is in response to the following Letter to the Editor: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/hpcdp-pspmc/37-1/ar-04-eng.php.
Population health is a relatively new term that has not yet been precisely defined. Is it a concept of health or a field of study of health determinants? We propose that the definition be “the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group,” and we argue that the field of population health includes health outcomes, patterns of health determinants, and policies and interventions that link these two. We present a rationale for this definition and note its differentiation from public health, health promotion, and social epidemiology. We invite critiques and discussion that may lead to some consensus on this emerging concept.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Living near greenspace reduces children’s risk of mental health problems
Living in a dwelling that is close to greenspace reduces youngsters’ risk for behaviors associated with neurobehavioral problems. This relationship varies with the type of behavior, the child’s age, and the proximity of the greenspace, according to a study conducted in an ongoing prospective birth cohort.
The article focused on the influence of international environmental NGO on the social-environmental policy in Russia. The authors analyzed FSC certification influence of on local forest communities and social policy actors network. Tree case studies illustrated how the global FSC certification process localized in socialeconomic context of forest communities and answer the question if the local actors could revised their role in forest management.
Experiencing flow, enjoyment and risk in skydiving and climbing
This article brings together findings from two separate ethnographic studies that explore the motivations, behaviours and experiences of those who voluntarily engage in high-risk activities. Focusing on Csikszentmihalyi’s phenomenology of enjoyment, and taking a particular interest in the psychological and experiential aspects of action, the accounts of skydivers and climbers are presented and discussed in relation to each of the components Csikszentmihalyi has identified as necessary for providing a deep sense of enjoyment. The aim of the article is to show how the concept of flow provides a useful framework for understanding the attractions of engaging in high-risk pursuits that are often overlooked. This contributes to an understanding of particular rural settings,specifically mountains and flying sites, as a backdrop for meaningful action.
The purpose of the model presented by Glance et al is to study the ‘contribute vs. free-ride’ dilemma present in organizations. This social dilemma is present on two intertwined levels, the managerial front and the base level of workers. This model also seeks to define a correlation (if one does exist) between worker turnover and productivity rates.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mixed Management
Although mixed management still has a long way to go in financial circles in our country, yet after all, it has been a great trend of the times. This article expounds in the detail advantages and disadvantages of mixed management, the effects it has had on commercial banks of our country, and the choice made to suit the management model of our country’s commercial banks according to this.
Abstract This paper argues for the importance of place differences in understanding chronic illness. A conceptual distinction is drawn between individual and ecological effects and it is argued that aggregate analysis provides an inappropriate methodology for studying place differences. Multilevel modelling, in contrast, allows for the simultaneous analysis of individuals and their ecologies. This approach is applied to data derived from a nationally representative sample of over 9 000 United Kingdom individuals in nearly 400 places.
Research for Evaluation Method of Urban Disaster Prevention Community Considered Human Ware
There are a few of studies on the disaster prevention community itself. However, the previous methods such as a regional-risk-evaluation based on physical environment can not lead to understand the essence of community. Therefore, the goal of this study is to develop a method evaluating the essence from the community which has basic elements. Community Based Disaster Prevention (CBDP) is used in order to develop the community evaluation method examining local problems and residential needs. In previous evaluation studies, physical elements were mainly analyzed in the regional risk analysis. On the other hand, it was difficult to meet the local needs in a community. The new evaluation method quantifies local needs to complement the weakness of the previous methods and understand the characteristics of the disaster prevention community environment. This evaluation method is possible to consider the necessary needs in communities.
Risk estimation in radiation carcinogenesis depends primarily on epidemiological data and hazard rate models. The A-bomb survivors follow-up provides information on the complexity of this process. Several hazard rate models are briefly discussed and illustrated using the A-bomb experience.
Physical, mental, and physiological health benefits of green and blue outdoor spaces among elderly people
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the influence of designed natural outdoor spaces and space type on the physical, mental, and physiological health status of elderlies. A total of 978 questionnaires ...
Landscape management has altered the population dynamics of many species residing in old growth ecosystems. As a result, fragmentations in residual old oak habitats in Sweden have led to the declin ...
Occupational and environmental medicine: moving the factory fence or hedging our bets?
Occupational and environmental medicine evolved out of concern for the effect of work hazards on health. The experienced gained in considering such hazards has been extended to understanding general risks in the environment. As we look toward the future, classical occupational and environmental hazards such as over exposure to lead, asbestos and mercury are waning and being replaced by concerns around sustainable development, toxicology testing and exposure information for high production volume chemicals, development of better approaches for setting workplace and community exposure limits, environmental justice and many others. The opportunities for the future exist in overcoming these new challenges.
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the influence of designed natural outdoor spaces and space type on the physical, mental, and physiological health status of elderlies. A total of 978 questionnaires ...
Sanatorium Rehabilitation of the Population by the Healthy Lifestyle
The World Health Organization considers that a state of person health defines for 75% its way of life and a power supply system, for 10% - heredity, another 10% - environmental conditions, and only for 5% of service of health care. Health of the person most of all depends on a way of life.
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the influence of designed natural outdoor spaces and space type on the physical, mental, and physiological health status of elderlies. A total of 978 questionnaires ...
Reclaiming the essentials of Akufo.
Herbert Gilles' study of disease and environment at Akufo in Nigeria around 1960 was an early example of an integrated and detailed approach to understanding the health of a small group of people. Subsequent studies on a larger scale have focused on particular diseases or on the provision of medical care. The primary-health-care movement has tended in practice to neglect the material environment. Medical anthropological work has returned to detailed studies of processes in small communities. There is a need to return to looking at the overall health and disease pattern of small communities, together with their environment and human behaviour, to get a coherent understanding. The formulation of interventions appropriate to this understanding will be more difficult.
This paper briefly analyzed the reforming state and solid influence of the collectivity forest-property of Yong'an city,through investigating the changing of forest property right in abroad and hometown at the present.It will provide the practised reference for the reforming of the collectivity forest-right in Fujian's province.
Individuals and their ecologies: analysing the geography of chronic illness within a multilevel modelling framework
Abstract This paper argues for the importance of place differences in understanding chronic illness. A conceptual distinction is drawn between individual and ecological effects and it is argued that aggregate analysis provides an inappropriate methodology for studying place differences. Multilevel modelling, in contrast, allows for the simultaneous analysis of individuals and their ecologies. This approach is applied to data derived from a nationally representative sample of over 9 000 United Kingdom individuals in nearly 400 places.
The essay explain the relationship between the inheritance and development of the city's regional culture from the urban planning professional view,put forward to display the important effect for the city special features with the culture's material and non-material characteristics.Pass to scoop out several aspect of regional deep qualities,such as city landscape,city space configuration,building and the non-material cultural etc.From here,inherit and develop the region cultural spirit content and value,evade bad things,remould city region cultural special features.
A Cross-Cultural Test of the Value-Attitude-Behavior Hierarchy
According to Homer and Kahle's (1988) cognitive hierarchy model, values indirectly influence behavior through attitudes. The model posits that the influence theoretically flows from more abstract cognitions to mid-range cognitions to specific behaviors. This paper tests the cross-cultural validity of the model across samples from Brazil, New Zealand, and South Africa. The paper specifically tests whether environmental attitudes would completely mediate the influence of both altruistic and self-enhancement values on ecological behavior. This study also extended the model by including perceived threats from environmental problems. Supporting the expanded model, environmental attitudes fully mediated the influence of both values and perceived environmental threat on ecological behavior. This article provides empirical support for using the cognitive hierarchy model across cultures.
The discussion of diversity in medical care should be expanded to include religious affiliation as a category of difference. Virtual Mentor is a monthly bioethics journal published by the American Medical Association.
Impact of Technological Innovation on a Nursing Home Performance and on the Medication-use Process Safety
Despite the fact that since 1985 the government of Quebec increased by 5.75 % on average the amount of money spent on healthcare per year, little improvement was noted. It is obvious that an optimal use of resources is essential to reduce waiting times and provide safer and faster services to patients. The use of new technology can contribute to improve the healthcare system efficiency. Our study aims to assess the impact of a medication distribution technology on 1) the performance of a health and social services center’s pharmacy, 2) the performance of one care unit in a nursing home and on 3) the medication-use process safety. To measure performance we were inspired by the Lean approach. The results show that medication distribution technology is considered as an effective way to significantly detect medication errors, to allow nurses to focus more on patients and pharmacy to react more rapidly to changes in patient medications.
The purpose of this article is to explore the factors influencing residential decisions of Finnish seniors. Analysis draws on qualitative data gathered from in-depth interviews and open-ended survey questions completed by 37 seniors living in three independent living facilities in Finland. Content analysis was used to identify key factors pushing residents out of their former living situations and pulling them into their respective independent living facility. Analysis indicates that different senior houses attract different types of residents. Nevertheless, as a group, they reported similar motivational factors relating to community, physical, and social environments and to their personal circumstances.
Uncertainty in environmentally conscious decision making: beer or wine?
Purpose ::: Life cycle assessment (LCA) is being used increasingly in decision support situations. In actual cases, the sources of uncertainty are easily hidden in the complexity. Methods for taking uncertainty into account are recommended by LCA guidelines, but actual application remains rare. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the sources of uncertainty in a practical simple selection case wherein a customer makes a decision between beer and wine in a restaurant, considering the selected criteria and the given information. The uncertainty in LCA results is connected to the broader scope of decision analysis.
AbstractSince the associations of fermented dairy foods intake with risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remained inconsistent, we carried out this meta-analysis on all published cohort studies to...
Suburbs May Be Hazardous to Your Health
A new study shows that people who live in areas with a high degree of suburban sprawl are more likely to report chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, arthritis, headaches, and breathing difficulties, than those who live in urban areas.
Imagine buying a new home where your neighbors can decide how it's decorated, what you cook for dinner, how big your dog is and what kind of sex you have. And they can toss you out if they don't like it.
Living Amid Suburban Sprawl Could be Bad for Your Health
SANTA MONICA - People who live in suburbia tend to have more chronic health problems than urbanites, according to a study issued today by a Santa Monica-based think tank.
It’s all about location. As one Generation Y worker said, “It doesn’t make sense to have a great job in a crummy city.”
Designing eco-feedback systems for everyday life
Eco-feedback systems currently frame householders as micro-resource managers, who weigh up the costs and benefits of their consumption, and make autonomous, rational and efficient decisions. Reporting on findings from a qualitative study of three Australian energy and water eco-feedback programs utilising an in-home display (IHD) system, this paper challenges this view. The research finds that householders consume energy and water to carry out everyday practices, such as showering, laundering and cooling, which are mediated by social, cultural, technical and institutional dynamics. The paper proposes an alternative design paradigm for eco-feedback systems premised on the realities of everyday life and identifies several design directions that emerge from this new starting point.
This paper describesthe basicmethodologyused by San DiegoGas & ElectricCompanyto determinethe contribution to system reliability made by various resource alternatives.In particular, thismethodhas beenusedto evaluatetheextentto whichloadmanagement in the form of air conditionercyclingcan be depended on to reducesystemload. Theseresultswere includedin an economic analysisthatdeterminedthat continuedsupportof SDG&E'sresidentialair conditioner cyclingprogram (PEAKSHIFT)was not cost effective.
Validation of the Dutch Translation of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ): A Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Health-related quality of life assessment can benefit several groups involved with health care. The aim of our study was to assess construct validity, reliability, discriminant ability and sensitivity
Abstract Although they create considerable economic benefits, industrial parks emit tremendous amounts of pollution and consume significant environmental resources. This investigation examines problems associated with managing an industrial park. It begins by defining an industrial park system and its sustainability. Next, using systems thinking, managing for results, driving-force-pressure-state-impact-response, and system dynamics, we develop a management framework and an indicator system. A framework with triple decision layers is established to link the management of an industrial park with its manufactories. Based on this framework, proposed indicators and their driving force–pressure–state–impact–response relationships are integrated into an optimization model to maximize sustainability, so that sustainability of an industrial park is assessed as total quantity management is performed. A prototype of a total quantity and sustainability management strategy for industrial parks is developed, based on ...
The search dashboard: how reflection and comparison impact search behavior
Theory-driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life
Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study.
what is community health science
What is Community Health Education? Community health education is a theory-driven process that promotes health and prevents disease within populations. Those who study community health learn how to design and implement programs that promote health and prevent disease within certain target populations in the community.
Public Health includes community health. Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals”. It is concerned with threats to health based on population health analysis.
Light-driven synthesis of hollow platinum nanospheres
Hollow platinum nanospheres that are porous and have uniform shell thickness are prepared by templating platinum growth on polystyrene beads with an adsorbed porphyrin photocatalyst irradiated by visible light.
Abstract Using a simple chemical process, phosphorylcholine has been deposited covalentiy on the surface of a variety of hydroxylated polymers as a stable, monomolecular coating. Our goal was to obtain new biomaterials which, due to the chemical similarity of the modified interfaces to the phospholipid head groups present on the extracellular surfaces of blood cell membranes, should exhibit enhanced haemo- and biocompatibility. Our previous analyses by chemical and spectrophotometric methods indicated that sufficient quantities of phosphorylcholine were deposited on glass and silica surfaces to result in appreciable modification of their interfacial properties. In the present study, we have examined a series of modified hydroxylated substrates by ESCA and demonstrate specific chemical modifications on the molecular surfaces of polymeric substrates.
Study on the Formation and Spectra of SolubleGlycoprotein/Calcium Bilirubinate Complexes
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectrum and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry were used to study the filtrates produced by reactions of different initial ratios (w/w) of α acidic glycoprotein(AGP) and calcium bilirubinate(CaBR) in saline solution. The results indicated that there were strong interactions between AGP and CaBR by hydrogen bonds or coordination or electrostatic attraction, which made the microstructure of AGP changed and solubility of CaBR in aqueous solution increased and a series of soluble AGP/CaBR complexes formed.
Taking up the common challenges in biocatalysis, a group of industrialists decided to react with a bottom-up solution, and created the Swiss Industrial Biocatalysis Consortium (SIBC). The Swiss Industrial Biocatalysis Consortium is a pre-competitive working group to better implement and utilize existing know-how and resources in biocatalysis, and to influence and shape the economic and educational political environment. Recent examples of activities are outlined.
Stabilizers for the NVP synthesis
A process for preparing N-alkenyl compounds by reacting the corresponding NH compounds with alkynes in the liquid phase in the presence of a catalyst, wherein the reaction is carried out in the presence of at least one stabilizer, and the use of stabilizers to increase the selectivity in a process for preparation of N-alkenyl compounds by reacting the corresponding NH compounds with alkynes in the liquid phase in the presence of a catalyst.
AbstractThis study aimed to report a one-pot, eco-friendly and room temperature procedure to prepare highly stable (at least 15 months) silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using the aqueous leaf extract o...
Chemical efficiency of reactive microflows with heterogeneous catalysis: a lattice Boltzmann study
We investigate the effects of geometrical micro-irregularities on the conversion efficiency of reactive flows in narrow channels of millimetric size. Three-dimensional simulations, based upon a Lattice-Boltzmann-Lax-Wendroff code, indicate that periodic micro-barriers may have an appreciable effect on the effective reaction efficiency of the device. Once extrapolated to macroscopic scales, these effects can result in a sizeable increase of the overall reaction efficiency.
A series of novel quinidine-derived organocatalysts was synthesized and utilized for the asymmetric substitution of O-Boc-protected Morita–Baylis–Hillman adducts with various carbamates and tosylcarbamates, affording the corresponding products in good to high yields (up to 91 % yield) with moderate to high ee values (up to 96 % ee) under mild conditions.
Kapitza conductance of silicon–amorphous polyethylene interfaces by molecular dynamics simulations
We use nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate the interfacial thermal conductance between single-crystal silicon and amorphous polyethylene. In particular, we investigate the role of solid stiffness and the bonding strength across the interface on the interfacial thermal conductance. Simulations of interfacial scattering of individual phonon wave packets indicate that neither diffuse mismatch model nor acoustic mismatch model describes the interfacial scattering process quantitatively. In general, transmission coefficients for longitudinal phonons are significantly higher than those for transverse phonons. We also observe that anharmonic processes can be important for interfacial conductance.
Finding environmentally gentle methods to graft Lewis acid on the surface of mesoporous materials is a topic of current interest. Herein we describe the optimization of a preparation procedure of a mesoporous silica-supported ErIII catalyst using the microwave-assisted post-calcination functionalization of Mobil Composition of Matter-41 silica as the key step. The required time for functionalization was reduced from several hours to 10 min using sealed-vessel microwave technology. Control experiments using conventional heating at the same temperature demonstrated that the rate increase is owing to a simple thermal/kinetic effect as a result of the higher reaction temperature. The resulting ErIII catalyst was tested for the first time as a catalyst in the continuous flow deprotection of benzaldehyde dimethylacetal and a complete leaching study was performed.
Observation of Effective Micro-Organisms Attached on Porous Ceramics
Effective micro-organisms (EM) increase the natural resistance of soil and plants, and it considerably improves the quality and fertility of soil as well as the growth and quality of crops. In this study, we prepared two types of porous ceramics with high and low porosity, and observed the attaching behavior of micro-organisms to the surface of ceramics. In the case of highly porous ceramics with large pore (80% in porosity), many of micro-organisms were observed in the pores of interior as well as on the ceramic surfaces. However, most of micro-organisms attached on the surface of the low porous ceramics with small pore (45% porosity), and only a few micro-organisms observed in pore inside.
It all clicks into place: A potent telomere-targeting small molecule has been identified by using the copper-free 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of a series of alkyne and azide building blocks catalyzed by a non-Watson-Crick DNA secondary structure (see picture). This method rapidly identifies, otherwise unanticipated, potent small-molecule probes to selectively target a given RNA or DNA.
The growth of cloud computing has led to a corresponding growth of user data stored on third party servers, while, at the same time, U.S. privacy law has significant limitations in the protection of aggregated data—precisely the type of much of cloud computing data. This position paper provides an overview of cloud computing and current privacy law, policies and practices, presenting ideas for modernizing privacy protection for cloud computing users, with the goal of instilling trust in the use of cloud computing and fostering further development of innovations in cloud computing applications.
Online privacy notices are intended to promote consumer choice and reduce the risks of disclosing personal information online. However, these effects result only if consumers read and use the information contained in the notices. This study used an online survey of 2,468 U.S. adult Internet users to investigate why online consumers read privacy notices across a variety of situations. We found that reading is related to concern for privacy, positive perceptions about notice comprehension, and higher levels of trust in the notice. This suggests that effective privacy notices serve an important function in addressing risk issues related to e-commerce. We further found that reading privacy notices is only one element in an overall strategy consumers use to manage the risks of disclosing personal information online.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
[Morphological characteristics of various thyroid pathologies in the population living in a technogenically polluted area].
The impact of industrial pollutions on the thyroid is one of the main causes of thyroid diseases. Intraoperative thyroid samples from 144 patients residing in some technogenically polluted towns of the Saratov Region were the subject of the study. The morphological features of various thyroid abnormalities were directly correlated with the level of environmental pollution with heavy metal salts that might play a leading role in the occurrence of goiter transformation. The exception is diffuse toxic goiter wherein such relationship has not been revealed. The correlation of thyroid pathology groups with Saratov districts having a heavy metal salt-polluted snow cover enables one to identify risk areas for their inhabitants.
The EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) is a landmark, and we describe the value of personal data as the main starting point to address any possible issue. Once clarified the meaning of that value as a top-level point from which it not possible prescind and the strict relationship with ethics, we present one of the risks, that is the 'synthetic human profile' and can be realised by the use of faces images available on the web. In conclusion, we propose a blockchain system to guarantee the data subjects identity.
Testing of communication range in ZigBee technology
In the rapidly growing Internet of Things (loT) applications from personal electronics to industrial machines and sensors are getting wirelessly connected to the Internet. Many well-known communication technologies such as WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth and cellular are used for transfer data in IoT. The choice of corresponding technology or combination of technologies depends on application or other factors such as data requirements, communication range, security and power demands, battery life. In this paper we will focus on ZigBee wireless technology and testing ZigBee end devices in order to see how transmission range impacts on quality parameters.
In hospitals, offices and other settings, professionals face the challenge of accessing and sharing sensitive content in public areas. As tablets become increasingly adopted in work environments, it is important to explore ways to support privacy that are appropriate for tablet use in dynamic, mobile workflows. In this research we consider how spatial information can be utilized to support both individual and collaborative work in a natural way while respecting data privacy. We present a proof-of-concept implementation of a proximity-aware tablet, and a range of privacy notification and control mechanisms designed for such a tablet. Results from a user study support the idea that interpersonal distance and orientation can be used to mediate privacy management for tablet interfaces. Selecting a specific design for privacy threat notification and response is highly context-dependent-for example, in health care the first priority is to not impede the fluid exchange of information.
The study on privacy preserving data mining for information security
Privacy preserving data mining have a rapid development in a short year. But it still faces many challenges in the future. Firstly, the level of privacy has different definitions in different filed. Therefore, the measure of privacy preserving data mining technology protecting private information is not the same. So, it's an urgent issue to present a unified privacy definition and measure. Secondly, the most of research in privacy preserving data mining is presently confined to the theory study.© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
The article introduces the teaching reformation focusing on course project of power engineering detection and control technology, and discusses the new reformation in the future.
Recommender systems survey
Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems
Text de-identification for privacy protection: A study of its impact on clinical text information content
Fairness and transparency in crowdsourcing
more than fun and money . worker motivation in crowdsourcing - a study on mechanical turk .
External Mechanical Devices and Vascular Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction.
flying eyes and hidden controllers : a qualitative study of people ' s privacy perceptions of civilian drones in the us .
Unpacking "privacy" for a networked world
Modeling driver behavior at roundabouts: Results from a field study
Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior
Enhancing Privacy in Remote Data Classification
Generalizing data to provide anonymity when disclosing information (abstract)
Security-control methods for statistical databases: a comparative study
YADING: Fast Clustering of Large-Scale Time Series Data
Privacy in Online Social Networking: Applying a Privacy Calculus Model
privacy calculus model in e - commerce - a study of italy and the united states .
Unified Architecture for Multichannel End-to-End Speech Recognition With Neural Beamforming
Privacy Informatics: A Primer on Defensive Tactics for a Society under Siege
What the world needs now is a new field of study: privacy informatics. This emerging field will fill the information-awareness gap between a trusting citizenry and the emerging digital dystopia.
A methodology to estimate security of supply in electricity generation: results for Germany until 2030 given a high level of intermittent electricity feed-in / Moritz Paulus, Katharina Grave and Dietmar Lindenberger. Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne, 2011, 26 p. (EWI Working Paper, No 10/2011) http://www.ewi.uni-koeln.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Publikationen/Working_Paper/EWI_WP_11-10_Methodology_to_estimate_security_of_supply-1.pdf In this paper, we develop a methodol...
An efficient privacy-preserving system for monitoring mobile users: making searchable encryption practical
Differential privacy in new settings
understanding database schema evolution : a case study .
Examining individuals' adoption of healthcare wearable devices: An empirical study from privacy calculus perspective
The personalization privacy paradox: an empirical evaluation of information transparency and the willingness to be profiled online for personalization
Reading Together: A Successful Reading Fluency Intervention.
Data security and privacy in E-health Cloud: Comparative study
Data Security and Privacy Protection Issues in Cloud Computing
X3DOM volume rendering component for web content developers
Anonymized Data: Generation, models, usage
M-invariance: towards privacy preserving re-publication of dynamic datasets
Security-control methods for statistical databases: a comparative study
Social Engineering in Social Networking Sites: The Art of Impersonation
Privacy and security for online social networks: challenges and opportunities
What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study
Examining individuals' adoption of healthcare wearable devices: An empirical study from privacy calculus perspective
The personalization privacy paradox: an empirical evaluation of information transparency and the willingness to be profiled online for personalization
Synaptic Dynamics in Analog VLSI
Dynamic Consent: A Possible Solution to Improve Patient Confidence and Trust in How Electronic Patient Records Are Used in Medical Research
a case study of the secure anonymous information linkage ( sail ) gateway : a privacy - protecting remote access system for health - related research and evaluation☆ .
living lab : user - driven innovation for sustainability .
an experimental study on ubiquitous commerce adoption : impact of personalization and privacy concerns .
Personalization versus Privacy: An Empirical Examination of the Online Consumer's Dilemma
Synthetic lethality: emerging targets and opportunities in melanoma
The autonomous self-portrait, a central mode of expression in western art, was a Renaissance invention. This book explores for the first time the genesis and early development of this important genre as it took place in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Joanna Woods-Marsden examines a series of self-portraits in Renaissance Italy and their relation to the social status of art and artists. She argues that these self-images represented the aspirations of their creators to change the status of art and thereby their own social standing.
This paper explores and highlights the value given to craftsmanship or technê in the community of liefhebbers and artists associated with the pictures of collections genre. Taking as its case study a group of gallery interiors by the probable inventor and leading light of the genre, Frans II Francken, it places pictures of collections within the reform of attitudes towards manual dexterity and the mechanical arts that took place in the Early Modern period. Antwerp gallery interiors exemplify the intellectual metamorphosis of the hand, urging us to see in them an appeal both to the senses and to the intellect, which are fused together by the skilled artist’s technical facility.
It is proved, by using topological properties, that when a group automorphism of a locally compact totally disconnected group is ergodic under the Haar measure, the group is compact. The result is an answer for Halmos's question that has remained open for the totally disconnected case.
Nestor Makhno - Les images et les mots
Helene Châtelain, Nestor Makhno — Images and Word ; The film Nestor Makhno, Ukrainian Peasant directed by Helene Châtelain, is the result of an investigation of memory, and a study of how images and history were transformed by the Soviet authorities. The filmmaker's research illuminates not only how the memory of Makhno was eradicated, but also the power of language and filmed documents. The text published here is a witness to the birth of a film and how history is related.
Le fonds pan-europeen NEIF, conseille par BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Services, obtient le label DGNB Silver pour l’immeuble Signaris a Francfort
Constitutionalism and Human Rights: America, Poland, and France: A Bicentennial Colloquium at the Miller Center
This work is the sixth volume in the Miller Center Bicentennial Series on Constitutionalism. The contributors examine in several different essays the historical, political, and ideological connections among the constitutional experiences of France, Poland, and the United States. This study furthers the Miller Center's efforts to examine the United States Constitution and its interaction and interrelationship with other constitutions in the world. Although Poland's constitution was the focus of the book, the approach has been made unique by the fact that the study was not conducted solely through Polish eyes, but rather in relation to the constitutions which, with Poland, share the distinction of being the three oldest constitutions in the world, the French and the U.S. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Life After Eruption: Best of 2009–2013
From our ongoing survey to study the post-nova population we present details on the four objects V728 Sco, AR Cir, V972 Oph and X Cir.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Managing Paradoxes: The Political Economy of Côte D ‘Ivoire Crisis
This study addresses the protracted militaro-political crisis in Cote D'Ivoire that has adversely disarticulated the Ivorian economy which is now prostrate.The crisis and the economy slump are having corrosive effects on the land-locked countries in West Africa, especially Burkina-Faso. The identity crisis that engulfed the country subsequently resulted in "ethnic consciousness" and waves of xenophobia is inimical to the economic growth of the country.Thus, The study concludes that it is imperative for the Ivorian political etlite to embrace genuine reconciliation that will pave the way for national rebirth in order to give the national economy the much needed new lease of life as well as a credible rehabilitation within the International Financial Institutions (IFIS).
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
“Lo somni”, en la línea del ensayo moderno
This study is an application of the notes about modern essay to the important Bernat Metge’s dialogue Lo somni , the first and most important work of Catalan Humanism. The result of this study is that this work can be considered as a precedent of this genre, as has been the case with Seneca’s epistles.
Tienda online donde Comprar Intra-Articular Injections al precio 84,89 € de Anil Pandey | Sureshwar Pandey, tienda de Libros de Medicina, Libros de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria/General - Medicina general
The Implicit Body as Performance: Analyzing Interactive Art
ABSTRACT This paper puts contemporary theories of embodiment and performance in the service of interactive arts criticism. Rather than focusing on vision, structure or signification, the author proposes that we explicitly examine bodies-in-relation, interaction as performance, and “being” as “being-with.” He presents four concrete areas of concentration for analyzing the category of interactive art. The author also examines how such work amplifies subjects and objects as always already implicated across one another.
This paper,by studying the text of Sun Ling's work Dancing on the Silk Road and combining with biographical research and textual narration research,discusses three visual relationships in the text,that is,the other in the author's eyes,the self in the author's eyes and the author in the other's eyes,and discusses the relationships between the construction and being constructed between the awareness of the subject and its coordination between the public domain and private domain.
This study defines the characteristics of the “Non-Ideological Party of Women” and presents the findings of the field study. Based on data obtained, we propose solutions to overcome the paradoxical situation of the women in politics in the 21st century. The concept of the “Non-Ideological Party of Women” was first developed within the context of this research project, which was supported by the Dokuz Eylul University Scientific Research Office and published. The concept points out the collective movement of women that support different ideologies as well as the support of men to the party. Besides, we evaluate the importance and the future of the Non-Ideological Party of Women in political life.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Counter-essentialist femininity in post-dictatorship Argentine dramaturgy—A comparative study in Northwestern and Patagonian regions
During the dictatorial periods, Argentine dramaturgy consolidated a specific identity rhetoric, which was represented aesthetically and imaginatively through the “feminized nation”. This essentialist figuration was the object of speeches pronounced by the dictators, and by the opponents of authoritarian regimes. The purpose of this article is to analyze the hermeneutic revival of this imaginary figuration on women in the postdictatorial dramaturgies of the Argentinean Patagonia and Northwestern Argentina, in order to understand their particular poetic procedures and their counter-essentialist identitarian positions. In line with this, we will use theoretical-methodological tools from the anthropology of the imaginary (Wunenburger, 2008), the sociology of culture (Proano-Gomez, 2002; Grimson, 2012) and comparative literature (Palermo, 2005; Dubatti, 2008).
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
New Measures of Mental State and Behavior Based on Data Collected From Sensors, Smartphones, and the Internet
With the rapid and ubiquitous acceptance of new technologies, algorithms will be used to estimate new measures of mental state and behavior based on digital data. The algorithms will analyze data collected from sensors in smartphones and wearable technology, and data collected from Internet and smartphone usage and activities. In the future, new medical measures that assist with the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of psychiatric disorders will be available despite unresolved reliability, usability, and privacy issues. At the same time, similar non-medical commercial measures of mental state are being developed primarily for targeted advertising. There are societal and ethical implications related to the use of these measures of mental state and behavior for both medical and non-medical purposes.
The study reported here looked at how two groups of people – one with art expertise and one without – made sense of their encounters with an exhibition of a single artist, the late Paul-Henri Bourguignon. The study builds on previous research using Dervin's Sense-Making Methodology to study how people interpret their arts experiences within the contexts of their everyday lives. Informants were asked to rank-order their selections among the pieces on display according to which had the most impact for them (however they defined impact). Each informant then did a structured qualitative interview focusing on the work he or she chose as most impactful. The researchers looked at thematic elements and other patterns of similarity and difference that arose in the interviews and offer thoughts on how the results of this study may provide insight to those who work in museums.
Inka Llajta : a case study of a music group from Cochabamba, Bolivia
The aims of this paper are to present a case study of a music group which was carried out during a fieldwork in the year 1991 in Bolivia and to make some reflections about the group. The main theor ...
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Can Cool Japan save Post‐Disaster Japan? On the Possibilities and Impossibilities of a Cool Japanology
This article considers Cool Japan in light of catastrophe, first theoretically through a phenomenological analysis of Cool Japan and Cool Japanology, suggesting that the study of Cool Japan itself is way of uncooling the object of inquiry, itself a reaction to the apocalyptic realities of everyday life since the dawn of the modern world. The article finishes with a sociological reflection on current events through a detourner of the sekai kei genre in Summer Wars' inclusion of two sociological types in its rendition of catastrophe. This article then is intended as a preliminary step to understanding the specificity and commonalities of Japanese cool power through an understanding of the phenomenon of cool and the contents to which cool often refers.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Self-Monitoring, Trust, and Commitment in Romantic Relationships
Abstract This study examined the relationship between self-monitoring and trust with a focus on commitment among college students in the United States. Both partners in 38 heterosexual dating couples filled out questionnaires that included the Self-Monitoring Scale (M. Snyder, 1974) and the Trust Scale (J. K. Remple, J. G. Holmes, M. P. Zanna, 1985). Findings indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between the self-monitoring scores of the dating partners. Those couples consisting of 2 high self-monitors were significantly less likely to believe that they would marry their current partners than couples that included at least 1 low self-monitor, and they scored significantly lower on the subscale of the Trust Scale that assessed continuing commitment to the relationship.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Improving reality. An analysis of Spanish makeover reality television
The main aim of this paper is to identify the values conveyed by Spanish makeover reality television. There are two aspects that make these programmes relevant study objects: first, their widespread pres- ence in Spanish television schedules, and second, the role they play in con- structing the social imaginary due to their didactic and prescriptive nature. We analysed six Spanish makeover reality shows, Cambio Radical, Desn- udas, Esta casa era una ruina, Supern- anny, Hermano Mayor and Ajuste de Cuentas, using a methodology that combines narrative semiotics and the analysis of narrative form (plot/ syhuzet) and audiovisual style. This paper summarises the main research results and conclusions of a doctoral thesis presented in September 2010.
The article introduces the teaching reformation focusing on course project of power engineering detection and control technology, and discusses the new reformation in the future.
Terorizmo sociopsichologiniai ypatumai
The purpose of this study is to focus attention on the types of individuals and groups that are prone to terrorism in an effort to understand better the terrorism phenomenon. The study examines the relevant literature and assesses the current knowledge of the subject. The study seeks to describe theories of terrorism and psychological profiles of foreign terrorists individuals and selected groups. The article also deals with assessing the latest literature on psychological aspects of terrorism, including the newest findings on terrorists decision-making process, cognitions, and personality.
L'A. propose d'evaluer la vision de von Balthasar au sujet de la contribution de Maitre Eckhart a la tradition theologique. Cette evaluation se fait a partir d'un groupe de cinq elements: la disposition esthetique, la similitude entre l'etre et Dieu, l'absence de mise en question du divin, la serenite, la naissance de Dieu. Chaque groupe amene une double lecture. La premiere confirme et renforce le point de vue d'Eckhart. La seconde pose de serieuses questions sur leur inclusion dans la tradition chretienne a la lumiere des principes chretiens
Comment on the mid-50s of the 20th century ideological critique campaign of Hu Shi
By the end of 1954,with "two little people" critical study by Yu Ping-bo's Dream fuse,start the party in the ideological field of large-scale criticism of Hu Shi thought movement,this criticism from the three aspects of this campaign to make brief comments.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Identity (Re)construction through sharing: A study of mother and teenage daughter dyads in France and Japan
We use the transitional and liminal stage when daughters enter adolescence to investigate how sharing practices within families are employed as a resource in identity work. We show the importance of “sharing in” within some French dyads, as a means for discovering new life projects and for rediscovering past identity projects driven by self-expressive motivations. In contrast, Japanese dyads are often reluctant to share personal possessions (sharing out) in order to maintain hierarchical relationships (affiliation motivations) and remain fashionably up-to-date (self-expressive motivations) in their identity work, and in their drive to maintain and prolong their mothering role. In order to better target adolescent girls’ mothers, retailers could develop more clothing appeals based on inter-generational approaches in France and intra-generational approaches in Japan.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Dedicated to the memory of Armand Borel, with affection and admiration
Let G be a connected semisimple Lie group such that the associated symmetric space X is Hermitian and let g be the fundamental group of a compact orientable surface of genus g ≥ 2. We survey the study of maximal representations of g into G, that is the subset of Hom( g, G) characterized by the maximality of the Toledo invariant ((17) and (15)). Then we concentrate on the particular case G = Sp(2n, R), and we show that if ρ is any maximal representation then the image ρ( g) is a discrete, faithful realizations of g as a Kleinian group of complex motions in X with an associated Anosov system, and whose limit set in an appropriate compactification of X is a rectifiable circle.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Autumn, 1830. Her Letter to Dead
the seasons have changed the farm. The magpies take to the peppers, the wild cats fatten with field mice and feed from the bam. My strawberries are spreading with such felicity! The drought coughed up its last windstorm some two months ago and you know we do not have to dust the china every day. This moment, Margaret my sister coughs from a real coldno hacking now from the dreadful summer mote. The modest bears promise: our winter crop is planted and all that remains is the watching, mounds curled to the walnut tree. I marvel at them whenever: from the kitchen window washing dishes, cooking, from the bedroom sewing the infinity quilt (yes, stilI! still! ) . Often we both find ourselves staring from these back windows, studying the completeness of rain. A stranger might think we seemed satisfied, nothing more, hopes stammering
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
(Re) investigating Man, Drum and Music in Healing
This paper examines the trio, man, drum and music as God' s direct and indirect creations and their collective significance in music healing using experiences from Nigeria. In this connection, it studies their independent attributes and discusses them within the general framework of indigenous beliefs in non-western music healing traditions. The opinions held in this study are derived from a review of literature and field investigations. The researchers discovered that for music healing to thrive in modern societies, there should be an interaction between the ancient and the modern in terms of philosophy and practice. Hence, the factors which make indigenous music healing efficacious require a genuine scrutiny. This stride will obviously be helpful to all interested in music healing.
This study aims at exploring deceptive dynamics (i.e., impression management [IM], self-deception, and emotional manipulation [EM]) and their role in control beliefs and health status reporting in ...
Art therapy with a young refugee woman – survivor of war
Abstract This essay represents an art therapy case study with a young refugee woman called Hanna, which took place at a day centre in an NHS trust. In particular, I focus on the client's loss of home and her nostalgic feeling – an experience particular to refugees. This essay is an exploration of meanings and the client's feelings of nostalgia, separation and loss, abandonment, guilt and shame, helplessness and anger, together with good childhood memories, tradition and religious belief which are expressed in her images through symbols. I also explore the importance of the provision and the effectiveness of art therapy and how a therapeutic relationship created a container that supported this client to build strength and resilience to cope with her difficult situation. Reference will be made to the importance of good early attachment and how this helps to build resilience in individuals recovering from trauma.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Deep Learning Art History from Data: Baroque Intellectual Influence on the Romantic Era Painting
Baroque is a unique period for emergence of creative novelties in artistic ideas and technique improvement. Baroque art shows the influence of pre-Baroque period's humanism perspective, and it exerted an extraordinary influence on art following it. In the following, computational intelligence and deep learning are applied to elucidate the relationships among painting in the three periods. We outline the methodology and reports a successful preliminary study from limited data, which explored the concepts/techniques that have remained, or disappeared during the historical changes, and elucidated the connection among the Pre-Baroque, Baroque Period and Post-Baroque Periods.
As part of ‘two essays in dialogue’ with a piece written by Dale Hudson, this article ::: advances critical discussions of the documentary film given the context of, and ::: challenges posed by, digitality. Specifically, it analyses ‘the digital’ in Michael ::: Takeo Magruder’s {transcription} and [FALLUJAH. IRAQ. 31/03/2004] and ::: Christina McPhee’s La Conchita mon amour as a means to advance discussion ::: of documentary beyond claims to realism and documentary truth towards what ::: Trinh T. Minh-ha calls ‘boundary events’. Tay argues that digital video, editing ::: and compositing expose the limitations of visual evidence to represent trauma.
Of what is pedology the study?
Pedology | Define Pedology at Dictionary.com Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for pedology Expand n. "scientific study of the soil," 1924, from Greek pedon "ground, earth," from PIE root *ped- (see foot (n.)) + -logy . Related: Pedological. Earlier it was a word for "the study of children" (1894), from pedo- . Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
Fred Dinenage: Murder Casebook - Brides in the Bath Murders Extract - YouTube Fred Dinenage: Murder Casebook - Brides in the Bath Murders Extract Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. The interactive transcript could not be loaded. Loading... Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Uploaded on Aug 25, 2011 A short clip from the episode about George Joseph Smith known as the Brides in the Bath Murderer. (C) Talent TV South. First broadcast on Crime and Investigation Network. Please visit www.talenttvsouth.com for more information or 'like' page at www.facebook.com/talenttvsouth. Category
Hyme’s Speaking and Speech Event Analysis in the Comedy Television Series: “Brooklyn 99”
Abstract. This study investigated the occurrence of speech events in “BROOKLYN 99” comedy series (Season #1, Episode #1) to probe such phenomena in media discourse. This study presented not only a sample of spoken discourse about those speech events which were more frequent, but a sample of native speakers’ cultural norms. The results of the study showed that some typical speech events, due to the situational and contextual context of language, were more frequent than others; in the selected sample, the most recurring event in a partner-work relationship was found to be confiding one’s secrets or personal affairs and problems with one’s friends and asking them for help, consultation, and sympathy. At the same time, there were some speaking factors affecting each speech event which are in line with Hymes’ speaking model.
To what degree, Nichols asks, does ideology inform images in films, advertising, and other media? Does the cinema or any other sign system liberate or manipulate us? How can we as spectators know when the media are subtly perpetuating a specific set of values? To address these issues, the author draws from a variety of approaches Marxism, psycholanalysis, communication theory, semiotics, structuralism, the psychology of perception. Working with two interrelated theories ideology and image-systems, and ideology and principles of textual criticism Nichols shows how and why we make emotional investments in sign sytsems with an ideological context."
The use of culturally congruent spiritual beliefs in the successful treatment of two cases of complicated bereavement for infant death
The cognitive model of clinical practice involves identifying significant beliefs, including spiritual beliefs. Traditional belief in Taoism was elicited from two Cantonese-speaking women referred for assessment after psychiatric admission for complicated bereavement. Their belief was incorporated into the formulations and the treatment plans. Pathological guilt was addressed by gentle cognitive challenge and reframing. Relevant spiritual practices were explored and supported, which allowed recovery to proceed. These cases highlight the value of cross-cultural consultation and illustrate that spiritually sensitive intervention is compatible with evidence-based practice.
The approach to coordinating the criminal legislation with its application is deciphering law by active solution in judicial practice,which means the judicial personnel must interpret the legislation justly.This article analyzes how to interpret justly by studying the Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Performance.Try to interpret what is other crimes that the judicial organ does not know and what is the exposing an offence committed by others.
Hypnography A Study In The Therapeutic Use Of Hypnotic Painting
Thank you for downloading hypnography a study in the therapeutic use of hypnotic painting. Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous times for their favorite novels like this hypnography a study in the therapeutic use of hypnotic painting, but end up in malicious downloads. Rather than reading a good book with a cup of tea in the afternoon, instead they are facing with some harmful virus inside their computer.
Thank you very much for reading techniques for producing visual instructional media. Maybe you have knowledge that, people have search numerous times for their chosen books like this techniques for producing visual instructional media, but end up in malicious downloads. Rather than enjoying a good book with a cup of coffee in the afternoon, instead they juggled with some harmful bugs inside their desktop computer.
A descriptive analysis of factors contributing to binge eating
This study was designed to examine temporally proximal and remote antecedents as well as immediate and delayed consequences of binge eating behavior. Participants included 16 undergraduate females who reported engaging in binge eating at least two times per week and experiencing a sense of lack of control during binge eating episodes on the Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns. Results indicated that the most frequent proximal antecedents to binge eating were negative emotions such as feeling depressed, angry, empty, hopeless, worried, or dissatisfied. The most frequent consequences of binge eating included relief from negative feelings and thoughts and decrease in hunger or craving. The results of this study suggest that the function of binge eating can be identified through assessment of antecedents and consequences with real time recording and retrospective reports. Treatment implications are discussed.
Abstract This essay represents an art therapy case study with a young refugee woman called Hanna, which took place at a day centre in an NHS trust. In particular, I focus on the client's loss of home and her nostalgic feeling – an experience particular to refugees. This essay is an exploration of meanings and the client's feelings of nostalgia, separation and loss, abandonment, guilt and shame, helplessness and anger, together with good childhood memories, tradition and religious belief which are expressed in her images through symbols. I also explore the importance of the provision and the effectiveness of art therapy and how a therapeutic relationship created a container that supported this client to build strength and resilience to cope with her difficult situation. Reference will be made to the importance of good early attachment and how this helps to build resilience in individuals recovering from trauma.
The role of communication in nursing--perceptual variations in student/teacher responses in Northern Ireland.
The value of sound communication/interpersonal skills in nursing has been clearly demonstrated over recent years. However, precise definition of what constitutes such skills, and how these skills should be developed, remains comparatively ill-defined. This lack of positive definition in turn presents considerable difficulties for nurse training in communication skills, where both the basic purpose and value of such training may be perceived quite differently by teachers and by student nurses. Based on a field study in Northern Ireland, this paper not only highlights some of the existing inadequacies of current nurse training in communication skills, but also examines some of the disturbing wider educational implications of this problem.
To what degree, Nichols asks, does ideology inform images in films, advertising, and other media? Does the cinema or any other sign system liberate or manipulate us? How can we as spectators know when the media are subtly perpetuating a specific set of values? To address these issues, the author draws from a variety of approaches Marxism, psycholanalysis, communication theory, semiotics, structuralism, the psychology of perception. Working with two interrelated theories ideology and image-systems, and ideology and principles of textual criticism Nichols shows how and why we make emotional investments in sign sytsems with an ideological context."
Soma and psyche: An indissociable unity
Abstract Before the Corpus Hypocratum, the term soma referred to an inanimate body or corpse. “Psyche” originally signified breath and, by extension, the breath of life and then soul. It is worth recalling that these semantic shifts occurred at a time when Hippocrates was founding medicine as a scientific discipline based on objective observation and the study of symptoms (semiology). Depending on whether or not psyche-soma is seen as singular or dual, one may construct different systems explaining man and the world, life and death. The discoveries of psychoanalysis offers a perfectly cogent and unique solution to the famous mind/body problem. In transferring the duality psyche-soma/onto the duality of drives, psychoanalysis places the origin of the thought process in the body.
This is the second in a series of working ::: papers published by the Higher Education ::: Academy to disseminate information about ::: the project entitled 'What is learned at ::: university: the social and organisational ::: mediation of university learning' (SOMUL). ::: This second working paper focuses on the ::: organisational mediation of learning, i.e. how ::: institutional characteristics shape the ::: student experience and resultant learning ::: outcomes within an increasingly diverse ::: higher education system.
In this paper, improved oscillation conditions are established for the oscillation of all solutions of differential equations with non-monotone deviating arguments and nonnegative coefficients. They lead to a procedure that checks for oscillations by iteratively computing \(\lim \sup\) and \(\lim \inf\) on terms recursively defined on the equation's coefficients and deviating argument. This procedure significantly improves all known oscillation criteria. The results and the improvement achieved over the other known conditions are illustrated by two examples, numerically solved in MATLAB.
We study the oscillation of first-order delay equations using a method that parallels the use of Riccati equations in the study of the oscillation of second-order ordinary differential equations without delay. We give an alternative proof of a comparison theorem first established by Kwong and Patula, obtain some asymptotic behaviors of nonoscillatory solutions, prove a new criterion that falls within a gap left open by established results, and confirm a conjecture raised by Hunt and Yorke.
Berzelius failed to make use of Faraday's electrochemical laws in his laborious determination of equivalent weights.
Guided by Nambu ( n +1)-dimensional phase space formalism we build a new system of dynamic equations. These equations describe a dynamic state of the corporeal system composed of n subsystems. The dynamic equations are formulated in terms of dynamic variables of the subsystems as well as in terms of dynamic variables of the corporeal system. These two sets of variables are related respectively as roots and coefficients of the n -degree polynomial equation. In the special n =2 case, this formalism reproduces relativistic dynamics for the charged spinning particles.
Invariant theory as a study of properties of a polynomials under translational transformations is developed. Class of polynomials with congruent set of eigenvalues is introduced. Evolution equations for eigenvalues and coefficients remaining the polynomial within proper class of polynomials are formulated. The connection with equations for hyper-elliptic Weierstrass and hyper-elliptic Jacobian functions is found. Algorithm of calculation of eigenvalues of the polynomials based on these evolution equations is elaborated. Elements of the generalized dynamics with n-order characteristic polynomials is built.
A numerical ordinary differential equation method, in conjunction with a finite-difference discretization, is applied to solve a dynamic motion partial differential equation of mixed type. This dynamic motion equation arises in the application of a towed acoustic antenna in the ocean. The equation describes the transverse dynamic motion of a cylinder of zero bending rigidity (infinitely flexible) in a viscous fluid flow. The numerical treatment well-poses the problem, whose numerical solution is shown to be general purpose and convergent. An efficient implementation is applied to reduce the cost of computation. The formulation, convergence, and some computational aspects are fully discussed. In order to demonstrate the validity and capability of this treatment, an application is presented.
In this paper, we study a class of nonautonomous cellular neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms. By employing the method of variation parameter, applying inequality technique and introducing a lot of real parameters, we present some sufficient conditions ensuring the boundedness and globally exponential stability of the solutions for nonautonomous cellular neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms. The results obtained extend and improve the earlier publications. Finally, three examples with their numerical simulations are provided to show the correctness of our analysis.
This paper considers dynamical behaviors of a class of fuzzy ::: impulsive reaction-diffusion delayed cellular neural networks ::: (FIRDDCNNs) with time-varying periodic self-inhibitions, ::: interconnection weights, and inputs. By using delay differential ::: inequality, -matrix theory, and analytic methods, some new ::: sufficient conditions ensuring global exponential stability of the ::: periodic FIRDDCNN model with Neumann boundary conditions are ::: established, and the exponential convergence rate index is ::: estimated. The differentiability of the time-varying delays is not ::: needed. An example is presented to demonstrate the efficiency and ::: effectiveness of the obtained results.
Purpose ::: Is onset of symptoms in AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and accessory pathway-mediated re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT) patients gender-specific?
Parametric excitation of beams moving over supports
Studied in this work are the formulation of equations of motion and the response to parametric excitation of a uniform cantilever beam moving longitudinally over a single bilateral support. The equations of motion are generated by using assumed modes to discretize the beam, by regarding the support as a kinematic constraint, and by employing an alternate form of Kane's method that is particularly well suited to systems subject to constraints. Instability information is developed using the results of perturbation analysis for harmonic longitudinal motions of small amplitude and with Floquet theory for general periodic motions of any amplitude. Results demonstrate that definitive instability information can be obtained for a beam moving longitudinally over supports based on the frequencies of free transverse vibration of a beam that is longitudinally fixed.
Abstract In many applications, such as atmospheric chemistry, large systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with both stiff and nonstiff parts have to be solved numerically. A popular approach in such cases is to integrate the stiff parts implicitly and the nonstiff parts explicitly. In this paper we study a class of implicit-explicit (IMEX) linear multistep methods intended for such applications. The paper focuses on the linear stability of popular second order methods like extrapolated BDF, Crank-Nicolson leap-frog and a particular class of Adams methods. We present results for problems with decoupled eigenvalues and comment on some specific CFL restrictions associated with advection terms.
Computations of Elastic-plastic Waves by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
One dimensional elastic plastic strain waves induced by impulsive stress loading are simulated numerically by corrected smoothed particle hydrodynamics. In order to study the effects to control the numerical noise occurred at the shock front, both the artificial viscosity and flux corrected transport methods are used and compared in the numerical examples. The results show that good accuracy in the numerical simulations of stress waves can be obtained by corrected smoothed particle hydruodynamics.
In the oil production and thermal recovery in the application of oil and gas field, well of curves are regarded as the crooked canal(namely not only the canal has horizontal section but also vertical section), it instead the horizontal well before. Thus establishmented the new elbow well model, the solution of the model not only suitable for theoretical study but also easy to calculate in practical production. This article considered the problem of indeterminate percolation of spherical symmetry infinite domain described by the initial boundary value problem of the system of partial differential equation and obtained the point-source accurate solution when research on the problem of indeterminate percolation for double porosity medium. Abtained the accurate solution about mathematical model of line source from appling the point-source accurate solution, and applied the results to mathematical model of well of curves, obtained the integral expression of it’s accurate solution.
Optimal control of the rotation of a system of two bodies connected by an elastic rod
Abstract Optimal controls of the rotation of a mechanical system consisting of two rigid bodies, joined by an elastic rod, through a specified angle about an axis passing through the centre of mass of one of the bodies are constructed. The problem of the optimal control of the rotation of the system through a given angle with complete suppression of the oscillations of the elastic rod at the minimum of the energy functional of the control moment and the problem of time-optimality for a specified constraint on the energy functional of the control moment are solved.
In the oil production and thermal recovery in the application of oil and gas field, well of curves are regarded as the crooked canal(namely not only the canal has horizontal section but also vertical section), it instead the horizontal well before. Thus establishmented the new elbow well model, the solution of the model not only suitable for theoretical study but also easy to calculate in practical production. This article considered the problem of indeterminate percolation of spherical symmetry infinite domain described by the initial boundary value problem of the system of partial differential equation and obtained the point-source accurate solution when research on the problem of indeterminate percolation for double porosity medium. Abtained the accurate solution about mathematical model of line source from appling the point-source accurate solution, and applied the results to mathematical model of well of curves, obtained the integral expression of it’s accurate solution.
An integrated optical parallel adder as a first step towards light speed data processing
Integrated optical circuits with nanophotonic devices have attracted significant attention due to its low power dissipation and light-speed operation. With light interference and resonance phenomena, the nanophotonic device works as a voltage-controlled optical pass-gate like a pass-transistor. This paper first introduces a concept of the optical pass-gate logic, and then proposes a parallel adder circuit based on the optical pass-gate logic. Experimental results obtained with an optoelectronic circuit simulator show advantages of our optical parallel adder circuit over a traditional CMOS-based parallel adder circuit.
Abstract In many applications, such as atmospheric chemistry, large systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with both stiff and nonstiff parts have to be solved numerically. A popular approach in such cases is to integrate the stiff parts implicitly and the nonstiff parts explicitly. In this paper we study a class of implicit-explicit (IMEX) linear multistep methods intended for such applications. The paper focuses on the linear stability of popular second order methods like extrapolated BDF, Crank-Nicolson leap-frog and a particular class of Adams methods. We present results for problems with decoupled eigenvalues and comment on some specific CFL restrictions associated with advection terms.
Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Shock Waves around Bow by Modified MAC-Method
Computational schemes and numerical stability conditions of a modified version of Marker and Cell method are studied and a new computing program is developed using second-order upstream differencing representations of the momentum conservation equations and a SOR iterative method for solving a Poisson equation for the pressure, which is applicable to 3-D wave making problems of steadily advancing floating bodies in deep water. Computed results are given for nonlinear bow-waves of wedge models.
In the oil production and thermal recovery in the application of oil and gas field, well of curves are regarded as the crooked canal(namely not only the canal has horizontal section but also vertical section), it instead the horizontal well before. Thus establishmented the new elbow well model, the solution of the model not only suitable for theoretical study but also easy to calculate in practical production. This article considered the problem of indeterminate percolation of spherical symmetry infinite domain described by the initial boundary value problem of the system of partial differential equation and obtained the point-source accurate solution when research on the problem of indeterminate percolation for double porosity medium. Abtained the accurate solution about mathematical model of line source from appling the point-source accurate solution, and applied the results to mathematical model of well of curves, obtained the integral expression of it’s accurate solution.
Numerical study on small-scale longitudinal heat conduction in cross-wavy primary surface heat exchanger
Abstract The longitudinal heat conduction is usually neglected during the analysis of cross-wavy (CW) primary heat exchanger. In this paper, an anisotropic heat transfer numerical model is proposed to analyze the local thermal field of primary surface plate affected by the small-scale longitudinal heat conduction. Moreover, a detached numerical model is used for simplifying grid and improving computational stability. It shows that the temperature distribution is non-uniform in the anisotropic heat transfer model. The small-scale longitudinal heat conduction makes the temperature distribution of plate become more uniform and enhances the heat exchanger performance. The temperature difference has little effect on the contribution of longitudinal heat conduction, while the contribution of longitudinal heat conduction increases with the increase of the inlet temperature and Reynolds number.
In this paper the physical meaning of a nonlinear partial differential equation (nPDE) of the fourth order relating to wave theory is deduced to the first time. The equation under consideration belongs to a class of less studied nPDEs and an explicit physical meaning is not known until now. This paper however bridges the gap between some known results and a concrete application concerning wave theory. We show how one can derive locally supercritical solitary waves as well as locally and nonlocally forced supercritical waves and analytical solutions are given explicitly. ::: ::: Keywords: Nonlinear partial differential equations, evolution equations, supercritical solitary waves, locally supercritical waves, non-locally supercritical waves.
Explosive solutions of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations with L$\acute{e}$vy noise
In this paper, we study the explosive solutions to a class of parbolic stochastic semilinear differential equations driven by a L$\acute{\mbox{e}}$vy type noise. The sufficient conditions are presented to guarantee the existence of a unique positive solution of the stochastic partial differential equation under investigation. Moreover, we show that the positive solutions will blow up in finite time in mean $L^{p}$-norm sense, provided that the initial data, the nonlinear term and the multiplicative noise satisfies some conditions. Several examples are presented to illustrated the theory. Finally, we establish a global existence theorem based on a Lyapunov functional and prove that a stochastic Allen-Cahn equation driven by L$\acute{\mbox{e}}$vy noise has a global solution.
Many physical phenomena can be described by biexponential curve. To study the physical phenomena, there is a need to obtain their mathematical expressions. Generally, the expressions are acquired based on the fitting of experimental data, and the general method to fit exponential curve is nonlinear least squares (NLLS). In the NLLS method, it is crucial to choose good enough starting values for the parameters, otherwise, the fitting might fail to converge. In this paper, one new method is proposed to solve the problem, which utilizes the Fourier transform to transform the non-linear exponential fitting model into a linear one. It makes the estimation of the parameters independent of the initial values and easy to converge. The fitting result shows that the proposed method can be used to fit the curve expressed by difference of double exponentials.
Synthetic routes to nanomaterials containing anthracyclines: noncovalent systems
Chemotherapy still constitutes a basic treatment for various types of cancer. Anthracyclines are effective antineoplastic drugs that are widely used in clinical practice. Unfortunately, they are characterized by high systemic toxicity and lack of tumour selectivity. A promising way to enhance treatment effectiveness and reduce toxicity is the synthesis of systems containing anthracyclines either in the form of complexes for the encapsulation of active drugs or their covalent conjugates with inert carriers. In this respect nanotechnology offers an extensive spectrum of possible solutions. In this review, we discuss recent advances in the development of anthracycline prodrugs based on nanocarriers such as copolymers, lipids, DNA, and inorganic systems. The review focuses on the chemical architecture of the noncovalent nanocarrier–drug systems.
The novel contribution of this paper relies in the proposal of a fully implicit numerical method designed for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations, in its convergence/stability analysis, and in the study of the related computational cost. In fact, due to the nonlinear nature of the underlying mathematical model, the use of a fixed point scheme is required and every step implies the solution of large, locally structured, linear systems. A special effort is devoted to the spectral analysis of the relevant matrices and to the design of appropriate iterative or multi-iterative solvers, with special attention to preconditioned Krylov methods and to multigrid procedures: in particular we investigate the mutual benefit of combining in various ways suitable preconditioners with V-cycle algorithms. Numerical experiments in one and two spatial dimensions for the validation of our multi-facet analysis complement this contribution.
Modelling uncertainties in the stationary seepage problem
This paper considers the uncertainties in the stationary seepage problem. Initially, this investigation considers the uncertainties in the results of a finite element method analysis of a stationary seepage problem, where the properties of the porous medium can be considered as random variables. Random field theory is introduced to describe the uncertainty in the hydraulic properties of a porous media. The method of updating of stochastic random fields, under the condition that some of their sample realisations are observed and known is outlined. 1 Introduction In the modelling of seepage problems in porous media many kinds of simplifications are used which can introduce uncertainty into the results of the analysis, as illustrated by the following examples; (i) hydraulic characteristics can be considered a
The paper deals with the stability of the semi-implicit Milstein method for stochastic differential e-quations with time delay. By studying the difference equation, which is the outcome of applying the numerical method to a linear test equation, conditions under which the method is MS-stable and GMS-stable are determined. Moreover, some numerical experiments are given.
Three higher-dimensional Virasoro integrable models: Multiple soliton solutions
In this work, we study three higher-dimensional Virasoro integrable models, namely the (3+1)-dimensional Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation, the (3+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equation, and a (3+1)-dimensional extended breaking soliton equation. The three equations are among the Virasoro integrable models. We use the simplified form of the Hirota’s method to establish multiple soliton solutions for each equation. We determine the constraint conditions between the coefficients of the spatial variables to guarantee the existence of the multiple soliton solutions for each model.
In this paper, a numerical method is given for solving fuzzy Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, by using Bernstein piecewise polynomial, whose coefficients determined through solving dual fuzzy linear system. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed method, whose calculations were implemented by using the Computer software MathCadV.14.
Advancing Dynamic Evolutionary Optimization Using In-Memory Database Technology
This paper reports on IMDEA (In-Memory database Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm), an approach to dynamic evolutionary optimization exploiting in-memory database (IMDB) technology to expedite the search process subject to change events arising at runtime. The implemented system benefits from optimization knowledge persisted on an IMDB serving as associative memory to better guide the optimizer through changing environments. For this, specific strategies for knowledge processing, extraction and injection are developed and evaluated. Moreover, prediction methods are embedded and empirical studies outline to which extent these methods are able to anticipate forthcoming dynamic change events by evaluating historical records of previous changes and other optimization knowledge managed by the IMDB.
Abstract In many applications, such as atmospheric chemistry, large systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with both stiff and nonstiff parts have to be solved numerically. A popular approach in such cases is to integrate the stiff parts implicitly and the nonstiff parts explicitly. In this paper we study a class of implicit-explicit (IMEX) linear multistep methods intended for such applications. The paper focuses on the linear stability of popular second order methods like extrapolated BDF, Crank-Nicolson leap-frog and a particular class of Adams methods. We present results for problems with decoupled eigenvalues and comment on some specific CFL restrictions associated with advection terms.
Frontiers Of 4d And 5d Transition Metal Oxides
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By differential operator,this paper study the method for solving a class of the fourth order linear differential equations and the stability of its solution,make the extension to results of paper[2].
Implicit High-Order Compact Differencing Methods: Study of Convergence and Stability
Compact differencing can deliver high-order accuracy using only a limited span of stencils, but incurring a costly matrix in version. Hence, use of a stable implicit time discretizaton becomes favorable in order to offset the computation cost by allowing a large time step. A practical way to reduce the burden of inverting a large matrix from multidimensional problems is to split the implicit operator into a series of smaller operators. Undesirable consequences can surface, such as (1) loss of stability, and/or (2) loss of accuracy. Here, we propose a consistent implicit compact method and study the stability and accuracy of steady and unsteady solutions.
The methods of false color composite band choice,samples size,and samples methods,influence classification precisions,were introduced.This article is very important reference to advance classification precision.
SUMMARY: The microcyst stage of Salmonella typhi, Proteus vulgaris, Bacterium coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens is non-motile and devoid of flagella. Observations by electron- and photomicroscopy indicate that the flagella grow outwards through the cell wall of the germinating microcyst. They commence to develop after about 2 hr. incubation. Alike in bacteria with peritrichous and polar flagelia a single, polar or sub-polar flagellum develops first. In the process of maturation the flagella are shed and the non-motile microeysts produced. Basal granules may occasionally be observed.
SUMMARY: The flagella of certain large spirilla appear to be compound structures composed of a large number of individual fibres. These arise in bundles from a single blepharoplast, whereas in other bacteria each flagellum arises separately. The flagella of spirilla are thus, in some respects, intermediate between those of other bacteria and of flagellates.
Purpose ::: The study aimed to characterise a fossil permafrost-affected (Stagnic Fluvisol Relictiturbic) soil, occurring in a cliff in the central part of the Polish Baltic coastal zone near Orzechowo (54° 35.664′ N, 16° 54.123′ E).
The mobility of methylmercury in biological systems.
Fine-Scale Tissue Distribution of Cadmium, Inorganic Mercury, and Methylmercury in Nymphs of the Burrowing Mayfly Hexagenia rigida Studied by Whole-Body Autoradiography
Methodological constraints in the molecular biodiversity study of a thermomineral spring cyanobacterial mat: a case study
what is the green algae on sloth
The course outer layer is where many of the organisms live. Green algae grows in the cracks of the hair and lives symbiotically with the sloth. The algae has a nice place to grow and the sloth benefits by getting a green tint in its fur, which helps camouflage it among the leaves in the rainforest. For this study, researchers collected 84 species of fungus that reside in the three-toed sloths’ (Bradypus variegatus) course fur.
Some green seaweeds, such as Enteromorpha and Ulva, are quick to utilize inorganic nutrients from land runoff, and thus can be indicators of nutrient pollution. Green algae are often classified with their embryophyte descendants in the green plant clade Viridiplantae (or Chlorobionta).n the Charales, the closest relatives of higher plants, full cellular differentiation of tissues occurs. There are about 8,000 species of green algae. Many species live most of their lives as single cells, while other species form coenobia (colonies), long filaments, or highly differentiated macroscopic seaweeds.
what are some species of plants
The plant kingdom is a rich and varied world, with species such as green algae that grow on the microscopic level as well as monstrously large, imposing beauties like the giant redwood trees. Botanists, who study plant species, have identified more than 300,000 species of plants that presently exist.The existing species can be broken down into a few groups, including bryophytes, ferns, fern allies, and seed plants.eed plants, which are also referred to as spermatophytes, reproduce by producing seeds. Flowering plants and conifer trees are examples of this type of plants. Many fruits and vegetables are also part of the seed plant variety. Ad. Ferns, like bryophytes, reproduce via spores.
Plants are mainly multicellular, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. The term is today generally limited to the green plants, which form an unranked clade Viridiplantae (Latin for green plants). This includes the flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms, ferns, clubmosses, hornworts, liverworts, mosses and the green algae, and excludes the red and brown algae.
geography cold environment landforms
Human and Physical Geography is the study of the environment, people, and the resources they use. Geography determines the way in which humans live, the adaptations they have developed to survive, and the alterations to the environment they have made to better their existence.limate is a very important part in the study of human and physical geography. Climate is the usual weather patterns that occur in an area over a long period of time. There are four major climate zones, tropical, dry, mid-latitude, and high latitude.
Photograph by Rich Reid. Tundras are among Earth's coldest, harshest biomes. Tundra ecosystems are treeless regions found in the Arctic and on the tops of mountains, where the climate is cold and windy and rainfall is scant. Tundra lands are snow-covered for much of the year, until summer brings a burst of wildflowers.undras are among Earth's coldest, harshest biomes. Tundra ecosystems are treeless regions found in the Arctic and on the tops of mountains, where the climate is cold and windy and rainfall is scant.
what is marine biology
Skip to main content. Search. Marine biology is not a separate discipline in biology. It is the application of different specialties in biology to the study of the particular organisms which live in the marine environment. It requires an understanding of the unique characteristics of the sea and its inhabitants and the particular adaptations and special relationships of those organisms to that environment.
A marine biologist researches and explores organisms, both plants and animals, within the marine biology field. This field has to do with animals and plants that live in salty bodies of water.The marine biologist may carry out observations and assessments, in order to determine the health of an environment. marine biologist researches and explores organisms, both plants and animals, within the marine biology field. This field has to do with animals and plants that live in salty bodies of water.
Nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics in continuously propagated bacterial cultures
Structured Models of Cell Migration Incorporating Molecular Binding Processes
Methodological constraints in the molecular biodiversity study of a thermomineral spring cyanobacterial mat: a case study
A generalized ADK (Ammosov–Delone–Krainov) theory for ionization of open-shell atoms is compared to ionization experiments performed on the transition metal atoms V, Ni, Pd, Ta and Nb. Our theory is found to be in good agreement for V, Ni, Pd and Ta, whereas conventional ADK theory overestimates ionization by orders of magnitude. The key to understanding the observed ionization reduction is the angular momentum barrier. Our analysis shows that the determination of the angular momentum barrier in open-shell atoms is nontrivial. The Stark shift is identified as the second dominant effect responsible for ionization suppression. Finally, these two effects cannot explain the Nb data. An analysis of the electron spins suggests that Pauli blocking might be responsible for the suppression of tunnelling in Nb.
Numerically determined ionization rates for the field ionization of atomic hydrogen in strong and short laser pulses are presented. The laser pulse intensity reaches the so-called ``barrier-suppression ionization'' regime where field ionization occurs within a few half laser cycles. Comparison of our numerical results with analytical theories frequently used shows poor agreement. An empirical formula for the ``barrier-suppression ionization'' rate is presented. This rate reproduces very well the course of the numerically determined ground-state populations for laser pulses with different length, shape, amplitude, and frequency.
Arginine kinase plays an important role in the cellular energy metabolism of invertebrates. Dimeric arginine kinase (dAK) is unique in some marine invertebrates. The effects of Zn 21 on the unfolding and aggregation of dAK from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus were investigated. Our results indicated that Zn 21 caused dAK inactivation accompanied by conformational unfolding, the exposure of hydrophobic surface, and aggregation. Kinetic studies showed the inactivation and unfolding of dAK followed biphasic kinetic courses. Zn 21 can affect unfolding and refolding of dAK by trapping the reversible intermediate. Our study provides important information regarding the effect of Zn 21 on
Stoichiometric Foundation of Large-Scale Biochemical System Analysis.- Modelling Stochastic Clonal Interference.- Software Verification of Biomolecular Systems.- Kinetic Modelling as a Modern Technology to Explore and Modify Living Cells.- Modelling Gene Assembly in Ciliates.- Towards Molecular Programming - a Personal Report on DNA8 and Molecular Computing.- Molecular Information Theory: Solving the Mysteries of DNA.- Formal Modelling of C. elegans Development. A Scenario-Based Approach.- P Systems with Symport/Antiport Rules. A Survey.- Mathematical Modelling of the Immune System.- The ?-calculus as an ion for Biomolecular Systems.- The Topology of Evolutionary Biology.- Models of Genome Evolution.
This paper proposes the Effective Index, a formal tool to support decision processes in drug discovery. The Effective Index is based on concurrency theory and process calculi to describe incrementally complex biological systems and on Markov process theory to handle quantitative information. A running case study concerning the pathways and the drugs related to hypertension exploits the approach.
Perfect Quantum Cloning Machines (QCM) would allow to use quantum nonlocality for arbitrary fast signaling. However perfect QCM cannot exist. We derive a bound on the fidelity of QCM compatible with the no-signaling constraint. This bound equals the fidelity of the Bu\v{z}ek-Hillery QCM.
The Cytoskeleton : a practical approach
Fluorescence microscopic analysis of cytoskeletal organization and dynamics, Yu-li-Wang an ultrastructural approach to understanding the cytoskeleton, John H. Hartwig actin filament assembly and organization in vitro, John A. Cooper mapping structural and functional domains in actin-binding proteins, Paul Matsudaira the generation and isolation of mutant actins, R. Kimberley Cook and Peter A. Rubinstein association of cytoskeletal proteins with membranes, Carolie A. Carothers Carraway analysis of microtubule dynamics in vitro, Robley C. Williams, Jr methods for the purification and assay of microtubule-associated motility proteins, Roger D. Sloboda methods for studying the cytoskeleton in yeast, P. Solomon et al studying intermediate filaments, Alberto Domingo et al.
Recent theoretical and experimental work on helically twisted photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) is reviewed. Helical Bloch theory is introduced, including a new formalism based on the tight-binding ap...