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禮拜欲大摒掃,毋通走出去耍。 | Lé-pài beh tuā-piànn-sàu, m̄-thang tsáu tshut-khì sńg. | 星期日要大掃除,不要跑出去玩。 | You have to clean up on Sundays. Don't run out and play. |
這塊餅已經上殕矣,緊提去擲㧒捔。 | Tsit tè piánn í-king tshiūnn-phú--ah, kín the̍h-khì tàn-hiat-ka̍k. | 這塊餅乾已經發霉了,趕快拿去丟。 | This biscuits is molded. Get rid of it. |
伊對下港起來臺北食頭路。 | I tuì ē-káng khí-lâi Tâi-pak tsia̍h-thâu-lōo. | 他從南部上來臺北工作。 | He came from the south to work in Taipei. |
大港無崁蓋。 | Tuā-káng bô khàm-kuà. | 大河沒有覆蓋。這句話多用於罵人去跳河自殺算了。 | The river is not covered. More than that is used to blame people for jumping into the river and killing themselves. |
水足大港 | tsuí tsiok tuā-káng | 水流量非常大 | The water flow is huge. |
風足大港 | hong tsiok tuā-káng | 風勢很強 | The wind is strong. |
氣象報告講今仔日有大湧,你毋通去釣魚。 | Khì-siōng pò-kò kóng kin-á-ji̍t ū tuā-íng, lí m̄-thang khì tiò-hî. | 氣象報告說今天會有大浪,你別去釣魚。 | The weather report says there's gonna be a big wave today. Don't go fishing. |
干焦賰遮的菜爾爾,你欲無? | Kan-na tshun tsia-ê tshài niā-niā, lí beh--bô? | 只剩這些菜而已,你要嗎? | That's all we got. You want some? |
一屑仔代誌都辦袂好勢,真下痟! | Tsi̍t-sut-á tāi-tsì to pān bē hó-sè, tsin hā-siau! | 一點小事情都辦不好,真沒用! | I can't do a little thing. It's useless! |
上等料理 | siōng-tíng liāu-lí | 上等料理 | Top-of-the-line food. |
注大筒的 | tsù tuā-tâng--ê | 打點滴、靜脈注射 | A drop, an I.V. |
小等一下! | Sió-tán--tsi̍t-ē! | 稍等一下! | Hold on a second! |
大量生產才算會和。 | Tāi-liōng sing-sán tsiah sǹg-ē-hô. | 大量生產才划算。 | A lot of production is the only way to make a difference. |
喙共弓開才會當灌藥仔。 | Tshuì kā king--khui tsiah ē-tàng kuàn io̍h-á. | 撐開他的嘴才能夠灌藥。 | Keep his mouth shut so he can fill it with medicine. |
天遐爾仔烏,等咧凡勢會落雨。 | Thinn hiah-nī-á oo, tán--leh huān-sè ē lo̍h-hōo. | 天那麼黑,等一會兒也許會下雨。 | It's so dark, it might rain later. |
咱蹛這角圍仔,山勢較低。 | Lán tuà tsit kak-uî-á, suann-sè khah kē. | 我們住的這一帶,地勢比較低。 | This is where we live. It's a lower ground. |
這款代誌曷使閣問,土想嘛知。 | Tsit khuán tāi-tsì a̍h-sái koh mn̄g, thóo-siūnn mā tsai. | 這種事情何必再問,不用想也知道。 | You don't have to ask questions like that. You don't have to think about it. |
下暗欲來阮兜予阮請無? | E-àm beh lâi guán tau hōo guán tshiánn--bô? | 今晚要來我們家作客嗎? | Are you coming to our house tonight? |
伊先共我拍,我才會共伊拍。 | I sing kā guá phah, guá tsiah ē kā i phah. | 他先打我,我才會打他。 | He hit me first, so I hit him. |
伊跋落去山溝,跤骨摔斷去。 | I pua̍h lo̍h-khì suann-kau, kha-kut siak-tn̄g--khì. | 他跌落山谷,腳摔斷了。 | He fell down the valley and broke his foot. |
下落不明 | hē-lo̍h put-bîng | 不知去向 | I don't know where I'm going. |
你出門在外,家己千萬愛小心。 | Lí tshut-mn̂g tsāi guā, ka-kī tshian-bān ài sió-sim. | 你出門在外,自己千萬要小心。 | You're going out. Be careful yourself. |
千萬人 | tshian-bān lâng | 千萬人 | Tens of thousands of people. |
貓睏佇椅仔下跤。 | Niau khùn tī í-á ē-kha. | 貓在椅子下睡覺。 | The cat sleeps under the chair. |
土人講土話。 | Thóo-lâng kóng thóo-uē. | 粗俗的人講粗俗的話。 | And those who speak vulgar words. |
伊講的是𪜶故鄉的土話,我聽攏無。 | I kóng--ê sī in kòo-hiong ê thóo-uē, guá thiann lóng bô. | 他說的是他故鄉的方言,我都聽不懂。 | He speaks the dialects of his homeland, and I don't understand them. |
毋通定定講大話。 | M̄-thang tiānn-tiānn kóng tuā-uē. | 不要常常說大話。 | Don't talk so much. |
較早有真濟山賊佇遮出入。 | Khah-tsá ū tsin tsē suann-tsha̍t tī tsia tshut-ji̍p. | 以前有很多山賊在這裡出沒。 | There used to be a lot of bandits out here. |
𪜶兜蹛佇山跤。 | In tau tuà tī suann-kha. | 他們家住在山腳下。 | They live at the foot of the hill. |
𪜶兜倩真濟下跤手人。 | In tau tshiànn tsin tsē ē-kha-tshiú-lâng. | 他家僱用很多手下。 | He hired a lot of his men. |
我有一雙大跤胴。 | Guá ū tsi̍t siang tuā-kha-tâng. | 我有一雙蘿蔔腿。 | I have a pair of radish legs. |
三跤貓笑一目狗。 | Sann-kha-niau tshiò tsi̍t ba̍k káu. | 三腳貓笑獨眼狗。即五十步笑百步。 | The three-legged cat smiles at the one-eyed dog. That's 50-step smiles. |
你真正有夠低路,連這款工課都袂曉做。 | Lí tsin-tsiànn ū-kàu kē-lōo, liân tsit khuán khang-khuè to bē-hiáu tsò. | 你真的很不中用,連這種工作都不會做。 | You're really useless. You can't even do this job. |
按這條大路直直去就到阮兜矣。 | Àn tsit tiâu tuā-lōo ti̍t-ti̍t khì tō kàu guán tau--ah. | 從這條大馬路一直走下去就到我家了。 | I've been walking down this road to my house. |
你著較大路咧,毋通遐凍霜。 | Lí tio̍h khah tuā-lōo--leh, m̄-thang hiah tàng-sng. | 你應該開朗大方一點,不要這麼小家子氣。 | You should be more generous. Don't be such a snob. |
這條小路真歹行。 | Tsit tiâu sió-lōo tsin pháinn kiânn. | 這條小徑很難走。 | This path is hard to walk. |
時機遐䆀,三頓若顧會齊勻就誠佳哉矣。 | Sî-ki hiah bái, sann tǹg nā kòo ē tsiâu-ûn tō tsiânn ka-tsài--ah. | 景氣這麼差,三餐能溫飽就很慶幸了。 | It's so bad, it's good to have three meals. |
阮阿公七十歲大壽的時陣,阮兜有辦桌請人。 | Guán a-kong tshit-tsa̍p huè tuā-siū ê sî-tsūn, guán tau ū pān-toh tshiánn--lâng. | 我爺爺七十歲生日的時候,我們家有開席宴客。 | On my grandfather's seventieth birthday, we had a dinner party. |
你今仔五十歲爾爾,哪會未曾未就共大壽買好矣。 | Lí tann-á gōo-tsa̍p huè niā-niā, ná ē buē-tsîng-buē tō kā tuā-siū bé hó--ah. | 你才五十歲而已,怎麼就將棺木買好備用了。 | You're only 50 years old. Why did you buy the coffin? |
伊生做足大漢。 | I senn-tsò tsiok tuā-hàn. | 他長得很高大。 | He's very tall. |
囡仔若大漢,爸母就輕鬆矣。 | Gín-á nā tuā-hàn, pē-bú tō khin-sang--ah. | 兒子如果長大,父母就輕鬆了。 | If a son grows up, his parents will be relaxed. |
伊是大漢的。 | I sī tuā-hàn--ê. | 他排行老大。 | He's the boss. |
伊傷大箍矣。 | I siunn tuā-khoo--ah. | 他太胖了。 | He's too fat. |
彼箍柴真大箍。 | Hit khoo tshâ tsin tuā-khoo. | 那根木頭很粗。 | That log is thick. |
一箍是大箍抑細箍? | Tsi̍t khoo sī tuā-khoo ia̍h sè-khoo? | 是一萬還是一塊錢? | Ten grand or a dollar? |
這上緊嘛著愛到後日才會好。 | Tse siōng kín mā tio̍h-ài kàu āu--ji̍t tsiah ē hó. | 這最快也要到後天才能完成。 | This will not be done until the day after tomorrow. |
上蓋媠 | siōng-kài suí | 最漂亮 | The prettiest. |
上蓋好 | siōng-kài hó | 最好 | Best. |
上蓋𠢕 | siōng-kài gâu | 最厲害 | It's the best. |
牽亡魂 | khan-bông-hûn | 牽引亡魂、通靈。是傳統喪禮的一部分。 | Bringing the dead and the spirits. It's part of a traditional funeral. |
這過買的三層肉真好食。 | Tsit-kuè bé ê sam-tsân-bah tsin hó-tsia̍h. | 這次買的五花肉真好吃。 | The meat is delicious this time. |
這小數錢,毋免計較。 | Tse sió-sòo tsînn, m̄-bián kè-kàu. | 這些小額的金錢,不用計較。 | These small amounts of money, don't count. |
囡仔當咧拍干樂。 | Gín-á tng-teh phah kan-lo̍k. | 小孩子們正在玩陀螺。 | The kids are playing gyro. |
規日無閒甲若干樂咧。 | Kui-ji̍t bô-îng kah ná kan-lo̍k--leh. | 整天忙得像陀螺。 | Working like a gyro all day long. |
彼个查某囡仔講話真大範。 | Hit ê tsa-bóo gín-á kóng-uē tsin tuā-pān. | 那個女孩子講話很大方、自然。 | The girl was very generous and natural. |
彼領洋裝看著真大範。 | Hit niá iûnn-tsong khuànn tio̍h tsin tuā-pān. | 那件洋裝看起來很高雅,不會俗氣。 | That dress looks so elegant, it's not so vulgar. |
老師當咧課堂上課。 | Lāu-su tng-teh khò-tn̂g siōng-khò. | 老師正在教室裡面授課。 | The teacher is teaching in the classroom. |
學生囡仔逐工攏愛去學校上課。 | Ha̍k-sing gín-á ta̍k-kang lóng ài khì ha̍k-hāu siōng-khò. | 學生們每天都要去學校讀書。 | Students go to school every day. |
我的工課足濟的。 | Guá ê khang-khuè tsiok tsē--ê. | 我的工作很多。 | I work a lot. |
伊真有才調,律師牌一擺就考過! | I tsin ū tsâi-tiāu, lu̍t-su-pâi tsi̍t pái tō khó--kuè! | 他很有本事,律師牌照一次就考到了! | He's good at it. He's got a license plate. |
阮遮干焦做大賣,無咧賣零星的。 | Guán tsia kan-na tsò tuā-bē, bô teh bē lân-san--ê. | 我們這裡只有做批發生意,沒有做零售。 | We only have batches here, not retail. |
小賣的價數一定比大賣較貴。 | Sió-bē ê kè-siàu it-tīng pí tuā-bē khah kuì. | 零售的價格一定比批發貴。 | Retail prices must be more expensive than wholesale. |
我感覺山豬仔肉較好食。 | Guá kám-kak suann-ti-á-bah khah hó-tsia̍h. | 我覺得野豬肉比較好吃。 | I think wild boars are better. |
下頦尖尖 | ē-hâi tsiam-tsiam | 下巴尖尖的 | Your chin's sharp. |
大學畢業了後就愛揣頭路。 | Tāi-ha̍k pit-gia̍p liáu-āu tō ài tshuē thâu-lōo. | 大學畢業以後就要找工作做。 | After college, you have to get a job. |
「捀斗上山頭」是大孫的任務。 | “Phâng-táu tsiūnn suann-thâu” sī tuā-sun ê jīm-bū. | 「捧著裝神主牌的米斗送葬」是長孫的任務。 | It's the mission of the grandkids to carry out the funeral of the rice with the medallion of God. |
阮的工頭看起來猶閣真少年。 | Guán ê kang-thâu khuànn--khí-lâi iáu-koh tsin siàu-liân. | 我們的工頭看起來還很年輕。 | Our foreman looks young. |
工頭工尾攏愛顧予好。 | Kang-thâu-kang-bué lóng ài kòo hōo hó. | 工作的開端和結尾都要照顧好才行。 | Both the beginning and the end of the job have to be taken care of. |
伊的大頭拇予刀仔割著矣。 | I ê tuā-thâu-bú hōo to-á kuah--tio̍h--ah. | 他的大拇指被小刀割到了。 | His thumb was cut by a knife. |
伊食上濟。 | I tsia̍h siōng tsē. | 他吃最多。 | He ate most. |
上濟錢了去爾爾。 | Siōng-tsē tsînn liáu--khì niā-niā. | 頂多虧錢而已。 | Mostly because of the money. |
你講話毋好遐大聲。 | Lí kóng-uē m̄-hó hiah tuā-siann. | 你講話不要那麼大聲。 | Don't talk so loud. |
伊走去共𪜶頭家大聲。 | I tsáu-khì kā in thâu-ke tuā-siann. | 他跑去跟他的老闆理論。 | He ran away with his boss's theory. |
好大膽 | hó tuā-tánn | 好大的膽子 | How dare you! |
伊足愛講大聲話。 | I tsiok ài kóng tuā-siann-uē. | 他很喜歡說自以為是的話。 | He likes to say self-righteous things. |
我下擺毋敢矣! | Guá ē-pái m̄ kánn--ah! | 我下次不敢了! | I won't dare to do it again! |
這个小嬸誠尊重大伯。 | Tsit ê sió-tsím tsiânn tsun-tiōng tuā-peh. | 這位小嬸很尊重大伯。 | This lady has great respect for her uncle. |
男天平,女下顎。 | Lâm thian-pîng, lí ē-kok. | 看面相時,男性要看額頭,女性要看下巴。 | When looking at faces, men look at their foreheads and women at their chins. |
無聊的時陣,就來變工藝。 | Bô-liâu ê sî-tsūn, tō lâi pìnn kang-gē. | 無聊的時候就找些消遣來做。 | When you're bored, you get a little fun. |
伊去媽祖宮下願,講𪜶老母的病若會好,伊就欲倩一班歌仔戲來謝神。 | I khì Má-tsóo-king hē-guān, kóng in lāu-bú ê pēnn nā ē hó, i tō beh tshiànn tsi̍t pan kua-á-hì lâi siā-sîn. | 他到媽祖廟去許願,說他媽媽的病如果能夠好起來,他就要請一團歌仔戲表演,以酬謝神明。 | He went to his mother's temple to make a wish and said that if her illness were to be better, he would have to ask a group of singers to perform in order to thank God. |
真大龐 | tsin tuā-phiāng | 塊頭真大 | It's a big one. |
稻仔發甲誠大欉矣。 | Tiū-á huat kah tsiânn tuā-tsâng--ah. | 稻子長得很大棵了。 | The rice grows a big one. |
𪜶後生生做足大欉的。 | In hāu-senn senn-tsò tsiok tuā-tsâng--ê. | 他兒子長得很高大魁梧。 | His son is very tall. |
不孝 | put-hàu | 不孝 | I'm not filial. |
不幸 | put-hīng | 不幸 | Unfortunately. |
三不五時 | sam-put-gōo-sî | 偶爾 | Sometimes. |
姑不將 | koo-put-tsiong | 不得已 | I had to. |
丑時 | thiú-sî | 凌晨一點到三點 | 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning. |
小丑 | sió-thiú | 小丑 | Clown. |
做天嘛袂中眾人意。 | Tsò thinn mā bē tìng tsìng-lâng ì. | 天神也無法做到滿足所有人的願望。 | And the angels will not be able to live up to everyone's wishes. |
中央 | tiong-ng | 中間 | Middle |
學期中 | ha̍k-kî tiong | 學期中 | Mid-term |
夢中 | bāng-tiong | 夢中 | In a dream. |
中學 | tiong-ha̍k | 中學 | High school. |
中等 | tiong-tíng | 中等 | Secondary |
中狀元 | tiòng tsiōng-guân | 考上狀元 | I'm going to go to the Molotov cocktail. |
中大獎 | tiòng tuā tsióng | 中大獎 | The winner. |
中毒 | tiòng-to̍k | 中毒 | Poison. |
中計 | tiòng-kè | 中計 | Medium |
藥丹 | io̍h-tan | 丹藥 | The drugs. |