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煉丹 | liān-tan | 煉丹 | Jordan. |
丹紅 | tan-hông | 赤色 | Red |
爐丹 | lôo-tan | 爐丹 | Yo-Dan. |
人之初 | jîn tsi tshoo | 人生的開始。三字經的首句。 | The beginning of life. The beginning of the trilogy. |
我予你一个面子,這件代誌就準拄煞。 | Guá hōo lí tsi̍t ê bīn-tsú, tsit kiānn tāi-tsì tō tsún-tú-suah. | 我給你一個面子,這件事就這樣算了。 | I'll give you a face. Let it go. |
我袂記得寫功課,毋才會予老師罵。 | Guá bē-kì-tit siá kong-khò, m̄-tsiah ē hōo lāu-su mē. | 我忘了寫作業,所以才會被老師罵。 | I forgot my homework. That's why I got scolded by my teacher. |
予伊去啦!莫插伊。 | Hōo i khì--lah! Mài tshap--i. | 讓他去啦!別理他。 | Let him go! Leave him alone. |
你予我考慮一下。 | Lí hōo guá khó-lī--tsi̍t-ē. | 你讓我考慮一下。 | You let me think about it. |
坐予好 | tsē hōo hó | 坐好 | Sit tight. |
食予清氣 | tsia̍h hōo tshing-khì | 吃得乾淨 | It's clean. |
五領衫 | gōo niá sann | 五件衣服 | Five clothes. |
五花十色 | gōo-hue-tsa̍p-sik | 五光十色、各式各樣 | Five light, ten colours, all kinds. |
五四三 | gōo-sì-sann | 有的沒有的事情 | Some things don't. |
五穀 | ngóo-kok | 五穀 | Five grains. |
五香 | ngóo-hiang | 五香 | It's five fragrances. |
水井 | tsuí-tsénn | 水井 | Wells |
油井 | iû-tsénn | 油井 | Oil wells |
天井 | thinn-tsénn | 中庭 | Court |
仁者 | jîn-tsiá | 仁者 | The Beneficent. |
蝦仁 | hê-jîn | 蝦仁 | Shrimp. |
目睭仁 | ba̍k-tsiu-jîn | 瞳孔 | The pupils. |
卵仁 | nn̄g-jîn | 蛋黃 | Eggy yolk. |
我揀的人攏是仁仁仁的。 | Guá kíng ê lâng lóng sī jîn-jîn-jîn--ê. | 我挑選的人都是很優秀的。 | The people I picked were excellent. |
這粒塗豆真仁。 | Tsit lia̍p thôo-tāu tsin jîn. | 這顆花生很飽滿。 | This peanut is full. |
平仄 | piânn-tseh | 平仄 | Flat |
伊跋一下規个人仆落去。 | I pua̍h tsi̍t-ē kui-ê lâng phak--lo̍h-khì. | 他跌得整個人撲倒在地。 | He fell all over the ground. |
冤仇 | uan-siû | 仇恨 | Hate. |
仇人 | siû-jîn | 仇人 | The enemy. |
從到今 | tsîng-kàu-tann | 從前到現在、向來 | From the beginning to the present, from the beginning. |
今攏害了了矣! | Tann lóng hāi-liáu-liáu--ah! | 如今全完蛋了! | It's all over now! |
今才 | tann-tsiah | 剛才 | Just now. |
是啥人允你這件代誌的? | Sī siánn-lâng ín lí tsit kiānn tāi-tsì--ê? | 是誰答應你這件事情的? | Who promised you this? |
厝內 | tshù-lāi | 家裡 | Home. |
腹內 | pak-lāi | 肚子裡、內臟 | Inside, inside. |
一個月內 | tsi̍t kò gue̍h lāi | 一個月之內 | In a month. |
內公 | lāi-kong | 祖父 | Grandfather. |
內媽 | lāi-má | 祖母 | Grandma. |
內容 | luē-iông | 內容 | Home |
內人 | luē-jîn | 對他人稱自己的妻子 | Call him his wife. |
內兄 | luē-hing | 妻子的哥哥 | My wife's brother. |
內政 | luē-tsìng | 內政 | Home affairs |
內閣 | luē-koh | 內閣 | Cabinet. |
公的 | kang--ê | 公的 | The male. |
阿公 | a-kong | 爺爺、外公 | Grandpa! Grandpa! |
祖公 | tsóo-kong | 男性祖先 | Male ancestor |
天公 | Thinn-kong | 老天爺 | Oh, my God. |
孔子公 | Khóng-tsú-kong | 孔子 | Confucius. |
廟公 | biō-kong | 廟公 | The temple. |
公海 | kong-hái | 公海 | High seas |
公物 | kong-bu̍t | 公物 | Public goods |
公務人員 | kong-bū jîn-uân | 公務人員 | Public service. |
伊攏總生六个後生。 | I lóng-tsóng senn la̍k ê hāu-senn. | 他總共生了六個兒子。 | He had six sons. |
六親不認 | lio̍k-tshin put jīn | 形容不留情面或者是不講情義 | It's a no-good or no-loath. |
冇柴 | phànn tshâ | 質地鬆軟的木柴 | ♪ Tightly soft wood ♪ |
伊真冇手。 | I tsin phànn-tshiú. | 他花錢很大方。 | He spends a lot of money. |
頭毛縛了傷冗,強欲散去。 | Thâu-mn̂g pa̍k liáu siunn līng, kiōng-beh suànn--khì. | 頭髮綁得太鬆,快要散掉了。 | The hair is so loose, it's about to dissipate. |
最近手頭較冗,想欲加買幾領仔新衫。 | Tsuè-kīn tshiú-thâu khah līng, siūnn-beh ke bé kuí-niá-á sin sann. | 最近手頭比較寬裕,想要多買幾件新衣服。 | Lately, there's a lot more on hand to buy some new clothes. |
索仔冗去矣,愛重縛。 | Soh-á līng--khì--ah, ài tîng pa̍k. | 繩子鬆掉了,要重綁。 | The rope's loose. We're going to have to retie it. |
錢愛紮較冗咧。 | Tsînn ài tsah khah liōng--leh. | 錢要帶多一點。 | Bring more money. |
時間閣真冗。 | Sî-kan koh tsin liōng. | 時間還很充足。 | There's plenty of time. |
凶兆 | hiong-tiāu | 不祥的預兆 | Bad omens. |
散凶 | sàn-hiong | 貧窮 | Poverty |
凶年 | hiong-nî | 飢荒之年 | The Year of Hunger. |
一分鐘 | tsi̍t hun-tsing | 一分鐘 | One minute. |
一分錢 | tsi̍t hun tsînn | 一分錢 | A penny. |
三分天註定,七分靠拍拚。 | Sann hun thinn tsù-tiānn, tshit hun khò phah-piànn. | 三分天注定,七分靠努力。取自流行歌曲歌詞。 | It's a three-by-three, seven-by-one. It's from pop songs. |
𪜶爸仔囝佇車頭分開。 | In pē-á-kiánn tī tshia-thâu hun-khui. | 他們父子在車站分手。 | They broke up at the station. |
分帖仔 | pun thiap-á | 發帖子 | Post the post. |
分簿仔 | pun phōo-á | 發簿子 | Send the book. |
這箱柑仔予恁去分。 | Tsit siunn kam-á hōo lín khì pun. | 這箱橘子給你們分配。 | This box of oranges is assigned to you. |
一半分你 | tsi̍t-puànn pun--lí | 分你一半 | I'll give you half. |
好心的頭家!十箍銀來分我好無? | Hó-sim ê thâu-ke! Tsa̍p khoo gîn lâi pun--guá hó--bô? | 好心的老闆!可以施捨十塊錢給我嗎? | Good boss, can you give me 10 bucks? |
彼个乞食逐工攏去車頭共人分。 | Hit ê khit-tsia̍h ta̍k-kang lóng khì tshia-thâu kā lâng pun. | 那個乞丐每天都去車站向人乞討。 | The beggar went to the station every day to beg. |
家己若袂生,會使去分別人的囡仔來飼。 | Ka-kī nā bē senn, ē-sái khì pun pa̍t-lâng ê gín-á lâi tshī. | 自己若是生不出孩子,乾脆去領養別人家的孩子。 | If you can't have a child, you should go and adopt a child from someone else's family. |
分人做新婦仔。 | Pun lâng tsò sin-pū-á. | 給人領養當童養媳。 | A child's daughter-in-law is adopted. |
伊共西瓜切做四塊。 | I kā si-kue tshiat-tsò sì tè. | 他把西瓜切成四塊。 | He cut the watermelon into four pieces. |
一勻塗 | tsi̍t ûn thôo | 一層土 | A layer of dirt. |
頂下勻 | tíng-ē ûn | 前後輩份 | You're the best. |
彼隻露螺的頭勼入去殼內底矣。 | Hit tsiah lōo-lê ê thâu kiu ji̍p-khì khak lāi-té--ah. | 那隻蝸牛的頭縮進殼裡面去了。 | The yak's head is in the shell. |
勼跤勼手 | kiu-kha-kiu-tshiú | 畏首畏尾 | I'm afraid of the tail. |
你去共交落佇眠床跤的物件勾出來。 | Lí khì kā ka-la̍uh tī bîn-tshn̂g-kha ê mi̍h-kiānn kau--tshut-lâi. | 你去將掉在床底下的東西勾出來。 | You're going to cut out what fell under the bed. |
彼个查某真𠢕用目睭共人勾。 | Hit ê tsa-bóo tsin gâu iōng ba̍k-tsiu kā lâng kau. | 那個女人很會用眼神引誘別人。 | That woman's good at seducing people with her eyes. |
你袂曉寫的題目就先勾起來。 | Lí bē-hiáu siá ê tê-bo̍k tō sing kau--khí-lâi. | 你不會寫的題目先打勾作記號。 | You can't write a title and mark it first. |
伊咧做中人,你若欲買厝就去揣伊。 | I teh tsò tiong-lâng, lí nā beh bé tshù tō khì tshuē--i. | 你如果要買房子,就去找他當介紹人。 | If you want to buy a house, go to him and introduce yourself. |
我都允人矣,袂使反悔。 | Guá to ín--lâng--ah, bē-sái huán-hué. | 我已經答應人家了,不能反悔。 | I've promised. I can't turn back. |
內山姑娘欲出嫁。 | Lāi-suann koo-niû beh tshut-kè. | 山裡的姑娘要出嫁了。流行歌曲名。 | The mountain girl's getting married. Pop song name. |
伊足有內才的。 | I tsiok ū lāi-tsâi--ê. | 他很有內涵。 | He's got a lot on his mind. |
毋通交不三不四的朋友。 | M̄-thang kau put-sam-put-sù ê pîng-iú. | 不要結交不正經的朋友。 | Don't make bad friends. |
貓的奸臣,鬍的不仁。 | Niau--ê kan-sîn, hôo--ê put-jîn. | 麻臉的人必奸,滿臉鬍子的人不仁厚。 | As for those whose faces are numb, and whose faces are full of moustaches, they are not generous. |
伊真五仁。 | I tsin ngóo-jîn. | 他很詼諧。 | He's very grumpy. |
激五仁 | kik-ngóo-jîn | 說笑話、插科打諢 | You're kidding me. You're making fun of me. |
五仁月餅 | ngóo-jîn gue̍h-piánn | 五仁月餅 | Five-in-a-bon moon cakes. |
𪜶內公是醫生。 | In lāi-kong sī i-sing. | 他的祖父是醫生。 | His grandfather was a doctor. |
遮的餅予恁兩个人公分。 | Tsia-ê piánn hōo lín nn̄g ê lâng kong-pun. | 這些餅乾讓你們兩個人平分。 | These cookies split the two of you. |
你有幾公分懸? | Lí ū kuí kong-hun kuân? | 你幾公分高呢? | How many centimeters do you have? |
這條路真歹行,你著勻勻仔行。 | Tsit tiâu lōo tsin pháinn kiânn, lí tio̍h ûn-ûn-á kiânn. | 這條路很難走,你要慢慢地走。 | It's a hard road. You have to take it slowly. |
用勻勻仔火落去煮。 | Iōng ûn-ûn-á-hué lo̍h-khì tsú. | 用小火慢煮。 | Boiled slowly with a little fire. |
這領洋裝不止五千箍。 | Tsit niá iûnn-tsong put-tsí gōo-tshing khoo. | 這件洋裝不只是五千元而已。 | This dress is not just $5,000. |
文化中心 | bûn-huà tiong-sim | 文化中心 | Cultural centres |
伊是一个外表土直、內心溫柔的人。 | I sī tsi̍t ê guā-piáu thóo-ti̍t, luē-sim un-jiû ê lâng. | 他是一個外表粗魯直率、內心溫柔的人。 | He's a rough-looking, gentle-hearted man. |