TEXT: One year ago [Emerald coast, Florida] (Mason in in a bar) Mason: Alright Carlos. It's all for me (He pays and goes outside. A man follows him. Mason goes at his car. The man pushes him) Jimmy: Mason! Mason: Hey Jimmy. Easy. Let's get you home Jimmy: Screw you! (He pushes him again) Jimmy: I know about you and Marla Mason: What are you talking about? You've had too much to drink (Jimmy strangles him. Mason pushes him) Mason: Dude! What's up?! It's me, Mason! I'm not messing with Marla. You know that! (Jimmy punches Mason in the face) Mason: You don't want to do this buddy Jimmy: I'll kill you! (Jimmy throws Mason on the floor and kicks him in the stomach. Mason catches his arm and Pushes him. Then, he carries him and throws him on the floor. Jimmy's head hit the floor very hard. He's dead) Mason: Jimmy? Nowadays [Lockwood's Mansion] Tyler: Wait, the guy died? You killed him? Mason: He kept coming at me. He got in his head that I was sleeping with his girlfriend Tyler: Were you? Mason: No. No. I wouldn't do that, he was my friend. He was drunk and attacked me. It was self-defense Tyler: And it triggered the curse Mason: On every full moon, I lose control. If I don't sedate myself and chain myself, I'll kill anything in my path. You have to be careful. All it takes is an accident, a car wreck. Any death at your hands and you'll have a lifetime of this. You don't want it Tyler, trust me Mason: Alright. Where is the moonstone? A deal is a deal. I answered your questions Tyler: Um, yeah, I'm not sure but I'm guessing it's in here. (He goes toward his father's safe) Tyler: My dad, he was very cookie about his hiding spots but I figured most of them out over the years (He opens SUMMARY:
At the Mystic Falls picnic, Mason Lockwood tells Sheriff Liz Forbes that Stefan and Damon are vampires. Liz and her fellow police officers shoot Stefan and Damon. Caroline and Elena reach the Salvatore's before Liz can kill them, but Caroline's identity as a vampire is exposed to her mother. Liz rejects Caroline as her daughter, and Stefan drinks Elena's blood to gain strength. Caroline confesses to Elena that Katherine had threatened to kill Matt if Caroline didn't spy on Elena and Stefan for her; Elena forgives Caroline. Jeremy and Tyler start to bond when Tyler learns that Jeremy knows about the curse. Tyler almost kills a girl, feeling for a second that he wants her to die. He then tells Mason that he wants nothing to do with the curse, and gives him the moonstone. It is revealed that Mason is working for Katherine, who wants the moonstone, and that they are lovers.
TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - SCIENCE CLASS - DAY] (Brooke leans over to whisper to Peyton while the teacher talks.) BROOKE: OK, could it get any worse? My love life is non-existent, my parents are having a yard sale to sell everything we own. Being poor and horny is no way to go through life. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - BENCH - DAY] ANNA: (To Peyton) I'm Anna. PEYTON: You're Felix's sister right? [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. FELIX'S HOUSE - FRONT YARD - DAY] FELIX: (To Brooke) You know, I was thinking about this whole 'Friends with Benefits'. Felix with Brooke. FWB. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - SUPPLY CLOSET - DAY] BROOKE: Come here. (Kisses him and they fall off-screen.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL - DAN'S ROOM - DAY] DOCTOR: (o.s) Dan has a... heart condition known as HCM. It's a... genetic mutation. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. JULES' HOUSE - DOORSTEP - EVENING] (Jules and Keith stand at the doorstep.) JULES: So what do you say boyfriend? Wanna sleep over? [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TRIC - THE BAR - EVENING] (Karen and Andy stand behind the bar at the empty club. He kisses her.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TRIC - THE STAGE - EVENING] (Haley finishes playing her song and the crowd breaks out in applause. Haley looks embarrassed.) CH SUMMARY:
The girls of Tree Hill have a slumber party, secrets are revealed and bonds are made. Meanwhile, Nathan and Lucas road trip to Charlotte for a Bobcats' basketball game and free HCM tests (a surprise for Lucas), a genetic heart condition that Dan has. Karen and Andy have a fight when she suspects that he is giving her good grades because of their relationship. This episode is named after a song by Marianne Faithfull .
TEXT: We're breaking up. It is not working out between us. We're breaking up. Not here. Not in front of the kids. We're breaking up. I can tell. I'm a doctor. You know we're breaking up, right? Oh, yeah. I have to break up with both of you. What? You know we're breaking up, right? Oh, yeah. Cat: It's not working for me. It's over. Glenn: Again? Cat: It's over. Owen: Again? Cat: Okay, don't be so. Dramatic. We're breaking up. Dr. Von Sydow: We're break-- Okay. I'm sorry. I've forgotten your name. Cat: We're breaking up! Blake: I can't hear you! Cat: No, I know that you can. Hear me, 'cause I can hear you. We're breaking up. Okay. Cat: It's over. Will you e-mail me? 'cause I might forget. Cat: Things haven't been Working out, and I just -- I'm breaking up with you. Beat you to it. Boom! Cat: We're breaking up. Glenn: Huh? Can't it wait 20 seconds? [ gasps ] 10 seconds. Cat: No. I got to go. Glenn: Aah! Wait! [ mid-tempo music plays ] sal: Attention, staff -- There's a gigantic snake moving Below the elevators. Cat: Love. Why is it that when you're in It, you can't remember not Being in it? And when you're not in it, it's Like, "what is it?" Why is it not just in and of. Itself, in or out? [ sighs ] I should do my own podcast. Nicky: This looks like Esperanza the maid. well, it's like a big maid. And a little maid. Nicky: I don't like chocolate. People. oh, don't say that in public, Honey. Cat: Hey. dr. Black, you spend a lot of. Time treating nicky, but his. Advanced- SUMMARY:
Fraser walks on his tiptoes and begins treatment to correct his walking style. Meanwhile, senior staff nurse Lewis has a challenging day as a young patient refuses to take his medication.
TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is looking around the shop as Phoebe returns from getting some more coffee.] Rachel: Phoebe? Phoebe: Yeah? Rachel: Look at that guy by the window, wow! Phoebe: He's awfully short and I think he's talking to himself. And to be completely honest, he's not that good in bed. Rachel: Oh, what is wrong with me lately? I mean it's like every guy I see-I mean look here. (Points behind them) Look at that guy for example, I mean normally that's not someone I would-would be attracted to, but right now, with the way I'm feeling, all I want to do is rip off his sweatpants and fanny pack. Phoebe: Wait a second! This is about the fourth month of your pregnancy, right? Rachel: Yeah. Phoebe: This is completely normal, around the fourth month your hormones start going crazy. Rachel: Really?! So this has happened to you? Phoebe: Oh absolutely yeah! Oh and keep in mind, now, I was carrying triplets so in, y'know, medical terms I was-I was thrice as randy. Rachel: Wow! This explains so much! Last weekend, I went from store to store sitting on Santa's lap. Phoebe: Yeah. Yeah, I remember trying to steal a cardboard cutout of Evander Holyfield from a Foot Locker. Rachel: Ah. Phoebe: Yeah. Rachel: Well, y'know what? I go see my doctor tomorrow, I'll ask her about this. Maybe she can give me a pill or something. Phoebe: Yeah. Yeah, that's what you need a good...pill. Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Ross are there as Mona enters.] Mona: Hey! (To Joey) Hey! Ross: Hi! Mona: Hi! Look! I got our pictures developed from Rockefeller Center. Ross: Oh great! Hey-hey Joey, do you want to check out pictures of me and Mona ice skating? Joe SUMMARY:
Ross starts to panic when Mona gets an idea to send out a holiday card for the two of them, thinking that their relationship is starting to move too fast. Chandler's newly divorced boss tries to get Monica and Chandler to come out to dinner with him, but Monica can't stand him. Rachel's hormones start acting up due to her pregnancy, causing her to hit on almost every guy she meets.
TEXT: Ted (2030): Children in the winter of 2009, Robin and I became roommates. And to be honest it was not really the top. Robin eats on the couch when Ted leaves his room. Ted: It looks good. I'll do. Robin: There's no more milk. Ted: I saw in the fridge. Robin: empty. Ted: So, throw it. Robin: The trash can is full. Ted: So, take out the trash. Robin: I eat cereal. Ted: You know, when I asked you to be my roommate, I said, "A girl, she will be careful." But no, you're an ogre Revenge of the Nerds. Robin: You know what? Instead of coming with references typical last minute like that, you should spend some time, I dunno... washing a dish. Ted: Damn, I can not. I'm busy leave a plate of cookies for the elf magic puts toilet paper. Wait, there's no elf. It's always me! Robin: I always changing. You, never! Ted: This is ridiculous! Robin: No, I went there yesterday... Stop it! Stop it! My God, what happens? When we were a couple, we lived together and we almost went insane. Ted: I know. It's been what? Robin: You know what this is? We made love. Men and women need s*x to live together. It resolves all disputes. Ted: As Barney's theory on world peace? Flashback Ted and Barney are at McClaren's. Barney: I explained. I said, Madeline, every international conflict essentially boils down to sexual tension. Ted: All international conflicts? Barney: All, man. Ted: So, the crisis in the Middle East could be solved by... Barney: Gaza Strippers. Next. Ted: Apartheid? Barney: "Apartouze". You have what? Ted: The Cold War? Barney: "Mrs. Gorbachev, removed her underwear." End flashback Ted: Well, I think we should love again. Robin: Yes, of course. Ted and Robin are in bed. Robin: I know. It's like riding a bike, man? Ted: SUMMARY:
When Ted and Robin become "friends with benefits" to deal with conflicts they're having around the apartment, Barney tries to resolve the issues so they'll stop hooking up. Meanwhile, "reality" stars get too real for Marshall when they taunt him from the pages of his magazine.
TEXT: [Pam is on phone and clicking her mouse rhythmically, Jim is clicking his pen equally as much, and Dwight notices] Dwight: Stop it! Jim: Stop what? Dwight: You're talking about me in Morse Code. Well, you know what? Joke's on you 'cause I know Morse Code. Ha! Jim: [chuckles] Yeah. That's what we're doing. In our very limited free time and with our very limited budget, we went and got a nanny and then we went out and took a class on a very outmoded and very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Yup. That's exactly what we did. Pam: It all started when Dwight was tapping his foot against the leg of his desk. When I asked him to stop, he said, "I will when you lose the baby weight." [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Very well. I must have imagined it. I apologize. [Pam clacking her stapler and Jim responding with tapping his keyboard rhythmically] Detonator. Detonator where? Michael! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Jim. Are you clicking a detonator? Jim: It's a pen. Dwight: Michael, come on. Michael: Get back to work, Dwight. Please. Dwight: Fine. [clears throat] Hey. Tap away. [Dwight puts noise-cancelling headphones on and Pam and Jim begin to blink rhythmically] [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Ooh! Things with Donna are so... oh-ho-ho! They're going great. I, uh... we're just clicking on every level. Emotionally and sexually and... orally and I am not used to relationships going this well. I'm actually having trouble focusing on my job. And I like it! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Who enjoys the weekends? [all raise hands] Of course. Now the weekend is always great if you have someone, which I do. I have Donna. She is hot. She has SUMMARY:
Michael suspects Donna is cheating on him and puts PI Dwight Schrute on the case. Meanwhile, Andy is frustrated when no one takes his customer's complaint seriously.
TEXT: [Michaels comic book shop. Michael opens up the box with a knife. The first issue of Rage is all ready to go.] Michael: Oh my god. "Volume 1, Issue 1" Justin: It's my first time I see my work in print. Michael: This was just a story in my head. Justin: This is so cool! Michael: Do you have any idea how much this worth some day? Justin: Look, story by Michael Novotny. Michael: Art by Justin Taylor. [Brian walks in and takes a copy.] Brian: Hey boys. So, are you ready to sell your baby on the open market? Michael: I hope people like it. Justin: Why wouldn't they? Brian: You have no idea how vicious queers can be. Especially when it comes from someone elses success. That's why I invited them to all to a party. So they're feel love and included. [Brian's got flyers for a Babylon party celebrating Rage's kick-off.] Michael: Holy sh1t! Justin: Brian(!) Brian: I'll invited members of the gay press and set up some interviews, advertising in all the fag rags and top queer websites. Soon we all can be retiring to Palm Springs, wearing muumuus and sipping mimosas. Justin: In the meantime I get better to class. Brian: See you tonight. Justin: Usher. [Michael kisses Brian on his mouth.] Michael: I love you. Brian: Me too. Always have, always will. At home with Debbie.] Debbie: Cepher looks just like you, and J.T. looks like Justin... Vic: And Rage is the splitted image of Brian. Debbie: How come I'm not in here? Does superheros don't have mothers? Vic: Who wash their tights? Debbie: Ben, honey, you had some eat more. Ben: Oh, no, no, no, Debbie. I couldn't. Debbie: Sure you can! Michael: Ma, stop forced feeding him. Debbie: He's one of the family know! Ben: [to Michael] Excuse me, I'm one of the family know. Michael: My sincere condo SUMMARY:
Justin is forced to choose between Brian and Ethan. Ben's going away for six months, but only with Michael's blessing. Ted's in love - with Emmett!
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - EVENING] [EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - EVENING] (Camera close up of a hammer pounding a nail into the board.) (Close up of: A circular saw being used to cut a board into two.) (Close up of: A tape measure extended to measure the width, then snapping shut.) (Close up of: A power drill.) (Close up of: A power stapler drilling nails into wood.) (The CONSTRUCTION WORKER carries a box into the building frame. He puts a roll of tape on the box and uses his free arm to push away the plastic sheeting as he walks into the section of the house.) (He looks up, sees something horrible, then drops the box to the ground.) (Camera pulls away to show the dead body, face down on the floor in the center of the room. The CONSTRUCTION WORKER backs out of the room.) Construction Worker: Boss! Boss! (In the background, GREGORY CURTWELL steps down from the ladder as he looks at the CONSTRUCTION WORKER.) Construction Worker: We-we got a problem. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY] (The building frame is taped off with crime scene tape. GRISSOM ducks under the tape and enters the building. In the background, sirens and indistinct radio chatter sound. GRISSOM makes his way to the room.) (He enters the room. BRASS is already there, crouched low on the side and looking at the body.) (GRISSOM takes his glasses off and looks at the teenager face down, his head in a splatter of blood. He looks around at the walls.) Grissom: Well, clean surfaces make for good analysis. (BRASS gets to his feet. In the background we see what they SUMMARY:
Grissom, Sara and Warrick investigate when a 15-year-old boy is found beaten to death with a hammer at a construction site. Meanwhile, Nick and Catherine try to find out how a woman was killed by a gunshot in her front yard while her husband and ex-husband were arguing over her. The boy's murder is based on the 2003 murder of Jason Sweeney .
TEXT: 1x01: A Hard Day's Night Meredith VO: The game. They say either a person has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand...I'm kinda screwed. (Meredith wakes up on the couch and pulls a blanket off a naked man on the floor, wrapping it around herself. She hits him with a pillow and he grunts, waking up. He lifts up her bra.) Man: Meredith: (grabbing it, smiling) Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go. Man: (sitting up) Why don't you just come back down here and we'll pick up where we left off? Meredith: No, seriously. You have to go, I'm late. Which isn't what you want to be on your first day of work, so Man: So, ah, you actually live here. Meredith: No. Man: Oh. Meredith: Yes. Kind of. Man: (dressing) Oh. It's nice. Little dusty. Odd. But it's nice. So how do you kind of live here? Meredith: I moved two weeks ago from Boston, it was my mother's house, I'm selling it. Man: Oh, I'm sorry. Meredith: For what? Man: You said was. Meredith: Oh! My mother's not dead, she's - you know what, we don't have to do the thing. Man: Oh. We can do anything you want. Meredith: No, the thing, exchange the details, pretend we care...look, I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower, okay, and when I get back down here, you won't be here, so, um, Man: Derek. Meredith: (they shake hands) Derek. Right. Meredith. Derek: Meredith. Meredith: Yeah. (he comes closer, she backs away) Mm-hmm. Derek: Nice meeting you. Meredith: Bye Derek (smiling and flee SUMMARY:
Meet Meredith Grey, a woman trying to lead a real life while doing a job that makes having a real life impossible. Meredith is a first year surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, the toughest surgical residency program west of Harvard. She and her fellow first-year interns were students yesterday; today they're doctors in a world where on the job training can be a matter of life and death. Meet the young people struggling to become doctors and the doctors struggling to remain human. It's a world filled with intensity, humor, sex and pain, in which the interns discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white -- real life only comes in shades of grey.
TEXT: "Aliens in a Spaceship" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Interior of car, underground - radio playing) BRENNAN: Oh God. What - What happened? Where am I? (she turns the keys in the ignition -She frantically feels around to figure out where she is. The radio is on. She reaches behind her neck and feels something.) BRENNAN: Ugh. Oh god. (She reaches up and turns on the inside light and exhales. She sees her phone, smashed and lying on the passenger seat.) BRENNAN: (tries to open the car door) Oh, Come on! (She tries to open the door, to no avail. She tries to roll down the window, only to have dirt/rocks fall in the car on her. She quickly rolls up the window. Then turns off the radio. She stops to collect herself, and hears a moaning noise coming from the back seat. She's not alone. She turns around and sees Jack Hodgins, and he appears to be in worse shape then her) BRENNAN: Hodgins. (she climbs in the back seat) Hodgins. Are you all right? Can you talk? (she puts her hand on his leg...only to find to find blood and gashes on them) Your legs. What happened to your legs? HODGINS: (mumbles) Where are we? BRENNAN: We're buried alive. He must have got us. HODGINS: Who? BRENNAN: The Grave Digger. (she looks around the car and sees the dirt covering all the windows.) [SCENE_BREAK] 48 Hours Earlier (Cut to: Crime scene in the woods.) SHERIFF: My superior says to let you look at the...flying saucer. BRENNAN: It's not a flying saucer. SHERIFF: It sure looks like one. Local kids dirt biking. Something shiny poking through dirt. They dig it out, look in the window and see aliens. BRENNAN: Did you look? SHERIFF: Yes, m'am SUMMARY:
The team investigate the murder of two kidnapped teenage twin boys. The boys were placed in a spaceship-like capsule and buried alive underground. Soon, Brennan and Hodgins find themselves victims of the "Grave Digger", and Booth frantically searches for them as they slowly run out of oxygen underground. The case as broadcast has no conclusion (it was solved in the season 4 episode "The Hero in the Hold"). The Fox Network website initially displayed a summary for the episode which included an original ending where the Grave Digger was identified as the female reporter that coauthored a book about Grave Digger. [11] The summary was later revised to reflect the episode as broadcast in which the Grave Digger is unidentified and the scene replaced by character reunion moments. [12]
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Veronica approaches the Take Back the Night rally in 301 "Welcome Wagon," where Nancy is addressing the crowd. NANCY: How many women like me have to be raped, have to end up like this, their heads shaved before this administration listens to our demands. Shut down the fraternity houses. The crowd cheers. Cut to later in the same episode. Veronica comes across Mac, sitting on the floor outside her and Parker's room. MAC: Parker's in there with some guy. Cut to Veronica who, having snuck into the room, takes tickets from the bulletin board. VERONICA: Don't mind me. The next day, Veronica explains her failure to stop Parker's rape in 302 "My Big Fat Greek Rush Week." VERONICA: I thought it was just s*x. It didn't occur to me that it was against your will. PARKER: Thanks, Veronica. Thanks for thinking I'm the slut of the world. End previously. INT - MARS RESIDENCE - NIGHT. Keith is preparing dinner. Veronica, extremely uncomfortable, stands and watches him as she nibbles on a piece of food. VERONICA: This is a bad idea. KEITH: No, it's not. VERONICA: You only thinks it's not 'cause you came up with it. KEITH: Ergo, how could it be bad? Math, sweetie. Me plus idea equals good. Veronica finishes her snack just as there's a knock at the door. Keith stops chopping and looks over at Veronica, expectantly. Veronica takes a deep breath and goes to the door. Keith follows her with his eyes, amused. Veronica opens the door. It's Logan. She doesn't say anything. LOGAN: You were expecting Sidney Poitier? VERONICA: Nn-mm. Veronica steps outside the apartment and closes the door. EXT - MARS RESIDENCE - CONTINUING. Logan SUMMARY:
Logan asks Veronica and Keith to discover why his trust fund money is disappearing. With a court hearing approaching, Dick and the Pi-Sigs hire Veronica to prove their innocence, to the chagrin of Parker and the other rape victims. Keith's friend Harmony hires him to prove her husband is cheating, and the two grow close. Veronica investigates Claire's rape, and learns that she was with a man the night that she was raped.
TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen, morning - Sandy walks into the kitchen holding a tie in each hand Sandy: (frowns) hey baby h-have you seen my lucky tie Kirsten: I got it dry cleaned (holds up tie) Sandy: (takes tie, pleasantly suprised) oh (looks at Kirsten) you're an angel (Ryan is reading the paper down the far end of the counter) Ryan: big day Sandy: (puts on tie) well I gotta sign some papers, make a few calls, build a hospital Ryan: (impressed) building a hospital, wow Sandy: well Caleb deserves most'a the credit, I just inherited the project Ryan: so who's payin for it Sandy: the board of the Newport Laguna medical centre, they commissioned a proposal from us an (motions) from a firm in Brea an (raises eyebrows) today we're both presenting Kirsten: (confident) an they are gonna pick you Sandy: well (wiggles tie) now that I got my lucky tie (smiles) Kirsten: hm (Seth comes in. he's a little out of it and still in his robe) Sandy: hey Seth: hello, hi Kirsten: (frowns) are you ok, you seemed a little distracted last night Seth: (looks at Kirsten) uhh yeah, no, I'm fine (Kirsten looks from Seth to Sandy) Sandy: I don't think that convinced anyone Seth: (sighs) I was leavin school yesterday an Mrs. Rushfield said that some Brown rep called an...wants ta interview me on Sunday Sandy: that's great (Ryan looks at Seth) why didn't you say anything Seth: I don't know, I guess it just needed to sink in Ryan: did Summer get an interview Seth: (laughs) I forgot ta ask actually I was jus kinda spinning Ryan: well you want me to help you out, maybe uh ask you a few questions Seth: (with his back to Ryan) yeah Sandy: listen Matt' SUMMARY:
Marissa tries everything she can to rebuild her relationship with Kaitlin, who teaches Seth an alternative stress reliever. Sandy and Matt work together to secure a contract for the new hospital. Meanwhile, Julie is determined to bring her family together.
TEXT: [Act One] [Scene One - Café Nervosa. Niles is in a cue at the counter. A man is in front ordering as three waiters work] Customer: Half caff latte, please. Waiter 1: [shouts] Half caff latte! Waitress: [shouts] Half caff latte! Waiter 2: [shouts] Half caff latte! [A coffee is made and handed to the customer] Niles: [now first in cue] I rather like this new system, it's lively. Waiter 1: Well, it's more efficient. What can I get for you? Niles: I'll have a double shot, low fat, no foam latte. Waiter 1: [shouts] Double shot, low fat, no foam latte! Waitress: [shouts] Double shot, non fat, low foam latte! Waiter 2: [shouts] Double shot, non fat, no foam latte! Niles: Excuse me, I think there was a problem in the chain of command, the middle person reversed part of it. She said, "A double shot, non fat, low foam latte". Waiter 1: [shouts] Double shot, non fat, low foam latte! Waitress: [shouts] Double shot, non fat, low foam latte! Waiter 2: [shouts] Double shot, non fat, no foam latte! Niles: No, it happened again, that's not what I want. Waiter 2: Well, you can tell her youself. Niles: [to waitress] All right, I'll have a double shot, low fat, no foam latte. Waitress: [shouts] Double shot, low fat, no foam latte. Waiter 2: [shouts] Double shot, low fat, no foam latte. Nutmeg? Waitress: [shouts] Nutmeg? Waiter 1: [shouts] Nutmeg? Niles: No thanks. It inflam SUMMARY:
Frasier has been enjoying sharing the glamorous lifestyle that Sam leads, having just spent a weekend in Aspen . He is taken aback when Sam breaks up with him over dinner the following day. She insists that it is nothing to do with him; only that she feels their relationship has run its course. Frasier is not convinced, and for a while afterwards agonizes over what he did wrong, or what aspect of his character she disliked.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Art: Drew Thompson pancaking into that driveway... that was the day cocaine came to Harlan county. Raylan: Where the hell is Drew Thompson? Boyd: What I want is for you to find out why our sales have dropped off. Johnny: This church is the reason. Billy: Why are you here, newcomers? You all come to watch the hillbilly with the snakes? Or did you come to be saved?! Boyd: "Do not believe every" "spirit, but test the spirits!" Everybody in that church was smiling ear to ear except for his sister. Now, we find out what it is she wants, and these floodwaters will recede. You're new around here. Folks bet less on fights between fighters they don't know. Randall: What, I got to fight again? [ Grunts ] Lindsey: In the right light, you could be considered attractive. [ Door opens ] Randall: I just need to have a quick word with my wife. Boyd: How come you don't keep the snakes in here to sleep? Cassie: Billy's room's warmer. Boyd: Oh, that's your brother's room, huh... The one you're sneaking out of in the dead of the night? Cassie: I sing hymns over him until his brain's quiet enough to let him rest. Boyd: So that's all you were doing in there... just tucking in your brother... him and all his serpents? Cassie: Way you riled him up, I'm surprised he got to sleep at all. Boyd: I came in here earlier tonight thinking that your brother was running his own show, thinking he was the man I needed to talk to if I was gonna have any peace. But it turns out that he's a true believer. But you... [ chuckles ] Why, you're the brains. Cassie: What's that? Boyd: What's it look like? Cassie: Like the 30 pieces of silver the High Priest Caiaphas gave to Judas Iscariot. Boyd: Well, think of it as a donation SUMMARY:
Raylan starts to look for Drew Thompson, who he now believes is alive after his visit to the Truth family. Also, Raylan's boss Art found out that at the time of Drew Thompson's apparent death 30 years ago he was wanted in a sealed federal witness warrant, putting the search for Thompson under the purview of the Marshals. Raylan's first stop in the Thompson search is visiting Thompson's former wife. Eventually the US Marshals find out that the head honcho of a Detroit criminal organization (Theo Tonin) also wants to find Drew Thompson. According to Thompson's ex-wife, Thompson saw Tonin kill a federal witness. Preacher Billy is killed while handling a rattlesnake.
TEXT: Scene: A public washroom. Amy and Penny are in cubicles, Bernadette is washing her hands. Amy: I must say, Penny, this is great fun. Penny: Glad you're enjoying yourself. Amy: Until I met you and Bernadette, my trips to the bathroom had been entirely focused on elimination. Now they have a delightful social aspect. Bernadette: Amy, you must've been in the bathroom with other women before. Amy: Of course I have. But they were strangers and seemed off-put when I engaged in friendly stall-to-stall chit-chat. Bernadette: Some women don't like to get chummy when their panties are down. Amy: You okay in there, bestie? Penny: I'm fine. Amy: The reason I ask is that many people experience bladder shyness, the inability to pass urine Penny: Yeah, I said I'm fine. Stop talking to me. Amy: She always this crabby when she urinates? Bernadette: We're really not that close. Penny: Screw it. I'll go later. Amy: And I'll be right by your side. Scene: A shoe shop. Bernadette: Did I tell you Priya invited me and Howard to have dinner with her and Leonard? Penny: Oh, that's nice. Amy: No, it's not. It's a strategic manoeuvre. Leonard's new girlfriend is testing Bernadette's loyalty to you and the group. That bitch is crafty. Bernadette: You think? Amy: Of course. How does the cheetah attack a herd of wildebeests? By going after its weakest member. Bernadette: Well, what makes me the weakest member? Amy: Your trusting nature coupled with your teeny-tiny body. You wouldn't last a minute on the Serengeti. Penny: Okay, Amy, you're being silly. I am not concerned about who hangs out with who. And I certainly don't have a problem with Leonard's new girlfriend who wears way too much makeup. Ooh, these are cute. Of course SUMMARY:
Bernadette reveals that Howard and her have been invited to a double date by Priya. Amy proposes to use Bernadette to spy on Priya and spread disinformation about Penny and Leonard. Meanwhile, Raj, who is still very lonely, visits Sheldon, who is busy developing a version of three-player chess. He tries to get advice about whether or not he should try to cure his social anxiety using an experimental drug. Sheldon finally advises Raj to take the drug and accompanies him to a coffee shop to observe the drug's effectiveness. It ends up working very well, as Raj starts to talk to a woman named Angela, who also seems to like him. However, Raj loses all his inhibitions and strips completely naked, thus scaring off Angela. In the end, Sheldon, Leonard and Howard play a test game of Sheldon's chess while a still-nude Raj is watching them.
TEXT: This transcript is merely for those that do not have access to Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the TV. It is not to infringe on any copyrighted material, merely to spread and promote BTVS. Feel free to distribute this, so long as there are no modifications made. Prologue: Cut to a forresty area. We see a guy walking along. He pauses as a branch breaks nearby. He continues walking after a minute. He turns around and sees Buffy. Guy : Oh! Buffy : Looking for me? Guy : Holy--what do you want? Buffy punches him. The guy looks startled, then vamps out. Vampire : Uhh! Hey! Buffy : Look who's home? Vampire : A slayer. Why don't you just go back where you came from? Things were great before you came. Buffy punches him again, then kicks him. He goes down and as he gets he backhands her in the stomach. She backhands him in the face and he hits the ground. As he's getting up she grabs him from behind and stakes him. Buffy : And they say one person can't make a difference. We then pan to where Angel can be seen hiding in the foiliage. <unk> Part 1 <unk> Cut to a lawn outside a building site. We see the dean on a podium making a speech. There is a small gathering watching. Dean guerrero: Of all the duties of a dean, one of the most pleasant is to see a colleague realize a dream. Ladies, gentlemen, students, I present to you professor Gerhardt of the anthropology department. Prof Gerhardt replaces the dean at the podium. Gerhardt : When I first realized we were outgrowing our current cultural center, I was concerned. Then I realized It was like seeing one's child grow up and move on to better things. In this case, a spacious new facility to be built on this site... Cut to where Buffy, Willow and Anya are standing together. Xander is at the site as a construciton worker. Any SUMMARY:
Xander accidentally releases Hus (Tod Thawley), a Native American vengeance spirit . Angel secretly arrives in Sunnydale to protect Buffy (who is attempting a perfect Thanksgiving) from the spirit. Spike seeks the Scoobies' help.
TEXT: Outside the Kerwin house. (Ashley walks outside and meets up with Jimmy and Terri. Jimmy puts his arm around her as they walk.) Jimmy: Hey. You know, the thing about turning 14, it's like, I'm a man now. Ashley: Oh, yeah? In what country? Terri: Where are your parents taking you this year, Jimmy? Jimmy: Actually, my mom's cooking. Ashley: Now, is this for real cooking or "let's order a pizza" cooking? Jimmy: For real cooking. Lobster, for you, me, and dad. Ashley: You mean, we're actually going to have dinner with your parents at your house? I don't believe it. Jimmy: Lobster's no big deal. Just throw 'em in a pot. Terri: And then they die, slowly, screaming. Ashley: Thanks for sharing. Degrassi Jimmy: (kisses Ashley on the cheek) Catch you later. (After he leaves, she rolls her eyes at Terri.) Terri: What? You hate lobster? You hate his parents? Ashley: I don't hate anybody. At least it's not at my house. He has had dinner with us eight days in a row. I know, poor me. My boyfriend and my parents actually get along. Terri: Yes, that must really suck. Ashley: It's just, I already have a little brother, I don't need another one. Outside (Ashley, Paige, and Terri are outside sitting at table. Terri is reading a quiz to Ashley about Love.) Terri: When you see your man, do you: A-Indifferent, B-Nauseous, C-Relieved or D-The earth moved. Ashley: C-Relieved. He's a guy, not an earthquake. Paige: What, he doesn't vibrate on your Richter scale? Terri: Why does that sound so gross? (As she talks, Jimmy and his friends come up to them.) Ashley: Jimmy, come on, we're kind of in the middle of this. Go play football. You don't want to hear this stuff. It's stupid. Guy: Hey Jimmy, you coming or what? Jimmy: Pass up a chance SUMMARY:
With his parents working constantly, Jimmy starts to spend all his time at Ashley's, which leaves her feeling smothered. Meanwhile, Emma learns her mood swings are not just because of stress when she gets her first period.
TEXT: Opening credits JACK : (v.o.) Torchwood : outside the government, beyond the police, fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes. And Torchwood is ready. INT. HALLORAN APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Everything is quiet as Mike and Beth Halloran are in bed for the night. Beth is still awake. She hears a soft noise coming from the other room. She sits up. BETH : Mike. Mike sits up, now awake. BETH : Did you hear that? MIKE : Someone's in the living room! They're now both awake. Mike turns the lights on. BETH : Are you going to go in there? MIKE : Are you? She gives him a look. He turns and reaches for the cricket bat under his bed. He gets up and heads slowly toward the door. Beth grabs the cell phone and dials. Mike heads for the bedroom door, his bat raised. OPERATOR : (from phone) Emergency. Which service? BETH : (to phone) Police. MIKE : Who's there? Mike exits the bedroom. BETH : (to phone, rushed & quiet) My name's Beth Halloran, I'm at 114 Brodsky Gardens. I think there's a burglar in the flat. Come quickly. Mike is thrown back into the room and hits the wall. Beth screams. Burglar 1 grabs Mike and pushes him into the room. BURGLAR : Come on then! Stay down! BETH : Mike! Mike? Beth drops the cell phone on the floor in her haste to get to Mike. BURGLAR : Sit down there! Beth gets up and climbs out of bed. BETH : There's two of them! My husband's been injured! Send an ambulance! BURGLAR : Stay down while I get the TV stuff unhooked. The burglars approach her. BETH : Wait. Just take whatever you want! BURGLAR : Keep her quiet. Wait, wait. SUMMARY:
When a burglary turns into a slaughter and only one woman is left unharmed, Torchwood begin to suspect alien involvement. However, when the investigation escalates into a city-wide assault, Jack realises the whole planet is in danger.
TEXT: (Open: We hear a heartbeating. Brennan is running through what looks like a warehouse. She scared. She runs into a fence, unable to escape but then she hears a voice calling out to her.) HODGINS: Help me! Help me! (She runs towards the sound of Hodgins' voice. He's strapped to a conveyor belt, bleeding.) BRENNAN: Hodgins! HODGINS: Help me! BRENNAN: Hodgins! HODGINS: Dr. Brennan! (Just as she gets to him, he's pulled away on the conveyor belt. She can't reach him.) BRENNAN: Hodgins. HODGINS!! (She hears another voice of in the distant. It's Booth. She runs toward the sound of his voice and finds him trapped in room.) BOOTH: Boooonneeesss. BRENNAN: Booth! Booth! BOOTH: Stay with me! BRENNAN: Booth! (She tries to open the door. He's pounding on it. Then she sees the water rushing in the room behind him. He's going to drown if she doesn't save him. She continues to pound on the door. Ahand reaches from behind her and covers her mouth and she sees the water overtake him. The next second she 'wake up' and finds herself in clear box and she realizes she's stuck in a grave. She looks up and sees Heather Taffet with a shovel. Taffet starts to shovel dirt into the hole. Brennan screams and pounds her fists on the case. Taffet laughs. Brennan jolts awake. It was all just a nightmare.) (Cut to: Brennan's Apartment. She's in the kitchen, getting ready for work while watching the news.) REPORTER: (on tv screen) The Gravedigger case finally begins today with an evidentiary hearing. The defendant, prominent federal prosecutor, Heather Taffet, will be defending herself against multiple charges of kidnapping and murder. One charge involves 10 year SUMMARY:
The Jeffersonian team and prosecutor Caroline Julian ( Patricia Belcher ) work to convict Heather Taffet aka the Gravedigger ( Deirdre Lovejoy ) who is defending herself at her trial. Brennan, Booth, and Hodgins are forced to drop their own charges against Taffet once they discover the missing remains of a young boy who was killed by the Gravedigger, so they could work and testify against Taffet. Believing Taffet will not be convicted, Brennan's father tries to kill her with a sniper rifle, but Booth is able to stop him and Max is jailed until the trial is over. After several attempts at finding evidence that Taffet successfully argues against, Hodgins discover a dust mite from the boy's mouth that contains the DNA of Taffet, left there when he bit her. This evidence proves successful and the jury convicts Taffet of kidnapping and murder, but Taffet warns Brennan "that it's not over". The team later celebrate over drinks at the Founding Fathers bar.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. VARIOUS DESERT (STOCK)- NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DESERT - NIGHT] (A naked man runs in the desert. He looks desperately behind him as he runs away from something.) (He runs and runs and runs.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DESERT - DAY] (The camera shutter clicks as WARRICK takes a photo of the crime scene. In front of him, GRISSOM kneels over the body while NICK stands behind him watching.) Grissom: Maggots. This kid's been here awhile. (GRISSOM turns the body over to its side. WARRICK continues to photograph the body.) Grissom: No gunshot wounds. No stab marks. No signs of strangulation. Warrick: It's a long way out in the sticks just to drop dead. (GRISSOM stands up and looks around.) Grissom: (sighs) Not if you're being chased. (GRISSOM starts to walk around to look at the ground around the body.) Grissom: Look at the foot patterns leading up to the body. See the strides? This kid was running. (GRISSOM kneels down by a footprint impression in the dirt.) Grissom: See the left foot impression? It's straight; that's normal. (GRISSOM looks at the next print.) Grissom: But look at the right foot impression. It's turned outward. Almost 90 degrees. Warrick: He was looking over his shoulder when he was running. Think there was somebody else here? Grissom: Based on these prints, it's hard to tell. Warrick: (to the OFFICER) Can I get this taped off here? Officer: Yes, sir. (GRISSOM kneels down back at the body and looks at it again.) Warrick: So you want to call it? How do you think he died? Grissom: Fear. (beat) SUMMARY:
Grissom and Warrick take the case of a young man who is found naked in the desert without an obvious cause of death. Sara gets to find out why the body of a woman who was buried last week is in a dumpster. Catherine and Nick investigate the killing of a school's dean by the school's founder.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] We were worried about you. Don't be melodramatic. I'm just getting on a train and leaving forever. So a few things don't go your way and your best decision is to ride the rails like a hobo? Leonard, I am overwhelmed. Everything is changing, and it's simply too much. I need to get away and think. Sheldon... Yes? I'm gonna miss you. Of course you are. You just made that easier. [SCENE_BREAK] A railway station (Sheldon is wearing no trousers.) Sheldon: Excuse me. Is it at all possible that you're knitting a pair of pants? Oh, well, no, you're understandably terrified. But, you know, allow me to explain. 45 days ago, um, I embarked on a railroad journey of healing because my university was making me do string theory, and my favorite comic book store burned down, and when my room mate got engaged, my girlfriend wanted to move in with me, which was no doubt a ploy just to see my, well, excuse my language, but my bathing suit parts. Uh, sir, may I use your phone? Man: I don't think so. Sheldon: Yeah, well, I understand that I'm half naked, but there is a reasonable explanation. While I slept in my sleeper car, all my possessions were stolen. Now, typically, I wear pyjamas, but I recently adopted a hobo lifestyle and pyjamas are the sleep-pants of the Man. I'll have you know, Mahatma Gandhi wore no pants and a nation rallied behind him. My good man, now, before you walk away, I know that I may appear deranged, but I am, in fact, a world-renowned physicist. Ask me the difference between a boson and a fermion. Go ahead, ask. Bosons have integer spin, fermions have half-integer spin. My legs are getting cold. Why won't anybody help me? [SCENE_BREAK] Credits [SCENE_BREAK] The apartment Leonard: SUMMARY:
Forty-five days after leaving Pasadena, Sheldon finds himself in a train station in Kingman, Arizona with all of his possessions (and his pants) stolen. He calls Leonard to pick him up, and Leonard takes Amy with him. Heading home, Sheldon says that he never left any of the train stations during his journey. Amy is hurt he left without telling her, and that he called Leonard for help. Sheldon is not happy that she is there, and says he did not call her because he was too embarrassed to admit that he could not make it on his own; Amy accepts that he is not perfect. Sheldon thinks his trip was worthwhile because it has left him ready to deal with change, but as soon as he sees Penny's new haircut he immediately walks out of the apartment. Bernadette gets Penny a job interview with her pharmaceutical company as a salesperson, though Penny is very nervous about it, having no experience in sales. She does horribly in the interview, but gets the job anyway, after bonding with the interviewer over their shared fear of Bernadette. Howard and Raj find Stuart still living with Howard's mother even though she has recovered, which is very unsettling to Howard.
TEXT: YEAR 2030 LIVING ROOM (Daughter and Son sitting on couch) Future Ted: Kids, before I met your mother, when I was still out there searching, I learned something valuable, that love is not a science. Daughter: Wow, that was a great story, Dad. Son: We're gonna go watch TV. (Daughter and Son get up and leave) Future Ted: You see, sometimes in life, you just have to accept that certain things can't be explained. And that's kinda scary. (Daughter and Son return to sit on couch) BAR (year 2005; Ted, Barney and Robin sitting around table; Lily and Marshall run in) Marshall: Oh my God. Lily: I know, I'm still shaking. (Lily grabs Barney's drink and drinks from it) Barney: What the? Haha, joke's on you, I have a cold. Robin: Are you guys OK? Marshall (yelling over to bartender): Another round and back it up for me and Lily. Ted: What happened? Marshall: We saw something, up in the apartment. Lily: Something bad. (flashback to Lily and Marshall entering apartment while kissing) Marshall: I don't know what it is, but margaritas make me sexy. Lily: Oh, mucho sexy. You quiero Marshall. (Marshall and Lily hug and kiss, Lily looks over and sees something and looks scared) Lily: Oh my God. (Lily and Marshall scream and run out of the apartment) (cut back to present scene in bar) Ted: What was it? Marshall: Only the craziest, meanest looking mouse you've ever seen. Lily: Mouse? Sweetie, that wasn't a mouse. That was a huge cockroach. Marshall: Baby, it was a mouse. It had a whiskers. Lily: But those things coming out of his head, those were antennae Barney: Marshall ran away from a cockroach. Marshall: It, it was a mouse. Barney: Oh, yeah, sorry, my bad. You're a man. Robin: Ooh, SUMMARY:
Robin directs a skeptical Ted to an online matchmaking service with a 100% success rate. When the service gives Ted zero matches, Ted sneaks information out of the matchmaker's computer to visit an engaged dermatologist in an effort to debunk the prediction that there are no women out there for him. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily become obsessed with chasing a strange and unusual critter out of their apartment.
TEXT: DAY OF THE DALEKS BY: LOUIS MARKS 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. DALEKS' CHAMBER (A jacketless DOCTOR lies on a table in the DALEKS' chamber. He is firmly restrained by a metallic strap across his chest. His head is braced and he wears a metallic band across his forehead which has a central disc on it. Swirling sounds fill the room and the DOCTOR seems paralysed by the effect of the operation on him. On a screen over the doorway appear still images of his two previous appearances over strange multi-coloured patterns. The DALEKS are triumphant...) CHIEF DALEK: You are the Doctor! You are an enemy of the Daleks! Now you are in our power! You will be exterminated! DALEKS: You will be exterminated! You will be exterminated! You will be exterminated! You will be exterminated! (The DALEKS aim their guns. The CONTROLLER shouts from outside in the control room.) CONTROLLER: Stop! (He runs in.) CONTROLLER: You mustn't kill him! CHIEF DALEK: Be silent. CONTROLLER: Don't you realise he can help us? FIRST DALEK: The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks. How can he help us? CONTROLLER: He is our contact with the guerillas. He has valuable information. CHIEF DALEK: You have proof of this? CONTROLLER: I know he's working for them. The manager of one-one-seven has been proved to be a subversive agent. And the Doctor was trying to contact him when we picked him up. FIRST DALEK: We will force the truth from him with the Mind Analysis machine. (The CONTROLLER gestures imploringly at the totally-still form on the table.) CONTROLLER: But look at him! You've practically killed him just getting a simple admission of identity. He'll die before he tells you anything else. CHIEF DALEK: What is SUMMARY:
The guerrillas infiltrate the Daleks' base to rescue the Doctor and Jo and ask them to return to their own time and alter history before the 20th century is plunged into a Third World War.
TEXT: CLINN'S HOUSE Quinn: Clay?...Clay! Clay: Hey you decided to join the land of the living. Quinn: Yeah you weren't in bed and I got scared. I thought it happened again. Clay: Oh...I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you it's just been a rough couple of weeks so I thought I'd surprise you with my famous "Clay's Deluxe Breakfast in Bed" Quinn: I didn't know you had a famous breakfast. Clay: Yeah it's not really famous yet...extensive bragging on your end was part of the plan...Hey I even left out the crossword puzzle for you and a chewed up kind of awesome kind of gross pen. Quinn: You're kind of awesome and kind of gross...way more awesome than gross. Clay: Get back to bed Quinn: I'd rather watch you in action. KAREN'S CAFE Jamie: Table one needs an iced mocha and a hot tea, table five toasted bagel and the ACLU wants to know why you're violating child labor laws. Haley: Yeah very funny...since when did we start numbering tables? Jamie : Since an hour, this way too busy not too... Haley (on the phone) : Hi it's Halley I'm wondering where you are... You what? No you can't do that! I need to... Well to hech with you too!... Jamie : (to customers) : She's just kidding folks, coffe's on the house this morning Haley : Well our no -show chef just quit... Jamie : Chef Jeff? It's too bad I'd like to say Chef Jeff, Chef Jeff, Chef Jeff... Jamie : Oh maybe there is something to do with that (he gave to her an advertising) She goes looking at the window and see "Only gourmet cafe » Haley: No!...First gour...our food is gourmet!...right? Jamie: Ohh Yeah BRULIAN'S HOUSE Brooke: GOOOAL! Victoria: Putt putt skills don't translate out to a real golf course Brooke: Oh SUMMARY:
After Alex leaves for her tour, Chris looks to hire an intern and tries to cheer up Chase. Haley runs into trouble at Karen's Cafe when her chef quits to work for a rival cafe. Clay arouses suspicion in Quinn that he is cheating on her. Meanwhile, Millie accidentally humiliates Mouth on the air. Brooke tries to help her father secure funding for her new clothing line, and Julian gets distracted by the prospect of a potential renter for his sound stage, resulting in Julian forgetting his son, Davis, in the family car, to which the police and an ambulance have been alerted. This episode is named after a song by Eminem and Rihanna .
TEXT: Title: "Secrets and Lies" (Part 1) 47th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 3ADA04 [SCENE_BREAK] [Joey and Bunny are sitting in his car on a mountain overlooking the city] Joey: Oh God, I love this town-- Looking down from here, it's like seeing the lights on a chritsmas tree! You know? It's magic. Bunny: Ahh. That's nice, joey. Joey: Yeah. [Bunny starts to light a cigarette] Joey: What'd i tell ya about smokin' in the car, huh? Bunny: Gimme a break! Joey: You gimme a break! I quit. I can't be around that stuff no more, so get out! Come on, go over there. Bunny: It's cold outside! Joey: I don't care! Go! Smoke over there. Bunny: Fine! Joey: Come on! Go ahead. Bunny: Shut up! Joey: Hey, those things are gonna kill you, you know. Bunny: No! You're gonna kill me! Joey: Yeah, right. Bunny: b*st*rd. Joey: Puff your brains out. Bunny: Oh, shut up. You make me sick. Come on! (The lighter won't work) [There is a bright flash of light, and Bunny sees a glowing man walking away- She runs back to the car, and sees Joey's burned body on the front seat. [Police siren- the next day the scene is covered by police] Cop 1: so...How's a guy burn to death in his car without leaving behind so much as a scorch mark? A female witness said she saw an otherworldly figure. Cop 2: Any evidence of this guy? Cop 1: No footprints. No tire tracks. Nothin'. Cop 1: So what do you think it was... Lightning strike or spontaneous human combustion? Cop 2: The registration has the guy as joseph ferrini, SUMMARY:
Max travels to Hollywood while investigating a murder he believes was committed by an alien. He discovers a link to a Paramount science fiction show called "They Are Among Us" and when he goes to the Paramount lot to investigate he ends up auditioning for the part of an alien on an episode of "Enterprise" directed by Star Trek alum, Jonathan Frakes. Meanwhile, back in Roswell, Isabel and Jesse struggle over how to reveal their engagement to their families. To be continued...
TEXT: EXT. PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITY - DAY STEVE: Anything else I can do? EMMY: No. I just want to get this over with. STEVE: All right. (SFX: DOOR SLIDES OPEN) EMMY: Heaven forbid he should label anything and make this easy. STEVE: What are you gonna do with his truck? EMMY: I don't know. Sell it, I guess. STEVE: How much you want for it? EMMY: I don't know, okay? Listen, I just want to find a picture of his mother so he can be buried with it. STEVE: Not a problem. Any idea what year it is? EMMY: No. Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but I just feel like being alone. STEVE: Wonder what he's got in here. (STEVE UNWRAPS THE PLASTIC) STEVE: Holy smoke! (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES / CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY (SFX: DOORS SLIDE OPEN) KATE: We're leaving in five minutes. Where have you been? TONY: I got the call. I'm here. KATE: Get up on the wrong side of the bed, did we? TONY: My car got towed. I had to take the bus to work this morning. KATE: Where was it parked? TONY: That's not important, Kate. KATE: Didn't make it home last night, did you? TONY: (INTO PHONE) Hi, this is Anthony DiNozzo. I'm trying to locate my car. It was towed from the thirty-four hundred block of Dumbarton in Georgetown. You've already put me on hold three times. You killed my cell phone battery. Do not put me on hold again! Do not --! KATE: Dumbarton - near campus. I really hope she was over twenty-one. TONY SUMMARY:
The executor of a Navy petty officer's Will & Testament discovers the skeletal remains of a missing girl in the dead man's rented storage unit. As the Petty Officer who died in Iraq is up for a Silver Star , it is very important that NCIS determines if he was a murderer within 24 hours or else the Silver Star will be cancelled altogether. Soil samples and further forensics lead Abby to discover that if the petty officer was the killer, he could not have acted alone. Tony and McGee find CCTV footage that suggests the petty officer was entirely innocent. Meanwhile, Tony's car was stolen and he later discovers it was used in a robbery miles away in Tennessee and "featured" on the evening news in a high-speed chase .
TEXT: Baseball field Lisbon: Nice place. Where does a baseball scout get this kind of money? Cho: Barney Sloop? He's got 15 players in the majors right now and a piece of everything they make. A million-dollar eye for talent. He spots 'em young all over the world, brings 'em here, trains 'em, gets 'em fat pro contracts. Jane: So you played. Cho: I played a little. Jane: Pitcher? Controlling the action? Man with the ball. Cho: Ah, I stopped. Jane: Which you still have unresolved bad feelings about. Yeah, now I see it. That's why you joined the gang. Your parents thought you were wasting your time, so they made you quit baseball, crushed your dream. You were angry about it, but you couldn't express that directly, so you joined a gang as an outlet for all that anger. Cho: Actually, I tore my a. c.l. Nice try. Jane: Parents. It's funny, isn't it- big regrets in life people keep to themselves? Lisbon: I don't know. I tell people about you. Jane: Nice one. A zinger. High and tight. Policeman: Yeah, as close as we can tell, the murder occurred around 10:30 p. m. Cho: Thanks. No big mysteries, weapon-wise. Looks like three or four blows. Lisbon: Rage killing. Cho: The coroner estimates t. o.d. around 10:30 last night. Freddy: Look like they're here, finally. Freddy Fitch, Barney's partner. I want to know who did this, quickly. Lisbon: Agent Lisbon. This is agent Cho. Jane. Freddy: Anything you need, it's yours. I can't believe it. Jane: This was his garden? Freddy: His peace garden, he called it. A year or so ago he got into all this zen malarkey. Lisbon: Who had access to this area? Freddy: Everyone at the academy- six players in residence, family members, staff. Lisbon: We'll need a list. Freddy: Sure, sure. But trust SUMMARY:
The CBI team investigate the murder of Barney Sloop; a former professional baseball player, who is found dead in his Zen garden. The victim had been the founder of a baseball academy, which he started as his own baseball talent scouting and training facility for young up-and-coming baseball talents. During the investigation, Jane is hit on the head with a baseball and knocked unconscious, after which he experiences flashbacks of his past as a stage performer with his father, Alex, and shows signs of his "psychic" abilities. The CBI team interviews several people close to the victim, including his ex-wife and his business partner Freddie. It is revealed that a player on the team was too old to attend the academy, so his father had been paying Freddie double the normal rate. After Sloop found out, the player's father killed him to prevent Sloop from ruining his son's future.
TEXT: THE WEB OF FEAR by MERVYN HAISMAN and HENRY LINCOLN first broadcast - March 2nd 1968 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. LABORATORY (The DOCTOR, JAMIE, VICTORIA, ANNE, EVANS and the COLONEL watch in horror as two YETI walk in. Following them is the gaunt figure of PROFESSOR TRAVERS. The onlookers gasp as they see him.) JAMIE: Oh no! COLONEL: I just don't understand what's happening! JAMIE: Poor Travers! (There are general murmurings of disbelief, which cut off abruptly as TRAVERS speaks.) TRAVERS: Silence! ANNE: Father! (She steps forward; the DOCTOR restrains her.) DOCTOR: No, no! No! ANNE: But I must... DOCTOR: No, Anne! Don't go near him. Just... just listen to him. (TRAVERS now speaks, but the voice is not his own - it has a hissing, rasping tone to it. The speech is halting, and he takes deep breaths between phrases.) TRAVERS: I... am... the Intelligence! (There are cries of shock and denial from the onlookers.) TRAVERS: Listen to me! I speak to you with this man's voice because the time has come for you to understand my purpose. EVANS: What's he getting at? COLONEL: Quiet! DOCTOR: What do you want? TRAVERS: You defeated me in Tibet, Doctor. DOCTOR: Yes. TRAVERS: Now you have fallen into the trap that I have so carefully prepared for you. (As TRAVERS speaks, a strange thin mist is emanating from his mouth.) DOCTOR: Oh, I see, so that's why you've brought me here. Revenge! TRAVERS: Oh, no. Revenge is a very human emotion. My purpose for you is far more interesting. DOCTOR: And what's that? TRAVERS SUMMARY:
Victoria and Travers are held prisoner by the Great Intelligence, who is planning to drain the Doctor's mind.
TEXT: NB : Throughout this script the 'original' Captain Jack is referred to as 'The Captain' and 'Torchwood' Captain Jack is referred to as Jack. Opening shots and series recap JACK : (VO) Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes and you gotta be ready. EXT. DANCE HALL - PRESENT - DAY The Torchwood SUV comes down the road towards the dance hall, horn honking as it crosses an intersecting road without stopping. The SUV stops outside the dance hall and Jack and Toshiko exit the vehicle. Toshiko is dressed up to go out and taking on her mobile phone in Japanese. Jack approaches the entrance of the dance hall. Toshiko explains her conversation as she walks towards him. TOSHIKO : My grandfather's eighty-eight birthday today. JACK : Oh, I thought you'd gone to all this trouble for me. TOSHIKO : Huh. Eighty-eight is a joyous year for the Japanese. I'm off to London to watch grown men throw rice. JACK : You can get that in the balti after stop-tap. Okay, down to business, what have we got? They enter the dance hall. Fly posters litter the front door - 'Vote Saxon' among others. Inside the furniture is covered in sheets, empty for years. They look around the lobby and up the stairwell. TOSHIKO : The Ritz Dance Hall, it's been derelict since 1989, but someone's complained about hearing music drifting out. Jack jogs up the main stairs - a wide staircase with a landing halfway up. TOSHIKO : Music from the 1940s. Jack pauses on the stairs and looks upwards. JACK : Sshh. Music can be heard drifting down the stairs. JACK : Listen. Coming up? Jack jogs the rest of the way up the staircase smiling to himself, Toshiko following a little more reluctantly. The open SUMMARY:
Investigating reports of ghostly music, Jack and Toshiko find themselves stranded in a packed dance hall - in 1941. As Gwen, Owen, and Ianto work to rescue their colleagues, Jack and Toshiko meet a handsome young American squadron leader by the name of Captain Jack Harkness.
TEXT: At Emma's house Mr. Simpson: Ms. Nelson how do you propose to get genetically modified foods out of the caf? Emma: Well Mr. Raditch we can start by looking at organic food suppliers. Mr. Simpson: Organic food in the cafeteria. What's next? Fresh mountain spring water in the water fountains? Emma: Archie be serious. Mr. Simpson: I'm sorry Em, but how many more times are we going to do this mock debate? Emma: Until I'm ready for the big meeting. Second period tomorrow! Mr. Simpson: You're more than ready for Raditch. You're ready to take on the UN. Oh it's way past your bedtime. Hey uh made your lunch for tomorrow, done your homework, brushed your teeth? Emma: Archie relax. Mr. Simpson: I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm not used to being in charge. Emma: You're doing great and remember mom will be home in two days. Wait. (She makes another change to her poster.) Mr. Simpson: Attention Degrassi students! Emma Nelson report to bed immediately or face a year's detention. Emma: But sir, what about my spotless academic record? Outside the school Emma: Hey guys! Wait up. Toby: Uh what's that? Emma: It's for my presentation to Raditch. JT: Uh oh. Emma's on the warpath. Better head for the hills. Manny: You guys should be proud of Em. She's Degrassi's very own Joan of Ark. Toby: Uh Joan of Ark was a lunatic who took orders from a burning bush. Manny: But Joan was also brave and strong and an inspiration to women everywhere. Just like our Emma. Emma: Thanks guys, but I'm no Joan of Ark. I'm just following my conscience. In the hallway, there's a poster for part-time work in the cafeteria Craig: Help needed in the caf. You applying for that? Marco: I don't know Spinner. Working in the caf probably sucks. Spinner: Okay I worked in the caf last year, remember? It definitely sucks. (Jimmy SUMMARY:
With Terri by her side, Ashley attempts to make amends for her actions at her house party. She eventually earns the forgiveness of Paige and Hazel, and apologizes to Jimmy for what happened between them. Jimmy is convinced they are back together, but when Sean comes calling, Ashley makes plans to go on a date with him. The news of the date soon spreads, and Ashley is back where she started, only without Terri. Meanwhile, Toby becomes smitten with the new girl, without realizing she's Spinner's sister. Note: This episode marks the first appearances of Melissa DiMarco and Stacey Farber as Daphne Hatzilakos and Ellie Nash.
TEXT: SCOTT: Previously on Teen Wolf... Scott: The mark of a family of hunters... The Calaveras. LYDIA: What would they want with Derek? STILES: How do we find them? Scott: Mexico. You don't know where he is either. (GROANING) Araya: You know who took him. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) Araya: Say the name, Scott. Scott: Kate. Malia: Is that Derek? Stiles: Sort of. (PEOPLE CHEERING) (ALL SHOUTING) Coach: Hale, let's go. Derek Hale! (GROWLING) Young Derek: I thought... I thought I could control it. Young Peter: All this risk? Just for a basketball game? Young Derek: It's the finals. They need me. Young Peter: To do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court? Even born wolves have to learn control on a full moon, Derek. Young Derek: Yeah, but it's supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt like this? Young Peter: Did you bring it? Young Derek: It's not working... Young Peter: Did you bring it? Go ahead. (PANTING) Young Derek: I told you, it's not working. Young Peter: Do it! Young Derek: Alpha, Beta, Omega... Young Peter: Again. Young Derek: Alpha, Beta, Omega... Young Peter: Again. Young Derek: Alpha, Beta, Omega... Young Peter: Again! (ECHOING) Alpha, Beta, Omega... Young Derek: Alpha, Beta, Omega... (SCREAMING) (LOUD HISSING) (GROWLING) Gas station guy: Hey! (BANGING ON DOOR) Gas station guy: You okay in there? (PANTING) Kate: Ahhh! Gas station guy: Hey, you all right? What's going on in there? (GROWLING CONTINUES) Kate: (EXHALES SHARPLY) Just a second. Gas station guy: Hey! Kate: I'll be out in a minute! (GROWLING) (BANGING ON THE DOOR) Gas station guy : SUMMARY:
Years earlier, Peter teaches Derek how to control his shift, using an artifact known as the Triskelion. In the present day, Kate kills a gas station attendant, and appears to be unable to control herself when transformed. Scott and his friends return from Mexico and take Derek to Deaton, who is baffled by Derek's regression. Derek attacks Deaton and goes to his destroyed house, but is arrested. When Kate abducts Derek from Scott's house, Scott teams up with Peter to put an end to Kate's plan. Peter identifies the creatures that attacked Scott as Berserkers . Kate and Derek access the Hale family's vault under the high school, and Kate wants the Triskelion in order to learn control. Scott, Malia and Kira take on the Berserkers, but are defeated. Peter confronts Derek and Kate in the vault. Derek leaves to help Scott, while Peter explains that the Triskelion was only ever a trinket. With Derek gone, Peter and Kate fight, but are interrupted when an individual blinds them and steals a briefcase. Kate flees and Derek reverts to his normal age. Stiles and Lydia find Peter, and he reveals that 117 million dollars were stolen.
TEXT: TIME AND THE RANI PART THREE Run time: 24:23 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. THE RANI'S CITADEL. THE LABORATORY [SCENE_BREAK] (The Rani and the Doctor are standing at the control desk in the centre of the room whilst all the machines throb in activation.) RANI/MEL: You know, don't you. (With little hesitation, the Rani pulls off her wig of red curls to reveal her own long brunette hair. She starts to unpin it.) RANI: But your usefulness is not yet over. You have another role to play. (To distract her, the Doctor gestures to the right door. She looks and he ties his scarf around her and pushes her down on to the control desk.) RANI: Dratted man. (He then runs from the laboratory.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. THE RANI'S CITADEL. THE ARCADE [SCENE_BREAK] (Beyus is attending to the cabinet controls as the Doctor rushes past. The Doctor opens the grill to descend into the Tetrap Eyrie. The Rani, having released herself from the scarf, runs into the Arcade and pushes Beyus aside. She enters the Eyrie.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. INT. THE RANI'S CITADEL. THE TETRAP EYRIE [SCENE_BREAK] (The Rani descends the stairs into the eyrie and, peering into the darkness, she sees the Tetraps hanging asleep from the rocky ceiling but fails to see the Doctor. He is hiding behind a rock. Giving up, she leaves the eyrie and closes the grill behind her. The Doctor ventures out from his hiding place and looks around for another exit. Before he can look further, a group of awakened Tetraps encircle him, their forked tongues ready to pierce the Doctor with venom...) DOCTOR: I say. I mean, we may not see eye to eye. Try and see it my way! I'm trying not to be personal SUMMARY:
The Doctor discovers how the Rani is getting the planets residents to cooperate with her. He then trys to trade a part that the Rani needs for Mel.
TEXT: Ted and Marshall are in a car. Ted: This is awesome. Marshall: I can't believe this moment's finally here. One more mile and my little boy turns 200,000. Ted: Your baby Fiero's grown into a really old man Fiero. And just like an old man, he leaks fluid, smells stale, makes weird noises out the back. Marshall: Yeah, he does. Hey, light up those cigars in the glove compartment. They're real Cubans. I got 'em in Chinatown last year just for this moment. Ted: Uh, Marshall, I'm not saying you were definitely ripped off, but these are chopsticks wrapped in napkins. Marshal: What are you talking about? Ted: Whoa, pothole. The car stops. Marshall: What? No. Oh. No. No, no, no. No, there's only.8 miles to go. Come on, buddy. Buddy! Ted: Is it cool if I still light these? Ted (voix off): Kids, sometimes life forces us to be someone we didn't want to be. When that happens, we often try to hold on to a little piece of who we were. Maybe a tattoo. Or a piece of jewelry. A tiny souvenir that reminds us, "This is who I really am." Marshall's souvenir was not so tiny, but the more he found himself being pushed toward the corporate world and away from his dream of saving the environment, the tighter he held on to that Fiero. Ted and Marshall are in a garage. Ted: Hey. One good thing: we're off the hook for the folding party today. Marshall: Hey. It's very important to both Lily and me that there be a handmade origami crane in each of our wedding's... I couldn't even get through it. Thank God. Ted: Hey, your car's going to be fine. This is the best auto shop around. Look at this certificate. One of the mechanics here finished a 64-ounce steak. Lily, Robin and Barney arrive at the garage. Lily: Surprise. Robin: We felt bad that you guys were missing the super-fun origami folding party, so SUMMARY:
Marshall's beloved 1988 Fiero dies just short of reaching the 200,000-mile mark, leading the gang to relive their greatest memories in the car.
TEXT: The War Games By Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, EXT: HILLSIDE ROAD (A large group of men rushes towards the Doctor Jamie and Zoe from the distance, yelling loudly. They are clad in metal and leather tunics and have shiny metal helmets, all have long shields and swords drawn. To the front, a wooden chariot pulled by two galloping horses carries a rider, and the soldier at the lead bears a large gold banner bearing the emblem of an eagle and a laurel wreath with the word SPQR emblazoned on it.) ZOE: Oh come on! (They scramble back down the hill towards the Carstairs, Lady Jennifer and waiting ambulance as fast as their legs will carry them.) DOCTOR: Start the engine! ZOE: Quick! JAMIE: Look! (Carstairs turns to Lady Jennifer.) CARSTAIRS: Switch on! (She rushes into the cab and the others climb into the back of the ambulance. Carstairs rushes to the engine and desperately cranks the handle. The Roman garrison rush inexorably down the hill towards them. Carstairs cranks again and again and suddenly the tired old engine splutters into life and Carstairs jumps in. Lady Jennifer throws the ambulance into reverse and slowly backs the ambulance up causing it to fade away again. As the Romans reach the point where the ambulance vanished they all freeze with their mouths open. At first it appears as if they have stopped in astonishment, but they are standing completely still; frozen in mid-scream as if by going near the barrier they had suddenly switched themselves off.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, EXT: 1917 ROAD (The ambulance reappears on the dirt track and then stops.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3, INT: AMBULANCE ZOE: That was a close shave! Oh where are we Doctor? JAMIE: Oh no, we're not back here again! (The Doctor turns to Carstairs.) DOCTOR: SUMMARY:
The Doctor and his friends realise the area is divided into different time zones and decide to return to the château to obtain a map from Smythe.
TEXT: Opening scene - The first thing we see are roses, we then see that we are in the Cohen kitchen. Ryan is in there making himself breakfast. Seth comes in. there are bunches of roses everywhere Seth: Ryan I had no idea you felt this way Ryan: hm don t look at me they were here when I came in (Sandy comes in carrying 2 more bunches of roses) Seth: (to Sandy) hey, you do realise Valentines Day is tomorrow, right Sandy: yeah well we're startin a little earlier this year...your mother deserves an extra long holiday...what with your grandfather in the hospital Seth: an with you burnin the midnight oil as much as you have Sandy: why don t you guys give me a hand huh, the rest'a the flowers are out in the car Seth: you got more flowers...there s such a thing as over kill Ryan: man your parents are pretty hardcore about Valentines Day Seth: pff, I jus hope I survive this hateful holiday Ryan: mm, still broken up over the Alex break up Seth: nope that s emotional childs play (Ryan looks at him) compared to what we're dealin with now Ryan Ryan: hm Seth: Summers back Ryan: (suprised) whoa, what Seth: yeah, an I don t want it to be (shakes his head) believe me but apparently the universe has other plans for us (they are now outside heading to the car) Ryan: the universe is involved now Seth: why else would I be forced ta go to San Diego with her on the one year anniversary of our sexual...t te- -t te or prodado if you will (Ryan hands him flowers) Ryan: (picks up flowers) yeah as long as it s not a m nage-a-trois since you will be going to San Diego with Zach her boyfriend Seth: yeah, an my friend Ryan: yeah Seth: dude I don t wanna go to San Diego ok I don t wanna go anywhere near Summer (they are now back inside) Ryan: no but the uh the universe Se SUMMARY:
Sandy tries to make up for keeping Rebecca's return a secret from Kirsten by showering her with Valentine's Day gifts. Zach, Summer and Seth head to San Diego to pitch their comic book idea, and Seth is determined to use the trip to get Summer back. Julie returns from her European vacation and has decided to reconnect with Marissa. Meanwhile, Ryan wants to spend Valentine's Day with Lindsay, but her loyalty to Caleb gets in the way.
TEXT: "The Knight on the Grid" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Booth is at the crime scene. A car pulls up and Cam gets out and walks towards Booth) BOOTH: Traffic? CAM: Dr. Brennan looked a little hurt when I told her you asked me to come out here instead of her. BOOTH: No, Bones's feelings - they don't get hurt. She's not like you. CAM: Like me? BOOTH: Yeah. A girl. CAM: Yeah. The word you're looking for would be "woman" - who, incidentally, makes more money than you. BOOTH: Touchy. CAM: What can I say? I'm just a girl with feelings. BOOTH: Alright listen, construction crew they found a body this afternoon. The keyword is body, as in still meaty. (Cam removes the plastic from the body.) BOOTH: oh... CAM: Male, middle-aged. BOOTH: Bones - she usually, uh, kneels next to the remains. CAM: These are designer pants and my bodies are always so much - gushier - than Dr. Brennan's. BOOTH: Just saying... (Cam partially bends down to look at the remains) CAM: Looks like a stab wound to the middle of the chest. Naked, wrapped in plastic, bite marks to the face and extremities. Looks like rats. BOOTH: Rats? CAM: Looks like he might have been knee-capped. Mob thing, maybe? (Cam takes something from the body.) BOOTH: What's that? CAM: Some kind of gemstone. (Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Autopsy Bay) ZACK: This blow to the sternum would have been fatal, dealt by a double edged blade BRENNAN: So we know our killer is strong. CAM: Based on the rate of decomp, I'd say he's been dead 3 days. Probably dumped Friday night. HODGINS: (entering) Gemstone is jade, narrowing down the exact SUMMARY:
Booth and Brennan's investigation into the death of a priest leads them back on the case of the Gormogon serial killer when the priest's kneecaps were discovered to have been surgically removed. They realize the killer has a pattern for choosing victims after Angela finds a victim tree in the evidence vault. The team attempts to make predictions on who the next victim is while Dr. Sweets provides psychological insights into the killer for Brennan and Booth. Meanwhile, Brennan's brother reappears.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. A town square in Galway, Ireland, 1753. The camera looks straight down from above onto the cobblestones. A lone rider on his horse passes underneath, and the camera follows them past a well as Angelus narrates. Angelus: There's moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who you're gonna be. Sometimes they're little, subtle moments. Sometimes... they're not. I'll show you what I mean. The horseman continues past a tavern on the far side of the square. The door opens, and a young drunk Angel and his drunk friend are thrown out. Angel: (with an Irish accent) We'll be back when we've found a bit more cash money! Keep the girls warm! The tavern proprietor slams the door shut, and Angel pounds on it a couple of times. Angel's friend: (moans) Let's go. Angel staggers back over to him and puts his arm around him. They begin to walk with a definite sway in their step. Angel: Come on. We'll sneak in and take some of me father's silver. He'll never miss it. He eats with his hands, the pig. His friend is too drunk to go on, and faints dead away, falling out of Angel's arm to the pavement. Angel looks down at him. Angel: Ah. Why don't you rest right here. He takes a look around and spots a noble lady in a fancy period dress standing in an alley beyond an archway. The woman gives a slight backward glance to be sure she has his attention, and starts to walk further into the alley, disappearing around a corner from Angel's view. He follows her. Cut to the alley. The woman continues her slow pace and looks up when Angel comes through the archway and begins to speak. As she gets closer to the camera it becomes clear that the woman is Darla. Her long curly blonde hair is very nicely coiffed. SUMMARY:
Kendra's Watcher sends her back to Sunnydale because a dark power is rising: Angelus, Spike, and Drusilla have found a petrified demon called Acathla and plans to perform a ritual that will allow Acathla to wake up and suck every living thing on the planet into hell.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Veronica runs towards the site where the bus drove off the cliff in 201 Normal Is the Watchword. GIA: It just went straight off the cliff. They're all dead. Duncan holds Veronica as she looks down at the wreckage. Cut to the Presidential Suite at the Neptune Grand Hotel from 203 Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang. VERONICA: The bus crash. It was meant for me. Cut to Alicia, waving off Wallace in 204 Green-Eyed Monster. She sees Nathan Woods drive by. ALICIA: [offscreen] He caught me completely off guard. Cut to Alicia in Keith's office. ALICIA: We dated almost twenty years ago and he was crazy. Cut to Wallace taking a phone call. WALLACE: Veronica, are you in immediate life-threatening danger? VERONICA: At this precise moment, no. Wallace takes a phone call. WALLACE: If she needs me, I'm gonna come through, just like she would for me. JACKIE: Where I'm from, the girl you make out with is the one you do favours for. Nathan approaches Wallace. WALLACE: Who are you? NATHAN: I'm your father. End previously. INT - FENNEL RESIDENCE - DAY. Wallace enters the house and sees Alicia taking some food out of the kitchen. He sits down on a chair in the dining area, his face thoughtful. Alicia sees him and calls out from the kitchen. ALICIA: I was just gonna come outside to grab you. She grabs a dish and brings it into the dining area. ALICIA: Food is ready. WALLACE: I'm not hungry, mama. Alicia looks over at him. WALLACE: I just met somebody out in the driveway. ALICIA: Wallace, what's wrong? WALLACE: A guy from Chicago. He said he knew you. Name Nathan Woods ring a bell? ALICIA: Oh Wallace. WALLACE: Is it true? Wallace stands. Alicia approaches him ALICIA: Baby... WALLACE: No, SUMMARY:
Wallace confronts his mother about his father, Nathan Woods. Wallace confides in Veronica, but she is preoccupied with the crash and helping Jackie find out who stole her credit card. Wallace decides to leave with his father for Chicago. Veronica learns that Terrence Cook, Jackie's father, has a large gambling debt. Terrence tells Veronica that he is being blackmailed by Sheriff Lamb, who has threatened to reveal Terrence's address to the men he owes money to. Veronica later finds a voice mail message left by a student on the bus, which suggests that an explosion immediately preceded the crash. When she plays the message for Keith, he gives it to Sheriff Lamb rather than revealing it to the public.
TEXT: THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD PART SEVEN (MINDWARP) Run time: 24:33 [SCENE_BREAK] Tunnel [SCENE_BREAK] Dorf: The Doctor. Do we attack? Yrcanos: Of course. That dreg helping the Mentor's warriors is my enemy. [SCENE_BREAK] Corridor [SCENE_BREAK] Peri: What's happened to you, Doctor? Why do you hate me so? The Doctor: I must do what I think is best. Peri: I used to think that you were different, that you cared for justice and truth and good. I can't bear to look at what you are now. Yrcanos: Now, Doctor, it is your turn to die. Peri: No! Yrcanos: My lady, what have you done? Because of you that vermin still lives. Peri: I couldn't help it. The Doctor, he wasn't always like that. Valeyard (O.C.): I suggest you always were... [SCENE_BREAK] Trial room [SCENE_BREAK] Valeyard: Just like that, my dear Doctor. A toady, a coward, a turncoat. You were afraid that Crozier wanted to transplant the brain of the alien Kiv into your head. You said as much yourself. The thought of that made you panic. The Doctor: I've told you, it was a ploy. I would never want to harm Peri. Valeyard: But you've also admitted that you have no clear memory of the event. The Doctor: Well, I can recall some of it. Bits of it are beginning to bob back into my mind. Valeyard: Oh, really? And does any of your sudden and convenient recall agree with anything that the court has already seen? The Doctor: No! I mean yes, but, but the emphasis is all wrong. Valeyard: And what does that mean? The Doctor: The events took place but not quite as we've seen them. Inquisitor: It occurs to me, Doctor, that your current mental condition makes it very difficult for you to defend yourself. I would therefore suggest that this court SUMMARY:
Dr. Crozier prepares to transplant Mentor's brain with the help of the Doctor, while king Yrcanos, Peri and Dorf prepare to attack the Mentors. In the laboratory, Dr. Crozier decides that Peri may be a compatible body donor and sends for her.
TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (Prince Charming is attempting to break the lock on his cell with a rock. Unsuccessful, he slides down to the floor.) Prince Charming: I will find you, Snow. I will always find you. (Two guards arrive.) Guard: It'll be hard to do that without your head. Get up. The Queen is looking forward to your execution. (The two guards shackle him, hauling him out of his cell and into the hallway. As they're walking, Prince Charming slumps to the ground.) Guard: Get up! On your feet. (Prince Charming gets up and attacks the guards. After incapacitating them, he flees down the hallway. Farther down, he encounters another guard who is armed with a bow and arrow. Another guard arrives.) Guard: Shoot him. (The archer-guard takes aim but, instead of shooting Prince Charming, shoots the other guard instead.) Prince Charming: Who the hell are you? (The guard removes his helmet, revealing that he is the Huntsman.) Huntsman: A friend. I don't know you. But I know Snow White. Prince Charming: Is she okay? (The Huntsman unlocks Prince Charming's shackles.) Huntsman: The Queen was traveling to meet her. Her fate is in a precarious place. You must hurry. Follow me. I can get you out. I'll try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you. (The Huntsman hands him a bag and a sword.) Huntsman: Your weapon and some provisions. Good luck. Prince Charming: You're not coming with me? Huntsman: I cannot. I gave up my heart so that the Queen would spare Snow's. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Find her. -[Real World]- (At the hospital, Henry is wheeled in on a gurney as Emma follows. Dr. Whale and several nurses attend to Henry.) Emma: Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Henry. Wake up, please. SUMMARY:
Emma and Regina team together in order to find a way to save Henry's life. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Prince Charming attempts to escape from the Evil Queen's clutches in order to reunite with Snow White who, unbeknownst to him, has already taken a bite of the Queen's poison apple.
TEXT: Phone Salesman: Hi. Pam: Good morning, can I help you? Phone Salesman: Yes, I'm from Techstar about a new phone system for you. I was wondering if I could talk to Michael Scott. Pam: I'm sorry, he's not in right now. Phone Salesman: Really? He's never around when I come by. Pam: Shoot. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: They have new phone systems now that can ring directly to a salesman, or someone presses star and they go to accounting, basically 95% of my job. But I'd like to see a machine that puts out candy for everyone. [realizing] Vending machine. [SCENE_BREAK] Phone Salesman: How about I make an appointment to come back? That way, I know he'll be here. Pam: That is a great idea. Phone Salesman: Great. Pam: [while leafing through Michael's appointment book and seeing nothing but free time] Um, oh boy, let's see, he's really... Jim: [approaching Reception] Michael Scott, manager. Hi, how are ya? Pam: There he is! Phone Salesman: Oh, hi! Great. Jim: Nice to meet you, yeah. Whew! I can assure you we don't need a new system though. Happy with ours. Michael: [coming out from his office] Hello, may I help you? Jim: Jimbo! Michael:...Jim. Jim: [impersonating Fonzie] Ayyyy! Michael: Ayyyy! Pam: Ayyyy! Michael: Ayyyy! Jim: Ayyyy! Dwight: [running from his desk] Ayyyy! Jim, Pam, Michael and Dwight: Ayyyy! Phone Salesman: Ok. I'm, uh, I'll be going. Jim, Pam, Michael and Dwight: Ayyyy! Michael: [laughing] What was that? Pam: That was funny. Michael: That was funny. Let's go do it to somebody else. Ayyyy! [SCENE_BREAK] SUMMARY:
It's Valentine's Day at the office. Michael is attracted to a woman who loses a glove at a Valentine's blood drive; Cinderella -like, he tries to track her down. The staff share their worst break-up stories and band together to host a "Lonely Hearts Party" where they root for Michael's would-be romance. Jim and Pam have lunch with Phyllis and Bob Vance , which turns awkward when they hear the Vances having sex in the bathroom.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Scott: I can't believe Derek's dead. Chris: We stay out of it. Allison: They're trying to kill my friends. How do I stay out of that? Derek: Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you. Lydia: I have no clue how I ended up finding that body. Stiles: So, you literally just showed up there. Lydia: Yeah. Scott: I've seen worse. Stiles: Where have you seen worse? Coach: Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves! Allison: Lydia? Lydia: I don't like this place. Allison: I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night. Lydia: A lot can happen in one night. Stiles: All right, so I have four. Scott: Four? You have four suspects? Stiles: Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice. Scott: So who's number one? Harris? Stiles: Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead. Scott: So if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices. Stiles: Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head. Scott: Well, what if it's somebody else from school? Like, you remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people. Stiles: Excuse me? I'm sorry, what? I... yes, we did. I called that from day one, actually. Scott: Yeah, but we never really seriously thought that it was Matt. Stiles: I was serious. I was quite serious, actually. Deadly serious. No one listened to me. Scott: Who were the other three? Stiles: SUMMARY:
The team takes refuge at an eerie motel for the night, where Scott and the gang undergo strange experiences. Boyd, Ethan, and Scott suffer various hallucinations that drive them to attempt suicide, while Isaac is triggered into a PTSD flashback. All four werewolves are saved by Stiles and Lydia. They figure out that this was the Darach's doing - using the wolves as sacrifices. Meanwhile, Jennifer helps Derek heal when they have sex. Argent visits a wheelchair-bound Gerard to ask him which werewolf it was that bit his uncle in 1977, forcing him to commit suicide. Gerard reveals that it was Deucalion.
TEXT: Ted (2030): Children, when you're 30 and live in New York, there are few places where it is better not to be. Time Square at New Year, Christmas at Rockefeller Center, but the worst: a student bar! Ted and Marshall enter into a student bar. Ted: You're not serious, my students are going to catch me so I do them a lesson. I have not even my slide projector. Marshall: Ted, I'm champion of skee-ball, since law school. I have come here at least once a month to keep my record. Ted: Looks like you're not income from a lease, a guy called "Big caramel" you're passed. Marshall: Yes, yes. Ted: And you're "Big caramel." Marshall: The biggest. In fact, I must tell you something. I invited Jenkins. Ted Jenkins, no kidding me! Ted (2030): We have heard of Jenkins few weeks ago. Flashback At the apartment... Marshall: You will not believe what Jenkins has done this time. Ted: Who is Jenkins? Lily: This is a new lawyer in the office of Marshall, he is hilarious. Marshall: Hilarious! There was a jar of cherries in the fridge, then Jenkins said: $ 200 and I eat the whole pot. So we gave him $ 200, and he ate the whole jar! Ted (2030): And the stories continued. In McLaren's... Marshall: The CFO comes to sign papers, then Jenkins said: Excuse me Mr Wilkocs, I think we forgot one of the documents.We all went to a bar after work, Jenkins goes on the table and begins to gesticulate like a stripper, and a second later, he removes his shirt. It was so disgusting. End flashback Ted: Well it feels good to finally meet the famous Jenkins, after all these stories. Barney, joining them: And there's going to have another. I'll sleep with Jenkins. Ted: What?! Barney: You heard me. Ted: You want to sleep with Jenkins? Barney: With Jenkins, of Jenkins, near Jenkins. You said it, I want to put like a sock. Ted: But you are... really... I SUMMARY:
When Lily refuses to believe that Jenkins, Marshall's attractive female colleague, kissed him, Marshall insists Jenkins tell Lily what really happened. Meanwhile, Robin finds out that a drinking game has been made up about her.
TEXT: Doyle: "You had the one thing in your unnaturally long life and you gave it back?" Angel: "You never know your strength until you're tested." Cordy: "I mean what's with those vision things of yours?" Doyle: "Well, they're messages I get from the Higher Powers, you know, it's my gift." Cordy: "If that was my gift, I'd return it." Angel: "If I pull the cables, I think I can still shut it off." Cordy: "Angel, that's suicide!" Doyle: "The good fight, yeah? You never know until you've been tested, I get that now. (knocks Angel of the platform, a blue light glows between their lips as he kisses Cordy, goes demon face) Too bad we'll never know if this is a face you could learn to love." Doyle jumps over to pull the lights apart on the light bomb while the flesh starts to melt off his body. He screams and disappears in a flash off light just as he manages to pull the cables apart, shutting down the bomb. Cut to the Oracle room. Man: "you try our patience. What is done..." Angel: "Can not be undone, you keep saying that. But I need Doyle. You can fold time, you've done it before. Bring him back." Woman: "To what end? To nullify his noble death? To leave his atonement unfulfilled?" Angel: "If it means he lives." Man: "He doesn't so that you may." Woman: "You do so that others will." Angel: "He's my friend." Woman: "If that is so, then so shall it ever be." Man: "But it is of no consequence." Woman: "The war rages on." Man: "Do not come to us again on so self serving a matter." Angel: "There is one consequence, even by your generous standards: Doyle was my sole contact to the Powers That Be. Without his visions - I'm fighting blind." Woman: "All will soon be made clear. For every door that closes, another opens." Man: "And for everyone that opens..." He lifts his arm and they SUMMARY:
Still reeling from Doyle's death just days ago, Angel and Cordelia encounter an old friend from Sunnydale, Buffy's former Watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, now a demon hunter. Meanwhile, Cordelia discovers that Doyle has passed on his gift of visions from The Powers That Be, which subject her to the same unbearable headaches that afflicted Doyle. When one of Angel's clients, a black-marketeer demon named Barney, learns of Cordelia's new powers, he abducts her and auctions off her "seer's eyes" to a group of wealthy demons and humans, including a representative from Wolfram & Hart. Wesley assists Angel in Cordy's rescue and effectively-if unofficially-joins the Angel Investigations team.
TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. HOTEL DINING AREA - DAY (MUSIC OVER ACTION/CAMERA PANS AROUND THE GUESTS) (SFX: ZIVA SLAPS TONY) TONY: Ow! ZIVA: We're not here to eat. We're here to protect the Director. TONY: Ziva, this is probably the most secure building in the whole country right now. CIA, DSS, ATF, F.B.I... the whole alphabet's here. Not to mention State Troopers, Metro Cops and NCIS' (BEAT) And you. But "me" is hungry. These are public servants like us. This is free food. ZIVA: Some are defense contractors. TONY: Beltway Bandits who make a career of standing in front of the public trough. ZIVA: Politicians. TONY: Have you ever seen a skinny politician? ZIVA: Too late. Our guest of honor has just arrived. CONVENOR'S: (V.O.) Ladies and gentlemen, the retiring Secretary of Defense of the United States of America! (SFX: APPLAUSE) TONY: I'm going to get something to eat. (SFX: VOICES MURMUR B.G.) ZIVA: (SHOUTS) Director! (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ZIVA RUNS TO SHEPARD/ KNOCKS HER OUT OF HARM'S WAY) (SFX: VOICES B.G.) (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) MUSIC IN: INT. DINING AREA - DAY TONY: Exactly thirty seven minutes... POLICEMAN: Yeah, that'll do. SHEPARD: Good morning, Gibbs. McGee. GIBBS: Director Shepard. SHEPARD: Our gatecrasher was a Marine. Sergeant Brian Wright. The hotel was in lockdown and he wasn't a registered guest. He took SUMMARY:
A decorated Marine veteran falls from a floor of a hotel during a conference of agency directors (that included Jenny Shepard) while Tony and Ziva were on security detail and the NCIS team must find out what happened to him. Soon they realize that the Marine did not commit suicide and that he was homeless, having lost everything after being injured while serving in Iraq. Having gone through the victim's personal belongings, the team soon find compromising evidence against him but Gibbs is determined to prove the man's innocence by any means necessary.
TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [EXT. GRAVEYARD - ANNA SAYWER'S GRAVE - DAY] (Close-up of Anna's gravestone. Peyton lays a rose on the ground beneath it. The camera pans up to her sad face. She stands up slowly and we see two Peyton's in the shot; Peyton in her red jacket and another one standing behind, dressed as the angel of death again. She's wearing a smirk.) ANGEL OF DEATH (AOD) PEYTON: Better make room. (Peyton whirls around and faces herself.) AOD PEYTON: (beat) Your other mom should be dead soon. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. SAWYER RESIDENCE - PEYTON'S BEDROOM - DAY] (There's a knock on the door and Peyton jerks awake with a gasp. The knocking continues. It turns into bangs.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DAVIS SCOTT APARTMENT - FRONT DOOR - DAY] (Haley opens the door tiredly.) HALEY: (confused) Hi, can I help you? (Cut to the people in the doorway. The manager from Suburban Filth and two cops stand there.) MANAGER: That's one of our shirts. (Cut back to Haley who's wearing a blue tank top with 'TEAM FILTH' scrawled across the front. She looks down at the shirt.) COP: Young lady, you're under arrest for the possession of stolen property. (walks into the apartment) HALEY: What?! COP: Yes. (He turns Haley around so that he can cuff her.) HALEY: No, no, no! I just needed something to sleep in! Brooke- (suddenly realises) BROOOOKE! END OF TEASER: [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY J SUMMARY:
It is revealed that Lucas knows Deb tried to kill Dan. Dan wants Karen to concede the election. Brooke, Peyton and Haley find themselves behind bars. Lucas confronts Brooke about sleeping with Chris Keller. Brooke decides to launch a clothing line called Clothes over Bros. Peyton is annoyed by the presence of her guilty conscience after losing Ellie's cancer survivor bracelet. Chris Keller convinces Nathan to be his wingman at a cash poker game which ends with being accused of cheating and a long walk home. Chris admits to Nathan that he kissed Haley at the Masquerade party dressed as Batman. The residents of Tree Hill elect Dan as Mayor. This episode is named after a song by The Hold Steady .
TEXT: [Chicago] (Klaus and Stefan are in a clothing store, drinking champagne and waiting for Rebakah whose trying clothe) Rebekah: There has to be more to this dress Klaus: There's not (She gets out of the fitting room. She wears a dress) Rebekah: So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers Klaus: You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing Rebekah: And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident Stefan: It's dance music Rebekah: People dance to this? Stefan: Hmm Klaus: Are we done? Rebekah: And why are you so grumpy? Klaus: I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it Rebekah: I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years (She looks at Stefan) Rebekah: So what do you think? Stefan: I like it (She doens't seem saisfied) Stefan: What? I said I like it Rebekah: I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan (She goes back into the fitting room. Klaus look at Stefan) Klaus: Nice one, good work Stefan: You're the one that pulled the Dagger out of her Rebekah: I heard that Stefan: All right. I'm going to get some fresh air (He gets up. Klaus pours himself some champagne. Stefan is abou to go out and sees Kaherine across the street. She makes him a sign so he follow her) [Gilbert's House] (Damon and Elena are cooking) Damon: I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili (Alaric enters) Damon: Hey, Ric Alaric: What's up? Elena: What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party? Alaric: Ah. Those founders parties aren't really my thing Damon: Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili Elena: SUMMARY:
In Chicago, Klaus uses Gloria the witch to find out why his hybrids are not turning out the way he planned and Gloria discovers that Stefan is hiding the fact that the doppelgänger is still alive. She tortures Stefan, but Katherine saves him. Back in Mystic Falls, Damon finds out Bill is impervious to compulsion and wants control of the Council. He temporarily kills Alaric but Alaric comes back to life. Damon then tries to kill Bill but Caroline saves her father by giving him her blood and has a fight with Damon. Meanwhile, Bonnie returns to Mystic Falls and Jeremy tells her about seeing his ex-girlfriends as ghosts. Stefan also tries to find out what Klaus and his sister Rebekah are running from. The answer turns out to be Mikael. Katherine steals Elena's necklace that can contact the Original Witch and teams up with Damon. Klaus brings Stefan back to Mystic Falls to find out what he is hiding.
TEXT: The Sensorites By Peter R. Newman 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: CONTROL ROOM (The whistling tone is felt once more in the control room and Susan looks up.) SUSAN: I don't want to go. DOCTOR: My dear what..? BARBARA: They're talking to her again. IAN: What are they saying? SUSAN: Ssh! I-I can't hear them very well....Oh that's better, there-there's just one voice a long way away. DOCTOR: What's the message child? SUSAN: Oh... Oh alright. But none of the others must be harmed. (She glances at the Doctor, Ian and Barbara.) SUSAN: Don't move any of you. Grandfather it was the only way, they knew I'd agree. (She walks to the open doorway to the port corridor. DOCTOR: Agree? To what? SUSAN: To go down with them to their planet. Otherwise we'll all be killed. (Susan walks through the doorway and joins the Sensorites. The shutter closes behind her.) BARBARA: Susan mustn't go with them. DOCTOR: There can't be air outside this spaceship. MAITLAND: You can't stop them. DOCTOR: We must! IAN: Come with me Barbara. RICHMOND: Don't! They'll only harm her or kill her if we try and interfere! IAN: And if we do nothing she'll die. (Ian walks over to the shutter and raises it.) BARBARA: We intend to try out the Doctor's theory that they can't see in the dark? IAN: Why not? It's all we have. (They walk through to the Starboard corridor.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: STARBOARD CORRIDOR (The Sensorites and Susan turn as they hear Ian And Barbara enter the corridor.) SECOND-SENSORITE: Go back. SUSAN: Don't interfere, please. SECOND-SENSOR SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan arrive in the TARDIS on board aspaceship. Their initial concern is for the ship's human crew, who are suffering from telepathic interference from the Sensorites, but Susan communicates with the Sensorites and finds the aliens fear an attack by the humans and are just defending themselves. Travelling to the Sense Sphere (the Sensorites' planet) the Doctor seeks to cure an illness to which the Sensorites and Ian have succumbed, but finds it has been caused by deliberate poisoning. The political manoeuvring of the Sensorite City Administrator poses another threat to the TARDIS crew as he seeks to discredit and implicate them.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] You and I make a lot more money as partners than as enemies. Boyd: "Partners" just means that, well, we do all the work while you make all the money. Wynn: Should I be putting my hands up or something? Raylan: Gary doesn't realize you were gonna kill him anyway. I don't care where you go. I'd leave the country, but that's entirely up to you. Here. This is for you. Fill, please. [ Laughs ] [ Gunshot ] [ Gasps ] Aah! Please! Boyd: Our oxy clinic got hit this morning. I need to know everything I can about what transpired. The people who bank with me are the ones who have access to the things I know. Wynn: It may be a coincidence, but a few hours after the hit, Raylan Givens shut down our trailer. That's not a bad trade-off... Losing a clinic but smoking out a dirty marshal in the process. You still don't even know what you done, do you? You gonna make sure whoever you used to hit that clinic is either dead or silent. Arlo: Never listen to me. Independent. They're all the same nowadays. Bunch of bullshit. Damn woman always talking back. Never listen to the man in the house. Independent. Independent. Limehouse? Get out here, son of a bitch. This sh1t ain't gonna happen again. Limehouse? You hear me? You don't look like Limehouse. No. Arlo: Then I'd get out of my way, I was you. Look what the cat drug in. 'Bout damn time. You couldn't pick up a phone and tell me what's what? I know, man. I'm sorry. sh1t's been crazy. Yeah, it looks like it. Bernard, you reckon there were any blues waitin' in the wings, watch Mr. Dodd cross into Noble? No. No one knows I'm here. Look, I did the job we agreed on. The law's huntin' me. If Quar SUMMARY:
A wounded Tanner shows up at Limehouse's Holler, begging for forgiveness for letting Raylan get involved. Limehouse forgives him and lets Tanner lick his wounds, only if he agrees to provide information on Quarles' movements. They are interrupted by a disoriented Arlo, who is off his medication and thinks his late wife (Raylan's mother) is hiding with Limehouse again. An annoyed Limehouse knocks Arlo out and delivers the old man to Boyd. As Raylan tries to adjust to life without Winona, Quarles gets on his bad side when he approaches Raylan assuming he's on Boyd Crowder's payroll. Quarles also enlists Sheriff Napier of Harlan to disrupt Johnny's bar, which causes Boyd to reach out to someone he's helped in the past. Raylan finds out from an exasperated Tim that Quarles is meeting with the son of Detroit's biggest racketeer, and interrogates him at the horse stables, where he finds out that the Detroit mob has been experiencing problems with Quarles as well, and want him gone. With this blessing, Raylan uses a judge to shut down Quarles' developing underground clinic, which causes Quarles and Duffy to smoke out Winona's ex-husband Gary ( William Ragsdale ).
TEXT: Act One. Scene One - Radio Station. Frasier is just finishing off his show at KACL. Frasier: Well, that's it for today, Seattle. This is Dr. Frasier Crane wishing you good day and good mental health. [presses button] Bulldog and Gil enter with a trolley. Bulldog: All right, move it. We're stood waiting for the booth here. [honks horn] Frasier: That is not amusing when you do it in the men's room, it's not amusing now! Gil: All ready then, Bulldog? Roz: What are you two doing? Bulldog: We're recording an ad for a new sponsor. We've only got a minute here so scram both of ya! [they begin to leave] Oh, by the way, Roz, baby or no baby, your ass has never looked better. Roz: Shut up! Roz and Frasier enter the producer's booth. Roz: How sick is that?! Frasier: Oh, he's just being Bulldog. Roz: Not that I didn't like hearing it. Meanwhile, Gil and Bulldog are recording. Bulldog: Hi, I'm Bulldog Briscoe. Gil: And I'm Gil Chesterton. When Bulldog and I are out on the town together... Bulldog: Whether it's opening night at the opera... Gil: Or rooting our Mariners to victory... Bulldog: We always round of the evening in the same way: With a nice relaxing cup of "Happy Dreams" tea. Gil: Mmmm. Bulldog: We're making some right now. How many lumps do you like, Gil? Gil: One, please. Bulldog uses two wooden blocks to make the sound of a sugar cube hitting tea. Gil: Ouch! Gets me every time. Bulldog: "Happy Dreams" tea, one cup, you'll have happy dreams the whole night through. [presses button] Yes, perfect! One thing? Gil: Well, my ouch could be a bit more convincing. Bulldog presses a button and then quickly hits Gil around the head giving a convincing ouch SUMMARY:
Bulldog and Gil are recording an advertisement for a new sponsor at KACL: Happy Dreams tea, which promises pleasant dreams to anyone drinking it. When he hears this, Frasier is disgusted. When the new station manager instructs him to read the same sponsor advert, he objects on principle and makes a stand on air. This results in him being fired, but the new manager, Kenny, is impressed that Frasier upheld his principles, and decides to confront the station owner, Joe Martin, about the sponsor's advert, while asking Frasier to return to work. Kenny is sacked as a result. Frasier feels responsible and decides to act once more. He and the other on-air talent of KACL approach Joe Martin (Miguel Sandoval). Frasier talks with him and convinces him that he needs to take risks. Martin agrees with Frasier and reveals that his true name is Jose Martinez. He informs everyone that KACL will become a 24/7 Latino music station, and all the current hosts are fired. During the closing credits, the main theme is replaced with a Salsa version.
TEXT: Act One Scene One - Café Nervosa Daphne is sat at a table as Frasier enters. Frasier: Daphne! Daphne: Hey. Frasier: Hello, I thought you were spending the afternoon with Dad. Daphne: He's in the loo. Why don't you join us? Frasier: All right, thank you. [sits] Hey, did you happen to catch the show today? I was on fire. First caller was an agoraphobic - [fists the air] Boom! - knocked it right out of the park. Then, two troubled marriages and a compulsive over-eater - Boom-boom, Boom! I was a regular mental health dispensing machine. Daphne: I did two loads of laundry and cut a piece of gum out of Eddie's hair. Frasier: Now, Daphne, don't get down on yourself. The work you do at home is very important. In fact, I don't know what Dad and I are going to do once you're married. Daphne: Thank you, Dr. Crane, that makes me feel better. Frasier: Boom! Boy, there is no off-switch on this thing! Daphne: Sadly, that's true. [laughs] Roz enters. Frasier: Oh, there she is, the other half of our team. Roz, are you still as jazzed as I am? Roz: They're taking us off the air! [sits] Frasier: What?! Since when? Roz: Well, while you were out looking for Gatorade to pour over yourself, Kenny came by and said he's yanking us for a week. He wants to try out that new show - you know, "Car Chat with Bob and Bethany." Frasier: "Car Chat with Bob and Bethany," what the... [pauses] Ohhh, touché, Kenny. You are indeed a worthy adversary but you shall find I have a trick or two of my own! [laughs] Daphne: You know, Dr SUMMARY:
Frasier's show is being taken off the air for a week. This happens to be at the time when he is re-negotiating his contract with KACL , so he believes this is a tactic of theirs. Bebe Glazer soon tells him that the situation is bleak, but he and Roz have been offered the chance to host AM Seattle on television. Roz turns up on the first day with a fever and delirium , and is incapable of co-hosting, so Bebe steps into her place. During the show, Frasier makes several valiant attempts to raise the level of decorum, but Bebe artfully keeps it light, persuading him to do impressions and so forth. By the end of the week, they are both intoxicated by the experience. However, Frasier learns that Bebe is stalling the negotiations with KACL and starts to suspect that she is angling to make their move to AM Seattle permanent.
TEXT: Pam: Hey Angela, you wanna see a picture of Phillip wearing those little booties you got us? Angela: So cute. Oscar: Hey, you guys want to see a picture of Gerald wearing galoshes? He refused to go out in the rain until I bought these. Now going out in the rain is all he wants to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Oscar thinks that having a dog is just like having a baby. Angela: News flash - If you didn't carry it around for nine months, it isn't your kid. Pam: Exactly. Unless you adopted, of course. Angela: That is where we disagree. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: Hey, are your little dudes crawling yet? Pam: No, three-month-old humans don't do that. Angela: My Phillip is crawling. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Angela is such a liar! Oscar: It's maddening! [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: Exactly. That's just like crate training. All night long, all night long. Pam: Well count yourself lucky. Wait until you have two. That's two sleep schedules, two naps that don't coincide, I mean, you'll never sleep again. [SCENE_BREAK] Angela: No one said "you must have two" Oscar: Like her genes are so important. The world just needs more Pam/Jim DNA. Thank you, no. Angela: No thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: [laughing] Check this out. My brother just got a new sailboat. He has NO idea what he just got himself into. There's nothing harder than taking care of a i right? [SCENE_BREAK] Angela/Pam: Unbelievable! Oscar: Un-be-liev-a-ble. [SCENE_BREAK] Nellie: It is the end of the day, it is the end of the week. We managed to fill 40 hours somehow. That's not bad, is it? Packer: That's great. Dwight: Pretty good. Nellie: Well thank you. SUMMARY:
Dwight and Packer compete to be in charge of the Sabre store by trying to romantically woo Nellie. Cathy bothers Jim in his room and tries to seduce him, only to be foiled with help from Dwight. In Scranton, Andy has everyone stay late to cover for their co-workers in Florida.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Duncan Kane. He used to be my boyfriend. Duncan is kneeling next to Veronica in journalism class (from 114 "Mars vs Mars). Then cut to scene of Veronica deliberately ignoring Duncan (from 109 "Drinking the Kool-Aid"). VERONICA VOICEOVER: Then one day, with no warning, he ended things. Is Duncan my half-brother? Cut to Meg and Veronica outside their lockers (from 108 "Like a Virgin"). VERONICA: Meg, you're the last good person at this school. Cut to Meg in the car park outside school (from 108 "Like a Virgin"). MEG: You do have friends, Veronica. Cut to Veronica and Leo at the Sheriff's Department (from 114 "Mars vs Mars"). VERONICA: Lilly Kane was my best friend. Did you know that the Cut to Clarence Wiedman entering his office (from 111 "Silence of the Lamb"). VERONICA: [Offscreen] head of security at Kane Software was the one that made the tip call that got Abel Koontz arrested? Cut to Lianne standing outside a stadium (from 105 "You Think You Know Somebody"). LIANNE: Veronica, I know you have a million questions but everything will make sense when the time is right. Cut to Aaron and Logan in Aaron's bedroom (from 113 "Lord of the Bling"). AARON: Have you heard from your sister? LOGAN: She sent a telegram. Cut to Aaron and Logan about to go out the front door (from 113 "Lord of the Bling"). AARON: I know you blame me for your mother's death. Cut to Duncan and Logan in Logan's bedroom (from 113 "Lord of the Bling"). LOGAN: They didn't find a body because she's not dead. Cut to Lynne's car abandoned on Coronado Bridge (from 112 "Clash of the Tritons"). VERONICA VOICE SUMMARY:
Veronica is hired by a Russian Internet order bride to find the groom that she abandoned. Meg and Veronica uncover the identity of Meg's secret admirer, who turns out to be Duncan. Logan discovers that his sister Trina is back in town, and Veronica finds her mother in a bar.
TEXT: ELLIS: He's with her. He's with that woman. His wife. MEREDITH: I don't think he is. Not any more. ELLIS: He is. Why would he do that? He loves me. I mean, why would he go back to her? I gave up everything for him. MEREDITH: Mom. Mom, look at me. This happened a very long time ago. This is not happening now. ELLIS: It's because I have a daughter isn't it? He always said he didn't want kids. I should never have had a kid. [SCENE_BREAK] BAILEY: What's going to happen to them? CHIEF: What? BAILEY: Dr. Burke, and Dr. Yang... what are you going to do to them? Their punishment? CHIEF: Dr. Bailey... BAILEY: There's a need for justice here. DEREK: Justice? CHIEF: Justice has no definition within the four walls of this hospital, Dr. Bailey. This isn't a court of law. BAILEY: I just want to know what's going to be done. CHIEF: Technically, they've done nothing wrong. Nobody died, there was no malpractice. I haven't made a decision. BAILEY: Excuse me, he- CHIEF: He what? BAILEY: Nothin'. CHIEF: Dr. Yang, go back on the floor with Dr. Bailey. BAILEY: Sir! CHIEF: Am I not understanding this? Does this situation directly harm you in some way? BAILEY: No sir. I am fine. CHIEF: Then get back to work. (Christina and Bailey leave.) CHIEF: Burke, you and Shepherd need to come together on this tremor as soon as possible. DEREK: He doesn't want my help. BURKE: I don't want his help. CHIEF: That hand is worth $2 million. I want it fixed, and I want it fixed yesterday. Figure it out! [SCENE_BREAK] MR. O'MALLEY: Listen, your brothers are good boys SUMMARY:
Recent events strain Burke and Cristina's relationship and they both realize that the chances of reconciliation are lowering. Meredith's half-sister, Molly, goes into labor and is admitted to Seattle Grace Hospital under the care of Addison. Meredith does not want to see or talk to Susan, her stepmother, and tells her that she is not family and their relationship should go no further. Harold attempts to discover the cause of George's anger. Derek and Mark must work together when two conjoined brothers seek medical help for separation. However, the patients could become paralyzed or die following the procedure, and Derek is unsure on whether to continue until he gets a pep talk from Bailey. Webber demands that Burke has surgery again to fix his hand. Meredith has to tell her mother that Webber will not keep seeing her and she relives the night that he left her for good twenty years ago. Meredith is devastated when her mother says that she should never have had a daughter as she believes that is the reason that Webber had left her. Cristina faces the wrath of Bailey and the other interns following her part in Burke's scheme.
TEXT: FLASH IN. [VARIOUS EXT. LAST VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. TRAILER PARK - NIGHT] (A trailer in the trailer park is on fire. There are a series of explosions within the fire.) (A helicopter flies overhead.) Helicopter Pilot: (over radio) Control, this is air one. I'm at the trailer park 402. There's a large gas main construction fire. (audio fades out, continues in cc) The scene is totally involved. Dispatch additional fire units and paramedics. Over. FLASH TO: (The firefighters are there spraying water on the blaze. The helicopter flies overhead.) (CC) WOMAN: We need your help! TIME CUT TO: [EXT. TRAILER PARK - NIGHT] (The fire is out. The CSIs arrive as the officers are putting up the crime scene tape. They stop just outside the tape and look at the damage.) Catherine: Warrick, why don't you and I take the perimeter and work our way in. Warrick: All right. (motions to Greg) Greg, you're with us. Greg: I'll start the sketch. (They all duck under the tape and head toward the burned trailer. Wilcox walks past them.) Wilcox: How you doing, Nick? Nick: (smiling) Above ground, Wilcox. (Sara and Nick follow Grissom toward the trailer.) Sara: Would you like inside or out? Nick: I'll take in. (They head toward Brass, who is inside the trailer.) Brass: We got two victims. We think the girl is Selena March. She owns the trailer. (They shine their flashlights down on the blonde-haired woman on the ground near Brass. There's a second body near her.) Grissom: What about the male? Brass: Nothing yet. Nick: This is a piece of the roof right here -- fiberglass and particle board. These things weren't built to last. Grissom: They were built to burn. Nick: This place is totale SUMMARY:
The team tackles three separate cases: Grissom and Nick investigate the case of a murdered couple found in bed in a suspicious trailer explosion; Catherine and Warrick look into the death of a stripper discovered dead in the worst part of town; and Greg and Sara try to find the killer of two bodies found decomposed after spending five days in the trunk of a car.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Apartment It is morning, and Niles is playing the piano softly as Martin sits down to breakfast. Outside, it is pouring rain. Daphne brings a fry-up platter from the kitchen. Daphne: I love it when he plays the piano. No matter how gloomy it is outside, it makes everything seem a little brighter. Martin: I feel the same way about bacon. [serves himself] Daphne: He's so lucky to be musical. [to Niles, who has stopped] I'd give my right hand to be able to play the piano the way you do. Niles: Hmm, sounds a bit like O. Henry meets Steven King... [kisses her] but still, if you're serious, I'd be willing to give you lessons. Daphne: I'd love that! I've wanted to play ever since I was little, and my family would sing rugby songs after my brothers' matches. I can still see them, all muddied and bloodied, belting out songs like "The Old She-Crab" and "I Like A Moose." Once, one of Michael's teeth fell out right in the middle of "Four Old Whores"! As Martin and Niles trade a look, Frasier comes out in his suit. Martin: Hey, Fras. How was your date last night? Frasier: I'm having breakfast with you. You do the math. Niles: Coffee? Frasier: Oh, please. Thank you, Niles. Martin: Well, here's something that will cheer you up: eight years ago today, I moved in with you. Frasier: Eight years? Are you sure? Niles: Tbis is quite an anniversary. You weren't even with Lilith for eight years. Frasier: Please, Niles, I hardly think it's the same thing. Daphne: It's not that different. If you were a woman, you'd be his common-law wife by now. Frasier: Oh, well now, I don't think that's- Daphne: And think about this: if that date of yours had been the perfect SUMMARY:
Over breakfast one morning, Martin happens to comment to Frasier that the day marks the eighth anniversary of the day that Martin moved in with him. The revelation makes Frasier unusually touchy, especially towards his father. His temper worsens when Martin accidentally spills oil over the carpet when trying to remedy a squeak in his recliner ; Frasier irrationally views the accident as a deliberate act of hostility on Martin's part. He moves the furniture onto the balcony while the carpet is replaced, and the chair, positioned underneath a telescope in direct sunlight, catches fire. When the brothers notice, their efforts to put it out only serve to knock the chair off the balcony . Ill-disposed to take a positive view of the situation after Frasier's recent behaviour, Martin angrily accuses him of deliberately destroying the chair in retaliation. When the hostility between father and son reaches the point where the two are no longer speaking, Niles decides to use his experience as a couples therapist to mediate. Frasier has an exact, new replica of Martin's old chair built. Daphne has expressed an interest in playing the piano, so Niles offers to give her lessons. He also agrees to teach Roz, who picks up the technique much more quickly than Daphne. Niles is willing to persevere with Daphne, until he hears that she has been taught before, and her last teacher committed suicide.
TEXT: Michael: Welcome children of the Scranton Industrial Park Community. Kids: YAY! Michael: Join your gangsta pumpkin on his palette truck of doom. Don't worry about a thing. Rest assured you will see me later. Bwah ha ha... [bumps into something]... ha ha ha. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: We are doing a haunted house this Halloween. Which is actually kinda spooky because, as legend has it, on this very site there used to be a productive paper company. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I am going to scare these kids so bad. [SCENE_BREAK] Darryl: This is the spookiest warehouse in the world, kids. You don't believe me? Just take a look. [Kevin chops into Erin, who is dressed as Princess Fiona] Oh. Scary, huh? This is a surgery with an octopus and a burn victim. Angela: Black widow. Kelly: Lulu from The Fifth Element. Darryl: Nobody told me what people were, alright? So... label yourselves or take what you get. Creed: I want to sell your blood! Ryan: That's really not the trend in vampires right now. Darryl: Here is an old man and a goth dude... and then the old crone from Drag Me to Hell. Meredith: I'm a hobo. Darryl: I asked for a list. [Dwight rides in on a tricycle, laughing diabolically]...and a clown. Dwight: I'm Jigsaw, idiot. Darryl: You're not as scary as Book Face, over there. Jim: Yes. I am the popular social networking site known as Book Face. Darryl: Ok, kids. You've all been so good and unbelievably patient so I think you are gonna get some candy! Kids: Yeah! [a chair falls over, Michael is seen hanging from the ceiling with a noose around his neck - the kids scream] Michael: Kids, just remember, suicide is never the answer. Alright? [SCENE_BREAK SUMMARY:
While on the way to a business meeting, Michael falls into a koi pond . The staff tease him so he holds an anti- bullying seminar. Pam and Andy go cold-calling to stir up some new business; they reluctantly use clients' mistaking them as a couple to their advantage.
TEXT: ENLIGHTENMENT BY: BARBARA CLEGG Part One First Air Date: March 1, 1983 Running time: 24:12 [SCENE_BREAK] TURLOUGH: Check. I said, check. TEGAN: I heard you. TURLOUGH: Come on, then. TEGAN: In a minute. DOCTOR: Ah! TEGAN: What? DOCTOR: Interesting. It isn't a leak. TEGAN: It must be. We're losing power all the time. DOCTOR: No, our power's being tapped somehow. TEGAN: Tapped? What do you mean? DOCTOR: It's just draining away. I don't understand. TURLOUGH: He never does. I'm sure it's something quite simple. TEGAN: You're being very calm about it. TURLOUGH: Your move. WHITE GUARDIAN (OOV.): Move. Move. Move. DOCTOR: I'm sorry, did you say something? TURLOUGH: No. Just that it was Tegan's move. DOCTOR: Oh. Well, er, we'll block the outlet there. For a while we'll just have to run on reduced power. WHITE GUARDIAN (OOV.): Power. Power. Power. TEGAN: What's the matter? DOCTOR: Quiet. I'm trying to listen to something. TEGAN: To what? DOCTOR: I'm not quite sure. It must have been my imagination. TURLOUGH: There is something going on. DOCTOR: That's it! Of course, a message. Turn up the power. TEGAN: Turn it up? We're supposed to be conserving it. DOCTOR: Power. WHITE GUARDIAN: Here. Here. Here. DOCTOR: We must increase energy output. Now, push that lever to full. TEGAN: Are you sure everything's all right? DOCTOR: Of course. Now, keep it at full, whatever happens. TEGAN: If we keep it at full, we'll lose power completely. DOCTOR (OO SUMMARY:
The Doctor receives a warning from the White Guardian and is given co-ordinates to materialize the Tardis at. He lands the Tardis on a ship Captained by one of the Eternals. A Clairvoyant race that never dies and plays games involving mortals to relieve their boredom.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Chris are there. The girls have just been turned into goddesses and they're wearing ancient Greek outfits.] Piper: You expect us to beat the Titans dressed like this? Maybe at a costume party. Chris: That's not a costume. That represents your new position and power. Paige: Power? Power's good. I like power. (She thinks for a moment.) Why do I like power? Chris: Because you are the goddess of war. Paige: Ahh. Well, I guess that explains the pitch fork. Chris: It's not a pitch fork, it's a trident. Be careful, that's a formidable weapon. Paige: Right on. Who wants to fight? Phoebe: I'm a lover, not a fighter. Chris: You're the goddess of love. Piper: Naturally. Well, then that must make me the goddess of sanity because I find this ridiculous. Chris: Actually, Leo gave you dominion over the earth and all it's natural elements. Piper: Wait a minute, you're saying that Leo did this to us? Phoebe: Chris? You never told us, do you have a girlfriend in the future? Chris: (ignoring Phoebe) As you can see, all of you have drives and urges based on your powers. Don't let them distract you, alright? Stay focused, focused on the Titans. Piper: Hold it, pal. I don't know what kind of game you're running here, but Leo is not in the god-making business. Phoebe: (to Chris) How old are you, anyway? Piper: The Elders forbid it. And if anything, Leo is a company man. Chris: The Elders did forbid it. And guess what, they're dead. Most of them. Leo's in charge up there now and he's taken a huge risk that you three won't lose your humanity like the ancient Greeks... Whoa! (Paige sticks her trident into Chris' SUMMARY:
In part 2 of the season 6 finale, Leo turns Piper, Phoebe, and Paige into Goddesses in order to stop the Titans and restore the balance in the Universe. However, the sisters are having a hard time trying to figure out how to do so with their new, enhanced, powers and without Leo's assistance. Upon learning that Leo is becoming an Elder, Piper's fury helps the Charmed Ones ultimately defeat the Titans.
TEXT: Amy: Previously on "Heartland"... Jesse: I've got the one thing that you both need. Capital. Liquidity. Cold hard cash. Ty: The last thing you wanna do is go into business with Jesse Stanton. Ty: (Hard punch) Oh! Cass: Jesse! Peter: I feel like I'm outside this family looking in. You're away so much that you feel left out, and because you feel left out you stay away longer. You're the same girl that I fell in love with... and more. Because you have changed... and in a great way. (Kissing) You're getting married... aren't you? (Gasps) You are, aren't you?! Amy and Ty: (Laughing) Yes. Jack: For real this time? Ty: Yeah. For real. Ty: Okay, you ready? Amy: (Laughing) Ty: Oh yeah. (Camera clicks repeatedly) Ty: Now that says "save the date." Amy: This is about us getting married, not the scenery. Ty: Okay, a couple more, then I gotta go to work, okay? Amy: All right. Oh, that's better. Ty: Yeah? (Camera clicks) Hey, I like that. All right. Now we're getting somewhere. Ty: Up up! That definitely says "save the date." (Camera clicks repeatedly) Both: Oops! Whoa! (Laughing) Ty: You think we got it? Amy: Mm-mm. Not yet. (Camera clicks) Ty: (Growls playfully) Amy: (Laughs) Lou: Brought you a coffee. Peter: Thank you. (Light kiss) Lou: How's your report going? Peter: Uh... good, good. It's fine. Lou: Hmm... interesting. Peter: What? Why? Lou: Nothing. I... I was just thinking... You know, if you can get your work done from here, maybe we can make it permanent? When I'm here, I'm totally out of the loop. Well, this is Calgary. I mean, there are lots SUMMARY:
A client reveals that Peter turned down a lucrative job offer in Calgary. With increasing demands on her time and two horses to care for, Georgie struggles to accept a friend's help with Phoenix. Then, when Ty receives an unexpected windfall, he discovers that Caleb took Jesse up on his offer and forged a partnership with him. When a disagreement sends Jack back to Heartland early from his overnighter with Lisa, Lou struggles to accept their chosen form of communication: not talking.
TEXT: THE CRUSADE - EPISODE 2 DAVID WHITAKER first broadcast - 3rd April 1965 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INTERIOR OF A CHAMBER IN KING RICHARD'S PALACE AT JAFFA (The room is fair sized and dreary looking with heavy drapes behind the King's throne. A candelabra off to the side illuminates the room slightly. The Doctor, Vicki, Ian, de Tornebu, and a guard are before The King.) DE TORNEBU: My lord, although we left a little of our pride back in the wood, there is some capital to be gained from the affair. Beside the violence and the tragedy, it has a humour. RICHARD: (Turning to The Doctor with disbelief.) Humour? Is he delirious? THE DOCTOR: (Chuckling.) I think I know what he means, Sire. Here Saladin, mighty ruler and commander of huge armies, believes he's captured you, hmm! VICKI: (Optimistically.) You could turn this into a good story against Saladin. DE TORNEBU: Look on the brighter side, my lord. A troop of men to capture one of your knights? Why he-he'd need an army by itself and more to take your horse, or every man he has or more to take you prisoner. THE DOCTOR: You could spread this tale by word of mouth and all the world would know that Saladin fears you, hmm? VICKI: (Happily.) Sire, if you send to him and asked if he'd finished playing his game and could you have your knight back, it would make him look such a fool. (The King smiles.) RICHARD: There is a jest here. Albeit a grim one with our friends dead. But Saladin must be just as much out of temper over this affair as we are. THE DOCTOR: Your messenger might offer to exchange a hundred prisoners for the knight he holds. RICHARD: SUMMARY:
Missing episode The TARDIS arrives in 12th century Palestine where a holy war is in progress between the forces of King Richard the Lionheart and the Saracenruler Saladin. Barbara is abducted in a Saracen ambush and the Doctor, Ianand Vicki make their way to King Richard's palace in the city of Jaffa.
TEXT: [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Phoebe is at the sink and Chandler is looking at a ring brochure.] Chandler: Pheebs, can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Monica? I can't figure this out! It's so hard! Should I get her a (turning to each page) Tiffany cut or a Princess cut or a-ah-ah! Paper cut! Phoebe: Now, have you told anyone else? Chandler: No, I don't want to tell anybody else because I don't want Monica to find out. Phoebe: You told me. Chandler: Well, it's because I trust you, you're one of my best friends, and you walked in on me when I was looking at ring brochures. Phoebe: Yeah well, once again not knocking pays off. I only wish you hadn't been on the toilet. Chandler: Me too. (Joey and Ross enter causing Chandler to quickly hide the brochure behind his back.) Joey: Hey. (Heads straight for the fridge.) Chandler: Hey. Phoebe: Hey! So Chandler, wanna go to the coffeehouse? Chandler: Oh all right. Phoebe: Yeah, coffeehouse. Ross: Oh perfect, we were just gonna see if you wanted to go. Chandler: Oh well, we don't because we got...the...other pl-place. (Joey returns with a piece of pizza as Chandler and Phoebe exit.) Ross: How rude. Joey: Oh, I'm sorry. You wanna bite? (Holds his piece out for him.) Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe and Rachel are sitting on the couch.] Phoebe: So how are things going with Paul? Rachel: Good. Although y'know, he-he's a private guy. Y'know, I wish I could get him to open up a little bit, share some feelings. Phoebe: That's easy! You just have to think of him as a-as a jar of pick SUMMARY:
Phoebe helps Chandler look for an engagement ring. Chandler finds the perfect one but does not have the money with him to purchase it. He leaves Phoebe at the store to hold the ring for him. He returns and finds that Phoebe became distracted and allowed the ring to be sold. He then tries to track down the person who bought it. Meanwhile, Rachel urges Paul to open up emotionally but once started, is unable to stop. Joey and Ross are upset that it appears Chandler prefers spending time with Phoebe, so they snub him.
TEXT: SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. It is the day the Dark Curse is cast by the Evil Queen. Grumpy sounds the warning bell atop the royal castle. [SCENE_BREAK] Grumpy: (Shouting) The curse! It's here! [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Blackened smoke spreads all throughout the land as the Evil Queen rides to an unknown destination in her carriage. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. In a dungeon, Rumplestiltskin grips the cell bars. [SCENE_BREAK] Rumplestiltskin: (To Evil Queen) I'm waiting! (She materializes outside the cell in a thick dark smoke.) Rumplestiltskin: What took you so long? Evil Queen: (Turns around) You know what took so long. Rumplestiltskin: Oh, yes. The curse. You did it. Evil Queen: That's right. I did it. And I wanted you to know it before you, like all the other pathetic denizens of this wretched land, forgets everything. Rumplestiltskin: How did it feel? Evil Queen: Watching the curse cloud form? Felt like victory. Rumplestiltskin: (Giggles) How did you feel to kill the thing you love most? Ripping the heart out of your father? How did that feel? Evil Queen: It was the price of the curse. How it felt doesn't matter. He would have understood. I took my life back. I had to. I won. Rumplestiltskin: And yet, here you are. Feeling the need to gloat. Something's missing, isn't it, dearie? Evil Queen: Not at all. I have everything I want. Nothing can stop me now. Rumplestiltskin: (Giggles hysterically) Not quite. Evil Queen: What does that mean? Rumplestiltskin: The savior, the child of Snow White and Prince Charming. (The Evil Queen scoffs.) Rumplestilts SUMMARY:
Henry is dying, and Pan is slowly absorbing Henry's heart into his own. Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina have no choice but to attack Pan head-on, but this will not be a task easily accomplished. Meanwhile, 11 years ago, Regina finds a way to adopt the infant Henry to be her son in Storybrooke.
TEXT: THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD PART ELEVEN (TERROR OF THE VERVOIDS) Run time: 24:07 [SCENE_BREAK] Corridor [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: What's a thremmatologist doing in an isolation room wearing a surgical mask? Mel: Seeing as there's only one way to find out, you've got two problems. The Doctor: Two? Mel: Apart from getting rid of the guard, you're going to need a mask, and you can hardly ask the professor to lend you hers. Mel: Did you hear that? The Doctor: Quickly, the lounge! There are passengers trapped! On the double, man! There are lives at stake. [SCENE_BREAK] Isolation room [SCENE_BREAK] Ruth: No. Stop her. Stop Lasky. Ruth: Got to stop her, stop her. Stop Lasky. Doland: Out! Out! [SCENE_BREAK] Corridor [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: What's going on in there? What are you trying to hide? Will you please stop mauling me? Doland: I should drop the innocent party act if I were you. Any moment now, that guard will be back. He's going to be even less enchanted by your antics. Mel: Never mind the guard. That monstrosity, what is it in there? The Doctor: Does the Commodore know what's being isolated in there? Doland: I don't know by whose authority you ask, but if it'll put a stop you your meddling, I'll explain. That monstrosity, as you call her, is my lab assistant, Ruth Baxter. We're taking her to Earth in the hope that we can reverse her condition. Our facilities on Mogar were too primitive. Mel: What happened? How did she get in that state? Doland: The experimental nature of our work entails some calculated risks. The Doctor: Calculated risks? Are you telling me that sad travesty is a statistical possibility? Mel: The word should be criminal. Doland: Very well, perhaps I should have said SUMMARY:
Mel overhears someone plotting to kill all the animal-king onboard the Hyperion and has taped the conversation, unfortunately the tape vanishes. Meanwhile Bruchner is becoming increasingly worried about the situation in the Hydrophics Centre. It is soon discovered that the creatures that emerged from the pods are Vervoids and they are using the ships air ducts to move around unseen.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously, on Veronica Mars... In his office, Keith examines the picture of Terrence Cook and Miss Dumass in 212 "Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle." Veronica looks on. KEITH: That's Terrence Cook and... VERONICA: Miss Dumass. The journalism teacher. KEITH: Who died in the bus crash. VERONICA: He also has some gambling issues. At the high school, Veronica pops from around the corner to take a picture in 112 "Clash of the Tritons." VERONICA: Hi, everybody! The Triton initiation ceremony is interrupted. VERONICA: Say "repressed homosexuality"! Veronica gets a picture. The Tritons start to give chase. In 206 "Rat Saw God," Tom Griffith approaches Lamb as he celebrates his election victory. GRIFFITH: I have information about that Mexican kid who got killed. I'm the one who made the anonymous call from the bridge. Logan and Veronica discuss her research while she baby-sits for the Fullers in 207 "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner." LOGAN: It's not the guy from the bridge. VERONICA: You said the whole night was a blur. LOGAN: I lied. Thumper challenges Weevil in 212 "Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle." THUMPER: I'm not like you, Weevil. I don't make good speeches. So I'm just gonna say, adios. The bikers close in on Weevil. THUMPER: Hope that covers it. Veronica and Keith watch the news. TV ANNOUNCER: Balboa County Sheriff Don Lamb questions baseball legend Terrence Cook in connection with the Neptune High bus crash. End previously. INT - NEPTUNE HIGH SCHOOL (NHS), HEALTH CLASSROOM - DAY. A student hangs a "Welcome to Winter Carnival" sign off the shoulders of a large cut-out of a snowman in sunglasses. The "snow" is glittery. The SUMMARY:
At the winter carnival, the cash box with the money for the senior class trip is stolen and Veronica must find it to clear her name. Logan flirts with Hannah, the sophomore daughter of the bridge witness Dr. Griffith. Terrence is accused by Sheriff Lamb of planting the explosive device on the bus and detonating it with a cell phone. He hires Keith to prove his innocence, and reveals that he is a gambling addict.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXTREME CLOSE-UP] (Camera view of the tight weave of material. Camera pulls out and we see a tie. Camera pulls out even more and we see... [GRISSOM] (Grissom stands in front of the mirror trying to put on his bow tie. We watch him struggle with it for a moment.) [INT. BALLROOM LOBBY - NIGHT] (Through the mirror's reflection, we see Catherine walk over to him.) Catherine: What are you doing? (Grissom picks up the step-by-step illustrated instruction sheet for how to tie his tie.) Grissom: (frustrated) I'm going insane. I don't understand this diagram. Catherine: (sighs and shakes her head) You don't need a diagram. (Grissom starts fiddling with his tie again.) Catherine: You need a woman. (From behind, Catherine takes over and ties Grissom's tie for him. Catherine: I'm looking forward to your speech. Sheriff Rory Atwater: (o.s.)... it wasn't greatly appreciated at the time. (The audience chuckles and applauds.) [INT. HOTEL - MAIN BALLROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (Sheriff Rory Atwater is at the podium concluding his speech. He toasts Robert Covallo who is sitting at the table. We also note that Sofia Curtis is sitting next to him.) Sheriff Rory Atwater: But what I think A.D. Covallo will enjoy the most is no longer having to lie about how much work he has to do. Enjoy your retirement, Bob. (He looks down and we note that Grissom is busy writing something on a dinner napkin.) Sheriff Rory Atwater: But seriously, folks... appointing the new Assistant Director for the Crime Lab is not a task I take lightly. I believe in promoting from within. I believe in rewarding years of dedication and devotion to this department. I believe in Conrad Ecklie SUMMARY:
Grissom has to work with Dayshift CSI Sofia Curtis when a high school student is found dead in a hotel room after a party. Assisted by Catherine, Nick and Warrick, they find out that another girl had been kidnapped from the party. However, the father of this girl doesn't seem overly concerned about his daughter's disappearance.
TEXT: Act One. Scene One - KACL That afternoon, Frasier's show has ended and Roz is looking through catalogues as Frasier enters her booth. Frasier: Good show today, Roz. Roz: Yeah. Frasier: [notices catalogues] Say, why all the catalogues? Roz: I need to buy a present. Frasier: [happily reading books] Tiffany, Cartier, Neiman Marcus... Roz: So does anything look good to you here? Frasier: Well, let's see. Who could we be shopping for? Hmm, perhaps a honey-voiced radio therapist who's birthday's just around the corner? Roz: No, this present is not for you - it's for your brother. Frasier: Oh all right, Roz, don't be coy. I think it's very smart you fishing for hints like this - you wanted to avoid a misstep like you made last year. Roz: What misstep? You said you loved Pagliacci. Frasier: Yes, I said the opera, not the porcelain crying crown figurine! Roz: Look, Niles pulled some strings and got Alice on a list for a really good preschool, so I thought I'd just get him a little thank you gift, which was why I was asking for your stupid opinion in the first place. Forget it. Frasier: All right, fine. Roz: I'll figure it out for myself. Frasier: Have it your own way, that's fine. But I tell you what, don't get him a porcelain Pagliacci. He already has one! Roz throws a catalogue at him as he exits the studio. [SCENE_BREAK] SOMETHING OLD SOMETHING NEW SOMETHING BORROWED SOMETHING DEAD Scene Two - Frasier's Apartment. Later that day, Frasier is on the couch reading a book when Martin enters through the front door. Frasier: Hi, Dad. Martin: Hey, Fras. You'll never guess who I just saw. I went over for a cup of coffee with Hank SUMMARY:
Martin has news for Frasier: he has just seen Donny buying an engagement ring . They first plan to keep this from Daphne, but she walks in halfway through their conversation. When she hears the news, she is thrilled and excited. Martin and Frasier then plan not to tell Niles, but again he walks in at the wrong moment, and after initially pretending that Daphne's mother is dying, the real story comes out and Niles is crushed. Soon after this, Daphne visits Niles unexpectedly at his office, and asks for advice. She tells him that she had a psychic vision in which a mysterious figure in a red bow tie appeared at her wedding, and said he was "the true love of her life". Niles betrays his professional integrity and advises her not to marry Donny. Frasier, when he hears about this later, reckons that psychologically the vision means she is having second thoughts. Additionally, of course, he knows exactly why Niles gave the advice he did, and loses patience with his brother when he arrives a few moments later wearing a red bow tie. Later that evening, Daphne decides to go through with marrying Donny, claiming that perhaps her visions are false. She suddenly has another, however, and this one contains her true love holding a dragon . Martin laughs, and Daphne agrees that it is probably false. Back at home, however, Niles opens a present that Roz had offered him earlier. It contains a dragon statue.
TEXT: Written by Dennis Spooner (Based on an idea by Terry Nation) 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. DALEK CONTROL ROOM, KEMBEL DALEK 1: Four, three, two, one, zero! (The time machine fades from the Control Room.) DALEK 1: Report to Skaro. Our time machine is now in pursuit. Nothing can match Dalek technology. The universe shall be ours. Conquest is assured. DALEKS: CONQUEST! CONQUEST! CONQUEST! CONQUEST! CONQUEST! CONQUEST! [SCENE_BREAK] 2. DESERT (In the distance is a pyramid. The TARDIS materialises.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. DALEK TIME-MACHINE (Some DALEKS are running the machine, while the RED DALEK is in charge. Over in a corner, MAVIC CHEN is standing.) RED DALEK: Mavic Chen, the recovery of the Taranium Core is your responsibility. MAVIC CHEN: I welcome it. Guile and cunning will succeed where force would fail. RED DALEK: Once the Taranium core is in your possession, we shall eliminate the humans. MAVIC CHEN: Of course. (He turns to the scanner which is showing the desert landscape.) MAVIC CHEN: And I assume that that is where they've landed? RED DALEK: You are correct, and we shall arrive shortly - in four Earth minutes. MAVIC CHEN: They must have equipment in their ship. Equipment that would inform them of our pursuit. DALEK 1: The time traveller is making no attempt to take off. MAVIC CHEN: That's very strange. Why should they choose to wait... and face us? [SCENE_BREAK] 4. DESERT (The TARDIS is near the pyramid. STEVEN and the DOCTOR have left the ship. The DOCTOR is worried about the damage the MONK has caused to the lock, and has got a toolbox out and is working on the lock.) STEVEN: How long is it going to take you to mend the SUMMARY:
Missing episode In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe - and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives...
TEXT: Teleplay by: Brian Boyle Story by: Sherry Bilsing & Ellen Plummer [Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe and Monica are there as Joey is entering excitedly.] Joey: Hey! You guys! You're not gonna believe this! I just got off the phone with my agent... Phoebe: Oh my God! (Joey looks at her.) I'm sorry, too soon. You go. Joey: Okay. I got nominated for my part on Days of Our Lives! Monica: Joey! Phoebe: Good for you! Monica: Congratulations! Wow! I can't believe you're nominated for an Emmy! Joey: No-no. Monica: Oh Soap Opera Digest award! Joey: No! I'm up for a Soapie! Monica: Honey? Is that something you're making up? Joey: No, no, no! It's real! And it has been since 1998. (Rachel returns from the bathroom.) Hey Rach! Rach! I'm up for a Soapie! Rachel: (gasps) Oh my God! Oh my God!! That is like the third most prestigious soap opera award there is! Joey: Thank you! Well, I guess now I know who I'm taking to the awards. (Points to Rachel.) Rachel: Oh, stop that! Don't kid about that! (Gasps) Will all the stars be there? Joey: Many are scheduled to appear. Rachel: Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't go! I'm gonna be too nervous! Monica: (to Joey) Okay, I'll go! Rachel: No!! You are getting married! This is all I have. Opening Credits [Scene: N.Y.U, Ross is giving a lecture.] Ross:...and it was Ernst Muhlbrat who first hypothesized that the Velociraptor would expand it's collar and emit a high pitched noise to frighten it's predator. (A student raises his hand.) Yes Mr. Lewis? Lewis: What kinda noise? Ross SUMMARY:
Joey proves to be a sore loser after being nominated for a "Soapie" award. When he accepts a different award on behalf of a co-star, he is unwilling to hand it over, later keeping it when the actress considers it insignificant. A male student angles for a higher test grade by claiming he loves Ross. Another student reveals that the guy actually is straight, and has used the same ploy on other professors. Ross then gives the student a failing grade, but ends up giving him a "C" after some of Ross' colleagues overhear a conversation sounding like Ross and the student dated.
TEXT: 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. EXHIBITION VAULT (A man wearing a black uniform lies still at the foot of several glass cases. IAN, who is alone, crouches down by him. He looks in the nearest case and, seeing something inside, desperately attempts to open it. The black gloved hand of an unseen assailant brings a club down on his head and he collapses. The figure places the club in IAN'S hand before moving to the case. By opening a side panel it removes the object which is none other than the final key. An alarm bell sounds. IAN lies on the floor, unconscious.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. EXHIBITION VAULT (LATER) (IAN comes to and rises, groaning and rubbing his head. The alarm has stopped now. He goes over to the cabinet only to find that the key is gone.) TARRON: Do you want to tell me where you've hidden it? (IAN whirls around to see that a dark-haired youngish man, wearing a similar black uniform to the man who was on the floor, is seated on the far side of the room in front of a series of display cabinets containing regalia and other ornaments.) IAN: Who are you? TARRON: My name is Tarron. I'm an interrogator in the guardian division. Do you feel well enough to talk? IAN: (Rubbing his neck and head.) Well my head's pretty sore. What happened here? TARRON: I'm waiting for you to tell me. IAN: Me? I don't know much. I just came through that door. TARRON: It was unlocked? IAN: It... was ajar. I saw the body on the floor, bent down to have a look and... someone hit me on the head from behind. (TARRON stands up.) TARRON: You could not've come through that door unless the guard on duty in here let you in. IAN: It was open, I've already told you. TAR SUMMARY:
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Marinus on an island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid. The travellers are forced by the elderly Arbitan to retrieve four of the five operating keys to a machine called the Conscience of Marinus, of which he is the keeper. These have been hidden in different locations around the planet to prevent them falling into the hands of the evil Yartek and his Voord warriors, who plan to seize the machine and use its originally benevolent mind-influencing power for their own sinister purposes.
TEXT: [The Woods] (Bonnie is in a cemetary, surrounded by tombstones of her famyly and ancesters. She finally sees a coffin. She gets closer to it and touches it. She's about to open it when Klaus arrives. She turns herself) Klaus: I figured out how to open it. Can you? (He rushes over her and bites her. She screams) (Bonnie is in a coffin. She hits it and then takes her phone to have some light) Bonnie: Let me out! (She punches the top) Bonnie: Please! Oh, my God, oh, my God (She casts a spell. She punches the top again when she suddenly hears footsteps from outside) Bonnie: Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here! (She screams and freaks out but someone finally opens the coffin. It's a woman) [Abandonned Witch House] (Bonnie and Elena are downstairs, looking at the coffins) Bonnie: I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message Elena: I just can't believe you guys have kept this from me this whole time Bonnie: Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you Elena: So these are the rest of his family? Bonnie: Yeah, Elijah and two others (She goes toward the 4th coffin) Bonnie: Now this one... Is the one we can't open. We don't know who's in it or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling methat it'll help kill Klaus (Stefan arrives) Stefan: What the hell are you doing? Bonnie: I needed her to know about the coffin Stefan: And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie Elena: So what are you going to do, Stefan? Are you going to kidnap me so that I won't tell anyone? Stefan: Don't tempt me, Elena Bonnie: I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena SUMMARY:
Bonnie realizes she needs to find her mother, Abby, to get the sealed coffin open. Tyler gets Bill to come and help him resist the sire bond. Klaus negotiates with Stefan to control the coffins of his family members. Elena and Bonnie go to see Abby and meet Jamie, a surrogate son of Abby's. Abby returns and tells them she is the one that desiccated Mikael. Damon investigates Dr. Meredith Fell and the death of her boyfriend. She then vervains him and drains some of his blood. Tyler learns to break the sire bond, he must turn and own the pain of being a werewolf. Abby tells Bonnie she did not come back because she had a chance at a new, normal life. Abby offers to help Bonnie but drugs her as Jamie shoots Stefan, revealing that he has been compelled. They kidnap Bonnie and Jamie is compelled to shoot himself if she does not give up the location. Elena tricks Jamie into freeing her and she knocks him out as she saves Stefan. Elena tells Stefan about her kiss with Damon. Klaus gets to the coffins, but Damon hides the big, sealed coffin. Alaric discovers a secret about Meredith: she uses vampire blood to treat her patients. Bill is transported to the hospital with animal bites by Tyler and she uses Damon's blood to save him. Abby tells Bonnie she will help her if she can get her magic back. Bill tells Tyler he must turn until there's no more pain to break the sire bond. Alaric kisses Meredith. Stefan punches Damon and Damon reveals he pulled the dagger out of Elijah, as Elijah kills one of the hybrids.
TEXT: [A raven flying in the sky] LUCAS (Voice Over): Some people believe that raven's guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck. While a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead. And a raven right before battle promises victory. [Basketball Game] (Mouth is giving his broadcast from the stands) MOUTH: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome Tree Hill Raven's basketball, brought to you by web cast at I'm Mouth McFadden and the playoffs are finally here, so throw out the perfect record, if the raven's lose this one, the season is over. [Locker Room] DAN: Tonight's obstacle is Masonboro. If you win, you're one step closer to a state championship, and undefeated season and greatness. Lose, and be losers. (Nathan and Lucas meet eyes and Nathan bounces the ball to him) [River Court] (Nathan and Lucas are playing basketball. Lucas misses a shot) NATHAN: You know, all this working out doesn't mean anything if you can't hit the shot. LUCAS: What's wrong with you? NATHAN: I'm just saying, it's a waste of my time to get you ready for this game if you can't score when we need it. LUCAS: Huh. Give me the ball. (He makes the shot) Now, you going to tell me what's really wrong? NATHAN: I guess, uh, I guess I'm just dealing with Haley. LUCAS: She's still not talking to you, huh? NATHAN: No. [Outside School] (Haley is looking at pictures of her and Nathan on her cell phone) DAN: Don't think I haven't noticed your part in all this. You know, Haley, if you're going to manipulate him, you should aim a little higher. And remember, pay back is hell. Oh, uh, by the way, nice tattoo. Real classy. [Basketball SUMMARY:
In the first season finale, Lucas and Nathan bear the brunt of Dan's abuse as he coaches them into the playoffs, pushing both of them to their breaking points. Lucas is stunned when Haley's reconciliation with Nathan heightens the intensity of their relationship. Meanwhile, Whitey learns that his medical condition may be more serious than he first believed, and Dan suffers a medical condition after walking in on Deb and Keith having a one night stand. This episode is named after a song by The Blackouts.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] (Form Lonely Hearts) Angel meets Kate in the Bar. Angel: "I'm Angel." Kate: "I'm Kate." Angel: "Are you maybe in need of some rescuing?" Angel burst into the Shirley's apartment and sees the dead body on the bed. Kate: "You're telling me you're an investigator?" Angel: "Look, I know what this looks like." Kate whips out her gun and badge: "So do I." Kate slaps handcuffs on Angel: "I've been tracking you since last night." Angel throws her off and jumps out the window while Kate shoots at him. Angel: "We're on the same side." Angel pulls Kate out of the way of the barrel that the bartender is trying to brain her with: "Move!" Angel: "You just have to trust me." Kate: "I didn't thank you - for saving my life." Kate looks around and Angel disappeared on her. Downtown LA at night. A guy dressed in a black leather jacket and carrying a duffel bag is being chased by a girl. He makes it to a parked car and as he opens the driver's side door he gets kicked in the back from behind, slams against the open door and falls on the ground. Kate standing over him: "Gosh, Spivey, sorry. - I guess I just have trouble expressing myself verbally. I've been struggling with that. (Guy tries to get up and she kicks him again) You stood me up. You were going to come to the station and answer a few questions for me remember?" Spivey: "I forgot?" Kate grabs him and slams him down on the trunk of the car: "Not something a girl likes to hear. I think we'll just skip the informal invitation and do the more formal thing. (Cuffs him) You have the right to remain silent - but I wouldn't recommend it." Cut to an interrogation room. Kate: "Look at the pictures." Spivey: "I looked at the pictures." Kate: "What's in the pictures." Spivey SUMMARY:
Kate lands in some hot water after she roughs up a prisoner named Little Tony. She and the entire police department are forced to go to sensitivity training. Unfortunatly, Little Tony's lawyers are Wolfram and Hart. They have a plan to set their client free by casting a spell on the whole police force. Soon, all the officers are expressing their true feelings and being so sensitive that lives are in danger. The gang at Angel Inc. tries to stop the chaos, but Angel quickly winds up in trouble of his own.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Living room. A demon throws a lightning ball at Piper and she dives over the couch. The demon then throws another at the couch, destroying it.] Piper: Paige, where are you! (Paige orbs in with Phoebe.) Look out! (The demon is about to throw another lightning ball and Phoebe knocks her arm. The lightning ball hits the piano. The demon punches Phoebe and she flies against the fireplace. Piper runs over and kicks the demon. She gets a spell out of her pocket.) Piper, Phoebe, Paige: "Cause of pain we have dissevered, demon you are gone forever." (The demon is vanquished.) Piper: Sorry to bother you but she was immune to my powers. (They stand up.) Phoebe: That's okay, I was just getting ready to leave work. (Paige notices a scratch on Phoebe's shoulder.) Paige: Oh, honey, you're hurt. Phoebe: Oh, it's okay, it's just a scratch. Piper: How's it going? How's the new place? Phoebe: Great, and great. How about you? Piper: Can't complain. Paige: Ditto. Phoebe: It's good to know that we can live apart and still kick some butt if we have to, right? So do I wanna ask about this demon with the bad manicure? Piper: Ah, Harpi. Part of a faction. Tried to kill us to move up in the world. You know, pretty standard stuff. You wanna stay for dinner? Phoebe: Mm, I would love to but Cole is planning this whole romantic thing for us tonight. Piper: Yeah, I just thought, you know, maybe we could talk. Phoebe: Why? Are you okay? Is everything okay? Piper: Yeah, everything's fine, I just thought maybe we could catch up. Another time. Paige: Do you want me to, um, orb SUMMARY:
When Cole attempts to unite the underworld before his coronation as the Source, a group of exiled vampires take it upon themselves to kidnap Paige, in an attempt to turn her and as a result, her sisters, vampires so they can claim the evil underworld throne as their own with the help of the Charmed Ones. However, when Cole learns of their plans, he orders that all vampires be killed, and as a result, Paige's life hangs in the balance.
TEXT: Russian to Roman alphabet: Gabriela Horber Dedicated to the great work of Eric Aasen, Guineapig and many, many more [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Chandler's hotel room in Tulsa. He's fast asleep when the telephone rings.] Chandler: (picking up the telephone, answering it with a frog in his throat) Hello? (he clears his throat, but he still has the same frog in his throat when he speaks again) Hello? Monica: (in her apartment, screaming) I LOVE MY NEW JOB! Chandler: Honey, you're screaming. Monica: YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM! I just had the best first day ever! The kitchen: twice as big as Allessandro's. Chandler: (yawning) Oh, that's great. Monica: Yeah, a-a-and clean. Not just health department clean... Monica clean. Chandler: (clearly not so interested) Awesome. Monica: Oh, and the people are so nice. There's this one guy, Geoffrey, he's the Maitre D., Chandler, you will love him. He is without a doubt, the funniest guy I have ever met. (Chandler, who was almost asleep again, sits up straight in bed in an instant and can't believe what he just heard.) OPENING CREDITS [Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe and Mike are on the couch, holding hands, while Phoebe puts milk in her coffee.] Mike: This is nice. Phoebe: I know! (Phoebe picks up a little packet of sugar, shakes it, and then realises she can't open it with one hand, but doesn't want to let go of Mike's hand. She tries to tear open the packet with one hand.) Mike: You need both hands for that? Phoebe: Yeah, I kinda do. (Mike lets go of her hand) Well, how's this? (she takes Mike's hand and puts it on her breast, she tears open the sugar and puts it in her coffee. Mike thinks it over and nods app SUMMARY:
Ross and Rachel hire a male nanny (Freddie Prinze Jr.). Chandler freaks when Monica tells him that she has met somebody else who is the funniest man she has ever met. Meanwhile, Phoebe's scientist ex David (Hank Azaria) resurfaces, and this time, he meets Mike.
TEXT: PLANET OF THE SPIDERS BY: ROBERT SLOMAN PART FIVE 5:35pm - 6:00pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. METEBELIS THREE. SPIDER'S BASE. PASSAGE (The SECOND GUARD CAPTAIN runs after the DOCTOR.) SECOND GUARD CAPTAIN: Stop! (He catches up with the DOCTOR and grabs him by the shoulder. The DOCTOR turns, grab his arm and whips him over onto the ground. He turns to run but two other guards with jewelled staves pointed at him walk up.) DOCTOR: Oh dear, this is getting monotonous. SECOND GUARD CAPTAIN: Your execution hasn't been cancelled - just postponed. (The SECOND GUARD CAPTAIN gets up from the floor.) SECOND GUARD CAPTAIN: Bring him along. (He strides away and the two guards escort the DOCTOR after him.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. METEBELIS THREE. SPIDER'S BASE. CELL (SARAH has given up her attempts at freedom and lies calmly in her cocoon.) SARAH: Sabor, how long do you think we've got? SABOR: Who knows? A week, a...a day, an hour. (Suddenly the DOCTOR walks into the cell. SARAH looks at him in astonishment and delight.) SARAH: Doctor! You're alive! I knew you'd come! (The DOCTOR holds up a hand for silence and then gestures behind him. The two guards walk into the cell and SARAH realises that he is as much a prisoner as her. Her head falls back.) SARAH: Oh...Doctor! [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. METEBELIS THREE. COUNCIL CHAMBER (LUPTON and his SPIDER are before the council. LUPTON is within a dock of two blue-barred struts whilst his SPIDER SUMMARY:
The Doctor escapes from the spiders' larder only to encounter the Great One, while Sarah makes a deal with the Queen Spider.
TEXT: Ted's apartment... Ted (2030): Kids, as you know, Aunt Robin grew up in Canada. That meant sometimes she dressed à little differently. Robin: Okay, let's do this! In McLaren's... Ted (2030): Sometimes she talked a little differently. Robin: Ted, this hydro bill is bigger than Louis Cyr's biceps. What, you leave the garburator on all night, eh? In another bar... Ted (2030): She hung out at different bars and enjoyed leisure time a little differently. Robin, fighting: You want to go? You want to go?! Come on! (In McLaren's...) Make fun of the Great White North all you want. It's the best country in the world. Barney: The... mmm. Social experiment. (Chanting) U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A... Robin: Okay, okay. You know what, what does that even prove, okay? You chant anything, people we join in. (Chanting) Canada, Canada, Canada, Cana... Okay, they won't chant anything. Barney, singing: Shrimp fried rice... All singing: Shrimp fried rice, shrimp fried rice... Ted, joining them: Shrimp fried rice totally. Anyway, speaking of food, Marshall, I've got so bad news. Just read online, Gazzola's is closing. Marshall: No! Robin: What Gazzola's? Ted: A filthy mecca of spectacular if undercooked pizza located at 316 Kinzie Street, Chicago, Illinois. Marshall: Back in college, Ted and I used to take these crazy road trips from Connecticut all the way to Chicago just for Gazzola's pizza. Ted: 22 hours. No map. We'd just jump in the Fiero and drive. We were like Lewis and Clark, if Lewis and Clark peed in empty soda bottles and had a bong made out of a cantaloupe. Marshall: Man, those Gazzola trips, that's... that's when we really became bros. Ted: Mm. We ate nothing but jerky. Marshall: Drank nothing SUMMARY:
Ted proposes a road trip with Marshall to their favorite pizza parlor in Chicago to reminisce their bachelor days, but Lily comes on the trip, spoiling the 'bro' time. Barney is seeking American citizenship for Robin, but her Canadian traits still remain.
TEXT: ARC OF INFINITY BY: JOHNNY BYRNE Part One First Air Date: 3 January 1983 Running time: 24:37 [SCENE_BREAK] OMEGA: You have made your choice? TIME LORD: Yes. We are ready to begin. OMEGA: Excellent. And your choice? TIME LORD: It has not been easy, but time, present location, personality, for these and other reasons, it must be the Doctor. OMEGA: The Doctor? Yes. Clever. Most ingenious. The perfect choice, Time Lord. [SCENE_BREAK] DAMON: The security circuit. Cut the scrambler. DAMON: That's odd. Photon cell burnout? TALOR: Okay? DAMON: Yes. DAMON: I don't believe this. Talor, look. TALOR: What is it? DAMON: Someone's transmitting the biodata extract of one of the Time Lords. TALOR: Cut it! This is treason. I must report it at once. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: And such a simple repair job. NYSSA: Why didn't you do it sooner? DOCTOR: Well, you know how it is. You put things off for a day, next thing you know it's a hundred years later. NYSSA: It'll make quite a difference to have audio link-up on the scanner again. DOCTOR: Mmm. DOCTOR: Let's see if it works. [SCENE_BREAK] FRAZER: No, everywhere is full. You got to sleep rough tonight. Yeah, the hostel from tomorrow. That's the number I gave you. Look, I'd better go. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow. Take care. STUART: Okay? Oh no, a policeman. FRAZER: Steady. The Dutch are a very civilised race. They don't put people into prison for losing a passport. STUART: No, but they can deport you. FRAZER: Oh, come on, let's grab something to eat. Anyway, our real worry is where we're going to SUMMARY:
On Gallifrey, someone commits a treasonous act and transmits the Doctor's bio-extract from The Matrix to a unknown being. Meanwhile on Earth, two students spend the night in a underground crypt in Amsterdam and are attacked by a alien creature.
TEXT: Skyline: Nothing Happens. ACT 1 Scene 1 - Radio Station. Frasier is finishing with a caller. Frasier: Terrence, I'm afraid we're nearing the end of our program, and we still haven't gotten to the heart of your problem. Terrence: Well, uh, I guess I'm just sick of being single. I mean, I'm almost forty. What kind of loser am I? Frasier: A single man in his forties is not a loser. Terrence: I said I'm almost forty. Don't make it worse than it is. Frasier looks slightly miffed at this. Roz: Can I jump in here, Frasier? Frasier: Please. Roz: Listen, Terrence, I know that I'm not as old as you - or Frasier - but I've been through plenty of heartache and loneliness. I remember thinking: "Love is never going to come to me," so I gave up. And that is when a handsome, sweet-hearted man named Roger jumped off his garbage truck and into my life. And I have been deliriously happy ever since, and I feel sure that the same thing will happen for you. Frasier has rolled his eyes throughout this speech. Clearly he has heard it before. Terrence: So I have to give up on love first? Roz: No, I'm saying don't give up. Terrence: But you said you met this garbage man after you gave up. Frasier: Terrence, I think what Roz is trying to say is that whether we seek love or not, we are always at the mercy of its mysterious rhythm. Roz: Exactly. Terrence: That's not what she said, Frasier. Frasier: [hanging up] I think we know why this guy's still single. This is Dr. Frasier Crane saying Good Day, Seattle, and Good Mental Health. He signs off. Roz enters from her booth. (It should be noted that she is wearing a necklace with a big silver "R" on its end.) Roz: Your dad called during the last segment. Frasier: Oh, great SUMMARY:
Frasier discovers that Martin's supervisor at work, Rich, is treating him badly, being unnecessarily bossy and disrespectful. It upsets Frasier to see his father in this situation, even though Martin insists that it does not bother him, because he respects the chain of command. Frasier decides to speak to the owner of the security company, who also happens to be Rich's son, and in order to ensure that their conversation remains confidential, he agrees to hire a bodyguard on a trial basis from the company. Unfortunately, this seems to do more harm than good, when Rich receives a reprimand from his son and assumes that Martin went over his head to complain. Meanwhile, Roz is boring everyone by talking endlessly about how well her relationship with Roger is going. It reaches the point where, no matter how obscure the topic of conversation, she can always turn it back to Roger. Eventually Niles, although he disapproves of his brother's meddling in Martin's business, agrees to help him solve the problem by confronting Rich, just to get away from listening to Roz. This backfires as they hide in the janitors closet to escape Martin's sight as they didn't want him to know. Martin and Rich discover them in the closet via security cameras and have a little good-matured ribbing about how their kids are always meddling in their lives. Martin gets back at Frasier and Niles for their meddling by calling them and, with Rich's help, gets "stuck" at the desk for five hours. Guest voice: Andy García
TEXT: COLD OPEN. [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - NIGHT] (Through the glass, we see a yellow taxicab pull up to the curb. Chloe Davis gets out of the cab and walks up to the locked glass doors to the front of the building.) (Cameras pan down and we see that there's a security station just inside the lobby equipped with security cameras on the front doors, elevators and other entrance and exit points in the building. On the security station console, there's an open burger and fries - and no sign of the guard.) (Chloe Davis uses a key to get through the glass doors. She opens the doors and walks in. She walks past the security station without turning or acknowledging anyone, which leads us to believe that there's no one at the station. The glass doors close behind her.) (Through the monitors for CAMERA 3 and for CAMERA 4, we see Chloe Davis arrive at the elevators. She presses the button and leans heavily against the wall waiting for the elevators to arrive.) (Camera pans over to the monitor for CAMERA 2, inside the elevator. We hear the elevator bell ding and see the doors open on the monitor. Clearly, with a little too much to drink, Chloe Davis staggers into the elevator and presses the button for her floor. The elevator doors close.) (She turns and looks up directly into the security camera and fixes her hair. She rubs her fingertip against her lips and turns around to face the elevator door. The elevator doors open.) [INT. OMNI BUILDING - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (Chloe Davis walks crookedly on her high-heeled shoes as she makes her way down the hallway to her apartment. She staggers through the hallway and reaches her apartment door. She tries unsuccessfully to get her key into the keyhole, but it's not working.) (Suddenly, the door to the apartment behind her opens. A SUMMARY:
The team is followed by a reality TV crew as it investigates the vicious rape of a real estate agent. Thanks to a video surveillance system, suspicion falls on someone taped entering the building and leaving flowers at the victims door, but forensics clears him. Suspicion then falls on the possibility that the perpetrator is a fireman when they find trace evidence of a fireman's uniform
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Duncan Kane. His billionaire software, Jake Kane. He used to be my boyfriend. Then one day... Accompanied by various scenes: Duncan Kane walks towards camera; Veronica watches from her table; flashback to Duncan and Veronica kissing as they walk; Lilly and Veronica washing a car. LILLY: I've got a secret. A good one. The Kane residence the night of Lilly's murder. VERONICA: Duncan, what happened! Where's Lilly? Veronica sees the body; school. LOGAN: Does your dad still think that Lilly's father did this? That's Duncan's sister, your friend? VERONICA VOICEOVER: My dad's belief that Jake Kane was the murderer became a moot point. An emergency recall election removed him from office. A month after Dad lost his job, Mom split for good. It's been eight months since I've seen my mother. Accompanied by various scenes: interrogation room with Keith and Jake Kane; Keith's carrying his stuff out of the Sheriff's Department; Lianne and Keith arguing; Veronica overhearing; Lianne's letter to Veronica. End Previously. The scene opens with the head of the busy school. BOY # 1: [Offscreen] Sarah Kramer. Camera reveals three boys watching her from one of the tables. BOY # 2: You are gay. The girl's a model. BOY # 1: She's in my class BOY # 3: Yeah, she's cute in a Hilary Duff meet with the gallery of Teen People kind of way. She's not hot. Boy # 2 spots Veronica and gestures in her direction. BOY # 2: Her. BOY # 1: Who, Veronica Mars? BOY # 2: Yeah. She comes into the video store. BOY # 3: Do you know her dad's a private detective? BOY # 2: Seriously? BOY # 3: No, in a movie. Yes, seriously and she works with him. Eight and a half, that's my final offer. BO SUMMARY:
A student hires Veronica to find his father, whom he believes is dead. Veronica and Troy's relationship deepens, Keith meets Veronica's guidance counselor, Rebecca James, and Veronica begins looking for her mother. Duncan temporarily stops taking his antidepressants, and hallucinates about his dead sister, Lilly, telling him that her secret will be revealed.
TEXT: Opening scene - Ryan & Marissa are outside of the Cohen house, they have just gotten out of Marissa's car Marissa: alright so maybe next time we go see a movie it won't be a three hour period piece about boats Ryan: there called ships and I liked it Marissa: I don't know Russell Crowe he just doesn't do anything for me, I mean people say he's good looking...but I don't see it Ryan: I've never really thought about it Marissa: hey, only one more day left in 2003 (smiles) Ryan: (smiling) its ben a good year Marissa: yes my parents got divorced my dad went bankrupt...and I OD'ed Ryan: I meant...for me Marissa: (smiles) I know, I can't wait to celebrate the New Year...with you (kisses him) so what'd you wanna do I heard about some party that's over- Ryan: (concerned) maybe you should take it easy (sighs) after what happened at Christmas Marissa: what happened at Christmas?'s all kind of a blur actually (Ryan looks at her worried) kidding!(laughs) Ryan: funny, I thought we could hang here y'know maybe rent a couple Russell Crowe movies (they both laugh then kiss) stay I know you'll be safe (Marissa smiles and kisses him, then hugs him) Marissa: (sighs)...I love you (Ryan is stunned) (stops hugging him and clears throat) I mean Ryan: uh Marissa: I-I-I didn't mean I (sighs) Ryan:...thankyou Marissa: (suprised) uh your welcome...I um... midnight curfew (gets into her car, Ryan leans in to give her a kiss on the cheek and hits his head on the car. he rubs his head, and she reverses out looking like she cant believe what just happened) (Ryan is now in the pool house by himself) Ryan: (sighs and leans again SUMMARY:
Kirsten's sister, Hailey, crashes at the Cohen's home and throws a New Year's Eve party that gets out of control. Ryan is worried about Marissa's relationship with Oliver. Anna decides to spend her night with Seth, without Summer's knowledge.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) -- DAY] (Thunder rumbles in the distance.) [EXT. OPEN HIGHWAY - DAY] (Three men speed in a red convertible on the open road. The music is on loud and the driver has an open bottle of beer in his hand. The man sitting in the seat behind the driver reaches over and holds out a joint for him to smoke from. The driver inhales and laughs loudly.) Drunk Driver: Hey, bro, I'm driving drunk, and you're lighting up a J? Maybe we should wait for those... hell, dude. (The man in the backseat laughs and continues smoking the joint.) Backseat Passenger: Man, we're in Vegas. Sweet potato Vegas! Whoo! (The red convertible continues to speed along the open highway.) (They come upon a large garbage truck in front of them with its back wide open. Slips of colored paper and other rubbish fly out the back.) (They laugh and continue to drive fast.) (Two troopers on motorcycles pull up behind them, their sirens on.) Passenger: Hide that! Hide it! Hide it! Get it out of here! (They hide their joints.) (The officers on the motorcycles continue to follow them.) Drunk Driver: Hey, hide that liquor! Hide the liquor! Hide it! Passenger: Throw that joint out! (The two officers on motorcycles speed past the red convertible. They're in the clear.) Passenger: Get him! Get him! Drunk Driver: Shoot him! Shoot him! [EXT. ROAD - DAY] (The garbage truck driver continues to speed through a small alleyway. The sirens continue to blare behind him.) (The driver continues out the other end onto a busy street. He doesn't stop. Car horns blare. He continues through the road with the officers behind him.) (The CONTROL SANITATION garbage truck continues to speed along the road. The officers continue to chase after him.) (The driver in the truck takes out a gun SUMMARY:
A man's body is thrown from a garbage truck that is being chased by the police. The victim was a limo driver connected to a nightclub with mob ties. Warrick believes the club owner is responsible and sets out to prove it. Unfortunately, Warrick's addiction to pills and a sudden reckless lifestyle negatively impact his job. Later, Warrick becomes the chief suspect in another mob-related murder.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Raylan: I'm not married, if that's what you're wondering. She kicked you out. Dickie: There's supposed to be $3 million in here, Limehouse. Way north of $3 million. It's all spent, except what you see right there. Dickie: I believe the terms of the deal are I receive the money and then we are through, ain't that right? That's right. Those are the terms. Dickie: Then you take it back. I'm gonna kill you, Raylan. Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but some day, you'll be walking down the street, and I'm gonna put a bullet right in the back of your skull, and you're gonna drop. [ Woman screams ] Raylan: Why wait? Wynn: So we're clear... The other night, you throw down the gauntlet to a trigger-happy U. S. Marshal, and this morning, you remember you have pressing business out of town? I told you... I'll be back in a couple hours. Wynn: And what if Givens comes by, wanting to finish the game? You may tell him that he is welcome to wait. [ Sighs ] You know, you disappoint me, Wynn. Word around the Detroit campfire is that you were a wild man. Comes to a little nut-cutting, suddenly you want to bitch out. Don't be like the rest of them. You can't have the Duffy without the Wynn. Wynn: I'll see you in a couple of hours. Raylan: Hey. Hey. Morning. Raylan: Just, uh, getting some coffee, and then I'll... You can take a seat. Raylan: No, I don't... Want to be in your way. You're setting up. No, I'm not. Raylan: Okay. If I had eggs, I'd make you breakfast. Raylan: Well, thank you. It's afternoon somewhere. Raylan: Listen, Lindsey... stop. Raylan: You don't even SUMMARY:
Quarles tries to maintain control in his war with Boyd by killing a drug dealer on the Crowder payroll, taking his supplies. His boss in Detroit, Theo Tonin ( Adam Arkin ), sends hired guns ( Michael Ironside and Chris Tardio) to deal with Quarles. Embarrassed by Raylan, they find Wynn Duffy and put him in contact with Theo. Wynn takes them to Quarles' motel room, but they are followed by Raylan and Art, who rescue Quarles' hostage and arrest the Detroit hitmen. Quarles flees to Noble's Holler, where Limehouse tells him he can lay low as long as he has the money, which Quarles does not. Unbeknownst to Quarles, Boyd has intimidated Sheriff Napier into turning on him, and lures Quarles into a trap. Boyd Tasers Quarles unconscious, ordering two prostitutes to strip him and tie him to a bed. Released from prison, Dickie tries to worm his way back into the Bennett fortune, but his associates are used by Tim and Rachel, who seize Dickie's forty thousand dollars from Errol, but Dickie convinces Erroll to help him go against Limehouse to find the real fortune. Erroll adds that to get the Bennett fortune, they will need Boyd.
TEXT: [OPENING TITLES] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. RIPON, CITY HALL COURTYARD - DAY] May 1914 Speaker: Last June saw Emily Davison crushed to death beneath the hooves of the king's horse! Will the summer of 1914 prove as fatal for the hopes of women? It cannot! This historic by-election can be the first step of the journey to women's equality! Woman: If you're so keen on women's rights, let a woman speak! Man: But why stop there? Let's get the dogs up and listen to them bark! Speaker: Women! Women...are thrown out of jail...! [Branson appears next to Sybil in the crowd.] Branson: Are you all right, milady? Lady Sybil: Isn't it exciting? Speaker: Only to be dragged back inside! Man: You're an idiot! [Isobel sees Sybil in the crowd and pushes through to reach her.] Isobel Crawley: Sybil, I think it's time for Branson to take you home! Lady Sybil: Not yet. Isobel Crawley: I think so. I applaud your spirit in coming, and I will applaud your discretion when you leave! Lady Sybil: But you agree with everything he says? Isobel Crawley: I do, my dear, but I also know if anything happens to you, Branson will lose his place. Branson: Better safe than sorry, milady. an act of mercy. I disagree. [Branson puts an arm around Sybil and pushes a path for her through the jeering crowd.] Branson: The car is just here. Lady Sybil: Women must get the vote, mustn't they, Branson? Why does the prime minister resist the inevitable? Branson: Politicians can't often recognise the changes that are inevitable. [Branson opens the car door for Sybil and she steps in.] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. COUNTRY ROAD, MOTOR CAR - DAY] Lady Sybil: I hope you do SUMMARY:
May 1914. Gossip about Lady Mary and the "handsome Turk" intensifies, reaching Carson and the Dowager Countess. Violet confronts Cora, who confesses the truth. Edith finds an admirer in Sir Anthony Strallan. Bates reveals to Carson that he was once a drunkard and was in prison for theft; Carson is unwilling to let him go, suspecting there is more to the story. Sybil makes Branson take her to Ripon under false pretences to attend the by-election count. She is injured during a brawl but Matthew, who happens to come along, and Branson rescue her. Lord Grantham blames Branson but Sybil defends him. Later that night, Mary and Matthew confess their love for each other, but Mary feels she cannot accept his proposal without telling him her scandalous secret. Violet apologises to Cora for her earlier harsh treatment. When Lady Mary learns that Second Footman William's mother is seriously ill, she arranges for him to visit her. Anna tells Mr Bates that she does not want him to leave Downton, and they almost kiss.
TEXT: 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. MECHANUS. CAVE MECHONOID:...Hundred...thirty...Mechonoid...English...input...enter. (Two arms come out of the centre of the robot, almost in a gesture of welcome. The voices of the DALEKS are heard outside the cave...) DALEKS: (OOV.) Advance. Advance and attack! Attack and destroy! Destroy and rejoice! IAN: You heard what the gentleman said - let's go! (As the DALEK chant continues, the DOCTOR grabs his machine and the time travellers walk towards and into the chamber...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. MECHANUS. LIFT (They walk into the chamber. A door slams down behind them. The travellers have to stand around the very edge of the room as the robot nearly fills the chamber.) VICKI: We're going up. BARBARA: Yeah, it's a lift. (After a pause, the DOCTOR addresses the robot.) DOCTOR: Yes got us out of a nasty situation there. I supposed you'd like to know who we are and why we're here, mmm? (In answer, the instrumentation on top of the ROBOT falls back within the casing.) IAN: You're not getting through to him, Doctor, you're not getting through. BARBARA: Doctor, ask him where he's taking us. DOCTOR: Mmm. IAN: He's taking us up to the city, obviously. [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. MECHANUS. CAVE (The DALEKS sweep into the cave, firing as they go. They halt as they see that the cave is empty.) FIRST DALEK: They have escaped. SECOND DALEK: Not possible. Perceptor readings indicated they were here. FIRST DALEK: Subject walls to seismic detector tests. (The SECOND DALEK, who has the perceptor, glides up to the back wall. There is a bleeping SUMMARY:
The travellers learn from the Time-Space Visualiser taken from the Moroks' museum that Daleks equipped with their own time machine are on their trail with orders to exterminate them. They flee in the TARDIS. The chase begins on the desert planet Aridius and takes in a number of stopping-off points, including a spooky haunted house which is actually a futuristic fun-fair attraction. Eventually both time machines arrive on the jungle planet Mechanus, where the Daleks try to infiltrate and kill the Doctor's party with a robotic double of him. The travellers are taken prisoner by the Mechonoids - robots sent some fifty years earlier to prepare landing sites for human colonists who never arrived - and meet Steven Taylor, a stranded astronaut who has been the Mechonoids' captive for the past two years. The Daleks and the Mechonoids engage in a fierce battle which ends in their mutual destruction. The Doctor's party seizes this opportunity to escape. The Doctor reluctantly helps Ian and Barbara to use the Daleks' time machine to return home.
TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is sitting at the counter reading a magazine as the phone rings.] Joey: (answering phone) Hello. Chandler: (on phone) Hey, it's me. I know you can't stand to be in the same room as me, so I just thought I'd try and apologize over the phone. All I... (Joey hangs up the phone in disgust.) (Pause) (The phone rings again.) Joey: (answering phone) Hello. Chandler: Look I never should have kissed your girlfriend, but I'm... (Joey hangs up the phone again.) (Pause) (The phone rings yet again.) Joey: (answering phone) Stop callin'!! Voice: (on phone) Hey! Hey! Hey! This is 92.3, WXRK, K-Rock for our $1,000 daily challenge. Joey: All right! Voice: What is the name of your roommate who is very, very sorry and would do anything... (Joey realizes it's Chandler and hangs up the phone in anger.) OPENING CREDITS [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone but Joey and Chandler are there getting ready for Thanksgiving.] Chandler: (entering) Aww, turkey! Aww, giving thanks! Aww! Phoebe: Look everyone, it's the spirit of Thanksgiving! Rachel: So are things with you and Joey any better? Chandler: They couldn't be worse. I spent eight hours calling him last night, just trying to get him to talk to me. Rachel: Oh wow, eight hours? So you could probably really use one of those plug-in telephone headsets huh? Ross: Should we all expect Christmas gifts that can be stolen from your office? Rachel: You shouldn't. Phoebe: Speaking of Christmas, umm since Monica and I are starting a new business and have like no money, umm, this year maybe we could do secret Santa, and then we each only buy one gift. And-and there's the added mystery of who gets who. Ross: Who gets whom. (They all look at him.) I don SUMMARY:
During Thanksgiving dinner, Joey punishes Chandler for kissing Kathy by sentencing him to "time out" inside a crate. Joey finally relents and gives Chandler and Kathy his approval. Ross is shocked to learn that Rachel exchanges every gift she is given, but she shows Ross that she keeps things that matter. Monica becomes infatuated by Richard Burke's son, also an eye doctor, when she has an appointment with him.
TEXT: There wasn't a 'previously on Angel' segment as such, just something like a promortional recap of the whole arc to date with a narrator bridging some of the gaps between the cuts used in it (some of which were even from later on in *this* episode, not from prior episodes at all). I've decided to include the dialogue of it, but I'm not sure if this was actually put together by the staff or was something the WB did to promote the whole story. Lindsey: "We don't want him dead. We want him dark." Wesley: "There are forces that can make Angel revert to Angelus, the vampire he was before he got a soul." We see a part of the dream sequence between Buffy and Angel from "Amends" ending with him vamping out. Narrator: "He turned his back on humanity to seek revenge on the one that damned him into eternal darkness." We see Angel drop the cigarette to light the gasoline, the flame racing towards Dru and Darla. Then a picture of Darla in the alley just before turning Liam into a vampire. Lilah: "For god's sake, help us!" Holland: "People are gonna die." Angel closing doors: "I just can't seem to care." Kate: "The victims were locked in that wine cellar with their attackers and I think I am *done* helping you now." Wesley: "What you did..." Cordy: "...was wrong." Wesley: "Right now the three of us are all that's standing between you and real darkness." Angel: "You're all fired." Narrator: "With no allegiance to good or evil, he deserted his trusted allies." Wesley gets shot. Angel looks at Wesley lying on the bed in the hospital through the window from the corridor. Cordy: "Wesley doesn't need you right now. *We* don't need you." Narrator: "He falls further and further from grace." Holland: "The world doesn't work in spite of evil. It works because of us." Darla: "What are you doing?" Angel: "It doesn't SUMMARY:
Angel has an epiphany which has him questioning his actions over the past few months. Meanwhile, the three eyed demon clan is after Gunn, Wes and Cordy. It's up to Angel to save them... If they can all start trusting him again.
TEXT: 3.08 - Let the Games Begin OPEN IN STARS HOLLOW [Lorelai and Rory are walking slowly down the sidewalk] LORELAI: Mmkay, still walking, all's good. Huh. Mmkay. RORY: How are you? LORELAI: I should probably keep moving. RORY: God, my feet have never been in this much pain before. LORELAI: Oh yeah, what about that time? RORY: What time? LORELAI: The time when I did the thing and your feet were...gotta stop. RORY: Gotta sit. [they sit down on a bale of hay] RORY: Ugh. What were you saying? LORELAI: About what? RORY: About my feet. LORELAI: What about your feet? RORY: I don't know. You were talking about the thing you did to my feet. LORELAI: What thing? RORY: The thing that and...huh? LORELAI: What? RORY: I don't know. LORELAI: Just an observation <unk> you and I do not function well on a funky sleeping pattern. RORY: I feel jet-lagged. LORELAI: You've been up twenty-four hours straight. RORY: Yes, why did I do that? LORELAI: Because I asked you to. RORY: And that worked? LORELAI: At the time. I don't expect it to again. RORY: A realist, I like that. LORELAI: How far is Luke's? RORY: It's right over there. LORELAI: It looks far. RORY: Very far. LORELAI: Maybe if we concentrate really hard, our combined psychic powers will move it closer. [they stare at the diner] RORY: I don't think it's working. LORELAI: It's my fault, I'm not focusing. RORY: Yes, that must be why we can't move a half a city block closer to us. LORELAI: All right then, let SUMMARY:
In the aftermath of the Dance Marathon, Kirk parades around Stars Hollow with the trophy until someone steals it, while Lorelai and Rory painfully inch their way towards Luke's; after Lorelai tells Luke about Rory and Jess, he breaks up their first kiss as a couple and then lays down some ground rules with Jess about dating Rory; Lorelai and Rory reluctantly agree to accept Richard's invitation to accompany him and Emily to his Whiffenpoof reunion at Yale, where he springs quite an unwelcome surprise on all three women; back from New Haven, Lorelai and Rory head for Luke's, and Jess and Rory finally get to have those first kisses; Rory visits Dean to apologize and tell him that she misses his friendship; late at night, Lorelai and Rory each curl up with some bedtime reading -- the Yale brochure.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Tim: I just remember the atmosphere back then. Casey: If you really do miss it, maybe you should come with me on my rodeo tour. Tim: (Chuckles) Casey: There's nothing like it. Is there any way you'd ever consider hiring me again? Welcome back. Ty: Well, I just got my old job back. That's great. Ty: I should get going. Amy: Ty? I miss you. Take care of yourself. (Truck rumbles away) (german choral music plays) (Horses snort, wagon creaks) Georgie: Hey. Hi. Georgie: I'm Georgie. Hanna: Hanna. Haven't I seen you before, like at Maggie's or something? My sister and I deliver baking there sometimes. Oh, right! Your rhubarb pie is crazy good. Thanks. So do your horses have names? Lucas and Alexander. I was trying to listen, but I didn't hear much. What's wrong with them? My brother, Paul, was taking some kids on a hay ride, and Lucas and Alexander started going faster and faster. Paul couldn't get them under control. Everyone was just really scared. My brother thinks there's something wrong with the horses. I'll start by ground driving them. I wanna see how they work together as a team. Paul: We should just sell them. Walter: Let's not be hasty. Give Amy a chance to figure it out. Jack: Amy worked with a team of clydesdales a few years back. She had them in shape in no time. Amy: Well, I've never worked with percherons before, but give me a few days, and I'll see what I can do. We should discuss money. Amy: This is on the house. Walter: Oh, no, that's far too kind. Jack: You know, last year when the road to Heartland was washed out, the folks from your colony were a big help to us. It's the least we can do. Well, our garden is producing far more strawberries than we know what to do with, so you SUMMARY:
Amy struggles to help a Hutterite family whose team of Percherons ran amok hayride. But Georgie forms a strong bond with the young Hutterite daughter who turns out to be the key to unraveling the mystery. While Tim admittedly had a fantastic time traveling the rodeo circuit with Casey, he returns to Heartland and begins to second-guess their burgeoning relationship. Meanwhile, back at the clinic, a significant vet victory for Ty proves to be a bittersweet triumph when he realizes that all he wants to do - is share the experience with Amy. And Jack is forced to confront his traditional ideals when Lisa informs him that she has no intention of taking his name.
TEXT: CARNIVAL OF MONSTERS BY: ROBERT HOLMES 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. INTER MINOR. SPACE PORT (NIGHT) (VORG is working on the scope. SHIRA shakes her head.) SHIRNA: The power's still dropping, Vorg. (PLETRAC steps forward.) PLETRAC: What are you doing? VORG: (Quietly.) I wish I knew. (VORG suddenly realises who is talking to him. He spins round.) VORG: Er, oh! Routine maintenance, your worship. (SHIRNA suddenly lets out a cry of fear and disgust. At her feet, a panel on the side of the scope opens and the tiny form of the DOCTOR staggers out and then falls to the floor. Now outside of the compression field, he starts to grow to full size watched by the horrified observers.) PLETRAC: (Panicking.) Eradicator detachment - stand by! (The returned functionaries start to prepare their weapon as the DOCTOR starts to stir.) SHIRNA: It's one of the Tellurians! PLETRAC: Hurry! It must be eradicated! (SHIRNA bends down to help the DOCTOR as he sits up groggily.) SHIRNA: Why? He hasn't done anything wrong. (To the DOCTOR.) Are you alright, dear? PLETRAC: Don't touch it! It's probably crawling with germs! (VORG pulls SHIRNA away.) VORG: He's right, Shirna. Come away - the thing must be destroyed! PLETRAC: Eradicator detachment - one charge, maximum intensity... (KALIK, with ORUM not far behind, steps between the eradicator and the still woozy DOCTOR.) KALIK: Wait! PLETRAC: Stand aside, Kalik. KALIK: This procedure is not in order. PLETRAC: Not in order? KALIK: The eradicator SUMMARY:
The Doctor escapes from the Scope and joins forces with Vorg to try and save its inhabitants but Kalik is still determined to use the Drashigs to start a rebellion.
TEXT: [Scene: Magic School. Paige, Miss Donovan and a gnome are there. Miss Donovan and the gnome are going through some books.] Miss Donovan: Lord of the Rings? Gnome: Historically inaccurate. Miss Donovan: Harry Potter? Gnome: Filled with juvenile delinquents. Miss Donovan: Even the Wizard of Oz? Gnome: Disparaging to little people. Munchkins being persecuted. Filth! Paige: Oh, come on, seriously. Miss Donovan: It is the same story with all the books. None of them deserve to be banned. Gnome: I suppose you want another naked Godiva riding out of the book again. Paige: Is that what this is all about? Godiva? Miss Donovan: It's just an excuse and he knows it. He's using it to push his own agenda which is to stifle freedom of speech. (The gnome shakes his hand and Miss Donovan's mouth seals up.) Gnome: Now that's what I call stifling. Paige: That is uncalled for. You give her her mouth back now. (He waves his hand and unseals her mouth.) Miss Donovan: Why you little worm. I should... Gnome: Little. Did you hear that? She's a size-ist. Miss Donovan: What? I didn't... Paige: Okay, Miss Donovan, would you please just give us a moment, okay? (Miss Donovan sighs and leaves the room.) Gnome: It's always the ones you least expect. Paige: Professor, please, you have to understand she is a librarian. Books are her life. In fact, I don't think she's wrong. None of these books are dangerous. (Paige picks up a book.) Crossed, Double-Crossed? This doesn't even look magical. Gnome: Just look at the cover. It's filled with violence, I'm sure. Paige: You haven't even read that? Gnome: SUMMARY:
When a murder occurs at Magic School, Paige and Agent Brody get sucked into an unfinished gangster novel during their investigation. However, their only hope for getting back into the real world is to find the author of the story and get the story finished. As the pair work on their adventure in the pages of the book, Piper, Leo, and Phoebe work on trying to finish the story themselves to bring Paige and Brody back to the present before they're killed by the story's criminal element.
TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, after Uncle Marshall lost his father, he decided to stay home a while to take care of his mother. (phone ringing) But the longer he stayed there, the more it was like he had never left Minnesota. Eriksen's house Marshall: Eriksen residence, Marshall speaking. Robin, laughing: Oh, that is too cute. Say it again. Marshall: No. It's called manners, jerk. Now, what's-what's going on in New York? Give me something. Robin: There is one thing that's been going on. Uh, it's about Ted... and Zoey. [FLASHBACK] Ted from 2030: Kids, remember. Zoey had tried to save an old building from being torn down and replaced by a new building that I'd been hired to design. And yet somehow, despite this, we had all managed to become friends. Which brings us to the night Aunt Robin decided to cook dinner. Ted's appartment Robin: I thought the oven was Celsius. Ted: It's okay. We got hot dogs. Lily: Yeah, and it's not like you can screw up a hot dog. Oh, God. This is so good. I'm gonna finish it in the bathroom. Zoey: Could someone pass the ketchup? Barney: I hope I can pass this hot dog. (glass shatters) Zoey: Oh.Oops. Ted: Well, looks like someone's going out in the cold to get more ketchup. Zoey: Oh, come on, man, I brought the wine. Ted: Which is all gone. Zoey: All right, I tell you what... you get this one bottle, I'll get the next three. Ted: Hmm, tell you what... no dice. Zoey: I'll get the next hundred. Ted: You're not getting out of this. Zoey: You want to go on a date with my hot cousin? Ted: I'll get the ketchup. [END OF FLASHBACK] [OPENING CREDITS] Marshall: Robin, I just want you to know, it's either this story you SUMMARY:
When Zoey fixes Ted up on a date with her cousin, the gang resorts to calling her "Honey" after learning how naive she is. Meanwhile, Ted calls an intervention on himself after having an epiphany about his feelings for Zoey, and Barney gets acquainted with Honey in Ted's place.
TEXT: [ The stairwell ] [SCENE_BREAK] Leonard: I was unstoppable. I mean, I was, I was on fire. It was like my mind and my body were totally connected, like, like athletes must feel when they're in the zone. Penny: Again, it was miniature golf. Leonard: Admit it, you're a little turned on. Penny: You can't be this proud. Leonard: Why not? Penny: Because I beat you. Leonard: Hey. Penny: Hi. Sheldon: Oh, good. You're back. Amy: We have some exciting news. Leonard: Okay. Sheldon: As you know, Amy and I have been together a long time, and a lot of things I never thought possible now seem possible. Penny: Okay. Amy: After a careful evaluation of our relationship, we decided that the time was right to take a step forward. Leonard: Okay. Sheldon: Do you want to say it? Amy: Let's say it together. Together: We're getting a turtle. Penny: This is why I've been saying we should keep champagne on ice. Sheldon: Sarcasm? Amy: Yes. Sheldon: Okay. That was tricky, 'cause when it comes to alcohol, she generally means business. Leonard: Well, we're, we're very happy for you. Penny: Yes. Amy: Thank you. Acquiring a joint pet is a big step for us. Sheldon: No. It's true. It means that we care so much about each other, there's enough left over for an eight-ounce reptile. Leonard: Why a turtle? Sheldon: After much deliberation, we've determined that a turtle is the ideal pet. They don't shed fur, they don't make noise. Amy: For Halloween, we can dress him as a cobblestone. Sheldon: Yeah. And if he ever goes berserk, I know I can outrun him. Coincidentally, that's also why I chose you as a roommate. Leonard: Well, congratulations. Who would've thought you two would be the first in our group to start SUMMARY:
Sheldon and Amy decide to advance their relationship by buying a pet tortoise. However, Sheldon changes his mind after it bites him and Amy is hurt when she learns Sheldon has applied to colonize the planet Mars without consulting her. Sheldon doesn't understand why she can't support the opportunity, however Amy makes him realize she wants them to plan their future together. They agree to make another application as a couple and are both amused that if they had children there they would technically be Martians. Leonard bought body paint and a canvas for himself and Penny to have sex on. They are disappointed with the initial results but push themselves into making something they like. They decide to give the canvas to Sheldon by telling him William Shatner painted it. Meanwhile, Emily leaves Raj alone in her apartment and he breaks a drawer while snooping. Raj fails to fix it with Howard and Bernadette listening via video call. Emily is angry, but soon forgives him and gets her revenge by scaring Raj into thinking there is something morbid in her closet.
TEXT: [ Battlefield ] ( Soldiers shout ) Soldier: Spread out! Get down! ( Laser fire ) ( Distant siren ) Soldier: What's wrong? Kanzo: Was that a child? ( Child pants ) Kanzo: Hey! You there, stop! Stop running! Kanzo: It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't run. Soldier: Kanzo? Kanzo: I'll catch up. Soldier: There are clam drones two miles away. Kanzo: I know. I'll be fine. Just go. Kanzo: What are you doing out here, huh? Did you get lost? ( Rumbling ) Kanzo: Stay still. Stay absolutely still. ( Whirring ) ( Beeping ) Kanzo: I'm just scanning the ground. I think we've got company. Do you know what hand mines are? Kanzo: Well, in that case you know you've got to stand absolutely still. Right? Kanzo: Have you ever seen a hand mine? Where? Kanzo: OK. It's OK. Everything's going to be... ( Squelching ) ( Squelching and crunching ) ( Crunching ) Boy: Help me! Someone, please! Help me! HELP ME! ( Sonic screwdriver pulses ) The Doctor (O.C.): Your chances of survival are about one in a thousand. So here's what you do. You forget the thousand, and you concentrate on the one. Pick it up. I said, pick it up! The Doctor (O.C.): ( Echoing ) I'm straight ahead of you, about fifty feet. Can you see me? The Doctor: The device in your hand is creating an acoustic corridor, so that we can talk. Do you understand? Boy: Who are you? The Doctor: Oh, I'm just a passer-by. I was looking for a bookshop. How do you think I'm doing? Boy: This isn't a bookshop. The Doctor: No, this is a war. A very old one, going by the mix of technology. Which war is this? I get them all muddled up. SUMMARY:
The Doctor attempts to rescue a boy on a battlefield, but upon discovering that the boy is a young Davros , abandons him and goes missing. On Earth, Clara is summoned by UNIT when all of the world's aircraft freeze in the sky, and they discover Missy is causing the phenomenon. Missy has the last will and testament of the Doctor, called his confession dial, and tells Clara that they must search for him. They trace him to Essex in 1138, where he has spent three weeks throwing a party. When Clara and Missy reunite with the Doctor, an agent of Davros called Colony Sarff arrives and explains that the elderly Davros wishes to see the Doctor, before taking the three to a hospital space station. Clara and Missy discover the station is a building on an invisible planet, but as the landscape reappears, Missy identifies the planet as Skaro , the home planet of the Daleks . They are captured by the Daleks, who appear to kill them and destroy the TARDIS. The Doctor returns to the battlefield, holding a Dalek weapon, preparing to save his friend.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Zelena: You want to come with me to Storybrooke. Hades: All I care about is the future were we... might be a family. Cora: Your were sisters once. Just promise me you'll hold on to each other. Regina: I think you have another love to find. Hades. Go to him. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Underworld - Present ] [SCENE_BREAK] (Emma, Hook, David, Henry and Regina are by the fallen clock-tower. It's night time) Emma: You told her what? Regina: To give him a chance. David: And you thought that was a good idea because? Regina: (Looks at David) Because we're family. And I'm trying to trust Zelena. She thinks she can change Hades. Hook: I'm sorry, luv, I missed the part where Zelena changed. Regina: You'd think the ex-pirate with a rum habit would cut my sister some slack. Hook: Well, you'd think that the Evil Queen would be smarter than to send the Wicked Witch to romance the most devious man alive. Emma: Easy, guys. We're not gonna win the war against Hades if we use all our ammo on each other. Hades: (Walking towards them) The Savior has a point. Hook: What the hell are you doing here? Emma: Get behind me, kid. (Pushes Henry behind her) Hades: Oh, I didn't find you to hurt you. I came for your... (Sighs) Wow, this is hard. Help. David: What could you possibly want our help with? Hades: Simple. I went to meet Zelena for our date and found this. (Holds a piece of parchment up) Regina: (Steps forward and takes it. Opens and reads it) No. (Hands the parchment to Emma) Emma: (Reads it) Zelena, she's been kidnapped by Gold and Pan. Hades: They're asking for a meeting tomorrow morning. Emma: Gold wants you SUMMARY:
In 2009 Maine, Emma buys food at Chantley's Lobster House while seeking her birth family. A bondswoman named Cleo Fox is after Emma for skipping town in Phoenix. At a nearby courthouse, Emma & Cleo are waiting for records from Emma's discovery as a baby, but find little of use. A year later in Boston, Emma is now a bondswoman seeking Cleo's biological daughter, Tasha, on behalf of her unexpected fallen friend. In the Underworld, Hades, Zelena, her daughter, and the Storybrooke residents return home from the Underworld through a portal made by the fallen clock tower near the Underworld graveyard. The heroes all go through the portal except for Hook, who could not be saved in the end. With Hades' departure, Cruella announces herself as the new ruler of the Underworld.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. HANSEN BUSINESS BUILDING -- SUNSET] (DOMINIC KRETZKER walks down the stairs and greets the employees as they walk up to the second floor.) Dominic Kretzker: Hi, Renee. Renee: Hi. Dominic Kretzker: Good afternoon, Mr. Ribero. How's the golf? Mr. Ribero: Fine. How are you? (DOMINIC reaches the first floor and stops to help a woman.) Dominic Kretzker: Hi. You look lost. (He looks at the piece of paper she's carrying and points her in the right direction.) Dominic Kretzker: Okay, the stairs are all the way back to the left and the Real Estate Office is at the end of the hall. (The woman looks at him and nods.) Dominic Kretzker: Okay? Bye. (DOMINIC stands in the middle of the lobby and sees NICOLE walk in carrying a large vase of flowers.) Dominic Kretzker: Hello. Oh! Those for me? Nicole: Hi, Dominic. Sign here. Dominic Kretzker: Okay. (he signs.) I'll tell you, though this is going to be worth a lot of money someday. (He hands her back her pad. She hands him the flowers.) Nicole: I know, Elvis. Dominic: Okay. Nicole: See you. Dominic: Okay, bye-bye. (NICOLE leaves; JAKE RICHARDS walks up to DOMINIC.) Jake Richards: Domino, it's your turn to pick up dinner. Dominic: Okay, Jake-O. Listen, uh, this goes to Cooley Real Estate. (JAKE takes the flowers.) That's on two, all right? And the Fed Ex is running a little bit late on the pickup. (DOMINIC glances down at his watch.) I'll be back in... hmm, about ten minutes, all right? Jake Richards: You got it. Dominic Kretzker: All right, buddy. SUMMARY:
Grissom, Sara and Warrick investigate when a bomb goes off in a Vegas office building, killing a security guard. The prime suspect is the other security guard, who is over-helpful and also has the knowledge to make a bomb. After Nick spends the night with Kristy Hopkins, she is found strangled to death. With his DNA and fingerprints on the scene and Ecklie on the case, Nick's career is on the line.
TEXT: Provided by (Seattle scenes) MVO: In the hospital, we see addiction every day. (George is at Meredith's house talking with Izzie) George: I...I feel this, uh, this...this, uh, this exhilaration. It's like's like I finally figured it out. You know what it's like? It's like's like I was sleeping, and's like I woke up. And it's's just amazing. MVO: It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. (Derek and Meredith are in bed and just finished having s*x) Meredith: This is the best breakup ever. Derek: I don't know why we didn't break up a long time ago. Meredith: What are you doing? Derek: Sleeping. Meredith: No. No sleepovers. Derek: Please. It's 3:00 in the morning. I gotta work tomorrow. Meredith: We agreed. No sleepovers. Broken up people don't sleep over. s*x only. It's the only part of the relationship that works. Derek: I know. Why screw it up with everything else, right? Dinner, conversations. Meredith: You're mocking my severe emotional limitations. Derek: You know, I could live without conversation. I could live without meals or sleepovers. Well, we shouldn't have sleepovers because you snore. But mockery? Mockery, unh-unh. Meredith: Okay, s*x and mockery it is. MVO: It would be too easy if it was just drugs and booze and cigarettes. (George and Izzie) George: She said she loved me, and...And, you know, my dad, he...oh, god, he loved her. And...and, you know, when he died then he...I...I shouldn't have gotten married. (Cristina is sitting in her empty apartment with all of the wedding presents) MVO: I think the hardest part of kicking SUMMARY:
An apartment explosion inundates the ER with patients, and Alex jeopardizes a family when he realizes the cause of the accident. Meanwhile, Meredith intrigues Derek with an "S&M" (sex and mockery) approach on their relationship, and Derek gets the wrong idea. Cristina begins giving her wedding gifts to her colleagues in exchange for surgeries. Mama Burke returns to collect Burke's things, and gives judgement and advice to the doctors. George decides to break up with Callie after realizing that he has feelings for Izzie, but Izzie stops him when she has to work with Callie, and sees how she's struggling. Callie clashes with Bailey after she sends Meredith to the clinic after becoming annoyed with Lexie and another intern. Meredith rebuffs Lexie's attempts to get to know her. Webber begins delegating in a bid to get back with Adele.
TEXT: Mr. Simpson: My diligent locker custodians. I'll be back in 15 minutes to inspect all your hard work and once they're clean...hello summer! Jimmy: 23 hours and 10 minutes and I'll be on a plane to LA Hazel: and the best summer basketball camp in the US. Spoiled much? Jimmy: My parents really wanna spoil me, they'd let me cancel right? Because when they booked in December, it was cool yeah, but that was before you. Paige: And the final sacrifice. Last falls way passé mascara and lip gloss. Spinner: And 'hunny bee's' exile to the waste land is officially over. (Throws her makeup in the garbage) Hazel: Well that's worth celebrating. Jimmy: It is and tonight is going to be a dream. A night that you'll never forget. (Shows them a limo pamphlet) Hazel: You got us a limo? Jimmy: Well we need something to get us from my place to the restaurant. Oh and by the way. Tonight's meal is on me. Paige: Hazel wanna switch boyfriends? Spinner: Oh yeah haha, oh aren't you the big hero. Jimmy: That's the plan. In the computer lab Sean: I got your note. You wanted to see me? Mr. Simpson: Have a seat. Sean: I thought school was over. (Computer screen shows Sean's grade at 49%) Mr. Simpson: You started the year off well, but your grade just kept dropping and given that you're on student welfare... Sean: Was. Until they find out I failed a course. Thanks a lot Mr. Simpson. Mr. Simpson: Creative parts database for the auto by the end of the day. Do a good job and you don't fail...clock's ticking. (Sean puts his bag down and gets to work.) At Joey's house Joey: Credit reports, credit reports. Lease agreement... Caitlin: Thank goodness you're here. I have a meeting and I left my Joey: Here you go. You are a model of efficiency. Joey: If I was I would have been back SUMMARY:
It's the end-of-the-year dance at Degrassi, and Jimmy wants it to be perfect for his date and their friends, but one misfortune after another plagues the evening. Meanwhile, feeling guilty for stealing Snake's laptop, Sean decides to come clean to him, but he soon realizes that getting Mr. Simpson's forgiveness is not going to be easy. Also, Joey asks Caitlin to move in with him, but she is soon offered a job in Los Angeles.
TEXT: MONTE VIDEO : Two vehicles, including a van, drive up to a monastery. Monks gather in front as Arvin Clone steps out of the car. Monk: Mr. Sloane, welcome to Mount Inferno Monastery of the Vespertine Order. AC: Thank you. Monk: You will forgive us our cautions. AC: Of course. Another monk sweeps him as we see another monk holding a rifle. AC: Hunting season? Monk: Come. Father Kampinski is waiting. Monks close the monastery gate as we see the Rambaldi eye at the top. We go inside. Kampinski: Mr. Sloane. AC: Father Kampinski. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. Kampinski: What can I do for you, Mr. Sloane? AC: Our institute is mandated to develop methods to counter terrorism. We have, of course, heard about the work you've done here. And, you know, wanted to perhaps- Kampinski: Our bees are not for sale. AC: Well, of course they're not. What we wanted was your...knowledge, not your insects, per se. I understand, you've bred the aggression out of them. Kampinski: This is not strictly true. The aggression is there. The nee for it, happily, is not. Come Mr. Sloane. I'll show you. Outside. Watching bees mess with the flowers. There are monks everywhere. Kampinski: Our bees have an exceptionally venomous sting. They're very hard to antagonize. They choose productivity over aggression. Aggression is a distraction, which is why we're able to work among the apiaries without the traditional protective garments. AC: Remarkable. Kampinski: There is so very much we can learn from these exquisite beings. AC: Fascinating. Kampinski: They're imbued with a kind of grace- unlike so many humans. AC: And you've achieved that grace? How? Kampinski: Monte Inferno, we're dedicated to the- the marriage of supposed opposites, SUMMARY:
"Arvin Clone" raids a monastery for a Rambaldi orchid from which an anti-aggression drug can be made, one which his power source, the Mueller Device, can reverse. In CIA custody he displays Sloane's memories. He is the product of an SD-6 Psych-ops specialist's experiment. Sloane contaminated world water supplies when he was with OmniFam, and with the orchid, the "clone's" employer can render hundreds of millions passive, finishing what Sloane failed to do. The team decides to break the imposter by imprinting him with Sloan's most painful memory-the very thing that sparked his Rambaldi obsession. Sloane re-visits in his memory his dead wife, Emily, and the time when his baby, Jacquelyn, died. Arvin Sloane must decide whether to return to Nadia and repair the damage he has done to the world or live in a dream.